#Hunter is a good brother 🥹
fanfoolishness · 6 months
in the morning
Phee’s ship waits for them, the one bright spot in a terrible night. They make the climb down wordlessly. Dawn edges over the choppy seas, sunlight muted by the remnants of thick smoke still hanging in the air. An acrid burn sears Hunter’s lungs with every breath.
Phee, up ahead, ushers Wrecker into her ship. Hunter pauses, waiting for the footsteps behind him to catch up.
His brother turns. Deep shadows line his face in the early gloom.
He doesn’t know how to say this, but his own words echo in his head. Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away.
“Your hand,” says Hunter gruffly. “It’s getting worse.”
He’s not sure what he expects. A sharp denial, maybe, or a brusque march past him and onto the ship. He’s utterly surprised when Crosshair casts his eyes down and says evenly, “Yes. It is.”
“I thought it was getting better. Omega said the meditation was helping.”
Crosshair shrugs. “Well. She’s not here now, is she.” His hand twitches, and with a resigned look he lays his good hand over it, holding it still. He sighs. “But we’ll find her. We have to.”
“Look, I know you didn’t want to go back to —“ Hunter hesitates, seeing the shift in Crosshair’s stance, the sudden tension around his mouth, the dread. Hunter doesn’t say the name. “— back there. But I need you to know something.”
Crosshair waits, frozen. The shadows under his eyes make his thin face look gaunt, a hollow death’s head.
“Whatever they did to you there, it was wrong,” says Hunter. “I’m sorry.”
Crosshair’s hand trembles, but only slightly. He swallows, a muscle working in his cheek, and lifts his gaze to look Hunter in the eye.
He nods, and Hunter tilts his head to him.
“Come on. Let’s get going.”
The gloom shifts around them, smell of smoke heavy on the air, and they board the ship side by side, ready for the fight.
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crosshairslongasslegs · 7 months
trying not to think about crosshair telling omega that hunter and wrecker might not be alive not because he thought that was true but because he was afraid to face the fact that they might not want him back
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ct99r2d2 · 4 months
Omega Yoinks (part 2)
Please enjoy this continued collection of every time Omega has been Yoinked by her Brothers 🚼🏈💝 (see part 1 here)
((sorry this took me foreeeeeverrrr))
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heavy on the finesse bit
S1 E9 Bounty Lost
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(okay this one is not really a yoink but COME ONNN 🥹😍🫠)
S1 E10 Common Ground
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S1E14 War Mantle
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S1E16 Kamino Lost
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S2E1 Spoils of War
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gif by @dreamswithghosts
S2E2 Ruins of War
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S2E5 Entombed
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S2E10 Retrieval
MY Personal Favorite
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S2E11 Metamorphisis
Maybe the most yoinks per episode??!
| Hunter - 1 | Wrecker - 1 | Tech - 3 !! |
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S2E15 The Summit
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(honorable mention for this blink and you'll miss it catch by Hunter. Right as they attach, he takes his arm (the one with the attachment cable hooked to the car) OFF the car to stabilize Omega)
S2E16 Plan 99
(sorry in advance for the trauma)
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I said sorry 🥲
Season 3...
doesn't have too many Omega Yoinks! (at least not that I noticed. But if you ask me... that's just good old fashioned ✨character development✨)
but we DID get this little blink and you'll miss it one from Hunter in
S3E7 Extraction
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thank you for coming to part 2 of this Omega is Baby seminar!
(Until we see Omega again.... <3)
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
Its me or the collector/hunter would be such a mama's boy if they had one?
Hunter so SO needs someone who really cares about and loves him just the way he is, maybe a head of the Emperor's coven(or Even maybe Darius S/o??) or some older scout than the one who insists on treating him like a child (WHAT HE IS) and at first he doesn't have a clue or idea of how to act on this (thanks Belos) but eventually he becomes less rigid and rude and more a bit embarrassed but he doesn't avoid it.
Hunter would melt if a person he considers a mother figure gave him words of affirmation and told him how much he is worth, HOW GOOD HE IS and that she is PROUD of him. bby would start crying right there.
He would definitely be very protective of this mother figure, I don't think he would prevent her from going on missions or do her work, but he makes sure that they go together and he always goes in front of her, he will always defend her if things get ugly, he even received hits from her. He acts like it's nothing or that he's not being a favorite at all, but everyone knows it.
(If he calls her mama/mom/mother or whatever he BEGGS THE TITAN to swallow him and spit him out into the boiling sea. But maybe he'll talk to her about Willow for dating advice).
The Collector (or Collie) would definitely be another mama's boy, only obviously more extreme due to his almost god-like powers, but he could definitely use someone to guide him firmly but gently to learn mortality and family love well after the history. something like his own Eda.
Seeing it that way, perhaps this maternal figure could be 1- or one of the archivists who stayed with him in his days on earth (being more like brothers) or an older person very interested in the mythology of the titan and others ( maybe even part of the tribe that hunted them and that worshiped the collector, but on a much healthier spectrum obviously).
In any case, when this person is not only willing to listen to the collector's rants but even play with him as much as possible, without wanting to get rid of him and giving him mature and motherly love, he is surprised, yes, but he likes it! and wants more! so he even calms down a little with physical affection from this maternal figure.
Imagine if this mother figure sang for him to sleep🥹I think it would give Collie such a hit of dopamine that he couldn't sleep without her after that, at least for the first few months.
He doesn't like it very much when she scolds him for having been rude or careless, not only because he is a somewhat spoiled child with no sense of consequences, but because he doesn't like to think that his mother hates him :( if he thinks about it too much he will ugly cry.
although he definitely apologizes afterwards and gives a lot of hugs (please give him hugs).
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Writing the Childhood Friends Doffy x Reader gave me an idea for a Rosinante x Reader fic. For now it's just an idea.
Reader is a pirate captain in North Blue, and does meet Rosinante when he is in the marines. Know how every pirate has their marine that chases them? Rosinante is Reader's. She adores him. He's adorable. Reader always teases him and flirts with him across the megaphone snail as his ship chases her crew's. Reader's pirate crew can be Devil Fruit hunters which then means eventually they will be in partnership/contact/do business with Donquixote Pirates.
So imagine your surprise when you're having a meeting with Doflamingo to deliver him a fruit and there is a new officer around - his right hand, at that - and Doflamingo introduces him as his mute (he isn't mute) younger brother and you are trying not to bust a gut laughing then and there because Commander Rosinante is wearing lipstick and a beanie and a shirt with pink hearts and looks ridiculous but also adorable and so handsome in a ruffian way. Hello, Pirate Rosinante 😍
Also, they're brothers?? Damn, talk about good genes.
Then Rosinante catches you somewhere (closet, bathroom, etc) and you are just giggling your absolute soul out because he's ADORABLE. You aren't even thinking of telling Doflamingo, you think it's the greatest sibling prank of the CENTURY (I mean, isn't it?) but of course you take the chance and tell Rosinante the price for your silence is a kiss. If he hesitates, you add a taunt about "Well, your older brother sure didn't mind kissing me -" and Jealous Donquixote Genes activate within Rosinante and he makes out with you and leaves you breathless. Who knows whether Doflamingo kissing you is truth or not. Rosinante can never know, since you're a pirate.
Also, you can bet Reader will arrive too late to save Rosinante, and you hold him and tell him he did his best, and that you love him 😭He doesn't die alone in the snow or cold, he dies in the warm embrace of someone who loves him, assured Law is free and safe. If only he hadn't been such a klutz, maybe you two could have gotten a chance...
Doflamingo better RUN.
I think we can make it one-sided love from Doflamingo for Reader in this fic, he has lost any chance he might have had. And you will remind him of that for the rest of his life, even when he is king and begging you to be his queen...
Usually, people when they look at Rosinante were reminded of Doflamingo, but you are reminded of Rosinante by looking at Doflamingo. Uuuuh, gut punch. Especially if you say that to Doflamingo (furious typing)
You love the Prince of Dressrosa, not the King of Dressrosa.
Since.. since Rosi would be Prince of Dressrosa if he had made it all the way to Doflamingo taking over Dressrosa...
It hurts 😭
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
(it hurt my Doffy loving heart to write Reader not loving Doffy 😭😭)
- Yandere Doffy Anon
OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! Where do you get these amazing ideas from??! I can't even!!! I need a marine x Rosinante story so bad. Even better if they're captured by Doflamingo and Rosinante has to bargain with him to free you without giving himself up 💀. I just can't.
Thank you for blessing me again, yandere Doffy Anon 🥹🥹👌
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freesia-writes · 25 days
Ch 44: Full Circle
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Master List ~~ Previous Chapter ~~ WC: 2.5k
Last chapter, friends. 🥹💕
This is a song that my husband and I love, and it’s so pretty, but the lyrics aren’t quite what I was going for this chapter, just the longevity of love. 😊 Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Follow You Into The Dark +Lyrics (youtube.com)
A number of months later…
"The balmy sea breeze ruffled the tablecloth and made the string lights dance merrily above the jovial scene below as the clinking of silverware on plates punctuated the steady hubbub of conversation that rose and fell with the emotion of what was being shared. Some overly-optimistic sea birds hovered above on a swell, fastidiously watching for any dropped crumbs before swooping gracefully into another updraft. The setting was the same, the voices and faces different, but a shared sense of gratitude and contentment prevailed over all."
“I know,” Wrecker said dramatically, gesturing broadly with the drumstick of meat he was holding. “Right after I finish my porch, he comes up with this.”
“You cannot assume that his timing was intentional–” Tech protested fruitlessly.
“I’ll sit on your porch for you so someone can enjoy it while you're out working,” Echo interrupted, flashing a grin at Tech to release him from the increasing indignation Wrecker was goading out of him. “It’ll be great. I’ll put one of Hunter’s dusty old quilts over these creaky old legs and just watch the birds fly from tree to tree.”
“Your prosthetics are hardly creaky–” Tech returned, having gotten no more than two words out in a side conversation with Phee before being lured back in by his brothers. “Nevermind,” he said, more slowly now. “I see the caricature you are attempting to paint.”
“Paint? Oh, that sounds good. I’ll paint on the porch too,” Echo continued, undaunted. The Zygerrian beside Crosshair was smiling broadly at the interchange, his distinctive leonine face relaxed into inquisitive openness. Finally, he spoke up.
“You can paint?” His sibilant tone caught Echo’s attention, and he pointed an unthreatening scomp in his direction. 
“Anyone can paint, Ky’tal. Might look like kark, but–”
“Language, Echo!” Omega teased, giggling from her seat beside Breslin. His eyes sparkled with unspeakable depths of affection as he met her playful gaze for a moment before flashing a rude hand signal in her direction, much to her delight. Echo looked at Hunter, who was staring at him with an entirely flat affect, and opted to return to the main conversation. 
“Anyway,” he said, taking a leisurely sip from his wooden cup. “If you and Crosshair want to come paint on my porch, you’re welcome anytime.”
“It’s not your porch!!” Wrecker laughed, smacking the table with a bit too much gusto and causing a few utensils to clatter off their plates. Lyra jumped, her hand quickly covering her mouth in embarrassment – she still wasn’t unfazed by Wrecker’s jubilant outbursts. Hunter’s hand found her leg, giving her knee a soft squeeze, and she covered his fingers with her own, casting him a grateful smile. 
“Well it sounds like it’s my porch now…” Echo was relentless, and as the two of them dissolved into pointless arguing, Ky’tal shifted his gaze back to Crosshair. 
“What do you think? Want to paint the sunset?” He chuckled at the faintest of blushes that tinted Crosshair’s cheeks, then quickly rearranged his features into seriousness as the sniper fixed him with an entirely harmless glare. “Or perhaps we should paint guns instead…”
“Now wouldn’t that be just precious…” Phee interjected as Crosshair snorted, relaxing into his mirth and allowing the warmth in his eyes to show. “We can hang them all over our walls. Right, Brown Eyes?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Hmm. Well, I tried,” she sighed, shrugging and offering a belabored sigh of solidarity. Ky’tal laughed, a rich, deep sound, and draped his arm across the back of Crosshair’s chair. Hunter kept his mouth in a straight line to restrain his smile as he watched his brother’s shoulders relax a few inches.
“...a good find in a relatively abandoned sector,” Phee was saying, continuing her conversation with Tech.
“Allow me to gather some supplemental information and we can leave in two days, if that is acceptable?” he offered, trying and failing to hide the spark in his eye that always appeared at the opportunity for exploration and discovery. 
“Sounds good. I’ll prep the ship and update MEL’s interface,” she nodded, patting the back of his hand. 
“More pirate adventures?” Hunter asked, watching Tech’s eyebrows lower a bit as he regarded him from behind his spectacles. 
“It is not piracy,” he objected. “It is–”
“Liberation of ancient wonders,” chorused half the table.
“We know,” Omega added with a grin.
“If you’re looking for some more ‘respectable’ work, you can expand your module for the Defense Training Academy,” Echo interjected. “There are a handful that seem to be particularly interested in that field, and the more well-rounded they all are, the better.” 
“That would be enjoyable,” Tech answered, perking up again quickly. 
“Yeah. It’s been great getting more of our brothers here, where they can live their own lives and pursue what they want instead of being puppets,” Echo said.
“They do seem to thrive in their autonomy," Tech agreed. " "You’ve created an excellent opportunity for them to continue in their desired purposes while also allowing ample rest and rejuvenation.”
“Well thanks,” Echo said, a touch of surprise in his voice at the rather effusive praise. 
“Have you showed them the new armory yet?” Lyra ventured. Hunter chuckled, giving her a wink before turning to Echo for his response. 
“Armory??” Wrecker interrupted. “Where?”
“Oh, didn’t I tell you?” Echo feigned innocence. “Well… Lyra had an entire room of long-range communication equipment as well as a ridiculous amount of weaponry, remember? Apparently she’s not going to need it for her gardening and baking or whatever she does… So she passed it on to me for the DTA.”
“What! I’ve gotta see this…” Wrecker’s face was alight with glee, and he rubbed his hands together as though he couldn’t wait to get them on the goods. 
“You can look, but no touching,” Echo teased. 
“I would also like to inspect the communicators,” Tech added, index finger in the air.
"Sounds like getting conned by a pirate worked out in the end..." Crosshair's comment slithered across the table, and Lyra laughed, meeting his gaze with the tiniest flash of a smirk.
"Listen... He was very persuasive..." she began, but gave up quickly at the chortles that broke out. "Alright, I know... Silly mistake. But hey -- if you all think it's so funny, I can take back my arsenal."
Wrecker gasped loudly, and whether it was feigned or genuine, it was difficult to tell. Hunter laughed, resting his arm across the back of Lyra's chair and giving her opposite shoulder a little squeeze.
"Okay, Wreck. You can keep the goods," Hunter grinned.
"Oh, now they're yours to give?" Lyra teased, beaming as Hunter's eyebrows climbed up his forehead in surprise and admiration, and he lifted both hands in temporary surrender.
"Alright, alright... I guess I'm just--"
"The snack. The eye candy. The trophy..." Lyra interrupted, trailing off at the end as she wasn't sure what word to use there.
"Hunter is the trophy?" Crosshair mused, peering across Ky'tal's broad chest to peer at her again.
"Hey. Eat your peas," Lyra returned, earning a guffaw of delight from a few of the group. Hunter shook his head, eyes on the plate before him but mind far away as he marveled at the depth of her personality that had been gradually unfolding in the safe, steady comfort they continued to build.
"Yeah, Crosshair," Omega joined in. "Got to get your vitamins!"
"It's true," Tech interjected, a touch of mirth on his solemn face. "Peas are a fantastic legume made up of complex carbohydrates and quite a variety of vitamins and minerals. They also offer a significant amount of fiber, which can be helpful with digestive issues--"
"Ohhhh, so that's what's up his--"
"I wasn't finished!" Tech was unstoppable, brimming with the incredible nutritional breakdown that he was far too eager to share. "While often considered vegetables, they are obviously not, as I previously identified them as legumes. But they do stand out from vegetables with their high protein content--"
"You've got to be kidding me," Crosshair muttered.
"Furthermore," Tech continued, "They are rich in polyphenol antioxidants, which--"
"Okay, Tech," Hunter stepped in. "Why don't you save that kind of talk for the bedroom?"
"Peas and polyphenols?" Phee said, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. "We might need to leave right now..."
"I'm losing my appetite," Echo muttered.
"Alright, alright," Phee grinned. "You give us something better to talk about, then." And off they went.
“Hey, thanks again for all your help at the cottage.” Lyra turned to Wrecker, offering a warm smile as the group's conversation continued without them. “I can’t believe how easy that seemed for you. You’re incredibly strong!” Wrecker blushed and grinned bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Aw, it was nothin…” 
“Are you kidding?” Lyra continued. “To combine two rooms, maintain the structural integrity, AND make it look even better than before? It’s a huge gift. Really. Thank you.” Her face was earnest, voice sincere, and she rested a hand on his shoulder for a moment to convey the depth of her appreciation. 
“I’m strong too…” Hunter muttered, shooting her a roguish grin behind lowered brows. She laughed, leaning toward him instead and resting her head on his shoulder before looking up at him with unabashed admiration. 
“So strong,” she purred, only partially teasing. 
“Ha! I could throw you from the docks to the Archium!” Wrecker snorted.
“That is a physical impossibility, Wrecker,” came Tech’s taunt from the other end of the table, but Wrecker ignored him. 
“Besides… How are those office ladies doin?” Wrecker asked, waggling his eyebrows at Lyra as Hunter rolled his eyes with a groan.
“Oh, you left quite an impression,” she smirked. Hunter had brought a large crate of steaks, sausages, and roasts to the school for the end-of-term staff party with Lyra proudly on his arm. He’d given them one last opportunity to get all of their innuendos and flirtation out of their system.
A few of them had taken him up on it, but when they’d laid eyes on Wrecker carrying the huge crate on one shoulder with a single arm around it, Hunter had been instantly forgotten. They’d mobbed the large clone like gaja birds on a pile of mantell mix, squawking and fawning over how massive his muscles were and how wonderful his charitable generosity was, and Hunter’s allure seemed to vanish as quickly as the selection of meat.
His undecipherable mutter about their fickleness had been quickly quelled by the shock of Lyra grabbing both his arms and kissing him firmly, and when she’d released him, she hadn’t been able to stifle her giggle at the dumbfounded expression on his face. 
“Guess I’ll have to make deliveries more often then, eh?” Wrecker grinned. 
“Well you can find your own stuff to deliver now,” Hunter muttered with a harmless scowl.
“I’m sure they’ll find plenty of ways I could help out,” came Wrecker’s playful jab, resulting in a sigh from his brother. 
“Do you want their attention?” Lyra said, poking Hunter in the side so unexpectedly that he jerked in his chair and turned his joke of a scowl onto her. 
“No…” he said, softening as she reached up to stroke the backs of her fingers along his cheek.
“Maybe I’ll just have to keep finding ways to show you…” she drifted off, casting a surreptitious glance around the table, too embarrassed to finish her sentence. He leaned in, nudging her cheek with his nose. 
“Hmm? Go on… You were saying?”
She turned to nestle her face against his, whispering something in his ear that made him press his lips together tightly in a barely-restrained smile, but he couldn’t hide the faint redness that colored his cheeks. He pulled back to look at her, equal parts desire and love on his face, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pushing his plate away. 
“I think we’re gonna call it a night,” he announced, winking at Lyra, who dropped her head to hide her own blushing grin. “As Tech would say, we’re going to tackle a new endeavor together.”
A cacophony of responses broke out, everything from “gross!” to “oh yeah!” as Hunter pulled Lyra to her feet, ignoring the hoots and taunts as they made for the door.
They began their stroll down the familiar path, weaving through the homes of the island, and when they came to a flat, grassy knoll that overlooked the sea, they came to a halt. Lyra’s questioning glance was mollified as she watched him gazing far into the distance, both present and far away in his thoughts, and she leaned into his side, snuggling her arm through his and resting her cheek on his shoulder. 
He sighed contently, as though years of stress and turmoil were gently being washed away by the sea. Wave after wave settled his shoulders more and more, and he was struck by a sudden flashback of his encounter with a native Xyloan upon their arrival to the island. "Fragmented," she had said, assessing him with a keen eye that saw much more than just the surface, and she'd left him with some rather cryptic words: But even shattered shards find smoothing and settling in the steadiness of the sea.
A bit of mirth touched the memory as he remembered Tech’s delight at the “astonishing alliteration” when he’d shared the details of the encounter, and he continued watching the waves in silence, Lyra leaning lightly against him in quiet solidarity. He hadn’t understood it then, but now the sentiment seemed to settle into his soul, a comfortable, familiar weight that grounded and reassured. The sea was never still; it was constantly shifting with the winds and tides, and yet it was consistent, dependable, beautiful. With a steady roll between sand and stone, it softened the edges of even the sharpest fragments of glass, pieces that had been broken by the abrasive relentlessness of life.
Like him. 
And yet, throughout a process that seemed arbitrary or tumultuous at times, something was being formed. Something with a new purpose. Something to be treasured. 
A light breeze caressed him, brushing tendrils of hair out of his face and providing a cool contrast to the balmy rays of the setting sun. He closed his eyes. Inhaled a deep, cleansing breath. Let it out slowly through his mouth. Then opened his eyes with a relaxed smile. 
He turned toward Lyra, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and regarding her fondly. She said nothing, simply gazed at him with radiant affection, and moved her arm to rest around his waist. He pressed his lips to her hair in a long, lingering kiss, murmuring gratitude and love before pulling away. 
Perhaps he could allow himself to settle into a new purpose. Perhaps he could allow himself to be treasured. Perhaps he could rest in the deep sense of reassurance that invited him to be at peace. 
Their eyes met again, and with a simple, small nod from each of them that spoke volumes, they continued on their way, hand in hand. 
Hunter found himself looking forward to the future, whatever it held, knowing that he was where he was supposed to be. Beyond the shadow of a doubt.
A little animation from one of my favorite artists, @thattoothpick, that I thought of when writing this:
. The End.
Previous Chapter ~ Master List
Y'ALL. It has been SUCH a treat sharing this with you after working on it for months. 🥹 THANK YOU for all the reblogs, comments, delight, and enjoyment along the way.
If you enjoyed this, I have two other full-length fics: a Howzer x OC and a Tech x OC. Both are PG-13 and similar to this one. I also have a full-length spicy Crosshair x Reader over on @spicy-clones.
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arjwrites · 2 months
— Heuheueheuehueeheu OK! Good to know that bc i love angst and """"dark themes""""!! And well, now I have two request ideas with Winchester!reader ☝️ I was thinking that just asking for Castiel might end up tiring for you so ONE (1) of them do not include him (this one)
Could you write a Sam&Dean x Older sister Winchester!reader angst where the reader (16) has just returned rlly injured from a hunt with her father to the point where she almost died and John is angry because she is weak while Sam(10) and Dean (14) try to help her???? She's like “I'm fine” while she's fckin bleeding on the floor 😭 — 👼 angel anon (I SIMPLY LOVE YHIS NICKNAME 🥹)
You're Not Weak - Young!Sam + Dean Winchester x Older Sister!Reader
Summary: Your little brothers are always there for you after a hunt with your father goes south.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: John Winchester-induced angst. Slight references to abuse. Fem!Reader
A/N: HI ANGEL ANON! This request has been sitting in my inbox a while, I am so sorry it took so long to get out to you! This was something new for me- I've never written young Sam and Dean so I can't decide if I'm totally happy with this. I really hope you enjoy it!
It was torture. The road in front of you stretched long and dark. Quiet hung heavy in the air since neither of you had the words to speak- John out of anger, and you out of fear. Every so often, when the car would pass under a streetlight, you would peek over to your father in the driver’s seat. The lamps would illuminate his profile just enough for you to catch the outline of his expression. Each time, it grew the pit in your stomach until you felt like you were going to cave in on yourself and disappear. At this point, he probably wouldn’t have even noticed. 
It would’ve been one thing if he had yelled at you, screamed at you, told you all the things you did wrong and all the ways that you could be better. But he didn’t. He was so silent on the drive back to the motel- the kind of silent that teetered on the precipice of something you were all too familiar with. And all the blood pouring out of your cut didn’t help the worry. You were starting to feel delirious but you dared not bring it up. John already knew you were hurt- he had watched the creature throw you to the ground and slash at your side, waiting in the background for you to handle it yourself. You- 16, a fairly new hunter, his daughter. 
“Where were you?” You had cried after he came to your rescue.
“I thought you could handle it. Turns out, you couldn’t.” 
John had broken the silence of the ride a few times, muttering things under his breath. You could make out a few things here and there- can’t trust… ridiculous… weak. But for the most part, silence prevailed the entire car ride. He didn’t even say a word when you pulled into the motel parking lot, getting out of the car and slamming the door behind him. You scrambled out of your own door, grabbing your things from the trunk and limping in behind the man, following him through the threshold into the room where Sam and Dean sat side by side on the couch.
“How’d it go? Did you get it?” Dean rose from his seat, always eager to hear about your hunts. He couldn’t ever stand staying behind. John snatched the now unloaded shotgun out of your hand and tossed at Dean, catching him off guard. He fumbled for a moment before gripping it across his chest like a soldier at attention. 
“Barely. You’re coming with me next time, Dean. Your sister can’t seem to handle herself and it’s gonna get us all killed. She can stay behind and babysit.” His tone was spiteful and dark. You knew there was something bubbling right below the surface- you and Dean shared a knowing look and a silent prayer that it wouldn’t boil over. John turned and stormed back out the front door you had just entered from. At the sound of the door’s slam, Sam’s head whipped towards you, attention now pulled from the TV show he had been engrossed in. 
You weren’t going to cry in front of your brothers. This whole ordeal had been embarrassing enough already, and you already felt weak without falling apart in front of them. You had to put on a brave face for them. It was your job to protect them, to provide a buffer between them and your father- to absorb the abuse so the two young boys wouldn’t ever have to face the aftershock. It was hard enough looking into Dean’s eyes- Dean, who understood, who knew it was now his turn to fall victim to the same fate. But when Sam- poor, innocent Sammy- trotted over from the couch asking if you were okay, a sob ripped from your lips. The impact of the sound escaping caused you to double over in pain, irritating the cut down your left side. Your brothers rushed to you in an instant, taking you by the arms to help lead you over to the bed. 
“I’m okay, it’s fine,” you protested, in a desperate attempt to save face.
But Sam and Dean didn’t listen. You hated when they had to see you like this, the poor kids patching up the damage that should have been yours alone to deal with. But by the way they stood, staring at you in earnest, you knew there would be no telling them no.  
“Dean, can you just grab me something to stop this blood?” You asked, which sent the boy running across the room and to scramble together a few things you may need. Dean’s worry for you was practical, methodical. He was quick to grab the first aid kit to help you stop the bleeding and patch back up. Watching him through the blurred vision of your tears, you thought to yourself how effectively John had trained Dean, and how great of a hunter he was going to be. It made your stomach churn. Sam, on the other hand, clung close to you. He snuggled into your good side and you wrapped an arm around his small frame. Sam’s care for you was sweet and innocent. You closed your eyes and prayed that Sam would never wind up a part of this life. That he would never feel the burn of stitching up his own wound, or the sting of your father’s hateful words.
With Sam still nestled into you, giving you a surge of comfort, Dean sat with the first aid packet, already reaching to run a disinfectant across the cut. 
“Sorry,” Dean mumbled, without pausing his task. 
“S’okay. Here, I got it,” you replied, reaching to grab the supplies from Dean, who pulled them out of your grasp.
“Relax. You’re pretty hurt, I’ll do it.”
“Dad already thinks I’m weak enough. If he walks back in here to see me letting you play nurse, I think he’ll disown me.”
“You aren’t weak,” Sam’s small voice spoke up. He looked up to you with wide eyes and continued. “You’re our big sister, you’re not weak at all.” You pushed the hair out of Sam’s eyes, ruffling it into the top of his head. 
“Thanks, Sammy,” you offered back with a smile. You were happy to have your brothers to come back to in these tough times. They each had their unique ways of being there for you, but you appreciated them both endlessly. You silently wished it could be like this forever. As much as you hated hunting with your father, it was better this way because it meant your brothers would be safe, that they would be there to help patch you up and lift your spirits when you were down.   
So there you sat with your younger brothers. Dean worked on cleaning and bandaging your injuries, while Sam told you stories all about what he was learning at school or what was happening in his favorite TV shows. The three of you sat, laughed, chatted, and everything felt like it was okay again. A while passed, and Dean’s work was long finished, but you all lingered, sat side by side by side on your bed. When the conversation finally lulled, you spoke.
“It’s late Sammy, you should get to bed.” Sam pouted in response but trudged across the room, tucking himself into the pull-out bed Dean had made for him earlier. You marveled at how it never took Sam long to fall asleep- you hoped it would stay that way, that the horrors of the world would never keep him up at night.
After Sam had gone to bed, you and Dean sat in silence, apart from the occasional pained expletives that spilled from your lips when you would shift in your seat combined with the concern that came from Dean’s. When you were sure the youngest boy had fallen asleep, Dean spoke. 
“He’s right, you know. Sammy, I mean. You aren’t weak.” 
“I fucked it up Dean, I almost got us killed.”
“You’re a good hunter. Don’t let Dad talk to you like that. Don’t let him make you feel like you’re not good enough.”
“Well, looks like I don’t have a choice. It’s your turn now,” you said with a humorless laugh. It hurt your heart to think that Dean, your kid brother, would be taking your place. But your father had been training him for years, and in a way, you knew this was coming. The second Dean was old enough, you knew the man would toss you aside in favor of your younger brother. John was always critical of you. No matter what you did, you were never good enough. To him, you were just a fill-in for Dean until he was able to step into the role himself. You knew Dean would be good at hunting- hell, he’d probably be a lot better than you. But the combination of rejection by your father and fear for your little brother weighed on your heart.
“Just be careful, Dean, okay? It’s… scary out there sometimes. You need to look out for yourself.” 
“I know. It’s what I’ve been training for. I’ll be okay.” Dean’s response was tender to match your concern, but it was also laced with a sense of pride. Dean was excited to hunt. It was as if he was stepping into a destiny he had been working towards his whole life. The familiar pit in your stomach began to grow. 
“We should get some sleep,” Dean decided. He rose, packing the first aid supplies back into the duffle bag that sat slumped by the bed. You struggled to your feet, drawing in a sharp breath, before ambling across the room to your own bed. Dean called your name.
“Maybe it’s a good thing Dad doesn’t want you to hunt with him anymore… You deserve better than this. Than Dad. I… just want you to be happy.” The tears welled back in your eyes, but Dean continued. “Sam and I look up to you a lot. Just don’t think badly about yourself, okay? Sam will be happy to have you around.”
Throwing Dean a thankful smile, you tucked yourself into bed. Tomorrow weighed heavy on your mind- it meant dealing with your injuries, facing your father, and watching your younger brother head out on his first hunt. But tonight, you let your whole body relax. For now, you and your brothers were safe and sound. And that would have to be enough.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 11 months
Whoo hooooo! I think you would create magic as always with this prompt: the first initial kiss being a simple peck, then they immediately go back in for a stronger, more passionate one.
Could I request it with your choice of Tup… or post-stasis Kix… or Hunter? 🫦🥹💙
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A/N: Thank you for the ask @freesia-writes! I’ve been wanting to write a fic with a meteor shower for ages, and this was the perfect opportunity. I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Hunter x Reader (GN)
Rating: T, but minors DNI as always
Wordcount: 740
Warnings and tags: fluff; sensuality; pop culture in my SW fanfic (it's more likely than you think)
Summary: You and Hunter watch a meteor shower on Pabu.  
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“I’m gonna turn in,” Wrecker said. “I’ll take the kid back to the house if you two want to stay and watch the show.”
“I told her she needed to take a nap if she wanted to stay awake long enough to see the meteor shower,” Hunter laughed quietly, passing Omega’s sleeping form to his brother.
You grinned. “In her defense, if my dad had told me to take a nap when I was twelve, I definitely would have stayed awake just to spite him.”
Wrecker let out a booming laugh. “Didn’t realize you were such a rebel!”
“Ssshhhh!” you and Hunter shushed Wrecker in unison.
“Oh, right,” he whispered. “I’m headin’ out. See ya later.”
You waved goodbye at Wrecker and then flopped back down onto the blanket you’d spread on the sandy beach of Pabu, staring up at the glorious night sky. Hunter soon joined you, not quite touching you, but lying close to your side so you’d both fit on the blanket.
“You’re lucky Omega’s such a great kid,” you murmured. “I was a holy terror at her age. I couldn’t even stand myself; I don’t know how my parents survived.”
“I find that hard to believe,” he chuckled. “The proper schoolteacher of Pabu?”
“Oh, you have no idea,” you replied. “I was a teenage dirtbag.”
“Is that why all the kids love you?”
“They sense a kindred spirit under my respectable facade,” you said with a giggle.
Hunter huffed a quiet laugh, and the two of you lapsed into silence as you watched the sky. It was a dark, moonless night, and for once, the sky was entirely free of clouds—a perfect night for stargazing. You could see the entire galaxy stretched out above you, the stars shining brightly enough that they reflected as pinpricks of light on the tranquil ocean.
“Look there,” he said, pointing to a section of the sky close to the horizon. “It’s gonna be a good one.”
Sure enough, a brilliant streak of light soon shot low across the darkness, its flash bright enough to illuminate the beach faintly. As it burned out, you turned your head to stare at Hunter.
“How do you do that?” you asked softly.
“I can hear them,” he replied.
He lay on his back, his eyes fixed on the sky, and you took a moment to watch his face in the starlight. “That’s amazing.”
It was difficult to tell in the darkness, but you thought he smiled. “There’ll be another over there.”
He pointed across your body to a section of sky far to your left. He propped himself up on one elbow so he could see over you, and you turned to the sector he pointed out just in time to catch the vivid burst of light. The meteor split in two as it hit the atmosphere, putting on a dazzling show, and you could hear the distant sizzling as it burnt itself out.
“Even I could hear that one!” you exclaimed, turning to Hunter in excitement.
He was much closer to you than he had been when he was lying on his back, and you caught your breath when you realized that your faces were almost touching. Your pulse began to race, and you silently willed yourself to calm down, knowing that Hunter would be able to hear your body’s reaction to him.
Another meteor shot directly overhead, its bright light illuminating his face, and you realized he was staring at your lips. On impulse, you reached up and kissed him. It was quick and light—barely a peck—and by the time it was over, the beach had plunged back into darkness, leaving you uncertain about his response.
“Sorry,” you whispered. “Was that—”
He cut off your question abruptly, his lips crashing into yours in a passionate, urgent kiss. His hand dropped to your waist, rolling your body against his as his tongue grazed your lips softly, sliding into your mouth. The moment he tasted you, he let out a short, desperate sound, almost a growl, as his hand slid possessively up your back. Overhead, a spectacular meteor burst into the atmosphere, its flash so intense that you could see the illumination even though your eyes were closed. You opened them just in time to see the light trail die out.
As your lips parted from Hunter’s, you whispered, “We missed that one.”
He kissed you again, softly. “I prefer the view down here.”
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kybercrystals94 · 7 months
Favorite interaction from episode 7...
[spoilers below cut]
Crosshair to Omega: **hovering** You...good?
Omega: **distractedly checking over Batcher** Uh, huh.
Crosshair: Got your crossbow?
Omega: Yep.
Crosshair: Sure you can carry those supplies?
Omega: **getting annoyed** Yes.
Crosshair: Stay close. It's easy to get lost in this terrain.
Omega: **exasperated** You're as bad as Hunter.
Crosshair: **snarks** Oh, I'm much worse.
I cannot get enough of these canon interactions 🥰😭
I’m just imagining Crosshair being a snarky mother hen to all his brothers during the war. Watching from his perch…checking in constantly…calling them out for being idiots 🥹😂
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ithaquakisser · 1 year
Do you make Robbie and ithaqua sibling headcannons if so please tell maybe like getting your date thirdwheeled by Robbie (im the best robbie main btw/j)
— Getting Your Date Thirdwheeled By Robbie...
Synopsis; You and Ithaqua go on a little date in the manor's garden, but it appears that the two of you aren't the only ones present.
CW; N/A!
WC; ≈708
Note; Aaah, I really love Robbie's and Ithaqua's dynamic! The idea that the two of them would be like siblings to one another really warms my heart. 🥹 I was unsure of whether you wanted just headcanons or a scenario at first, so I ended up writing it as a scenario! Enjoy! 🫶
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♡ Ithaqua views Robbie as a younger brother, one who never seems to leave him be. Robbie is a bit clingy, and it took Ithaqua some time to adjust to the young boy’s antics and his fondness for him. He doesn’t mind though, and instead finds it endearing whenever the child would come sprinting to him after a match. ”Can’t you believe it? I got all of them!" Robbie exclaimed, prancing around Ithaqua like a rabbit. The older hunter would congratulate the boy with a pat on the shoulder each time, offering him a piece of candy from his pockets. “Oh, really? Good job!”
♡ Practically everywhere the older hunter went, Robbie would often linger. Sometimes he’d hide behind the tall hunter, peeking behind his legs with a giggle. Ithaqua would humor the young boy from time to time, indulging in the games the boy would offer to play. And in turn, if the boy wins he is rewarded a piece of candy that he would often carry. It was certainly endearing for all the hunters to witness, a lovely sibling-like bond between the two.
♡ Albeit, it was all fun and games until one particular evening. The two of you were on a stroll in the manor’s garden, hand in hand. You both planned to meet at the garden a week prior, never actually having the time to spend time together due to matches, the two of you finally had time to relish in each other’s presence. There weren’t many places to go in the manor that would be a decent place to spend time with one another, the garden was the only place you two had in mind due to the outset of spring. Suddenly, the hunter was stopped in his tracks by a small pair of arms wrapped around his legs.
♡ A youthful voice called out his name with enthusiasm, taking the hunter aback. The two of you glanced down to face the boy who was ecstatic to behold the both of you together at once. “Robbie? What are you doing awake at this time?” “I can’t sleep!” You couldn’t help but chuckle at their interaction, how’d the young hunter would always find his way to Ithaqua never ceases to ignite a warm flame in your heart.
♡ Robbie spoke of his inability to rest and explained his desire to play, but Ithaqua couldn’t help but shake his head out of concern on behalf of the young boy. He’d pick up the child who held his hands up high after the two of you agreed to accompany him for the night as long as the boy eventually rests. Ithaqua carried Robbie on his shoulders, one hand supporting the child whilst his other hand held yours. The three of you admired the blooming rose bushes that were stained with droplets of fresh rain from the morning rainfall. The young hunter would chat away, speaking about his recent matches. He reminisced over a pack hunter match he shared with Ithaqua, how he got struck by a pallet but Ithaqua incapacitated the survivor on his behalf.
♡ Robbie spoke of the older hunter in such a brilliant light, waving his arms in the air characteristically. It was rather endearing, leaving a comforting feeling of warmth in your chest. Over time, the young boy silenced, eliciting a yawn. There was a shared moment of silence, the three of you standing underneath the faint rays of moonlight. When you raised your head to face Ithaqua, Robbie had his arms wrapped around the older hunter, resting atop his shoulders. “Seems like he tuckered himself out, did he?” Ithaqua lightly nodded his head, leisurely removing his mask. He raised a finger to his lips, hushing you.
♡ You both decided to head back inside to set the boy to rest. You carefully creaked the door open, there were no words exchanged between the two of you in consideration of the sleeping boy. Ithaqua gently settled Robbie upon his twin-sized bed, tenderly swaddling the child in bundles of woolen blankets. You stood at the doorstep with a smile, knowing the day had finally concluded has left you with a bittersweet taste on your lips when the blonde brushed his lips against yours after tucking the boy to rest. "Goodnight.”
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demonlineswhore · 2 months
Okay so I finally got around to finishing tbb. (I had to delete Disney for a while to save money). I finished season 2 as I had been halfway through it when I deleted it (K-pop hyperfixation distracting me from tbb😭) and then watched all of season 3 today.
I am not okay.
Tech’s death?!!!???😭😭😭😭 I am an emotional wreck. It was such an amazing sacrifice but nooooo!!
Found family is my favourite trope (don’t look at me) and then Dave Filoni just broke it apart!?!???!?!😭😭😭
But the rest of them all were back together in the end🥹❤️‍🩹
I’m fine (I’ve cried twice today cos of this show)
And Crosshair turning on the empire and rejoining his brothers🥹🥹
And omg don’t even get me started on the last scene of the finale (awesome episode title, btw, “the cavalry has arrived”?!!? So fucking cool!!) Old Hunter and Omega becoming a pilot in the resistance🥹 it’s so good. And Hunter calling her “our kid” omg I’m gonna cry again
My thoughts are scrambled cos I just finished tue show lol. I doubt anyone’s gonna see this post anyway lol. Gotta get my thoughts out somehow
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
That blurb about Eddie hating his scars just gave me the biggest feels…. Could you maybe write about taking care of Eddie after he’s back from the upside down? Fluff-ganza and a little bit of angst helping with his wounds and nightmares … ah 🥹 love your blooooog ❤️
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Warnings: language, blood, mentions of surgical procedures
WC: 2.6k
A/N: This was more fluff than angst, but I hope you like it! Please leave feedback <3
@princesseddie86 here is the fluff piece I promised you!
“Stay with me, Eddie, please,” you beg as you follow the gurney down the hospital corridor. You watch him take shallow breaths, hair matted to his face with blood.
He groans softly, unintelligible sounds leaving his lips. He’s shivering from the blood loss. You’re not even sure if he’s aware that you’re here, but you keep talking to him.
“You’re gonna be okay. You’re at the hospital; the doctors will take good care of you,” you promise, though you’re unsure what can be done.
The nurses surrounding him are listing different codes. It’s like a foreign language to you, but it might be better if you can’t understand it. They might be saying things you don’t want to hear.
The whole situation was so bizarre. You’d been friends with Robin Buckley since grade school; you were one of the few people she’d come out to. You thought it was crazy enough when she told you she was now friends with Steve Harrington, but what really sealed the deal was when she’d told you about an otherworldly realm dubbed the Upside Down. Oh, and now a demon-type entity named Vecna was brutally mutilating and killing random Hawkins teenagers, and maybe, pretty please, could you help them fight him?
Before joining their brigade of monster hunters, you hadn’t had much contact with Eddie Munson. For starters, you took honors classes, while he struggled to pass his introductory courses. You’d been privy to his many cafeteria table speeches, but never paid too much attention to them. You didn’t think he was a freak or running some satanic cult like many of your classmates assumed, but you didn’t really have anything to do with a slacker metalhead like Eddie.
Of course, that was before you actually got to know him. Before you saw the way he took care of the freshmen who idolized him, his passion for anything related to music, how he read dog-eared fantasy paperbacks until he had them memorized. Before you realized how much you cared for him.
You watch the doctors whisk him to the ICU, and it dawns on you that you might not ever get the chance to tell him.
Eddie’s uncle Wayne meets you at the hospital after Steve and Robin find him at the trailer park and fill him in on what happened. Well, sort of--it was too much to get into the whole “Upside Down” business, especially when his nephew’s life hung in limbo--so that would have to be a conversation for another day. 
You’re waiting in the waiting room, chewing on your fingernails, when he walks in solemnly. His hands are shoved in his pockets, and though he’s stoic now, his tear-stained cheeks reveal that he’s been crying. Your gaze meets his, and he comes over to sit with you.
“You Y/N?” he asks, and you nod numbly. “I’m, uh, Wayne, Eddie’s uncle.”
You try to offer a smile, though the effort makes it feel more like a grimace. “Eddie’s told me a lot about you.”
“Good things, I hope.”
“Of course. He told me all about how you raised him after his dad went to prison and his mom...” you trail off. Even the thought of death--anyone’s death--is too hard to think about right now.
Wayne nods. “Was the least I could do. My brother--Eddie’s old man--he and I were raised by our drunk of a dad. And that really messed with my brother. Messed with me, too, but maybe I missed some of it because I was younger.
“He started drinking, too; starting drinking too much, too fast, too young. Makin’ bad decisions, just like our dad. And after he got taken away, I couldn’t let Eddie fall into that same trap.” He pulls out a cigarette and looks at you. “Mind if I smoke?”
“No, that’s fine,” you reply softly, and he lights it. “Actually, could I bum one?”
Wayne gives you a knowing look. “’S not a good habit, y’know?”
“I don’t normally...only when I’m stressed.” You take a cigarette from him and lean in so he can light it.
“Don’t tell Eddie,” he whispers. “He won’t like me poisoning his girlfriend’s lungs.”
You choke, and it’s not from smoke inhalation. “We’re, um...I’m not his girlfriend,” you mumble. But I wish I was, you want to say.
Wayne lets out a small chuckle, then takes another drag from his cigarette. “Well, if you say so.”
You want to ask him to elaborate when a nurse enters the waiting room. “Wayne Munson?” Wayne stands up quickly, motioning for you to join him. “Your nephew is out of surgery. You can see him now.”
“Okay,” he replies, “his girlfriend’s gonna come with me, if that’s all right?”
The nurse nods. “Of course.”
You don’t even bother to correct him this time.
The hospital doesn’t have any of Eddie’s favorite books; no copies of Lord of the Rings anywhere in the place. You settle for an old tattered copy of The Catcher in the Rye and read aloud to the sleeping boy next to you.
He still hasn’t woken up from the anesthesia, but you’re still relieved to see how calm he looks, his breaths even instead of ragged. They cleaned him up a bit so there’s no traces of dried blood on his face. He looks more like himself.
You’re still reading when you notice him stir ever so slightly, making your heart leap.
“E-Eddie?” you whisper, placing a hand over his, careful of his IV. “Eddie, can you hear me?”
He groans softly and promptly falls back to sleep. The nurses warned you that he might go in and out, that it was normal, but you just wanted him awake.
Wayne comes back in the room, holding a paper cup of water. He hands it to you and you accept it gratefully.
“Any news?” he asks.
“He just kinda...moved a little bit? And made a tiny noise. But that was it,” you report, disappointment written all over your face.
Wayne puts a hand on your shoulder. “I know it’s useless tellin’ y’this, but you don’t have to stay. I can call you from the payphone when he’s up.”
“I want to be here when he wakes up. Unless I’m in your way, and I can leave.” It hadn’t dawned on you that Wayne might want to be alone with Eddie, but the man just shakes his head.
“No, no. The company helps,” he reassures you. “Jus’ figured you need some rest.”
“I’m okay for now.” Okay is too strong a word; really, you’re barely surviving, but you can’t manage to go home. You turn your attention back to the book, clear your throat, and continue reading.
The voice is quiet and gravelly, barely audible over the sounds of machines beeping and Wayne’s light snoring, but you hear it. You hear Eddie.
“Hi, sleepyhead.” You get up from the chair where you were half-sleeping and crouch by his bedside. “How do you feel?”
“Like shit,” he mutters. “What happened?”
You knit your brows, unable to hide your concern. “Do you...do you remember what happened? With the bats?”
He tries a laugh but ends up coughing, holding his torso in pain. “Fuck. Yeah, I remember those motherfuckers. Just not...after.”
“Well,” you start, “after you decided to be a hero, Dustin and I grabbed you and brought you back to Hawkins. You were so pale and shaky and...” Tears threaten to spill from your eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m trying to be brave for you.”
But Eddie’s not even listening to that part. “You and Henderson came back for me?” he asks incredulously.
You nod. “Of course. You know he worships the ground you walk on.”
“And you?”
Because I care about you. Because even though we’ve only been friends for a few days, I feel complete with you. Because now that I know you, really know you, I can’t live in a world without Eddie Munson.
“Because you’re my friend, Eddie,” you manage, swallowing down all of the other things you actually wanted to say. You look over at Wayne, who is still sleeping. “C’mon, let’s tell your uncle that you’re awake.”
Eddie is discharged from the hospital after three days. He has to use a cane to get around until he’s fully healed, which he complains makes him look elderly, but you reassure him that it looks totally metal.
You help Wayne get him into the trailer and onto the sofa, where he sits back with a grunt.
“Okay, I think my work here is done!” you announce and turn to Wayne. “Could I use your phone? Steve can pick me up.” You’d driven to and from the hospital in Wayne’s car, which meant either calling Steve for a ride or walking home.
“You’re leaving?” Eddie asks from his spot on the couch. Maybe you’re imagining it, but does he look...disappointed at the prospect of you going?
You laugh. “Taking care of you for three days straight wasn’t enough for you?” 
“No, I think I need you here full-time,” he says, pushing out his lower lip into a pout. “Y’know, bring me my meds, change my dressings, give me a sponge bath...”
That last comment earns him a thwap on the back of the head from his uncle. “Behave,” Wayne warns.
You roll your eyes, heading for the phone. “I have to go home and rest. Maybe see my parents, let them know I’m alive.” There’s more truth than sarcasm in that statement now with Hawkins seemingly crumbling around you. And you are exhausted.
“Okay,” he concedes, looking at you with his brown doe eyes, “can you come back tomorrow? Wayne can’t take any more days off from work.”
“I think I can manage that.” You call Steve, who was on his way back from volunteering at the school-turned-crisis-shelter, so it only took him five minutes to get to the trailer park. As you walk to his car, closing the door behind you, you hear Wayne’s gruff voice.
“Boy, if you don’t take that girl on a date once you’re healed up...”
Two weeks later, your phone rings just before 8 AM on a Sunday.
“Hello?” you croak groggily, stifling a yawn.
“Y/N!” Eddie’s voice booms through the receiver, jolting you awake.
“Eddie? Is everything okay?” You sit up so fast that dots form in front of your eyes, and you put a hand on the bed to steady yourself. You’ve been going to his trailer nearly every day, bringing him his homework and often staying to help him with it. The boy was determined to graduate this year, come hell or high water. 
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” he says, like he’s just realized how early it is, “but can you come over now? I wanna show you something.”
You stretch and feel your back crack. “Sure. Let me just get dressed and I can be there in, like, half an hour?”
“Perfect.” You can sense his delight over the phone. “I’ll leave the door unlocked. Just come in when you get here.”
“Sounds good.” You run a comb through your hair and throw it up in a loose bun. Pulling on some light wash jeans, you rummage through your dresser to find a shirt. You weigh your options carefully and laugh at yourself. This isn’t a fashion show, you’re just going to see Eddie. Why do you care about what you look like? 
You know why, you think, but push it away as you throw on an oversized navy blue shirt and finish the rest of your morning routine.
You gently push open the trailer door and see Eddie laying on the couch, reading The Catcher in the Rye.
“Hi,” he breathes, then holds up the book. “Someone never got to finish reading this to me, so I had Henderson check it out from the library.”
“You never read it in your ten years of high school?” you tease gently, placing your jacket on the chair near the door.
“Hey, it’s only six!” he protests. “And no. Probably was s’posed to, though.”
“Is that what you wanted to show me?”
“Nah,” he grins. “Watch this.”
Your eyes stay locked on him as he pushes himself up slowly, grimacing as he uses the arm of the sofa for balance. His cane is leaned up against it, but he doesn’t reach for it; instead, he takes careful, methodical steps without any mobility aid.
You feel a smile spreading across your face, though it’s a bit dampened with concern. Should he be walking by himself? you wonder, but allow him his moment. He’s so proud, so determined.
He gets to you and takes your hand gingerly. “Ta-da!”
You want to fling your arms around his neck and pull him in for the tightest hug of his life, but you’re not about to re-injure him, so you squeeze his hand instead.
“Look at you! You’ll be back to torturing the rest of Hellfire in no time!” You go to drop his hand, but he doesn’t let go. You think maybe he just needs to hold on for stability, but then he takes his other hand and wraps you in a hug.
“It’s all thanks to you,” he murmurs. 
“I think the doctors and nurses who stitched you back together deserve some credit,” you remind him, but you feel your cheeks burning.
You feel him shake his head. “I’m not talking about the medical stuff. I’m talking about the...trying again stuff.”
“Trying again?” you look up at him quizzically. 
Eddie sighs and leads you back to the couch. “Yeah,” he says softly. “I kept trying to walk a little more each day so I could meet you at the door to hug you.”
Your heart surges. “That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”
It’s his turn to blush. “That’s me, y’know, the murderous satanic cult leader with a heart of gold.”
“What a coincidence,” you laugh, “that’s just my type.”
He lets out a small chuckle and takes your hand again. “Wanna know what my next goal is?” He waits for you to nod before continuing. “I’m gonna work up the strength to take you out on a date. If, uh, if that’s okay with you.” 
“If that’s okay with...Eddie, of course that’s okay with me. It’s more than okay!” You rest your free hand on his knee. “But there’s no rush. We can hang out here and watch movies until you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere.”
And then something comes over him, a feeling that he ordinarily would’ve dismissed, but now he leans into it. He cups your chin and brings your lips to his, kissing you softly. Your body is tingling as you move your hand from his knee to his bicep, mindful of his healing wounds. 
A fleeting thought crosses your mind, leading you to break the kiss earlier than you wanted. He misinterprets this and apologizes quickly.
“Sorry, should’ve waited until we actually went on a date...” he sputters, playing with his rings.
“No, Eddie. I just...” you sigh deeply. “I’m worried that you only think you like me because I’ve been taking care of you. And then once you’re better, you’ll realize that...”
His jaw drops slightly in disbelief. “Y/N, I’ve been thinkin’ about you since Robin introduced us. And then when I realized that you’re cute and caring...” he trails off. “kinda fell for ya.”
“Oh,” you’re taken aback by his honest confession and allow yourself to fall back into his warm embrace. “Well, in that case...” you smile as you kiss him.
His shoulders relax and he holds you as close as he can.
“I’m never letting you go,” he promises, and you vow that you’ll never let him go, either.
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Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 5 (scattered) thoughts and first impressions (ramblings)
Major spoilers under the cut
This one is also very long because mannnnnnn did I love this episode and omg do I have big feelings about it
Also yes I do love each member of tbb but in case it’s not obvious I’m a crosshair girlie. Have been since I first heard his voice in season 7 of tcw so this is gonna be very crosshair centric (because he finally has screen time and more than like 2 speaking lines this season!!)
Lula! 🥰🥰
Is Omega in a supply closet? Whatever better than her barren room at the lab
Ah nope her old “room” the gun turret 🥰🥰
A glimpse of mornings on board the marauder: peaceful boys and caf 🥹 probably only peaceful again now that omega is home
This is Omega’s best look omg the the crocheted vest??? I wanna cosplay her now or actually just wear this outfit fr
At first I was so annoyed they kept crosshair in this ugly ass outfit but I honestly think it’s because even though it’s warm on Pabu he’s always cold because he’s so skinny now (well he always was lean but this is a testament to how much weight he lost as a prisoner) They keep trying to feed him fruit and my man keeps using it as target practice 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I honestly love when they show scenes through like either a scope or helmet visor. Like I really love seeing what they’re seeing. In this case AZI (so happy they took him from Cids bar- sorry “parlor”….it was a dive bar)
He’s so mad at his hand 😭 my poor baby he really should let AZI look at it. What do we think it is? Nerve damage? I imagine it feels tingly like when your foot falls asleep.
I love that Batcher loves him!! Animals know good people. He’s a good man Savannah! 😭😭😭 and he likes Batcher too and anyone that’s kind to animals is ok by me.
Ugh Crosshair teaching Omega about being a sniper 🥰🥰😭🥰😭🥰 one day she’s just gonna pop out with a sick trick shot lmao
Shouldn’t have given him his rifle??? Sir it’s an extension of him, it’s like you gave him back one of his body parts
“Omega trusts him and that’s good enough for me” Wrecker!!! My sweet boy!! Big man and even bigger heart. He’s now kinda caught in the middle he wants to be cool with Crosshair again but doesn’t want to betray Hunter they’ve been through a lot just the 2 of them these past several months. Crosshair and Hunter are like parents in the middle of a divorce 😭
53%???? Fuckkkkkkk way worse than we thought
Echo!!!!! Yay mom came home!
“No hug for me” screaming crying throwing up! 😭😭😭😭😭😭 💔💔💔💔he’s disguising it as sarcasm but he wants it, he wants a hug! SOMEBODY HUG HIM DAMMIT! I volunteer!!! Please
Omega between her 2 dads 🥰 (Though is Crosshair more wine aunt vibes sometimes?) And batcher by Crosshair’s feet of course
Yummmmm I bet Pabu has banging sushi 🍣 Love Wrecker being an unbothered king enjoying his sush🥰
😭😭😭😭😭 Crosshair’s face when Echo mentioned Tech. He knows. He knows he fell or perished (shh no 🤡) trying to save him. They’re twins and he lost his other half and I’m devastated!! 😭
Haaaaa welcome to parenting a teenager Hunter!!!
Are Hunter’s eyes green all of a sudden?
Crosshair being the voice of reason?? I love seeing this side of him. I HC that since he is silent and highly observant he was a voice reason often for the batch. (Can we please get a series of TBB during the clone wars?? Or like when they were cadets or something. We only see them in 4 episodes in tcw and they were just an insane suicide squad who hated regs and didn’t follow orders or have anyone in charge of them like I wanna see their adventures and their dynamic and how they are when they have downtime! Please lucasfilmmmmmm 🙇‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️)
“I’m older than you are, little brother” 😂😂😂 and she got crosshair to chuckle lol ugh I love their dynamic so much. They are really feeding us rn (please don’t take it away)
Omg he’s so brave bringing them back there! To that freaking ice planet where nothing but trauma happened for Crosshair. I know he probably wished he would never have to go back there again but he knows this will help so he goes anyway
The old armor!!!! Helllllll frickinnnn yeaaaaaa (he’s so hot in armor omg I have a headache)
“Take a guesssssss” 🥵
“He started it” 😂😂 major youngest sibling energy
Mayday’s helmet! 💔💔💔💔 somebody sedate me!! 😭
Why can’t Hunter sense the Wyrm?
TOOTHPICK!!! Wrecker defo kept his toothpicks in the armor case 🥰
Frickin ice vulture always an omen. (Animals seem to really like Crosshair though even the scary ones)
“I know you” 😭 I know Hunter meant it in a “I know you’re sneaky and closed off and I’m expecting the worst from you right now ” but it just hit me harder than that. “I know you”- you’re my brother, the youngest I’ve known you since the day you were born. “I know you- I know there’s more to your silence I know your still waters run way deeper than you let on.” “I’m your brother- I know you talk to me I know you”❤️‍🩹
Oh shitttttt thems are fightin words yes let it out everyone
“I’ll do it! 😁” Wreckerrrr I love you
Hunter’s fast af boi!
Batcher is actually ripped af 💪
Ok petition that Cross doesn’t yell anymore it doesn’t suit him at all lmaoooo
Poor Wrecker yes it’s always ALWAYS a huge monster 😭
“Fantastic” 😂😂😂
Omg this is a roller coaster of emotions! Crosshair being soft with Batcher, the nodding! Ugh nothing like fending off a giant ice wyrm to bring bros back together
He’s so pretty shut up I know his head is shaped like a lightbulb
progress 😌
“I thought I was being a good soldier 😔” * *pterodactyl screeching *
Welp Im deceased, fed and nurtured but dead at the same time.
Thank you thank you thank you for these past few episodes. Us Crosshair girlies were really in pain seasons 1 and 2
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lightwise · 5 months
TBB S3 E14 Reaction
Gosh. I really don’t want this all to be over 😭 (at the same time, I kind of need the stress to be over 💀). I was white-knuckled by the end of this episode, I’ll tell you that.
- They really just out here hanging out upside down
- This ship is definitely like the one Cross and Omega escaped on
- Wow my boys look good in black 🖤
- “At least listen to him!!” 🤣
- So Echo is straight up wearing Star Wars jeans now - @ladyzirkonia 😏 - andddd wearing brown leather pouches…remind you of anyone 🥹
- Oh no. Of course Hemlock was going to find out they were coming *sigh*. I guess it makes sense. That lieutenant would have filed a complaint the second he woke up.
- Hunterrrr whipping that ship around like it weighs nothing
- These clouds look perfect
- “Hang on” Hunter you’re starting to sound like your brother
- “Your concern for the specimens is showing” Emerie don’t leave them with *her*!!!
- Crosshair looks really nice in this outlined armor even though I miss the softness of the grey and red
- So Hunter has his own drift and slide move, huh? 👀 🥵
- They are literally plummeting to the surface right now dear lord
- Yeah I don’t think Hunter can call Tech or Phee out for reckless flying ever again 💀
- “You don’t want to know” — Narrator: he did, in fact, very much not want to know 🤣
- The seat folding back like he did for Batcher needing to get out in episode 3–he’s come such a long way
- Rampart
- Screaming
- Like
- A
- Girl coward 😆
- Let’s be honest though I’m terrified of heights in a directly physiological way so I honestly can’t blame the man AT all
- Meanwhile Wrecker having the time of his life lol
- Rampart. Honey. Maybe don’t LET GO of the cable you’re hanging onto for dear life with one hand just to make a talking point
- Oh no. Echo be careful!
- The landscape of Tantiss in this episode and the lighting and the sky and the trees and the river are just 🤩🤩🤩 STUNNING
- Atta boyyy using the storm trooper armor to blend in (his scomp looks so weird poking out of the vambrace though!)
- “I’d rather not do either” my baby boy 😭😭😭 I hate that they’re making him go back!
- They did the Spider-Man standoff 🤣🤣🤣
- “Unfortunately yes” lmaooooo
- “We’ll take our chances” that is giving callbacks to a parallel I do not want to make (Jyn’s speech in Rogue One—“we’ll take our chances until they’re spent.”
- It’s still just wild to me that Rampart is with them for this
- Oooh why did Echo’s scomp get stuck??
- “Thanks for the hand” Echo you and your dry sass 🤣
- You know, I’m just realizing—part of the point of the clone troopers was that they were identical. That included size. At first I thought “oh course Echo would fit best into stormtrooper gear bc he’s a reg” but—stormtroopers are supposed to be all kinds of random people. How are they all the same size?? How are they producing gear en masse to accommodate different people’s body types? Why do they all look the same height and weight on screen? Space opera plot hole I guess
- Jax’s hair sticking up
- These precious babies don’t know what “cover me” and stalling means! Shows how Omega has led such a different life
- Man they are just shoving Rampart all over the place. I meannn he deserves it but also it’s just going to piss him off
- Rampart just said the quiet part out loud. About himself. He doesn’t understand Crosshair in the slightest. He’s only seen a tiny sliver of who Crosshair is and he thinks it was the true version. It was not. And yet Crosshair has gained so much confidence in himself that he doesn’t even need to argue back with Rampart at all. Just a simple “I’ve changed” THAT’S MY BOY
- “Sure you have” what the HELL does that mean?? Why does it sound like foreshadowing 😭👀
- Echo can just take the hand off 💀
- Yep, told ya, Rampsrt is getting mad. Calling him dead weight doesn’t really help matters either
- ….yeah let’s just go lean against the nearest fluffy, warm, GIANT wall of flesh in the nearest vicinity and not realize it’s a creature 🤣
- Rampart’s face here is priceless
- Lovely. Now the scary blind hedgehog hyena bear is looking for lunch
- Okay yeah maybe you guys really should be running
- Wrecker 😭😭😭
- The boys helping him up 😭
- Rampart you clown. Pull yourself together man
- Oh man. He’s totally going to be a problem next episode isn’t he
- Crosshair takes babysitting duty very seriously
- The babes don’t know how to stall very well but 10/10 for effort. Dr. Scalder just keeps living up to her name with the callous burns too
- Omega girlie pop you better get back soon
- 😱😱😱
- I repeat
- My love for Metamorphosis in season 2 is being so validated right now you have no idea 😁
- How dare Hemlock torture that beautiful creature like this I hate it
- Seriously Omega get back down there now
- Phew
- Oh my
- She knows his name?? Emerie recognized Echo?? And from Omega telling her about her (their) brothers you’ve got to be kidding me 😭😭😭
- Ohhh Echo is not happy to see her 🤣👀
- Ohhhh Emerie. Her facial expressions look so much like Omega here. The guilt is just oozing out of her
- Ohhhhh. The helmet came off. The neural brace is gone. Okay, so when Echo first started eyeing that stormtrooper to take his gear, the first thing I thought was “but your head brace won’t fit under that kind of helmet!” And sure enough, they had him leave it behind. I repeat—Echo left his entire kit of armor AND the gear that most likely keeps his modifications running smoothly, helps decrypt and smooth out the sensory jumble of the neural implants put in him by the Techno Union, the one thing we’ve never seen him without since TCW, that most likely is not easily replaced—Echo left it behind, most likely never to retrieve it. For Omega. For his brothers. The lengths these boys will go to I just can’t 😭
- C’mon Emerie, put your loyalty where it belongs—with your family!
- “What children” poor boy almost had a heart attack. That man is never frazzled and he almost dropped his hand in shock 😅
- Atta girl 😱🤗 Emerie Echo rescue duo let’s goooo
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The Keldabe Kiss
A/N: It’s no secret I actually despise February 14th (whether I’m single or not!) and so I fall back on my boys to help me through. Don’t ask, I’m complicated. This year the lucky guy is Tech 🥹 honestly my clone fixation has blown up recently and I’m not even sorry. (I use that tag a lot.) I wrote something simple for him.
Summary: Festival of Love has come to Ord Mantel (yes I fucked with the timeline.)
Warnings: none except this is based on a little universe I have going on in my head where the Bad Batch rescued a medic and nicknamed her Stitch. F!Reader (I can’t remember if I stipulated that in the fic so just covering my ass. If could be GN I honestly can’t remember.) Mention of children (Omega.) It’s kinda fluffy.
Word Count: 3.5k+
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You stood outside Cid’s parlour, watching some people put up flickering lights ready for tomorrow's Festival. You’d been so set on going, never having the opportunity to experience something like this before as you’d always been on the run or ‘avoiding the locals', your father had called it. These things were never fun alone though.
The wistful sigh couldn’t be contained but your sinking mood was lifted by the group coming toward you. Their armour was distinctive, marked with orange and grey, carrying their helmets as they eyed everyone with a healthy dose of suspicion. You knew where they were heading and you waited to side until they reached you.
“Ah, Stitch!” Wrecker grinned joyfully at you and barged past his brothers to grab you in a bear hug, lifting you clean off the ground.
“Wrecker!” You giggled, momentarily losing your balance after being swept off your feet. Hunter automatically reached out to steady you with a firm hand to your shoulder followed by the softening of his gaze. “Good mission?”
“Depends on what you’d define as good.” Hunter muttered and moved past you revealing Tech who made eye contact for a brief second.
“That bad?” You asked and fell into step beside the younger looking clone.
“Well no one was injured, so I think you’d class that as a successful mission. Cid, not so much.”
“Ah,” you understood perfectly. They left you at the bar with Omega and you glanced at her fallen face, wondering how you could cheer her up. “There is a festival tomorrow,” you told her.
“What sort of festival?”
“It’s a celebration of the best things in life. There’s going to be stalls selling special items, different food, they are putting decorations up and I heard, there might even be fireworks.”
“Fireworks??” Her brown eyes shone with wonder.
“Want to come with me?”
“Oh yes! Hunter, can I go with Stitch?” Omega swivelled on her stool and you looked up at the tired group as they all grabbed a drink.
“Go where?” He asked, his tone laced with doubt and you wondered if you should have offered at all.
“Oh it’s nothing…” you tried to gloss over it but once Omega got her teeth into something she didn’t let it drop.
“It’s not nothing! It sounds really cool! There might even be fireworks,” she parroted. “I want to go.”
“You’re talking about the festival, tomorrow?” Echo huffed as he slumped on the other side of you.
“The Festival of Love originated from Endor and has since been recognised in places like Naboo, Coruscant, Ord Mantell and other places. The Festival is to honour kinship and love. Traditions include exchanging gifts, eating meals and…dancing.” Tech lowered his datapad and glanced at the expressions on his brother’s faces.
Echo sighed and turned to look around the bar like he wasn’t even part of this conversation, Wrecker grumbled something about wanting to play dejarik and sidled off. Hunter’s shoulders slouched like he couldn’t think of anything more tedious while Tech had his nose in his datapad, probably scrolling through more facts.
“I don’t mind taking her,” you mumbled.
“You can’t take Omega on your own,” Hunter instantly said, causing Omega to cross her arms and sulk. “Plus we have another mission for Cid tomorrow.” He leaned closer to the little girl and you could see the regret etched on his tattooed face. “I’m sorry, Omega.”
“I never get to see anything fun!” She pushed away from the bar and stormed off to find Wrecker.
“Handled that well,” Echo muttered.
“You could have stepped in,” Hunter shot back hotly.
“May I suggest an alternative?” Tech appeared at your shoulder, taking Omega’s vacant seat.
“You’re going to anyway,” Echo snarked under his breath and you raised an eyebrow but Tech didn’t even notice the other clones' sour tone.
“If it’s Omega running off you’re worried about, I can watch her. I’ll make her wear a tracker.”
“Tech! You can’t put a tracker on a kid!” Hunter nearly spat out his drink in shock and stared incredulously at his brother.
“I can. I have before and she didn’t seem to mind.”
“Did she know?” You asked Tech gently, making him look up from his datapad as he thought about your question.
“Actually, no.”
“I don’t think she should go and it puts us at a disadvantage if Tech stays behind.”
“Not so,” Tech cut across Echo. “You don’t need my particular skill set for this mission.”
“He’s right,” Hunter agreed and Echo just rolled his eyes in response. A strained quiet settled over the group only broken by the sounds of the parlour and Tech’s tapping on his datapad. You clutched your drink, feeling bad that you’d not spoken to Hunter first, of course it was his decision if you took Omega or not. “All right, fine!” Hunter grumbled and then downed his drink. “Plant a tracker on her and do not let her take it off. Plant one on Stitch while you’re at it, we can’t afford to lose her either.”
“Gladly,” Tech blinked owlishly at his own response and his fingers stilled on the screen.
“Well! Now that’s settled I’m going to head back. I’ve had a long day.” You emptied your own cup and slipped off the stool, hoping no one would notice the silly smile you couldn’t suppress at the idea of Tech putting a tracker on you.
“Tech…” Hunter jerked his head in your direction and then went off to find Omega and no doubt tell her the good news about tomorrow.
“Of course.” To your surprise the datapad was put away and he stood, looking at you with an air of expectancy. “You were leaving?” He reminded you, a hint of uncertainty in his voice like he worried he’d missed something.
“You’re coming with me?” Tech swallowed and adjusted his specs as his honeyed brown eyes met yours for just a second.
“Hunter is worried about you walking back at this time. Crime activity has increased by 28 percent in this section and I believe it’s why he wants you and Omega to have an escort tomorrow.”
“Oh.” You stood there stupidly for a second, trying to gather your skittish thoughts. “It’s not necessary,” you eventually managed to say.
“I believe it is.” You couldn’t argue against that so you didn’t protest anymore and he followed you out. The street was almost empty, just a few people with their heads down as they went home. Tech kept a watchful eye, his hand never straying far from his DC-17s. He stayed about half a step behind you almost bumping into you when you stopped at your door.
“Well, we made it.”
“So it would seem. I have yet to check your residence.” You sputtered out a laugh but he only continued to stare at you as he waited for you to admit him.
“You’re serious. Ok, sorry about the mess.” The door opened and the lights came on automatically. You went to go in but he put out an arm to stop you, dropping the visor down over his specs and stalking into your apartment that also doubled as your treatment room.
Your droid woke up at the movement beeping out a greeting, coming forward a few steps before the power seemed to disappear completely from it and you huffed as it slouched lifelessly. Opening the front panel you stared completely clueless at the wires wishing you could afford to get the damn thing fixed.
“The charging ports might need replacing,” Tech announced his arrival from scouting out your place. “I could run a diagnostic if you like?”
“It’s late, you’ve barely been home.”
“Home is a state of mind.”
“Yeah…” he was right. You’d never had a place you could really call home. So home being a feeling rather than a place was the most accurate thing you’d heard in a long time.
“Another time then,” Tech said. “Your place is clear. I shall be back tomorrow with Omega.” He walked towards the door and you followed, desperately wanting to say something else but not sure what.
“Tech…” he turned at the sound of his name and you really tried hard not to gaze directly into his eyes, knowing that made him uncomfortable. “Be careful. On the way back.”
“Always,” he saluted you with two fingers before disappearing round the corner. You closed and locked your door letting out a frustrated sigh. Of all the clones to harbour secret feelings for…
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Your droid looked like a patient, laid out on the table with its wires hanging out as you tried to repair it, not wanting to put Tech out. He had better things to do than maintain your equipment. The door alarm sounded and you quickly smoothed down the material of your outfit, your heart fluttering a little at the idea of spending the whole day with Tech. And Omega.
The latter wrapped herself around you as soon as your door opened, her mouth instantly going as she spilled her excitement. You grinned at Tech and his tense expression, beckoning them inside. Omega went straight to your table, standing on a supply crate to have a proper look inside the droid.
“Did she sleep much?” You asked him noticing the way he clutched his datapad and glanced over at the mess your droid was in.
“She slept less than the normal amount,” he informed you matter of factly. “Echo was not amused.”
“Not a lot amuses him at the moment,” you replied dryly.
“Echo believes we should be doing more against the Empire rather than just hiding. He cannot help it.” You hated to admit Tech was right. He seemed completely unruffled by the conversation and you admired his utter acceptance of his brothers.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes!” Omega leapt down and hurried to the door. “Come on! We don’t want to miss anything!” She shouted and you smiled at Tech as he refrained from rolling his eyes.
“I’m not actually sure we can miss an all day event,” Tech called after her. “You forgot this.” You locked your door and turned to find him holding out a tracker on the palm of his hand, the light blinking innocently.
“I don’t think Hunter was serious about one for me,” you half laughed but Tech stayed standing in your way with his hand held out.
“He was. And so am I.” You took the tracker and slipped it into your pocket, Tech lifted his datapad and pressed a few buttons. “Perfect signal.” For some reason that made you so happy that you’d pleased him over something so simple.
“Are you guys coming?” Omega appeared around the corner eyeing you both just standing in your doorway. Tech brought up the rear as you reached for Omega and she clasped your hand eagerly.
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The festival wasn’t what you expected at all, it was so much better. The streets were lined with pink and red coloured streamers, all fluttering in the breeze. Bunting stretched from one side of the street to the other and the lights were flickering. You couldn’t wait to get the full effect of it when it was dark.
Omega danced from stall to stall, her excitement contagious and you found yourself caught up in her joy and zest for life. Tech trailed after you both, suffering the chatter, loud noises and heavy crowds. Keeping himself occupied by noting down new facts or recording anything he found remotely interesting.
You happened upon a stall run by a twi’lek, your stomach rumbling at the fresh meilooruns. You approached the stall noticing the usually orange fruit had a purple tinge to the rind. You’d never had this variant before but before you could ask for one Omega was tugging on your hand and dragging you to look at something else.
Soon even Omega was flagging, but her eyes were still wide from all the sights she’d experienced. Her bag was full of trinkets and she’d bought something for each of her brothers. You felt honoured that she had asked for your opinion, enjoying the feeling she instilled inside you. She really was something special.
As darkness fell you suggested getting a good view for the fireworks and began to head in the direction of the seating area when Tech stopped you.
“I have a better place where we can watch the fireworks, away from the crowds.”
“Is it far?” Omega asked, chasing it up with a yawn.
“It’s approximately 0.5 klicks from our current location,” Tech rattled off as he adjusted his specs, the light of the datapad reflected in them.
“I can make it,” she said cheerily but you heard the fatigue in her voice, especially if she had been up early hassling her older brothers.
Now Tech took point, leading you away from the streets where the festival was still in full swing. You wanted to question him but instead you decided to trust him. Tech had never let you down yet. Your interest peaked when he told you to climb an outside staircase. Omega went first with no hesitation, climbing to the top of the seemingly abandoned building and gasping loudly.
“Oh…wow.” You looked up at the sky, mesmerised by the amount of stars that dotted the black sky above you. Tech had led you to a place on the edge of town that wasn’t affected by the lights of the festival, giving you an incredible view of the stars and no doubt the fireworks when they started.
“I calculated the amount of noise and light pollution from the festival. From that I was able to survey an appropriate place where it was quiet and had uninterrupted views.”
“Tech…this is amazing!” You gushed.
“He checked it out last night,” Omega said slyly and Tech looked at her in shock. “What? I was awake when you snuck out. Now I know what you were doing.”
“Clearly I wasn’t as subtle as I thought,” he muttered, reaching to adjust his specs again.
“Oh look! Seats!” Omega dropped her bag and fell into one, turning to wave you over.
“Were these you as well?” You asked Tech quietly.
“The fireworks are supposed to last approximately 15 minutes. I had assumed that by being on your feet all day and chasing Omega, you’d want to rest.”
“You assumed correctly.” Omega had taken the middle seat, cuddling up into you when you settled beside her. Tech sat on the other end, his trusty datapad in his hand as he counted down to the fireworks; and they started exactly when he said they would.
The fireworks were the best moment of the day, filling the sky with glittery flashes that lit up the world all around you. Omega laid her head in your lap and you rested a hand on her side watching the display together. You revelled in the deep bangs that seemed to explode in your chest and the fizzling crackles that popped in your ears. You’d never seen something so eye-catching and you were sorely disappointed when they finished; just a plume of white smoke the only evidence that they had happened at all.
“She’s asleep.” You glanced down at Omega and sure enough her eyes were closed, even breaths passing through her slightly open lips as she lay completely relaxed in your lap. “You’re good with her.”
“You think so?” Biting your lower lip you glanced over at Tech to find him looking at you both with a strange expression on his face that he tried to hide.
“I know so. Due to her nature she is exceptionally accepting but she does seem to favour you.” Gently you swiped some blonde strands out of her peaceful face, regretful that you were going to have to wake her soon.
“I think she’s great and after everything she’s seen and been through…she still has this innocence about her. She’s a credit to you all.”
“I don’t see us having much influence over her,” Tech said and you scoffed at his words.
“She idolises every single one of you.”
“That’s nice to hear,” you turned to find Hunter, Echo and Wrecker coming from behind. Tech stood up and greeted his brothers. Wrecker reached down and plucked the sleeping child from your lap, cradling her in his massive arms.
“Look at her,” he whispered in his gravelly voice. “This is the quietest she’s been for days!”
“Don’t wake her then, Wrecker!” Echo hissed as they made their way carefully down the stairs.
“Was it worth it?” Hunter asked you and the smile that spread over your face told him everything he needed to know.
“Thanks for lending us Tech. He did actually put a tracker on me,” you told Hunter who let out a soft chuckle.
“Good. I’d be having words with him if he didn’t.”
“You know, I’m scrappy. I can look after myself.” Hunter fixed you with a knowing glare and it reminded you so much of Tech for a moment.
“It’s what we do. Anyway we need you, Stitch. More than we like to admit.”
“Medics are everywhere,” you told Hunter with a quick roll of your eyes.
“Not ones, as good as you.” The pair of you stopped and looked back at Tech who came to an abrupt halt. “Well,” he adjusted his specs and lifted his datapad. “Stitch has performed 107 successful repairs on all of us together, the most drastic being my broken femur from the failed mission on Serenno. Not to mention the blaster shot to your chest and Wrecker’s shoulder. Also her continual observation of Echo…” Hunter gave his brother a lopsided smile and clapped him firmly on the shoulder.
“Now you’ve listed her best accomplishments, you can walk her home.” He melted into the shadows suddenly leaving you and Tech alone in the dark.
“Do you know the best route? I’m still not familiar with this part of town,” you admitted shyly.
“It won’t take us long,” he reassured you. The walk was quiet, you weren’t sure what to say to him and your feet were beginning to ache something drastic. You followed Tech onto a street you were familiar with and fished around in your pockets for the tracker.
“I should give this back.”
“Keep it. I have plenty.” Tech said quickly. He glanced at you and then continued. “It’s a modified one, with a panic option that goes straight to my datapad. Should you ever need it.” Your fingers closed round the tracker, suddenly finding it the most precious thing you had.
All too soon your door loomed and the pair of you stood under the small light that flowed on the outside.
“I got you, something.” He watched curiously as you opened your bag and pulled out a small box, taking it gently when you offered it to him. “I hope it’s useful.” He opened the lid and revealed a brand new All-kit tool. The handle had a rubber grip, the alloy shiny from having never been used. At first Tech didn’t say anything, just reaching for the tool and you panicked, thinking you’d got something he really didn’t need. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know if you had one, I’ve never noticed you with one.”
“I don’t,” he interrupted. “I didn’t have one, until now.” He looked up to see the relieved smile cross your face and a small frown appeared on his own. “You shouldn’t be so worried, I am always in need of tools and this…” he pulled it from the box and with a flick began to cycle through the different heads. “It’s immediately my favourite,” he reassured you. “Which reminds me…” he put the box in his bag and extracted something that had you gasping a little. “I saw you looking at these but not actually buy one.” You took the purple fruit from his hand, trying not to over think the fact you both gave a gift during the Festival of Love. He probably didn’t realise the depth of the tradition and you were fine with that. Although out of the whole squad, he’d be the only one to know.
“Tech, thank you so much.” Emotion coloured your tone and you stepped closer to him. Gently resting a hand on his shoulder you made your intentions clear expecting him to pull away. When he didn’t you went ahead and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, breathing him in as you did. He lifted a hand to rest against your elbow, as though he was steadying you both. Your eyes were still closed as you pulled your lips into your mouth, reluctant to move away just yet. Tech’s quick breath fanned over your face as he pressed his forehead against yours. His fingers tightened on your arm and you both stood like that for a moment, just drinking in each other's closeness.
“Tech?” His com lit up with Hunter’s voice and you separated. Clearing your throat you backed up and allowed him to answer, telling Hunter he was all right and was just making his way back.
“Thanks, Tech.” You swallowed down the huskiness in your voice. “For today, for all of it. Get back safely, please.”
“Always,” he said, touching two fingers to his forehead and giving you the casual salute. “I’ll be back tomorrow to fix your droid.” He told you, walking backwards down the street, his gaze still fixed on you.
“I’ll be here,” you answered, leaning on your doorframe and watching him leave.
“I know.”
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isaidonyourknees · 7 months
Wow I can’t count the amount of times I cried while watching that episode
Spoilers for the bad batch s3 ep5 the return
Omega sleeping in her own room with Lula
Crosshair’s on pabu (I never thought I’d see this day 🥹)
Crosshair with batcher. He’s fully adopted her now
Crosshairs practicing shooting
Omega calling crosshair her little brother
Him laughing
Crosshair defending hunter to omega
Crosshairs taking them to the outpost
Crosshair in armour!!!!
Crosshair and hunter fighting
Crosshair honouring their helmets and hunter watching
Crosshair toothpick reunion!!!
Crosshair hiding his shaky hand from hunter
The entire crosshair hunter argument
Crosshair checking on hunter after he fell
Crosshair and hunter sitting together
Wrecker hugging crosshair and hunter!!!! So good to see it
Crosshair and hunter working things out 🥹
The ice vulture parallel
I’m just so emotional right now. Immediately one of my favourite episodes.
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