thatfizzyyyy · 2 years
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iridescentropy · 2 years
i have been painting my nails once a week lately. i will not elaborate
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ir-onhan · 2 years
I am watching a league of their own for SCIENCE
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studyblr-perhaps · 5 months
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03/02/24 || Saturday
I think I messed up my previous post (checked and yes I called yesterday Saturday sksksk). Finished two out of three lectures I need to do for a quiz on Monday, and I still have a lot of work. But I am going to go sleep for now and figure out the rest tomorrow (it's 1am 💀).
Day 5/30 of 30-Day New Year Momentum Challenge
What methods do you find best for managing tasks?
Mostly sticky notes. I am not the best at time management and discipline, but I usually keep the deadlines on my notion calendar, and I have a tiny notebook where I scribble all the things I need to do (including academics and grocery lists lol), and finally I use sticky notes for day to day tasks and stick them on the side of my laptop so that I can remember.
Also I like drawing little doodles on my sticky notes haha
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socialprawn · 1 year
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i like drawing agape happy she deserves it 😭🌹
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alexalblondo · 1 year
revealing myself as the fernando conspiracy anon because i realized that this goes way deeper than i previously thought
first of all let’s establish who moved up as a result:
fernando himself
lance - his current teammate who he clearly has a VERY close bond with
guanyu - mentee from guanyu’s days as an alpine jr
lando - mentee from lando’s days as a mclaren jr; currently a driver for mclaren, who is alpine’s main rival in the constructor’s standings
george - teammate of lewis, fernando’s main rival from 2007
(there’s probably others but they don’t fit the agenda)
now let’s establish who moved down as a result:
esteban - former teammate from fernando’s most recent stint at alpine, shit got ugly
lewis - fernando’s main rival from 2007; currently a driver for mercedes, who is aston martin’s main rival in the constructor’s standings
pierre - esteban’s current teammate at alpine, a team who fernando (probably) has a complicated relationship with
carlos - fellow spainard (possibly to his detriment?)
(again there’s probably others but again they don’t fit the agenda)
so somehow fernando helped himself, established himself as the spanish driver, hurt his former teammate, helped his own team in the constructor's standings, and hurt his former team in the constructor's standings all at once
in conclusion:
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afrogsmoraldilemma · 10 months
I am a woman in STEM*!
*Suffering Through Every Moment
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jesseistired · 6 months
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Just some doodles :]
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stormydayvibes · 7 months
The wonderful feeling of napping on your girlfriends chest. Listening to the sounds of her steady breaths as you feel the soft drumming of her heart beat. Legs and arms intertwined in loving embrace. Soft hands drawing circles into my shoulderblades and down my ribcage. To be compleatly enveloped in a woman's affection is the most heavenly way to pray. The surrender of trust so willingly. In her I found my religion, in her I found what cherubs sing of.
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eirxair · 5 months
i hate computer science but i love women in stem , well done girlies keep it going absulute legends
(i have an ict exam tomorrow and i am stressing)
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bonefall · 7 months
even though I've never read the books, i love how you handle the women in this series.
The utter lack of interest in the internal lives of women characters in WC kills me. If you don't read the series it's hard to put it into words, but it really does not value women on the same level as their male counterparts
I think the best example I can use is Turtle Tail. All of her choices, from going to live with Bumble, choosing a "cruel man" as a mate, and even her grief when Bumble dies, all only happen as accessories to Gray Wing's arc.
Living with Bumble was because Gray Wing was obsessing over a woman who didn't love him, neglecting Turtle who does
Choosing Tom the Wifebeater was also because Gray Wing didn't appreciate her enough
She accepts that her friend's murder was just an unfortunate accident and her emotions carried her away in the moment, because Gray Wing needs to be right that his brother is a good boy
In this way, Turtle Tail's emotions and motivations aren't allowed to really be about her. They're about how her romantic interest influences her. And then she's crushed by a car for his man pain after they've explored every other way her life could make him sad.
This does not happen with men. Even characters like Stemleaf and Larksong, whose primary narrative purpose is dying for their wife's pain, have functions outside of that. Stemleaf gives his life opposing the tyranny of the impostor in a rebellion, and Larksong has input on The Kin, SkyClan, and even serves as a source of comfort and support to a son who he's never met in contrast to the unreasonable mother.
There's just so much more respect and reverence to the toms in this series. You have to be in the POV of a molly to get depth, and even then, they nearly always (exceptions being mothwing and mistystar) include a major conflict over romance and/or parenthood
(And they usually get punished for their choices a lot harder than male counterparts. Directly contrast Crookedstar and Sparkpelt, who both distance themselves from their children out of grief, but only one has to deal with the lasting consequences of being a "bad parent")
Anyway, enough wistful analysis. It is MY kitchen and I get to choose the conflicts. It is my personal mission to write lots and lots of women persuing a higher education in STEM. Sadism, Torture, Evisceration, and Murder <3
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honeydewcorporation · 4 months
Might as well do a Honeydew transition timeline! In reverse order, of course, in case you don't want to see me with a beard~
Starting off at ~2y HRT (By this point I'm the angel we all know and love, clad in multiple layers so that staff doesn't hit me with an orbital strike.)
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Below is the rest of my timeline! If you like me as I am, don't bother looking~ It's a part of my life I'm glad is over, but for the sake of solidarity, you're welcome to look!
1.5y HRT (Figured out I needed like... 5 beautiful wives by this point. Super happy with myself, look at that hair~)
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1y HRT (Didn't know I needed a bra yet, but I DID figure out not to brush my hair. Doing a photo shoot for my beautiful wife at the time)
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3m HRT (I'd figured it out 9 Months ago and had gone coat shopping with my mom)
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3m before HRT ("Maybe I'll try being a girl for halloween, surely there's no deeper meaning to this choice)
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And then like 1 year before HRT (She has no idea... Pretty eyelashes though)
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chialattea · 3 months
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Nami WIP + some chibi doodles heheeee
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dennisboobs · 7 months
plain and simple i am not going to be able to remain in this fandom long-term if i have to keep putting disclaimers on every single one of my posts that say i don't condone dennis' bad, bad actions and that i am in fact aware he's got a history of sexual assault and dubious/nonconsent. the entire gang has done heinous shit. why is dennis the only one who needs to be treated like this? if some rando wants to post about how dennis is pookie pie that doesn't automatically mean they're blind to his crimes. every single member of the gang is a piece of shit. that's kind of the point.
draw dennis with cat ears who give a shit
#ada speaks#i'm not vagueing this is a constant thing ive experienced#i still have angry anons sitting in my askbox mad that i didn't explicitly condemn him last time i got into this#i'm really not a fan of the tension in the fandom the last few days#and like. i know its a hot button issue rn. everyone's going back and forth abt mac and dennis' SA#but this fandom genuinely does have an issue SPECIFICALLY MENTIONING things mac does to dennis and uwu-ifying them#when they are explicitly classified as SA in canon (which is an actual present issue i think needs to be addressed)#rather than like. just the mere MENTION of dennis outside of his SA is somehow condoning his actions#im sorry but i really do not feel the need to constantly talk about him assaulting women#everyone knows. everyone sees it. just bc i am dissecting other parts of his character does not mean i forgot he's a horrible person#it just means im trying to understand where he's coming from (which obviously does not change the facts.)#viewing dennis as a person with unresolved trauma stemming from elsewhere doesn't negate the damage he is doing to other people#he's not a real person where humanizing him does tangible damage#so i am going to continue to look into shit. when i talk about the CSA he went through it's not a justification.#but it does explain his actions in a character motivation type way which is what i am interested in#seeing what makes him tick#i think most people who follow me understand this by now. but i also don't think shit we see him do constantly in canon needs bringing up.#it's the subtle stuff that ties everything together and i want to put it all together to solve a puzzle
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hermette-historian · 7 months
I am Dr. Heinz Doofenschmirtz and the auto-titrator is my Perry the Platypus
Me: I've now restarted you six times, given you a new silver probe, calibrated the pH meter, untangled the cable forest, refilled all seven chemical bottles, and unplugged every goddamn connection on the instrument. I even turned up the temperature in the lab, in case you were just upset because you were a little cold. It's been two and a half hours and this test should have taken me max 40 minutes. Do you feel like working now?
Tiamo, burrowing under the covers: Nope. Try again tomorrow.
Me: I am going to BITE SOMETHING.
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hit-with-rock · 1 year
I quite am literally done with all men in geology
I am so sick of the undergraduate male students I'm teaching treating their women partners or their women instructors like they don't know what they're doing
I did not get a master's degree to be told off by guys who think having a dick = geology experience, geology experience is the only thing that equals geology experience!!! And I have more! That's why I'm teaching and why they don't have a degree yet! So they should learn from me, showing what a bedding surface is, instead of using a "bedding" measurement they took off a fucking crossbed that's not even in place!!!!!
I'm sick of having to reinvent plate tectonics or something to be taken seriously. When does it end? If I get a PhD? If I publish 10 million papers? When do I know enough that my credentials outweigh "girl"?
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