vintageskeletons · 2 years
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LIAB-verse zukkas based on conversations @ssreeder and i had, because it's their birthdayyyayyayayayayy!!!
happy birthday to my one and only prison pal, cookie in my cookie day, wine to my lemon juice etc etc.
you're insufferably amazing and amazingly insufferable. never change sreeds! :) <3
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veeaziel · 1 year
ok so Bros, 2022 ? wonderful movie
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erisenyo · 1 year
“Please come get me.” For Zukka
Please make this as angsty and emotional as possible I was it to hurt thank you
(Maybe self-inflicted damage? Not necessarily SH but just by being willfully reckless?)
For this prompt game!
“You don’t think this is concerning?”
“No, Sokka,” Katara says again, patient, a familiar blend of exasperation and fondness in her chest as she glances over to where he’s fiddling with his wrist wraps, frowning down at Zuko’s latest letter. “I think it’s fine.”
“You’re sure?” he presses, anxious in a way he so rarely lets himself be this openly, at least in front of the people he’s anxious about. And because she knows how much he does worry no matter how much he tries to hide it, she leans over, gently taking the letter out of his hand and indulging him in scanning it over once again.
“He says it’s not as cold as he expected,” she says, skimming over the lines as Sokka pulls a little face, “That Arnook was nice, that he misses you—” she peaks through her lashes at that bit, looking for any twitch on his face as he just continues to nod along. “—that he’s looking forward to seeing you again, that the food’s good, that tomorrow’s going to be a big day.”
She lets her hand drop to look at him, expectant, sighing when he just continues to nod, face anxious.
“Sokka,” she says gently, “He says he’s fine. And I know you miss him,” she adds when he continues to look unconvinced.
“That’s not it,” he protests immediately.
“But he’s only going to be gone for a few weeks.”
“Katara, that’s not—”
“And you’ll see him soon, okay?” she finishes, reaching out to grab his hand, giving it a little squeeze until he sighs and leans back.
“Yeah,” he says, rubbing a hand over his face. “Yeah, okay,” he repeats, grabbing back the letter and putting on a bright smile like she doesn’t know exactly how to see through that, like she can’t see the way his thumb continues to worry at the edge of it. “So what was it you needed help with again?”
“Penguin sledding,” she says, abruptly changing the plan for the day and grinning at him when he blinks, nonplussed. “We need to pick out the best hills for the new season, for the little ones,” she says. “Make some maps, maybe, plan some routes, do some schedules.” All of his favorite things she can think of, to keep his mind off his worry.
“I don’t know,” Aang says apologetically as he and Sokka jump across a gap where the temple floor’s fallen away. Probably no one should stay in this hallway until they fix that… “I don’t think I’m hearing it.”
“No?” Sokka says, the syllable cracking with uncertainty.
“Tell me again, though,” Aang says quickly. “What did it say?”
Sokka huffs, a faint furrow between his brows as he digs out two pieces of paper, peeling the latest letter off the top. “He greets me,” he rattles off, eyes flicking over the page, Aang keeping half an eye on the placement of his feet since Sokka isn’t anymore, “He talks a bit about the canals, he mentions Yugoda, bending, bending, bending—”
“Oh?” Aang says, perking up. “Did he—”
“Stay focused,” Sokka orders, waving a hiding hand.
Aang sighs but obediently puts on his most attentive face.
“And then he says—” Sokka clears his throat, drawing himself up, so Aang makes sure he’s actually paying attention. “—that he had an interesting afternoon of discussions, that Sei Zun is missing his office, and that everything is going fine.”
Aang nods, projecting attentive with everything he has and freezing a little when Sokka just hits him with an expectant look.
“I mean,” Aang says slowly, scratching the back of his head. “It sounds like everything is going fine?”
“Fucking—” Sokka cuts off with an aggravated noise, throwing his hands up.
“I can write him myself for the bending stuff,” Aang blurts, scrambling for something to get the worried tightness off of Sokka’s face and wincing when Sokka just lets out another garbled noise because…yeah. That…probably wasn’t it.
“Run it back at me again, Loverboy,” Toph orders, flicking a little bit of stone toward the sound of Sokka’s feet when he makes a questioning little noise. “I can hear you worrying over there,” she says, giving an exasperated look in his general direction. “Get it out.”
He pauses, heartbeat a little too quick like it’s been all day, then, cautiously, “You already said it was nothing.”  
“Maybe I was wrong,” she shrugs. Sokka is excitable and far more anxious than he tries to let on, but that excitableness has gotten them out of more than one bind.
“…Um,” he says after a moment, hair rustling as he scratches under his wolftail.
“I mean, I don’t think I am,” she allows, grinning when he snorts and making a kicking up her feet. “But maybe you explained it to my shitty.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he laughs, a good sound over the rustle of papers as he tugs out those letters again. “Okay,” he says, getting serious, her words as much on his heartbeat as his words as she tries to pick up on what exactly is worrying him about this, “So it starts with saying things are fine—” ba-DUMP. “—talks about training a bit with some of the staff fighters—” ba-dump. “—talks about a canal ride—” BA-dump, interesting. “—he had a formal dinner, the food was nice, sea prune stew reminded me of him.” Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, filling up his expectant silence as she plays back the words and weighs them and tries to pick them apart and…
“Yeah, Sokka,” she finally says, apologetic and wincing a little when he audibly slumps, heart dropping in a way she usually can’t literally sense. “I’m not hearing it.”
“You don’t—he doesn’t seem off to you?” Sokka presses, sounding like he isn’t sure whether to let the anxiety out or whether he wants to be assured.
“I mean, based on how you read it…” Toph shrugs. She always assumes Sokka puts the most dramatic read on anything that he’s able to, given the opportunity. He’s second only to Zuko, there.
“I just, I feel like I should go up there,” he says, weight shifting back and forth and back and forth.
“Do you think,” she says carefully, “That that might muddy the waters for him?” She flicks a pebble back and forth across the ground when he stays conspicuously silent. “He’s trying to build his own relationships, Sokka. Right?”
“Yeah,” he acknowledges, reluctant, beads rattling softly as he shakes his head. “I just—I just don’t think he’s okay.”
“He said he’s fine, like, multiple times in each letter.”
“Yeah,” he says again after a beat, sounding doubtful, and Toph nods, slow and serious and silently tossing aside every loose plan they had for the day. They don’t need to be talking to officials and discussing infrastructure projects when he’s in a mood like this, she decides. They need to be riding Omashu’s mail carts.
“And none of these are horny?” Mai checks again as she takes the offered stack of letters.
“No,” Sokka says again, openly fretting, not even exasperated, so Mai shrugs and quickly skims through the stack. She keeps her face still, her movements measured as she sips her sweet waterorange juice, her eyes skipping over bland descriptions, over details of Zuko’s day that are all about what Zuko did—
“Oh,” Mai says.
“Yeah?” Sokka pauses in his pacing, something half hopeful and half nervous on his face.
—over talk of other people and none of himself—
“Oh yeah,” Mai repeats, setting down her juice.
—and fine, fine, fine repeated over and over again.
“Yeah, this is not good,” Mai agrees.
“Thank you.”
“Wow,” she says, going back over that last letter again and lingering over the careful curve of Zuko’s characters. “He’s about to lose his shit.”
“Okay, yes.”
She flicks him a flat stare, incredulous. “Why are you still here?”
“He’s supposed to be building relationships with the Northern Water Tribe on his own,” Sokka says, shoving both hands through his hair and looking like he has to physically stop himself from tearing I out. “And everyone is saying I’m going to get in the way, and I don’t want to mess it up for him but I also don’t want it to be harder than it has to be, and he’s not okay I don’t care what everyone—bird."
Mai instinctively ducks beneath the table, watching from safety as a messenger hawk dives down to smack Sokka square in the back, the pair of them screaming and squawking and flailing in a mess of limbs and wings until the hawk finally manages to dump its scroll case and take off, disgruntled, leaving Sokka mussed and breathing heavily in its wake.
Mai cautiously slides back into her chair, Sokka’s eyes wide and flicking around the sky as she waits as long as she can before huffing pointed.
“Well,” she demands, flicking the scroll an expectant look. “What does it say?” Because she knows one of Azula’s overdramatic, overly trained birds when she sees one, which only two people in the entire Fire Nation use, and that one clearly wasn’t for her.
Sokka scrambles into motion, fumbling the scroll case opening, hands hasty and quick and—“Fuck.”
Mai straightens, snatching the scrap of paper out of the air when Sokka suddenly tosses it at her and takes off, staring after him a moment before carefully flattening it out along with the others he left her, knowing he’ll want them all back, and raising her eyebrows when she sees one firmly scrawled line in Zuko’s distinctly overly formal hand:
            Please come get me
“Well,” Mai purses her lips, wondering how exactly Sokka’s going to get himself there. “Fuck.”
Sokka leaps out of the newly streamlined transit balloon he’s been designing as soon as its close enough to the ground for him to not fuck up his knee with the landing, shouting a thanks over his shoulder and dashing over the freshly constructed landing pads, calling hellos in response to the startled exclamations he gets and scanning across the promenade for—
“Zuko!” he cries as he catches sight of that breadth of shoulders he’d recognize anywhere, that politely attentive angle of his head, the deep maroon of his robes standing out against the snow and in the cluster of periwinkle blue around him.
Zuko pivots toward him, face momentarily open, surprised and startled and relieved. “Sokka!” he calls back, immediately ignoring the others, hurrying forward, not exactly funning but intent, focused, determined, sweeping Sokka into his arms the second he’s close enough, leaning into him as Sokka leans back, sighing in relief to be surrounded by his warmth, to feel him solid and heavy against him and so, so beloved.
“Hey, love,” Sokka whispers, ignoring the uncertain crowd around them and mouthing a silent thank you when Poak catches his eye before waving everyone else back to give them space.
“Hey,” Zuko says into his shoulder, shaky, laughing a little and clutching Sokka even tighter.
“I missed you,” Sokka says, clearing his throat and feeling his eyes stinging as he presses his smile against Zuko’s hair.
“Mhm.” Zuko pushes harder into Sokka’s chest.
“I decided I couldn’t wait to see you again,” Sokka murmurs, running a hand up Zuko’s back, something in him unwinding as he feels the familiar lines of Zuko's back moving as Zuko laughs again, wet. “So I figured hey, why not take a little trip.”
“Is that your new experimental design?” Zuko asks, shifting just enough to glance over Sokka’s shoulder. “It didn’t drop you out of the air.”
“Nope,” Sokka grins, sinking his fingers into Zuko’s hair. “It did not.”
Zuko hums, turning into his neck. “I missed you,” he whispers, heartfelt.
“Yeah,” Sokka says, the words coming out thick as he pulls Zuko more firmly against him. “Me too, buddy.”  
 Zuko sighs, relaxing into him inch by inch, the two of them just breathing together, even and slowly falling into sync.
“I am going,” Zuko finally says, tone nearly abstract, distant, “To punch him in the fucking face.”
Sokka blinks a little. Wha—
“If I have to see one more smug look—”
“Ah,” Sokka says, realizing.
“—or listen to one more fucking sour, pretend offhand comment—”
“Right,” Sokka says, smoothing a hand down Zuko’s back and glancing around, making sure Pakku isn’t actually in Zuko’s line of sight right now.
“You would not believe—”
“Oh, I would,” Sokka says, with feeling. The meetings he's been in with that man...
“That man,” Zuko hisses, literally steaming with the force of his anger.
“Yup,” Sokka agrees, giving him a solid pat. Sokka knows exactly how he feels.
“If Katara gets to lay him out—”
“Katara isn’t the Fire Lord,” Sokka quickly points out. And Pakku is, for better or worse, enough of an ass not to want anyone to know he got decked by a girl.
“I’ll fucking give it up for the chance to—”
“Okay, okay,” Sokka says, giving Zuko another firm pat and glancing around for some redirection. Lighting things on fire should probably be out, Sokka didn’t bring his sword—“Want to go find a big stick?”
Zuko is still a moment, then pulls back just enough to peak at him, gold eye half-narrowed and suspicious.
“I can throw some snowballs,” Sokka offers, inviting. “You can smack them.” Zuko hesitates, openly considering, so Sokka adds, "They explode."
“Okay let’s go,” Zuko says almost before he gets the words out, grabbing his hand and interlacing their fingers together as he hauls Sokka off and away from the confused clump of Northerners, Sokka tossing a wave over his shoulder and an apologetic shrug, happy to let himself be pulled along—at least until Zuko pauses at the first intersection, uncertain, and Sokka can take over.
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petricorah · 1 year
Zukka Week Day 5—Tending Wounds
“You don’t have to do this.”
They were sitting in the ambassador’s quarters. Well, Sokka was sitting. Zuko was kneeling in front of him, wrapping his injured knee with a soft touch that made Sokka's heart sputter in his ribcage.
Sometimes, it was hard to believe. Sokka remembered when this man chased them all the way across the world trying to burn them to ash, and now those same hands were dressing his wounds.
And Zuko had other responsibilities, better things to do than be here, with him. Sokka was fine. His life wasn’t in danger, he was good. It was just an old injury exacerbated by a fight.
“Seriously,” Sokka said. “You really don’t.”
“I know,” Zuko said.
He moved Sokka’s leg to get a better angle, and Sokka sucked in air through his teeth.
Sokka shook his head, jaw clenched in pain. “Not your fault. It’s just stiff.” He looked away, and quickly strung along his next sentence. “I’ve kinda…been skipping my exercises.”
Zuko glared up.
“They hurt!” he said.
“That’s the point,” Zuko said crossly. “That's how it gets better.”
Zuko’s thumb smoothed over the bandages, and Sokka’s heart lurched in his chest, a blush scraping over his cheeks.
“You really don’t have to do more,” he prattled out. “It feels better, now, really—”
“Sokka,” he said in a stern voice. It was the one Sokka heard in meetings, the one that stopped his advisors completely. “I said I would do it, and I meant it.”
Sokka closed his mouth, and Zuko kept going until he had used up all the bandages.
“Can I…try something?” Zuko said.
Sokka raised an eyebrow. “…What?”
“Ever since you injured your knee the first time, re-injuring it has been easier. But this time seems really…bad. Like, worse than the other times. It’s been a week and a half and you still can barely use it. You’re weaker.”
“Wow,” Sokka said dourly. “That sure is helpful. Keep it up.”
“No,” Zuko said quickly, shaking his head. “That’s not…I always say the wrong thing. Especially around…you, but that’s not what I meant.” He huffed, looking to the side, bangs falling into his eyes. “It’s just…your knee is worse because Katara’s not here, right? When she’s around, she can do her healing bending, but when she’s gone, it has to heal naturally. But I…I can help. I think.”
“Look, I appreciate it, but I don’t think the pain is going to go away if you set my leg on fire.”
“That’s not what I’m going to do!” he snapped. “I practiced,” he said. “Uncle was correct, about bending becoming stronger when you use tactics from other elements. So I went to the Northern Water tribe, and asked the healers to…teach me.”
Sokka snorted, waving his hand. “What, with that classroom of six year olds?”
Zuko stared at him sincerely. “Yes.”
Sokka blinked. Oh.
“It’s not the same as what Katara does, but I think it could still help.”
Sokka narrowed his eyes. “When did you even do that?”
“After you hurt it for the first time.” Zuko wasn’t quite looking at him, making himself busy with straightening the bandages, even though they were already perfect. “But Katara had it handled, so I never mentioned it.”
Sokka stared at him. “Oh,” he said softly. “Sure, then.”
Zuko perked up, a smile flashing across his features. “Good,” he said. “I’ve been practicing on people in the palace and after I host training,” he said. “And I only burned one person.”
“W-what?” Sokka drew his shoulders up.  
“I’m joking,” he said blankly.  
Sokka used his good leg to kick Zuko on the side, making him chuckle.
“It’ll work,” Zuko said. The eagerness was apparent in his tone. “Heat increases blood flow and helps tense muscles. It will also help with flexibility and pain.”
Sokka could barely hear him explaining it. He was just enamored in how he looked. Whenever Zuko got excited and let his emotions show—which was a rare occurrence—a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes shined. He could be surprisingly excitable when he was comfortable around someone.
“…And so if that sounds good, we’ll begin."
“Y-yeah,” he said. “Sounds great.”
Sokka watched Zuko’s hand glow a bright orange, and the light reflecting on his features. Between his fingertips, flickers of flame began to circle in the palm of his hand. The fire was a variety of colors, spinning with a bright rainbow. Even from far away, Sokka could feel the warmth on his face.
“Don’t worry,” he murmured. “These flames won’t hurt. Trust me.”
Sokka slowly nodded, and Zuko placed his hand against his knee.
Relief washed over him instantly, and the pain that had been stabbing into his leg for the past week slowly subsiding in waves as Zuko’s flames warmed him.
Sokka let out a slight gasp, and closed his eyes. He was afraid if he opened them, and saw the care in Zuko's expression, he would completely fall apart.
“There,” Zuko said finally, his voice a low whisper.
Sokka opened one eye.
The flames dissipated from Zuko's hand, the warm lighting vanished. He looked up at him, golden eyes still bright, and Sokka’s entire chest squeezed like Appa was laying on him. “That feel better?”
The pain was distant now, and the throbbing in his knee had faded. Even the swelling had gone down. He was able to bend it back a bit easier, even though it was still a bit stiff.
“Yeah,” he said softly. “Thank you.”
“Any time,” Zuko said. He stood and brushed off his robes. Sokka didn’t miss the small smile on his lips.
“And to think,” Sokka said. “I voted to leave you to freeze to death in the snow.”
Zuko blinked. “…Well, I’m…glad you didn’t do that.”  
Sokka laughed. “Me too. For a multitude of reasons. But thank you,” he said. “Again.”
Zuko shrugged and gathered up the rest of the materials. He didn’t let Sokka help, telling him to just rest.
But he hesitated in the doorway.
“About…how this happened—”
“Don’t even worry about it,” Sokka said, shooing him with his hand. “I’m just glad you’re here to help.”
Zuko dipped his head, and left.  
Sokka’s knee was still warm from his touch. Zuko had helped, but Sokka wasn’t sure if it was because of the bending or because of…him.
Sokka leaned back, staring at the ceiling.
This was going to be a problem, wasn’t it.
It became a habit over the next few days. Zuko taking care of his bandages, using his hands to reduce his pain, just being there for him. And every time he touched him, it almost sent Sokka into cardiac arrest.
It was a sacrifice he was willing to make.
For the sake of his injury, of course.
Today was no different. They were outside, sitting near the turtle duck pond. Sokka’s mobility had improved enough to where he could use the crutches without much pain. He was starting to get a little stir crazy staying inside, and needed some fresh air, and thought the pond would be a good idea.
Unfortunately, in the grass, Zuko was even closer than normal. He was sitting by his side, his shoulder brushing against Sokka’s, and Sokka was finding it hard to concentrate on anything other than the faint smell of cinders in Zuko’s hair.
“Okay,” Zuko said, and with a flick of his wrist, he stopped the fire. “Is that better?”
He turned to him, and he was close.
Sokka’s face flushed, and he blinked back at him.
“Sokka,” he said. “Is that enough?”
Sokka nodded, snapping back to reality. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, it’s totally great.”
Zuko suddenly frowned, peering at him. “Were the flames really that hot?” he said. “Your face is all red and botchy.”
Sokka’s cheeks flooded, redness no doubt spreading. He was praying Zuko wouldn’t notice the blushing. It wasn’t his fault. Zuko had spent the last half hour touching him, leaning against him. How was he supposed to react?  
“I…It’s nothing.”
“Maybe I should stay,” Zuko said. “Make sure you don’t faint.”
“No,” he said. “I just…my room was cold last night. Maybe I’m just a little under the weather.”
Zuko hummed, unconvinced, and reached forward, feeling Sokka’s forehead with the back of his hand.
He was close.
Sokka’s face burned, eyes wide. “Does that…work?” he said in a frail voice. “You being a…fire bender and all.”
“I can still feel,” Zuko said. “Fire benders run hot. We don’t only feel warm things.”
“Yeah,” Sokka said. “You’re definitely hot.”
Zuko raised an eyebrow.
The blood drained from Sokka’s face. “That’s not…”
Shit. Fuck. Why is he looking at me like that?
“I should go.” He shoved up on his bad knee, scrambling to get up. Pain overwhelmed him, and he pushed through it.
“What? Sokka—”
Sokka stepped back on wobbly legs, and pain instantly shot through him. He staggered, suddenly feeling like his brain was spinning inside his skull, as his entire leg screamed in pain, and gave out.
Zuko caught him in time, his hands on his shoulders to steady him.
“Are you okay?”
“Mhm,” Sokka said, clutching Zuko’s forearms tightly. He was half bent, his head hung as the world stopped spinning and the pain receded slightly. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. You can just go.”
“Go?” Zuko echoed. “You can barely stand. What is with you?” he said. “You’ve been acting weird all week. The past few days you’ve barely looked me in the eye, and every time I want to do stay and talk, you say no. I thought I was helping, but maybe I should just quit. If it’s not doing good, you should just tell me.”
“N-no,” Sokka said. He wanted to flee, but his crutches were still laying in the grass, and he was pretty sure if Zuko let go of him he would lose his balance and fall flat on his face. Not to mention the blaring pain everywhere. “It helps. It does.”
“Then what is it?” Zuko said.
Sokka didn’t answer. How could he say it? That he loved him, and it was impossible to be near him without wanting to blurt out that friendship-ruining fact?
Zuko glanced away, fringe hiding his face. He let go of him, and Sokka almost collapsed, but managed to hobble on one foot.
“Is this because you got injured because of me?”
Sokka’s blood froze, splintering inside him. What?
Zuko’s flames flickered in his hand. “I knew it.”
“No,” he whispered out. “Of course not. No. Zuko, I don’t regret that. It’s not your fault people tried to assassinate you!”
Zuko shook his head. “I knew this was a mistake. I didn’t want you to get hurt for me. You shouldn’t have done that. You should have just left—”
“I wasn’t going to leave you!” Sokka shouted. His foot was barely on the ground, just enough to steady him, but the pain in his knee was nothing compared to the panic stirring in his chest. “I’m glad I was there. I made a choice. And I would make it again, even if it meant I wasn’t standing here right now at all.”
Zuko’s head jerked back, shock rolling across his expression.
“I-is that why you’ve been helping me?” Sokka’s voice broke. “You just feel guilty?”
“Of course not,” Zuko snapped. He stepped forward angrily, the flames singing the grass under his feet. “I did it because I care about you, and I don’t like seeing you in pain. How could you think that?”
“How could you think I should leave you?”
“Because I would rather something happen to me than you, and you just said you were willing to die for me!”
They both glared at each other. Smoke curled from under Zuko’s hands, and Sokka felt like he was going to topple over.  
“Can I have my crutches?” he said, unable to think about anything clearly other than he was about to wipe out. “I’m going to fall.”
Zuko blinked, and bent to pick them up, hurrying so quickly he thrust them against Sokka’s chest enough to almost push him over.
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop saying that,” he said softly. “I’m not so injured I can’t still beat the crap out of you. I told you this wasn’t your fault, and I meant it.”
Sokka wasn’t sure if he saw glassy tears in Zuko’s eyes, or if he was imagining it. The wind pushed his hair in his face, and for a long moment, Zuko didn’t move.
“So it sounds like we’re even,” Sokka said slowly. “We both don’t want to see the other hurt. So can we just…move on from this already?”
“Yeah,” he said. “Yeah.” He shook his head. “Come on, I’ll help you back.”
They walked slowly, Zuko's guiding hand on his back to make sure he didn’t slip.
“If I say this isn’t necessary, is that going to stop you?” Sokka said. He was trying to inject some sense of normalcy into this conversation.
“Not in the slightest,” Zuko said roughly. “...Have you been doing the exercises?”
“Yes,” he said. “Mostly. I mean…”
Zuko glared at him, fire blazing in his eyes, and Sokka held back a laugh, amusement in his eyes.
“It’s really hard to find you threatening when you’re telling me to take care of myself.”
Zuko grumbled under his breath. “Just shut up and do them.”
They stopped at his door, and Zuko let go.
“Can you make it to your bed alright?”
“Yeah,” Sokka said.
Zuko moved to leave.
Zuko looked back at him, cocking his head.
“To be honest,” Sokka said slowly. “I didn’t even get it a second thought. I haven’t thought about it all week. I mean, you’ve risked your life for me countless times. We’ve been through way worse situations together, and the only reason I got injured at all was because my knee is prone to getting hurt. So I haven’t been thinking about it. And I didn’t mean to be distant. It’s just…the only thing I’ve been thinking about all week is…”
Zuko was staring at him expectantly, and Sokka felt the blush creep up on his cheeks again.
Shit, he was losing his nerve. He just had to say it. Blurt it out. If Zuko rejected him, he could say he got brain damage from the fight. He just had to say it.
“What?” Zuko said.
“I’ve just been thinking about…you.” He swallowed. “And how…close you are to me.”
Zuko’s brow furrowed. “Oh,” he said. He took a clear step back, withdrawing completely. The spot where he was touching his back felt cold as he let go. “Okay—”
“No, it’s not a bad thing,” he said quickly. “It’s good. I like it. When you’re close to me.” He stared helplessly, Zuko’s blank face staring back at him. “You’re…hot,” he blurted out.
“If you’re cold, I can have the attendants bring more blankets—”
“No! You’re not…warm, you’re just.” His eyes flicked back and forth, but Zuko wasn't helping this torture at all. “I like spending time with you.”
“You’ve been distant because you…like spending time with me?”
Zuko squinted. “Okay. I’m going to let you…get some rest.” He turned, and started to walk down the hallway.
“I love you!”
Zuko stopped in his tracks, his back toward Sokka.
Sokka stiffened.
“What did you just say?” Zuko said, still facing away from him.
“…No,” Zuko said, turning slowly. “You just said you loved me.”
Sokka gulped. He’d gotten pretty good at reading Zuko’s features. He knew his pouty glare from his annoyed one. He knew when Zuko was truly angry, and when he was just low on sleep, and when you should run the hell away. But now, Zuko’s expression was unreadable.
“Is that…one of your jokes?”
Sokka’s shoulders dropped against the crutches. He let out a long breath. “No. It’s not.”
“You…love me?”
Sokka’s skin pricked, and he was starting to feel faint. Why couldn’t he ever just keep his mouth shut? He should have just held his damn tongue—
“I love you, too.”
“I love you, Sokka.”
“You love me,” he repeated. The grin spread across his face. “You love me back?”
“Yes,” Zuko said. “I do.”
“You love me. You love me—”
He repeated it until Zuko closed the gap between them, hugging him in a warm embrace, and almost knocked them both down.
Sokka laughed, almost tripping up on the crutches.
“I can’t hold you back like this—”
But Zuko just smiled, hugging him tighter, then kissed him.
Sokka let go of the crutches, and pulled him closer.
He was sure if he fell, Zuko would catch him.
this was my first time writing something a tiny bit longer. I hope people enjoy!
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feral-jackdaw · 1 month
Make The World Soft
Day 6 of Zukka Week @zukkaweek - Chronic Illness
“What’s the matter with you?” Sokka asked after he once again managed to knock both of Zuko’s swords out of his hands. “I know I’m getting better but I’ve never beat you more than twice in a row,” he pointed out.
“I... I don’t know,” Zuko replied. He had no idea what was wrong with him. He was trying his best, but he just couldn’t concentrate; the whole world seemed so distant and blurry.
“Is everything okay?” Sokka asked, stepping closer to Zuko. “You look pale.”
“I’m fine,” Zuko claimed.
“Yeah, I can see,” Sokka snarked. Without further questions, he just grabbed Zuko’s arm and lead him to the stairs so that he could sit down. Which Zuko gladly did. “Now tell me what’s going on,” Sokka demanded.
“Well, I’ve been getting those headaches recently,” Zuko confessed. “I get all dizzy and nauseous and I can’t focus on anything...”
“And by recently you mean...?”
“Like... The past few months?”
Sokka sighed.
“So, let me guess, you didn't tell me because you did not want to worry me, right?” he inquired.
“Mhmm...” Zuko confirmed. At this point, the dizziness became unbearable, so he just closed his eyes and rested his head on Sokka's shoulder.
“Okay, I will scold you later,” Sokka decided. “Now let’s get you to bed.”
He helped Zuko get up and lead him inside, straight to the bedroom. Then he called one of the servants and asked for some water.
“Now rest,” he commanded.
“But... I have work to do,” Zuko opposed.
“Then it’s gonna have to wait.”
“See? That's why I can’t tell you anything,” Zuko complained.
“Oh, shut up,” Sokka replied. “Now tell me what else I can do for you,” he demanded.
“Can you close the curtains?” Zuko requested. He felt as if the light was way too bright, it was almost hurting him.
“Of course,” Sokka replied and got up to fulfill the request. “Anything else?”
“Stay with me,” Zuko asked quietly. He normally wouldn’t want anyone to see him like this, but Sokka was an exception.
“Sure thing, my dear,” Sokka assured, grabbing Zuko’s hand and kissing it softly. “You can get some sleep if you want.”
“Then come here,” Zuko demanded, moving to the other side of his king size bed to make some space. Sokka obediently crawled into the bed and wrapped his arms around Zuko. Zuko cuddled up to him, allowing himself to become fully consumed by the warmth of the embrace, the pleasant darkness, the calming familiar scent. Concentrated on these sensations, he was mostly able to ignore his headache and fall asleep.
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starboysbrainrot · 22 days
Since it’s jetko week, do you any hc about jetko ? Any hot takes about jetko ? Any specific thoughts ?
hey anon !
i think that my fav hc jetko would have to be either Jet becoming his personal bodyguard, first as an attempt to “keep the new Firelord in check” and then in an attempt to just protect Zuko when he sees how often Zuko’s life is threatened by him being the new Firelord.
or Jet & Zuko living together far from any big cities, with a big family, after abolishing the FN monarchy. it’s probably the least realistic one but it’s I think the one where both get that they deserve : a peaceful life, filled with love and happiness.
now if we’re speaking about hot takes, i posted this thread on x bc anon inspired me to put my thoughts on paper so I’m just gonna copy past it here
it’s not specifically jetko thoughts but I do think that the fandom tends to be too harsh on Jet & Zuko in one specific episode. and for me that’s City of Walls and Secret.
now don’t get me wrong. yes, Zuko was lying about his identity, yes Jet was stalking two people and started a fight, but that’s really, textually, not that bad. Jet is traumatised, paranoid and stressed so when he has the slightest hint that maybe Iroh might be a firbender he’s TERRIFIED literally and every single part of his brain that might think rationally just doesn’t work anymore. and that’s perfectly understandable given what happened to him.
that’s doesn’t make it 100% ok since, yeah they are so many EK citizens that might come from colonies, with mixed heritage, or with fn ancestry that might make them a firebender without being fire nation, and Jet had no way of being sure about this. but as I said his reaction is textually completely understandable.
now for Zuko, he would be in mortal danger if his identity was revealed (which people tend to forget) and he cannot afford to give up on his secret identity for a boy he barely knows. I know y’all like to make it big by saying he kind of betrayed jet’s trust, but jetko, as much as I love it spent max a few days together on the ferry, and that’s it. that’s literally it.
zuko even declines Jet’s offer because he cannot afford being close to someone when he is hiding his identity. cuz it would be risky, it would be even more lying, etc. it’s perfectly understandable and sincerely it funny that out of all the horrible things Zuko did it’s often that one that people will point out. I know that canon divergent jetko au might use that angst potential with Zuko lying to Jet but in canon it’s really not that deep. if he doesn’t lie = he dies/or gets imprisoned at BEST. if he does lie, he gets a chance at surviving both the EK and the FN. and that’s basically it.
as much as it is a popular trope to make Zuko or Jet guilty in jetko fics, I really don’t like it because canon jetko and fanon jetko are really two different things. canon jetko isn’t about betrayal. it’s more about how two severely flawed and traumatised teenagers start to form somehow a friendship because of how similar they are, but the instance of war, trauma and the sick need of survival get between them and tore them apart before they start to remotely form a meaningful relationship.
like in canon these two boys owe each other NOTHING. and I mean it. no Jet doesn’t owe Zuko his trust and no Zuko doesn’t owe Jet his honesty. not in that specific context. and that’s something that a lot of people don’t get about these two in canon
people even fail to realise that Jet’s lack of trust and hostility towards even the slightest hint of firebending & zuko trying to survive, burying his honesty to do so, are wonderful parallels that could be exploited in fics. not necessarily the “you lied/you attacked me” but just the “I had no other choice, I’m sorry” which is so much more tragic.
I would add that this specific trope of “Zuko earning Jet’s forgiveness” when it one sided doesn’t work for me. it works for ships like maiko or zukka, and especially zutara, but not really jetko. at least not if it isn’t reciprocated. like both guys did horrible things but none of these “horrible things” were directed towards eachother.
what happened in BSS is ultimately tragic because both didn’t had another choice. both were clinging on the idea of surviving. both were terrified by what could happen to them. DO YOU SEE HOW TRAGIC THAT IS 😔
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jubilantmedusa · 2 months
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Untitled Zukka Hurt/Comfort Ficlet #2
“It was good of you to bring him here,” Piandao said.
They were gathered in his library, dried and warmed and fed after their long flight through a misting sky. Night had fallen, the world lit now by torches and candles, casting strange shadows on their drawn faces.
Sokka’s arms felt empty. He had held Zuko through the flight as Zuko had shivered and shivered.
“Zuko’s inner flame has gone out.” Piandao’s voice was even, but the pinch of his mouth betrayed upset. “Not many people know the old ways, the healing of the Firebenders. But Zuko’s uncle does. I have the means to contact Iroh. There is hope yet.”
The silence in the room didn’t feel hopeful. “I thought the ‘inner flame’ thing was a metaphor,” Sokka said, bursting it.
“It’s more spiritual than physical, but it is very real,” Piandao explained. “Our bodies and spirits are entwined. Spiritual damage often manifests physically.”
“Like when you’re upset so you have nightmares,” Aang said.
Piandao gave a curt nod. “Similar,” he said. “This is more severe.”
“It still doesn’t make sense,” Sokka said. His stomach was churning. “Firebenders have an extra spirit part? And if that part is damaged they just waste away?”
That’s what’d been happening ever since Zuko’d thrown himself in front of Aang, taking an arrow laced with something sinister. A gift from Azula by way of the assassins that had been perusing them since they left the Western Air Temple.
At first Zuko’d been hyped up, unable to stop moving for hours and hours. When he crashed, Sokka thought it might actually be a good thing. Get some sleep. Be better in the morning.
But Zuko’d woken up disoriented, confused. And every time he’d woken since there was less of him.
He was growing colder. Sokka didn’t know what that meant. All he knew was that his arms were itching with emptiness.
“We all have inner flames of a sort,” Piandao said. His turned towards Sokka. “Even you and I. But Firebending… to create an element from the spirit’s own energy…” He swirled his hand, then winced, shaking his head. “Iroh will explain when he arrives.”
“When will that be?” Toph asked, leaning forward, harsh torchlight light shining directly in her sightless eyes. “Is he far away?”
“Iroh’s been in hiding since he escaped from Caldera, but I can reach him,” Piandao said, pointedly not answering the question. So they had where Iroh was then. He could be half a world away.
To Sokka’s right, Katara shifted, leaning forward, shadow dancing across her cheek. Sokka could see her eyes and… he knew that look. She had an answer on the tip of her tongue, but she didn’t want to ask the question. “Master Piandao,” she said. Katara would push through anything, even this. “This has happened before.”
“Yes,” he said. “Though it’s exceedingly rare.”
Katara nodded, eyes coming in and out of view as she did. “It’ll kill him,” she said, and Sokka could see Aang sinking at her side, head bowing down until his forehead was pressed into the wooden table.
Now it was Sokka turn. He didn’t want to, but he had to, mouth choking on the words. “How long?”
Piandao’s mouth pinched further. “I’ve only read accounts,” he said, “Some say as long as two weeks. Others, three days.”
Sokka was on his feet before he could breath, his footfalls echoing impossibly loud as he thundered across the tatami floor.
It had already been four days.
The room where they put Zuko was small and square, usually used as a dormitory for Piandao’s students. It had a simple bed with plain gray sheets, a sturdy but unremarkable desk. Flames roared in its large fireplace, making the room almost uncomfortably warm.
That’s the reason they chose it. It was easy to keep warm.
A wooden chair had been pulled up beside the bed. In it, Fat sat, an empty bowl held in his hands. “You got him to eat?” Sokka said, stomach fluttering.
Fat responded with a single nod. “Zuko was always a dutiful student,” he said. “You’ll be staying with him a while?”
When Sokka nodded Fat rose to his feet. “He’ll rally,” Fat said, voice affectionately stern. “Food, rest, warmth. It will go a long way.” Sokka wasn’t sure if Fat actually believed that or if he, if all of them, were trying to will something into existence, trying to project onto Zuko a strength that wasn’t there.
The only light in the room came from candles and the fire. Maroon curtains were open but it was only black outside, moonless. Shadows danced on Zuko’s face as he lay still and quiet, dressed now in loose pajamas. He looked comfortable at least. Lying on his side, wrapped in a thick, red blanket, with only his head and his toes poking out.
He’d be lost without that blanket, Sokka thought. The red was the only color in the room.
Sokka hesitated for only a moment before kicking off his own boots and settling himself down on the bed, his empty arms reaching, wrapping around the boy in the red blanket. His leg too, so desperate for touch. And maybe Zuko needed it, because he nuzzled forward, pushing his nose into Sokka’s cheek, his hands into Sokka’s chest. Even his feet shifted until the soul of his left foot was somehow pressed into Sokka’s right ankle.
They'd never gotten to touch like this, not really, during the strange flirtation they’d had since returning from Boiling Rock. Everything was stolen glances, lingering conversations, arms pressed together even though they didn’t have to be. A lingering hug. Everything fleeting. Everything discreet. Like it was half real and half a dream.
One stolen kiss. Arms shaking. Lips frantic. In the misting rain.
Now Sokka was living a nightmare. Zuko smelt like sweat and leather. His arms still shook from the memory of holding Zuko while Appa flew, Zuko’s body cold and trembling. The longest Sokka’d ever been able to hold him, and it was because he was dying.
But he wasn’t dead.Zuko was warmer than he’d felt in days.
“You’re going to be alright,” Sokka said, even though he didn’t believe it. But maybe Fat had it right. Maybe it was best to pretend Zuko was strong, even if it was a fiction. Maybe it’d be true if they lied. If Zuko believed them.
Sokka took a deep breath as it let his eyes close, holding Zuko as closely as he could.
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sukidude · 2 years
Zukka AU where they’re phone number neighbors...
Sokka follows that dumb trend that was popular last year where you text the person who has the phone number right before or after you and it turns out completely by chance to be Zuko.
It probably goes something like this:
Sokka: Hey, phone number neighbor! Just wanted to say hello and hope you’re having a good day!
Zuko: Kindly, fuck off. 
Sokka: Oh, so that’s how you want to play it, huh? You could have just been nice. You could have just ignored me? Instead, you decided to be an asshole. Prepare for war...
Zuko: I said kindly?
Sokka proceeds to send him like full out novel length texts once a day with pictures about whatever scientific hyperfixation he has that week. (They’re actually very educational and informative tbh) And Zuko, who at first wants to block his ass, doesn’t for some reason. Because honestly he could respect the hustle of being THAT consistently annoying. 
At first he just admires the texts, sometimes sent at 5 AM, sometimes at 3 PM. They started to become a nice part of Zuko’s day at the office. He started to (god forbid) even look forward to them. 
It’s not until about 3 weeks into this ordeal that Sokka misses a day. Zuko, immediately annoyed at himself that he had noticed, finds himself in disarray. Did he... care about this stupid phone troll asshole?
Whatever, he texts him anyway. (out of curiosity, out of boredom, he tells himself)
Zuko: Hey? You didn’t send one of your stupid texts today. Are you like... still alive?
Zuko: Okay, just checking. Goodbye. 
And then they proceed to have a very nice conversation over the next few days where they find out they have a lot in common and live in the same neighborhood of the city and Sokka, feeling very bold one day, asks him out on a date.
And Zuko’s like... fine. He doesn’t have much else going on and he had found something charming about the attention to detail the guy had used in all those weeks of stupid texts and they have dinner and its AMAZING bc they immediately fall in love. The end. 
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livrere-green · 5 months
I have always pictured old!Zukka quarreling around Ember Island or Wolf Cove. Just quarreling, like what they are—an old married couple—over the silliest of stuff."
"You forgot our anniversary that year"
"I didn't"
"Yes you did, you gave me a NAPKIN as a present!",
At this point, people is not alarmed anymore, they just low-key gather around to see them fight, they run bets on who's winning every week (they always start the show at 4 pm on thursdays) and once they have a winner, the servants speculate about how cheesy their next date will be (usually the one who wins feels so guilty they end up apologising through ridiculous gestures and to their disgrace, it keeps getting worse).
Usually they pray for Fire Lord Zuko to win, because his date ideas are less outrageous, but the old man keeps losing to the silliest of arguments.
Maybe he just likes dates but Agni, if they had to cover the whole place with flowers again while trying to get the damn dragon not to burn them all, they're gonna lost it.
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dickpuncher420 · 2 days
writer's meme
thank u reikah @faux-fires for tagging me! <33
How many wips do you have currently?
only 2 that i can claim to be actively working on. one of them is a zukka yuri oneshot that i meant to finish for zukka week (oops! that did not happen), and the other is chapter 2 of my pacrim au.
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
i'd say my pacrim au, given that it's been over a year since i posted the first chapter LOL. truth be told i haven't worked on it all that much recently, and i'm still only on the first scene of chapter 2. i REALLY want to work on it again, but i have a hard time working on multiple projects at once, so hopefully once i finish my zukka yuri fic i can devote all my energy to pacrim <3
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
it almost always happens at night. either i can't fall asleep because i've been struck with inspiration for a new fic, or i wake up in the middle of the night and need to scrawl all my ideas down in my notes app as fast as possible before i forget.
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
lmao i have never in my life made a playlist for a fic. whenever i write i just put on whatever music helps me focus the best; most of the that's lofi hip hop or film/video game soundtracks
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
depends! for short oneshots i tend to just go balls to the wall, and whatever happens happens. but for my pacrim au i meticulously planned everything out before i began writing—as a longer, more serious project, i really wanted the whole thing to be cohesive. my notes doc for it is 14k words long (LOL), and i have the whole thing divided into sections that i can easily jump between
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tagging! @ofherlionheart @chitsangenthusiast @zukkababey @goldrushzukka @sokkalore
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15 people, 15 questions
Thank you @transboyzuko and @kiki-strike for tagging me!!
1.) Are you named after anyone?
Nope. My parents nearly called me Isabella but they chose Sofia last minute (I’m glad they did bc it’s Portuguese and there’s also like a million Isabellas.)
2.) When was the last time you cried?
Thursday last week bc I watched a movie in class that I didn’t expect to be triggered by but Oh Well.
3.) Do you have kids?
I don’t even have a job 😭
4.) What sports do you play/have played?
I’m absolutely terrible at every conceivable sport and hate it with a passion but I did play netball for like, six years when I was really young. Still shit at it tho lol.
5.) Do you use sarcasm?
When I need to, yes. But not if I know it’s gonna upset someone.
6.) What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes. I don’t know why it’s so random but I’m always drawn to eyes, maybe it’s because they’re the window to the soul or maybe it’s bc that’s the centre of the face and I’m scared shitless of first impressions and always think about Eye Contact.
7.) What’s your eye colour?
Green but it shifts from forest green when I wear dark green clothes to lighter green when I wear (shocker) lighter green clothes.
8.) Scary movies or happy endings?
I cannot be paid or coerced to watch anything vaguely scary so I’m strongly on the happy endings side. I just want my fictional characters to have good lives man 😭😭
9.) Any talents?
Well, I am a bit of an artist. That’s quite underground though, I’m not sure if people know? (I’m not funny) No but seriously I draw, sing, act, write, play3 instruments, I can do accents? If that counts lol. My friends say my ability to be nice to anyone is a talent, which is sweet so I’ll add it :)
10.) Where were you born?
Idk I just was
11.) What are your hobbies?
Drawing, singing, writing fanfic (guilty pleasure), reading fanfic, playing instruments, history facts (yes I’m a nerd shut up)
12.) Do you have any pets?
Never had one :’)
13.) How tall are you?
5’7 and still getting taller
14.) Favourite subject in school?
English english english I knoWW we all hate writing essays but uh. I don’t? It’s kinda fun actually 😭 and I like analysing poems? Uh. My English teacher is a gift to the earth so maybe that’s why
15.) Dream job?
Psychologist. I’ve always wanted to help people (especially teens) with whatever they’re going through, neurodivergent people, queer and trans people. Literally anyone who I can help. I know it’s a hard job, and it takes a lot of work, but honestly? Seeing people happier or if I can help at least one person would be worth it :)
Tagging people who might already have been tagged uhhhh but it’s fine probably
@adriancatrin @haroldtea @please-dont-burn-out @electro-strike-zukka-time @erisenyo @divorcedzukka @strrwbrrryjam @sukiluvvs @sukidude @bonksoundeffect @blu3berrydraws @mike-queerler @myguiltyartpleasure @moncuries @marriedzukka
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adriancatrin · 1 year
Best Zukka fic recs and/or Azula centric fics (bonus points for both!) I'm desperate for more content.
(digging thru my bookmarks) hoo boy ok let's see
i'm gonna put a cut because this might be long!! idk what all of the zukka 'classics' you've read so i just included 'em if they're my faves. list is in no particular order, pls heed warnings/tags on AO3 as some include potentially triggering content ~
like the sun inside of you by ofherlionheart: Zuko is sixteen years old when he’s handed a crown, a throne, and a hundred-year ancestral legacy of colonial imperialism. He’s not scared of the work; he’s scared of being consumed by the responsibilities and burdens he’s claimed. What Zuko doesn’t quite realize, yet, is that he’s not alone in this. Still in progress, one chapter left to go. Very slow-burn Zukka, and some great Azula stuff
To Cleave These Roots We've Made by Erisenyo: Sokka and Zuko have been roommates and best friends through college and graduation, through first jobs and new jobs and promotions, through friends getting married and sisters being pregnant and everything in between. But that all ends in four days. Four days to pack up an apartment. Four days before Zuko goes to law school and Sokka stays behind. Four days to untangle two lives that Sokka and Zuko have spent ten years weaving together. Can you call it a divorce, if you were never actually together in the first place? I don't remember Azula's involvement in this, but gosh darn it's a good one
i won't stumble as i follow down this path (cause words that are spoken are just other things to have) by jublis: It takes Zuko one year to visit his sister again. Featuring birthday weeks, struggling with your own goodness, and a future. Pretty sure this is a Zukki, ft. Azula very heavily
Destiny in the details by salytierra: Sokka heard that story before. Of course he did, the turning point of Zuko's destiny, the single bravest and most noble (or stupid) thing he's ever done. He retold the thoughts that went through his head back then, the repercussions... but he left out a single detail. And it's that detail that changes everything.  I need to see his soulmark. Sokka thinks, heart hammering in his chest. Fantastic post-canon soulmate AU. Azula's not in it, though
Divine Intervention by AggressiveStress: Sokka has had a lot of dates but they never stick around and he doesn’t know why. Literally everyone else knows why. Honestly I don't remember much about this one I just know I really liked it hahaha
Maybe I Don't Want Heaven by inkfingers_mcgee: Zuko does not realize that he wants to break up with Mai until she says, “We need to talk about us,” with an unmistakable finality, and the candles around his meditation mat don’t even flicker. // Five years after ascending the throne, Zuko reaches yet another crossroads of self. Sokka helps him through it. Mai incites national legislative reform. Azula is listed as a character in this one but I don't remember her role. The fic is great though. slow burn in case u haven't caught onto the trend of my fave fics yet haha
Of Tea and Turtle Ducks (and the Turtle Duck Guy) by Erisenyo: Sokka is nothing if not enthusiastic about his interests--Learning. Campus traditions. The campus turtle ducks. The guy who's watching the ducks so intently this year.  Zuko is nothing if not intense about duck watching. (It's not really about the ducks.) (Is it ever?) No Azula again but gosh darn it this fic is so cute. (expect more erisenyo on this list whoops)
this ultraviolet morning light by GallifreyanFairytale: sokka and zuko break up, make up, go undercover, thwart a rebellion, watch the sunrise, and change the course of fire nation history. not necessarily in that order. I don't remember the level of Azula's involvement in this fic, but I do remember she's in recovery and Zuko thinks about her a fair amount.
Empty Bodies, Empty Smiles by attackfish: Zuko sorts through the wreckage of his childhood and comes across a doll given to his sister. Not a shipping fic, just a character study of sorts of Azula as a child. It's... very sad, but incredibly nuanced in its understanding of her as a very unhappy and unfortunately disturbed child
Will We Last the Night by CSHfic/VSfic: Chief Arnook never assigns Sokka to protect Princess Yue, so he goes to fight the Fire Nation with the other men. When the moon dies, and the ocean spirit takes its revenge, Sokka is caught standing on the deck of a Fire Nation ship. Sokka should have drowned… and he would have drowned, if not for a certain Fire Nation raft fleeing the North Pole. An enemies-to-lovers season 2 rewrite, where Sokka is separated from the gaang during the Siege of the North, and travels the Earth Kingdom with Zuko instead Azula is just S2 Azula w/o redemption I believe, but my goodness the Zukka is just so. SO sweet
Burning Bright by Erisenyo: On a particularly hopeless night, Zuko sends out a messenger hawk to nowhere. He didn’t realize that his messenger hawk is deeply committed to completing the job. And that Sokka happens to be traveling straight through nowhere, at the time. I'm currently rereading this series for the umpteenth time, it's amazing, highly recommend, Azula is hyper intriguing in it too w/ a very complicated relationship with Zuko
All's Fair by Lovely_Elbow_Leech: Book one ends with two major diffrences: 1. Sokka went on the mission with Hahn (it did not go well) 2. Zhao survives the North Pole and that proves unfortunate for everybody (except Zhao, obviously)  Imprisoned on Zhao’s war ship, Sokka and Zuko have to work together to survive. They are not very enthusiastic about this prospect.  And they argue. A lot. Another of my top faves. Book 2 is in progress
Real Slow by surveycorpsjean: “I see.��� Zuko closes the scroll. “Is the Water Tribe sending a replacement?" “Uh yeah,” Sokka gestures to himself dramatically. “You’re looking at him.” No Azula I believe but heckin' slow burn
this is a gift (it comes with a price) by WitchofEndor: There is a ghost on the Wani. But the crew have grown used to - even fond of - Prince Zuko. And no matter how many times General Iroh tries to gently explain the boy’s predicament, tries to suggest that he might attempt to move on, Prince Zuko can always be found watching the sea. There is a prisoner in the palace. Not Zukka, but the relationships in it are fantastic, including Azula and Zuko.
 While Mighty Oaks Do Fall by WitchofEndor: The newly-crowned Fire Lord Ozai offers his firstborn son to service in the temple. This turns out to be a catastrophic mistake. Wacky crazy fic. There's something funky fresh happening with Azula, but it's an in-progress fic so. who knows where it'll go
I probably don't need to include The Art of Burning but it's in my fave bookmarks so. Same for Blue
Also in retrospect I have a lot of issues with this fic, but here's my post-canon Zukka w/ Azula redemption fic: New Heights
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zukkaart · 1 year
1 and 15: picturing it as zuko telling sokka this but it could very easily be the other way so whatever works for you :)
Couple #1: Zukka
Prompt #15: “You’re useless”
For the prompt game! (I whipped out my laptop for this one hehe)
pit pat, pit pat
Zuko's bare feet were a steady rhythm against the marble floor of his room. "Should I go see him? What do I say?" The young lord murmured to himself as he paced.
For weeks he had been working up the nerve to talk to Sokka. The war had only ended six months ago. After that day at the Jasmine Dragon the water tribe siblings had dutifully packed up and headed back to the South Pole to help in the reconstruction effort. Zuko hadn't seen either of them since, in fact- he'd been too swamped trying to assert his station and capabilities that he hadn't even written them. "Stupid," He spat out loud. "He probably won't even want to see you,"
It of course escaped Zuko's rational mind that Sokka had not written him either, but he always placed the weight of responsibility firmly on his own shoulders. He never left even an ounce for anyone else. Whether that came from his "first born son" upbringing or being banished was anyone's guess.
Zuko let out a sharp breath, straightening his tunic and resolving to just walk up to Sokka's room and knock, he could figure out what to say if he got that far.
He all but stomped his way to his chamber door, throwing one open and began his journey down the long corridor. Zuko noticed the family portraits adorning the walls, he wondered if his family might be up there one day. What Zuko didn't notice was a servant rounding the corner with a large tray full of all manner of tea and fresh fruit.
He collided nose-first with that silver tray, and with a loud crash him and the servant both were thrown to the marble floor. Zuko's head hit the floor hard, but not before the hot tea spilled all over him. The servant -who had only handed in a sitting position- blanched and immediately moved to help the young Fire Lord to his feet. She was apologising profusely and insisting that he let her call a healer.
"Your Highness I am so sorry, are you alright? That tea was very hot, please let me at least help you to the healers chamber."
"That won't be necessary," Zuko waved her off. He was finally upright which forced him to take in the scene around him. His head was swimming, his hair and tunic were drenched, and he was hot. Why was he hot? The servant said the tea was hot, but it was more than that. His face was burning.
Noting this, he turned on his heel and rushed back down the hall and threw himself back in to his room. He slammed his door closed behind him. Wiping the tea off his face to see better he tripped on the ornate robes which were left on the floor after his earlier meetings. Zuko fell to his hands and knees in front of the large mirror mounted to the wall beside his bed.
Face burning, tears running down his face, thrown down on to a cold marble floor...alone
The memory of the Agni Kai that started it all came on like a wave. Not a cool refreshing one that washed over him and brought him back to reality, but a dark crushing one that trapped him in its undertow and refused to let go until his lungs were threatening to explode under the pressure.
His gaze lifted to see himself in the mirror. Still drenched, tears mingling with tea, his scar burning like the day he first got it.
"Pathetic," Zuko spat, echoing what his father had called him so many times, during his firebending training especially. "You're useless," with that, Zuko leaned back on his heels, burying his face in his hands, and let the tears flow silently down his face- lest someone hear.
While no one heard his cry, someone did note the loud slamming of his door and came running. Just in time to hear those last two words Zuko spoke to himself, and stopped in their tracks.
Sokka stood there, roughly fifteen feet away with the door once again shut behind him. Face twisted in confusion and grief, he tried to make sense of the scene in front of him. The water tribe boy had come running because he had thought- well- he didn't know what he thought. Honestly, not much had gone through his head. He had simply heard a threatening sound coming from where he knew Zuko's rooms to be and sprinted out of his own. PTSD can be brutal sometimes, at least- that's what he told himself it was.
"What?" He spoke before thinking. How could Zuko think such things of himself? After everything he did for his nation, for the whole world really. Sokka too sometimes suffered the effects of imposter syndrome, but this was something different entirely.
Zuko jumped to his feet to face the noise, and a weak flame flickered in his hand before sputtering out. Sokka knew better than to be scared of him, but Zuko didn't pull his punch because of him this time. Sokka lurched forward at the same time Zuko stumbled backwards into the mirror, he was lucky it didn't shatter.
A million thoughts ran through Sokka's head at once when his hands steadied Zuko. One on his chest and one on the back of his head.
He's all wet, blood. Tui and La please don't be blood. He looked at the hand on his chest. Okay no blood. He checked his other hand. Wait, yes blood. Curse it all. What did he do? He asked Zuko as much.
"Nothing," Zuko spat, not unkindly, but defensively. "Let me get a-" "NO" "Okay then at least let me clean you up and get you out of these clothes. They're freezing," Sokka threw back, and he wasn't lying. The tea had chilled and Zuko was shivering, although neither of them could tell if it was from the head injury or just being cold. Zuko nodded reluctantly. Sokka slung Zuko's arm across his shoulders and secured an arm around the slightly taller boys waist in support.
"You're a royal pain in the parka do you know that?" Sokka attempted to lighten the mood with his world-class humor. Zuko's head simply drooped onto his shoulder seemingly in defeat and murmured something unintelligible. "What's that?" Sokka inquired.
"I said I know, I'm sorry. I was trying to come see you?" That got Sokka's attention.
"See me? For what?" He asked, now worried that something even worse had happened. After all, Zuko was never one for small talk.
"To apologize, I've been a neglectful Fire Lord and even worse friend,"
"Shh, it's okay," Sokka sat him gently on a ornate cushioned stool at the end of the large bed. He stepped away a moment to call for a servant to bring him clean water. Head injuries were nothing to play with, and it would give him time to get Zuko changed in to something warm. He reached towards the hem of Zuko's tunic first.
"It's not!" Zuko shoved him off suddenly. Sokka wasn't even phased. "It's not okay! I should have been there for you! I should have been stronger, more organized, more diligent, more like Azula," He finally conceded and Sokka finally understood. No stranger to feeling the responsibility of an entire culture, but still not entirely sure what to do.
"Let me get you into something warm," Oh good job Sokka, whatever, just find something so he doesn't get sick and stop talking
Sokka began rummaging through his drawers and closet for anything that could possibly considered warm. "Agni spare me," He fumed to himself. He understood that the Fire Nation pretty much had exclusively warm weather but not one fur lined tunic still seemed a little ridiculous. He huffed, pondering the situation for a moment.
Well he couldn't leave Zuko like this to get something warm from his own clothes, he could fall and hurt himself more, and knowing Zuko he'd do just that. "Oh, duh" He said to himself, and quickly untied the snow wolf-bear pelt from around his waist, striding back to Zuko.
"Here, let's get you out of this, okay?" Zuko only gave a soft hum in response. Sokka took that as consent and pulled the soaked tunic over his head, cold tea spraying him lightly as he did. He then wrapped the fur around Zuko's shoulders. Zuko hummed again, but this time it was one of contentment and relief.
The servant returned as if on cue with a warm cloth and a bowl of clean water, Sokka thanked him politely before shutting the door and quickly hurrying back to Zuko. "This might sting a bit, I'm sorry I'm not as good at healing as Katara," Both of their eyes drifted to the large scar, unmissable in the center of Zuko's chest. A cold chill ran through both of them. Zuko remembering the pain, Sokka remembering the fear that froze his veins when he saw it for the first time. I almost lost you. He thought to himself.
"What?" Zuko asked, voice hoarse. "What did you say?" "I didn't say anything" "No- you did. You said 'I almost lost you'" Zuko winced as Sokka brushed an obviously tender spot, and realized he must have said it out loud. Spirits
"I'm sorry I didn't mean-" "What did you mean then?" Sokka finished cleaning the wound in silence, it was smaller than he had thought which was a small mercy, but he still had no idea how to respond to Zuko's question
"You scared me Zuko," He finally said, brushing a damp strand of hair from his face. Zuko met his gaze, golden sunlight meeting the deep of the ocean. "Now? or-" "Both" Sokka resolved. "Tui and La you don't understand what you do to me when you put yourself in danger, it's like I can't breathe." "I thought you'd hate me," Zuko seemed to be regaining himself much to Sokkas relief
"Zuko I could never hate you," I flicker of something flashed in golden eyes. "You saved my sister, that is a debt I can never repay, but I will spend the rest of my life trying" A look Sokka couldn't place passed across the pale boys features.
"Oh... right" Zuko pulled the white and grey fur tighter around himself, subconsciously trying to cover the lightning scar. His eye began to burn again and he winced. "What is it?" The worry in Sokka's voice was palpable. "It's nothing, I must have gotten tea in my eye," Zuko figured now was not the time to explain how his scar still burned sometimes, and had been burning ever so frequently since last they spoke.
Sokka reached a hand towards his scar, Zuko flinched but steeled his spine. Resisting only ever made his father's punishment worse. Sokka was not his father, he wouldn't harm him, but old habits die hard. Sokka noticed this, but did not stop. His hand cupped Zukos cheek.
Zuko could feel the calluses on his palm, but Sokka touched him so gently and with such reverence that they still felt soft. He melted into other boys touch with a content sigh and closed his eyes.
Something soft touched his lips, not unpleasant but still startling to Zuko's half-fogged brain. He jumped back- eyes wide.
"I'm- I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that. You should rest, I-I'll go" Sokka stood abruptly, it was then that Zuko realized what had just happened. Sokka had kissed him. "You should rest" The water tribe boy repeated before turning on his heel and rushing back to the ornate doors.
"Sokka, wait-" Zuko stood as well, but too quickly. The world went black for a moment, he had the brief sensation of falling before a pair of strong, warm arms were under him. Cradling him to their chest so securely Zuko was sure not even an earthquake could have parted them.
Sokka's worried blue eyes pierced Zuko's soul and stripped him bare. Suddenly, Zuko had a moment of abject clarity. He removed a hand from its home on Sokka's chest, moved it up behind his head. It was reminiscent of how Sokka had steadied him earlier. Zuko had never felt more ungrounded.
"Zuko, what are you-" Whatever Sokka was about to say was immediately lost in Zuko's lips. They were so warm. Sokka felt as if someone had placed the sun inside of his chest. He was warm and fuzzy all over. He knew firebenders ran warmer than the average person but this was just ridiculous.
Zuko then pulled away abruptly, but not far as Sokka was still holding him tight to his chest. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"
"Oh shut up" Sokka hissed, and pulled the fire lords lips to his once more.
this is literally so long MY BAD, but I hope you enjoy anyway. xoxo
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erisenyo · 1 year
If it’s not too late/you feel like it, maybe “shh, c’mere” for zukka? Because the only thing Zuko’s worse at than showing emotions (other than anger) is being comforted because of said emotions (at least in my brain haha) also ik I said this in tags but I absolutely adored your Ty Lee suki ficlet with the crystals it hugs my heart ;-; she’s protecting her friends
。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。
For this prompt game!
“—and the utter gall of them to suggest—”
“Uh huh,” Sokka says, tugging Zuko by the wrist around a clump of slow-moving market shoppers.
“—like I haven’t spent months on the proposal—”
“So much time,” Sokka assures him, taking a moment in the next intersection to orient himself against Caldera’s cratered rim before pulling Zuko left.
“—to just come in and in one meeting—”
“Ridiculous,” Sokka agrees, shooting a quick, apologetic smile to the person who gives him started, half-offended look.
“—think they know more than me—”
“You researched a lot,” Sokka sympathizes, dragging Zuko clear of the line at his favorite food stall, which he's regretfully going to have to come back to later when Zuko—
“I researched—Sei Zun research—we researched—"
—isn’t at risk of popping a vein. Or starting to spit rainbow sparks in public, which would really give them away. Going incognito and relying on people’s expectations of where a Fire Lord won’t be only goes so far.
“And you did a really good job of it,” Sokka soothes, picking up the pace a little as Zuko hisses out a curl of smoke through his teeth.
“To just eel swan in—”
Sokka lets out an audible sigh of relief as he sees the sign for their destination, hand-painted and cheerful, before clearing his throat and quickly offering, “So rude."
“—and imply that I don’t care enough about—”
“Sh, c’mere,” Sokka interrupts as he pushes into the curious crowd thronging the square, Zuko spitting himself to a stop and making a low, seething noise of outrage. “Don’t be like that,” Sokka huffs, rolling his eyes and tugging on his wrist again. “C’mere.”
Zuko gives him a sideways, nettled look, clearly annoyed at being managed. “What are you—” he cuts off as he finally swings his glare up to actually take in their surroundings. Sokka can see the moment he realizes where they are, his face going suddenly slack with shock, mouth working silently a moment before he finally whispers, disbelieving, “…The baby animal adoption drive?”
“Mhm,” Sokka says, breaking free of the crowd and turning to walk backward so he can get a nice, good look at Zuko taking it all in.  
“The one we couldn’t make last year?” Zuko asks, dazed, stumbling along after Sokka.
“Mhm,” Sokka grins.
“And couldn’t make this year?”
“It rained last week,” Sokka reminds him. “They had to move it.”
“Oh,” Zuko says, with feeling, and Sokka doesn’t resist the urge to plant his feet and keep pulling, tugging him into his body so he can enjoy Zuko's closeness and also the dumbstruck look on his face.
“Yeah,” Sokka hums, dropping a light kiss onto Zuko’s lips and murmuring against his mouth, “Want to pet your feelings out?”
“Yes,” Zuko says, plowing forward through Sokka like that was all the permission he needed, face somewhere between determined and transfixed, and Sokka can't help but laugh before spinning to follow.
Sokka trails after at a more normal pace, grinning to see the tension melting out of Zuko’s body one kitten fawn and goat puppy—and inexplicably, a baby puma goat—at a time, until Zuko’s practically a boneless pile on the ground, baby animals crawling over him, head pillowed in Sokka’s lap.
“This was the best idea Aang’s ever had in his entire life,” Zuko mumbles into the side of the tiny kitten owl determinedly navigating his face.
“It was a pretty good one,” Sokka agrees, unable to do anything except smile at the sight. Spirits, he must look stupidly fond and sappy right now, but he can't seem to find it in himself to care about who might be seeing it.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this was happening,” Zuko slurs, both hands focused on giving ear scritches, and Sokka pauses on the braid he’s working into Zuko’s hair.
“It worked out, though, right?” he checks, relaxing again when Zuko lets out a deep sound of contented agreement and after a long moment adding slow, like he’s drunk,
“You have work to do.”
“Eventually,” Sokka hums, perfectly content to be where he is for now.
“Poak and Sun Chen are waiting for a reply?”
“Hawks only go so fast, and they need to rest, too, love,” Sokka shrugs, searching around a moment before plopping another kitten fawn onto Zuko's chest. “It’s nothing that can’t wait a few hours,” he assures him.
And nothing worth missing the sight of this, for, of Zuko’s small, delighted smile up at him before he turns to coo at the new creature, everything else happily forgotten.  
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petricorah · 1 year
#55 for the Zukka prompt ? :3
55. I missed you...a lot [~2k words] / zukka week divorce
I missed you…a lot.
Those were the words that were tumbling in Sokka’s mind the entire journey back to the Fire Nation for the group’s reunion. He just wasn’t sure if he was allowed to say them. He was the one who left, he was the one who ended things, and he was the one who was…still in love.
Every day since he left Zuko, he’d looked back. He didn’t regret his choice, not in the slightest: he loved his people. He would make the same choice again, to be there with them. To rebuild what the war took from them, to bring together the scattered benders, to teach. And he loved doing it. But that didn’t mean he…was happy. He missed Zuko. He missed the rumble of his voice. His sarcasm and brashness. His sullen glares and his passion. How his smile quirked more on one side. How he tried so hard to not laugh at Sokka’s jokes, but Sokka was always able to make him dissolve.
I missed you…a lot.
Maybe he should say it. Fair or not, it was true.
And then what would happen? he thought. You’re still in the same position you were all those years ago. Your heart lies across the world, and he’s here. What do you even think will happen?
“Sokka,” Katara said. “Aang asked a question.”
Sokka vacantly tilted his head, forcing his eyes back into focus to look at Aang, who was grinning at him from his seat at Appa’s reins.
“Totally spaced out. What’s up?”
“What are you most excited for?” Aang said, not skipping a beat. “I’m going to eat flaming fire flakes until I can’t taste my tongue!”
“Uh, yeah,” Sokka said. “Me too.”
“‘You too’?” Katara echoed, her eyebrow shooting up in suspicion. “You can’t eat spicy food. Like, at all.”
Sokka shrugged, and looked over the side of Appa’s saddle. “Tastes can change.”
They were crossing buildings now, getting closer to the Fire Nation Palace. Something tight in his chest constricted.
“Hey,” Katara said, leaning in. “Is your knee okay? You’ve had this look on your face the last few hours. Well…kind of the last few days.”
“I’m fine,” he said. “Just ate some bad jerky.”
She lowered her voice so Aang wouldn’t hear. “You’re nervous about being back, aren’t you.”
“It was bad jerky.”
Katara pinched her face together. It was a look their mother used to give him when she knew he was lying about hiding penguin seal pups under his blanket. Not that he would ever tell her she did something their mom did, because then he’d always get that face, and he hated feeling guilty. And he hated when Katara was right.
I missed you.
It was safer that way. He wasn’t sure if it was more selfish to say it, or more selfish to stay silent.  
They finally arrived when the sun was beginning to set. The Fire Nation sky always seemed particularly red at sunset. It was normally a gorgeous sight to behold, but Sokka’s mind was elsewhere.
Sokka slid down Appa’s side like he had a thousand times, but groaned inwardly as his feet hit the stone, pain from his knee blaring through it. He was getting old, and the chronic injury didn’t help. He bent to adjust his knee brace, and grimaced as Twinkle fucking Toes landed lightly with a flutter of fabric next to him.
Waiting for them outside the palace was Mai, Ty Lee, and—
“Sokka!” Suki said, mimicking his usual call to her, and ran over, almost knocking him over with her enthusiasm, and his bad knee barely held him up as he got his footing.
A wave of euphoria hit him as she did and he wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight. At least one person here was excited to see him.
“How are you?”
Suki beamed, pulling back. “I’m great,” she said. “We just finished initiating the new Kyoshi Warrior recruits. They’re shaping up to be really good. And, I’ve been perfecting chi blocking. When we spar, I’m going to have you rendered useless even quicker than normal.”
Despite it all, a smile tugged at his lips.
“And how are you?” she said, hitting him on the upper arm. “How’s the fancy new submarine project going?”
“The submarine project?” she prompted. “You said that’s why you could come last year. You were busy overseeing the construction.”
“Oh, yeah,” he said. “Finished. They’re absolutely fantastic.”
Suki didn’t look convinced at his waffling, but Katara said her name, and she swept past him to hug her.
Sokka zoned out a bit, tension creeping into his shoulders. The conversation was something about Toph being a day or two late, but he wasn’t present enough to truly pay attention. He didn’t know why the Fire Lord wasn’t greeting them—
“Where’s Zuko?” Aang asked, and Sokka’s neck snapped so quickly in his direction he heard something crack.
“He’s in meetings,” Mai said. She was poised and calm as always, but the stern demeanor was offset by Ty Lee hanging on her arm. The two had gotten together a short while after Zuko and Mai broke up, and it appeared that things were going well, even after all these years. Sokka could see Mai’s gloved hand on top of Ty Lee’s arm. Barely noticeable, but there. He felt a twinge of jealousy, and guilt for that feeling followed soon after.
“But he should join us for dinner,” she continued.
He didn’t.
Throughout the whole meal, Sokka was watching the door like a hawk. Every time a waitress entered the room, he practically flinched, his heart seizing inside of him.
He still didn’t know what to say.
I missed you…a lot.
He grated his teeth. He was desperately hoping Zuko showed up for dinner so the first time they saw each other could be in a public place, and he wouldn’t have to worry about what he might say. If it was in front of everyone, there was no worry that he would yell out I missed you! I still love you! in front of everyone. In a public place, he could crack a joke, put on his verified Sokka charm, and make Zuko laugh. Maybe make him forget how angry Zuko probably still was with him. A few laughs would…probably ice things over…right?
But Zuko didn’t enter.
He was pushing his food around the plate, barely eating.
Him. Barely eating.
Suki was looking at him like he was a madman.
“It’s not spicy, you know,” she said. “Zuko made sure to tell the cook you didn’t like it.”
Of course he did.
“It’s great,” he said. “I’m just not that hungry.”
Everyone within earshot stopped eating to look at him.
“Are you sick?” Suki whispered.
“No,” he said. “I just—”
“I thought you had some bad jerky,” Katara piped in completely unhelpfully. And by the snarky expression on her face, she knew exactly how cooperative she was being.
“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you,” he snapped back, earning him rolled eyes in response. He shoved up, the chair clattering back. “I’m going to our rooms,” he announced loudly, and left.
He supposed it would have been smart to ask where their rooms were before he’d stormed out of the room like a teenager. When they’d gotten there, palace staff had whisked their belongings away to who knows where, and he’d been wandering around the palace for what felt like forever.
Even his fucking knee was starting to hurt. He’d been training and practicing to clear his mind on the journey, but he hadn’t been able to actually successfully clear it, so he’d ended up overworking it viciously, and he felt the dull ache start to spread as he walked.
And here he was. At the turtle duck pond. Again.
“How am I here again?” he groaned, fingers curling into his hair and he yanked the strands. “This stupid pond! Again!”
He kicked a rock near the edge, and ended up hitting the post, and blaring agony shot through his knee. He doubled over, clutching it in pain.
Your future is full of struggle and anguish. Most of it self-inflicted.
Aunt Wu’s words echoed in his mind, like they had been doing a lot recently, and he scrunched his face.
“Aunt Wu, I still hate you,” he grumbled.
Sokka froze as he recognized the voice instantaneously, like a dagger through his heart.
He slowly craned his neck back, and saw Zuko standing above him.
He looked…
Sokka’s heart squeezed, and he felt lightheaded.
Zuko’s hair, which when he left, had been strands of fringe, were now bangs that curled along his cheeks and pulled back into his bun, the rest of his hair cascading down. His eyebrows drew together in concern.
“Sokka, are you all right?” His voice was low, and…
Sokka had thought the years apart weren’t enough for him to forget what Zuko sounded like, but hearing him speak again, hearing him say his name like that—
Sokka shot up quickly, staggering on his leg. “Zuko. H-hey, buddy.”
Zuko raised an eyebrow at the nickname, and regret lodged into his throat.
I missed you.
I missed you.
“Your hair got longer,” he blurted out instead.
Zuko’s eyes widened in surprise, and he rubbed his fingers together, twisting the tips of his bangs. There was a slight blush on his cheeks, but maybe Sokka was imagining it. “I just stopped cutting it.”
“It looks good,” Sokka said. “It suits you.”
Zuko stilled, shock running through his expression.
“So do the robes,” he said, pointing repeatedly. “A-are those new?”
“No,” Zuko said. “You just haven’t been here for a while.”
Sokka straightened his spine, cheeks flooding as shame pricked on the back of his neck. “I-I…”
“Why are you out here?” Zuko said, nonchalantly tucking his hair back. His voice was low and rough, and the nearby lamplight accentuated his features.
“Just walking,” he said. He put his hand on his hip, waving his other in the air like this was all a nonchalant stroll in the palace. “Enjoying looking at the turtle ducks.”
“It’s too late in the year for them,” he said. He glanced back, eyes narrowed. “You’re lost, aren’t you.”
Zuko stepped forward, his robes sweeping past him. “I’ll show you to your quarters.”
Sokka followed him, suppressing his limp as they walked down the hallway.
“How…have things been here?” he said.
“Things are being rebuilt,” he said. “It is taking time to reach the far corners, and the law is not my…strongest attribute, but we are making progress. We’ve been quite productive. Several sects have been showing major improvement. The acquisition of—”
Sokka snorted. “Why are you talking like that?” he said. “I’m not one of your advisors.”
Zuko looked down at him with glowing yellow eyes. “To be honest, Sokka, I have no idea what you are.”
Sokka’s stomach dropped.
“Or why you’re here at all.”
Sokka’s eyes flicked back and forth. “Because I…”
I missed you.
Zuko opened the door. “Here is your room.”
Sokka’s jaw clenched, and he slowly stepped through the threshold. In doing so, he could smell the scent of smoke on Zuko’s clothes, and for a fraction of a moment, they were close.
“There’s…medicine on the table,” Zuko said. “For you. I heard you weren’t feeling well. It will help.”
There was some glimmer of petulant avoidance in Zuko’s eyes, and suddenly, Sokka could remember when they were young, when Zuko shouted his question to ask him out without making eye contact with him once.
“Thank you, Firelord Zuko. I…” I missed you. “I’m glad I’m here.”
Zuko’s eyes were unreadable, and with a flick of his robes, he was gone.
oops. aaaand...this was almost 2k words. and might have a part 2 with plot? anyway, thanks for the ask!!
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feral-jackdaw · 1 month
Out of the Blue
day 2 of Zukka Week @zukkaweek - The Blue Spirit
Sokka hated Ba Sing Se. The city felt like a labirynth, and not just a normal one; every time you chose the wrong path, there was some kind of a trap awaiting. He wished they could leave as soon as possible, but of course they had to find Appa first.
The four of them had split up to explore the city and try to find anything that could lead them to their friend. So far, Sokka’s search had been unsuccessful, but he kept wandering the streets until he found himself in a blind alley. At this point he decided to take a break and get some rest. But before he could even sit down, he noticed two silhouettes at the alley’s entrance. He could feel his skin crawl as he sensed right away that something was about to go down. The silhouettes came closer; they turned out to be two rogue-looking men with ripped clothes and big knives.
The two kept coming closer, forcing Sokka to back off until his back was agains the wall. He clutched his boomerang, the only weapon he had, basically useless in this situation, and just waited.
“Hey, kid,” one of the men growled. He was pale and rather skinny, but somehow still seemed strong enough to snap Sokka in half like a stick. “Gimme your money,” he demanded.
Sokka reached into his pocket, and that was when he realized he gave all the money to Katara.
“Look, uh...” he stammered. “I unfortunately happen not to have any on me. But perhaps I could offer you... this necklacke? Finest Water Tribe craftsmanship, trurly one of a kind,” he bargained. Though he wasn’t happy about having to let go of his necklacke, he wasn’t too keen on the idea of getting stabbed either.
The man just growled in response and took one more step closer. His blade was now basically against Sokka’s neck.
Sokka instinctively closed his eyes and prepared to meet his fate. But nothing happened. Sokka risked a look just in time to see the attackers run away as if they saw an evil spirit on the roof. He slowly turned to see what spooked them like that, and what ge saw was indeed a spirit; the infamous Blue Spirit himself. As soon as Sokka’s eyes met his, the mysterious figure turned away to leave.
“Wait!” Sokka called.
The stranger paused and turned to him again.
“I, uh... just wanted to thank you,” he said.
The stranger nodded in acknowledgement and then, before Sokka could know, he was already gone.
Later that day, when Sokka chose to share the story of his encounter with others, he was mostly met with ridicule and looks of disbelief. Only Aang remaimed quiet the whole time. Sokka assumed the boy was just sad because of Appa, but as soon as they were alone, the boy approached him.
“I need to tell you something,” he spoke. “I... I know who’s behind that mask,” he confessed.
“Who?” Sokka asked. He felt his heart beat a little faster.
Aang looked away, as if he was hesitating.
“Zuko,” he said quietly.
“What?” Sokka gasped. “Then why... why would he help me? I don't understand.”
“I don't know either,” Aang replied. “But.. he helped me too once. When Zhao captured me,” he recalled. “He probably just wanted to capture me himself, though.”
“Still doesn’t explain why he helped me,” Sokka replied. “I’m not the Avatar, so I'm probably worthless to him,” he pointed out.
“You know, maybe he just isn’t as evil as we thought,” Aang pondered. “Maybe he still has some good in him.”
“Maybe,” Sokka said. But it still didn't really make sense to him. He couldn’t stop thinking about it, and he couldn’t stop thinking about Zuko himself; his gold eyes, his strong arms, the way he wielded his dual swords... It was so annoying. Sokka once again did not understand it at all... until next morning.
“So, you want to tell us about your new crush, Sokka?” Katara asked, nearly making him choke on his tea.
“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sokka claimed.
“Come on, I know that face of yours. The I have a crush face,” Katara argued. “So tell me, who is it?”
And at this point, it all clicked. He did have a crush. On Zuko.
But of course, he couldn’t say it out loud. Instead, he named some random girl that they’ve seen around and prayed that Toph doesn’t call him out for lying, but she didn't. For now, his stupid little secret was safe.
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