angelheartcas · 1 year
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babybinko · 1 year
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Made a TON of Venture Bros. genderbends :D
Bonus + some of my thoughts on all the designs under the cut:
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This is from a conversation I had with a friend about how Dermott and Hank would behave in this AU (its exactly the same as normal)
Ok now some thoughts on my design process
Hank: I think I drew Hank's face actually perfect, I made her so cute. I also feel like there's a common trope with genderbends where athletic characters get short hair so I gave her long hair and gave Dean short hair. I actually think the longer hair fits her perfectly. ALSO I LOVE HER BOOTS.
Dean: I gave goth Dean more Accessories than normal because normal goth dean had no fucking swag (it was besties idea to make her pants ripped). Even before I started drawing college Dean I knew I was giving her those legwarmers you can pry them from my cold dead hands. Same with the legwarmers I knew the first dean design needed a Jean skirt its just the vibes.
Dermott: The millisecond I even thought about doing Dermott I KNEW she would be 2012 grunge girl aesthetic. Gigantic shoplifting energy. Love her.
Rusty: I wanted her to look like a mean mom and I believe I accomplished that goal. Absolutely had to add the glasses strap. Very Jamie Lee Curtis.
Brock: I drew the one with the hair down first and my friends preferred the one with the hair up so I just did both. I wonder if she was a cheerleader in college and killed another girl on her cheer squad by throwing her too far/dropping them.
21: I drew 21 then I realized I had just drawn myself with bangs. Also I drew her with a blunt because there's an episode where 21 has a joint in his mouth the whole episode the other henchmen are standing in stupid poses in the background and its maybe one of my favorite bits in the entire show its so stupid.
24: 24 took several attempts to get the hair right I kept drawing it short and curly and my friend told me to give her Elaine from Seinfeld hair which I think ended up working really well.
Monarch: One of my favorites I did. I feel like this one you can definitely tell how Bayonetta completely re-arranged my brain chemicals as teenager. I love the hip cutouts, I made a tummy cutout to kind of mimic how Dr.GF's monarch costume is kinda skimpy. It's also hard to tell because of the cowl but I tried to give her like a finger waves hairstyle.
Dr.Gf: I tried a bunch of different hats but my friends liked the brimless hat the most and completely doomed him into looking like a Bellhop (more than he already did). Its giving Tyler the Creator at the 2020 Grammys. I still think he's cute though :)
Billy: I really didnt want to just draw her in a suit because thats boring. The show always gives me 60s vibes despite being set in modern day (I'm sure its on purpose) and I definitely channeled that with Billy. It took a couple tries to find a balance between fitting her body but still looking adult but I think I got it in the end.
Pete: YAYYYY PETE YAAAAYY!!! ^_^ Shes so Ava Max Coded. I also gave her giant buckles on her shoes to match his stupid ass one two buckle my shoes ass shoes.
Triana: Very much looks like putting emo boy in the Pinterest search bar. I made her thigh highs into his sleeves and I gave him square bangs like her.
Dr. Orpheus: NEEDED to make her a hot milf and I did. Its a little hard to see but her shirt has lace over the open part. I love the hair Jewerly at the bottom of her braid. :)
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romanarose · 3 months
The Bikeriders as a metaphor for bisexuality
Now I ain't saying this was intentional because I'm pretty sure it's not but this is how I read the struggle between Johnny and Kathy for Benny just feels like Benny's internal struggle between homosexuality and heteosexuality, how neither of it fits him so he was always walking that line.
For the record Im speaking in terms of binary gender because this is just a simple movie theory. I am well aware of other genders but this is just how I see it.
Spoilers below
Kathy tried to get him to leave, he wouln't do it. It's like he wouldn't let go of that same/sex attraction, the queerness, the subversive side of him.
Johnny never tried to get him to leave Kathy for him, but his pull comes in the two times he tried to get Benny to take over the club. Benny refused, because that full commitment to the club, the lifestyle, would be rejecting the other side of him.
He didn't want to choose. he wanted to just be himself. I think his happiness came in accepting that.
Benny didnt give up riding because Kathy made him. He gave it up because Johnny was dead and that broke him. He was ready to settle down. Benny didn't choose "being straight", I think in his crying, his finally crying he and Kathy new what Johnny was to him and I think Benny accepted who he was. Then he was happy with Kathy, because he did love her. I think she was wrong that he didn't miss it. I think he did. But I think he misses it in a sense that we as people will always long for the past.
Another way I see it is that yes, he's happy. Yes he has a good life. But Maybe he was always going to end up with Kathy as the "settling down". Johnny didn't equal settling down. I think a lot of times, especially back then, homosexuality was viewed as a phase, like the trope of college girls going through a "gay phase" or concepts of homoerotic military men secluded from women. That its something you do for a while then you "grow out of it." But thats not how it really works. I stand by that Benny loves Kathy and is happy at the end.
He smiles, which is rare for his character. He's smiling when Kathy isn't looking, so he's not performing for anyone.
But I think when you look at it in the context of the time, she was the option if he wanted to settle down. That, as bisexual people, maybe you have some crazy times in college but then you find someone in a heterosexual relationship and settle and try to put that behind you. It doesn't mean he's not happy, as bisexual people in straightpassing relationships are happy. It just means, when the motercycle sounds echo for him, he still thinks about the past. the what if.
And thats just a human thing to do.
I saw The Bikeriders on Saturday and then twice, yes twice today (sunday). I was bawling at the end the last two times when the bisexual metaphore theory came to me. I read Benny as bi right away.
Johnny is said to have gotten his inspiration from Marlon Brando. Bando has talked about being bisexual. Another famous name and face of Brando's era was James Dean. Although Dean was more a car guy in the end, he was deffinetly into motercycles. Dean's sexuality is speculated but many close friends say he was bisexual.
I think it would be almost impossible not to have homoerotic subtext with this sort of thing if the movie was true to inspirations of the era. I don't know how you can watch it and think benny and Johnny dont want each other.
Personally, I don't think Johnny was bi, I think he was gay. I think because of how little emphasis on his wife there was, how she never quite seemed to get him, not in the way Benny got him, I think he was gay. I think he married and had kids because thats what you did.
Anyway all this to say I fucking love this movie. At first watch I wasn't a fan of Austin butlers performance but now I get it. Wow. I get it
I know its not anyone intention making the movie for it to be a metaphore for bisexuality but I can just see it see clearly.
This came out during pride month for a reason
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mlp-natural · 5 months
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Cant believe I didnt post my Cas pegasi wings over the years
season four, Cas had long flight feathers despite the lack of muscle mass Jimmy had, a sign of his heavenly status and his role in bringing about the apocolapse
season seven, leviathan mutation aka Godstiel, wings got longer, and the feathers drooping as if they were melting into sludge as they fell out and resembled the more bare look of a leviathan’s wings.
season nine Metatron broke Cas’s wing, the end of it got torn off in the fight, and lost all his feathers when his grace was removed
The break did not heal correctly during his time as mortal
season 12/13, gained some muscle mass from use despite being flightless still. When Jack shown him visions of having his wings restored he was eager to grab that chance and it influenced his actions towards the end of 12. After his return in 13, his feathers started growing back in partially from Jack’s subtle influence (so much uncontrolled grace and a fresh ass soul will do that to any angel, fallen or not), partially from the natural restoration of his grace and vessel, and that good old backup battery from the profound bond lmao
season 14, Cas was never one for wing maintenance with or without his grace and skipped the preening and care since his grace usually took care of it. But while Jack was mortal, he asked Cas how to take care of his wings since he didnt have grace anymore. So they learned proper feather care*, a habit Cas keeps for a long time to honor Jack and their time together
season 15, though still unable to fly, he has accepted bring grounded with his family. He has started growing flight feathers on his right wing, and while the left one is patchy and crippled, he still takes pride in his appearance and each feather he sprouts (every feather reminds him of Jack.)
Chuck is dead in my mlp AU btw, he got hit by a car or something mid season 15 and I am working on the details on how he manipulated stuff and how all his bs worked until it didnt etc
onwards, Jack wants to find a way to restore Castiel’s wing, though it is unclear if he has the power to heal an angels trueform and vessel. Once, Cas may have jumped at the chance. Maybe he still would. Thats the thing about freewill, its unpredictable. But for the time being, he didnt mind taking it slow as much as he once did and they put the wing matter on the backburner. Cas is fond of Jack and thinks it is touching for him to ask, but it is not his duty to fix things (Does Cas refuse to heal as a reminder of who he was? Is he unable to heal at all? So many questions about his situations and character!)
Sam looked into prosthetic flight wings for disabled pegasus, though not many could achieve actual flight above a hover. Dean took a look at some models and with Jack’s help they build a custom for Cas to wear for the time being (if he wanted)
While Cas doesnt wear it every day, he will sometimes wear it on hunts during the investigation to keep nosey ponies from being distracted. Its a bit of a hassle to get on and off, but Cas can fly short distances. (he is faster on foot but its the thought that counts)
*Sam and Dean know how to clean feathers of blood and monster gunk, but thats it. So Cas and Jack relied on researching online for the most part
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 7 months
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RIP to my friend nixie. they stopped watching SPN after season 11. and asked about the finale. i wanted to immortalize what i sent (which includes a recap of seasons 12-15 so they would Understand.) so. read on if you wish, this monstrosity is going under the cut lol
so. in season 12 lucifer possesses the president of the united states (dont worry about it) & impregnates one of the president's staff members who was banging the president behind closed doors, republican Kelly Kline. through a series of events, cas winds up being the Adoptive Father. kid is born, but he had opened a rift to a different alternate universe the show so eloquently named 'apocalypse world'. it is a world where sam & dean were never born. through Another series of events, team free will PLUS mary winchester (yeah shes back from the dead, amara brought her back, dont worry about it lol) & cas tries to kill lucifer. he thinks he did, comes back through , and hes like there for .02 seconds before lucifer pops through & stabs cas. cas dies. mary beats up lucifer with angel brass knuckles or whatever & they fall through the rift & it closes. they are trapped there. at this exact moment, jack kline (kelly kline & lucifer/mr. president's baby) is being born. sam runs into the house to Check On That. dean however, falls to his knees next to cas's body & looks up desperately to the sky. (the cw said Not to read into this. it means Nothing. destiel who?!) also kelly died in child birth. bc spn Hates women.
thats the end of season 12.
season 13, we have jack. he popped out a fully fledged like. 19? 20? 21 year old?? bc his mom said he would have to Grow Up Fast. dean wraps cas's body in a curtain. alone. and is like crying & devastated. the bois and jack burn cas's body & dean looks like he wants to off himself (& he tries to in like. the next episode but Death brings him back). (also sorry im sooo bad at summary lol). we have the Widower Arc where dean bargains with a silent god to bring back cas, but Nothing. and dean is just fucking depressed as all shit. suddenly! cas is back!! BECAUSE jack heard dean yelling at sam about how its jacks fault cas is dead bc when jack was a fetus he showed cas a Vision of how he could bring Paradise On Earth if they allowed him to live (they wanted to kill him bc. like. Spawn Of Satan & all that). so jack uses his Powers™️ & brings cas back from the dead! yay!! a lot of other shit happens & the Empty (which is like. the Entity that encases all the angels & demons when they die, & where cas was when he was dead) Does Not Like that cas escaped. so, it wants to take jack to get back at cas. cas is like 'no fuck off thats my son lets make a deal. take me back instead' & the empty is like 'ok bitch 2 can play that game. i WILL take you. but ONLY when you experience a Moment Of True Happiness™️'. & cas is like 'bet.' bc! hes a depressed mf & figures it would take a Miracle to make him Truly Happy. (pls keep this in mind, its a surprise tool for later). ummm so yeah season 13.
season 14 had like. ANOTHER fucking michael/lucifer arc but it was Stupid. dean said yes to michael like the angels wanted in season fucking 4 & 5. & i dont Totally remember the plot but like. dean has michael trapped in a box in his mind & wants them to?? fucking?? put him in a warded coffin & chunk it in the ocean?? so michael will never hurt the world again?? also--its like. AU michael. and also mary is okay, & we get AU bobby & AU charlie & a lot of shit happens. anyway.
season 15: we get the Divorcr Arc™️!! dean & cas fight!! bc guess what? jack accidentally killed mary!! (yes! she died AGAIN!!) bc! he didnt know how to control his powers! & dean blames cas! so cas Leaves in a big dramatic breakup scene. we also find out that god (aka chuck) has been like. controlling Everything?? & free will Doesnt Exist?? & dean has a crisis & we get cas saying 'dean, you asked what about all of this is real. We Are.' (which we were apparently sooo crazy to read into!!) & also!? chuck brings back ALL the monsters salmon dean ever killed?? and rowena sacrifices herself to save the world! but! dont worry! she is now thenQueen Of Hell™️ & fucking THRIVING! anyway, season progresses, we get purgatory 2.0 and dean & cas are separated & dean lITERALLY GETS DOWN ON HIS OLD MAN KNEES TO PRAY TO CAS AND APOLOGIZE AND SAY HE FORGIVES HIM!! & then. a bit later. chuck starts poofing away Everyone On Earth bc he wants to destroy the multiverse. and also? death wants to kill dean i forget why. oh yeah! i think he stole her Death Book or whatever to try and see how to kill god. anyway. we have episode 15x18. Thee Episode of All Time. it starts with AU charlie and her gf. they are making eggs and vibing and all of a sudden her gf goes Poof. then sams gf Eileen goes Poof. so they round up as many friends as they can & put them in a warded place but they all go Poof. so sam is with the friends when this happens & also jack. and dean & cas have gone to the bunker to Fight Death. and. so. get ready for this. death shows up. she (yeah billie the reaper became death btw. long story) she starts to like. squeeze deans heart to kill him with magic. cas helps dean run through the bunker away from her. they get to the dungeon. death is literally banging on the door which cas had cut his palm to ward with a sigil of his blood with a knife he pulled from deans back pocket. (again: he cut his palm--another Surprise Tool For Later). deans like 'im so sorry man, we should have stayed with sam. shes gonna get in here, and shes gonna kill you, then shes gonna kill me' & cas is like 'well theres one thing strong enough to stop her' & he starts telling dean about the deal he made to save jack (yep, he never told him). and he says 'i always wondered what would break that curse. but i think i know now' & he. he fucking. he starts a speech about how he knows how dean sees himself, as a killer, a monster, daddys blunt instrument driven by anger, just like his enemies see him. BUT cas says dean is Not that. he says dean is 'the most caring man, the most loving man on earth' & deans like freaking out & is like 'why are you telling me all this? why does this sound like a goodbye??' & cas says, crying, but smiling, 'because it is' & then!! cas!! says !! 'i love you' !!!!!!!!! &&&&& death breaks down the door!! && the empty is materializing behind dean! & dean says 'dont do this cas!' & cas grabs deans LEFT SHOULDER WITH HIS BLOODY PALM! & says 'goodbye dean' & shoves him out of the way!! & the empty grabs cas!! && death!! & takes them away!!!!!! && dean is like!! freaking the fuck out sitting on the flooor with tears in his eyes!! && we cut to like. a bit later. hes Still there, crying, head in his hands, as his phone rings on the floor--its sam. end of the world, sam is calling, & he doesnt answer. we end the episode to deans crying. LIKE FUCK!!!!
15x19: they defeat god. jack like. absorbed him?? & he became god?? & then fucked off to do godly duties!? and did Not bring cas back????
(there are Theories that Chuck Won &thats why the next episode is so fucked and i Have To Agree)
anyway. so. cas is Not in the episode. at All. we have sam & dean? driving??? & there are like at LEAST 2 very Bad montages of random scenes that dont even make sense. sam & dean go to a pie eating festival. sam shoves pie in deans face. they Thengo on a case. its vampires. theres a vamp from like. season 2?? who was a minor charachter?? but they brought her back?? why??? idk. and. so. dean gets impaled on a rusty rebar nail during the fight scene in thr barn. he gives sam a long ass speech. they ?? touch foreheads for some reason??? && dean wont let sam get help??? & sam is like 'if cas were here...' & deans like 'yeah well he isnt.' like??? && then deAN FUCKING DIES??? && GOES TO HEAVEN??? && BOBBY IS THERE??? AND APPARENLY FUCKING ABUSIVE ASS JOHN LIVES DOWN THE ROAD??? && dean asks bobby 'so jack did all this?' (as in revamping heaven so people can be all together instead of separate like it used to be) & bobbys like 'well, cas helped' & then dean smiles, then goes?? & rides his car!?? bc his car is in heaven????? && we just see him driving interspersed with clips of sam on earth, burning deans body, and grieving dean, and later sam gets a blurry wife, we dont see who she is, and he has a son?? and he named him dean!? whixh we know bc the kid has on overalls that say 'dean' on them??? & then sam gets old and sits in the impala & cries while wearing a wig that looks like its from fucking party city?? then sam is on his death bed and his son is there?? && theres all these pictures around him of himsefl and dean & mary & john but?? no wife!? ans also!!? noone else like their friends?? & then sam dies & carry on my wayward son plays for like the second time in the episode. and we see dean on a bridge in heaven, he finally stopped driving & is staring off into the distance. and then he hears something behind him & smiles & we all thought 'CAS???' but NO its fuckingSAM somehow young again like whendean died?? & theylike. hug. and then it pans out & all the cast & crew are there?? and they say thank you to us for watching?? and then ?? its over?????? like Awhta thWHAT THE FUCK
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vikingstoner69 · 2 years
Dean Winchester/Reader: Done Fighting
  Not edited
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Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: M
Summary: when a fight gets out of hand things are said and feelings are known.
 You look over at Dean who had a death grip on the steering wheel, his eyes never leaving the road and his jaw clenched tightly. Dean was pissed at you and he had every right to be even though you had everything under control you still could have been hurt or worse killed. Dean and you had grown up together and you both were glued to hip and you loved him with every fiber  of your being. You as he enters the parking lot to the crappy motel you both had been staying at while working this case. Sam was off bobby on another hunt leaving you and dean to take care of a pack of werewolves a state over. 
“Dean I’m fine, I didnt get hurt and the monster is dead. I would say thats a good day in my book” You say trying to make him relize you were fine and had everything covered. Dean's head snaps to your way as you speak as he shuts of the car his eyes burning with fury. Without saying a word dean gets out of the car and stroms off to the hotel door and gose inside you following after him calling his name. When sudden he stops and turns on you. 
“And what if you had died! Huh? What then? Fuck (Y/n) I cant lose you! I love you way too much to let that happen!” he yells his body tense and you feel your heart speed up at his words. Dean moves till he is standing right in front of you and you look up into his eyes. 
"Don't say things you don't mean dean" you say sadly knowing he didn't mean it. This was not the first time he has said this. The first time he had been shit faced drunk. You bite your lip and go to walk past him but he grabs your arm and spins you around till you're facing him again. 
"Don't you dare walk away from this (y/n) and you tell me how I feel!" He snaps and you look up at him. You feel your anger flare and you yank your arm free. 
"Why! So you can magically forget that you said it and then pretend like it didn't happen!? I can't go through that again Dean! I don't know what game you're trying to play but I'm done!" You yell tears running down your face. 
"What are you talking about!?" He snaps looking at you, his eyes going hard. 
"You have a habit of saying you love me when your drunk" you snap and he sighs as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
"That wasn't me (Y/n). A skinwalker took my face" he groaned and you felt your heart stop and your stomach to drop.  You felt sick as you remembered that Night. 
"Then that wasn't you that kissed me?" You ask softly, feeling all your anger leave you. Dean's eyes lock on yours and he steps even closer making you look up. 
"Tell me everything" he growls leaving no room to argue. You bite your lip and think back to that Night. 
"It came to the hotel and asked if I wanted to get a drink. We went to the bar and did shots. The other you got drunk and walking back to the room it said that you loved me and then kissed me" you tell him recalling the entire thing. Dean's head was down and his eyes were closed and his body was tense. 
"It kissed you" he growls through clenched teeth you felt your heart speed up and your core to throb at his anger. You bite your lip as dean steps closer to you. 
"Yes" you whisper and he growls his face moving closer to yours. 
"We're gonna have to fix that" he growls, crashing his mouth to yours making you moan and him to groan. You kiss him back just as hard your hands tug in his hair as his hold on you tightens. Dean nips your lip and you moan as your tongues battle.
 Dean's hand tangles in your hair and his other hand on your hip tightens as you push your chest into his wanting to be closer to him and you whine at the loss of his lips when he pulls back making you poute a bit. 
"Tell me the truth Dean. That thing Said you loved me. Is that true?" You ask, your voice coming out like a whisper and cracked at the end. You knew this changed everything but you had to know. 
"I- yeah (y/n) I do. I really fucking do but I thought if I kept you at a distance you would be safe. I can't stop loving you, no matter how much I try" he says gruffly, his eyes staring deeply into yours. You bite your lip as his words sink in. You lean up and kiss him deeply but before it gets too heated you pull back. 
"I love you Dean. I have for so long but I never thought you could feel the same for me" you say softly your eyes filling with tears as his hand cups the side of your face. He leans down his lips barely touching yours. 
"I'm not fighting this, I can't" he says huskly, your heart felt like it might bust out of your chest. The image of him with his head between your thighs  you made up flashes in your mind and you feel your cunt throbs. 
"Then don't" You say, closing the small gap between your lips and kissing him deeply. You loved the feel of his lips on yours. Dean's on you tightens as you bite his lip and he picks you up, your back hitting the wall and your legs wrapping around him. You both moan as you grind down on him. 
"Fuck! The things I'm gonna do to you sweetheart, gonna make you feel so good" he growls huskly in your neck before you feel him suck and bites your neck making you moan. 
You push your hands under his black shirt and you feel his muscles twitch at your touch. Your nails run down his chest and he growls and bites a mark into your neck. 
"Take your shirt off" you growl, tugging on it and he chuckles. Dean used his thighs to hold you up as he removed his shirt for you. He barely gave you time to look before he had your shirt off you. His hands roaming your body. You moan, placing your hand on his chest and push him back a bit so your feet hit the floor and you look up at him as you undo your pants and take them off leaving you naked in front of him. You watch as he bites his lip as he pops the button on his pants. 
You reach out and place your hand on his chest and you push him till he is backed up to the bed. His eyes never leave you. You push till he sits down and you lean down and kiss him deeply. You kiss down his neck biting and sucking marks into his skin. 
"Fuck sweetheart" he groans as you kiss and bite down his body. You look up at him as you reach his undone pants and lick your lips. 
"Oh you have no idea all the things I have thought about" you smirk pulling out his hard cock. You start to stroke him slowly and he groans as he watches you play with his cock. 
"(Y/n) fuck baby" he groans, you lock eyes with hie as you suck the head into your mouth and you both moan. You suck and lick your way down his cock till his tip brushes the back of your throat making you gag a bit. 
Dean's hand goes into your hair as you suck him off. You moan and look up at him before pulling off with a loud pop. 
"You taste so fucking good dean" you grin from your spot on the floor, you were soaking wet form him and he hadn't even touched you. You wanted to feel his hands and mouth on your body. 
"Your mouth around my cock has been the best sight I have seen in a while" he groans rubbing his thumb over your lip and you suck it into your mouth like you did his cock. You look up at him as you let his finger go and straddle his lap and grind down on his hard cock and he could feel how soaked you were. You kiss him deeply as you roll your hips his hands grabbing both cheeks in each hand and drags your soaked cunt on his cock making you moan. 
"Fuck me dean, make me yours" you moan in his ear before biting the lobe and he groans and just like that you are on your back with dean hovering over you. 
"Oh sweetheart I plan on fucking you but first I want to taste your sweet pussy" he growls his eyes bright and blown with lust. Dean slides down your body to your hot slit and sucks your clit making you cry out and pull his hair. 
"Oh! Dean fuck! So good" you cry out your back arching off the bed as he eats you out like a man starved. You cum hard without warning making you scream his name. Dean kisses up your body to your lips where he kisses you deeply and you moan as you taste yourself on his lips. 
“You taste so good baby” he groans against your lips and you moan thrusting your hips up needing the fricton, you needed him. 
“Please dean” You moan hoping he would stop teasing and fuck you good and hard. Dean smirks down at you as he grabs his cock and rubs it through your dreched folds rubbing your clit. 
“Fuck me dean, Make me yours” You beg, he groans and sowlely pushes in you both moaning at filling getting what you both wanted for so long. Dean filled you to the brine and stressed you out just enough to leave a slight sting. Dean leans down and kisses you deeply as you adjust to him. He reaches down and slowly rubs your clit and you tighten around him making him groan. 
“Your so tight and wet sweetheart, gonna fuck you good and hard” He growls as he fucks into you hard and deep shaking your body with each hard thrust. Your nails drag down his back and you cling to his ass your nails digging in trying to bring him closer. You were a moaning beginning mess. Dean leans down and kisses and bites every inch of skin he could reach, marking you. His hold on you was almost borderline painful but you didn't want him to loosen his hold on you. You liked that he might leave bruises behind you wanted to feel this for days. 
Dean pulls out of you and flips you on all fours with your ass in the air as he re enters you from behind. His hips slam into you deeply and roughly making you cry out and push back taking him even deeper. One of his hand goses into your hair and pulls your hair bearing your neck for his teeth. Dean growls lowly before he smacks your ass making you cry out and clench around him tightly and he groans doing it again. 
“Dean please!” You beg pushing back into his hard thrusts you was so close to cumming. It felt like he had kept you right at the edge for ever and you needed to cum badly. 
“Please what sweetheart?” he growls in your ear never losing his rhythm or pace as he drilled into you. Your mind goes hazy and foggy from his tone and from lust. Dean gives another sharp smack when you don't answer making you cry out and clench around him. 
“Please let me cum!” you cry out as he pounds into you he groans and pulls out and flips you back over on your back his hand gose around your throat making you look right at him. Dean leans down and kisses you deeply as he fucks you hard into the bed your nails leaving tracks down his back. 
“Scream for me Sweetheart” he growls in your ear before rubbing your clit hard and hiting your g’ spot. 
“DEAN!” you scream out as you cum hard your body stiffens and your world gose bright white. Dean groans and pumps a few more times before he stiffens and cums deep inside of you making you moan. 
“Damn Sweetheart” He pants laying down kissing you deeply before falling on the side of the bed trying to catch his breath. Dean reaches over for you and you lay your head on his chest as he runs his fingers through your hair, holding you close to him. You could feel his heartbeat slowing down as you kissed his chest. 
“What? Too much for you to handle?” you grin and he chuckles and smacks your ass playfuling making you laugh. Dean looks up at you as you straddle him his hands going to your hips and your hands on his chest as you rock just a little bit making him bite his lip.
“For you? Never sweetheart I just think we should of done this sooner” he grins up at you his hands running up your sides. You feel him harden under you and you smirk down at him. 
“An now you Dean Winchester are mine and this night is just getting started” You smirk holding up a pair of handcuffs. 
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adidegmez · 1 month
spn s13 spoilers
s13 ep1(lost and found)
if dean thinks cas is really dead then what did they do to his body? did they burn him, bury him or nothing? jack is just a baby right now. winchesters are maybe not superheroes but they are my heroes. dean is just telling the truth?! he is not okay. he lost everyone he cared except sam. sam is calmer than dean. jack is just a sweet little boy. sam is scared. castiel is jacks father(according to jack at least). thats nice. damian as in damian wayne? i dont think i know anyone else named damian. dean'S prayer… he even add crowley he loved him(sometimes). and Chuck he left and he just doesnt care. he left lucifer on earth. everything happened on this Show is because of him. and i still believe if they raise jack right he will be good. no one is born evil. even if lucifer was a bad guy he was an angel he was the angel. jack is half angel and this is not a bad thing. dean said goodbye to everyone cas, kelly, mom and crowley. and crowley i just cant he said his name with the other people he cared about people he respected and its sad that crowley didnt get to see this. Dean accepted the deaths of all of them. How can he do this? They can still return, why not? and mary did return she is not dead.
s13 ep2(the rising son)
im sos sorry dean but sam is right. He is right on every part of this issue. Jack is not bad, your mother is alive, the only way to save her is with Jack's help. i knew jack was watching scooby i thought dean would let him watch. but i think he needs a little time to know jack. sam is nerveous when talking to jack because he never had an experience with kids like dean had. dean would calm jack down he wouldve known what to do but he is mourning the people he lost and he is angry. and that prevents him see the way that sam sees. sam did a good job with jack. i expected dean to say he is batman but i guess its not the time. lucifer is funny sometimes. good job jack. i think dean will understand jack, eventually. i hope that time comes soon.
s13 ep3(patience)
kelly was a great mother. i get deans point of view but he needs to calm down. it's been a long time missouri. she died! jack really cares about deans opinions just like his dad(cas). dean will get over this and he will be nicw to jack eventually, i just hope it wont be late. yes, sam is the best person to understand jack. this is brilliant. i really love how he treats jack. i love sam. i know dean is in pain but sam is right this is resembles to sam's situation. sam deserved to be saved so does jack. and jack didnt do anything wrong yet he has been on earth like a week. and cas mary it wasnt his fault. dean lost them and he is blaming jack. but its lucifers fault. and jack doesnt deserves a this treatment from dean. dean should help sam save jack. i have always been on the same page as dean always but not this time. i hope dean changes his mind soon. because i need both winchesters in the same page. cas! im glad he is back but if he could return does this mean crowley could return too. and i think i finally understand something. Charlie and now rowena are dead and they wont return cause the story doesnt need them anymore. but i need them to return. i always see spoilers but ive never heard rowenas death. and ive never seen anything about charlie's return. but i want them to return. I didn't even like Rowena that much in the beginning but lately I've started to like her. Charlie is a completely different matter, i always loved her, I need her to come back.
s13 ep4(the big empty)
clone wars!!!!!!! i didnt see that coming. clone wars is my favorite star wars Show. i love ahsoka too but anakin is not bad sam. well he turned to vader but he was a good master palpatine manipulated. i hope jack loves clones. they are my favorite thing about star wars. clones are amazing. dean cas sam and crowley closed the door. crowley sacrificed himself. i think i love jack. cas where are you? why does lucifer need mary? Dean needs to pull himself together as soon as possible, he scares Jack, he even upsets Sam. misha is amazing. finally dean complimented jack. i needed that. finally dean is thinking like sam. thank you dean. cas is back.
s13 ep5(advanced thanatology)
yes, something is wrong with sam. dean wears sunglasses indoors. Do the w's represent how many times the winchesters died? did billie become death? she is death thats not good. I wish Dean hadn't killed death. I loved him. thats a good thing afterall. billie let dean live. Dean lost his faith. But when Cas comes, he will be happy. hi cas. welcome back. look in their eyes. team free will together again.
s13 ep6(tombstone)
cas is back. everyone is happy. i missed you cas. and the hugs. jack did it jack brought him back. team free will 2.0 . dean is back. he really missed cas. his eyes are shining. i missed funny dean. Seeing Dean happy makes me happy. cas… all i can think about is his character development. he is an amazing character. he changed so much. his talk with jack was beautiful. hats, dean is really back. dean finally said it, jack is not a monster. i wish he didnt leave. i hope hell come back.
s13 ep7(war of the worlds)
what happened to mary? So will Michael be the villain of this season? i knew it was kevin. hi kevin! i missed you. i think i would prefer lucifer to that Michael. lucifer is so funny. lucifer is back, Mary stayed in the other World. i thought ketch was a clone. I don't remember seeing anything about clones in this series, but for some reason the first thing that comes to my mind is always clones. But it turned out to be an evil twin. i believe that story hes telling the truth. rowena isnt dead right? cas and lucifer, lucifer is so funny. and he is trying to save the World for himself probably. i believed ketch. asmodeus and ketch, they will trouble the Winchesters. If Dean had said yes to Ketch, would Ketch have worked with them instead of Asmodeus?
s13 ep8(the scorpion and the frog)
supernatural really did everything. now there is a heist episode. and it was funny. yes, i missed hopeful dean. it was nice to see that. Didn't Bart say there were copies of the spell? Couldn't they find them? The bus scene reminded me of the scene where they left Charlie on the bus. i missed Charlie.
s13 ep9(the bad place)
i think jack wants to bring mary back not lucifer. Jack gets very happy when he gets a "good job" from Dean. And that makes me happy too. Jack also joined the family. I love him. dean! why did you treat her like that? well at least jack found mary and the winchesters are together. but idk where kaia is.
s13 ep10(wayward sisters)
claire is getting better at hunting. they are on a hunting trip… they said it again. i like it. i love donna and the others, we should see them more. i love jody. Claire's speech was like the beginning of a new series. I researched but they haven't made a mini series, I hope they tell this story here. i love the girls they are amazing.
s13 ep11(breakdown)
the real fbi is here. The beginnings of the episodes always resemble Criminal Minds. but almost the entire episode was really like cm. garcia would find her quickly. i liked doug. i hoped he would become a hunter. doug and donna were good. come on, first dean now sam they lost hope but it was always like this and they believed this job. but now they are in a dark place. i need hopeful winchesters back.
s13 ep12(various & sundry villans)
lucifer is hilarious. omg not the love spell. not dean please. yes sam save dean. hello boys(crowley said it the best). hi rowena. welcome back. how are you alive? they all forgot about adam. cas loves his son. i love how he talks about jack. Rowena asked about Crowley because she wondered if he might pose a risk to her, right? I wish there were nice mother and son scenes. I don't even think Rowena would be upset about Crowley's death, but I wish she would be. she is sad?! rowena is right. when is lucifer ever gone. he always comes back. cas and lucifer made a good team. that was a little brutal. Rowena took the page, didn't she? i thought sam would give her but i didnt think would do it. but he did. lucifer is not dead. We forget the traumas of the Winchesters very quickly, they are not even mentioned. They always show themselves strong, they don't show what's inside them. Dean spent 40 years in hell, Sam was tortured by Lucifer, Dean had to survive in purgatory… I hope Rowena doesn't cause trouble for the boys.
s13 ep13(devil's bargain)
i thought lucifer would let cupid live but he killed him and i suppose he did it just for fun. i forgot about ketch. How did Lucifer not die? i missed kevin. sister jo(daneel ive been waiting for this, i thought we would saw her earlier on the show). Doesn't the prophet know the difference between Cas and Asmodeus? ketch is right. lucifer cant do the things he promised, right? gabriel!!! well, i hope winchesters can save him.
s13 ep14(good intentions)
Dean you are amazing Cas you are amazing too. Mary is not Mary. They're still messing with Jack's head, right? hi bobby! sometimes jack's smiles are sweet but sometimes he scared me he smiles like lucifer sometimes, other than that he is just a sweet boy. and i love him. i love this bobby too but i want old bobby. mary made the deal she brought so much pain to her boys but we saw what the world would be like if she hadn't made that deal, and I think Mary did the right thing. If that deal hadn't happened, we would never have met the boys. cas! i dont like where this is going. i hope cas wont go far. Dean and Sam are Jack's role models, I think he chose very good role models. Whatever it takes… both Dean and Cas go too far. They need to calm down and think a bit. I hope nothing bad happens to them. I'm sorry about Donatello, I didn't like him as much as Kevin, but he was still a good guy. He didn't deserve what happened to him (like all the good characters in the series)
s13 ep15(a most holy man)
While Dean was saying enjoy, he was thinking things like this will be the last time you drive and he was imagining how he would kill that man. yes i totally believe dean would kill for the baby. I heard that that scene was improvised and it's really a perfect scene. I never thought that the blood would come from that man. I thought it would be from someone we knew before or someone very important.
s13 ep16(scoobynatural)
do you know how long i've been waiting for this. I've seen a lot of clips about this episode and I was very curious about it. When I started this season, I was thinking that they were opening a portal to the Scooby universe with Jack. I even thought that they would travel to different universes throughout the season thanks to Jack's portals. just for fun. But when it comes to SPN, sometimes this is only possible for a few episodes. There is a villain in every season and the world is in danger, so team Free Will has to save the World all over again. But did the trickster really die and come back, or was he never dead? i really love when dean is being a fanboy. he genuinely loves them and he shows that he loves them. and i love him for this. i love deans love for scooby-doo. this is one of my favorite episodes now. it was awesome. i love dean. i love sam and cas too but dean has a special place in my heart.
s13 ep17(the thing)
poor gabriel, I hope he can get out of there. Ketch is saving Gabriel right now, even if it's for himself. where is cas? why aent they waiting for him? ketch did some bad things, idk how to feel about him. gabriel is okay for nw with sam. dean really has a death wish. he doesnt care if he dies he only care about the others. yeah this is a nice thing but he would die to protect them and i dont want him to die.
s13 ep18(bring 'em back alive)
Charlie! Until two days ago, I didn't see anything about whether we would see Charlie in this series again but then I learned that we will see the apocalyptic world version of her. I knew she would come but I didn't expect that we would see her now. i missed her. She shouldn't have died. why didnt they wait for cas? i think ketch really cared about mary. gabriel is back! and he left. Asmodeus is dead, right? i hope he wont come back. ketch is complicated. Charlie is acting like our Charlie. i couldnt believe charlie's death and i still cant. she shouldn't have died.
s13 ep19(funeralia)
rowena what are you doing? i thought maybe rowena was trying to get crowley back but then i said she wouldnt do that. is she really trying to get fergus back? if thatsthe truth please let her try. i want crowley back. rowena is kinda right only team free will gets to come back from the dead. naomi is alive. I hope Sam doesn't have to kill Rowena. I started to love Rowena even more. I think there is such a thing as the Winchester Effect. They changed an angel, the king of hell, the most powerful witch and many more people and turned them into better people, and it is great to watch the character development of those characters. They changed Rowena as well as Crowley. I think Rowena loved Crowley. I wish she had the chance to tell Crowley that, or at least show it.
s13 ep20(unfinished business)
Fenrir from Norse mythology, right? I realized the last part was similar to Steve and Tony's argument (Marvel). we'll löse, we'll do that together too… they lost, steve wasn't there. i hope sam could be there when it comes to that. I can't be sure about deaths when it comes to tricksters. I even wondered if Loki replaced Gabriel at the end, but they wouldn't do such a thing because the story would be extended unnecessarily and there is no need for such a thing. i missed our kevin, he wouldnt do that. poor jack. mary sees her as a son:)
s13 ep21(beat the devil)
rowena and gabriel? little awkward but funny. In the beginning ep was hilarious but then it all went dark. rowena didn't run, this time she stayed. she has changed(the winchester effect). lucifer's bar scene was awesome. Sam died and came back, thanks to Lucifer. I'm glad he is back but lucifer brought him. they found jack and mary. dean watched his brother die, again. and the look on his face is telling everything. im glad the brothers are back together.
s13 ep22(exodus)
no, mary. i know you want to help the other World but your boys came for you. you shouldnt do that to them. lucifer is not entirely wrong. yes he does so many bad things but sometimes he does good things. like most of the villains on spn he is complicated. I've seen the scene where Cas and Lucifer drive the bus on the internet before, but I didn't think it was real. I thought it was someone's dream or something. i know lucifer is bad but he tried to do the right thing. he fought Michael, and now he is doing bad things because sam wouldnt let him come with them. sam has hs reasons but now lucifer is going to help Michael nd i think he is not happy about it because h will have brought Michael to the other world, just as his relationship with Jack was getting better. and he knows this will upset his son. Gabriel isn't really dead, right? Otherwise they woudn't have zoomed in on his face. its always good to see bobby but i wish we couldve seen our bobby with the boys and our Charlie.
s13 ep23(let the good times roll)
I would like to see charlie and rowena together. Dean's dream is very beautiful, but with their luck, it is impossible. I wish it could happen, no one deserved retirement more than them. but i dont think they would get a happy ending. This is how I wanted Dean to treat Jack from the beginning. Dean's speech was beautiful. soft dean is my favorite, he is kind and sweet when he needs to be. I love him. I was going to believe in Lucifer because he wanted his son and was doing good things just for him, but in the end he ruined everything again. Dean, you tried so hard to keep Michael from getting to you. I wanna cry. michael has dean, i hope dean can beat him. Is Lucifer really gone? dean… i want to kill Michael. i hope dean will be the one to kill him. The suit and hat suit Dean very well. Just when good things are happening, everything turns bad, and every season, boys cannot find comfort. Can't the kids relax for just one season? There won't be a big bad guy for the end of the season, maybe if they want they can hunt like in the first season or just have a good time together in the
bunker. only 1 season. I wish… but it's impossible. i just want to see them happy.
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omegawolverine · 21 days
QUESTION!!!! what do you think stu’s opinions on the walking dead would be? what characters do you think he would like? characters he’d hate? what about how the zombies are portrayed? or how the storytelling is or how the writing is in general?
(this is peak autism for me lol :3 i have thought about this and wanted to ask you and forgot til now)
eeeee this is also peak autism for me ive been obsessed with twd since i was literally in the 5th grade and was reading carl x readers daily that's how you KNOW its serious
anyways!!! i think stu would enjoy the earlier seasons but get really bored during alexandria and no amount of hot jeffrey dean morgan can fix that. he'd probably stop watching and then pick back up during the last couple seasons when it picks up pace again and he'd REALLY like some of the spin offs (namely ones who live bc his bisexuality makes a show about michonne and rick specifically perfect for him, theyre like eye candy to him)
he'd think the visuals, gore and sets/locations are fantastic and are a large part of what drew him in during s1 bc the story didnt really work for him until the later half of s2 and early s3 when it gets real brutal. that's not to say he thinks its bad, he just has a short attention span and he obvs loves watching action driven horror bc it means more blood and guts so once the show picks up he gets real into it. he probably forces billy to watch it weekly with him while its airing even tho billy is very meh towards the show.
in terms of how the zombies are portrayed, i think he'd like it. its leans towards classic and stu is a man of classic horror so you wont find him complaining. he really thinks any portrayal of zombies is fine as long as theyre scary enough. fast zombies, slow zombies, zombies that can climb or whatever the fuck those zombies in army of the dead are doing where they like perform rituals and have a buff zombie king with intelligence, he doesnt give af as long as it looks disgusting and horrifying.
as for characters...here's a bit of an unnecessarily long breakdown:
s1: he'd like shane at the beginning (he can get that he thought rick was dead so he doesnt fault him for screwing his wife), he'd def think glenn is a sweetheart and have a soft spot for him, he'd find lori annoying but not really care that much and he'd have conflicting feelings about daryl. on one hand, aggressive asshole's are kind of his fave, on the other, s1 daryl is the worsttttt. any other characters either dont stick out to him or they die too quick to be relevant.
s2: he'd stopped liking shane halfway through s1 for the obvious but now he's become insufferable and stu cannot wait for him to die (bc he knew it was coming, they couldnt stick with a loose canon like that), he also really cannot stand lori now and he finds dale to be increasingly annoying even if he is right about things like half the time. daryl is now his fave but glenn is a close second. he likes rick now too! he was neutral on him in s1 bc he was just kind of a good guy and stu likes more edge to his characters, but now rick is finally getting that. he thinks the new farm characters are nice enough but the only one that really stands out is maggie and he has mixed feelings on her but they lean towards positive. he doesnt like andrea but he doesnt hate her.
s3: stu has mixed feelings on michonne but thinks she's gorgeous and he fucks with the sword and how brutal she is so he hopes she sticks around. carl is growing on him, he likes that he's a bit cold compared to the other older characters. he's glad lori is dead as hell but misses tdog a bit even if he did fuck all. he likes carol!! she's not a fave but he's grown an appreciation towards her. hershel is okay, beth is probably his least favorite but he doesnt hate her. he thinks the whole governor plot is badass but he cannot stand the governor or merle as characters. andrea is really insufferable to him now. he doesnt care for sasha or tyreese but theyre like so irrelevant at the moment anyways. glenn is still his goat and so is daryl but his attachment to merle pisses him off.
i wont go past that bc ik ur still on s3 but just know he will have a major hard on for negan despite all the bullshit he pulls (and maybe even partially bc of it, that bat and all the murder does something for him) and he'd also love rosita <3
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tiktaalic · 2 years
So I’ve been reading the sequel to Time Has Come Today, which features Teen-Dean yeeting himself back to the future and dragging the Cas from his timeline along. Which made me realise I have never considered the scenario of Cas meeting his past self. Verdict’s still out on his reaction in this fic, but I’m curious if you have any thoughts on the matter? I mean obviously poor past-Cas is immediately launched into an existential crisis of epic proportions, but how do you think later-series Cas would react to his past self?
oh he'd be sweet. very. i know this what you've heard your entire life and i know that you believe it and i know i'm not going to change your mind today. and i think baby cas would start off prickly for obvious reasons. and i think smooth and steady (normal cas) would win the race (unprickle baby cas) as long as they stayed on the level ground of regular cas going. i know what you're thinking. i know it terrifies you. i know you dont have the words for it. but i do. if the lobotomies came up baby cas would be like. MAYBE I HAVE BAD VIBES? did you ever think about that before blaming heaven for torturing me and manipulating my memories . it would go real south real fast if the genocide or dean came up. baby cas would balk at the idea of jack but get worn down by the way cas talks about fatherhood / jack himself if he met him at all. but baby cas could one hit KO normal cas by pointing out his life sucks so bad. like if baby cas went you keep saying theres nothing wrong with how i am and tojust do what i think is right but you did that and you're here and you're just as miserable as i am and WEAK with no brothers or sisters to speak of and the handful left want you dead. all for what. and if this happened when jack was dead cas would kill himself for real. if it didnt hed be like. for my son.........
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azurdlywisterious · 7 months
Okay im giving my fallout ocs their tumblrs back! Hopefully nothing bad happens!
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💥 mygenderis-c4 reblogged thecoolerscrewdriver
💥 mygenderis-c4
The thorn should let me use my explosives in the ring smh
💥 mygenderis-c4
I mean, they do let me but the spectators stand too close to the edge and end up in the splash zone
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
Wait what is the thorn?
💥 mygenderis-c4
Its like an underground fight club type of place. Its mostly just fighting angry and irradiated creatures
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
Ohhhhh its like spin the wheel at nukaworld on tour! Last time i was there i fought a couple of deathclaws
💥 mygenderis-c4
You fought… a pair…??? Wtffffffff
#seriously whats in the water in appalachia??? #for a carnival game???
34 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Ive got 99 problems and Mr. House calling me a good girl would fix most of them
#if you asked me for an exact number #itd probably be 69 of my problems ;) #marilyn youre a star
619 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🍀 luckiestbastard
Just got kicked out of the tops. Guess they couldnt handle my swag at the blackjack table 😗✌️
#and thats why the atomic wrangler is where its at!
7 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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⏳ start-startover reblogged uh-ohthemisery-deactivated312282
⏳ start-startover
Imagine being so down bad for a dead businessman that him giving you attention would solve most of your problems
🧠 big-mt-head
@.uh-ohthemisery we were talking about vagueing the other day. Is this that?
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-deactivated312282
Why are you asking me, sir? Also yes
🧠 big-mt-head
Is she vagueing @.mrhouseownsmysoul ?
⏳ start-startover
Why tf did u tag her?!
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Oh so little miss “get tf off anon” is vauging me now? Tell me deja, how many times did you kill dean?
⏳ start-startover
Ive made my peace with the failed timeloops. Hes alive now which is more than i can say for house
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Ill have you know that mr house is alive and well thank you very much!
⏳ start-startover
Alive? Sure. Well? Now, thats up for debate
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
You leave my husband’s health problems out of this!
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-deactivated312282
Suzie he literally reeks of formaldehyde
💸 mrhouseownsmysoul
Arent you dating a stealth suit?
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-deactivated312282
Oh uh look at the time
⏳ start-startover
Holy shit did she just fucking deactivate???
#rip dalcia #was kinda weird that you were in love with a stealth suit #but you were cool nonetheless #until we meet again
937 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🍀 luckiestbastard reblogged big-mt-head
🧠 big-mt-head
@.therealprimmshady what is the atomic wrangler?
⭐️ therealprimmshady
Do you know what a bar is?
🧠 big-mt-head
Dr. Borous told me about how he would sneak into them while attending American High School. There were a couple in Dr. 0’s movies that he showed me. I think Dr. Dala mentioned people watching at them once or twice.
⭐️ therealprimmshady
Well thats what the atomic wrangler is. I could take you sometime if you… uh… want to research human behavior at bars more?
🧠 big-mt-head
Fascinating. According to my schedule, i dont have any other science activities tonight
#sir i need to know what other science activities you have
16 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2 reblogged mygenderis-c4
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
New blog, who dis?
💥 mygenderis-c4
Didnt you just deactivate?
🏃‍♀️ uh-ohthemisery-2
#i was never here
3 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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👄 thecoolerscrewdriver reblogged not-another-guy-podcasting
📻 not-another-guy-podcasting
Its got what plants crave!
👄 thecoolerscrewdriver
It has electrolytes!
#we do need new razorgrain plants #fuck me #ill be coming back with vodka
3 notes ⤴️ 🔁 ❤️
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🌌 azurdlywisterious
Okay theyre losing tumblr privileges again
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A/N so this is a little different from my usual works but I just sorta thought of this one so yeah. Happy holidays everyone, enjoy a Christmas, fluffy, angsty I guess, familial fic.
Have fun <3
"here you go Cass." Dean said handing him a messily wrapped present covered in gold and red shiny wrapping paper with a big bow on the top.
"for Sam?" He asked moving his present filled hand toward Sam.
"no Cass, its for you hun." Dean smiled albeit confusedly. Cass sighed sadly looking at the floor
"I don't understand." He mumbled.
"hey, that's ok Cass, it's your first Christmas, what don't you understand?" Sam asked patiently.
"I thought gifts were given to loved ones." Dean looked at him almost offended.
"hold on." Sam said to dean. "Cass, did you get us gifts?"
"I'm sorry, I see now why you would not want them. I apologise."
"no no no Cass. Ok how do we do this?" Sam asked himself.
"Cass, why would you love us and us not love you? I tell you I love you all the time." Dean said.
"yeah but... Why would you mean it?" Cass asked. "you say it when I say it first. I thought that was just social protocol." He reasoned.
Sam looked at dean shocked and outraged.
"dean! You only say it when he says it first are you kidding me?!" Sam shouted angry.
"yeah well... That doesn't make it less true or constant." He said sheepishly to Sam before turning to Cass. "you know that right?"
"how could he when he only hears it as an echo?" Sam said. He was defending Cass with avengance.
"hold on." Dean mumbled eyebrows furrowed.
"no I'm not done yelling at you yet!" He said.
"no no seriously. Stop." Dean said.
"did you say why would that be true?"
"well... Yeah." Cass mumbled.
"why?" Dean said.
"well. I'm a broken angel dean. Why would you love me? What is there to love?" cass asked genuinely, that was what really shook dean, Cass truly believed what he was saying to him, he thought himself unlovable because he wasn't what he once was.
"shut up cass." dean said.
"i-im sorry." he said looking down.
sam watched the conversation develop quietly.
"you should be.-"
"Dean-" sam started.
"how dare you. how could you possibly see yourself that way?! i love you cass! i love you so much. i dont care about that. when you were a real angel or whatever the hell you wanna call it you were a dick! i didnt love you until you started caring, until you had and expressed the emotions you were previously punished for feeling. Cass we love you so much. i love you so much. how could you possibly think we wouldnt love you. how could you think that. i am so totally in love with you cass. everything i am is thanks to you. not because you saved me from hell but because you save us, you help us, you heal us, and you heal the people i love. i dont love you out of gratitude cass, i love you becuase even wehn it ends badly you try to help people no matter what and if it ends worse off you hate yourself, you feel the guilt even when it isnt your fault. when something bad happens that knowledge kills you. like, do you rmeber when i got sick and you were human and you stayed up for almost a week taking care of me and you hated yourself for not being able to heal me?" Cass nodded slightly, "do you remember when i jumped into a hunt the second i could and ended up having to catch you when you passed out from exhaustion, dehydration, starvation because you thought that you didnt matter if you couldnt help others?" cass nodded again. "do you remeber what i said to you when you woke up?"
cass nodded again before saying, "you said that it didint matter who else was in trouble, it didnt matter that i wasnt an angel because you needed me and that you loved me. you said that i couldnt help anyone if i didnt take care of myself because id end up dead and that if that happened you wouldnt know what to do with yourself." cass finished.
"and thats why i love you, because you would blow up the very ground you stand on to make something right, you would put the life of a caterpiller before your own. i love you because no matter what happens you prioritise others and no matter what happens you never stop lovong the little things."
"and its a good thing too other wise dean would never get any action." sam joked.
"Sam! get out, im busy!" he commanded, its a good thing sam was already leaving because he was too busy laughing at himself to hear him.
"ignoring sams untrue and incorrect comment cass, i love you. do you understand?" dean asked. scootching towards cass who nodded. "I love you too." he said before wrapping him in a tight hug, cass didnt really like kissing, hugs he loved and sex he didnt ming but kissing was too strange, he couldnt stand the feeling of someone slese toung in his mouth, said it felt like worms, so dean kissed him on the forehead or on the mouth without tounge, if it made cass happy he was more than happy to comply. but cass knew he was loved and that was what he needed to hear.
"so what did you get me anyway?" he asked.
"oh cass, youre gonna love it." dean said as he handed it over. cass unpeeled the gold and crimson paper his smile positively beamed. “Merry Christmas!”
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" cass screamed, dean smiled and sam came in running.
"What is it? What happened?" he asked. he looked at cass with the bee themed pj jumpsuit slippers, eyemask and photo frame unwrapped in his lap.
"So you like it?" dean asked.
cass rushed over to dean and hugged him so hard dean had to check his ribs. he chuckled at his verocity.
"my god i love you."
So yeah. Enjoy. Just thought it would be interesting and it kinda makes sense to me that cass would have a terrible family sense given that the angels were really aggressive and not exactly loving, so yeah. Any thoughts? Let me know :)
Send me prompts please. I have no inspiration :)
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ycurkxng-a · 1 year
Characters: (Coasty SMP) Dean King, Adam
Warnings: None
Notes: Damn this shit made me sad wtf
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Nothing could've prepared him for this, absolutely fucking nothing. Although a part of him always knew a day like this was bound to come, he never wanted it to, Jesus Christ, he didnt want this. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, and there was one bastard Dean had to blame for this. But he'd be dealt with later, for now, Dean had a corpse that needed to be laid to rest properly... At least properly in his own viewpoint, demons probably did something different.
Adams blood stained his gloves and jacket from how tightly he'd pressed the corpse into a hug after finding him there, but he truly couldn't care less about that. Out of the few hundred things racing around in his mind, that wasn't even considered for a moment.
He crushed branches underfoot while he walked, if he was going to be buried anywhere, it wouldn't be at that goddamn village. Hell no, not in that bastards place, he deserved somewhere better to rest. He'd walk across the entire goddamn plains to find that spot if he had to, as long as he could bury his shovel into the ground to make the hole, thats all that mattered.
It wasn't long before he found the proper spot however, up a hill with flowers surrounding, the sun shining down on it from behind, hell. Dean wouldn't mind being buried somewhere like that spot himself, he just hoped Adam wouldn't mind- if he even knew about where his body was.
He continued to move, reaching the top and looking out at the view. Just high enough to see everything without having to crane his neck up or down, all in clear view for him. This is the spot he deserved, not behind some house, or anything like that.
"...pretty." He mumbled, "You'd like it.. I hope." A weak chuckle, then silence, the crushing reality still weighing down on him. He let out a soft sigh before setting the body down to the side ever so gently, watching closely how his literal dead weight slumped, his head rolling to the side- god.
The sight plunged a knife into Dean's heart and twisted it, this wasn't how it was supposed to be. Not for Adam at least, if anyone should've gone out like that, it should've been him, HIM. But that didn't matter now, at least that's how Dean got himself to stop thinking about that fact for another 20 minutes. At that rate, he would be joining in Adam in death before he even buried him.
To work he went, taking the iron shovel he stole out of his rig and pinpointing just where the body would be laid to rest. Starting at the foot of the soon to be made hole, Dean raised the shovel up to his side before thrusting it downwards. The spade dug into the ground before he pulled back up, taking a chunk of the earth with it.
"I'm sorry." He muttered, continuing to dig as he took the occasional glance at the ever unmoving body. He knew he was dead, but a part of him still wished that by sone miracle, Adam would simply rise back up. Everytime he looked he prayed he'd see something different, but no, it was the same gut wrenching sight.
"I shoulda been there, I should've been right with you, you'd... You wouldntve-..." Dean trailed off, fixing his gaze to the hole his brother would soon be in. That's now where he should be, no, he should still be there. He should've been happy, and still being a fucking moron, not THIS. Not taken out by some bastard who didn't deserve even a fraction of the shit he'd gotten, if he was there... Fuck.
Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes and spread throughout, stinging them in the process. He continued to dig, pushing through nearly being blinded by his own emotions, both literally and figuratively. Each time the shovel struck into the ground, his actions became more and more forceful. Grunts turned into incoherently shouting as he rapidly pulled dirt up from the ground before slamming the shovel back down, and shouting turned into sobbing.
He practically collapsed onto his knees, only supporting his upper half with the handle of his tool as years of anguish finally poured out. His sobbing was ugly, his masked features contorting with the pain he'd kept bottled inside for ages. His chest ached, he couldn't breathe, his hands shook violently, he couldn't fucking think.
Everything was silent around him, aside from the occasional gust of wind, all that filled the air was his wails that echoed throughout the wilderness. This kind of pain was something he hadn't felt in quite some time, and he was barely able to pull himself together after what felt like hours of mindless bawling.
Still sniffling, Dean stood back up and buried the shovel into the ground next to the fresh hole, leaving both hands free for him to pick Adams corpse back up and set him down yet again. The sight hurt, and eager to both suppress the sight and finish the burial, Dean went back to covering the hole. Easier than digging it up, that was for sure.
"I'm gonna make this right, I swear." Dean sighed as he topped off the grave, patting the dirt down to smooth it out. His attention turned to a nearby tree with rather large branches sticking out from it, "I'll find some way." He continued, moving to the tree to rip off said branches.
His hands moved as fast as he could to wrap strings he'd carried in his jacket (among other things) around the two branches, fashioned into a rather shoddy cross. It was better than nothing, right? He tied the strings ends into tight knot, knocking the cross against the ground to make sure it wouldn't just fall apart at the first hard breeze. When it didn't break apart, Dean stood up and looked at the now covered grave.
He raised the cross above his head, the bottom of it aiming downwards which allowed him to stab it at the head of the covered hole. He pushed down once or twice in order to keep it in place as best as he could, and once he stepped back and looked at the sight, he couldn't help but feel something rather familiar travelling quickly to his chest, his hands, his mind.
Something in him boiled just beneath the surface, something in him demanded retribution for what had been done, and he could feel it spreading and infecting his mind once more. Something needed to be done about Blue, if that motherfucker would simply be allowed to walk free after what he'd done- oh, Dean would never be able to let it go.
His breathing grew heavier, compressed in his mask, and his goal became clear in the midst of his scorching rage. "I'm going to make this right." He claimed, grabbing the shovel out of the ground and lifting it up. "I promise."
Turning around and storming off with fury in his heart, Dean's destination was that damned village. He was going to paint Coasty with that bastards blood and brains, if he had any in the first place. That fucker was dead, and he was going out by Deans hands. It was the only thing he could do now.
Even though he failed Adam, he could at least avenge him, that had to count for something.
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johnbronze · 2 years
ok for real I know they were limited in their options for explaining Stiles’ actions because DOB didnt come back but like SERIOUSLY. I have so many questions and complaints and not even all of them are Stydia related….. spoilers obviously
Uhhh I can’t figure out how to add a read more on mobile sorry folks hopefully this is a good enough buffer !!!!!
Did…. Did anyone bother to tell Stiles that Allison is alive?  are we meant to believe that nobody did?? or what’s worse, that he was told and he just didn’t come to Beacon Hills or call or anything?
On that note, are we actually supposed to believe — and I am not a Sterek girlie by any means, love and light to y’all but it’s just not my cup of tea — that Derek fucking DIED and there was a whole ass memorial service that Stiles just didn’t bother to show up to???? HELLO????
I mean it’s also nearing levels of ‘spn finale Dean Winchester ending’ stupid that Derek died in the first place, given that his whooooole character arc (by my book, anyway) is springing from the place of his trauma, and the way that he has blamed himself, struggled with guilt and loneliness and has been atoning for all of the pain of what he perceives to be personal failures the ENTIRE TIME, never letting himself get too close to people, never asking for help, and instead sacrificing for and nurturing Scott as the ideal alpha that he feels he couldn’t be… I don’t know. It just feels like a needless sacrifice to me, like there are so many ways that you can restrain someone and prevent them from moving from the place where you need to. Oh I don’t know burn them alive ?maybe? Which don’t involve sacrificing yourself and burning alive yourself, right in front of your son and the rest of your loved ones. I know again there are production factors at play, maybe it’s likely that they knew damn well Tyler H wouldn’t or couldn’t come back for another movie so they decided to kill off his character?? but suffice to say I was not happy with that at all (and not in the way I think it was INTENDED to upset me.)
Anyway, I know that Stiles needed to be absent because Dylan O’Brien was not a part of this movie, but if I’m being honest, I kind of would rather that Stiles had died ! Obviously I love Stiles’s character and it’s not that I want him dead at all!! it’s just. if they were going to fully send it, and they know he’s not coming back, and they knew that they were going to make up this premonition dream to break up Stydia and (poorly) explain his absence, then it would’ve done a lot better to make that separation as permanent as in life and death. The Stiles we know would never want to be separated from the people he loves as much as he has been now because of all of the external, real life factors. In fact, the season arc with the ghost riders proved to us just how far Stiles can and would go to be present! It was aaaactually a whole thing ! So, if I’m being honest… (1) the way that he and Lydia parted, (2) the way that he isn’t present or even mentioned in the light of his loved ones dying/being resurrected, and (3) again the fact that he wasn’t even at Derek’s memorial … it all feels like a silent character assassination to me. It feels like the mentioning of “Stiles” in this new canon contains less essence of Stiles than it would’ve if he had died. I know it’s easy to have a hater moment and make criticisms and piss and moan about how I would’ve done it better, and I know it’s not always as easy as it sounds… but JESUS CHRIST
Also congrats to the sterek girlies on your own personal y yo a ti moment……that jeep shit was CRAZY
#this is only like an iceberg tip of the things I have to say about this movie#like there’s a clear estrangement between some of the main characters that honestly..stiles feared! we know he did#and we know how hard he fought to hold onto everyone#like he was the glue between them and it would’ve been so sad to see that confirmed. he really WAS the glue#seriously. stiles dies. they all fall apart into little groups and fragments pieces of my HEART!!!! I would’ve bawled.#we could’ve had a closed casket funeral flashback! Scott tries to take Malia’s hand and she pulls away. boom Scali breakup explained!#*​scalia (obvi)#and I feel it would’ve been more evocative emotionally to see Lydia grapple with guilt#that stiles died (in her mind at least) because she was too selfish to heed her power’s warning and keep away from him#it would’ve made the moments where Eli is SOOO similar to stiles HURT more for us as an audience AND to the characters who would see it too#like. raise the stakes! heighten Derek’s (and all of their) fierce protectiveness for this baby !!#make us ACHE thinking about the cycle of it all. how this kid is Scott but he’s also stiles and he’s (literally) a little bit of Derek and—#also this is another thing but I’m also pissed that Liam and Mason had like ZERO interactions lmfao theyre fucking besties ??? or#if they’re not anymore then you should TELL US THAT!!!#I wanna know why Scalia broke up and why she’s fucking Parrish FR#for REALLLL it’s so left field and don’t get me started on what they did to her character and how it highlights Stiles’ absence further#also I miss Theo. to ME he’s under the Hale’s wings. to ME he’s a mechanic and an artist and him and Liam are boyfriends. haters stay mad#TAKES A DEEP BREATH.#okay I think I’m done for now#I can’t figure out how to add a read more on mobile so I hope tagging for spoilers will be good enough (!)#teen wolf#teen wolf movie#teen wolf movie spoilers#teen wolf spoilers#tw#…. I mentioned Dean so.#supernatural finale#supernatural spoilers#alright. bases covered?#long post
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wulfums · 2 years
I would LOVE to hear a TedTalk about your self-ship with Jonas Jr! Ya know, like a general rundown of y’all’s relationship or whatever fun-facts ya have about it!
(If you wanna talk about Steppenwolf too then please feel free, hehe)
So sadly since my man JJ is dead canonically and his story in the show has ended (It should have been Rusty </3) I have it all down.
David is yet another one of my OCs who is like a human with animal DNA. He's part Striped Hyena.
He lived on Spider Skull island after his work combining animal/human DNA was more known- though the only one he was able to get work was on himself. I think JJ was super im pressed by this and perhaps wanted another scientist to talk to and have around and throw around ideas with.
JJ was canonically with Sally- and he still is! Yet another case of Wulf and his polyamory. I think Sally and David got along really well- David basically gets along with anyone. He's very laid back and thoughtful. He's also really good with kids so he would take over watching Rocket whenever Sally and JJ wanted a date night without having to worry.
I think he just. Kind of became part of the relationship over time. And I think Sally was the first one to realize it and would Absolutely tease JJ and David about it- which they had NOT realized but were totally down with. It was a super casual thing.
David worked at the NYC branch of Venture Industries while JJ was working on Gargantua-2- They were both bummed that David was not able to attend- he was really close to a breakthrough with his experiments and coulnd't leave the sensitive expiremtn info by itself.
So uh, you can imagine how David felt watching the news after the events of Gargantua-2. Sally was left Spider Skull Island and invited David to come back, but David refused. He became very reclusive, though always supportive of Sally, Rocket and Ned, and just kinda. Moved into a storage room in the NYC office while he continued work on his experiments.
You can imagine Rusty was jumpscared when he opened a door after taking over and found a Furry standing there. He was like HATRED. THERES A DOG IN HERE, CALL ANIMAL CONTROL. And David is like "...Well I'm a hyena." and Rusty is like "Waiiiit. Do I know you from somewhere." and hearing there was a whole dog in here, Hank came to look. He was like "Oh hey, Hi uncle David!" and Rusty is like "...Uncle?" and David is like ".......Rusty you went to me and JJ's wedding." and Rusty is like "No I didnt!! Id remember something like that." and Dean, who had walked over as well to see what was going on was like. "To be fair, you did get blackout drunk before the wedding even started and Brock had to carry you home." and Rusty is like "That DOES sound like something Id do.....Why are you even HERE. I didn't hire you."
David explained he's just been living there working on something important- though to be honest he stopped working on it a while back...so really he's just been living here and eating people's food out of the fridge.
Since David IS a Venture, Rusty sadly cannot evict him so basically they have a hyena living there now. Hank and Dean really do like their uncle David- Hank enjoys talking to him because he's funny and Dean just likes having someone who isn't fucked up to talk to about things. David makes it clear that if Hatred steps within 5 feet of him he's going to lose limbs so they do Not interact. God I wish Hatred was dead.
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tears-of-boredom · 2 months
finished season 3 aughrr here's episode 15 and 16 notes
girls when they see penist lmaoo love this demon reakky making a your mom joke gagdfag sam kill him<33 sammy kill him<33 sam in a suit sam in a suit sam in suit sam in sa suit sam laughing sa m alguhinggglalk 10 minutes another victim jogging in the night by the pier oh god i hate medical horror so much sam omg you really gonna try and make dean into a zombie to savw him the fuck sammy please defy dean more often its so hot 15 mins why the horribly sad music omg i know theyre codependent and shit but theyve been apart for a couple days before come on sams gonna get his fucking kidney stolen or something 23 mins funky music sam could you get bloody this episode that would make me feel so much better love<3 this doc lowkey hot lmao whos his actor bella omg youre so girlboss sam what the fuck this is not going to work youre smarter than this oh god medical horror augh why are you taking his eyes in specific i fucking hate eye stuff sam dont be stupid you see what immortality looks like that is not something you want for dean bella <33 love the new hair btw, i think the change does you good LMAOOO THEY DID BELLA HER SHIT PULLED A BELLA DAMN but noo bella no dont die cmonn did bella die fr? oh no man did she actuaööy die
episode 16 oohhh shit this song fuckss fuck yeah this intro fucks OMG THIS SONG FUCKS SO HARD WHAT THE FUCK "carry on my wayward son"?? uh ohhh is dean gonna go to hell maybeee also how come all these demons have such like english names,, fricking rubyu and lilith and gabriel sam pls summon ruby anyways i think itd be hot if you rebelled and summoned a demon sams angryy wait rubys actually really pretty how didnt i notice before ruby you gonna try and kill sam or something?? whats that circling about? oooh sam gonna become a witch? sammy sammy pls become a witch ruby youre so awesome dean cmon let sam do a suicide mission to try and kill lilith if youre gonna die anyway oh no the girllss are fightinggg sam youre so hot girl wait sam you were in on it?? cmon sammm become a wiotch :((( for me??😳😳 omg wait dean youre actually speaking facts,, you being kinda hot rn bobby<33 bobby i love you sam singing and msiling <3333 sam singing asnd smilinggz<<#3333 omg sammmy sammy singing dead or alive by bon jovi why so hot igjfdag ooh shitt ninja shit lessgooo oh theyre killing so many oeioke ih fuck samn youre so hot 27min sam sam kill ruby kill her<33 sam samsam kill lilith cmon i dont think they can show children dying so clkearly so sams probably not gonna kill her but oh god do i wish it works like cmon let sam kill lilith and then become a iwtch also<3333 do it sam do it doitdotitdotiitito please oh my god please awww:(((( samsam sam crying while angry so hot omg sam crying OH NO DEAN CRYING AS WELLL OH NO NONONON THIS IS TOO MUCH DEAN DOESNT FUCKING CRY WHYT HWHHY OH GOSDD NO RUBY SHHUT UP THEYRE HACVING A MOMEMTN OH GOD SAM SAM DIDNT HESITATE OH MY GOD SAM SO HOT DIDNT HESITATE AS SOON AS HE REALISED HE TRIED TO SWING OMG OMG EW EW LOILOITH WHAT THE FUCK WAHT DONT DOI THAT I MWAN ID POROBABLY DO THE SANME BUT COME ON DONT ASSSAULT HIM OH GOD OFHH THE BLOOD EFFECTS BE REALSS OH WAHTSGS HAPPENING OOH THAT WAS COOL HOW HER EYES ROLLED BACK DOWN ACTUALLY OOOHOHOHOHOHOOOO SMASMMAMSMAMASMSMSMA SAM ABLE TO SCARE LILITH OMG WAIT NO SAMMSAM SAMA SA M NHPO SAM YOUR HAIR IS MESSED UYP AND YOU LOOKS HOT BUT NO NOO OH FOD oh this is the fucking,, this is the scene that i saw bts for! behind the scenes! jensen said it was horrible to film it lmao the fact that its got dean straight up yelling for sam yelling "someone help me" omg its fucking bad huh. guy who will die rather than talk about feelings is openly asking begging for help dammm we in the trenches huh but tbh i wouldve liked it if they didnt show dean being "alive" cuz now its just kind of like,, like dean is obviously just gonna escape hell at some point or something. let me believe he's straight up just dead at least for this season like cmon, the lack of closure and not knowing whats gonna happen wouldve been sooo much better
@sardonic-the-writer hello. sir. sard. whats sir short for? cuz like you know there mister and missus but what sir for uh,, sirry? is that why its "no sir-ry bob". yeah gonna headcanon that about the english language forever i think
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mlobsters · 11 months
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supernatural s10e11 there's no place like home (w. robbie thompson)
shaky over the shoulder pov cam thing in the opening giving me evil dead/army of darkness vibes. campy
SAM You made egg-white omelettes? DEAN Yeah. Breakfast of Champions -- you know, if you're a dork like you.
i got nothing against egg white omelets but gotta admit they are so anemic looking that i prefer egg beaters if i'm goin that route, gimme some yellow colored egg whites :p
SAM And you slept past 7:00. DEAN Yeah, well, until we get answers on this Mark of Cain, I am on a 12-step program not to backslide. SAM 12 steps? DEAN Yeah. Hey, if Cain found a way to live with it after going dark side, then I just got to find a way to keep it in check, so haven't had a drink in a week, eight hours of rack time every night, and . . . now this masterpiece.
taking notes so he has a healthy relationship with alcohol, went cold turkey for a week and he's fine!
DEAN It's crap. Ugh. God. Soon as we get rid of this demonic tramp stamp, I am back on the booze, burgers, and . . . more booze. Tell me you got something.
totally fine!
DEAN What are you saying, Charlie tortured someone? SAM Uh . . . DEAN Our Charlie? Yea high, wouldn't hurt a Hobbit, practically sparkles?
she's just taking on the adopted family business of torturing 🤪
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the score here also had this kind of thing in the previous episode, this percussion that slowly accelerates like a heart beat and it's kind of stressful. but when i was a kid, there was something in a show or movie or hell an ad, i don't know, that had this heart beat sound that freaked me the fuck out and i associated hearing a thumpy heart beat with getting increasingly anxious. lol. but, this is a single thump, not an actual heartbeat thump, so that's good at least :P
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very pretty shot. ps, tell sam you're struggling with the stabby feelings
SAM (reading from the Charlie’s file) "Anti-authority disorder, clinical depression, violent outbursts." Charlie was, uh . . . DEAN Dude. If a shrink interviewed us at that age, you think the report would be all kittens and rainbows? Come on. She's a good kid. There's got to be an explanation for this, man. There's just got to be.
dean making the excellent points. also kinda violating her privacy but needs must, right? -_-
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possessed/soulless/evil twin? i'm reading my summary of s9e4 and like, i barely remember any of oz-related stuff (i didnt write much about it either so that's probably why)
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CHARLIE Oh, Sam, you're adorable. You're not gonna hurt me. In fact, that's your problem -- all good-guy code, no bite. What a waste. And you . . . (turning to Dean) Always letting this albatross hold you back. DEAN Okay, all right, you know what? I don't know what's going on here, okay? But this -- this is not you.
GOOD CHARLIE She's trying to win me back. Dark Charlie won the war single-handedly. But... She did some truly awful things. But I told her I didn't want any part of her near me again, ever. Going after the person who mur-- mur-- uh...Who took my parents away is her messed-up way of showing me how close we are, or -- or could be. I keep calling her "she," but she's me. I'm the one doing this. DEAN Charlie, that -- that's not who you are, okay? It's -- it's a twisted version of -- GOOD CHARLIE Me.
gee, sounds so familiar! support group for being soulless/darkside embodied/mark of cain
this whole oz/dorothy/charlie plot wasn't good the first time around and really did not need revisiting 😔
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this dude again! did a hiky for him in the episode he was in back in s2 (probably my least favorite episode, tall tales)
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riverdale - barclay hope as clifford blossom / the killing - barclay hope as michael ames / spn s2e15
brief sidebar about how dumb it is that food is assigned a moral value. he's trying to be extra Good which means eating a bunch of stuff he doesn't like. he can go back to being Bad and eating tasty food later. fatphobia never takes a day off
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this sterile "swanky" waiting room with the terrible muzak is giving me hives
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a) the last thing dean needs is dark charlie encouraging him to be dark b) he got tricked by dark charlie twice in a row and she stole his car? sheesh, man. off your game
great, now dean gets to feel guilty about beating the shit out of charlie
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CHARLIE Yeah, well, there's one thing that you have that he didn't. You're a Winchester. I forgive you, Dean. DEAN Yeah, well, I don't. CHARLIE I know. Kind of your move. How's that working out for you, huh?
tell him, charlie
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SAM She's right, Dean. You can do this. We can do this. DEAN Then let's get to work.
yes we can
i'm glad they keep bringing back charlie, i've really come to love her and the dynamic she has with them. but i wish they'd given her less nonsense plotlines
the amount of redhead recurring characters past couple seasons is pretty funny. it's like riverdale, overrun
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