vpyre · 2 years
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spookysmujer · 4 years
Nightmare, O. Diaz
Summary: Y/N has a bad dream of losing Oscar, he spends the late night trying to console her.
warnings: mentions of violence/blood, cute s h e t 🥺 fluff!Oscar
word count: 1.2k
requested by @lillict
A/N: If I were his girlfriend, I would be having so much nightmares of losing him as well, be fearin’ for my mans. I hope you enjoy babe! Please don’t forget to heart, commment, reblog, follow and turn on the notifs for when I post new content!! Thank you! 
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(gif belongs to @merakiaes 🦋)
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The scene that is playing out in front of you is just as those in the movies. Everything seems okay for the moment, hope strong like a knight in shining armor riding in on a steed. But then that hope being crushed in an instance.
Oscar stands in front of you, mangled and beat. He faces you as the muscles of his face torque to confusion. You weren’t there just a second ago. Matter of the fact you weren’t anywhere near him. And when you came rushing down the street, calling out to him, everything changed.
A hooded figure behind him raises their arm, a gun in hand and pointed towards the love of your life. Here you are, happy to see that he is alive but now the reason he won’t be. Before you can use your voice to warn him, the sound of the bullet leaving the barrel rings in your ears, his eyes widening as it pierces his back. It causes him to stumble forward.
You reach out with your arms to catch him, the both of you falling to the pavement. His heavy weight bearing down on you, the tremble in your lips and you are barely able to roll him over. As soon as you can get him on his back, the dark red has seeped onto the fabric of his clothes on the front of his tank top.
“O-oh, no, no I’m sorry. O-oscar?” You speak his name out but no noise comes from your lips. You try to scream him back to life nothing but a strained noise escapes you. What did you do? Your voice finally sounds but the image of a bleeding out Oscar starts to fade away, The colorful scene beginning to soften to black and white and then gone.
You can feel the air fill your lungs as your eyes open. Beads of sweat over your forehead and heat radiating off your body as the comforter is flung off you. You’re in your bed, at Oscar’s place
“Hey, hey, you okay? Y/N, hey look at me.” You’re looking down at Oscar’s bare torso, no tank top, no blood stains. After a moment of relief, realizing that it was just a nightmare, you lock eyes with him. His face of worry lessens as you take deep breath.
You shake you head and squeeze your eyes as the image of him shot flashes once more. “Talk to me.” He reaches over you to turn on your bedside lamp. The dim light hurting your eyes for a brief moment. You can feel the heart palpitations in your chest begin to fall away, the more deep breaths you take.
“I’m sorry... bad dream. Of you,” Oscar sighs, interlocking your fingers to his. He knows exactly what you mean when you say that. It’s the same nightmare that you’ve been having for the past few weeks. It began to worry him with how much sleep you are losing. It being hard for you to fall back asleep afterwards. “Losing you... haunts me when I’m awake and asleep.”
“Bebe... Cuchillos is gone. She’s dead. She can’t control me or hurt me no more. The Streets are a thing of the past for me. We aren’t in Freeridge. We are safe, hm?” He pushes your unruly hair over your shoulder, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder.
The sounds off cars passing pull your attention from him. You look around and see the messy, half un-packed room. We aren’t in Freeridge anymore. Cuchillos can’t hurt him, the streets are a thing of the past, Y/N.
But even those reminders won’t stop the nightmares from coming. Oscar can see how your mind is racing by the dazed look on your face. He places another kiss on your shoulder to pull you back to reality, “What’s on your mind, mamas?”
After another deep breath, you turn to him and look for reassurance in his eyes.
“I guess.. though that part of your life is done with.. you know, I guess I know that no matter where you run to your past can still haunt you.” You tell him, he purses his lips, running a hand over his tired face.
“Not this time, no one to chase me but the memories. Remember that, okay? The one who could hurt me is gone. Everything in with the streets were handled before we left. No one will come for me. The Santos still have my back and would let me know should something come our way.” Oscar runs his thumb along your knuckles as a comfort mechanism.
“We left because of me. Because I kept bugging you to seek out this life.”
The corner of his lip twitches up to a lopsided grin, “Encouraged me, motivated me to move on and get what I truly have been wanting, I don’t see a issue with that.” Oscar had became more optimistic since dating you. And most times, you adored how he saw the brighter side of everything but in the moment it annoyed you how he didn’t see the problem.
“I am trying to get you to see the big picture. You did all of that because of me, because I encouraged you to. People know Spooky traded in his glock for a domestic life. That makes you vulnerable. That can get you killed, I could be the reason you get a bullet in your back.”
Just like the nightmare. Oscar being distracted by you, he doesn’t see the danger that follows behind him.
Releasing yourself from his hold, you slip out of bed to get some water. The heavy feeling of the worrying making you thirsty. After a few gulps of the cold liquid, you lean against the counter and rubbing your temples.
You hear a click of a gun, your heart jumping at the sound but it’s only Oscar standing across from you. He holds a glock in his hands, showing it to you from where he stands, “I got one on the bedroom, one near the door and even under the sink in the bathroom.
“We may have left Freeridge, but I can promise you, Freeridge hasn’t left me.I know that how I left things won’t guarantee mine or your safety 100% but I know the odds are a lot more in my favor than they have ever been in the past 25 years of my life. You were not the reason I decided to do this, you were one of them but I wanted this for me. If anyone comes to put a bullet in my back, it’ll be because of me and only me. You will never be the reason for that. Understand?”
His seriousness in his voice relaxes you a lot more. You nod and try to release any remaining tension in your body through another exhale.” Yeah, I understand. I’ll keep reminding myself of that.”
“I’ll remind you as much as you need, mi amor.”
taglist: @clemmingstylins0n​ @fairygardenss​ @spookysnena​ @firebenderwolf​ @princesstiffxoxo​
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hes-writer · 6 years
The Other Woman II
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Summary: Harry and Y/N are both famous, he cheats while he’s on tour and the media has a field day
Warnings: angst and mentions of smut
Word Count: 2.9k
When Y/N woke up the next morning, she should’ve felt refreshed considering that she got more than eight hours of sleep, but instead, her body folded in on itself from exhaustion. She shook to herself, partly angry because today was supposed to be a good day, this week was supposed to be productive and she was supposed to be happy—but she wasn’t and it was all because of Harry. Her bones cracked when she stretched her arms out in the open, feeling the empty space of Harry’s side of the bed, cold and desolate from their home.
Her phone buzzed on the dresser, vibrating against the wood repeatedly indicating that notification after notification entered through the system and that people were reaching out for her. For what, she didn’t know but Y/N lethargically reached for the rose gold device, hand tingling from the buzzing.
Turning the phone on, she was met with updates from all her social media apps: Twitter, Instagram and even messages from her mom managed to get in on the party. Using her fingerprint, her phone unlocked showcasing her screen saver of Harry and Bell when they were in Japan over the New Years. Her heart palpitated slightly, hands shaking for the reminiscence of last night.
When she opened Twitter, the top trending hashtag was “#Y/NandHarryAreOverParty” and she furrowed her brows. She may have been out of it at the moment, but she would definitely remember breaking up with her goddamn boyfriend. Suspicion arises in her body, creating an inner turmoil as to whether or not she was prepared to see public evidence of his actions. Her thumb hovered over the base, breathing getting heavier from the nervousness of what she was to see.
The first blurry picture in the thread was of a woman leaving a hotel room—presumably Harry’s. How the fans got up there with security, Y/N could not even comprehend, but that’s beside the fact that a literal woman was seen leaving his private room. She swiped, the photo was a little clearer than the last and Y/N could see that the woman on her phone was wearing a t-shirt and leggings. Except it wasn’t just any shirt, it was Harry’s ‘Dream Boat’ shirt adorning her petite frame and she scoffed at his audacity. And she really wished that this was all dream. Was he that careless? This could ruin his reputation, Y/N stopped herself from dwelling on Harry’s–possibly–deteriorating career because even after all he had done; the cheating, lying and betrayal, she still had the nerve to care for him when he so obviously did not return the feeling. The rest was of the woman walking in the hallway, keeping her head down when she saw people and making her way into the elevator. Smart.
Y/N rolled her eyes upon seeing the preview of the message. So now he texts her. She ignored the message, figuring that he’d give up easily anyway, just like how he threw away a year’s worth of trust.
She arrived at the studio, not at all ready to act as if nothing was happening with her very public relationship, but it seemed that everyone caught news of Harry’s suspicious activities because as soon as she walked in, the receptionist had given her a small wave and a sympathetic smile even before she had the chance to adjust to the light. Not only that, but her fellow songwriters spoke to her as if she was too fragile and would break any second. Speaking to her softly and quietly as to not disturb her of her morose mood.
“Hey, Y/N. How are you doing?” Linda, a songwriter, asked her. Her hand was situated on Y/N’s shoulder, rubbing gently back and forth, comforting her.
“I’m fine, thanks. And you?”
It was a simple answer but it held a massive truth. Yes, she was hurt and maybe she’s on the verge of bursting into tears in a roomful of her closest colleagues but she was fine. She was fine because she knew that after this, it was going to be okay. She wasn’t sure how she will react when–or if–Harry decides to confront her about this, if they’ll work through it together like they always do or if they’ll give up on a special love that they’d found. She didn’t know if she was capable of forgiving him or if she was ready to let go of him. She was confused, but she was fine.
Once the paper was in front of her and then pen was gripped tightly in her hand, the ink seemed to flow smoothly on the notepad, no hints of pauses or doubts of hesitation of whether or not that certain verse made sense. Y/N poured out her feelings onto paper; the pain she was feeling manifesting from deep within her and ripped out by the calming activity of songwriting. Her current thoughts being objectively put on something that other people can see made the unfortunate event more profound. At least in her head, she can pretend that it was just her hyperactive imagination conjuring up insane thoughts. But when the words stared right back at her, she was haunted by Harry’s promises, things he’d taken into heart and she believed him because she cared and loved him too much.
Her emotions flowed out of her in destructing waves forcing her hand to move slower than her mind implemented ideas, her penmanship going from readable to scrawled scribbles trying to get everything out before she loses it from her short-term memory. But Y/N doesn’t think she ever will. Being cheated on was kind of normal for her, somehow her partners always found someone prettier, more talented and better and it has affected her negatively; that’s not something that you can brush off like it means nothing. That’s why she was hesitant about letting Harry in especially with his reputation but she never really paid attention to that. Regardless, it took some time for them to get together officially because of her hesitance but he was persistent and he waited for until she was ready; she was grateful for that.
What she didn’t appreciate was that he single-handedly decided to forgo their relationship and attend to his needs first without consulting her. Not to say that Y/N would be okay with him fucking somebody else, but she’d surely take matters into her own hands and fly to him. They hadn’t seen each other in a while, it would be good for them. She can’t even do that though, because she didn’t know if he’d be happy to see her and vice versa. New ideas flooded her brain, and before she knew it, her pen was agitatedly scratching the paper hard enough to tear the page she was on. The tip of the ink-filled instrument bleeding through the wispy page when she hardened her grip against it, anger and betrayal coursing through her. She was past the stage of confusion because now she knows his true intentions. He didn’t feel connected to her anymore and this was his way of showing it. Secretive or not, she didn’t know how long this has been going on, if it was just a slip-up, or if he carelessly did so because he didn’t care if she found out because he didn’t care anymore.
At the moment, nobody could stop Y/N from thinking such negative thoughts; she didn’t didn’t know who to believe anymore because the one person she trusted with her entire heart turned their back on her and she was left with no one.
“Y/N, Y/N! Stop!” The voice called out to her, muffled and diluted, the rush of voices echoing in her head muting the harsh shout of concern directed at her.
She realized she was crying, then. The pigment of the ink dispersing through the material when her tears pampered the page. The dot of her i’s alluding with a slight halo. She looked up from her lap seeing pairs of eyes looking at her with sympathy and she didn’t want that. She wanted to be loved but that was once again lost. She didn’t want them worrying about her, she didn’t want any of it. She just wanted Harry.
Harry woke up the following day well rested. He could feel the bite of his scratches rubbing against the coarse material of the hotel sheets making him wince. He lifted his heavy head up, seeing that Jessa wasn’t beside him anymore and that his left arm was a bit numb. He sat up on the bed, noticing that it was only his items that were present in his room.
He had a show today but before that, he had to do the contents of his day; like working out and sound checking, possible sight-seeing and then he was off to meet the best fans in the world. He was shirtless, he noticed that in midst of walking to the bathroom to freshen up, the cool air of the air conditioner raising goosebumps on his skin. He must’ve taken it off in the middle of the night.
Harry decided to be productive and make his own bed despite the knowledge that room service will probably do a better job than him. He found himself hastily searching for his Dream Boat shirt which was in Jessa’s hold, unbeknownst to him.
When he strode in the hotel gym, he could see fans sneakily taking photos of him. He had a sixth sense for that kind of stuff, it was more refined when he and Y/N began seeing each other but did not want the paps to know about them. But when he passed by a group, making a point to only wave and smile since he was running a bit behind on his schedule, one statement caught his ears.
“When did you and Y/N break up!?”
He froze, his right leg turning him around immediately facing the crowd of girls. Break up? What?
“Can you repeat what you said?” Harry asked, curious as to why someone would say this. He had a feeling why, but he was too careful to make sure that Y/N nor anyone would find out.
“Did you guys break up? There was another girl photographed leaving your hotel room,” He could hear blood swooping through his eardrums, though it could just be his heart starting to beat loudly.
Murmurs of ‘yeah’ repeated itself by the whole flock. The girl closest to him faced her phone to him, allowing him to see the alleged pictures. And there it was, Jessa, leaving his room dressed in the shirt that he couldn’t find.
“Isn’t that your shirt, Harry?”
He wanted to nod yes, he wanted to speak, he wanted to be able to do anything but he couldn’t because he swore that he just replayed his life before his eyes. Not only was his tryst exposed to Y/N, but it was revealed to the whole world. No doubt would the media have a field day. I mean, how often does a pop superstar make headlines for cheating on his famous girlfriend. He was toast with his publicist, they’re probably trying to find a way to get him out of the grave he dug for himself, cleaning his mess when he should take a stand and admit that he was wrong.
“Oh my god, Y/N’s was papped leaving the studio crying,”
Harry snapped his head toward the sound of the voice, demanding to see the pictures; only being taken minutes ago but with the power of sharing, it was in real time for him.
There was a video, too, of Y/N walking briskly, keeping her head down and with the help of her oversized sunglasses, he felt a clench in his chest because behind those barriers he knew that she had cried. That she found out and she was hurt. To think that he even sent a good morning text must’ve rendered him a jerk to her because instead of apologizing, he acted as if everything was alright, despite all the things happening while he was asleep.
During the concert, he was out of focus. He kept missing notes left and right, he wasn’t on the beat and he barely interacted with the people who came to see him. He had somehow forgotten the proper chords for the correct songs and he couldn’t help but let his voice crack and waver during ‘From the Dining Table’; a song about his ex breaking his heart and now it was a song about him breaking someone else’s.
Leaving the stage, he walked slowly to his dressing room, afraid that Jessa would be present again. He left his door wide open hoping that if anything were to happen, Mitch would be able to knock some sense into him. Everything he did was sluggish, Y/N hadn’t reached out to him for the whole day or sent him any cute dog pictures; that’s when he knew it was bad. He wasn’t saying that the whole situation wasn’t bad, but this is definitely the worst thing he’s ever done to her and he might not even get a chance to reprise himself.  His phone misses her call.
Y/N sat on her home office chair, laptop open to an airline website. It took her some time to gain the courage to even touch the device again knowing that it was where she had first caught him. She had already booked a ticket to see Harry weeks prior and now, she wasn’t sure if she should cancel it or fly anyways. Confrontations were never her forté, but she felt something burning within her. It wasn’t rage or anger, she knew that. But it was keeping her on her toes, wanting Harry to feel how she feels. Her plan wasn’t to humiliate him or get revenge, no—she wanted him to see her raw emotions. Undiluted and powerful to make him hurt as much as she was.
She was going to do it. Y/N packed her bags and got her trusty neighbor to water their plants while she was away. She opted for two weeks, in case they work it out or in case they didn’t.
A knock sounded on Harry’s door, interrupting his moping and feeling sorry for himself for losing the one thing he treasured. The door handle twisted and he opened the door to reveal Y/N. He immediately took a step aside, urging her to enter the room. She only had one bag with her.
It was an awkward silence. The only thing they’ve to each other was a simple ‘hello’. She eyed the bed, wondering if he had done it with her there too.
“I’m guessing you saw the pictures,”
“You think?”
He gulped at her tone, feeling anxious about what was to happen
“I’m sorry,”
She nodded indicating that she heard him but made no move to accept it.
He cleared his lumpy throat, “You can ask anything,”
“I figured I have the right,” It was curt and short, though she shed no tears.
“Okay, I guess I’ll start. I’m sorry Y/N,” He looked up to find her eyes for added sincerity, only almost piss his pants when she was staring straight at him. Gaze burning across his whole being while Y/N prided herself in being strong.
“I just … don’t know what happened. She came into my dressing room one night and I let her touch me and I shouldn’t have but I did,” A sob ripped through his throat, strangling his words. “Only you should’ve touched me that way. Only you,”
Y/N felt her front caving in from the force of his words. The sincerity behind them was so powerful that even she couldn’t deny how he spoke them wholeheartedly. 
“Why did you do it?”
“It was so stupid of me. I’m such an idiot, I shouldn’t ha–,”
“Why did you do it, Harry?”
“B-because I was lonely,”  He hung his head in shame. He would’ve been furious with Y/N if she used that excuse on him.
“Let me guess, and I wasn’t there?” He nodded regretfully. 
“You should’ve told me. I could’ve been there for you, you didn’t have to do this. You didn’t have to ruin us”
He sobbed harder, the reality hitting him square in the face. Each second was more proof that their relationship was combusting in flames and he’d do anything to salvage what was left of it.
“I know it’s a long shot, but I’m really sorry,” She completely ignored his statement, opting to get what she really came here for.
“I wrote a song about you,”
His eyes widening at her confession. They always dedicated songs to each other but this time, he could tell that it was different.
“I want to sing it in a week’s time,” Harry instantaneously nodded at her request muttering an ‘of course’ about three times. “At your concert,”
“I want your whole family there: Anne and Gemma, I want the boys there,” Although he was confused, there was no way that he would reject Y/N now, especially since he did kind of owe her. “I want that woman there,” —————-
oooo what do you think she’s gonna (what do you wanna see LOL)
kinda had a writer’s block near the end and I’m not really proud of this one
shoot me a message or drop smth in my inbox if you like it! ❤️😄
@tvdplusriverdale @littledreamybeth @miscll-fangirl @mickmoon @trumpettay @ynm1505 @pxrrishly @harryspirate @kissme-hs @darkwolfpeanutskeleton
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edwardslostalchemy · 5 years
Help tododeku
5. Help
Yaoyorozu had explained his condition. Because that’s what it was to Shouto and he knew it was serious and he couldn’t ignore the signs and symptoms anymore. He had heart palpitations where his heart couldn’t stop racing or pounding in his chest. He came close to having heat stroke, but it was just localized on his face at first and it made his hands sweaty, his forehead clammy, his head dizzy. He would get tongue-tied and couldn’t speak, and he was sure it felt heavy like lead when he tried to come up with comprehensive words. Something was wrong with him. It happened when he was around Midoriya and he couldn’t explain it. He didn’t know what was going on. 
“You have a crush,” Yaoyorozu said with a smile. 
But that couldn’t be right! He didn’t feel like he was being crushed! He felt like he was overheating! It was probably his quirk acting up and it just so happened to do so when Midoriya was near by because he helped him reclaim it. He mulled over this new information in his head and rejected it as much as he could. 
It was impossible. He couldn’t have a crush. He wasn’t an ordinary high school student who could have angst and drama over something so frivolous. He was a hero-in-training and had to focus on his goals. 
At least…that’s what he said to convince himself…and failed miserably. The next couple of weeks were excruciating and Shouto could hardly make it through trainings because Midoriya would choose him as a sparring partner or as a rescue partner or as any kind of partner and Shouto could barely handle the close proximity. It was ridiculous. The worst thing he thought would happen was he’d burst into flames, but so far his quirk had been compliant. 
Yaoyorozu had been supportive, if a bit teasing, and would send him love song after love song after love song and Shouto would debate on listening to them until he gave in. It wasn’t fair! This couldn’t be happening! The love songs were making everything worse and Shouto was sure that if he so much as thought about Midoriya one more time, he would spontaneously combust. 
He heard his phone beep with a text notification and he was sure who it belonged to since the only person he had been talking to about this whole ordeal was the only person in the class that seemed to have her life together. 
[Yaoyorozu 9:47PM]: Listen to this one! It’s really cute! [Yaoyorozu 9:48PM]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGRPZ9Z8LIU
Shouto dared click on the link and listened to the lyrics intently. He found that to be the biggest mistake of the night because when he heard the words that rang so true to him, he couldn’t stop his fire quirk from activating. 
“Turn off the light, I’m falling in love with you…Wouldn’t you like to kiss him?”
He covered his face with his hands, as if that would extinguish his flames and his feelings, and gulped. He let out a groan of frustration before breathing out a sigh. Yaoyorozu was wrong, which was very rare. He didn’t have a crush on Midoriya. He was in love with Midoriya. Somehow, accepting that realization got a giggle out of him. 
He was…in love with Midoriya…and even though his thoughts were scrambled, it felt good to admit it. 
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x-silver-x · 5 years
Game Night - San x Reader
San x Reader fluff 1.5K words
Y/F/B - Favourite Book Y/N - Your Name
Masterlist ——————— Saturday evening. You were laying on your bed reading F/B. The epic fight scene was just about to begin when- Ping! ‘It’s probably some stupid notification’
Ping! ‘It’s just a notification, keep reading’ Ping! ‘Oh my goodness, stahp!!’ Ping! ‘Can’t I have just one moment, ONE moment of peace and quiet?!’ You groan and reach for your phone. You unlock it and see 4 new messages from your crush best friend, San. Your heart flutters a little.
San Hey Y/N! So, we’re hosting Game Night tonight and we were wondering if you’d like to join us? Helloooo? Are you dead? Y/N Hi Idk if I can.. I’m kinda busy tonight
San Busy doing what? C’mon Y/N, you never hang out with us anymore! Socialise! Live a little! We have food Y/N Alright fine. I’ll be there in 10
San 😁😁
You quickly changed out of your sweatpants and t-shirt into some jeans and an oversized sweater and got ready to leave the house.
~Time Skip~ ~3rd Person POV~
“Y/N!! Damn, you got here quick!” San exclaimed when he opened the door.
“San. You should know me by now. I’ll do anything for food” Y/N said whilst taking off her shoes.
“Anything?⁓” San raised his eyebrow and smirked.
It took a moment for Y/N to realise what he meant by that and when she did, her eyes grew wide and her cheeks flushed red.
“What’s with all the noise here?” Hongjoong asked popping his head through the door. “Oh Y/N! I’m glad you made it! Come in, take a seat.” He smiled and gestured to the living room where Yeosang and Mingi were already seated.
“Where’s everybody else?” Y/N asked them.
“Hongjoong and Seonghwa are preparing the snacks, Yunho is trying to find some blankets and Jongho is looking for board games. I don’t know where Wooyoung disappeared to.” Yeosang answered.
“He’s in the bathroom, I think.” Mingi added.
After everything was set up, game night begun. The first activity was dividing everyone into teams and making up team names. Yunho and Jongho were ‘The Ho’s’, Hongjoong and Mingi came up with the name ‘Rebellious Rappers’, San and Wooyoung couldn’t think of anything so they simply combined their names to form ‘Woosan’, and Yeosang, Seonghwa and Y/N called themselves ‘The Memes’.
After a chaotic game of Charades, which Yunho and Jongho won, the group decided on playing Pictionary.
“HOW THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE A HORSE? That thing looks like a stick dog mixed with a t-rex?!” Mingi howled with tears rolling down his cheeks from laughing too hard.
“Oh as if you could draw it any better!” Wooyoung replied also laughing.
“Damn right I could!” Mingi retorted.
They argued for 5 more minutes before San suggested a Cham-cham-cham tournament which he ended up winning. His bright smile brought butterflies to Y/N’s stomach and caused her heart to palpitate.
They played a game of Would You Rather but Jongho started complaining that it was getting boring and brought forth the idea of playing Truth or Dare.
The colour drained from Y/N’s face.
“Hey is everything alright? You look really pale.” San asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll just go get myself a glass of water if that’s alright.”
“Sure, go ahead.”
And with that she stood up and walked away. Knowing the boys, they’re going to start exposing each other’s deepest secrets and will make each other do the most embarrassing things.
Y/N was scared about her crush on San being exposed so she was going to play it safe and only pick truths. If the question ‘Do you have a crush?’ comes up, she was planning on saying no and making it as believable as possible. She joined drama in her 1st year of high school so she was hoping that her acting skills were still strong. She can’t risk ruining their friendship. Y/N downed her glass of water and walked back to the living room.
“There you are! I was wondering where you disappeared to!” Hongjoong exclaimed when he saw her. “We were waiting for you so that we could start the game.”
“Ah, you didn’t have to.” Y/N scratched the back of her neck nervously when she noticed everyone was looking at her.
They all sat in a circle on the floor. The group agreed that Y/N should start since she was the only girl in the room.
“Hmm… Alright,” She looked around the room to choose her first victim. “Seonghwa. Truth or Dare?”
“Truth.” He anxiously replied.
“Is it true that you have an oppa kink?” Y/N smirked.
“I-what? W-Why would you think that?” He turned red.
“Your recent V-live.” She chuckled. “So do you?”
“It’s not a kink, okay? I just-”
“It’s okay, we won’t judge you Hwa, this is a safe place.” Y/N reassured him while laughing.
“Uhh… I guess it’s my turn then.” Seonghwa’s eyes shifted around the room. “Wooyoung, Truth or Dare?”
“Dare.” Wooyoung confidently stated.
“Hmm… I dare you to mix orange juice, milk, and ketchup and drink it.”
“Fine.” Wooyoung went to the kitchen, mixed the ingredients and walked back into the living room. After taking a small sip of the mixture he gagged. “This is disgusting.”
“You accepted the dare. Now drink up, Wooyoung.” A sadistic glint appeared in Seonghwa’s eyes.
Wooyoung raised the glass to his mouth and proceeded to drink the mixture.
“CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!” Chants filled the room.
After he was finished he rushed to the bathroom slamming the door behind him. All that was heard was disgusting retching as he hurled into the toilet bowl.
The game continued for a while after that. Every now and then Y/N would sneak glances at San. She didn’t exactly know when she started having these feelings towards him but it has been a while now. She knew that he would never return her feelings but a part of her really wanted him to. She even started debating whether or not just to tell him already and get it off her chest. This way she wouldn’t feel like she’s been hiding this huge secret from him.
“Okay, San. Truth or Dare?” Hongjoong asked.
“I dare you to kiss Y/N.” Hongjoong smirked.
“WHAT?!” The two yelled in unison with beet red faces and eyes as wide as saucers.
“Come on you guys! I can see the way you two keep looking at each other! Just kiss already!”
“Yeah, there does seem to be a lot of romantic tension between you two!” Yeosang added.
“Love is literally in the air when you’re near each other.” Yunho joined in the conversation.
“Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss,” Jongho started chanting quietly. The rest of the group joined in soon after.
San slowly started leaning in and just when his lips were about to touch yours, you panicked and turned your head to the side. His lips made contact with your cheek.
“Y/N HOW COULD YOU HAVE DONE THATTT?!” Wooyoung, who was now feeling better, screeched.
“Whatever, let’s carry on with the game.” San said trying to hide his disappointment. Little did Y/N know, San had been wanting to kiss her for the longest time. He noticed her staring at him from across the room so he thought that maybe she returned his feelings. He had a crush on Y/N from pretty much day 1 of their friendship but she never would’ve known due to San’s amazing acting skills. Now that he had a chance to confess, he won’t give up easily.
After another 30-ish minutes of playing it was San’s turn to ask the question again.
‘Now’s my chance.’
“Y/N. Truth or Dare?”
“Truth.” Y/N answered fidgeting with her sleeves.
“Did you want me to kiss you back then?” He asked, his beautiful dark brown eyes staring deep into hers.
“Dare.” She blurted out.
He leaned in ever so slightly, “I dare you to kiss me.” The rest of the group were intently watching the scene unfold, some were fangirling but trying to keep their squeals down as to not disrupt the moment.
“Never have I ever-”
“Y/N ThAt’s NoT tHe gAMe” Jongho screeched.
‘I have a chance now. I shouldn’t waste it. But it might ruin our friendship… What should I do?’
“Fuck it.” Y/N nervously bit her lip and leaned in, closing the gap between her and San. The room erupted into cheers and the sound of camera shutters closing was all that was heard. At first San was shocked that Y/N actually kissed him but he sure did enjoy the feeling of her lips on his. He kissed back and felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest. Imaginary fireworks exploded around the two. The kiss was getting heated when-
“Alright Y/N, San, that’s enough. Go get a room already.” Yeosang scrunched up his nose in disgust.
The two pulled away from each other with flustered faces and giggled a bit. ——————— 
Hello, so this is my first fanfic ever, I hope you enjoyed it! :) I was thinking about posting on here for a while now and was quite proud of this so, y’know, might as well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ In case I get any comments on ‘plagiarising’ another person on a different site I would just like to let you know that I have posted this fanfic of Amino previously but decided to move it onto here because I feel like more people use Tumblr and not Amino and maybe someone was craving some San fluff.
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sweetserenityrp · 4 years
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“I’m a dream that died by light of day. Gonna hold up half the sky and say only I own me and I feel my heart beatin’. I feel my heart underneath my skin.”
Dustin YOUNG is thirty-two years old. He/Him is employed as a traveling journalist at Metro Magazine. 
Most families who could brag about being a part of the town’s history took every opportunity they had to brag about it. There was a certain clout that came along with being part of the fabric of the founding families that made Serenity what it is today. Dustin came from the rare family that appreciated their ties to the small town but had bigger ambitions than the town structure would accommodate. His mother, an accomplished and impressive politician herself, moved to Washington D.C. soon after giving birth to him. Dustin was afforded the top education opportunities and attended private schools throughout the year but he still spent every single summer with his aunt in Serenity. She was the only person in their family who still accepted him and his parents and the choices they’d made to move away and make something different for their lives. He liked the hustle and bustle of the city but there was something special and unique in Serenity that kept him looking forward to spending his summers there.
One of the biggest draws to Serenity for the summer was the longterm relationship he’d struck up with one of the locals, Carla Martinez. She was everything he could have dreamed up in a partner and he maintained his relationship with her even when they were long distance throughout most of high school. Unfortunately, their goals didn’t align the way they’d always thought they would and by senior year of high school, they’d decided to split up and go their separate ways. During his last week of his final summer in Serenity, Dustin was single while he attended the grand send-off party for the graduating seniors. He’d had more than his share to drink and he’d ended up in bed with Kasey Dewitt, a long-time rival of Clara and her friends Kate and Rylee. He thought nothing of the one night stand and as far as he knew, neither did Kasey.
Dustin went to college in San Fransisco and majored in journalism. It wasn’t a school or career his mother’s family was proud of but his parents encouraged him every step of the way. The most surprising aspect of his college life wasn’t the questionable degree he’d chosen to pour himself into though, it was the fact that he and Carla reunited and began dating again. He was positive that this couldn’t happen unless they were meant to be together but life seemed to continue to get in the way. They wanted to go in different directions after college so their relationship shifted into an on again, off again mode once again.
Dustin’s true passion was writing and he believed he could change the world with his words if he wrote about the right things. He worked his way up in Metro Magazine after he graduated from college and his pieces were known for being hard hitting with no holds barred. He was a journalist with integrity and he only reported the truth. Even if the truth hurt a powerful person or business, Dustin saw it as his responsibility to be honest and open on the page. There were periods in his life when he was sure all he needed to be happy was his drive to write and help the world but inevitably there was always something missing. Every so often he and Clara would try to make it work again but each time something seemed to be working against them. Their last argument, their last breakup, surrounded the fact that she wanted a family and children but he thought kids would weigh him down and compromise his ability to be the kind of journalist he wanted to be. He wanted her but he didn’t think he could give her everything she wanted and deserved do he pulled out of the race permanently. Dustin was sure Clara could find what she was looking for in someone else. Someone better.
Dustin’s career now has him traveling the world and reporting on the meaningful stories that he always wanted to cover. He’d left behind the calm and quiet life he was sure he’d have enjoyed in Serenity and was fully immersed in his dream of being a substantial journalist. His articles were featured in national newspapers, his byline was one that people respected. He was in Bangladesh reporting on the heinous working conditions of a factory that sold in bulk to the United States when he got the notification that told him Clara ad her friends were finally opening the spa they’d always talked about opening. He always knew she’d live her dreams when she was able to and now she was there to prove him right. He finished up on location and sent his story into his editor along with a request for time off to visit his home in Serenity.
Dustin travelled back to his aunt’s house in the small town with every intention of congratulating Clara and her friends on accomplishing their dream. He wanted to show his support after all this time feeling invested in the spa himself. He was sure his heart would always skip a beat when his eyes landed on Clara, that much was a given, but the palpitations he got when he saw Kasey Dewitt at the grand opening party, a child around the age one might be after their one and only hook up by her side, were darn near cause for concern. There was no telling whether or not the child was his but the thought that it was possible was enough to make him nervous the entire time he stayed in Serenity.
The Role of Dustin YOUNG is played by HENRY GOLDING and is currently OPEN and this FC is nonnegotiable.
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dvp95 · 5 years
can’t breathe when you touch my sleeve - chapter 3
pairing: dan howell/phil lester
rating: e (eventually)
warnings: none
tags: alternate universe, slow burn, fluff & humour, tiny bit of inner turmoil wrt sexuality but trust me it’s not that deep, eventual smut, idiots in love
word count: 3,385 for this chapter (12,653 total)
summary: Dan keeps making a fool of himself in interviews, to the point where it’s basically a meme. Now he’s got to sit down for the better part of an hour and sell his show to the YouTuber he’d had a massive crush on when he was a teenager.
read from the beginning on ao3 or on tumblr!
read this chapter on ao3 or here!
Dan has been dreading the seemingly-inevitable call from his family, now that filmed interviews are being uploaded and live interviews are starting in the next few days, so he’s almost disappointed when it never comes.
Surely his parents know he’s in London. There’s promotion for his show on a couple different channels they watch, and his dad has always been fairly good at keeping up with entertainment news. Adrian follows him on Instagram, but - and Dan isn’t proud of this - he can’t remember if Adrian still lives in Wokingham or not. He can’t even remember how old Adrian is without doing the math.
So maybe they haven’t been keeping up with Netflix shit, maybe Adrian isn’t home to tell their parents that he’s in town, but surely, surely some well-meaning friend of the family will say something? That’s always been the case when he comes to town.
After almost a whole week, though, Dan cracks. He calls his mum. It goes to voicemail.
That makes him panic a little, but she texts him an, at work … call you when I’m home x. So, questionable ellipses usage aside, Dan is comfortably reassured that his entire family isn’t dead.
Dan busies himself with catching up on the Heatwave cast interviews he hasn’t watched yet. Patrick doesn’t like to watch them and Jaime couldn’t give a shit one way or the other, but Dan is unable to allow a video of him to exist without knowing exactly what it contains. That’s a control thing, mostly, but he also doesn’t want to be blindsided by a new Daniel Interview Meme that he doesn’t understand.
He types his own name into the YouTube search bar and feels his heartrate pick up when he sees a thumbnail from BBC Radio One.
Thinking about Phil makes his heart race like he’s a teenager with a crush, and he presses play just so he can listen to Phil talk. He can barely remember what he said in the interview, so completely caught up in Phil’s eyes and grin as he’d been.
The interview itself is good. Nothing special, in terms of the actual things they talk about, but Dan can feel the difference in the way he speaks to Phil versus the way he’s spoken to anyone else - comfort. He had been so immediately comfortable with their back-and-forth, only awkward because he’d been trying so hard not to think about what Phil looked like under his nice clothes.
Dan wonders if anyone else can see the difference or if he only notices because he’s so attuned to his own body language, has the advantage of knowing the whole context.
He scrolls idly through the comments and feels heat rise to his face.
Yeah. People noticed.
Lots of comments are just about Dan or the show or the lack of Patrick or Jaime, but there’s more than a few that are about Dan and Phil’s apparent chemistry. Phil, being an out gay man with no partner and a fanbase, probably has to deal with these types of comments all the time, but it’s new for Dan.
Dan shakes his head to try and clear it. He doesn’t want to get stuck in YouTube comments and feel impotent irritation every time someone replies, ‘uh, Daniel Howell is straight’, like they know him. Like he’s ever said that.
He’s been photographed with women, because he’s casually dated them over the past decade, but he’s never said he’s straight. And it never works out with them anyway.
Dating girls is fine - they’re all softness and little sighs and hands that look so extremely small wrapped in his own - but he doesn’t think he can ever be with one for a significant amount of time. That thought is one he usually keeps locked in his mental box, but. He doesn’t shy away from it this time.
Even if he could admit it to himself proper, it’s easier for Dan to just not talk about it publicly. He hasn’t dated anyone seriously enough for it to be an issue in ten years. Nobody needs to know that every time he’s inside a woman he remembers why it never progresses past that.
It’s fine. It’s always fine. It’s just, if he’s completely honest with himself, 'fine’ isn’t what he wants to settle for.
“Moot point anyway,” Dan mumbles to himself, clicking over to Phil’s channel for a distraction. “Not like you’re gonna do anything about it, you big fucking coward.”
Phil has uploaded the video he told Dan about when Dan was busy trying not to stare at his mouth. It’s such a welcome distraction that Dan almost doesn’t clock the title and thumbnail for the buffoonery they are.
The title doesn’t change when Dan blinks. Neither does the image of Thor, edited to be wearing round glasses in front of a crystal ball.
“What,” Dan says, clicking on the video before any of it really sinks in.
“Hi guys,” says Phil. He already looks like he’s trying not to laugh. “I know you read the title and you’re like, what, but I promise it is not clickbait! As I’m sure many of you know, my grandma had 'the gift’, and sometimes I think she passed it on to me. The question is, did I pass it on to my son?”
Phil pulls an over-exaggerated thoughtful expression and then breaks, giggling and shaking his head at himself.
“I know it’s stupid, but, I also figured it might be funny? I dunno, you tell me.”
It’s exactly as silly as Dan expects it to be. Phil sits on his floor with Thor while the dog 'reads’ his tarot cards. Dan can see why this video gave Phil a hard time in editing. There are a lot of close ups of Thor and the cards, filmed more like a comedy skit than a vlog.
He finds himself laughing along and getting way too invested in what the tarot cards mean, and he knows first hand how much work Phil put into this, so Dan clicks the share button before he can overthink it.
tbh watching amazingthorgi do anything could make a believer out of me, he tweets alongside the link.
Most of America is asleep still, but that doesn’t stop hundreds of people replying. Dan’s really got nothing better to do while he waits for his mum to call, so he settles in to respond to some of them. He makes a couple bad jokes, commiserates with some of them over not being able to have a dog yet, and ignores any mention of Phil.
Maybe that’s childish of him. He is sharing Phil’s work, after all. He sighs and replies to an innocuous question about how he knows Phil. met during this and then he let me meet his dog so now he’s not getting rid of me, Dan says with a link to the BBC Radio One interview.
His phone chirps with a Twitter notification and he taps it warily, still scrolling through replies on his laptop.
@AmazingPhil @danielhowell You saw his face now you’re a believer? He’ll tell your fortune anytime! It’s accompanied with dog and sparkle and crystal ball and, inexplicably, sock emojis.
Dan laughs, the sound of it almost surprising him. It’s impossible not to feel some kind of way when Phil is the way he is, so cheerful and dorky and fun.
He likes the tweet, but responds by messaging Phil - do you have me on notif or are you just always online - because he doesn’t want to add any more fuel to the fire that is Twitter stans. He can already imagine the argument threads about his sexuality that he usually tries so hard to avoid.
The thought of strangers picking apart something he’s not even comfortable with himself is abhorrent, makes him itch, and he puts on some older AmazingPhil videos to calm himself back down.
That depends
Which one is lamer lmao
Phil’s voice filling the lonely hotel room and his words taking up space on Dan’s screen where something anxiety-inducing might have otherwise been is almost enough to make Dan as comfortable as Phil’s physical presence does.
Almost. It’s unreal how much Dan wants to reach through both of his screens to pull Phil closer.
Dan hides his smile in his hand, even though nobody is around to see it, and replies, tbh those are equally lame so you might as well go with the truth
I was on Twitter anyway. I really shouldn’t be, I’m supposed to be responding to emails. Phil keeps typing, then stops, then repeats that process a few times before he finally adds, I should go do that, but you can call or facetime me if you want to keep talking or whatever? It’s easier not to type/text while I’m doing emails lol
And, in a third message, a string of numbers. Phil’s phone number.
Well, that sounds better than using Phil’s videos as background noise. Dan shuts his laptop and gets out of bed to fuss with his hair.
“You’re such an idiot,” he tells his judgemental reflection. It, thankfully, does not respond.
Once he’s gotten his hair into some semblance of order - it’s mostly still straight from yesterday, but it got all sleep-mussed and a bit wavy in the front overnight - Dan tosses on a shirt and video calls the number Phil gave him.
Phil picks up with a big grin and sleepy eyes, and Dan almost hangs up on him to stop the heart palpitations in their tracks. “Hi!”
“Hey, you just wake up?” Dan asks, getting comfortable in the hotel room armchair. It feels weird to lie back down in bed while they’re chatting. Phil is at his desk, phone propped up so he can use both hands to type. His glasses are a little crooked and his shirt is too big on him, exposing his collarbones whenever he leans forward. Unfortunately, he looks like serious wank material right now.
“Yeah, had my first coffee already, though,” says Phil. “You would not like me before my coffee.”
“Barely like you now, mate,” Dan says to try and hide his blush at the idea of seeing Phil first thing in the morning. Phil just laughs. It’s tinny through Dan’s phone speaker, but it still makes Dan feel warm.
“You’re awfully chatty for someone who doesn’t like me,” says Phil.
“I’m only bored, don’t flatter yourself,” says Dan. “My mum’s supposed to call me in a few hours, so I’m just kind of waiting around til then.”
“Oh, yeah, you haven’t had the chance to go home yet, have you?” Phil’s tongue pokes out between his teeth as he concentrates on whatever he’s reading. “My mum would be going out of her gourd. When was the last time you went home?”
Dan doesn’t really like the way that Phil keeps calling it 'home.’ Wokingham hasn’t been home in a very long time.
He doesn’t want to get into that, though, so he just shrugs. “Uh, Christmas?”
“Dan,” Phil says, looking appalled. “It’s August.”
“I don’t live here,” says Dan. “And I’m busy. My family gets it.”
Phil hums, a little disapproving still. Dan has to bite his tongue so he doesn’t say anything scathing, reminding himself that some people actually like their parents.
It’s not that Dan doesn’t love them, because he does, it’s just. Complicated.
“Do you get to see your family often?” Dan asks, desperate to get the attention off of how shit a son he is.
“Not as often as I’d like,” says Phil. He sounds so genuinely sad about it, like he really would like nothing more than to go visit his parents every weekend. “My brother lives in town, so I see him a lot.”
“I didn’t know you had a brother.”
“Yeah, he’s -” Phil cuts himself off, then, and gives Dan an apologetic sort of look through his screen. “You don’t want to hear about my family.”
“I do,” Dan says, and he’s surprised by how much he means it. He shifts in the armchair. It isn’t that comfortable. “Dude, I already know every song on your iTunes, what’s so weird about telling me stuff about your family? They clearly mean a lot to you.”
He has no idea how to interpret the expression on Phil’s face, but whatever it is shifts into a smile as he turns back to his computer. “Okay, his name’s Martyn, he’s older than me, we work together -”
This time, Dan cuts him off. “You do? I haven’t seen him on your channel.”
“He’s not really interested in being on camera. We actually run IRL Merch together, although honestly it’s mostly Martyn.”
Phil explains the business to Dan, who feels himself getting more and more awed by the amount of stuff Phil does on any given day. It isn’t just sitting in front of his camera and then in front of his computer for a handful of hours.
Granted, Dan never thought that being a YouTuber was easy, or everyone would do it, but Phil seems to add things onto his plate that he doesn’t really need to do.
Dan listens for a little while, changing positions in the armchair a few times before he gives up and flops back onto the bed.
“Phil,” he says, holding his phone high above his head and making a face at the angle. It’s fine, really, Phil has barely been glancing at him this whole time. Now that Dan has some kind of idea about the number of people Phil works with, he gets the hours of emails thing. “Do you ever take a break? Hang out with your friends?”
“What friends?” Phil jokes, but Dan senses there’s some truth behind it.
“Okay, first of all,” says Dan, “big mood.”
Phil’s laugh seems like it’s surprised out of him, and his eyes flick to his phone again. They linger on Dan for a long moment before turning away again. Although, to be fair, that may be lag from shitty hotel wifi. “Is it?”
“Yeah, man, like I’ve got any fucking friends. Second of all, you need to take some breaks or you’re going to burn the fuck out.”
“Trust me, I know,” says Phil.
“I know Thor already reminds you to take breaks,” says Dan. “But he can’t force you to. I can.”
“You’re gonna force me to take breaks?” Phil hums, his eyebrows raising. “How exactly are you going to manage that when you’re back in Atlanta?”
“I can be very annoying with nothing but an internet connection,” Dan promises. “You wanna see?”
“No, no, I believe you, and I need to get this done, please don’t.”
They both laugh, quiet, and Dan curls up on his side to just watch Phil work for a little while. Phil runs his fingers through his hair every so often and mouths along to whatever he types. Dan has no idea how one person can simultaneously be the hottest and the most adorable thing ever.
“I have a brother too,” Dan offers.
“Do you?” Phil asks, more surprised than Dan expects him to be. “That’s not on your Wikipedia.”
“He doesn’t like the attention,” says Dan. It’s a half-truth. Most of what he says about his family are half-truths. “But you’re not, like, a stan account or the media or whatever.”
“Technically, I am both,” Phil jokes. “I’ll keep it to myself, though, don’t worry.”
Dan isn’t worried. He trusts Phil not to go blabbing about him on the radio, even with something as small as Adrian’s existence.
It feels a little strange to trust someone so immediately, and part of Dan wants to pull back, put some distance between them, because the combination of trust and a deepening crush can only spell disaster. He’s not going to do that. He’s only got Phil nearby for another two weeks.
After they’ve finished their media circus in London, then Edinburgh, then Dublin, Dan is off to France with Patrick and Jaime. They’re only hitting a handful of international media press, but that’s more than they were asked to do last year. It’s exciting to be expanding this way, to have something to point to and say, 'I did that before I was 30’.
And when they’re done with the press tour, Dan… goes home. Back to Atlanta, where his apartment is being sublet during his summer travelling.
They don’t even know yet if Heatwave will get a fourth season. It’s a bit of an industry joke that Netflix shows rarely make it past the third. Dan doesn’t even want to consider how Atlanta will feel without a steady filming job down the street.
Probably not much like home. Nowhere feels all that much like home, if Dan’s honest.
“Hey, you still with me?”
Dan blinks away the doom and gloom of his uncertain future and refocuses on the conversation he’s supposed to be a part of. Phil is looking at him now, the sort of undivided attention that makes Dan’s cheeks burn.
“Yeah, sorry,” says Dan. “I’m still here. Have you made a dent in those emails?”
Not the most graceful change of subject, but Phil allows it with a small snort. “No, for I am Sisyphus, doomed to answer a dozen emails only for another dozen to arrive.”
“Maybe if you didn’t have, like, three jobs, this wouldn’t be a problem,” Dan points out. “I get maybe two important emails a day. It’s great.”
“Maybe,” says Phil. He’s still just looking at Dan, his chin resting on an open palm.
“What?” Dan asks, feeling a smile tug at his lips.
Phil smiles back, brighter. “Nothing.”
There’s a warmth in his face, visible even through the mediocre FaceTime quality, that makes Dan’s stomach twist all up in knots. He doesn’t know how to handle that at all. “My mum’s calling I gotta go bye,” he says in one breath, hanging up before Phil can even react.
While he waits for his heart to stop pounding, Dan stares at the hotel ceiling and wonders what the fuck is wrong with him.
Dan’s mum does call, eventually. He’s been fucking around on Guild Wars and cursing the wifi for god only knows how long, refusing to check his phone so he doesn’t have to be faced with another message - or the lack of one - from Phil. Dan finishes the raid and then calls his mum back.
“Daniel, hi,” she says, sounding frazzled in the way she always seems to.
“Hey, mum.” It feels weird, now that he’s got her on the phone, but he pushes past that discomfort. “I was just calling to let you know that I’m in London.”
The sound of a door slamming comes through before his mum says, “Well, yes, dear. I know that.”
She doesn’t sound upset with him. More than anything, she sounds confused. Like she doesn’t know why he’s even telling her this. Like it hasn’t even occurred to her to nag her son for a visit. Dan has to swallow past a lump in his throat, not sure why he wishes she was angry.
“Oh,” he says. Allows a long moment of quiet to pass, just in case she wants to explain herself. She doesn’t. “Well. Okay. Do you - are you busy weekend after next? I could come see you before we leave for the continent.”
“That’s quite short notice, dear,” his mum says, and Dan experiences a dizzying rush of relief and distress before she continues. “But I’m sure I can make some time for dinner.”
Dan exhales. Dinner. He can do dinner.
“That sounds good,” he says. Another half-truth. “I’ll text you?”
“Yes, yes,” his mum says, already sounding distracted. “Text me and we’ll make a proper plan. Work hard til then, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too. Bye.”
The call ends almost as abruptly as his call with Phil, but Dan is okay with that.
im going to see my fam before i leave england jsyk, Dan texts to Phil. Phil sends him celebratory emojis in response. And maybe dinner with his family will be horrible, maybe it will be great, most likely it will be slightly uncomfortable, but at least he isn’t disappointing Phil on top of everyone else he’s let down.
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softhaos · 6 years
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fellas, as of today – jan 14th 2019 – softhaos has turned one year old!! honestly, i never expected to last this long?? over the past year, i’ve gone through many ups and downs, made close mutuals, received so much emotional support from all kinds of people on this site and overall, i’m so thankful that i pulled my shit together and joined the community on tumblr! 
i still remember clearly when i first started out with this blog and posted the neighbor aus and got SO much support for it?? like?? i never thought it’d come this far where i could touch readers’ hearts with my word vomits?? that’s just insane. and even if you don’t read my works yet still follow me: wow, i’m so grateful that you managed to cope with my bullshit – be it from my undying hatred towards pcy and kmg, me abusing the uwuwuwu or my personal thoughts.
in other words, this is my message directed to everyone: thank you for keeping up with my bullshit uwu
now on to the part where i thank specific people for making my existence on this site more bearable,, i’ve left a message for everyone i tagged (i would’ve tagged literally everyone but i’m a stressed student i am so sorry if i forgot you kjldl and i would feel bad if i didn’t leave a note to everyone i tagged) and the list is in alphabetical order! @ anons i also left notes from you at the very bottom.
@baekberrie 💌 even though we just talked once literally two days ago thanks to my clumsy ass sending you an accidental ask, i’m so glad i actually did. pola (okay i got this from your about page im sorry kljsdl) you’re an amazing, kind and talented soul with whom i could’ve talked hours about soft bbh if it weren’t for my tiredness. i’ve only read your junmyeon oneshot so far but trust me, i’ll get to that cuddling fic with baek real soon once i’ve got more time uwu you’re honestly a talented writer and i hope we get to talk more in the future!
@baekbuns 💌 i’ve known you for how many days already you anon thot and i really can’t believe that i was vv intimidated by you at first (not gonna lie, you still scream bde but that’s another story-) hope, despite you trying to steal pretty much everyone from anyone, it’s still very fun to fight talk with you and you’re also an excellent writer uwuwuwu i am still very attacked by the thought of bartender yixing one day I WILL SUE YOU ALONG WITH PCY
@baekwell--tart 💌 bella!!!! ngl i’m still very pissed at myself for not realizing you from your old url but i’m glad i found you again!! (did i find you again? idk anymore i suffer from short term memory but i hope i got my point across sdjlkj) you’re such a warmhearted person and i’m really grateful that i got to know you. however, you’re also a funny person and that also shows in your writing - istg one day i will probably have “perpetual boredom” tattooed on my forehead don’t ask why that description of sehun will NEVER fail to make me chuckle!! you deserve all the love and happiness in the world and so much more uwu
@boosoonhao 💌 i know i keep repeating myself when it comes to you aj, but i really have no idea what else to say. i wrote it in the letter, i expressed myself way too often in the tags whenever i reblog your works, yet here i am doing it again (and maybe even more exaggerated than usual, we��ll see): aj, you are one of the most talented writers i’ve ever known and one of the greatest blessings in the community. there, i said it and i mean it! you are one of the very few i know that doesn’t shy away from fantasy-ish aus and executes them brilliantly. the way you have with your words is just fascinating and i find myself sometimes jotting down what you wrote for future references? but writing skills aside, you are a beautiful and kind person and up to this day the key chain you sent me is still intact. aj, thank you for blessing me, blessing everyone with your talent and general existence. 
@byuncaa 💌 bianca you smol soft bean you have my heart right there and though we don’t know each other for so long, i hope we get to talk more in the future uwu you’re such a cute soul gaaah it really makes me wanna send you all the soft memes i possibly own anywaY i hope you just stay as bubbly and bright and adorable as you are uwu
@cafechenle 💌 hani, kaito kid, i don’t know whether you’re still alive on tumblr or not but idc i’m still writing this to you anyway. you’re one of the first people i’ve met on this site and gOD i remember it as clear as day where i was so close to blocking you within the first few minutes of knowing you. yes, i’m talking about the entire mansae chan era discourse. anyway, we don’t talk as much but i hope you’re doing fine my wee lil silver boys supremacist!!
@changbeanbag 💌 landon, we literally just met yesterday but as you can see, i don’t care and i’m writing you a wee lil note anyway. you, my dude, radiate uwu energy and ngl i may have squealed when i saw your tags in the ask i sent you teehee - i hope we get to talk more in the future (that is, if school hasn’t killed me until then-)
@changbiinn 💌 kirra, you beautiful, blue haired visual goddess who has everyone else (including jisung yES I WENT THAT FAR) looking like a mere smurf and found dead in a ditch! i didn’t think i’d get an instant dm from that one inkigayo shitpost but you went ahead and proved me wrong sjljlks timezones fuck me up all the time but nonetheless i hope we get to interact a lil more and gET ENOUGH SLEEP OR ELSE
@cheolsjigyu 💌 MISS VAN NO I DID NOT FORGET YOU HEAR ME OUT. first of all, how could i forget you when you provided me all the great twt aus and the wild chats we had back in?? sometime early last year i guess. it’s been a very long time since we talked and i’m sorry i couldn’t reach out to you any time sooner due to school and the usual stuff (also, uh, i’m not the biggest friend of tumblr dms and barely check any messages there so there’s that too) believe it or not i still wheeze whenever i think of your fic swing baby because goddamnit that jyp song was one repeat for a good week. anyway, i hope you’ve been doing well and are not at the brink of near death like me uwu
@cherryxiu 💌 gran, frank, satan incarnate, whatever else i call you. you may fuck me up with the pcy i’ve never asked for but i hope you know you have a soft spot in my heart (i’ll never say that out loud again tho so see it as a one of a time thing). you’re my fav minseok stan and while i wouldn't necessarily jump off a cliff for you, i’d jump with you uwu anyway, aggressively refrain from sending me more pcy content i’m just trying to live an easy life here. but knowing you, you’ll definitely pretend as if that last part was never written so why do i even bother-
@chillihansol 💌 hanni my child!!! i hope you’re doing fine, aren’t as stressed anymore and have received the love you deserve and more!!! i still remember when i was highkey intimidated by you so i went on anon but then somehow you were startled by my lil threat and then i became your mom anon? funny that has changed over the time skldj hanni, i don’t regret ever going on anon for you and you’re an amazingly talented writer. i already said it once but i’ll say it again: guns n roses was the first svt fic i read on tumblr and just thank you for creating that piece uwu
@choco-seventeen 💌 miss choco, i almost tumbled down the nonexistent stairs in my apartment when i saw you ??? sliding into my dms ??? and then reading my word vomits ??? and then you followed me ??? and everything that followed after ??? i don’t know what in the world i did to have you notice me and up to today it remains a mystery to me ngl. we love a talented, kindhearted, fantastic, stunning, visual writing queen who is ofc the right person to love thanks to the avatar discourse she started!!! choco, keep on enlightening everyone’s life with your mere existence, the tags you put in your reblogs that make me smile and of course, wonderful stories <33
@custardheart 💌 taylor, i don’t think we have ever talked (unless you approached me on anon maybe then maybe yes??) but i just wanted to thank you for blessing my notifications. you’ve been supporting me / on my notifs for quite a long time - may i say you’re like one of the first followers i had when i first started out? THAT’S how long you’ve been here already and i can’t thank you enough <333 (please don’t ask me why i know that but goddamn every time i see that jeonghan profile picture i already know it’s you djklj)
@dinoshaur 💌 sha! lee! i know we barely talk to each other but i just wanted to use this opportunity to thank you for making some of my days with your astounding fics!! one of my favorite works from you will always be “flower crown prince” because you have NO idea how much i struggle with finding seungkwan fics dkkjljlk i’m sorry i didn’t submit anything for the lfw challenge i really tried to make it but you know, life problems happened whoops. i wish you all the happiness and inspiration and love from chan himself you gifted angel uwu
@forevershua 💌 dear fossil mother ryan, i can’t believe i internally pronounced your name wrongly for pretty much half a year knowing you. please forgive me. okay, but all seriousness aside, you’re one of the closest people from this site!! i really love you so so much though i can’t guarantee that i love you as much as you love jeonghan more than shua; i still shed tears whenever i pull out your two postcards - especially the minghao one; i think i suffered from mild heart palpitations when i got it in the mail (and still do). i hope we get to meet this year and possibly clown rat together and just stay the somewhat sane person left in the gc <33 p.s HOW DO YOU FUNCTION WITHOUT A FRIDGE I STILL CANT BELIEVE THAT
@gamerwoo 💌 rocket, you’re always active when it’s the ungodly hour where i live and it has happened more often that i stay awake because of you. not only do i have loads of stuff i can queue from you (teehee) you recently started posting stories again and the ones you hammered out lately just??? do things to me??? for real though do you have sadistic tendencies or somethin because you posted TWO (2) nsfw stories that I indulged at 2 AM IN THE MORNING. aside from that minghao and junmyeon stuff, uuuh, i finally got around to finish your ghoul au which i completely adore!! i’m looking forward to your upcoming works uwu and hope you get all the positivity and good vibes only uwu (p.s i have to confess: my dumb ass seriously thought the “woo” in your url referred to jungwoo and for some good weeks i thought you ult jungwoo rIP ME)
@hearttoshu 💌 jess, i don’t know what in the world i did to have you notice me because i’m gonna be honest here, i was scared of you skaljdlkjslkj please i don’t even know why, you seemed very intimidating but i was proven wrong in an instant!! you are one super soft bean with hq gifs and a love for jun and shua that reaches up to infinity and beyond!! your tags always get the best out of me and i’m really grateful for having you in my life uwuwuwuwu 
 @jejublr 💌 ew rat, you’re finally adulting. jokes aside, you were the first victim to fall under my disastrous typo errors and may i say that i’m just simply ICONIC for forever slapping that legendary nickname on you uwu nat who?? we only know RAT. you’re the one person i can always run to when more serious issues are bugging me since i guess you can relate the most to my personal dilemmas and i just wanted to thank you for being there for me <33 that, and for keeping gran somewhat at bay. i hope we get to meet up this summer where i’ll feed you with lots of chocolate while teasing ryan about her biasing jeonghan LMAO and just like most people from the gc, you’re one of the first close mutuals i’ve made. in a way, you could say you’ve been with me here since day 1 (almost) xx
@jin-hua 💌 mayo / mango / mayo that tastes like mangoes / idk i bet i have misspelled your names approximately 993828 times in 937987 different variations but guess what? i still love u to death uwu i love me a fitness queen, a visual goddess not even god himself could ever and i’m so so glad that you exist in my life <333 i know i promised you a crackhead message but when i think about it there’s not really a lot to say that’s out of place when it comes to you?? you’re an angel uwuwu the light of my life frank could NEVER
@justsomekpopstuff 💌 jj it is i, your #1 supporter!! since you’re also part of the nug club gc from the beginning on, you have an extra special place in my heart <3 jj, i love how supportive you are and i don’t think you realize that i cherish you to the moon and back and that times 903809. i love how you get so fired up about your hockey team and like to gush and suffer from the wrath of Joshua hong and i hope you’ll stay eternally happy uwu that, and dRINK LESS COFFEE ISTG
@lxveille 💌 veille we’ve never interacted a lot but i just wanted to let you know that i admire you a LOT. i haven’t got around to read more of your works lately, but i do have a favorite fic that i still clearly remember. okay, that’s a lie, i have several that left a strong memory. but let’s say, if i had to reduce it to one fic, it’d be the 100wtsily dystopian au with jihoon and 66 & 70! you’re one of the very few writers who hit the dystopian genre spot on and you truly are an inspiration. seriously, thank you a lot veile xx
@middle-of-a-wonshua-sandwich 💌 LOOK, i didn’t even know you changed blogs or something and i’m so eternally sorry that it took me ages to figure that out! (RIP me) you’re one of the first followers i had if i recall correctly (i’m pretty positive of that) and i just wanted to thank you for sticking with me so long uwuwuuwwu i wish you all the happiness bb <3
@multi-yeol 💌 haaaa we’ve only known each other since a day or something but i’m really glad we did!!!! honestly, that Loona song sorter is harder than any of the german exams i had and though we don’t know each other for so long, i hope we’ll talk more in the future bub!!!
@oatmealupdates 💌 lynna, you too are one of the first followers on my blog i’m wheEZING you’ve been here for so long sdlkjlkj thank you for your support and your comments under the fics always make my day i swear!! i’ve also noticed that you haven’t been that active as you used to be (maybe it’s just me idk sometimes my dash is kinda wacky) but all in all i hope you’re doing good!! if you ever need to talk to someone, you can always hmu <33
@queerjunhui 💌 vane, ngl, you really scared me at first. i was really intimidated by your for reasons i can’t even explain and i always thought you were out of my league sdkljlk i think we started talking since the cyzj thing and you’re one of the funniest and nicest people i’ve met so far on tumblr, seriously! your content - be it from your shitposts to mindless thoughts like the entire indirects to j*** * yES I STILL RECALL THEM - you always manage to make my day brighter whenever i see you on my dash. i wish you all the happiness and hope you’re doing good uwu
@seungcheolsbodyharness 💌 katey, sis i still think about that criminal seokmin and the entire au we made up - from FBI agent cheol to incompetent intern vernon and all that jazz. besides the fact that your url is a pure 10/10 as well as your other URLs, you’re such a nice person and i really enjoy your presence - be it in the form of reblogs of any kind of thing to the comments you occasionally leave and don’t get me started on the aSKS; katey, i’m so glad to have met you on this site!!! uwu
@softwonwoo 💌 jian darling!! honestly, i have no idea how you even know of my existence. just like pretty much everyone else i’ve tagged here you kinda had that intimidating aura?? but then the more i talked to you somehow, the more i was proven wrong and you’re such a sweet pea i can’t- also, i’m glad that i found someone who can agree with me when it comes to chungha dsakjlskj pls stay healthy, stay happy jian!!
@swyllh 💌 sara, i don’t think we have ever had a proper conversation, but i just wanted to give you my appreciation. you are one of the most underrated writers within the community yet you always give your best when it comes to your writing and honestly, i really admire you. i haven’t found the time to read your interactive fic yet (i keep pushing that back i am so sorry but i’ll get to that one day) and one of the fics that i absolutely adore is that one end of the world fic with chan, as well as the vernon collab with sha!! i really hope you’ll get the recognition and love you deserve you gifted writer !!
@tonicandjins 💌 faye my snowflake, i haven’t seen you around lately but if you read this, i hope everything’s alright from your side! i’m quite sure i’ve already mentioned this to you but i’ll say it again. i will NEVER shut up about one and two small petals and will NEVER recover from it. another banger is that wonwoo fic with the printer- ugh, you’re such a talented, beautiful person and i truly wish you all the best. remember, don’t stress yourself and relax once in a while uwu
@yeolsmiling 💌 angie hi!! i legit only sent you one (1) ask so i really don’t have much to say so far unless i wanna repeat myself lMAO one day, i aspire to purely emit soft energy for yeol but i doubt that day will ever come. i hope we get to talk more in the future you soft bear <33
honeybunch anon 💌 honeybunch, i hope you’re doing well! i still remember that i called you that when you slipped into my asks and gushed about that one mingyu fic up to this day i’m still flattered and eternally grateful that you’re still here uwu thank you for your support and making my day <33
fromis anon 💌 idk if you’ll ever read this but i miss you uwu i hope you’re doing fine and just a quick update from my side: i still haven’t found a bias yet uGH 
sugarpie / tulip anon 💌 you seem like such a cool person i’m really glad you stopped by in my inbox thank you for hitting me up uwu since i have no clue who you are and since i’m a dumbass, i’m can only rely on you messaging me jslkdj
none of the letters are proofread i am so sorry
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kdinthecity · 7 years
Confessions of a Teenage Sugar Queen: Kiss and Tell
Chpt. 1 | Chpt. 2 | Chpt. 3 | Chpt. 4 | Chpt. 5 | Chpt. 6 | Chpt. 7
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I text my dad once we’re on board, and he is actually already aware of the change in our travel itinerary. I guess it makes sense that Iroh would let him know, but I didn’t even realize they were acquainted. Our family does frequent Mushi’s, but I always thought it was because of my dad’s deep appreciation for quality seafood. My mind now races through all the possibilities—call it investigative journalism in practice… or me basically questioning my entire childhood.
So, did my parents know Iroh before my mom died?
If they knew each other, my dad must consider him an ally since we still dine at his restaurant. Dad says he is wary of Zuko, though, despite allowing me to go on this trip.
Does my dad know anything about Mom’s connection to Ursa?
Even if he didn’t know Iroh or anything about Zuko’s mom, how is my dad OK with all of this? His trust is not easily earned. Yet here I am, caught up in the middle of the Kasai family madness.
But it involves my family, too.
My dad’s words suddenly weigh heavy on me. “I don’t trust them, Katara. But I trust you.”
I apparently have no problem trusting Zuko, because as soon as our plane takes off, I melt into him and fall asleep. I can’t help it. I’m exhausted, he is perpetually warm, and he always smells like...
“Sweet dreams, Moonpeach.”
OK, did that really happen or did I just imagine Zuko saying that and kissing the top of my head?
The entire seven-hour flight passes like the blink of an eye. I hope I didn’t do something embarrassing like snore or drool on his shoulder. Zuko gently rouses me when the cabin lights come back on just before landing. I try to shake myself from a sleep-induced stupor while he stares at his phone, awaiting instruction of what to do next. I check mine, too, but neither of us have a signal at the moment.
At 11:45 p.m. local time, this particular terminal of the Anchorage airport is nearly empty. After passing through security, we find an isolated cluster of chairs to dump our bags and settle in case we’re stranded here for the night. Zuko curses at his phone, but I switch into wifi mode, and a series of notifications for missed calls and texts soon registers. I read and listen and panic and ponder. Dad instructs to stay put and wait for someone to come get us. And that he and Sokka will meet us in Anchorage tomorrow. And be careful, he warns.
Zuko receives similar messages from Iroh, and while he says, “Don’t worry. Everything will be OK,” the paleness of his face gives him away. It accentuates the scar, and even though I’ve mostly forgotten it’s there, I’m unabashedly staring at it right now.
“What?” he asks, exasperated.
The words slip out before I can stop myself. “How did it happen?”
“Really!? You want to talk about that here? Right now?” Some color has returned to his cheeks, along with that incredulous expression he wears so often.
What I really want to do… is kiss him. Yes, here. Right now.
I start by reaching for the rippled discoloration under his left eye. He flinches but doesn’t pull away. His golden gaze softens—he trusts me, I think. I trace the outline of his scar with the pad of my thumb then slowly bring my hand around to stroke the nape of his neck. His breath catches when my lips find their mark. I’ve always been curious about this, but the ridged skin is surprisingly soft.
His eyes flutter closed. “I can’t feel it,” he says, barely above a whisper. “I can’t feel anything…”
He’s talking about damaged nerve endings, and whatever else is damaged beyond repair, but I’m determined to make him feel something.
I grip the chair’s armrest in between us to brace myself. “What about here, then?”
And just like that, we’re kissing.
It would have been more romantic that day on the beach. Or more commonplace any of the countless times we’ve been in his car together. But now that we’re practically running for our lives, there is a sense of urgency—a neediness. We skip all the shy first kiss business, too. I’m shocked by my own boldness, but more than pleased at how fervently he responds.
And now that I’m finally kissing Zuko, I really don’t want to stop.
He doesn’t, either, if those soft moaning noises he’s making are any indicator. I tug at his bottom lip with my teeth in between insistent open-mouthed kisses before his hands are in my hair, and his hot breath and teasing tongue are everywhere.
I think we’ve forgotten that we’re in an airport in the middle of the night waiting for some random person to meet us here. Clearly we’ve both wanted this for a while now, but maybe this is not the best time or place. Eventually we come to our senses and reluctantly pull away from each other.
Zuko slumps back in his seat and lets out a breathless, “Wow.”
I nod in agreement, unsure of whether he can see me or not, but if he were looking, he’d find me sporting swollen lips and an unnatural shade of pink. I pretend to browse on my phone to avoid whatever awkward conversation will inevitably happen next. Because it’s me and Zuko, and we’re the world’s biggest dorks. I’d rather not talk, really. Can’t we just make out some more?
Zuko fiddles with his phone, too, for what seems like ages. Then out of the blue, “I was thirteen.”
“Huh?” I shift in my chair to face him.
He points at his scar. “When my father…”
“Oh.” I had completely forgotten. Why did I even ask? “Zuko, you don’t have to—“
“I used to want to be like him,” he continues. “Because I’d take over the company some day, I figured. Our top selling game at the time was Day of Black Sun, this war simulator game, and like any teenager, I was really excited about it. I begged to go to one of the engineering meetings, so Uncle got me in somehow.”
My stomach starts churning with uncertainty. “Iroh worked for Future Fire?”
“Yeah, he quit after… uhh, anyway, Dad’s top engineer, Dr. Bujing, presented a prototype of the Black Sun combat gloves, but they were actual weapons. I was confused by this, so I said a lot of gamers who use the virtual reality gear are just kids. They could get hurt. Then Bujing laughed all creepy like and said some kids don’t play war games for fun.”
The depth of sadness in Zuko’s voice, and the flash of fear in his eyes are now giving me heart palpitations. I grab his hand and gently squeeze it.
“So, it turns out that these new weapons were being sold to a top bidder overseas, to this guy named Zhao who exploited kids to carry out his covert operations. Bujing said these young soldiers lived in hostile environments and had to be tough. No Bay Area brat like me would understand. I was appalled, so I challenged him. I said kids should never be forced to fight, and Future Fire shouldn’t be making weapons anyway.”
Zuko pauses and swallows, then fidgets and sighs. I tell him he doesn’t have to finish, but he shakes his head and draws in a deep breath.
“My father said… I talked too big, just like a typical Silicon Valley kid… and I didn’t know true pain and suffering. He then reminded me that Future Fire was first and foremost an arms dealer… and always will be. In order to learn my place, I was awarded the privilege of testing out the prototypes.”
I gasp because I can only guess where his story is headed next. The pressure building in my chest is almost unbearable. I’ve never let myself think about it before now, but I can’t fathom the pain he must have experienced.
“A few days later, Dad wanted me to give a demonstration in front of the entire company. I barely knew how the gloves worked, and I didn’t want to fuck it up and embarrass him. I said I needed more time, and I only had the company’s best interest at heart. He called me disrespectful and a coward. He took one glove from me and put it on his right hand. It all happened so fast, but I saw his fist coming at my face, so I raised my left hand to try to block him. No one knew for sure which glove misfired, so the whole thing was written off as an accident. Or what was it? An equipment malfunction, that’s right.”
Tears prick at the corner of my eyes. “Oh, Zuko. That’s—”
“It was no accident, though,” he adds through gritted teeth. “Because my dad came to see me in the hospital and told me it was to teach respect. And that suffering would be my teacher. That’s always his line whenever he—“ Zuko stops short and clears his throat. “Uncle was there that day, and he knows the truth. He was the one who took care of me afterward. Still does.”
“Zuko, I’m—“
I know he doesn’t want my apologies or my pity, so I clarify. “I was going to say, I’m glad you told me. Thanks for trusting me. I trust you, too.”
He probably doesn’t have a clue how incredibly huge this confession is for me.
Or… maybe he does? His eyes go wide, even the half-lidded one his father marred so carelessly just to teach a lesson, that bastard.
“Katara, that… that means a lot. Besides Uncle, I’ve never told anyone before.”
Zuko’s gaze meets mine, and I don’t see a broody boy with a mysterious mark anymore. Yes, he will always have the scar and its horrific story, but he is beautiful to me—strong, enduring, and trustworthy. The wounds run deep, but he is not calloused. He is healing.
This makes me feel safe with him. And I haven’t felt that way in a long time.
He also makes me feel something else, and now that kissing is an option…
Zuko yelps when I launch myself from my seat and into his lap. Armrest be damned! Do not get in the way of me and my man! That’s right, I just claimed him. Sokka is probably going to freak and swear off meat for a week when he finds out. I entertain no further thought about my overprotective brother as I plunge my tongue into the soft warmth of Zuko’s mouth. Mmmmm.
“Hmm-mmm.” Someone coughs behind us.
Heat rises to my cheeks as I scramble to my feet. Zuko leans forward and buries his face in his hands. The intruder just laughs.
“Hey, I know you.” I point with a shaky finger. “You were at Iroh’s July Fourth party.”
“Yes, I was,” the man replies. “Some of your uncle’s buddies were taking bets on the first kiss. Bumi said before the party, Jeong Jeong said during the party, and Iroh said not yet because it would take a long time for Zuko to work up the nerve. Who won the bet, I wonder?”
“Well… I initiated the first kiss. So… I win!” I fold my arms across my chest.
Zuko presses his fingers to his temples and rolls his eyes. “Katara, this is Noren.” He then tips his head toward the man. “And Noren, this is Katara.”
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cheesyricecakeu · 7 years
whatever's mine | jjk
pairing: jungkook/you
genre: angst/eventual fluff, bestfriend!jungkook
word count: 1800+ words
It had been days since you saw it happen, right before your eyes. Around 2am at the bar, you saw them. Her arms wrapped around him and her lips— they were pressed onto his. You let yourself calm down by telling yourself, “He’s going to push her away.”
However, all that relief or comfort you gave yourself vanished as you saw him giving in to the kiss, with his lips moving in harmony with hers. His right hand cupped her face, caressing her cheek, as his left hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer.
And by watching all that, your heart felt like it had just been thrown onto the floor, just like that. You felt a lump in your throat, and you just let the tears fall as you turned to the exit, running away. You couldn’t let yourself watch any more of that when your heart already sank, and you felt emptiness so strongly in your chest.
Your phone had been lying on the table for days, without a single notification popping up on your screen. Even if there were, they weren’t from who you wanted it to be from. And all you could do is sit and feel your heart being tossed around and shattering into pieces, over and over again.
Out of the blue, you heard a knock on the door. Lethargically, you dragged your feet across the floor towards the door. Without thinking, you just flung the door open. Your lifeless eyes met familiar ones— the eyes of the boy who broke your heart. Jeon Jungkook. Broke your heart just in that one kiss he gave away to another girl. Specifically, and to make matters worse, his ex.
“What are you here for?” you muttered, your eyes darkening as he trudged in, closing the door behind him. As if nothing happened, he casually plopped down on the sofa, placing his legs on the table.
“Why can’t I go to my own best friend’s house?” he replied innocently. You clenched your fist as you held back the tears.
You told yourself, “Why would he act differently? It’s not like I can control who he kisses or hangs out with. I’m just a best friend.”
You took a deep breath and sighed. Sitting down on the sofa beside him, he turned his body to you as you looked elsewhere, anywhere but him.
“So, how was the date with Taehyung?” he asked, muttering, but his expression darkened.
Right. The date with Taehyung.
A few days ago, you playfully and jokingly asked Jungkook to set you up with his bandmate, Taehyung. You joked around saying that you thought he was pretty hot and that you were interested. And you wished you never said that, because Jungkook, without hesitation, did exactly that. He set you up with Taehyung.
Your heart sank when he did so. It was like he didn’t care, at all, that you were interested in someone. On that day, you drilled in into your head, Jungkook will never like me back.
And, that date. You never went for it.
“So, this date is canceled but I’ll tell Jungkook that we had a fun time?” Taehyung spoke from the other side of the call.
“I’m sorry, but please do me this favor,” you muttered.
“Alright, it’s fine,” he replied nonchalantly and hung up.
“It was fine,” you mumbled.
There was a long pause. A heavy silence settled over both of you, thicker than the uneasy tension and awkwardness in the atmosphere. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. You took a deep breath and sighed. Straight after, he shot you with a question, breaking the silence.
“What is wrong with you?” he snapped. Your eyes met his. You could see his jaw clench. Stuck between bursting in anger and bursting in tears, you bit your lip, unable to answer. All these while you wanted him to show that he cared, but now you could only see frustration and anger flashing in his eyes. Dejected, you kept quiet.
“Y/N, I can never understand you because you never tell me what’s going on,” he said softly. “Just tell me.”
“I can’t believe you let her kiss you like that,” you mumbled, fidgeting with your hands. You could never voice out your feelings truthfully— you knew there was no chance of him accepting it, and it would just make your relationship shatter to pieces.
But you couldn’t hold it in anymore. You thought about the way she wrapped her arms around him, the way she leaned in closer to him, the way she touched him that night. You couldn’t take it. You couldn’t stand seeing him with another person.
You repeated your words, but louder, accidentally yelling in a harsh tone.
“What does it matter to you, if I kiss her?” Jungkook questioned. You wondered what kind of question was that. Didn’t he realize how much she hurt him in the past? You stood by and watched everything all these while, and now of all questions, he shot you that unreasonable question.
“Why would you let your ex-girlfriend kiss you? Don’t you remember what she did to you?” you snarled. Jungkook’s brows furrowed, his expression darkening.
“So?” he answered. That one word that sliced through the dry air. It pissed you off. Your hands clasped as you felt rage building up. Your whole body tensed. You could see his face mottled crimson, his eyes popped and his neck strained. Anger was written all over his face. So was yours.
“Are you kidding me?” you scoffed as you stood up. You were about to walk away from that bullshit until he stood up too and shot you with words and it felt like you had just been stabbed multiple times in the same spot. You weren’t having a fist fight, but his words were packed with a punch.
“Who are you to say that?” his words brought a deafening silence which you broke with a whimper as tears filled your eyes. Your lips trembled as you tried to hold the tears back.
“Y/N…” His voice was soft. But it didn’t soothe you. The pain came washing over you like waves, and each wave brought more tears.
“Get out, I don’t want to see your face,” you hissed. He called out your name once more, but you ignored it.
“Take your stuff, whatever’s yours here– just get out,” you repeated. Tears fell from your eyes, but you didn’t sob. You silently cried, wiping the tears each time they fall. Those tears were tears of disappointment, anger and hurt. Hurt. That was what you felt the most, but all you wanted was to feel numb.
“Whatever’s mine?” he whispered. You flung the door open for him. At the corner of your eyes, you saw him nod, ruffling his hair up. He walked towards the door.
“It shouldn’t hurt. Who are you to be hurt over this?” you told yourself repeatedly, and eventually, the tears stopped. You wiped your face dry. He paused beside you.
Out of the blue, he swung you up in his strong arms. His comforting hands held your back. He walked out of the door as you gasped in confusion and shock. Despite being extremely confused, you still felt your heart palpitating. You could feel his breath, and you bit your lip, nervous at how close you were to his face.
Your feet finally touched the cold ground outside as he put you down gently. Tears came again, and you were filled with confusion and frustration.
“Why…?” you whispered. Jungkook’s hands were still holding your arms. Those warm, comforting hands slipped to your shoulders, and your body stiffened at his touch.
“You told me to take whatever’s mine and get out, right?” he whispered as he leaned in closer. Your heart was beating like crazy at the realization of what he said.
“I love you, Y/N.”
Your breath hitched hearing those words come out of his mouth. You looked up to meet his eyes. He stared right into your eyes and repeated the very same phrase.
I love you too, Jungkook.
“I kissed her because I was drunk and frustrated. You know why? Because I loved you. I didn’t know how to tell you, and you made it worse,” he blurted everything out as he gripped your shoulders. He slowly loosened his grip.
I didn’t know how to tell you, too.
“You said you wanted to date Taehyung, and I swear I got so pissed. I got pissed and I went to drink on the day you went on that damn date. I never felt so broken before, Y/N,” he continued.
I felt broken too.
“I drank so much, I thought I saw you… And I kissed her thinking it was you,” he sniffled. You saw tears welled up his eyes. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I was too afraid to tell you. If you want to run away. I understand.”
He looked up, away from your eyes to blink away the tears. You watched as he formed a smile on his face.
“Ah, this is so embarrassing,” he chuckled. You laughed softly along with him. He stepped back and shoved his hands in his pockets, fidgeting. Silence fell again. You took a deep breath.
“All of that— me too,” you uttered. His eyes flickered to meet yours. He formed a cautious grin, but it exploded into a radiant smile after he fully realized what you said.
You felt his arms wrap around you. You wrap yours around him too. You could feel his smile even though you weren’t looking at his face. He pulled away slightly, only to close the gap again— but this time, between your lips. He pressed his lips against yours softly. You both pull away and take shaky, shallow breaths. His hand rested below your ear, and your lips met again. His thumb caressed your cheek as your breaths mingled. You felt him form a smile against your lips.
When you pulled away, a slow smile spread over your gaunt features and you thought, this must be happiness.
hello, I hope you like this story! please feel free to request for more stories :)
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g0ldpainted · 7 years
hi there! i'm so sorry to bother you but i'm kind of going through an episode right now and i love your imagines so much that i thought you could help me out. i had an emotionally and mentally abusive ex and recently them and their friend contacted me and are harassing me but i blocked them but i still can't help but feel shit. i was wondering if you could write a prompto x reader imagine where his s/o is dealing with the same thing and he comforts her and leads to smut too? xo.
Heey A-le-lone-wolf! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! And I’m so sorry you have to go through this. If you ever need an ear to listen to you can always shoot me a message. And I also hope that things will get better for you! And you’re not bothering me at all!!! :oLast but not least, thank you for your kind words and for sending that request. 
It took quite long to finish because I didn’t want to make mistakes. The actual NSFW scene will be uploaded in a different post - but I promise you’ll get your smut! I’ll have to re-touch that part again but it should be up tomorrow. But I wanted you to know that I’m not ignoring your request and didn’t want to keep you waiting much longer! ^^
Anyway, I hope you like it
(P.S: I’m not ignoring any requests, I’m working on all of them).
Part: 1 out of 2
Words: 3000+
Genre: Eeeh, fluff but kind of angst too?
TW: Mentions & depictions of harassment, abuse, bullying and smut begins at the end - the actual scene is in a separate post.
“They’re doing it again!” Prompto’s S/O shouted, messages of her abusive ex and the army of “friends” they had spamming the notifications on her phone. 
Over the past few days, they had been sending numerous messages over all kinds of social media harassing her, sending mean messages or even photos and video snippets. Prompto knew. He was there when it all began, when his S/O’s ex first tried to sneak his way back into her life. His first reaction was to take her phone - of course, after asking - and blocking them and deleting all messages for her. That didn’t stop them, though. Only hours later they created new accounts. More hurtful words were sent. Unfortunately, Prompto wasn’t there to stop them. She read through all of the messages, tried to come up with smart remarks but simply couldn’t. 
Pick up the phone, I’ve got a bone to pick with you.You dare to be with that stupid blonde guy again?!Why waste your time. Just come back already.No one will ever love you as much as I did.We both know you need me. You’d be nothing without me. You should be grateful I’m willing to take you back after such a ridiculous attempt at breaking up.I’m the best thing that ever happened to you. Okay you know what, fuck you and your sorry ass.All my friends hate your worthless ass as well.I’m sure your boy is cheating on you. Think I’ve seen him with some blonde, busty mechanic.You should be thankful I’m trying to help you.This is all your fault! Such an ugly mess, probably crying like a baby. Get yourself together.
Those were just some of the texts she received. With each message, she heard their ex’ voice, saw their face scrunching up before they yelled at her. She could practically hear their voice in her head, haunting her all over again. They broke up over a year ago, yet they still tried to get her back. Before their final break up, she came back - multiple times. They always managed to guilt trip and manipulate her into believing she had to go back. Right after they put her down, slowly tore her self-esteem off, they comforted her, whispered sweet nothings into her ear. 
It was a never-ending cycle of abuse. But eventually, she found the strength within herself to break it off. For good. Back then, they harassed her for a few months, made sure she knew about all their new relationships and how much better they were. They were obsessed with her, still trying to control her even from afar. She moved, bought a new phone and deleted all memories associated with them - including her old social media accounts. 
And it helped. For some time at least.
(There’s a read more thing here)
Up until recently, they hadn’t spoken to her. But then it all resumed to where it ended: More attempts at making her feel worthless, unworthy of anything, followed. Once they had found her account and continued to bully her through social media messages, even let a friend jump in and spread the same hurtful words, it also didn’t take long before they found her new phone number. 
Then they started calling her, hiding their ID to ensure she’d pick up, throwing shade and spilling hate. And now they were texting her, over and over again, using various different numbers to ensure she couldn’t just block them all. 
“Shut up!” she screamed at her phone, her eyes tearing up as more messages popped up.
One had a picture attached to it which so happened to be an old nude they took per request. Back when she was still with her now-ex, it was something they demanded but she didn’t want to take. The way they continuously demanded it, not even asking kindly, had her in shock and terrified. They even threatened her about it. Out of fear, she took it.. And now they were using it as a weapon against her. 
Wow, Jabba the Hutt much? Look at all those rolls of fat on your body. Ugly as hell. You might wanna consider surgery.
Want me to send that to your family? Show off your disgraceful body? Or maybe the football team wants something to laugh about?
This was the third day in a row they commented on her weight, calling her fat although she hadn’t gained weight in years. And if they weren’t calling her fat, they found other flaws about her body they just had to point out. It was all about making her feel insecure - and it worked. It always did.For the past three days, she hadn’t eaten. She was quite hungry but whenever she wanted to eat, she remembered how they commented on her eating behaviors back when they were dating. Both combined made her lose her appetite.
Another plate of food? Haven’t you eaten enough? 
It all made her stomach twist. On the worst days, they smacked her food out of her hands, letting it fall to the ground - later playing it off as caring for her, not wanting her to get sick. She soon found herself eating less and less, forcing herself to believe she wasn’t hungry.
And now, again, they were screwing with her mind and her perception of herself.
Feeling various different emotions within herself ranking from sheer anger over complete disappointment and disbelief to sadness, she threw her phone against a wall. The screen cracked, parts of the glass spread all over the floor. Thankfully, it broke enough to actually turn off. The screen was black, no more notification sounds, no more vibrating and no more screen lighting up. It was eerily quiet as tears leaked from her eyes. She wanted to stay strong, wanted to fight them off but she couldn’t. They were in control over her. Even after all this time, they still had that connection, that bond she was desperately trying to cut. The bond that made her submit to them. A bond that created through trauma, tears, anger, threats and sweet, caring moments that turned out to be lies or complete manipulation. One second they raised their hand, telling her that they’d hit her if she wouldn’t do as they said, a second later they held her close, kissed her neck as they whispered how much they loved them and wanted them. It was a relationship that was far from healthy. A relationship that messed up her life, gave her trust issues, anxiety, depression and caused other health related trouble. 
As she sat on her bed, crying, putting her head in her hands, she thought about her new boyfriend: Prompto Argentum. 
They had been dating for quite some months but took it incredibly slow - he was a total sweetheart about it. He cared more than anyone ever did, even stayed up all night when she was panicking, making sure that she’d be okay and cooked her food or cleaned her apartment when she had no motivation to do so. She shared her situation and story rather early into the relationship - simply because she felt she was acting weird around him and wanted him to understand. He was always was an understanding sweetheart about it. Not once did he make stupid jokes or remarks - when she spoke, shared her story, he listened. And he always made sure she felt appreciated afterward. It took forever for her to let him in but eventually, she did. The way he carefully and so shyly asked for numerous dates surprised her - and made him seem incredibly cute, she couldn’t reject him - even though, she was still traumatized in some ways. And now he was joining her on her path of healing.
To her, it was a miracle that she managed to be with him, that she overcame her fears so quickly. But Prompto simply blew her away in the most positive way; always finding the right words to say and being an absolute sunshine. He was perfect ..and she didn’t feel good enough for him. Not once did she believe she was worth his time, worth his effort. And having her ex tell her that he might be cheating just made it worse. They had betrayed her when they were dating and didn’t even care about hiding it, too, just let her catch them cheating.. in their shared bedroom. And then they played it off as her not satisfying him. She knew the pain associated with being cheated on, the feeling of never being good enough, and she didn’t want to feel it again. 
Minutes turned into hours in which she couldn’t calm herself. While her tears dried, the pain didn’t leave, the hurt was still visibly written on her face and her heart felt torn. And then her entrance door was suddenly opened and someone stepped inside. Her heart now palpitated from fear. 
“Did they find out where I live..?” she thought, the trembling of her body increasing. 
The footsteps came closer, becoming louder with every step. Shivers ran down her spine. It seemed like the stranger was walking through her apartment, looking for her. They picked up objects, a bottle even fell to the ground along with some keys, the abrupt noise further shaking her up. It was when they opened doors, switching on various lights, that she completely lost her cool. Her bedroom was the only room in which light was already on - the intruder must’ve known where she was ..but they waited, probably on purpose.
Her breathing picked up the second she spotted a shadow, the footsteps coming to a stop at the same time. For a moment, her eyes wandered between her door and her broken phone. She regretted having thrown her phone - the only object that would’ve made it possible to call the police.The handle lowered rather slowly, her breathing hitched and finally, the door started opening. She clutched onto her bedsheets, her widen eyes bathed in anxiety, focusing on the door.
And then he finally stood in front of her: Prompto. 
With a huge, bright smile he entered the room, locking eyes with her right away. But the second he saw how shaken she was, his smile faded. He let go of the handle and slowly approached her trembling frame.
“Are you.. Okay? I tried to call you but.. You didn’t pick up,” he explained, watching her in shock. 
She couldn’t speak, instead broke into a well of tears again. Prompto’s gaze softened, he quickly sat down beside her, making sure to keep a little distance in case she didn’t want his near right now. He knew something was off, he knew she was far from doing good - and he knew that she needed him.
“What happened?” he asked, his hand gently reaching out for one of hers.
Still, she couldn’t speak. She was well aware of how he didn’t want to pressure her, never wanted to make her feel trapped like her ex did and always asked for permission but right now, all she wanted was for him to hold her - comfort her. To let him know about her needs, she tugged on his arm, pulling him closer.Although they hadn’t been dating for all too long, he could practically read her mind - he knew what she needed, was just a little hesitant about it. But as she tugged on his arm, he took it as a sign that she wanted to be closer and he gladly followed her demand. His arms wrapped around her frail body, pulling her into his chest. She buried her face in his shirt, soaking it with her tears and placed one of her hands on his shoulder for support. He held her close, placed soft kisses on her hair while he rubbed her back. His embrace was where she felt safest. He was her safe haven.
Every now and then, his eyes wandered around the room, searching for hints of what could’ve happened while he wasn’t around, searching for what upset them so badly. Eventually, his eyes got caught on her broken, shattered phone and it slowly made sense to him. There was only one thing that could’ve upset her so bad that she would’ve thrown her phone; her ex. 
“Did they reach out to you again..?” he asked, making sure his voice was as soft as it could possibly be. 
“Y-yes..” she stuttered, sobbing but slowly calming down while listening to her lover’s soothing heartbeat.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” he suggested, running a hand through her hair.
“It’s.. The s-same as always..” she shrugged, biting her lip right after, ”Called me names.. Put me down.. Even said you were cheating.“
Their relationship had always been about honesty and truth - no lies or secrets were kept - therefore, of course, she told him.
”Oh god.. I’d never cheat on you..“ he whispered, kissing her forehead.
”Yeah, p-please don’t..“ she mumbled, remembering how much it affected her self-esteem the last time it happened.
”I won’t. Never. I promise,“ he murmured looking down at her the second her head moved upwards. 
Her lips formed a small smile at his response, desperately trying to believe him - but that was still quite hard. She was still recovering from all the mental abuse she endured over years. And he knew she was still struggling, trying her best at believing him - he was fine with it, more patient than most people would’ve been. Prompto knew she wasn’t trying to harm him anyhow but instead trying to overcome her trust issues - it meant a lot to him. He treasured her, dearly, genuinely. 
”So he send messages again?“ he asked carefully, making sure to caress her cheek to provide comfort as he spoke. 
”Y-yeah.. And calls.. Voice messages.. Photos..“ she replied, the volume of her voice decreasing steadily. 
”The full program..“ Prompto summed up, sighing, squeezing her gently, ”I’m sorry they’re being such a pain.“  
”It’s my fault.. I shouldn’t have been with them in the first place..“ she blamed herself, wiping some last tears away. 
”No, don’t blame yourself. All you did.. Was fall in love. This is not your fault, not even in the slightest,“ he assured them.
”I.. Don’t know..“ she whispered, her eyes slowly drifting away from Prompto, ”I shouldn’t have .. Loved them.“
”Look at me..“ he spoke, gently lifting her chin so their eyes would meet, ”I’m sorry for what they’ve done to you.. I’m sorry you’ve been hurt so severely.. And I wish I could turn back time and stop them from causing any kind of pain. You don’t deserve to feel this way; you’re so perfect.. So beautiful.. So kind. I don’t understand how anyone could be willing to hurt such a mesmerizing woman like you are. All you’ve ever shown me was honesty and kindness.. And, of course, love. I’m so grateful to have you. I’m so glad I found someone that.. That is just as crazy as I am. Someone that I can share laughs with and my.. My secrets, too. You.. You mean the world to me. And I don’t ever want to lose you. Over these past months, you showed me what love is. Even after you’ve experienced something so horrible you manage to be a wonderful person. You even.. Help me improve myself. I will never get why cruel people like.. Your ex.. Exist or why they love to be the way they are. But I know that it has nothing to do with you. Their behavior is terrible and you don’t deserve that. They treated you badly - terribly. All you did was love them. All they did was destroy you. It’s not your fault they chose to be this way. You’re a beautiful person.“ 
His S/O teared up lightly and a small smile formed again. Prompto’s words hit home. 
”Wh-what I’m trying to say is,.. I.. I love you,“ he stuttered, blushing as he finally said those magic three words he meant to say ages ago.
The only reason to why he waited was that he didn’t want to put pressure on her. But now felt like the right time, the right moment to spill his feelings. The second she heard those words, a few tears fell from her eyes. Sure, she had heard them before - from her ex - but it never felt as genuine. Butterflies roamed through her stomach, while her warmed heart raced. Those words were something she usually didn’t believe but.. For some reason, she knew Prompto was being honest. The tears in his own eyes probably gave it away. And he was anxiously waiting for an answer. 
”I.. I love you too,“ she admitted, the heat rising to her cheeks as well while she started cupping his face with her hands and carefully pulled it down towards hers.
Both of them closed their eyes, Prompto chuckled from relieve only moments before their lips touched. It didn’t take long before they were in perfect sync, sharing subtle, sweet kisses over and over again. She managed to change her position, putting one of her legs on either side of his so they’d be on the same level and he wouldn’t have to glance down. Prompto’s hands found their place on her waist while they continuously exchanged rather chaste kisses.At some point, they were both out of breath and she pulled away, in awe of his amazing kissing skills. Both their cheeks were still on fire, glowing bright red and now their lips were quite swollen, too. So far they hadn’t gone further than making out and even then, their kisses were always more on the innocent side and full of giggles. But it felt different this time. 
”I’m sorry I’m such a.. I’m so much trouble,“ she apologized, staring right into his eyes while she spoke. 
”You’re not a lot of trouble, sweetheart. And even if, you’re worth all the trouble in the world. But really, there’s nothing you need to apologize for,“ he explained, brushing some of her hair behind her ear.
”Awh, stop,“ she giggled, burying her face in the crook of his neck so he wouldn’t see her blush. 
”You’re the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me,“ he whispered into her ear, placing a mellow kiss on her earlobe right after. 
The mere touch sent shivers down her spine and in return, she kissed the side of his neck. His breathing hitched and for a split second, he tightened his hold of her waist. She hit his sweet spot, his weak spot. Just to confirm her own thoughts, she kissed it again, gently nibbling on it, too. And that made him moan lightly - but he tried to hold back by sucking his bottom lip into his mouth. Meanwhile his hands “accidentally” slid up her body, pressing her further into him. 
“I’m so glad to have you..” she whispered against his skin, “Thank you for everything.“  
His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as she placed more kisses along his neck. It was her way of thanking him, emphasizing her words. But instead of just appreciating it for what it was, it drove him nuts. He couldn’t resist sliding one of his hands down to her thigh. Before he did anything, he waited for her reaction, made sure she wasn’t feeling anxious about it. But by the way she kept placing lazy, soft kisses on his neck, she wasn’t harboring any negative feelings from his touch. That’s why he gently squeezed it, tilting his head to the side at the same time - giving her better access. She didn’t mind his touch, liked it even. But she was unsure about where this was leading. That’s why she stopped kissing his neck and instead wrapped both of her arms around his neck and cuddled her face against his neck.
But Prompto was already set ablaze. However, this was not about him. The only thing he wanted was to make her realize what a goddess she really was - because he knew about her insecurities and how her ex kept nagging about her perfect body. Prompto absolutely loved it, saw no flaws in it - he wanted her to feel the same way about herself or at least wanted her to know that he thought she was the most dazzling woman he had ever met.
Part 2 (NSFW)
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Promise Me. (Pt. Two)
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The raid of a Hydra base wasn’t successful for the 107th hoped and Bucky is among those taken prisoner. Meanwhile, Captain America stops by.
Word Count: 2,069
Warnings: Talk about war wounds, briefly talking about Bucky’s torture while captured by Hydra
The 107th had headed to take the Hydra base three days ago. Less than half of them had returned and Bucky wasn’t among them. Losing soldiers was the dark side to war and you were rather familiar with it. But this loss was darker than usual.
You were still expected to take care of the solders that did returned. And they had returned in a mess; physically and mentally. With a large group needing attention, all the tents were opened to one large room. As you accompanied the doctor from soldier to soldier you searched for Sergeant Barnes. He had been reported MIA since the group got back but the lump in the back of your throat didn’t let you give up hope. However none of these young men had those bright blue eyes. No one had that soft chestnut hair that laid perfectly unkempt. James Buchanan Barnes was not here.
It was irrational for you to be so invested in someone you had only met. In your training they had specifically talked about keeping somewhat of a distance; people were going to be lost. And up until when he walked into your tent, you had been able to maintain that distance. But Bucky had been different. He pulled you in without even trying or you realizing. The intensity in which he listened and the care in which he responded. You thought you might feel better if you knew for sure his condition. But when you thought of the possible outcomes, it didn't bring any comfort.
"He's here!" A fellow nurse cried popping her head in the tent.
"Who?" You asked more hopeful than you intended.
"Captain America!" She told rushing out to see him. You had heard of the little shows he had put on back in the states; punching Hitler in every town. That may have been cleaver to sell war bonds, but this was the real war and a fool in a flag wasn't going to be any help. Begrudgingly, you made your way out to the commotion.
A stage had been constructed and you could see all the remaining soldiers had gathered for the show; which started with dancing girls. The soldiers roared as soon as they stepped on stage. You rolled your eyes. They left the stage with a great deal of hollering which came to a silent halt when the star spangled icon replaced them. However this is when all the nurses perked up. Even you found yourself being more alert.
Captain America as they called him, stood over six feet tall with generously broad shoulders. His 'uniform' clung to his well defined muscles. He was wearing a soft mask but he had deep blue eyes; or were they were green? You could sense he believed the message he shared but did appreciate the method being used to get it across. The soldiers started to give him a hard time. At first he tried to continue but after being mooned and then after they started to throw things at him, he left the stage and the girls returned much to the soldiers pleasure.
"Let's go see if we can meet him!" One of the nurses squealed.
They agreed and tried to drag you along but you insisted on staying behind. Shortly after they scurried away, you noticed him walking by wearing a brown leather jacket and carrying a leather bound notebook and a pencil. It had started to rain so he took cover across the way and started to draw; you couldn't tell what though.
There was a soft focus to him that you thought was almost familiar. The particular way his blonde hair was combed to the side, you could have sworn you'd seen it before. You were just about to approach him when that fiery brunette (who you found out was Peggy Carter) from your first day came around the corner.  It seemed like they knew each other already.
A soldier being brought in for care broke your attention. He was missing a bit of his arm and they told you he had been unconscious for several minutes. The doctor rushed to get started and you were right there for assistance. Then you heard ‘Captain America’ say “The 107th?” with urgency in his voice. He left Peggy and rushed to the tent next to yours were Colonel Phillips who was writing death notifications for all the men who hadn’t returned. You leaned as far as you could to hear the conversation but there was too much commotion in front of you that you needed to focus on. But then, crystal clear, you heard him utter a name, “James Barnes”. Without realizing it you turned a full 180 degrees away from the patient and stared at the tent wall that separated you from the man who had just asked about Bucky.
“Nurse (y/n)!” the doctor cried.
Immediately you returned. It took all you had to let ‘Captain America’ leave without rushing to him and asking him how he knew Bucky but this man needed your help and that’s why you were there.
Later in the afternoon, you quietly entered Colonel Phillips tent; he was still writing letters. “What do you want? I’m busy.” he meant to bark but his tone was defeated.
“I’m sorry to bother you sir. I was just wondering if you knew how ‘Captain America’ knew Sgt. Barnes?” you tried to keep your voice from trembling but weren’t having great success.
“Who? Oh Steve Rogers?” your eyes widened and your mouth fell open, “I don’t know how the kid knows him and I don’t care. Leave me alone!”
You didn’t stay to get any more answers. Could it be true? Could that really be the Steve Bucky told you about? Was that why it seemed like you knew him? That would explain why he was concerned about Bucky. Your heart was palpitating so fast you were worried it might explode. Steve and Peggy had left hours ago and there was nothing to do now but wait and see what they did.
That night was the most sleepless night you ever had. Peggy had returned but Steve had not. Apparently they, Peggy and the pilot Howard Stark, last saw him as he jumped out of the plane into the enemy territory while under fire. The feeling of the base was that he was just as lost as the soldered he went to save.
When the first rays of morning finally broke through, you got out of your bunch and put on your last white uniform. It never made much sense to you for your nurses uniforms to be white when there was so much they came in contact with that would stain and ruin them. But none the less, you pulled your hair into a bun and pinned your hat over it to keep it in place. Shortly after you had finished getting ready you heard a commotion outside. You peaked out of your tent and realized what had caused it.
In a marvelous movement were the lost soldiers of the 107th marching back to camp with Captain America in the lead and Bucky on his left. They marched with their heads high and their chests out. Never had you been so impressed by a group of soldiers. Your eyes welled with tears as everyone in the camp rushed to great them.
Steve gave Peggy back a radio that had been shot through and then offered himself up for disciplinary action to Colonel Phillips; who denied it. Then with a loud voice Bucky encouraged everyone to “Give it up for Captain America!” the crowd cheered and Steve looked back at Bucky who smiled and tilted his head to the side. However as soon as Steve looked away, Bucky’s face fell. You could tell that he was in pain and that it wasn’t all physical. Unable to stay back any more, you pushed through the crowd to get to the middle where Bucky was.
Before you had pushed past the last person Bucky had turned your direction. His eyes were exhausted and shirt had been torn at the top of his left sleeve. When he saw you, he took the gun off that was hanging across his chest and dropped it gently to the ground. He embraced you, almost from underneath, swooping you into his arms. You held him as tight as you could and he buried his face into your shoulder. No one noticed your embrace do to all the other commotion so you got hold him for quite a while before he pulled away.
“You’re alive.” you said wiping away tears from your eyes.
“Of course I am.” he smiled but it wasn’t the same.
“Are you okay?” you lifted your hands and gently touched a cut under his left eye that had already started to heal. His eyes fell closed as you felt his face and shoulders checking for other surface wounds.
He took your hand off his shoulders and held them gently, “I’m fine. I just have a bit of a headache.”
“Let me get you something for that.” you gave a final pulse to his hand and you rushed to one of the infirmary tents. When you returned with some aspirin, Bucky had just left Steve. Bucky mustered a smile as you handed him the pills, which he threw back dry. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” you said softly, “I just never imagined your boyfriend would have saved you.” he let out a single ‘ha’, “He looks differently than how you described him...”
Bucky looked over his shoulder at Steve, “He looks differently than how I left him.” the two of you shared a light moment. His eyes seemed brighter and his smile more sincere the longer the two of you shared a look. That feeling from the night you spent together before he left had returned and you were being pulled together. Bucky softly put his finger under your chin to tilt your face to his but you pulled away. He looked more hurt than confused.
“Maybe we shouldn’t...” you said in a breath darting a look over to his old friend.
Bucky followed your line of sight. ”Him being here doesn’t change anything; at least not for me.”
“Are you sure he feels the same way?” your own nervousness took you off guard.
“You must not have noticed that he’s occupied himself.”  Bucky raised his eyebrows and you took a moment to see that Steve was very enthralled with Ms. Carter. “I think he and I are in agreement on this.”
His words put you at ease but the moment had past. Bucky blinked several times, once for a long time. “Are you okay?”
“Oh it’s just this headache.” he insisted.
“Why don’t you come lie down?” you suggested. He nodded and you led him to your tent. “You won’t be bothered here.”
“Is this your tent?” his tone peaked and his smile curved smugly. You only responded with a smug smile of your own.
“Get some rest. I’ll stop by in a bit.” He didn’t persist any further and you went back to the chaos. The returned soldiers would need a looking over but the rest of them seemed to be of the best of health; good spirits even. It was a refreshing sight but it made you concerned for Bucky. “Excuse me,” you interrupted Steve talking with a soldier with a handlebar mustache and wearing a bowlers cap, “I’m sorry to interrupt but if I could ask you some questions about Sergeant Barnes...”
Steve immediately dismissed the conversation. “Is he alright?”
“He’s lying down with a headache now. But it doesn’t seem as if the other soldiers are bothered in the least. Did you find him separate from the others?”
“Yes,” his voice dropped a bit, “He was strapped to a table, there was a work bench... I’m not sure what they did to him. But he was in quite a daze when I found him; he was muttering something...” Steve’s voice broke a bit. You too took a short breath.
“Thank you Steve.” you said softly as you turned to leave.
“Have we met?” he called out.
“Not officially, but Bucky has told me much about you.” Your toned warmed and Steve’s cheeks pinked.
“Has he...”
“He has. Nothing but good things I assure you.” you left him with a smile.
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