#I JUST WANT TO SPOIL MY CAT SO MUCH. i dont want children so this is like spoiling my child to me
stinkrascal · 2 years
the videos on tiktok where people feed their cats those fancy wet foods with the quail eggs and the probiotics and the pumpkin powder and the little dried fish and the bone broth and the dried blood powders are so addicting. like dude why does this cat eat better than i do
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vaporclan · 2 months
Seriously, though. Putting Fernfreckle on a shelf and censoring him from the public's eyes until they can be normal about him is all fun and games but I gotta be serious for a second
Every single time Fernfreckle is angry, or says anything even remotely related to Beetlebud/his car injury, I get comments like "he should've moved" "he should have run away" or anything implying it's his fault he got hit by a car because he froze on the road
This was a 6 month old kitten, on his first day out of camp, with no clue what a car is, after being told by his mentor its safe. I wrote this scene with the intent of having a flawed character (Beetlebud) make a stupid mistake.
He's angry because he got half his body scraped raw, his eye popped out, his ear gone and he broke his jaw - because he was told it would be SAFE.
He is angry because he believes Beetlebud is not safe to be around children and brought 3 babies into the Clan despite the young cat death toll (he has been venting his frustrations with his StarClan buddies since his accident - this is explained later in the comic)
He is frustrated because they wanted to figure out how to fix the Clans before any new litters were brought in, because he KNOWS that cats dont usually live past a year old in this Clan.
What he is Not is a character who is an asshole just to be an asshole. And to spoil his whole arc because I'm tired, yes, he becomes less closed off and less of an asshole as time goes on. Because again, it's been less than a year.
It has been 9 MONTHS in the comic since Fern's injury - not even a year yet. We're still EXTREMELY early into this Arc and Fernfreckle's character in general.
You don’t have to like him - but its extremely odd that whenever anyone wants to criticise him they immediately turn to blaming him for the car accident. As a disabled writer writing a disabled character, this is really disheartening
Please, research what the Freeze response is. Have you never seen the Deer in the Headlights metaphor?
I just keep getting nasty comments every time Fernfreckle so much as opens his mouth, and the comments always get likes which implies people agree with them. I do not want people with a victim blamey mindset reading my comic.
Fernfreckle is going to be a main character throughout this arc. If you can't be normal about him, stop reading here. Im begging.
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moii3 · 2 months
I've been waiting for an episode that fully took place outside of the work setting. And I've been kind of hyped for this since i saw VIP people share some illustrations (i always spoil some little things for myself but thats ok). I played this on my computer so, i forgot to took some screenshots of some of my fav moments like i wanted but, i think i'll remember to do that for my next review.
What i really like about new gen is how casual it feels without any forced drama or out of pocket moments. It's just a bunch of coworkers that get along just fine and have silly goofy times together. I think it fits better to the current MCL audience (considering our ages) and it feels more real. This episode captured that feeling pretty well.
As much as i would like to see the drama with Jason chasing Ysaline around the mirror maze thingy (i dont fucking know what you guys call that in english) and Ysaline getting saved by other LIs like a lost puppy, im determined to go towards Thomas' round and i wasn't dissapointed.
I loved everyone's outfits, not Ysaline's choices tho (just felt a little too millennial core for me but that's just my taste). I loved all the little mini games, i loved the little dumb debate they made about if Danica's cats are really considered "children'' right in front of her, i loved how we had an option to devour food until we got sick (literally), i loved how Elenda managed to get mortified in every single ride, i loved how petty Jason was with Danica and his little assistant..
As for the special moments with Thomas, i think i feel more satisfied with them compared to other episodes since obviously, they were just starting to get to know eachother. In this episode Thomas tries to calm Ysaline down very sweetly during the mega-catapult ride even as she basically almost rips his arm out from holding it too tightly. He holds her hands, tries reasurring her and shows a little bit of a soft side. I found it pretty cute and it was worth the gems.
Also the dialogues with him and the fortune teller lady was kinda funny. Her telling him he will fall in love but be miserable and lonely kinda threw me off. I would love to have an oppurtunity of it being a love triangle type shit with him, Ysaline and Jason. We'll see.
Was it kinda annoying to have a bunch of waiting times? Yeah. Is Elenda really cute? yes. Do i think Brune ate this episode? yes. Do i think Danica had a right to leave them for Golddreamz? Yeah, i think. Still brutal tho.
For real tho, i think my only criticsm would be to have more oppurtunity to have friendship building moments with others without our LI.
I'm excited for the apartment hunting episode. They fr gonna make us play pretend to be together with one of the LIs.
Until next time,
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
Its time for the weekly horrors- I mean Trimax vol 3 >:3
The Thoughts:
chap 1:
-bro you are about to get into a fight can you stop thinking about your bf for 5 minutes
-fr tho, vash's words making him hesitate/angry is so dcfgjhbkml
-why everyone wants my babygirl dead :c
-now now, comparing someone with their brother isnt a nice thing to do
-oh so now we're not even making an allegory, he actually called him jeesus
-also "your soul is forced to endure the sorrow by the hundreds, suffering by the thousands, and the rage by the hundreds of thousands" im gonna throw up cuz of how that GOOD and PAINFUL that shit is
-the polar opposite of being a human huh...i mean besides something i said weeks ago about how he's further away from humanity more than he would like that point is interesting cuz most of the time we call him someone who is more human than any other person. he carries more pain than any human could endure and definitely has more patience than anyone will ever have but...hm...i want to come back to this
-ww pls dont make me cry today pls honey
-oh im gonna cry
-"your ideals will join you in the grave" i fucking hate thats the reason why we all try to be better people, thanks to that fucking wet cat of a man i cannot deal actually
chap 2:
-i dont have much to say about battles but let it be on the record that I'm enjoying ww's eyes sm
-oh page 38 is cool as hell
chap 3:
-ww stop having pretty eyes youre distracting
-meanwhile :3
-ah geesus the body horror (so good but creepy)
-so many fucking details. nightow got down even the smallest scribbles, as 98 vash would say
-oh right that....thats still upsetting
-i fucking swear people need to leave my son alone
-also fucking hate that he had to SHOOT A BABY even if it was fake
-i can feel his fucking mind breaking i cant do this
chap 4:
-"i cant do this" yet here i am lmao
-i think if vash held me like hes holding that girl a lot of my problems would be resolved ngl
-characters reciting names always get to me :c
-"why are there so many" brad you may want to sit down for this one
-..................i deadass thought "oh the doctor is here" IVE READ THIS BEFORE AND I FELL FOR IT AGAIN
-vash with his hair down :3
-nah hes not gonna kill you BUT HE FUCKING SHOULD
-oh i will kill so many people (vash is bleeding)
-hm. this reminds me of something in houseki no kuni (i wont spoil but maybe ichikawa had trigun as inspo which would be cool af)
chap 5:
-oh im yeeting myself (ww thinks about the children) -ww gives in his anger and fear when punching those weirdass faces but I'm gonna say this once: that doesn't make him weaker or worst. i haven't seen anyone think that of ww, i just feel that when he compares himself to vash he feels that way and i cant stand it :)
-vash i fucking swear-
-oh god the fingers...the fucking fingers...
-oh you are NOT talking to my vash about pain and agony
-XD my girls
no wait i need to get back to that. i thought that was emilio's dad not fucking vash himself oh my god I'm sick so sick actually wtfffffffffffff
chap 6:
-is this the chapter with the gays eyes cuz I'm not ready for that-
-oh fuck you nightow. fuck you for putting knives in the title page and the title being "families"
-i want to punch so many things but I'm at work. fuck
-also i forgot about this stampede parallel GOD WHEN DOES MY SUFFERING END
-yeah i agree this is literally the moment. like fuck. fuck actually. fuck what else is there to say.
-like hes so fucking terrified that he was afraid for him, what his journey is causing ww, but even if he wanted ww to stay away and safe he knows ww would say fuck off, but also vash would not be able to take it
-im so fucking upset cuz the last 3 chapters were basically fights. they were full of energy and shit but now that is over and they are in a rare moment of peace, and everything fucking hits.
-im gonna go outside and step into oncoming traffic
-WOLFWOOD :D pls never leave me
-i am nothing. i just remembered that.
chap 7
-maybe i dont want to read trimax anymore. maybe a little person like me isn't strong enough for a 2nd round of the pain. with that in mind, lets keep reading :D
-wolfwood what he is it doesnt matter i swear pls cant you just love him?
-i dont like vash being emotionally attached to stuff cuz that means i have to yell HES LIKE ME FR FR
-oh that....that beautiful panel...amazing
-i think my mind blocked this out because of the previous sad things that happened, so now my brain is allowing me to process more sad things :3
-"i still have so much i must do" and i see i still have many tears to cry out huh?
-ofc wolfwood would ask about redemption
-cant my man show an important part of his past and show vulnerability in front of his friends in peace? damn
-im gonna start bitting my glasses
-luida pls i want to stop crying
-oh wolfwood honey....you just fell so hard for my man didnt ya
-i just realized the chapter is called "life as a" and I THINK the idea is to complete it with "life as a 'vash the stampede'" cuz he's not human
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electrosair · 1 year
Helloeleoeleo i wanna join the request thing too!!! >:D
I like to listen to music and play video games in my free time :) if i have any exam or tests coming up i usually study for it around 3 weeks before so my music and video game time is cut short for the time being! After my exam/test tho i'll probably sleep in my free time to get back the ammpunt of sleep i sacrificed studying (i'll play games and listen to music too just not as much) my favorite genre of music is rnb and scenecore! (Very odd yes but it depends on my mood)
About myself and my personality.. HMMM In terms of looks i have almost long hair and average height- not too tall and not too short (still probably shorter than all the tall genshin guys tho) for persoanlity, im very clingy and can get extremely childish when i get comfortable with someone! Clingy to the point where i'd hold onto their arm and follow them- pretty much not letting them go unless if they need to hehe but before i get comfy i probably wont say more than 20 words HEBSHSHS Im very shy at first but after i get comfy im the complete opposite 😭😭
Im also very femeinine/girly girl and yes im a girl :D i like shopping makeup dressing up and all that :p i like going out with pretty clothes and pretty makeup and walking around the mall or a city :)) i talk alot whenver one of my interests gets brought up + i have adhd :>
Im also weak for guys that call me petnames like angel and pretty girl 😞 if someome ever called me that i'd malfunction tbh i also like guys that can cook and tallee than me! (For reference im around 163cm i think?)
My favorute nation is inazuma and my favorite element is hydro! It might change soon after i explore fontaine but for now inazuma is my favorite <3 i love tue scenery and music there <3<3<3
Fum fact about myself (idk if this is a fun fact tbh) i attract cats and children! But thing is im very bad with children :,) i dont know what to do or say half the time so i just stand there like 🧍‍♀️ and give a small smile to them HWDIEHID (babies sometimes scare me since they stare at me... not a lot ofc just whwnver they do i get intimidated) oh and i love cats!
(Honestly i feel like this is way too lomg and i think i made so many typos HAHAHA im so sorry 😭)
omg i have so many thoughts like i wanna match you up with 3 people but i can only choose one aaaaaaa
i love reading this requests so no worries if you think maybe it is too long, i just like knowing all of you 💔and don't worry about the typos either, i always end up checking things on the translator because i'm terrible writing in english
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I guess that you are a very calm person and that is something that would appeal to Diluc almost immediately, and considering that on first impressions you are shy, that can only add points.
With your style of preparation with exams, and I guess other important things in your life, he would perhaps feel identified since he likes to have everything related to the vineyard business very controlled.
After you get to know each other better, I'm sure that if you grab his arm to go for a walk or take a longer walk than usual, his heart would race just to talk, the first few times he would never expect it.
I can totally see him giving you makeup or clothes that you see while on a date and you stare at them for more than 3 seconds, yes, that's enough to make him want to buy it from you. At first he would be a little more embarrassed, but then he would put it together with short letters, maybe thanking you for something or just spoiling you with sweet words.
He definitely chuckles quietly when he sees a child stare at you and your only reaction is to smile awkwardly at the kid, but let's not fool ourselves, he would probably do the exact same thing if he doesn't know the child, it would be rare for him to even smile back.
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
seeing chloe be SO casual about being akumatized despite the implied effects it has on people is REALLY fucking funny and good but consider my very cool very nice very epic alternative of chloe choosing to dwell on negative feelings JUST to get akumatized because that's the ONLY time people will actually worry about her and treat her like a victim/real person, even if its out of DUTY like ladybug and cat noir. not just akumatized bc she wants to be a bully and then have all the other villains treat her like a nuisance for no fucking reason
you can even keep her being super casual and happy about being akumatized, it fits within this entire thing too, shes happy because people are gonna be forced to pay attention to her one way or another
then realizing that it's not enough because everyone knows she's being this rotten and getting herself akumatized on purpose, so she resorts to straight up becoming a villain because negative attention is still attention in the end ???
idk you cant just give adrien a rich spoiled friend who also has a dysfunctional family to parallel his own and then tell me they used to be each other's only support while growing up and not make me think about that forever?????
chloe as queen bee finally seeing one of her heroes treat her (albeit reluctantly since. yknow, marinette) like a human being with potential. and then wanting to become a better person as a result, but not being able to progress as fast as she wants to bc you just cant undo all those years of bullying in a second. and changing for the better takes so much effort and time too. THAT mixed with marinette and her PTSD being unable to reconcile with the fact that chloe, the person who made her life so awful as seen in derision, is TRYING to be better, leading to ladybug
chloe as miracle queen AND queen wasp still being effectively manipulated by monarch because "hey, another deeply insecure and damaged child, just like my son! lets take advantage of that". like. they had the set up already, with chloe wanting to trust ladybug and rejecting a goddamn akuma bc SOMEONE finally trusted HER to be more than a shitty rich brat. EVEN if ladybug wasnt gonna give her the bee miraculous anymore, chLOE STILL MADE BABY STEPS INTO BEING A BETTER PERSON????
you can still keep lila and monarch's constant manipulation, getting chloe to be worse and straight up hate ladybug, its the perfect set up. idk why they just had to retcon or forget everything they had for chloe in the first seasons????????
do you KNOW what chloe as a supervillain that acts as a foil to ladybug would've DONE to me????????? the scenes they had between marinette and chloe about how theyre not so different???? the fact that chloe is a perfect parallel to marinette and all the ways they could've found common ground??? NOT EVEN LIKE. BEING FRIENDS AT ALL, JUST "we strongly dislike each other, but we agree on many things and make really good points together". marinette forced to confront the fact that theres STILL more to people than what she sees, even the ones that she DISLIKES and that she needs to mature more as ladybug ????
why does FELIX get the benefit of the doubt as some "well meaning" villain but CHLOE GETS DEMOTED TO CARTOON VILLAIN ????? THIS LORE IPSUM WIKIPEDIA HAVER IS JUST OUT THERE LIKE "FUCK ADULTS AND AUTHORITY, THEY JUST TAKE ADVANTAGE OF US CHILDREN" LIKE I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU SIR????? why should i CARE abt this one he JUST showed up out of the blue
like, this season was really good at giving marinette more depth, taking some aspects that were played for fun in the first seasons AS SERIOUS THINGS NOW, like her out of the blue obsessive nature that EVERYONE (me included) complained about. a lot of the episodes are really well written and theres ACTUAL ADVANCEMENT in plot and character dynamics but chloe is straight up STUCK as the mid arc villain whose dialogue has been demoted to "i hate the poor and i hate the planet and i love the sound of my own voice" with zero depth whatsoever????????????????????????
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justadiva · 2 years
3 marriage proposals girl omg??? what’s your secret!!! and why did you turn them all down, if you’re comfortable answering in general terms 👀
lol I don't mind sharing! they were all very wild experiences and less indicative of me than of the men in question however know going into this that I have never been broken up with, and am a hussy
[tw to the first paragraph for emotional domestic abuse + trauma dump]
First guy was my first real relationship out of high school. like I slept around in college but this was the first guy I Dated. I was 18, he was 29, lots of behind the scenes grooming and emotional stuff which you know its hard to know where the line blurs between neglect and abuse but like if your 18 year old gf is crying next to you and you laugh and turn away from her like maybe youre the asshole?? sorry-- trauma dump but you asked!! anyways we had a crazy experience where he had a health emergency (because we were fucking please keep this in mind) that sent him to the hospital and thats where I met his parents and from that point on they just decided I was a member of the family (I have Extremely Wild Memories of this family). The part that kept me around was that I was Very Close to his niece who lived with him, her mom was out of the picture and so she really took to me and I to her.
2 years later... he has not told me he loves me (nor I him!), but says that we should get married; that he would never want children of his own and that a wedding ring and an actual wedding would be too expensive. Better to get it on paper and nothing else. A few months later from his "proposal" he didn't speak to me for 11 days, and in those 11 days I realized how great my life was without him. I drove to his house (we were long distance at the end of our relationship, I always drove to him and he would never visit me) knocked on his door, greeted his brother, said a sincere goodbye to his niece and then took my book off his bookshelf. He followed me out and was/acted extremely confused; wanted to talk things out but I was done.
Guy 2! Met through a mutual friend, dated for 2 weeks before he said "I love you" (fun fact about me: I hadn't told a man "I love you" once in my whole damn life [thank you man #1!!] until 1 month ago to my current boyfriend) It was fun at first because basically like every single one of our kinks overlapped and that was *fantastic* and I learned a lot about myself in those two months, and like one of his kinks was worshiping/spoiling me, and I'm super into that, but I'm also aloof like a cat. I must be worshiped as the sun, but like.. dont touch me SO MUCH (except my now bff muah) and he was SO needy. and my aloofness really hurt his sensitive puppy feelings.
He also didn't have a lot of skills or interests outside of hockey, which he was extremely good at and I wouldn't be surprised if he makes something of himself with it (this was fun for me cause I like to ice skate and I would skate sometimes while they practiced so the team like me-- hockey slang and dudes are fun!) oh and drinking, he was german [but his name was french] and he could and would drink anyone under the table. But yeah drinking and hockey are not the 2 skills I want the future father of my children to have, and like a month and 1/2 into our really great sex he made the mistake (after the mistake of telling me he loved me during puppy love... I find false declarations to be extremely off putting.) of saying something about "our daughter" and I was like hold up.
I didn't know where to squeeze this in until now: he gave me a ring! so it was his most prized possession that he had gotten after a (deep breath) pilgrimage? in norway where over the course of his journey the blacksmith made and engraved this ring for him that was also a symbol of his soul and his devotion to Freya <- yes he was a Heretic which I am all for cause he was the woke non-racist kind but yeah I was like oh thank you for your soul ring, I like trinkets :D and because he was several times my size the ring didnt fit me so I wore it in on the same chain as my fidget ring.
Then, later? cant remember how long I had the ring- he told me at ihop that he wanted to take me to germany to meet his family so that he could give me his grandmother's wedding ring and then we could be properly married. He explained to me then that ever since I accepted his norse ring that we were married. I was DEVASTATED for him y'all dont understand. I feel so bad about breaking peoples hearts and honestly everything he was doing was *technically*?? romantic but I was like PLEASE save your Grandmother's ring for someone who loves you and has *told you that she loves you* and, I told him in plain english, someone who he had known for longer than 2 months.
He dropped me off from breakfast, I gave him back the first ring [he tried to make me keep it. I put it on the ground in front of him outside my house] and calmly broke up with him while he broke down into tears. I held him and shushed him and said no you may not call me and no we will not be seeing each other again and wished him the best. Then went inside leaving him to cry out there. He knocked a few times but I was busy not answering the door. Hope he's well!
#3 I met through a different mutual friend! he's still only an acquaintance + we're on good terms. (fun fact he has the same name as my dad!) He's autistic and aromantic, very antisocial but extremely intelligent + cool dude. The weird part was that he's from old money and is the "heir" and needs an heir himself. So he, as one of our first interactions + actually without ever meeting me but only knowing of me through our mutual friend proposed.
Breakdown: We would be married like Victorian Style, married in title but without romance + I would have a yearly salary basically for having 1 son (like invitro eugenics style so like its 5sure a boy and I would only have 1 child), and raising him lovingly in the household of (but not underfoot of) my husband. I am slightly off my own rocker so I genuinely contemplated this and broke down the pros and cons.
PROS: I can be a housewife its a skillset and I have it. (oh maybe thats why I get dudes who want a Wife tm) He'd set me up for life like super legal style and thats sexy. I could sleep around! It was like part of the deal! We could each have our partners as long as it wouldn't affect the boy (we're getting to that) [I could divorce him after the boy went to college and retain my yearly salary!] + he even was like "we dont have to have sex" but I was offended by this honestly because Im a vixen.
CONS: Really and truly the only cons are that I cannot see how this situation would not traumatize The Boy and if I ever did have A Son And Heir he would become My One True Love and Obsession [throw back to me being crazy :)] and I could not bare for him to be traumatized.
So yeah I just basically said "Thank you for the very cool offer but I cannot accept." and he was like "Contact me if you ever change your mind." The reason I actually even wrote those tags earlier was I was thinking to myself that if my current relationship doesnt work out that I would call him.
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meow meow, angel!! 'isn’t that what happened to GoT?' i haven't seen it too but have an impression that the whole internet was furious with it's ending. i do remember how i was still a kid and a friend recommended this show (which has been just out) to my mom. for some reason she thought it was i good idea to watch it with me lol? so after about 10 or so minutes there was a sex scene and my mom was like '... no i don't like it let's turn it off' HFHDJD what? when? why? only wrong answers..... i'd love to watch it in the future though bc like... yeah 'its hard to sustain good plotlines' dk i just have this feeling like they wanted to show too much and, although it's obvious what they meant and the storyline is clear, in the end showed too little. more like incomplete. and i didn't mean like i'm a bitch for it? more like overcritical with no reason. 'i dont think its you being bitchy' but thank you) not like i'm worriedly bothered but i indeed could miss or misunderstand smth. i can be rather inattentive and i also was in a hurry. also!! it's reallyreally meaningless but i perfectly understood like 80% of their talking and tbh? i'm proud of myself. it's pretty nice for the first english series i've watched in the original. 'you mean the illigitimate thing' not really. but still yes TT i don't want to seem cruel or inhuman but i'm really concerned and conflicted about this thing. rhaenyra's children are cuties and harwin is pretty, i understand her choice but... it's a complicated topic for me. my bestie ignored me when i wanted to talk about it so i wanna scream TT but it's more about the desire to save the past and the historical greatness. bc the history of the whole europe (esp continental)... (sorry, i can't speak for asian countries bc here we mostly study european history and i don't want to say smth wrong) so 'literally the story of humanity' hurts. as in hotd, as in the reality, our nearly 1 (one) goal is to save what we have and try to make it better. not spoil TT esp hotd. the royal family? it's like your goal #2 to protect and continue the glory of your kin why are you so stupid guys... my strong sense of duty is disappointed. 'best example i have is hitler' yes absolutely agree. also it's obvious but about this photo. he didn't want to kill all people. yes he was a murderer. but he still had criterias for this shit. like daemon did.. ok i feel sorry about it. sorry. all people have their own truth. even if it's wrong. REALLY fucking wrong. 'i felt the helplessness of him' no but how excited he became after the crowd had started applauding?? 'you can always you know' not to be a bad person but these rare af times i want to watch smth i usually win wink. but i haven't found hotd TT THEY STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED ME *angry emoji pls* i appreciate all these cat media sm TT thanks my love 'she keeps my braincells alive' TRUE!! i also unintentionally had a sympathy for corlys bc 1) he's with rhaenys and this couple!!! love them, 2) the actor was speaking so clearly TT 'come on she’s an ancient dragon' i had a feeling she had hearing problems sorry TT 'GIRL UR ALL MY ANONS AT THIS POINT' NO OMG HOW DO YOU KNOW!!?!??!! 'IM BAD AT MATH' hmmm 'im kinda good at math' HMMMM 30 is... a lot... good luck sis TT not to be overbearing but i was thinking abt modern au and just... no but daemon and reader calling each other 'wife' and 'husband' in high valyrian as pet names bc they ARE a wife and a husband but only in valyrian way TT daemon being eager to go out together "to show off my dear treasure" and reader looking at him like 'wtf?' "husband, you know there's going be a huge scandal if we do?" "i've done it with a thousands of chicks before why can't i do it with my wife??" "we're still not married" "then just marry??" i also imagine reader leaving some small hints for daemon on their past?? he does some shit and reader's like "oh last time you did it viserys was furious" thanks for reading this much!! good morning ig! love you!! take care<з
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you know what it is (also this ai augmented ? yes i think lol)
meow meow, angel!! 'isn’t that what happened to GoT?' i haven't seen it too but have an impression that the whole internet was furious with it's ending. i do remember how i was still a kid and a friend recommended this show (which has been just out) to my mom. for some reason she thought it was i good idea to watch it with me lol? so after about 10 or so minutes there was a sex scene and my mom was like '... no i don't like it let's turn it off' HFHDJD what? when? why? only wrong answers..... i'd love to watch it in the future though bc like... yeah
LOL i think its mostly about destroying daeneyrs as a character, like they suddenly just made her mad for no reason apparently lol. i also remember my parents watching it but then a sex scene would come up and then 😐😶 yeah theyd be ok 'aite enough of that' idk if i'd ever watch it but like yeah i hope you like it when you come around to watching it <3
'its hard to sustain good plotlines' dk i just have this feeling like they wanted to show too much and, although it's obvious what they meant and the storyline is clear, in the end showed too little. more like incomplete.
capitalism. i think they overstretched it/watered it down for idk what lol i cant really speak about it cos i didnt watch it lolol ??? isn't the author still not done with his book ???
and i didn't mean like i'm a bitch for it? more like overcritical with no reason. 'i dont think its you being bitchy' but thank you) not like i'm worriedly bothered but i indeed could miss or misunderstand smth. i can be rather inattentive and i also was in a hurry.
i see lol
also!! it's reallyreally meaningless but i perfectly understood like 80% of their talking and tbh? i'm proud of myself. it's pretty nice for the first english series i've watched in the original.
that's great !! similarly you know i tried watching doctor who with my mom but the audio was too soft and there was a scene were he was getting emotional and started whispering and i couldn't watch it on my mom's pc from my bed so i just didnt watch it
'you mean the illigitimate thing' not really. but still yes TT i don't want to seem cruel or inhuman but i'm really concerned and conflicted about this thing. rhaenyra's children are cuties and harwin is pretty, i understand her choice but... it's a complicated topic for me.
so true. which is why i totally get why alicent is pissed off about it/with rhaenyra cos she had to carry the king's babies and rhaenyra got away with her boy toy, but then this would divulge into a whole other thing and lahsfas imma zip about it lol
my bestie ignored me when i wanted to talk about it so i wanna scream TT
oof. [pats head] maybe your bestie wasnt in the mood for it hahah
but it's more about the desire to save the past and the historical greatness. bc the history of the whole europe (esp continental)... (sorry, i can't speak for asian countries bc here we mostly study european history and i don't want to say smth wrong) so 'literally the story of humanity' hurts.
its ok im not really a history buff. but yeah humanity sucks for that boo tomato tomato
as in hotd, as in the reality, our nearly 1 (one) goal is to save what we have and try to make it better. not spoil TT esp hotd. the royal family? it's like your goal #2 to protect and continue the glory of your kin why are you so stupid guys... my strong sense of duty is disappointed.
'best example i have is hitler' yes absolutely agree. also it's obvious but about this photo. he didn't want to kill all people. yes he was a murderer. but he still had criterias for this shit. like daemon did..
HAHHAHAAHAHAHHAH daemon i think had less criteria more motive as in 'idc who you are but if you stand in my way i will kill you'
ok i feel sorry about it. sorry. all people have their own truth. even if it's wrong. REALLY fucking wrong.
'i felt the helplessness of him' no but how excited he became after the crowd had started applauding??
T_T are you faulting him for that ? for receiving adoration ? that he was always wanted ? HHAHH to be fair there is a power to cheers so id have felt the same way if people started cheering for me even if they had no reason to lol
'you can always you know' not to be a bad person but these rare af times i want to watch smth i usually win wink. but i haven't found hotd TT THEY STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED ME *angry emoji pls*
😡😡😡👿👿👿🤬🤬🤬👹👹👹👺👺👺 here you go HAHAHA
i appreciate all these cat media sm TT thanks my love
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'she keeps my braincells alive' TRUE!! i also unintentionally had a sympathy for corlys bc 1) he's with rhaenys and this couple!!! love them, 2) the actor was speaking so clearly TT
HAHAHHAH SLAY WE LOVE GOOD SPEAKERS and so true i love that couple so much. #powercouple
'come on she’s an ancient dragon' i had a feeling she had hearing problems sorry TT
SHE PROBABLY DOES T_T but also i feel like she dgaf cos she like 100000 HAHAH
👿 cos im smart no but youre clearly not all of them but im shocked you send me a lot of asks LOL
'IM BAD AT MATH' hmmm 'im kinda good at math'
HAHAHAH I KNEW YOUD SAY THAT HAHAHAH i meant im good at math (cos i am) but as a bad person at math ?? if that makes sense HAHAHH like im good at it if u teach me but also not ASL:FASFHAS HAHAHHAH
HMMMM 30 is... a lot... good luck sis TT
praying for myslef
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not to be overbearing but i was thinking abt modern au and just... no but daemon and reader calling each other 'wife' and 'husband' in high valyrian as pet names bc they ARE a wife and a husband but only in valyrian way TT
ALSO ALSO ALSO i have starrted writing the witch prompt you talked to me about i think i called it 'the copper woods' or something i got super excited about it so pls pls read it T_T
daemon being eager to go out together "to show off my dear treasure"
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and reader looking at him like 'wtf?' "husband, you know there's going be a huge scandal if we do?" "i've done it with a thousands of chicks before why can't i do it with my wife??"
"we're still not married" "then just marry??"
dude cant understand english "SCANDAL DAEMON S-C-A-N-D-A-L" [throws a slipper to his face]
i also imagine reader leaving some small hints for daemon on their past?? he does some shit and reader's like "oh last time you did it viserys was furious"
thanks for reading this much!! good morning ig! love you!! take care<з
i love you <3 i went to school today and was so happy to read this when i got back. i mean i saw it before leaving and i was excited to be able to reply to it when i got back
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satanic-saints · 2 years
✨Stardew valley Elliot Head canons pt. 2✨
I am in love with this man so much and he is consuming all of my thoughts. Hes just living in my head rent free. Some of these head canons are self projections of myself or my irl spouse.
He’s transgender. He came out to his parents at the age 18, who were not accepting about it at all.
The only person in his family who is accepting is his aunt from his dad’s side ( who is a lesbian). She helped him transition medically and took care of him more then his actual parents
He comes from a VERY wealthily family. Thats why has such expensive taste. His dad is probably some shitty CEO of some company not sure what yet tho.
He moved to pelican town after transitioning fully, hes had both top and bottom surgery thanks to his aunts help. Only people who knows hes trans is willy and Leah who are very supportive of him
He wanted to keep his hair long even after transitioning. Hes very comfortable with his identity and it doesn’t matter to him if you dont believe hes a man. He knows hes a man and he knows hes vaild and he is vaild and i love him.
His parents had his ears pierced when he was a child but he doesnt mind it. He wears earrings often.
He is an only child, he was a bit spoiled but also emotionally neglected because his parents were always busy with their jobs.
He loved reading as a child and would read for escapism and like a way to cope. He was very shy and didnt have a lot of friends either
He wears contacts, he doesnt like wearing glasses, he would accidentally break them sometimes and had to replace them often so he just wears contacts, totally not because he was bullied for them.
Hes a leo ♌️
Love languages are quality time and words of affirmation.
Hes a hopeless romantic. He falls in love hard
He keeps a “journal” its more of a diary tho
Hes the type to send secret admirer letters to the farmers mail box until he is ready to confess his love.
He’s always wanted a cat but his mother was allergic. He loves cats and is very good with them.
He’s only able to afford to live because his aunt convinced his dad to keep sending him an allowance.
When he leaves a tip ( like at the stardrop saloon) he will leave a tip greater or equal to how much he spent for his order.
If the person hes dating is sick he will drop everything to care for them. Help them with the farm, run errands just take care of them. He will read a book to you while you rest. He would still kiss you even if you are sick then get sick himself the next day
He will read to you if you have a hard time going to sleep.
Willy sees elliott as the son he never had and elliott sees willy as a father figure. They have a great relationship and he often goes to willy for advice. He would also go to willy for advice when he has a crush on the farmer and willy will just give him a bunch of fishing analogies.
Hes great with children and wants to be the best father he can for his children and be involved in their life. He knows it would be hard to have biological children but that doesn’t bother him.
And most of my other head canons are just some things i saw on other peoples head canons post i agree with but thats it so far.
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starglow-xx · 3 years
(About the brother!atsushi) aRE YOU READING MY MIND MISS?! Because that has been on my mind for MONTHS. TYSM For writing it was amazing!! If you don't mind, may I request (if requests are open) atsushi, still an older brother, but with a sister that's 10-13 yrs old? It's totally fine if you don't wanna do it. Keep up the good stories, ily mwuah!
*sobs* you’re so kind thank youu 🤧🤧
i wrote this a bit differently i hope that’s okay anon! at first i planned for this to be mainly abt atsushi and the reader, but i decided to add in relationship hcs with the agency bc i ran out of ideas
if you guys liked this don’t worry! im planning a special part two for this one so be the look out for it hehe
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atsushi with a tween! sister
ft. the armed detective agency
like in my baby sister hcs, you’re still the most important thing to him period
the two of you got picked up by dazai and kunikida when he was 18 (obviously) and when you were 12
for a 12 year old, you were a bit small bc of malnourishment (which makes atsushi feel so bad) so both dazai and kunikida thought you were a bit younger than you actually were
they assumed you were about 9-10ish
you and atsushi both share a favorite food !! chazuke :)
so when kunikida treated the two of you, he made sure you got more bowls bc like i mentioned above, he feels really bad that you were malnourished and under weight
(don’t bring this up but kunikida felt bad too hehe)
when dazai went with your brother to the warehouse, you were with kunikida
imagine the surprise of the other ada members when kunikida came in with a little girl dressed in rags that popped out from behind him
kenji was the one who vocalized his thoughts 
“kunikida-san you have a daughter?! wow! i didn’t know that! :D”
when you found out your brother was a tiger, you were a bit concerned but you were actually kind of excited
you were even more excited when you found out the two of you were going to be taken in by the agency
anything was better than the stupid orphanage
and besides!
you got a tiger for an older brother and a bunch of other super powered agents to take care of you! who could want anything else?
at your age, you’re very impressionable and can be influenced easily so atsushi makes sure to teach you more in depth of good morals and the importance of kindness
his heart swells with pride and relief when he catches you being kind to others
pride bc he’s proud that even after all the two of you have gone through, you still ended up being a good kid and having a bright view of the world
and relief bc he hasn’t failed as a big brother
pfftt like he could ever fail
but please, from time to time reassure him that he’s perfect and the only big brother that you’d ever want bc he rlly needs that kind of validation
with his salary and savings, he tries to buy nice things for you
what a sweetheart 🥺
he saw you eyeing that one dress at a store window? fast forward abt a week and half and it’s inside a pretty gift bag for you
you wanted to try that dessert from the nice bakery? that’s dessert after dinner at one point
but other than buying you things, he sets money aside for you
like all the time
(y/n), here have this, you might need it”
“but nii-san you just gave me—”
“take it”
#1 spoiler
also your #1 confidant and source of physical affection
you tell him anything and everything (except crushies and those kinds of things)
atsushi loves it when you talk abt your day and he can see the big smile on your face and the sparkle in your eyes
it gives him the strength to keep going 😖😖
the two of you aren’t as touch starved as you’d probably think, but that’s only bc the two of you had each other
in your opinion, no one can match the hugs of your big brother
and it got even better bc YAYY he has tiger arms now ٩(◕‿◕)۶
if you ask, he’d carry you around too hehe
you also get nightmares quite often so he’ll always be there ready to calm you down, talk if you need to, and rock you back to sleep
god i love him 🤧🤧
atsushi will do everything in his power to protect you and make sure you get to grow up happy, supported, and loved
port mafia attack? oop he’s already taking you to the nearest escape route
someone is starting to harass you? they just got suckered punched into the next week
you want to go out to have some fun? he’ll go ask the president for a day off
you’re not feeling well? he’ll take another day off and take care of you
whatever you want to do, he’ll do it with you! (as long as it’s within reason)
will always be your #1 supporter! and he’s the president of your fan club hehe
he loves you so so much and will do anything for you; your life and happiness will always be more important to him
you are his reason to keep going
agency head canons !!
atsushi is your big brother, but kunikida is most definitely some sort of father figure
everyone can see it
except kunikida of course
kunikida scolds you lightly if he thinks your manners need work or if you make a mess in the agency
you listen to him of course and in turn as some sort of a reward, he’ll give you pieces of stationary
he always gives you the nice, good quality kind and you’re over the moon
atsushi adores it when you come running to him showing your new notebook or fountain pen and blabbering what you’re going to do with it
sometimes it isn’t even as a reward for being a good child; he’ll just give it to you and he’ll say smth like “i noticed you’ve used up your last notebook quite quickly, so here’s another one” or “did you run out of ink? here have this then”
he usually has a soft spot for children in general, but he most definitely has a soft spot (or a thousand) for you
yosano is kind of like a motherly figure to you
she gives you the guidance a mother should and goes on shopping trips with you!
atsushi always gets dragged along by you, but he thinks it’s worth it seeing you look so happy
yosano being a doctor also tries to teach the things you should know, or things that would be helpful to you
she’ll teach you the basics of cooking, sewing, how to treat a cold/fever, etc
also gives you excellent advice 1000% of the time
“remember (y/n)-chan if someone hurts you come tell me and then i’ll chop them into—”
fukuzawa is like a father to most in the agency but you see him more as a grandfather figure
bi weekly tea and gossip sessions hehe
along with cat talk!
most of the time though, it’s just you talking and him listening to you, but the two of you enjoy it nonetheless
“and then kunikida-san ended up crashing into a pole and dazai-san started to laugh at him and i did too because it was really funny but we ended up getting scolded—”
“hmm i see...”
he’ll let you stay in his office as he fills out paperwork; you’re usually doodling or drawing in your notebooks
sometimes he’ll meditate and you’ll join him, but 4/7 times you’d fall asleep
you always wake up with a blanket over you
dazai is like a cool but a highly concerning and kind of high maintenance uncle
frequently takes you out with him when he ditches work
walks in the park, eating at uzumaki so he has the excuse of treating you so he doesn’t have to pay his tab avoiding kunikida and sometimes chuuya and akutagawa, all that fun stuff
also tries to not talk abt suicide in front of you especially if it’s just the two of you alone
he knows that you mean the world to his pupil and that said pupil would probably hate him for putting suicide inside your brain
he teaches you random but useful things like how to pick a lock, how to steal kunikida’s notebook if you’re looking for some information, how to sweet talk your way out of things, etc.
is also the one to tell you that if you ever get a significant other to introduce them to the agency first
he always wants all of your gossip; some of them work pretty well for blackmail
“dazai-san! dazai-san! did you know that kunikida-san lost his glasses and he was looking for them for nearly an hour when he was just holding them the entire time??”
“woah really (y/n)-chan?! hey hey can you say it again into this recording device so kunikida-kun would believe me when i tell him—”
always ends up giving kunikida a heart attack when he says that you’ve been with him all day
ranpo is also like a cool but a highly concerning and kind of high maintenance uncle
will share some of his snacks, but don’t push it or you might not get anything at all
loves it when you compliment him
if you tagged along with him and your brother on a case, he will show off to impress you
“...and that’s how the crime happened”
atsushi is lowkey and kunikida is highkey stressed that ranpo’s eating habits will rub off on you
“ne (y/n)-chan do you wanna try this highly caffeinated drink and this concerning amount of sugar filled snack?”
“can i really?!”
ranpo definitely does stuff like that on purpose 
the tanizakis are like siblings to you!
a weird set of siblings but siblings nonetheless
the two of them adore you and think you’re precious
atsushi definitely knows how to do your hair whether it’s long or short but he got even better at it when he asked the two
hehe braid trains are definitely a thing + kyouka and kenji (and maybe even dazai)
sometimes you have sibling swap days
you’re with junichiro for most of the day and atsushi is with naomi
strange i know
each of the tanizaki siblings try to make it fun bc they know that the two of you did not at all have a happy upbringing
junichiro likes spending time with you by taking you out to different places that naomi likes to frequent
like the mall, different stores and restaurants, the park, places like those
naomi does the same thing with atsushi so if you ever bump into them, you go out and eat together :)
besides atsushi, the next one in line who spoils you the most would be junichiro (and yosano & kunikida both coming in at a close third)
he honestly can’t help it; you remind him of how naomi was when she was younger
and besides
he’s always been a sucker when it came to the happiness of a little sister
“would you really buy this for me junichiro-san?!”
“of course! don’t worry about it” :)
wanna talk abt boys/girls/celebrity crushes things like that? naomi is your girl
you feel a bit embarrassed to go talking to yosano or your brother abt that and kyouka does not know a thing abt them either
“uwahh naomi-san look at all these people in this magazine! they look so good!”
“right?! but of course onii-sama is still the best—”
you get along with kenji and kyouka quite nicely being roughly the same age as them; they’re also like siblings!
just pure, wholesome vibes from the three of you
you’re over the moon when she finds out that kyouka is staying with you and your brother
atsushi is twice as happy seeing you talk your mouth off and finally having a girl around your age to talk to
“do you think demon snow can change how she looks?”
“hmm... im not sure...”
you and kenji talk abt anything and everything
he even teaches you how to take care of plants!
sometimes the two of you are kind of in the same boat bc you don’t know much abt yokohoma being stuck in the orphanage and kenji doesn’t know much abt cities in general
“wait where are we again kenji-san?”
“ah we’re close to the ports! but im not really sure how close because i don’t know what the symbols on this sign mean”
“don’t worry! neither do i!”
bonus things!
yosano was kind of too late teaching you abt you know what
you’re sobbing in the agency’s bathroom and atsushi is panicking trying to get you to open the door
ranpo overhears and cackles making everyone around him confused
suddenly atsushi bursts in the agency basically on the verge of tears rambling incoherent sentences abt the bathroom, you, and blood
it just clicked for everybody in the room
(im going to pretend that kenji has sisters back home so that atsushi is the only one who remain oblivious here hehe)
atsushi is genuinely confused and sort of concerned that no one is freaking out with him
yosano waves her hand saying smth like that she’d take care of it and junichiro pulls atsushi to the side to talk to him
fast forward like half and hour and dazai and ranpo are cackling on the looks of both of your faces
honestly not sure who’s more traumatized, you or your brother
“why does this have to happen” :(
“ne ne (y/n)-chan!~ you’re too young but at some point you’re not going to have it!”
“uwahh really dazai-san?” :D
“yeah! but first you have to have ANFK—”
next thing you know your ears are being covered by your brother and dazai is thrown across the room by kunikida
you know
the normal
you’re twelve and have never gone to school, but the agency takes care of that
it’s too dangerous to go to school so they teach you what’s necessary and whatever else they can
kunikida takes care of math (obviously)
yosano takes care of science/biology/anatomy/health (whatever you wanna call it)
ranpo even dragged poe to help you with english
atsushi even got lucy to help you out with english too!
as tanizaki and naomi used to be students, they give you their old work books and they try to teach you all the other subjects
sometimes kyouka and kenji are there learing with you too!
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sorry if there’s some errors! i’ll read through it again later :)
and as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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fwkei · 3 years
How can you be so warm in a place so cold?
Izana x reader (fluff-angst) 
WC: 3.3k
CW/TW: Mentions of alcohol, mentions of abuse, mentions of drugs, mentions of blood. 
AN: made this take place right before the battle between Toman and Tenjiku, No spoilers. Explanation at the end of the story just incase you dont understand 
hey guys, thanks so much on the support/feedback on my last work. I appreciate it sm, and thank you for 5 followers 🥳 love yall fr. ANYWAYS, heres something i just made I hope you enjoy, and again i did not proof read this so I apologize for any mistakes, enjoy!
“....Do you remember it?”
He felt his body go cold….cold like that one night..That one night when he met you. 
The air felt sharp against the skin on your face. But this feeling comforted you in a way. Although it wasn't much, you looked forward to this part of your day, where you could just think and not worry for a couple of hours. 
You fisted your hands inside your pockets to create some sort of friction and warmth. You nuzzled your chin and mouth under your thick zipped up jacket that was a little too big on you when the park you always come to came into view. 
You looked down at your feet when suddenly you heard the squeak of a moving chain, you looked up. To see a boy sitting on one of the swings, slightly swaying back and forth. 
Your eyes softened at the sadden look on his face, and so you sat on the swing right next to him, taking your hands out of your pocket to hold onto the cold chains. He looked down at his dangled feet, and you only looked out into the scenery, debating on what you should say to the young boy.
He was small but still a little bigger than you. His skin was tan and had light pale hair. He seemed upset, maybe even angry. You hadn't even noticed that your gaze completely turned to him. You saw his hands that were resting on his thighs, moving up to grip the chains of the swing as he looked over at you with his cat-like irises. His eyes, they captivated you. They were a color you had never seen before. A lavender. A really soft and beautiful lavender. 
You two held eye contact for a good two minutes. When one of you suddenly decided to speak. 
“What are you doing out here this late?” he asked in a slightly irritated tone still keeping eye contact with you 
“I’m waiting for my mom to finish with work..” you said looking back out 
“Then why don’t you just go home. You shouldn't be out here.” he said swaying a bit
“But..I’m always out here, and I don't consider that place a home.” you said swaying with him on your swing 
You saw anger and frustration fill the boy's eyes. His eyebrows furrowed, and grip tightened on the chains as he looked at you with hate.
“Do you realize how spoiled you sound? You have a mom and a house. That you can go home to whenever you want. And you’re wanted! There's no reason for you to be out here and act like you’re miserable! Just go away!” he yelled at you 
He expected you to cry, frown, get angry, give at least some sort of reaction, and it angered him that his words didn't bother you. Your eyes still softly looked into his. Eyes with a hint of pity. It angered him even more. Just as he was about to speak and yell again. He gritted his teeth and stopped himself when he saw you look down. 
“That's not it..at all.” you said watching your feet dangle over the thin layer of snow 
“Then what is it?” he asked jumping out of his swing and standing in front of yours 
“Why do you want to know?” you asked looking up slightly at him making his breath hitch in confusion 
“Because..” he said getting quiet and realizing his outburst was rude
“What is your name?” you asked, stepping out of your seat to stand in front of him face to face, him only a few centimeters taller than you. 
“I..Izana..” he said finally getting a good and close look into your eyes 
He felt his eyes soften. He felt pity. He felt bad. He now knew he was wrong about you, everything he assumed was completely wrong. Izana could see the hurt in your eyes, he could tell you were going through a lot, and you could tell the same with him. He backed away slightly once he saw you smile.
He felt his heartbeat stop for a moment seeing it. How could you smile right now? Why would you smile right now? After his hurtful words...After what you were going through at home..why?
“My name is Y/n. I’m 10.” you said holding out your hand to the boy with a shocked face 
“10 too..” he said slowly, bringing his hand to grasp yours..
He felt his body warm up and mouth part. Your hand was warm, so warm and soft despite the cold air and chains that touched you. It confused him.
 How can you be so warm in a place so cold, Y/n? 
Izana thought to himself.
“Your hands are cold...here take my gloves...I don’t use them anyway. Do you come to this park a lot? I’ve never seen you here before..” you asked, reaching further into your pockets and taking out a pair of dark red knitted gloves and handing it to the boy in front of you. Looking into his eyes, waiting for a response.
“Thank..you...and you consider this a park? It’s just 2 swings under a streetlight..” he said softly taking the gloves from your hands gently
“Do you not? I thought it was..nice even though it’s not much, I come here every night.” you said
“You don’t get bored of it?” he asked 
“It’s the best it’s ever gonna get for me.” you said tucking your hands into your sleeves 
Izana’s mouth parted at your words. He knows you were going through something but what? Why was someone like you settling for something so...bad? Izana knew nothing about you except for the fact that you were overly nice. Overly nice to the point where it made him calm down.
“I can uh.. I can..take you to a better park! I know a place! Do you wanna come with me?” he asked bringing his arms to grasp you wrists tight making you surprised
Your eyes traced his face as a small smile grew on your face. Izana felt his face warm up at seeing you smile. It made him feel...good. Really good. It made him feel wanted. And he wanted to see you do it more often. He didn't even realize that because of your smile, a smile grew on his face as well. After a couple of seconds of looking into each others eyes, again...your eyes closed giving him a closed eyed smile as you said with a soft laugh-
“I do.” 
Izana let out a scoff of excitement as his eyes traveled down to your hands. Letting go of your wrists and lowering one of his hands to hold your hand tight. He looked back into your eyes with a different look. A look where you finally saw light in his eyes, and it made them that much more beautiful. 
“Okay. Don’t let go, just run with me.” he said as he started to walk and look back at you waiting for your reassurance 
“Okay.” you smiled bringing your other hand to hold your hat as you two started to run against the cold wind
The cold wind hit your eyes, making you squint. Occasionally Izana would look back at you while running to make sure you were okay, and it really was one of the best sights of your life. Seeing his slightly flushed face from the cold wind looking back at you with a soft and small grin and messy bangs spread across his face. It made your eyes widen and your face relax. He is so pretty when he smiles. You wanted to see him smile more often, it made you feel loved.
The running turned to jogging, the jogging turned to fast walking, and that turned to slow steps. You two stood in front of the park, with your hands still intertwined. You pushed up your hat that was blocking your view slightly and looked up to a park. A park with 2 slides, 4 swings, monkey bars, rods, and all sorts of things. With bright and warm lights shining over it… There was grass instead of cement, colorful benches instead of dirt covered stools, and  families with children instead of people with drugs. You felt the excitement grow all across your body. Your mouth opened as you let out a gasp of happiness. Your face flushed because of the overwhelming feeling. And Izana watched all of it. Didn’t blink once when looking at your happy face. 
“Cmon! Let’s go and play!” you said gripping his hand tighter before letting go and running to the park
“Yeah!’ he said running after you with a big smile plastered across his face 
Hour’s went by, but it only felt like a couple of minutes. You two let your minds run wild, pretending you lead a crew of pirates who had to fight against fish people, to running a spaceship that was battling against aliens, to pretending that the floor was some type of acid that could kill you making you two crawl around the apparatus like spiders till both of your minds and bodies grew tired. 
You two had played so much to the point where the cold snowy air didn't even feel cold, but like an AC on a hot summer day. You sat on your legs under the apparatus, while Izana sat the same way, but was playing with the grass on the ground. You watched his fingers fiddle with the green strings. You wanted to ask something, but couldn't seem to put your thoughts into words. 
“Izana-” you said looking at him, waiting for his eyes to meet yours 
“Yes?” he said looking at you 
“....Can we be friends?” you asked rubbing your hands waiting for his answer 
His eyes widened..you wanted him. Not only did you want him, but you wanted to be friends with him, be beside him, be with him. It made his heart feel weird, almost fuzzy. 
“Yeah! Let’s be friends.” he said smiling making you smile too
“What about you? Do you have a home?” you asked 
“No..I uh..I don’t. I don't have a family.” he signed deciding to keep back his sob story 
“Don’t worry, I get it. You can talk to me about it whenever we’re together again.” you said 
“When will we be together again?” he asked tilting his head 
“I don't know..but...I’ll always be at those swings, everyday. And when we get older..we can do other stuff in other places..like go to the beach..and bowling..you know?” you said smiling while counting things on your fingers 
“Yeah okay..sounds fun..Y/n..I can’t wait till we get older!” he said smiling making you laugh a little bit  
“Same!” you said 
Both of your heads quickly turned when hearing an angry man scream, a scream you knew far too well. 
“Damn it! You stupid little girl! Is this where you’ve been?! Huh?!” you both heard the male scream 
“Who is that? Who is he talking to?” asked Izana keeping his eyes on the man as he walked closer and closer 
“No..oh no..I’m late..” you said in a shaky voice 
“What?” asked Izana 
“Duck and hide. Izana please..” you whispered quickly gathering all of you stuff and crawling out from under the apparatus 
Izana had never in his life seen such a terrified face. Your eyes were wide, and your hands were shaking...but not from the cold, but from pure fear. Usually Izana would protest at orders thrown so suddenly at him by people...but the way your voice and whole energy changed within a split second made Izana shut up and listen to you. He ducked under the piece of plastic, Hiding himself while still letting his eye poke out to see you. 
“I’m sorry…” you said walking over to the man quickly looking down 
“Look at me when you speak to me.” he said when suddenly you felt a harsh and sharp slap against your cheek causing your head to turn to the side. You brought your hand to your cheek, while turning back to look at the man. Izana’s mouth parted in shock and disgust. Just as he was about to run out, you spoke again. 
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” you said 
“Damn right it won’t happen again! You think I like it when your whore mother calls me late at night telling me how ‘our’ kid isn’t home yet?! A kid I never wanted but I have to worry about?! Jesus fucking Christ. Bad shit always has to happen to good guys huh? I just wanted a fuck but this is what I get. he said as you grind your teeth in anger 
“I’m sorry.” you said again bowing 
Izana’s heart was beating so hard..he could feel it right against his ear. The amount of guilt and pity he was feeling was unbearable, he wanted so desperately to just get up and just defend you, in any way he could, and so he tried to change his position to get ready to run out and help you. But as he did so, his foot hit the halo metal causing a quiet bang, but since the street was quiet it could be heard. Loud enough for the angry drunk man with a bottle of alcohol in his hand to hear. Izana stopped dead in his tracks, and your eyes widened in fear.  
“Are you..Are you with someone?” he asked in an angry and deep voice as he started to walk towards the sound
“No! It’s just the rabbit I found! I was feeding it under the slide because that’s where the most full grass is! It probably just ran away.” you said spilling out lies on the spot with scared eyes desperately hoping he would believe you.
“Yeah yeah, I don't care about your little rabbit. Now c'mon start walking, I wanna buy a beer before taking you back.” he said, slightly pushing you, making you lose your balance slightly as your father walked in front of you. 
You took a deep breath of relief, as you started to walk you looked back seeing Izana had crawled out slightly, just enough for you to see him, and for him to see you. You saw he had eyes filled with worry and fear, you didn't want him to worry, truly. Because the night you had just spent with him...made your day...actually the rest of your life. And so you gave a soft smile and waved before placing your hands back into your pockets and turning your head forward. 
Izana could only watch you walk away in confusion, in anger, in sadness, in every emotion there was. He could understand that you two were different sides of the same coin. And it honestly hurt him. Hurt him so greatly to the point where he swore to himself that he would do anything he can to not just see you smile, but to keep you safe. 
And there was no way on earth he could fail at that, no way he would let you sacrifice your body for his well being like you had just done, no way he would let himself...right?
“When we first met...Do you remember it?” you asked looking into his eyes that were now filled with tears 
He felt his body go cold….cold like that one night..That one night when he met you. 
He couldn't respond, and only nodded his head, as his thumb wiped the blood that spilled from the side of your lips 
“Wasn’t it fun?” you asked smiling 
“It was.” he responded feeling his heart ache at your smile 
“It was the best day of my life.” you said feeling a lump in your throat 
“We can talk about that day later, let’s go to the hospital right now, okay?” he said holding his hand over your bloody wounds 
“I think this is it, Izana.” you said laughing a bit as he shook his head ‘no’ at your words 
“Don’t talk like that, please don’t talk like that.” he said, holding back his sobs, making his words come out shaky. 
“Do you remember what I asked you? About wanting to be friends?” you asked bringing your hand up to lift his chin 
He didn’t respond with words, but the frown on his face, grew, letting you know he did. Of course he did. Izana would never forget a moment between you two. 
“What I really wanted to...say back then was...that I liked you, but we were only so small, and as...I grew up with you, I realized it was more. Sound’s kinda cliche right? Was it the same with you?” you said in between pauses of pain.
“Y/n stop making this sound like a goodbye, I won’t let it be a goodbye, okay?!” he yelled out of frustration, but again, you showed no reaction, like before when he first lashed out on you. It made his eyes soften when realizing the poison you two were in, was just like years before. Just like when you first met. 
At the park, with 2 swings, and 1 street light shining over it. 
Suddenly, all the thoughts in his head were stopped when he felt your embrace. Your arms wrapped under his arms and around his upper stomach, and you cheek against his collarbone and neck. He was hesitant, his arms still hovering over yours, not hugging you back yet. But you didn't mind.  
“Don’t worry, I get it.” said slightly nuzzling yourself into him, breathing in his scent which you loved so much.
Izana felt his heart beat so slowly.. at the familiar words you were speaking. But they were different from before, this time, you didn’t talk about being in his future...like you did before. His arms were still refusing to hug you back. His mouth still refusing to accept and return your love. 
“How do you think things would’ve been?
“Do you think we would've ended up together, and had a family? Like a type of family we never had?”  
“Y/n please..”
The feeling in your throat became stronger. You frowned and bit your inner cheek to keep in your sobs 
“How can you be so warm in a place so cold, Izana?” 
You heard Izana’s breath hitch at your words. His head slowly and hesitantly rested on yours, as you felt hot tears coat your scalp. And his arm’s fell to his sides, still refusing the fact that this is a goodbye.
But why was he refusing? He could’ve easily grabbed you and ran to the hospital. But instead he didn’t. He couldn’t. Because he knew deep down that it was already too late. Your body was cold. So cold, it was unsettling. Because your body was never cold. You were always warm, you were home for Izana. Izana knew if he tried to make it to the hospital, it would make his final moments with you a waste. 
So what was he doing? He doesn’t know himself...All he knew was that he wanted to be with you till the end, but a part of him couldn't accept that this was in fact...the end for you two. 
“Please don’t leave.” he said in a shaky tone against your head
“I’m sorry.” you said feeling the hot tears that were congested in your eyes, finally fall out
“Don’t say that…” he said 
“Izana?” you said fighting against your sobs 
“Yes?” he said 
“I love you. And I always have.” you said smiling as you felt your final breaths.
Izana felt your grip on him loosen, and just as it did, he brought his arms and wrapped them over your cold body. 
You felt it, you felt his embrace, and you heard him scream that he loves you back, You heard and felt it all. But you couldn't let him know that you did. You couldn't even keep your smile as you took your final breaths. But you did feel the hot tears run across your cheek. And down to your neck, as he cried and screamed in regret. 
HIs body, still so warm..so warm against something so cold.
Explanation SPOILER HERE FOR TENJIKU ARC: BASICALLY, Y/n died before the battle against Toman, it’s not in the ff(as to who killed y/n) because i wanted the reader to have some control, but in this ff I made it so that Y/ns death was another reason for Izana to wanna take down Toman and Mikey, so as i was making this i had the imagine that Kisaki would be to kill or have someone else kill Y/n to make Izana even more unstable and easier to manipulate, hence the whole fight thing so yeah lmao. Izana and Y/n thought of each other as home, and fell in love with the feeling of being with each other i guess? BUT in the end, Izana thinks he’s too late, and thinks that Y/n didnt hear/feel him, which just makes him even more frustrated and angry, so he feels guilty and ends up taking that out on others and taking loved ones from others too (hence being a motive for ordering for emma ot be killed) sorry if this is confusing 
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borealnyx · 3 years
MASH season 5 thoughts
first of all, Margaret my most beloved. im so happy about her development this season. she breaks it off with frank, she gets a new boyfriend who she marries, she learns to unwind and enjoy herself, and most importantly, she makes FEMALE FRIENDS!!! and she gets to keep having friends for her bachellorette party!!! even if shes still a bitch almost all the time and quite capable of breaking someones jaw. i was afraid that she would have to sacrifice one or the other; you cant keep soft things if you want to be respected as a woman after all. i know theres still a way to go, and tbh the way she turns into a schoolgirl around her fiance + her obssession with his rank+ him moving away from the or in the last episode tell me that theres still some things to come in that front. im also very happy with the few bits where she hungs out with bj and hawk. in my head shes the mccoy to the weird kirk/spock dynamic the other two have going on and i want more of it. but overall my opinion is just that margaret is That Bitch and i love her so much💖💖💕💕🥺
secondly, BJ, the tall enigma. in the previous season i said that i had no idea what his deal was, but i think that at this point i can make some educated guesses. i think that he loves children and misses his daughter terribly and that he has to be in control of the situation and of himself at all times. and if that control slips that causes a crisis. all the practical jokes are his way of controlling the enviroment and being on top of it. and as we can see with the secret fight with hawkeye and the kiss with the nurse, even minor changes to his social standing or his self image leave him rattled and angry.
which brings me into the relationship between BJ and Hawkeye. i was afraid that it was one of these things people ship because they are the two main guys and nothing else. but they genuenly seem to be soulmates of the annoyingly telepathic variety. even if it is something platonic they follow the others line of thought flawlessly and work together to become the biggest double pain in the ass possible (also at one point BJ says”i love you daddy“ to Hawkeye. i know this is not intended to be read that way, but GOD 😳😳)
i also said about a previous season that they got that ptsd was bad but they didnt have the language to express why or to what degree. i dont know if its an improvement in the writing, the advance on the vietnam war or waht, but they have the language for it now. this is excellent news for me, who loves watching tv characters suffer, and terrible news for my newest poor little mew-mew and beloved blorbo hawkeye pierce.
lastly i want to talk about frank burns. i will admit that i accidentaly spoiled myself cause i look at the episode list in wikipedia to keep it all in order in my head and it said that the last episode was his final appearance. i cant say that i will miss him or that the show would have a big hole to fill (i thought that when henry and trapper left, but it worked seamlessly and the show is even better now). i think that specially in the last season, but also over the whole series, frank is a cartoon character that you just love to see fail again and again. like a sylvester the cat if he was horny instead of hungry.(i will say that the man has a great :D face tho, it brings me joy). he has gone from kinda dangerous to minor inconvenience, and without margaret it’s clear that theres nothing going on for him. so him leaving makes sense, it feels organic. i think this is where the tall bald guy i have seen in some gifsets comes in. i hope he adds something new and fun
Im close to the halfway point by now and each season has been an improvement from the last. Cant wait to see where we go from here
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venivivividi · 3 years
headcAnon ✨ here! How great were the Rosa and Michael moments?! And Jones is Michael’s dad! He and Alex should start a support group. I wanted to ask if you have any headcanons about Michael and Alex and fatherhood. If you think they ever thought about it and what. What kind of parents they would be. If you think they will have kids in the future. Adoption or using a surrogate or some other alien option. Maybe dog or cat children also or instead.
I know, right?? They definitely speak the same language even when they disagree with each other. Also, I have a feeling that Michael has taken to send Rosa every picture of a dolphin he finds online with the same commentary: "look. it's you ahaha" I love them.
Oooh, fatherhood, you say? What a wonderful topic to tackle after the latest episodes...
I have to say, I tend to separate what I think realistically would happen, informed by canon, vs what I'd like for them to be in my headcanons, and to this day we canonically know:
Michael has thought about fatherhood: this is something he wants in his future and has dreamed about in the past; we learn this in two separate occasions, in 2x10 when he offers to father Isobel's child and in 2x11 when he tells Flint he wanted to start a dad band.
We have zero insight on Alex's thoughts on matter: we know his childhood was not a happy one, his relationship with his father is extremely negative and his entire family's dynamic is skewed, unhealty. That could reasonably push him towards two completely opposite directions: either he wants nothing to do with kids and a "traditional" family, deemes himself unsuited for fatherhood or he wants to somehow "avenge" his lost childhood and create the happiest family in the world, proving to himself that he can and will be a good father. Either could be and anything in between, honestly. (I'm not gonna delve into that but let's also remember that Alex grew up in a reality where gay marriage was not legal until he was like 23 and adoption was a pipe dream even after that, so that has clearly influenced his mindset even without considering the military of it all)
But for the sake of the HCs, I choose to believe that Alex is at least open to the idea of having children:
I dont think this is something they would go for very early in their relationship. They've had such a turmoiled past, they overcame every possible obstacle so that once everything settles down, they just enjoy each other's company for a while. They still can't believe they just get to be together without jumping through hoops.
As far as pets are concerned, you heard it from Mimi first: a beagle is written in Alex's future. But first, he tries to convince Michael to get a reptile. You remember Willow, his pet lizard? She was so cuute, Micheal, it's basically zero maintenance (completely false, but hes' trying) and it's so cool to have a lizard, c'mon.
Michael, as we know, is incapable of looking Alex in the eyes and deny him something. But it takes one google search for him to veto Project Lizard. There is no way he's allowing a lizard in his house after learning what they need to be fed. Also, lizards escape their enclosure. No thank you, the same night he learned too much about it he had a nightmare about waking up to a lizard stuck to his curls. Always protect the curls. No lizard.
Alex pouts. A lot.
Once the beagle settles in the truck ready to go to his forever home, Alex stops pouting. (and Michael starts because Alex is now cuddling the beagle at night. woe is Michael.)
As this thing usually go, Michael is instead adopted by a kitten, one of those impossibly small black balls of fur. Their first encounter at the junkyard went disturbingly High Noon, but after they claimed each other, the kitten is now stealing Michael's body heat and Michael is stealing all the cuddles Alex is so rudely denying him in favor of *scoffs* The Beagle.
Speaking of Sanders' Auto, once Rosa(...linda) starts picking up stray kids and unexplicably bringing them to Michael, it comes to be a place where kids who need to escape orbit around: with Sander's blessing, Michael always finds some easy work for them to do and earn some money, and when a couple of them seem truly interested, a question here and a question there quickly turns into a Michael Guerin lesson on mechanics. Those of them who are not interested, are free to just hang around as long as they dont wreak havoc or make a mess out of the place.
The thing is, Michael is completely unaware of the irony in all of that. Sanders is not, and he just hangs around smirking to himself about how much of a grumpy old man Michael is shaping up to be and laughing at history repeating itself and things like that.
It takes Isobel talking about them as Michael's junkyard children for Alex to bring the topic up. I mean, Michael is basically already doing it, and if they start fostering teens they could give some of them the happy childhood Michael never got. After that, not every kid who passes through the junkyard stays with them but some of them do, and some of them keep hanging around even after aging out of the system.
There is a panicked moment after their first foster kid gives him the silent treatment, where Alex runs to Greg for guidance; Greg has to politely remind him that he's an elementary school teacher, and his 16 years old kid might not react with the same energy to glitter glue and a happy song, so he has to figure out a different way.
Eventually they start to foster smaller kids too, and of course sometimes it's sad when they have to go and the house feels empty, but they always try and remember: it's not for them, it's for the kids. And during those nights The Beagle™ needs to find cuddles in the now domesticated ball of fur, because Michael is in very big need of a snuggle that Alex is more than happy to provide. It's how he recharges too, after all.
As far as their parenting style, Michael's a lost cause: he is incapable of not spoiling the kids because, why deny them the little joys if there's no harm in it, right? They deserve them. But he also realize the kids need structure, and he is pretty no-nonsense about it, also because, on the other hand, Alex is very much afraid of being the strict parent. It's a new chapter with every new kid, as every instance of parenting is, but the baseline of a good home is always there: love and safety.
I also can't seem to decide whether Michael would be the kind of hip parent who knows all about the youngsters culture, uses the correct terms and shares the right memes or the most embarassing dad who watches instagram reels about tiktoks and is always six months behind the last big thing. But I feel there's no in between.
Alex, sadly, despite being a cyber intelligence specialist, still mourns last.fm and that tells you everything you need to know.
Somewhere down the line, once they've collectively bought enough land to build a communeplace for all of them to live together while still maintaining a semblance of privacy (Isobel's broad interpretation of boundaries has not changed, sadly), the possibility of a full Oasian becomes a reality. The thing is, this is not just Isobel's baby, this is the podsquad baby, the triad's baby. Isobel and Michael might be the biological donors, but this is their baby.
As you can easily imagine, this is the most spoiled baby ever, because each one of them expect the others to be stern, when in reality, the baby has them all wrapped around their little fingers, and this is without powers, yet.
The first time Alex holds the baby he is completely overwhelmed: they seem so tiny, so fragile, but when he gently strokes his thumb on their forehead, they open their big, staring eyes, and everything else disappears.
Michael, you ask? Ooh, Michael is gloating. He never thought he could have half a thing in his life and now he has everything. He also self-appoints himself as the defender of the baby's curls: that entails slapping the hand of everyone that tries to play with a lock of hair to make it bounce. Do you know how annoying that can be? Leave the baby alone.
Of course, Michael is also a little shit and as soon as the baby starts talking and figuring out a way of calling them all, he tries to make them refer to Max as grandpa, to the utter hilarity of Liz and the total indignation of Max. He has yet to succeed, but the baby's still young, so Only time will tell.
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Anon asked: Heyyy! Can we have some HC on style 5 as fathers? Thank you
Yes! The boys as fathers have me so soft 🥺
Father Headcanons (Style 5)
I got carried away with these hcs... might have to make a separate post for each later on 😅 long post ahead!
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Personally I imagine Haru with a daughter first
Like can you imagine how cute that would be? 🥺🥺the whole like father like daughter 🥺🥺
Haru doesn’t get this whole babies thing, in fact he’s panicking on the inside, but the moment he holds his child in his arms, it’s like every thought every worry has now become irrelevant
The only thing that matters is the child in his arms❤️
Smiles a lot more now because he is genuinely happy.
Even lets his laughs be heard more often just for his kid lol
When his child grows up a bit more, he definitely wants to teach them how to swim and how to ahem ~be one with the water~
He’s not a pushy father at all tho he won’t ever force his child to go down the swimming path and would rather have them get into something they are passionate about
Nevertheless, he still would like them to know how to swim atleast, it’s not a bad thing to learn
But um...he’s not the best of teachers...
Uncle Makoto here to save the day!
That being said, Haru always wants to be there for his child, be able to go to as much of their competitions/meets/games/etc. as he can even though he’s so busy with his own training schedules
He just wants to be there for them and he wants them to know that too<3
Oh um also...he’s bad at scolding...he’ll try to “scold” his little kid for doing something wrong like picking things off the ground and putting it in their mouth but his child just looks up at him like 😯
Also Haru changing diapers? Haha... “ahh (y/n)! How do I do this?”
He gets better at this tho over time :)
Watch his child not like Mackerel
He’s still confused over this whole father thing, but he knows that he really does want to love and be there for his child<3
Btw how cool would it be to have a dad being a world renowned swimmer? 😱
*haru excitingly watching as you feed your baby daughter (I see him w a daughter ok but it’s your choice) mackerel for the first time*
*baby makes a weird face and spits out mackerel*
“*Haru gasps dramatically* She doesn’t like mackerel.”
Baths with his kid. 🐬
How precious 🥺
You sitting on the edge of the bathtub, silently watching Haru as he holds his baby in the bath with a small smile, eyes then slowly drifting up to lock in with yours, his smile a bit wider and everything he feels for you and his child, all shining in his eyes ❤️
There cannot be a more perfect, little, peaceful family <3
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An amazing father!
We’ve seen him with his little siblings Ren and Ran!
That doesn’t mean he won’t panick from time to time because it’s different when it’s your own child
He’s the type to do the whole baby talk and little cooes with his baby but turns bashful when he catches you quietly standing in the doorway watching 🤣
His cooking skills have improved a bit...
You already work so hard everyday for the baby and the house, he wants to lessen your burdens and give you a little break <3🥺
Family cuddles! With you and Makoto on either side and your child/children in the middle! How precious🥺
I see Makoto’s children being a lot more brave and daring than he is like watching “scary” (like Cartoon Network scary XD) movies and wanting going on adventures in places supposedly paranormal
“Dad stop being such a scaredy cat! I wanna go watch this movie already!”
“Ahh (y/n)!! Help me! 😰”
His kids are mischievous bro always do those puppy dog eyes to get him into their schemes
He also spoils his kids XD
Don’t think that means he doesn’t know when the boundaries are crossed and when he needs to get a bit strict
He may spoil his kids but spoiled kids are a big no no (there’s a difference)
The kids actually grow up to be sweet and respectful
Aww imagine Makoto teaching his own kids how to swim and sending them to an sc🥺
He’s just such a loving father and SO supportive!
His children love that they can come to him with any of their problems and know that he’s going to listen intently and understand, while also offering any advice he might think suitable <3
As if you alone didn’t make his heart well enough with so much love, his heart practically bursts with his children❤️
Ready to sacrifice everything he has for the happiness and well being of his family ❤️
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Excitement is an UNDERSTATEMENT
As if this baby himself wasn’t cute enough, just IMAGINE HIS CHILDREN
omg omg omg cuteness overload
He’s jumping up and down when his baby is about to come, however he calms down when he actually gets a chance to hold them and he’s just in a soft, serene state, looking on at his little one with a small smile~
All his little toddler has to do is slightly tug on his shirt, and Nagisa is in a full gushing frenzy
He cries over how adorable they are
Nagisa baby YOU are adorable
He’s such a funny dad always makes his kids laugh!
Like when his child is a baby, he would come over making silly faces that half of the time either made baby laugh or baby cry 😣
Tickle Monster 😏
Finger puppets! I totally see him doing this as a father!
Nagisa won’t tease his kids a whole lot tho, knowing how frustrating it can get having experienced for a good amount of his life by his older sisters
He wants his kids to have fun ALL the time just like him 😁
He shows them his secret sweet stash when he believes it is time
So you’re going to have to be the one implementing the rules and regulations
“Come on, it’s time for bed let’s go, it’s past 11”
“Aww come on (y/n)-chan look at how happy they are! Just give us five more minutes🥺”
The challenging part for you is that you end up having to give in a lot more because now there’s more than 1 who’ve mastered the puppy dog eyes around the house
Another supportive dad! (They all are) he wants to be there for his kids’ firsts! And for all their games and competitions etc.
This is going to be such a fun little family with LOTS of love, support, chocolate, and fun! ❤️
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No theory, no book, no calculations prepared him for the moment his child was placed in his arms
He’s immediately brought to tears and whispers a small “beautiful” 🥺
The type to document EVERY moment of his child
You end up having like 10 albums and tapes of just your kid(s)
ALL of your little ones firsts have all been recorded and documented to reminisce on later in the future🥺
Always nudging you and showing you the cute little things your baby is doing off in the corner🥺
He can be strict
Unlike Nagisa, oh no he is not spoiling his kid’s diet
Their kid is eating their entire rainbow with lots of fruits and vegetables, along with the right amount of protein and milk
However there are times where he chills out and actually bakes cookies and sweets for his children 🥺
And they are *chefs kiss*
However when Uncle Nagisa comes over...those kids know what’s up 😝😋
Wants to show them the beauty of swimming, specifically the butterfly stroke
You don’t have to worry about your kids getting low grades, because Rei will personally take care of that😌
He just wants his children work hard so they can become the best at whatever they choose to do in the future <3
Haha you wanna know what I’m imagining?
Him having a daughter that is an EXACT copy of him
And it will completely leave him speechless at moments XD
“Ahem...Daddy, the way that you pitch the ball is off by approximately 15 degrees according to the direction and pressure of the wind...not beautiful” *pushes glasses up*
Rei is just like 😨😱
Anyways you can forget about having excessive burden on your shoulders from parenting because this man is going to give it his all for you and his children❤️
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The second his baby was delivered, he was already a crying mess, however when they are actually placed in his arms, it’s like all the tears have suddenly stopped, and it’s just a moment for Rin.
However he starts crying again immediately after
He loves his child so much! ❤️
They are a physical embodiment of his love with you! <3
He now understands the sacrifices his own father made for the sake of his family and now Rin is willing to to the same for his own
All his tsundereish tendencies vanish and he just becomes one big softy 😤
Don’t think that means that Rin doesn’t know how to be strict tho
Oh he is a strict dad but he only does is it for his child’s own good
He will shower them in just as much affection after the scolding <3
Like even after he gets a bit harsh on his child and sees their eyes, Rin immediately stops and goes into your shared room and starts sniffling
“H-hey (y-y/n)...w-was I too harsh on them?”
Yes he’s the type of dad to get onto you for brushing your teeth
He’s also that dad helping his kids with math
He has let his emotions show a lot more now.
Like when his baby started taking his first steps...Rin cried, camera in his hand shaking
When his child picked a flower and brought it to him...shark baby cried.
Or when one of his children brought home their essay about Rin being their biggest hero...Rin cried.
A very supportive family!
With you guys going to support him swimming at the world stage, and Rin going to all his children’s events and being their #1 fan <3
I can see Rin owning a “The World’s Best Dad” or “#1 Dad” mug and proudly drinking from it XD <33
He also gets very competitive with his kids! He gets very into the sports and games he plays with them
Teaching them tricks and tips along the way
And swimming? He’s got it in the bag, your child will get the hang of it under a week.
Some days Rin likes to lie with you on the bed, wrapping an arm around you to hold you close and pressing a a soft kiss to your temple, thanking you for being the love of his life and making him the world’s happiest man alive 🥺❤️
A/n: The boys would be such good fathers!They can all have my babies I love the parenting concept! I’m probably going to make separate hcs for them in the future 🥺
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itsthesinbin · 3 years
Insert Title Here (Obey Me Fic)
i dont have a title yet.
im still getting characterization down and im also not even halfway thru the game so forgive me if i fuck things up DSFKGDSFKDG
the mc is one of the species ive made- chimeras. for ppl who have been here a long time, u shld remember them. for newbies, i wont spoil what they are if this DOES become an actual thing
please reblog and/or leave a comment in the notes if you like this! i need feedback to be sure people would actually enjoy the fic!
“I don’t think I summoned the right person.” Diavolo looked down at the file he had in his hand, examining the picture attached to the front of the folder. A normal young woman stared back at him- blonde hair, pale blue eyes, glasses perched on her nose. The demon prince looked back down at the… creature… on the ground.
Passed out, he couldn’t see her eyes, but the wild blonde hair was almost a perfect match. Lucifer was currently draping his coat over her, as she had shown up naked. Ram-like horns sat on her head, and a tail twitched behind her in her sleep. Tan skin shifted into scales along their arms- and their stomach, from the little Diavolo saw before he averted his eyes. Her legs were much like a cat’s, her fingers and toes webbed and holding wicked looking claws.
“You think,” Satan asked, coming over to his eldest brother’s side to examine the summoned creature. Diavolo crouched down, getting a closer look at her face. Her soul. Asmodeus spoke up while Diavolo did his small investigation.
“What the fuck is it?” Asmodeus leaned over the table, his question earning a stern glare from Lucifer. Asmodeus simply shrugged, sitting back down next to a very confused- and very hungry- Beelzebub.
“... They are… definitely human-” Diavolo announced- “Maybe a… genetic relative?” Diavolo looked through the file again, seeing if he missed a note on any children or family. Asmodeus finally spoke up.
“Why didn’t the original human show?” Lucifer looked to Diavolo, who was just as confused. Before the prince could answer, the creature on the ground began to stir. The three surrounding them moved back, allowing her to wake up without being crowded.
Pale blue eyes appeared before them, unfocused and hazy. They snapped open a moment later, pupils turning to slits. The creature before the demons jumped up, knocking the coat off with a furious hiss. Satan in particular reeled back, feeling her fury harder than the others in the room.
She scrambled back into a corner, staring at the demons with wide, wild eyes. Much too wide for a normal human, if Solomon was any reference point. Dark blue scales glittered on her heaving chest, a rattling noise coming from her tail. Her pointed ears were pinned back against her head in anger.
“We… understand you must be confused, and scared,” Diavolo started, hands raised in a nonthreatening manner. He took a single step closer, and the woman let out a screech that made the three younger demons hold their ears. Lucifer and Diavolo cringed slightly, exchanging a look as she stopped screaming.
“We won’t come any closer. We just wish to talk.” Diavolo was tempted to send her back, but he’d need to get her back in the circle for that. And he doubts she’d simply follow his request to move.
“... What is your name?” She stayed quiet, the rattle on her tail slowly stopping. Her eyes scraped over everyone in the room, daring any of them to move. No one did. Slowly, she sat down on the ground, much like a cat ready to pounce.
“... My name is Diavolo, I am the ruler of all demons, and all here know of me. And someday soon, I will be crowned king of the Devildom.” There was a beat of silence where she just stared at the prince.
“Fuck you.” Everyone reeled back at that, before Satan put a hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing. He was starting to like this creature.
Lucifer was about to speak up, but Diavolo held a hand up to silence him. Clearly, she was scared and angry. Diavolo wasn’t going to take it personally. Luke was, while not as vulgar, very angry when he arrived as well.
“Why I here?” Lucifer cleared his throat, making her head snap to where he was. Diavolo placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“This is Lucifer- a demon, and the Avatar of Pride. He’s also the vice president of the student council and my right-hand man. Beyond that, he’s my most trusted friend,” the prince laughed, ignoring the glare from the human(?) in the corner. Lucifer sighed slightly, subtly shrugging Diavolo’s hand off of his shoulder.
“Welcome to our academy, even if your appearance here is… surprising, to everyone.” The woman hissed, baring her fangs at Lucifer. A bold move, if she were a demon.
“WHY I HERE?” Lucifer looked her over, crossing his arms.
“She certainly is different from Solomon,” he muttered, before starting his rehearsed speech on the reasoning for the exchange program. Satan could feel her rage build, the longer Lucifer talked. Yeah. He understood the feeling.
“You are our new exchange student, it seems, miss…?” Lucifer hoped he would get a name out of her. They needed to confirm if she was, somehow, the woman they originally intended to summon from the human world. When she didn’t answer, he continued with a sigh.
“Your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on the tasks that you receive from RAD. After one year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in the Devildom.” The woman snarled.
“I- I’m- LET ME GO!” The fury in her words was betrayed by the wobble in her voice. She pressed further back against the wall, claws digging at the stone behind her. She was terrified. Trapped.
“I’m sorry, but there’s no going back.” Right now, anyway. “For one year, you are under our care and you will be attending RAD. Do you understand?”
The woman’s chest heaved, breathing picking up again to near hyperventilation levels. Her eyes were focused on Lucifer, but she was looking right through him. Satan bristled slightly, feeling himself grow a bit lightheaded at how strong her anger was. He had to keep himself calm.
The woman darted forward, toward Lucifer and Diavolo.
Quick as a flash, Lucifer grabbed her and pinned her to the floor. The woman thrashed and screeched under Lucifer’s grip, trying to reach back to swipe him with her claws. Her tail slammed into his side shockingly hard. Not that it really hurt him, but it was much stronger than he thought a human would be. If… humans had tails, that was.
She suddenly grew slack, eyes rolling back as she went unconscious. Barbatos, who had been off to the side, put his hand down when she was out. He had to put a stop to that before someone got hurt- human or demon.
Slowly, Lucifer released his grip on her. He didn’t get up from his straddle over her, in case she suddenly woke up, looking up at Diavolo for an order or suggestion.
The prince was at a loss for words, for once. On top of not knowing exactly what this woman was- sure her soul was human but she clearly wasn’t fully- he didn’t expect to just be attacked.
“... Take her to the House of Lamentation, Lucifer, and… maybe try to talk some sense into her there. Barbatos and I will… try to figure out who she even is.” Lucifer felt the migraine coming on. Sometimes he despised his job.
“Of course.” He grabbed his coat again, wrapping her up as Barbatos explained the spell would wear off in three hours. With a nod, Lucifer scooped her up and made his way over to his brothers. Asmodeus immediately cringed away, while Beelzebub just kind of… stared. Lucifer was pretty sure he was in shock.
He turned to Satan, who was still calming down from the intense rage he felt second-hand. Lucifer frowned.
“Satan? Are you alright?” The fourth eldest cleared his throat, flushing slightly in embarrassment.
“Yes. It… She was very angry- the sudden wave of it threw me for a loop, so to speak.” He had expected some anger, sure, but that? It was like expecting a drizzle and walking into a tsunami.
It was kind of funny.
Lucifer hummed slightly, before motioning for his brothers to follow.
“Let’s get her home, then. Satan, call Mammon and let him know he’ll be in charge of her.” Satan paused at that.
“... I’d love to see Mammon get his backside handed to him as much as the next demon, but don’t you think that’s a bad idea?” Lucifer growled slightly. Satan sighed, opening his D.D.D before Lucifer started one of his “are you disobeying an order” tirades.
“Fine. Don’t blame me when Mammon comes back missing a few fingers, though.” Actually. That sounded kinda funny. Maybe Lucifer had the right idea, not that Satan would admit it.
While the fourth argued with the second about his new position as… animal sitter, Beelzebub and Asmodeus fell into step next to their eldest brother.
“Are you sure this is a good idea? Can’t we pick someone else and send her back while she’s asleep,” Beelzebub asked, holding his hands over his stomach nervously. Lucifer glanced down at the sleeping creature, who was still trembling even while unconscious.
“... If it becomes too much of a hassle, I’ll talk to Diavolo. For now, we have to give it a try. It would take too long to find a new applicant. That being said… let’s find a reinforced room for her.” Lucifer didn’t want her busting out in the middle of the night.
“Maybe soundproof, too,” Asmodeus mumbled, wrapping his arms around himself in sheer discomfort. They were supposed to be taking care of this thing? Maybe he could get out of it if he avoided her. 
Lucifer shot him a look, but didn’t say anything. That screech definitely caught everyone off guard. His ears were still ringing. Which was only being made worse because he could hear Mammon yelling over Satan’s phone. The eldest sighed heavily.
Lucifer knew he had a long, long year ahead of him.
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albarivas · 3 years
ana de armas, cis female, she/her    —    whenever i see alba rivas meandering down agnes street la escalera by pablo alborán starts to play inside my head. maybe it is the vibe they give off. bullet journals, colorful dresses, hairstyles with bandanas ;   you know ? artistic impressions is what keeps them interested in agnes. i heard they are a thirty-three year old teacher at bright future. they look like the kind of person who would make you do a vision board. 
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hi again, it’s ella again. okay so i had cameron (the lily james) but tbh she’s a new muse and right now i don’t have the brain to develop a muse from scratch but i still want to write and that’s why i decided to bring alba, one of my oldest muses. i’m so happy to give her a new home and i can’t wait for her to meet all of your characters.
NAME: alba carolina rivas borges
NICKNAME: al, albie
GENDER: cis female
PLACE OF BIRTH: boca raton, florida
DATE OF BIRTH: april 19, 1988
AGE: thirty-thirty
OCCUPATION: teacher at bright future
tw: illness, cheating
her story starts between cuba and spain. her mother, carolina, fled from cuba and her father immigrated from spain with no friends or family and only with a few dollars. the two newcomers were matched by fate and just a year later they welcomed their daughter, alba.
two years later, a son completed the rivas family. they didn’t have much and often had to deal with homesickness and many times they considered moving to spain, but eventually they decided to stay.
it was a big change for both julián and carolina. he used to work as a lawyer back in spain and carolina had almost graduated from med school. now in the united states they both had to start from zero.
her mother traveled an hour from boca raton to palm spring every day where she worked cleaning those luxurious houses.  her father got his credentials to become a spanish teacher and taught in the local high school.
alba always knew she didn’t have much. she grew up going with her mom to those huge houses and from a young age she understood what wealth could buy. however, alba never envied those who had a lot more than her. in fact, her childhood best friend was the girl that lived in the house her mother cleaned. the two were inseparable.
alba excelled as a student. education was something her parents always deemed as important and so she made it her goal to make them proud. 
she earned a spot in a prestigious public high school. as a teenager, she was the model child. always listening to her parents, rarely giving them problems. she had an active social life, she went on a couple of dates and she was part of several groups.
these qualities eventually earned her a place at nyu. moving to new york was something she’d never considered. she liked florida, and her family were there but her parents convinced her that this would be a great opportunity and that she could comeback.
becoming a teacher was her ambition. she admired her father for doing it and she knew from a young age that she wanted to teach children. 
to make ends meet, she got a job as a waitress and she really didn’t have a social life as she worked and studied full time. there was no time for friendship and even less time for dating.
it was during one day at work that she met someone that changed her life. she met another student while she was working who asked her out but she refused, however, he came back and did the same thing every night until one day she finally accepted.
one date turned into two and then three until soon people couldn’t see one without the other. most people thought they wouldn’t last, their personalities and values were too different. he came from a wealthy family, the typical spoiled kid that was set to inherit his parents’ fortune someday, the one that always featured on page six with a different woman every night. meanwhile, alba came from a working-class family, daughter of immigrants who always had to work to get what she had in life. despite the skepticism, they proved everyone wrong.
at twenty-two, alba graduated with a degree in early childhood education and began working as a teacher.
her relationship with this guy (i dont have a name for him lmao) was better than ever and after dating for three years, he proposed and alba said yes as she was convinced she’d found her other half.
however, not everything was perfect. his family didn’t like her and things only got worse after they got engaged. the couple married only a year later. they left new york and moved to florida where they bought one of those houses alba always had dreamed to have and the best part is that they were neighbors with her childhood best friend.
but all good things must come to an end, and soon her fairytale turned into a nightmare. the relationship with her in-laws was awful which eventually caused tension in their marriage. they began to fight more often and he started to spend more time at his office than at home. however, she was determined to make their marriage work, a love like theirs couldn’t end like this, she wouldn’t allow it.
tw cheating: one day, alba returned to their home early and what she saw was heartbreaking. there he was, in bed with none other but her childhood best friend. heartbroken, alba refused to accept any of his excuses and immediately filed for divorce, to the joy of her in-laws. end of tw.
after her divorce, alba moved to california where she started a year course at stanford. she planned to stay there but that when she received news from home.
tw illness: her father was very sick, and her parents had decided to move to islebury, rhode island. without anything holding her back, she packed up her stuff and moved here as well so she could help her mother with her dad. end of tw.
she’s been living here for three years now and works as a teacher at bright future.
She has the ability to see the good in almost anyone or anything and tends to sympathize with even the most unfriendly person. She often hides the extreme depth of feelings from her, even from herself, until circumstances elicit a passionate response. 
She has a deep sense of idealism that comes from a strong personal sense of right and wrong. She sees the world as a place full of possibilities and potentials and is governed by her intuition. She is quite reserved and is not easily manipulated.
She is a good listener and considerate, they try to care for and understand others in a deep way. She can be very calm and intuitive with the people around her, being able to search for hidden meanings in the actions and words of others.
Of course, all of life is not rosy and Alba is not exempt from suffering the same disappointments and frustrations that are common to others. She tends to be a perfectionist and often strives for personal ideals that can be exhausting or very difficult to obtain.
she’s a bookworm. her favorite book is the persuasion by jane austen
she speaks fluent spanish
alba has a beautiful white persian cat named nube
she loves wearing bandanas in her hair
claims she’s allergic to strawberries, she’s not. she just hates them and that’s easier than explaining why
Younger brother: I’m gonna make a wanted connection because I love this dynamic. He is two years younger than her and she adores him. She tries to stay in touch with him and in general, they are close.
Ex-best friend: they met as children and grew up together, they knew everything about the other. alba’s mother worked as a housekeeper and she used to go with her sometimes, that’s how they met. this person came from a different background, she lived in one of those expensive houses alba could only dream to own. their friendship was so strong that they even applied to the same university (although her friend was not accepted). alba considered this person as the sister she never had, but then she did the worst thing in the world, she slept with alba’s husband. they haven’t spoken since she found out.
Ex-husband: They divorced two years ago, after alba found out he had been cheating on her with her best friend. they met while she was a student at NYU and were together for three years before getting engaged and married. he comes from a wealthy family, the typical perfect american family. their relationship was never approved by his parents. she hasn’t spoken to him since the divorce.
Best Friendish: Okay, so this is a tricky one because her actual best friend turned into Judas and slept with her husband, but maybe this person is the closest she has to a best friend. she trusts this person and since her divorce, this is the only person that she has been able to speak without limitations.
Bad influence: Alba has never been one to go to many parties or even to drink, but this person is the only one that can convince her to have a good time.
Co-workers/Parents: She works as a teacher at bright future, maybe your character works there or their kids go/went there.
Neighbor: self-explanatory
Unlikely friendship: The two have different personalities, but somehow, both have managed to get along and form a weird friendship.
Hook ups: She’s not really the relationship kind bc she’s always busy but once in a while she hooks up with people ghdghdhgd (open to everyone)
Flirtationship: they act like friends, but cannot help to throw flirty looks or comments at each other.
Unrequited: It could go either way, I’m fine to plot it out. I’m an angst hoe sooo
Bad tinder date: after her divorce, her friends tried to set her up with someone but it didn’t go well. There was nothing wrong about her date, but she wasn’t ready and in the end it was a very uncomfortable situation for them.
One night stand: she was drunk, he/she was drunk too. They didn’t plan it but happened and now whenever they see each other in town it’s a bit awkward.
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