#i want to get to a point where my cat has an elaborate meal like that
stinkrascal · 2 years
the videos on tiktok where people feed their cats those fancy wet foods with the quail eggs and the probiotics and the pumpkin powder and the little dried fish and the bone broth and the dried blood powders are so addicting. like dude why does this cat eat better than i do
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yuken-gf · 2 years
spending a day with sword leaders ♡
amamiya kyōdai here
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are we even going to elaborate this, it's obvious
Harleys in Hawaii😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
he would half-planned it
he knew the big picture of where he wants to go with you
but if you request any destination, that's okay too! he would be more than happy to grant your wish
meals at some local diner (because we love the vibe)
would be something that start with the beach and ended on the hills to see the sunset‼️
he always make sure you hug him tight while riding his motorbike
((shit bro i'm going to die))
loves it if you vlog about the whole day
you wouldn't even ask it
always helps you put on your helmet
randomly stares at you while you're at the beach and/or hills
and when you asked him what's wrong
he just said "nothing"
of course you want revenge
you stare at him until he asked "what's wrong"
you answered with something like "just admiring my boyfriend"
watch him FLEW
he would be so flustered, you caught him off guard😝
when you parted ways because you need to go home
he would kiss your forehead
"see you tomorrow, my love"
he loves it when you say "text me when you arrived"
he feels loved
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this is so basic but
breakfast, lunch, dinner in 5 stars restaurant
shopping in between
he would be mad if you don't want to buy anything
"please spend my money or i will buy everything for you"
"no buts"
you buy little things that are pretty cheap
and he would be so done like
"fine, i'll choose for you"
walk out from every store with a big shopping bag
"rocky, it's enough"
he wouldn't listen because you didn't listen to him too
get that bag sis🤑🤑🤑🤑
"fine, ill pay you back later"
"go ahead and i'll spoil you more"
he would ask for your opinion when he wants to buy something for himself
"do you think this suits me?"
"which one do you like most for me?"
he knows that you always know the best
your small and shy thank you would make him sigh
"i'd give you the whole planet and it would be still not enough to appreciate your precious presence"
bye he has all 5 love languages
((remind me to make rocky fic))
the dinner would be extraordinary
3 course meal and in the vip seat
he would go for the best seat for city viewing sunset omsgsiahshsu ((blushing))
he holds your hand and thank you for the day and how he's so thankful that he has you by his side
he would also reminds you that he makes money FOR YOU
you would be "isn't that wife privilege"
"we're getting married anytime soon, what's your point"
goofy ahh argument about the money he spent on you again
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café and resto hunting
i assume you ran out of place to date like
murayama gets bored easily
so you have an idea
and he's excited!
you two would look like some food critics because you bring your notes
would be so funny when the café give you some bonuses because they thought you're a food critics😭😭😭😭😭
he's judgyyyy
murayama ramsay
"write down broken aircon babe"
"also the fries are bland as hell, add that to the list"
"the coffee is a joke. i'm way better"
so unserious
you go to the arcade to wait for the next meal time
killing time by competing with your boyfriend
he's pouty but proud at you whenever he loses
so freaking cute
he would consider to take food critics as a job seriously because he feels like he's doing good at it
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all i can think about is dog/cat café date
((bury me in red casket plz))
he will melt when you play with the puppies
bro is smiley and cute
got you blushing over nothing😭😭😭
im not sorry, because me too😭😭😭😔
cute pics‼️
anti PDA does not exist for a day
he would be so touchy with you
reason: you're adorable and make him want to die so he feels like he need to be clingy
waiting for your snack and drink?
he grabs you by the waist and pull you to his chest so he can lean his head on your shoulders
you would be 😧🤨
"what's wrong, baby?"
he would just hums and snuggle into your neck
shit bro im going to faint don't do that
enjoying the foods while watching puppies n kittens😻😻😻
he would feed you cause he can
so lovey dovey bye
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sleeping all day
and then a night ride with one of his vintage cars
you can choose your favorite color
both of you don't know where to go, but you just spend the night driving
just enjoying each other's company
some accidently deep talks along the way
late night meals at some random restaurant
y'all joking around so cute
he's in his smiley mood <3
stops somewhere to watch the stars😮‍💨‼️
but you know
watching the stars in your eyes make him feels something
like he would burn the world for you
drive back home at around 4a.m.
if you fell asleep when you arrived at home. he'll carry you to the bedroom😮‍💨😢
kiss your whole face before he joined you to sleep
"i love you"
if you're fake sleeping and said "i love you too"
he would be so flustered
"why are you tricking me?"
he's a big spoon
and he loves give your nape a kiss before he really dozes off
only you know this side of daruma ikka's leader
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arachnxphobe · 1 year
random miguel hcs
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will not admit it but he has cried to multiple animated kids movies
definitely the classics like toy story 3, the iron giant, and inside out
but he also BAWLED at the end of finding nemo because he was thinking about gabriella
he thinks that toothless from how to train your dragon is cute
no i will not elaborate on that
secretly celebrates st patrick’s day
likes to wear something green under his suit or have one piece of decor hidden in the depths of his office
has really low spice tolerance BUT really likes it and also he has a reputation to keep up as the big and tough guy so he WILL try and hide how much water he is chugging
he likes the dad ice cream flavours like pistachio and rum raisin
but hates dad hobbies like golfing or collecting stuff like antique coins or dioramas
he just doesn’t have the patience for it
can cook and bake!!!! actually scratch that he can do all of the chores and is basically a househusband but is simply unwilling to do it
peter b may or may not have gotten him a kiss the cook apron that may or may not be the only apron he owns…
he could 100% have gourmet meals every day but he doesn’t have anyone to impress but himself so most days he just lives off of the sealed, pre-cooked chicken breasts from the convenience store and reheated rice that he makes in a big batch once a week
because yes chicken can be store bought but microwaved rice tastes too much like chemicals, especially for his heightened taste buds
is a shower guy
he thinks that baths are too inefficient and most tubs can’t fit him
but if you somehow manage to find one that’s big enough…oh boy he’ll act like you are waterboarding him but honestly he’s having the time of his life
competitive as hell, even when he acts like he could not care less
like he does not understand the concept of letting somebody else win, why is he handicapping himself and letting them think they’re better than they actually are?
he doesn’t mean it in a way to establish dominance or superiority
he just thinks that it’s weird to let someone win because wouldn’t lying to them be worse? now they can’t even improve
designed his own suit and probably gets a little bit self conscious when someone comments on it because he really isn’t an aesthetics guy but he worked really hard and is proud of his suit 🥺
was perhaps a little bit salty about the dark garfield comment but you didn’t hear that from me
please never trust him with naming or decorating though because if left on his own, it’s either going to be the most disgusting combination of items ever known to man or quite literally the bare minimum
don’t even think about a bed frame, there’s a chance that he doesn’t even have a mattress
he’s good with personal hygiene though
a slight germaphobe in the sense that he wants everything to be sterile (a habit he picked up from always being in the lab) but is more than okay with getting his hands dirty, just as long as he can thoroughly sanitize them afterwards
a terrible movie watcher
he either does not understand the movie whatsoever and keeps on asking questions that they just answered a minute ago
or he’s ripping them apart for their weird pseudoscience
honestly his ranting ends up being more entertaining than the movie at times
be prepared for a full lecture if you don’t stop him at some point though
i’ve heard a lot of people throw out spanish songs that they think he would listen to but might i suggest some non-spanish songs
he gives me doja cat vibes, don’t ask me, i just feel it
personally, i don’t think he would actively listen to kpop or be into the fan culture but he probably enjoys some songs without even realizing they’re kpop
i’m thinking newjeans and maybe epik high??
mitski and hozier (where are my depressed wlw at) because you know that when he’s in his brooding self hating mood that he needs suitable bgm
HATES cruises
something about being on water does not vibe with his spider-catness
neither does the overall cruise ship experience
hot tubs and buffets just don’t really do it for him
there’s not much space for privacy except for your own room but even then the walls are fairly thin
so it’d be nearly impossible for him to get any sort of peace
me and the rest of the internet all seem to have agreed that he has insomnia and i feel like a cruise ship would not help whatsoever
would complain about how the mexican food is just what americans think mexican food is like
is too much of a workaholic to take an extended break, and it’s too difficult to jump back into work should there be an emergency
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gildedmuse · 2 years
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[Like five people read this original post so here is a way too long follow up.]
This post has been super evil towards me.
So originally was going to write an intro but, you know, never mind that I've had to struggle so much with this post. Also, apologies to @space-windu47 who I accidently sent an unfinished answer to privately and now this thing won't even let me tag. Fine, Tumblr, just keep being difficult.
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[Why yes, there will still be horrible fonts with their cheesy names scrawled across this post in neon letters. Thank you for asking.]
How to achieve such an impossible goal? Easy, they'll just make themselves look so beautiful and rich and cool that everyone will immediately love them (and possibly want to give them money to make them look as fashionable in return). What? Why are all of the boys giving her that look!? So far all they've managed to do was have them run off from each and every port they've come across!
Now, Nami will be their fabulous, beautiful, awe-inspiring captain and she will make sure the people of this next town are so mesmerized by them that they would never THINK of firing canons at them (unlike Usopp's plan...) She'll have to dress you lot up of course... her, Robin and Sanji could pass it off but the rest of you... No one is going to believe you're part of the world famous Glamour Pirates with such drab, terrible clothes. Oh, and Sanji,they're going to need a really high quality meal; they need to impress these people. If they look wealthy enough no one will suspect we're they're to rob them! ("But we're not trying to rob them anyway!") That's not the point, it just means they'll be more likely to trust them! Everyone is always trying to be nice to rich people even when they hate their guts. Trust her, Nami has done this before.
Robin: I think it sounds like quite fun. But Navigator-san, won't it be difficult for you to make such an elaborate entrance while guiding the ship?
Hmm.... Robin has a good point.... Not to worry! Nami KNOWS this will work, which means there won't be any real need for a navigator. She'll just be a proper captain and tell the crew where to steer the ship ("Hey! I direct the crew. I told you to head towards that island a few days back!" / "Idiot, that's why we're here.") They'll pull up to the dock, spend however long resetting the logpose, And then be on their way. Nice and calm. They just need someone who is strong enough to handle the ship and....
*looking around at her choices*
Crew: She picked Zoro!?!?
It's fine you guys! Like she said, nothing is going to go wrong, he has to do is stand at the wheel and turn it a few times (besides, what else can she have him do? Him and Luffy will ruin this whole plan if she lets them... Speaking of which, she needs to find something even a child can do to help keep Luffy out of the way....)
In the end the crew break down is as follows:
Nami and Nami "Cat Walk" Gold: Beautiful, Wealthy Model/Fabulous Rich Fashion Icon/Captain
Usopp Yorohiness "Snapshot-King" Uso-san: "Vice Captain" of Production, World Class Photographer, Ex-Arch Duke of West Blue (also, the crew chronicler and look out!)
Robin as Fabuloso "Designer Chic" Robbi: Premiere Fashion Designer of The Grand Line, Designer for Celestial Dragons, Most Wanted Fashionista In All The World. Oh, plus, the designer of our very own Merry!
Sanji as Alhellth "Blue Eyed" (give her a break, she had a lot to plan....) Sanki: Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, Health Expert & Body Upkeep ("what!? My sweet Nami-swan is trusting me to care for her body! I could have never even dreamed of such a gift, oh N-"/"Usopp, which writing do you like better?"/"Eh, the one on the left definitely says rich fashion heiress, but I think it still needs to be more eye-catching."/"I quite agree, Long-Nose-kun. Perhaps something so it can catch the light of the sun?"/"Excellent job you two, the three of us should be able to pull this off no problem!"/"Ah, just look at two such perfect flowers working together to keep us from further danger. I shall take my momentary job as the keeper of your body's shape as-"/"No one is listening to you, Stupid-Brow.") Anyway, the doctor, chef, and All around medical advisor about the Going Gold ("you just called it the Merry! You can't change the name halfway through!")
Chopper as Roi-al "Silky Sweet" Cho-po: Mega Rich South West Prince, ProffesionL Philanthropist, Representative from the kingdom of Cherry-Cherry Realm, Backer of this whole project. He's also, um, an amazing Ambassador! For all the ports we visit!
Luffy: Background Model
Zoro: Helmsman/Body Guard to Miss Nami Gold (all you have to do is stand there looking intimidating in this suit... He's, just like that, perfect! Now just stand around and don't speak or do anything unless someone threatens my safety!) And obviously, the ship's main weapons expert.
Chopper: 🤩 Zoro you look so cool like that!
Usopp: I always knew you were scary, but this look is a whole other level!
Robin: Our Kenshi-san does look particularly good like this, doesn't he?
Luffy: Oye, Naaaami, why do I have to wear these boring clothes?
Nami: Boring!? You would say that after I'd taken the time to find you such a fashionable look.
Luffy: I wanna dress like Zoro! He looks badass!
Nami: *sigh* You know what?
Luffy: Model/Bodyguard
Nami: I mean as long as it keeps him from causing trouble....
Spoiler: It doesn't.
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[I know that Love-Love is often the translation of the Mero-Mero No Mi, but it also sounds like random ridiculous English that Sanji would use to name the crew on his turn, okay? Regardless of how this seems, this was actually Sanji's terrible choice, not mine.]
For the record, Sanji thinks Nami's plan was absolutely perfect and he loved it and it's not her fault that Luffy and that Marimo ruined the whole thing (and of course there is no way she could have ever known about that South Blue reporter who now lives on the island.) However, he has decided to take a different approach.
To help the women of this next island, however he can!
Usopp: He's just running around doing whatever they tell him –_–💧
Zoro: At least it keeps him out of the way.
Usopp: Hey, Sanji, you forgot to have us put your name anywhere!
His name and identity are unimportant, lost to the winds of time and love. The beauties of the Sea that they strive to help know him only as -
Chopper:💧💧 He's really serious, isn't he?
Usopp: Everyone else is getting a turn, I suppose it's only fair if we follow Sanji's plan while he's captain. 😅
Nami: 😮‍💨 He can't really expect women to call him that, can he?
Robin: *giggle*
Sorry to make you wait, Nami-swan! Robin-chwan! I'll be happy to tell the roles to two vice captain's of my very own heart!
Crew Breakdown:
Sanji: Captain of the Love-Love Pirates, a heroic, masked stranger who shows up at islands and strives to make the lives of the women there as perfect as possible. Followed by a crew of those who have taken vows to help women with their many great abilities (and also Marimo, since they wouldn't let Sanji kick him into the water.... What, he can swim. Water is a marimo's natural home, he'd be fine.) They will travel for miles at the faintest cry for help, will fight navy ships at a lady's command, will take on entire kingdoms rather than see a single tear fall from a women's ("Tch, ero-cook, we get it already. Just tell the rest of us what we're doing so we're not standing here all day!" / "So hungry..." / "So sleepy...." / "How long can he possibly go on like this?" / *Sigh* "We're definitely getting run off another island again...." / *Giggle*)
Nami: Vice-Captain, Navigation ("but Nami is always the navigator!" / "There, there Chopper...." / "Try to be understanding, Cook-san is trying his best for the crew." / "Mm, don't be sad. Sanji just doesn't understand how much fun some ladies have playing Pirate..." / "Hahaha, did he say Navigator!? That's obviously not what he meant because, err....")
Chopper: Navigator
Nami: Vice-Captain and Future-Guru: she helps all the girls out there unsure of what they will do in the future! Whether it be about money, career, or style as they grow! Nami-swan -
Err, Beautiful Future-Swan can figure it all out!
Robin: Vice-Captain / Doctor ("obviously she's the only one left who is intelligent enough to be-" / "Oh, I think I'd much rather be the swordsman, this time around." / "What!? But I mean of course Robin-chwan, you'll be the most beautiful masked swords woman the world has ever known!" / "How do they know her if she's wearing a mask though? 😓" / "It doesn't make much sense. 😅") Beautiful Mask Swordswoman / Love-Guru: No matter how complex the maze that runs through your heart, Beautiful Love can cut straight through to where your prince is waiting on the other side!
Usopp: Ship Doctor / Cupid. That's right, Cupid goes around delivering wonderful gifts for any girl who is lonely or depressed or simply needs a chocolate surprise! For miles off he can spot sign of the slightest blue heart and fires these delectably wrapped bundles of perfectly made chocolate and strawberry tarts to the lady to brighten her day!
Chopper: Navigator / Love Tanuki ("What!?!?!?") He is Love's Lucky Charm! Whatever ales your heart, the Love Tanuki can heal with one sip of his magic potions! ("Chopper, listen. We may be playing pirates, but any woman on that island who needs a doctor, only you can really help you. Do you understand?" / "Mm! *Serious face* You can count on me, captain!")
Luffy: Helmsman (Chopper can't be expected to steer you guys...) / Love Angel: where ever the girl needs to be, Love Angel can take her in a snap!
Zoro: ..... ("I can think of one position that hasn't been filled." / "I have been wondering what we'll do after a long day using up all this energy helping these girls. I'll probably be starving, what about you Robin?" / "Indeed, Navigator-san, after such work they will likely all want nothing more than to come home to a warm meal! But surely Cook-kun will be in town with them all day, helping out with all these poor girls in need of a hero." / "Well, seeing as he hasn't assigned anyone else to be the cook, I guess Sanji-kun won't actually be saving any of the ladies himself." / FINE!) ... Grr... Cook. Marimo can be the cook.
He better not make the two ladies sick with his disgusting grilled fish!
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[If you're wondering, Robin let Chopper and Luffy help with drawing the new Jolly Roger, though obviously since she has twice as many hands the majority of it was done by Robin. Oh, the design? No, that was 100% her.]
If she may, Robin would be quite happy to try her hand at captaining.
Zoro: Oy, you know this isn't a game, right? We're trying to get away from these islands without anymore of the ship being blown off....
So serious, Kenshi-san. Of course, Robin has given a lot of thought over the passed nine days to their situation.
Nami: See, Zoro!? I can't believe you're still so cynical about her after everything we've been through. (Besides, her plan can't possibly be worse than Sanji-kun's.....)
Chopper: Mhmm! If Robin says she has a plan to help get us out of here then we should listen! She'll definitely know what to do! (Unlike Sanji....)
Usopp: We should at least give her a chance, Zoro. Robin is super smart (and way smarter than Sanji) so I'm sure she's thought up something great!
Luffy: Plus, there's no way she'll screw up like Sanji did!!!
Sanji: *from the infirmary* We have to go back 💕💕💕 My heart can't take being away from my beloved!
Group: *sigh*
Robin is very grateful for all the faith this crew has placed in her. 😇
Now, they should all start changing into the costumes she's prepared for them....
Crew Registrar for The Last Psychopomp:
Rusalka "The Raven" Raven (Robin): Captain
The Captain of the Pirates of the Shinigami, who has been out sailing the sea for over twenty years in search of the soul of her lost lovers after they were torn from her arms and swept away by a freak hurricane (likely having drowned in the storm, only after hours of having their body tossed around, beaten by the fierce winds to near unconsciousness, though still calling her name through the howling tempest before being dragged beneath the waves and slowly suffocated at last).
Kallippos "Quick-Shot" Shishi (Chopper): Vice Captain, Sharpshooter
Vice-Captain of The Last Psychopomp and the best quick fire in the four blues. He's now come to test himself on the Grand Line, and to make new friends for Minklandia, his home back in East Blue. It's a small, beautiful tropical island filled with Fairy-People like Shishi. He left after promising their president (who is a dachshund whose desk is a giant wicker basket and who always wags his tail when he talks to good boys like Shishi) to make as many new friends for their island as possible!
Princess Victoria of Troimazon: Swordman, Wild Animal Whisperer, Witch Doctor
Born to a royal family, Princess Victoria was only three years old when her father and mother were brutally drawn and quartered before their body parts were displayed to the whole kingdom after their corruption drove the island to starvation and ruin. That might, to spare her from the rioters, her nursemaid dropped her down to the river, where Princess Victoria was saved by a mermaid farmer who brought her home and raised her as her own child. She has been attempting to make amends for her parents sins ever since, learning all the traits a good leader must know such as defense and healing. She hopes to one day return to her land and fulfill all her duties as the princess of Troimazon such as feeding her people, protecting them from evil pirates, keeping their treaty and marrying into the Alabaster Family, and freeing those who have been imprisoned during her exile.
Magellan "Wave-Rider" Clouds (Sanji): Helmsman, Muscian
Born in the North Artic, MagClouds spent his entire life sailing the rough Northern Seas in just a small, handcrafted rowboat. At 12 years old, he was throwing his spear towards a fish when it got caught in the fin of a giant singing whale. The whale pulled him along for miles and miles, and MagClouds could have let you of the rope at any time, but he chose to hold on, wanting to remove the spear from the whale's fin. When the whale finally stopped and he was able to remove the weapon it taught him a song, and whenever MegClouds needs the currents to change, he sings this song to summon the powers of the whale and change the ocean currents. Unfortunately, the whale then left him stranded in the calm Belt, unaware of the boy's plight. He stayed out there for nine days before a marine ship passed and took him on. There he meant the kindly, handsome young lieutenant Greenwood Apollo and his evil scientist father, Blackwood Danse. While Blackwood would spend many years forcing the ever grateful MegClouds to do his bidding, it was Apollo-san who saved his spirits and kept him from simply giving into the darkness of his current situation. It was only when the other boy was assigned to the New World that MegClouds finally abandoned his past savior, setting out to follow Apollo-san to the end of the world.
(Robin will keep some of her notes to herself)
Monster Cookie (Luffy): Cook
Their much loved cook, the boy once ate a strange fruit which allows him to take the nutrition he takes in from food and growing his muscles and limbs at super fast speeds! Thus, his name has long been forgotten the world over as he is only known as the Monster Cook. However, the truth is that their Cookie is a sweet and kind boy who always looks out for others, protecting his friends and anyone else in need. He does have to eat an extraordinary amount to use his powers, though, and so he spends most of his time locked away alone in the kitchen!
Kyoyūshi "Sniper Of The Giants" Usopp: Navigator, Pirate Captain, Prisoner
You may have heard of this unimaginably horrible man. He is a legend around the world, after all, and a known slayer of giants ("That's not what that name means!") The crew had the misfortune of running into him only a few nights ago, and while he was alone - nearby Islanders had killed and ate the others of his crew in a cannibalistic sacrifice - he still managed to dispose of most of those journeying along The Last Psychopomp. This includes their dear, sweet navigator, a young girl of only 14.... ("Robin.... Why???" 😮‍💨💧💧) Since then they have been forcing him to act as their navigator until they can find their way back to familiar territory, at which point they will do the honorable thing and slice each of his ("okay okay! Just move on to Zoro!")
The Man Of A Million Faces (Zoro): Preformer
Zoro: ....
Robin: *smiles*
Zoro: ....
Robin: *smiles*
Robin: I believe with such a colorful and terrifying crew it may be necessary for us to offer the locals some kind of entertainment.
Zoro: *sneer* And what do you want me to do about it?
Robin: I'm sure they'll find something about you to enjoy, Kenshi-san.
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jade-parcels · 3 years
Gift giving pt.2
With Zhongli, Diluc and Venti
Zhongli ‘doesn’t have money’ but that doesn’t mean he can’t buy you things! He has Childe, his walking wallet, and Hu Tao who pays him at work! So he’ll learn to save up (or just borrow from Childe) in order to buy meaningful gifts for you
He doesn’t really give gifts often. He thinks if he spoils you too much, the object he gives you won’t be as meaningful :( so he gives you very expensive things on special occasions or when he’s feeling particularly sappy
For your birthday, he’ll really go all out. You’ll wake up to plenty of decorations and fancy boxes to open! He doesn’t celebrate his own birthday but he knows yours is special to you!
However he does see more sentimental value in making memories together. That what Zhongli aims to do :) you’ll go on plenty of dates together where money isn’t a problem. He’ll take you to historical landmarks and pretty sight seeing locations with the intention of making memories together that the two of you can cherish :’) that means more to him than any ‘thing’ can!
When you give him gifts though, he’s always appreciative! You went through the trouble of finding/making something for him? It’s going to be displayed in his home somewhere!
“...So this mask’s origins are fairly important to the history of Liyue’s branch of the Adventurer’s Guild. Without that anonymous hero, those adventurers would have surely perished. And this is a seashell from my love’s latest commission trip. If you look closely, you can see a pattern that somewhat resembles a cat. I am quite fond of it”
He’ll hold on to anything you give him and cherish the moment. He can point to every object you’ve ever given him and he can tell you exactly what happened that day “Ah, yes. You gave me this belt buckle in Qingce village. You stole it off of a treasure hoarder after beating him to a pulp. I must say, I think I fell for you even harder that day, love” see?? He’s such a sap :’)
Diluc has plenty of mora to spend since he owns the winery and his tavern. He’ll want to spoil you so much, he has a hard time controlling his spending when it comes to you
Renovations on the winery are pricey...He’ll have to look at the budget and consider it. But he’s happy to blow hundreds of mora on you just for fun! Oh man...someone manage his finances
His favorite thing to get you is clothes! You’re so beautiful, he just wants you to wear the best of the best! Not to mention, he always feels a little proud when you wear the clothes he buys you cause hey! He did a good job picking that out! That cloak looks stunning on you- uh oh he’s gotta stop staring- Kaeya catches him staring at you constantly and is always quick to point it out
He’ll treasure anything you give him :) but the most valuable thing you can give him is your time. This man is so touch starved, he just wants to spend time with you. He loves laying on the sofa with you in front of the fire and falling asleep there with you in his arms. Waking up in the morning is always rough since you’re both stiff and your limbs are asleep but man oh man, the absolute bliss of getting to wake up beside you in the morning is enough for him :’)
^ eating breakfast in bed is another thing that will make this man melt, especially if you made it! He’ll be a blushing mess “You didn’t have to go through the trouble of cooking so early in the morning, honey” he’ll gesture for you to get back in bed with him so you can share your meal under the warm covers together
He’s very easy to please, you really never have to spend a cent on him :) but he’ll insist on spending thousands of dollars on you no matter what lol
Venti also has very little mora so his gifts to you will usually be songs or picnics on hilltops!
He loves gathering little snacks for the two of you. He picks fresh apples, buys chicken skewers and other things to snack on while enjoying the weather, the breeze in your hair! These little picnic dates will almost always be random yet still happen just when you need to get away from everything :) he’s attentive like that
He’s a free spirit so he travels around Mondstadt a lot and just Teyvat in general so when he comes home, he’s got all kinds of stuff to give you! Snacks, trinkets, articles of clothing! Everything has an elaborate story which he’ll tell in great dramatic detail
If you drink, get ready to drink even more. This man will buy twice as much wine as he usually would when you’re planning on joining him. A little something you both can partake in! And you’ll only be a bit embarrassed the next morning when the two of you wake up on the back steps of the Angel’s Share :|
He’s always happy to sing to you :) whatever song you want, he’ll play it!
Venti isn’t the best at accepting gifts, sometimes he gets over excited or he’s so enamored with the gift that he goes quiet for minute or so :0 he loves it!! Give him a second to process! Lol
He’d love it if you made or got him little accessories to hang off of his belt or hat! Pins and pendants really add to his look! And they add to the jingling sounds his other accessories make when he walks! Those are gifts that can come with him everywhere and they’ll most likely never get lost since they’re secured to him! If anyone asks about what’s on his belt he’ll totally brag about you! “See this? It’s a tiny, gold lyre on a chain! My love commissioned it from a local artist! Isn’t it cute? Yeah I think so too! Allow me to sing a tune about love and adoration~”
He’s easy to please too :) he just loves ya :)
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mimisempai · 2 years
Just like that
Sam has had a rough day and is looking forward to being home with Bucky...just like that.
Some domestic fluff just because…
On AO3
Rating G - 754 words
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It had been a long day. 
From meeting to meeting, listening to politically correct speeches but without any real action, Sam was exhausted.
It was one of those days when he felt like he had accomplished nothing.
And all he wanted was to finally be home.
When he got out of his car, the mere sight of the lighted windows gave him a sense of relief.
As soon as he walked through the door of the house, he kicked off his shoes, put his things in the doorway and started to untie that damn tie.
As he sighed to relieve the pressure, a pleasant smell reached his nostrils and as his stomach remembered him, he noticed that the petit fours and snacks were really not enough.
He headed for the kitchen and stopped in the doorway, smiling at the sight in front of him.
Bucky was preparing the meal under the watchful eye of Alpine, who was following his every move, probably hoping to pick up some reward.
Seeing Sam, the cat meowed and jumped up from the kitchen counter to go towards him.
Sam bent down to scratch her head when she stopped next to him as Bucky exclaimed as he turned around, "You're finally home!"
Sam stepped forward and simply dropped his forehead on Bucky's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around him, laughing.
"Hey Doll...tough day huh?" he gently kissed the top of Sam's head.
Sam breathed, "You have no idea." then wrapped his arms around Bucky's waist as well.
"That's what I thought when I didn't see you come home as planned, that's why I cooked us something more elaborate and..."
He was interrupted by a growl from Sam's stomach and continued with a chuckle, "And more importantly, more substantial."
Sam looked up, "That smells great."
They stayed like that for another two minutes and then Bucky tried to move back as Sam held on to him and said softly, "Love, if you want to be able to eat, you're going to have to let go of me so I can continue."
Sam stepped back and let go of Bucky obviously with reluctance.
Bucky turned around to the pot on the fire and as he began to stir, he felt two arms wrap around his waist and Sam's chin rest on his shoulder. 
Bucky laughed softly but didn't try to shake Sam off.
Honestly, even though Sam was not stingy with kisses and caresses, there was something endearing about him being so clingy.
So bucky continued to move around the kitchen without dislodging the octopus that had taken up residence against him.
Once finished, he turned off the fire under the pan, then turning around in Sam's arms, he kissed his forehead.
"Do you think you'll be able to let go of me to eat?"
Still reluctantly, Sam let go of him and went to sit at the table where Bucly brought two steaming plates.
They began to eat in silence, they would have time to tell each other about their day later. 
After a moment, Sam's hand slipped across the table and grabbed Bucky's hand that was resting next to his plate.
He brought it to his lips, kissed it and then said softly, "Thank you..."
Bucky looked confused and asked, "Thank you for what?"
"For this." 
Sam pointed to their plates with a wide gesture.
Bucky frowned, "Well that's normal right?"
Sam nodded, "That's just it... it's normal. Thanks for giving me that."
Bucky didn't lose his puzzled look so Sam clarified, "My life outside of here is pretty hectic if not chaotic, and even if it isn't the case for you right now, who knows what tomorrow is made of. But when I walk through the doors of our house, I can leave it all out there. Just because you're here and doing this kind of normal... stuff as you say."
Bucky, clearly embarrassed, nodded and grumbled, "Eat, or it will get cold."
Sam grabbed his fork but didn't miss the slight flush on Bucky's upper cheeks.
"Hm?" Bucky lifted his head and Sam leaned toward him brushing a light stroke of his tongue over the corner of his mouth.
"What's that for?" 
Sam took on an innocent look and replied, "You had a little sauce there."
Bucky knew a lie when he saw one and gave Sam a falsely scolding look as he pointed at him, "You cheeky bastard!"
Sam laughed and Bucky quickly joined his laughter with his own. 
Yes, he was home.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Sambucky masterlist here
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sukorakurai · 3 years
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@snarkyship is a true genius. I commission this Stark Family Portrait and I couldn’t be happier. I wrote a little fic to accompany this fabulous Picture. hope you all enjoy.
Stark Family Picture Day
 By Sukora Kurai
  Tony sighed over the counter in the communal kitchen. He had been there since dawn when he asked Jarvis what day it was. Then his trusty AI informed him of an importance of this month. Now he was stuck with what to do now.
 “Hey Tony what’s got you down?”
 “Hey Capsicle, I’m doomed.”
 “Oh come on Tony, it can’t be that bad you are an Avenger.” Steve smiled as he got out food to make omelets for the Team, and greeted the in coming members. “Morning Nat, morning Bruce.”
 “Morning Steve, what’s wrong with Tony?” Bruce greeted heading to the stove to put the kettle on for his morning tea.
 “Not sure I found him like this.” Steve stated cracking some eggs into a bowl.
 “His and Loki’s anniversary is this month and he has no idea what to get him.” Nat answered pouring a large mug of coffee.
 Tony shot up in his seat and stared slack jawed. “How could you possibly know that?”
 “It’s my job as a shield Agent and Pepper’s PA to keep tabs on you. So it is well documented when you clumsily asked Loki to be your boyfriend during the Lord of the Rings Marathon where you bought out the AMC Theater for the day.” The Spy shrugged ignoring the fact that all her team mates stared at her in horror. All were now wondering what she had on them in those SHIELD files.
 “So Tony, you have and anniversary coming up? Have you though about what Loki might like?” Steve coughed drawing the conversation back to the main topic.
 “No, I don’t. What does one give a god especially one that has magic and can make anything appear out of thin air?” Tony waved his arms in frustration.
 “That is a tough one but I’m sure anything you get him will be fine. Loki loves you Tony.” Bruce tried to be supportive.
 “I hope you will be putting more thought into the gift you give me next month for our anniversary.” Nat gave the Gamma Doctor a pointed before wandering out of the room to start her routine before heading out to work.
 “Ha, I’m not the only one in hot water now!” Tony crowed at the look of devastation in his science-bro’s face.
 “Tony, knock it off. Now in my day it was the thought that counted most. You should find what Loki cherishes the most. You find that then you can present to him in a meaningful way. It’s true he’s a prince and probably has had his other lovers throw jewels and meaningless expensive trinkets at him to win his affections. You know Loki better because you love him and he loves you.” Steve pointed out.
 “Yeah, Lokes complains a lot about his life in Asgard and that there were many who wooed him just to get to Thor. At night when it’s just the two of us and RC snuggled between us he sighs soft and says what a perfect night it is. He never elaborates but I think it means that he likes just the quiet nights with us.” The genius eyes went glazed as he recalled the many nights he cuddled with his god. Then the idea hit him. “Hey Spangles, can you paint or do you just draw?”
 “Huh,” Steve was caught off guard and almost dropped the omelet he was flipping. “I paint from time to time.”
 “Don’t lie babe you are in your studio whenever can get the chance.” Bucky laughed entering the kitchen. “All the paintings in our apartment Stevie did.”
 “Great! Can you do a portrait if I get you a picture?” Tony asked digging in to the ham and cheese omelet.
 “Yeah, it might take two weeks maybe less depends on if we get called out or if SHIELD needs me.” The captain estimated placing another plate in front of his boyfriend.
 “As long as it’s done before the end of the month we’re good.  Jarvis start looking through my photos and pull out any possible portraits.”
 “Yes, sir.”
 “Delicious breakfast as usual Capsicle. I’ll get you the photo as soon as I find one.” Tony dumped his empty plate in sink and ran off to his lab.
 Two hours later…
 “None of these are good enough J.”
 “Sir, might I suggest you take a new photo of you and Prince Loki.”
 “Yeah and RC too, because she’s our baby. We can’t have a Family Portrait without all the family members. Where’s are RC now?”
 “She is currently with Alpine in his play room.”
 “Cool, I think I got the perfect outfit in mind.” Tony grinned as he ran to his emergency closet in the lab. Tony had put in the closet when he realized he destroyed a lot of his clothes during his inventing and building phases. Also there was a suit or two for the days he forgot he was supposed to be in a meeting and had to make a rush to the board room.
  In the penthouse…
  It had been a quiet morning with no call outs, no calls to Asgard and no need to go anywhere. Loki decided to enjoy the peace and quite lounging in his soft Asgardian casual clothes on the couch reading his mother’s spell journal.
 “Hey there, Bambi! It’s Picture Day!”
 “Anthony, what are you on about?” The prince looked up from his book to see his lover carrying their cat into the living room.
 “Well Picture Day refers to the day school kids take pictures for the yearbook and photos are bought for family distribution. Anyways I want to have a family picture that was honest. I never had that growing up because Howard was an asshole and Maria, my mother, was frail. She loved me but she couldn’t express it because she was always ill. Now we have our own little family and I want a picture to put in the lab.”
 “You want to take this picture now? Anthony, I look a mess and how did you get the bow on the cat?”
 “Aww, you look gorgeous, love, as always. Anyways, I put a bow on our baby because RC loves to look pretty for her daddies. Don’t you sweetie.” Tony scratched under the kitty’s chin as they sat on couch next to the god.
 “Mew,” RC purred.
 “Fine, you win, where would you like to take the picture? Also what are you wearing? I don’t believe I’ve seen that outfit before, and what is on your feet?” Loki set his book aside and took in his lover’s appearance.
 “Oh you like? I dressed in red and gold to match my shoes. I had these shoes made based on my Iron Man suit. I thought maybe putting them on the market for kids but I liked them too much to share. So I have a life time supply in the lab. If you want I can have a pair made for you.”
 “No thank you. They clash with my outfit. Now let’s take your picture.” Loki said taking the cat in his arms.
 “Okay, okay. Let me get out my phone.” Tony fished his Stark Phone out of his back pocket and held it out to make them all fit in the frame. “Okay say cheese!”
 “Okay let’s see how that one turned out.” Tony looked at the photo to see him smiling a black blur and a bland look on Loki’s face. “Nope we got try again. This time smile Loki and RC you need to stay still so we can see you.”
 And it went picture by picture they have yet to take a family portrait.
 “Shit I only got half your face.”
 “Anthony your thumb is on the lens.”
 “RC Stay still!”
 “Achoo! Ow! I dropped on my foot!”
 “Do not eat my hair you Retched Creature!”
 “Okay I set it up on a tripod. Now say cheese.”
 “CHEESE BROTHER!” Thor popped up between the two men who stared at shock at the blond god.
 “Next!” Tony rolled his eyes as Loki vanished his brother to where ever. Tony didn’t ask where the Loki sent Thunder god. He rather liked staying in the tower and wanted to keep it that way.
 “No RC! Don’t chase the bunny!”
 Three Hours Later…
 “Okay, this is it I can feel it. Now Jarvis is going to take the picture the bunnies are secure in their room. The penthouse is locked down, so no unexpected guest and RC is filled of milk to keep her calm and relaxed. And I promise after we get this picture I will have Jarvis order you favorite meal from the Thai Palace down the street and I’ll rub your feet, while we watch you favorite Harry Potter movies.”
 “Oh Anthony you spoil me. I love you.” Loki sighed as a soft smile graced his face and he leaned into his lover as Tony joined their hands together. RC who was seated now on the god’s shoulder leaned in and purred soaking up the love of her people. The genius couldn’t be happier in that moment as he had his to precious family members with him and the grin on his face was wide and bright.
 Two Weeks Later…
 “Sir Prince Loki and Mr. Odinson have returned from Asgard.”
 “Great, I got everything ready. Tell Loki that I have dinner ready and waiting.”
 “Yes, sir.” Tony had the table set with Loki’s Favorite food from the five star steak house, they go to. He paid extra to have the chef come over and cook for their anniversary.
 “Thank you, Jarvis. Evening Anthony, never in my life had been so glad to leave Asgard. He talked for hours at the council over stagnant topics. What’s all this?”
 “Well my hard working God of Mischief, today is our one year Anniversary and I have planned the perfect evening. Dinner, a bath and I installed a movie screen in our bathroom so we can enjoy the movie of your choice during the bath and then I plan on us making love until dawn.” Tony pulled Loki over to the dinner table, watching as the god’s magic removed the armor and replaced it with comfortable Asgardian wear.
 “You lovely little man, you spoil me so; I don’t deserve it or you.” The Raven pulled the billionaire into his arms and planting kisses all over the man’s face.
 “Yes you do, because I love you and I got you something, well I got Cap to make it, but it was my idea.”
 “You didn’t have to, dinner is more than enough.”
 “No, I wanted to. Now close your eyes and I’ll get your present.” As Loki closed his eyes Tony ran out of the room and grabbed the portrait from where he hid it. He placed it on the wall then Jarvis turned on the lights illuminating the painting. “Okay open them.”
 “Oh Anthony! It’s wonderful.” Loki’s eyes became all misty seeing their little family together and there was so much love radiating from painting. “It’s perfect.”
 “Happy Anniversary Reindeer Games.”
 “Happy Anniversary, my Man of Iron.” Loki whispered pulling Tony in to the sweetest kiss they ever shared. They didn’t hear the click sound of Jarvis capturing the moment with the sunset background. Another memory to save for another day.
 The End.
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
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Kinktober 2020 — under the table
A/N: omg it has been half a year since I last wrote any ghost!shinsou this is why I should never do series- but anyways here is out first fic for kinktober, kicking it off with the return of ghost boyfriend!^^
Warning: oral (receiving), fingering
Word count: 2641
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What kind of street do ghosts prefer to live on?
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Shinsou sat on the kitchen counter crossed leg as you paced around the room, mumbling to yourself as you checked off everything that was laid out.
“Remind me, why are you suddenly in need of learning how to cook again?" 
You turned around with a sigh, shoving your hands into the pockets of your apron. (The purple apron with cats printed all over it was Shinsou’s, he had spent hours looking for it when you suddenly came to him saying that you needed to learn how to cook a decent proper meal within a week.)
It all started when you got a message from your mom one Sunday afternoon. You were sitting cross legged on the living room floor, all the old records left in the house by one of its previous owners sprawled out all around you. You had decided that it was not ok to just stack all of them up in the corner and pulled your ghost boyfriend to sort everything out so you could store them properly. He had protested but got shut down when you made the very valid argument that he literally didn’t have anything else better to do, to which he claimed that you were abusing his status as a ghost to get him to provide labour. 
You were still trying to explain to him why arranging everything by alphabetical order was a better way of sorting than doing it by genre when your passionate rambling was disrupted by a ping from your phone. Shinsou watched as you picked it up with a smile, then freezing in place when you read the message, and your eyes going from dead to contemplating to panicking in a matter of seconds.
He shifted to sit closer to you when you put your phone onto the ground, your eyes as wide as saucers while staring blankly ahead.
“Is everything ok?” he asked, giving you a light tap on your forearm.
You blinked, before opening your mouth slowly, “Can you teach me how to cook?”
Fast forward a few days ahead and there he was, pondering how long it had been since he last tried to cook anything. Shinsou was not a master chef by all means, but in the short period of time when he was alive and actually needed food to survive, he had trained himself to be somewhat of a decent cook in order to save money from buying takeout. He never really thought much about it but now that he watched you struggle to chop up an onion with oddly placed hands and slicing down cutting only the thinnest slice at a time, he realised that he had never seen you cook something more elaborate than sunny-side up on instant noodles since you moved into the house he haunted.
“You can always order take out and then transfer them onto your own plates or something,” he leaned to the side, his brows locked together at how clumsy you were, “I’m sure your parents won’t notice.”
You turned around with an exasperated sigh and he immediately reached out to warn you from waving the knife around, “Yes but this is the first time they’ll come over and I want to show that I, you know, have my shit together!”
“If you keep swinging that thing around then you won’t even have all five fingers together,” he clicked his tongue, hopping off the kitchen counter when you flashed him a sheepish smile as you slowly put the knife down. He walked over, blinking a few times at the poor onion that looked like it just suffered from a failed beheading. He sighed pitifully, and you happily handed him the blade when he extended his hand to you. 
“Here, I’ll show you how it’s done,” his fingers were arched up against the vegetable as he skillfully sliced them up, “did you microwave the potatoes as I told you to?”
“Yeah, I put them in there directly.”
He paused, “Didn’t you put the dices into a metal bowl?”
You tiled your head, not understanding why he would bring that up. “Yeah?”
"...metals will explode in the microwave.”
“Oh fuck-”
You solved the issue of your hopelessness in the kitchen by not going in at all. 
Shinsou took up the task of cooking on the night your parents would be visiting after witnessing you almost burning yourself on the stove from boiling water. Humans could be such fragile creatures sometimes, he thought to himself as he picked the pot up from the fire with his bare hands, feeling not even a tickle on his deadly cold skin. 
He still thought that you were being way too dramatic with the way you checked the table every time you passed by and adjusting the utensils on top even though the difference would not be noticed by anyone that wasn’t you. 
But still, when he saw you getting yourself into near death situations from the smallest of tasks, he decided that if he couldn’t get you to give up your plan of serving up a homemade supper then he would take the matter into his own hands. 
Your mortality was far more important over his cynicism and the last thing he wanted was to chain you down in this house with him for a cause as dumb as you accidentally blowing the kitchen up.
“Kitten,” he sighed as he put down the salad bowl in the center of the table, holding onto your fidgeting hands, “you are starting to make me nervous and they can’t even see me.” 
You paused, and he felt the dread building up in his chest when he realised that he had said the wrong thing as your eyes widened. “Oh god, what if they can see you too? How should I explain to them that I’m living with someone? I-”
Your rambling was interrupted a ring of the bell that echoed through the house. You sucked in a deep breath, squeezing his hand tight as if you could calm yourself down with the coldness of his skin.
“Should I hide?” he asked when you got to the door.
You ran your hand down your face, your knuckles popping out as you gripped onto the metal doorknob. “They can’t see you, right?”
Shinsou felt a strange stir in his chest when he saw the dramatic change in expression on your face the moment the door was opened. Shivers crept up on him when your parents looked around the house, their gaze going directly past him even though he was standing right next to you. He sighed. He had gotten so used to you that he had instinctively expected to be noticed when most people would not even pick up on his existence at all. 
“Who were you talking to just then?”
“What?” you let out a forced chuckle, hoping that the panic that flashed through your eyes would not be recognisable, “No, no one. It’s just me.”
He was left at the side as you showed your guests to the dining room, walking straight past him. He stood there as the familiar feeling of being invisible caught up to him like a wave. 
Would you have introduced him to your parents had he been alive?
It wasn’t often that he thought of the possibilities had he stayed alive. In fact, he truly did think he had reached the point where he was content with the situation he was stuck in. There were lonely times, times when he was very much so here but didn’t feel like it as the world past him by, leaving him as nothing but a fragment in the past that was sealed within these walls. But then you showed up, and then suddenly he had company. Someone to hold at night, someone to laugh with, someone who would correct him when he did the wrong steps while clumsily following dance tracks. Everything seemed to be great, even though he still had limits to be bound to.
“This is amazing,” an unexplained irritation welled up in his chest at the surprised gasp of your mother reached his ear. “did you really make this yourself?”
“Of course, I’ve been learning how to cook since I moved out!”
It was always odd to watch a family interact from the point of view of a complete stranger. He could see everything more clearly but also knew nothing about the dynamic or the nuance behind each word. He thought of his own family for the first time in years as he watched you smiled cordially at the table.
He wondered what they would think about you too.
Perhaps he had underestimated how much years of loneliness had affected him, or he just wasn’t keen on being reminded that no matter how real this all was, you two were still very much so on the different side of life and death, and the sudden emptiness was suffocating him. 
It was like you had forgotten that he was still there too, and he wasn’t happy about it.
You sat at the table, pushing the food on your plate around as you eyed your parent’s reaction nervously. They seemed to be enjoying it, giving “your cooking" compliment after compliment. You would have to really reward Shinsou for his help later on, you thought to yourself as the knots in your stomach slowly loosened up.
Where was he now? Did he really hide up? You tried to glance around as subtly as you could manage, seeing if you could catch a glimpse of violet hair poking out from the corners.
You dropped your knife when you felt something cold touching your calf. 
“Is something wrong?” 
“No, everything is fine,” you forced out a smile but inside you were panicking. What the fuck? What was he doing under there?
You nearly couldn’t hold in the gasp you were about to let out when his head slid up from your calf to your knees, pushing them apart. Your hand instinctively gripped onto the edge of the tabletop, not able to move away in fear that your parents who were sitting right opposite to you would pick up on the way your jaw was clenched.
You had no way of ignoring his touch as he gripped onto your thighs. His ice cold fingers sent shivers down your spine as he danced them across your warm skin, each tap and each stroke of his fingertip along the root of your leg had you sitting straighter and straighter against the back of your chair.
“So, what have you been up to lately?”
“Oh, nothing much-” you coughed when his finger brushed past your clothed slit. You tried to close your legs shut but you were stuck with him being right in between. Your breath hitched when your panties were peeled off, your now bare cunt clenched around nothing reflectively when the layer of fabric was suddenly gone.
You felt terribly vulnerable with your legs being pushed back and for a split second, you were hyper aware of even the tiniest twitch of your muscles. Your parents didn’t seem to notice that you were sitting awfully stiff in your seat, your legs feeling like they were about to cramp up with how hard you were trying to close them up.
“Mm-” you bit down on your lips when he licked a long strip up from the very bottom of your folds all the way up to your hooded clit, his tongue pulling away with a flick against the small bud.
“Did you just say something?”
“Oh no, you must have misheard,” the muscles around your face was twitching as you tried to remain a neutral expression as he continued to alternate between swirling and pressing down on your clit with the tip of his tongue.
Fuck him for knowing your body so well.
Your legs were shaking under the jolts of electricity that shot up from your core all the way up to the back of your neck. He seemed to only get more vigorous with his licks and sucks, lapping up on the wetness that was starting to seep out of you. Your toes curled and uncurled, gripping onto the floor to your desperation as his cold breath fanned across your sopping pussy. Each drag of his tongue had you spasming, the lack of temperature on his lips numbing your senses as he dipped his tongue in with each flick. 
“Anybody you are seeing?”
All movements paused. His teeth graced past your clit tentatively, as if questioning what you were gonna do. You gulped, feeling the tip of your ears burned up.
You jolted forward when he placed a hard suck on your clit. Your parents eyed you with a confused stare and you gripped onto the glass on the table, bringing it to your trembling lips to take a sip. 
He slipped his tongue in, dragging it along your walls at a rough pace. The corner of your lips was twitching, dreading the fact that your parents seemed to take your choked answer as a sign that you were hiding something. You gritted through your teeth, trying hard to not let any of the moans that were threatening to slip out leaked.
You could hear the slurping, like he had done a sloppy job concealing each pop and lap on purpose. It was like the two of you were in your own world, and the other people were intruders sitting there with a veil separating the two of you. He paid close attention to the way you reacted to each touch, the muscle of your legs flexing under his hand as the heaving of your chest got heavier and heavier.
You could almost feel blood on your lips from how hard you were biting down when he slipped his fingers in, matching the rhythm of his tongue with the pumping of his digits. You brought your napkin to your lips, covering your parted mouth.
You nearly screamed into your napkin when he crooked his finger, the prodding of his joints inside of your spongey walls had your muscles clenching down. 
His mouth left your folds with a lingered lick before pulling his fingers out with a languish drag, his lips ghosted along your inner thigh until he was gone completely. No more touches on your skin, not even a puff of air anywhere near you. He was just gone, vanished into thin air with nothing but your fluttering folds and the mess between your legs to remind you that he had very much so been kneeling there and making you crumble down just moments earlier.
You gave a slight shake of your head when your parents once again questioned the way your face scrunched up, your hand shaking as you dropped the napkin down onto your lap.
Stupid fucking ghost and their disappearing acts.
“We had been worry about you when you said you want to move out but it seems like you are doing fine, perhaps we really worried too much...”
“I told you so,” you said as you opened the door.  Your smile was rigid on your face as you walked your parents to the door, trying very hard to ignore the dullness between your legs, “come back at any time!”
Your smile dropped the moment the door shut in front of your eyes. Turning around on your heels, Shinsou was right there, a lazy smile tugging on his face with no remorse.
He had his arms crossed, leaning all his weight on one leg in a posture that was not fitted for someone who nearly had you moaning out loud in front of your parents.
You grinned, and he felt goosebumps rising on his skin at how innocent and sweet the smile was.
“You’re sleeping in the guest room tonight.”
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A dead end
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moonlight-additions · 3 years
May 2021
The One Where Lisa Shows Up
“but since my friends are here, I just came back to kick it”
Elena’s Masterlist
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“You know, I still think that Nobu and Flash should have a play date one day.” Elena tried convincing Mia as they walked along the hallway together.
The two had originally just gone to the restroom, and ended up finding each other there. Elena saw this as a perfect moment to kill some time until recording and finally bring up something that had been on her mind for the longest, getting Nobu to meet Flash.
“Nobu is a cat! He won’t think of it as a play date, he’ll think of it as a 5 star feast.” Mia explained, refusing the idea immediately.
“Hey, Nobu is extremely friendly!” Elena argued back defending her tiny kitten. “He would never!” It was true to an extent, but the cat was extremely friendly. Something that the two cat parents took pride in really.
Mia tilted head to the side, looking at the taller girl with a raised eyebrow that just screamed disbelief.
“Okay, fine. Maybe he would take a few swings here and there, but he would never take a nibble!”
“Is that suppose to be reassuring?” Mia asked looking at the girl horrified at the idea of her tiny baby getting smacked around by a cat that was probably five times his size.
“Well you said you didn’t want him to be a meal. You never said anything about being a punching bag.” Elena joked with a teasing grin.
“Elena, give it up. Jisung said no and I’m definitely saying no.”
“Imagine it though, they could be a dynamic duo! When have you ever seen a guinea pig and a cat together?” Elena attempted swaying the girl into agreeing on the idea. “Plus you’ve met his parents before. You like us, right? How could you not trust him?”
Mia let out a loud giggle as she looked at Elena expectantly. “Thats exactly why I’m even more concerned.”
“Okay, fair point.” Elena nodded along to her statement. “He’s a sweetheart though, you’ll love him! Just meet him one day and then you can decide whether you’re comfortable with Flash meeting him.”
Mia sighed stopping in her tracks to face the other girl. “Why do I get the feeling you’re not going to drop this?”
“Because I’m not.” Elena grinned ecstatically. “How do you think Nobu met Leon, Louis and Bella?”
“You’re really making Nobu a social butterfly.” Mia added upon hearing the three new names of what she assumed to be some of her friends’ pets .
“Well he has to look after someone.” She said as she brushed her hair off her shoulder smoothly with a wink in Mia’s direction. “Plus I don’t want him to have social anxiety around other people and animals.” She elaborated as she felt her phone vibrate in her hand, signifying a new notification.
When she looked down at her screen the phone unlocked revealing a new message from Yunhyeong. She figured it had to be important if he was texting her before the shooting began, so she quickly clicked on the notification which led her to their text conversation history.
Can you come to our dressing room right now?
The girl furrowed her eyebrows at the message but nonetheless sent back a response telling him she was on her way with Mia. Locking her phone she looked up at the girl beside her. “How much time do you have left until you need to go back or they send out a search party for you?”
“Well, considering we’ve filmed here before and I can’t get lost, I would say I have a lot of time.”
“Great!” Elena grinned linking her arm with Mia’s. “We’re going to make a little pit stop before heading back to our groups.”
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Elena poked her head in with a grin on her face. “Did you call for your favorite hoobaes to give a little preview of your performance?”
“Why would I have called you then?” Yunhyeong teased as he looked at her with a devious grin on his face.
“I’m not hearing a no.”
“I’m not hearing a yes either.” Bobby joined in with a loud laugh at the girl’s persistence.
Jinhwan looked at her with a big smile as he nodded his head. “You two can come inside.”
“Oh right, thank you.” Elena smiled as she pulled Mia inside the room with her. “You all know Mia, right?”
“Yeah, from Stray Kids!” Bobby smiled looking at the short girl. “You’ve done a great job by the way.”
“Thank you.” Mía smiled bowing to him which made him quickly bow back a bit flustered.
“Ah, there’s no need to bow.” He spoke with a big smile on his face. “We can all be casual here.” He added as the rest of the guys all nodded their heads agreeing with what he said.
Yunhyeong them spoke up again from his spot. “So I heard that you’re a pretty big fan of BLACKPINK.”
Elena grinned happily looking at the older boy. “Looking up information about me oppa?”
“See this is why you lost your place as my favorite.”
“So I was your favorite at some point?” Elena quickly elaborated with a joking wink making everyone in the room burst into laughter.
“No!” Yunhyeong shouted out although he couldn’t even contain the smile from appearing on his face at the situation.
“Well if you’re not Yunhyeong oppa’s favorite you can be mine.” She heard a feminine voice speak up.
“Aw, thank you Mia!” Elena spoke as she turned to Mia with a flattered smile only to see her looking back at her with wide eyes.
“That wasn’t me.”
“It wasn’t.” Elena questioned with furrowed eyebrows looking at her friend confused. Meanwhile the boys in the room all exchanged glances, enjoying the confusion on both of the girls faces.
“It was me.” The two girls heard from behind them.
Elena and Mia exchanged looks before finally turning around to come face to face with none other than Lisa.
“Oh my god, hi!” Elena smiled bowing deeply to the girl. “I’m a huge fan of yours.”
“Hello!” Mia bowed deeply at the same time as Elena. “I’m also a big fan!”
“Really?” Lisa asked as bowed back to the girls. “Thank you! I’ve actually seen some of your performances. You guys are great dancers.”
“It’s because they’re main dancers in their groups.” Chanwoo added into the conversation.
“Wow, so you guys really are that good then.” Lisa praised the two as they thanked her.
Elena then nodded along. “We are but so are you! Your dance films are all amazing and don’t even get me started on your visuals.”
“Hey, are you flirting?” Junhoe quickly intercepted laughing at the girl’s words. “Don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“That wasn’t even flirting.” Elena argued back with a small grin forming on her lips. “I’m just giving out compliments, he understands.”
“If you think my dance films are cool, why don’t you join me in one? We could make one with all of us since we are the main dancers.” Lisa asked the girls.
“That would actually be really interesting, especially if we think about how our styles differ from each others.” Mia added quickly going along with the idea.
“It would be! I would love to-” Elena began until she felt her phone vibrating with an incoming call. “Sorry, I need to take this.” Elena said as she quickly stepped away from the group and towards the door.
“Hello?” She answered when she was finally far enough from the group to get some privacy.
“Where are you?” Yunho questioned from the other side of the line. “The recording for the show is about to start.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a bit. I’m a little occupied-”
“Woah, woah, woah.” Yunho spoke and she was able to hear the other boys start joining in on making a scandalized ruckus in the background. “I just wanted to let you know so you can start making your way over here, I don’t want the details.”
“Yunho! You know-” At the sound of the door opening Elena lowered her phone away from her ear to look over.
“We’re about to start reco- Oh, there you are. You two need to go back to your respective rooms.” A staff spoke up as he opened the door wider for the two girls to exit out of the room.
“Okay.” Elena nodded to the staff before lifting her phone back to her ear only to hear a long beep. She shook her head at her member and made a mental note to smack him when she gets the chance for not only cutting her off, but hanging up too.
She waved at the group with a pout on her lips as she waited for Mia to say her goodbye and reach her. “We’ll see you guys later, I know your going to kill it!” She spoke once Mia had reached her and they made their way out of the door.
“Were your members about to send out a search party for you?” Mia questioned referring to her call, once they finally made it outside the room.
“No, they just told me the same thing the staff told us.”
Mia nodded with a smile before looking at Elena with an excited expression. “I still can’t believe that we got to meet Lisa and that she wants collaborate with us!”
“I know!” Elena exclaimed with a joyful chuckle falling from her lips. “Thats four more friends for Nobu!”
Mia let a loud laugh slip past her lips at the girls comment. She was starting to sound like an excited parent and it was adorable. “And you too?”
“Yeah, that too!” Elena nodded with her in agreement. “Speaking of which, you’re still on board about meeting Nobu, right?”
“Yeah but if Nobu smacks Flash- Elena?” Mia questioned as she noticed that Elena was no longer walking beside her.
Elena had stopped walking and stood in her spot with wide eyes. “I forgot to ask for her number!” She exclaimed as she squatted down facepalming herself.
“Can’t you ask BamBam for it?”
“I’ve tried.” She pouted standing back up. “That boy has not given me anything that easily ever since we were trainees.”
“Guess you’ll have to get ready to bargain.” Mia teased turning back around to continue walking back to their respective waiting rooms together.
“Elena?” She questioned when she noticed that the girl had neither responded to her nor was beside her. Turning around to look for her she saw the girl standing in her spot with a thoughtful expression on her face.
“Nope. I’m going back.” Elena muttered as she quickly turned around, making her way back to iKON’s waiting room. “Sorry, but I need that number! I’ll talk to you later!”
Mia was getting ready to follow after her taller friend until a thought hit her. “Wait...” She whispered in her spot tilting her head to the side. “I can just ask Chan for it.”
a/n: Mia is not my oc, she belongs to @okskz ! She runs a stray kids additional member (along with a got7 and monsta x additional member!) and you should check her out if you haven’t! (Ajsjslfk not me saying i was going to have this posted early in the week only to post it on a Thursday and yes this is unedited 🤡 ) Anyways it’s pretty late over here so once I post this I’ll finally be going to bed so goodnight or good morning, which ever suits you really! 💗Also, I greatly appreciate feedback so don’t be afraid to interact with me or my work! (or both) I love hearing from you guys and also talking to you! 💗
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shingia · 4 years
hey first i just wanted to say that i really love ur writing and ur page i’ve been reading it a lot and i just really like ur writing style! i was wondering if you could do hc’s for the boys comforting a s/o with depression? i’ve been really struggling lately :/ and if possible could you maybe do kenma, hinata and suga? or any one of them or the others! they don’t have to be long if u don’t want, thank u so much♥️♥️
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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ok uh storytime real quick : i just spent about twenty minutes crying in my bathroom and i was about to keep doing that in my bed because what else would i do?:) and just as i was getting to the part where i start aggressively hating all my work here : THIS MESSAGE ? yeah no i started ugly crying 🤧 (happy tears dw)
i rly hope these hcs will bring you as much comfort as you brought me, because whew i am 🎶🎸emotional tonite🎸🎶. anyways i’ll stop talking now : thanks again, i love you and here’s a forehead kiss for you <33
warnings : mention of depression
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⇀ 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐦𝐚 
• kenma wants to be for you who kuroo has been for him, and he’s probably the most attentive of the three because of the similarities with his social anxiety
• for example, he has developed a sixth sense that lets him know when a wave of sadness isn’t far ; and if you’re in public then he’ll have absolutely no problem with ditching everyone to take you away, focusing on you and only you
• honestly he doesn’t even need to talk to make you feel better, his presence alone is already really comforting
• kenma also refuses to sleep before you, because he doesn’t want you to be alone with your thoughts while he’s sound asleep and, therefore, useless
• kenma’s cuddles are usually passive but comfort cuddles ? much more active. back strokes, tight hugs, or just talking about your feelings, telling you about his day…
• oh and also : ♪ shouuulder kisses ♪
• when cuddling, his cats are never far, usually nestling against you to take a nap - they’re almost as soothing as him
• he probably has two or three comfort video games and he’ll offer you to play with him if he senses you need to clear your mind
• this might sound weird but kenma ‘respects’ your tears? like, he’s not the kind of guy that will immediately try to wipe them away, he knows the benefits of a good cry - and he’d prefer to let your body express itself rather than try to repress it
• i feel like he’d buy you little plants to put in your room, that way you have something to care for and it might be a motivation to get out of bed in the morning (bonus point if one of them is named kenma)
⇀ 𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚
• hinata is terrified at the thought that he might not know how to properly comfort you, but trust me : he’s really good at it
• just listening to him talk makes it seem like absolutely nothing in this world is impossible. he’s like the embodiment of hope
• i think we can all agree on the fact that his bed is probably really plain and, let’s just say it, boring ; except for the fluffy blanket he bought for you (poor natsu probably thought it was for her)
• and you’re always comfortably swathed in this blanket every time you watch a movie together ; he loves to hold you like a burrito (probably buys himself another one because he really wants to burrito with you is that a verb?)
• he heard that making you list five things you like about yourself could help, and if you don’t know what to say then he’ll gladly do it for you until you start to come up with things of your own
• but hinata doesn’t stop at five things. he’ll list dozens and dozens because complimenting is second nature for him
• so yeah overall expect many many words of encouragement. you’re one of his greatest prides and he wants you to know it
• as cheerful and energetic hinata can be, he also knows when to get serious and just sit down and listen to you opening up about how you feel
• and if you start crying, he’ll have you scrunch your knees up to your chest, hold your whole body at once and rock you in his arms slowly. he likes to think of himself as some kind of human shield
⇀ 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚
• he tries to get you out in the fresh every two days or so, even if it’s only for a few minutes spent sitting in front of your place or his, he’s just glad that he could get some fresh air into your lungs
• he makes you promise to call him or at least text if you need to talk at anytime of day or night
• and if you ever do call him in the middle of the night, he will sound perfectly awake and fresh as a daisy. you’re not and will never be a bother for him
• also, he always ALWAYS calls you after practice, especially if school work makes it impossible for him to physically check on you
• suga tries to create little events you can look forward too. nothing elaborate, maybe just text you that he’ll cook you your favorite meal for dinner, and then show up holding three grocery bags full of your fav snacks and drinks
• he celebrates every single one of your accomplishments : you studied for a test even if you didn’t feel like it ? he’s proud of you ; you tidied up your bedroom ? he’s also proud of you
• overall suga really wants you to feel safe with him, he wants you to know that you’ll never ever be judged. and that’s why he probably opens up about his own struggles too, to let you know that it’s ok to be vulnerable
• on days where you really don’t feel like going out of bed, he’s ready to spend hours repeating you the most reassuring and comforting words until you’re ready to move to the kitchen and drink some water/eat something or just stretch your legs for a bit
• and if he manages to get a few smiles or even chuckles out of you, then he’ll be the happiest man
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RATLD Headcanons pt. 4
Fears and insecurities
Raya and Namaari both have nightmares of the betrayal in Heart.
During those six years, Namaari can't remember a night where she didn't have a nightmare. Almost all of them of the betrayal.
Having to be careful, Raya learned to sleep very lightly. The smallest amount of noise will make her spring into action. So she didn't get into deep sleep often, but whenever she did she would get nightmares as well.
While Namaari's dreams were mostly focused on her betraying Raya and it going a bit too far. Raya's dream were of her Ba or Namaari going too far.
With more interactions with each other throughout the years came more dreams
Namaari would have dreams where in a fight one would kill the other. Raya would dream similarly, but a lot of them would focus around the Druun.
Raya has many dreams of the Druun getting her, (sometimes getting Namaari but she didn't understand why it got her all worked up).
Namaari would sometimes dream of Fang's famine 100% worse and watching everyone die while she lives in Luxury. (Although she also grew up with not enough food, leaving her a malnourished child)
After the event in Spine, Namaari consistently dreams that she kills Raya instead of Sisu intervening.
She also had dreams of killing Sisu and Sisu not coming back or she would come back and blame her\revenge.
Raya dreams of the fight in Fang's throne room where instead she didn't hesitate and kills Namaari.
Raya also has a hard time sleeping in an actual bed once everything is back to "normal". She's so use to sleeping in trees or caves or against TukTuk that it's accutally too soft.
Raya also wakes up constantly, worried she'll be Druun food or just hearing the smallest noise.
One day she just can't take it anymore and goes for a walk, where she runs into Namaari who looks like she's having a panic attack.
"What are you doing out here, princess Undercut- woah, are you okay?"
They end up telling the other about their dreams and how the beds are too soft for Raya and somehow they end up in the same bed having the best sleep they have ever had.
If they are together it just becomes an unspoken routine where they will sleep together to have a peaceful nights sleep.
They almost always end up in each other's arms but they don't talk about that
Chief Virana and Chief Benja thinking they are sleeping together, like sleeping sleeping together and are surprised when they find out they aren't even dating yet
They wake up when the other has a nightmare and comfort them.
"You're okay."
"Just breath."
"I'm still alive, see? You didn't have the guts to actually kill me."
"Look at me."
"Do you need to go for a walk?"
"We can talk to Sisu if you want."
Raya wonders why Namaari's room is so... empty so she tries to ask her in a way where she can just play it off as a joke if Namaari gets uncomfortable
But Namaari tells her
Namaari tries to not get sentimental to any objects because she's afraid she'll lose them and the events that happened after giving her Sisu necklace to Raya haunt her.
She keeps any sentimental items she gets stored safely away so she won't lose them. It's mostly drawings kids make her or things Raya leaves behind
She also feels guilty to have such an extravagant room, to live in such luxury, when her people have a major homelessness problem. This goes side by side with her food insecurities, although she was pretty malnourished as a child.
She also thinks she deserves to be lonely, not that she already does did feel lonely, but making her room bare helps give her that feeling that she doesn't deserve anything. She thinks this is fair considering her past.
Raya is understanding but also is loosing her mind over Namaari being so hard on herself.
Raya tries to sneak some things into Namaari's room. It first disappears quickly, Namaari tucking them away for safe keeping but after a while, she tries to just let them stay.
She worries constantly, ending up just staring at whatever Raya brought in this time. Perhaps if she engraves it into her memory, she won't worry if she loses it.
It takes a while, but Namaari eventually gets to the point where she won't feel sick not putting things away. She can just let it be with only a few thoughts of worry.
Raya becoming comfortable enough to sleep through the smallest of sounds, but she's never going to not wake up to sounds, it's just too engraved into her.
Namaari smiling when Raya doesn't wake up from a small bird outside the window.
A storm comes around one night in Heart when Namaari is visiting. Raya wakes up from a loud boom of thunder and finds Namaari literally shaking.
Namaari is scared of Thunderstorms, or more specifically loud noises send her into panic.
She has trained herself to not panic when there's a single or just a few loud noise/s, but if it's consistent she just can't handle it.
Raya, unable to sleep anyway, comforts Namaari and tries to distract her.
"We could spar."
"I can ask Sisu if her brother can make it stop."
"Tell me about the things you learned about Dragons as a kid."
"Remember when [moment]?"
"When I was 15, I [tells crazy story]."
"Let's go get [Serlot name], I bet she'd love to cuddle!"
"What do you think makes the noise of thunder?"
"Hey, I thought you weren't scared of anything, dep la. How can I make you flinch like that?"
"I wish I was the one making you shake like that." "What?" "Nothing! Tell me about your cat!"
"Under the blankets, Undercut."
"Shut up thunder!"
Namaari not seeing Raya eat any food when she comes to Fang and asking who made a dish when she's in Heart.
Sisu mentions something about poison and it just clicks.
Namaari hands Raya a dish in Fang, taking her own bite right in front of her first. "Just checking for poison."
After a few times of doing this, Raya ends up confessing to being posioned when she was 13. Namaari understands and keeps tasting food for her and even starts cooking for them right in front of her.*
"Don't forget to check for poison." "Of course, dep la."
"I didn't take you for a cook, let alone a good one." "It's better than your Jackfruit jerky, that's for sure."
Namaari admits to refusing to eat meals given to her unless she pays, otherwise she has to make it herself.*
Raya telling her that she paid for foods in Heart for Namaari, even if it's a slight lie. She's the princess, she kinda gets whatever she wants.*
Namaari paying Boun after they watch him cook for them
Raya gets separation anxiety, worrying that her Ba turned to stone again although it's not posible. She even worries for Namaari but she won't admit to that
Namaari reminds her that her Ba is fine and it helps
Her Ba also comforting her about it ofc
"If anyone will turn to stone, it'll probably be me not your Ba." this doesn't help but she won't tell Namaari she has dreamt of her being stone as well
Namaari accidentally hurting Raya during a Spar and she like breaks. She refuses to talk to her and avoids her because she feels horrible and it reminds her of Spine and Fang's Throne room.
Raya ends up cornering her and is afraid she did something wrong but Namaari admits that she's beating herself up for hurting her and Raya's heart swells and breaks at the same time.
"I've done worse to myself."
"It's literally nothing."
"It won't even scar."
Raya also hates to hurt Namaari.
"Fuck! I'm so sorry! Here, get me so it's fair!"
"I didn't mean to, I swear."
"If it does scar, it'll look sexy..." "What?" "I mean awesome, it'll look awesome. You're not sexy at all."
Raya notices Namaari acting strange around Sisu and asks about it. Namaari explains how whenever she looks at Sisu or even hears her or someone mentions her, the memory of shooting her replays in her head. She explains how she has nightmares about it and hates herself for it.
Raya comforts her by explaining how it wasn't her fault, or at least not entirely. Raya admits how she should have trusted Sisu.
"It's all in the past, we can't do anything about it, Namaari."
"I feel like I have to make it up to her... to everyone." "You literally saved the world but go all out I guess."
Raya stages an "intervention" for Namaari, bringing Sisu to talk to her so they both can make it better for Namaari.
"Don't you hate me?" "No! Why would I!?"
"I don't hold it against you, Namaari."
"What can I do to make it up to you?" "You don't have to do anything! You already saved the world!"
"Well... You could hang out with me more often."
Afterwords, the tension is much better but it takes a bit longer for Namaari to really open up with Sisu.
Namaari also ends up taking with Chief Benja about trying to take the gem. He's too understanding.
"I understand if you despise me, Chief Benja." "I don't."
"If I was in your position, I would have probably done the same to be honest..."
"If I had known your nation was in famine..."
"I don't blame you, it would have happened either way. It was just simply a matter of who and when."
Namaari only feeling intimidated by three people. Her mother, Chief Benja, and Sisu. Maybe Raya when they were fighting but not anymore.
Raya having issues letting people in. Mostly on instinct.
She gets defensive immediately.
"Why do you [add something here]?" "Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy Benturi." *Silence* "I'm sorry, [explains]."
"Dewdrop, what have you been up to?" "None of your business- fuck, i'm sorry, Ba. I was sparring with Namaari."
"Are you okay?" "Who cares?" "...... I do?" "Right, sorry, I'm good."
"Where did you get that scar?" "Minding my own fucking business- I mean, I tripped on a rock accutally." *Namaari still processing*
Raya eventually gives in but it takes a while and a lot of comfort from Namaari and sisu but whatever
*I elaborated on this before
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Gundham comforts a stressed reader who feels like they can’t make progress in anything
·       Rolling.
·       That was the best word to describe how you were feeling. Like you were constantly rolling down a hill, unable to stop. On some occasions you manage to slow down and desperately try to claw back up that hill but to no avail, simply slipping, falling, beginning to roll again. No matter what you did, you couldn’t stop it.
·       Everything you did seemed to end in failure or stagnated. No matter what you tried you couldn’t improve. It seemed you were even getting worse and worse, losing progress.
·       That’s all it was. You kept slipping, falling, spiraling, and rolling with no control whatsoever. The only thing that kept you going on these seemingly pointless endeavors was the thought that if you got a foothold somewhere, you could make it and get better. But at this point it just seemed to be a false hope you fed yourself.
·       You began to wonder how in the world you were going to keep this up. At this point it seemed simply giving up was the best thing to do. At least at that point you wouldn’t be failing anymore. After all, how can you fail when you weren’t even trying anymore?
·       So maybe you should just give up…
·       Just give up…
·       Give up…
·       …
·       ..
·       .
·       But you didn’t want to.
·       You didn’t want to give up.
·       Not just yet at least, but… you didn’t know what else you could do.
·       “My Companion! Might you still wander this hallowed, cramped space, or have you fled seeking a more worthwhile den?” Gundham? That sounded like him, but you thought he was leaving for work in Brazil, or some other place? Just some place far way from here. With groans and grunts you sat up on the couch, finding your half-eaten cup of noodles still sat on the table, freezing.
·       “My Companion, what plague or curse has clouded your mortal form? Your skin pale, purple dyed under your eyes, and you’re keeled as if in great pain.” “… What are you doing here?” There was a distinct muffled, grogginess in your voice as you rested your head in one of your hands, your pounding headache making even moving unbearable. “Elaborate on the supposed meaning of your words! I should hope they don’t translate to what I’m understanding! It’d be ludicrous to even dare to think I’d not come search after you severed contact so abruptly. Did we not agree to seek out a new home for you?” You looked to the man in absolute confusion. “… ugh, my ice Lord, you said you’d go apartment hunting with me after you got back from work.” “… E-exactly… It’s long past the appointed time of our predestined meeting. I’ve made many attempts to contact thy being, yet you’ve placed up wall after wall of spells making contact only in this form feasible.” “… What?”
·       You fell back on the couch with a loud thud. “I’m too exhausted for this. Do you mean my phone?” You laid on your stomach, burying your face into the pillow. You limply tossed an arm off the couch. With it just dangling over the side you patted the ground several times before feeling that thin, smooth, flat device. You couldn’t quite get a grip and it slipped from your fingers several times before you finally managed to grasp it. Your vision was but a haze but being so familiar with those buttons you saw you missed several calls and texts from Gundham. They were a week old. Scrolling through the texts you saw how the messages got more frantic over time. Nothing over the top but clearly you worried him. “sorry.” You dropped the phone, not caring about where it landed.
·       You heard the soft rustling of fabric. Looking out from the corner of your eye, you saw Gundham sat before the couch, leaning his back against the side of the seats. Immediately some of his generals pocked their little heads out, sniffing the air for a moment, before hopping out of the scarf, and snuggling into you. You rolled onto your side, sighing feeling the softness of their fur against your skin.
·       “… What happened in my absence?” “… I don’t know. I feel awful in every way, in both my body and my mind. I feel like I've been trying so hard and nothing comes of it… Heh, that’s actually why I wanted to move out and get a new apartment. I was hoping a change in scenery would make things better, but… I don’t know. I’ve been forcing myself to just keep going for one more day for, what, months, maybe a year now? I can’t keep going on like this. Everything I do just ends in failure, or at the very least just doesn’t change at all. I just feel so useless! Like I can’t do anything!” “… I’m glade to hear frustration in that voice.” “Huh?” “From the moment my Generals and I entered your domain, you spoke in a tone of indifference, hollowness. Nothing. Yet, for a brief moment, towards the end, I heard frustration. That means you have yet to lose all your will.” “… tch. Being frustrated isn’t going to get me anywhere, Tanaka.” “That in of itself my not, but the will igniting it can.” “No it can’t, I’ve exhausted all my will. How is anything in my life supposed to get better now, with so little will when before I had much more. Hell! When I had more will, ambition, drive, that’s when my life started going downhill, just me rolling over and over again! Damn it! I can’t go on like this forever! I’m just so tired!”
·       Gundham glanced over his shoulder, finding you shivering and hugging yourself. “… Then don’t.” You looked to him in confusion with those wavering, glossy eyes. “Don’t keep going. I’m not saying to give up. To give up is to die. Have you ever seen a fight between demon beasts? If not, I’ll tell you. The first thing you’ll notice is how both sides give it their everything. They will do ANYTHING to live, no matter the cost, even their own tail or arm, even if it means losing a part of themselves, they’ll do anything to live. They so desperately cling to life never willing to let go. Even if they appear to be out matched, they still fight. Even here before your den I’ve seen a little tiny mouse fight and even scare away a cat. Even a mouse in the jaws of a venomous snake still kicks, and bites. Even if it will do nothing. They still fight. Plants do the same thing. They steal life from other plants and creatures of any sort in order to grow and thrive, all to stay alive. Yet, you need not to fight a never ending battle to live. You have the option to run. Rest. Lick your wounds and build up your strength. Become stronger than you are now or were a year ago. Set your current battles aside. Only continue to fight the ones needed to survive. Leave the others till you are stronger. Though there are a few fights you cannot run from, you need to rest. Healing your soul and body is the only way to stand any chance of winning. Healing one will in turn heal the other. It may seem impossible when beginning but the more you push on the easier it will become.” “Easy for you to say.” “No. It is not. I may not be in the thick of it, but you are my Companion. I shall never allow you to endure this hardship alone. I and my Generals shall support and fight beside you as long as you’ll have us.”
·       You’d only taken in half of what Gundham had said, feeling exhausted having gotten hardly any sleep, stressing over everything for the past few nights. But you still heard the tender warmth in his voice. That alone eased your racing, drowning thoughts. You saw Gundham get up, placing his scarf and last of his generals atop you. He messed with the TV for a moment, playing your favorite show before leaving. You watched in a daze, time flying by and you didn’t even notice Gundham had returned with two plates of pasta in hand. “I hope this will suffice for nourishment. This boxed, dried wheat and jarred sauce were the only pieces to make a full meal, hidden away in your cupboards.” “Oh, thank you.” You dragged yourself into sitting up, then gently took the plate and fork that was placed on the table before you. Gundham sat beside you, taking pellets out of his pockets to feed his Generals while you mindlessly watched and ate.
·       Too soon you finished your meal. “I shall clean up while you get prepared.” “Huh? Prepared for what?” “Our walk. We’re going to get you fresh air. The air here has stagnated and gone musty, likely a manifestation for your mind that feeds back into you in an endless cycle. I shall assist you breaking that cycle and the first step is to cleanse your body and garments. Now, off you go.” “Alright.” Once you were both finished cleaning you took a step out of your apartment complex. You stood under the sun’s rays, looking up to that bright sky. You took a deep breath, feeling the fresh wind gently roll past. You still felt awful, but seeing how Gundham so softly looked to you, knowing your friend was by our side, you felt that just maybe you could try to stop rolling again today.
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koteosa · 4 years
here’s some modern au headcanons for the arcana ... it’s something I think about a lot
gamer memeing shitlord . he majored in minecraft you cannot convince me otherwise
plays A Lot of minecraft but also just enjoys any similar sort of game, sdv, animal crossing, etc. He’s really good at video games but he’s just fucking around . he likes to play online games and try his best to make everyone hate him in a really harmless sort of way . he heals the enemy spy . changes his display name and avatar to be exactly the same as someone else . tells people to go into the console and type unbindall
he plays games with his friends and he’s usually the top player so he just spends his time spoiling the shit out of his friends giving them good items carrying them through dungeons etc but not Julian, he tells Julian to dig straight down in minecraft . Julian doesn’t ever know what he’s doing in any video game so Asra trains him wrong on purpose, as a joke
anyway enough about video games (for now)
Asra lives in a van that he painted the exterior of himself, it was both a fun project and a very smug way to annoy people with this awful fucking hippie van strolling into town, eat shit
it’s decorated with crystals, furs, fairy lights, mason jars full of food For The Aesthetic, books, etc. It’s very cozy, cottagecore / bohemian and it’s ridiculously obvious that he’s into witchcraft. he just lets Faust explore because this isn’t real and I can pretend that a snake is exactly as well behaved as in a fantasy story
basically homeless by choice
drugs tw but I see him as the type to want to try anything and everything at least once so if he’s ever been offered A Drug (and he crashes parties for fun and for free food, so he’s got opportunities) he’ll try it Just To See, and this has resulted in some bad trips before, but Muriel saw him in the middle of one and then after he sobered up Muriel put his foot down and made Asra agree to only do these things as responsibly as possible, like, with supervision from a friend
still drugs tw but I also see Asra as a stoner but in the cbd edibles sort of way, a lot of this is because I headcanon Asra as having ADD (because I do and I want to project a little bit) so it helps him focus but also he just Likes It. the glove box of his car has like, chocolate/lollipop edibles stuff like that
goes between like super healthy elaborate meals with mushrooms and veggies and fresh meat and shit and then just eating nothing but cheez-its all day
style wise I see him as the type to wear a lot of tank tops, like, the loosest of tank tops so it hangs super low and long and you get some nice cleavage out of it, crystal necklaces, gold jewelry, pride pins/jewelry/etc (trans/nonbinary/bisexual flags), oversized hoodies with loud colorful patterns, joggers and other loose comfy pants, and either boots or slippers
he’s got like... the at home look that’s basically what I just described, and then the away from home look that’s got thirty layers and none of it makes sense and he just shows up in orange crocs With Patterned Socks and everyone who sees him just lets out the heaviest sigh
Asra getting home be like (takes off a layer of clothes) (takes off a layer of clothes) (takes off a layer of clothes) (takes off a layer of clothes) (takes off a l
He likes to go on long road trips completely at random and saves up money to go on more extensive trips like, out of the continent. It can be really hard to place him at any given time, especially because he’s extremely slow to respond to texts for a whole multitude of reasons. He just fucking vanishes sometimes and he doesn’t get that maybe people want to know where he is. He’s too solitary
He makes money either via street performances (magic, tarot readings, etc) or selling shit on etsy like handmade tarot decks, crystal necklaces, magic charms, etc. He Has Never Worked A Day In His Life and He Will Not Start Now
Responsibility? Don’t know her
People ask him really obnoxious questions sometimes and he makes outlandish lies to tell them for fun . Why do you live in a van? A house killed my parents
In the fall/winter he lives with Muriel or more to the point, he crashes on his couch for a really long time and Muriel’s landlord doesn’t need to know about it for rent purposes
he’s a highly paid doctor and your mother would love it if you’d marry him if not for the fact that he looks like he never left his teenage emo phase
There’s DEFINITELY at least one piercing on his d
he lives with Portia and Mazelinka and tries to handle all their expenses but Mazelinka won’t fucking let him
soundproofed his room but not because he’s a youtuber or anything but because he uh. y’know what I’m gonna let y’all figure this one out on your own
goes to like............. lgbt friendly bdsm clubs every now and then looking for someone to step on him and call him garbage it’s for his mental health you don’t understand
black turtlenecks . silver jewelry . distinguished but Edgy as well, black boots, winklepickers, doc martens, ohmygod this is my SHIT I’m giving him red plaid pants and a reversed cross necklace and a leather jacket that says some radical shit on the back and Lots of Rings . black jeans with tears in the knees and black eyeshadow, demonia boots, leather gloves, hhhhhhOHmy GOD
catch him at home in black leggings and a my chemical romance tshirt with holes in it . he wakes up in the morning with yesterday’s makeup and he just cleans it up a little and that’s good enough
fairly small bedroom because he’s usually never at home, but it’s still pretty clear what he’s into even if it’s not super decorated or elaborate, kind of just Default Room but with his stuff arranged throughout . band posters, black furniture, a bed that looks like a depressed vampire sleeps in it, a bookshelf but most of the books are scattered around his desk, bed, and the floor. there’s a taxidermy skull on display somewhere because it’s just so dramatic you gotta love it
plays a black electric violin
extremely out of tune with pop culture he still listens to 70-00s music and he doesn’t know what a minecraft is or why Asra keeps yelling CREEPER when he comes into the room nor why Portia yells back AW MAN
I googled it and he qualifies as a millennial but I still see him as such a fucking old man who doesn’t know how to use electronics
despite being a doctor he’s so unhealthy . he eats nothing but depression meals (or just, nothing) unless someone forces him to sit down and eat an actual meal . No Julian whiskey does not count for your daily water intake
Malak probably happened because Julian wouldn’t stop feeding every black bird he saw just for the aesthetic and that was like 17 years ago but they still show up at his window expecting almonds or whatever the fuck . he changes houses but they’re too smart . you try to be a cool gothic thespian with a raven that will pose on your arm ONE time when you’re a teenager and they just never stop coming
sad lonely no friends hasn’t been laid in six years because he’s too busy and no longer remembers how to form meaningful relationships. Portia keeps being like so I met this really hot (insert gender here) and like idk I think they’re into goth dudes............... just saying...................... and he’s like am I really so pathetic that I’m going to let my baby sister set up blind dates for me? Yes
would drive something very goth like a hearse or some shit if not for the fact that his family would make sure he ends up in a coffin in the back of it if he drove up in that shit . please . buy a normal fucking car . Julian . oh my god
he starts quoting melodramatic poetry at the slightest inconvenience . he is that “All you did was betray me as I lay sick and festering. You are the definition of dread. My cat stole my fucking garlic bread” meme
been arrested multiple times for general rowdiness but also for political activism . at this point Portia/Mazelinka will just sigh and pay his bail and they don’t even ask what he did this time . how does he still have a job? I wish I knew
theater kid
lives in a rundown apartment in the shitty part of town because it’s all he can afford, it’s quiet, and no one will try to visit him (except Asra) because no one wants to go to THAT part of town . but no harm will likely ever befall him because he’s 6′10 and like three million pounds of raw muscle with battle scars like you gonna fuck with that? really?
even if he got robbed it wouldn’t matter because A) he doesn’t own anything B) Inanna will chase the thief away
depression man staying in his quiet rundown dark apartment distracting himself with idle hobbies and taking care of his dog to prevent the encroaching ennui from tearing him a new asshole
changes jobs frequently both because he never stands out therefore never gets taken on full time after the part time trial period, AND to protect himself from the horror of being known
works mostly things like construction, auto repair, dog sitting/walking/etc, woodworking, mostly hard labor but if he can convince granny to let a very scary but completely harmless man look after her bichon frise for the weekend then he’s pretty happy about that
in a similar manner, he orders everything online so cashiers/etc won’t start to recognize him. delivery workers leave everything outside his door and he just drags it inside after they leave like an itazura kitty coin bank
goes camping a lot because staying cooped up in his apartment is super bad for his mental health and he doesn’t like to take walks through the city for a multitude of reasons. he takes Inanna on walks through the woods instead
Asra is his only friend and that’s fine (it’s not fine)
convinced therapy doesn’t work and he wants nothing to do with it
doesn’t like using electronics and only keeps a few things around his house so Asra can use them when he’s around . Muriel has a phone (that Asra got for him) so he can text Asra, check the time, check the weather, google questions, and like, nothing else
pretty much only happy when something is about dogs. he wants to go to the pet store and look at the dogs but he needs Asra to go with him so Asra can distract the workers and Muriel can look at the puppies in peace
dresses in blacks, grays, greens, and browns for the most part, jacket with the hood up, tank tops, dark jeans with tears in them, brown boots with mud stains on them . functional, not particularly stylish, and if he’s going to be in public he doesn’t want to make it easy for anyone to see his face. at home it’s mostly no shirt + sweatpants/joggers/etc. doesn’t accessorize or put in any real effort. he doesn’t care what he looks like (because he’s convinced he’s not much to look at anyway)
lives that super eco friendly life like Asra does but it’s more that he just feels comfortable living like he’s always on a camping trip
he doesn’t want to eat junk like Asra does but if Asra shows up with mcdonalds then well he can’t really say no
the type who uses something until he absolutely cannot use it anymore instead of just buying a new one
has never been to a doctor, dentist, etc Ever. the most he can do is take Inanna to the vet because he loves her so much
drives a very old pickup truck with like, chipped paint and mud stains. he’d take better care of it if only anything in life mattered
didn’t go to school
I like to think that she took on a groundskeeping job at Nadia’s very expensive large house and they fell in love and now Nadia pays for everything and Portia just spends her time gardening, playing with Pepi, and like idk running a vlogging/gaming youtube channel
200 videos of Pepi on her youtube channel with 4 million views each bare minimum . takes random videos of cats where she has to audio edit it to shit so you can’t hear her high pitched squeals of delight
minecraft let’s play part 30 where her, Asra, Nadia, and Julian play together and it’s extremely chaotic because Asra and Portia decide to gang up on Julian who does NOT know what he’s doing, and then Nadia surprises them all by not being the bigger person and instead tricking Julian into some elaborate trap where he steps on a trapdoor and falls 15 blocks into some lava and he looks up and all he sees is Nadia’s smug fucking avatar looking down at him
nightcore. it’s just not FAST enough
wears sweaters with cats on them. generally dresses in warm colors + brown/green, it’s like a very soft cozy look that you could go camping in or just generally be outside and get grass stains and whatnot. cute, functional
likes to make Julian do things for her like drive her places etc because like, he will. he always will
really likes social gatherings with her friends; sleepovers, beach trips, sitting at mcdonalds and pouring all their fries into a pile etc. tries to get Julian to go with her but he’s Just So BUSY. she makes fun of him and makes him drive her to it, then manages to convince him to stay
cottagecore aesthetic . she just thinks it’s so cute to have the little mason jars and decorate everything with leaves and flowers and BEES and whatnot . would love to live in a little cottage with a farm if she could
her room has a big cat tree in it . green wallpaper with yellow flowers. pressed flowers into books, an extremely cozy bed, fairy lights, it’s very farmy but also there’s a lot of electronics. she’s got a lot of 00s games, like, right in that ps2 sweet spot
nicknames all of her pokemon
she spoils the ever loving shit out of Pepi. She’s got a little cat harness and they go on walks through the park together
I don’t have a lot to say about the other two I Am Sorry
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misfireanon · 4 years
The next morning, Nihlus gets up early to prepare breakfast. The weather outside is still terrible. The storm had lessened during the night, but by the time he got back in bed, it had picked up again, accompanied by a fresh chorus of ferocious howls. Now, hard clumps of snow are smacking against the window like the wind’s percussive accompaniment. He swirls the leftover tequila and drains it in one gulp, setting the flask on the table with a loud thunk. There.
Right on schedule, Saren peeks out from the bedroom, his unblinking eyes pointing from the empty flask, to the plate of gnawed ribs in front of Nihlus, to the six small dishes (and one soup, all proper and shit) laid out for him. Nihlus doesn’t wait for him to begin an interrogation. He spears a cube of the hitherto untouched blue pudding on his talon and slurps it down, raising a browplate at Saren’s frown. “Why don’t you come sit and eat so my hard work doesn’t go to waste? I had to take all this from the deliverybot and put it in bowls all by myself, you know.”
Saren drops into his seat with a grunt. “You turned up the heating.”
“Yeah, because I was freezing my ass off last night. Don’t make that face, I know you can afford it. Heck, you can probably afford to burn this building down and build a new one, legal fees and all.” He looks out at the storm. “You’d be doing this place a favour. I can’t believe there are people who want to live on Noveria.”
“The volus, as a species, are well-suited for these conditions. Krogan, of course, thrive here as they would almost anywhere else. What remains of their culture drives them to extremes.”
Nihlus flicks a mandible. “I mean you, specifically.”
“Only here for business,” Saren says, carefully peeling off a single layer of the hundred-layer loaf and dipping it in an elaborate concoction of ground spices. Nihlus follows suit, except he grabs a good quarter of the thing and rolls it around in the spice, making sure to give the ends a thick coat. Saren begins to sift out conglomerated chunks from the powder, setting them with the bones. Nihlus shrugs. Hey, at least he’d used a fork this time. 
“Business requires you to live in a refrigerator?”
“The cold keeps me awake when the paperwork grows dull.” Saren offers him the soup; Nihlus refuses. “I should have changed the settings after you arrived.”
“Does it help you sleep, too?”
Saren looks at him over the rim of the bowl. A whiff of steam obscures his eye. “At times, yes.”
“How does that work, exactly?”
“It’s a habit. After I finally resolved the Virial’s heat dissipation issues, her HVAC system began to act up. Competent mechanics have eluded me.” Saren takes another long sip. “I know you don’t like satusan leaves, but this was a good choice. Thank you.”
It came as a set meal, but Nihlus had picked that particular set from a menu of dozens, so he feels justified to beam with pride before setting his mandibles at a more serious angle. “I think you might need medication more than a mechanic. Spirits know there are enough doctors on Noveria, crooked or not.”
“‘Crooked’ is euphemistic, extremely so, in ways I’d rather not discuss over breakfast.”
Or ever, really. But Nihlus shrugs and reaches for the loaf again. It’s mechanically prepared, has to be; they’d never turn a profit otherwise. It’s also the reason he’d picked this set over the others. Saren had cooked it for him once, cutting a small chunk of meat into dozens of paper-thin slices with a wicked silver knife. Not long after, Nihlus had bought the same trio of knives for himself, though it had ended up collecting dust at the bottom of a drawer, only opened on one memorable occasion for some impromptu surgery.
This restaurant’s offering pales in comparison to those he’d sampled on Tenebrae, and is not even in the same star system as what Saren had made. Still, he shortens the stack, five slices at a time.
Saren watches him eat, his expression blank. The soup bowl is empty, but the other dishes are practically untouched. The blue pudding wobbles as Nihlus takes a second cube. Saren seems fascinated by it, though he soon shakes his head and makes to stand. Nihlus pulls him down by the sleeve.
“I have messages at the console,” Saren snaps. “And need to find a matching shirt,” he adds more gently.
Nihlus raises his hands in mock surrender. “Nothing that can’t wait, right? Besides, all your shirts are grey.” Saren pointedly lays his wrist on his thigh to illustrate the difference, and Nihlus sighs. “It’s an expression. All cats are… Oh, never mind. I just want to talk for a bit longer.”
Saren scowls and the little voice inside his head, who can really be a fucking coward sometimes, mutters: this is how the hotshot Spectre’s life ends, with his mouth full of pudding. Nihlus swallows the food, stuffs the voice down the same pipe, and meets Saren’s eyes. The look is venomous, but it bears no fangs. 
“Have you heard about Avitus?”
“Avitus Rix?” 
Nihlus nods. 
“No. What about him?”
“He’s planning to retire. Gonna get out before he hits his limits, or so he says.”
Saren snorts. “He won’t.” 
Listen to those undertones, Kryik, and understand precisely why you should shut up and count your blessings. Won’t even consider it for someone else, never mind himself. In fact, when you wrangled him into civvies -- Nihlus frowns, his stomach fluttering. The voice is drowned, though it’s trying to claw its way back up. “Don’t be so sure. Look at you. You’re more of a businessman these days.”
“I have found my limits.”
“You have? And what’re you going to tell me next, that your plan is to become a broker? A venture capitalist, even?” He chuckles. “Or that you really like Noveria’s weather, and that the alpine regions aren’t so bad during the summer. That you want to settle down here, adopt a couple of baby krogan. Don’t lie to me.”
“That’s a vast misinterpretation.”
“Enlighten me, then. What’s the retirement plan?”
Saren looks at him like he’s a modern sculpture, the one in that Thessian gallery that’s just a solid block of granite. Very dense granite. “The Council and related authorities decide when--”
“The Council,” Nihlus interrupts, “spent three days on an agricultural tax bill for some asari colony, added hundreds of amendments, and just left it on the table for next month. Pardon me when I say that they shouldn’t be the arbiters of our lives.”
“I see you’ve acquired an interest in Citadel governance. Recent?”
“Reluctant. Has its own charms, but best appreciated when I’m no longer slogging through Omega on their behalf, I’m sure.”
“Politics won’t suit you. Perhaps you should revisit the works of those elcor poets you praised not long ago. Your voice brings them to life.”
“Are you saying that I should do poetry readings at local dives for a living? Do they even have those on Noveria? I didn’t think so. It’s all so… modern. Clean and corporate. It stinks here, Saren.” Saren hums his assent. “If you’re trying to correct things, if you think they’re better than the slavers in the Traverse -- well, that may be, but the roots of all evil are the same, aren’t they? It seems futile. And besides, every adoption agency’s going to take one look at your face and hide their babies, krogan or no.”
“I’m only here for business,” Saren repeats irritably. “If you want to announce your own retirement, stop avoiding the topic.”
“Like how you’re avoiding yours?”
Saren glares at him then, and he’s pretty sure the delicate display case behind his skull now sports a couple of cracks. The little voice trapped in his gizzard lets out a squeak, which he quashes by helping himself to a generous serving of the bevelled cake. It’s cold now, but meaty enough. As he drops it into his mouth, he glares right back into those cybernetic eyes. Nihlus won’t be the first to look away. “Yeah, I mean it. Call me cocky, but don’t call me wrong. I worry, you know.”
Saren flexes the fingers of his prosthetic, and clenches them into a fist. Shards of ice are beating relentlessly against the windowpanes. “We can put those worries to rest.”
“Gladly, after you finish,” Nihlus makes a sweeping gesture over the remaining food. “Not sparring when you’re hungry.”
Saren impales some cake with vehemence. “Your remarks on the Council can be interpreted as treasonous.” Nihlus opens his mouth to speak, but Saren holds up his hand, the ugly mechanical hand he’d earned in their service. “It’s important to maintain our reputation of loyalty, especially in these times. We must keep other powers in check.” 
Nihlus works his jaw. Need to divert that combustible train of thought to safer tracks. “I get it, Noveria is a bad fit. You could settle in the Traverse instead; that’s a better idea. I’m sure they’d be grateful if you just shot down some pirates from time to time, retired or not. And then you can tinker with the Virial all day long, no distractions, no dockworkers. Plenty of unclaimed planets out there. How’s that for personal space?”
“Nihlus,” Saren whispers, and Nihlus suddenly gets the impression that he is speaking from a great distance, from the future, perhaps, where Nihlus’s earnest pleas can find no echo. From the distant past, back when Nihlus had believed himself beneath the notice of that famous Spectre, the youngest turian ever inducted, and now the longest to hold that post. Those ageless eyes are still mesmerising, though they no longer reflect his face. 
But then, then -- he realises that he’s tired. He slinks out from that gaze and gently shakes his head. 
“I’ve heard it all before,” he says. You believe you were forged, not born. Saren blinks, and Nihlus smiles. Feels like he spent hours getting Saren into that shirt last night. Under the sterile lights of the dining room, its narrow stripes clash horribly with his differently-striped pants. “I know, it’s okay. But it only means you’ll have time to find the perfect LZ with your Spectre privileges. I’m counting on you, because I’m not making hundreds of decision charts to find a place to call home. Tropical climates only, please. And preferably not like Invictus.”
The shared memory is enough to lift Saren’s mandibles by a precious few degrees. “And if the search is fruitless?”
Nihlus looks outside. What were once icy flakes had turned into dice-sized hailstones, and the window’s noise-cancellation function had automatically engaged itself. So much for the Noverian summer. The gravy around the meat, too, had cooled to an unappetising jelly. He shoves it around with his fork, making a little pile atop the last remaining slice. 
“This isn’t half bad,” he replies.
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Be Mine, This Quarantine ~ (II)
Dean pulls out his phone, clicks on the camera icon, and takes a selfie.
He looks adequately grouchy in it - his uninterested eyebrow-raise, an indisputable declaration that clicking a picture of himself irritates and annoys him, as it should every respectable non-preadolescent person. Also, he manages to get Cas's apartment building, a little bit of the night sky, and his very last moving box of stuffs, in the frame.
It's labelled 'Socks' on the top, and should make Dean feel like a dork if he wasn't going to send the picture straight to Sam - the dorkier of the two of them, by far, and also someone who's well-acquainted with Dean's fascination for hilarious novelty socks.
No sooner has the message been sent, it's been seen, and Dean's getting a call from his little brother.
"It's dark." Sam greets, with all the subtle pointedness of a soon-to-be-lawyer. "Why is it dark?"
"Are you just staring at your screen, waiting for me to text you all day?" Dean throws back, and Sam makes a noncommittal sound. "And it's dark cause it's almost nine."
"And you're still not done?" Sam sounds surprised.
"Almost," Dean bites his cheek. He has to admit Sam has a point. Moving in's supposed to be a morning, in-the-sun kind of activity. "In my defense, I started late. Cas made me spend all morning at his place, getting to know Catsanova."
"His cat?"
"It's literally in the name, Sammy."
"Do I sound dead to you?" Dean rolls his eyes. "Yeah, she is. And cute, too. Black, and it's got whiskers. Responds to 'Cas'."
"Figures." Sam grins, audibly. Kid's always been an animal person - he's probably going to be asking for pictures all the time now. "It sounds pretty similar. So what, you say Cas, and both the cat and human come up to you?"
"Neither of them come up to me, cause neither of them's fond of moving. Big Cas ignores me until I make it like I'm dying, and Small Cas still doesn't really care." Dean laughs. "But I'm going to try and work up to it."
"Good luck." Sam says to that, before clearing his throat. "You should finish moving your socks in, Dean." There's a pause. "Thank you for listening to me about the quarantine thing, I guess. And staying safe."
Dean's first instinct is to immediately dismiss the sentiment, but then he decides not to. And settles for, "You too, Sammy. And thank you for the move-in-with-Cas advice."
Sam lets out a soft, "Yeah."
"But if you tell me what to do again," Dean adds, right after. "And try to threaten me with cheap flight tickets to Kansas? I'm not fucking giving in."
"And you're welcome for the caring about you." Sam retorts, and Dean rolls his eyes a second time.
"That's my job."
"Yeah, right."
"Just shut your face. Smartass." Dean can't contain his smile, in spite of himself. "Stay inside, okay? I've got Gabriel's eyes on you." That's Cas's stepbrother, also in Stanford, and Dean's not really used him yet - but he really could. Dude's sorta obsessed with Sam.
"I -" Sam huffs. "Jerk."
Dean grins. "Bitch."
The phone clicks, and Sam's gone. Dean picks up the last box - it's pretty light, so he props it on his hip and uses a free hand to slam Baby's door shut, and walks into the building he's going to spend (at least) the next three weeks in.
"Pizza's on it's way." Cas says from the couch, first thing as Dean enters and shuts the door behind him, setting the box on the floor.
He can't get a normal greeting fucking ever in these parts - but he doesn't really pay attention to it, because every braincell which isn't involved in keeping him alive and standing, fixates all at once, on the scene which beholds him.
He's obviously seen Cas plenty of times before - probably more keenly than he should've been seeing him, to be fair - but this is different. It's like seeing Cas in his natural habitat.
He's in the middle of the couch - typical roommate-lacking behavior - with bare feet propped up on two of Dean's boxes, like there wasn't any furniture around before Dean moved in. And in his collarless bee-patterned shirt and pyjamas which match the brown throw pillows, it's basically like he's dissolved into the couch under the weight of Catsanova who's settled on his tummy, with his hands around her, petting. His hair's enough of a mess that he could've had a reverse-Jonathan-Van-Ness moment by himself when Dean went downstairs for the last time, and his eyes are glued to the TV screen even when he speaks to Dean, and then proceeds to keep up a soft, toddler-voice conversation with his cat.
Holy shit.
Dean loves him.
This is going to be so hard.
"I changed out of my jeans," Cas adds, not even slightly in Dean's direction, per se. "I know you wanted to go out earlier, but it's Catsanova's dinner time now, and I was wondering if the three of us could just eat together. And watch The Middle." The last part, he directs to Dean, eyes wide and curious.
"Uh." Dean says, eloquently. "Sure."
The Middle's exactly the kind of thing Dean should've expected Cas would watch. It's sappy and sweet, and revolves around a hilariously dysfunctional family, and it's half ways to a sitcom and Dean can clearly imagine them bingeing through all of it - piled on the couch with the cat on Cas's lap, and he's still in the middle cause Dean really doesn't mind squeezing on his left as long as their shoulders brush and knees touch, and they're having pizza and Cas is in ratty graphic tees, and -
Alternatively, this is going to be a little bit perfect.
"I'll go change as well." Dean rubs the back of his neck, scanning the room for his bag which contained a set of clothes in case he got too lazy to unpack. As had happened.
"Are you going to be needing any of these?" Cas draws his attention to the two boxes he's got his feet on, by wiggling his toes.
"Nah." Dean checks the labels. "There won't be any pyjamas in DVDs or Boo -" He stops. That's supposed to be Books. "Boo?" Dean repeats, frowning.
"Catsanova likes scratching letters off of words which make them more adorable. Don't you, Catsanova?" Cas grins, running his hand through her fur as he talks about her. She doesn't really pay attention to it. "Say Boo again for us, Dean."
Dean fails to resist the blush. "Screw you. And do you always say her full name, like, all the time? I get that it's funny - or punny, or whatever," Castiel beams at that bit. "But it's kind of a mouthful."
"An earful, you mean." Cas muses.
Dean shrugs, because he's stuck trying to rein in the overpowering affection he feels for this messy, gorgeous guy, who always addresses his cat by her full name, and lets him move in for quarantine. "Just call her Nova or something. She's smart, she'll get it."
"But her name's Catsanova." Cas clarifies, as if it wasn't clear to Dean before.
"Your name's Castiel, Cas."
"I blame you for that."
"Sure you do, Happy Meal."
Cas scowls, not giving Dean more material to work with, and silently going back to watching the TV. "Spoilsport." Dean grins. "Isn't that what he is, Catsanova?"
She, once again, doesn't pay any real attention to them, but Cas's lips quirk up in a smile. They're done discussing nicknames for the cat apparently, so he moves on. "You can freshen up in my bathroom right now. There's no towels in the other one yet."
"Roger that."
Dean picks up his duffel and sets off for Cas's room. He's been to this apartment plenty of times, before. On his way, he passes what's going to be his room - previously, Cas's study slash storage, and takes a detour.
It's the same size as Cas's room, with smaller windows and grey curtains, and looks pretty comfortable, though Dean's more of a spend-all-day-in-the-living-room sorta guy. It's got wardrobes and shelves, for when it's morning and Dean resumes the elaborate routine of unpacking, and a desk at the side, and - oh, fucking hell.
Dean flings his duffel on the chair, which is the only place to sit in the entire room, - and marches out. "Cas!"
For once, even Catsanova reacts to him, jumping down from Cas, and Cas looks downright alarmed when Dean storms into the living room. "What happened?"
"Where the hell's your futon?"
"Oh." Cas pauses. Dean waits, impatiently for an answer, which seems to come to Cas fairly quick, bringing in its wake, a horrified expression of remembrance. "I lent it to Kelly."
"Then," Dean fixes Cas with an accusing glare. If he were standing, that would've been a finger jabbed at his chest. "Where the hell am I going to sleep?"
Cas blinks. And quietly declares - for the benefit of Catsanova, probably, because the two humans already know, and are staring at each other in despair. "I may not have completely thought this through."
"I call right."
"Right-now-right, or on-the-bed-right?" Cas confirms, voice coming in from the bathroom where he's brushing his teeth.
"You're on my right when we're sleeping." Dean declares, stifling a scowl. It's not like he's trying to be rude, but he really hadn't expected any of this. He hasn't expected to finish moving in at nine, and dinner at ten, and then proceed to sleep in Cas's bed for the first night he's here.
("I'm so sorry, this is completely on me -" Cas had kept apologizing, with blue eyes in full-on Bambi stare. "I can't believe I forgot about giving away the futon! I'm such a -"
"Whatever, Cas." Dean had frowned back, rolling his eyes. "S'not that big a deal. I'll take the couch."
"Of course not." Cas had looked horrified. "It's cold out here, and my couch is too small - it's just a three-seater. You're way taller than three horizontal butts, plus twice the armrest." Dean had given him a look for that one, and if he wasn't annoyed, he would've been laughed.
"You're obviously sleeping in my bed."
"Well, you're taller than three butts too." Dean had sighed, still annoyed - but it slowly subsiding to some sort of thrill which was definitely associated with getting to sleep in Cas's bed.
"I know." Cas had sighed back, a little grim. "I'll just sleep with you.")
Now, Cas exits the bathroom, and walks straight to the bed, setting the pillows right. It's a King-size, so they're going to have enough space, really, but Dean's a little skeptic about getting under the covers first. So instead of climbing on his side, and settling in like his body really wants to, he lingers around, rummaging through his bag even though he has everything he needs.
His phone's plugged in next to his bed, and he's just in a t-shirt and pajamas now. Sure, he usually sleeps in just his boxers, but he has a fair idea of how ridiculous that'd be when Cas, right next to him, sleeps in a full, adorable ensemble.
And that's the last time he's letting himself think Cas - or his bee-themed outfits are adorable.
"I'm going to go put Catsanova to bed." Cas announces, with a smile. "To couch, to be honest. She sleeps inside the couch and I think she likes to think it's her very own hiding spot."
"So that's why I'm not sleeping there?" Dean throws back, stifling a yawn. Somehow, it's eleven, and that's not exactly late, but on a day you've moved into your best friend's apartment, and made friends with his moody cat, it feels pretty late. "Cause the three-butt analogy wasn't your best move, buddy."
"You guessed it." Cas returns, flatly. "I made us sleep in the same bed so that Catsanova's sleep routine didn't get disrupted. Now, how about you actually sleep, Dean?" There's one of those I-know-more-than-you-think-I-do smiles on his face. "You're clearly tired."
"'M not sleeping without you." Dean can't hold in the yawn this time, and it comes out garbling the last bits of his sentence and causing Cas to stare at him in a horrified kind of fascination.
"Before you." He corrects, his cheeks burning, when he actually hears himself. "That'd just be weird."
"Not at all," Cas shrugs. "But sure. Just come with me to Catsanova's night couch."
"Whose couch is it in the morning?"
Cas doesn't really think about it. "Hers, though she settles for indirect use of it's luxury, via our laps."
Dean nods thoughtfully, and follows Cas to the living room. The cat is already all fed, of course, and doesn't really seem keen on playing with them - probably because, and Cas told him this once, cats tended to have bedtime installed in their cat brains. Dean may or may not think that's adorable.
Catsanova curls up in the middle of the couch, much like her (nick)-namesake, and Dean's breath hitches when with a slight purr, puts her head on her paws. She's not a kitten, Cas had mentioned, but she's still so small, that she fits on just one cushion, and with her tail drawn up close, and squinting eyes, she's the cutest thing Dean's ever seen.
"Isn't this somehow better than even the best youtube cat videos?" Cas whispers, eyes turned adoringly at his cat.
"I don't watch -"
Cas gives him a look.
"Okay, yeah, I do, and it is." Dean gives in, rolling his eyes at being called out. "Maybe not better than the kitten falling asleep in the middle of dinner though."
Cas raises his eyebrows, impressed. "You're not wrong."
"But a close second?" Dean offers.
Cas smiles, softly, straight at Dean. He's sitting cross-legged on the floor, with hands around his ankles, and Dean's on the low settee behind him, staring at both the cat and Cas, lazily smiling too.
It feels perfect. In fact, he's so physically exhausted and mentally blissed out that in the moment, that he's not even freaking out about the fact that after this, he and Cas are going to go sleep in the same bed.
(In his right senses, he would've been. When it got suggested - or pretty much, declared, he couldn't have put up a big argument, because if Cas could be so cool about it, how weird would it have been if he wasn't? Why shouldn't he be, indeed?
Except for the fact that he's in love with Castiel and growing increasingly aware of it as the day lives by, there's absolutely no other reason, he's sure.
So after a few weakly presented excuses, including his insistance that it isn't necessary - "Dean, of course it is!" - and bringing back the couch solution - "Dean, why would you sleep on the couch for my mistake?" - he'd given in.
He just couldn't come around to the point that he really isn't sure he'll be able to survive being next to Cas on a bed for an entire night, and figures that it didn't occur to Cas either.
Because of course it fucking didn't.)
"Okay, then." Cas lets out, standing up from the ground swiftly, though Dean holds a hand out. His voice holds a tinge of we're done here, like a superhero in a mission, and Dean grins, in spite of himself. "Let's go."
Since 'putting Catsanova to bed' apparently only includes sitting in front of the couch and staring at her in adoration while she falls asleep and eventually snuggles so close to the back of the couch that she ends up rolling inside, as Dean has now learned, Dean gets up too.
"How'd you like it?" Cas sounds proud.
"Her sleep routine? She did all of it herself." Dean tells him, as the both of them drag themselves to Cas's room. Even Dean knows the house well enough to not have to think about it. "I don't know what I expected, but that wasn't it."
"Did you imagine cuddles and lullabies?" Cas laughs.
"You built it up, buddy."
Cas shrugs nonchalantly, as they reach the bed, and Dean's too tired at this point to even care who's getting in first. All he notices is when they're both in - Cas half-sitting up, legs stretched out under the comforter, and Dean lying on his side as he speaks to him.
"All you did was watch her sleep." He mutters, not really thinking anymore. Sleep is fast trailing his heels, and well, he's stopped running from it.
"I like watching over her." Cas answers, easily. "And it's a sign of trust that she lets me, to be fair. Cats aren't shy, but -"
"I guess."
"Huh." Dean closes his eyes. The pillow under his head is the perfect percentage of soft, and it's warm inside the comforter, as compared to the cold in the room. He pulls it up to his neck, trying to tuck himself in without making it obvious.
There's a pause.
"I didn't want to sleep before because," Dean confesses. "Sometimes you look at me." He likes it, but hopefully that doesn't come out in his voice.
There's a weight shift in the mattress, as Cas lies down too. Straight on his back, hand curved above his head, staring at the ceiling.
"It's weird." Dean mumbles. "Kinda."
Cas says, "Okay." But Dean's already asleep, slightly huffing when he exhales, and so there's nothing said in return, and Cas reaches to turn off the lap and goes to sleep, too.
Thing is, falling asleep when you're tired is easy. Staying asleep when you're anxious is not.
Dean blinks awake, with a startled breath, and takes a beat to process his surroundings. Gauging by the darkness in the room, it's a long way till sunrise. He stretches drowsily, an unconscious habit of getting up, and his hand nudges against something.
It feels like muscle, and hair, and turns out to be Cas's forearm, because as soon as his eyes get adjusted to the minimal light - he discovers Cas is right there.
They've both migrated towards the middle in their sleep - more Cas than him, Dean assumes quickly, and are still facing each other. When Dean draws his hand back, folding it under the comforter again, there's a few inches between them everywhere - yet suddenly, he's extremely awake, and aware, and losing it.
Cas is quietly asleep, features completely free of tension - with his face smoothed over in sleep, and lips slightly parted. He's unfairly beautiful, and practically a head-jerk away from Dean's pillow, and it's crazy how much it's all getting to Dean.
Even asleep, he's driving Dean nuts.
He doesn't even know what he wants to do - keep staring at this picture of serenity, force himself back to sleep, or something entirely different, but was he does is turn around.
He turns a hundred eighty degrees, keeping his eyes closed, and finds himself facing Cas's bookshelf.
The easiest way to deal with this burst of emotion is to sleep, he convinces himself, and maybe he'll forget about this in the morning. Maybe he'll fall asleep trying to read the titles of the books in front of him, and forget about waking up to Cas in front of him, dreamy even when dreaming, and forget about being overpowered by just about everything in that moment, as he is right now.
He just needs to go back to sleep.
Dean's repeated this to himself enough times to actually be drifting off to sleep, when he feels an arm randomly fall around his waist.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Cas, still asleep, has apparently decided to put his hand around Dean as if he were a fluffy stuffed toy or something, and it's landed ridiculously close to his abdomen, and his toes curl, and he squeezes his eyes shut.
And if Dean inadvertently pushes back towards the warmth radiating from Cas, and ends up little-spooning him because he's somehow backed up until he's reached Cas - then that's just a whole other thing he's never going to think about.
He finally goes back to sleep, not having to try and read the book titles at all, because apparently Cas hugging Dean to himself like a goddamn pillow, is all his fucking insomniac brain's ever needed.
(Although, he's never sharing a bed with Cas again, because he's sure he couldn't survive another such night.)
Catsanova wakes Cas up at six, meowing stubbornly at the door because she doesn't care about Dean's private, middle-of-the-night freakout as long as Cas gets up to pay her due attention, and Dean wakes alone at nine, and ends up pretending he's asleep until Cas comes with coffee.
He doesn't look at Dean different or at all, while climbing on bed with the tray - and Dean definitely doesn't notice that he doesn't, because he's obviously not paying attention.
And he obviously doesn't care.
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nymphigeon · 4 years
From me, to you || 02
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♤ Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
♤ Genre: fluff, angst, romance, hybrid au, hybrid!Taehyung, detective!reader
♤ Words: 2.4k
♤ Rating: PG-13
♤ Warnings (for this chapter): swearing, crime, a sex club, mentions of murder, blood, mentions of hybrid abuse.
♤ A/N: Due to some complications I had to reupload it, sorry!
Synopsis: A story in which he has never known love, so you'll give it to him.
Series masterlist
01 02 03
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After looking through the room for quite a while and bombarding Blair with more questions I decide to leave and get some air. A metallic smell, which was already present when I first arrived, had doubled it’s noticeability over time. That room became impossible to breathe in as a result. I’m not one to leave my work unfinished, but if I don’t get out I’ll die of blood poisoning, if that’s even a thing.
Looking out through the door of the club, it’s not hard to see that is has stopped raining. The blurriness the raindrops caused has completely disappeared along with all the flashing that was going on earlier. The reporters must have been told to get the fuck out or get arrested. I’m lucky, this gives me chance to step outside. To be completely honest, I would be lying if I said that it’s just to clear my head. For work related reasons it’s a good idea to always look around the crime scene as well, so that’s what I’m doing. Killing two birds with one stone.
I nod to the officers as I pass by and climb under the barricade tape to the outside. The smell of rain fills my nostrils as I walk in and out of alleyways around the area. Nothing interesting is found. No knife in a trash can, no paw prints of a shifted hybrid, nothing. How long has it stopped raining? If any traces were left outside the rain will have probably washed them away. I sigh as I give up on finding anything. I should just focus on finding them with the information I have now. We can always send out a sketch of the guy from what the employees told us.
The walkie talkie on my hip buzzes, indicating that different officers are trying to communicate with each other. It bothers me. Nothing of importance to me is said, but if I turn it off just to miss something I should know, my supervisor will kill me. She isn’t someone you’d want to mess with. Her authority has grown to her head, she’ll do whatever it takes to get her way.
A can standing right up on the sidewalk grabs my attention. The way it’s neatly placed at the side annoys me, someone deliberately left it there, ignoring the trash can standing right across the street. I pick it up and cross the street, standing a few feet away from the bin to practice my aim. Might as well use the opportunity right?
The can hitting the metal inside of the bin resonates through the silent and empty street. Even before the sound has had a chance to die down, a loud whimper replaces it, followed by hurried footsteps running away from me. Not so empty as I thought.
“Hello?” I give whoever is still close some time to reply. They don’t. Guessing the direction the sound came from proves difficult, but somewhere I made a right turn. Ending up behind a closed playground I didn’t even notice was in the vicinity, I pry myself through a hole in the fence protecting it. There isn’t much the fence is protecting as it looks like this place has been abandoned for a while. Broken slides and worn down ropes hanging from metal bars is basically all this old playground consist of.
The crunching of my shoes on sand elicits another pained whimper from the creature. Not wanting to scare them, I try to talk them out of their hiding place first. “Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?” No response. “I just want to help you.” Again, no response.
Having no other choice, I decide to search for them instead. I can’t though, not when they sound so desperate. As soon as I step a bit further into the sand a frantic voice stops me. “No, no, please…” Immediately backing up two steps, I almost crash into the fence behind me. “Okay, okay I won’t come closer.”
Not wanting to sit on the wet sand, I to squat down, sitting on my heels. “Whenever you’re ready you can come out okay? I won’t hurt you.” Remembering the walkie talkie on my hip, I turn it off. If there’s a good reason for me missing something important, they won’t get angry right? Thinking about the worst case scenario isn’t a good idea at this moment.
15 minutes pass. So far neither of us have moved. Now and then I’ll slightly adjust my position to let them know I’m still here waiting. At some point they must have started to get a teensy more comfortable, as a pair of eyes unexpectantly make themselves known from behind one of the play towers. His dark yellow coloured eyes almost hide themselves under the bangs hanging from his head. Two big striped cat shaped ears lay flat on top. A tiger hybrid. Extremely rare and thus extremely valuable. There is absolutely no way someone just left a gold mine here like that.
I slowly bring up my hand to wave at the scared, but curious pair of eyes. They look me up and down a few times, probably trying to figure out if I’m really trustworthy. “Police?” The boy almost whispers. Or well, definitely an adult actually. I suddenly remember about the uniform I’m wearing. I smile at him and nod. “Yeah, something like that. Look..” With careful movements I point to the badge on my top. Not exactly that one of a police officer, close enough.
The hybrid stares for a few seconds before revealing his entire head. Part of his striped tail briefly comes into view when he does. “That way..” He points in a direction somewhere behind him. I follow his finger, but don’t find anything there. The fence at the other side limits my vision of the other side.
Sensing my confusion the tiger does his best to elaborate. “He went that way… Bad guy.” He brings his hand back to his chest, feeling too exposed having it point out. Something in my head clicks. The hybrid is wearing a hoodie. “Wait, you’re the hybrid? The one he was going to sell?” Hoping he won’t dash as soon as I move, I stand up. I’m in shape, nevertheless squatting for a long time still hurts. The hybrid nods hesitantly. “New owner.. also not nice” He whispers as he curls in on himself more.
“Will you let me come closer?” The hybrid shakes his head. “No, no, I didn't do anything... I didn't do anything..” He's absolutely terrified. Having witnessed two murders I can't blame him. Perhaps he thinks it's partly his fault. Did he attack them? “I know sweetheart, nobody is accusing you of anything. We just want to help, you won't go back to him anymore.”
When I was younger I worked with kids a lot. Trying the same technique as that I used at that time to calm them down appears to work. The hybrid stays quiet for a while, before lifting his hand, just sticking his pinkie out. “Promise?” Cute. I can't help the smile forming on my lips. Mimicking him I lift both my hands, interlocking my little fingers together. “Promise.”
A promise was all he needed, as the hybrid reluctantly reveals himself from behind the tower. I won’t gasp, I shouldn’t be surprised, yet I am. Wrapped around his neck like it’s trying to suffocate him, a dark, old looking collar is situated. A torn leash dangles from the black, belt-like item. Clearly, it’s evident a struggle has occurred.
What’s most worrying is the blood that’s decorating his left hand. His clothes are drenched in a liquid I can’t identify from simply looking at it, instead it’s better to use my nose. The familiar metallic smell radiating of the cloths is not a clue to be ignored. The red substance has already mostly dried on his hand, pieces flaking off as he rubs his hands together.
“Oh dear are you hurt?” I ask, concern evident in my voice. I get ready to grab my phone, if he has a gash underneath I need to call an ambulance whether he likes it or not. Shaking his head, he takes a few steps forward. “Not mine.” I visibly relax at his answer, nodding. I don't ask any further. There will be time for that later.
“I'm Y/F/N Y/L/N. You can call me whatever feels comfortable for you.” Earning his trust is my priority for now. This could be a breakthrough in the investigation. “Taehyung.” The hybrid boy gives me a name, progress. Understanding that he will want to keep his distance I move through the fence first, move away a bit, and then wait for him to come through.
The walkie talkie vibrates as it turns on. I can’t have anyone disturbing the peace, quickly letting my colleagues know I’ll be busy and will explain why eventually. Not giving anyone time to react, I turn the device back off. As expected, Taehyung wants to know where we’re going.
“Do you want to meet the other people I’m working with?” He looks pale, weak and tired. The last meal he has eaten most likely isn’t in the timespan of ‘recently’. The last time he had a good full night of sleep? I wonder if he even knows what that means.
Taehyung has his arms securely wrapped around himself, protecting himself from any potential danger. There is none, but if you’ve been treated like a pile of dirt everything looks like it’ll hurt you. I know I can’t do anything aside from give him time. I wish it wasn’t like that.
“No..” That’s what I thought. Giving him a once over I determine that it’s best to get a professional to take a look at him first. “You know how I said I want to help you?” He nods. “I want to bring you to someone who will make sure you’re healthy. You can trust them, they won’t do anything you don’t like.” I cross my fingers behind my back. Not because I am lying, but because I’m hoping he agrees to the idea.
He’s doubtful about it at first, neither refusing or agreeing to go with me. “I promised.” By showing him the smallest finger on my hand, I’m hoping to convince him. Taehyung takes a few steps forward. Usually if a wild cat hybrid comes at you, you should probably run if you don’t want to end up as their lunch. Yes, there are reported cases of wild hybrids eating humans as disgusting as it sounds. I don’t though, I don’t move an inch. He lifts his hand and gently locks his pinkie around mine, checking my face to gauge my reaction. Smiling seems to give him reassurance, as he gives me a small smile back and nods. “Okay.”
I eventually convince Taehyung to wait by the fence so I can go get my car. There is no way he won’t panic with all the officers around. As I near my car, Blair calls out my name and runs over. “What happened? Did you find anything?” She mentions to what I said over the walkie talkie earlier.
I answer her quickly as I open and enter my car, not yet closing the door. “Found a scared, abused hybrid who witnessed, or maybe even committed, two murders and almost got sold an hour ago.” Blair’s eyes widen as she takes in the information. “You found the hybrid? Why? How? Where is it?”
My insides cringe at her calling Taehyung ‘it’, but I don’t have time to call her out now. Using my hand, I wave her off. Go do something more useful. “I’ll explain everything later.” Is all I say before I slam my door closed and drive off to the hybrid.
Taehyung is still standing where I left him a few minutes ago. I park my car in front of him and get out. The moment I step out he comes running over. “Doing okay?” He nods and smiles. I open the door to the passenger side for him and only close it when he sits comfortably. Once I’m in the other side of the car I google for the nearest hybrid friendly hospital.
There is one 20 minutes away, outside of town. Making sure Taehyung is okay one last time, I offer him a fruit bar I had laying in my bag. He tilts his head and point at himself. “For me?” His confusion startles me. “There is no one else here yes?” He takes the bar from me and stares at it, turning it around a few times. Inspecting the wrapper, sniffing it a bit, weighing the bar in his hands.
“I can eat this?” He asks again. “Yeah you must be hungry right? Please, eat it. I’ll get you something better later.” I take the bar from his hands to open the wrapper. While discarding the wrapper in my pocket I make a mental note to throw it away later. I give the bar back to the hybrid who doesn’t seem to understand it’s for him. “I can really eat this? Just like that?”
I notice a small smile making its way on his face after he has sniffed the bar a few more times. “Enjoy it.” He takes a small bite and looks at me. Once he is sure the action didn’t anger me he takes a bigger bite. “Thank you, I like it.” Following me allowing myself to watch him eat a bit longer, I start the car and make my way to the hospital.
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You know, it’s a sentence I have heard often, ‘Without the dark there is no light’. Or maybe you’d rather use ‘Without sour there is no sweet’. What exactly are you trying to tell me? Should I be hurt just so that I can be happy? Does that mean it’s a good thing I’ve never known love? Surviving of the scraps the abusers feed me, so that I can reach the end of the tunnel. It’s a lie, there is no end for me.
I don’t deserve the praise because I’ll never learn how not to behave. Obviously the way to learn is to be broken beyond repair. We can’t have anything nice, I’ll never know how to appreciate it anyway.
Leave me alone, I still need to figure out how to feel content on my own. Don’t come closer, I still need to find a way to be delighted with distance between us. Stop talking, I still need to discover how to be joyful while silence surrounds me. Oh, how you’d wish I would comply.
I’ll stab a sword in your heart so I can grasp the concept of adoring you. I’ll make you scream so I can master treasuring your laugh. I’ll kill you so I can perceive how to value your life.
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@suhappysuho​ @intellectualxprincess​
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