sancastarcs Ā· 4 months
12 notes Ā· View notes
eclectickss Ā· 1 month
Taste the Tango
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Wanda x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SoftTop(switch if you squint)!Reader, age gap (reader is of age), reader's best friend is Wanda's son, Tommy is graduating high school? (a choice that I don't think I've seen before, so let me know if you like?), Wanda is reader's former teacher, slight alcohol use, smut (fingering, oral)... I think that's everything?
Summary: You are in your hometown the summer before your senior year of college hanging out with your best friend. Unexpectedly, you also get some quality with his mom (and your former teacher).
WC: 10,350 words?!?! (a record for me)
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"Hey Y/N!" Your gaze shot up from the pavement to the open door ahead, smiling as you saw your best friend standing in the frame.
"Hey Tommy!" You jogged up to hug him, seeing as he and his twin brother just returned from a week long beach trip. You normally wouldn't be this excited to see him, but with complicated summer schedules and school across the country, it had been almost 6 months since the two of you had spent time together.
"This is crazy, I missed you so much!" He backs up and you immediately spot the sparkle in his eye that is easily recognized in the rest of his family.
"I know, me too!" You shook his shoulders and hugged him one more time. "So, you said you had something planned for today?" The two of you walked into the house and towards the kitchen. Your eyes secretly darted around the space for a certain someone, but you are slightly disappointed when you don't see the person you're looking for.
You feel guilty for hoping she would be there, since you were there to spend time with her son, but you couldn't silence your thoughts, no matter how hard you tried.
"Well I know it's kind of silly, but I picked up some rocks we could paint?" He scrunched up his face. "I don't know, I just wanted something mindless we could do while we caught up."
"Are you kidding, that sounds great!" You smiled.
"Alright, awesome! I've gotta head out by six so I can meet Ruby for dinner, but we have plenty of time," he said as you followed him back to his room. Ruby was his girlfriend of six months, so it prided you to know that hanging out with you was his priority.
The two of you made it to his room and he encouraged you to sit down as he left to get art supplies. Just before you were able to sit though, a voice reached into the depths of your mind.
"I knew I heard a familiar voice!" You turned around and there she was, as breathtaking as ever. Wanda Maximoff. The way her soft eyes met yours and her red wavy hair sat just above her shoulders made you melt. You prayed the moment would last forever, but the passing seconds were inevitable.
"Hi!" You excitedly walked over to your former teacher to give her a hug, painfully ignoring all other emotions you were feeling.
"How are you, Y/N?" She moved out of the hug, cheeks grazing, making you briefly look away.
"I'm absolutely wonderful, how about you?"
"I'm alright," she spoke as she softly smiled. "Are you excited for your last year of college?" She leaned up against the doorframe.
"I guess so? I love California, but I can hardly wait until I'm done with school already so that I can come home. Are you ready to become an empty nester?"
Billy and Tommy were three years younger than you, so they were just about to begin their college journey as you were ready to bring yours to a close. Tommy was only going to university an hour away and Billy five hours, but you imagined it would still be a lot for both boys to be leaving the house at once.
"Oh hush, dear." Ms. Maximoff playfully shoved your shoulder, a gesture you struggled to not linger on. "I don't wanna hear that talk. Let me soak in my boys being home while I can. And you being here while I can." She smiled with a small glint in her eye, but you knew she was dreading the boys' absence.
"Oh well, two more semesters and you won't be able to get rid of me."
"Perhaps it's selfish to say that we can't wait to have you back either, but I know you'll accomplish wonderful things in your last year there." She placed a hand on your shoulder and instinctively you placed your own on top of hers.
You internally panicked, worried that you were being too affectionate for a teacher/student/best friend's mother relationship, but she just moved to gently caress your cheek and proceeded to walk away.
You could hardly process your thoughts as your brain replayed the previous moment over and over, but this torturous habit is nothing you weren't unfamiliar with.
Every day that went by with Ms. Maximoff in your presence was a day to strenuously remember. You mentally recorded her words, her movements and her reactions. Time slowed with her around as you soaked in every detail about her possible.
Every day that went byĀ withoutĀ her was filled with daydreaming and guilt. You always wondered how she would react to something, or how she would respond in a private conversation. You tried to picture her thoughts and envision her smile before you. You hated how much you thought about her, yet craved to dream of her.
She was your high school english teacher, your best friend's mother, and your go-to mentor in any sticky situation.
She has already given you so much, and you despised the fact that you wanted more. You knew it was wrong, but she was your addiction.
"Earth to Y/N," A hand waved in front of your face and you quickly realized that Tommy had returned with the rocks and art supplies.
"Oh, hey Tommy!" You rubbed your eyes in shock.
"Where'd you go there?" He laughed and sat down on the floor.
"I uhh... can't remember." You lied, joining him on the floor, not letting him see the guilty emotions written across your face.
Hours pass as the two of you work on your rocks and talk.
You tell him all about your travels while he fills you in on everything that happened at the beach and on his trips prior.
You love listening to all his little stories, especially those where his mom is involved. One of your favorite stories was when he talked about her affliction with the terrible kitchen at the beach house. She wouldn't stop complaining about the quality of the stove, which you ended up finding rather funny.
You asked him if she even actually used the stove, and he said no, which made you laugh out loud. Supposedly she apologized at the end of the trip for making such a big deal out of it.
He thought it was stupid, but you found it cute.
Of course that was something that she would do.
"What else crazy did she do on the trip?" You couldn't stop yourself from inquiring about her. Tommy never caught onto your special interest as he laughed it off and launched into the next story.
"So it was movie time, right?" He starts and you nod. "Well mom and I were advocating for She's Funny That Way since we're both madly in love with Kathryn Hahn."
You cackle and quickly agree with their side. "Of course."
"But Billy and Auntie Nat wanted to watch Knives Out!"
"I thought you liked that movie..."
"Ok yes, but Kathryn Hahn or Chris Evans?"
You thought about it for a moment. "Fair Enough." This made you wonder though about Ms. Maximoff's interest in Kathryn Hahn. There's no way she's.... attracted to her, right?
If Ms. Maximoff actually liked women, the hole you've dug for yourself would become infinitely deeper.
"Anyways, so mom, out of nowhere, says, 'You wanna watch Knives Out? Well guess what, Chris Evans is the villain and Ana de Armas gets the estate and money,' and Nat and Billy wereĀ furious."
"Oh my gosh!" You laughed with your hand over your mouth in disbelief. "So did you guys end up watching She's Funny That Way?"
"Well mom and I did. Billy and Nat went off to watch something else."
"Wow! That was vile!"
"It really was intense." He laughed and the conversation paused as both of you returned your attention to your rocks. Right before your paintbrush hit the surface though, his phone alarm went off.
"Aw, shoot. That's my timer for Ruby. We gotta clean up."
"That's alright." You gave him a soft smile. "We do have the last two weeks to hang out before I go, and I understand I'm not the only important person in your life."
He looked at you and smiled. "I love you, you know?"
"I love you too, you dork. Now let's clean these brushes and get these rocks outside to dry."
The two of you were cutting it real close to six once everything was cleaned, but before you knew it, you were saying goodbye to Tommy in the driveway just as Ruby had pulled in to pick him up.
"Alright, Y/N, we'll hang out soon!" He hugged you and stepped back.
"Oh you know it."
He followed you to your car, but you quickly realized you had left your keys inside.
"You know, I think I left my keys on your floor, but don't bother waiting for me to drive away. Go have fun with Ruby."
"Alright. My mom will let you in if it's locked." He hugged you one more time and joined his girlfriend in her car. You released a breath of air and headed back to the house, happy to see that the kitchen door was still unlocked.
Ms. Maximoff was standing in the room though when you walked in.
"Oh, hey Y/N/N! Did you forget something?" She looked up from the cutting board and veggies on the counter.
"Yeah. My keys are somewhere in Tommy's room," you said as you headed in that direction.
"Oh, so you're not back because you forgot to say 'goodbye' to me?" She teased.
"You read my mind!" You yelled from down the hall, embarrassed by how quickly you turned red.
Your keys were rather easy to find, but you took a bit longer to collect yourself before exiting Tommy's room.
"So," she said as you re-entered the kitchen. "What are you doing with your last two weeks before heading back to California?"
You were caught off guard with her conversation starter, but you were overjoyed that she wanted to talk. You leaned back onto the counter to face her.
"Well, it's all just trying to hang out with friends, even though most of them are off doing internships or traveling. I'm honestly just hanging around home a bunch," you shrugged.
"What, you didn't want to travel or anything?" She said as she continued to work on the cutting board at her fingertips.
"You know me, Ms. Maximoff, I love home just a little too much." You smiled and looked at your feet.
"Wanda, dear." She stopped her chopping and looked directly at you. "I was Ms. Maximoff to you because I was your teacher, but we've been over this, darling. Wanda, please."
You sighed. "It just... feels weird!"
"Ok, well you know what we do when things feel weird, Y/N?"
You looked at her questioningly.
"We practice, dear." She stepped around the kitchen island to lean on the counter across from you, and your thoughts started to get louder. "Say it. Say my name." She openly challenged you, so you had to accept.
"W- Wanda?" Your insides were burning.
"With confidence, dear."
You took a breath. "Wanda." You exclaimed, meeting her gaze from a few feet away.
"Good girl. Now use it in a sentence."
You blushed, knowing she saw it, but hoping she assumed it was from your discomfort. "Like... what?"
"Well, I don't know! A compliment, a question, a simple statement? I don't care, just say something. Anything." She commanded as your heart was pounding in your chest.
"I think your eyes are gorgeous, Wanda."Ā Fuck.Ā That wasn't supposed to come out. The woman across from you seemed to freeze briefly. "I mean- your eyes, Tommy and Billy's eyes... you all have the same eyes. I think... I think they're pretty. Wanda."Ā FUCK.
Wanda still hadn't moved, her gaze digging into your soul. She finally took a breath, leaving a long pause in the conversation.
"What do you think of me, Y/N?"
"What?" Disbelief dripping from your reply as the intonation behind her question became lost on you.
"How do you process my image? My persona?" Wanda playfully smirked. "It must at least be slightly askew since I was your teacher, but what role do I play in your life?" She moved some cooking items away from the edge of the counter, proving to you that you had her full attention.
"Do you want me to be honest or uncomfortably honest?"
"I want to know why you chose me. Why you always turned in my homework but nobody else's. Why you wrote me thank you notes and asked me to write your college recommendation letters... why you confide in me and why you respect me so much..."
You stood in shock, feeling your body start to shake from the nerves. Your shoes all of a sudden became really interesting.
"Uncomfortably honest it is, then." You gave a long sigh and glanced back up to see her eyebrows raise in anticipation.
"It was one of the first lectures you gave me in 11th grade. I had started to realize that I was more introverted than I wanted to be, so I challenged myself to break out of that shell. I started doing that by speaking up in class. You had asked a question about our summer reading, and because I already knew you through Tommy, I felt comfortable to answer.
"To my surprise, you started a debate with me... and I didn't back down... and then you applauded me for standing up for something I believed in. That made me want to pay a lot more attention to you." You paused to take a breath, making sure the other woman was still paying attention. Wanda nodded in acknowledgement, but stayed silent to let you continue. "I started to listen to every word that came out of your mouth. I memorized every piece of information you shared, I watched what candy you picked out of the bag first, I payed attention to what music you were listening to, what books you were reading." You paused. "And so I started to notice things.
"You work to understand every single story in the room. You want to help as many people as possible, and you don't let their faults get in your way. You have a passion for what you teach and you want to share it with the world. You have good and bad days just like the rest of us, and you allowed me to see that. You are kind, empathetic, beautiful, and I have a great deal of respect for the way you carry yourself, Wanda."
Your heart raced as the two of you stared at each other for what felt like minutes. You had just poured your heart out to the one person who was never supposed to know anything. Wanda was speechless, which made you nervous. You continued to ramble.
"And- and its tricky because Tommy is genuinely my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without him... but if you're wondering what I think of you, I don't know what I'd do without you either. This family has made me who I am today. And it's all very complicated and confusing and difficult to navigate."
Wanda's eyes still stood stagnant, but you couldn't bear the silence anymore.
"Why do you ask?" You quietly gulped, praying some sound would exit her mouth.
"Would you like to stay for dinner? Billy is with friends tonight and Tommy is with Ruby, as you know, so I fear I have nobody to eat with." Wanda returned her attention to the preparations. The change of subject caught you off guard, but the opportunity to spend time with her was never something you wanted to turn down.
"Uh... sure! Let me just tell my mom I won't be home for our frozen pizza dinner." You made a goofy face that Wanda found hilarious after you commented on your other dinner option.
"Wonderful." A beautiful smile spread across her face as she pulled another plate out of the cupboard and set it on the dining table. "Would you care for a glass of wine?" The offer felt odd coming from the older woman, but it's easy to forget that you're legally allowed to accept alcoholic beverages now.
"That would be nice." You gave her a soft smile.
"I can't believe you're old enough to drink now... better for me so I won't be drinking alone," You both laughed. "Red or white, darling?"
"Whatever you're having." Wanda practically waltzed around the kitchen. "Is there anything I can do to help you prepare?" You asked as she handed you a glass of red.
Wanda paused her movements and looked at you with a silly yet impressed smile. "Well... have you ever made paprikash darling?" She asked and you shook your head. "Would you like to learn?"
"Absolutley." You grinned and Wanda took a sip of her wine.
"Wonderful." She held out her hand for you to join her at the cutting board. "We've got to dice two onions, one tomato and one pepper, as well as mince two cloves of garlic." She placed the kitchen knife in front of you. "I like to use four cloves of garlic though," she nearly whispered in your ear.
"Do you know your way around a cutting board?"
"Uhh... not really?"
"A teaching opportunity then! You can never get away from me, can you?" Wanda's words were spinning in your head even though you knew they were not intended to be. The older woman stepped behind you, moving the knife to your left hand.
"How did you know I was left handed?"
"I pay attention, dear." She casually replied. "Now curl your fingers on your right hand like this-" She placed her palm on top of the back of your hand. "And hold the knife like..." She adjusted the positioning of your thumb and pointer finger. "Good. This is the best way to avoid chopping an extremity off." Your eyes widened, thankful Wanda couldn't see the fear written on your face.
"All that's left to do is slice." She grabbed the readied onion and placed it in the center of the board. Before you knew it, she was guiding your hand through the vegetable while pressing you into the counter from behind. "Wonderful!" She exclaimed as the slice of onion fell onto the board. "Now you keep going!" She stepped out behind you and you tried your hardest to not sulk at her absence.
You missed Wanda's warmth, but nevertheless, you continued slicing and she continued watching.
"Good girl." She spoke the words again, nearly making you loose focus with a dangerous object in your hand. "Now you cut in the opposite direction. I was never good with onions so as long as the pieces look somewhat like cubes, you will have done a wonderful job." That made you laugh and you continued working.
"So tell me more about college! I love having you here but we never get one-on-one time like this. How is your degree path, your teachers, friends? Are you seeing anyone?" The last question was delivered in a goofy, sultry manner as Wanda pulled raw chicken out of the fridge.
You giggled and rolled your eyes. "To get the most pressing question out of the way, I am not seeing anyone. I was slightly interested in a graduate student but we decided it would be better to stay friends. Plus, who gets lucky enough to date a graduate student?"
"A graduate student, eh? How did the two of y'all meet anyways?"
"Well she used to live in the rental where I am now, so I received some old mail of hers. Who woulda thought that the nearly outdated postal service of America almost brought two women together?"
Your joke made Wanda cackle as she turned on the stove to heat the pot.
"Well, at least you have the opportunity to date women on campus, dear. That would have been so much more complicated in my day." She stirred the melting butter in the pan.
"Oh Wanda, don't say 'in my day', that makes you sound like a dinosaur!" You laughed.
"Well, honey, I am a dinosaur!"
"Oh shut up, no you're not. I am shocked every day that there aren't sad little high school boys making rude comments to your face or handsome men on your tail." The room oddly fell silent and you immediately started reflecting on what you had said. You put down the knife even though you were nearly done with the tomato. "When you made the comment about back in your day... - did you... do you wish you had the opportunity to date women?"
An all-telling silence came from Wanda.
"You'd rather have beautiful women on your tail? Is that it?" You smiled at her a little bit, just to make sure she knew that you understood.
"Well... I guess so. The whole 'men' thing only did me one good and that is my boys. Their dad, Vision, was just a good friend and it took me a really long time to realize that."
"That makes perfect sense Wanda." You almost hesitate with your next question, but it feels natural to ask. "Is there any woman that you've ever been particularly curious about?"
Immediately, you could tell Wanda had an answer, but her various facial expressions made it difficult to decipher if she was going to tell you or not. Finally, a glimmer of playfulness lit in her eye.
"Yes, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Not even Tommy."
"So we both know this person then! She must be from school!" You exclaimed, getting excited.
"SHHH!" She looked at you seriously. "I always wondered how I really felt about Carol but she got herself a partner back in May."
It took you a moment to figure out who Wanda was talking about. "Wait- Carol as in Ms. Danvers Carol Danvers?!?" Wanda sheepishly nodded and you smiled wide. "Wanda, I can't blame you at all. Carol was hot at hell." You returned to your tomato, smirking.
"Excuse me!" Wanda was shocked at your remark.
"Oh, c'mon, Wanda. You must know that students talk about a few teachers. Mostly the boys... but they still talk. Danvers was a popular topic in my graduating class! Even I added a comment occaisonally..." You mumbled as you watched Wanda return her eyes to the stove with a scoff.
"Unbelievable." Fake disgust dripped from Wanda's voice as you held back your laugh. She pulled the chicken out of the pot and grabbed the onions from your board, tossing them into the oil. "You said a few teachers..." She whipped back around. "Who else was on the hot commodity list?"
You playfully scoffed. "Well there was coach Wilson amongst the girls and also Ms. Hill with the guys."
"Oh, and of course we can't forget you."
You let out an outrageous burst of laughter. "What?! All of the students fangirl over how nice you are if they aren't upset with their grades in your class! The boys love how mysterious and alluring you are and the girls think you're extremely personable, which is true."
Wanda let a brief silence fall on the conversation. "And you?"
You paused. "I already told you what I think of you Wanda." You smiled and handed her the rest of the chopped veggies. "Here you go." A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as Wanda continued to work, claiming there was nothing else for you to do at the moment. Eventually, she covered the pot she had been focusing on and turned the kitchen timer on.
"We've got about thirty minutes of waiting before there will be anything else to do," she spoke as she finally poured more wine into the both of your empty glasses. "I hope you liked this red, darling. I don't know how experienced you are with alcohol yet... although i'm assuming it's more so than you should be for your age."
You giggled. "I have maybe had my fair share of underage drinking, just like any decent college kid might," you replied as you accepted the glass from Wanda and followed her to the nearby couch. You both got comfortable and you watched as the older woman pulled a blanket across her thighs. The absence of conversation began to feel a little overwhelming, but you weren't expecting Wanda to break it with the next sentence she spoke.
"You're actually the first person i've told about liking women," she began. You raised your eyebrows in shock. Not that she hasn't told anyone before, just that the first person she wants to confide in is you.
"Wow." You began. "I don't know if I'm the most appropriate person to offer this, but do you have any questions? I am comfortable answering anything as long as you are comfortable asking." You stared at Wanda as you sipped your wine, watching the gears turn in her head.
"Yes I-" Her hesitations finally diminished. "Have you ever dated a man?" You were not expecting that.
"Yes, I tried. I was in a similar situation where he was my best friend. This was in 9th grade, that is, but I still knew that I was supposed to feel more."
"How is it different?"
"Than women?" You watched as Wanda nodded. "Well there is an objective answer and a personal answer. The objective one goes to say that it comes down to the person and how you connect with them. How your life experiences tie together and whatnot. Objectively, I can't say that much because every individual is unique. Personally though, women are infinitely better."
This made Wanda laugh, which you were quickly realizing you would give anything to hear more and more of.
"They better understand your life experiences and how to navigate emotional situations, especially the mature ones. The way they display affection is usually more personable and caring, too. They also are more attentive to details, both mentally and physically."
"How so?"
You could feel the alcohol beginning to stir, making it harder for some thoughts and words to stay away from your brain. "Well mentally, women tend to catch onto social cues faster, like when their partner needs a break or needs to eat or needs cuddles or space. Physically, they pay more attention to how your lips move and how you like to be kissed, not just where." You noticed Wanda's eyes following the path of your lips and jawline, making you stammer for a moment.
"What else?"
You gulped, beginning to realize you had no idea how far this conversation would go. "Well, The body parts that they work to please are also the same parts they touch in their free time. They know how moving on something feels different than something moving on it... and so on."
Wanda tried to verbally confirm that she understood but you could tell she was a little lost in her head. She took a big sip of wine. And another.
"I was reading something the other day..." Wanda drew out and took a big breath. "Her tongue was on the...- and she had two fingers in-" Wanda stared at her hands, oblivious to the glaze over your eyes as your listened to your former teacher talk about fucking another woman. "Is that even possible?"
"Uh- um- yea- yes. It is. It takes a little bit of practice to figure out how to do it comfortably but - yes."
It was now your turn to take a big sip of wine.
"Oh I see."
"Do you have any other questions?" You know you shouldn't, but you wanted her to say yes. Your heart was racing and you could feel a velvety slick form in your pants.
"How are your classes going?" Her tone changed but she was still focused on her hands.
You let out a big gust of air from the tension you were feeling, semi relieved that the conversation had changed but also slightly confused. "Uh, classes are good. I've got most of the hard ones out of the way, so it's really just the fun ones left."
"Like what?"
"Well I have a science elective left so I'm taking intro to geology which is supposed to be wonderful. I've also signed up for a Shakespeare lecture that should be phenomenal too. It's being taught by my favorite professor, so I can't wait to have her again."
Wanda's eyes glanced up at that. "Again?"
"Yeah, I had her for my ethics class in freshman year and she was excellent. One of those teachers whose work I actually enjoyed doing. She really understood the students and designed her class structure to fit our interests."
Wanda didn't want to address the confusion that she was experiencing... almost jealousy, but the next question did not hesitate to fall from her lips.
"Do you have a picture?"
This caught you off guard. "Uh, yeah, I bet I could find her Linked-In or something." You pulled out your phone for a quick internet search. "Here she is on the school website."
You moved your phone in front of Wanda, not realizing until now how similar the two of them looked. Wanda also took notice.
"Was she on the list?" Wanda asked. "The list of teachers that students would talk about?"
"Oh, ha, no she wasn't." This line of questioning was risky, but you continued producing a response. "She was only part time and besides, that's more of a hormonal high school thing."
A brief pause entered the conversation. "Well, would she have been?" Wanda was speaking softly.
"Well, you were in high school once. What do you think?"
"Me?" Wanda's eyes widened and you nodded. "I think she would have been," the older woman drew out.
"I think you're right, Ms. Maximoff." You smirked as you took your phone back.
The two of you spent the rest of the half hour dancing around dangerous conversation, the mood lightening a little bit. You gained some insight into how the high school was holding up, and even heard some gossip about the faculty which made you really excited. You told Wanda more about what you were studying and what your plans were for after university, as well as how your summer was.
When dinner was finally ready, Wanda topped off the wine and the two of you sat down together to eat. The food was phenomenal and the company even better. The two of you went back and forth sharing memories from high school, true feelings about teachers and students being poured out. Wanda also got to know you more as you shared what books you had been reading and shows you had been watching.
Eventually, the room had quieted down as the two of you were focused on finishing the rest of your food.
"The food was astounding, thank you so much Wanda." You smiled as you set down your utensils and the older woman took her last bite.
"Mhm..." She swallowed, covering her mouth. "I would say 'you're welcome' but you helped me cook, dear, so I should really be saying thank you."
Your eyes met as the two of you stared, an odd silence threatening the conversation.
"So, clean up! What can I do to help?" You asked, standing up from the table with your plate.
"Oh, no, dear, please let me take care of it!" Before you knew it, Wanda had snatched your plate out of your hands.
"Are you-"
"Yes, yes, just sit down honey." She smiled at you as she moved around the kitchen, swiftly cleaning the mess from dinner. "So what has been your favorite class so far?" She asked as she worked. "Besides- besides that class with that teacher you like." The comment unintentionally sounded bitter, and the idea of Wanda being jealous entertained you.
"Well, besides ethics, I actually really liked my required fitness class. The semester I dedicated to the credit was a popular fitness semester, so finding an open section was hard, but I was able to get a seat in ballroom dance."
"Interesting! I didn't take you for much of a dancer." Wanda looked up at you from the sink, smiling.
"Neither did I, Wanda." You heard her lovely laugh again. "And I was not the star student in the class either, but I think I liked it the most."
"Oh yeah? What was your favorite dance?"
"The tango," you replied as you smiled, some bout of confidence overcoming you. "Would you like to learn?"
Wanda paused what she was doing then looked up at you with a smile. "Bold of you to assume to I don't already know it, but you would also be right. I would be open to it." She replied and you giggled, pulling out your phone for some music.
"Oh, now?!" Wanda watched as you stood up. "Honey, I-"
"No better time like the present!" You held out your hand for her to join you, the alcohol adding to your charm and boldness.
"Ok..." Wanda mumbled, wiping her hands off on the closest rag. She joined you in the open space, placing her hand in yours and you guiding it into place.
"Now the tango is a walking dance, so it is perfect to take it slow and steady. There are 5 basic steps, but i'll keep it simple and teach you two." Wanda nodded as you pressed play on your phone. "Now, screw traditional roles, but for the sake of simplicity, I will be the man and you the woman." You locked eyes with Wanda as she smiled, but you could see the looming intimacy behind her eyes. You could feel it too, standing this close to her body as you placed your hand on her back.
Teaching the first step was easy - Wanda was more inclined to the movements than you thought she would be. All you two were doing was striding in a circle, but every step you took became lighter and relaxing into each other was easier. Her nose tilted further towards you and yours towards hers - and for a moment, nothing else existed in the world.
Wanda was staring into yours eyes and you could barely breathe. Staring back was difficult - you kept averting your gaze to the floor or elsewhere in the house, desperately trying to comprehend the situation. But it was magical. Once you discovered though, that Wanda's piercing green eyes were the most relaxing thing to focus on, you were stuck.
And then you stepped on her toe.
"Fuck!" You exclaimed, tripping as Wanda struggled to keep you from falling.
"Are you alright?" She asked as you composed yourself.
"I should be asking you that! I'm sorry."
Wanda laughed. "I'm perfectly alright darling. Now what's this about a second step?"
You blushed, Wanda essentially admitting she was enjoying this and wanted to continue. This was bizarre.
"Uh, it's pretty much the same for me. You get to shake it up a little bit."
"Oh?" She smiled and held her hands back out, awaiting the comfort of your return. You stepped into her grasp. "I can't wait," She winked.
This woman was going to be the death of you.
"Uh-m... - good!" You swallowed. "This is essentially the same as the last one, except now you're pivoting into me instead of pacing." You returned your hands to their proper placements.
"Like this?" She attempted a few steps with you.
"Almost. You don't need so much power to twist. Try again?" The two of you resumed stepping together.
"How's this?"
She almost had it, her knees just weren't getting the proper guidance. You dropped your hands down to her hips.
"Oh-" You froze. "May I?" Your hands were softly touching her jeans. You found Wanda staring, eventually returning a nod. Gently, you applied more pressure onto her joints and resumed stepping. Now, you could easily move her hips, and she quickly picked up the proper motion. "There you go." You looked back up at her eyes. "You're doing so well, Wanda."
She was speechless as you moved your hands back up to their proper position, rarely letting your fingertips leave her surface. It was easy to assume that a lot was going on behind her eyes... the step became mindless to her as she continuously scanned over your facial features.
She snapped out of it and ended the dance just as the song ended. "Thank you for teaching me, darling." She smiled softly. "That was wonderful." She returned to the kitchen in silence, leaving you alone.
"You were able to pick it up rather quickly. I was surprised." You said, following her to the kitchen and leaning against a counter. You could tell though that there were still gears turning in her head, so you let her be the one to talk next.
This allowed for a moment of quiet as you watched her finish cleaning the pot from dinner. Her back was to you as she washed and rinsed, softly humming the song from the tango.
When she was done, she still hesitated to turn around.
"Y/N?" She finally spoke, still away from you.
"When I asked you what you thought of me, you said...- you said you thought I was beautiful."
You quietly laughed. "Out of all that I said, that's what you took away?"
"Darling, I-" she hesitated again. "Did you mean it?"
You did not wait to conjure up a response. "I meant every word of what I said. I mean... I have practiced telling you all of that nonsense for so long even though I never thought it would happen. I just want you to know that... that I care about you. And I do think you're beautiful, Wanda Maximoff. Without a doubt."
"You think I'm beautiful?" She tried not to choke on her words.
You took a deep breath, having done all possible damage already. "Yes, yes I do." You hesitated before speaking again. "I think that you are beautiful. Inside and out."
Wanda finally turned around, and her response was something you couldn't have predicted in a million years.
"I... I think that you are beautiful too."
You stared at her in disbelief.
"You do?"
"In every single way, you are beautiful." She paused. "The way that you carry yourself... the way you smile, the way you laugh. The moments you hold onto and the memories you make. The way your eyes shine when you're proud of something... all of it is beautiful."
She pushed off the counter and walked towards you as a tear formed in your eye. Her hand reached up to brush it away as it rolled down your cheek, but instead of placing it back at her side, her hand stayed cradling the side of your face. Your eyes raced as you traced every line and mark on her skin, noticing how her green glazed stare wouldn't look away.
The two of you stayed like that, simply staring at each other, hearts racing.
"Y/N?" Her eyes didn't leave yours.
"I'm going to do something really stupid."
For the first time in what felt like hours, her eyes left yours, and instead went to your lips. She met your gaze one more time before slowly leaning in, closing the distance between you.
You couldn't believe what was happening as everything in your body burned. She used her hand to tilt your lips in her direction, and before you knew it, her mouth was on yours.
You initially didn't return the kiss, but before long, her sensation became addicting and you needed to know whatĀ moreĀ felt like.
Your lips were now pushing back on hers with curiosity and interest, slowly working through the feelings coursing through your entire body. Her mouth only briefly left yours before you were returning to another delicate kiss, delighted to see that it was being reciprocated with the small swipe of a tongue.
You let her into your mouth, eager to know what it felt like.
And whatever she was doing... well... it rocked your world. You caught yourself about to moan, which quickly brought you to your senses as you pushed her away.
"Oh my god." You took a deep breath and stared at the floor.
"You kissed me." You looked up and found her gaze full of lust; dark eyes roaming your body unapologetically. You couldn't believe that look was real, but the excitement consumed you.
"You kissed me back." She said, finding your stare again. The only thing worse than her intense gaze was the fact that she was right.
You were finding it very difficult not to pull her back on top of you. "Shit."
"Did you- were you ok with that?" Wanda asked nervously. She seems as nervous as you were, almost as if she couldn't believe what was happening either. Neither of you knew that you wanted this, but everything feels right now that it's there.
"Fuck, yes." You rubbed your face in frustration, struggling to function in the current situation. The nerves, heat and alcohol were all mixing together and before you knew it, theĀ realĀ uncomfortable truth slipped out.
"I'm fucking obsessed with you, Ms. Maximoff." You held your breath after messing up on her name, but instead of correcting you, her jaw slightly dropped at your desperation.
Out of some bout of confidence, you stepped into her space, backed her into the counter and dismissed every reason why the two of you should not happen. Her eyes stared you down with anticipation and desire. You brought your hands up to her head and wove your fingers into her hair, craving to feel her again.
"It's my turn to do something really stupid now, ok?"
She nodded slowly, afraid to avert her gaze.
As you leaned in towards her mouth, she took a deep breath and shuttered. Her hands moved to hold your hips just before your lips met, and this time, it was her turn to freeze once your mouth touched hers. You immediately began to panic, but just as you pulled away, she pulled your hips into hers and met your mouth with haste.
Immediately melting into her touch, a soft moan quickly escaped your lips as you tugged on her fiery locks. She gasped in return, giving you the chance to slide your tongue into her mouth and elicit a sound off of her shaky breath.
After all of your longing and pining and secrecy and wishful thinking, she was yours. Right now, as her fingertips were feeling your body for the first time and her sensation was consuming, you were struggling to believe that everything was real.
But the warm skin touching your side was undeniable. The wet tongue that was gently exploring your mouth was unquestionable, and the moans that were escaping the woman in front of you were unlike anything you could conjure in a dream.
One of your hands shakily released its grasp on Wanda's hair and made its way around her neck, giving it a gentle squeeze. When your action resulted in a smooth moan from the other woman, you smirked, not expecting that in a million years. You brought that hand down to her waist so you could hold her body as close as possible.
"You liked that, Ms. Maximoff?" You breathed into her mouth, knowing she could sense your heated grin.
"Shut up and do it again."
You lightly laughed at her begging, but you were desperate to please her. Leaning in to kiss her again, you pushed your hand on her waist from her belly button back up to her neck, this time squeezing harder. She threw her head back from the pleasuring pain, which you saw as an opportunity to turn your mouth's attention to her neck. As your warm lips met her skin and your hands went to roam her curves, she audibly gasped, and you were soaking up every reaction that you could drag out of her.
Wanda's hands found the back of your head as she encouraged your sucking and biting, careless of how aggressive you were being. Your own fingertips began to entertain the rim of her jeans, testing the waters as you caressed her lower back. You were itching to move lower, but every aspect of the current situation was territory that you never imagined you would be in before.
"Where can I touch you?" You whispered under her ear.
She laughed, followed by a soft moan as you bit her lobe. "Oh, detka, we've moved way past that line of consent," She replied as she grabbed one of your hands and moved it to her ass. "I want to feel you. All of you."
"Yes ma'am," You smirked and returned your kisses to her neck, placing both hands on her ass and pulling her hips into you. A groan reached your ears as your tongue met the base of her collar bone.
With your mouth now at the top of her shirt, your hands traced her sides as you bent your knees to meet her clothed belly button. Grasping and lifting the bottom of her shirt with your fingers, you began to stand back up, slowly kissing and licking a straight line up her front to where her bra connected in the center.
"Wait," She said as you were about to teethe the fabric, immediately dropping the shirt and standing all the way back up. Your heart was racing, unable to predict what she was about to say. She looked as if she was genuinely questioning the situation, and you were terrified. "Bedroom. Now."
Before you could process the sense of relief that washed over your body, Wanda was dragging you towards the hallway that led to her room. Even though you'd been in her space several times, the idea of fucking her in her own bed was driving you mad.
Before either of you could make it two steps into the room, you shut the door and placed her up against the wood. For a moment, all you could do was stare into her eyes, and all she could do was stare back. This was crazy. Her hand twitched on your back, and you lost control.
You immediately pressed your lips back onto hers, lifting her wrists up and holding them against the door. She groaned as your tongue explored her mouth, your hands eventually finding their way back to the rim of her shirt. Now wasting no time, you lifted the article of clothing off of her body as she gladly held her arms above her head.
After tossing the shirt aside, you found yourself taken aback by her body. Her simple, red bra complimented her soft skin, hugging her gently. The stretch marks that remained from her pregnancy were like highlights of the moon reflecting off of the ocean, and the way her breasts moved with her heavy breathing had you in a trance.
"Holy shit," you whispered, slowly moving your mouth towards her sternum, beginning to place soft kisses in a line.
"What?" Wanda asked.
"You're breathtaking."
"Well, I'm not what I used to be."
Your hands roamed her back as you continued your delicate kisses on her breasts.
"I don't want what you used to be, Wanda. I think you're perfect the way you are now." You said as you unclipped her bra, slipping the straps off of her shoulders. The two of you locked eyes as you slid the article down her arms. Her swollen lips and wondrous gaze were stuck on your being as your lungs seemed to be missing air.
To your surprise, Wanda's next move was to lunge at you, forcing you to walk backwards as her tongue explored your mouth and her hands worked to remove your shirt. You jumped when the backs of your knees met the bed, but Wanda didn't seem to notice as she pushed you back and climbed on top. Distracted by the feeling of being in her bed and her tongue beginning to explore your chest, you tangled your fingers into her hair and tugged.
"Fuck," She moaned, looking up at you, and you froze. A pair of of desperate green eyes and wet, swollen lips were staring up at you, and your english teacher had just moaned a curse word. You felt like you were on another planet.
"Shit, you're attractive." You mumbled and the older woman blushed. "Tugging hair, choking... this is only the beginning, Wanda." You smirked at her from under her body, and her only response was kissing you deeply.
You used this moment as an opportunity to push her on her back, quickly mounting her before she could protest, although you don't think she would have. You took the moment to drag your fingertips down her front and run each nipple over with your thumbs.
"Oh, Fuck, babygirl, you're driving me-" You eagerly latched your mouth onto a breast, receiving a heavy gasp from the woman below you. You continued on with your work, playing with the free nipple in one hand and stroking a thigh with the other. Her fingers were dancing across your back, eventually making their way to unclasp your bra.
The moment you felt the relief, you gently bit down on her delicate nipple, causing Wanda to arch upwards and rake her nails down your back. The pain caught you by surprise as you leaned into her and moaned into her ear. You could feel her smirk against your skin.
"Shut up." You groaned.
"Make me." She replied, trying to tug your bra down your arms.
You sat up to fully remove the article of clothing, entertained by the hands that were running up your side to cup your breasts. You rested for a moment, enjoying the feeling of Wanda's massaging.
"Is this what you wanted from me, detka? Is this what you picture when you think of me?"
"To be honest, I never let myself consider it. But I always wondered what it would be like..." You smirked and placed your hands on her stomach. "Why? Is this something you've fantasized about? Having me on top of you, topless and moaning?" You leaned back over her body, your hands moving to massage her breasts and your breath teasing her other nipple.
"Oh honey," She laughed and moved her touches to and down your back. "I've thought about all of this. What your mouth on my tits would be like, how your fingers would feel inside of me..." Your movements stopped as you stared at her. "How hard would you fuck me and with how many fingers and how much tongue. How much would you edge me and make me crazy. What you would look like in-between my legs with my cum dripping from your lips? I'm simply curious, darling." Her hands cupped your ass as you worked up a response.
"Well aren't you lucky, Ms. Maximoff," You began with a shakey voice, one hand holding you up and the other teasing her stomach. "Cause you get to find out." You moved your fingers to the top her jeans and you popped the button open. "Have you ever pictured me rubbing out your cunt?" Wanda simply stared. "Well, we should probably start there." You slid your hands into her jeans and started making circles over her clothed pussy, watching as she took a deep breath and opened her mouth. You could feel her slickness in the fabric.
"Fuck, Wanda, you're already drenched." You groaned as you finally placed your lips on her other breast. Her wet cunt was already coating your fingers and you realized that you were so close to tasting her. "You're so wet for me, I've hardly done anything."
"Darling, you've done more for me than anyone else ever has." She groaned.
"Do you want me to do more?"
"Baby, please."
You immediately took your hand out of her jeans and turned your attention to taking them off entirely. You could hardly contain yourself as she lifted her hips and helped you slide the denim off of her skin, her now drenched panties completely visible.
"Wow," You whispered, crawling back on top of her body, bringing your face up to hers so your noses could meet again.
"Hi," She smiled sheepishly, and you gave her a loving kiss.
"Gods, you're stunning. I can't wait to be inside you." You kissed her again.
"I want to touch you too, babygirl." Wanda whispered and you smiled.
"Touch anything you'd like, Ms. Maximoff."
Wanda's eyes scanned your body. "I also want these off." She pulled at the hem of your pants then dragged her fingernails up and down your sides.
Shivering, you dismounted Wanda and stood up, putting on a show of you taking off your pants.
"You mean these old things?" You bent over so Wanda could see the fabric sliding down your ass, taking your time even though it was painful.
"Detka, you're killing me." Wanda sat up to watch as the hem dragged down your legs, revealing your most flattering panties. The attention she was giving you was lighting you on fire. You heard her audibly gasp when you started to pull at the final piece of clothing, but you instead let go of your panties and turned back around, smirking.
"Now, Ms. Maximoff, I can't do all of the work for you." You waltzed back over to the bed, remounting the older woman. You watched as her eyes followed the dark spot on your only remaining article. Grinning, you leaned into her ear. "Ill touch yours if you touch mine."
"Please, baby." She whispered. You sat up so she could see all of you again, this time reaching a hand down to where your panties covered your pussy. Making sure she was watching, you pulled the fabric aside.
"Go on, Wanda, it's all yours."
She slowly reached a hand to your slickness, and the moment you finally felt contact, you took a deep breath. At first, she just held one finger there, but eventually, small movements began to circle your clit. You moaned. "Good job, M- Ms. Maxi- mo--" She slipped a finger into you. "FUCK. You feel so good. You're doing so good." You noticed Wanda's eyes were glued to her finger moving in and out of you, trying to fill in the picture that was still hidden by the thin fabric.
You opened your eyes just in time to see her pull out her finger and bring it up to her lips, sensually sucking you off and whining at your taste. Excitedly, you let go of your panties and leaned down to taste yourself on her tongue.
"How did that feel, Wanda?" You smirk, coming out of the deep kiss and pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear.Ā 
"God- babygirl... you- you're driving me crazy." Her hips softly rolled under you as she pulled your head back down for another aching kiss. You ran the hand that wasn't supporting your weight over her breasts and down her body, scratching at the skin below her belly button. "Please, honey... I..." She mumbled in-between kisses, you hardly giving her a chance to speak. When you finally pulled away a few inches, no more words were leaving her lips as her chest heaved for air.Ā 
"What is it, Ms. Maximoff?" You smirked, playing with the elastic around her waist.Ā 
"I need you to touch me."Ā 
"Yes ma'am." You watched her facial expressions as your hand finally dove into her panties, the moisture immediately apparent. Her eyes widened when your pointer finger found the velvety slick and you immediately knew you would do anything in your power to make sure she knew how good another woman could make her feel. Your digit slowly started exploring the rest of the area, soft moans escaping the older woman as you glazed over her clit and entrance.Ā 
"Have you ever been touched like this, Wanda?" You whispered into her ear, making a few nips at her lobe.
"N-no..." She sighed as you began intentionally circling her clit.Ā 
"Nobody to notice what you like... what you want. This wet, pretty pussy wasted on cheap condoms and a quick fuck."
A sinful moan left her body as your lips once again returned to her neck, you quickly learning where her sensitive spots were. "Shit, baby." Her nails were digging into your shoulder blades.Ā 
"Nobody to know how warm and soft you are," You said, shoving a finger into her entrance, groaning as she gasped. "And it's a damn shame, cause you feel so perfect, Ms. Maximoff." You met her eyes when you could see the surprise on her face at your last statement. Your finger started moving slowly in and out, trying to map out every dip and line you could feel. "So perfect."Ā 
You once again reattached your lips to hers, feeling the vibrations from her moans on your tongue. You could stay like this forever, you felt. But Wanda did not.Ā 
"Detka, I need more. Please." Her slight accent slipping through, reaching down to your core.Ā 
You pulled your finger out of her and she whined, fearing her pleading made you step back. Little did she know, but she would be getting exactly what she asked for.Ā 
"I would love to give you more, but these are gonna need to come off." You dragged your soaked finger down her stomach to grab at her panties and she frantically nodded.
"Yeh- yes please. I want to feel all of you."Ā 
You smirked, moving back to finally drag the rest of the fabric down her legs. When you finally brought yourself to look at the painting between her legs though, you could hardly breathe. Her folds were swollen and soaked with her wetness, slightly moving with her body as her chest rose and fell. You felt so divided, debating consuming her immediately or taking your time to work her up.Ā 
You realized while the first option was so tempting, the second would give her the full experience. You slowly reached your fingertips to graze over her thigh, small whimpers coming from the older woman.Ā 
"Oh, Wanda, you are divine." You muttered, now dragging both palms up her waist and down the sides of her ass as you repositioned yourself closer to her core. Eyes dragging up and down her person when you spotted the wetness that you had left on her stomach earlier. You leaned down to clean it all up, finally getting to taste her tanginess on your tongue. You moaned into her skin.
"Detka..." She gasped as you moved your mouth down to her inner thighs and you hands to grip her waist. Her smell was driving you crazy as her taste lingered in your throat. You began to slowly suck at the warm soft terrain, finding it easy to pull the skin between your teeth. A hand was placed on your head, pulling on your hair in a desperate attempt to get you closer to her core. You simply laughed, leaving red spots everywhere in-between her thighs.
Despite your grip on her hips, she still found some movements, directing your attention to the quiet sticky sounds coming from her pussy. You watched in a daze as her small twitches pushed around the slick, begging to be touched again.
You couldn't take it anymore, fully embracing her wetness with a torturous lick up her core. The groan that escaped Wanda was heavenly as she tried to tug you back onto her. You complied, picking up a slow routine of collecting her mess into your mouth. You dug your fingers deeper into her sides, addicted to her pain response.Ā 
"Oh, good girl, baby. That, wow." She said as you began to suckle on her clit, striving for every reaction you could get out of her. "Holy fuck."
You smirked, finally sliding a finger back into her dripping hole and continuing to work on her clit with your mouth. You knew this pace you were making would not be enough, but you wanted the older woman to beg for it. You could tell she already wanted to as your hair only got tugged harder and finger nails started scratching at your arms.Ā 
After only a short time, you decided to amp up the teasing with another finger into her entrance, but you would not change your pace. You took breaks on her clit when you felt she was building up too many knots, paying attention to her audible sighs as if she was taking a cold plunge and making sure her lungs were still working.Ā 
"Darling, please... oh-"
You blew on her clit as you watched how your fingers slid in and out of her, collecting up her slick.
"Baby please make me cum. You feel s-so good but you're destroying me Y/N/N."
"You want me that bad, Ms. Maximoff?" You grinned.Ā 
"Darling, its not a want. It's a need. Now. Please."
"Ok, as long as you look at me as I fuck you clean. I want you to know what good love feelsĀ andĀ looks like." You smirked as she pulled a pillow under your head, elated when she gasped at the image before her... your chin soaked, eyes hungry and smile cruel. You kept eye contact with her as you sunk back down to her core, living in the light of her stare. You began to continue the licks and pumps, but she let her eyes roll back, which you hadn't told her to do.Ā 
"Eyes on me, Ms. Maximoff. I'm in charge right now." You couldn't believe those words had just rolled off of your tongue, but clearly she hadn't either as your gazes reconnected.Ā 
"You little sl-" She went speechless as you started a more aggressive pace, ensuring her green glare was on you. Once you had decided she would stay like that, you moved all of your attention to her pussy, finally tying all the knots together in her core. Her moans and whimpers were everything to you, even when you noticed her upper body was becoming too weak. You decided to let her finish, knowing she more than deserved it.Ā 
"Detka, I think I'm gonna cum- I"Ā 
"The stage is yours" You mumbled into her, internally grinning. You pumped a few more times and the next thing you know, Wanda has thrown her head down and arched off the bed. You could feel her cum as you watched the sight before you, the older woman unable to control her high.Ā 
You stared in awe as your fingers worked her off her high, chest heaving and hands rubbing her eyes. You slowly pulled your fingers out of her twitchy hole, making sure her eyes were back on you as you raised your digits to your lips.Ā 
"Wow, babygirl, that was... amazing." She pulled you over for a kiss, adjusting to her taste on your tongue. "Thank you."
You giggled. "You know, Wanda, another nice thing about women is that they have the stamina to make you cum more than once in a night... if you're interested." You smirked.
Her jaw slightly dropped. "More than once?"
Thanks for reading!
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jaylver Ā· 4 months
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synopsis: almost like a nightmare, park sunghoon plagues your present just as much as your past regrets had done. however, this time around, you and him decided to right your wrongs one last time.
pairings: non-idol!sunghoon x afab!reader
genre: exes to lovers, miscommunications, angst, second chance romance
warning(s): profanities, brief mentions of smoking, drinking, partying and alcohol
wc: 8k
a/n: i'm BACK. this has been in the works for far too long because of the constant writer's block so i'm not sure if it's good or not, plus it's my first exes to lovers so please be nice <3 greatly inspired by gracie abram's "rockland", so do give it a listen too! please leave a feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated! muah xx
masterlist | Ā© jaylver all rights reserved.
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If there was one thing youā€™d regret forever in this lifetime, it would be ending things with the love of your life.
You admit it, youā€™re selfish. Selfish for wanting to leave the town you grew to hate, selfish for prioritising yourself and chasing your dreams, choosing to leave the people you loved instead. Painted a villain in the eyes of many close to the person you once went home to and even the man himself. But, how could he fully blame you when he was equally selfish too?
Park Sunghoon thought keeping you in the cage of this small town was going to make him a happy man. He often fantasised about the possibility of you and his future together, completely pushing aside the thought of you leaving, until it actually happened.
He was angry. He let himself be consumed by his own feelings and mindlessly projecting his anger and blame on you, while you regretfully did the same.
Pools of tears and venomous words spewed out of impulse left you scarred and broken down. It was a bad ending that youā€™d see in movies coming to life. The moment you had everything packed and goodbyes said, you figured leaving was for the best, now that your ex hates you and his friends who probably felt the same.Ā 
It was a shame, though. Heading to somewhere far from home with a heavy heart knowing you didnā€™t have the chance to see him once more. Frankly, you were a coward, and so was he.
That explained why returning back home was the scariest thing you had to face in a while.Ā 
It was ironic, wasn't it? Coming back to the place you wished for years to escape and actually doing so, but eventually having to return after you dropped out of the college that you've been praying and praying to get into, only for it to be overwhelming and the city lights couldn't compare to the starry night of your hometown.
You suppose you got the thing you wanted, but it just wasn't what you imagined.
Freshly twenty-two and out of school, you figured home was what you needed in your next step before deciding if you should re enrol. However, you find yourself not having the guts to face your family and friends, not after the promises turned out to be empty.Ā 
"You should quit smoking,"Ā 
Yunjin, your cousin and practically your closest friend growing up, was just a distance away when you spotted her, leaning against her car with a cigarette in hand. You found it amusing how she didn't cave into vapes instead in this day and age.Ā 
"Y/N!" She pushed the bud of her half smoked cigarette into the wall, then started jogging towards you, her dress flowing in the wind and boots making obnoxious clicks against the ground. There was a sense of relief in her eyes, her usual smile that you missed graced your presence. "God, I missed you, things aren't the same without you here,"
In the span of a few seconds of her hug, you took the chance to digest her words. Did that mean the traditions you've upheld are now gone? Parties, trips to the beach, all those?Ā 
Yunjin pulled away, still managing a small smile. "I don't think things were ever the same since you left ā€¦ and after you broke up with Sunghoon,"
You blinked, looking away into the distance. "I don't think I'll be welcomed,"
Yunjin scoffed, slapping your arm and scurrying to get your bags. "Don't say that! So not true. Everyone in the family is waiting for you to be backā€”"
"And talk behind my back about my failure in graduating? Yeah, no,"
ā€˜ā€˜Thatā€™s not going to happen,ā€ Yunjin sighed, struggling with your bags and declining your help, but you still forcefully grabbed some knowing sheā€™d eventually crumble. ā€œI think theyā€™ll get it,ā€
Would they?
Once you are settled into the car, bags successfully loaded into the trunk, you let yourself melt into the comforts of Yunjinā€™s passenger seat, finally getting to close your eyes and drift away. You thought it was best before having to face everything and everyone once again.
ā€œWhatā€™s your plan now, anyway?ā€
Without opening your eyes, you envisioned a distant image in your head. ā€œTake my time off and see if Iā€™d like to re enrol or not. If I donā€™t, Iā€™ll just go plan B,ā€
ā€œWhich is?ā€
ā€œAccept the job offer in London,ā€
Yunjin almost hit the brakes out of shock, the news that came from you felt like it had hit her in the face, but somehow, she managed to keep her cool and not get you both killed. ā€œWhat?ā€ she shrieked.
ā€œWhat?ā€ you questioned back, sounding nonchalant as if this was just another normal offer that didnā€™t seem particularly significant. But it was.
ā€œYou have a job offer in London and youā€™re coming back here,ā€
ā€œI left the city for a reason, itā€™d be stupid to go to another one right after,ā€
Yunjin exhaled, blinking in stupor. ā€œRight,ā€
ā€œHowā€™s ā€¦ everyone?ā€
Yunjin knew you werenā€™t referring to your family. Of course youā€™d know how your own family was doing, thatā€™s a no brainer. What you were trying to mean was your old friend group. You couldnā€™t blame them for being mad at you, after all you were only a part of it because of Sunghoon.
ā€œHeeseungā€™s graduating soon,ā€ this was the first update youā€™ve gotten from Yunjin after those years away. It took you every will not to ask her about them, but here you were now, finally giving in. ā€œTheyā€™re still the same, nothingā€™s changed,ā€
ā€œWhat about him?ā€
Yunjin seemed hesitant, obviously holding back something that she didnā€™t want you to know. ā€œIā€™m not going to explode upon hearing, you know that, right?ā€ you joked lightheartedly, but secretly dreading hearing about him.
ā€œI think heā€™s seeing someone,ā€
ā€œGood for him,ā€Ā 
Would it be a crime to admit that you still missed your ex? Something in you was wishing you could rekindle a connection again now that youā€™re back, but all that hope shattered. If he had already moved on, why couldnā€™t you? Even after knowing how he probably hated and resented you for doing what you did, you still couldnā€™t bring yourself to hate him back.Ā 
ā€œThatā€™s all?ā€
ā€œYou want me to go full crazy ex mode? Youā€™re insane,ā€ you shook your head, smiling a little, hoping Yunjin didnā€™t notice the speck of sadness swimming in your irises. ā€œWhoever she is, Iā€™m sure that I would like her ā€¦ if I were slightly nicer,ā€
She let out a ā€˜tchā€™ in response, though grinning. ā€œWhat are you going to do with them around? Thereā€™s no way youā€™d be able to fully avoid them,ā€
ā€œWhat can I do? Iā€™ll just have to coexist.ā€
Coexist was a funny word. How were you able to do that when you couldnā€™t even fully get over Sunghoon in the first place? Thinking about meeting him in flesh already made you feel like doubling over and projectile vomit. That was how pathetic you were, what a shame.Ā 
Settling in was easy. It was natural to be back home, way better than being in the noisy city and constantly surrounded by a bunch of fake friends. The question of why you left in the first place started burning your mind as you tossed around trying to sleep, but it only persisted to bug you. Then came the thoughts of Sunghoon and the friends you left behind, which prompted you to be fully awake, sitting up in bed.
It wasn't the greatest idea to reach for your phone and search for his contact name, just to recall the day you deleted his number. Yet, your memory never failed you, remembering the digits like it was first instinct, fingers already typing his number. Your thumb hovered over the green call button, a haze in your mind.
Inevitably, you shut your phone and dug your head into your pillow. He would've laughed then, if he had seen this happen, the exact moment of you almost caving in and finally saying the sorry you never gave him.
The pictures you saw of him on social media here and there made you wonder how he was and if he had already forgotten about you. There were a few recurring appearances of a girl that seemed to linger by his side in group pictures that caught your eyes. Who took your bed when you left? Who laughed at everything that he said? Was it that girl?
Just like the time you first had a crush on Sunghoon, you stayed awake thinking about him, except this time around, you were filled with regret instead of hope.Ā 
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"Heeseung asked me about you,"
Yunjin's random confession in the middle of the day had surprised you. Lee Heeseung, the best friend of your ex who you swore hated your guts, asked about you? Shocker.
"What did you say?"
"I said something along the lines of you figuring out life and just chilling here until the time comes," Yunjin shrugged, and you nodded slowly. "But there's something he said that made me a bit ā€¦ confused?"
"He said they wanted to see you again,"Ā 
You raised your eyebrows, a hint of scepticism flashed over your eyes. "They want to see me? Tell me a better joke next time, thanks,"
"I'm not joking! I mean, he did say excluding Sunghoon, but the other guys wanted to know how you were now that you're back," Yunjin winced a little at the mention of your ex, but you waved it off.
"Are they treating me to dinner or something?"
"Well ā€¦ no. But Heeseung asked me to bring you to their next party, which is in a few days," Yunjin's gaze softened, hand patting your back. "You know you don't have to come if you don't want to. I mean, after all that happened with you and them and Sunghoon,"
You let out a small sigh, absentmindedly fidgeting your fingers. "It's all in the past now. I'm sure Sunghoon has moved on with another girl, and maybeā€”just maybeā€”the guys do hate me less."
You never went to that party Yunjin mentioned.
It was hard to admit but you knew, deep inside you, you were afraid, too cowardly to face the people you once knew. Instead, you chose to linger around like a lost soul in a town full of the ghosts of your past.Ā 
It didn't help that the party was also in Sunghoon's house. How did they expect you to go in the first place? You thought you'd never step foot in there after you broke it off with him, and you were adamant on keeping it that way, but your heart got the worst of you.
On the night of the party, you drove around the neighbourhood, eventually stopping across the street of his house. You didn't know what got to you to do so, but you guessed reminiscence and bright lights coming from the house were the reason. The music was loud, people were coming in and out of the house, and the only thing you could think of was him.
That thought alone was enough to have you drive away, leaving the house further and further away into the background just as the memories of him being pushed into the back of your mind.
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Rotting in your bed wasn't how your early 20s were meant to be spent, and avoiding almost everyone most definitely wasn't the case either.
Your family and Yunjin were the only people you saw daily, as for the friends you once had, they were long forgotten or didn't even bother to reach out. Except for Heeseung and the others.
That, to you, was a really funny thing to think about. People who stuck by you after the break up and swore to be your closest friends didn't try contacting you once you moved back, knowing damn well word traveled fast in the town; whereas the friends you thought hated you were the first to reach out.
"I'll go to that party," you said to Yunjin on a sunny afternoon tanning session by the pool, sunglasses sitting on the bridge of your nose, hiding the apprehension in your eyes.
"Really?" Yunjin almost jumped out of her seat. It was a party she had brought up days ago, still persistent on taking you out. At least this time around, it wasn't in Sunghoon's house, but her friend Chaewon's. "That's great! Chaewon and the girls are super nice, you'll love them. Let's pick a nice outfit for you, okay?"
Yunjin was by far the most enthusiastic one between you and her. She was picking out dresses and tops, literally rummaging through your closet for anything, and you had to remind her it was just a college party. So, you settled for a skirt and a plain top.Ā 
"Will you be okay? I'll stick by you," Yunjin had her arms around you, standing by the front door of Chaewon's house, hearing the music blaring from the inside.
"I'm fineā€”I think I'll be fineā€”I just don't want to run away from everyone anymore," it was mostly true, you thought it was inevitable to hide all the time, that wasn't how you're going to spend your life living.
"If there's anything, tell me, okay? We'll leave if you're getting sick," Yunjin gave your arm a final squeeze of assurance before crossing the threshold.Ā 
It was the same as every party you've gone to. Loud music, drunk college kids, liquor and beers strayed around, it reeked of your nightmare in a nutshell there.Ā 
Yunjin's friends were all as lovely as she had promised. The host herself was wobbling on her feet but managed to grace you with her humour. There was Sakura and Kazuha that you learned were foreign students.Ā 
Throughout the night, you were stuck by Yunjin, going from circle to circle and introducing yourself or recognising some of your past school mates. But, almost inevitably so, Heeseung, Jay and Jake had made an appearance too.
"Y/N," Jay was the first to call your name, causing you to turn your head at the familiar voice.Ā 
Your thoughts during then were jumbled into a mess. The people you were fighting to avoid were standing in front of you, all of which were much different than the memories you had of them in mind.Ā 
Three of them had grown taller, gained some muscles and matured in many ways. Jay's hair was dyed pink, Heeseung got new piercings and Jake had a tattoo on his finger. It was strange to admit they're the same people you knew despite feeling the complete opposite of familiarity.
"Heyā€”" you were cut off by Jay closing in and pulling you into a hug, this for once was something you remembered about him.
"We're so glad you're back," he whispered into your hair, squeezing you tight. It reminded you then that you were friends with him and the guys before you even dated Sunghoon, that connection was deeper than it seemed, and for it to be severed just because of a breakup was gut wrenching to realise. "We're sorry, Y/N, we're so sorry,"
His apology was genuine, that's for sure. Once you pull away, you let both Heeseung and Jake take turns to hug you, whispering apologies into your ear. It was odd, to accept their apologies and having to start afresh. You held onto them, just taking it in. To forgive was a big step, but maybe it was your first step.
You sat there, catching up with them and slowly getting comfortable just like the old days. Heeseung graduated and got a good job offer, Jay and Jake were still studying, both of which were in the same university. You were relieved there was nothing too awkward between you and them, or else you would have regretted your choices.
The night continued on with a few small talks and eventually you had to excuse yourself to the toilet. You wondered how Chaewon's house was so big, with halls that seemed to never end, or it could just be the effects of alcohol.
Stumbling around, you held onto the walls, passing by rooms occupied by people probably doing something unspeakable. You thought your peace of mind would be intact until the end of the night, but you were wrong. Upon turning a corner, you froze.
It was Sunghoon. It was him.
Grief was a funny feeling, especially when it comes to someone you once knew. You stared at him and there he was, like a ghost from your past coming back to haunt you. He was the shell of the person you loved, and you couldn't help but grieve the person he once was. What was he like now?Ā 
Before you could even turn around and make a run for it, his wandering eyes landed on you. He had the same thought process as you. Realisation, panic, sadness, confusion all mixed into a heap of feelings.Ā 
Your feet started moving on its own, as you stepped back, he took a step forward. Your breath became ragged, heart thumping hard and blood pumping in your ears. He was nearing, and you were running away, it was the same as before.
"Y/N!" He called out, and all it took was him to say your name again to have you stop in your tracks. Gosh, you were pathetic.
He was standing before you now, closer than he was a moment ago. It was then you realised how much he had changed too.Ā 
He was taller, smile lines etched much deeper into his face, almost changing along the same wavelengths with the others. There was something different about the way he looked at you, however. From love in his eyes that eventually changed into hatred was now filled with longing and confusion.
"Y/N," he repeated, disbelief evident in his voice, as if he couldn't believe you were there.Ā 
"Sunghoon," you blinked, a frown unknowingly making its way to your face. You let a few beats of silence pass, conflicted and nervous. "Iā€”I should leave,"
"Noā€”!" his hand reached out for you, but you didn't feel his touch. He didn't dare to touch you, letting his hand linger before pulling it back to his side. "I mean, you don't have to leave,"
"I thought you hate me,"
Sunghoon's gaze fell to the floor, jaw clenched and eyebrows furrowed. He met your eyes once more. "I should hate you, shouldn't I? But I don't think I do, I never did,"
You blinked, a little surprised, a little hurt. All along he had made you think he hated your guts but he actually didn't? "Oh," you seemed to have lost the ability to talk or to compute a proper sentence.
You thought of the things you wanted to ask him. If he was still angry at you or if things were working for him. But, what came out was the question you've stored in the back of your mind instead.
"Are you with someone new?"
You figured he didn't expect such a question from you, much as you didn't expect yourself saying it. It was an itching thought, one that made you look like a typical ex, but you couldn't help it.
"I'm not," he sounded almost exasperated, as if having to squash down this rumour for the thousandth time.
"Oh ā€¦ oh," you didn't know what to say, averting your gaze away from him and finding comfort in the wall behind him.Ā 
Sunghoon paused, gaze following yours, looking reluctant whether or not to continue the conversation, but alas, he did. "How have you been?"
"Bad," you laughed a little, and Sunghoon's ears perked at the sound of it that he hasn't heard for ages. "You?"
"I quit skating,"
That was surprising. How could he have? Skating was his dream, his past, present and supposed future, but now, it came crashing down. You didn't know if you should feel sorry for him, as you have been a part of his journey, but one bit of you also seemed to have started mourning the changed Sunghoon that stood before you.
He shrugged, hands slipping into his pocket with a solemn look. "I lost interest. I'm into music now, I'm in a band with the guys,"
You heaved a breath, a deep one. Ironic it was that he was doing music now when he was the one criticising you in the past for wanting to pursue it. Who even was this person? With a new appearance came a new personality, he was much further away than you thought despite the physical distance.
"You've changed," you didn't know what prompted you to say that, maybe it was the disbelief or the denial that he was someone new, but whatever it was, neither of you could deny the fact that he did change. "I'm scared of the person you've become,"
A beat passed, an unreadable expression on Sunghoon's face that you couldn't distinguish even though by now you thought you'd know every one of them.Ā 
"And I'm scared you're still the same."
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Seeing Sunghoon that night seemed to have altered something in your life. Somehow, he was everywhere you went.Ā 
Who was working at the register? Sunghoon. Who was at the park? Sunghoon. Who was at the party Yunjin managed to drag you to? Sunghoon.
It was haunting.
All those little encounters didn't mean you talked to him like normal, though. The awkward tension in the air still remained, seeing each other only reminded you and him both of your pasts, and you hated it. That explained why you were having a hard time seeing him at another party you were at.
Yunjin was much more of a party goer than you expected, and she successfully convinced you to go to all of them. It was fun until you got drunk and started being emotional. Your efforts of hiding from Sunghoon that night failed when he barged into the empty room you were sobbing in, whether it was accidental or not, you didn't know, you wished to not know.
His voice brought back the times he called your name. Both the good and bad ones. You stared up at him from the ground, tears welling your eyes. The person you were looking at was someone you thought was a soulmate, but now stood as someone closer to a stranger than a friend.
"Wā€“what are you doing here? Why are you crying?"
The alcohol messing with your brain was processing his words, but what came out from your lips was the total opposite of an answer. "I'm sorry, Hoonie,"Ā 
Sunghoon's eyes widened at the nickname, the privilege that only you had. He kneeled down, taking a seat on the ground opposite you, a visible distance in between.
"I hate thisā€”usā€”I feel like if we gave it one night, to talk, to just feelā€”you'd hate me less and make it alright," you choked back the sobs building up in your throat, the dizziness making you unaware of how Sunghoon reached out only to hesitate and pressed his hand back to his side. "Just wish that we could fight now, I'd hold you on the comedown ā€¦" your voice faltered, head leaning onto the wall.
"Y/N, you're drunk, we can talk this out another day," Sunghoon striped off his jacket and covered your exposed thighs with it. "Just ā€¦ don't avoid me. Iā€“I don't hate you, I just hope we can have a decent conversation without thinking about the past,"
He admitted it, how the two of you had secretly been thinking about the past, letting it be a big wall in between instead of growing from it. Yet, you could tell the unspoken anger and sadness still lingered, choosing to pour out gradually and unknowingly.
"Bet you wish you never even met me," you started slurring, hand gripping onto his jacket tightly. "I can't blame you, I broke your every heartbeat," your eyes were shut, images playing in your mind, not knowing the saddened look dawning on Sunghoon's face.
"Let's get you back."
In your sleep that night, you saw him. He was there, so far yet so close, and just like reality, he was hard to reach, harder to understand compared to before. He was a knife cutting deep, leaving a mark that constantly reminded you of the past.Ā 
How could you even make everything go back to the way it was?
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Sunghoon was on your front door step the night everyone was out for dinner except you.Ā 
You hadn't expected him to turn up, thinking it'd be you that stood at his doorstep instead as you still had his jacket from that party (which you do not want to think about again).
"Sunghoon. Hey," the door was opened and you leaned against it, trying your best at hiding the hint of pining in your gaze.Ā 
"Oh, hey," he greeted back rather stiffly, dressed in a simple attire with the classic white Lacoste sneakers that he always wore. "Iā€“I wanted toā€”"
"Take your ā€¦ jacket?" You cut him off half way, nerves wrecking your brain.
A beat passed, Sunghoom visibly gulped. "Yā€“Yeah, my jacket,"
"I'll go grab it for you," you jerked your thumb over your shoulder, awkwardly scurrying back in to retrieve his jacket and coming back to see him chewing on his bottom lip, seemingly nervous. "Here. Thanks for it,"
"No problem," Sunghoon coughed, grabbing the jacket but absolutely paying no mind to it. His stare was straight at you.
"That's all, right?"
"Yeah," you echoed, hating the sudden rigidness between the two of you. "Bye then, Sunghoon,"
"Bye," Sunghoon said, looking dazed. Weird.
You saw him backing away and decided to close the door, but before you could even do so, a force had stopped you from closing it. Not a force, much rather a hand, his hand. The door was pushed open, and you physically jumped at the suddenness of it. Your eyes met Sunghoon's sorrowful ones.
"Don't push me away, Y/N, not again,"
He made his way in, closing the door behind him and you let him. Was this seriously happening?
"You said you wanted to give us one night to talk, so I'm here now. I didn't care about the jacket, I cared about you. I hate seeing us like this, it's like we're strangers," Sunghoon let out a frustrated huff, eyebrows furrowed.
"We can't just pretend nothing has happened between us,"
"So you want me to hate you instead? You're saying as if it's easy, Y/N, feelings don't work that way!"
"Then how do we go back to how it was? We can't, that's the truth. You're not the same person I used to know,"
"Cut the bullshit. I'm the same as I was, maybe just a little different than I was years ago, but that doesn't change anything. When does that ever stop you from loving?"
Were you too scared to love?
Sunghoon ran his hand across his face, wetting his lips. "Youā€™re scared of change, and I donā€™t think thatā€™s something new about you,ā€Ā 
ā€œBut I really wish you could let it all go. I donā€™t hate you, nor do I harbour any anger regarding the things that happened years ago. It hurts, it did, but seeing you now made me feel the opposite of all those emotions,ā€ Sunghoon took a deep breath in, and you were holding yours. ā€œI think about you a lot, actually. I regretted a lot of the things I said and done, and I wanted to say Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™m sorry for not being there for you and giving you the support you needed. I should've fought for us and not leave, Iā€“Iā€”" Sunghoon choked, unable to hold in his overpowering emotions anymore.
You didnā€™t say anything, instinctively closing in and pulling him into your arms, letting his head lie on your shoulder, ignoring the feeling of his warm tears soaking the fabric of your shirt. "I'm sorry too, for leaving you so easily,"
You stood there with Sunghoon in your arms, inevitably crying along and sobbing out your own apologies, the ones you had owed him and hidden all these years. He held you tight just as you did, and it felt like the nights he had you in his arms whenever you cried. You eventually calmed down whereas Sunghoon was still composing himself, avoiding your gaze.
You took the opportunity to hug him again, tighter and firmer this time, as if trying to stop him from running away.Ā 
"Can we start over? I don't want us to be strangers,"Ā 
You heard a sniffle, then a shaky breath of relief. "I'd love to,"
Pulling away, you locked eyes with him. They were twinkling brighter than the stars in the skies outside, filled with a spark of hope. "I'll make us some hot tea. Do you want to ā€¦ stay over?"
"Can I?"
"I really want you to."
It didn't take more to convince Sunghoon to stay, all you had to do was ask and he'd listen.Ā 
That night, you and him hid in your room, talking for the whole night until the break of dawn. Nothing about the way he talked had changed, nor his laughter or the crinkles around his eyes when he smiled. He told you about the band and some side gigs, offering to bring you to some too.Ā 
You laid there in bed laughing all night, occasionally peeking over the side of your bed to check up on him who slept on the extra mattress, only to meet his eyes and freeze.Ā 
The red string of fate tying you and him together was beginning to reform.
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Not feeling dread every time you saw Sunghoon was a new start for you. In fact, you were glad to see him.Ā 
The misunderstandings and complexity built up over the years were finally addressed, leaving you to peace and a small hope of rebuilding what you had with him. But you kept that thought away for now, holding onto the pieces you had at the moment.
"Come to one of my gigs," Sunghoon made a trip to your house on a random afternoon, a box of your favourite chocolate covered strawberries in his hand. He never forgot anything about you, didn't he?
"Are you bribing me or asking me?" You said despite accepting the box, your heart squeezing at the thought of him remembering the littlest details about you.
"I'm asking you but also offering a gift," he let himself in, almost like always, and you didn't even notice, just letting him do so. "I saw it and I thought of you so I got it,"
"Thanks," you waved the box a little, setting it down on the table and leaning slightly against it. "You still remember,"Ā 
His gaze softened. "Of course I do," his hand by his side was itching to reach out, but it never did, instead, he played it off by giving you a smile. "So, what do you say? This Saturday, watch our gig at the pub,"Ā 
"Are you singing?"
"I wish I did," he laughed, and you momentarily recalled the times you had karaoke sessions with him. Curse reminiscence. "I play the bass, Heeseung's the front man,"Ā 
You nodded slowly, picturing them as a band and smiling slowly. You've missed them, and it was then when you realised it. "I'll go,"
"Obviously, do you want me to say no?"
"Well, no," Sunghoon chuckled, quite literally unable to hide his excitement from the way he's grinning widely. "I'm just ā€¦ glad, and surprised, and happy,"
You bit back a smile, shaking your head at him. "Text me the details, will you? I don't want to miss it."
Saturday rolled around quickly. You and Yunjin were sitting in a corner of the pub, beers on the table and whispering gossip about some of your high school classmates. High school might've ended years ago but gossip never stopped.
"Alright, folks, the next act is someone you already know, they are not strangers," the manager of the pub stepped onto the small stage, announcing Sunghoon and the guy's band. "Please welcome ā€¦ April Nights!"
You bit your tongue, an odd feeling boiling in your stomach. April was the month you broke up with Sunghoon and left for university, it was more than just a coincidence for him and his band to have 'April' in their name. All you knew was the sinking feeling never went away.
"You alright?" Yunjin noticed your silence, casting a worried glance at you.
"April ā€¦" you mumbled, eyes staring straight ahead at Sunghoon who was setting up his bass on stage. "There must be something behind it,"
You shook away that feeling currently eating up and put your focus on Sunghoon instead. It wasn't your first time watching him perform. It has always been him on ice in a big arena, but now it was him on a small stage at a dingy pub.
Sunghoon's eyes wandered all over the room, finally landing on you, a smile spreading on his pretty face. You managed a small smile, waving a little to let him know you're there, you're actually there and not a figment of his imagination, a dream that he has been wishing on for far too long.
The first song they played was an ABBA song. To be specific, it was your favourite ABBA song that you would listen to with Sunghoon in the past. Was it a coincidence?
You knew Heeseung had a vocal of stars, but to hear it for the first time in years was sending you into heaven. However, you failed to keep your focus on him, redirecting it to the bassist. You couldn't stop looking at Sunghoon, and his gaze wouldn't leave yours either.Ā 
The second song soon came by, and at that point onwards, you knew it wasn't a coincidence. It only took two songs for you to realise that Sunghoon had prepared a set list of your favourite songs. The band was currently playing Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls, a song you had loved ever since forever.
You shouldn't be feeling light headed, but you were.
The set ended almost a few hours later. It was filled with your favourite songs, undoubtedly. The whole time, you were truly holding your breath, especially when Sunghoon was holding your gaze.
While people were filing in and out of the pub gradually, you stayed. It was well past midnight and Yunjin's cheeks were pink from the alcohol, wandering off to join Heeseung and the others. You, on the other hand, were sober as hell, waiting for Sunghoon with nerve wrecking anticipation.
"Hey, hey, hey. How did we do?" Sunghoon slid into a seat like an apparition appearing out of thin air. You jumped a little, but melted into a smile at the sight of him.
"You guys were great," it was genuine, because they did do amazing, probably more than just amazing. "'April nights', an interesting name,"
Realisation dawned on Sunghoon's face, he swallowed thickly. "Iā€”yeah. April was an interesting month,"
"The set list ā€¦"
"Right, the set list," he chuckled, shifting on his feet a little nervously and stiffly. "I figured since you're here I'll play some of your favourite songs,"
"Oh," you let out softly, not knowing what else to say, this was something you found yourself acting around Sunghoon now. "That's ā€¦ nice,"
Sunghoon gouged your expressions and the tone of your voice, a slow frown etching onto his tired face. "Did you not ā€¦ like it? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable,"
"No, it's not that! I'm justā€”" you paused, thinking of an appropriate word to describe how you felt. Frankly, you didn't know your exact feelings. "ā€”surprised and ā€¦ confused?"
"Sunghoon, we're exes, and you pulling this isn't exactly helpingā€”thisā€”" you gestured to the space between you and him. "Us,"
Sunghoon was silent for a moment, occasionally opening his mouth to say something just to close it before he could. "Iā€”maybe I read it all wrong, I thoughtā€”you know what, forget it,"
"Don't. Just tell me," you reached over for him, but didn't touch his hand. "What are we? We're not exactly best friends nor are we enemies. I don't want any tension between us and I don't want you to think you have zero chance at all," you breathed, searching for his eyes. "I would want us to work out again, if that's what you want too,"
Sunghoon's eyes glistened with a spark of hope, relief washing over his face. It was an answer to his question. "I want us to work out. I want us to have another chance," his hand reached out for yours the first time since you've seen each other, feeling the warmth of his touch that you were no stranger to. He carefully and gently intertwined his hand with yours.
"We'll always find our way back to each other."
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It was odd but comforting to know that nothing has changed when it came to you and Sunghoon.
Sunghoon brought you to your favourite places, ate your favourite dishes, did your favourite activities as an attempt to rekindle everything back. Safe to say it was working.
Just like the first dates you had together, you felt yourself having the same bubbly feeling internally, the same giggles you caught yourself having after a stupid joke he made. Despite all that, over the course of a few weeks, it had you wondering about your relationship with him.
"Will you date him again?" Yunjin could tell you were struggling, even if you didn't say it, it was still quite evident.
"What's with the sudden question?"
"Well, considering he has taken you out on so many dates and still hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend again, I could tell you're troubled,"
"Okay, mind reader," you grumbled and shifted in your seat, hating how right she was. "He said he wanted to give us a chance again, so I was expecting thatā€”you knowā€”we'd get back together soon,"
"Your 'soon' seems a bit urgent, but I don't blame you," Yunjin shrugged, gaze softening at your words. "I can tell how much love there still is between the two of you. It's natural to gravitate towards each other, but time, time is what you need to heal the scars, Y/N. It's been years, give yourself time."
You suppose giving yourself time truly was what you needed. But when you mentally said you needed space, you didn't mean wanting Sunghoon to ignore you.Ā 
That's right. He was ignoring you.
How did you know? Apparently, the hard way.
Calls, messages were all brushed aside. You didn't even see him physically. At one point, you considered him dead, but seeing him at a party proved to you that he wasn't.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
Cornering him was a challenge, but being headstrong and slightly buzzed, nothing could possibly stop you.
"Wow, I'm surprised you remember my name," you seethed, almost stumbling forward and throwing a punch at him. "So, we're playing the game where you get back at me and ghost me after all that we've been through lately? Sweet! Could've given me a head's up though,"
"What? You're the one who's planning to abandon me just like before!"
"What are you even saying?"Ā 
"Your email, Y/N. I saw your email. How you have a big job in London and you just can't wait to join, throwing me away like a summer's fling right before you leave,"
"You're not making any sense, I'm not accepting that role!" You were heaving at anger at this point, matching the fumes emitting from Sunghoon's ears. "You dickhead! I'm literally throwing my dreams away and you're here thinking I'm leaving you again? Is that what you thought of first? Oh, maybe you could've just asked me, but you didn't, just like the past,"
Bringing up the past had triggered something not only in you but him. He blinked, keeping silent but chewing anxiously on the inside of his cheek.Ā 
"You never changed, huh?"
You heaved a deep breath, shaking your head a little, not to answer his question, but at him.Ā 
"Well I guess that makes the both of us."
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"I fucked it up, didn't I?"
The night after the confrontation, you woke up on Yunjin's couch with a hangover thanks to your habit of drinking your problems away. Remembering Sunghoon's face and the feelings you felt literally had you shrivelling back into the couch, a deep frown etched on your face.
"Partly, yes, but mostly, no," you felt the couch dip beneath Yunjin's weight as she joined your side, a warm cup of coffee in her hand. "He fucked up first, but I think it's all just a big misunderstanding,"
"I don't we've healed from it," you took the cup from her and drank from it. "He's scared of me leaving and I was considering leaving again. Maybe we're just not meant to be,"
Yunjin sighed, moving her body closer to you and placing a comforting hand on yours. "If you're not leaving, that means you're staying, which also means you get to make it right. You get to have time to mend it all unlike the last time,"
"I have to make it right, don't I?"
A nod of confirmation from Yunjin was all you needed to know your next step. So, you decided to show up at his gig in the same exact pub without thinking through it twice.
"He's not here tonight," Heeseung looked thoroughly puzzled by your sudden appearance, and it seemed none of them knew about the small altercation you had with Sunghoon.Ā 
"Yeah, he's been acting a bit ā€¦ off. We asked him to take a night off, maybe you should give him a call."
If only it was that easy.Ā 
Walking back home with a dejected heart was not the plan you had in mind. A part of you even thought this was truly the end, maybe he reached the conclusion of going no contact and you have no choice but to accept it. Was this karma?
It didn't help that you walked past the park that you and Sunghoon used to run off to back in the past.Ā  The exact bench which you and him sat on still resided there. Your curious mind led your legs towards it, taking a seat and remembering all the memories you shared with him.Ā 
Being alone under the night sky and getting accompanied by the dim light coming from the street lamp had given you a chance to rethink your choices about coming back home, whether it was worth it to see Sunghoon once again and try for the closure you never got. Well, look where it got you now.
The ruffles of the leaves got you snapping your head towards the direction of the noise, but it only landed on a figure.
You squinted, waiting until the figure walked under the streetlamp to distinguish that it was ā€¦ Sunghoon. You should be feeling glad now that he was there in front you, but why were you feeling the exact opposite?
"Sunghoon? Wā€“what are you doing here?" You stood up, watching him getting closer, the anguish in his face was clear.
"Iā€“I ā€¦ I went to look for you," he started, carefully and slowly inching closer until there's a comfortable distance between you both. "You weren't home and I thought ā€¦ that was it,"
That was a fatal flaw you and him shared, wasn't it?
"I went to the pub to look for you too," your voice came out in a hushed whisper, breathing becoming ragged. "And you weren't there, so I thought ā€¦ I thought it was the end too,"
"Fuck's sake, I know I said this many times but I'm sorry, Y/N," he sounded desperate, apologetic and almost exasperated. "I'm sorry for assuming things and ignoring you, I guess I never really got rid of the avoiding thing. I'm just ā€¦ scared of you leaving me and I can't accept it again,"
"I'm not leaving, Hoonie," you were the first to reach out, to touch him and pull him into your embrace. "I didn't think you'd see that email so I never said anything about it. But I'm not leaving, okay? Not this time, never again. I'm here and I'm staying,"
You heard Sunghoon's quiet breathing next to your ear, his calming heartbeat thrumming against your shoulder. "I'm sorry, I really am, Y/N. I said I wanted to make this right but why does it feel like I'm fucking it all up?"
"You're not, Hoon, trust me. If I have to be honest here, both of us have past scars that aren't healed yet. It takes time, one step at a time, and that was what I learned. I think we're not fully healed from the past," you held onto him tighter, spilling all your hidden truths. "We can make it right, but first, we have to forgive ourselves, forgive each other and move on,"
Sunghoon pulled away a little, but his arms still remained around you. It was the first time you were ever so close to him since the split, wholly vulnerable and showing him your truest emotions.Ā 
"I forgive you," he whispered, pearly tears threatening to spill from the edge of his eyes. "And I'm sorry again,"
"I forgive you too," your grip on his jacket tightened, a small comforting smile appearing on your lips, one that Sunghoon reciprocated.Ā 
"I don't think I'll ever stop loving you," he confessed, a little out of the blue, but it was something he needed to get out of his system before he burst. "Those years when you were away, I see you in everyone else, I don't think anyone could ever compare. I still love you even after this long,"
Your mind was in a haze upon hearing his confession, sincerity and longing hidden in his words but evident in his eyed. For a moment, you thought of what you could say, but nothing came to mind, so you did the first thing your body told you to. You kissed him. Actually, it was more of a peck, a simple quick peck that was enough to shock both him and you.
"I'm sorry!" You saw his wide eyes and wondered if it was a good time to have even done that.
Sunghoon melted into an expression of adoration, a wide smile etched on his lips, as if in both disbelief and relief that you kissed him. "Don't be sorry," he stepped closer, only an inch measured the distance between you and him. The space became smaller when he leaned down, eyes flickering down to your lips. "Can I?"
Was this happening? "Yeah,"Ā 
Sunghoon didn't waste any moment in meeting your lips with his. It was natural, easy, for you to kiss him just like first instinct. The amount of desperation, sadness, anger and love were poured into the way he kissed you. There wasn't any urgency, but it spoke louder than intended.
It was short, but it was enough to let the both you know the true feelings you harboured for each other. By the time you pulled away from him, you felt his eyes on you, a giggle erupted from you unexpectedly, and he started joining in.
You really looked like a lovesick fool standing under the streetlamp with your lover.Ā 
"Do you want to stop by that old spot we used to go to?" Sunghoon suggested, a little shyly this time.
"The one nearby?"
"That one,"
"Let's go then." you nodded, casting him a soft smile.Ā 
Sunghoon didn't say much, but his hand did the talking by reaching for yours. He held onto it tightly, intertwining his fingers with yours and swinging your interlocked hands as you walked. He might've not said much, but you could tell how he felt.
Feelings might be complicated, andĀ  making amends with the history behind a broken relationship was equally challenging, but what mattered most was getting back with the one who you called your soulmate, your lover, your best friend.
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( Ā© jaylver all rights reserved. do NOT copy, plagiarise or edit my work and repost whatsoever. once discovered will be exposed and blacklisted. )
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494 notes Ā· View notes
heesdreamer Ā· 2 years
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skin on skin
PAIRING āž© jake x reader
GENRE āž© religious corruption au, church boy jake au, evil reader
WARNINGS āž© heavy criticism of religion in an extreme exaggerated manner, manipulation, multiple smut scenes, the mc is straight up mean and evil and says mean things all the time lol. parental and spousal abuseā€¦ think thatā€™s it maybe lol itā€™s an intense read
WC āž© 20.4k (šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«)
AUTHORS NOTE āž© the spacing is a bit weird because apparently this exceeded the length amount in tumblrā€¦ i donā€™t care about your think pieces on religion or the way itā€™s discussed in this so please donā€™t try to educate me on the actual ways of christianity! itā€™s a story! that being said this is in no way making a mockery of jake and his religion. this is my favorite story ive ever done and i had a good time writing it which is rare lately so i really hope you enjoy it and if you make it to the end let me know what you think! hope you like it as much as i do
It wasnā€™t like you came out of the womb with horns and a little forked tail.
The nurses didnā€™t scream in terror and your mother didnā€™t faint at the sight of you, it wasnā€™t some grand discovery that anybody could see or anybody could plan for.
You made it through your formative years relatively normal, or at least as normal as you could be considering who your father was. But it wasnā€™t until middle school when you realized how different kids would treat you because of this.
Those were your favorite years you could remember. The half decade before anybody cared, or knew enough to care, what it meant for you to be who you were. Then you were old enough to have consciousness and design your own set of morals, something all the parents in your town dreaded.
Your town was barely that, more so a few neighborhoods sprawled across barren lands with more fields and trees than concrete and signs of the modern world that had seemingly developed everywhere, except for where youā€™d been born.
Sometimes you wondered if youā€™d been cursed to stay here forever. It seemed like everybody who was born here, died here, but unlike you they all seemed pretty content with this fact. Proud even, the elders stating the amount of years and generations theyā€™d own their rusty old homes like it didnā€™t create a nasty pit in your stomach.
Time was frozen and the world had moved on, leaving all 2,000 of you behind to die and birth and die again until eventually the last generation killed themselves off in an act of sympathy, a mercy slaughter.
It was probably immoral to be thinking about your entire town dying whilst in church. But you didnā€™t think much about the implication of having sinful thoughts anywhere, regardless of how many crosses were currently burning stares into your back.
More than 70% of your life was spent inside these four walls, on this exact weathered seat on this same old pew.
See, when turned 12 years old and the kids at school made you aware of the fact your dad was the lead preacher at the only church in town, you figured this made you some sort of royalty.
Not once did you feel the overwhelming holy presence of god that everybody else seemed to be experiencing everyday after school and work when you all settled in together to listen to your fathers teachings.
Youā€™d sit with a scowl on your face, turning around in the front row pew reserved for the preachers family and youā€™d observe the people around you. You knew everybody in your town, some more than others, but you always thought people looked different when they prayed.
The nice man who worked at the grocery store looked far more guilty and weathered with his eyes closed and the angry woman two blocks away who yelled at the kids riding their bikes too close to her sprinklers, looked peaceful like she was talking to an old friend.
Your mother would hiss under her breath in an attempt to catch your attention, sending soft pinches to your thighs until youā€™d begrudgingly turn back in your seat and plop down in your puffy dress, tuning out the sound of your fathers loud voice.
Looking back on it now, your mother seemed to notice the dark parts of you brewing before you even did. The two of you never saw eye to eye and despite the fact you were her only child, much to her dismay considering they tried for years after your birth to have another but to no avail, she never treated you with any sort of motherly warmth or kindness.
Sheā€™d glare at you from across the dinner table while her and your father conjoined hands and thanked the lord for the meal that your mother had cooked. Youā€™d started to sit on your hands at dinner when you were 7 years old and what once was a cute misbehaving habit quickly became the warning sign of your future endeavors.
Still, part of being the preachers family was playing an act. So youā€™d all get up early in the mornings and wordlessly move around the house like the backstage of a play, dressing the part and giving bright smiles to each family that walked through the doorway on Sunday morning.
Your mother would stand behind you with a long stretched out smile, hands on your thin shoulders as she dug her nails down every time she felt you tense up at a greeting.
Then you were 16 and for the first time in your life, you heard her voice the thing youā€™d always assumed she believed. You stood in the hallway in your nightgown, standing stiff as a board to avoid the creaking wood of your old house, peering around a dimly lit corner to hear your parents conversation more clearly.
ā€œShe hasnā€™t done anything wrong Mary.ā€ Your fathers rough low voice was flowing in your direction, sounding tired and agitated. You could vaguely hear the sounds of his rough hands rubbing over his unshaven scruff in frustration.
ā€œShe will.ā€ Your mother sounded panicked and alert, desperate for him to understand her case. ā€œI canā€™t explain it but she has this darkness in her, Iā€™ve felt it ever since I was pregnant.ā€
Your breath caught in your throat as they spoke, understanding now they were referring to you. You were only slightly surprised, no grand feelings of fear or betrayal arising.
That nights conversation had ended with your mother in a fit of tears and your father uttering words of reassurance in an attempt to calm her down as you used the sounds of her loud sobs to sneak back to your room, getting under the covers and blowing out the candles by the time your father was opening your door to insure you were in bed.
Heā€™d stood there for a few minutes, the door cracked with his hand on the knob. Do this day you wondered what he was waiting for. Maybe he was expecting you to talk in your sleep or he was trying to get some sense of the evil your mother was spewing about, but eventually you heard his tired sigh and the door shutting.
Itā€™d been three years now since that conversation and you still hadnā€™t fully understood the evil your mother was referring to. You didnā€™t believe in god, that much had been clear to you from a very early age but you didnā€™t believe in the devil either.
You didnā€™t feel things maybe you should be feeling, sadness when an elder passed away unexpectedly or happiness when a new baby was born into the community. You didnā€™t feel pain when your mother shot you looks of disgust and you only felt slight jolts of satisfaction when she leapt in fear every time you entered a quiet room.
The seed of evil that was apparently inside of you never bloomed, no matter how much you waited for its arrival.
Until the day the Simā€™s arrived to town.
It was extremely rare for somebody to move out of your hometown, and youā€™d been instructed to never speak about the families that left, to let yourself forget their names and faces. Forget any interaction youā€™d had with them now that they were gone.
But youā€™d never once contemplated the fact that it was possible to move here willingly. It hadnā€™t occurred to you that somebody would choose this place to live and that theyā€™d be allowed to stay peacefully, and especially not given a grand welcome.
So you felt yourself uncharacteristically thrown off guard as you found yourself at church on a Saturday, typically your only day you werenā€™t required to be here. Youā€™d spend these days down by the creek or riding around the abandoned section of town on your bike, trying to find something interesting to see.
As you stood near the stage, where your fathers podium was perfectly centered and polished, greeting the usual faces with a forced smile, your eyes landed on the most interesting sight youā€™d ever seen.
The Simā€™s were a direct mirror of your family as they stood in front of you. Only three of them, a tall man giving your father a sturdy handshake and laughing like old friends and a small meek woman who was holding your mothers hand in both of hers, a thankful smile on her face.
Placed directly in front of you was a boy, seemingly your age, shifting back and forth on his feet as he waited for you to initiate any form of greeting.
There was people your age in town, your graduating class held 25 kids and over half of them were girls, daughters that were considered blessings for their special ability to continue on your towns population. Youā€™d met boys, few handsome but handsome none the less but nobody who looked like the one standing in front of you.
He was taller than you, peering down at you from behind thin framed glasses and about double your width. You imagined you were hidden behind his shoulders to the view of the people stood in line behind him, waiting to greet your family.
His skin was tanned, something that you imagined wouldnā€™t last long considering you werenā€™t sure your town was blessed by the sun at all, almost constantly grey and dreary looking even in the peak of summer.
You took your time observing the boy, not feeling any sense of urgency at the knowledge people were watching and waiting, not even at the fact your mother was stood directly next to you and you could feel her stare on the side of your face. Her loss of attention seemed to make the boys mother nervous and she placed her hands on his shoulders.
ā€œAnd this is our son, Jake.ā€ She was chirping out and you almost wanted to laugh at how desperate she seemed to impress your family. The boy, Jake, was looking at you still for a second before his eyes shot to your mother and he gave her a nervous smile. ā€œHeā€™s shy at first but heā€™s a very good boy.ā€
His eyes flicked back over to yours as she spoke and your mouth quirked up in a small smile, finally sticking out your hand in offering to him.
You felt a strange feeling build up inside you, splattering against your ribs and painting your insides with something deep and powerful. As you held his hand in yours, your eyes caught onto your mothers and you could see the fear crossing over her expression at her own realization.
ā€œHi Jake.ā€
And the seed bloomed.
It wasnā€™t more than 30 seconds after your father finished his last word, the remains of it still echoing throughout the room underneath the chorus of ā€˜amenā€™s, that your mother was gripping your arm and dragging you back into his office space.
She closed the door swiftly and you yanked your arm out of her grip with a scowl, staring at her for an explanation about her sudden behavior despite having a slight inkling of what she was about to say to you.
ā€œYou canā€™t.ā€ She spoke vaguely, an angry desperation in her voice like you were a feral dog with a hungry look in its eye.
ā€œWhat are you talking about?ā€ You lowered your agitation, doing your best impression of a confused and fearful daughter. She scoffed at your expression and held a hand to her mouth like she was genuinely amazed at your audacity.
ā€œYou leave that boy alone Y/N, or so help me God.ā€ She was shaking her head at you and you felt a surge of annoyance at her tone, her voice shaky and weak.
You thought she was slightly pathetic. Sheā€™d spent her entire life treating you like the devil, implying your evil and avoiding you at all cost but the second you finally start to understand her concern and sheā€™s immediately turned to pleading and bargaining. There was no fun in this for you.
Soft knocks against the door caught her attention and she looked over your shoulder, trying to ignore the fact you were still staring at her and not bothering to turn and face whoever had entered.
ā€œGo home and get dinner started.ā€ Your fathers voice was entering the room now in a hushed whisper, like somebody was still outside behind him. ā€œWe are going to have a welcome meal with the new residents.ā€
Your mothers eyes shot back in your direction at his words, like she was begging you to remember her previous warning and you offered her a small smirk before turning to face your father with a toothy grin, expression changing now.
ā€œOf course father, whatever you need.ā€
Youā€™d ignored your mothers glare the entire time you worked on dinner together, setting the table casually and changing into a less formal dress that gained a thumbs up of approval from your father.
When the Simā€™s arrived, you greeted them similarly to how you did at church except your mother made sure to shake Jakeā€™s hand for a prolonged amount of time so you couldnā€™t, only breaking apart when your father cleared his throat and ushered you all towards the polished dining room.
He took his seat at the head of the table and you briefly wondered what type of man Jakeā€™s father was. He was larger than your dad, much larger and you noticed a hint of irritation in his face when he took a seat on the side. You imagined he sat similarly to your father at his own house and didnā€™t find great pleasure in the new arrangement.
There was three seats on each side and your mother had rushed to take a middle seat next to you, attempting to block anybody else from being seated beside you.
However your father cleared his throat subtly and sent the both of you a small glare, confused at the fact she hadnā€™t adorned her usual seat next to him. You were sure he realized it would be strange for her to sit a seat away from him, making them look distant or troubled.
She sent you a small angry look but shifted over a space so she was now sat in her usual place, leaning an empty chair between the two of you.
An empty chair that was soon taken by Jake, his mother sending him an encouraging smile and giving him a slight nudge in your direction. You remembered what she said about him being shy, not hiding the fact she was trying to create a friendship between the two of you.
His mothers face angered you more than your own. She was small and weak looking, constantly smiling with wide eyes like she was waiting to drop into a conversation at any time to force a connection, yet she rarely did throughout dinner. For the most part she stayed silent, nodding along obediently every time her husband spoke.
So you kept your attention on the boy for the most part, figuring the adults were too busy kissing eachothers assā€™s to care about what the two silent teenagers were doing at the end of the table.
You knew he could feel the way you were watching him, sending you small glances out of the side of his eye and shifting uncomfortably in his seat every time he realized you were still looking.
He really was handsome you were deciding. Youā€™d never really paid attention to boys before, understanding the difference between being attractive and not but it didnā€™t have any affect on you. You liked the slope of his nose and the way his throat bobbed with every nervous gulp he took.
Your father was seemingly noticing your mutual disinterest in the conversation, you watching Jake and him watching his empty plate. ā€œY/N honey, why donā€™t you take Jake to your room and show him some of your notes on our latest teachings.ā€
Both of your heads turned towards him as he said this, your eyes lighting up with excitement and Jakeā€™s widening slightly.
ā€œOh..ā€ His mother was starting and you resisted the urge to glare in her direction. ā€œJake isnā€™tā€¦ heā€™s never..ā€
Jakeā€™s father sent her a sharp look and she snapped her mouth shut immediately, looking away from him. Your excitement only doubled as you realized she wasnā€™t comfortable leaving her son alone with a girl, leading you to believe he never had been before.
ā€œOf course father.ā€ You smiled at him softly, standing and flattening out your dress in a prudish manner. Jake glanced in your direction as you stood, clumsily rising out of his own chair as you headed up the stairs and down the hall to your room.
He followed wordlessly behind, still not speaking even when you stood in the doorway and let him awkwardly squeeze past you so he was stood stiffly in the center of your room. You closed the door behind you and he froze, eyes widening again.
ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€ His voice was high with worry and you realized it was your first time hearing him speak.
ā€œWhat are you talking about?ā€ You played dumb as you observed him, walking backwards until your legs hit your bed and you could sit carefully. He stayed standing as he watched you with confusion and worry.
ā€œMother says not to close doors.ā€ He was shaking his head and it looked like he wanted to go and open it himself. He didnā€™t move however and you leaned back to rest on your hand, cocking your head in his direction.
ā€œDo you always do what mommy says?ā€ You questioned.
His eyebrows furrowed slightly at your condescending tone. Youā€™d seemed nice enough at church and dinner, not speaking much but polite to your parents whenever you did. He was suddenly worried he had angered you.
ā€œI guess she did say you were a good boy.ā€ You quoted what his mother had said when she introduced him, voice carrying a faint mocking tone as you spoke.
He didnā€™t say anything after you said that, just standing there looking at you like you were some form of animal heā€™d never seen before. And maybe he hadnā€™t you were beginning to think, his speech was structured and tight like he was reciting lines and you were curious if heā€™d ever had a conversation with somebody his own age.
Your hand reached over to pat the bed next to you, raising an eyebrow at him and urging him to sit.
He watched you with that same look for a few seconds before looking back at the door like he was contemplating how fast heā€™d have to bolt out of it before you could sink your claws into him. He seemed to decide it wasnā€™t worth it, crossing the room and sitting down as far away from you as he could possibly get.
ā€œWhereā€™d you come from?ā€ You didnā€™t plan to say that but the curiosity was driving you crazy, not quite understanding how he could be so sheltered.
ā€œA village not far from here.ā€ He was eventually answering with a soft shrug. He was sat perfectly straight on your bed, posture making him look even taller than he already was considering you were still leaned back on your palm.
You shouldā€™ve figured he was from a village, suddenly understanding why his mother was practically a house wife from the 1800ā€™s and his dad looked relatively similar to a lumberjack.
ā€œNo girls at your village?ā€ You were watching the side of his face as you questioned him, growing slightly agitated that he wasnā€™t looking at you. ā€œJake.ā€
He turned his face towards you when you addressed him, eyes widening like he was worried you were going to scold him from the sound of your stern call.
ā€œI asked you a question.ā€ When he didnā€™t immediately answer you assumed he hadnā€™t heard you, repeating yourself. ā€œWas there no girls where youā€™re from?ā€
He was shaking his head swiftly, looking at his hands and then back towards you. ā€œNone like..ā€
ā€œNone like me?ā€ You interrupted him as he started to trail off and your lips quirked into a smile. ā€œSo no pretty girls then.ā€
He frowned as you hummed and nodded your head like youā€™d made sense of what he was trying to say. He didnā€™t look like even he understood what the things you were saying meant and you almost pitied him as you slowly unlocked the full extent of his naivety.
ā€œYouā€™ve probably never even held hands with a girl right?ā€ You kept your tone sweet despite your intentions.
He looked like he only slightly relaxed at your change of tone, glancing at you as he shook his head as a way to answer your question. He didnā€™t understand why you wanted to know this.
You were sitting back up straight, off your hands, and leaning sideways to get closer to him. He watched you with panicked eyes as you reached down near his lap and took his hand in yours, similarly to how you shook it at the church but the tension in the room was a direct opposite.
He made a strange noise when you touched him, a semi squeak at the suddenness of your contact and you smiled at him, scooting closer so you werenā€™t awkwardly stretching your arm in his direction.
ā€œHow does it feel?ā€ You murmured, fighting the urge to lean against him and whisper in his ear. You didnā€™t want to scare him off just yet.
ā€œI donā€™t think I should be in here.ā€ He was shaking his head as he spoke and staring down at your conjoined hands or maybe the floor past them. They were resting in his lap, the back of your hand on his right thigh.
You frowned softly although he wasnā€™t looking at you, trying to keep up with your act. He seemed to be more pliant earlier when he thought he had upset you. ā€œJake.ā€
He glanced at you as you said his name, just like he had before, and his gaze looked guilty when he noticed the frown on your face. You squeezed his hand to try to bring his attention back to the fact you were touching him but he shook his head again.
ā€œI really need to go Y/N.ā€ He was still trying to sound polite despite his obvious discomfort and you almost smiled at the innocence of that.
ā€œYou donā€™t want me to touch you?ā€ You let a small whine sink into your tone, really trying to drive home the idea that he was upsetting you and you felt him squeeze your hand absentmindedly.
He didnā€™t reply after you said that and the room fell into a strange silence. Then he was sending a heavy glance in your direction and your mouth parted in realization, understanding his inner monologue by the thick amount of guilt in his expression.
ā€œYou do want me to touch you.ā€ You let your smile show now, not finding any reason to hide it now that he clearly took your bait. He squeezed his eyes shut as you said this and shook his head again, his hair messy now and falling into his face.
ā€œWhatā€™s wrong Jake?ā€ You were almost cooing at him, your hand sliding out of his and up his wrist, in result the back of your hand going further up his thigh. You kneaded at his wrist bone and he grunted at the almost painful sensation. ā€œItā€™s just skin.ā€
He looked at you with a frustrated expression, holding eye contact for a few seconds much to your surprise. You were almost worried he was going to cry. You didnā€™t mind it personally, if anything you were thinking about how pretty heā€™d look with watery eyes and a red nose, but you imagined it would cause some level of concern with the parents.
So you released your grip on his wrist, taking your hand back and placing it on your own lap. You were still sitting far too close to him but he visibly relaxed at the lack of touch, however slightly confused why you had backed off.
Almost like the world had been paused for the entirety of your conversation and now played again, a soft knock on your door caused you to leap away from him and grab the bible your father insisted was kept on your nightstand at all times.
You were relieved to see his face when the door opened, knowing your mother would have most likely immediately sniff out what youā€™d been doing. Or at least attempting to do.
Your father looked between the two of you and the large space, nodding in approval when you flashed him a smile and opened to a random page in the book. He didnā€™t seem to notice how tense Jake was or the fact your door had been closed in the first place.
ā€œYour parents are leaving Jake. You can stay a bit longer if you two are having fun.ā€ Your father was saying in a welcoming voice but Jake was hopping off your bed before he even had a chance to finish.
ā€œNo, sir. Thank you but I really should get home and finish unpacking.ā€ He was stumbling over his words and awkwardly shifting in place, waiting for your dad to move out of the doorway so he could make his escape.
Your dad shot you a confused look over Jakeā€™s shoulder and you gave him a small shrug, fighting the urge to smile.
Guilt was eating Jake alive the entire ride home. He wasnā€™t quite sure what he had necessarily done wrong, what level of sin he had just committed, but his mother kept shooting him disappointed looks in the mirror.
ā€œWill you stop looking at the boy like that.ā€ His fathers gruff voice was mumbling from the drivers seat and his mom snapped her eyes back to the front window obediently. ā€œItā€™ll be good for him to make a friend.ā€
ā€œWhat type of girl leads a boy to her bedroom?ā€ He was surprised his mother had spoken again, especially in the harsh tone she was using. She mustā€™ve been angry enough at you and your behavior to forget the fear she held for Jakeā€™s father.
He felt a bit strange as she said that. You were definitely weird and had made Jake feel something heā€™d never experienced, and he positively wanted to leave your room as quick as possible but he didnā€™t think you deserved such a mean comment.
He continued to feel strange for the rest of the night.
Jake laid in bed, hours past his usual bed time, and replayed your interaction in his head. Every time he got to the part where you grabbed his wrist in your tight hold, he squeezed his eyes shut and asked god to forgive him.
He could feel his stomach light up when he thought about your hand on his pants and he wanted to dig his nails into the skin as a self punishment for the thoughts brewing in his head, thoughts he had never had before and didnā€™t understand.
Rolling over in his bed, stomach to the mattress, he stuffed his face into his pillow and cried softly until he eventually fell asleep.
You felt giddy in the church pew the next morning after seeing Jake walk in with his parents. You immediately knew your plan had worked judging by his puffy face and swollen eyes. Heā€™d clearly gotten no sleep and you could take a strong guess at the reason why.
A sick part of you was ecstatic at the fact you had something to do, something that actually managed to catch your interest.
If all it took to keep Jake up all night was you touching his hand, than you were preparing for more fun than you originally thought.
The morning had gone routinely as you remained in your seat for the entire sermon, not spinning around to try to catch a look at the boy despite the urge constantly in the back of your mind. You didnā€™t focus for a second but you did a solid job pretending until you heard a hushed voice behind you excusing themself.
You snuck a glance back to see Jake passing through his pew with muttered apologies and thanks to the people he was passing, smiling softly at them.
You watched him exit the pew and make his way down the main aisle, no doubt heading towards the bathroom hall since it was the only other part of the building outside of your fathers head office. You let him disappear from your sight and counted to 30 before abruptly standing and following his path before your mother could grab your hand in denial.
By the time you made it to the hall, Jake was exiting the bathroom with damp hands and a few wet strands of hair like he had splashed his face in an attempt to wake up.
His eyes widened when he saw you approaching and he glanced behind him like he was considering disappearing back into the bathroom so you couldnā€™t say anything to him. You smiled at this but didnā€™t move closer to him, leaning against the wall.
ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€ He watched you with careful eyes, not quite sure what you wanted.
You shrugged and furrowed your eyebrows. ā€œWhat are you doing? You look tired, did you not get any sleep?ā€
He didnā€™t say anything as he looked at you, eyes heavy and guilty again like he was afraid you could read his mind. Unlucky for him, you didnā€™t have to read his mind to know what was happening in it.
ā€œWere you thinking about me?ā€ You pushed forward on his suspicions when he didnā€™t respond to you, tilting your head as you looked at him.
He didnā€™t respond again, letting out a small tired exhale before leaning against the wall opposite of you. The hallway was tensioned despite not being close enough to touch even if you stretched your arm out.
ā€œI was thinking about you.ā€ You suddenly confessed in an attempt to catch his interest or potentially get him to lower his walls enough for a solid conversation. It seemed to work considering his head was snapping up and he was looking at you with wide questioning eyes. ā€œIs thinking a sin?ā€
He watched you for a few seconds, slightly embarrassed that you had somehow realized what his inner dilemma lead back to.
ā€œYes.ā€ He answered matter of factly and you let out a small laugh.
You observed the way his lips awkwardly quirked up, like he was pleased he made you laugh despite being dead serious in his answer. His smile pulled at his cheeks for a second and you liked the way he nervously wiped his sweaty hands on his pants.
ā€œWhatā€¦ what were you thinking about?ā€ He squeezed the words out like they were painful after a silence fell between the two of you. You felt a bud of satisfaction at the fact heā€™d been curious enough to ask.
ā€œTouching you.ā€ You shrugged like it was a casual thing to say, watching his shoulders tense and his mouth part slightly in shock and disapproval.
ā€œMy hand?ā€ You were a bit surprised that he asked a follow up question, voice dropping into a scared whisper like he was worried somebody was eavesdropping, maybe he was worried god could hear him.
You were watching him for a few uncomfortable beats, liking the way his cheeks turned red and he kept looking away from your gaze anxiously. Then you were shaking your head to answer his question, taking a step closer to his side of the hall.
His breath hitched as you kept taking small strides in his direction, taking your time with a loose smile on your face like you were out for a casual walk. You stopped next to him, turning and pressing your back against the wall he was leaned on so your shoulders were pressing together.
You wondered if he was planning to hold his breath the entire time you were touching him this time around, his face reddening even though your skin was separated by multiple pieces of thick fabric.
ā€œWould you let me touch you again?ā€ You leaned over slightly so you were closer to his ear, your chin hovering over his shoulder.
ā€œYou canā€™t.ā€ He was immediately denying your request, stiff and agitated sounding. His voice was tight as he spoke like he was having to force the words out. ā€œPlease donā€™t do this.ā€
ā€œBecause youā€™re a good boy right?ā€ You were even closer now, your lips touching the shell of his ear and he was shuddering against you, a frustrated whine in his throat.
He sent a sharp glare in your direction, at least as sharp as his features could get. You thought he looked cute when he was mad at you, eyes brows furrowed and his glasses sliding to the tip of his nose. Despite the way he was looking at you, he made no attempt to push you away or step apart himself.
ā€œI want you to come to my house after church.ā€ You whispered to him and he didnā€™t say anything, for once not shaking his head and just looking at you as you spoke your cruel demands. ā€œIā€™ll tell my dad to talk to your parents about helping you catch up on his teachings.ā€
He looked amazed at your audacity, to not only lie to your parents but to lie about the lord and the Bible made his stomach turn in disgust.
Still, he almost couldnā€™t help but to lean his shoulder closer to yours and watch you with wide eyes and a parted mouth. He felt almost transfixed by you and your newness, the unique energy you gave off that made his head spin. He nodded his head slowly and watched you smile.
Youā€™d waited for your mother to leave the house, a very rare occurrence for her outside of her weekly bingo nights at the recreational center in town, before you poked your head into your fathers office to request he calls the Simā€™s.
You felt strangely jittery as you waited for them to send Jake over. Surprisingly, the Simā€™s hadnā€™t moved into a house that far from you and you imagined he could probably ride a bike to your house in less than twenty minutes if the weather ever allowed it, rainy days an almost constant feature around this time of year.
It was only around half an hour before you heard knocks on the front door, followed by the low tone of your fathers voice and eventually the creaking of the steps as somebody made their way up to your bedroom.
Jake seemed thrown off when he saw you, dressed in far more casual clothes than heā€™d seen you in so far. He also looked momentarily relieved at the fact your door was wide open and you didnā€™t make any move to shut it as he crossed into the threshold of your room.
ā€œHi.ā€ He politely addressed you with a slight bow and wave, avoiding looking at you fully where you sat on the bed. You gave him an incredulous look and sighed before patting the spot next to you.
He looked like he was dreading this but expecting it, only taking a few seconds of hesitation before he was shuffling over and sitting slowly down on your soft bed. You immediately scooted closer to him and grabbed his hand in yours.
His reaction wasnā€™t as intense as last time although he did immediately stiffen and his eyes snapped wide open, but he didnā€™t let out a small shriek at the feeling of your touch like he did yesterday.
ā€œAre you going to let me touch you today?ā€ You kept your voice low and he was suddenly very aware of the fact your door was completely open and your father was just a few feet away downstairs.
He slowly looked over at you, peering up from behind his long eyelashes and you wanted to grab his face with your nails. He looked like a puppy who had just done something naughty, big eyes unmoving from nerves as they darted around your face so he could avoid holding your strong gaze.
ā€œThis isnā€™t right.ā€ He whispered back, eyes pleading as they finally locked onto yours. You almost felt sorry for him as he spoke, obviously so desperate to set you back on the right path in life. ā€œMother said I shouldnā€™t lay a hand on anybody, not even myself.ā€
You almost smiled as he said this, pleased at the new information he was unknowingly providing you with.
ā€œItā€™s just skin.ā€ You were reminding him again, slowly leaning against him so your chest was pressed against the side of his arm. His breath hitched at this and he glanced down at your upper body for a second. ā€œYouā€™ve never touched yourself?ā€
He shook his head immediately, face annoyed like he was offended youā€™d even suggest he would do such a thing. You liked that even though he was uncomfortable and denying his thoughts towards you, he still wasnā€™t seemingly capable of pushing you away. Heā€™d still shown up to your house.
ā€œI touch myself.ā€ You were leaning forward more so you could talk into his ear again. A soft whimper left his throat when your lips grazed his skin again but he didnā€™t say anything, like he was waiting for you to continue. ā€œOn this bed, I touch myself every night.ā€
It was a slight exaggeration. You hadnā€™t really felt a strong need to touch yourself ever, never having a subject of attraction that left you longing enough that youā€™d roll around in bed late at night thinking about it, squeezing your thighs together in frustration.
But you were transfixed by the way he immediately tensed again, glancing back behind you towards where your pillows were and then immediately shooting forward and falling to the cross hanging on the wall in front of you both.
ā€œItā€™s just skin.ā€ You repeated to him again and he sucked in a shaky breath as you said it, bringing his guilty pained eyes back to you. You almost cooed at him, clicking your tongue and holding his chin softly. He leaned into the touch like he wasnā€™t meaning to and you wondered how touch starved he must be.
Your hand that wasnā€™t holding his face fell down to his lap, laying flat and still on his thigh as you let him process what you were doing.
He stiffened again and let out a low troubled groan, shaking his head again at himself. You wondered what he was thinking right now, if he was convinced he was heading straight for hell because of his thoughts alone so maybe it didnā€™t matter if he let you touch him. Or maybe he was seconds away from bolting downstairs and telling your father about what youā€™d been attempting to do.
ā€œThis isnā€™t right.ā€ He was whispering and still trying to shake his head the best he could with your grip on his face. His repetition was starting to bug you, suddenly feeling impatient as he still hadnā€™t taken the bait fully.
ā€œBut it feels so good.ā€ You purred into his ear, turning his head back to look at the cross and scooting closer so you were pressed tightly against his side. The sensation of this mixed with your hand on his leg was overwhelming and he felt slightly suffocated. ā€œI want to show you Jake, let me show you how good it feels.ā€
He didnā€™t say anything for a few seconds and you considered letting him go, wanting to have him completely might mean waiting some time so you didnā€™t scare him off.
Then he was surprising you and looking back in your direction, your hand falling to his collarbones instead so he could decide what to do with his head. He gave you a soft nod, looking like he immediately regretted it when you wasted no time, pushing your hand forward onto the center of his pants.
He immediately lurched forward with a loud groan at the feeling of your hand on him and you shushed him softly, using the hand on his face to bring him back up to a sitting position and pet his face lovingly.
ā€œYou have to be quiet Jake.ā€ You whispered in his ear and nodded towards your open door. He looked at you with a desperate glance, like he was pleading for you to close it despite his upset at that yesterday. You shook your head softly. ā€œCan you be a good boy Jake?ā€
You started to slowly knead your hand against him, wanting to smile at the fact he was already hard before you had touched him. Light teasing and your soft hand on his thigh already had him bothered.
He was making small noises and you kept his face turned in your direction with your hold back on his jaw. You were sitting up straighter than him so he was a bit below you, having to look up through his eyelashes as he surprisingly held eye contact with you.
ā€œDoesnā€™t it feel good?ā€ You murmured excitedly, eyes wild and eager. He didnā€™t reply verbally, another small whine slipping from his throat and you pressed down hard on his cock through his pants. ā€œI asked a question.ā€
Now he was nodding desperately, hands reaching out to grip your wrist in an attempt to lessen the pressure you were applying to him. ā€œGood- feels good.ā€
His voice was strained and raspy like it was crawling its way out of his throat and you smiled with sick satisfaction, leaning forward so you were closer to his face. Your nose pressed against his and you thought about kissing him for just a few seconds, eventually deciding against it.
Jake was writhing on the bed now, desperately moving into your hand with small groans and whines, his hips lifting off the blanket in an attempt to chase your touch every time you removed it. He didnā€™t even seem to realize he was doing it, a dazed expression on his face.
He seemed out of it until your hand was leaving his face and sliding down his sweater covered chest. He didnā€™t seem to realize you were doing it until your hand was pressing on his stomach slightly, fidgeting with the singular button on his jeans and tugging on the zipper impatiently.
ā€œNo, no.ā€ He was whining, grabbing your wrist to stop you from snaking your hand down his pants, touching him without any layers between. ā€œYou canā€™t do that.ā€
ā€œWhy?ā€ You asked incredulously, leaning forward so you were hovering over him slightly. He leaned back on his hand a bit to avoid bumping into your face and you were a few inches from laying on top of him. ā€œI promise itā€™ll feel so good Jake.ā€
The usage of his name made him wince, realizing he liked it far too much when you said it. Heā€™d never really considered his name before, completely indifferent to it until he heard the way it rolled off your snake like tongue.
ā€œYou arenā€™t supposed to do that.ā€ He practically spat the words at you but his tone lacked any anger instead sounding fearful and pained. ā€œYou canā€™t touch me there, you just canā€™t.ā€
You felt slightly sorry for him as he hiccuped, his voice breaking around the words as you watched tears collect in his pretty eyelashes. His eyes kept darting to the cross on the wall with a guilty expression.
You took your hands off of his lap, listening to his sigh of longing at the loss of contact. You werenā€™t quite sure what to do in this situation despite seeing it coming, eventually opting for sitting up further on the bed and pulling him into your neck, wrapping your arms around his shaking body in a hug.
He leaned into it and hesitantly wrapped himself around you, tucking his face into your warm neck and letting out a few sobs, tugging you forward slightly by your lower back.
You let him cry for a while, hushing him softly every few minutes just in case, although you were in a less compromising position now, you still didnā€™t think your father would be thrilled to find you half in the lap of a sniffling boy who was still hard against you.
ā€œJake.ā€ You were eventually murmuring into his hair once his hiccups subsided slightly, he nuzzled into your neck further at the sound of your soft tone. ā€œWhat if I didnā€™t use my hands?ā€
He picked his head up at this and furrowed his eyebrows at you, his eyes puffy and red with wet streaks still going down his face.
ā€œI donā€™t understand.ā€ He looked more puppy like than normal as he said this in a soft breathy voice, voice hoarse from crying and his lip almost jutting out into a confused frown.
ā€œCan I show you?ā€ You kept your voice soft as you spoke to him and he immediately nodded his head. He clearly had found some sort of comfort in your embrace, a connection being made enough for him to fall into this state of vulnerability, willingly to accept what you were wanting to give him now.
You felt a sick rush of adrenaline at his lowered walls, the sudden dumb eagerness in his eyes as he seemed to seek out any sign of contact from you.
You imagined it was a flood of emotions, a confusion and tiring feeling to suddenly be presented with a situation that went against everything your life had been carefully crafted around. Not to mention how addicting it must feel to suddenly learn what was on the other side and how good it felt, having unbothered access to it as the two of you sat huddled on your bed.
Kissing his cheek softly, you slowly slid off the bed onto the floor, suddenly thankful you had a thick rug on your bed side. He watched you in confusion, looking like he wanted to grab you and help you up before you shot him a stern look.
Your hands were back on his jeans now that you were fully situated and he looked like he wanted to object for just a second before lifting his hips off the bed so you could pull them down to pool around his ankles.
You took just a second to admire him, his pretty tanned skin overwhelming you a bit in its sheer amount. His legs were surprisingly thick, muscular like an athlete and you briefly remembered you didnā€™t know much about him at all.
That didnā€™t bother you at all, if anything it made you want him more when you looked up at him to see his nervous eyes staring down at you in concern. He looked humiliated and you imagined it had something to do with the fact he was still extremely hard, even after crying for so long.
If he was more stable in his emotions, less flighty, you wouldā€™ve made fun of him. You wouldā€™ve called him names and made him cry all over again and then taken his innocence without a second thought.
Instead you carried on the kindness act, leaning forward and pressing a kiss against his length through his underwear.
He immediately hissed and shot forward, not realizing what you were planning to do and not understanding why you were doing this. He started to stammer out in confusion and you shushed him again, sending a sharp glare towards the open door in warning.
ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€ He sounded absolutely blown away now, even more than he did earlier and it settled in your mind that he clearly had absolute no sexual knowledge, including blowjobs. ā€œThatā€™s dirty, you canā€™t do that.ā€
ā€œWhy not?ā€ You were mock frowning up at him. ā€œDid mommy say so?ā€
He knew you were making fun of him but he still nodded in response, not liking the sudden return of your mean tone. He forgot all about it when you were leaning forward again, this time touching your lips to him longer and sucking softly through the fabric.
ā€œMommyā€™s not here.ā€ You were breathing out when you pulled away from him again, much to his dismay considering he immediately lifted his hips back in your direction. ā€œAnd doesnā€™t it feel nice?ā€
He was nodding his head dumbly in agreement, feeling dizzy from the foreign emotions. He still didnā€™t understand what you were doing but it felt too good to keep questioning, forgetting momentarily about sin and how much punishment was going to come his way after this.
You were sliding your hands up his thighs slowly, stopping at the waistband of his boxers and glancing up at him for any sign of refusal. You didnā€™t care much for his discomfort but you werenā€™t going to force him to do anything, despite how much fun you were having with him.
He didnā€™t make any move to stop you, not even seeming to notice or understand what you were planning to do until you pulled on the elastic swiftly.
Then he was shooting back up from where heā€™d been leaning back, shaking his head again and covering himself with his hands. You smiled at him from your place on the floor and he looked at you like you were crazy.
You were getting slightly frustrated despite your pleased expression, wanting him to quickly understand what you were planning on doing. You gripped his wrist tightly and pulled them away from his lap
ā€œWhat are you doing?ā€ He was whispering in a panicked tone, his hands hovering above your head like he was debating pulling you away from him. He let out a yelp when you leaned forward and took the head of his cock into your mouth, watching him with hooded eyes. ā€œT-thatā€™s dirty, stop it.ā€
You wanted to laugh at his wording choices, sounding like he was a worried mother scolding their child for playing in mud.
ā€œItā€™s dirty?ā€ You frowned at him when you pulled back for a moment, his wide eyes falling on your wet lips. They squeezed shut just for a moment when you were licking up his full length slowly, humming at the taste of him and his weight on your tongue. ā€œI should probably stop then right?ā€
He let out a panicked cry and ran a hand over his face in frustration. He wanted you to stop or at least he knew he should want you to stop. His mother had been right and you were not a nice girl, not the type of girl he should be around and he felt his stomach turn at the knowledge he was committing a very large sin by finding pleasure in your lust.
But the pleasure was prominent and overwhelming him to the point he couldnā€™t think straight.
He understood what sex was and his father had taught him about boyish lust, the kind that wakes you up from your sleep needing to change into a new pair of pajamas but heā€™d been warned from an early age to simply ignore the occurring urge.
He could still hear his mothers shrieks and cries when she caught him with a pillow between his legs in high school, could feel the welts on the back of his hands from the ruler his father had punished him with. Jake sometimes wondered if other people experienced this urge, this call to sin, as much as he did or if he was rotten inside.
But for the first time in his entire life, Jake couldnā€™t find it in himself to think about the consequences to falling victim to it. Not when you were touching him in ways not even his dreams could think to imagine.
When he didnā€™t answer youā€™d taken him back in your mouth, slightly impressed by how thick he was. He bucked forward his hips instinctively, pushing himself deeper into your mouth and you pinched his thigh roughly in warning.
You heard him cry out in a sob, his hands gripping the blankets so hard they were turning white and shaking at an almost alarming rate.
ā€œPlease.ā€ He was begging and you werenā€™t sure he even knew what for, his voice coming out desperate and needy. ā€œPlease i-it feels really weird.ā€
You hummed around his cock in understanding, your hand petting his thigh and pushing his shirt up on his stomach so you could feel more of him. He didnā€™t even seem to register you touching him, the sounds of his soft cries and pleads distracting you slightly.
You tapped his hip bone a few times and he seemed to somehow understand the message, pushing his cock deeper into your mouth at a slower pace this time. You let him do what he wanted despite the urge to take control of the situation, knowing there wasnā€™t any chance he was lasting more than 30 seconds anyways.
He was slightly surprising you already, truthfully youā€™d expected him to cum before you even got his boxers off his thighs.
You imagined his inner monologue was causing him some issue as you listened to him cry softly from pleasure, little overwhelmed gasps and hiccups as one of his hands grabbed onto the one you were running across his stomach and squeezed it tightly.
ā€œYou need to just let it go baby.ā€ You were whispering to him as you pulled off for a second when his hips started to twitch awkwardly, overwhelmed and not understanding what the feeling building up deep in his gut was. ā€œDonā€™t worry about making a mess.ā€
The second you took him back in your lips he was following your instructions with a loud moan, completely forgetting you were meant to keep quiet as he came inside your warm mouth.
You winced slightly at the unexpectedness of it, leaning backwards on your knees as you waited for his hips to stop jerking forward.
He was shaking his head at you, eyes teary and his face red as he squinted his eyes in confusion. ā€œWhat w-was -ā€œ
ā€œYou came.ā€ You said matter of factly, standing up with a groan from your uncomfortable kneeling position and sitting next to him on the bed again. He leaned sideways into you, much to your surprise, and you resisted the urge to push him off you.
ā€œWas I supposed to?ā€ He whispered in embarrassment and pushed his face into your neck again. You were slightly uncomfortable at his clinginess but you let him do it, knowing he must be feeling a lot.
ā€œYes Jake. Maybe not all over my face though.ā€ You were trying to joke with him to lighten the atmosphere but you sighed as you heard him let out a little cry into your neck, clearly upset and humiliated.
He was mumbling against your skin, repeated mantras that you couldnā€™t quite understood through his sobs but had a good guess in what they contained. You imagined reality was coming back to him now and he was processing what heā€™d just done without the hazy cloud of need cursing his judgement.
ā€œJake, you need to stop crying.ā€ You were sighing and bringing your hand up to his hair, petting it softly to try to calm him down.
ā€œDid I do a bad thing?ā€ He pulled off your neck to look you in the eyes, his wide and desperate like he was fishing for any bit of reassurance that what youā€™d just done was okay, that he hadnā€™t just committed a sin so unholy. You could tell by his expression he was asking just to hear it reaffirmed, for you to tell him again it was just skin.
ā€œMy poor baby.ā€ You were cooing at him, lips jutted out in a pout as your hands came up to hold his face, cupping it softly and wiping his teary cheeks with your thumbs. ā€œOf course you did a bad thing.ā€
He froze completely in your hold and you felt a laugh bubble into your throat, holding it down with all your might so you could get the full extent of his reaction. He sat up slightly, attempting to pull out of your hands before realizing you were holding his face too tight. He gave you a confused and hurt look.
ā€œWhat?ā€ He was stammering out and his face was curling back into another sob.
ā€œHow could you let me do that?ā€ You were tsking at him as you spoke, eyebrows furrowed like he had genuinely offended you. He watched you as panic settled into his eyes at the sound of you kissing your teeth and shaking your head softly. ā€œWe were supposed to be studying.ā€
ā€œB-but.ā€ He was shaking his head and holding onto your wrist, eyes filling with tears. ā€œBut you said that..ā€
He trailed off and you watched him with a raised eyebrow, waiting for him to pass the blame off onto you. Of course he didnā€™t, his expression hardening although you knew he hadnā€™t quite realized your motive. He was too innocent to believe youā€™d deceive him, too stupid to understand every action you did was a carefully crafted lie.
ā€œMaybe itā€™s time you go Jakey.ā€ You were nodding as you spoke, petting his hair and pushing it back out of his eyes.
He didnā€™t say anything else, his expression dazed out as he came out of such a vulnerable compliant headspace with a jolt. You watched him in silence as he gathered himself enough to get dressed awkwardly and walk out of your room, loose and tilting like he had just woken up.
You waited for him to be completely out of sight, the sound of the front door closing, before falling back on your bed with a big smile.
Youā€™d fallen asleep soon after that without much thought on the situation, feeling only a deep satisfaction at the progress youā€™d made with Jake and a slight tinge of excitement for the next time you got to see him.
By the time youā€™d woken up, your mother was already in your room and standing staring down at you. You barely reacted to her presence although you were slightly unnerved and curious just how long sheā€™d been watching you sleep.
ā€œCan I help you?ā€ Your voice was groggy as you sat up and pushed your bedridden hair out of your face.
Any other mother might have found your tired movements cute, maybe theyā€™d give you an endeared smile and reminisce on when you were a baby waking up from naps.
However you were born with a very specific type of mother, maybe one of her kind. She was watching you with a nasty scowl, a knowing look in her eye as she did a slow pan around your room. ā€œYour father said the boy was here yesterday.ā€
You hummed in agreement, tilting your head softly to try and get a further reaction from her.
ā€œHis mother called and said he wonā€™t be at church this morning.ā€ She spat the words at you, accusatory and nasty. ā€œHeā€™s sick.ā€
You could tell by the way she said that she knew it was a lie, wether Jake was the one telling it or his mother. At first you were slightly shocked heā€™d lie about being sick but you figured he might just be feeling so, driven by the extreme emotions heā€™d been feeling.
ā€œWhat a shame. He seemed more than fine yesterday.ā€ You put in a pity filled voice, shaking your head as you let the innuendo sink in for her, watching the way her face curled with disgust.
ā€œAlmost ready?ā€ You father was suddenly in your doorway, observing the scene with a raised eyebrow as he buttoned the cuff of his sleeve.
ā€œFather, would it be okay if I stopped by the Simā€™s before heading to service? Iā€™d like to bring Jake some soup for his cold.ā€ Your voice was dripping with sweetness and you vaguely saw your mothers jaw tick with irritation.
ā€œI can do it.ā€ She was rushing to say.
Your father shook his head immediately and held a hand up to silence the both of you from speaking again. He finished buttoning his sleeve and cleared his throat before speaking. ā€œYou agreed to meet with the Leeā€™s today Mary. I think itā€™d be a good idea for Y/N to go, since theyā€™re friends.ā€
You smiled appreciatively at him and he gave you a small nod before leaving the room. You glanced at your mother to see her stony expression but surprisingly she didnā€™t say anything, simply shaking her head in disapproval and following behind him.
It was strange to not leave for church with them, to stand in the window with the curtain pulled back as you smiled and waved watching the car drive off.
You dropped the grin the second they turned the street corner and hurried out the door to get on your bike and head over to the Simā€™s house.
You hadnā€™t been there before despite your father pointing it out on your way home yesterday but it looked pretty much the exact same as the other houses in the neighborhood. It was large and eerie, the rainy atmosphere not helping it.
The door was opening before you could even dismount your bike let alone knock and you saw Jakeā€™s mom standing in the archway with a small frown.
ā€œWhat are you doing here?ā€ Her tone was harsh and for a second you wondered if he had told her about what happened, confessed his sins in a fit of guilt.
You were so thrown off that you didnā€™t immediately respond, suddenly aware of the fact you didnā€™t bring any sort of soup or medicine like you had originally planned, too eager to get out the door to remember your cover story.
Lucky for you, Jakeā€™s father was coming into sight now and a small grunt from him sent the rude woman cowering away.
You observed this with a curious expression and tried not to frown. Maybe Jake wasnā€™t as innocent and pure as he seemed considering he apparently had some familial issues, obvious in the way his mother showed a fearful obedience to the large man in front of you.
ā€œYou here for my boy?ā€ His voice was low and gruff and it was a bit remarkable how different Jake was than his father.
You opted for a small nod, only slightly playing a part considering he actually did a good job at intimidating you. He let out a hum of approval and stepped aside so you could enter the house, not asking anymore questions.
ā€œItā€™s good you two get along.ā€ You were taking in the main living space as you entered, his voice picking up a conversational tone that sounded slightly unnatural. ā€œI was beginning to think heā€™d never talk to someone his own age, let alone a girl.ā€
He had a typical mannish tone, one youā€™d heard in movies or from the gross men who sat outside the town bar in a drunken haze as they catcalled and talked at a volume far too loud for your small town. It lacked the usual religious hold you were more used to, he almost sounded pleased at the idea of his son being with a girl.
You glanced at him and held his stare. You wondered for a second if he was testing you now, waiting for you to reveal any sinful intentions you had so he could run back to your father and earn some brownie points for catching your sickness in the act.
He raised an eyebrow at you as you cocked your head, willing him to talk further and continue in his attempt at baiting you.
ā€œUpstairs on the right.ā€ He eventually said, your stare unrelenting. You unfroze your stony expression and gave him a small smile, knowing you probably looked crazy with how fast your face changed.
You were walking away from him before he could say anything else or before Jakeā€™s mother could return, skipping a step at a time in your haste to get upstairs.
Without knocking, you pushed open his door and barged in.
He was sat up in bed, lower half under the covers, and he let out a small shriek of surprise at your sudden intrusion, furthered by a quick inhale when he realized who it was that had just walked in.
ā€œW-what are you doing here?ā€ He was rushing out as he watched you close the door behind you and sit down on the end of his bed.
ā€œI came to check on you.ā€ You said it like it was obvious, a soft shrug of your shoulders. ā€œSince youā€™re sick.ā€
His mouth parted in confusion for a second before he seemingly remembered he was meant to be ill, looking awkward and guilty at the reminder he had lied.
You didnā€™t address his obvious reaction, telling you what you already assumed, and instead climbed up further on his bed. He made a strange noise when you got closer to him, pulling back the blankets and getting underneath them with him. You briefly caught sight of his plaid pajama pants before you covered the both of you up.
ā€œM-my parents.ā€ He was shaking his head and anxiously looking at the door like he was waiting for his mom to walk in any second. You watched his distress, wondering if he was possibly hoping for that to happen, before you heard the sound of the front door slamming.
A look of fear passed over his face at the realization his parents had just left him alone with you. You were a bit surprised yourself but you kept your face neutral, watching him to drink up his reaction.
ā€œI came all this way and you canā€™t even say thank you.ā€ You tsked and relaxed against his pillows with an annoyed expression. ā€œEspecially after what you did yesterday.ā€
He looked upset at the reminder and he was sitting up more now, the blanket pulling forward around his thighs and he practically kneeled and titled forward in your direction. He wasnā€™t touching you but his hands were clasped together as he practically did a full bow on his bed.
ā€œIā€™m so sorry.ā€ He started to say the words but his voice broke around them and he rocked slightly back and forth. You almost laughed at the fact he was already about to cry and itā€™d only been about five minutes alone with you. ā€œThank you for coming.ā€
You imagined heā€™d been doing a lot of crying since you saw him last, staying up all night running your words on loop in his mind. The sincerity in your voice when you told him he committed a disgusting sin.
ā€œGet back under the covers.ā€ You spoke in a calm voice and he picked his head up to look at you in confusion, face red and eyes teary. He looked surprised you werenā€™t scolding him, having seemingly forgotten you were the one who practically forced him to let you touch him.
He stayed frozen like that for a few seconds before snapping back to reality and nodding appreciatively, getting back under the blankets and pulling them up again so you were covered. He seemed to only now realize you were laying back against the pillows and he mirrored you, laying on his side so he could face you.
ā€œI wonā€™t tell anybody what you did.ā€ You whispered to him now that his attention was fully on you. Your hand came up to hold his face and he tensed for a second at the contact. ā€œOr maybe I willā€¦ I havenā€™t decided.ā€
He shook his head hastily, scooting closer to your body and grabbing ahold of your hand that was on his face, wrapping both of his around your wrist and squeezing it softly in desperation.
ā€œY-you canā€™t.ā€ He urged and you felt his hands shaking around yours. ā€œI mean you can b-but Iā€™m really so sorry and my dad, heā€™d kill me.ā€
You shushed him as he started to ramble, petting his cheek and frowning deeply at what he had said. You figured Jakeā€™s dad hurt his mother but you hadnā€™t considered it extending to his child as well. A strange surge of anger ran through you despite your own twisted intentions.
Scooting down a bit more so you were completely laid down, you put a hand on his back and pulled him towards you until he got the hint and curled into your side with a soft cry. He was stuffing his face back into your neck like he did yesterday and you rubbed his back softly.
You vaguely acknowledged the fact he was completely pressed against your side now, almost laying half on top of you in his emotional state.
ā€œI wonā€™t tell.ā€ You whispered, his soft and messy hair tickling your face as you spoke. In his desperation for comfort he seemed to forget about not touching you, his arm coming up to wrap around your stomach, tugging you closer in a rush of thankfulness and your eyebrows raised in surprise. ā€œBut only if you answer my questions.ā€
He nodded immediately and picked his head up off your neck so he could look at you more clearly. He looked particularly cute like this you decided, his hair unstyled and still sticking up from where heā€™d slept on it and his soft pajamas that were rubbing against your legs.
ā€œDid you touch yourself last night.ā€ You held his chin as you spoke so he was looking up at you, his head almost resting against your chest as he peered with big wet eyes.
He was shaking his head as much as he could and furrowing his eyebrows like he did the last time you asked him. ā€œI donā€™t- I wouldnā€™t. I donā€™t know how even.ā€
This fascinated you slightly. You figured he didnā€™t understand masturbating or its purpose outside of it being sinful but the fact heā€™d never once curiously touched himself was interesting. You wondered how many nights he laid in bed crying with confusion at the dull ache between his legs.
ā€œDid you like being in my mouth?ā€ Your voice dropped lower for the second question and an automatic whine slipped out from his lips, his face immediately flushing with embarrassment as he seemed to replay the memory.
He was nodding hesitantly much to your annoyance, you wanted to hear him say it but you figured you could take it easy on him today.
Maybe easy wasnā€™t the best way to describe your current plan for him considering the way you were suddenly pressing your thigh in between his legs, smiling at him when he groaned loudly and tightened his grip on you.
Your side burned slightly from the force in which he curled his hands up at the sudden contact.
ā€œYouā€™re hard.ā€ You said matter of factly, telling the truth and not just teasing him. He was solid against your thigh now and you heard him whimper when you shifted slightly so his tight grip on you was more comfortable. ā€œI barely said anything and youā€™re hard.ā€
He shook his head in disagreement but his hips twitched forward, rubbing his erection against you and making a low drawn out sound at the feeling.
ā€œDid I say you could do that?ā€ Your tone was harsh again and he immediately froze, groaning softly and tucking his head forward onto your chest. You let your hand go back to this hair, petting him for a second before gripping it tightly and tugging his head back up to look at you.
He winced at the pain, face contorted as he tried to scoot away from you. However he still didnā€™t remove his arm from around your stomach so he wasnā€™t able to go far, his hand still kneading against your side like he didnā€™t realize he was even moving it.
ā€œAsk me.ā€ You instructed him, still holding his hair in a tight fist. ā€œClear words, no crying bullshit.ā€
He looked momentarily taken back by you swearing and being so harsh but then he had a look of guilt like he was remembering the other day and he was attempting to nod in head in agreement.
ā€œPlease I wantā€¦ I want you to touch me.ā€ He settled on, not sure how to word what he needed. You smiled softly at him for his attempt but you werenā€™t convinced, deciding on helping him ask you properly.
ā€œTell me youā€™re disgusting.ā€ You whispered, leaning your face forward so your nose was touching his again, like it did momentarily yesterday. ā€œSay you want to hump my leg like a dog.ā€
He looked confused and overwhelmed at your words, shaking his head in refusal until you moved your leg again. It rubbed against him and you almost laughed at the fact he was almost harder now even after your tone changed. His hips chased the feeling and you tugged his hair again in warning, listening to his soft groan of frustration.
ā€œI want..ā€ He hiccuped softly and shook his head, trying to force the strange words from his mouth. ā€œI want to hump your leg please please.ā€
You let go of his hair and his head fell back down onto your chest. He hadnā€™t completely fulfilled your request but it was good enough for now.
ā€œAlright baby.ā€ You didnā€™t need to say anything else for him to understand, immediately pulling you closer again and rocking against your side.
You listened to his soft little whines as he humped against you desperately, moving in messy motions as he tried to chase after the feeling he recognized from yesterday.
The feeling of his hand gripping your side was making your head spin a bit much to your irritation and you gripped it tightly, moving it off your waist. He seemed to misunderstand and instead placed it directly over your belly button where your sweater had ridden up, pushing down softly as he rubbed the soft skin of your stomach.
You let out a small groan and this seemed to ignite something in him because he let out a little cry and nuzzled further into you as he dragged his clothed cock over your hip harder.
ā€œTell me it feels good.ā€ You instructed him and you felt more annoyance at the fact your voice came out breathy, not liking the effect he was having on you.
ā€œS-so good.ā€ He immediately responded and you felt his leg wrap around yours, trying to get closer to you despite it being impossible. ā€œGoing to die itā€™s good, itā€™s good.ā€
You laughed softly at his dramatic wording and pet his hair again, trying to get his attention. He slowed down the grinding of his hips to look at you and you nearly cooed at his hooded wet eyes, trying to focus on your face but struggling.
You were originally planning on teasing him some more, attempting to get him to repeat the words you wanted to hear earlier, but at the sight of his pretty overwhelmed face you couldnā€™t help yourself from leaning in and kissing him softly.
He yelped at the feeling, tensing up for a few seconds before closing his eyes and trying to kiss you back, failing miserably.
You laughed against his lips and you could feel him frowning, face getting red with embarrassment as he uncomfortably shifted against you.
ā€œCome here.ā€ You tapped his back softly and nudged him so he was fully on top of you, squishing you under him but making it so you could reach his mouth better. ā€œRub your cock on me while we kiss.ā€
He whined softly, nodding his head despite the flush on his face and you waited while he slowly experimented with the new position, practically in missionary now. When he started to move his hips again, his hard cock was now rubbing directly against your core and he faltered at the feeling, nearly collapsing on top of you.
You smiled at his reaction. You had full doubt that he knew what sex was or the fact he was basically imitating it but you imagine he could get the gist that what you were doing was wrong.
You leaned your head forward to kiss him again, easier now that he was on top of you and seemingly more eager to get it right this time. He was still sloppy, not really understanding how to move his mouth or when but you took over, moving your lips against his slowly.
He seemed to get the hang of it eventually and you could feel his thrust getting more desperate as the kiss got deeper and faster.
Your tongue was in his mouth before he even realized and he made a small startled sound, hips stopping against yours at the new feeling. He was letting out high pitched whines and moans as you licked into his mouth, him drooling slightly and desperately trying to keep your tongue where it was.
You could feel him sucking on it, twisting his head to try to get it deeper in his mouth and he instinctively gave a particularly hard thrust, causing you to moan into him.
This seemed to startle him, pulling back off your face with a wet chin and hooded eyes, looking down at you in amazement.
He did it again experimentally and you could feel the hard print of his cock directly against you, your back arching as your hand came up to grip his hair and stop him from doing it again. You were reminding yourself this wasnā€™t about your pleasure, you wanted to ruin him and nothing else.
But you couldnā€™t deny your attraction to him, almost the perfect boy for you if there was to ever be one.
It didnā€™t help he happened to have an impressive size on him, although you doubted he even realized he was bigger than usual or would know what to do if given that information.
You wrapped a leg around his side and he sucked in a breath, having better access now. He kept rolling his hips sloppily into you and moaning loudly, forgetting who he was or where he was currently at.
ā€œWhat would mommy think if she saw you like this?ā€ You took it upon yourself to remind him, whispering into his mouth with a pant and almost laughing at the way he immediately tensed and stopped humping against you. ā€œIf she walked it to see her son so desperate to sin.ā€
He was shaking his head and lifting it slightly to be able to look at you better, eyes welling up with tears as he glanced back over his shoulder at the closed door. You hadnā€™t been there long and you imagined church still had a few hours before itā€™d be over and theyā€™d be heading back but he seemed to forget all this at the mention of his parents.
ā€œIā€™m not.ā€ His hair was messy in his face, bangs slightly damp from sweating and his previous tears. ā€œI donā€™t want to sin, I donā€™t want to be bad. Please.ā€
You hummed softly at him, lips forming a mocking pout as you looked at him with gentle eyes. You stroked his cheek and he closed his eyes, leaning against your hand like a puppy.
ā€œMy poor baby.ā€ You cooed and kissed him again briefly, he immediately chased after it when you pulled away and you tapped your finger on his cheek to stop him. ā€œYou have no idea what Iā€™m going to do to you.ā€
He seemed confused at what you meant but too drunk on the feeling of your touch and lips, chasing after them again in a messy kiss that was mostly just him trying to get his tongue back against yours.
You indulged him and let him lick into it, letting out soft desperate moans and you were suddenly realizing how much you were aching for him despite managing to keep a cool demeanor on the outside.
You shifted your leg that was wrapped around his middle and he seemed to remember that he was currently on top of you and he went back to writhing against your body, his hard on rubbing against you an almost painful amount now that you were granting him more access with the switched position.
He wasnā€™t able to hold himself up, curling up on your chest while he moved his lower body with sobs of pain and need.
ā€œGod, I thought itā€™d take longer to break you.ā€ You were trying to make fun of him but your voice broke in a moan at the feeling of him pushing himself against your sensitive clit. ā€œYouā€™re so fucking nasty, look at yourself.ā€
He was shaking his head and crying fully now, chasing after a high he didnā€™t even understand and you were almost feeling dizzy from the pace he was going.
ā€œIā€™m good.ā€ He was blabbering out and looking at you again, trying to lean forward for a kiss but letting out a sharp cry midway and falling back down with his head on your chest.
ā€œYouā€™re a good boy Jake.ā€ You cooed at him, nodding even though he couldnā€™t see you and he felt sick at the constant changing of your tones. ā€œMy good boy right?ā€
He was suddenly sitting up again, pulling himself against you so he could look at you directly in the eye, if he could see through his tears. He was nodding his head in earnest and you felt your lip quirk up in a smile.
ā€œIā€™m yours. I want to be yours.ā€ He was rushing out, hands leaving your stomach to balance on either side of you. His tone was pleading and you wondered if he even knew what he was asking for or if he was just repeating what youā€™d said dumbly.
You kissed him softly and he let out a shaky breath of relief against your lips. However he started to frown when you were suddenly pushing him off of you and patting the empty space on the bed right beside where you were laying. He looked confused and hurt but he didnā€™t ask any questions, simply rolling over and waiting to see what you were attempting to do.
You watched him for a few seconds, taking in the change of appearance in such a short amount of time.
He was laid back fully on the bed, eyes hooded and cloudy. His mouth was parted slightly as he panted, his chest rising and falling at a fast speed as his arm reached up to try and push his messy hair out of his face. You liked the way he looked like this, especially the way his shirt was ridden up on his stomach, a sliver of skin showing.
He started making small impatient whines and groans so you took mercy on him, flipping yourself over slightly so you could situate yourself on his lap.
You sucked in a breath the second you did, quickly shutting your lips tight after so he didnā€™t catch sight of the display of pleasure. He was hard underneath and pressed tightly against your core as you sat on him.
ā€œOh my god.ā€ He was crying out and his hands jutted forward like he was going to grab your sides, stopping midway and flailing around as he didnā€™t know what he was meant to do with them.
ā€œTouch me.ā€ You spat at him, reaching down to grab his wrist and put his hands on your ass as you leaned forward so you were in a similar position to his a few minutes ago, laying on top of him.
He froze as he touched you and you almost scolded him for acting so prudish with touching you like he wasnā€™t just trying to fuck you through his cute little pajamas. However you figured it was harder for him to deliberately do something versus acting purely on the overwhelming lust he was feeling.
You gripped his jaw harshly in your hand, your nails digging into his skin slightly as you used your thumb to pull his mouth open and hummed with satisfaction.
ā€œSay you want me inside you.ā€ You whispered, leaning down to talk into his open mouth. You watched his eyes widen in confusion but you rubbed your hips against him as motivation and he immediately complied.
ā€œWant you inside me.ā€ He moaned out, big fat tears sliding down his face. ā€œY/N please I need it please.ā€
He didnā€™t even know what he was asking for but he was overwhelmed and sinking back down into that fuzzy headspace, willing to do anything to get pleasure from you.
You kept his mouth open after he was done speaking and he opened it wider for you, although not understanding where you were heading with this action. He watched with wide confused eyes as you leaned over him and slowly spit into his open mouth.
He cried out, hips bucking up instinctively at the sensation of your spit on his tongue so directly and you almost fell forward from the roughness in which he fucked himself up into you. You smacked his cheek lightly and he snapped his mouth shut with another moan, eyes shut in euphoria.
You hummed at him in approval, leaning back down to kiss him again and lick into his mouth, letting him turn his head sideways in an attempt to get your tongue as deep as possible. You wondered if he was purposely imitating the blowjob youā€™d given him or if he was just that desperate to be consumed.
ā€œIā€™m going to take you to hell with me.ā€ You whispered, pulling out of the kiss and petting his hair softly. He shook his head and let out a small sob, this time not from pleasure.
ā€œDo you want to cum?ā€ You didnā€™t address his denial or tease him further for now, knowing now you had him completely hooked. He was addicted to you and the feelings you gave him and no mean words would be able to keep him away from you.
He seemed hesitant in his nod, now once again thinking about the sins he was committing and the fact he was skipping church to touch a girl inappropriately. But he did eventually nod his head, eyes still watering.
ā€œThen fuck me baby.ā€ You rolled back over as you spoke, flopping onto your back and rubbing his chest through his shirt, slightly surprised by the thick build he had. He was immediately on top of you again and you almost laughed at his haste.
You didnā€™t mean it literally and you didnā€™t fear him taking it as such considering he didnā€™t even know what it meant, he just knew you were cursing and being dirty.
You wondered if he even knew what you had inside your pants, scrapping that idea for another time instead so you didnā€™t get yourself too worked up thinking about how much it would ruin him to feel you.
He didnā€™t last long once he was back on top of you, only a few seconds passed before he was letting out a loud cry and hiccuping, his hips jutting against you a few more times in aftershock before he was collapsing on top of you.
ā€œIā€™m sorry, Iā€™m so sorry.ā€ He was sobbing into your neck and you wrapped your arms around his back, rubbing it slowly with an eye roll. ā€œIā€™m sorry, God please forgive me.ā€
Jake had fallen asleep on top of you shortly after that, exhausted from everything youā€™d been putting him through both mentally and physically.
You let him lay there on top of you surprisingly despite how uncomfortable it was and how much you kept readying yourself to shove him off of you and leave him without any comfort, you simply couldnā€™t.
You werenā€™t quite sure why, it wasnā€™t like being mean to him was going to ruin your plan and make him not want to talk to you anymore. He was trapped now with you.
Yet you found yourself staying and not only staying but watching him as he slept. He looked younger like this, despite always being very puppy like and boyish you couldnā€™t deny that Jake was a man and he could be an intimidating one if it wasnā€™t for his personality. His eyelashes were long and fluttering like he was having a vigorous dream and his back would rise and fall with every deep inhale he took.
By the time he woke up youā€™d been laying there for probably an hour or two staring at him or looking around his room with curiosity, you felt him shifting against you and almost pretended you were asleep before deciding against it.
He froze his movements when he realized where he was exactly, or at least who it was underneath him. Then he was rolling off of you onto his back with a groan and you were suddenly feeling very cold without his weight and body warmth.
ā€œDid my parents come home?ā€ His voice was low and groggy from sleep and crying and you turned your head to look at him now that you were laying side by side.
ā€œAre you kidding? Like your mother isnā€™t going to run in here the first second the car parks and hose you down.ā€
He laughed softly at your words, almost a scoff and your lip quirked up in a smile at his casual reaction, knowing his guard must be down since he was still so tired.
ā€œShe wouldnā€™t do that.ā€ He eventually whispered and you could feel his shoulder pressing against yours. ā€œAt least the hose part.ā€
ā€œIs she as bad as mine?ā€ You werenā€™t sure what prompted you to ask him something so personal or why you were even making conversation with him in the first place but you were suddenly curious.
ā€œNot sure.ā€ He was looking at you, you could feel it on the side of your head. ā€œMy dad is though.ā€
You hummed as a response, already figuring that from the times youā€™d interacted with him and the way Jake talked about him earlier. You felt a sudden wave of discomfort at your current situation and fidgeted in your spot on the bed.
ā€œAre you going to leave?ā€ His voice was a whisper still and he wasnā€™t looking at you anymore from what you could tell. He sounded slightly upset like the thought of you leaving wasnā€™t pleasant.
ā€œYou wanted me to earlier.ā€ You scoffed softly but it was humorless, for some reason feeling offended at the reminder despite knowingly doing everything in your power to make him uncomfortable for your own satisfaction.
He didnā€™t say anything for a while and you listened to him breathing softly, wondering if he caught on to the hint of insecurity you were accidentally showcasing.
ā€œWellā€¦ I guess Iā€™ll see you tomorrow then.ā€ He eventually said and you barely heard him considering how low his voice had gotten.
ā€œSee you tomorrow Jake.ā€
Tuesdayā€™s were another day that your schedule was slightly shifted after church service. You had always been instructed to some form of community service on that day of the week, wether is be picking up trash or teaching a small class to the elders and children.
You didnā€™t mind this despite your distaste for religion. You got some sick satisfaction from watching religious people interact, like babies excitedly chatting about fairy tails and wishing for a big grand gesture to fix their own shitty lives.
Plus it got you out of your house and kept you slightly on the good side of your mother typically although you doubt with your recent actions youā€™d ever be on that side of the fence again.
So it was particularly annoying when you were tasked to clean the church basement, an area usually unseen by anybody in the town including yourself.
It was a mess of overfilled shelves and baskets stacked to the brim with old holiday decorations or donations from past families that were never put to use.
Youā€™d been hesitant to agree, having to try ten times harder than usual to apply your usual fake smile towards your father when you graciously nodded and accepted the task. Luckily a handful of other volunteers had also followed you down the creaky stairs, one of them being Jake.
Not on his own volition considering the way his eyes bulged out of his head when his father roughly nudged him as you stood at the center of the stage requesting helping hands. He hesitantly held his in the air and avoided making eye contact with you as you smiled happily.
The same smile you held now as you stood side by side with him, taking things off the shelves and throwing them into a trash pile. He looked more anxious than usual, like he was genuinely worried youā€™d try to do something to him while people were watching.
ā€œMiss Y/N?ā€ One of the older women who had volunteered was approaching the two of you, holding a small basket of, what looked like, old arts and crafts. ā€œI found this and was wondering if you thought your father might want to hang them up in the youth study room?ā€
ā€œI think thatā€™s a wonderful idea maā€™am.ā€ You were smiling widely at her, eyes soft and full of light. ā€œYou should bring them up to him.ā€
She was smiling appreciatively at you before turning and heading back up the stairs, missing the way your smile immediately dropped back into a blank expression.
Jake however, didnā€™t miss it and you heard him scoff from next to you as he observed the interaction. You glanced at him with a raised eyebrow and he shrugged.
ā€œDonā€™t you get tired of doing that all the time?ā€ He questioned and you faltered slightly. You hadnā€™t ever really considered it as something you were doing necessarily so his statement threw you off.
ā€œI donā€™t knowā€¦ I do it with everybody. I just do it.ā€ You shrugged and awkwardly looked away from him, feeling confronted.
ā€œYou donā€™t do it with me.ā€ He suddenly declared and you were reminded that you didnā€™t actually know Jake or his personality that well, completely caught off guard by his bluntness.
ā€œMaybe because I knew you were just as bad as me.ā€ You dropped your voice into a small whisper, leaning closer to him slightly as he glanced around to see which volunteers were over in your side of the basement.
He picked up an old toy and tossed it off in the distance, shaking his head in denial. ā€œThatā€™s not true at all.ā€
ā€œWhy isnā€™t it?ā€ You cocked your head at him and stopped rummaging through the shelf, more interested in what he was saying. You turned your body so you were facing him and could lean against the wood.
ā€œI believe in this.ā€ He looked around the room as if to emphasize what he was referring to. ā€œI love god.ā€
ā€œDo you? Or have you just been told to?ā€ You were already sure of the answer but you were curious what he would say about that, if heā€™s ever sat and thought that over or if his faith was really that unwavering.
ā€œI never questioned it before.ā€ He confirmed with a stern voice, sending you a sharp look so you would understand he was serious. ā€œNot once in my life until we moved here. Not once until..ā€
He trailed off but the implication was heavy and he looked away with a bright flush on his face. He was obviously referring to you and you felt a small spark of satisfaction at the fact he was implying you were the first thing to ever make him doubt, implying that he was doubting at all.
He scowled slightly when he noticed the bright smile that was on your face, one you didnā€™t even realize you had.
ā€œIā€™m serious Y/N. If anyone ever found out Iā€¦ā€ He didnā€™t finish his sentence again but you could get the gist of what he was implying, your smile dropping into a frown.
ā€œYou think I donā€™t know that? The stakes are way higher on my side of things incase you forgot.ā€ Your tone was harsher now but you were taking a step closer to him, not bothering to check if anybody was watching. ā€œBut youā€™re mine right? Like you said?ā€
He didnā€™t say anything for a minute, turning to face you and taking a big gulp when he realized you were practically close enough to kiss now. You waited for him to say something against your claim, to tell you he had been lust drunk or he didnā€™t mean it.
Instead he slowly nodded, eyes shooting down awkwardly to your feet. His shy expression was one you were more familiar seeing him with and your smile returned.
ā€œCan you come over today?ā€ You whispered and he looked back at you with a shocked expression, clearly not expecting you to say that. ā€œI have something to show you.ā€
He was nodding again, not trusting himself to speak without stuttering and you grinned, turning back to the shelf and continuing with your sorting.
By the time church was over and Jake got to your house, you were already sat outside on the porch in a big sweater and a scarf wrapped around your neck.
ā€œAre we not.. going in?ā€ He was standing at the end of your driveway, putting his bikes kickstand down and watching you with a confused expression.
ā€œI said I had to show you something didnā€™t I?ā€ He watched you as you stood from the cement slab, grabbing your own bike from off the side of your house and walking it down towards him with a half smile.
He didnā€™t say anything as you both got on your bikes, following behind you as you rode off the curb and down the street.
The ride was long and cold, the sky grey as you passed by old houses and empty shops thatā€™d been abandoned as the owners aged. Jake found the town sad a bit but he was curious what you were leading him too and slightly excited that you wanted to spend time with him in a different way than normal.
Eventually you were crossing the threshold of the city limit, a big sign with chipping paint that was welcoming you in or wishing you safe travels out.
After that it wasnā€™t long before you were slowing to a stop, surrounded by trees and a large field. Jake watched you get off your bike with a raised eyebrow, waiting until you looked back at him with a beckoning hand.
ā€œItā€™s this way.ā€ You urged and he hopped off, pushing the bikes alongside each other until you were on the other side of the muddy field, approaching a large river. The sound of it was loud as it rushed but not loud enough to block out the noise of the highway across from it, just off in the distance.
Jake watched it as you unpacked your backpack that he didnā€™t even realize youā€™d been wearing until now, unfolding a thick blanket and laying it down on the wet grass.
ā€œThey canā€™t build houses over here because the river always overflows.ā€ You started to explain, pulling out a thermos and something wrapped in paper towel as you talked. ā€œThe water levels higher than usual because all the rain we get.ā€
ā€œSometimes I wonder if they even know we are over here.ā€ You continued with a scoff, sitting criss cross on the blanket now and looking over at Jake who was dropping his bike.
He sat down too, carefully keeping his wet and muddy shoes off of the fabric.
ā€œDo you come here a lot?ā€ He was muttering what felt like his first words of the day, looking around the area and seeing virtually no signs of civilization other than the highway. He wondered for a second if you had even been able to hear him over the sound of it.
ā€œI guess. There isnā€™t much else to do if you havenā€™t noticed by now.ā€ You were shrugging as you spoke, you stuck one of your legs out so it nudged against his.
ā€œIā€™ve been pretty occupied since Iā€™ve gotten here so I guess I didnā€™t.ā€ His words made you laugh although he was being serious, only having gone from home to church to your room.
He didnā€™t say anything as you laughed and he still didnā€™t when you were suddenly moving out of your sitting position, crawling towards him on all fours until you could press yourself against him.
Every part of you was touching as you sat side by side, both facing the rushing river and trying to not focus on how cold it was outside, the sky slowly darkening now since it was around dinner time. That reminded you that you had packed sandwiches and you were leaning forward slightly to reach them, handing him one and watching him unwrap the paper towel in confusion.
His cheeks turned red when he saw what it was, glancing at you and nodding softly in appreciation before taking a bite.
ā€œWhy are we here?ā€ He was breaking the silence the two of you had fallen into as you ate and passed the warm thermos back and forth, watching the highway and the building traffic.
ā€œI donā€™t know.ā€ You felt strangely vulnerable at this question, not really knowing yourself why youā€™d taken him to such a private place. ā€œDonā€™t think too deeply about it.ā€
Your sudden change of tone made him frown and tense against you, a harshness seeping into your words as you reminded him what type of relationship you had going here.
To further prove your point that this wasnā€™t anything being sin and attraction, you were quickly turning your upper body so you could face him before leaning forward and pressing into a kiss. He froze completely for a few seconds, brain short circuiting at the sudden contact.
Then he was closing his eyes slowly and kissing you back, a low him of appreciation slipping through your lips and vibrating against his.
You turned your body more so you could climb over his legs, straddling him and making a small noise of surprise when his hands were immediately on your lower back, tugging you in tighter against him.
The two of you kissed like that for a while, you sitting comfortably in his lap and feeling him grow hard underneath you embarrassingly quick. He felt strong and sturdy under you but he was letting out little whines and whimpers and he kept trying to pull you in closer, almost like he was trying to merge the two of you together.
Then you were sitting up on your knees and tugging your long skirt up so it was bunched around your hips, mouth parting slightly at the feeling of the cold air nipping at your bare skin. He watched you with confusion, eyes darting around your legs so fast he felt dizzy.
You sat back down on his hard on, now only separated by his jeans and your underwear and he let out a low moan, shooting forward and ducking his head forward into your neck.
ā€œY/N.ā€ He whined out and you shushed him, petting his hair and rocking your hips slowly against him, liking the way his mouth parted against your skin as he took deep shuddering breaths.
ā€œI want you to feel me.ā€ You were whispering into his hair and he picked his up in alarm, shaking his head and glancing down at your exposed lap.
ā€œI- I donā€™t know how.ā€ He was rushing out and you laughed softly, reaching down to grab his wrist off the blanket and pick his hand up.
You placed it against your stomach like it was the other day when he was pressing on it absentmindedly, letting him feel the smooth skin above your underwear line for a while before pushing his hand down slightly past the elastic and listening to his gasp.
You were still rocking against him but slower now, letting him feel you for the first time at his own pace and trying not to overwhelm him.
His hand was shaking fast, from the cold and nerves. You imagined he could feel his own hand pressing against his cock as he kept moving it down, trapping it between the both of you. You dipped down again when he hesitatingly stopped moving it once he was fully in your underwear and he let out a cry at the feeling of your wetness against his skin.
ā€œW-what?ā€ He was crying out in concern, eyes shooting up to look at yours. ā€œAre you okay? Are you bleeding?ā€
ā€œIā€™m wet.ā€ You explained to him with a breathy voice despite the fact you knew he didnā€™t understand what that would mean or if it was good or bad. ā€œMeans I feel good, you make me feel good.ā€
That seemed to alarm him more than the idea of you bleeding, his hand instinctively twitching and pressing against you. You leaned down to kiss him again and he reciprocated, forgetting his hand was on you for a few seconds before you were lowering your hips again.
He wasnā€™t doing anything but just the feeling of his large hands cupping you was making you feel dizzy, rocking against him again despite the strange noise he let out.
ā€œTouch me baby cā€™mon.ā€ He looked up at you at the sound of your urging, eyes big and wet. He looked nervous but he hesitatingly moved his fingers, curling slightly and pressing against your clit. You let out a cry and he immediately froze, mistaking it for pain. ā€œNo Jake, itā€™s okay do it again.ā€
He didnā€™t look sure but he followed your instructions anyways, curling his hand up and being amazed by the way you threw your head back in a small cry.
The two of you seemed to forget about your surroundings, about the rushing lake or the freezing air that was only making the cold grass more bitter to sit in. You almost forgot who you were or the fact you were only a few minutes outside of town, practically riding Jake in a field visible to anyone who cared.
ā€œYouā€™re so pretty.ā€ You remarked and he frowned at your gentle word causing you to lean forward and kiss him softly. ā€œI want to keep you forever.ā€
You were too lust drunk to think about the heavy implication of your words or the fact saying them went against everything youā€™d previously been attempting. The whole reason youā€™d even started touching him today was to distract him from the fact youā€™d taken him to a place personal to you, to make him forget your act of kindness.
ā€œYou can keep me.ā€ He was stuttering out in a high voice, not really sure if you meant what you were saying considering how confusing he found you, how strange this whole situation was.
Jake had accepted at some point that his life was changing now and for some reason, god had put you in his path. At first he figured you were some type of test of faith, if he could just ignore you and your evil nature then heā€™d be able to prove he was a good man, a holy man. But he began to wonder eventually if you were truly as terrible as he originally thought, as his mother kept remarking every time his father wasnā€™t in the room.
You made him cry and you occasionally would say terrible things to him. And it was no doubt you had a habit of sinning and making him sin, even when he didnā€™t want to.
But he thought you were kind at other times and he could tell by the way you zoned out in church during service and were nice to the young residents or helpful to the old, that you didnā€™t have no emotion. Maybe you were right, although you had a twisted way of teaching him about it.
You were leaning down to kiss him again and he was taking his hand out of your underwear, wiping it on his pants briefly before cupping your face in both his palms and keeping you there.
ā€œDid I ruin you?ā€ You were muttering against his panting mouth with a small smile, hands petting his hair affectionately.
ā€œAlmost.ā€ He answered with a slight laugh, kissing you again.
By the time you and Jake had left the field, giggling together while you stuffed the wet blanket back into your backpack and jumped over mud puddles, the sun was set and gone.
You followed the streetlights home, walking the bikes side by side the entire time so the 20 minute ride turned into an hour walk.
You went a few streets without talking for a while, listening to the sounds of your tires rolling over gravel or the music nature provided from the surrounding woods just off in the distance. By the time you were crossing back into city limits and setting your sights on the abandoned buildings on the outskirts of town, your curiosity was weighing on you.
ā€œWhy did you move here anyways?ā€ You were mumbling on accident so you werenā€™t sure he had heard you until he cleared his throat.
ā€œA council member caught dad hitting mom.ā€ He said it casually and you wondered if he was used to it or it was a practiced tone. ā€œI guess they thought itā€™d look bad to punish him there so they sent us away.ā€
ā€œDoes he hit you too?ā€ You werenā€™t sure why you asked that considering you were already pretty positive of the answer.
ā€œYeah sometimes.ā€ He shrugged and tried not to fidget at the feeling of you watching him, kicking at a loose rock in the gravel road. ā€œI think heā€™s mad Iā€™m not very manly.ā€
ā€œI think youā€™re manly.ā€ You were frowning and furrowing your eyebrows, only deepening when you heard him let out a disbelieving scoff. ā€œIā€™m serious.ā€
And you were. Despite Jakeā€™s outwardly timid personality and the way he basically turned into a nervous obedient puppy everytime you got your hands on him, he was clearly a man. Both in his broad athletic build and in his day to day actions and personality. He was blunt and honest, telling you what he felt even if he thought it might anger you.
ā€œYeah, whatever.ā€ He was whispering, still not trusting what you were saying and you froze in your tracks, stood directly under a streetlight. He slowed to a stop when he realized you were walking anymore and looked back at you in confusion.
ā€œYou wouldnā€™t have picked on me if I was manly.ā€ He was explaining once he caught sight of your frustrated expression. ā€œYou probably wouldnā€™t have even noticed me.ā€
ā€œYou think Iā€™m picking on you?ā€ You ignored his second statement for now, eyes darkening at the implication of the first.
You werenā€™t sure why it struck a nerve within you considering he wasnā€™t half wrong. You had originally sought him out as a victim for you, an experiment or a game. Maybe even a way to further upset your mother, but you didnā€™t think he thought you were picking on him entirely.
ā€œI donā€™t know what to think.ā€ He was shaking his head and his eyes looked sad. He started to push his bike again and you rushed to catch up with him. ā€œThis is just confusing.ā€
ā€œWell Iā€™m not.ā€ You kept your voice firm in an attempt to assure him and he didnā€™t say anything else, sparing you a long glance before looking back forward so he didnā€™t accidentally hit a pothole.
The two of you didnā€™t talk anymore after that, walking in a comfortable silence as you slowly got to a more familiar area for him and he realized you were slowly approaching his neighborhood. You must be planning on dropping him off before making you own way home he decided.
Those plans were quickly halted when you turned the corner of his street and saw your own parents car in his driveway, right next to the Simā€™s. You both froze in place and stared in front of you in horror.
ā€œMaybe itā€™s a coincidence.ā€ He whispered and you jumped at the sudden sound of his voice, the words shaking slightly. ā€œWe can tell them we got caught up studying at the park.ā€
ā€œIf theyā€™re here they already know.ā€ You immediately stated in a flat voice, having a sick gut feeling as you looked at the two cars. The lights were on in Jakeā€™s living room and you could vaguely make out multiple shadows walking around inside. ā€œI donā€™t understand.ā€
ā€œMaybe your dad heard something the other day.ā€ He was rushing out in a hush, looking at you and your uncharacteristically frozen figure. Heā€™d never seen you scared before and it made his skin crawl. ā€œOr that lady in the basement.ā€
ā€œNo thatā€™s not possible, I was-ā€œ Your words faltered and you sucked in a panicked breath, trying to recall the two incidents he was talking about. You had been so caught up in your giddiness to talk to him that you hadnā€™t paid attention to your surroundings this morning at all, saying damning idiotic things to him in the church of all places.
His hand was coming up and brushing against your arm that was covered in goosebumps. ā€œGo home. Iā€™ll think of a cover for you, Iā€™ll handle it.ā€
You looked at him with big eyes, suddenly overwhelmed by his presence and the fact he was willingly to lie for you so easily, willing to sin to both his parents and yours so you could be spared from punishment.
ā€œI canā€™t leave you with them.ā€ You were shaking your head in earnest and he deflated, understanding immediately there was no way of talking you out of it.
You both stood there for a few more beats, staring at each other under the street light and you briefly wondered if youā€™d see him again after this. You werenā€™t sure what your parents knew or if they were just following a strong hunch but you knew it didnā€™t matter. The second they suspected anything, atleast the men, you wouldnā€™t be allowed to see Jake anymore.
Eventually he took the first step, setting his bike down at the corner of the street and nudging for you to follow suit although you gave him a confused glance.
Following closely behind him, you tried to match his slow casual pace approaching the door and almost felt like you were going to throw up on the porch when he pushed it open without knocking, deciding to not give them any warning you were approaching.
The sight was just as dreadful as you imagined it would be, your parents sat on the Simā€™s old couch while his were standing at attention and listening to whatever it was your father had been saying before your arrival.
All heads turned in your direction when you entered, half looking surprised you were together and the others showing no reaction. Your mother was immediately leaping up from the couch and approaching you with a scowl.
You felt her hand hitting your cheek before you even processed she was crossing the room, your head shooting sideways as your own palms came up to grasp your face in shock. Despite your differences, your mother had never directly struck you.
ā€œYouā€™re a disgrace.ā€ She spat, literally, in your direction and you vaguely saw Jake flinch in your direction like he wanted to grab you. ā€œNo more games little girl, they finally see what I have all these years.ā€
One glance in your fathers direction told you she was telling the truth. Heā€™d never been a good father but he wasnā€™t cruel, choosing religion over warmth and parenting. So upon seeing his cold stare you automatically knew things were too far gone.
ā€œAnd you.ā€ She was turning to sneer in Jakeā€™s direction now and you were slightly surprised to see him square back his shoulders, jaw clenching. ā€œHow can you be so stupid?ā€
ā€œMary, please advise yourself on how you speak to my son.ā€ Jakeā€™s mother was piling up from the couch ā€œI thought we agreed that your daughter is the one at fault here.ā€
ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½What?ā€ Jake was spitting out and your eyes widened, wanting to tell him to shut up and let it run its course. ā€œIt was as much me as it was her.ā€
ā€œNo it wasnā€™t.ā€ You were shaking your head at lightning speed, taking a step forward but rocking back again when your mother shot a glare in your direction. ā€œIt was all me.ā€
Jake was glaring at you but you knew he held no anger, only frustration that you were attempting to take the punishment for this. He was crazy to think you wouldnā€™t considering it was all your doing in the first place.
ā€œIt doesnā€™t matter.ā€ Your fathers cool and calm voice was ringing out and everybody turned to look at him. ā€œTomorrow morning Y/N will be sent to a correctional school. I shouldā€™ve listened to your mother when she begged me to send you years ago.ā€
Your eyes were watering as you looked at him with pure betrayal. Despite your hatred for your town, for your longing to leave and never return you felt an overwhelming sense of panic at the thought of being sent away. You looked over at Jake to find him already watching you with the same panic in his eyes.
Then he was turning back towards your father with a shake of his head and a stony expression. ā€œI wonā€™t let you do that.ā€
Jakeā€™s father scoffed, making his first noise of the night and you glanced over at his large frame. He was watching Jake with disgust and amusement but you saw a faint hint of a challenge in his eyes.
ā€œAnd what will you do son?ā€ He was approaching Jake with a sneer, looking down at him. Jake raised his chin to meet his stare, his hands shaking against his sides. ā€œYou canā€™t even protect your own mother.ā€
It was said in a whisper so only Jake could hear it but you were standing close enough to faintly catch it, mouth parting in shock at his blunt admission before opening further when Jake was suddenly moving faster than you could even pinpoint when he had started.
Jake was on his father before he even had a chance to prepare for it and you could hear the shrieks of the women, your own fathers grunts as he jumped off the couch to try and control the situation. You were standing on the side, hands out and trying to grip a hold of Jakeā€™s jacket to tug him back when he glanced back at your hurriedly while his dad was disoriented.
ā€œGo.ā€ He mouthed the word at you and you felt your heart shatter slightly, shaking your head in denial before he gave you a firm nod and a soft smile.
You could do nothing but watch in horror as his dad took advantage of him being distracted, slamming Jake onto the ground, nearly blocking the front door. You took your chance to run before somebody realized you were going to and stopped you, sparing Jake one last look before heading out the door.
You aggressively wiped your tears as you ran down the street, sobbing as you could still hear the screams and grunts of pain from Jake coming from the door youā€™d left open. Your cheek was stinging still but you powered through it, letting the cold numb you as you hopped on your bike youā€™d abandoned under the light and started peddling so hard your thighs burned.
The wind was howling as you sped past your own neighborhood and the church, the empty buildings a blur through your teary eyes and you fell off your bike once you finally approached the field youā€™d been in earlier that day, landing in the mud with a cry.
You left your bike near the entrance, wobbling closer to the river with harsh sobs ripping through you, your knees and skirt dripping in mud.
For a moment you wondered if this was it. If youā€™d been wrong your entire life about religion and sin and this was god letting you know he was here and he was furious with you for the evil you let harvest.
If taking Jake and hurting him was all because you had done bad things and harmed the people around you. You let out a scream of frustration and looked up at the dark grey, wanting to tell him you didnā€™t care if he was watching and it wasnā€™t fair.
Instead you let yourself fall against the wet grass, curling into a ball and hugging your knees to your chest as you listened to the rushing river and the honks of traffic. You briefly remembered you were still wearing your backpack and it contained a blanket you could cover up with but you had no energy left to reach back to get it.
You werenā€™t sure how long you laid there crying, the sky getting darker and darker as you sat and waited.
You werenā€™t positive what you were even waiting for. Maybe for your parents to come searching for you so they could drag you away to some far away place or maybe the more hopeful part of you was waiting for Jake to come, to tell you he was okay.
The thought of him made you cry harder when you remembered the sounds he was making as you ran out and how furious his father looked about being struck. A man with an ego was dangerous especially when it got wounded.
Waves of guilt were rushing over you for dragging Jake into your twisted fantasies, for wanting to keep him even after youā€™d gotten what you wanted. For liking him despite not knowing you were capable of that until he arrived. You wished the river would fill up and swallow you inside it.
Over all the combined sounds you barely registered a few being added.
You didnā€™t hear the sound of the bike tires approaching, or the splashing of the mud puddles underneath hurried feet. You didnā€™t hear his worried pants or the desperate call of your name in the distance.
It wasnā€™t until he was there did you feel him, it wasnā€™t until he was reaching down to grab your arm.
Not until it was skin on skin.
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enkvyu Ā· 11 months
5:22pm ā€” gojo satoru ;
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there's a kind of urgency in your steps that parts the crowd of onlooking guests, and they split in half to avoid the trailing hot path you leave in your wake. cold, hard shock twists your stomach and wrings it out, heaving about the wine and finger foods you had consumed when you were still ignorant.
the clicking of your heels echos in the silent ballroom, the bottom of your gown sweeping up the marble floors and the frantic clacks only enhances your horror. if only someone could talk and shatter the silence so you no longer had to be suffocated in your own traitorous thoughts, if only someone could laugh away the situation, though you're sure you'll forever see this scene illuminated on the back of your eyelids for weeks to come.
"let the celebrations resume," a voice answers your prayers, but it is the person who says it that causes you to clamp a hand over your mouth.
even now, you can hear the beginning whispers of small talk and chatter, gossip spreading through the lavish room. it trails after you like a pungent smell, and you're certain the morning news tomorrow will have your name lined in big, bold letters on its front page.
footsteps chase after you, and you curse your gown for slowing your pace. it's inevitable that he catches up to you, just as you exit the grand hall into the balcony, and his hand closes around your arm, pulling you back.
loose strands of your hair whips across your face as you're forced to turn to your pursuer. "gojo." you swallow hard as the foreign syllables leave your mouth. "what do you want?"
the crown prince has grown over the last few years, you think. there's an aura of arrogance he lacked when he was younger, a certainty that straightens his back and the kind of confidence that allows him to chase an older lover out into the night.
gojo's eyes are haunted when he looks at you, really looks at the person you've become in his absence. the hand holding your arm trembles and falls. "why aren't you happy to see me?"
you bark out a cruel laugh. out of all the things he could ever say to you, after the raw anguish that you've never been able to express, after all the silent midnights, interlocked hands pressed tight together praying to the moon that his death was all a big, cruel joke, that was all he could say?
"do you seriously believe i would feel happy seeing you, after all this time?" it's hilarious, and you don't hesitate to let your laugh show it.
"all i could think about was you." he confesses but it's too late, years far too late.
"why didn't you tell me?" you ask instead. "did you think i could see you again and forgive you? on the spot, after leaving me in the dark for so long?"
gojo is still frowning, and you hate that he can't ever see the errors of his ways. perhaps that was the single thing that remained the same. "i couldn't put you in that kind of danger."
"gojo, i thought you were dead!" you finally explode, and the relief it feels to finally tell someone overwhelms you. you choke on the raw emotion, balling your hands by your side. "you still are to me. what did you think i would feel? i finally, finally, got over you, i finally accepted that you were gone and now you're back? now, of all times? i was going to get married, gojo! i was going to have a family, and kids, and finally live my life again. why did you have to show up?"
"your husband is a gambling addict." he says drily. "i wasn't going to let you marry some bastard like him."
"well, thanks." you say, voice flat. typical of him to only hear what he wants to hear, what he can find a response to. "thanks, gojo, is that what you want me to say?"
gojo clenches his jaw and when he grabs a hold of you again, it hurts a whole lot more. "listen to me, i didn't have a choice."
and again, you shake it off. "fuck you, gojo."
"i came back as soon as i could. i prepared all of this for you!" his voice raises and raises, and it's such a contrast to the sweet nothings he'd whisper in your ear when you were only two secret lovers hiding in the stables. ā€œyou were the only thing that kept me going and this is what you have to say now that iā€™m back?ā€
"and i would throw it all away if it would mean you had told me you were still alive."
"i didn't have a choice." he says again. "if i did you know i would have come back for you."
"do i know that?" the wind picks up and you shiver. "i waited for you. for months i thought this was just another scheme. you would find your way back to me again, because you always did. you always survived, no matter what."
"i did survive."
"but i didn't know, gojo, don't you see?" was it really so hard to understand? had it ever been so hard to convey your feelings to him like it was now, two strangers seeing a different image before them?
there's a creeping sense of foreboding that starts in your stomach and overcomes your mind, a sense that things will never be the same again. even if you were to meticulously piece back a broken faith, even if you were to abandon all sense and throw yourself into a deceitful love, the memories you crave will never be re-experienced, you will never know the pure love of gojo again.
too much has changed.
you shiver and it isn't the cold that shakes you.
gojo takes off his coat at the sight, throwing it over your shoulders and holding it tight in front of your throat. once, your heart might have leapt out at the warm gesture, but now it feels like a noose around your neck.
"i don't need your coat." you say, past all the memories. "what would your wife think?"
gojo groans, brushing back his hair as the wind rustles it in front of his eyes. "is that what it is? me being married?"
you flare up and the cold no longer seems an issue. "of course not! god, gojo, you would be the only one who would think as shallowly as that. you were dead! i saw your corpse tonight at the ball and you have me to believe that all my tears, all those sleepless nights, was because i was jealous?"
gojo breaks away, exhaling deeply. he shoves his hand into his pant pocket and shakes his head. "sorry. i just, you didn't seem happy to see me."
"you sound like a broken record." you remark. with his hands away from the coat, the sleeves flap away in the wind and it's less suffocating, but also less warm.
ā€œi came back for you tonight.ā€
you were already shaking your head before the last of his words leaves his mouth. ā€œitā€™s too late.ā€
ā€œyou donā€™t get to tell me that.ā€ he growls and itā€™s the second time in one night that he has shown you this feral, aggressive side. ā€œi wonā€™t let you let me go.ā€
you want to cry. how long had you wanted, needed even, to hear those words? words you were sure would heal the wounds of your heart, words that would fix the world as you know it and lunge you back into the joy of past memories.
those memories are dead now, a part of you whispers, mockingly. you canā€™t seriously trust him again. canā€™t you see how heā€™s aged into a person you no longer know?
you curl your fingers into your dress and pierce your thigh through the fabric. ā€œwhy did you chase after me?ā€
maybe gojo senses his chance because he answers the question without another thought. ā€œi needed to talk to you. i needed to see you again and have you see me back.ā€
ā€œwell, weā€™re both here now. donā€™t miss your chance.ā€
gojo takes a step forward. "i'm here to tell you i'm alive. that i've been alive for the past ten years."
"i know."
"and that i'm the crown prince now."
"i know."
"i'm also married now."
"god, you're really bad at apologies." you sniffle, taking a hold of the coat and pulling it tighter. it's because the wind was getting to you, you reason. "but, i know."
"do you, do you have someone you like?" gojo coughs out, feigning indifference. your jaw drops at the topic of conversation.
"gojo, i haven't even forgiven you yet."
"i just wanted to know! the man you were meant to marry tonight, do you...?"
"okay." gojo says, and exhales. "okay."
"is that everything?" you ask, and you painfully wish that it isn't. you want him to chase after you, to hold onto your hand and keep you there by his side, to want you again. because god knows all you've ever wanted was him.
gojo raises his head at your words, searching your eyes for permission. there's a hard tint to his face you don't recognise and the blue you've once called your sanctuary is duller, lacking light. an aged scar runs across his neck, and a shoot of bitterness surges through you as you realise it had healed in the time that he was without you.
still, you let him take a step closer. closer, you can see everything that has changed at the hand of time. it makes his unfamiliar, different, your old lover wearing a stranger's skin, but it's still the gojo you know.
you have to believe that.
so when he reaches up to caress your cheek, running a thumb over a falling tear, you subdue the shiver that runs its course through you.
you bite your lip and it draws blood. gojo sees it, tracks it with his eyes and even when your tongue has swiped across and licked it away, his gaze still lingers.
"i really did miss you." he whispers and you feel his breath against your wet lips. "you were all i could think about."
"me too." you confess and his eyes flicker up to yours.
"does that mean you forgive me?" and though he smiles, there's a nervous quirk to it that you're sure only you would recognise. this was a side of him that only you saw, only you were allowed to bask in.
"what about your wife?"
"i'll divorce her. i was already planning to, we never married out of love. you know you're the only one for me."
ā€œi know.ā€ you lie. what did you even know about him?
ā€œi love you.ā€ he says and you nod, not trusting your voice to answer. ā€œgod, i love you so much.ā€
when he dips to capture your lips in a sweet kiss, you fight the urge to push him away when he no longer taste like how you remember.
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i know you guys want that part two of the gojo imagine but listen to me, 2.5k is a lot to edit when there are tears in your eyes from chem šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø i promise i'm not ignoring you guys i js have a lot of studying to do so !! i wrote this quick thing as a filler
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writersblockiskillingme Ā· 6 months
I Know Places | Taylor Swift
Pairing: Taylor Swift x fem!reader (actress!reader)
Summary: Taylor and you try everything in your power to hide your relationship from paparazzi during your date.
Warning/s: a bit of angst and a bit of fluff, allusions to homophobia, paparazzi, secret relationship, kissing, fear of getting hate, some parts of the song are removed (I'm sorry), a few curse words, grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: Was listening to I know places Taylor's Version while doing homework and got āœØļøinspiredāœØļø so here you go.
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You stand with your hand on my waistline
It's a scene, and we're out here in plain sight
I can hear them whisper as we pass by
It's a bad sign, bad sign
You could feel excitement fill every inch of your body as you walked alongside your adoring girlfriend, Taylor, along the surprisingly, but intentionally, quiet narrow street while your hand was securely locked onto her waist as she had her arm placed around your shoulders.
It was a very hot summer day in New York, the sun was at it's highest peek and surprisingly, even thought it's New York, not a lot of people were out. Instead of enjoying the heat and the light, almost nonexistent cool breeze, like Taylor and you, a lot of people stayed at home in desperate need of cooling down.
But the heat didn't bother you as you both walked along the street with your sundresses on. Taylor's blue sundress was matching her eyes perfectly, she almost looked too good to be real. The sunglasses were shielding your eyes from the sun as you two went to your date.
And even though you were so excited to spend the day on a date with your gorgeous girlfriend, you couldn't help but to feel nervousness flowing through your veins, consuming you entirely.
Taylor and you met at the premiere of your new film one and a half years ago and you instantly felt something at that moment on the red carpet as you locked your eyes with the pair of the bluest eyes you ever saw. You're heart skipped a few beats and you felt like you were drowning every time you looked at them.
From that point on you started dating. In secret. Nobody but your close friends and families knew. You knew that you could trust them, that they would have your back.
Every day with her felt like a dream. A dream that could easily be taken away forever.
You were always sneaking off, away from the public eye to be together. When you were under the everlasting watchful eyes of the press and in front of cameras you always played it of as friends. Yeah, friends. Best friends for sure. What a load of crap. But you had no choice, you had to keep your relationship to yourself because you were both scared. She was a successful singer and songwriter, you were the fresh new face of the Hollywood. You could only imagine what would happen if two golden stars like you were exposed in public because of your relationship. You both loved each other so much, but the hate comments would get too much, you both knew it.
So, for each other safety, you kept your relationship away from the praying eyes of the world.
But even though there is this bad side in the secret relationship, there were always moments like this. The two of you walking along with each other, the thrill of sneaking of and having a little secret and moments like those are one of the reasons for your happiness. Although, the only thing you wanted was to hold her whenever, kiss her whenever, make the whole world know that she's yours. You both wanted it.
Finally the two of you arrived at the little coffee shop at the corner of the narrow street. You looked through the gigantic mirrors of the shop and realized that the shop was empty enough, only the bartender and other two costumers were here. It couldn't be that bad, you figured, but you couldn't help the strange feeling creeping up on you as Taylor and you entered the shop.
The two of you sat down at one of the tables in the corner of the shop before the bartender arrived. With the nervous look you two ordered some coffee for yourselves before you watched the guy who took your order walk away.
You couldn't help but to look at Taylor after he left and to confess, "I don't like how he looked at us."
"To be completely honest," Taylor said as she took off her sunglasses and placed it on the hard wood of the table. "Me neither."
Pretty soon you got your order and you started to chat, but you couldn't help but to steal a glance at the bartender. And sure enough there he was. On the other side of the coffee shop, whispering into his phone as he kept stealing small glances at the two of you.
"Love, I'm sorry to interrupt you," You told Taylor who stopped talking once you said that and looked at you in concern, her hand that was placed in yours and looked like something more than just friends, tightened it's hold on your hand. "But that guy is giving me such ick."
Taylor turned her head a bit and looked at the bartender seeing him whispering in his phone, too. She slowly turned her head back to you as she lowered her voice that was drowning in worry.
"This isn't good."
Somethin' happens when everybody finds out
See the vultures circling, dark clouds
Love's a fragile little flame, it could burn out
It could burn out
'Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes
And guns
They are the hunters, we are the foxes
And we run
With the shift of the atmosphere in the air you continued to quietly whisper to each other trying to continue enjoying you date as much as you possibly could. But then in the corner of your eye you noticed a flash of light. You turned your head towards the glass window, feeling yourself instantly regret your decision.
"Taylor," You whispered quitly, your lips quivering a bit as you spoke trying to warn her. "The paparazzi are here and they're taking photos."
She momentarily froze at your words, her eyes widening a little as she looked at you slightly terrified. "Where?"
"They're outside," You continued to whisper. "Across the street. At least 10."
She slightly turned her gaze to look outside and once she did she quickly reached her sunglasses that were comfortably placed on the table. "It's TMZ. We gotta go."
You both threw some money on the table to pay for the drinks, you grabbed your own pair of sunglasses off of the table, quickly using them to shield your eyes.
She grabbed your hand in process and started to lead you out of the front door. Of course, the bartender who called TMZ on you most certainly wouldn't let you use the back entrance so you had no choice. You had to face the paparazzi outside.
Taylor looked at you and even behind the sunglasses you noticed something in her gorgeous blue eyes. There was worry, but also something that you see very often but didn't quite expect it now. Mischief and, most of all, determination.
The moment you walked outside there was yelling and questioning. You felt panic raising in your chest as Taylor tugged your hand. And just like that you started to run away as the flashes of the cameras and the yelling of the paparazzi followed.
Baby, I know places we won't be found, and
They'll be chasing their tails trying to track us down
'Cause I, I know places we can hide
I know places
I know places
The next day wasn't any different from the moment that you woke up.
Taylor and you were still lying in bed, sun barely graced the morning sky yet. And as you slept, wrapped up in the sheets and Taylor's arms you were awoken by the sound of your phone constantly ringing.
You're friends and families was constantly messaging and calling you. Even Taylor's manager called you and texted you multiple times. There was a new article on the internet. It displayed the photos of Taylor and you from yesterday.
On the top of the article, in dramatically big capital letters, was written the headline that said: "BEST FRIENDS OR MORE?!?! SINGER AND SONGWRITER TAYLOR SWIFT AND ACTRESS Y/N Y/L/N CAUGHT KISSING!"
Below the headline, there were multiple photos of the two of you. One photo displayed Taylor and you stealing a kiss on the street, your hand around her waist and her arm around your shoulders. It was before you even entered that coffee shop. Then there was a photo of you holding hands and looking at each other with so much love as you two whispered to each other. And, finally, there were multiple photos of Taylor and you running away from the paparazzi.
That's how you ended up here, leaned against the kitchen counter as your eyes followed every move that Taylor made.
You were going to announce your relationship so that you could possibly prevent, or at least lower the number of rumors that were putting the whole internet on a spiral already.
Just as Taylor looked up at you, you got a notification on your phone that said that Taylor made an Instagram post.
You clicked on the notification and you were met, face to face, with the photo that you took a few days ago. On the photo Taylor and you were sitting by the window, holding each other as she leaned down to press a kiss against your lips. The caption of the post said "Loose lips sink ships all the damn time, not this time! ā™”"
"It's perfect." You told her, smiling.
"I love you." She smiled back as you replied. Taylor then walked over to you, bringing you in for a kiss that made you melt against her.
At that moment you knew that you would miss the thrill of sneaking off, stolen kisses and touching, and longing glances across the rooms. But you knew that you would finally be able to show her of as yours and that was everything that you ever wanted.
Lights flash and we'll run for the fences
Let them say what they want, we won't hear it
Loose lips sink ships all the damn time
Not this time
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tinytinyblogs Ā· 8 months
Skz Soft Hours: Minho
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He longs to be with you, even though he may not be the best at expressing it at first.
(Slightly mentioned misunderstanding between them)
Stray kids masterlist here
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"Why are you so quiet?" He gives you a silent stare, making the air feel suffocating. Ever since you heard that you need to marry him, he has been silent, agreeing to everything, but saying nothing himself. "About what?" he asks finally. He used to hate you, at least as far as you know. He was always there, judging you and making your life difficult. And yet now he is agreeing to spend the rest of his life with you. "Don't be so silly," You says. "Of course it's about your parents wanting you to marry me." You and Minho are from different worlds. He comes from a rich family, while your parents work for them.
You have no power over them, and even though Minho's parents treat you well, it's still strange to hear that they want you and Minho to be together. Unlike you, Minho has the power to say no, but he chooses not to. "Nothing I can say about it," he says. You walk closer to him and take his phone away from him. You sit down next to him and make him look at you. "Explain yourself," you say. "You've always hated me, and now you're changing your mind and want to be with me forever? Or what?"
Minho savored every word you said, wondering if he had always been that bad around you. He might not be the best at choosing the right words to say, or at expressing his feelings, but he had never hated you, not even a little. "I never changed my mind," he said. "I was the one who told my parents that I want to marry you, and it was my decision alone." He had spent a lot of time with you in his huge house, and he had told his parents that he wanted to marry you, thinking they would laugh at him. But he had been deadly serious. He was surrounded by beautiful people, but his heart always came back to you.
Minho always wanted to be perfect, even as a child. He was confused about how to get your attention when you were so focused on improving yourself, until now, when you're working successfully at his parents' company. "They are only saying this to you because I am too nervous to ask you to marry me myself." The only time you ever looked at him was when you were annoyed by him. But you were also scared of being judged, especially by him. You wanted to be a better person, but you weren't sure why. You just felt like you weren't worthy of him, who had everything. The walls between you two were so thick and strong. "And I never hated you," he said.
It was the first time you had heard him say it out loud, and it felt like a new world was opening up to you. He was always busy with his work, but this moment felt like a gift. "Yes, I really want to spend my whole life with you. That's what I've been dreaming of ever since." Minho had everything he wanted except you. He craved you, dreamed of building a family with you, and prayed for you every day. He looked at you again and again, even though you rarely spoke. He knew that he had been judging and hating you, but he didn't mean it. He didn't have a dream before you. He never knew what he wanted until you came along. The only problem was that you two felt so far apart.
You hardly spoke, let alone in a good way. "I don't need you to force anything, but let's get to know each other after this." You felt like you were floating between dream and reality. You had always compared yourself to Minho and his life, and you envied the people who made him happy. But it seemed like your vision of him wasn't entirely accurate. Minho doesn't care about your social status or your family background. He cares about you because you're the only person who never judges him.
"I really need you, you never judge me when I'm at my lowest." Even though you two don't talk much, you both care about each other deeply. When you saw him crying once, you stayed silent and bought him his favorite food, something his parents might not even know he loves. And when you're feeling down, he'll wait for you from afar and walk with you, even though you know he's there. "I'm not a bad person, I promise you," he says. "And I will treat you so well, like you deserve. Can't you give me a chance?"
His huge room is a witness to your silly story, like a rainbow that appears after the rain, showing you a new side of Minho. "If you're sure about this, we can try" You said in a low voice almost whisper, you may be jumping to conclusions without seeing the full picture but you know that he is a good person. If you're willing to understand him a little more you can overcome any misunderstanding. Minho dreams of being happy with you, just like you imagine yourself around him. Sometimes, dreams come true.
He kissed you shyly after a long time, imagining what it would be like if you were his. He felt a burden on his heart lift as he finally said out loud how he felt. He could be so open with you, and he didn't have to act like a robot all the time. Life could be more colorful with you by his side, like a painter adding vibrant colors to an empty canvas. He was finally beginning to understand what kind of art he wanted to create in life, and it was all because of the love that had been hidden inside of him all along.
šŸ’¬I apologize if this doesn't sound as soft as the title suggests. Let me know if you would like me to write a second part after getting married. I promise it will be even softer.
163 notes Ā· View notes
ladylooch Ā· 1 year
Hi I accidentally sent this in before seeing that requests were closed but since theyā€™re open, did you see my request of the reader losing her virginity to Nico?? And heā€™s so sweet and gentleļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ļæ½ ilysm
Flower Picking with Nico HischierĀ 
A/N: Oh sweet, sweet šŸŒø anon. Here you finally are! I know it took awhile, but here it is in all its smutty, sweet, shiny glory. Also peep how I always write Jack šŸ˜‚ Sassy but funny. That kid cracks me up (before anyone asks, no I still canā€™t write about him because Iā€™m too old! šŸ«£)
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ Content, Loss of Virginity, Swearing.Ā 
The lights on the red carpet are blinding. You can barely focus any which way as people call out to you and Nico, desperate for the perfect picture. Nicoā€™s hand on the small of your back is grounding at least. He leans closer to your head, resting his mouth on it for a moment.
ā€œYouā€™re doing great, baby. Just a bit longer.ā€ You squeeze his back in acknowledgement.
Being in the spotlight has never been comfortable for you, ever. But, youā€™re more than willing to do these uncomfortable things for your perfect boyfriend, especially on a night where he is nominated for a prestiges award. It all feels a bit like a formality because in your heart, heā€™s already a Selke winner.
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Once the pictures are over, autographs and interviews are next. You stand proudly off to the side, watching him do his work with your hands laced in front of you. Nico checks in on you frequently, making sure youā€™re as comfortable as can be.
ā€œIā€™m doing great, babe. Stop worrying about me and enjoy the night.ā€ You assure him after the tenth time heā€™s wandered over.Ā 
ā€œYouā€™re smothering her.ā€ Jack rolls his eyes at his captain. ā€œChill.ā€
ā€œWhy donā€™t you go fix your hair or something? Looks like you just rolled out of bed.ā€ Nico chips back at him.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m just living in the moment, man.ā€ Jack shakes his head, internal groan showing on his face as he is shuffled to the next interview.
ā€œNico, youā€™re done.ā€ The Devils PR director says, waving us into the arena. We wave goodbye to Jack and shuffle out of the oppressive Nashville heat.
ā€œIā€™m sweaty.ā€ You groan, waving at your face, praying your make up isnā€™t actually melting off like it feels.
ā€œYou look gorgeous though.ā€
ā€œYeah? Iā€™m glistening?ā€
ā€œGlowing.ā€ He wiggles his wide brows suggestively. ā€œI know a way we could get sweaty later.ā€Ā 
You pause, feeling a little panicked that he has figured out your surprise. When you heard Nico was a finalist for the Selke months ago, you knew exactly what to give him: your virginity. Yes, youā€™re well into your mid-twenties and yes pretty much everyone you know has already experienced sex, but youā€™re different. And thatā€™s perfectly okay with you and Nico. Youā€™ve had extensive conversations together about why you have waited and what you need before giving that part of yourself to someone.Ā 
Truthfully, youā€™ve known for a long time itā€™s Nico you want to give this too. He treats you so well. Tonight is just the latest example of how he cherishes and protects you. You know he will take this piece of you and honor it forever.
But then he doesnā€™t actually win the Selke.
And youā€™re a little bit pissed because you think he deserves it. He squeezes your hand, then brings it to his lips to kiss before clapping for Patrice Bergeron after his video acceptance speech.
ā€œShould have been you.ā€ You huff at Nico, watching his face intently.
ā€œItā€™s an honor to even be nominated.ā€ He reminds you what he has been saying, but you can sense his disappointment. You find out later from Twitter that he came in second in voting and that cheers you both up.
After the awards, you find yourself at a restaurant with Nico and his family. Youā€™re struggling to participate in the small talk which Nico notices. Usually, youā€™re animated and chatty with his family. You love them; they love you, but you canā€™t focus on anything other than what youā€™re planning in your hotel room later tonight.
ā€œYou tired?ā€ Nico asks with his arm around your shoulders. He pulls your temple to his lips, awaiting your answer.
ā€œYeah.ā€ You turn to him, brown eyes meeting yours with an inquisitive look.
After another round of drinks and dessert, you and the Hischiers take off to the hotel by the arena. You say goodbye to his parents and siblings in the lobby, then walk hand in hand to the elevator. Youā€™re sure Nico can feel the sweat beginning to build in your palm.
ā€œDang. Iā€™m tired too.ā€ Nico groans as you enter your shared room. He kicks off his shoes immediately while you toss your shoes and clutch onto the chair by the TV.
ā€œYouā€™ve had a long day.ā€ You murmur, swaying back over to him. You wrap your arms around his neck, lacing your fingers there. You use them to bring his face to yours. Nico pulls you tighter to him with a hand on your ass, giving it a light squeeze as you make out. Your tongues touch, tangling together before sliding out of the way for softer kisses. You can feel Nico growing against your stomach. You savor the feeling of reciprocated need building between your thighs.
Butterflies forcefully flutter in your stomach as you ghost your hand over his zipper. Then you get bold, sliding his belt apart and dipping your hand to touch him bare. Nico groans into your mouth. You stroke along his shaft, feeling the rigid pulses as he grows. He bucks his hip into your hand a bit while his eyes drown in desire. He presses two more soft kisses to your mouth before stepping away from your touch.
ā€œNeed a sec.ā€ He murmurs, giving your hand a squeeze and moving to the bathroom. The soft click of the door makes you bite your lip. He does this when the desire to pin you down and fuck you becomes too strong for him to resist. Tonight, he doesnā€™t need the space, but there is no need to ruin the surprise before it starts.
You make quick work of your dress, leaving it in a pile on the floor. You whip your underwear off next then climb onto the bed. Youā€™re not sure how you should sit except that definitely not cross legged because what the fuck is that? Instead, you pull your knees up, then cross your feet for some modesty. You canā€™t help but bite down on your tongue nervously biting back the slight nausea from the butterflies swirling inside of you. Maybe you should have brought the lingerie you were debating on after allā€¦.
Nico emerges from the bathroom, working at the buttons of his shirt.Ā  Your heart leaps into your throat when he comes into your line of sight. He freezes when he sees you.
ā€œHi.ā€ You whisper, hoping it doesnā€™t sound as choked as it feels coming out of your mouth.
ā€œHi.ā€ His smile is modest as his brown gaze strokes along your bare skin.
ā€œI want to have sex.ā€ You blurt quickly. Shit, that was not how you had planned it in your head.
ā€œAre you sure?ā€ He crosses the room instantly, hands gripping your ankles. ā€œI donā€™t want you to feel pressured by the big night weā€™ve had.ā€ Nico licks his lips hesitantly.
ā€œI know. But I want to do this with you, right now. Iā€™m so proud of you, Nico. I want us to share this moment together, on this amazing night for youā€¦. For us.ā€
ā€œI am dying for that. But I need you to be sure.ā€
ā€œIā€™m so sure. Think of how many other nights I wasnā€™t.ā€ He stares into your eyes, pausing for ten more seconds before he leans forward to kiss you. Itā€™s touchingly tender, a sweet press that melts your body. You untangle your limbs, wrapping your arms around his neck to keep him close. ā€œIā€™ll take care of you.ā€ He mumbles, stroking the bare skin of your back.Ā 
ā€œI know, Neeks.ā€ You smile against his mouth, tongue coming out to graze along his bottom lip.
ā€œYou kinda already did some of my favorite part though.ā€
ā€œOh.. Uh.ā€ You stutter, breaking away. You begin wiggling over to the side of the bed where you dropped your dress to the floor. ā€œI can put it-ā€
ā€œBaby.ā€ He chuckles, slapping your bare ass. ā€œStop. Weā€™ll have plenty more moments where I can undress you.ā€ You flip onto your back, his eyes take all of you in, circling around your breasts and then falling to the apex of your thighs. ā€œI was right though, that dress looks better on the floor.ā€ He slides his hand along your stomach, wrapping it around your hip to pull you closer to him. He leans over you. ā€œYou know you can back out at anytime?ā€Ā 
ā€œI do.ā€ You confirm, staring back into his chocolate brown eyes.
You and Nico have fooled around plenty, so he knows your turn ons. He starts with your breasts, savoring the soft moans you speak into the air. His fingers stroke your nipples into pointy buds, perfect bullseyes for his mouth to find. His tongue caresses your skin gently causing cascading tingles to spread along your limbs. Then his hand moves down, nudging your thighs apart so he can stroke you. His fingers on your bare skin is a craving you never knew you needed indulged.
His fingerprints paint along your clit, building into a steady circle that has your muscles squeezing tight in your core. Nico kisses your mouth greedily, devouring your lips and tongue like he didnā€™t just feast at dinner. While he touches you, you grope for the buttons on his shirt to get him naked. He eventually pulls back from you to drag the shirt over his head. His pants go next. When he reaches for the band of his underwear, you stop him. You pull them down his hips and large thighs, groaning at the way his cock bounces free. It slaps against his abdomen then falls into your waiting hand. You wrap him in a tight grip, bringing your face to his throbbing head.Ā 
Youā€™ve never done this for him before, but youā€™ve imagined it. A lot. Your mouth opens, you swirl your tongue along his head then bob down his shaft until you canā€™t take him any deeper. Nicoā€™s strangled groan fills your ears. He reaches to your chest, rolling your nipple as you begin to bounce up and down faster.
ā€œBaby, baby, baby. Stop.ā€ Nico begs. You pull off of him immediately, eyes turned downward with worry. ā€œHey, no, donā€™t be upset. That feels so fucking good. Iā€™m not gonna make it if you keep going though.ā€ He brings your mouth to his with his fingers under your chin. ā€œFuck. Couldnā€™t even tell that was your first time. Youā€™re a pro.ā€ He licks along your lips teasingly. You feel pride stretch your chest, flushing your cheeks with excitement.
ā€œIā€™ve been wanting to do that for awhile.ā€ You admit as you watch him walk over to his bag. He pulls out a box of condoms.
ā€œAnytime, baby. Except right now because Iā€™m dying to fuck you.ā€ A small moan slips through your lips at the way he says fuck. ā€œI just got tested not that long ago as part of my physical, but I think the first few times we should use condoms.ā€
ā€œOkay. Iā€™m on the pill.ā€ You remind him.
ā€œI know.ā€ He kisses you, then rips open the box and pulls out a purple wrapper. ā€œIā€™m not gonna lie, I brought these hoping this would happen.ā€ You like that and reward him with a smooch.
He rips the wrapper open, tossing it onto the floor carelessly. You bite your lip, watching him roll the latex down. You feel like you should look away, but canā€™t. When he is fully suited, he comes between your knees, adjusting your legs wider t accommodate his body. He kisses you again and you wonder if he can hear the rapid beating of your heart as he adjusts you both for what is next.
ā€œTell me youā€™re sure?ā€
ā€œSo sure.ā€ You repeat again. ā€œHave me."
Nico laces your fingers together with his on either side of your head, then slowly begins to press forward. You close your eyes, taking in a measured breath as he gently nudges in, then right back out.
ā€œOkay?ā€ He asks. His breathing is heavy, nostrils flared as he checks on you.
ā€œYeah.ā€ You nod too.Ā 
He pushes in again, deeper now. This time itā€™s uncomfortable. He pauses there, leaning down to kiss along your breasts. His tongue slurps at your nipple, pooling warmth in your lower belly. He probes in further as your head falls back. Nico grins when he removes his face from your breast.
ā€œI think youā€™re gonna like this, baby.ā€ He chuckles, kissing along your jaw, then sucking at your throat as he pushes in to the hilt. Your hands unlace from his, instinctively going to his back. Your finger nails scratch softly at his skin.
ā€œMe too.ā€ You moan back to him. It feels exquisite. Slightly uncomfortable but also the best thing youā€™ve ever felt. Nico is doing everything to ease any discomfort or tightness. Youā€™re so turned on and eager to feel what the next stage is like.
ā€œReady for more?ā€Ā 
ā€œYeah.ā€ You say back instantly. He smiles fully at you, then drags back so he can begin to leisurely pump in and out. Your breathing hitches again and he slows more, watching your face for any signs of further distress. Theyā€™re not there. ā€œIā€™m good. More, Neeks.ā€ You ask him. He closes his eyes in a long blink and quickens his pace, savoring the feeling of finally having you this way. Your mouth drops open but no sound comes out. You arch your back into his thrusts and he grips your hips, pressing his thumbs into them to pin you back down.
ā€œTake it easy.ā€ He laughs, leaning over you again. ā€œLet me control the pace.ā€
ā€œThen go faster.ā€ You urge.Ā 
ā€œWhy are you chirping me?ā€ His smile presses into your neck.
ā€œBecause I want more of you.ā€ You whisper, turning to capture his lips.
Nico begins to fuck you faster. Itā€™s toe curling and intense. The sound of skin connecting fills the hotel room as you writhe beneath his toned body. His hips are perfect tempo setters. You clutch them with your fingers each time, feeling their power as he pumps into you. The whole things is overwhelmingly beautiful. And better than you even imagined it would be.
ā€œI love you.ā€ You say to him. Is that cliche to say during sex? Especially your first time? Youā€™re not sure but know you have to say it. He pauses his thrusting to cup your face, kissing your lips with delicate presses. Itā€™s so intimate, him filling you completely while sliding his tongue along your lower lip.
ā€œI love you too. So much.ā€ He pulls away to look down into your face as his hands glide your legs to wrap around his waist. His hips begin to move again. Goosebumps of pleasure break out down your body at the change in position.Ā 
ā€œOhā€¦ my god.ā€ You moan, thrusting your fingers into his hair and tugging. You turn your face into his cheek, wet mouth sucking his skin. ā€œD-donā€™t stop.ā€ You quiver with each one of his pumps.
ā€œFuck, you feel so good.ā€ He groans as he keeps the pace. You agree. And tell him so by squeezing him with your orgasm. He follows suit, filling the latex while buried deep inside of you.
Everything slows down after that. Your legs fall slightly from around his waist. Nico breathes heavily above you; your abdomens sticking together from sweat. A light breeze of bliss travels from the top of your head to the tips of your feet. Your heart swells in your chest, feeling so connected to Nico after sharing this moment with him.
ā€œHow are you doing?ā€ He asks quietly, face still buried into your shoulder. His hair tickles your skin when he pulls away to see you.
ā€œGood. Great actually.ā€ You insist with a grin. He matches yours with one of his own. He grips the edge of the condom, then slides out of you. You feel empty when he is gone and wonder how quickly you can get him to do this all again.Ā 
ā€œIā€™ll be right back.ā€ He kisses you, then gets off the bed to head to the bathroom. His bare butt is quite the sight as he walks away. When he returns, he has a washcloth. ā€œThis should help with any discomfort.ā€ He lays it between your thighs and you realize itā€™s warm. You smile at him, reaching your arms up to bring him into your chest. His lips press against your breasts as he nuzzles his face into them. ā€œYou might be sore tomorrow.ā€
ā€œOkay.ā€ You murmur into his hair. Heā€™s so worried about you, wanting to walk you through everything. ā€œSo when can we do that again?ā€ Nico chuckles into your skin. He wraps his arms around your back, spinning you both so youā€™re on top of his chest, looking down at him. Your hair cascades along your shoulder blades and down your spine. His fingers tangle in it there, kind eyes meeting yours.
ā€œGive me 15 minutes and we can go again.ā€ You bite your lip to suppress the wicked grin forming.
Nico Hischier is going to turn you into a freak.
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goodnightmemes Ā· 5 months
ā› I thought you were the ghost. āœ
ā› You got to figure it out. I'm not always gonna be here to help you. āœ
ā› Well, I guess that answers the old "if I asked you to drive off a cliff" scenario. āœ
ā› It's like we've forgotten who we are. Explorers, pioneers, not caretakers. āœ
ā› You're the one who doesn't belong. Born 40 years too late, or 40 years too early. āœ
ā› We used to look up in the sky and wonder at our place in the stars. Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt. āœ
ā› You were good at something and you never got a chance to do anything with it. I'm sorry. āœ
ā› Don't make me take you down again. Sit down! āœ
ā› It's pretty clear you don't want any visitors. So why don't you just let us back up from your fence and we'll be on our way? Huh? āœ
ā› You're sitting in the best-kept secret in the world. Nobody stumbles in here. Nobody stumbles out. āœ
ā› I hesitate to term it supernatural, but it definitely wasn't scientific. āœ
ā› We'll find a way. We always have. āœ
ā› Okay, now you need to tell me what your plan is to save the world. āœ
ā› We're not meant to save the world. We're meant to leave it. āœ
ā› You're asking me to hang everything on an almost. āœ
ā› I'm asking you to trust me. āœ
ā› This world was never enough for you, was it? āœ
ā› Don't trust the right thing done for the wrong reason. āœ
ā› Mankind was born on Earth, it was never meant to die here. āœ
ā› We're just here to be memories for our kids. āœ
ā› Once you're a parent, you're the ghost of your children's future. āœ
ā› You have no idea when you're coming back. No idea at all! āœ
ā› Don't make me leave like this. Come on! Don't make me leave like this! āœ
ā› I love you. Forever. You hear me? I love you forever, and I'm coming back. āœ
ā› We're going to be spending a lot of time together. We should learn to talk. āœ
ā› Absolute honesty isn't always the most diplomatic, nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings. āœ
ā› We'll be waiting for you when you get back. A little older, a little wiser, but happy to see you. āœ
ā› You don't think nature can be evil? āœ
ā› Why are you whispering? They can't hear you. āœ
ā› This gets to me. This. Millimeters of aluminum, that's it, and then nothing out there for millions of miles won't kill us in seconds. āœ
ā› Everybody ready to say goodbye to our solar system? āœ
ā› You can't just think about your family. Now you have to think bigger. āœ
ā› I told you to leave me! Why didn't you? āœ
ā› One of us was thinking about the mission! āœ
ā› I was trying to do the right thing! āœ
ā› Oh, we are not prepared for this. āœ
ā› You eggheads have the survival skills of a Boy Scout troop. āœ
ā› Time is relative, okay? It can stretch and it can squeeze, but it can't run backwards, it just can't. āœ
ā› When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that is that you want to make sure your children feel safe. āœ
ā› I thought I was prepared. I knew the theory. Reality's different. āœ
ā› There's nothing here for us. āœ
ā› So it would be a real good time for you to come back. āœ
ā› I didn't mean to intrude. It's just that I've never seen you in here before. āœ
ā› I'm not afraid of death. I'm afraid of time. āœ
ā› Are you calling my life's work nonsense? āœ
ā› Love isn't something we invented. It's observable, powerful. It has to mean something. āœ
ā› Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it yet. āœ
ā› I let you all down. āœ
ā› Pray you never learn just how good it can be to see another face. āœ
ā› I hadn't a lot of hope to begin with, but after so long, I had none. āœ
ā› I just want to know if you left me here to die. I just have to know. āœ
ā› There are some things that aren't meant to be known. āœ
ā› We can care deeply, selflessly about those we know, but that empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight. āœ
ā› Panic won't help. We just have to keep working, same as ever. āœ
ā› Before you get all teary, remember that as a robot I have to do anything you say. āœ
ā› A machine doesn't improvise well because you can't program a fear of death. Our survival instinct is our single greatest source of inspiration. āœ
ā› When I left Earth, I thought I was prepared to die. āœ
ā› Nothing worked out the way it was supposed to. āœ
ā› You fucking coward. āœ
ā› Listen, if you're not going to go, let your family go. Just save your family. āœ
ā› Dad's not coming back. He never was coming back. āœ
ā› You're gonna save everybody? āœ
ā› He left us here to die. āœ
ā› Don't judge me. You were never tested like I was. Few men have been. āœ
ā› You're feeling it, aren't you? The survival instinct. That's what drove me. it's what drives all of us. āœ
ā› I'm sorry, I can't watch you go through this. I'm sorry. I thought I could, but I can't. āœ
ā› The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere is to leave something behind. āœ
ā› No, don't go. Don't go, you idiot. āœ
ā› They didn't bring us here to change the past. āœ
ā› I don't care who describes it, there is no way for it to be exaggerated. It was that bad. āœ
ā› Is this really what it was like? āœ
ā› I don't care much for this pretending we're back where we started. I want to know where we are. Where we're going. āœ
ā› Nobody believed me. But I knew you'd come back. āœ
ā› No parent should have to watch their own child die. āœ
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chrollohearttags Ā· 1 year
I have a question about Musician! Eren and Y/N. What was their wedding like? Thanks
so I definitely feel like somebody asked me this before and I never got around to answering it but to simply put, it would be one big, giant house party!
now, they of course would go the traditional route with the ceremony, vows, inviting their friends and family..all of that. Of course, being the way they are, everything would have to be lavish and luxurious. So (y/n) would have a beautiful gown..something out of a fairy tale with a twenty inch long train that has to be carried. Because hello, youā€™ve been waiting your entire life for this moment. It would be hand sewn, custom made and costing in the upper thousands but worth every red cent. On the day of the ceremony, as youā€™re getting ready, youā€™d open a box with the words ā€˜To (y/n) inscribed on the top. Once you open it, itā€™s a beautiful hair clip, given to you by your grandmother; the woman who raised you..along with a handwritten letter. She had long since left this world but she saved that in case of the day that youā€™d become someoneā€™s wife. She wanted to be with you on your special day, even if not in person. What made it even more so special..is that you figured it had been lost forever but your sweet Eren had tracked it down and made certain that it got to you before the big day. It took everything in you not to cry and ruin your makeup. You knew you were marrying the right man. The colors would probably be something along the lines of white and lavender or a beautiful burgundy. The bridesmaids dresses would be equally as top tier because you wouldnā€™t want your girls looking less gorgeous either. I feel like Eren would have the flyest suit known to man. Like some royal type shit..heā€™s about to get married to the love of his life? Best believe heā€™s putting that shit ON. From the diamond watch, the embellished shoesā€¦everything. His boys arenā€™t looking any old way either. Everybody looks good as hell. As for the venue, itā€™d be stunning. Butterflies and beautiful scenery decorating the walls, light strewn everywhere and itā€™s a whole production. I feel as though there would be a film crew..not so much to televise but make sure every moment is captured and edited into a beautiful package later.
the song you choose to come down to is Back At One by Brian McKnight because itā€™s one of the first he ever did a cover too and you loved it.
the ceremony goes on as usual and let me say, when he sees you walking down the aisle,on your uncleā€™s arm..that man loses his mind. Heā€™s crying before you can even get to him and you canā€™t hold it together when you see his face. This is literally the best day of his life. When you two finally join hands, itā€™s like no one else in the room. You canā€™t stop smiling at each other. When the pastor asks if anyone wants to object, he gives a side eye, wishing that somebody would and everybody starts laughing. ā€œThatā€™s what I thought. Continue, pastor.ā€ When itā€™s time to read the vows, not a dry eye is in that building. You guys give the most beautiful, heartfelt confessions of love to one another that anyone has ever heard. The way he describes you is like perfect poetry. ā€œI was never much into praying..feeling like thereā€™s no way God would ever listen to a sinner like me. I didnā€™t deserve it. But I imagine when he created you, he had to hear my heart and know that you were everything I couldā€™ve ever wished for.ā€ No oneā€™s ever spoken about you like that and you tell him just how much he means to you. How he is the best thing that ever happened in your life. ā€œI never knew a love like this one even existed. I didnā€™t know it was possible to feel this way about one person.ā€ And heā€™s literally crying. Everything goes on and when the officiant says to kiss the bride, he pulls your veil off and tongues you down in front of everybody. (No shame).
the rest of the ceremony is amazing. From the first dance done to a song he recorded just for you two where he held you close to all of your friends telling embarrassing stories about the two of you. (and theyā€™re on yalls asses because what else would besties do?) but they know that no two people deserve more happiness than you guys. After all these formalities are doneā€¦thatā€™s when the fun begins!
by 9PM, all the parents, old folks and kids gotta go because itā€™s like LIV on a Saturday night. Bottles coming out, a DJ and itā€™s up. You and all the bridesmaids start throwing ass and the groom and his men are glad to catch it. None of that boujie shit! Half a million on this wedding, best believe yā€™all are showing out. Giving him a lap dance to Big Ole Freak to everybody dancing to Faneto by Chief Keef. Itā€™s crazy. Itā€™s so much fun and yā€™all are having a ball just like you did when you were best friends. Itā€™s like an entire movie and you canā€™t believe you get to spend the rest of your life with someone who constantly makes you smile. Yā€™all party until the early AM and then itā€™s time for the honeymoon!
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dvesinthewind Ā· 2 years
Close to You | Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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Yearning for him and his presence became more normal than having him beside you, and you suddenly felt like you hadn't had him at all.
warnings: angst to fluff, mentions of marriage, long distance, mentions of infidelity, insecurities on behalf of relationships, reader is briefly mentioned to be female, mention of sex, miscommunication, soft!gaz, lil heated at the end, not beta'd we die like roach
a/n: for my gaz ladies bc I know you've been patient. not sorry for the angst. not revised. WC 1.8K
Call it women's intuition or pure coincidence, but something fiercely awoke you midst deep sleep. It was similar to that strange, but seemingly universal dream where you're standing at the top of a high structure and as you dive forward, your body kicks itself awake-- heart rapidly thumping, lungs gasping for air, if anything, it's truly dramatic.
You expected Kyle to be home once you gained full consciousness, once your vision was less foggy and your heart had stopped trying to pry itself from the depth of your chest. As your hand had crept over to his designated side and swept over the sheets for any sign of him or his warmth, you couldn't help but be disappointed. In times like this, Kyle's career was difficult for you to live with. Your governmental position did not require you to leave home as much as his did. He wasn't home to console you when the days were long and somewhat insufferable, or when the nights were eerily quiet and three layers of clothing didn't seem to ease the shiver down your spine. Yearning for him and his presence became more normal than having him beside you, and you suddenly felt like you hadn't had him at all.
There were times when you'd be out with close friends, anxiously anticipating the moment they'd ask about Kyle; if you'd heard from him, if he planned on "popping the question" anytime soon, each question summoning a sensation of utter embarrassment. Your cheeks would grow hot, the group would instantly turn to face you, and the only thing you could do was mutter an absolute bullshit response about how you weren't sure, and that you assumed he was doing well wherever he was, that he could hold up his own. Any response earned you a unanimous glance of pity, causing you to curse your boyfriend in whatever foreign country he resided in.
The worst wasn't even close friends or family, it could be strangers sharing their personal experiences of being cheated on by their partner while they were serving overseas--not to say you ever considered that Kyle would do such a thing, but your Kyle was not the same as Captain John Price's Gaz. There were countless nights you spent lying awake praying Kyle was as safe as he could be, and that he could somehow find the time to contact you and let you know that was true.
Perhaps that's why you were awoken so suddenly.
A trace of sweat had aligned itself amongst your brows and on the back of your neck, enough to be noticeably uncomfortable as you launched your head from its position on your pillow. Kyle's pillow was left untouched as if no one had ever slept there, to begin with. The bedding had been changed enough times that his scent was washed away with it, but his presence was not completely erased from the shared apartment. One of his jackets had been draped over the vanity chair in your bedroom-- the same jacket you asked him to hang up but he never did. There were numerous framed pictures of the two of you throughout the home, from years ago to just a few months before he departed for what felt like forever. His cologne remained on the nightstand, and his books about the moon landing and world history, and the lamp beside the bed that hasn't been used since the night he left. The furniture he brought from his own apartment before you moved in together was suddenly sticking out to you as if a stranger could cut the apartment into two equivalent halves of the two different partners who peacefully coexist in a shared space.
The more you studied the home the more it felt like you were grieving the death of the man you love and suddenly your eyes were soaked with tears and your chest rapidly rose and fell in desperation for clarity through oxygen. The photos, his presence lingering amongst all the walls and on the sheets on which he slept and entangled himself with you, the jacket that slouched behind you while you sat at the vanity-- an everlasting reminder that he was once here, that it wasn't just your home it was his too.
You're lulled to sleep, and before you know it, your cell phone is buzzing on the table beside you. Rubbing your eyes gently--not bothering to check the caller ID, you press the cold screen against your tear-stained cheeks and sleepily utter, "...hullo?", only to hear exactly what you'd been anticipating for ages. Kyle's voice is full of exhaustion, yet there's a hint of excitement overlapping it. He tells you he's finally coming home, and despite wanting to surprise you, he couldn't wait to speak to you any longer. He's rushed off the phone, and you can subtly hear a faint Scottish voice in the background that prompts a chuckle on behalf of your boyfriend just before he promises to see you soon. An audible click is heard and somewhat cues an unsettling feeling in your abdomen. You fear you should be much happier than you are.
When Kyle arrives, you're practically standing up against the apartment door. He's just as you remember him to be, and you're somewhat confused as to why you expected him to look any different. His face is somewhat freshly shaven and his skin has no indications of dirt or anything unpleasant. Even his clothes have been newly washed and exchanged for items you hadn't seen before.
He strides forward in an instant, dropping his bags and pulling you into him in a bone-crushing hold that leaves you exhaling in relief. You remembered seeing something ages ago-- whether it be in a movie or novel, or relationship advice online, you couldn't remember. It was actively stressing the importance of distance between lovers, and that the adoration will be much stronger if you haven't seen them in a while.
You remembered that one photo of the soldier before and after enduring war, but Kyle didn't appear that way. His skin was not jaded and indented with the horrors of what he had seen abroad. There were no scars on his face that were remnants of, or evidence of the brutalities he's committed. He was the same Kyle that you had last seen before he left, but still, you pull him further away from you after examining him for evident injuries, holding him at arm's length and watching his eyebrows furrow slightly in what could be bemusement or offense-- you couldn't be sure.
He can tell something's bothering you, but it seems something is preventing him from asking you about it. Perhaps he assumes it's hormonal or that it'll pass, and if you're honest, you keep wishing it would. You can't help but feel selfish for holding some sort of stubborn grudge against him for leaving and being MIA for so long. It's his job, and you knew what you signed up for. But as he lays beside you for what feels like the first time in ages, and his warmth can be felt from your side of the mattress, you're convinced he isn't fazed by the distance. Just the other night you awoke spontaneously and were hit with the disappointment that he was not home to comfort you, and you didn't know if he ever would be. You slip from the comforter then, pulling a blanket over your hardly-exposed body and stepping onto the balcony for a breath of air.
You aren't gone long before he notices your absence. In fact, he was awake the entire time leading up to your departure. Sleeping on near-cardboard mattresses and hard, tile floors for several months before coming home to a warm bed isn't very easy to readjust to. He just wanted to give you a moment before following closely behind.
The night air is unkind to his bare chest, a great contrast from the comforter he unraveled himself from that smelled faintly of your self-care products and laundry detergent. A familiar scent he missed greatly while overseas. He approaches you while you seem dazed, instinctively sitting beside you and wrapping himself into the blanket you have snuggly over your body. You seem partially surprised, but nevertheless, settling further into the warmth of his naked chest and feeling the rise and fall caress your back. "That's better," he sighs into your hair, and you can feel his lips grow into a smirk. Bastard.
You ponder for a moment before speaking into the night; "I've missed you so much I feel like I don't know what to talk about," you confess.
Kyle nods somewhat understanding. "Why don't you start by telling me what's wrong?"
"Don't you wanna hear what's right first?" He side-eyes you at this, and you fight a smile that's anxiously plotting to take over your lips any second. He tilts his head to the side and you watch his eyebrows raise so subtly that you would've missed it if not been studying his face so extensively. Kyle was a sight for sore eyes.
Defeated, you respond. "The distance is hard, is all. I get lonely and assume the worst-case scenario when you don't call."
He suddenly appears annoyed, and for a second you regret mentioning anything. "You know I try to call when I can, but if it isn't safe for you or me--"
"Then you can't risk it," you continue for him, hearing it more times than you could count. The last thing you wanted to do was upset him this soon into being home, so you face away from your boyfriend and stare into the night sky. "I'm sorry that I'm selfish and want you all to myself," you admit bashfully, this time unable to keep from laughing.
"You're something else, you know that?" Kyle's chest rumbles behind you, and his laugh echoes sweetly in your ears like a forgotten melody you're hearing for the first time since you were a child. A soft kiss is pressed upon your forehead, more down the side of your face. "You don't have to worry about me while I'm away, yeah?" He smugly assures you, "I can hold my own".
You hardly refrain from rolling your eyes. "I'm sure you can, Hercules," you start, prompting a head shake from Kyle. "I know you don't need my protection either, but I love you and you can't blame me for caring about your well-being".
"I'm glad I have you to come home to." Kyle is already so close in proximity, you wonder if he can hear the patter of your heart speed up as he brushes his lips over yours. You find yourself chasing after his lips as he playfully deters you away, edging you from receiving what both of you have waited for for months. He finally connects his lips to yours and they welcome him warmly, a fiery sensation seething heat at your core.
"I'm glad you came home to me".
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sebsxphia Ā· 11 months
ptolemaea. | the family tree in godā€™s country.
preacher!rhett abbott x reader.
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ļæ« description: you and rhett have finally found peace within your home, and rhett wishes to reassure you that heā€™ll protect you forever.
ļæ« word count: 3.5K.
ļæ« c/w: heavy religious themes, knives, blood, death and preacher!rhett abbott.
ļæ« a/n: as always, iā€™d highly recommend listening to ā€˜south alabama (godā€™s country demo)ā€™ and ā€˜family treeā€™ by ethel cain when reading! a huge thank you to @sunblchdfly and @becks-things who continually encouraged and inspired me. i love you both very much! thereā€™s only one more chapter left after this! andā€¦ iā€™m sorry <3 this is part of ā€˜ptolemaea. | the verses.ā€™ my main masterlist can be read here! šŸ’Œ
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previous chapter | next chapter
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The coastline of California, though far off in your line of vision, sparkled with what appeared like crystals dancing above the waves as they crashed against each other. That was your line of sight for the next three days that passed in your final resting place of the last Motel you would ever stay in.
On the drive out West, when you poked at your Preacher and asked him what the plan was when you couldnā€™t drive further, he would simply squeeze at your cheeks and tell you, ā€œDonā€™t yā€™ worry your pretty little head.ā€
Momentarily, it was a softening blow to your anxieties of having no real plan. Instead, Rhett guided you to pray with him and trust that he, and God, had a plan for you.
During your last night's stay in the Motel room, he came through the front door and kicked it behind him with his boot heel as he spoke on the phone, signalling that it was coming to an end.
ā€œThank you, thank you. Iā€™ll see yā€™ tomorrow. God bless.ā€ He tapped on his phone screen to end the call and threw it onto the Motel bed. A long exasperated sigh left his lips. It was the sound of tiresome relief as he ran his hands down his face. When he caught your gaze, his lips quirked up into a smile and he took several strides over to you on the bed to pick you up by your waist and spin you around.
You let out a squeal and playfully batted on his shoulders. ā€œRhett! Rhett! What is it?ā€
ā€œI got us a place tā€™ stay, sweet lamb,ā€ he placed you back down on the ground but still kept you close. ā€œItā€™s Arizona, a small town called Green Bowl, but ā€˜parently they nickname it the Dust Bowl. I need to meet a guy in the morninā€™ ā€˜nd then weā€™ll drive over.ā€
You mirrored his smile with your giddiness and buried your face into the crook of his neck. He pulled you in close to his torso, warm from the California heat. A sigh filled with content escaped your lips and your eyes fluttered close for a moment. You matched Rhettā€™s relief and you could feel his heart pounding in time with yours as rested against his chest, him swaying you gently.
ā€œOur own home. Itā€™s all Iā€™ve ever wanted.ā€ Your voice was hushed against the fabric of his shirt. ā€œItā€™s all God ever wanted, right?ā€
Rhett swallowed thickly and one of his hands came up to trail his fingers through your hair. ā€œRight, my sweet lamb.ā€
When the morning came, you packed up your few and scattered belongings from the Motel room and let Rhett drive out to a nearby diner.
It was just a Thursday. The morning sun was beating down on Rhettā€™s truck. It was nowhere near the hottest point of the day, but the morning dew heat wouldnā€™t let up nonetheless. The streamlines of sunlight bounced off your passenger seat window as you watched your Preacher make his way into the diner. It wasnā€™t right for you to join him. He told you he had to do this himself.
But, there was concern in his voice when he climbed out the driver's door. He left you a pack of his favourite smokes and a note. ā€œIf somethinā€™ goes bad, read this ā€˜nd fuckinā€™ drive.ā€
You had a complete view of the windows to the diner and you opted for people watching. An elderly couple was sitting together and peacefully enjoying their morning breakfast. A cop was sitting up high on a stool and presumably sinking his third coffee of the day. There were a handful more odd people dotted around, some who you suspected were truck drivers and now being five hours into their twelve-hour shift.
The mellow tune of some local gospel radio station was playing quietly as your gaze drifted back to Rhett and followed him. He cocked his fingers upwards to wave to a man at the opposite end of the diner. The stranger nodded back and walked down the length of the windows towards him. The cop was situated four seats down from the front door where the stranger had now met your Preacher.
Rhett lifted his Stetson off his head and held it between their torsos. You saw him reach out his arm to presumably shake the man's hand. They were exchanging words and polite smiles. It all appeared amicable and you consciously let the anticipated breath you were holding go. You were so close to having your own home with your Preacher. Somewhere that was quiet and where youā€™d never be disturbed by any judgmental and wandering eyes. You were hours away from living in peace with the man you loved. You couldnā€™t help but feel on edge.
You blinked and the meeting was over. Rhett exited the diner quicker than he went in. He careered round to the driver's side and hopped in, his boot pressing quickly to the accelerator and pulling off from the diner. He had planned for a car chase down the highway if necessary.
He chewed furiously at the inside of his cheeks for a while before snapping back to his reality where his little lamb was sitting next to him and hanging off his words. He swallowed thickly and bit back a grimace with a faux smile. ā€œAll done. On our way to Dust Bowl. Say goodbye when we hit Route one-two-two.ā€
Rhettā€™s voice was extremely rugged. His breathing matched in frantic gasps. He sounded as though he was underwater when he spoke to you. He was gulping down seawater and spluttering over his lap. You were none the wiser to the fact that Rhettā€™s pocket pistol was sat snuggly against the waistband of his jeans and it had just been pressed against the stranger's torso to steal the key to your new home.
You flashed him a comforting smile and let your head fall to the glass pane of the passenger window, watching the road move at speed. The rhythmic hum of the engine and the knowledge that you were some time away from your new home, gave your body the excuse to allow your eyes to droop and fall asleep.
As fast as the road was moving in your eye line, was as fast as it took until you were comfortably moved into your home. It happened within the blink of an eye.
It was a rickety house far off from the dusty roads or any traces of life. There was an old barn that was falling apart, but it sat upon acres of country land, stretching as far as your eyes could make out. Between the barn and your house sat a pond. Nature had overtaken most of it with reeds sheltering all the edges, except for one small gap that sat in line with your back porch. Rhett dipped his feet when he arrived on the first day and declared that it was clean enough for you both.
Your home was delicate, but it didnā€™t take long for you and Rhett to do it up and make it your own. Old furnishings left over were drawn up and cared for, restored to life by the nimble craftsmanship of your Preacher. Other odd pieces of furniture were found on the side of roads, or in lonesome antique stores. Several empty rooms lay dormant, but you had made out your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and a small living space where you could lay on a scratchy sofa and watch fuzzy television.
The final room that lay empty was the basement at the bottom of the house. You rarely went down there. Rhett had insisted that the stairs leading down were too old and he wouldnā€™t want you to slip and fall and hit your head. Due to the cool conditions of the basement, he kept a freezer down there for some food and other than that, he kept the door bolted shut. A silk pink ribbon that was yours, was wrapped in a neat bow around the lock.
The days were peaceful. You created an ebb and flow between you both of repairing the house where it needed it most. You would smile lovingly at Rhett as you washed your hands before sitting down to eat at your kitchen table, and he would mirror back the same lovesick smile.
Heavenly peace.
But behind the wall and above your bed, one of the wooden panels had come ajar. It was enough room for Rhett to store his pocket pistol and hunting knife, far from prying eyes.
At night heā€™d go down to your basement and pace the cold floor, muttering the same verse repeatedly. He would fetch a glass of water and return to your sleeping frame, but not before staring coldly at the panel and back down at you. They were dead eyes shining bright within the darkness of your home and yet, you were none the wiser to your Preacher finding his Heavenly peace.
One piece of furniture that you managed to salvage was an old dresser. The paint was peeling away off the wood and the mirror was clouded as you sat on the stool, three weeks into living your newfound and Holy life.
You were adorning the same set Rhett had filmed you in. You had only come upstairs to grab a plaid shirt from your bedroom, but you spotted it laying in the perfect place at the end of your bed and it reminded you of something. You admired yourself in the reflection of the mirror and you were presented with more marks blooming from your Preacher. Some were new from the first nights he had you in your bed, but the rest were old and fading against your skin. They were all over your body and as you sat in the lingerie set, they came to remind you of who you used to be.
A lost little lamb who gave themselves up from the herd and gave yourself to Preacher Abbott in the offering. When he spoke, he would demand his silence against you. You were guided by him and you knew, after he disclosed to you about his past that he had taken the noose off himself and had it wrapped tightly around your hand. You would follow him wherever he would go, like a lamb to the slaughter. But Hell didnā€™t scare you, not when you had Rhett.
You rested your elbows on the dresser top and clasped your hands together. Your eyes closed and you muttered close into your flesh, ā€œFather Abbott, forgive these bones Iā€™ve been hiding and the bones Iā€™m about to leave. Take me down to the river and bathe me cleanā€”ā€
A creak on the floorboards in the hallway startled you momentarily and you lifted your head and put your praying hands into your lap. Rhett was leaning against the doorway frame with his arms crossed over his broad chest and a sinful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He was still wearing the white t-shirt from his day, but stains of dirt and grass were splattered over it, mixed with the heavy musk of labour induced sweat. His hair at the back of his neck was licked upwards in the same sweat and he held his cap in his battered hand. His eyes reflected off the setting sun of a Thursday evening and his tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip.
ā€œMy sweet lamb,ā€ he purred with intrigue. ā€œYouā€™re dressed for the slaughter again, ā€˜nd you look so pretty.ā€
Your cheeks failed you as they turned a rosy blush and you bit down on your bottom lip.
ā€œI just saw it, lyinā€™ there and I wantā€”ā€
Rhett shushed you tenderly and pushed himself off the door frame, stalking over to you with intent in his strides. His large hands squeezed at your sides and lifted you off the stool with a small yelp of laughter from yourself. He buried his nose into your neck as he carried you to your bed, and inhaled your familiar scent deeply. He brought you down to the bed with him, lying on his back and having you straddle him over his jean-clad waist, his belt buckle ever so slightly digging into your bare thighs.
His calloused hands never left your hips and his fingertips dug into your flesh, lightly pinching at you. Occasionally his thumb dipped downwards to trace the scarring of R.A., still etched on you. One of his hands roamed upwards and curved along your ribs, still pinching at you. His eyes intensely followed the movement of his hands and they burned into your skin. There was still a faint trace of the Heavenly smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, but it was fading.
ā€œLook at you. You are sā€™ precious to me, little lamb. I love ā€˜nd cherish you from Heaven to Hell. On our trip, Iā€™ve always protected you ā€˜nd now, I truly can, forever. No one can hurt you anymore, lamb.ā€
His words were kind, but his eyes were flooding colder.
ā€œEvery night Iā€™ve repeated the same verse,ā€ Rhett continued. ā€œThe one who does what is sinful is of the Devil because the Devil has been sinninā€™ from the beginning.ā€
Your eyebrows furrowed and your head cocked slightly to the right in confusion. His roaming hand snaked over your shoulders and brushed over your neck, moving your stray strands of hair to sit behind you.
He was still like that for a while. His eyes never left the sight of the flesh on your neck. It felt as though time had stilled completely, and all that could be felt in the world was the moment of your Preacherā€™s hands resting lovingly on you.
Your body jumped an inch when he took in a deep gasp, as if to stir himself awake and that he had been sleeping with his eyes open. His thumb found his mark on your hipbone again and his eyes finally locked back to your concerned gaze. He moved the pad of his thumb over the scar in consistent circles.
ā€œYā€™ trust me, little lamb? To always protect you? Always keep yā€™ safe?ā€
You flinched again as his thumb left your hip to reach underneath the pillow where his head lay. Your breath hitched tightly in your throat and got caught in your lungs. Your rib cage constricted around you and your eyes went wide as they scanned the broad blade of Rhettā€™s hunting knife.
You could hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears. Your eyes scanned frantically over your Preacherā€™s eyes, to try and find something you knew as familiar, to try and locate where Rhett was.
But they were cold and his Heavenly smirk was wiped from his features. Only a Devilish smirk lay on his lips. The same face you had witnessed in the forest.
ā€œRhettā€¦ Preacher Abbott, I do trust you. I know youā€™ll always keep me safe, here, in our home. Hell donā€™t scare me.ā€ Your voice started to plead with him and came out barely above a whisper.
You were fearful of losing him.
ā€œPlease let me stay with you forever.ā€
ā€œYou poor thing. Sweet, mourninā€™ lamb. Thereā€™s nothing you can do, itā€™s already been done.ā€
The slice of the blade from Rhettā€™s hunting knife was thin and precise across your neck. It didnā€™t hurt nearly as much as you had imagined, not when Godā€™s hands were holding onto your waist tenderly to keep you upright.
The first thing you saw was the blood. Your neck was spraying the crimson colour like the food court fountain in your home town. It splattered mindlessly across Rhettā€™s face and trickled down his intact neck, to stain his musky-coloured t-shirt. It wouldnā€™t stop pouring from your own, wouldnā€™t stop coating your neck and chest. It dribbled continuously onto your hand and down your forearms, as you clutched feebly at your neck with one hand. It was on instinct, you suppose.
The corners of your vision were growing bleaker with each passing second. Your eyes were piercing into Rhettā€™s own. He didnā€™t twitch or blink for the passing moments. Just a cold-blooded stare, except for the faint trace of that smile on his lips.
He mouthed something, but your hearing had all but gone by this point. It was draining out as the blood drained ceremoniously from your neck.
ā€œI love you, Rhett,ā€ You replied in thought, as you felt your hands and feet become unresponsive, the rest of your body turning cold.
Rhett watched as his hunting knife was quickly drawn across your neck and as your soul drained from the slit and fell into his lap. You were about to be his, forever.
ā€œIā€™ll always love you,ā€ Rhett spoke out loud.
ā€œI love you, Rhett,ā€ you gargled out between mouthfuls of your blood, some of it splattering further onto Rhett and coating him with you.
His hands on your waist were there to steady your chilling body as you limply fell forward onto him. He manoeuvred himself to slide out from underneath you and lay you down on the bed, to look as though you were sleeping peacefully to any passersby.
His hunting knife was laying next to you with your blood shining off it and coating it whole. He picked it up and twisted it in his hand, the reflection catching in the setting Arizona sun. He lifted it to his lips and his tongue darted out to catch the first, fresh droplets. They dripped down to the back of his throat and when he swallowed, his teeth were stained once again with your blood.
While your blood was still warm, his index finger dipped in between the incision and gathered up some more. It painted his finger his favourite colour and covered it whole. He eagerly popped it into his mouth and groaned as he tasted the bitter, yet sweet, metallic taste of his little lamb. Once removing his finger, he admired how it glistened in the low light cutting through his thin, lacy, bedroom curtains. Your blood had stained the tip of his finger, perfectly. It was like a piece of artwork you entrusted him with, which he would treasure forever.
With his hunting knife still in hand, he squatted down and reached under your bed to retrieve a ziplock bag. The knife fell heavy into the plastic and he zipped it shut and placed it carefully next to you.
A deep and guttural breath was inhaled through his nostrils, before he exhaled and sat down on the edge of your bed, next to your dead body. His hand didnā€™t shake as he reached up to your forehead and twisted a piece of your hair behind your ear. Another heavy breath left him before he spoke out into your now, empty home.
ā€œYour dumb luck got you into this place, little lamb. Youā€™re gonā€™ be with me forever now, trapped inside the stomach of the Devil. For even the Devil is a liar, ā€˜nd no wonder, for even Satan, disguises himself as an angel of light.ā€
You were ā€œa little Daughter of Abbott,ā€ as Rhett had described, who lied to their father about where they were going every evening. He knew that you were unsure about what you were doing with your life, and how your belief in your faith needed some guidance.
Rhett always knew. He just loved scratching it out of you. Scratching you to the surface. You were compliant and listened to him. You were his perfect Angel in the Garden of Eden. A true Daughter of Abbott.
They were just mundane Thursdays when youā€™d climb into the back of his truck under the night sky. He would shed his plaid shirt in a hurry, desperate to sink his teeth onto your shoulder and taste you, the salty summer sweat still lingering on your flesh.
Heā€™d drop you off home in your backyard and say goodbye. Youā€™d close the door and as youā€™d lean in to catch the lock, youā€™d kiss him through the screen door on the back porch. Your father was none the wiser, only calling out from the living room that it was a pleasure to see Father Abbott and he was so grateful he was providing you with such Holy guidance. If your father saw Rhett touching you as he did through the screen door, heā€™d scream, ā€œLord! Help me!ā€
Every Thursday youā€™d climb into Rhettā€™s truck. Every Thursday he would sink his teeth into your skin. Somewhere like South Arizona was looking better every week. Somewhere where Rhett didnā€™t have to kiss you through your screen door no more. You had always dreamed of running there, to those great big hills where the great big blue sky would tower over them and continue until they met the high Heavens.
Through the mesh screen door kisses, you had tasted love and it tasted sweet.
And now you were here, but Rhett had drank your blood and bit the meat of your flesh. But his teeth were sharper now, and it hurt. You didnā€™t want him to sink into you with his blood-stained dog teeth no more.
You wanted to beg and plead with him. You tried so hard.
ā€œBaby! Please!ā€
But your attempt was futile. Your words never came as your body lay cold on your bed. How could you be so naive to the one good thing you know, in Godā€™s country?
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taglist: @beachbabey @tallrock35 @currentlybradshaw @unmistakablyunknown @iloveprettyboysblog @wkndwlff @flames-thebitch @randomfandomgirl97 @kmc1989 @peachystenbrough
tagging those who may be interested: @rhettabbotts @hangmanapologist @lewmagoo @bradshawsbitch @sugarcoated-lame
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goodnitedrdead Ā· 1 year
god only knows
Horacio Carrillo x reader
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Summary: who would've thought his ex-wife would ask God to send Horacio an angel? To fill the space she couldn't fill, and to do what Horacio wouldn't even do for himself.
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Divorce. Horacio being head over heels for reader. Fluff. Love. All that fun stuff.
Author's Note: quick little something I wrote before bed because I rly miss my favorite soldier and because I needed a break from school. Might make sense, might not. I did state that one of my new years resolutions was to write at least one piece of writing for each month so I am doing this before the month ends. Mistakes and errors are all my own, I didn't have time to check it. Let me know what you think :3
Composed. Collected. Calm. Thatā€™s what made Horacio an excellent soldier and an even better Colonel. Ever since his training days at the academy, he was an exemplary student. A promising star who was meant to be a leader.Ā 
And a leader he became.
Heā€™d set the tempo, and everyone else would follow the rhythm of his steps. His family talked wonders of the honorable man he became, to anyone who would listen. It was no surprise that the women were fawning over him, and much to his familyā€™s constant pestering of finding the perfect wife, he found Juliana.Ā 
Together, they found a mutual and tranquil love. Maybe the kind that develops over time, but certainly not one to last forever.Ā 
If Horacio were to match Juliana to an animal, heā€™d say she was a doe. Skittish, gentle, docile. She was a good wife to him and always fulfilled her duties. Sheā€™d have three meals a day ready for the family. Sheā€™d stay home and focus on the children. Sheā€™d be devoted to her husband forever.Ā 
Just as tradition states.
Horacio was to fulfill his duties as a husband too. Heā€™d go to work, dedicate most of his time to it not only because he wanted the best for his country, but he wanted a safe place for his children to grow. Heā€™d come back home and sometimes have dinner with his family. Heā€™d be devoted to his wife forever.
Just as tradition states.
Tradition didnā€™t talk about divorce. Tradition didnā€™t talk about intruders and third parties shaking the very core of an honorable manā€™s beliefs.
Tradition never changes.
Tradition was broken when Julianna eventually got tired of Horacioā€™s lifestyle. It was broken when fear crept into their home, and found a host to latch on to. Fear was deeply rooted in Juliannaā€™s heart from one minute to the next; fearing that every day that passed would be their last with Escobar on the run.
She went against her duties and beliefs and did what she saw fit. Bags packed, a new home far from Medellin, and divorce papers were her top three priorities for a few weeks. Eventually, she did the first two, but she couldnā€™t bring herself to give the papers to Horacio herself. She prayed, day and night, for guidance on what she should do but at the end of the day, her and her childrenā€™s safety were her number one priority. Horacio would be able to fend for himself.Ā 
That never stopped her from reciting a quick prayer for him every night before bed. As she found herself far away from Medellin and Horacio, sheā€™d pray for the safety of her ex-husband. After all, she still had a fondness for him and he was the father of her children. She shared many years and a home with him, it was someone she couldnā€™t just forget about overnight.Ā 
She prayed to God to send Archangel Michael and his soldiers to watch over and protect Horacio from harm. Whether it may be from self-harm or others, she prayed for his safety. Send him your fiercest angel, the most courageous and brave one to keep him from harmā€™s way.
Horacio never knew this, for if he had he wouldā€™ve thanked Juliana for her wishes and prayers. Because if it wouldnā€™t have been for her, he wouldnā€™t have found you.Ā 
You came into his life like a goddamn lightning bolt. Heā€™d feel you in the air, the startling feeling jolting him as soon as youā€™d walk into the room. Unapologetically yourself and nothing else. Youā€™d make a friend of anyone that crossed your path, but heā€™d also seen the rage within you. If there was someone heā€™d fear, it would be you.Ā 
You were quick on your feet, and somehow quicker with your gun. He wasnā€™t sure why the DEA didnā€™t make you a sniper, but you were awfully good at your job. And yet, you were unapologetically gentle. You wouldnā€™t think twice about taking a bullet for him, and it made him laugh at times. A woman of your stature stepping in front of him, to protect him from harmā€™s way. A woman who was breaking tradition day by day and night by night. You werenā€™t quite like anything heā€™s ever seen before, and he loved that about you.
He loved how, despite igniting fear into even his soldiersā€™ minds and hearts, you wouldnā€™t budge. He could yell and scream and bark orders at you and youā€™d remain with the most serene energy heā€™s ever seen. Your eyes fixed on him, the storm brewing within you. Horacio wasnā€™t scared of many things, but he was scared of you.
How is it that you, someone so tender yet menacing, could have that balance within? He was scared of the way you would keep your innocence despite the amount of deaths and blood youā€™ve seen this city shed at the hands of Pablo Escobar. The way a smile would come so easy to you. The way a laugh was so easy to coax out of you. He was absolutely enamored by your very being.
Something he had never truly quite felt.
The time came when he lost everything he ever thought he was. Horacio started to lose his composure. Heā€™d start to notice the way his heart would threaten to jump out at the sight of you. The way his pulse would quicken by just being by your side. The way his mind would seem to forget about every word to ever exist when you were speaking to him.
He started to notice how clumsy he would unwillingly become. How heā€™d stumble over his words when you were in the room. How his hands would betray him and drop the items they were carrying, because it would somehow elicit a giggle out of you. How heā€™d blush whenever you focused on him, as if he was the only person in the world that mattered.
Tradition was never supposed to change, right?
Yet you continued to prove that you didnā€™t care what tradition said. You approached Horacio first. You asked him out first. You kissed him first. You werenā€™t worried about what anyone else would think. You didnā€™t even care about what Horacio would think.Ā 
Itā€™s not like he never wanted to start anything, he was just too busy being consumed by your presence. You had a light within you that was blinding, but all Horacio wanted to do was look at you even if that meant heā€™d lose his senses for the rest of his life.Ā 
It was only when you became a couple that he realized you were the protector. No matter how much he tried, you were always one step ahead of him. Ready to attack at the slightest moment anyone got too close to him. Ready to give your life up for him.Ā 
Ready to fill his life with the most pure and sincere love heā€™d ever felt.Ā 
It was as if God himself picked you to be placed on his path.Ā 
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cooking-with-hailstones Ā· 6 months
Forever Bound to the Soul of the Hero
Fi's retelling of the Breath of the Wild Memories
(Rated T: Canon typical violence)
For @linksthoughtbrambles
I have been asleep for a very long time.
The woods where I was laid to rest have flourished since their destruction in the last war. The spirits of the forest are chittering with nervous anticipation as I spark back to wakefulness. The Great Deku Tree rumbles his warm welcome, even though my awakening signals a portent of doom.
I feel the evil gathering in the land. Even in my sleep, I have sensed the aura of dark energy seeping into the earth, the trees, the wind, the shifting of stone on stone.
It is hard to tell how long it has been between cycles. Sometimes millennia will pass, sometimes only a hundred years.Ā  But every time the evil comes, someone will be chosen to fight back.
I can feel him out there. He sees me in dreaming, and he knows a great destiny awaits him.
It will soon be time. I shall be raised skyward once more.
Ceremony of Innocence:
ā€œ Hero of Hyrule, chosen by the sword that seals the darknessā€¦ You have shown unflinching bravery and skill in the face of darkness and adversity. And have proven yourself worthy of the blessings of the Goddess Hylia. Whether skyward bound, adrift in time, or steeped in the glowing embers of twilightā€¦ The sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the Hero. We pray for your protectionā€¦and we hope that-- that the two of you will grow stronger together, as oneā€¦ā€
I am afraid.
Much has been lost in the generations since the last champion of the Goddess bore me across his shoulders. I can see remnants of the technology, lingering vestiges that have not decayed over the millennia. But so much knowledge is gone.Ā 
There is no mystery here as to why this spirit maiden is unable to awaken her powers. The Sheikah elders from whom she must receive guidance and instruction in every generation have lost their influence over the royal family. They are only now, through their adept understanding of ancient technologies, able to regain some of their former status. But the king and these so-called priests of Hylia take no account of the Sheikahā€™s wisdom. Instead, they have her bathing in the sacred springs, without any of the other rites of purification. They have her speaking prayers that carry no meaning and no power. And this blessing she speaks over Link, over my new masterā€¦Ā 
This cannot be all there is. There is so much more to do. The heroā€™s soul has not been tempered, not been tested. While the sacred realm has long been sealed, the Sheikah of generations passed have devised many trials to strengthen our bond. But they are dormant, so it seems that this, too, is forgotten.Ā 
I have been reduced to some mere symbol, a figurehead in this war.Ā 
I am very afraid.
ā€œFrom here, weā€™ll make our way to Goron City. Then weā€™ll need some adjustments on that Divine Beast so Daruk can manage it as easily as possible. Heā€™s figured out how to get it to move! However, itā€™s apparent that we still have much more to learn. But to think, that Divine Beast was actually built by peopleā€¦ That means we should be able to understand how it works and use it to our advantage.Ā 
These Divine Beastsā€¦so much we donā€™t knowā€¦ But if we want to turn back the Calamity Ganon, theyā€™re our best hope.ā€
My master always listens keenly to the spirit maiden Zelda, even though he lacks sufficient technical understanding to truly follow her excited monologues. She has much of Hyliaā€™s wisdom and ingenuity. She is passionate and dedicated to her craft. In some ways, she is the most like Hylia of any of the spirit maidens I have ever encountered. I estimate that, given proper training and access to the correct tools, this spirit maiden would have a 78% likelihood of being able to forge an entity similar to myself.Ā 
The lack of technical comprehension in this era continues to trouble me greatly. The slate the spirit maiden is holding is an invaluable tool, designed by the Sheikah to interface with my technology and assist in the transmission of information, transportation, and a myriad of other utilities that they cannot even fathom. All of these have been designed by the Sheikah to aid the fight against Ganon, and it is only being used at a fraction of its capacities.Ā 
ā€œTell me the truthā€¦ How proficient are you right now, wielding that sword on your back? Legend says that an ancient voice resonates inside it. Can you hear it yetā€¦hero?ā€
My master stops in his tracks. He cannot, I think forlornly to myself. I can see his thoughts, I am coming to know him little by little, but still, he cannot hear my voice. No matter how much I scream, my master only perceives me as an echo in his subconscious.Ā 
Being the hero is not just a matter of drawing the sword ā€“ he isnā€™t tested. He has not passed through the goddessā€™ trials and forged the bond with the master sword through the goddessā€™ flame. His spirit may very well shatter when he confronts the agent of Demise.Ā 
He is angry and sad and cannot tell her. He tries to listen for the sword but no one has ever taught him how, and I am too weak to reach him.Ā 
And even now, I can feel the stirring in his heart. Every reincarnation of the Goddess draws the soul of the hero to her side. Whether friends or lovers, they cannot bear to hold hatred between them. I can feel the way his heart quickens when he has to grab hold of her. I know the thoughts he does not allow himself to think.Ā 
He says nothing. She turns away in a huff, thinking this means he has nothing to say.
Devotion and ResentmentĀ 
My master has awoken, suddenly aware of Zeldaā€™s absence from Tabantha stable. This is hardly the first time she has tried to evade him, but over the last few months he has become far more adept at finding her.Ā 
There is a 75% probability that he has deducted that I am the reason he is able to trace where she has escaped, no matter how clever her trickery. He feels it not like the dowsing I used to perform, but rather as an itch behind his eyes. A compulsion that pulls him forward, towards her, demanding that he be near her. It was designed by the Goddess, that their souls should find each other. And I will always pull them together. He can no more stop following her than he can stop breathing.
After a fierce gallop across Tanagar canyon bridge and nudging his horse up to the ancient columns, he finally starts to relax. I can feel the tension leave his shoulders.Ā 
Zelda, however, seems far from pleased.Ā 
ā€œI thought I made it clear that I am not in need of an escort,ā€ she says with great indignation. ā€œ It seems Iā€™m the only one with a mind of my own. I, the person in question, am fine, regardless of the kingā€™s orders. Return to the castle. And tell that to my father, please.ā€
She was in the process of examining one of the shrines left by the Sheikah monks, meant to temper the heroā€™s spirit and strengthen him for the trials ahead. These are objects of curiosity for Hylians, and for Zelda in particular, but they are meant to play a vital role. It is essential that the hero be able to access these shrines. Without completing a significant portion of the shrines, I predict a 98.2% chance that the heroā€™s spirit will break.Ā 
My master takes this in stride. It is hardly the first time heā€™s weathered such outbursts. He steps in line, always three paces behind her.Ā 
She whirls around. ā€œAnd stop following me!ā€
She is so angry with him, all the time.Ā  She does not understand that Hyliaā€™s chosen hero will follow her to the ends of the earth and beyond. He will follow her through time, through space, through any hardship, just to see her safe and the land protected.
She does not yet know that she and the land are one. And he is now starting to realize that his duty, his destiny, is to protect them all.
A Championā€™s Compassion
ā€œAh, wellā€¦you certainly got here fast. I should have expected as much from the princessā€™s own appointed knight.ā€ The Gerudo champion looks down at the sleeping Zelda. ā€œShe was out on a survey all day today. Still as the sands nowā€¦ā€ Turning to look at my master, her eyes sparkle in the desert night. ā€œSoā€¦? Spill it, boy. Have the two of you been getting along all right?ā€
Quite the opposite, I think to myself. He must have heard the thought, because he winces.Ā 
The champion laughs. ā€œItā€™s OKā€¦ I know. Your silence speaks volumes.ā€ She sighs, looking down at the sleeping princess on her lap . ā€œShe gets frustrated every time she looks up and sees you carrying that sword on your back. It makes her feel like a failure when it comes to her own destiny.ā€
And hardly fair, given how little progress this hero has made in his own right, I think sullenly. They are both so unprepared, so untested. Training drills and prayer are hardly enough to strengthen their spirits. The champions have been through much more rigorous trials to connect with their divine beasts. I am happy to say that Zeldaā€™s confidence in them is well founded.Ā 
ā€œDonā€™t worry, itā€™s not like you carry blame in any of this.ā€ Ā  She sighs, stroking Zeldaā€™s hair.Ā  ā€œItā€™s unfortunate. Sheā€™s put in more than enough time. Ever since she was a young girl, sheā€™s gone through rigorous daily routines to show her dedication. She once passed out in the freezing waters trying to access this sealing power. And she has nothing to show for itā€¦ Thatā€™s the motivation driving her research. Iā€™d be doing the same thing.ā€
I appreciate the Gerudo champion. She is a formidable blademaster, a dedicated champion, and a wise and supportive presence in Zeldaā€™s life. Far more than can be said for the useless aristocrat that calls himself the king, without a drop of Hyliaā€™s blood to his name.Ā 
ā€œShe really is quiteā€¦special. You be sure to protect her with your life.ā€ She looks at my master with a piercing maternal gaze. ā€œItā€™s quite the honour.ā€
He knows this. I know he dreams of it every night. He knows he will fight and die for her. He meets Urbosaā€™s gaze, and I sense she knows it too.Ā 
The champion reclines on her cushions. She has done much to make her divine beast a more comfortable abode, befitting a Gerudo chief.Ā 
ā€œThe night brings a chillā€¦ Itā€™s probably time we take her in. Or...ā€ She smirks as some mischief crosses her mind, then with a snap of her fingers, the desert sky lights up with electricity.
My master stumbles at the quaking thunder and Zelda wakes up, frightened. Neither of them have ever been particularly fond of storms and lightning, even if they donā€™t know why.Ā 
ā€œUrbosa! What was that?! Did you feel that?!ā€ Zelda gasps, before catching my masterā€™s shadow by the doorway.Ā 
ā€œWait, what--how did you-- what are you doing here?!ā€
He blushes furiously, and though the darkness might conceal the pinkish glow from some, Urbosaā€™s gaze is far too sharp to miss it. She leans back with a hearty laugh.Ā 
ā€œWha-whatā€™s so funny?ā€
ā€œAh, you, my dear.ā€ Urbosa wipes a tear of mirth from her eye. ā€œOne day youā€™ll laugh about all of this.ā€
I hope she is right. They deserve to laugh.Ā 
Blood on the SandĀ 
MASTER! I am screaming as loudly as I can. MASTER! DANGER! GO!
He feels my desperation, dropping the bundle of arrows he was examining from a merchant in the Kara Kara bazaar, and takes off sprinting towards the pull that heā€™s grown used to, the itch behind his eyes thatā€™s always there. But now it is more acute, so loud he must be able to hear the ringing of the dowsing call in his ears.Ā 
He rounds the corner and sees them. Those cursed agents of evil, seduced by the false promises of Demise, and they are chasing Zelda over the sands. They cackle, their wicked sickles glinting in the hot desert sun. There is a cold rage in my masterā€™s heart, and he puts on another burst of speed, drawing me from my scabbard. I brace myself, ready for the battle, as the Yigaā€™s blade curves towards Zeldaā€™s fallen body.
My master is quick, and ruthless. I feel myself slip through the Yigaā€™s neck with a cold efficiency as warm blood soaks the edge of my blade.Ā  The body drops to the ground as he wheels around to face the other two. I can sense their fear, and I calculate only a 26% likelihood that they will attempt to continue the fight.Ā Ā 
Sure enough, they scatter and vanish into the desert wind. My master does not take his eyes from them until they are truly gone, only then sheathing my bloody blade and turning towards Zelda. He gives her his hand to help her upright. ā€œAre you hurt?ā€ he asks fearfully. I can feel his heart still pounding in his chest.Ā 
Her eyes. She has never looked at him with any fondness before, but her eyes are brimming with gratitude and care. ā€œ No, Iā€™m fine, I justā€¦ā€ she pauses, and bursts into tears.Ā 
I know Link is thinking nothing of propriety when he wraps his arms around her. I know she is thinking nothing of resentment when she buries her face in his shoulder and sobs, the fear and adrenaline rushing through her body.Ā 
Maybe this is the beginning. Maybe this is how their spirits will grow. Maybe this is how evil will lose.
I am not supposed to feel emotion. It was not part of my design. Yet after spending millennia borne by Hylians and getting to know their innermost thoughts, I have inevitably adapted to many of their traits.Ā 
To that end, I am beginning to feelā€¦ frustrated.Ā 
ā€œThereā€™s one! Oh! And another! The flowers we have in Hyrule arenā€™t just beautifulā€¦Theyā€™re also quite useful as ingredients for a variety of things.ā€
Today the spirit maiden and my master are out on a field survey. I am grateful that they are getting along better, and that her resentment seems to have given way to a nascent friendship. My frustration is not with them. It simply irks me to see the Sheikah slate being used like some ordinary pictobox.Ā 
She gasps with excitement, and Link quickly settles down beside her.Ā 
ā€œThis one here is called the silent princess. Itā€™s a rare, endangered species. Despite our efforts, we canā€™t get them to grow domestically yet. The princess can only thrive out here in the wild. All that we can hopeā€¦is that the species will be strong enough to prosper, on its own.ā€
She smiles, sadly, and my masterā€™s heart flutters. He understands her meaning as clearly as I do. Neither of them can thrive here. They know that their destinies are not waiting for them inside the castle walls.Ā 
The prayers, the training, the wasted time, the technology that theyā€™ve only uncovered 18% of the capabilities ofā€¦ they must feel as frustrated as I do.Ā 
The somber moment is dissipated as Zelda gasps with excitement and lunges forward.
ā€œIs that what I think it is?! Look at this, I donā€™t believe it, but I actually caught one! This delicacy is known to have very, very potent effects under the proper circumstances. Tada!ā€ Ā 
She opens her hands to revealā€¦ a frog. My master recoils slightly.
ā€œResearch from the castle shows ingesting one of these can actually augment certain abilities. We wouldnā€™t be in a controlled environment out here, but with your level of physical fitnessā€¦youā€™d be a perfect candidate for the study! Go on! Taste it!ā€
Link makes a truly disgusted face.Ā 
ā€œOh come now, Iā€™ve seen you eating Goron rock roast. Surely youā€™re not put off by a little bit of mucus for the sake of scientific inquiry?ā€
She may have a point there. This particular incarnation of the Heroā€™s spirit seems to have a stomach made of cast iron.Ā 
With a resigned sigh ā€“ he truly cannot refuse her anything ā€“ he leans down towards her handsā€¦ and the frog leaps straight into his face. He startles, falling backwards on his rear as the frog scampers away.Ā 
Zelda collapses to the ground in a fit of infectious giggles, and soon enough the pair of them are leaning on each other as their laughter echoes through the hillside.
The Question of Destiny
In truth, I do relish sword drills. It is for my benefit as well; learning how my master moves, what his grip is on the sword, the gestures he favours. My algorithms internalize and optimize every movement. As we practice together, we grow closer. Even if he cannot hear me, he knows that I am with him, helping to guide his actions and see that each strike lands true.Ā Ā 
Zelda watches him closely from her shelter beneath the tree.
ā€œI doubt this will let up anytime soonā€¦ Your path seems to mirror your fatherā€™s. Youā€™ve dedicated yourself to becoming a knight, as well. Your commitment to the training necessary to fulfill your goal is really quite admirable. I see now why you would be the chosen one.ā€
He stiffens slightly. His father had only died a year ago, and the wound was still fresh. But Zelda seems too lost in her own thoughts to notice.
ā€œWhat ifā€¦ One dayā€¦You realised that you just werenā€™t meant to be a fighter. Yet the only thing people ever saidā€¦was that you were born into a family of the royal guard, and so no matter what you thought, you had to become a knight. If that was the only thing that you were ever toldā€¦ I wonder, thenā€¦would you have chosen a different path?ā€
There was no other destiny for my master. He was born to be Hyliaā€™s chosen.
Not for the first time in my long existence, I wonder at the cruelty of the Goddessā€™ choice of mortal champions in this cosmic war.
Link pauses a moment before returning me to the sheath across his back.Ā 
ā€œThisā€¦ isnā€™t about me, is it?ā€
Zelda blushes. ā€œIā€¦ wellā€¦ā€
He takes her hand. I can feel both of their heartbeats quicken.
ā€œI thinkā€¦ā€ he pauses, choosing his words carefully. ā€œI think that no matter who I was, where I was born, whatever was expected of meā€¦ā€
ā€œI would find my way to you.ā€
Prayer and Dedication
It is a unique pain that my master must experience, and thus I experience alongside him. The unique pain that comes from watching someone you love torture themselves for circumstances beyond their control.
These prayers are useless. She is not praying to a Goddess. She is meant to awaken the Goddess within her own spirit. But they still cannot hear me, and nothing I could suggest to my master would have any effect. And so, I sit, sheathed and silent as my master and I ache at the desperation in Zeldaā€™s voice.Ā 
ā€œI come seeking help, regarding this power that has been handed down over time. Prayer will awaken my power to seal Ganon awayā€¦ Or so Iā€™ve been told all my life.Ā 
And yetā€¦ Grandmother heard them--the voices from the spirit realm. And Mother said her own power would develop within me. But I donā€™t hear, or feel anything!Ā 
Father has told me time and time againā€¦ He always says, ā€œQuit wasting your time playing at being a scholar!ā€ Curse youā€¦ā€
Holy water splashes against clenched fists.Ā 
ā€œIā€™ve spent every day of my life dedicated to praying! Iā€™ve pleaded to the spirits tied to the ancient gods. And still the holy powers have proven deaf to my devotion.Ā  Please just tell me, what is itā€¦? Whatā€™s wrong with me?!ā€
Linkā€™s composure finally cracks. I am truthfully relieved when he drops me down on the stones and splashes into the spring, wrapping a sobbing Zelda in his embrace.
ā€œThereā€™s nothing wrong with you. Weā€™ll figure this out, together. I promise, Zelda, I promiseā€¦ā€ He strokes her hair, and she weeps all the more.
I cannot weep, it is not in my design. I should not feel emotion, but despite my programming, I have begun to understand something of grief. Oh, children, what have we done to you?
They may not succeed. They may not have the strength and ability to fight off the coming Calamity. But I will fight back. The Goddess created me to protect and guide her chosen. I must do whatever I can.Ā 
Calamity and Corruption
The final spring. The last hope they had. And just as I had predicted, nothing happened.Ā 
The champions all do their best to conceal their dismay, offering words of encouragement to Zelda, but to little avail. The Zora champion starts to say something, but ā€“
The ground shakes.
The sky darkens.
The Rito champion launches himself skyward to see whatā€™s taking place, but before I even hear his horrified gasp, I know what has happened.Ā 
My master leaps forward to support Zelda as she stumbles. He does not need to be told either. Just as with every Heroā€™s spirit preceding him, he has seen this moment in his dreams since he was an infant. But he is not ready, Zelda is not ready and the Calamity must know this as well. It has chosen this precise moment of despair to strike.Ā 
The champions disperse, each of them racing back to their Divine Beasts. Without the spirit maidenā€™s sealing power, the only hope at holding the Calamity at bay now lies with the strength of the champions.Ā 
Link and Zelda, now alone, race down the promenade towards Kakariko village. Bolts of purple and black tar seem to be streaking across the sky overhead, the sunset rapidly disappearing behind the dark clouds.
This is unfamiliar to me. What kind of attack is the Calamity readying? I have never witnessed this before.Ā 
They keep running, over the Sahasra slope and towards Hyrule field. The castle is the nexus point. Link must be ready for when the champions reach the divine beasts for their attack. We must try to defeat the Calamity, with or without the Goddessā€™ power. There is only a 2.6% chance that we succeed, but 2.6% is not 0.Ā 
beepĀ  Ā  beep beep beepbeepbeepbeep
A guardian! Link and Zelda both heave a sigh of relief. The guardians have been deployed from Castle Town to protect the surrounding villages. At least that will provide some measure of safety.
Wait... Somethingā€™s wrong.
Without a moment to spare, Link tackles Zelda to the ground out of the way of the guardianā€™s deadly line of fire. Without a second thought, he pulls me from my scabbard, leaps forward and drives me straight into the guardianā€™s vulnerable eye. It sparks, fizzes, and collapses, purple smoke billowing out of its joints.
ā€œWhatā€™s going on?ā€ Zelda screams, as torrents of purple-black tar continue to pour from the sky onto Hyrule field and Castle town. ā€œWhy did it fire at us?ā€
Wasting no time, Link grabs her arm and whirls around, sprinting back the way they came and dragging Zelda behind him.Ā 
ā€œLink, no! We need to go to the castle!ā€
ā€œZelda, we ā€“ ā€
A bolt of purple tar slams into me.
ā€œThe master sword!ā€ Zelda cries.Ā 
This is the Calamityā€™s plan! Oh, Hylia, no!
He has remembered his defeat from 10,000 years ago. He remembered the technology that was turned against him and his armies, and his hatred and malice are now corrupting every element of Sheikah technology, and everything they interface with.
Including me.
NO! I twist through the dark tendrils reaching through my circuitry. YOU WILL NOT TOUCH ME. I WAS CREATED BY THE GODDESS HYLIA, AND I WILL NOT YIELD TO YOU, FOUL AGENT OF DEMISE.Ā 
I push back along these tendrils of malice, burning them away with the divine light of the Goddess. I reach through the telepathic link I share with the Sheikah technology, cutting and blazing through the spreading rot. The Sheikah slate, the towers, the shrines, all the creations designed to interface with the Heroā€™s soul, I can still connect with them! With every scrap of energy I have left, I burn away the malice creeping through their networks.
The malice fights back, the darkness spreadingā€¦ but I will not yield.
Exhaustion and DespairĀ 
The forest near the bottomless swamp is dark and twisted, the tangled roots and mud are treacherous in the shadow of the storm. It is almost dawn, they havenā€™t slept, they are still running.Ā  I can feel the exhaustion creeping in, their stamina depleting. I too am exhausted - still fighting against the malice, trying to keep it at bay. I cannot help them any more than this.Ā 
Zelda stumbles and cries out, falling to her knees on the path made slick by torrential rains.Ā 
ā€œHowā€¦ How did it come to this?ā€
My master kneels beside her, desperate to move along, but reticent to force her to keep running.Ā 
ā€œThe Divine Beastsā€¦The Guardiansā€¦ Theyā€™ve all turned against us. It was Calamity Ganon. It turned them all against us!ā€
She is weeping in earnest now, rivers of tears meeting the raindrops already pouring down her face.
ā€œAnd everyone--Mipha, Urbosa, Revali and Darukā€¦ Theyā€™re all trapped in those thingsā€¦ Itā€™s all my fault! Our only hope for defeating Calamity Ganon is lost, all because I couldnā€™t harness this cursed power! Everything--everything Iā€™ve done up until nowā€¦ It was all for nothing. So I really am just a failure! All my friends, the entire kingdom, my father most of allā€¦ I tried, and I failed them allā€¦ Iā€™ve left them all to dieā€¦
ā€œZeldaā€¦ā€ he grips her tighter. ā€œZelda, we have to go. There may be soldiers who can protect you at Fort Hateno. We need to go.ā€
She nods miserably, taking his arm and standing up again. They turn to the misty shadows, and keep running.
I truly had hoped their love might be enough.Ā 
Hylia Reborn
They are tracking us. Some corruption of their programming has locked them to our signal. Perhaps it is me they are tracking, a beacon of the Goddessā€™ light flickering amid the swirling chaos of malice.
Wouldnā€™t that be ironic.Ā 
The guardians homing in on us are coming thick and fast. While I am able to target their weak points with a respectable accuracy, I was made to cut through Demiseā€™s creations - beings of corrupted flesh. I was never made to fight these machines.Ā 
Link is exhausted. Almost two days with little sleep and hardly any food, he has taken more than his fair share of blows. There are gashes across his legs and arms that are oozing blood, and three of his ribs are broken. I predict that he will lose consciousness in less than four minutes.Ā 
But Zelda is unharmed, for now. Nothing else matters to him at this moment.
He stabs me through the eye of yet another guardian, staggering backwards and leaning on me heavily.
ā€œLink, save yourself! Go! Iā€™ll be fine! Donā€™t worry about me! Run!ā€
He can hardly hear her through the blood rushing in his ears, and the incessant beeping as they scan for us. I donā€™t know what to do! The Goddess left no instructions for this. I have never witnessed my master die.Ā 
Another guardian has spotted us through the husks of its fellows. My master is so tired, and I have no strength to give him.
And yet Link pulls me up once more, readying himself and covering Zelda with his body, as the laser flares to life.Ā 
This is it.Ā 
Hylia, forgive me. I have failed you.
Zelda leaps forward, throwing herself in front of Link, hands raised in desperation. What is she -?
The world explodes with golden light.
Link winces, but does not shield his eyes. Nor would I, if I had eyes to behold this sight. The light radiates from her, guardians exploding and collapsing in its wake.Ā 
She did it. Hylia has come into her own!
ā€œWasā€¦ Was thatā€¦? The power?ā€ she whispers in the sudden quiet that follows as the corrupted machines power down.
You did it, Zel. he thinks, and seeing her safe, he finally yields to the pain.Ā 
She whirls around as he falls. ā€œ No, noā€¦Link! Get up!ā€ She lifts him into her arms, hardly noticing the blood soaking into her ruined dress. ā€œYouā€™re going to be just fineā€¦ā€
He looks up to her, eyes full of pride, of sadness, and love, and then he lets the darkness take him.Ā 
Our telepathic link snaps. I cannot sense his thoughts anymore. He is... gone.Ā 
Hylia help me, I did everything I could, but I could not save him. May the Goddess forgive me.Ā 
The Goddess holds his body and weeps.
But, wait.
Against the pommel of the sword, I feel the slightest pressure.
thump thump
thump thump
thump thump
A pulse. A pulse! His heart is still beating. He might yet be saved!
With myĀ  limited remaining computing power, I desperately run through the calculations. The medical infrastructure needed to treat these wounds is sorely lacking in this era of Hyrule, but... Yes! It is there! Reaching through the Sheikah network, I can feel it, safe from the Calamityā€™s corruption. I remember the monk Maz Koshia designing this shrine for just this reason. The Shrine of Resurrection.Ā 
Above me, Zelda shifts. Slowly, she starts to relinquish him, not noticing the pulse that I can feel, still beating ever so faintly in his chest.
No. NO! She cannot let go!Ā 
HYLIA, HEAR ME! I am screaming through broken circuits and fragmented code. I have been damaged beyond anything I was designed to withstand, I am decayed beyond measure, but she is awake! She must listen!
My strength is fading, but she cannot abandon him! Not now!Ā 
ā€œThe swordā€¦?ā€Ā 
She has heard me! YES.
ā€œSo he canā€¦ He can still be saved?ā€
ā€œIā€¦ how..?ā€
ā€œPrincess!ā€ a voice echoes from across the field. The Sheikah, loyal to the last, have tracked the Goddess here. Their timing could not be better.
ā€œPrincess! Are you all right?ā€
She draws herself up with a strength I have never seen in her before.Ā 
ā€œTake Link to the Shrine of Resurrection. If you donā€™t get him there immediately, we are going to lose him forever! Is that clear?! So make haste and go! His life is now in your hands!ā€
The two men nod, immediately setting to work to stabilize him for the journey. They lift him carefully, wrapping his deepest wounds in bandages, before melting into the shadows as only Sheikah can. Zelda watches them disappear into the rain, then grips me hard, clutching me to her chest.
ā€œYou speak? I can hear you? How? How is this possible?ā€
With the last bit of strength I can muster, I answer. YOU ARE AWAKE.Ā 
ā€œThe power?ā€
ā€œWhat do I do?ā€ she cries. ā€œHow can I seal the Calamity without Link? Without the champions?ā€
I am not meant for this task. I am meant to guide the hero, not the spirit maiden, but I carry enough of the Goddessā€™ memories to know what must be done while she waits for the hero to return.
She looks startled, but she does what I say. Sitting in the mud amid the husks of the defeated guardians, she takes a deep, shuddering breath. Her ancestors gather around, and I hear the whispers of Hyliaā€™s past incarnations floating past me, just on the edge of hearing. She glows with a faint golden light in the falling rain. After a few minutes, she opens her eyes.
ā€œYes.ā€ She says. ā€œEven if he cannot yet be defeated. I can hold the Calamity at bay. Iā€¦ I have done it before.ā€
She nods. ā€œAnd what of you? I cannot bring you with me, but I cannot leave you here.ā€
I am barely capable of speaking anymore. The decay of the malice has been stopped by her light, but I am already close to shattering.Ā 
ā€œOf course, what must I do?ā€
Laid to Rest
With the spirit of the Goddess awakened within her, Zelda can now see the korok spirits guiding her, from the field of battle all the way through the Lost Woods. Now she stands at the roots of the Great Deku Tree. At last, I can rest. In Hyliaā€™s light, my master and I shall both become whole again.
ā€œYour master will come for you. Until then, you shall rest safely here. Although the Slumber of Restoration will most certainly deprive him of his memories, please trust me when I say that I know he will arrive before you yet again.ā€
She places me carefully back in the pedestal at the Great Deku Treeā€™s roots. I feel myself slipping into my deep sleep once again.Ā 
As my consciousness fades, I hear the Deku Tree ask ā€œIf I may be so boldā€¦what is it that you are planning to do next, Princess?ā€
Zelda looks resolute. ā€œThe Master Swordā€¦ I heard it speak to me. It seems that my role is unfinished. There is still something I must do.ā€
ā€œI sense there is great strength in your dedication.ā€
She has greater strength than ever. She is not alone anymore. The spirits of her ancestors are guiding her now, all the way back to the first Zelda who sealed Demise for a thousand years, waiting for her hero to return.Ā 
ā€œGreat Deku Tree, I ask of you, when he returns, can you please relay this messageā€¦ Tell him Iā€”"
He interrupts her. ā€œ Now, thenā€¦ Words intended for him would sound much better in the tones of your voice, donā€™t you think?ā€
She smiles up at him, nods in understanding.
As my consciousness finally slips away, I think to myself, dearest Zelda. He already knows. He loves you too.
Awakening II
He is awake, and so am I.Ā 
The spirits of the forest are chittering with excitement. Even as I rest here, I can hear the Great Deku Tree stirring with anticipation. We all felt the call of the spirit maiden locked away in Hyrule Castle, calling him once again to her side. I have felt her longing for him these hundred years.Ā 
This time, he will grow strong in spirit. This time, we shall fight together.Ā 
This time, the Calamity will fall.
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zellink Ā· 5 months
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all the bells say
a pre-calamity zelink longfic. [chapter 1 of 28 // Act 0 of 5]
>> Read Act 0: "Genesis / Heavy" on AO3
Rating: M Main Tags: canon compliant / angst with a happy ending / character study / romance / slow burn / all the goddamn tension. / mutual pining / self-doubt / following all the botw memories / Zelda is an unreliable narrator / Link is so hopelessly in love (until it's not) What will you do with what you've been given when the story forever tolls the same way? Link and Zelda, the Calamity, and their tale of inevitability and doom, and most of all, of love.
Here I am, 7 years late to the party, 3 years after witnessing my boyfriend first play BOTW, with a Starbucks in hand and yet another pre-Calamity long fic that absolutely nobody asked for. But I have to do it. I have to bounce these two blonde elves in my head indefinitely and breathe life into my many, many headcanons.
All my love and thanks to my trench buddy and writing soulmate @1up-girl for all your invaluable beta'ing, brainrotting, and everything in betweenā€”I seriously owe you forever and ever. Thousands of thanks to the lovely @mustardcheesedog for your amazing energy and hype as an early reader and the daily zelink brainrot.
I also wanna to thank @milkywayes for doing the beautiful banner art for Bells; for understanding my vision and for all the conversations we've had about zelinkā€”headcanons concocted in our DMs that I eventually adopted into this fic.
Fic title taken from the famous John Berryman poem, "Dream Song 29".
~~~ Please go to the fic page on AO3 and read the extended author's note in the beginning for warnings! ~~~
Anyway..... here's Act 0, y'all!
Act 0: Genesis / Heavy
There sat down, once, a thing on Henry's heart sĆ³ heavy, if he had a hundred years & more, & weeping, sleepless, in all them time Henry could not make good. [ā€¦] Ghastly, with open eyes, he attends, blind. All the bells say: too late. This is not for tears; thinking. ā€œDream Song 29ā€ - John Berryman
Link is no stranger to death.
At five years old, heā€™s already witnessed more than his peers ever would. Growing up at a farm can do that to a kid. Cows, lambs, cuccosā€”all to the slaughter for sustenance, for profit. He stations himself beside Father and Mother as they butcher them to sell at the family shop. Heā€™s also seen Father shoot countless deers and elk during their leisure hunts whenever Father is back home from Castle Town. More often than not, Father would let him borrow his old bow, and Link would contribute to their hunt, too.
But then Linkā€™s pet fish dies one afternoonā€”a fat white freshwater carp with gold and black splotches he named Goldieā€”and he weeps and weeps in Motherā€™s lap. Goldie was hisĀ friend. Goldie was always there in the morning when he would wake up, and was there at night before heā€™d go to bed. But now Goldie is floating in the pond, its tiny mouth agape.
Mother strokes his hair. ā€œItā€™s okay, Link. Goldie is with the Goddess, now.ā€
ā€œCan I be with the Goddess, too?ā€ he asks. Snot runs down his nose.
ā€œWell, no.ā€ Mother huffs a laugh. ā€œWhere Goldie isā€¦ we cannot go there. But what you can do is pray.ā€
Link withdraws his head from Motherā€™s lap. He wipes the tears from his face with the heel of his palms.
ā€œCan we pray together, Mom?ā€
At that, something unreadable passes through Motherā€™s face. Her blue eyes turn steely.
ā€œYouĀ can pray, Link,ā€ she says, something sad about her small smile. ā€œI wonā€™t join. But we can arrange a funeral for Goldie, if you would like that?ā€
So they spend the rest of the day gathering flowers from the brambles that surround their estate until Motherā€™s wicker basket is full of white roses, blue nightshades, and armoranths. Mother also allows him to use the small wooden box that sits atop her vanityā€”a coffin perfect for Goldie. Mother says that itā€™s a box that used to house a necklace she bought and gave to Father long ago, but that necklace is long lost, so she has no use for it now.
Link wraps Goldie in an old rag and lays it gently inside the box. Then, they dig a hole in their backyard and bury the box and Goldie in it. He cries again, but not as hard as earlier. He clasps his hands in front of his chest, shuts his eyes, and utters his prayers aloud.
ā€œGoddess Hylia, please welcome Goldie in your loving arms, give it many, many worms to eat, and bring it back as a strong and healthy fish in its next life.ā€Ā Let its next life start tomorrow, please,Ā Link does not say aloud.
When they make it back inside the living room, Father is already there, sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee. He asks about what they have been up to, and Link answers honestly. Father doesnā€™t press on, and he looks rather exhausted, so Link goes back into his bedroom and closes the door behind him.
He climbs into his bed and crawls toward the far end of the wall, looking out from the window and into the backyard. He sees itā€”a small grave by the shrubs, complete with a rock roughly the shape of an oval as the tombstone, with flowers surrounding the little plot of land.
He hears voices from beyond his bedroom door.
ā€œI donā€™t think it is best for us to go soft on him.ā€
ā€œWhaā€”Ā soft? He is five and his pet just died!ā€
ā€œAnd you helped him throw a funeral. For aĀ fish.ā€
ā€œBecause heā€™s just aĀ child!ā€
Thereā€™s a grating soundā€”a chair being dragged on the floor. ā€œWell, heā€™s always said that he wants to become a knight. Then we must prepare him for such an occupation.ā€
ā€œBeing a knight does not mean he canā€™t feel emotions.ā€
ā€œEleana, being a knight is not easy. He will see hundreds of deaths in his lifetime. The next death heā€™ll witness wonā€™t be of a fish, but of a comrade. I just want to prepare him for when he eventually becomes one.ā€
ā€œWellā€”ā€ a pause, ā€œā€”then I hope, for Linkā€™s sake, he never becomes one.ā€
Link, however, doesnā€™t pay much attention to his parentsā€™ conversation. Instead, he imagines Goldie wiggling its way past the layers of cloth and wood and soil, flopping around the backyard until it finds its way to the pond again.Ā Once everybody is asleep Goldie will rise up from its grave,Ā he thinks. He prayed to the Goddess, after all.
But come morning, the pond is still empty, and Goldie remains lifeless in its little coffin.
And he never sheds another tear after that.
Link is no stranger to death, and no stranger to funerals, either.
A year after Goldieā€™s humble funeral in his backyard in Hateno Village, Father must attend one of the most important funerals in the kingdom for as long as Link can remember.
(Well, six years is quite long for him, anyway.)
So here he is, holding Motherā€™s gloved hand, in the congregation at the Grand Chapel of Hyrule Castle. Itā€™s a sad occasion, of courseā€”everyoneā€™s wearing black, all the women have their faces obscured with a veil, and he can hear sniffles from the crowd. But Link also canā€™t wait to tell his friends back home of his first real experience inĀ the castle.
There are speeches, sermons, hymns, and many, many other long-drawn-out processions that he has no choice but to zone out on. But once the burial is over, Link is rather excited, because the Royal Guards (and by extension, Father) must accompany the Prince Consort to the Sanctum for an intimate reception.
The Sanctum is grandā€”big, luxurious,Ā grand. Red velvet is draped everywhereā€”the thrones, the floor, the curtains, the banners. Thereā€™s also aĀ lotĀ of gold, and streaks of blue here and there. Link likes the blue the most.
When Father makes his way through the crowd to find Link and Mother, Link knows itā€™sĀ time. He straightens his back, draws his chin a little bit higher, and follows Father.
ā€œThis is pretty exciting, right, Mom?ā€ Link whispers. ā€œMeeting the Prince!ā€
ā€œTheĀ King,ā€ Father corrects him. ā€œHe was the Prince, and now, without the Queen, he has become the King.ā€ He sounds annoyed. ā€œPlease donā€™t make that mistake in front of His Majesty.ā€
Link clears his throat. ā€œSorry, Father.ā€
He gazes up at Mother again, but sheā€™s quiet, and itā€™s hard to look past her veil.
They climb the grand marble staircase leading to the floating dais above the room, and find a large man standing in front of the throne.
Father and Mother immediately drop to their knees. Link follows suit.
ā€œYour Majesty,ā€ Father says, his head bowed.
ā€œSir William! Please, no need for this,ā€ the Kingā€™s voice booms. Father rises, followed by Mother, and then Link. ā€œI am very pleased to see you again, Lady Eleana. Itā€™s been too long.ā€ The King soundsĀ friendly, but thereā€™s a lot of sadness at the edge of his voice.Ā That makes sense, Link thinks.Ā He just lost his wife.
Then, the King sets his eyes on Link.
Linkā€™s hands feel clammy, all of a sudden.
ā€œAnd you, young boyā€”how you have grown! It was not that long ago when your father brought you as an infant to the Castle to celebrate my daughterā€™s birth,ā€ he says. Link can only muster up a nod and a shaky smile. ā€œSpeaking ofā€”ā€ the King turns around to shoo something from his back. ā€œDonā€™t just hide! Introduce yourself.ā€
From behind the Kingā€™s robe, a little girl emerges, clad in a black dress and a black surcoat. Her face, however, isnā€™t covered with a veil like the other women, and the first thing Link notices is howĀ goldenĀ her hair is compared to the rest of her outfit. Itā€™s almost blinding.
The second thing Link notices is how green her eyes are.Ā VeryĀ green. Like grass, like trees. Like the forests that he likes to spend time in.
The girl extends a gloved hand. Palm facing down.
ā€œIā€™m Princess Zelda,ā€ she says. ā€œNice to meet you.ā€
Link takes her hand in a gentlemanly way that Father has taught him when greeting noblewomen. His thumb pad rests on her knuckles. His left hand rises to splay over his right breast. Then, he puts one foot in front of the other and bends his knees, bowing his head.
ā€œNice to meet you, Princess,ā€ he says. ā€œMy name is Link.ā€
As he straightens up again, Link finds it hard to let go of her hand. The Princess doesnā€™t, either; her forest green gaze is still piercing through his eyes. It feels like vines are growing out of his wrist and twining around his hand and the Princessā€™.
ā€œHello, Link,ā€ she says.
Oh, his heart isĀ racing.
Father lets out a cough, and the vines vanish. Link withdraws his hand as if shocked by a jolt of electricity. The Princess lets her arm fall limp at her side once more, but her eyes are still on him. Mother grabs him by his shoulders, pulling him back to stand next to her again.
ā€œYour Majesty, once again, Eleana, Link, and I would like to offer our deepest condolences for your loss,ā€ Father says. ā€œFor thisĀ kingdomā€™sĀ loss. The Queen isā€”wasā€”a strong and wise monarch, and as a people, we shall mourn her absence forevermore.ā€ His lips are trembling a little, Link notes. Heā€™s never seen that on Father before.
ā€œThank you, Sir William,ā€ the King says. ā€œYou were a steadfast presence in her life, truly.ā€ At that, Motherā€™s grip tightens. Link tilts his head up to look at her, but is met with that layer of veil again. ā€œWell, I must be on my way. Duty calls upon us all, after all.ā€
With one last bow from Father, Mother, and Link himself, the King makes his way toward the other end of the dais and descends the opposite staircase. The Princess follows, her back straight and steps never once faltering.
She doesnā€™t turn back to cast one last glance at his family, but Link watches and watches and watches. Heā€™s still watching as she disappears beneath the grand archway that leads further into the castle.
On the walk back to Castle Town where Father resides, Link feels something heavy settling in his gut. Like his little inconsequential life makes sense, all of a sudden. Like being six years old doesnā€™t really matter because, in that moment, he feels like there are hundreds of ancient men residing within the confines of his bones. And all those men are whispering the same name over and over.
The name he heard just a half hour ago.
So he speaks up.
ā€œFather, I think Iā€™m ready to really train,ā€ he says. ā€œI really wanna be in the Royal Guard.ā€
Father laughs.
Mother, beneath her black veil, stays quiet.
>> Continue reading on AO3
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xkaidaxxxx Ā· 4 months
Jack Atlas x Reader
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quick story sorry for the errors.
"Jack you should confess to her...I've finally come to terms with knowing you don't love me. I was being delusional the entire time." Mina said to Jack with tears threatening to spill. She knew that you were always on his mind. A month after she worked for him. She noticed he always made sure he had what looked like a special card in his jacket. She thought it was a special duel card that was very special to him until he had left his coat on the couch. When she lifted the coat the photo of you slipped out. She picked it up and so many questions went through her mind.
Who's she?
Is that one of his childhood friends no one knows of?
Should I research her?
Could that be his sister? (no different colored hair.)
Maybe she lives here in Domino city?
His girlfriend? definitely not otherwise he would've asked Goodwin for the approval to bring you to Domino City secretly.
"Don't touch my things! I don't want to have to tell you again." Jack scolded her. He was very angry. "Yes sir...Is she family?" Mina asked hoping you were. He looked out the window, towards where Domino City is located. " No she's not family," he replied. That made her upset yet motivated to keep her game on.
"I am. It's about time. I can't lose her to anyone else. She's mine and always will be." he replied grabbing his helmet, and leaving his penthouse. He drove to your house and on the way he stopped to pick up your favorite food with a nice scarf. He parked and knocked on your door. Shuffling was heard. The door opened revealing no other than Yusei. The last person he wants to see at your house before confessing to you. "Is y/n here? I need to see her." you popped up out of nowhere. "Hey, I'm right here. What's up?" you said. Your eyes were sparkling and your cheeks were rosy as always. Jack gave Yusei a look that said leave us alone. He did. "I've been wanting to talk to you about something very important and I can't wait," he said. You walked into the kitchen with him. "Talk to me." you were nervous. Praying that it's nothing horrible. You grabbed your stool to get on the counter and sit down. "I..well...We grew up together and we've many special memories. Even after we separated there wasn't a day I didn't think of you. You are my past my present and hopefully my future. I'm blessed to know such a kind and beautiful human being. I love you y/n. I'm so in love with you." he confessed holding your hands with a grip. You felt your tears slip. Crying. This is all you've ever wanted, for Jack to love you. He held you as you jumped into his arms off the counter. You were trembling softly as you wrapped your legs around his waist .Overwhelmed with love and all the memories you've made coming back to you. "I'm in love with you too Jack." He smiled finally being able to say that he was yours. " Mine. All mine. My Jack Atlas." you commented playing with his hair as you stared into each other's eyes. "Yes, y/n. I'm all yours. Forever and Always." he said. Tears slipped as you made out passionately. Yusei caught a glimpse and decided it was best for him to leave. He knew you needed privacy. He was happy his Best friend finally found happiness.
'I'm so lucky to have you y/n." Jack said. You giggled and said, "I'm lucky to have you as well Jack. Who knows maybe I'll get even more luck one day to be called Mrs. Atlas." you replied. He blushed. HE BLUSHED. JACK ATLAS BLUSHED. "Yeah. I plan on giving you my last name. y/n Atlas. Its perfect." he replied.
Please leave a like if you enjoyed the story. Theres more to come.
I take requests.
Comment on how I can improve my writing skills.
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