kureakinyoubi · 2 years
autumn is settling in.. it's starting to get a little chilly.. claire isn't cold though !! because ...
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kimoralov3 · 11 days
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
description: steve has had a lot of trouble in his love life. but he's also one of the biggest idiots known to man because the girl of his dreams is standing right in front of him
warnings: swearing, reader uses she/her pronouns, everyone is a lil mean to steve, mentions of stancy (not like that), like i said steve is an idiot, slight angst, fluff
word count: 3059
a/n: tagging @arkofblake because this technically was smth that she requested before i changed it. also shout out to her mom for the knowledge about phones from the 80s lol
“Steve, you can’t keep staring at her like some sort of lost puppy.” Robin says as she helps Steve put some beer and sodas in the cooler.
“What are you talking about?” He asks as he turns back to the fridge.
“Oh please, you’ve been staring at Nancy and Jonathan ever since they got here.” Robin comments as she opens the bag of ice and clumsily dumps it into the small cooler.
“Have not.” Steve mutters as he shuts the fridge door. Robin gives him a look, the look she seems to be giving him a lot these days. “Okay, fine. I have been staring at them, but not for the reason you’re thinking.”
“Oh really? What other reason is there for you to be staring at your ex and her new boyfriend?” She says suspiciously.
Steve pauses, trying to find the words to express the tangled mess that is his love life. He eventually gives up, shaking his head as he grabs the cooler off the counter and walks outside to the pool. “I can’t explain it.”
“Oh come on, you gotta give me something.” Robin pleads, giving Steve her best puppy dog eyes.
Steve glances over at his best friend before quickly looking away. “Those don’t work on me.” He says definitely, but quickly gives in when he spares another glance at Robin. “Seeing them together just makes me think about all the things I don’t have.”
“Wow, that’s really sad.” Robin says solemnly as she holds the back door open for Steve. “You sure you don’t still have feelings for Nancy?” She adds after another moment of silence. 
“Absolutely positive, Robin. That ship sailed a long time ago.” He explains as he sets the cooler by the pool.
And he wasn’t lying. Steve really was over Nancy. Sure, there had been a time when he thought the two of them would evolve into something more, but that was ages ago. 
But now Steve was alone for the first time in years, and he wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He’d been on dates, but they’d turned more into a chore than something he was actually enjoying. They all left him feeling like a piece of him was missing, a piece of himself that he just knew was important. 
“Steve?” A voice called, pulling him from his well of self despair. 
“Yeah?” He says as he turns around, nearly falling over when he notices who’s in front of him.
“Can you move over so I can grab a soda?” Y/N asks politely as she gestures to the cooler behind Steve.
“Oh shit, yeah, of course.” Steve stutters as he moves out of the way, nearly falling into the pool. Y/N gives him an awkward smile as she grabs a soda before walking back over to sit with Jonathan and Nancy. 
“What was all of that about?” Dustin asks as he appears beside Steve, munching on some Goldfish.
“Jesus kid, you need to wear a bell or something!” Steve exclaims as he presses a hand to his fast beating heart. 
“Or maybe you just need to be more observant.” Dustin says mockingly as he flicks a Goldfish at Steve’s face, causing the older male to swat at him.
“Will you two quit it!” Robin says as she separates the two of them. Dustin flips Steve off before going to go sit back with the party and Suzie. 
“I swear that kid has no manners.” Steve mutters to himself as Robin walks away to go sit with Eddie and Chrissy. Steve is so busy mentally planning out his revenge against Henderson that he doesn’t notice a certain someone staring at him like he’s hung the moon and the stars.
“Robin, you seriously need glasses or something. How could you put Ferris Bueller and Top Gun in the same section?” Steve complains as he removes the tapes from the shelf.
“Oh quit being a baby and move them, I’m busy here.” Robin calls from the back. Steve rolls his eyes, muttering something under his breath as he moves to the back of the store to grab his cart. 
“I’ll be with you in a minute!” He says when the front door rings. He sets the missorted tapes on a random shelf as he walks back up to the front counter.
“Welcome to Family Video, how can I help y— Y/N?” Steve asks, shocked to see her here.
“Oh, hey Steve. I forgot you worked here.” She says with a laugh as she adjusts her bag on her shoulder. Effortlessly, and beautifully to him, if anyone cared enough to ask what he thought. Which was a rarity. 
Steve gives her a small smile, silently cursing himself for not taking his normal amount of care when he was getting ready this morning. 
Robin really needs to learn some patience.
“Yeah, have been for a while.” He says as he rubs the nape of his neck. “So, what can I help you with today?” 
“Well, my parents are out of town so it’s just me at home. Figured I’d get some movies to keep myself occupied for a while they’re gone.” She explains as she looks around the store before her eyes land on Steve once again, causing a shiver to run down his spine. “Got any recommendations for me?”
“Of course, walk with me.” He says, shooting her his signature smile as he walks over to the staff picks shelf. 
“Is that Labyrinth?” Y/N asks with a chuckle as she picks it up and inspects the back.
Steve groans, rolling his eyes as he sees the movie. “Fucking Eddie. He must’ve snuck it onto the shelf when he was here earlier.”
“Well, he has good taste. Think I’ll be taking this one with me.” She says as she waves the box. Steve can’t explain it, but he feels a small tightness in his chest. 
“To each their own, I guess.” He says with a shrug, trying to ignore this strange feeling. “Anyways, I would definitely recommend these if you’re looking for a more calm night in.” 
Steve hands over The Goonies, The Muppets Take Manhattan, and Back to the Future, waiting patiently for a reaction. 
“Oh my god, is this a Muppets movie?” She asks with a laugh, inspecting the box. “My little cousin loves this movie.”
“Hm, I don’t know how I should feel about that. Are you calling my cinematic taste childish?” Steve asks with a chuckle as he leans against the shelf.
“I would definitely call it that.” Robin says, wheeling a cart as she walks past the two of them. Steve glares at her while Y/N snorts, hiding her smile behind her hand. 
“I wasn’t going to say that it was childish. I was going to say that it’s…interesting.” She explains, her voice pitching up on the last word. 
Steve scoffs at that, shaking his head. “Sure, we’ll go with that.” He says jokingly. “So, will this be all for you?”
“Uh, yeah. This should be good enough for the weekend.” She says as the two of them walk back to the front counter. 
“Glad to be of service.” Steve says as he takes a small bow, cursing himself for how stupid he probably looks. 
“You know, you’re really funny.” Y/N says as Steve rings up the movies. Steve smiles softly, more affected by her words than he would like to admit.
“Could you tell Robin that? She says I have the humor of an old man.” He jokes as he puts the tapes into a bag. Y/N snorts again, this time a little louder. 
“See what I mean? Very funny, Harrington. Very funny.” She says as he hands her the bag. There’s a brief moment of silence before Y/N speaks up again. “Do you wanna come over tomorrow? You know, watch a movie with me or something?” She asks nervously. 
Steve’s mouth hangs open a little, blinking slowly. There was no way he heard that correctly. “You want me to come over?” 
“Yeah. Only if you want to, of course.” She clarifies quickly. 
“Of course I wanna come. I’ll even bring some snacks.” He says as he leans his arms on the counter. 
Y/N smiles at that, nodding her head. “Perfect. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” She says, giving Steve one final wave before leaving. 
“Man, you are such a doofus.” Robin says as she comes up behind him. 
“Can you not?” Steve says as he turns around to face her. Robin smirks, winking at him before walking away. 
“You did what?” Eddie asks with a laugh as he stops strumming on his guitar.
“Don’t laugh at me, I need your help here!” Steve says as he throws his soda can at Eddie.
“Hey, careful! This is my most prized possession.” Eddie says as he throws the can back at Steve, missing him entirely. “Now, tell me exactly what happened.”
“Y/N invited me over, and I went because of course I would, you know? And everything was going really well, at least to me.” Steve explains as he leans back against Eddie’s dresser. 
“Okay, doesn’t sound too bad so far. What happened after that?” Eddie says as he turns the knobs on his guitar. 
“Then I thanked her for inviting me and left.” Steve says simply. Eddie abruptly stops what he’s doing, setting his guitar down on his bed.
“You did what now?” Eddie exclaims as he stands from the bed, causing Steve to look up at him. 
“Left. Why, what’s wrong?” He asked, very confused by Eddie’s sudden outburst. 
“You’re a fucking idiot, that’s what’s wrong.” Eddie says as he grabs Steve’s arm and hauls him into the living room. “Stand right there.” 
Steve grumbles something under his breath as he rubs his arm where Eddie had grabbed it. “Since when are you strong?”
“Amps are heavy as shit man. Now shush.” He says as he dials a number on the phone. Steve mutters something about Eddie being rude as he watches him press the phone to his ear. 
“Who are you calling?” Steve asks, only to be shushed by Eddie. Steve rolls his eyes, watching as Eddie waits for the person on the other end to pick up. 
“Hey Y/N! Do you have a moment to talk?” Eddie says when the person on the other end picks up. Steve automatically stands up straighter, listening closely to try and hear what Y/N was saying. 
“— Not in the mood—” Is the only thing that Steve can make out from here, causing him to frown. Was Y/N really that upset with him that she didn’t want to talk to anyone?
“Just humor me, please? What exactly happened yesterday with Harrington?” Eddie asks as Steve gets closer to the phone.
“I did what you and Robin told me to and asked Steve out, and absolutely nothing happened. I even tried scooting closer to him to see if he would catch the hint, but he didn’t! And then when it was time for him to leave, I went to kiss his cheek and he hugged me, Eddie. He hugged me!” Y/N rants from the other end of the line. “So either everyone is bullshitting me and Steve Harrington actually isn’t into me, or he’s the most oblivious man on the face of the planet.” 
Eddie gives Steve a knowing look as he says his goodbyes before hanging up the phone. “See? Idiot.”
Steve bangs his head against the wall as Eddie pats him pitifully on the shoulder. “So you mean to tell me that yesterday was supposed to be a date?” He finally says when he’s done with his attempt to knock some sense into himself. 
“It was a date. Could you honestly not tell?” Eddie asks as he crosses his arms over his chest. 
“No! I just thought that she was trying to be nice!” Steve says as he slides down the wall. 
“Man, can’t believe this. Former king of Hawkins High is sitting on the floor of my trailer, having a crisis because he blew a date with a pretty girl.” Eddie says as he shakes his head. Steve doesn’t even bother responding, sitting there with his head in his hands. “So, are you going to try and fix it or not?”
“What do you mean?” Steve asks as he finally looks up.
“God, since when did I become the smart one here?” Eddie asks in mock disappointment. “You need to go back over to Y/N’s and make everything right.” 
“How am I supposed to do that? I think you of all people should know that I’m not good with this stuff.” Steve said as he stood up. Eddie groans, rubbing his hands over his face. 
“My god, Harrington. You’re hopeless.” He says. “Here, I’ll tell you exactly what to do.”
Under any other circumstance, those words would’ve sent fear straight into Steve’s heart. Especially coming from someone like Eddie. But he was desperate, and desperate people don’t always make the smartest decisions. 
Steve stands outside of Y/N’s door, her favorite flowers in hand. He stands there for a moment, mentally going over everything that Eddie told him to say. He takes a deep breath before giving up and knocking on the door.
It’s silent for a moment before Steve hears the sound of footsteps on the other side of the door. The door opens up to reveal Y/N standing there, arms over her chest.
“What do you want, Harrington?” She asks coldly. Steve gulps at that, rocking back and forth on his feet a little. Guess I deserve that a little.
“I just came here to apologize. For yesterday.” He says as he holds out the bouquet of flowers. Y/N hesitates before taking the flowers from him, smelling them quickly.
“What exactly are you apologizing for?” She asks after a moment.
“For being an idiot. If I had known that you wanted yesterday to be a date, I would’ve handled things a lot differently.” Steve explains as he nervously shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Different? Different how?” She asks as she leans against the doorframe. Steve pauses, trying to think of the best way to say what he wanted to say.
“Can I come in? I think it would be better.” He asks as he scratches his head. Y/N gives him a suspicious look before stepping aside and gesturing to the living room. Steve mutters a small thank you as the two of them walk into the living room and sit on the couch. 
“So, what exactly is it that you would’ve done differently?” She asks as she sets the flowers on the coffee table. 
“For starters, I wouldn’t have let our first date just be us watching a Muppets movie on your couch.” Steve says in a joking tone, fidgeting with his hands in his lap. “If I had known, I would have taken you out to dinner. Hell, if you really wanted I would’ve taken you to go see one but god I would not have gone to go see a freaking kids movie.”
“Why, what’s wrong with kids' movies?” Y/N asks teasingly, causing Steve to laugh for the first time since he got there. 
“I guess you’re right.” Steve says as he turns to face Y/N. “Can we get a do over date? I promise that this time I won’t act like a complete idiot.” He says sincerely. Y/N seems to mull it over for a moment before looking up at Steve.
“Promise?” She asks softly, as if she was still hurt and embarrassed from what happened the night before. 
“Swear on my life. And you know if I break it, I’ll have Nancy, Robin, and Eddie on my ass about it.” He adds jokingly, but it isn’t really a joke. He had seen first hand how scary Nancy could be when she was upset, and he did not want to be on the receiving end of her wrath. Again. 
“Fine. But I’ll need you to ask me properly.” She says after a longer moment of consideration, sitting up straight against the back of the couch.
“Fine by me.” Steve says as he stands up, pulling Y/N with him. They give each other small smiles before Steve clears his throat dramatically. “Y/N, I’ve had feelings for you for a while now. Longer than I would personally like to admit. So, will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?” 
Y/N stands with their hand on their chin, looking off into space as she pretends to think long and hard about Steve’s offer. Steve starts to get nervous that she might actually reject him when she leans up, pressing a quick peck to his cheek. “Of course I’ll go out with you, Steve.” 
Steve feels the heat rush to his cheek at Y/N’s actions, looking down at them with the biggest grin in the world. “You know, technically we’ve already had our first date. So it wouldn’t be completely insane of me to kiss you, would it?” He asks as he steps closer to her. 
Y/N lets out a chuckle before responding, her hands behind her back. “No, no. I don’t think it would be completely insane, as you put it.” 
That’s all the permission Steve needs before he pulls Y/N closer by her hips, their lips slotting together perfectly. He feels more than hears her sigh into the kiss as she raises her arms to wrap them around his neck. 
When they both pull away for air, Steve swears he can see all the stars in her eyes. “That was…”
“Wow, how many girls can say that they took Steve Harrington’s breath away after a single kiss?” She asks teasingly, although it was easy to tell by the heat of her cheeks that she was just as — if not more — affected by the kiss as Steve was. 
Steve rolls his eyes, which was seeming to become a common practice for him these days. “Way to ruin the moment.”
Y/N shrugs, giving Steve one of her award winning smiles. At least they were in his mind. “What can I say, it’s one of my many special talents.”
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rafeyscurtainbangs · 20 days
Proactive Type of Person - Rafe Cameron One Shot
⭐ Republished ⭐
+18 Minor DNI
PervFrat!Rafe x CollegeStudent!Reader
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+18 Minor DNI
📖 Rafe is your boyfriend… You just don’t know it yet.
🪄 warning (contains spoliers): swearing, Stalking, pet names, degradation, namecalling, public masturbation, dark!rafe, mean!rafe, perv!rafe, mentions of cum play, mentions of unprotected P in V, ownership kink, mentions of rough oral (if I missed tags I’m sorry)
✨ “Just do it, baby girl,” I moan, watching as she pinches her top button. I grab mine as well, tugging it open with her. I hiss at the sensation of my rock-hard cock in my hand, feeling some relief. This is the first time I’ve touched myself all day. I was edging myself as I studied her Instagram and TikTok page, saving my favorites to my phone. When I saw her in the parking lot, I swear I could have cum untouched. ✨
💋 Part 1 will be from Rafe’s POV Part 2 will be from the Female Reader’s 💋
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Rafe’s POV:
“So, class. What does its structure contribute to the poem “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night?” The professor drones on, sliding her reading glasses down her nose as she looks out onto the lecture hall. I shrink in my seat slightly, along with the other boys, doing my best to avoid her gaze.
Required reading, my ass. Did she honestly expect us to read this shit on a Thursday night? Barely drug my ass outta bed for class. Thank fuckin’ god. I relax in my seat as one of the front-row nerds saves the basic population who doesn’t give a fuck.
“Repetition. The poet used it to stress his key theme for his readers.”
I nod, scribbling a little line of nothingness on my paper, keeping up with the facade. That shit went in one ear and out the next. “Hey, Cameron.” My frat brother elbows me on the side. “You good for the kegs?”
“Yeah, sweetheart. What else can daddy get you?” I sneer as I roll my eyes at Billy, who laughs and scoffs. “I get paid back first, plus 10%. Get me a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle; I ain’t drinkin’ Coors, and I ain’t pickin’ that shit up either.”
“Thanks, daddy,” he responds in a breathy voice, snatching the wad of cash off my hands. “We need ten kegs between the Deltas and Phi Mu… You good for that-”
“Fuck you, ‘Am I good for that’?” I cut him short through a breathy laugh. “You’re holdin’ the cash in your hands, bitch. Stop askin’. Add an extra 5% for questionin’ me-”
“Rafe.” My stomach sinks as my professor’s eyes zero in on mine. “Am I interrupting something?” The old bird cocks an eyebrow, her annoyance visible, matching my own.
“No,” I answer simply, crossing my arms across my chest and relaxing at my desk.
“Splendid. I assume you know the answer then. Correct?” She challenges me, trying to catch me off guard. A smirk pulls on her lips as she does just that. Cunt.
“I agree.”
“The key insight about death in the poem is, ‘I agree’?” She belittles. I stare at her blankly, blinking a few times to let her know she’s wasting her time. She’s not gettin’ shit out of me. I’ve got an A in this class, bitch. What’re you gonna do about it?
She chuckles weakly, shaking her head at my resistance. “Am I wrong, ma’am? I have a bit of conversational anxiety… If you’d like to repeat the question, I’d love to try again,” I ask through a shit-eating smirk, letting my sarcasm drip all the way through, irritating her even more.
“Anyone else?” She invites in a shrill voice as she dismisses me, looking around the room to find another. Some of my frat brothers snicker in the back, making the professor’s features even more rigid. “Miss. Y/n?” Her demeanor changes instantly, shaking off my defiance, moving on to another one of her perfect pets.
Who’s that?
Holy shit. I swallow hard, feeling my mouth dry up as I see her. She twiddles her fluffy pink pen, acknowledging the teacher with a smile. Y/n? Jesus fuckin’ Christ. How have I never seen her before? I watch as a football player shuffles down the row of the lecture hall. My question, answered in a moment as his broad shoulders cut off my line of sight. No. I stretch back, cranking my neck to get her in my sights again.
“The key insight’s that death should be fought against, even though it is inevitable.” Her beautiful voice fills the lecture hall like a song. The teacher smiles at her again, praising y/n for her correct answer. Y/n grins and nods, averting her eyes as she catches the room’s focus. Her cheeks blush the prettiest shade of pink, matching her glossy lips.
Those lips… I lick my own, thinking about the way they would look wrapped around my cock, drool running down her chin as she deepthroats my dick. I’d grip that little ponytail like a handlebar, using her mouth like a toy. I chuckle at myself, still surprised that my mind went there almost instantly, but I know myself too well. I am who I am.
Y/n looks so goddamn innocent… Not for long. She’s a slut for praise. I can tell. I can work with that.
My eyes work lower, following the curve of her cleavage in her low-cut shirt. Fuck, I can’t wait to get her on top; watch ‘em bounce in my face. I’m gonna cum all over her perfect rack. Tiddie fuck her while she cries for daddy’s dick. Smear that shit- “Earth to Rafe?” I grit my teeth as I’m torn from my fantasy. “Buddy, you good?” Billy chuckles, his voice taunting as he follows my focus to her. “Mmm… Y/n,” he sighs blissfully. “So fuckin’ hot, bro. She’s a Phi Mu girl.”
“No shit?”
“Mhmm… Transferred from LSU. Smart, funny, sexy… But she’s mine, buddy. Aight? Been layin’ down groundwork all semester.” He elbows me playfully, chuckling to himself, actually believing his own words.
“All semester, and you haven’t made a move?” I spit, eyes rolling in his direction. This whole conversation is laughable. Has he been sitting on this all semester? Really? She was mine the second I looked at her, buddy. You’re done.
“Long game,” he defends himself.
“Long game?” I scoff. “Doesn’t sound like you got any game at all...”
“Hey. Fuck off… I know she wants me. Her bedroom faces mine and she doesn’t even close the curtains when she changes anymore; she texts me all the time. See?” He gloats as he thumbs through his phone. I don’t even bother myself with the semantics. Why the fuck does that shit matter? What’s he gettin’ at? “I’m gonna help ‘em after class. They have some car wash fundraiser downtown.”
Is that so? “I like the sound of that,” I smile, feeling my cock growing stiff in my jeans at the thought of seeing her in next to nothing, wet and soapy no less.
“You can’t just take her from me, Rafe,” Billy mutters in annoyance. A laugh rumbles in my chest as I take in his empty words. “I’m not fuckin’ around. She’s mine.”
My head turns slowly in his direction as he bends in mine. I mean, the guy’s big, but I’m bigger. He can fight, but he’s not willing to see that shit through. Billy’s got that moral compass that urges him to stop where I couldn’t care less. And he knows it.
He balls his hands up in fists at his desk, jaw tightening as he does his best to intimidate me one last time. My boy’s a bitch.
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I study her movements as she glides through the halls. Her hair bounces with each step brushing along her backpack, half-hiding her perfect ass. Her bum shakes a little as she walks, just a tease for me. Y/n slight skirt grazes just a few inches below her ass, leaving her bare legs on display.
I wonder what they’d look like over my shoulder… Spread wide on my bed as I devoured her perfect pussy. Damn. I bet she makes some pretty sounds. I can’t wait to hear that, to see her face, as she squirts all over my mouth and cock.
Where are you going, pretty girl?
She hooks a left, heading toward the coffee shop. I continue to follow my girl, watching as she strolls inside. Y/n walks toward the line, stalling next to the case of pastries, eyeing the bottom. Do it for daddy, baby. C’mon. There you go… She drops down, surveying the options. That goddamn ass… Does she know I’m watching? She’s gotta know. The paisley material tugs higher on her thighs, a peek of her round ass poking out the bottom.
She stands up again, taking another step, moving with the traffic flow. Y/n reaches into her purse, pulling out her phone. She smiles as she looks at the screen. Billy Hargrove 💕. I feel my heart pick up pace, my breathing quickening; rage boils inside me.
I gave him an order. This shit’s not up to him. I roll the tension out of my neck, fingers twisting into fists of my own. Where’s the fucking loyalty? She bites her bottom lip and smiles at the message, making me physically ill.
I’ve got distracted by her… Say somethin’ to make her forget about that.
“Uh, hey,” I rasp. Y/n continues to type up a little message. “Y/n?” I reach out, resting my hand on her arm.
“Oh, hi… Umm, Rafe?” She says my name, making everything stand still. I look down at the beautiful eyes and soft, pouty lips, the corners of which curl into a sweet smile.
“Uh, yeah,” I answer, trying to level my tone. “We’re in class together.”
“Yeah… She’s kind of a bitch. Right?” Y/n asks weakly as her eyes soften on mine, showing me pity like my feelings might have been hurt by that little exchange between the professor and me.
“Yeah, she sucks,” I laugh lightly, tossing my head down in fake shame. “The boys and I got a little rowdy last night. I didn’t read that shit. Did you? I mean, obviously-”
“On my way to class,” she giggles as she looks around playfully for our professor.
My mouth falls into an open smile. “Naughty girl. Coast is clear, by the way,” I rasp through a little laugh.
“Good,” Y/n sighs as she tucks some hair behind her ear.
“You’re really smart.” I praise, watching her cheeks blushing again, this time closer than before, making my heart bang in my chest.
“Thank you. Oh, umm, you’re a Delta. Right?” She asks, solidifying her answer as she eyes the embroidery on my polo.
“I am. And you’re Phi Mu?” Y/n grins as she nods in reply. “I’m headed over to your car wash after this.”
“Awesome. Yeah, Lyndsey was worried that the University might question where the money came from if we made anything off selling beer tonight.”
“A cover-up?” I smile down at her as I stuff my hands in my jeans.
“Mhmm,” she breathes. “The party’s gonna be huge. Do you think we’ll get busted?”
I chuckle at the sweet nativity of her question. “‘Course we will. Over 500 students in one place… But it’s a block party. Right? So they won’t be able to pinpoint anybody. Not usin’ the frat’s money directly. Cash. The boys are gonna pay me back as they sell cups. Untraceable.”
“Aww. That’s so nice of you,” she smiles. Her demeanor hasn’t faltered since we’ve spoken. She doesn’t seem to care about the material shit; my Breitling watch, the gold rings on my fingers. Her face didn’t light up when I dropped the fact that I would buy beer for the masses. She just said it was nice… Fuck, she’s perfect.
“I try… But, if we get busted, I’ll blame it on some beautiful Phi girl I know.”
She gasps playfully, smacking me in the chest. “You wouldn’t!” Everything tenses in my body as I fight back my arousal, covering the growing excitement in my slacks with my notebook.
Y/n looks over my shoulder, catching the girl’s eyes behind me as she tells us to move forward. “Sorry,” Y/n sighs apologetically, clearing the open space between us and the register. Y/n steps up to the counter, ordering a latte and a muffin before reaching into her purse.
“Oh, shit. No. Sorry! Let me,” I breathe as I hurry to her side. “I’ll pay for whatever she’s havin’ and a coffee for me: one cream, one sugar. Thank you.”
“Wow. Thank you, Rafe. You didn’t need to do that,” she coos.
“No problem, y/n.”
Gifts… That’s what my girl likes.
Well, shit. She’s gonna need a grand gesture. I can sneak into her room tonight. Check the essentials: dress size, music taste; the little things she enjoys.
I’ll take a look at her nightstand. How could I not? Gotta know what she uses to please herself so I know what I’m working with and what it takes to get her there. I want to know her better than she knows herself.
I follow along, trying to keep my eyes on her face, but I can’t help but roam her body. I’ve never seen anything like it, never seen anything so perfect for me. I never wanted anything so bad.
The barista walks over, setting down my coffee. I suck my teeth, regretting my choice, knowing if I got the same shit as her, I could have stayed. But I shouldn’t. “I’ll come by. Yeah? Don’t kill me… I gotta big ass truck, and she’s dirty as shit.”
“No worries,” she smiles sweetly. “I’ll see you there, Rafe. Oh, and thanks for the coffee again.” She reaches out, resting her hand on my arm.
“Of course, sweetheart.” I test a pet name, watching her smile widen. Just gorgeous.
I step away, walking towards the door. Looking over my shoulder as Y/n pulls out her phone, that same smile for Billy setting on her perfect lips.
He’s fucking dead.
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I pull up toward the parking lot, falling into the line of cars; a caravan of dicks with their windows already rolled down. Fuckin’ dogs. I lean out as well, surveying the scene looking for her. Jesus fuckin’ Christ. I watch the gaggle of girls prancing around in their bikinis, excitement building as I frantically look for her.
My heart skips as I see her sporting the most clothes, donning yet the sluttiest outfit of them all. She’s an absolute fuckin’ tease in her cut-off jean shorts and white t-shirt, soaked with water. The material clings to her curves, teasing me with her little triangle top, gathered slightly, barely covering her tits.
She leans over and reaches into the bucket, pulling out a sponge before ringing out the soap. A guy rolls down the window of his Mercedes, bending his neck to watch as she washes the side. I can already tell where this is goin’. He smirks, watching her ass as she leans down, cleaning the rear fender. “Aww, sweetheart,” he soughs, “Uhh…You missed a spot.” Y/n smiles sweetly, lowering to where she was before, making me huff out an aggravated breath.
Her friend walks over with a hose, spraying down the suds that y/n left behind. Tori Clarence, a late-night Delta regular. She says something that makes Y/n laugh. Y/n claps back, teasing her sister through a wicked smile. Tori lifts the gun, spraying y/n with a stream of water, hitting her directly on her tits.
Y/n gasps as her shirt turns from milky white to practically see-through, the chilly water running down her perfect body, making her nipple hard. She panics to get warm, reaching for the bottom of her shirt. Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Holy fuck. She pulls it over her body: soft skin, perfect boobs, and wet hair. Little lines of water cascade down her bare skin, rounding her curves catching on the denim of her shorts. Her eyes fall down her body, eyeing her damp state.
“Just do it, baby girl,” I moan, watching as she pinches her top button. I grab mine as well, tugging it open with her. I hiss at the sensation of my rock-hard cock in my hand, feeling some relief. This is the first time I’ve touched myself all day. I was edging myself as I studied her Instagram and TikTok page, saving my favorites to my phone. When I saw her in the parking lot, I swear I could have cum untouched.
I start to fist my cock as she leans over the trunk, her body perfectly positioned like I’m taking her from the back. Goddamn. I’d snake my rough hand up her soft skin, following the curve of her arched spine, drifting into her hair. I’d pull it back, feeling her pussy clench around my big dick. I’d spank her, cracking her tight little ass with the palm of my hand, leaving her red and bruised. Just one of the many ways I’d mark my girl. “Fuck, Y/n,” I moan her name as heat radiates through my body.
She walks along the side of the next car, letting me see her little triangle top: light blue, thin material, the blush of nipples visible. I roll my hand over my tip, whimpering at the sensation, imagining myself hitting the back of her throat as tears pool in her pretty, innocent eyes. Y/n looking up at daddy, mascara running down her cheeks as she throats me like the slut I know she can be. I’d hold her head in my hands, using her mouth to stroke my cock. My perfect little toy…
Fuck. I got a Fleshlight with her name on it. I’m gonna use those pictures when I get home… Gotta get myself ready for tonight. She has no clue what she’s in for. What I wouldn’t give to have my cock in her hand instead of my own. I’d make her jerk me off as she pleaded for my dick deep in that pretty tight cunt. I bet she’s so goddam wet. So, so fuckin’ tight.
“I know, baby. Daddy’s gonna give you his dick. Don’t worry,” I mumble, feeling my breathing start to increase with my pleasure. I thrust into my hand, fucking up into my fist as I watch her undo the loosened side strings of her bikini, tightening it again.
I eye the sign, catching the time. 11-4 PM. Yes… They’ll be here all afternoon. Just need to make a pit stop. Grab a pair of panties. Whatever I can get. I need to taste her. Stuff ‘em in my mouth as I study my prize. My hips stutter as I feel myself about to bust, imagining just how sweet she’ll taste. I work myself quicker, taking hold of my steering wheel as I rut into my hand.
‘Rafe. Rafe. Rafe.’ I can hear it now. See my little whore creamin’ on my cock as I give it to her over and over again.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum, baby girl. Where do you want it?”
‘Deep in my pussy… Please, baby’. She’ll whimper and beg, pleading to get stuffed full. I’m gonna brush my fingers over her swollen clit, making her gush all over my cock and thighs, wetting everything around us until I’m pumping her full of my cum.
I’ll watch it drip out of her puffy pink hole, fucking it right back in, cleaning the rest off with my tongue before spitting it in her mouth.
My perfect cumslut.
I need it drippin’ out of her for days. Watchin’ my little angel walk into class, knowing just how good I dicked her down. I’ll watch her from my seat as she cleans the little cum tear off her inner thigh, slipping it between her lips as her eyes flick to mine, sucking it clean.
No one will have her again. “She was made for me.” The thought alone has my hand faltering; jaw falling slack. My stomach sinks, eyes doubling as she looks in my direction, matching my gaze. “Fuckkk…” My eyes roll back in my skull, toes curling, head thrown to the headrest as I cum harder than I ever have. Shit. I don’t even care if she saw. If she’s any girl of mine, she’d want to see it anyway.
My dirty little whore.
I look down at my jizz covered hand and lap. Goddamnit. I clear the gap between my car and the next before ripping off my shirt and wiping away my mess. I flip my hat on, snagging my protein shaker bottle from the passenger’s seat floor as I try to disguise the real reason I’m covered head to toe in sweat. I do my best to control my breathing, still running high from my climax, hit with the post-nut clarity that she may have seen it all.
She looks happy to see me… Real happy. Y/n smiles, making my heart race again as I meet her gorgeous eyes. She greets me happily, trotting up to my truck. “How are you doin’, sweetheart?”
She dunks her hand into the soapy bucket, grabbing a sponge. “Livin’ the dream,” y/n smiles, moving closer than expected. I take in her perfume, already so familiar to me, the smell of it revving me right up again.
“Sorry. I’m a sweaty mess,” I sigh. Her gaze falls down my body, studying me with a bashful smile.
“Just got done with a workout?” She asks.
“Mhmm…” I smile and nod in reply. “Pay now? Pay later?” I invite as I snag my wallet.
“Now,” she sings. “Donation based, so whatever you’re willing to give.” I thumb through my wallet, plucking out $200.
“Rafe…” She breathes, taking it off my hands. “Are you sure? This is a little much.” Y/n looks down at the cash in her hands before meeting my eyes again.
“Positive,” I assure.
“Well, that is very nice, Rafe Cameron,” she coos. Y/n uses my last name, making my stomach drop. She wouldn’t have known my last name unless she did some digging. I didn’t give it to her; I never said anything in class before today. She must have looked me up on Instagram or Snapchat… Maybe she asked one of her sisters about me.
I fight off a wide smile as she gets started on the car. She takes her time, putting in a little more effort than the cars before. She walks to the front of the cab, leaning over, breast jiggling as she swirls and circles the sponge on the hood. She rises a little higher on her tippy toes, unable to reach the rest.
“Here you go, babe.” Her friend sets down a ladder for Y/n. She bends over once more, the angle alone making my cock rock hard again as I imagine us fucking raw. Tonight… I’ll bend her over on the bathroom counter, just like she is now, the bass of the party on the street not even loud enough to cover her cries and my moans. I’ll pound into her as the slaps of our skin fill the bathroom. Her eyes shift to mine, catching my stare. She doesn’t drop focus, keeping her eyes on me as she continues to scrub. A smirk spreads on her lips, mirroring my own.
Baby girl…
Y/n steps down from the ladder before walking to her friend, grabbing the hose off her hands; taking her job instead. She sprays down the truck, cleaning off the suds. The light breeze catches the flow of water, sending little beads of it flying, catching on her perfect skin. My mouth waters as I imagine licking the glaze of it off her skin. Fuck… I don’t think I can take this.
“Alright, Mr. Cameron. You’re all set,” she smiles as she eyes her work. I bite my lip and nod.
“Thank you, princess. See you tonight.”
I pull forward, watching her from my wing mirror as she greets the next car. Her excitement fades as she welcomes the next. Good fuckin’ girl.
Next stop, Phi Mu.
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A/N: Writing Part 2 after Kinktober 💋
tag list and masterlist on my pinned post
@starkeysprincess @rafesthroatbaby @gri959 @loserboysandlithium @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account @akobx @darlydixon83 @hyperfixationgirl @savayvayblr-blog @oxpogues4lifexo @rafesgiirl @sleepiibunniiii
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l o o k | a t | m e
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l o o k | a t | m e
Y/n and Tim are sharing a very intimate moment, and he wants nothing more than for her to look at him. Let's be honest, who doesn't want to look at him?!
Warnings and such: ummm yeahhhh....absolutely smutty...soft smut, but still smut! 18+ no minors. Some swearing and mentions of spit...definitely not proofread! let me know if I missed something?
A/N: I have a lot of smut written in general and I like it better than the soft stuff, but i like soft stuff! Not sure how I feel about this one so lmk!
ALSO: lmk what other tags i should add to these posts!
"Look at me."
His voice was gentle but demanding, the echo of his words like a lifeline to drag me back to reality, out of this incoherent but beautiful headspace.
Look at me
Like a soft echo, something to focus on. His voice.
My back arched and hips rolled. I felt like I was on fire, and I was loving every moment of it. As I tried with any strand of willpower I had left to open my eyes, the vision of Timothée came into focus. He was beautiful. He was always beautiful, but this was a different kind of beautiful.
"Look at me," He repeated, smiling softly down at me.
With pleasure.
A few moments passed, or maybe a few hours, before my eyes grew heavy again, vision blurred as I fought against rolling my eyes back with pleasure.
I gasped loudly, a string of groans following instantly as he bent over me, his hips burrowing into mine as he thrusted deeper into me. My legs wrapped tightly around his lower back, hands clawing desperately at him. I thought, for a moment, I would die if I lost the feeling. He dropped to his elbows, caging me below him and began trailing sloppy kisses across my neck and chest, interrupted only by feverish pants and profanities which presented themselves as deep groans through gritted teeth.
"T-Tim," I gasped again, feeling his hips roll in an effort to get impossibly further inside me. My nails dug into his back before reaching for his shoulders.
I was desperate. I could feel it coursing through my body. Close wasn't close enough.
Sweat dampened curls bounced in front of my eyes and tickled my nose when he took a moment to look down at where our bodies met. That was one of his favorite sights in the world. My hand reached higher, tugging the hair at the top of his head- I needed his eyes on me. I needed him to watch me come undone beneath him. He obliged.
One hand snakes it's way under my shoulder, pulling me down to meet his thrusts. There was no way of possibly being any closer, but everything was worth a try. My hips rolled up again, head back and my shut tightly. I opened my mouth, desperate to scream out the tingling sensation that rumbled in my stomach, but nothing came out. My breath quickened and I managed a moan, but nothing near what I was feeling on the inside.
"Look...at me," Tim repeated, panting between thrusts. His arm left my shoulder, finger trailing lightly down my stomach until he reached the bundle of nerves I had between us. I didn't need to open my eyes to see the smirk on his face, but my eyes opened quickly at the warm feeling of fluid that wasn't my own landing just above where I needed him to touch me. I looked down and watched as he spit drooled again, thumb collecting it and pressing harshly against me.
I was done.
I screamed, legs shaking around him as my orgasm washed over me. He continued to fuck me through it, wave after wave of pleasure consuming my body. It was almost too much. Almost.
"Fuck!" He grunted loudly, fingers digging into my hips as he chased his own release.
The room was silent, aside from the two of us desperately trying to catch our breaths. There was no more moaning, groaning or echoing of skin against skin. I whimpered as he pulled out of me, the empty feeling consuming all of my thoughts. I hated it. Tim ran a finger up my slit, collecting whatever juices spilled out on the tip of his finger.
I did as I was told, the salty taste in my throat sent a new wave of excitement through my. I fought, again, to open my eyes, to take in the sight of him- sweaty and restless and fucked. Though heavy eyelids I watched him stand, pull on a pair of long forgotten boxers and run his hands though his hair. He smiled when he caught sight of me staring.
"Pretty baby," He whispered, climbing back in bed and straddled my still shaking hips. "you alright?"
"Mhmm," I mumbled, not sure if I could remember how to talk.
He smiled and bent over me, feather light kisses trailing across my face, down my neck and across my collarbones. His hair, once again, ticking my nose. I ran my fingers gently up and down his back, soothing the raised lines and crescent shaped bumps I had left against his skin. They'd be gone my morning, almost entirely anyway, but for the rest of the night, each touch was reminder and heated my body with excitement and anticipation.
"Come on," his voice echoed in my ears again as he spoke, climbing off of me again. "Let's get cleaned up."
I didn't move. I couldn't. I wanted more.
"Y/n," He cooed again. "Look at me..."
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lcriedlastnight · 1 month
Can you do a fluffy and angsty fic for Lando after Austria, his girl comforting him. I'm surprised there aren't more after what happened under the tags but the only ones that were there are smut, which I don't really want to read I want fluff and angst.
sorry it took me so long to respond anon! i've been swamped.
tw: fem! reader, swears, AUSTRIA!!!!, lmk if you want me to add anything.
w/c: 1k
you watch as lando trailed after max and you knew one of two things was inevitable. either lando was going to overtake max and finally take the lead after what seemed like forever, or the two boys were going to crash into each other.
you watch with one eye open every time lando tries to overtake max. you makes your body tense up as you fear that this will be the time their tires touch. you try to stay hopeful but you know that this will not end well, neither drivers willing to give up their positions and both trying to fight for that first place position.
it happens so quickly, it was a blink and you'll miss it incident. all you see is lando's mclaren try another move on max then something flying in the air. you can hear shouts from the mclaren team around you but you were still confused, you were not sure what exactly was happening. you watch as max slows down and lando finally overtakes him. you hear that he has received a five second penalty. you see a flash of a red bull fly past in the pit lane and then suddenly, lando's own car is stopped, practically half of its back wheel missing. it is then that it finally registers. they had contact and it had caused lando to retire from the race (you later found out it was his own decision).
you had not been with lando long enough to know what to do in this kind of situation. you just stay where you are for ten minutes until maybe the last few laps of the race when you feel lando's presence looming around you.
he does not even have to ask you to follow him as he heads towards his drivers room, head bowed down, not even looking where he was going. the boy was lucky he did not walk into any walls. if it had been any other situation you would have laughed at his carelessness but right now you had no clue how to act.
once you were both in the privacy of his room, lando slumps down on the little couch headfirst. you linger at the door, your hands longing to soothe him and your mind crying out to tell him it will all be alright.
"are you alright?" you question. it comes off timid as much as you tried to seem confident. you knew it was a silly question. you knew he was not fine but you just felt like you had to ask. lando sighs into one of the throw pillows at the question. for some reason this is what spurs you to spring into action. you take the few steps over to join him on the couch and sit as the space next to his feet.
"lando, look at me." you tell him, you voice much more firm and stable than before. lando does as you ask and turns himself so he is facing you and looks at you so sadly he might as well have just ripped out your heart out and jumped on it right there and then.
"that was all max's fault. you did nothing wrong. you tried an overtake, you wouldn't be a racer if you just sat back and let max lead the whole race. you're the only person on the grid who is consistently challenging max every weekend, that's something to be proud of.” you grab his hand gently and let your thumb rub it's own path along the skin of wrist.
"i'm shit. i've had one win and now i can't seem to do it again and when i finally get the chance to, like today, max just fucks me up because he would rather dnf than finish second! and he didn't even retire the fucking car he actually kept on racing which makes me look even worse!" by the end of his rant his voice was louder and you could see the tears of frustration in his eyes.
you swiftly pull him up by his hand to be face to face with you. you hold eye contact with him, letting him know how much you meant what you were going to say.
"you are not shit, lando. you've had one win and now you're hungry for more, of course it's gonna hurt a little when you come second again but listen to me. every single race you are getting closer and closer to max. i know you want it to be now but just because it isn't doesn't mean you're shit. it just means that max knows you are more of a threat than before miami and he can't just saunter along like he did at the start of the season. you're doing so well, please don't doubt yourself."
lando listens through your entire rant without trying to interrupt once and once you are finished talking he drops his head into your lap. "i really, really thought i was gonna get it this time. i really wanted it." he mumbles into your thigh. you know it is killing him and you cannot stand it. you know the only thing you can do to help him though, is to listen to him and give him the most comfort you can manage.
you sigh, hand coming to run through his sweaty, messy curls. "i know, baby. it's coming and it will be so fucking great when it does. i'll be here waiting for you and then we can celebrate like it's first, huh? that sound good?"
you can feel the small smile lando manages on your leg as he nods against it.
you stay like that for what seems like ages but you know it cannot be that long because before lando can even ask the time there is a knock on his door, alerting him that he had press to do in two minutes. he sighs and hauls himself from his comfortable position.
"you're so strong lan, be strong." you tell him with a quick kiss to his lips. lando knows it is a good luck kiss. lando also knows that you know how much he hates doing any kind of press or media when he was feeling like this.
"wish you could come with me." lando's frown is so deep it sort of looks like a half pout half frown. you smile at his cuteness.
"when you come back we can go back to the hotel, order in and watch that adam sandler film you like."
this seems to perk the boy up significantly as he give you a peck on the forehead before rushing out to get his media done and dusted. a night in with you sounded like heaven to him right now. he did not want to me reminded of the events of the day's race but he would put up with it for the end result. you and him cuddled up, together. it is all he ever wants.
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miyukisu · 16 days
All Over Me .ᐟ
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❤︎ | Amidst the cruelty of the world, he's your therapy ╰ feat. toji fushiguro x afab! reader
tags - based on Therapy by Khalid, friends with benefits, angst, p*rn with plot, yearning, toxic-ish relationship, both of them have self-destructive habits, drinking, drunk sex, non-jjk au but Toji remains an assassin, soft dom! Toji, sweet & passionate sex, shower sex, creampies, overstimulation, happy ending, mentions of blood and injuries but not from the sex, second chances, praise, p in v
minors do not interact
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They say that time heals all wounds. But you've ceased to believe that. The gaping emptiness in your heart has never seemed to fix itself no matter how long you waited.
But there were rare moments when it felt fine—when your heart felt full enough that it could burst. Temporary fix was what it was. But it was better than nothing at all. You found solace in the one person that you shouldn't. But again, it was better than nothing at all.
You watched as he got up and sat by the edge of the bed, preparing to leave. As much as you loved his broad back and the way his muscles rippled every time he moved, you hated to see it like this—as a sign of his impending departure.
"You're leaving?" you ask as if this wasn’t a regular occurrence. But you still ask the same question each time and he answers every time. It's the same thing no matter what; Toji fucks you real good and leaves right after.
He picks up the black shirt that was discarded to the side before the two of you got frisky. Toji easily slid it back on his hulking frame. And maybe it’s because you were fucking with no strings attached that you oddly felt aroused and sad at the same time. The way he dressed up to leave was effortlessly hot—in fact, anything that Toji Fushiguro did, you found it hot. But that never changed the fact that he always would leave you high and dry.
A soft and almost disappointed sigh left his scarred lips. “Yeah. I gotta go,” he replies flatly.
Every inch he takes farther from you—a part of your heart hollows. And recently, you’ve been feeling as if there was a piece of your heart that never felt filled up like it used to. There was always something missing.
It’s not like you didn’t know what it was. You did know and that part is what scared you the most… because you were sure you have fallen in love with Toji Fushiguro. The missing piece that you were secretly craving for was his love—pure, unadulterated love. The same love both of you agreed to never fall into.
But here you were.
Usually when he said he was leaving, that was the end of it. No more words were to be exchanged. But tonight was different.
“I’m not coming back after this,” he adds. He was as straightforward as one can be, yet the thought couldn’t fully sink in to you. No, you didn’t want it to sink in. It had to be fake or you swear you’d die.
You open your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Any logical argument flew right out the window the moment he said he’d never return. “What? What do you mean! Toji? But we were… we were doing okay? Right?” you asked rather desperately. “Right?”
“Do you love me?”
The question was heavy—too fucking heavy for you to handle. But you figured what would happen next lies in how you choose to answer his question. You knew the right answer—the one that would make him stay.
But by God; you cannot find it in yourself to lie to him and especially to yourself. You loved him. That was the fact of the matter, regardless of how hard you try to deny it.
However, soon as you uttered the word "yes" —Toji Fushiguro was out the door and out of your life.
Toji thought he had made the right decision. All of a sudden, Shiu was dumping so much work on him that he had to work until the late hours of the evening. He wouldn't really have time to visit you anyway. So it all worked out in the end.
But those were thoughts he conjured up to comfort himself. He didn't really believe that he had gone down the right path with you.
Or maybe it was some kind of withdrawal? Perhaps the sex was too fucking good that now he wasn't getting it—he was starting to feel miserable. It was the same as the time he quit drinking or the time he quit gambling.
Then, he wondered when he let go of those things.
"Ah... it was because of her," he thought to himself. He inadvertently became a better person because of the woman he claimed he only slept with.
Toji felt awful for making you feel like it was your fault everything fell apart—when in fact he was the one who fell hard. He was the one who was afraid that his feelings would fuck everything up.
Both of you break rules. Both of you were very very miserable people. And maybe that's why you two go so well together.
Toji knew he was fucked in the head. He had to be. After all, he did kill people for a living. But also because he was currently walking up to your apartment at 2 in the morning covered in his own blood.
He didn't care if anyone saw him or if you figure out his line of work. All he knew in his head—no, his heart—that he wanted to see you.
The feeling that he had been seeking out for weeks finally filled him to his very bones now that he stood in front of you. He was sure that you'd be asleep, but you answered your door way too fast. Behind you, he can see the glass of whiskey you had been nursing before he came over. It broke his heart a bit that you returned to drinking most likely because of him.
You weren't sure what to feel. On one hand, the man you dreamt of every night of coming back did come back—knocking at your door, asking for forgiveness. But on another, he was fucking covered in blood.
"W-what happened to you?"
"I kill people for a living," he says, not wanting to beat around the bush anymore. "It's mine. Don't worry," he adds, referring to the blood that had dried and painted his body—as if that makes things any better.
Rather than be scared like every other person would be, all your brain did was justify him. The real world was cruel; people like him had to exist. People just live too much of a comfortable life that jobs like these scare them before considering the nuances. Maybe he killed bad people specifically. That was okay, right?
It had to be. You wanted nothing more than to have him again. Every fiber of your body told you so.
Maybe you were fucked in the head too.
Did it make you a bad person for feeling so good in his arms? With his lips on yours and his hands groping very part of you that he could? Probably. But you could care less.
The warm water of the shower trickled down your entangled bodies. Not much of cleaning was done when the both of you were too busy making out and making up for lost time. Truth be told, it was crazy how both of you just made your way here without much words exchanged.
It was like you just knew—his sins had to be washed away and you had to be in each other's presence again.
"I can't take it anymore," he whispered in your ear. Toji grabbed the flesh of your thigh, lifting your leg up and hooking it around his waist. His aching cock teased your dripping entrance.
Oh, how he missed this feeling.
There was a sense of desperation and need with the way he sunk himself into you so quickly. He sheathed everything right away without a second thought. After not feeling his cock for a few weeks, the abrupt stretch was painfully good.
He had to go faster. He lifted your other leg up, now hooking both around his waist so you hovered in the air. Toji held you up easily by the ass—big calloused hands gripping on your smooth silky skin.
He fucked into you without a care in the world. If anything, all that mattered in the moment was for him to chase that high that he missed. Every hard thrust he gave you earned a new scratch on his back from your nails.
Toji was relentless with how he pounded his cock into your weeping pussy—that all you could do was to hold on to him for dear life. A string of moans and curses left your lips and they went straight to his ears, urging him to go even faster.
You were louder than usual since you were a bit tipsy from the whiskey, but more so because he was fucking you so good. You hoped that the sound of the running water would mask a bit of your noises.
It was like your cunt had memorized the shape, the curve, and every vein of his dick. You were made for each other, more ways than one.
"Fuckkk," he groaned. "You missed this, baby? 'Cuz I sure fucking did."
A breathless moan came out of you rather than a coherent answer. It hasn't even been 15 minutes and you were already out of it. "Hah... yes. Missed this. Missed you."
Toji felt a bit ridiculous how his balls tightened and his cock twitched at your sweet words. It only confirmed his feelings. What he was feeling right now wasn't merely lust, but also love. To show you his sincerity, he made sure to shoot his load deep within you—right where you can feel it.
He was feeling more generous than usual today. And by that he meant he needs to fill you up even more. Though it was hardly an excuse for him just wanting to wrap his dick with the warmth of your pussy.
The fact that both of you were still wet from the shower became an afterthought as he carried you to bed. It was going to get drenched anyway. Besides, he was starting to feel confined in the small shower space. He had a primal need to bend you over backwards, to fuck you senseless in every way that he possibly could.
"Don't hafta move for me, alright? Lemme take care of you hm?" he gently whispered in your ear. He let you be a pillow princess for the night as a way to atone for his mistake. His pretty lady was about to get nothing else but unsullied pleasure.
He softly bit into your neck before sliding his cock right back where it belonged. Toji felt strange that louder groans were leaving his lips, hence the need to bite your neck, your shoulders, and especially your chest.
His pace never slowed as his lips roamed your upper half. He left marks all over because he thought it would make him feel better—to see the proof that you were all his. He rolled your sensitive nipple between the pads of his fingers, wanting to push you further.
"Keep making those sounds. Fuck. I won't last long if you're like this."
Without warning, he slid out momentarily to flip you over. Your cheek was now pressed against the damp sheet of your bed while he held up your ass in the air. He meant it when he said you didn't have to move at all.
He gripped your waist so tightly that you were sure it would leave marks, but that wouldn't be the first time it happened.
He easily slid his cock right back in, rearing to thrust mindlessly into you again. But before that, he leaned down and pressed gentle kisses on your nape—all the way down to your back. Once he was satisfied, he began to snap his hips against you.
Toji was able to go faster now that you were on the bed. It left you a drooling and moaning mess. He let go of your hips, deciding to plant one hand on the mattress beside your head while the other slithered down to play with your neglected clit.
Toji was a man of many talents, but he was certainly the best at fucking your pussy and toying with your clit at the same time. You don't think any other man could fuck you as good as he does. And you might be right.
For some reason, he too was feeling extra sensitive. Maybe those lonely nights he spent fisting his cock to the memories of you two just weren't enough to satisfy him completely. He wanted this. He needed this.
He leaned down, almost crushing you with his weight as he wrapped his thick arms around your waist. He wanted to feel all of your warmth and inhale your scent while he pounded into you.
"Toji... so good. You fuck me so good."
"Yeah? You think so?" Another groan leaves him. "Pussy takes me in so well... makes me think we're made for each other hm?"
Hearing him say that made your pussy clamp down on him. And you know he felt it with the way he squeezed you even more with his arms. He was totally overwhelming you, but you weren't one to complain.
A small smile crossed his lips once he felt your sweet pussy flutter around him. He missed this feeling too.
"You gonna cum for me now? C'mon let it all out. You deserve it."
And you did while screaming his name. You came so violently that your vision went white and blurry for a moment. Tears rolled down your eyes, overjoyed with the intense orgasm, but more so because of his sweet words.
He hasn't said it yet, but you knew that you felt the same way for each other.
Though he wasn't done yet. He was far from done.
You were still reeling from the mind blowing orgasm he gave you when he peeled your body off of the bed. Toji kept his arms wrapped snugly around your body as made both of you kneel upright on the mattress.
One hand held you by the waist while the other roughly cupped one breast. Now that you've came more than once, he was free to chase his own climax.
He kept fucking into you—wanting nothing else but to cum buckets into your pussy. He couldn't help but bite into your shoulder again, trying to suppress the embarrassing sounds he threatened to spill out.
Your ass was starting to hurt from all the skin slapping against each other and your cunt was overstimulated as ever. He was breaking you, but you loved every second of it.
"I'm so close, ma... Tell me that you love me. Tell me," he commanded.
"I love you... so so much. I love you, Toji."
Shit. He wasn't strong enough to resist that. Ropes of cum filled your cunt. Toji held you down on his dick as if you were going to escape from him. He rode out his high, letting his cock twitch inside you until nothing was left of him.
Once you realized that you had passed out, a sinking feeling filled your chest. You were scared to be met in an empty and dirtied bed—alone like before.
But you were surprised to feel clean and dry sheets against your skin. But most of all, you were happy to see him beside you, asleep and with the most relaxed expression you've seen on him.
You could sleep soundly again knowing that he would stay for good this time.
©kzyluvr do not repost/reupload/translate any of my works on other platforms
╰ author's note hmm, I guess I'm kinda happy with this. I hope I did him justice
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urfavoritegirlkisser · 8 months
ooh for hazel maybe a fic where hazel is fully oblivious to the fact that reader likes her and misses their very obvious flirting until someone makes a joke about the two of them
idk i feel like that’s something she would do lmao
Oh for sure, she is definitely very oblivious when it comes to someone flirting with her
Tags: Fem!Reader, Hazel is so oblivious, swearing, a smidge of angst and insecure!reader, use of y/n, slightly suggestive at the end but it's no big deal honestly, lightly proof read, girls kissing (giggling and kicking my feet)
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"Friends Don't Look At Friends That Way" - Hazel Callahan x Reader
“Maybe we could go hang out at your place? You could help me study for Mr.G’s final” You say, lightly grazing your fingertips on Hazel’s arm while batting your eyelashes up at her.
“Didn’t he literally give us the test answers as a study guide?” Hazel says, oblivious to your flirtation as always.
This was the billionth time it feels like that Hazel has shut you down, and honestly, you’re sick of it.
You decide to try a different tactic, gently grabbing her hand and admiring her rings, “I just love your rings” you rub your thumb across them and let your other hand rest on her thigh.
“Thanks! Most of them were gifts from friends, and this one was from a cool thrift shop downtown” Hazel rambles on while you sigh as she continues to ignore your obvious attempts at flirting with her.
You genuinely thought all hope was lost…until you heard PJ shout from across the gym.
“Jesus! Get a room you two, have some decency for the rest of us and go fuck in the janitor’s closet!” the girl shouts and your face heats up as a deep blush settles over your cheeks
Hazel scoffs, “What? We’re just friends PJ, don’t be a loser” she says while laughing nervously.
It took all of your willpower not to crumble right then and there.
You’ve had enough of this, you weren’t going to put in all this effort for someone who just sees you as a friend. Sniffling as tears start to form in your eyes from embarrassment, you quickly excuse yourself and practically run out of the gymnasium.
Your feet carry you to an abandoned classroom, where you let yourself finally let out the sobs you were holding in. Of course Hazel didn’t feel the same, why would she? She was amazing in every way and you were just some loser.
You’re so consumed in your thoughts that you don’t hear the door crack open and Hazel slowly walk inside.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” she says in a near whisper, but it still makes you jump and quickly look up at Hazel while wiping your tears.
“Hazel, what are you doing here? The club meeting is about to start, you know how PJ is with people being late” you try to speak in a confident voice, but it comes out shaky and thick from the lump of emotions in your throat and you look away from her so she can’t see your tears.
Hazel shakes her head and sits down beside you, “You’re more important than a stupid meeting” she says softly, “Josie told me about your feelings for me”
You groan at her words and put your head on your knees, looking back at her with a sniffle, “I’m so sorry Hazel, I get it if you don’t feel the same way and I won’t blame you-” your words are cut off by Hazel grabbing your face and hurriedly pressing her lips to yours in a bruising kiss.
You shriek in surprise at first, but quickly kiss back, shuddering as you feel her tongue enter your mouth.
Hazel pulls you onto her lap, your fingers threading into her soft hair as her hands rest on your hips. You both pull away after a moment, pupils blown, breaths heavy as the both of you just stare at each other for a moment.
Hazel is the first to speak up, “I’ve actually wanted to do that since the first time I saw you” she says breathlessly while moving a hand up to cradle your jaw and gently stroke your face with her thumb, “You are so beautiful y/n, I would be lucky to be able to call you mine” she says with a smile that makes your heart melt
“And I’m sorry for being such an idiot” she quickly adds which makes you laugh
You kiss her softly, pulling away just enough so your foreheads touch and you can just live in this tiny moment the both of you have created.
“As long as I can call you my idiot, then that’s all that matters” you say before the both of you dissolve into giggles.
an - meant to post more today, but got hit with a wicked migraine, so I hoped you enjoyed. Go drink water you girl kissers.
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ayrastv · 13 days
got a thing for the troublemaker?!
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sypnosis : you and the student council president—rin, have a tendency to piss eachother off. what if this rivalry turns into something else?
content : reader is reffered as ‘miss’ or ‘her’ (i hate writing ‘name’ ‘y/n’). very light angst, you’re both in CRAZYYY denial, fluff, you’re a troublemaker :p EXTREMELLLLYYY CORNY and overused storyline..i am sorry🙏🙏🙏, cursing, highschool au and idk what else to add
tagging @megutime !
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“this is dumb.” rin sighs, the principle made a poll whether there should be a school prom, or a sports event. of course, rin voted the sports event. whats the point of a school prom?
and not to his surprise, the school prom won. the principle left the job of setting up the prom to the student council president, rin swears this event is gonna be the death of him.
he’s currently buying some supplies with the vice president felena. “i think this fabric would make good ribbons.” she holds up the silky white fabric to show rin, he just nods in approval.
“so, have you decided who you’re taking to prom?” felena asks, the blush evident on her face. (rin is too dense to notice).
“no one.” he says blankly, causing felena to give him a dissapointed look, but thats okay, theres plenty of time. (for what?)
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rin is taking the boxes of materials to the student council room when suddenly, he’s pushed to the side harshly, stumbling upon the boxes. “what the hell-“
“oh, my bad pres!” you continue running, you were trying to catch your friend in the hall, running around aimlessly (which is, also against the hall rules)
“tch..” if looks could kill, you’d be dead because rin is glaring at you from afar. he’d get you in trouble by now, but he has to bring these materials to the room, he’ll get you later though, for sure.
rin sets down the boxes on the shelf, his mates are discussing about the setup. “oh, hey rin!” felena greets him first. “we’ve got a gist of what to do, we’re gonna need more help though. we’ll need some students to volunteer.” rin grumbles, already knowing he’ll have to take care of that.
“fine, ill try to get some people to help.” its gonna be a headache, but he’ll get through it.
ring ring ring!
“oh, shit.” rin didn’t even realise the time, it was already time for classes. “we’ll continue this during break.” rin hastily leaves the room.
rin checks what class he has first, ugh, of course it has to be history. he rushes to the class, he’s already 5 minutes late. (it doesn’t matter much, he’s the teachers pet so he’ll get away with it.)
when rin enters the class the professor politely lets him in, but you’re the first one to break the silence. “wow, a whole 7 minutes late pres. didn’t expect that from you.” you tease.
“shut up, will you?” he glares, he hasn’t forgotten about your little mischief from earlier, you’re definitely not escaping detention today.
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honestly, you hate classes, which is why you’re eyes are currently fighting your consciousness, daring to close shut. rin doesn’t fail to notice, he’s always trying to find ways to get you in trouble, afterall.
“professor.” rin speaks up. “you might wanna check up on her.” the teacher turns to you, realising you’re asleep. he walks over to your table, hitting his duster on it so you wake up.
“well, Miss sleeping beauty, would you like to explain to the entire class about the topic?” your teacher asks sternly, you take a moment to recollect your surroundings.
“oh, uh.” shit, you’re in trouble. “i would not.” your professor gives you a disappointed look. “stand, for the entire class. atleast you wont fall asleep like that.” your professor returns to his spot and continues explaining the topic.
you can feel eyes on you, chatter and laughter about you, nothing your not used to but god its annoying. you especially notice your rival looking quite smug—he’s the one that told the teacher, didn’t he?
ill get you back, just you wait itoshi.
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during break, you had a little scheme, a classic prank, you’d put a little hit me note on his back, his reaction to people constantly hitting him would be priceless!
you’re walking to the halls with your little sticky note, trying to spot the itoshi. ah! there he is, by that locker. you could never miss his tall figure.
you realise he’s talking to someone, you gotta execute this carefully. you hide behind a nearby locker, sticky note in your hand just waiting to be sticked on his back.
“this is the list of food items we decided on.” felena hands rin the list, and you don’t miss the way her hand brushes against rin’s, lingering a bit too long for your—hey, wait, why are you paying this much attention to such a mundane detail?
“mhm. ill take care of it.” rin nods.
“so, uhm. have you decided yet?” felena asks.
“decided what?”
“who to take to prom..” felena smiles at him.
“oh, okay. anyways..ill see you later.” she walks away.
rin shrugs, not giving her constantly asking that question too much thought. however, you, on the other hand are deep in thought about the whole conversation, your sticky note is long forgotten, fallen to the ground as your brain cant stop thinking about the whole scene.
you feel..troubled? you honestly have no idea, but you’re getting pretty bad vibes right now. “i must not be feeling good from all that running..” you’re gonna avoid the feeling, for now. its probably fleeting, right?
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this isn’t what you planned for at all.
of course that dumb principle had to give you the worst punishment of all—help your enemy set up the prom decorations, really?
you scoff as you fold the fabric into ribbons, damn that itoshi. it wasn’t that serious, right? you had no harmful intentions! but wait, how did you even get here?
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“he’ll never see it coming!” you thought, waiting behind the door with your water bottle, ready to splash it right in his face.
you’re still not over what happened during history class, when you heard rin’s gonna be taking some files from the storage room, you just had to sneak in there! how could you not?
“cant believe im wasting my time moving around these pa-“ splash! there’s water all over his face….and.. the test papers?
you fucked up.
“what the fuck..” rin is furious, you know you’re not going to hear the end of it…but how were you supposed to know he was holding the test papers?!
“you’re done, you’re fucking done.” rin glares at you, he looks like he’s about to punch you but he has some restraint.
“whats going on here?” the principle notices the commotion, coming over, when he see’s the wet test papers he already knows you’re the reason for this.
“Miss, you’re in huge trouble.” uh oh. “both of you, to my office, now.” he leaves.
“dang it..” you sigh. “this is all because of your idiot ass.” rin doesn’t waste time, taking your arm and dragging you to the office.
“we’re here, sir.” rin enters the room with you.
“explain yourself, miss.” the principle crosses his arms, demanding an explanation.
“ahh, well, you see. i was just doing a silly pra-“
“i’ve heard enough.” the principle looks stern. “these test papers were important, and this inconvenience is going to cause a lot of problems in the schedule, do you understand that?”
“..yes sir.”
“good, you’re punishment is to set up the entire prom, you too rin. call the others off duty.”
“what?” rin looks angry. “me? im not th-“
“don’t make me repeat myself.”
“i understand.” rin grits his teeth, as soon as you left the principle’s office, rin scolded your ear off. (he looked cute when he’s angry), wait what are you talking about?!
so, thats why you’re here now, setting up the ballroom with rin. “hey, idiot, pass me the scissors.” rin shouts from the other side. you grumble, taking the scissors and walking over to him.
you don’t realise you’re pointing out the sharp side of the scissors, and rin unknowingly reaches out for it and a cut pierces through the skin of his finger. “ow!” rin squints at the cut.
“oh, oops.” you shrug it off. “don’t you know the giver is suppose to hold the sharp side, dumbass?” rin scolds as usual. “you’ll be fineee, ill get you a bandaid.” you head over to your bag, getting an emergency bandaid.
you walk over to him, bandaid in hand. “show me your finger.”
“i can do it myself.”
“just show it, bro.” you huff. (im sorry THE BRO-ZONE HAHAHA)
“ugh, fine.” he holds out his hand, you’re surprisingly gentle as you wrap the bandaid around his long finger, pressing it to make sure it doesn’t peel off, your touch feels nice, warm and—
“heyyyyyy, ‘thank you’???” you cross your arms, he snaps out of his daydreaming.
“whatever, thanks.”
it’s officially a day before the prom! unfortunately, all students have to attend. no one’s asked you, and honestly you dont plan on asking out anyone either—not like anyone would wanna go with you anyway.
“hey, rin.” the familiar voice startles you, eavesdropping is bad—but you never intended on being good anyway right?
“hm, whats up?” rin turns to felena.
“you know, the prom is tomorrow.” oh, you know where this is going.. “do you wanna be my date?” felena asks, a blush evident on her face.
you don’t know why, but you’re curious about rin’s answer, why are you scared he’ll say yes? you can’t shake off this feeling..
rin wasn’t used to this at all—he can’t believe his assistant was asking him out to prom, its not that he wanted to go with her- he just didn’t know how to reject her without causing much conflict.
he blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind.
“im…already going with someone.” he lies.
you’re in disbelief, and for some reason, sad, jealous..?
you didn’t think he’d have anyone, you thought he’d be like you, going alone. you don’t know why you’re so upset about this. its not like you care..right?
“oh.” felena brushes it off with a smile. “nice! who are you going with?” of course, she’s prying.
rin’s struck frozen for a second, think, think, think of a name, fast!
“im going with her.”
you’re shocked, did he just say your name? but he didn’t even ask you out-
am i relieved..?
for some reason, you’re relieved, but still, confused. you’re gonna need to talk to him. wait, why are you relieved? thats not the point right now anyway—felena just gives him a nod, as soon as she leaves you’re rushing over to him.
“what was that about?” your hands go to your hips as you ask him, a mischevious smirk on your face—one he’s seen quite a few times.
“you were eavesdropping? god, can you get any worse?” he sighs. “…i didn’t know how to reject her.” he looks away, trying to hide his red face. “can you, uh, play along?” does this mean what you think it means ?!
“of co- i mean, fine. you owe me for this though..” you conceal your excitement, no way you’re excited at going to prom with the itoshi rin right?
you’re getting ready for the big night, you’ve got your favorite dress on with some jewelry to compliment it, maybe you do care about rin’s approval a little more than you anticipated..but whatever, you can’t wait to see his jaw drop when he see’s your outfit!
you’re confidently walking to the ballroom, you enter and you can feel some eyes on you, distracted by the whispering and chatter in the room—
“hey, you only need to focus on me.” suddenly, you feel an arm around your waist, you’re face immediately burns up when you turn around and see none other than rin, your prom date.
“oh god, just s-shut up.” you look away, its hard to ignore his warm fingers clasping your dress, keeping you close so you don’t get lost. since when could he be a gentleman?
you both walk over to the main area, you admire your and rin’s work, it truly did pay off! you grab some punch, a classic for prom. “have some too, you’re such a party pooper.” you tease rin. “ill pass.” he grumbles.
most of the night goes on with you talking to some friends and making trouble (rin is there to stop you).
soon everyone goes back to their own group or date, you and rin are in a little corner away from the crowd. you decided to bring him here since you could tell he wasn’t that comfortable over there.
“hmm, ive given it some thought and your favor to me will be doing my homework for the week!” you say proudly, rin grumbles. “fine, figured your dumbass would ask for something like that.”
“hey, thats rude, bullying is against the school rules!”
“shut up.”
“shut me up.”
and before you know i-
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a/n : WOAH THERE!!! i’ve decided to split this fic into 2 parts! sorry but, you’ll have to wait to see part 2 (IM SORRY AHHAHAJA I LOVE CLIFF HANGERS) ANYWAYS.. MANGA READERS!! DID YOU GET THE REFERENCE OF WHAT RIN SAID WHEN THE EYES WERE ON U🥺🥺🥺 (i felt so genius writing that) UMM ANYWAYS this is really cliche and rushed..im sorry about that :(( BUT ngl i think i did a good job writing this.
i know, i am a little over 10 minutes late to rin’s birthday i am sincerely sorry i love you rin ur such a cutie i am totally not inlove with your brother!! 🫶🫶
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scoonsalicious · 6 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 16, Unaccompanied - Pt. 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language,
Word Count: 881
Previously On...: You were juuuuust about to leave for your first mission with Bucky, but have been felled by a nasty stomach bug, leaving Bucky to go off on the mission alone :(
A/N: Fuck it! I'm in a generous mood!
Dun, dun, DUN! NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when I update, please enable notifications from my Blog page!
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
Taglist: (Sadly, tag list is closed; Tumblr will not let me add anyone new. If you want to be notified when I update, please Follow me for Notifications!) @jmeelee @cazellen @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @blackhawkfanatic @buckybarnessimpp @hayjat @capswife @itsteambarnes @marygoddessofmischief @sebastians-love @learisa @lethallyprotected @rabbitrabbit12321 @buckybarnesandmarvel @fanfictiongirl77 @calwitch @fantasyfootballchampion @selella @jackiehollanderr @wintercrows @sashaisready @missvelvetsstuff @angelbabyyy99 @keylimebeag @maybefoxysouls @vicmc624 @j23r23 @wintercrows @crist1216 @cjand10 @pattiemac1@les-sel @dottirose @winterslove1917 @harperkenobi @ivet4 @casey1-2007 @mrsevans90 @steeph-aniie @bean-bean2000 @beanbagbitch @peachiestevie @wintrsoldrluvr @shadowzena43
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You woke up a few hours later. You felt a bit better, but an all encompassing fatigue still settled over your body. You stretched and grabbed your phone to check the time. Glancing at your phone’s screen, you saw you had multiple missed calls from Bucky, and text messages asking you to call him back as soon as you could.
Concerned, you hit the button to dial him back. He picked up immediately.
“Baby,” he breathed, sounding relieved. “I am so sorry, I have no idea how this happened, but I swear, I had nothing to do with it. I was fully prepared to go by myself, but—”
“Bucky,” you interrupted, “what are you talking about?”
“Fucking Carthage,” he seethed, and you could feel his anger through the phone. “She’s on the Quinjet with me. I told Steve I was fine going alone, but I set the autopilot for takeoff and she was just there. I’m so sorry, sweets. I know you got no reason to believe me, but I didn’t ask for this. I don’t want this. She’s the last person I want to be trapped in this bird with, let alone on a mission with. I locked myself in the fucking cockpit just to keep her the hell away from me.”
Your stomach dropped, but you could hear the anxiety and rage in his voice, and maybe you were stupid, but you truly believed this had taken him by as much surprise as it had taken you. “It’s okay, baby,” you told him after you’d taken a breath, not realizing you’d let the endearment slip through. “I believe you; it’s not your fault.”
“I promised you I’d cut her out,” he bemoaned. “This makes me a fucking piece of shit all over again, and I hate it. I hate what it must be doing to you right now. I’m so sorry.”
You were feeling nauseous again, though from your stomach bug or the current situation, you weren’t quite sure. “You can’t help this, Buck. It’s beyond your control, I get that. I really do. I know I can’t expect you to ignore her while you’re on a mission together. You don’t have to worry about breaking your promise to me right now, okay? It’s extenuating circumstances.”
“I’ll only talk to her about mission-related shit,” he promised. “I’ll ignore everything else, I swear.”
“Yeah,” you said, running a hand through your hair. “Yeah, that’s good. We can work with that, Buck. It’s okay; we can get through this.
“I’m so sorry, Pocket.” Bucky’s voice was mournful. “It’s another promise I made to you that I’m not keeping. 
You talked to him for a while longer, reassuring him you didn’t blame him for the current state of affairs, and that you weren’t going to hold any contact he needed to have with her against him. Occasionally, you could hear Jade pounding on the cockpit door, and Bucky would shout that, if it wasn’t about the mission, he didn’t want to hear it. 
After about an hour and a half, Bucky swore softly. “I’m sorry, sweets– looks like we’re heading into a storm. I’m gonna have to take the jet off autopilot and fly her manual til we’re through it.”
“Yeah, of course, Buck,” you said, knowing he was telling you he had to hang up. “Text me when you land, okay?”
“‘Course, doll,” he said, and you could hear him smile into the phone. “I’ll be doin’ everything in my power to get this mission over as soon as possible.”
“Just come home to me safe and sound, Barnes,” you told him. “That’s the important thing.” 
“Always,” he said. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Hey, Buck?” you asked, before he had a chance to hang up. “I love you, okay? So much.” You still did, despite everything, and you wanted him to know it.
“I don’t deserve you, sweetheart,” he said, “but I love you, too. More than anything.”
You said your goodbyes and were left in the quiet of your room. You needed to have a conversation with Tony, but before you set out to find him, you had one burning question you needed answered.
“Hey FRIDAY?” you called.
“Yes, Ms. (Y/L/N)?” came the disembodied Irish voice.
“Why didn’t you alert me when Sergeant Barnes and Ms. Carthage interacted aboard the Quinjet?” you asked.
“You asked for all interactions within the Tower,” FRIDAY replied. “The Quinjet does not technically meet the parameters of your request and thus was not included.”
You rolled your eyes. Of course the AI would get caught up in semantics. “Okay, fine. Adjust the parameters of the request to include any and all interactions occurring between the two on the Quinjet, as well,” you requested. 
The AI agreed, and you let out a sigh. You felt terrible about essentially spying on Bucky, but the truth was, you still didn’t fully trust him again. You wanted to, more than anything, but you just couldn’t. You hated what you had become, what the situation, his actions, had turned you into. If you were the kind of girl who believed in a higher power, you’d be praying to any deity who would listen that this mission would be over before your anxiety got the best of you.
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boobearymuch · 1 year
His Ghost on Film
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Summary: Leon never talked much about his past, so it felt odd to see remnants of his life before you knew him as one of the government’s top agents. Before he ever faced off, again and again, with the world’s most dangerous minds and their monsters. You’re in awe of the younger Leon in your hands, and you quickly pick up another photo in hopes of seeing more. Tags: Leon S. Kennedy/gn!reader, older!leon kennedy, fluff, hurt/comfort, mentions of alcoholism Word Count: 1.5k Read on AO3
Notes: finally writing bc I'm sick and sniffly and gross !!1 hoping to get more writing out soon, I have so many ideas sitting in my docs 😭
The photos spilled out on their own, you swear. It’s not like you made it a habit of sifting through Leon’s personal belongings anyway – you respected him too much for that – so this small transgression would surely be forgiven. However, nagging curiosity kept you from returning them right away. Tucked away in the back of a sock drawer, the photos came tumbling out when you put laundry away and fell to the floor in a scattered flurry. You quickly lowered yourself to scoop up the unruly pictures, but a dazzling smile stopped you in your tracks. It was Leon’s smile. 
He posed alone, raising a hand to salute cheerfully at the camera while the other rested on his hip. The uniform he donned suggested the photo took place back when he trained as a police recruit, not for the DSO. Leon never talked much about his past, so it felt odd to see remnants of his life before you knew him as one of the government’s top agents. Before he ever faced off, again and again, with the world’s most dangerous minds and their monsters. You’re in awe of the younger Leon in your hands, and you quickly pick up another photo in hopes of seeing more. 
There are other recruits in this photo, each of them laughing and smiling like they were sharing a drink at a bar and not caked in sweat and dirt. Leon is laughing just as hard, clutching his stomach with a muddy hand. You can’t believe how young and carefree he used to look; the agent’s demeanor is a lot more serious now, hardened from years in the field. It’s difficult to imagine this version of Leon angry or upset, or a scowl ever gracing those pink lips. As you thumbed the photo, you admired the fullness of his cheeks, the haunted look in his eyes missing. In fact, they even seemed to sparkle.
“Having fun?” Leon’s rough voice is a murmur over your shoulder, and you start at the sound. The baritone in his words is rough with sleep from his nap, something you banked on lasting at least another hour or so. Leon’s hands settle over your shoulders, rubbing down your arms as he too kneels to the floor to peer at your hands. Heat rushes to your face instantly. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to snoop.” Your tone is truly apologetic, but Leon doesn’t say a word as he reaches forward to thumb the film of him smiling in your hands. His lips are stretched impossibly wide, teeth visible, and eyes squinted in what appears to be a moment of pure joy. You can’t remember a time he smiled that big. He analyzes it quietly, perhaps remembering something. “When was this taken?” You ask softly.
“1998.” He replies, and suddenly regret consumes you. Perhaps he felt you tense up because his hand promptly smoothes over the curve of your back. “This was early spring, I think. Can’t remember what was so funny.”
“You’re adorable.” You can’t help but say. You could practically feel Leon roll his eyes. 
“I suppose it’s better than the alternative.” He mumbles.
Feeling slightly better about getting caught, you pick up another photo. This one is of him squinting in the sun, t-shirt sleeves rolled up to reveal pale shoulders. “Your farmer’s tan…!” You say it with the utmost adoration for the discovery, but Leon only groans.
“Hmph.” Leon’s snort of disapproval only eggs you on.
“Was this the same year?”
“No,” He responds, “That was 2002.” There’s a beat before he hesitantly adds, “This was South America.” The apprehension he says it with tells you everything you need to know about the photo. It’s not a good memory either. You hum in acknowledgment and gently pick up another picture. 
“Oh my god? Is that the president?”
“And his daughter Ashley.” Leon adds casually, as if he hasn’t been keeping the most insane piece of information about himself from you. 
“How…How do you know the president and his daughter?” You’re ogling at the photo, but once you’re over the shock, you can’t help but appreciate how sharp Leon is dressed for this picture. Hell, his hair is even gelled back. You’ve never seen him do that to his hair for anything, not even the fancy banquets the DSO makes him attend. You whistle jokingly at the photo of him. “But more importantly, who is that fine gentleman on the right?”
This makes him scoff out a laugh, flustered by your antics. “I…did the president a favor. Let’s leave it at that.” His reluctance to reveal more sobered you a little. Now you looked too closely at the photo, at the way fists clenched at his sides, the heavy furrow of his brow, those tired, dull eyes. This couldn’t possibly be the same Leon from before, the one laughing in mud. “I hear Ashley is a researcher now.” He remarks kindly, “Hope she’s doing well.”
You only nod, unsure what else to say. Leon picks up the last photo on the ground and flips it over to reveal a fairly recent image. “DSO?” You question, and he hums an affirmative. You recognize the people in the photo as Leon’s coworkers and friends. There hasn’t been much opportunity to get to know each other well, but Chris and Claire do come around every once in a while. Leon wears a suit – jacket discarded to hang over his shoulder – but gives the camera a tight smile. The others in the photo are dressed just as nice, their smiles just as forced. 
“Our first banquet. Mandatory banquet.” He emphasizes with a chuckle. His hand then gives your arm a light squeeze. “This was just before I met you. We were practically running on fumes. I had just flown in from Europe, if you couldn’t tell by the dark circles.” You huff lightheartedly at the comment, but your eyes linger on his false smile. “Hell, I think Chris and Jill had just arrived from Central America too. Needless to say, it wasn’t terribly fun.” 
There’s a beat before Leon finally collects the pictures from you and stands before offering a hand to help you up. He didn’t talk much about his past, so you knew if the opportunity slipped by you now, you’d never muster the bravery to ask again. “Leon,” You say, grabbing his attention as he gently tucks the photos away in the drawer face down. 
“Why do you keep them?” You ask softly, and he tilts his head at you. “I mean, they seem sad in a way. I know you don’t talk about these things much for a reason, so…why keep the reminders?”
The silence only lasts a few seconds, but it feels like it stretches for minutes. He seems to consider your question seriously though, taking the moment to tap on the closed drawer before exhaling through his nose. “In this line of work, we all have things we’d rather leave in the past.” His gaze remains low, eyes watching his blunt nails pick at the wood of the dresser. “And there was once a time I was so desperate to forget, I nearly…it just got too much.” His sobriety was not new information. You learned about it early on in your relationship, wanting to support him any way you could. But it seems there is more to the story than you originally conceived. “As much as I wanted to forget, I couldn’t. It took a while but I realized…if we don’t remember, then who will?” His palm now lays flat against the drawer, as if he could feel the magnitude of the photos that lay within. “I…owe it to everyone in Raccoon City.” 
Now, you understand. You understand why he doesn’t talk about his missions or his early days in the field. When he’s on the job, it’s all he does. Remember. And you can’t help but admire him all the more for it. The work is demanding – it takes much more than it gives – but Leon’s made peace with it. “Why are you looking at me like that?” His tone is self-conscious suddenly, and he’s trying to mask it with a teasing lilt to his words. 
“I don’t know.” You tease gently, “I think I’m in love with you. Just a bit.”
The corners of Leon’s mouth lift up into a boyish smile, and suddenly it’s like you’re staring into the same, sparkling eyes of that rookie police officer back in 1998. The Leon in the photographs never left, you think. He’s here, scarred and bruised, but grinning like it’s your first date. “Oh, really?” Leon mumbles as he pulls you into his warm chest to rest a pair of soft lips against your forehead, “That’s unlucky.” You pinch his hip playfully. “Ow.” His laugh is a rush of warm air against your skin, and he quickly soothes your anger with another kiss to your head. “I think I love you too. Maybe.”
You hide your smile in his broad chest. “You’re so annoying.”
Leon practically burns with adoration. “Only around you, sweetheart.”
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brodieland · 2 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.★ I'll be a professional just for you, baby!!☽
Leo Valdez x Fem!Reader
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➳Synopsis: bad dye job, and your boyfriends worse jokes, but at least he's here to help you fix your hair (and mood) ➳Tag(s): BLURB, fluffy fluff, joking about killing each other bc why not! ➳Word Count: 910
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You stood in the bathroom mirror in absolute disbelief at the sight in front of you. How could you have messed up your hair this bad? Especially since dying your hair was something you'd think of yourself as an expert at, considering how many times you'd done it in the past. Name the color, you'd probably had it before! Your hair had currently been sitting at a beautiful dark red, but of course, with you being you, you decided it was time for a change.
That's where your mistake had started. What you wanted to achieve was a light blue, but going from a dark red to a light blue was much more challenging than you'd think!! Bleach in your hair for over half an hour, and after two tries at toning, your hair stood at a patchy orange/yellow color, even some weird dark spots. Knowing your hair could not take more damage for the day, and you were just plain tired since it was 23:34, you'd thought it was time to stop, and pick up where you'd left off tomorrow.
Groaning as you paced around your apartment, you'd made it back to your room, tossing your phone off somewhere and passing out in your sheets.
When you woke up, you heard laughing coming from behind you. And that laughter just so happened to be very familiar. It was lighthearted, but quite malicious, if one may add!!
"Leooo," you groaned. You rolled over from your stomach to your back, with your arm over your eyes to shield you from the bright morning light seeping through your windows.
"What happened to being a professional," he continued to laugh as he sat down next to you. "I love you, really do, but what the hell is that?"
"I was trying to go to a lighter blue, forgot how hard that is when you're starting from dark red," you sat up, facing Leo and feeling dejected from your piss poor excuse of a dye job. You never mess up your hair, so this was quite annoying.
Leo just smiled as he moved his hands to the back of your knees, quickly pulling you closer and draping your legs over his lap. He then pulled your face in and kissed you. When he pulled away, he pulled you into a hug, "You know, I won't stop loving you just because your hair looks like a rotten banana."
You huffed and pushed him off, storming off to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Leo of course, already in tow, was laughing behind you. "C'mon, it was just a joke I'm sorry."
You abruptly stopped and turned, glared at him, and kept walking. "K."
"Oh you did not just 'K' me irl." You didn't bother turning around, and you didn't need to, to know he was wagging his finger in the air while talking.
"Breakfast time," you said monotonously while looking through the fridge.
Behind you, you felt a tap on your shoulder, "Here, breakfast apology." You didn't like how you could hear the boy's smile. You reluctantly turned around, just to see him holding a banana with a shit eating grin on his annoyingly gorgeous face.
"You think you're funny, huh?"
"Super," he then looked at the banana then back at your hair, "wait!" You raised an eyebrow, but quickly deflated as you watched Leo bang the banana on the counter behind him. "Wait for it to bruise for the real effect," he joked as he handed you the fruit.
"I'll really kill you, bro."
You guys decided to post mates breakfast, since you're not in a state to be seen. Well, Leo swears you're still beautiful, but he was right, you do look like a bruised/rotten banana.
In all honesty, you would've much rather fixed your hair before Leo saw you, but hey, if he's down to get the spots you clearly missed, who are you to refuse his help!!
"I'm low-key so good at this."
"It's really not that hard.."
"Then how'd you fuck it up so bad?"
You were silent as he finished your hair. Actually more specifically, you were silenced for the rest of your little hair appointment date. That was fine with you though, it's nice to be pampered while having someone else do all the work for you, for once. It was relaxing, the feeling of the cold brush against your scalp had you blinking slowly, making you want to lean back into your boyfriend's chest and take a nap. Though to be fair, then you'd lose the sight in front of you. Something about watching Leo push up his sleeves and get his hands dirty, really had you quietly fangirling.
"And.. done," he smiled, knocking you out of your trance.
You smiled and hopped off the sink. "Now we wait."
"Can I do the blue part too?"
"Yes you can," You kissed your boyfriends cheek as you walked out of the bathroom.
"Oh and, you know, while we wait," he started, rolling his eyes like what he was saying was useless information. "That one princessy show that you like, if you want to watch it, I guess we can."
You watched him wave his hand around and talk like you were forcing him to watch with you, knowing damn well that you got him hooked. "Just admit you like Bridgerton. Don't worry baby its okay."
"Fine!! The way they talk is cool okay!!"
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snailsgoingdowntown · 2 years
Guilt Tripping - Yan! Diluc
Yandere Diluc x Fem! Reader
part 1 of the “Baby Trapping” series
Warnings: Toxic relationship, general yandere themes, guilt tripping (I think), emotional manipulation, slight victim blaming (I think?), drugging, implied future physical violence (Not towards reader), possessive and obsessive thoughts and behavior, overprotectiveness, overbearing actions, controlling actions/mindset, unhealthy and toxic mindset, paranoia, implied Yandere! Albedo (Towards a different reader of perhaps the same mini-series of this).
Not sfw warnings: Baby trapping, dub-c0n/non-c0n, unprotected sEx, cumming inside without permission, unconsensual and unethical use of aphrodisiacs, vaginal fingering, clothed grinding, loss of virginity (both parties and totally didn't forget to add this warning until now)
Diluc is straight up gaslighting himself in this. He’s aware of how awful he is but keeps justifying it lmao.
Please tell me if I missed any warnings that are needed.
Disclaimer: I DO NOT condone any of the toxic behavior and thoughts that may take place in this work of fiction. None of this should be romanticize or even considered normal as it is very toxic and very dangerous. If you find yourself in such a situation, please seek help if able to.
Word count: 5134k
Diluc was aware that he could be… overbearing, at times. He’s aware that his presence can be suffocating, that he can be a bit delusional at times, and that he’s a bit controlling when it comes to you. But be doesn’t mean to do that on purpose – you just manage to bring out both the worse and the best out of him.
Whether or not you’re aware of that fact is up for debate.
He’s been preparing for the day you snap and talk back, or to take some ‘much needed’ space from the relationship. He can’t deny that your sanity is slowly withering away the more you deal with him. Again, he doesn’t mean to make you so stressed.
He just wants what’s best for you, as long as you come back into his arms. There are understandings at times, where you listen instead of charging away like a bull. He knows that you know he cares deeply for you, loves you to the moon and back. That he’d be willing to do almost anything for you.
Anything but this.
“I’m breaking up with you.”
One sentence, five words, is all it takes for his words to come crashing down around him. ‘I need a break’ implies you’ll be back after a week or so. It’s happened once or twice throughout your entire two years of your relationship. And it never lasted more than a week, max.
Diluc can feel the thin thread snapping like a nose around a neck. He swears that the world comes to a halt at your words, seeing nothing but white. Is he undergoing shock? Perhaps he heard you wrong. Yeah, that’s it – you must have said something else. A prank maybe? Or maybe you mixed up your words.
“What… what do you mean?” He hates the way his voice cracks, how shaky his hands become, even when they’re clenched hard enough to snap metal into two. Your facial expression doesn’t show any signs of playfulness.
There’s nothing playful about this situation.
You let out a sigh, fingers massaging your temple. “I said… I’m breaking up with you. I can’t… I can’t do this anymore. I can’t deal with you anymore.” Your voice cracks, and there’s a silent sob. There’s a huff, an intake of air.
You’re trying your best not to break down in front of him. And he’s doing the same, fists clenching and unclenching as he thinks of something to say. What should he say? That you can’t leave? It’ll only make things more complicated, making you hostile towards him.
He can’t have that. He just can’t. but even so, he finds himself about to utter those words out loud. He bites his tongue.
“…I thought I was good to you. While… I do understand that I can get overbearing at times… I thought I was a good lover to you regardless of.” He tries to keep himself in check. Diluc was nothing but a good gentleman in your eyes, so he acts as such. Although, that illusion may be gone now.
“That’s the problem! You think you’re a good boyfriend. But you’re not. you’re so… overbearing and controlling. I can’t even talk to people you don’t approve of!” Your own thread had seemingly snapped, leaving nothing more than rage behind. Quite, dull rage that’s too exhausting to come out at once.
“You say it’s for my own good… that I need your protection…”
“I never said that- “
“You implied it. Every. Single. Time. you always imply it.”
There’s nothing but silence. There’s a guilty conscience. He can’t ignore it, but he won’t address it. Because that means he’ll have to let go. And he won’t, not even in death, where hell will surely drag him down. He’ll drag you if he has to.
“We can… let’s just talk about this, okay? No need to make any rash decisions.” He’s talking out of his ass right now. “It’s… been a stressful week. It’s late and we both got out of work not too long ago. Let’s just… how about you come over?”
You don’t say anything, not at first. A glimmer of hope. Yes, everything will go back to normal, over a glass or two, ending with you being a whimpering mess as he grinds against you. Just like always.
“No. I can’t… I won’t do that. It always has the same outcome anyway. We never ‘talk’, you just sweet talk your way out, and it ends with some type of sexual activity.”  You shake your head, taking a step back. He takes a step forward.
It feels wrong for you to stand so far away. Alien. You should be next to him, no, in his arms as he soothes you. Reality and fantasy don’t mix well, he realizes. “Please,” he tries again, choking on air.
It can’t end like this. It can’t end at all.
“Diluc… I can’t. I just can’t. I know it may be hard for you to understand but, whether you realize it or not… you treat me like a doll. A pretty, fragile, glass doll.” You don’t look him in the eyes, probably can’t.
To be fair, it felt worse on your own end. You loved this man. You wanted to marry him. But it’s in past tense and you’re not sure if you can keep up this happy façade. He’s nothing but controlling at this point, overprotective, suffocating. You can’t live in denial anymore.
Another sigh, another sob. With every step he takes towards you, you take one back. There’s an invisible wall between you, too hard to shatter. At least completely.
“Hey… let’s talk again in a week. When the steam blows off, okay?” You try not to break, he sees it. The way your body tenses, the slight tumble. He makes an effort to not point it out. “Please?”
And you cave, breaking down, wailing like a child. You don’t move away, only flinching as he closes in on you, gently and slowly wrapping his arms around you. his grip on you is loose, not wanting to chase you away. Gentle, he must be gentle.
It’s always worked in the past. He just needs to tweak a few things to guarantee victory. Anything for you, no matter how shady it may be. His morals become dubious when it comes to you.
A few minutes pass before you answer.
Truthfully, you didn’t want to go, your resolve going down the drain whenever it came to you. But you had already promised you would, weak in that moment. But he knew. He knew that you would eventually succumb to his wishes. It happens every time.
And it ends with heated kisses, hands exploring each other’s bodies, promises to wait for the full act after marriage huffed into your ears. Despite the bulge straining in his pants, hazy eyes that kept looking at your kiss swollen lips, he never did anything you were uncomfortable with. And for that, you were grateful. But it doesn’t excuse his other behavior.
Something didn’t feel right. You were nothing short of tense, weary of what’s to come. Would he try to pull something? Or procced to guilt trip you once more, as unknowingly as usual? You could never tell with him, despite dating for two years.
Two years and he became a different person.
No. Beneath that gentlemanly exterior lies a control, obsessive and possessive freak. And you fell for it, the charm, the words, the looks. You dug your own grave without even knowing. And now it’s time to dig your way out, no matter how painful it may be.
You just hope your resolve will stay strong.
It must.
Diluc was nervous. It was more common these days, a nervous Diluc. He can’t help it but to be nervous around you. You were just so pretty, adorable, irresistible. And there was a time where you thought the same, where you couldn’t even take your eyes off of him. And yet, you don’t anymore.
He’s aware why. It’s because of him. But you need to understand was for your protection. He has too many enemies, there’s too much danger in the outside world. Surly, you would come around eventually, right?
Wrong. He was so, so wrong. He should have kept up with the gentle approach, no matter the amount of years it might have taken. It’s not too late to restart… right?
Just act the way you always portrayed him as. His mask has slipped too much too quickly. And now, he needs to fix everything as quickly as possible. The question is how to.
He glances at the wine bottle. A little drug as curiosity of Sir Albedo… a new and up coming drug. An aphrodisiac is what he called it. It was still in its developmental stages, but harmless. He was even given the right dose.
A questioning look in the alchemist’s eyes, no concerns were voiced. Most likely thought it wasn’t his business. And besides… even the esteemed Alchemist Albedo Kreideprinz had skeletons in his closet. Likeminded people must stick together, right?
And thus, the aphrodisiac was handed to him under the table, and now in this ‘new’ and ‘unopened’ bottle of wine. The cork was a new one, the previous one hastily thrown into the trash, covered with other discarded things. Not a smooth cover-up, but one you wouldn’t notice. And, if you were to ask for juice, he even drugged that beforehand.
He flinches slightly when a servant comes up to him, announcing your appearance. He takes in a deep breath before grabbing the bottle and two glasses, making his way to the study. When he gets there, he pauses. Would he be able to pull this off?
If you do ask for it, he has your consent, right? Yes, you wanted to save yourself for marriage but…
He shakes his head, ridding himself of those thoughts. He’ll back down if he thinks about too much. So, he takes a deep breath, straightens himself. His feet feel heavy as he walks into the room. He keeps the door open.
“(name). You came.”
You jolt at that, whipping your head around to see his figure at the doorway.
“Yes… just for a bit. This isn’t a casual visit, after all.” You built a wall around yourself, trying to smile but failing. He doesn’t comment on it.
“Ah. I suppose that’s… right.” Awkward silence, your hands tightly clasping together. His own grip on the glasses and bottle are tight as well. Swiftly, he places the objects down on the table in front of you. Everything has to be perfect. This night needs to end on a good note.
“Wine?” he asks, eyeing the way your jaw tenses as you hesitate to answer. You want to say no, he can see it, feel it. And hopefully, you won’t. His legs are already shaking like a newborn foal’s.
“I… sure.” A quiet sigh of relieve, and he opens the bottle, a loud ‘pop’ echoing in the room. You don’t take your eyes off of it. You’re weary of him. And he doesn’t have the right to complain or even feel offended.
Because you were right to be weary. To be weary of him.
He pours you a glass and himself one. He’s going to take the drug with you. God, he’s already silently regretting this. Not because he’s tricking you (although that’s part of it), but because he’ll have to explain, in detail (something he dreads, but a favor is a favor) of the results. He hates himself for being used a test subject and ragging you into it.
He can’t feel bad, considering he was the one who chose this route.
“Thank you…” you say as he passes a glass to you. He sits in front of you, the plush chair soft against him. He takes a sip.
“So… about our relationship… do you truly want to end it? We can work through this together.” He croaks out, trying his best not to ramble. He takes a deep breath, calming his nerves. He can do this.
“… I’m not sure if this relationship is savable. Two years and you’ve just gotten… worse. Much worse than you have gotten better. It’s like you’ve been possessed.” He can see your eyes water up, but you don’t let them fall.
He wants to wipe them away.
“What do you mean?” He’s never felt so scared in his life. He hates this. He hates himself. “It’s just… I know I can get overbearing, and I promise that I don’t do it on purpose-“
You cut him off, “That’s the problem. You don’t do it on purpose. It’s harder to resent you that way.”
Resent him? What do you mean by that?
“I don’t… I don’t know what to do. You’re… you used to be a good boyfriend. Someone I wanted to marry… but you’re not that same person anymore. And I’m not sure if we can fix this… if you can fix yourself. I’m not a therapist… yet you treated me as one for years.”
Your shoulders slack and you don’t make an effort to look at him. You don’t make an effort to drink the wine either.
He can feel his heart breaking. What should he do? What can he do? Crying (a rare sight indeed) won’t do anything. It’ll only prove you right if he cries and begs for you to reconsider. He needs you to drink the wine. A good amount of it.
He takes another swing, enough to the point the glass is almost empty. Too much at once, he hasn’t even eaten yet. He wants to eat you. But not when you’re crying like this.
“I’m… I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware that I was that… inconsiderate.” Ever so slowly, he takes small steps towards you. You don’t resist when he gets on his knees, gently placing his head on your lap. His arms wrap around your legs. And, almost as if it was natural, your hand comes town to thread fingers through his hair.
Even when you ‘resent’ him, you still comfort him. You really were too good for him. But it’s because of that he doesn’t want to let go. No. he’d never let you go. He’ll drag you to hell if he has to.
“… To think the esteemed Diluc would beg on his knees… hah,” a humorless laugh that shakes him through his core. You sound tired, so, so tired. You’re really going to give up on him. Was he really that bad? Sure, maybe he overshared, at times, and was a bit controlling, but…
He never hit you. Never raised his voice at you.
He’s in denial. He doesn’t want to admit to his mistakes right now. He’ll do it (probably) after you two make up. He’ll do it once you say you won’t leave, that you won’t give up on him, on the relationship. You’re all he has left.
His father’s dead, his ‘brother’ is a spy, he can’t really get along with anyone on an emotional level. Anyone except you. You know this, so why are you putting him through this? Can’t you see he needs you?
God helps the poor soul would dare take you away.
“… I’m sorry. I really am,” useless, he’s so useless right now. Helpless, he hates himself, he hates you. “I… can’t lose you. I love you, you know that, right?” Like he wasn’t the one pushing you away with his behavior and actions.
He’s a horrible person, a dreadful and emotional abusive boyfriend. The naked eye can’t see it, but a trained one can. Likeminded people can. The victim can.
“Diluc… sit down, okay? You’re going to make yourself sick,” you run your fingers through his red mop of hair before retreating it. No, no, no, you can’t do that. You just can’t.
You have to drink the wine. You need to understand he’s protecting you. You need to understand he needs you. So, stay, please.
Don’t make things even more complicated.
“… do you love me?” He looks up, eyes glossy and he watches as your strong façade crumble. He was your weakness as you were his. You’re perfect for each other, however toxic the relationship may be.
“I… I don’t know anymore. I feel like I love you, but I know I shouldn’t.” Shaking your head, you gently push at his shoulders. The effort is weak, almost meaningless. He gives a squeeze before getting up and returning to his seat.
It’s when he sits down, head falling into his hands, when you take a swing. He hears you slam the glass on the mahogany wood. Hope lights up in his chest, but even so, it feels so wrong. But he needs to do this. For him. For you.
How selfish of a person he was.
“… I can’t promise I won’t fall back into the habit, but –“
“You said that last time. And here we are, again. You say you’ll do better, that you’ll listen. Sure, you do, but only for a week. And then the cycle repeats.” You sigh out, now crying, finally breaking down despite everything.
Sobs, ugly sobs that he hates to hear. He’s not sure when he got up, or how long he’s been hugging you, but he knows that you need comfort. Maybe not from him, but he’s the only one here anyway. The servants are outside, cleaning the yard, tending to the grapes, shooing of pests.
Just you and him. No-one will hear, and even if they did… who are they to question their boss? Money talks.
You stay like that, for a while. Crying in his arms as he strokes your hair. He’s not sure when you had stopped, and completely forgotten about the drug.
He only remembers it when his body starts to heat up. And the same must be said for you, as you’re quivering in his grasp. The way you quiver whenever he drags you across his crotch, erection making contact with your clothed pussy.
Like right now, your hips rolling against his as he practically dragged you to the couch in the study once you started to kiss out of pure lust. You’re panting above him, eyes shut tight. Maybe you didn’t want to see him. He hates it, but that’s okay. As long as you’re here, with him, and not thinking of another man.
“Fuck… my body’s hot. I’m scared yet I can’t stop… did you put something in the drink?” You question him, voice broken and breathy as you keep rolling your hips. Harder, faster, more friction, you need him as much as he needs you. He’ll get you, and you’ll have him.
Like it’s supposed to be.
“Are you… mmh… that weary of me?” You’re far too gone to properly hear him, chasing pleasure above answers. His gloved fingers tug at your skirt, wanting it off. He wants to see you bare. Patience... patience, he tells himself.
A squeal, mouth open and he can’t help but kiss you. saliva everywhere, any pretense of a breakup gone. For now. And yet you both don’t care, delving into the pits of pleasure that’ll never be enough. He bites your lips hard enough to draw blood, you claw at his neck deep enough to see crimson.
You hurt and take, hurt and take. You break his heart, he’ll break your mind on his cock. Just… be good.
“Diluc… wedding… I want to wait – oh! – but… ah… not sure if I can…” you’re groping yourself, thumb ribbing at where your nipple would be. Too many clothes, hot, clit throbbing while grinding against him like there’s no tomorrow. Diluc takes this chance to tease you, just a bit.
“Wedding… you still want to marry me?” There’s a slight teasing to it, and he proceeds to kiss your neck. Gently, gently, so gentle you want more. He wants to drive you crazy. “But, of course, if you want it now, I won’t say no…”
Another moan, another messy kiss. Your lips are raw by now, and you’re not sure when he dragged the front of your shirt down, sucking on the bare skin before him. He bites your neck, leaving marks, he gropes your breasts, your hands now tugging at his hair.
He hisses at the sting, but it only drives him to do more. His free hand dives under your dress, the skirt of it wrinkled now.
“Diluc… please, fuck, I need you,” you breathe out, grinding against his hand as he teases you through your underwear. Slowly, he brings his hand back, using his teeth to take his glove off. Almost, he’s almost there. He needs to loosen you up. Hopefully, hopefully this drug will help with the pain.
Ah. Blood.
He needs to do this in the bedroom, easier to change the sheets.
You’re naked in no time, and despite the drug running through your veins like fire, you’re still scared. Very scared, and he feels so horrible about it. and yet, yet he can’t stop himself for shit. He’s horrible, shitty, controlling, obsessive, possessive, and desperate. Paranoid to a fault, he plans on tying you to him via family.
It’s hard to raise a child on your own. Reputation is important, and everyone would lose respect for you, for a good while at first. And besides… they would know who the father was. If they inherit his features, be it the red hair or ruby eyes, they’ll know. They’ll blame one of you, both of you, taking one side or the other.
Thus, it’s just overall easier to stay together, avoiding controversy. A horrible and risky plan. But you would need the support, the funds, the father. It’s harder, nearly impossible to run away from him in such a state.
“Hey… it’ll be okay. I’ll take it slow, alright?” He reassures you, smiling down at you gently. He’s always imagined you like this – a panting mess, lips kiss swollen, hair sprayed around his pillow and your hair. Bite marks everywhere, nipples tendered from being sucked on so much.
He’ll make a mental note to be more gentle next time. But for now, he trails down his hand, fingers ghosting over your burning skin. Shaky breaths, and he can’t take his eyes off of the way you stare downwards. He’s naked too, his own hickies littering his neck like a necklace.
“G-gentle…,” you breathe out, legs shaking in both fear and anticipation. You can’t wait, and neither can he. So he doesn’t, tracking your slick slit once before slowly entering. A gasp, and h looks up to make sure you weren’t in too much pain.
Instead, he’s met with the sight of you biting your lips, pleasure written all over your face. The drug works, it’s helping with the pain. Making things far easier than he thought it would be. He’ll make sure to thank Albedo to the moon and back.
“Diluc…” He’s brought back to reality when you whimper his name, and he softly shushes you. If you say his name like that one more time, he might just slip in without any prep. Without any consideration.
“Shh… there’s no need to rush. Let’s try to take our time, okay?” He kisses your forehead, finger curling slightly inside you. The way you arch your back is heavenly, the drug making you far more sensitive. “I’ll take good care of you. Promise.”
Nodding, you relax, allowing him to add a second finger. It feels rushed despite his words, but you don’t comment on it. You can’t, not when he’s curling them oh so deliciously. And he knows this, he’s not completely lost in lust just yet. He needs to drown you in pleasure, drive you crazy with it before he succumb to his own desire completely.
Just a bit more.
The squelching echoes in his room, bouncing off the walls. His ribs had become a drum, his heart the stick. Small, needy breaths that leave your lips, crying out when he curls his fingers at a certain angle. Oh. He found it.
Your g-spot.
He’s heard of it, and thought it was rubbish at first. Until Adelinde smacked his head when he suggested such a thing. The Head Maid made sure to educate him on sex that day, showing diagrams and pictures, along with books written about the subject. He’s almost entirely forgotten about it.
“There?” he asks, repeating the action once more. You nod your head several times and in quick succession – too lucid to properly beg, too desperate to fully think it thoroughly. “Such a needy little thing,” a third finger elicits a hiss from you, causing him to pause. He waits until you give him the green light.
“It – it feels weird… but good at the same time. Is this normal?” Croaking, you’re croaking out sentences now, and Diluc resists the urge to kiss you until you run out of breath. Your fingers grasp at his shoulders, trembling slightly. He can’t tell if it’s from fear or pleasure.
For his own sanity, he hopes it’s the latter.
“I’m… not sure. I think it is. Just tell me if it’s too much, and I’ll slow down.”
He didn’t say he would stop.
Diluc sees the worry in your eyes, the questions he won’t answer, and he feels guilty. It’s far too late to stop, and even if you were to ask him of it, he wouldn’t be able to. So he gives you the illusion of choice, and from the way your eyes travel down to where he’s fingering you, he can only guess you chose to ignore the reasoning in your head. What a good girl you are for and to him. Like always.
“Diluc… Diluc…” your eyes shut tight, breathing heavier as he fastens his pace, fingers pumping in and out while curling all the same. You need this too, right? He can’t force you if you were the one who asked for it.
Your belly tightens, and hips grind against the hell of his palm. You’re almost there, he thinks. You’re becoming wild, all pretense of rationally gone with the wind. He’s there, he’s there, you’re there, shivering in the palm of his hand. Like you should be.
“Ah, ah, fuck!” One more buck of your hips and he feels something wet. Upon looking down, he notices something red, very thing and small, mixed with a clear liquid. Did you cum? He feels bad for making you bleed already*.
Your chest heaves, and for a moment, he’s afraid you’ll come back to your sense. You’ll hate him for sure. But his own body is burning, cock twitching, and he’s going to die if you resist. Please, just make everything simple and easy. Please, for both of your sakes.
He gives you time to recover despite the urge to fuck you silly. Patience, patience, at least pretend to be a gentleman he tells himself. Anything and everything for you. Except letting you go.
“Do you need a breather?” gently, gently he removes his fingers, trying his best to treat you nicely. He tries not to grit his teeth when you nod your head. He’s already doing something awful. He needs to make you comfortable, at the very least.
A few minutes before you calm down, laying flat on your back, hands leaving him and choosing to grip his sheets instead. You’re distancing yourself from him. A bit lucid, but enough to resist.
“Alright… please be gentle,” closing your eyes, your arousal is still there, you still need him as badly as he needs you. He doesn’t wait a second to hover above you properly. His place, this is his place, you’re his and will always be his. You signed your faith the moment you appeared in his life.
“Gentle…,” he tells himself, taking in a deep breath. It stings you when he pushes in, slowly and gentle like he promised. Hands grip your hips, and he leans back on his heels a bit. You gasp, from pleasure mostly, and he stills. Be a gentleman in appearance, at least.
One second, two seconds, and at ten he starts to move. a deep sigh of pleasure from you both, yours higher than his. The tone was different compared to when you dragged your hips across his, clothes separating you. But now, now he can feel everything – the thought of a condom never having crossed your mind once. Good, everything is sailing smoothly.
“You’re, ngh, tight… fuck, you’re driving me crazy angel.” Unexpectedly, you mewl at the nickname, and without meaning too, he gives a hard thrust. Fuck, you’re going to be the death of him. One thrust, two thrust, and you’re begging him to fuck you harder at the fifth one, legs wrapping around his waist and hands clawing at his chest.
He loves you like this; he wants you remain so needy for him. “Diluc! Fuck, don’t stop!” Both blood and slick cover his cock and make a mess on his bed. He’ll have to give you a warm towel after this, a glass of water. And a lie about cumming inside.
“It feels good, fuck why did we wait so long?” His hips can’t stop moving as he questions you. You don’t answer, you can’t when you’re moaning like a whore. And he loves it, he loves the fact that only he can make you this way. He loves the fact that he’ll be your first and last partner.
He might hurt a man who would dare to attempt to do the same.
It doesn’t last long, neither of you do. He makes sure to circle your clit with his thumb, wanting to bring you more pleasure. You needed to finish with him. You needed to be distracted from the feeling of his cum painting your womb white.
And when he does, he lets out a low groan, your squeal music to his ears. he holds you tight until his balls are empty. And ever so slowly pulls out, careful to not alarm you. His goal was done, and hopefully, this’ll be enough to get you pregnant.
If not, he’ll come up with other plans.
“I love you…” one of his hands comes down to wipe away the sweat from your forehead. Your skin is sticky, eyes dazed. It’s a sight he’ll never forget.
You don’t answer, not at first.
“I… I love you too.”
A soft peck and he’s up to soak a towel in warm water. You’re too tired to check your lower half, eyes closing against your will. But it’s okay, it’s Diluc after all. Surely, he wouldn’t do anything… right?
As for Diluc… he’s already coming up with baby names.
 A/N:* - tmi but the very first time I got fingered, I bleed a bit lmao. I don’t know how it is for everyone else, so I just used my own experiences. Seriously though, acting like Diluc in this fic is fucked up. Please don’t do that.
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damn-stark · 1 year
Chapter 2 Stars and scars
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Chapter 2 of Moonlight
Chapter 2 Scars and stars
A/N- Are you guys enjoying it?
Warning- Swearing, Aegon, some fluff, LONG CHAPTER, blood, violence, ANGST.
Pairing- Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem-reader, Cregan Stark x Velaryon!fem-reader
Episode- 1x08
(If you want to be tagged let me know)
“We join today at the Seat of the Sea to commit the Lady Laena of House Velaryon to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King where He will guard her for all the days to come.”
Not long ago a raven came with the tragic news of Lady Laena’s death not so long after arriving at Dragonstone. Ever since then your father has been quiet as he grieved his sister. And ever since then, you’ve wanted to have something to say besides “I’m sorry”, but you cannot find any words to make his pain any less. Not this time.
All you can offer him is your comfort as he stands watching the guards wrapping a rope around the casket.
“…As she sets to sea for her final voyage, the Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the shore.”
You wish you could offer your cousins comforting words too. And you have shared a few sweet words since you saw them again after missing them, but it doesn’t feel like enough. It truly feels like you haven’t done enough to console them or your father.
“Though their mother will not return from her voyage,” Ser Vaemond says loudly to be heard over the crashing waves. “They will all remain bounded together in blood. Salt courses through Velaryon blood. Our runs thick, our runs true….”
You blink slowly as the words register in your mind. It doesn’t affect you right away, they were nice words, but you then follow his line of gaze and see Ser Vaemond looking at your mother and brothers as he spoke those words, and you realize exactly what he’s referring to. What an asshole.
“And our must never thin,” he adds and only further narrows his glare, making you begin to curl your lip to a scowl.
However, it’s at that moment as well that Prince Daemon laughs. He just laughs. It’s his wife’s funeral what's so funny to him?
Does he know?
“My gentle niece,” Ser Vaemond continues to say gently against the sea breeze whilst the guards begin to drag the casket to the waters below. “May the winds be as strong as your back, your seas as calm as your spirit, and your nets be as full as your heart. From the seas, we came. To the sea, we shall return.”
The casket splashes into the water, causing your father to drop his head and let out a shaky breath while tears fall and hit the stone below your feet. You can’t say you share his grief, she was your aunt but you hardly knew her since they lived so far, you only ever talked to her the times your grandmother Rhaenys took you with her to visit them.
You can’t say you feel grief and heartbreak, nor do you ever want to feel that ache, you don’t want to lose your parents…at least not yet, but you do hug your father's arm tighter and only nuzzle your head more on his shoulder.
He reacts to your touch this time. He doesn’t lift his head, he just lifts one hand off the other and gently caresses your arm with his thumb to tell you he acknowledges your comfort. So you remain like that for a while longer, even as the people join the festivity above you remain by your father's side just standing in the silence of his grief. Even as your mother and brothers go up you stay with him, and he never complains. It seems he appreciates having someone to quietly comfort him. And well, you also find relief in giving such comfort.
Perhaps you would have stayed with him all night if he wanted to stay there, but your grandmother then came to you.
“Darling, why don’t you come with me and eat something, hm?”
You lift your head off your father's shoulder to meet her gaze and hesitate. You don’t want to leave him alone, but maybe he does want some privacy, so you let him go and walk up with her.
“You’ve grown a lot more since the last time I saw you,” she mentions softly. “You’re almost a woman grown.”
You shift your eyes to meet hers and nod in agreement. “I am. Sometimes though, I do wish I could stay young forever.”
Your grandmother laughs softly. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll enjoy adulthood. There’s a lot to enjoy.”
You blink with disbelief and probe on that. “Is there? Sometimes I’m unsure.”
Your grandmother cups your shoulder and stops you as you reach the table of food. “I can guarantee you there is. Once you look past all our responsibilities as women and royalty.”
You muster a soft smile at her words even if you’re unsure whether to believe her or not. You don’t add anything on the matter though and soon sigh and begin to lose your smile.
“I’m sorry,” you tell her sincerely. “About your loss, grandmother.”
You reach over and give her hand a gentle squeeze. Said woman holds your gaze and softens her smile. “Thank you, darling, now why don’t you grab something to eat and go with your cousins. They might need a few kind words or just your company.”
You nod in agreement and do the first thing she told you to do, but then find yourself away from your cousins and against the balcony that overlooks the crashing waters below after you catch a glimpse of your father just standing on the shore. Lucerys and your uncle Prince Daemon stand at opposite sides, each doing their own thing while you just watch your father let the waves crash into his legs.
For once being still and doing nothing doesn’t bother you, you’re too worried about your father to do anything but be as close as you can out of concern. You just watch him with pity, and with annoyance at your own self that you can’t help him.
“Afraid he’ll drown himself?” A manly voice interjects.
You lift your eyes to look at who had spoken beside you and see your uncle Prince Daemon. He looks a bit smug about what he just said too—is his wife’s funeral some joke to him?
Or is this how he grieves?
You sigh. “I’m just worried,” you answer out of respect. “I’m sorry for your loss, uncle.”
Prince Daemon blinks and lets his gaze linger on you for a moment with his lips slightly parted, and then his eyes just partially narrow. You can’t read what he might be thinking, all you can do is watch as he steals a glance at the crowd. You quickly follow his line of gaze and notice that he’s looking at your mother; she has her back turned and there’s other people around her, but you know, you feel that’s who he’s looking at before he drops his gaze and sighs.
“Thank you, Princess,” he finally says after a few awkward seconds of silence of him just staring.
You hum softly and offer him a partial smile before you look back at your father. You were going to find comfort by slouching and crossing your arms over the balcony to rest your chin on your hands, but you then catch a glimpse of Lucerys’s even gloomier look and turn to face your little brother instead.
“How are you holding, Luce?” You ask him.
Said boy slowly lifts his gaze to meet yours and sighs deeply as if he feels the greatest sorrow of all when in reality he’s just sad because everyone is. He didn’t know Lady Laena, nor does he know that….his real father, Ser Harwin is dead—
A fire in his cursed castle, Harrenhal, they said.
Shame really, Ser Harwin was a good man. He really loved your mother and siblings, you could tell that much.
“Will mother die too?” Lucerys asks in a shaky voice.
Oh, sweet boy.
You crouch to get at his level and shake your head. “One day,” you tell him the truth. “Dying is a natural part of life. But you don’t have to worry, Mother won’t leave us anytime soon.”
Lucerys swallows thickly and doesn’t lose the grief from his face. “Will you die?”
You can’t help but smile as you shake your head again. “You’re stuck with me for a long time.” You assure him and reach over to ruffle his hair. “That sound good?”
Lucerys lets out a relieved breath and nods. “Yes.”
“Good,” you whisper and stand up straight. “Now why don’t we go to Baela and Rhaena?”
Lucerys turns to grab his wooden horse once again. “I’ll stay here a bit longer.”
You don’t force him or try to argue, you leave him be and steal one last glance at your father before turning to head to where Rhaena and Baela are. Albeit you do run into someone not so long after you depart.
“Where is your father?” Your grandfather Corly’s asks you as he pulls his eyes away from the crowd to meet yours.
You look out at sea and respond. “At shore. He’s been there for quite some time.”
He pats your shoulder and throws you a quick passing comment, “okay thank you, darling.” He then walks past you, and you look back and watch him approach Lucerys by the balcony railing.
You pay them no mind and then look ahead to walk to your previous destination, having to maneuver through the crowd of guests paying their respects. You pass by Aegon too and hope he keeps distracted by the serving girl he’s bothering.
But your hopes are futile since he quickly manages to run up to you and throw his arm around your shoulders. “Sweet niece,” he greets with his wine breath wafting in your nose. “How I've missed you so. Home is truly not the same without you, the halls stand quiet without your precious song, and the castle is dull without your beauty.”
You shove his arm off you and part your lips to rebuttal, but someone cuts in first. “Leave her alone, Aegon.”
It’s Aemond.
Both Aegon and you look at your side and see Aemond approaching you both. And you both smile, albeit you smile at Aemond out of awe, and Aegon smiles at his brother out of mockery.
“Oh, feeling protective already brother?” Aegon teases Aemond. “Such a gentleman,” he snickers. “But you need not worry, I was just telling her how much she’s missed at home that’s all. But,” he snickers. “If you wish me to leave her alone, I will.” He shoots you a smirk before he turns and chases after another poor serving girl, letting you turn to Aemond and making him walk with you toward your cousins.
“Do you miss me terribly?” You ask.
Aemond swallows thickly and then answers. “I suppose…sleepless nights are quite boring now that you’re not there to keep me company.”
You smile wider at his response as your cheeks begin to burn. “That’s good,” you say nervously, which is odd to feel around him. “I too have now spent my nights bored. Albeit, at Dragonstone in the middle of the night when the castle is quiet, I can hear the dragon's songs. They sing at the moon…at least I like to think of it that way.” You smile softly. “There was also one night when I was out on my balcony and heard a cry I never heard before. It was the howl from a wolf; it was the most beautiful thing I’ve heard. It filled me with so much joy.”
Aemond hums softly in comprehension and you look at the sky ahead.
“Well at home you can hear the occasional shout from a worker or a drunk from the streets below.” He says with a teasing smile.
You chuckle and nod. “Yes, I remember, but strangely I don’t miss it. I enjoy the silence.” You blink and look down, catching at that moment the distant narrowed gaze of the Queen trained on you.
Her narrowed gaze makes you uneasy, but you don’t leave Aemond’s side like she probably wanted you to, you stay and continue to talk to him. “I’m sure you’d like Dragonstone. It’s quite nice.”
“I'm sure I would,” he says in agreement.
You look away from Queen Alicent and notice that you’re now approaching your cousins, and your grandmother with them so you turn and face Aemond. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
Aemond looks at Baela and Rhaena and then meets your gaze to nod before he parts away, letting you approach Rhaena, Baela, and your grandmother.
You offer both of your cousins a faint smile before you fall by Rhaena’s side and take her hand to give it a comforting squeeze. You proceed to stand in silence and can’t help but glance ahead, noticing Prince Daemon first and right away noticing he's focused on something ahead of him again, so you follow his line of gaze and catch your mother just across his eyesight.
Why do they keep looking at each other? Sure you might be young but you recognize those…longing stares.
What if he turns out to be your mother's lover just as Ser Harwin was hers, that’d be…well it would be good since Baela and Rhaena would be closer, but it’d be weird, no?
He’s sort of odd now that you’ve met him….
Regardless, you look away and focus back on your cousins before you notice more of what you don’t want to see. “Do either of you want anything?” You ask. “I can go get it for you.”
Rhaena shakes her head, and Baela speaks up quietly. “I'm fine, thank you.”
You’ve already said you’re sorry, so you just stay with them and wrap an arm around Rhaena to pull her in a hug.
She finds comfort in your partial embrace and wraps her arms around you to keep you close as she cries more. You let her stay for as long as she needs, you don’t mind, however, soon thereafter your mother walks over to your brothers nearby. “Go to bed,” she tells them.
“But mother,” Jacaerys rebuttals.
“Go to bed,” she insists as if in a hurry. She then looks over at you to meet your gaze and then points at your brothers with her eyes, and lastly, points at the building, letting you understand one thing; take your brothers to bed.
It's a speechless look, but you’ve learned to read what she means.
“I’m going to bed,” you tell Rhaena and Baela after you pull your gaze away from your mother's disappearing figure as she climbs down the steps that lead to the shore. “Goodnight. I’ll see you on the morrow.”
Rhaena pulls away from you and nods, letting you crouch to press a kiss on your grandmother's cheek before you meet up with your brothers and grab their shoulders to walk them to their chambers.
Quiet. It’s quiet and peaceful at Driftmark.
Much like at your new home Dragonstone, you can hear the waves crashing. That sound is loud but it brings comfort and lulls you to sleep right on top of Astraea.
Sure, you were sent to bed by your mother, but it was far too early for you and Astraea isn’t chained up and far like in King’s Landing, so you took advantage of her freedom and came to her resting by the shore. And! She also took no time to gently fly you under the stars, she loves your company and being around you, she also finds comfort in flying under the stars and skimming over the glimmering ocean with you resting on her back.
The only reason why you wake up is because she lands on shore, otherwise, you would’ve been perfectly fine sleeping on top of her all night even if it would’ve been uncomfortable.
“<You’re right,” you mutter to Astraea in High Valyrian as you sit up and stretch out your arms. “I should return to the castle.>” You let out a yawn before you swing your leg over your saddle and climb down.
When you hit the soft sand you keep your hand on your dragon and graze it along her as you walk to her head. “<I’ll return tomorrow,” you assure your dragon. “Promise.> You offer her a smile before you press your forehead against her.
Astraea mewls softly before she gently leans against you, causing you to grin brighter.
It hurts to leave her even if you’re still in the same place, but you must return before someone doesn’t find you in your quarters and causes a panic. Albeit you do take the long way back inside because you make sure to stroll through the grounds and really take in your father's home place.
It is rather small in truth, but it's still beautiful. And there’s a lot of room to roam. When you get close to getting inside, to avoid running into guards right away, you avoid the big doors and find a tunnel that leads inside.
Now you find that it is brightly lit by torches aligned along the stone walls, but it seems rather unoccupied, regardless of the fact. However, you're still careful and walk slowly in case there is someone.
And just as it seems like you’ll make it out of the tunnel without running into someone, you catch the sound of rustling feet against the sand and dirt floor and stop immediately to listen in.
“You will die screaming in flames just as your father did!” Someone exclaims; it’s a familiar voice that seems to belong to Aemond, but it’s filled with a rage that’s unknown to your ears. “Bastards!”
Your breath catches in your throat out of disbelief at the sound of his words, leaving you unable to move as you grow terribly confused as to why he would dare spit out such a venomous insult.
“My father is still alive.” You recognize that crying instantly, it’s Lucerys.
Why is he down here too?
Without waiting a moment longer, without waiting for any context over what’s going on, you break away from your spot and head to where the voices come from.
“He doesn’t know does he?” You hear Aemond snap. “Lord Strong?”
Is Jacaerys there too?
You quicken your pace and finally come across the scene, catching Baela holding onto Rhaena; whom are bleeding. You then notice Lucerys bleeding and crying on the floor, and lastly you notice Jacaerys with a blade gleaming in his hand, and then Aemond with his back turned to you with a rock in his hand. They’re fighting, but why?
Regardless, neither of the boys notice you, it seems Jacaerys is too focused on Aemond in front of him to notice you hidden under the shadows. The girls do notice you, but they don’t call out to you as to not startle Aemond or Jacaerys.
You take that in your favor to break into a sprint and charge at the spot between both boys. And yes, Jacaerys has a blade in hand, he looks the most guilty without any context, but Lucerys is crying and bleeding the most, and so are your cousins. Aemond might be your best friend, you might be partners in the future, but your brothers come first. Always. Without a fault.
It’s why you call out to Aemond first. “Aemond—”
However, just as you get in between Aemond and Jacaerys, suddenly something sharp and hard slices up over half of your face, triggering writhing pain, and causing blood to begin pouring out. And since you were caught off guard the power of the impact knocks you to the ground.
The moment your body hits the ground Baela and Rhaena cry out your name, as soon as Jacaerys snaps from his stupor he calls out for you too, and finally drops his blade and falls on his knees beside you.
Tears escape past your eyes because of the pain even if you’re trying to be strong. “Ar—are you okay?” You try to ask Jace as you slowly lift your face to meet his worried gaze.
But at that moment, Aemond interjects with your name uttered in disbelief.
You slowly meet his widened gaze and notice the cuts on his face that are bleeding as well, while that anger you heard in his voice before is gone now as he sees your cut barely hidden under your hand as you try to press on it.
“I,” he shakes his head and steps forward.
Yet before he can get any closer a cry breaks out in the stunned silence that filled the tunnel. “Don’t touch my sister!” Lucerys shouts as he charges at Aemond and swings the blade he has in hand up against Aemond’s face.
Right away Aemond cries out in pain and falls to the floor grabbing at his face, while Lucerys begins to slowly approach you.
“Aemond?” You call out and sit up.
“Cease this at once!” A voice booms and hurried footsteps rush inside.
You look back and see that it’s Ser Harold and other Knights of the Kingsguard.
“Get away!” Ser Harrold commands as he approaches Aemond writhing in pain.
“Give me your hand,” Rhaena breaks your attention away from Aemond.
“Princess,” a knight calls out and approaches you as Rhaena and Jacaerys are helping you to your feet.
“Gods be good,” you catch Ser Harrold mutter.
You try to look at Aemond, but then you’re led out of the tunnel by the knights.
“Lucerys,” you call out to the boy walking by your side. “What happened let me see.”
Your little brother turns to face you as you’re getting escorted to the main hall, and you see that his nose is bleeding and a bit crooked.
It must be broken.
“You’re bleeding,” he points out as the blood slows down but keeps trickling down your burning cheek.
“So are you,” you point out. “We’ll get you better, okay?”
He nods and raises his hand to let it hover over his nose. You then turn to your cousins to examine them, but it doesn’t seem like they broke anything. “Baela, Rhaena, are you two okay?” You ask anyway through your pain.
Baela meets your gaze and quickly finds your cut and nods. “Yes, we’re fine. You’re not.”
You hum and then try to look back at Aemond following behind all of you, but before you can see how badly he’s hurt you’re ushered into the hall. They sit you down by the doors, and your brothers and cousins surround you whilst Ser Harrold walks Aemond close to the fireplace to sit him down on a chair, blocking your view and only letting you hear his complaints.
Soon the room begins to fill as maesters are brought in, one for Aemond and one to tend to you. Queen Alicent, Helaena, and Aegon then rush in, your grandfather the King then follows and looks immediately bewildered by what he sees; Aemond getting his wound cleaned and stitched up, and you in the same predicament, but says nothing, he watches instead.
After the maester stops your bleeding and begins to clean your wound, you feel how long the cut is; it starts from your cheek and trails up to where your cheekbone starts. It's deep too, or so you heard the maester say through the stinging pain that clouds your mind as he daps the wet cloth on your cut.
You do hope the pain will be over soon, but it only worsens as the maester then begins to stitch up your wound. Luckily Lucerys and Rhaena are holding your hands, it comforts you.
However, you still don’t know why the fight was caused. Like the adults in the room, you’re just learning too.
“How could you allow such a thing to happen?” You hear your grandfather finally ask. “I will have answers.”
“The princes were supposed to be abed, My King,” Ser Harrold says.
“Who had the watch?”
“Young prince was attacked by his own cousins, Your Grace,” Ser Criston interjects.
“You swore oaths to protect and defend my blood,” your grandfather argues.
“I’m very sorry, Your Grace,” Ser Harrold apologizes. Unlike Ser Criston.
“The Kingsguard has never had to defend princes from princes,” the young knight counters.
“That is no answer!” Your grandfather cuts him off.
“Almost done,” the maester tells you as he impales the needle in your flesh once again, making you wince and hold on tighter to Rhaena’s hand.
“It will heal, will it not maester?” You overhear Queen Alicent ask about Aemond, causing you to hold your breath.
“The flesh will heal,” the maester responds, “but the eye is lost, Your Grace.”
You gasp softly and lower your gaze from the disbelief and guilt, even if it wasn’t you who caused it.
“Where were you?” Alicent then yells.
“Me?” Aegon asks and then exclaims. “Ow! What was that for?”
You look up and see her hitting him, but why? He wasn’t even near, you only came across them because you were sneaking back into the castle. Aegon is a creep, but he wasn’t there to deserve to get punished.
“That was nothing compared to the abuse your brother suffered while you were drowning in your cups, you fool!” Alicent spats at Aegon with unnecessary fury against him.
“What is the meaning of this?!” The sound of your grandfather Corlys’s voice booms in, making you want to look back, but you can’t, so you're just left hearing him, and then your grandmother as she rushes in after him.
“Baela! Rhaena!”
Both girls look back, however, Rhaena doesn’t leave your side, but Baela does meet your grandmother halfway.
“What happened?” Your grandmother asks her before she calls out your name with worry and finally comes into view before you, along with your grandfather.
“Gods,” she mutters as she crouches down beside the maester and places her hand over your arm.
And now that you see her, now that she comforts you, the emotions get the best of you, the pain riddles you, and you can’t help but begin to cry.
“Will she heal?” Your grandmother asks, whilst your grandfather tilts his head to study your cut.
The maester finally pulls back and looks at your grandmother. “The flesh will, but it will scar.”
You gasp and your chest only gets heavier with more emotion.
“Who did this?” Your grandfather demands to know. “Who did this to you?”
You swallow thickly and without saying anything you look over at where Aemond is sitting. Both of your grandparents follow your line of gaze and find Aemond.
Before your grandfather can say anything though, the door opens and you instantly hear your mother call out to you and your brothers.
You drift your eyes over to her and see her rushing over, causing your grandparents to move to the side to let her reach you.
Now that you see her too, those emotions weighing you down find a way out through a shaky sob.
“Let me see, let me see,”
You slide your hands away from Lucerys and Rhaena’s hands to grab your mother's wrist as she cups your jaw and tilts your head to study the now stitched-up cut.
“Will it heal?” She asks the maester the same question just asked seconds ago.
“Mother,” you whimper out.
“The flesh will heal,” the maester repeats. “But it will scar.”
Your mother's gaze falls back on you filled with pity and hurt. “Oh my sweet,” she whispers and caresses your other cheek.
“Lucerys,” you point out now. “He’s hurt too.”
At the mention, her eyes snap to your brother still beside you. “Show me, show me,” she says as she moves to focus on him.
“I’m sorry Mother,” you instantly apologize. “I was out with Astraea and when I got there he was already hurt. They all were, I’m sorry.”
She swallows thickly and lets her gaze linger on Lucerys nose for a second longer before she meets your watery gaze. “It’s okay, my sweet, it’s okay. I believe you,” she assures you.
“I’m sorry Luce,” you now direct at him. “I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head very softly and assures you just like your mother did. “It’s okay it’s not your fault. Are you better?”
You sigh and nod to comfort his worry. “I will be.”
He grabs onto your hand again and stays close as your mother looks back at the crowd. “Who did this?” She asks.
“The twins and the boys attacked me!” Aemond blurts as he turns around on his chair, letting you finally see the injury he sustained—His eye is swollen and red, the cut is long and deep, and it starts over his eyebrow and crosses across his eye, ending on his cheek.
As the other kids begin to argue back in their defense all you can focus on is Aemond’s wound. The blood is now dry but to your own guilty eyes, it's bright, still fresh, and the cut is still open. All that you can think about is the fact that he’ll never see out of that eye again.
Will he hate you now too?
“It should be my son telling the tale!” Queen Alicent cutting into the kids' argument breaks you from your train of thought.
“He called us—”
“Silence!” Your grandfather cuts everyone off and only provides more tension.
“He called us bastards,” Jace whispers to your mother, making her stand and turn to face the crowd.
Before she can say anything though, your grandfather calls out to you, making you slowly drift your eyes over to him. “Tell me the truth of what happened.”
Your gaze snaps to your mother as she peers back. You don’t ask her anything out loud, but you ask for reassurance with your eyes.
She nods softly, letting you return your attention to your grandfather.
“I’m sorry, Your Grace, but I was not there to see all of the fight,” you tell the truth. “I was out with Astraea and when I was coming back inside I ran into them already fighting. I tried to stop it, but…” you hesitate as you’re stuck whether saying his name even if everyone knows already.
Can you go against him? You ask yourself.
“Say it,” your grandfather commands as he notices your silence.
“I was hurt on accident…”
“I didn’t mean it,” Aemond blurts. “She got in the way.”
Your gaze drifts to where he is, and even if he doesn’t turn around, you keep your eyes there for a lingering second before you continue. “After that is when Lucerys hurt Aemond,” you finish and right away drop your gaze and begin to bite the inside of your left cheek.
“Now you, Aemond,” your grandfather continues as he begins to limp towards Aemond. “I will have the truth of what happened. Now.”
“What else is there to hear?” Queen Alicent cuts in. “Your son has been maimed. Her son is responsible.”
“It was a regrettable accident.” Your mother quickly cuts in.
“Accident?” Alicent quips. “The prince Lucerys brought a blade to the ambush. He meant to kill my son.”
You quickly look up and begin to narrow your gaze on Alicent, knowing she was being overly dramatic.
“My daughter was maimed as well, and my sons were attacked and forced to defend themselves and their sister.” Your mother counters with anger. “Vile insults were levied against my sons.”
“What insults?” Your grandfather the King questions right away.
“The legitimacy of my son's birth was put loudly to question.”
“What?” Your grandfather presses your mother.
“He called us bastards,” Jacaerys cuts in, bringing a brief silence as everyone involved takes in what was said.
“My sons are in line to inherit the Iron Throne, Your Grace,” your mother continues. “This is the highest of treasons. Prince Aemond must be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders.”
Said boy looks back with his eyebrow furrowed in what you can read as…annoyance?
“Over an insult?” Queen Alicent mutters. “My son has lost an eye.”
Over an insult that he had to learn from someone; your grandfather wouldn’t say it, maybe others at court would, but why would Aemond listen to them, which leaves the one person who spends the most time with him, her. He learned it from her.
“You tell me, boy,” your grandfather presses Aemond harder as he gets closer. “Where did you hear this lie?”
“The insult was training yard bluster,” Alicent quickly cuts in for Aemond. “The lot of boys, it was nothing.”
“Aemond,” your grandfather ignores her. “I asked you a question.”
“Where is Ser Laenor, I wonder? The children’s father.” Alicent cuts in again, this time with an off topic question, as if she’s nervous. “Perhaps he might have something to say in the matter.”
“Yes,” your grandfather agrees with her for the first time tonight. “Where is Ser Laenor?”
“I do not know, Your Grace,” your mother responds, “I…could not find sleep. I had gone out to walk.”
“Entertaining his young squires, I would venture,” Alicent dares to rebuttal, making your face twist to a scowl, and for a scoff to escape past your lips.
Not only that but in the silence that consumed the hall you manage to hear a snicker, you quickly look over at where it comes from and see Ser Criston snickering like a gossiping girl. What a piece of shit.
You let go of Lucerys hand and fist your hands before you try to push yourself. However, before you can get up, a heavy hand pushes you down. You quickly look back and see that it’s your grandfather Corlys.
He doesn’t say anything, but you know not to pursue anything, even if all you want to do is call Ser Criston out.
“Aemond,” your grandfather the King cuts in and ignores Alicent’s comment. “Look at me. Your King demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?”
You let out an annoyed breath and tilt your head to try and see him, but there’s people in the way so you wait for an answer in the short silence.
“It was Aegon.” He deadpans.
“Me?” Said boy asks in confusion.
Now the attention goes to him, and your grandfather the King limps towards him as well to interrogate him. “And you, boy? Where did you hear such calumnies? Aegon! Tell me the truth of it!”
“We know, father,” you hear Aegon answer. “Everyone knows. Just look at them.”
All eyes drift to your brothers by your mother. Nothing is said but the tension heightens, making you sink further in your own seat.
“This interminable infighting must cease!” Your grandfather the King shouts as he slams his cane against the stone floor. “All of you! We are a family! Now make your apologies and show goodwill to one another. Your father, your grandsire, your king demands it!” He then begins to walk away from his children, no one adds anything else on the matter, but Alicent then interrupts and tries to continue the argument.
“That is insufficient. Aemond has been damaged permanently, My King. Goodwill cannot make him whole.”
“I know, Alicent. But I cannot restore his eye.”
“No, because it’s been taken!” She cuts him off.
“What would you have me do?” Your grandfather argues.
“There is a debt to be paid,” she daringly shares. “I shall have one of her son's eyes in return.”
You gasp and stand up to pull back Lucerys as he backs away out of fear.
“My dear wife—”
“He is your son, Viserys!” Alicent cuts your grandfather off with a shaky voice. “Your blood.”
“Do not allow your temper to guide your judgment,” he counters regardless of what she said.
Albeit she continues. “If the King will not seek justice, the Queen will. Ser Criston, bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon.”
Your eyes widen with shock, whilst you also fill with fear. However, you still tighten your grip on Lucerys shoulder and continue to pull him back with you.
“Mother,” he cries out desperately.
“He can choose which eye to keep a privilege he did not grant my son,” Alicent adds.
“You will do no such thing,” your mother counters as she lifts her chin.
“Stay your hand!”
“No, you are sworn to me!” Alicent yells over your grandfather.
Considering Ser Criston was just giggling, you wouldn’t put it past him to do it, but he surprises you. “As your protector, my Queen.” He says, making you smirk at the ground.
“Alicent, this matter…is finished,” your grandfather tells her. “Do you understand?”
Alicent doesn’t say anything luckily, letting your grandfather turn again and add on. “And let it be known, anyone whose tongue dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra’s sons should have it removed.”
Your smirk deepens.
“Thank you, Father,” your mother says before she turns to face you and your brothers. “Come on, let's go to your chambers to put you to bed.” She says.
You nod and sigh with relief as you’re finally liberated from the tension of this hall. However, just before anyone can leave, shouting breaks in the hall again, this time it’s Ser Harrold.
“Your Grace—Stay with the King!”
You blink and look up, catching Queen Alicent storming over with a blade in her hand. “Mother!” You cry out.
Said woman quickly stands up and turns around, managing to slap her hands on Alicents shoulders.
“Hold your approach!”
You reach out for Jacaerys and pull him back with you and Lucerys, whilst your grandfather Corlys also begins to push the three of you away.
“Do not, Ser Criston!”
Your eyes fly to every corner of the room; to your terrified brothers, where your grandfather the King is, to Ser Criston as he begins to charge over at your mother and Alicent, but quickly gets stopped by Daemon. You then look at the house guards that begin to block you as they surround your mother and Alicent, and lastly, you look at your mother as she’s trying to hold Alicent back. Panicked tears fill your eyes and worry begins to make your heart pound.
“You’ve gone too far,” your mother spats at Alicent.
“What have I done but what was expected of me?” Alicent cries. “Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law. While you flout all to do as you please.”
“Alicent!” Your grandfather bellows. “Let her go!”
“Where is duty?” She continues to spat. “Where is sacrifice? It’s trampled under your pretty foot again.”
“Release the blade, Alicent!” The hand Lord Otto finally speaks but with no urgency.
“And now you take my son's eye,” she continues to add through tears. “And to even that you feel entitled.”
You let go of your brothers and take a step forward since neither let go of the other.
“Exhausting, wasn’t it?” Your mother rebuttals. “Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness. But now they see you as you are.”
With those last words whispered suddenly you catch Alicent swing the blade down, causing your mother to stumble back towards your grandfather Corlys.
You quickly break away from your spot and approach your mother, catching now that Alicent had cut your mother's arm in her fury.
“Mother,” you whisper with shock.
Metal then clashes against the floor, and when you look over you see Alicent has dropped the blade now after she did what she did. Now she looks remorseful, but it’s too late.
“Do not mourn me, Mother,” Aemond cuts in, breaking away all the attention from the tension. “It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye…but I gained a dragon.”
He briefly meets your gaze, but you look away out of guilt for what happened to him, and also anger for what just happened to your mother.
“This proceeding is at an end,” your grandfather once again ends the argument, but now it's finally finished, no one speaks, silence once again fills the hall with even thicker tension, and Daemon approaches your mother, your brothers by her, and you, as if protecting all of you.
It is…weird? But your father isn't here to do it either so it’s…nice?
Your mind can’t really give it too much thought though. So you leave it sort of weird since he’s just an uncle, but nice because he’s being protective. Instead, after all that madness you can find some sense of relief, worry still chokes you up since your mother is still wounded and a faint tension does cover all of you, but you aren't in the hall anymore surrounded by so many people, or having to listen to arguing.
And maybe you shouldn’t let the tension build, your mother has had the chance to scold all of you now that you’re alone, but she hasn’t.
“You will scar,” the maester lets your mother know. “But the wound will heal.”
You drop the tension from your shoulders as you let out a relieved breath.
“Valyrian steel cuts clean.” The maester finishes saying before the doors open. When you look over you see your father finally walking in. He walks further into the room where you all reside, and his eyes fall on the maester finishing stitching your mother's wound before he glances at Lucerys with cotton in his nose, and then at Jacaerys who probably only got bruises, and lastly his eyes fall on you and the wound on your face.
“Gods,” he says and studies your scar for a moment longer. “Is everyone all right?” He asks even if he sees his answer.
Even then you nod softly even if your cut fucking stings.
“The broken nose is the worst,” the maester lets him know.
“Thank you, maester,” your mother interjects. “Leave us.”
Said man doesn’t hesitate to get up and collect his things before doing what he’s told.
“You as well,” your mother then directs at your siblings and you. “You’ve already found enough trouble today.”
You part your lips to argue, but you consider her pain and just suck it up and nod. “Yes, mother.”
You gently grab the shoulders of Jacaerys and Lucerys and nudge them out with you. When you pass by your father you offer him a sweet smile and give his arm a gentle squeeze, he returns the acknowledgment before you walk away and leave the room.
“How about we take a stroll outside, yes? We can be by the shore and get our minds off all this matter?” You suggest to your brothers for your own benefit. “We can even bring Baela and Rhaena.”
Lucerys twists around to face you and begins walking back. “I want to do that!” He exclaims and then looks at Jacaerys. “Jace do you?!”
Your brother looks unsure, but he doesn’t deny the request. “Sure,” he gives in.
You beam at them and then focus on Lucerys. “Go grab a cloak while I get changed.”
Lucerys nods quickly before he turns and runs with Jace, letting you walk to your chambers. And just as you reach the doors there outside the door is Aemond.
He seems to get surprised when you approach your quarters, and you fill with disbelief at his own presence. Yet you can’t muster a word as all you focus on is his wound. Those emotions of guilt and shame that you wanted to avoid feeling come rushing back at that moment.
You wish to apologize to him even if you didn’t commit the act, but all you can do is part your lips.
Aemond licks his lips before he parts his mouth, he steps forward, but he too falls silent and just holds your gaze.
He was probably leaving soon too, which means you won’t see him for a long time, but still, nothing comes out. Instead, you turn and walk in your quarters. When the door is closed you linger there for a moment and fight with yourself whether to go and apologize and ask how he’s doing, or not. But the guilt doesn’t let you move so you walk further in your quarters and let him walk away.
You’ll speak on the problem when the event isn’t so fresh in your mind, and when the guilt isn’t as heavy. As of now, you change out of your old gown and into a new one to try and hurry up and meet up with your brothers.
However, when you leave your quarters and enter the hall, there they are at the other, but between them and you is a handmaiden, one of Queen Alicent’s.
“Princess,” she bows her head before continuing. “Queen Alicent and the King request an audience with you at the grand hall.”
You blink in disbelief and fill with worry. “Alone?” You ask.
“Your mother and father will be there,” she informs you, bringing some ease, but not enough.
“All right,” you sigh and walk past her to reach your brothers. “Go, I'll find you two later.” You offer them a small faltering smile.
Neither Jace nor Luce argue, they remain curious as to what could be happening, but they go and do as they’re told while you head to the grande hall alone. Before you reach the doors luckily your parents catch up to you.
“What’s going on?” You ask your mother.
“I don’t know,” she shrugs quite nervously, but she tries to hide. “We’ll find out.”
The doors open and there they are, the Queen and King. The King watches you all walk in, his gaze lingers on your mother before he averts his gaze, while the Queen stands straight up and firm with a fur cloak over her body, looking elegant and regal, and stern and intimidating for the first time.
Not because she hurt your mother, but because of what she might want.
Is she going to accept the marriage proposal?
Your hopes rise now at the thought.
“I apologize for such a spontaneous audience,” Alicent breaks the awkward silence. “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”
Your mother shakes her head. “No, Your Grace. We were just finishing catching up on last night's matters.”
Alicent nods and averts her gaze for a second before she draws out a deep breath and clasps her hands in front of her before continuing. “The King and I have come to an agreement on a punishment for what happened to Prince Aemond.”
Just like that your hopes that had begun to rise and overtake the guilt, get squashed, heightening the guilt that riddles you.
“Punishment?” Your father counters and shakes his head. “It was a regrettable accident.”
Right away Alicent’s eyes snap to your father and she rebuttals all well collected. “The matter was discussed already Ser Laenor, it won’t be brought up again. If you had been there then you could have given some insight, but you weren’t.”
You glance at your father and see him drop his gaze and sigh.
“It’s decided that the Princess will be sent to Winterfell to be the ward of Lady Margaret Karstark, the wife of Lord Bennard Stark…”
Just like that, the guilt you felt disappears, it no longer torments you, now fear and shock slams into you, making your heart feel as if it skipped a beat, and causing a gasp to escape past your lips, whilst everything around you blurs.
Your greatest fear is coming true, you’re being sent away. Far from your mother, brothers, and father. Far, far away to the edge of the world where it never stops snowing, where the sun is a rare visitor. You’re being sent away...
“Mother,” you mutter in a broken voice and said woman grabs your arm and begins to pull you back behind her to shield you as if that would stop you from being sent away.
“She will reside there for five years, perhaps Lady Karstark will make a true lady out of her and she’ll drop this…wild and reckless behavior,” she continues to add on. “She will then go to King's Landing once she’s turned 17 to marry Prince Aemond.”
And you won’t even return to your mother after five years, you’ll go to her, the evil bitch Queen. A witch with no kindness in her heart to those who aren’t her kids.
“Is this your decision father?” Your mother asks your grandfather directly. “To send my only daughter away from me? She needs me. She’ll need me.” She says with a voice she was trying to keep serious and collected, but you can hear the cracks as tears threaten to spill.
“She did not do anything,” your father cuts in on your defense. “She was only protecting her brothers and trying to stop the altercation.”
“She’s a Princess, Rhaenyra,” Alicent ignores your father. “Beautiful at that matter, and part of two noble families, she will be sent away regardless...”
You shake your head and can’t stop your tears from breaking out. Your mother and father keep trying to argue against what was decided, your mother fought the most, but nothing after that comment traveled through your ears, your mind races with far too many thoughts to take in anything else. All you know is that nothing changed their—her mind.
It’s almost as if Alicent knew your fear and was toying with it on purpose just to be evil. She definitely knew how much your mother loved you and toyed with that too, using what happened as an excuse to be even more cruel to her. She made your nightmare come true.
It’s why out of desperation and heartbreak you run out of the hall. Your parents were probably calling out for you, but you didn’t hear that either with how loud your heart was pounding, and how loud your thoughts raced.
You run out of the castle even as your vision keeps clouding with tears, you continue to run and run until your feet trip over something, causing you to fall on your knees. It’s only after that moment that you realize you’re now out at the beach, on the rough grains of sand, far from the castle.
Maybe if you continue on you’ll be far away so you won’t have to leave. You can try and leave…
You lift your head to look at the miles of sand ahead and come to see Astraea descending from the sky. She lands before you and growls softly before she wraps her neck and body around you, keeping you safe from the clutches of the Evil Queen Alicent, and safe from going to Winterfell. She comforts you and keeps you from running away at that moment.
But maybe you should climb on her and fly away even still, she won’t argue or turn around if you don’t want her to.
Yet, of course just before you can think of climbing on the saddle, she begins to uncurl herself as you hear someone approach. You don’t check who it might be right away, you’re too upset to do it and wish to be alone.
You hoped that message would come across while you remained lying on Astraea. But it doesn’t.
Your name is called out by Aemond.
You almost don’t want to give him your attention, but you can’t help it, you wipe your tears away and slowly look over at him cautiously standing at a distance.
“Aemond,” you mewl.
Said boy swallows thickly and nods stiffly. “I’ve heard,” he mutters. “My mother told me.”
You draw in a shaky breath before letting out a shaky sob. “I-I’m being sent away. Far to the edge of nowhere.” You drag your legs up against your chest and hide your face on your knees as you hug your legs to find comfort. “I won't see my mother, or-or my father. My brothers…” you trail off and snap your head up to look at Aemond, noticing that he’s closer now.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble as the thought of what happened crosses your mind as well. “I am.”
Aemond shakes his head. “It was not you. You need not worry. Why don’t we,” he pauses to take a seat beside you against Astraea and then continues sweetly. “Talk about you.”
You scoff. “What is there to say? The…Queen,” you correct yourself before you can offend his mother in front of him. “…Decided. Unless you want to run away with me then there’s nothing to be done.”
Aemond keeps his eye trained on the sand below and remains quiet for a moment until he finds words he thinks will comfort you. “Why would we run away? We are meant to marry when you return to King’s Landing. I will be far older, more mature, worthy of you.”
You sniffle and slowly drag your eyes to the side to meet his single eye.
“If I leave, if we leave,” he continues. “I don’t know if I will ever be a worthy husband. We will be reckless, miserable.”
“I don’t think so,” you say and look at the clouds forming in the sky. “We will be free from any responsibility…Perhaps I will just run away alone,” you snap and turn your head away.
“I…don’t want you to run away,” he whispers.
You’re upset he’s turning you down, but you can’t help but look back at him in disbelief.
“Stay,” he adds. “Here in Westeros. Please.”
Please? And so softly spoken too?
Well…you don’t want to break your mother's heart either.
“Okay,” you whisper to Aemond without more of a fight. “Fine.”
Aemond releases a small sigh of relief and then lets a silence bask the both of you that lets only the sound of the crashing waves fill your ears. Neither of you move, he doesn't try to run off, and no one comes over yet to bring you back to the castle. You were left alone, in peace, and comfort, letting Aemond slowly reach for your hand to wrap his around yours and secure it in his hold.
You get surprised by the gentle touch, even if he's always been kind—he's just never been the first one to take your hand, it was always you. So it's a nice and heartwarming change that he reaches out first. It makes you smile.
“I will wait for you,” he breaks the silence. “I swear I will.”
As sad as you are about being sent away, that does heal your heartache.
If only your heart can fully heal by not being sent away, but, nothing will change this new fate that branched out in your path of life.
Nothing stops it.
“Here…I wanted to give it to you for your 13th name day, but now seems like the perfect time,” your grandmother says and opens a small golden box, revealing a beautiful dark gray glimmering chain necklace.
It was like your mother's necklace she wore often, the one made of Valyrian steel.
“Is it Valyrian steal?” You muse as you brush your fingers over the pendant that the chain necklace carries.
Your grandmother nods with a prideful smile on her face. “Yes. It is,” she assures you and picks it off the box, letting you study the three-headed dragon from your Targaryen family sigil that’s embedded on the pendant. She then turns it and you see the mythic seahorse from your Velaryon family sigil, and it only wows you even more.
“It’s beautiful, I love it!” You squeal and turn to let her clip the necklace around you. Once she’s done you turn and wrap her in an embrace. “Thank you, grandmother.”
She returns your embrace and squeezes you tighter. “I’ll write, all right? We will keep in touch.” She reassures you.
You pull back and nod with a wobbly smile.
Now it’s your brother's turn, and so far you’ve kept from crying, you’ve remained strong, but Lucerys is crying, making tears well in your eyes as well.
“Don’t cry, Luce,” you tell him and crouch down to wipe his tears away. “We will see each other again. I will write all the time. It will be as if I never left.”
“But it won’t because I won’t see you. Don’t leave me,” he cries and throws his arms around you before crying harder. “Please Mother, don't let her leave!”
Tears run down your cheeks and you squeeze him gently. “We’ll see each other again, don’t worry…I love you.” You try your best to comfort him.
He then pulls back and sniffles. “I love you too.”
Next is Jacaerys who is tougher than Lucerys, or so he's pretending to be. You can see the tears gleaming in his eyes.
“Promise to write?” You tell him. “All the time? So I won't miss you a thing?”
He nods. “I will.”
You offer him a soft wobbly smile before you pull him in an embrace. “I love you too, Jace. I’ll miss you, brother.”
Jacaerys lets out a shaky sigh and lingers in the embrace. “I’ll miss you as well.” He then pulls back and drops his head to hide the tears that manage to escape from his eyes.
Next is your father. Now those few tears threaten to turn into a sob.
“Every time I look at the sky I’ll think of you,” your father says as he cups your cheek, making you grin
“And I of you,” you redirect and hold his gaze for a lingering moment before you throw your arms around him and keep him close to you in hopes you wouldn’t be able to leave like this.
Albeit even if he doesn’t want you to pull away and leave either, he loosens his grip and lets you slip away to lastly move on to your mother. Now those tears no longer stay, you can’t be strong saying goodbye to her. You immediately hug her and sob into her shoulder.
“I will write to you every week,” your mother assures you. “Maybe even sooner than that. All right, my sweet girl?”
You nod and comfort her too. “I will write back each time.”
“If anything happens you tell me, come to me if you must,” she presses so you can always keep it in mind. “I love you, my darling girl. So much.”
She presses kisses on the side of your head and lingers before she forces herself to pull back. However, instead of letting you go, she presses a kiss on your forehead first. “We will see each other again.” She says tenderly.
You nod in comprehension and catch the tears that roll down the curve of her cheeks. “I love you, Mother,” you return just as affectionately. “I’ll miss you.”
Your mother offers you a sweet smile and caresses your cheek one more time before finally letting you go before she just didn’t.
But even then you make it your job to drag your feet and take as much time as you possibly can to board that ship. And once the ship does depart from the dock you stand at the end of it and watch as your mother's figure turns smaller and smaller, the others seem to have left, but she remained there until neither of you were visible.
After that the only companion you had left was Astraea, she followed the ship, casting a dark shadow over the deck for the month that it took to arrive at the harbor called the White Harbour. Once you made your way to Winterfell the shadow remained cast over you until you arrived
What was once bright blue skies, green hills, and warm air turned to gray dull skies, white hills as nothing but cold snow was seen for miles on end, and a bitter air nipped at your flesh. It was truly a bland place deprived of color, secluded with nothing around it. No oceans, no towns, or people.
The first person you laid your eyes on once arriving at Winterfell after miles of no one was a young man it seems. He stood on the wall that surrounded that gray castle. He wore a big fur cloak that stood out against all the others. Even if you weren’t close you do notice that his piercing eyes are dark, and intimidating as well, but it intrigues you; his face is pale too, and he isn't terrible to look at.
You always imagined northern men to be scary, to be huge men, but he wasn’t that. He's alluring and takes your breath away.
You are hidden in your carriage, but it seems he saw you too and that makes your heart skip a beat like nothing has before.
A/N- We’ll have two full chapters of Cregan content!
Tagged- @namelesslosers @stargaryenx @chainsawsangel @cloudroomblog @llarue @padsdarlg @sofietargaryen @gracielikegrapes @dreaming-of-the-reality @itzelpeyton @mrsdominickstark @elaena-aerrin @todoroki-slut @snh96 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @nifujiswhore @sweethoneyblossom1 @kaetastic @lightdragonrayne
547 notes · View notes
supercriminalbean · 11 months
Fight Club. Part three.
Aaron Hotchner x Male!reader.
Summary: The team tries thier hardest to find you, while Aaron thinks back to the way things use to be between you and him.
Warning: Dark fic. Blood, fighting, death, abuse, kidnapping, swearing, drugs, unsub violence, angst, murder, criminal minds unsub violenceness. This whole fic series is just dark and strange the ask it self is amazing and may help you know if this is something you can handle. (Any other warnings let me know xx)
Words: 4.6k
A/n: This went in a different direction as I thought this chapter would. Somehow this is becoming longer than I first thought it would. Another part will be released next week thank you all for your love xx
Part one. Part two. Part four.
Tagging thoes that seem interesed or asked: @xweirdo101x @alecmores @yn-addams @winter-world @xdark-acadamiax @rexspersonalhell @hunterispunk @sammy-4103 @222244445555 @spiritzofthedead @sweetnothingsvulnerability
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The day goes by fast for the Bau, the day doesn’t have enough hours before the sun is setting again. They checked out a place today hoping you would be there but instead they found nothing, not even a sign that anyone used to be there. Garcia also isn’t getting anywhere tracking their Ip address, and they haven’t gone live since this morning. Currently the team is sitting around the table eating or more like picking at their dinner as they throw out more ideas. 
“We got his face on camera, Garcia has it circulating through all facial recognitional searches” Morgan adds, sighs as he stabs his noodles. 
“She won’t find anything, he’s been doing this for years there will be no recognition of him for the past twenty years” Rossi huffs quietly staring at the photo of the unsub on the board. 
“Maybe not, but she can put him through her system and make him appear younger then maybe she will get a hit” JJ suggests staring at the wall, her body feeling numb.
“Good idea, when she lands get her straight onto that” Hotch instructs looking over at Morgan.
“Will do” Morgan nods at him.
“When does she land?” Emily asks, glancing over at Morgan who automatically checks his watch.
“In twenty minutes, I should get going. I promise her I’ll be waiting by the gate when she lands” He smiles weakly standing up. No one argues, everyone knows those two come in a package. 
“Hey can I come for a ride, I could use the fresh air” JJ looks up at him, feeling exhausted.
“Sure blondie lets go” Morgan smiles a little as they walk out.
The night goes by with Reid, Rossi and Hotch narrowing down their comfort zone, while Garica and Morgan go through making the unsub appear younger and running him through everything. JJ and Emily, run through their notes of the interview of some of the victims families they talked to today, coming to some conclusions that they wish they never had to. Once it gets too late and the room is filled with nothing but yawns, Hotch finally sends them home, his heart racing at the thought you have been gone for 36 hours. Everyone leaves silently hating the idea of going back to the hotel while you're missing. Once Aaron is alone in his hotel room he sits at the small desk in the corner of the room, pulling out his notebook and a file as he gets back to work, doing his best to distract his mind from the hopelessness look in your eye. You don’t think they are coming for you, no, you don’t think he is coming for you. He is, and he won’t rest until he has you back where you belong. His mind runs back to the night, the night he regrets letting you go. The night he confessed to you, that he enjoyed having you in his life more than a boss should. That he doesn’t normally allow an agent to get this close to him or his kid, and he definitely doesn’t allow his agents to cuddle up to him on his couch watching movies, or kiss him that one night. He also doesn’t allow an agent to push him on cases like you do, he doesn’t allow an agent to bring a case to him like this and get away with using his FBI statutes to get information he’s not entitled to. He doesn’t allow it, so how the hell did he allow himself to let you worm yourself into his heart, and why the hell did he let you leave that night. Aaron doesn’t realise there are tears sliding down his face, hitting his notes until there's a sharp knock on the door. Quickly he pulls himself together, wiping his face as he takes a deep breath steadying his heartbeat as he looks through the peephole. Of course it's Dave he groans to himself, wondering if he could just go to bed and pretend he’s asleep to make him go away.
“Open up Aaron I know you're there” Dave smirks, staring at the door with a knowing look. Ever so slowly Aaron opens the door, his face hard, showing no emotion.
“What's up Dave?” Aaron sighs lightly, acting tired blocking the doorway.
“Don’t what's up me” Dave rolls his eyes as he pushes past him, walking straight in.
“Oh sure come on in” Aaron says sarcastically as he closes the door, he somehow allows his guard down around Dave. Dave moves to the middle of the room then turns around, staring at Aaron, his body stiffens under Dave gaze, crosses his arms in defence. 
“What do you want Dave?” 
“You want to tell me what's going on with you?” Dave stares at him, his eyes staring a hole into his soul. 
“What do you mean, my agent is missing? I'm sorry if I’m a little on edge” Aaron snaps at him, the tears threatening to come back.
“Today you keep referring to him as your agent, you keep refusing to say his name” Dave sighs, noticing the tension threatening to break on Aaron's face.
“Dave” His name is barely above a whisper, it's a warning. “Get out”
“Not until you open up and tell me what's happened between you two” Dave pushes, taking a step forward as he spots a tear escaping down Aaron cheek as he looks away.
“Aaron its me, talk to me”
“I can’t lose him Dave, not after Haley” His voice breaks as he speaks, sitting down on the bed.
“I invited him to a soccer game of Jack one day” Aaron breaks the silence, his eyes focused on the wall opposite him. Dave is sitting at the desk, watching him quietly, he wishes he could hear this under better circumstances.
“I didn’t think he would come, you know how closed off he is. He had a rough case and I wanted to make sure he was okay during the weekend” Hotch takes a deep breath as he thinks back. 
You didn’t want to get out of bed this morning, but you promised Hotch you would go to his son's soccer game with him. Apparently because you have been on the team for over a year and a half now and you still haven’t met his son yet which is a call for concern, apparently. Slowly you dragged yourself out of bed and got ready for the day, driving to the soccer field and stopping for some coffee and um a hot chocolate, because kids like hot chocolate right? You double asked yourself as you drove to the field, earlier than Hotch had told you the game was but he said he would be there early for warm up seeing as he is the couch. You pull up into the car parks, noticing a spare park beside a familiar car so you quickly park before getting out, and making your way through the field finding your boss setting down a bag and some bottles and a kid who seems to be a mini version of him holding a ball laughing beside him. 
“Morning” You call out to them, your eyes focused on Hotch as he turns around with a smile growing on his face.
“You're earlier” He points out, walking over to you.
“I know” You smirk softly. “But I brought coffee, and a hot chocolate for the little child” 
“Thanks,” Hotch smiles. “Jack, this is (Y/n) my coworker”
“Hi,” Jack mumbles, looking down.
“Hey kid” You smile awkwardly, before picking up the coffee and offering it to Hotch.
“Thank you, you didn’t have to” He smiles warmly as he reaches for it, his smile fades as you jump slightly at his movements. 
“Oh it's no problem” You focus your smile to stay put. “Sorry” You quickly apologise, gulping quickly as you turn to Jack as you hand him his drink. “This is for you Jack”
“Woah, it's huge!” Jack exclaims, taking it. “Dad only ever gets me the small one, thank you”
You can’t help but laugh softly. “It's because I’m better than him” You tease.
“That's because I have to deal with the sugar rush later,” Aaron groans, smirking at you.
“They get sugar rush?” You look at him confused, your eyebrows pinching together looking cute according to Aaron.
“They do, you don’t know anything about kids do you” Aaron teases you, laughing as he sees his son struggle to hold the cup without dropping it.
“Oh nothing, I don’t like kids” You shrug, as you watch Jack not realising Aaron is currently staring at you with his eyes full of hope.
After the soccer game, you three went out for ice cream, the day was full of laughter and joy as you got to know the Hotchner boys. The next few weekends the same thing happened, you went to the game, then an afternoon activity with the two sweetest boys. About six months pass by, when an incident with Jack processes to push you and Aaron closer. 
You are currently watching Jack's first game of summer soccer, cheering for him from the side lines, a huge smile takes over your face as you watch him. The pride grows in your chest as he scores another goal, glancing over at Aaron by the side lines, the proud dad looks on his face as he claps loudly with the clipboard. The game is close, the team only needs one more goal and the game is theirs. The game goes by quickly with both teams playing well for kids, your heart is pounding when you see Jack got the ball lined up for the goal and the referee is about to call the game, but then he kicks and he gets in just as the game comes to an end. The team all screams and cheers with excitement, running towards their parents to celebrate, except Jack. He’s sprinting towards screaming that he’s won, before he’s jumping at you, wrapping his arms around you. You freeze, your smile falters as he touches you, but then you look down at the small boy in your arms and you smile before wrapping your arms around him, the tension in your chest breaking apart.
“You did amazing kiddo” You smile widely as you hear heavy footsteps approaches, pulling away from Jack as you glance up to meet his father's gaze, a worried look on his face quickly fades to a relieved, happy look.
“They played great” You smile at him, but your smile doesn’t reach your eyes as Jack pulls away, causing Aaron to worry internally.
“They did, you did so great buddy” Aaron looks down at his son, with loving eyes as he ruffles his hair. 
Later that night, you three have had a movie night and now Jack is asleep in his bed as you and Aaron watch a less kid friendly movie, while chatting away. 
“I’m sorry if Jack made you uncomfortable earlier” Aaron glances at you as the conversation from before dies away, your eyes stay glued on the tv.
“Um when?” You gulp, you know what he’s talking about, but you don’t want to talk about it.
“When he hugged you (Y/n), I know you don’t like physical touch”
“It's fine, It happened and it didn’t suck” You shrug, ignoring the way your body tenses up.
“(Y/n), If you want me to tell him not to do it again I will” Aaron speaks softly, watching the upset and agitated look flash over your face as you glance at him.
“Don’t do that, I don’t mind hugging him. What, am I not allowed to hug people just because I’ve never hugged someone before!” You snap at him, anger and sadness welling up inside you.
“No, I didn’t mean that” Aaron smiles sadly at you, before reaching for your hand that lays on the couch in between you both. Your freeze, your eyes focusing on his hand closely but you don’t pull away. He slowly intertwined his fingers with yours, taking a deep you slide your thumb over his, a small smile pulling at your lips.
“You said you haven’t had a hug before?” Aaron keeps his voice light as he speaks, holding your hand softly as he looks up at you. 
“Not since I was young” You talk quietly, looking into his eyes as you speak. “I know I’m not normal Aaron but I’m trying I promise” Your voice almost sounds like you're begging when you speak, your voice wobbles as your eyes water just a little.
“I know you are, I see you and you are doing a great job” Aaron reassures you. Holding back the automatic urge to pull you into a hug and tell you that nothing can hurt you anymore and that you're doing a great job and just how far you have come. But he can’t do that, because you're not ready for the praise nor ready for the way he wants to hold you and even if you are he would break the thin line of professionalism he is trying to keep between you two.
“I am?” Your face lights up a little, a smile tugging at your lips. 
“You are, do you remember when you first joined the team?” Aaron smiles as he watches you, the way your eyes slide to the wall as you think back.
“Yeah.. You kept getting mad at me”
“Mad isn’t the right word, I was concerned for you. You barely slept and never ate, you drank more caffeine than Reid and that’s saying something” Aaron jokes lightly, causing you to chuckle softly.
“Okay, but I still do that most weeks”
“Still less than you used to do, and that's an improvement” Aaron squeezes your hand softly, which makes your smile grow just a little. “You also used violence a lot more when arresting an unsub, you don’t do that so much anymore you have more control over your temper” His words sink in slowly, your heart melting as your eyes meet his, allowing his sweet words to break your walls down. 
“That one is hard, anger and violence is all I knew growing up” Your words are barely above a whisper as you admit that, squeezing his hand a little. 
“That's okay, because you are still young and you are still learning” He smiles as his thumb brushes over your hand. “Also back then you would never let me hold your hand, or even hug my son”
“Maybe it's more because you two mean something to me rather than something else” You gulp as you admit your feelings.
“Well you are welcome here whenever you like” Aaron smiles as he looks at you, his eyes filled with love as he stares into your own. He feels himself falling for you, he knows it's wrong but right now Aaron doesn’t care, because he’s never seen anyone with such beautiful eyes before.
“Can.. Can you hug me.. I want to try it” You push the words out of your throat as the nerves start to get involved. Aaron smiles softly, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you down and into his chest. You take a deep breath, half laying down in his arms, closing your eyes as you focus on his heart beat, and the warmth his arm produces. 
“You two got really close?” Dave pulls Aaron back to the present.
“Six months Dave… That night brought us even closer but six months it stayed like that” Aaron voice breaks as a tear slides down his hands shaking. “And then he pulled away, something was going on but he refused to tell me what and after one night.. That night he.. He kissed me” Aaron takes a sharp breath as that memory invades his mind the way you cupped his face as you ask him sweetly before your lips are capturing his. 
“What happened?” Dave watched him concernedly, his eyes focused on Aaron's body language. 
“He fell asleep in my arms, and the next morning he was gone, I tried to talk to him at work and he told me that he had to refocus on work, he didn’t have time for friends, I let him go Dave, I knew something was wrong but I also knew that he’s not right, he doesn't understand relationships or love, now I know why” Aaron looks up at Dave, his heart breaking. 
“This isn’t your fault Aaron” Dave reaches out, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“I know Dave but–” Before Aaron could finish there's an urgent knock on the door pulling the two mens attention away. As soon as the door opens Garcia and Morgan are walking in urgent looks plastered over their faces, both carrying their laptops.
“They are going live” Morgan breaks the silence, before glancing at Hotch who is quickly drying his face., jumping to his feet quickly. All four of them gather around the laptop where the loading screens disappear and your bloody face fills the screen making Aarons insides screaming.
You are left alone for hours after being tortured, they only stopped after you screamed out the name they branded you with. You pass out at one point, your body and mind begging for a break, and against the hardest you try you black out. A sharp pain flies across your face, bringing you back to the hell you're in. Blinking rapidly while your eyes adjust to the bright light shining down at you, your eyes finally adjust landing on the man in front of you.
“Ready for round two Jupiter?” He chuckles at you, his grin is one that will forever haunt your nightmares.
“Why don’t you untie me and I’ll show you just how ready I am” You glare up at him, anger and tiredness sitting in your chest. He grabs your chin pinching it hard between his thumb and pointer finger, his eyes icy cold as he stares into you.
“Oh that's the plan, we’re going old school” A sickening feeling fills your stomach as his grin grows.
“No, not again” You spit at him, fear filling you knowing that's their plan to break you.
“Bring him out” He yells out, letting your chin go as the door on the other side of the room swings open, your stomach drops. She walks in, followed by a younger boy who seems to be in his mid teens.
“He’s too young no” You shake your head vigorously, your heart pounding. He looks so strong, but you know you're stronger even in your current state you could beat him. 
“You killed people when you were younger than him” He laughs. “Hell you are our youngest killer after all”
“Shut up” You snarl at him, your eyes flickering towards the video camera.
“Just enjoy the fight, let yourself remember the joy you used to feel” He smirks as he grabs the camera and lights moving them out of the pool before he climbs out.
“Hey, aren’t you going to untie me then” You glare up at him, your eyes glace at the kid as he approaches, his eyes are dead but focused on you. To him you aren’t a person just a chore for the day, he just needs to get you over with so he can have dinner and go to sleep. 
“He will do it” He smirks at you, before the boy jumps into the pool.
“Julian, remember the rules” Ma’am calls to the boy, her eyes flickering to yours. Her’s are filled with excitement, she can’t wait to see the next show. 
“Yes Ma’am” He nods, before approaching you, untying you quickly before backing up to his corner. 
I say start you two better give everyone a good show my lovies” She sings out to you two before giggling sickly, holding the camera zooming in on you as you stand up your eyes trained on the boy. You won’t attack him, just keep him busy until he gives up.
“Three, two one, go” Her smirk darkness as the boy lunges at you.
He’s a lot stronger than you thought he was, after a few rounds of dodging and making him chase you around the pool, he’s managed to land a few strong punches on you. Eventually he gets you down, his fist colliding with your face too much for you to think straight and soon instinct takes over. Your legs wrap around his waist, flipping you both over as you manage to get a few hits on him, he stops moving as you put pressure over his throat. A soft laugh escapes you as he starts relaxing under you, his eyes soften as fear invades them as he struggles underneath you. 
“Please don’t” He coughs his words out, but they aren’t enough to stop you.
“That’s it Jupiter finish him” She cheers for you, your stomach drops as her voice sets in. Shaking your head as you eyes meet him, you quickly let his throat go as he stops struggling under you. 
“That's not my name” You growl glancing at her, before looking at the scared boy under you. “Take a deep breath kid, you're okay now” You speak softly, guilt eating at you. He nods quickly, taking deep breaths as you climb off him, holding out a hand for him, pulling him up to his feet. Sliding his arm over your shoulder as he uses you for support, you glare up at the two viewers.
“You can try as much as you like, you're not breaking me” You breathe heavily as you try to catch your breath. You are pretty sure your ribs are broken along with your nose, more blood drips down your face.
“Bullshit” He snarls out as he jumps into the pool with you, storming over.
“Can’t break me” You smirk at him just a little.
“You won that fight, and winners here only win one way” He glares murderously at you, before you have time to process anything he lunges at Julian. A sharp howl leaves the young boy's mouth, your eyes widen as he pulls away, blood dripping from the knife in his hand. 
“No!” You scream, your hand flies toward Julian side, where the stab wound is, pressing against the bleeding as you lay him down. 
“You won, deal with it” He laughs bitterly as they walk out, leaving you two alone. 
You hold the tears back as you press against the wound, looking into the young boy's frightened eyes.
“It's.. its going to be okay kid” You try to pull yourself together, as the boy stares up at you.
“It's okay” He coughs out weakly. “They can’t hurt me now” 
“That's right they can’t” You whimper, a tear sliding down as the light in his eyes start to fade. 
“My sister here, she's beside you” His words are barely above a whisper now, goosebumps make your arms tingle. 
“Go with her kiddo, be safe now” Tears slide down as his chest stops breathing and you can’t move. Eventually you pull your hands off him, and collapse onto your back sobs racking through your body. That should be you, no one is even looking for you, this is your fault.
The team sits in silence as the live ends, Garcia keyboard is the only sound that fills the room. Tears are sliding down almost everyone's face, guilt, fear and anger fills everyone. The rest of the team had come and joined the other four earlier on, everyone had to watch your fight in silence, their hearts breaking at your screaming. The way you fell to your knees trying to keep the boy alive, then it ended, and no one knows how to proceed. 
“Penelope, do you have a location?” It's Dave that breaks the silence, his eyes landing on her. Her body is shaking as she cries but she carries on typing on her laptop.
“No, but.. But I’ve got it narrowed down, and I tapped into their viewers, maybe we can’t get something off that” Her voice is shaky as she tries to push through it. 
“Baby girl” Derek gently takes her hand, worried about her shaking.
“I.. I’m sorry” She sobs, falling into Derek's chest who holds her closely, his own tears sliding down.
“Everyone take five minutes, then back to the precinct” Aaron orders, his eyes still focused on the screen, his heart falling apart. In a quick minute JJ and Reid are running out of the room, needing time to themselves. 
Everyone knew the timeline had been cut shorter, if they make you fight again, Aaron knows you will give yourself up, he can’t let you do that.
165 notes · View notes
silenzahra · 1 month
They keep saving my life ✨
Dear friends, I've been missing today because I've been trying to recover from last night's experience! I went to watch my favorite band live again and I'm not exaggerating when I say they saved my life once more 🥹 It's just what I needed to feel entirely good again! My beloved Estopa never fail to make me feel better, them and the Mario Brothers are literally keeping me ALIVE these last years and I'm seriously so blessed 😭
I'm not gonna repeat everything I said here as the repertory was essentially the same, but I do want to add a video and some pics, and also a VERY silly conversation they had (as well as something related to my writing). So keep reading if you're curious, and it's totally fine if you're not! 🥰
Still, I believe perhaps @bberetd @vulpixfairy1985 @stripetkattelalala54-gf @itsavee4117 would like this! Of course, if you're not interested, just let me know and I'll remove your tag! 💖
THE FOREHEAD TOUCH AT THE END. THE WAY THE CROWD STARTS SCREAMING WHEN THEY DO IT. People do LOVE seeing them doing it, me included of course, and I can only melt and CRY 😭 (Yes, you can hear me singing and screaming, I recorded this video myself, so surprise! Voice reveal 😂)
And the line they were singing face to face right before bringing their foreheads together...
"And I'm still here by your side until the wind blows me away."
... I'm not crying, I just got some brotherly love in my eye 🥲🥲🥲
Also, a few minutes ago I just ran into this pic, a close-up of THE moment, and I DIED again 👇
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THEIR FACES. THEIR FOREHEADS. I CAN'T. These brothers are gonna be the DEATH of me I swear 😭😭😭
The fact that they're REAL. I just can't get over it. Mario and Luigi have a WONDERFUL bond and you all know I love them wholeheartedly, but the fact that Estopa are the real, actual personification of brotherly love? In our world?? Them having so much fun together and always showing how much they LOVE each other in every single concert???
Excuse me if I CRY but they're too PRECIOUS.
I just can't have enough of them. As you all know, they inspired me to write my musicians post, and also two of my WIPs that revolve around different things (the brothers on stage and Luaisy smut). They inspire me. They've been doing so ever since I became a fan of them, which, btw, happened exactly 18 years ago today! Man, I'm old 🥲
And the thing is... If you've been following me lately, you know I've been going through some hard times and I've been feeling down for a long time. So much so that I was unable to read... nor write. I'm still in the process of getting over my reader's block...
... but my writer's one might be coming to an end at last.
It's too soon to speak yet, but Estopa's music does inspire me, as well as their brotherly dynamic and their chemistry on stage. And yesterday, a few things happened that only gave me more and more ideas for that future story I wanna write with Mario and Luigi being musicians and performing together.
First of all, a very silly conversation:
"I am your brother." "Yes, me too." "... No." "Yes, I am your brother." "I am your brother, but you're my brother. I'm not my brother." "Of course, because I am your brother. You're my brother." "No, I'm not my brother, I'm your brother!"
I swear, me and my friend were just cracking up at the stupidest conversation EVER 😂 You can't tell me this isn't Mario and Luigi 🤭😂
Unfortunately... there were a couple of times where David almost fell off the stage 😅 The first time, I didn't even notice because I was further back, but I was a bit confused that he was standing still at one end of the stage when he's usually running and dancing here and there while singing.
And then... I saw this. Unfortunately it's an Instagram story which means it'll be gone at some point, but even though I've tried, Tumblr just wouldn't let me add a second video to this post 🤦‍♀️ So I just hope you can get to see it before it's gone, but it's basically poor David tripping and being about to fall off the stage 🥲
Poor man, I swear I feel SO BAD for him 😭😭😭 All I wanna do is run and help him through the screen! Thank God he handled it and didn't hurt himself but I swear I SCREAMED when I saw this 🥺
On a brighter note though... the second time was hilarious and he didn't hurt himself 🤭 To give you some context, it turns out there was a famous artist among the crowd watching the concert. His name is Dani Martín and he's friends with Estopa. They actually sang one of Estopa's songs together a while back, and when they started playing it last night, David suddenly noticed his friend...
... And he jumped off the stage to go sing with him! ����😂😂
The moment his butt literally kisses the ground, I'm so DEAD I swear 😂😂😂 You just CAN'T convince me Mario wouldn't do something like this if he spotted, I don't know, Geno, maybe? 🤭
They're so friendly I swear! This was such a big surprise, and my friend was elated because she's also a big fan of Dani Martín! So it was really so great they did something like this 🥹 David jumping to bring him on stage and Jose ceding him his mic, they're just so nice and pure 😭
Anyways, as I said, the rest was very similar to the concert in Sevilla I attended back in June (only that this time I was WAY closer and I couldn't believe it 🤩), so I'll just add that I've been sharing some videos of the concert on my Instagram stories, and I'll probably share a few more tomorrow as I recorded a lot 🤭
Also, my friend sent me the videos she recorded and her phone has such a higher quality than mine! So yeah, those are coming to my insta stories tomorrow too 😂 Just in case you'd like to see said videos, here's my Instagram account! I'm saving them all on the higlighted stories called "Estopa Chiclana" btw, so they're gonna remain there no matter what 🥰
And to say goodbye, here's an AMAZING pic my friend took at the beginning of the concert and that has become my new lockscreen! 😁🔥
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It captures their essence SO WELL and it gives me so many ideas for Mario and Luigi! 🥹❤️💚
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mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{2} - Paradise Gardens - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Book Two to Hotel California
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humor
Pairing: Ateez X Reader 
Words: 9,538
Warnings: Very suggestive content, mentions of past trauma and PTSD. Minor anxiety. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: I love when things all start to fall into place! Finally, I have a solid outline of the next few chapters ehehehe I'm super excited for you all to see what I have planned, and I greatly hope you’ll all look forward to the upcoming chapters. I have a feeling a few things might shock you hehehe anyways, as always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Mini Masterlist - Part One
“I still can’t believe that this has been underneath the house this entire time,” your voice, full of awe and wonder, echoes around the area. Again, your eyes are quick to take in every detail surrounding you just like the first time you entered their training space.
The room stretches on before you, more like a mini arena than anything. A light blue lines the walls, almost steel in colour, giving them a sort of metallic sheen as the florescent lights illuminate the space. A throwing range is off to the side, wooden targets well worn lining the scraped up walls. There’s even a large sparring area, complete with mirrors to the side to observe yourself while fighting for any openings you might leave yourself vulnerable to. 
To the left, gym equipment resides. Anything and everything you can think of lines the space, making you feel as if you’re in some weird simulation of The Hunger Games. The training facility, if you can even call it that, has nearly all of the exact same things, up to and including a separate space where you can run types of simulations to practice what you’ve learned.
“We didn’t want to scare you,” Mingi shrugs, sitting off to the side as both San and Jongho grab some equipment to begin preparing for your training.
“That still doesn’t explain why you waited this long to tell me,” you chuckle. “Even after I expressed how cool I find your abilities, both physical and metaphysical.”
“To be fair, Dearest,” Yeosang sits right beside Mingi, the two of them watching on carefully. “The progress we had been making with you could have been changed or lost at any point. We simply didn’t want to do something to jeopardize that.”
You hum in acknowledgement, moving over to the sparring mats alongside both San and Jongho. A moment later, and you begin doing some stretches.
Just as you straighten yourself into a standing position once more, you hear a loud crashing sound coming from behind you.
“Oh, please tell me I haven’t missed it yet,” Wooyoung comes rushing into the room, practically tripping over himself and the equipment scattered throughout.
“Didn’t realize I’d have a peanut gallery,” you mumble, hearing Jongho chuckle from beside you.
“Think of them as extra observers to give you pointers that we may miss.” San comments, a subtle grin tugging at his lips as he begins stretching alongside you.
“Translation: they just want to have an excuse to look at my ass while I stretch.” You reply, amusement shining behind your eyes.
Mingi’s brows raise in amusement, Wooyoung grinning suggestively at you as he takes a seat on the floor in front of his brothers. At least Yeosang has the decency to avoid your gaze, the tips of his ears turning red as he stutters out a response.
“It’s okay, boys,” you chuckle. “The feeling is mutual.”
Wooyoung immediately bursts out laughing, especially when he turns his head to see both Yeosang and Mingi looking completely shocked behind him.
“Perks of being a visual learner,” you add, sitting on the ground to begin stretching out both your back and legs further.
“Wait, you mean you check us out while we’re working out, too?” Mingi is still attempting to wrap his head around your confession only moments before.
“You’ve really never noticed before?” San quirks a knowing brow at his brother.
“You try living with eight modern Adonis’, and you see how well you fare.” You comment, standing back to your feet as pleased growls reach your ears. Then, you’re turning to face the three males sitting to the side. “You’ve seriously never felt my gaze on you while I’m checking you out?”
“Why do you think I told you to start wearing compression shirts since you didn’t want to go topless?” San directs his comment towards Mingi, and your jaw drops.
“That was because of you?” Your voice is incredulous, eyes sparkling with awe as you watch him nod smugly. Your grin soon mirrors his own as you exhale a breath. “Fuck, I love you.”
A pleased growl escapes San’s lips as he absolutely revels in your gaze. The way the others shoot him small looks of either disbelief, or mild jealousy, is simply icing on the cake.
“Maybe we should all start working out shirtless,” Wooyoung hums, a smirk dancing on his features.
“Should we take it a step further and oil ourselves in the nude, too?” Jongho’s eyes gleam as he watches your reactions closely.
“Damn, I haven’t done that since the Olympics,” San hums, crossing his arms proudly over his chest.
The way you swallow thickly does not go unnoticed by any of them.
“So, the distractions have started already, I see,” you nod, almost absentmindedly.
“What seems to be on your mind, Starlight?” Mingi smirks, a knowing gleam shining within his eyes.
You lick your lips, the corner tugging upwards gently. “I think you already know, Moonlight.”
Five low growls echo around the room as a certain tension fills the air. That is, until that familiar gleam of curiosity flashes behind your eyes.
“So, did any of you compete in a circus?” You can hardly contain the excitement from bleeding into your voice as you look around at all of them.
“Hwa was always the best at chariot racing.” Yeosang hums, leaning back in his seat for the moment.
“Something tells me it was more than just being good with horses,” you chuckle, a small smile tugging on your features. “Though, it’s very fitting for some reason.”
“Well, he is the most competitive out of all of us.” San nods.
“And that’s saying something.” Mingi shoots a pointed look at Jongho who simply rolls his eyes in response.
“Jongho and San were excellent gladiators, too.” Wooyoung adds, nonchalantly. Though, with how his eyes gleam, you know his words are very calculated.
“I understand now why they’re the first ones teaching me hand to hand combat, then.” You nod, attempting to not appear as affected as you are for the moment.
“Yunho, Wooyoung, and Hongjoong all enjoyed wrestling a bit too much,” Jongho says, a chuckle falling from his lips as he crosses his arms over his chest. 
You nod, once more attempting to not allow your thoughts to consume you. Unfortunately, with their earlier comments about bathing themselves in oil, it’s quite difficult not to picture the aforementioned males rolling around and wrestling in the nude.
A tense smile pulls at your lips, blinking in the next second. Shaking your head, you attempt to clear your thoughts, grateful to have that void of yours up and running. Though, from the way they all look at you, eyes swirling with that all too familiar darkness, you can just tell they know perfectly well what you’re thinking about.
Clearing your throat, you manage to compose yourself a bit better, even if only slightly.
“Archery,” you cut Mingi off as you turn to face the aforementioned male. “I remember.”
The soft smile that paints your lips has all four of his brothers turning to face him. A smile of which is mirrored on his own features as he recalls the conversation that he had with you that very night all those months ago where he got to hold you in his arms as you slept. Though, the morning afterwards, in his opinion, was even better. A memory he will cherish until the end of time. A memory he will never forget.
“Mingi was never really in to the Olympics like we were,” San states, and you watch how the aforementioned man sits a little straighter in his seat. “None of us could touch him on the water, though.”
“Naval battles?” You quirk a brow, noticing how red begins to creep over the tips of his ears. At his nod, you exhale a low breath. “Literally, could you guys get any more attractive?”
Again, five pleased growls meet your ears.
“We’re just glad you’re enjoying yourself, Dearest,” Yeosang hums, leaning further back into his seat.
“I always enjoy learning more about you,” you reply honestly, and you watch as they all visibly perk up from your words, giddy smiles settling onto each of their features. “Not to mention my little historian heart is practically leaping for joy right now.”
“Is it?” Jongho grins fondly as he meets your gaze. The way they can all hear your heart racing in excitement has a warmth flooding their veins the longer this conversation draws on. “We couldn’t tell.”
Playfully, you stick your tongue out at him.
“Honestly, we could spend weeks telling you all about whatever kinds of history you want to know.” San offers, and the way your eyes instantly light up has his heart fluttering inside of his chest.
“Really?” You fail to hide how hopeful you sound.
“Anything and everything you’d like, Starlight.” Mingi confirms, nodding once he sees he’s drawn your attention back onto him for the moment.
“We are more than happy to share it all with you, Angel.” Wooyoung smiles, propping his knee up so that he can rest his one arm over top of it. He gazes at you fondly, his entire being relaxing into this moment with you.
The way they all see you visibly begin to shake in excitement, bouncing up and down slightly in your spot as a brilliant smile takes over your features, begins to rub off on all of them. None can help the way nothing but love for you floods their veins, each male gazing upon you tenderly at how eager you seem to be. The wonder alone they see reflected in your eyes sets their hearts racing inside of their chests.
“I have so many questions,” you begin, unable to prevent yourself from pacing any longer. 
The fact that you need to expel that energy has both Jongho and Mingi chuckling fondly.
“How about we save them for later, though.” San smiles at you, halting you in your tracks as his one hand comes up to gently grasp the side of your arm.
“Okay,” you nod eagerly. Then, your eyes flash as you meet his gaze. “Does this mean you’re all going to teach me the different fighting styles of different cultures through the ages?”
They all share a brief look between one another.
“Oh, come on! You can’t seriously be telling me that you were only going to teach me the very basics,” you tilt your head slightly as you cross your arms over your chest.
“We can teach you as much or as little as you’d like, Darling.” Jongho chuckles, gently guiding you onto the large sparring mat once more. “We just never expected you to be so enthusiastic about it.”
“I thought I told you that dismemberment wasn’t the only violent thought I can have.” You reply, a slight amused quirk to your brow. “You know I want to be as badass and intimidating as My Kings are.”
“But, how could we ever forget?” Wooyoung practically purrs out, a pleasant rumble escaping his chest that he knows is echoed lowly by each of his brothers.
“Okay,” San chuckles, moving to stand across from you on the mat. “We’ve already taught you the basics of self-defence, and you’ve started working to increase your stamina and strength. All that’s left are some simple fighting stances, and then the real fun begins.”
A look of determination washes over your features as you all become serious in the next moment. Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Jongho beginning to circle the mat, San explaining some basic footholds and arm blocks all the while. Of course, he’s quick to demonstrate each one, nodding in approval as he watches you copy each one.
“The most important part of your balance is your core,” he explains. “The quickest way to throw someone off their rhythm is to break through their own.”
“No matter what situation you find yourself in, there is always a way out.” Jongho adds. “Never let your enemy know they have the upper hand, unless you’re faking them out. In which case, you have to be sure you know what you’re doing.”
“We can discuss proper strategies another day,” San turns to look at his youngest brother as said male comes to stand right beside the elder. “Let’s just teach you some basic maneuvers to begin.”
Slowly, each of the two males goes through different fighting techniques. Their explanations are thorough, demonstrating the stances as often as you need them to. You pick them up pretty quickly, anyways, and by the time a few hours have passed, they all watch as you practice hitting a punching bag with a certain pride swirling within their eyes.
Taking a short break, you wipe at your brow. “You know, this would be so much easier if you guys could just like, I don’t know, Matrix teach me this stuff. That way I could practice more things on my own.”
Both San and Jongho share a look.
“Unfortunately, Gorgeous, it doesn’t work that way.” Wooyoung sighs, having shifted his position so he’s now laying on his side on the floor with his one arm propping his head up in his hand.
“Sharing those techniques mentally doesn’t necessarily give you the same experience as teaching them to you does.” Mingi comments, and you look towards where he sits. Only now, he’s leaning back slightly in his seat, his one foot resting on the edge of the chair so that his knee is bent.
“Fair enough,” you shrug. “Just a thought.”
“It might be good once you have more of the basics down.” There’s a slight furrow to Yeosang’s brows as he thinks over your words. “You could identify the techniques we’ve used, and then when you know them, emulate them.”
Your whole demeanour visibly perks up at this.
“Certain things are better if they’re taught, but sharing our knowledge could never hurt.” Wooyoung agrees with a slight nod of his head after a moment. “Let’s save that for later, though. We don’t want to overwhelm you.”
“It’s also why we’re focussing on hand to hand combat training first.” Mingi adds. “Once you know that, adding a weapon simply pulls from that combat knowledge and extends it.”
“Okay,” you nod in understanding. “Makes sense.”
“Sometimes, allowing instinct to guide you helps in a fight.” San voices as you step back over to the sparring mat. “It doesn’t work for all of us, but trusting my gut has always saved me.”
“Don’t think, just move.” Jongho hums in agreement, standing off to the side and observing the two of you.
“I think you guys have a few more years of experience than me to be able to say that,” you joke, noticing how Wooyoung begins to laugh boisterously at your statement.
“You could say that,” he grins.
“At least a few,” Yeosang chimes in, amusement shining within his gaze.
“Come on,” San grins, taking a step forward in your direction, “we still need to teach you how to grab someone and pin them.”
“I volunteer!” Wooyoung is suddenly on his feet, arm raised enthusiastically in the air.
“Calm down, you idiot.” Jongho rolls his eyes. “It’s not your day to teach, yet.”
The dramatic pout that pulls at Wooyoung’s lips as he sits back down onto the ground has you chuckling in response.
“Don’t worry, Woo, I can pin you as much as you’d like some other time,” you comment casually, not even bothering to spare him a glance out of the corner of your eyes.
Little do you see the way his eyes flash, yet you do not fail to miss the pleased growl that escapes him in that moment. The way Yeosang stiffens in his spot, pointed glare being sent towards the younger also goes unnoticed by you, but you do see the way the males in front of you seemingly go still.
“I thought you said your training wasn’t a free pass for sexy times?” Mingi grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Who said anything about it being during my training?” You smirk, noticing the way all of their eyes flash black this time in response.
“You’re a tease, you know that, right?” San gets out through gritted teeth, eyes still swirling with that all too familiar darkness as he meets your gaze.
“Am I?” You feign innocence, a slight tilt to your head. “I had no idea.”
A moment of thick silence passes over all of you.
“So,” you hum, a slight amused twitch to your brow, “pinning?”
“Oh, we’re thinking about more than just pinning you now, Darling.” Jongho’s voice is low, nothing but a growl to his words.
“What ever do you mean, Darling?” The way you drawl out that one word sends a shiver right down Jongho’s spine.
“Baby,” San warns, chest rising and falling dramatically with every breath. “You’re playing a very dangerous game.”
“It’s as I’ve said before,” you giggle, a mischievous tug of your lips upwards. “It’s so easy to rile you guys up.”
“Can you blame us, Gorgeous?” Wooyoung’s voice is somewhat breathless as it reaches your ears from behind you. “You are the greatest temptation we’ve ever known.”
“Every little thing you do enchants us.” Mingi breathes, nothing but honesty in his words as his eyes roam every inch of your figure before him.
“Knowing you want to be here with us, and stay by our sides despite everything that’s happened is more than we could have ever asked for.” Yeosang tells you, his tone soft and airy as he stares at you with nothing but love in his honest gaze.
“The more we learn about you, and the more you want to know about us is like a dream come true.” Jongho admits, taking another step in closer to you until he’s practically wrapping you in his arms. The way you’re currently covered in sweat doesn’t seem to phase him at all as he presses his head softly against your own. “The fact that you have agreed to become Our Queen means more to us than the entirety of the realms combined.”
Soft rumbles of agreement echo around the room, filling your heart with a pleasant warmth as you melt into Jongho’s embrace.
“You are everything that we could have ever asked for.” San adds, closing the short distance between you and cupping your cheek tenderly in his hand. The way you turn to meet his gaze, eyes dripping with such affection towards them says it all. “We wouldn’t give that up for anything.”
You smile, your heart beating erratically in your chest. “You’re all smooth talkers, you know that?”
They all mirror your gentle expression.
“Only for you, Baby,” San’s thumb brushes gently against the skin of your cheek. “Now, stop trying to distract us. We still have things to teach you.”
His scolding is nothing but playful as he steps away from you, a knowing gleam held within his eyes as Jongho finally releases you from his hold. The way you grin, sticking your tongue out at him in the next moment has a chuckle falling from his lips.
“Alright, teach me what else you have to teach me today before I start swooning for real,” you say, heat rising to your cheeks as you feel all of their gazes on you yet again. “You’re supposed to be training me, not romancing me right now.”
“Is it working?” Wooyoung cracks a flirtatious grin, only to be hit upside the head by Yeosang in the next second. “Ow.”
“Who said we couldn’t do both?” Mingi chuckles, his eyes gleaming beneath the florescent lights.
You simply quirk a brow in their direction, a subtle smile tugging at your lips as you turn back to face San. The way you see him already fondly staring at you sets your heart racing inside of your chest. At least you can say that you can feel their love every time they look at you. A fact which has not changed since you first understood what all those fond looks meant. Hell, even before that you could tell, even if you didn’t quite know what types of gazes they were quite yet.
Always, you and your needs have come first. Always, they have kept your best interests in mind. 
They always have, and they always will. 
Always, and forever.
“You already know a few things to do if someone grabs you from behind,” Jongho’s voice draws your attention to the side of the room. “Now, we’re going to teach you how to use someone’s momentum against them in order to flip them onto their back. From there, you can pin them in multiple ways.”
“If you’re lucky, you can even use the momentum to dislocate someone’s shoulder.” San adds, an eager grin pulling at his lips as he explains this to you now.
The way your eyebrows raise in mild surprise has them all chuckling fondly.
“It helps when you can sense your opponent approaching, but this will still work even after they’ve grabbed you from behind.” San continues as Jongho begins to approach him.
The younger immediately attempts to grab the elder from behind. San, of course, is expecting him, so you watch as he bends his knees slightly in anticipation. As soon as Jongho reaches for San’s back, the elder is leaning forward, flipping the younger male onto his back and pinning him to the ground. Jongho wears an annoyed expression as San twists his one arm into the air, stepping on the younger’s chest with his one foot to pin him in place.
“Of course, you can always pin them by the throat when you step on them,” San states casually as he releases his hold on his younger brother, “but the chest will also suffice.”
“Thank you for your consideration,” Jongho grumbles as he pulls himself back onto his feet.
The corner of San’s lips twitch in response.
The next flip they show you is one where someone attacks you from the front. San charges at Jongho, only for the younger to duck beneath the elder, grab him by the thigh, and vault him over his back. Immediately, Jongho is spinning around, pressing his one knee into the elder’s chest as his hand settles right beside San’s head.
“This one, you have to be a bit quicker when pinning your opponent, for they could potentially recover quickly. If that happens, you can miss the opportunity to get your hands around their throat.”Jongho explains, looking up and meeting your gaze as he pushes himself off of the elder male.
“Of course, if you’re holding a weapon, it changes the position of things, but makes taking out your opponent easier in certain cases.” San adds, standing back to his feet and dusting himself off briefly. “But these work, even against opponents bigger than you are.”
“The key gets to be the momentum so you’re not dead lifting your opponent,” Jongho goes on to say. “At least for now.”
“Makes sense,” you nod your understanding as you roll your shoulders, standing a little straighter. “Can you show me a few more times?”
“Of course, Baby,” San smiles, his eyes crinkling slightly at the sides.
Both he and Jongho eagerly move back into position, switching between who flips who. Each time, they can feel your calculating gaze on them, analyzing their movements.
“Whenever you’re ready, you can practice on one of us,” San nods in your direction.
“Or us!” Wooyoung offers, quite enthusiastically at that.
You grin back, a light chuckle escaping your lips. “Alright.”
Not even two minutes later, you find yourself running through the steps of flipping someone with both San and Jongho. One approaches from the front, while the other approaches from behind. Once you’re comfortable in the movements, and they’ve subsequently given you some pointers as you run through them, you’re ready to attempt to flip and pin them in real time.
The moment you feel Jongho at your back, it’s as if instinct kicks in. Despite only learning the movements a short while ago, it’s as if they are second nature to you. The fluidity of which you flip Jongho with surprises even them, your eyes as wide as his are as you pin him to the ground with a foot on his chest.
“You’re a natural, Dearest.” Yeosang hums, pride rumbling with his chest as he observes the scene before him.
Wooyoung lets out a boisterous laugh. “Seeing you knock Jongho on his ass is something I never knew I needed until now.”
At the way the youngest takes a menacing step towards the elder male once he’s back on his feet, you laugh. The way Wooyoung immediately raises his hands in his own defence has amusement dancing in your eyes, his grin soon mirroring your own.
“Careful, Woo,” Mingi nudges the younger male with his knee, “or you might be next."
“It’s not a threat if I’m looking forward to it,” Wooyoung’s eyebrows flick upwards suggestively in your direction.
“Should I make you wear that belled collar now?” You quirk a brow, pure mirth shining within your gaze.
“Again, not a threat if you know I’ll enjoy it.” He hums, eyes glinting deviously.
Another smack resounds around the room, the younger male rubbing at the back of his head seeing as both Mingi and Yeosang had smacked him.
“Could you imagine Captain in this scenario?” The grin that tugs at the corner of San’s lips is nothing short of devious.
“I don’t think our eldest would fair much better.” Yeosang hums, amusement dancing on his features.
“They have always loved the idea of you roughing them up a bit,” Jongho chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“They’re not the only ones.” Wooyoung grumbles, arms crossed over his chest.
Again, his comment receives him a smack upside the head from both Yeosang and Mingi. Though, Yeosang seemingly avoids your gaze, clearing his throat in the next moment.
“Don’t worry, Starlight, we’ll all keep them in check,” Mingi assures you with a light smile, of which you return.
“I’m not worried, Min,” you chuckle, turning back to face San in the next moment. “Not in the slightest.”
A moment’s pause.
“Ready, Baby?” He asks, shifting his stance slightly in preparation.
All he receives is a nod from you, determination shining once more in your eyes.
He moves.
Again, it’s like you act on instinct, the movements appearing as if they are second nature to you. San gets flipped over your back, you turning to pin him to the ground in the next second. Your one hand rests on his upper chest, just below his throat as your knee digs into his lower abdomen. The way your fingers twitch slightly along the base of his neck has a shiver running up his spine.
A brilliant smile stretches across your features as you move off of him, much too soon for his liking.
“How was that?” You help him back to his feet.
“You’re a quick study, Darling.” Jongho praises, loving the way you seem to stand a little straighter at his words.
“It’s cause I have such good teachers,” you hum, warmth flooding your chest as you see them all smiling back at you fondly.
“Let’s run through everything we’ve gone over today a few more times, then call it.” San tells you, seeing you nod your head in understanding along with his words.
Another brief silence settles around all of you as you go over all of the stances, techniques, and manoeuvres they’ve taught you. Pride fills their chests at how well you seem to pick everything up, both San and Jongho only needing to fix your positioning a few times throughout the review.
“Once you know a few more things, and have these down, we can start sparring with one another.” San grins, helping you with some cooldown stretches to make sure your muscles won’t be too sore afterwards.
“Would you guys ever let me observe you when you spar with one another?” You voice casually, noticing how San stiffens the slightest bit before you as Jongho quirks a brow.
“If that is what you wanted, Darling,” Jongho grins, eyes flashing towards his brothers, “we’d be more than happy to oblige.”
You hum, nodding your head slightly. “Good to know.”
“We’ll save that for next time, though.” Mingi says, finally standing back to his feet and stretching out his back.
“Did you want to observe us sparing with our weapons, or without?” Yeosang asks, turning towards you as you hoist yourself off of the mat after finishing your round of stretches.
“Both would be cool,” you reply, an eager gleam in your eyes. “I haven’t really seen any of you in proper action, so I’ll take anything and everything I can get.”
“We can get pretty intense when we fight one another, Dearest.” Yeosang continues. “We don’t hold back at all.”
“You can’t improve that way.” Wooyoung shrugs, heading over to the stairs with the rest of you following behind.
“We used to place bets on one another depending on who was fighting,” San recalls with a chuckle, flicking off the lights as you all head back to the main floor.
“I miss those bets sometimes,” Mingi sighs, almost wistfully.
“I almost lost an arm the last time we did that.” Wooyoung mumbles, eyes downcast.
“Not my problem,” San huffs out an amused breath.
You snort out a laugh. “I take it you can’t regrow limbs?”
“Unfortunately, it’s one of the things we can’t do.” Yeosang confirms. “Doesn’t mean we can’t reattach them, though.”
“So, you guys are virtually indestructible and immortal?” You let out a low, impressed whistle.
“Definitely not invincible, but damn near close.” Wooyoung grins at you.
“Yeah, I’d say it’s pretty hard to live without your head.” You comment, pushing the door open to the main floor and stepping out into the hallway.
“Which one?” Yeosang’s inquiry, combined with his completely deadpanned expression, has you faltering only briefly in your steps.
A boisterous laugh escapes your lips.
“Oh my god,” you lift a hand to support yourself against the wall as your chest heaves with laughter. “Depends. Which one do you use more to think with?”
“I don’t think you want to know our answers,” San mumbles, suddenly avoiding your gaze as he walks down the hall.
“I think I just got mine.” You snort out another laugh, leaning yourself fully against the wall.
At the halfhearted shrugs Mingi, Wooyoung, San, and Yeosang all give you, you find you can only smile and shake your head.
A few steps later and you find yourself just outside of your room. Stepping through the threshold reveals Kuroo curled up on that Snorlax beanbag chair off to the side. A spot of which you’re sure is one of his many favourites throughout the house.
“Thanks for today,” you smile faintly, leaning against the doorframe.
“Of course, Darling,” Jongho returns the look, that all too familiar fondness shining within his eyes. “We’ll work on some more strengthening exercises tomorrow.”
“Sounds good to me.” You nod. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I need a shower.”
“Want some company?” Before any of his brothers can stop him, the words are out of Mingi’s mouth. The way his lips quirk upwards, a hopeful gleam in his eyes, has you shaking your head in amusement.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves there, Min.” You grin, your one brow twitching upwards slightly. The way you see his shoulders visibly deflate, even the slightest bit, has you chuckling. At least Mingi ignores all the pointed looks his brothers are sending him for the moment. “Maybe next time.” 
You don’t give any one of them a chance to properly process your words before you’re shutting the door in all of their faces. Though, at the pleased growls you can hear echoing from the opposite side of the door, you know they’ve finally registered them in their minds.
The mere thought of you allowing them to bathe with you excites them more than it should, even those who have already gotten to experience such an intimacy with you. Once is never enough, nor will it ever be enough. Not when it comes to you.
Moving over to your bathroom, you’re quick to strip yourself of your sweaty clothes and hop into the shower. The water is refreshing against your skin, and in no time at all, you find yourself relaxing beneath the spray.
Half an hour later, and you’ve finished freshening up. A clean pair of comfortable clothes rests over your figure, the familiar material of your favourite hoodie wrapping around you. The way you can faintly smell hints of apple clinging to the fabric has a smile tugging at your lips. Looks like Jongho was the last to wear it.
Exiting your room, you’re quick to make your way to the kitchen to grab another bottle of water. Taking a sip, you begin to make your way through the house, figuring you’ll head over to the library to catch up on some reading for the rest of the day. Only, as soon as you step foot into the foyer, a familiar black crow greets you, resting comfortably on Yunho’s left shoulder.
“Hello there, Stella,” you smile as she glides over to perch herself on your own shoulder. “What a lovely surprise. What brings you here today?”
“She brought some news for us.” Seonghwa appears from down the hallway, Hongjoong at his side. A book seems to be held in the eldest’s hand as they all turn to look at you.
“Though, she didn’t come alone.” Yunho breathes, a worried furrow to his brow.
“Someone got through the wards again?” Immediately, panic begins to consume you, your whole body tensing right before their very eyes.
The way they see fear spark behind your gaze has a cold sense of dread rushing down each of their spines. They only wish you didn’t have to experience such negative thoughts or emotions again. Yet, they know, they only have themselves to blame.
“No, My Love,” Hongjoong is quick to assure you, coming to stand beside you as he places a comforting hand onto your arm. “She wanted to bring someone, but they won’t be allowed in until we go to retrieve them.”
“Oh,” you find you’re instantly breathing a sigh of relief.
“Sorry, Petal, I should have clarified,” the worried crease in Yunho’s brow has yet to smooth over as he takes a small step closer to you.
“No one but us can enter our domain.” Seonghwa’s voice is firm, reassuring not only you, but all of them in the front foyer as well. “We’ve made extra sure of that, now.”
“Good,” you nod, blinking a few times to clear your vision before looking over at the three of them. “Then, who did she want to bring?”
“Someone who might be able to provide us insight on Miyeon’s plans, even after her death.” Yunho states, and you notice how stiff he stands.
Placing a gentle hand on his one arm, you notice how your touch immediately relaxes him.
“We wanted to make sure you’d be okay with it before we allowed her into our domain. We’ve mentioned her to you before, but you’ve never met her yet.” Hongjoong says, meeting your gaze. “Otherwise, we’d go to her. We just simply have better privacy here.”
You nod your understanding. “Do you trust her?”
The three males share a look between each other.
“We do.” Yunho nods once in confirmation. “At least, for the moment.”
“Besides, if she tried anything, she wouldn’t get very far.” Seonghwa adds, grip tightening the slightest bit on the book in his hands.
“Alright,” you blink. “Then, bring her in.”
Three nods are all you receive in response before you’re all moving to accommodate the new presence they are about to bring in.
Which is exactly how you find yourself face to face with Mina in the dining room two minutes later. All of the guys surround you, Stella perched precariously on the back of your chair. 
You sit at one head of the table, the chair turned outwards to face Mina as she stands directly across from you. Seonghwa rests off to your left, that book resting open before him as he looks over some ancient spells with Jongho to his left. Ancient spells that might allow them access to Mina’s locked memories. 
Both San and Mingi stand behind you, leaning against the wall with their arms crossed over their chests. Their gazes are sharp, unforgiving as they stare her down. 
Yunho stands the closest to Mina, senses on high alert as he monitors her mind for any sudden shift in demeanour. Slowly, carefully, he begins to attempt weaving through that jumble of memories once more. 
To your right, stands both Hongjoong and Yeosang. Wooyoung leans casually against the far end of the table, his hands supporting himself on the edge. Each male watches Mina closely, ready to strike at a moment’s notice.
Stiffly, you sit in your chair, eyeing the woman before you cautiously. You know for a fact that they can all hear how frantically your heart is racing inside of your chest at this very moment, but none of them say anything. The only comfort you get for the moment is Hongjoong’s one hand tenderly placed atop your right shoulder, grounding you in this moment.
In your left hand, your therapy pebble resides, thumb brushing over the smooth side in tandem.
You take a deep breath in to steady your nerves.
“Thank you for agreeing to let me speak with you on such short notice, Your Majesties.” She bows lowly as she addresses all of you. “It is an honour to be allowed inside your home.”
Your brow twitches the slightest bit upwards as you watch her sink to her knees before you. Even more shocking, is when she formerly bows to you, pressing her forehead against her hands on the ground.
“An even greater honour, still, to be formally graced by your presence, My Queen.” She breathes, a slight tremble to her voice. Almost as if she’s nervous, not about how they might react, but how you might perceive her. “I count myself truly lucky to appear before you today.”
Her words catch you so off guard that your thumb stills over your stone.
You blink in shock, a momentary silence settling over the room. That’s when you realize, they’re all waiting for you to speak. All eight of them are allowing you to take the lead right now. You control the flow and outcome of this meeting, and they are more than ready and willing to act upon any of your wishes at a moment’s notice.
You exhale lowly once more to steady your nerves.
“Lift your head.” You surprise even yourself at how commanding your tone is. “Mina, is it?”
She meets your gaze, nodding softly. “Yes, Your Majesty. That is correct.”
The way she continues to address you so formally while remaining on her knees before you, throws you for a loop. You’ve never had anyone other than the eight men within this same room refer to you as such. Yet, hearing it from someone else’s mouth feels different. Something you’ll definitely have to get used to.
“Miyeon was your sister.” You state, rather firmly.
“She was.” Mina confirms, the subtlest of downturns to her lips.
Your hand tightens around that little pebble held within your grasp.
“Are you aware of the extent she went to in attempts to destroy me?” There’s a slight shift in your voice, a dullness that wasn’t there before as you continue to stare the female before you down.
Mina’s expression falls, shame washing over her features. “I am aware my sister had her own, private vendetta against you. However, I am unaware of the direct actions she has taken against you, Your Majesty.”
You tilt your head slightly, noticing the carefulness of her choice of words.
“I will not ask for you to forgive her, Your Majesties, for she does not deserve it.” Mina is quick to continue, diverting her gaze to the side as a hint of bitterness begins to coat her words. “She has brought great shame to our clan, and if I had known before what she had been capable of, I would have done everything in my power to stop her.”
“Hindsight is nice, after the fact,” Wooyoung spits rather harshly, his whole body visibly shaking as he pushes himself off of the side of the table.
Gently, you brush against that all too familiar pure white string inside your mind, and you watch as his shoulders relax. Even if only slightly.
Carefully, you study Mina before you.
“You were aware, to some extent, what she had planned for me.” Not a question, but a statement.
A second of hesitation. “Yes, My Queen.”
Both San and Seonghwa nearly lunge for her right then and there. Even Hongjoong, Wooyoung, and Yeosang find it difficult to hold themselves back from skinning her alive this very second. Only, the way you shift forward in your seat, lifting your right hand upwards slightly in pause halts them in their tracks.
“Why have you waited until now to disclose this information with us?” San’s voice is pointed, tone the darkest you’ve ever heard from him as his words boarder on a low growl. You don’t even have to be looking at him to know his chest is heaving in barely controlled rage.
“I wasn’t conscious of it before this morning.” Mina replies, fear beginning to shine behind her eyes.
“You’re remembering things?” Your head tilts forward, eyes narrowing slightly as you look at her.
“Ever since my sister’s passing, the lines are becoming less blurred.” Mina admits, beginning to nervously wring her fingers together in her lap as she sits back on her knees. “King Yunho told me to contact all of you should my memory begin to become clearer.”
“Which is why you’re here now.” You nod gently in understanding.
“I don’t remember everything,” she shakes her head slightly, tears of frustration lining her eyes. “It’s painful for me to attempt to shift through anything more than just basics, but I’m trying. I’m tired of my sister always getting whatever she wants, even in death.”
Something clicks inside your mind, and understanding paints your features. “You resent her, don’t you?”
Mina purses her lips, and you’re sure she’s about to deny it. That is, until she’s heaving a large sigh, her shoulders deflating as she averts her gaze to the ground.
“More than anything.”
You feel Hongjoong’s hand tighten its grip slightly on your shoulder.
You open up your void.
Even I was unaware of that fact, Petal. Yunho meets your gaze only briefly from across the room. Her mind never let on to that.
How could you tell? There’s nothing but curiosity in Wooyoung’s voice as he turns his head in your direction.
My sister and I weren’t always as close as we are now. You respond, standing from your seat. I’d know that look anywhere.
The movement draws all of their attention for the moment, Hongjoong’s fingers sinking a little firmer into your shoulder as he attempts to prevent you from taking another step forward. At the small, reassuring look you send his way, he backs off.
“This whole time, you’ve yet to address your sister by her name.” You observe, coming to crouch before her. That stone is still held tightly in your left hand, and you use it as a lifeline for the moment as you steel your nerves. “That’s pointed on your part.”
“She doesn’t deserve the satisfaction of having anyone speak her name more than is absolutely necessary.” Mina’s brow furrows, bitterness now clear on her features. “Once is too much.”
You hum, bringing a finger up to guide her gaze back to your own briefly. Once you have her attention, your eyes locked with her own, you notice she cannot look away.
“She always got what she wanted, didn’t she? No questions. No consequence.” You watch her eyes flash, a small scowl pulling at her lips. “How many times had you heard someone tell her that this would be the last time, only for it to become a blatant lie?”
“All she ever did was take and take until there was nothing left for her to desire anymore,” Mina spits, her hands now clenched into fists at her sides. “Even if she had the entire world, it would never be enough for her.”
“She wanted it all, and she didn’t care who she took down in the process.” You add, watching as Mina nods furiously along with your words.
“Her two end goals were destroying you, and claiming the throne with King Yeosang at her side.” Mina confirms.
Little do you see the way all eight of them stiffen around the room. Yunho’s lids fall shut almost immediately, his eyes darting around every which way beneath them as he continues to work to untangle that thread of memories while you speak.
“I’m sure Dimitri didn’t like that idea all that much,” you hum, a slight quirk to your brow.
“No, the warlock was none too pleased to learn of that little detail in her plan-“ Mina’s breath hitches, voice suddenly failing her.
A collective stillness passes over the room.
“Dimitri was with you the day she came for a visit, wasn’t he?” You press, watching every twitch of her features carefully.
“Yes!” A flash of clarity shines within Mina’s eyes, of which widen suddenly. “Yes, Your Majesty. He was!”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice Yunho nodding subtly.
Mina begins to blink rapidly, brow tugging downwards as she suddenly clutches the side of her head in pain. Her breathing starts to become laboured, and you can see her eyes darting every which way around the room.
“Hey, hey,” you draw her attention to you once more, expression softening as you gently clasp her free hand in your own. “Look at me.” She does, eyes fixated on your own at your command. Firmly, you press that stone still held in your one hand against the skin of her palm, grounding her to you. “Get her out of your own head.”
Mina’s eyes squeeze shut. “She’s not alone.”
“It’s Dimitri, isn’t it?” Your voice is gentle, much softer than it had been only a moment before.
She nods, no longer able to verbalize her responses.
“She hurt him, too.” You say. “She killed his wife and two children to grab hold over him.”
“Family never meant much to her, anyways.” She replies, sadly. “I wondered why he looked so sad.”
“Sad?” You inquire, tilting your head slightly as you move to rest on your knees before her.
“He held himself firmly, but you cannot hide a broken interior.” Mina breathes, squeezing your hand slightly in her own.
“No,” you hum in agreement, understanding flashing within your gaze. “You truly can’t.”
Slowly, you push yourself back to your feet, noticing how Mina opts to remain on her knees before you. Carefully, she leans her head forward to rest on you hands still holding onto her own.
“Thank you, My Queen,” a tear lands on your skin, followed by another, and then another. “Thank you.”
“Whatever for, Mina?” Your brow furrows slightly as you continue to stare down at her.
The way she looks up at you in awe, gratitude shining within her teary eyes, has your breath hitching in your throat.
“You understand me.” She squeezes your hand once more. “My mind feels lighter because of you.”
“I doubt that was because of me,” you smile faintly, eyes briefly darting over towards where Yunho stands off to the side, his gaze already fixated on you. The pride you can see swirling within him as he looks at you so fondly has a warmth blooming in your chest, a subtle heat creeping up your neck. A look that you have no doubt is mirrored on seven other male’s faces behind you as you can feel their stares locked on your very figure.
“I don’t remember everything, yet,” she continues, a slight furrow to her brow as she attempts to recall more of her locked memories, “but things are starting to become clearer.”
“Were you able to tell us all that you came here for today?” You slowly help her back onto her feet, staring into her eyes as she stands across from you.
“I believe so,” she takes a moment to contemplate your words. At the way you raise an eyebrow, she blinks. “I remembered seeing another figure in my memories with her. I realize now it was Dimitri. She hardly ever did ‘meetings’ with Malik present.”
At her words, a mild surprise pulls at more than just your own features.
“Malik was used for more behind the scenes operations for the rebellion.” She adds. “Miyeon didn’t trust him to do the true dirty work. Hell, she didn’t trust anybody.”
You hum, somewhat in feigned understanding. “What a sad life to lead.”
“Indeed.” Mina confirms. Then, in the next moment, she’s blinking, as if remembering where she is, and who she stands before. Awkwardly, she clears her throat, pulling her hands out of your grasp as a vibrant red spreads across her cheeks. “Oh my, I am so sorry for intruding on your personal space like that, Your Majesty.”
Frantically, she begins to bow, eyes darting around the room to look at the eight males still observing the scene before them.
“It’s okay, Mina.” You chuckle, gently grasping her arms as you straighten her in her spot. The poor girl looks like a deer caught in headlights as you drop your hands back to your sides. “I’m sorry for invading your personal space.”
The red across her features darkens as she averts her gaze bashfully. “I don’t mind at all, My Queen.”
Low growls of warning echo around the room from each male present. Only, they’re cut off by your boisterous laughter.
“Oh, Reina would love you.” You grin, taking a step back from the demon fidgeting before you beneath the intense stares of all Eight Kings of the Realm. You snort, moving back beside Hongjoong for the moment and nudging him gently. “Will you all knock it off.”
Immediately, the tension is lessoning within the room.
Mina clears her throat. “Who’s Reina?”
“Never you mind for now,” you chuckle, tucking that small stone into the front pocket of your jeans. “I’m sure you’ll meet her sooner, than later.”
“I hope to be able to gain her favour, then.” Mina bows her head slightly. “She sounds important to you.”
Again, you hum in acknowledgement. “Depends. Do you like photography?”
There’s something endearing about the way Mina smiles shyly. “In all honesty, I’ve always had a passion for it, My Queen.”
“Starlight, I don’t think now is the time to be playing matchmaker.” Mingi takes a step forward, to which you spare a glance at him from over your shoulder.
You shrug, sitting back down in you seat for the moment. “I’m just looking out for my girl.”
Hongjoong chuckles softly before turning back to face Mina in front of you.
“Is there anything else we should know about?” His voice commands the room, and even you find yourself straightening slightly in your spot.
“I have said all that I have come here to say.” Mina bows once more. “I thank you again for allowing me to seek council in your own domain, Your Majesties.”
All she receives is a few curt nods in response from the eight of them while you smile kindly at her from across the way. A moment later, and Stella has flown over to Mina’s shoulder, perching there as Yunho teleports them both out of the room.
As soon as you’re alone with the eight of them once more, a weight you hadn’t realized you’d been holding onto lifts from your shoulder. Breathing a sigh of relief, you practically deflate into the chair.
“Where did that come from?” Wooyoung’s tone holds nothing but pleasant surprise as they all look at you for the time being.
You spare a sudden nervous glance around at all of them now that their gazes are locked on you. “I’m sorry?”
The way your voice trails upwards at the end of your sentence has Yeosang, Yunho, and Jongho all raising their brows amusedly at you.
“What ever would you need to apologize for, My Love?” Hongjoong kneels beside you, taking your hand into his own. Nothing but pride shines behind his eyes as he meets your gaze, gently bringing the back of your hand up to his lips to place a tender kiss upon your skin. “You handled that beautifully.”
Mingi steps in behind you, gently brushing his hand over the top of your head. “Our Queen.”
Eight content rumbles reach your ears, and you find you cannot prevent the way warmth blooms on your cheeks once more.
“I thought I totally messed that up.” You admit lowly, sinking further into the chair you’re in.
“Not at all, Petal,” Yunho shakes his head, loving smile stretching across his features. “Because of you, I was able to untangle more of that knot of memories within her mind.”
“Really?” For the second time that day, you fail to hide how hopeful you sound. At the way he nods, you cannot prevent the way a large smile tugs at your lips.
“What else did you find?” Yeosang turns towards the taller male.
“Everything she spoke was the truth,” Yunho says, a firm nod to his head. “That, and Mina had to be held back while her sister and Dimitri implemented such a charm on her mind. Though, It seems she’s right about Dimitri. Perhaps we might be able to free his mind once we free her own.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?” You reply, looking around at all of them.
“To an extent.” Seonghwa confirms. “We still know next to nothing about her plans with Malik, or when and where they plan to strike.”
“We also have no idea why she chose her allies the way she did.” Jongho frowns, leaning forward to rest his one arm on the table.
Your own arms cross over your chest, gaze staring intently at the floor near your feet. A million different thoughts race through your mind for the moment, not all of them pleasant.
“Are the dragons the only ones we know of that have denied a proposition to form an alliance with her?” Your calculating gaze shifts from the floor to spare a look around at all of them.
“As far as we know.” Hongjoong confirms. “Only the sirens have betrayed us.”
“For now.” San huffs, a roll to his eyes.
“Dimitri’s hunters, witches, and warlocks might not have had a choice in the matter.” Yeosang moves to sit himself in one of the other chairs at the table beside you.
“Are there more of them than just the ones who ally with Dimitri?” You ask, curiosity gleaming within your eyes.
“There are,” Mingi confirms with a slight grimace, “but there aren’t many you want to be associating yourself with. Those are the ones who only do business with you if it benefits them greatly. Most of the time, they’re the ones who make sure you end up dead.”
“There are also those that remain undiscovered.” Wooyoung adds, leaning once more against the side of the table.
“Undiscovered?” You tilt your head slightly.
“Either they choose to remain hidden to live in peace, or they are unaware of the power they possess.” Seonghwa explains.
“Ah, I see,” you hum in understanding. “So, attempting to find them is essentially a waste of time.”
“Essentially,” San agrees. “Unless you know where to look.”
“We don’t have time for that.” Yeosang shakes his head.
“We could always proposition the lycans,” Mingi suggests. “They’re always itching for a good fight to expel their energy.”
“If the gorgons and harpies fail, we might just have to.” Hongjoong’s lips pull downwards as he lets out a long exhale through his nose.
“I just can’t figure out what she could have possibly promised them to sway them onto her side.” Yunho stares deeply at the top of the table, wracking his brain for a solution to a problem he can’t quite comprehend. 
“I doubt they would have agreed if she told them she had plans to rule over everything.” You voice, jaw twitching slightly as your mind continues to race.
“Everything?” Yeosang meets your gaze, confusion clear in his eyes. “What do you mean by that?”
“I have a theory, and I don’t think any of us are going to like it very much.” You grimace slightly, standing back to your feet in the next moment.
“What are you thinking, Darling?” Jongho watches as you turn around to face him and his brothers fully.
You let out a brief exhale through your nose. “I need to talk to Wyno.”
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