#I Was Caught Up In A Hero Summon but that world is at peace
evilsillyputty · 1 year
I Was Caught Up In A Hero Summoning, But That World Is At Peace
Or: Yuusha Shoukan ni Makikomareta kedo, Isekai wa Heiwa
Genre: Fantasy isekai
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Summary/plot: The MC along with these 3 high schoolers get summoned to another world. Is there a demon lord to beat? Nope, it’s already been done. They just wanted to summon some rando for their “Yay we beat the demon lord” festival they have every 10 years. They only meant to summon the one male high schooler, so the other 2 girls and the MC (boy) get to stay at a noble’s mansion (same person who summoned them) for a year, when they will be able to send them all back, if they want to go back. Our MC meets a demon girl (looks human) who turns out to be someone important and powerful. This is the domino that triggers many more events and meeting with demon kings, gods, nobles, interesting people, and the problems that come with them.
Art Style: I think everything is drawn well. It’s nicely stylized. I like how the people are drawn. The monsters look cool. The backgrounds look filled and have some nice detail. They don’t look like they are stock images.
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Personal thoughts: This manga is about people who are missing something and someone trying to help them find it. There aren’t many fights in the manga, but there are some displays of power. Most of it is, someone/something poses a threat and then is blown away fairly quickly. There are a lot of powerful characters. I can only remember 2 drawn out battles. This is to say that the manga is a lot more of a drama then action. The main gimmick used for the plot is “MC meets someone who turns out to be a very important and power person and immediately gets them to like him”. The MC is constantly bringing home random demon kings and gods causing much stress to his caretaker. The other kind of plot that happens is, “MC goes somewhere, and something happens that is solved by the MC special power and or one of the aforementioned demon kings”. It’s got that MC is doing outrages things happening a lot, you know the kind. Most of the comedy comes from that and the normies of the world reacting to it. Otherwise, there is a good amount of drama. I’m not really sure how to describe the kind of drama. Like interpersonal drama but not “I’m mad at this person” drama. Also the MC does get plenty of the girls to fall for him, at least a bit. He’s got the unconscious rizz. The main plot drama is the relationship between the MC and the Main Girl aka the Underworld King. You see they got some attraction for each other, but the MC only has a year there until he can go home, so there is the whole thing of will he stay in that world with her or will he go back home to friends and family (except his parents are dead, so not them. He lives with his aunt and uncle). Now that I think of it, Main girl really did have love at first sight, and it didn’t take much to hook the MC. It’s just mostly unsaid.
Their world is split into 3 separate places that can only be traveled between via magic all stacked on top each other. Not physically but… I don’t know, honestly, they may as well be separate worlds altogether. You got the god’s land, human’s and others land, and the demon’s land. They were all just doing their own thing for the most part but after the demon lord incident where he invaded the human land, they all started to interact more. I feel like the god’s relationship with the humans is similar to the demon’s. It doesn’t feel like the gods are all like “my precious humans, I must protect you”. Instead it seems more like just a cordial relationship. There are just fewer gods than demons and all the gods are powerful. While the demons are more like normal people. But that’s just my thought.
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Miyama Kaito: The MC, he is actually a 3rd year college student, and not a highschooler. Unlike most isekai MCs who are either highschoolers or office workers, he’s in between. He is a nice guy and everything. I believe his encounter with the main girl/Underworld King/Kuromu made him more willing to help out others, at least emotionally. Otherwise, he is pretty self-doubting, doesn’t really know what he is doing with himself, beating himself down. A description from the manga: a cute person who’s clueless, insecure, but still searching for something. He is the type who when he sees someone in need he wants to help. His isekai power is “Sympathy Magic” which is shit for fighting, but also allows him to adapt to non-hostile magic. Meaning if he meets someone who is super powerful and they just let the magic pressure just ooze out of them, he can adapt to it so he isn’t paralyzed or he won’t wet himself. Just so long as said person is non hostile.
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Kusunoki Aoi & Yuzuki Hina: These are 2 high school girls summoned with Kaito. There was also a guy named Mitunaga who was the one the summoning was targeting but I don’t think he even gets one real speech bubble, and we don’t really see him. Anyway the 2 girls don’t have that big of a role so I’m putting them together. Aoi is a long black haired calm beauty while Hina is a short light brown haired excitable cutie. That’s pretty much all you need to know about them. They don’t do much.
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Lilia Albert: She is the noble who’s house they are staying at. She is also the one who summoned them. She a strong ex-princess who is now just a Duchess. She has to deal with Kaito constantly bringing home weird powerful people. It gets to her. She is a busy stressed woman. She does have genuine care for the otherworlders who are in her care.
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Kuromueina/Kuromu/Underworld King: First thing, she is in fact a 1000 year old loli trope. Though she is more middle school aged looking and not child. So she is the underworld king aka the most powerful demon. Normally that’d make her the demon lord, but that was a different guy who was actually not that strong compared to the demon kings. Some tricky wording there with the difference between lord and king. Anyway there are 6 kings and she is at the top. As in she had a fight with the creator god and ended in a tie. Her personality is a mix of childish and motherly, like if stereotypical mom character where to get turned into a kid and wanted to play around like a kid. She can also get pretty angry and scary when needed. She has this thing where she likes to find “baby birds” (i.e. a person who tickles her fancy or something) and raise them up. Kaito is her newest “baby bird”. It’s pretty obvious that she’s doing this to basically raise someone to be in a close relationship with her. Problem being they either don’t hit the mark in the end, or they leave. Also she technically has no gender as she was originally just a black smoke creature but can change forms, which I think makes her technically trans going from nothing to girl. She was pretty adamant about being a girl in an extra chapter where it was brought up that she could change to a boy.
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Sharo Vanaru/Shallow Vernal: The creator goddess of the world. She isn’t a major character but she does come up and pokes her nose in a number of times. I’d say she shows up at least once in every other arc, maybe a bit more. She is friends, I guess, with Kuromu. Now I found this was a very interesting way to depict a god. You see, she holds all things in existence in the same regard. There is nothing she hates and nothing she likes. She is practically an uncaring god. I don’t see her intervening in any kind of problems the people may have. Her personality is that of a seemingly emotionless block head. Like she gave out her blessing and when asked what it does, she was just like, “I don’t know”. She will just pop in Kaito’s head from time to time have a conversation and tell him things. She asked for a date with Kaito because Kuromu got one and I just have to see how that goes down.
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Alice: The eccentric shifty shopkeeper. Probably my favorite, although I can’t call her best girl. She runs a shop with a lot of good yet weird magic items that she makes herself. But her shop doesn’t do well. She and Kaito get to be friends. She is helpful towards Kaito, though she does show her hand here and there. They mention it in the manga, so I feel fine to say that there is defiantly something going on with her. Whether she will ultimately be a friend or foe I’m not sure. Though with the track record so far in this manga I suspect she will be friend in the end, but there are some plot points that have been left with loose ends that may say otherwise.
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Other Info: As of 10/9/23 there are 48 chapters out. It updates every now and then, so slowly in other words. The chapters have a lot in them and are long I would say. It’s not a manga that can be zoomed through.
All in all: I enjoy it, whenever it updates, I jump on it. It’s got some good jokes and has some good feels too. I think reading the first 3 chapters will give you a good vibe on this manga. I’d give it a go.
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roseunspindle · 3 months
What I Read in June 2024
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reread, and I really need to get more of this series. It's so cute.
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So creepy and crawly for this volume in the series. *shudder*
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Didn't even know about the newer American Girls, I really liked it.
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I hate Apollo in this series so much. Interesting to see how Ares reacts to be turned down by Persephone. Also Hades and Persephone's longing for each other is also adorable.
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Finally have a physical version! Reading on webtoons is fine but I prefer actually being able to hold what I'm reading.
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Time to meet Aximili!
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I love the anime so I decided to check-out the manga...the boobs are little absurd, but over all I enjoyed it.
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Found books 1-4 of this series at a local thriftstore and couldn't resist starting book one (I'm a sucker for pretty covers) I really liked book 1 it was my kind of thing.
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This was really cute.
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Stumbled across the anime on youtube and couldn't resist at least getting volume 1. I love Gerard and Clotho so much!!!
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Saw a bit of the anime on youtube and again, couldn't resist getting the manga adaptation.
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Continuing my isekai obession... XD
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really interesting read, does use the term "redman" often for native americans, but not other noted dated langugae and good information. ^_^
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faline-cat444 · 2 years
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I don’t think this was supposed to be a “mega” week
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theotakufiles · 1 year
I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons but the Other World was at Peace! Manga
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In the vibrant and magical world of Arthalia, young Yuji finds himself embarking on an extraordinary adventure. Known for his love of video games and fantasy novels, little did he know that his life was about to take an unexpected turn. One fateful day, as he innocently enjoys a casual gaming session with friends, a blinding light surrounds him. Suddenly, Yuji finds himself in another realm – summoned as a hero by a desperate kingdom in need.
However, much to everyone's surprise – including Yuji's – the other world is unexpectedly at peace! Gone are the menacing monsters and dark forces that usually plague such realms. In fact, this wondrous land brims with flourishing harmony and remarkable prosperity. The very reason why their heroes had been summoned remains shrouded in mystery.
With confusion lingering in the air, Yuji must navigate through this tranquil yet puzzling existence. As he delves deeper into Arthalia's history and meets its charismatic denizens, he unravels secrets long forgotten and uncovers profound ancient prophecies.
Guided by newfound companions – including enigmatic princesses proficient in magic and suave warriors skilled beyond compare – Yuji soon realizes that even in times of peace there are battles to be fought. Unique challenges arise from widespread complacency; corruption creeps within the royal court; political tensions simmer amongst neighboring kingdoms seeking control over valuable resources.
Through thrilling encounters punctuated by exhilarating swordplay, perilous quests amidst breathtaking landscapes, and heartwarming friendships forged along the way, "I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons but the Other World was at Peace!" explores themes of personal growth, challenging societal norms and expectations while questioning what defines true heroism when there is no clear villain to defeat.
Will our unsuspecting hero rise above adversity as unconventional threats arise? Can he uncover the truth behind his peculiar summons and restore balance where it is needed most? Get ready to immerse yourself in this captivating journey, where the line between peace and turmoil blurs, only to be redrawn by an unwavering spirit eager for true adventure.
Attention manga lovers and fans of the captivating series 'I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons but the Other World was at Peace!' - it's time to show your support for the incredible manga author! Dive into the enchanting world of heroes and peace by purchasing this must-read manga at gekimanga.com. By buying a copy, you not only indulge in an extraordinary adventure but also empower and encourage talented authors like never before. Let's come together as a community to celebrate creativity, talent, and immerse ourselves in this phenomenal experience. Take action now and let your love for the story be heard - visit gekimanga.com to grab your very own copy of 'I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons but the Other World was at Peace!'
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fymbmangaboys · 2 years
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Lillywood Yggdrasil, otherwise known as the Earth King, surprises Kaito as he's gathering spirits for the Harvest Festival. As a thank-you for his acceptance of Isis and easing her loneliness, Lillywood offers Kaito a gift that had otherwise slipped through his fingers -- the fruit of the world tree. Her generosity, however, also comes with a warning: Beware of No Face, the Illusion King!
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gorore4 · 1 month
manga of the day 08/21/2024 I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, but the Other World was at Peace!
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unique manga of a guy who gets accidentally summoned to another world and has to wait one year to return, during this time meets the most powerful beings of the world the characters have great character development and it tends to explore what the immortals beings yearn for the approach it has to this is really good as it balances the comedy and internal drama that comes with the scenario as it unfolds while keeping the main characters likeable and interesting honestly one of my favourites, bit of a shame that its been hiatus for a while but there are a good amount of chapters already released at least
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iamdarkness · 28 days
Iris Chapter 7
Summary:Emma is the new Summoner and Alfonse is having mixed feelings about it as he expected his cousin to be summoned. He battles with his feelings and the weight put on him by the Order while trying his best to be nice to the Summoner but not get attached at the same time.
-…My name is Emma.- Alfonse looked on as the girl lowered the white and gold hood of the embroidered Summoner’s coat with those dark delicate fingers, to reveal a sweet looking smile on a full lipped mouth. The expressive and intelligent dark brown eyes looked at him full of wonder. Alfonse felt something in the pit of his stomach and his eyes widen a little while his heart sped up in his chest. She felt so familiar to him. It was almost like he knew her. Then after a split second he figured she reminded him of cousin Bel and Oly and cold sadness gripped at his heart. He felt the desire to leave. Leave this girl who evoked such painful memories. He inadvertently gave a step back to distance himself from her.
-It is an honor to finally meet you Kiran…I mean… Emma.- Said Alfonse who had been planing to call their Summoner by the title and distance himself from more familiarities. Strangely he had suddenly felt embarrassed by his actions and corrected himself.
-It is a title given to the Summoner. It means dark haired in one of the ancient tongues and Light in another. - Alfonse said blushing. 1)
- Hmp . Well she does have her own name. If I were to use a title I would use Summoner, but I find her name better. I like the sound of it.- Says Prince Takumi placing a protective hand over the Summoner’s shoulder. Alfonse felt his brow furrow at the sight. He felt an urge to reach out and take that hand off of his summoner’s shoulder.
==My Summoner?== He suddenly thought and he mentally berated himself over that sudden stray though.
-Yes you are right. I apologize Summoner Emma.
- No worries. You two can call me whatever you like. You can even call me Emmy if you want. We are going to be good friends after all.- Emma said said and prince Takumi smiled down at her and nodded. Alfonse did not like the feeling creeping up his chest. In consequence his nod looked hesitant and wooden.
Emma ended up summoning another four heroes. Among them was Chrom prince of Ylisse, his ancestor Prince Marth of Altea who had taken a liking to the Emma right away as if they had been long lost friends (which greatly annoyed Prince Takumi and secretly Alfonse as well), Male Robin and to Takumi’s chagrin, Queen Camilla of Nohr.
-Oh! Prince Takumi! It is such a pleasure knowing I will not be alone in this new world!- Takumi shank back a little, shock and anger visible in his eyes and watched intently the hand extended towards him. The two men did not seemed to notice her reaction, as minute and quick as it was but Oly did. There was suddenly a look of sadness and some other deep emotion on the lady’s face and her visible eye watered but a little. Takumi took her hand but his gesture seemed stiff and awkward.
- Since we will have to be allies in this world…
-Ah! I see. You do seem a little younger than my Takumi… I mean the…Prince Takumi of my world.- The lady said eyeing the shorter prince. Emma knew by her tone and remark that the Lady was hiding something and by looking at Prince Alfonse she knew he had noticed this as well.
-I am not so young.- Said the prince of Hoshido almost in reproach then added with a suspicious stare.- You are a Queen. Does it mean you won the war?
-Oh no Darling. No one really wins in a war. It only brings pain to all. - She says sadly. Takumi was taken aback by her answer. This woman seems different than the one he has fought against.- We both lost much, but there is finally peace.
-I…see…-Takumi said and there was a hint of curiosity and suspicion in his eyes and voice.
-Well we better get going to the castle before we get caught in another skirmish.- Says Commander Anna and gives the order to leave.
They get ready to leave and this is when Alfonse notices something. Lady Camilla’s mount had been summoned along with her, the other heroes were being given horses that the Commander had brought along. Except the Summoner was not getting on any of them. She stood back as the commander explained to her how to mount the horse Anna had select for her. Alfonse knew right away the horse would drop her and bolt right away if there was another attack on the way. The Summoner looked nervously at the animal and the animal seemed to be picking the energy up and in turn started to be nervous as well. He groaned internally but at the same time there was this thing in the pit of his stomach as the thought of offering for her to ride on his horse intruded.
-Do you not know how to ride Summoner? - Asked Prince Marth already on his horse.- I confess I am not the best of riders, but if you are unused to riding I propose you ride on my mount.
-If we are attacked on the way, it is better to have her on a more proficient rider’s mount darling. Let the Prince take her.- Lady Camilla says sweetly to Marth motioning to Alfonse. Marth agrees. She then turns to Alfonse and smiles at him knowingly.- I would offer a ride but I doubt it would feel good on someone who is not used to even ride a horse. Better get used to horses first darling. . Alfonse is speechless for a second and nods to Emma. She follows him to where his horse is and stands ready to be helped up. Alfonse is awkwardly making time because he is debating with himself how to sit on the horse with the Summoner. He of course has had to ride with other people before but riding together with Sharena is not the same as this. Sharena is his sister and she knows how to ride as well and he is not worried about her but here he has a dilemma. Does he let her hold his waist or does he hold hers? He blushes as he weights his options and decides it is better if she rides behind him. It feels unproper to him to hold her that intimately and wonders since when has he started to see riding together as something “ intimate”.
==Now how do I…==
-(sighs) Here…Get on the horse and I will help her up behind you.- Says Takumi in an annoyed tone. He wanted the Summoner to ride with him of course. Alfonse does as told and holds his hand out for Emma to hold.
The ride home was not as quiet as Alfonse would have wanted. Emma would ask him questions about this world, some of which he did not know how to answer and sometimes she would make comments in that tongue he had heard earlier. He was trying to distract himself form the arms tightly holding him from behind and the heat that seeped through his mail and tunic from the body hugging his back. He was not used to touch this intimate from anyone other than Sharena. Not since Oly and his cousins, but he felt rude squirming on the seat and if he could be honest with himself, part of the discomfort came from how nice it felt.
-.. So I wanted to thank you. You came right on time and saved me! And the way you fought them off! It was beautiful! I had never seen someone use a sword like that! Movies would never make it justice!
- I…Thank you. It was an honor. -If he remembers correctly movies where like plays but on moving pictures.
-Do you have movies and shows in Askr? Operas? Plays? Ballet?
-We have plays and concerts. Dances like ballet but not entirely so. Movies and shows and …TV…we do not have. Or phones.
-No wonder my phone is not working! Wait how do you know about those if you don’t have them?
-I… My cousin was from the world of Steel.
-Yay ! I will not feel alone then…wait…”Was”?
-...We are almost at the castle.- Announced Alfonse avoiding the question. Emma could see his face turn stern so she did not push the issue.
In the castle Sharena was waiting for them to arrive. She looked worried but exited. Alfonse could tell by how she was standing and the little bounce of her right leg. As soon as Alfonse dismounted and helped Emma down Sharena came to talk to them both.
-Brother. Who is this?- Sharena said with excitement, but as soon as Emma came down and turned to face her Sharena made a face akin to pain and gave a step back. It was only for a second and Emma who was preoccupied by her oversized coat that had gotten caught on the horse saddle strap did not noticed.
Robin noticed though. Robin wasn’t great at wanting to read people. He minded his own business unless it was something to be considered for his strategies, but his analytical mind was taking in every detail of their interaction. This observation came out of curiosity. He wanted to understand their character and personality so as to get used to working with the prince and summoner as soon as possible. He had noticed the way Alfonse had acted towards Emma from the start and although he had assumed Alfonse to be obviously nervous about meeting a person he had thought of as “Legendary Hero”. He came to the conclusion that there was something else in the Prince’s past that made this meeting difficult for him. His theory had been proved by the princess who was now being introduced to their Summoner. There was a second where her face betrayed surprise and something akin to recognition. He wondered if it had something to do with the comment he had heard while on the way back about his cousin being form the same world.
-This is our new Summoner Emma. Summoner Emma this is my dear sister Sharena.- Sharena took Emma’s hand in hers at the same time as she gave her brother a questioning look. Prince Alfonse saw it and turned away . Sharena then smiled broadly as well. Robin was intrigued.
After introducing the new heroes, Commander Anna and the royal siblings took all of them to the dinning room and instructed the siblings to give their guests a tour of the castle and lead them all to their respective chambers.
Sharena was very happy to make new friends but even as distracted by her excitement as she was; she could tell Alfonse was uncomfortable. She knew her brother was not much for making friends and she also knew he had changed after Zacharias’s disappearance but he looked ready to leave. He hastened the interactions and stayed furthest away from the Summoner as he could. What was worst she noticed Hero Robin knew something was wrong because he would not take his eyes off of Alfonse.
Finally Sharena put the prince out of his misery. She told him she would take care of the rest and he excuse himself.
Back in his room he took his time methodically cleaning himself. He did not want to think because every time he did he remember the pain of the loss. All of if. Fighting his father to be in the Order had let him know he still felt the loss of his parent’s attention and he probably never would. Now with the new arrival the pain of losing his family and best friend was more palpable. Why did this girl had to look so much like his Oly? The sweet girl that used to bring them so much happiness when they had been so alone? Like his cousin who had been a second mother to him and Sharena?
He opened the ornate mahogany dresser across his bed and from the bottom he took a parcel. He untied the rope around the paper covering and caressed first the soft fabric and then the metal of the sword. The same sword he had promised his cousin he would care for while she went to look for Oly. He always wondered what would have happened if Bel had left little Adrian with them. He was sure his father would not have let them raise the boy along Grand Uncle Andreas but it was still a nice thought. He sighted and tied up the sword again and put it back in the drawer.
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Alfonse was steaming. He had jus gotten the order to change his rooms without his consent. He knew there would be times where he had to follow orders he would not agree with as part of the Order, but he never thought this would impact his personal life. Commander Anna had given the Summoner the biggest rooms ( as expected), with a parlour adjacent to it because of course she needed the space for a personal office. That room used to be his parent’s rooms. That was not the problem here, even if the same rooms gave him a sort of bad feeling. Something in the back of his mind that made the place feel not only depressive but also uncomfortable. Perhaps it was the memory of sleeping together with Oly and cousin Bel, but he thought that would make him nostalgic not weary or uncomfortable. The real problem was that said room was connected to the one he was to change into ( his father’s). He would be in charge of the Summoner’s safety. Anna had said that he as of now was the only one she trusted with the job. The problem was he was not even asked about it. He knew it was an order he had to follow but if he had been asked Sharena would have been a better choice in his opinion. She was a girl, just like the Summoner.
Alfonse of course understood Anna’s position. Of course he did. Anna needed Sharena by her side more often than him when it came to night watches and rounds. He knew he was a difficult person to befriend and work with. Anna, he knew, did not feel as relaxed around him as she did Sharena. He also understood her reasoning when it came to the heroes. They were barely getting acquainted with the first group of heroes summoned, and as much heroes as they were Anna wanted to play it safe. In her words ‘ We never know Alfonse. The stories of the heroes only ever talk about their glories and best moments and always omit their darker side…but don’t ever forget they are human.’ She of course did not mean to stain the heroes’ reputations. She just wanted to be safe.
==’ The chances are low Alfonse, but never cero…’== He smiled at the unbidden memory of cousin Bel’s words and laughter after she had asked him a hypothetical question that he had brushed off as silly and borderline ridiculous. ==’Even if the snail never makes it close to you. You will for ever be weary of snails… wouldn’t you?’ == Came the answer to his rebuttal. Even Zacharias was thoughtful and Sharena had of course agreed that she would be afraid of snails for ever. His smile faded. It had been a silly question to amuse them, but it started a mental exercise about fear and later about depression he had never expected.
==’Fear can be useful. It can save your life in a difficult situation. But when it comes to silly rumors and uncertainty, it can rob you of your peace of mind once you let it grip your soul. Sadness is even worse.’==
Alfonse sighed and sat down on his bed. He tried blocking the memories. He watched as the servants helped him gather the last of his possessions. Which consisted of mostly books , clothes and armor. He had traveled light when he came to join the Order. He took the parcel with his cousin’s sword and placed it inside a wooden case. He looked at his cousin’s favorite book. Cousin Bel had given it to him to guard until they found Oly and Adrien was old enough to understand it. He put it inside his travel bag and left.
==’Loneliness can rob you of your sanity…’==
Alfonse tried ignoring Zacharias’s words as he closed the door behind him.
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-Where is the Summoner? She should be in her room by now.- Asked Alfonse that same night to one of the servants. He had come into the parlour to get a cup of tea and had found the tea cold and the Summoner’s room empty. It was almost midnight and she had no watch duty that he knew of. Worried he called the servant.
-I do not know your Highness. Last I saw her she said she was going to the library and has not come back. She said she was not going to be long.- The servant said a little nervous.- That was after dinner.
- I see. - Alfonse said with knitted brows.- Check with the other servants in case they have seen her. I will go to the library.- He said and went out to look for Emma.
He walked to the library. The corridors were mostly empty and no one he encountered had seen Emma. By the time he entered the library he was a little panicked and ready to give the order to search the grounds for her or for intruders. He asked the librarian in turn and he told Alfonse the Summoner had not been in the library that night.
Alfonse ran out the door and informed a guard to go search the grounds for the Summoner and to wake Commander Anna. He flew to the servant’s quarters to see if they had found something and on the way back to entrance where he was to meet the Commander he heard a sound. It was coming from the window to the Northern garden. He looked out and saw something on the ground. He jumped out the window and ran towards the white piece of cloth shinning with the torchlights of the garden.
It was Emma. She had fallen on the cobbled path towards the entrance. There was already the feel of the last Early Spring snow on her coat. It was falling faster now. She moaned from pain and he helped her get up.
- Watch it right there…It’s slippery…ow…- She says pointing to where she slipped. She was still holding on to Alfonse’s arm. She felt cold. -Oh it’s you…I am so sorry to bother you, your Highness!- She quickly lets go of the arm and looks away. Alfonse felt a pang of guilt and pain at this. He knew he wasn’t the friendliest, but he had never been rude to her. Had he?- I’m sorry…
- Why are you sorry for? Better yet. Why are you here in the cold with only this coat? It is almost midnight, you need to rest. There is much to do tomorrow.- Alfonse said and maybe it was the fact that he felt rejected by her scooting away from him, but his voice sounded cold even to him. Almost scolding. Emma was looking down at her feet. She looked uncomfortable. He sighed and offered his hand for her to hold on to, so she would not slip again. - We have …I was worried. Appologies.- Emma looked up and was he imaging things or were her eyes moist?
-You were worried?
-I just ordered the whole castle to search for you…Oh and woke up the Commander! She will be angry!
-I’m so sorry!
-No! I meant she will be angry at me. Come. We need to get you in a warm place. You look very cold.- He said and lead her to the entrance.- What happened? Why aren’t you resting at this hour?
-I … I got lost trying to find the library.
- You have been lost for three hours? Why did you not ask anyone how to get back?- He asked surprised once inside. He lead her the meeting place.
-I was…ashamed.- She said in a small voice.
- You should not feel that way. It is a big place…even bigger than when I lived here. Everyone gets lost at first. From now on I will take you wherever you need to go. With me along, you won’t get lost. At least until you learn your way around the place.
- I … thank you. You used to live here?
-I…yes. It was our ‘ Summer Palace’. My parents used to come here instead of the beach house. They liked…
-There you are!!!- Came the almost scream of one Commander Anna. Sharena followed.- You two are lucky I was working late with Sharena. What was this about the Summoner being lost? Have you not been watching her Alfonse?- Asked Anna.- She looks cold! She will get sick. I was informed she has been lost since after dinner Alfonse. Have you not been with her?
- I got lost. It was my fault.- Emma says. Alfonse can feel her trembling still.
-No. It was my fault. It took me longer to get my belongings in place. I thought she was in her rooms resting. I should have checked on her sooner.- He says. His voice tight.
-Yes you should have Alfonse. - Anna stops and turns around to face the duo.- It is your responsibility. You have lived here and know the way around. It does not mean everyone else does. And this is exactly why I chose you to be her companion.- Anna says. She does not sound angry to Emma. She sounds more… Disappointed was it? Alfonse looked downcast. She felt sad all of a sudden and protective of him even if he was not friendly towards her, he did not deserve to be scolded for something that she felt was her fault. Also she did not want him to hate her.
- I don’t need a babysitter. - Emma says and lets go of Alfonse. She hears the small gasp he gave.- No offence sir. I am grateful you helped me. I’m just saying it was not your fault. I got lost. It is not a big deal. I just need a map or something. This place is huge and all the corridors look the same.
-The heroes have been getting lost as well.- Says Sharena pensively.
-Well maybe we can paint like a dot a different color or shape and name the halls . You know like : The blue Hall or Lion Hall or something.- Emma says to defuse the situation even further and hoped the Prince would not take offence to them defacing his home even more.
-You know. That is not a bad idea.- Anna though.- I will see if it is withing our budget to do something. If we do pass the idea, you three will be in charge of the painting and naming.
-Sounds fun! We can get the heroes to help and get acquainted better!- Pipes in Sharena excitedly.
-Well it sounds like a good idea.You need to get to know each other better… some more than others.- Anna says eyeing Alfonse.- I decided you will start the day after tomorrow. Alfonse it was your day off but I’m going to need you to stay and help.
-Yes Commander.
-Wait. He is not going to have his day off, because of me?- Emma asked still trembling a little. She sounded indignant. Anna looked at her and then at Alfonse who has awkwardly placed a hand on Emma’s shoulder to appease her.
-Do not worry about me Summoner.
- He can have it when you are finished. Double even.
-Yay! That way we can have the same day off and do something fun the three of us together.- Says Sharena happily. - Also remember you can ask me about whatever you need if Alfonse is not around Summoner!
After this everyone went to bed. Alfonse asked for hot tea and biscuits and sat in the parlour while Emma went to change into her sleeping clothes. She came out of her room with a blanket wrapped around herself and sat on the oposite end of the couch. Her nose and eyes looked red. She took the tea cup offered to her by Alfonse and drank a little. Alfonse watched her closely not even thinking about it. If he was honest with himself, she fascinated him. She closed her eyes , her small mouth forming a little pout and tears run down her cheeks.
- Summoner? Are you not feeling good?
-No.. yes… It’s just. I was thinking of my family.
Alfonse was speechless. How obtuse had he been? Of course she had left family and friends and probably a …
-My mother would have berated me for being too dumb to ask for help but, she would have made me tea just like this…and a blanket…My father would have come home and hugged me…- Alfonse watcher her far away look. She looked like she was about to say more but got lost in the memories.
-You miss them…- Alfonse said more an affirmation for himself than a question. Emma nodded and cried harder.-Of course you do…I… I am sorry. We have taken you from your home and family just to fight a war that does not belong to you. I wish that we could do this by ourselves and spare you the pain, but as it is…
-Oh.. don’t worry about that. I want to stay. I want to help. This place is like a fairy tale land. I want to keep it safe. If I can not do much to change matters in my home. I want to at least help keep this place safe and as beautiful as it is.
- We thank you …I thank you for your sacrifice. I can not presume to understand how you feel. But I hope you find it in your heart to give us all a chance to become…-He started but as much as he had wanted to say the rest. He could not. Emma noticed this and lowered her face to the tea..- My sister. She.. I think she already thinks very highly of you; part of the family even though she has been too busy to interact much with you. I… I appreciate what you are doing for us, and am honored to work with you.
-Thank you. - Emma says in a small voice and smiles at his bashful expression. She can se he is a little uncomfortable, as if he is not used to talk about feelings and such but is still trying hard to express himself. Emma wondered about him. Quite a lot in fact. The urge to please him was strong. To be acknowledge by him, from the moment he saved her life. She wanted to see him smile and perhaps penetrate the barriers she could se him working hard to maintain. Other times she wanted to run from him. She had already had a bad experience with a boy older than herself trying to manipulate her feelings and using her insecurities against her. She did not want to risk another experience like that. The prince was a strange person. He seemed so civil and polite. ..almost friendly. He felt like he wanted to get close and then suddenly he would avoid her for days. The voice in her head told her it was her of course. She was a commoner after all and he a prince. Perhaps this was why he did not liked her, but was as polite as he could because he needed her.
When Commander Anna had told her, she was going to be sharing quarters with him she panicked. She felt already like the start of something she should not be feeling for the boy that did not even want to be near her. She did not want to add fuel to that and much less did she want to burden him with her care. She did not get lost for three hours. She did not want to return to her rooms. She knew that as long as she was near, he would feel obligated by the Order to be her bodyguard or something. And he would do it because it was an order and she did not want that. She went out to think of what to do and to avoid being around him for longer that needed. She was sure he had not liked the idea because when the people had arrived with his belongings he closed the door to his room so hard she heard it in her rest room. She was not prepared to see his face as of yet. So she walked around the grounds until she lost the perception of time. How she missed her mother. She would know what to do. Of course her mother would tell her to ignore him. Concentrate on her work for the order and helping the heroes in any way she could, just like her mother used to tell her to concentrate on school and her art and music. And that was what she will going to do.
Until he had come to her rescue again after she lipped and fell down. She felt so ashamed. He had not disappointed her when he started to berate her for being in the cold for so long and yet when he said he was worried for her and had called a search for her she felt like she was already melting inside. She tried thinking it was because well she was important to the war effort but he seemed so sincere. Now she was even more confused.
- I am sorry the Commander put you in this position.
-It is not a problem. She is right. No one better to be your guide than me or Sharena. I was honestly thinking the task would have fallen to her being a girl like you, but she has been busy as well. Sharena and and the Commander have a better relationship than mine whit hers.
==So it is because I’m a girl? Was he expecting a man then?…Of course he was Emma! What kind of question is that? That coat was huge! I bet they were all disappointed to see you!==
-Oh. I…
- What I mean is that I thought you would be more comfortable with another girl around. It is no bother to me.
-You were expecting a male summoner I suppose.- Emma says suddenly. Alfonse looks at her a little bewildered. He did not expect this. Her voice was firm but it did not sound like she was angry.
-What? No…Why would you say that? The Summoner comes in any gender. We had no idea who would come…- He paused at her look of disbelief.- I expected a woman if I can be honest with you.
-The coat. It was very big.
-I noticed. Anna is…tight with the budget. She opted to make a big coat that would…fit anyone, instead of making several of different sizes. - He pauses. He sounds apologetic and his cheeks are rosy with shame. Oly looks at his sincere eyes and smiles.- I appologice.
-No! You don’t have to..I…I’m sorry for thinking, for assuming…So you expected a female summoner? Why?
Alfonse heard her innocent question and her pretty dark eyes that showed real curiosity. He had thought …nay he had hoped since Commander Anna had suggested to call the Summoner that the one answering the call would be his cousin Bel. She was their real Summoner after all. But he could not tell Emma this. He could not say he knew the secret. At least not yet. As nice as Emma looked to him, she was still a stranger and he could not tell her this secret. It was not just his secret after all.
-Well…The first Summoner who came to Askr to help the first King Lif was female.
[Line break]
Alfonse was in trouble. Big trouble. He knew it. Sitting here in Commander Anna’s office and looking across the desk full of scrolls and books. He also knew the question was coming and he was not ready to lie about it and much less to say the truth; but knew he could not keep her questioning at bay anymore. Not to her. If it was the Commander he may have stood a chance but there sitting on Commander Anna’s chair was his own sister Sharena.
When the note he had received while he was training alone instead of with Emma and the heroes, had said he was needed in Commander Anna’s office,; he had assumed it was Commander Anna who had asked for his presence but instead he had found Sharena sitting at the desk reading over some paper and placing them in different piles. She was organizing Anna’s papers. Her comment after she asked him to sit had been for the need of someone to do this kind of office job more efficiently than her. As soon as he asked why he was asked to be here, Sharena had turned to him very seriously ( as serious an expression as she could muster ) and the conversation started to turn towards their Summoner and his interaction and attitude towards her.
-It’s like you don’t like her and I do not understand why. She is kind and smart and intuitive and a fast learner and she has great taste even in art! What more could you want brother?- Sharena asked and now her usual demeanor showed. She sounded disappointed in him. But how could he explain what he himself could not understand?
Of course he had noticed all of those attributes in Emma. And he hated her for it. He hated her and himself for feeling what he felt. Well probably not hate, but he sure felt annoyed by it. It annoyed him that he would have to be near her for any reason and he would be prepared to be civil but distant, because he did not want to be rude but he certainly did not want to be close to her, but her ability to tear down all his barriers so easily was so efficient that he felt annoyed by it. It annoyed him that he was not only warming up to her this fast, but that he felt extremely attracted to her. Yes she was kind and smart and pretty and he hated the way she interacted with the heroes, and that he wanted to have the same thing or even a closer relationship, but at the same time he hated that he felt this way. He had made a promise to himself that he was not going to get close to anyone else and here he was feeling this way and toward their usurper Summoner no less.
And yes he hated himself for thinking such a cruel thought towards the one person who was trying so hard to help them, but he could not take the feeling out f his heart that the place belonged to his cousin. He felt like he was betraying her memory and replacing her.
-It is not…I do not dislike her Sharena. I just do not want to be close to her. She will leave as soon as the war ends.
- It is more than that. Alfonse. Brother. I was expecting cousin Bel to come too but..
-Alfonse. I am not dumb. I do not remember much about the time Embla attacked us years ago, but as soon as I saw the sacred weapon I knew. It made sense that she was from The World of Steel and could use the weapon so she was a Summoner. I also wanted her to come back and at first I felt like liking Emma was s sort of betrayal…but Emma is a great person and does not deserve us feeling this way about her.
-I can’t help it Sharena. Her looks do not help the matter either. She looks so much like… or how I imagine she would look at least.
-I know.- Sharena says and stands beside her brother and hugs him from behind the chair.- we will get through it. You’ll see.
-I hope so.- Was all Alfonse said.
[line break]
Days passed with Alfonse not getting used to Emma’s presence. Every time he saw her he felt something in the pit of his stomach and his heart, however he did not want to appear rude so he asked Commander Anna to send him on the next mission outside the castle. He needed time to analice his feelings, which he did not like doing to begin with and to just relax in a sentimental kind of way. Anna agreed that he needed to get out of the castle more and appointed him to be a guard on the next mission which would take place the next day. He was going to get provisions from the city’s warehouse to the towns nearby . They had had an influx of immigration with the towns near the border being attacked lately.
The next day came and Alfonse readied himself to go. Sharena urged him to get breakfast before going on his way. He was not looking forward to see his summoner in the Great Hall where he was sure she would be having breakfast with the newly summoned heroes. Male and female Corrin , along side Hector, Lin, Princess Lissa from Ylisse, Lord Arvis, Prince Leo of Nohr, Male Chris, General Zelgius and to his annoyance Roy the young Lion.
Do not take it wrong he admired them all but he found annoying that some of the heroes had so easily and readily befriended his summoner while he himself felt so reluctant to be closer to her or more like he felt so… angry was it? That he could not fraternizer as easily…He could not even tell what he felt. He just knew that hearing Emma say ‘ Roy’s our Boy’ when said man was training and the way he looked at her made him lose his mind.
Thinking about it he readied himself for the vision of Emma sitting between Roy and Marth or something to the like; but to his surprise his summoner was not there. Roy sat by Marth and they talked very excitedly while Chris and Takumi listened attentively. Alfonse notices some of the heroes were missing as well. General Zelgius , Robin and Chrom were among them.
- Has our Summoner gone to train the heroes or to summon more? - He asked Sharena but she did not answer him. She kept on eating and urged him to do the same with her fork.
Soon he was leading his horse to the front gate where the party was getting ready to leave city bound then to the towns. Sharena walked by his side silently. He was too preoccupied by his thoughts to really think about her silence. This trip would free him of his feeling for two weeks. He knew he was just avoiding the inevitable. He knew he had to get used to working with her daily and knew that as prince of Askr he himself was responsible for her safety and well being. Not that it was a written law, but him being less than that was irresponsible and rude. He was her host and she not only a honored guest, but a member of his family as Royal Summoner and a great ally. He just needed time to possess the situation. He felt that all of this had been shoved in his face and it felt finally like it was too much for him.
- I did not think you would be coming with us.- The voice got Alfonse out of his musings. It belonged to Robin. He was watching Alfonse with a small smile on his face and his eyes twinkled in the sunlight in different tones of reddish brows. -I’m glad you decided to come after all.
-I asked to be here.- Was all Alfonse could says because now he could hear this voice getting louder. The sweet melodious voice of his summoner. He turns and indeed the summoner is coming closer, talking to General Zelgius . She wears the uniform of the Summoner that has been fitted to her form. The white and golds gives her dark skin a luxurious tone of bronce and rich cinnamon, while they make her hair as dark as midnight and just as shiny as twinkling stars. Alfonse furrowed his brows at the stray though.His insides felt like they were doing somersaults. He looked sideways to where Sharena was standing looking at her feet. She looked guilty.
==She knew. Of course…==
-She has been a little sad you know. She thinks you don’t like her because of her skin color.- Robin went on.- In Ylisse there are …
-What!? Why would I not like her for that reason? My best friends and family …- Alfonse starts. He feels the weight of the feelings coming down on him again and he chokes on the rest of the sentence. He closes his eyes and looks away.
-We lost three dear friends. They had dark skin. It is difficult for us…at least for me it is.- Sharena explains. - Emma resembles one of them quite a lot. She was our third cousin and our playmate in childhood. Her mother was like an older sister to us.
- Was…- Robin starts the realization hits.- Oh! My appologies. Had I known this I would not..
-Time to go ! Oh his Highness is coming too?- Asks Emma and smiles.- The princess as well?
-My brother asked to go,- Sharena answers since Alfonse is still speechless.- but I have to stay to help with the building of the orphanage; so my team will go with you only as far as the city. But you guys have fun!- Said Sharena smiling broadly.
-Yes. Prince Alfonse will be the only one going with you as your bodyguard Summoner Emma. You are in capable hands.-Answers Commander Anna from the back. She was walking alongside one of their officers that will accompany Sharena.
==What? She did this on purpose?==
Alfonse is angry but his face remains stoic. He looks at Anna and sends her a look and his anger flares when she smiles at him.
-It is an honor to be your guard Summoner Emma.- He said willing his face to soften. He knew it was not her fault. Nothing was. His words were true though. It was an honor for him. The irony was that he, as a member or the Order Of Heroes had agreed to be under the command of Commander Anna. He was a mere subordinate. He was a prince yes, and a capable warrior as well, but he knew that the honor of being the Summoner’s guard should befall a better warrior than him. A hero of her choosing. Reluctantly he walks closer to her and she meets him half way.- I will guard you with my life. Until you see fit to replace me with a better warrior of your choosing. - He added. She had to know her rights as the Royal Summoner of course. What better time than right now to let her know. Alfonse knew it was the truth but why did it hurt to even think about that?
Emma walked closer to him with a questioning gaze. The others had turned away to talk about details of the plan and route.
-Better warrior? But you saved my life! I trust you with it…unless you do not want to be my partner of course. I don’t want to make you do things you don’t want to do.- She said giving an involuntary pout that looked so much like …
- It is not an inconvenience. Like I said it is an honor to me, but you only know a few heroes now and in time you will meet many that are stronger or more skilled than I. As summoner you can choose to have another one and better yet you can choose more than one partner even. The relationship is beneficial for both parties as well.
-That is fascinating can you explain this to me while we are in leisure time?
- Of course.- Answered Alfonse and they both went to their respective places. Emma would be traveling on one of the wagons while he rode his horse. They usually walked to their destination but this was an urgent business as the villages were suffering by lack of provisions, so they would go as fast as the wagons could.
On the way to the city, as guard to the Summoner, Alfonse choose to stay by the wagon where Emma was sitting. She was talking to Robin who decided to stay with her to talk about strategies of war, but Alfonse could hear them laughing at the stories shared of their worlds. Sharena had stayed behind, sensing her brother’s mood, she decided to keep her distance. He was seldom cross at her, always the patient older brother, but he was human and she would sometimes annoy him. She knew he needed space and a friend to talk to and after Zacharias, it was even worse to approach his hardened exterior. Commander Anna was a good friend but even she was not as close to him as she was with Sharena. She felt bad to see him suffer. He did not outwardly show, it but she knew him well enough to know all of this was him trying hard to shield himself from pain.
-I am sorry brother. It is for your own good.- Sharena said softly when she rode to catch up to him. Alfonse looked sideways at her still annoyed but seeing the moist in her green eyes he sighted. He could never stay angry with her. She was the only one he had after all and he loved her most than anyone else.
-I know. I will try my best Sharena. But remember as well that she is not from this world and she will leave as soon as the war is over. We should not build deep connections with her.
-Who knows when that will be brother. Besides. If we offer her something better than she has waiting for her, she may stay. And it would work better for Askr too.
-What could we give her that she does not already have there?
-Well we have to befriend her to know. Right?- Sharena says smiling. Alfonse looks pensive and by that expression she knows she has won. He is already thinking of ways to do it. It may start as a mental exercise but she knows where this will lead him. She was praying for this to end well. He needed this. Her brother may be physically stronger than her, but if he got hurt again it would be entirely her fault.
[line break]
Sharena embraced Alfonse before leaving for the site the Orphanage was being constructed. Well it was actually being modified from an existing villa. Alfonse had not wanted to come himself because the house in question was donated by great uncle Andreas and had been his cousin’s own home where Oly had been born. The solitary man had constructed a fortified Villa on the lands close to the castle of the Order of Heroes and this was where he stayed when he came to the city. His late son’s home had too many painful memories but he had not wanted to let it fall into disrepair and decided now that war was upon the land, to convert it into an Orphanage. It was big enough to house dozens of children and staff but he had sent people to enhance it to house much more kids and stores from his own pockets . The man asked only one thing in return. That someone of the order oversee the construction since he did not wished to return to the place. Sharena had volunteered before Anna had appointed Alfonse to do the job.
Now on their way to their first destination which was a day and a half away, the caravan was on the lookout for danger. They were at war and there was a very high probability of encountering the enemy waiting for them, but that was not the only danger. Alfonse knew the people of Askr were good people but he also knew that there was always people that were more than unsavory. They were thieves and brigands that preyed on the travelers and now on the refugees. Their number had risen with the war and he suspected that the longer this war was prolonged the worse the situation would get. The aid they were carrying was a as much a way to help the people as to deter the formation of more factions of thieves. It was also a very juicy temptation.
Alfonse had agreed to come because he thought that the occasion would serve to take down a couple of those groups of thieves. He wanted to use the trip and the cargo as bait, but now that the Summoner was here with them, the mission had changed in his mind.
The group stopped for the night in part of the road that ran through a thick patch of woodland area. The officer in charge of the mission had chosen a clearing by the road. Emma had heard Robin say he would have liked to make camp somewhere else not so close to the road but with the number of wagons it would be difficult. Emma thought the tree cover could also cover thieves, but said nothing.
It was dark by the time they finally finished making camp and organizing the watch. A stew was made and they took turns to eat and watch. Alfonse sat by Robin on one of the logs along the stones they had carried over to sit around the fires they had lit. Alfonse looked over his shoulder to see Emma talking to a soldier, then turning to get her own share of the herb and coney stew to take a sit. He was raising up to offer her the place but was stopped by Robin who was already standing up and offering her his own.
-No worries, I am going to sit over there by Chrom. I was going to leave him alone with Lissa -He paused. Lissa had put a frog in his pocket that morning. Robin hated frogs.- but I better interfere before she puts something in his food. -He says gesturing to Lissa who is obviously looking suspicious.
Emma sat by Alfonse. She looked nervous but Alfonse was too busy feeling awkward himself to notice. He heard her say something in that language he has been hearing.
- Siblings are the same everywhere.
-You have siblings?- Alfonse asked surprised and berating himself for not asking before.
-I have a brother. Enrique is a couple of years younger than I. he likes playing tricks on me.
- Like Lissa?- Alfonse says a little alarmed. If he was a honest he was very wary of the blond princess and was thankful Sharena was not as playful.
-Oh no! Lissa is a menace to society! Enrique is just playful. He is mostly well behaved. And he is very bright, just like Mom.
-I see. May I ask a question?
- Of course.
- The language you speak. It sounds a lot like the ancient tongue my ancestors used thousands of years ago. What is it called?
-Italian. It is derived from Latin. - Emma pauses looking pensive for a moment then adds.-Do you speak that tongue you talk about?- She asks and Alfonse nods.
- I can translate more proficiently than speak it but yes.
-Can you say something? If it is no problem that is.
Alfonse thinks for a while then starts talking. He has an accent of course but Emma can tell right away he is talking in Latin. She smiles and responds in the same tongue.
-You speak the ancient tongue?- He asks bewildered.
-It is Latin! I was taking a class to learn it. I don’t speak much but since it is close to Italian and Spanish I can learn it faster.
-Spanish? You can speak Spanish too?- Alfonse asks and he looks very exited. Emma nods and smiles. She feels so giddy that he is interested in her.
- I can speak Greek and Italian because my family speak them . Spanish and English are my native tongues.
-What do you mean?
-I’m adopted. - She says watching his reaction. He is a little taken aback and speechless. His mouth is a little agape as well and she was trying hard not to laugh at his expression.- I don’t rem…-Emma started to say but a loud noise made them both turn to their right. Alfonse was already standing and taking his sword out.
In an instant all hell broke loose. Emma did not have time to register what the first noise had been. Alfonse was taking her arm and getting her to stand behind him. She looked around and saw Robin covering Lissa who had fallen down trying to get her staff that she had left by the wagon. Which reminded her that her gun was on the ground by the log she had been sitting on but Alfonse had been backing away from it.
Emma made a run for the gun from under Alfonse’s guard and landed on her belly just in time to get the gun. She aimed from the ground to hit one of the attackers. The light blast hit the man right on the chest. She smiled at her aim and made to get up. Alfonse was by her side taking her by the waist as easily as if she was a rad doll. He was shouting something but Emma was too busy looking at the attackers getting stuff from the wagon. One of the bags was her own traveling bag.
-No! No no no no!!- Now that she was standing she tried to run toward them and shoot at the same time. Alfonse bodily took her by the waist again and put her down right inside what she could see was a ring of people. This made her miss the shot and the thief got away.
-Have you no sense of self preservation? Stay there!
Emma was shocked at Alfonse’s anger and even more frustrated at the fact that she wanted to help hut he kept holding her back. She felt tears falling down her cheeks. They had taken her traveling bag. She kept telling him she wanted to help and that the guy had taken her bag but he was too busy to hear her or was purposely not answering.
The fight went on for a while and at the end some of the thieves had gotten away. Emma was devastated.
-What were you trying to do? They almost killed you and you did not even noticed! You can’t just go around a guard without telling them either! I may have hurt you by mistake! Have you no sense at all Summoner!
-HEY! Don’t talk to her that way!- Lissa told Alfonse and she was about to get closer but Chrom stopped her.
-He is right Lissa. This could have cost her her life.- He said to her sister.
-Perhaps it is necessary that the two of you train together as a team. She has no real sense of battle tactics besides the ones we have been studi…
-HE TOOK MY BAG!!- Emma finally screamed. As tears run down her face.- It has the things I brought from home! I will never find my real parents without it!
She said this and the camp went quiet. Alfonse let go of the breath he had taken. His eyes were huge with shock. He composed himself in an instant, silently he turned around, took a horse and mounted it.
-They went that way.- Chrom said getting a horse of his own even though he detested riding. He had understood right away what the prince was about to do. Lord Arvis followed suit. - I am going with you. Robin! Lisa! Take care of Emma!
Emma saw them leave speechless. The prince had looked mildly annoyed when he was berating her for not being careful but by now she knew he was very angry and controlling himself, but as he went away he felt wrong. There was a cold anger in his posture that sent shivers down her spine. She had looked around but saw the others had failed to noticed. To the others the prince had just looked serious or even determined.
She was afraid and sad. She hoped when he came back nothing bad happened because he would be even more angry for making him go get her stuff and even more when if he finds out it was just a doll.
She felt a gentle hand leading her down to sit on one of the logs by the fire. It was Lissa. She looked up and thank her. Then she looked around and saw Zelgius giving orders to the resto of the men.
- Princess Lissa can you please come and help the wounded please?- Said a Prince Leon coming closer to them .- I can stay with her and guard her.- He added when Lissa looked reluctant to leave.
-Please go Lissa. I… I am fine.-Emma said and got up.- I need to see what I can help with. She stood up and drying her tears started to help pick up the stuff the thieves had dropped and fix the mess they had left behind while the rest of the men dragged the bodies to the side of the camp to inspect. Robin and Zelgius had agreed to wait until Alfonse came back to see what he would want to do. The officer meanwhile was helping them inspect the corpses to see if he would determine where the people belonged to. Emma ended up joining to hear about the different variations in dress and weaponry and how it could help them determine where they had come from. She thought it would be something useful later on. She was already scolding herself for her earlier actions. She thought she had looked like a fool when they expected a leader. ==No wonder the prince was so disappointed with me.==
[Line break]
==You are a fool Alfonse! How could you think she would understand proper battle etiquette if you have never taught her? Of course she has no idea want to do and what not to do during a battle! And whose fault is that!? Yours Alfonse! She almost died because of you! You failed her as a guard! You will be lucky if she ever trust you again! Robin is right! I should have trained with her before taking her on a mission. It is all my fault. And the way I talked to her! In front of the others no less! What kind of a prince am I? My father is right! I am not fit to rule. I have shamed my self. I will be lucky if Commander Anna does not send me away.==
These thought plagued Alfonse’s mind while Emma’s face kept popping up on his mind. The tears falling down her face. The hopelessness he could see in them and the hurt at his words. He tried to clear his mind so he could pay attention to where he was going and the clues the thieves had left to follow their trail but as much as he could he could not concentrate. He limited himself to follow Chrom and their tracker.
The thieves were on foot and soon the group were upon them. Chrom jumped off the horse to intercept but Alfonse lost no time and fell the first thief by trampling him with his horse. Then he got down and finished him with his sword.
-No fire Lord Arvis if you please. We do not want to burn the Summoner’s belongings.- He asked aloud.
-Shame… They dance so prettily among my flames.- The redheaded lord said with a smirk as he took his tome and blasted three individuals with a ball of poisonous green energy.
- Remind me not to anger the man.- Comments Chrom as Alfonse approached him to help with the three men he was fighting.
-I am sure all of us will be able to remember it.- Says one of the soldiers who was helping them.- Except his foes.- he ads watching the Lord fell another thief very close to the three of them. The three remaining thieves tried escaping again but Alfonse and Chrom were able to take them down.
As soon as Alfonse saw the men were all taken care of he started to search for Emma’s belongings. Chrom tried to do the same but was stopped by Lord Arvis.
- My appologies conrad. - Alfonse heard him start while he searches under one of the men. Indeed this one had the traveling bag in his hand and had fallen on top of it. - I fear you may think I put you at risk with one of my attacks. I can assure you I calculate the strength, angle and distance perfectly fine. You were never in any danger.-Alfonse pried the bag from the thief and was searching the inside. He felt something soft to his touch ad he took it out to inspect.
-Oh don’t worry Lord Arvis. I can see you are a very capable and skilled mage.Besides I work beside my sister. I am ready for anything at this point.
-Your Majesty?!- The soldier exclaimed and ran towards Alfonse as the teen let go of the bag he was holding on one hand and sunk to the blood covered ground on his knees.
-Prince Alfonse!? Were you wounded!?- Asked Lord Arvis unable to see any wound on the man. Chrom got on his knees as well to inspect the Prince and notice the look of shock on the teen’s face. Chrom was worried. Alfonse would not answer. He was lost in his own mind watching the green clad elf sewn with care and love. He knew it well. His own cousin had made it with her own hands just as she had done two other plush toys for him and Sharena. The fabric was unique. It was the mix of modal fabric from beech trees and silk from the hardy moths that nested on the same beech trees that grew on the skirts of the Nivel Mountains. The result was a soft and warm yet durable fabric.The anti wear spell still keeping the doll as good as if newly made.
-...Link…- Alfonse says as he takes the doll and hugs it close to his chest as he closes his widened eyes.
[line break]
The ride to camp was quiet and oddly charged with an energy none of them could describe. They all had conflicting emotions about what they have experienced. It had taken a while to get Alfonse to move. After they had heard him say just that one word he seemed to wake up fro his stupor and intermediately took the bag and its contents and told them all he was ready to return. He did not elaborate or say anything else except to thank them for helping him return Emma’s belongings.
If they thought that had been odd on his part the return itself was even worse. As soon as they returned he turned to the small group and asked them to do him a favor and not talk about the situation to anyone. He told them it was a delicate matter and he would explain later. They had all agreed to not say a word mostly because they had no idea what was going on but they all had theories. Especially after they had heard Emma say something about her family. After this Alfonse went to talk to the officer and Zelgius in private. He did not even give Emma her bag right away. Instead he called her to join them. After a moment Chrom saw Zelgius and the officer leave and stand guard outside the tent they were using.
Chrom was worried and he saw quite well that Lord Arvis was as well and he looked even annoyed by the whole ordeal. Robin came and asked what had happened but Chrom who had given his words said he did not know what was going on and it was mostly true.
When Emma entered the tent she was afraid and a little annoyed at Alfonse’s attitude. He had not given her her bag and had just bypassed her to talk to the officers instead of her. She readied herself for whatever he would throw at her. She was sure he would scold her for putting him and his group in peril just to retrieve a doll. Her suspicions came true when as he turned to talk to her and she saw the doll in his hand. She readied her self for the explanation.
- Is your name really Emma?- He asked. His expressionless99 face betrayed nothing but there was something in his eyes she could not name. The question was also not what she expected at all.
-No. My adoptive ,mother gave me that name because it was written on a scarf I was wearing when she found me.-I see.- How did she find you and how old were you?
- I was about five or six years old. She found me in the woods near the school she was attending at the time. She said she heard me crying and…I was near this lady who was too hurt to talk. Mom says they took her to the hospital and never heard about her again. The police told her they believe she kidnapped me. I don’t remember anything before my seventh birthday. I was holding that doll when she found me. I guess one of my parents liked to play videogames of maybe me. I don’t remember.
She saw as Alfonse sink into a chair. He was looking the doll and her confusion grew as he started to caress it tenderly.
- Did she describe the woman to you? How she looked or perhaps what she was wearing?
-She told me she believed she was Amish or something because she was wearing a long dress that looked almost Victorean.It was long and puffy. Light blue in color. The police told her she most likely escaped a cult because we were both showing signs of violence. Mother said her hair was strawberry blond. Why are you asking me all of this?
After a moment he stood up and walked over to her. He gave her the doll and took her hand . He was shaking a little and would not meet her eyes. Then suddenly he sighted shakily and looked her in the eyes.
- Your mother. She liked videogames. She would tell us tales of the games she used to play when she was a child. She sew this doll for you before you were born. Emma was the your grandmother’s name. Your father’s mother. It was Emmaneline but she was called Emma by her closest relatives I was told.
-How… How do you know this?
-The woman they found you with. She saved your life, but she also took you away from your family. From us. I know this because you are part of my family and your real name is Olintzin Stelle 2) Andreas. Your mother thought it was a very serious name so she called you Oly.
-My mother…We are related? You and I?
-She was like a mother or older sister to me. She was from the World of Steel but you…you are Askran. Your Grandfather is the Earl of Nibelheilm My own Great Uncle. Your father’s name was Alfonse he was my mentor and third cousin. Your mother’s name is Bel.
A/N: 1)I am taken the meaning of the name Kiran from the Gaelic source because it suits the story line. Although I do like the Sanskrit meaning of Ray of Light better. 2)Olintzin comes from the Nahuatl word Olin that means either movement or fluidity or Earthquake. The ending ‘tzin’ is a honorific that means ‘Our Lady of’. Since Stella means star. The name comes to mean ‘ Our Lady that moves the star’ or ‘ Our Lady that Shakes / Quakes the Star’.
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*crawls out of a literal cesspit of late assignments, college struggle, and job stuff*
heyyy…how ya doing?? what’s up 😅😅 it’s been…a HOT minute since we’ve chatted but i come baring gifts!! A new OC‼️‼️
Meredith Harrison:
* Second Youngest Adoptee: (10 years younger than Dick, 5 years younger than Jason, 2 years younger than Tim, 5 years older than Damian)
* Sensitive one in the family — emotionally aware but very soft
* Street orphan along with Jason in Crime Alley/Park Row
* Kidnapped by cultists her deceased parents were a part of at age 5 as a sacrifice for unknown deity to bring her back to life and create a “new world”
- Subsequently kills them all with an outward explosion of her Essence
- Essence: intuitive magic that intensifies the natural human instinct with emphasis on the most used sense (ie. sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste, etc.)
- Is found by Jason and taken out of the warehouse and cleaned of the blood covering her form
* Adopted with Jason by Bruce Wayne after getting caught as lookout for him while he stole the Batmobile’s tires 3 years later
* Starts vigilante training at age 12 after Jason’s death and Tim’s introduction to the family
* Hero Alias: Halcyon (as a reminder of what she strives for herself and her family — peace and happiness)
* Mostly does hand to hand combat with the aid of her enhanced senses
* Kidnapped via summoning by main branch of cultists at 17
- Stranded in cult base for three months learning about their MO and its connection to a string of missing children’s cases
- Finds out she is a reborn vessel of an extinct minor goddess who will take over both her mind and body once her magical seal is removed
- Manages to be located and rescued by the JLD + Batman just as the seal near fully cracked, giving her more access to her powers
- Is currently going through an extremely slowed metamorphosis to her final form as a true vessel
* Currently 18 years old
* 2000s soft girl aesthetic
* Recent Graduate of Gotham Academy
Anyway that is all I bare today!! See you when my brain truly feels alive again. BYEBYEBYEBYE!!!!!
— 🐋 anon
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fandompost · 19 hours
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‘I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, but the Other World was at Peace!’ Manga Adaptation Gets Comp Ace Cover http://dlvr.it/TDgxlc
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daniellethamasa · 1 year
Manga Review: I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, but the Other World was at Peace! Vol. 1 by Toudai, Jiro Heian, and Ochau
I do enjoy checking out isekai manga, and this is one I read during Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon back in April. Check out my thoughts on this first volume!
Hey all, Sam here. It is the start of another week, which means that it is time for another geeky post filled week here on the Free State of Geek blog. There’s a lot to look forward to, from a glimpse into a cool TTRPG supplement for Tabletop Tuesday, to four different NetGalley book reviews, another creativity deep dive for Weekend Writer, and of course, our usual weekly check in with WIP…
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ljaesch · 4 years
Seven Seas Entertainment Licenses the I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, but the Other World was at Peace! Manga
Seven Seas Entertainment Licenses the I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, but the Other World was at Peace! Manga
Seven Seas Entertainment has announced that it has acquired the license for the I Got Caught Up In a Hero Summons, but the Other World was at Peace! manga by Toudai and Jiro Heian, an isekai fantasy that’s more about making friends than making war. When you get summoned to another world, things are supposed to go a certain way: become a hero, battle monsters, and slay demons, right? But when…
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marvels-writings · 3 years
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Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
Requested by: hi! i love your imagines and i was wondering if you could do a natasha or carol imagine where the reader is their wife and is pregnant but hasn't told them yet, the rest of the team don't know about the reader so when the reader arrives at the tower the avengers attack her but because the reader was an agent as well she fought well and was winning when nat or carol come down and tell everyone to stop, the reader than asks if this is a good time to tell her that she is pregnant thanks! <3
Word Count: 1.5k (fluffy)
A/N: Y’all i finally got inspiration back, updates will still be a tiny bit slow, but I think you’ll like this fic
The test lay upside down on the sink, the timer on your phone next to it; ticking off every second that went by. You paced around the bathroom, from one side to the other. You bit your fingernails, an awful habit you meant to put a stop to. But found it hard to at this moment.
This was your third, no, the fourth try. Every failure brought you closer to giving up on this golden dream you'd crafted with Natasha. This idea that you might have children of your own to raise in a large house in the suburbs. To be domestic and at peace with your life.
That chance seemed further with every test.
You jumped as the timer buzzed loudly on the side of the sink. Hurriedly, you switched it off and turned the test over. Your eyes widened as you dropped the device on the ground. It clattered dully as a grin covered your face at the result.
Two lines.
You were pregnant.
Grinning, you grabbed the test to rush out to show it to your wife. You stopped quickly, remembering she was at the Avengers compound. Instead, you picked up your phone, texting her a picture of the test, and trying to call her. No answer.
She needed to know, even if that meant you had to go down to the compound yourself and tell her. You knew she was adamant about keeping you away from her work life, not wanting to involve you in a work that seemed to bring the horrors of her past with the threats of the future. You didn't blame her for wanting to keep you away, even though it was hard not meeting the people she risked her life for.
Debating it in your head, you eventually decided to go tell her. You quickly grabbed your coat, and at Natasha's common insistence, a knife in your jean waistband. The knife would probably be a bad idea in a few months, but you'd rather not be caught without it, for now at least.
Trying to call her one last time, you rushed into your car and began the drive there. The apartment wasn't too far from the compound, not too far from where you worked either. You'd wanted somewhere that both of you could go to work easily from, Natasha had wanted someplace where she could get to you faster.
It worked, but you needed to find a bigger house soon. Maybe somewhere near a lake, or some scenery, so you could go hiking or swimming with them. You could teach them how to swim for the first time, Natasha could teach them all the stars in the sky and the stories behind them.
So many dreams, you wanted them all now that you had the chance.
A bright grin was on your face the whole ride t the compound, barely fading as you walked into the compound. The receptionist greeted you with a supportive nod, knowing you were a SHIELD agent. You flashed them a bright smile as you made your way towards the living areas.
Surprise filled you when you didn't see anyone from the team around, walking through till the common room until you finally saw someone. He wore an army green t-shirt with jeans, casual as he walked around. You greeted him with a smile, about to move past him to find Natasha. He had other plans though, frowning before slamming his hand on the alarm beside him.
"Sam, right?" You asked, stepping back as the sound of the blaring alarms filled the air. He stepped away from you, taking a fighting stance, assuming you were a threat. You laughed at that, the mere idea you would come to attack the home of the country's heroes.
"How do you know my name?" He asked defensively as the other members of the team began to trail into the common room at the commotion. You groaned when you realized they all thought you were planning to hurt them.
Not given a chance to answer his question, you stepped aside to dodge a shield you already knew was coming your way. The move surprised them, Sam quickly moved forwards to attack you, kicking near your head. You batted his leg away from you, throwing him off balance before picking up the shield to throw it back at Steve.
Only half the team was here, Sam, Bucky, Steve, and Tony. All of them equally surprised and apprehensive of your arrival. None gave you the chance to talk as they began to attack, thinking you were hostile. Steve grabbed the shield again to throw it at you, surprised when you dodged it and kicked it towards Bucky.
Out of breath, you panted a little while you waited for them to catch their balance. All the while there was a small smile on your face, imagining their reaction once they found out who you are, especially why you're here. For now, you needed to focus on the suit Tony had summoned into the living room.
"I'm not who you think I am." You breathed, ducking a punch sam tried to send your way, throwing him off balance with a kick to his side. He flinched back, pausing at your words. The rest of them stopped with him, waiting for some answer.
"Who are you?" Steve asked, his shield set firmly in front of him. You opened your mouth to answer, closing it when you realized hardly any of them would believe you. Instead, you chose to show them the wedding ring on your finger. You were ready to provide an explanation when someone spoke from behind you.
"She's my wife."
A grin formed on your face as Natasha came to hug you from behind. You didn't need to turn around to know it was her, merely tilting your face so you could kiss her cheek. Her hand interlaced with yours, her wedding ring matching yours for proof you were sure they didn't need.
Her grip around you tightened as they lowered their guard, greeting you and apologizing for trying to fight you. Her hand was placed firmly on your back as you talked them, wanting to keep you for herself. It was a bit selfish of her not to introduce you to them, wishing to keep you away from this life as much as she could.
Now she could see it wasn't her decision as you proudly showed off your ring, laughing at the stories they told you. Your smile was so bright as you introduced yourself as her wife to everyone who came into the room. She nodded at the surprised glance they sent her, smiling along with you.
It was no secret to you that she had been scared to introduce you to them. Natasha knew that they could never scare you off, nor take you away from her. Not even the heavens could divide her from you. She feared that you might not want to be with her anymore. Maybe you might leave after seeing in person the kind of life she leads.
Now, she knew you won't.
Not when your hand squeezed hers tightly, not when you sent her smile after smile, joy clouding your eyes. Not when you eagerly told them stories about your relationship, proud to be hers. You couldn't leave her, not when you loved her the way you do.
"So why now?" Tony asked, curious as he chewed absently on a toothpick. You grinned brightly, turning to Natasha, hesitance clouding your features quickly. She gave you a supportive nod, hoping you would explain your unexpected, but welcome appearance.
"Is now a good time to tell you?" You asked, nodding towards your stomach, hoping she would get the idea. You knew she didn't by the way she tilted her head to the side curiously. Biting your lip tightly, you weren't sure if she would be okay with telling the rest of the team.
She's spent years hiding you, you didn't know if she wanted to hide the new arrival to your family.
Still biting your lip, you tugged her arm closer to you. Getting the hint, she leaned her ear closer to you so you could whisper. The entire team leaning closer, straining to hear the reasons you had to share.
"I'm pregnant," You whispered, her hand freezing in yours, her eyes widening as her she turned around to meet your eyes. Her eyes held so much doubt, looking up at you as if you held the world in your hands, ready to take it away at any second.
But you nodded, ready to give her the world she deserved.
She had never looked happier as she hugged you tightly, tears pooling in her eyes, her breath hitching as you laughed. Her dreams were so much closer, all because of you. Never had she even dared to think her dreams of a family might become true.
Now, as she told her chosen family excitedly about the expected new arrival, she wouldn't want anything else. She wouldn't need anything more than you by her side and the dreams you'd made together. The dream which would have remained hidden if it had not been for you.
A/N: Tell me what you think!! Comments, reblogs and ask are amazing!!
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver, @versdan, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught, @lovebotlarson, @dhengkt, @hstoria, @natasha-danvers, @veryfunnyal, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx , @ophelias-heart , @never-didbefore , @justarandomhumanhere, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn , @lesbian-x-blackwidow , @marvelbbyx , @wlw-imaginesss , @hcartbyheart​ , @summergeezburr​ , @imnotasuperhero , @a-stressedstudent , @aaron-despair , @rooskaya-yelena , @dynnealberto , @thewitchandtheassassin , @wannabe-fic-reader , @izalesbean, @higherfurther-romanova , @natalia-quinzel , @blackxwidowsxwife , @studies-styles , @procrastinatingsapphictrash , @mxxnmocha , @ladyeliot , @wandavixen , @blurryylines , @thewidowsghost , @wlwlovesreading let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
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The Glitch
I get the Broken Reality au is a haha funny joke but there’s been some legit great art for it and since Butterfly is over and I haven’t gotten into the groove of my other projects yet, I decided to try some flash fiction of my interpretations. Note that this is very small and informal; I used whatever idea came into my head over the course of an hour or so instead of the weeks of planning that go into my usual fics. This was an experiment for fun. But if people enjoy the concept, I may be tempted to expand on it.
Credit to @lollitree @moonpaw @gentrychild​ @owlf45​ and @cyber-phobia​ (I’m sorry if I missed someone I lost track of how many people were involved in this mess).
Content working for reference to infant death.
Please enjoy!
The city shut down for a typhoon warning.  Thunder rumbled in the distance.  Dark clouds blocked the sun so much that by mid-morning it still looked like it never bothered coming up.  And yet the humidity made it too hot for coffee.  Inko didn’t know how to feel.  Work would have been a good distraction.  But she didn’t want any coworkers or clients to see if today got to be too much.  And it was already shaping up to be.  She caught herself making two plates of food for breakfast.  
Inko sat alone in the kitchen.  She couldn’t bring herself to finish her own plate.  Sickness set in fast.  The food had been cold for a long time before she summoned the strength to get up and throw it away.  Then she stood over the open trash can a while, debating whether to try and hold it together, or just throw up and get it over with.  She eventually managed to keep her stomach steady enough to go back to her bedroom.  There was another trashcan in there anyway.
A sound stopped her.  From her office.  The distinct sound of something heavy falling onto the carpet.  Right as she walked past the door.
Please not this again…
She opened the door with her eyes closed.  Her mind conjured a familiar image.  A bedroom full of books and hero posters.  Bright colors and personal touches.  A child’s room.  Inko opened her eyes to her drab home office.  Some of the older case file binders slipped off the pile again.  She really needed to sort those into storage. Not today though.  She didn’t bother to pick it up.
Inko walked faster than normal the rest of the way to her room.  She doesn’t want to face the temptation to search for old toys she remembers storing in the empty closet.  Or search the walls for scuff marks from action figures tossed into them she could always see even after the walls were painted. She hid her planner on a tall shelf and put the ladder away to make it that much harder to go through it over and over looking for doctors’ appointments and school events she knew were coming up.  Finally reaching her bed brought no comfort.
Of course she knew today’s date by heart.  She hadn’t put it on a calendar in the fourteen years since she used to look at it every day.  Inko stuck her head under her pillows, as if they could block out the silent noise of her memories.  Memories of before, the time even when she was by herself, she was never alone.
Fifteen years now, today.  With a shuddering gasp, the tears finally came.  Thunder crashed outside.  It’s not fair!  Why is it still this hard after this long?  Phantom kicks in her belly joined the growing ice there.
The hardest part was she still felt like that sometimes.  Like she wasn’t really alone.  Inko didn’t believe in ghosts, but the lost of what could have been was more than haunting enough.  She felt it watching her.  Judging her. Waiting just long enough for her to settle down into a peaceful, content existence before it reared up to plague her heart all over again.  Cliché hauntings like spooky faces in the mirror or blood coming out of the drains would have been preferable.  Those would be generic enough not to remind her directly.
Rain started outside.  Her phone lit up with a notification she ignored in time with a thunderclap.  The storm was getting closer.
Maybe I should call Hisashi, the thought crossed her mind.  Maybe he’s going through this too.  She bit her lip bloody.  Her frustrated memories weren’t in question like the others.  Probably not though.  I don’t want to talk to him anyway.
Hisashi had been stuck in the denial stage of grief, which often came off as him acting like he didn’t take hers seriously.  Not a year, not even half a year looking back, after they came home from the hospital, he wanted to try again.  
“We can’t let mourning hold us up forever,” he said.  “And it’s not like we lost a once in a lifetime opportunity!  We’ve got at least another twenty years to keep trying!”
But we did lose him! she had wanted to scream.  Still did, years later.  Why didn’t he understand?  He was your loss too!  Inko wanted for the next roll of thunder, then shouted.  
“I don’t just want any baby!  I want Izuku!”
The lights went out.  The temperature rose five degrees instantly when the ceiling fan stopped going.  The rain stopped.
Power outage.  Inko sat up with a sniffle.  Turns out the notification was a warning about roving blackouts.  Of course.  Oh well. I wasn’t really in the mood to cook tonight any-
Thunder boomed even louder than before, making her jump.  Then another.  Lightning flashed outside at the same time.  It was right on top of her.
What?  I thought the typhoon wasn’t supposed to make landfall until later toni-
Another crash.  It vibrated through her bones.  Then another. The lightning lit up her whole room. Except for a shadow on the wall. Inko jolted to look, holding her breath, and found only her own shadow in the next flash.
“I’m such an idiot…”  She went for her phone again.  For peace of mind, she decided to use her data to check if an evacuation order went out. Or any updates at all really, since the weather came so much faster than the news said.  “Nothing,” she sighed annoyed.  “I hate being alone for weather like this…”
A new notification pinged.
Inko blinked rapidly.  The message remained.  All of her insides turned inside out in an instant, and she started crying again. Was this someone’s idea of a sick joke? No one ever got a chance to call her that.  She touched the note to open it, but nothing happened.  No app or source was displayed.  Nor did it go away after a few seconds like normal.  
“Wha- What’s going on?” she wept.  In a mix of sorrow and rage, she wound up to chunk the device across the room.  But she froze.
Outside her window, floating against the pitch-black sky, were two small orbs.  Perfectly circular and glowing.  Watching her. She didn’t dare move.  
Another ping.  She looked without moving.
[I’m sorry]
“…  What?”
For a moment, all the sounds in the world dropped out.  They all came back at ounce.
Lights flickered.  Both the ones inside and the lightning going outside.  Multiple strikes laid on top of one another.  No relief.  Thunder pounded over and over like a drum solo.  It shook the whole building.  Inko ran into the closet away from the window.  She slammed her hands over her eyes but it didn’t help.  Her terrified cried were whispers to the screams of the storm.
A child’s scream.  She heard it. Each flash of light came with a cry. The distinct sound of a little boy calling out in pain blended with unyielding nature.  It came from every direction.  Every hair on Inko’s arms stood up in fear.  She felt the charge in the air.  But she had to go out.  Her baby was crying for help.
She burst from the closet into the living room.  All the lights and appliances turned themselves on and off.  The TV showed only static between its flashes. Something drew her too it.  The storm was deafening.  It pounded through her head like a heartbeat.  The beats got faster.  The static flashes started to look like a face.  Her usual caution was abandoned as she fell to her knees and touched the screen.  The snow cleared for a single instant.  Just long enough to look like the blank eyes from the window.  She felt the heartbeat there too.
Then it stopped.  All of it. The noise and lights all went quiet and dark.  The TV went completely cold in an instant.  Inko, stunned, palmed over it looking for something.  Anything.  The pulse. Warmth.  A burnt fuse or faulty wire.  But nothing.  The rain started again.
She pulled her hands back to her lap.  Her heart was still racing and tears kept flowing down under her chin. She looked around.  Everything in the living room and kitchen looked the same. No sign of the earthquake-like convolutions the whole appartement experienced only minutes ago.  Inko combed the entire space for evidence.  An object knocked off the shelf.  A picture frame fallen from the wall.  The notifications.  Toys in the closet or scuffs in the wall.  Still not a sign.  She even stepped outside her door to check the sky.  Only light rain and shattered thunder, just like the news said the day before.
There was only one thing out of place.  Back in her bedroom, the bottom drawer of her nightstand hung open.  Inko had to steal herself before approaching it. There were only two things in there: a little green blanket, and a picture of the ultrasound.  The most recent one from her last appointment. The doctor said he was doing fine.
“Izuku…” she whispered to it in her hand.
She remembered the squealing little bundling being put in her arms for the first time.  The first time he smiled at her.  Teaching him to walk, then immediately launching into play.  Him coming home with bruises and scrapes after the kids at school were mean to him, and crying in her arms.  Then, him coming home with his first real friends in a long time. She made them all dinner. Katsudon.  That was Izuku’s favorite.
Only she didn’t remember.  The same way she didn’t really remember the toys and scuffs.  Those were fantasies.  Daydreams of what could have been.  She just thought about them so often they felt like memories. Especially today.  It was his birthday after all.  They’d fade back into vague dreams by tomorrow.  They always did.  
And she would be left with reality.  The silence.  The cold, still little hand between her fingers.  Soft cheeks without blush.  Eyes that never opened.  Clutching him too tight to her chest, knowing the second she let go he would be gone for real and it would all be over.  
But it was never over.  Inko went through this same torturous song and dance every year for fifteen now.  All the guilt and dread would subside slowly over the next one, until it all came back at once.  Just like this.
At least it’s done for now, she tried to reassure herself, climbing back into bed. It still wasn’t even noon yet.  Plenty of time for another breakdown.  Hopefully the next one won’t be, feel, as loud.  She sighed heavily into her sheets.  This sort of thing can’t be normal.  I should really try therapy again.
Against her better judgement, she kept the blanket out, and clutched it to her chest.  Static electricity pricked her fingers.  With her other hand, she reached across the bed, and tried to imagine someone else there. Not Hisashi, never him anymore.  Izuku.  He was fifteen and happy, but the storm was making him nervous so he came to lay beside her.  She remembered it like it was now.  If she closed her eyes, she could feel his warm, soft skin, with a healthy, if a little anxious heartbeat just underneath.  The mattress warped as he sighed.
“We’ll be okay.  It’s just a little rough weather,” she promised.
“Okay, Mom,” Izuku answered quietly.  “…  I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”  I’ll start trying to get myself together tomorrow.  For now, let me have this.
Izuku didn’t respond for a while.  “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.  Happy birthday.”
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faline-cat444 · 2 years
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Seems this was more of a continuity week than anything else
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bloodsworn-marshal · 2 years
FFXIVWrite2022: Prompt 13
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Writing Prompt: CONFLUENCE Words: 952
What… day was it? What of the time? It mattered not. Nothing mattered after the world decidedly burned itself asunder.
Hazy were the number of minutes upon hours that have passed since hell cast its rain. Their utopia of peace and tranquility turned upside down in mere moments as destruction wrought at every corner. Magnificent buildings collapsed onto each other, turned into piles of rubble which became the grave for so many.
‘Don’t… Don’t leave me…!’
Harsh was the reminder of his first words uttered upon waking to a broken world. He who had been amidst the chaos. No direction. No protection. Only the mind to escape before their lives lost. Their lives… yes… he had been with another. Two fools thinking they could make a break for it like the rest of their lot. Panic swept as they were as though they could outrun the apocalypse that had paid visit.
Naivety led to a painful reality. Innocence lost as a falling building would claim their lives—though luck ever had a way of whisking Fos out of the deepest clutches of punishment.
Not so for his partner… Buried as they were beneath rock and rubble, they managed to fall into the shape of a tent over their battered persons. Fate itself protecting them from the worst of the outside. Though not without taking due payment… for she had not been so lucky when it came to collision with the ground and not tucking in just enough.
Despite his attempt to protect her. Despite the fear in his heart as he tried to race them to safety. When next he woke from briefest black out, dark eyes fell upon a broken slab of rubble that had fallen onto his partner. Right beside him. Just out of reach. But enough to whisk his beloved off into the stars where so many had departed.
‘No… No… you can’t… don’t leave me alone like this, Skia…!’
All he could think about was the splatter of red. Both on her and covering him all the same. Someone eventually drug him out from beneath that place when they heard his feeble cries from below—that he had somehow lived.
And now? His world had darkened. Lost in one’s thoughts as though it might block out that which surrounded him. What remained were naught but ashes and a rapidly dwindling population. All traumatized to some extent. Searching for a miracle out of this tragedy—some way of realigning the course of their star.
‘I can’t continue like this… not without you…’
There was but one recourse, so the Amaurotines decided. Offer up half of what remained in body and soul. To bring back life to their world once more and start anew. To save that which had been so dramatically taken from them. They would call upon their God to do their bidding in exchange. Their souls would merge together with the elder primal once all would be said and done.
Dark sullen eyes watched on as the others reluctantly started to come forward. One after the other. Their life for another life. Hailed as heroes of their kind. Any who stepped up were regarded as such with praise and promises of a better tomorrow.
Fos stood at the principle of a decision in the making. His mind made up as he too took a step forward. Not for the nobility of the cause nor the showering praise in his sacrifice. Nay… he felt he deserved this. He should not have survived and was only righting that wrong.
“I would offer up my soul for the sake of our people.”
There would be not a single hint of passion nor pride in his voice—only that of a broken man riddled with grief and want for an end. Though his tone would draw eyes, none would step up for him nor stop him. Not when their own hides were on the line should their summoning fail them.
It mattered not what happened next.  What little aether he could provide to bring forth the summoning. He never caught a glimpse of the fruits of his demise. All that he remembered would be the raise of his hand, the siphoning of his aether… and a loss of consciousness as he fell to the ground for the last time.
When next he had any semblance of consciousness… it was as though he had awoken betwixt a rift in the stars. A curtain of galaxy stretching out as far as the eye could see. For briefest moment, he had this opportunity of a final thought before losing it all.
And there she would greet him upon that awakening. Tears in her eyes—she had waited here for him. To walk the next chapter of their lives by means of reincarnation.
Fos simply shook his head… and wrapped her up within his arms in deepest embrace.
“I cannot follow where you would go. Not yet.”
But in due time… In due time…
“My soul belongs to you, Skia. Wheresoever you go I shall be watching. As worlds rejoin and recover, I would slip away and rejoin you… for who else is my guiding light but you?”
His soul could no longer linger for much longer. His existence fading as darkness swept him in like a wave. A sea of souls doomed to lose themselves to Zodiark.
“I will reach you…” One’s final promise as they were torn apart in the aetherial sea.
Though eons upon eons would pass when next they would meet… their lives so different from their pasts before the sundering… they would inevitably find each other. One way or another. And they would embark upon their journey once more.
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nhkamira · 3 years
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Summer, it's here, and not only the ridiculously hot weather but the season we have ahead! Again I may be watching too much, but probably I ended up with a few more depending on how this season advance. Here my watchlist:
Sonny Boy. Madhouse is bringing us an original. Set during summer boys and girls from a high school find themselves in another dimension awakening to their supernatural abilities. The poster caught my eye, looking forward to it. Episode 1 was streamed in advance on June 19, 2021, on YouTube. Regular broadcasting began on July 16, 2021
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sotsu. Studio Passione is bringing us this marvelous sequel with 15 episodes, we're finally are going to see was the faith for our pair Satoko and Rika. Started on Jul 1, 2021, with 2 Episodes.
Peach Boy Riverside. Shocked by the dangers of the outside world, Sari decides to set off on a journey of her own. Little did she know that she would set in motion a chain of events that will come to determine the fate of this magical world. Brought by Asahi Production, started on Jul 1, 2021
Vanitas no Carte. Studio Bones is in charge, hoping for a great animation for this anime of the same creator as Pandora Hearts! Vanitas no Carte follows Noé, a young man traveling aboard an airship in the 19th century Paris with one goal in mind: to find the Book of Vanitas. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... the second season it's here and I don't have an idea of how it's going to end but I hope we see a good romance story for our dear Katarina. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei. A spin-off of the popular Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei and surprisingly made by Connect studio, this new story follows the events of the original series as seen through the eyes of Miyuki Shiba, Tatsuya's sister. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Kageki Shoujo!! It's been a year since studio Pine Jam worked on something, and this one seems dramatic and good. The music school life full of hope and conflict, where everything is disjointed, is about to begin! Started on Jul 4, 2021
Tantei wa Mou, Shindeiru. Resolving to live an ordinary high school life this time, Kimizuka spends a year maintaining a low profile. However, as fate would have it, a girl comes crashing into his life, threatening to throw his peaceful days into disarray. Started on Jul 3, 2021
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu. Well since I didn't saw any isekai last season here it is. Brought by C2C the fantasy centers around Makoto Misumi, an ordinary high school boy summoned to an alternate world as a brave warrior. Unfortunately, the goddess of the world said with disdain, "Your face is ugly," stripped him of his title, and banished him to the outermost fringes of the wilderness. Starts on July 7, 2021
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S. Our precious KyoAni is bringing us Miss Kobayashi second season and I'm so so happy ^^ Starts on July 8, 2021
100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatteiru 2nd Season. For some reason I don't know, I need to see how this story is going to end. Starts on July 10, 2021
Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi. MAPPA is giving us something this season. While the "peaceful generation of the gods," who have never fought since they were born, are out of peace, someone has revived the demons from a long sleep! Bring armed forces, wisdom, politics, conspiracy, whatever you can use! No-rule & no-limit three-way battle royale is about to begin!!! Tbh this one looks a bit weird for me, but let's see. Start on July 23, 2021
Plus we have some continuing this season way more than what I normally have. From my regular watch:
ONE PIECE (of course)
Detective Conan
Digimon Adventure 2020
From previous season (Spring 2021)
Tokyo Revengers
Edens Zero
Fumetsu no Anata e
Shaman King
Boku no Hero
Marimashita Iruma-kun
God🤣 how I managed to have time to watch all this
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