#Sword of the Demon Hunter
redsamuraiii · 6 months
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Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentoushou
In Edo period, Japan, a young warrior, Jinta, has dedicated his life to the protection of a priestess in a remote mountain village. When demons appear and threaten the shrine, Jinta is tasked with entering the forest to hunt them down.
But the mysteries he uncovers there change his fate forever, and send him on a journey traversing space and time. Jinta’s dark destiny will carry him through hundreds of years of history, as he struggles to answer a single question: why does he wield the sword?
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faline-cat444 · 2 years
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I don’t think this was supposed to be a “mega” week
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herstrayskies · 2 years
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Decided to redraw some manga caps from Noah of the Blood Sea and Sword of the Demon Hunter. I really love Yu Satomi’s style…especially the eyes.
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evans-endeavors · 10 months
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Dan "Watchman" Rodriguez
monster hunter, demon swordsman, gay✨
Just a templar with a possessed demon blade, and an attitude problem. My main boy in SWL.
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krist-420 · 2 months
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Archangel Michael Slayer of Demons 
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marlutterianae · 2 months
Glorious Bounty of the Berserker Slayer.
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The ferocious berserker and pankrationist has inverted the hunt into staging a gladiatorial duel with the Demonic Bovine Behemoth, by baiting it to dwell deeper through wrecking charging into the labyrinthine halls of ancient ruins which were the perfect arena for the glorious huntress to claim its horned head as a precious bounty.
Head hunting has always been the pinnacle of prodigious and prestigious performance when exaltedly entranced in the heat of the wild hunt for Demons. The Glorious Glory Seeker takes grisly trophies beyond the riches of the harvested body to increase her authority among the Exiles of Phobos.
Blinded briefly by its own crackling plasma clasped in its clutches, the Hellish Knight had its broken horn stabbed above the knee as the huntress grappled its remaining horn in a twisting lock, forcing it to kneel and present its neck for beheading while lifting the hefty head hunting axe, tearing its muscles and exposing its spine with sheer brute strength to facilitate the final chop.
Art by @nathanandersonart! The Taurine Bovine Behemoth Hell Knight inspired and based directly in his redesign of DOOM's Hell Knight.
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silver-survey · 6 months
Manga and Anime
Suggested by @hope-now-and-live ❤️. Feel free to suggest any polls you would like to see.
11 answers are too little I know, there are many really important left out, seven deadly sins, jjk, bleach, spy x family, chainsaw man, one punch man, and still many others :/
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sasoxichomoshi · 3 months
lately i have been chewing in my mind this specific question as to why did godslayer choose the sun sword
cause think with me, he could choose between the bow and sword, but he sought the sword, specifically
then i remembered the reverse au drawings my moot Ads (omg, my moot, what an honor) did a while back that partially answered it but after pondering a bit more i think i can develop the idea with a reference i have been orbiting around lately: the book Goddesses, a compilation of works from Joseph Campbell (damn him again)
so first let's put the cards in the table
tho the bow and the sword are what we see, they are here just as symbols of what they represent - the bow as the half moon and the sword as a sun ray, they are a part of the whole
diving more into the symbolic aspect, the (sun) sword is straight forward, its purpose is just to kill, while the (moon) bow on the other hand exists in duality - it's there, be it to war or hunting (and here, hunting means the extension/perpetuation of life)
both Godslayer and Hunter embodies these qualities in different levels
now addressing the celestial side of the weapons, i believe there's a reason (tho i cannot say it was the creators intention) as to why Godslayer is represented by the sun and Hunter, by the moon
in short, the sun and moon (the celestial bodies in real life, to make it clear), as explained in the book Goddesses, received throughout history religious and spiritual meaning tied with life and death (or eternity and time)
it's explained that the sun, initially, was a female symbol, and the moon a male one, but when the male centric religions started to gain dominance the roles inversed
"[...]It was from the period of his reign that the Babylonian epic of the sun god Marduk dates, whose victory over Tiamat, the old goddess of the primeval sea, marks the moment of a decisive transfer of loyalty in that quarter of the world from the universal goddess of nature to an assortment of politically established tribal gods."
here we can already trace a parallel with the game events, tho a bit shy - the main cult in the island is towards mother eagle and as time passes, her cult shrinks due to Godslayer overtaking
the parallels deepens when you take in consideration what the sun and moon are symbols for
"[...]The moon dies into the sun: the bull is pounced upon by the lion. The moon is the celestial sign of the sacrifice.[...]" "[...]What the moon, the bull, and the serpent represent is the power to throw off death and be born again." "[...]The sun always represents the killing, drying, desiccating principle and so the killer is always associated with the solar power.[...]"
Godslayer passed through the golden sun-door to eternity; and by lying his curse right in Sauro's plateau, not only he cursed the world but also took over the sun - now all his actions are holy, as it's all purified in the everlasting flames
Hunter then embodies the cyclical flow of sacrifice, hunter after hunter came to the island and all failed in stopping the curse - as the moon dies into the sun, it is also ready to rebirth
Austin in one of his videos talks about how Hunter is there for the ultimate sacrifice
"one of the narrative threads i had lashed onto early in the project was the idea that the Hunter doesnt initially know why she's being delivered to this island, why she has been sent there, and to me it always felt like a sacrifice. her civilization, wherever she comes from send her there hoping she might oppose the darkness, but they've sent countless hunters for time eternal and with no results to speak of: the darkness had continued to spread in the world, and so it had become almost a form of ritual sacrifice, like throwing... the young maiden into the volcano so to speak. and i thought i like the idea that she manages to do what none have done before her, but not just in actually defeating the darkness but even in learning what was going on there and even understanding her purpose, in that way the game, to me, feels very much like a metaphor for life itself. and so the song had to reflect all that, wrap all that together, and the specific idea that i liked the best was that her goal is to basically give her life in full, unhesitant service to others"
then, in the extended credits, Hunter is saved by the eagle - throwing off death to be reborn (this is one of the qualities of the hero), and this also happens with the Tall Ones since they are pretty much made up of moon-like qualities
"Selene, the moon, is associated with the art of Clio, the muse of history and historical writing. The moon is the planet that moves the tides of life, the tides of the ocean, and the tides of the menstrual cycle and is consequently the power that informs history. The arrow held by Selene in the sphere of the moon is held down, pointing us to the Earth and its history[...]"
the moon in the pathless takes a more human scale - it's gentler, but still conscious of the natural cycle, a natural path that repeats itself over and over and over again
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for me it seems that Godslayer pursued the sword (and therefore the sun) as a form of bringing himself closer to the position of a god above the gods; the moon represented exactly what he rejects, the pathless land
hence Hunter's affinity with the moon, and its image ever so present in her presence - she's the moon that dies and resurrects, moving like the river among the realm of the humans
Godslayer in the end would never choose the moon, or the bow, cause he had only one objective
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but here comes a small surprise: both the bow and the sword are described as sisters
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sun and moon are both female symbols, and are sisters (a bit like Apolo and Artemis), and even if Godslayer denies, they come from a single origin, a single truth
in the end, he also abandons his sword, cause she is unfit, tainted
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cromerholt · 1 year
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| "I feel a tingling up my spine. The moment opponents showcase each one's abilities!! It's addictive! I'm going to smoke your shit like a weed, motherfucker!!"
See Morel Mackernasey and all the other Hunters in Hunter x Hunter directed by Denis Villeneuve, in theaters Summer 2024!
He'll hunt you down. The Hunter of Hunters.
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anemoneirissidera · 7 months
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Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentosho Teaser
For generations, a shrine has stood in the mountain village of Kadono, and for each generation the shrine has had an Itsukihime—its shrine maiden—and the maiden has had her guardian. During the Edo period, a young man named Jinta protects the town and the Itsukihime. When he confronts a strange demon in the nearby forest, it tells him that in the distant future a Demon God will threaten all people, everywhere, and it claims that the the Demon God’s rise to power springs from this very time and place, in the village of Kadono. So begins the centuries-spanning journey of a man tainted by demons, hunting through time to seek justice for what he’s lost, and to find a reason to keep on fighting.
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losingchipmunk · 9 months
Swap Douma!
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I know he doesn't look good shut up-
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I have updated my simp list.
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animemakeblog · 7 months
“Kijin Gentoushou” The Teaser Promo, Summer 2024 Premiere
A teaser promotional video for the television anime series Kijin Gentoushou (Sword of the Demon Hunter: Kijin Gentoushou) was unveiled via the official website. The summer of 2024 is when the anime is supposed to debut.
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siderains · 1 year
honestly the world would be a better place if we got a new vampire hunter d animated story
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marlutterianae · 9 months
MAGNAGOTHICA: MALEGHAST. A Skirmish Wargame that has inspired a lot in me for both my writings of DISMALIA and my campaign ideas for directing ICONs of DISMALIA tabletop sessions with friends using the ICON rpg system!
The best way to expand narratively on this game, I've discovered, is to combine it with the ICON playtest as an improvised expansion. Considering its anachronistic style, ICON is already a post apocalyptic world, the Ones Before could easily be the Arken Empire, and you can easily place Necromancy as part of the Black Sun Cult that the Relicts worship in the flavor text of ICON. The ICON classes and jobs battling the necromancers and Hunting Demons, the search for the Core of Death itself, possibly an amalgamation of Titan flesh? Which goes beyond death! I'm already working on writing a campaign about it. A lot of my lore for Dismalia, its Demons and Slayers already fit perfectly this type of Aesthetic.
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Vio and Shadow with "9) an empty book, cobwebs, a storm"
"What are you even expecting to find here?" Shadow asks for the millionth time.
He's lounging on the arm of a sheet-covered couch, sneering at the state of the room with disdain. He seems especially wary of the cobwebs covering nearly every inch of the walls, casting veiled shadows on the wall every time lightning flashes outside.
"I'm looking for what I'm always looking for." Vio sighs, adjusting his grip on the flashlight. He doesn't have to finish the thought- Shadow is only asking to be a nuisance. They both know what he's here to find.
A demon.
Rule number one of demon hunting: keep your ears to the rumor mill. Strange disappearances, abnormal behavior, warped amalgamations and violent murders are all early warning signs of demonic activity. Vio tries to stay on top of it all before too much damage can be done.
The less casualties, the better.
The rumor was that this house is haunted. Just from the state of it, Vio might have been inclined to agree- but there were too many signs to the contrary.
Stupid teenagers who thought it'd be fun to break in suddenly pulling a 180 on their personality.
Sweet kids turning cruel and malicious.
Bullies becoming nervous wrecks.
A highschool student with no behavior problems prior to entering and leaving the place got ahold of a knife and stabbed three other students before being subdued.
It's not hard to connect the dots.
Lightning flashes outside again, thunder rumbling the walls. A rat scurries across the floor. Vio notes how it seems unchanged.
"Whatever it is, it has no interest in animals." He says, mostly to himself. "It must need a humanoid host to possess."
He hears Shadow scoff from behind him. "Amazing detective work there, Sherlock. You've solved the mystery! Can we go home now?"
Vio clicks the flashlight off, pursing his lips at Shadow. "No, we cannot." He wrinkles his nose at him. "Your commentary is both unnecessary and unwelcome."
Shadow's eyes glow in the dark, casting his face in red. He sneers at Vio. "Oh? I thought you needed my help with all of this. Is our contract null and void? Vi-o-let?"
Vio can feel his eyebrow twitching. "It is not. I haven't completed my task. Therefore, you are still in my service." He puts his hands on his hips, staring him down. "Now, do you actually have anything useful to say? Or shall we move on?"
Shadow hisses, baring his unnaturally sharp teeth.
"I hate you."
"The feeling is mutual."
"It's not the house itself."
Vio raises his eyebrows.
Shadow huffs, crossing his arms. "The house isn't the demon. And there's nothing indicating that it has a physical form, or this place and everything in it- and probably for a few miles around- would be fucked to shit."
"Yes, I agree, Holmes." Vio can't help but smirk at the jab.
"Oh, fuck you!" Shadow throws his hands up. Vio can't help but note how his gaze flicks to the cobwebs in the room. "You asked me to be helpful, and that's my thanks?"
"You called me Sherlock." Vio shrugs, turning and moving to the next room. "Ergo, you are Holmes."
Shadow grumbles behind him, calling him a few choice insults in demonic as Vio walks into a dusty, trashed library. Oh, it breaks his heart to see such a place reduced to this. He observes a quick moment of silence before clicking his flashlight on and walking in.
The damage looks recent. What once was a handsome desk has caved in through the middle, likely from a body- or several- crashing into it. Rain splashes through a broken window, dripping water onto the floor and soaking into some of the books. The smell of mold and mildew is decadent in the worst possible way.
Something shiny catches his eye: a school ID card. He recognizes the photo on it as the student stabber.
"What a dump." Shadow grumbles. "Ugh, and there's more cobwebs. What the fuck is up with Hyrule and cobwebs?"
"Do you notice anything strange?" Vio asks.
"Uh, yeah. I think I see some bofa right there in the corner."
Vio rolls his eyes. "I'm aware of the joke. You will not catch me off guard yet."
Shadow curses him out in demonic some more, and lightning crashes outside, lighting up the room again. Vio spots the book then.
Inconspicuous, except it is the only book in the room not molded, waterlogged, torn to shreds, or too faded to read.
Vio gets an ill feeling in his stomach.
Rule number two of hunting demons: make sure you know what the demon is before you find it. An addendum to rule number two: expect the unexpected.
"Do you know of demons who inhabit books?" He asks Shadow, debating whether to reach for his knife or for the salt.
"I know demons who trade in books." Shadow scoffs. "Forbidden knowledge and all that jazz. I don't know of demons who hide in books, or who are books. That would be such a shitty form to take- who even does that?"
"You're asking me?" Vio tosses him the flashlight, and Shadow curses as he fumbles the catch. "Hold this."
He approaches it, muscles tensed and poised. The ill feeling only gets worse. The book is the demon- or holds the demon, maybe? Either way, he's sure of it. He nudges the book with his shoe.
No reaction.
He flips the cover open. The book slumps open, a conspicuous breeze flipping the pages rapidly and throwing more rain through the window. Vio takes a step back, hackles raising.
The light of his flashlight falls on his own face, captured in photo realistic detail on one of the pages.
"Motherfucker." He curses.
Ink lifts from the page, surging towards him, oozing black ichor reaching for his face, a face, his face, staring at him, eyes red bared grin teeth teeth teeth and he doesn't have time to grab his salt when he's suddenly on his back, fighting for his life. He pushes it back with all of his strength, kicks at any sensitive spot he might be able to reach but it's impossible to tell in the dark and his hands and foot sink into the ichor and it laughs a haunted house animatronic laugh that would be comical if it weren't coming from the death in his face.
"Shadow!" He shouts, because his demonic partner is just sitting and watching, amused.
Shadow just tsks at him. "My, my, seems you're in over your head, Sherlock."
"Do something!" Vio hisses, jerking to the side as the face-stealer lunges, it's dripping false face smashing into the floorboards inches from Vio's head.
"Hm. . .is that how we ask people for favors?" Shadow's teeth glint as lightning flashes, thunder shaking the walls.
Vio can feel his strength sapping away. He can feel himself being pulled into the demon's body. It lifts its face, his face, from the floorboards, looming over him.
Shadow leaves him no choice.
"Darkness within the Hero's Soul, I order you: protect me now!"
Vio's inverted triforce brand glows purple, and Shadow's gleam red in return, and everything happens very fast. The face stealer lunges, but Shadow is there, an eldritch mass of shadows and limbs and teeth, ripping into the demon and tearing him from Vio's body.
If Vio weren't used to seeing true demons, he'd be terrified. Shadow is the movement out of the corner of your eye, the darkness in your closet, the bogeyman under the bed. A waking nightmare, the visions at the end of your bed during sleep paralysis. Inky ichor is useless against his shifting roiling form, but he has no problem sinking his multiple maws into the face stealer.
"Close the book!" He shouts at Vio, snapping him from his reverie. It's all Vio needs to roll under their snapping and howling fight, grabbing the old tome and forcing it shut, dropping his weight on it as the demon is dragged back towards it. He pulls the knife from his cargo pants, its wicked gleam flashing, and plunges it through the cover.
Hellfire explodes from the book. Shadows slide over him like a second skin, protecting him from the unholy heat. The face stealer howls in its death throes, thrashing screaming roaring as he shoves the knife in deeper.
His ears ring as it finishes. The book crumbles to dust.
The rain outside seems to ease up.
"Well, isn't this intimate." Shadow purrs, his voice startlingly close to Vio's ear.
"Get off!" Vio jerks, ripping at the shadows still covering his skin. "Ugh!"
Shadow coalesces behind him, laughing. Vio has half a mind to throw salt at him.
"Oh man, your heart started beating so hard! Creepy haunted houses and face stealing demons don't phase you at all, but oh, intimacy, the horror!"
Vio stands up, brushes himself off, and glares at him, and then he smirks.
"You just rolled into a spiderweb." He informs him.
The satisfaction he gets from Shadow's undignified scream might be a little sick, but considering all the bullshit he just went through?
Worth it.
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