#I accomplished it obviously
missingrache · 2 years
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They also had kind friends who offered a photo with me in it.
The words MAAAAN foooor SAAALE were uttered right before this was taken hence my face and also why it is my favorite one idk how they are so chill. Goddamn professionals.
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justaz · 16 days
king merlin after meeting lady guinevere and sir lancelot’s baby and falling in love: arthur. i want a baby.
king arthur, not looking up from his paperwork: …what?
merlin: give me a baby.
arthur, sighing: merlin, you studied to be a physician. i don’t think i have to be the one to tell you how impractical that is.
merlin, rolling his eyes: this is why i’m the brighter side of the coin
arthur, finally looking up: wha-
queen merlin using magic to transform her body: i. want. a. baby.
arthur: *stands up from his desk so fast his chair topples over, multiple parchments flutter to the ground, his tunic is already off*
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⭐ 🐍
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sandwichsapphic · 3 days
“an exceedingly pleasant and amiable young gentleman but… mentally he is negligible - quite negligible” is the Jeeves and Wooster equivalent of “she is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me”
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chidoroki · 9 months
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August 22nd - Happy Birthday Emma - ft: her tvtropes
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orcboxer · 7 months
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I've made it...
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snarky-wallflower · 6 months
me, a preteen, devouring the PJO series super fast: heck yeah! slay those monsters! fight Luke, snark at the gods! Percy and Annabeth are so cool!
me now, watching the new trailer: …babies. babies, oh my god they’re babies, they’re so SMALL! Who thought it was a good idea to give these children swords!!
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yusuke-of-valla · 2 years
Ok new concept for the Shez-Byleth rivalry dynamic:
They somehow manage to pull off BOTH “Shez is very intense about this rivalry why Byleth doesn’t even know they’re rivals” AND “Byleth thinks Shez is some master Agarthan tactician playing 4D chess and is trying to figure out what they gain from messing with the timeline like this, while Shez is just accidentally knocking things over in a way that works out”
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gemkun · 2 months
so i was talking to @oneireth this fine wednesday morning and we were discussing the stonehearts and the ipc in all its villainy but also the role dr ratio has in all this. i don't think we'll realise the ulterior motive behind his presence in penacony but i will be mildly disappointed if he was just damage control under the title of " technical consultant ". regardless , i think he will be present during the charmony festival or so my delusions lead me. but we also looked back to double indemnity and pinpointed a specific line that struck us both.
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i think this was overlooked way too easily like : yes , dr ratio is a prominent figure in the guild and the ipc assigned him to penacony but this implies that he is up there with the higher echelons. the ipc is not exactly paranoid but i would wager that they are extremely tight with their personnel and access to information and resources. for veritas to be among these levels is significant.
as we discussed it could be the payment that allows the ipc to oversee and utilise his research which as we know has revolutionised various aspects across the galaxy. so , yes , ultimately this is a business transaction. but this also has me recalling the mission pertaining to calderon chadwick and how screwllum even alludes to how they are waiting for the next calderon. ever since that quest i couldn't help but steer eyes to veritas i mean he simply foots the bill. considering he successfully fired an anti — planetary weapon it just slots in too cleanly.
if anyone has a viable way to get him to leave the ipc , please share.
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cry-ba-bys · 3 months
Wouldn't it be really funny if we started tagging detrans kink content with "Trans men aren't men" and vice verca? Can you imagine the fit they'll throw when their dumbass hashtag is filled with trannies having cool sex
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aggressionbread · 2 months
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im too tired tonight to examine this, is this business news youtube channel naming some of their videos after iconic speedruns to get clicks?
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djservo · 1 year
When you get this, list 3 facts about your favorite sim and send it to the last 3 people in your notifications! Let's get to know each other's sims!💞
im so late omg HIII siobhan time, let's go lesbians!!!!
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Working on an MBA + trying to convince Dominic to open another record shop in San Sequoia so she can run it 🌉
Walking encyclopedia of 90s/early 2000s teen movie + show knowledge
Inadvertent serial ghoster bc of her packed schedule of school + store shenanigans + a buzzing social life Sigh sorry ladies but the grind never stops 😤💯📈
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heich0e · 11 months
i like organized crime AUs because nothing gets me going quite like an established hierarchy of power
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steviescrystals · 20 days
i seriously need to get a new job and start making money again asap bc i cannot keep living at home much longer it’s driving me insane
(wrote an entire essay in the tags without meaning to oops)
#i feel so isolated from everything bc i’m not in school rn but all my friends are and 90% of the ones who are in state go to the same school#so they’re all in the same town and here i am 45 minutes away#i never get invited to anything bc 1) my friends all tend to make plans really last minute#and 2) if we want to go out and drink - which we usually do bc that’s the stage of life we’re in rn - i’d have to stay the night with#someone bc i absolutely cannot afford a 45 minute uber home and most of my friends don’t like staying over / having people stay over#so i have basically no social life and it’s only gotten worse in the past couple months since i got laid off from my main job#not only did i love that job but i loved my coworkers and work was pretty much the only time i left the house and interacted with people#and without that job i can’t even do the little solo things i used to do to cheer myself up like go see a movie#or even just go for a long drive bc i’m broke (as in i have $17 in cash to my name and am like $1000 in debt rn)#so all i do is rot in bed all day and apply for jobs that i’m overqualified for yet still don’t get hired#i barely even leave my room bc i avoid my family which just makes me feel guilty bc i love my family#but they get on my nerves so easily and most of the conversations i have with my mom end in her lecturing me about something and me crying#and on top of everything it’s just straight up embarrassing to be unemployed and completely directionless about college and living at home#logically i know i’m still very young and it’s common to live at home when you’re 20 but literally none of my friends do#i had a couple friends who lived at home for the first 2 years after high school and went to community college but by now they’ve moved out#and they’re all at universities and either graduating this year or next year meanwhile the earliest i could possibly graduate is in 2 years#i should be finishing my junior year rn but i’ve only completed my freshman year#i hated the school i was at and planned on transferring sophomore year but long story short that didn’t work out#even longer story short i ended up doing a semester each at 2 different community colleges and failed all my classes both times#and took 2 semesters off so now i’m a full 2 years behind and even though my freshman year was miserable#i’m starting to wish i stayed at that school anyway bc at least i would be at a university and accomplishing something#plus theres a huge difference between staying at home for a couple years after high school then moving out later#vs living on your own right away then having to move back home after you’ve already experienced having your own space#and on top of everything i have an older sister who’s a literal genius and graduated last year#and a younger sister who just finished her freshman year at the school i hated but she loves it and got perfect grades and made friends#so they’re both thriving and here i am living with my mom and my 13 year old brother and just completely failing at everything#i’m just so miserable and obviously moving out again and going back to school wouldn’t magically fix everything#but at least i would feel like my life was going somewhere and i wasn’t getting left behind by everyone i know#i just have no idea how to move forward and i feel like ever since high school not a single thing has gone the way i wanted it to#vent
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andrwgarfields · 10 months
a lot of fans are talking abt how they’re jealous of yuzuru’s spouse and how lucky she is but if anything i feel jealous of yuzuru more for having found love and someone who understands him and is obviously patient with him and hes definitely the lucky one
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frumfrumfroo · 9 months
So Reylos are now freaking out over episode 4 of Ahsoka cause Anakin showed up in what appears to be the wbw. I have not watched Ahsoka and don't plan to. I personally think that nothing will come out of this in regards to Ben Solos return. People think Leia sacrificed herself to send Ben there? If she sacrificed herself to save him then he wouldn't have gone anywhere he would have been alive.
Anyone who thinks there was planning or thought behind anything in tros is delusional.
Thinking they're setting up Ben's resurrection is almost as removed from reality.
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