#I actually do hate Swedish Fish
the-phoenix-heart · 11 months
Sorting Hat Chats - Titanic (1997)
I watched Titanic twice in two days and this is the result of that. I finally remembered that I make these types of posts.
Here is a summary of the system I am using (credit: @wisteria-lodge ) and because it has been a long time let the record show: Fuck JKR, I do not support her view at all.
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The movie is ROSE'S story, not actually Rose and Jack's story. The thing with it is while Jack is integral to the plot, what matters is that he exists and he saved her. He doesn't go through an arc. This is Rose's story, and it is of her self actualization.
Rose says she knows exactly how her life is going to play out, and we can see she hates it. Even before she has met Jack she is subtly rebelling against her mother and Cal. She hates the bird primary model she wears, the one that has all the rules that define her life.
The real Rose, the one that isn't stifled under the weight of high society, is a Lion primary. When she is herself she smokes, drinks more than Jack, competes with the big strong Swedish man, flips off Cal's valet, and is extremely horny.
She is a lion primary. She wishes to do what she feels is right. On the Titanic her 'cause' is "say fuck you to high society and abscond with my manic pixie dream Leonardo DiCaprio." Then after the iceberg hits it becomes "save Jack at all costs and also other people I come across." Jack getting arrested for stealing the diamond is because she felt an obligation to tell her mother and Cal about the iceberg.
When she is telling Jack why she came back to save him, asking how she figured he didn't steal, she says "I didn't. I just realized I already knew."
As for her secondary, we are introduced to her as she is doing pottery. Then we are introduced to her a second time with her comparing the Titanic to the Mauritania. Rose Dewitt Bukater is a Bird secondary.
Rose knows things. We see her as an old woman and see she travels with her pictures that she has collected. Young Rose collects paintings that she likes and clearly has a taste for fine art. She insults Ismay by bringing up Freud. She knows everything about the people in high society around her, though she clearly doesn't like them. She has jack teaching her things. She knows what ice fishing and did ballet. She becomes an actress. And she knows how every interaction will go when it comes to High Society, as well as different languages.
I debated her being a Lion secondary because in the third act she looks like one, wielding an axe and jumping off boats and pushing people up against walls saying she is through with being polite. But I think in a disaster scenario anyone will look like Lion secondary. Plus, when she is half frozen to death she gets the attention of the boat by taking the whistle of the man she had seen blowing it before. An observation paying off.
JACK DAWSON was an interesting case to sort. I don't know if this is a hot take, but I think Jack is a Badger primary. Jack cares about people. Within two days of being on the ship he already knows the name of a random little girl on the ship (Cora) and calls her his favorite girl. He learns people's names quickly is incredibly affable with them. The way he talks about the one legged prostitute or the woman who wore all her jewels, he remembered them. He's barely been in his cabin with the Swedish guys for one minute and he's already treating them like his best friends.
I think it really is summed up with the scene on Titanic as it departs.
Jack, waving to the people: "Goodbye!" Fabrizio: "You know somebody?" Jack: "Of course not, that's not the point!"
Fabrizio joins in on saying goodbye after Jack. For Jack saying goodbye was either because he was saying goodbye to England, or because everybody was waving goodbye and he wanted to join in on the activity.
I think it's also clear when he saves Rose. He has only seen this girl once from a distance, but when he sees her about to throw herself off the ship he is immediately ready to save her. He's too involved now.
But he doesn't have to jump in and rescue her. Because he talks her out of it. He tells her about an experience he had falling into cold water, and clearly makes it seem like he's ready to jump in after her. He's already taking his coat and shoes off to jump in. His strategy seems to be, "if I can't convince her to save herself I can convince her to save me."
I think he's a Snake secondary. He immediately blends into high society by mimicking the mannerisms of the people around him and by playing himself so incredibly confident in his meager origins that they are charmed by him. There's also the seen wear he disguises himself so he can get a chance to talk to Rose. He also is clearly at home playing poker and has a good poker face.
He almost comes off as a Bird secondary because he knows so much stuff, but he makes it clear that he doesn't have a plan, he kinda just goes wear he goes living day to day. So I think that his grab bag of skills is literally just things he has picked up from day to day life.
I think the Badger Snake sorting works as shorthand for telling you what you need to know about him. He's sexy and fun because he's a Snake secondary, but also worldly and kind because he's a Badger primary.
And last but least I want to talk about is CALEDON HOCKLEY. Because even though he is a very simple character I also think he's a very interesting one. Because Caledon Hockley is destroyed by love. Or obsession. Or possession. It's hard to tell with him. They could have played him as just the greedy asshole in it for money, but he's not just that. He also appears to genuinely loves Rose, he just happens to be an absolute fucking asshole! He seeks to control every aspect of her life, because he loves her and is obsessed with her and wants to possess her, even when she is constantly rebelling against him.
Even after he has slapped her and she has told him she would rather be Jack's whore than Cal's wife he has his valet trying to find her and tries to make sure that she gets on a lifeboat. He even lies and says he'll get Jack on a lifeboat as well so long as Rose gets on one. And EVEN AFTER he tries to kill her for running off with Jack he goes looking for her after they are on the Carpathia. He might've been looking to get the diamond but with how melancholic he looks it seems more like he wanted to see she was alive. I think part of that is Billy Zane.
He says it himself, "There's nothing I'd deny you, if you would not deny me."
(Cal should take notes from the Goblin King's speech to Sarah in Labyrinth)
So he is an exploded Snake primary. As for his secondary, it would be easy to say Lion secondary. He is very violent, shooting at Rose and Jack (which he is very bad at), breaking things, and slapping Rose around. But that's when he's pissed. Throughout the movie the way he does things is much more subtle. He takes out Rose's cigarette and orders her food for her. He turns off the music box she was listening to. He pretends he has been robbed so he can from Jack for it. He gets his valet to do most of his dirty work and he bribes people with things. When his bribery has failed and he's separated from his valet he doesn't go in with punching people, he grabs the screaming Irish girl he saw earlier and says he has a child and has to be let on. He's a badger secondary. A dark one, but a badger.
Rose Dewitt Bukater - Lion primary, Bird primary model that defines her life that she hates/Bird secondary
Jack Dawson - Badger primary/Snake secondary
Caledon Hockley - Exploded Snake primary/Badger secondary
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meilas · 10 months
Socks' Ultimate Phantoms list
Franc D'Ambrosio - Yes. Brings all the sad noises and I am here for it. Nice voice. Excellent acting and facial expressions. Very expressive eyes. Is a cinnamon roll irl. Gary Mauer - Best voice ever. 10/10 would believe this man was an angel. Greg Mills - Looks like a cinnamon roll, will kill you. I never thought tongue action could be sexy but here we are. Ted Keegan - Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll. Surprisingly sexy. Killian Donnelly - Looks like a cinnamon roll. I can't explain why I like him, but I do. Christopher Carl - I've only heard audio of him but I like him based on how he sobbed on the golden angel. Jeremy Stolle - Nice voice. Acting is too subtle. Peter Karrie - I love how he takes certain notes up a step, just to show that he can. Slightly nasally, but tolerable. Davis Gaines - tbh all I remember really is him slowly rocking his hips while he was sprawled on the portcullis and I now judge all phantoms on a metric of how good their pants look. 9/10 his pants. Peter Joback - I absolutely hated him when he sang in English. I liked him a little better when he did the show in Swedish. James Hume - Unmemorable. Michael Nicholson - Excellent acting choices. Was thinking about him for two weeks after watching. I just really like the production in German, okay? Earl Carpenter - Better in his earlier runs. Good acting choices. Simon Pryce - Very deep voice. Stands nicely. Scott Davies - He looked like fun and I wanted to like him. Noped out of that one pretty quick. Too much vibrato. Anthony Crivello - From the Vegas boot! I actually don't remember too much about him. But I know I liked the boot! Ben Crawford - Tended to have really weird pronunciation toward the end of his run. He was decent when I saw him right after the Broadway reopening. The most remarkable thing he did was to belly slide all the way across the stage during STYDI. Other than that, I recall nothing specific. Thiago Arancam - Remarkable only in the fact that he is boring. Uwe Kroger - The boob-stroking guy. I remember nothing else. Cooper Grodin - Entertaining in the fact that his acting is so wooden. Nice voice when he's not doing blocking at the same time. Good pants. It helps that he never skips leg day. Laird Mackintosh - I think he was good? I honestly don't remember. Geronimo Rauch - I remember I liked him! Norm Lewis - Nice voice, a little boring. Sorry Norm. John Owen-Jones - Hands. Michael Crawford - Absolutely not. I do not understand what anyone sees in him. His voice sounds like it's about to snap any second, and he is very unsexy. David Shannon - Yes. Absolutely yes. Excellent acting choices and nice voice. Does sad very well. Deserved better. Saulo Vasconcelos - All I can recall is @wheel-of-fish spamming the chat with "hands" all night and that's all anyone really needs to know about his Phantom. Ethan Freeman - Looks like a goddamn stick insect during Final Lair and I am here for it. Looks like Tony Shaloub. Bronson Norris Murphy - Technically only was the Phantom in Love Never Dies. RIP. He deserved better. Anyway. His voice is a little deeper than Franc's or Gary's. I wish he had gotten a chance to play the Phantom in POTO proper. I am very curious as to how he would have played it. Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a burnt cinnamon roll. Ramin Karimloo - He was my intro to POTO on stage. I liked his performance enough that I went looking for more clips of the musical, and found the Saturday Streams. Eiji Akutagawa - Ah yes. The self-groping Phantom. That's all I can remember about him. Josh Piterman - Does sad very well. Gerard Butler - My first-first Phantom. I still like him. There's something about his voice that I do actually like, and it annoys me very much when people go "he can't sing" yes he can, everyone has the ability to sing. Just shut up and let me enjoy what I like in peace. Hugh Panaro - Great voice, excellent acting. Funny. Fun to watch. Reminds me of Franc, in that they're both innocent/childish. Hugh is more childish and angry. Looks like he could kill you, and he might, it depends on his mood.
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frogsare-friends · 8 months
I'm Not Built for Helping Myself
chapter index | chapter 3 (you're here)
"Hey man, Jere's sick so they're gonna stay here," Steven tells me as he comes down the stairs, looking sick himself.
"You okay? You look like you're gonna pass out." I worry about him, somebody has to.
"He threw up, I thought I was gonna throw up. Long story."
"That was a really short story, actually."
"Shut up, man. Jere said we should still go, have fun and all that."
That throws me off. Why would he want us to leave? How sick was he?
"I'm gonna run to the store and come back here, Steve-o. You have a good night though, yeah? I'll pick you up from Liam's if you need a ride. Just text me!" But I'm already walking out of the house. I've missed this place all year. Our dad is coming next week and I'm pissed. And since I'm pissed at dad, Jeremiah is pissed at me. He's pissed at me all the time, I don't know what he wants from me. I don't know why all I ever do is mess everything up. I don't know how to fix everything I've ruined. Sometimes I'm glad Jeremiah has it all figured out — when I can get over how jealous I am of it — at least one of us isn't a total fuck up.
I grab him some saltines, his stomach is always super sensitive when he pukes, and we don't have any at the house. He's very adamant about not eating plain toast, and he can't handle butter or jam.
I feel so pathetic. Belly is holding me, letting me be the little spoon because she knows I love it. She's combing her hands through my hair, deep in thought. She's so beautiful, always has been. And so is her mind, she can get lost in it for hours and I don't want to admit how much I'd give to get lost in there with her. I want to know everything about her, then I remember that I already do. Even her favorite candy — it used to be Swedish Fish, but since she got Covid she told me they taste like candles. I've loved every part of Belly, every summer-Belly, every text from fallwinterspring-Belly, now-Belly. I think now-Belly might be my favorite version, not because of how she looks, but because I get to love her. Not in secret, and not from behind anyone else.
"Adam's coming next week…" she stumbles through her sentence, as if I'm gonna start crying again.
"Conrad's mad at him. Can't he just… hold off for one week? He can hate him the week after when they aren't both taking it out on me." I know Conrad doesn't mean to put me in the middle of it, but I can't do it anymore. I'm pissed at him. Dad's a dick, we both know it, but he's trying. At least he's trying. Maybe not well, and maybe he'll never actually get any better, but trying means a whole lot more than just wanting to try. I shouldn't say this, shouldn't even think it, but Conrad only ever wants to try.
He thinks I forgive Dad after all the shit he put Mom through, all the shit he put us through. I don't, but I can't tell Con that. He never fucking listens. He thinks something and decides it's the word of God, or something. He doesn't care if it's true, or if you're offering the truth. He acts like some victim, like he's not lying in a bed that he put together. Hell, he wrote the manual.
I can't blame him though. I get it. That feeling that everything is out of control and all you need to do is control it but you just can't.
I wonder if Conrad thinks about me like I think about him. I wonder if every shitty thing I've ever said to him replays in the back of his head constantly — even if it'd be the same 4 things over and over, I was never quite as good at hurting as he is — if he would give just about anything to be me, if he's mad at me because he can't even be mad at me.
"What happened with you and Conrad?" Belly asks, and I know what she's asking: Who said it? Who said the thing neither of us can take back? I know she's wanted to ask for years.
"What are you talking about?" I can at least try to pretend I don't know, though.
"Your freshman year. You left and it was fine and you came back and I thought you two were gonna kill each other. What happened?"
"We had a fight." I really don't want her to know what I said, what he said. I can't handle her being mad at him for something he said over 3 years ago. And, secretly, I don't know what I'd do if she told me how much of a bad brother I am for what I said, for starting it.
"You guys had fights before that. Why was that one different?" I'm trying really hard not to just get up and leave, but the bed is so warm, and her arms feel so safe.
"It just was, Bells. Drop it. Please?" He's not mad at her, he knows she just wants to make it better. But it's not her's to make better.
"Okay," she says, a bit disappointed, but not mad. I hope it's not me she's disappointed in, I don't know how I'd live with myself if I disappointed her.
I almost ask her if I did, but decide against it. She's a lot like Mom, she's only a little mad until you ask her if she is, or apologize for what you did. Then she'll make sure you know how disappointed she is. She pulls me in closer to her, this time my head is resting on her chest. I start drifting almost immediately.
Someone knocks, and I think that if it was Laurel, she would've just walked right in and told us to keep the door open.
"Come in," Belly grumbles, clearly upset our nap was interrupted.
"Hey, I got you some crackers, Jere. I know they make you feel better when you're sick." Conrad is walking in, handing me a box of saltines and some NyQuil. I keep myself from telling him that NyQuil is for colds and flus, not throwing up. I know he means well, I won't take it out on him just because I'm feeling bitchy.
"Thank you," I whisper. I'm not sure why. I have a headache, but not severe enough to warrant whispering. It's almost like I'm scared of breaking the moment, scared of saying something that will set Conrad off. And when Con gets set off, so does Belly. And I've heard them going at it all week, I really don't need to right now.
"Of course, man. I'm gonna go hang out in the living room. Come down if you feel better, yeah?"
"Mhm," I answer, already turning back into Belly's warm body. Anxiety wears you out. That's the last thing I think before I finally drift off.
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randomjreader · 2 years
Here we go, part 2 of my mess of thoughts while watching young royals
Hot take: Simon and Marcus aren't that bad tgt, but Simon's heart isn't entirely into it so it's never going to work out. I just hope Simon is direct with him now before shit goes down with Wille again
Ahhh I get why Simon is mad, but Wille does have more to consider when it comes to big decisions 😭 I feel so bad for him
No honestly? Any doubt I had abt Felice back in season one? Squashed, killed, crushed underneath the sole of my foot. Absolute top tier character I love her to bits
Ok, not them making me feel bad for August??? He set up a whole romantic thing for Sara and she bails? Yikes
Marcus showing up for Simon? Aww
But Simon not telling him the names of his fishes bcs they remind him of Wille :(
FUCK YES THEY FINALLY KISSED!!! BUT SIMON IS STILL WITH MARCUS?? ITS MORE COMPLICATED NOW 😭 Lowkey feeling bad for Marcus man he does seem to like Simon a lot
Simon singing to Wille 😭 y'all I'm in my feels rn
Ughh this whole music room fight, I hate that I understand both sides and it's just a whole djoajdkskfkwjdjxn
Wille going to Simon's house to talk to him 😭 AND IMPLYING THAT HE'D ABDICATE FOR HIM
That phone call, August was tryna buy Rosseaou for Sara right? That's kinda sweet actually
Okok, I rlly do feel bad for Marcus. I mean, he was harsh and Simon is not wrong in saying he did tell him that he didn't want anyth serious, but I do understand his anger and it makes me feel bad for him, bcs I do think he did like Simon a lot
Ok, it doesn't erase that I did feel bad for him when he went thru shit but my rage at him for blackmailing Wille is overpowering any sympathy I feel for the guy
Thereeeee goes Felice and Sara's frnship, it was fun while it lasted 😔
Sara?? Telling the police?? Oh god ok good for her for trying to do the right thing but there's still the drug thing and I think it'll backfire...
The look in the camera 😭 we ended season one with a completely stoic expression and now we have a small smile I LOVEE
Well. That was a giant emotional rollercoaster. I'm gonna need about 3-5 business days to process everything now.
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askchuckandtiff · 2 years
You only gotta pick two tho!!
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Chucky: Sure I guess
Tiffany: Sure!
Chucky: Charles Lee Ray, but you can call me Chucky
Tiffany: Tiffany Valentine Ray!!
Chucky: Snakes are pretty cool
Tiffany: Tarantulas are definitely my favorite!
Chucky: I'm too indecisive to pick just one so it's gotta be either red or yellow
Tiffany: I absolutely love purple
Chucky: no in particular, except myself heh
Tiffany: Martha Stewart of course!! She's my idol
Chucky: Tiff's okay I guesss (jokingly)
Tiffany: You're not too bad yourself, asshole (also jokingly)
Chucky: I gotta say how stubborn tiff can be is quite impressive
Tiffany: I personally like how no matter the situation, you always have some smart ass thing to say
Chucky: Me too, it's my favorite thing about me, heh
Chucky: Yep, it was most likely to get outta work
Tiffany: yeahhhh,, and it's for the same reason as Chucky (nervous laugh)
Chucky: hm.. for like,, 99.999% of the time,, yeah I'm pretty fucking great if I say so myself. That 1% of the time… not so much
Tiffany: Damn sweetface that's.. that's rough, anyways I love myself
Chucky: pfffft blatant much?
Chucky: Swedish meatballs, of course!
Tiffany: I personally love raviolis,, they're definitely a guilty pleasure of mine
Chucky: Gotta go with coffee on this one, it's kept me awake all of those times that I probably shouldn't have been
Tiffany: I'm much more of a tea type of girl. However,, coffee is easier to disguise liquor in soo…
Chucky: that's actually really smart
Tiffany: right??
Chucky: I love all of the classics, but the cartoon came out based on uh,, fucking Beetlejuice! Yeah, that felt like the best fever dream ever
Tiffany: oh I remember that show!! Yeah, I definitely gotta agree with you on that one
Chucky: Probably when I was blackout drunk and ran into a wall so fast that I smacked into it
Tiffany: pffft
Chucky: oh hush you
Tiffany: No, and the last time I cried? I don't really remember honestly. Unless laugh-crying counts, then that was me the other night at Chucky running into the wall
Chucky: Pizza for sure, can't stand fish in the slightest
Tiffany: Honestly? I like sushi a lot more. It's bite sized! Plus, it comes with wasabi and shit
Chucky: mmm, I guess you've got a point, but I'll only eat California rolls
Chucky: ..yes but that's for me to know and for you to find out
Tiffany: I don't think so? At least, I can't remember anything that I would regret?
Chucky: Yes and I fucking hate it
Tiffany: All the time!!
Chucky: I love my hands, dunno why but I do
Tiffany: I like my eyes! They're just really pretty
Chucky: Hate my eyes, they remind me of my dad..
Tiffany: my face.. you can thank my mother for makin me insecure about that
Chucky: mayhaps
Tiffany: on special occasions
Chucky: Fuck you guys, lovingly of course
Tiffany: We love you sweetfaces!!!
- - -
I tag @fanficwriter284 and @asktherays!!
I hope you two haven't done this already!! And if you did then sorry for tagging y'all!!
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I wanna hear you rant about tubbo please! 🥺
Oml thank you so much- I swear to god I will propose- now heres tickle stuff! May add some just cute hcs in between! (I'm gonna keep things happy on this post)
- One spot cc!Tubbo and c!Tubbo share is their back! The difference being cc!Tubbo Will only feel ticklish there if he's in a lee mood (Also if you trace shapes on his back but shhh) C!Tubbo just feels it tickle all the time, he has to wear a certain texture for shirts cause if he doesn't any other will make him let out giggles when he feels it against his skin!
- Tubbo Definitely has a secret tickle blog- Ranboo ending up finding out about it and he started teasing the crap out of him for it, now there's two different ways i imagine this ending 1. Tubbo goes for Ranboo's knees (literally) and watches him crumble OR Ranboo tickles the crap out of Tubbo while teasing him about it, "Man I have to tell Tommy about this- He'll be so excited to know our precious bee boy is soooo ticklish that he had to make a blog for it!"
- Tubbo feels.. Weird about aftercare and will literally not accept it unless its from Tommy or Ranboo, sometimes Wilbur. His idea of aftercare is curling into the side of somebody and watching south park, he gets really flustered if somebody does more (Get him food, Check in with him.)
- I see Tubbo as more of not into the lee or ler labels?? When people ask he just says, "I will tickle and will be tickled." It's.. Sorta ominous the way he says it.
- but he also CANNOT stand lee teases, "Aww! Man your such a ticklish lee!" "Such a cute little tublee i have here!"
- Both c!Tubbo and cc!Tubbo are really embarrassed about tickling, they need reassurance once in awhile. Whether that's telling them how adorable their laughter is or just making sure your attention is focused on him.
- Ler Tubbo isn't something I'll probably write cuz I love lee Tubbo but... This man gets so happy when he finds a new or melt spot on a lee. Man does a little dance when it happens-
- Tubbo prefers to focus on tickling his lee, so he doesn't tease alot. But when he does its usually unintentional, "Dude your actually so ticklish, I should tickle this spot all the time when you get annoying- What? Why are you blushing?"
- This man will only tease if he's not the one tickling the lee, him and Ranboo make a good team. Ranboo focuses on tickling and Tubbo throws in a few teases. "Be careful big man or else the tickle monster might get hungry if you squirm too much!"
- Tubbo also love hates when Ranboo tickles him because Ranboo always goes into a monologue or talks about what he's doing and it makes Tubbo feel flustered as heck!
- Tubbo doesn't get much sleep, no matter how comfy he is. But as soon as he cuddles up next to Tommy he passes out- Ranboo finds it adorable and ends up cuddling with them, his tail wrapping around Tommy's hand.
- In a tickle fight between cc!Tubbo and c!Tubbo, Weirdly enough cc!Tubbo would probably win. (He boast about it so much that c!Ranboo might have to join cc!Ranboo in tickling him.) C!Tubbo has the strength but also so many tickle spots while cc!Tubbo is good at hiding where he's ticklish, he's also strong but C!Tubbo carries nukes so-
- cc!Tubbo feels flustered by cc!Ranboo character because of how much ler energy c!Ranboo has- I mean super tall so he can pick you up? A fluffy tail long enough to rub against tummies?
- Tubbo, Ranboo and Tommy all have movie nights, whether it's watching dumb shows or actually kinda of good ones. They always add new snacks in, even if it's weird. (Popcorn with ketchup, M&ms and Swedish fish.)
- Tubbo feels nervous around his friends because they all know how to turn him into a melting giggly goat/bee boy! Wilbur will chase Tubbo with his arms outstretched waiting to catch him, Tommy gets right into tickling, he tickles every spot he can find not staying on one for too long.
- And the teases that are the worse for him? Well that's a Story for another time.
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apparently i'm 2012 mikey coded so
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xxxhoekage · 2 years
Yooooo swedish fish are terrible! Lol. Please tell me you don't actually like them...
They aren’t my favorite but I think they’re good! 😭 do y’all really hate them?
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corpsoir · 2 years
I very much enjoy your scrunglo!!! He's so cool!!! Epic fish man!! Do you have any tips for designing Jojo ocs?
this is the only jojo oc i've ever made actually, i don't know if i have that many tips specifically to jojo ocs, but here's my process kinda i guess??
but the first thing i did was pick a colour and a song, i knew i wanted to make something green since i'm very bad at using greens in my art, so that was my start. and i've had that song his stand is named after on my mind for a while now so it just felt right! the song is about sailing, rowing and getting separated from your friends without being able to control your tears, and i felt like the lyrics of the song very much impacted how the character took shape in my mind. and since the theme of the song was sailing, i just went nuts from there, dressing him partially in fishing net and a life jacket looking shirt and what not. i'd say just have fun and do the most out there thing you can think of with the character!! don't think too much about it just do it and the rest will come to you!
oh and also he's named skagen literally only because i was hungry and thought about skagenröra (weird swedish dish i'm sorry if you google it and find it disgusting, i only eat the plant based version of it which is amazing hehehe) and gipp (jibe in swedish) comes from the fact that i used to sail, and i HATE jibing because its scary when the boom goes from one side of the boat to the other, because it can happen really violently if you have a good strong wind lol
when it comes to sketching and actually visualising the character i just sit down and doodle with everything i've thought of in mind. often i draw something and it just happens to be perfect for the characters, other times i deliberately incorporate things into the design. like the little triangle things on skagens zipper? thats a nautical navigation marker that means west, you have those out in the water to mark like, big rocks to the west of the marker!
but yeah just doodle, play around, have fun! a lot of my character design is really deep and meaningful to me personally, so maybe take some things from yourself and apply it to them? maybe you have a necklace you really like! exaggerate it and give it to the character!
hope this helps a little, sorry if it's messy, this is just stream of consciousness stuff and i can talk all day lol
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squirrelwrangler · 1 year
You've always interested me so much. Can I ask where you are from? :3 Are you American?
I'll admit, I'm a little befuddled by this ask, but as is obvious from my sporadic personal posts, yes I am American. I was actually born in Washington D.C., so I feel I can claim some weird extra US points by that. Both of my parents were officers in the US Navy, so while I have never lived outside of the US, as a child I moved frequently from one coast of North America to the other, so as far as which regional cultural subset, even though I currently live in Texas and have for the last 20+ years, I don't identify as Southern. (Plus if you know the sub-regions in Texas, living south of the Nueces River as I do means that my local area has some strong ties to Northern Mexico). I do have a Texan variant of the drawl but I talk fast and slur my words, so idk how recognizable it is. Also had to have some speech therapy as a young child (couldn't pronouce my Rs).
Family-wise at least maternally I have ties to the Pacific Northwest and upper Great Plains, but that constantly moving military family history means a strong disconnect from that intra-generational extended family in close proximity that is relatively common elsewhere. My paternal grandfather did immigrate to the States from what was then Czechoslovakia, and the village that he was from is still on the Czech Republic side, but ironically he was Slovak (and Hungarian). Other European ancestry is a mix of various German, Swiss, Romanian, English, and Swedish, and for some ancestors we can go back to canton records in the 1400s and others we're looking at a "Romanian" mercenary who entered the country less-than-legitimately through Alaska and worked for the proto-CIA, and he's not the only 'okay that's a fake name' dude. So yeah, overall am a pale-ass White American. (Family history claims a spec of Salish but also that it was so far back in the family tree that nobody pretends to have Native American ancestry).
Been to Italy once for a short trip, have hopped over the border to Canada and Mexico for afternoon trips once, and thanks to an aunt who lived there I've been to Hawaii as a very small child. But for the most part my entire life have been inside the continental US and almost always within a few miles of the ocean. That military brat history means government vouchers if you moved yourself aka every new base transfer my parents were driving us, U-hauls included, on a three to five day road trip across the US, so I've seen the roadside versions of most states. And quite a few state and national parks. And while I never lived in on-base housing, I grew up on Naval commissaries and Naval government hospitals and in areas outside of major cities - suburbs of Annapolis and north of Corpus Christi. San Francisco was the only really really big city I lived in, and D.C. the one I spent a lot of summer visits to. And if you know D.C., it doesn't have skyscrapers. Hate those. I have what I call the optimal seagull to pigeon ratio - it's better to live where the dominant parking lot flock is gull. You could not pay me to swim in the ocean; I don't like beaches. But I have to be within a 20 minute drive to said beach or else I feel miserable. Growing up I had no desire to enlist myself, but it's the closest thing to personal/familial culture above anything regional. I hated football long before I moved to Texas because I had to attend too many Army-Naval football games in shitty wet cold Maryland late autumn weather. (Also I hate most fish but will swear by crab and crab cakes).
As for religion- well my dad's family was staunchly Catholic, he was an altar boy- but he's the definition of lapsed, refuses to step into a church for fifty-odd years. And what I was raised as? Atheist but culturally Christian, I'd say. The sum total of my religious instruction was "God is 𝝅 because everything is broken down into circles including DNA" and then what history and especially art history books taught me. And yes, that makes living in the Bible Belt meets Latino Catholic region both amusing and extremely infuriating. Cis Female. Ace. Thirties.
Have owned dogs most of my life and most of those dogs have been sighthounds and the cats were Siamese, so I have a strong understanding and interest in domestic dogs while also thinking that the optimal hound should have a cat's personality and the perfect cat acts like a dog. As a teenager I did ride horses - English style, to break that Texan stereotype.
If you've never had tamales, you're missing out. Also Beef Stroganoff is served best on white rice, and there's no such thing as too much sour cream. And Hatch chilies are an abomination.
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crowsnest-reblogs · 2 months
actually wait hold on i wanna go missing under mysterious circumstances by wandering off a bit too far with an animal companion only to find ourselves in a whimsical world unlike our own where the only thing correlating to home is the clothes on our backs, the memories we hold and each other. we go through forests and sleep under stars making forts of marshmallows held up by broken pieces of candy canes.
I wanna meet another person, the only other human we’ve seen so far, and instantly become rivals. We hate each other, we crave different things. My animal friend and I want escapism, but my rival wishes to return to earth. We want to travel and enjoy existence, my rival wants to a real existence. Where time doesn’t stop, and neither did their life. But exactly where mine moved too fast. Or, rather, where I couldn’t move fast enough.
Eventually we learn to come to terms with our situation and that no matter where we go, whether it be to the abyss of black licorice and stardust or the never ending library of graham cracker walls with words of brown sugar instead of ink, we’ll never get rid of each other. We learn to tolerate different faces. Then we learn to walk hand in hand.
We’ll dance in balls donning edible pearls with dresses and suits decorated akin to fondant and cake decor. We can swim with gummy sharks and Swedish fish. We can picnic under fairy lights of honeydew cough drops illuminating against the starry night. We can travel down dirt paths, side by side unlike before, never straying through every twist and turn.
…Until we finally reach a dead end. Where dirt cakes become real dirt. Where candy cannot sustain you. Where everything that happened never really happened. My friend, my rival, finally got what they wanted. A doorway back home, one of the only things made of real hard wood I’ve seen in what felt like months. I never wanted to go back, never thought I’d finally reach the end. But I suppose I never believed that I would leave everything behind to begin with anyway.
But could I really do it again? Return to the place I fled in favor of not being left behind, or forget what once was and add everyone who’d accompanied me on my journey to that list? Who am I to play god in a fate where I always lose? Where I’ll be left behind unless I leave everything behind first?
It’s not fair. I’m not ready. I don’t want to be casted aside. I wanted gumdrops and sleepovers, I wanted a reason to watch the birds in the morning, I wanted to find a willingness to watch the sunrise, but I never wanted to do it alone. I wanted the sweet sensation of being loved in a world where I wasn’t supposed to be, not just tolerated in one where I belonged. I wanted impossible, but the impossible could only give me so much.
I didn’t want to leave. I wasn’t ready. But I never will be.
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servin-up-surveys · 10 months
survey #183
Do you own a pocketknife, or any other kind of multi-tool? No.
What did your mother study at university? Social work. She graduated at ~60 and I'm so proud of her determination. Shatters my heart that she hasn't been able to use her degree though; due to Covid and her cancer, she never really got the chance to intern anywhere and she hates it so much.
What was the last thing you took a video of? That's a good question.
What are some of your least favorite foods? Brussel sprouts, asparagus, pulled pork & general southern barbecue (this does not include burgers and hot dogs, those I love), beans, fried chicken, carrots, celery, and A LOT more, I am so picky it's not even fucking funny. It's mostly texture stuff. The list would probably be the vast majority of food.
How old were you when you learned how to drive? Somewhere around 17? At least, that's when I took driver's ed. I never got my license and even my permit is expired by years.
Have you ever used a public pay phone? I don't believe so.
Do you know what the most common bird is in your area? Not really, no, but crows, robins, sparrows, bluejays, cardinals, and doves are a few that come to mind immediately.
How many teeth have you had extracted? Two wisdom teeth, both within the past year. They're thankfully the only ones I have.
What's a Halloween movie that you enjoy? Hocus Pocus is my favorite.
Would you ever walk a runway if given the opportunity? No, I don't want people focusing on me.
Would you say you're in a good place mentally? No; I am absolutely in a dip lately. I'm quite sure my body has stopped responding to my key mood stabilizer so I'm in the process of finding something else that works...
What's a popular candy that you do not like? Snickers, Tootsie Rolls, Mounds, Almond Joys, and Swedish Fish to name a few.
Do you bite your nails, cut them, or keep them long? So I actually have a habit of tearing them instead of either of these?? I really need to stop, because doing it often makes a tear too deep and will sometimes bleed, but it's a looooong-going habit.
Do you ever have to babysit? Not really, like I often go with my mom on Fridays to watch my niece (and other niece and nephew when school isn't going on), but I'm not the one taking care of her needs and stuff. I'm just there to interact.
Do you sing when alone? No, I barely sing at all.
Favorite pastel color? PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite thing cats do? THE HEART EYES. If you've got an affectionate cat, you know what I mean: it's just this way they look at you, eyes mostly closed, and it's the most loving expression I've ever seen from any animal. I am also a massive sucker for affectionate headbutts, like I just love how expressive they are of bonds.
Butterflies, or dragonflies? I love both, but I'm fonder of butterflies.
Favorite kind of candy bar? It's a specific kind of Reese's that I don't see often; think of a Hershey's bar, but turn the squares into Reese's. It is fucking divine.
Favorite childhood store? oh I was a TOTAL Toys-R-Us kid. I was so mad when our local one got replaced with another store lol
Do you dream a lot? Do you remember your dreams? More like I have nightmares a lot. It's rare that I remember details long after awakening, but the general gist is basically always me being in danger but unable to physically defend myself; I usually wake up screaming at somebody. I say fucking awful things in my sleep, things I've never even said irl and never WOULD say, and it's extremely, extremely upsetting.
Have you ever lucid dreamed? I have once and only once and that shit between me and god lmfao
Have you ever intentionally killed an animal for fun? hi no I hope there's a special place in hell for a person like this
Did the person you lost your virginity to appreciate it? Well I haven't yet, but whenever it does happen I'm sure he'll cherish that I trust him enough for that. He knows I was abstinent most of my life.
What character trait are you most ashamed of? I am VERY impulsive, especially when upset. I've gotten better about it, but I've certainly said shit in the heat of the moment I wish I hadn't.
Do you prefer waffles or pancakes? Most of my life I strongly preferred pancakes, but I'm actually more into waffles now.
Are you craving anything right now? Yes, it's been a hot damn minute since I've had a soda and I am SUFFERING, like it's pathetic.
Are you content just blending in with the crowd? Yeah. I like to have some individuality about me, but I certainly don't want to stand out starkly.
Who is your celebrity crush? Richard Kruspe, yes he's very nearly my parents' age, and
If you had to choose a random color to dye your hair, what would you choose? Pastel pink. Hopefully one day... but my hair is so fucking reluctant to take color, especially pastels, apparently.
Do you like the color orange? Yeah, it's fine. I particularly like creamsicle-esque tints.
Have you ever shunned a family member or vice-versa? Yes, both ways.
Favorite shade of blue? Turquoise, probably.
Favorite soup? I haven't really had a soup I liked since I was a child.
Do you like mangoes? So I was pretty dumbfounded to discover I hate REAL mangoes, like they're so soft and mushy and it's disgusting, but I adore the flavor of mangoes, like it's my favorite type of juice.
What do you want most? A life where I'm truly happy. No real life will ever be without some sorrow, but I've got way too much in mine.
How is your mental health? Pretty damn poor. I'm absolutely back in a depression dip.
What are you thankful for currently? In this exact moment, notably my mom. I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do whenever her life's up, and it's a fear I have daily, knowing that her cancer will eventually re-emerge and almost certainly be her cause of death.
What’s an unpopular opinion you have politically? I am not pure ACAB; I support reform, and much of it, however I just don't believe cops are inherently bad. A gross amount are, but I do believe good cops with good intentions exist.
Name a song that’s fun to sing along to. lmfao I enjoy "Bartender Song" by Rehab a lot for this
Who is tallest in your family? Uhhh... probably my brother Bobby?
Do you currently have a headache? No, thankfully. One thing not wrong.
What's the first thing you usually do when you get off work or school? When I used to be in school, I immediately did homework because I wanted it out of the way.
If you could be famous for anything, what would you choose to be famous for? Taking a really iconic photograph with a very obvious, strong message.
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Of all-time, Markiplier, but these days I've been most actively into Game Grumps and John Wolfe.
Who is the nicest person you’ve ever met? I dunno; I know a good deal of very nice people.
How about the meanest? That *I* personally know, my old friend Colleen. She was so fucking hateful and just generally unpleasant, and the kind of asshole who was a garbage individual to people in customer service, and over NO good reasons. The only reason I ever stayed friends with her so long was my own loneliness; at a time she was the only person outside family I ever, ever saw/did things with. That and I give people way too many damn chances, like our friendship broke apart many times prior to the final "okay I'm done."
What was the last thing you spoke to your mom about? I asked her what she went to Food Lion for.
When is the last time you felt appreciated for something you did? Ummm, I'm not totally sure at this very moment. Well actually probably yesterday; Girt came by after work and he had food ordered and I got it in for him, I know he appreciated that, even if it's just a small thing.
Are you the type of person who gets straight to the point? HAHAHA NO, I ramble like a MOTHERfucker, even when I totally don't intend it.
Do you enjoy playing board games? I actually really don't, they're just not very fun to me. Like some are okay, but I'm not having a great time. Way back when when Girt and I were just friends and he'd visit occasionally, we had a routine of generally playing board games, and honestly I don't miss that lmfao. I do enjoy Battleship though, and that's one we'd play a good amount.
Are there any movies you are wanting to see? THE FUCKING BARBIE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭 ugh no one wants to go with me and it sucks SO hard, I am absofuckinglutely seeing it when it comes to televisions, though.
Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you? Honestly not at all, I'm very open to anyone confiding in me if they feel safe to; you never know if that person has really been holding shit in, and they see something in you they haven't in others.
What’s something you’re proud of yourself for? Coming as far as I have in healing my legs.
Have you ever gone over 3 months without shaving/waxing your legs? It's been like... three years, dude. I keep them covered always though, just because of societal expectations; my hair is extremely dark and anyone getting even a glimpse of them mortifies me. I stopped as my body got so unhealthy that shaving them became so exhausting and challenging that I just. Couldn't keep up with maintaining them. I want laser hair removal on my legs one day.
Have you ever swam in a saltwater pool? Yes, the pool for physical therapy was saltwater.
Do you think anyone has given up on you? At least three people, probably more.
Have you ever been pregnant? No.
Have you taken anyone’s virginity? Obviously not, given an earlier question.
Have you ever made your boy/girlfriend choose between you and someone else? No.
Do you remember when some of the Walmarts had a McDonald’s in them? Well yes, our local one has exactly that.
What is one recipe that you would like to learn how to make? This upcoming Thanksgiving, I want Mom to teach me how to make the fresh bread she did last year; it was the best bread I'd ever tasted in my entire fucking life and I want to know it for my own future. I need to learn way, way more basic cooking, though...
Do you believe that Jesus will come back in your lifetime? He never is.
Were you afraid of heights as a child? No, but I am as an adult.
Have you ever had a lead role in a play? No. Well, I super faintly remember being Mary in a Sunday school thing, but it was just an in-class little thing. Gotta love teaching little girls about a mystically impregnated virgin pre-teen.
Do you have a chandelier in your home? No.
Are you a Jeffree Star fan? Or no? Yes, he's a public figure that to me has exhibited more growth than any other human I've been exposed to. There are behaviors I disagree with, but no person is all white or all black when it comes to being a moral or bad person.
Do you own a guitar? Specify. Which brand of guitar do you own? I no longer do; I had an electric guitar from a brand I can't recall (nothing impressive, very basic), but I sold it to a parts shop when I was trying to scrounge up money to afford my newest tattoo.
Are you a monogamous person? Or do you hate commitment? I personally am, but I have no problem with polygamous individuals, so long as they're open about this with their partners.
Who was the last person who was rude to you? My mom; a few days ago, something she did/said made me cry for a while.
Have you ever met someone in person that you first met online? Sara, yes. There are a number of other long-time online friends I want to physically meet one day.
Who do you know who is dyslexic? I feel like I remember hearing that my niece Aubree is? She's autistic and I at LEAST know Mom has said she exhibits traits of it.
Is weed legal in your state? No, NC is behind in the times in MANY regards.
What is something that you used to be ashamed of, but now you’re not? As a child, I became very embarrassed by my obsession with Pokemon because I was a girl and it was "weird;" it's because of this I never asked my mom for games and I never wanted anyone to see me explore the Pokemon website. As an adult though, I'm totally open about my love for the franchise, I know partially BECAUSE it's so loved nowadays. Even as a pre-k kid, my embarrassment reaction was SO insanely strong and I never, ever wanted people to see me as a weird girl. I still carry that behavior today, just with different stuff.
Have you ever held a newborn baby? Yes, when my youngest niece was born. I was seated though, I was way too scared to hold her otherwise.
Out of all your usernames for websites, which one is your favorite? Do you use it for more than one site? Ozzkat, it's the classic and what I use for the majority of places.
Have you ever spent the whole day (or multiple days) just looking up one thing on the internet (e.g., videos of your favorite band, how-to videos, quizzes, etc.)? hi i hyperfixate and do this shit regularly
Have you ever been in a situation where you had to be around your ex everyday? No. Well I mean, when Sara and I were still in contact, daily RP posts normally happened, but that was just a website.
Which condiment (ketchup, mustard, etc.) do you use the most of? Probably ketchup. It's funny, I hated ketchup as a kid.
Would you ever flirt with somebody in front of your parents? With my significant other, yes, so long as it wasn't too suggestive, 'cuz then it's just weird.
Have your parents ever questioned your virginity? I know my mom has. Dad probably assumes I'm not, but idk, I certainly don't talk about this with him.
How many of your friends play World of Warcraft? I have no idea; I have friends I know through the game, so obviously them, but I'm not sure if I have any "in my real life" friends who currently play. I know numerous people who have.
Is there a certain song you like to headbang to? No; surprisingly, headbanging has never been and probably never will be my thing. I don't like headaches.
Is there a garage or carport attached to your house? No.
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dlrconlicense · 5 years
A Strange Favor (or Favour if you’d like)
Not beta’d just another little brain fart I had looking at a pic of Strange and Spidey, set in a timeline in this multiverse as my Strange Desserts ficlet. It’s just utter Strangeolly crack (Also pays a little homage to my high school which was very similar to Peter’s)
New York City, somewhere in the multiverse.
“Ah, young master Parker. To what do we owe your presence?” Wong opens the door to 177A Bleecker Street to see the young man fidgeting in front of the Sanctum.
“Oh hey Mr. Wong, listen is Dr. Strange in right now? I really need to ask him a favor?” Wong looked at the teen and he could see Peter Parker was anxious, whatever it is must be of utmost importance.
Wong lead the youngster into the Sanctum “Master Strange will be back shortly, he has to attend to some business in London. Can I get you anything? Tea?”
“Oh no, it’s ok. I’ll just wait here.” Whenever Peter visit the Sanctum, he was always both in awe and a tad creeped out. Last time the Cloak snuck up on him and he ended up knocking over one of the relics in the library upstairs. Needless to say, Strange and Wong were not amused. Peter rocked back and forth on his sneakers and saw Wong still stood by watching him. “Come on Mr. Wong, I’m not going to touch anything, I swear!”
“It’s not you I’m worried about. That Cloak has a mind of its own and for some reason, it likes to have fun with you Master Parker.”
A portal opens at the top of the stairs and through it comes Stephen Strange, dressed not in his usual robes but in a sweater and jeans. He turns around and gives a brunette woman on the other side of the portal a kiss “I’ll see you next time?” Before she could answer, they hear rapid footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Dr. Strange, I need a HUUUUGE favor…oh, hi Dr. Hooper!”
The brunette smiles at Peter and crosses the portal to give him a hug “Hey Peter! How have you been?”
“What is it, kid?” Stephen was just a tad peeved that his goodbye kiss to Molly was rudely interrupted. “You know I can’t use the stone to turn back time so you can upload an assignment that you somehow forgot that was due because you were fighting some thug down by the bodega at the same time as the deadline…”
“Actually Doc, it’s not that. Well technically, I don’t have to ask you now that Dr. Hooper is here.”
Stephen cocks his eyebrow up inquisitively at the kid “What do you need from Molly?”
“A body.”
“A body?” Stephen looks over to his girlfriend, why does everyone seem to think that she can provide bodies like she runs “Corpse-r-Us”? Nobody knew about her involvement with Holmes’ little magic trick a few years back save for their little circle.
“See I am taking Intro to Forensic Science at school as an elective because NOTHING else was available and we were supposed to be visiting the morgue to observe an autopsy but for some reason they canceled on us and I don’t know why I mentioned that I knew a pathologist and my teacher Mr. Citron is an absolute forensic nut and when he found out that I knew Dr. Hooper from St. Bart’s, and believe me he is a big fan of yours Dr. Hooper, read like all your papers. Anyways, he wanted me to ask her if she can video an autopsy for the class…”
Stephen really wishes he can open a portal and send this kid back to Long Island City or Sunnyside or wherever in Queens he lived. But his Molly would not approve, for she was rather fond of this teen. He was smart and an overall decent kid, Strange would agree, as he would regularly seek the sorcerer out when he needed tutoring in biology or how to deal with mystical beings that occasionally popped up around his neighborhood. Currently however, he was getting a splitting headache from his incessant chatter. Though what is up with this kid and his run-on sentences? Oh, the demise of the school system. But he got to hand it to the kid and his lung capacity for being able to articulate so much in a short span of time.
“Well I would have to check with Mike first, but I don’t see why not. We are a teaching hospital, be glad to motivate the next generation of mad scientists. Just hope your lunchtime isn’t scheduled after the post-mortem video, otherwise I don’t think you can look at pizza or macaroni cheese for a while.”
“Well see here’s the thing…” Peter rocked back and forth on his heels, not looking at the couple, Stephen squinted his eyes as though reading his mind “Tell me you did not promise a live one?”
“Not really possible though.” Peter looked up at Molly in disappointment, she turned to Stephen with a small impish smile “Can’t exactly do it on a live one, can I?”
The raven-haired sorcerer smirked at this comment. His Molly did have a most unique sense of humor “You know what I mean.”
“I mean think about it guys. Wouldn’t this be a fine opportunity for your institution for outreach and collaboration with an American academic institution? I mean, we need a bit more professional anecdotes, the most exposure we get on the morgue are CSI reruns and iZombie.”
Stephen knitted his eyes and stared at the boy, well played Peter, he knows how much Molly loves to rant about how unrealistic those shows are.
“Live-streaming would be a first, though you guys would have to set up the whole feed…”
“See here is where you come in, Dr. Strange. How about we bring Dr. Hooper and the body into my school using your Sling Ring?”
Stephen and Molly both raised their eyebrows in unison, was he serious now?
“Umm, that’s a no, kid.”
“But Dr. Strange, you for one know how fascinating the human body is and plus my classmates would think that you are mad cool as a scientist and a sorcerer, two practices that run completely opposite to each other, I mean you can actually also do a seminar on how does one balance science and the metaphysical…”
Stephen twirls his hand to open a portal behind Peter to the alley next to his apartment building. “Bye, Parker.”
Just as Stephen was send Peter into the portal, a loud banging comes from Molly’s flat inside the other portal.
“Molly!!! I need you to head into Bart’s and examine the corpse from Dimmock’s case! I believe I have found the correlation between the victim’s Swedish Fish addiction and…oh Strange, you’re here.”
Molly and Stephen sighed and turned to find Sherlock Holmes had picked the lock to her flat. Peter looks at the tall curly haired man in awe “Holy crap! You’re Sherlock Holmes. Oh man, Mr. Citron is going to be so jealous! Mr. Holmes, I’m Peter, Dr. Hooper’s friend…”
Sherlock gazed at the boy with a frown, then turned to Molly with raised eyebrows as if asking who is this reprobate?
“Oh! Maybe you and Dr. Hooper can conduct a seminar on solving crimes through forensics and deduction together”
“Ok kid, bye bye!” And with a flick of his hand, Stephen sent Peter through the portal and closed it. He turned to Molly and drew his fingers in the circle in the direction of Sherlock “You need me to, you know…?”
Molly shook her head, wound her hands to his neck and pulled him down for a slow and sweet kiss “I’m kind of curious what Swedish Fish have to do with this case. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Your place or mine?”
Sherlock was already out of the door and impatiently called out “Strange, you’ll end up slinging or whatever it is that you do into her bed later anyways. Come along, Molly! Time is of the essence.”
Molly took his hand and caressed over the Sling Ring “How about Singapore? I’m in the mood for some chili crab and away from them. I’m pretty sure Sherlock has been banned for his little investigation involving their otter population. Even Mycroft won’t be able to get him into the country.”
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tora-the-cat · 2 years
I don't like Naruto modern AU's but also I have a frighteningly clear image of what modern-au Obito would be like and it's forced me to at least THINK about everyone else in context to him. Bipoalr Taylor Swift stan male femenist (read: wife guy) gamer conspiracy theorist that reads WAY too much Lovecraftian horror (but slightly less Nictze then you'd think given his Everything). Anti-Thiest-New-Athiest loser that gets a god complex from Kinning anime villains like Light and Shigiraki and Dio and dyes his hair white during a manic episode then cries for three hours when Rin mistakes him for Kakashi. Eats swedish fish flavoured oreos and whines when Rin won't kiss him until he brushes his teeth. Rin was his only friend since forever, so he was on at least friendly terms with all of her friends by neccesity even if none of them really liked him. They started talking to Kakahsi when they all joined a club together in middle school where Obito and Kakahsi were rivals and then Rin dated Kakashi in highschool and Obito hated him- out of an equal mix of jealosy and protectiveness- but tolerated him because he made Rin happy, then they broke up when Kakashi realized he was gay but by then the three of them were actually pretty close so they didn't stop talking and now they're lowkey codependant? Like Obito is 100% codependant (and married) with Rin and Rin likes to pretend she isn't because she had friends but she TOTALLY is, and Kakashi is slightly more convincing when he pretends that he isn't because he has at least one boyfriend (Gai) but probably two (Tenzo) but also still lives with them DESPITE having (a) boyfriend(s) and if he goes more then like 12 hours without talking to either of them he has a panic attack. Obito buys Kakashi a (dubiously legal) miku-binder when Kakahsi comes out as trans when they're like 11 and Kakashi cries. He has chronic pain and scars from an avalanche that happened on a school field trip where he, Rin, and Kakashi ditched the group to explore, and is only not addicted to painkillers and/or weed because Rin monitors him relegiously. Him and Rin have a cat named Kamui and a turtle named Isobu. And on top of all of that he still somehow has his life together enough to be the head of finances at a small leftist company trying to do good run by Nagato and Konan (Konan was Rin's college roommate) and keep it running smoothly despite it's shoestring budget. But whenever he tells people this they think he's lying and Rin has to convince him not to pay a 12 year old to vandalize the person's house/car with leftist catchphrases. Do you understand me I have a vision It Is There. But also I irrationally HATE modern AU's. So you see my problem.
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in-the-dollpalace · 3 years
Rating Kirsten’s entire collection
That’s right folks, its time for another rating post! As you all know by now, I’m going in order of the year they take place, so it is Kirsten’s time to shine! 
I admit that I’ve been putting this one off because of how absolutely massive her collection is (for the bigger collections it takes me an hour or two to do the whole thing) But i finally decided to do it.
Once again, these are my own opinions. If you don’t agree, thats okay! Please dont leave hate for it.
alright lets get started!
 Doll and meet stuff
1: Kirsten and her meet outfit
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Doll: 9/10 a bit average looking and blends in to the background when with the rest of the many blonde dolls, BUT she was was the OG blonde and blue eyed doll before any of the others were even a thought, so I stan her anyway
Outfit: 10/10 I love the apron, I love the boots, and I love the braids!
2: Meet accessories
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10/10 I am aboslutely in love with the little necklace and the real wooden spoon!
School Collection
1: school dress
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10/10 I LOVE the shawl! The dress is so simple but it works so well!!!
2: School lunch
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10/10 I had the exact same food for lunch the other day funny enough. I wondered where my brain came up with the idea to put summer sausage, apple, bread, and cheese together, but now I remember. i can confirm it is delicious.
3: slate and school supplies
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11/10 very simple, yet cute. extra point because i heard the slate actually works
4: school bench
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10/10 idk if this is supposed to be her desk ( i havnt read her books yet) but it is so cute omg 
Holiday collection
1: Saint lucia gown
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8/10 great way to show the fact she is swedish, and swedish traditions! But there is the fact that it was only the gown, nothing else pictured. The wreath and doll were sold seperatly, making the whole outfit very pricey. You guys already know that i hate when they pull that.
2: st lucia wreath
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8/10 like I said above, it should have been sold with the gown. On a related note, idk how the hell people have the guts to walk around with lit candels on thier heads in real life.
3: St lucia tray
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10/10 I’ve always wanted  to try those types of buns
4: Kirsten’s doll
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11/10 Yep, you all have heard this before, but I. love. dolls. for. dolls. 
Birthday collection
1: Birthday dress
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100/10 .... I am speechless, I am going to have an asthma attack because its beauty is taking my breath away.
2: Friendship quilt
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10/10 It reminds me of the quilts my grandma used to make
3: Birthday treats
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10/10 omg so pretty
4: pottery
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8/10 its cute
5: Trestle table and chairs
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8/10 it is a very cute little set, but I like the second version with the flowers painted on it better (original version pictured here)
6: mama cat and kittens
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7/10 awww lil baby kitty!! I only put seven out of ten for this one because the first version was very... weird looking and i can see why they changed them (third version pictured here)
Summer collection
1: Summer dress and hat
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8/10 Aw I love the hat so much! But, as you all have probaby deduced by my other rating posts, I don’t really like dresses with vertical stripes. 
2: Red boots
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9/10 they are so, so, cute! But I think they kinda clash with the rest of the outfit
3: Fishing set
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10/10 this is the first time ive seen AG make fish so far. I really like the poles too.
4: fouth of july fun
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10/10 Love this historical flag, and the honeypots are so adorable!
Winter collection
1: winter skirt and blouse
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10/10 I love the floral belt and the matching ribbons, and I think the boots go much better with this outfit.
2: knit wollens
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10/10 looks so warm and cozy!
3: winter pastimes
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10/10 I like the paper dolls, but I would give this 10/10 just for the snow shoes alone tbh. (EDIT: apparently AG though the same because they eventually retired this set and replaced it with just the snow shoes lmfao)
4: Carpet bag
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10/10 I forgot how popular carpet bags were during kirsten’s time, since they have come back in style more than a few times after that. Mary Poppins anyone?
Nighttime collection
1: Nightgown
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10/10 I always love a good opportunity to see Kirsten’s hair down
2: Housecoat and sockor
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7/10 I’m not really a big fan of this idk why.
3: Bed
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7/10 where is her bedding? (EDIT: I just relized you are supposed to use her birthday quilt. They still should have sold them together)
4: Wash stand
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10/10 I like the rosemaling
5: Nighttime necessities
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10/10 I love the little book!
6: Trunk
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6/10 I usually really like trunks but this one is not doing it for me, I just dont like it.
Extra outfits
1: Ice skating outfit
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10/10 super cute, but I’ve been skating before and I know homegirl is gonna get hot AF in that.
2: Checked dress and apron
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10/10 This outfit is everything to me
3: plaid dress and shawl
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10/10 I love the type of ruffly neckline they used (idk what its called) they should have used shawls in her collection alot more.
4: Swedish dirmdl and  kerchief
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10/10 Great to see them show more traditional swedish dress, and what she would have worn back home before she came to america.
5: work dress
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10/10 I adore that peter pan collar! That is an... interesting way to style her hair, but i also kinda like it.
6: Midsommar dress
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10/10 another great showing of swedish traditions. I love, love, love the ruffles on the bottom!
7: Baking outfit
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8/10 I like it, but listen yall. I KNOW that clogs are traditional in nordic countries, but the pointy shoes with the striped socks make her look like santa’s elf 😭
One more thing i wrap things up, I am super ticked that they didn’t make her dog. I didn’t even know he existed until someone asked about them when I made my pet post.  #justice for whatever her dogs name is
All that saltieness aside, I hope you enjoyed this post! If you did, make sure to stick around until next time!
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fall-out-boytoy · 3 years
Dump fun facts about yourself
IRL fun facts? *rubs hands together* heheheheheh this'll be fun
I will frequently go to Chipotle and order nothing but two large sides of rice
I read econ books for fun
I play electric bass in a Joan Jett cover band (we also play Pretenders and Blondie, but I only play Joan Jett. Points if you can figure out the band's name based on this information.)
I have a rotating catalogue of band shirts (today's is the cover of Incesticide by Nirvana)
I like cars! And trains! And planes! And trucks! And most any form of transportation! (I'm considering becoming a trucker when I grow up!)
I feel like I've said this before, but I can read and write Irken. My debate teacher is convinced it's "secret code" and refers to me as "secret code kid". This is fine with me, as I do enjoy actual codes. Also [learning] Spanish. That may or may not be related.
I hate chocolate. All types, all forms. I'm not allergic, I just hate the taste. Relatedly, the only candies I'll eat are Swedish Fish, gummy bears, candy corn, and sometimes Smarties.
I have a...complex relationship with food. Carbs and dairy are the only mainstays.
I own uhh *glances over at bookshelf* 40-something IZ comic issues, including variant covers. This is the product of 7+ hours driving around looking for them
According to my mom, I taught myself to read when I was two. Mom only noticed because I "corrected" her pronunciation of phone, insisting it was pronounced "puh hone"
oh i suppose I should maybe put in a bit about my physical form too. uhh short brown-but-used-to-be-reddish hair (I'm working on growing it out for my halloween costume), blue-gray-a-little-bit-of-green eyes, 5 foot 2 unfortunately, perpetual habit of walking on my toes (which may or may not be to make myself look taller)
I'm in a couple other fandoms, namely Minecraft and xkcd. I use different usernames though so good luck finding me there
Cold weather is a THOUSAND times better than hot. My ideal temperature is 60 degrees and a hoodie
One time when I was like 5-6 I fell on the corner of a glass table and got my face sliced open
oh also one time I went to the hospital for a sunburn. I will not elaborate (unless you ask)
uhhh that's it for now unless you have any more specific facts you want me to share!
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