#I also just transcribed the chapter of my story where the same thing happens
idontknowiknow · 8 months
I love how many dragon age companions will be like :0 nobody has ever given me a gift before!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ when u give them a little present. Fav trope. Love to befriend sad losers through gift giving
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allthefujoshiunite · 7 months
Can I ask your top 5 favorite moments from "Love for Sale"?
Thanks, Nora, because of you I found this manhwa, and it became one of my top fav BL ever.
Oh, have you read, "Dear Gene" by Azuma Kaya? It's also one of my favorite BL ever.... (Sorry if you already know it and don't really love them).
I can't put into words how happy it makes me that you liked Love for Sale... I don't think even Dal Hyeonji would feel this happy about someone liking their work SHFKUS but it's just SOO dear to me! Thank you for giving it a chance.
Obviously, there will be spoilers for Love for Sale below.
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As for my top 5 moments.
The moment Namwoo finally realizes that he's the horndog in the relationship lol. From the moment they met, he's fixated on what he can provide for the money he's taking from Sieon, and since he's so rich and can literally buy anything he wants, there must be one thing and one thing only he wants from Namwoo: sex. Namwoo thinks Sieon must be a pervert for spending so much money on him (thus expecting a lot of sex in return) but it's actuallly him that constantly initiates sex. I kept waiting for the moment of realization!
The night Sieon went up to Namwoo's apartment to try his "toys". This is another favorite of mine because of how casual, funny and sexy at the same time. Still giggle whenever I remember Namwoo's middle finger action xD
Namwoo's realization that his sunbae was actually in love with him as well. I honestly didn't see this coming?! Probably because we never get to see his side of the story, and his "advances" could only be read as friendly invites. I should've been suspicious because I knew he picked up the nature of Namwoo and Sieon's relationship when they've first seen each other at the mall.
Namwoo and his sister Eunjung having a Love Declaration Olympics in the middle of a crowd. I mentioned in another answer that I love Eunjung for several reasons, and that scene is both so hilarious and emotional, I couldn't help but add it to the list. I love all of their interactions but this one probably takes the cake.
Sieon's blush. You know which chapter I'm talking about, right? xD I wouldn't believe you if you were to tell me that seeing a character blush after 70+ chapters would make me cry but here we are. This is top grade story-telling. Building everything up until such a "minor" point AND having a cathartic pay off, I can only bow down.
WHEW. Thank you for giving me another chance to gush about Love for Sale, because I feel self-conscious lol. I keep inserting the series whenever I get an ask or start blabbing unprovoked... Anyways. There were a lot more I liked about it, like our redhead with anger management issues looking back on his relationship with Sieon, or Namwoo's heartfelt convo with the female friend in his friend circle, OR Sieon reuniting with his mother. It's so hard to pick. But anyways, I'll stop here before I list anything and everything that transcribed in the series.
As for Dear Gene. I did read the parent manga, The Scene of My Rumspringa and liked it a lot! You can feel the weight and importance of the theme to the author, because only then you get a delicate story packed with emotions. Dear Gene was recommended to me as well, but I want to wait for the official English release because my Japanese is not at a level where I can comfortably read manga. I can get by with dictionaries and apps when the BL has your run of the mill story, I usually guess what's gonna happen from the very first chapter anyway. But BLs with deeper conversations and topics are hard to get through. I'll leave it to the translators and enjoy when I can. I'm looking forward to it!
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rotp-on-ao3 · 6 months
So, I have many ships. This is not unusual. What is kinda unusual is that I only have writings for 3 or 4 of them.
No. Not necessarily true. I usually write my thoughts on paper before transcribing- and editing- it to digital. What that means is that I have a 4th or 5th ship that I am struggling to write for.
I have been trying so hard complete a bisexual, redhead Harry story with Draco/Harry ship for the last 4-5 years. It's been waylaid by several things. The biggest waylayer is the Harry Potter hate. The second, having the need to complete it before I post it.
Lemme explain:
1.) I've made a few posts on my main blog as to why I cannot condone absolute disengagement of works by crappy people, especially if the crappiness came out after the work became a large part to the critical development of a person. But it can be off-putting when you see things that SCREAM at you that you are scum when you engage in any manner with the work. It makes enjoying ANYthing hard.
2.) I have regrets about posting GMTA without completing it first. Now it's on hiatus and I still have no idea where I am going with it. I fear the same thing will happen with this. I would love to just post up the first chapter and see what happens, but I desperately want to see it through to the end. Especially since it was one of the first ships that I got into thanks to the internet sphere. Also, Harry/Ginny just wigged me out. Didn't like it.
Honestly, I dunno what I'm gonna do. Drop me a ask if you wanna talk about it.
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youkaigakkou-tl · 2 years
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The Kyoto Arc Analysis Post (Part 2)
(Had to split this into multiple posts because image limit. This whole thing is meant to be read as one continuous thing)
This part covers the chapters in Arashiyama, and the scene where Seimei talks to Haruaki
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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We get told that the soul pieces “flew in 5 directions, like a pentagram” but it’s not like a pentagram at all I mean look at this.
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The Arashiyama location is fairly easy to pinpoint, even though it’s a mountain, since the bamboo grove is a very specific part of it and is a famous tourist attraction. Not gonna find where exactly in the bamboo grove this happens tho lmao
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Speaking of Arashiyama, there’s a lot of updated pages in the volume release, so here’s some comparisons. Look at my meow meow!! Kitty!!!!
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This is the heart sutra, a buddhist sutra originally in sanskrit. I was slightly considering transcribing the sanskrit here, but then I realised that was harder than just using the english translation.
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Sensei is a genius for giving characters recognizable hands and fully utilizing it. I love how you can see Haruaki’s hand with the bracelet and instantly know it's him. I love how you can see this ring and instantly know “omg wifeguy”. (punches walls)
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Also look at this updated page!! My favorite furries!! Also little soul-aki on Tamao’s shoulder!!
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Can I just say. Sensei is INSANE and a GENIUS for this, to pose this question to the three who have an entire spinoff dedicated to them and their best friends. This is so evil. Diabolical. I love it.
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Look at this updated panel. Rintarou and Haruaki are as important to him as his wife and kids. I’m going insane. (crying sobbing punching walls etc)
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This is another one of those scenes that would have killed me if I didn’t phrase it just as well as the original. Good on Hatanaka-sensei for solving a trolley problem like it’s the easiest thing in the world. I think I would have chosen to kill the stranger to save my loved one. But also I don’t have loved ones who I would do that for so maybe I’ll just choose to kill the stranger for fun. Starting to realise I have the moral compass of Takahashi.
Also, the word for “thorn”, and sometimes also “rose”, is “ibara”.
Most Sane Yohaji Enjoyer
(We are now entering nonsense zone. Don't believe anything I say here.)
In case you didn't know/forgot, there seems to be some plot stuff going on with Hatanaka in the spinoff, and I have a crack theory that at some point in the future of the main story he's going to end up back in time to when Yamazaki and Takahashi were in school.
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And you see. In the panel that Yamazaki brings this up. Hatanaka's arms are bandaged up.
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And guess what happens in chapter 86. His arms are injured and he's hauled off to the hospital. Boom theory proven boom I'm a genius. (jk)
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(Also want to show this sane comment on chapter 93: "What if Seimei is actually present day Haruaki who went back in time with all his knowledge now"
Can you Imagine. Insane idea, I want someone to write this fanfic.)
What the hell is up with this imagery
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Anyway. Back to chapter 87. And also the inner color page for vol 13 since this seems to be the same place.
Easiest question: What are the pinwheels?
While pinwheels are associated with childhood in general, in Japan, they’re also associated with death, which is why you may see pinwheels on graves, especially children’s graves. This isn’t relevant really other than the death part.
The more interesting association is that in Buddhism, pinwheels also symbolise the cycle of reincarnation. (Notice how pinwheels kinda resemble the manji symbol) (Actually, maybe this is why pinwheels are associated with death in the first place? Nothing online points this out specifically but it seems like an obvious conclusion)
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Also note the pinwheels on this vol 13 cover draft. (God I love this cover so much I love the final one too but oughhhh)
The hard question: Where is this?? The moon???
First thing I thought when I saw that scene and the color page was the moon, and also Tsukuyomi (god of the moon) -> Yomi -> ???
Also some stories say Tsukuyomi also rules over Yomi so -> ??? idk what the conclusion here is. word association
Saturn is also a multi layered word-association-pun-thing. The planets from Mercury to Saturn (excluding Earth) are named after the Gogyo (five elements) in Chinese and Japanese, Saturn specifically is named after “earth” (as in like dirt and ground not the planet we’re on).
The kanji for Yomi, 黄泉, is a loanword from the Chinese name for the underworld, and literally translates to “yellow springs”. However, elements in the Gogyo and their representative colors are often used interchangeably, so in this case “yellow” means “earth” since Yomi is thought to be underground.
So of all things, for Saturn to be on that color page makes a lot of sense. Of course, the simple answer is probably that Saturn looks cool as hell.
“Earth” is also the only element not represented in the four gods, since it’s thought to be central, and typically symbolises the emperor. But also, in this context, it being paired with Seimei… yeah this makes sense.
The hardest question: Why the big dipper?
There’s a number of obvious simple answers that jumps to mind: it’s easily recognizable, looks cool, it has spiritual importance in Taoism and by extension Onmyoudou, but I can’t figure out the specific association with Abe no Seimei, let alone why specifically it on this page.
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And it does have a specific association to Abe no Seimei, it’s in the stepping stones leading up to the well in the Seimei shrine, and is sometimes featured in the center of his pentagram.
Perhaps this is just one of those things that “it’s just like that, stop asking questions”. Perhaps there’s a simple, straightforward answer in some corner of the internet that I haven’t found yet. You reading this! I implore you! Figure this out! As with all the other stuff I can’t figure out! I’ve given you all the pieces!
Just maybe, death of the author, I get to takeaway anything I want from this panel. The big dipper points to Polaris, and at the end of this scene Seimei points Haruaki to Sano. (????)
Actually, now that I look at it closely, maybe this is the little dipper??? Assuming it’s not a mistake, the handle is bent the wrong way! Then it’s the little dipper! That’s even more nothing! The little dipper isn’t even mentioned in japanese mythos! I need to stop thinking about this I’m going insane.
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Anyway. Next page we get to see the name of this bridge. Only “modori-bashi” is written here, but this refers to the Ichijo Modoribashi bridge in Kyoto, first built in the Heian era and has a variety of stories associated with it, as well as specific stories pertaining to Abe no Seimei. The physical bridge itself has been rebuilt in the modern age and is just down the road from the Seimei shrine, but a miniature replica has been built in the shrine itself using the original materials.
“Modoribashi” means “return bridge”, and was used in funeral processions, and has come to be associated with a variety of meanings of “return”, including “return from the afterlife”.
What’s up with this guy’s soul?
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First of all, a translation note.
In the raws, Seimei doesn’t say specifically “your” soul here, since japanese can work without possessive nouns, but there wasn’t a good way to phrase that in english without sounding weird.
With that out of the way, what is up with his soul????
Recap for the last time we saw his soul in Miki arc:
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It was inanimate until a while after Mikimom ate it, at which point it was Seimei. Same with the flashback when Haruaki was a kid. At no point did the soul actually act like Haruaki. If Seimei could just do that why didn’t he do it from the start? idk
(real reason: it’s so we get to see Haruaki’s hot lifeless body. This is something I realised chatting w my friend: the way to get Haruaki to look hot is to get rid of his soul, get rid of everything that makes him Haruaki (fucked up thing to say lmao). Like, look at Ame and Seimei, they’re hot all the time)
But in this arc, all the split pieces are Haruaki, and at no point does Seimei take over his soul or anything like in Miki arc.
(Obviously this makes sense narratively, the point of this arc is that Haruaki is a different person from Seimei, especially after Byakko constantly calling it “Seimei’s soul”, but also what’s the practical reason?)
And now, the big question: How is Seimei in Yomi?
Every other time we’ve seen him makes sense (relatively):
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Haruaki’s dream at the start of ch47, or maybe Seimei’s memories?
Manifesting from his/Haruaki’s soul in Miki arc
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This scene in ch 82, while similar to the ch87 situation, this is actually a scene from the past so this gets a pass from me.
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ch 88 to 90: Byakko’s recreation of the past. This makes sense, but it’s also weird in other ways, like how Seimei is able to see chibi soul-Haruaki. Remember, this isn’t even the actual Seimei, it’s Byakko recreating it. Unless this is what actually happened (Seimei turning to look at Haruaki)???? In which case he was able to see the future where Byakko is recreating the situation he was living through at that moment (????) This guy scares me
If you haven’t caught on to why the ch87 situation is weird to me, it’s because every other time we see him has been a memory or a manifestation of his soul, and this is neither.
For him to be in Yomi, his soul would have to be there or something like that, but clearly his soul is with Haruaki and is currently in pieces around Kyoto. So just what is this Seimei?
I have no doubts that this is Seimei, and that this isn’t Haruaki’s hallucination, for the sole fact that Seimei talks like he has agency to go wherever he wants. Funny enough, I think this is the most genuine we’ve seen him.
Just what is it that makes a person? Haruaki has Seimei’s soul, but is a different person. Obviously, because they’ve had different experiences in life, live in different time periods, etc. But even then, what is it? Is there something more intangible, more inscrutable than a soul?
And does this have to do also, with the idea proposed in the Haruaki student arc, that the true nature of a person isn’t so easily changed? What constitutes a soul?
Maybe one day I’ll have the answer.
The Principal
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I’ve already picked apart this next scene in this ask, although that was written before ch93 dropped, I think it holds up pretty well. Take a second and read that if you want 👍
Hit the image limit again, so this continues in part 3.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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revisited-library · 2 years
Scattered All Over the Earth by Yoko Tawada
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(Image from Amazon)
If there was ever a book I wanted translator's notes for, it would be this one.
It's a book about language, about culture about friendship and unexpected connections... And it's so hard to explain.
This is a long review and I have many feelings, so I'm going to put this under a read more.
I guess I'd describe it as an optimistic diasporic novel set in a happy dystopia. The characters have a vague knowledge that things aren't quite right in their society, but that's not the focus of the story or of the characters. In that way, I guess it's like everyday life, isn't it? You know something's not right or not fair, but unless you're actively going out and protesting at this moment, your focus is on work or on studying or on cleaning your house or on scrolling through Tumblr or on any of the other thousands of things you do in life.
The main character here is Japanese, and she lost her country. But like literally, though. Japan's just somehow gone.
She has a job telling what she remembers of traditional Japanese stories to refugees, but she hasn't been able to find anyone who speaks Japanese. Instead, she has created her own pidgin which is transcribed in the English version as English with the Japanese sentence structure but is described as a mixture of Danish, Swedish, and other Scandinavian languages in a way that makes sense to her. (This is one of the reasons I want translator's notes so badly.)
She goes on TV and talks about being from a country that doesn't exist anymore and gets the attention of a linguist. Together they go across Europe to look for another Japanese-speaker, picking up new friends along the way.
One of these friends happens to be a trans woman originally from India. Her chapter is fine, but the second thing that makes me desperate for translation notes is that the other characters refer to her as "him" even when they comment that she presents as a woman (though she herself admits she isn't quite passing as one). Now the reason why I want the translator to explain this is because in Japanese, you really have to go out of your way to use gendered pronouns, at least to the extent that they were used in the book. Until I get my hands on the Japanese text (which may be never, TBH), I'm going to assume this was a choice on the part of the translator, which I find really gross.
Despite all of that, I did enjoy it as a different kind of diasporic novel. I'm used to the concept of the diaspora being honestly a bit bleak: you've left everything behind and now you're adrift in search of scraps of familiarity while trying so hard to assimilate. This has those elements, but in a somehow fun and cute way? Like the main character finds someone who self-studied Japanese and rather than be disappointed she didn't find another member of her culture, she basically thinks, "Oh, that's almost just as good!" She wants so hard to share her culture that it doesn't matter who she shares it with.
And yet, at the same time, there were so many parts of it that were just so real and #immigrantlife. They made me want to send this book to my parents with such ferocity... Like the parts where the writer describes how you don't always miss where you're from, but you miss certain little things. You feel a bit stuck in time when you leave your home country because all your points of reference are gone. And also how you have to be more careful in your new country than natives of that place, lest you get in trouble with the law "just for being an immigrant"...
(So obviously, I have some things that may be a bit of trauma to go through with a therapist.... But sue me! I went through this stuff in childhood and I'm doing it again in my 20s, so I'm allowed to have some issues, thanks.)
Anyways, 4/5 stars for me.
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If I may: how about 11 (ha), 15, and 22 for the weird writer asks?
Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve?
lol, how could you not?
Yes, I do. If I can’t find a proper place for them in the story, then yes. I regularly cull my darlings. They go into the ether, I guess? I know there is a place on my OneDrive that I could access them if I needed to, which has happened in the past when OneDrive didn’t sync correctly, and I lost the most recent draft. So, I do have a failsafe, but it isn’t so I can revisit them and reminisce and mourn like Betty in kill your darlings. It’s for purely practical reasons. I will keep some cut scenes in a running document, though, that have the potential to be repurposed for another story or the same story.
Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
I journal in my books. You can tell how much I enjoyed a book by the excess annotations and highlighting. I think reading should be interactive, and that's one of the reasons I enjoy fic (though I haven't read much in a while). It’s why I prefer hard copies versus reading through an app. It’s also why I’m reticent to lend my books to anyone because if they lose it, then I feel like I’ve lost a part of myself I can’t revisit anymore. I’ve crawled up people’s asses when they don’t return my books.
Dog-earing is a cardinal sin; it compromises the integrity of the page. I know people who dog-ear into the text!
I do read in the bath, and yes, I understand the moisture can damage the book or you run the risk of dropping it in the water. I accept these are double standards, and I won’t stop. We can be friends if you dog-ear, but you will never borrow one of my books. I will take a hand.
How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
You’re really going to make me reveal my inability to operate a sticky note?!
It depends on the story. Right now, I am pretty much winging the kill your darlings prequel. It’s a linear storyline, which makes it easier, and I know exactly how I want it to go from tip to taint in my head. There is a running document in the folder as well as a running note in my phone where I dump ideas/random bits of dialogue, but it hasn’t coalesced into a legitimate outline yet. I mean, I wrote kill your darlings flying by the seat of my pants, too.
I don’t consider myself an organized writer. I often start writing a story without knowing exactly where it will go and bust out the first few chapters before finally grasping its trajectory. As I’m writing these initial chapters, I’ll daydream about it throughout the day because it’s fresh, and so I keep notes in my phone whenever I get an idea for a scene or a specific line/string of dialogue, etc. Eventually, those notes are transcribed into a rough outline, and then it kind of just goes from there.
The notes app on my phone is my savior, but I often get my best thoughts when I’m trying to fall asleep. I started keeping my phone across the room to improve sleep hygiene, but my dumb ass still lugs myself out of bed if I get a good idea because I know I will forget it.
The only story I’ve written where I think I spent an inordinate amount of time obsessing over the outline was the devil’s daughter, but even though I knew exactly what I wanted to happen, how to get there, the parallels I wanted to draw, and ultimately how it would end, the outline was still hectic, in my opinion. It still followed the process detailed above. I think that’s one of the reasons I would write it in bursts of about five or so chapters, and it’s also why even though I initially planned for nine chapters, it ended up being 26.
thank you for asking ❤️
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goldenkamuyhunting · 2 years
Replies to assorted asks and messages
So, as promised, I’m going to attempt to reply to all the asks. I put the replies all in a single post because they overall regard all chap 309/310 and I wouldn’t want to submerge anyone with them.
Also, normally when I do post more asks in a single post I just place a photo of the ask in it, but this time, since there are so many, I also transcribed them in case the image won’t load.
Sorry again for my lateness in replying to everyone.
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Anonymous asked:
Hello. I hope I have misread the previews of chapter 310. I must say that seeing Ogata die saddens me very much. but if what is seen is Noda's project, I think she is an idiot as an ending to this amazing character. I understand that it's hard to keep the level of a plot high but making it so rambling is really hard to do. what a disappointment. A greeting
I’m sorry you’re sad. I can’t reassure you saying you had misread something because Ogata really died in chap 310, which I guess by now you’ve seen in the scanlations.
I fear I can’t offer you comfort, seeing a beloved character go is just sad.
I am sad too although, what I wish the most, isn’t he had saved Ogata, but for the whole thing to work differently.
I was grief-stricken when Kiro died and the same goes for when I believed Ariko died or when Kikuta died or when Boutarou died but I could let it go because the whole thing was written differently. I’ve watched plenty of characters I love, I know the pain of losing them from when I was a little kid and stumbled upon “Misunderstood” by Florence Montgomery and “Little women” by Louisa May Alcott. No probably it was even earlier than that, when, as a preschooler, I watched Astroganger die. It’s sad but in it comes also the ability of the author in making it happen in a way you can still feel ‘it works’ and it becomes a good kind of grief that emotionally ties you to the story.
For me this didn’t happen this time. Even more than the sadness of losing Ogata, I felt anger for how his arc was handled to the point if I had known in advance this was where we were heading, I would have been more fine with him dying of poison in volume 19 because all he was used for in those volumes that followed was merely to tip Koito about how Tsurumi was the one behind Hanazawa’s death and his kidnapping and then… nothing. Part of his character was retconned, his actions were unclear, his death is rushed so that the plot can move on.
It’s like Noda wanted to kill Ogata in vol 19 but kept him alive to tip Koito and then had no idea what to do with him, dragged back in the story Vasily, which also did nothing whatsoever and ended up having a  rushed death and then, finally, killed Ogata too so the story could go on how he meant for it to go. At least, I might be wrong of course but for me it felt like that and the fact that a character I loved for how engaging and intriguing he was ended up stopping to be so is extremely disappointing.
Sorry if this is not of comfort and ultimately I ended up venting to you. I hope the pain of losing Ogata will go away.
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Anonymous asked:
Just to say I totally agree with the gay fan service part in your ramblings, I feel like the fanbase only talks about this instead of the actual scenario and that’s really sad to see. I also appreciate the FMA reference as I always wished for GK, one of my favorites to get an ending as incredible (probably the best ever imo) as FMA. However, if we keep going with the manga comparisons, it does not ruin my whole appreciation of the manga like other « bad » endings did. Cant explain why but it surely will if « that ball in the head » happens to Ogata lol
Well, credits when it’s due, the fan service is loved in each fandom and OSugi or SugiO is a really popular pairing in this fandom so I get why they would talk about it. As I’m probably the only person in the fandom who doesn’t care with who Ogata or Sugimoto end up, for me it falls flat, especially in such a moment but I can see why others would totally love it.
“Fullmetal Alchemist” is absolutely awesome! It’s really too bad I got into it too late. If you’re still enjoying the story I’m happy for you, it’s bad when the story stop being enjoyable so I hope that it’ll never happen to you.
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Anonymous asked:
Wow... just fucking wow. I have no words to describe my emotions about what I saw. The fact that several important characters have been sacrificed in the name of the plot device to trigger a particular event, that one of the most clever characters who has survived a lot of shit is left as an imbecile waiting for Sugimoto to kill him because memes is something I don't know how I should process.
For me the problem is the story went in ‘easy mode’.
Characters can and will die in a story but in the endgame it’s usually not out of bad luck but because the enemy overpowered them in a hard struggle that’s why in the endgame you usually use the ‘hard mode’ because it makes their deaths painful but, at the same time, rewarding and more easy to accept.
Although they’re still sacrificed for the plot, they feel as part of it, and not victims of it, just used as devices to carry the story on. At least, that’s how I feel. We’ll see if this will carry on till the end or if Noda, in the last volume, will change things.
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Anonymous asked:
Quite sad that I went from waiting anxiously for the unfolding of the story and, especially, the characters, to simply ocasionally checking who died in an uncreative way. The decline has been undeniable since they arrived at Goryokaku. 310 ain't gonna be pretty. That being said, the journey was incredible.
Yeah, it’s sad how, to me, it felt as the story was going downhill and Goryokaku only made it even more evident. I wish we could have said goodbye to our beloved characters in a different way.
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@howtodestroyacharacter asked:
I've seen chapter 309 translated. If before I could have had some doubts about the fact that the character of Ogata was badly closed ... now I am sure. Now it would be nice to understand if the motivation is economic (the funders of the project as "anime" have not seen the desired results) or if over time the author has developed a personal annoyance towards this character. An end that is ridiculous. in the last few chapters Ogata has been: an idiot, a hallucinating madman, a poisoned lucid ...
I don’t think Noda hates Ogata, I think he has long planned this… but he hasn’t managed to develop it in a convincing manner. We know the story took various times different directions from the ones he originally planned… we’ve seen the canon incongruence like how the convicts started to kill each other after they escaped only no, wait, they all survived to the slaughter, even Ueji and Prisoner Number 1 who’re so weak and at the very best only 1 died but actually we’re not sure and his corpse was taken by… Wakayama? Really? Hijikata, Ushiyama, Sakamoto and Boutarou let him get away with one skin? Or the skin count which was messed up and even the OFFICIAL timeline listed facts in the wrong order, we’ve read the interviews in which he saw he changed some things and we’ve seen the differences between the magazines and the volumes but this is likely the tip of the iceberg. There are probably much more changes below but the result is they made less coherent the original plan and we ended up stuck with this, something that leaves open tons of questions, feels like a retcon and is just easy for the plot.
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Anonymous asked:
[1] To be really honest, i'm actually enjoying those last chapters, the only thing that really gets me worried here is... WHERE IS TANIGAKI? Honesty, i don't mind if Noda decide to kill him in the ending (even that he's my favorite character), but i can't accept that he died falling from the train with the gunshot. I still hope that he return someway so he can have a better ending, being death or alive. But honesty, if the last time that we're going see him is with that...
[2] But honesty, if the last time that we're going see him is with that scene where he was shot... There is also some other details that i wanted to see from other characters, but i guess it was things that i was with high expectations. But anyways, i'm still enjoying those last chapters... And i'll really miss GK when it ends (sorry for the long text)
Supposedly Tanigaki fell off the train after receiving a bullet in his back. If it went through it, it got to his intestines and Tanigaki will face a slow and painful death. If it stopped on its spine it might have broken him and he’s alive but paralyzed from his waist down. The bullet seems to have gone through him so Tanigaki should die a slow death but Tanigaki is Noda’s favourite so, who knows, maybe it manages to survive without any big damage and Noda has merely conveniently moved him out of the danger zone.
It’s great you’re enjoying the chapters, I wish I could do the same but, honestly, I can’t and I really didn’t expect this, to stop enjoying a manga I loved so much.
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@violentmaiden asked:
Rushed over here after reading chapter 310 and I just... there are just no words. It truly saddens me to see the direction Ogata took. Such an interesting character, I truly liked him through all the terrible stuff he has done.  I won't say more in case you read this before chapter 310 but I look forward to your reply when you do. I can almost here the boss music lol.
I’ve read chap 310. There’s not really boss music because at that point my expectations had dropped so much I didn’t care anymore and if Ogata has just slipped from the train, broken his head and had an explanatory death dream instead than an hallucination break up for me it would have been all the same. What can I say? Half of the mysteries that were built up around him weren’t explained but just ‘happened’ and Noda was in a rush to get rid of him so as to continue with the story but he has to protect Asirpa’s ‘purity’ and this happened. Whatever, let’s see if all this rush was at least worth getting to the final chapters.
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Anonymous asked:
Hello, I love what you do and reading every week what you think of each chapter with the "ramblings and crazy theory time", I've been following you for a while now. I was wondering if you had read the last 310 chapter that came out? I think that Noda has put in place some good ideas but there is this feeling of wanting to rush the story and it spoils the scenario a bit, I find it sad personally.
PS: I can't get over this last chapter
I read the last chapter and I agree with you. There are some good ideas he foreshadowed through the story, like Ogata actually feeling guilt toward Yuusaku’s death and this being the reason why we couldn’t see his face but ultimately it’s an easy way out to tell a story instead than show it and kill a character so the plot can go on without anyone of the main characters facing backlash for his death. But that’s it. We’ll see what Noda plans to do with Tsurumi.
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Anonymous asked:
Ueji Keiji did not die, he makes plot for Noda now. It is so disappointing we can only explain it like this.
I understand your feelings but I think the difference between Noda and Ueji is that Ueji disappointed people on purpose while Noda clearly miscalculated. Except for Conan Doyle there are hardly writers who would risk disappointing their fans that close to the end out of the fun of it. The success of “Golden Kamuy” will not only insure Noda income for the volumes, the anime and the gadgets tied to it but also it might be tied to him getting a better pay for his next manga. So really, I don’t think he displeased us on purpose. It’s his first endgame.
In “Supinamarada!” for his own admission, he messed up the start and so his story got discontinued and he used this mistake to make a better start for “Golden Kamuy”. From “Golden Kamuy” he’ll probably learn to make a better ending. We’ll see.
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@okapimstari asked:
This train reminds me of the "Train to Busan". They're all dead on it and all immortal as zombies. But seriously, what if this train is their personal hell? And then thanks to his guilt and the "ghost" Yuusaku Ogata was finally able to get out of there. I also think that Ogata is probably the first and only person in this story who committed suicide for the sake of suicide itself. Please, correct me if I forgot someone from other characters.
LOL, it would be interesting if they all were to turn into zombies now but yes, this is clearly meant to be a train to hell, a reference to Sugimoto’s catchphrase he’ll have VIP seats on it.
Well, the story had characters who wanted to die but they actually fought till the bitter end. We’ve Henmi, who wanted to be killed by Sugimoto but didn’t just made it easy for Sugi but made him work for it, Sekiya, who wanted to be struck down by God himself and again, didn’t make things simple for Hijikata and Kadokura at all and Youichirou, who yes wanted to die before his brain were to leave him, but still attempted to fight with Hijikata and only when he was fatally wounded stopped fighting.
If I’ve to search for something similar to what happened to Ogata the closest thing is, of course, post Karafuto, with Heita who, to stop his other bear personality from killing other people people, somehow manages to stop being controlled by his bear personality that much that was needed for him to deliberately trig the amappo into killing himself. And the reason he suffered of split personality is, apparently, because he wanted his family dead as they were greedy and wasted all the gold he collected and he was guilty of taking home and hiding where everyone slept the remains of the prey of a brown bear, which lead the bear to  came there and murder his own family except him, who was saved by the Ainu.  At least this was said in the changes in the volume version, the magazine version skipped how Heita caused a bear to come there and just said one day his wen kamuy killed his family.
Heita’s suicide was also pretty convenient because Heita was a good guy with mental problems who didn’t mean to harm anyone and it would have looked bad on Sugimoto if he had killed him, even if in self defense.
So yeah, I guess Heita too is meant to parallel Ogata, along with Ostrog and Ueji, at least in his death… in a fashion.
This is all for the asks.
What follows are replies to the messages left on individual post.
Replies to the ones who left messages on the post “Ramblings and crazy theory time about GK chap 309 “Bloodsoaked””
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@bearseark said:
Hey, i dont usually interact with people on this site, but i wanted to say ive really enjoyed your breakdowns, and found them very useful. I dont always agree with you, but it does show me the more intricate details of this story, and some of the failings. Tbh i had no expectations for this ending arc, just cause i couldn't even guess how this would end. Ive been enjoying it, and honestly im glad i experienced this story at all.
I’m glad you enjoyed my breakdowns and that they were of some use to you. Not agreeing is fine, it’s not like I own all the truths, sometimes I mess up interpretations rather badly. If you’re enjoying the story I’m happy for you! That’s great to enjoy a story and I only wish I could do the same with “Golden Kamuy”. Who knows, maybe the next chapters will surprise me. We’ll see.
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@deepfriedegg said:
The "something that's been bothering me for a while finally got resolved" is referring to chapter 187, when Ogata uses the same wording. So it is about the fact he's bothered by Asirpa's sense of morality and decision to not kill people, but now she has decided to kill him. As to why he "can't die quite yet", it's for his goal of leading the 7th division, which is why you see the panel of Tsurumi with the land deed. Pretty sure that's the explanation!
You might be totally be up on something, I wouldn’t have said it was a reference to chap 187 because for me, that something got solved in chap 188, when (by mistake) Asirpa shot him and Ogata grinned as if this was proof she too can kill and he has missed it was a mistake. But yeah, the wording is the same so, despite his grin, evidently he was still bothered. Thank you for your input!
And yeah, since later developments proved Ogata can’t have an ulterior reason, evidently he was really putting his trust into Tsurumi helping him out since the story retconned his distrust of Tsurumi. Tsurumi’s Tsurumisexuality made another victim. So yes, I’m willing to bet you’re right on this one too. So, again, thank you.
Replies to the ones who left messages on the post “Ramblings and crazy theory time about GK chap 310 “Blessed””
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@howtodestroyacharacter said:
Good evening. I found your analysis very interesting. I share the unpleasant feeling of Ogata's character's rapid closure with a literary artifice. Moreover, bringing the character out of his character. Compared to you, I fear that Ogata's death does not end with chapter 310. Golden Kamuy has shown us unlikely resurrections and I am afraid that Vasily, who we did not see die, may find him in agony and do something with him. I add that, as far as I understand, in t
The fun part is it seems Noda has used various convicts to parallel Ogata’s death, as if to prepare us to it, and if I realized it sooner I would have realized sooner as well it was going to be a trainwreck because Heita and Ueji and EXPECIALLY Ostrog didn’t really impress me much to say the least… and I would have preferred for him to prepare us less and work more on the whole thing instead. I’ve heard there’s this theory going around that Ogata might be still alive. I’m honestly not a believer but I might be wrong. With the way the story goes, for all we know it might turn Ienaga is actually still alive and will come to eat Ogata and Vasily both and then will acquire sniping abilities and be the one who shoot down Tsurumi. Just joking of course, I understand your fear but I don’t really feel up to think how Noda could make this worse... and I don’t think he wants to, if only for the sake of sales.
Replies to the ones who left messages on this ask
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@Grossmichel said:
Agree so hard w this
I’m glad you do!
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@artist-assassin​ said:
agreed. ogata has always been my fav and even though i could understand if he died in the end or didnt get a happy ending, it seems so ridiculous that he might die so early without clearing up ANY of the loose ends (of which there are many) surrounding his character. it almost seems like he went through a great character arc and then reverted back to his original self in the end :/
Yes, I get not everyone might care about the loose ends but there are fans who were interested and, if there were no plans for those loose ends to be developed it was better not to include them at all. In this way it seems they were just things that happened at random, without reason whatsoever. In short ‘easy mode’ again so that the plot could advance even when Noda didn’t know why the characters would come to act such way.
Also, I don’t want to think committing suicide in such situation could be a ‘happy ending’. It’s still a suicide just after a man has a mental break up. But whatever, it might be a cultural thing so people might disagree with me.
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@arsfantasia89​ said:
I agree so much with your analysis of this final arc. Plot wise there were too many easy conveniences & it definitely feels rushed. Ogata was such a complex & interesting character and this “train ride” is greatly disappointing. If he dies now and we are only left with the lame excuse he gave Tsurami, it will be a shame. Everyone’s death had an effect on Asirpa (turning to water) & yet we are supposed to smile like Sugimoto did that she may kill him? It feels conflicting. And I miss Hijikata :’(
Yes, Noda used to write much, much better in the first 20 volumes of the story. Ogata got simplified down, plot threads were left loose and he just conveniently removes himself from the plot just because so the characters won’t have to do it. And yeah, it’s really not a good thing Asirpa sacrificed her ideals and decided to kill and attempted to do so and then the story still protects her purity by causing Ogata to die by other means. Although she’s my other fave character, if she could aim at Ogata and shoot him with the intention to kill him, I would have preferred that she had succeeded than this.
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@next-futtture said:
Disagree completely, golden kamuy is a story driven by plot, just bc it focused on different characters it doesn't mean we should spend 10 chapters crying their death. We knew they would die, I adore them and some were my favs but I dont want senseless drama, I need to know who tf gets the gold.
Hum… I don’t know if you want a reply, so forgive me if this is not the case. Disagreeing is fine, of course, but I’m not sure where you read I wanted us to spend 10 chapters crying about their death or something similar? If you refer to the plot, I don’t know where you got this impression and sorry if I gave you it but I really don’t want this. If you refer to personal reactions everyone is free to mourn characters as much or as little as they want and I don’t really patrol their feelings. I don’t think anyone want SENSELESS drama, so you’re not alone in this, but people might have interest different by yours and not care about who gets the gold but about other things. It’s a matter of tastes and de gustibus non disputandum est.
And with this I hope I’ve replied to everyone?
Again sorry for my lateness and thank you for having shared your thoughts on those 2 chapters!
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This chapter is a bit longer... Apparently Toby has a lot to say about his past, so please check out the trigger warnings before continuing. Enjoy this interview chapter! It's gonna answer some questions for you. 🧡
Just finding this? This is chapter four! Here's a link to chapter one <3
Here's this chapters trigger warnings (it's a doozy, y'all): abuse, broken bones, murder, tragic back story heartbreak, emotional/mental abuse, mental health, kid getting hurt, mental torture, nightmares
The following are notes transcribed by the Coloeado Bureau of Investigation after they recovered a box of tapes found at the last known location of Tobias "Ticci Toby" Adams and his hostage turned wife, Grace Adams.
I didn't get the chance to speak with Toby until the next day. The rest of my shift went uneventfully, but I just couldn't quite get Toby alone. Sherry had decided to stick to me like glue, saying I was 'one of the good ones' and that she was going to try to keep me, so she was giving me in depth training. Toby and I had been proverbial ships in the night, passing by each other so closely, yet unable to establish contact. This continued all day until I went home.
That night had been long and not very restful. Who was Toby's master? What was he hearing when he cocked his head and stared into space? Why did he only acknowledge me in a room? I also wondered more personal things about Toby. What had happened to his family? What had he been through that would drive him to this point of mental decay? What color had his eyes been before the cataracts rendered them a milky blue?
When I finally drifted off to sleep upon waking from my nightmare, I was transported right back to the spot where the dream started. This cycle repeated all night.
These thoughts floated through my brain, like great, poisonous fish as I drifted through the dark ocean of fitful sleep. When I managed to finally doze off, I was pulled into a nightmare of me running, no, being chased, through foggy woods. Whenever I looked behind me, I saw nothing but the fog, but I was panicked just the same, feeling the need not run, but to RUN! My ears were ringing so loudly that it sounded like white noise from a TV set gone to static. Something white caught my attention. A note hanging from a tree. My hand closed around it and I jolted awake, sitting upright, breathing hard as if I really had been running for my life.
Still, I reported back to work bright and early the next morning and forced myself into cheerfulness with the aid of caffeine. Finally, the time for Toby's daily progress check came and I carried my recorder to his room.
Recording sessions and transcribing the recordings into notes later was easier than taking notes throughout the meeting. And hospitals required female nurses to either have a male staff member with them for one on one meetings with patients of the opposite sex, or proof that nothing unprofessional had happened during them. It was easier to turn the tapes over than try to remember everything said later.
"Toby?" I lightly knocked on his door while unlocking it and pushing it open.
"I'm here, Grace" Toby said from where he sat, legs crisscross, knees pulled to his chest on the end of his bed
I walked over and sat the recorder on his pillow and pressed record, then sat on the edge of the bed, between the recorder and Toby.
"Hello, Toby, how are you this morning?"
"I'm the same. Here."
"We're trying to help you, Toby."
"Maybe there is no help for me, Grace" he said, looking down.
"Maybe. Maybe not, though. How did you sleep?"
"I heard my Master's voice. He will come get me soon."
"Speaking of voices" I said, changing the subject again, wanting answers. "Sometimes it looks like you're listening to someone. Someone I can't hear or see. What do you hear?"
Toby smiled sadly, "I had a sister, Millie. One night, our stepfather was angry with me. We fought and Millie tried to protect me. So she got beaten too. I threw her Franks car keys and she got away. He followed her and she wrecked, but she survived. At least until Frank finished her off." Toby's expression was filled with hot embers of rage. It was burning him up, "But Millie is still with me."
"So you're hearing Millie."
Toby gave me a look "I know how it sounds."
"What does Millie have to say?"
"She tells me to trust you," he said with his eyes squeezed shut, "that you're not like the others. That you're real."
A thought came to me and I voiced it, "That's why you pay attention to only me. The others are there. You see them. But they don't matter. They aren't real."
"Yes" Toby whispered, a tremor starting in his right hand. Tourette's symptoms, at least motor ones, tend to equalize a little after thirty. Toby's tics had probably been much worse when he was younger, plus the medication regimine the hospital had him on helped.
Toby took a deep breath, and it sounded annoyed as he stared at his hand and willed it to still. I waited until he repressed whatever tic had been about to start.
"Did your stepfather abuse the two of you often?"
Toby nodded, and then realized the recorder couldn't hear him nod his head, "Yeah. Right from the beginning. Mom brought him by when she forgot something on date. We were playing Mario Kart and Millie let slip that we still had homework to do before bed. He got angry then and lectured us, said he wouldn't allow that kind of behavior once he was our father. We knew, even then, that mom had gotten us into trouble." I watched Toby's face throughout the retelling, and saw how he felt in those moments. Uncertain. Vulnerable. "I wasn't a popular kid either. I was a loner. No one wanted to be friends with the kid who threw his books and papers into the air while yelling, or randomly shook out his backpack. I had Millie, and one friend, Jimmy Crothers. And a lot of bullies. Frank started beating me at home because Mom coddled me and my CIP. And I was rebellious, got in a lot of fights. But Frank started hurting Millie in front of me when he realized I really couldn't feel pain. He hurt her to hurt me. We were stuck because mom was too weak to stand up to him, to send him away." His brow furrowed as unshed tears glistened in his eyes. It was painful to watch and listen to, but Toby was opening up, and I didn't want to stop that. "After Millie left, when the police were there to fill out a report, I got Frank arrested for the beating he gave Millie and me. Mom told me that Frank had found Millie in his Camero, which had slid into the river to be washed away. My Master showed me the truth later. What I told you. That Frank killed Millie. That he came and got mom and Mom helped him bury her in the dirt floor of our basement. But I didn't know that then. But Mom was a wreck while Frank was in jail, always drinking screwdrivers and refusing to talk to me. I spent a lot of time at the Crothers' and his dad was like a real father to me. I never knew my real father. He left Mom before she even knew she was having me, but I think she blamed me anyway. I know she wished she'd never had me. She told me so. Her trying to miscarry me probably caused a lot of my problems. Most definitely the CIP. My nerve endings, the peripheral ones, came out deformed, and they can't carry the impulses that tell me something is hurting me." He chuckled then, a dry, self depreciating sound, and I waited patiently for more information to come spewing from him like a geyser.
"When I was a little kid, in preschool, I was playing on the monkey bars. I lost my grip and fell and landed wrong. I knew something wasn't right, even though it didn't hurt." An odd, crooked smile began creeping across Toby's face, "I limped up to the teacher and as soon as she saw me, she called an ambulance. I had broken my pelvis in two places, Grace." And he let the weight of that sink in.
I raised my eyebrows. He'd meant for me to be impressed, and I was. But, "It must have been hard to grow up with CIP. It must have been harder to hear your mother say such awful things about you."
Toby's eyes were even more full of tears and he covered his mouth for a second, wiping at his lips. My heart broke for four year old Toby and his broken pelvis, not hurting, but knowing something was definitely wrong.
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"It was. I had no one to go to. Jimmy was missing. And my mother drunkenly informed me that she had told Mr. Crothers that she thought I had something to do with it. She was still angry with me for putting Frank n jail, so she took the only comfort I had left. My Master really started trying to reach me then. When he finally came through, he showed me the truth. Showed me where they'd buried her in the basement. And I dug her up with my bare hands. My knuckles we bleeding and I had some sort of delirium. For the first time in my life, I felt pain. All the pain everyone had caused Millie, every hit, every kick, every broken bone I'd ever had. I felt it all, all at once, and it broke my mind." He tapped his temple with a long, scarred finger, "Made a home for my Master. And when Frank got home, I killed him. Mom came in and started screaming 'What have you done, Toby?' over and over, but what had she done?!"
That rage came over Toby again, burning in his wet, cloudy eyes. "She let this man come into our lives, lives we were happy in, and let him abuse us. She ignored it. She knew Frank killed Millie and she helped him hide her body!" Toby was yelling, but the next was quiet. "She told me she wished I'd never been born when I had her husband put in jail so I could live in safety."
Professionalism was the last thing on my mind as I took Toby into my arms. He clung to me like a child as he cried, but I wouldn't have known he was crying if I hadn't felt his tears through the shoulder of my scrub top and against my neck, where he buried his face. I whispered quiet words of comfort to him, sitting on the side of his bed, rubbing his back and the back of his chestnut colored hair, which was fluffy and soft.
Finally, Toby pulled away, face slightly pink from crying and embarrassment. I used my thumb to wipe away the only tear he'd missed, and remembered one last question that had dogged my tired mind last night.
"Toby, what color were your eyes? Before the cataracts?"
An odd look came from Toby, like he was surprised you had thought about it, "The same as my dad's. Mom and Millie had the prettiest blue eyes, like electric cornflowers. But mine were this weird tannish orange color."
I pictured it in my mind, "Like honey."
He thought for a minute and then smiled, a crooked, goofy grin. "Yeah like honey if light were behind it. I'd never thought of it that way, or maybe I wouldn't have always hated them. But they're blue now", another self disparaging laugh.
"Maybe you didn't like being different from your mom and Millie?" I suggested softly.
A considering look, "Yeah, that's got to be it."
"Toby, you said that your Master contacted you. That he's coming for you." I turned my head to cough and Toby flinched, as he had every time he heard me cough yesterday, "Yes." An odd calm came over him.
"Did he have anything else to say?"
"No. No, yes. He agreed with Millie, apparently, 'Trust Grace. She will care for you.'"
I sat in numb shock for a moment, my organs liquifying and pooling in my sneakers.
"Grace, are you okay?" Concern graced Toby's face and I noticed he fidgeted nervously with his medical mask with long, thin fingers. He'd never had it on, almost like he only covered up when he knew he would be around people who weren't "real".
I wasn't sure how I had earned the designation of "real", knowing Millie was only a product of his schizophrenia. But I was thankful for her.
"Yeah," I replied, "Just tired. I didn't sleep too great last night."
Toby's face only grew more worried, "No?"
"No. I kept having this recurring nightmare. I was running from something in the woods. It was foggy and I had a piece of paper in my hand. If I looked back, I saw nothing, but I knew I was being chased. My ears were ringing. Static. I grabbed a note from a tree and then, I'd wake up. But whenever I'd go back to sleep, I'd get dropped right back where I started. Or left off?"
Toby held himself carefully, trying to give nothing away, but Icould tell he had a more than average interest in my dreams. "Did you ever read the paper? What did it say? Or was it not that kind of dream?"
"Yeah. It had 'No Escape' written in black, scribbled block letters, all caps. With circles with x's drawn thrown them."
Toby closed his eyes, and if possible, looked a little more pale. "I was worried about this, Grace... I think my Master sees some potential in you."
"Potential for what?"
"To be one of His proxies."
My stomach did its melting trick again and my blood pressure dropped. I swayed through a flash of lightheadedness. Toby's hand steadied me and he said softly, "Yeah, it's a lot to take in."
I checked my watch and see that Toby's monologue had taken up the hour. Time for exercise hour was drawing near. I reached out and hit 'stop' on the recorder.
I nodded numbly, taking my turn to sit criss cross with my knees hugged to my chest. Toby put a comforting arm around me and I let his spicy, woodsy smell ground me. I was certain that just had to be his natural scent. Hospitals don't use soaps that smell like that.
"What do I do?" I asked Toby, studying his face for some sort of hint, or confidence, anything to make me feel better.
Unfortunately, his thin face with eyes that used to be honeyed held nothing but confusion and worry too. "I don't know" he answered honestly, "But, I'll take care of you. Since you're taking care of me."
Okay. So Toby had my back. For what? Inflation caused that to be the sixty four billion dollar question, instead of the normal measly sixty four thousand. And neither of us knew the answer.
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bending-sickle · 2 years
For the 'Weird questions for writers' ask, bc I liked that one: 3, 11, 22, 32, 40. (I know you're away at the moment, so I'm not expecting you to get to this one soon!)
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed? - tucked away in bed with the laptop at night while everyone is asleep. cursed because i, too, would like to be asleep. i also tend to reread a good few pages of Previously On... to get the brain back into proper gear, which eats away at my writing time.
(back when i had a working ipad but not a working [read: non-flammable] laptop, i'd write in the notes app with no line breaks ever. this was double-cursed but resulted in great workflow.)
11. Do you believe in the old advice to “kill your darlings?” Are you a ruthless darling assassin? What happens to the darlings you murder? Do you have a darling graveyard? Do you grieve? - not really. wanton murder of characters for the sake of killing them and not because the plot Requires it seems a bit much. but if the story needs it? kill them dead and make it count.
i'm not quite that ruthless, or i wasn't last time i thought about Required Character Death, back when i was writing a Time novel* and considered killing one darling. i couldn't do it. i wanted a properly happy ending, damnit. (but then again, i did write into being a character as Already Dead and then fleshed him out with flashbacks into a Real Proper Character and i felt so bad about him always being dead. sorry, kid.)
...hang on, i just googled the thing and:
You kill your darlings when you decide to get rid of an unnecessary storyline, character, or sentences in a piece of creative writing—elements you may have worked hard to create but that must be removed for the sake of your overall story.
in that case... sometimes i do surgical removal, sometimes i do rewriting and absorption. mainly for sentences, paragraphs, imagery... once a whole scene that never really vibed (i have it saved in a document, a.k.a. scene purgatory). i also have a lot of dialogue and even whole scenes written out in notes or fully-fleshed-out form that i try to include into the main text but if it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. they might get a showing as a "deleted scene" at the end of the story, or if i can rewrite them, keeping some elements or turns of phrase, then great.
i don't do it for storylines or characters, because i weigh that as i write, generally. (or, as i'm doing now, i write an AU of the Established Story once it's done and go hogwild. everyone dies now and it's all horrible, woohoo!)
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud? - when it's short-form, i just write it out in one sitting. for long-form, like with the AU of the Time novels, i have:
word documents of scenes, snippets, and ideas written years ago, in vague chronological order. i would love to have these printed out so i can move them around and get a good grasp of what's going on but, alas.
word document of current work (now divided into 50-pages-each documents because it was starting to get too big) with scene breaks. chapter breaks and titles to be added upon posting.
word document with current snippets and ideas in bullet points, some colour-coded to group same events together
notebook with scenes, snippets, and ideas, which are transcribed into the main text or the notes document when they're being incorporated into the story
old receipts with snippets and ideas kept by the bed, scribbled in the dark, to be transcribed into the notebook
my brain, with swiss-cheese memory of good bits i need to write down because it all goes away forever
very many tabs open during Actual Writing, mostly involving the thesaurus and dictionary, and so many google searches where i try to find out what Obscure Thing is called (car engines and gun parts, my beloathed) as well as some maps.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you? - if we're talking fanfic, there's only one line that has been seared into my brain since...2002, i think:
At his first thrust, Obi-Wan opened to him as if welcoming him home.
^ Darth Maul vs. His Imagination by Darth Grey over on The Sith Academy
i found it while reading the entire Sith Academy archive during my "zomg Darth Maul ngh yiss" era. Context is Lovers Reunited After Separation (with bonus Repressed Emotions) and, i don't know why, that second half hit me in the feels and just never let go. something about love and finding home in other people and physical expression and *gestures vaguely* it still comes to mind a lot.
if we're talking poem, then living rent-free in my brain since...mid 2000s (?) is the line:
If it cries to you that it hurts, / if you can, / ease its pain.
^ "Instructions" by Neil Gaiman
which i probably came across in his blog. it just, as the kids say, vibes with me. (or rather, it's how i try to live. that if line is important, though.)
if we're talking novel then...i got nothing. (aside from dearly wishing to erase the extremely visceral sensation that reading a passage of Khaled Hosseini's A Thousand Splendid Suns produced. it's where a character is forced to chew rocks until her molars break. because it's been years and i can still feel it.)
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
"The Purple Cow" (1895) by Gelett Burgess:
I never saw a Purple Cow, / I never hope to see one, / But I can tell you, anyhow, / I'd rather see than be one!
*series of novels i wrote for NaNoWriMos.
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ganymedesclock · 4 years
I absolutely love your Hollow Knight headcanons, and I have a question because I'm curious what your thoughts on this are: do you have any headcanons about Lemm? What's his deal, where did he come from? Furthermore, how do you think the interaction would go if he ended up meeting Quirrel at some point?
Hollow Knight is one of those exciting SpIn franchises for me where if I don’t have headcanons about a particular character I’ll string ‘em together pretty quickly because I just like the world that much.
Lemm, incidentally, I have thought about! So I’ll just toss out a sorta randomized tasting platter here under the cut.
Lemm offhandedly mentions other relic seekers but rather than a scholarly order he suggests they’d be jealous of him or compete with him, so he clearly has peers. He also tells Ghost that if they want to move into the City of Tears he’d prefer they pick an empty building AWAY from the one he’s taken over.
He’s shown to be finicky, obstinate, and argumentative- possibly other relic seekers are closer to each other than they are to him- but even when he really, really wants something from Ghost, he’s fair with them, and he is honest with them about how much each is worth. (He doesn’t try to con you on the arcane eggs, and is sincere about how much it means to him.) He also seems to actually enjoy Ghost as an audience, and like talking about it. The description for the Void Idol suggests that Ghost potentially hangs around Lemm and learns from him more than we necessarily ‘see’ in canon.
I interpret Lemm as a wholly mundane sort of bug, no magical aptitude, but as someone who is quite brawny and physically powerful. I just like the idea that in some kind of modern supernatural AU he’d be the ostensible normal everyman keeping up, frustratedly, with all of this mystical stuff happens but then they get ambushed by a zombie and Lemm just lays it out. Overall this guy’s about as much of a desk jockey as Indiana Jones- he mentions doing long treks through the city avoiding husks.
So, to spin what I imagine might be a probable backstory; he seems less like someone who’s accustomed to loneliness or isolation, but rather someone who seeks it out. Possibly grew up in a big family with a lot of siblings, or otherwise a very rowdy environment where he felt like not much room was made for his interests and passions and him having things the way he wants them. Isolation alone doesn’t make him happy, though he seems the type to insist he is (not after neighbors, and all)- really, more than anything, he wants to be listened to and feel like someone is paying attention to him, I think.
He seems to be highly educated and may be something of an elitist snob about it at first glance, but, again, feeding into a kind of defensiveness.
Possibly his interest in history is a kind of compassion? He seems obsessed with the Hollow Knight and the identity of the Five Great Knights, so his own fear of being forgotten (?) / resentment at being overlooked may be something he tries to extend to others. He seeks those who were obscured by history. He’s more cynical about the Pale King than he is about the knights, but even then, he talks about the King’s Idols like he wonders who that person was, as well.
So, yeah, I like this mental image- young Lemm coming from an aristocratic family (his character colors match those of the aristocrat husks) but an overlooked ‘middle child’ too far from the inheritance to feel like he mattered much and entering some kind of major academia institution to prove himself and seek acclaim, only to become irritated and disillusioned with that / in part make enemies for his argumentative personality- and then putting everything he had on his back and heading to Hallownest because he’s out of patience with it all.
Which leads me to... Quirrel.
Quirrel is a living relic and he is an overlooked witness to an erased chapter of Hallownest’s history- the fate of the three Dreamers, and, through them, the Hollow Knight. He’s a key witness to the exact subject of Lemm’s obsession and a record who was not really purged, even if the pieces are in disarray, and wander in and out of his recollection.
Unfortunately rather than a tablet or archive Lemm can pour over and delve into with all of his skills, Quirrel is a person with feelings and opinions, and some of them are that, as an academic, Quirrel has a very different stance to Lemm. 
Quite simply, Quirrel’s perspective seems far more transformative than curatorial. He emphasizes seeing things with new eyes and open awe. He’s happy that he forgot much of himself, even for a time, that he could experience it all new again. The past should serve the future. This seems to be a mentality he shared with Monomon, who when she herself is ‘the past’, is actively motivated and seeks to disable her protections and help Ghost end her life in order to ensure a future- the very reason she became a Dreamer in the first place.
Quirrel’s entire story is about letting go. I don’t personally read his conclusion as an act of suicide, but rather, the symbolic death of Quirrel the Archivist- the last tie he had to his former life. So he plants his nail on the shores of the lake, and leaves to be a new person- to see what comes next with new eyes. He cared about Monomon too much to not carry her with him, to not come back to see her off, but with that done, what he did as part of this ancient magical kingdom really doesn’t matter to him anymore. The people he cared about are gone. He’s going to look forwards and move on.
Assuming he encounters Lemm specifically after this point, this would scientifically speaking drive Lemm up the fucking wall.
Quirrel doesn’t tell and Lemm usually doesn’t ask but that idiosyncratic habit of just spouting off knowledge of ancient worlds and people and shrugging it off, like, well, that’s an interesting anecdote isn’t it! and Lemm is just, no, come back here you bastard don’t depart on a tangent about wrought iron infrastructure this is my lifework we’re talking about.
It’d be a certain amount of comedy but in another sense they have great potential to learn from each other. Quirrel very much surrenders unto the flow in many ways- which is powerful in that it’s probably protected him from the plague for a long time, his ability to let go rather than being tempted down dangerous paths by stray dreams- but, also, it’s clear from his voice and body language that losing Monomon cost him more than he wants to examine; his willingness to move on might be him being a bit dismissive about his own grief.
Lemm, meanwhile, has maybe spent his entire life up to this point doubling down so hard that he’s broken friendships, estranged family, and pissed off colleagues. This stuff has to matter. Someone has to listen to him. He has to know who these people are that disappeared off into the world because it isn’t just as good as they weren’t there! They knew things! They changed things! They did SOMETHING and if no one else wrote it down, he guesses that’s his job! It’s the only way he knows how to care about things.
So Quirrel lets go a little too much, including things he’s not actually over, and Lemm clings to things to such a degree that it seems to have driven him to isolation, even when he’s happier with someone to talk to about his work.
Also one of them’s a samurai and the other’s a self-taught pugilist who isn’t above cracking some skulls and shells with weighty antiques so if you happen to end up on the wrong end of both of them at the same time, heaven help you. 
Possibly, at some point, Quirrel concedes the Madam probably wouldn’t have wanted her archive to rot when the living could make use of it and starts a transcribing project and Lemm goes absolutely fucking ape.
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angelanimedesaray · 3 years
Through the Looking Glass Chapter 9:  April
AN:  I’m getting ahead of the question now and stating that in this world, AOT isn’t an anime (Poor souls). So no, the Reader isn’t going to become omnipotent to Levi’s life/world.
They did not binge this in one day.  The first round, for sure they did, but it was a little broken up in spurts.  For the sake of brevity, considering this was already going to be a long chapter, I cut out all the flickering back and forth and just focused on their Movie Nights and them watching the show.
It might feel a weird mix of rushed and long, because they’re watching the entirety of Your Lie In April, but I wasn’t going to transcribe the whole show, so there’s a lot of summarizing and cutting things out and highlighting certain pieces, but its still long because there’s a LOT to cover.
Also because of how emotional this chapter is actually going to be, I want to just remind...that Levi is like, mid teens, and hasn’t gone through much of the stuff that adult Levi has been through, so in my mind, that justifies a bit more of a REACTION for some of this stuff.  But he’s still Levi, and he’s still going to be reserved and such, just...not as controlled as Adult Levi.
This whole chapter is like one big lead up to the next chapter, funnily enough. XD
Also got to listen to “Constellation” by Far Out feat. Karra on repeat writing this.  It felt so fitting!
I’m putting quotes from Your Lie in April in italics with quotes and an indent like this, so its clear that they came from the show.  Levi’s thoughts/memories will just be in italics, no indention .
Characters:  Levi, Reader
Pairing:  (Eventual Levi x Reader)
Word Count:  10994
<----Previous Chapter    Masterlist    Next Chapter---->
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*Levi’s POV*
At long last, Y/N was finally going to show him those movie, show things she kept talking about.  He knew plays and acting and putting on an act, but the concept of a show that was saved so you could watch it whenever you wanted without having to make people do it over and over was novel to him.
Boisterously proclaiming that it was going to be a “Movie Night” day, she’d grabbed his hand and dragged him after her like she’d used to do when they were young, despite his protests.  To be fair, he didn’t try too hard to wiggle away, either, letting her pull him along to the living room as she fussed and tried to decide what they were going to watch.
After all of her attempts to explain what a movie or TV show was, she decided that the best way to explain it to him was just to show him, though she still had to stop and explain the type of show they were watching.
“Okay, so what I’m showing you right now, is actually called an anime.  It’s a type of animation from a country called Japan, and it’s made from computers or hand drawn.  They draw the story, picture by picture, and put it together to make the characters and such move, with actors doing their voices and recording it in time with the pictures, sound effects like bells and wind also being saved, background music, so on and so forth,” she explained as she cut up pieces of paper and layered them on top of each other, pulling out a pencil and drawing a circle on each page, moving its position slightly each time.  “See, if you do it frame by frame, and then move it really fast, it's like the ball is bouncing--animation, and anime, works off the same concept, except they’re drawing everything,” she continued to explain, grabbing the bottom page and then letting the papers rapidly spring free, causing Levi to see the ball she drew appear to move along the page, even though he knew it was a bunch of individual drawings going by rapidly.
“They draw a solid background that doesn’t move, and then they add another layer on top that you can see through like glass, but they draw the moving parts on that layer, so it looks like they’re in the solid background and they’re walking and whatnot.  It’s really cool--makes me wish I could draw,” she continued, putting aside the papers she’d used for her demonstration and picking up the controller so she could get them started, gesturing for Levi to take a seat on the couch.  “I haven’t seen this one yet, but a friend recommended I watch it cause I love music, and I play the piano, and she said it was a really good coming of age story.  I’m a little wary cause she said she wanted my reaction to the end, but she usually suggests stuff I love, so I’m gonna trust it,” she continued to babble as the screen lit up with colors and pictures like a computer screen, most of it nonsensical to Levi as she shifted rapidly past most of it looking for the specific show.
She stopped on something extremely colorful, blues and yellows and pinks and reds in vibrant color with four drawn people lying in what looked like the sky, and she abruptly turned to face him.  “Are you okay with having to read what they say?  The original is in a different language, so it’ll have subtitles at the bottom translating what they say.  There are other versions where they redid the speaking parts in different languages, but I really like listening to the original--I feel like it really gets the emotions across because it's so well done.”
Levi hesitated for a moment, contemplating her offer of putting it in a language they understood or keeping the original and having to read what they were saying.  Eventually, he just shrugged.  “Whichever you want.”
“Subtitles it is,” she said, turning back to the TV and messing with a few things before she finally started the show, coming over to sit by him on the couch.  He was sitting normally, his ankle propped up on his leg with one arm resting against the back of the couch, the other lying casually in his lap.  Y/N, however, sat directly beside him, his arm behind her shoulders and her side pressed slightly against his, causing Levi to glance at her, mind flashing back to how she’d sat at the piano with him not too long ago.  She wasn’t even glancing at him, though, gradually relaxing next to him like a kitten curling up to get warm, her eyes fixed on the colorful display that was now on the TV.
Turning his attention back to the TV, Levi studied the images in front of him, a cheerful bit of piano music fluttering towards them as vibrant and colorful images of a girl chasing a black cat moved seamlessly across the screen, much smoother than the quickly drawn bouncing ball Y/N had put together to describe what they would be watching.
If she was trying to sneak a peak of his reaction, she would catch his eyes had widened at the vibrant colors and amazing detail, the realistic sounds that came through and made him want to check and see if the piano behind them was being played, or there were people hiding somewhere making the character’s voices and singing the song as the scene suddenly shifted to what Y/N described to him as an intro, a quick prologue of sorts that set the tone of the show.  Thankfully, however, she’d already explained to him that the sounds were done beforehand, recorded and somehow stored so it would be repeated to the images on the screen as they watched.
It was a little...outside his realm of understanding, how it all worked, and he had the sneaking suspicion he’d just have to accept that it just was and he needed to sit back and try to enjoy it.  That was how a show was supposed to work, right?  And that was exactly what Y/N seemed to be doing.
As she had warned him, the characters were speaking an entirely different language, so Levi couldn’t understand what was being said on its own.  Thankfully, there were the subtitles to translate, Levi’s gaze flickering between reading the small letters to looking at the colorful screen to see what was happening, trying not to get too caught up in the details he didn’t understand, like the games the kids were playing, and how different the environment was even to what he saw in Y/N’s world.
At least the basic stuff he could easily make sense of--the main character was obviously the quiet and reserved, black haired, blue eyed pianist Kousei, and the characters were around Levi and Y/N’s age.  The point of the story wasn’t clear yet, but she’d explained this was going to be episodic--it would be played like chapters in a novel, stopping at the end of a chapter before they would have to start the next one.  So it might be a while before he started catching that.  Right now, they were meeting characters, finding out their relationship to one another and getting hints at the history between them all.
Like the fact that Kousei lived alone because his father was absent, and his mother was deceased.  She’d succumbed to illness when he was still young.  That alone had the stirrings of empathy settling in Levi’s chest for the main character.  He couldn’t relate to the abuse, but the desire to make her better, that somehow he could do something to make her feel better did resonate.  It made him listen to their conversations a bit more, since he already had a foothold and something relatable.
Once he started drawing comparisons to the story unfolding in front of him, he couldn’t stop noticing them.
“The moment I met him, my life changed.  Everything I saw, heard, and felt.  All the scenery around me started to take on color.  The whole world began to sparkle.”
A world of monotone, devoid of color, until he meets a certain vibrant youth who brings a sudden rush of color and life into the world around her, dragging Kousei in by the hand--as if he could ever resist the force of nature she was.
Hm.  He wondered who that reminded him of.
He didn’t even notice when the “chapter” ended and the next started, his gaze flickering subtly towards Y/N on the couch beside him, appearing just as taken by the story as he already was.
However, this new chapter did bring about new questions, and was a bit closer to his grasp of understanding after watching Y/N play music for so long.
“Do you ever do competitions?” Levi asked as the characters walked around the competition and the history Kousei had at this specific building was teased, easily able to see that there was a piano on the stage despite it being a violin competition.  Surely if there were competitions for violins, there were for pianos?
She shook her head, chewing slightly on her lower lip as she answered him.  “No way--I play piano for myself and a few people.  I’m not looking to make a career of it or become famous for it.  Not to mention, I don’t think I’m cut out for competitions.  There’s a lot of pressure, and they’re really strict about playing the pieces exactly how they were originally written.  I want to play the piano how I feel, and that’s not always by paying attention to how it's written on the sheet.”
“And violins?  What are they like?” he asked.  He hadn’t seen or heard a violin yet, and was curious to hear what they would sound like.
“They’re a string instrument--portable, small.  Really beautiful, too--they’re my second favorite instrument.  They usually pair wonderfully with pianos--I’m pretty sure it’s common for a piano to accompany a violin in shows and competitions.”
Levi hushed with his questions again as the scenes playing out on the TV continued to unfold and the first violin performer took the stage, Levi hearing the light and lively music of the violin for the first time, the same song being performed over and over by the nondescript and nameless musicians on the stage in the show.
Beside him, Y/N was slowly tilting her head side to side as she listened to the music being played, eyes fixed on the screen.  She must have felt almost in her element watching this, while Levi felt a bit more like Tsubaki, not understanding a lot of the names and such that were being thrown around by the characters in discussion, but still there to enjoy it nonetheless.  When Kousei was tapping his fingers on the armchair to the piano music, Levi’s gaze flickered to Y/N to see if she was doing something similar, since she seemed focused on the music as well.  It wasn’t as precise as Kousei, maybe she wasn’t playing every note in her head, but her fingers were lightly tapping against her legs like she wanted to be playing the keys on the piano.
Then came Kaori’s first performance.
Watching, Levi felt a familiarity in the girl’s intensity, once again reminded of the girl sitting next to him, who seemed to throw herself into every aspect of life around her--at least compared to him.  There was a tension in the air, a feeling that this was going to be much different than the music they’d been hearing up until this point.  Even Y/N had stilled next to him, eyes riveted to the girl on the screen.
The first notes were shocking.  After listening to Y/N play the piano for so long, even his unprofessional, inexperienced ear could hear the shift in the sound, and how rich and deep it suddenly was.  Beside him, Y/N shifted into a more upright position, eyes suddenly lighting up and sparkling as she leaned forward, her breath catching.  The ripple through the audience wasn’t just in the show, but in reality, as the two of them on the couch suddenly focused entirely on Kaori’s performance.
The girl’s eyes flashed on screen, and the music suddenly leapt to life before them, making his own heart seem to pound a little faster, the sounds pleasant and uplifting to his ears, making him restless in a good way.  It sounded similar to when Y/N played the piano with him that one day, not necessarily in skill, but in the life and emotion that was in it.
Like Y/N, Kaori was pouring herself into her playing, she shone brightly through in the piece, made like it was pulling back a curtain to reveal a part of her soul.  Kousei even said as much, stating that Kaori was making the piece hers and hers alone.
The performance ended, and Y/N suddenly grabbed his arm with a squeal.  “That was awesome!  I’m going to have to find a recording of that!” she said breathlessly.  Her excitement was infectious, and almost prompted Levi towards a smile as they slowly settled back onto the couch, the story progressing in front of them.
She was such a stark contrast to the black haired youth in front of her, the whirlwind to his reserved personality, but even she would show flashes of vulnerability, for his eyes only, it seemed.  And he did what he could to hide what he could in order to protect her, without her ever knowing, probably.
Wait, was he still thinking about Kaori and Kousei?
Levi shook his head, focusing back on what was happening, reading Kousei’s contemplations about how he could still hear the refrain of the music Kaori played in the competition he witnessed, over and over.
Levi’s fingers tapped slightly against the back of the couch and in his lap, barely tapping out the melodies for the song they’d played on the piano the other day, music he heard even when he was alone with his thoughts in his own world, still able to feel her fingers aligned with his, guiding him through each key.  He’d find himself tapping them out in rare moments of idleness, like he was still clinging to the memory of the sound even if he didn’t have a piano in his world.
Y/N shifted entirely back to her relaxed position against Levi’s side, head brushing briefly against his shoulder and making his skin tingle where the brief contact had been, his stomach squirming.
Kaori dragged poor Kousei around everywhere, usually into situations far out of his comfort zone, and far more aggressively than a certain someone sitting beside him.  However, it seemed like more often then not, those situations were wonderful places that he wouldn’t have found or experienced on his own.
She brought color to his monochrome life.
Where he was hidden in shadows, she was cast in light, and she didn’t hesitate to pull him into the sun.
”I know you’re broken and beat up, but I want you.  I choose you.  I want you here.”
The beginning chapters seemed to fly by quickly, with Kaori pushing Kousei more and more, and beside Levi, Y/N seemed to be slowly wiggling closer to him.  Was it intentional?  Did she realize she was doing it?  He did--he seemed hypersensitive to every motion, yet he didn’t pull away, didn’t even twitch.  He stayed still, like sudden movement might frighten her away as easily as a stray cat.
As intriguing as the events on the screen were--and he was taking in the information, such as how Kousei used to have a black cat, how he couldn’t hear the sound of the piano after his mother died and quit piano directly afterwards, important stuff like that--Levi’s thoughts kept wandering as he watched.
He thought of how beautiful the trees with the pink petals were, how breathtaking every scene with them was, and how prominently they seemed to feature in every scene that had something meaningful going on.  Y/N called them cherry blossom trees.  He wanted to see one.  What would it look like?  What would the scene be if he stood under one with her?
Before he knew it, Kaori had cornered Kousei into accompanying her on the piano, and they were rushing towards another performance.  Anticipation stirred in the air between him and Y/N, both of them wondering how this piece would sound, considering Kousei had already been framed as a child prodigy on the piano, and they knew Kaori was breathtaking.  What would it sound like when they played together?  Levi worried about how it would turn out, how Kousei seemed to be unraveling in front of them just before they went up on stage.
Before Kaori gave him a literal smack to get him out of his own head.
As lighthearted and carefree as she seemed to be, every now and then, she would drop these little petals of wisdom.
Levi’s gaze flickered to Y/N again.
Her eyes would shift from a sparkle that almost seemed naive to a depth he hadn’t expected to see, and she’d say something that seemed beyond her years.
“Go on a journey.  A man away from home need feel no shame.”
“Natural.  Bizarre.  It’s like this girl herself is the journey with no clear destination.”
“You’re Freedom Itself.”
The couple took the stage.  The song started out slow, sensual, peaceful.  It reminded him slightly of the song Y/N taught him.
Before, predictably, Kaori brought her wild, fast paced playing back, bringing liveliness to the performance.  It started beautifully, but just as the music seemed to portray some kind of descent, Kousei lost sense of the notes, the sound distorted even for them, listening, as if they were Kousei, only able to faintly hear Kaori while the rest sounded muffled, strangled out by water.  When they were allowed to hear the sound again, it was off, it sounded harsh and jarring, out of sync.  Not at all pleasant.
Considering the earlier mentioned problems, he should have known this wasn’t going to be a perfect and completely enjoyable performance.  It was grating, and while he understood the emotional significance of seeing Kousei give up halfway through, his ears were a little grateful by that point.
The surprise was seeing Kaori stop as well.  He’d thought perhaps something would urge Kousei to start playing again, but he hadn’t expected Kaori to stop in the process.  Beside him, Y/N seemed to be biting on her thumbnail, her brows furrowed as she watched the screen in concern, a frown on her face, leg shifting restlessly around on the couch as she suddenly curled closer to Levi, directly against his side, oblivious to the surprised look he shot her because she was so focused with what was happening on the screen.
“Maybe there’s only a dark road up ahead.  But you still have to believe and keep going.  Believe that the stars will light your path, even a little bit.”
Kaori began to play again, the sound of just the violin playing on its own sounding lonely and out of place, especially when he knew there should be a piano playing with it.  All they needed was for Kousei to play again.  Would he?  No excuses, Kaori needed his support, and Levi found himself silently judging Kousei, mentally pushing him to help her, to play, because that was what she needed from him.
”So what was it that you saw in me?”
“But you have me!  Look up, and look at me.  Look at me.”
Kousei starting to play again was a relief, even if it wasn’t quite right at first.  After a bit of inner reflection, some time where they spent listening to the underwater sounds, it all faded away, and a soft scene of a mother and son filled the screen.  The mother’s softly sung lullaby was soothing, and as it shifted to a scene of the sky, Levi’s eyes widened at the brilliant beauty it was, the range of color, of blues and whites and even some purples and pinks.  How it sparkled and shimmered, stirring up emotions he didn’t know he’d buried somewhere inside him as he suddenly felt small again, curled up in a nest of soft warmth, staring out a small window up towards the sky high above him for the first time, gazing in wonder at the stars and moon that glittered high above him.
Words from one of the many times Y/N had played the piano for him drifted to his mind.  How she had perceived her music had struck some kind of chord with him, even if he wasn’t saying anything--even when he realized he had no words to describe what he was feeling listening to her play that single song.  He remembered how she’d told him that the point, what made music with her time, was how it could communicate what couldn’t be said with mere words.
The music shifted, and Kousei finally began to play, and the sound was enrapturing.  There were no words--it could only be felt, what was happening between the boy at the piano and the girl with the violin.
Could he find a violin in his world?  Could he learn to play it, so he could play with Y/N like Kousei played with Kaori?  Would they manage to produce something similar, something wonderful like that?  What would it feel like?  What would the sound between them be?  What would it say?
”I can hear your sound.”
So caught up in his thoughts, in the raw emotion and the music that had just enraptured them both, Levi was caught off guard when the mood took another shift.
He tensed, hand gripping the back of the couch a little harder as the sound faded away into an echo as Kaori suddenly collapsed.  The hairs on the back of his neck seemed to raise, warning him of something incoming, even though there was no physical threat.  He had a bad feeling, suddenly, seeing Kaori’s paler form in the hospital, seeing Kousei’s disbelieving look, the way all of her face wasn’t visible during certain key answers.  It put dread inside him over what was happening with her, where this would go.  A brief moment of happiness...but what did it mean in the long run?  What did it matter, if it was going to be ripped so harshly away, anyway?
“It was everything to you, and you’re trying to rip that away by force.  As if you were plucking off your limbs.  That’s why it hurts too much for you to bear.”
“Do you think you’ll be able to forget?  No, not a chance.  Because you and I are living for that moment.”
“I won’t forget.  I won’t forget, even if I die.”
“Thank you.”
The mood of the show mellowed drastically, far more serious notes seeping into the air around them as Kousei and those around him were faced with far more serious matters than who liked who, and music competitions.  The competitions seemed to be fading into the background, a mere backdrop to the true story.
He might be seeing it now.
There was more to this tale than just playing in competitions.
And he had the feeling he was going to be facing some...difficult scenes.  Not the kind of gristly scenes of the everyday Underground.  The personal, emotional kind.  He was already getting flashes of past events, old emotions stirring this early on.  What would come next?  How deep was this show going to dig to bring out emotions or thoughts he didn’t even know he was keeping buried?
Y/N shifted again, now blatantly sidled up beside him, head leaning slightly to the side, coming to rest very lightly on his shoulder.  Levi stilled, pulled entirely from his thoughts, both of them seeming to hold the position to see what the other would do.
She didn’t pull away.
Neither did he.
Her head leaned a little more heavily against his shoulder, and she got more comfortable in her position next to him.  Levi relaxed, letting her do as she pleased, silently grateful for the companionable warmth her presence beside him seemed to be offering him, allowing the scarier thoughts to temporarily be soothed and chased away.  It helped that the story was shifting towards the more light-hearted as well, as Kaori and Kousei began to prepare for a piano competition.
“Before your fingers touch the keys, you must determine in your mind how you’re going to play it.  Why do you play the piano?  Is it for your sake?  For someone else’s sake?  How do you want to play this piece?”
Levi turned his head slightly to look at Y/N, curiosity stirred up in his mind as Kaori grilled Kousei for his mental imagery while he played.  “What about you?  What do you think of when you play the piano?” he asked her.
“Hm?” she asked, pulled for the first time out of the show as she turned slightly to meet his gaze, surprised by the inquiry.  “I...don’t know.  It depends on the moment.  Usually it’s memories, though.  Certain songs make me think of certain people, usually memories with that person.  Maybe something I want to do or say to them?  I haven’t thought of that much before...usually I just...do it.  And I tend to get lost in what I’m doing, too.  I guess that’s part of the reason why I haven’t thought of it much before.”
Levi continued to look at her even as she turned her attention back to the show, barely holding back a question that bubbled up inside him.
Have you ever thought of me?
She was teaching him to play the piano, right?  What would his mental imagery be when he played?
While Levi got his quick question in and mulled over his own thoughts once more, the mood shifted to something more serious in the show again.
Kaori was worried she was being too pushy, that Kousei might resent him for forcing him into the position he was in, now.  That she was being too hard on him.  And something that they said resonated with him, because of recent events.
“You’re suffering because of me.  I’m sorry.”
Levi saw Y/N in front of him in his mind’s eye.  Her eyes were downcast, lips pressed together, shoulders slightly hunched, and she was on the verge of tears after his barbed words expressing how shitty this situation was for him, how it teased him with what he could never have.  Did she blame herself, for him being pulled into her world, always around her for a brief while before he was kicked back?
But again, she’d been right.  Even if it was brief, that didn’t mean the time he spent here with her was worthless.  It still meant something to him, and it still brought him some comfort and, oddly enough, a sense of security.  From the very first time they’d met, she’d provided him with somewhere he could truly feel safe and cared for.
“It was you who swept away all the dust.  For sweeping away the dust that had collected on my body...thank you.  For encountering me.”
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The more hints the story dropped about Kaori’s health, the more worried Levi became about the turn this story might take.  He was bracing for impact, a small frown on his face as he saw the pile of medicine Kaori was carrying around with her at the competition.  Kousei’s musical rivals didn’t register so much with him in the previous two chapters, because he was still so focused on what was happening with Kousei and Kaori.
Y/N had gotten up at one point by now to get a drink, bringing back a water for him to sip on as they continued the story, time passing by without either of their knowledge of just how long they’d been sitting here.  Even Levi, usually so much more active, was content to sit here and watch, hardly noticing his inactivity as he drank up every scene, every word, some ringing out through his mind, others falling into place as narrative importance, worry and elation and nostalgia, as well as so much more, all stirred together inside him, Y/N curled up like a kitten at his side, his arm still leaning against the back of the couch, his hand resting softly on her shoulder.
However, while he and Y/N were falling into a position of ease, the story seemed to be starting to shift more to the relationship between Kousei and his mother, and what happened to her.  Kaori was getting worse, it seemed, and they were digging into a relationship that felt, in certain ways, similar to what Levi had gone through, and not too long ago, either, now that he was forced to look at it.  It made him...uncomfortable, to say the least, but he wasn’t saying anything--he needed to see where this story was headed, with how invested he was at this point.  And even if it got personal, he thought he might be able to sit and endure it all the same.
”My mom’s coming from the hospital to see me perform...so you see, in order to make Mom well again, in order to make her happy, I’m gonna play my very best as a gift!”
The first hit actually made him flinch.  It was slight, but it was there, and Y/N might have caught it--he wasn’t expecting it, not from the tone, or what had just been discussed, or the way the scene changed so rapidly from the cheers of the audience after little Kousei finished playing his best for his mother to the slap across his face from the ailing woman.  He suddenly felt tense, his hand still on Y/N’s shoulder and his expression suddenly unreadable as the hits kept coming, making something dark and angry well up inside him as Kousei was hit hard enough to draw blood against a backdrop of the abuse he’d been suffering the entire time.
Perhaps Y/N hadn’t caught it, because she was flinching as well, and her reaction was far more open on her face, eyes watering with near-tears, a slight shake in her body, and the occasional, shaking breath.
”All I wanted was for you to get better.  All I wanted was for you to be happy.  And yet...I wish you would just die.”
“That was the last time I said anything to my mom.”
Levi’s grip tightened on Y/N’s shoulder, but neither of them said a word, a grimness in the air as they continued to watch the story in front of them that had started so colorful but was taking a darker turn rather quickly.
Levi scowled slightly at the switch to such an upbeat little song at the sudden end of the chapter, which would be followed by another upbeat song at the beginning of the next.
“These ‘intros’ and ‘outros’ are deceptively cheerful,” Levi criticized.
“What’s a good story without some struggle?” Y/N replied, though she briefly untangled herself from her position at Levi’s side and wiggled off the couch.  “Though, I think I’m going to go grab some tissues.  I’m starting to think there’s going to be some really sad or heartfelt stuff coming up.  Tell me when it’s back on if I’m still missing!” she added before darting away, leaving Levi to sigh quietly to himself and look up at the ceiling, keeping track of the show in front of him as he waited for her to run off and come back with a colorful box, squirming back into place beside him and letting his hand return to her shoulder as she placed the box next to her on the couch, sighing contently.
“The show must go on!” she insisted, face devoid of the strong emotion they’d been sharing just a few moments ago.  She settled next to him with a soft sigh, the sight of Kousei struggling at the piano returning where the previous chapter left off.
They watched him struggle against the ghost of his mother, trying to force himself to play through it, to play even though he couldn’t hear, even as the sound grated on them.  Watched as he slowly gave up, until he stopped entirely before the song was even over, just like he had with Kaori.
Part of him had expected Kousei to have some kind of revelation just before he quit and push through, but he’d really stopped.  Now it just remained to be seen if he could start again.  Of course, after his performance with Kaori, they knew he was disqualified.  But would he find a reason to play anyway, like she had?
”Even the you that’s here inside me, won’t let me give up.  That day, I wonder.  What did you play for?”
Levi felt the ghost of her fingers on his again, unaware that he was tapping the keys against the skin of her shoulder at the memory.
Once more, the sound changed as Kousei found his reason to play.  The girl who’d changed his world from monotone to color, who dragged him into a whirlwind of life without giving him the chance to think twice about it.
“Just one person matters to me.  Only you matter.  Thank you...Will it reach her?  I hope it reaches her.”
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”Your hidden emotions.  The you that you’ve never known.  The piano drags out everything…”
Levi’s gaze once more was unfocused on the screen as he was swept away in a sea of his own thoughts, thinking back to the times he’d listened to Y/N play.  What had he been hearing those days?  What would he hear in her playing in the future?  If he put enough effort into learning to play as she tried to teach him...could it help him communicate some of the things he struggled to say?  It was at least worth giving it a shot.
And he would be sure to pay closer attention in the future to see what he could hear, what he may not be aware of.
The pacing lulled into something more relaxed once more, a brief reprieve after the emotions that were just thrown at them, allowing him and Y/N to talk a bit more, both of them keeping one eye on the subtitles even as they made little comments about what they’d heard so far.  The unspoken love triangle?  Maybe it was a triangle.  The romantic feelings were crisscrossed and all over the place between this group of friends.  They commented on their observations about Kousei and Kaori, what they thought was going to become of the two as they watched, whether Kaori or Tsubaki would end up the one with him in the future.
Music was another thing they talked about, obviously.  How they wanted to hear Kousei and Kaori play together again--and were excited they had the chance to with the upcoming concert.  Y/N also expressed how she loved Chopin pieces, and as a result was happy about how many Chopin pieces were in the show so far and was hoping to hear more.  She also mentioned that Love’s Sorrow, the song they were working on now for the concert, was a beautiful piece--mournful, obviously, but beautiful.  She even offered to help him learn it when he got more used to the piano if he wanted to.
Levi was a little distracted, though, by the further warning signs that something was going to happen to Kaori.  In the same stroke that he contemplated how she had a skill for seeing the beauty in the world, like Y/N tended to do for him, she said something ominous that further solidified a growing suspicion that Levi was keeping in mind.
“You know, I’m not always going to be around to help you.”
As worried about Kaori as that line made Levi for the context of the show, it also reminded him of his own situation with Y/N.  He helped when he could, but he was absent so often...and it worked both ways.  He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself when he was on his own, but Y/N he worried about.  What if something serious happened when he wasn’t around to help her?  Would she be all right?  Would she be able to take care of herself until he could be here to help her?
It was another line that resonated with him, another one that was going to burn in his mind and make him brood over their situation.  This show was rife with them, and it had his emotions all over the place, despite his outward calm posture.
He had no way of knowing just how strongly the next chapter was going to hit him.
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He was as riled up as Kousei after hearing that smart mouthed kid claim that the music Kaori made was just disastrous noise.  If he’d ever heard someone say that about the music Y/N played, he was liable to sock them in the mouth.  Honestly, after that comment, he’d thought that the focus was going to be on Kaori again, even with all the recent focus on Kousei’s mother.  That misconception was quickly fixed, though, when the chapter began with a flashback to Kousei’s mother and how he became a pianist, further reinforced when Kousei started to play and they were given the first glimpses into his thought process, and what his new mentor--his mother’s old friend--was thinking.
Kousei’s mother’s favorite song, Kousei’s lullaby.
”Would she have played it like this?”
Kousei was curled up against the wall in the darkness of a room with no one else, knees pulled up to his chest, head buried, trying to shut out the world, the woman who’d known and been close to Kousei’s mother finding him in the darkness as Kousei cried out for his mother, for someone to help him, save him.  Levi tensed, going completely still beside Y/N with his gaze riveted on the scene in front of him.
”That son of ours is about to bid you a last farewell.”
”Will it reach her?”
Levi’s jaw clenched, his teeth grinding together as he attempted to keep a lid on the emotions that were trying to rise inside him again.
“After I’m gone, what’s going to become of Kousei?  Will he be able to earn a living?”
There was a pressure on his chest making it impossible to breathe and a forceful pain in his throat that was pushing right at the back, like there was something stuck there that wanted to come out but couldn’t, because he wouldn’t let it no matter how much it pushed.
”What a terrible mother.  There’s nothing I can leave that boy...”
His breathing ground to a halt except for the barest, shaking whisper through his nose.
“I wish I could’ve stayed with him longer...Will my treasure ever find happiness?”
Eyes fixed on the screen, Levi suddenly felt the overwhelming need to bolt, could feel his fingers and legs twitch like he was about to without warning, but the music was reaching a crescendo, and he thought maybe, just maybe, he might be able to make it through this, even as the pain in his throat and the pressure on his chest seemed to grow more crushing, more painful, so much harder to contain.
”Do you think it reached my mom?  The way I played my very best?  Do you think it reached Mom?”
“You two are connected, aren’t you?  Of course it reached her.”
Kousei broke on screen, and Levi suddenly realized he wasn’t going to make it to the end of the episode.  He needed to bolt now or he might shatter.
Levi tapped Y/N on the shoulder to get her to move, not daring to look at her and possible see her a crying mess already at the emotional scene.  He gave a brief, “I need to take a shit,” that he managed to get out in a steady voice past the pain in his throat by some miracle, and then stood up, the brief statement her only warning to shift before his movement accidentally dumped her on the ground.  He didn’t run to the bathroom, that would be too much of a tell.  Instead, he got up calmly and made his way to the bathroom, not hurrying his step until he was out of sight and already halfway up the stairs.
By the time he reached the bathroom, he couldn’t hold it back any further, safely locked behind the bathroom door with the water in the sink running seconds before he finally choked on the feeling in his throat and chest.  A strangled sound left him, and he leaned over the sink, trying to catch his breath even as his body tried to make him sob.  His breaths hitched painfully, a slight shake in his hands before they clenched the edge of the sink, shoulders hunched and teeth grinding painfully as a soft whine escaped his rigid body.
Y/N was waiting for him.  He couldn’t stay up here forever, but he at least had to get ahold of himself before he headed back down there.  Out of stubborn determination, Levi tried to gulp in air and steady his breath and hands.  Once he had a strong enough hold of his breathing, he cupped his hands under the water and splashed some of it onto his face to help calm himself down.
Only when he felt his composure had returned, Levi dried off his face and hands, then carefully made his way back downstairs, well-aware that the chapter wasn’t even over, and there were still several chapters left--nine, according to Y/N.
A lot could happen in nine chapters.
Levi calmly returned to his seat on the couch, Y/N giving him a quizzical, examining look before she resumed the position they’d been in before resuming the show in the exact spot he’d left--thankfully, it was after Kousei’s breakdown, so he wouldn’t have to see any of that again.
That didn’t, however, mean that he was in the clear.  No, now that they had put a neat little bow on Kousei’s struggle with his mental image of his mother, they were moving on to the one who had been concerning Levi since one of the first few episodes.
”There’s an ever present sorrow hanging over Arima’s music...Then it’s a demon’s path he must walk.  His growth is spurred by sorrow.  If he walks that path, he might have to lose someone to move forward.”
Kaori was in the hospital again, and Levi felt the uneasiness and dread about the direction this show was taking grow substantially.  Especially as Kousei ran inside the room and saw Kaori in the exact position his mother had been in.  The way this show was starting to dig at some subconscious and deeply buried pains and fears of his that he would rather keep far from the front of his mind, but it kept plodding on, and he felt far too invested now to just leave it where it was.  The curiosity and need to know what happened next would eat away at him if he asked Y/N to stop it there--plus, asking that might tip her off that something about it was upsetting him, considering at this point he couldn’t claim he was bored with it.
”You’re gonna be fine, right?”
“I can see you again, right?”
“You won’t leave me like my mom did, right?”
At this point, the focus on Tsubaki and Kousei’s relationship was a much needed break from the reality and darker questions being asked with Kaori and Kousei right now, questions that he had asked himself from time to time regarding Y/N, questions and concerns he didn’t want to think about for his own sanity.  What was happening with Tsubaki was more lighthearted, less grim, even if it was confusing and brought up even more questions to ask himself.  After all, Tsubaki was being faced with the question of how she felt about Kousei--the boy who had been her friend since they were little, who she was falling in love with no matter how much she tried to deny it, who she had always been beside and wanted to be beside forever.
It made him wonder.  He and Y/N were friends--had been for years now.  She was there for him during his darkest moments, and he’d been there for some of her scariest moments.  Yes, they were friends, but...was it starting to go deeper than that?  Did he feel closer to her, somehow?
Her hands had felt warm against his when they played the piano together, pressed against one another with his arms around each other so they wouldn’t get in each other’s way.  His skin had tingled where she touched him when she’d taken care of and cleaned him up after that fight.  He felt comfortable sitting beside her now, with her leaning against him, her head on his shoulder, despite how borderline intimate it felt.
Had she felt something similar?  They hadn’t really looked at each other in these moments--they’d been avoiding looking at each other whenever something like that happened, so he had no idea.  Was she aware of just how comfortable he was around her?  How different that was for him?  Did she have any clue how important she was becoming to him, how big a part of his life she had gradually become despite the very real distance and difference between their two worlds.
This entire time he’d been drawing similarities between them and Kousei and Kaori, when perhaps the comparison should have been with Tsubaki and Kousei.
It sure as hell might make him feel better, considering he was rather sure she had a terminal illness.  After growing up in the Underground and with the experiences he had so far, fatal illnesses were something he could spot, especially when there were as many warning signs as there were for Kaori.  She only seemed to be getting worse--he was pretty sure she’d been told she was going to die, even though there was no audio for the moment to confirm it.  Since the first episode, Kaori had been centered on making an impression, about living on in the memories and hearts of others--she was clearly afraid of disappearing without a trace after she was gone.
Still, amid all the aching and pain, there was still flashes of hope as Kaori struggled against her illness, and more moments that made him think about the relationship between himself and the girl next to him--more damn connections between them and Kousei and Kaori, which did nothing to sooth his nerves and fears he didn’t even know he had.
“Why are the sounds you make so beautiful I think I’m going to cry?”
“That devotion you showed.  Her heart had turned grey, and you gave it color.”
Had he managed to give her what she gave him?  He felt like he didn’t have anything to give, coming from the dreadful world he did.  She was always the one bringing color into his life, had he ever brought color to hers?  Would he ever be able to?  His world, his life, was ugly and dark and probably tragic.  What could he offer her out of that?
”Did I reach him?”
“You don’t have the time to see me.”
“It’s not about time--I want to see you.”
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The chapter started so calmly--discussion about the next round of the competition, Kaori continuing her struggle to get better, Tsubaki finally admitting her feelings for Kousei in a way.  Levi even made a quip about how Watari and Kaori really needed to stop dragging him along as the awkward extra in their group, practically rubbing it in his face even if it was unintentional.  There was even another moment of resonance with something Tsubaki said to Kousei.
“So you won’t lose your way, so you won’t have regrets, I’ll stay by your side forever.”
Still, he should have seen it coming.  It shouldn’t have surprised him, considering he was well aware of the cruel shittiness of the world, even if Y/N wasn’t.  All this time he’d spent bracing himself with the hints of just how bad Kaori’s illness was, the ominous lines of hers.  All the lightheartedness and self-discovery of the past several episodes came crashing down with the emergency with Kaori as, from what Levi could see even though they clearly had far more advanced medicine that Levi knew nothing about, Kaori had some kind of close call, a brush with death, right in front of Kousei.  And then with the damn cat getting hit and dying literally moments later, Kousei having to wash the blood off of his hands and breaking down in the wake of everything that was happening.  He shouldn’t have been surprised, but it still ached to see it.
And there were two chapters left.  Realistically, he doubted that Kaori was going to recover in two chapters after all this time.  By now, he was certain that she was going to die by the end of the story.
She wasn’t even gone yet, and Kousei had already given up.  Levi had seen plenty of people reach that point.  No fight left, no will to move.  Kousei was right back in the position he’d been in at the start, the impending loss of Kaori the final nail in his coffin, his breaking point.
“Why does it have to end up this way?  I can’t...go on.  No more...I can’t try anymore.”
He hadn’t hit his breaking point--he hoped he never reached that point.  But he was sure even he had one, even if he wasn’t sure where his limit was.
Levi blinked at the white fluttering from the sky on screen. A novel sight he couldn’t ignore or just accept.  Snow, Kaori called it.
So that was what it looked like.  One of the many things he’d heard about but hadn’t seen…
“Have you seen snow before, Levi?  Since you live Underground,” Y/N suddenly asked from where she was curled up into his side, head turned to look at him curiously.  Levi shook his head no, and she hummed.  “You’ll have to show up some time in the winter so I can show you all kinds of awesome things you can do when it snows.  It’s cold, but it’s fun.  And everything looks so clean and pure...my favorite things are the trees encapsulated in ice,” she said with a wistful sigh, eventually quieting down as the scene on the screen continued to develop.
Maybe one day.  But he would have to come through not only when it was winter, but on a day that there was snow, and he had no control over when he blipped over into her world.
Blipped, blip...her word for when Levi flickered into and out of her world.  Clearly, it had caught on even in his mind.
“The people I care about keep leaving me...I’m going to be left all alone.”
Inwardly, Levi felt himself flinch, and that desire to bolt was trying to rear its head again, the desire for her to shut it off and spare him these comments that kept digging into the darker corners of himself, the weakness he kept hidden away for no one to see.
“But you have me.  But you have me.”
For the first time, Levi felt Y/N’s hand give his little squeeze on his knee as Kaori repeated her sentiment to Kousei.
Perhaps the feelings were mutual.  Maybe he wasn’t the only one drowning in emotions on the inside and drawing parallels while they watched this show, if she was giving him a little squeeze after those words.  After he registered that he had felt it, and he hadn’t imagined it, he gave her shoulder a small squeeze in return.
“I’m going to struggle as hard as I can.  Struggle, struggle, struggle, like there’s no tomorrow.”
“You gave me this desire to cling to the time that I spent with you.  Aren’t you going to struggle to?  We’re so good at struggling.”
Hell if that wasn’t the story of his life so far, right there.
Collectively, the two of them held their breath, watching as, after Kousei declared how useless it was for him to even try to play in the state he was in right now, Kaori got to her feet on her own, and the sound of the violin softly flickered towards them from the screen.  It was like the music was from a dream, her imaginary violin ethereal, Kaori lit up by a flurry of snow as she played to a crescendo and smiled at Kousei.
“See, miracles can happen just like that.”
Shaking, legs trembling, sweating, collapsed into Kousei’s arms with a breathless laugh, clinging to him like a source of comfort.  It wasn’t her reciting of the things she knew about Kousei, or what she wished she knew, that drew a response from him, but her heartfelt pleas with Kousei as he held her in her arms.
“I’m scared.  I’m scared!  Don’t leave me all alone!”
That was why it was familiar.  That was how Y/N had held him when…
And perhaps the reason he’d lashed out when he’d found out about how fleeting this world was for him had been because…
Levi shifted, and it was only when Y/N started to pull away did he realize he’d been shifting to get up and walk away, to bolt.  When she fixed him with that questioning look again, not-yet-spilled tears in her eyes from the emotion of the scene, her hand still fisted in his shirt, it brought him back to what was happening in the present, and he shook his head as if to dismiss the movement as he sat back down, relieved when the scene changed again.
Considering it was going to the competition and Kaori’s surgery at the same time, he doubted he was going to get much of a reprieve before the emotions hit again.  Kousei was still a mess, though it was a miracle he’d at least shown up to the competition, but even watching him was worrisome, wondering if he was going to break at the piano again after all this progress he’d made throughout the show, everyone watching in concern in the show and on the couch.
“I made you remember something you don’t want to remember…”
“I won’t forget, even if I die…”
“You can just forget about it all, like you’ve pressed the reset button…”
“I guess maybe we never should've met, huh?”
Levi had to close his eyes for a moment after that one, sucking in a sharp breath.  It was like it had come right out of his denial of their entire situation, how angry he’d been, the pain it had caused, how for a few moments, he’d felt like it would have been better if he could forget it all, if they had never met, because then he wouldn’t know about what he could never have.  His heart ached painfully, the words reverberating not in his mind, but in his bones as the pain in his throat already seemed to be returning.
He opened his eyes, and on screen, Kousei started to break down again, face in his hands, on the brink of tears seated at the piano, on stage in front of everyone once again.
Tsubaki sneezed, and after a few moments of reflecting, after realizing how many people he knew were there...Kousei finally began to play, the notes reverberating deep inside his chest in a full, resonating sound.  Something about it made him nostalgic, but also so...it was so…
“Bursting with such mournful color.”
The chapter suddenly came to an end mid performance, which startled Levi--especially when Y/N darted forward so suddenly to grab the remote and quickly jump to the next one, immediately snapping back into his side, clutching to his clothes like her life depended on it, curled into a ball as he realized for the first time that tissue box was suddenly right in front of her, easily accessible.
The last episode.
Considering the set-up, neither of them were going to get through this last part unscathed emotionally.
It started from the beginning of the piece this time, the commentary being made by the onlookers and Kousei different this time, centered entirely on Kousei after the very beginning.  Levi and Y/N were both enraptured by the performance though, holding to one another on the couch with gazes fixed forward, completely still, even their breathing slight as they paid full attention to every word, and let the music pull them in deeper into the emotional symphony Kousei was creating with just the piano.
“I’m so scared...Somebody…”
“But you have me.”
“I’m not alone.  From the moment that we meet someone else, none of us can ever be alone.  We’re all connected.”
Levi’s grip tightened slightly on Y/N’s shoulder again, and he felt her grip tighten in return.
“Don’t leave me all alone.”
“Dummy, you have me.”
“Inside me...you exist.”
Y/N nuzzled into his side like a cat, and he thought he felt his shirt starting to get damp.  He ignored it, keeping his grip on her firm and steady, staying still beneath her as he stared stalwartly at the screen, even as the emotions were starting to stir violently around inside him.
”No way am I going to leave you all alone.  Reach her.  Reach her.  Reach her.  Reach her.”
The scenery changed entirely, like Kousei was playing in the sky amid a shower of colors, floating around like leaves that autumn day when he and Y/N had jumped into the piles and sent them scattering into the air.  Kaori’s whispered ‘Thank you’ as Kousei carried her back down the stairs sent a shiver down his spine, especially when Kousei of the present reacted, and turned his head to see Kaori materializing beside him, violin in hand.
Beside him, there was suddenly a whine from Y/N, and a rather large sniffle, as well as that damp feeling on his clothes starting to spread.  She trembled slightly beneath his arm and hand, and he realized she was starting to cry rather heavily, her face partially buried in his side.
The music was jarring, disorienting, suddenly intense and tragic as Kousei closed his eyes, barely holding back tears.
Oh, shit.
And there it was.
Kaori’s rich violin playing joined into Kousei’s suddenly mournful and tragic playing, and Levi realized that they were witnessing the last time the two would get to play together.  It couldn’t happen again in body, but at least in spirit.  Words weren’t needed for this moment.  Nothing was said between the characters on the screen, and not a word was spoken between Levi and Y/N.  She was continuing to cry into his side, with Levi starting to semi-awkwardly rub her shoulder to try and comfort her even as his own heart seemed to be pounding painfully at the sight in front of him, every note piercing him deeper than he thought possible with the raw emotion behind and pure weight of this single moment.  All there was at this moment in time, was him, Y/N, and the music being created on the stage in front of them between Kaori and Kousei, one last time.
A sob broke past Y/N’s control as the colorful day turned into a rich night, and Kaori stopped playing.  Levi held his breath, watching as transfixed on the scene as Kousei was transfixed on Kaori, the music softening for the briefest moment before it started to turn slow, mournful, and tragic again.
”Wait...please don’t go!”
As Kousei started to beg Kaori to do all of these things with him again, good and bad, Levi felt the pressure on his chest return, the burn in his eyes and the clench in his jaw, the pain in his throat.  Memories of his own were flickering before his eyes in place of what Kousei begged of Kaori.
A small hand offering a still-warm roll.  A splash of cool water to the face with shrieks and giggles filling the air.  The security of being able to lean comfortably against a warm back with the sun shining down from above, hands gripping his legs and his arms wrapped around the girl who carried him home on her back.  The cool taste of ice cream as they leaned against the brick store.  A gentle hand rubbing soft circles on his back as he slipped in and out of lucid thought in his feverish state.  The sound of hope amid darkness that they managed to create together despite his crude piano playing.  Her hand even now clenched tightly in his shirt seeking comfort, like when he’d led her home in the dark through the desert.
His hand was stretched out before him, pulled along by the girl that suddenly disappeared when he closed his eyes.  He tried to reach a little further, as if his fingertips could press past some veil between his world and hers, so he could reach her even for another moment.  The warmth and the softness of the comfort she wrapped him in evaporated into smoke between his fingers, disappearing in translucent curls, leaving him with nothing to hold, the weight of her presence suddenly disappearing.
What if one day he didn’t come back?
What if one day it all just...ended?  Without any warning?  The only sign that he would never return the passage of time and gradual loss of hope?
“Don’t go, don’t go, please don’t go, please don’t leave me behind!”
Y/N was sobbing openly into his side now, but she didn’t move to stop the show--she kept watching it.  Levi was unaware of the fact that his hand was shaking against her shoulder, all of his effort on keeping the emotions bottled inside him as he watched Kaori disappear before Kousei’s eyes in a flurry of petals, swept away by an indifferent wind.
The rest of the last chapter seemed to pass by in a blur, Levi spending most of that time trying to work his way down from the emotions that scene had stirred up in him, glancing over at Y/N to see a collection of tissues around her while her gaze remained fixed forward, still a blubbering mess over the events that were unfolding on screen.  Shards of Kaori’s letter made it through to Levi, certain fragments sticking with him in the moment, others slowly settling in likely to make an impact on him later.
“I want Kousei to play the piano for me!”
He understood that sentiment.  He loved listening to Y/N play for him, it was one of the many reasons why he brought it up so often.  Sure, it was nice she was trying to teach him to play, but the true moment of enjoyment for him was when she played for him.
“Isn’t it funny how the most unforgettable scenes can be so trivial?”
“None of it was trivial.”
No, none of it was.  From playing card games in her room to playing tag on the playground, or eating frozen treats on the steps while they played simple games with their hands.  Every little moment was one Levi kept stored away, a secret trove of memories just for him and her, something bright and...something that the Underground couldn’t corrupt, because it couldn’t reach or touch this world or the girl at his side.
“Was I able to live inside your heart?  Do you think you’ll remember me at least a little?  You better not hit reset.  Don’t forget me, okay?  That’s a promise, okay?  I’m glad it’s you, after all.”
Like Y/N said, just because the moments were fleeting, didn’t mean they didn’t matter.  Even if they stopped one day, for whatever reason...at least he would have everything that had come before, the memories, the moments that nothing could take away.  He didn’t think she would want him to try and forget, anyway.  And a part of him wouldn’t want her to forget him, either.  Unlike everything else in his life so far, he wanted this good thing to last, one way or another.
“Will I reach you?  I hope I can reach you.”
This time, when his mind procured the image of his hand outstretched in front of him, trying to catch the disappearing back of the girl in front of him, fingers finding nothing but air, he let his hand squeeze slightly against Y/N’s shoulder once more, reminding himself she was right here in his arms right now, and not to take that for granted.  Maybe sometimes she’d be out of reach, but right now, she was right here.  She wasn’t always out of reach.  He’d just have to make each moment he was here count for something.
Thankfully, she already seemed pretty good at making that happen, so he felt like he wouldn’t have to worry about it too much.  She was always taking him by the hand to have him run with her wherever she wanted to go and explore, and so far, she hadn’t made him regret following her on her little adventures.
She made his life colorful.
“Thank you for being my friend, Levi.”
“I’m the one who should be thanking you.”
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Next Chapter---->
Levi Tags:  @clary-quinn @humanitys-hottestsoldier @whalerus @sunny-flo @thirstyforsometea
Through The Looking Glass Tags:  @artist-bby @kaz2y5-pie​ @tartheyes​ @super-peace-fangirl​ @huntersbunker​ @nefelimalfoy​ @soft-levi-girl-blog​ @honeygivemeachainsaw @regalillegal​ @sugas-daddy7​ @cathyannecookie @chaoticshepardplaid @roayaloveslife​ @sanrioclit​
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fondnesses · 3 years
roscoe’s notebook post
A while back I said I was going to write a post about the way I use notebooks for writing projects. This is the first of several posts about Writing Process I’ve been tossing around in my drafts for a little while as a result of conversations with friends, so bear with me.
I. Love. Notebooks. I genuinely would have to deeply overhaul my whole Process of writing anything on the longer side if I were to go paperless; I find physical paper pretty invaluable when I’m outlining, brainstorming, and researching, and I still probably write ¼-⅓ of all my actual content on paper first. (That proportion used to be a lot higher, but I’ve gotten better at being productive on a computer in recent years, which is great.) I’m a very visual person, so notebooks really help me visualize my ideas, story structure, etc. It’s very helpful to be able to use arrows and diagrams and physically strike things through, and the tactility is really soothing to me. If I show people my notebooks or talk about them, I often get a response like “this is so organized”, which is sort of true, but I have to stress that it’s “organization for a disorganized mind”; I can’t misplace ideas or notes if it all goes into the same physical object, vs. electronic notes, which are much more, like “Did I say that in a voice memo? PM it to myself on Discord? Leave it in a desktop sticky note? Write it directly into the Google Doc? Who knows! It’s lost to time!”. It’s very much an ADHD management strategy.
It helps that I’m a very neophyte stationery hobbyist and appreciate any excuse I have to use my pens, but I also will go off at any opportunity about how helpful I find them for writing projects, which is why I decided to just make a post about it. Right now I mostly use them for (fan and original) fiction projects, but I used a notebook for a very similar purpose when I was working on my undergrad thesis, and I have a slightly different but equally necessary-to-me approach to notebooks I use at work.
My typical structure for a notebook that’s devoted to one project only looks like this:
I always leave the first couple pages blank so I can go back and retroactively index bujo-style. I don’t always actually do the index, because sometimes I get too lazy, but I like having those blank pages there to give me the option. I also usually put epigraphs/inspo quotes on the first page.
After that, there’s often (but not always, I’ll talk about it) a couple pages at the start where I’m frantically jotting down loose brainstorming ideas before they've coagulated into a story structure. Just, like, vomiting into the void.
Stemming out of that, I usually write out about like 5-10 pages of outline-style notes in chronological order, laying out all the main story beats and charting out the story trajectory. This will inevitably get revised and rewritten many times, but I find the process of writing these wide-angle synopses really useful for dislodging ideas, making connections re: thematic threads, etc. from my brain.
I’ll devote a couple pages after that to specific things like "sex scene brainstorming", "random scene ideas/minor details that don't have a clear place in the outline right now but I'll turn to for inspo later" [this is what I refer to as “bits” in one of the later photos], "page where I just outline the Motifs And Themes", "research notes", "to-do list", "stuff to check on a second pass", "things to put in the a/n and AO3 tags", etc.--the specifics vary with the story.
Then, I skip ahead to approx. halfway through the notebook and cordon off the rest of the pages to be “free writing” space, AKA writing of actual content rather than planning, with the expectation there will be no internal organization and I’ll transcribe to laptop as I go. Writing on paper feels less binding than typing something on a computer; it’s like a little secret kept with myself, and it doesn’t need to go anywhere or be seen by anyone if I decide I don’t like it. Setting aside pages in the back half of the notebook means that, as more things come up re: planning, I can go back and add those in the rest of the pages that were intentionally left blank. This is how I avoid (for the most part) having the whole thing be a jumbled mess where there’s no separation between the notes and the actual story writing; I learned this the hard way via the first notebook I’ll show you in a second. I’ve recently gotten really into using Muji sticky note tabs to label any pages/sections of particular import that don't want to have to refer back to in the index and would rather just flip to instantly.
I do use notebooks that aren’t specific to any one project, but those are much less organized and less worth sharing.
Before I look at more recent stuff, here are some selections from my notebook for the project that got me into writing longfic, my Golden Kamuy canon divergence AU (with apologies for the bad photos, my phone’s camera is trash). I worked on this from Sept 2018-July 2019. It was a learning experience in a lot of ways, and notebook utilization was one of those. I’ve always used notebooks for keeping track of writing projects, as I said earlier, but before this it was largely without much organization or structure; just total chaos. Having a physical notebook became really important for this project because it was a sprawling multichapter story with rotating POVs and a lot of historical research. I also learned a lot about what not to do with a notebook, personally, or at least things that don’t work so well (for me). This was a college ruled spiral-bound Decomposition Book, for the record.
By the time I bought a notebook for it I already had a (very basic) plot outline in mind, so I wasn’t doing that very initial ground-zero brainstorming in here; I was copying out of my phone’s notes app, basically, and then going from there. 
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This is one of the first pages in this notebook; I wanted to visualize the relationship web between the four central characters in the story in terms of how they feel about one another. The two colours correspond to the POV characters (Sugimoto in orange, Ogata in pink), and I used this colour-coding throughout the notebook with highlighters, etc. to keep track of information that was more relevant to one character than the other. Tsurumi and Yuusaku aren’t POV characters, but they’re prominent in the story and their presence impacts the central relationship between Sugimoto and Ogata, and it was helpful to me to map out the emotional ecosystem, as it were.
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(There are coffee stains all over this, because I wrote the vast majority of the story in coffee shops because I didn’t want to be around my roommates, lol. This is part of why I never do fiction writing in notebooks that are too nice, I get neurotic about needing to keep them tidy. I can’t use ones that are too shit though, either, so it’s a bit of a narrow window. I’ll talk more about brands and paper quality etc. later.)
As you can see, this is the first page of many I set aside specifically for jotting down different pieces of historical information relevant to my story. It’s about fictional characters who are members of an army division that existed in real life, and both the canon and my fic involve a high level of attention to detail with regards to which divisions were present for which battles, etc., as well as general historical details specific to the Russo-Japanese War setting--what did people eat in the trenches? What did they do to fill time? How did they get through the winter? What did third party observers have to say about the conditions? What were the specs of their weaponry (particularly important because one of the POV characters is a sniper and gun nut)? I did a lot of reading (and watching of antique gun collector Youtube videos... the things I do for love, eh), and it came in handy so many times, because it turns out it’s much easier to write trench warfare slice of life if you have factual details to pull from when you don’t know what to do with a scene! Imagine that!
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This is the first of three “grid outlines” I made; this is a way I sometimes like to visualize a story outline all on one page, with the columns representing chapters and the squares within the columns representing sections/scenes within the chapters. As you can see, early on I was hoping to get this done in five or even FOUR chapters (whatmakesyouhaha.mp3), with POV switches happening internally within the chapters. This proved to be unwieldy for many reasons, so I revised the outline:
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Here I’d come to terms with the fact this story was going to have a lot more chapters than I’d planned, and I rearranged things so that it would happen in ten, with each chapter belonging to only one POV character. This also needed revising later, and in the end the story looked a bit more like this (though it did in fact end up being twelve chapters, but only because Chapter Ten was like, 12k, and needed to be split in two chunks):
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I must have remembered to bring my fineliners to the coffee shop this time, lol, because as you can see it’s properly colour-coded this time. This outline was made when I was already four posted chapters into the fic, which hopefully gives you a sense of the way in which I am sort of a planner and a pantser; I can’t get into a longer project without an outline, but the outline inevitably changes many times throughout writing and I often end up with a finished product that looks pretty different from what I was intending. My creative M.O. as always is Do The Maximum! Amount! Of! Work! Possible!
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This is what a “free writing” page looks like, for me. In this notebook I didn’t set aside any specific spaces for free writing so it’s strewn throughout the notebook in a really disorganized way and I was constantly flipping through looking for bits I’d written and forgotten to transcribe, and I decided to be more organized in future as a result of that. If something’s crossed through, that means I transcribed it. As you can see, they’re often small sections, sometimes just a coupled decontextualized sentences. About 3/4 of what I write in a notebook makes it into the story, I’d say; some of it never goes anywhere, and that’s OK. I have less of an issue killing my darlings if they never make it off the paper page.
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A very brief, top-down chapter outline, where the goal was not to get too bogged down in details and just to visualize the beats and pin down what they’re trying to accomplish. Chapters for this fic typically ran about 6k, and five or six scenes per chapter was pretty common, so the average scene length was about 1-1.25k words/scene. IDK why I called it storyboarding when I didn’t make drawings. (Margin numbers are to keep track of word count, since I was using a daily word count tracker while writing this.)
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This page was, as titled, for keeping track of the various balls in the air when I was about 2/3-3/4 of the way through the story and really feeling the pressure with regards to tying up the various loose ends. This was... a struggle. I hadn’t ever written anything longish (this fic ended up just under 70k) that had an action plot before, let alone a canon divergence scenario where I had to engage with and explain away various canon plot elements so I could maintain the audience’s suspension of disbelief.
Now, I mentioned earlier that I learned various “things not to do” with my notebooks while working on that project. One of those lessons I learned is to be more realistic when assessing how big a project is likely to get, not least because I RAN OUT OF PAGES around the chapter 9-10 mark. In my defense though, that’s because I’d never written anything even half this long! But I know better now, and try not to be in denial. Finishing the notebook early was a way bigger problem than I’d anticipated, and was part of the reason the last few chapters took several grueling months to finish. The issue was that I needed to be able to use a notebook to maintain my workflow--attempting to do it only on a computer was dismal--but it seemed silly to start a notebook of a similar size to the one I’d finished (80pg, approximately B5 dimensions) when there was no way it would need that much space, especially since the reference pages, like the historical notes, didn’t need to be transcribed over. I was also pretty broke at the time and didn’t want to spend money unnecessarily, lol. I tried to get by using a Moleskine Cahier for a month or so because I had one lying around, but it was horrid; it was too small to be used comfortably, it wasn’t spiral-bound so it wouldn’t lay flat, the ghosting is terrible and I hate the way Moleskine paper feels, etc. Eventually I caved and went to Muji and bought a 30ish page A5 with closer to lay-flat binding, and I finished the story in there. I would take a comparative pic for you of the relative notebook sizes and include some of the scene staging diagrams, etc. I put in there, but I can’t find it :(
So I learned that specs really do matter, and it’s okay to be picky if the pickiness is going to make the difference between actually using a notebook or not. Things that are important to me in my notebooks:
Ruling (gotta have ruling, I can suffer through grid but blank or dot is a no-go)
Size (I can’t use anything smaller than at least a medium-large notebook, I find it claustrophobic and get miserly about page space)
Binding (twin ring is my preference because it looks and feels better than a classic spiral but has the same comfort of use with regards to bending the pages back to suit workspace size and laying flat with ease)
Paper quality and colour (I don’t like anything too slippery/smooth or with too much visible ghosting, and I strongly prefer an off-white paper to bleached paper--part of why I don’t use Decomposition Books anymore, the paper is scratchy and it’s too damn bleached!)
Pagecount relative to size of project
Portability (in non-COVID times; anything bigger than a B5 wouldn’t fit in the satchel I used to bring to work at my old job), etc.
But everyone’s taste is different in this respect, and the only way to figure out what works for you is through trial and error, I’m afraid. I also suspect I’m more neurotic and particular about the sensory experience of using a notebook than most people are, but I yam what I yam.
Now to talk about the notebooks for my current projects, where I’ve refined my approach somewhat. I’ve included less photos for these because they’re ongoing WIPs I don’t want to spoil completely, but I’ve tried to include some outline-type stuff to give you an idea.
My big bang fic is in the very ugly twin ring notebook on the right; I got it at a dollar store by my house because I needed something to work in and didn’t want to wait for an online order, but it’s been very serviceable for my needs. The paper isn’t even bad. The bigger notebook (B5) is my Sangcheng fic.
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I wanted something with a lot of pages for this, because I knew it was going to be a long story, and for some reason the fact it’s smaller than my usual preference doesn’t bug me (I think it’s an A5?); it just fits this story, somehow. I’m not sure exactly how many sheets are in here but I’d guess about 150.
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Because this notebook has upwards of 100 sheets, I made a lot of use of sticky-note tabs to label high-priority pages. The colour coding of these doesn’t mean anything, it was just whichever ones I had at hand at any given moment. These are those tabs from Muji I mentioned, I’m really obsessed with them--the shape makes them so much less obtrusive and more practical than conventional squares/rectangles OR flag shapes, IME.
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My big bang story is nonlinear, so, similarly to what I did with colour coding for the two POVs for my GK fic, this story has two main colours corresponding to whether a given section takes place in the “before” or the “after” portions of the timeline, with blue as “after”, yellow as “before”. This is what the most current version of the outline looks like in there:
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If you squint, you can see the alphanumeric notes in the top right of each section entry; I gave them each a code like “A3″ or “B5″ corresponding to their position in the story sequence (so, it goes A1, B1, A2, B2, etc., through to B9 and then the epilogue). [Unintentional that this schema overlaps with notebook size labeling and so is kind of confusing in the context of this post.] At first I was just keeping track of the sections via the highlighted titles, but it got confusing because I’d write down “Wedding” or “Yiling” in my notes and then refer to the notes later like “but there are multiple marriages?? and multiple scenes in Yiling??”. Stuff gets struck through with a straight line if it’s been written in a more-or-less complete form and crossed out with a squiggly line if it’s been cut from the outline or made redundant.
As I said earlier, I started out all the initial brainstorming for my Sangcheng fic in its notebook, instead of brainstorming it in someone’s DMs/my notes app/a voice memo/etc. and then transcribing it into the notebook in a somewhat more organized fashion, which is how my stories usually start out. Because of this, the first five-ish pages are basically just stream of consciousness rambling where I was trying to jot down every disconnected thought I had about the story concept. I don’t have photos for that because it’s too spoilerific for later developments in the fic, but I can show you some of the stages the outlines went through, once I was able to corral those initial notes into a story structure:
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All the chapters in this fic have their own highlighter colour, so when I started trying to make sense of my initial brainstorm notes I just went through and highlighted stuff in the colour of the chapter it would make the most sense for, and then transcribed things more-or-less in chronological order into the relevant chapter outline. I later ended up rewriting all the chapter outlines AGAIN to refine them and divide them internally by the individual scenes, which makes them a lot more legible and less wall-of-text-y. They look like this now, with about four sheets per chapter:
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Because this fic is on the longer side, I have some pages that are just for keeping track of other story elements, like this, where I refer back to whatever the fuck the “themes” are supposed to be whenever I forget what this fic is about:
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It’s all about the visionboarding... Anyway, that’s most of what I have to offer, since most of these two notebooks is Forbidden Content.
With regards to brands/supplies, I really like this Kokuyo Campus Wide notebook that I’m writing Sangcheng in, it’s pretty perfect for me. I also like the B5 Muji twin rings, but those only come in 30 sheets, so I wouldn’t use it for anything above a ~20k project. The B5 Maruman Spiral Note 6.5mm ruled/80 sheet is another good one, though I wish it was twin ring instead of spiral. As you can tell, I like Japanese stationery brands because it’s easier to find decent paper quality and minimalist design without shelling out $$ than it is with American/European brands, at least IME. I like Rollbahns too. But honestly, I can usually find pretty serviceable random notebooks that aren’t brand-name from Asian dollar stores; it’s really not something where you need to shell out tons of money.
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wovenstarlight · 3 years
YWBK update: chapter 26 + liner notes
yesterday will be kinder has updated! you can read chapter 26 here, or start from the beginning here
as always, commentary below the cut
watch this space....
In preparation for it, Han Hyunjae temporarily requisitions Yoojin’s laptop and combs through the internet looking for photos of the Hunters that he thinks his family should know about in advance. He goes down one too many internet rabbit-holes, takes way too many screenshots, transcribes a summary of the notes in his future diary, then painstakingly puts everything together into a neat little presentation for them.
picture HHJ reading his fifth article wondering where the sung family heir has disappeared to and being like 👁️👁️👁️👁️
had a little giggle to myself about “future diary” that phrasing was definitely on purpose. will exclusively be referring to it as this now
“Right,” he starts, clapping his hands together, after Yerim’s been sent off to play with Hohyoung.
LHH is so much of a background figure.... i want to see more of himself but he likes his privacy.... he’s got his girlfriend and his baby sister and yoojin who’s wormed his way into his good graces by way of Living In Same House but that’s kinda it....... he’s always lurking in the background instead of showing up on screen. come here hohyoung oppa i just wanna talk
Even if Yoojin’s right, Han Hyunjae still has to protest. [...] But he can’t keep it up when Jiyeon looks at him like that.
KJY has the world’s best Stern Mom Voice and Disappointed Mom Glare and to her great delight they work even on fellow adult HHJ. she will use this power For Evil
The other S-ranks are Moon Hyuna, leader of Breaker Guild, and Bak Mingyu of Hanshin Guild.
OK FOR THIS PART I STRAIGHT FORGOT ABOUT HANSHIN GUILD AND I WAS COUNTING UP ON MY FINGERS LIKE WAIT... IF YERIM WAS THE EIGHTH KOREAN S-RANK WHO WERE THE SEVEN BEFORE HER.... (for those curious they were 1. sung hyunjae, 2. han yoohyun, 3. moon hyuna, 4. song taewon, 5. bak mingyu of hanshin, 6. choi sukwon of MKC, and 7. yoon kyeongsoo of soodam. but. i forgot about the last three altogether.)
“Oh, blond guy,” Yoojin says, unimpressed. “Yeah, I’ve seen him on the news and stuff.”
Han Hyunjae takes a moment to double-check that he really doesn’t have Noise Resistance (L), and looks back in time to see Yoojin rubbing at his eyes and glaring at the screen. 
“Hyunjae-yah,” Jiyeon says, looking at the photo of Sung Hyunjae on screen, “this man looks—” “LIKE A PIECE OF WHITE BREAD,” Yoojin bellows. [...] “HYUNG THINKS HE LOOKS GOOD? [...] Oh, god, he kinda does, [...] but like, in a trashy romance novel cover way.” [... Jiyeon] gives the computer screen an assessing once-over. “He looks like the models in cologne advertisements.”
this part of the chapter was planned waaaay back in august 2020 and i actually crowdfunded these descriptions from the s-class server dshblksjdfkblsdfb. the original suggestions (thanks to server members for these):
“bland whitie potato with a slap-on seme personality”
“tacky valentine’s day/mom’s cologne advertisement”
“the face of the dude on the cover of all my mom’s trashy romance novels”
and tbh HYJ does think he genuinely looks good but like, disgustingly good, you know... also Hyung Likes Him so [19 gun emojis]
also me handwaving moment of mild homophobia because like. jiyeon doesn’t know yet AND homophobia is a thing in this world BUT i don’t really wanna do, All That (we already did it with HYJ once), so.
“Do S-ranks get rich?” Yerim asks as she enters, because apparently everyone’s coming for his life today. Han Hyunjae closes his eyes and lies down on the bed while Yoohyun calls out an affirmation over his head. “Then I think— oh! He looks nice!” He cracks open an eye just in time to see her nod. “I think ahjussi should marry him for the eye candy and the money.” She beams very wide. Han Hyunjae closes his eyes again and tunes out the loud conversation going on around him. And wishes, not for the first time, that he’d picked literally any other name when he first got here.
yerim says gay rights cuz she’s like 12 rn and she straight up does not really care. but says it in, like, the most frustrating way possible.
sometimes you just need to lie down even as the world keeps throwing shit at you. just lie down and nap for a little bit. especially when the shit in question is the alias regret you had literally back in chapter one of your 25+ chapter story. this is gonna come back to bite you in the ass Very Fucking Soon babe!!!!
You Oh this is like the 17th one I got wrong I swear this course is trying to kill me
me, flicking on that EPSON brand projector,
(i have. been having a Time of it.)
[Yoojin🐉😊 called you (21:35)]
that’s minutes and seconds babey... you can pretty much guess the content of call from context :(
well, uh. most of call. some internal plot and Realizations happening right at the end of those 21 minutes, 35 seconds. namely:
or i dunno you can be my roommate and we can both leech off my rich and prosperous baby brother!
[extremely sad voice] heehoo... they... care each other....
YMW’s parents are kinda shit ngl. they care about him, but unfortunately, that does not show through in their care for him, ykwim? if they just paid attention to what he was actually talented at and encouraged him in his efforts.................
well, he wouldn’t have met HYJ in canon. but he would also have been a lot happier!! and YMW deserves to be happy!!!!!!!! YMW fucking rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You When you came with me to drop off Jihui’s standee. 
they finally remembered her name sjfbklsjdfbl
Yoojin🐉❤️ OH right i was talking to one of my new commissioners about their piece realized they were an old friend of hyung’s
HEEHOO.... HONKS MY LITTLE CLOWN NOSE yoojin forgot to ask about pronouns but that’s okay they’re figuring that stuff out still
Yoojin🐉❤️ it’s getting late the kids are going to bed i have to turn off the lights 
you can take the caregiver out the role of caregiving but he will still think of his baby siblings as his kids
Part of that is changing his behaviour. Hyunjae and Yoojin sit side by side and watch as Suk Simyeong gently coaches Yoohyun on how to interact with others and present a neutral, if not friendly, exterior.
[same voice as ingredience] neurodivergence.....
try and look them in the eye, or at least look somewhere on or near their face, if eye contact is too much
yoohyun, who’s the type to look people in the eye without blinking until they inevitably look away because then they don’t try that eye contact shit again later:
tbh i kinda made up shit for the Training In Formality section i don’t know shit about being Formal and Polite. hope i got it right :pensive:
“He’s not good with touch,” Hyunjae cuts in. [...] “Sorry,” [Yoojin] says apologetically to Suk Simyeong, crossing the room and gently pressing a hand against Yoohyun’s back. The kid slowly stops rocking and leans into the touch as he talks.
he’s not good with touch, Usually..... there are exceptions :-) every time i think about this being canon i go insane. wow. love and trust and faith.
Suk Simyeong nods understandingly, giving the closed door a considering look. “If that’s the case, perhaps he can take over part of the preparations,” he offers.
SSM who’s frothing at the mouth wanting to know more about this dude who apparently did some killer business deal with the head of Dungeon Task Force who all the dungeon people are gossiping about on their phone calls while they cart around unassuming A-rank businessmen: PLEEAAASEE fucking involve him PLEEEEASE make him involve himself in business with me
Still, Yoojin’s work is fairly repetitive and boring, so Hyunjae and the women pull out a pack of UNO cards from somewhere and start playing while he works, not paying much attention to either of the boys.
plugging my Han/Bak family playing UNO art here, please reblog like and subscribe,
He stares down at Yoohyun’s hair. Yoohyun’s wavy hair sits there judgmentally. Yoojin bemoans his budding career as a stylist and admits, “This… isn’t working.”
i’m sorry sweetie... hair isn’t your forte :( you can still do fashion if you try really hard
(fun fact about this whole scene, yoohyun not being able to straighten his hair until he could control flame resistance is Certified Canon!)
“No, shit, don’t get up.” Yoojin flaps his free hand at him distractedly. Hyunjae and his need to do everything himself, jeez. “I mean, like. The iron is not. Straightening.”
“hyunjae and his need to do everything” says the man who a few paragraphs ago wanted to be hair makeup clothing and management all in one
“Okay, but why is it not working, though? Is the iron not turned on?” Wow. Wow! Yoojin wonders suddenly if Yoohyun ever felt as homicidal towards him as Yoojin’s currently feeling towards his big brother. If he ever had, then it’s frankly stunning Yoojin’s survived as long as he did. “Do you think I’m stupid,” he snaps. “It’s plugged in.” “Yeah, but did you turn it on.” “You know what, why don’t you touch it and see?” Yoojin unplugs the straightening iron for a minute so that he can take it over to Hyunjae, presenting it to him with a flourish. The heat will hold on for the few seconds this takes. “Come on, touch it right now. I dare you.”
zmur put this into words better than i can, she described this part as “the feeling when elder siblings doubt your intelligence”--
“What if you used a regular iron. Like for clothes,” Hyunjae says, completely ignoring Yoohyun. Yoojin hums thoughtfully.
--and this part as “THEY ARE RIGHT TO DOUBT IT !”
“Killjoy,” Hyunjae mutters so only he and Yoojin can hear.
(should doubt your elder sibling’s intelligence too, once in a while. keep them on their toes.)
“HAN YOOHYUN YOU TAKE YOUR HAND OFF THAT RIGHT NOW,” Yoojin and Hyunjae and Jiyeon holler in perfect unison.
parental instinct for particular phrasings of commands
“Flame Resistance,” Yoohyun reads out. “S-rank.” It’s not heat resistance, but it’s pretty close, so it probably still applies.
hum hum the flame skill works on heat as well, huh
Yoojin’s watching Hyunjae idly when the flickers start up at the edge of his vision again. He blinks, rubbing his eyes idly, and looks back up in time to see, just for a split second— 
“Eh? It didn’t? I’ll… I’ll try it again, one second.” Nothing, for a second— but no, there is, pale flashes here and there. Yoojin shakes his head and blinks. They die down, then start up again. Fainter, this time. Why? 
gonna say this here because i accidentally set it up as a Thing there’s. there’s no reason. whether the message shows up or not is pretty much random error.
“Ahjussi has an L-rank skill?” Yerim demands. “That’s so cool!” Jiyeon and Yoohyun and Yoojin stare at Hyunjae in silence as he returns Yerim’s eager high-five. He cowers when he notices them.
these three are already so mad and they don’t know that between S and L there’s SS and SSS. they’re gonna be SOOOOO mad. anyway yerim remains the chillest in the room
“So, say you needed to cauterize a wound in an emergency, and you didn’t have access to healing items or Hunters. You could drop the Resistance there, set it on fire, and just… sear it shut.” Yoohyun blinks, an intrigued look coming into his eyes, and looks down at his own forearm. “That’s true, I could probably…” “Yeah, food for thought, I suppose.” “What the hell?!” Yerim yelps. “Though it’s up to you if you want to try it. I still think your hair is fine as is, we don’t have to—” “That’s horrifying,” Yoojin blurts. “No, I should know how. In case something happens like you said. How do I do it?” “Now hold on a second,” Jiyeon says, voice rapidly rising in pitch.
sometimes i think about how dungeon stuff made yoojin significantly more chill with violence and murder and self mutilation in some cases. and how he comments specifically (i think this might be in a slightly later chapter, possibly unreleased) that people like myeongwoo who don’t have those extra years of immersion in the dungeon culture still reject and avoid violence and killing whenever possible. really makes you think
anyway! i saved some extra commentary for those okay with spoilers. continue reading at your own risk. extra large warning in case you’re skilling
“How many of these people did you personally know?” “Not many!” “So one, then,” Yoojin concludes. “You don’t know that!”
“Why did you pick his name out of everyone’s! I thought you weren’t in touch with S-ranks. I thought you picked a friend’s name!”
they wanted some kind of bedroom decoration for a family member, counting sheep or something, i forget 
a sheep, for a family member of one of han hyunjae’s old acquaintances, is it
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sunsetinmyvein · 4 years
The Radio Station - Chapter One - Think About How to Think
"I’m still not quite used to these proper radio interviews.” He said as he reshuffled the headset over his clean shaven mohawk. “It all… feels so professional.” She laughed in response to that, “Well, it’s nice to know I’m doing my job right, then!”
Eyyyy, I’m back! A sort of different story compared to what I've done in the past. Small snippets in time, across quite a bit of time, focused around radio interviews. Almost all of Matty's interview answers are verbatim transcribed from various interviews, but it's what happens around those answers that's the important stuff.
Taglist: @dot-writes​ @imagine-that-100​ @robinrunsfiction​ @tooshhhy​ and feel free to give me a shout if you wanna be added :D
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6th of December, 2012
Adjusting the microphone in front of her, she watched while the last few seconds of the song played out. “You ready?” She asked the man sitting in front of her. He looked up from picking at the sleeve of his jacket, nodding apprehensively as she switched the microphones back on. “That was Sex by The 1975 - and as promised, we have here Matthew Healy of The 1975 with us in the studio this morning.” She spoke, turning on the radio presenter voice.
He leaned towards the mic slightly before speaking, “Hi.”
“How are you doing?”
“Yeah, erm… good?” He said with a small laugh, sounding unsure of himself. “A bit nervous.” He admitted as an afterthought.
“About your show tonight at Barfly?” She asked, remembering her conversation earlier in the day. Her managed warned her not to drag the interview out too much as they had a gig later that evening to prepare for.
“Uh, yeah, that, and I’m still not quite used to these proper radio interviews.” He said as he reshuffled the headset over his clean shaven mohawk. “It all… feels so professional.” He shrugged, looking around the studio for the millionth time. When he’d come in, the process of actually having to check in through a receptionist and wait before he was ushered through was fairly intimidating.
She laughed in response to that, “Well, it’s nice to know I’m doing my job right, then!”
 She figured it would be best to just get the ball rolling to try and give him something better to talk about than his nerves, “So, you guys have two EPs out now. How many more are there on the cards before an album?” She questioned, glancing down at the sheet of question prompts in front of her.
He appeared instantly more comfortable as soon as the topic switched to something that he had better familiarity with, straightening up in his seat and looking more engaged, “There’s probably another couple to come out before we bring out the full album.”
“It seems that the band is getting some good traction with what you already have out.” She pointed out with a nod. Over the last few weeks at the station she’d had a chance to hear the EPs in passing, and she thought that they were pretty decent. But the station itself had been receiving a fair number of requests for them and pretty good feedback whenever they were on the air.
“Yeah! We’re really humbled that we’ve been given the opportunity to live this past year, and we’re only getting closer as a band.”
  “Is there a strategy with how you’re releasing things?” She asked. “Is this all part of some grand plan,” She saw him smile at that, “or a secret to getting your name out there?”
He thought about that for a second, “Kind of a bit of both? When we wrote the first EP, shortly after we’d written the majority of the album, we kind of… I dunno, we just wanted people to…” He paused, taking a short breath as he recomposed his thoughts. “If we were gonna do it, it’s such a personal endeavour, this band. If people are embracing the music, we wanna do it properly. We want people to fall in love with a band the same way you fall in love with a person – the more you know about somebody over a longer period of time, the more you both invest in the relationship.” She was taken aback somewhat by his statement. For a band just starting their career, that was a pretty profound thought process. “That was kind of…” He continued, clearly debating over his words slightly. “We had ideas for a lot of material. We wanted records that went against the grain of most EPs nowadays that are just a single. We wanted to release these little records that kind of almost culminated in a debut record.”
  “That all sounds pretty well figured out.” She noted, still rather surprised at the extent of his answer. It was intriguing watching him stumble over his choice of words to try and get across exactly what he meant. “Does that mean that the tracks from the EPs are going to be on the full album?”
“There’s a lead track off each EP on the album, yeah.” He nodded eagerly as he leaned forward in his seat. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding that our material works chronologically. We wrote the album pretty much before we wrote the EPs. We took singles off the album and wrote EPs around that to take a bit of the story and embellish it a bit. Create a feel for what the album is gonna be like.” He explained, his hand motions getting more enthusiastic the more he spoke.
She made a soft noise of understanding at his answer. Thinking back to the vibe of the two EPs she had listed to, what he was saying made sense. “From what we’ve heard from you so far, it seems The 1975 has a knack for creating upbeat music with fairly deep lyrics in comparison. Is there a reasoning behind that? Is the album going to be similar?” She asked as she flipped her notepad over.
  He let out a sigh as he stared up at the ceiling of the studio, “I dunno… we’re just a band… for ourselves? We just wrote music for ourselves and have since we started when we were kids.” He started, leaning back into his seat. “Because we grew up in punk and pop punk playing around, we were kind of a bands band? Our music just became very, very personal and very, very kind of…” He made a vague gesture with his hands, “I suppose, it’s our only expression? It’s the only thing we’ve ever known how to do. It’s the only form of honest expression we’ve got. A lot of the time it’s quite self-deprecating for me – lyrically. I kind of find solace in it. But I suppose now it’s been romanticised a little bit.”
She wasn’t entirely sure if that answered her question, but pressed on. “Certainly songs like Sex seem to have a lot of girls romanticising you.” She threw in with a laugh. He cracked a grin at her remark.
“I think that is a reflection of our music – coming across as sexy. Not just because of, y’know, all this.” He shot back with a wink as he held a hand proudly on his chest. Any awkwardness he had been carrying at the start of the interview seemed to have dissipated now.
  “All right, we are gonna play another 1975 song and then we’ll be right back. This one came off of the first EP. This is The City.” She announced, happy to segue away from having to discuss whether she thought Matthew Healy was or wasn’t sexy on live radio. As the track started, she lowered her headphones to sit around her neck, the man across the desk from her following her lead. “You’re killing it.” She reassured him.
“Yeah?” He smiled.
“Yeah.” She chuckled, his enthusiasm now that he was on a roll was contagious. “You obviously know what you’re about.”
“Well, I’ve been fuckin’ thinking about it all for long enough.” He laughed loudly. “We spent ages working out what to do before stuff finally started happening for us.” He added for clarification.
“You’ve been the same group since you were kids?” She asked out of genuine curiosity. He looked like he was in his early twenties now, which would mean that they’d already been a band for quite some time. It seemed odd if that was the case, that they’d only had these two releases.
“Yeah, the four of us since we were fourteen or something. Just messin’ about trying to work out what sounds good.” He confirmed.
“Fourteen? That’s pretty young to start a band.” She said in astonishment.
“Yeah, well… I’d just moved to Manchester; I grew up in the very north of the country…” He started, looking like he was about to launch into another story. Part of her wished she had saved this line of questioning for the interview, but another part of her was secretly mildly honoured he was only giving this information to her. “But I went to high school and there was this kind of thing that was going on where the council were letting old people’s kind of bingo halls be used by kids to start bands. And after a couple of weeks it became this scene and everyone started making punk bands.” He explained.
  “So, you got dragged into it by your mates?” She asked.
“Well, in the end our whole social group oriented around that scene.” He shrugged. “We started there at fourteen just because of how fun it was. The fact that we realised we could be genuinely creative but also really indulgent? It was the most fun we could have.” He had a fond smile playing on his lips as he spoke.
“Plenty of time to experiment and work out what you want to be as a band.” She nodded in understanding.
“And clearly it’s starting to pay off.”
“You reckon?” He had a genuine look of disbelief.
“I’ve liked what I’ve heard,” She admitted, “and we’ve had nothing but good things coming in about the EPs.”
He scoffed as he ran a hand through his hair, “That’s a lie and you know it. I’m not oblivious to the critics.” He rolled his eyes, but was still smiling. “Thanks, though.”
  They had some more casual chit chat between them until the song came to an end and she switched the audio back over. “And we are back!” She said into the microphone, pulling her headset back on. “Still here in the studio with Matthew Healy, the lead singer of The 1975. Now, I believe that you guys had a few name changes before you finally settled on this one?” She asked as she crossed that prompt off of her list. In an effort to be prepared, she’d tried her best to find out as much about the band online as she could to form some half decent questions. She hated feeling like her interviews were just the same as everything else out there.
“Yeah, we did, but that was when we were just a live band, really. We didn’t really wanna put any music out officially until we were really ready. There were also issues with the old names that we had picked. One of ‘em there was another band called that already, Big Sleep, in America, so we couldn’t call it that. Another we didn’t really like, The Slow Down…” He said with a shrug. “People like to idealise quite a lot of things… in the end, it kind of became our thing? Changing our name. We didn’t really think people cared about our band, anyway.” He laughed softly.
“They certainly do now.” She smiled across at him, earning what appeared to be a delighted look in response. “So, is there any importance to what you finally settled on?”
  “The date doesn’t have any, no.” He said as he shook his head. “It’s this story, that’s been quite over dramatized, to be honest. When I was like… nineteen? I was on holiday with my family. There was an artist who lived in the village who was kind of a local drinker who befriended everybody. I spent a couple of days with him at his house, and he gave me loads of literature to leave with, like Kerouac and beat poetry, you know. Basically one of the books I ended up readin’ six months later, and it had kind of been treated as a diary by the previous owner. And it was dated ‘first of June the 1975’. The use of ‘the’ I felt was quite interesting.” He answered.  “It just stuck with me as a kind of… why? What made them write the 1975? I don’t know, but I think it really works with the fact that we were discovering a lot about ourselves, and we weren’t really sure who we were.” He gazed off into the middle distance for a second, looking like he was zoning out. “George felt it was a bit long at first, because you know, seven syllable band name. But once a band name becomes a band name it’s just there. It’s like that Pavlovian reaction. But I think when we went in for a meeting with our publisher, we’ve always liked to pitch things left of centre, we said ‘we’re gonna call the band The 1975‘ and they said ‘absolutely no way, it’s too long and there’s never been a big band that’s just been numbers.’ And then we looked at each other like ‘that’s the name.’ so I went and got it tattooed on my arm that day.” He laughed loudly. “Sent them a photo of that-” He held out his arm to emphasise the numbers inked there, “-like ‘that’s the name of the band now!’ As soon as they said there’s never been a big band that’s just numbers, we just thought… excellent.”
“The impulsivity worked in your favour, then.” She noted with her eyebrows raised in surprise. To go out and get something like that tattooed as an act of defiance to your creative project was impressive. “Good thing you’ve not had to change it again since.” He just chuckled.
  “It seems to fit in quite well, though, the name. What with the whole black and white aesthetic that you guys have created.” She continued, eager to hear what he had to say on this image that they had surrounded themselves with. Everything she had been able to find out about their ‘look’, how they presented themselves, it all seemed highly thought out and planned. But thinking back to what he had mentioned before, if they’d been a band since they were fourteen, it probably had been.
“If you’re quite altruistic in personality, that’s normally twinned with a certain amount of self-awareness. Because you’re exposed to many situations where you’re putting yourself out there a lot.” He started as he fiddled with the cord of his headset. “I think if you’re an artist and you’re like that, you find solace in maybe… detaching yourself from reality a bit? Because you’re not as exposed as normal. We find a lot of comfort in everything being in black and white, because… Yeah, that’s it, you’re not fully exposed.” He explained as if he was mostly talking to himself, or trying to sort out his answer as he said it. “But it really works for our band because it makes it… a bit out of reach?”
“How do you mean?” She frowned.
He hummed thoughtfully to himself before speaking, “There’s a great quote by Kafka, which is that ‘a camel is a horse designed by a committee’…” He said with a pointed look. “Which is like… one person’s vision is always going to be a lot more concise than something that’s been diluted or compromised by a committee. If you want to project a certain image it needs to be an individual’s own vision in order to be really palatable and really concise and really consumable. So, it’s all about creating something that isn’t that accessible, because we live in an industry where accessibility is paramount.” She was starting to realise that this man truly had very roundabout ways of answering questions. However, it was fascinating listening to his unfiltered thought process as he tried to work out what he wanted to say. She couldn’t say she’d had a lot of interviews with people are interesting as Matthew seemed to be.
  Taking a quick look at the time, she could see that they had to wrap this up shortly. Between the long-winded questions and the songs, her twenty minutes had gone by quite fast. She’d better start winding this down. “What’s next on the agenda for you guys?” She asked, looking back over to him.
“Uh, let me think…” He racked his brain for what their immediate plans were for the near future. “We’re heading out on tour after Christmas, and then pretty much we don’t stop ‘til sometime next year.” He confirmed.
“We’re in high demand, what can I say?” He said with a laugh.
“That’s not surprising, I’m sure it’ll only get harder to get a hold of you guys in the future.” She concurred. “Well, it’s been a pleasure chatting with you, Matthew. All the best for the tour and for the next EP.” She nodded. He looked caught off guard for a second. Glancing down at his phone, he was surprised to see how much time had gone by. “Thanks for coming in.”
“No, no. The pleasure’s all mine, truly.” He grinned. “Thank you for having me on.”
“I’m sure we’ll be hearing again from you soon.” She finished up, switching his microphone off as she did her outro spiel. He took his headset off, stretching his arms up above his head before standing up and heading towards the studio doorway. It took her a second of seeing him linger in her peripheral vision to realise that he was waiting to say goodbye. As she started the next track, she slipped her headset off and spun her chair to face him.
“Erm, thanks.” He said as he scratched at the back of his neck. “I’ll see you around?” He asked hesitantly. It was curious to see him go from charismatic interviewee to nervous guy in her studio so fast.  
“As I said, I’m sure we’ll be hearing from you soon. You’ll be back here in no time.” She assured him. He nodded to himself, looking pleased as he headed back outside.
  It was another twenty minutes after Matthew stepped out before her shift ended. Thankfully, she was able to get out of the office pretty quickly. Sometimes she ended up being held back for up to a couple of hours if there were meetings and such that required her attention. And today wasn’t a day that she wanted to deal with any of that. It had been a pretty shitty Thursday to start with. She’d had terrible traffic on the way in, couldn’t find a parking space, had to trudge her way to work in the cold, dropped her coffee when someone ran into her on the way – she just wanted to end a long day. It was approaching evening as she stepped out into the brisk winter air, letting out a sigh as she looked around the street. She started making her way to her car only to catch sight of a familiar mohawked man standing at the side of the station building, smoking with a few other guys. As soon as he spotted her, he shouted her name and waved her over. She debated whether she should go over and talk to a group of more or less strangers or not, but he seemed pretty keen on her joining them. He turned briefly back to the guys he was standing with and as she approached she heard the tail end of him explaining what had happened in the interview.
“This is the band!” He said excitedly.
“Oh!” Instantly, that made a lot more sense than him larking about with a bunch of random people. She took in the other three men he was standing with, noting that they were all quite a bit taller than he was. “You guys could’ve come in to the interview, you know.” She said as she wrapped her arms around herself to try and block out some of the cold threatening to seep in through her jacket.
“Nah, it’s fine.” One of them with somewhat of a beard shrugged.
“We’d rather let him do the talking.” Another quietly agreed.
“He’s loud enough for all of us.” The last one, that also had a kind of mohawk thing going on, spoke up.
“Hey! Fuck off!” Matthew shoved the last one with a loud laugh.
She stood around with them for a bit while they smoked, listening to Matthew talk about the interview and answering the odd question that the band members had for her. This man seemed far more sure of himself than the uncertain one she kept seeing in the interview. He prattled on excitedly about tour and the next EP and just generally seemed more confident. The band only spurred him on as well, encouraging him and getting into in-depth conversations about the tiniest details. She could see where those long-winded answers had come from in their interview. If he held this level of passive confidence and enthusiasm in a casual environment, it was only a matter of time before that started shining through in his career. And it was truly no surprise after speaking with them that this band was getting popular at the rate that they were. They were obviously talented, and had enough drive and direction to push themselves through whatever challenges they faced. She could tell that The 1975 were only just beginning their music industry journey. It was after about fifteen minutes that she figured she had better excuse herself and actually go home – she didn’t really have any reason to hang around here, even if it was nice to chat with such an interesting group of people.
  She waited for a lull in the conversation (which wasn’t very forthcoming) before finally making her move, “I might get going…”
Matthew’s face fell a little before he recomposed himself. “Why don’t you come down to the pub with us for a bite?” He suggested.
“Ah, thanks for the offer but I’ve got places I need to be, and I don’t usually mix business with pleasure as they say.” She chuckled lightly. “Nice to keep things separate.”
“It’s also nice to make exceptions sometimes.” He shot back; a challenging eyebrow raised. “But it’s cool.” He said with a shrug as he dropped his cigarette onto the ground, snuffing it out with his shoe. “For real, though, thank you for all the kind words about the band and the music in the interview. A station with as many listeners as yours… your words mean a lot.” He nodded, looking pensive about whatever was going on in his head.
“It’s really no problem. I meant everything I said.” She smiled back at him. Before she could get on her way, he pulled her into a tight hug. She hadn’t overly expected that from the man she’d known all of about an hour, but she hugged him back regardless, happy for the brief warmth after standing in the icy street. “I’ll, uh,” She cleared her throat, attributing the heat she could feel in her cheeks to being in the cold for so long, “I’ll see you at the next interview.” She said as she finally headed towards her car, leaving Matthew staring after her before heading back to his band mates.
Next Chapter
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notasdriedapricots · 3 years
The Tender Trap: The Origin Story
This is just pretty much a disclaimer for the disaster that’s coming.
I TALK A LOT OMG HOW DID YOU KNOW? Here's a TL;DR: -The Tender Trap is canon as shit, because I never intended to write a fic, and much less to publish it, but one thing lead to the other and I ended up kinda liking it. I love them so much. There's quite a lot added to it, but there's still a fair bit of the original thing in there, because again, that was the original goal. -However, if you think there's too much still there, let me know! I think I've modified it enough, but that's only my opinion. -If you catch technical mistakes, grammatical errors, weird vocabulary... let me know! English is my second language. -There's an after-villa sequel in the oven that has more angst (the game doesn't leave much space for that) and honestly is more fun. Or at least I've been having so much fun with it. I have to finish it first, though. I might hate it by the end, but we'll see. -Funny story: It was untitled for months. The day I randomly found a title while listening to Ella Fitzgerald, I kinda decided to 'fuck it, just upload it somewhere'. And so here we are. That was literally yesterday. -The first real chapter will likely be posted on AO3 on Thursday/Friday, depending on how much longer I keep messing with it :D
800 words of me rambling under the cut. How annoying is that.
I transcribed the whole goddamned game. In past tense instead of present, mind you. As one of the most popular memes in my country preaches: Why? There is no 'why'?
Well, there is. Just for clarification, that transcription is not what I will be posting. I'm not that dumb. No, I wanted to add nuances to the story without altering it, so I used what the game gives us as the skeleton. I wanted to see if I could make nonsense dialogue and the whole amnesia deal make sense by turning it into inside jokes, sarcasm, and anxiety. (Prosody is a wonderful thing). I tried my best to not contradict what has been explicitly said, regardless of how. much. I. wanted. to. change. it. That was the challenge, to reframe it so it made sense. Did it interfere with the 'creative process'? Nah, it was pretty fun, and I work well with a structure in place. The post-villa thing is way freer and oh god it's so over the place I have to put some order to that I don't even know where it's going but I found out I love writing domestic shit and I LoVe Lucas' mother.
This idea lead up to extending some scenes, adding others I felt were missing, composing internal monologues... And I ended up writing fiction again after like ten years. Which is not a "take it easy on me" card, by the way. Be ruthless, I can take it, mainly because I did this just for fun. I know I'm rusty, what's new? I know it mainly shows in the first chapters because the game forces a pace that's too fast and too slow at the same damn time and there's only so much my brain can do. I might rewrite them at some point, who knows. Also English is not my first language, so I can only hope there's something that sounds hilarious in there somewhere that you can point out so we can laugh about it. Let me know! I've loved this language since I was three, I want to use it properly. Also punctuation is sometimes different (commas and the necessity of explicit pronouns in English are a pain in the ass compared to Spanish) so you're welcome to correct that as well if you catch a mistake. So I don't intend to put myself at the same level as some of the fantastic writers in this fandom; you keep writing art, I'm just here for shits and giggles, and because this was insanely fun for me.
But going back. I started getting sidetracked, as I tend to do when I write, as you can see, so I had to get the scissors and cut those parts that weren't adding much to the main plot (telling Gary to apologize to Marisol is very nice but this chapter is already over 8000 words long, SIR) to make room for other parts that needed more depth, so amongst other things we have the emotional breakdown and apology we deserve after CA (or at least one that makes me feel bad, I don't know) and a lot of chats so these two actually get to, you know, know each other? Oh, and smut, ejem. Yeah. That.
In between I wrote half the after-villa sequel, canons for Liz, headcanons for Lucas, (head)canons for them together, pages and pages of questions and answers from both of them, fashion headcanons, families and exes, best friends; I put together pinterest folders with pictures of so (so) many people, clothes, apartments; I even wrote a musical episode where Liz has a karaoke battle with her ex in a jazz joint that's one of my favourite things because the songs are just *chef's kiss* I mean, Liz singing 'Cry me a river' is so cathartic... Anyway I started adding shit, mostly thoughts, to the game's dialogue, and it ended up in this abomination that never intended to be anything but fun. I'm not particularly proud of the first couple chapters because the cut/don't cut thing looking at the wordcount, trying to decide if I butchered the original dialogue, reduced it to a general paragraph, or pretend the scene never happened, all while having a chapter that was too short to split into two (or that would have one of them containing too little new stuff) but so long to be just one... was painful. I'm still dealing with that as I tweak the next chapters, but as soon as I have a somewhat definitive word/chapter count, I'll let you know. Just know that it's long, so do with that what you will.
SO, welcome. Take a seat, help yourself to a drink, and stay for as long as you like. When I got into this I went to the ball, so now I'm just dancing.
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flying-elliska · 4 years
Seeing that post, I am actually curious, how do you go about writing a fight scene? How difficult is it to visualize everything that is necessary to paint the action effectively?
Anon ! Thank you for this great question which will allow me to procrastinate writing said fight scene for at least five minutes instead of setting my computer on fire :
For me, like most of my writing, it starts with the characters + the emotional dynamic of the scene. What is happening between them ? What emotional process do I want to convey ? And so when I imagine/brainstorm the story in my head, I often have ideas for action that are centered around emotion. It’s a lot like a stage choreography - the beats should illustrate the story.
For instance : the fight between Lucas and Thorston, it’s sort of a theatrical performance ; Lucas wants to prove himself to the Vallès people, so it’s a sort of demonstration. So it’s very staged - one opponent makes a move, then another. A lot of the time when writing action scenes the first thing I have in mind is the dialogue and the character interactions - and the setting that will fit - the rest comes later. It starts with this training sequence where I show that Thorston is a bully asking Eliott to hurt himself. The general concept is that Lucas is a knight ‘jousting for the honor of his ‘lady’ (Eliott) who has been slighted, bc the chapter has these allusions to knighthood. But he’s also an underdog so I wanted his final victory to come as a surprise - so at first it starts like an unequal fight and then Eliott realises Lucas has been hitting all these strategic spots and Thorston crumbles - this is an illustration of ‘brain over brawn’ (also very inspired by the ‘five finger death punch’ in Kill Bill) - Lucas is physically smaller/shorter than most of his opponents and he compensates by being extremely smart and quick . The end goal is a feeling of satisfaction due to this reversal + Lucas proving himself + then Eliott makes his speech which shows he has a ‘hold’ over Lucas + there is this whole thing where Vallès has orchestrated this on purpose to get rid of Thorston for being a nuisance.
The catacomb fight sequence, on the other hand, is very chaotic, it’s in the dark, through Eliott POV and he is terrified, and out of his depth, but at the same, he also trusts Lucas so a lot of that sequence is him trying to figure out where Lucas is and following his guidance. It’s a bit of a trust fall - this whole bit is them really being together outside of the prison for the first time, and the overarching emotional aspect is that, right away, they fall into this sort of ‘battle intimacy’ where they have to immediately trust each other and they find that they actually really work well together. It also being mostly in the dark pushes them to rely on touch and hearing, which adds another interesting layer of closeness. Meanwhile, Nikolai Magnusson, is like this terrifying assassin figure that stalks them in the dark, so there is a very ‘primal fear’ aspect, they’re under the ground surrounded by dead people, I wanted it to have a bit of a horror movie vibe, so there is a moment where Eliott shoots him and thinks he’s down but then surprise, he’s not and he goes for them again and it’s this ‘oh my gooooood the serial killer is actually behind me!!!!’ moment and they run away without really knowing if he is dead or not, which adds to the lingering threat and atmosphere of pressure.
So then when I actually sit down to write, I have this general idea about a vibe and some ‘high moments’ I want to put in ; I know the purpose I want the scene to serve, the starting and end points. Now I need to figure out how to get from A to B to C, which is A LOT HARDER. A few things to consider : the characters’ abilities, the weapons they have at their dispositions, the constraints (are they wounded ? in the dark ? restrained ? are there any rules or is it a free for all ?) the environment (anything dangerous ? they can use ? a time constraint ? a bomb ? somebody to protect ? etc) and again, the character’s psychology and emotions (are they angry ? scared ? determined ? too arrogant ? etc). I basically put myself in the mind of the POV character and imagine what I would think and try to do if I was actually living the scene, focusing on the practical details. I honestly don’t write a lot of intricate fight choreography because this is just not my forte and i don’t really have the knowledge. Mostly I think about what would be cool and how to fit it in, and what the character NEEDS to do
For instance, Eliott doesn’t have a lot of fight experience, so when he actually wins a confrontation, it’s often due to the surprise effect - he has a very fierce streak under pressure - but I can’t put him in drawn out fights (yet). He also has a tendency to be overwhelmed and to get into his own head, which is like, very normal for a person without training. Lucas is different - the dude is supposed to be lethal and a bit of a legend so I have a bit more leeway when it comes to him doing crazy shit that shouldn’t be possible (lol) but again, his MO is to be smart about fights so I have to think ok what funky trick is he going to pull this time. What would make him look the most badass. Really, Lucas is all about the power of surprise, because again, his adversaries almost always underestimate him (or they don’t even see him coming). He’s like a stoat, small and uncommonly vicious. (look up ‘stoat dance of death’ if you don’t know what I mean lol) or like a blackfooted wildcat (which is called ‘adorable remorseless killing machine’ and is the smallest and deadliest wild cat) so it’s a theme that you can be very small and also very ferocious, and yes, i have been on a stupid animal documentary binge lately (animal fight club !! so fcking stupid). anyway, there is often a ‘what the fuck’ moment when he fights and also use of distraction. But it depends on context - again in the aforementioned fight with Thorston he is very elegant and precise because he’s showing off - but he started as a street fighter, ; using everything he has at his disposal, being ressourceful/inventive, ruthless, efficient, etc. Like in krav maga ‘use a pen as a weapon’ etc. He’s also very very attentive to his surroundings, alert to see if there is anything he could use, and he tries to analyse the moves of his opponents. (credit to the 2 krav maga lessons i took in my life lol). And then there is Daphné who we haven’t really seen fight yet, but she’s an acrobat, so that would come into account, etc.
I also have to do a lot of back and forth because what often happens is I get an idea for a solution (really a fight scene is a series of problems to set up and solve) so I have to go back in the story and make sure they have their guns/whatever they need for the scene and that there is proper foreshadowing. It’s often the logistics that drive me a little crazy because I get to a point and I’m like...okay and how would they do the thing I need them to do ? And you always have to have this back and forth between the perspective of your POV character and their enemy because you don’t want either of them to be purely reactive or to act stupid just because it’s easier (i mean, if they’re not supposed to be stupid)
I read this good writing advice idk where that said, basically, in action scenes, the more details you have, the more it feels important. So like, when the characters are just trading blows, it’s ok if you’re not super precise. However when things change - like the balance of power shifts, there is an upset, something that carries character significance, etc - it’s good to be more descriptive  -it’s like the writerly equivalent of slow mo when everybody is holding their breath. I mean, it’s good to have a general idea in your mind of where everybody is and how they react but it’s not like a movie, it’s ok if you don’t have a super precise beat by beat rendering in your head. At the same time, a fight scene is not the time for super introspective character beats, you have to kind of transcribe the fact that everything happens super fast and there is this sense of complete focus on the action and so you don’t want too many distractions where you pause to describe the scenery, etc etc.
So yeah idk I’m still trying to figure it out I guess ^^ because honestly I still feel like action scenes are some of the most difficult things to write, making everything make sense is hard !!!! hope this made some sense tho and was a bit interesting.
ok now i’m back to the story ^^ have a nice day/night anon ! <3
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