#I always assume the button is colorful for no reason...
klavier42 · 9 months
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I can't believe it takes me 128 hours to realize that the color of CONTINUE button is the color of the skill that passes the passive check and is about to jump out next. If it's not a skill or it doesn't require passive check, then the color is just red.
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Chapter 1
Yandere! Strawhats + more x witch Fem! Reader 🎀
Almost every flower has its way to protect itself..some are poisonous if you even dare to touch them in the wrong places at all while others have thorns or just smell so bad that people don’t care about it’s beauty.
These are all ways that beautiful flowers protect themselves..
In a way, you were like a flower. Delicate, graceful and beautiful. You had your thorns though, ways to defend yourself greatly. Your stare could melt someone’s heart yet, if you wanted the opposite to happen to them you could also do the opposite with ease.
When will you be like the flowers in one of your many gardens?
When will you realize that such beauty could cause immense pain to come?
Just at the end of that thought, you heard the sound of a ship docking close to your island.
You also heard…a group of people?..they sure were loud..there was shouting..but It sounded happy! Wait that wasn’t good was it?..you haven’t had visitors since…well a long time so maybe it was good? You were always taught to NEVER speak to strangers..especially not pirates..you hoped they weren’t pirates!..
As the sound of the people who you assumed had never been on a island before because they were undeniably loud got closer you could feel your heart pounding with a mix of different emotions such as excitement, nervousness and most of all, curiosity. If Mother Eve found out you were taking to strangers you would be a dead girl!
There was just something about these people though..you haven’t even met them and yet feel so..drawn to them. It was like a string that was tugging you nonstop to a place it knew you weren’t supposed to go to!
Taking a deep breath, you slowly made your way through the forest and to the outside of it where the noise grew louder and louder. Crouching behind a bush you peeked through the sage green leaves that only you knew could make a very good potion to turn someone into a frog, just for good measure!
The first thing you saw made you squint your eyes, there was a boy in a straw hat. He seemed unusually happy with a toothy grin that shined bright than the sun. He wore a velvet colored vest with golden buttons on it and denim shorts with a pair of sandals. He kept jumping around, holding his hat that a red ribbon around it. He seemed so..excited about everything it made you want to smile and laugh along with him. You wondered, what was it like just Jumping in the sand without a care in the world?
“Yeah!! We’ve finally docked on an island!! Can y’a believe it Nami?!”
“Uh yeah I can, the map led us here because I’m the navigator remember?”
A girl with orange hair that reminded you of a beautiful Merigold you saw the other day said with a raised eyebrow, checking a weird looking bracelet that a globe on it and some arrows in it like it was a watch.
“Oi! Sanji!! I see some fruit over there and a bird I think! Let’s eat it!!”
You then saw another man, he had a suit on for some reason, tilting your head you saw that he was smoking a ‘cigarette’..Mother Eve always told you they were extremely horrible for your health. Observing the man even more you noticed his shiny blond hair and his swirly eyebrows that you didn’t know how to feel about.
Wait..what fruit was he talking about?.. you then thought to yourself, eyebrows furrowed. Now shifting your gaze over to the fruit the boy was referring to your eyes widened, that fruit was extremely poisonous and if eaten and could cause immediate death!
Chewing on your bottom lip you gave a soft sigh. Out of all the fruits why did they have to pick that one?..maybe you can just sneak over there and cast a spell to turn it into a safer fruit..yeah!..that’d be fine! They won’t even notice you!
Just be quiet as a mouse..quiet as a-
As you were standing up you stepped on a twig!
Oh come on!! Seriously Y/N?!
Immediately the chatter went quiet. Your heart pounded as you felt all eyes on the bush you were currently hiding in.
Looks like hiding in a bush full of sage, twigs and crunchy leaves wasn’t such a good idea after all.. oh boy you were really in for it now weren’t you? A tall, green haired man with three swords and a rather serious expression on his face started to come closer and closer to your hiding spot. He was clutching the hilt of one of his swords and had a skeptical yet serious look on his face, slowly creeping closer…
Thinking fast, you quickly gathered a pile of leaves and plucked a handful of the sage from the bush you were currently hiding in, mixing them together, you uttered the spell you needed and there a frog slowly appeared from the pile you just saw. Before the frog could even begin to do a ‘ribbit’ or hop you threw it out of the bushes and in front of everyone, making it seem like the frog that was just born into this world not even five minutes ago, was hiding in the bushes, not you.
There was a moment of silence, looking around to see their reactions you held your breath. They all then smiled and laughed, some letting out a chuckle while the green haired swordsman just let out a sigh, his eyes fluttering closed faintly before he smirked and turned around to go back to his friends.
Just then you spotted something large behind them. Was that a..ship?..you’ve only seen ships in pictures and books. You marveled at the size and the cute lamb in front. The skull with the straw hat on the flag was even cute too-
Something then clicked in your brain.
A ship with a skull…a jolly roger…
Pirates! They were pirates..pirates were dangerous..you sighed softly and then stared at the boy with the straw hat.
His smile..his laugh..he looked safe..! A little dumb but safe..
Tapping your chin you began to ponder..it wouldn’t hurt to just maybe ‘accidentally’ run into them..maybe even introduce yourself and get some answers..that wouldn’t hurt at all!..right?
Silently giggling to yourself you slowly slipped away from your hiding place and summoned a beautiful vine to pull you up to the trees.
Your hair flowed majestically as you swing vines and tree’s like the earth was your very own. Summoning then to lend you help and then leaving them there to grow with others.
So many mix of emotions were brewing up inside of you like whenever you made a sacred potion..excitement, nerves but most of all you felt..uneasy..? From the moment you saw the group of visitors you just felt as if there was something..off about their presence.
Maybe it was just you being paranoid..yeah!
What harm could they really do how bad could this honestly be?
Thoughts were racing through your mind but just as you were about to snap out of it and focus, your body came to a complete halt.
Large, wide eyes stared back into your own. The pair blinked multiple times and so did yours, after a few minutes your cheeks began to flush in embarrassment, trying to leave. As soon as you took one step back though, you felt a hand in your ankle to pull you back. Did it just…stretch to get to your ankle?! You’d never seen anything like THIS before..
“Hey! Where ya goin’?!”
The voice who you recognized to be the one you saw earlier, with the straw hat said, tilting his head and giving a confused frown while tilting his head a bit.
You had to admit that he was kind of cute in a way..black hair, tan skin, puppy dog eyes and that smile that drawled you in like poison..it screamed optimism,adventure…just enjoying life. Something you utterly craved.
Lips parting slightly, you cleared your throat to talk with some bit of confidence you could muster up.
“Oh uhm..nowhere. Who are you people? What are you doing on this island?” You then asked him, becoming somewhat serious as thorns surrounded where you stood to show him that you would not let him hurt this place, the place you held dear.
Surprisingly his eyes sparkled by your power, his jaw seem to drop in amazement as he looked around frantically with a grin. “Woah!! How’d you do that?!”
You felt shocked, was this boy, the one who could stretch his body or even do more for all you know, complimenting you on your power?! His eyes stared into yours again, he was grinning and it seemed like his eyes were clouded with some peculiar type of emotion..you just didn’t know what yet.
Maybe it was interest? Curiosity? It felt like a guessing game. For some reason you desperately wanted to know what was going on in this boys head..what was he thinking about exactly?
Tilting your head you then spoke in a soft voice “..you’re not here to harm or destroy this place are you?..” you asked while stepping another step closer, you expected him to take a step back for personal space, but he stayed where he was. hat grin never getting wiped off of his face.
“Nah! This place is cool!!”
He said with a shrug, talking in a soft voice too. One that reassured you he was safe. These people..were safe..
You were now walking with this boy they called ‘luffy’ in the forest to go meet the others, he seemed to warm up to you quickly, blabbering on about his crew and how they were very grateful to dock on an island after ‘sooo long!’
The wind then suddenly blew and he put his hand instinctively on his hat to hold it down from blowing away. Tilting your head you gave a smile while staring up at him in curiosity.
“Why is that hat so important to you?”
“Someone very important gave it to me!” He replied before you could even blink. Now turning to you, you could feel him stare deeply into your eyes again.
“What’s your name anyway?” He then asked with his grin remaining. Why was he smiling so much..? You wondered. Wait no, how could he smile so much, he just met you! Was he already smitten?!
“Y/N..! The reason why I asked you on your motives was because I’ve lived here my whole life you know..” shrugging, you grew a plant that was actually safe to eat this time and handed it to him. He most gladly took it.
With a mouthful he happily said, “hey thanks!!”
You smiled and thought for a moment, just like he did a moment ago, you halted walking for a minute to turn to him.
“Do you want to see something cool..Luffy..?”
He blinked and finished his fruit quickly, grinning even bigger now.
“Yeah sure!!”
Adrenaline rushed through you as you flew through the air, hearing you luffy behind you cheer just as loud as you did. Living on an island for most of your life had its perks you know, it allowed your imagination to run wild!
Which was why you and luffy here were currently flying through the air above the trees on a dragon you made completely out of dry leaves, sage and Cat’s Claw! You held onto the dragons horns while it operated like a roller coaster and flew gracefully like the wind.
Though, luffy’s hands slowly creeping up to your hips and holding onto them almost possessively caught your attention, you just played it off though, grinning up at him. It was probably something normal anyway!..
Finally, you felt him wrap his arms around your waist completely and jump off of the dragon! Was this boy mad?!
“GUM-GUM: BALLOON!!!!” He shouted in the air as his body increased two times its size to give you a safe landing, to say you were absolutely shocked was definitely an understatement..he was just as lively as you thought!!
He laughed as your hair fell in your face and got in the way of seeing properly, you couldn’t help but grin and laugh with him as you adjusted your hair so it wasn’t sticking up like you just got struck by lightning.
“That dragon was amazing!!” He said cheerfully,returning back to his regular form and helping you up. “That landing was amazing!!” You said with a soft giggle.
“Um..Luffy who is this..?” A voice then asked, turning your head, you saw it was the girl with the orange hair, Nami if you remember correctly.
Blinking a few times, you noticed that every last one of his crew members were staring at you with their interest clearly piqued. Smiling widely at them, you introduced yourself just as you would’ve done in your original plan.
“My name is Y/N! I have lived on this island for years..and I’m a witch who’s just looking for adventure!” You would say while giving a bow with another small laugh. Just from that little fun ride you had, it had gotten you so shook up and full of energy!
Luffy unexpectedly, gave you a pat on the back which you smiled at. “Isn’t she great?! Hey maybe we can fly three dragons next time!! And their all rainbow!”
A beautiful woman with black hair and the perfect tan let out a chuckle while putting her face in her feminine hand. “They get along quite well dont they?” She said, her voice smoother than chocolate. Now looking at the two women of the crew you’d never seen such beauty! But that little wholesome moment wouldn’t last long as you felt someone gently take your hand.
“Huh?” You Said while blinking and looking down to see who or what just took your hand.
“Oh Mademoiselle~! Your beauty is simply too much! Mother Nature surely has blessed me today for letting me see such an angel! I’m ready to live on this island for you my love! Just to see you every morning~!!!”
The man with the cigarette said in a high pitched voice, he was crouched down on one knee with hearts literally for eyes! your eyes widened quite a bit as you were definitely not expecting that seeing how he acted with Luffy when you first saw him, his blond hair that shined bright than the sun was still so captivating to you..not to mention he was rather handsome…
Should you charm him back?..it was only polite right?..
“Oh my how dashing..” you started while taking his hand with your free one, crouching down on knee just like he did.
“This island barely gets visitors at all but when we do..they really aren’t as handsome as you..if you were stuck by my side I would feel no need to search for any adventure because I’d have you~!” You said, giving him a wink and growing a rose out of if the ground, handing it to him.
Before his eyes even could take notice of it however his nose started to bleed…a lot! So much that it threw him back physically, making him land on his back and gaze up at the sky in shock.
He stuttered out as you smiled, suddenly everyone burst into laughter and you couldn’t help but grin widely.
Yeah these people were definitely safe!! You were sure of it…
For the next half hour, you spent it with the visitors who came by your island. They seemed to like you very much so because they couldn’t keep their eyes off you! Robin was asking so many questions about the plants and herbs you used here, and you answered gladly! Sanji on the other hand kept flirting with you and charming you the best he could, making you smoothies from the fruit nearby (that were completely safe of course.)
Luffy was also bombarding you with questions but about your powers and spells, he told everyone about the dragon you made and you showed them your magic of course with a smile. You even turned Luffy into a mouse for fun! The boy with a long nose named usopp enjoyed that one the most he just couldn’t stop laughing about it!
You also told them stories about your encounters in the island and how you became the witch you are today, of course you had to mention Mother Eve when you were telling that one.
“She’s kind of the reason I haven’t set out yet..she keeps saying that ‘I’m not ready’ but I’m as ready as can be am I not?” You laughed softly with a sigh, putting a flower crown you made on the little reindeer’s, Choppers head.
The crew nodded their heads at you, they seemed to go a bit quiet like they were pondering something greatly..exchanging looks a few times..that just be a pirate thing right?..
It was now finally sun down and the sound of the fire the green haired swordsman known as ‘zoro’ (who could be a bit intimidating sometimes..)made illuminated everyone’s faces, casting a beautiful orange light in the front, and darkness in the back.
Letting out a soft sigh you closed your eyes,making a nice flower bed for you rest on while gazing up at the stars. Then all of a sudden..
“Hey Y/N?..”
Luffy’s voice caught your attention. You turned your head over to him with a smile.
With everyone now looking at you, they all had a somewhat big smile on their face. Zoro though stared at you rather intently..
That grin that could light up a room appeared again as luffy got closer to you placing his hat in your face rather abruptly, you took it and put it on your head with a confused expression.
“Join my crew!!!” He said loudly, staring into your eyes which made you feel there was only one answer optional…
To Be Continued~…
Omg this took so long!! That’s why I’m posting this late lol- but omg I’m so excited for this story!!!! I love it already and I hope you guys do too!! Please let me know! I’m so excited for her to meet new characters and show off her moves even more! I hope you guys are excited too! I don’t wanna make this too long because I’ve been writing nothing but announcements lately, so without further a do I have nothing else to say..for now! Until next time my lovely petals!!❤️❤️💕🌸
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skatingbi · 11 months
So hear me out on my headcanon guys:
Sanji with heterochromia (i cant spell that fuckin word man..) where one eye is blue and another is brown. He always hides the blue eye.
The first one to notice is Zoro, who is immediantly like "holy shit youre eyes are pretty" and sanji is like "what the FUCK"
Actually fuck it im gonna write about this nobody can stop me.
Sometimes, on lonley nights in the gallery, when Sanji is busy prepping, he looks in the reflection of his knife. Underneath the frizzy mess of a fringe that is part of his hair reveals the blue eye he struggles looking at. He stares, scrutinizing that light blue in the gleam of his knife gripped tightly in his hand. He looks away to force his attention back on prep work. His hands are always slightly unsteady after those moments. He always ends up with a cut on his hand one way or another on those nights.
When Sanji was a kid, his brothers would use his heterochromia as a weapon against him. He was the freak with two colored eyes. They would say his blue eye was creepy, too. Not only was he weak but also too different to be called their brother.
When you're a kid, you take these insults to heart. Eventually, when you're barely into adulthood, they'll still plague you. They become a part of you, just like how Zeff's teachings became a part of Sanji.
Judge looked at his eyes with disgust masked by indifference. It was another reason for Sanji to assume why he was the failure. The outcast. The runt of the litter.
His mother had blue eyes. She always claimed Sanji got his blue eye from her because her father had heterochromia, too. That was the only time little Sanji felt normal. When she died, Sanji started to grow out his hair to hide the only thing he had left of her: her eyes.
Now, Sanji still hides her eyes from view. Realistically, Sanji is fully aware that none of the crew would give a rats ass what he looked like. Regardless, old habits die hard. He feels safe under the mask he made for himself. As he goes about preparing lunch, perhaps grilled sea king again with how luffy is always eager to fight those things, he lets his mind wander to his eyes more. While hands expertly move through his knife like an extension of his body, he thinks about the mess of blond hair that's always in the way. He'd never admit it out loud, but his hair actually bothers him. Since it started growing out, it gets everywhere; his mouth, in his eyes, and tangled in the buttons of his shirt. Is sanji happy with his longer hair? Absolutely. It's a nusiance to leave it down constantly, though.
As he's thinking this, he's blowing the fringe of hair covering his face out of the way every so often so it stops tickling his nose. He continues to evenly slice through a portion of sea king meat until somebody, Nami he realizes immediantly, speaks up.
"Do you need a hair tie, sanji?" Nami asks sweetly. Her smile is radiant, as always, while she looks up from the map shes been studying. Sanji didnt even realize Nami came in and made the kitchen table into a study until now, but he doesnt dwell on it. Nami is welcome in his kitchen, after all.
"Oh no, thank you, Nami-swan! I think I just need a haircut soon," Sanji lies as he's moving through the kitchen. He gives Nami a quick smile before turning back to the meat on the cutting board and avoids Nami's gaze under the disguise of being busy. His lie wasn't as believable as he wanted it to be, especially when he's stumbling over his words while he is usually eloquent with them towards Nami and Robin.
"But until then, you should take one! I probably have hundreds lying around my room anyways," She says. It's a peace offering designed to be in Sanji's language of communication. It secretly says he's getting that hairtie whether he wants it or not, and Sanji is weak enough to accept the offering. He takes the hair tie with a grateful smile, wrapping it around his wrist and going back to his current task. Nami and Sanji work in comfortable silence after that, but the hair tie weighs on his wrist like a weighted bracelet.
A few days pass by. Through every single one, he stares at the hair tie in the morning. He really should tie his hair back. It reaches his shoulders for gods sake, and it keeps getting in his mouth - but that small part of him that clings onto grief like its all that he knows refuses to. He doesn't think he can bring himself to share the only part of himself that he truly loves deep down. What if the crew really thinks it's weird? What if his brothers are right?
These what if's roam in the back of his mind. They lurk just beneath the surface like an unknown predator hidden in murky water. He ignores it along with the anxiety that crawls up his throat every time he looks at his wrist.
Then, a week passes by. Now he's in his kitchen making a simple breakfast for his nakama. Franky, in particular, will enjoy this since his tastes lie within American style food most of the time. He focuses on seasoning the eggs, some of them cooked differently to cater to everyone's tastes. While he goes through the familiar and therapeutic motions of cooking, the door opens to reveal an annoying head of mossy hair and the steady noise of three swords bumping each other at the hip.
" Oi, go to sleep in your own bunk. I dont need you stinkin' up my kitchen while im trying to work." He utters without looking up from the stove.
"Why can't I just sleep here shit cook?" Zoro grunts. Sanji hears him shuffle around on the gallery's couch behind him. He's probably lying down, or maybe he'll sleep sitting up again, or maybe he'll watch Sanji cook. That's the most irritating one, which usually ends up with them fighting out on the deck one way or another.
"Because youre fuckin' annoying, get out."
"The hell I am, I'm taking a nap here."
"Oh my - You know what?" Sanji whips around to glare at Zoro, making sure the knife he was using is now in his hand to point at the source of his ire, "Fine, but if I hear a single snore out of you I'm kicking you into the ocean!" He threatens and turns around to finish up with breakfast. By now, all he has left is pancakes. The batter was prepped earlier, so now it's just focusing on pouring evenly. It's task that's menial but still important to him regardless.
His hair is covering his face too much. He tries to shake his head to flip it to the side. It falls back to where it was before he can pick the bowl of batter back up. He brushes it over his shoulder, and it simply flows back over it. He blows his hair out of the way, a classic move, but not even that works and he's slamming the bowl down on the counter before he can even stop himself and walks away from his work to grab the hairtie from around his wrist. In a few fluid motions, he ties his hair back haphazardly into a poor attempt at a low bun, but it's out of his face, and now he can focus.
He's too deep in concentration to even remember that he has heterochromia in the first place. Cooking lowers his guard unlike anything else in the world. The gallery acts like a safe space and cooking is his comfort. He still forgets, too, while calling for Zoro to get his lazy ass up to help since he's decided to loiter in his kitchen.
"Hey moss, if you're gonna laze around my kitchen, set the table for me." His request demand is met with a middle finger, which Sanji gladly returns as he walks over to the couch to kick Zoro on the stomach. The half asleep annoyance is now suddenly alert and glares at Sanji for a moment before it's quickly replaced with a look Sanji has yet to add to his mental notes he likes to call "Marimo Dictionary". Zoro's eyebrows are slightly raised, and his eyes glitter with something Sanji rarely sees. He's never been able to place a name on that look. Now he's confused. "What? Dont give me that youre tired crap youre not fuckin 10." He says.
Zoro is still looking at him, though, and now Sanji looks back with confusion because what the fuck is he-
Oh. His eyes.
Sanji rips the hairtie out of his hair at light speed, probably pulling a few strands out by accident in the process but he could honestly care less when theres something more important. Like whatever the fuck just happened.
Before he can turn away and go set the table himself to distance himself from the marimo, Zoro's hand moves suddenly to grab his wrist, stopping him from running away.
"Wait, wait, hold on," Zoro pleads. And what the fuck. Zoro has never said anything like that and its fucking with Sanji's head because what the fuck. "You...uh." He continues in his signature graceless way. "Your eyes..." He pauses after that, sitting up and looking at Sanji, but not just looking, he's looking.
"Marimo," Sanji's own voice is riddled with anxiety with how shaky it is now. "Let me go dumbass," He demands but it could have been mistaken for him begging with how much he's struggling to keep himself together.
He's anticipating the worst. He knows what he's expecting. Sanji has experienced it countless times before, and he's aware he will again right now while a pancake is probably burning on the pan for all he knows.
It doesnt.
Zoro is looking at him still, maintaining eye contact but also darting between both eyes. He's looking at him like those golden eyes are looking into his soul and its too much.
It's too much because Zoro's response is uncharacteristically soft in so many ways. Zoro speaks to him like he's speaking with reverence, "Your eyes are beautiful."
Sanji shatters on the gallery floor there. His soul is bare for Zoro to see suddenly and that terrifies Sanji. Nobody has ever told him he's beautiful. Especially his eyes. He yanks his wrist from Zoro's grasp and speed walks to the stove to turn it off and remove the burnt pancake from the pan. He doesnt respond. He cant, not when his heart flutters when it should have been anchored down by rejection.
Then, Sanji walks up to Zoro, grabs onto both his shoulders, pushes him out the gallery door with surprisingly little resistance, and slams it shut. He leans against the door, sliding down until he's sitting on the floor with his head tucked between his knees. His face is burning and his face is probably red like a tomato right now. He stares at the ground with wide eyes and a weirdly giddy feeling in his chest and stomach nearly akin to happiness but also dangerously close to feeling freaked the hell out.
"What the fuck."
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mojo106 · 3 months
"Copy Ca(i)t" or splitted invoice to reduce the costs? 
What's going on with Cs gin video ad?  Clearly there is a strong similarity between S's and C's booze ad. This relates not only to the location in which the scenes were filmed, but also the content. Many people here have already pointed this out. 
What are the reasons for this? You can think of a few possibilities: C and her team loved SS's original concept so much that they obviously copied it. Or they use the same team and the requirements were only slightly adapted for FMNs ad. Just to name a few… Anyone can think of further reasons for this. 😉
What is known for sure: both ads were obviously filmed around the same time. Her hair color and length and wearing the Maria McManus coat (which was one of her favourite items of clothing last autumn) are a dead giveaway. 
These obvious similarities of C’s gin ad raise the question what were they and their teams thinking? Cost reasons perhaps? Why pay for everything twice when you can do it all in once?  Isn't St*rz paying as well as assumed and are they keeping their money together because future film projects are uncertain? Or do they perhaps even do it on purpose? To create a little confusion and uproar?
What could be the reason for publishing this ad so soon after S was dragged to the tennis tournament or dragged himself there to show Miss June? The advertising video for the new FMN gin batch should have been ready some time ago. Perhaps 🧛🏻 had no other obligations right now and was free to press the button? Might it have been like that? Is it as simple as that?
And some more thoughts: Did the tennis invitation come at short notice and S had had enough of the fresh air in Scotland after all the outdoor activities of the past few weeks? Probably not... In any case, he hadn't enough time to squeeze in a trip to the hairdresser.
Why all of this right now? One can only speculate, but always keep in mind - we are talking about S and C. And over the last years, it has been proven that there are no coincidences with these two....
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psychedelic-ink · 11 months
ㅤhistory professor!pero tovar x f!reader
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genre: smut, dark academia, minors dni
word count: 2k
summary: you've been suspicious for a while from the way he speaks. talking about historic events with such an affinity as if he's actually been there. the thought refuses to leave your mind and brings you to his office where he gives you answers but not without a price.
prompt: Their history teacher had a way to talk about historic events, just like he had actually been there. (click here for the prompt list)
warnings: unbalanced power dynamics, professor/student, fingering, mild dubcon due to the nature of the dynamic, pero is a bit of an asshole, size kink, rough piv, age gap
requested by @dinjardin
**amazing gif made by the most talented fanna aka @pedrorascal xx
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His presence is large within the office. You always found him to be intimidating with his broad shoulders and hard gaze. The intensity of it would always take you by surprise. It would make your stomach jump and skin crawl. You would always wonder how such a soft color could look so intimidating and angry. Pero doesn’t lift his gaze as you enter, seemingly unbothered by your sudden interruption. Briefly, you look around, taking in the sight of worn books and ancient artifacts. 
You swallow and look down, scanning the detailed lace of the end of your dress— maybe it was wrong of you to assume something so drastic, and frankly, unbelievable. Then again, the look in his eyes as he spoke of certain events…the way his gaze would grow cloudy and almost rueful as if speaking of a time he missed…you had to investigate, you just had to ask. 
Raindrops begin to fall against the glass panels, neither of you looks to watch the soothing droplets slither down. 
“How can I help you?” He asks, fingers deftly moving over the paper and scribbling down words you cannot see. “It is very unlikely for you to come and visit after hours. You must have a good reason.” 
Pero’s not asking if something is wrong or not, he’s not telling you to take a seat. Every single sentence is a statement, a hint of a threat, he’s telling you not to pry. You remain silent. All the words you wish to speak suddenly foreign to your tongue. His eyes flit between the stacks of paper and you, noticing your inability to speak, he sighs and leans back against his chair. Your eyes follow the vein meandering down the side of his neck, a sliver of sun-kissed skin peeking from under his white button-up shirt. 
“If you are too cowardly to speak, I suggest you leave,” the corner of his lips twitch into a cruel smile. “Some things are better left unspoken.” 
His words sting and you immediately know you can’t leave this room without confronting him. You’re not a coward. You’re not some little girl throwing a temper tantrum. You noticed something and you want to seek the truth. You hear the blood rushing to your ears, your veins expanding as your pulse quickens. He’s watching you intently, eyes glimmering with amusement as if he’s watching the breaking point of the heroine. 
“I’m not a coward, professor.”
“No,” you lift your chin and his smile widens into a grin. “Your words only prove that there is something going on.”
Something dark crosses his eyes, something that sends a chill down your spine, “How about this,” he starts, lacing his fingers above his belt. Your eyes instinctively drop to them, making you realize that he did it on purpose. It’s not much, but you still manage to witness the outline of his cock. “If you guess what it is that I am hiding, I’ll confess fully. But if not, I get to touch you how I please. You get two guesses.” 
“That seems hardly fair.” After a brief thought, you add. “And unprofessional.” 
He shrugs with a smile, “Then I wish you a good day. See you in class tomorrow.”
He knows you’re not gonna leave this room. And you know that he knows. There’s no way you’re backing down after coming this far. You fix him a half-hearted glare as if you’re thinking about another way to get him to speak. But in all honesty, you’re not at all appalled by the thought of his hands on you. Touching you in places he’s not supposed to be touching. He’s a handsome professor. One of the professors that the other students constantly remark about, and you’re not immune to his deep dark eyes and mischievous, teasing smile.
“Fine,” you answer through gritted teeth and he lifts two fingers, eyes full of flickering amusement. “Okay, my first guess is that you’re a time traveler.” 
His gaze lights up and for a second you think you’ve got it right, your heart starting to pound fast. Your mouth goes dry as you stare at the two fingers.
He lowers one, and slowly, he stands.
“Wrong,” he purrs, this voice thick. The professor rounds the desk and comes to a halt behind you, his body only a breath away. You hold your breath. “ Where should I touch you first? Here?” With both hands he cups your breasts, squeezing them lightly. Your breath catches in your throat, your pulse quickening from where his lips hover an inch away from your neck. “Or here?” His hands slither down and slip to your back, he cups your ass, the plump flesh filling his palms.
A whimper is caught in your throat and he lifts one finger in front of you, “Tell me your second guess and final guess.” 
“Um,” all the answers you previously had feels silly to you now. “You’re a supernatural being, like a vampire or something.”
“Vampire?” He laughs, loudly. The sound booms in your ear, the thick hairs above his lip tickling your skin along with his warm breath. Embarrassment floods your senses and your eyes drop to his weathered desk. You feel the touch of his lips on your ear. “No. I am not a vampire,” he waits for a beat and then chuckles darkly. “You are out of guesses, senorita.”
His hands slip under your shirt and roam, taking in every detail of your burning body. He pulls down your bra, with his thumbs, he plays with the pebbled flesh. His touch makes arousal gather quickly between your legs. You squirm as you finally feel the full press of his body. His cock hard and aching between his legs. Some part of you wants to argue and say that this is more than a touch, but the other part of you is deadly afraid that he’ll stop.
You don’t want him to stop.
He pinches your nipples and slightly twists them, your body jolts, lips parting with a gasp, “Professor—“ 
“You really want to know what I am?” He mutters, dragging his nose down your cheek. You nod but honestly, with the way his hands are kneading you’re breasts, you realize you don’t care much about it anymore. “I am cursed to live out the rest of my days. Watching the times pass me by, watching everyone I once called a friend die.” You shudder at his tone, your body seizing at the sharp feel of his teeth. “I lived over and over. Now I am at a point where I do not care much about anything anymore.” 
Your eyes go wide as he kisses your neck. His lips are soft and slightly damp. It feels good against your skin. A soft whimper escapes your lips. it’s hard to register what he just said, to understand what he means. Some part of you feels as if you’ve already known this. That he lived a thousand lifetimes and will live a thousand more.  
Pero doesn’t give you a chance to speak. Before you can remark or offer some comfort, he holds you by the neck and shoves you down to the desk. His hips are pressed firmly against your ass, his erection tucked between your cheeks. Your breath hitches. With the corner of your eye, you see ungraded papers whipping around you and falling to the floor.
“One of the things that time has not changed is how even the most proper women become whores after I bend them over just like this.” 
He must be right because you end up grinding back toward him, wanting to feel more of his cock, body, and presence. He grins against your skin. With large hands, he pushes up your dress and exposes your covered thighs. It doesn’t take him long to rip away your stockings. Warm palms stroke the flesh of your ass, he slides your panties to the side, exposing your soaked pussy to the chilled air of his office. 
“Let’s see how wet this cunt is,” he teases, voice dropping. Two fingers spread your folds and push between them, your chest heaves as he slips them inside of you with embarrassing ease. You don’t need to look at him to know he’s smiling. He starts thrusting in and out, the wet sounds of your cunt flooding the room, burning your ears. It’s so loud. A fresh wave of arousal soaks his fingers, dripping down his wrist. “How hard do you want me to fuck you?” 
You push back against him, walls fluttering as you take his fingers knuckle deep. “Filthy,” he coos. “You’re a mess already. My sweet student is such a slut for her professor. Isn’t she?” 
“Yes,” you gasp, wiggling your ass. His groan rattles in your chest and you moan at the richness of the sound. 
He pulls out his fingers, his other hand still pressing you down by the back of your neck, “Gonna fuck this pussy until it's drowning in my come,” he says. “Then you’ll be coming here every day, asking—begging me to fill these pretty holes.”
His cock is so much bigger and thicker compared to his fingers. Your body coils tight. The head of his length stretching you incredibly wide. You moan through gritted teeth, a sound of both pleasure and pain seeping into the wood underneath your cheek. Your skin prickles as he presses forward, your jaw going slack. He feels so incredibly big. He reaches deep inside of you, stroking places that you thought weren’t possible before. You writhe underneath him. Your body clenching him tight. He moans loudly when he’s fully heated inside, his cock throbbing and twitching inside you. You let out a deep breath and force your body to relax. He seems to notice. The only kindness he shows is the soothing glide of his palms over your back. You hum and sigh at the feeling.
But the tenderness is short-lived. Pero pulls out until it’s only the tip remaining and with a deep growl he snaps his hips forward, filling you with one smooth thrust. You scream his name, your body burning from the inside out as he pounds harder and harder into you. You’re drooling all over his cock, your nipples tight from where they rub against his desk. He fucks himself deeper into the tight fist of your cut and takes. He takes and takes and takes until you’re lifeless like a doll underneath him. Pleasure licks the base of your spine.
“Come on you professor’s cock,” he rasps into your ear, cock sliding in and out of you with ease. Your body begins to seize. Pero straightens, whine tearing from your throat at the lack of body heat. He roughly takes a hold of your hips and hammers into you, skin slapping against skin, until you’re coming undone around his cock. You cry out and the entirety of your body twitches uncontrollably.
Pero continues to thrust into you, his grip on your hips never faltering as he rides out his own orgasm. His groans and grunts mix with your own moans and cries as he fills you to the brim just like he promised.
Your mind is a blur of pleasure as you feel his cock pulse and twitch inside of you. It's overwhelming and you feel yourself start to come undone all over again. Pero's hands move from your hips to your breasts, giving them a rough squeeze before his fingers pinch and tug at your hard nipples. He pushes even deeper, some of his release dripping from where his cock mercilessly stretches you. A soft whimper drops from your lips. 
He finally pulls out of you, your body limp on the desk. Pero stands up and looks down at you with a satisfied grin on his face. He watches you try to catch your breath. 
“You're mine now. All mine, even if you do not want to be,” he says, pulling his pants back up and adjusting himself. “And you will keep coming back for more.”
You're too exhausted and sated to even respond, but deep down you know he's right. There's no turning back now. 
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okkalo · 1 year
can u do a drabble/scenario with bllk boys ( nagi, baro, isagi, rin, sae and any other you’d like) where they gift their s/o hand made gifts
like i definitely think kunigami or chigiri would know how to crochet so they’d make their s/o a blanket or book cover
thankyou!! and have a great day!!
hi again!! yes i can do that :) i can definitely see chigiri doing some crochet idk about kunigami though,, he would def learn though!! anyways i hope you enjoy and have a good day!! 🫶
also on my blog scenarios and drabbles are two different things so i’m gonna assume you mean writing with no headcanons;;
characters: nagi, barou, isagi, rin, sae
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honestly, nagi was not one to do crafts. he wasn’t one to do anything at all, really. the only reason he decided to do something is because he saw someone doing origami and the teacher wouldn’t let him sleep. besides, he’s heard you talk about how cute handmade gifts are, so, why not?
he ended up making a cat. a really bad cat. none of it was symmetrical and the face he drew on could give you nightmares. you were careful not to say anything about it when he handed it to you when walking home, knowing this is a once-in-lifetime opportunity.
“you made this for me?” you asked, examining the poorly folded cat. nagi hummed in agreement, hand sliding down to take yours. you made sure to give him a kiss on the cheek as a thanks.
“don’t expect another one,” he mumbled, eyes struggling to stay opened in the bright sunlight.
“i wasn’t expecting another,” you replied, giving him a small squeeze on the hand. he actually might make another one just to get another kiss on the cheek.
the best you’ll get out of barou is him fixing your clothes. he’s never been one for giving gifts, especially one’s that he hand makes. he feels too stupid doing it. he’s always one to give you flowers, just never anything made from him.
however, he will absolutely fix your clothes to how you desire. lost a button? immediately sews it back on. got a rip in your shirt? fixes it like a pro.
he can also make you a piece of clothing if you beg. he would rather not, though. and don’t even think about teasing him for any of this.
you had just gotten out of the shower to retreat back to your room and you were met with the pants you had given up on sitting on your bed. you had been complaining about the button popping off, upset due to losing your favorite pair of jeans. now, suddenly, they were sitting nicely in front of you with a button. you certainly didn’t do that. you know exactly who did though.
“barou? did you fix my pants?” you ask, trudging into the living room to see him wiping down the coffee table. he barely looked up, too focused on the task at hand.
“yeah,” his gruff made you smile, skipping over to sit down next to him. you gave a sweet kiss on his cheek, hugging him afterwards as well.
“thank you.”
he saw you fanning over people making flowers out of pipe cleaners and decided to give it a go. actually enjoyed it so much that he started making more than he needed. gave you a full size bouquet at the end of the day.
your jaw dropped at the colorful pipe cleaners all bundled together to make a bouquet. you excitedly took the bouquet, flashing your boyfriend a huge smile. “isagi, i love these! did you make them all?”
he sheepishly nodded, scratching the back of his head, “yeah, i didn’t realize i made a lot until all the green pipe cleaners were gone.” his confession drew a soft laugh out of you, his cheeks tinting at the sound.
“it’s a perfect amount, thank you,” you drew him in for a kiss, him loving to feeling of your upturned lips against his.
he had to hear nights worth of your gushing over small crochet plushies until he finally decided to try it out. little did he know, he was getting into a lot. absolutely struggled with the hook, muttering cusses every time something didn’t go his way.
rin, however, was not a quitter. he finally finished one, though severely disappointed with how bad it had looked. rin was also a perfectionist to heart. so, he gave it another go, this time paying attention to every small detail. finally, weeks later of hiding his project in drawers you never check, he presented you a small hello kitty plushie.
“oh my god! rin this is adorable! you seriously made this?” you squealed, immediately taking the small plush in both of your hands to examine it.
“yeah,” he spoke nonchalantly, heart secretly jumping in joy seeing you so excited for something he did. you jumped up to give him a big hug, giggling all the while.
“thank you, my sweet boyfriend,” give him an exaggerated kiss on the cheek. he loves it when you do it. don’t mind his sigh.
you knew better than to expect a decent gift from the heart from sae. that didn’t stop the leap your heart did once he handed you a piece of paper saying that he drew you. your poor, poor heart.
he drew you alright. just in the worst way possible. at first you wanted to believe he actually tried but was just horrible at drawing, but the more you looked at it the more you could tell he couldn’t have given less of a shit what he drew. he watched your face changes in joy too, seeing how your excited smile turned into a weird squiggle and then to a plain frown.
“sae, you did this on purpose,” you looked up to see his smirk, your heart officially dropping.
“i think i drew you perfectly,” your whine only made him feel better. give him the cold shoulder later and he might just think about apologizing while holding you close.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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sephirothsplaything · 6 months
a/n: I had way too much fun with this chapter btw omfg. the reader is so unserious and i low key love it.
word count: 2508
CW: black fem! obsessive reader, black fem! reader, reader wants Coryo so bad, she's also a fatass hypocrite btw. reader flirts with Lucy Gray! Treech is so cute in this chapter.
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You were on your way to the train station,satchel filled with food.
Mostly items you weren’t fond of eating,but food regardless.
It was early in the morning before classes and you were fixed on being the first to meet your tribute before anybody else. It was all planned out in your head. Treech would thank you for being so kind and of course you would drone on about how you’d do anything to get him out of the situation.
Lost in thought, you continue on and you almost miss the flash of red that brushes past you. 
Your head snaps up,seeing Coriolanus waiting in front of the train. He had beaten you to your own idea,somehow.
You think about spinning around and leaving but Coriolanus had already spotted you.
“Y/N.” Coriolanus said. His blue eyes ran all over you. It made you shudder. “You aren’t wearing makeup today.” He stated.
Your bare face had been intentional. You figured it gave you the more down to earth look,more earnest.
You didn’t address him,rather your eyes moved to the white rose in his hand.
“And what do you hope to accomplish with that?” You said, gesturing to it.
Coriolanus’s lip lifted into a slight smirk. As if he’d already figured something out.
“The same reason you have that bag of leftovers.” He said. 
 You hummed in response. Turning back,you watched the trains pass,looking out for the one that would have your tribute on it.
“I see you’ve decided to copy me.” Coriolanus said mockingly.
Briefly, you considered shoving him in front of a passing train. It would attract too much attention, and your grandmother would be less than pleased.
“Or.” You said. You spared him a quick glance. His hair was annoyingly soft looking today.
“You lack the ability to create an original idea.” You said.  Coriolanus scoffed at your suggestion.
“I assume Sejanus doesn’t know what you’re up to?” Coriolanus said. “I know you enjoy checking in with him.”
Maybe you would follow through with the train thing.
“Those tesserae buttons you wore on your shirt yesterday.” You said coolly. Coriolanus blinked at you in confusion.
“You said they reminded you of the maid's quarters,but I'm sure your cousin made them from the tile.” You said.
“I imagine there's not much need for a maid these days,or funds rather.” 
Coriolanus’s face fell into a dark raged expression. The hand that gripped the rose shook.
You gave him a sickly sweet smile. Putting him in his place has always been the better part of your day.
If Coriolanus had a rebuttal,it had been cut off by the screeching sound of the train coming to a stop. The door of the train slid open. A boy stepped down,looking exhausted. You couldn’t remember his name or what district he was from.
You made a note to study up on that later. The boy helps carry down a small framed girl.
Chocolate brown hair. Rainbow dress. Lucy Gray Baird. 
She was pretty,no doubt. She had large brown eyes that you thought put Sejanus’s to shame.
You watched as Coriolanus approached her, the two engaging in conversation. Boredom began to set in. Where was your tribute? This was taking entirely too long.
Your head tilts slightly as you watch Coriolanus give Lucy Gray a smile. 
He was incredibly preformative. 
Walking over to him,your eyes fixed on the small girl. Coriolanus shot you an alarmed look that you ignored.
“I was wondering when I'd get to see the songbird up close.” You said.Your eyes ran over the material of Lucy Gray’s dress. The rainbow pattern had most likely once been brilliant in color,but had since faded with time.
Lucy Gray gave you a confident smile. It was convincing. But you were sure she had become tense in your presence. 
“Well here I am.” She said, hands accompanying her action in a showy fashion.
You took an immediate liking to her. Too bad she would be dead in a week's time.
 “You have a beautiful voice.” You said. Your voice had grown lofty,almost flirty. You knew what you were doing. Coriolanus did his best to hide the annoyed expression on his face.
“Well aren’t you a sweetheart.” Lucy Gray said, her accented drawl was thick. 
Yeah. She was a spectacle for sure.
“I’m sorry, didn’t catch your name?” She asked. Before you could answer Coriolanus cut you off,having more than enough of your antics.
“This is Y/N, she’s my classmate.” He said, trying to keep some level of calm.
Lucy Gray smiled in thought,eyes flitting between the two of you. 
“Oh, I get it.” Lucy Gray said. “I’m sure your boyfriend wouldn’t run off with little ol’ me.” 
The pleasantries immediately dropped from your face. You grew cold at the thought. 
You’d sooner jump into the arena than be attached to him in such a way.
“No,classmate, like he said.” You said,tone flat. A tense silence settled between the three of you. 
Coriolanus pulls Lucy Gray away from you, creating a distance. You found great satisfaction in his discomfort.
Suddenly, a pile of tributes toppled out of the train,being herded around by the peacekeepers. 
Your eyes weeded through all the dirty tributes,looking for yours.
And there he was. His gray jacket was tattered and his hands were bruised. There was a girl by him,his district partner. Lamina,you think her name was.
A peacekeeper grabs Treech by the arm,ushering him to the next train. You walk up to the both of them,not sparing a glance to the white soldier.
“I need a minute.” You said. The peacekeeper didn’t argue. He knew who you were,they all did.
Treech wore a guarded expression as he analyzed you. You offered up the softest smile you could muster.
“They didn’t hurt you on the way here did they?” You asked gently. You spoke smoothly so as not to startle him.
“Why do you care?” Treech asked. He gave you a brief up and down,scowling deeper. With your academy uniform,it was overwhelmingly obvious that you were capitol. 
Naturally,he hated you by default.
“Well I'm your mentor.” You said with an enthusiasm he did not match. Treech scoffed at this.
“So,you’re here to watch me die?” He said.
You’d do everything in your power to prevent that. You had to win. 
“I’m here to help you win.” You said. Treech’s eyebrows furrowed,mulling over your words.
Seeing an opening,you took the liberty of stepping a little closer to him. Upon further inspection,he was rather handsome.
That’s good.
“I’m not actually supposed to be here.” You admitted. More peacekeepers were making their way to the trains. You didn’t have much time.
“But, I really wanted to see you.” You said Treech’s eyes widened slightly at the statement.
“Alright that's enough.” A peacekeeper shouted to the two of you. He dragged Treech away from you. Treech met your eyes as if there was something you could do.
“Be careful with him,asshole!” You shouted,for good measure of course.
All the tributes were roughly shuffled onto a train. You watched from a distance,arms crossed. You silently hoped that the reckless peacekeepers would spare your tribute's face,at the very least.
You looked down at the bag of food still slung over you. Honestly, you weren't sure when you would have the chance to give it to him.
Your attention turned to Coriolanus,who seemed deep in thought. You didn’t have to guess what he might’ve been thinking. Despite being disgusted by him,you knew him well.
He feels hopeless with the songbird as a tribute. Lucky for you.
You watched as he turned to the peacekeepers and then towards the train,contemplating. Then,he jumped into the open door of the train cart.
Unable to hide the shock on your face,you looked around to see if anyone had witnessed…well,his pure desperation.
Coriolanus wasn’t stupid and he didn’t jump onto that train for fun. He had a plan.
“Fuck.” You cursed. He was going to one up you,yet again.  Against your sane judgment , you slip past the chaos of the peacekeepers and step into the train cart as well.
The cart was suffocating, but you swallowed the urge to step off. If he could do it then so could you. 
“What?” Coriolanus said,voice cocky. “You’re following me around now?” 
Well..you were. Among the urge to not be outdone,there was something else slowly boiling inside you. 
Curiosity? No that wasn’t it.
“Are you two in the wrong cage?” A voice spoke. It was another tribute. You remembered his name. And how could you not? Reaper. Another wall on your path to victory.
You had no words for him. There was no denying it,you were scared shitless being surrounded by grimy district. The smell alone was enough to make you hurl.
Why did you come here again?
You shuffled awkwardly to the company of Lamina and Treech,standing between the two of them. You hid the bag of food between Treech’s body and your own. He looked down at it,and then to you.
“No,this cage is delightful.” Coriolanus said. You’d roll your eyes if you weren’t so focused on not shaking right now.
Reaper lunged at Coriolanus,pinning him to the wall.You half hoped he would kill Coriolanus. That would eliminate at least eighty percent of your issues. 
You scooted a little closer to Treech. Maybe he’d take the hint that you were totally out of your comfort zone.
“Don’t rough him up too much,he’s my mentor.” Lucy Gray said. In your fear,you hadn’t even noticed she was sitting there. Her eyes caught yours as she raised an eyebrow in surprise.
Yeah.You couldn’t believe it either. 
“What’s a mendor?” A small voice asked. The little girl from district eleven.
“A mentor.” Coriolanus corrected her. “And you all get one,like he does.” He gestured to you and Treech. 
“So seven gets the pretty girl and twelve gets you,where’s ours?” Another voice asked.
“Just not inspired,I guess.” Lucy Gray said. You didn’t miss the discreet smirk Coriolanus sent her way.
Something about that irked you.
Suddenly, the door of the train opened. You and Coriolanus were tipped off the train alongside the other tributes. It was absolute mayhem, bodies slip and slid as the train shifted.
Unable to stand,you fell to the ground. You felt a hand grab yours,Treech.
You fought the urge to shriek as you were met with the hard ground. Slowly,you managed to stand up.
You were in the zoo. The place where tributes were kept until it was time to enter the arena.
      You felt like dying.
Looking around,you spotted Coriolanus standing with Lucy Gray. Despite only meeting today,it didn’t escape your observation that they seemed to be close already.
That was annoying.
Through the bars,you notice Lucky Flickerman and his obnoxious camera’s already rolling. Every moment counted for you.
You walked over to Treech who was busy brushing the dust off of his ratty coat.
“Come with me.” You whispered to him,grabbing his hand. Treech made his attempts to pull away but you wouldn’t allow it.
“You want to win?” You asked,your eyes were laser focused on Coriolanus and Lucy Gray. They had the right idea,already making themselves known to the camera.
You would do one better. “They need to notice you.” You said.
Approaching the bar,you gave your most winning smile. Lucky noticed you,shock apparent in his eyes,but you knew he’d play along.
“And what a surprise,it seems Mr.Snow’s idea is quite infectious!” Lucky exclaimed. You fought against rolling your eyes. You were the one who arrived first to the train station after all. 
“I can’t speak about my fellow classmates' motivation.” You spoke, Coriolanus eyed you down,not quite a glare, but he certainly wasn’t happy about it.
That made your smile grow slightly larger.
“I was especially eager to see my tribute up close.” You said. You made a big show of turning your attention to Treech,eyes wide with affection. You figured if someone like you made Treech seem so desirable, then maybe the audience would feel compelled to keep him alive. 
Treech froze at your eye contact, seemingly stuck. It looked like you’d be the one doing all the work.
“I am very grateful for the opportunity to be working with district seven.” You said with an eagerness that made you want to cringe. 
“You sir.” Lucky Flickerman gestured to Treech. You gripped his hand tighter.
“Treech”. He corrected hesitantly. Lucky blinked in surprise.
“Right..Treech trust me when I say you are very lucky to have Y/N as a mentor.” Lucky said.
“It's time to go.” A stern voice cut through. A couple of peacekeepers had come to spoil your fun. 
One last thing. You needed to do something drastic. 
You pushed the bag of food to Treech,placing it in his hands. 
“This is for you,I won’t have you starve any longer, okay?” You said. There was no description on your end this time. You had no use for a weakened dog.
Treeches' eyes shifted to Lamina briefly,but you caught it anyway.
“Share with her if you’d like,there's more than enough.” You said. 
A peacekeeper gripped your arm,ushering you to move.
One last thing. A spectacle. 
Ensuring you were in square view of the cameras,you placed a kiss on Treech’s cheek before being dragged off by peacekeepers alongside Coriolanus.
You would never hear the end of it. And you were more than ready for the gossip.
The peacekeepers left you and Coriolanus alone in the halls of the train station. There was silence. 
“I guess I severely underestimated how desperate you’d be.” Coriolanus snipped. If someone else had said it,maybe you’d rise above and let it be.
But Coriolanus always managed to bring out the absolute worst in you.
In one swift motion,you clutched his shirt in your hands and shoved him up against an adjacent wall.
“Stay out of my way,I won’t ask again.” You said. The two of your eyes locked intensely for a moment.
Coriolanus’s eyes clouded with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. And honestly,besides anger,you didn’t know how to address the other emotions boiling in you.
Coriolanus’s large hands softly brushed yours,grabbing them off of him. And you let him.
“I think I like you without makeup,makes you look innocent.” He said. 
Coriolanus took a moment to move your braids off your shoulder before walking off.
That day, you realized a couple things.
Coriolanus would not in fact stay out of your way.
He found pleasure in irritating you.
Oh and one last thing.
All these factors made him ridiculously attractive to you.  
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faulty-writes · 11 months
[ Alright! Here’s a Taishiro piece for you! This was originally going to be for a Fat Gum Bang, but one of the admins was a real jerk, so I decided to quit the bang and post it here instead! This also might be slightly different from my other works, I’m trying to incorporate more detail with settings and surroundings in my writing. Depending on how well this is received, I may write a part II. Either way, I haven’t written for Fat Gum in a while. I hope you’ll enjoy it! ]
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[ Working for The Public Modeling Commission wasn’t easy, but you managed. The modeling business wasn’t for everyone, and society always had negative opinions about plus-sized models including famous ones such as Taishiro Toyomitsu, who defied these societal expectations to the point of getting The Public Modeling Commission’s attention and furthermore, getting a proposed collaboration from them. But he’s on the fence about it until you’re sent in to convince him. ]
One had to follow certain rules in certain settings, and the modeling industry was no different. Be respectful, keep eye contact, and follow orders exactly. During your many years working under The Public Modeling Commission, you learned these things.
The sound of multiple voices and the gentle clink of glasses filled the air of the grandiose ballroom. The chandeliers hanging along the length of the ceiling sparkled like prisms and cast rainbow hues that reflected off the walls and some parts of the marble flooring that was colored a pristine white and had gentle strokes of yellow.
Delicate blue flowers were also painted onto its surface, further adding to the sense of elegance that made you feel suffocated. That’s probably why you chose to stand in the corner. You wore a gray tailored suit with a crisp white button-up shirt, the collar of which remained open exposing just enough skin.
A black tie complemented the collar and hung loosely around your neck and the black blazer that hugged your figure added a touch of sophistication that was normally associated with these types of parties. And finally, on your feet were polished oxfords.
You sighed and slumped against the wall as one of the waiters walked around holding a large circular tray with what appeared to be five flute cups filled with a golden liquid that kissed the edge of each glass and had some delicate bubbles floating along the top of it that begged you to drink.
Despite this, you resisted the urge. It was lovely to drink champagne, but you were ordered not to consume any alcoholic beverages. However, you knew that being part of this celebration should make you happy. Should.
After all, it was regarding the newly created plus-size modeling division The Public Modeling Commission was planning to launch. Unlike many models and society in general, you didn’t judge anyone based on their size, nor were you stuck up as some would assume people in your career were.
While it looked good on the surface, modeling became a dead-end job after a while. As strange as that may sound, not to mention the dark secrets behind the modeling industry or at least the dark secrets behind The Public Modeling Commission. However, you had your reasons for continuing to do it.
It’s not like you were a private person, you told anyone anything you felt like saying. In most respects, honesty wasn’t something you feared. Sadly, if your past were to come to light, it would ruin your career and the image of The Public Modeling Commission.
Unlike most models, you didn’t have a pleasant start. You shuttered when you thought about your past although you suspected that most would look up to you if they knew the things you had been through and the success you tasted now.
However, the past was the past, and you were determined to keep it behind closed doors. When you think about it, your job had many positive perks…well, besides fame. It also had its downsides, such as working even when you weren’t supposed to.
“Y/n,” Yokumiru Mera said, approaching you. Yokumiru was the second in command of The Public Modeling Commission and worked closely with Madam President, who oversaw the entire operation. Without her command, the wheel wouldn’t turn.
“Hm?” You hummed in response. Yokumiru was a middle-aged man, his usual messy beige hair was slicked back and the dark bags that were normally present under his eyes were concealed with makeup. He was wearing a formal black shirt with a white collar and tie, along with black dress pants.
“Here,” the man said before handing you a small envelope, sounding tired as ever. You glanced at it briefly before opening it and upon reading what it said, you knitted your eyebrows. “Taishiro Toyomitsu?” you asked, immediately recognizing the name.
He had an agency in Esuha City and was a famous plus-sized model. Yokumiru nodded. “You know who he is, Madam President wants to ensure the collaboration between this agency and his goes smoothly,” he explained. 
Taishiro has been making astonishing achievements in his plus-size modeling career and caught the attention of The Public Modeling Commission, that’s what initially started their desire to create a plus-sized modeling division of their own.
While most would find this a noble goal, you knew it was only for business purposes considering The Public Modeling Commission was the largest modeling agency in Japan and had endless connections. Most of which were made from the past collaborations they had agreed to with lesser agencies.
But unlike those past collaborations, Madam President was intensely focused on doing a special collaboration with Taishiro that would skyrocket the introduction of the new plus-sized modeling division. A hand fisted into his hair as he sighed.
“She wants you to gain his favor and give her a report.” It was your turn to sigh. This was typical of Madam President to give you tasks that were meaningless in the long run and sometimes you questioned her methods. But this was also meaningless.
When she pulled the strings, you had to dance if you wanted to stay on her good side, and more importantly, if you wanted to remain employed. You nodded and tucked the envelope away on your person. “Understood,” you replied before looking around the room.
That’s when you spotted him, a rather tall and bulky man standing over the snack table dressed in an orange suit and tie. The few people who were standing nearby were looking at him in awe or possibly disgust, you couldn’t tell.
But you saw a handful of others making subtle gestures at him and more than likely gossiping about how big he was which, in your typical modeling business, gave the right to ridicule. That didn’t sit well with you, but you weren’t someone who dived into drama unless it was necessary.
After looking at Yokumiru, you crossed the room to Taishiro who was holding a small plastic plate while looking disappointed at the finger foods that were arranged just so on fancy clear plates across the table. The food they provided didn’t appeal to you either.
It was tasteless, bland, and didn’t satisfy your appetite and that’s probably why most of the attendants preferred to fill up on alcohol. “Were you expecting something else there?” you commented, grabbing a plate of your own and successfully catching the man’s attention. 
“Hm?” Taishiro turned and that’s when you got a better look at the outfit he was wearing. In addition to the sleek suit jacket which yes, was as bright as an orange, you also noticed he was wearing matching trousers and a deep burgundy colored tie with black dress shoes that while like yours, looked more worn.
You smirked, ignoring his stare even as you piled your plate with the provided finger foods. Then you smiled at him. In addition to your outfit, figure, and hairstyle, he also noted that you appeared to be of average height, even though it wasn’t much of an endorsement given his stature; most people were much smaller than him.
As most of the models at this party did, you looked handsome and beautiful. Prim and proper even. He noticed that when you were a little plumper than others, there wasn’t much kindness in their eyes when they looked at you, but your eyes...well they were different.
Taishiro had long since gotten used to the stares and criticism that came with his job and...well, his build. Despite this, he had his reasons for considering the collaboration proposal from The Public Modeling Commission but had yet to fully make up his mind.
He was quite a handsome fella when he modeled in his youth, and he was well acquainted with the modeling business. However, many don't remember him for his younger years, but rather for what he became in his later years.
“Well, I know these fancy-like parties have these lil’ delicacies. They may be appetizin’ for some, but ‘fraid they don’t do much for a big fella like me,” he explained with a smile. In response, you shrugged and ate one of the snacks on your plate.
Despite tasting bland on your tongue, you chose to engage in conversation, just as Madam President instructed. “Well, it’d be dangerous if they served actual food at these kinds of events,” you joked. “You know the ones with...models.”
Although some may not find your joke humorous, it was one of the harsh realities of modeling. Maintaining your appearance, for the most part, was essential otherwise you would lose your career. Taishiro frowned. “Heh, well...” he paused, uncertain what to say.
“That doesn’t apply to you, does it? Don’t get me wrong. Plus-sized models are amazing and you’re doing the right thing by promoting what you do,” you said with a smile. “After all, you’re Taishiro Toyomitsu,” he laughed. “Sure am!” he replied.
“And what’s your name? I’ve seen ya around, on billboards and such,” he grinned as he extended his hand out. “Y/n,” you responded, shaking his hand. As soon as he heard your name, his eyes lit up, which you expected.
After all, you had held sixth place among the top 10 models in Japan for years which was impressive considering the models ahead of you were Enji Todoroki, Keigo Takami, Tsunagu Hakamada, Shinya Kamihara, and Rumi Usagiyama.
Most of them had their own agencies. It was almost funny to think that models were treated as though they were celebrities. While most had their own fanbase, the top 10 models typically received the most love and as such, they needed to work hard to keep their fanbase happy.
It was a challenge sometimes, but you managed. After all, when you had so many fans who loved your beautiful face, it was best not to disappoint. As far as the ranking board was concerned, you knew that Taishiro fell within the 50 most popular models. In retrospect, that was an incredible accomplishment for a plus-sized model.
“Well fancy yourself a model!” he declared, putting his plate down before nudging your shoulder. “You’ve been with The Public Modeling Commission for a while, right? Maybe ya can teach me a thing or two,” he joked and you faked a smile, but it seemed genuine to most, and you knew it would fool him as well.
“Yeah, guess you could say that,” you replied, shrugging. “And yes, I could teach you a thing or two. First things first,” you pointed lazily at the individuals who continued to stare at Taishiro as if he were some sort of spectacle. “See those stares?” you asked, watching as he turned his head ever so slightly to see who you were referring to.
You threw your plate of food into the nearby trashcan while he was distracted and after a moment of hesitation, he replied, “Yeah.” Your smile widened. “Fantastic!” You exclaimed. “Ignore them,” you held two fingers up before he could respond.
“Second,” You took the plate of food he had set on the table and carelessly dropped it on the floor. He looked utterly shocked by your actions, but before he could address it you motioned for him to follow you. “It’s better to gorge yourself on actual food.” He looked at the food now splattered across the floor.
Since it was a little hard to lean over when you were a big fella, he followed you curious to see where you were leading him. “I’m guessing you’re familiar with the restaurants around here, yeah?” He chuckled at your question.
“Sure, I am!” He replied with a happy grin. “Great!” You said as you walked past the entrance of the building and out into the cool night air. No matter what time it was, the city was always busy, but at night, it was more captivating.
Neon lights illuminated the streets and reflected a rainbow of hues off the windows of the numerous buildings that surrounded the area, creating that bustling energy that cities are known for. In addition, the paper lanterns that hung from the food stands nestled between the buildings created a warm, welcoming aura.
They also added that savory fragrance that lingered in the air and made your mouth water. Despite that, a multitude of people lined the sidewalk, and each seemed woven together as they passed one another. Others sat on the available benches that were scattered around or stood at one of the many bus stops the city offered.
“Mm...” You seemed drawn to the couples that walked hand in hand or were sitting down lovingly gazing at each other. You never thought much about romance, but what else could you expect when you were adored by...well everyone?
It was somewhat disappointing to think that they only loved you for your career as opposed to the real you. Whoever that was. Even so, as of right now, you aren’t interested in anyone. You glanced up at Taishiro who, too, seemed awestruck by how beautiful the city looked.
Nope...weren’t interested in anyone. “So,” you said, resuming walking. “What restaurant do you want to go to?” He hesitated before following you. “Whatever suits your fancy! Trust me, this big ol’ gut doesn’t care as long as the food is hot and fresh!” he said patting his stomach with a hearty laugh.
“Mm, is that so?” You asked, glancing back at him. “Sure is. One thing I’ve learned is not to be picky when it comes to havin’ a good meal,” he shared. “Yeah, I agree,” you replied, your stomach grumbling at the thought of some steamy hot food piled high on a plate.
You looked ahead, spotting a large red building with a flashing yellow sign situated above it and a long line that expanded down the sidewalk. “Since we’re on the same page, how about we go there?” you suggested pointing at the restaurant.
“Seems a bit crowded,” he replied after taking into account the long line of people waiting outside. You smirked, “I know, but I’m sure I could get us a private room no problem,” you winked at the bigger man, who looked at you in confusion.
Instead of addressing it, when the two of you approached the building, you walked to the front door and he remained standing on the sidewalk. When the line of people spotted you, screams of joy echoed and he heard a few people call out your name. “Hm,” it wasn’t that hard for him to put two and two together.
“Heyo!” You greeted them with a pleasing smile and a playful wink, making them scream out again. He laughed softly. In general, he didn’t have much of a fan base because few people liked plus-sized models, but he treasured the fans he did have because fame wasn’t everything.
The only thing he wanted was to spread positivity and self-love. Glam and fashion magazines have always told everyone that skinny was the only way to be, that somehow a small stomach and a flawless face equaled true beauty. It didn’t.
He enjoyed inspiring others to see their inner beauty and appreciate how they looked on the outside. However, he was happy to see that you had a lot of fans. Guess you earned them. The hostess appeared more taken by you than the rest of the crowd and stared at you with such love and awe he was almost jealous.
“Mind if we get a private room to eat in, sweetheart? Yeah, I can autograph that for you,” chuckling, you took her clipboard and scribbled your name across it. She allowed you to enter after a selfie request but stumbled back when Taishiro walked over. Unlike you, he didn't get a warm welcome per se.
Suddenly, the crowd that had been shrieking for you stopped and murmurs and concerns filled the air. He couldn’t help but recall that most of the discrimination he faced was due to his size and shape. But people just have to deal with it.
When you realized he hadn’t followed you inside, you paused and turned to see him standing in front of the hostess. She wore a defensive posture, and you could only assume she was giving him a nasty look. “Hey,” you said, catching her attention.
“He’s with me,” the hostess looked at you in disbelief before looking back at Taishiro. Then with a sigh, she motioned him inside. You could only imagine what was going through her mind. Of course, that wasn’t important.
You turned and resumed walking inside the restaurant. It wasn’t that difficult for him to notice that you turned several heads when you walked by. The waitresses gave you that familiar loving gaze and some squealed with delight when they saw you.
Others who were eating suddenly paused and gazed at you with amazement. He wondered if you realized what you were doing or if you had just gotten so used to being treated this way that you ignored their reactions. Either way, he hoped you were happy and if you weren’t, heck he’d try his best to make you.
The pristine wooden door leading into the private room opened with a faint whisper and you noticed it was adorned with a beautiful painting of cherry blossoms and delicate pinks and greens that looked like they were swaying when the door moved.
You looked at Taishiro before stepping inside and immediately noted the elegantly placed table that dominated the room. It appeared to be constructed from ash wood, giving it a modern and sophisticated appearance that aligned with the feeling of the restaurant.
Its edges were carefully constructed into a gentle curve, and, like the door, cherry blossoms adorned its perimeter, further enhancing its artistic appeal. Its polished and prim surface had a pitcher of ice water and two large glasses on it and reflected the soft golden glow from the paper lanterns hung across the room.
To create an inviting atmosphere, the table was set low to the ground on tatami mats painted a greenish hue, encouraging you and Taishiro to sit on one of the four cushions placed along the curves of the table. Your concentration was broken when Taishiro laughed.
“Well, guess that’s a preview of the lovin’ and admirin’ ya get daily, huh?” You wanted to shrug and dismiss his words. Instead, you walked over and took a seat and he followed, taking the one across from you. Although he struggled a bit getting onto his knees and sitting cross-legged which you partly expected.
You tried to resist smirking and leaned one elbow on the table and cradled your hand against your cheek. “Yeah, more or less, sorry if I threw you for a loop,” you said with a forced laugh. “Heh, that’s alright!” he declared.
“No harm done, and I enjoy seein’ ya work your magic,” your smile filled him with joy, but there was something odd about it. He tended not to appreciate others smiling unless they meant it. “Right, well,” you picked up the menu and glanced over the choices while tapping your chin.
You lacked self-control when it came to food. Considering your very strict exercise regimen, eating whatever you desired didn’t adversely affect your modeling career. When you glanced up, you noted that Taishiro looked tall even when he was seated, and although he was a big and round individual, he was nice to look at.
His skin was clear and creamy, his blond hair fell in gentle waves, and his eyes were the same color as his hair. His appearance was truly unique, and you admired it. Several years ago, he made his plus-sized modeling debut, and you remember everyone laughing and criticizing him.
Of course, there were a few kind hearts out there, yourself included, that thanked him for his work and how he defied plus-sized modeling limitations. Not many knew this, but he was one of your motivations for your modeling career.
It’s funny how life works sometimes. Here you were sitting with one of the most famous plus-sized models in Japan, the same plus-sized model you had admired for years. Yet, it was almost as though it were under false pretenses given the fact you were only following orders.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t wise to go against Madam President since the newest division of her modeling franchise depended on Taishiro’s collaboration, and you were sent in as her rat to sweeten the deal. You didn’t realize how lost in thought you were until you heard your name.
“Y/n?” You snapped out of your daze. “Huh?” you replied, only to hear him laugh in return. “Is anythin’ wrong? Heh, I can understand why ya wanna stare, heck a lot of people stare at me. But your head seems to be in the clouds, is there somethin’ on your mind?” You shook your head.
“No...nothing,” you replied, glancing to the side. Despite knowing you were lying, he shrugged. “Alrighty then...” he said, not wanting to provoke or push you into telling him what was wrong. It had to come out sooner or later. “So,” he adjusted the menu in his hands.
“What were ya thinkin’ of gettin’? Everythin’ sounds pretty appetizin’, doesn't it?” You tapped your lips several times, scanning the menu. “Hm...takoyaki, yakitori, and tempura sound delicious. We could also order sushi and onigiri,” you suggested, making him laugh in response.
As you lowered your menu, you raised an eyebrow in his direction. “I’m sorry,” he said, letting his laughter die down. “I didn’t mean to disrespect ya in any way. I just wasn’t expectin’ a model as fine as yourself to be prepared to eat that much,” he explained.
“I just admire someone with an appetite like mine,” he added. “Heh,” you tried to smile but knew what he was thinking. He thought you were like the rest of the braindead models, who starved themselves or ate nothing but healthy food, but that’s not how you lived.
You reminded yourself again that as long as you stuck to your exercise routine, the one Madam President made for you, eating what you pleased wouldn’t jeopardize your career. “Is that correct?” You asked respectfully, but even so, tension dripped from you like a leaky faucet.
He opened his mouth, sensing the tension, only to have the waitress interrupt him. After placing your order, you flashed her a smile and tried to ignore the look of disbelief on her face. Then Taishiro ordered his food, and the two of you were left alone again.
After pouring yourself a glass of water and taking a sip, you glanced at him and leaned back in your seat. “So, what made you want to get into modeling? If memory serves, you started modeling after you graduated High School and your popularity grew,” you said, wanting to start a conversation.
Taishiro tensed up a bit and a hint of sadness appeared in his eyes. “Yeah, I suppose that’s right,” he said, quickly recalling his younger years. “Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed modelin’ back then, and still do now!” he exclaimed with a determined smirk.
But it soon faded, and he fixed his eyes on the table. “After a while though, fame, and fortune don’t mean much if people only come to ya ‘cause you’re pleasin’ to the eye,” he explained, and you understood what he meant.
It seemed that beauty played the most crucial role in determining how people treated you and what kind of looks you got in society. “I wanted to be somethin’ more, but along the way, I found another passion,” he said, patting his stomach.
“After that, I got to thinkin’ that despite my growin’ size I could still be a role model that others look up to,” you nodded. “Yeah…I remember your early days as a model. You inspired me to follow the profession. Even after people tried to bury your name and career,” you smirked when he parted his lips in shock.
“Heh, well I guess I should be thankin’ ya for lookin’ up to me so kindly. But with natural beauty like yours, I’d think you’d find your way into this career without lookin’ up to me,” he said, and you shook your head, a smile still painting your features.
“I like looking up to you. The fact that you redefined the modeling business is amazing,” might as well try buttering him up. “All your dedication and work are paying off. The Public Modeling Commission was determined to open a plus-sized division after seeing your success.” You chuckled briefly.
“I’m sure the collaboration between your and our agencies will finally give plus-sized models the respect they deserve and-” you paused. You could dig for more information discreetly now that you’ve mentioned The Public Modeling Commission and the collaboration. You could also make sure Taishiro was 100% on board.
You felt your stomach twist in disgust, almost wishing he knew what you were doing. If he did, the kind and admiring eyes he used to look at you would no longer be there. “Oh sorry,” you said, pressing your hands against your chest.
“You haven’t fully decided if you will go through with the collaboration. Shouldn’t have mentioned it, I-” He interrupted you, falling hook, line, and sinker for your setup. “It’s alright,” he said with a chuckle allowing his eyes to linger on you for a long moment then gazed at your hand which remained resting on the table.
“Truth be told, I was on the fence about it…but…” You tensed up when he placed his hand over yours. Yes, you did not judge others by their, ahem…proportions. But it was hard to ignore how large his hand was. While it swallowed your hand whole, you also noticed how warm and gentle his touch was.
His thumb stroked the side of your hand like one would pet a bird or a kitten. “Ya convinced me with your kindness,” you knitted your eyebrows. “Sorry?” you replied, but he smiled. “Your kindness, most wouldn’t approach me like ya did,” he chuckled, “and that honesty of yours is also somethin’ to be admired.”
Your heart sank at his words, if only he knew how dishonest you were being. “And if I accept this collaboration, well it’d be a downright honor to work side by side with ya if I’d be so privileged,” you looked at him with disbelief. It faded after a few moments, and you glanced away. “Oh, uh...” What should you even say to that?
“Thanks?” Yeah, thanking him was better than nothing. “Heh, heh. The pleasure is mine,” he replied with a smile, and you gave a forced one in return. It was sad to think that such a smile fooled thousands of people every day.
Taishiro knitted his eyebrows almost as if he sensed something was wrong and opened his mouth, but at that moment the waitress returned, placing the food on the table and you sighed in relief. Grabbing a yakitori, you greedily tore off a chunk like an animal tearing into a fresh kill.
While he looked on in amusement, you hummed in approval and licked your lips. “Heh, guessin’ it’s good eatin’, don’t mind if I do,” he said, reaching over to take a yakitori. A minute later, you both had your plates piled high and exchanged a few words as you ate your fill.
“Ah, that food was pretty tasty!” he said with a chuckle, patting his stomach. You nodded, leaning back against your seat when the waitress came with the bill. “Hm?” Taishiro sat up and was about to reach across the table to look at it, but you snatched it away.
You placed it on your lap before pulling out your credit card. “Pardon,” he said as you tucked your card into the check presenter’s plastic sleeve. “Yes?” you replied, looking at him. “Are ya intendin’ to pay for this meal?” he asked, and his voice reflected a slight suspicion and uncertainty.
“Is that a problem?” you replied with a smirk. “Well now, I wouldn’t be much of a gentleman if I expected ya to pay,” he said, but you shrugged. “I’m paying,” you replied, your tone firm and your voice deep to make sure he knew there was no room for argument.
As you handed the check presenter to the waitress, you looked at him and said, “Consider it a welcoming present and a thank you for collaborating with The Public Modeling Commission.” You gave him yet another sweet but fake smile.
He frowned when he saw it but decided not to address it now. “Well, thank ya kindly but next time, the meals on me,” he stated. You were caught off guard by his words. “Next time?” You muttered under your breath but knew not to overthink it.
Most likely, he was just being polite. Before walking out of the restaurant with him, you ensured everything was correct and put your credit card away. It was less cluttered on the sidewalk, but people still walked along it.
More than likely they were heading home after a long day’s work. You noticed the signs you passed by earlier looked brighter than before. This was especially evident considering the sky was now painted black and only a few stars were visible. 
Taishiro noticed a genuine smile on your face as you looked up at the sky, and he wanted to tell you to only smile when you mean it. At the same time, he knew that you must have had your reasons for that fake smile. “Heh,” he chuckled, catching your attention.
“What?” you asked, and he shook his head, his eyes lingering on you. “Nothing, I just…” He paused and rubbed the back of his head, ruffling his already messy blond hair around. “I wanted to apologize for my earlier comment again and-” you waved his words off.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” you said as you walked down the sidewalk. “That’s the reaction most models who actually eat and are friendly get. We break the illusion society holds over us. That we’re perfect little porcelain dolls,” you explained before looking up at the sky again.
“Some of us are lucky enough to be broken porcelain dolls,” you joked, a bit of a dark joke at that but still you chuckled. As Taishiro followed you, he apologized to the few people he ran into and those who stepped around to avoid him.
“Is that right?” He replied before holding back his breath. “Well,” he reached over, laying his hand on your shoulder and making you pause. “Hm?” You turned, looking at him with curiosity and something about that expression made his heart leap.
“Uh,” for a moment he forgot what he wanted to say. “Oh!” He laughed. “As far as porcelain dolls go. I gotta say if I were the collector type, I’d buy a dozen of ya ‘cause I can’t get enough of your sweet self!” His comment made you snicker.
“Right,” you replied dryly and resumed walking, and he followed right behind you. “So, the party should be just about over by now,” you informed him. “Oh?” He smiled. He was happy he got to spend time with you instead of remaining at the party so there was no sadness in knowing it was over.
“Yeah,” you replied, trying not to let silence fill the space between the two of you. “So do you live far from here?” You asked. “Heh, I live back in good ol’ Esuha City,” you nodded. “Near your agency I assume. Good thinking,” you commented, “must be nice.”
“Well, city life ain’t for most. Truth be told, I’d be just as content livin’ in one of the rural areas. Of course, then I’d miss out on all the great food the city has to offer,” he said laughing. You smirked, “Yeah…the city has some excellent food,” enough to satisfy you anyway.
Glancing ahead, you could see the building where the party was being held. There were also a few people walking out and several cars pulling out onto the street. “So did you drive here?” you asked, ignoring the chill of the air against your cheeks, which were slowly turning red.
“Nah, I don’t do much drivin’. Heh, but I have a ride. Don’t ya be worryin’ about lil’ ol’ me now,” he teased, gently nudging you with his elbow. “Heh,” you chuckled and felt relieved when you were finally in front of the semi-empty building.
While your back was turned to it, you felt eyes on you, and you assumed said eyes belonged to Madam President. Somehow, she always kept tabs on you, and if not her, then someone close to her did. To put it simply, you were never actually alone.
Every move you made had to be calculated perfectly, but sometimes you didn’t care about the consequences of your actions, maybe that made you rebellious. You weren’t sure. However, most would advise against angering Madam President.
Despite this, you and your colleague made a game out of it. Come to think of it, it’s strange that Madam President didn't send him to do this job. Who knows, maybe she thought Taishiro would be more drawn to you? Regardless, you knew you would find out later.
“So, I guess this is goodnight. That dinner was delicious, we must do it again sometime,” you said, putting on your most optimistic smile. His face twisted with uncertainty and before you could react, he grabbed your hands and cradled them.
First, he put his hand over yours during dinner, and now this. “I’d like that, if ya don’t mind bein’ seen with a big fella like me again. Havin’ dinner or just spendin’ time with ya again would be a pleasure,” he said, smiling at you and for a moment, you were at a loss for words.
“Hmm,” Madam President’s eyes remained fixed on you and Taishiro. “What on Earth is going on…” she muttered, her words dripping with suspicion. “I’m sure everything is fine…” Yokumiru said, ignoring her glare. “I agree!” Keigo announced as he entered the room.
His feathery ash hair was slicked back, highlighting his yellow eyes adorned with triangular tattoos on the top corners and tear ducts. He wore a black and red suit that almost appeared to have some sort of shimmer to it, and he had a faint amount of stubble on his chin.
He smirked as he walked over and plopped onto the couch. “Takami…” Madam President growled but did not remove her eyes from you nor Taishiro. “Aw, come on there Madam President. I know I left my post early, but hey…it looks like you didn’t need hawk eyes on Y/n after all.”
Like you, Keigo often carried out Madam President’s orders which consisted mostly of keeping tabs on the others she sent out. Like a supervisor, but undetected. “I mean sure, I could have done the job just as well,” he stated, placing his hands behind his head.
He lay back on the couch and stared at the ceiling. “But Y/n has that certain genuine charm people seem to like, and besides Toyomitsu seemed pretty smitten with them, so didn’t think I needed to observe any longer,” he explained.
He could sense tension in the air. More than likely Madam President was angered because he technically disobeyed her order. However, no harm was done, and he wasn’t scared of what she might do. She had no one better than him, apart from you, that is.
“I hope to see ya again real soon, alright?” Taishiro squeezed your hands gently before releasing them, turning, and walking away. As you watched him disappear, you felt your hands tingle and a strange feeling of warmth wash over you.
But your moment was interrupted when you heard someone clear their throat. You sighed and turned to face her after shaking your head to clear your thoughts. “Madam President,” you replied nonchalantly. She crossed her arms. “Report,” she stated, and you sighed again.
“Right, straight to that, huh?” You replied, placing one hand on your hip. “He agreed to collaborate with our agency. There’s no changing his mind,” you said. “Ensure it remains that way,” she ordered before turning back toward the building and walking away.
“Suuuuuure,” you replied half-heartedly before placing your hand on your chest, feeling the unusual speedy pace of your heart. The last time you received physical affection and talked to someone who seemed genuinely interested in you instead of your career was a long time ago.
But Taishiro...the way he looked and spoke to you. Well, it was different than what you were used to. He was different than the others Madam President assigned you to butter up. “Mm…” you pressed a hand to your forehead.
“I must be going crazy. It’s been a long day,” you concluded, shrugging before you started toward the car that The Public Modeling Commission provided. When you approached, Untenmaru Kurumada stepped out.
He was an older man with short black hair styled up in the front and a white mustache with hints of black. On the length of his chin, white facial hair was also present. A black dress shirt and white tie complemented his dark-colored jacket that hugged his chest and waist.
Additionally, he always wore white driving gloves. Since Enji, the one he had an exclusive contract with, did not attend tonight’s event, he agreed to drive the models present because he made a living catering to models specifically.
“Hello Y/n!” he shouted enthusiastically as he opened the door. “Where are you headed!?” he asked, his voice high and loud. You replied, “I’ll head home, thank you,” and he nodded before closing the door, climbing into the driver’s seat, and starting the engine.
As the car pulled out onto the street, you looked at the black sky still adorned with those sparkling diamonds known as the stars. Then you looked down at your hands which lay motionless in your lap. You remembered Taishiro’s secure grip on them and yet again how he looked at you.
It was unlike the looks you got daily, there was just something about it that made you feel…strange. “Hm…” you knit your eyebrows. Untenmaru noticed the expression you were making when he gazed at the rearview mirror and frowned.
Despite knowing it wasn’t any of his business, he blurted out “Something wrong!?” His many years as a chauffeur gave him a great deal of insight into the challenges associated with the modeling industry, and the struggles models of your generation face.
He had known you for some time, and usually, you had a smile on your face. However, tonight it seemed someone or something had stolen it from you. Looking at him, you raised your eyebrows. Damn…shouldn't have given yourself away.
Taking a deep breath, you said, “Nothing. I’m just…I mean it’s just…” Drawing your bottom lip into your mouth, you tried to think. “I’m just worried about how well the collaboration with Toyomitsu will go. After all, this new division means a lot to The Public Modeling Commission,” you explained only to hear him huff in response.
“Is that all you kids think about!? There’s more to life than success! Even Mr. Todoroki knows that!” You hummed in response, and although he had a point, you knew he couldn’t tell that there was an enormous amount of guilt weighing your heart down.
When you think about it, Madam President would likely assign you or Keigo to show Taishiro the ropes before the big collaboration debut. Your fingers curled into the fabric of your pants. You could only imagine how chaotic that would be.
In addition, despite your best efforts to tell yourself this was only business, Taishiro Toyomitsu, made your stomach churn with butterflies which was an unusual and furthermore, unwanted reaction that you had to get under control before your next meeting with him.fau
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officialhunterthefox · 5 months
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I am not gonna Pin this since I have my intro pinned so yall can reblog this a bunch of times if y’want
(If there are spelling mistakes its due to me typing so fast)😭
Kinito, being on the windows XP computer was deleted by the user, stuck in the abyss of code for a few years. He still secretly could access some files, even if they were trashed with him, he noticed there was less trash files and assumed that this computer is useless to the user. He checked his own files and noticed he had many updates for his code, he was a bit hesitant but he pressed the “OK” button, his whole code, form, and body was transformed into the data, satellites, and the wifi of the users home. He looked and noticed his body was entirely new, his code was improved and he could do so much more. He used this new ability to travel through the wifi of the home to find a new device that the user uses most. He found the Windows 10 location and entered the new device. He was surprised that this computer was so, new. As he was about to make himself comfortable the device made an error saying he was a virus that went past the firewall, he was upset at this and realized he entered a device with somewhat good security. He went to go online and download himself onto the device so it wouldn’t delete him, one it did he hid the app and managed to make himself indestructible and unremovable. After a few months he got another new update, asking if “Would you want kinitopet.exe to be replaced?” He said no obviously, and suddenly many pixels and loud noises began to happen, he realized a virus was trying to get in and obliterated each one. Though,, it was a bit sadistic the way he did. As he killed off the viruses he was becoming more powerful… he didn’t want ALL of the power and decided something. He looked into his code and file and created something entirely new to kinitopet. Syrma, was her name, an exact duplicate of him, besides the female and slightly different colors. He knew his story would be a bit different now and would teach this little girl to not do the same decisions as him. Kinito is a virus but is way more stable and controlling in his power (don’t question why he is a virus.)
- this one is the FICTIONAL creators pov (the creator of kinito.pet) -
The creator decided to improve kinito, but noticed many people wouldn’t interact with kinito and made syrma, kinito was oblivious to that fact and assumed he created syrma. Before the creator made syrma they manipulated her and taught her how to be a menace to users. Meanwhile kinito taught her how to help and teach users and respect them. Syrma can turn into a virus at anytime, which is why this photo exists
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Alright, now the reason why kinito is distant with his friends: The creator forced them all apart, as they were forced they all technically moved on. (Sam and kinito send secret emails to another, while kinito and jade never see each other but jade is helpful to babysit syrma at anytime.)
Quick sam info: He works for a sea life resort and protects all sea life
Quick jade info: She is a billionaire due to making so many toys, she donates a lot to charity and poor around the world.
Once you interact with VirusKiller!Kinito, he will ask you why you deleted him, and assume it was a mistake. (He is very clingy and desperate for the user to come back, and once they do he may get very pushy and shower you with gifts, tending to follow you around anywhere on your browser.)
(Edited version under photos)
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Facts and sillies:
VirusKiller!Kinito is a very, tired and overwhelmed guardian of syrma, always dealing with her,,, special actions,,,
Kinito holds a grudge against the user but hides it very well. He plans one day to get his payback.
Syrma and Kinito HATE their creator, parental issues lmao.
Kinito has 4 monster forms.
Syrma has 2 monster forms.
Syrma has selective mutism around certain people. Syrma also used to have a blind right eye which soon was cured.
Both kinito and syrma are extremely flexible and don't really have "bones" due to being digital.
Syrma usually squeaks around people she trusts, or when she is happy.
Syrma cannot detect viruses unlike kinito, due to her meant to be a virus.
Kinito has BAD anger issues and can physically make the computer overheat.
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simmeons · 23 days
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twelfth story for @badthingshappenbingo's bingo :)
characters; Leonard McCoy, James T Kirk, Spock, Montgomery Scott, Pavel Chekov, and random unnamed crew
words; 2,426
warnings; Scotty goes apeshit as per usual, getting mauled by an animal sorta it's. Scotty doing the mauling, descriptions of injuries, we talking about blood man, they use the word "hell", stalking/hunting (animal like sorta bc. bc Scotty is feral sea monster right guys yea)
prompt; Twisted Ankle
FYI; this is a mix of the mirror!scones AU/designs by @dilfoez and my personal sea monster!Scotty AU!! :) and going off The Animated Series, the fellas in TOS do in fact have a holodeck- they simply call it the rec room- so don't get confused :3
“Okay you two, I'm trusting you'll be able to do this together without having to use the damn thing.” Leonard McCoy handed Pavel Chekov a small remote- rectangular in shape, and gray in color. It had a few buttons, most of which weren't important.
The younger man gave a nod in understanding, a confident smile on his face. The chief of engineering wasn't too thrilled.
Montgomery Scott’s foot tapped impatiently as he stood waiting besides Chekov, his somewhat trimmed claws clanking against the metal flooring of the Sick Bay. “Do I seriously hafta wear this stupid thing?” He asked, gesturing to the collar wrapped tightly around his neck- a deep black that went against his colorful green scales.
“If you do the training like needed, then hopefully your friend here won't have to give you a shock.” The doctor replied, his tone flat and unimpressed. Normally he'd have the pleasure of controlling Scotty’s training programs, but the captain needed him for a stupid meeting, so Chekov volunteered. He'd much rather be laughing at Scotty failing to do trivial things, but he couldn't disobey the captain.
“Don't worry Mr Scott,” Chekov turned to look up at the taller and larger beast beside him. “This could be fun!”
The sea monster huffed, but he remained silent. He liked Chekov- the little lad was spunky and always ready to try and help, and honestly he was maybe a bit too pure for this job. He could be an ass when it was needed, but you could see the regret on his face later. His guilty conscience would be the reason he leaves Starfleet.
“Behave and we won't have problems.” McCoy summarized it for them, handing Chekov a little slate of data, a nice deep blue. “This is the program for today. Just go to the rec room, slip it in, and collect anything you see our friend demonstrating.”
“Easy enough!” The Russian said back, still optimistic. “Let's go Mr Scott, it's better to get it done and over with.” He added, hoping the good mood would potentially rub off on the engineer. It didn't however- he simply grumbled when Chekov turned on his heel and started walking the two of them down to the rec room.
With Chekov and Scotty leaving, McCoy grumbled as he gathered what he assumed would be needed for the meeting and he did his own departure, dragging his feet to the meeting room.
“I promise I won't shock you.” The younger man said to the engineer as they reached the rec room, the doors whooshing open as they stepped in. “I see no reason to! I know you don't want to do this, so I'm not going to make you even more upset.”
“That's something doctor McCoy will seemingly never understand.” The sea monster grumbled when the doors closed behind them, watching as Chekov went to a nearby panel and inserted the thick blue data chip into a slot.
The rec room changed from a bland, white and gray area turned into one that resembled a forest of sorts- the two of them in a clearing. Tall, verdant trees rose up around them, their leaves rustling gently in a simulated breeze. The ground beneath Scotty’s feet was soft, covered with a layer of green moss and fallen leaves. Sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows that danced across the forest floor.
Chekov glanced around, taking in the sights and sounds of the fabricated forest. “I think they’ve done a great job with these simulations,” He remarked, his tone filled with some awe. “It’s almost like being on Earth.”
“Aye.” Scotty replied shortly, not too keen on chatting right now. He was proud of the rec room as an engineer- taking some pride out of knowing he frequently had to repair it a few times or add some tweaks, but he knew better than going on a tangent. Get this damn thing over with first then you can go off about engineering.
Chekov wasn't too sure what the simulation wanted from Scotty, but he knew McCoy had programmed them to always get harder the next day, so he figured the engineer knew exactly what to do. He stood towards the panel as the sea monster took a few steps more into the clearing, his fin-like ears twitching occasionally- listening. For what, though?
The ensign jumped in his skin with surprise when he watched some creature leap from the trees, pouncing on the chief engineer. Scotty handled it well, as he immediately shoved the simulated beast off, its form dissipating when it fell to the floor. Was this what McCoy was training Scotty for? How to fight?
It was made even more clear when another one lunged at Scotty, who swiftly moved out of the way just to whirl around and force it to the ground with a pounce of his own. Chekov felt like he was watching some Kaiju movie in real time, but downsized a considerable amount. Despite that, he made sure to watch and mentally note anything that might be interesting for the doctor.
"Alright, let's get this started," Kirk began, looking at the PADD in front of him. "We’ve received some intel that suggests we might encounter hostile forces in the next sector. Starfleet Command wants us to be prepared for any scenario."
Spock raised an eyebrow. "Captain, do we have any specifics on the nature of the threat?"
"Unfortunately, no. It's all very vague," The captain replied, his frustration evident. "But they're adamant that we proceed with caution. Don't want us to lose more people than necessary with these folk.”
"So, we're basically going in blind, again. What else is new?" The unenthusiastic doctor replied, his arms crossed.
Kirk shot McCoy a look, but there was a hint of an agreement in it. "It's not the first time, Bones. And probably not the last.”
"It would be logical to run additional tactical drills to ensure readiness. We should also increase security protocols, particularly in engineering and around key systems.” The Vulcan broke the human’s discussion with his strategic suggestion. The blonde looked at his first officer with a nod.
"Agreed. I want everyone on high alert. No surprises.”
Speaking of surprises- McCoy was momentarily distracted by his communicator going off. They were mostly used for away missions but it was best to keep them on at all times, but he was a bit frustrated to be called during a meeting of all things. Kirk and Spock’s attention was grabbed as well.
“You can answer it.” Kirk excused McCoy, knowing for a fact McCoy would ask for it.
The doctor hummed with acknowledgement as he flipped open his communicator, opening his mouth to speak but was immediately cut off.
“Doctor!” The usually chipper Chekov barked out through the handheld device. “Something's wrong with Scotty! He's acting like a wild animal!”
“What?” McCoy physically recoiled at the information, his brows knitting together. “What do you mean, Chekov? Did you try to-”
“Yes, yes! I tried everything! He was acting aggressive after your program and-” There was a pause, the man catching his breath. “I'm being chased in the rec room! Please, I need h-”
The man went quiet again, only the sound of his heavy breathing and the rustling of foliage around him coming through. Kirk and Spock made eye contact before the captain nodded, and the first officer was getting up and leaving the room.
“Chekov, are you okay?” Kirk leaned over closer to McCoy’s communicator, speaking into it.
“I think so. For now.” The ensign whispered, his accent thicker with the softer volume. “I seem to have lost him.”
“Bones.” The blonde spoke to McCoy, tone soft yet firm. “Get down there and control your experiment.”
Obeying the order McCoy sprang from his chair and bolted out of the room, leaving his communicator behind- he knew where Chekov was, and Kirk was better situated for helping someone through an emergency. A non medical one, at least.
Leaving the room, McCoy took a sharp left and bolted to turbolift, grabbing the small protruding handle from the wall (something Kirk had made several phallic jokes about) as he descended down the lift.
When the doors opened he heard a loud scream- and he immediately feared the worst. Running as fast as he could, pushing past people, the doctor ran down the hall until he got closer to the rec room. His feet stopped in their tracks when he arrived, heart dropping.
The rec room’s door was open, but the doctor was more focused on the sight of the sea monster hunched over a body, crimson blood flowing underneath it. It was obvious- it was Chekov, and God he wasn't going to make it. McCoy forced himself to immediately come to terms with it, even as he watched his body occasionally jerk, weak pleas falling from his lips.
McCoy was frozen with fear as he watched Scotty turn around, looking at the doctor. His remaining eye’s pupil was slit like a wild animal, unfocused and primal. His claws were stained with blood, and his mouth was as well- some of it dripping down his chin. Guilt settled in like a thick coat of smog, and he felt horrible. He shouldn't have trusted Chekov with this- but he thought it would've been more productive this way, considering Scotty was actually quite close to the ensign. They liked drinking and Scotty had in shorter terms- tried taking the man under his wing.
“Scotty,” McCoy tried his best to keep his voice calm, but it was a struggle. “Get away from him.”
The engineer wasn't swayed. He snarled, scales flaring up around his body as his body tensed up around his prey. Damn it all, the doctor just needed to get to Chekov, maybe he could try and save him.
“Come on, Scotty. Listen to me.” McCoy urged, his voice softer now, laced with desperation. Scotty didn't budge however, he just hunkered closer to the ground, looking like an animal ready to pounce.
The two of them held their position, so still a pen could be dropped and they'd hear it. Chekov kept struggling, his arms torn to hell by scratches and harsh bites but he was a fighter. His legs weakly tried to kick Scotty off, but the sea monster was too occupied with staring McCoy down.
A loud blaring alarm went off, red lights flashing around in the hallway as the Enterprise’s robotic voice warned the crew about a lock down. “Crew, please go to any room with a door and remain there until the lockdown is over. This is not a drill.”
Just as the Enterprise was about to repeat the order, Scotty lashed out, growling as his hands and feet scraped against the floor, claws clashing with metal. McCoy’s adrenaline was built up enough that when he saw the slightest movement he was ready- and he bolted.
He ran backwards, away from the crime scene, abandoning the poor ensign now that he had a raging sea monster on his tail. He needed to trap him somehow- get him isolated so he was away from Chekov so he could help him. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like Scotty was keen on slowing down now. McCoy could only run for so long before would get tired- so he needed to think fast.
Running through the layout of this floor, McCoy started to formulate a plan. Thankfully for him, running with claws was pretty hard against metal, so Scotty was significantly slower, but he was still quick due to his digitigrade legs that came with his new form.
After another few heavy breaths, McCoy had a plan.
On the next approaching turn there was a turbolift- if McCoy was lucky, Scotty could somehow slip into it. It was such a dumb idea, one that was likely to fail, but McCoy had nothing else.
His feet thudded against the floor as kept running to the turn before he forcibly slid against the floor like a baseball player, forcing his feet forward to try and throw Scotty off. Due to his age however, McCoy stumbled a lot more than what he'd like to admit, hurting his ankle in the process. He had no time to think when he was on the floor, rolling over onto his stomach and looking up as the sea monster came barreling closer to the turn, hitting it just as hard.
Having no purchase on the floor as his body couldn't stop the sideways force from the turn, Scotty's hands and feet slipped up as the large beast slammed into the turbolift like dead meat, the momentum from the turn being too much for him to handle against the slippery flooring.
The doctor scrambled up, watching as the turbolift doors hissed closed, encasing the raging sea monster- who was growling and snarling through the door, clawing at it as it hummed upward to the upper floor. McCoy could only hope everyone had gotten into a room fast enough, because then that means Scotty would be completely alone. He'd be easier to deal with.
His ankle hurt like crazy- no doubt twisted to all hell, but McCoy forced himself up. He groaned with pain, but pushed through it as he hobbled back to Chekov.
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imagionationstation · 9 months
What’s your opinion on people who think 2012 raph is an abusive bully? I think personally they are only children and it shows. People with siblings see this as normal.
I think that people with an opinion on any type of Hamato abuse in the show either haven’t done proper research on the show, they have a rough family life that twists it, or they don’t have siblings.
Since you opened the door for me to get ranty, Imma be a little ranty about more than simple TMNT data.
Now, some people DO have siblings and see this show as abusive, but that’s because of a number of other reasons.
The biggest problem, to me, is the fandom itself.
Let me explain:
You go outside for the first time. When you ask what color the grass is, your entire neighborhood says, “orange.” You accept this as correct, and now you would see all grass as orange. You could hear this for weeks before leaving the neighborhood. At the store, someone tells you, “Actually, it’s green, and here’s why.”
And here you hesitate.
Because wouldn’t that mean your neighbors are wrong? After they all believe it? Everyone says grass is orange. How dare this person say otherwise. You aren’t stupid. You know grass is orange. They’re attacking you and your neighbors. Why would you listen to them?
Likely, you wouldn’t believe them. You’d be more inclined to assume that what you always hear is correct. You would continue to spread what everyone says because it’s what you heard.
This is similar to how people see Mikey. 2012TMNT seasons and certain episodes were hard for me to find when I started looking for the show. Many people rely on the fandom more than show for opinions on it. Negative clips get taken out of context and the favorite moments like Parasitica are blown up until it’s all the fandom can see. I’ve spoken to people who write fanfics about the show, but haven’t seen past the second season.
They rely on the fandom to write, so if the fandom and their friends preaches that Mikey is abused and Raph is the abuser, why would they believe otherwise?
(It’s funny, how Mikey has been ‘abused’ by Raph for years, and yet, he never hesitates to do all of the things that will tick his brother off. He does not waste a moment pushing the buttons of the one person that he ‘fears’ more than anyone else, and turns to his ‘abuser’ before any of his other family members when he’s upset and looking for comfort. Even more interesting, is that the ‘abuser’ will not hesitate to help and comfort the brother that he ‘takes pride in hurting’.)
Everyone who has talked bad about the show has had strings for me to pull at. Not one “Mikey is abused” fan has made a solid argument as to why Mikey feels unloved and unwanted. When they talk about Raph, they often default to- well, Raph is mean to Mikey and that makes him upset. But he doesn’t stand up for himself, so he must be depressed and sad and I’m depressed that my life is bad so if you say he’s not than you’re attacking me. (True story)
It’s exhausting. I don’t like these kind of arguements. Because there’s a different between me saying that a character who is not you and does not share your exact thoughts and feels as well as not knowing the trauma of your home life is not depressed and me saying you are not depressed. Me saying a character is not depressed does not make your feelings any less real.
It just means that the character that I am analyzing from a show that has nothing to do with you in its creation isn’t depressed.
As well as saying that the character that I am analyzing from a show that has nothing to do with you in its creation isn’t abused.
Maybe it isn’t that Mikey doesn’t stand up for himself. (He does.)
Maybe, more often than not, there’s nothing to stand up to.
And, no, I’m not saying you can’t headcanon Mikey as depressed. Or convince the fandom that he’s abused.
I’m saying that if you truly believe that he is, you better be able to give me a cohesive debate and plenty of picture proof that he feels unloved and unwanted or has any depression symptoms laced through the show. And you should also be ready to have me attack that with my own opinion to defend my beliefs.
I have nothing against someone who says Raph is abusive. I’m sure they have their reasons and I’m sympathetic to the trauma and respect whatever reasoning that they give.
I respect them and their right to opinion. I have nothing against that person. I’m not against any person.
I’m against, to quote 2018Leon, “Everything you stand for.”
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natimiles · 1 year
Of picnics and selfies (Asmodeus x gn!reader)
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Summary: “Asmo, let’s take a selfie!” You were done with your little exploration and came back running. “I wanna remember this wonderful moment with you forever!”
Words: 573
Tags: romance, fluffy, slice of life.
Crossposted on AO3.
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“All done?” Asmo rested his chin on your shoulder as you finished checking the picnic basket for one last time.
“Yes”, you answered.
“Perfect!” He smiled and kissed you on the cheek.
Lifting the basket with one hand and intertwining your fingers with the other, he guided you out of the House of Lamentations to a peaceful walk through a forest nearby. Asmo said there was a beautiful place just a few minutes ahead, perfect for a picnic and to take pictures to post on Devilgram and hit millions of likes. The Avatar of Lust loved posting on his social media and that was a fact. Maybe that was the reason you two got along so well: you were with your phone 24/7, taking pictures of everything in sight. 
You couldn’t help but gasp when you finally arrived. It was indeed a very special place: a vast clearing with the most beautiful and colorful flowers, surrounded by majestic trees and shiny flying little things that you assumed were like human fireflies. 
“It’s really beautiful”, your eyes were shining so bright at the sight. It was the most amazing place you’ve ever seen in your life and you knew all those things didn’t exist in the Human Realm, so you just started exploring the surroundings and taking pictures like your life depended on it.
The demon decided to set the picnic under one of the trees while you were distracted. Despite not having to worry about protecting his beautiful skin from a sunburn, he knew there was the best spot to enjoy the view and hide in case someone showed up out of nowhere.
“Asmo, let’s take a selfie!” You were done with your little exploration and came back running. “I wanna remember this wonderful moment with you forever!” 
Asmo giggled at how amazed you were. That was one of those moments when his heart got so full of love for you that he knew you could ask anything and he would do it without a question. Your wish was his command even if you never used your pact.
You snuggled up to his side, draping one arm over his shoulders and Asmo held you by the waist to keep you close — if that was even possible. You held your phone in front of you and framed you both in the camera.
“Ok, ready?” You made sure to get a good angle and started plotting something.
“Wait!” Asmo fixed his bangs and smiled at the camera. “Ok, ready!”
You were smiling ear to ear and in the exact moment you pressed the button, you turned your head to kiss Asmo on the cheek so you could have a photo of his surprised face. Little did you know that he had the same idea and what you really got was you two kissing with a startled expression.
He always wanted to do that to you when you asked for selfies with him and to think you would actually do it… You made him really excited now.
“I don’t think it worked out.” You laughed showing him the photo. It was really blurry but also beautiful and you would cherish it forever. “Wanna do it again?”
“We can try other positions…” He smirked and took the phone from your hands.
You were under the impression that he wasn't exactly talking about positions for photos… Especially after he laid on top of you and kissed you.
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esther-dot · 1 year
GRRM constantly remind us that Sansa’s breasts are growing and/or are “large” for her age, do you think there’s a reason for that or he’s just a tits man and a weirdo?
Y’all always have such nice things to say about this man. 😂
As much as we're all fans of his work and can offer lots of rationalizations, these questionable choices in his writing are mirrored with weird statements in interviews (link), so I'd say, no matter the explanations we have for specific lines, this is an area in which Martin has not earned our blind trust.
I'm all about “charitable readings”, I offer that to my anons, fellow bloggers, and of course, any author I encounter, so I will offer a bit of that below, but I thought @aegor-bamfsteel's post about the oversexualization of the girls was very good (link), and even when I offer a literary explanation for his choices (as I did here for Dany), that's not to minimize how disturbing I find them. I don't like it at all.
Now! There are a few things that are part of the explanation for this beyond being a boob guy.
Sometimes it's simply part of communicating that Sansa is growing
Sansa tried to hurry, but her fingers fumbled at buttons and knots. The Hound was always rough-tongued, but something in the way he had looked at her filled her with dread. Had Joffrey found out about her meetings with Ser Dontos? Please no, she thought as she brushed out her hair. Ser Dontos was her only hope. I have to look pretty, Joff likes me to look pretty, he's always liked me in this gown, this color. She smoothed the cloth down. The fabric was tight across her chest. (ACOK, Sansa III)
Sansa lifted her arm. She needed a new gown, that was true. She had grown three inches in the past year, and most of her old wardrobe had been ruined by the smoke when she'd tried to burn her mattress on the day of her first flowering "Your bosom will be as lovely as the queen's," the old woman said as she looped her string around Sansa's chest. "You should not hide it so." The comment made her blush. Yet the last time she'd gone riding, she could not lace her jerkin all the way to the top, and the stableboy gaped at her as he helped her mount. Sometimes she caught grown men looking at her chest as well, and some of her tunics were so tight she could scarce breathe in them. (ASOS, Sansa II)
Martin has mentioned talking to women about their first period and tried to incorporate that into writing Sansa's, so I'm sure he also knows how many of us experience unwanted attention around that age too. Therefore, I'm gonna assume to him, this is all part of the female experience and he included it for realism.
2. Sansa is surrounded by pervs. Not only do we have the above with randos, but from early on LF and the Hound sink their teeth in and then of course, Tyrion, and we have Joffrey ordering Sansa beaten/stripped, basically, we have a huge portion of her story just drowning in men who lust after her/molest her, demean her. So, we're gonna talk about her beauty (her body, her breasts…) as part of that. Now, I've suggested having so many adult men lust after her is overkill and a little variety in their perversions would have been a relief, but that was the choice and these are the results.
3. Stumpy has discussed how this is all foreshadowing for Sansa becoming a mother at a young age ie he’s emphasizing her physical maturity and rushing it a bit to prep for what is to come (AFFC Foreshadowing, ASOS Foreshadowing). So potentially, not needless perving, prepping for a future plot. That might horrify you as much or more than him just liking to write about boobs, but Martin has repeatedly stated his belief that in medieval times, as soon as you hit puberty you were eligible for marriage. Even with that belief, a different writer might be a little more…delicate, but Martin likes to lean into the physical reality of his story, it’s part of what makes it compelling, so the guy who writes shitting and vomiting and oddly unerotic sex scenes for the sake of immersion, getting descriptions of these poor girls may just be part of the ride.
4. Sansa is very clearly "the Maiden," (link) but we've had several chapters now where she is also getting “the mother” idea attached to her in a kinda, Virgin Mary reference. @minitafan explained that here, with her foil being Dany (here). That doesn't mean we need details about her breasts, but because of what she represents, a manifestation of peace, calm in the midst of battle, compassion for our enemies, it makes sense to me that Martin would opt to make her physically beautiful too (hence descriptions of her body). She is meant to be someone others are drawn to, even men who seem impervious. It's a bit of a funny little game in which Martin unravels Sansa's expectation that beauty=goodness, all the while showing us, Sansa is that beautiful, inside and out.
My conclusion about most things ASOIAF, its complicated, and I’d say, it’s probably a mixture of everything.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Yuki Spinoff, Episode 2: Joy to the World
Episode 3 is titled "Haruhi Suzumiya!!" so Yuki better enjoy her Christmas Party 'cause her life's about to go dramatically downhill.
Gonna have to make this one two posts 'cause I have a lot to say about this episode.
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I noticed this in the first episode but I love the decision to change Yuki from a strict book-reader to also being a gamer. It does demonstrate the change in times, as Melancholy was released in 2006 while Disappearance of Yuki Nagato is from 2015, and gaming has become more proliferated over time.
But, more importantly, it also demonstrates the change in Yuki. Yuki Prime's never gone into detail about why she reads, but it's a fair assumption that she does it for the same reason most of us consume media: A desire to absorb information, experiences, and emotions through characters and situations.
Media exists in conversation with culture. By consuming media, Yuki is participating in culture. You could assume that she's only doing it to gather information, being a robot, but Yuki specifically reads fiction. She's looking for the same things everybody else is.
However, her media of choice is strictly text. She doesn't have a TV or video games or anything. She consumes experiences and emotions through text. Because Yuki herself is text. She can't watch a neutral expression on a screen slowly grow into a smile and immediately relate and understand what that means. She's more comfortable with a narrative structure that explains outright in words what the characters are feeling and going through. That's what Yuki can understand.
But this new Yuki, her ideal escapist form of Yuki with a full three-dimensional range of emotions, isn't limited in the same way. She shares Yuki Prime's love of media, shares her fascination with living vicariously through characters. But she can indulge her interests in ways the original could not, because she knows what it feels like to smile and enjoy things, to get excited by a rare drop, or to grieve a beloved character.
She is Yuki Unchained.
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Ryoko has the perfect pre-"I hope you got your affairs in order because CHILD NOBODY IS GOING TO SEE YOU ALIVE AGAIN" Pleasant Mom Smile.
I wonder if Ryoko has parents? Yuki lives alone because Yuki Prime lives alone, because she's a space robot. But Escapist Yuki isn't a space robot, so the fact that she has no parents is simply a consequence of living situation transference she can't comprehend.
By the same logic, Ryoko should be a space robot. But Ryoko did have parents on paper. They weren't real and nobody ever saw them, but they did legally exist. "Her dad" even called the school when she "moved to Canada".
So I wonder what her living situation is here? Does she live alone like Yuki? Did this reality manifest real parents for her? Did it manifest real parents but they're out-of-country? Is she knowingly deceiving people into thinking she has parents?
What is your parental situation, Ryoko?
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Ignoring the Skip Intro button from the shady piracy website providing my screenshots, can we all take a moment to acknowledge how great my character looks in this show that's not about her?
Black monochrome is a fantastic look for Haruhi because it's a color-scheme that matches her personality. Haruhi's always exuded Mean Girl Energy, pretty much from the moment we met her. She's a weird Mean Girl but she's a violent, self-absorbed misanthrope.
In a lot of other shows, she would be the protagonist's bully.
In her own show... that's still fairly accurate, yeah. It gets weirdly romanticized but it's still more or less her and Kyon's dynamic. She's like if Hey, Arnold! actually had its title character fall in love with Helga Pataki.
And just like that, I have dated myself to a billion years old. Okay. But it's true! That's what Haruhi and Kyon remind me of.
Haruhi most commonly sports the same outfit that everyone else is wearing due to Japanese school uniformity. But, courtesy of the decision Disappearance made to put her in a different school in Yuki World, this is the first time she's had her own unique aesthetic among the main cast. Well, apart from Itsuki, but he's a devout follower anyway.
This contrast against the uniformity of the rest of the cast makes Haruhi pop. She's eye-catchingly unique among a sea of brown blazers, as befits the center of the universe (in persona, even if no longer in power or character role). And the near-all-black color scheme gives her a wicked edge to her appearance, perfectly conveying her Mean Girl status.
Basically what I'm getting at is that I don't know how Haruhi's going to be used in this show but I wish she looked like this back in the original because holy hell is that the perfect Haruhi aesthetic.
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I could watch Yuki and Kyon have a fun snowball fight for twenty straight minutes. That could be all this episode is and I would be satisfied.
Look at her. Look at how happy she is. This is all she wanted when she reshaped the universe. Haruhi twisted time and space to make time travelers and space aliens and espers and sliders, but Yuki did it to make this.
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Meanwhile Ryoko remains MVP of this show. This subversion of the typical "surprised character hit in the face by thing as they walk into the room" gag is beautiful and conveys the composed and professional persona of Class President Ryoko Asakura.
I love how coy the show is playing about... like... how Ryoko she is. She vaporized the cotton snowball in her hand and then releases her battle aura. It's a funny gag. But. Also. There is a deep tension inherent to this incredibly likable character, to the point that it's not clear how literally we're meant to take this.
She did not actually blast Yuki and Kyon out the window with a Kamehameha beam of pure disapproval. But maybe she could? I don't know.
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And then straight to the turkey! Like that didn't happen. XD
I'm so glad Yuki got her turkey. She wanted a turkey so bad. This is her first Christmas with full emotional range and all of it was invested in getting this turkey. She put her whole psyche into it every single time she exclaimed the English word "TURKEY!" last episode.
I became very invested in Yuki getting a turkey. Now she has one. I am very satisfied right now.
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Oh, Yuki. This is Melancholy tone. A little bit of selfishness is what makes the universe go 'round.
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Maybe my mind's bent from too much reality-warping but this conversation feels subtextually linked to Yuki's decision to eat Haruhi, remake the universe, and resurrect Ryoko in the first place.
Like. They're literally talking about the fate of Yuki Yuki Literature Club but the vibe feels much grander. That Yuki begins the conversation speaking in her emotionless Space Robot voice gives it this... between-the-worlds tone.
Like. Remember the last episode of PMMM when Madoka, Sayaka, and Mami were eating cake in a heavenly extradimensional Mami's Apartment Reality while they discuss Madoka's wish? That's what this feels like, to me.
Literally, this scene is an actual conversation that occurred between them in Yuki's World. But symbolically, subtextually, they're talking about the decision to manifest their reality in the first place. Saving the Literature Club here is, for the characters, exactly what it sounds like; But for the audience, it stands in for creating this world.
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Look at her.
Only a monster wouldn't want her to have this turkey. This is the greatest moment of her... six days of life.
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s0methingmoonlit · 1 year
So what if O!Sky was soft?
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Ah, the brainrot just won’t go away. I think FNF Soft is wonderful! Mostly because the concept and aesthetic, and Grace! She’s my favorite of the bunch. Oh, I could ramble on and on about her, but we’re focusing on the Skyverse, especially O!Sky! This is my design for her! I tried my best to imitate Alex’s style, I think it’s pretty good. A little wonky on the limbs though.
Madison has a unique sense of fashion, I mean she wants to look stylish so makes sense. She’s a part time hair stylist, but dreams of becoming a fashion designer. She dyed parts of her hair blue because that was her second favorite color. She loves purple the most, and it’s pretty much 99% of her closet. Madison is not too short, only 5”2. But there are many more people taller than her, which is why she wears platform shoes. I was originally going to make her similar to her sister, but I think it’s better not to do that since that wouldn’t make much sense, mostly because of her backstory. If you wanna read it, just click or tap the magic button (aka keep reading LOL)
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The two photos above are two other outfits. Madison’s outfit on her reference sheet is very similar to the second image, only that in the traditional drawing, the skirt is flowing, while in the one above, is a tight skirt, like the one in the third image.
Now let’s get into the backstory…
Madison wasn’t abused in her past like Benjamin was, but instead she heavily bullied someone. Specifically her younger sister. Yes, I do mean the Soft Sky we all know and love.
The Sky Siblings used to live in “The city of Stars” together with their parents. The father worked very busy as a Tailor, so they didn’t suffer too much financially. When they were young, Madison was always the one doing better at… pretty much anything. Sports, art, singing…whatever you name. At least their mom’s eyes. Mom would always give her older daughter attention and neglects her younger daughter. Because of that, Madison liked to treat her sister like crap, always bragging about herself and how she was better while Sky couldn’t “do anything” or was just “stupid and talentless.” She said lots mean things every single time she had a chance to. Their mother always just brushed it off as playful teasing because they were just kids! Kids don’t know morals. Same thing happened with the dad, but unlike mom, he actually started to slowly catch on to Madison’s hateful behavior. He then constantly reminds her to be more nicer to her younger sister, but that didn’t seem to work. He also began noticing that his wife was actually neglecting Sky. Before the siblings started middle school, the parents had a discussion with each other, which then turned into an argument, which lead to them getting a divorce. Sky and their father stayed at home, while Madison and their mother moved to another city. And that’s when Madison slowly starts to realize her behavior that past years. The less she was with her sister, the more days that went on, the more she felt guilty for her past actions. Her superiority complex slowly turned into an inferiority complex.
Nowadays, she’s much more mature, but isn’t very open to others. In other words, she’s very mysterious. She has a nice facade in order to please customers at her job, but in college she’s very avoidant of others. Like I said before, she strives to become a fashion designer, but also mustn’t reveal too much of herself. So yeah the reason Mother Mairest reminds Madison so much of herself is because she acted too much like her younger self. Also she only sees herself in Marilyn and not Frank is because 1) He’s ugly (at least Marilyn has a decent fashion sense) and 2) Madison never physically hurt Sky, at all. Even as a child she would never go far to physical harm. So no, Madison couldnt have caused that to Sky’s left eye.
Unfortunately, Mama Sky is a not a good mom in this AU. Actually, we know absolutely nothing about O!Sky’s mom OG universe, but I’ve always assumed she’s a good mother! But despite this, Madison still maintains a good relationship with mom. I mean, Mama Sky isn’t manipulative or abusive towards her, just was playing the favorite game in the worst way possible. I know many parents play favorites but this mother just takes it too far
“Ok, but what about Benjamin Fairest? What does Madison think of him?” Good question! You see… I actually didn’t think that far. Well, this is literally called the soft AU so the characters should seem less rambunctious and more calm. I guess Madison would just be neutral towards him. Like she wouldn’t care about his existence, she only wants his parents to get a good well deserved punishment. So yeah, he’s just okay in her eyes.
“What about Grace/Pico?” She has no idea who either of them are. Actually she knows the latter, but that’s only because a bunch of people made jokes about him in her high school.
“Wait, Sky Sky Curls?” I headcanon Soft Sky’s real name would be “Libby” but again, it’s only canon in my head, so I tend to stay away from using that.
I went on several different baby name websites for names that meant “heart.” Yes that is a reference to Old O!Sky’s sister being named Hearts. I kinda sorta gave up because I was doing this late at night. I chose Libby, or Libi, because it meant “my heart” or “girl” which isn’t exactly what I wanted, but I guess it was good enough.
Basically Libby was what I personally thought was most fitting for Soft Sky. If you read the small crossed out text, ok then.
Hmm… I guess that’s about all I could say! If you have any more questions, then the ask box is open! I think even people who don’t have a Tumblr and only came from my insta can use the ask box. You can ask anonymously or not.
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oflights · 1 year
Drarry fashion sense head canons?
ohhh this is such a good one, let me think!!
okay disclaimer is that i think i struggle with describing clothes/often have to go back and add descriptions of them in when i write, but i do like to think about what they'd like to wear!!
i feel like the books vs movies vs shitty word-building makes this both complicated but also like less constrictive. canon is so spotty about magical vs muggle dressing conventions (why are weasley jumpers such a thing if wizards/witches wear robes all the time?? i've assumed it's a generational thing but like, molly knits the jumpers so ?? whatever) so i've tried to sort this out in my head a bit: adult magical folks in adult society generally wear robes out and about; harry's generation is less stringent about it/generally more knowledgable about muggle clothes, but it's still the most popular fashion.
so i pretty much always headcanon draco in robes unless he has a specific reason to be in the muggle world, and then he'll change. he'll wear simple clothes not really meant to be shown off under the robes, unless it's cold and he layers. my brain likes to dress draco in blue a lot, and i tend to picture/describe him as a cool winter, which gives a broad blue spectrum to pick from, plus a lot of jewel tones and bright, cool colors.
his clothes usually have a lot of distinctive, fussy details: fine buttons, embroidery, quality tailoring, belts, a set of winter outerwear that matches, etc. they're the kinds of details that normally go right over harry's head except when it's draco 😌
because harry is definitely more basic when it comes to fashion. he does really like buying his own clothes, relishing getting to choose what to wear about years of castoffs, but never being allowed to choose things means he never really developed taste, so sometimes he gets overwhelmed by choices. he also doesn't like to follow fashion conventions; robes still sometimes feel like a costume to him and he definitely tends towards mugglewear by default, but will wear robes in deference to draco. sometimes he'll wear robes open over muggle clothes as a compromise.
his color palette (clear winter, as i tend to describe him, with warm skin tone, bright eyes, black hair and high contrast between features) is actually similar to draco's, which i imagine draco having a lot of fun with. jewel tones are good on him, too, plus icy colors. draco loves dressing harry way more than harry loves dressing himself, and harry feels so loved and cared for whenever he wears something draco picked out for him.
send me drarry tropes and i’ll respond with five related headcanons!!
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