#I always get demonic necklaces from them which I hate cause I don’t use the summoning circle
spiderin-space · 6 months
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Assorted things
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wooiamamess · 3 years
Modern Inuyasha ft my sketches
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So I’ve been thinking abt this for a while cause usually I don’t like modern au’s or sometimes they don’t sit right with me. This one though I’ve thought a lot about and came up with the most realistic ideas based off of their characters. FYI, I’m from Canada so I’m going to be creating an au based off of my experiences as a Canadian person so if anything is confusing that’s probably why. Enjoy :)
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stuff abt him that I’m too lazy to put into full paragraphs:
His pronouns are He/Him (but if you called him ‘they’ he wouldn’t care just never the pronoun ‘it’ cause it’s derogatory towards demons) he also doesn’t give a shit abt anybody’s sexuality’s let alone his own (I head-cannon him as demi-ace tho cause I’m ace and I said so)
If I ever wrote this au, he would be 16 and in grade 11
he would be a slacker. He would probably skip a bunch of classes, get into fights, and be surprisingly muscular considering he couldn’t care less about p.e.
He would have an on and off high-school relationship with the hoity toity Kikyo, the class president and member of the debate club. Both of them are low-key ashamed of the relationship, but pursue it anyway cause hey, teenagers are kind of just like that.
He kind of developed feelings for his best friend Kagome in grade 12 (Kikyo’s cousin ***awkward***)who has had an unrequited crush on him for years, but he’s in denial.
The one thing in school that he cares abt (other than his friends) is lacrosse. He has no loyalty or care for his team what so ever but when he’s on the field he kicks ass
He actually got a lacrosse scholarship courtesy of his late father’s college, SJU, much to the dismay of Sesshomaru, an alumni
His prized possessions are his red hoodie and beaded necklace, both Christmas gifts from kagome from two separate years,
He works part time at a full serve gas station
He actually doesn’t know what he took in college, he was honestly just there to play lacrosse. Sesshomaru told him he needed to take something so he kinda just checked a box and then went to classes
He rented out a basement suite with Miroku and Sango in his second year of college and fucking hated it so he moved in with kagome the following semester
His red toque was given to him from sesshomaru and he uses it to cover his ears
He finally dates kagome in his first year of college, and even though you’d think it’d be awkward since they were besties, it was totally natural
Tenish years after college graduation he would pursue a trade and start an apprenticeship
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Pronouns are She/They, and she’s never really questioned her sexuality, but she knows she’s not 100% straight
She’s 16 and in grade 11 at the time of the au
She lives with her mom, grandpa, and brother at a run-down shrine her grandfather runs
Shewas actually pretty popular in high school. Like a genuine, everyone pretty much loved her, kind of popular
She works part time at the gift shop
She’s been best friends with Sango since elementary, and Inuyasha since high school, but she’s only met Miroku recently
The one class that she did poorly on is her pre-calc 12 class, keeping her from the grade 12 honour roll
She was always competitive with her cousin Kikyo, who made her insecure. She always felt like Kikyo was the “better version of her” so she celebrated the little victories
Like ending up with Inuyasha, or finding out she’s better at archery than Kikyo
She’s had a string of questionable boyfriends including Hojo, an personality-less angel who she just never clicked with, and Kouga, captain of the lacrosse and basketball teams. He also plays hockey, and gets overly competitive with Inuyasha, who is leagues better than him
Originally planned to go to community college to get her Bachelor of Education, but changed her mind to go to SJU with Inuyasha and pursue her passion of Art History
Her prized possessions are her bow, her locket, and her bicycle, which she uses to stay physically fit
She lived with Inuyasha for the second half of her second year and throughout the rest of college. He proposed two months after graduation and they eloped soon after, with only Miroku and Sango present, much to the dismay of their families (jk sesshomaru was actually happy he didn’t have to attend)
After getting married, she would pursue her masters, and eventually her doctorate, to become a History Professor at their local community college
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She’s 17, and in grade 12 at the time of this au
She/Her, openly bisexual. She oozes Bi wife energy.
She’s a B-average student in her academic classes but a GOD at anything sports related
Captain of multiple girls teams, including basketball, baseball, and swim. Not to mention she takes karate, fencing, and taekwondo (as I said, a GOD)
She’s in the mix of an awkward “flirtationship” with her friend Miroku, who she met through Inuyasha but she refuses to admit to her feelings
She and Inuyasha have the greatest healthy/competitive friendship and they bond over their stubbornness to admit their feelings to their respective crushes
That being said, she and Kagome have been besties since Elementary school
Her prized possessions are a friendship bracelet from Kagome from many years back, her family heirloom, Hiraikotsu, which is held at the Higurashi shrine, and her makeup kit (just because she’s tough doesn’t mean she doesn’t appreciate the feminine things
In college, she would take criminal justice and would minor in women studies. She got into SJU alongside Kagome and Inuyasha on a basketball scholarship
After graduation, she would get married and become a full time mom (to Miroku’s delight), but would not let that stop her from pursue of what she loves
Even though she wouldn’t be working full time, she would coach her local sports teams and would open a self-defence class in her own home
In her thirties, she would open a karate dojo with her younger brother, called Slayer-Karate
***I would like to preface this one by saying I don’t condone all his actions in this au, but it’s most definitely in his character
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He/Him, straight, but would probably be open to experimenting
He would be 18, and in his second year of college
Was probably a solid A average student in high school, now a religious studies major in community college
He was bumped up a grade in middle school, explaining how he’s so far into college at a young age, and why all of his friends are still in high school or are first years, which is why he hangs out with the Inuyasha gang
Visits his old high school often to harass his old teachers and to flirt with the grade 12 girls
He worked part time at the same gas station as Inuyasha, then later worked as an assistant manager at a grocery store
Inuyasha originally looked up to him as an older brother but that quickly disappeared once he learned all of Miroku’s bad habits (womanizing, cheating, etc)
He probably did shrooms his first year to “ascend to a higher power”
He doesn’t own a lot of stuff. He claims it’s because he’s above “material things” but it’s actually just because he doesn’t own a lot. Therefore, his most prized possession is a set of earrings he got as a gift from Sango from a secret Santa they did
Sango was the only girl he never cheated on
He rented a basement suite for a few years with Sango and (briefly) Inuyasha, then later rented an apartment when he and Sango were ready to settle down
While Sango was in her last year of college, he did some travelling around Eurasia to study different cultures and religions. Once he got back though, he realized he wanted to settle and proposed to Sango at the airport (she said yes)
They got married a year later with a modest crowd - neither of them had much of a family so it was mostly just college friends
Would eventually become a youth pastor (or something of a similar profession idk) and would constantly talk about his “glory days”
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sepublic · 3 years
Through the Looking Glass Ruins!!!!!
         SO! Onto other things first…
         WRATH IS BRAXAS’ FATHER!??!!? HOLY SHIT, Wrath is a canonical dad, I’d always expressed my… OH MY GOD WRATH IS DAD! And of BRAXAS, that sweetie… How is Braxas such a sweetie with a father like HIM, also-
         Wrath was in casual wear? Either he has a day off, or he got fired by Belos/Kikimora after drawing Luz a map to Eda in Young Blood, Old Souls! Either way this guy has a sudden new level of NUANCE that I am reeling from, and yes I checked, that really is Wrath according to the credits! Dang this puts everything in a WHOLE new light…!
         She looks so BEAUTIFUL and I love the kind of foreshadowing with the bookends of our first shot of Amity having her hair down, and now it’s changed! And she looks adorable and EMIRA AND EDRIC BEING GREAT SIBLINGS I LOVE IT SO MUCH! This… THIS is everything I wanted! I was resigned to not much of them but HELL YEAH they’re being good siblings and we get a look at their rooms, we see them doing MAKEOVERS together this is everything from my favorite fanon content and MORE,
         Also Edric has a date?! Emira says ‘their’ mom… Unless the Golden Guard has a mom, DARN! Not gonna lie, I half-expected a big twist at the end that Edric was dating the Golden Guard, who was doing some sort of reconnaissance as his unrecognized normal self and/or screwing around with the Blights even further, but in a GENUINE sense… But then who knows Kikimora could be posing as GG’s ‘mom’, this is a stretch anyhow-
         JUST HELL YEAH Blight Twins! Blight Twins being sweet and mischievous and supportive of each other, Blight SIBLINGS being siblings, Emira being an older sister and giving advice! And AMITY, Amity mentioning how much Luz has changed stuff, I love that they acknowledge it openly how her life has completely shifted, and now… NOW…!
         No necklace! Red leggings! PINK HAIR?! Is this why Amity in the intro hasn’t been updated yet… She was getting TWO updates, so the animators decided to only animate a change after this final update?!
         King and Gus are also friends it seems, and they even recorded some fun together! I’m surprised at how much Bria and the others mock Gus’ illusion skills… Obviously Belos is kinda terrible but like; I don’t think he’d set aside an entire subset of magic into Illusions without reason! Also that nightmare trip… I LOVE IT, I love Gus applying the creativity of illusions in their ability to completely warp and distort someone’s sense of reality! And I called that dragon-thing being an illusion!
         A graveyard… I wonder if the Gallderstones (is that how it’s spelled) have any relevance or if they’re just neat? I hope Mattholomule and Gus help hide the Looking Glass Graveyard… Damn, that’s another Death reference with Gus, huh! Is it culminating in his respect for the dead, or will it continue further with Gus being a necromancer, or an Oracle who can commune with the deceased, and he has their respect as someone who treats them properly?!
         Also not to get dark but… What if all those Illusionists are dead because of Belos? I’m JUST SAYING…! And not gonna lie, every time someone insulted Illusions, I kept imagining the Illusion Head just suddenly waking up and feeling like there’s a disturbance in the force, as well as a weird compulsion to beat up some Glandus kids. It’d be even funnier if he had beef with the Construction, Plant, and Abomination Heads as well!
         Speaking of which, more confirmation on Construction Magic being related to earth! Glad to see Bria give us a look into that, which furthers my idea of Belos using construction magic… Also dang, Bria and the Glandus Kids really are the parallels/foils to the Detention kids! You’ve got the short ‘nice’ girl, the tall lanky kid, the furry… But the Glandus Kids start off looking nice and cool, but turn out to be rather nasty!
         Meanwhile the Detention Kids seem like bad news and delinquents, but no! They’re just demonized and actually very kind and chill! The Detention Kids are looked down upon, the Glandus Kids are appraised… The Detention Kids are dual-track, the Glandus Kids are singular; Glandus Kids from, well, GLANDUS, Detention Kids from Hexside… One’s ‘mischief’ is actually very neat and cool, the other’s is literal grave robbing.
         I guess that’s how the bleeding statues got past the censors- It’s technically just an illusion! Also more insight into how Glandus works with its Survival of the Fittest mentality, I wonder if we’ll get confirmation on which coven heads came from there, how that might influence them as adults…
         What is Glandus like, is it more whole-heartedly accepting of Belos’ rule, hence its harsh ideals? Was it made after Hexside? Does Bump hate it for being so cruel like that, or is it just school bias? And dang poor Mattholomule, I always had a feeling he sort of felt and knew that he wasn’t much, so he accepted and compensated by deliberately doing whatever he can for power…
         They confirmed he’s from Glandus, and I appreciate this new look at him! This new leaf turned… Hot take but he’s honestly not as bad as Boscha, his stint with Gus was a one-time thing that Gus was able to live with! And that seems pretty good to set them up as friends! Speaking of Boscha, Willow was injured by pixies? And the last time we heard of pixies, they belonged to Boscha and caused the school to get shut down… Did BOSCHA DO THIS I SWEAR SHE IS DEAD TO ME-
         (Also she’s mentioned in the credits for this episode but I don’t remember hearing her? I might’ve gotten distracted with so much other things.)
         Gus! I like the insight into his relationship with Illusions, and I appreciate how he’s considering other forms of magic… But this hesitation might just serve to reaffirm his believe in Illusions, which is okay! It’s all about choice… And yeah, it seems Gus also has a case of impostor syndrome like King, no wonder they get along so well! I love the glimpses into Gus’ house and the confirmation that he has a library card, no Perry though alas…!
         I appreciate how Gus feels overlooked, like he has no real substance, which is how his Illusions reflect a desire to draw attention, but also the idea that there’s nothing real beneath them… Again, very much like King! And Gus, he’s not a powerhouse like the rest, he’s SKILLED and smart, but strength isn’t his forte, it’s not brute force he operates on, but cleverness! Trickery, I like it…! It’s a nice callback to his last A-plot episode, SVSF, where instead of fighting Mattholomule physically, Gus’ solution is to think outside the box and pull the alarm!
         You go kid, not relying on brute strength but showing that some clever tricks and thinking are just as valid! Kinda wonder if this episode is lowkey a discussion on masculinity for young boys, especially with Gus growing older with puberty, though the latter is mostly because his actual VA grew… But maybe the writers rolled with that and incorporated it, or it’s just a very neat coincidence! Also, it is me or did Mattholomule’s voice change? And the gag that Gavin’s dad looks identical to him, even moreso because he’s NOT supposed to have a moustache… That’s great!
         Malphas! Love this reference to a classic demon, I wasn’t sure if Malphas was the librarian with glasses whom I’ve always headcanoned as a father figure to Amity… But maybe it’s actually this bird dude! He seems adept in Bard magic, and I love the reveal of his true crow appearance… Guess those theorists were right that the one-eyed figure is from the Forbidden Stacks! Also Malphas NOT COOL with Amity, but I’m glad Luz changed his mind, and I wonder how that adventure looked…
         Which- DAMN, the RSD with Luz! She looks so UTTERLY BROKEN when Amity mentions doing stupid things, and she didn’t mean it like that, but Luz just looks so completely shattered and you can tell she wants to cry but instead she bottles it up and tries to take it in stride, and that plays into her trying to overcompensate for her mistakes AGAIN… SOMEONE GET IT TO HER HEAD that she doesn’t need to! I’m scared for Luz, and I was SO scared this episode would end on a bad note…
         This is EVERYTHING I ever wanted!
         What an AMAZING episode with wonderful characer beats and reveals! Again, Amity’s growth as a character, that brief insight into how Luz as a person is very chaotic and sometimes frustrating for Amity and forces her to reevaluate, but ultimately it’s good and Luz DOES try her best, and Amity clearly wanted to make things up for Luz and apologize, they’re BOTH doing things, just the little moments!
         Also, Alex Lawther voices Philip Wittebane! He has long hair and a vaguely british accent, he’s… He’s Belos isn’t he? And they got a new VA because having him voiced by Matthew Rhys would be really spoiler-y right? He’s got the long hair and he’s a nerd… And with how he talks of finding a way back home, maybe Belos really DOES just want to return home, after all? He talks of making a way back home…
         And we see a glimpse of the Portal, so it might’ve brought him there? Or did Philip succeed in making it, and that was his blueprint designs? Did he arrive by Titan’s Blood? What happened to the portal if it brought him there, or if he made it? Why the scar, why near Eda’s house, partially buried?
         Was it lost before he could finish his work, and Philip got side-tracked into something else… Perhaps going on a crusade, on behalf of a curse/demon that possessed him? A demon that killed King’s father…? Was the portal broken and he had to discard it, but then it naturally healed- Or did it just need to recharge, maybe Philip DID make it back home, WHAT IS THE ANSWER?! Is there some sort of doppelganger for Philip, is BELOS his doppelganger?! What is THIS WHAT-
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
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Magnus looked up from the vanity table and put down his eyeliner.
“Like my new shoes?” his son grinned as he tapped the Gucci sneakers like Dorothy and her heels.
Magnus grinned in approval.
“Let’s go!” Rafe came closer and started jumping up and down as he pulled on Magnus’ arm. “Portal! Portal! Portal!”
Magnus gave him a smile. “How about we walk to the institute today, my coconut?”
Rafael stopped jumping abruptly.
“I’m not a coconut,” he pointed out sourly.
“Alright, I’ll think of another fiber rich fruit,” Magnus chuckled. “But let’s walk today, yes? The weather seems brilliant.”
Rafael looked out of the window and then back at Magnus, arching his dark eyebrows as if to say, ‘since when did you care about the weather?’.
“So, no portal?” Rafael asked.
“Not today,” Magnus replied.
Rafael looked down at his new shoes. “Okay.”
Magnus hated disappointing his son. Rafael loved magic – sometimes even more so than Max. This meant he enjoyed portals too.
Magnus would split the sky open for his son. Making a measly portal was no big deal.
He could have just done it simply. But today was not that day.
“Go pick up your bow,” Magnus urged him gently.
Rafael pouted and ran away without another word.
Magnus put on his jewelry and picked up his tote bag. He was hoping to drop Rafael off at the institute to train with the other children – something Magnus didn’t really approve of since Rafael was just past twelve.  
He didn’t need to learn how to fight. He was a child.
Rafael was his baby.
But Rafael was also a shadowhunter – one of the angel’s chosen.
Magnus sighed inwardly – since it was a fact, he had to make peace with – and walked towards the living room.
“Let’s go, strawberry!”
But Rafael was not near the door where he usually stood when Magnus made the portal for them. Magnus walked towards Rafael’s bedroom to find his son on the floor.
“I sprained my leg,” Rafael said apologetically. “We’ll have to take a portal.”
Magnus gave him an amused glance.
“Well, if you are hurt then you shouldn’t be training,” Magnus pointed out.
“But we are throwing spears today,” Rafael protested. “I want to practice!”
“Alright then, use an iratze,” Magnus said. “It should heal quickly. Then we can walk merrily to the institute where they teach little children how to throw spears.”
“Uh, I can’t,” Rafael said now. “I lost my stele.”
He was a horrible liar. Much like Alec.
Max on the other hand…Magnus would have to keep an eye on that one.
“Rafael,” Magnus said warningly.
“I swear on Uncle Jace,” Rafael said, and Magnus bit his lip to keep himself from laughing. “I lost my stele.”
Magnus crossed his arms.
“I can ask Aunt Clary to heal it when I get to the institute,” Rafael pointed out. “Let’s go. Make the portal.”
Well, two can play at that game.
Magnus flicked his wrist, and a wave of blue smoke went through Rafael’s ankle. It wasn’t real magic of course. Just smoke.
“There, I fixed your ankle,” Magnus said. “Now, let’s go.”
Rafael stood up indignantly. “But what about my new shoes! I don’t want them to get all muddy.”
“It hasn’t rain in over a month!” Magnus put his arms up in frustration. “We are walking.”
“Fine, then I’m not going,” Rafael kicked off his shoes and flopped back on his bed and covered his face with a pillow.
Rafael was a quiet and timid child. But he could really be dramatic when he wanted to. Magnus had no idea where he got this from. Probably some shadowhunter at the institute.
“Rafael,” he called gently. “Why do you not want to walk to the institute?”
Magnus had noticed this initially over a month ago.
Rafael had insisted that he could the subway on his own. The institute wasn’t far away. He had wanted to commute on his own.
Magnus wasn’t really thrilled by this sudden show of bravado.
Firstly, he couldn’t come to terms with the fact that his baby was growing up.
Secondly, he might have excused the demon butt kicking. But he wasn’t going to allow his son to go on the New York subway alone.
But then Alec had interfered and of course as always had won the argument with “reason” and “logic”.
So, Rafael started to take the subway and travel to the institute by himself.
Just two days a week.
On the other days, he went with Alec or Magnus.
Rafael had only been out on his own for a couple of weeks before he had started to make all sorts of excuses for not wanting to go alone.
He would ask Alec to come to the institute with him. And of course, the insistence for portals had started.
Magnus knew Rafael loved portal travel. But he wasn’t spoilt or anything. Actually, the boy enjoyed walking, mostly because he got to stop and pet a stranger’s dog.
So, Magnus found it a little odd that Rafael’s insistence on walking alone had disappeared just like that.
He knew there was more to the story and he was going to find out.
He sat down next to Rafael gingerly and knocked on the pillow.
“Knock knock,” he said.
“Nobody’s home,” Rafael said in a muffled voice, still stubbornly clutching the pillow over his face.
“Come on. Play along,” Magnus urged and taped on the pillow again. “Knock knock!”
Rafael sighed dramatically. “Who’s there?”
“Wire who?”
“Wire you lying to me?”
Rafael removed the pillow off his face.
“You’re not as clever as you think you are,” Rafael pointed out.
“Lies!” Magnus said in an offended tone. “You said your father is the smartest person you know.”
“Well, I have two fathers so…”
Magnus gasped offensively.
Rafael’s mouth twitched, just a little. Anyone who didn’t know him would have missed it.
But Magnus knew him. He knew him better than anyone.
“Wounded prides and treacherous betrayals aside,” Magnus gently removed the pillow and threw it away before Rafael can hide again. “Do you want to talk about what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Rafael said, lying back slowly.
“Then why do you not want to walk alone?”
“Just cause,” Rafael shrugged.
“Did…Did something happen?” Magnus asked tentatively. “In the subway?”
“Nothing serious,” Rafael said.
Magnus’ heart, which was always steady, started beating faster.
“I’d still like to know if that’s okay with you,” Magnus said gently, not wanting to push the boy.
Rafael was quiet.
“Rafael,” Magnus said softly. “When we found you, I promised that I will always protect you. I need to live up to that promise. Please tell me what happened.”
Rafael sat up on the bed and crossed his legs. “There were some boys in the subway.”
Magnus nodded, gently urging him to go on.
“I didn’t glamour myself cause you know I don’t like to,” Rafael pointed out.
Magnus did know that. Magnus never actually glamored himself either – not unless it was absolutely necessary. Magnus didn’t want to hide because there was nothing to be ashamed of.
Rafael didn’t either.
Rafael took after him in so many ways - including his love for fashion. But this was one of those ways that made Magnus’ heart swell with pride.
“Anyway, I was careful,” Rafael continued. “I made sure my bow was hidden and nothing was visible. But then these boys…They made fun of me.”
“Because of your runes?” Magnus asked.
“Because of what was underneath the runes.”
Magnus muttered a curse underneath his breath – thankfully he spoke many languages Rafe didn’t understand.
He knew that he was supposed to act rational. To be calm and assess the situation. He was the high warlock of Brooklyn and he has handled worse situations.
But he wasn’t the high warlock right now. He was just Rafael’s father.
Anger boiled through his veins and Magnus felt his magic surge.
“Who are these boys?” Magnus demanded. “Where did you see them?”
Rafael looked at him then, his brown eyes sad. “Does it really make a difference, Bapa?”
And Magnus’ heart broke.
No. It didn’t. It didn’t make a difference.
“They were saying something about a wall and how I should go back to where I’m from,” Rafael said, his voice low. “I put my earphones on after that.”
“Was this a one-time thing?” Magnus asked.
“In the institute, nobody ever said anything about being me a Latino. Or about the others. They don’t really care I think. And when we are out…Well, I’m always with you and dad so I never really noticed. But the moment I was alone…They never say anything when I'm with you or dad. That’s why I kept asking you to come with me. Or take a portal.”
“We can come with you for as long as you want,” Magnus promised.  
“But you shouldn't have to. Not for this,” Rafael sounded angry. “I don’t think it was a one time thing, Bapa. I just think I never noticed. And now that I have…I don’t think I will ever stop noticing.”
Magnus had put a thousand charms – and more – on Rafael’s bow. He had put spell after spell on the sapphire necklace his son wore. He had taken every precaution he could think to protect his son from any and every demon that lurked in the shadows.
But Magnus hadn’t thought about the demons that lurked during daylight. Demons that didn’t attack the body – but the ones that clawed at your heart.
Magnus couldn’t protect Rafael from these creatures every day. But he could protect him right now. He led out his hands until Rafael leaned his head on Magnus’ shoulder.
“It’s not fair,” Rafael said. “I can’t help how I look.”
“I know, my darling,” Magnus caressed his hair gently. “I know.”
“Have people always been this awful?” Rafael asked.
Magnus, who had lived through centuries of persecution and discrimination, could have simply lied. He could lie to make his son feel better.
But he knew the lies wouldn’t prepare him for the world that was waiting out there.
“Do you remember, Bapa?” Rafael looked up and asked now. “Do you remember when Max was 7 and he wanted to look like the rest of us? He wanted to not be blue for one day?”
Magnus did. Alec had talk to Max that day, that a little blue never hurt anybody. It hadn’t convinced Max of course. But the party with a dozen multi cultured warlocks had kind of helped.
“I think Max has it better,” Rafael said now. “I wish I was blue or yellow or green.”
“You are what you are,” Magnus said. “And what you are is a beautiful boy.”
Rafael just mumbled something.
“Rafe,” Magnus took his hand. “Max is a downworlder. He will have his fair share of ass…hats to deal with.”
“Not on my watch,” Raphael said menacingly.
Magnus smiled. “You could consider glamouring yourself. You don’t have to do everything I do.”
“Not everything, no,” Rafe agreed. “But this…I can’t not do this. I want to be like you. Proud. Confident. But it’s…I don’t know it’s hard when they keep staring at me like that. Like I don’t belong here.”
“People will always stare,” Magnus said gently and dangled the bagles in his hand. “So might as well give them something to stare at, huh?”
Rafael gave him a weak smile. Magnus sighed.
“Alright then,” Magnus said. “I will make you a portal. Today. Every day. Whenever you want. You don’t have to take the subway.”
“I don’t want to take the portal,” Rafael said. “I don’t want to bother you.”
“Darling, you do know your father is the high warlock of Brooklyn, right?” Magnus chuckled. “It’s no bother.”
“I don’t want to take the portal,” Rafael simply repeated. “I like taking the subway.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. It kinda smells sometimes and then there are people who sing weird butt songs, but I like it,” Rafael said. “There is this lady. An abuela called Maria. I see her sometimes with her dog Globo.”
“Globo?” Magnus chuckled.
“He is so sweet, and she lets me pet him. I sometimes even buy treats for him with my allowance, ” Rafael confessed. “I like seeing Abuela Maria. I love seeing Globo. I don’t wanna miss that.”
“That’s fair enough,” Magnus nodded.
“Abuela Maria…She came to New York when she was 12. She is so old now. She has been here for year. And those boys…They sometimes make jokes about her too. She doesn’t speak much English but I think she understands. She doesn’t have earphones like I do though. So, she has to listen to everything they say.”
Magnus didn’t say anything. Just quietly offered his hand to Rafael.
His son took it gently and examined it carefully. Rafael had always loved the way Magnus painted his nails. Magnus had often wondered if Rafael would want to paint his own when he grew up.
But now…Now Magnus worried Rafael might never paint his nails even if he wanted to.
The world could sometimes be a cruel place. Magnus has always believed that the world should always have more color – and some glitter too.
But some people preferred to keep things black and white.
It was hard navigating a world like this. Magnus looked at his son.
Rafael looked sad. He looked angry. Worried. Frustrated.
And scared.
Magnus had felt all those things long ago too. But he had found his way through.
He had found his way through the maze and reminded himself who he was and he shouldn’t promise himself for anyone.
It had taken him a long time but he had got there eventually.
But the thing was…Rafael didn’t have that kind of time.
He was a shadowhunter. A mortal.
Magnus thought about Abuela Maria – and all the men and women she must have met during her life who must have made her feel different – when she was just another person in New York with a weirdly named dog.
Magnus didn’t want Rafael to spend his years living in shame and worry.
No. That is not the world Alec and Magnus had promised each other to build for their children and all the rest.
“Bapak,” Rafael said softly. “Is it always going to be like this?”
“It won’t be. I’d like to think so,” Magnus said quietly. “I’ve lived a long time, Rafe. There have been shadowhunters who have thrown away plates cause I touched them.”
“They what?” Rafael’s voice rose, his own pain immediately forgotten.
“The point is…We can’t change people,” Magnus said carefully. “But we can change systems. We can break old ones. We can build new ones. I’ve been hunted by shadowhunters. But I’ve also fought alongside shadowhunters. Fell in love with one. I’ve seen them change the law. I’ve seen them fight for my people. So, no. It’s not always going to be like this. It won’t happen overnight and it’s going to take a lot of effort and pain. But it won’t always be like this. I promise you that.”
“Well, I won’t be around to see it,” Rafael muttered.
“Yeah but your kids might,” Magnus winked.
“Gross,” Rafe made a face.
Magnus pulled him closer and kissed him on the top of his head.
“Do you think it would have been different?” Rafael asked, his face hidden in the crook of Magnus’ neck. “If I was in Buenos Aires?”
Magnus thought about it for a moment. Rafael living far away from him. The possibility pained him.
He had already lost one Raphael. He wasn’t ready to lose another.
Not to anyone. Certainly not to some ignorant bigots who lacked empathy and respect. 
“Possibly,” Magnus said with caution. “But it’s like you said. It doesn’t matter where you are. When you are different, people always make sure to point out. While no one in Buenos Aires might bully you for being a Latino, they might bully you for other things.”
“But why?” the child asked, still oblivious to the way the world worked.
Magnus wished he could be that way forever.
But no.
They all had to grow up eventually.
“Because of power,” Magnus explained. “Power is never distributed equally. So, when some people have more power than others, they abuse that power.”
“Like shadowhunters and downworlders,” Rafael bit his lip.
Magnus wasn’t particularly think of that example.
“Yes,” Magnus nodded. “Exactly like that. Sometimes shadowhunters abuse the power they have. Downworlders can do that too.”
“I don’t want power,” Rafael said.
“Sometimes we have power whether we want it or not,” Magnus pointed out.
“What do I do with it?” Rafael asked.
“Well, you try not to hurt other people with it,” Magnus said. “You try not to hurt yourself with it.”
“I’ll try,” Rafael promised. “What about…What about the bullies?”
“Well,” Magnus said. “What do you wanna do about it?”
“I don’t want to hide,” Rafael said, determination settling on his shoulders. “This is my country too.”
“Yes, it is,” Magnus kissed him on the head again.
“What do I do then?” Rafael asked.
“You do what you were born to do,” Magnus smiled. “You fight.”
“Like with my bow and arrow?” Rafael giggled.
“We’ll save that for the other demons,” Magnus winked. “But you fight in whatever way you can. This kind of thing…There is no one way to fight racism – or any kind of discrimination. We all fight it differently.”
“Like dad,” Rafael’s eyes gleamed. “He changed the laws!”
“Exactly,” Magnus beamed back. “You don’t have to change laws. Not unless you want to. No fight is less important than the other.”
“I want to fight for people who can’t fight for themselves,” Rafael said. “Like Abuela Maria – and Globo. I can maybe buy her noise cancelling earphones. I can fight for her.”
Magnus’ eyes almost watered at that. He was so much Alec – in so many ways. When he looked at Rafael now, Magnus realized he is never going to lose Alec. Not really.
“Then fight, my darling,” Magnus gave one last kiss on the ahead. “Fight like your dad.”
“And like my Bapak,” Rafe smiled and booped Magnus on the nose.
“He is the smartest person you know, right?” Magnus winked.
“Eh,” Rafael shrugged and Magnus feigned offense.
“But he is the bravest person I know,” Rafael pointed out shyly, but with enough pride to warm Magnus’ heart.
Magnus jumped off the bed and led out his hands. “All this talk about our wonderful public transportation system has me suddenly missing the subway. I think I should go for a ride.”
Rafael picked up his bow and reached out to hold Magnus’ hand. “Let’s go together.”
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sleepy-toast23 · 4 years
Boyfriend Headcannons(?) for season 4 & 5 Chuck Shurley
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(nsfw and sfw will be seperated)
(this is mostly weirdness and nonsense mixed in with headcannons. A LOT OF THIS IS VERY STRANGE/CRACK SHIT IG? IDK WHAT ELSE TO CALL IT)
(this is for the few remaining Chuck fans out there, season 11 & 15 versions will come out soon- since chuck has changed drastically every season qǝɔɐnsǝ ʇɥǝ ʍɹᴉʇǝɹs ɐɹǝ ɟnɔʞᴉuƃ ᴉuǝdʇ ɐup ɥɐʌǝ dɹoʌǝu ᴉʇ ʇᴉɯǝ ɐup ʇᴉɯǝ ɐƃɐᴉu. Stay strong fellow Chuck fans😔)
He will never admit to it, but he really loves bing cuddled and smooched
Like- REALLY loves it.
If you want that pretty necklace for Valentine's day and he says no
Just give him a hug and a smooch on the cheek (effectiveness increased if you use puppy eyes)
He'll be putty in your hands.
And his credit card will be out in milliseconds
He's lazy. There's no way around it.
So hope you don't mind doing a lot of chores
He's extremely thankful though
He reminds you how thankful he is every night and day with little gifts, kisses, and even making you breakfast
"what would I do without you, (Y/N)?"
"I love you so, 𝙨𝙤 much"
His kisses tickle cause of his beard
He uses this to his advantage often
Too often for your liking
You tell him he's your lazy little teddy bear
He's offended. How dare you.
You kiss him on the cheek
*The attack was effective, Chuck became confused*
He makes an alright income from his book series
You have been working on him with issues regarding his drinking habits
He wants to change for you. But it's hard for him.
You understand that, and appreciate that he's even making an effort
You've been making him do more chores recently
This includes his own laundry, buying groceries, and helping with meal preperation
How chuck stayed so thin you have no idea
He isn't very active at all
He has a mild dad bod at most
Good thing we love dad bods here🥰
You opened the window one morning and he whimpered and covered his eyes.
Man has not seen the sun in a while.
Chuck is genuinely making a change though
You've gotten him to come on jogs with you
You have to take l o t s of breaks for him
When he's writing, you like to sit behind him and correct his writing.
Tiny man, fragile ego
He gets flustered and angry and will nudge you away
Never hard though. He would never hurt you
You think it's absolutely adorable
His face is litteraly tomato red
When he passed out at his desk, it's up to you to carry him to the bed you share
The mornings after he always complains about pains other than in his head
You say it must be part of the hang over
𝙄𝙩𝙨 𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙪𝙥 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙨, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙙 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙗𝙤𝙙𝙮 𝙢𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙞𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨
Big oops
He's heavy, what were you supposed to do!?
You never tell him the truth.
It's better you don't.
You know of his 'visions'
You didn't believe him at first-
Until you walked out one day and found him spazing out on the couch
You almost dialed 911, thinking he was having a seizure
He snapped out of it and explained that was just his visions
You called 911 anyway and asked for an ambulance
Can never be to sure when it comes to crazy drunk hermit boyfriends
Doctors said he was absolutely fine though.
You really started believing him when 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 showed up.
The winchester boys (and Cas!)
You don't like them around Chuck.
Dean threatened him with a gun once
You were ready to commit a war crime on a single human being
You will protect your lazy teddy at all cost
You have to admit though- seeing him being all tough and fighting demons and ghost is 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙩
You hated Becky.
You punched her at the supernatural con
No cap, you litteraly f#cked her sh#t up.
She got too close to Chuck
And was giving him googley eyes
Not on your watch
You watched Cas get obliterated by Raphael with Chuck.
You found a fingernail in your hair
Chuck has told you the ending the day before it all went down
You were confused on why he forbid you to tell the brothers
You were upset, but he seemed serious about it
Has had sex multiple times before you two even got together
Still acts like a virgin baby
You love walking into living room with no towel on after showering
Seeing his jaw drop is priceless
"(Y/N) is that... 𝙮𝙤𝙪..."
His size is incredibe
He's truely been blessed by God
Which makes sense, after all, he is a prophet.
He's very vocal in bed
It's absolutely adorble
Small whimpers and moans
He'll tell you how amazing you are to him
It's cheesy, but you can tell me means it
"fuck.. (Y/N).. I love you."
"you're so beautiful under me like this- not that you aren't Beautiful not under me😅"
"I'm the luckiest man in the world"
Actually well groomed down below
Cleans well though
At least he's not 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 lazy
Gentle lover
Slow and steady wins the race😏
Until you start screaming at him to speed up out of frustration
Totally into dominatrix
Watching and feeling you ride his cock is the hottest thing he's ever seen/felt
Willing to try most kinks
Will never be on the 'giving' side of BDSM though.
He doesn't have the heart to whip you or be rough with you like that, no matter how many times you tell him it's okay.
Both love & hates when you tease him
You'll stroke his cock til he's close to release- and than stop
He'll cry and beg for you to let him cum
You love to sit and watch him
You occasionally poke and stroke the tip to keep him stimulated and hard
It's pleasurable torture for him
When he blows his load- it's a 𝙝𝙚𝙛𝙩𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙖𝙙
Vanilla sex is still wonderful though
He is the God of aftercare
Is also a master of Oral.
That beard on your thighs is pure magic
Pet names. Pet names. Pet names!!
Kitten, love, darling, sweetheart, baby girl
Knows all your spots
The person writing these headcannons needs to go bathe in holy water now
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dreamties · 4 years
Slashers W/ a Soft Pastel S/O
A/n - So this one actually wasn’t requested, I just thought it would be super cute. And what I mean by “Soft Pastel”, I mean being into soft/pastel/kawaii fashion, I just didn’t know how to phrase it. Since there’s so many subcultures.
Trigger Warning: Slight Cursing (I say f*ck)
Also- these are gender neutral, but a few describe you in skirts/dresses, so if you’re not comfy with that, just skip that part or the whole thing?? :/
I might do more like this for other types of alternative fashion- like punk or something? Or a S/O who has a lot of body mods, I think it would be fun.
Characters: Billy/Stu, The Lost Boys, Helen Lyle, Daniel Robitaille/Candyman, Brahms Heelshire, and Amanda Young.
I didn’t add Michael Myers, but can do so if y’all want it. I just think he’d be very indifferent about it...didn’t think that would be very fun to read.
Billy Loomis + Stu Macher
Stu would be the most like into your outfits
Billy? Not so much. he just thinks you look cute in everything.
but if you did more guro-kawaii looks? they would both be all over that shit. 
it combines more of the grotesque in with the cute- which is just perfect for the boys. they get to see you dawned in all sorts of blood, guts/gore, bandage patterns/aesthetics.
and maybe even tying in different monster-ish elements. 
like wearing funky white or other unnatural colored contacts, really intense makeup(especially around the eyes), and fuck it, maybe you’re wearing faux demon horns.
I think they’d find it kinda hot. if we’re being perfectly honest here.
Now- would you able to get them into it as well?
Stu will ask you, with excitement reverberating throughout out his body and his voice. of course he want’s to at least try it!
so many clips in Stu’s hair. you haven’t even had that many in your hair before!
he may also wear rings sometimes. he thinks all the colors and designs are just so fun!
and on the other hand...
Billy, the guy that basically wore the same outfit for an entire movie? who’s closet only contains jeans and white t-shirts? trying out your style? i don’t think so lol
if you do- somehow- get him to try...
then you might have pressured him into it a bit? very jokingly, of course. 
“C’mon, humor me, babe. Stu’s already dressed and everything!” You try giving him puppy eyes to seal the deal.
“Fine!” Billy says, grabbing the garment and a few clips from your hands. He shuts the door too harshly behind him.
A short silence is shared, before you and Stu burst out laughing. “Do you think he’s mad at us?” You’re hardly able to get it out. Of course he was, but in his own odd way appreciated this adventure.
He comes back a moment later, his white t-shirt replaced with a pastel red one, an especially gory character printed on the front. and a red clip barely hanging on to one of the side pieces of hair in front of his face. You try to suppress a giggle at Billy’s messily put together look.
for the love of gosh- don’t actually laugh when he appears. he is very outside of his comfort zone, and he’s only doing this because he loves you and Stu, and just,, don’t add this to his list of reasons not to try new things.
whatever your reaction ends up being, you’re absolutely obligated to tell them how attractive they look in it(even Billy who looks hella dorky).
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(my art)
The Lost Boys
the comparison between their dark, punk-ish style and then the sweet baby pinks and blues, and soft lavenders that adorned your form?? 
it’s just too sweet.
they are completely enamored by your style- even if certain vampires (and I’m not naming any names, but I definitely mean David) may not show his love for your look as openly
Marko- he’d get one cutesy patch for his jacket, so he has like a little piece of you everywhere he goes. also...he genuinely ended up really digging your style? but not enough to abandon his punk look completely. he is still totally dedicated to that.
the other boys will absolutely mess with him about the patch though
all in good fun!
David’s not letting you near his hair with any extra clips or accessories. 
Dwayne enjoys the quiet intimacy shared between the two of you. just sitting together, you might be styling his hair( super loose ponytail or braid- admit it, it would be so cute! and helpful so his hair isn’t always in his face!)...anyways, you’d use a colorful hair tie, and a few clips to help pin back his hair. 
he probably won’t go out with the clips in, but if it’s just the five of you at the cave? he’ll keep it in until it’s time to sleep. 
he loves seeing how happy and accomplished you look after finishing with his hair tho.
Paul is hands down the most likely to get into the whole look and go out in public with it on. 
makeup? hell yeah. it won’t be as intense as yours, and he probably only does the eyes and maybe some shine. sparkly vampire time
hair accessories? all of them
would try combining his look with yours, to have a perfect mess of it.
a light, light  blue mesh top, slightly darker blue jacket(with slight accents in pink, purple, white or black), and his usual sort of white jeans(?) would still look great with it. he’s absolutely rocking that look.
you are ecstatic to finally have someone else to share your passion with! (much harder to find similar folks when you’re a vampire,,)
Helen Lyle
she’s so used to the plain life around her, and she’d been living before you- you were such a breath of fresh air.
of course, you’re darling personality also drew her into you- but your fashion sense? it fascinated her.
she’s not trying it herself anytime soon, but she appreciates the fact that you enjoy it. 
the most she would ever try is a very natural makeup look. and a coat or two of a pastel color of her choice.
she would love watching you get ready. not so much help out though- she just likes seeing the way you approach things. how you choose to pair certain pieces with one another.
she’ll ask questions to better understand your interests! not that it’s weird or wrong that you’re into it, she’s just a very inquisitive person.
you’d wear a lot of blue though- because you know Helen likes that color.
imagine wearing coordinated looks for different events and such. so, when you go with Helen to help out with her Candyman thesis, you might wear candy-themed attire. (of course in this universe,, she wouldn’t die! so no worries of that! you get to keep you’re gf).
if you do gift her something, she keeps it on her bedside table(or dresser). so she can still admire it, and still serves a purpose. fun décor!
all around though- Helen would be very chill, but captivated, about you’re interests.
Daniel Robitaille - Candyman
 his life is so dark and gruesome, and he loves seeing you all dressed up. 
and while he’s dead- long dead- and isn’t really apart of the world in the same sense that you are- it gives him this happy sense of hope for the world.
because there’s this very small thing, that you hold close to your heart, that makes you smile.
even if they’re apart of a super awful, traumatic, part of his past- the bees are just a part of the family now.  
so cute yellow/spring/bee themed outfits?? yes. ohh definitely, yes.
As for him dressing up? He’d feel hesitant.
he’s filled with immense joy around you, but is almost scared with someone altering part of his attire or self in any way(rooted back to, again, past stuff).
but part of loving is to take the person as a whole, bad parts, good parts- insecurities- the entire package. and trusting one another.
he has his whole faith in you not to do anything bad.
and so, it becomes a habit for the two of you to spend mornings together, chatting and getting ready. well, you’re getting ready, it’s more for the quality time together for him.
things are little different for Daniel. for many reasons. 
one, he has very short hair. so the clips don’t really work there..
two- he only has one hand, and he’s “working” a lot with the appendages he does have. rings won’t work out because they might fall off- and he’d hate to lose something of yours.
three- he’s not a big makeup fan. he’s happy enough watching you put it on.
and then for his actual attire- he needs the coat to cover his insides. it’s also, in a way, his uniform.
you’ve settled on two things.
making homemade necklaces that can easily hide under his big coat (either sweets or honey/bee themed).
and sewing little patterns on the inside of his coat. other’s wouldn’t be able to see it, but he would know it’s there.
Brahms Heelshire
imagine being super into sorta ‘sweet lolita’, pastel/soft colors, bows, the big skirts, all the sorta ruffles(?)
 and then especially if your shorter than Brahms(which is really,, not hard to do unless you’re insanely tall cause he’s,, 6 foot 3.)- and he thinks you look like such a doll? 
but like,, in a nice way. 
I think he’d get pretty excited if he got to help you set up your outfits!
especially if you praised him for picking out a good combo, or organizing correctly.
and some of Brahms movements are a bit awkward, he’s spent most of his life in the walls and the attic...but imagine turning on his music, and just dancing with him. having him twirl you in his arms a few times.
Brahms loves having your hands through his hair. and if hair accessories means he gets more of that love and attention? then yes,, yes he will wear them.
he just likes feeling taken care of, and along with your usual duties, you help him figure out the soft fashion styles, and how to make it more appealing and suitable for his own tastes.
because- as you insist- you want it to be something he enjoys just because he does, and not just for the closeness. though you can’t deny you love that aspect, too.
i can tell you one thing right here, though. you’re never getting makeup on him. he does not like taking off his mask, even if you’ve been in a relationship with him for a while, he still hides his face a lot.
you’d offered to do his makeup once, since he was staring so intently as you did yours. you’d made the mistake of reaching for his mask. you’d usually ask before doing so, but sometimes you’d slip up.
You apologize profusely, offering your arms out to him for a hug. “There, there, Brahms.” You smile, giving him a slight squeeze of affection. 
he does take your stuff sometimes. 
it’s a little annoying when you think you’ve lost your favorite accessory or dress or etc and then you just realize,, oh, it’s my favorite wall boy again. thank gosh you love him, so you’re not really upset or anything.
he just likes having little reminders of you, it gives him reassurance. upon other warm and fuzzy feelings.
if you’re able to find time in your day though, you’ll make cute little trinkets or bracelets for him. you’ll gift them or purposely leave them out for him-  so you’ll still have some of your stuff when it comes to getting ready the next day.
in short- he’d much rather look at you than partake on his own. 
Amanda Young
she’s never seen anything like this! :0
everyone she knows, herself included, tend to wear more dulled, plain clothes.
she’s immediately very intrigued by your attire...sort of want’s to try it, but is a bit self conscious and embarrassed to ask.
So!! you start out with small things, and fairly early on you both realize that she loves when you decorate her hair with accessories. 
gifting Amanda a pair of little pig clips!!
or little stud earrings- those would be fricking adorable on her!
and she’s just so happy,, wtf
you dress mostly for yourself, but the more you’re in a relationship with your gf- the more you want to dress for her as well. 
you can see this little sparkle in her eye when she sees you, and you want to keep seeing that look for as long as you can.
you slowly get her into it. your relationship and Amanda’s interest in your style just gives her so much light in an otherwise dim world.
if she did get into it, I think she’d do more creepy/cute. as a way to sort of cope with past trauma. that this sort of “bad” thing (the creepy) can still coexist with the good (the cute). she admires that quality.
just very sweet partners, who happen to love similar types of fashion 
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jaefluenza · 4 years
My Fate Blooms | J.Jaehyun
“We can’t happen..”
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Genre: royal!au, angst, fluff
Pairing: fisherman!jaehyun x princess!reader
Word count: 14,4k words (oop- and that’s a long ass ride)
Summary: You never imagine meeting your own prince charming, but somehow, you did. He’s not a royal, nor a conglomerate, but you found yourself falling deeper into him. But of course, nothing works easily for you, the next queen of the northern kingdom.
playlist; Give You My Heart - IU; I Miss You - Soyou; Sweet Night - V; Sunny days, Summer nights - Sam Kim; Like You - So Soobin, SOHEE; Let Us Go - Crush; But It’s Destiny - 10cm, etc.
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“How much do I have to tell you, mother? I don’t want to marry that guy!” You throw away your royal necklace, pissed off by the routine of your mom always lecturing about how to be a graceful soon-to-be-married princess.
“He’s not just a guy. Watch your mouth, he’s the rightful future king of the southern nation.” Your mom put her hands on her waist, utterly shocked by how you behaved tonight. “Oh, you told me that as if I’m so clueless about it! As stubborn as it might sounds, mother, I don’t care!”
gasp! “How dare you speak like that to me.” She said coldly. How dare you slap your own daughter like that?
“Now, listen. Want it or not, you’re gonna marry the prince. I am doing this only to save the kingdom, the place where you get to enjoy every royalty and comfort even in your sleep. So, bare with it, princess. Do I have to remind you that every single day?” The queen raised her voice before leaving your room, stomping the floor with anger.
You let yourself fall, leaning your arms on the edge of your queen-sized bed. “This is not what I wanted.” You wipe your tears harshly, trying not to look weak even though no one could see your worse condition right now. “I just don’t want to marry an evil guy who will torture me in his dungeon, what is so wrong about that?”
The next day, you prepare your mental state that you have to wear a fake smile again as usual for the rest of the day. It’s an engagement dinner between two kingdoms, where you’d meet the person you don’t want to marry. You hate formal dinners and meetings like this, it’s boring and it’s just not you. You prefer eating alone in your room with your cats, or maybe enjoying dinner at the maid’s kitchen with Olly, your personal maid, rather than joining dinner with people you don’t even know. They aren’t even interested to know you, as what they care about is only about the kingdom and politics.
You feel one of your cats scratches your leg, making you wince in pain. “Shirley, as much as I want to play with you, I want to leave this goddamn room too. I know you’re bored, please hold on for a few minutes before I-” You turn your head up at a nudge in your left arm. “Are you crazy? Why are you talking to the floor?” Prince Han glares at you as if you’re a madwoman.
You rolled your eyes, “I’m talking to my cat. I’m glad that I’m not the only person here who thinks that this whole thing is boring.”
“So talking about me and the marriage is boring huh? I think you’re too idiot to realize that thousands of princesses of nations would kill to marry me.” Prince Han lifts his head proudly, making you cringe and you were glad he lifts his head high enough that he probably won’t see you making a face.
“Then, maybe you should marry those stupid blind princesses.” You rolled your eyes over and over again before you stand up and excuse yourself in front of all the higher-ups and leave the grand meeting room. Prince Han was not untrue at all. He has the look enough for the girls to melt by his graceful presence, and that was one of the reasons why your mother was so elated to choose him as the marriage candidate. But even though you know the girls would kill to be in your position, you’re sure that they would think twice after knowing what is the prince like in real life.
You got lost in your deep thoughts before someone interrupted you by taking hold of your arm. “Wait, princess.” You sigh when you heard the familiar voice, wondering why would he follow you out of the room. “What?” You turned at him, hands on your waist, and waiting for him to say what’s on his mind.
“I know that you despise this marriage, and as much as you do, I do too. But if this thing works we’ll get so many benefits. Just bear with it and be a good princess for once.” He looks down on your eyes, threatening them intensely as if there are fire coming from his eyes. “The benefit is for you, not me. Why would I trap myself in a relationship that I don’t wish to be in?”
He gets back to his former position, standing highly like a crown prince should be. “Oh, Y/n. I really hate to say this, but you don’t want me to take over, right? Once I take over the whole situation, you’re doomed. For now, I’ll stay put. So don’t get on my nerves, or I won’t take it well.” You stutter upon hearing the threat he sent you. This is what you hate about him, and the whole arranged marriage thingy. He’s a crude and abusive person. He knows how to put pressure on someone, especially you. You blinked in fear before he takes your silence as a yes and walks away.
“Just bear with it? Now he sounds like my mom as well.” You rant.
You put on your bathrobe, preparing for a warm bath after a rough day. “Finally, my lone time.” You dip your leg on the tub, feeling the warmth slowly surfacing your leg before sitting your whole body with a sigh in relief. “So warm.” Raised in the northern kingdom, you’re used to the coldness of the nation. Snow falls every two months and spring comes only when it wants to. You wear warm fluffy coats almost every day, as if the coldness of the people around you was never enough. You wonder if there’s a place meant for you to live in. You wonder if there is somebody out there who actually care for you, as a human and not a princess.
“This is crazy, this is pure madness.” You claimed to yourself as you start thinking of something crazy. An escape? A runaway? Sounds like life. Your marriage is coming in two weeks, you definitely have enough time to leave the cold palace and free yourself to smell the flowers, the life outside the dungeon you called home. And as if your thoughts weren’t crazy enough, now you start to think of the way to start the important mission to save yourself. 
If there is not any charming prince who can save you, then you can save yourself, you thought.
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“Ella, not now. I need to do some spying activities tonight. I can’t rub your neck at the moment.” You whine when your cat keeps following you around while letting out some meowing sounds which echoed around the hallway walls.
Ella walked away as if she understood your rejection to play with her. You shake your head as you witness her walking sassily with a seemingly visible scoff. “Dude, even my cats are breaking the rules. I’m a proud cat mom.”
You continue to spy around the palace, looking for some information that may help you leave the palace and all the terrifying things in it. You were walking around the hallway towards the palace kitchen when you heard the cooks and some assistants gossiping. You use the echoes of the grand wall of the hallway to catch what they are talking about.
“I heard the queen will be attending a party held in the southern nation. Of course, the princess will be forced to attend too. I pity her, most of her life spent on this kingdom, with no freedom or chance to find her own happiness. She never eats well like she’s supposed to in her age, because of her royalty image diet.”
You couldn’t hold your tears not to come when you heard how much the palace workers care for you. You pity yourself too, after all, the painful truth is instead of your mother, the only people unrelated to you were the only people who care.
So, the queen will bring you to the southern kingdom? That will be good timing! All you need to do is just pulling a good act in front of your mother so she might believe that you’ll come along with her, just in a different little carriage. And you officially do the plan.
“Mother, what kind of party would they hold there? I think I’m getting excited.”
Your mother gives you a look. “Why are you excited?” You tried to avoid looking so awkward like you have something to do which is actually true. “Oh! Are you finally getting closer to him?”
You sighed in relief mentally, before nodding excitedly at your mother. “Yeah! I hang out with Prince Han the last time he visited us. He is actually a funny person.” Duh.
“Okay, that’s a good thing! Thank god you finally make me happy!” Haven’t I?
“Well, they will be holding a garden party since it’s summer in the southern nation. I’ll prepare a beautiful summer dress for you, oh, I’ll have to make sure that my daughter, the fiancé of the prince, will be the most beautiful girl at the party!” Okay, this is great.
The party night comes, and the crazy idea of escaping your royal prison has been a big burden on both of your shoulders. You put an exciting act in front of your mothers and also other people. You can’t even feel your face after all the bold makeup they put on your face. The big luxurious dress tightly hugging your body makes you hard to breathe, you wonder if it will be able for you to run in this kind of dress. After all the servants leave your room, you go to speak to your cats.
“Sergei, my royal king. Please take care of the others while I’m gone. And you, Shirley, my royal queen. You should not wander off the palace because you will get hurt. Wait, I’m the one who’s gonna do that. Alright, whatever. Oh, and my baby princess, Ella. You’re the cutest baby of all the demons we got here. You can’t just come to people and ask for belly rubs cause... I’m the only one who can do that to you. If I’m able to come back, I’ll give you thousands of belly rubs and treats!”
All of the royal cats give you their unamused look as if they know that you won’t be able to escape this prison. “You guys think so too? Thought that I couldn’t make it out of here? At least, let me try.”
Your mother knocked on your door before entering the room. You quickly fix your gown and your hair, as if you are ready to leave for the party. “Hey, mother.” She smiled sweetly upon seeing your graceful appearance. “The prince will absolutely love you. Let him brag about his wonderful fiancé to the world tonight.”
“Well, there’s this thing that I would like to request for tonight, mother...” You started. “What is it? Tell me, honey.”
“Since I will be the most beautiful woman in that party, I want Prince Han to pick my hand himself as soon as I step out of the carriage. Which means, that I have to be in a different carriage from you. Can I ride in the diamond one, tonight?” You asked her nicely. Please say yes...
“That’s a great idea. Yeah, you should ride in a different carriage from me. Maybe you won’t be able to get back at the same time as me, right? You got to have a blast tonight! Sure, I’ll tell them to prepare the diamond carriage. My sweet daughter, I’m so proud of you!” She holds your chin gently, praising you for your wonderful idea. Little did she knows...
So you ended up in the diamond carriage alone, waiting anxiously for the right time to kick your horseman away. You glance over the window, looking at how far you’ve let the northern kingdom. Will you be ready for this? Will you be ready for whatever happens if you leave the palace, and the royal engagement? Are you ready for a new chapter in your life? Will you be happy? You don’t know, but something inside your heart says that it’ll worth for every single psychological torture you received in the palace. You take a deep sigh before opening the front door to the footman sitting behind the horses.
“Where are we now?” You whisper to the footman. “We’re about to reach the south side. In fifteen minutes, we’ll be able to spot the southern sea.” Great, we’re getting further from the kingdom.
“I’m so sorry, but... goodbye.” The footman gives you a disoriented look before losing his balance following your hard kick on his ass. He screamed loudly as he fell into the ground, rolling asides before losing his consciousness.
“That was a great ass-kick.” You praised yourself before taking over the handle ungainly. You stare at the horses in front of you with tactless eyes, realizing something. “I may have learned how to ride a horse, but now... I have four horses to handle?! Oh shit!” You notice the horses start to move like they’re mad. There was when you realized something, you don’t have any control over those carriage horses, and now they have no signal or tasks to do, and now they’re mad. The carriage starts to wobble, there’s no indication that it’s slowing down, even though the road in front of you is getting rocky and uneven.
You feel the wheels start to wobble out of place and when one of the wheels hit a quite big rock, the carriage was broken off from the horses. You watched the horses run away in agony before the huge carriage toppled over into a hole and you lost your consciousness.
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You woke up with a lightheaded feeling as the warm sun rays stream right into your face. You glance around the room, this was definitely not your room. Not at the small windows across your bed, and not at how there’s a warm sunshine filling up the room. This is not the northern kingdom. So where are you?
The door opened before you know it, which makes you flinch at whoever coming into the room. “Oh, you’re awake?” Said a grown-up man with a tray of redolent food which you assumed is a bowl of eggplant and ginger chicken soup. You were left speechless, not because you don’t want to speak, but you don’t know what to ask first. There’s a lot of questions you have in your head, but you were blown away by the fine visual of this man.
“Uh... are you okay?” He asked with an awkward smile as he went closer to the bed you slept on. You blink as you stare right into his sharp eyes, and his pointy nose and his plump lips. Screw those girls who screamed about how much of an art Prince Han is like, they must have yet to see this man in their whole life before.
You watch him in awe as he puts the tray on the nightstand beside you. “Have some breakfast, you must’ve felt terrible last night.” He smiled, and oh, that smile would’ve killed thousands of women.
“Thank you very much. May I ask... where am I right now? And, what happened last night?”
He nods, and immediately sits down on the edge of the bed. “Let me introduce myself, I am Jung Jaehyun. I am a fisherman and so does my family. Last night, I was walking back home from the harbor when I saw a broken carriage in a pit of water near the northern kingdom gate. I saw a person on the edge of the hollow and that was you, so I brought you home and my family took care of you.”
You watched him as he spoke, focusing on his visual instead of listening. You were glad that someone this fine would save you last night. Sometimes, life is full of surprises. “Oh, I see. Thank you for saving my life. So, am I in the southern kingdom?”
He shakes his head, “No. Me and my family live in between the southern and northern kingdoms. Well, it’s safe to say that you’re in the middle of an unknown village. The people here live independently without a king. We keep our lives by being a fisherman or farmer and selling our yields at the market in the middle of the village.” He smiles as he explains where you are right now.
“Ah, I see. I never knew that there’s a little village between the northern and southern kingdom. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Y/n, the prince- uhm I mean, daughter of Madame Yoon from the northern kingdom.”
You raise your hand for a handshake and he immediately shakes your hand. “Nice to meet you, Y/n of the northern.” It seems like he doesn’t know anything about the northern’s ruler, which is your mother. It’s great, he doesn’t have to know that you’re a princess of the kingdom. He probably won’t be your friend if you tell him that.
“The food smells nice. I’ll dig them in now..” you smiled before grabbing the tray and taste the food. He nodded before leaving the room, saying that he needs to prepare the toils for his work.
You quickly dig the food in, shrieking in awe as if you’re tasting the best food cooked by a world-class chef in all kingdoms. “Oh my god, who the hell cook this best quality food..” You finished the bowl within ten minutes, before rubbing your belly with satisfaction. “Ah, right. I have to wash the dishes, I can’t be a troublesome in this house.”
You grab the tray and the dirty bowls as you keep them steady on your hands. You were about to open the door when something catches your attention. “Oh, wow.”
You’ve never seen yourself in a simple dress like this. The outfit you wear right now is like the ones that your maids in the palace would wear. But you never knew that it feels really comfortable rather than the overwhelming dresses in your closet. Also, you feel so fresh that you finally feel some heat surrounding your body, for you’ve always been wrapped in coats since the northern kingdom is either snowy or stormy. “This is all new.”
What you saw first when you stepped out of the door was a little stairs. You use them slowly, balancing yourself as you kept the tray steady on your hands, when suddenly a voice greets you merrily. “Good morning, lady.”
You glance at the person and it turns out to be an older with a stick in his hands. You bow yourself like you used to greet older people in the palace. “Good morning, sir.” He laughed upon seeing you bow, gathering another reaction from everyone in the small house. You look around you, there’s a grandma in the living room, possibly the grandpa’s wife, and there’s a middle-aged woman in the kitchen who’s seemingly the mother of Jung Jaehyun, and finally, a little boy, who seems so excited upon seeing you.
“Ooh! She’s awake! Hi! I’m Yuno! Are you feeling better?” He waved after running in your direction, greeting you excitedly. You greet him enthusiastically, feeling warm that finally someone is actually excited to see you. “Hi! Yeah, I’m more than better! Thank you for asking,” you smiled. “Let me take care of the dish,” Yuno gives you his cute eye smile, which makes you pinch his cheek, thanking him in advance.
“Hello. Welcome to our family house. Though, our house is not as comfortable as the ones you live in.” The middle-aged woman approached you gently, smiling with visible wrinkles around her face. You shake your head in panic, “No! This is more than enough, madam. Thank you very much for saving me, I owe your family so much. Please tell me if there’s something I can help today..”
That afternoon, the family gathered around in the strait dining room. You sit next to Yuno, playing rock-paper-scissor. You laugh at how serious he was, tongue sticking out as he concentrates to guess what you’d pull out. After Jaehyun helps his mother, he goes to sit next to you, watching how you play well with his brother. “Hey, you two, do you want to go to the market this evening?”
Yuno looks at his brother, “Really? Sure! We have to bring Y/n to the market, I heard that they are selling some summer candies! You have to try it, Y/n.” Jaehyun looks at you, waiting for your reaction.
“Ooh! Candy? Yeah, let’s go!” You replied enthusiastically. Jaehyun tries hard not smile, even though your reaction makes him blush so hard.
As much as excitement fulfilled your whole body, you also worry about how people might recognize you at the market. Both kingdoms must be in great chaos now that you’re disappeared. Should you disguise yourself? But they will be suspicious of you. Well, since Jaehyun told you that this village is in the middle of an unknown area, you probably shouldn’t worry about your identity. You only pray that they don’t have any idea about the southern nor the northern kingdom.
“Hey, Y/n. Are you ready to go?” Jaehyun tilts his head upon seeing you daydreaming. You flinch when you see him right before you. “Yeah, I am. Let’s go..”
You watch the two boys messing around with each other as the three of you walked through the small patches with tall trees around. You smile in amusement, for there are no such things in the palace. Everything is fake, manipulative, and political. You can’t believe you finally found a simple life outside the palace, and now you feel happy because you left that place.
“Hey, we’re leaving Y/n behind... Y/n, let’s walk together!” Yuno goes behind to walk alongside with you. You smile and nod. Jaehyun also goes behind to your side and walks along with you. “So, that night when I saved you from the pit, I noticed that the carriage has diamonds in it. It was actually beautiful. Perhaps, are you coming from a wealthy family?”
You glance nervously at Jaehyun, confused on how to reply. “I..uh.. I was going to attend a party at the southern kingdom, before the accident. So, my mother gave me a beautiful carriage to go as a gift.”
He nods, and as soon as you see him about to open his mouth, you point at the shining market. “Oh, we’re here!” Yuno grabs your hand, practically dragging you to run with him into the market.
“Let’s try all the candies!”
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That night goes perfectly for the three of you, after you discovered the little festival they held at the market. You spent the night playing happily with Yuno and Jaehyun. And now, it’s time to go back home. Yuno falls asleep on his brother’s back while all of you walked back home. He must be so tired after playing with you all day.
“Aren’t you tired?” Jaehyun asked you who’s walking excitedly beside him. “Not really, tonight was spent really well. I really enjoyed hanging out with Yuno. He’s a bright kid.”He smiled before he keeps his glances at you. “Y/n.. for a lost person in here, you look like you’re not planning to find your way back home.”
You look elsewhere, surprised by how he gives you such a strong point. “Well, I.. I want to go back home,” No, I don’t. “But not now.” Maybe forever. “I might’ve been here for only a day, even so, I enjoy being here. I’d like to stay longer, I promise in two days, I will get myself a place to stay.” Jaehyun narrows his eyes, “Why would you get yourself a home? Just stay in our place, if you’re comfortable with it.”
Your eyes lit up in delight, “Really? If that so,” You nodded. “I’ll stay and become your family member. But, won’t I be a burden or something? I mean, I eat quite well, hehe.” He chuckles upon your frank remarks. “Well, who said you can live in our place for free? There’s a fee for that.” You widen your eyes, already panicking inside for you don’t have anything with me except your wrecked party gown and the accessories.
“Assist me in the ocean and help my mother with farming. That’s what you have to do.”
You sighed in relief, “Oh, thank god it wasn’t money. I thought I’d have to remove all the diamonds on the carriage to pay my rent fees.” He laughed upon seeing your face, which makes you feel like butterflies are flying around in your belly.
The next day, you found yourself trailing behind Jaehyun as he prepares the toils. You feel unfamiliar with all the equipment around him, and you don’t know what to do to help. “Uh, Jaehyun.” You called him timidly. “Yeah?”
“Is it gonna be rough when we sail? Well, I’ve never been in a fishing boat before...” You told him timidly, folding your hands anxiously in front of him. He stands up from his spot, his hands on his waist. Is he judging me?
“Don’t be scared, I’ll protect you... I’ll make sure that you’re safe.” Oh, the smile that gets you every time. At the moment, you feel like it’s a deep promise coming out from him, as if he will always protect you from all the chaos you’re surrounded in. Jaehyun pats you gently, before signaling you to come with him and you only trail behind him, smiling like a stupid girl.
You stare at the man, his arm muscles appeared strong and prominent from bringing the fishing equipment in both of his hands. You spot the most easy thing to bring in his left hand, the fishing bucket with a few tools in it. You grab the bucket from his hand, smiling coyly. “Let me take care of this one. I want to help with whatever you need.”
He smiled sweetly, “Thank you. You know what, this is my first time having someone other than my father on the boat.” You give him a disoriented look, “Oh, is that so? Well, have you bring Yuno before?”
“Nuh-uh.. he’s a scaredy-cat.” Jaehyun shakes his head quickly and you just laugh.
Fifteen minutes later, you found yourself shaking in fear as he turned on the boat engine. He takes both of you to the fishing spot between the limitless ocean and the shore. “There we are.. let’s make sure that we catch a lot of fish today!” He shakes in excitement.
You asked him to teach him and as soon as you spread out the fishing rod, the hook starts to shake. “Ooh, ooh!”
“Pull that in! Roll it, roll it.” You tried to do it, but you were too scared to pull it properly. “I.. can’t!” That was when Jaehyun thought he could help, but...
gasp! He got the fish, which is a good thing, but the position of both of you right now.. is not quite right. His hands are around you as he was hugging you from behind, previously because he was in a hurry to catch your first fish, and he had no time to check what to do with the position. His body was so close to you that you could smell his manly smell.
Jaehyun moves his body away from you, blushing madly while showing his innocent dimples. “I’m sorry...” No words are coming out from you, as you still processing what just happened, until he speaks up again, “Here’s your first fish..” You happily look at the first fish you have ever in your whole lifebefore you frown in disappointment. “Awe, I killed it.”
He laughed at your expression. “Cute... it’s okay, can you hold it?” You glance at the poor fish, trying to hold it until it jumps in front of you, while you gasp in shock. He once again laughed upon seeing you shake in fear. “It’s only a fish, it won’t hurt you.”
You tried once again to be brave in front of him, reaching out your hand to grab the breathless fish, when it stayed and you finally grab it with your own hands. “Hey! I did it!” You happily put the fish into the bucket and gives him an ear-to-ear smile. “Good job, you got your first fish.” Jaehyun only watched you being happy with catching a regular fish for the first time, but what he’s feeling is extraordinary. It’s like there are a lot of things going on in his stomach, and he’s just praying that you won’t hear the loud beating sounds coming from his chest. He doesn’t even understand why his heart is beating so fast like this.
Night comes, and you found yourself sitting at the front porch of the small house, gazing at the stars. Even though you love being here, you can’t help but worry about what you should do onwards. You sigh, not knowing what to do, and feeling unsure of life. You’re scared that he and his family will find out about who you are, and you’re gonna lose all the happiness you feel throughout this little new journey. You feel like, everything will get back to where your life used to be, and that everything will be temporary.
“What are you doing?” Someone taps your shoulder, making you flinch at the sudden contact. “Oh, hey. Nothing, just stargazing.” Jaehyun sits behind you, looking at your face instead of the pretty view of the sky. “What are you worrying about?” He asked once again. You turn your head from the sky to him. “Do you really want to know?”
“Yeah, you know.. you’ve become a part of this home. We, especially Yuno, love your presence here. You make him very happy, you know. So, I- uhm I mean we, want to help you keep your smile too,” He explained. “Honestly, do you know who I am?” You asked. He tilted his head, thinking hard, before he answers, “Uh, Y/n, the daughter of Madam Yoon, from the northern?”
You laugh wholeheartedly. “Yeah, that is right, though. But the truth was more than that. Are you sure you want to know?”
Jaehyun realizes that this matter has become serious and he decided to appreciate whatever you might want to tell him.
“Even though I am so embarrassed to say this, I still think that you have to know the truth. I..” you paused with hesitation. You were so scared that he might turn against you after knowing that you’re someone he was not wishing to be. “Hey... it’s okay. Whoever you are, and whatever happened about you, I will give my support.” He smiled as he put his hand on top of yours, somehow soothing your worries away.
“I.. actually, am a princess. I am the true heir of the northern kingdom, the daughter of Queen Yoon, Y/n.” You confessed with a glassy eyes, staring right at his eyes, looking for a certain reaction. He says nothing, but his eyes widen in shock. And you knew what he’s going to do, which makes you prevent him from doing so. “Don’t bow! Do not.. bow to me... I don’t like that!” He blink in nervousness, but then sit back to his earlier position. “But, you’re a royal family member.”
“No, as long as I’m here, I’m not a royal family member. I’m your friend, your family. See, as soon as I told you about it, it gets awkward between us..” You sigh in advance, not knowing what to do with the situation. Jaehyun kept his mouth shut, before using the opportunity to get to know you more. You immediately tell him everything, about your engagement with the southern prince, and your political mother, and your life as the only princess in the southern kingdom. You also told him about how the carriage accident wasn’t an accident.
Jaehyun sighs, “What should I do? N-no, now that you’re here, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna hide here forever? I am pretty sure that they must have been searching for you everywhere. It can be dangerous for you,” He said with worries in his eyes.
You feel so grateful that even though you’re the only one being a burden in his own house, he still is worried about your safety. So, this is how it feels when someone actually cares about you, without any personal needs in between. “Jaehyun, I don’t think you should worry about me now. The only thing matters right now is your family. The fact that I’m here, is dangerous for all your family members. They are not playing when they come to seek what they want,” you explained.
Once again, he gives you his soothing smile, showing you his deep gummy dimples. “It’s alright, Y/n. I just want you to know that you’re not alone, and you’re more than worthy to be cared of, I’m here for you.”
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The next very morning, you help madam Jung in the field to grind the rice under the shiny and warm sun rays. “The view here is so beautiful. I love staying here.” You uttered. Madam Jung smiled at you, admiring your beautiful figure even though it has been an hour and you still look like you’re fresh out of the shower.
“I’m glad if you’re happy being here. I’ve never had a daughter, and you make me feel like I have one. Thank you so much for coming into our household, Y/n.” If heart eyes are real, you’d say you saw them in her eyes. That makes you feel appreciated and accepted. All this time one of the things you have been looking for in life is validation. And started by how Yuno greeted you that day, you found out what validation feels like. “No, the one who should say thank you is me. Thank you so much for accepting me in your house, and because of your son, I can make it out alive. I owe your family so much. One day, I will pay it off to all of you.”
The tall trees line up around you, and at the edge of the cliff, you can spot the limitless blue ocean. There was one time when you went to the ocean, and the very next thing happened was you were drowned in the sea, slowly getting dragged by the alluring waves. That is why you always feel so nervous every time Jaehyun takes you to the sea, but with him, you can sense the protection and calmness he gives you. You know that you’ll be alright when you’re near him.
So, now that he walks beside you to the shore, you no longer feel nervous or jittery like you used to feel. You walk happily beside him, swinging the fishing bucket playfully as the wind gently blows your hair. “The weather is so nice today! It’s the best day to go to the ocean.” You fling out your hand, feeling the warm summer breeze. “So, are you not afraid anymore? Last week when we sailed, you were shaking so bad I thought you wanted to pee or something.” He teased.
You let out a mischievous smile, as you look at him from behind. You were about to tickle him when suddenly a bunch of girls surrendered him with flowers in their hands. “Good morning, Jaehyun! Perhaps, did you have breakfast? I brought you breadsticks and milk!” The most charming girl in the group greeted Jaehyun with a tone that makes you cringe. “I brought you flowers! It’s Bougainvillea... do you like it?”
As the girls surrounded Jaehyun and bombarded him with lunchboxes and flowers, you feel yourself get kicked out of the crowd. You quickly pout, looking at him giving his smiles to the girls, so you decide to walk ahead of him to the shore. “Hey, Y/n! Wait for me,” he shouted at your direction before jogging into your side, and the girls following him after.
“Jaehyun, who’s this? Perhaps, your cousin?” One of the girls asked. Jaehyun looks at you awkwardly, not knowing how to answer. “She’s... she’s my..”
You cut his words, “Girlfriend. Yeah, I am his girlfriend.” You give them a mischievous smirk, as they gasp in shock. “No way, there’s no way he has a girlfriend!” You look at Jaehyun, whose eyes are wide awake at your remark. “I-i.. uh... yeah, she is.” Your smile only gets wider when you thought that you won in front of the girls.
After the girls disappeared, both of you continued the walk to the shore, and here you both now, in front of the boat. “Uh, actually, I.. I said that I’m your.. girlfriend, to make them get away from you. Is that okay?” You asked him because the rest of the walk was filled with awkward silence and you hate awkward situations. “Yeah, uhm, it’s okay. Thank you for saving me, I guess...” He gives you a little smile.
As you both head to the fishing spot, you try to think of something to start a conversation. “I didn’t know you are that famous in this village.” Jaehyun looks at you, shaking his head in advance. “No.. I’m not.” Before silence takes over the small boat.
You sighed, “Why did you become so quiet? Are you upset about what I did earlier?” You asked frankly. He looks at you with an unpredictable expression, which makes you feel so anxious. He also sighed, before shifting himself closer to you. “Honestly, I was so shocked, when you said those words... I..I might’ve imagined if what you said was real.”
This time, it’s your turn to widen your eyes in shock. “What do you mean?” You asked with a tiny voice. “I might’ve hoped that it was real, too. But.. you are too far for me to reach. You actually are.. someone who I can’t just go and walk with, you are too far above me, Y/n.”
You look at him with disbelief, “What makes you think so? I am also a human, Jaehyun. The thing is, if we share something in common, we can be something more than this. What you imagined can be real, because I’ve been feeling the same too.”
“Really?” He asked, before you nodded and pull him into a delicate kiss. His hand slid behind you, holding you closer to his body. He loves the way you feel so sweet in his lips. The innocent kiss continues under the blazing sun, as the both of you close your eyes and forget everything at the moment.
That day becomes the happiest day in your whole life as you walk hand-in-hand with him, smiling as you both start to count the days as lovers.
It has been a month since you live with the Jungs and you’ve become pretty close with few people in the small village. Jaehyun introduced you to the villagers, and they loved you, except the girls who were in love with the most charming man in the village. He taught you a lot of life lessons, which made you want to stay near him longer.
You knew that both kingdoms of Southern and Northern are holding a big search for you around the domain, as not too long ago, Jaehyun and Yuno found a newspaper with you on the cover. That was how the family found out who you actually are, and to your surprise, they support you and want to protect you. They helped you put a disguise on yourself and let the villagers know you as a different person.
Sometimes, the southern guards and armies come to the village to check, but it’s quite hard for them to inspect the whole village because the villagers loathe them, since they became an independent village.
“We have to get in and check the whole area, you can’t forbid us when you don’t have any authority around here.” The chief withstand the higher-up when they stand against the village gate, resisting the armies to enter. “Have you forget? This area is not under the authority of the Southern, so why should we open the gate for your people? We had an agreement.”
You watched bitterly behind a big oak tree, curiously trying to find out what has been going in your kingdom. When you were about to leave the scene, you heard a familiar voice from the crowd. “Good afternoon, gentlemen.” You gasp, Prince Han?
You quickly run towards the Jung’s house, hurriedly looking for Jaehyun who turns out fishing in the ocean at the moment. You ignored Yuno’s concerned holler before locking yourself in your room. You feel your tears fall like a waterfall as your body shakes in fear. The trauma of him pulling your hand harshly, frequent shouting at your face, and threats over the kingdom are taking over your mental state.
Madam Jung knocks on your door, concerned by your weird act, presumably told by her youngest son. “Y/n, is everything alright? I’m here to help you, sweety.” When you heard her soothing voice, you moved to open the door. Madam Jung was startled when she saw you crying like a mess, but she remained calm as she makes the both of you sit on the edge of the bed. “What’s wrong? Will you tell me?”
“He’s here... he’s here.” You repeat the same words as they are the only thing in your head right now. Madam Jung doesn’t fully understand what you’re saying but she only hugs you to calm you down. A few moments later, Jaehyun rushes into the room, panting loudly like he just ran in the marathon. “Yuno told me something bad happened, what’s wrong?” He looks at his mother, and then you who’s crying loudly. Madam Jung shakes her head, having no clue about what happened that makes you shake in fear.
Jaehyun goes to take over you to his body, hugging you closer as you lean your whole weight on him, still trembling in fear. “Hey, it’s alright... I’m here for you, we’re here for you.” Jaehyun helps you breathe properly and you gain your calmness right away. You let out a big sigh, before looking up and trying to speak.
“Prince Han... he’s here. I saw him trying to convince the villagers to agree to the inspection. What if he found me, Jae? I’m scared.” He sighed, knowing that this kind of thing will happen as he knows that Prince Han is the most capable person in the country. “It’s alright, we’ll find a way. Do you believe in me?” You nod right away, for you believe that when you’re near him, everything will be alright.
Meanwhile, in front of the gate, the prince spotted you running away from the crowd. He actually saw you hiding behind the tall oak tree. It’s not Prince Han if he doesn’t have a pair of eagle eyes. He calculated every path you left while trying to convince the higher-ups to allow him to inspect the area.. “I’m not here with my men to wreck this beautiful independent village. I’m here to bring you fortunes. Would you like to have something in exchange? Come on, I know that this beautiful village will be happier if you get a little bit of power to your economy. Isn’t that right?”
After an exchange of advantages, the higher-ups let the armies enter the village. Prince Han and his horse immediately go towards the route you took that leads to the forest.
After discussing an alternative plan, Jaehyun decided to hide you in his boat, and sail you to a deserted island that he frequently visited during the fishing season. But Yuno informed him that the armies are getting near, so he decided to put you in the small basement of his house, which used to be a small boat workshop. He told Yuno to hide with you. So there you are, with Yuno under the darkness. You knew Yuno is not a quite brave kid, so you hugged him tightly, making sure that he feels safe.
After a while, Prince Han found the house in the middle of the woods. The first thing he saw was an elderly woman sitting on the front porch. He greeted the woman as he climbed down his horse. “What a good day, ma’am.”
Grandma Jung knows what to do, this is not something she unexpected. She greeted the prince warmly, like she used to receive a guest. “Hello, young man. What can I help you?”
“We’re having an inspection around this area, and allow me to introduce myself. I am Prince Han from the southern. I’m looking for a young woman who probably has come here, seeking for help. For she was poorly lost by an accident that happened around here a month ago. That woman is my lovely fiancé. May I perhaps, look around your house?”
Grandma Jung tries to act like she has no idea about it, “Oh, what a poor young man. We never had a guest nor someone seeking for help these past few months, but you can go inside.” Prince Han entered the house as soon as he got the permission. He checked through the house, but he found nothing. There were no traces of you that he could find, until he entered the last room upstairs. The room was filled with nothing but a shabby interior that he was about to close back the door until he spotted something shiny in the drawer.
He furrowed his eyebrows while approaching the old cupboard. He opened it and smiled in satisfaction. He found your tiara. He quickly excused himself out of the house before calling all of his men to leave the village, promising the higher-ups of the villagers to make his promise as soon as possible.
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A week later, there is no army of the southern looking for you anymore, and your days become calmer than before. But being a protective lover ever, Jaehyun never brings you out of the house ever again, and madam Jung never brings you along with her to the field either. You spent your time playing with Yuno and doing housework.
Today, you were cleaning the front porch when Jaehyun prepared himself to go to the shore. “Be careful, alright?” You smiled as you put your hands around his waist, feeling his warmth against your body. “Yeah, I’ll take care of myself well. And you too, shall stay in the house and don’t go anywhere. Wait for me to come home, alright?”
You nod, “Alright, my prince.” He rubbed your nose against yours, before cupping your cheeks gently, and gives your forehead a peck. After he left the house, You get inside to play with Yuno as usual. You love your routine now for you used to live a dull life as in learning how to walk like a royal princess, and taking political lessons almost every day. But now, all you got to is doing fun activities, as in playing cards with Yuno, cleaning the house, and having a good deep talk with the grandparents.
You were about to take a nap upstairs when Yuno excused himself to go outside to play with his friends until you heard Yuno’s yells at the front door. You vaguely hear him scream, “No! Don’t enter the house, you bad guy! Ouch!” You immediately went to the noise until you freeze in your spot. The guy you feared the most is in front of you. “How’s life outside the palace? Fun? In this miserable place? Are you happy?”
You stutter upon seeing the mess in front of you. You look at Yuno on the floor as he cries in pain, possibly pushed down by the monster in front of you. “You don’t know what kind of mess you put into both of the kingdom, princess.” You ignored the threatening sounds coming out from his mouth. You think of what possibly happens if you keep insisting on being here. The possibility of this family getting hurt because of you, oh, you don’t want that.
You look at the prince’s eyes, begging him to give you mercy, but it looks like he won’t give you what you want. “T..take me with you.”
Yuno stops his crying, “No. Y/n! You shouldn’t go!” You look at Yuno with a sad smile, “No, Yuno. This is my time to go. Please tell your brother my goodbye. I’ll visit if I have time.” No, there will be no time. This is my end.
You surrender yourself to the prince’s hand as he takes you on his carriage. You glance at Yuno and the house for the last time. Maybe happiness and freedom was not meant for you. But the short moment you had there was a gift for you, and you couldn’t forget that forever. Your moments with Jaehyun, all the sweet kisses, and love you received from his warm family, there’s no way you could forget them.
Prince Han takes you straight away to the palace of the northern. The cold breezes blow against you as soon as you stepped out of the carriage, reminding you of how cold and dull your life used to be. You quiver in the cold, as the only thing you wear right now is only the summer dress madam Jung made for you. Prince Han noticed your trembling figure and decided to put a little stunt in front of the people who surrounded the place to see your arrival back to the kingdom.
He puts his coat around you, putting a fake smile as the people cheer for you both. Little did they know, the words he spat on you while he’s on his little sweet act, “Behave, little princess. Or I’ll show you what happened to bad girls since I’m the one who takes over the whole situation now.”
You tried to fake a smile in front of the people as they cheer loudly for you. You only watch bitterly as the spokesman announced your arrival loudly for everyone to hear. “The lost princess is brought safely by her fiancé, the prince of the southern!”
You were brought to the queen’s room, still trembling from the cold and also fear. You stare ahead as the guards open the door for you and you step into the room, timidly presenting yourself. “Mother...” you quietly uttered.
The queen turned herself quietly, while you expect a harsh slap on your cheeks. You close your eyes tightly, head hanging low to the ground, waiting for words spat in your face. But instead, you were wrapped in a big hug. You feel your mother’s tears on your shoulder as she starts to sob on your shoulder. You open your eyes slowly, trying to absorb the surprising moment.
“My daughter, my child.. oh my sweet daughter. I’m so sorry for what happened to you. You’re the only family I have in this huge palace. Don’t ever get lost again... please.” You start crying as soon as you listen to her wailing. “Mother.. I’m back..”
“Thank you for coming back alive, my dear...” The queen mumbled. You nod, feeling relieved that finally, your mother accepted you for who you are. “I’m sorry, mother. I’m sorry...” You cried harder in her arms like a little baby. You feel your mother shakes her head lightly, slowly turning your head to face her directly.
“No, don’t say sorry. While you’re gone, I have reflected on what I’ve been doing to my own daughter, and I was really terrible.” She paused before crying again, “From now on, Let it be your own happiness that happens, dear. Let’s pursue it together, that’s the most important part. I will love you with my whole life as a mother.”
“I will not lose you again, my dear.” Your mother finished the heartwarming reunion with a tight hug, and that day, you finally eternally full.
Meanwhile, outside the door, Prince Han was listening to the whole conversation and he felt like something bad will happen. He was not going to let that happen.
The first week of coming back as the royal princess was great, you start doing what you like to do. The queen lets you learn things that she used to strictly forbid you to do. However, even though you’re doing what makes you happy, you still feel somehow empty. Yeah, you’ve been missing him. Jung Jaehyun, and also the little warm family. You never separated officially from him, so you wonder how he’s been doing and if he misses you too.
It has been bothering you so much that you start to space out during breakfast and dinner. The queen clear her throat to wake you up, and you flinch from that. “What makes you look so bothered? You’ve been out of place lately.” You pucker your lips in response, sighing loudly. “I really want to tell you this, but please don’t get angry.”
The queen nods in agreement, she smiled widely at how you’re eager to tell her something. “Whatever it is, I’m listening.” You fold your hands on the table, preparing the words to say to your mother. “So, when the carriage toppled over and I lost my consciousness, someone saved me and brought me to his house.” Your mother cuts you off, “His? As in, a man?” You pouted once again, “Yeah, but hear me out first.”
“So, his name is Jung Jaehyun, and he was a little bit older than me. His family welcomed me very well, and I got close to his little brother as well. I helped the family as in fishing in the ocean and grinding the rice in the field. Amazing, right? For the first time, I lost my trauma in the ocean, and I also know how to fish!” You tell her excitedly.
She nods as she gently caresses your head, admiring your experience while you were out of the palace. “You were what? Fishing in the ocean and.. grinding the rice in the field? Terrific!”
“Yeah, mother. But the thing is, after knowing him for almost a month, we shared romantic feelings towards each other...” you uttered.
“You what?” The queen tries to get a hold of herself when she heard your shocking story. “Uh, so... did you date him?” You nod slowly. “Mother, he was the man I’ve been looking for. I love him. And every time he’s near me, I feel like my heart is about to burst. Even talking about him now makes my heart race like crazy.”
The queen adores your happy smile, witnessing how you fall in love reminds her that you’re no longer her baby, but an adult. An adult who can find her own true love. “Do you really love him?”
You blinked after hearing the question. What does this mean? “Yeah, mother. I love him so much. But if marrying the southern prince brings you happiness then I will-” The queen cuts you off. “No, let’s reverse that sentence, shall we? If being with that lovely young man brings you happiness, then I will let you be with him.”
Your jaw drops as if it falls and start touching the ground. You hold the neck of your fur coat tightly, while looking at your mother in disbelief. “Is that true, mother?” To your surprise, you didn’t hear it wrong as the queen nods in admission. “Oh, thank you mother, thank you very much! I love you!” You went to hug her while both of you laugh in happiness.
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Two days passed and today is probably the best day for you, for the queen has decided to grant your wish to visit the independent village. You decided to bring the Jungs some gifts. You brought Yuno a cute royal summer outfit and your hand-baked pie. You brought Jaehyun a new and modern fishing kit, even though you went through a hard time looking for them, as the northern kingdom rarely fish in the ocean.
You excitedly step into the carriage, along with the queen. You hold her hand tightly, thanking her for granting your biggest wish. As the horses are running along with the carriage, you feel your heart beating very quickly. Finally, we’ll meet.
The carriage stops in front of the small house. You look around as the tall trees bring you a lot of memories. “Finally...” you mumbled. The horseman opened the door for you and seconds after you stepped out of the carriage excitedly. “It’s kinda hot in here..” The queen mumbled. She takes off her fur coat to adjust well in the semi-tropical weather. “Trust me, mother. The weather is so refreshing! We can feel the sun every day here!”
Yuno goes outside after hearing all the noise. His eyes widen upon seeing your arrival. “Y/n!!!!” He came running to you like he used to do every time you woke up in the morning. “Yuno! Oh, you don’t know how much I miss you!” Yuno hugs you tightly, as if he doesn’t want to lose you again. The queen smiled upon seeing your interaction with the little boy. “Oh, Yuno. Allow me to introduce the graceful woman we have right here, my mother.”
“Oh my god, the queen of the northern!” Both Yuno and his mother scream in delight. You didn’t even notice her standing in front of the door with shocks drawn all over her face. “Oh my god, Yuno. We shall bow to the queen.” Your mother holds madam Jung’s hands to prevent her from bowing, just like what you did to Jaehyun when you told him that you’re a princess. “No, don’t bow to us, for we don’t deserve it. Please take my gratitude for saving and taking care of my daughter while she was out of the palace. Here’s a little gift from us.”
Your mother ordered the horseman to take out every present you brought for the family, as madam Jung starts thanking the queen in advance. While the two are chatting like they already know each other for a long time, you feel yourself blushing hard even though Jaehyun is still not on your sight. You turn to Yuno, “Where is he?”
“Oh, he’s fishing like usual. He might be back in half an hour.”
And half an hour later, You feel his presence even before he reached the front porch. You run towards him, your smile only gets wider when you saw his startled expression. “Jung Jaehyun!” You shouted happily. But as strange as it might look like, but there is no sign that he looks happy to see you. The expression on his face remains flat. But you set aside the negative thoughts, maybe he was just tired, or maybe he just couldn’t believe that you’re here.
You immediately wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly that he feels like he can’t breathe. “I miss you...” you mumbled against his chest. You feel his hands wrapping themselves around you as well, before he pulls you out of his body. “Hey, I.. I, uh, didn’t expect you to be here.” You were taken back by the fact that he pushed you off, but the need to tell him everything takes over all of your questions as you smile widely at him.
“So, that was how my mother agreed to us being together. She also agreed to come here to meet you and your family. Oh, you don’t know how happy I am!” You told him excitedly.
He gives you a small smile, nodding lightly. “I see. But, hear me out, Y/n. On the day you disappeared, when I found out that you surrendered yourself to safe my brother, I did a lot of thinking.” There are thousands of expressions in his face which you couldn’t identify, but you decided to listen first. “What did you think of?”
“I think of how you’d live without me, you can be happy without me on your side. I realized that you’re no longer a person I can reach out as I please. Besides, you already have a perfect life in the palace, your mother finally loves you for who you are, and accepted you no matter what kind of person you are. I can’t protect you, Y/n. That gives me more reason for why I can’t get near you.”
As he explained, your tears fall along with your quivering lips. “Jae, I thought we talked about this. I said we can happen.” You shake your head vigorously, feeling broken that he wasn’t that excited after seeing you. “Please don’t tell me that kind of words, Jae. That is not right, cause I love you! I know that you-”
“No, Y/n. Don’t let me repeat myself. We can’t be together. I’m so sorry, Y/n, but maybe we just weren’t meant to be.”
Jaehyun gets up from the seat, ready to leave you. You get up as well, “You said we’ll find a way, and you told me to believe in you.” You cried hard for him to hear you. He turns his head to you, “That won’t work anymore.” He said coldly before leaving you alone.
That day, you went back home sobbing in the arms of your mother. Telling your mother that the love of your life no longer needs you, hurts the hell out of you. But even though the chapter of Jung Jaehyun just ended in the way that you don’t like it, the memories remain fresh in your mind. He remains beautiful in your heart.
Meanwhile, after leaving you alone to go further into the woods, Jaehyun gives himself time to break down. Holding out his emotions absorbed a lot of his energy, especially when he saw you crying. He really held himself for not hugging you right away, and tell you he was only lying. But he couldn’t do that. He’s more than nothing to even be allowed to touch you. His heart craves for you, but reality makes a great wall between himself and you, and there’s nothing he can do about it.
A month after visiting the independent village, your life has never been the same. Every day, minute, and second reminds you of him. But now, you have your own fight. A fight against the southern’s crown prince. You recently called off the engagement and he was so angry. The whole parliament of the kingdom agreed that a future queen doesn’t have to marry another kingdom’s heir. So, it’s safe to say the southern prince had a big grudge against you.
Today, another big news come to your ears like you were hit by a baseball bat. “What?” You stand up from your seat. “Did I hear it wrong, mother? You hired what?”
Your mother cringe in nervousness, “I think it might be a good decision to bring him close to you. Besides, he’s the one who agreed. I only asked once, and he answered yes right away. And it’s a good thing too because he’s the right person to be your personal guard.”
“Mother, he literally said that we can’t be together, why would he want to be near me. This is weird.” You put your finger on your chin, thinking hard even though you can’t help but get excited. “I probably should prepare for his arrival, don’t you think?” You leave the dining room running excitedly as your mother laughs at your silliness.
The reason why he accepted the offer to be your personal guard was because of the help of the queen when his mother fell sick. He can’t go to the ocean anymore, the cost to bring his mother to the healer was more than what he’d achieve in a year. The second reason was because he wants to be near you. Keeping you safe may not be a regular job for him, it was like his dream. So, to accept the offer was an easy thing for him.
After telling Yuno what to do to take care of their little family, he goes to the northern kingdom with a hidden excitement. Nevertheless, he knows that he should hide his lingering feelings towards you. He should keep being aware of the difference between himself and you, and that the reality wall will never disappear even though he’s being close to you.
Arrived at the palace, he stared at how huge and majestic the palace is. He was welcomed by the head of the palace security guards and immediately escorted to know what to do with his important job. “Your job is to keep the princess’ safety 24/7. You have to stay near her even at night, and follow her everywhere to keep her safe. The queen didn’t officially tell us the details, but maybe you can get the detail from the princess or the queen. That’s all.”
So he ended up in the queen’s office, standing nervously as the queen smiled at him. “Well, your job is to keep my daughter safe of all time. That’s easy. But what I want for you to do was actually to be her companion. Is that even easier?”
Jaehyun promised with all his life that he would keep you safe and also, be a good companion for you. It’s an easy job for him cause he would eventually do it without getting paid. 
“Jung Jaehyun...” His name was the first thing out of your mouth the moment he came to see you in the quiet garden. Jaehyun gives you a smile you couldn’t identify, because the last time you saw him, he looked like he doesn’t want to catch a look on you. And now, he’s waving to you beautifully, and as he walks closer in your direction, everything feels like a dream.
“You’re really here,” you muttered as he now stands in front of you. You tried so hard not to wrap your arms around his built body, scared that if you do that, he’ll run away again from you.
“Yeah, I’m really here, princess. I’m here to guard you, protecting you from whatever that could possibly hurt you.” He keeps smiling at you, which makes your lips curved up into a smile as well. Jaehyun leans onto you until he reach the side of your ear. “Even roaches and insects, I’ll protect you from them, princess.” He whispered before laughing softly.
He looks at your glassy eyes, a frown starts to grow on his face. “Y/n, I’m sorry about what I said to you. Would you... forgive me?”
You ignored his apology, but instead, “You said we can’t work. You said you can’t get near me. I think you owe me an explanation.”
Jaehyun’s eyelids stutter as he tried to look away from you. “I don’t think I can tell you, Y/n.”
“You do know that I’m quite the person ruling both kingdoms. While you here, is nothing but a powerless piece of trash. So, clean all your dreams to be with the princess. You might’ve saved her life, but nothing do you have to be with her, to even get near her. Don’t ever dream about it. As you already know, I can crush anybody who restrain my will, even her.”
You frown, “Another rejection, I see.”
He takes your hand in his, “Forgive me, your highness.”
You look at him with doe eyes, trying hard not to smile while you feel his delicate touch on the back of your palm. “How can I stay mad at you? I eventually prepared something for your arrival.”
Jaehyun squeezes your hands as a smile grows on his face, “Thank goodness. Now, may I embrace you, your highness?” You smile widely as you voluntarily wrap your arms tightly around his waist, face pressed against his chest as he wraps his arms around you as well, giggling softly. “I’ve been missing you, princess.”
“I don’t care about whatever you said to me that day, Jae. All is well now that you’re in my arms. Don’t ever leave me again, my guardian.”
“I’ll keep you safe, princess.”
“Then all is well, indeed.”
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You woke up with a smile on your face. Stretching your body to erase all the stiffness of your body, for you slept in the same position. “Good morning, Shirley, Sergei, and my love, Ella.” You went forward to your cats, and they gladly accepted your presence in the peaceful morning.
“You know what, babies, my prince charming is here. Oh, no, not that boring and abusive prince. My true prince, Jung Jaehyun, in case you all want to remember his name.”
After changing into your usual warm fluffy coat, you immediately walk to your door. As soon as you stepped out of your room, you were greeted by a luscious smile. “Good morning, your highness.”  You smile upon seeing him, and then you were instantly reminded of what you want to do while he’s here. “Come in, before anyone sees,” you muttered before pulling him into your room and close your door.
“Uh, your highness, I don’t think I can enter this room as I please.”
“It’s alright, you always have my permission. So, I need you to wear this.” You hand him the beautiful coat you’ve prepared for him. “You’ll have to wear more coats from now on. Oh, my poor baby, you’re gonna miss the beautiful weather back in your hometown.” You cup his cheek with one hand, brushing your hand gently on it.
“Thank you, although you’ll always be my warmth.” He paused as he pulls you closer to his body and embrace you in a warm hug, making the fancy fireplace in your room lose it’s point to Jaehyun’s own warmth. “Did you sleep well?”
You nod softly as your head leans comfortably on his shoulder.
The first week with Jaehyun being at the palace brings you all the happiness you never knew you needed. The queen herself was very well aware of this. She regrets nothing by recruiting the most important person for her daughter to be her own guard. It’s all for you, as the queen said. 
You attended every royal lesson with Jaehyun, and he keeps company with you in your other classes too. And with him always by your side, means that attending political meetings with your mother is also fun. Like when you both sneaked out of the party, hands tangled to each other, running towards a little private balcony you discovered earlier. 
“The meeting was so utterly boring,” you muttered. Jaehyun only smiles, “Well, I couldn’t agree more, Y/n. At this point, I might as well say that I’m quite glad that I’m not a royal.” 
“I know right,” you replied as you rest your head in your hand boringly.
“Well, you’re gonna bear with it more when you become a queen.” 
You give him a look, before agreeing in advance. “Well, you’re not wrong. But you’ll bear it along with me though, future king.”
“Future king?” He stuttered. You nod as you hum, “Will be you be my king?”
Jaehyun lets out a small laugh, “Really? Though it should be me asking you that, I would. I would, my princess.” He took your delicate hand and brought it up exactly under his chin, before pressing a tender kiss on it.
You flash a smile upon his acceptance, before step ahead to embrace him lovingly. “Please stay with me, jae.”
Well, as if a month of happiness couldn’t be enough for you, the prince of the south returns to the palace, equipped with his dreary winter coat, and a few of his men trailing behind him. You stopped him in the hallway, with Jaehyun staying right behind to you to prevent unwanted things to happen before you speak up, “Why are you here? I thought our business was done.” 
Prince Han scoffs as he gives Jaehyun an unacquainted look. “Don’t worry, princess. This is not something that goes between you and me. This matter goes between the kingdoms.”
You could sense anything bad from his return, and it’s not gonna be about you. “Having a new companion, I see..” He muttered and you blink in nervousness. It turns out that your fear of the abusive prince still exists as sweats start coming out around the surface of your palms.
Prince Han left with his men straight to the conference room, where the queen already expected him. Jaehyun immediately goes next to you, “Princess, are you alright?” He brings your vision to him only, making sure that you’re aware that you’re safe. Your eyes quiver at the thought of something bad happening to either you or Jaehyun. “He’s back...” you mumbled.
Jaehyun tries to soothe you back while giving supports through his eyes. He closes the distance between you both to make your breathing steady again. “Hey, listen to me. Everything will be alright. Do you believe in me?” He asked slowly.
You listen to his voice, eyes glued to his, before you breathe normally again. “Yeah, Jaehyun, I believe in you.” He hugs you tightly without crushing your delicate figure. “Everything will be alright,” he whispered gently.
After the conference ended, you went straight to your mother, who had a blue expression on her face. You sit next to her, gulping your saliva anxiously. “Mother, may I know what acquires a conference between you and the southern kingdom?” You asked carefully. The queen gives you a look, and then a sudden dread smile. “Mother?”
“I have both great and bad news for you, my daughter,” she uttered.
“Tell me the great one first.” you replied.
“Our kingdom has been struggling with armies and territories. Now that we ended our marriage agreement, we lost a lot of things as benefits to the kingdom. But the southern king has just informed me, that they needed our help as well. The agreement will no longer be a marriage, but additions of men and machines.” 
“That’s good, mother. That means no one’s getting hurt, right? By no one, I mean-”
The queen cuts you right away with a frown. “And here comes the bad news, my dear.” You flashed her a look before proceeding to listen.
“I told the crown prince that we’re fine by adding some of our best men and also recruiting as many people as possible from our country. But then, I realized, one of our best men is..”
“Jaehyun, is it? No, mother. I won’t allow it to happen. He just got trained within a month, how is he supposed to go into the war?” You argued. “I know, dear, I’m very well aware that he was only recruited to keep you safe. But, we’re in a crisis, honey, and you know his capability. Becoming the number one between those senior guards only in a month, isn’t that amazing? You should consider letting him go, my dear.” The queen paused. “I asked nothing from you, my daughter, but only to put your trust in him.”
You shook your head in denial, before a familiar voice bursts into the room. “The queen’s right, your highness.” Jaehyun bowed at the queen before turning himself to you. “But, Jaehyun..”
“She’s right, all you need to do is to trust me. You said you believe in me, didn’t you? He gives you a glazed look and you waver at the thought of letting him go into the war with the southern prince. You immediately head to his side, “I trust you, but.. you should never get hurt, jae. I don’t want to lose you.” you muttered against his chest.
He pats your back gently, while feeling a little bit embarrassed to hug the princess in front of her royal family. “Remember what I said, sweetheart, everything will be alright.”
As Jaehyun won the argument that day, you eventually prepare for his departure. You provide him with food, self-care, even some comfortable clothes. You still pack some of the things he would need, when Jaehyun plays with your cats. “At this rate of care, you will see that my fellow troops will get jealous at me.” He scoffed. “Quiet down, young man. As I said, it’s either you’d leave this place with these, or you stay safe here with me, my future king.”
“Yes, ma’am.” 
You smiled after making sure he has the things packed well before you let him depart with the men. You walk towards the end of the bed, and Jaehyun immediately goes next to you as you sit with a particular pose. “You’re going to leave me for months, don’t you think you should leave something important in me?” you uttered.
Jaehyun tilts his head, puzzled at your suggestion. “What should I leave in you?”
“Marks. Claim me as yours tonight, my future king. Tell me that this will not be our first and last, jae.” You leans closer to him, and a coy smile draws upon his face. “As you wish, my princess.”
At dawn, you awakened with the touch of him putting the blanket on your bare figure. You blinked in drowsiness, before coming into a realization that he has to leave in a moment. You quickly rise from your bed and grab your night rope. “Jae,” you called his name with a raspy voice before wrapping your arms around him tightly. “Ouch, I..I can’t breathe, princess.” He cackled as he hugs you back delicately. 
“Please return safely. We’re all waiting for you here. I love you,” you uttered.
Jaehyun nods against the nape of your head. “I’ll come back to you, my home. I love you too.” A tear slips out of his tears, as he feels somehow fearful and worried, like any other human being. “I believe in you, Jae.”
With that, he left with your kisses in his cheeks, and you only look anxiously from your balcony, praying so hard to whoever up there to let him make it out alive.
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“Raise up your appetite, dear. You shouldn’t live like this.” The queen uttered. You heave a sigh, putting down your spoon to stop playing with your food. “I’m sick of waiting, mother. I need to know if he’s safe, and.. alive.” You lowered your voice while mentioning the word ‘alive’, a word that you apparently despise these days. 
“Don’t worry, my child. Jaehyun is a strong warrior, he’s not the number one for nothing.” The queen goes to your side as you sob miserably at the thought of missing him. “I miss him, mother.” “I know, dear. I know,” the queen kissed the top of your head while muttering words to soothe your restless figure.
As the time passes on quickly, you distract yourself from the thought of Jaehyun by taking care of some of the royal cases. You attended every boring conferences you told Jaehyun about, and ended up reminiscing how he would bring you water and roses to help you relax. You also attended every archery classes, and would end up getting reminded of how he would help you straighten your back while aiming the target, about how his hands linger on you.
You’re very well aware that you’re gonna be pretty much insane if you don’t hear about him in less than a month, but you kept your patience, and so, two months passed along with your struggle.
You run past every man who just came back from the war field, looking for one particular man between all of them. “Jaehyun.. Jae?” You call out his name, but no one answers. You kept looking for his figure until the person you didn’t wish to see stopped in front of you. You narrow your eyes at the sight of him, but you know that he actually can give you the information you needed. 
“Prince Han, w-where’s he? Is he coming late or? Tell me, please.”
He dragged you to somewhere quiet until you brushed him aside. “Just get straight to the point. Why can’t I find him anywhere?”
Prince Han looked at you with a sorrowful look, before he opens his mouth. “I’m sorry for you, princess. But, he’s not coming back.”
Your entire world seems to collapse the moment he uttered those words. Your head starts to spin like you were hit by a dangerous storm. “Impossible,” you mumbled. 
“No, there’s no way he couldn’t survive- I..he-” you stuttered as words can’t seem to get into your head. Prince Han holds you closer to his frame, as he watched in agony. “Jae.. my jae,” you mumbled against his chest while sobs flowing throughout your eyes. 
He pats your back gently as guilt start to surround his guts. Now that he watched you mourn to someone who’s not him, he knows that you truly love that person.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. You never imagined that you would pass any more weeks than you’ve expected. Everything felt unreal for you, it’s like you’re living in a nightmare. You crave for him every night, yearning for his touch, just like when you said that night. Was that really your last time with him? You can’t even conceive it anymore. 
The day when you and the queen went to his family’s house was the worst. You fell down to your knees, begging for the family’s forgiveness. You swore you’d kill yourself when you saw Yuno crying over his brother. You couldn’t even look at her in the eyes when his mother told you to get up, saying that all of these was his choice, and that Jaehyun would be sad if he saw all of you cry over him.
You took the whole family to live at the palace, as an act of apology. Day by day passed as you’d watch over Yuno, your new companion, every day. A little version of him, you would say. You hang around Yuno at the library every night, the both of you would end up crying whenever Yuno told you stories of his brother’s little habit.
Today is the day when you have to truly let go of him, as you built a warrior statue of him, as a mark of remembrance, that he would always live in your heart. You bring the whole family behind you to put some beautiful flowers over the statue. You walk ahead with Yuno, him holding a bucket of fresh white Lilies.
After a small mourning event, you kindly requested everyone to leave you alone near the statue. You immediately fall to your knees when everyone departed away. “You said you’d come back. You broke your promise again, you fool.” You smile through all the tears that flow like a waterfall on your cheeks. 
You put the last flower on top of the other flowers. “You’ll forever live in my heart, Jae.” Your shoulders shake as loud sobs start to be heard. 
“I’m sorry.” A familiar raspy voice appeared like a fantasy. You scoff, “Even now you sound real too, I should be imagining things, right?” You look at the flowers as you wipe your tears harshly.
“Y/n,” he called again. “No, don’t be like this, Y/n. He’s not here and you’re just imagining things-” 
Before you know it, a pair of hands wrapped you in hug tight. Your eyes widen in shock, as you recognize his scent. “J-jaehyun?” you muttered slowly. 
He let go, before looking straight at your round orbs. “Yeah, I’m here. I’m alive, my darling.” A tear rolled out of his eyes, and you swear that everything around you stops in a moment. You keep your eyes still in his disheveled look, afraid that the moment you blink, he’ll disappear. “How? Are you... are you real?” You asked.
Jaehyun nods gently. “I’m here, baby. I came home. I’m sorry I arrived late.”
You break into a loud sobs, as if a hundred kilo of weights are being lifted from your back. You hug him tightly, afraid of him leaving again. “You, evil little thing! You made us all worried. Please don’t ever scare me like this again.” You sob while hitting him lightly, throwing all of your sorrow to him. He stayed still while receiving his little ‘punishment’, before stopping you by pressing his lips into you.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh my god, look at your arms, there are bruises everywhere,” you babbled when you check out his disheveled figure. “Let’s get you treated,” you uttered.
Jaehyun gives you a small look as he wraps his arms around you once again, “You don’t even know how happy I am to come back to you, my home.”
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After getting him treated, the queen held a fest to celebrate his return. You also held a little celebration with him and Yuno. And that night where you dressed up as the white queen swan and him as your white king swan, as always, the both of you sneak out of the party, bringing a lot of snacks and drinks to enjoy the night alone, away from the crowds. 
He told you everything about how he ended up in a puddle of mud, and how his life flashed before him when he was dying. He also explained how some people found him and helped him until he was ready to go back.
“I miss those times when we’d stare at the starry sky. I miss your hometown, the village was so lovely.”
Jaehyun nods, “I miss wearing my loose shirt and carrying my toil and sail through the ocean.” You give him a look, “Do you want to go back? Let’s go to the small island you told me.” 
He cups your cheeks delicately, “Anywhere with you sounds right, baby.”
You peck his tempting plump lips, and you both spend the night filling all the moments he was away from you. Now that he’s back in your arms, which is his home, he gladly told you that this is not going to be your last.
Years later, you both vowed after the preacher with a long-lasting marriage kiss, before the queen crowned you as her heir, as the next queen, alongside with Jaehyun as your king. He’ll be by your side forever, no matter what happens, as a part of your happily ever after.
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cometchasms · 3 years
Got any random tidbits on your MC for us?
Oh man I've been waiting for this, thank you Anonomy~
TW: mentions of panic attacks
Right off the bat, I will say Aster hates crowds. Like she gets insane anxiety when in them and will practically glue herself to which ever brother(s) she's out and about with if they get caught up in one.
God forbid she gets separated from them too. Not only will you have one or more of the seven lords of the Devildom rampaging through the crowd trying to find where the heck their tiny human went, but you'll also have a sobbing Aster curled up on the ground cause like
Why is she surrounded by strangers now?? Why is she suddenly alone in this crowd???? Where the heck are her Emotional Support Demons™?????????
Pretty sure when the brothers do find her, she'll become their own personal Koala Bear for the rest of the day.
As much as she hates being left completely alone, being caught in a crowd of complete strangers is even worse for her.
On a happier note, loves to draw things for the brothers.
They almost always wake up each morning to find a little doodle Aster made for them taped to their doors as a good morning present.
Lucifer usually lightly scolds her for staying up all night making them and not getting proper sleep, but y'all know our Prideful man will most definitely greatly appreciate the little gift. Might even put him in a good mood each morning she does it.
Once snuck a demon frog she found into the House of Lamentation.
How she managed to snatch it without whichever brother was escorting her around the Devildom that day and sneak it into the house, none of them will ever know.
Needless to say, a lot of chaos ensued that day, and Aster was permanently banned from bringing home anymore animals...
Aster may be smol and constantly compared to a mouse, but make no mistake, she practically breathes pure sass. Especially if someone insults the brothers.
Don't mess with her boys.
Her and the twins once stuck a bunch of glow in the dark star stickers all over the ceiling of her room.
But oh, it didn't stop there.
The brothers spent the next week finding random Star stickers plastered all over weird places in the house.
Mammon had a sticker glued to his back for at least two days before noticing it...
Loves to wander off. She doesn't even do it on purpose. She just unconsciously wanders towards whatever is catching her attention at the time.
One moment she's by the brothers and-
Oh, they blinked and suddenly she's on the other side of the street, since when???????
Probably doesn't help she has a super short attention span that causes her to get distracted by the smallest of things.
Has a killer sweet tooth.
Seriously never stand between her and sweets...
Levi learned this the hard way.
Has a tendency to steal random articles of clothing from each of the brothers and wear them.
Not like they mind of course. Anymore at least.
Now they just leave the clothes they want her to wear laying about in hopes she'll stumble upon them cause like???? She's their human????? And ofc they want her wearing their clothes to show everyone she's theirs?????? They are possessive demons after all?????????
Daydreams. A lot.
Almost always has her head in the clouds.
Sorta the reason she wears a dreamcatcher necklace (the source of Belphie's nickname for her), due to the joke between her and her human friends that it "catches all her daydreams through out the day."
Also a bit of a pyromaniac
This gal loves setting things on fire. And threatening to set things on fire when angry. Which Satan semi loves ngl
She set Mammon's jacket on fire once after he took her D.D.D. to try and sell it. Lucifer permanently banned her from using lighters in the house afterwards.
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mcofthemansion · 4 years
So this is a request for Kisara-16! (Thank you so very much for this request Kisara!) It's about Arthur showing Y/n around Edinburgh (where he grew up) I hope you enjoy it!
The streets of Edinburgh were quite cheerful, people smiled and greeted eachother, it was lively but not hectic.
This had been the first time Y/n had traveled anywhere since deciding to live in Le Comte's mansion. So a trip to Edinburgh with Arthur was just a lovely idea! Y/n loved travelling and spending time with her beloved, so spending time with him in his hometown, well nothing could be better!
The way she felt walking down the streets was a sort of odd feeling.
Edinburgh just matched Arthur perfectly.
It was energetic and alive and gave off an almost flirtatious mood, everything was beautiful! Yet, the weather gave it a hint of sadness.
Although Arthur did warn her that Britain did tend to be cloudier.
As they kept walking Y/n saw a lovely brick estate, it reminded her a tiny bit of Comte's but it seemed to remind her more of someone else, a particular someone that was standing beside her.
"Luv! What's with all the daydreaming! We're nearly there" beamed Arthur.
He walked up to the front deck of the beautiful estate and piled the luggage onto it.
Y/n snapped out of her daze,"Sorry, Sorry! I just can't believe my eyes! Edinburgh is so beautiful" She replied
"Glad you like it Y/n, welcome to my estate! It's still quite shocking Comte bought it after my supposed death, it was a very nice thing to do, it all looks just as I remember it" he rambled joyously. He looked at Y/n and happily.
She smiled and said "I'm glad we can stay here together Arthur, It's really a dream come true!"
The two of them moved thier belongings inside and Y/n decided to inspect the whole house. It was Arthur's afterall! Maybe there's an old picture of him somewhere, or something else that was interesting she could go ask him about.
She made her way upstairs and found herself in Arthur's old bedroom.
Arthur's taste hasn't changed much in furniture, so blues and browns decorated the room, and the curtains that matched were in a beautiful 1900's style.
Y/n looked around noticed pictures in his room, his smile really was beautiful in any time period! She also saw some old articles and documents on Arthur's desk.
She picked up one of the articles lying on his desk, "a dissertation on tabes dorsalis, so it's like a medical thing and the date on it is 1885" she accidentally mumbled, then in a moment she felt strong arms around her shoulders.
"So this is where my lovely bird flew off too!" Arthur teased
Y/n giggled a bit at the remark.
"Sorry Arthur, I couldn't help myself" she said
Arthur smiled, "it's quite alright luv, anything else caught your fancy?"
Y/n put the paper down and picked up another that was previously lying underneath it.
She looked at the article and said "It's an article advocating for compulsory vaccination".
Arthur smiled, "I sure did write a lot of them"
Y/n loved all the hard work Arthur did, all his articles were just beautiful!
But she wondered what Arthur was feeling at that moment, remembering his life as a doctor did cause him pain, but at this moment he was smiling, it must have been the nostalgia.
Arthur laughed, "based on the way your looking at me right now poppet and because of the articles we saw, I'd assume you're wondering if I'm ok with seeing all my stuff from the past" he stated
"Impressive deduction as always Arthur" Y/n said.
He thought about it a moment and said "luv, a few years ago I never would have thought about returning here, but meeting you a couple months back I feel like a changed and stronger man, honesty I did enjoy being a doctor back then so I've decided to find the courage to try re-doing my license and be a doctor again and don't worry about ol' Sherlock, he's not going anywhere, I'm still gladly writing and all progress I've made is because of you!"
They both smiled sweetly.
Y/n was glad Arthur was feeling better, it just wasn't fair that past demons would haunt him. Arthur briefly looked around his room then said "Alright, enough of the dreary talk of my past, let me show you some places I'd often frequent here in Edinburgh."
Y/n smiled and accepted his offer.
The two of them quickly came back to the beautiful paths of this sweet town and Y/n tried to look like she knew where she was going, but really only Arthur knew where he was taking her.
After some time and a bit of a walk, the two of them came to a very nice greenhouse.
The architecture was breathtaking and even the glass windows looked artistic.
"Welcome to the Royal botanic gardens", he announced as Y/n looked around in awe.
"Arthur! You studied botany? I never knew!" She exclaimed, looking around in astonishment, trying really hard to picture Arthur studying flowers and weeds.
Arthur laughing a bit at Y/n's cute reaction, "I sure did luv," he replied.
"That's both impressive and adorable Arthur," She remarked
"It means a world of good to hear you say that my pretty bird, your words are music to my ears, I do love hearing your voice luv," he teased.
"Arthur!" She said turning a bashful shade of pink.
Arthur smiled joyfully at her response.
"How about I show you around the garden Y/n," he laughed.
"I'd love that," she said.
Arthur showed her around the greenhouse with the large lily pads, he showed her where exotic plants like palm trees are, he showed her all the medicinal plants and herbs, and the beautiful but poisonous ones too.
Y/n learned so much by hearing Arthur talk about all his experiences.
Eventaully after a long day of walking around the garden they sat together on a bench and listened to the birds chirp and the bugs buzz.
"Today was so wonderful Arthur," said Y/n to him.
"I really hope so luv, I wish I could've introduced you to the people in my life today, but sadly they are all gone now, which means the only person you really met that had any sort of connection to me was Adam Worth," he sighed looking up at the sky, he continued "back during you're first month here, and I do apologize for that incident luv, oh how I wish I could've brought you home my family or introduce you to my favorite professor," he rambled.
"Arthur" Y/n said as she cuddled up close to him, she hated it when Arthur had any sort of regret, Y/n wished more than anything to alleviate any pain he felt.
But when she looked up at him, he smiled.
"Even though I can't do it in person, I'd still like to introduce you luv," he stated as he took out some photographs from his jacket pocket, "while you snooped around in my bedroom I grabbed these from my study," he explained joyfully.
He gave her one that depicted an older man, an older woman, and three children.
Arthur pointed to the older man and woman, "These are my parents, Charles Altamont Doyle and Mary Doyle," he explained, then paused a moment and continued "My father did care a lot for the family and my mum was always very sweet to us, it was because of her I gained my love of fudge," he remembered, he laughed a little and continued.
He pointed at the children in the photograph and said "The one in the middle is me, then there are my siblings Connie and Innes, great people but nothing like me, my brother even worked in military you know," he chattered.
Y/n was very glad to see his family, they all seemed to share the same warmth Arthur had to him.
They had his kind and intelligent eyes and his cheerful smile.
"They're wonderful Arthur, I'm glad I could meet them!" She said.
"I'm glad you could see them, oh but there's a few more people I would like you to meet," he said as he took out a few more photographs.
He gave her one depicting an older man.
"That's my former university professor, Joseph Bell, he is the reason Sherlock has his observation abilities," he said.
"I thought you modeled him after your own abilities of observation Arthur," Y/n asked.
Arthur smiled "where do you think I got them luv?" He playfully answered.
Y/n laughed at Arthur's remark, "you're adorable Arthur! I still think you just always had that ability," she replied.
Arthur hugged her in response.
"You really are the sweetest person in the world Y/n" he exclaimed.
"Aww, Arthur I love you so much!" Y/n said.
Arthur showed her his last photograph, it depicted a young man around Arthur's age.
Arthur looked at it and said "This was a close friend and classmate of mine, George Turnavine Budd, he stood by me even when my own medical practice was failing, he encouraged me to write saying I had a talent for it, that's when I wrote one of my first short stories, The Haunted Grange of Goresthorpe, using my knowledge of botany it was a failure of course, but George never let me quit writing, the only way I can describe his personality is a difficult mix of your's and Theo's personalities, an odd combination, yet I find myself missing him, I'm sure he would've adored living in the mansion with everyone," he finished.
"He sounds like such a good person, I wish he could've met everyone back at the mansion, I'm glad you had him in your life Arthur" Y/n replied
Arthur put the photographs away and said "It's alright luv, I'm glad I had him when I did, but now I'm just has happy as I was then having you and everyone else and I wouldn't trade it for anything," he stated.
"I'm so glad I came to Edinburgh Arthur, It's amazing here!" Y/n said.
"And I'm glad I brought you here luv!" Arthur replied.
As Y/n cuddled close to Arthur, he took the opportunity to put a necklace around her neck.
"Arthur! What's this?" Y/n asked.
"It belonged to my mum, and it has a flower design, a perfect present wouldn't you say?" He explained cheerfully.
"Arthur, thank you, it's beautiful! Are you sure?" Y/n asked.
"Most definitely luv, I want you to have a reminder of our trip here," Arthur explained.
He looked up and noticed the sky had turned orange and pink hues.
"Well luv, it's getting late, we should head back to my place, afterall tomorrow I'm showing you around where my elementary school was and to the university I went to!" Arthur explained cheerfully, "I can't wait Arthur!" Y/n exciamed.
The two headed back to the estate afterall tomorrow promised to be just as beautiful as today's experience.
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The Legends (2019) - Halfway Review (first 30 episodes)
So far, this is a drama that I skim-watched, and I have only watched the first half. I keep hearing how the second half is even worse and goes downhill, so I’m bracing myself for it. But here are my thoughts about what worked for me and what didn’t. 
Plot Summary (this is kinda long, so skip to the next section if you’ve already watched it)
I actually really like the premise of the plot and think it’s different from your typical xianxia/wuxia/xuanhuan romance drama. The plot opens with a naive and innocent girl, Lu Zhao yao, who lives in a remote mountain forest with her grandfather. Their ancestral duty is to guard the seal of the Demon King’s son. Lu Zhao yao, our bubbly FL, is lonely. She wants a companion because it has always just been her and her grandfather in this empty and lonely mountain forest. 
One day, Luo Mingxuan from the Immortal sect breaks into cave in the forest and attempts to attack the Demon King’s son, but the son escapes and Luo Mingxuan is injured. The FL finds him, heals him, and falls for him. Luo Mingxuan is intrigued by her too. He tells her to be a good person and to be a keeper of peace of harmony in the world. He leaves, and she is determined to be a good person who saves people and helps the weak. 
Meanwhile, the Demon King’s son is bullied by the villagers and is soon captured by the Immortal sect who wants to execute to prevent him from becoming a harbinger of evil. Zhao yao saves him as her first good deed, defeats all the sect leaders, and proves herself to be far more superior than any of them. She is unbeatable, and therefore makes an enemy out of all of them. 
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The Demon King’s son cares for her wounds, and she teaches him to stand up for himself and protect himself. She names him Mo Qing. She tells him her dream of wanting to build her own sect to help keep the peace in the world. He takes in everything she says with rapt attention. But she then tells him that she needs to leave him to find Luo Mingxuan, the person who inspired her to be a good person. She tells Mo Qing not to wait for her because she won’t come back. Mo Qing watches her leaves. Despite her telling him to start a new life, he never leaves the encampment that they’ve created because he has nowhere else to go. 
A month later, Zhao yao returns to the encampment, bloodied and jaded. When Zhao yao had gone to the Immortal sect to find Luo Mingxuan, he chained her up, tortured her, and forced her to reveal the location of the Demon King’s son. She refused to surrender because she’s adamant that she did the right thing in protecting an innocent boy who did no wrong. Luo Mingxuan says that she’s going down the path of evil and prepares to kill her. Her grandfather shows up to save her, but is killed by Luo Mingxuan. She then realizes that everything that Luo Mingxuan had said about being a good person and upholding peace and justice is a lie. Out of spite, she reasons that if everyone thinks she’s an evil person, then she’ll show them what it means to be truly devil and despicable. She sets out to become the most evil person they have yet to see. She’s hellbent on revenge, and no longer believes in love and in the goodness of people. I just love her petty attitude because I can relate to it so much. You think this is bad? Okay, I’ll show you bad. 
For the next 5 years, she builds her fearsome sect. She recruits a group of loyal followers, and is now known as a cruel and devilish conqueror. Mo Qing stays by her side as a quiet guard and gatekeeper of the sect’s entrance, watching her from the sidelines. On the day when Zhao yao tries to take the Wan Jun Sword, she tries to take advantage of his feelings for her and tells him to distract the people from the Immortal sect so that she can take the sword. But the sword instead calls out for him and wants him as its master. This causes the cave to collapse, and Zhao yao is buried in the rubbles, her last words accusing Mo Qing of betraying her. 
We then have another time skip of 5 years. Zhao yao is resurrected when her body comes into the contact with the blood of Qin Zhiyan, a disciple from the Immortal sect. Their bodies are now connected; whenever Zhiyan is hurt or injured, the same injuries are manifested on Zhao yao’s body. To other people, they both have Zhiyan’s face, and only Zhiyan can see Zhao yao’s true face. Zhiyan’s personality is the exact opposite of our FL. Zhiyan is meek, clumsy, kind, and not clever, which means that Zhao yao becomes the bossy half of this blood-connected duo. Zhao yao is determined to return to her sect and get revenge on Mo Qing whom she not only mistakenly thinks killed and betrayed her 5 years ago, but whom has now taken over as the leader of her sect. She wants to reclaim her position and restore her clan to its prior glory as a sect to be feared.  
All of this happened within the first 4 opening episodes. To be honest, the first 2 episodes were slow. Episodes 3 and 4 were when the deaths, time skips, and Zhao yao’s rise and fall happened. 
Despite a slow first 2 episodes, the drama overall had a strong opening. We got to see a reversal of power dynamics where the FL is evil and powerful, while the ML is the quiet and demure “damsel in distress” who secretly crushes on the FL. It’s different from the usual underdog storyline. 
But after Zhao yao’s “death”, the plot slows down. The power dynamics reverts back to what we typically see in xianxia dramas: the ML becomes the almighty powerful sect leader, while the FL has lost her powers and her identity, and has to now pretend to want to be his disciple in order to slowly regain her power so that she can kill him and get her revenge. 
From episode 5 onwards, the FL’s arc is about how she and Zhiyan have to pretend to be the same person. This means that sometimes one of them has to hide (usually Zhiyan) so that no one sees both of them. However, this also means that we see more of the actress who plays Zhiyan than Bai Lu. While the second lead actress is good and is able to pull off playing both roles, I didn’t choose to watch the drama because of her. I had just started to get used to Bai Lu as the FL, and now suddenly, I’m forced to see the face of another actress as the FL. I imagine that this is when the drama loses most of its audience. It really tests your patience. In the comment section of these episodes, I saw a lot of people asking when the FL gets her face back because if the switch doesn’t happen soon, they’ll drop the drama. 
I was also *this* close to dropping the drama. It felt the Bai Lu barely had any screen time, and the SFL had very little chemistry with Xu Kai (which I guess was the point). And speaking of screen time, Xu Kai only appears for like 10 minutes per episode. 
The leads also felt very removed from all the plotting and scheming that was happening amongst the sects around them. So not even 10 episodes into the drama, the plot felt like a drag. 
When you realize that Zhao yao won’t get her face back anytime soon, you begin to wonder how the romance between her and Mo Qing will progress. Will he fall for her personality even though she has Zhiyan’s face? Does this mean that he’ll fall in love with both Zhiyan and Zhao yao because he thinks they’re the same person and doesn’t know that there’s 2 of them? Is this going to turn into some kind of moral/philosophical dilemma about what is means to love someone’s soul? Is this going to turn into some messed up love triangle?
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Thankfully, Mo Qing figures out what’s happening pretty soon (around episode 11), so he knows that Zhao yao and Zhiyan are distinct people. We don’t really see his thought process for how he is able to figure things out, but we just assume that he’s able to put the clues together. It seems that at first, he might have assumed that they inhabit the same body (like a Stephanie Meyer’s The Host kind of situation), where Zhao yao takes over at night, but then soon he figures out that Zhao yao is actually just invisible during the day, and appears at night with Zhiyan’s face. But then he gives Zhao yao her old necklace, which allows him to see her in her true form during the day and night, even though she doesn��t know it. 
The Good
This brings to me to talk about what I do like about the drama. Both the ML and FL are clever people. They’re able to see through people’s schemes and are always one step ahead. We also see that Zhao yao, the fearless conqueror/demonness, has met her match, which makes their interactions really cute to watch. Zhao yao used to be his hero that he could only admire from afar. She was the haughty sect leader that he could barely talk to because she her attention was always occupied by other things. But now, he’s her superior and the one giving out orders, while she has to put on an act to please him because she’s now his disciple. But at the same time, she keeps trying to kill him, and he knows it, and he’s always amused by her attempts because it’s a reminder that Zhao yao has really come back to him. He simultaneously enjoys and is hurt by her hate for him. Talk about being masochistic. 
I’m also a sucker for reincarnation/ghost plots. While Zhao yao isn’t exactly reincarnated (but more like reawakened), and she isn’t exactly a ghost but is invisible, the way that the plot plays out is similar. Both the ML and FL metaphorically have a new life: he’s a sect leader when he was once someone who was bullied and persecuted and couldn’t protect himself, and she’s now just a disciple who needs his help from time to time. It’s always funny when he respectfully refers to Zhao yao in the third person to other people as the previous sect leader, even though she’s in the same room with them. And it’s also funny how she calls him that weird ugly kid, her first nickname for him when they first met, whenever he’s not in the room with her. The way they talk about each other in reference to their “previous life” is such as contrast from how they currently treat other when face to face. 
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The invisibility plot point is also fun, especially in episode 21 when he follows her around town. It’s also the first time when we’re explicitly shown what he sees from his point of view. Zhao yao is like a hologram, and with a bit of magic and concentration, Mo Qing is able to lift the invisible “mask” that covers her to see her in her true form. Zhao yao is always startled when Mo Qing seems to be looking right at her. 
But between episodes 12 and 20, the plot stagnates. It’s not until episode 21 when it picks up again because all the subplots and backstories finally start to come together. And so far, episodes 21-30 have been good. The leads are finally getting involved with the larger plot. They actually make things happen. There are important consequences to their actions and decisions. Zhao yao still  doesn’t get her face back, but everyone finally knows that there are two of them, so Zhao yao and Zhiyan don’t have to keep playing the hiding/switching game. Luo mingxuan finally wakes up from his slumber, so the original villain of the drama has returned. It turns out that Jiang Wu is just a manifestation of Qin Qianxuan’s lust for Zhao yao. Lu Shiqi, a teenager(?) raised by Zhao yao, reppears again for the first time since episode 4. Mo Qing’s inner demon is starting to come out. Zhao yao finally finds out that Mo Qing already knew that she had come back from the dead and that she is invisible during the day all along. She also finally starts to accept that he has feelings for her and her for him (That line in episode 30 though: “If you fight, I’ll be your sword, if you retreat, I’ll be your shield”). The plot is finally getting good. But I’m just worried about how it’s going to be handled from here since I keep hearing how weak the second half is. 
I also like Zhao yao and Zhiyan’s relationship. Yes, they’re blood-bonded so they’re forced to look out for each other, but I just really like how wholesome their relationship is and how much they do care for one another. They have to share their secrets with each other because it’s them against the world. They’re a unit, and their survival depends on them cooperating and trusting each other. 
The Meh
The villains haven’t really been a threat to the leads, and they’re not that interesting tbh. I always skip the scenes when they’re scheming (which are a lot of scenes), and I’m still able to follow the gist. Like I already mentioned, up until episode 21, the leads felt so removed from what was happening in the other sects. Despite being a sect leader, it doesn’t feel like Mo Qing really does much besides interact with the FL, and the FL doesn’t do much besides stir up antics. She doesn’t actively try to figure out how to get her face back. She just thinks that if she gets Zhiyan to do more good deeds in her name, then she’ll wrack up more underworld credits, and she’ll be able to buy the pill that will help her restore her powers. But it’s also a little odd that her credit count is increasing so slowly when she’s done a lot to help Zhiyan. 
Mo Qing and Zhao yao have a really cute romantic arc, but Mo Qing is a very typically ML who unconditionally loves the FL and sacrifices everything for her. He doesn’t really stand out from the other xianxia MLs, and his character isn’t given much to work with (especially with so little screen time). Compare him with Sifeng from Love and Redemption or Ye Hua from Eternal Love who had to express so much pain and suffering. Maybe the angst just hasn’t happened yet in this drama.  
Mo Qing’s love and devotion to Zhao yao was also a little hard to believe at first. They only really interacted with each other closely for a handful of scenes over a period of a few days, but I guess when you take into consideration that he was abused and abandoned as a child, and then bullied and nearly executed, then the fact that Zhao yao was the first person to care for him, be his friend, and give him a name, it’s no wonder that he’d go to the ends of the earth for her. 
There is a very little character development, and the world building stagnated after the first few episodes. I guess we start to see some growth in Zhao yao and Zhiyan in the 20s episodes, where Zhao yao learns to be more caring and tender, and Zhiyan learns to be a bit more confrontational, but for the most part, it feels like things are happening to them and they’re just reacting to it. Zhao yao may seem assertive, but she doesn’t cause things to happen. Her being invisible does hinder her agency and makes her more of an observer in the drama. It feels like she’s been laying low for so long now, so I’m looking forward to seeing what she does in the next episodes now that Luo Mingxuan has awakened. 
I remember when this drama first came out in 2019, I had just finished Fuyao a few months prior, so I didn’t want to watch what seemed like a second-rate version of Fuyao. But this drama has a completely different premise, so I guess it goes to show not to judge a drama by its name. 
I also wasn’t in the mood to watch a drama where the leads are my age. I’m still getting used to the idea of people my age on screen, while I’m watching them at home, still having no idea what I want to do with my life. 
In terms of plot, it’s hard to compare Fuyao and Zhao yao since they’re so different. Fuyao works her way to becoming a powerful general, while Zhao yao starts as a powerful general and then loses everything. 
Overall halfway impression
People say that you should watch this drama for the romance between the leads, and while yes, the romance is watchable, I don’t know if that’s enough to carry you through this drama since the romance progresses very slowly. The leads only have a few scenes together in each episode, so you’re skipping most of it. Essentially, this is a very skimmable drama. I’m hoping that I’ll skim less as the leads become more involved in the sect politics, and I wonder if I’ll still be invested in the romance when Zhao yao and Mo Qing officially get together. Stay tuned.
Update: So I’m on episode 35 now, and it seems like a good place to end things. Is this where things start to go downhill because they’re going to drag it out to 55 episodes? 
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Part of Your World
Characters: Dean Winchester x black!reader
Summary: Its basically a Little Mermaid AU (still in the SPN realm) with a dash of African mythology.
Warnings: A couple of puns, because I couldn’t help myself lol
A/N: My love of Disney caused me to write another fic based on one of my fave princesses. Also it was inspired by this post I saw and then I had to do my own research, because I was so interested. I need more African mythology in fantasy! Anyways, as usual this is for the black girls that done feel seen in the show or the fandom! I hope you enjoy!
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Humans were bad. They were selfish, careless, and evil. Or that’s what you were supposed to believe, according to your mother. But to you they were interesting and not as bad as your mother made them out to be. Just like merpeople some were as your mother described, but most were good or at least trying to be better. That’s why you had to save them.
One day when you were swimming up to the surface and saw a bunch of protectors of the land. Those things they called cars were flashing red and blue lights. There was a dead body on the shore and the person’s wounds were unnatural for another human to cause. So, naturally you investigated.
Since the time you were a teen, you would sneak on land to watch the humans up close and personal. Your Aunt Iliana was the sea witch. She gifted you with a necklace that allowed you walk on land. According to her, your destiny was on land, which is why your mother banned you from swimming too close to land and keeping you away from your aunt.
This time you were making your trek to land every night. Scuttle, your skin-walker friend allowed you to work at his bar and you hoped to catch some gossip on the murders. Tonight, was busier than usual. You were running from one end of the bar to the other and not catching a word about the killings. That was until you heard an alluring voice. It was deep, slightly gravelly, but smooth and could easily lull you to sleep.
“Dude, I’m putting money it’s a witch. That’s the only reasonable explanation.” Dean argued with his brother. They had been in town for 2 days and no leads whatsoever. All they had was a bunch of guys who suddenly had a turn of bad luck, lost all their money and died of on land drowning.
Not only were you attracted to this man’s voice, but he was looking into the murders too! You had to make yourself known. Turning around just in time you saw him finish his drink. He was the most perfect man you’ve seen. His green eyes rivaled the coral reefs vibrant color. His lips were unexpectedly plump for a man of his shade. His jaw was set hard, but you could tell he had a soft nature.
“Stop staring and talk to the man!” Scuttle encouraged you while tending to other patrons.
“Stop being a guppy, Y/N!” You told yourself before making your way to the man. Pointing at his empty glass, you asked the stranger if he wanted another drink.
Dean had to do a double take. The beautiful bartender was talking to him. He noticed her all night. When she was walking up and down the bar, she was singing to herself and he thought she had a beautiful voice. Some of the time Dean would tune Sam out just to listen to her.
“Yes, please. Can you make it a double?”
Shaking your head yes, you brought out the good liquor. Scuttle would most likely kill you, but you needed information and the best way to get it was making this beautiful stranger’s lips loose. “On the house,” you mentioned when you saw he was about to object for the pricey whiskey.
“Thank you.” He gave you a loop-sided smile and you walked away, not wanting to push too quickly. “Wait,” he called out, pulling something out of his pocket. It was a picture of him in some fancy suit saying FBI Agent Dean Plant. “I’m Agent Plant and this is Agent Page,” he pointed to the taller man next to him, “have you seen any of these gentlemen here?”
Dean stared at the red-haired beauty as she stared at the photos of the male victims. It wasn’t like him to be so mesmerized by a woman that he didn’t even notice her pointing out the latest victim.
“Yeah, he was here. I remembered because he seemed so sad, so I decided to check on him.”
Agent Plant perked up and leaned forward on the bar, “Do you know what had him so upset?”
You wanted to look at Dean, but his green eyes made your stomach flutter like a school of fish, so you paid attention to his partner. “Um, something about how he made a bad deal and lost all his money and his girlfriend.”
The two brothers turned towards each other and silently communicated that they both thought it was a demon deal. Quickly, they both stood up and paid for the drinks. “Thank you! We’ll be back tomorrow.” Dean smiled at you before following his brother out the bar.
For a while you stood there in a trance. He was coming back tomorrow! You would have to tell Scuttle to take you shopping for some more clothes.
“Don’t do it.”
“Huh?” Scuttle’s voice startled you to the present.
“He’s a hunter and human. Both things your mother hates the most. Secretly help them and go on about your life.” Scuttle warned, then attended to another bar patron.
Too bad you didn’t listen to Scuttle, because now you were in trouble.
The following night, Dean and Sam came back they seemed discouraged. Turned out their lead was a bust. No demon deals occurred in this town according to Crowley.
Throughout the night, you would eavesdrop on their conversation about the case and it was becoming clearer to you what exactly were killing these men. Because of a festival that happened earlier that day, the bar was slammed, and you didn’t get to tip off Dean and Sam about what they were hunting before they left.
Time to time your best friends, Sebastian and Floyd would escort you on land to ensure your safety. No one wanted to feel the wrath of your mother if something bad were ever to happen to you.
“Fellas, I need one of you to cover for me.” You leaned across the bar already batting your eyes. It was always a struggle to get these two to do something without a little coercion.
“Why?” Sebastian ran his hands through his dreads, he was already suspecting you were up to no good.
“So, I can tell the hunters what’s killing the humans.” You rushed out, then tried to leave but Sebastian stopped you.
“Uh huh. No way, missy. We all agreed that you would do it without outing yourself.” Sebastian was the harder of the two to convince. Being your mother’s court advisor made him be more overprotective of you.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Y/N. Humans are already scary, but hunters are terrifying.” Floyd shivered at the idea of talking to one. He could already imagine his tail as a trophy on some hunter’s wall.
You ruffled your friend’s kinky blue curls. “Don’t be guppy, Floyd.” Finished messing up his hair, you ran out the bar. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission. It was always that way with those two. You wanted to do something, they would say it was a bad idea, and then you would do it anyway. Those two should’ve learned by now.
You didn’t have to go far since Scuttle’s bar was on the beach and Dean and Sam were already there. It looked like they were inspecting something, when you saw hands made of water grab onto the two and drug them into the sea.
It was her; you knew it. Shedding your clothes, you dived into the water. You couldn’t bask in the water like you usually would after a day on land. Cutting through the current you found the men drowning and the mysterious water hands gone. She didn’t need to kill them instantly. The depths she brought them to would do the job for her. She just didn’t count on you to come in and save the day.
You were a lot stronger in water than on land, so it was easy to drag both men up to the surface. Hopefully, she didn’t have eyes on you. She had eyes everywhere in the water.
You took them to your hidden grotto you used to come onto land or just to think alone. Using your powers to manipulate water, you expelled the water from their lungs.
Dean was the first one coming into consciousness. It was the same voice from last night. The bartender, he thought. He sat up to thank her, but she wasn’t there. The only thing he thought he saw was a fin.
“Sammy!?” Dean rolled over to his brother. He slapped him to jolt him awake.
Sam sat up, out of sorts for a moment. “Dude, what the hell was that?” He dragged a hand over his face.
Dean shook his head. “Man, I don’t know.”
The brothers sat there confused not knowing what the hell they were gonna do.
You watched the brothers leave the grotto from behind a rock formation. Once they were gone, you emerged from your hiding spot.
“Helping hunters?” She clicked her tongue. “I’m disappointed in you. I thought a daughter of Cora’s would know better.” Mami Wata stood above you in all white, draped in the most expensive jewels, stoking the head of her snake. This was the first time she appeared to you and you were in awe despite the circumstances.
“You’re killing innocent men. What else am I supposed to do?” Normally, you would speak to her with respect, but this situation did not call for it. People were dying.
“They’re not innocent. I promised them riches in exchange for fidelity. They broke the agreement.”
She was right. Those men did make the deals of their own free will, but what she was doing didn’t sit right with you. “But you didn’t have to kill them. Other Mami Watas leave them broke.”
“Who are you to question me?!” Her voice echoed, causing some of the rocks to shake. “Sorry,” Mami Wata regained her composure when she saw you tremble in fear. “I like you, Princess Y/N. You’re strong-spirited, but I can’t have you in my way, but I also promised your mother I would protect her offspring.”
“Then what now?” You crossed your arms with an attitude. Mami Wata released the python that was wrapped around her into the water.
The green creature slithered up to your neck and squeezed tightly. “It’ll be hard for you to help the hunters without that beautiful voice of yours.” In a panic, you clutched your neck trying to speak, but it was already too late. Mami Wata already took your voice.
The snake went back to its satisfied owner. “A little piece advice,” Mami Wata looked at you with pity. “The one with the green eyes, don’t fall for him. The pale ones are always the worst.” She chuckled as she made her exit.
Even though, you didn’t have your voice, you had to find a way to warn the hunters.
Sam and Dean were going crazy. All they could come up with is that they were possibly dealing with the god, Poseidon and even that sounded far-fetched for them.
They were knee-deep in research when there was a knock on their door. Both brothers grabbed their guns and Sam looked out the peephole. “It’s the bartender from the other night.”
Dean shoved his little brother out the way. “Smooth, dude.” Sam mumbled at a flustered Dean. Opening the door, Dean greeted you. In return you waved back. “Hey, Y/N, right?”
You shook your head vigorously, excited that he remembered your name.
“What can I help you with?” He asked, looking at you expectantly. Oh shit! How were you gonna let him now you were there to help?
An idea popped in your head. You held up a finger and brought out the cellphone Scuttle bought for you. Unlocking the phone, all the words were gibberish to you when they shouldn’t be. You were fluent in all languages. Mami Wata must’ve cursed all your modes of communications. Son of a bitch!
“Woah!” Dean lifted his arms as you pushed pass him when you saw a photo of one of the victims. Grabbing it you motioned to the boys you could help. They were confused to why you weren’t speaking and even more confused on how you knew another victim.
“Dean, I think she’s connected somehow.” You eagerly waved the photo in agreeance. Sam crouched down to assure you he wasn’t a threat. “Did you lose your voice because you know who did this?” Sam clapped his hands in victory when you confirmed his suspicion.
Dean wanted to believe you were there to help, but he could never be too careful. He’s been burned too many times before. “How do we know you’re not the one doing the killings?”
Pinching your nose and pointing to the boys, you reenacted their drowning and you pulling them out. “You’re the one who saved us? How?” Dean scanned you up and down, there was no way you had the strength to pull him AND his brother. Well, no way if you were only human.
Of course, they wouldn’t believe you. To them you were a human woman. You puckered your face like you seen humans do to imitate fish, then you pointed to your closed legs and made swimming motions with your hands.
“No way.” Sam thought out loud.
“What,” Dean asked, still in the dark.
Sam rolled his eyes. “Man, you were always bad at charades.”
“I’m not!” Dean sputtered like a child.
“I think she’s a mermaid.”
“Sam, don’t you think we would’ve heard of them being real?” Dean couldn’t wrap his head around the idea.
Dean’s disbelief caused an argument between the boys. They were too busy with trying to be right that they didn’t notice you taking off your clothes. There was only one way to end this argument. Just in your bra you tapped your seashell necklace and prepared for the fall.
At the sound of something falling, Sam and Dean stopped arguing. “Oh shit!” They simultaneously said, realizing Sam was right.
It was uncomfortable to have your tail and not be near water, so you transformed back to legs in forth of them. When Sam and Dean noticed you were naked down below, they quickly turned their backs to you.
After you were dressed properly, you tapped both on their broad shoulders. Questions were flying at you. Was it another mermaid behind the killings? How many mermaids are there? Are you a good or bad mermaid? How do you have sex?
You pointed to the photos to direct the hunters’ attention (more Dean than Sam) back to the case. “Oh yeah, the case.” Dean sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “You said you knew who’s behind the murders, right?”
Nodding yes, you began thinking of how to act out Mami Wata. Jumping up and down you got the boys’ attention when you figured it out.
You mimicked the motion parents do when they rock their babies. “Cradle? Rocking?” Dean guessed.
“Baby?!” Sam called out. You smiled at his correct guess, but that wasn’t the word they needed, it was only a connection.
Pointing between you and your imaginary baby, you hoped they would get it.
“Mommy?” Dean threw out. You squeezed his cheeks and gave him a kiss.
Dean gave Sam a superior look. “And you said I was bad at charades.” Sam ignored his brother’s smug smirk and paid attention to you searching for something. Your eyes lit up when you found it. This should be easy.
“Water?” Dean asked and it earned him another kiss from you.  He smiled victoriously at Sam. Now he wanted to play charades with you all the time.
Combining the two words, Sam asked you, “Mommy water?” Close enough. You knew they weren’t familiar with the dialect. You nodded your head yes and Sam began searching it. “Okay, I think I got it.” Sam announced after a few minutes. “Mami Wata?” He looked to you for approval. You jumped over to him and placed a big kiss on Sam’s cheek.
“Shut up,” Dean told Sam before he could say something smart. “What are we dealing with?”
“Okay, lore says Mami Wata is an African water goddess. She can take an appearance of a mermaid or human. Either way she’s extremely beautiful, like Aphrodite beautiful.”
Dean hovered above his brother. “Enough with the backstory. Why is she killing dudes?”
Sam scrolled down further until he found what he wanted. “I think I got it. Mami Wata appears to some men and promise them riches and good fortune as long as they remain faithful to her. Cheat and you’ll lose everything. Sometimes even your life.”
“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. How do we kill her?”
Sam leaned back and sighed at what he read. “Wooden stake dipped in the blood of one of their living victims.”
Dean started browsing the local newspaper. He remembered something sticking out. He shook the paper when he found the article about a man winning the two million dollars lottery. “Boom! I think we got our next victim.” He started grabbing his belongings. “Sammy, Y/N, let’s roll.”
It was always a set-up. The men Mami Wata made deals with were notorious cheaters. She knew they would break the deal and cheat. With some teamwork, preparation, and some luck the three of you were able to kill her before she got to her next victim.
“You know it would be nice to have a mermaid on Team Free Will.” Dean desperately wanted to spend more time with you.
You intertwined your fingers with Dean’s. “I wish, but I belong in the ocean. Princess duties.”
Dean nodded his head to himself. “Well, let me leave you with a parting gift.”
Dean’s lips were less than an inch away from yours when you heard your mom’s voice. “Y/N!” She was flanked by a sulking Sebastian and Floyd.
You wasted no time going to her. For her to be on land meant you were deep in trouble. You gave Dean one more glance, taking in his features for the last time.
Tears feel from your eyes as Sebastian and Floyd tried to comfort you. Your mother really banned you from the kingdom. Sneaking to land? Forgivable. Almost kissing a human? Forgivable. But killing her goddess? Unforgivable, apparently.
Your friends assured you the queen would change her mind. Despite your different beliefs, you were her favorite because you were so similar. But how long would it take for her to change her mind? Your mother could hold a grudge.
“Y/N?” Dean called into the grotto. Behind him was Sam and Scuttle. “What’s wrong?” He sat by you and pulled you into a hug.
Sebastian splashed some water on him.
“What the fuck, dude?!”
“Don’t you think you’ve helped enough? Both of you?” Sebastian glared at both brothers.
“What did we do?” Sam asked, a little scared of the abnormally buff merman.
Splashing some water with your tail, you admonished your friend. “Don’t mind Seb, he’s always crabby.”
“I get crabby when my princess and friend gets banished because she helped hunters.”
Sticking up a finger, you corrected him. “For your information I got in trouble for killing Mami Wata.”
Sam knelt by you, feeling horrible that him and Dean were the cause of your current predicament “Is it true?”
“That I got banned? Yeah, but it’s not your fault. I knew this could happen. I’m just bummed I have to find a new home.”
Scuttle laid a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N/N, you always have a home with me.”
Sam and Dean traded looks with each other, this was their fault and they needed to fix it. “Or…” Dean drew out. “You can live with us, hunt with us.” Dean saw the debate in your eyes. “That’s only if you want to. No pressure.” He added nervously.
When your eyes lit up, Floyd began shaking his head no. “Y/N, nuh uh! There’s vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and demons!”
“Stop being a guppy, Floyd!” Your Aunt Iliana chuckled as she swam up with her dolphin, Pica. “This is where she’s meant to be.” She gave you a knowing smirk.
Her prophecy! You remembered. Sliding back in the water you gave your aunt and friends hugs and kisses goodbye. You promised them to visit as much as you could.
With a press to your necklace, your tail turned into legs and with some magic from Aunt Iliana you had clothes on this time.
“Ready?” Dean offered his hand.
You put your hand in his. “Yeah.” It sucked to be kicked out of your world, but now you could be a part of Dean’s.
Tagging: @titty-teetee @chonisberonica @awshitdaviddonedonethisshitagain @cocooned-butterfly @babypink224221 @deanscroissant @deansbbysblog​ @nervouspetsonanime​ @nerd-lovely​
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 78 Rundown
Code Geass: Lelouch finally confronts Charles in the Human Instrumentality Elevator but before his laser Geass bullshit can kill him, he steals C.C.’s Code and becomes immortal. Now that Charles is at the highest Geass level, C.C. like “Oh yes Imperialist Daddy kill me cause Lelouch is too chicken to” because she wanted an out for her immortality all along. But she’s been saving Lelouch this whole time and didn’t force the Code on him like was done to her so she clearly has a soft spot for him. Also Viletta and Sayoko are having a ninja fight over Ohgi and Nia’s developing nukes or some shit. Ironically now that we finally know who C.C. is, she’s lost her own memories so her character is always incomplete. But Lelouch has busted up the Thought Elevator and Charles is stuck there so showdown postponed I guess.
Inuyasha: Naraku continues his plan to cover Sesshomaru in his goo and take him inside himself… not gonna bother rephrasing that. But he gets jumped by Inuyasha’s barrier breaking powers and absolutely wrecked by both of them once Inuyasha inadvertently saves Sesshomaru. Ironically Inuyasha’s able to stop himself being absorbed while Sesshomaru isn’t, implying he’s stronger at this point but who knows. Anyway Naraku just kinda rockets away on a poison cloud and Sesshomaru’s about to turn full doggo and chase him but the writers remember we’re never allowed to see full demon Sesshomaru again until he regains his arm and Naraku tells him “Hey yo Rin’s about to get murdered, better go take care of that instead of finishing the series now” and Sesshomaru’s out of bluffs pretending he doesn’t care. Everyone realizes if Sesshomaru catches Kohaku killing Rin or about to kill Rin he’ll straight up murder Kohaku which is exactly the level of head-fuckery Naraku wants. They stop Kohaku from killing Rin but he keeps attacking Sesshomaru and Sesshomaru’s like “Oh, you WANT to die, well tough shit buddy, I’m not in an accommodating mood today so you live mother fucker” because even he realizes Naraku wants him to murder Kohaku for some reason. It’s interesting to see him spare a human out of spite but also kind of take pity on Kohaku, his tolerance for humans is slowly but surely growing.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Well we’re on the boat to the Dark Tournament, aka the first episode of Hunter x Hunter, and the totally not Genkai Masked Man uses the move Genkai taught Yusuke to wipe out all the competition, wonder who they could be. Like even Kuwabara’s guessing it’s Genkai at this point, we have no excuse. Anyway the other demons get pissed at the loss and everyone has to murder them all to be let through, including one dude Yusuke kills while still sleeping off his training hangover. We meet two of the first team they’ll be facing and it’s standard “Grr rawr, we’ll crush you” shit from a little boy and an Buttrock Band singer. Also Keiko and Shizuru are on the way to the tournament courtesy of Botan and Yusuke’s mom is left at home for no reason despite being in the arc in the manga, we just couldn’t handle more Milf Urameshi action.
Fate Zero: This is basically a summary episode, we have Kirei/Gilgamesh and Kiritsugu summing up where we’re at right now with the war and who’s involved. Kirei doesn’t have any more ninjas so he’s out but the Grail’s like “Nuh-uh, get back in here loser” and gives him Command Seals back even though he doesn’t have a Servant to use them on. Gilgamesh is all “What if we teamed up? Haha, just kidding… unless?” And weirdly enough Kirei is kinda into the soap opera bullshit going on with Kariya trying to save Sakura and being turned into a mummy for it. He’s like “what kind of fucked up person would like seeing a man being eaten from the inside out to save a child in vain?” Gilgamesh is all “Joke’s on you, we’re into that shit”. Also Iris is dying or something so they move into Shirou’s home and Saber ironically makes the transmutation circle in the shed that Shirou will bleed on later and summon her in UBW, guess it makes more sense why Shirou lives in a bullshit dojo house now that we know it was a originally a mage base fortress to harbor his girlfriend and Stepmom’s forbidden lesbian affair.
Konosuba: We kick of Season 2 with everyone throwing Kazuma under the bus for him to go to jail and then Aqua showing her whole damn ass during her pathetic breakout attempts. Then we shift Ace Attorney/Chrono Trigger mode and get a recap of all the shit Kazuma’s done over the past season. It’s kinda funny people don’t really know how to feel about him because he is a scumbag but he’s a net positive for the community. He eventually uses his lie detector skills to clear himself but because this is a kangaroo court he get found guilty anyway. But SINCE it’s a kangaroo court Darkness is able to use her own even higher levels of royal bullshittery to void the verdict and delay the case until Kazuma can prove he’s a harmless scumbag instead of a traitor. And they lose Darkness and get all their shit taken. Like I get that’s the nature of the show and the main joke but I kinda wish we’d get more story stuff or have them thrown a bone every once in a while, not a huge fan of shows like Marrier with Children or Everybody Hates Chris where you know shit’s just gonna fall apart in the end somehow, it makes it hard to care. Like this isn’t THAT bad about it but I just wish we’d get a few more serious/wholesome moments thrown in because everything else is just a fakeout.
Sailor Moon Crystal: So we’re getting close to the end of the season here and Beryl’s here and Mamoru just kinda… watches as she fights the Sailor Guardians in an alternate dimension because apparently Ami can just do that, like aside from their signature attacks I feel like the limits on what the Sailor Guardians can and can’t do are very vague, seems to be a problem with a lot of shojo action at the time since powers are more focused on emotion and it just ends up being “I can do whatever I feel like”. Anyway they summon the Meteor Sword from Avatar and cut off Beryl’s power necklace and she just kind of… dies for some reason? Like she was a reincarnated human just like everyone else but she just kinda melts after her necklace is chopped off like she’s been alive a thousand years. But yeah, possessed Tuxedo mask has the crystal and the sword and apparently the sword is the key even though we only started hearing about it like three episodes ago. Usagi follows him to Antarctica or whatever and the Sailor Guardians just… fly there, see this is what I mean apparently they could fly the whole time and just never did? They fight the Four Kings and reawaken their memories but Metalia blasts them away in seconds which if she could do that to the people that were kicking the Sailor Guardians’ asses five seconds ago couldn’t she just do it to them too? Anyway the girls’ former boyfriends are dead and that’s sad I guess even though I don’t think we ever really established which one was dating who so idk if it matters unless they’re all one big polycule. Usagi tries her bullshit fixer beam power and it doesn’t work so her next solution is just stab everyone and sort it out later, not a bad plan honestly, she cuts down Mamoru and then herself and is like ah fuck it, the end.
Durarara!!: The Saika arc concludes and we get Anri fucking up Haruna while Shizuo pounds the whole town in the park with his new demon gloves. But basically because Anri is a little ball of dissociation and trauma more than a person she’s a perfect host for a sword that’s yandere for the whole human race, the void contains the explosion and all that shit. However now that there’s been a Saika riot but Mikado and Masaomi are scared and mobilizing the Dollars and Yellow Scarves (also oh yeah Masaomi is the leader of the Yellow Scarves but you should know that already) to fight Saika to protect Anri except Saika IS Anri and Izaya’s just having fun stirring the pot and Anri’s the only one who knows he’s behind it because turns out when you have a hundred peoples’ memories swimming in your head it kinda helps you piece shit together.
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Shadow and Bone
This will contain spoilers (duh) some names being forgotten and its going to get long and some context less chaos
I hope i got the image ids right
Episode one (23rd April)
- ahh so the Fold= Dark Island form VoDT but with less summoning of monsters?
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ID: Ben Barnes holding onto the wheel of a boat
- Many smol beans
Brief interlude with Nausicaa Valley of the Wind
Episode 1 cont. up to midway episode 7 (24th)
- magical brown trouser time my good sir
- buddies!!
- they’re not going to leave Alina alone to her existential crisis are they?
That tent looks like a circus tent to me and I have no idea why
- hmm hello completely innocent fallen branch
me: turns to sis and asks if we can we take brief intermission for this headbanger (which we did)
Turns out our brief intermission for the song was useless because after pressing play again it started buffering
we were talking about it and Dad misheard it as shaggy bone
Imagine the darkling but in pastels and black lace
- how the flipping heck can you fake bleeding light
- do you want to get lost Alina?
On Ben Barnes beard: 50% hot damn and 50% fight me (the way he tilts his head in this makes us want to hit him in the jugular)
Episode 3
- ooh look at the stag
- i love the bathroom
- damn Nina
- I wish Alina had time to get some magic tips but oh well
- replays Ben Barnes saying Moya Tsarieta twice
- how?! (Look I told you there was going to be bits where the context is tricky to pin point)
- i love the goat
- oh Jesper
- blue and gold is a great colour combination
- about the dinner scene: if this were me it would be the very rare time I stand up for myself
+ I want to add a small thing about the food taster... one is dream job/ i like him/ and imagine a taster eating something and it goes down the wrong way
- yes Jesper hug the goat- and
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ID: a man with his thumb up gif from The Hunger Games; with him saying “nice shooting sweetheart” but I couldn’t find a gif of him saying it
- true north? I am never going to be free of bellarke am I?
- oh that hurts
Episode 4
- “our saint has arrived to late” 🤧
- ohh the stag is so pretty
- horses!!!
- time for a heist- i love this goat
- aww wishing fountain bonding
- the darking is growing on me
- i love Mikhail and Dubrov
- I love what we get to see of Nadia and Marie and Kaz and Inej and Jesper and basically everyone
- i love a heist (this isnwhat the hobbit should of been but you know with more dragons
- Mal is baby
- poor Nina
- ah ha a vicious cycle against the Grisha and Fjerdan
- I thought Arkens reaction was a bit odd
- oh Alina sweet heart- flashback time
- the map room is a aesthetic- using Aleksanders own words against him
That shot of the two of them is great
- poor Alina
- yas queen
- oh the stag!
- oh the machine gun; Mal poor buddy and of course flashback time
- i knew she was going to get the scar removed
Episode 5
- poor Mal
- Nadia is me
- Genya is amazing
- hi David and great minds think alike Alina (i had the same expression on my face when they were flirting)
- oh the creepy masks had a purpose
- “you’re not Ivan” you don’t say
- aand height difference... this first kiss is kind of weird to me
- oh Jesper you flirt
- I’m sorry firey people you’re going to be outshined
- Inej is so beautiful
- Dima?!?!
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ID: two people from a scene in the Anastasia Musical the song My Petersburg
- what is the librarians dudes problem?
- Genya you badass... poor Marie (does Alina learn about this?? It would probably be forgotten just like her causing the death of her fellow mapmakers)
- I love the costumes
- Tofin (Idk his name) we don’t know you sorry you’re dead
- oh the kissing
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ID: a gif showing two people kissing
- and him giving her the flowers is kind of cute but where did they come from?
- *pinched nose* I hate cryptic messages Baghra... holy shit... i mean I kinda knew he was immortal but still holy shit
- oh Kaz... Inej! Collect your bloody knives
- *snorting* The crows being sent to kidnap Alina and Jesper just watching her climb into the getaway carriage will always be hysterical (i personally would be laughing and thats why anything involving stealth is off the cards for me)
Episode 6
- rest in pieces Arken
- Alina broke Inej
- I love Ivan (remember the thing i said about forgetting names/ getting them mixed up? This is it.. I love Feydor a lot more than Ivan but they are both so cute together)
- my heart will go on starts playing?
- i like that horse statue in the background
- i love the beach... look at those waves... the wet look is great
- you done mess up Alina but also cool
- Mal is burly squid
- “burly squid” wheezing nosies
- now hug
- Kaz I love the cane
- “I see you now” aww
- I knew they were going to snuggle... those cute laughs
- the alarm clock though... i knew Inej should have taken the knife... i love Jesper... poor Inej... clever boy Kaz
- does it hurt? Mal? Does it hurt?
I have a habit at picking at things that hurt and well fictional characters aren’t safe from me wanting to poke something painful
- ride OR die bitches
- aand more height differences... getting very close there guys... Matthias please don’t let her fall.... they are kind of cute
- David through a book... 😂 they carriage jacked the Darkling
- David raising his hand is me... but damn it
- Alina is amazing... please remember you’re wearing the ring... Mal is best boy
- “adorable” snorting noises
Episode 7
- horsey!!!
- ahh the return of the VoDT hair (see first gif)
- Luda is familiar...
- yikes
- poor Aleksander being turned into a pincushion is not a great time
- poor Luda
- holy shit
- rock and hard place
- fuck off Baghra
- he wanted to help 😔
- ah so its like the hollow from Charmed
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Image ID: gif from the og Charmed with text saying “ohhh she’s a demon!”
- this shot is beautiful... ah so I guess this could have been what happened if Caspian resurrected the White Witch... i guess
- hi stag.... oh okay 😔 poor Stag poor Mal
Flashbacks to Cinderella and Snow White (the one with Krisien Sterwart) natually it follows along with Snow White
- *squishie noises* poor Jesper... we love you Jesper but please stop talking to Inej just in case she sews her finger to the wound
- i love the crows and i love the chat about the crows
The next day (25th) episode continued
- David looks so sad
- personally I would downsize the fold just as reminder of it
- that looks like that hurt
- I love Milo and Jesper 💖
- don’t look at it Alina... Genya is right that colour is horrible... tell her off Alina... poor Genya
- I think Jesper had fun playing a guard
- I knew the Darkling read the letters
Sister: why does he look like Tom Ellis right now?
- oh Mal
- blow dart... lol Kaz
- Milo!?! Oh the bullet you clever boy Mal
- i like the tent... he’s not wrong... we want to play with that dangly bit... oh the angst
- I thought you looked older (idk context)
- I love the outfit but couldn’t the necklace be anywhere else?
- “no mourners no funerals”
- I love the music
Episode 8
- I don’t trust that opening
- me too Crows, me to... how could you not know who Milo is
- I love Nina and Matthias so much... they are so pretty... I am not a fan of taxidermy... oh his name is Feydor sorry we kept getting you mixed up
- God damnit Kirigan.. a not so sneaky Mal... the honorary Crow... pick a side already darkling... Sun Queen?... did anybody notice her being tied down?... Good Mal and good Inej
- Jesper is amazing... so much death... bad bitch Zoya... I love Inej kissing the knife and nailing the Darkling with it... head shot... hello buddy??... this music though... badass Alina... fucking Ivan... holy shit and of course music is amazing
+ brave Kaz
- Inej and Alina bonding time... hugs? No hugs ☹️
- he offered her his hand 😞... Inej wants to hug... finally some hugs... Zoya has grown on me... i love Kanej (is that the ship name)
- Matthias oh no buddy... hill house flashbacks
- i love Jesper so much... Nina going “someone say heartrender??”
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Image ID: someone turning around and raising eyebrows at camera
- Kaz saying “she’s a saint” made my heart happy
- I doubt the Darkling is dead...... i was right
- well shit/ coolness of making shadow monsters follow you (please let there be a flashback for this)
+ imagine of Matthias and Nina decide to sleep rather than get food and were caught cuddling by the Grisha... I thought of this as I was getting into bed that night and i got up ran to my sister told her my thought she found the idea funny then went back to bed
+ people who own trains are evil?? Looks at snowpiercer
Bonus: the soundtrack is on spotify and itunes
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Image id: someone bobbing along with headphones on
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floralguccistyles · 4 years
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Hello all! While I am very happy to share this chapter with you, I am also aware that a lot of my social media feeds and timelines have stopped highlighting the BLM movement, which is so much more important. This fight is not over. It will not be over until there is justice for every single black mother, father, sister, brother, cousin, aunt, uncle, friend that has been killed by police brutality and violence. Please don’t allow the people we follow to sweep this under the rug. If you do not have the means to protest, there are several other ways you can donate and raise awareness to this issue. Here is a Twitter thread of donations that still haven’t reached their goals. Here is a compiled list of petitions you can sign, numbers you can text, and causes you can donate to. Here is a Twitter thread of Youtube videos you can watch that gain ad revenue and donate all money made to the BLM movement. Please do what you can, especially my fellow non-POC users, to help with this issue. It is so, so incredibly important.
wildflower :: chapter two
...and stays up with you all night
There was a tradition between the Horan-Fairbrough clan that once a month, we would all try and get together and have dinner. It usually ended up with Greg’s son Theo falling asleep while I held him and Violet spewing on about something she learned in college before we all settled down to watch a movie. We had an ongoing rotation on who picked the movie, and this month it happened to be Niall’s turn.
Which was why I was so shocked that it was a horror film.
I didn’t like scary movies. And neither did Niall. But when he sat between Lily and I (on the floor since our parents took the couch while Greg and Theo took the loveseat), I realized his intention. Lily hated horror films even more than I did. And when the first jump scare came around, Lily hid her face in Niall’s side and squealed a little.
Smart boy, that Niall.
“You’re an asshole for picking this film,” I told Niall as I held the popcorn bowl between us. Niall and I hadn’t spoken since last Monday, when he’d dropped off his stuff at my house. Everything had been in a nice neat pile except for my necklace. When I had inquired about it, he had told me that he hadn’t seen it, but he would look again. I think the look of panic on my face told him how serious I was about that particular piece of jewelry.
“Why would I give up a chance to hold both my Fairbrough girls while they scream bloody murder?”
He wasn’t wrong. I found myself jumping right alongside with Lily whenever something frightening happened, so Niall just grinned at me, called me a baby, and then offered his hand for me to hold. 
I gripped it like it was my lifeline. 
The day had started off normally, waking up in Lily’s bed to her arm strewn across my neck, quite close to choking me. Though I may have snored in my sleep (according to she and Niall, I was still doubtful), Lily tried to kill me in hers. Her alarm went off approximately three minutes after I untangled myself from her comforter and I went to work on making us coffee and breakfast while she took a shower. I was expecting Niall to show up at around seven-thirty, since that was normally the time Lily was done taking a shower and I was expected to keep him entertained. When the door opened and I saw him in a salmon-colored dress shirt, I smiled.
“Morning,” I said, blinking against the bright smile he gave me. “Want a cup?”
“God, you’d be an angel.”
“I’m always an angel, what are you talking about?” I stuck my tongue out at him, but started to work on his coffee. The eggs were frying in the pan, so I quickly added some garlic salt to them (because I knew Niall liked it) before I poured his drink into a to-go cup. I watched him sit at the barstool, tossing his sunglasses on the counter as he watched me make breakfast. “So, it’s your pick for movie night tonight. Any contenders?”
He shrugged. “Hadn’t thought about it much, to be honest. I’ve been dealing with some stuff at work.”
Rummaging through some drawers, I found a Sharpie and uncapped it. “What’s up?”
He sighed. I didn’t like this look on Niall, the defeated kind of look that made him look at least three years older. He looked like he was carrying the weight of something heavy on his shoulders. “Hey,” I said quietly, reaching across the counter to grab his forearm in what I hoped was a comfort. “What’s wrong? Tell me.”
His other hand reached to grab my fingers, moving my touch on his arm to hold my hand. His fingers interlaced through mine, examining them for a moment. “One of my boys...a girl came forward and made a sexual assault claim yesterday.”
I tried not to freeze. I wasn’t sure if he noticed when my hand suddenly went limp, but his eyes were still locked onto our hands as if he were contemplating much more than just how large his were compared to mine. “Oh. Shit, I’m sorry, Ni. What...what’s happening?”
His nose wrinkled. “They’re getting him off the team, that’s what. I’m not going to have someone like that representing our team. He’ll go to the dean next week to talk about expulsion.”
“And the girl?” I asked softly.
“I don’t know, Rose. She’ll have to...Christ, she’ll carry this around for the rest of her life. I’ve assured her that his place on the team is nonexistent, but she didn’t look like she believed me.”
“So you didn’t think...she was pathetic or anything?”
“Pathetic? Jesus, Rose, no. I just feel like shit that she was even put in that position at all.”
I squeezed his hand tightly. He didn’t know why my fingers turned from a caress to a grip, but he squeezed my fingers back even so. 
The truth was, his words meant more to me than he’d ever know. But it also made me sad. For the girl, for me, and for anyone else who ever had to deal with something like that. I knew I didn’t deserve to place myself on the same caliber as the girl Niall was talking about. She’d been assaulted, and all Kent ever did was corner me in his office to exchange a promotion for sex. Still, knowing how Niall felt about it made things a little easier. There was no question on whether the player would still be on the team. He would just be...gone. No questions asked.
“You’re a good guy, Niall,” I whispered softly.
“It’s not a matter of being a good guy or not. It’s a matter of being a decent human being.”
Lily appeared in the kitchen before either of us could continue with our conversation, which was probably for the best. “Morning. Smells good, Rose,” Lily commented, coming over to stand by Niall. She wrapped her arms around the back of his shoulders and gave him a squeeze, kissing his cheek. “You smell good,” she mentioned to him.
He didn’t blush, which was weird because Niall always blushed when someone complimented him. He just grinned and let out a little chuckle. “Thanks, Lil. You’re dripping all over me.”
Lily usually let her hair air dry while she ate breakfast and then ran the dryer over it. It locked in enough of her curls to make it stylishly wavy, but not dry it enough so that they straightened out. She had it down to a science. “Sorry,” she said sheepishly, pulling away and lovingly wiping off a bit of water droplets from Niall’s shirt. The salmon color darkened to a burnt coral with the water, but it would be dry in a matter of minutes, so Niall didn’t look like he minded terribly. “What’s for breakfast?”
“Eggs, coffee, and I was going to cut up some of that fruit,” I announced, grabbing said fruit from the fridge. Lily usually kept her fridge pretty stocked with fruit, so she had several berries and a couple of assorted melon slices. 
“Where’s the bacon?” Niall groaned.
“We have some microwaveable bacon, but I doubt you want that.”
He wrinkled his nose. If there was one thing Niall hated, it was the shitty pre-cooked bacon Lily bought. I didn’t mind the taste of it, personally, and appreciated its convenience. Niall was a firm believer that bacon should take time and love. “I’m fine with eggs and fruit.”
“That’s what I thought.” Cutting the fruit and not cutting my finger proved to be a task, but I accomplished it and put all the berries and melons on a plate. The eggs, which had been taken off heat during my fruit-cutting, were still warm, so I put them onto individual plates and handed them off to Lily and Niall. “Bon appetit.”
“A meal fit for a king,” Niall exclaimed. He was always too generous when describing my cooking. I wasn’t terrible and my food was almost always edible, but I wasn’t going to become a chef anytime soon. “Thanks, Rosebud.”
The morning continued on as usual, with Lily leaving Niall and I to keep each other company while she went about her morning routine. There was no more discussion on the girl that had come forward about Niall’s student athlete, but I could tell by the duller color of his eyes that it was still weighing heavy on his mind. Which was why when he was looking away and getting things situated for his day at work, I took the Sharpie and scribbled out “you’re a great role model for the students” with about a thousand x’s and o’s underneath it. He grinned and pressed a kiss to my hair when he saw it, and claimed “he’d keep the cup until the end of time, Rosebud.”
But Niall couldn’t hide his disappointment and sorrow. Which, in retrospect, might have been the reason that he had chosen a horror movie. It was probably a last minute decision.
I wasn’t sure what the title of the movie was, but it was some gory and bloody thing with demonic possession. Our families had varying reactions to the film. Greg was falling in and out of sleep, while his parents on the other side of him were cringing at the film. My parents, who had grown up with horror films, seemed to be genuinely enjoying it, letting out little ohs and ahs when something interesting happened. Violet just stared at the screen with the indifference of a Gen Z child, typing away at her phone whenever the plot got too boring for her to handle.
It was only about forty minutes into the movie when Violet nudged my foot with hers and gestured towards the kitchen with her chin. Things had been back to normal between the two of us, the vulnerable night of sleeping by her side long forgotten. I was honestly thankful for the usual attitude. If she started treating me like some frail thing, I might have burst into tears. I had always prided myself on being a strong person, and I was obsessed with Violet and Lily seeing me in the same light. So when we had woken up the next morning, Violet with drool down her chin and my hair in a wild disarray, I wished she would say something normal.
I believe her exact words had been “Jesus, you have bad morning breath,” before she had promptly rolled over to face away from me.
Still, I followed her to the kitchen, Niall’s eyes on me questioningly when Violet and I walked away from the family. I shrugged my shoulders, unaware as to what Violet wanted as much as he was. Unlike Lily and Niall’s apartments, my childhood home had a kitchen separated by a thick wall, so maybe Violet wanted some advice on Selma and Eric and needed privacy. 
When we arrived to the kitchen, however, I did not expect the turn our conversation took.
Without saying anything, she walked to her purse and pulled out a slip of paper, handing it to me. 
“Am I supposed to know what this is?”
“It’s the health specialist at my university. She has a practice outside of the school, so I asked for her office number.”
I stared at it, a little more than confused. “Alright. Cool. What am I supposed to do with it?”
“She’s a psychologist.”
The paper suddenly felt like a weight in my hand. I gaped at her, mouth open like a fish as she stared at me, almost daring me to give it back to her. Which I tried to do almost instantaneously. “I don’t need this, Violet. Save it for someone who actually does.”
“Seeing a therapist isn’t a bad thing, Rose. She can help with the whole Kent thing. She’s been helping me a lot and I really like her, so I think you will too.”
“I’m sure she’s a wonderful lady, but I don’t need to see her.” I crossed my arm over my chest, only after setting the unwanted phone number on the countertop. “This was a little invasive of you.”
“It wasn’t invasive. It’s me trying to help. You’ve got some shit you need to deal with, as do I, and she can help. I mean, she’s no miracle worker, but it would be nice to talk to someone about what happened.”
My mouth went dry. “Violet, nothing happened. People have had it much worse than I have.” I thought about this morning, about Niall’s defeated face when he told me about the girl at the college. “He didn’t...he didn’t assault me or anything. He just made some lewd comments. It isn’t enough to see someone over, trust me.”
“Rose, you’re nearly twenty-five and you have to sleep with someone else in the room.”
I knew deep down that Violet was coming from a place of love, just like all her other jabs and pokes did. But this felt too personal for me to brush off. I had opened up to her that night at Lily’s, and she was throwing it back in my face. “You didn’t have to come into my room that night,” I said defensively, and I wondered if she could tell my voice was ten times icier than it had been before.
“I’m not trying to attack you or anything—”
“That’s what it feels like.”
Lily must have sensed that Violet and I in a kitchen alone would stir some trouble. She came in only seconds later, raising an eyebrow at the two of us. “Having a party in here without me?”
“I gave Rose the therapist’s number and she’s refusing to take it,” Violet commented. 
“Keep your voice down,” I hissed.
“You gave it to her in the middle of the Horan-Fairbrough family night?” Lily asked incredulously. I was happy that she seemed to be as confused as I was, but then her words actually caught up to me.
“You knew?” I asked, turning to face my big sister. “Did you tell her what a bad idea it was?” Lily looked at me, her lips pressed together in a thin line. When she didn’t speak for a few moments, I knew. Maybe it was stupid to feel the stab of betrayal, but I did. “You told her to do it.”
“She was mentioning how much her therapist has helped her with college and I thought it might be beneficial to you. I didn’t know she was going to give it to you during family night.”
Lily never went behind my back. About anything. She and I were always open books with one another. So hearing that she had gone out of her way to ask Violet do this made me feel like shit. “I thought you were fine with me staying at your place?” I couldn’t keep the childlike whine out of my voice. I had never thought that Lily disliked having me in her apartment, but maybe she did. Maybe she had asked Violet about this because she wanted to get rid of me.
“Of course I am, Rose! That’s not the point of this,” Lily was quick to assure me. “I just think talking about it might help.”
I felt like someone had just pulled the rug out from under me. They were asking me to see someone, like I was a giant burden. I would have expected this from Violet, who was always blunt and truthful, but I would have never expected it from Lily. Lily would have sat me down, brought it up, asked my opinions, and then let it go when it seemed like it was something I didn’t want. “Right. Well, I don’t think it will, so let’s drop it and go watch the rest of the movie.”
“Okay,” Lily said, reaching out to rub my shoulder comfortingly. “Yeah, we’ll go back out.”
“No,” Violet mentioned, her posture hard and defiant. “I’m not letting you walk back out there until you take the phone number. Lily may baby you about this, but I’m not going to.”
“Violet,” Lily chastised.
“You let her get away with so much shit, Lil. And then the one time we dare request she do something to help herself, you act like her word is final. You’ve got some serious shit going on, Rose. You need to let it out before it eats you alive.”
“Right now, all I need is to exit this conversation. A conversation, might I remind you, that our parents and Niall don’t know about,” I snapped angrily.
“What don’t I know about?”
Perfect. When I turned, Niall was standing in the kitchen, hip leaning against the counter with the empty bowl of popcorn in his hands. His hair was tousled, most likely from Theo running his fingers through it playfully earlier on in the dinner portion of the night, and he was wearing a flannel that looked soft to the touch. He also looked adorably confused at our conversation.
“Nothing, Ni,” Lily commented, sending a quiet look towards Violet to remind her to keep her mouth shut. Violet huffed impatiently, but luckily shut her mouth. “Need me to get more popcorn?”
“Yeah, Greg’s fat arse ate most of it.” Lily took the bowl from him and got another bag from the pantry, placing it in the microwave. “What are my favorite girls discussing?”
“Rose’s job,” Lily deflected, sending a blinding smile towards Niall, as if that was going to stop him from asking questions. “The hotel’s offering her a couple of free rooms and she was going to use them for our parents’ anniversary. She wanted it to be a surprise, so you can’t tell them, got it?”
“That’s sweet of you, Rosebud. I won’t tell them, promise.” 
“Thanks, Ni,” I breathed out. Violet rolled her eyes.
I knew this conversation was far from over. Violet was glaring at me and Lily was looking at me like she was apologetically about to burst into tears, but all I wanted to do was curl back up on the floor and finish the stupid movie. I knew there would be no more getting scared tonight, due to the fact that I wouldn’t be paying attention to the rest of the film, so I was safe from any nightmares I might have had about a possessed demon child. But the tension hung from the three of us like albatrosses, and it continued as we slowly made our way back to the living room.
“Need me to hold your hand again, Rosebud?” Niall joked. I mustered up a small smile, putting the popcorn bowl between us again. I ignored my sister as they sat back down, Lily for once not cuddling up to Niall’s side. He stared back and forth between the two of us. “Something wrong?” he whispered towards me.
“That wasn’t very convincing.”
“Drop it, Niall.”
He seemed taken aback by my shortness. His jaw ticked, a sure sign that I knew he was either embarrassed or annoyed, and nodded at me, leaning back against the couch. He didn’t look in my direction for the rest of the film, and while I felt shitty about being so snappish, I couldn’t bring myself to stop. My sisters had somehow ruined my night in one fell swoop.
There was a reason I didn’t talk about what happened at Barkley’s. On top of me being completely done with the situation emotionally, I was also incredibly embarrassed. How had I not noticed that Kent seemed to favor me simply because he thought I was cute? All of the times he had complimented my work ethic, made me feel like I was one of the best employees, and the consecutive months of being employee of the month (which wasn’t a feat because there were only three of us and the other three hardly made their goal sales), he had just been doing it because he wanted to have sex with me.
It made me feel useless.
And if there was one thing I hated most in the world, it was feeling useless.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered to Niall, trying to keep my voice soft so my parents wouldn’t overhear. “You caught me in a bad mood, and I shouldn’t take it out on you.”
“No,” he agreed, “you shouldn’t.” But he held up his palm, an invitation. I relaxed immediately, threading my fingers through his and cuddling up against his side. 
He didn’t let go the entirety of family night, his little reassurance that we were okay.
I was willing myself not to leave my bed. 
Like usual, I had woken up about three hours after falling asleep. The apartment was quiet and a little chilly, so cuddling up next to Lily’s side would have solved all my problems. But my head continued to revolve around the conversation with Violet and Lily, and now I felt like I was just going to be a burden if I went into her room and bothered her.
The ride back to the apartment from the Horan-Fairbrough family night had been quiet. Lily had kept the volume low so I could talk to her if I wanted to, but there hadn’t been anything to say. Knowing Lily as well as I did, I knew she was feeling guilty. But I couldn’t bring myself to talk about the night’s events with her.
Now, sitting alone in my bed, I wished I would have. 
I shifted my weight, moving so I was laying on my side and facing the door to my room. In the year that I’d been here, I’d made it my own. I had pictures and plants on my shelves, I had brought in a bookcase, and there was art hung on my walls with command strips so I wouldn’t have to put a nail through the wall. This room was my safe space, like nothing bad from the outside world could ever get me when I was in here.
Violet’s words rang in my head.
My hands were on my phone before I could really process what was happening. I scrolled through the Facetime app until I came across Niall’s information, clicking on the silly little photo I’d set as his contact photo. On bated breath, I waited for Niall to answer the phone call. I should have known better than to feel nervous. Niall was the type of guy to always answer, no matter what time of night it was.
Which was why I was staring into a grainy version of his bright blue eyes only seconds later.
“Rosebud,” he grumbled, groggy from sleep. His hair was mussed, his eyes half closed, and he was shirtless. I couldn’t see much because the blanket covered most of his chest, but I still grew a little warm. “What time is it?”
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, shaking my head, feeling incredibly foolish. “I shouldn’t have woken you up.”
There was something in the tone of my voice that had him sitting up, eyes opening a little wider. A cute yawn escaped his mouth, but he looked more awake than he had when he had initially picked up the phone. “Don’t be stupid,” he said softly, “what’s up?”
“Has...has Lily ever talked to you about not being happy I’m at her place?”
Niall’s eyebrows furrowed. “No. She loves having you there.”
“You don’t think I’m a...a burden?”
“Rosebud,” he said, and his voice was so soft and sweet that it made me want to cry. “You could never be a burden. Where is all of this coming from?”
The tears came faster than I thought they would. I hated crying in front of people. I could probably count on the fingers of one hand the amount of times I’d done it and all of them had been in front of Lily. Lily, who I knew wouldn’t judge me for it. Niall wouldn’t judge me either, of that I was sure, but I still felt like a stupid little kid when the first tear spilled over.
“God, Rose, please don’t cry. I can’t handle it when you cry.” At the look on my face, he let out a small laugh. “Not because you’re a burden, Rose. Just because seeing you cry honestly breaks my heart.”
“I’m sorry,” I managed to stutter out.
“Don’t be sorry, Rose. Just dry those big brown eyes and talk to me. What’s going on?” I couldn’t answer for a few moments, still trying to stifle my cries so I wouldn’t wake Lily up. I saw Niall start to move on his bed, before I heard his voice. “I’m coming over there.”
“No,” I said immediately, shaking my head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t call to bother you.”
“When are you going to get it through that thick head of yours that you aren’t a burden to me?” he asked, rolling his eyes. “I won’t come if you don’t want me to. But I’ve got to know what’s going on, Rosebud. You’re worrying me a little.”
Once I calmed my tears a little, I sniffled so I wouldn’t look like a complete fool with snot dripping down my nose. “In the kitchen earlier, Violet made a subtle dig that Lily might not like having me here. Like I’m a burden to have. I just...I know you know her better than anyone, and maybe she felt like she couldn’t share her real feelings with me. So I wanted to ask you and see if she’d said anything. You know Lily. she wouldn’t tell me to my face if that’s how she felt because she’s too nice.”
“She is too nice. But she wouldn’t lie to you about something like this, Rosebud. I know for a fact that she doesn’t hate having you there, though. You’ve got to know that.”
I nodded hopelessly, rolling my eyes at myself. “And I just feel so stupid because I can’t sleep unless I’m with someone. That’s why I asked you to stay at your apartment. The idea of sleeping alone terrifies me. But Violet has me paranoid that Lily doesn’t want me here, so I don’t want to wake her up and bother her.”
“Lily won’t mind,” Niall said softly. He was leaning back against his pillows. Sometime during my crying, he had turned on his lamp and basked in the soft yellow light. No one looked good in that awful yellow light, but somehow Niall managed. “But I could stay on the phone with you until you fall asleep, if you want,” he continued. 
“I don’t want you to pity me or think I’m pathetic, either.”
“Rose, I don’t think I’ve met anyone stronger. You take everything in stride and still have a smile on your face. It’s more likely that I’m going to be in complete awe of you.”
My breath caught in my throat, stuck in the center like I needed to swallow it down. His words filled me with the kind of reassurance and comfort I needed at this exact moment, and I sighed when the warmth of his words hit me. “You always know what to say, Niall.”
He laughed. “Not true. I feel like I’m a bumbling mess around you most of the time.”
Frowning, I shook my head. “You’re one of the most eloquent and well-spoken people I’ve ever met. I always value your opinions and advice.” I moved myself back against my pillows, laying on my side and propping my phone up on my nightstand so I didn’t have to hold it up while I conversed with Niall. “You’ll make someone a very happy girl someday.”
I saw the way his eyes softened, like he was lost in a memory. They were the color of the sky in the morning, right when the sun was rising and it was cast in a warm yellow glow. “I don’t know,” he said, raising a hand to the back of his neck. His cheeks, like they normally were when someone complimented him, were an endearing pink. “There’s...there’s really only one girl’s opinion I care about.”
I wanted to sit up straight and demand he tell me more, but I refrained. I knew that acting suddenly might spook him into not telling me. “I didn’t know you liked someone.”
“Like…” he trailed off, shaking his head and letting out a little laugh. It sounded like the word wasn’t sufficient enough for what he was feeling. “Yeah. Yeah, I like her.”
“Tell me about her,” I encouraged, my voice as soft as I could make it.
“You don’t want to hear about this, Rose.”
“I always want to hear about what’s going on in your life.”
He groaned, running his hand through his hair. “I shouldn’t have even said anything.”
“Don’t make me pull the Fairbrough puppy dog eyes.”
“Not the Fairbrough eyes,” he gasped dramatically, clutching his hand to his chest as the both of us let out small laughs. Then, he sobered up, his smile turning a little more soft and caring. “She’s great. Driven, strong, stubborn. She’s got this crazy loyalty to her family, like no other. And she’s probably the most gorgeous fucking girl I’ve ever seen in my life.”
He was describing Lily almost perfectly. I felt the smile growing on my face. As Lily’s sister who wanted the absolute best for her, I knew that Niall was it. He was kind, almost to a fault. He would never hurt her intentionally. The way he revered her...it was how I’d always wanted someone to look at me. “She sounds incredibly special.”
“She is.”
The question was burning on the tip of my tongue, begging to be asked. But these things took time. I didn’t want to scare him away from his feelings for Lily by discussing them, so I let the subject drop. “She’d better get ready to be a babysitter for Horan-Fairbrough family nights. I think Greg passed Theo onto me the second I walked through the door. How that man became a father, I’ll never know.”
He laughed, but there was something off about it, like he was disappointed in the subject change. “Must be because you’re so good with kids.”
“I’m shit with kids. Greg’s just fucking lazy.”
That seemed to bring the smile back to his face and he let out a chuckle that sounded like melted chocolate and sunshine and everything else good in the world. Lily would never be lacking in the husband department when she and Niall got married (because let’s be honest, it was an inevitability). He was the entire package, gifted in every area. He would be the kindest, the handsomest, the funniest. 
I didn’t expect the pang that went through me.
I’d always wanted what Niall and Lily had. The easy friendship and the fiery passion (I imagined there was fiery passion, I’d never personally seen it) and the desperate longing. I wanted someone to look at me the way they looked at each other and talk about me the way Niall talked about Lily now. It was how Patrick and Niamh looked at each other. It was how my mother and father looked at each other.
It felt so impossible, so far away for me, that it made my heart curl in my chest. 
“Tell me what’s going on in that head,” he whispered, and he must have thought I had fallen asleep by the look on my face. I blinked, giving him a soft smile.
“Just thinking.” I heard another voice, something grainy and staticy and narrowed my eyes. “Are you watching TV? I didn’t know my company bored you so much.”
Niall shrugged. “It’s Dawson’s Creek, Rosebud. You’d do the same thing.”
I laughed, snuggling up further against my pillows. “What episode?”
“The one where Joey and Pacey kiss for the first time.”
“Okay, but the car kiss or the fireside kiss?”
“The fireside, obviously.”
“That’s not technically their first kiss,” I pointed out.
“It’s the one that matters,” he countered. “Can you believe there are some idiots who would prefer Joey with Dawson?”
“The horror,” I agreed, rolling my eyes. “Say some of the lines for me so I know what’s going on.”
“I’m not going to talk over one of the best scenes in television history.” He took one glance at my pleading face and groaned. “I hate you, you know that?” 
“No you don’t. If it’s the fireside scene, I have this one memorized. You be Pacey and I’ll be Joey.”
He rolled his eyes, but turned back to the television. His voice came through just seconds after Pacey’s did. “The only reason that you don’t have the answers is because you’ve been too scared to ask yourself the right questions.” I recognized the line right away. 
“What are you talking about?” I replied, grinning when he gave me a look, as if asking do I really have to do this?
“Look!” he suddenly exclaimed, making me laugh and stifle it into my pillow so I didn’t wake up Lily. “I know how I feel. You know how I feel. That much is obvious by now. But during this whole process, we’ve managed to miss the point. Because the point is not how I feel, it’s how you feel. So how do you feel?”
“It’s so obvious she loves him back.”
“Oi! If I have to do the lines, you have to do the lines too.”
“Awful!” I copied his exaggeration and heard him chuckle. “That’s how I feel Niall—”
“We’re supposed to be Pacey and Joey!”
“I’m adding flair! That’s how I feel Niall, I feel awful.”
“So do I. When I was kissing you tonight, I don’t think I’ve ever felt better and worse in my entire life. I mean, the very idea that...who should be Dawson and Andy?”
“Patrick and Niamh.”
He raised a brow. “Hopefully Niamh and Patrick aren’t cheating on each other with the two of us.”
“Just finish it!”
“The very idea that Niamh or Patrick could find out about us is killing me. It is tearing me up on the inside to have these feelings for you, but I can’t get rid of them. I can’t keep on kissing you, Rose.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean just that. I can’t keep on kissing you. Alright, I’ve done it twice now! I can’t be the one who’s always initiating this. I can’t be the one who’s always giving you all the answers. Look at me, Rose.”
“Shit I forgot the next line.”
“What a shit Dawson’s Creek fan you are. I thought you knew all the lines.”
“Shut up,” I laughed, pausing the Facetime so I could look up the exact scene lines. “I can’t,” I said dramatically, finding the lines easily and returning to the Facetime so I could see Niall giving me a deadpan look. 
“Please,” he recited. I went to go find the script again but he protested. “You’re supposed to be looking at me! You’re not a very good Joey.”
“It’s your line anyway.”
“If you felt even one shred of what I feel for you...then we wouldn’t be standing here having this conversation.”
There wasn’t another line for me to reply with, as Pacey and Joey had finally kissed, so I looked at Niall with a grin on my face. He was staring at me, something unreadable in his eyes. I knew that our game of reciting lines was over in the way that his eyes burned and his mouth turned downwards at the corners. I wished more than anything that he was here so I could reach out and embrace him, reassure him that there was no possible way that Lily didn’t love him back. He didn’t have to be heartbroken anymore.
“Unrequited love is a bitch,” I said in a whisper.
“I thought you said it was obvious that Joey loved him,” he replied.
“It is. I just meant...in general. It’s a bitch. But we should still tell the people we love that we love them. Life’s too short.”
He swallowed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
It was silent between us. I didn’t ask Niall to recite any more lines and he didn’t ask me to join in. He just sat and watched his TV and I just sat and watched him. Eventually, my eyes slowly closed and I drifted off into sleep.
I heard him whisper a “goodnight, Rosebud,” before I completely fell.
I woke up, for the first time in the past year, alone in my bed. 
When my eyes opened, I blearily glanced at my clock. If waking up by myself hadn’t surprised me enough for one morning, then I would have been surprised at how late I had slept in. Most days I was up around the same time as Lily, since I could never go back to sleep if she started making lots of noise. Looking at my clock now, my eyes widened a little bit when I saw it was just four minutes past nine, which meant Lily and Niall had already been at work for an hour. 
I allowed myself only five minutes to stay cuddled in my blankets before I stood, rubbing my eyes and making my way to the kitchen. The coffee was still out, though it was probably cold. Since I usually didn’t eat much for breakfast, I just popped bread in the toaster and poured myself a cup, shoving it in the microwave to heat it up.
Since Lily and I hadn’t really gotten a chance to talk about what had happened, I regarded the little pink Post-It note with hesitance. I knew that she was apologizing. But I still felt a little sad. The betrayal and anger had left me last night, as I was falling asleep with Niall humming something in the background. I was still furious with Violet and probably would be for the foreseeable future, but it was hard to be mad at Lily when she meant so much to me.
Dinner on me tonight. We’ll hang out and talk. Stopping by the bundt cake place after work and getting white chocolate raspberry. Your fave!! Love you.
I set the note back on the counter and retrieved my cup of coffee. I didn’t have much to do today since it was one of my days off, but I felt too antsy to stay in the house. Deciding to get ready for the day and see where it took me, I headed back towards my room with my plate and coffee cup in my hand.
I wondered how Niall was doing. Today was the day that they were meeting with the dean to discuss the expulsion status of the sexual assaulter. Knowing him, he would be incredibly stressed and worried about the whole ordeal. 
Which was why I found myself standing in the donut shop thirty minutes later.
“Rose!” The owner, Matilda, said. She was a larger woman with pretty dark skin and incredibly white teeth. “Nice to see you. Day off?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“You here for Lily and Niall’s favorites?” 
“Just Niall today. I’ll get four of his favorites. He’s meeting with the dean at his job about a student and I thought he could use the pick me up.”
Matilda grinned at me. “You are too sweet. Niall’s lucky to have you.”
“I’m the lucky one,” I responded. And it was true. I was so incredibly lucky to have Niall in my life.
She walked back towards the display cases, grabbing a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting donut, sprinkled with coconut shavings. Niall could devour three of them in a minute. As she loaded up the to-go box with the donuts, she added in a maple bar for me. “How long have y’all been together?”
It took me a moment to process her question. I blinked at her, giving her a confused smile. “Oh, Niall and I aren’t together. He’s in love with my sister, Lily.”
Matilda’s eyebrows drew together in confusion. “No shit? I could have sworn he was all moon-eyed over you. When you used to come in here with him back when you in school, he would stare at you with the most adorable look on his face.”
I laughed. “Knowing him, he was looking longingly at the donut I was holding. He and Lily are soulmates. Our whole family has a bet on when they’re going to get together.”
She handed me the box, accepting the tenner I passed over the counter. “You know, my David just got married. Nice girl. They moved to New York, so they’re too far away, but I just found out she’s pregnant.”
“Grandma Matilda. It’s got a ring to it,” I joked. 
“I could have sworn he was going to end up with his childhood friend, Zoe. They did everything together when they were younger. They’re still super close. In fact, she and Clarissa, the new wife, hit it off. Zoe was the maid of honor.” I didn’t really realize the point of her story, but I didn’t care. I could listen to Matilda talk for ages. She was just someone you wanted to listen to. “If I had made bets on Zoe and David, I would have lost.”
“I might lose because of the timing,” I countered, shuffling with the change she handed me, “but they’re definitely getting together.”
Matilda shooed me out of the shop with a wave of her hand and a threat that if I didn’t come visit her soon, she’d drag me out of the apartment by herself. I just grinned and got another Uber to take me to the college. 
Niall’s coworkers knew Lily like the back of their hands. They were always wondering who it was that Niall was taking out to lunch. However, they didn’t know me. Which was why when I walked into the athletics building of the college and asked to see Niall, the secretary looked at me a little strangely. 
“Sure,” she said hesitantly, like she didn’t think Niall knew anyone else besides Lily. “Just fill out this sign-in sheet and let me print you out a visitor sticker.” I filled out the sheet and handed it back to her. The second she saw my last name, she understood. “Oh. Fairbrough. You Lily’s sister?”
“He might still be in the meeting with the dean, but feel free to wait in his office. If he is still in the meeting, it won’t be long. Ten minutes tops.”
Offering my thanks, I made my way through the building. It was decorated with sports jerseys from the college, as well as professional jerseys. I realized I had never been in Niall’s office before, so when I walked in, I was a little surprised to see how open and spacious it was. Obviously I didn’t think he worked in a tiny little cramped space, but there were large windows on one wall and his desk only took up a quarter of the room, meaning he still had a good amount of space for filing cabinets and things of the like. I sat in one of the chairs on the opposite side of the desk, admiring the pictures and little knick knacks that littered his space. Just like in his room, the frame he had next to his computer had pictures of he and his family and my sisters and I. 
The door opened and slammed shut. Niall hadn’t noticed me yet, but he was pinching the bridge of his nose and looked like he had the headache of the century. I heard him let out a tiny curse before he opened his eyes and all anger melted away from his face, leaving only confusion.
“Rose?” he asked softly, like I was a figment of the imagination.
“Hi Niall!” I greeted cheerily, ignoring how wrong it felt when he didn’t call me Rosebud. “I brought donuts.”
He ignored the proffered white box, instead marching forward with purpose and wrapping his arms around me. A surprised grunt left my mouth, but he clutched me like I was a lifeline and I immediately wrapped my arms around his back. I let him cling to me, sensing it was something he needed. Honestly, I probably needed it too. It was nice to be held and know that Niall wanted to keep me safe from any harm.
“That bad?” I whispered into his shoulder.
“They had us talk to the girl afterwards. She had a meltdown. It was horrifying to watch.” His grip on my waist tightened.
“I figured it would be bad. I brought donuts,” I said again, weakly. 
“Don’t need donuts,” he stated, “just need you.”
“I’m here.”
I couldn’t begin to fathom the moments we stood there, just gripping onto one another. Occasionally, his hand would move from my waist to my hair, tangling there and drawing me even closer, like he couldn’t believe I was there. My forehead pressed into his shirt, a pretty lilac color. One of the many things I loved about Niall was that he wasn’t afraid to wear color. The purple soothed me a little bit, even though I hadn’t come into his work wanting to be soothed.
Eventually, he pulled away. His eyes were red and he looked on the verge of tears. “What’re you doing here?” he asked gruffly, his voice low from emotion.
I reached out and grabbed his hand, not wanting the contact between us to end. He laced our fingers together immediately. “I knew today would be tough. And you were so supportive and...there for me last night that I wanted to do the same for you.”
“You don’t have to pay me back for last night, Rose. I wanted to.”
“And I wanted to help today,” I argued, shoving the box of donuts at him once more. He smiled and took them. “Matilda has threatened to come hunt us down if we don’t come in more often.”
“I don’t need to be seeing Matilda on a daily basis unless she wants to roll me out of the building.” He sat at his desk, across from me, and dug into his donuts. I wondered if he had been too nervous to eat anything that morning, despite the fact that Lily made them breakfast. 
“I realized I’ve never been in your office,” I commented as he ate. “I love it. It’s bigger than I expected.”
“Yeah, it’s a pretty decent setup. I can give you a tour of the campus later, if you’d like.”
 I nodded enthusiastically. Though I’d known Niall nearly all my life, I’d never really been around the campus he worked at. I’d been once or twice for a class that they offered when spots at my own college were limited, but that was it. 
He reached into the  box and handed me my maple bar, along with a couple of napkins so I wouldn’t get his desk sticky. We ate in comfortable silence, him looking over some documents and me just enjoying being in his presence. Once I had taken my last bite and he had shuffled his papers around, he cleared his throat and gestured towards the door.
“C’mon, we’ve got a pretty decent coffee place and I know the pot was probably cold when you woke up. Microwaved coffee is shit.”
“It was fine.” I shrugged. I hadn’t minded it that morning, more focused on my plan to comfort Niall. 
“Bullshit,” he said, giving me a grin that for some reason did weird things to my heart. Holding out his hand, I laced our fingers together as he led us out of his office. The secretary’s eyes nearly popped out when she saw us together, leaning over to whisper something quickly to a coworker that was sitting at the front desk. It made me a little uncomfortable, but Niall pulled me along quickly so I didn’t have time to dwell.
The college was gorgeous. I could admit that. It was even prettier than the own college I attended. When Violet had been applying for colleges, this had been one of her main contenders because of how gorgeous it was. Ultimately, it didn’t have a veterinarian program like the college I attended. Therefore, she was at my alma mater. Still, as Niall pointed things out with the hand that wasn’t holding mine, I made sure to comment on how pretty the layout of it was.
“Hey, Mr. H!” I heard someone shout when we started walking towards the little coffee stand outside of one of the buildings. Niall blushed a little at being called “mister” in front of me; it was as endearing as every other time he blushed when he was complimented. The kid walking towards us waved his hand enthusiastically.
“What’s up, Jordan?” Niall asked, grasping Jordan’s hand and pulling him into that guy hug I’d seen him do many times before to his brother. “Aren’t you supposed to be in Styles’ class right now?”
Jordan was a muscular kid with shoulder-length brown hair and pretty dark brown eyes. “Nah, he cancelled today. My girlfriend and I were going to get some coffee and then see a movie. She’s technically got Payne in twenty minutes, but they’re just doing an optional extra credit quiz.” I saw his eyes wander over to me, wondering who the girl with Mr. H was.
“Jordan, this is my friend, Rose. Rose, this is Jordan. He’s probably one of the best baseball players this college has seen in a while.”
I didn’t know shit about baseball, but I smiled. “Nice to meet you, Jordan.” His hand engulfed mine comically when he shook it. “I’ll give you a tenner if you call him Mr. H again. He got so red.”
Jordan laughed. “We call him Mr. H until he tells our coaches to push us harder. Then we call him names behind his back.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Niall said, waving off Jordan’s comments. “What are you and Poppy getting? I’ll buy.”
“Mr. H, you don’t have to!”
“It’s pointless arguing with him,” I told Jordan, shrugging. “I usually just relish in the free stuff.”
Jordan laughed. “In that case, just a vanilla latte and a caramel macchiato.”
Niall didn’t bother asking me for my order, since he knew how I took my coffee. He stepped forward to the cart to order, leaving Jordan and I a little ways back. “So, what’re you studying?” I asked Jordan.
“Kinesiology,” he responded. I was impressed. I could never get into the big sciences. “You?”
“Graduated a couple years back with a business major and marketing minor.”
“Cool. You’re lucky to be such good friends with Mr. H. He’s one of the nicest guys I’ve met. Told me he’d give me a letter of recommendation for my masters program in the fall.”
“Sounds like him,” I agreed. And it did. Niall wouldn’t hesitate to help his athletes. Plus, I imagined for Jordan’s sake that a letter of recommendation from the athletics director of the school was nothing to scoff at. 
Niall returned with our coffee, handing Jordan his two drinks. “We’ve got to take off, but come visit me sometime, yeah? Have fun with Poppy.”
“Thanks, Mr. H. I’ll see you later.”
Jordan walked off, leaving the two of us to enjoy our coffee as we made our way through the courtyard of the school. “You really make an impact in these students’ lives.”
He shrugged. “A lot of directors are removed from the teams. They let the coaches do all the work. I want to be involved in the careers of the athletes. Feel like I helped them in some way.”
I grinned, taking his hand and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He squeezed me into his side. “You help everyone in every way. It’s pretty much impossible to meet you and not be affected in the best of ways.”
That blush came again and I smiled at the sight of it. “You’ve got to stop complimenting me. It’ll all go to my head.”
He wasn’t expecting the shove, but after he finished being dramatic about how I could have killed him, he wrapped his arm around me again and I caught him smiling.
I realized I hadn’t thought of the situation with Kent, my lackluster job, or my sisters once.
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sokayisaidiot · 4 years
#Longer than Forever Au
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Tubbo is sick since he was born. And soon he will Die. Imprisoned in a Hospital he wants to do the things he dreamed of.                                                   Tommy is bored, being a troublemaker, he wants a big adventure. He comes to visit his adopted Father Phil, who had a little accident with his other brothers Techno and Wilbur. He didn't expect to meet the sick lonely boy Tubbo. 
Shocked, for that faith, that awaits Tubbo, he takes Tubbo, the credit card of his family, some of the coolest Nerfguns and his most fast bike, to do the impossible...
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he is a known class clown, troublemaker and fight starter in school
likes playing video games
has good grades, despite not even paying attention at school
got adopted with Wilbur and Techno when he was around 5
always has the needs to mess himself with everybody
got his necklace from Wilbur and the earring from Techno
you see him in this outfit probably every day, since he says its defining his character
has the sass from Techno
would give everything to make his small family proud
played Soccer for some years, but went off the team, when they started bickering him
Techno, Wilbur and Phil had a talk with those kids parents the next day
wanted to change the color of his hair too, but Wilbur stopped him at the last second
has a bike with a bee bell
can listen to rules, but doesn't
cuts the hair of Tubbo and gives his family old clothes to him
pizza is probably his most favorite thing to eat
knows the country like his pockets
got super protective of Tubbo
has a longlasting sickness that will kill him in a week or two
has a older Brother called Clay, but Calls him Clay
always asks if someone is gay
gets the necklace of Tommy
Tommy told him it was to make sure, that they were always together
loves hugs and gives plenty
always positive, despite dying in a week or so
has a way of making friends with everybody
but still can be badass as hell
when he and Tommy get into a argument, he rans away and gets an asthma attack. He is uncioncess when Tommy finds him in Panic. Tommy took care of Tubbo and both hugged each other for good 10 minutes
since then, Tommy is always by Tubbos side and refuses to leave him for the rest of the time
when he saw Tommys earring and said, that he wanted a earring too, Tommy took his arm and went to the next piercing store
never takes the clothes of, that Tommy first gave him
went from Strangers, to good friends to best friends with Tommy
Tommy was very happy to have a “younger Brother”
thanks to Tommy, he also learned swimming, car driving and how to bake finished pizza
already met Techno, Wilbur and Philza at the hospital, when they went on a check on
was surprised to see Tommy climbing outside of his hospital window, to get him in the night
cried when he saw his first fireworks and ocean view
loves the bee on Tommys bike
middle Brother of Wilbur and Tommy
loves his brothers to the death and went into many fights for them
but sometimes causes them
has a love for growing potatoes, so for his 16 birthday, Philza and the boys got him a little farmpot
he sometimes makes potatoes for Family dinner
Wilbur said, he can't see potatoes anymore
actually becomes a teacher
knows Dream, Eret, George and the others from High School and still has contact with them
can and WILL tease Tommy about his height and age
takes a liking to Tubbo
helps Tommy and Tubbo going on their adventure without them knowing it
goes on extra jobs, telling his high school friends to help them, packing some obvious stuff extra in Tommys Backpack to survive and taking care, that his other Family members don't get crazy
was adopted at the age of 6
the oldest son, but one with the most worries and not calming thoughts, while Tommy and Tubbo are on their adventure
first tries to stop those two, but then letting those two live Tubbo´s final moments together
was adopted with Techno at the same time
he found Tommy when him and Techno went grocery shopping in the rain. They saw a boy in alley way on the age of 5. Techno and him tried to talk to him and when the boy hissed at the Techno simply picked him up, threw him over his shoulder and walked home with him. When Philza tried to greet them, he was met with a hissing and kicking boy, red and purple marks all over his body. They agreed to adopt his boy. When they first meet his parents, all of them were full of rage. But Wilbur was the first and only one to punch in that meeting
he loves music and on special holidays, he gives a little concert
has a hate-love relationship with potatoes
goes to a University to study music
was the fastest one to trust Philza
got his guitar with the age of 7 for his birthday and couldn't stop crying for an hole hour
happy but tired dad of three chaotic demons
went to various conventions with his sons
telling other parents how much nerds his kids were, but isn't really better
is the father to watch anime
got his sons to watch Bleach completely with him, they fell asleep after a while, but Philza insisted that they watched it
goes to every parent meeting and either brags or protects his kids
makes tournaments with his sons friends
basically every friend of his sons or child he sees, he adopts it
has Dad puns ready and WILL use them
was concerned with Tommy disappearing but greatly understand the reason I´with it
still grounded Tommy with watching an Anime with him
there aren't many ways to make him angry, but when he's angry, he's angry
Supports his children in every way he can
Cried by every theater where his kids played with, even if there were just the trees or musican
has the best advice for everybody
wanted to adopt Tubbo the moment he met him
has a shop called, “24 for Philza” and he lives with the boys over on the apartment
Tommys older brother
a police men in training with Sapnap
comes visit Tubbo every weekend with his boyfriend George
taught Tubbo, Tommy and Techno sass
he learned the sass himself from George
wears a ring as a necklace
wants to ask George to marry him
Tried to stop Tubbo and Tommy and almost went through with it
“bullies” Tommy
but has a close relationship with their family
can hunt like a wolf, but otherwise can't hurt a fly
Tommy learned through him, to take care of his precious stuff
trusts Tommy his brothers life on
is very caring and a little overprotective 
killed a men one time with the help of techno, when someone tried to kill George and Tommy, while a raid in a store
you want to mess with him, you need your testament ready
rival of techno
boyfriend of Dream
is a journalist
loves Tubbo and taught him to be more confident
also promised to make an article about him, when they finished their adventure
helped Tommy and Tubbo escape to their rest of the journey
knows that Dream wants to propose to him
helped Tommy and his family, when someone tried shit talking their store, when he wrote a whole article about “24 for Philza being the best store in town”
officially the “better and more intelligent” part of Dream
always visits Tommys family with Dream
they already agreed of making Tommy flower boy and lost his parents so Philza will be walking him down the aisle
when Tubbo was four and his first night alone in the hospital, George gave Tubbo a plush Bee, since then he had a love and fascination with Bees
only one to keep his boyfriend in place
has a motorcycle and helped Tubbo and Tommy on a part of their journey
loves to make Tommy angry
best man to Dream next to Techno
got Tubbo to watch all the different movies and teacher him about cuss words as well as punching
also learns to be a police men
was a part of the journey group for a while
made many pictures of Tubbo and Tommy
can and will beat anyone up, who is talking shit about the Philza family
wears a bandana with the argument, that he is always ready for a fight
was the one to teach Tommy how to ride a bike
trusts everybody with their life and has some outside connections
Badboyhalo & Skeppy:
22 & 20
a couple who is married and lives on the beach
they don't tell anybody, that Tommy and Tubbo were in a guest room in there house, since they have connections to their family
know Tommy, from when he was younger
Skeppy loves to make fun and Bad scolds sometimes, but he also, is giggling
they have various pets, since they live on a farm
found Tommy and Tubbo sleeping one morning on the beach and invited them in and Tommy remembered them
Skeppy had a similar sickness to Tubbo, but survived
they were the first once to get postcards
Tommy is calling them Uncle´s lovely, even if he says, because there so old
told Tommy when they both could go and washed their clothes for them again
just your average business man
a old friend of Wilbur
found the boys wandering in the city lost and gave them something to eat
immediately befriended Tubbo and Tommy muttered something from betrayal
gave the boys two of his sunglasses and train tickets for the rest of their journey
promised Tubbo to come with sunglasses to his funeral, which he nodded along, laughing sadly
boy from the village, where they went watching Fireworks
got them a place in his tree house
spent the rest three days with the two boys
showed them around in the village
wasn't by Tubbos side, when he died, since he didn't know
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Tommy cut Tubbos hair, saying he didn't need to look like rapunzel
Tommy played various pranks on Tubbo, but getting angry, when Tubbo finds it nice
Tubbo and Tommy went at least 5 times to McMonalds or Gurger King for Tubbo to get the taste, what he missed out
they Day when the fireworks came, was Tubbos Birthday, when he saw them he cried. It would be one of the last things he would see in his life
when it was time, Tubbo laid in Tommys lap and looked up in the sky
Tubbos last words were:
“Thank you for this nice Birthday gift. I never could ask for more than you as my best Friend”
then he closed his eye and took his last breath. Tommy just managed a tearful grin, when he said: “Me too, thank you, Double Trouble forever”. Those were the last words Tubbo heard
he still smiled when he died
when the other villager saw Tommy and Tubbo one recognized them and the police as well as the ambulance was called
Tommy went with Tubbo on the ambulance, despite Tubbo being dead
when most of his family and friends arrived they all hugged him. All of them cried
Tommy refused to leave Tubbos body for the first four hours and just with long talking, they got him home
at home he didn't got in any problems, just a quick clap on the head and then a hug from all of them
they told how brave and die it was of him, to give Tubbo his own decisions in his life 
On Tubbos funeral, everything he loved the most, was in his coffin: The white Bandana of Sapnap, the sunglasses of Eret, Fundys fox mask, their selfie of Badboyhalo, Skippy, Tommy and himself, the article George wrote about him and his journey, Dreams mask, Technos and Wilburs earring and necklace on his body, the hat of Philza and Tommys bee bell
he wore the clothes he first wore, when the adventure started
the funeral was pretty small and depressive but then came Tommy with his talk about Tommy (maybe another post, if ya wanna)
then when he came back to school, Tommy stood up for children with deadly diseases and became the next year school representation...
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fruitbur · 4 years
(bursts into inbox) thAT ASK MEME WITH ALL THE OCS U TAGGED (or just pick and choose but i genuinely would love to know all of them if u want afhdsgjsdhdjd) - darkwarfy
i'm going to start with the easy ones and end with the ones i haven't even talked about to you.
Full Name: Aaron Cupid Williams
Gender and Sexauilty: Male (trans) and Demisexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Ethnicity/Species: Tribrid of Fae, WARLOCK, and Demon.
Birthplace and Birthdate: His birthplace is unknown to HIM so therefore it won't be stated. he was born on Halloween but the year is also unknown.
Guilty Pleasures: Dancing and Singing. his mother never allowed him to do anything fun when he lived with her (besides reading) so he hides that side of him.
Phobias: Spiders, water, and the dark.
What They Would Be Famous For: besides being the only one of his kind? his singing, there is just something about it.. i wonder what?
What They Would They Be Arrested For: destroying prisons and freeing wrongly captured supernaturals.
OC You Ship Them With: No one, Red is too young to date throughout most of the stories he is in.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Iris (his mom) or Icarus
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Favorite movie would be Shark Boy and Lava Girl, he loves kids movies. Book genre is sci-fi or adventure stories.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: For movies it has to Coraline and book cliche is the hero or hero's lover/bestfriend dying for the greater good.
Talents and/or Powers: Talents would be as i said before his dancing and singing. his powers? jesus Red has a LOT. He can do basic magic, he can light himself on fire in a blue magic flame before it spreads around himself. telepathy, teleportation, and "invisibility" (that's more lore stuff) not really a power but he can control his appearance (his was born with baby blue skin and light purple hair but his mother taught him to hide that side to blend in with humans) he has a ribbon spell that he can call them to wrap his wrists and his controls them (i.e pulling and wrapping up his targets) he has another spell that does the same thing called flower power (this with rose vines) that he uses to hurt someone if need be. okay this is getting too long but he has more.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He is such a sweet kid and lights up the rooms he is in. you can't help but love him.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Red can be a little troublemaker and cause chaos for fun. which gets annoying when shit goes down.
How They Change: Red always thought he was just a weapon, a tool for a war that was never coming. as he grows up and lives on his own with Angel, he changes to be someone full of love for not just others, but himself.
Why You Love Them: Red was my first ever OC. He has been through so much changes and growth and i think i finally love him as he is now.
Angel - (i'm gonna shorten the questions so this doesn't get too long)
Full Name: Nope- that's lore and i wanna tell you that Later.
Gender: Female (Trans), Lesbian.
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: loosely based on the mayans, a necromancer, and a clockwork angel necklace.
Birthplace: Her village in that universe's Tulum. Birthdate... she's existed for over 2000 years, who knows how old she is truly.
Guilty Pleasures: Gardening and painiting.
Phobias: the water. just- the water.
Famous For: bringing the dead back to life with ease.
Arrested For: Killing witches who mess with Red.
OC Shipped: I ship her with Niko, two crazy girls who just want bodies.
OC Murder: Iris again, or Lexi (not doing her, she isn't too important rn)
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: she doesn't watch movies that often because she is ya know.. trapped. but when Red can watch something other than kids movies, Angel finds herself loving romance movies, hasn't picked a favorite yet. Books though? cook books! she enjoys learning about food even though she can't eat.
Least Favorite: Horror, just like Red. or anything with water. nothing against mermaids or wildlife, but she's seen enough of the sea for 10 lifetimes at least. Cliche would be evil necromancers, screw that.
Talents: Her painting are to die for. powers??? now this is going to be fun. Angel can bring back the dead, use her magic to move things and grab people. over the course of her time trapped, she has learned how to possess whomever wears her, which leads to some fun beat downs with both Red and Angel working as a single unit. oh did i mention Angel really loves to mess around with blood magic? she was the only one who was able to master it before the witches attacked.
Love Them: Someone would love her becauss how passionate and nurturing she is. also because she enjoys cracking jokes in the safety of the clockwork during the WORST of times.
Hate Them: the witches hated her for her powers and that she was "sick" in the head for enjoying blood magic.
How They Change: Angel had to learn to live as a soul for so long, slowly forgetting what it means to be a living person, that has to be bad for her mental health.
Love Them 2: Angel has become one of my favorites because of how much i've put thought into who she is.
Niko -
Name: she still hasn't came up with a last name, might just take Angel's :)
Gender and Sexuality: Nonbinary and pansexul
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Biracial, Japanse and Guyanese, a life sized Drawing Mannequin.
Birthplace: a black market factory that makes life sized objects to be used by witches. Birthdate, before 2016, at least.
Guilty Pleasures: ripping the skin off of witches for shit and giggles. oh and grooming dogs!
Phobias: none, nothing phases her.
Famous for: her spine chilling laugh.
Arrested for: all the murders she's done, that is, if she was ever caught.
OC Shipped: Angel of course.
OC Murder: any and all witches, Lexi, Syd.
Favorite Movie/Book: nope and nope! too busy living in the moment to sit down in one place, besides not have real hands. so the next question is useless.
Talents: is flawlessly ripping skin off of a living person a talent? Niko would say so. besides just living, Niko can change her shape into any type of doll/mannequin drawing or otherwise to hide in stores.
Love Them: she is a funny gal! creepy as shit but loyal once you've gained her trust.
Hate Them: "she. skins. people." -Syd at least 20 times.
How They Change: goes from a manic doll to a somewhat a stable person with the power of lOvE.
Love Them 2: She is perfect for Angel and that's enough for me.
Trinity -
Name: Trinity Wither Lakes
Gender: Female, Bisexual.
Pronouns: she/her.
Eithnicity/Species: Biracial, Polynesian, and African American. Werewolf and Siren.
Birthplace: Kaneohe, Hawaii. 3/17/1999.
Guilty Pleasures: Running in the woods in the middle of the night.
Phobias: being half wolf, she fears anything with silver, oh and blood.
Famous for: her speed.
Arrested for: graffiti and other forms of vandalism.
OC Shipped: Abigail. (not doing her either, sorry!)
OC Murder: Lexi, Raph, her grandparents.
Favorite Movie: Twilight and The Twilight Saga. she loves quoting the movies and books to piss everyone off, making it her favorites. Cliche would enimes to lovers.
Least Favorite: The Princess Bride, she just doesn't Get It. Cliche would be anything with angry werewolves or evil sirens. "we aren't your tropes, humans" -Trinity everytime she reads or watches something with a sexy but evil siren.
Talents: all the perks of being wolf and siren, nothing to add really.
Love Them: she is headstrong and makes for a good leader for a rebellion.
Hate Them: too loud, doesn't back down from a fight. will not shut up if someone is wronging her in public.
Change: she goes from the sheltered girl from her family's home in California to the loud rebel in Texas.
Love Them 2: Trin is like me, i don't know when to quit. if someone wrongs me i will scream it from the roof tops before i let them get away with it.
Syd -
Name: Syd Brimstone Lockwood
Gender: Female, Bisexual.
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Caucasian, human.
Birthplace: Boston, Massachuestts. 4/20/1999
Guilty Pleasures: shitty reality tv, she lives for the drama. also magic, she has always been skeptical of the existence of magic so she spends much of her time researching and tracking down sightings of magic usage.
Phobias: None that i can think of.
Famous for: her deadpan delivery and humor/her resting bitch face.
Arrested for: stalking "known" supernaturals.
OC Shipped: Ainsel.
OC Murder: anyone who she follows would kill her, mainly Lexi or Raph though.
Favorite Movie: IT (2017) or a Purge movie. favorite cliche would be any boring, human trope. so like a coffee shop au.
Least Favorite: Harry Potter (okay she really enjoys the third one but she'd never admit it), cliche, would be magic. (she doesn't hate it, just that she doesn't believe.)
Talents: breaking and entering. "that's a fucking talent and you know it, Ains! i've never been caught in my life." -Syd. she is human so no powers.
Love Them: over protective of the ones she loves. would fight anyone to save Ainsel and she'd win.
Hate Them: her skepticism makes it hard for her to make friends and tears groups apart.
Change: after she meets a certain someone, she finally lets go of her overbearing skepticism and borderline hatred.
Love Them 2: i just love her character.
Ainsel -
Name: Ainsel Raven James
Gender: Female (Trans), Asexaul.
Pronouns: she/her.
Ethnicity/Species: African American (she has albinism), human.
Birthplace: Middletown, New York. 5/18/2002.
Guilty Pleasures: painting on herself, walking in the rain with no umbrella.
Phobias: fire. "You can't control it Sy-Sy!!! what if you drop that match huh?! we could go up in flames! i don't want to burn away!"
Famous For: her looks, or her happy go lucky nature.
Arrested For: Jay walking to get away from a monster or someone chasing her and Syd.
OC Shipped: Syd.
OC Murder: Lexi or Raph.
Favorite Movie: Tangled. Cliche, a happy ending.
Least Favorite: Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Cliche, a dog dying.
Talents: Her impeccable timing, always seeming to get Syd out of trouble before she is caught. "Nuh uh! none of that miss "breaking and entering!"" -Ainsel. Again a human so no powers.
Love Them: her optimism and acceptance of magic and the supernatural. how she loves everyone so fiercely and stands for what is right.
Hate Them: how happy and full of light she seems to be.
Change: She starts to stick up for herself more and learns how to fight back.
Love Them 2: i love how happy she is, i want to be that comfortable in my own skin like her.
Sebastain -
Name: Sebastain A. Montague
Gender: Male, Aromantic, Asexaul.
Pronouns: he/him.
Ethnicity/Species: Caucasian, Vampire and Sorcerer.
Birthplace: Venice, Italy. 7/25/1462
Guilty Pleasures: Ballroom Dancing. Drinking straight from the pulse.
Phobias: the sun, even if he can walk in the daylight.
Famous For: his charm and "naturally" good looks.
Arrested For: a string of murders in the east coast of the US.
OC shipped: no one, the only thing close to a relationship he has is his friendship with Red long into the future.
OC Murder: Syd tries, but she finds it's hard to kill something already dead.
Favorite Movie: he has lived for so long, he finds his memories are better than what you'll find in those picture shows. he does enjoy reading poems by Edgar Allan Poe or any of Dickinson's works. (skipping the next question)
Talents: Dancing and cooking. Powers, compulsion (vampire mind control), and the basic skillsets a sorcerer has.
Love Them: his charm, though their love is misplaced, is appreciated.
Hate Them: he is a world class bastard who knows how to use his charms to get what he wants, you.
Change: He learns to be nicer to people and not view them as just a food source.
Love Them 2: he is one cocky bastard but i wouldn't trade him for any other bitch out there.
Irri -
Name: Iradeseca the Faithful
Gender: Genderfluid, pansexual. (in a poly relationship).
Pronouns: any, but mainly goes by she/her.
Ethnicity/Species: she's.. she's an alien boss. (oqjsgsyisha) anyways she is from a race called The Marked Ones. i'll tell you all about them soon. Irri is of the Shifter classification, and is the last pure blood shifter left.
Birthplace: their (the girlfriends/partners) home planet, in the palace of the shifters. (no date because lore reasons, this will be the same for her girlfriends.)
Guilty Pleasures: her partners 😏
Phobias (more like fears): explosions, drowning, losing her girlfriends.
Famous For: her shifting ability.
Arrested For: well... L O R E
OC Shipped: Betrix, Calenni, and Desa.
OC Murder: lore
They are aliens, so i'm skipping these questions.
Talents: her speed. she is a shifter, so she can shape shift into her true form (a ice fox) and into her more humanesque form. (having two arms and two legs)
Love Them: her mysterious but gentle presence
Hate Them: her special skill and the fact she is dating Calenni and Desa in particular.
Change: Irri changes from being controlled by an oppressive regime.
Love Them 2: She is my second oldest oc, she will always have a special place in my heart.
Betrix -
Name: The Stoic Betrix
Gender: Genderfluid, pansexaul. (in a poly relationship)
Pronouns: she/her or he/him.
Ethnicity/Species: The Marked Ones, Bender classification.
Birthplace: on their home planet, in a abandoned temple of the benders.
Guilty Pleasures: smiling and being happy.
Phobias: being alone and losing his girlfriends.
Famous For: her calm, unphased demeanor.
Arrested For: same reason as Irri and Desa.
OC Shipped: Irri, Calenni, and Desa.
Talents: being able to take everything thrown at him without saying a word (punches, kicks, fire, etc etc). bending people in half without moving a muscle. being a bender means she can bend spaces and minds with no difficulty, leading him to control the person's mind.
Love Them: No matter what happens to her, Betrix always gets back up with twice the amount of power and the same amount of complaints, zero. a man of little words unless he is with his partners.
Hate Them: WHY WON'T SHE STAY DOWN? STOP FIGHTING ALREADY!!! dating Calenni and Desa
Change: Betrix learns how to open up more and use her words because she is allowed to speak.
Love Them 2: She is a badass. who needs to speak when you can just knock the asshole over with one push.
Calenni -
Name: Calenni the Creative
Gender: Genderfluid and pansexual. (in a poly relationship)
Pronouns: she/her and sometimes called they/them by Betrix.
Ethnicity/Species: The Marked Ones, Creator classification.
Birthplace: On their home planet, on her family's estate.
Guilty Pleasures: being taken care of, not always the one leading things.
Phobias: bugs, filith, losing her partners.
Famous For: looking like a flower or a tiny pixie creature.
Arrested for: nothing because of lore reeasons
OC Shipped: Irri, Betrix, and Desa.
OC Murder: lore.
Talents: everything she creates is one of a kind and priceless. She is a creator so she is able to make whatever comes to mind with just a tap of her fingers. and is always changing how she appearance due to creating new shapes and forms.
Love Them: she speaks out against what was happening with the creators and risked her lives for her partners, nearly dying for them.
Hate Them: didn't sit back and be the little princess she was supposed to.
Change: learned how to be independent while being able to depend on her loves.
Love Them 2: Calenni said eat the rich even if that means eat me too.
Desa -
Name: Desa the Kind
Gender: Genderfluid and pansexual (in a poly relationship)
Pronouns: any but mainly she/her.
Ethnicity/Species: The Marked Ones, Destroyer classification.
Birthplace: on their home planet, in the woods far away from civilization.
Guilty Pleasures: creating stuff!!! being able to just live and feel love and acceptance.
Phobias: destroying the ones she loves. being alone, losing her partners.
Famous For: being understanding and not judgmental.
Arrested for: lore- but also just for being caught with Calenni.
OC Shipped: Irri, Betrix, Calenni.
OC Murder: lore, but anyone but her partners.
Talents: Her forgiveness. Being able to destroy whole planets by just being on them. Detroyers can eliminate anything in their paths with little to no struggle.
Love Them: ??? what is not to love??? she is such a friggin sweetheart who wants to spend all eternity with her sweethearts.
Hate Them: being born.
Change: girl has it ROUGH let me tell you. but in the end it'll all work out and a much happier, healthier Desa will make it out on the other side.
Love Them 2: "all i want is to love what i can not destroy with a single touch, then and only then, i'll be at peace" -Desa.
Iris -
Name: Iris the Lurer
Gender: Female and Straight (😔)
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: Greater Demon (dark gray/light purple complexion)
Birthplace: in the demon realm, before mankind was created.
Guilty Pleasures: using her kids as weapons to orchestrate a war. oh and 90 Day Fiance on TLC.
Phobias: love and weakness from her children.
Famous For: her natural rainbow hair.
Arrested For: mass genocide.
OC Shipped: Icarus (two slimey bastards)
Favorite Movie: The Birdcage. Cliche would be main villainess destroying the land.
Least Favorite: The Hunger Games. "so over rated and boring CGI, why do humans enjoy this?" -Iris
Talents: being the worst mother alive, making your child into a monstrosity to benefit your delusions. her powers are mostly mental manipulation and normal demon theatrics.
Love Them: being confident, commanding, and full of herself.
Hate Them: everything she has ever done after breaking free from the demon realm with Icarus.
Change: maybe if she gets murdered she'll finally change.
Love Them 2: i like working with a villain, morally gray character like her.
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