#I am not an expert on flower language
Flower Language
Leona x Trey headcanons
both Leona and Trey know flower language.
Trey got into it when he was researching different edible flowers and end up going down the rabbit hole so now he has a completely normal level of knowledge and interest in flower language.
Leona started researching into flower language when he was younger around the time of Falena’s courting/engagement/wedding due to the comments about what flowers should be used the idea of flowers communicating secret messages just really struck him so he learned all about it.
early on both use flower language to subtly express their feelings for the other at first without knowledge the other also knew the language thinking the others use was simply coincidence.
they eventually figure out the other knows and become violently embarrassed because all the times they randomly brought up gardenias or pink camellias the other knew what they meant.
they still during the final build up to their relationship and even after. using the language of flowers to subtly flirt in public or give each other messages like mentioning yellow hyacinths to let the other know they’ll feeling a little jealous.
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skrrts · 2 months
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the date at 11:17AM (oneshot)
✧ gn!reader x yunho ✧ continuation of this oneshot (also works as a standalone read) ✧ genre: non-idol, slice of life, crush, date ✧ word count: 1,3k ✧ warnings : food/eating
After the two of you finally spoke at the bus station, Yunho is taking you out on the promised date.
a/n: @solaris-amethyst asked to go on that date with yunho. he's a little nervous about it but i hope you like it 😉
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You drove everyone crazy by being so indecisive about your outfit, but in the end, your friends all voted for the same one. It was lovely, the colors matched well with your hair, and it was inviting for the warm weather, but you feared it might be too every day? First dates were the hardest, especially with someone you knew so little about, but Yunho always seemed a little more comfortable and elegant whenever you saw him at the bus station.
You checked your phone again as you walked along the crossroad. Yunho wanted to meet you at 11:57 AM near the beach; it was a sweet detail considering how your bus always left at the same time twelve hours later. When you found the tall tree he indicated, you looked around but he was nowhere to be seen.
Should you call him? It was almost time, and you told yourself to wait. He wasn't the kind of guy to ditch someone; you just knew it. Ever since your first conversation a few days ago, Yunho had texted you frequently. The two of you talked about everything and nothing, which you enjoyed. Sometimes, he just asked what you were up to, then he shared how his coffee was a little too sweet or shared about his best friend preparing to move in with his university sweetheart. In exchange, you told him about your work, language school, and other small interests.
At 11:56 AM, a few seconds before the minute would change, he called you, and you answered within the blink of an eye.
“Hi there,” your voice was nervous, but the smile was obvious. Yunho’s voice was soft and sweet, maybe a little shy.
“Turn around,” he asked softly, and you did so without hesitation.
There he stood, bathed in sunlight and shadows cast by the tree, his phone to one ear while the other hand held a gift bag and a few wildflowers he likely picked up on his way. When you looked at him, he was smiling brightly and slowly slipped his phone into his pocket.
You did the same as you stepped closer to him, now wondering if maybe you should have brought a gift as well. A soft blush colored your cheeks as you approached him, Yunho’s eyes politely glancing over you.
He wore jeans and sneakers with an oversized white long-sleeve button-up that was open and complimented his tall figure well, the glasses hanging loosely on it. He was really attractive; it was a little challenging not to just stare.
“You look very pretty today,” he complimented, and before you could say something, he slowly held the flowers and gift bag up to you. “Just a small something,” he mumbled with a shy smile.
You accepted it with a small bow: “Thank you, this is really sweet.” Someone once told you instead of saying that you didn’t need gifts, to simply accept them and show excitement, as the other person put effort in and it was rude to tell them it was a waste of time.
“Can I open it now?” you asked, somewhat shy when Yunho chuckled and stepped to your side, offering to hold the flowers for you.
“Of course, it’s a little silly… Mingi said it would make a good gift, something about bringing good luck.”
You chuckled: “Your best friend, huh? Well, since you said he has been with his big love for years, he does sound like the expert.”
Your fingers carefully pulled something soft outside, and a moment later, you found yourself blinking.
This was the most adorable dog plushie you had ever seen, looking cutely at you with big eyes, and for some reason, it reminded you of Yunho.
“He’s so cute!!” you called out, a little too enthusiastically, and Yunho blushed, rubbing his free hand over the back of his neck.
“You think so? Ah, during my first year of university, we had this really creative guy who had to do a project of making plushies inspired by people, and he made this one of me. I had it for a while but I thought… you said you liked cute things,” he mumbled.
So this was something personal? Now it felt even more special, and you gave the plushie a soft hug before, without thinking, leaning up to press a kiss on Yunho’s cheek. “I love him, he’s the cutest. Thank you.”
Realizing what you just did, you noticed a hint of surprise on his face for a moment, but then his smile widened, and he seemed to relax.
“Glad you think so! I’m happy he gets a good new home. Ah, it’s time, shall we go? I booked a table at the beach restaurant there. They serve fantastic Greek meals.” Yunho offered his hand to you, and after carefully placing the plushie back in the bag, you took it.
Handholding on the first date hadn’t been on your expectation list. Really, you thought maybe you’d get a random cup of coffee, chat a little, and that would be it. Instead, right after you exchanged numbers, Yunho was eager to ask if you just maybe had more time.
Of course you did; this was far from anything you expected after spending weeks of carefully watching Yunho. If anything, this was much more like a fever dream, but you were up for every moment of it.
“You said you really wanted to visit Greece one day, right? You should. I actually managed to go there forever ago during a school trip. We went there for a week; it was a little too … school-focused but I enjoyed it.”
Yunho nodded: “Mhm, I see a lot of photos on social media, and just something about it makes me want to go.”
He gave his name to the waiter, who led the two of you to a table close to the water. The view was pretty, and as this was a more rocky part of the beach, not too many visitors disturbed the view. You both ordered the waiter’s recommendation. It was a little embarrassing, but you had a hard time drawing your gaze from Yunho. He was just such a positive figure, his smile never seemed to fade, and every word was sheer excitement, always sincere.
As the meal was served and the hours went on, the heat started to become a little intense, and Yunho offered to go for a small walk in the shadows.
“Before we go, let me get us some ice cream,” he offered and walked over to a stall, buying two before offering one to you.
While it was hot, neither of you seemed to mind holding hands; it almost felt familiar and far from a first date. You could feel his thumb gently brushing over your hand, and you almost dreaded the end. There was a small bench at the end of the beach before a small hill indicated the street on top.
“This is nice,” you sighed happily, carefully placing the bag on the bench so you could sit a little more comfortably. To your surprise, after a hint of hesitation, Yunho suddenly pulled you onto his lap.
You could see from Yunho’s face that all of this was new to him, but he seemed to try and be bold. The blush on your cheek was consistent now as you mumbled, trying to find words.
“Would it be okay if I kiss you?” he asked shyly, a bit silly after he pulled you so boldly onto his lap.
“I’d like that very much, Yunho.”
Yunho looked at you, brown eyes seemingly admiring your features before finally, his hand rested against your cheek, he leaned in, and your lips met in a shy yet curious kiss. There was no hesitation from your side; you gladly leaned in, your fingers finding their way into his hair.
For a moment, what felt like forever, the two of you kissed until you were out of breath. Yunho seemed truly happy, and you mirrored his smile.
“This was… perfect,” you admitted, and he gently kissed your forehead and pulled you into a hug. For as long as it took you to talk to him, now everything just felt natural and quick.
Yunho hummed happily as you slowly slipped back onto the bench and he curled his arm around your shoulder, allowing your head to rest against his so you could enjoy the view over the ocean.
“It really is.”
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jals-stuff · 5 months
hello my love! If you don't mind I would like to request something for Orter. He and reader are still students in Easton and absolutely despise each other (something like academic rivals) and they ended up having to take care for a magical creature together for a class project during a few weeks! sorry if its a bit confusing, english is not my first language 🥹
good evening darling~
First of all, I would like to apologise because I originally wanted to make something short but it ended up being just a little longer than what I expected...
edit: part 2 ← right here
also i am receiving a lot of requests recently for some reason. thank you for your patience.
word count: 5.7k
warnings: f!reader, i hope you aren't scared of snakes (this one is cute tho), bit of swearing, not proofread
Taking care of it!
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Group assignments are, and always have been the worst. The extroverts usually left you with the heaviest workload and you'd just end up doing everything by yourself while they took credit for it. However this time, the assignment wasn't like anything you would've expected.
The teacher was going to pick random students and put them into pairs, and each duo would be given a small wooden box with an egg inside of it.
“These boxes contain mandragora snake eggs. This species hatches into different colours depending on how you take care of them and help them grow.”
The teacher explained and brought two different creatures to her desk. The left one had beautiful and healthy dark green, glossy scales and stunning purple flower patterns with big eyes and seemed extremely docile; it was a rather medium-sized specimen and it looked kind of cute. 
But the other one was a completely different creature; an aggressive beast with long, hooked fangs, completely hollow eyes and its scales were an alarmingly fluorescent shade of green with almost no patterns at all. Its scales were in a pitiful state and seemed uncomfortably stony. It kept trying to bite the teacher.
“The left egg has been taken care of perfectly, and is now a healthy, beautiful mandragora snake. The right one however, has absorbed too many negative energies from the ones taking care of it, resulting in… this.”
And just as you started wondering how it was possible to mess a beast up that badly with only negative energy, the teacher called out your name.
“(L/N) (Y/N) and Orter Mádl, come and get your egg as well.”
That couldn't be good, this snake was probably never going to hatch at all. The two of you exchanged an uncomfortable yet similar side eye. Existing in the same classroom as him was already enough of a pain in the neck, and now you had to raise a magical creature together?
Oh boy.
You were both sitting in front of this egg now, in absolute silence as none of you knew what to say or do. You had never taken care of a mandragora snake— or any type of pet other than a cat in the past, and surely anyone could guess Orter was not the nurturing type.
“This snake is going to have horrible parents.” You thought out loud, and for the first time, you saw the cold, distant jerk nod. He crossed his arms and looked at it for a while without saying a single word. Just… what was he trying to achieve? Did he think he was going to turn into a mandragora snake expert just by looking at an egg?
The teacher cleared her throat to grab everyone’s attention again and pointed at the blackboard. 
“These creatures usually hatch after approximately one week, and they will gain their patterns after one more week, but an unhealthy egg will take longer than that. You must take good care of them until their colours are completely visible. Your schedules have been cleared accordingly so taking care of the little ones should not be an issue for the next month.”
Orter didn’t quite appreciate the idea of spending a month with the likes of you, nurturing and hatching a pet together as if you were some kind of happy little family. He raised his hand.
“Is joint custody allowed?”
“Absolutely not.” The teacher deadpanned at his question and you almost slammed your own face against the desk at how dumb of him that was. After a while, everyone left except the two of you, still staring at the egg.
“That was dumb of you. I’ll be the one to hatch it since you can’t bear to have responsibilities.” You gently pet the egg with one of your fingers. “Isn’t that right, Rivers?” That last part was mumbled as if you were talking to an actual baby, and Orter rolled his eyes.
“Dumb? Should I remind you that your last two brain cells are fighting for third spot?” He mocked, giving you a condescending side eye. “And why are you giving it a name already? It hasn’t even hatched yet.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes and look at him as if he had just asked the most obvious question in existence. He made no commentary about the way you looked at him. 
“Since you don't even care enough to give it a name, Rivers will stay in my room. I’ll take good care of it.” You shrugged and very carefully picked the box up, holding it against your chest like an actual child.
“Isn't it supposed to be a two person assignment? How am I supposed to participate if it stays in your room?” He sighed, visibly growing more and more annoyed at your behaviour.
“You can visit if you want, it's not like I do anything other than going to class. Neither do you, I’m assuming.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose and stood up from his chair to follow you as you walked to your dorm room. “You’re really going to ignore what the teacher said about joint custody? The snake-”
“Rivers. Its name is Rivers, don't call it ‘the snake’, Orter.” You shot an angry glare at him and he had to physically hold himself back from punching a wall. 
“Rivers can't only stay with you.” He sighed as he finally used the name you had given it; a small victory but a victory nonetheless, even though he seemed a little angry at you for being so damn annoying.
“Neither can it keep moving between your room and mine, and I’m pretty sure that's what the teacher meant when she said no joint custody, besides...” You trailed off, looking down at the egg. “I doubt you're the nurturing type, I wouldn't even trust you with watering a plant.”
You giggled mockingly and he clicked his tongue in annoyance, but you were also right, as much as he hated to admit it. He muttered something and walked away in the opposite direction, leaving you alone with the mandragora snake egg in your hands. 
You were determined to hatch it, with or without this jerk. Carefully, you placed it upon a cushion on the unoccupied bed in your room that was supposed to belong to your roommate, but she hadn't showed up in literal months, so Rivers was now your priority.
You enveloped the egg in fluffy, soft cloth and looked at it for a bit. Sure, you were the nurturing type… in spirit. How were you supposed to take care of a magical beast you had never even seen before?
None of your books had ever mentioned anything about it and you weren't really studious either unless Orter was about to get better grades, in which case you absolutely had to surpass yourself and crush him completely.
A few hours had passed and you were almost falling asleep, studying how the egg was reacting to sounds and touch. You could feel something move underneath the shell but you couldn't exactly tell what was happening.
It seemed stable, at the very least, but focusing so much and taking notes was draining. However, a knock on your door took you out of your drowsiness. “Come in?”
As you wondered who it could be, you were surprised to see that dear Mr. Mádl had stopped sulking and actually showed up, much to your annoyance. He closed the door and stepped closer to the egg, not even paying attention to you at all, which irritated you slightly.
“What's all this?” You asked as you noticed him holding an uncomfortable amount of handwritten notes. He pushed his glasses back up and finally looked at you.
“I went to the library to research a bit on mandragora snakes.” He stated with his usual emotionless expression. “Unlike you, I can put in some effort.”
Oh, he was getting on your nerves so much after only two minutes spent in your room. It took all of your remaining energy not to kick him out immediately. But for Rivers’ sake, you decided to keep calm.
“Look. I get that you despise me, because in case it wasn't clear, I despise you too. But for the sake of this assignment, can we please quit being passive aggressive?” You sighed softly, trying to calm your bad mood down.
“I’m not the one to blame here.” He shrugged, crossing his arms as he gave you his signature condescending look. “You didn't even research anything about this species, you're not even doing anything right now, and I bet you've been doing nothing for the past hours as well.” 
You exhaled softly, feeling the small creature in the egg get a little agitated and trying to stay calm. “I took some notes on its reactions to sounds and such. I believe it can actually sense negative energy.” You handed him your notes and he raised an eyebrow. 
“Sounds like bullcrap. It didn't say any of this in the books I read.” 
You held your snarky remarks for yourself and shrugged your shoulders. “Maybe the authors didn't think it was necessary. But it's clearly reacting. It also reacted when I sang to it.”
He chuckled, his expression unchanged, and you just knew he was about to say something rude, so you decided to talk before he did. “Anyway, it's good that you did some research.”
Orter raised an eyebrow in suspicion. Surely there had to be something snarky at the end of this sentence and that wasn't all.
“Because I couldn't have done it while checking its reactions, so it's good.”
The room grew silent quickly and the snake within the egg started to calm down a little. Though Orter didn't seem convinced at all, and still thought you were bullshitting him with this whole reaction thing.
“I still don't see it. Why would you sense reactions and not me? Are you just special that way?” He asked in a mocking tone, and you were getting more frustrated by the second. 
“Just touch the egg right now.”
He did. Even without touching it, you could feel the magical beast getting agitated, but it seemed like he didn't. Not one bit. 
“There's nothing. You're full of crap, (Y/N). Just say you haven't done anything the whole time, I won't be surprised.” He mocked, but you decided not to bite back. You knew what you had felt earlier and you wouldn't take his criticism for that.
“Whatever you say, Orter. But you'll have to stop acting like that because whether you want to believe me or not, it is reacting.” You sighed softly, wanting to change topics. “So anyway, was there any advice on how to help it hatch correctly?”
He flipped through his notes with his eyebrows raised in contempt, as if you just couldn't do that without him (you couldn't, let's be realistic here) and he stopped on one of the pages.
“They need company, warmth and lightning. I suppose even you can provide that, correct?” He looked up from his notes and you didn't have to look back at him, you knew exactly what kind of expression he had right now. 
“I suppose I could.” You sigh softly, already fed up with his behaviour, and you felt the snake get agitated again. As if instinctively, you ran your hand against the shell. “It really doesn't like negative energy…” You muttered, not really towards anyone.
“I really think you're making things up here, otherwise it would've been mentioned in those books.” Orter said, putting his notes back against the bed where the egg was resting. You shrugged again, looking at it pensively, and for once, the snarky sandman didn't say anything.
“It's late… I’ll sleep for now.” You rub your face with your hands and sigh softly once more, then stand up and make your way to your bed. He, on the other hand, doesn't seem to be moving an inch. It's almost like he's trying to catch up with the egg for some reason… 
“You could directly tell me to leave, you know?” He adjusts his neck tie as he stands up and turns towards you. You wanted to shoo him, send him flying or something, but you needed this mandragora snake to be healthy and you couldn't afford to do such a thing.
“I’m… tired, is all. Really tired. I wasn't kicking you out.” You muttered, sitting on your bed and looking up at him. Even when he isn't insulting you, he still finds ways to be insufferable.
“..right. I will be here tomorrow morning to ensure you won't be doing anything… dumb with this egg.” He cleared his throat and left without another word. What kind of jerk was he anyway? He'd been especially awful today and you had no idea why. 
Maybe tomorrow is going to be better?
You spent most of the night tossing and turning, occasionally glancing at the egg, and it felt like the beast inside of it was mimicking you. Since sleep was evading you, you made your way to the other bed and sat next to the egg, looking at it in exhaustion.
“What's going on in there..?”
As if it was going to reply, yeah. You rubbed your hands against your face and sighed, lazily grabbing Orter’s notes on mandragora snakes and flipping the pages until you found the hatching section.
As insufferable as he was, his notes were flawless and easy to understand. What a pleasant handwriting… you shook your head and kept reading through it until sunrise.
He kept his word and showed up early with a bag full of… something ? He sat on the extra bed close to the egg, and pulled some more cloth out of the bag, as well as cotton and other fluffy materials he placed around it.
“I went and got some more.. warmth for it, since you couldn't do it correctly on your own.” He scoffed, and you just chuckled, not even looking back at it.
“Ahah, thank you, that's really helpful.” You were way too tired to bite back and honestly, he was putting in effort when all you were doing was go with the flow and panic when something happens.
The sn- Rivers seemed pretty stable at the moment, which was surprising considering how agitated it gets whenever… oh.
“I think it likes you,” you looked at Orter, a little amused. “It's been agitated all night and now that you're here, it's just… calm.”
He pushes his glasses back with a neutral expression and looks at it for a bit. “Perhaps it likes me better.”
You groaned slightly at the idea. Even though Orter was the one bringing supplies for it, you were obviously the one caring for it! Making sure it's stable and safe! You stood up and stretched your arms.
“Maybe… since it likes you so much, I’m going to go and get coffee or something, I’m exhausted.” And as soon as you took a step out the door, he called for you.
“Wait, (Y/N), something is wrong, come back.”
You raised an eyebrow and when you stepped back in, you could feel the beast’s agitation, like it was panicking or something. You just sat back and touched it.
“What's happening?”
Nothing. Well, nothing anymore. It just calmed down immediately and went back to being stable. You looked at Orter in confusion and he returned that same look. What was going on with this beast?
“It’s merely a hypothesis, but…” Orter trailed off as he stepped outside of the room and… the beast was still pretty much stable. Sure, it was moving around a little but nothing too critical. 
“I think it likes me more.” You muttered, and heard him chuckle dryly and walk away. Did you upset him? That wasn't your intention at all, for once. Laying down and facing the beast, you wondered what was up with it. Why would anyone get such an assignment anyway? It was so much work!
The door opened again around twenty minutes later when Orter came back with a small bag. More supplies? Again? 
He reached for the inside and then handed you a cardboard cup. “Umm.. what's that?” You asked in a confused tone and he raised an eyebrow at you like you were the stupidest, silliest little thing he'd ever met.
“What do you think it is? It's coffee, you idiot.” Oh. Oh. Ohh. You grabbed the cup and looked up at him, a bit puzzled. This man really was unpredictable.
“You… got me coffee? But… why ?”
“You said you were exhausted, and apparently you can't leave Rivers for too long, so…” He crossed his arms, and you suddenly felt really weird. Was he being nice to you? It was so odd. Right now, you didn't want to rip his head off or throw him out the window.
“That's… thank you.” 
You couldn't say anything else, looking at him with the most disoriented look he'd ever seen before; there was no malice and no anger or frustration in your eyes, just… questions. 
“Don't get me wrong,” he sighed softly, “I’m only doing this because I don't want anything weird to happen to it.” He specified, looking straight at you. Could he just not ruin a moment like this?
“It wasn't completely stable when you were gone.” You said, looking at the egg and taking a sip of your coffee. “It's only stable when both of us are here.” You muttered while adding this to your notes, and he made no commentary. 
“It gets really agitated at night, even when I’m here.” 
Orter cups his chin with his fingers and looks at the egg pensively. “Then I suppose you weren't lying when you said you could… feel it.” He reluctantly admits. “Should I keep it at night and see how it goes?”
You know for sure it's going to be a problem if you try to move the egg, so what to do..?
“I think so… but we can't possibly move it so, I would suggest…” You trailed off, visibly looking for something to say afterwards as you really didn't have a clue what to do, but Orter finished your sentence.
“...for me to sleep in this bed, is that your idea? Really?”
You blinked once. Then twice. Was that your idea? Not really, but after thinking for a while, you would've eventually brought this possibility up.
“Yes, I mean- no. Or, ahh… I guess..? I don't know. I didn't really…”
He sighed loudly and looked down at you with something of a mocking glare, and it suddenly felt really embarrassing. What was embarrassing? The idea of having him sleep in the same room as you, or the fact that he was being so condescending about it and had you stuttering?
“So, you just gave me every possible answer in one sentence…” He mused and crouched to take a closer look at Rivers. “Well, I suppose I can do that. But don't expect me to be nice to you.”
“You don't have to tell me, you ass.” You muttered and his eyes narrowed as he turned towards you. 
“It's merely in case you forgot, since your brain looks a little… dysfunctional.” He taunted.
“Oh, you're taking care of my memory now? That's awfully nice of you, Orter.”
“Don't get too used to it, (Y/N).”
You chuckled as an answer and sighed softly, looking at the egg. “Can you hear that, Rivers? The audacity of that man.” You muttered, making sure he could hear you, and he gently pushed you aside to look at the egg.
“Don't listen to her, Rivers. Even you know I’m right.”
Did he just.. talk directly to it for the first time? And to say such a thing, too? You couldn't hold it in anymore and just burst out laughing, pointing your finger towards him, uncontrollably wheezing and giggling.
He looked very startled at first but then a little embarrassed. He slapped your hand away, pretending to be angry but he was just really flustered and had a very faint blush on his face. “Shut up… Hey, hey! Shut it now… Jeez.”
But you weren't exactly laughing at him. It was just very cute that he suddenly decided that it was fine to talk to this egg as long as it was to discredit you, and honestly, how could you not laugh?
Everytime he slapped your hand away, your finger came back to point at him, as if you were accusing him of something. It was really hard to stop laughing and it took you a good while to calm down, only to be greeted by Orter’s pouty expression, something you never thought you'd see.
“Ahh, I’m sorry Orter, I wasn't making fun of you. It was just really cute.” You said before realising what it implied, and it was your turn to be embarrassed. “I mean- cute as in, you know, you're talking to it now… and it's… you know.”
OHHH MY GOD STOP TALKING, SHUT UP! You internally yelled at yourself, and the way he sighed made it seem like he wasn't mad at you. Or was he? At least his flushed expression was gone, much to your disarray.
“Right…” He cleared his throat and crossed his arms as he sighs once more. “I mean… I suppose you are right and Rivers can feel our emotions..”
“..’so let's try to be good parents’ is what you're about to say, isn't it?” You muse, slightly teasing him. “C’mon, say iiiiit.” 
“So let's try to… to…” He sighs and turns around, his hand on against his hip as he adjusts his glasses again. “...I’ll get some food, since you can't.” And with that, he immediately steps outside of your room, feeling like… like something. He doesn't know, and he hopes you don't either.
You chuckle to yourself, somehow thinking he's cute when he gets embarrassed. But you remind yourself that he despises you, and that you also despise him… or, well, not that much. Maybe despise wasn't the right word. You just weren't so sure anymore.
Orter, on the other hand, was trying to get this awfully embarrassing moment out of his mind as he walked to the Academy's shop to get some things. However… He didn't know what to buy. He then walked to the counter and looked into the store employee’s eyes very seriously.
“What kind of stuff do girls like to eat?”
He should thank the gods that you weren't there because the way he asked this with a completely straight face and flat voice would've put you to your grave. 
While he was at the shop, you were reading his notes and humming slightly to try and soothe the mandragora snake inside the egg. It was working, but it definitely wanted both of you to be here. 
You stopped on one of the pages as something caught your attention: “...mandragora snake eggs will drain a parent’s energy to grow, which is why the other parent usually hunts for the family and is in charge of making the nest more comfortable.”
With this, you almost spit out your coffee. Was this the reason why you were so tired yet restless? And also why it was panicking every time you weren't close to it? Putting more thought into it, you also realised something else.
Orter was the one who brought most of the cloth to keep it warm and he had also brought you sustenance so far. The two of you had taken these roles in very seriously without even knowing it. But since you were the one giving energy to it, perhaps…
You sat up and tried concentrating your mana into your hands before touching the soft shell, as if giving it a part of it… And much to your surprise, it seemed like something happened but you couldn't tell what exactly. 
After an hour or so, Orter came back to your room only to find you laying down in exhaustion next to the egg, completely drained for some reason. You eyed the bag he was carrying and he just put it next to you. 
“I didn't know what you wanted.”
What you wanted? Does that mean..? You sat up and looked inside of it; tons of snacks, candy, pastries and whatnot. You did need sugar right now, and so you immediately grabbed a pack of sweets and opened it.
“You are a lifesaver, Orter.” You sighed as you ate a few sweets, regaining your energy bit by bit. Pointing at the specific paragraph on his notes, you slightly tapped your finger against it.
“That's why I’m so tired, this little rascal has been taking all of my energy.” You muttered, sighing softly as you kept eating more and more sweets. He read the passage, holding his chin.
“And have you tried sending mana directly into the egg?” With your nod, he hummed. “I could try it too.” And so, he put both of his hands against it and tried sending some of his mana into the shell. Neither of you could tell if it worked.
You decided that you needed to take a shower and go to sleep, and as soon as you tried to stand up, your legs gave up from fatigue and you started collapsing, but Orter was quick enough to catch you. “Oh, crap. Are you alright?”
You groaned in frustration and nodded, even though you were completely incapable of standing up again; the sweets were apparently not enough to let you use your legs. 
“You've really outdone yourself, haven't you?” He chuckled, and you looked away. He was being awfully nice and you just didn't know how to respond to that type of behaviour, especially coming from him. 
He gently lifted you up and put you down on your bed. As embarrassing as it was, you couldn't really have managed otherwise. You were thanking him when your brain just shut down and you fell asleep quickly. He made sure to pull the covers up against you and he sat there for a bit, looking at you. 
It was clear he hadn't been very nice at the beginning, and he was now trying his best to atone for that fact. While you rested peacefully, he couldn't help but move some of your hair away from your face and place it gently behind your ear. 
From that moment, this is how most of your days went. You'd spend your day giving mana and energy to the egg and Orter would bring you some coffee, water and food, and whenever he was about to sleep, he'd give Rivers some mana as well.
After six days, the egg had grown quite a lot and you weren't sure what size the “little one” was going to be anymore. All you knew was that it was getting more and more tiring to keep feeding it with your energy. 
You were laying down, exhausted even though it wasn't that late, and Orter was reading a book on the chair next to your bed. No insults, no snarky remarks had been exchanged since last time, and he was rather helpful to you. 
After all, you were the one spending all of your energy on helping Rivers hatch correctly. Most of the time, he had to move you back to your bed because you'd fall asleep while giving it your mana. You could've sworn you felt him touch your face but you could've very well been dreaming… or were you?
The embarrassing question was stuck in your mind now and you couldn't stop thinking about it as you kept giving your mana to the egg. “Should be the last day, right?” You asked quietly, visibly really tired.
Orter closed his book and adjusted his glasses as he looked at you. “Yes. If it's healthy, then it should hatch tomorrow.” His eyes softened just a bit as he looked at you. “Why don't you call it a day? You sound exhausted.”
You sighed softly and moved to the edge of the bed to stand, and he immediately stood up to come and help you. It was… unexpected. You held onto him as if the two of you had never despised each other, ever, and he helped you get to your bed.
As much as you didn't want to admit it, he was really helpful. And since he had stopped being so condescending, it felt quite comforting to have someone sleep in the same room as you, not that you’d ever let him know about this detail. He was also really thoughtful and good at taking care of Rivers, so that was a plus… 
In fact, he was rather nice overall. He seemed to remember what your favourite snacks were, and also what kind of coffee you liked, all of this just from studying your expressions carefully as you consumed what he had brought. He really was thoughtful, and since you had started taking care of this mandragora snake egg together, he hadn’t been snarky or mean even once.
“Are you alright?” He asked, looking at you with a hint of worry in his eyes. When you started wondering why he was concerned with you when you felt his hand slightly squeeze yours. Oh. Ah. Ah. You had unwillingly grabbed his hand when you tried to stand up, and hadn’t let go since then. While you were overthinking, he was just looking at you in confusion because you just… wouldn’t let go of his hand.
“O-oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- uh… I was just-...” Ah, it was no use. Your face was slightly flushed with embarrassment and you were trying to stutter your way out of this situation, but no words seemed to come out. You looked up at him and noticed that he was ignoring you. He had grabbed his book again and crossed his legs, reading it while flipping the pages with his free hand.
When he noticed you were talking to him, he just raised both eyebrows, but the gesture did not change his neutral expression. “I don’t need it right now, I don’t mind you keeping it.” And with this, he immediately went back to his book, as if he really didn’t care. The truth was that he just could not look into your eyes right now.
Orter was trying his absolute hardest to conceal the very faint blush on his face while you actually didn’t let go of his hand. Was it because you just wanted to hold it? Or were you just too embarrassed to do anything about it? Or was it both? 
Even if you weren’t near it, you could feel some kind of weird vibration— or maybe just an emotion coming from the mandragora snake egg. You couldn’t tell what it was exactly, but it had started as soon as you had grabbed Orter’s hand. Was Rivers absorbing whatever emotion that was too? 
That was just too much thinking for you and you decided that the only reasonable course of action was to collapse in bed and stare at the ceiling. That being said, you still hadn’t let go of his hand, and it didn’t seem like you planned on doing it anytime soon because as soon as you closed your eyes, you fell asleep. 
He didn’t notice until he closed his book and saw you resting peacefully against the pillow while still holding it. He was about to pull his hand back and let you sleep, but it didn’t look like it was keeping you awake or anything, so he just decided to look at you for a bit, his thumb unconsciously rubbing your palm soothingly. 
Sitting on that chair was rather uncomfortable, but he didn’t feel like letting go of your hand, so he was going to bear it anyway until you’d let go by yourself. 
…which you didn’t do. You were just resting and holding his hand hostage the whole time. 
Approximately two hours after you had fallen asleep, Orter heard a weird noise, something indescribable. As his eyes searched the room for its source, his eyes widened slightly. He turned to you and squeezed your hand. “(Y/N), wake up, hey.” His free hand reached for your shoulder, slightly shaking it. 
Your eyes fluttered open slowly and you groaned in frustration. But Orter’s expression looked amused and a little excited, which woke you up immediately. “What’s the matter?” you asked as he chuckled and pointed at the egg.
“It’s hatching!”
Holy shit. You immediately sat up and made your way to the opposite bed as you watched the small snake slowly get out through a hole it had pierced. It then slithered away from the shell and looked at you and Orter, as if it was confused. You couldn’t help but squeal at how cute it looked. It was just a little baby!
You extended a hand and it instinctively moved towards you, then rested in your hand. It was such a precious little creature, you were holding back your tears. “Oh my gods, oh my gods… What are we supposed to do now?” You asked frantically as if in a panic.
Orter immediately flipped through his notes and then reached for a small bag of supplies, taking out a small piece of mandragora root and feeding it to the small snake, watching it greedily bite against it like “chomp!” and swallowing the whole piece. 
“So, according to the notes I’ve taken, we can move him now and it doesn’t have to stay warm anymore. I’m assuming it’ll need to stay with us until its patterns start appearing. It also says it might sleep a lot.” He flips through the pages again to see if he hasn’t missed anything.
You thought for a bit. Maybe you could grab one of your scarves and put some cotton and such into it to make a… snake holder? This way you could walk around the academy with Rivers in your scarf and without worrying about it too much. 
You had literal stars in your eyes and Orter looked completely lost as soon as he laid eyes upon this beautiful expression of yours while you were holding the small snake.
There was still a whole week left to the assignment, and it felt to him that time was flying awfully fast.
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laiahernandeeezzz · 4 months
hi I got an idea for Florence and reader. They're both actors. Reader and Flo are filming a movie together. It's period wlw drama (with good ending of course). And at the end of the filming there is wrap party and Y/n confesses to Flo that she fell in love with her.
I hope you enjoy this, as much as I did writing it... I'm not an expert, but I am quite proud of how it turned out. Also, English is not my first language so bare with me if there's any mistakes!!!
Paring: Florence Pugh x fem!reader (R is taller than Florence in this)
Elisabeth is Y/n's charater, and Amy is Florence's one
Words: 1.8K
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Y/n would be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous. After months of filming, the last scene of their film finally had to take place. She didn’t know what she was most nervous of, the pressure of having to nail the last take or having to kiss her co-star. Who she may or may not have a crush on, but that wasn’t the point.
Working with Florence has been one of the biggest opportunities she was ever given. The British actress not only was amazingly talented, but she also was the kindest person Y/n had ever met. Florence was a caring person, always making sure all her co-worker were fine, helping whenever they needed, and always with a smile on her face. So, yeah, Y/n, wasn’t surprised she had fallen for her.
After getting ready, she headed to the set: an enormous ballroom, beautifully decorated, with gold accents, a huge amount of flowers, and full of people dressed in gorgeous gowns. She was admiring the room, so she didn’t notice the person that stood beside her until they spoke, “Don’t you look beautiful?”
That voice had Y/n immediately flustered, she would recognize that voice anywhere, and not just because they had spent months together. She turned to see Florence, and suddenly she forgot how to breathe. The blonde actress was wearing a black dress, with gold accents, her hair tied up in a big bun, and almost invisible makeup on her face.
“That’s rich coming from you, you look stunning, Florence” The blonde actress smiled shyly at the compliment. Both girls kept complimenting the decorations and the set, until the director called them to start filming.
Once in place, one in front of the other, they smiled reassuringly at each other. “Are you ready to do this?”
“You know I’m always ready”
As soon as she saw Amy enter the room, Elisabeth ran out to the gardens. She had been trying to avoid her for so long, crying herself to sleep, convincing herself it was the best, even though she felt like she was dying inside. However, as soon as the blonde girl saw her, she followed her.
“Eli, please stop!” Amy shouted, in a whisper, when they arrived at the furthest corner of that huge garden.
“I really do not want to talk to you, leave me alone please” She said while she kept walking in another direction, not really conscious of where she was headed.
“Why don't you want to listen to me? What have I done to hurt you so much?” Amy knew she sounded desperate, but she really wanted to understand why her best friend (if you could call them that) was avoiding them. 
“Seriously? You don’t recall how you told me I was the only one who had a problem? Don’t you remember how you kissed me, and ran away the second we separated?” Elisabeth was mad that her friend (again, if you could call them that) was actually oblivious about what had happened. So she shouted, pointing at both of them, as Amy’s eyes widened.
“Be quiet! Anyone could hear us!” She was scared of someone finding them, hearing their conversation, and that only infuriated Elisabeth more.
“You think I’m not afraid of them finding out? Believe me, I am, but at least I’m not a coward who runs from her feelings” Tears at this point were unstoppable, but neither really cared. 
“Of course I know you are afraid too” Amy tried to step closer, but the taller girl took a step back, trying to keep their distance. 
“Then why do you keep running away from me? Tell me, because I really want to understand”
“Because I’m afraid of losing you!” She finally shouted, exposing her real fears. She had admitted them to herself a while ago, but she never had the courage to say it out loud. 
“What?” Elisabeth was not expecting that. She thought it was because she was scared of being left out, of stopping being part of the society. She knew how much Amy enjoyed the dresses, the balls, the richness. 
“I’m afraid that if they find us out, they will take you or me away, that they will keep us apart… I am not sure if I would survive it. So yes, I ran, although not because I don’t want to be with you, but I’d much rather see you in a ball on the other side of the room, catching your glances, than never see those eyes, those lips and your smile again. I love you so much, that I would rather you be mad at me, than to never see you again” Amy finally could hold her love’s hands, looking into her eyes, trying to put as much emotion she could in them. Trying to get the girl she loved back in her life.
“You love me?” Elisabeth's mind was racing, trying to comprehend everything she had been told. Amy loved her, she was afraid of losing her. Elisabeth loved her too. “I love you too”
They pressed their heads together, when rain started to fall. Both girls smiled, as their breaths mixed up, feeling each other's heat in their hands. They didn’t care they were getting wet, they just cared for one another. “Please, let me kiss you?” The blonde girl asked, not knowing how long she could hold herself back.
Instead of answering, Elisabeth connected their lips, both girls whimpering at the feeling. It had been a while since their last kiss, and they hadn’t realized how much they needed to feel each other. The rain was pouring at this point, but both girls kept kissing, wrapped in the other’s arms.
“Cut! Girls, you can stop now!”
Florence and Y/n looked confused around them, not knowing what was happening. Soon they realized that the director had been yelling at them to stop for a while. As some people of the crew wrapped them in towels (they also noticed that they were soaking wet), the director approached them. 
“That was perfect, we got it in just one take, good job! We can call it a day, go change, and we’ll see you tonight at the wrap party! Excellent job, seriously!” As both girls muttered a small thank you, they looked at each other quickly, cheeks completely blushed.
“So I guess I’ll see you tonight” Florence said, and before she left, she left a quick peck on Y/n’s cheek. The latter stood there until someone from her team pulled her to take her to the trailer, so she could get change. 
“Can you stop moving? Why are you so nervous?” Hailee had been watching her friend pacing since they arrived at the party, and she was getting frustrated. 
“I’m not nervous” Y/n really tried to play it cool, knowing that her friend wouldn’t believe a word she said. 
“Yeah sure… What has got you like this?”
Rather than getting an answer, Hailee saw the answer with her own eyes. Florence was approaching them, making Y/n stop moving the second she laid eyes on her co-star. The blonde girl looked breathtaking; she was wearing a lilac two-piece set, blue flowers as a pattern. The top was a corset with a very low neckline, and the bottom was a tight mini skirt. 
“Hi! You both look amazing! Hailee, it's been a while, hasn’t it?” Florence greeted them with a huge smile, trying to not stare at Y/n for too long. Her co-star was wearing a black suit, the blazer having a low cut, exposing a black bralette. 
“Do you want a drink? The usual?” Was the only thing Y/n managed to say, trying to not make a fool of herself. The blonde actress was there for that, though.
“I’ll take it, but first come dance with me please?” Y/n wasn’t going to say no, but she wouldn’t have been able to even if she wanted, because Florence was already dragging her to the dance floor. The taller girl managed to send Hailee a glance, and she only found that her friend was sending her two thumbs up, and a smirk.
The place the production team found was huge, and even then, the place was packed. Friends, family from the cast and the production team were there, so there were a lot of people. 
Florence managed to place them almost in the middle of the dance floor, quickly wrapping her arm around Y/n neck, as soon as they stopped walking. The taller actress, as an instinct, placed her hand on the blonde actress’ waist. Soon, both girls set into the rhythm of the music, moving in tune.
Bodies everywhere, dancing and drinking, and the moment they locked eyes they seemed to disappear. Florence smiled at her friend, playing with the small hair that slipped out the ponytail she was wearing. Y/n thumbs caressing the skin between the skirt and corset let visible with Florence’s moves. 
Y/n stared at her co-star as they started to get closer, “Can we go to a more private place? I need to talk to you” Her mouth moved faster than her brain, because those words came out before she could stop them. Only waiting for a nod, Y/n took Florence’s hand, and took her to a corner decorated with some neon lights.
When they got there, the blonde girl leaned back so she was resting against the wall as she saw how Y/n started pacing. She decided not to push her, so she waited until the taller actress was ready; thankfully, she didn’t have to wait more than a few seconds. 
“So… I kinda like you! I mean, like like you. I know this is weird, and maybe I could’ve waited so we weren’t at the wrap party of our film, but you looked so stunning, and then you took me to dance, and your eyes, your hands on my neck… I just needed to tell you, and it’s okay if you don’t like me back, because that would be totally normal… You know what? I’m gonna leave, I’m sorry if I made you uncom-” A soft finger touched her lips, making her shut up. With her rambling, she hadn’t noticed Florence approaching her with a funny smirk on her lips. 
Y/n instantly relaxed, and looked at Florence with confusion. “What are you doing?”
The blonde actress rested her forehead against her co-star’s, remembering for a short moment their characters. “I really like you too”
And that was all it took for them to kiss. Y/n pressed Florence against the wall, lips fighting against each other, trying to put all their emotions on their kiss. After a while, they pulled apart to catch their breaths, still smiling. 
“Are you sure you want this?” The taller asked, shyness taking over her again. 
Florence softly laughed and pecked the other girl’s lips. “I’m sure as long as I have you”
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mocolococoffeesimp · 6 months
Heya, can I request some zato-1 head cannons? Cuz I am obsessed with this man. Gender neutral reader please. Also, thank you for making guilty gear content, cuz there’s not enough of it on here.
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This has been sitting in my drafts far too long. Well, here it is.
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-Zato is hard to approach at first. Blindfolded stranger in your town? He became the talk of town quickly. So, one day when he was in town you decided to approach him. He was bit confused why someone would approach him, but he allowed himself to talk to you. Soon, enough you two hit it off. He started visiting the town more regularly to meet you and soon enough you were seeing each other.
-Zato's interest in flower language is evident the moment, you arrive to his place. He has flower arrangements on tables, outside of the window, pretty much everywhere where he can fit them. He hands you different flower arrangements every-now and then. He tells you it is good practice and you get a gift. Its a win-win situation.
-Most of time Eddie is silent, but when he isn't... He is a menace. Pestering you and Zato about various things. He isn't the rudest thing ever, as he has some elements of Zato's personality. But, Eddie is still way cruder than Zato. If, you're out on a date
-Eddie allows Zato to see, but sometimes Eddie is mischievous and doesn't let Zato to see. Those days, Zato is completely blind: He has to rely on his hearing and on you those days. He hates those days. He hates having to rely on others, not to mention it is a reminder that Eddie is there. Having control of some part of his life. You help him, best of your abilities. Guiding him around the house and getting him stuff.
-Eddie doesn't really sleep. So, sometimes when you two are trying to sleep, he will keep you two wake. Let it be, making noises or just gazing at you two. His eyes glow in the dark, so it is apparent whenever he is staring. He usually doesn't find it fun for long, at most ten minutes. So, you two usually just wait for him to get bored before you star sleeping again.
-Zato will drag you to look for aliens. He believes in them wholeheartedly. You entertain the thought, which causes him to start talking about alien sightings, how they could possibly look and so on. He gets always excited when the topic of aliens is brought up. He tries to keep a calm face, to look more collected. But, the excitement is evident in his voice.
-Zato isn't one for physical contact. He flinches the first time, when you try to hold his hand. He isn't too keen to talk about his past. He doesn't elaborate on it, why he doesn't like physical contact. At first he is extremely reluctant with any physical contact, but overtime he learns to accept the physical contact.
-He is a prideful person, he takes pride in his skills and overral looks. He will sometimes boast about his various skills to you, showcasing his skills to you. If, he isn't an expert at something he is bit hesitant to try it. But, with supporting words he will try something new with you. He also takes a good care of his hair, with different conditioners. You're pretty sure, he uses as much conditioners as hair-models.
-Massages are one thing, he's extremely good at. His knowledge of human body, allows him to massage just the right spots. Your muscles loosen every-single time he massages you, and at this point you wish he did it everyday for you.
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lasagras · 1 year
All right, so we've seen this post by @fuckyeahcoffeeandequality
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And they're absolutely correct. Some people actually say that Lofn and other goddesses are just different names or aspects of Frigg and/or Freyja, but I am wary of these claims since there are very few sources for norse mythology and there could be many reasons why there is much less written about the goddesses than the gods. But that's just me, and I am by no means an expert in the field. Snorri's Edda does say that Lofn unites those for whom marrige is forbidden, though, and that sounds pretty gay.
A little digression, bear with me I promise I have a point. Lavender has been used as a symbol for homosexuality and queerness for quite some time, and the colour purple even longer. "The Lavender Scare", "Lavender Menace" and "lavender marrige" are all terms and names from queer history, and the colour and the flower came to be empowering for queer people.
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In Icelandic, the name for lavender is 'lofnarblóm', literally translated as 'the flower of Lofn'. The plant is not native to the island and the word seems to be quite recent (the first written example of it I can find is from 1986), in all the other nordic languages they call it some sort of variation of lavendel, except for Faroese, where it appears to be called 'bath plant' (I'm so sorry, I don't speak Faroese). There are a few other words that start with lofnar-, most likely as a reference to the goddess, but most of them seem to be rather old and/or uncommon. I have no idea why 'lofnarblóm' was chosen as a translation for lavender. Knowing icelandic history, the queer connotation was probably not on purpose, but I can't help but get excited about the connection.
TL;DR: Lavender (aka the gay flower) is named after Lofn (aka the gay goddess in norse mythology) in icelandic
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bengiyo · 1 year
Why Do I Tag So Many Creators in My Posts? It’s About Respect
Earlier today I was talking with @sophsloveskpop in the notes of a post, and was asked about all of the interaction between blogs in the posts and essays about the shows. I’ve noticed an uptick in new names interacting with posts (and making great posts of their own!) and wanted to talk about why I do it and why I like fandom on Tumblr.
Fundamentally, I think it’s generally good courtesy to acknowledge when someone else has expressed a similar idea to your, or an idea that intrigues you. I think it’s best to tag that person and link to their post so that others can also experience it. It also opens you up to a dialogue with them and others.
People Like Getting Their Flowers
If someone posts an analysis or even a quirky idea that I felt the need to think about, I will mention them in my posts. None of the great content we get on here is necessarily quick to make. I absolutely love all of the gifmakers who fight against Photoshop, Tumblr, and God Himself to post snippets of shows on here for us. I wouldn’t be able to flesh out some of my posts, illustrates points, or otherwise breakup walls of text without @liyazaki, @wanderlust-in-my-soul, @pharawee, or @gabrielokun. Whenever I can’t find the gif I’m looking for through Tumblr’s terrible gif search, I reach out to one of them for permission to use their gifs directly.
Also, many of us just like being acknowledged that someone we wrote meant something to someone else. Every time I get tagged by someone in an essay I’m like:
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It’s a Conversation
I don’t think fandom is about being the smartest person or the most correct person. My basic framework I’m writing from is Black Gay Nerd Who Watches a Lot of Stuff. It’s what I’m most familiar with personally, and I find that people have really responded to that.
I’ve been around for a very long time, and have been seeing folks like @so-much-yet-to-learn around the entire time, who often has more specific information about fandom life during the airing of shows. @absolutebl and @heretherebedork have watched more BL than I have, and I’ve seen at least 250 productions. ABL has some of the most comprehensive posts collecting some of the history.
I made so many friends after diving into @shortpplfedup DMs to talk about sustainable urbanism and bonding over our shared geography. Now we run @the-conversation-pod together. Through them I befriended so many others, like @elnotwoods and @kyr-kun-chan.
I’m not a color theory expert, and so I love reading posts from @respectthepetty and others (I think @sliceduplife writes about color too).
We wouldn't even have my favorite show without @isaksbestpillow.
I know what shows are coming because of @clairificusrex.
I don’t know much about music theory, but @iguessitsjustme write some great stuff about the music in these shows.
I don’t always read the body language of hands as closely as someone like @wen-kexing-apologist might.
I am not Asian, and so I like reading from @waitmyturtles, @telomeke-bbs, and @neuroticbookworm. I know that @recentadultburnout and @airenyah offer useful perspective on Thai language.
Sometimes folks are going to narrow down on specific shows and consistently write about them for years on side blogs like @miscellar.
Some people have studied so much and bring specific academic lenses to the genre that I find compelling, like @emotionallychargedtowel.
In many cases, I just vibe with them really hard, like @ginnymoonbeam.
I actually didn’t always post as much as I do, but I try to keep up my Stray Thoughts project so that people can keep track of what I’m watching. I used to write less meta, but then I befriended @waitmyturtles and @lurkingshan. Any time I say anything remotely thoughtful Shan is like:
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Also, though, this is Tumblr! It’s easy to tag each other and link to each other’s posts! This is what makes us different from every
Isn’t It Just More Fun?
I don’t enjoy shows passively. I grew up in a family that watched things together. My mom, dad, sister, and I all have differing tastes from each other, but we watched a lot of different things together. My friends and I discussed the things we watched at school.
I’m a big fan of the water cooler approach to TV show distribution, which basically says you want your show to be the show people are talking about on their breaks at work. I always like Film Crit Hulk’s theory that movies (and our dramas) are the proverbial campfires around which we gather to share ourselves with each other.
This is all supposed to be fun, and I have more fun when we interact. I get tagged daily by @blmpff about updates from sets, or when we all need to rush to IG to make sure Fluke Pongsakorn doesn’t cut his hair. When @bl-bam-beyond makes a new set or post they let me know, and they recently rewatched Noah’s Arc! I made friends with @gillianthecat in the last year or so, and it’s been fun seeing her make her way through fandom. I always get excited with @troubled-mind pings me in a post because I know it’s going to give me something to chew on. I didn’t have a genuine appreciation for kink culture until I watched along with @lutawolf. If something funny is happening in fandom I know @benkaaoi is going to tag me. I still get excited when @heukheuk pops up in my mentions.
I know I’ve probably forgotten so many people alone the way here, and I’m sorry if I didn’t mention you.
Tag Because It’s the Right Thing to Do
So seriously, tag people and link to their posts. Try to use the giffmakers specific tags when you’re using the search feature. Fandom is better when we all interact respectfully and enthusiastically with each other. Tumblr is special because it lets us create goofy little essays like this and tag dozens of people just to get their attention.
If you have a cool thought about a show I’m watching, tag me. If you see something funny, tag me in the comments. If you wanna hash out an idea before posting it, DM me. This is Tumblr. Don’t be shy with your thoughts. It’s okay to be wrong on the internet. It’s actually fun to be wrong on the internet about show predictions!
Thank you as always for coming to my post.
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bubblestopia · 2 years
you are dating them [headcanon]
characters included: Aegon Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Jacaerys Velaryon
warnings: mention of sexual activities 
A/N: please don't be too harsh on judging it, i’m still learning so be patient with me. reblogs and comments are grateful appreciated, I am always open to new ideas and suggestions. I suppose I should mention that english is not my first language.
this is a work is fiction utilising characters from HBO’s House Of The Dragon series.
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Aegon Targaryen 
we have to accept the fact that this man will not give up to his bad habits so easily, we have to work hard for it.
he claims he is a dom but when he is with you, the love one, he is a sub sometimes, he can also be a good dom when he is in the mood of course 
has nightmares every time and comes to you to comfort him
we all know he seeks love, attention and most important a loving touch 
he learns how to be loving and to not hurt you 
probably at some point in the relationship he will be comfortable to ask for more stuff intimacy
he wears a lot of rings and when holding hands you love playing with them, he secretly loves that  
his nicknames for you would be my love and probably he will call you his light but not all the time, on special occasion 
he will be the first one to say I love you, probably after you show a little bit of affection
he loves if you take baths with him and help him to wash himself 
I believe he loves chubby persons, laying his head on your thighs, belly and boobs is his religion 
he will worship you especially in bed
his love language is touching 
Aemond Targaryen
at first he will be cold towards you, but only because he cares about you and doesn't want you to suffer 
he will learn to show you affection in time and we have to be patients 
his love language is gift giving 
the gifts we will receive are probably books that he already annotated for you 
he would love if you hold into his arm 
he loves when you braid his hair 
he will be intimate with you out of duty at first but when you two grow closer he would ravish and worship you
he would be gentle but if you ask politely he will be more than happy to fulfil your needs 
he loves to hear you beg 
he is expert with hands 
 I believe he is into chocking 
his nicknames for you would be dear and probably he will find a pet name that suits your personality the best 
he is the jealous type but will not show it to you, but he will have a nice conversation with the other guy who dared to look or speak with you
Jacaerys Velaryon
this man screams gentleman 
the lord of aftercare 
his love language is words of affirmation and touching
he needs to hold your hand every time you are with him 
you two would have picnics in garden, reading and enjoying the flowers 
eye contact every single time especially in bed 
he will cherish and worship you like a goddess 
he refers to you as a work of art 
his nicknames for you would be love or darling 
hugs from behind are a must, either if its from you or him 
he will tease you a lot when you two are not alone but only when the mood is set up, he will whisper what he will do to you during the dinner  
he loves to give you flowers, but only one at a time 
if he falls for you he will fall hard 
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*blows a party noisemaker* Happiest of birthdays Rollo Flamme! May your upcoming year of life treat you of highest regards! *pushes a box wrapped in wrapping paper colored like his outfit, and upon opening it, you find some winter gloves with an embroidered bell on the backs of the hands, cupping what looks like a Keychain, shaped like a gladiolus flower.* The gladiolus means strength. And knowing how hard it is to be a club leader and a Student Council president, you're gonna need it! Greatest days, sir Flamme! *Oh hey, there was also a coupon for that bakery you liked! A free treat of your choice! Looks legit too.*
Imagine bells embroidered on the back of the image of the gloves—
Thank you to Omori for teaching me about the gladiolus 🫶
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You blew the party noisemaker again, extending its tail to brush against Rollo's nose and tickle it. He sniffed, unamused, and provided a thin smile.
"What practical choices for presents," he noted, running a hand along the winter gloves nestled in a bed of tissue paper. "The winters in the City of Flowers can be brutal and chilling. Protection against the elements is essential if one wishes to survive such a challenging time of year.
"This coupon will also see use, even if for a single transaction. The difference in money saved for the purchase of a croissant is meager, but it is money saved nevertheless."
"Why not use the coupon to try out a new bread or pastry that you wouldn't normally try?" you suggested, tapping at the coupon.
"What?" Rollo tapped one finger against the gift box--a sign of annoyance. "Do not speak such nonsense. I am very particular about what I consume and I do not stray from that. Perhaps indulgence is a worldly pleasure you Night Raven College students partake in, but not I."
"Ehhh, suit yourself." You shrugged, knowing that it was futile to try and change his mind. "What do you think about your last present? Do you like it as much as the others?"
"The keychain?" Rollo uttered the term as though it were a distant, estranged relative. "I am not an expert in aesthetics, and nor do I care to fixate on fashion. I typically find accessories to be needless add-ons."
Ouch. He doesn't mince his words.
He paused to clear his throat, a fist to his mouth.
"However... I do find the motif upon this keychain to be of interest. The gladiolus is also known as the 'sword flower', perhaps because of its similar shape when the flowers cluster. As you have said, they are meant to bestow strength upon the recipient.”
A small smile founds its way onto his face, though his eyes remained dark.
“Fufufu, it is a most considerate gift on your part. I could do with the strength.”
“Wow, Prez,” you marveled, “I didn't realize you were so knowledgeable about the language of flowers. I’m just glad you ended up liking the keychain after all! You had me worried there for a sec.”
“Hmph, indeed.”
He smirked to himself.
I will need the strength to persist through this birthday party.
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daily-leoneed · 2 months
Day 129
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If anyone has forgotten that Ichika is Miya's plant expert I am here to remind you!!! Sega, Rui and Ichika bonding over knowledge of flower language when?? The art is by Nemu over on Twitter, and was posted by the Ensekai Offical account. (Spot the Leoni photos in the background? Secret Leoni mention,,)
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someidiot-withadhd · 8 months
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so, this is a thing!
hibiscus flowers and a graffitied duck
I’m not gonna look too deep into this, cause I’m not MatPat, but I will point out a few things i noticed!
one, a hibiscus. According to google, this flower means “virginity, gentleness and fame.” … “happiness, sunshine, and good luck!” And “beauty and joy”.
these all(excluding the obvious outlier o-O) mean something happy. Sunshine sticks out to me most, because when you think of quesadilla island, you’re supposed to think of perfection. Perfect, sunny weather, right?
two, the duck. This bastard <3 /neg
he has not been a part of the islander’s lives, only showing up once every big event. So far he has shown up at the start of the island on the train. The egg adoption event, and every time a new language was added(I’m pretty sure). He has been absent for the lore so far.
which bring me to the quote. “I don’t like you, but you’re good for my business, and that’s all I need”
this is written in all caps on the image. Which is a writing style used by federation workers. This is not an islander writing this. That’s one suspect out of the way. This also probably isn’t the duck himself speaking, cause why would the picture be of him.
I think this is the watcher.
“I don’t like you” the watcher hates the duck and the fed workers associated with it.
“But you’re good for my business, and that’s all I need” this fucker is taking control of the islanders and the duck’s branch of the federation.
also, the graffiti has some clues. I doubt that “Loser” is something that Cucurucho or an islander would put. The duck is probably much more powerful than even Cucurucho, but the watcher? The (most likely possessed) eye workers took down FITMC HIMSELF. The 2B2T veteran was killed by them.
the dollar sign. This correlates with the business thing. The watcher is trying to get some money out of this whole ordeal.
But anyway, that’s JUST A THE-
you’re welcome to add onto this in any way. I am not an expert on all the lore (I main Jaiden and Slimecicle lmao) so I have no idea if this is even anything. Feel free to correct me on any information I may have gotten wrong, or disprove my theory.
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themanirealityshifter · 5 months
🧚‍♂️✨🌿🍂🍄Magical Forest DR Script🍄🍂🌿✨🧚‍♂️
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ • }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• [ First Name: Cosmo ] • • [ Middle Name: None ] • • [ Last Name: None ] • • [ Species: Fairy ] • • [ Age: 120 ] •
• [ Pronouns: He/It/Xe/They ] • • [ Gender Identity: Genderfluid Genderflux Enby TransGuy ] • • [ Romantic Orientation: Aromantic ] • • [ Sexual Orientation: Myrsexual (Neurosexual, Nebulasexual, and Merosexual) ] • • [ Other Orientation(s): Ambiamorous; Homoalterous; Omniqueerplatonic; Panexteramo; Pansensual; Panaesthetic ] •
• [ Parent(s): None ] • • [ Sibling(s): None ] • • [ Other Family Member(s): None ] • • [ Partner(s): Darcy ] • • [ Best Friend(s): None ] • • [ Friend(s): Everyone ] •
• [ Description: Human-sized fairy; 7’0”; Dark brown horns that curve downwards; Huge wings that look like luna moth wings; Pale fair skin; Clear skin; Oval face; Lean, masculine/muscular body; Brown eyes; Round spectacles; Pointed ears; Top and bottom surgery scars ] • • [ Style: Shirts and trousers made of silks spun by Fire Spiders and leaves woven by beavers; Silver, casual armor pieces made by Centaurs; Necklaces, earrings, and rings made of stars and the finest jewels, gifted to me by the Centaurs and Dwarves; A necklace of a half moon ] • • [ Personality: Same as in my CR ] • • [ Abilities (natural and learned): Elemental Manipulation; Potion-making; Antidote-making ] •
• [ Personal Items: Several Potions for wounds, stomachaches, headaches, and other illnesses; A small painting of Darcy ] • • [ Extra: Hate does not exist; War does not exist; Humans do not exist; Everything is 100% peaceful and harmonious; There are no enemies; Every magical being is immortal; I am immortal; No one dies; There is nothing to give anybody, myself included, any type of emotional, verbal, physical, or psychological trauma; Darcy and I both are expert climbers and know how to make medicinal potions; Darcy and I both speak every language and can communicate with animals; There is no such thing as transphobia, homophobia, acephobia, arophobia, queerphobia, sexism, racism, etc.; Darcy and I both cannot and do not grow bored of being in the forest, although we can become bored; Darcy and I both know how to weave baskets, bracelets, and necklace cords; Darcy and mine’s wings glow in the dark; Darcy and I can’t get bug bites, poison ivy, poison oak, etc.; It never gets too hot, but every plant, flower, tree, etc. that needs hot weather in CR can survive and thrive without that heat in this DR; Nothing dies or goes away and can thrive and strive when winter comes; All wildlife are friendly to Darcy and I ] •
• [ Our Place (Mine’s and Darcy’s) ] •
Darcy and I live in a gigantic tree. It’s not by the ground, but a little more than half way up. There is one bed, a side table, a couch, a “kitchen”, and an art area. The furniture is made from sturdy branches and vines, and moss and leaves as cushioning. Nothing rots. Darcy hung up tons of strings of dried glowing mushrooms, so there’s always light in there. There’s also tons of glass jars of immortal fireflies, too, so that adds light. Plus, we also have a few giant luminous mushrooms growing in there, either from the walls or in pots. We have several plants in pots all over, most of them sitting on the sturdy mushroom caps growing from the walls. It’s covered in moss and ferns, and we have to trim it often. The art area is a small corner that is splattered with paint and pollen. The paint is made from ground leaves, petals, and roots. Darcy mostly makes the paint since it’s his expertise. We have lots of shelves that we nailed into the walls using some handmade nails made by the Dwarves. We keep dried foods, canned foods (in jars), and our knickknacks on them, as well as the natural luminous mushrooms that grow out of the walls everywhere. 
• [ Magical Beings That Live In The Forest ] •
• [ Wood Nymphs: ancient, beautiful and youthful tree women, who keep the forest flourishing and who like to dance with the Fauns ] •
• [ Fauns: half human, half goat people, who enjoy playing musical instruments such as flutes and harps, and dancing around bonfires at night, and collecting honey and berries ] •
• [ Centaurs: half human, half horse beings who are incredibly intelligent and are master astronomers ] •
• [ Dwarves: short fat people, who always have beards, and are very good with gems and mining ] •
• [ Fairies: small to human-sized horned and winged beings who are known to be mischievous and are expert climbers and potion masters ] •
• [ Giants: gigantic people who live in caves or under particularly large trees and by very large pools of water, they are incredibly good at fishing and are very friendly ] •
• [ Orphinki (an original creature made by me!!!): small beautiful dragon-like creatures who are usually wise and live in hammocks in most trees ] •
• [ Dragons: giant lizard-like creatures with wings and venomous spit, they are gorgeous and shiny and sweet and nice and are known to be lovable and gentle to all ] •
• [ Water Nymphs: ancient, beautiful elegant water women who love to dance with the water fairies and spirits ] •
• [ The Four Spirits: water, fire, earth, and wind are the four spirits, and they’re friendly little curious things that are everywhere and nowhere at the same time, sometimes they transform into a specific form, but most times they are simply there in the water or in the fire or in the ground or in the wind ] •
• [ Griffins: half bird, half lion beings that love swooping around under the trees and herding flocks of birds ] •
• [ Mermaids: half human, half fish people who live in the many pools in the forest, they sing beautifully and love to braid water nymphs’ hair ] •
• [ Wisps: glowing beings that mimic the forms of others, they’re friendly and curious little creatures that are as ancient as the Earth and know far more many things than you may realize, usually they take the form of stags or rabbits, but when they are interacting with someone specifically, they’ll usually mimic them ] •
• [ Pixies: tiny, mischievous fairy-like beings, who are all purple, indigo, and dark blue, they are known to play pranks and gang up with dwarves and fauns for a game of fun ] •
• [ Elves: tall, elegant and beautiful human-like immortal people, with long curving horns coming from their heads and pointed ears, they usually wear either silks and jewels, or leaves, moss, and acorn jewelry ] •
• [ Flying Horses: large, beautiful horses with huge feather wings, come in all colors, and are known to be very friendly, they love flying in between trees and searching for a nice clearing to lay and roll in, Elves usually are seen riding or befriending them ] •
• [ + More ] •
• [ Some Wildlife ] •
White-tail deer
Honey Bees
Insects of all kinds 
+ tons more
• [ General Description of The Forest ] •
• [ An endless forest, full of magical beings, underground caves, clear water pools, huge to tiny trees, and animals of all kinds, all living in peace together, totally harmonious. ] •
• [ Me in this DR (Picrew Form) ] •
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d-andilion · 2 years
a gesture
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my first prompt for @whataboutthebard!
prompt: whump: destruction of sentimental property/theft, wuv: giving gifts, mending clothing
(geraskier, T, pre-relationship, s2 compliant, post-mountain angst, hurt!jaskier, hurt/comfort, 1k, read on ao3)
Geralt can’t for the life of him think how everything went so wrong. This was supposed to be a good moment. He was supposed to be presenting his bard with a thoughtful, timely, and very expensive gift. They were supposed to be making up for lost time, maybe mending some old wounds. Jaskier was supposed to be happy.
The bard is not happy.
Even if Jaskier’s body language—tight shoulders, clenched fists, eyes pitched low—weren’t enough to clue Geralt in, the refusal to lay so much as a finger on the instrument lying on the bed between them certainly does. Where he was lounging comfortably mere moments ago, Jaskier is now perched like a leaf on a cliffside waiting for the slightest gust of wind to send him toppling over, and the lute before him might as well be a gathering storm for the glare he gives it.
Geralt would never claim to be an expert on the subject, but he thought the lute was just fine when he purchased it at the market yesterday. It could never compare to the elven one Jaskier received all those years ago, but nothing ever would. Surely the bard knows that. If he is waiting for another ancient heirloom from the elven people to fall into his lap, he’ll be waiting until the end of time.
This one is a perfectly good replacement. It’s used, but in good shape to Geralt’s eye, and the merchant was spoken highly of when he asked around. The finish is intact, the strings are brand new. It even has delicate yellow flowers embroidered into the shoulder strap. Geralt had thought it a fine gift. A chance for him to show Jaskier that he’s trying.
But Jaskier hates it. Worse, he almost looks frightened of it.
“You’re upset,” Geralt says, forever stating the obvious.
“I’m not,” Jaskier replies, smiling tightly. Geralt suppresses a frustrated groan.
“You don’t like it? Is it… I don’t know, the wrong wood?” The merchant said spruce was standard, but Jaskier has always liked to be different. Would be have preferred pine? Cherry? Do those kinds of lutes even exist?
“No, it’s lovely,” Jaskier says, though he makes no move to retrieve the instrument. “Thank you very much, darling.” 
Jaskier isn’t lying about that, Geralt can hear as much, but he clearly isn’t pleased. On the contrary, he looks to be at the brink of tears, and he’s rubbing his fingers together the way he does when he’s nervous. It’s a new tick of his, one more thing about him that Geralt has had to relearn since their parting. Jaskier does it all the time now, even when his hand was still bandaged from his run-in with—
With the fire fucker. Fuck.
Geralt reaches for Jaskier’s hand but the bard snatches it away. It stings more than it should. Another reminder of all the liberties he hasn’t yet earned, the ones he once took for granted.
“You told me you were healed.”
“I am,” Jaskier lies, heart skipping.
“Let me see.” Geralt holds out his hand, an offer this time rather than a demand. Jaskier doesn’t accept it.
“It’s fine. See?” Jaskier waives his hand quickly in front of his face before tucking it into his lap. “Barely a scar.”
“But it’s still bothering you.”
That earns a hollow laugh. 
“Does it hurt?” Geralt presses.
“It doesn't anything anymore, Geralt!” The admission yanks at whatever remains of Jaskier’s composure, bringing an edge to his voice and a tear rolling down his cheek. He’s trembling a bit, anger and despair curling sourly in the air around them. 
“I have no feeling there,” Jaskier continues. “I... Sometimes I think I feel something, but it’s never real. It's gone.”
Geralt can’t think what to say to that so he says nothing, letting the silence draw out into a long tense pause.
Jaskier sucks in a shuddering breath. “This is the one thing I can do without ruining it. If can't do it anymore, I'd rather not find out. I don’t think I could bear it.”
Frustration with Jaskier for keeping this from him builds and dissipates in a single breath. The bard has always been quick to hide his hurts, terrified that Geralt would leave him behind. And he did, didn’t he? Things have been better since Voleth Meir, Geralt thinks, but he has hardly earned the full breadth of Jaskier’s trust yet. Not even close, he wagers.
If things weren’t so broken between them—if Geralt hadn’t been the one to break them—he might have some hope of offering Jaskier the comfort he so clearly craves right now. Tactile is Jaskier’s base state of being, even more so when he’s upset. But now he pulls away, curling in on himself instead of reaching out for Geralt the way he has so many times before. 
Geralt doesn’t dare reach for Jaskier again, but he lays his hand on the blanket between them, beside the offending lute, a gesture of whatever Jaskier will accept from him right now.
“You don’t ruin things, Jaskier.” It earns him a watery smile he probably doesn’t deserve. Geralt returns it with a small grin of his own. “You know how to play like you know how to breathe. If you practice, you might get the feel of it again.”
“Maybe,” Jaskier agrees. He doesn’t look quite convinced, but not entirely hopeless either. Geralt can work with that. “I need a bit more time, I think.”
Geralt nods. He can give Jaskier time. “And this?” he asks, nodding to the lute. It looks imposing now in a way it wasn’t before.
Jaskier picks the instrument up with shaking hands and sets it in his lap. It doesn’t look quite at home and neither does Jaskier, but Geralt is certain that will change. It has to change.
“Might as well keep it, hm?” Jaskier smiles. “It really is lovely.”
“Not sexy, though?”
The bard laughs brightly at that and it drenches the room in warmth. He holds the lute a little firmer. “Maybe a bit sexy.”
w.a.t.b. masterlist
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gotstabbedbyapen · 9 months
A Welcome Letter
Greetings to whoever is reading this,
I am known as The Pen, death by being Caesar'd with pens, and the owner of this Tumblr blog. Yes, “The Pen” is not my real name - it was just one of my pseudonyms. But nobody needs to know my real name and my other pseudonyms :)
Anyway, now that you have stumbled upon here and wanted to know what to expect from me, here are some things you can jot down!
1. I am an everything enthusiast.
This is a fancy way to say that my content is very inconsistent. Most of the time, I brainrot over Greek gods and heroes and everything in between, especially Apollo and Hyacinthus. I'm also interested in other mythological pantheons or non-mythology topics, which you'll come to see.
But my hyperfixation of something does not make me an expert. Everything you see on my blog should only prompt you to learn more about the “new thing” I just discovered, not accept it as a fact right away. I might be wrong. I might be missing something. I have a lot to dig through, and so do you.
2. I am a professional shitposter.
If the discoveries are too complicated and must be written in an essay with the 1000 words minimum to fully explain them, fear not! I cannot write lengthy analyses without my pea-size brain exploding, so I will make them into memes to be more digestible.
Other than that, I will be writing incorrect quotes, doodling fanarts, and cooking other shitposts and shenanigans for no reason at all!
3. I am an amateur writer.
If the incorrect quotes are too long, I will write them into oneshots, long stories, or even series. I'm trying to improve my weird grammar and wording because English is not my first language, but I promise nothing.
My works are on Archive Of Our Own (GotStabbedByAPen). Also, also, I'm currently writing an Apollo/Hyacinthus fic trilogy called Singing For A Flower, so check out that introduction post if you're interested!
That is all you need to know for now. Whether my blog is educational or entertaining or neither is up to you to decide. I still hope you have a good time here!
Thanks for sticking to the end. Don't forget to stay safe, stay sane, and keep making the good stuff!
Love you all,
The Pen
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grantaireble · 5 months
Lookin' backwards might be the only way forward: Archaism, Dead Languages, & TTPD
I noticed something that I am still formulating thoughts on. I'm not an expert on any of this stuff, but here it is for now:
I think that Taylor is using archaism her lyrics and evoking works originally told in dead languages like stories from Greek Myth and the Bible.
So, Archaic Words are words that belong to an earlier time period and are no longer commonly used. Colloquially, we also use the word "archaic" to mean that something is generally outdated or old-fashioned.
A Dead Language is a language that no longer has native speakers, but does have second-language speakers. Ancient Greek and Latin are dead languages but are still studied a for religious and academic purposes.
Examples of dead/archaic language on TTPD:
Fortnight= Old English ("two weeks") Fortnight
'Fore (shortened "before")= Old English So Long London
"Bestow upon"= Old English ("to give or present") But Daddy I Love Him
"Tryst" is from "Triste"= Old French ("lookout post") Guilty As Sin
"Bygone"= Middle English ("well in the past, former") imgonnagetyouback
"Post-Mortem"= Latin ("after death")
"Hereby" & "Maladies"= Middle English How Did It End?
Aristotle wrote in Attic Greek So High School
Cassandra is a figure out of Greek Myth which would have been told in Koine Greek Cassandra
Persona non grata= Latin ("unwanted person") The Prophecy
The Albatross references the Rime of the Ancient Mariner which notably uses archaic english words like "Hark" and "Behold" and "Forsooth"
"Rose by any other name" references Shakespeare, who's work is also full of archaisms because of it's age, but who also employed archaism as a literary technique within his work. The Albatross
CAIL= Old Irish ("reputation")
Anthology is from the Greek Anthologia ("collection of flowers")
The Bible was originally written in Koine Greek (referenced in tons of these songs: The Prophecy, Guilty As Sin?, Clara Bow, LOML, etc.)
One last thing, Taylor recently used the word when speaking about Beyonce:
“She's the most precious gem of a person — warm and open and funny,” Swift said of the Destiny's Child star. “And she's such a great disrupter of music-industry norms. She taught every artist how to flip the table and challenge archaic business practices.”
I have been thinking of all this in connection to "The Manuscript" and the idea that Taylor is possibly in the process of leaving some parts of her story behind. Definitely let me know what you think/ if I missed anything/if I'm wrong about the specifics of any of this language stuff!!
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theg-unit · 1 year
141 (and friends) professional and  personal Specialty Headcannons.
also I dipped for a hot minute but I spent that time reading twitter thread fics like the internet goblin I am and falling into the multi shipper hole that is PriceNik and poly141 so here are more Headcannons about our favs. 
(also no I won't write Konig Headcannons, I don't like him. pls stop asking)
Areas of interest: academic and personal.
-soap is good at chemistry and chemical equations. the man has the periodic table tattooed on the back of his eyelids and nothing will stop him from making an IED out of literally the most random shit. also knows a concerning amount about atomic physics.  but he also has a passion for all poetry and writes little sonnets in his sketchbook for his partners.
-Price is really good at languages. he's a certified multilingual and is constantly learning. his favourite part is learning niche regional dialects. he is fluent in conversation in all major languages and can speak conversationally in at least 30 others. he also really enjoys horticulture. he can name 50 different grasses according to Laswell.
- Ghost specialises in trigonometry. he can do it mentally on the fly and often comes out correct. he uses it in his sniping, allowing him to be sent on more solo missions, without the need for a spotter. coincidently his secondary talent is navigation, he is bizarrely good at maps and geo guessing games but also used to do orienteering tournaments before his “death”. after the alone mission, despite only being told where the safe house was, ghost seemed to find his way there, without a map, from a city he had only been in for like a week. I like to think his internal sense of direction is like homing pigeon level. you could stick him anywhere and he could immediately find his way back. 
-Gaz is an all-round science man, a jack-of-all-trades. he has a comprehensive knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, geology and the niche areas as well. zoology, astrophysics, ecology, palaeontology, psychology, genetics astronomy, botany, microbiology and the list goes on. you'll never meet someone with so much knowledge of the natural, social and formal sciences. he's not at university level but he has a thorough understanding of the concepts and case studies for all. he can comprehend the advanced concepts as well. its helped the 141 out of some tight spots. coincidently his personal interest is reading. his room on base and his apartment is full of academic journals and natgeo magazines.
-Alejandro. Mechanical engineering. The colonel of the Los Vaqueros can fix anything with duct tape and a prayer, but he also can build the most robust (and more importantly) high-functioning machinery. all repairs to their vehicles and heavy weaponry on base are done by Alejandro, simply because he doesn’t trust anyone else with the machines that keep his men safe. he also enjoys doing it, it gives him some time to wind down and just tinker with things. His secret talent is weaving and braiding. he was taught by his abuela to not only weave scarves and things like carpets, but also to braid her hair and his sisters once she got too old. (I head cannon him as the oldest and they all lived with their grandma cause their parents died.) he used to braid Valerias hair (as an mlm/wlw besties thing) before she betrayed them. he braided Gaz’s hair once they bonded over engineering.
-Rudolfo. Rudy is an expert in law. more specifically domestic and international criminal law, but he also keeps up with all legal disciplines. due to the proximity of Las Almas to the border, he also keeps up to date with USA law. He's a life saver in sticky jurisdiction missions. he also manages the compounds paperwork for requests. he has a silver tongue that translates to requisition forms. his personal passion is painting though. he feels that sometimes words aren't enough to describe things and loves painting landscapes and the little moments, like a flowering cactus in the middle of the night but also its death the next morning. he knows how fleeting life can be in his profession, and wants to capture all aspects. hopefully more with Ale if they retire.
-Laswell. Algorithms. typical of a spook Kate is an expert in cryptographic algorithms. she spent a few years as a cipher breaker/creator in her early career and hasn't lost her touch since moving to intelligence. all of her transmissions to her sources are hand encrypted and they have a key delivered separately. she creates them herself so that they can't be deciphered. she also does it completely in her head, nothing is typed out. her time off is spent back on her wife's farm, as her passion is animal husbandry. they raise goats, sheep, some assorted fowl and a smaller herd of cattle together.  she has an Australian Shepard and a kelpie/blue heeler dog that she trained herself. 
-Nik is an expert in psychology. not in your typical clinical way, but the body language, tone of voice, mindset and “takes one look and deciphers your whole life” way. His experience is immense and he applies it all the time. he can tell when a prisoner is lying in interrogation and when he's been made during undercover. Nik knows people, and frequently uses his observations to do things like blatantly walk into a restricted area with only confidence and a blank lanyard. the Russian is unparalleled in putting himself in the enemies mind space or pulling off dangerous acts in a crowded area. he’s been teaching gaz some tricks (e.g. the Amsterdam cafe mission). But on the side, he is an excellent barber. haircuts of any length and a full on old fashioned shave, with a straight razor and everything, is his special talent. he does price’s moustache, Jonnys mohawk (even though he thinks its ugly when short), learnt how to give gas a full hair treatment and even does Kates hair. he uses it for missions of course (its a great source of intel) but he also finds it to be a way to show care to his people. 
Valeria: main specialty-economics and accounting. special interest-botany (but strictly focusing on poisonous and hallucinogenic plants)
Graves: main specialty: aeronautics. special interest-being a backstabbing bitch? jk, he's actually super into smoking and curing meats. if he had joined 141 he and ghost would have eventually found common ground there. (ghost actually enjoyed his career as a butchers apprentice)
anyway that's it for now, and I'll try upload more often. feel free to repost on other platforms with credit, my twitter @ is @macG_Unit. also let me know if anyone writes pics based off these, id love to read them. 
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