#I am so beyond unreasonably annoyed
floral-hex · 7 months
“guess you didn’t have a forwarding address after all ☹️” shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut up shut up shut up
#I am FROTHING#at the mouth I mean#I am so beyond unreasonably annoyed#dad sends bday card to old address bc we never talk and he didn’t know I moved#literally never texts me#I don’t really text him either so I suppose it’s a two way street#I had mail forwarding until Jan 1st so I dunno what happened but I dunno just the text out of the blue like that triggers something in me#could have just said “hey your card finally got returned. do you want me to resend it?’#BUT NO fucking ☹️☹️☹️ guess you made a wittle mistakey son ☹️☹️☹️#I’m most probably reading too much into it. probably. I’m hoping….#I am just… seething…#whatever. it’s a two way road. you’d just think he’d care about his son to check in more often#especially when said son is not. doing. great. when said son is helping take care of his estranged dad’s sick ex wife whom he divorced to#to fuck off around the world and fucking go live abroad after having two kids. just fucks off. fucked off. f offed. off’d? LEFT#which WHATEVER your prerogative my dude my man I still love you but I’m gonna be resentful forever#and I’m getting off topic. oh yeah. and the last time we texted briefly I was saying how life was shitty#told him I had to move because of no money and mom got a transplant and is still sick all the time#and it’s all ‘well… let me know if I can do anything’#fuck you#you want to be snarky go ahead and be snarky#go fucking drink by the pool all day with your dogs whatever#big fucking nice guy ‘uwu guess you didn’t really want my letter 👉👈😢#I’m just… fucking sorry I don’t text you more. what am I supposed to text about?#i’m ashamed of myself. of my life. I’m a fucking 35 year old loser and I know I let you down. talking to you just reminds me I’m a fuck up#I’m a bad investment and you got out while the getting was good#fuck… it was just some shitty little comment that might not have even been malicious. just tone deaf or whatever#but now I’m feeling so shitty and I can’t stop it#sorry this was too much#I was on the verge of just starting to yell and stomp around like an idiot and decided to vent here instead#… but seriously what the fuck. what response is he expecting? I set up forwarding so idk. shit happens dude
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peachesofteal · 21 days
Lieutenant Riley and his favorite thing (physio!reader) 18+ mdni - series crossover, alcohol, rough blowjob.
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You've decided the Lieutenant is certifiable.
After he takes you home and babies you through your period, he disappears. You don't see him for weeks. The 141 is still on base, but he's turned into a ghost. The Ghost, you guess, the whispers circling around and around, twisting and turning into gruesome stories, long drawn out tales told between pints in a bar.
You don't see him, but there is something else. A feeling, a creepy, crawly sixth sense that comes from the sensation of being watched.
It's beyond weird. Like him.
The worst of it all is you find yourself looking for him now. Wondering about him. Almost wanting to know where he is, the question of why he hasn't come to see you again flourishing from a small niggling thought in the back of your mind to a full blown distraction.
It's unnerving. He's unnerving.
Because you don't want him, right? And clearly, since he's MIA for weeks now, he doesn't want you.
Your thoughts do stray though, to the night he tucked you in with a heating pad, the way he sat at the edge of your bed until you fell asleep, stroking rough, calloused fingers down your cheek when he thought you were completely out. He was murmuring under his breath, grit and grain in his throat impossible to make out, the sandpaper strain of it finally pulling you under.
The weather is finally starting to turn. No longer boiling, the breeze is now crisp, and cool, a welcome reprieve considering the standard issue pants that suffocate your thighs at every turn.
You bask in it. Enjoying it so much, you're lost in breathing it in as you trek back to your place, not paying attention to where you're going-
until you physically run into another girl.
"Oh my god-" She bounces away from you, bag spilling over her shoulder, stumbling to the side. "Oh my god I am so sorry!" You snatch her by the arm, trying to keep her steady, and once she rights herself, she gives you a half panicked, half flustered look, eyes focused past your ears.
"It's okay, I'm okay." You recognize her. She's the big deal analyst, the one apparently flew in by the station chief. What do they call her? Cypher? She gives you a weak smile.
"I'm sorry," you apologize again, and she shrugs. "Really, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."
"Oh," she looks down, "I do that all the time." Her fingers twist at the bottom of her jacket, gaze snapping back to your face after it leaves her feet. Something clicks in her eyes, some sort of recognition. "You're the physio." It's not a question. It's a statement, and the vowels turn downward, almost a hushed pitch. Weird.
"Um, yeah. My office is over there." You nod, and so does she. There's awkward silence for a beat, and you extend your hand, giving her your name.
"Right, Sorry." She smiles sheepishly. She is really cute, you realize, looking her up and down quickly. She returns the favor, giving you her name, but follows up just as fast. "- but most people call me Cypher."
"It's nice to meet you."
"You too!" She chirps, and then something catches her eye. Sergeant MacTavish of the 141. You blanche, trying to you school your face into a neutral expression. "Ah well, that's my... my uh..." she's flustered, words jumbled, before just giving up. "It was nice to meet you."
"Likewise." You call to her retreating form, but she's already out of earshot.
Weird. Again.
"He's so fuckin' annoying!" Your friend half shouts over the raucous pub, and you giggle.
"You're the one who dated him." You spit back, jostling your shoulder against her where you're both crammed into a corner table, two others still at the bar, getting another round.
You're drunk. You haven't stumbled into unreasonable territory yet, but the blood in your veins is thinning, world starting to wobble at the edges. There's no caution in you now, common sense quickly slipping away, but you're not worried. With four of you here, there's safety in numbers, and you're just off base.
"Alright, four tequilas," shots filled to the rim with golden sweet liquor slosh across the table, small plate of salt and quartered limes following. "Bottoms up."
Some guy across the room by the pool table lifts his pint to you as you swallow down the citrus rich burn, and your cheeks warm. Your friend leans in. "He's checking you out."
"No he's not."
"Without a doubt. He's practically-" she burps, and you laugh. "practically undressing you with his eyes. You should go over there."
"And do what?" Your focus shifts, remembering the Lieutenant stroking your cheek in the dark, surprisingly gentle but still rough on the edges. You shove it away.
"Talk to him!" She nudges, shoves, you with her hip towards the edge of the booth, and you hiss.
"Knock it off."
"No. You need to get laid. It's been years." She makes it sound like you're an old maid. "I know for a fact you haven't slept with anyone since you moved here. Time to dip your toes in, or at least flirt a little." Drunk, you're having a hard time combatting her badgering, and the insistence is shifting the tide, convincing you it's a good idea.
A little flirting won't hurt, right?
The floor squeaks under your shoes, sticky already, and the guy lights up when he sees you coming his way.
"Hey." It's lame, but what else can you say?
"Hey, beautiful." Okay, a little thick there bud. "Haven't seen you around before." It's loud, but he manages to push his voice out over the noise.
"Oh I uh... I don't come here often." His mouth opens, but whatever he's going to say dies before it can break free, his eyes widening in panic. There's real fear in his expression, and he stumbles back a step.
You feel the Lieutenant before you see him. Instinctively, you take a step away, like he's going to materialize in front of you, tipping off balance to one side as an arm, a giant arm, an arm you know well, one you've studied while it's laid on your table, traced it's tattoos again and again, wraps around your waist and jerks.
Oh my god, ohmygodohmyg-
"Fuck off," he snarls, full of venom, and you've never seen someone scamper away so fast. Everything spins. "Let's go pet."
"Wh-what?" You protest, but he's steering you out of the bar with a hand on your shoulder, past your friends who watch with flabbergasted, stunned expressions dropping their mouths in perfect circles. "Lieutenant-" You dig your heels in, but you're no match for him, not even close. Where are we going?
You get your answer. Swiftly.
It's the bathroom.
The lock clicks at your back as he shepherds you inside, and twists you to face him by your hips.
Fear slithers through the air like a snake. The look on his face is starved. Feral as a wolf in a barren winter. It’s unbridled, raw.
And not rooted in any kind of sanity.
It only swells when he folds his paws over your shoulders and forces you to your knees on the dirty, disgusting bathroom floor.
"Lieutenant..." Your voice is wary, but he only shakes his head.
"Simon." You're not sure what you're expecting. You're frozen, watching a movie play out before you, trying to determine what the characters are going to do next, except the main character is you, and she's thoroughly confused-
Until the Lieutenant unzip his jeans and fishes the heaviest cock she's ever seen out from his pants.
Your mouth drops open, and because you're flailing in this moment, free falling through every emotion known to man, you bark out a laugh. It's obscene. Too long, too thick, swollen red tip drooling milky white spend. He's stroking it, jaw clenching when he squeezes the base.
He steps forward, you jerk back. His lips twist into a scowl.
"Not gon' hurt ya." You look up and down, trying to put the puzzle together, thought the answer is glaringly obvious and literally staring you in the face. You peer upward, and his gaze snaps to yours.
What you find in his eyes... steals your breath.
The foreboding, carnal hunger is still there, almost akin to rage, but beneath it, so far beneath you can hardly recognize it, lurks something else.
Vulnerability. There one moment, chased away the next, but it changes everything about this. He's hesitant, lost, studying you for something, a cue, an indication, like he's not sure how to proceed.
You wrap your fingers around his length and repeat his own motions, a stroke and a squeeze, his shoulders stiffening at first, and then slumping with relaxation. The peace last only so long before he steps forward, and you lean into it, into him, and as he smears the head of cock against your lips, you don't pull away. You just open your mouth like a good little girl. His.
You stretch your jaw wide, and you swear it clicks. He's in the back of your throat with still more to go, but you try as hard as you can to take him, take it all, sucking hard, encouraged by the warm palm at the back of your skull. He grunts.
"Hold still." He covers your ears with both hands, unintentionally, you think, palms on your cheeks, and flexes his hips, forcing himself as far as he can down your throat. You gag on it, holding onto to his thighs for dear life, and when he does it again, your throat tightening with the reflex, he groans. He likes it.
You're totally fucked. He's going to suffocate you.
"Gon' be fast," he pulls back, allowing you a gasp of air, before shoving back in, "breathe when y'can." You fist his pants, and cling to him. He's rough with it, shoving your nose into the curls of his pubic hair, thumbs rubbing through the tears streaming down your face.
It should feel wrong, to have someone take their pleasure from you so violently, but it doesn't. Your clit throbs, thighs pressing together instinctively, wet, desperate sounds echoing off the tile in the room. There's a rugged rush of words flowing from his mouth, things you're only catching bits and pieces of, but you've got the gist.
Needed this. Needed you.
Pretty thing. Takin’ it. Good girl.
You do. You take it through your tears, through the drool slipping over your chin to your neck, you take everything he gives you, even the rush of hot, salted come spilling down your throat.
He hauls you to your feet after, and you catch yourself in the mirror, horrified. Your makeup is everywhere but your eyes, mouth swollen, lips raw. "I should wash my-"
"No." He tucks you into his side. "Want you to stay like this 'til we get home." Home? We get home?
"Lieutenant, I'm not sure what's going on but-" He twists your shoulders back and tips your face up to his so fast your head spins.
"Simon. It's Simon, pet."
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nikiluv · 25 days
Sucks to see you doing better (not really)
Genre: suggestive , fluff angst
Arguing with riki isn’t out of the norm in the recent months, tension has been building between both of you as his overfilled schedule and your equally busy schedules clash. Many sacarstic jabs and comments here and there, both individuals getting increasingly short tempered the more fights there is. Temper getting shorter and shorter to the point of being unreasonable .The breaking point for riki was when he saw your story, it was a picture take with your cousin, but riki didn’t know that and to him it seemed like you were cheating on him.
This unknown male had made the emotions that Riki had been holding in overflow. It was ridiculous and Riki also knew that he was being unreasonable about it but he couldn’t help but let his insecurities overflow. Thinking that he was not good enough for you to find a ‘better’ guy and move on. Honestly, Riki knew, that you probably gave up on this relationship, because who want to stay with the guy who you constantly fight with
Therefore, Riki had made up his mind, if you were cheating on him, fine, so be it. He was going to give you the best fucking of your life. He knew that it was probably his last chance to be with you and hold you close. If he was going to doit, he is going to do it well and make sure that you would remember this moment for the rest of your life.
After work Riki was waiting by the kitchen island, like a predator waiting for its prey. The moment you opened he door, he pounced on you. Long legs striding to where you were and crashing his lips on to yours. Lips immediately attacking yours and moving aggressively, hands roaming all over. The sharp gasp that you let out when he had pinched your ass allowed Riki to explore your mouth more, teeth clacking together and tongue fighting for dominance.
Before you knew it Riki’s hand had wandered and grab the back of your thighs and lifting you up. Lips still moving in sync as he carried you to your shared bedroom.Before you even realised, you were in your shared bedroom and Riki’s lips were moving south. Now lips on your neck, moving aggressively like it was the last time that he would be able to taste you, sucking harsh purple coloured marks.
Hands groping your breast roughly before shoving you down onto the bed. Sucking and biting on your supple breast, grinding, well attempting on riki was just a natural after effect of the pleasure that he was giving you
“ wait ki, hng, what’s wrong, wait a sec” riki only groaned in response as he continues to litter bites and kisses all over your chest, slowly moving lower before leaving a bite on your ribs which caused you to shove him away in shock
“ nishimura, what the fuck was that, what has gotten into you, are you alright, we aren’t doing anything if you aren’t gonna answer me”
Riki only closed his eyes and sighed which only served to annoy you further. Irritated, you got up to leave to get a glass of water to cool down, but to riki, it seemed you were leaving because you couldn’t stand him
Seeing your back he freaked and immediately grab your wrist, pulling you back to him, his head resting on your back, pleading “wait babe, please don’t leave, I know you probably want to see him but please, don’t leave me” Bewildered, you let out a laugh “riki, literally what are you talking about, who is him, and I’m not going to leave you, I just wanna get a glass of water”
“But the guy, on your story”
“ huh? You mean sunny? what has he got to do with this”
Riki felt pissed off, turning you around and nuzzling his face into your tummy “why did you give him a nickname, he’s not special, I am”. Honestly you had an inkling of what was going on when riki talked about the guy on your story, wanting to get back at Riki for always teasing you. You took this chance to tease and disturb him a little.
“Why would I not ? Sunny’s really cute no ?”
Shocked by your answer, riki felt beyond hurt, but he held it in and looked up at you, “so you are cheating on me, with this sunny guy”
“ heh, I’m not cheating on you ki, sunwoo’s my cousin you silly boy”
Maybe riki shouldn’t feel that way but all of the tension left his body when he realised that you were in fact not cheating only spurred him on to continue his previous ministrations…..
A/n : hello guys, sorry for not writing but I’ve been busy, hope you guys like this although its not really smut, tmi but this has been in my drafts for a long long time, mainly because i had a lot of difficulties writing this 😢
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yoredoesmore · 2 months
hii can i pls ask for an argument with hoshina and how u fixed everything after jsnshsbshsbs 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
a/n: thank you for your request (´∀`)♡ this took longer than it should have, I apologize ╥﹏╥
pairing: hoshina soshiro x fem!reader
summary: a small misunderstanding turns into a huge argument.
genre: romance/hurt & comfort/jealousy/fluff |
[wc: 1,6k]
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Kiss and Make Up | Hoshina Soshiro
You were mad, beyond pissed even. Your heart was beating in irregular motions and the irritation practically oozed off your face. The tension laid thick in the air as you and your boyfriend continued to ignore each other, sitting in complete silence in front of the television.
So many thoughts roamed your head– insults, counter arguments and statements, yet you refused to give the man another second of attention.
He has truly done it now.
“I'was just another celebration with the squad, nuttin that big of a deal. You would have known if you had come.” Hoshina slurred his words as he dragged his drunk self through the hallway of your shared apartment and into the bedroom.
“Bet that Okonogi was there too, right? That smartass wannabe who always seems to be in desperate need of your help.”
“Oh pwease, you're overreacting. Okonogi is not like that so stop bein so annoying.”
That last statement had sealed his fate (and almost earned him a slap in the face). Before you knew it, the two of you fell into a fully blown out fight that lasted through the entire night. Insults were dropped, his hands pushed you and yours shoved him as well.
“Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?! It's honestly so irritating!” Hoshina yelled out.
“Your stupidity is more irritating! Maybe if you stop being so full of your fucking self all the time and start using that brain of yours, you would see the issue at hand!” You snapped back.
Fights were uncommon in your relationship but when the two of you fought it was messy and draining. But most importantly, they stung.
Even after the night had fallen and sunshine arose, the atmosphere in your apartment still laid thick in the air. Half the day had passed and neither of you said anything to each other, until the both of you ended up in the living room at the same time. He was busy taking care of the cats (who had run into the wide space) while you were already sitting there, reading your favorite novel.
At first silence kept the situation at bay, neither of you forced to interact with one another, until a phone call broke the tranquil atmosphere.
“Your work phone, huh.” You said, eyes remaining on the book as you flipped to the next page. “Wonder who that could be.”
Hoshina refrained himself from answering your remark and quickly picked up the call. Although he had turned the loud speaker function off, you were able to hear a female voice from the other side.
“Yeah of course I can help, no need to thank me.” He hung up.
“Let me guess, little damsel in distress needs your help again?”
“That's enough, Y/n.” Hoshinas voice cut sharp through the room, silencing you temporarily, before you spoke up again.
“Don't talk about Okonogi like that, alright? She is a good friend and your coworker. Ya being so unreasonable.”
“I am being unreasonable?? Oh, I'm sorry for getting upset when my boyfriend spends more time with his good friend than his partner!” The book was no longer of any importance to you. You had tossed it while standing up from your seated position.
“How long has this been going on now?? Every other day she asks you to hang out or do this together or she needs help here and there. Are you fucking kidding me??”
“Oh please, look at the way you're acting, it's ridiculous! We work in the same department so of course we spend a lot of time together!”
It felt like your words went right past his ear and vice versa. Both of you were now standing right across from one another, anger evident on both your faces. Even the tension grew in size, swallowing up the entire space and forcing your cats to run out.
You hated the surge of anger that rushed through your body. Feeling this way, jealous and annoyed when the man who normally solved all your problems was right in front of you, it pained you deeply. In moments like these, all you wanted to do was break down and hide away, preferably in his arms, but that was not an option right now.
“You sure that's the only reason you spend so much time together? Because it sounded different a couple weeks ago.”
“A couple..what are you talking about??” Hoshina asked, genuinely confused. You broke your gaze, looking at the ground in hopes that the pressure would disappear.
“At the bar..don't act like you don't remember!” And without allowing him to even respond, you dashed into your room and knocked the door shut behind you. Your boyfriend simply stood there, unsure of how to react to this sudden change of events. A long sigh escaped his lips as he followed you into the room.
“Leave me alone!” Your head was buried deep into the pillow (the one on Hoshina's side). Tears had made it out of your eyes and you desperately wanted to hide them.
“What exactly did I say at the bar..please tell me.” The regret in Hoshina's tender voice did not go unnoticed by you. It tugged on your heart and only caused the pain to increase. You truly hated seeing him like this.
“You..you said that you like smart women..” Repeating those words from weeks ago now made you feel stupid. “When Kafka asked you what your type was..you said that you prefer smart women and then you..proceeded to look at Okonogi! She was sitting right next to Kafka, so maybe you were looking at him instead, I don't know, I was just as drunk but still!”
Hoshina stood in front of the bed, disbelief holding him back from talking. He could barely remember the events of that night, only that it involved too much alcohol. But hearing you say those words, with tears in your eyes and a broken voice, it made your boyfriend feel like shit.
“But I was obviously talking about you, love, You are smart” He said as he placed himself next to you on the bed, hands rubbing your back. “Wait..is that why you didn't join us in yesterday's get together?”
You nodded hesitantly.
“I am not smart, not at all. I work as a damn secretary for the Kaiju Hunters while Okonogi is a skilled woman who runs analysis and she is the Operations Leader. And not to mention, she is so pretty too.”
Up until now, Hoshina did not know that you were harboring such emotions. Your sudden confession left his mind blank, it was as if he had temporarily lost all thoughts due to the shock. You on the other hand couldn't have felt more embarrassed.
You had no right to go after Okonogi like that and blame her for your insecurities. But when Hoshina spoke those words and afterwards looked at her, you just felt too heated.
Moments like these made you wonder, why Hoshina refused to leave you. Unlike the other women in his life, you were hotheaded and emotional, pushing and shoving when someone messed with your feelings instead of talking it out.
Little did you know, that this was exactly what Soshiro liked about you. He loved you for being hotheaded and a tease, but also sweet and caring during the right moments. You were the perfect match for him and nothing could convince him otherwise.
“Y/n, don't you ever say that about yourself ever again. You are my smart, beautiful hotheaded woman, the woman I love and cherish. Plus it takes hella brain to work as a secretary, especially for those jerks.” Soshiro placed his hands on your shoulders, pulling you back up into a seated position.
Your eyes were slightly puffy and a soft frown pulled on your lips.
“I'm sorry for not expressing myself clearly enough and for making it seem like I prefer Okonogi to you. You are the one I love and care about, I promise.”
“But..but I am so mean to everyone and to you as well, Soshiro.” Hoshina's words had touched your heart and caused the tears to resurface, even though they never truly left.
“Plus I get jealous way too easily and don't..I'm just too..” You hiccupped.
“Shh, there there. I don't wanna hear none of that, you hear me?” Your boyfriend wrapped one arm around your waist while the other patted your head. A soft kiss found its way on your cheek, drawing a pout from your lips.
“I'm sorry Soshiro, for being so irritating. You are a great friend and coworker to Okonogi and you are a true blessing for constantly helping her out. I shouldn't get jealous over that." Hoshina smiled and placed another kiss on your face, this time on your lips. It felt sweet and comforting, you wished it could have lasted forever.
“And I'm sorry for being so stupid.”
You pulled him into a tight hug, the sweet scent of his body filling your nose. The hug lasted quite long, as long as you both needed it to, and it patched up all the wounds that were still left open by the argument. As you pulled away, you gazed into each other's eyes, losing yourself temporarily.
“Lucky for you, I love my women slightly irritating.” He joked.
“And I like my men stupid.”
The both of you laughed, the content of the argument already forgotten.
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a/n: i know its not obvious at all but i was actually going for a hori x miyamura type of relationship
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (do we as a society still use this emoticon?)
i just love hori’s and miyamura's dynamic, they could never make me hate them! plus i wholeheartedly believe that Hoshina needs a partner who is more emotional/teasing than him so he can be sure that his attitude is handled ^^
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So this is incredibly nerdy beyond all reason, but here we go
Earlier tonight I was on Final Fantasy 14, perusing the party finder, as you do at 4 AM when you're bored and have nothing else going on. If you're not familiar with the game, it's an in-game matchmaking service where people can list a party for various kinds of game content, including rp and social connections. I've noticed the same PF going up for months--a guy (male elezen) asking to hang out and take screenshots with a female roegadyn, elezen, highlander, or viera for millions of gil, in this case 6 million gil (basically the gold equivalent, the game's currency. Note: it's not something you can pay for and has no real-life value, but I am saving for an in-game house, so).
I finally got curious enough to join, and we had a lovely conversation for a little over an hour! I was pleasantly surprised to find out he wasn't a creep looking for a big titty anime girlfriend, but just someone who wanted to hang out and meet people. Although he was VERY complimentary of my character and flirty, it wasn't in an unpleasant way, and he didn't push boundaries or anything. I had a nice time, but it got late and I said I had to wind down for bed, and he...didn't mention the gil. And like, not to be a gold digger, but...he did offer, and I am saving for a house. So I asked about it and he did pay, but seemed very annoyed about it; his formerly verbose and flowery typing style turned into "yeah sure" and afterwards he immediately disbanded the party and relisted it on another server.
AITA for asking for the gil?? I don't think it was unreasonable of me, but I can't help but feel bad about it because of how he reacted.
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deliciouskeys · 3 months
So I liked what we have of season 4 a lot?! I don't know if I set my expectations really low, maybe didn't expect to get that fandom feeling back, but I think I can say with certainty that I've enjoyed e1-3 of s4 more than e1-3 of s3, and mayyyyyybe even more than e1-3 of s2. Some of the storylines don't interest me, but that was true of prior seasons too.
Things I am loving so far...
(under cut because there may be teensy weensy spoiler references)
Sister Sage! Yes, she says the lines that are in the trailer, but they are so misleading about the type of character she is. I LOVE her so far.
Homelander's frustration with being adored no matter what he does and his ennui about being surrounded with sycophants (which tbf, he engineered). I am SO glad they're walking that back to some degree. Related to point 1 above, I am delighted by the way he goes about solving this problem.
Every single scene with Ryan is so fucking good?? Like, Cameron Crovetti is the ideal Ryan of my mind's eye when I write fic. I feel SO bad for him. But I am loving the divorced plot and them jockeying to be his dad. Some of it reads like fucking fic, in a good way too. Like I can't believe the conversation between HL and Ryan after he comes back from Butcher's place actually happened on TV and not in my head.
I am actually SO SO happy they decided to outsource Billy Butcher's shitty tendencies to his Tyler Durden. I did not expect him to fucking apologize to Ryan for the S3 debacle. Even ~I~ felt apologized to for that "necessary for the plot but makes zero sense outburst".
I am loling every time Noir speaks. I don't know why, but I'm finding it hilarious.
I think they're actually doing a good job with A-Train's storyline, or a better job than I expected to justify how he becomes their new double agent.
I'm enjoying Chace Crawford's work in season 4. I like that he's sincere about the comic relief role.
Hughie is so charismatic, and for the first time in 4 seasons I think he elicited tears in me (in the scene right before his mom shows up when he's listening to his dad's messages).
I like Ashley's dialogue more this season than season 3. Part of that may have to do with me enjoying her character when she's angry rather than scared shitless or "trying to imitate HL"
I welcome the larger Victoria Neumann presence, and can't wait to see more about her past.
I enjoyed BIlly Butcher using a crowbar in a fight
I enjoyed seeing Antony Starr playing a mommy and a daddy and a.... secret third thing in the mirror.
What I'm meh about...
I hate to say this but the Boys' storylines are mostly dragging and feel disconnected. I'm already tired of Frenchie and Kimiko refusing to talk to each other and attempting to drink/drug their problems away. The mystery about why Frenchie is distraught was mostly solved right away, and Kimiko's mystery is still some derivative of her backstory in S2. It just doesn't feel connected.
Mother's Milk is fine, but I do think his character took a turn toward the unreasonable in season 3, and it has sort of continued. It's not clear to me why he's kicking Butcher out of the team multiple times, especially when Butcher saves them, and clearly has nothing better to do with his time. It feels especially cruel to kick him out when he tells him about the terminal illness.
Annie's storyline is.... fine, I guess. Maybe it will develop into something more interesting, but it feels like the writers don't exactly know what to do with her now that she's out of the Seven. I don't know why Firecracker had to have a personal vendetta against Starlight beyond being a symbol of 'wokeness'. I guess I'll wait to see if Annie's meangirl past becomes relevant as the season goes on.
Firecracker is okay. I'm amused that Homelander seems bored and annoyed by her, so I take it it's fine if we feel the same way too. It's certainly an interesting addition to the Seven to have someone so underpowered.
Hughie's mom frustrates me so much I wanted HL to come and laser her instead of Hughie after that chase. Her explanation made it worse for me, not better. I await to be proven wrong, but so far I think Hughie is being a really kind person to her. "Your father didn't want me to talk to you". But you were allegedly talking to him for years? And you son is in his 20s, I think you could have contacted without his daddy's say-so. UGH.
I don't really care about this so much, because I don't like character deaths, but it is pretty funny when Vicky doesn't kill Hughie or Butcher, and when Homelander is nerfed beyond all belief and is unable to laser Hughie in a closed space. I'll chalk it up to him losing a step or fifty with the enlargement of his prostate.
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mollfie · 19 days
Ppl talking about how Bioware has always spoiled storylines, e.g. the Arishok, is weird to me because I never had any ME or DA game or DLC spoiled. I black list everything. I will go fully offline if needs be. I don't want to know anything.
I've already seen too much because other don't tag etc, because for them, it's not a spoiler. Which is totally fair. I don't want to know about the companions' backgrounds or personalities. I don't want to know what their rooms look like. It annoys me that I know we'll have a base in the Fade. For most people that's just marketing. So, I just blacklist and move on.
I recognise that I am the weirdo here. I know it's unreasonable. It's why I'm not telling anyone else what to do. I'll just hardcore curate my feeds and then vanish for a bit. If you are like me, I suggest you do the same to avoid upset.
I also went into BG3 with zero knowledge beyond it being the Forgotten Realms and that it was top-down and turn based.
I will watch a trailer and a little bit of game play, but then I'll avoid everything else until a game releases. Even then, I won't un-blacklist things until I finish the game.
If I care about a game, I don't spoil it for myself. If it's an entirely new title or franchise, and I don't know anything about it then I'll watch a trailer and read some reviews. If it's a game I'm not bothered about, then I'll probably watch a YouTube summary or something before I part with my cash.
This is not a criticism of anyone, btw. This is just my musings. I find it interesting how people enjoy media, especially when it's very different to how I do it.
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fyreflys · 6 months
For the Writer’s Truth or Dare Ask Game
Sorry it took forever to answer this one- got kind of stumped and then forgot about this entirely OOPS
🍬⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Okay. Here’s the thing. I’ve thought about this for a LONG while. & I’ve come to the conclusion that…I don’t think I have any? I’m one of those people who will like just about every character unless they’re universally bad (or they do something that really pisses me the fuck off for no reason), it’s kind of hard for me to hate/love a character that I’m not intended to. I’m unoriginal, I tend to agree with the majority.
Okay but with that aside- (this is where I get pummeled) I don’t think…I don’t think I hate Gale Hawthorne as much as other people do. Like. I get it, he did some bad shit & he’s a tiny bit morally corrupt & stuff, but also like. I get it. I understand why he’s like that. I understand why he did what he did. Not that I agree or that I like it, but…idk. I just don’t have this burning hatred for the man like a lot of people in the fandom seem to have, ykwim? That’s as unpopular as my opinions probably get LOL
ALSO I JUST REMEMBERED THIS AS I WAS COMING BACK TO THIS ASK- idk if this counts, but I have an UNGODLY (& unreasonable) hatred for Bibble. Look at this fuck head. LOOK at him. I hate him. I hate him I hate him I hate him. I don’t think I’ve even seen this barbie movie— or have any real reason to not like him beyond my knowledge that all of Barbie’s side pets seem to universally be ridiculously stupid and annoying as all hell— but I HATE HIM. Idk why my brain has chosen this but it’s chosen to push all my hatred for everything in this world towards this one character and I HATE HIM SO MUCH. An ungodly amount of hatred. He fuels me with unbridled rage each time I see him or hear his fucking voice. He is my arch nemesis. I wish this was a bit and I was kidding but I’m 100% serious. Something like him must have greatly wronged me in a past life, I have no other explanation for this. As far as I know the Barbie fandom seems to be fine with this abomination. (I could be wrong, idk) also to be clear, I am not a huge Barbie fan, the only reason I know this fucker exists is bc of an irl friend who is a major Barbie fan. And also to be fair, I hate a lot of the animals/pets in just about all the Barbie movies I have been forced to watch. But Bibble…fucking Bibble…
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auroras-void · 3 months
uh hey, quick question. Would you happen to know the best place to park at a hardware store?
Ok now that I'm sober I can tell you the answer is definitely by the exit. Really goes for any store, but hardware store especially because you're likely to have large stuff that's hard to carry. You can always enter by the exit and even if you're looking at stuff on the other side of the store you want the shortest distance between your car/truck and the register you can get.
Also I can tell you for Home Depot specifically you can totally use the "pro" parking spots, that's just the name of their rewards program no one actually checks them bc its completely unenforceable. I avoid em if I'm in like in my normal car and not picking up anything too big to be courteous to the people who are, I feel a little weird parking in em if I'm not driving a truck, but those parking spots are for anyone who needs them really.
Now why you would park anywhere outside of the parking lot is beyond me, but given that I think there is an intelligible conversation to be had here I would absolutely love to hear the reasoning. Maybe you're technically allowed to park around back by the semi trailer parking? But you still gotta go to the register, and it seems like you'd annoy the employees if you did that? Maybe this is referring to smaller strip mall hardware stores that don't sell lumber and larger materials? Or maybe in another state/country with different hardware stores or that doesn't dedicate an unreasonable amount of space to parking? Maybe this is referring to contractors warehouses/lumber yards but those tend to have pretty varied layouts? Or maybe it's a specific hardware store? Or maybe this line was being telephoned by someone who heard something similar to my spiel about the exit and didn't care about the details because they thought it was boring as shit and a stupid conversation, which tbf it is.
Anyways, I have no idea but I am so intrigued by the premise I want to hear the whole story.
Tldr: always park by the exit
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Gonna break the rule and go off anon 😉
What is your ranking for your favourite Chris Evans movies/TV shows????
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Niamh! do you know how hard this is.
Top ten-
Snowpiercer- Really is anyone surprised? I loved this film for how dirty, tragic, and beautiful it was, Curtis is my husband forever and ever. I love him.
Captain America Trilogy- Loved them all, especially The Winter Soldier. I have watched them so many times.
Puncture- God this movie was so tragic and Mike was such a mess but I still really enjoyed this movie and appreciated the issues this film covered.
Avengers Trilogy- comfort series for sure. I will never forget seeing Endgame in theaters, that scene still makes my heart race.
Defending Jacob- Loved Andy! So so much. Probably too much. It's not higher on the list because it's a tv show and tv shows are hard for me to watch cause it felt like such a long movie.
Gifted- Beautiful story and it always makes me tear up
Playing It Cool- This movie was messy but I loved it because of that. Even the storytelling was a mess.
Before We Go- Honestly simple and not exciting but it had some beautiful scenes in it and I was so proud of the work he did for this.
Knives Out- Ransom really was just a piece of the artwork of this film. Top Tier, I am so glad I got to see it in theaters.
Ghosted- Honestly, I thought this one was good, even for all the hate it got. Cole was a disaster and unreasonable at times, over dramatic, but I loved it. Also, I think he had better chemistry with Ana than some of his other female co-stars over the years.
Push- One of those films I saw right around the time it came out and I just liked it. If they just left out his love interest, it would have scored higher.
Losers- Just a fun movie! He should do more comedy.
The Red Sea Diving Resort- This film has so many mixed reviews but I did enjoy it beyond Chris being fucking beautiful in it.
The Gray Man- Fucking Lloyd man... I just loved that mustached prick more than I should have.
What's Your Number? This was a cute one and I absolutely adored him working with Anna. I wish they did more films together.
Fantastic Four 1 and 2- Johnny was a cutie and I had a little crush on him back in the day.
Streetkings- I have only seen this movie a couple times but always enjoyed the drama.
Sunshine- What a interesting Sci Fi. Only watched it once or twice, mostly in bits and pieces, and I find myself getting really frustrated every single time that no one just listened to James.
Lightyear- It was cute. It won't be one I watch regularly though, but cute.
Loss Of A Tear Drop Diamond- I wanted to throttle all of them, but I did love Jimmy in those suspenders and Chris trying his hardest at that accent.
The Nanny Diaries- Cute, but not really my kind of movie.
Cellular- HAHAHA I did love this back in the day, BUT rewatching it I forget that my standards for films has gotten higher and I do cringe. Especially with Jessica popping in, I just don't like her or Jason Statham all that much. William H Macy though... loved him. Lol.
TMNT- I loved this for him, but it wasn't MY TURTLES from the 80's and 90's, so yeah I was judgy.
Fierce People- everyone was just annoying in this movie. I kinda liked it, I kinda didn't. Depends on the day.
The Perfect Score- probably if I had watched this when it came out, I would have loved it. I only recently watched it a few years ago and had a very "just wait till you all start actual adulthood" frame of mind. Lol.
Not Another Teen Movie- My first ever introduction to Chris and I absolutely hated Jake although I admit I still laugh at his insulting jokes.
The Ice Man- So I will give Chris credit in his acting in this, I wouldn't have realized it was him except I mainly watched it to see his work in this. I can't say it was a great film, for me it felt slow. But I can see where others would like it for the true crime aspect of it.
Scott Pilgrim- His part was small but funny. I will never get over the eyebrows. Beyond that part, I didn't have an interest in the rest of the film.
Never Seen -
The Newcomer- no real interest.
London- Y'all really don't know the absolute dislike I have for Jessica Biel. She is the main reason I don't watch this film. Syd also sounds like an absolute prick and I would probably hate him with a passion. I know, I'm sure I am missing out on some great scenes, but... I just don't think I could listen to Jessica's character and Syd whine and carry on the whole movie.
The Battle for Terra- No real interest.
Or the few shows he was in as a kid.
So, how do we compare? I know you didn't ask for reasons, but I am in a writing slump and wanted to give something.
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cha-melodius · 2 years
Lokius whump prompt requester here 👋
Seriously how does your brain work because what you wrote is totally unexpected BUT SO FITTING to the prompt and freaking AMAZING 😭 Thanks for taking the prompt and introducing me to time-loop trope because I can already feel the WHUMP!
Hello anon, thank you again for the wonderful prompt, and I'm sorry it's taken me apparently a month to get to chapter 2 (a month! how did that happen?!). But I am happy to finally have it for you, although there's still a chapter 3 to come, hopefully sooner than later! So here it is:
It's Been a Bad Day Lately, Chapter 2
Chapter 2 on AO3 | Chapter 1
Loki doesn’t actually tell anyone about the device or his apparent foreknowledge of the day the first time through. After all, even if it seems that everyone else is completely ignorant of what the hell is going on, that doesn’t mean the TVA isn’t behind it somehow. They’re the Time Variance Authority after all. Repeating days feels like something they’d traffic in. He wants to trust Mobius at least, but he can’t help but be reminded that this Mobius still doesn’t know him, not really, and he can’t rule out that Mobius is purposefully being kept in the dark. It would track with how things were running before.
He can’t even be sure if he’s truly reliving the day—which doesn’t really seem possible, given what he knows about timelines and traveling among them—or if he really did dream it all. The device, of course, suggest a more tangible explanation. It’s not unreasonable to think it’s somehow related to the whole mess, but it also seems to be, well, broken. Whatever happened when Loki got shot also put a large crack in the face of it, and he hasn’t been able to get it to turn on or do anything. The strap had also snapped when he pulled it off of Richards’ wrist (did he really? he must have), but the idea of leaving it behind makes something crawl uncomfortably beneath his skin, so he loops what’s left of it onto a chain like a pendant and tucks it safely under his TVA-issued shirt.
The day goes about as well as it did before, which is to say, pretty terribly. Despite knowing it was going to happen, he still loses track of Mobius, and the knowledge of the outcome of that sends him into a panic that ends with some poor decisions and him staring down the barrel a truly monstrous gun.
It’s easier waking up the second time. Or is it third? His hand goes automatically to the device still hanging around his neck, but this time he also can’t help but wince at the phantom pain of the chest shot that took him out. He’s alive, there’s no hole blown in his ribcage, but the ghost of it lingers like an echo in his memory for a few minutes before it fades. B-15 frowns and tilts her head at him clutching his chest like he’s having a heart attack, but makes no comment beyond the words he’s already come to expect.
He doesn’t wait for her to finish before he takes off to find Mobius.
Normally they don’t meet up before the briefing, but this time Loki storms into the wing of the building reserved for the senior analysts’ apartments and pounds insistently on Mobius’s door until the man himself pulls it open. For a moment, Loki entirely forgets why he’s there, because Mobius is half dressed in slacks and a thin, sleeveless undershirt that clings to every curve of his torso and leaves precisely nothing to the imagination. He’s barefoot and his short hair is still tousled from bed, and the whole thing should not be as attractive as it works out to be. Even the annoyed purse of his lips is alluring. Fuck.
This is, sadly, not the first time Loki has found himself experiencing a tug of not-entirely-unexpected desire for the analyst. Look, he isn’t blind, anyone can see that Mobius is a handsome man, made even more intriguing by the interplay of the hard edges and soft spots of his character. How he won’t let Loki get away with anything while at same time giving in all the time to Loki’s little eccentricities. Loki’s never quite seen him like this, though, all enticingly sleep-rumpled, and it’s kind of a lot to deal with considering everything else going on. 
“Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to tell me what the devil couldn’t wait for another thirty minutes?” Mobius demands, frowning. It’s a fair question, because Loki is pretty sure he’s been staring for the last two minutes, which is precisely one minute and 59 seconds too long for such things.
Loki manages to blink himself back to reality and clears his throat, shoving whatever that is deep, deep down where he decidedly will not examine it any time in the next millennium. “What do you know about time loops?”
“Like in the time cells?” Mobius asks, his brow furrowing.
“No. Like, reliving the same day over and over again.”
Mobius shakes his head. “Not possible.”
“What do you mean ‘not possible’?” Loki asks.
“Not sure I can be any clearer,” Mobius huffs. “That kind of recursive loop in an active timeline is impossible. You could travel backwards a day I guess, but then there’d be two variants of you in the same timeline.”
This is pretty much what Loki had figured, given what he had learned about the multiverse, but it does nothing to help him figure out his particular problem. “So you’re not aware of any technology that would allow someone to completely reset the day after being killed and try it again in the same body, with all their memories from the previous day?”
“What?” Mobius says, clearly dumbfounded. “Of course not. A variant that dies—not pruned, but killed—is dead, Loki. There’s no coming back from that.”
Loki hesitates, but there’s no one else he can talk to about this. He reaches up to touch the device under his shirt absentmindedly, carefully choosing his next words. “What if there was?”
The problem is, Mobius is a stubborn man. He knows far more about how timelines work than Loki ever will, and he refuses to believe Loki experienced anything more than a very vivid dream. Timelines don’t work that way, he insists, and there’s no way to make them work that way. Even the broken device in Loki’s possession doesn’t sway him, probably because it’s, well, broken. Not terribly convincing, as it turns out.
Unexpectedly, Loki coming to talk to Mobius apparently perturbs the timeline enough that things seem to be going differently. It’s enough that even Loki starts to doubt himself, even though he already lived through this day twice before, even though he can vividly remember the pain of dying twice, even though he knows that he took the device directly from Richards’ wrist himself. Maybe it means that this time will go differently, though, that the future isn’t as written as it seems to be, that today won’t end with both of them dead.
But then, right before they depart through the time doors, Mobius says, “It’s gonna work this time, I can feel it.”
“Mobius, listen to me,” Loki says urgently, grabbing him by the arm. “If this goes the way I think it will, it’s going to be a bloodbath.”
Mobius sighs, because they’ve been over this. “You can’t know what’s going to happen out there. We’re outside of time right now. No one can travel to a previous time point in the TVA.”
“But if I do know—”
“Then something very strange is going on, yes,” Mobius finished for him. He hesitates a moment, still frowning. “What do you think is going to happen?”
“Richards is dug in with an army of very well-armed men around him. What it takes to get to him…” Loki trails off and looks down at his hand, even though he knows he won’t find Mobius’s blood on it. He can still picture it, though, still almost feel its warmth. “Promise me you’ll stay near me,” he finally says as he meets Mobius’s gaze again. “That you won’t run off.”
“I don’t need a babysitter, Loki,” Mobius scoffs.
Loki’s hand shoots out to grab his wrist, fingers automatically shifting until he finds a pulse. “Please, Mobius,” he begs. “Promise.”
He doesn’t want to know what’s in his eyes that makes Mobius blink, looking slightly taken aback. “Ok,” he answers softly. “I promise.”
Later, Loki thinks back to this moment and can’t understand how it could be such a difficult promise to keep.
“It’s gonna work this time, I can feel it.”
“I wish I could share your optimism.”
“It’s gonna work this time, I can feel it.”
“I’ll wager you it won’t.”
“It’s gonna work this time, I can—”
“By the Norns, would you stop?” Loki snaps. “Nothing is going to change. I’ve been through this five times before, and nothing ever changes!”
Mobius stares at him, his mouth still hanging slightly open. “What do you mean you’ve been through it five times?”
“I’ve literally lived this day five times, Mobius,” Loki hisses, trying not to draw attention from the hunters nearby. “Every time, we fail. Every time, I die, and every time, I wake up again, here, at the beginning of the same day.”
“Not possible, I am well aware. But it’s happening all the same.”
“Why didn’t you say anything before right now?”
Loki groans in frustration. “Because you never believe me. You say it’s impossible, that time doesn’t work that way—”
“Because it doesn’t,” Mobius cuts in.
“—and so nothing about the operation changes except for what I do. And it’s not enough,” Loki huffs. It’s never, ever enough. It took him four loops just to figure out why Mobius kept disappearing—an attack on the third sub-basement divides their meager forces in half, and somehow Mobius always ends up in the other group, forced to retreat down a hidden side passage—but he can’t do anything when the hunters and minutemen won’t listen to him.
“Huh,” Mobius says, looking oddly thoughtful. It’s certainly not the response Loki expected. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Mobius shrugs. “If this is really happening to you—not saying it is, but if—it sounds like you need to find a way to convince me earlier, so we can come up with a new plan.”
“I— what?” Loki boggles at him. “And how, pray tell, am I supposed to do that?”
“You’re a clever guy. I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” Mobius says with a grin as he claps Loki on the shoulder.
If only it was as reassuring as Mobius no doubt intends it to be.
“Loki, what—?” Mobius sputters when Loki pushes past him into his apartment the next loop.
He hasn’t come here every morning since the first time, mostly because trying to explain everything is already starting to get tiresome. Still, he’s become familiar enough with how things go.
“Watch the table,” he says offhandedly as he disappears into Mobius’s bedroom to retrieve a shirt, jacket and tie.
“Huh?” Mobius says, right as he shuffles into the coffee table and stubs his toe, then hobbles away swearing.
“That’ll be the coffee,” Loki continues when he reemerges, moments before a beep sounds in the kitchen. He shoves the clothes at a bewildered Mobius and heads in to retrieve the mug from under the coffee maker and grab the cream from the fridge. Mobius appears in the doorway—Loki knows without checking—and leans against the frame as he buttons his shirt. “Stop frowning, I know how you take it.”
“You’re not even looking at me.”
“Don’t have to,” Loki replies without turning around. “You’re going to ask how I can be sure you still take your coffee the same as the Mobius I knew before, to which I will respond that, even though you do, it doesn’t matter because I’m well aware of how you take it, and then you’ll insist that I’ve never seen you prepare it, which was true before today, but no longer. I think that about catches us up, don’t you?”
Mobius is, predictably, gaping at him when he finally turns, and Loki can’t resist the pleased smirk that tugs on his lips. Perhaps he should have tried this earlier, but then again, he needed a few repetitions to be completely sure of how the morning would go. He walks over and hands Mobius the coffee mug, which the other man takes automatically, then tugs at the ends of the tie looped under his collar and begins to tie it while Mobius is still seemingly stuck staring at him.
A moment later, Mobius appears to come back to himself, and he swallows. “W-what are you doing?” he asks, his voice oddly tight.
“Plenty to do this morning,” Loki replies lightly, letting his lips tip into a smirk. “I’m afraid we can’t afford to dawdle.”
“And how did you know all that other stuff?”
“Easy,” Loki says as he finishes tying the tie and gives it a little pat before stepping back. “I’ve lived this day before. And before you protest that it’s impossible, know that I’ve had this conversation with you five times before and am very familiar with every possible argument about how the timelines do or do not work.”
“That’s…” Mobius begins, trailing off for a long moment as his eyes search Loki’s face. Loki readies himself for the inevitable impossible, despite his warning, but instead Mobius finishes, “amazing.”
Loki cocks a skeptical eyebrow at him. “Really?”
“I mean, you’re right, it should be impossible, but… I dunno, Loki. There’s something about you that feels different. Can’t put my finger on it.”
“Huh,” Loki huffs, frowning. He hadn’t considered the possibility that the looping might change him in some way, although now that he thinks about it, he supposes it’s inevitable. He’s living out days and remembering them, moving forward in his life, even if no one else is.
“When you say you’ve been reliving, you mean the day resets when you go to sleep?” Mobius asks.
“When I die,” Loki answers bluntly, and Mobius’s eyes go wide. “So far I haven’t lasted long enough to go to sleep.”
Mobius swallows hard again. “I think I need to sit down.”
Without really thinking about it, Loki takes ahold of Mobius’s elbow and steers him back into the living room. They both sit on the couch, close enough that their knees knock together when Loki turns slightly toward him, and he doesn’t let himself contemplate the fact that he feels better when they’re some kind of in contact. That there’s a strange kind of reassurance in the solidity of Mobius’s body next to him. Each time he wakes up everything feels a little more unreal, but this helps. Even if he has to force himself not to reach out and press his fingers to the pulse point on Mobius’s wrist.
Loki explains how the day goes as quickly as he can—what goes wrong on the operation, and how he thinks they might do better—and Mobius just listens, taking long sips from his coffee at regular intervals. The biggest issues is the weapons, but Mobius still resists him on that point; the minutemen are good in hand-to-hand combat but haven’t been trained with firearms, and with only an hour before the operation is scheduled to depart, there’s little time to change that. Loki already guesses that pushing back the operation is probably a long shot. He might be able to convince Mobius, but the TVA here isn’t run by one person, there’s a team making the decisions, and there’s no way they’ll listen to him. Loki and Mobius talk about different strategies until they can’t put off joining the rest any longer, and he can’t help but feel a little hopeful as they gear up. Things will be different this time.
Too late, he realizes that he sounds just like—
“It’s gonna work this time, I can feel it.”
Loki scrubs a palm down his face and sends a little prayer to the Norns that when dies this time, it might be quick.
Don’t get him wrong, dying sucks. Most of the time whatever wound he gets isn’t enough to kill him instantly. Once he drowns in his own blood, and he thinks nothing could be worse until he’s slowly crushed under rubble after an explosion. But none of it, he thinks, is as bad as watching Mobius die over and over again. Every one of those deaths is indelibly etched in his memory, along with every time Mobius calls him a good man right before the end.
If he was good, he’d be able to get them out of this mess. If he was good, he’d be able to protect his— his— friends. Loki is well aware that he’s started giving up, letting himself be killed, when Mobius dies—maybe he has been from the beginning—but no, he would not like to examine that too closely, thank you.
Once, after a particularly brutal loop, Loki barely waits for Mobius to open the door before surging forward and enveloping him in a crushing hug.
“Loki, what—?” Mobius huffs, but he also hugs him back immediately, and something unknots in Loki’s chest at the feeling of Mobius’s broad hand rubbing reassuring circles between his shoulder blades.
Loki tucks his face against Mobius’s neck, which is probably too intimate a position for what they are to each other, but he can feel his pulse throbbing there, steady and real, and he doesn’t really care. “If I told you not to go on the mission today, would you listen?” he asks, his voice muffled. 
“You know I couldn’t,” Mobius murmurs, and Loki knows, he knows he’ll never convince Mobius to stay behind, but he doesn’t know how much more he can take of this. Mobius holds Loki a minute longer before he pulls back slightly. “Now what’s this all about?”
Even with Mobius’s help in planning, they can’t seem to break through Richards’ defenses. Every time they think they’ve cracked the pattern, that they’ve anticipated every attack, another one pops up that they never foresaw just because they’d never gotten that far before. Richards is simply too dug in; they’d need to go back further than a single day to really catch him unawares, and that’s just not possible.
“What if you just took two of the best hunters, say B-15 and D-90—”
“Not D-90,” Loki interrupts, wrinkling his nose.
“—Fine,” Mobius sighs, “G-35, then, like a targeted strike team. You could slip past a lot of these obstacles, and the rest of us could draw their attention away.”
It’s basically what he did the very first time through, when he actually made it to Richards’ inner sanctum, which is why Loki knows it would work. But that doesn’t mean it would be successful. He shakes his head. “No, I can’t do that.”
“What do you mean? It doesn’t work?”
Loki stares at the man across from him, blue eyes unflinchingly holding his gaze. It should be easy to lie to him, Loki is the prince of lies, but when he opens his mouth what comes out is a strained, “I can get to him. I still died.”
“But if you can talk to him—”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“How many times have you tried?” Mobius demands, frowning like he knows exactly what Loki is holding out on him.
“It doesn’t matter,” Loki repeats insistently.
“Once, ok?!” Loki snaps, leaping to his feet. He strides off across the modest living room until he can go no further, then slumps onto one hand against a bookshelf and stares at the ground as he quietly adds, “The very first time.”
Mobius, of course, is not about to let this go. Out of the corner of his eye, Loki sees him stand. “Well, why haven’t you tried again?”
“It’s not—” Loki starts, then breaks off with a sigh. “The costs are too high.”
“You can’t possibly know what will happen to the team that gets left behind,” Mobius argues. “Maybe it’s not so bad.”
Loki groans in frustration as he finally looks up again, folding his arms across his chest. “I know you died the first time, Mobius.”
“But you can’t be sure it’ll happen again.”
“I can’t be sure it won’t.”
“So?” Mobius challenges, a determined fire glinting in his eye. “Maybe it’s worth the risk, if it means getting Richards. If it means getting you out of this loop.”
“It’s not,” Loki insists stubbornly.
“Maybe it is for me. Did you ever think to ask?”
“I don’t care, because it’s not worth it to me.”
“It’s my life, Loki! I can’t see why it matters whether the risk is worth it to you!”
“Because I can’t lose you again, Mobius!” Loki nearly shouts, finally pushed to the breaking point.
The apartment is deathly silent for several long minutes after that, and Loki squeezes his eyes closed. There it is, then. The truth he’d been trying to hide even from himself. Maybe he’d been in love with Mobius even before the reset, or maybe he hadn’t been, but it doesn’t matter now. Spending as many loops as he had with him—working with him, joking with him, being with him—had done the necessary damage. And to make matters worse, Mobius remembers none of it. Loki is barely better than a stranger to him.
“You can’t… you don’t mean me…” Mobius finally says, much closer than he’d been before, and when Loki opens his eyes he finds him standing right in front of him. Staring up at him with an expression full of confusion and trepidation.
“Yes, I mean you,” Loki sighs. “Not some other you who doesn’t even exist, or the person you were before, because there’s no difference. I’ve been doing this for more than a month, Mobius. There’s only you.” He turns away again, then, because he can’t bear to see whatever pity or disbelief might be wrought on Mobius’s face. This isn’t the point, anyway, they’re wasting time they don’t have when they should be focused on the operation. “There has to be another way. Something we’re not seeing—”
A hand on his arm stops him. “Loki, look at me,” Mobius says softly. He tugs gently, pulling Loki around to face him again, and before Loki really understands what’s happening he’s stretching up and pressing their lips together. It’s not much, just a chaste brush, but it sends little zips of electricity sizzling along Loki’s skin.
“What— what was that for?” he manages after Mobius pulls back, unable to make sense of what’s happening. It shouldn’t be possible, that Mobius would be the one kissing him.
“Thought it’d be obvious,” Mobius answers with one-shouldered shrug and a lopsided half-smile. Tentative. Hopeful.
“But— you barely know me.”
“It doesn’t feel that way.”
Loki blinks at him. “It doesn’t?”
“Nope,” Mobius says easily, like that makes any sense at all.
Could it possibly mean that everything—all the memories, all the loops—are still inside him somewhere? And if they are, could that mean—
Mobius interrupts his snowballing thoughts by reaching up and thumbing across the arc of his cheekbone before pushing a lock of hair behind his ear. “Can I?” he murmurs.
Loki’s not even entirely sure what he’s asking, but he doesn’t care. He nods, and Mobius pulls him down into another kiss, one that lacks all the hesitation of the first. Their lips move together, pushing further and further until Mobius’s tongue licks at the seam of his lips. Loki opens up readily, letting their tongues tangle together in an intoxicating give and take. One of Loki’s hands curls around his waist, drawing him closer, as the other slides up behind his head, digging into the short hair at the nape of his neck. They kiss for minutes, for hours (who knows in this place), unhurried, as if they have all the time in the multiverse. When they do finally pull apart, Mobius stares up at him with such wonder on his face that Loki is quite unhelpfully slammed back to the reality of their circumstances.
“What’s wrong?” Mobius asks at the distress that must be written on his face. Loki lets the tips of his fingers skim lightly along the edge of Mobius’s jaw. “You’re not going to remember any of this.”
“I dunno. Seems like the kind of thing that might stick.”
Loki sighs. “That’s not how it works, Mobius.”
“You don’t know how it works,” Mobius counters. “And who knows, maybe this time we’ll be successful. No more loops.”
“I wish I could believe that’s possible.”
They’re still no closer to a plan that works, one that ends with them getting Richards and surviving at the same time, and while this morning has taken a rather unexpectedly delightful turn, it’s sadly not going to help all that much.
He’ll try, though. Norns know he’ll try like Hel.
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forcebookish · 1 year
it's so nice to find some positive topmew and forcebook content on the internet lmao
I don't mean to be rude to the actor but only friends fans have made me despise sandray and get so annoyed when either of them come on the screen! Their relationship is so unhealthy and I really dislike Ray as a character. It's a shame bc fans are so toxic and hating so much on my sweet boyz and now I don't want to watch anything with firstkhao 😭 genuinely no hate to them just seeing their behaviours excused (and also Nick and Boston) just makes me ick. At least for the duration of only frands haha this is so unreasonable ik but omg I am so stupidly angry by this fandom! Also so mean to Cheum as well. Top and Mew I first saw through only friends and was so intrigued that I went and watched they're other series & forcebook show real! They're adorable! I love them! I am lesbian and Book makes me question it all 😂😂😂
Thank you for your lovely content! It has brightened my day!!
anon, you're going to get me accused of sending asks to myself omg like, i've literally used the phrase, "book kasidet i would convert to heterosexuality for you"🤣
and i'm feeling the same way about sandray and firstkhao... well, sandray didn't need any help from the fandom to piss me off, but they're definitely making it even more annoying. firstkhao was truly the first and only CP i cared about outside of forcebook - when i finished the eclipse i turned around and watched it a second time! i'm probably going to still watch moonlight chicken and enjoy them in that (it's been on my watchlist for months), but i might need to take some time and i'm definitely going to avoid watching anything of theirs in the future as it airs. i think they're good actors and fun individuals with a cute friendship, but the fandom has soured them as a paired couple for me.
i just don't want to be a part of that, and the general attitude about them, and especially how their characters can apparently do no wrong, makes me uncomfortable. and it goes beyond that! like you said!!! so much hating on forcebook. and for what? because they're the leads and get more screentime? lol there have been multiple times when i've almost posted, "you know that when you talk shit about other couples, you make firstkhao look bad, right?" and it's true, it's really turned me off to them!
i'm so glad you found my blog, and more importantly, forcebook! we were all really worried about the amount of hate they would get from the nastier side of the FK/BL fandom, but it was always my hope that they would charm the pants off of newcomers and gain new fans <3
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thanks for stopping by, anon!!
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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It's the last day of the year! Honestly the worst holiday but also. It is nice to reflect. To get a little excited about what comes next. This year was a lot. And next year will be even more. And I'm excited for that.
Today was chill though. I slept okay. But I had nothing I needed to do so when I woke up I just stayed in bed. I stayed in bed until 1030. When I finally pulled myself up and made the bed. I went and washed my hair. I felt a little better.
Because it was later in the morning I felt better about eating Mac and cheese as a first meal.
I decided to try doing my eyeliner different. Which did not go well at first. I only had wooden pencil eyeliner. Which hurts my waterline. Later I would go to Walgreens to get a crayon kind and it went so much better and I feel very pretty. It is fun to try a new look.
I would feel very winded today. I was very congested and my ears were all closed up. I felt fine beyond that but it was frustrating how quickly I would lose steam today.
I would get some stuff done though. I would decide I should start making progress on getting rid of some stuff. This is very tough. Which makes me annoyed because I sued to be so good at it! But everything feels tied up in emotions and memories and gifts and people. So it feels next to impossible. But I was determined to at least try.
So I pulled out my trunk that I thought had extra knickknacks stored in. Turns out it was almost all just empty cigar boxes. Well then I would start to utilize those. And started pulling small objects off the shelves and putting them away. I chose some stuff to get rid of. And was not getting rid of a ton but I was making progress and that felt good.
I would take a break and lay down and watched videos. I did a little vacuuming but it was very half hearted. Eventually I would change the kitty litter and clean up a little.
I had soup for lunch. And then decided I would start going through the kitchen. Let's go through mugs.
We have so many mug. Just an unreasonable amount of glassware. But because everything is tied up with James's things I decided that the best way to handle my emotions with this would be to just straight up take out anything in the cabinet that I use all the time. I made some hard calls. But I ended up pulling out 7 mugs and 5 cups. This is wildly extream because we have so many. But I was proud of myself. And now James can pick the ones they want to keep and we can feel okay with getting rid of the rest.
So there was no confusion I moved all my chosen vessels to the cubby shelf. Which lead to me deciding to pull out all my water bottles and travel cups. Also from storage. This was way harder to purge. I use so many of them!! Often! I got rid of so many bottles already last year. But I am keeping most of them. I ended up getting rid of 3 cups and 3 bottles. I still have so many but I don't feel as bad because I have reasons for these ones. Plus I have some I leave at camp. I have so many beverage containers it's so silly.
I would go through our reusable straws next. I don't like the metal ones as much and some are weirdly thin and others have bad mouth feeling. I was proud of myself getting rid of so much.
Once I was done I was texting with James about how we should make lucky lemon pigs for new years. I had seen them online and thought it was so cute. So I decided I would go get us some lemons and pick up the eyeliner I wanted.
And it was beautiful out. I put on some music and enjoyed my walk to the store. I was in a good mood. And after I got what I needed I headed back home. I made a stop over to look at the free stuff from yesterday. There was still some neat gardening stuff. And I was able to get a brand new in the package garlic plate grater and some plant flags. Amazing. James will enjoy those.
I would spend the rest of the afternoon just chilling. Waiting for James. And when James got home I was so happy to see them.
They said I did so good with my purging. And it was decided we would go to dinner to celebrate before we went to spend a little time at the Chang's before we had our first footing for the year.
So that is what we did. We walked to brass tap and talked and had a really chill little dinner. The Chang's would have Chinese food so James just got a pretzel. I got a sandwich and we shared fries. It is always so loud in there but the food was good. The walk there was really nice. The walk back was a little tough on me because it's slightly uphill. I got very overheated. But I enjoyed the evening sir and James company and I just love them so much.
They kept telling me how pretty I was. They liked my new eyeliner. And they liked my very sparkly dress. I am their little disco ball. I felt really good.
When we got back home after dinner we had some stuff to do before we headed out again. We had some stuff to bring over there. And I was excited to see them. But my congestion was getting worse and I felt like my head was underwater.
When we got there George gave me some decongestant and that has helped a lot. But I was mostly just excited to see everyone. Katie was upset when she realized there wasn't any real vegetarian stuff for me. But I kept telling her I just ate dinner it's okay!! I would eat two spring rolls. Which were probably vegetarian. I couldn't find any meats in there. I kept telling her it was okay! I was just happy to be there.
I would also just love talking about art with George. We have a lot of the same favorite contemporary artists and I was telling him about the stuff I saw and researched in grad school and it is always just such a gratifying and intellectually stimulating conversation.
I also spoke to Julien and David. We got to talk about the house. David and Grace just bought a house too and it was fun to hear what they are doing with their projects. And they are engaged too so I'm excited to lend a hand and help them however we can.
It was fun but I was losing steam. My ears were opening up but my allergies were starting to bother me. So we hugged everyone and went home.
James has left there phone at home by accident and that has stressed me out. So I was glad when they found it right away. We opened some little gifts we got from James's cousins that was passed along to us from the Fulwilers. And James finished up the dishes.
I was hanging out here in bed texting my mom when I remembered the pigs!! So me and James would go and make our little lucky pigs. James is cuter. I made mine's to far apart and the ears were wrong. I moved the eyes but the ears could be better. Ah well. Still super cute and I'm glad we did this. I put them in the first footing basket. I picked a larger basket this year which I think looks a little empty. But I have all the things! So hopefully we have lots of good luck for next year.
There is an hour to New Year's. I made a TikTok and fed the fish and am just thinking back to all the things we did this year. The places we went and the stuff we saw. The things I accomplished! The art I made! It was full of ups and downs and joy and heartbreak and wins and loses. The only resource you can't get back is time, and I am grateful for every day. And I hope this new year will bring more joy. A new home. More family. More art. I am starting another temperature blanket. And I have so many plans. I hope that you all have a great New Years. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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thebonejunky · 1 year
I've developed a sort of deep resentment for men recently. i think i am just incredibly bitter about the state of the world- and that it is mostly by the doing of men. my dad became annoyed with me over this and told me i am "so insensitive towards men" and like....yeah....why would i be sensitive towards the oppressor. i could care less about whose feelings im hurting. maybe if they stopped committing sex crimes for a moment i would be more sympathetic. the fact that so many little girls have been raped and forced to give birth in states like texas have just truly disgusted me beyond belief, and have made me feel like i myself can't trust any adult men. and i don't think this is unreasonable. i am perfectly in my right to resent and distrust men- it is entirely justified considering literally all of human history. it feels like there will never be an end to it, that violence towards women will never cease, and that is such a hopeless and depressing feeling.
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 2 years
Sometimes even i have a hard time remembering that my ADHD is more than just a silly goofy little thing about me and is an actual disability
So here's a thread of cute little jokes/excuses i make about ADHD and their dark side 🙃
(disclaimer: i am In Therapy!! And if you relate to this and you're not, i definitely recommend therapy!)
Lol sorry i'm acting sooooo crazy I'm just bouncing off the walls ✌️🤪
i am aware i am interrupting you. I am aware i am annoying you. I am aware I'm acting like a child. I wish i could stop and I'm worried about our relationship but i can't stop, and I'm excruciatingly embarrassed about it
Hang on can you repeat that? I am having the hardest time focusing. Bees in my brain haha 🐝
I am trying as hard as i possibly can to listen to you but no information can stick to my brain right now. The wheels are spinning but there's no traction. I want to pay attention but I'm not getting any of this and I'm embarrassed about it
Omg I'm so sorry i totally forgot to text you back!
I didn't forget. I thought about it multiple times every day that i didn't do it. I was overwhelmed by the prospect of making decisions. It's just a text and i feel so silly for fearing and procrastinating it. It's just easier to tell you i forgot than to explain how much i wanted to be a good friend and respond in a timely way, but couldn't. It's embarrassing.
Oh man that book sounds so interesting! Wish i was capable of reading books lol, too bad I'm an illiterate ADHD adult 😂
I don't have the attention span to do literally anything, even things i actually want to do. It's beyond frustrating and embarrassing. I used to read like crazy and now i can't even get through a long article online. Feels like my brain is atrophying and i hate it with a burning passion.
Oh gosh i totally forgot that thing was coming up
This time i did forget. I forget a lot of things. You wouldn't believe the late fees, the cancellation fees, the buying fresh produce over and over that never gets eaten, the rushing and running late and the stress of constantly forgetting things. As an adult you have to manage your own schedule and I'm next to incapable of doing that. I feel like a child and it's insanely embarrassing
Sorry I'm late!
Flip a coin. I'm either late because i forgot it was happening until the last second, or because i couldn't stop thinking about it for two hours and couldn't do anything else in that time so i started getting ready super early and figured "i have a ton of time, no need to rush" and didn't realize that time was passing until i realized i was late. Time blindness is ridiculous.
Why is it so unreasonably hard to keep a house clean? Seriously it's like it's got itself dirty the minute i finish cleaning 😒 you'd think it would have some manners amirite?
My understanding of cause and effect, and my ability to do repetitive tasks without the payoff of having "finished" them, are both extremely limited. I know when my house is messy, when i run out of clean laundry, when the garbage starts to stink, when i run out of clean dishes. It's not good for my mental state. But "staying on top of the house chores" is basically a pipe dream for me. Every time i open the cupboard to find it empty with no dishes in it, it fills me with shame and stress and paralysis.
ADHD is the most embarrassing thing you can possibly have. I get on Google like "help I'm scared of emails" and Google is like "oh you have 'brain of a literal six year old' disease. Have you tried using a planner" lmaooo
Like, all of this, but actually embarrassing. Thoroughly, endlessly embarrassing and shame-inducing.
Why am I so tired? Lol i literally don't even do anything.
Seriously why am I so tired? Why does my exhaustion keep me from doing things i like? Or from trying something new, even something as simple as a new movie or hanging out with a new friend? Why is life so much more exhausting and difficult for me to deal with than it seems to be for other people? How do people live like this? I'm barely staying afloat.
I'm so glad for my diagnosis so that i know that these things are products of my disability and not just moral failings.
I'm so glad I'm in therapy to help me reframe some of this and not be so shame-filled all the time.
I love joking about ADHD (how else are we supposed to cope?) but i think it's also important to highlight how it is actually a disability, even though it's embarrassing. As far as i know there aren't many standard accommodations for people with ADHD out there; you kinda have to self-advocate. But if it were more widely talked about and understood, maybe there would be standard accommodations so things could be easier for us. Medication is an amazing accommodation but it's by far not the only thing we need.
Anyway i hope this was validating to some of you. If every day is just swimming in a swamp of shame and burnout for you, you're not alone. Let's all get therapy, learn about our needs and get accommodations babes 💛
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AITA for refusing to empty the food waste bin every single day?
I (22f) am a uni student sharing a flat with three other friends. As most people will be finding at the moment, we're having a real problem with fruit flies. Not like an infestation or anything, just enough of them around the flat to be annoying. Our flat sits over a pizza shop and our kitchen window looks out over all the bins which I think makes the problem worse.
To begin with, we tried keeping our food waste bin (one of those small countertop ones) by the door outside. It made a small difference but not enough to justify how annoying it was to go down the stairs each time we wanted to throw away a teabag or an apple core, so we voted 3:1 to put it back in the kitchen. The minority voter (22f), let's call her Jane, suggested that we instead empty the food waste bin every single day.
Me and another flatmate, let's call her Debbie, said we were fine if she wanted to do that herself but that we didn't want to do it too. We have a bin rotor in the flat and each of us has a particular day on which we're supposed to empty any bins that are full. Jane was proposing that the food waste bin gets emptied every day regardless of how full it was. For context, it usually takes the four of us 3-4 days to fill up the bin. We said that we didn't see the point as it wouldn't make enough of a difference to bother, and we didn't want to waste the biodegradable binbags by going through 1 a day as they're expensive.
Jane got really upset that we refused to cooperate, even though we emphasised that we had no problem with her taking on the extra labour and costs herself, accusing us of ignoring her particular comfort needs. We said we didn't think it was fair to ask us to go above and beyond what is considered normal for the sake of her comfort, but she claimed that it was normal to empty a food waste bin every day (despite the fact it would take a family a good few days to fill one up) and that this was how her family had always done it (even though she'd been happy until now with just emptying it whenever it gets full). She implied that me and Debbie were dirty or had low standards for being able to tolerate the "smell" even though there was no smell at all and as far as we were concerned the issue had always been related to the fruit flies.
After a long discussion, which I guess got a little tense or passive aggressive in places, but there were no raised voices or anything like that, we agreed to disagree and we left it by saying that Jane could empty it each day if she wanted to but that the rest of us weren't going to empty it on our days unless it was full. I thought it was a bit annoying but ultimately not that deep as these sorts of spats are just part of living with other people. However it soon became apparent that Jane took it a lot more personally than either Debbie or I as she didn't speak to either of us for three days. When she eventually did speak, she asked if we could sit down to have a Talk and basically said that she felt like we had been overly harsh (even though all we had done is disagree with her) and that she wanted an apology. We had a civil discussion about it where we asked for her to tell us specifically what we had said or done that was harsh, she couldn't give us any examples, so then we explained that we weren't going to apologise as we didn't feel like we had done anything to apologise for but that we weren't annoyed at her or anything as sometimes in life people disagree about things and that's just normal. And also this whole thing is about a bin which is just ridiculous (though we didn't say that).
We felt like the discussion was civil and productive but afterwards Jane cried to our other flatmate, let's call him Harry (who isn't taking sides) and apparently is really upset that we didn't apologise. Now she's back to not speaking with us. We feel like this has been blown out of all proportion but can't tell if we're truly being unreasonable.
Am I (/are we) the asshole(s)?
What are these acronyms?
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