#and I’m getting off topic. oh yeah. and the last time we texted briefly I was saying how life was shitty
floral-hex · 7 months
“guess you didn’t have a forwarding address after all ☹️” shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut up shut up shut up
#I am FROTHING#at the mouth I mean#I am so beyond unreasonably annoyed#dad sends bday card to old address bc we never talk and he didn’t know I moved#literally never texts me#I don’t really text him either so I suppose it’s a two way street#I had mail forwarding until Jan 1st so I dunno what happened but I dunno just the text out of the blue like that triggers something in me#could have just said “hey your card finally got returned. do you want me to resend it?’#BUT NO fucking ☹️☹️☹️ guess you made a wittle mistakey son ☹️☹️☹️#I’m most probably reading too much into it. probably. I’m hoping….#I am just… seething…#whatever. it’s a two way road. you’d just think he’d care about his son to check in more often#especially when said son is not. doing. great. when said son is helping take care of his estranged dad’s sick ex wife whom he divorced to#to fuck off around the world and fucking go live abroad after having two kids. just fucks off. fucked off. f offed. off’d? LEFT#which WHATEVER your prerogative my dude my man I still love you but I’m gonna be resentful forever#and I’m getting off topic. oh yeah. and the last time we texted briefly I was saying how life was shitty#told him I had to move because of no money and mom got a transplant and is still sick all the time#and it’s all ‘well… let me know if I can do anything’#fuck you#you want to be snarky go ahead and be snarky#go fucking drink by the pool all day with your dogs whatever#big fucking nice guy ‘uwu guess you didn’t really want my letter 👉👈😢#I’m just… fucking sorry I don’t text you more. what am I supposed to text about?#i’m ashamed of myself. of my life. I’m a fucking 35 year old loser and I know I let you down. talking to you just reminds me I’m a fuck up#I’m a bad investment and you got out while the getting was good#fuck… it was just some shitty little comment that might not have even been malicious. just tone deaf or whatever#but now I’m feeling so shitty and I can’t stop it#sorry this was too much#I was on the verge of just starting to yell and stomp around like an idiot and decided to vent here instead#… but seriously what the fuck. what response is he expecting? I set up forwarding so idk. shit happens dude
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sugarmint-farm · 4 years
Summertime crushes (pt 1)
Sebastian sighed, wiping his forehead with a rag and unknowingly leaving a grease stain behind. The oppressive heat was horrid, but it meant that Demetrius wouldn’t be leaving the house today. That meant it was the perfect opportunity to work on his motorcycle without disruptions or nagging. Sam and Abigail had come over too, and were playing music in the shade. 
He rolled out from under the bike and sat up, stretching out and groaning in relief. “Toss me a beer?” 
Sam grinned and pulled one out of the cooler, throwing it over. “How are things under there?” 
He knocked off the cap with his wrench and took a sip. “Good. The chain needs cleaning, and I’ll need some new brakes soon.” 
Abigail perked up. “Going into the city soon, then?” 
“Probably.” He shrugged. “Why, you want to come?”
“Yeah! Bee has been talking about a concert she wants to take me to next friday, would you bring me?” She pouted towards him, puppy eyes glistening. 
 He laughed a little. “Those haven't worked in years. But sure.” 
She pumped a fist. “Hell yeah! Thanks, Seb!” 
He grinned and took another sip of beer, the cool drink providing a small bit of relief. 
“Oh, speaking of concerts, I found this great band I’ll show you at practice, I think they’re really awesome.” Sam spoke up, grinning. “They’re Zuzu based, so maybe we can even catch a show one time.” 
“I’m the only one with a car. Of any sort. And it’s a two person cycle.” Sebastian deadpanned. 
“Do y’all need a car?” Sebastian perks up almost imperceptibly at the farmer’s voice. Sam grins and waves them over, beaming. Abigail grins too. 
“Ayy, (Y/n)!” Sam called out. “What’s up?” 
You plop down on the grass next to Sam, directly across from Sebastian. Sebastian flushed, grateful that he was already red from the heat. Your muscular arms and shoulders were on display today, and as much as he hated the heat, he couldn't help but be thankful that it let him see this. 
“Honestly, not much. The sprinklers your mom helped install have been a real lifesaver this year, and I’ve been able to go fishing more. The other day I even pulled a massive halibut! Enough about me, though. What’s this I heard about needing a car?” The others looked to Sebastian to explain, and he froze up, so Sam took over. 
Sebastian honestly wanted to explain, he did! But you were so pretty and you were smiling at him which like nobody but his two friends and his mom did and he just panicked. His cheeks burned in shame, and he ducked his head down in a poor attempt to hide. 
“Oh, Breakfast of the Damned? I could totally bring y’all there! I actually know the bassist, so I could probably get you some cheaper tickets.”
Sam gasped. “What! No way!” He reached over and grabbed his shoulder, shaking it. “Seb, they know the bassist!” 
Abigail was bouncing slightly. “That’s so cool, (Y/n)! You would really do that for us?!”
You laughed at their excitement. “Yeah, totally. Would you like to come, Sebastian? I think Jax would like you.” 
He blinked, and glanced up to meet your eyes. “Yeah, sure.” 
You beamed, and from the corner of his eye he saw Abigail’s eyes widen briefly. He dismissed it though, simply basking in your full attention. “Awesome. I’ll text them and ask when the concert dates are.” You grinned at Sam, and then turned to Sebastian again. “Off topic, I heard you were the guy to go to for wifi hookups?” 
He relaxed. This was comfortable territory. “Yeah, don’t you have it already though?”
“Nah.” You shrugged. 
Sam gaped at you. “No way! But you’ve already been here like a year and a half!” 
You shrugged again. “It just wasn’t important.” 
Sebastian hummed. “Well, I could get it set up within the week if you were willing to wait.”
 “Of course! How much?” 
He would do anything for you, he’s not going to make you pay for it. “Nothing, consider it payback for boosting Mom’s business so much.” 
You frowned. “What? No. How about... 2500? Might have lowballed it a bit, though.” 
He choked. That would be enough for a new monitor. No way was he letting you pay that much. “No way! 500, max!” 
You rolled your eyes. “3000, last offer.” 
“NO!” He shouted, then flinched back. 
You laughed. “3000 then.” You pulled out a pouch, heavy with gold, and cupped his hands over it. He couldn’t even hand it back, stunned by the gentle pressure of your hands on his. He couldn’t even move, honestly. 
Sam laughed. “Ha, you broke him, (Y/n)!” 
Abigail laughed, though it was slightly off. “Y-yeah, you broke him…” 
You flushed. “I just don’t want him to undervalue himself so much! It’s hard work!” 
Sam smiled. “I’ve been telling him that!” 
You nodded. “Thank you, Sam.” You stood up and dusted off your shorts, and Sebastian grew even redder as his face was level with your toned thighs. “Hey, Sam, wanna come with me to the cave to grab some of the beer I tried to make? We can bring it back to try.”  
“Sounds great!” The two of you walked off, talking cheerfully. 
Sebastian mumbled out, “Holy shit they held my hand.”
 “What?” Abigail said. 
“Holy shit they held my hand.” 
Abigail choked on her drink, then cackled gleefully, leaning back as Sebastian’s face burned. “I thought I was imagining things! You like them! Sweet Yoba, this is amazing.” 
Sebastian spluttered. “N-no, no I don’t! I just- I... “ He hangs his head. “Yeah.”
“Oh, you’re a total simp too, aren’t you.”
He slumped lower. “Yeah…” 
Abigail laughed. “Well, I’m pretty sure that you have a shot.” 
Sebastian snorted. “Yeah, okay. I’ll believe that the day Demetrius asks me about my job and listens.” He rolled his eyes and stood up, going back to work on his bike. 
Abigail sighed. “Stubborn idiots.” She mumbled.
{time skip}
Sebastian was just finishing up as he heard a loud crash. He jolted and hit his head on the bike, then rolled out holding his forehead and glaring. “WHA-” He startled backwards as he registered how close you suddenly were. 
“That sounded nasty, Sebastian. Mind if I take a look?”
He nodded mutely, and you gently cupped his cheek and tilted his head upwards towards you. He promptly felt like combusting and regretted agreeing very much. You were… stunning, even with your brows furrowed in concern. He stared helplessly up at you as you brought out a handkerchief out to clean his forehead off, subconsciously leaning into your touch. Your every movement was gentle, and he bit back a sigh at how wonderful it felt to feel like he was worth being gentle for. Not even his mother had been this gentle with him since he was a kid. Yoba, you were amazing. 
The moment was over too quickly, and he followed your palm briefly as you pulled away, before jolting back in embarrassment. You grinned at him. “Your head seems okay, Sebastian. Some ice might help, but it would likely help more with the heat than the headache.” 
He nodded. “Thanks. For helping. With that.” Yoba, why did he keep pausing? Why was he so awkward? Strike him down now, please. 
You laughed. “No problem. I’m glad you’re okay.” 
He hesitantly smiled back at you. “Yeah.” 
You grabbed his hand, and tugged him up. “C’mon, Sam and Abigail set up near the lake, we’re gonna swim some!” You pulled him along, chattering away, and he followed you, listening in quiet adoration. He really, really liked you, and he desperately hoped you felt the same.
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niksfics · 3 years
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↬ PAIRINGS: kenma x f!reader (side aka rebound mention) miya atsumu x f!reader
↬ WARNINGS: a whole lotta angst, breakup, it’s an online relationship, kenma is cold and hurts ur feelings
↬ SUMMARY: your relationship with kenma really had felt like the last one. He was it, turns out he didn’t have similar feelings.
↬ A/N: alright loves!! This isn’t proofread at all it’s 2 in the morning I’ll edit when I wake up, butttt Thanks to my lovely ex girlfriend you are now being graced with this steaming pile of trash. (Lovely was not meant sarcastically at all she is in fact very lovely.) Ngl almost, if not all of this story is about my relationship with my ex gf. This is how I cope people. → It’s taken me awhile to actually be able to right something that’s why things kinda stopped. Tbh after she broke up with me it’s been very hard for me to write so hopefully this helps! And I hope you enjoy!! I would also just like to say if it feels a lil weird it’s cause these are things I’ve actually written in my notes I tweaked it a little to fit the story but it’s straight from the source 😩
WC | 2.5K
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You sighed as you opened your notes app. Your eyes scanning over all of the little facts and quirks he had told you about himself. All the stuff you’d wanted to remember. The stuff that had seemed so important to you before. Now it was meaningless, almost like facts about a stranger. Almost as if you hadn’t spent four months learning about and growing with eachother.
You scrolled down a little bit right under, how his favorite marvel character is Spider-Man and you chewed on your lip. Your fingers hovering above the keyboard on your phone. You looked over the facts again. The things he dislikes and the stuff he adores, the things he likes to collect to the way he feels passionately about a certain topic. You begin to type.
Friday June 25th 2022 12:22 Am
I cried again tonight, because I still love you. It’s been a month and six days since we broke up. It feels like there’s a hole in my chest. You seem to be doing fine though, so I’m happy for you! This is the second time since we’ve broken up that I’ve felt actual physical emotional pain in my chest. Remember when I told you how bad it hurt after we broke up? Remember how you didn’t even ask if I was ok? Didn’t even bother to answer. Do you remember that? I remember. I’ve thought about it every day since. I remember it being so bad I genuinely thought I was having a heart attack. Wasn’t until I’d called tetsu crying that he’d told me it was just emotional and I should probably try to relax.
I read through our old messages. I’ve never wanted something back so bad. Never wanted to beg anyone to stay till now. I wish you loved me like I love you. I wish I hadn’t grown so attached, wish I hadn’t fallen so deeply into love with you. I wish it wasn’t my fault that we broke up. I wish I wasn’t so fucking scared. I wish I was fearless. Wish I could rise into love bravely. I wish I was brave when it came to you. I keep telling myself it was me. It was me not you. You didn’t love me anymore. You don’t love me anymore and you’re just too nice to say that. So you told me in the only way I could handle. Except you hadn’t used the words you should have. You got bored. We both know it’s true. You were bored of it, and I don’t blame you. I know we’ll never talk again, and part of me is so glad. Another part of me forces myself to read through all our messages though. I wish I could just tell you one last time. I love you.
You sighed saving it before closing out of it. Tears you hadn’t known were falling finally became known to you as they streamed down your cheeks. Your eyes puffy as you wet your lips, the salt of them coating your tongue. You were bitter and so were your tears. I briefly wondered what he was doing right now. Probably playing a video game. You knew his schedule all to well by now. Probably testing out a new game for his stream.
A new set of fresh tears fell as you remembered how you used to call him right before he went on. Being lulled to sleep by his occasionally curses and the clicking oh his controller or his keyboard.
You never expected things to end this way. You really thought he was the last one. Yes it had only been four months, but the way he made you feel. The way that it had felt. It had felt final, and you’d been friends before you even started dating.
You sniffle moving yourself to the kitchen to poor yourself a glass of water as you remembered how nervous you were when you first texted him. You had acumulated quite the crush on him back in high school. As Inarazaki’s manager you were required to go to the games, and even after your team lost you had stuck around. Watched him play and cheered him on. Two weeks later you had begun to text, as friends of course. It wasn’t until four months ago that you’d gotten together.
Your anniversary was only two days prior to your break up. You both had never been one to even care about that stuff. You had agreed early on in the relationship that we wouldn’t do anything due to the distance, and the business of our schedules. You were never one for remembering things like anniversaries anyways.
He really did feel like the one. Sometimes you just know. Sometimes you can just feel it. Like, you know that feeling you get when you know something is off or you know for sure something is about to happen even without being told it’s going to. That’s what it felt like to be with kozume kenma.
You thought you knew, you thought this time, this time its for real. You thought it was finally safe to say, that he was the one. You both had even admitted to looking for each others initials in those stupid soulmate tik tok videos.
You were finally in a mature relationship with someone you could talk about anything to. You had gotten so caught up in it, that you didn’t even see the end creeping up on you.
You’d finally gained the courage to text him again. Unfortunately it was in a drunken daze. Your hands shaking as you fumbled with your phone typing things you’d come to regret in the morning. You’d sent him a series of texts telling him how much you missed him, how you didn’t understand how he was so okay. You had been a wreck that night. One of your friends puking in her toilet as you cried. You were happy of course that he was doing so well, but you’d been a wreck for so long and he hadn’t even changed. You told him you wished you could be okay.
When you’d awoken the next morning hair knotted in a complete mess and wiping drool from your chin your heart had sunk even lower. His response was cold. You knew that kenma could be cold. You knew that it was just who he was, but this particular text had felt so unfeeling and unfamiliar, it was as if he hadn’t even sent it himself. He had only ever talked like this to you once and that was when you first became friends all those years ago.
Kozume ❤️
Hey, it’s okay. And yeah you see what I choose to put up. I could be better. But I choose to stay optimistic and busy. Sorry that things are this way.
You had never seen so many periods in a text before. He only used grammar like that when he was peeved, and maybe you were wrong, maybe he’d done that on purpose, but it had hurt so bad. It had caused an ache so deep in your chest that you weren’t sure if you’d ever even dated him at all.
It was the only thing you could bring yourself to respond back with. How were you supposed to respond to that? You’d stared at it for so long and after you’d sent it you wished you had said more. Wished you would’ve said something more insightful than a simple, heartbroken, “yeah.”
Not too long later there was another ping and you held your breath. His name briefly appearing across your screen.
Yeah. I could be better. But I hope you do well soon. I’m sorry that I can’t really do much to help out
And of course you did the only thing you could do. Deflect. Pretend like you hadn’t said what you’d said not even fourteen hours ago.
No it’s fine. I’m fine. You don’t have to apologize. I’m sorry that you could be doing better.
He left you on seen. You knew you sounded like an asshole. At least to you, you felt like an asshole. Why couldn’t you have come up with something else. Why couldn’t you tell him the truth. Tell him how you felt. Tell him that you didn’t think you should be broken up anymore. That the month long cruel joke was over and you were ready to spend your nights falling asleep to him playing video games again. You didn’t though, and you never would. You’re not brave enough, too prideful to even try.
You swallowed down the bile rising in your throat as you realized even if you did beg him. Begged him to take you back. Tell him that you still love him. You were too late, and you just couldn’t be selfish when it comes to him. He is over you and it was so plainly obvious. You know that deep down. Know that he’s moved on, and it kills you inside. So you did the only thing you could do. Try and put it into words.
So as you lay in bed the warm body you let occupy your space sound asleep beside you, his toned blonde hair tousled slightly and you sighed. Finally away from the shenanigans of your friends you took a deep breath before you closed your eyes.
You opened up your notes app again and scrolled past the last entry. You swallowed again as you blinked the tears out of your eyes. Your thumbs beginning to move before you even gave them permission.
Wednesday June 30th 2022 1:39 Am
Here I am again. Stuck. Stuck in the same place I’ve been for so long. You know, I write so beautifully when I’m broken. I’m most of my best work is written when I’m being torn apart. But I just, I can’t seem to find the words. I can’t seem to put it into a document and turn out little story into a different story to cope. Can’t seem to write it out. Can’t seem to move on.
I hovered over the unfollow button on your page today, to keep myself from scrolling through your things again. To keep myself from getting hurt. So I don’t have to be reminded. I want to delete it. Delete where we officially met. On a chat through my screen. I wanna wipe the messages clean. And I’ve tried. Oh how I’ve tried. But I can’t.
I want to delete our conversations. The hours long talks we had, but then, what happens afterwards? What keeps the memories alive. I’d never been so in love with someone before. I’ve never actually…. Been in love before. I thought I’d been in love, but it didn’t feel like that, and losing them never hurt like this. Losing someone has never hurt this bad before.
I’ve never felt the emptiness you left so deep in my very being with anyone I’ve ever met before. I can’t seem to pull myself together. And it’s pathetic I know. It’s pathetic that I’m still here. In the same place I was a month ago. It’s about to be two months we’ve haven’t been together. I’m hurting. Hurting so bad. It’s painful to look at you.
I haven’t deleted the photos even though I probably should. They’re still tucked away in an album in my camera roll labeled “us <3” the one one I made specially just for you. The way I’d been so excited when I was finally ready to tell my friends. I even have this stupid notes folder from when we were dating where I wrote all the little things about you that I never wanted to forget. I find you so endearing. Everything you do. I just couldn’t help but right it down to keep it safe so it never leaves my mind. So that I never forget. But now, forgetting is all I want to do.
I never thought there’d be a time in my life where I was more emotionally stunted that I normally. So stunted I can’t even put this, our split up, into words. Make it something entertaining for somebody else to read. Write a book about it. My publicist keeps asking when the sequel for my book will be done. I don’t know if it’ll ever be finished. I can’t do the one thing I’ve always been good at. I’m crying as I write this.
And I wish it would just end here in this little notes app. Wish the love would die in here. I always think I’m over you and then I see you again, and nowadays your everywhere. A very big hit and I’m happy for you and your success, but seeing you makes my heart squeeze in my chest.
I think I’m over you until I play that stupid fucking game that causes me to scream at my phone, or my laptop in frustration, but I just can’t seem to delete it because I know it’s something that you love. That show we used to talk about. I know you know which one, I can’t seem to watch it without thinking of what was. You’ve ruined it forever cause now it only reminds me of you. I know you’ll never see this, but I like to imagine you can. That my time for closure has somehow come.
When you told me you were sorry that things were this way, it was a real slap in the face. It stopped my false hope. My wishing. It all came to a halt. I’m glad. Glad that you’re happier. That you’re better without me. But god, now I’m so fucked up and I can’t even talk to you.
You were the only person I had left. The only one who understood me. And now you’re gone. You took a part of me with you that night. A part that I’ll never get back. I should’ve known that you would leave. I’ve never been able to get someone to stay for longer than three to four months.
I thought I could let my guard down though. I thought we were in the clear. I’d thought finally. Finally someone is gonna stay. I thought you were my person. I still think that to this day. I thought we were gonna make it. And now I’m with this guy I don’t even like. He’s not you, he doesn’t act like you. He doesn’t like video games like you do.
He doesn’t talk to me like you do. Like you did. But you know how it ended I don’t need to put it here. Unfortunately I’ll always love you even if you don’t love me. This is so scattered, I’m sorry I couldn’t make you happy.
With that you closed the app and put down your phone. Plugging in it and as it dinged miya atsumu rolled over in his sleep. He reached for you his hands wrapping around your waist to tug you against his strong body.
His gravely voice whispering through sleep, “mmm finally decided to come to bed?” You hum moving an arm under on of his to wrap around his thin waist. “Mhm, thought you might need the company.” You began to draw little shapes and letters against his back as he chuckled, “oh yea? How thoughtful of you princess.”
Suddenly it was quiet and your closed eyes opened to his wide brown ones, his eyebrows furrowing .
“Did you just spell kozume on my back?”
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arvandus · 3 years
26.   “Is it wrong that I want to kiss you?” with the bird man hawks? 🥺
This one was so much fun to write! It's nothing but pure, cute fluff and was a breath of fresh air for me after writing a lot of heavy stuff lately. This one does involve the topic of drinking, but it's handled responsibly and is more the... aftermath of said drinking. But if that's a sensitive topic for you, send me a message and I can do a different plot with the same prompt. :)
Word Count: 2350 Warnings: Fluff, one drunk birb
26.“Is it wrong that I want to kiss you?
“Wow.... that was.... a great party.” Keigo slurred as you helped him out of your car, feathers and all. He stumbled against you, and you braced yourself as his wings flapped clumsily in an attempt to regain his balance. Good thing you didn’t let him fly home...
“Yeah.” you replied as his feathers tickled against your cheek.
“There were so many people!” His arm was propped around your shoulder now, and you tried not to groan under his weight.
“Yup.” You agreed again.
“And everyone was so nice...” he smiled drunkenly, his eyes glassy and unfocused.
You rolled your eyes in amusement. “I know.”
You began walking him up the small set of stairs to the foyer of his luxury apartment complex, his eyes deeply focused on the steps beneath his feet. Thank God the place had an elevator; after all, Hawk’s penthouse was on the top floor. Twenty stories up.
Once you’d gotten him into the elevator, he leaned against the wall, his head tilted back against the cold glass, eyes staring up. “And that punch was so good...”
“Yup, you drank a lot of it.” You teased as you pressed the button for his floor.
He lifted his head to grin at you with flushed cheeks. “I kinda want more.”
You pinned him with a look. “No.”
Keigo chuckled and leaned his head back again. He looked like he was about to fall asleep standing up when the elevator finally dinged its destination and the doors opened.
“Come on, you...” you reached your hand out to him, and Keigo stood for a moment before stumbling slightly. A giggle erupted from his lips.
“Oop, dizzy...” he laughed.
You grabbed his arm and put it back around your shoulder. “I got ya.”
You helped lead him out of the elevator and into his penthouse, which he’d given you the key to before you’d even let him get into your car earlier. As you were unlocking his door, his put a hand to his head and chuckled.
“...Man, I’m really drunk, aren’t I?” he mumbled.
“Yyyyup.” You grinned.
You got Keigo inside and sat him down on the couch so you could close and lock the door behind you.
Keigo began tipping over onto the couch cushions. “I’m just gonna.... lie down...”
You rushed over to him and grabbed onto his arm. “Oh no you don’t. C’mon, let’s get you into bed.”
“But everything’s spinning...” he complained.
“Your wings are gonna make you fall on your face as soon as you’re asleep.” You chided.
You pulled him up by his bicep before shifting your hold to his hand. It was warm, his fingers wrapping around your palm comfortably. Your tummy did a little flip at the contact, but you did your best to ignore it as you began leading him to his room.
“Sorry ya gotta take care of me...” Keigo mumbled.
You glanced back at him to see his eyes slightly downcast in shame.
You paused and turned to face him. “Don’t worry about it. I just wanted to make sure you got home okay. I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t.” Keigo kept his eyes down, so you cupped his cheek in your hand to have him look at you. “Besides,” you smiled, “it’s not like this happens all the time.”
Keigo stared at you, golden eyes wide in wonder. “...You’re really nice.” He said.
You grinned. “I know. Only to you though.”
Keigo stared at you for a moment longer before his vision unfocused again. “I gotta pee.”
You choked back a laugh at his candidness. “Okay. Let’s get you to your room. You have a bathroom there, remember?”
Once you got him into his room and helped him stumble into his bathroom, you quickly went over and began prepping his messy bed for him, making sure the covers were pulled down for him to get into. Keigo came out a moment later and managed to make his way over to his bed before sitting down on the edge of his mattress.
“Wow, look at you, walking by yourself!” you teased.
“Ha, ha.” He replied sarcastically.
“Alright, jacket off... wait. How the heck do you do this with your wings??” you demanded, confusion written across your face.
“There’s hidden zippers beneath the wings.”
“Ohhhh....” You found them once you knew what you were looking for; it was well-hidden in the fabric. You sat behind Keigo on the bed so you could undo the zippers. Once that was done, you began to tug his jacket off his arms. It was awkward and clumsy, and it caused you and Keigo to giggle at each other as you held onto the end of his sleeve and he struggled to pull his arm out.
The giggling settled down once the item was removed, and you draped it over the edge of his laundry basket. Keigo watched you silently as the alcohol swam warmly in his veins. Or maybe it was something else... something that seemed to grow in intensity the longer he looked at you.
You turned to face him and immediately the words that had been swimming in his inebriated head found their way to his lips. “You’re... really attractive.”
You stood there, dumbfounded for a long moment, before you brushed off his compliment. “And you’re really drunk.”
“No, I mean it. You’re fucking stunning.”
Every inch of your body felt hot with embarrassment. “Okay, Romeo. Let’s get those boots off...” You broke your gaze with him and kneeled down in front of him.
As you helped him undo the laces of his boots, he watched you with a hammering heart. You were being so nice to him, tending to him like this. You’d been friends for some time, and he trusted you implicitly by this point... but this level of care was new for both of you. It brought forth new feelings that his dizzy mind struggled to wrap around, and he wasn’t quite sure what to do with them. But the longer he watched you, the more he wanted to pull you close and...
“...Is it wrong that I want to kiss you?” The words spilled from his lips, and somewhere behind the cloudy haze something screamed in panic. Did he really just say that out loud?
You had just pulled his last boot off his foot, and stared at him in shock, your mouth slightly open. Did he really just...? You stared into his eyes as you felt your heart flutter in your chest like a caged bird begging to be set free. God, it was tempting, wasn’t it? You were already so close to each other. Close enough to see the sunset gold of his eyes, close enough to stare at his slightly parted lips framed in stubble... He began to lean towards you as your eyes locked, and for the briefest of moments you froze, your body rooted in hope. But the scent of the alcohol still on his breath quickly brought you back to your senses, and you put your hand over his face.
“Knock it off, you flirt.” You pushed him back with your hand until he fell back into his bed.
You began to help him get his legs under his covers.
“I’m not a flirt!” he protested indignantly. “Why does everyone think I’m a flirt??”
“Because you flirt with everyone.”
You began pulling the covers up over him.
“Well now you’re just makin’ shit up.” He grumbled. You pinned him with a knowing look, and he fumbled for new words. “I’m nice to people. It’s different.”
You rolled your eyes at him and stood up. “I’ll be right back, I’m gonna go get you some water and pills, okay?”
Keigo sulked beneath his blankets as you walked away. When you came back, he was quietly staring at the wall, his face pulled into a pout.
“I wasn’t flirting...” he mumbled. “I really meant it.”
You froze yet again before pulling yourself together. You set the water and headache medicine on his nightstand as his eyes followed your actions.
“You should really get some sleep.” You said.
“I guess...” he mumbled.
You began to leave his room, but something made you pause in his doorway, your hand on the doorframe. You looked back at him, to see him still sulking, his eyes avoiding yours. Was he actually hurt...?
Maybe it wasn’t just the alcohol talking.
“I’m gonna go now. But... um....” – you nibbled on your lip briefly – “if you remember this conversation tomorrow, and you still feel that way, then... we can talk. Y’know, if you want.”
Sleep was already starting to descend on Keigo, his eyes half-closed, but he perked up slightly. “...really?”
You smiled and gave a small nod. “Good night, Keigo.”
The next day, you kept yourself busy as you tried to keep your mind off of the previous night’s exchange. But it didn’t help very much... nothing was powerful enough to keep you from glancing at the time every twenty minutes or so, wondering if or when Keigo would wake up. By mid-afternoon you were just about to give up and chalk the entire event up to the brainwashing effect of alcohol, when your phone rang.
You nearly leapt at your phone, and your breath froze in your lungs as you stared at the name.
Keigo. He was calling you. That was already unusual for him... Usually, he preferred to text.
You took a deep breath to calm your quaking nerves before answering.
“Hey there.” You said.
“Hey.” He replied.
There was a slight pause before you asked your next question. “Sooo... how you feeling?”
Keigo’s laugh bubbled from the other end. “Not my best, but I’d be feeling a lot worse if it weren’t for you...”
You chuckled. “We’ll just add it to the list of reasons why I’m the superior friend.”
Your jab made Keigo laugh again, and he hummed with amusement. “Don’t get ahead of yourself there, little dove. I still remember that one New Year’s party...”
You scoffed at him in mock offense. “Low blow. You said you wouldn’t bring that up...”
Keigo laughed at your defensiveness, and you couldn’t help but laugh with him.
“Anyway,” Keigo continued, “I called to say thanks. Y’know... for all your help last night.”
You cleared your throat slightly against the tightness that you felt. “Yeah, sure. You know I’ll always be there for you.”
Keigo’s voice came through soft and serious, his usual mirth absent. “Yeah... I know....”
A long awkward silence lingered, and you began to feel dizzy before you realized you were holding your breath. You took a quiet inhale of air.
“Okay, well I guess I’ll let you...” you started.
“Wait.” He said hurriedly. “Um, there was one more thing...”
“About last night...” – there was another pause as he gathered his words – “I wanted to apologize if I made you... uncomfortable at all.”
Disappointment began to fill the space that hope was holding. “Oh,” you were glad Keigo couldn’t see the defeat in your eyes as you let out a small laugh. “Don’t worry about it, Keigo. I knew you were drunk.”
There was another pause before he spoke again, his words carefully chosen. “I was, but... I also meant it.”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you could have sworn you’d heard wrong. “...What?”
“Do you want to meet up for coffee?” he asked.
Coffee... coffee was normal for you two, right? You two always met up for coffee. Even so, you couldn’t help the next question that rushed clumsily from your mouth.
“You mean... like... as friends? Or...?”
He gave a soft chuckle that made your nerves sing, even through the phone. “Like a date.”
You did a silent happy dance in your living room, your fist pumping the air in jubilant victory before you answered him, your voice forced into calmness. “Ahem, yeah. Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
“... Did you just do your happy dance?” he teased.
“What?! No! Why would you say that??”
“Oh my God, you totally did, didn’t you? You’re so cute.”
You gave an appalled gasp. “Are you spying on me??” You began looking out your window to check the rooftops. They were empty, though.
“What? No, I’m not a creep!”
“Then how did you know?” you whined.
“Because your voice changes after you do a happy dance.”
“No it doesn’t!”
“Oh, it totally does.” He gloated. “It’s gets a little squeakier.”
“My voice does not squeak!”
“Like a little bird.”
“Oh, I hate you.”
“Hm, I’m pretty sure you don’t.” You could visualize the cocky grin on his face.
You huffed. “Just for that, you owe me dinner.”
“Name the time and place, little dove.”
Your face spread into a big smile, your skin feeling hot. “Okay... My place at 6.”
“Whoa, hang on a sec, I’m not gonna have you cook for me on our first date.”
“Who said I was cooking? You’re bringing dinner.”
Keigo chuckled again. “Fair enough. But then I’m gonna take you out on a real date.”
“Fair enough.” You echoed back.
There was a slight pause, neither one of you wanting to hang up on the other.
“6 o’ clock is so far away...” You finally complained.
“It really is, isn’t it?” Keigo agreed.
You bit your lip with a grin. “You could always come over now...”
“I could, couldn’t I?” Keigo mused.
“You still gotta bring food, though.”
“Any special requests?”
You cocked your head to the side thoughtfully. “Surprise me. You know what I like.”
“Yes... yes I do.” He replied.
His comment made a new wave of heat wash over you. “Cheeky bird.” You grumbled.
Keigo gave a laugh. “Alright I’m gonna head over.”
“One more thing...” he said, before you could hang up. The playfulness dropped from his voice, and his next words came through softly. “I’m glad you helped me out last night.”
Your heart flipped and you smiled. “Me too.”
“I’ll see you soon.”
Once you hung up, you did yet another happy dance.
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quindolyn · 4 years
Midnight Walks || James Potter
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
Word Count: 4363
Note: Dedicated to 🦎anon from @/randomoutsiders blog. Where I live it’s already 84℉ so this completely feasible but if you don’t live in hell and it's still cold and wintery outside just push it back a few months.
Warnings: Insecure reader, like 2 sexual comments because I’m filthy, talk of men being pigs and not keeping their hands to themselves, lots of fluff, modern muggle au, monkey bars, public nonsexual stripping,
Part 2
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There were ants in your bones, there must’ve been. Either that or someone was trying to feather dust their way out of them. Your entire body itched with the urge to move, to run, to scream and jump in the middle of the street. You couldn’t quite put your finger on what drove this overwhelming desire, perhaps it was some sort of primal reason coded into your DNA, alternatively maybe it was the sitting at your computer all day. One could only attend so many online classes before they went insane, and a decent way into your second semester and still no sign of going back in person anytime before the next school year. You were like a purebred who desperately needed exercise. It would’ve been a simple enough fix if it wasn’t already 10:17, the sun having set four or so hours ago, even though you lived in a pretty nice area you didn’t feel comfortable going out. Men were disgusting, and going out this late alone meant risking life and limb because too many men thought it was okay to touch what wasn’t theirs. Fucking toddlers. So instead you were forced to open your windows in attempts to replicate the natural breeze and try to find another outlet for your energy. You tried. You really did. Jumping jacks, planks, the few yoga poses you could recall off the top of your head, dancing around your house to your favorite songs, but the music didn’t feel like it usually did, even it couldn’t soothe the itching in your bones. You were fucked, simply and truly. Too energetic without the proper outlet. After none of those things worked you sat down to attempt to get some of your weekend homework done, but somewhere between ionization energy and confidence intervals you found yourself picking at your nail polish instead of paying attention to your work. Groaning you threw your head down onto your desk, wincing as the pain from the impact spread through your skull. Closing your eyes you tried to imagine it, the cool night air in your face, blowing through your mangled tresses, the thud of your feet against the pavement of the sidewalk, the feeling of the grass at the park tickling your exposed skin as you stared up at the cloudy sky, looking for stars. You swore you could almost feel it all, almost pulled into bliss when you were yanked from your reprieve by the buzzing of your phone. Groaning, you pulled your head up, it wobbled on your neck, as though it was loose and needed to be tightened. Had you wanted to you couldn’t have stopped the smile that broke across your phone when you saw the notification on your lock screen, a text from James. Can I call you? Sure. You typed out waiting anxiously for your ringtone to blare through your room. Instead you were met with another brief buzz. One second, Sirius is being an idiot. Another smile, smaller than the last, bloomed across your face, Sirius was often an idiot. Picking up your phone you pressed it to your ear just in time to hear James greet you. “Hey baby.” Loving James was potentially one of the easiest things you’d ever done, if asked you would've said it would be easier to stop breathing before you stopped loving him. There was just so much to love and as his voice tickled your ear you remembered one of the things you so loved about him, the sound of his voice. With two simple words he was able to soothe you, if only a little bit. But still the ache to be outside lessened a little. “Hi Jamsie.” You crooned into the phone as you shut down your laptop coming to the conclusion you were going to get jack shit done tonight. You distantly heard Sirius in the background but couldn’t make out any words, “Pads says hi.” James conveyed. “Hi Siri!” You yelled into the phone, you waited until the bickering and laughing on their side of the phone quieted before continuing, “Whatcha callin’ about bub?” “Missed you is all, was wondering what you were doing?” “Nothing much, tried to get some homework done.” James chuckled knowing how distracted you could get if someone wasn’t there to help you stay on track, “How’d that go?” “Not well,” You grumbled, “S’not my fault either, can’t focus. I just need some fresh air, I need to go on a walk but I can’t.” Flinging your body onto your bed and landing on your back you pulled the phone from your ear, turning it onto speaker and setting it on your belly, liking the vibrations against your body as James spoke. It was almost like he was there with you. “I’m sorry darling,” James knew exactly what you were talking about. Unlike a lot of men he wasn’t afraid to broach topics like these, he would sit and kiss your head if some guy at the grocery store had been a prick and couldn't keep his eyes or his hands off of your ass, or if one of the boys in your class had made an objectifying comment. He’d listen to you lament and apologize, on behalf of all men, for the disgusting things you were forced to deal with. He had learned a lot since you started dating, he’d always been a feminist but before you hadn’t really understood what that meant. His mother and father always made sure he was aware of gender biases and he’d heard stories of women being assaulted, harassed, discriminated against and perhaps it made him a bad person but when it happened to you, when you told him about these things it was different, it was worse, he couldn’t control the rage that bubbled up inside of him. You were (Y/N) (L/N), you were his, you deserved to be treated like royalty. No one got to disrespect you. He felt the pang in his heart when he pictured you holed up in your house, like a caged animal, desperate to get out. “I know, and I love you.” You responded, knowing he hated how you had to be afraid and cautious all the time. “I love you too.” “What were you doing before you called?” You asked after a beat. “Watching a movie with mom and Sirius.” A twinge of guilt twisted in your stomach, “Oh, you should go back to them Jamsie, I don’t want to keep you from your family.” James stopped himself before he could tell you that they’d already finished the movie as an idea hit him like most of his ideas hit him, suddenly and fleetingly. Remus once compared them to a freight train. “Okay angel, talk to you later.” “Bye, Jamsie.” He hung up immediately as the last syllable left your lips causing a frown to tug downwards at those aforementioned lips. Sure, you felt a bit guilty that he’d bailed on his mom and Sirius for you but you couldn’t help feeling a little sad that he was so ready to get rid of you the second he had a chance. Feeling all too familiar insecurity simmer from under your sternum questions popped into your head one after another. Did he really want to be with you? Was this all because he just pitied you? Were you just a substitute for Lily? Did his heart still belong to her? What did he even see in you? You couldn’t help but feel like nothing compared to her, she’s Lily Evans. And you’re, well you’re just not. Time had slipped away from you, you hadn’t realised how much until you felt your phone buzz against your stomach and saw that almost 15 minutes had passed since James had hung up on you. You only briefly noted the time before your eyes flashed down to the banner displayed across your screen, another text. Look out your window. Lifting your torso, propping yourself up on your forearms and twisted your head to see James’ smiling face plastered against your window, a huge, beautiful grin, stretching across his face. You could feel a matching one fan out across your face as you skipped to the window, pulling it open relishing in the cool breeze that let itself into your room. “Hey there handsome.” You joked. “Hey beautiful.” “What are you doing outside my window?” You were befuddled, wasn’t he supposed to be watching some Quentin Tarantino or equally violent movies that he and Siri liked? “I was thinking we could go on a walk,” He explained unabashedly. “A walk?” You asked, a blush blossoming on your face, creeping its way down your neck. “You wanted to go on one, yeah?” “I love you.” Was all you said in response, he caught you as you threw yourself into his arms, the middle of your thighs biting into the sill of your window, but you didn’t care. How could you? All you could focus on was the way his arms wrapped around your body, pulling you close to him so he could bury his nose into your hair. “Love you too darling.” There was a part of you, an admittedly large part, that wanted to stay standing there forever but the cool evening air reminded you about how much you wanted that walk. Peeling yourself away from him you placed your chin on his pectoral, not considerably comfortable for either of you, but you were close to each other, and that’s all that mattered. “Come in.” “I was waiting for you to ask.” He winked, slinging one leg over the windowsill giving him room to maneuver his rather large body through the small opening, but James had experience fitting his body into tiny things (namely your cunt). “Are your parents home?” “No, everyone’s gone for the night.” “Why didn’t you tell me baby, I would’ve come over and kept you company.” You felt heat creep back up your neck to your face, embarrassed by the answer. Though your insecurities could swallow you whole when you were alone, they seemed trivial when James was actually there, staring down at you with so much love in his eyes. “Don’t want to be clingy.” The confession bringing even more heat to your cheeks. “Never, (Y/N), absolutely never. If anyone here is clingy it's me not you.” You corrected him, “You’re wonderful.” “So are you bub.” Reassuring you he brushed a piece of hair out of your face. “Now come on! Let’s get some shoes on you and we can go out.”
James was filling up an old water bottle he found in one of the cupboards in case either of you got thirsty when you entered the kitchen, shoes and socks in hand. Your boy smiled at you, twisting the cap of the water bottle on all of the way before setting it on the countertop and moving towards you. “Want me to put your shoes on for you?” “Yes please.” You nodded, grinning cheekily. His large hands found your waist, lifting you up and setting your bum onto the cool counter. Slipping the socks from your hand he knelt down to roll them over your feet, leaving a kiss on the inside of each of your ankles. “You wanna walk to anywhere in particular?” “The park?” You offered, handing him one of your tennis shoes which were a little beat up, but still a long way from needing to be replaced. “The one with the fountain?” “Do you know of any other parks within walking distance?” You snarked, swinging your legs, feeling the need to be outside return, faster and more powerful than before. “Guess not,” He grumbled, looking up at you with a playful smile so you would know he didn’t really take your sarcasm to heart. “Hey watch it!” He chuckled when you accidentally swung your leg a little too hard and knocked his left shoulder with your socked foot. “Sorry.” You apologized looking about as sorry as Sirius usually did when he was apologizing, which honestly wasn’t much. “There you go Cinderella.” He said, as he pat your thigh once he finished tying your laces, rising from his kneeling position. “You think you’re funny do you Potter?” “In fact I do (L/N).” He grinned, sliding you off the counter, onto your feet. “Shall we?” You offered your hand to him which he accepted like a true gentleman. “We shall.”
You were right, but then again, when were you ever wrong? Fresh air was exactly what you needed, the feeling of the wind in your hair, the twigs snapping beneath your weight, the solidness of the ground. You couldn’t remember the last time you had felt this alive. That was probably stupid but it was liberating to be out of your house, and on top of it it was nighttime too. You weren’t often able to be out this late because you usually didn’t have someone to go out with. You had almost forgotten how beautiful it was when there was no glass separating you from the moon and the stars. Despite the fact that his legs were far longer than yours James still had to speed walk to keep up with you. His heart swelled seeing you so happy and carefree as you strode unapologetically down the sidewalk. “Stop walking so fast.” He complained, finally matching your stride as he loosely looped his left arm around your waist, pulling you as close to him as possible while still keeping the two of you moving forward. “Not my fault you’re a slowpoke.” You retaliated but nevertheless still resting your head on his broad shoulder. “It’s nice out isn’t it?” He pondered aloud. “It’s wonderful,” You agreed, closing your eyes and turning your face up towards the sky, trusting James to guide you safely down the sidewalk, “I’m sorry you had to ditch your mom and Siri to come be with me.” You apologized as another wave of guilt from earlier hit you. “I didn’t bubba, we’d already finished the movie when I called you.” “Really?” Your head perked up. “Mhm.” James hummed. “Why didn’t you tell me that?’ “Wanted to surprise you.” He explained and your heart soared, he really was indescribably sweet. “Well I was surprised.” “Good.” “What movie did you watch?” Wondering if your suspicions had been correct. “Forrest Gump.” He responded by popping his “p”. You laughed squeezing two of James’ fingers on the hand splayed across your stomach. “What?” “Nothin’, just thought you and Pads would’ve made your mom watch Reservoir Dogs or something.” “Come on, you know me and Padfoot (Y/N), nothin’ but a couple of softies the two of us.” “Yes, yes you are.” You responded completely seriously. “You were supposed to disagree, he whispered into your ear. “I cannot tell a lie.” “Hey!” He exclaimed in mock offense. “Come on I found the two fo you cuddling when I came over Wednesday, he was literally spooning you Jamsie. It was rather cute really.” James let you have the last word and the two of you were silent for a minute as you passed a house with a line of cars in front of it, stupid fucking people and their stupid fucking parties. You thought, thinking they’re more important than the rest of us, that it’s okay to throw a party during the middle of a pandemic. “There’s a pandemic going on people,” James muttered as you crossed in front of the driveway, as though he was reading your thoughts. You just nestled into him more. Once you cleared the super spreader house it was only a few feet before you turned the corner and your desired destination came into view causing a ginormous smile to practically crack your face in half. “Come on Jamie!” You giggled, grabbing his hand and pulling him down the street towards the park, not even looking both ways as you bolted across the street to the park. You’d always thought that parks and playgrounds and such looked a bit creepy after dark and while today was no exception you still didn’t think twice before bounding up the steps of the play structure. Laughing, you turned your face back up towards the sky as you reached down to slip your shoes and socks off, tossing them off the play structure onto the wood chips scattered across the ground. “You look beautiful up there.” You hadn’t noticed James approach you, but he was now standing at the foot of the play structure, looking up at you. “Come up here with me Jamie, please?” You pleaded, tugging on his arm. “How could I deny you anything?” “Simple,” You responded, “You can’t.” Pushing himself up onto the structure he tried to envelop you in his arms but you squirmed away, giggling. As you ran toward the slide at the opposite end of the playground he broke out into a run after you, purposefully keeping his strides short to give you the upper hand. Breaking out into a sprint as soon as your feet touched the ground you raced towards the open field, James hot on your heels. He chased you around the perimeter of the grassy clearing, the two of you yelling at each other and laughing until your lungs hurt when he finally caught you in his arms, trying to get you as close to him as possible. He loved the feeling of your body against his more than he loved life itself. Or even Sirius. “What should I do with you now that I’ve captured you?” He mused tauntingly, tightening his grip on you. “Well I know one thing you could do to me.” You murmured. “(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), get your mind out of the gutter Miss,” “Make me.” You teased, wiggling in his grasp. “I know what’ll fix your attitude.” James declared, adjusting his so his arms were around your waist instead of one there and one wrapped around your shoulders. “And what’s that?” “A nice February swim!” He roared jovially, hefting you over his shoulder as he bounded towards the fountain located on the east side of the park. “Jamie!” You shrieked as you bounced against him, “Slow down.” “Sorry Princess,” He huffed once you reached the fountain, he carefully lifted you off his shoulder and sat you down on the ledge of the water feature as he kneeled before you, hands pressing against your thighs. “Come on baby, go swimming with me?” “Course.” You smiled as you reached for the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head, throwing it somewhere over Jamie’s shoulder. You didn’t bother watching where it landed, too enraptured with the gorgeous boy on his knees in front of you. “You look gorgeous (Y/N).” He murmured, taking it the sight of your bare stomach and chest clad in a lacy lavender bra. “I let you see mine, now get your shirt off Potter!” You commanded impatiently, you loved James all the time, but you especially loved James shirtless. “Okay, okay woman, calm down, I'm moving.” He playfully chastised shrugging off his jacket which you just now realised was his varsity jacket, his last name emblazoned across the back of it. When he caught you staring at him he teasingly played with the hem of his shirt, rolling it in the tips of his fingers until you lightly kicked his bent knee. He then discarded his pants, throwing them and his shirt somewhere to his right, carefully laying his jacket on a bench a few feet away he was left only in his boxers and you took this time to appreciate how his skin shown in the moonlight, his darker complexion brilliant in the darkness of the park. “You wanna keep your shorts on? He lilted, moving towards where you sat on the bench encircling the fountain. You nodded in response, not wanting to be so vulnerable in such a public space. “Okay baby sounds good.” James leaned in towards you pressing his lips to yours before he scooped you into his arms before stepping into the fountain, even though it was warm ish outside the water of the fountain hadn’t had enough time to truly heat up because the water that lapped at his midcalf almost had him feeling bad for what he did next. Which was dropping you into the freezing cold water, keeping you upright by his hold on your shoulders before you were able to ground yourself on the floor of the fountain. With water sprouting up from the top and cascading down 4 smaller tiers reminiscent of bird baths, getting larger and larger in radius as they went down, cold water nipped at your skin. “Agh!” You shrieked, “It’s freezing!” “Calm down drama queen!” James snorted, “Little cold water never hurt anybody.” “Speak for yourself!” Screaming as James bent down to splash you with water you tried to run away resulting in you falling backwards onto your bum. “You okay baby?” James asked nervously bending down next to you, surveying your near naked body for any cuts or bruises. Your response came as you looped your arms around his neck and pulled him down, submerging the entirety of his body in the chilly water. He quickly pulled you down with him so that your head was submerged, your hair billowing out around you in the water. When you pulled back up to the surface your wet hair was plastered to your face. And though you were cold, wet, and maybe a little banged up your heart was aflame, this had been exactly what you needed, to run around like a little kid and lose yourself, if only for a little while. Glancing back down your jaw dropped, the light coming from the fountain walls made the shadows of the water reflect on James’ dark skin making him look even more beautiful, like something out of a book. He took your temporary lapse as an opportunity to flip you around so that he was on top of you, he thought you were always stunning but something about you beneath him made you shine like nothing else he’d ever seen. Taking good care to make sure your head didn’t bump against the fountain, and that your head was above water, he trailed kisses from your temple to your jaw. When he reached your chin the second freight train of the night hit him head on and he stuck out his tongue licking from the point of your chin, up your lips, the bridge of your nose, and up your forehead until he reached your hair line where he left one more gentle kiss. “James Potter!” You shrieked, a giggling mess, “What the hell?” He lifted himself off you so he could once again scoop you into his arms, “Come on my little water nymph, let’s get you dry, don’t need you getting sick on me.” “Think you should’ve thought about that before you dunked me into the fountain in nothing but my bra and shorts.” You retaliated to which he only rolled his eyes, before shaking his head like a wet dog. “I swear to God Potter, you’re a Golden Retriever.” “Hmh?” He asked, stepping out of the fountain. “Playful, loyal, energetic, smart.” You explained, planting a kiss on his nose. “Shaking off to dry like a fucking dog.” “You love me.” He grinned, like the thought was just now hitting him, like you hadn’t said it already multiple times that night. “That I do Potter.” You agreed as he set you down on the bench where he had laid his jacket, taking care to slip your arms into it one at a time he pulled it close to your body to keep you warm before coming up behind you, tipping your head back so he could wring the excess water out of it, taking this as an opportunity to kiss the hollow of your throat to which you hummed. Upon slipping on his previously discarded pants and shirt, an endeavor you watched very closely, not wanting to miss a second of how his muscles shifted underneath his smooth, taut skin, he sat down next to you. “It’s a beautiful night.” “That it is.” You agreed. The two of you sat there for a moment before James carefully stood up, “Where are you going Jamie? Too tired now, m’done playing.” “I know angel, come on, not gonna play, just get more comfortable.” He soothed, taking you by the hand and walking you over to a set of fairly new monkey bars. Picking you up from the bottom of your thighs he pushed you up and above his shoulders to sit on top of the monkey bars and you were reminded why it sometimes came in handy to be dating the captain of the football team. Swinging up next to you on the monkey bars he slid his arm around your shoulders, both of your legs meeting the edge of the cold metal at the bend of your knees, your bodies there down hanging off leaving the both of you on your backs staring up at the unusually starry night sky. “There’s Orion.” You lifted your arm to point out the constellation, “ Surprised we can see so many.” You marvelled. “It is rather pretty.” “‘Rather pretty’?” You gasped exasperated with the boy next to you, “It’s not just ‘rather pretty’, it's gorgeous!” You corrected with a huff, turning your visage back up towards the heavens. “Eh,” He shrugged, “I’ve seen better.” “I swear to God, James Fleamont Potter if you say ‘You’re prettier than any constellation’ I’m going to push you off these monkey bars.” A chuckle pushed its way past his lips as he brushed his lips along the part of your hair, “You know me too well don’t you (L/N).” “Yeah, I’ve got your number Mister.” James pulled out his phone to check the time, “Hey baby, it’s midnight.” He whispered in your ear, turning his phone screen so you could read the time. “Happy Saturday my darling boy.” “Happy Saturday Princess, let’s get you home.”
Note: I know in my initial ask on @/randomoutsiders you guys went home and more fluff ensued. Maybe a part two?
tagging: @randomoutsiders​ 
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A Story (Alec Volturi x Reader)
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You opened your eyes, sitting up straight. Your back was stiff. You were in your bathtub, fully clothed, soaked. The bathwater threatening to spill over and freezing. You frowned. “I need to stop drinking.” You grumbled before rolling out of the tub. You groaned, too sore to even consider standing up. You’d clean the mess later. You crawled into your bedroom before flopping onto the floor. This had to be the last time you drank, it had to be. Better ignoring that you definitely could have drowned, since you were so intoxicated that you tried to take a bath and didn't even take off your clothes. You couldn’t even remember the night before so really, it wasn’t worth it. Whilst you didn’t have a headache, thankfully, you just felt tired...and cold. Phone, where was it? You groaned, a sudden feeling you had left it in the bathroom. You didn't see it around your room and it wasn't in any pockets thankfully. With a sigh, you figured you couldn’t avoid the day any longer, although it would be very nice to try. Regardless, you slowly got up and trudged back into the bathroom. 
Your phone was on the floor, next to the bath. A couple of water droplets lay on the screen but remained undamaged...although it had twenty percent battery left. You had two missed calls from Alice. You checked your texts to find none. You decided to call Carlisle who picked up after two rings.  “Hello?”  “Carlisle, it’s (Y/N).” You said.  “Hello, are you okay?”  “Yeah, i’m good. I just...do you know if i was drinking last night?” Carlisle seemed amused. “No, why?”  “Oh, no reason. I just, woke up weird and tired.”  “Im sure you could have done that without alcohol.”You could hear his smile in his voice. You hummed in amusement.  “Are you coming to visit today?”  “Yeah, I can do that.”  “I just wanted to check since you said you would yesterday?” Carlisle responded. “I did? I must have forgotten but yeah, i can do that. I’ll come over later. I’m going to take a nap first, okay?”  “Alright, I’ll see you soon.”  “Bye, Carlisle.” 
When you arrived at the Cullen’s, they seemed as though they were waiting.  “The Volturi are coming to visit.” Carlisle informed you.  “The who?” You made a face of confusion.  “The Volturi.”  “I’m going to assume thats some vampire friends i don’t know about.” You shrugged. Carlisle turned to you with a look of confusion of his own. “You’ve-” He paused. Carlisle's eyes widened, a sickening thought rushed through him. Panic rushed through Carlisle realising the likelihood of his thought become more and more likely. "Stay here for a while. We have guests, I believe you'll have met them before." Carlisle swallowed hard trying not to scare you. You lightly shrugged. 
A group of seven arrived, all dressed in black and grey with cloaks, varying in the same colours. You could tell they were an older coven with how they moved. You were given their names and noted the odd looks they gave you. You figured it was down to being human, you were a big no-no from what you remember. "Do you know these people?" Carlisle asked you before putting his hand into Aro's in a weird bizarre handshake. You shook your head. "No. We haven't met." Carlisle inhaled.
This made Esme step towards you. "(Y/N), why don't you help me in the kitchen?" She smiled. "Carlisle will get our guests settled in before you make their acquaintance." You nodded. "Sure thing, Esme." Without a second glance you turned, heading for the kitchen, Esme sending Carlisle a glance. 
Half an hour passed and Esme led you to the living room where the Volturi awaited your presence. Your eyes immediately shot to Carlisle, nervous about meeting his friends but he nodded in encouragement. The leader in the middle was the first to greet you. "You must be young (Y/N), we've heard so much about you. We are delighted to meet you. My name is Aro." "Hi...it's nice to meet you too." You nodded. He held out a hand and you hesitantly reached out thinking it was a handshake. Instead, he cradled your hand in his own briefly. A flicker of an unrecognisable emotion passing his face before his wide smile returned. "These are my brothers, Caius and Marcus." The two men beside him nodded to you and you offered them shy smiles. He gestured to who you were told were their guards. "This is Jane, Alec, Demetri and Felix." You nodded. "Hi." You said nervously as the four nodded at you. Later that night you huddled into your seat. "So you guys have been around for a long time?" You asked looking over the Volturi members. "Yes. Quite." Aro smiled slightly. "Do you guys have any good stories? Surely you've got at least one after all this time." The Volturi looked around amongst each other, Marcus kept his head down whilst the Cullen's looked around uncertain of how to continue the conversation. Marcus spoke up, meeting your gaze. "I have a story. It was quite some time ago but I believe it's one our coven cherishes." All eyes were on Marcus, uncertain just what he was doing. However, you seemed pleased. "I'd love to hear it...if you're willing to tell it." "I believe it would be a good one to tell." Marcus nodded. "This is a story about a human we once knew, one who after all this time will continue to be very special to us." 
(Y/N) caught Alec in their sights as he approached the door to the spare bedroom. "Alec!" They cried out with a grin. "You're here!" "So are you." Alec said peeking around the door. "What are you doing here? You don't live here." Alec couldn't help the amused smirk building upon his face as he watched (Y/N) struggle to reach for something on top of the closet. "I'm visiting but...! I can't reach my folder! I left it here the last time I stayed over. It has all my documents in there." With a defeated sigh, (Y/N) began to drag themselves down the closet doors. "I'd offer my assistance but I don't think I can't do anything without damaging furniture." Alec pondered. Alec's eyes suddenly glinted, clearly having an idea. "Come here." Alec bent down. "What am I doing?" They asked with confusion. "You're going to sit on my shoulders and I'll lift you up." Alec responded. (Y/N) made a noise of protest but couldn't think of a reason why. They couldn't necessarily tell him you were too heavy, tall or would hurt him given Alec was inhumanly strong. "...Promise you won't drop me?" They asked him. Alec looked unimpressed. "I have no reason to drop you now, come on." (Y/N) whined quietly in defeat once again moving to Alec. 
As they got into position they looked down at him nervously. "You're sure I won't hurt you?" (Y/N) asked and Alec rolled his eyes, wrapping his hands around their ankles and standing up with ease. (Y/N) squealed, although it seemed Alec was right. He wouldn't drop them. "Oh it's all the way at the back, I bet Emmett did that. Can you take a step forward please?" Alec complied and suddenly the folder was in arm's length. (Y/N) grabbed it. "Thank you!" "Did you know that it's very likely you couldn't get down now that I have a hold of your ankles?" Alec smirked and (Y/N)’s smile of accomplishment vanished. "You'd get tired quickly." They retorted. "Would I? Shall we see how long I last?" Alec responded. "If you don't put me down, I'll eventually pee on you. It's inevitable." Alec immediately pulled a face of disgust, crouching back down and letting (Y/N) stand up.  "So are you visiting the Cullen's or have you broke in? Oh! Oh! Did you run away from the Volturi and so have sought shelter with the Cullen's?" They asked. He scoffed. "My coven is visiting to check the progress of the hybrid." Alec answered. 
Later that night, (Y/N) and Alec were outside, sitting on the Cullen's balcony floor. "Why do you need those? Those documents?" Alec asked turning his head towards them. "Oh, it's just stuff to keep the state happy. It's documents saying that Carlisle is my emergency contact and stuff, he's my legal guardian though I'm not living with him. I'm in contact with him frequently and he gives me money for my house. All of that stuff. Boring really." "You still haven't been in contact with your parents?" Alec asked and (Y/N) smiled at him sadly before shaking their head. "You should reach out, (Y/N). The argument was a typical one. They have no reason to hold a grudge against their own child for this long over something so trivial." "It's a little more complicated than that. Although I guess deep down, I like to think that maybe I do have their forgiveness." They admitted. "You didn't do anything wrong. Besides, for the last option, you could always make them forget the argument ever happened and avoid the topic forever." Alec smirked at (Y/N) who playfully shoved him. "Thanks Alec." They said with sarcasm. "It'll be okay, I assure you." Alec said to them. "They'll come around if they aren't already waiting for you to come back to them." 
(Y/N)’s gift was phenomenal. Unique but dangerous due to its impact. They could make people forget things, everything really. Whether it were, events memories or thoughts, none of them were exempt. The only person it didn't work on was themselves. Since meeting the Cullen's and eventually Alec, (Y/N) had better control of their gift making them a very tempting addition to Aro's collection. Although that was still very much in discussion. Whilst they'd have to be changed at some point, it wasn't consensus that they were to join the Volturi. As a matter of fact, it was highly debated among both covens instead. 
"You talk about my ability like you can trust me with it. I'm still learning, you could be forgotten at any time." Alec chuckled. "First of all, it doesn't work on yourself. Secondly, you don't forget someone like me." Alec's smile faded. "Not for good reasons, might I add." "Good reasons for me... you've been nicer to me lately." (Y/N) said. "I'm trying...it's not your fault you're human." Alec smirked slightly. (Y/N) narrowed your eyes on him playfully. "It's all I can ask." Alec wasn't the most open individual nor the kindest. He certainly had nothing nice to say about (Y/N) when they first met. Although over time, he gradually warmed up to them- even if it was reluctantly. Now (Y/N) felt like Alec understood them better than anyone in the world and accepted them. It made their bond to him stronger than most bonds could ever be. (Y/N) was confident that a piece of them would always be connected to Alec, nothing could divide them from him.
None of the Volturi really understood why Carlisle had a form of guardianship over (Y/N) and what a conflict with their parents actually meant for them to no longer be around their parents. Whilst the Volturi wanted to respect their privacy, it was important to them if (Y/N) were to become a vampire eventually. It was necessary to have the details. Although even being close with Alec didn't give them any answers as (Y/N) never told him any complete details. 
There was an argument about (Y/N) wanting to be independent, treated less like a child and since then, they hadn't been near them since. Whilst this seemed logical that (Y/N) left, it didn't make sense why their parents hadn't reached out to them in so long. So much so (Y/N) was convinced that they couldn't be forgiven. 
Marcus asked (Y/N) about their parents when talking one night. "Do they know about your gift?" He asked. (Y/N) wanted to wince at the reference of their ability being a 'gift' when there was very little actually pleasant about it. "No, they don't. I never told them and after that argument, I guess I had made up my mind they could never know."  "Do you miss them?" Marcus asked. "I try to forget about them if I'm honest." (Y/N) answered. This response made Marcus tilt his head slightly. They looked at him, really scrutinizing him. Marcus was the most kind and gentle of the Volturi leaders. (Y/N) couldn't help but trust him, especially after he came to defence of their friendship with Alec to anyone who questioned it. Marcus had always made it clear that the bond Alec shared with them was undeniable. "Can I tell you the full story?" "If you wish." Marcus said quietly. 
(Y/N) could remember the moment that their house stopped being your home. Everything was as it always had been. Signs of life, nothing missing from it's usual place. However, it was no longer welcoming as it had been before. Even the photographs of (Y/N) and their family, scattered around the place. Things were different now. Instead of a family, there were just memories of one. It took some time for (Y/N) to understand how their gift worked. Although they were forced to learn the hard way. (Y/N) had been arguing with their parents when (Y/N) said something about forgetting (Y/N) ever existed. Their parents did. They never had any children by that name. Nor had they ever seen (Y/N) before. All memories of them gone in a matter of moments. From then on (Y/N) could only see their parents from a distance, outside their house. Their parents wondered why they had pictures with the strange person in their house and got rid of them too. "I wanted to remember every inch of them as they were. Their eyes, nose, mouth, hair. Every tiny detail, because I knew after today. I'd never see them again." (Y/N) told Marcus. "Why are you so determined to pretend this didn't happen rather than embrace it and carry on?" Marcus asked. There was a moment of silence. Neither of the two looking at one another. "You rejected Corin's gift when offered comfort after your loss. Why?" (Y/N) responded. Marcus thought about the answer but it didn't require much thought. He had spent decades thinking about that decision and why he made it. "Because I wanted to feel the pain. I didn't want to feel content about her death." (Y/N) thought over his answer before replying, sadness almost radiating from them. "See that's where you and I differ. I want nothing more than to forget." Their voice was quieter as they looked down at their hands. It was safe to say, Alec was furious at (Y/N) when he found they had left out such an important detail when it came to why their parents didn't speak to them. (Y/N) had more than one chance to tell him and they didn't. It felt like a betrayal, like they had lied. Alec only ever asked (Y/N) to be honest with him, no secrets. This secret was a pretty big one at the very least. (Y/N), on the other hand, didn't think anything wrong with that. They were allowed some privacy like every other person. They were sure Alec didn't tell them everything so why should they share something they simply hadn't been ready to speak about until that moment. It was how the argument had began and it seemed the more defensive (Y/N) got, the more angry Alec became. 
"This isn't a big deal, you're making something out of nothing!" (Y/N) said with exasperation. "It is something, (Y/N)! You didn't trust me with the full story and you told Marcus! Even Carlisle knew!" "Carlisle had to know!" (Y/N) argued back. "If he didn't I'd have been taken by social services! I told Marcus because I was ready to talk about it and I knew he wouldn't make a big deal out of it! It was nothing to do with trust!" Alec scoffed sending them a sneer. That was when their anger had begun to really build. "Am I honestly supposed to believe that you tell me everything!?" (Y/N) snapped. "That's different! There are parts of my life that aren't necessary and would only scare you." "Like your complete lack of trust and hatred towards humans for being burned at the stake? Like the dark, twisted things you and your coven have done in the name of justice?" "You don't know what you're talking about." Alec said icily. "You're just a little human who thinks they know everything when they know nothing. I have given you no reason not to trust me-" "Alec, I didn't do anything to you! Ever! I didn't accuse you of witch craft! So what did I ever do to you like the rest of the human population!?" Alec laughed darkly. "Of course, you wouldn't understand. How could I expect you to? You're only human." 
(Y/N) was stunned into silence before fury took over them. "You are cold." (Y/N) said, anger and disgust in their eyes. "Cold and empty. So empty you have to suck out the life of everyone around you to feel even an ounce of emotion. Perhaps that is what your village  saw in you! Perhaps that's what Aro sees in you! A monster just like the rest of your coven!" (Y/N) looked taken aback by their own words, stunned. When they saw the look of growing rage upon Alec's face, they knew they had done it again. Like they had with your parents, they lashed out with hurtful words they didn't mean. Alec was very hurt. (Y/N) knew by the emotion overpowering his stoic gaze. "I'm so sorry." (Y/N) whispered, their anger rushing away as they began to feel nothing but guilt. The look Alec gave (Y/N) could kill but instead he began to walk by them. (Y/N) reached out for him, grabbing his hand. "Alec, wait-" They began but gasped as they immediately felt cold numbness crawl up their arm. Alec roughly tore their hand off him and they were so caught off guard that they didn't even notice the slight pain you felt within their fingers. Suddenly (Y/N) felt like they were on fire. 
(Y/N) screamed, collapsing to the ground, seeing Jane was now beside her brother. The two watched (Y/N) scream without sympathy. "So that's how you really feel." Jane said simply. Alice and Carlisle were quick to rush by the twins and towards (Y/N). "Enough! Not in my house!" Carlisle barked.  The pain stopped, only (Y/N)’s hysterical crying being heard. "I didn't mean it!" They cried out as Alice pulled them into a hug, hushing them. "It's okay." She told (Y/N). "You're okay."
It was obvious that all the Cullen's and the Volturi knew what had happened and surprisingly enough the Volturi also seemed rather angry by (Y/N)’s outburst. Alec had made it known, (Y/N) wasn’t worth his time. (Y/N)’s true feelings had finally come to light. Yet none of the Volturi seemed to believe them when they said it wasn't true. Despite knowing (Y/N) sometimes said things they didn't mean. The last time they had seen their parents being one of them. 
It had been Marcus that suggested the two covens separated for the night for some space. Especially since the Volturi hadn't fed yet. However, much to (Y/N)’s surprise, someone of the Volturi had phoned the Cullen's. Whoever it was, was asking on the leaders behalf how they were. If (Y/N) had to guess it was Marcus. If they were hopeful, Alec would want to know too. (Y/N) stared at Carlisle, who stood at the entrance way. "Marcus wants to know if you're okay." Carlisle said. "However I'm not entirely sure what to tell him. So, how are you (Y/N)?" (Y/N) slowly met his eyes. They looked exhausted from how upset they had been. "Tell him what he wants to hear. Tell him that I'm fine." Their voice croaked slightly. "I don't think I can do that." Carlisle said softly. "Why?" (Y/N) responded flatly. "You're asking me to lie for you." Carlisle replied. "He thinks I'm a monster. So it's better he thinks that way." Carlisle began to protest but Esme appeared with the phone. "Would you be willing to speak to him?" Carlisle asked, taking the phone from Esme. Even as Carlisle put it on speaker, Marcus asked if (Y/N) was alright. He even acknowledged that Jane's behaviour wasn't necessary. Somewhat of an apology. However (Y/N) stayed put, simply staring at the phone. After another few moments of silence, Carlisle took the phone off speaker before putting the phone to his ear. "My apologies, Marcus. I don't think they're feeling well enough to come to the phone right now. They appreciate your concern." "Of course, Carlisle." Marcus responded. "I thought it best to express my concern given Jane's gift." Marcus lifted his gaze to the twins, Jane looking indifferent whilst Alec's eyes were latched onto Marcus. "Emotions are high right now, would you appreciate our return tomorrow?" "Of course." Carlisle responded. "I'm going to keep (Y/N) here over night to keep an eye on them but I'm sure they will be just fine." After some more conversation, Marcus bid farewell and hung up the phone. 
He turned to Alec. "I assure you, they didn't mean it." "That doesn't matter." Caius snapped. "They still said it." Marcus turned his gaze to Caius. "You suffer from the same flaw Caius. If anyone should be understanding, it's you." "Why should I take the time to understand? They're human. That's a waste of energy." Marcus turned back to Alec. "Trust me. I'd know if there were any truth in their words." 
"They're coming back tomorrow?" (Y/N) whispered. Carlisle nodded. "We can take you home before they get here if you like. However, I feel more comfortable keeping an eye on you tonight after..." Carlisle trailed off but (Y/N) knew. After Jane used her ability on them. (Y/N) nodded. They were given the option to stick around the next day. Although (Y/N) declined, deciding they'd go home instead. 
"I'll drop you off." Alice said brightly in attempt to keep the mood light. "Thanks." (Y/N) said quietly. Alice, Carlisle and Esme went quiet. "Let's go out the front." Alice smiled. "I'll go and get my keys and meet you at the car okay?" (Y/N) nodded. "Sure." "Come and visit tomorrow." Esme nodded to them with a smile, bringing (Y/N) into a hug. "Okay." They responded quietly, offering her a small brief smile before heading out the door. 
Just as the door shut behind (Y/N), the Volturi moved into the living room after being let in by Jasper. Carlisle was quick to welcome them. Before they could ask, Carlisle explained whilst Alice passed by with her keys in hand. "Alice will be back shortly. She's taking (Y/N) home." 
Alice grinned at (Y/N) as she walked down the path. "Alright, ready to go?" Even now she was trying to keep the mood light. (Y/N) nodded. "Yeah. Thanks for the ride." "Of course!" Alice responded. (Y/N) kept their eyes on her, not daring to look at the house until they were in the car. 
Two days passed and Alec still wasn't speaking to )Y/N). Although (Y/N) figured it would have been best if they were the one to reach out to him given the situation as well as knowing Alec wasn't necessarily one to do any kind of approaching unless it were to kill them. (Y/N) found him alone and decided that was a better opportunity than any. He sat his his back to them, seemingly reading in Carlisle's study. "Alec?" (Y/N) asked quietly. They didn't receive a response, not even the turn of his head. He remained unmoving. "Could we talk for a minute? I want to apologise again. I didn't mean it but I still said it and I shouldn't have. It was an awful thing to say and I'm so sorry." Their words still didn't earn even the turn of Alec's head. "I can't stand not talking to you." (Y/N) began. "You're my best friend and I miss you. I want to make it up to you. To show you that I’m sorry and that I'd never think such a thing of you." (Y/N) still received no response. They sighed. "I don't know what to do here." "What makes you think you can do anything?" Alec's voice was cold. Although (Y/N) considered it progress. Especially as he turned around to look at (Y/N). His face was unforgiving, gaze piercing and his mouth in a tight line. "We both know I'm going to hurt you regardless." Suddenly he was standing and slowly moving towards them. (Y/N) took a step back. "You're scaring me." They said, trying to maintain the distance. He looked at (Y/N) like he did everyone else. He looked at them like he wanted them to burn as he did, like (Y/N) deserved more than he ever did. Alec looked like he most certainly would hurt them or even kill them. "I didn't mean it!" (Y/N) pleaded. "I'm sorry!" Alec glared at (Y/N). "It was my fault. It won't happen again." (Y/N) faltered. "What?" “It’s my fault for thinking you were different from any other disgusting wretched human!” Alec had most certainly returned the favour, his words cut (Y/N) to the core. They felt tears well up in their eyes. "Get out." Alec snarled and they did. Without question. 
Another day or so passed and (Y/N) had an idea of how to fix all of it. Once again, (Y/N) waited until he was alone, this time he was outside by the tree line before the woods. "I'm mad at myself too, you know." (Y/N) began, crossing your arms over your chest. "I felt the same way when I made my parents forget about me. The confusion and fear they had to see someone claim to be their child, have photographs with them but have no recollection of them ever existing. I was so angry with myself for saying what I did and I'm even more angry that I did it again but this time to you. I meant what I said Alec. You're my best friend. What I'm trying to say is that I get it, if you hate me. I understand. Although I really do want to try anything I can to make this up to you." His back was still towards (Y/N). "You won't even look at me." (Y/N) said quietly. Alec turned to look at them with an empty stare. "Alec..." (Y/N) trailed off. "I want you to forget this happened." "What?" Alec's eyes narrowed on them. "I want you to be happy. I never wanted to hurt you. So I want you to forget-" "No!" Alec covered his ears and shut his eyes tightly. "Alec, look at me." (Y/N) stepped closer. "No! Get back!" Alec yelled. That was when Carlisle hurried in between them both. "What is it?" Carlisle asked, looking between them both. "They're trying to make me forget!" "It's better this way!" (Y/N) pleaded to Carlisle. "I never meant for any of this and it's hurting him! I can fix it!" "(Y/N), I want you to listen to me very carefully." Carlisle began, blocking them from Alec. “These thoughts, these memories, they don’t belong to you. They are not yours to take." "I-" (Y/N) struggled to respond. Feeling both the eyes of Alec and Carlisle on them. Carlisle put his hands on their shoulders. "This isn't the way." "I can't believe you!" Alec spat. "This is how you want to make it up to me? Wipe my memory and pretend it never happened!?" (Y/N) could see the hatred in Alec's eyes. Any second chance he had considered was long gone. 
In that moment (Y/N) gave in. They knew they couldn't fix it. (Y/N) couldn't make it up to him and he wasn't willing to forget. It was over. Jane was the first to storm up to (Y/N) when they came back into the house. She was immediately held back and to their surprise she didn't use her gift.  However, she did rant that they were lucky she couldn't slap you at the very least. Although she didn't need to. (Y/N) was suffering enough. They didn't look at anyone, instead walking out the front door. Alec and Carlisle entered the house, Alec yelling in outrage. Carlisle simply wasn't listening to him. His eyes immediately searching for (Y/N). "They left...what happened?" Rosalie asked. Carlisle said nothing, rushing out the door after (Y/N). 
It was night time and most certainly not safe for them to walk home alone but they were determined to. Tears running down their cheeks, arms crossed over their chest as they briskly walked down the road. "(Y/N)!" They heard Carlisle call out behind them. (Y/N) didn't respond, continuing to walk away. Suddenly Carlisle was behind them, tugging them back. "(Y/N), it's not safe out here. Come back inside, we can figure-" "No!" (Y/N) shouted back. "Get off of me! I'm going home!" "Let me take you home then, come back to the car." Carlisle said. "I'm not going back in there! I’ve lost everything! It's my fault! I lost my friend, I lost my parents and there's no one else to blame but myself!" (Y/N) yelled. "(Y/N), you are a wonderful person with a remarkable gift. You just need some guidance. We can help you, just come back. I'll take you home!" Carlisle pleaded. "You know what the cruel part about my gift is Carlisle?" (Y/N) said significantly more quiet, an eerie calmness taking over them. "I can't use it on myself. I can make everyone around me forget anything but the one who wants to forget the most is me." (Y/N) took a step forward. "Can you take me home please?" Carlisle nodded. 
Outside (Y/N)’s house, Carlisle pulled over. "Come to the house tomorrow. We'll have something figured out by morning." (Y/N) sighed before nodding. "Alright, I'll do it." "This will improve, (Y/N). We'll talk things over with them." Carlisle assured them. "Yeah, just at what cost?" (Y/N) mumbled. "I lost my friend. Alec will never speak to me again." "You don't know that." Carlisle responded hurriedly. "I do." (Y/N) said. "I'm just going to sleep this off. I'll see you tomorrow." 
(Y/N) decided to run a bath later that night. Kneeling on the floor they turned on the tap which began to fill the tub. They felt the weight of every decision they had made on their body and no longer could they even cry about it. Whilst (Y/N) thought a bath would be best, they didn't really care about it being too warm or too cold. As a matter of fact, they didn't think further than the action itself. 
"They hurt me." Alec ground out. Marcus wanted Alec to see reason. Not only that, Marcus wanted Alec to admit the reality of the situation and not hide from it. It was of no surprise to him considering (Y/N) was the first proper friend Alec had, the closest anyone had ever come to the twins. "Just as you hurt them." Marcus replied. "You've hurt many people, Alec. (Y/N) is one of many on that list. Yet regardless, they want you in their life. They want your friendship. You want to punish them but you don't realise they've already punished themselves. More so than is necessary. Furthermore, you aren't just punishing (Y/N), you're punishing yourself. I know you want to be their friend but you won't let yourself." "They-" "You're torturing yourself as much as your torturing them." Marcus said simply. "I think they frightened you, boy. I think you forgave them the minute they said it and that frightened you." Alec didn't have a response. As much as he tried. He couldn't tell Marcus he was wrong because he wasn't. "I can't trust them." Alec responded. "You can. You simply won't. They said awful things but still want you in their life. Apologizing the minute it was said. You've never experienced that and it bothers you that it makes it difficult to act in your usual response." "I don't know how." Alec said after a moment of silence. "I don't know how to show that I care about them and I don't know how to show it when I forgive them. I'm so used to pushing people away that...I don't know how to let people in." "You tell them." Marcus responded. "Even if it means you need to say it to yourself first. Put down the weight of the past. Even if it's only for them." Silence filled the room. "I forgive them." Alec said under his breath, it was quiet, barely audible but there none the less. 
Alice tilted her head, staring at nothing in particular. “What is it Alice?” Jasper asked. “I think i should check on (Y/N).” She responded. “I can’t be sure but i think something is wrong.”  “They’re upset.” Carlisle responded. “Do you suspect they’re in danger?” Alice tilted her head again. “I don’t think so. It’s hard to tell, I see them and then it just goes black.”  “Why not give them a call?” Esme asked lightly. Alice nodded, immediately going for her phone. 
(Y/N)’s phone buzzed beside them, as they sat and watched the running tap. It was a text from Bella, telling them that Jake and the pack were around the area, making sure they knew the Volturi wouldn’t come within their vicinity for the night. (Y/N) was about to respond when they got a phone call from Alice.  “Hello?” (Y/N) answered.  “Hi (Y/N), I just wanted to check in with you since things didn’t end too well tonight.” They paused and Alice noticed. “They’re just leaving now for the night.” Alice said, locking eyes with Alec as the Volturi moved towards the door.  “I’ll be fine.” (Y/N) responded.  “I... thought i had a vision of you but, I couldn’t see anything.” (Y/N) smiled slightly with a hum of amusement. “You don’t need to look out for me, Alice. I’m just going to go for a bath and head to bed.”  “Are you sure?” Alice asked.  “Of course. Besides, I’ve already began running the water...as you know.” Alice hummed quietly in amusement. “This will be fixed tomorrow.” (Y/N) swallowed. “I know.” (Y/N) said quietly.  “It’s a good sign they want to see you, you know?” Alice said.  “I can only hope.” They said simply.  “Anyway, get some sleep and i’ll speak to you tomorrow, yeah?”  “Yeah, have a good night Alice.”  “See you tomorrow, (Y/N).” 
When (Y/N) hung up the phone, a tear ran down their cheek. ‘disgusting wretched human!’ Alec’s voice rang in their head. (Y/N) put their phone on the floor next to them. (Y/N) felt their clothes stick to them as they sank into the water, leaning back in the bath. The calm luke-warm water peaceful, like their mind. (Y/N) felt a tear run down their cheek. (Y/N) shook their head biting back their tears. Before any more could fall, (Y/N) slowly sank underneath the water. After a brief moment,(Y/N) sat up, their hair dripped as they felt another wave of calm wash over them. (Y/N) noticed a reflection of the ceiling along the water. An idea rushed to their mind and that was when they knew, what they had to do. (Y/N) hunched over slightly, arms moving to the edge of the tub, more droplets falling down the sides. They looked at their reflection.  “You’re going to forget. You’re going to forget the Volturi, forget what happened. You’ll forget ever meeting them. You’re going to forget that you have a gift to make people forget things. You won’t think to even question it. If it’s brought up. It’ll be like a dream, or story that you made up. You’ll forget ever using it, you wont remember to question why your parents aren't around.” It wasn’t known when (Y/N) had stopped repeating those very words. Although it wouldn’t concern them, they’d forgotten they had ever done it. "If only (Y/N) would have waited. If only we were quicker. Then maybe we would have had the time to tell them that they were forgiven. That for some of us, there was nothing to forgive. Maybe if we had spent more thought, we'd have known how much hurt they truly felt. However by then, it was too late what was done was done. They'd forgotten who we were, forgotten what they had done and all the details in between, washed away by their gift. We'd never know if such a gift could be reversed but could only hope that they've found peace and happiness. They'd live out their life, never knowing the happiness they gave and the joy they spread to many."  Marcus finished.
Many in the room couldn't help but glance at you, wanting to see your reaction. Perhaps a flicker of recognition would show. Your head lowered and the two covens seemed almost hopeful. You lifted your head, wiping your eyes. "That's sad. I hoped for a happy ending." A pang hit some of their chests, that statement had remained the same even before you had forgotten. A quiet hum escaped you. "You know it's strange, you said the humans name was (Y/N). My name is (Y/N) too." "Oh?" Marcus responded lightly with a ghost of a smile. You nodded. "It's a funny coincidence, I suppose." You looked at Marcus with uncertainty. "I feel like I should hug you...?" You began. Marcus cracked a small smile. "That's alright." Marcus stood up and you met him half way.  The room was quiet, even after you both separated. 
You moved into the kitchen to refill your glass of water when you jumped. Alec was so quiet you had no clue he was even in there. "You scared me!" You laughed, a hand going to your chest. "Sorry." Alec felt a pang in his chest, remembering how tried to apologise to him and he completely rejected you. This time you were apologizing for nothing. In your eyes, you had apologised to a complete stranger and that broke Alec's heart. He wished he could turn back time, assure you that you were forgiven, that you'd always be his friend. He missed that chance, you got so good at your own gift you figured out a way to use it on yourself. "Alec, yeah?" You asked. Alec nodded. "I'm getting better at names." You smirked, pleased with yourself. "The human in Marcus' story was your friend right?" You asked nonchalantly as you filled your glass. "Yes." Alec responded. "Can I ask you something?" You turned, now with a full glass with a small smile on your face. Alec knew that smile well that you had sent him. It was the polite smile you wore to anyone you didn't know. In the hopes that it would cover up how nervous you actually are about meeting new people. "Yes." Alec said again, not entirely ready for the question but whatever it was, it meant you'd stay in the conversation. For all he knew, that last conversation he'd have with you. "Were they nice? Your friend?" You might as well have stabbed him in the chest in that moment. Alec did his best to hide it. "They were wonderful. The best friend I could have ever had." Alec responded. You slowly nodded, contemplating his answer. "That's nice. Anyway, I won't bother you anymore." You smiled, raising your glass. "See you around." You turned and walked out the room without even a second glance. Leaving Alec standing in the kitchen, alone once again. Jane moved passed (Y/N), casting them a quick look before entering the kitchen towards her brother. She said nothing as Alec looked at her. For what could she honestly say? "They forgot me." Alec said quietly.
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lovely-ateez · 3 years
Vampire Shift~
ꕥPosted: 5/23/21
ꕥGenre: Fluff, Smut, Angst, College!au, Horror!au
ꕥPairing: Fem!Reader x Vampire!Jongho (feat Wooyoung and Minho from skz)
ꕥWord Count: ~5.9k (whoops)
ꕥWarnings: Horror themes, Language, Thigh riding, Unprotected sex, Mentions of blood and blood sucking (please lmk if I missed anything)
ꕥTag List: @cappujinho @bobateastay
ꕥA/N: I hope you all don’t a more spooky concept! Halloween is my favorite holiday and even though its May, it’s always spooky season to me lolol. Also! Feel free to listen to Vampire Shift by All Time Low while reading this (it’s only on YouTube I cry) since this is inspired by the song :)
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It was a terrible idea, really, to work the night shift at a gas station alone. Even more so when you’re a young woman whose only defense is the pepper spray on her key chain and 911 on speed dial. Alas, college bills don’t pay themselves and every spare opportunity to get cash was one I had to take.
The digital clock sitting on the counter next to me briefly flashed, indicating another hour had gone by. It was currently four a.m. and it was safe to say I was losing my mind. I’d worked for five hours now, and not a customer had come in. That was the only advantage, really. So long as no one was around my boss let me finish any assignments I had, which came in handy on more than one occasion.
I was only six paragraphs into a five page report and had been staring at my laptop screen for over an hour, feeling beyond brain dead. I was assigned the topic of financial statements and country trade deficits, and wanted to cry every minute I thought about it. I was half convinced to pay someone to write the report for me.
The ringing of a bell indicated a customer opening the door and I closed my laptop to peer around the counter, ready to greet whoever entered. The first man to catch my attention was wearing sunglasses which fazed me, but I tried not to stare. The man that followed had black hair with blond underneath, a combination that I strangely liked. Both men were donned in all back, their faces stoic. They were attractive, I had to admit, but neither were my type.
And then, the last man entered. He looked over to me as he walked through the door, giving me a nod and a slight smile. His slicked back black hair matched his black ripped jeans and highlighted his red leather jacket. He was so handsome he looked like he jumped out of a magazine and I had to suppress a ‘wow’. A string of butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I did my best to ignore them, not even knowing his name.
The three of them wandered through the aisles until I could no longer see them, and I scolded myself for being so thrown off that I forgot say any form of a greeting. I sighed and turned my attention back to my laptop, opening it and blankly staring at the screen. My ears perked when I heard the men’s hushed voices.
“Y’oughta get that girl’s number. I saw the way you looked at her.”
“Yeah, Jongho. She’s pretty cute. If you don’t get her number you know I will.”
“Shut up.” One of the men, Jongho apparently, responded with a laugh, “Let’s just get some snacks, okay? It’s gonna be a long night. Also I’m buying tonight so get whatever.”
A smile crept on my face and I looked down, fiddling with my thumbs.
They think I’m cute. Maybe Jongho’s the one in red?
I heard the bell ring once more and a girl entered who I vaguely remembered from high school. She was popular but for good reason, probably being one of the nicest people I’d ever met. Our circle of friends overlapped slightly so I’d spent a fair amount of time with her. She was smart as a whip and gorgeous all the same, which seemed to stay with her. She looked bright, long red hair falling around her face, freckles still prominent as ever.
We met eyes and she smiled, “Hey y/n!”
I smiled and waved, “Hey Annabelle. How’ve you been? I haven’t seen you in awhile.”
“Good! I got into my dream college and it’s been great, although I’ve had to take some pretty hard classes.” She giggled, walking towards me. It’s honestly not too far from here. You go to Westgate University, right?”
I nodded and I put my laptop aside. She spoke again, genuinely excited for me, “That’s awesome! Congrats!”
“Thanks,” I smiled, “I’m taking it you got into Orholt?”
“I did! I was really-”
One of the men that entered earlier—the one still wearing sunglasses—shouted the redhead’s name and caught her attention, “Hey Anna do you want a Redbull or a Five Hour Energy?”
“Redbull! I’m not a monster.” She laughed.
The man nodded and walked toward us with several drinks and snacks in his hands.
“Oh! I want to introduce you to my boyfriend!” Annabelle turned to the man still wearing sunglasses and reached for his arm, “This is Minho. I met him at Orholt.”
Minho gave me a slight nod as I introduced myself and he placed the food and drinks on the counter. I began to scan the items, the mindless routine that I was used to by now. The loud sound of laughter made me look up, seeing the two other men approach us and place their snacks down as well. I watched them long enough to notice the way two-tone—my new affectionate name for the man with blond and black hair, I decided—shamelessly checked me out, a cocky smile on his face when I caught him. I just let out a small laugh before resuming my task, watching his confused reaction in my peripheral vision.
“Oh my god I totally forgot to introduce you to my friends.” Annabelle giggled and pointed to two-tone, “This is Wooyoung.”
“Hiya, Wooyoung.” I said with a confident smile, enjoying the way he still had a slightly confused look on his face.
“And this,” Annabelle nodded towards the man in red, “This is Jongho. Both him and Wooyoung go to Orholt, too.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jongho. I’m y/n.”
“Very nice to meet you.” The man smiled before he sent me a wink.
I had never been a particularly shy person, but as he did so my eyes darted down as I felt my face flush. I didn’t notice the gears turning in Annabelle’s head as she put the pieces together.
I placed the final items in the bag, raising my head as Annabelle addressed me,  “You know I’m having a bonfire tomorrow night at my place and you should totally come!”
I stopped to think, first trying to remember if I worked the next day, then wondering if I was willing to go the bonfire when I realized I didn’t have to.
She sensed my hesitancy and her face fell, “Aw do you work tomorrow night? It’s a Saturday!”
“Oh no, I don’t. I...” I stopped to think for a minute. Although I likely didn’t know anyone else who would be there, I was familiar with Annabelle’s house, which brought me a bit of comfort, “Are all of you going?”
Annabelle gave a knowing smile, “Yes. All of us will be here.”
I nodded, accepting the credit card Jongho gave me, quickly after handing them the bags, and returning his card, “I’ll go.”
“Yay! We’ve gotta head out but I’ll send you the details. You’ve still got the same number, right?”
“Yeah I do.”
“Alrighty! I’ll see you tomorrow then!”
Annabelle left with a wave, her boyfriend on her arm and Wooyoung behind her. To my surprise, Jongho didn’t leave with them, the cocky look on his face all but telling me why he stayed.
I looked at him with wide eyes, playing innocent. “Can I help you?”
He placed an arm on the counter, his dark eyes seeming to put me under a spell. The confidence he was radiating was almost palpable and I felt myself being pulled to him. It was intimidating, to be honest.
“You’re really cute and I want your number.”
I let out a surprised laugh, “You really don’t beat around the bush, do you?”
“No, not really,” He propped his other arm on the counter, leaning towards me and raising an eyebrow, “So what do you say, doll?”
A smile crept on my face as I mirrored his actions and leaned towards him, “You gonna memorize my number? Or do you have a phone I can put my number into?”
Jongho’s smile got brighter as he reached to grab his phone, handing it to me. “You’re a firecracker, aren’t you?”
I shrugged, “I’d like to think so.”
When I handed his phone back, our fingers brushed and I could’ve sworn I felt sparks shoot through me at the simple interaction.
“Well I need to head out before the rest of them get too annoyed,” He nodded towards the exit where Annabelle, Minho, and Wooyoung left, “But it was enchanting to meet you, y/n.” He bowed, drawing a laugh from me.
“Ah yes. You as well, absolutely delightful.”
He gave me a smile, “I’ll text you later.”
"Sounds good. I’ll hold you to your word.”
“I’d expect nothing less.” And with that, he was out the door, leaving my heart a fluttering mess.
Me [8:37pm] So is there a dress code for tonight?
Annabelle [8:42pm] Nope! Wear whatever you’re comfortable with. I’m wearing this if it helps at all!
Annabelle [8:43pm] 1 Image Attached*
Me [8:45pm] So leather jackets and crop tops?
Annabelle [8:48pm] Haha sure! We can match!
Me [8:51pm] Lol bet. See you at eleven :)
Annabelle [8:51pm] See you then!
I started the process of slipping on a white cropped top followed by my light washed ripped jeans. I knew I was getting ready far earlier than I could have, but something about new events made me anxious and I had to make sure I looked nice. I giggled at the black leather jacket I was throwing over my shoulders, not having worn it since high school. In the middle of debating whether or not I should add another layer of mascara to my lashes, my phone dinged.
New Number [8:59pm] Y/n this better be you. This is Jongho and I’m texting you for a really important reason and I need you to reply quick
Me [9:00pm] Yeah it’s me. What’s going on are you okay??
New Number [9:02pm] I’m gonna go grab some food before I head to Anna’s. You wanna come with?
Me [9:02pm] Oh my god don’t do that to me, you buffoon. You scared me so bad rip
[New Number name changed to A Cute Buffoon]
Me [9:03pm] But sure I’m down lol. Here’s my address btw
Me [9:03pm] 1 Location Shared*
It occurred to me perhaps a bit too late that I was sharing my address with someone that I’d met only once and in a gas station.
I mean, he’s friends with Annabelle so he’s gotta be good right? God I hope so. I thought to myself.
A Cute Buffoon [9:04] Then it’s a date :) I live pretty close so I’ll be over in 10. That work for you?
Me [9:06pm] Fine with me!
A Cute Buffoon [9:06pm] Sounds good. I’ll see you soon ;)
I set down my phone and thanked myself for already doing my makeup. I checked myself out in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance and proud of how well my makeup turned out. I grabbed my bottle of perfume and spritzed the liquid in the air, letting it gradually fall on me so it wouldn’t be too overpowering.
You look beautiful, babe.
The waiting game was harder than I thought, not knowing what to do except awkwardly sit around and play an assortment of phone games. When exactly ten minutes had passed I heard my doorbell ring and I lifted myself from my couch, grinning at his punctuality.
I opened the door to see Jongho holding a bouquet of flowers, a smug look on his face. “Lovely to meet you here, stranger.”
I wanted to make a joke back but I couldn’t seem to think of anything, too surprised by the flowers in his hands. It wasn’t anything extravagant, the small bouquet of violets, but I felt my heart swell.
It’s perfect. He’s perfect.
My voice was small when I spoke, “No one’s ever given me flowers before.”
His eyebrows furrowed as a confused look painted his face, “Really?”
I nodded, taking the flowers from his outreached hands and smelling their sweet fragrance, “They’re beautiful.”
My eyes flickered to his, the tender look on his face making me feel as if I was melting on the spot, “You’re beautiful.”
I squealed, my face undoubtedly turning pink while my mind short circuited. I’d never become so shy around someone before and the only thing I could think of to say in response was another ‘thank you’ followed by ‘I’ll go get a vase for these.’
I opened my door further, rummaging through my cabinets for a vase when I noticed Jongho was still standing by the door, “You can come in, you know? That’s why I opened the door.”
He laughed nervously, “Sorry about that. Force of habit, I guess.”
I raised my eyebrows in a teasing manner, “What? Are you a vampire? Can you only come in if someone invites you?”
I thought I saw a flicker of shock on his face for a moment, but it was gone before I could register it and I shrugged it off, my eyes finding the perfect vase for the flowers.
“It’s just how I was raised.”
“I get that.” I placed the flowers in the vase, giving them a bit of water before walking up to Jongho and gently patting his cheek, “Your good manners are appreciated.”
He laughed in surprise, full gummy smile on display as he playfully swatted my hand away from his face, “Alright, alright. Let’s head out already.”
I made a sound of agreement before noticing a slight pink on his ears. I was temped to tease him, but ultimately decided to save it for later. If I could fluster him once I knew I could do it again.
The diner we went to was one I’d never heard of before, let alone been to, and I was beyond frustrated that I didn’t even know about it’s existence. It was an adorable fifties style diner and even the attire the waiters were wearing fit the theme.
“This is the cutest place to ever exist, I’m convinced.” I said as we sat down on the same side of a bright red booth.
“I really hoped you would like it. This is my favorite restaurant ever and they have fantastic milkshakes. If you’d like to share one for desert, I’m all for it.” A wink.
I bit my lip and hid my face in the menu that was placed in front of us, thankful for any method of escape.
“You’re so cute.”
“Ahh no don’t say things like that.” I giggled from behind the menu.
His hand grabbed the top of the menu, pulling it down so he could see me, “Why’s that?”
“Because you make me nervous. Like a good nervous!” I tried to explain, which only resulted in becoming even more embarrassed, “I-I mean I’m excited to be around you but I’m also nervous. I hope that doesn’t sound weird.” I cringed at myself. Never in my life did I think I’d be blushing and stuttering over some man, but my god did he prove me wrong.
“Not at all,” he reached over to take my hand in his, “because I feel it, too.”
Before I could properly react our waitress came over, taking our order and effectively saving me from becoming a human tomato.
We handed our menus back to her after ordering and she looked at us with a soft smile, “You two make a cute couple.”
While I was a bit too stunned to say anything, Jongho didn’t seem to have the same problem and went along with it, “Thank you, ma’am. That’s kind of you to say.”
When she left, Jongho leaned closer to me, “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable by saying that we we’re a couple. I thought that-”
“No, I didn’t mind it!” I bit my tongue after likely saying that way too fast with far too much enthusiasm, but I meant it, “I didn’t mind it,” I said again, softer this time.
The tips of his ears once again turned a faint shade of pink, “Good to know.”
The food was as wonderful as it possibly could’ve been, their fries alone being one of the best things I’d ever consumed. Just as Jongho suggested, we shared a milkshake, which led to shy eye contact and laughter and my crush becoming stronger by the minute.
Just as Jongho paid and we were about to leave, a certain song began to play and he looked at me with an air of mischief, holding out his hand to me, “Dance with me.”
I took his hand, trying to hide my smile but failing. He led me away from the table and next to the jukebox. The area surrounding it was more open, probably with the intention for people to dance near it. He grabbed my waist, holding the hand of mine that wasn’t placed on his chest and looking at me in a way that could make any woman fall in love on the spot. We swayed to the music and I couldn’t help but feel full. Like I’d found all that I’d ever need.
Put your head on my shoulder~
“Do you know this song?” He asked with a smile.
I scoffed, “Of course I do! It’s one of my favorites.”
“It’s one of mine, too.”
Hold me in your arms, baby~
I mouthed along to the words as I felt the need to prove it to him. As if to one up me, Jongho began to sing along, his gorgeous voice amazing me.
Squeeze me oh so tight, show me~
That you love me, too~
I blushed as he looked at me while singing along, becoming a bit flustered himself when the lyrics clicked with him.
Put your lips next to mine dear~
Won’t you kiss me once, baby~
As if we were in sync our eyes darted to the other’s lips at the same time. I could feel Jongho’s breathing becoming heavier before he said in a hushed tone, “Can I kiss you?”
“Please.” Was all I could respond before I pressed my lips to his, fireworks igniting inside me when he kissed me back. His lips were so soft and warm and as crazy as it sounded, he felt like home. I felt him smile against my lips as the music continued to play.
Maybe you and I will fall in love~
The fire was loud, crackling and lighting up the faces of all those crowded those around it. It was essentially the only source of light in the dark of the night, except for the distant lights still on in Annabelle’s house. My hands were interlocked with Jongho’s as we sat around it’s warmth, both of us finding it hard to separate from one another.
Conversation was flowing all around us, and I was relieved to find that everyone I had talked to was kind and welcoming. I was more nervous than I realized, but having Jongho next to my side alone calmed me. Someone around the fire mentioned an old story involving Annabelle and I began to wonder where she was, having not seen her since Jongho and I first arrived. I mentioned I was going to look for her and he nodded, at first wanting to join me but then getting pulled into conversation with one of his former classmates. I told him I’d head off on my own and he nodded again.
I looked around what seemed to be the entire property and still there was no sight of her. At that moment I heard yelling coming from her house, startling me. I felt my blood run cold when I recognized one of the voices as Annabelle’s. The yelling didn’t sound like it was out of fear, but instead more aggressive, out of pure anger. Without thinking I ran inside, hoping to calm the situation but instead found what seemed to be out of a work of fiction.
An unfamiliar man was on the ground, obviously trying to get away from a hidden figure before him that seemed to be cloaked in darkness. He let out a sound that I’d never heard a human make, one that I couldn’t even compare to something I’d heard before, and a shiver ran down my back. As the figure took a step forward I recognized it as Annabelle, or what seemed to be some version of her. Her normally grey eyes were now bright red, sharp fangs on display as she snarled at the man. A group of people were surrounding them, alarmed looks on their faces but hardly trying to intervene.
“What the hell?” I whispered, my eyes wide as I tried to back away without anyone noticing. But of course, I just had to step on an empty soda can, all eyes pointing my way. As I looked at the people around me, their expressions seemed to mirror mine and I swallowed, suddenly feeling immensely claustrophobic.
I met eyes with Annabelle and she seemed to change in a flash, her eyes returning to their former color and fangs disappearing. She looked more panicked than I had ever seen her which only scared me more. She was always able to keep her stressors under control, but as she stared back at me, I saw a version of her I never had before.
I was barely able to form a sentence, adrenaline coursing through me at a rampant rate, “Um...” 
Annabelle slowly walked towards me, “Oh—hey! Sorry I disappeared for a while but how’s the party going? Are you having fun?” Panic was still evident in her voice but I knew she was trying to keep a hold of the situation.
“I...I don’t-”
A stern voice came from left, and I nervously turned to meet Jongho, an unreadable expression crossing his face, “Y/n.”
“Yeah?” My voice squeaked as I began to regret agreeing to come along in the first place, still hyper aware of all the eyes on me.
“Come with me.”
His eyes softened at my panicked state and he held out a hand, “Please?”
I was hesitant, but being anywhere away from the crowd and whatever Annabelle turned into seemed to be a good idea. I took his hand and watched as he exchanged a look with Annabelle that seemed to calm her. Turning on his heels he led me back to the bonfire, sitting in a chair and motioning for me to do the same. Seeing no one around us gave me a feeling of both anxiety and comfort, and I wasn’t quite sure which feeling was winning at the moment.
“Well I’m sure you have plenty of questions.” He started, “I won’t lie to you and try to convince you what you saw wasn’t real, because it was, but I need you to know that no one is going to harm you. That guy is Anna’s roommate and they get into an argument at least once a week. Sometimes it can be nasty, but they never get physical and neither would ever hurt anyone unprovoked. No one here would.”
I was silent for a few minutes, trying to process what I saw on top of the time bomb of information he dropped on me. “Is she...is everyone....are you a vampire?” I whispered the last words, almost too stunned and afraid to say out loud.
He smiled slightly, his kind eyes making me feel safe. “Yes. We’re what you’d call vampires.”
I took a breath, almost afraid to hear the answer to my question, “Am I in any danger by being here?”
“No, everyone here is good. They don’t pose any threat. There are plenty of dangerous vampires but we stay away from them. Besides,” He placed an arm around my waist, playfulness in his eyes, “If there were, I’d protect you from them.”
“Oh? And how don’t I know you’re not dangerous?”
He leaned closer to me, clearly enjoying this, “You don’t, I suppose. Doesn’t that make it fun?”
“That’s very much debatable,” I smiled for a moment before a frown took over, “Everyone just seemed really...I don’t know, startled I guess?”
Jongho let out a loud sigh, looking down at the ground for a few seconds before looking back up at me, “Humans aren’t normally invited to these parties. It’s assumed that everyone here is a vampire. The perfume that you’re wearing, whatever the hell it is, is masking your scent. If I didn’t meet you before today I wouldn’t have known you were human. I guess Anna didn’t tell everyone, either.” He placed a hand on my knee and looked at me with kind eyes, “How are you feeling?”
“Surprisingly calm considering that I just learned vampires exist.”
Jongho laughed, “Yeah I’d say you’re taking it pretty well. Like I said earlier though, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of questions, so fire away.”
“Yeah I have a few.” I hesitated, hoping he wouldn’t be offended by my question, “Exactly how old are you?”
“Oh are you gonna age shame me?”
“No but it’s probably an important thing to know...since we kissed and all.”
He laughed again and leaned back in his chair, placing his arms behind his head,  “How old do you think I am?”
I used his question as an excuse for my eyes to wander over his body. He was beyond attractive, very clearly fit and he knew it, which equal parts pissed me off and turned me on. As hard as I tried, I kept finding myself being pulled to his thighs. Even through his jeans I could tell he had strong thighs and I had to press my fingernails into my palm to keep from drooling. “From your appearance? Early twenties. From what age fiction usually tells us vampires are? I’d guess you’re a hundred and three.”
Jongho nodded with a smile, “I’m not quite that old but that’s a fair guess. You had it right the first time. I’m a pure born and we actually age, but we don’t age as quickly as humans. I’m twenty.”
“Pure born?”
“It means both of my parents are vampires.”
I nodded as another question came to mind, a smile on my lips. “Do you sparkle in the daylight?”
“Oh my god,” He covered his face with his hands, a mixture of a groan and a laugh escaping his mouth, “No, we do not sparkle in daylight, “His hands came to rest on his knees, “But it sucks that we really shouldn’t be in direct sunlight for over two hours a day. That’s normally the rule to go by. It’ll burn us if we’re in it for much longer than that.”
“So do werewolves and witches and everything like that exist, too?”
“Yeah pretty much. We don’t all get along, but we have to coexist. It’s something we’ve struggled with for a while, unfortunately. Basically everything you’d believe to be supernatural exists.”
I was silent for a while, not really knowing what else to say.
“Y/n? Are you doing okay? If you’re not comfortable being here I can drive you home right now or if you’d rather be alone I can call an Uber or—”
My heart skipped a beat at his kindness. “No, I’m okay. I guess I’m just surprised I’m learning about this just now.”
“We do a good job of hiding it. Also it was probably a given, but keep this as a secret if you can. Having a lot of people know about our existence can be risky.”
I gave him a silent nod, unintentionally leaning closer to him. The sound of approaching footsteps made me jump into Jongho’s arms. I didn’t know why I found comfort in him, knowing that he could be dangerous as well, but he’d been nothing but sweet to me. I had no reason to fear him.
Annabelle approached us but stopped, taking a few steps back when she saw how I was buried in Jongho’s arms.
“Hey y/n.” She rubbed her arm, looking down as if she’d done something wrong.
“I guess Jongho probably told you everything at this point. I’m really sorry if I scared you and I understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore.” Even in the dark I could see tears beginning to stream down her cheeks and I felt a pain in my chest.
I got up from Jongho’s hold and wrapped my arms around her, feeling her stiffen, “I trust you, Annabelle.”
Those four words seemed to relax her and she returned my hug, still sniffling, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. We aren’t supposed to tell anyone and I thought you might hate me—”
I pulled back, “Why the hell would I hate you? You’re still you.”
She laughed through tears, gripping me tighter, thanking me over and over for not pushing her away.
We’re gonna be okay. It’s all gonna be okay.
Not too long after, Jongho drove me home. The ride was more silent than when we were headed to Annabelle’s house, but the air wasn’t heavy or uncomfortable. Feeling tired, I laid my head on Jongho’s shoulder, faintly hearing ‘sleep well, baby’ before drifting asleep.
When I woke, I was in my bed. I reached for my phone on the bedside table and found a little note placed next to it that read:
I hope you don’t mind that I carried you inside. I tried to wake you for like five minutes but you were out cold. Anyways, I had a really good time with you yesterday and I hope you had fun too :) Text me when you wake so I know you’re okay. -J
I looked at my clock and saw that it was still early, but I texted Jongho anyway.
Me [3:00am] Not sure if you’re still up, but I really enjoyed yesterday, too. I’m exhausted so I’m gonna go back to sleep but I just wanted to say I’m okay and everything is good :))
A Cute Buffoon [3:00am] Sleep well, darling. We can talk in the morning
It had been roughly a month since Jongho and I started dating, and while I felt like I knew him pretty well, we had only known each other a little over a month, on top of the fact that he was a vampire which was essentially an entire separate culture. I’d asked him most questions I had early throughout our relationship, but one in particular kept replaying in my mind.
We were currently sitting on the couch in my apartment, cuddling each other. The TV was on but neither of us were really watching it. I was far more interested in the warm body in front of me, and based off of how Jongho was looking at me, the feeling was mutual.
I bit my lip, anxiously mulling over the question I’d wanted to ask him for weeks. I didn’t know how he would take it, let alone how I would bring it up, but I needed to ask at some point. Knowing he could probably sense my nerves, I gave in. “Jongho, can a human turn into a vampire?”
He hummed, turning to face me. “Why do you ask?”
“I just...I didn’t know if it could happen or not.”
Jongho chuckled, “Yeah it’s possible. It’s a long ass process to go through though, and there’s a lot that can go wrong, so it rarely happens.”
I shifted in my seat, trying not to appear overly interested. “Why is that? What can go wrong?
He smiled and raised a brow, his cocky persona resurfacing, “You sound so eager to know, dear. Do you want to become a vampire?” His eyes briefly flickered towards my lips before he tilted his head, dragging his soft lips across my neck. I let out a gasp when I felt the tips of his teeth lightly scraping the skin, “Or maybe you’re just looking for an excuse for me to put my mouth on you?”
Like with anything that exuded him, I felt myself becoming quickly overwhelmed, my mind now hazy and distant. I shut my eyes in an attempt to gain some semblance of control over myself.
“Your thoughts are swirling, doll.” Jongho began leaving gentle kisses along the side of my jaw, “Don’t think too much. Just let me take care of you. Okay?”
“Okay.” I said through a short breath, knowing we’d just have to have the conversation another time.
We’d had sex before, so it wasn’t like this was new territory for us, but every time felt like the first, leaving me just as out of breath each time.
He lifted me and placed me on his thigh, dragging me across his flexed muscles. I felt my eyes roll back at the simple motion, my need growing at an embarrassing rate. I grabbed his shoulders as I began to drag myself against him, whines and whimpers spilling from my lips.
“God you’re hot,” Jongho said through hot breaths, beginning to kiss my neck, no doubt leaving marks.
“Thanks I try.” I managed to say, pleased when Jongho laughed.
“You don’t even have to, and it’s completely unfair.” His hands moved under my shirt and danced along my skin, “It’s like you’re an angel come to life.”
I let out a loud moan, feeling tears well in my eyes from his praise, “You always make me feel so beautiful when I’m with you.”
Jongho responded with a smile, carrying me to my bedroom and laying me down on the bed while hurriedly discarding both of our clothes.
“You’re always so eager, babe.”
He nuzzled my neck as he climbed on top of me, his hands finding my own and holding them, “As if you’re not.”
“I never said I wasn’t.”
He then moved in between my thighs, teasing me with his fingers as he ran them along my wet slit, occasionally rubbing my clit, drawing small whines from me.
“Jongho please just fuck me already.”
“Sweetheart, do you even think you’re wet enough for me?” He cooed.
Feeling frustrated, I pushed my fingers inside myself with ease, pulling them out and spreading them so he could see my essence dripping down my fingers, “I don’t know you tell me.” I said with far more sass than I intended.
Jongho’s eyes widened at the sight and wasted no time positioning his cock at my entrance, pushing in and letting out the most beautiful groans.
Neither of us ever bothered to use protection because, to put it simply, vampires couldn’t get humans pregnant. It was only possible when both partners were vampires, and we took full advantage of that.
“Fuck—baby you feel amazing. You’re so warm and tight ohmygod.” Jongho moaned as he began to move, thrusting in and out of me at a steady pace.
I clenched around him, loving when he was vocal. His sounds helped get me off just as much as his actions, at times it seemed.
“You feel...really good...too.” I said through heavy breaths. And as much as I wanted to last longer in bed, with Jongho, I never could.
“I don’t know if it’s because you’re a vampire and you’ve got like magic powers or something or maybe you’re just a sex god—but holy shit...I’m close.”
He threw back his head and had the audacity to laugh, something I really couldn’t stay mad at with how good he was making me feel. “Babe it’s been like six minutes.”
“Don’t be an asshole.” I joked, my laugh turning into a moan. It only spurred Jongho on, making him angle one of my legs up higher, hitting deeper inside of me.
“I know you’re close, baby. I can feel it. Cum for me, baby girl. Let go for me.”
He reached down to tease my sensitive nub, drawing quick circles until I was seeing stars, chanting his name like a prayer.
After Jongho came down from his high, he disappeared into the bathroom as he always did, coming back with a warm towel. As he pressed the towel to my thighs I tried to ask again.
“So...about the human to vampire thing?”
“Well,” Jongho sighed, “I didn’t think I’d be able to distract you forever.” He smiled, “It’s mostly done because couples want to stay together. The thing is though, the vampire obviously gets a taste of the human’s blood and it can be hard to stop once you’ve marked them, especially since smell is such a big allure for us.”
He took a long breath, “Then the human will almost always pass out, and needs to be taken care of for the next couple days because they’ll be so weak. Another problem is that the scent of their blood will be amplified during those days and it’ll be harder for the vampire to not, you know...” He looked away, not able to say the words. I knew what he meant, we both did. In some cases, vampires would kill their human partners for of their blood. Sometimes it was beyond their control. Just a primal need that would betray them. “Then their scent is more easily detected by other vampires and the whole thing is just kinda a mess. I think I’ve only heard of five attempts and only one of them was successful.”
I nodded, not really knowing what to say.
“And then on top of it all, it can be harder for the human to adjust and it can put a lot of pressure on the relationship. Human and vampire relationships are dangerous.”
His face was serious as he ran a hand through my hair. I looked up at him and leaned into his touch.
He cleared his throat and averted his eyes, a shy behavior I hadn’t seen from him before, “I guess it’s important for you to decide then.” His eyes met mine again, “Is this still something you want to continue?”
“Our relationship?”
“Of course, are you crazy? You mean the world to me.” I swallowed, realizing he hadn’t voiced his own thoughts, “What about you? Do you want this?”
“I think you have a pretty good idea of what I want.” He smiled and pressed a quick kiss to my forehead, his eyes sparkling.
“Hey Jongho?”
He hummed, looking at me.
“I want to spend forever with you.”
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 3 years
Notting Hill AU Snippet #10
Kara doesn't call.
Lena doesn't know if she wants her to, of if she just aches for a new kind of hurt, after the sting fades to a throb fades to a bonedeep sense of loss. When her therapist asks, she tells the truth: she doesn't know what she expected by inviting Kara Danvers into her home a second time. It had simply felt... right.
Weeks bleed together, time losing its meaning as Lena trudges through attempts from her friends to distract her. She sees Lex more than ever. He and Nia set her up on more than one date, but not one scratches Lena's surface.
"I could kill her for what she's done," Lena overhears Andrea telling Lex one night. "Look at her: it's as bad as Veronica."
"Worse, even." Lex's voice is low and concerned. He's always good for a laugh, but is at a loss when every single joke lands like a sack of bricks. Lena doesn't hear anymore. She slips out and texts an apology the next morning.
One day, Nia visits the bookshop with Querl in tow. She's radiant with excitement, enough so that even Lena nearly catches it.
"You are going to love me forever," Nia says, offering Lena a slip of paper. On it is written a phone number.
"What is this?" Lena asks.
"The number of Kara's agent in America."
The news hits Lena like a kick to the stomach. Her chest locks, and suddenly it feels like she can't breathe.
"I thought," Nia continues, suddenly nervous when Lena doesn't respond, "now you can finally call her. Now that things have calmed down. Get some closure, if nothing else..."
Lena still can't respond. Finally, Nia curls her hand around the slip of paper for her.
"Just, promise me you'll think about it, okay?"
It lives in Lena's pocket for a week, heavy and foreboding. Twice, she almost reaches for the phone. In the end, she throws it in the waste paper bin outside the shop and walks away.
One night, Lena finds herself sitting on her brother's couch. With Lex sitting next to her reading the paper and Andrea working on her laptop in the nearby armchair, the room is quiet. Normally, Lena prefers the silence, but tonight it weighs on her like a lead blanket.
"I should have known better, shouldn't I?"
The question slips from her without thought, marking the first time she's spoken of the great Kara Danvers debacle since it happened. Both Lex and Andrea look at her, and suddenly Lena's eyes fill with tears.
"Maybe-- maybe I'm just not meant for you two have. I should have taken the hint when my first crush fell in love with my brother instead. Spare myself the trouble."
"No," Andrea says, snapping her laptop shut and setting it aside to focus her entire attention on Lena. "No, just because I didn't love you the same way doesn't mean you aren't meant for happiness."
"Yeah," Lex chimes in. "And it's not been all sunshine and roses for us either. But the not so great moments are the entry fee you pay to get to the good stuff."
Lena wipes her eyes. She wonders if this was how the american colonies felt-- taxation without representation. Well, consider this her declaration. She's done.
"No," Andrea says again, recognizing the look on Lena's face. "You don't get to give up, Lena. We won't let you."
"Mmhmm," Lex agrees with his wife. "No one deserves to be happy more than you do. You'll get there... and maybe sooner rather than later."
"What does that mean?"
"It means," Lex says, folding his newspaper and handing it over, "that someone's back in London."
"Lex..." Andrea warns.
Their conversation fades out as Lena stares at the headline. Kara Danvers Returns. It features a picture of Kara in a ballgown, grasping her academy award with a beaming smile, and a second image of a filming location filled with actors in period costume. The caption identifies the location as Hampstead Heath.
Though the image of Kara brings fresh tears to her eyes, Lena feels a strange sense of calm. Kara is okay. In that moment, she realizes that so much of her anguish was the not knowing whether Kara had recovered from the media blitz that had ended their tryst so spectacularly.
Now she does, and Lena feels... okay.
She coughs a laugh, wiping her eyes again as she stands. "I should go."
"Oh, Lena..."
"No, Drea, I'm okay. Thank you." Lena sniffles. "For caring."
Andrea rises, enveloping Lena in a hug. "I do love you, you know. That's never not been true."
Lena nods. "I believe you."
For a few days, Lena thinks the peace of knowing Kara is okay will be enough. But three days after Lex hands her the newspaper, Lena finds herself in Hampstead Heath, walking past horse drawn carriages and crewhands working diligently, eyes peeled for a flash of blonde hair.
She runs into a production assistant first. "Can I help you?" he asks, subtly shifting to stand in her path and keep her from going any further.
"Um, yes, hopefully. I'm here to see Kara Danvers, if she's not busy. I'm a friend."
"A friend," the guy says, clearly unconvinced.
"Yes, as far-fetched as that seems. I--"
She stops abruptly when the sound of a familiar laugh drifts through the air. In an instant, Lena zeroes in on the source, and sees Kara stepping out of her trailer with her agent in tow, her face alight with mirth.
Her agent grins back, clearly pleased with herself as she peels off to head in a different direction. Kara joins up with a trio of other actors heading towards the south lawn of the hampstead manor. They pause briefly, and in that moment Kara turns, and their eyes meet.
Electricity fills Lena from head to toe, rooting her to the spot even as her hand lifts in a hesitant wave.
Kara stares for a moment more, until Lena carefully retracts her hand. Only then does she say a word to her costars and take her leave, closing the distance to where Lena stands with her new friend.
Said friend notices Kara's reaction and stands aside, allowing Lena to approach the picket line marking the boundary of the set. They meet on either side, neither speaking for a long moment.
"What're you doing here?"
Kara's question cuts like a knife, and Lena has to swallow against the sudden lump that rises to her throat.
"I heard you were in town," she says softly, "and I..."
Again, she doesn't know why she's here. She doesn't know what she wants to say or how she hopes this conversation will end. She's just... here.
For now, even with all things unsaid between them, it feels like enough.
"Excuse me, Kara?"
Another production assistant calls for Kara, and the moment shatters. Kara holds up one finger, earning them a few more seconds.
"Um, things aren't going very well, and it's our last day, so..."
"Right, you're clearly very busy, I shouldn't have--"
"But if you could wait?" Kara asks, cutting Lena off before she can bolt. Lena looks at her, and in Kara's gaze she sees nothing but a wary earnestness. "There are... things to say."
Lena feels herself nod. "Of course."
"Okay," Kara breathes. "Great. I'll come find you when I can?"
Lena nods again. Kara leaves, taking all the air in Lena's lungs with her. Lena flexes her trembling hands, then hides them in her pockets when someone approaches and offers to take her behind the cameras.
The walk through the cultivated garden filled with costumed actors is thrilling in its own way, allowing Lena a glimpse into Kara's life as an actor rather than just a celebrity.
"Here," her guide says, passing Lena off to the sound technician. "Bill here can hook you up with some headphones to listen in. The actors are already mic'd."
Lena offers Bill a smile of thanks when he hands her a headset. There's also a small monitor, allowing Lena to see what the cameras currently see-- Kara Danvers running lines with another woman.
"So I ask you when you're telling everyone, and you say..."
"Tomorrow will be soon enough."
"Right, and then I..." On the monitor, Kara nods under her lace parasol. "Got it. Thanks, Siobhan."
Her costar, Siobhan, nods, then leans back against the fence behind her. "So. Who was the hottie you were talking to on the way to set?"
With a jolt, Lena realizes that she's suddenly the topic of conversation. She shifts uncomfortably in her seat, fidgeting with her headset-- but not removing it. Not yet.
"Oh. No one."
Lena swallows, her cheeks heating with a mortified flush. She was so stupid for coming here-- but Kara's not done.
"Just a friend from the past. It's actually kind of an awkward situation-- I don't know what she's doing here, actually."
The ground falls out from under Lena's feet, making her stomach swoop sickeningly. She tears the headset from her head, and shoves it back into Bill's hands.
"Sorry, I've got to--"
She doesn't bother finding an excuse. She simply bolts, and doesn't look back.
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cacoetheswriting · 3 years
champagne problems, ch.14
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Chapter Fourteen: Sunflower: Things are really looking up. A/N: chapter is titled after this song if you want to listen while reading. Word Count: 2k Warnings: maybe a swear word or two, but really just fluff
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A/N: i know i probably sound like a broken record, but thank you for your continuous love and support! i probably wouldn't have finished this fic series if it wasn't for y’all, and now we are almost at the end! after this chapter, there is only the epilogue left omg!!! also, shout out to @ellesgreenaway​ for the song suggestion that titled this chapter! 
Spencer’s arms were wrapped tightly around your frame, reminding you without the use of words that he will never let you go again. His hot breath hit the back of your neck. It sent a gentle shiver down your spine causing you to flutter your eyes open. As you adjusted to the bright morning hues, you could feel his heart beating against you and a sleepy smile circled your lips.
There was no better feeling than waking up next to Spencer.
With him by your side, greeting the day was easy. It came slow and relaxed, as if the universe was commanding you to bask in this comfort for just a little while longer.
This is what harmony really felt like.
The second you stirred in your comfortably warm spot, and turned so you could admire the sleeping man next to you, he also opened his eyes. A smile instantly graced his features.
“Good morning, doctor.” You whispered and leaned over to peck his soft lips.
“Hmm... Good morning, how did you sleep?” The handsome doctor asked, his hand travelling to your face and brushing away any signs of sleep. You swayed into his touch like a magnet before replying; “Would you believe me if I said it was the best sleep I’ve had in months?”.
Spencer chuckled airily, his hand still caressing along your cheek. “I don’t know if I believe you, but I definitely am flattered.”
“As you should be, doctor.”
In a split-second, his lips slanted over yours in one of those open-mouthed kisses, tender yet extremely passionate. His fingers tangled in your hair, as he pulled you in as close as it was humanely possible. It always amazed you how your lips fit so perfectly together like two puzzle pieces.
After what felt like a glorious eternity, the brunette doctor slowly drew away. He placed a gentle kiss to the tip of your nose before rolling onto his back, one arm draped beneath your neck and hand resting on your shoulder.
“What would you like to do today?” Spencer asked, looking up at the ceiling. You contemplated his question for a moment, but before you got a chance to answer, the sound of your phone ringtone caught your attention.
Sitting up, you reached over to the bedside table and quickly answered the incoming call, “Hello?”
“Oh thank god, you’re alive!” Penelope breathed a sigh of relief on the other line. “We were all worried sick! I even stayed with Tara last night just in case you came back here.”
“I’m okay, don't worry guys.” You replied, glancing briefly at Spencer who has since gotten out of bed. He leaned down to kiss your cheek and exited the bedroom to give you some privacy.
“Well, you’ll get a talking to about not calling or texting later. But for now, how did it go? Tell me everything!” She asked and you couldn't help but giggle, “It went well, Pen. Like really well.” You replied.
Garcia squealed. “AHH! I am so happy for you, sugar plum! You and our lovely resident genius are just meant for each other. A match made in heaven!”
The smile gracing your features grew wider by the second. “Yeah, I’m glad it worked out in the end.”
“Like I knew it would! Now, you get back to whatever it is you were doing and I’m going to update Tara with this wonderful news. Should I tell her she needs to start looking for a new roommate?” She teased, and you rolled your eyes.
“Firstly, nothing untoward is happening.” You began, but Garcia was quick to interrupt you,“Riiight... I’m gonna pretend like I believe you, honey. Love you, have a great day and we can catch up on Monday.”
“Love you too, Pen.” You giggled back before the call ended.
Gradually, you scrambled out of bed and with a light bounce to your step, you joined the hazel-eyed doctor in the kitchen - where the smell of freshly brewed coffee overpowered your senses.
“So, how much trouble did you get in?” Spencer teased, as you rested your body weight against the counter next to him.
“Surprisingly, none at all.” You replied with a shrug. “She’s happy for us.”
Spencer glanced at you briefly, a smile circling his lips. “That makes two of us.” He stated in a low tone and you blushed ever so faintly.
“I forgot just how charming you can be, doctor.” You reacted, earning yourself a kind-hearted laugh. The melodic sound caused your heart to flutter, and you proceeded to tilt your head up and attach your lips to his.
The kiss was short and sweet, reminiscent of many you’ve shared previously. When you pulled apart, Spencer handed you a cup of coffee, and the two of you made your way to his couch.
“Have you given any thought as to what you’d like to do today?” He asked before pressing the mug to his mouth and taking a sip.
“Well, we’ve a lot of catching up to do, doctor.” You replied, throwing your legs over his lap. “I honestly wouldn't know where to start.”
“Y/N, we’ve our whole lives to make up for lost time.” He retorted, and you couldn't help but smile at the thought of growing old with him. “Let’s just take today to enjoy each others company. The sun is out, maybe you want to go for a walk? Or we can stay in and watch a movie?” He suggested.
You took a quick sip of your coffee. “We could actually do both of those things today, doctor. And if you’re good, I can even cook us dinner later.”
Spencer smirked. “If I’m good?”
You nodded, a stupid grin plastered across your face.
Truth be told, you had forgotten just how effortless everything was with Spencer. Your mind was continuously flooded with memories of your time with him. Even when you were apart, you’d get bombarded with thoughts of how uncomplicated the most menial tasks were with him. Although those memories didn’t compare to the serenity you were experiencing right now. Nothing compared to living in the moment with him, again.
The day you spent with Spencer had an unsurprising natural flow to it.
The brunette doctor first drove you to Tara’s, so that you could shower and change out of the pyjamas he lent you. While he waited for you to get ready, he enjoyed a conversation with Tara and Penelope. A conversation about the diamond ring he still carried with him everywhere - but that wasn't for you to know.
The four of you enjoyed a nice breakfast before the girls waved you off for the day. Spencer took the liberty of choosing the park for your walk. Hand in hand, the two of you looped around the paths for hours. Hours of laughing, chatting, and reminiscing. Hours of pure unfiltered joy.
Next stop on the unspoken agenda was the grocery store. Arguably one of your favourite places to go to, especially with the handsome doctor. While you picked out what you needed, Spencer guessed the ingredients of each item you placed in the metal cart. It was no surprise he was always correct, but honestly, that almost made the game more fun.
Back at his apartment, he helped you unpack the bags and proclaimed himself your sous chef. You wanted to protest, tell him to sit down and to let you cook alone, but Spencer wasn't having any of it - “My kitchen, my rules.”. The statement earned him an eye roll because you were sure the last person to actually cook anything proper in his kitchen was you, years ago.
With his... assistance, it took about three hours to make a simple recipe. And once you were finished, the kitchen looked as if a tornado had passed through it.
“Looks like we’ve an evening activity lined up.” Spencer joked, analysing the mess around, and you couldn't help but let out a laugh.
“Can’t wait.” A detectable hint of sarcasm in your voice.
The two of you ate in congenial silence - the first one of that day. It didn’t bother either of you, however. If anything the moment proved just how comfortable and at home you felt around one another.
The move to the couch after dinner was effortless. Spencer picked a movie, one you’ve both seen before so you could cuddle up to one another and talk about random topics without worrying about missing the plot.
It wasn’t until Spencer’s phone rang that you realised how disconnected from the outside world you’ve both been all afternoon.
“I’ll grab it for you, doctor.” You quickly jumped up on your feet before Spencer could do anything. You briskly shuffled around the sofa until you reached the coat hanger by the front door. As you searched the pockets of his jacket for the phone, your fingers brushed against something else.
The ringing stopped when you retrieved the item.
“Spencer, what’s this?” You asked, brows furrowed together.
The brunette doctor turned around. His gaze travelled to the small box you were holding up and he swallowed his breath. Shit. He completely forgot that was inside his jacket, which was ironic considering his eidetic memory. Not to mention the fact he’d been carrying it everywhere he went.
Spencer immediately jumped up from his seat. He appeared in front of you in a flash, his hand wrapping around yours and the box.
“This is definitely not how I envisioned this moment. But then again, when it comes to us, nothing ever goes as planned.” Spencer began, looking into your eyes. “I don’t think I’ve ever told you this, but ehm, I’ve known I wanted to be the man you marry since before we even started dating. You’re the most patient, caring, loving, and not to mention beautiful person I’ve ever met. I am extremely lucky to have you in my life.”
Your eyes glossed over with tears as Spencer continued, “I’ve loved you for a very long time, Y/N. The journey you and I have been on so far is more than your average couple goes on. Which proves that together we are extraordinary.”
He took a deep breath before retrieving the box from your grasp. He slowly got down on one knee and proceeded to open the small box, causing a gasp to escape your lips.
“You’ve been through a lot, Y/N. I understand that you may not be ready to take this next step with me yet, therefore this is more of a promise rather than a question.” He licked his lips, fighting back his own happy tears as yours trailed down your face.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me, one day?” Spencer asked and your heart soared at the question.
“Of course, yes. Yes, yes, yes! Yes!” You squealed, holding out your hand. The hazel-eyed doctor didn’t waste any time to put the ring on your finger, a goofy smile visible on his features. He then stood back up and kissed you with all his might, as you wrapped your arms around his neck and melted into his embrace.
“I would marry you in a heartbeat, doctor.” You mumbled against his lips.
Effortlessly lifting you off the ground, Spencer spun you around. The two of you laughing uncontrollably, basking in the love you were both experiencing. Your fingers tangled in his brown hair, as he trailed sloppy kisses across your jaw and down your neck.
“I love you.” Spencer whispered in your ear before pulling back to look at your face, his hazel gaze locking with yours. “I love you too.” You exclaimed in a hushed tone and pecked his lips.
Gently, he lifted your hand to admire how the ring looked on your finger. His lips twirling upwards even more, as if that was even possible. Both of you felt as if you were on cloud nine.
This is what the rest of your life felt like.
I promise I'm the one for you Just let me hold you in these arms tonight
A/N: ahhh we’re almost at the very end, i can’t believe it!! as always i’d love to hear your feedback! thank you for your continuous support. with love, mal. x
masterlist | series masterlist | series playlist
story taglist: @girloncorneliastreet, @haylaansmi, @rexorangecouny, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything, @aperrywilliams, @sassy-hades, @rainsong01, @reverdevivre, @dracomikaelson, @softieekayy, @lunaofcrows, @andrewhoezierbyrne​, @blameitonthenight21, @lyl-26, @do-yr-research, @nazifa94, @stepsofthefbi, @chatterbug2-0, @calm-and-doctor, @halseysunset, @ellesgreenaway, @chipot-lol​
tags not working: @radtwinkie
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utanoprinces · 3 years
Tokki Works Part-time
TN: This is a memorial (bonus text story) from Debut, written from Tokiya's perspective. He's been sent to do some work for the professor (yes, the same one who developed Ai) in exchange for help with operating a complicated video device used during the Master Course. I'm a fairly new translator still, so do take this with a grain of salt! Enjoy, and please don't repost anywhere without permission!
Based on the map I received from Kotobuki-san, I've arrived at the laboratory belonging to the professor who developed the monitor.
I look up at the building before me.
Given the dubious name, “Professor’s Laboratory”, I imagined something more ominous, but the exterior appearance gives a very tidy, somewhat ordinary impression.
I press the doorbell and a moment later the door opens to reveal a man wearing a white lab coat.
“Who is it?”
He seems to be somewhere in his thirties. No, maybe even older.
Because of his large glasses, it’s hard to see his face and what expression he has.
“Excuse me. Kotobuki-san referred me to…”
“Oh, I heard~ Ichinose Tokiya, right?”
“Yes. I’m Ichinose. Pleased to meet you.”
“Likewise. Feel free to call me ‘Professor’. That's what everyone calls me.”
So this is the “Professor” Kotobuki-san was referring to… It may be rude to say, but his hair is shaggy and the way he talks has an overall shady atmosphere to it.
There's no way this is actually the person who designed the monitor…
“Right. So what is it you want me to do?”
Kotobuki-san had called it an experiment, but I hadn’t even been told what kind of research this person does.
“Ah, I’ll explain the details inside.”
The professor beckons me lightly and turns to go back inside. He guides me to a room that looks like a lab, with simple desks lined up against a gray wall. However, the surroundings are so cluttered that it’s impossible to set foot anywhere.
A mountain of books, an array of miscellaneous equipment... Because of the whole monitor affair, I assumed he might work in the electronic and electrical engineering field, and that assumption doesn’t seem to be wrong based on these surroundings.
“Before the experiment, I’d like to request that you do some office work for me.”
As he says that, he heads deeper into the room, dexterously avoiding the equipment that’s scattered haphazardly across the floor.
It might be my first time walking through such a messy room.
I take a small breath and follow, feeling as though I’m traversing a jungle.
The professor boots up the laptop on his desk and brings over two stacks of paper.
“I want you to input the data here… and rewrite these handwritten documents.”
“All… of it?”
As far as I can tell, there’s a considerable amount.
“It’s a lot, sure, but it’s simple so I don’t think it’ll be too hard. Still, if we had more manpower, we could get done right away.”
Come to think of it, Kotobuki-san also said four people could finish it immediately… and that it’d take one person half a day.
“Go with the manual data first. The format’s already been created, so you should be able to do it without even thinking.”
The professor opens the spreadsheet software and points me to a chair in front of the laptop.
It’s going to take a lot of effort, but it’s a job I’ve accepted, so I have to do it.
I slump down in the chair, feeling somewhat overwhelmed.
I flip through the stack of documents to briefly assess the contents.
It's all numbers lined up in rows. It does indeed seem like it should be done manually.
The one thing that’s bothering me a little is that there is almost no indication of what the data is for. It seems as if it’s been intentionally hidden.
The same goes for the handwritten papers I’m meant to rewrite—it looks as though most of the important details have been omitted.
...he's surprisingly secretive.
“Well, I’m sure you don’t know what any of it means, but since you just have to type it, don’t worry about it, alright?”
I get the impression from his tone that he’s implying I wouldn’t be able to understand it anyway, which makes me slightly irritated.
Even so, he is my employer. I’m a part-timer. Work is work.
“Well then, I’ll get started right away.”
“Sure. If there’s anything you don’t understand, just ask.”
I softly clear my throat and begin to work.
Once I've started, I discover that the formatting and the documents have been designed to be easy to work with, so it makes for surprisingly quick work.
I expected him to be working on something else, but instead, the professor sits beside me and props his elbows on the desk.
“Ichinose-kun. What are your thoughts on the recently-announced discovery that could potentially disprove the theory of relativity?”
When he asks me that nonchalantly, I stop working for a moment.
Why ask me that out of the blue?
It seems strange, but I decide to answer him anyway since I recently read about the news in a magazine.
“Wasn’t it from a foreign research institute? I can’t really speak on it unless I’m given proper evidence. In my opinion, I think it’s a measurement error.”
“Oh, I see.”
The professor nods, maintaining his relaxed demeanor.
“Then… why do you think people get so irritable during the rainy season?”
“That is… it’s probably because of the high humidity.”
“I know, right. Isn’t it awful when everything’s sticky?”
...what the hell is this guy going on about?
After that, the professor repeatedly tries to start a conversation with me.
“Have you tried the latest product from the donut shop in front of the station?”
“I don’t go to places like that too often.”
“Did you know that penicillin was discovered by accident?”
“I have read that. Quite the miracle.”
“...what was that?”
“An impression of Reiji. Did it sound like him?”
“...that person is even more annoying.”
“You’re right.”
The conversation jumps from topic to topic with seemingly no thread of continuity.
However, it's inefficient to keep talking like this, no matter how simple the work may be.
He doesn’t seem to be the type to enjoy teasing people for their reactions like Kotobuki-san, so just what is he up to?
I can’t help but wonder, but I try to give appropriate replies while continuing to work dispassionately.
Met only by my half-hearted replies, the professor eventually gives up and stops trying to speak to me.
I take advantage of the silence to increase the speed of my work output.
"...kun, Ichinose-kun."
Before I know it, when I look up, the professor is standing beside me, smiling.
"I’ve been calling you for quite some time. Your concentration is amazing. You must be tired. Here, go ahead."
He offers me something steamy.
Is that… a beaker?
No, a beaker is a beaker… but this thing has a handle.
Is it something he uses for experiments? Inside, a steaming, dark-brown liquid shifts around.
"What is that…?"
"It's coffee."
"I can see that, but…"
I hesitate. To be honest, its appearance is reminiscent of chemicals, which spoils any desire I might have had to try it.
"Oh. It's my special mug. I call it 'bea-cup'."
"Why… the handle?"
"It'll be too hot if you grab it as-is."
As I thought, he's a strange person.
I have a headache.
He’s one of Kotobuki-san’s acquaintances. I was prepared for this.
"Come on. Don't be shy. Don’t you like your coffee black?"
"It’s not that. It's just… I appreciate the offer, but I'm not thirsty right now."
"Is that so? Shame."
After I politely decline, the professor responds in a slightly lonely, dejected voice and slinks off to the corner of the room.
Well, the manual data is done. Rewriting doesn't seem to be too difficult either.
I get so absorbed in working that the only ambient sound is that of the keyboard tapping away.
The last one. When I look up after checking over the contents of my work, the professor, who had been reading for a while, raises his brows behind his glasses slightly.
"I'm surprised. You're quick, huh?"
"Thank you."
"Want some coffee?"
"I'm fine."
The doctor stands, pours some coffee for himself, and—bea-cup in hand—peers at me.
"You really saved me. It must have been boring with all those words you didn't understand."
All those words I… didn't understand?
“No, no. I actually found it quite interesting. I thought you specialized in electronics and electrical engineering, but it seems you’ve done a lot of research in a variety of fields like… medicine.”
When I say that, his eyebrows rise even higher.
“...did it say something like that?”
“No. However, with this many units and numbers, it should be easy to make a conjecture. The first half of the data was all about the human body.”
“Oh, I see...”
He shrugs slightly when I present one of the papers to him.
“It’s intriguing data. It seems to me that it entails how muscle and fat tone affect the elasticity of the skin. Not that I can see any use for researching something like this.”
The professor silently lifts the bea-cup to his lips, his large glasses fogging up with steam.
Immediately after, his mouth twists into a grimace.
"Haha. Is that right? Why that certainly strikes a nerve. It’s actually meant to be a countermeasure against middle-aged weight gain."
"Middle-aged… weight-gain?"
“I’m old enough to be curious about it, myself. Even so, when you hear 'macho' it doesn’t fit the image of 'professor', so it’s research to determine how to achieve the ideal body type—not too muscular and not too chubby.”
“I hate to say it, but… Wouldn’t it be better to just go to the gym instead of researching this kind of thing?”
“You don’t get it. It’s not just about how it looks, I care about the feel of it. It’s not enough to simply work out.”
“Now that you mention it, you seem surprisingly fit—would it be okay if I take a look?”
I duck away from the professor’s outstretched hand and pick up another document.
“Then, how about this one? Chemistry this time. It seemed to me like textile research.”
“Ah, well…”
“This new fiber, when exposed to a certain amount of ultraviolet light, takes in carbon dioxide from the air and—”
“Yeah, I know, it’s my research. Fibers that gradually grow as they’re exposed to sunlight. You want to know why I’m studying something like that?”
“Well, I like plants a lot, but I always end up killing them by accident. I was thinking I could develop a grass that can grow without water or fertilizer.”
The doctor looks out the window.
“I’m actually growing it right now. Oh—it withered.”
“Isn’t that bad?”
“No… it’s…”
“It’s bad. Next, this one. At a glance, it seems to be a small rocket. A unique feature of this model is that it’s designed to minimize its impact when launched.”
“Don’t all boys dream about rockets?”
“That’s it?”
“You don’t need a reason to dream.”
“...this is all just nonsense.”
I sigh in exasperation.
The person who designed that monitor… I’d been thinking they must be quite remarkable when he was actually just doing all of this...
“I don’t mean to sound like an amateur, but you should at least narrow down your field of research.”
“No! I like doing all types of research, so I can’t pick just one.”
Seeing his flippant smile, I realize he’s even more difficult to interact with than Kotobuki-san.
“If that’s the case, then why not make some sort of composite of the data and try using it for more meaningful research? For example, based on the data about the human body, we can use the fiber to…”
I’m about to turn over the document when the professor hurriedly sets the bea-cup down beside me.
“Coffee… you want some?”
The lenses of his glasses glint. I clear my throat and take my hands off the documents.
“So… what do I need to do for the experiment?”
I wasn’t interested in his research from the start. I just wanted to get back at him for treating me like an ignorant teenager twice.
It doesn't seem to be in either of our best interests to pursue this any further.
“Experiment? Oh, it’s already over.”
The doctor grins and laughs at my surprise.
“You know how I’ve been talking to you for some time? Lately, I’ve developed an interest in human reactions. I’ve been collecting data from you.”
“And you didn’t even ask for my permission? Isn’t that a little in poor taste?”
“If you’d declined earlier, I wouldn’t have been able to gather accurate data. Besides, I thought the condition was that you were supposed to help with any experiment.”
When he says that, I fall silent. It doesn’t feel good to admit, but he’s right.
“I didn’t think you majored in psychology as well.”
At my pained reply, the professor grins as if to get back at me.
“I research what I want when I want.”
Really… he’s a shady person from top to bottom. Just how serious is that statement?
“You made an unexpected point earlier, but honestly, the reactions of a serious person like you aren’t interesting because you’re so predictable. I would have liked to work with someone with more unpredictability, more erratic behavior, instead.”
“That really is too bad. As you can see, I’m an extremely uninteresting person.”
As I reply, I consider how relieved I am that I hadn’t brought Otoya or [MC] to this part-time job.
I couldn’t endure [MC] being observed this way, let alone Otoya.
Even if it yielded data more akin to what the professor had in mind...
“If you’ve finished your experimenting, then I guess my work is done?”
“Yeah. I suppose you’re right.”
“Then. If you’ll excuse me.”
As I move to stand, a thought strikes me, and I turn back to the professor.
“Speaking of psychology, I do know one thing.”
I point in the direction of the eyes watching me through lenses.
“The reason people hide their faces with glasses or sunglasses is that they think that by doing so, they’ll be the only one to see the other person, that the other won’t be able to see their eyes. In other words, it makes them feel less anxious to have a psychological advantage. People who hide their faces for most of the time are actually shy and awkward.”
I wag my finger in front of his large glasses and receive a laugh in reply.
“Haha. You’re a funny one, huh? I see how Reiji’s having a hard time.”
“I’m the one who’s having a hard time.”
“Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
I pick up my bag, and this time, the professor approaches me.
“Ichinose-kun. If you don’t mind, I’d like for you to come work for me again.”
“I’m afraid I can’t. I’m busy with other things.”
“That’s a terrible shame.”
For a moment, our eyes meet through the lenses of his glasses. We exchange faint smiles and I leave the lab at last.
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messagefromtheveins · 4 years
Hi! Thank you for wanting to give it a try, that's so nice of you. I have these two ideas for Sebastian one shots. One of them is where reader and Seb are dating and rarely fight, but lately reader has been acting strangely (like coming home late, secret phone calls...) and Seb thinks she's cheating on him and confronts her but what it is really happening is that she was organizing a surprise party for his bday and when he finds out he feels really bad for thinking she could do that to him?
Usually I try to avoid posting on weekends, but I also didn't want to keep this from you any longer. Thank you for sending this request and giving me some much needed inspiration! :) I hope this is kind of what you wanted it to be. (also, I'm still working on your second request, but I'm a little more stuck on that than I was on this one, so no promises. But I haven’t given up yet)
It was nearing midnight when he finally heard the door open and close downstairs, a feeling of relief rushing through his chest. Tossing his toothbrush into the little cup, he ran a hand through his wet hair to push it back while he stepped out of the bathroom and made his way downstairs.
You were standing at the kitchen island, your bag carelessly tossed on the counter. Eyes trained on your phone, you hadn't noticed him yet as you stared at the screen with a little frown on your face, your thumbs flying over the keyboard.
"Hey, hon'," he spoke up in a quiet murmur, his eyebrows furrowing in surprise and confusion as you visibly flinched, almost dropping your phone.
"Jesus, you scared the hell out of me," you giggled a bit breathlessly and placed your phone down on the kitchen island before you approached him. "Didn't know if you'd still be awake," you added, his eyes not leaving yours as you loosely wrapped your arms around his neck.
"'was just getting ready for bed," he mumbled, giving you a fond smile while his hands slipped around your waist. "Have you been at work all this time? I've tried calling you a few times but I always went straight to voicemail."
"Uh, yeah. I've been in a conference call that took forever."
He wanted to believe you, he really did. But the way you shifted your gaze to somewhere behind him, effectively avoiding his eyes, was a dead giveaway that you were lying. "With your cell phone?"
"Yeah, it was-" breaking off, you sighed deeply and shook your head, your gaze meeting his confused one again. "You know what, it really doesn't matter. Point is, I've had a long day and I'm tired and I missed you," your bottom lip jutted up into a pout that made him chuckle softly.
Arms tightening around you, he pulled you flush to his chest and noticed the way your features immediately relaxed. He decided to drop the topic for now as your lips met his in a tender kiss. You clearly didn't want to talk about it, so he wouldn't push. He knew that if it really bothered you, then you would talk to him at some point.
But boy was he wrong. It dragged on for nearly two weeks. Two weeks of you being glued to your phone and coming home late more often than not, seeming to grow more and more distant with each passing day. At first he was worried that you were overworking yourself, that something or someone at work made you feel like you couldn't take a break without falling behind.
Though, it all changed when he realized that you left the room every single time your phone rang or you excused yourself to call someone. You had never done that ever since he had met you almost three years ago, no matter if it was a work related call or a simple chat with your friends. From that moment on anxiety ate him up on the inside- worries of you seeing someone else kept him up at night while you peacefully slept next to him.
And he was so close to confronting you several times, to ask you what the hell was going on behind his back, but then you always gave him that smile that he had fallen in love with all those years ago and he chickened out. Every single time. He knew he couldn't accuse you of something so horrible without having any real evidence.
He was so caught up in everything that had happened lately that he didn't even properly realize his birthday had crept up on him until you crawled on his lap one night and gave him a wide smile.
"Happy birthday, Seb," your voice was quiet and tender, hands gentle as you cupped them around his cheeks. His gaze briefly shifted to the nearest clock, his confusion quickly morphing into a surprised expression as he realized that it was midnight. "Oh, shit. I didn't even realize- thank you, hon'," he chuckled, gladly accepting the soft kiss you placed on his lips.
The 90's show playing on the TV was long forgotten as you combed a hand through his hair. "Do you want to do anything special tomorrow? Or more like today?"
He pulled a shoulder up in a half-shrug. "I wish, but I can't. My entire day is packed with meetings," he told you and smiled as you gave him a little pout.
"That's a bummer," you sighed softly. "You could text me when you're on the way home so I can make dinner for us, how about that?" you suggested, his lips immediately stretching into a grin.
"That sounds perfect."
He hated meetings. They were always insanely boring and he tended to drift off a lot, having too much time to think- in this case, about you. About the weird way you had behaved lately and how it was slowly driving him insane.
By the time he was on his way home he was so worked up that he felt like exploding, his jaw clenched as he unlocked the front door to the apartment. He couldn't take this any longer, not while it was eating him up on the inside. "Honey?" he called, tossing his keys aside and wrestling out of his jacket, hearing your socked footsteps approaching.
"Hey, babe," you smiled and stepped over to him, arms reaching out to him.
Babe. A stupid little nickname was the breaking point. You had never called him that before and he couldn't help but wonder if you called someone else babe and this was just a slip up.
"We need to talk," he spoke up, his voice firm and serious. You immediately faltered in your movements, the smile on your lips slowly dying as you looked at him with confusion written in your eyes. Briefly glancing over your shoulder towards the dark living room, you looked into his eyes again and crossed your arms in front of your chest.
"Is everything okay?" you wanted to know, your voice soft and eyes worried and for a short moment he wondered how the hell he could ever accuse you of something so horrible.
Running a hand through his hair, he rubbed his palm over his jaw in an anxious way. "Are you cheating on me?" he asked. The firmness his voice had previously held was gone, instead replaced by insecurity and anxiety, a bit of a tremble lingering in the words.
Lips parting in surprise, you looked at him with wide eyes. "Why- Sebastian, what-" you stumbled over your words. He wanted nothing more than to take the words back as he noticed the hurt and disbelief written in your eyes.
"Honey, I don't- you're always coming home so late these days, you know?" he tried to explain, nervously fiddling around with his fingers. "And you're constantly on the phone. You're always leaving the room when someone calls and you've never done that before. It feels like you're suddenly keeping everything secret from me and I- I don't know what to think anymore."
The last few words left his lips in a defeated sigh, his shoulders slumping under the weight they had been carrying for weeks at that point. Hurt. Betrayal. That was all he saw in your eyes as you looked at him, not saying a word. "Please just tell me that I'm wrong," he whispered as you stayed silent for too long.
Reaching out and taking his hands into yours, you walked backwards and pulled him along, ignoring the confusion on his features. You let go of one of his hands to hit the light switch as you stepped into the living room.
"... Surprise."
It wasn't a joyful cheer like it usually was in the movies, instead more of a hesitant mutter as several pairs of eyes looked at you and him with uncertainty written in them. Colorful balloons decorated the room and he could see a birthday cake with tons of candles on the table behind you, but he didn't really concentrate on it. His whole attention was on you. He had fucked up big time.
"Happy Birthday," you whispered, though he could see that you were fighting back the tears.
Needless to say, your guests didn't stay for too long. Before the last person properly left the apartment you had disappeared, somehow managing to avoid him for over an hour while he cleaned up the living room and put the untouched cake into the fridge.
By the time he had changed into more comfortable clothes you had somehow snuck into the kitchen without him noticing. He found you sitting on the counter, digging into a bowl of ice cream and avoiding his gaze until he stood right in front of you. No words were exchanged as you finally met his blue eyes, nothing but silent apologies written in them, while his hands gently and almost hesitantly came to rest on your thighs.
Holding your spoon between your teeth, you didn't take your eyes off him as you reached to the side, blindly grasping for the second spoon you had grabbed earlier. He couldn't help but smile as you held it out to him. "You could've taken a slice of the cake, you know," he spoke up while taking the spoon from you only to place it aside again.
You shook your head. "It's yours," you mumbled around a mouthful of ice cream, "it would be so rude of me to take the first piece."
"But I don't deserve it anymore."
His voice was so quiet that you barely caught it. Eyebrows furrowing, you studied his features with a heavy heart while he kept his gaze trained on the bowl in your hands. "Seb..."
Quickly placing the bowl and spoon away, you cupped your cold hands around his face. Deep worry lines were visible on his forehead as his gaze hesitantly met yours. "I'm so sorry," he whispered, guilt clear in his voice.
Gently combing a hand through his hair, you couldn't help but smile as he leaned in to place a lingering kiss on your forehead. "I'm sorry, too."
"What? Why?" he asked, confusion written all over his face. "Hon', I'm the one who fucked up," he reminded you and continued before you could try to speak up, "I hurt you. I accused you of something horrible even though I never thought that you'd actually be that kind of person. I ruined the whole birthday party. I humiliated you in front of all our friends."
Your thumbs brushed over his cheeks while you slowly shook your head. "And I was obviously really bad at planning a birthday party behind your back. I clearly pushed you away or acted different around you, otherwise you probably would've never wondered if I was cheating on you."
His features dropped, teeth digging into his bottom lip for a moment. "I should've just talked to you and asked you what's going on, instead of attacking you with an accusation like that," he sighed and leaned into you, a soft smile spreading over your lips as he rested his forehead against your chest. "I'm sorry."
Combing your hands through the short hair at the back of his head several times, you dipped your head down to place a soft kiss on his head. "Let's just agree to never plan a surprise party ever again?"
He was quiet for a moment before he chuckled softly, nodding while he lifted his head again. "Agreed," he grinned. His hands slid from your thighs to your hips as you tilted your head in a silent request for a kiss, tugging you closer until your chest was pressed against his. Your lips met in a tender kiss, your hands moving to rest on his shoulders and almost feeling the way his muscles relaxed under your touch. "Are we okay?" he whispered once he pulled back, receiving a nod of your head.
"Very okay," you breathed and found his lips in another peck. He couldn't help but smile against your lips, barely able to stay away from you now that he knew you weren't mad at him.
"There's just... another… tiny problem," he mumbled between soft kisses.
"What is it?"
"That's a massive cake and I don't know who's supposed to eat all of that," he murmured, grinning as you tossed your head back and laughed.
"I'm sure we'll figure something out," you giggled.
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kissinginkitchens · 3 years
You Bring Me Home—Chapter Six: Be My Baby
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a/n: welcome back lovelies! Thank you once again for all of your kindness and support for chapter five!! I am so glad you enjoyed it :’) As promised: some more Halani sweetness that is truly good for the soul. Can’t wait for you to see what’s in store for our favorite lovebirds <3 I have had so much fun chatting with some of you and hearing your thoughts, so keep ‘em coming! Happy reading :) Much love, Mel <3
Pairing: Hawai’i!Harry x Original Character
Warnings: swearing, sickeningly sweet PDA <3
Word Count: 4.7k 
catch up on parts one, two, three, four, and five 
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The rain descends in full force, strong and unrelenting, but Harry and Alani are too wrapped up in their own little world inside the Bronco to notice. They sit facing each other with palms touching, comparing hand sizes while they ramble about everything and nothing at all. Harry still has to remind himself to blink every so often despite the irrational fear that Alani will disappear when his eyes open again. With the knowledge that every moment could be this perfect, she silently curses herself for not crossing the friendship barrier sooner. 
“Think you bit me a little bit,” Harry comments, scanning his lower lip for any signs of bruising. 
“Did not,” Alani defends with a light giggle. 
He pouts his lower lip in her direction and leans closer for her to observe. “Did too, look!”
“Fine. I guess I won’t kiss you anymore if I’m such a detriment to your health,”
Harry sneaks his fingers inside Alani’s sweatshirt and tickles her sides, relishing in the laughter that erupts. 
“Just teasing,” he offers. “But I think I’m ready to get hurt again. Do me the honor?”
“You are such a nuisance,” she grins, obliging his request for another kiss by slotting her lips between his. It’s sweet and chaste, but it leaves her mouth tingling long after they’ve pulled apart. Alani runs her hands through Harry’s messy hair and he hums in response, leaning into her touch. When her hand stills, he plants a soft peck to the inside of her wrist as a plea to continue. She combs through the chestnut curls while he occupies his attention with something in the cupholder between them. 
“What’s this?” Harry questions, lifting the smoothie she had prepared for him earlier. 
Alani glances down and chuckles to herself. “Oh, it’s for you. I knew you’d be suffering from a gnarly hangover,”
Harry’s head tilts and he grins, giving Alani a sighting of her favorite dimple. “So good to me. Don’t know what I do to deserve it,”
“Maybe hold off on the gratitude, I think it’s probably rancid now,”
He takes a polite sip and sure enough, the drink is lukewarm and barely edible. His nose instinctively scrunches with disgust, but he quickly musters an appreciative smile. 
“Wanna taste?” Harry challenges, leaning in with puckered lips that Alani playfully dodges. He plants a kiss to her cheek instead, trailing down her jaw and to the side of her neck in a way that sends shivers down her spine. Her hands weave into his hair and she searches for his mouth again, but before she does, her phone rings loudly on the dashboard in front of them. 
He grumbles and his head lands on her shoulder. “For fuck’s sake—”
“Sorry,” Alani apologizes, swiping the device to look at the caller ID. Her sister’s name and photo flash on the screen, so she decides to answer it. “Hello?”
Harry traces small circles on the tops of Alani’s thighs, his mind still lost in the heat of the moment while she listens to Pua’s panicked voice on the other end. 
“Where are you?” Alani questions, sitting up straighter in her seat. “Okay, I’ll be there in ten,”
“What’s wrong?” Harry asks, brow furrowed in concern. 
She collects her bearings and sighs. “Pua and her little friends got stranded at the mall because of the storm. Need me to go rescue them,”
“Can I come with?” he offers eagerly, not ready to part just yet. 
“I don’t know if you really wanna be stuck with a bunch of fifteen year old-girls,” Alani laughs bitterly. 
Harry shrugs and toys with the hem of her sweatshirt. “Dunno if you were aware, but fifteen year-old girls love me,”
He stops suddenly and registers the concerning undertones in his statement. “That came out wrong,”
“Yeah, maybe you shouldn’t say that out loud,” Alani giggles with a hand cupped to his cheek. “Let’s meet up afterwards, okay?”
“‘Kay,” Harry agrees, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
Alani leans over and presses a light kiss to his parted mouth, indulging his request to deepen it by letting him glide his tongue over her lower lip. 
“I really have to go.” she warns before pulling away reluctantly. 
Harry groans, but he steals one last kiss and slips out of the car into the heavy rain. 
“Be careful!” he calls over his shoulder. 
 Alani waits until he’s secure inside his own vehicle before driving away down the road. 
“You’re soaking wet,”
“It’s raining,”
“And you’re blushing,”
Harry shakes his damp hair out as he strolls down the hallway towards his room, Mitch at his heels. 
“I’m assuming you fixed things with Alani, then?” his friend probes. 
Harry stomach flutters at the mention of her name. “Yeah,”
Mitch rests his shoulder against the doorframe of the singer’s room and watches as he sifts through his closet and dresser. 
“So why aren’t you with her right now?”
“She had to go pick up her sister, we’re meeting up later,”
“Is it official, then? I mean are you two...” 
Harry rubs a hand along the back of his neck and offers a shy smile in response. “I guess so,” 
“Well I’ll be damned!” his friend cheers, clapping him on the shoulder. “We have to celebrate. Jeff owes me twenty bucks,” 
Mitch snickers with hands raised. “Kidding! Well, sorta. I actually said that she would turn you down at first,” 
Harry rolls his eyes and continues his search for the right shirt. “Ha ha. Listen, I need a favor,” 
“Jeff said that there’s a projector and fairy lights in the shed. I’m gonna need you to dig them out.” 
Alani parks in front of the mall and shoots her sister a text. Within a few minutes, Pua and her three friends bolt out of the entrance and climb into her backseat. 
“Buckle up,” she instructs the girls before pulling away from the curb. 
“Thank you,” Pua exhales, sinking into the seat. 
Alani gives her a reassuring wink and glances up to the rearview mirror to see her sister’s friends chatting giddily in the back. Her mind briefly wanders to less than an hour prior and the lingering warmth of Harry’s touch before her sister chirps up next to her. 
“What happened to your neck?” she asks with her nose scrunched. 
Alani’s brow creases in momentary confusion before her entire body heats up in realization. “Oh—uh, nothing,”
“Is that a—?”
“What do you guys wanna listen to?” Alani asks the backseat, avoiding her sister’s questions. 
“Wait, were you with—?”
One of the girls speaks up and Alani passes the aux cord over her head. Pua narrows her eyes and a smug grin spreads across her lips. 
“You were!” she accuses, hushed so her friends don’t hear. 
Alani shoots her younger sister a stern look and mouths the word “don’t,” but it’s no use. Her attention is stolen when the upbeat drums of a vaguely familiar pop song fills the entire car. 
“Oh you’re gonna love this one,” Pua laughs, bobbing her head along to the music that plays. 
Alani feels a strange sense of familiarity in the singer’s voice, but she’s having trouble placing it. She looks over to her sister for an explanation, but Pua simply wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. 
“It’s your boyfriend,” she smirks.
Yeah, so tell me girl if every time we 
Touch you get this kind of rush 
Baby say “yeah, yeah, yeah,” yeah, yeah, yeah
If you don’t wanna take it slow 
And you just wanna take me home
Baby say “yeah, yeah, yeah,” yeah, yeah, yeah
And let me kiss you
Mortification settles into the pit of Alani’s stomach, but a hint of amusement sneaks in as she pictures the various ways that she can tease Harry about this later. 
“Oh my God, could you imagine kissing them?” one of the girls, a redhead with freckles, muses in the back. 
“I think if I kissed Harry Styles, I could die happy.” sighs another one with round glasses. 
The third girl, a slender face with a full afro, chimes in with a dreamy look in her eyes. “Do you guys think he’s a good kisser?”
“Good question,” Pua plays along, turning to her older sister. “What do you think?”
Alani’s jaw tenses and she suddenly feels flustered under the pressure. Glimpses of spearmint and vanilla flood her memory, but she suppresses them and clears her throat. “How should I know?” 
Luckily, the three teenagers have already moved on from the subject and chat amongst themselves about other relevant topics.  
After the last girl has been dropped off at her house, Alani turns to her sister with a glaring look. 
“Before you ask—”
“Are you guys dating now?” Pua interrupts excitedly. 
Alani lets out an exasperated sigh and clutches the steering wheel to ground herself. “No. Well…I don’t know,”
“How was it?” her sister poses gently, a starry look in her eye. “Was he a good kisser?”
There’s a glimmer of eagerness in Pua’s expression that makes it hard for Alani to remain serious. A bashful smile spreads across her lips as she remembers the dreamy boy awaiting her return. 
“Yeah,” Alani confesses. “He was,”
“Oh my god!” her sister shrieks, enveloping her in a tight hug. “I’m so happy for you! This is perfect,”
Alani lets herself be excited for the first time since her feelings had been set free. Everything was still fresh and exhilarating, and while she couldn’t wrap her head around all of it, she was grateful for her sister’s enthusiasm. 
“It’s new,” Alani explains, sorting through the last couple of hours. “So there’s really not much to tell,”
“But you like him?” Pua clarifies. 
“And he likes you?”
Alani shrugs coyly, thinking of the way that Harry had practically melted in her touch. “I think so.”
“Then what else matters?”
Pua’s words comfort the anxious turning in Alani’s stomach. If Harry feels even a sliver of the affection she has for him, then nothing else could truly ever matter in her world. 
Harry’s towel hangs low on his hips as he steps out of the shower. Immediately, he reaches for his phone to see if there are any new messages from Alani, but he deflates when her name isn’t on the screen. He checks the time and registers that three hours have passed since they had last seen each other, though it feels like days in his mind. Quickly, he dries off and steps into a pair of black jeans and a silky red overshirt, adjusting the silver chain with a cross pendant around his neck before slipping a few rings onto his fingers to complete the look. His hair is still damp, so he runs a blowdryer over it and adds a small amount of product—still getting used to the shorter style. Harry spritzes a bit of vanilla scented cologne onto the sides of his neck and takes a deep breath to quell the pounding in his chest. He checks his phone again, but there’s still no news from Alani, so he decides to reach out first. 
Harry: We still on for tonight?
He can hear ruckus emanating from the kitchen, undoubtedly the sound of his friends cooking dinner with a few drinks in their systems. His stomach rumbles when he realizes that all he’s had to eat was a sip of Alani’s warm smoothie. 
Alani: Yes, sorry! Had to cook for my sister but I’m free now :) 
He hums, his dinner plans most likely foiled. 
Harry: I take it you’re not really hungry then?
Alani: I could eat…
Harry grins and grabs the keys from his nightstand.
Harry: Be there in fifteen xx
Fifteen minutes—that’s all Alani has to fix herself up and look somewhat presentable for Harry. She darts around her room and picks out a flowy, black mini skirt with embroidered cherries and its matching cropped tank. Her hair is still a bit messy from not combing it after her bath, so she smoothes it out with some water and curl cream, hoping for the best. She finishes her look with a swipe of red tinted lip gloss across her full lips and honey scented lotion over her skin. By the time her quick routine is complete, she still has four minutes to spare and spends them pacing her room back and forth with deep breaths. Her phone dings two minutes later and she smiles at Harry’s punctuality. 
Harry: Am I allowed to meet you at your front door?
Alani’s heart melts at his consideration, so she quickly makes her way downstairs and decides to respond to him in person. Sure enough, he’s already waiting at the door with eyes wide as if he’d just been caught doing something that he wasn’t supposed to. 
“Wow,” Harry marvels, taking in her appearance. 
“You don’t look too bad, yourself.” Alani compliments, closing the door behind her and with a step forward. 
He clears his throat and offers his hand out to her, palm facing up. “Shall we?”
She accepts it happily and allows his fingers to slip between hers. They walk down the short path to the pink Cadillac waiting for them, glistening under the last bit of sunset. Harry opens her door first, then makes his way to the driver’s side before peeling out of the driveway. As they head to their mysterious dinner location, Harry’s hand wanders from the gear shift to Alani’s palm resting on her thigh. She interlocks their fingers and runs the pad of her thumb over the silver rose around his index finger, wondering all the while about its origin. 
“Hey, what’s with the ring?” she decides to ask, lifting their joint hands to support her question. 
“It was a gift from my mum,” Harry explains. “When I first went away on tour, she was bummed that she couldn’t be at every show to throw a rose on stage. So she gave it to me as a reminder that she’d always be cheering me on, no matter how far apart we were,”
Alani’s chest stirs at the sweet gesture, wishing suddenly that she had a face to put to the lovely woman in her mind. 
“I really like that,” she comments, studying the petals and intricate details. 
Harry glances over at the girl sitting in his passenger seat and thinks that he’d very much like for his mom to meet her someday, though under the right circumstances. He lifts their joined hands up to his lips and presses a soft kiss to her knuckles. 
As they pull into the studio, Alani immediately takes note of a giant white tarp hanging from the roof on one side of the building. 
“What’s that for?” she asks curiously, stepping out of the car. 
Harry offers his hand and motions for her to follow him inside. “It’s for the movie,”
“We’re watching a movie?”
“Yeah,” he smiles sheepishly. “Hope that’s okay,”
“It’s perfect,” Alani reassures him with a squeeze of his forearm. 
“I had the food delivered, too. Figured we could eat while we watch,”
When Harry unlocks the door, the unmistakable scent of Alani’s favorite Italian restaurant lingers around the room. She gasps at the sight of two take-out bags from Angelo's perched on the coffee table.
“How did you…?” she trails off with her mouth hanging agape. “That’s my favorite place,”
“Ravioli with extra sauce,” Harry smirks victoriously, taking both bags and retreating back to the door. He sends a telepathic “thank you” message to Pua for the suggestion. 
“Who told you?”
“A good journalist never reveals his source, you should know that,”
“Oh, I wasn’t aware that we were switching professions,” Alani follows with her eyes narrowed warily.
“But don’t expect me to serenade you or anything,”
Harry chuckles and places their meals in the back seat before opening Alani’s door for her. “Not even a little tune?”
“Maybe the alphabet song if you’re lucky,”
“I’ll take it,”
“Actually,” she snaps, settling into the passenger seat as she recalls one of his songs that Pua’s friends had introduced her to. “Maybe I do have a little something for you,”
Harry’s brows shoot up eagerly. “Well let’s hear it,”
Alani clears her throat and tries to wipe the mischievous grin from her lips, but the enthusiasm behind her date’s eyes makes it difficult to execute the joke. 
“Close your eyes, please,” 
“Why?” Harry laughs softly, a mixture of tenderness and amusement settling on his features. 
“I can’t do it with you looking at me,” Alani whines. “Just close ‘em!”
“Okay, okay, they’re closed,”
“No peeking,”
“Yeah, yeah,”
Alani takes a deep breath and tries to remember the tune that had been stuck in her head all afternoon.
“So tell me girl if every time we tou-ou-ouch, you get this kind of ru-u-ush,”
Harry’s eyes fly open and she can hardly contain her laughter, but she continues despite his interjections. 
“What’re you—?”
“If you don’t wanna take it slow and you just wanna take me home—”
“Is that—?”
“Baby say ‘yeah, yeah, yeah,’ yeah, yeah, and let me kiss you—”
“Where did you—?”
“You’re not even listening!” Alani teases through a fit of laughter. “I’m trying to dazzle you with my angelic singing, here,”
“I’m sorry,” Harry apologizes, his voice lowered as he leans in closer. “Please, continue,”
Alani drapes her arms around his neck and sighs. “That’s all I’ve got, sorry,”
“So much for ‘not a fan,’ huh?”
“It was my sister’s friends—”
“—It’s true!” Alani sustains with a playful shove. “You should’ve seen how swoony they got over you, it was kinda cute actually,”
Harry brushes a stray eyelash from her cheek and his mouth turns up softly at the edges. “I see,”
“They were wondering if you’re a good kisser, you know, because of the song and everything,”
“Well what’s the verdict?”
“I don’t know,” Alani ponders shyly, feigning indecisiveness. “I think I need to refresh my memory.”
Harry head shakes gently with his lower lip caught between his wide grin. He takes a minute to lightly graze the curve of her jaw with his thumb in an effort to convince himself that he isn’t, in fact, dreaming before he connects their mouths. Alani weaves one hand into the curls at the nape of Harry’s neck while the other keeps his palm anchored securely to the side of her face. She had never known a touch so warm or soft; so intoxicating, so safe. It was like an extension of her own body—a familiarity that she had unknowingly craved all along. And with a single kiss, every remaining brick in their emotional fortresses comes crumbling down, trampled under foot like sand. If the eyes were the window to the soul, then their lips were the door: inviting, welcoming, begging the other person to stay forever and evermore. 
Their foreheads meet as they reluctantly pull apart for air; the only sound is their synchronized breathing. The sun had sunken into the sea, but twinkling lights strung across a row of palm trees leaves them in a canopy of golden light. 
“So I think it’s safe to say,” Alani begins softly. “Ten out of ten would kiss again,”
Harry’s head bobs, interlocking their fingers. “I have to agree,”
The whirring of the movie projector disrupts their thoughts and turns their attention towards the screen. Alani’s eyes widen, curious to see what film Harry has chosen for the night. 
“Forgot that I put it on a timer,” he confesses. 
“Be My Baby” by The Ronettes starts over the speakers propped next to their car and Alani immediately recognizes the intro to her all-time favorite movie. 
“Dirty Dancing?” she cries, turning to him with an elated tug on his arm. “No way!”
Harry reaches for the food behind them, but keeps an eye on her to relish in the excitement. “Yes way, had to see what all the fuss was about.”
“You won’t regret it, promise.”
Alani slips her shoes off and hugs her knees to her chest, eyes falling from the screen ahead to Harry beside her. He was constantly finding new ways to exceed her expectations, and just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, he raised the bar to unimaginable heights. She wonders what life would be like if he hadn’t stumbled into the café and imagines all the other ways that their paths would have unintentionally crossed, unaware of the bliss that could exist between them. Luckily, Alani will never have to live in a world of such ignorance, a world where Harry’s name doesn’t fall from her tongue as naturally as her own. 
“I would have carried that watermelon for you,”
“How romantic,” 
“And I bet we could do that lift,”
“Not a chance,” Alani giggles lightly. “Don’t get any ideas,”
Harry exhales a defeated breath, running the back of his knuckles over Alani’s legs draped across his lap.
“Why not?”
“They probably practiced that for months and had Jennifer Grey rigged up to a wire or something,”
“Nah,” Harry contests. “That’s just what they want you to think so that you don’t try and upstage the actors. Happens all the time in Hollywood,”
Alani’s head turns. “Oh really? And you would know that because…?”
“Music industry, movies, it’s all the same,”
“Sure. So what did you think of the movie? It’s okay if you didn’t love it as much as The Notebook,”
Harry’s head leans against his fist as he studies Alani’s expectant eyes, deep umber and shining in the dim light overhead. They’re the same pigment as the soil after rain and full of just as much vitality. He’d never really had a favorite color, but he suddenly wanted to own every item in exactly the same shade of brown. 
“No, you were right,” he yields. “It’s way better,”
Alani curls into Harry’s side and her cheek rests against his shoulder. “Knew you’d like it,”
“You know me well,”
“I have a question for you,” she poses lightly. 
Harry presses a kiss to her hairline before his chin settles on the crown of her head. “Shoot,”
“How did you do all of this on such short notice?”
The task hadn’t been easy; it involved multiple bribes to each of his friends, though they would have done it for free, and a top secret phone call with Pua. The projector in the studio’s shed that exclusively played DVDs nearly threw a wrench in his entire plan, but Jeff volunteered to search every store on the island for a copy of Dirty Dancing until he emerged from the fourth shop triumphantly. Harry had even hunted down the Angelo from Alani’s favorite restaurant and convinced him to make her raviolis from scratch. He wanted everything to be perfect down to the most minute detail; after all, the girl that he had planned it all for would be. 
“With a little help from my friends,” he hums in the key of The Beatles. 
“Well,” Alani sighs with a feathery kiss to his cheek. “Best first date in the history of first dates,”
“Couldn’t agree more,”
“What was your worst first date?” she pries with a curious wiggle of her brows. 
Harry lifts his head to the glittery night sky above and thinks for a moment before an unpleasant memory resurfaces and makes his nose scrunch. 
“Year ten. There was this girl I really fancied and I practically begged her all term to go out with me,” he laughs lightly. “So she agreed on the very last day of school. A friend of hers was having this party that night and she invited me to tag along. I was so nervous, but you know, things were alright. Well, she disappeared randomly in the middle of the party to go get a drink or something, and when I went to look for her, I caught her making out with some other guy,”
Alani frowns. “I’m so sorry, that’s awful,”
“It’s alright,” Harry chuckles, unaffected. “Wasn’t meant to be. What about you?”
“Probably my freshman year of college,” Alani contemplates. “I was supposed to meet up with this guy that a friend had set me up with. But he was, like, an hour late to the restaurant and didn’t even seem to notice. Then we saw some boring action movie with exploding cars and he was texting on his phone the whole time. I left the theater to ‘go to the bathroom’ and never went back,”
Harry smirks. “Good for you! Sounds like a prick,”
“I honestly don’t know how he didn’t see it coming, I took the bag of popcorn with me,”
“Well it all worked out in my favor, so maybe I should say cheers to the poor sucker,”
Alani raises her bottle of cherry coke to the night sky. “Cheers to terrible first dates!”
“Maybe don’t say that so loud,” Harry suggests with a small laugh. “People might get the wrong idea,”
“Cheers to terrible first dates and this most excellent one!” she corrects. 
“I feel like there should be some big musical number and end credits now,”
Harry glances over with a peculiar look in the corner of his eye. “I have an idea,”
“What is it?” Alani questions skeptically. 
“Two words: the lift,”
“Come on! Please?”
“You’re gonna hurt yourself. Or me,”
“I won’t,” Harry promises with puppy dog eyes. “Pretty please?”
Alani mulls it over, unable to ignore the kiss that he peppers to her shoulder. “Fine.”
“Just bend your needs and jump. I’ll catch you!”
Alani’s toes dig into the sand and her fists clench. Eight feet away at the opposite end of the beach, Harry stands with his arms open and back tall. 
“I’m scared,”
“Don’t be, I’ve got you,”
She takes a deep breath through her nose and exhales out her mouth. Her feet pick up into a jog, then a sprint, and her arms fly out on Harry’s command. Alani leaps and her hands find his shoulders, but she doesn’t get enough air for him to execute the lift. His arms brace her backside as her legs tangle around his waist, but he maintains his balance.  
“See! Gotcha,”
“Did I do it?”
“No,” Harry laughs, highly amused. “But almost! Try again,”
“Harry, I don’t think this is gonna work,”
“Yes it will, love, I believe in you,”
He kisses her nose and sets her back down, running an additional eight feet back. Alani huffs, but she jogs lightly again and springs into the air. Her abdominal muscles tighten in an attempt to strengthen her balance, but she wobbles and clings to Harry with a shriek. He stumbles a few inches and lets out a belly laugh. 
“See, that was better!”
“It was not!”
“At least your legs made it in the air that time,”
“Okay,” Alani pants lightly. “You had your fun,”
“One more try,”
“Just one!” he pleads. “This is gonna be the one, I can feel it,”
Alani’s eyes pinch shut, but she remembers all of the hard work and sweet gestures that Harry had poured into this date. So much thought had been given to every miniscule detail in the hopes of making it a night that she would never forget. The least she could do was humor him. 
“Okay. Let’s go,” 
“You’ve got it!” 
Her heart pounds with determination as Harry beckons her to join him at the other end. She counts down under her breath before taking off at full speed, feeling the exertion of every muscle in her body. Alani plants her feet directly under her knees and hips, shooting straight up with her arms rooted firmly on Harry’s shoulders. Her heels lift higher and higher off the ground as if they were attached to a string and anchored to the moon. In her mind, she is as graceful as Baby Houseman herself, but the reality is far less picturesque. Harry’s hand slips and he staggers backward; his arms instinctively tighten around Alani’s waist and he brings her body flush with his to break her fall. A grunt escapes his lips as his back meets the sand with a thud, but he manages to crack a smile through his pained expression. 
“Oh my God!” Alani cries, immediately sitting up. “Are you okay?” 
Harry releases a slow, shaky breath. “‘M fine,” 
“Are you hurt?”
“Just a bruised ego,” 
She brushes the curls out of his face and holds back a giggle to no avail. “I’m sorry, it’s not funny,”
“Actually,” Harry coughs, slowly regaining his composure. “It kind of is,”
“We really almost had it that time.”
“S’not as easy as it looks.”
Alani’s head meets the sand parallel to Harry’s and her hand settles on his chest. She watches the rise and fall of his breathing for a moment before her eyes trail up to his. As if the entire night hadn’t already convinced her, this very moment dispels any lingering, microscopic doubt that choosing Harry had been the right decision. It was hard to believe that less than twenty-four hours ago, Alani had no idea how he felt about her or where they stood. But now, under the full moon and shining stars, Harry looks at her as if she is the only view worth admiring and it tells her more than any word ever could.
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breakyeol · 4 years
mutually beneficial
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One Shot
┗ pairing: best friend!baekhyun x reader
word count: 3k 
warnings: smut, porn, masturbation, fingering, hand job, very light choking
a/n; this was not meant to be as long than it actually turned out to be
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You raised your eyes from the textbook laid out in front of you, blinking at your best friend, who was sprawled out comfortably beside you on your bed. “Hey?”
“Can I ask you something?” He asked, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. You raised a brow, shrugging lazily as you looked back towards the text.
A beat passed. “Do you watch porn?”
You had to pause for a moment. That… was not what you were expecting. You let out a strained chuckle, gaze flicking away from him briefly. “I mean… sometimes, yeah. Doesn’t everybody?”
“What kind?”
Well, that depended on your mood. Could be male solos, female solos, amateur, professional, you weren’t too picky (except when it came to those cheesy ass plots, cringe) — But you weren’t about to tell him that.
“What do you mean what kind? Why are you asking me that?” You laughed, shoving his arm gently in an attempt to alleviate the sudden awkwardness you were feeling. Sure, Baekhyun was random and said dumb things pretty much every time he opened his mouth, but shit— sex was rarely a topic of conversation between the two of you, let alone porn.
A mischievous grin curled at the corners of his lips, and he shifted towards you, head lowering as he whispered, “wanna watch some?”
You stared at him for a moment, expression blank as you tried to process what had just come out of his mouth. You must’ve misheard him… you must have.
But it seems your ears hadn’t been playing tricks on you, as he shamelessly declared, “Let’s watch porn.”
“Right now?” You asked, stumbling over your words from the shock.
“Right now.” He confirmed, nodding his head resolutely as excitement glinted in his dark eyes.
“Together?” You pressed, voice jumping up an octave.
You swallowed, blinking hard as you slowly closed your textbook. “Why?”
“I’m curious,” he admitted, teeth nipping at the corner of his lip as his shoulders lifted in a subtle shrug. You found yourself suddenly curious as to what his reasoning could possibly be. It was completely out of the blue. But… you’d be lying if you said you weren’t intrigued.
A flash of something unrecognizable crossed his features, but it was gone before you could try and decipher it properly. Instead, he offered you a boyish smirk, brows wiggling suggestively, “don’t you think it’d be fun?”
“I think your definition of fun is very different from mine.”
“Oh come on~” he whined, scrambling into a sitting position as a pleading pout painted itself across his face, hands shooting out to tug at the sleeve of your sweatshirt, “your parents aren’t home, right? It’s not like we have anything better to do.”
That was the most bullshit excuse you’d ever heard. But, it seemed Baekhyun really, really, really wanted to watch porn with you. Why? You don’t really know. However, you were always a sucker for those pleading puppy dog eyes, even when they got you into trouble. Besides, what was the worst that could happen? He pops a boner? Not like you hadn’t seen that happen before.
With a heavy sigh, you relented. “Fine. We can watch your stupid porn. But nothing weird, okay?”
An excited grin split his lips, and he performed a little victory wiggle, “deal!”
In hindsight, maybe it wasn’t the best decision on your part to agree to one of Baekhyun’s outlandish requests.
The sound of soft moans and low groans filled your bedroom, the high quality sound pulsing from your speakers and surrounding you and your best friend. You were biting at the inside of your cheek nervously, eyes flickering noncommittally from the screen to your bedsheets and back again.
Through the corner of your eye, you braved a glance in Baekhyun’s direction.
His attention was fixed on the screen, his tongue peering out shyly from between his teeth, trapped tightly between. His eyelids looked heavier than usual, dark eyelashes kissing the tops of his cheeks with every careful blink. Your eyes traveled down from his face, across his locked jaw, dripping just low enough to catch the rising and falling of his Adam’s Apple as he swallowed thickly. Lower still, your gaze followed along the length of his arm until you found his hands, curled so tightly into the thick duvet that his knuckles had paled.
You couldn’t help the way your lips twirled upwards, amusement sparking to life inside of you. He must’ve felt your stare, because his flicked over to meet it.
He offered a shaky smile. “What?”
“Nothing.” You couldn’t stifle the giggle that escaped you as you shook your head, looking away.
“Y/n, what~” he whined loudly, batting a hand against your leg. You laughed loudly, catching a glimpse of the faint bulge in his sweatpants before he rushed to cover it again, face flushing a dark shade of pink. “Shut up.” He grumbled sourly.
“You can…” your words tapered off as your brows lifted suggestively, “if you want to.”
You grinned in wild amusement as his eyes widened in shock, blinking at you in disbelief. “I can— h–huh?” His stunned expression morphed into annoyance as he caught the teasing glint in your gaze. “Don’t make fun of me. You think I won’t? I will.”
You laughed again, crossing your arms over your chest challenging. “Oh, will you?”
“Yes,” He stuck his chin out stubbornly, “yes, I will.”
“Go ahead then. No ones stopping you,” you taunted, not believing he’d actually have the balls to whip it out in front of you. The man was all bark and no bite.
He huffed out a sharp breath through his nose, glaring at you determinedly.
Okay. You admit it. You hadn’t actually expected him to pull out his junk. So, it’s understandable that you were a bit caught off guard when he lifted his hips off the mattress and shoved his sweats down just far enough off his hips to allow his dick to spring free.
You were quick to divert your attention, but the damage had already been done. You’d seen it. In all of its erect glory. You swallowed, blinking rapidly, as if that would somehow clear the illicit image from your mind.
“Oh? Why are you acting shy?” You scowled at the taunting pitch in his voice, bringing your eyes back up to his. You regretted it almost immediately upon seeing the bold smirk now drawn across his face, one eyebrow cocked into a daring arch. “Aren’t you the one that said it was alright? What, are you embarrassed about seeing my dick?”
“No.” But you couldn’t help the sudden rush of heat to your face when you caught his fingers stroking slowly up his length from your peripheral. Nor the faint throb of your core as he let out a quiet, airy moan.
“You sure about that?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, swinging your gaze back towards the tv hanging in the middle of the opposite wall. It was just slightly unnerving that seeing Baekhyun teasing his dick had more of an affect on you than watching a woman getting practically bent in half and fucked into oblivion.
You tried to keep your eyes on the screen, you really did. But you couldn’t help the way that your gaze flicked in his direction every so often. You sunk your teeth into your lip, breath faltering ever so slightly as you watched him touch himself from the corner of your eye.
Something about the way he looked made your stomach twist: his brows furrowed deeply, eyes hooded, cheeks flushed a faded shade of pink, teeth biting roughly at his lip. You felt yourself clench around nothing, an unfamiliar desire beginning to burn in your gut.
“Can I touch you?” The question was out before you could process that your lips were even moving. He looked over at you, but you refused to meet his gaze, already feeling an embarrassed warmth engulf your face.
Your eyebrows shot up. Sure? He’d just said sure, hadn’t he? You didn’t mishear him, right? You definitely hadn’t. Not with the way he was looking at you, with those hungry eyes, burning with want. Your stomach twisted under the heat of it. Geez… if he kept looking at you like that…
Deciding not to question it, you reached forward. He drew his hand away from his dick, and yours replaced it. He let out a long, breathless moan the moment he felt your skin against his, eyes fluttering as his head tilted back. He was hot against your palm, and you could feel him pulsing ever so slightly.
“Fuck… do something… please,” his strained voice broke you free of your momentary trance. Your tongue swung over your lower lip, and you allowed your hand to slowly start pumping his length. He groaned softly, and you almost jumped as he suddenly gripped at your thigh, fingers pressing into your legging clad leg.
“Does it feel good?” You asked, voice quiet and laced with curiosity, wavering ever so slightly. He nodded, breathing in short, heavy huffs. You noticed his shirt had ridden up slightly, displaying his tensed, toned stomach.
You wanted to touch him more. Touch him everywhere, feel every ridge, explore every curve, memorize every last fucking inch of him. But you tamed that internal wildfire and satisfied the sudden hunger by picking up the pace of your strokes. He jolted, a pitchy moan breaking from his lips as his hips thrusted upwards.
“Oh god,” he panted, and you felt the hand on your thigh drift higher. His head rolled, and suddenly he was looking at you again with those eyes, taunting you with those lips, daring you without even trying. And then he was speaking, voice hoarse and airy and dangerously hot, “Can I touch you? I really want to touch you. Please let me touch you.”
How could you possibly say no?
“Okay,” you breathed. He didn’t waste a second before his hand was slipping inside of the tight confines of your leggings, curious fingers caressing over the thin fabric of your underwear. You shuddered, gasping softly.
“Fuck. You’re wet.”
And who’s fault was that?
You let out a trembling moan as he teased your clit with unsatisfactory taps, sending literal shocks of ethereal pleasure shooting through you. It was almost the exact equivalent of touching a doorknob and getting static shock. And it quickly resulted in your frustration. You wanted more. Hell, you wanted him balls deep— but that would have to wait.
“Stop teasing me, Baek,” you gave a warning squeeze. He moaned, and then giggled, looking over at you with those same mischievous, playful eyes that you grew to both dread and adore.
“How do you want me to touch you?” He asked, voice soft and teasing as he feathered his fingertips over your heat. “Where do you want my fingers? Tell me. I wanna hear you say it.”
This little shit—
“Jesus just fucking touch me, Baekhyun.” You snapped, though the words escaped you slightly less stable than you had hoped.
“I didn’t hear a please~” he sang, trailing his fingers lightly over your core. Chills rolled down your spine, your hips instinctively twitching upwards. His teeth latched onto his bottom lip, hooded eyes swirling with desire as he watched you react to his teasing. “Come on, y/n… you know I wanna make you feel good. Just tell me how you want it and I’ll give it to you.”
Your grip on him tightened, and he moaned throatily, taking you off guard as he pressed his thumb down on your clit, circling it for a moment before returning to idle caresses. But you needed more. That little taste of pleasure was enough to have you burning from the inside out.
“Fuck… fuck, please, Baek,” you uttered breathlessly, pace of your strokes picking up to such a speed that he was gasping and groaning beside you, goosebumps rising across his arms as your voice lowered, “please touch me.”
“Shit.” He let out a strained chuckle, not wasting a second before he was pushing his fingers inside of your underwear and sliding them through your wet lips. You moaned as he explored near your entrance with careful touches, gentle yet curious.
But, you didn’t need him to be gentle. What you needed was some real friction— what you needed was for him to be inside, fucking you with those beautiful fingers like he meant it.
“Baek,” his name escaped your lips in a soft plea, “please.”
That seemed to be all the persuasion he needed to be pressing his slim middle finger inside of you. A hum of satisfaction vibrated in your throat, your eyes fluttering shut as you savored the feeling of his long digit pumping into you, slowly, deeply.
“Y/n,” a whine broke you out of your short lived trance and you looked over at Baekhyun through hooded eyes, but it wasn’t until you felt his hips thrusting up against the underside of you closed fist that you realized your motions had ceased, “keep going. Please.”
God, he sounded so breathless, voice singed with desperation. Were you doing that? Were you making him like that?
The idea of it gave you a sudden power rush, a smirk curling onto your face. You twisted your wrist, circling your thumb around his swollen tip that was leaking precum. “You’re pretty cute when you beg, Baek.” You mused, squeezing the base of his dick gently, reveling in the way he moaned for you, voice breaking with a pitchy whine as he breathed out your name.
“Don’t tease me,” his resolve was weak, shaking with a low whimper.
“I’m serious,” you chuckled, though you gasped in surprise as he suddenly stretched you out with a second finger, thrusting in even deeper than before, “god, Baek, your fingers—” you cut yourself off with a sharp moan when his thumb sudden pressed against your sensitive clit, sending an unexpected shock of pleasure shooting through your core.
Suddenly, the mattress dipped, and all at once he was on top of you. Your eyes widened at the sight of his face hovering directly above yours. “Can I kiss you? I think I’m gonna come soon, but I have a little bit of an oral fixation so it feels better when I have something to do with my mouth.” He explained quickly, a hint of embarrassment glimmering in his fluttering eyes. His breath that smelled of strawberry flavored gum causing a heat to rise in your cheeks, deluding your senses.
Beyond your control, you found yourself staring, utterly transfixed, by his perfectly pouted, slightly swollen, cotton candy pink lips and craving the feeling of them pressing against yours. So, without thoroughly considering the consequences, you found yourself saying, “okay.”
His kiss was rougher than you expected it to be, desperate and hungry, teeth biting, tongue lashing. You couldn’t say you minded it though. Not to mention the way he was grinding himself down on your thigh as you resorted to working mainly the upper part of his dick. The added pressure of his knee between your legs also forced his fingers to press deeper inside of you, easily finding that perfect little spot that made your head spin.
“Fuck,” you growled against his lips, sinking your teeth into his lower one and tugging. He groaned roughly, the kiss quickly growing feverish as his hips stuttered. Then all at once he pulled away, and you were left hopelessly craving the warmth of his ravenous lips.
“Can you…” his voice tapered off as his hand reached for your free one, wrapping around your wrist and gently guiding it upward, until your fingers were caressing the smooth expanse of his throat. Your eyebrows shot up at what he was suggesting, a light chuckle of disbelief escaping you.
“You’re into that?” You asked airily, but he was too lost in his desperation to come to react to the teasing pitch lingering in your words, only nodding in confirmation as his bated breath rushed over your damp, swollen lips in short huffs. “Kinky.”
Without hesitation, you were wrapping your fingers around his throat, tightening them just enough to create some strain. And that seemed to be all it took to have his orgasm crashing down over him.
“Oh fuck.” He let out a strangled moan, eyes rolling in ecstasy as his lips gaped and trembled, his hips snapping up roughly into your palm. You felt the warm, stickiness of his release trickling over the back of your hand and over your fingers, a few stray drops falling onto your exposed stomach.
His fingers stilled inside of you, but you were patient enough to not complain and simply wait it out as his high overwhelmed his mind and body. With one final weak thrust and a choked mewl, he collapsed on top of you, head falling into nap of your neck, heavy pants wracking his chest.
“You’re also pretty cute when you come, too,” you snickered, lips feathering against his ear.
It seemed that the sound of your voice served as a reminder that he had unfinished business to attend to, because all at once he was drilling his digits into you at a pace that had moans pulsing from your lips.
“You were so good to me, y/n.” He all but purred against your skin, lips pressing kisses from your neck to your shoulder. You shuddered in delight as he ground his digits into you, drawing out low, gravelly moans from the depth of your throat. 
“Baek,” you whimpered, the need for release suddenly swelling inside of you. 
“Now,” he continued, smirking as you keened when he suddenly crooked his finger, successfully massaging that perfectly little spot inside of you while his thumb once again took to teasing your clit, “let me be good to you.”
So… maybe-- just maybe, watching porn with your best friend wasn’t the worst idea of your life. 
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blackberry-gingham · 3 years
Idk how you may feel about this au! But time travelingreader! is my fab. Could you do one in the teddy boy era. (I just imagine the resder predict or say some anachronism and the guys being ?. Socially speaking its so interesting. ) thnks :)
Lol, this IS an interesting trope! Also, a very difficult one to write, from my understanding haha. All in good fun I suppose, but still I want to try and make something worthwhile, so I hope this turns out alright for you all!
Sorry for the hiatus, but I think I'm coming back finally :D I hope you enjoy this snippet
A cool, fresh breeze washes over you, tickling your face. You sniff and rustle peacefully, as you sleep. Another one comes, this time stiff and cold.
You roll over, swatting at nothing as a small patch of grass blades stab your nose. Wait, grass?
Your eyes shoot open, and you sit up to attention, taking in your surroundings. It looks like you're in some type of park, but the foliage is far greener and push then anywhere you know of. As you look around, a thought comes to you.
You've only a foggy idea where you were before and no idea how you got here. In fact, where even is here?
Panic over takes you, and you whip out your phone for answers, only.... Huh, no signal. That can't be, you're in the middle of a town!
You shake your head out and decide to go talk to some people instead.
And that's when things really go down hill.
The street is filled with cars that look like they belong in a museum or auto show. Not only that, but they're all driving on the opposite side of the street, a-and those save streets are lined with little telephone booths, and-
This must be a dream, you tell yourself as you run up to a newspaper stand, yet another thing you've never seen before. In your frantic haste, you grab one and search for the date, only now realizing you've never actually read a newspaper before. You're hardly able to read "The Daily Mail" and June 13, 196-something, before...
"Oi, this ain't a lib'ry love! Pay up, or keep walking!"
You're so taken aback my the man's accent and mild threat, that all you can do is stutter and back away. Paper in hand, that is.
The man gets up off his stool menacingly, "Are you deaf? Do you want me to get the coppers on ye'? I'll-!"
"Oi, fuck off!", another male voice comes from behind and you go stiff as a rod as you back into a strong, leather clad chest. " 'ere's a quid for the paper ya bastard, keep the change"
You whip around to see a boy about your age. He's tall, with a long, sharp nose and bright, auburn hair as he looks down leads you away from the paper stand by the arm.
All you can do is let it happen. You're so bewildered by each new development that you can hardly keep up. Last you knew, you were in America 2021, now you're lost in England, around 60 years in the past.
"You must really love that old rag to be trying to pinch it, eh?", the boy gives a mirthless chuckle and turns around briefly to catch a glimpse of you. And for a split second, it hits you.
You know that profile anywhere.
"John?", you stop dead in your tracks, disbelief written all over your face. John whips around, aa your voice changes from shock, to imesuarble relief, "John Lennon?"
"Yeah.... How do yo-?"
You cut him off, doing everything within your power to keep from shedding tears as you bump into him with a hug, "You're alive!"
John freezes up and makes a face that, to anyone who knew him, would say that he was about to shove you off to start. And he would've too, except... "Alive? The fuck are you on about, 'course I am!", John chooses mercy and merely shakes himself free as you reel.
Now that some space is between you, he catches a good look at your shirt. "The Beatles", it says, in bold white lettering with a picture of Abbey Road on it.
"Ey!", John points, and then squints to make sure his eyes aren't playing tricks. When he's sure they aren't, he looks at you suspiciously, "What all this? That's my band's name!"
Uh oh.
It suddenly occurs to you that perhaps interacting with your idol's past self was not a good idea. "W-well yeah, I know! O-or wait, actually-!"
But John clearly isn't listening, instead it would appear he's thinking up a new name. Perhaps The Quarry Men isn't so bad?
Suddenly, the text on your shirt starts to flicker, and "The Beatles" starts to morph into something else... It only takes you a second to realize what's happening, and you snap into action.
"No no no!", You wave your hands in front him, "Don't do that! Look, it is your band! See, this is you, and Paul, and George, and-"
John squints again and leans in very close. In any other circumstance, you'd be quite excited indeed. It's hard to see anything on the beat up tee however, but... He'd recognize Paul's profile and Ringo's big old hooter anywhere.
He gaze shoots back up to you, and now it's his turn to be wordless and in disbelief, "How?", is about all he can manage.
Well... The truth can't hurt, right? "I-I don't know, alright? And you wouldn't believe me anyway..."
Suddenly, John seems extremely interested, "Well hey now, don't be like that! Are you um, are you a fortune teller?", he creeps a little closer, lowering his voice, "D-do you know if me and the lads make it in the end?"
You freeze a moment, "Make it...?"
"Well yeah, you know... Do we hit it big? We must if shite like that's going around!", he points excitedly to your shirt
You release the breath you'd been holding. Thankfully, it seems he's forgotten the little matter of you thinking he'd been dead. Well, only because... He is. And George....
Hopefully you won't have to touch that topic. Besides, right now you need to figure out how to get back to your time. Although...
Surely it wouldn't hurt to spend a little time with your idol
"Do you? Do you ever!", You light up, unable to mask your excitement, "You guys become the biggest band in the world!"
John's eyes go wide as saucers, and whether it's because he feels you have some credit, or because simply wants to believe, he seems to take you at your word. Suddenly, he grabs onto your wrist, "Come on then! We need to tell the lads!"
And with that, the two of you race on.
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olliedollie1204 · 4 years
TSUS Day 7- Analoceit
Logan calls his roommates to a meeting.
Word Count: 2,454 words
Written for the Sanders Sides Unpopular Ships Challenge by @emy-loves-you
(AO3 Link)
Virgil shifted from one leg to another as he checked his phone for the third time in as many minutes. Janus was supposed to meet him here, but even in the five— six? Yeah, almost six— six years that they’d been roommates, he’d never gotten better at being places on time. Most of the time it was an intentional power move to assert dominance, but Virgil had told him once that he didn’t like it. Janus had never been intentionally late to meet him again.
On cue, the door swung open and Janus strode through, almost colliding with Virgil in the process. He stumbled clumsily, and on instinct Virgil caught him in his steadying grasp.
The two locked eyes, and after a moment Janus smirked.
“Hello, stranger.”
Virgil clicked his tongue in faux annoyance, but he couldn’t hide the earnestness behind his smile as the two of them righted themselves.
“Hey,” he replied. “Any idea what this is all about?”
“I assume he wants to practice his presentation again,” Janus commented idly, the two of them heading towards the private study room Logan had texted them to meet at.
“At the library, though? We never come here anymore.” That was true— while this library had been a hotspot for the three friends when they were undergrads, none of them had been in quite some time. Even Logan, who’d worked there from the time he was a teenager, hadn’t visited in years— it was much more convenient to do his research, studying, and grad work in the shared home office in the house they lived in together.
“Maybe he wants to use some of the projection equipment to rehearse or something,” Janus answered Virgil’s question. Virgil shook his head.
“I don’t even know why he gets so worried.”
Janus scoffed. “Glass houses.”
“I mean about presentations, Jan,” Virgil retorted. “Or like, school in general. He’s always incredible at...”
His voice trailed off; he’d been planning on ending that sentence with ‘school work’ or ‘graduate school’ or even ‘public speaking about niche ecological topics’, but he found he couldn’t find one in time. The words hung in the air.
A beat, and then Janus sighed with a smile in his voice. “Don’t I know it.”
The two looked at each other. The tips of their tongues were weighed down with words unsaid, and all too soon they reached the small study room Logan requested.
Janus was the first to break eye contact, rapping twice on the door before pushing it open.
“Knock knock!” he announced as he and Virgil entered. Just as expected, there was Logan at the back of the room, fiddling with the wall projector and a set of note cards. He looked up as the two entered, his face a bizarre combination of flushed and pale.
“Hello,” he said quickly before Virgil could ask if he was okay. “Please, take a seat.”
He gestured to the only two rolling chairs in the room. Virgil and Janus paused, side eyeing each other bemusedly, before taking a seat on the other side of the table.
“I do hope this was worth the bus fare,” Janus said lightly. His comment seemed to hit Logan, who flinched minutely before smoothing his face into a neutral expression.
“I wanted to speak with the two of you about something,” Logan continued, voice uncharacteristically tight, “and I thought it best to bring it up in a neutral, public environment should either of you want to leave.”
That… was not what either man expected. Janus kept his eyes trained on Logan’s face; next to him, Virgil subconsciously began bouncing his leg.
“Um,” he said. “Okay?”
Logan nodded. “Right.” He nodded again. “Well.”
Then he blinked, and leaning forward slightly, he murmured, “I need one of you to ask me why I invited you here.”
The tension broke a little, and Virgil huffed a quiet laugh that made Logan’s stance soften.
“Why did you invite us here, Logan?” Janus asked obligingly. Logan shook his head a bit and took a deep breath before looking down at his notecards.
“I invited you both here because this library has a lot of significance to me,” he read, eyes glued to the paper. “This is where I spent the majority of my undergraduate years, studying and working and passing the time with no real connections to the world around me. And… and this is where I first met the two of you.”
He looked up briefly, steeling himself, before turning his body toward Janus as he continued to read. “Janus, you were in the computer lab, swearing at a printer for taking too long to print your midterm.”
The man in question smirked at the memory. “I had a class in 15 minutes. Those things smell fear, you know.”
Logan turned his body toward Virgil, although his eyes remained trained on his note card. “And Virgil, you knocked over a book display I’d put up and pretended to only know French when I came up to help you.”
“I panicked!” Virgil squeaked in defense.
“And both of you came back the next week to work on a class project together,” Logan said with a significant air in his voice. His eyes flicked up again; unbeknownst to each other, both Virgil and Janus gave him matching encouraging smiles.
Logan felt the tension drain slightly from his body, and he couldn’t help but smile back as he continued, “For no reason at all, you two wandered back into this library— and back into my life— time and time again. We were strangers, then acquaintances, classmates, roommates. Friends.”
He paused, then, quieter: “Best friends.”
The silence only lasted a moment, but it was thick, heavy with meaning and intention. Neither Janus nor Virgil could even find it in themselves to make a snarky remark. By now Virgil’s leg had stopped bouncing, and he was watching Logan with an unconscious intensity. Conversely, it was now Janus’ turn to fidget in his seat, the growing sincerity in Logan’s voice making him clench the hem of his jacket between his fingers.
“I…” Logan started, looking between the two of them. He blinked and dropped his eyes back on his notecards.
“I… I am so grateful,” he said, “and so lucky to call you two my friends. You are the best friends, and the best people, I have ever known. And with this in mind, I was—”
He flipped to a new card, but his hands were shaking: he fumbled, and despite his best efforts the entire stack of notecards all went cascading from his hands to the floor.
“Oh, shit!” Virgil said reflexively, leaning forward in his chair in a feeble attempt to catch them. Janus was already on his feet.
“Allow me,” he said loudly, dropping to his knees to crawl under the table.
Logan’s eyes bulged. “No! No, Janus, wait—”
He, too, dropped to the floor, scrambling to pick up the cards closest to him. Janus knelt across from him, attempting to collect the cards on his side in a much calmer manner.
Above the table, Virgil swore again as he shimmied awkwardly from his seat to join them on the carpeted floor. “Jesus Christ, Lo, how many cards did you— ow! Fuck!”
“Are you okay?” Janus asked, twisting around in the small space to look at him.
“Yeah, fine, fuck, I just hit my head on the table—”
Logan’s face was an amusing mix of highly concerned and completely mortified. “Oh my God, Virgil, I’m sorry, let me help you—”
He shifted forward, but Virgil reared back on instinct, hitting the back of his head against the rolling chair. “Shit!
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”
“Wait, wait, who’s on my jacket?” Janus said, yanking fruitlessly at the billowy fabric that was much better suited for walking in the brisk winter weather than crowding under a tiny table.
“I— I don’t know, I don’t know,” Logan babbled.
“Well, someone’s on my jacket, so get off!”
“Um. Lo?”
Logan looked over Janus’ head, and his stomach flipped as he realized that Virgil had successfully picked up one of the stray cards from the floor, and was reading it.
“Virgil, please,” he pleaded. “Please, just let me explain—”
“Seriously, whoever it is, move your hand off of my jacket, because I can’t move—”
Virgil lifted his hand, and Janus suddenly flopped forward at the lack of resistance, face planting directly into Logan’s chest.
“Janus!” Logan yelped. “Are you okay?”
The man in question spluttered, shoving himself away from Logan’s chest (and trying his hardest not to flush when he realized he’d placed his hands directly on Logan’s pecs to do so).
“That’s it!” he announced sharply. “Time out!”
Everyone stopped moving. Virgil on one side. Logan on the other. Janus stuck between them.
He exhaled, hard. “Okay. Take a deep breath.”
The other two followed his instructions on instinct. None of them counted aloud, but all three of them seemed to follow the same loose pattern of 4 seconds in, 7 seconds holding, and 8 seconds release.
“Okay,” Janus said when they were finished. “Let’s— let’s lie on the floor.”
If the energy weren’t so fucking weird at this moment, Janus would’ve laughed the baffled looks on the others’ faces. Instead he allowed himself to flop to the ground and clumsily roll onto his back. He folded his hands across his stomach and looked up at the others.
“Are you coming?”
Virgil and Logan shared a look. After a few seconds, they joined him. Virgil kicked one of the rolling chairs away to make room for his legs, while Logan tried to push as many of the cards to the side as possible.
Finally they were in place: just three grown men, chilling on the floor of a library study room, staring up at the dirty bottom of the table above them.
“...Reminds me of junior finals week,” Virgil commented idly. Janus snorted, and even Logan managed to give a shaky laugh.
“You spilled coffee on my lab results,” he remembered. “I cried.”
Virgil looked sheepish. “So did I.”
“I didn’t,” Janus reminded them. Logan laughed again, a little louder.
“No. You just emailed my professor on my behalf, told them I had mono, and asked for a week long extension.”
“Well, it worked, didn’t it?”
Virgil giggled loudly, not even bothering to hide the sound. “I forgot about that.”
“I didn’t,” Logan said softly. His words brought the other two into relative silence as well.
Then Virgil passed the note card to Logan. He took it, squinting to read its now slightly smudged writing, before his face went pale again.
“You read it,” he said. It wasn’t a question, but Virgil nodded.
After a few moments, Janus added, “Well, I didn’t, so…” His voice was jokingly impatient, but both Virgil and Logan could recognize the genuine curiosity in his eyes.
Eventually Logan sighed and passed the card to him. Janus held it close to his face to read it in the table’s dim shadow.
“Resources for telling friends and family about… about…”
He squinted for a moment more. “I’m so sorry, does that say ‘parallelogram replenishment’?”
Logan scoffed and reached over to whap his chest. “It says ‘polyamorous relationship’, you bastard, and I know you could read that.”
“Oh, could I now?” Janus replied lightly. He crumpled the note card and tossed it somewhere toward their feet. “Darn these old eyes of mine.”
Virgil snickered softly, then again. Logan sighed and bit his lip. Janus coughed.
And then the three of them burst into laughter— deep, loud, laughter, the kind that they couldn’t stop even if they’d wanted to. Logan rolled on his side as much as he could to face away from the others, Janus covered his face with both of his hands, and Virgil yanked the collar of his shirt over his mouth as if that could silence it.
It was honestly a blessing no one looked into the room; between the notecards all over the floor, the legs sticking out from underneath the table, and the near-screams of laughter seemingly coming from nowhere, it would probably be a surprising scene. Not that they’d care in the slightest.
After some indeterminate amount of time, the laughter tapered off. They weren’t sure exactly when or how it happened, but by the time they were silent again, Logan and Virgil were both lying on their sides facing inward. Janus had both arms out, and the two of them were using his upper arms as pillows.
“Logan,” Janus said softly. Logan looked up at his somber expression.
Slowly, Janus let his eyes roam from Logan’s eyes to mouth and eyes again. Then he smirked.
“How many note cards were in your stack?”
Logan blinked. His face flushed immediately, especially when he saw Virgil lift his head to smirk at him as well.
“I— I don’t know the exact number.”
“Oh, well, that already means it’s in the high double digits,” Janus confirmed.
“And the projector, Lo?” Virgil asked with far too much glee in his voice. “Please tell me you had a powerpoint prepared.”
“With APA citations, I should hope.”
“Oh, yeah, of course, you gotta cite your sources, L.”
“And please, please tell me that you prepared a study guide for the readings you assigned us about healthy modern polyamory. Wouldn’t want to fail the quiz you’re inevitably giving us when we get home—”
“Enough,” Logan insisted, or maybe begged; it was hard to tell since he’d moved closer to hide his face in Janus’ shoulder. “Please do not mock me now. My heart can’t take anymore stress.”
Janus quirked his head. “What about this was stressful?”
Virgil giggled again, shoving his face into his hand to keep his laughter from building. When he pulled his hand away, there was a moment of hesitation in his eyes before he reached across Janus’ chest to take Logan’s hand.
Logan looked at Virgil’s fingers intertwined with his like he didn’t quite know what to do with them. Then, looking between Virgil’s eyes to Janus’, he slowly lowered their combined grip until their hands were laying in the middle of Janus’ chest.
Virgil and Janus both flushed, eyes darting towards each other and away again. Logan squeezed Virgil’s fingers, Virgil nuzzled into Janus’ neck, and Janus released a slow, shaky breath that seemed to remove some weight off of his shoulders.
“How long until they kick us out?” he joked weakly.
“I don’t care,” Logan and Virgil said in unison. They blinked, and the three devolved into quiet snickers once more, holding each other close.
For the rest of the afternoon, and the evening, and their lives, they did not let go.
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gretavanfanfic · 4 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x (F) Reader
Word Count: 2000ish
Warnings: None, pure fluff!
Summary: You overhear Josh talking to his mom about you. 
Note: Based on this request I got from @noir-couture11​:  I was wondering if you could write a cute josh fic? Something along the lines of he thinks you’re asleep, but you over hear him on the phone talking to his mom about how he’s really falling in love with you.
Your relationship with Josh has been moving fast. Faster than any other relationship you’d had in the past. Usually, you exercise an extreme amount of caution when dating, never one to dive into something headfirst. You’re more of a dip your toe in the pool, then sit on the edge with your legs submerged, then slowly wade your way in up to your shoulders kind of girl. Never in the past had you even allowed your hair to get wet.
With Josh, everything is different. The day you met him, you dived right into the deep end and you still have yet to come up for air. You’ve been freely swimming in the pool of Josh for a little under three months now, and you’ve never been happier. 
You know without question that you’re in love with him. Josh is undoubtedly the brightest ray of sunshine you’ve ever met. He constantly radiates warmth and light, always bringing a smile to your face and making your belly swirl with emotions you’ve never felt before. You were smitten with him from day one, and your feelings have only grown every day since then.
Though you haven’t told Josh how strongly you feel about him yet, not wanting to move at a pace faster than he’s comfortable with, you can’t help but suspect that he feels just as strongly about you, if his actions are anything to go by.
For one, he spends every possible second he can with you. Being on a break from touring means that Josh has practically moved into your apartment over the past several weeks. Some of his clothes occupy a drawer in your dresser, he has a toothbrush in your bathroom, and he spends most nights sleeping next to you in your bed. He really only ever goes to his own place to check in and grab more stuff to bring to yours. And during the short periods of time that you’re apart, he’s texting you to tell you that he misses you, that he can’t wait until you’re back in each other’s presence.
Then there’s all the little things he does to show you how much you mean to him. Like when he has dinner on the table when you come home from work, and when he picks you up little gifts from the store that remind him of you, and the thoughtful dates that he plans that you always have a blast on. The way he cares for you is exactly the way you crave to be cared for, and you have no idea how you were lucky enough to find him.
Speaking of things Josh does for you to show you that he cares about you, one of your absolute favorites is when he plays with your hair when you’re laying together in your bed. You had briefly mentioned at one point that you find it soothing to have your hair played with, and so now he does it all the time. It feels so good that it usually lulls you to sleep, and on this Friday night after a long day of work, you’re unable to fight the slumber that threatens to overtake you as his fingers comb through your locks and gently scratch your scalp in the most comforting way. That in combination with the heat of his bare skin has you snoozing peacefully on his chest in no time.
You’re not sure how long you’re asleep for, but you’re awakened by Josh wiggling his way out from under you, doing his best to not jostle you too much and disturb you. Unfortunately for him, you’re a light sleeper and even the smallest noises and movements wake you up. In an effort to not make him feel bad for rousing you though, you keep your eyes closed and curl into your sheets, feigning sleep. You faintly hear his phone buzzing on your nightstand before he finally scoots off the mattress and grabs it.
As he exits your bedroom and enters the living room, leaving your door slightly ajar, you hear him mutter a quiet, “Hey, mom,” into the phone. He begins having a conversation with his mother and you try to tune out his talking, not wanting to eavesdrop. But despite the fact that he’s practically whispering and in the next room, you can still hear everything he’s saying clearly. Your ears especially perk up when you catch him saying your name.
“Yeah, sorry. Y/N’s asleep and I don’t want to wake her up,” he says, and you conclude that Karen must have questioned why he’s speaking in a hushed voice.
He further explains to her why you’re asleep at -you check the clock- 8:30 on a Friday night. “She worked all day, so we just grabbed some dinner and hung out at home.” There’s a pause and then he clarifies, “No, no we’re at her place. I’m just here so often that it feels more like home than my apartment.” He chuckles a bit, but quickly cuts himself off, still trying to be conscious of not making too much noise.
Your heart swells in your chest hearing Josh refer to your home as his home. You would let him move in with you in a heartbeat if he told you that he wanted to live with you. There have been countless times in the past that you’ve wanted to tell him to just pack up all of his stuff and bring it to your place, but you had bitten your tongue each time, afraid he would think you were crazy. You figured it would probably be best to tell him that you love him before inviting him to move in.
In the living room, Josh is silent for a few moments, presumably listening to Karen. When he speaks again, you feel like you could die of happiness at his words. Euphoria fills you, and you can’t stop a smile from making its way to your lips.
“She’s amazing, mom. I know its only been, like, three months, but- God, I’m pretty sure I’m in love with her. I can’t wait for you to meet her,” he confesses to Karen, sincerity evident in his tone.
Obviously you can’t hear Karen’s response, but you assume it’s good because Josh shyly thanks her and lets out a small giggle. They chat some more and you briefly hear them discussing plans for the two of you (!!!) to visit his parents in Frankenmuth, but you’re no longer paying attention. 
All you can do is lay in bed and grin wildly at the ceiling, heart too full and brain too wired to even consider falling back asleep. Even though you really already knew that he loved you, words cannot describe how amazing it is to hear him say it out loud. The sense of validation you feel knowing for a fact that your complete and utter adoration of him is returned has you on cloud nine.
Josh and Karen converse for ten more minutes about his brothers, what’s going on in Frankenmuth, and various other topics, and by the time he’s telling her goodnight and that he loves her, he’s speaking at a normal volume. Bless his heart, the boy can’t help that he’s a naturally loud and animated talker. Some people may be annoyed by it, but you find it incredibly endearing.
When Josh finally ends the call and returns to your bedroom, you’ve given up your ruse of being asleep and are sitting up in bed, looking at your phone. Upon noticing that you’re awake, Josh swears, “Shit, I’m sorry. I was trying to be quiet so I wouldn’t wake you up.”
You smile at him as he crawls back into bed and reply, “That’s okay, it’s a little early to go to bed anyway.” You reach over to set your phone back on the nightstand and flick on the lamp. A soft glow illuminates the room and you watch him settle back against your headboard and get comfortable, pulling up the sheets so they’re covering his legs. 
Wanting to touch him, you cuddle up to his side and he instantly wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer. His hand finds its way back to your hair and you sigh contently before you comment, “You know, sometimes I hate being a light sleeper, but other times it’s not so bad…”
Josh looks down at you questioningly. “Oh yeah?” he implores. “Why is that?”
Debating how to word your response, you drag out, “Welllll…I guess it’s annoying because I can’t sleep anywhere even remotely noisy. Like forget me ever sleeping on a plane. But other times, I suppose it’s nice because I get to hear things that I would have missed if I was asleep.” 
You realize your answer is cryptic, so you’re not surprised when Josh scrunches up his face, looking mildly suspicious. This only lasts for a few seconds, however, because his expression quickly changes to one of recognition. His eyes shut for a moment and he tilts his head back, taking in a breath before looking back to you and asking, “So how much of that did you hear?” 
He doesn’t look angry that you were eavesdropping, quite the opposite of that actually. His eyes are alight and you can see the faintest hint of a smile on his lips. His fingers are still mindlessly running through your tresses, but his other hand is nervously fiddling with the sheet on his lap.
You try to hide the giddiness in your voice, but your attempts are useless. “I may or may not have heard you tell your mom that you think you’re in love with me.” You smile at him bashfully, biting your lip to convey that you feel a little guilty for forcing the words out of him.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment, and you strive to communicate with your eyes how happy the revelation makes you, and how much you love him too.
Catching you off guard, Josh leans down and captures your lips with his, the hand in his lap reaching up to tenderly touch the side of your neck while the one in your hair moves to the back of your head to keep you in place. Your hands both slide up to his cheeks, and you rub your thumbs lazily across the soft skin there as you kiss him with everything you have. He sucks on your bottom lip and then his tongue plays with yours, and it makes your skin tingle and your toes curl in delight.
When your lips eventually part ways, Josh keeps his forehead against yours and shoots you the dazzling smile that you adore so much. Your face is starting to hurt from grinning for so long, but that doesn’t stop you from beaming back at him.
In a low but confident voice he simply says, “Yeah, I do.” Then, with a teasing glint in his eye, he jests, “And what are you gonna do about it?”
A loud giggle escapes your mouth, and, unable to resist the sight of his lips so close to yours, you give him another kiss, intending it to be brief. It lasts longer than you were expecting it to, however, neither of you wanting to put an end to the blatant display of the love you share for one another. 
Finally pulling away, you decide to play along with his joke and retort, “Well Joshua, I think I may just have to love you back.”
To punctuate your point, you swing your leg over his so you’re straddling his lap and wind your arms around his neck. Your eyes lock with Josh’s, and in that moment, everything is perfect. There is nothing else that you could want for when you’re this close to the man that you love. 
You hear him mumble a barely audible, “Good,” and then you’re kissing him for a third time and getting lost in his gentle touches and strokes. Diving into a relationship headfirst can be dangerous, you know, but with Josh, the risk was definitely more than worth it. You’re submerged, and the feeling is better than any other you’ve experienced. 
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