#I apologise again for the delays
zeephryy · 1 year
You can believe us Second, or you can’t. But either way, be on your guard; this place seems REALLY sketchy… (Also, how the heck did Alan get in the computer?) - Silver
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SWH | prologue | prev | next
Asks are TEMPORARILY closed so i can answer the ones clogging up currently! I will update you guys when its opened :)
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darcymariaphoster · 1 year
Choose Your Own Adventure: Part Two
“I’m fine,” Lukas replies nonchalantly. “I’m always extra serious. What makes today any different?” 
Mathias hesitates and then clarifies, "You know where we are, right?"
Lukas blinks slowly at him. "Of course I do. Some of us frequent these trails." He sort of hopes he's convincing. He has been on these trails quite a few times. But the problem lies in the fact that the trail he's picked is one he actually hasn't hiked before. He'd looked it up, talked to other people in the area, and knew that it was a really pretty hike. He'd wanted to impress Mathias. He’s not entirely sure if it’s working or not; his friend being loud and cheerful actually makes it hard for Lukas to read him. 
“I’m just checking,” Mathias replies and if he’s nervous, Lukas can’t hear it in his voice. They pack their things again and continue on. “So, the book that I’m reading. I’m pretty sure the main character’s girlfriend is a vampire.”
“That wasn’t an obvious part of the plot? What kind of book did you choose?” Lukas snorts, rolling his eyes.
Mathias scoffs. “Some young adult novel. The back didn’t reveal much, one of those ‘but she has a dark secret that could destroy them both’, sort of lines. I had a hunch, but I wasn’t sure so I just had to look into it. Anyway, it still hasn’t been explicitly stated, and I’m something like halfway through the book.”
“I would have given up by now,” Lukas admits, amused. "How is it still not revealed but also so heavily hinted at?" And Mathias is off, describing his book in detail. He's animated when he talks, hands always moving, and his expressions sometimes say more than he does. He's interesting. Lukas nods along, doing his best to pay attention and comment where necessary. The book sounds horrendous, and he can’t help but snicker at the idea of Mathias being curled up on the couch, absolutely absorbed in it. 
“What are you reading?” Mathias asks when he’s finished talking. “Give me a sneak peek?” And who can resist a puppy dog pout like that? 
They chat mindlessly for some time, and then Mathias looks up at the sky. “Something wrong?”
“Well, it’s…getting late,” Mathias mutters, looking around. 
Oh, there is no way that Lukas is going to tell Mathias that he’s gotten them lost. He doubts that would earn him any brownie points. “You said you wanted to make a weekend out of it, right?” he chooses to ask instead.
Mathias’s eyes go wide as he turns back to Lukas. “I mean, I suppose I did… I just… Didn’t realise you were going to take me up on that. I didn’t bring the gear for it.” 
Lukas raises an eyebrow. “Not even emergency gear? Are you sure you’re a seasoned hiker?” He feels like he’s on the brink of discovering something about Mathias, if he could just egg him on enough. Maybe not the smartest ways of getting to know someone, but their friendship hadn’t been built on conventionality. 
“Of course I have emergency gear,” Mathias scoffs, the tips of his ears turning red. They’d been tinged pink from the sun, but now Lukas can tell that he’s blushing. 
"Then I don't see the problem," Lukas replies with a shrug. "We can find somewhere to hunker down. Eat some, rest, start again in the morning." Mathias rolls his eyes, glancing through the trees to his right. It's the first time they could properly see the horizon, and with the view came the realization that they'd made it a decent way up the mountainside. "Come on," Lukas prompts, heading towards the view. 
But Mathias doesn't follow and he pauses to look back at him curiously. "I dunno… We should probably just pitch camp right here." 
Lukas shakes his head. "It'll be fine. You have to come see the sunset over here first. It's not like we have tents to put up or anything." Still, Mathias hesitates, so Lukas teases, "What, are you scared?"
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taegularities · 11 months
Hi Rid! I finally had the time to finish cmi10 yesterday! Feels nice to be on track, cause the last time I was doing a marathon to reach to the latest chapter…part 10 however is so sweet and raw in emotions that my heart kept doing somersaults all throughout as I read through. Especially the part where he drops THE question! Another thing I think I’ve grown fond of is the mid-sex convos shared between him and oc, like he’s being cocky and teasing her but then also showering her with so much love (words and schlong both lol).
I don’t have anything to ask for the amc (maybe I should brainstorm and come again another time), although I did think of something to ask you. What is your preferred trope when it comes to reading or writing? For me f2l is the winning trope and s(2f)2l is a close second. But I think one of the tropes that’s least of my liking is probably e2l. I think I’m not exactly someone who loves the protagonists being hostile and then developing a relationship afterward and some of the works I’ve read in the category mostly have the characters being inherently toxic to each other at first so it doesn’t play out nice to me and I wonder if the dynamics of their relationship will also be filled with sass and no room for understanding. Or maybe since I’m an angst girlie and the genres I mostly read within my fav tropes already have credible angst in them already so I expect them to share a sense of optimistic platonic relationship before lmao..I’d love to know your opinion tho! 🫶
words and schlong both lmaooo you're so right 😂 and i'm so glad you're caught up now, like now you'll finally be able to understand my lil random posts lolll. somersaults is all i wanted!! and it's about to get so much rawer and sweeter.. i really can't wait to show you what's been brewing in my google docs 👁
if you came up with an amc thing in the meantime, feel free to shoot! lol but about your other question: i absolutely adoooore writing s2l and bf2l/childhood f2l. so yeah, the same as you, i'd say!! like i love the familiarity between two characters in f2l fics, but i prefer s2l when one of the characters has a secret or literally just anything that's unveiled bit by bit, does that make sense? i also get your stance on e2l, i've heard that opinion before and totally understand. i do enjoy e2l fics, but i also realised how hard that trope really is... very difficult to get right, and very easy to butcher, so kudos to everyone who manages to create a masterpiece around that trope!! :')
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gaysonlyocean · 1 year
ITS LIKE THE PICK IT UP PUSS IN BOOTS MEME "Eat it." horrified looks "EAT. IT." -silly
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chilei-the-hotsauce · 2 years
your tumblr wedding reminds me of my old family lore
where i created a son (a bot), he got married, they adopted a child, they divorced and he lost the child
also the guy that helped me create my son was my mom. i had no father and i had an alter ego that was trans
my time in that small reddit community was fun, but it ultimately had to come to an end :(
anyways, hope an army of wasps doesnt come to ruin your wedding!
thanks for the story, i almost wrecked the house trying to get my tablet working again :D
you're welcome to join the wedding if you'd like to (when i eventually start the stream)
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corinnemoreno · 2 months
closed starter: @nikhilxkohli
location: the cosy cup
"Oh, no. It's you." It took every last scrap of willpower Corinne had to keep her face straight as she turned towards the voice she could've sworn she'd just heard from her spot by the pick-up counter. Her composure, the very act of exasperation, near fell to pieces as her gaze fell on Nik, and while she managed to maintain it long enough to fold her arms across her chest, it was with a grin that she quipped, "I'm off duty, Firebug. Break it to me gently. How long do I have before you've set everything off here too...?"
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siren-mic · 6 months
hey so y'all know that multichapter fic I haven't updated since august ??
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we're working on it
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
With your hands full, you use your elbow to push the doorknob and nudge the door open with your shoulder. You enter Ghost’s office, shutting the door behind you with your foot.
He stands with his back turned to the door, focused on the map spread across his desk. He looks over his shoulder and narrows his eyes as they fall upon the box in your hands. Although he doesn’t say it, the message is clear—he’s waiting for an explanation. You don’t blame him; anyone in his shoes would do the same.
“I need your help,” you announce.
“Absolutely not,” he replies, returning to the map.
“I’m serious.”
“Me too,” he murmurs, scribbling something on the paper. “Out. Now.”
“Seriously, man?” you protest, stomping your foot once on the floor.
He stops mid-writing, lets the pencil fall, and slowly turns halfway towards you. It must be the casual “man” you threw at him; otherwise, nothing would explain how he looks at you now, with one of his eyebrows so high up that it’s threatening to escape his forehead and shoot out of his balaclava.
“Please,” you whisper. “Just this one time.”
He lets out a sigh and rolls his eyes. “What do you want?” He asks.
“I need to hide this,” you explain and slightly lift the box in your hands.
He throws a brief glance at the box, then back at you. “Elaborate,” he orders. “What is it?”
“Cake,” you reveal.
“Cake,” he repeats and gestures with his hands to speak further.
“For Price,” you explain. “It’s his birthday.”
“I know,” he says, shrugging. “Why hide it?”
“It’s a surprise,” you reply. “He doesn’t know.”
He clicks his tongue and turns his attention back to the map. “I think the captain is well aware that today is his birthday,” he murmurs.
“Will you please stop with the jokes?” you plead, throwing a quick glance at the door. “He saw me carrying it, and I think he’s suspicious.”
“Nonsense!” he chuckles while continuing to write on the map. “There is nothing suspicious about someone wandering around a military base holding a....” He turns back and looks at your hands. “Pink and white striped box with gold lettering embossed at the top; what the hell.”
“What can I say?” you snap. “Lulette’s patisserie ran out of camo boxes.”
He huffs and redirects his attention to the map, sketching out little arrows and making notations. He gets on your nerves like that, yet he never fails to lend you a hand when needed. You just need to be more pragmatic. Convince him.
“Please,” you beg. “This is the safest place to hide it; nobody dares to come here without permission.”
He tosses the pencil again on the map, this time more forcefully, and swivels his entire body towards you, crossing his arms and leaning on the desk.
“Yet here you are, in my office, permission or not,” he barks and points toward the door. “Out, now.”
“It’s an emerg-”
“I won’t repeat it.”
There’s a knock on the door. You both turn towards the sound.
“Who’s that?” Ghost asks.
“Price,” the voice responds from behind the door.
You turn your head towards Ghost, and he meets your gaze. The once scornful expression he had is now replaced with urgency.
He quickly looks around and motions for you to get under the desk; it has a modesty panel that graces the floor, making it a good enough place to conceal yourself and the box. You run toward your hiding spot and crawl under it while mouthing an “I told you so” to him. He brings his index finger to his mouth while pushing your head further into the opening. You bring your knees to your chest and balance the box there. Ghost quickly sits on top of the desk and picks up the phone.
“Come in.” He shouts.
The door swings open, and Ghost theatrically shuts the phone. He apologises to Price for the delay, explaining that he “was on the phone with one of the Sergeants discussing the upcoming mission.” You hear Price approaching, and Ghost dives right into the mission details without letting him get any closer.
After the lieutenant finishes his briefing, there’s something about the operation being on a tight timeline, how the captain needs everyone to be on point and Ghost assuring him how prepared the team is. They then delve into specifics and strategies, and you hear the map rustling, tapping fingers on the wooden surface above you, scribbling with the pencils and some subtle shifts in posture here and there.
Suddenly, Price’s voice changes direction, and you hear him walking around the desk. Ghost walks towards your hiding place and pushes his office chair closer, squeezing you further towards the modesty panel. You look up and listen to papers being lifted up. You hold your breath, and your heart pulses in your ears.
“Are these the documents for the mission?” Price asks.
“Yes, sir.” Ghost replies.
“Good.” The captain exclaims. “Let’s meet with the team and finalise the plans in the briefing room in an hour.”
“Understood,” Ghost says, and you hear Price distancing himself from your hiding spot, leaving the room.
Ghost waits a few moments, ensuring the door is closed, and Price is far away, before knocking on the desk twice, signalling that it is safe for you to emerge from under the desk. You put the box on the desk and slowly crawl out.
“I told you it was an emergency,” you repeat. “You didn’t listen.”
He doesn’t respond but grabs the box and walks towards the bookshelf.
“What cake is it?” He asks as he squats in front of a cabinet and places the box there.
“It’s a fruit tart.”
“Christ’s sake,” he grunts as he shuts the cabinet. “Who in their right mind picks a bloody fruit tart for a birthday cake.”
“Captain likes fruit tarts.” You remind him.
He stands up and walks behind his desk. “Be back in half an hour,” he states, looking at his watch. “We’ll do it after the briefing, where everyone will be present.”
“Yes, sir.” You nod and walk towards the door.
“And no poppers, no sparklers, no party horns.” He clarifies.
“What about party hats?” You ask.
“Party hats are fine.” He murmurs. “They don’t make any noise.”
“Should I save one for you, sir?”
He slowly shoots you the same look he did when you stepped into his office. “I don’t know.” He murmurs as he tilts his head. “Should you?”
“I guess not.” You whisper and clasp your hands.
“You guess right.” He whispers back. “Now, and for the final time, go.”
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May I have Childhood friends to lovers with Loki or Bruce Wayne pleaseee… thank you!
.⋆。For the Longest Time。⋆.
Bruce Wayne x plus size reader
You were always there in his life, just like he was for you. A little jealousy and a clingy eight year old might finally give you the push you both need
Warnings: fluff, jealousy, simp!Bruce, vague mention of hook-ups, little bit of Dick’s abandonment issues, mutual pining WC: 2.5k
6k Follower Celebration Bingo
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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“Where’s Y/N?” A little voice spoke up from somewhere over Bruce’s left shoulder. He groaned and buried his face deeper in the silk pillowcase, he had only just crawled into bed. The mattress dipped as Dick hauled himself onto the bed, making Bruce swallow down a curse.
“What’s up?” He rolled onto his back and pulled back the blankets enough for a little body to slip under the covers. He received a kick to his very sore ribs as Dick clambered over him in his attempt to settle in the crook of Bruce’s shoulder. The eight year old sighed happily and cuddled up close to his adoptive father.
Bruce smiled despite the throbbing pain in his torso and the early wake up. “What did you need?” 
“Where’s Y/N?” He asked again, propping his chin on Bruce’s collarbone.
“She’s at her apartment?” His voice tilted up, confused at the question. Sure, you were at the manor quite frequently given that you helped Bruce with Dick’s care but you had never stayed the night, save for once when both you and Bruce were too drunk to even move.
Dick huffed, his bottom lip poking out as he looked away from Bruce. “That’s stupid.” The older man swallowed back a chuckle, instead he placed a hand on the boy’s back, his palm almost covering the entire thing. 
“Why’s it stupid?” He shut his eyes again. 
“Cause I want her to live with me!” 
“Hmm, maybe you can go live with her and I can finally get some sleep.” Tiny fingers dug into his armpit, making Bruce yelp and raise an eyebrow at Dick.
“No. I don’t wanna move my toys. Make her live here.” Bruce sighed heavily, sinking further into his mattress.
Yeah, right. He wanted to say but held his tongue. He had broached the idea when he had first taken Dick in, needing an extra set of hands for the rowdy child but you had quite literally laughed him off, just the same as you did when you were both eighteen and he had tried to give you one of his credit cards. You were fiercely independent and while you loved Dick, you still had your own work and life.
“You could try, chum but I think she likes her house more.” 
“Then let’s go there today!” Dick pushed himself up onto his knees, eyes shining with this brilliant idea. 
“Chum-“ But Dick had rushed out of the room before Bruce could get another word out, leaving him to contemplate whether he was going to break his son’s heart by falling back asleep or get up for the day and end up with a massive headache later. Distantly, he could hear Dick chattering away to himself and he knew he would have to raid your medicine cabinet in a few hours.
Dick practically flew up the stairs of your apartment building, his backpack rattling with the sound of loose Lego bricks and inevitably a book he would get you to read him, as Bruce trailed behind, dark sunglasses perched on the end of his nose. He himself held a bag of food from Alfred and a bottle of your favourite wine as a sorry for the unexpected visit. He could at least pat himself on the back for delaying Dick just long enough for the boy to get some food and Bruce to get a couple hours of sleep.
“Come on! You’re so slow!” Dick whined as he reached the landing on your floor. He bounced on the balls of his feet before he huffed and threw open the door, darting down the empty hallway. The rattling of his bag grew distant and then, he was banging on your door with all the might his little fists could muster.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” Bruce cringed, his head ducked down as he passed by the other apartments on your floor, silently apologising to each of them. 
“Chum you can’t-“ But your door opened right then and the breath was knocked from his lungs. You were wearing a dark red dress that perfectly matched the matte lipstick on your plump lips. The fabric perfectly clung to you, making your curves even more prominent. You were still wearing your slippers and only had one earring in but you were still the most beautiful thing Bruce had ever seen, just as you always had been.
“Well isn’t this a surprise.” Dick wasted no time, throwing himself into your arms, he squealed loudly and buried his face in the crook of your neck. You laughed as his little fingers dug into the neckline of your dress, no doubt ruining the fabric. “I thought there was a monkey at my door with all that noise.” You ran your left hand along his side as you stood up, making Dick giggle and cling to you even tighter. In a couple months, Bruce doubted you’d be able to pick him up anymore.
“I missed you!” You beamed. Bruce felt his knees buckle.
“It’s a good thing you came over then, cause I missed you too!” 
Bruce cleared his throat. “I hope I can be included in that sentiment as well.” You finally looked up at him, your eyes shining like stars. You smirked, biting down on your lip as you gave the man a quick one over.
“Depends, what did you bring me?” 
“So my child doesn’t count?” Dick laughed again, his knees digging into your side. You raised an eyebrow at Bruce who lifted the bottle of wine with a sly smile.
“Why didn’t you start with that? Come on in.” You stepped back into the apartment, leaving the door open for him to follow behind. 
Your home had always been a comfort for Bruce, a safe haven tucked away from the world and his responsibilities. The weight of Batman and being the last Wayne, and even though he loved him dearly, being Dick’s father, lifted from his shoulders as the soft colours of your walls surrounded him. 
You wandered into the kitchen, like you normally did when they stopped by for a visit, Dick chattering away about anything and everything that came into his little mind while Bruce stopped to look at the new photos you had hung up in the living room. Photos of memories he had forgotten. There was one of the both of you in a pillow fort that towered over you, your faces slathered in chocolate from bags of candy at your feet. Another was the 3rd grade dance that your parents had chaperoned, you in a bright pink princess dress complete with fairy wings and a plastic tiara and him in a tiny suit with one of his father’s best ties that was far too big for him. Your high school graduation party where you and Bruce in all your drunken genius decided to race up one of the old trees on the Wayne property and got stuck at the top.
But the most recent one made his heart skip a beat; it was of all three of you curled up on your couch, Dick sound asleep on your lap as Bruce ‘rested his eyes’ while leaning on your shoulder, his arms wrapped tightly around both of you as you beamed up at the camera. All of his happiest moments had you in them and for the life of him, he wouldn’t change anything about it.
Bruce turned and spotted your heels by the door, the red-bottomed ones that you only ever used when you wanted to get laid. Something in his stomach turned sour at the thought. “Why are you so dressed up?” He asked as casually as he could though his voice cracked. 
“Yeah! You look pretty!” Dick chirped though his own voice was muffled, no doubt you had already given him a cookie that he shouldn’t be having.
“I have a date,” You cooed (to Dick but Bruce liked to pretend it was for him), “but since you guys are here now. I’ll cancel it.”
“You don’t have to do that. We can go.” Relief made his shoulders sag but Bruce still forced a frown on his lips as you came back around the corner, Dick still perched on your wide hip. You were practically glowing with joy.
You waved him off and pressed a kiss to Dick’s chubby cheek, leaving a bright lipstick stain there. “I would much rather spend the evening with you guys. It also means I get to wear comfy clothes instead of this dumb dress.” Dick slipped from your arms and went to his bag, which he had dropped on the couch.
“Are you sure?” But that wasn’t the question he was really asking. You just smiled at him, putting a hand on his bicep as you leaned in close.
“There’s nowhere else I would rather be. Now let me get changed and we can watch a movie, how’s that sound bud?” Dick grumbled something to the affirmative, making you laugh to yourself as you turned to go to your room but not without a parting squeeze to Bruce’s arm. He watched you go, his gaze dropping to your ass to appreciate the sight for just a moment before he caught himself and turned his attention back to his son.
Dick, who was already observing his father with a curious expression, suddenly lit up with an idea. He covered his mouth with his hand and then disappeared as he fell back onto the cushions, a little laugh escaping him as he landed. Bruce ignored the boy and went to the kitchen to get some snacks together for all of you. 
The TV flicked to life, dousing the apartment with a hazy background noise that served to lead Bruce deeper into the fantasy of this life of domesticity actually being his. If he let himself, he could almost imagine how perfect it would be, just his family spending time together away from the rest of the world. But there was still that nagging fact that you had a date tonight, one that you cancelled for him sure, but a date nonetheless.
You weren’t his wife or his girlfriend, and that made his blood freeze.
He pulled out the cork from the bottle with perhaps a bit more force than necessary, sending a few drops of red liquid directly onto his white shirt. “Fuck.” He groaned and grabbed the dish towel on the counter to try and scrub away at the stain. 
“I can’t leave you alone for a second.” Your smaller hands gripped his waist, turning him around so you could take the towel from him. Bruce let you manhandle him until you could easily rub against his chest but the stain had already set in. Your bottom lip poked out, an almost overwhelming temptation to your oldest friend, before your fingers curled into his belt and tugged him away from the kitchen counter.
Bruce went willingly, eagerly. “I’ve got some of your shirts in my wardrobe, go get changed and I’ll finish up here.” He nodded blankly and wandered away from you.
You watched him go for just a moment before finishing pouring out the wine and laying some of the cheeses Alfred has so thoughtfully packed on a small tray. You grabbed some hopefully not stale crackers from the cabinet and journeyed back into the living room. “What are we watching tonight Dickie?”
Dick looked up from his spot between the couch and coffee table as you sat down with an almost bored expression on his little face. “Star Wars.”
“Duh.” You replied.
Soon Bruce wandered back in. “Why exactly do you have so many of my shirts in your closet?” You shrugged behind your glass, though he knew your cheeks were heated with embarrassment.
“Cause you’re clumsy and I knew I’d have to keep clean clothes for you.” He flopped down on the couch next to you, his arm immediately finding its place across your shoulders.
“Yeah right.” You curled into his side, settling in for a nice little evening.
It was halfway through the movie that Dick climbed onto the couch between you and his dad. “I wish we could stay like this forever.” He muttered wistfully, taking yours and Bruce’s hand into his. You looked at Bruce from over his little head.
“Aw buddy, we can do this whenever you want. You’re always welcome here, you know that.” He shook his head and Bruce's heart sank.
“What do you mean chum?” He asked, wondering if there was something more going on. Dick’s chest inflated as he took in a deep breath.
“But we always go home and you never come with us! You-you don’t really want us, you live so far away. And,” he sighed heavily, giving you the biggest, saddest puppy dog eyes he could muster, “and you go on dates with people who aren’t my dad. You’ll leave.” His grip on your hand tightened like you would disappear right then.
Bruce’s heart lurched as your lips parted. “You should date him instead! And then we can all live together at home like we should be!” Dick continued and then, he slammed your hand into Bruce’s, forcing your fingers to intertwine.
“No! You’re supposed to be together! Even Alfred says so! So just do it already and then we can go home. Together.” His gaze switched to Bruce, who caught his glare. The man swallowed thickly and looked at you and for the first time in his life, Bruce couldn’t tell what you were thinking.
You let out a shaky breath after a moment, your fingers pressing into the back of his hand. He could feel your pulse against his wrist, your heartbeat was fast, almost matching his own. “Maybe you’re right Dickie.”
“What?” The word escaped him like he had just been punched, making your lips curl up into a bashful smile. 
“Maybe, I should be dating you and not those other men who I always end up comparing to you anyway. Maybe I should be going home with you.” 
“I think maybe you should.” Bruce leaned over his son, his free hand coming up to hold your full cheek. “Because I have spent my whole life with you by my side and now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t want you so far away anymore. I want to see your face everyday and hear your voice from beside me every moment that I can.” 
Your eyes dropped to his lips and that was all it took for Bruce to close the distance and finally kissed you like he should have done years ago when he realised that no other woman would live up to the place you carved out in his heart. You immediately melted into him, laying your hand on top of his own. 
Just as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, Dick got up on his knees between you and threw his skinny arms around your necks. You separated just as he shouted, “I told you!” 
You both laughed and hugged him back, sinking back down into the couch all together. Bruce’s chest warmed. Maybe, finally, he could get you to come home.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 9 months
Irresistible {3} || CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!reader Summary: What was once heaven turns to hell with the unexpected arrival of a new house guest. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, smut, cheating, kind of taboo (future stepbrother) WC: 4K F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four
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It was late by the time Charles entered your room and slipped into the bed. You had retreated to your room after washing the dishes from dinner, silently passing each one to Charles to dry. When there was nothing left to tidy, he sighed and decided he couldn’t delay the call that was inevitable.
“Are you awake?” he asked quietly as he curled his body around yours.
You felt his smile on your shoulder before he rolled you over to face him and brushed the hair back that fell over your face. “I think I made a mistake.”
It felt like a cruel joke but you had heard his raised voice through the walls, but the French had meant nothing to you. You were certain that after one argument he was cutting things off but you asked anyway, “Why’s that?”
“Because I don’t want to be in a relationship with her.” He pressed his forehead to yours and the breath you had been holding was released with a relieved sigh. “And she wants to come to the first races too now.”
You pulled back to see the pained look in his eyes and realised you had relaxed prematurely. “I thought you said she wouldn’t go to many.”
“She usually wouldn’t, but with the new race schedule it falls right into her school summer break.”
You huffed at the idea of having to share him and watch as she got to publicly flaunt him. Okay, maybe you were a little jealous - but it didn’t change anything because he could never be yours. “Does she suspect anything between us?”
“I am living with a beautiful woman that I am not related to, of course she is suspicious,” he stated with a nonchalant shrug. “But she won’t outright ask or she would have to give up on the idea that we are perfect for each other.”
Your fingers traced the shape of his beard that was due to be shaved again and your shoulders bounced with a quiet laugh. “Look at you, you have it all figured out.”
For a second his amusement faded away and vulnerability set in as he looked at your laced fingers resting on his chest. “You haven’t changed your mind about coming with me, have you?” His words were whispered like he was afraid of the answer.
“I don’t think I could if I wanted to,” you admitted seriously, before a teasing smirk lightened the atmosphere. “I think I would miss you too much, or a certain part of you.”
“Ah, of course,” he chuckled, grateful for the answer and a distraction, “you only want me for my dick.”
You ran your hand down his bare chest until it met the fabric of the grey sweatpants he wore and teased over his crotch. “I was thinking about your tongue but I would miss this too.”
“I feel used, really, I do,” he huffed but his cock began to stir beneath your palm despite the joking words. “I am just an object to you.”
“Yes, you are, but you are a pretty one,” you added with the sultry smile that always set his blood alight. “So are you going to let me use you?”
He grinned as he easily pulled you over his body to straddle his waist. “Always, ma biche.”
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Lockdown: Week Sixteen
“Hey Daveed, sorry about the stairs,” you apologised as you ordered yet another heavy item online knowing there wasn’t an elevator in the building.
It was an odd world that you found yourself in. You knew the delivery driver by name now, but you still hadn’t seen the bottom half of his face beneath the mask.
“What have you brought now?” Charles asked from the couch as he sent a wave to Daveed.
“I’ll show you if you help me move it.”
Curious, he got up and gently moved you aside so he could pick it up himself, his biceps testing the tensile strength of his shirt sleeves. “Where am I putting it?”
You rushed around the couch and moved the coffee table that was covered with your puzzle magazines before pointing to the space made. “I’ll get the scissors.”
Charles watched his floor space change from hardwood boards to the fluffiest shag pile rug he had ever seen. Everywhere he looked there was evidence of a woman in his home and he had to admit he loved walking into each room and seeing it.
You starfished on the rug after unrolling it and sighed happily at how soft and fluffy it was beneath you. “Lay with me,” you ordered Charles when you opened your eyes to find you smiling down at you.
Dropping down beside you, he stared up at the ceiling and stretched out, sliding his arm under your head. He ran his fingers through the soft material before those same fingers ran down your sleeve and pulled you closer to kiss your temple. “It’s perfect.”
The doorbell buzzed and you both looked at each other wondering who it could be. There wasn’t anything else that had been ordered and it wasn’t as if anyone could just pop around for a visit with the lockdown still under enforcement. You were still frowning at each other when the bell rang again, followed by a shrill call that made Charles stiffen.
“It’s Charlotte.”
You sat up in an instant and all but ran down the hall to your room, quickly snatching Charles’ pillow and tossing it into his room with the other random pieces of clothes that littered your floor. The security chain scraped open before the deadlock was unbolted and you scanned his room to see if there was anything of yours there but luckily most activity had been kept to your space. You hadn’t wanted to sleep in the bed he shared with her, that was about your limit in your morally grey code of ethics.
“Uh, hey, what are you doing here?” Charles asked as he opened the door, his shoulders blocking your view from the hall.
“I thought you would be happier to see me after four months,” Charlotte murmured as she walked around him and into the apartment. She was perceptive of all the changes and was obviously not impressed by them as she set her suitcase down. “My travel exemption came through today.”
Charles frowned at the large luggage bag but recovered enough to kiss her when she leant in. Your exemption had been emailed to him a few days ago so everything was set to go to Austria in two weeks time but that didn’t help him understand why his girlfriend had arrived at his place with the bag. “Are you going somewhere?”
“I figured since I was allowed to travel I would stay here, with you, until we fly out. I can finish my assignment here and we can catch up on lost time.”
Your stomach knotted at the thought but she had put Charles in a position that made an argument almost impossible.
“I would love that, but isn't it a little insensitive to Y/N? I don’t want her feeling like a third wheel in her own home.”
“This isn’t her home.” Charlotte rolled her eyes and you took a step back behind the wall as she looked around for you. “You said she’s just a guest you can’t get rid of because your mum asked nicely.”
You swallowed down the angry words that clawed at your throat and had to watch as Charles wrapped her in his arms, to comfort her.
Your silent steps retreated back to your room and you closed the door before you could hear anything more. Collapsing on your bed feeling displaced, you could smell Charles’ cologne clinging to the sheets and resorted to stripping the bedding off. Not willing to risk being caught in any small talk, you mounded the pile of sheets and duvet covers in the corner of your room and pulled a pair of noise cancelling headphones over your ears.
You drifted in and out of sleep all afternoon, waking once to decline dinner, telling Charles that you weren’t hungry through the locked door, despite the loud growls coming from your stomach. When you woke again night had set in and it was dark outside your window. The growls had turned to cramps and you couldn’t ignore the need for food any longer.
Thankfully the apartment was silent when you emerged from your room and crept down the hall. You could walk the whole house blindfolded if you needed, you knew because it had been a game you played with Charles a few times out of boredom, but you turned a small lamp on in the living room. The soft glow was enough to see in the kitchen and you found a note on the fridge door.
You smiled at the thought of Charles saving a plate for you and grabbed it from inside the fridge. It smelt delicious as you warmed it up in the microwave but one mouthful had to dumping it in the bin. Though your back was to the hall you could feel his presence like the kiss of the sun on your skin and you placed the empty plate in the sink to wash it.
“You should be asleep.”
His steps were quiet across the floor before his hands found your waist and his lips brushed over your nape before he whispered, “Can’t sleep without you.”
You turned away from the sink to face him but whatever command you were thinking of to send him back to his girlfriend was lost when he kissed you. You could taste the apology on his tongue, feel the regret in his touch as his hand slipped beneath your shirt and danced along your spine.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know she was going to show up here.”
His forehead rested against yours and his eyes closed when he felt your hands come to rest on his neck, your fingers feeling his pulse race beneath them. The silence was heavy as he waited for you to say something but you weren’t going to dwell on what you couldn’t change.
“You should be apologising for the pasta, I nearly broke a tooth.”
Charles stepped back with a quiet laugh and combed his fingers through his hair. “You know I am not good at cooking.”
“That wasn’t cooking, it was uncooked,” you corrected him with a smile. “Are you hungry?”
He nodded, having missed your cooking and took a seat on the bench where he could watch you quickly bring a delicious meal together. He never understood how you could do that, how you could look at what was in the fridge and the pantry and create a dish in your head. When he looked all he saw were the individual ingredients but you saw the potential each piece had, it amazed him every time.
The minutes quickly passed and it was effortless to chat with whispered voices while you worked, a complete dichotomy from how his evening with Charlotte went. Conversation with her had felt forced, like he was talking to a stranger, and he had asked how the weather was twice just to fill the awkward silence.
He barely even heard your words, recounting a humorous camping trip with your father where he forgot nearly all of the food. But you had managed to survive for three days inventing new ways to eat sausages. You paused when Charles didn’t laugh at something he should have found funny but he was staring at your lips in a daze.
“Are you okay?” you asked with a wave in front of his face.
He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and you thought maybe he had been falling asleep standing up. You nearly jumped when he suddenly pulled you into his arms and buried his face in your neck. “I love you.” You could feel his smile on your skin before he kissed the column of your neck, whispering it over and over as he made his way to your lips. “I love you.”
Your palms met his chest and gently pushed him back as you wriggled from his hold.
“What?” he asked, suddenly nervous and self conscious.
“You’re just having this revelation now? At,” you checked the time on the oven, “1:11 in the morning while your girlfriend is asleep in your bed.”
“I mean, I’ve kind of known it since the day we met…” He scratched the back of his neck and shrugged apologetically. “I think I loved you the moment you called me a bad driver.”
You balled up your fist and punched him in the shoulder. “You could have told me sooner.”
His forehead crumpled in confusion as he rubbed his arm. “What? Why?”
Stepping back into his personal space, you rose on your toes so you could kiss the corner of his downturned lips. “Because I love you too.”
His smile could have lit up the whole city and it made the unexpected arrival of Charlotte a little easier to bear. It was almost romantic eating dinner with a single candle burning on the table, if it wasn’t for the knowledge that there was an unwanted house guest in the next room. You probably should have eaten in silence to make sure it went undisturbed, there was always more you wanted to know about each other. Sixteen weeks together brought a lot of insight into the other’s psyche but there was still over 20 years of history to learn.
“Did Peter teach you to cook?”
Your laugh was a little too loud in the dead of the night and you shook your head. “He can only cook a steak, and you don’t get a say in how you want it either - it’s always extra well done.” You took a sip of the wine Charles had poured and giggled at the thought of your father teaching you to cook. “There was this old woman who did the payroll at dad’s work and after mum left Betty helped step in for all the ‘girly’ stuff. Make-up, cooking, boys.”
The corner of Charles’ lips kicked up in a smirk as he sat back in his chair and sighed happily with a full stomach and contentment he had missed all evening. “I imagine you were already a natural when it came to boys.”
You mirrored his amusement and leaned your head on his shoulder when he draped his arm over the back of your chair. “Of course, one insult and I had them wrapped around my finger,” you joked.
“Worked with me.”
“But you’re weird.”
Footsteps padded down the hall and you sat up before Charlotte arrived wearing a shirt of Charles’. She froze as she found the cosy scene and the sleepy haze lifted from her face. “What is this?”
You smiled and reached for the bottle of wine to refill your glass. “I was hungry, sorry, didn’t mean to wake you. Would you like to join us?”
She looked at the clock and you were surprised to see it was almost 3am. Time always seemed to slip by unnoticed when you were with Charles, he was captivating that way.
“No, thank you,” she politely declined as she held a hand out to Charles. “We are going back to bed.”
Charles let her lead him from the room but he looked over his shoulder with a pout and mouthed ‘I love you’ before saying aloud, “sweet dreams.”
You smiled as you mouthed the words back and promised, “I will.”
That was the last stolen moment alone. Charlotte seemed to sleep lighter and followed Charles everywhere he went in the apartment. He couldn’t even stream alone in his office, her ever present shadow was there in the background to gate keep him from you. At night, their arguments would keep you awake and your French understanding grew to know nearly every swear word they used. 
You could see the misery in the dark bags beneath Charles' eyes each morning at breakfast. Though he no longer sat beside you, there was one perk to facing him with the table Charlotte used as a barrier between you. Warmth ran up your leg and you fought not to react to Charles’ touch, it wasn’t much but it was his quiet reassurance that everything would be okay.
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Lockdown: Week Seventeen
You woke to a screech and rolled over to bury your head under your pillow. Unfortunately you weren’t able to block out her voice as it grew louder to the point she was yelling. Tossing your blankets back, you draped a robe around your shoulders and swept out of the room with a mission to find out why your sleep had been disturbed.
“Charles, can you please remind her what an inside voice is?” you asked quietly as you took a seat with him at his piano, watching the angry young woman pace around the living room.
“You live like a pig!” Charlotte growled as she picked up his dirty plate left on the coffee table. “And how hard is it to put the toilet seat down?”
You cast a side eye at Charles to see him struggling to hold a smirk in check. He was clearly enjoying himself but you were confused since he had always put the toilet seat down before, and cleaned up after himself.
“Why are there so many cushions in this place?” Her rant continued as she picked up the floral pieces you had scattered across the couch to bring colour to the room.
“I like cushions,” you answered her rhetorical question, drawing her attention to your presence.
“I know exactly what you like,” she sneered as her eyes darted to Charles before she stormed out of the room, dropping the plate in the kitchen sink as she passed.
“Where are you going?” Charles asked as he made to follow, sending a kiss your way.
You dropped onto the couch, enjoying the way your body sunk into the soft cushions, and listened to the rant continue while Charlotte packed her suitcase. You had to bite one pillow when Charles made a weak attempt to change her mind but then she was wheeling her luggage out the door.
Unfortunately her departing words left you little hope as she promised, “I’ll meet you at the airport.”
The door closed behind her and Charles leaned his back against it with a sigh. You cocked a brow at him before he slid the deadbolt home and all but jumped over the back of the couch, pinning you under his body.
“Finally, I have you all to myself,” he hummed happily against your lips but you tugged his hair back so he could see the confusion on your face. “What? I missed you.”
“You planned all that?”
He shrugged and dipped his head to capture your lips that left you needing more of his kisses and less of his clothes. “I was hoping she was going to break up with me, but I’ll keep working on that. PR can’t be mad at me if it’s her choice.”
You combed your fingers through his hair, feeling the soft strands that were in need of a trim again. “But what happens next? They’ll just set you up with another woman that fits their image for you.”
He shook his head adamantly and pressed his forehead to yours. “I’m done with that. I’ll tell them I need to focus on my career or something to get them off my back. There’s only one woman I want, Bambi.”
You tried not to let his promise affect you but the butterflies in your stomach turned to a burn across your cheeks and you buried your face in his neck. His deep laugh reverberated from his chest as he kissed your temple and started to climb off you.
“Hey, where do you think you are going?” you asked as his weight was lifted from you.
“I was going to bed,” he said with a smirk as he started to walk towards the hall. “Coming, ma biche?”
The cushions went flying as you scrambled to your feet and raced after him. It felt as if the universe had righted itself when you closed your door behind you and found Charles stretched across your bed. For a moment you just leaned back and enjoyed the view that you had missed, but only for a moment - you had better ideas on how to spend your time. 
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” you pointed out.
“Why don’t you come and change that?” he challenged with a smirk. Making himself comfortable, he tucked his hands behind his head but the movement tugged the bottom of his shirt up to tease you with the deep V lines you wanted to run your tongue along.
“With pleasure.” You untied your robe and let the material fall to the floor before you stalked him down and reached for his sweatpants. You dragged the soft cloth down and he lifted his hips to make it easier, not that it would have stopped you.
You dipped your head down, grazing your teeth over his hip bone and goosebumps prickled across his skin. His breath caught in his chest as the tingling feeling spread over his body and he chuckled at the sight of it. It was a reaction he had never had with anyone else, there was no one else who could possibly elicit such a feeling with just one touch. 
“Fuck,” he shuddered breathlessly when you lashed your tongue along one V line. He could feel your breath warm on his cock before it cooled as you climbed higher and he groaned at the smirk on your lips. You were playing with him. 
“Be patient,” you warned as you grabbed his shirt and tugged it up his chest. 
“It’s been 9 days, Bambi,” he gasped when you nipped his nipple before easing the sharp pain with your tongue.
“Exactly.” You peeked up his body from under your lashes and enjoyed the strained look on his face, his brows pinched together and his hands in fists behind his head. He was struggling not to take control and bury himself in you. “I have to make up for lost time.”
You pushed him to his limit as you nipped and sucked your way across his body from his neck to his thighs. “Please, ma biche,” he finally whined as his hard cock pulsed with the need to feel your wet warmth. 
“Since you asked so nicely…” You sealed your lips around the swollen tip and hummed in delight at the taste of him. There wasn’t a word that could describe it but it was an aphrodisiac of the highest strength. Need grew to a throb between your legs and your eyes fluttered shut as you clenched your thighs together. 
A deep groan had your eyes opening and you found a wild look in Charles’ before he reached for your arms. You let him guide you up his body thinking he was going to spear you down on his cock but he shuffled down the bed and positioned you over his face. “My turn, mon amour.” 
Your fingers clutched at the headboard as his tongue expertly found all the spots that made you see stars. Like you, he hadn’t forgotten how to drive you wild in the long days since Charlotte’s arrival. 
“Please, Charles,” you begged as he teased around your clit, keeping you dancing on the precipice of oblivion. He teased and he teased until a growl of frustration tore from you lips and you combed your fingers into his hair so you could grind your hips over his face, taking what you needed from him. 
Satisfied and smiling, you were flipped onto your back and Charles chuckled as he kissed his way up your body. “That was rude.”
“You love it,” you fired back with an equally daring smirk that fell away when your lips parted with a soft gasp as he thrust his hips forward and buried himself inside you.
“Fuck, I do,” he agreed with a moan. His breath heated your neck as he kissed your racing pulse, caressing your skin with his lips until he reached yours. “I love you.”
Click here for the next part.
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sofiawritesstuff · 2 months
part 9
summary: When Lando's "playboy" image is setting a bad reputation for him. He's turns to the person he trust most in this world for help.
pairing: landonorris x bestfriend!reader
warnings: suggestive
part 8
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IT'S HERE!!! I apologise for the lack of uploads, I was in Spain and visited family in Italy, my car broke down and the plane was delayed. I was then in work for 5 day straight and I'm in for a further two nights too. No more excuses I will be back more consistently.
You with your arm wrapped around Lando's waited at baggage claim at the airport. While he called his brother updating him on how long the two of you would be, you decided to go onto the F1 gossip page.
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f1gossippage Lando already enjoying his week off with girlfriend Y/N L/N. They were spotted this morning at the airport and appeared to be heading back home to the UK. Y/N also posted a picture with her holding a man's hand with the caption "home for the week".
"Well we've made it to the gossip pages again, a fan must have took a photo of us at the airport" you show Lando your phone, he looks down and your phone, humming kissing the top of your head.
As the two of you waited for your luggage to appear on the carousel, Lando tried to wake himself up by looking as the gossip pages "Cute picture of us though"
"At least Zak will be happy" you shrug "This is our week, let's not think about him. We will spend the night at Max's apartment, you will go to your meeting, I will pick you up and we will head to my parents. Just us, no Zak"
The noise of the carousel drew your attention to the suitcases arriving, luckily for both of you, your suitcases were the first ones out. You watched as Lando effortlessly lifted both cases off and nod towards the exit.
"Don't worry, I'll take it" he tells you as you go to take your case from him "Thank you, is Oliver outside?" you asked "Mhm, he has the car parked right outside"
The two of you walked out of the airport you saw Oliver stood outside the car "Ollie!" you smile running towards him "Hi sis, how are you" he smiles, hugging you tightly "I'm good how are you, how are my girls?"
"We're all good, the girls are desperate to see you and their Uncle Lala" he teases Lando ruffling his hair "Get off" Lando laughs hugging his brother
"You two have a lot to answer for by the way, Mum has seen the photos and I think her heart could have exploded with how excited she was that you two were finally together" Olivier says putting thr cases in the car
You felt your heart drop, Lando's mother had been like a mother to you for as long as you could remember, someone who had been longing for you and Lando to get together.
You and Lando looked at each other, frowns on both your faces "What?" Olivier questions looking between the you "Uhm" Lando starts "Listen, we're planning to go to Mum's and Dad's tomorrow night. We need to talk to everyone about what's been going on. Can you bring Savannah?"
"Okay, I have just felt my heart fall to my stomach. What's been going on?" he asks getting into the car "We will explain everything tomorrow, I promise you will know everything"
The drive to Max's apartment was nice, empty roads and hearing all about the children's lives, Lando's racing and your work place. You had the music blasting until Lando fell asleep on your shoulder.
"Still a big baby, I see" Olivier smiles, looking in the mirror "Yeah" you run a hand through his hair "He's exhausted, he has only just started to get a goodnight's sleep. Hopefully being back home he will sleep as good as the girls"
"Are you going to Canada?"
"Yeah, that's what my meeting is about tomorrow at work. My boss wants to see me just go see how I'm doing and about working from different places, trying to get a few clients. Get a few more posts on social media"
"Do you still like the job?”
“I like how flexible it is, my boss is literally so amazing but sometimes I wish i didn’t have to work during the weekends, I like just being able to put all of my focus into Lando”
“He appreciates everything you do for him you know, that one time when he was feeling down about the race and he came home to his favourite dinner and snacks. He messaged me telling me how grateful he was for you”
You blush, kissing Lando’s head making him snuggle into you more “He’d do the same for me”
“So are you going to tell me what’s been going on, or do I have to wait until tomorrow?”
“It’s best we tell everyone together” you admit as he brings the car to a slow stop “I understand, if there’s anything you need. Just give me a call”
“I will. Now do you want to do the honours of waking him up or will I?” you ask with a smirk “Give me the keys and I will take your cases inside. He will be less cranky waking up to you rather than me” he jokes, getting out of the car
You watch as he drags the suitcases to the door, you gently shake Lando awake "Baby come on, we're home"
He groans mumbling, wrapping his arm around you "Lan, we can sleep again in about ten minutes"
"That was a quick drive" he says waking up "Yeah for you, you slept the whole hour. Are you ready to go inside. Get some sleep in a bed"
He nods, leaning over giving you a quick kiss just as his brother gets back in the car "You're awake" Olivier says loudly making you two of you pull away "Yeah, thanks for the ride. I'll see you tomorrow" Lando says quickly getting out the car
"Thanks Ollie" you rush out following him. He takes you hand rushing you inside. Closing the door behind him.
You enter the apartment, following Lando straight to the bedroom "It feels good being home doesn't it?" you tell Lando watching him take his shirt and trousers off getting into bed
"Yeah. I love Monaco but it feels good being here. Now come on get into bed"
The next morning, you woke up in just your underwear and the shirt Lando was wearing the day previously. You weren't used to the 7am wake up calls, you hadn't been for the past two years.
"What time is it?" Lando asks waking up "Sh, sh, sh. Go back to sleep. I'm going to work. Pick me up at 1pm okay?" you hold his face, kissing him quickly leaving the bed.
You head towards the hall, getting clothes from your suitcase, and got ready for the day. Just as you were about to leave Lando comes into the kitchen fully clothed and putting his shoes on.
"You ready to go?" he asks grabbing his keys "What are you doing up?"
"Taking you to work, there's no way I am letting you get a cab at this time in the morning, plus i'm going to drop our cases off at my parents"
"Thank you but I need to come back here after work to get changed anyway"
“All sorted, I’ve left clothes out for you” he says proudly. You walked into the bedroom to see a pair of jeans and shirt left out neatly on the bed for you.
“Thank you” you smile coming back through to thee kitchen. You grab your bag and follow him out the apartment, getting into the car
"How are you feeling about the meeting?" he asks reversing out of the drive "I'm not nervous about the meeting but I am nervous to go back into the office, so many of the girls hate me"
"They don't hate you"
"No they do, they hate me because you're in my life and not theirs. They only want you for your money and to fuck you" you scoff, he laughs putting his hand on your legs
"They will never get the chance baby, the only person that will ever get to fuck me in that office is you" he squeezes your leg sending you a wink
You look out of the window, hiding your smile. Watching as the weekday morning traffic slowly building up.
“Well I’ve definitely not missed this” you mumble turning your hand to Lando “Neither have I, how long is your meeting today?”
“Mark said I would be done by 12. Meeting starts at 10. I don’t think it will even last that long”
“Well I will be waiting for you at 11:45 where I drop you off. Do you want anything brought in for lunch? I can stop at the cafe just around the corner”
“No, no. I’ll be okay and get something at work. Get yourself something though” you smile rubbing his shoulder
“Will you though?” he asks turning the corner into the car park of your work “Yes. Thank you” you say taking your seatbelt off
Lando looks at you, staring out the window. Takes your hand in his in attempt to calm your nerves “You’ll be okay, I know you will. Go in and ignore anyone that has a problem with you. You know everything you need to do”
“Thank you” you smile “I love you, have a good day and I will be waiting here for you when you’re done”
“I love you too”
He leans in, giving you a kiss to the lips before kissing your head “Have fun” he says as you leave the car, you close the car door, waving at him through the window.
Entering the office, people come up to you greeting you, including your best friend Robert
“I’ve missed you so much, this place is hell without you” he hugs you tightly “It can’t have been that bad” you laugh sitting down at his desk
“Oh it is, I have so much to tell you but first tell me how you’ve been?”
“I’ve been great to be honest, I’ve absolutely loved travelling with Lando. Getting to experience his first win, we’ve tried so many different foods and countries. It’s been so good. We’re staying with his parents this week before heading to Canada”
“Yeah i’ve noticed how much you’ve enjoyed your time with Lando. I’ve seen the photo of you two kissing. He’s finally your boyfriend?” Robbie squeals
“Yeah, he is” you lie staring at the man across from you “So how did it all happen? I need all the details”
Before you can say anything Mark appears at the meeting room doors, signalling you both over. You thanked him in your head. Glad you don’t need to make up another lie.
“Tell me later” Robbie smiles, leading the way to the office “Okay” you nod
Everyone sits around the table, the few girls that you didn’t like sat across from you “Good morning everyone, thank you for those who aren’t here everyday for coming in. Also a big welcome back to Y/N who has been doing an incredible job getting clients in every country she’s been too. How have you been doing Y/N”
“Yes great thanks, so far I have gathered 12 clients and I'm off to Canada next weekend so I'm hoping to meet a target of fifteen then"
"And how are you going to do that attached to your boyfriends hip?" Emma asks with a smirk on her face "Well funnily enough I do have a life outside of my boyfriend, I'm not with him 100% of the weekend, I also use Thursdays to gather clients and have meetings with them throughout the weekend"
"Well we all appreciate your efforts Y/N, we only require you to work eight hours a day Monday to Friday so we are grateful for the overtime that you do and the calls that we have had since you've been away are great"
The hours fly by and before you knew it, it was 11:50. You gathered your belongings, putting them all in your bag. "So how are you getting home? Do you need a ride?" Robbie asks handing you your charger
"No, Lando is outside for me, we're heading back to his apartment so I can shower and then going to his parents for the week"
"That sounds nice" he says opening the door for you, you talk about the week ahead while heading down in the elevator "Well there's Lando and it looks like he brought you lunch too" he nods over to Lando leaning on the car
"Hey Lando!" Robbie waves "Hi Rob" he waves back "How was it?" he asks leaning down giving you a kiss "Better than I thought"
"I'm glad to hear, you had a slice of toast this morning and I know the most you'd have in there was a coffee so I got you a sandwich and a drink"
"Thank you" you lean up kissing him, he walks around opening the door for you "What a gentleman" you smile getting into the car.
part 10
@harrysdimple05 @ironmaiden1313 @charli123456789 @alltoomaples @jule239 @panicsinvirgo @cmleitora @imboredway2much @landoslutmeout @obxstiles @morenofilm @formula1mount @dreamercrowd @brekkers-whore @sialexia @bokutos-babyowl @wobblymug @merchelsea @lexiecamposv @lunamelona @nightlockcornucopia
330 notes · View notes
maxillness · 8 months
Only For Me To Hear || LN4 x Reader
Warnings: 18+, Unprotected sex, mean!reader, spanking, Dacryphilia, Degrading kink, handjob, overstimulation, mommy kink, orgasm delay, mention of safe word(not actually used), sub!lando, super fluffy and sweet aftercare
Wordcount: 1.6k
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She looked at her phone as she heard the ping of a notification
Landonorris is playing Escape From Tarkov
She closed her book and got up from her spot on the bed. She went to the living room, sat on the couch and turned on the tv to watch her friends stream
It all went good. She was laughing, she was happy he looked happy. He was having a time which made her happy
It was all good up until she had looked away for a second, and she heard him moan. She quickly looked to the screen to see him smirk
She didn’t think much of it, as she thought she heard wrong, but she got furious when he did it again
This time, this time she was sure she heard right. She picked up her phone, went to her messages app and found his number
Stop it
She saw he had seen the message, but kept going anyway
I’m warning you, Norris
He kept ignoring her messages and kept moaning into the mic
This has big consequences, Lando
Yeah, sure, they weren’t dating, but he was only for her. He was hers, and he knew that
She got out to her car and arrived at Lando’s place, just In time for him to end the stream. He walked out into the kitchen seeing his very mad friend leaning against the counter
“Oh, hey. When did you get here?” He asked placing his cup in the sink and walked out again
“Don’t you ‘Oh, hey’ me. You know what you’ve done wrong” She said as she grabbed his wrist to turn him around to face her
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” He smiled trying to turn back around, but her hands grabbed him tight and pushed him up against the nearest wall roughly
“You know exactly why I’m mad. Don’t try an act innocent” He whined at her words as he looked down at her “What? Not so mouthy now, Norris?” She said seductively looking up at him
“‘M sorry, love” He whined putting his hands on her waist. He pulled her closer to kiss her cheek
“Don’t try to apologise” She pulled him by his shirts collar and dragged him towards his bedroom “Let’s see if you can listen this time. Clothes off, ass on the air, and face into the pillow” He obeyed quickly
In record time, he was naked and laid with his ass up in the air and his face in the pillow. He turned his face to the side to look at her standing beside him
“Please, don’t be to harsh on me” He spoke up to her
“I’ll give you what you deserve, Lan” He shivered as her cold hand lightly danced along his back. Her hand landed on his ass
He grabbed the sheets tightly, preparing the pain from the impact he was gonna get. A second went by before he felt her hand leave his ass. She swung her hand back to his ass
He whimpered at the contact of her hand against his bare ass “Please, I’m sorry, love”
“Don’t give me your pathetic pleas now. If you had just followed instructions as I told them; this wouldn’t my have happened” Her voice was rough and stern
A whimper left his mouth and a few tears left his eyes as he was hit again “Please, I’m begging you, love. I’m sorry”
“You deserve this, Lando. Three more, and that’s it” She told him before landing another slap on his ass. He whimpered, almost moaning at the contact
“I wanna hear your fucking moans, Norris. They are for me to hear, and only for me to hear” She said stern, landing another hit on his ass. He moaned at the contact
“There you go, baby. You’re only missing one” He moaned louder with the last slap against his cheek, but not without leaving a few trails of tears down his cheeks
She soothed his skin lightly. She flinched at her touch, and whined from the pain “You did so good for me baby. But I’m not done with you” He whimpered at her words “Get on your back” He quickly got his back, looking up at her
The precum from his tip slowly slid down his shaft as he laid on the bed awaiting her actions “What do you think you deserve, Lando? Hm?” She looked down at him with a stern stare
When he didn’t answer, she spoke up again “Should I just let you be? Should I go home and let you lay here with a hardon?” He just shook his head “Should I jerk you off and not stop until you’re a shaking and trembling mess and so over stimulated you want me to stop?”
He only whimpered at her suggestion “Is that a yes? You think you deserve to be tortured?” She raised her eyebrows at him. He could only nod “Use your words, whore”
He whimpered before he spoke up “Yes. Yes, I deserve to be tortured” He pressed his body deeper Into the madras
She pushed him a little to the side so she could sit on the bed beside him without falling off. She took her hand up to his face
“Spit” He didn’t need more words to know what she wanted. He spat in her palm before she drew it back. She placed her hand around his cock
“Please” His head rolled back into the pillow and his hips bucked up into her hand “Please. I promise I’ll be good” His eyes were desperate as he looked up at her
“We’ll see if you can keep that promise” She stroked him painfully slow for his liking, but it still made him moan loud and his knuckles turn white from the grip on the sheets
“F-fuck-Ah. Please, faster” His breath was fast and short as his moans and whines were loud
“I thought you said you didn’t t deserve the pleasure, Lan. I thought you said you deserved to be tortured” He voice was soft yet stern as she kept her slow pace
“Please, please, plea-Ah. Fuck, I’m begging you, love” His hand went to her thigh and dug his nails into her skin as his back arched off the madras “Please, baby, I’m sorry” A tear fell down his cheek as he begged “I promise I’ll be good”
“Here’s the deal, if you come when I say, and not a moment earlier, I’ll think about going sweet on you, but if you do come without permission, I’ll torture you until sunrise. You got that?” She asked slowing down her movements to almost stop
“Yes, deal. Please, I’ll be so good for you mommy” He knew she got turned on when he called her that. He was playing dirty
“What did I say about being a good boy? Don’t play dirty with me, Love” He whimpered at her words as she didn’t speed up again
“I’m sorry, really, I am. Please, baby” His grip on her bare thigh got stronger, definitely leaving marks later
She sped up slightly to her previous pace, making him moan louder as his eyes closed and his head rolled back into the pillow
“Fuck, baby- Ah. I’m gonna cum” He cried out, his voice in a high pitch
“No. No, you’re not” She tangled her hand I got the nape of his neck to tug on his curls. She leaned down and started attacking his neck and throat with open mouthed kisses, coating him in her saliva
“Fuck, baby. You make me feel so good” She could feel him twitch in her hand and hear his shutter in his breath
She leaned back to take a good look at him. He was so pretty like this. So fucked out and sweaty, begging her to let him cum
Without warning, he came with her name rolling off his tongue. She didn’t stop her movements, and she only sped up
“Fuck, baby, ‘s too much” His thighs were shaking and he was quirking under her “Please, I’m sorry” More tears streamed down his cheeks
“It was our deal, Lando. You came without permission. And you need to learn how to obey. I told you to stop moaning on stream, you didn’t listen. These moans are only for me to hear. Only for me to hear. You got that?” Her words where sharp and direct
“Yes, I’m sorry, I’ll never do it again, please, Love. It’s too much for me” She didn’t stop, knowing he would say his safe word if it was actually too much
She could feel him twitch in her hand again, and his moans were turning into whimpers and whines
“Cum for me baby” He didn’t need another confirmation before he came for the second time
She helped him ride out his orgasm before she walked to the bathroom to get a damp towel. She cleaned him up and walked out to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water for him
“Here, Love” She handed him the bottle. He took it and took a big sip of it before closing it again. He patted the space beside him
She got into the bed with him, letting him use her chest as a pillow. She stroked his sweaty curls, soothing him to sleep
“I love you” He mumbled. She was taken aback from his words, but said it back anyways
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holmsister · 3 months
Ok, my long delayed post about Kabru and the Winged Lion. This does not end here, I'm adding more in a reblog.
Heavy on spoilers. Taking the extra material from @dunmeshistash who I apologise to as usual
Let's start here:
I don't care if you're a wasp you owe him 22 years of alimony
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Two important takeaways here:
1) Kabru's hatred of monsters is caused not just by the Utaya catastrophe, but also from the fact that even before that, his unusual eye color was connected to monsters in local lore, and this led to ostracisation and, we can imagine, violence or at least the threat of violence towards him and his mother, serious enough that she escaped to Utaya, aka the place where the dungeon would kill her.
Kabru crucially does not place the fault for this on his father's family, but on himself for being born with 'monstrous eyes'. This is a normal way of reacting to ostracization in children, interiorising instead of projecting the trauma. It's much easier to imagine a world in which there's actually something wrong with you than one in which others might make you suffer for no reason. Monsters are also much more likely to be offered as an explanation by the adults than the actual more realistic explanations (infidelity or rape), which would not be considered appropriate.
This means that indirectly, child Kabru feels that his own 'monstrosity' is responsible for his mother moving to Utaya to protect him and ultimately dying.
2) in the Dungeon Meshi world there are specifically legends about *demon* succubi and incubi (real world lore says succubi prey on men and incubi on women and I assume that's what Laios is referring to with the distinction, but besides that lets assume theyre one and the same), distinct from the *actual monsters* succubi. The demons and monsters have a similar MO of using a person's desires to capture them, but while monster succubi suck a person's vital force, the demons supposedly use the men for their seed and the women for their womb to reproduce (again, completing dungeon meshi lore with bits of real world lore here). Laios, our local monster expert, thinks those demons are just legend. He tells us there are monsters that do use people as incubators for their eggs but I highly doubt that's Kabru's case, uncanny resemblance to a wasp notwithstanding (Laios...)
From here we go to:
Kabru's incredible rizz
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This is where the tumblr search function spat in my face and ran away with the rest of my references while giggling. Oh well.
It's noted over and over in canon and extra material that Kabru is charming. More than that: Kabru *will do anything to get someone to like him*.
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Worth noting that Daya and Holm *like* Kabru. This is not them disparaging an acquaintance, this is them levelling a criticism at a good friend, a criticism that seems to have been levelled at him before even ("it's no surprise...").
So, important takeaway: Kabru isn't just charming in general, he VERY SPECIFICALLY makes an effort to be charming. He needs people to like him, to trust him, and in order to obtain this, he's willing to lie and pretend.
Like with the Canaries: he needs them to trust him so they will keep him privy to their plans. So he plays up the poor innocent baby orphan angle:
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And with Laios? The what (pretending to like monsters) we know, but why?
Kabru thinks Laios is the only one who can conquer the dungeon without the elves or the dwarves intervening and taking control. He is however very worried about his motivation. He wants to know why Laios is going so deep into the dungeon - beyond wanting to save his sister. What motivates him? Can he be trusted?
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In the Toshiro chapters we find out that he has been trying to get in contact with him for weeks, possibly months, but this is the first time he has had a real possibility to meet him, and in order to make sure to leave a positive memory and possibly be an influence in the future, he pretends to be aligned with Laios' as much as possible, including hiding his hatred of monsters. I have written tons on this that has now been lost to tumblr like tears in the rain, but: I do not joke when I say that I think Kabru is flirting with Laios before and after the harpy egg incident. Let's be clear: Kabru's intentions are not romantic at this point. But he has noticed how lovestruck Laios was with Toshiro before their confrontation, and he's thinking, well, if I can get him to develop a similar crush on me, I can probably get him to listen to me more easily. Like I can mince words and put things in scary quotes but that's straight up what's happening. Kabru is trying to establish a close bond that wasn't there before: it might not be necessarily sexual, but it's definitely a type of seduction.
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It kinda works.
The rest in a reblog because I ran out of space.
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jenscx · 8 months
ATTENTION 60 — attention (half-written)
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the other girls had gone to get ice cream, leaving just you and minji on the sandy beach. the outing was suggested by danielle and somehow you were dragged into it as well. you wiped your clammy hands on the mat below you, leaning your head onto minji’s shoulder. the girl softened at your touch and placed her head onto yours.
slowly, your hand reached for hers, intertwining your fingers together as you watched the sunset. you were sufficiently tired out. hyein had managed to make you chase her around the beach the whole day, draining your energy. even after chasing hyein, you were forced to swim with hanni and danielle, discussing the newest idol drama shows. and after that, you had an intense debate with haerin about dogs and cats. safe to say, you were ready to pass out. minji had brought you to the shore, laying a mat out and bringing fruit juice to you.
“yn unnie, are you sleepy?” minji mumbles. your eyelids fluttered open, eyes crinkling into a smile and nodding.
“yeah, hyein tired me out so much.”
minji scoffs, laughing, “it’s not too late to back out.”
you frown, pinching her arm, “don’t say that, jinnie. i won’t leave you so easily.”
“why won’t you?”
“because i love you, minji. what type of question is that?” you ask, suddenly straightening up. minji winces, sighing and untangling your fingers from hers.
“i treated you like shit, unnie. i still don’t understand why you forgave me. seriously, if i were you, i would have never gave myself a second chance,” minji says, running her fingers through her hair, “i guess, i’m still unsure why you still want me.”
your gaze softens. to be frank, you had no idea why you forgave her either. if it was anyone else that came back begging, you would have gotten a restraining order and more.
“do i need a reason?” minji nods. “because you’re kim minji,” you place a hand on her cheek, caressing it softly, “we all make mistakes, especially since it’s our first. you’ve already apologised, why should i delay my happiness any longer?”
“but… unnie, i admitted to wanting to hurt you.”
you smile, “i know. and i still forgive you, because i’ve had those same thoughts before. when you came to talk things out, i was tempted to make you chase after me. but i don’t gain anything out of that.”
minji still looks unsure, uncertainty filling her eyes as she continues, “how could you have trusted me so easily?”
“can it be called love if there aren’t any risks? i was willing to risk my feelings and security to be with you, minji. in every universe, i’ll do the same. i gave you the benefit of doubt then, to enjoy every day after with you. i have no idea why i forgive you either, maybe it’s because you’re minji. maybe it was fate that brought you back to me. but do the reasons matter, when i have you in my arms again?”
the soft sounds of the waves crashing at the shore fade into the back. there’s no distinct chatter anymore. it’s just you and minji, staring at each other. her hair swirls in the wind, eyebrows furrowed as she takes in your every word. it’s moments like this that you gave up your guard for. you think about all the memories you shared with minji. it was all worth it.
“i can’t say that i’ve given myself to you completely, but just know i’m halfway there. let me be your other half for now,” you whisper, “to complete you.”
minji groans, “you can’t say these type of things. it makes me feel… i don’t know, feelings?”
“i make you feel feelings?” you grin, admiring the blush that slowly spreads across minji’s cheeks.
“that’s good,” you take minji’s hands into yours, “since you make me feel feelings too.”
your girlfriend smiles, one filled with affection. she brings your hands to her lips, placing one single kiss on them.
“i won’t let you regret your choice, ever.”
you feel warmth bubble inside you. your heart feels full. full of love and adoration.
“i’ll never make you feel that way ever again.” another kiss.
“i’ll give you my everything. my love, my patience, my body, soul, my heart. i’ll give you all my attention.” she leaves one more kiss on your hands, staring up at you with hooded eyes. you receive her signal, smirking and pulling her in for minji to place a final kiss on your lips.
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alotofpockets · 4 months
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Embracing opportunitues | Lotte Wubben-Moy x Arsenal!Reader
Where you're overworking yourself to earn a spot in the starting eleven
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.1k
You hadn't realised how late it had gotten until the floodlights surrounding the pitch turned on engulfing the field with bright lights. “Shit.” You mutter under your breath, and start packing your stuff immediately.
While Leah had been out on injury you had started almost every game, but ever since she had made her comeback, you were back to starting out on the bench. Of course, you were overjoyed for Leah to be back from the horrible injury she suffered from, but you couldn't help the sinking feeling in your chest every time after that your name was no longer amongst the starting eleven.
That is why you had been training more and more outside of your regular team training sessions. Running drill after drill, to perfect your form, and build your stamina. You were doing everything in your power to better yourself. Anything to give you a leg up, and to prove to your coaches that you deserved a starting position.
“You were out late again.” Lotte's voice comes from the kitchen. You can’t quite place her tone, so you drop your bag in the hallway and rush into the kitchen to apologise to her. “Love, I am so sorry, I totally lost track of time. I didn't mean to stay out so late.” 
Lotte stops your rambling by placing her hands on your shoulders. “Baby, relax, it's fine.” She brings you in for a hug and you relax into her arms. “How about you go take a shower, and I'll have dinner ready once you're done?” You thank her with a kiss, before quickly making your way to the bathroom, not wanting to delay dinner even longer.
Your girlfriend knew how you were feeling and tried her best to support you in everything. She even trained with you some of the days you were training extra. Recently she had gone through a similar situation with her national team. After years of hard work she finally earned herself a starting position with the Lionesses. You had been so proud of her, she deserved that spot on the field, and that wasn't just you being biassed. She was an amazing defender, one you would add to your team any time someone asked you to build a team.
The quick shower did you good. You got dressed in a pair of sweats and a hoodie from Lotte. When you head downstairs, you’re immediately met with the most amazing smell coming from the kitchen. “Oh love, you’ve outdone yourself. It smells incredible.” You peck her shoulder a couple times as you hug her from the back while she’s washing up the dishes and utensils that she used. 
The soft moment between the two of you gets interrupted by the loud ringing of your phone. You take the device out of your pocket and see Jonas’s name on the screen. “It’s Jonas, I’ve got to take this really quickly.” Lotte nods, “Take your time, love, dinner needs another 10 minutes anyways.”
“Hi Jonas, I'm alright, thank you. How are you?” For the rest of the conversations Lotte hears you hum and say okay a couple of times, but it's still unclear to her what the call was about. “Alright, thank you. I will let you know tonight.”
You slowly pocket your phone again. With furrowed brows you turn back to Lotte, you were trying to process the offer that Jonas just gave you by speaking your thoughts out loud. “He just asked me if I wanted to play in midfield while Lia is out, and Kyra can't play for a couple games.”
Lotte nods, “And what do you think?” she asks, careful not to assume your feelings. “I don't know Lot. I'm a defender. I've been training my whole life to be a defender, how am I supposed to prove myself if I don't even get to play in my own position.” 
Lotte reaches out and takes your hand in hers. “Sometimes, opportunities come in unexpected forms. You are an amazing footballer, and I don't think that is limited to defending. You're always moving forwards on the pitch, trying to work the flanks. I think you spend more time in the midfield than you think already. I would say embrace the opportunity and show them what you can do in that position. Make the position your own, and show them that having you in that position is something the team needs.”
You took a step towards Lotte, who instantly wrapped her arms around you. “You always know what to say, and you're so good with your words. What did I do to deserve you?” Your girlfriend chuckles lightly, “You didn't have to do anything but be yourself, and I try.” She keeps holding you until the oven dings, letting you know that dinner is ready. She kisses your forehead before stepping away to get the lasagne she made out of the oven. 
“Alright, eat up cause you’ve been training hard.” She puts some of the lasagne on your plate and you dig in instantly. “And a good cook, I’ve managed to get the whole package.” Lotte rolls her eyes jokingly. “It tastes amazing, baby, thank you for dinner.” While you loved a good joke, you would always show Lotte appreciation for the things that she did for you.
After dinner you called Jonas back, letting him know that you’d fill the spot in midfield. Lotte had convinced you that you should embrace the opportunity with both hands. You were determined to prove that you were more than just a defender. That you could be the versatile player to help the team. That you would be the difference that the team needed.
A couple months later, Lia was fully back from injury, and Kyra had been playing for a while again. You had been working hard, and actually finding the new position rather exciting. 
You had sat down with Jonas and Kim, talking about your future at Arsenal. Kim was very pleased with the way you had stepped up, and wanted to discuss the option of you being a part of the midfield squad moving forwards. 
After your meeting with them ended, you rushed to find Lotte. “How did the meeting go?” She asked the moment she saw you. “So... I’m going to be a regular starting midfielder!” Lotte’s face lit up at your words. What you had been working so hard towards was finally becoming a reality. 
She steps towards you and wraps her arms around you, lifting you in the air. “I am so proud of you. All your hard work led you to this moment, baby. You did it!”
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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itadoring · 4 months
Hii, can we have more of megumi and his little sister? they’re so cute🫶
Here's the link!
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I really apologise for the delay in posting this request, and so do all the others in the imbox. I took a break because I had to catch up with my studies and so I had absolutely no time to devote to tumblr (at least as far as writing is concerned).
I apologise again, and I promise to post the other requests you sent as well! Thank you very much for your understanding!
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