#I can also give you a master ball if you'd like :)
pomefioredove · 7 days
housewardens + Jamil and Floyd with a reader that plays volleyball please
I think of reader as yuu, but it's not needed to be specified, and NRC doesn't really have volleyball as one of the sports that I know of. so whether it's not a thing in their world or just not at their school, I think it'd be cool to see how the characters react to the reader playing during gym, free time, or for some outside of school club or whatever. it'd be amazing if reader could be a libero, because that's my position, but it doesn't have to be specified
but like, js imagine reader is yuu and so they taught one of the students how to play bc it's not at NRC amd now they play literally whenever they can
I don't know anything about volleyball but I tried 🫡🫡
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ volleyball player reader
type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, leona, azul, floyd, jamil, kalim, vil, idia, malleus additional info: romantic or platonic reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu
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am I crazy to think that Riddle would be into it? seeing as he's somewhat of an athlete himself (equestrian club), he knows the sort of discipline and dedication it takes to truly master a sport
he'll offer to help you organize an ~official~ club, but you don't seem too bothered about it. he finds it endearing that you can wake up in an entirely different world, almost die every other month, and still have the motivation to pursue what you love, anyway
you'd better be careful around Leona, or you'll end up at morning Spelldrive practice in his place (hehe)
so, you don't have any magic. and? you know how to throw and catch, and that's good enough for him. hell, you're better than most of the magical first years. plus, you're motivated, you're responsible, and Leona Savanaclaw could use someone like you around
when Azul sent the tweels to dig up some dirt on you, he wasn't expecting this. like, okay, he underestimated you. he was hoping for something more... exploitable. if only he had a use for volleyball...
oh, well. you're still worth watching, currently useful or not. athletic skill is nothing to sneeze at, especially from a native land-dweller. he might need those legs of yours someday, you know
...wait, that came out wrong
no one really bothers looking for Floyd when he doesn't show up to basketball club. not because they don't care, but because it's not worth the time. if he really doesn't want to be found, you just won't find him
of course, the one day Jamil has to leave club early, he walks in on the two of you in the courtyard, playing volleyball
all this time, Floyd had been skipping club to watch you play another ball game just a few minutes away. he's absolutely captivated, too. like a cat with a laser pointer
as unamused as he is, Jamil knows it's absolutely useless to lecture him, so he just... sits and watches you play, too
and, well... he gets it. you're an interesting person, you know?
after that, he figures you may as well join the basketball club
...if only to give you a better place to practice, and to keep Floyd indoors
bro if you asked, Kalim would have an entire court built for you. actually, you wouldn't even have to ask. just one mention about how NRC has no volleyball club, and he'd have a team just for you by noon
if you refuse, he's still supportive. and really, really fascinated. he's not as much of an athlete as you or Jamil, which just makes it all the more impressive to him. he'll ask you to explain the game and your position over and over again, even while watching you play
he also just likes hearing your voice, so :)
if there's anything Vil can admire, it's dedication. another thing? passion. being an athlete, or, really, having any serious hobby, demands both of those things
here's the thing; he could already tell. he didn't have to stumble across you during practice (as if he would stumble at all smh). your form, the way you carry yourself, even parts of your personality were context enough
and while he may not say it, he holds a high opinion of you. you can legit get out of VDC training by just saying you're going to practice
you may think that Idia isn't going to go for the jock type, but, actually, one of his favorite animes is about volleyball and-
yeah, yeah. you get it. he's smitten
if he ever gets over his crushing fear of talking to you, you'll never get him to shut up. seriously. he already knows everything there is to know about the game, but that doesn't mean he's not going to ask you to explain everything all over again (he's totally fangirling over this). and sevens forbid you give him a demonstration...
there's probably not volleyball in Briar Valley. right. I just can't picture that. so the first time Malleus observes you in practice, he's amazed, fascinated even. and he has a lot of questions. good ones!
you could probably convince him to play with you, which would be, uh. interesting? actually he's weirdly an amazing player
you could get all of Diasomnia to form a team, somehow. like I know they'd be abnormally good at it
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weirdmarioenemies · 6 months
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SURPRISE! Did you think the day would come when we would cover Love Live on this blog? I didn't!
Yohane the Parhelion: Blaze in the Deepblue is the Metroidvania-style game based on the fantasy spin-off of Love Live Sunshine, but you probably don't care about that! Statistically speaking, our target audience is Bogleech readers who are deeply revolted by anime girls!
So why bring up? Why bring it up? The answer is 🐠 FUNNY FISH! It's Funny Fish Friday!
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Since this game is set in an underwater temple, the enemies this game are all based on sea creatures, and that's cool! Again, statistically speaking, you probably think sea creatures are cool. I really liked seeing the variety of enemies when playing through this game, so I thought it'd be fun if I could share them with an audience of people who otherwise wouldn't care! None of the enemies really have names, as far as I'm aware of. But I'll do my Rubesty...?
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Our first guy we encounter in the game is the sort of guy who emerges from the ground like the Zombies from Castlevania, and wow! A good first impression I think. It is sort of a squid mantle, if the mantle was also a cloak for a spooky sort of wizard! The way it doesn't really have a 'face' in the hood and the eye is below really makes it seem like a weird mimic creature. Cool!
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They also get a tough lategame variant which looks like a mix between a flapjack and a vampire squid. You don't often see flapjacks be designed as scary!
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Next is Barnacles! A whole clump of them, like a cake. They shoot Energy Balls at you. Is this what Barnacles can do if they combine their powers...? The top actually opens up, and it looks a lot like a sea urchin's mouth! So maybe it is some sort of naked urchin creature covered in barnacles? Game Theory!
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There are also barnacles with Ice Powers. Like real life!
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Let's give it up for Garden Eel!!!!
What a fine Garden Eel it is! Complete with the sort of grumpy face, and with the addition of two little arms that make it look like it's praying or maybe a bit shy. But it is mean! It also spits energy balls at you, then hides in the hole so you can't hit it. How very sneaky!
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SO sneaky, in fact, that these eels have mastered the art of ninjutsu! The ninja eel shows up for a split second in one single room, before smoke bombing away. You'd have to use a time freeze power to get him, but I never got around to doing that. I don't have any beef with a ninja eel! I respect him and his training!
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Did someone say CTENOPHORE? I hope you did, or my hearing has really gotten worse. This thing is a grade A ctenophore, only with a ring of Scary Teeth! A little scary to think of a ctenophore who could Bite you, but nonetheless this deserves a :ctenopog:!
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Let's not forget Fish Vortex! Fish Vortex was the first guy to make me go 'wow, this game's enemies really are awesome!' So of course I had to put him at the top of the post! He is my selling point! I am selling all these enemies to you. For 4.99 a pop!
Anyway. This design is just so funny and cool at the same time. A swirling school of fish that leads into an endless dark abyss, and in the middle, a big eyeball. Also covered in fish. It shoots fish at you! Yay!
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There is also a pink variant - it shoots fish that give you the Solitude status effect, which basically just makes Yohane too depressed to summon her friends. Meaning? They are Depression Fish! Maybe she just becomes so jealous of the unity and teamwork of these sardines. She's me like just for real! ^_^
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isopot :)
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This slug is an umbrella. That is ridiculous! Ridiculously EPIC! It does the opposite of shield you from rain, which is create rain, that kills you. But I would still want one as an umbrella.
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When I first saw this thing, I thought it was some strange round Echimoderm I had never heard of. But upon further inspection (I actually asked Mod Chikako shh), it is obviously like a Brittle Star, with each arm folded round to form a wheel! How creative and fun! It even has a bunch of eyes like a starfish!
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Last but not least- sushi! There are sushi guys and they are cute. They don't really do much and are typically found in their own rooms, so I'm not sure what the point of them is. But finding a funny walking sushi should be a reward in of itself, I guess! Look at their funny rice feet! Or the one with the roe eyes!
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I happened to use fire magic on one of them and this happened. Oopsies...
Now I am sure you are saying, thank you for showing me all these funny enemies. But are there any cool bosses? Of course there are, me! What's a Metroidvania without cool bosses? So I shall show you my favorites without delay!
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First is this freak (affectionate)! It is a sort of amalgamation of lots of different animals and I think it just looks plain cool! Two squid mantles combined into one, a bit of a sea angel shape, bug legs and of course a great big eyeball!
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If it is not freaky enough for you, let it be known that the bug legs turn into big green skeleton hands, and it also keeps getting pinker, and it grows new eyes and then extra horns grow out of those eyes. If THAT is not freaky enough for you then I am sorry but I cannot do anything about that.
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Now, how about a sampling of this Freaken Thang? It honestly doesn't seem that sea-creature themed, but it uses seashells so I guess it counts!
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What is really neat is that this boss has two different forms, upside down and rightside up! When it is upside down it looks a bit like a Magolor type creature. And of course, I really like the flame thing in the middle as well, that really feels like a Kirby enemy or something! Like a wisp made of plasma!
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Fans of Anomalocaris won't be disappointed by this one! It's a big Anomalocaris tank and boy is it cool! There's something for everyone here, whether you're an Anomalocaris purist or you've always wanted to see it turn into a sort of futuristic beast with a screen mouth that shoots lasers! It really is the future, zura...
After covering all these wacky creatures, I'm going to have to end it off with the final boss! What could the big bad, the ultimate boss of all these sea monsters even be, I wonder? Well, it's...
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...a coelecanth. Just a big coelacanth! It is big and blue! And really, does it need to be anything else? It is such an honor to make the biggest ultimate boss a coelacanth. It is even pretty cute!! Think he's smiling! 😊
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Uh oh! Is it still cute? I guess so. My first thought seeing this was of course the world-renowned tongue eating isopod, so I really hope it was an intentional reference! It probably just wants to shake hands. Still, a pretty simplistic design for our final boss, right?
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Buu buu! Its true form actually looks like this! Actually, it's kind of doing too much. Like let's tone it down a little?
So!! We beat the mega ultra coelacanth, and now we can find out what his motivation is! And it is... that he is the memories of the people of the past or something. And they all didn't want to be forgotten, so they turned into fish monsters! But we forgive them!
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It doesn't really matter. All the girlies gather around and sing him a song. Look how happy he is! I forgot I was talking about a Love Live game until now, actually. All's well that ends well, the end, et cetera! Hit it, Yohane! [imagine this is like the end of a kids movie where all the Love Live girls are having a dance party and there is a shot of the big coelacanth in jail and he's tapping his mouth fingers along to the beat]
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pokeshippingweek · 10 days
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It's that time again, pokeshippers!
Last year, we announced that the format of Pokeshipping Week - one theme per day - was getting retired. We also said that we'd still put on a celebration of some kind going forward. Well, the time is here, and I'm happy to announce that we are planning a pokeshipping zine...next year!
If you'll forgive the bait-and-switch there, we have seriously talked about doing a zine, but time got away from us this summer. So, while we do hope to tackle that undertaking in 2025, for this year, we're planning what you might call an open Pokeshipping Week!
How does it work, you ask? Simple: over the years, you all have submitted a lot of potential themes for Pokeshipping Week. For every seven that got chosen each year, plenty were left behind. Well, now you can fill November 1 to 7 with art, fics, AMVs, GIFs, graphics, etc., all about our favorite Poke-couple, using any seven you'd like from the unused themes list.
Any and all contributions are welcome, and if they're tagged #pokeshipping week 2024, we'll reblog them here and on the main @pokeshipping blog. Besides Tumblr, we’ll keep our eyes out for the tag on Twitter and DeviantART for artwork, for fanfics on FF.Net and AO3, and for AMVs on YouTube (no NSFW, please).
The full list of unused themes (from years 2020 through 2023) is below the "Read More" break. Use, combine, and create as your heart desires, and we'll see you November 1!
A bad fight A day in the life  A never-ending road A ship full of shippers Alola sunset scene Amusement park Anime characters meet their game/manga counterparts Anniversary Art classes together/Drawing each other Ash and Misty in Sinnoh Ash’s hat Avatar: The Last Airbender AU Birthdays  Breakup Cameran Palace ball (as in Movie 8) Celebrating Celebrities Champions/Masters  Cheerleader Misty Childhood sweethearts Chocolate Comfort during a natural disaster Comforting each other Competition Confiding in one another Cooking disaster Costumes Criminal/Detective Crossover Crossover with game/manga-verse D&D Dealing with Team Rocket’s teasing in “A Scare in the Air” Dewpider/Araquanid Different hairstyle Disaster dates  Disney AU Double dating Elder years  Elders Ash and Misty Evolution Fairy tales/Fantasy AU Fankids Fireworks First day on the job Food Fortune-telling/foresight Game of Thrones AU Giving advice to a younger generation Grey hair Gym leader Ash/beginner Misty Halloween/horror/ghost story Hanahaki disease Handkerchief Happily Ever After/Fairy Tales Hiding Hogwarts AU Horizons Hot tub/Hot springs If Ash heard Misty’s Song If Ash or Misty weren’t from Kanto If Ash started his journey at 16 or older If Ash’s journey had ended after winning the Indigo League (in season 1) If Misty caught Lapras If one came from another region If their parents met If they didn’t meet on Ash’s first day In-universe Pokéshippers Intimacy Japanese-style confessional love letter JRPG AU (ie, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter, etc.) Karaoke Ladybug and Chat Noir Last goodbyes Learning a different language Lost Pikachu Love Letter  Love triangle Lovers across the multiverse Lovestruck (if Ash acted like Brock) Meeting the parents/relatives Mewtwo Strikes Back alternate ending Misty and other Pokégirls discuss their loved ones together Misty meets Goh and Chloe Misty overcoming her fear of Bug-types Misty the coordinator Misty’s Bug-type phobia Mixtape/playlist  Mystery dungeon Nervous Ash  Never have I ever Other Pokemon games AU (Detective Pikachu/Pokemon Masters/etc) Out of their element  Overprotective Misty  Perspective of Oak Ranch Pokémon on their relationship Photo shoot Pirates Plot twist Pokemon daycare Pokémon Mystery Dungeon AU PokéNav communication/Video calling Possessed/evil Misty Pregnancy/Birth Pro-gamers Puberty Reappearance of Ash’s father and/or Misty’s parents Regency Era Romance  Return to Orange Islands Romeo and Juliet Sci-fi AU Scuba diving Secret identity/superhero AU Slow Slumber party Spies AU Stargazing Studio Ghibli AU Sunshine and Rain  Superhero AU Swimming lessons Sygna suits Tabletop RPG AU Taller (height differences)  Tauros ranchers Ash and Misty Time capsule Training together Umbrella Vacation Visiting Oak’s ranch  Water and electricity/water and fire What if Ash didn’t take Misty’s bike? Yoga together Z-ring/Mega Stone
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threepandas · 1 month
Bad End: Traps
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"Darling~!" A rich voice greeted me, as I stepped through the final doors leading to an opulent office. "You're looking better! Are you finally adjusting to the anti-poisons? I know they made you feel quite sick."
THAT was an understatement. Try worst cramps and fever of my life, with a dose of puking for days. They put me on IVs. Buuuut? I wasn't gonna say THAT. Not a chance in hell. We, team Earth that is, were supposed to be here for DIPLOMACY. So? Fucking LIE~☆
Yep! "Bit" sick. Just a touch. Hardly noticed, really. Took a nap.
Veneni laughed, rising from the elegant sprawl she'd been resting on one of her "not called couches but totally are" things. To be honest, her voice reminds me of those old "radio stars" from the clips at the museums. All smooth yet husky, curling around you, like they're going to invite you somewhere dark to learn a naughty little secret if you're very VERY good.
Kind of voice you could listen too for HOURS, reading the most boring shit imaginable, and it be the best time you'd had in years.
I am... SO gay, for Veneni.
Like? You DO NOT UNDERSTAND. She SASHAYS. Not walks. Not strolls. Sashays! Like life is a catwalk and she is the alpha bitch here to show these other models how it's DONE. But also? Like she doesn't even NOTICE! It's just... effortless. How she moves. All delicate hand motions and rolling hips and curves.
That I Can Not Touch because she is SUUUUPER poisonous.
Which is? Frankly? Homophobic and a crime against me, specifically. Yeah, her whole species is like that. And it's why all of us are suffering through the Anti-poison adjusters. But STILL! I can't even "accidentally" brush her hand? No potential kissing of hot hot hot alien gf? Illegal. Blocked. Everyone here is a bastard and I want to complain.
.....not, mind you, that I have the metaphorical lady balls to actually CONFESS anything.
But you know... maybe.... maybe if I pine hard enough?
Good ol' stand awkwardly nearby and mentally project "NOTICE ME SEMPAI!" At her? I put on my nice outfit! Makes the girls look-! Wait, does her species even give a shit about boobs? FUCK. Okay, see this? THIS is why I was a flight assist. Just inventory and handing stuff to people who knew what they were doing.
MASTER of the fine arts of "I Can Understand The Instruction Manuel, In Case Of Emergency"!
Pretty good at coffee, too. Not to brag.
But, like? Jokes aside? Things had been... Bad.
Everything had gone to shit. Then somehow found a shovel in the manure pile and started digging. Started OUT okay! Really, it had! Travel was unexpectedly a bit rough. Some sort of space storm that went RIGHT over my head, but we dodged every major catastrophe. Got here in one piece.
There was a fancy meeting party. Whiiiich? In hindsight? Terrible idea. WAY too many people with hella poisonous skin, standing WAY too close. Only reason we didn't IMMEDIATELY lose the head diplomate? Was the regulation "new planet, unknown pathogens" full body biosuit. He? Got a HUG. Like... right out the ship.
Oof. That would have been IT, for him. Unfortunately, he didn't make it past that much longer. Someone's pet bit him. And? Yep. Completely fucking venomous. Lethally so. A tragedy, right? Outlier, surely?
No. No this planet was trying to fucking kill us. It was a toxin coated hellpit and had so far? Murdered just over half the diplomatic crew. Those that were still alive? Over half of THEM were in emergency care. With just over a forth of the OTHER survivors being the only ones who could safely care for them.
Rest of us were either in isolation or sick as FUCK.
Isolation for those who needed to get rescued, because the Anti-poison adjusters would fucking kill them. Or sick as hell, for those few who remain that finally, FINALLY had found a way to Not DIE.
It was a shit show~☆
I? Went from basically a nobody? To "congrats! By merit of NOT being dead or dying, you're the head diplomat by proxy!" Which? Fucking WHAT? You could physically SEE the stress radiating off the poor guys back home, as they tried to speed run me through "how to not Accidentally A War 101".
I was pretty sure his cup, did in fact, NOT contain coffee. But I wasn't telling.
Instead, I got the honor of carrying the video call. Literally. Since our tech was incompatible. I got to carry the whole set up. Portable battery included. So the ACTUAL Really, Actually, Trained In Diplomacy, Diplomat could call in. And then I could look pretty and nod seriously at the appropriate times.
Mmmmhmmm. Yes. I agree. I both understand what is being said, AND support Earth's position on these matters! I have definitely studied the materials. Am supposed to be here. We have DEFINITELY suffered no catastrophic loses, pay no attention to the chaos behind the curtains! Diploooomacyyyyy....
God, she is pretty.
Watching her smile, her sensors gently shift around her like flowing water, the way her hand delicately gestured as she spoke? I... I wanted to build her, like, a cabin or something. Bring her breakfast in bed. Maybe adopt an alien dog together. And like? I don't even KNOW how to build shit. But, fuck it. I'd learn.
Cause I mean... you KNOW you got it bad, when you look at Toxic Super Hell the planet, look at pretty lady, look BACK at the planet that in no uncertain terms ACTIVELY thirsts for your blood... and go?
"So when do I move? Feeling REAL patriotic for my new home! Wooo, New Home!"
Yes I have a problem. Shut up, I'm aware.
A quite click signaled the end of their talks. Finally done for the day. I definitely, in now way shape or form, perk up like an excited puppy hearing the word "walkies". Because that? THAT would suggest I had WAY more dignity. I am a thirsty, thirsty bitch, okay? SO PRETTY. Nice laugh! Calls me Darling!! I have a LIST!!!
"Mmmm, what an unpleasant man that was. Did something happen to Mr. Ho?" She asked, stretching in the slow rolling way of hers. It looked boneless and decadent. REALLY distracting. "I hope nothing Serious~. We were nearly on the cusp of getting you home! I do hope he gets well soon. But, ah~, where ARE my manner today, Darling? You must be starving!"
Veneni sweeps forward to tuck my arm in hers, pulling me against her side. Even through my biosuit and her modest dress... I... I can FEEL her body heat. How soft and warm she feels pressed close against me. She smells tingly and spiced, kinda like citrus and mulled cider. NOT! That I'm smelling her! WHICH I'M NOT!! Because that would be so, SO creepy! It's just-!? You know-?! AaaaaaAAA???
She guides me to our little table. Probably set up for guests in general. But... you know... kinda like to THINK of it? As ours?
I REALLY need to stop while I am ahead. Good fucking gods. Ignore me.
Mmm, yes, distraction cake! Let's talk about THAT instead! Wonder what she-? I then choked on my drink. Because... because after bringing out the usual traditional deserts of she was teaching me about? And dishes I could try? Veneni... c.. casually as you please rests her chin, propped up on one hand, then reaches out with the other... to place it on my hand, which rests on the table between us.
Hear that? That's my soul screaming at a pitch only dolphins can make.
I'd like to say? I don't immediately embarrass myself? But that's a lie. I make a wheeze reminiscent of something dying horribly. Against all odds. She is NOT immediately disgusted and done with me. Dear lord, my parents may actually have a chance at seeing me married! Holy FUCK.
Wait. No. Slow your roll.
SMILE first. We GOT this! Seduce her!
I open my mouth... and stupid fell out. FUCK.
"Calm yourself, Darling!" She laughs, the bemused fondness lighting up her face. "You hardly need to impress ME! Believe me. I knew you were mine the second I saw you. Nothing could possibly change that~"
Her cute fangs catch the light, deadly sharp. Her's is a predatory species. I wonder if they like social touch? Cause I REALLY want to cuddle. Hold hands. Touch. Ooooother stuff~ But! Mostly the Hold Cute Alien GF! Assuming that's where this is headed. Please GOD let that be where this is headed!
"I was thinking... and I don't want to be too forward, of course," oh god please do "and I hope I'm not interpreting things incorrectly!" You are not. Take me you magnificent, purple, high femme queen amongst the masses. "But... I would VERY much like to... get to know you, Darling. On a more... personal level...?"
I kept my lips pressed desperately together to keep from literally shouting the word "Yes" in her face. Be cool. BE COOL! We are both cool and Very Normal About This! Scream in incoherent joy later!
Y..Yeah! Sounds great!
This is the best day of my-!
An explosion shook the biodome. While the whole planet WAS toxic as fuck? There were levels to it's toxicity. Some places too much for even native life forms to handle. And, of course, no place that non-natives could safely survive. Thus the capital's biodome. Highly filtered air, earth, and resources. Built for diplomacy and several critical care hospitals.
Now under attack. Another bomb exploded. Cracks in the dome.
I could only stare in mute horror at the pillar of smoke. Because... Because that was the isolation area. Our evac's. Someone just blew up... Then my brain seemed to comeback online all at once, as adrenaline flooded my system. I looked between the still unpacked call system and Veneni.
A piece of tech or a high ranking, probably high interest target. My maybe hopefully girlfriend. Not really much of a choice.
Fucking LEAVE IT.
We had to go. I pulled Veneni up, told her as much. She looked so startled.
"Of... Of course, Darling. Yes. You're right. I AM probably a target, aren't I?" The thought didn't seem to have occurred to her. God, I felt like a monster having to bring such ugliness to her attention. Scaring her like this. But ignorance wouldn't keep either of us safe.
"I...I think there was a safe room?" She faltered, arms crossing almost artfully, looking so uncertain I couldn't help but want to comfort her. "But, Darling, I'll admit.. I'm.. I think I'm rather scared. Will you protect me? Stay with me? ...please?"
I couldn't help it. She looked so scared. So delicately small. I stepped forward, arms going around her. Pulling her close like I could shield her from the world. I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I promised myself. Felt her arms, a few of her sensors, desperately curl around me.
I didn't see the smile, pressed against my front. That quickly vanished as she pulled back. Nor did I notice the calm technician, hidden in the shadows of a side hall, who nodded at Veneni as I herded her to "safety". Would think nothing of how, tragically, my rooms were hit in the follow up blasts. How very lucky, that Veneni has rooms to spare. But oh~ she would not want to over step!
I don't notice a lot of things. But hey, things are great! I got a girlfriend! Or, as she likes to joke,
She Got Me.
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taffycandyqt · 4 months
hey so how do you think the tmnt 2003 boys would deal with having helped (more like mother hen) their s/o back to good health and s/o is just super cuddly and loving after. “Well I’ve got to thank you some way for looking after me”. “I’m not making it a habit of getting hurt, but I liked the attention”. “Normally I’d just deal with this stuff on my own” <-explanation why they enjoyed the smothering from their favourite mutant turtle?
You always give some great writing prompts my friend. 👌👌👌
Love Bug
Request Rules
Your boyfriend helps you out when your sick. No one's ever done that for you before, so safe to say your feeling extra cuddly when your all better.
2003 turtles (separately) x reader
Warnings: none
Fluff, angst?
Established relationship
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It was flu season and well, you had an incredibly weak immune system.
If felt like your brain was stuffed with cotton balls and you couldn't breath through your nose.
Breathing through your throat hurt but it was the only way to get your oxygen.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Safe to say you haven't stopped by the lair in a while and contacting the guys was the least of your worries.
Leo was getting worried so he decided to stop by your place and was terrified to see you so sick and BY YOURSELF.
You'll try and tell him your fine and that you can take care of it but he's attitude is basically "no shut up."
He will get you all your meals, refill your water as many times he needs to, gets you all your medicine, and anything else you might need.
If there is something he can do, he will.
And well... You felt spoiled.
It would be a lie to say you didn't enjoy it.
This was the first time someone had ever made such a fuss about you.
And it continued until you were all better.
"Hey Leo, can I come in?" You ask outside his bedroom.
This is the first time you'd stopped by the lair since you'd gotten over your sickness.
"Of course," he answered.
As you entered you saw him reading over some Japanese scrolls on his desk. You walked towards him and looked over his shoulder to get a better view.
"There Master Splinters," he told you, "He says it's important to know the events of the past in order to learn from them."
He continued to tell you about what he was reading and why he thought it was important but you couldn't hear him. You wished you could have listened better but the burning sensation tingling just below your skin was too distracting.
He had been with you all day everyday during your sickness and now that you were better, you really missed him. You wanted to kiss his face and wrap his arms around you. You watched the way his lips moved as he spoke to you and the way his face lit up while talking. As you sat there watching him a warm glow bloomed between you both. A soft comfortable atmosphere full of love.
As he was talking you reached out and wrapped him in a hug, unable to keep to yourself any longer.
"Y/n? Are you alright?" You weren't normally super touchy, so this was new for him.
"Yeah. Keep talking."
He eyed you curiously but then picked up where he had left off. This time though he wrapped his arm around you and leaned back on his other. You nuzzled further into the crook of his neck before pecking the bottom of his gaw. This time his pause was quite abrupt.
"Are you sure you're alright? You aren't acting like yourself," he questioned.
"I'm better than ever Leo. I just feel like cuddling my boyfriend," you looked up at him, "Is that so wrong?"
Leo flushed but then smiled softly at you.
"Not at all."
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When you called Raph and said you wouldn't be stopping by for a while, naturally, he was curious as to why.
He was also curious why your voice was so raspy and why you were coughing.
When you told him you were sick, all three of those questions were answered and he was on his way to you before you even hung up.
He showed up at your place like 🧍let me in.
Safe to say you were very confused by his sudden appearance.
You let him in and he took out a can of soup from a plastic bag he was holding and then handed the bag over to you.
He would detail everything it contained before telling you to get some rest while he made you something to eat.
After he left your room you kinda just stood there staring at the door he had disappeared through.
The bag had different kinds of medicine for specific symptoms, a couple movies, some non sugary snacks, and a rice bag you could heat up or through in the freezer for later.
He was a surprisingly comforting presence to have around when sick.
And he stuck with you throughout the whole thing.
Safe to say that after the whole thing you felt like showing him some lovin'
Raph had come to check in on you as early as possible, as per the routine for the past couple of days. He would show up in the dark hours of the morning, stay till midnight when you were fast asleep, leave, repeat. This way when you were awake he was always there.
Today though, you were already awake. Granted you were still in bed, in your pjs. It was clear you haven't left your bed. But you were sitting on your bed, wide awake, reading a book.
"Good morning," you greeted him, setting your book down to look at him.
"How long have you been up? Shouldn't you be asleep to help you get better," he posed the question as more of a statement.
"I'm already better," you smiled at him.
"Really now?" He walked over to you with a playful smile on his face.
He knew you were being silly, which is why he has a hard time believing you were actually better. He leaned down a little and placed a hand on your forehead. You weren't particularly warm. He grabbed the thermometer from off your nightstand.
"Really Raph?" You teased.
"Really," he teased back.
He set it in your mouth and waited a couple of seconds until it beeped. When it did he pulled it out and read a normal and completely healthy temperature. He set it down and looked back at you.
"you breathing okay? No stuffed nose or sore throat?"
"Your not sore anywhere?"
"Not even a little bit!"
Raph stood quiet for a bit. He cycled between looking at you, touching your head, and checking the thermometer a couple of time.
"Are you sure?"
If you didn't know any better he almost seemed a bit disappointed. Unbeknownst to you, he actually enjoyed the time he took to take care of you. You decided to try something. You scooted over on your bed and opened the covers a little bit for him.
"Come on," you softly while patting the space next to you.
His eyes widened not expecting the offer, but took it quickly. You leaned into him resting your head on his collar bone.
"I- what?" He choked out.
"I am feeling a little tired though. Rest with me?"
Okay, so maybe you didn't want this to end just yet either. No one has ever devoted so much time and energy to you before and you just wanted to soak up as much of his presence as you could. Raph didn't say anything in response. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled the blanket higher on the both of you.
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You weren't feeling to hot.
Or, scratch that, you felt waaaay to hot.
And not in the good way.
You decided some time in bed would be a good idea so you called Don to tell him you wouldn't be coming round for a while.
Today was supposed to be a date too but oh well😔
When he learned that you were sick he gathered everything he could find to help and made us way over to you.
I'm talking immune boosting tea, liquid IV, vitamin D chewables, vitamin water with antioxidants, ect.
Bro wants you to get better so fast.
Just take it, don't be like, 'no it's okay, you don't have to do that it's not that bad!'
Cuz then he will want to cook for you.
And I'm not joking when I say that is it canon that this man CANNOT COOK.
Please don't let him near your kitchen, just take the vitamins.
After you take everything he brought and settled in for a nap he'll kinda just stand there awkwardly.
Like, he want to help more but he's already done everything he could think of.
Unless you invite him to cuddle or something he's just gonna hang around your room until you wake up.
He didn't leave you side the entire time you were sick, and well, it touched you.
After you got better, you felt it was only fair that you returned the favor.
"Hey Don?"
"Yes hon?"
"You at a good stopping place?"
"Huh? Uh... Yeah... juuuuu-" he made a few short adjustments to the contraption infront of him, "-uuuuuust there! What do you need?"
He turned to you with a smile on his face.
"You're not feeling sick again are you?"
"What? Oh, no no. I'm feeling great!" Standing up straight to showcase your good health.
"That's good then," he guided you to the couch in the train car and sat you down, "what can I do for you then?"
"Actually can you sit next to me for a second?" You asked.
"Oh sure," he took a seat next to you on the couch.
You really missed his company after you got better. You especially missed his cuddles. He was always there, consistently and constantly. It made you feel so loved and appreciated, but now that he's not around all the time, you've been feeling a bit lonely. You were a little embarrassed to ask him to cuddle though, so you really weren't sure what to do. Because of this, you sat there nervously fidgeting trying to figure out exactly what you were going to say.
Donnie noticed your discomfort and put a hand on your shoulder to try and ground you from your thoughts. What he didn't expect was this to prompt a sudden and tight hug from you immediately after.
"Is everything alright?" He was a little worried now.
"Yes I just want a hug," you squeaked.
"Oh," he chuckled, "alright."
He embraced you and pulled you closer. He smiled to himself about how cute you were.
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Oh precious boy has attachment issues.
You tell him you can't come by cuz your sick, bro is packing an overnight pack and everything.
Dude will literally camp out at your place until your better.
He doesn't really know much about taking care of someone when there sick and he didn't really think about it.
But when you ask him for something he'll get it. When you go to do something he'll do it.
Legit just wants you to spend time getting better and that's it.
Be prepared for lots of movie nights.
Dude loves horror so if you don't you better tell him.
Honestly horror isn't even that bad with him though cuz he is talking the whole time.
Watching any movie with Mikey is honestly the best.
He says the most out of pocket stuff and his reactions are so over the top, it's usually more entertaining than the movie itself.
When you do get better and start coming by the lair again you can't shake the feeling of wanting to be near him.
One thing about your relationship with Mikey is that physical touch was a big love language. That and quality time. When you were sick Mikey slept over every night and it was great. Now that you were better you both agreed he should probably move back in at the lair.
You were kicking yourself for that now. Everytime you've visited the lair after you just wanted some alone time with Mikey but his family is always doing something and when they weren't he'd be to dense to pick up on your hints. Gosh he's such a an idiot sometimes. Unfortunately you love idiots so these are the cards you delt yourself.
Then an idea hit you. If you can't get some time when you go to him, why not get him to come to you! So you called Mikey about maybe having a movie night at your place that night. Unsurprisingly he said yes, quite enthusiastically.
With the plan set in place you cleaned up your room a bit making sure to throw away any loose trash and vacuum. Was your room a mess when he slept over? Yes. But, for one, you were sick and two, Mikey was staying over. He wasn't exactly the picture of cleanly habits. Realistically you knew he wouldn't care whether it was messy or not but you wanted to relax with him. You couldn't relax in a messy room. After you were finished it was only a matter of time before Mikey swung by.
"Guess whoo!!" Mikey sung from your open window.
"Hmmmmm. A particularly intelligible pigeon?" You answered not turning around from your closet.
You had been looking for your extra blankets for you both to use while you snuggled.
"Hahaha," he answered sarcastically stepping into your room, "Now the real question is what do we wanna watch? I got Slasher and Friday the Thirteenth and Chuckie OR we could do a trilogy!"
When you turned around you noticed he had brought his entire case of movies with him even though he was only gonna be there for the night.
"Let's stick with a single, stand alone movie yeah?" You told him sweetly as you lazily adjusted the blankets on your bed.
"WHAT! You only want to watch ONE movie!?"
"Mikey, we'll only have time for one movie!" you laughed.
"You said movie night!" He told you clearly distressed.
"You normally only watch ONE movie at a movie night!" You informed him, unable to quell your chortling.
"WHA- BUT-" He looked at his box of movies.
How was he only supposed to pick one!? Once you were able to calm down you saw him looking over his movie crate concerned.
"Mikey, just one nice tonight doesn't mean no more movies ever. We can watch one tonight and another a different night. We could even have a marathon at some point."
"You promise?"
"I promise," you grinned at him.
And with that Mikey grabbed a movie and started it up. He had gotten comfortable on the bed before you could even get on. When you did join him he nudged a big bad of potato chips your way, you both would be sharing. As the movie continued you slowly moved closer to him until you were practically on top of him. By the end of it you weren't even facing the movie, opting to nuzzle into his chest.
Mikey if course didn't notice, too invested in the film in front of him. When the movie ended however he noticed he was unable to move how he wanted. Only then realizing that you were completely cuddled into him. He flushed and stuttered, oh how he wishes he knew when this happened. He wasn't sure if you were awake or not though until you told him to put in another movie.
"I-I-I thought you said only one?" His voice wiggly.
"I think we can break that rule once in a while."
With that Mikey popped in another movie, this time one that wasn't particularly his favorite. This way he could focus on returning your affections.
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fukurodani-fc · 4 months
Here's a few things about Fukurodani's no.7 : Konoha Akinori (a headcanon)
He makes the simplest, most normal things hot as hell. Here's a panel to prove exactly that:
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You can say whatever you want, but this panel has never left my head since the first time i read it four years ago. It's a simple phrase. "Nah. Dun wanna.", so why does it hold so much impact? Simple. Because he's Fukurodani's no. 7: Konoha Akinori
2. People call him the "the Jack of all Trades; Master of None" but here's a few things he's actually good at:
2.1. He is incredibly smart. He's street smart and book smart. His favourite subject is Chemistry, and he has the periodic table memorised in one day simply because he's bored. 2.2. He's very good at baking, especially pastries that many claim difficult. He makes the fluffiest croissants and everybody goes crazy for them. 2.3. Konoha is a terrible singer, but he is actually good at dancing. The only time you'd get to see dancer Konoha is when he's hammered. You will get to see this side of him when he's had 7 shots of soju.
3. Konoha is a good ass dresser. Here's a few pictures yet to support this brainrot of mine:
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4. Konoha loves animals and he has a number of cats at home, and he names them after chemical elements. His favourite cat is a Siamese cat which he names Silicone (because it's a SIAMESE)
5. Konoha enjoys hiking and he would go hiking every weekend. In his bucket list, he would like to hike at all the hiking spots in Japan. He would like to climb Mount Everest one day.
6. The only sport Konoha enjoys is volleyball and he sucks at other sports. He can't kick a ball to save his life.
7. He is extremely bad at relationships and flirting in general. Konoha is good at making friends and keeping a conversation, but he becomes a mess when people tell him they like him or when asked to flirt, he says the dumbest shit, embarrassing himself.
8. He is a family man. He is overprotective of his sisters and would always scare the men who try to ask out his sisters which brings me to my next point:
9. Konoha is bad at making enemies. He can't fight for shit and he has never been in a fight before, simply because he is liked by everyone. He may appear angry, but that's all there is in him.
10. Konoha is not only overprotective of his family, but he is also overprotective of his friends (Akaashi especially) and would always find ways to help them out. He hates it when his friends fall into a slump (though he may appear tired of Bokuto's antics) and he is always the first to give them advice.
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i love him so much guys. pls love him too.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
The Rogue and Gambit Project: The Basketball Game (X-Men #4)
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Alright! Here we are! That pivotal moment we've all been waiting for! The introduction of Omega Red.... Wait, no, that's not why you guys are here? You don't want me to dissect another Wolverine story that digs into the seemingly never ending well of his past? You aren't really interested in the creepy twins that make up Fenris? And you don't really care all that much about what's going on with Moira?
I mean, fine, if you'd rather I get into all the other boring stuff going on in the issue... ;)
Today we're going to test the limits of how much of an issue Marvel will let me repost without getting in some kind of trouble....
X-Men #4 Ladies and Gentlemen....
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I believe I said this previously, but one of the best parts of X-Men comics is really the soap opera shenanigans that go on in-between all the big villains. The inner personal relationships that happen among the X-Men are really the best, and often the most delicious part of the comics. I honestly think fans would be entirely happy if we got full issues of them just playing basketball, or baseball, or hanging out at Harry's Hideaway, or getting therapy.... Because these personalities are so much fun and play off each other so well that sometimes they are far better than the endless 'save the world' story lines we often get because - apparently - all published fiction needs a plot to hang on.
But I digress. It's a post-Claremont world now, and all bets are off. It's kind of interesting that - despite Gambit and Storm's initial friendship, the two X-Men Gambit has been spending the most time with lately are Wolverine and Jubilee. There's no surprise, really, that Wolverine and Gambit have an antagonistic relationship. Jubilee, however, due to her relationship with Wolverine, has been somewhat of a sass master towards Gambit as well. Except now we have Jubilee on the same team as Gambit, which, turns the dynamic a little on its head. And it's a delight.
And then we throw Rogue into the mix. How did this game even get started anyway? My guess - Jubilee wanted to play and taunting and teasing of some sort got the four of them paired off as they are. I kind of love that not only is Gambit goading Wolverine about relaxing, but Jubilee is, too.
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Remember when I said Gambit spends most of his non-uniform time half naked? Continuity! ;)
Wolverine is not the only one who needs to relax. Rogue is wound tight - and I really doubt it's about wanting to adhere to a non-powered game of basketball.
All that skin and sweat? The girl's got some pent up needs that haven't been met during the entire previous decade. Probably time to rectify that.
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I love Jubilee's commentary, she is so obnoxiously sassy, and I love it. Also, I kind of love that they are taking the time to set up Gambit's athletic skill.
Btw, I love the kind of smirk he gives Rogue as he easily tosses the ball over her head. He's having fun. Is she having fun? Hard to say - mostly she just wants to win. And Gambit is most definitely getting under her skin. The hilarity coming from Jubilee isn't helping.
Is this a good time to bring up the whole -- he's playing games and messing around with her and she takes things seriously part of their whole story? Is this entire game just a metaphor for the early part of their relationship?
I mean - you can read into it as deeply as you like! I have a feeling the writers didn't think think that hard about it - and this is merely just a way to show off all of their skills. But it definitely can be interpreted that way. I mean, what are we even doing here if we can't extrapolate intended and non-intended things from the text?
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Of course, this is an X-Men story, so we can't go too long without the usage of powers. Everything is going to get thrown up a notch. Is Gambit using his powers of agility? Well, idk how he couldn't be using them since it's a natural thing.
But man, does Rogue hate losing or what? The escalation of this whole thing goes from 0 to 100 like that.
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Jubilee lowering her glasses kills me every time.
I do think Gambit was just taking it easy and playing around at the beginning of this. I think he liked getting Jubilee on his side and cheering him on. He liked driving Wolverine crazy. And more than anything, getting under Rogue's skin is a challenge he really seems to take pleasure in.
But Rogue did take it up a notch, so Gambit does what he always does - and ups the ante.
It's interesting - I think if we hadn't had the little bit of flirting in X-Men #3, this whole thing may read a little differently (up until this point). But I think we're at the point where it's clear that they physical one-upmanship is masking the sexual tension.
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I mean, their screwing around literally blows a hole through the mansion wall. Idk why, but this always has me dying, too. There's some very serious stuff going on with Moira - meanwhile Rogue and Gambit are at the playground throwing dirt at each other because they like each other.
No, but here's one of the things I like about them. It was all fun and games, and then Rogue did throw the first punch. And then Gambit pushed back. There's going to be a lot of shifts in power dynamics as we go through this, but the thing is, they don't really back down from each other. For better or for worse.
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Ah, the infamous panel!
You saw how angry Rogue was just a second before, and then Gambit scoops her up in his arms and starts spouting all this romantic stuff she's longed to hear and for a moment, she's just kind of gone.
Btw, I love the details of this panel. The mansion is in ruins. Cyclops is like, uh, dude, you may want to throw some cold water on yourself. Jubilee, child that she still is, is like - ew bleck, they're gonna kiss now.
I love it!
I love that Gambit does not care that there is an audience (in fact - he may thrive on it), he's getting under Rogue's skin and it's worth all the fooling around. Meanwhile, Rogue maybe not really realize it yet - but she's getting someone who is not running the other direction due to her powers.
Plus, look, they're both just attracted to each other. And sometimes that fact is just fact.
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I realize the above panel is the more famous one, but these ones. Man, they get me every time.
The first panel - Rogue just lets herself go with it. The second panel, though. That's a smirk. Rogue is 100% smirking because in that moment she is happy she is in the exact position she's in. And for that half second, she's enjoying it.
Which leads to an interesting thought experiment -- what if Rogue didn't have the powers she has. Would this whole thing end in a real kiss? (The answer is yes - some fucking around would have surely been had!) Would their relationship be as deep and real if they could act on their physical attraction? Would they have developed the good friendship they get over the years if there wasn't that initial barrier there?
Hard to say, but I think the story becomes richer having to work around her powers.
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And.... we're back to the status quo as Rogue does have a skin condition that sucks the life out of everyone she touches. It's no longer a game, but the reality she has to face every day.
Also - I do kind of love she knocks him sideways. He does deserve being knocked down a peg every once and a while. Good for his humility.
The basketball game is now over, but I do think this is the real beginning of Gambit trying to win over Rogue's heart -- and yes, I think at first, it's merely for the sake of the challenge of it. I don't think he takes in account that he's going to change his own heart as we go along.
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Just for completion's sake -- here's the last little bit of this part of the subplot. I do roll my eyes at the fact that Wolverine always has to come out looking the coolest. But it works for a nice tag to this particular scene.
So.... later...
Now, how did we get from the basketball game to what looks like a date? Especially since when last we saw Rogue was knocking him sideways? SHAMELESS PLUG TIME - I WROTE A FIC ABOUT IT. Or, you know, come up with your own headcanons. ;)
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Of course Gambit rides a motorcycle - because this is the 90s, and this is the height of cool, lol.
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I love Rogue in this moment. I love that she's owning him here. She knows she looks good. She knows she wants to go out and have a good time. She may even know she wants to have a good time with /him/ but won't think too much about that -- and instead enjoy the possibility of her own happiness first. Having an attractive man at her side is just a bonus. Go get it, girl!
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This is why I love X-Men. Because they are such a family dynamic. Everyone is getting into everyone else's business. Jubilee is the younger sister just wanting to hang out with her ridiculous, cool older brother. Wolverine is that watchful, old uncle. Beast is the next door neighbor who doesn't care that he's butting in, he's just there for a good time. I love all of it! And I do love that there is a tad bit of protectiveness for Rogue. Gambit is still new to this dynamic (not that Rogue and Beast have spent any time together, lol).
The point is that they all love each other like family, and I adore that.
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I love that Gambit just is not here for that family dynamic. This is almost a sitcommy moment, and it's delicious. I also love that Rogue is completely on board with this whole date aspect. Sure, her friends will be there, too. But she's not opposed to Gambit whisking her away for who knows what. Maybe she'll get that candlelight dinner and champagne and a little lite romance he's promised her.
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I love Jubilee pouting! It also makes me wonder if he's already taken Jubilee out for a spin for the fun of it. He would.
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So, her line is fascinating because there are different ways you can read it. Skeptical that he could actually out maneuver Beast. Or hopeful that he will. Read it any way you like! But the smile on her face says she won't be unhappy to lose her friends.
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And BAM! Hit by the plot!
Stupid plot.
It's funny, because his first thought is to see if she's okay. Of course she is, she's invulnerable and she can take the hit. But I honestly think that in that moment, he is concerned for her. There is a bit of genuine care there -- even if she is quick to dismiss it.
And... as Omega Red inserts himself into our fun loving drama, the issue ends, with Rogue and Gambit tied up (and eventually in chains) which is going to become the norm for them, so get used to it. ;)
Honestly, I love this issue - and it's such a fun way to start their story. And I had forgotten that at least half of the issue is comprised of Rogue and Gambit development.
Shame we have to stop the development to get into the Omega Red arc that will take up the next few issues...
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kunikinnie · 2 years
a/n: hello everyone it's been a while have some stupid hcs while I cram long-overdue event stuff :')) taglist: @irethepotato, @kisara-16reblogs, @thatdazaikin, @dazaee
vs your pet cat
featuring: Dazai, Ranpo, Fukuzawa
Dazai Osamu
He didn't understand why your cat didn't like him. Dazai liked it because it was not a dog and as far as he knew, his charm extends to animals too, so what was wrong?
Every attempt at petting him ended up in more bandages for him.
And when Dazai tries to sit down on the only free space left, the cat lies down on it and would. not. budge. Even if he asks nicely, it wouldn't work. You'd have to pick your cat up yourself.
The reason of this cat's disdain for him only clicked in Dazai's head when he realized the cat would brush up against you whenever the two of you were physically affectionate.
"Awww, is the little lord of the house jealous?"
Well, well, well. How the turntables.
The cat's perpetual haughty little facial expressions were replaced by pleas of help. Being aggressively smothered with affection from a man it had no control over was the last thing it considered in its master plan.
In the end, the cat reluctantly gives in to his relentless advances. "We're finally friends!" Dazai says, but in truth he's only being barely tolerated by the small creature.
Edogawa Ranpo
The cat doesn't like him because it sensed a rival in affection. The true is also the same for Edogawa Ranpo.
It's not that he doesn't like cats - in fact he likes them very much - but he knew the instant they locked eyes that neither will yield for your attention.
The petty fights between two spoiled brats may be troublesome, but are nonetheless entertaining. You feel like a parent taking care of two 4 year olds.
"No. You don't deserve my food. Go away."
When Ranpo's not attentive, the cat swiftly grabs one of the potato balls at the edge of the plate.
It's worse when you and Ranpo are physically affectionate. For example, he likes laying his head on your lap and you stroking his hair. It's arguable one of his favorite moments with you. Within minutes your cat will sit near the top of his head, stare at it with murderous intent, before swatting his forehead with great force.
You've talked about this with him several times already, but it takes quite some time before he heeds your request and becomes the bigger person (or species??) in this situation.
He apologizes to your cat with the most sincerity and best cat food he can offer. If this will make all the three of you happy, then appeasing the little rascal wouldn't hurt Ranpo's ego that much, wouldn't it?
Unfortunately, it was rejected with a cold stare and tail swish.
Looks like this will take a few more tries and a lot more cat treats...
Fukuzawa Yukichi
He's the most hurt among the three. Being rejected by a cat is one thing, but being rejected by your cat? What did he do to deserve this?
As such, Fukuzawa spoils the thing rotten. It's almost astounding.
All the treats and toys you can think of he brought over to your place in hopes of appeasing the cat. He always carries wet food with him whenever he visits your place (plus whatever your cat likes best).
He also does his best in making sure "the cat does not feel left out." If the two of you are by the couch, then he'd call the cat to snuggle in between the two of you as well. Sometimes he'd even be brave enough to pick it up himself.
You wonder if he spends more time trying to win over the cat than winning over you not that you mind since you were won over long ago but anyway
It actually doesn't take long for the two of them to get along. The level of respect and fondness Fukuzawa just has for the both of you definitely earned the cat's trust quicker.
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Enjoy pig demon/monster stuff. You can tell when I got sleepy of I did not edit it out.
Content: Monsterfuckery of course, inhuman genitalia, hardcore domination?
Reader Info: you/your Gender neutral, body neutral.
General Headcanons
Ganon's Goods
There's multiple types of ganons all are large and have some pig/boarish(with exceptions) attributes but their severity varies. I'm going separate them into categories.
Pigish Ganons
LoZ Gannon, OoS/OoA Ganon, Four Swords Adventures, AltTP/ALBW Ganon (and Yuga Ganon.)
Rounder chunky boys. Piggy faces usually wielding a trident and without Ganondorf appearing in the game.
They appear around the same size and have equal chance of having humanoid cocks vs one more accurate of their pig counterpart. Which has a more corkscrew shape. Feel free to pick and imagine which one you want. They'd probably be around the same length. The human cock being fatter. The corkscrew cock being thinner but curved.
Big balls. That's all.
Imagine them having little pig tails. Tease them a bit over it.
Boarish Monster Ganon
OoT Ganon, Hyrule Warriors,
Sharper features, at least semi humanoid. Welding weapons and are direct transformations of Ganondorf. Also have long tails.
Oot is probably taller with standing at full height since he's bipedal. Hw has a more hunch posture making it hard to gadge.
Same as before with probability of both humanoid or corkscrew cocks. Though I feel Oot is probably more human leaning.
They have good solid horns/tusks so feel free to give them a tug.
Monster Ganon
Calamity Ganon from both BoTW and AoC
Humanoid but clearly monstrous.
BoTW is sort of built like a malice powered drider with extra limbs. I'm torn on if it would have the equipment but you're here for dicks so you'll get them. It's probably fleshy akin to his not mechanical arms. Would a condom protect you from malice? Let's just assume it would. Horny defeats Malice and Gloom. The shape of their dicks could literally be anything. No balls sadly.
Looking up AoC the most common pic you'd see is him literally presenting his crotch so he fucks.
Where's his dick you my ask, genital slit I answer. It's invisible unless aroused and then a dick comes out. People who read stuff with monster/non human characters know what's up.
I want to say he has a ridged cock but it's just as likely to be smooth. No external testicles.
I can't help but think about the Pyronite from Ben 10 when I see him.
Dark Beast Ganon
BoTW Dark Beast Ganon and TP Dark Beast Ganon.
They mostly resemble wild boars. I was hesitant to put BoTW Dark Beast Ganon but decided he was fine he's a demon boar made of malice.
Most likely to have inhuman junk. Though you're definitely not taking BoTW. You can try if you want.
Small Bonus: Agahnim
An alter ego of Ganon that I remembered while looking at sprites and models for Ganons to get sizes and such. He's probably the shortest Ganon adjacent character. Either average height or just breaking above average. Same with his sizes. Probably willing to use magic in kinky ways though.
Ganon's Kinks
-They share kinks with their Ganondorf counterparts though you probably aren't going to top or dominate any of the Ganons though some would like to see you try.
-Really the closest you get is pulling tusked/horned Ganons around maybe guiding them down between your legs.
-(All) Size kink returns as well as power imbalances roleplay. You're so small in his fist/underneath him surely you know your place and will submit. He only achieved this form due to his sheer power you won't win.
-(All) Exhibitionism except without jealousy as a factor he doesn't care as much in these form. He's already the most powerful should he not conquer what's his?
Reader Insert Headcanons
For the pigish Ganons his underlings rely on you to keep him relatively calm. They are grateful even if they have to catch eyefuls of you tending to their master.
-Often any aftercare is done by the underlings. They clean up after you're done. OoA/OoS Ganon has Veran and Onox to care for you. The dark fairy and dark dragon will be willing to finish the job as well if you're unsatisfied. Just don't tell their bosses.
Being Oot Ganondorf's partner and after he defeats that pesky hero of time comes to you in this monstrous form. Adrenaline running through his system and not wanting to admit he was possibly, a mere inkling, worried about his own demise.
-It's not hard to recognize your lover in this form. Easier still is recognizing his arousal. It's probably the most gentle fuck out of all the Ganons. If you wish for roughness there's plenty of time later. Ganondorf is still adjusting to this form after all.
AoC Calamity Ganon stands out in appearance both other Ganons and somehow the blights and BoTW Calamity Ganon. While BoTW Calamity Ganon would spread Malice on contact AoC seems to burn it?
Either way it'll have the same sensation. If you have ever put ice inside a hot drink and drank some and there's a sensation of like swirling hot and cold, that's what I imagine touching Malice feels like. It's warm but also leeching your warmth. So imagine that sensation while getting reamed.
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darlingshane · 2 years
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Frank Castle x F!Reader
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 2,7k
Summary: Rope play with Frank. That's it.
Content/Warnings: explicit, bdsm, dom!frank, rope play, bj's, ball sucking, orgasm control, orgasm denial.
A/N: For reference, Frank ties reader in a rope dress if you wanna search it up beforehand. You can also find the source I used as inspiration in the ao3 chapter.
– Links: Read Below or at AO3. You can also check out the series masterpost on tumblr.
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Part 5: Shibari
As promised, Frank takes you on a little gateway a week after your last punishment. He wakes you up way earlier than you’d want to with bags already packed and loaded in his truck, and the smell of toast of coffee that he brings you to bed on a tray.
He’s excited to show you the beautiful place he’s picked for your stance in the mountains – a small cabin close to town surrounded by a stunning snowy scenery on a cold winter day. It’s exactly what you expected of Frank. He knows you too well and loves you even more that he plans the whole thing by himself just to surprise you.
After your arrival, you take it slow, go on a stroll to enjoy the sights, get some groceries in town, and visit the local café and other stores in the vicinity. Before it starts snowing again, you get back to the cabin and make the best out of your well-deserved mini vacation with him.
At nighttime, the unfamiliar space, smell, and temperature of the cabin make you a little nervous, and excited to see what Frank has in storage for you. Admittedly, you've never felt as safe as you do when you're in Frank's playroom, so trying this in someone else's space intimidates you a little.
You've already kicked it up a notch by wearing your master's leather collar under a turtle-neck sweater since you left the apartment this morning. Your relationship is solid enough to taste new boundaries and so far, while it's not something you'd like to incorporate in your daily routine; from time to time it'd be nice to wear it longer and hand him all the control of your actions. Frank's not extremely demanding, however. He seeks for your wellness above all, and having him tell you where to sit, what to eat, giving you permission for mundane tasks is actually just as liberating as when you're doing your usual rough play. You're a master's little pleaser, he's gathered. You thrive in praise and every time you follow his words, he's there to reward you with a kiss, a good girl, or a treat.
While Frank prepares the bedroom for a good playing session, you take a relaxing hot bath, per his command.
When the room is ready, your master comes to find you, and after ushering you out of the tub, he helps you dry your body before tying a black, satin blindfold around your eyes.
“Do you trust me, sweetheart?” he hushes in your ear in that swoon-worthy, deep tone that makes your skin shiver.
“Always, Sir.”
That's his pleased response you've come to adore. He takes your hand and steers you towards the bedroom. After a few steps, the texture of the floor changes from wood to something plush and cozy under your bare feet. He stops when you hit the middle of the fabric and your body quickly heats up in anticipation, and at the warmth radiating from the fireplace.
Only Frank can see how gorgeous you look right now, with just the glow of the flames dancing across the surface of your skin, drawing every curve of your figure.
His palms hover the plane of your body for a moment without so much as a touch, letting you guess where he’s going to put them first. After a few seconds, they land carefully on your shoulders. His breath touches the back of your neck, as he places a tender kiss on that spot.
Preparing you for the activity he’s chosen, he spends a good amount of time massaging your neck, shoulders, and arms in all their length down to your palms. Your skin buzzes in delight with his hands thoroughly kneading your back afterward.
When he’s done, he grabs a coil of rope from the chair and proceeds to constrict your body with it.
He takes his time, gingerly binding your torso with a rope dress — you can tell what he's picked from his maneuvering around you. Sir’s rough but careful fingers caress your prickled skin as he ties the folded rope in a series of knots in a line down the middle of your torso. You shudder when a happy knot is placed over your clit, and you try not to move much to not get overexcited. He pulls the tail between your legs and up your back, from under your ass, to link it with the first loop he left hanging between your shoulders blades.
Next, he circles your body, back to the front, and extends your arms up, so he can bring the tails from the back under your armpits. From above your breasts and down to your waist, he starts lacing the rope with great dexterity, creating a diamond pattern along your chest.
It's arduous work, but it seems like a piece of cake to your master. And it's quite rewarding for both.
You’re partial to rope. However, you rarely practice rope play cause a couple of times you’ve felt a little overwhelmed when too much time is spent bound like this. Last time you did, you cried yellow in the middle, but you were restricted in a more intricate way from head to toe; that’s why you figure he went from the rope dress this time.
Almost finished, he frames your mound in one last diamond and curls the tails around your waist to secure them at your back, keenly tying and looping the remains around the line that goes up your spine.
As a final touch, he folds your arms comfortably at the small of your back and uses another coil of rope to bind them to the harness, rendering you completely useless, except for your legs.
“How does it feel, sweetheart? You good?” he squeezes your hands.
“I’m good, Sir. Thank you for being so careful.”
“Anything for my good girl,” relying on touch only, you then feel his fingers moving between your legs, tapping on the knot on your clit, “How about this, does this feel right?”
“It feels amazing, Sir.”
“Hmm,” he presses on it for a few seconds, earning a good sigh out of your lips. “We're gonna get you to your knees now, alright?”
You nod and trust his hands as he lowers you to the floor.
Out of sight, as you get comfortable on your knees, he takes off his shirt and walks around, observing the beautiful form of your surrendering position. Like you’ve already guessed, he opts for leaving your legs free this time to avoid that over exhaustion of last time.
He stops in front of you and cups his bulge, watching you as you take a deep breath and get used to the rope. He admires how much you’ve progressed, and how much trust you’ve put in him. Like now, he could do anything with you right now, and you’d let him without question. That takes a lot of time to build, but with you, it came fairly easy.
After a moment, he picks up the flogger he laid early on the bed and does another spin around you, this time gently letting you feel the leather tresses on different parts of your skin without striking. Surveying your every reaction, he casually places its weight on each of your shoulders, brushes the back of your neck with its tails, tickles the soles of your feet, and then teases your hard nipples, bringing that dizzying arousal that comes from handling him that power.
You stay centered, for the most part, minding your Sir’s desires as he changes your position. He coaxes you to lean forwards until your head and shoulders are propped on the end of the mattress.
“Lift your ass as much as you can,” he orders, patting your rear as you push your ass upwards, “good girl.”
You swallow as he runs the leather tails softly on your rear, cueing you before swinging the flogger. He starts fairly gentle and slow, warming up your cheeks, and the back of your thighs.
When the strikes start coming slightly harder and quicker, your hips jerk and that sweet knot, sitting on the right place, stimulates your clit as a result.
He notices how your body waves, aching for more friction against that knot.
“You’re enjoying that, huh?”
“Ahh, yes, Sir.”
“What do we say?”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Attagirl,” rumbles deep in his throat, followed by a grunt, and a harder thud, “what’s your color?”
“Green, Sir.”
Pausing, he inhales, trying to tame his own arousal, “we’re going to count backwards from ten, and move on. Tell me when you’re ready.”
You take a deep breath, “ready, Sir.”
Much in sync with the other, he swings evenly as you to utter each number after each strike.
The pain is evenhandedly dull with the flogger, it resembles more of a deep massage than anything else. It's the rope around your body that inflicts more damage than the leather falls.
Your body strains against your constraints as you get down to the last three, and it relaxes after the final hit.
Your slickness extends around your binds, reaching your thighs when he's done.
A long, heavy exhalation comes out of your mouth as one of his caring palms touches your ass, assessing the warmth of your skin.
“You took it so fucking good, sweetheart.”
“You gave it so fucking good, Sir,” you murmur.
He smiles to himself and lets you recover for several beats before straightening your torso and checking that your blindfold is still in place.
“Are you hungry, sweetheart?” Sir reaches to your mouth, tilts your chin up with his tucked index finger as his thumb rubs back and forth on your lower lip.
“Hmm, yes, Sir.”
His thumb then slips between your lips, and touches your tongue as you wrap your mouth around it.
“You want something bigger to fill that insatiable mouth?”
“Uh-hum,” you eagerly mumble around his finger, “I’d love that, Sir.”
Scoffing, he plays with your tongue a little more before pulling his thumb out.
If you could see his face, you'd capture the ignition in his eyes, and the plush of his lips turning a few shades of pink deeper at the prospect of what comes next, — him feeding you his cock.
“Stick out your tongue, kitten,” he purrs, undoing his zipper, and releasing his aching erection as you follow his order.
He holds his thick length in one hand, and places his other palm on the side of your head, as he first tentatively taps, and slides the breadth of its head on the plane of your tongue a few times before shoving half his dick in the depth of your mouth.
“Good girl,” he growls, “go on.”
With nothing but your mouth to please your master's stately hard-on, you swirl your tongue, drawing the familiar flare at the top, teasing its slit, and tasting the first drops of his precum. Then, you bob your head back and forth, taking him further down until the tip of his cock touches the back of your throat.
“Attagirl. Keep going.”
Wrapping your lips around his shaft, you worship his cock with passion, earning praises and delightful groans out of your master's mouth.
Extremely aroused, your hips undulate lightly, searching for the delicious pressure of the rope on each side of your lips, and the knot that shifts with your movements over your swollen clit.
Suddenly, Frank stops you from finishing him and takes his cock out of your mouth, allowing you to catch your breath.
You pout, and he smirks, holding his length, stepping an inch closer to your face and propping his balls over your lips, so you can feel them.
“Suck’em,” he orders gravely.
Your tongue swipes across your lips as you follow your Sir’s wishes. You take one blindly into your mouth, capturing the already taut skin of his scrotum, and cover it in your saliva before taking the other. He jerks himself, flattering the ways of your doing between clenched teeth and well garnered grunts as you drive him out of his mind with the swirling and desperate sucking of his sack.
When he’s close, he takes them away and shoves his twitching cock back in your mouth. He holds your head still with both hands, as you set your jaw a little slacked, so he can fuck your mouth obscenely hard the rest of the way until he ejaculates in the middle of your tongue with just a handful of thrusts.
Standing still from a moment, he anchors himself to you as his breath catches.
You're nearly in tears when he puts his cock away and crouches in front of you to wipe your mouth, and bathe you with more sweet adulation.
“Who’s my best girl?” he rasps, removing the blindfold off your eyes.
“I am, Sir,” you blink as your vision adjusts to the warm light of the fireplace.
“Damn right you are,” he states huskily, cupping your jaw in his palms, massaging the joints of your mandible, “you did so good. How are you feeling? You wanna keep going?”
��Thank you. I’d like that, Sir… I haven't… yet…”
“I know,” he smiles softly, “I was getting to it. Do you want me to untie you?”
“Just my arms, Sir.”
“Okay,” he sighs, utterly pleased, and proceeds to untie your hands.
He helps up to your feet and places you on the bed on your side. His large form spoons your shape, tucking one of his hands between your legs. His fingers slip under the rope and that well-placed knot, and he gently caresses your over-excited clit that was begging for some attention.
His lips roam your neck, nibbling and kissing, as the pressure of his fingers madly fuel that fiery flame growing in your core.
“Can I come, Sir?”
“Tsk, not yet baby,” cause he likes to make you beg a few times.
As you squirm in his hold, he rubs harder on you as the rope strains in all the right places, marking your skin.
“Please, Sir,” you plead again after a couple of minutes.
“Shh, just a little more. I know how long you can hold, sweetheart,” he grins smugly before sucking a good chunk of your neck between his lips, “be a good girl for me.”
You moan and hold tight for several beats, gripping at his arm that tenses with every move as it rubs fiercely on your clit until you reach a point of no return. It’s either stop or let go. There’s no in between.
“Pleasepleaseplease, Sir,” you desperately pant, overtaken by that torrent of pleasure held only by a shred of will.
Reveling in that power, he makes you wait, — just a little more – before granting you the right to unleash that powerful orgasm that flows freely through every inch of your body, setting every cell ablaze.
Under a heavy breath, you utter your gratitude to your master and relax in the safety of his arms. You love the extra cuddles and kisses, and he loves indulging you for being a good girl. He's always so tender and attentive, it makes your heart swoon. Tonight, he waits until you've completely come down from your high, and your body has turned to jello to remove the rope tying your body. Carefully undoing each knot, he enjoys seeing the temporary marks of pleasure and devotion left on your skin. He cares for them, spreading lotion on your skin and making sure there is no burn or extreme damage to the surface of your body.
Then, you sit comfortably against the headboard and cover your body up to your chest with a blanket afterward, while Frank gathers some food from the kitchen.
“You were so beautiful today, I should have taken a picture,” he says, holding a spoon near your mouth to feed you a piece of cheesecake after settling next to you.
“Thank you, Sir,” you smile timidly, take your bite of food, and express with your mouth full, “you don't have to feed me.”
“I wanna,” he shrugs, taking a piece of cake for himself.
“Next time you could take a picture, you know?”
“Would you want that?”
“In other circumstances I'd say no, but I trust you, Sir. I know it'd be only for you.”
“Maybe I will,” he offers you another bite, followed by a quick kiss to your lips.
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qiutls · 1 year
"Maybe he didn't want the two of you to be upset?"
People who were gathered around looked at us as if we had said something so absurd.
It was expected, of course. Who doesn't know the reason Belial came to the North? It wasn't enough to just send aristocrats and find trouble with the estate, the imperial family came forward and wanted to find fault by themselves.
Kyle's biological mother, as written in < The Heart of Winter >, was a commoner who ended her life as a maid, not being able to be recognized by the imperial family, nor even buried with a grave. For Belial, who's a prince and a member of the imperial family, Kyle's existence itself is an insult to his so-called noble bloodline.
I understand it's hard to accept the situation. His biological father suddenly got someone other than his mother pregnant and made him accept that child as his brother. If we were bound my original world's laws, you'd be stoned to death. But still, that isn't Kyle's fault.
*Okay, so this is how I found out Belial and Kyle are half-brothers, and not uncle and nephew... correcting the other chapter where it says Kyle was the son of previous emperor*
Belial turned his head to look at Sen.
"Because it will make me upset?"
Sen picked up the bag of walnuts from the floor and said calmly.
"Yes, Your Highness."
Belial looked at me this time. He stared at me with questioning eyes, 'Is that really the case?'
I don't know. I don't know what Sen meant; we didn't talk about this before. But I smiled at him, hopefully making him believe Sen more.
Fortunately, Sen continued.
"There will be a flower-giving event at the banquet, which marks the final day of the Northern festival."
"People who attend the event are supposed to give flowers to someone they love and respect. The people of Blake will naturally offer their flowers to their master, Lord Kyle."
'There was something like that?'
The system quickly answered my question.
[ A crooked smile lay on Belial's face. His eyes scanned the large yet empty straw basket next to him. The basket next to Kyle was filled up to the brim with white flowers. Not a single symbol of respect was given to him. It was as expected. This is why he needed to get rid of Kyle and get rid of the North as a whole. ]
'... This was more dangerous than I thought.'
There's no reason to hate Kyle that much, there's also no reason to hate people who just want to make a good living. You can't really judge people based on their faces. You may look good, but your personality is dirty.
"This is basically a tradition in the North. I'm worried that Your Highness will be hurt."
Belial didn't seem interested in me anymore, he passed by me and went directly to Sen.
Although the plot of the story must've been changed, it is true that their fates are intertwined, and they're bound to form a relationship. Belial's gaze at Sen looked unusual.
However, it was a misleading gaze. It wasn't an 'I fell in love at first sight' look... It was a gaze that felt so hot it could burn.
'A look of possessiveness?'
That's right, it felt like a desire to win, rather than love.
"What's that you're carrying?"
Belial looked at the hamster supplies and snacks.
There was cotton candy-colored cushions, plastic balls, sawdust, and swings. Why does it look like they're trying to make a theme park for hamsters?
"Ah yes, you're the maid who's been to the grand duke's study a lot."
"His Highness is raising a magical beast and I am merely helping him with miscellaneous things."
Okay, you two talk. I'm going to leave.
Anyway, now that there's a reason, don't go if you can help it. It's a one-of-a-kind life, don't you think you should try and protect it and live for a hundred years?
I was creeping back and about to disappear from the gathering when Belial called out to me.
"Hey, you."
Please don't pay attention. Don't worry about me. The time for "Summon" is almost over. I need to go now, so you two have fun.
Belial grabbed the back of my hand as I tried to pretend, I didn't hear his call. I turned my head to look at him and forced a smile. That's right let's just laugh. This damn social status, you'd be dead by now if you weren't the prince. Seriously...
"Did you really mean that?"
Why are you still asking?
It was difficult to refute the statement, so I struggled and ended up agreeing.
"Yes, well... I'm not good at explaining stuff so I was thinking how to tell you, but Sen took the words right out of my mouth so..."
Belial cast a glance at me as if he were seeing something strange. He treated the magical beast indifferently, but he seems quite interested in people... No, maybe, he's just curious at interesting stuff.
"You can give me flowers then; I won't be upset."
What are you talking about? How can I go to the banquet? I don't even have an invitation!
Even if I tried to go as a servant, the competition to be hired during the banquet was huge. In other words, I'll end up frying or picking up food, and have no place to intervene.
I looked at him in embarrassment, and Belial took out a piece of paper and handed it to me with an indifferent expression.
It was an invitation to the banquet; it even had his name written on the back. Probably because he's classified as VIP, Kyle even wrote the invitation himself.
My head throbbed when I saw the invitation and I almost swatted it away.
If we're being honest, it was a good opportunity. If Belial attends the banquet and decides to do anything suspicious, the best way to stop it is to stick by his side and prevent anything from happening myself.
However, the moment I received this piece of paper, it felt like my future would be more tiresome than it is now.
"... Yes."
I took it. What else can I do? Rip it in half?
As the duration of "Summon" is ending, I slowly excused myself and went back. I bowed my head and sighed constantly on my way back to hide my clothes.
'I shouldn't run into Kyle at the banquet.'
But there's no way to avoid meeting him. Ah! Why did I say that when we met!
Life is really not easy.
The next afternoon, as soon as I dressed up, I met Sen.
"I've been looking for you! Where the hell have you been? I've asked the guards and they've never seen you leave nor enter the gates, and you're not sleeping at the servant's quarters, and no matter how many guest rooms I've searched, I couldn't find you."
"Ah, that-"
I've been sleeping at Kyle's bedroom. Since I'm not disappearing randomly these days, Kyle has been comfortable enough to let me out of the hamster house.
It turns out I didn't have good sleeping habits, whenever I came to my senses, I was sleeping on Kyle's face. He'd grab me from the back of my neck, put me back down and wrap me tightly in a handkerchief, and go back to sleep.
At first, I didn't like being swaddled at all, but because of the cold winter nights, I found that it was more comfortable than I thought. As the morning dawned, I found myself back at the hamster house again.
In the afternoon, after pretending to play with the toys he gave that was bought by Sen, he said that he was going out and put me back in the house.
"Well... that's what happened."
I couldn't think of any excuse, so I decided to be vague and remain silent. It's better to give an impression that's a little bit suspicious than to be caught lying.
Sen stared at me for a moment before dismissing the conversation as if it wasn't important.
"I've been looking for you since morning."
She handed me a big box that was heavier than it looked.
"What's this?"
"It's a suit for the banquet. His Highness, Belial, sent it. He didn't even know your name, yet he gave you this."
What an amazing guy, he didn't even know my name, but he thought about preparing clothes for me. Indeed, it was weird to receive a flower from a stranger, so he probably gave the invitation and prepared clothes so it would seem less strange.
"I got one too!"
Sen smiled and lifted another box.
"He asked me to come with him. It's the first time I'm wearing a dress. Actually, there was one time I wanted to wear something like this but..."
I pretended not to see Sen's slightly sad face.
"Anyways, thanks to you Shu, I get to wear pretty clothes like this. By the way, why did you tell the prince not to go to the banquet? Was it really about the flowers?"
"Ah... about that, it's not about the flowers, I just don't have a good feeling."
I felt ashamed and cut the conversation short.
"Anyways, you go attend the banquet! It's good to attend as a guest and not as a servant."
"You're right! I will surely repay this kindness."
"If that's the case, then pay it back with food!"
Northern food is really delicious.
"You're such a glutton! Where does everything you eat even go?"
"... I know right?"
It's actually going straight into my hamster belly.
Thanks to that, Kyle has been touching my belly fat more than kissing me. Even though I try to kick his hand every time he does it, he thinks I like it and that I'm trying to play so he continues to do it. I think he'll even mistake my swearing for a serenade.
I talked a little more about the banquet with Sen and then we went our separate ways.
Eating the bread Sen gave me as we parted I thought, 'Northern food is really a delight.'
The thinly sliced meat, vegetables that overcame the tough winds of the cliff, and bread fresh out of the oven were as delicious as famous fast-food franchises in my world.
I kept my daily clothes and the suit in the box hidden once again, patted my stomach and the white light enveloped me once again. As soon as I turned into a hamster, I felt heavy.
'Kyle is going to nag me again.'
Maybe I can hide when he comes back if I slip through this hole.
".... Cashew Nut."
I murmured curses as I felt my body crammed in the cylindrical hole. Is it right to swell up like this?! Just because I ate two sandwiches, I can no longer fit here? I ate just two!
[ 乁(・o・)ㄏ ]
Yeah, I'm larger, but not that much... Maybe I grew around 15 centimeters.
I held my breath and tucked in my stomach to slide down the hole as Kyle gave me a worried look. Hey, who cares about gaining a few pounds! It's not like I have a terminal disease.
"You're not eating the food I've been giving you; I don't know how you're gaining so much weight."
It's because you're not bringing something delicious Your Highness. He kept touching my stomach the whole time, seemingly worried. Okay, let's not play today.
Kyle brought me to his bedroom to sleep again tonight, and as soon as I woke up in the hamster house in the morning, he forced the macadamia in my mouth.
Go, do your duties!
I'm going to a big banquet this evening. If I want to eat all the delicious food there, then I need to make space in my stomach.
Of course, Kyle who had no idea what I was thinking, stared at me grimly, before placing me back at the hamster house.
t/n sorry for the late update & for not being able to markdown the text! ill edit it later when i get home ^^
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thecluelessdoctor · 1 year
I feel dumb for asking but uh
What's yiga clan?
Oh anon lemme teach you a lesson-
*A H E M*
Cw: small spoilers for botw and TOTK!
The yiga clan is a clan/group of enemies that appears in the legend of Zelda, Breath of the wild. They were originally from the sheikah clan, ten thousand years prior to the events of BOTW, before they broke off from the skeikah clan, and refusing to fall under the kingdom of hyrule's rane, and they latter join in supporting Ganondorf's cause.
Their mission is to destroy link and anyone else who might get in the way.
They are most recognizable in their Red clothes and mask, but at times the may disguise themselves as a traveler in need (it's unsure if it's just them under the mask or not..)
They are also well known for their love towards bananas. After defeating one they will likely drop their weapon, some rupees, and a mighty banana (which gives tier attack up when cooked)
In BOTW, one of your main quests is to infiltrate the yiga clan hideout to retrieve the Gerudo's Thunder Helm. You use bananas to distract the sentry's stationed all about the hideout.
In the second game however, TOTK, there is no main quest for the yiga clan. In stead you are able to get the yiga clan armor, and as long as your wearing it, yiga will not attack you. Though disguised yiga will get mad at you for walking around in the outfit, as well as the gerudo, who will threaten you, as well as throw you in jail if you even if you only have the mask on.
The yiga Clan's leader, Master Kogha is mentioned quite a bit by yiga members and just in general. Honestly they made him sound scary and made it sound like this boss fight(s) we're gonna be hard smh.
The clans right hand is Sooga, who according to the AOC dlc is like. Kogha's adoptive son, who we dont see at all in BOTW or totk. It's believed that due to the timeline spilt AOC, Sooga was only in that timeline and not in the main timeline of botw.
Anyway, you link end up "killing" master Kogha in the first game- well actually he ends up killing himself. He makes a spiked metal ball that is far to big and it ends up rolling him into the large pit in the Yiga hideout.
In the second game however, he's somehow still alive, and has a more prominent role in the story. You find him in 4 mines inside the depths, trying to get a steward construct to work, whom link is the only one who can activate it. You fight him 3 times of him doing this, one of him on a boat, one of him driving around, and one of him flying using a glider. In the last mine, the Rito depths mine, however, he takes control of a zonai construct. And the fight can be a real pain if you don't know what your doing. But once you defeat him, he gets very annoyed and mad at you, and.. poofs a rocket bundle with something sharp on it. He goes on a slight monologue, waving his hands around, but the rocket bundle is homed to his hand? I think. Basically how joycon works. Anyway, he turns on the rockets, and they fly at him and not link, sending him up out of the depths. Now normally you'd think he'd be fine, but the chasm to get into the mine is in a cave under Rito Village. So he likely smacked into the ceiling (but probably unlikely seeing how he can teleport, and his original track record. But who knows! I don't think they'll make a third game for botw, due to the time loop being completed once again)
that went on a lot longer than expected.
In summary
The yiga clan are a bunch of bananas loving ninjas, with a smart but goofy boss 👍
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avalonianrising · 3 months
Okay so, what faction of yours or group of dragons is the spookiest? Your seers/soothsayers/prophets that may or may not put the hair of your neck on end? Any who kinda walk that strange line between the living and dead, where you're not sure if they're looking at you or THROUGH you?
Hhhh, I love this ask so much I'mma eat it.
This one, I also have to give to The Petrified Ruins! They're absolutely haunting. Every time I see them in my head, I get that little shiver like I do not want them to be -anywhere near me.-
When you look at Stein, you may wonder if you're looking at a doll. Whether in humanoid form or dragon form, he's meant to be pleasing to the eye. Porcelain skin, but are those...ball-joints? And then, he moves. The most sickening pops echoing into air that's suddenly far too still for your liking. When did the birds stop chirping?
When did he get so close to you? His face next to your face, those green eyes staring unblinkingly into yours. Any thought about him being natural has been shattered in an instant. Briefly, you believe yourself crazy for noticing how absolutely wonderful he smells. Cedar, fresh water, sunlight--he smells of the very place you're in, but so much more intense.
Some would say you'd be lucky if you're a Pearlcatcher. They receive the mercy of a swift death, their pearls added to his growing collection, their bodies buried deep in the roots to nourish his favorite plants. Gods help you if you're any other breed, because his master's last experiment has broken--and he needs another post-haste.
You can try to run, but...wait, didn't you just pass that hedge? Pop. Pop. Pop. They get closer and closer the faster you run. You can try to fly, but inexplicably find yourself slamming to the ground as many times as you can get up and take off again. You can even try and stay completely still. But how long can you wait? Should you even try to cry out for help? It's not advised.
Your absolute only hope is Usnea, who has been living on these grounds far longer than Stein or Darnell. But even then, she may just use you for her own purposes. She could use a new mask. But if you're suddenly sitting on your butt at the end of the train tracks you walked in on, consider yourself very lucky...and never come back. It's just not worth it. Somewhere behind you, something howls. Shrieking Wilds is right...
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
Wayne Jackson x Reader || Oneshot
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Plot: Lyle demands that you find some nice clothes for Wayne so that he can be seen with him in public and not be embarrassed. Simultaneously, you're dealing with a particularly bad Tinder match sending you eggplants.
You help Wayne to be presentable and Wayne helps you to make a wierdo leave you alone.
Warnings: Sexual references as well as mentions of dick picks.
*I wanted to write for Greasy and Wheezy Weasel... but also Jim Bickerman... this is the natural conclusion XD
Tagging: @masqueradeball and @slxsherwriter
"Ooookay, look... " You feel like a master chef judge except theirs no cake, there's just Wayne. Disappointing. "The outfit is fine, you cant go wrong with a clean shirt and jeans." Clearing your throat, you turn promptly to the men's jackets section of T.K. Max, wondering to the medium section and giving the choices a quick overlook. "You just need a good coat- because this jean jacket and hoodie combination is not it. You're a 60 year old man not a 19 year old drug dealer, dress like it."
"Thought I was."
Giving a sigh as you look through the options, because this is absolutely not what you would like to be doing today (Though, it still beat answering the phone right now), you pick out a few of the coats and hand them over to Wayne. You choose a coat in off-white, too, but pause. You look at him and screw up your nose in a wince, considering what he does for a living. He shakes his head. No. Bad idea. Put it back.
Shame; he'd look good in white.
"Anyway, we'll also pick up a few more shirts and jeans because you cant live on a rotation of 3 to 2 ratio. No. We might get you a haircut too, and maybe- "
"God. You wanna shave me, too??" He cuts you off, and you hear the exaggerated sarcasm clear as day, but still give him a deeply unamused.
"No, the beard's sexy." You say bluntly, feeling your phone buzz in your back pocket and fighting off a frustrated sigh; knowing exactly who it was from. "-Thats your only redeeming feature right now. Don't say crazy stuff like that!, because I do not have the patience for it today."
The man gives you a sheepish shrug, but looks wholly shut up. "... jeez... You're a real ball a' joy, today."
You feel the tell-tale buzz again, and let air whisper out from between your lips in frustration. "... you have no idea."
"Great." Wayne rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed at this whole situation just like you. And you get it- if your cousin said he was embarrassed of you and demanded someone else take you out and dress you at the crack of dawn on a Saturday then you'd be pretty damn annoyed, too. You're about to offer an olive branch, ask if he wants to get something to drink before you start, but then a mischievous vulgar grin spreads across his rough-looking face and immediately you groan. Before words even come out. This goddamn man- "... Hey, I do like to hear ya think I'm sexy, though. How about that, huh?"
Without a word, you deadpan-point him towards the changing rooms.
Its a couple of hours later and- to be honest- you are in a better mood, now. This is definitely better then answering your Tinder messages, at least. For sure.
At first all the two of you did was argue, until you marched him out of the store to get a coffee. You found, after that, that you were both far more likeable people with a caffeinated/sugary drink in your hands. You got along a lot better, then.
After a few try-on's, you both agreed on a plain old grey long coat. not quite a trench coat, because he's creepy enough you think, but nothing fancy either, with nice deep pockets. That feature particularly made him happy, and you couldn't blame him. Pockets make you happy, too. You didn't think about what he might want to put in the pockets, though he did try to tell you. You didn't want to know.
"No- but wait, see here?? I could totally fit a- "
"Thats okay Wayne, I don't need to know."
"B- "
*Huff* "Suit yourself. ... Hm, but I might even be able to get me in here some- " This man chose to look up and wriggle his eyebrows at you, almost causing you to choke on a laugh. Almost. "You know."
Okay, you're not made of stone. At this you did snort; shaking your head. "No, I don't know."
"... you wanna?"
Now Wayne was just trying a few pairs of jeans (He offered to let you in so you could 'help him'... you politely turned that oh so very kind and beyond charming offer down with a 'no you're a big boy; I have the utmost faith in you that you can do it' and an encouraging pat on the shoulder), and while you sat outside the changing rooms with the coat hung over your legs and a basket half full with some more shirts in various cobalt hue's, you finally see fit to open up your phone for the first time in the day and... oh, boy.
You wince.
"Yep," You mutter, shaking your head and shifting to make sure no one was around to see. "Thats a penis."
God, what is wrong with men?
'U gotta send me some now' the guy, Brandon, texts you then seeing that you were online. 'Thats fair'. You groan. Oh no you do not.
When Wayne comes out of one of the changing rooms, tucking his shirt into his new jeans, you quickly switch off your phone and lower it into your lap. A second ago you were having a good day (A good day! With crazy Wayne of all people!), but now... aghhh, you just wanted to go home. Be alone. Lament over the fact that, at this rate, you're never going to find a man you have any kind of real chemistry with. "- that looks great." You say quickly, flashing a kind smile and getting up. "We'll get a couple of those. Its all on Lyle, anyway. Come on, lets ring up. You wanna get Taco Bell on the way back?- "
"Uh uh uh," As you're attempting to walk by Wayne and head for the registers, he grabs you by the crook of your arm and stops you right there. "What just happened here?"
Taking a deep breath, you cross you arms and face him; never mind the proximity he set. "Nothing. We've been out for hours, and I'm tired."
"You are not." He growls, then you peer and watch a sly grin spread across his face. "You cant lie to a liar, sweetheart, trust me. But hey," Suddenly he plucks your phone right out of your hand, making you yelp and go wide-eyed. Oy- "lets see for ourselves what the problem is, huh?"
"No, no, no- " You reach for the phone as soon as you see it, but he turns around.
Your phone comes to life and, holding the device just out of your reach (Well, you could move and grab it, but at this point you're frozen out of mortification), Wayne flicks to the most recently opened app. Then the photo's slide across the screen again and your nose wrinkles. "Ahhhh... " You roll your eyes deeply. You can imagine the nasty grin on the dirty old man's face without even seeing it. "... So? You gonna uhh... repay the favour, or not? Hm??" He chuckles. and you groan.
"What do you think?" You ask his back, rubbing your face.
"Well I'm sure I don't know- "
"No! The answer is no!"
"Heheh,.. " Suddenly an odd calm settles over Wayne, and you hear rather then see the phone shut off. Then there's a consoling tone in his voice that makes you nervous. "Alright, we can go. I'm all done here, after all, aren't I? Nothin for my Cuz to be embarrassed about anymore, hm? Lemme just put my old pants back on."
"Okay... thank you... ... hey, wait, gimmie back my phone, first- "
"Not just yet."
... that sure makes you nervous.
For the few moments you're waiting for him you tug your bottom lip between your teeth, worried. You just want your phone back! You want to delete. Tinder. damnit.
When Wayne's in there for a few moments too long, you awkwardly approach and knock on the door. "... Way- "
He opens the door almost as soon as your knuckles hit the surface, startling you, and hands you the phone back with a terrible, satisfied look on his face.
... you squint. "What did you do."
"Nothin'." He tells you back, noncommittally; shrugging and adjusting his pants as you open up your phone and navigate back to Tinder.
..- "OH." Immediately you turn off your phone all the way again and cross your arms, fighting to urge to throw it. THATS not gonna give you nightmares at all. After a moment, your eyes flick to Wayne grinning proud. "... why."
"Well he aint gonna bother you no more now, is he?"
"The concept of your penis does seem to have that effect on people." You say... but cant help it. You laugh, shaking your head; more an inappropriate cackle then a laugh, really. It feels good. "Come on lets go,.. Flaccid, and everything. Very sexy, Wayne."
"I thought so." He's still grinning with pride, and that only makes your giggles worse.
"Move it, Jackson."
You did end up getting lunch on the way back, opting to eat in the parking lot on the hood of the car, and you're still sipping coke when you pull into Wayne's driveway. He lives with Dale, its the only way the two of them can afford a semi-decent place with the wages that Lyle pays them, and as you slowly roll over the driveway you see Dale's motorbike in the open garage. He must be working on it today.
When Wayne pipes up from the passenger seat, you turn and watch him while chewing the paper straw in your taco bell cup. "Welll, this has been sorta fun, sweetheart. Coulda been more fun," He gives you a meaningful look and you shake your head, but grin with the straw still between your teeth. He clears his throat, opening the car door. "But, eh, not bad."
"Not bad??" You ask, teasing. "My company is just 'not bad'??"
There's a wicked look in his eye and on his face. "... yep."
"Never claimed to be anything else, did I now?" With that light-hearted but very true remark, Wayne turns to get out of the car- but a crazy split-second urge has you putting down your drink and stopping him.
"Wayne?- "
"Huh?- "
When your lips meet in a deep kiss with the old bastard you didn't even know you wanted until then, you feel every nerve in your body light up. Its slow and a little dirty, and you love it. You didnt know you could be kissed like this. So when you pull back you cant help the smirk that matches his.
"... well, now I think you're company's a lil better, Y/N." You snort, at that. "What? I manage t' seduce you with that photo? Hm?"
You roll your eyes and give a sigh. "Good lord- "
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rhenuvee · 1 year
Do They Get Invited to the Fontaine Masquerade Ball? [Mondstadt]
A/N: Based on my post where I begged Hoyo to give us a Fontaine masquerade ball event. If they don't, this is the post I am using to quench my thirst.
Warnings: This is just my opinions and thoughts! If you think differently it is okay! (In my original post I said that I thought that the "higher-ups" would get invited so that is what I'm basing it off), written in an informal way, not all characters have headcanons!
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Yes - Jean, Kaeya, Diluc, Eula
Jean: She's anxious that something may go wrong if she's not there, especially with Klee. Lisa reassures her that everything will be okay (Lisa can be strict too so I think they'll be fine). Her co-knights (and Diluc) try to comfort her as well saying it is something to be proud of for her. I think she starts feeling better when she receives compliments from other guests of her being the acting grand master.
Kaeya: Was surprised he was going, because he thought Jean would've asked him to stay (Diluc: the Knights of Favonius are inefficient, you really think you'd stay?). He remembers that one time his adopted father was away for two days for the ball, and can't fathom that he'd get this chance. I just know his outfit for the masquerade ball is e x t r a v a g a n t.
Diluc: He remembers his father getting invited, so now it's his turn. He is hesitant on going, since there is business to take care of with the winery, possible memories of his father, and of course- his "dear" brother who is also attending. He probably is asked to bring wine by the organizers. When he gets dressed, Kaeya's like huh you're not wearing the darknight hero mask? And if you listen closely you can hear retribution.
Eula: Also surprised she got an invite because of her lineage... but on the other hand, she is not her ancestors, nor is she getting invited for that reason. Amber is excited for her and begs her to tell her all about it when she comes back. She is the best when it comes to the ballroom dancing part.
No - Amber, Lisa, Barbara, Razor, Bennett, Noelle, Fischl, Sucrose, Diona, Rosaria, Mika, Klee
Most of them are too young anyway... however that doesn't stop them from getting excited about a ball even though they cannot attend.
Fischl: She claims she is not jealous, because in her kingdom they have their own masquerade ball. Fontaine has an exquisite ballroom with the most brilliant chandeliers? The Immernachtreich has a better one, all purples and black with candles and Oz themed lights. She immediately organizes it along with asking her mom to make her favourite cold cut platter, and invites all her friends.
Bennett: Hears about Fischl's masquerade ball and is very much convinced that her's sounds better than Fontaine's. When he attends Fischl's ball, (well it looks better in her head but) he thinks it's the most amazing event he'd been to.
Klee: She is sad that Kaeya and a few of her other friends have to leave, though it's only for a bit. Klee asks him to bring back something like a Fontaine-Dodoco, Kaeya chuckles and says sure. Lisa and Albedo are the main people who have to keep her out of trouble.
Razor: Potatoes.
Well... - Venti, Mona, Albedo
Venti: If this guy can somehow make it to Lantern Rite and Irodori, then he can get to the ball. Not saying he was ever invited, but something tells me he has a scheme twirling his fake mustache and sneaking in. I won't deny that it would be fun to see him at a masquerade ball. Insert Diluc's deadpan face when he sees an alcoholic bard made his way to Fontaine. Venti makes up a fake title- "The Best Wine Taster of Teyvat"
Mona: She has wrote on the Steambird which drew in a lot of readers, so I think she has a good chance of getting invited. She'd be able to connect with any Fontaine fans that enjoy her astrology columns. I also think her outfit would be very elegant.
Albedo: I feel like he has a chance of getting invited but declines for two reasons. One because he has a lot of research to do and two, because someone needs to keep Klee from blowing up Mondstadt (and possible sus-bedos on the loose). I believe if anything, Sucrose would be the one to convince him to go since there could be more things alchemy related to discover in Fontaine, or other alchemists or scientists to meet.
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boundless-ut · 5 months
Here again with more questions abt the lore!
For these current characters, a few dont really seem to be human... or normal paper folk anyways, are there any unique species? Or are these goof balls just unique ones? Like quark, the skull candle fella (forgot their name) and page most of all!
Is there a reason page doesnt have a face? Or will they get one in later versions of the game? How do they communicate to others? Telepathy? Sign language? Writing? Or do they just... talk anyways?
I so would love to make ocs for this already!!
Oh and a silly ask, if I gave quark a konpeito would they be offended? (Konpeito is a candy that looks like their head shape)
-paper anon
Thank you for the questions! I'll answer them as best I can! The responses get a bit lengthy, so I'll number them.
(In the future though, I'd highly recommend sending questions individually. If there's ever the case where I can't answer a question to the point where not answering would also be an answer, I'd have to scrap the entire ask even if there are other questions I can answer, and that'd be a shame!)
1. Species:
In regard to species, the Lorian Plane is a very magical place, as such, many unique and interesting species have come to exist within this reality! Quark is a part of a broad species called "Thingkin", an in-universe term for all the 'object head'-esque characters. Thingkin are created when an otherwise inanimate object becomes animated through an ancient form of magic. The less refined version of Thingkin are just called 'Things', which describes an animated object that looks more like itself than a humanoid body with the object for a head.
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Candlevera (a unique-ish name, it's Candle + Calavera! Candlevera ✨) is a different story. The same way magic can bring inanimate objects to life, there's magic to animate dead things as well! (Bones are just things after all) It's a bit rude to be woken up from your eternal slumber like that, but Candlevera is making the most of it. There are also a few others that are 'one-offs' like Diamond where you might not necessarily see more of their species in game, but there are. There will be some 'one-offs' that are actual one-offs but they're rarer cases and are going to be mostly things like (main) bosses. On the subject though, the 'normal paper folk' are actually these little fellas!
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(L➡R: Digsby Jones, Train Station Master, Plain Dotty) They're called Dotties! They're a bunch of soft little fellas with fluffy tails, named after their typical face marking which is a dot of color on their face. Though, like in the case of Digsby, that 'dot' can come in a variety of shapes.
Dotties can also have a colorful body and a white marking / tail! Or have a colorful body and colorful marking / tail, or even have the same color for both. I created them to be flexible and fun to customize :)
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2. Page:
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What Page is is a bit of a mystery! Page doesn't quite fit into any of the 'defined' species that exist in the lorian plane. The lack of face is considered strange even by lorian standards, but in a world full of oddities it's one that most can look over once they get to know Page better. Despite a lack of a face, Page is able to talk with others just fine! Those unfamiliar with Page might have a hard time gleaning what Page is feeling at the moment at a glance (considering the lack of face), but in conversation Page makes up for this with a greater emphasis on body language. Page's design is pretty set in stone for the time being, so I don't expect it to change any time soon. In terms of character design norms, it's probably a bit of a risk to have a faceless protagonist, but I think I can make it work well enough.
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3. Konpeito:
I'm glad the fact that Quark is a konpeito came through! Though I suppose it's a shape you'd recognize if you know what it is. He wouldn't be offended at all. In his case, it'd be like giving someone a gingerbread man...or...giving a magical gingerbread man a gingerbread man (since Quark is a konpeito thingkin)
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It's definitely a complicated question, but the simple answer is that he'd eat it, (he has a bit of a sweet tooth!)
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