#I can’t even believe it’s a debate at this point LMAO
emblazons · 1 year
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you’re gonna look me in my goddamn eyes and tell me that the official stranger things writers account posted for the entire world a script that had this line included…and there are still people who think imminent m*leven breakup subtext doesn’t even exist?
You couldn’t be more dense if you tried at this point. It doesn’t even matter if it made it intro the show—the sentiment bleeds into the narrative so loudly you’d have to be media illiterate not to see it.
Oh. Wait
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slvttyplum · 7 months
⋆˚✿˖° realistic headcanons
i know i joke a lot about who, when, and where when it comes to these men but i’m doing it for YOU and me too…
now it’s time for the real.
- his work is his work. you don’t come before or after it.
- he won’t leave early to surprise you, he won’t take a day off to be with you, he’s at work and he’s going to finish it.
- but at the same time hes not working overtime unless he HAS to.
- and that’s a given mama/papa.
- i guess what i’m trying to say is, when he’s at work you aren’t his first priority.
- sometimes he’s TOO serious, to the point where you feel as though you can’t say certain things around him.
- it hurts but you brush it off as stress, because he will sometimes joke back.
- sometimes the sex is lacking because of his schedule.
- sometimes he’s too tired to do it and sometimes he just doesn’t want to
- it can lead to weeks of no intimacy
- as always youre understanding, but you’re only human.
- if you’re okay with no consistent sex and you not being his first priority when it comes to his work, you’re good.
- (me and him would’ve had a talk tho lmao.)
- hes not fully there.
- you’ll be talking to him and he hears every third word. he doesn’t do it on purpose of course.
- whatever you say he has to dig apart because of his insecurities, even when you’re joking.
- some jokes you had to put in the vault because of how he reacted.
- for a lot of things he doesn’t know when to just stop, he thinks almost everyone is joking with him.
- when that’s simply not the case.
- i truly believe that in some moments in his mind, he automatically switches to sixteen year old satoru
- he’s very arrogant and thinks throwing tantrums will make him get him way
- you fall for it but only because you have no other choice
- has to prove EVERYTHING to you. even when you’re like satoru it’s fine
- he insists on tell you what’s right, what’s wrong, what’s left what’s right, and it hurts.
- he does things to undermine you; like you’re not as smart or strong as he is
- he won’t say it but he will throw hints at it.
- confronting him about this wouldn’t be a good idea because he’ll only throw it in your face later.
- dating him wouldn’t be bad if you like childish relationships.
- if he wants to do something or wants something he’s going to get it/do it whether you like it or not.
- you’re not a first priority for him and quite frankly… he doesn’t care.
- he believes that since you came into his life everything he says goes.
- when you try to argue back that a relationship takes compromise… he disregards it.
- he’s aware of any bad behavior he invokes and will go on to try to justify it and not fix it.
- very manipulative when it comes to you correcting his mistakes. will try to debate you about it and you’ll eventually leave it alone.
- claims everything he does is for you, but you don’t really see it. you think he says it to get you to leave him alone.
- when he has episodes he doesn’t want you around him, if he sees a glimpse of you it makes him upset.
- if you’re fine with following everything he says and not questioning him then you’ll be good.
- emotionally unaware
- he’s not emotionally unstable but he does things that make you question him vice versa.
- the both of you are at the end of the same stick trying to get to the middle.
- he’s always worried about what you might think instead of himself and it gets in the way of a lot of things
- such a planning, his scheduling, work, etc.
- he’s more concerned about what you’re doing and not the nature of the relationship.
- he’s careless when it comes to himself and you don’t like it.
- a lot of texts and calls of when you’re coming home, did you eat, it becomes overbearing.
- then he distances himself for a while, causing a lot of confusion for yourself.
- he’s not as good as a communicator as he think he is
- thinks he told you about something but in actuality he never did. you’re both crossing on the same street but never seeing each other (metaphor)
- if you’re down with him being clueless, forgetful, and overbearing, he’s your guy.
- he can’t and won’t ever see himself getting close/attached to you.
- it’s the cold truth and you realized that months after meeting him.
- at first he put on his semi nice guy facade but once he earned your trust he turned it off.
- he’s going to have you attached and will manipulate you every which way to get you there
- believes whatever he does is right and needs no correction. if he sees something he doesn’t like he’s going to do it another way.
- will lie just to get you off his back, he did it so many times you stopped asking him to do stuff because you’ll be going in circles.
- goes days without seeing/talking to you, and would go more if you didn’t create contact again.
- at the end of the day you’re just a person providing him with shelter/food, so he’ll do anything to keep that.
- but he gets bored
- if you don’t satisfy him and what HE wants he’ll just hop to the next person hoping they check off his boxes
- he’ll drag you along until you finally agree to do what he wants.
- if you’re fine with catering to a man who gets a job every eight months then i guess he’s good for you.
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karingu · 11 months
can i say something about inukik & inukag lol
For context, I’m a latecomer to this series. I just finished it last month in the year 2023. And “Did Inuyasha love Kikyo more or Kagome more?” is sort of a weird debate for me.
Because it's sort of implying that "love" could be quantified or something. Like it’s something you can point your finger at and count. But from my, ahem seasoned expertise, that’s not how it works.
So I want to look at it in a different way.
Let’s get it straight. Love is not quantifiable. Inuyasha loved both Kikyo and Kagome the best way he knew how. He was genuine about both of them. His feelings were earnest and true.
But you can’t deny his love somehow feels... different between the two of them.
So what is it? What is this difference?...
*deep breath* please bear with me I need to get this out of my system
Inuyasha loved Kikyo. But their love felt transactional.
Kikyo showed him kindness, didn't try to kill him, treated him like a normal person for once. But... she was kind of in a sad place in life. In protecting the jewel, she felt robbed of a normal life. So, she asked him one day, "Will you become human and destroy the jewel? For me?" Kind of a tall ask, but I don’t blame her. She was feeling miserable. And Inuyasha's like, "Yes, of course!"
But then she died. And got resurrected. And Inuyasha's like “well shit, now I REALLY need to do something for her. She DIED because of me.” That's really what's driving his love (is it love anymore? idk) at this point. It feels like he's chasing to pay off his debt.
That's what I mean by “transactional.”
Okay, so Inuyasha loved Kagome too. But their love felt unconditional.
Kagome also showed him kindness, didn't try to kill him, treated him like a normal person etc. just like Kikyo. But she doesn’t really need anything from Inuyasha, right. She’s content with her life and all. So... she didn't ask for anything back. She just gave kindness to him and went on her merry way. Ok ya, sometimes she gets a lil grumpy (she’s human) but she always believes in him, trusts him to do the right thing, supports him when he's weak, yada yada... and like, that's it. Inuyasha even tries to make himself look like the bad guy, steals her shards, freakin’ pushes her into the well to get her to go home (cuz he didn’t want her to get hurt anymore), but Kagome comes back HUGGING him LMAO
Kagome is giving him literally nothing but love and trust and support. Not really expecting anything in return. She just wants to see him be his best and do his best. Encourage him during hard times. Even when she sees him with Kikyo lol… Clearly it hurts her and she realizes she caught feelings (oops), but she accepts that about herself and holds on to her desire to support him through and through.
She kinda says to him, "Hey… I know my place (in relation to Kikyo), but I still want to support you. I want to see you smile and be happy. Will you let me stay by your side?"
DAMN. Inuyasha says, "You’ll stay for me?" (well, in the anime in Japanese that's what he literally says, I replayed that scene like 500 times to make sure I heard it right). And she's like ya! Let's go!
CMONNNN. His brain is probably like “NO STOP! I OWE MY LIFE TO KIKYO!” but his heart is already saying “JFC THIS GIRL. I LOVE HER.” And he wants to do everything for her, not because he's indebted to her. It's not a transaction he needs to pay up. He does it because he really wants to.
So like, people making a ruckus about “Inuyasha Loved Kikyo!!!” vs “NO INUYASHA LOVED KAGOME!!” And I’m just sitting here going, uhh. I mean y'all both right! He... loved them both? Hello? And he loved very adorably for both of them. He’s such an honest lover.
But the circumstances in which he loved each girl are totally different. 
With Kikyo, the circumstances were pretty dire. They were both deprived of something important to them. Her, a normal life. Him, just basic love and affection. They weren’t able to love each other with no strings attached bc they both still had stuff internally to deal with (her: the need to be liberated & him: insecurity). But, regardless, they shared a special bond that can’t be replaced. That’s a given.
Kagome... gave him better circumstances to love. Her love made him feel light. It felt so good and positive. She taught him a lot on what it means to trust and love someone unconditionally. He could show her all his ugly and she accepts that about him. She helped him meet lifelong friends too, Miroku, Sango, Shippo... And he really treasures her for that. They also shared a special bond that can’t be replaced, literally no one can replace bc he basically screams out loud (in the Meido) she is his soulmate. :’) suh cute
I think at the end, yeah, Kikyo might’ve got some smooches and our InuKag friends are like D: But… I’m romantic ace so maybe I see it differently, but it’s just a kiss. I never doubted that the only kiss that would truly make his eyes light up, the only kiss that could cause his entire soul to leap out of his own mouth and stun him into silence, is a kiss with Kagome. And Rumiko Takahashi did that without actually providing us a kiss scene (in the manga). 
Takahashi made me trust Inuyasha like how he and Kagome trust each other. :((((
That’s... incredible. Standing ovation character building 👏🏼
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ccrites · 2 months
Signal Lost
I've had something happen to me that's so incredible and that I could have never hoped, something so touching and so unbelievable that it made me rethink a whole lot of stuff: a wonderful reader on Ao3 started reading my long-form fic (101k words!!!) and commented basically every chapter after a certain point. And wow, I would have never thought something like this might happen.
And yeah, it is my first fic with plot in it, yeah I will never believe it to be perfect, but it's good enough. And receiving all those emails from Ao3 really was the highlight of my days over the course of which I saw said reader slowly go through all my favorite parts!
And so I wish to give it some spotlight here, while I'm finishing up my school year and work and whatever! I will post this here for now, but I will drop chapters every few days and make a Masterlist for it this weekend. (nvm I don't have the energy to do this any time soon lmao) I have too many loose ideas in my head so this is just to pass the time till the brain worms wiggle all in the same direction
So without further ado:
Link to AO3 here : Signal Lost - a John Price x reader fic
----- here's a blurb to pique your interest!
“I don’t think I’ve ever received a document as classified as this one. What am I supposed to do with it, Kate?” he says, dragging his thumb across the pile of papers, each file filled with more ink than the last.
“You asked for proof, there’s your proof,” Laswell says.
“You said you’ll bring someone competent, and who can help us, this doesn’t tell me shit.” He stares blankly at the screen, tired. She stares back.
“The Captain specifically asked to keep this under wraps.”
He rubs at his face, scratching at his beard. It’s getting long again.
“Who is he, anyway?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
He groans again, picking up the file on top. No photo, no name, no age, no height, weight, no nothing . And he thought Simon was secretive.
“What can you tell me?”
“It’s the closest we’ve ever gotten to him. Did things a particular way.”
He shifts through the papers. “And the discharge?”
“Left after the entire team got wiped out. Messy stuff.”
“That why he doesn’t show his face?” He bends forward, grabbing the cigar from the ashtray and bringing it to his lips.
“John.” Her voice carries a heavy warning.
“Just sayin’,” he says, biting around the cigar with one side of the mouth. “What kinda captain doesn’t go down with his men?”
“Got enough guilt as is. You’re lucky I convinced them.”
They both remain silent. They know the missions would be a slippery slope. One wrong move and a war is started. He puffs a cloud of smoke.
“Anything else?” John asks.
Kate looks to the side, her face illuminated by another screen. He can see her hesitate, her lips are pursed in a thin line as if she’s debating her options.
“You’ve worked together before.”
His face lights up. “Finally! Who?”
Her face immediately hardens back up. “Can’t tell, John, my hands are tied.” She sighs. “You were still a Lieutenant.”
Years ago then. He mentally catalogs everyone he’s ever worked with, but he knows that at that age, he was throwing himself at every available mission, wanting to make a name for himself. “So an old fart then? How’s that gonna help us?” If the guy was a Captain when he was still a Lieutenant, and he felt himself grow old, he can’t imagine who Laswell is bringing back from the dead.
Laswell’s face distorts, he knows he’s pushing her buttons, but he has to know.
“Not older than you John.”
His eyebrows raise. “Oh?”
returning to the military to hunt Makarov is hard enough, to do it with your past lover is even harder. a "friends to lovers to enemies to friends and back to lovers" story
Tags and other CW: will be posted for each chapter containing warnings for more hardcore stuff (i.e., torture and angst namely), but this is a fanfic, with smut, so if you want all the tags feel free to check the ao3 link bc there are a LOT and I am lazy to retype them all here
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
Alright so this is less romantic and more shitposty but. If I can request the scarecrows' responses to a gotham university psychology student showing up at his doorstep like "hey uh could you look at my thesis?" Like fully prepared to be fear toxin-ed on the spot but absolutely worth the risk cause lord knows that's some shit I'd do 💀
A/N:  hnnggg this shouldn't have taken as long as it did but I kept taking it too seriously except for the absolute crack that it is lmao I have no doubt in reality it'd be a miracle if any of them opened the damn door.
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Scarecrows Reacting To A Student Looking for Feedback (crack)
Arkhamverse Scarecrow:
First of all, how did you find him?
Secondly, how dare you disturb him?
Are you fearless or just foolishly stupid?
He genuinely can’t tell and he doesn’t want to waste time thinking about it.
However, since you’re here now…
And it doesn’t look like you’re going anywhere anytime soon.
Clearly, despite how many threats he’s shot your way.
He isn’t opposed to a willing test subject
Nolanverse/Murphy Scarecrow:
Well, this was odd. 
If not also incredibly annoying.
When he hears your reason for being on his front stoop.
He is shocked…
Surely your institution has much more qualified, not to mention more relevant assistance to look over your paper. 
He’s a man of science making headways, he has no time to–
Well, actually…he hasn’t seen very sufficient results in his recent Arkham patients…
BTAS Scarecrow:
Really? Him? 
Even when he was a professor, none of his students came to him for a review.
No doubt he’s itching to just shut the door on you. 
Then again, perhaps he can hold you ransom for some money to fund his toxin…
And on top of that he can also use you for testing the effects of his recent toxin…
How he could make it stronger, faster, last longer…
Besides, he’s never gotten a chance to properly review a term paper..
This should be fun. 
TNBA Scarecrow: 
He’s likely to ignore it, if not open it, yell at you and then slam the door.
This Scarecrow doesn’t have time for this nonsense.
Surely, you have other institutional superiors that you can go to?
Why would you willingly dive headfirst into danger? 
Unless…you just don’t care? 
If you’re so willing to get into danger, perhaps he should take advantage of it. 
He debates with himself for a minute…
Before finally just gassing you with his toxin. 
Taking sweet delight in your screams.
Fear State Scarecrow: 
You should consider yourself lucky that he even answered the door.
Like seriously, the only reason he answered was because of your incessant knocking. 
He had half a mind to slip on his mask and inject you with toxin and be done with it.
He’s far too busy planning his Fear State Theory into motion.
Jonathan can’t have any distractions or loose ends…
Everyone has their role to play, he was so sure that Gotham would enter it’s Fear State seamlessly. 
Patience running low, he does open the door, and one threat is all you get. 
When you don’t leave, it’s very much your fault that you’re screaming bloody murder down the street. 
Year One Scarecrow:
Jonathan groans at the prospect. 
His past sure has a strange way of following him somehow. 
Again, you should be surprised he even answers the door. 
But you kept pushing your paper underneath his front door. 
Quite, infuriating him. 
It takes a few more threats and slams of the door before he finally reaches his breaking point. 
He slaps on his mask, believing he’s done all he could to be rid of you. 
Perhaps, a reminder will help you.
He’s no professor, a scholar on fear. 
He’s The Scarecrow, the Master of Fear…and you’ve just experienced his wrath as you breathe in the toxic fumes. 
Masters of Fear Scarecrow:
Jonathan is confused, if not also agitated. 
Is this some kind of joke? 
His lived a long pathetic life of humiliation…
He doesn’t need it coming to him, knocking at his front door. 
You can’t just expect anyone with a PhD is willing to help you…
What kind of simpleton just walks up to a known high-class criminal, a criminally insane criminal? 
Honestly, when spoken like that, it was quite admirable. 
Took a lot of courage…bravery…or just a huge lack of common sense. 
Yes, yes, he’ll take a look, but first…indulge him in your fears
(it’ll help him in his own research later) 
HQ:TAS Scarecrow:
Jonathan thinks this must be some kind of joke.
Surely, this is the Legion pulling his leg, what else could it be?
Not only that, how else would you found out where he lived?
It has to be a joke. 
He tries to play along, but is quick to realize you’re actually being serious. 
Probably the only one that’s actually going to help you with your thesis paper. 
1000/10 would recommend 
And you may even get a member of the Legion of Doom as a friend. 
HHSD Scarecrow: 
I’m surprised Grandpa could hear you knocking.
Just kidding, only a little, I love to love and rag on this version when I can. 
But you really shouldn’t have picked a night when there were Elvira re-runs. 
Jonathan opens the door, reluctantly and is perplexed, but immediately annoyed. 
He didn’t have time for these things when he WAS a professor. 
He thought he left this type of harassment years ago, why do you choose to haunt him now with it? 
When you fail to leave on your own accord. He advises you to go away through a speaker by his door. 
When you still refuse, he decides enough is enough. 
Jonathan was inspired by that intriguing night at Crystal Cove, as he used a maniacal jack-al-lantern of his own to run you off.
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hyunnows · 5 months
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A series of tapes describing Namjoon's life since joining the Supernatural Investigation Unit.
PAIRING(S) | Namjoon x reader
THEMES | cop!au, x-files!au, ghostbusters!au, cop!Namjoon, cop!reader, youtuber!Seokjin, youtuber!Taehyung, ghosts, conspiracies, cryptids, the paranormal, and the supernatural are main subjects
NOTE | it has been awhile since i posted the previous part--but I genuinely forgot lmao. however, I have a new part for you all now!! (it was already written i just needed to post it forgive me). i hope you all enjoy and have a great day/night <3
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The camera zooms into Namjoon's face, and the interviewer gives him the okay to begin talking. “I wasn’t excited for my first day in the X-Files, to be honest.”
“The X-Files, the damn X-Files,” Namjoon mutters to himself, reclipping his tie to his shirt–he wasn’t a real detective yet, he didn’t need to look like one yet either. 
He takes slow, dragging steps towards the door in the corner of the precinct. He dreads opening the door, his distaste increasing when he hears the loud shuffling of papers and quiet rock music, barely making it past the door. Fuck it. 
He swings the door open to be met with complete and utter chaos. The office is far past disorganized. There are files everywhere, tapes, cameras, and photographs all placed haphazardly across both wooden desks. He cringes when he notices the boxes filled with the same materials stacked all around the room. Not to mention the overflowing drawers with papers practically falling out of them.
The sound of papers being tugged out of a drawer catches his attention, the cacophony leading him to see a figure slumped over a file cabinet, sipping hot chocolate from a ‘repurposed’ ramen styrofoam cup. Awkwardly, he clears his throat. “Hello?”
You snap to look at him, a distressed-looking uniform hanging from your figure. Swallowing the coco in your mouth, you greet him excitedly, “Oh, hi there. You must be Namjoon, right? My new partner?”
Not for long, he thinks to himself, before nodding. “That would be me. You’re [Y/N], right?”
“Yes, I am. Are you excited to be in the SIU?”
“Not really, I’m sort of a skeptic, to be honest. Ghosts and cryptids and all that aren’t really my thing, I prefer science,” Namjoon says, eyes wandering the towers of paperwork.
You scrunch your face at the slight bit of arrogance in his tone but shrug it off. “Oh, can’t relate. Personally, I’m a believer. You spend a while here and you might become one as well.”
“We didn’t agree on anything at first. At all. She’s like, textbook conspiracy theorist, believes in bigfoot and all that.” Namjoon laughs a bit as he remembers his first days working in the SIU. “I didn’t believe in any of it. We were constantly having debates about everything supernatural or paranormal or whatever. The point is we couldn’t agree.”
“Oh, come on, not even aliens?”
“I think they could be out there, I don’t think we’ve interacted with them or come close to interacting with them. I think we would know if we’ve made contact with E.T.s.,” he shrugs, ignoring how your jaw drops as he looks over a cold case. That is a log, not a river monster in the Han River…
“We work in the government pretty much, there’s no way you don’t know about cover-ups. Heck, day-to-day crimes get swept under the rug and disguised all the time for the sake of reputation. Why wouldn’t any time we’ve made contact with aliens be hidden from the public too?” You can’t seem to stress this enough, eyes wide in surprise at just how set in his beliefs Namjoon sees to be. “Heck, I saw Chief Yoon writing that he left to check out a case the other day–he was eating barbecue for two hours!”
Namjoon lifts one of his arms from his folded position, his shoulders moving with every word he speaks. “I mean, sometimes her theories made sense, y’know? But still, I just wasn’t into the whole ghost thing anymore. I was trying to prove that we didn’t need a unit dedicated to the supernatural.”
The interviewer lifts his hand to pause Namjoon, impatience dripping from his voice. “Apologies, but are you going to get to one of your investigations any time soon?”
“Actually, yes.”
“What are you looking at?”
You tilt the file towards him so that he can read it. It's the first case you two have been assigned together to investigate–well, the first non-cold case. “Choi Mansion? That museum with all the spooky gimmicks?”
“Yeah, there was an accident there a few days ago. The owner, Min Yoongi, says there’s something real going on in there, not his little tricks for the audience.” You explain, “The housekeeper is also complaining about some weird smells or something.”
“This sounds like a publicity stunt to me. Mansion that constantly gets customers by pretending to be haunted wants to be investigated for actually being haunted? Yeah, that’s believable,” Namjoon rolls his eyes in disbelief that this is the turn his career has taken.
“Alright, let’s go check it out, Negative Nancy.”
“We get to the place, and guess who’s there already? The Ghost Busters, Jin and Taehyung, covered in gear and these ridiculous suits,” he chuckles, once again waving to his attire. “I guess the guy called them too, but they had been at it for an hour or so by the time we joined the party.”
“No way, is this one of your cases?” Jin grins before directing his attention to you. “Is this your partner? Hi, I’m Seokjin and this is Taehyung.”
“Obviously, the three of them got along wonderfully. Three nutjobs who all fed into whatever crazy ideas the others had. It was actually kind of sweet watching them all get excited together.”
“Hi, I’m [Y/N], and I am his partner. You guys are really decked out in equipment, aren’t you?” They nod. “Nice, mind if we work together for this one?”
They are beyond ecstatic to work with you, agreeing immediately while singing your praises to Namjoon. Much to his dismay. 
He pulls you aside, whispering, “Are you even allowed to share this information with them? What if we get in trouble?”
You shrug, “It's just you and I in this department, who’s going to tell on us?”
“And that was awkward because I was thinking, ‘Me, I’m going to tell on you’. I didn’t because it would be a hassle to submit that report, but I was thinking about it at the time.”
“Mr. Kim, please stay on track.”
“Right. So they set up their cameras and stuff…”
“And… Choi Mansion, take one!” Taehyung yells, his excitement evident in his voice. 
Hearing a quiet whirring, Namjoon turns his head from the youngest musketeer, eyebrows quirking at the odd machine in Seokjin’s hands. It looked like an old remote with a colorful whisk made of glow sticks attached to its side. In all honesty, Namjoon thought it appeared overly cheap. 
He points to the device, “What's that?”
Scoffing obnoxiously, Seokjin waves it at the officer, “Mr. Fancy Pants doesn’t know what a PKE meter is.” his voice both playfully teasing and mocking Namjoon's status. “And before you ask, yes, it works. Why would I buy a PKE meter that didn’t work?”
How Namjoon wanted this investigation to be over.
Planning the camera around the room once, then back to Namjoon, Taehyung clears his throat, his voice becoming serious, “So, tell me, where did you get the oldest glasses in the world?”
“They’re only five years old, I’ve just broken them a lot and fixed them the DIY way,” Namjoon sighs, not really up for the overly playful attitude the younger man seemed to exude.
Meanwhile, Seokjin tugs at the door, using most of his strength to pry it open, but to no avail. Kicking it a few times and once again pulling at it, he groans as it refuses to open. Wiping his sweat, he plants his hands on his hips, “Someone really doesn’t want us going in there…” eyeing the door suspiciously. 
Dismissing Jin’s findings, the youngest continues his interview, brows furrowed in interest and lips pursed, “And how is it to wear this uncomfortable suit all day?” 
“Not too fun…” Joon mutters, pointing to Jin, “How about we focus on recording the important stuff?” He is eager for the ‘mechanical genius’ to leave him alone. Besides, he is not enjoying how you seem to cover your mouth to hide your snickers whenever Taehyung cracks a joke at his expense.
Disappointed, Taehyung focuses the camera on the door momentarily before following Jin to the grand piano in the sitting room. The mansion, although terrifying and old, was beautiful. The wall carvings and vintage furniture were something that made the place feel like home, despite the occasional cobweb. It would be a beautiful, warm home if it weren’t for its cold feeling and lack of light which did more than give the men the shivers. 
“For the most part, I couldn’t take anything seriously. A haunted mansion? Evidence of ghosts? It all seemed too good to be true, y’know? Plus, Taehyung wasn’t exactly professional in the slightest.”
The investigator nods, his gaze still cold as ever. “Did anything worth my time happen during the investigation? Or are you just telling a story about nothing?”
“If you would give me a moment,” Namjoon huffs before continuing. “As I was about to say, that's when it started getting creepy.”
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What do you think Matty would be like in very early stage of relationship like before you make it official ?
Oh my gosh, I hadn’t really thought about this before. But….hmmm. Off the top of my head?
I think he would be very shy and soft. Like, he would be blushing every time you paid him a compliment or attempted to flirt or something. And would look at you with admiration and awe and be like “you really think so?” Or “really?” Like he can’t believe you like something about him.
After hanging out / going on,like, your second or third date, as he’s dropping you off/ walking you home he would be like “May I call you tomorrow? What time works best for you?”
He would text you later to tell you what a good time he had. When he does call, as promised, after the initial pleasantries and asking about your day, he would just be like “when can I see you again?” And you’d collaborate on planning the next date.
He will remember tiny details about things you like, things you’ve told him about yourself, important dates coming up for you. Like, maybe you mentioned growing up near a farm and liking ducks or something, so he gets you a toy duck the next time he sees you. Or you casually mentioned not being able to stay up late one evening cuz you had an important thing at work. You’ll wake up to a text from him wishing you luck on the work thing.
He’ll still be bold and hot about it though. Like he will look you dead in the eyes and say that he “can’t stop thinking about you.”
He’ll hold your hand when walking through crowded spaces.
He’ll fuss over every detail of his clothes or his hairstyle and change a million times and try out a different way of doing his hair and scrutinize everything about himself before the date, but when he shows up in his leather jacket and his jeans and bold shoes, he walks in with such confidence that it never occurs to you that this same man just spent the past 3 hours debating whether or not funny graphic tees from vintage stores were date appropriate.
He asks permission before touching you, if you’re at the kissing stage, he also asks for verbal consent before doing it cuz he doesn’t think you’re at a stage where just kissing you randomly is okay.
He asks really invested questions about your family, your best friend, pet, or anyone/anything that you’ve made clear is significant to you, and remembers the info. “Did your sister get that promotion she was stressed about?” “How’s your dad’s new golf hobby?” “Have your friend and her husband settled on a name for the baby yet? Aww that’s so cute!”
He’d willingly share his favorite books, authors, artists, music, etc with you and want to know your take on them if you also enjoy them/ know of them.
He’d get really heated about socio-political issues that he cares about and then apologize about it. “Not trying to be woke or whatever. That’s boring. You don’t want me explaining the world to you, right?” Lmao.
He’d tell you stories about the guys and smile to himself when you say stuff like “Adam…he’s the one with the baby, yeah? The dad?” “Ross is the bassist with the perfect smile and the perfect hair.” He’s Matty though so he’d be like “what am I then?”
“The short one.”
He’d lend you his jacket when going for a walk but also undermine the gesture by pointing out how cliche it is.
Mid-hang out, and for absolutely no reason, he’d tell you that he’s having the best time with you.
He’d smile to himself every time you text him or any time that he says your name out loud and the boys would tease him so much about it. “What can I say, I think I really like her…” he’d blush.
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There are so many things wrong with this post, I don’t even know where to begin.
“It’s like you actively want him to be a terrible person… it’s like you actually think Will is petty enough to be jealous about Mike’s love confession to El”
This is such a strange thing to say because what are they even attacking here? They’re not attacking the concept of canon reciprocated Byler; they’re attacking the literal text of the show- Will being in love with Mike- and twisting it so that it’s somehow “petty” for Will to be a real human being- a real human teenage boy, mind you- with genuine feelings. Is he supposed to feel no emotion at all? Loving Mike and feeling heartbroken doesn’t make him a terrible person? What are they even saying? And to call it “petty” when Will did nothing but show how selfless he was all season? When Will is the one who repeatedly pushed Mike Huckabee together and encouraged Mike to keep monologuing even as it dug his own romantic grave and visibly killed him inside? You don’t have to ship Byler if you don’t want to- it will still be endgame tho, lmao- but why can’t everyone unite on feeling empathetic and compassionate towards Will and the impossible situation he finds himself in? Why is there such a Mad Libs instinct to downplay Will’s CANON feelings for his lifelong best friend?
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“… when it literally saved her life.”
It literally didn’t? I’m not saying it played NO role in the battle at all- that’s a separate debate- but I guarantee you the thing that gave El the strength to fight on was NOT Mike finally saying I Love You in an incoherent monologue where he said nothing specific about her, repeatedly emphasized her superpowers, and also talked about the Benny’s Burgers T-Shirt that almost swallowed her whole when they met. If any aspect of Mike’s monologue inspired her, it was the “Fight! Fight!” portion as she looked to her best friend Max and gained courage to continue fighting for her. Her true love. Not Mike’s “love confession,” motivated by Will’s painting, which they didn’t even talk about after. This isn’t a Disney movie. The cosmic Midleven love didn’t save the world. The gates opened. Max fell into a coma. The heroes lost. Hawkins fell.
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“You think Will is such a bad person that his sister is dying and he’s thinking “gosh, I wish Mike loved me instead”?
Will contains multitudes. He can both deeply love his sister and want her to live, which is why he’s pushing Mike to continue monologuing, while also wishing Mike loved him instead. Which again, is a CANON, central aspect of Will’s character, not something Bylers are just making up just to ship two characters together. Of course, Will wishes Mike loved him. Will Byers adores Mike Wheeler, AND he adores him enough to attempt to rip the bandaid off so that your rapidly sinking ship can see one more day and his bestie can be happy even though he’s clearly not. That was like the entire point of their S4 storyline and why Will was so emotional every time Mike talked to him.
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“According to your theories, [Mike] has been stringing Will’s sister along for over a year while actually being in love with someone else”
According to what theories? That’s such a weird oversimplification and exaggeration of Byler theories. It’s a straw man argument. No one, not even those who place Mike the furthest possible point on the Kinsey scale, believes that “stringing Will’s sister along for over a year” is an accurate description of what Mike has been doing. Do they have no compassion for the complexity of the situation that a queer Mike would find himself in: the possible internalized homophobia, the definite confusion, the likely terror and uncertainty, the guilt and self-hatred, the butterflies that probably feel like pterodactyls? The two people he’s closest to abruptly move away across the country- his lifelong best friend who he might feel something more for and the girl with superpowers he’s literally dating and trauma-bonded to and whose dad just died?
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“If Will got together with that theoretical Mike that would make him an asshole”
Good thing you’re right, in a roundabout way. That theoretical Mike doesn’t exist and is based on a strawman you made up. Mike literally can’t be “stringing El along” since neither Will nor El have been present in Hawkins. But even if they had been, and even if he had consciously chosen to lie to El about his feelings, and even if Mike has made mistakes- which he obviously has: he’s fourteen and a human being - it still wouldn’t make him an “asshole.” He’s just a scared and confused queer kid trying desperately to stay normal, trying desperately to stay afloat. Somehow our theories make Mike seem like an asshole to you, but Mike being rude and weird to Will for no reason (not even being able to hug him!), Mike not being able to tell his girlfriend he loves her and openly gaslighting her about it, and Mike crumpling up romantic letters from El with no explanation all make him perfectly valid???
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“This is specifically about the “canon Byler trutherism crowd” that insists Byler is gonna happen in season 5.”
Well, I mean, of course there are Byler enjoyers out there who don’t believe it’ll be canon or who lost faith after volume II and never regained it (we welcome back all prodigal children at any time), but yeah… one of the central aspects of our ship especially following season 4’s pretty transparent Byler plotline is the belief that it will be canon, not because of any arbitrary or “delusional” reason but literally because the narrative is setting it up and televising it. But you got me, I guess?
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“Mike just suddenly ditches El and gets with Will”
Strawman. Stop it, you know no one is arguing that’s what will happen. We believe there’s a nuanced and beautiful storyline being set up. And most of us believe El will break up with Mike first. But regardless, there’s nothing sudden about Byler in season 5 when Mike has always looked like he wants to risk it all and kiss Will.
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“This is only directed at the one’s I’ve seen bashing I Can't Believe It's Not Butter! constantly and harassing Mulan II blogs and just overall bad fandom etiquette.”
Says the ship that constantly sends out insane, unhinged homophobic asks and openly trash talks Will, wishing death on him and calling him slurs? You won’t catch any misogynistic anti-El asks sliding into your DMs. Look- I’m not denying there are toxic Bylers out there. No fandom is composed of saints. But when you survey where the vast majority of the “bad fandom etiquette” comes from, it’s pretty lopsided lmao.
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beantothemax · 6 months
accumulated thoughts again
b. absolutely splendid sprite
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c. :0000000 ok it wasnt thaat hard of a read but like what did i sayy
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d. got dangerously close to death on the first battle of floor two awesome >:D. did learn a lot tho, like all out attacks cure being frozen (sorry about that isa), they hit regardless of an enemies protections or like avoidance chances, and the fact that suddenly not having a party member can be very bad
e. whoaa i wonder what the enemiy "anxiété" is based on whoaaa they have a ticking clock i wonder what that could mean
f. big fan of the music getting more intense i was thinking it felt a lil lackluster.
g. so like im not particaly in want of fighting since you know danger but also ol mate diegetic tutorial (loop) told me to grind to get the unfreeze time ability which seems quite helpful so uhh time to get at risk of death again!
h. big fan of the blossoming side plot between stylish lady who doesnt think she exists in mira's eyes and mira who doesnt think she exists in stylish lady's eyes
i. i have disovered a very satisfying strat for the protective big guy, being simply spam scissors and get an all out attakc since the lil guy is weak to it and it heals apparently fully which is awesome
j. lmao i got yelled at for not going in the main housemaiden's office
l. THE STRAT AS MENTIONED IN POINT i DIDNT WORK OH GOD (i survived but my my they were not lyin about the strength)
m. it seems i was too much of a gamer and had to be dragged back down to the start :pensive:
n. still absolutely cannot get over the fact that the boulangerie guy is named the boulanger (boulangerie is the french word for like a bakery basically but boulanger is utter nonsense and i love it lmao)
b. isabeau has SO many good sprites… he’s very important
c. funnyjokespun person is something I should put in my bio
d. ooo jackpot combos heal frozen too???? did not know that!
e. truly, a mystery scholars will be debating for years… also I HATE anxiété!!!!! worst enemy!!!!! explode too much!!!! annoying!!!! hard to kill!!!!!
f. oh yeah each floor has a different theme I think! it’s cool :]
g. oh you will DEFINITELY want mirabelle’s time freeze heal skill… lots of normal enemies can just. Do That Now
h. :3 hehehe
i: big guy!!!!!! I really like his design…
k:…can they? huh!
m: I believe in you jay!!!!!!! you can’t see it but I’m shaking pom poms right now!!!!!!
n: boulanger… how do you even pronounce that…
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summerwritesfics · 2 years
🩷I’ve Been Wasting Away
Pairing: Hanzo Hasashi/Kuai Liang/Harumi Hasashi Length: 4647 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied Neglect, Starvation, Malnutrition, Being Held Prisoner, There is some debate in the fic on if Kuai is an adult or not but he is 18 tho, Harumi looking at Kuai Liang: I can fix him
Mortal Kombat Oneshots Masterlist
Notes: Ptthh, the fact I’m actually somewhat managing to keep to my self imposed posting schedule is something. Again this was written like last December some time I just hadn’t gotten around to posting it yet. This one was written to be a one shot, but I maybe one day I’ll add more to it (look, if you can’t tell already, I’m really bad with having a million fic projects at one time lmao.) Also Harumi being the previous Shirai Ryu Grandmaster’s daughter is a headcanon that Ed Boon himself will have to pry from my hands.
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Harumi knew something was going on. She wasn't stupid. She was 21 years old and knew when things were going down around here. Given how many senior Shirai Ryu warriors were running around, it was something big too.
They were all congregating around the jail, meaning they had to have a prisoner. As she spied on them, hearing whispers of “Lin Kuei”. She bit her lip, heading towards the Grandmaster's dojo.
“Father!” She burst through the doors, where her father was stood with some of his closest generals, including the father of her fiancé. “Is it true? Is there a Lin Kuei here?”
“Harumi, you know you shouldn't be here,” Akihito softly scolded. She could see a couple of the generals smile to themselves, it was an open secret that the only person who could break the rules without consequences was Harumi. It was a little upsetting having the reputation as a “daddy’s girl” but sometimes she did use it to her advantage.
“Yes, yes,” she waved off the complaint. “But is it true?”
Akihito hesitated, before admitting “yes, it is.” He then pointed his finger at her and in his best authoritative voice told her, “but you are not to get involved in any of this, do you understand me?”
She pouted. She understood her father's desire to keep her safe, why he'd forbade her from joining the Shirai Ryu, but it still made her a little angry. She wanted to be useful to her family, the Shirai Ryu had accepted female warriors for decades. Why couldn’t she join their ranks and fight side by side with her friends and husband-to-be?
Before she could voice her objections, she heard a gentle cough from one side.
“Actually, Grandmaster Hisakawa, I do believe she may be able to help.” All faces in the room turned to Master Hasashi, most of them shocked, Harumi curious and her father looking like he was about to start chewing him out. “The Lin Kuei has been refusing to eat, we worry that if we can not convince him to, he will be too weak to last an interrogation.” He turned his face toward her. “We believe he is scared. You have a very calming presence, Harumi, you may be able to convince him to eat.”
“Kaito,” Akihito warned lowly.
“Grandmaster, I am not convinced that this Lin Kuei is of age,” Kaito argued. Harumi frowned, the Lin Kuei's tactics she knew of rarely made sense to her, but it seemed needlessly reckless to send a child into battle. “And even if he is, I doubt he can be any older than 18. If this is the case, he will not know anything of importance. Hell, he likely doesn't even know why he was sent here.”
“It does seem suspicious,” one of the other masters, Chie, added in. She was stroking her hair back as she spoke. “13 is considered old enough to go on missions in the Lin Kuei, but they don’t tend send them on solo missions until at least 20. Why send someone so young on a solo mission, especially one right into the heart of their greatest enemies operation?”
“Unless they were hoping our hatred of the Lin Kuei would trump our empathy for someone so young,” Noboru almost mumbled, like he was considering something. “Unless they were sending him here to die.”
Harumi shuddered at the thought. Even if the Lin Kuei was over 18, it sounded like he couldn't be older than herself. The thought of someone sending him out with the intent of him getting killed? That was horrific. She had been told her entire life of the brutal conditions the Lin Kuei worked under, but this was beyond anything she could imagine.
Akihito closed his eyes, and sighed, before he turned to Harumi. “I do not wish to ask this of you, but Kaito is right. You are the most calming presence we have here, you may be able to succeed in gaining his trust.”
“I will not let you down,” she announced, so glad to finally have a use within the Shirai Ryu. Sure, mediator wasn't the most action packed of jobs, but it was a skill she figured most of the others were lacking. “I will go warm up the miso soup I made earlier and see if I can convince him to take it.”
“Please be careful, even if he is young, he could still be dangerous,” Akihito warned, placing his hand on her cheek. “If he so much as lays a finger on you, it's over.”
“I understand, I'm sure it won't have to happen like that.” She bowed to her father and the other masters, who bowed to her in turn. With that, she turned on her heel to go and gather the soup.
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With the hot soup in her hands, she made her way over to the jail, where Akihito and his masters were stood explaining the situation to the current guards. The guards that just so happened to be made of Hanzo and his two friends Junpei and Katashi. She could see before she even got close that Hanzo was not happy.
“I am ready,” she announced, everyone turning to her. Hanzo was glaring at her, she was definitely going to have to make this up to him later.
“I still think someone should go in with her,” Junpei piped up, “maybe Hanzo should-”
“The kid is scared,” Kaito butted in, “if someone goes in there armed to the teeth, it's just going to put him further on edge.”
“I'll be fine,” Harumi assured everyone, but she could see it did absolutely nothing to persuade Hanzo. “If I need help I will call for it.”
Reluctantly everyone moved aside and the door was slid open. She didn't make any eye contact as she stepped inside and the door was closed behind her. The jail was small, the Shirai Ryu didn't take prisoners often, so there were only two cells. Sat curled in a ball with his head ducked under his knees, chained up, was what she could only assume was the Lin Kuei.
He wasn't wearing a shirt, and she was a little sickened by what she saw. He had muscle, that was certain, but that didn't really hide how thin he was. She could see his ribs for fucks sake. That wasn't just a few hours refusing to eat, that was months, maybe even years, of lack of food. Maybe the reason they were having such a hard time pin pointing his age was due to stunted growth and malnutrition. The thought made her blood boil.
Still, she took a deep breath and softly called out, “hello, my name is Harumi.”
The Lin Kuei tensed, but moved his head until his eyes were at least visible. She was struck by just how blue his eyes were. She tried to ignore the large jagged scar over his right eye.
“I've been asked to give you food,” she explained, passing the bowl of soup through the bars and gently placing it on the floor in front of him.
“I refuse to eat,” the Lin Kuei hissed. Even his voice was as ambiguous regarding his age, not light or deep enough to say for sure if he was an adult or not. “Tell your masters I choose to die.”
“Well, my masters don't want to kill you,” she tried, settling down on the floor in front of him. “And we would rather you eat.”
“Why?” The Lin Kuei asked, finally jerking his head up and putting his legs down. “I know nothing that would be of use to you! The Lin Kuei will not come for me, and will not negotiate for my release. You have no choice but to kill me.”
“Hm, no I think we do have other choices,” Harumi disagreed, trying to stop herself from giggling at the way the Lin Kuei pouted. “And I'm afraid you not eating isn't one of them. If you don't we may have to force feed you, and trust me, that is a very unpleasant situation to be in.”
The Lin Kuei didn't say anything, just frowned like he was considering what she'd said. He didn't go for the soup though. She reached forward, pushing it a little closer to him. He regarded it for a second, before he finally reached for it and after sniffing it began to eat. Harumi let out a relieved sigh.
“Thank you,” she softly said, curious about his reaction to the soup. He seemed surprised, but not repulsed. “So, what's your name?”
The Lin Kuei glared at her like she'd just asked him to jump off a cliff. Eventually however he mumbled out the word “Tundra.”
She knew it must have been a codename, but at least she had something to call him now.
“How old are you, Tundra?” She asked. He looked at her again, although this time he looked more confused.
“Why?” He asked, looking very guarded.
“It's been a bit of a debate since you got here,” she tried with a smile. “I would appreciate being able to put an end to it.”
Tundra looked at her like she was mad, but eventually answered, “I'm 18.” So, he was an adult, but barely. “Wait, is that why they don't want to kill me? Because they think I'm a kid?”
“Even at 18, you're a little young to be considered for execution.”
“I'm 18! I'm an adult!” The fact he was practically throwing a tantrum was really not helping his case.
“Well, I'm 21 and due to be married, but my father still considers me a child, so trust me, you have no chance of convincing them you aren't one.” They stared at each other for a solid minute in silence. Then to Harumi's complete surprise, Tundra began to laugh.
“That's so weird,” Tundra giggled. “Then again, my brother still treats me like I'm a kid, even though I’ve been going on missions for years. This was meant to be the one where I proved him wrong.” He stopped laughing, staring at the chains cuffed to his wrists. “I guess I fucked that up, hm.”
“I don't think that was your fault,” Harumi sympathised.
She wanted to question a Lin Kuei having a brother. She knew they generally didn't hold onto family ties. There were only two consistent bloodlines in the Lin Kuei, the Grandmaster's bloodline and the Sub Zero bloodline. She doubted Tundra was part of the Grandmaster's bloodline, there was no way he'd have been sent here alone.
She then realised something.
Blue eyes. The name Tundra. Having an older brother.
Oh. Oh shit.
She tried not to let her realisation show, she didn't want Tundra to question her. She instead continued to make small talk, until he'd finished his soup. She took the bowl, told him that she'd be back to let him know what was going to happen to him, and left.
When she stepped out, she saw the brief moment of relief on everyone's face. That was until they saw how serious she looked, at which point the nervous energy swiftly returned.
“Harumi? My girl, what's wrong?” Akihito asked, pushing forward to take her face in his hands. She looked at him, and gulped, unsure how he would take the suspicion she was about to drop on him.
“I think he might be Sub Zero's brother.”
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She had anticipated that her suspicion would be met with a level on unease.
She hadn't anticipated the sheer panic it caused.
An emergency meeting had been called, and she was unfortunately front and centre. Thankfully, other than herself it was just her father, Kaito, Chie, Noboru, Hanzo, Junpei and Katashi. Even so, everyone was looking at her extremely expectantly, and she wasn't sure what to say.
“Harumi, would you care to explain why you have come to the conclusion you have?” Akihito slowly questioned. “Did he tell you he was related to Sub Zero?”
“No,” she explained, realising just how little evidence she had. It was more just a passing and nagging thought that snowballed. “All he told me for definite was that his name is Tundra, he's 18, and he doesn't think the Lin Kuei will come or negotiate for him.”
“Then, why do you think he's related to Sub Zero?” Chie asked, she sounded unsure, likely hoping that it was just a crazy theory.
“Well, it was a couple of things.” She reached to brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “He has blue eyes, like really blue eyes, like unnaturally blue eyes." She heard Junpei snort as if that meant nothing. “Then there's the name. Tundra. Kind of winter related.” She saw Katashi rolling his eyes. “And then he mentioned having a brother. And I thought that was weird cause the Lin Kuei don't normally keep families together, right?”
The room was silent. Junpei and Katashi still looked disbelieving, and so did Hanzo to a degree. The masters in the room however, looked far more troubled by this.
“I didn't ask, because I didn't want to scare him further.” She linked her fingers together and made eye contact with her father. “It just seemed strange, and that was the only explanation I could think of.”
It was still silent. Akihito slowly turned to Junpei and Katashi, and quietly ordered “please can you bring him here.”
Junpei and Katashi suddenly looked a lot more serious, and they scrambled to go and leave the room. Hanzo turned back to them, now looking like he was also no longer as skeptical.
“You really think he could be related?” Hanzo asked, eyes darting around but mostly landing on his own father.
“Lin Kuei don't care for family,” Kaito explained, “They only have two constant bloodlines, and I highly doubt that the Lin Kuei are sending someone from the Grandmaster's bloodline on a solo mission like this at 18.”
It didn't take too long for Junpei and Katashi to return, Tundra in tow. He was still cuffed and chained up, but he wasn't resisting. It looked more like he was resigned to whatever fate they had chosen for him.
“Tundra, is it? We have not been properly introduced,” Akihito stated as he stood up from his chair. God, with Tundra standing she could see how short he was, especially compared to her father. He practically towered above him. “I am Grandmaster Hisakawa Akihito.”
“I know,” Tundra replied, sounding like he wanted to be brave and disrespect the man in front of him, but the shake in his voice giving him away.
Akihito gestured for Tundra to be brought to the table, pointing to a seat right next to his as head of the table, and opposite Harumi. She had no doubt that this was on purpose. Tundra sat down, glancing across the table to Harumi. She expected him to look pissed off with her, but instead his look was slightly pleading, like he was hoping she would protect him from something.
What does he think we're going to do with him?
“I will skip to the point of this meeting,” Akihito started, holding his hands in front of him on the table with his fingers linked, “you spoke with my daughter earlier.” Tundra's eyes widened, as he gave Harumi a betrayed look. Oh shit, I didn't mention that to him. “And you mentioned having a brother.” Tundra looked back to Akihito, looking like he was trying to remain impartial. “Is your brother Sub Zero?”
Tundra was silent, just shifted like he was uncomfortable.
“Why does that matter?” He muttered, trying to look anywhere but Akihito. In Harumi's mind, this was a resounding “yes” to the question. It seemed her father wanted a more solid answer though.
“Please, just tell us.”
Tundra was silent before he brought a hand to the table. He held it there for a second, a blue glow escaping his finger tips. When he was done, he moved his hand, revealing a tiny bear made of ice on the table. Harumi's jaw dropped.
“Does that answer your question?” Tundra questioned, looking around at the other people in the room, equally as slack jawed as Harumi was. Especially Hanzo. She knew he had a sort of rivalry with Sub Zero, so no doubt having his little brother so close wasn't something he'd expected.
“It does,” Akihito breathed out, gingerly picking up the bear. He looked at it with a small smile on his face, like he was looking at something cute. To be fair, the fact Tundra had chosen to make a mini ice sculpture to prove the point was adorable. Akihito's face dropped, as he looked over to Tundra again. “You could have escaped or attempted to at any point.”
“I could,” Tundra admitted quietly, “but there was no point.” He looked down at his hands and the cuffs. “Even if I escaped and got back to the Lin Kuei, I would be executed for being caught. I've seen it happen before. I'm dead whatever I do, might as well accept that.”
The way Tundra spoke, like his death was inevitable no matter how this went down, was alarming. It was a very depressing way for an 18 year old to be thinking. Someone who should be enjoying the newfound freedoms of adulthood, not fearing his own execution.
“We aren't going to kill you,” Akihito tried to assure him, but it was clear Tundra did not believe that. “What about your brother? Sub Zero is a prestigious lineage, surely he could have some sway with your elders.”
Tundra shook his head. “They will just tell him I died by your hands, and he will believe them.”
To Harumi's surprise, Akihito gestured to Junpei to unlock Tundra's cuffs. After being freed, Tundra just looked at the Grandmaster expectantly. Nothing happened, and Harumi wasn't sure what was supposed to be occurring right now.
“You are still not attempting escape.”
“I've told you, there's no point.” Tundra rubbed his wrists. “And I don't know enough for you to bother keeping me alive, so can we just skip this and get to the part where you kill me.”
“You are very insistent on us killing you.” Harumi knew her father, and knew from the way he was speaking he was extremely uncomfortable. He was likely imagining her at 18 years old and in Tundra's place. A quick glance towards Kaito and she could tell he was imagining the same but with Hanzo. “You are 18 years old, you are just barely an adult, we are not going to harm you.”
Harumi just rolled her eyes and lent in slightly as she said “told you.”
Despite the situation, she saw Tundra's mouth quirk slightly. She tried to ignore the strange look her father was giving her.
“If not that, then, what are you going to do with me?” Tundra asked before Akihito could question his daughter.
“Well, seeing as you seem reluctant to leave, we can place you with a guard for the time being until we decide how to further deal with you,” Akihito stated. “I do not feel right just letting you rot inside that jail.” And then Akihito's head turned to Hanzo, who jumped at the sudden attention towards him. “Hasashi Hanzo, I request that you be Tundra's guardian for the time being.”
“I- me?” Hanzo, for the first time since Harumi had known him, seemed completely speechless.
“Yes, I believe this will be a good way for you to prove yourself to us.” Akihito had a smirk on his face, he knew that was a surefire way to get Hanzo to agree. Hanzo was always eager to show himself to be a valuable member of the clan. “Not to mention, it seems your wife-to-be has taken quite a shine to your new ward, I'm sure she would very much appreciate if you did.”
Harumi gave Hanzo her best puppy dog eyes to plead with him. If they looked after Tundra it meant that he would live with them. Meaning she could maybe start to try and unravel whatever the hell the Lin Kuei had done to him. At the least, she might be able to start feeding him properly and get him to a healthier weight.
Hanzo grimaced, but finally relented with, “it would be my honour, Grandmaster.”
For all Hanzo's cocky assurance that he was an unpredictable renegade, he was so very very very predictable.
Akihito turned back to Tundra, “do you have any objections to this?”
“No?” Tundra didn't look like he meant that to be a question, but at the same time he seemed completely blindsided by this development.
“Then it is settled.” Akihito brushed his hands as if to indicate that the decision was final.
Harumi went to stand, walking over to the opposite side of the table and holding her hand to Tundra. He hesitated but eventually took it and let her pull him to his feet. She desperately ignored the warning sirens in her head telling her that he was way too light. Hanzo was standing by the door waiting for them. As she approached she gave him a look to tell him they'd talk later, and he nodded in understanding. Tundra looked a little uncomfortable with Hanzo, but Harumi hoped that once he wasn't in his armour, that would change.
She hoped.
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“So this is what my life has become,” Hanzo sighed over dramatically. “Babysitter to a stray Lin Kuei.”
Harumi looked up from where she was chopping a spring onion. Upon returning home, she had guided Tundra to the bathroom so he could have a wash and change into some clean clothes. It was some of Hanzo's off duty wear, so she was sure they'd be a bit too big for him, but it was the thought that counted. Still with Kuai in the bath, it gave Harumi time to talk to Hanzo about what they were going to do.
“I know it's probably not how you expected today to go,” she tried, as the scraped the spring onion into her pot, “but it is a good way to show the elder's your dedication to your responsibilities.”
“I hate that's such an effective tool against me,” he muttered, reaching to his hair tie and letting his hair go free. “I'm just going to have to try and look past the fact he's the younger brother of my biggest rival.”
“Yes, yes you are.” She got out the chicken and started to dice it. “But he's not really that much younger than us, I'm sure he'd rather live with us treating him like an equal than with one of the elders treating him like a child.” She smirked and looked over her shoulder at him, “besides he seems far more mature than you were at 18.”
“Excuse you, I was a very mature 18 year old, thank you very much.” Hanzo crossed his arms and looked like a stroppy child.
“Oh really? Mr. Climbs-up-on-the-roof-and-jumps-off-it-because-he-thinks-he-can-survive-it-and-ends-up-breaking-his-leg.”
Hanzo just offered her a sheepish smile at the memory and said “to be fair, I did survive.”
“You are unbelievable,” she muttered, rubbing some salt and pepper over her diced chicken. “I don't know why I ever agreed to marry you.”
She felt arms snake around her waist as Hanzo purred into her ear, “and yet you did.”
She rolled her eyes and turned her head, just enough to be able to give her boyfriend a kiss.
“Oh, ew.”
They both looked over to the doorway to find Tundra stood there, hair still slightly wet and wearing Hanzo's clothes. As Harumi suspected, they were far too big for him, and it was almost funny, like a small child raiding his fathers wardrobe. Almost. If it weren’t a stark reminder of how underweight the young man was.
Hanzo separated from her, and they both watched as Tundra cautiously walked into the room.
“Ah good, Tundra, I'm making chicken ramen for dinner, is that okay with you?”
There was no reply, and she looked back to him. He just looked completely lost.
“I-” he bit his lip and started to rub one of his wrists. “I don't know what that is.”
She hadn't even considered that Tundra was from a completely different culture, and likely didn't eat the same foods she and Hanzo did. This was a good way to start finding a way to bond and gain his trust.
“Ramen is a noodle soup,” she replied and Tundra nodded in understanding. “I'm sorry, I hadn't considered that you might not be familiar with Japanese foods. Are there any Chinese dishes you like? I can try making them, if you'd like.”
Tundra somehow looked even more uncomfortable. “I- Um. I'm not familiar with food. The Lin Kuei's diet is just plain rice with a meat or fish.” Harumi gripped her knife tighter. Rice and a bit of meat was not a healthy diet, at all. “A-also, food is a privilege, so I do not feel right asking you for something unless I've earned it.”
Oh boy. Any reaction she could have possibly had to those words was trumped by the look of sheer abject horror on Hanzo's face.
“What do you mean, food is a privilege?” He demanded, his voice barely holding back his rage. She was surprised he'd had such an extreme reaction, but put down the chicken and went to wash her hands so she could potentially hold her husband back.
“I- Well-” Tundra looked terrified, looking like he was preparing to shield himself from a physical attack. “I- If we fail a training exercise, food privilege's are taken from us and we're not allowed to eat.” Kuai looked down and away. “I failed a lot.”
That explained why he was so thin, they were literally starving him. She managed to reach Hanzo, putting a hand on his shoulder and mouthing at him “calm down”. He looked at her for a second, then back to Tundra, his eyes widening when he realised the young man was scared of his anger. He took a deep breath.
“Well, that isn't how things work around here,” Hanzo said, somewhat calmer, but his rage still lingering in the tone of his voice. “Food isn't a privilege here, it's a right. You are allowed to eat whenever you want. There are set meals we have, but they will never be taken from you. Do you understand?”
“Yes sir,” Tundra muttered, sounding completely miserable.
“It's okay that you don't know what you like yet, we can try out different things and see what sticks,” Harumi offered, desperate to try and deescalate the situation. “For example, did you like the soup from earlier?”
“Y-yes I did,” Tundra nodded. Harumi wasn't sure if he was just being nice, and didn't want to push his luck with them. Still, she was sure after he got used to things he'd feel safer being honest with them.
“Well, that's a good start,” she claimed. Now that she thought about it, it did explain the strange expression on his face when he first ate it. He likely wasn't used to food that actually had taste.
“So, um, is- is there anything I can do to help right now?” Tundra asked, looking at Hanzo with a worried expression. It seemed Hanzo's outburst had really spooked him. Harumi would have to try and remember to find a solution to that problem.
“No, not really. Why don't you go have a look around the house and get used to where everything is?” She suggested, watching as Tundra nodded and started to walk off.
When he was out of the room, she turned to Hanzo who looked at her quietly before saying “I think I understand why you were so worried for him now.”
Harumi sighed. This was going to be a challenge.
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selfdestructivecat · 2 years
For the headcanon game, please give your thoughts on Phoenix and Klavier? :D
Oh you’re just BEGGING for angst aren’t you lmao
(The last headcanon includes Klapollo! If you’re not into that, you can skip it! ^.^)
Spoilers for AA4! You’ve been warned!
Realistic Headcanon:
Klavier is the kind of person who easily just goes along with whatever’s going on. Trucy needs an assistant for her show? Klavier’s afternoon is free, so sure, why not? Apollo needs a ride to a place several hours away because of a potential lead for his newest case? Well Klavier has to know where this is going, so he will absolutely give him a ride. Phoenix and Athena are teasing Apollo? Klavier has no idea how this started, but he is absolutely joining in.
Phoenix is very similar, but only because he believes that he has completely lost control over his life and has simply decided to embrace the chaos (he adopted Trucy, after all). This could lead to many hilarious situations between the two, where they are stuck in some kind of wacky circumstance and both of them simultaneously are just like “ok sure, this might as well happen”. Bonus points if they are also accompanied by someone who is most certainly not okay with the situation (perhaps Edgeworth or Apollo?) and is very nonplused by their attitude.
(More Headcanons Below!)
Unrealistic (but Hilarious) Headcanon):
They were both theater kids! If there was a theater production in their schools, they were at least part of the ensemble, if not one of the starring roles. I’d like to imagine it’s a major point of bonding for the two, where they debate over the best numbers in certain musicals, gush over some of the less-known productions, and even sing together. And they are both VERY extra about it, using fake props and everything (much to Apollo’s chagrin).
Heart-Crushing and Awful Headcanon(s):
I know you probably want to know my thoughts on how Phoenix and Klavier reconcile, and I’m more than happy to share, so I’ll discuss that before giving you another sad headcanon that I adore.
I think it’s unrealistic that Phoenix never blamed Klavier. Law was his passion, his reason for living. It was an exhausting and trying job, but he loved it. He loved saving people and solving mysteries. It would be one thing if he had actually forged evidence and had his badge taken away rightfully, but the incident that lost him his job was clearly not his fault. And it’s hard, in situations like that, to avoid looking for someone to place the blame, even when it’s not their fault either.
But I’d like to think that Phoenix is a good judge of character. When he next sees Klavier, presumably not long after losing his badge, the younger man is a shadow of the confident performance he displayed in court. He acts just as stuck-up and self-absorbed as he was during that trial, but years of dealing with liars has taught Phoenix a lot. He sees the doubt weighing on Klavier’s shoulders, the hesitance that weighs his movements and decisions. He sees a kid, about the same age as Maya when he first met her, and he can’t be mad at Klavier, not really.
And then he meets Kristoph, and he learns who his enemy truly is.
Years pass, Kristoph is behind bars where he belongs, and Vera Misham opens her eyes. Klavier finally learns the truth, and it’s everything he feared. The roles have been reversed, where Phoenix has been an upstanding man this entire time, and he feels like the fraud. He can’t look Trucy Wright in the eyes anymore, and the mere thought of Phoenix Wright is enough to bring him to tears.
I can’t say exactly how long Klavier stews in his guilt. Probably a month after the trial, before Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth notices his behavior and practically demands that he takes some time off for his mental health. And then a few months more, when for the first time in his life, Klavier finds himself unable to play music.
Perhaps it’s Trucy who arranges it, who calls Klavier to the WAA when she knows it’ll only be her father in the office. Perhaps it’s Apollo, who saves Klavier from the darkness inside of him once again and challenges him to act. Perhaps Phoenix initiates the conversation, sending Klavier an invitation he knows he can’t refuse. Or perhaps Klavier goes himself, wanting to see Apollo for business or personal reasons, and encounters Phoenix alone by pure chance.
Either way, the end result is the same. Words are exchanged, many tears are shed, and a hug is shared. And for the first time in seven years, Klavier feels light.
And Another:
In the first case of the fourth game, Apollo learns that Phoenix tricked him into presenting forged evidence (although I have my thoughts about whether or not this evidence was actually forged, but I digress). His first reaction is anger, something so raw and powerful that his first instinct is to punch his former idol in the face.
When Apollo finds out that Trucy is his sister, and that Phoenix had been hiding this fact for years, anger is no longer his first reaction. This devastation runs deeper, because Phoenix was no longer a man he simply idolized. He was a mentor, a friend, someone that Apollo had gotten to know over the years. Someone Apollo had slowly learned to trust again, even after Phoenix had betrayed him.
And that trust had been broken again. This time, Apollo’s first reaction wasn’t to lash out. It was to run, trying to hide the tears running down his face as he tried to distance himself as far as he could before he got hurt again.
However, when Klavier learned of this, anger was his first reaction. And in a perfect mirror of Apollo’s actions during his debut as a defense lawyer, the first thing Klavier does when he sees Phoenix is punch him in the face.
It takes a long time for Apollo to forgive Phoenix, and it takes even longer for Klavier. And this devastates Phoenix, because as much as he hates losing Apollo, someone he sees as a son, he had also become extremely fond of Klavier. And after years of Klavier seeing Phoenix as a fraud, it hurt to see the rockstar prosecutor looking at Phoenix with distain once again.
Unrealistic Headcanon That Will Probably Never Happen:
Phoenix adores Klavier. Probably sees him as a son.
But no man will ever be good enough for his other son Apollo.
So hijinks ensue! Klavier tries to bring Apollo flowers? Uh oh where did they go? Phoenix certainly did not hide them before Apollo returned! Klavier wants to ask Apollo out to dinner? “Oh hey Apollo do you mind working overtime just this once? I’ll actually pay you this time!”
Bonus points if Trucy is working to get Klavier and Apollo together, meaning that she and her father are actively working against each other. More bonus points if they are both aware of what the other is doing, prompting snide comments and competition between the two (as well as a wager or two). Even more bonus points if, while the two are locked in this competition and completely preoccupied with undermining the other, Klavier and Apollo figure things out on their own and have a lovely, uninterrupted date.
Thanks so much for the ask! And sorry that it took so long!
Send Me a Character or Relationship (Platonic or Romantic) and I’ll Give You Some Headcanons!
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the-pjo-analyst · 2 years
Chapter 2 - Three Old Ladies Knit the Socks of Death
Theme of the day: Isolation
A pretty isolating chapter for Percy. It starts off with Percy talking about the mindfuck of everyone forgetting Mrs. Dodds existed, which I think would be less isolating if Grover was a better liar lmao. Like he says, he almost believed everyone, but Grover couldn’t fool him. Percy doesn’t mention the reason he feels so irritable, but it seems obvious that the fact that Grover was hiding something from him, plus his nightmares on top of it, was really getting to him. I want to say that Grover was Percy’s only close friend up until this point, so knowing that he’s lying to him would really hurt. Also the weather being so extreme can be really stressful. No wonder he’s so cranky!
And then Percy gets expelled once more, and now he’s isolated from the rest of the Yancy students who get to go home knowing that they’ll be returning at the start of the new school year. And that’s like... an addition to feeling excluded from the rich kids and their fancy summer trips when Percy himself doesn’t even have a fraction of the wealth they do. He will go home to an abusive stepdad in a rundown apartment having to scrounge for a summer job (and he’s only 12.... poor kid). And then he assumes his only friend is also a rich kid, making him feel like more of an outsider.
Another tick in his isolation is finding Grover and Mr. Brunner secretly talking about him. His best friend and his favorite teacher. Percy specifically says they were talking about him behind his back, so he’s clearly upset about it, whether they’re saying something bad about him or not. It’s really just one after another for Percy! He’s really having it rough. Because then Chiron had to give him the most terrible pep talk sdjkfhsf. Like what did he expect telling Percy that he didn’t belong at Yancy and wasn’t normal without further context. I swear both Chiron and Grover are the worst at making Percy feel better lmao. They’re trying so hard. And Percy doesn’t take well at being kept in the dark, which only makes their job harder when they literally can’t give it to him without endangering him.
I don’t have much to say about the Fates. They show up, snip up some thread, and we don’t find out the meaning behind it until book 5 😂
Small things:
The paragraph about the freak weather really hits different nowadays. It’s only in recent years that we’ve been getting like once in a lifetime weather events. 15 years ago when the book came out global warming was still a debate in the US.
The IRONY that Chiron is teaching Latin and Roman culture lmao
I also hated learning Latin, so I feel Percy and his struggle. That shit is hard 😂
Previous:  Chapter 1 - I Accidentally Vaporized My Pre-algebra Teacher
Next: Chapter 3 - Grover Unexpectedly Loses His Pants
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cishetamine · 2 years
the worst person in the world (2021) letterboxd review (already crossposted this to twt but reposting here for………'research'[you'll see)]
funny how i originally thought this movie was adapted from a novel even BEFORE a major character contracted a terminal illness (aka like one of the most common things that can happen to a character in a Realistic Fiction Novel, right after infidelity). it just has that MFA vibe!
this movie feels like a deceptive advertisement for living in norway. isn't it mostly cold there ? (update: i have looked up the average winter monthly temperatures in oslo & theyre actually pretty much the same as where i live. whooops!!)
the music in this is good when it’s good & rly annoying when it’s not
hilarious and insane that norway’s indie comics scene is (or is at least depicted as being) exactly the same as in the US—i.e., dominated by edgy cishet dudes all too willing to use mere shock factor as an excuse for originality
like…he has characters whose names are translated as “Dick Wolf Dick” & “Pedo the Parrot” which, come ON but also that literally is what these guys are like……like. So true besty
& yet ! i also can't help but sympathize w/ the comic boyfriend re: the Great Endless Cancel Culture Debate bc ppl have also told me stuff like, “i hate all the people in your comics”
which like! Fair, i don't intend for my characters to be Nice People (well ok some of them are well-intentioned but also kinda hopeless/lost causes)
but also the bf (well, ex-bf—in more ways than 1!!) is exactly right—comics are where i put all the horrible thoughts in my brain that i can’t exorcize by any other means!
love that she shares my hobby of “lying to strangers at parties”……she’s so cool
this movie has a lot of fun little moments that feel pointily realistic: (e.g.: getting interrupted repeatedly while fooling around w/ someone at a party bc you’ve decided to canoodle one another in the Designated Bed Where Everyone Puts Their {Admittedly Extremely Soft + Sensual} Coats, and now everyone is coming to get their jackets & keeps walking in on u while you're trying to snog)
^ another such moment: when her dad says that the link to the libfem girlpower-vibes sex article she wrote doesn’t work, & it’s up to us to decide if there’s actually an issue with his phone or he was just being squeamish abt sex
i wouldn’t call these "wow just like irl lmao" moments exactly the same as the ones in a coen bros movie, but they’re similar imo ? like, those are always my favorite things abt their films (the violence is fine but usually kind of boring to me at this point. like, okay, he has a gun, great. can we bring back the wood chipper? no, too expensive? well how about the cattle stunner thingy, do you still have that thingamajig laying around?)
nah i'm talking like, the way they make the pauses in an ordinary conversation as awkwardly real as possible. ofc when they do it it's often bc there's some sort of double entendre[not necessarily sexual] going on, like w/ the confusion re: the kidnapping in fargo or the student trying to cheat in a serious man. but lebowski has a lot of fun realistic conversationy stuff that's just plain weird, which i guess i'm comparing this more to?
wait. Holy shit. is it at all true that “most women don’t like giving blowjobs”!?!?!?!? Like What the FUCK. is this a straight vs gay thing??? i don’t get it……what could turn u on more than being good at making yr partner cum??? (ok well i can think of several things actually but literally why are u having sex w/ someone unless it’s mutually enjoyable i——???? honestly this was maybe the least believable part of the movie 4 me :// can straight women PLEASE weigh in on thisPLEAAAASEEEEE!!!!!!)
re: “they’ve housebroken bobcat” I HAVE TO KNOW whether the bit abt removing the cartoon cat’s butthole was in response to CATS (2019).
this movie feels like propaganda from the norwegian board of tourism. case in point: basically all of the action happens in summer. also, that scene where she runs outside and the world is frozen in time feels kinda like an ad. sorry if my brain has been broken by america superb owl commercial culture :(
it’s fascinating to see a film that’s so contemporary & relatable but also not quite my own life??? kinda like the gaggle of cishet-presenting girls i saw on the train recently—bc i was aware of most of the celebrity gossip & news stuff they were talking abt, but i still came away feeling like i inhabit a very different—albeit parallel—world from them. for more context, here is my best try at a transcript of their convo: www.tumblr.com/cishetamine/701574180800479232/lily-rose-depp-they-were-calling-her-a-nepo
(p.s. please don't get mad at me for snooping on strangers, i'm just one of many credulous clods who once heard that u can get better at writing by transcribing how ppl really talk. & from there i got obsessed w/ doing this whenever someone is having an interesting convo near me. also most importantly, i didn't write down any personally identifying info & also these ppl are totally anonymous anyway. so plz enjoy @ yr leisure!)
love how this dude reminisces abt being a Record Store / Video Store / Comic Store guy !!! i.e., he’s an alt bro!!! love that for him. it's so cute that norway has hipsters too<3 squee!
also luv how "i just took a dna test turns out / i'm 3.1% sami" is the norwegian equivalent of “my great grandmother was a cherokee princess” cosplaying indigeneity
^ overall tho, the extinction rebellion-core gf feels kinda way too flat & one-note……but also i literally know ppl who are like that!! like i've had friends who were into radical veganism + environmentalism & it did seem kind of culty……which is not to say that ppl shouldn't be vegan or environmentalist, of course! but i have absolutely seen it turn into Unhealthy Polycule Drama & we've just seen where that leads, cough FTX / EAs, cough
no but it’s fascinating how this depiction of norwegian ~radical~ environmentalism compares to the scene in the US. for instance i feel like i’ve never heard an american state that they chose not to fly across the ocean bc it would increase their carbon footpri——wait no actually yes i have heard this, but specifically in the context of academic conferences, never like, regarding travel for fun. Interesting difference here!
(^ also, those were basically only professors on twitter who were saying that, not ppl i know in real life. so another level of remove from me)
[meanwhile i would chop off one of my less-important fingers in exchange for being able to fly across the ocean, environment be damned] [anyway tbh i figure it wouldn’t be thaaaaaat evil so long as i was able to stay in that other country for at least several months, as opposed to business travelers who frequently fly back & forth. but i would want to stay bc i would be desperate to learn the language!
which language, you ask? why, my answer is—Yes!]
anyway enough feeling sorry for myself for not being rich. time to feel sorry for imaginary movie ppl instead!
“i don’t want to be the sensible choice while she’s the sexy one” damn that makes a lot of sense! i definitely feel that re: pressure to be Exciting & Spontaneous & Ever-Flexible so that ppl will find u attractive / alluring instead of setting boundaries (given the choice between setting a boundary vs having sex with someone hot, i will almost always choose the latte——ah, but you see, posting this in a public forum where people i've had sex with can read it is itself an act of performati——
So about the main character. We don’t get much interiority of her, like aside from the stuff at the beginning abt her various major + career changes, we don't get to hear directly the thoughts she is thinking—not just bc we don't hear much in the way of interior monologue, but also bc she doesn't explain herself to the ppl around her.
like, she didn't tell her then-bf that there was in fact another guy—which like, honestly, if i were in her situation, i might also take the coward's route! especially if she feared jealous retribution from her current bf. but we don't know if she fears that, bc we never see her talk to her FRIENDS, bc for all we know, she doesn't have any!!!!
which feels very……hard for me to believe? bc i have never met a woman who did not have Friends. (& supposedly guys tend to have fewer pals, but even they usually seem to at least have like, Gamer Buds, idk! i know i always did back when i was a Gamer in high school, even if i was kinda withdrawn irl.)
so i'm left wondering—are we supposed to see her as genuinely friendless? & if so, what does that say abt her?
or are we just supposed to assume that the movie doesn't want to show her friends? if that's the case, why would it make that decision??
if we as viewers are supposed to actually believe that she doesn't have friends that she can confide in whom she is not romantically involved with……it rly paints a very specific (& melancholy!) picture of her as a person. bc that's a stereotype i mostly associate w/ Isolated Guys, but yet she is not that! (i would like to be her friend & talk abt photography..)
still not sure how i feel abt the freeze-time gimmick. Like on the 1 hand—it’s giving crazy ex girlfriend tv show. But also………idk it looks kinda cool regardless!
between this & tár, i feel sooo…………something abt watching 2 movies in a short timespan that contain Bitingly Contemporary Cancellation Scenes, & also cell phones………i………hmm.
thinking abt gretchen from twitter, a noble woman fighting for a just cause (telling adult YA fans to get a life), yet whose ratioing ultimately feels sorta pyrrhic to me, such that i have to wonder if it's worth the stress it presumably causes her.
but also, i am much more of a wimp than many people! for instance, a lot of ppl are strong tough athletes who put themselves thru a lot of pain because they find it enjoyable overall! whereas personally i only do exercise when i can convince myself that it's fun (e.g., biking places, swimming in water that isn't freezing cold)
so what i'm saying is perhaps gretchen sees being a Culture Warrior as a noble pursuit &/or lives for the thrill of the takedown, whereas i'm probably conflict-averse to a fault. (also, on a materialist level, she gets plenty of publicity for fighting the good fight—& as an author, building an audience is pretty crucial to keeping the lights on!)
anyway, right—the reason i'm thinking abt her at all in the context of this film is bc of the Cancel Culture Scene. bc i'm sympathetic to both the comics artist himself as well as his critics—bc like gretchen & her supporters always say, i believe artists have the right to be messy & sexual & graphic & painful & problematic & difficult to untangle……both bc i prefer to consume art (like this movie!) that fits that description, & bc that's ultimately the kind of work i would like to create.
but what's weird abt the tv interview in the gym in this movie is that we don't really even get to see exactly what the feminists debating the comics boyfriend are actually mad at him about. it's all vague—probably bc the point isn't the debate itself so much as its effect on his ex-gf! (& we know this bc the camera spends hella time tracking her facial reactions throughout this scene, as opposed to focusing primarily on the ex-boyfriend being interviewed.)
(btw for the record, i've read some of gretchen's writing but not a huge amount, & i think she's quite talented at describing compelling visual scenes, but i do worry that some of her political commentary is just so on-the-nose that it isn't as funny as it wants to be?
like, sure, i hate raytheon tenderqueers as much as any Good Leftoid! obviously imperialist militaries are evil & should be systematically dismantled, & it's sickening seeing the cynical liberal war machine attempt to suck us gays into its awful whirling gears.
but—as we saw with countless lib comedians attempting to parody trump—just bc you're making fun of something genuinely bad, doesn't mean your jokes are automagically hilarious!)
oh right, i was building toward something—namely: it feels like there's 3 sides in the big Cancel Culture Debate these days:
(mostly but not solely) christian right-wingers who hate the gays
young people who ummm [takes a full minute to check something on my phone] believe barnes & noble should sort books by tone indicator & who think fujoshis will trigger the third impact
cool edgy trans ppl caught in the middle of these 2 groups, martyred like that one saint mishima used to jack off to & permitted to do any crime so long as it is judged as being sufficiently badass by the Council of Trans Elders
anyway i was just gonna say: you know how sun tzu art of war has that thing abt how u should make your enemies fight each other instead of u fighting on 2 sides at once?
yeah, i think we should come up with a new discourse designed to do exactly that. or maybe get the evangelicals & catholics to fight again over whether asexual priests are valid or if they have to be volcel to really count. hopefully they'll wear themselves out, & our[if i may be so bold as to number myself among the Edgy Trans] troops of keyboard warriors will be able to reenter the fray refreshed to fight another day!
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faroreswinds · 2 years
Scarlet Blaze - The Final Chapter
I’m free. I’m done. 
Well, almost. I am writing up a final thoughts review. THEN I’ll be done, and starting Golden Wildfire. 
Thank you for being on this Scarlet Blaze journey with me. I hope you will stay with me as we start Golden Wildfire. 
This is such a clusterfuck.
The Knights of Seiros are moving in on the monastery, as well as the Slithers for some fucking reason. 
The slithers want the “essences”, I assume they mean Crest Stones
Rhea is like “oh, shit, I think I know who these people are.”
We are literally saving Count Varley here. 
With how little we actually interacted with Church forces, it feels weird even making this the last battle, if I’m being honest. 
If you did the secret chapters, Arval is “no longer there”. 
Mercedes finds Sylvain and Ingrid incredible for fighting for what they believe in no matter what. She finds them incredible because she doesn’t believe she could do that herself.
A lot of characters are talking as if the war is almost over. 
Yuri brings up a good point about how it’s strange the Count Varley is the leader of the southern church.
Another npc wonders who will lead the church if he died (making it sound like he might desire the post himself)
Manuela says that they have been fighting for two years or something. But… we haven’t? The war only started like, six months ago.
Hubert wants to kill us because we tried to kill Byleth. But, decides to hold off. Ultimately, we lost his trust.
One NPC comments he is glad that the alliance didn’t try anything strange. Except that, well…. unless something drastic happens.
Also, the Alliance is currently chasing the Kingdom army. Kek
Byleth and Shez’s A support unlocks at this point. Shez apologizes for attacking Byleth. And they take about their head people. They debate about Arval really is. Byleth suggests Arval probably cared about Shez to the end though. Or, Arval just didn’t want to hurt his vessel. Who knows. 
And now, for the final battle. 
This is so contrived. Thales and Rhea just in the same place at the same time? Sigh. And nothing has been answered, really. 
Well, Catherine is dead. 
Cyril…. is dead…. :(
Edelgard called for the monastery to become Rhea and Thales tomb, but then also…. wants to capture Rhea. Make up your mind, girl.  
Thalest and Rhea are defeated, after Rhea transformed into dragon, then Thales and Rhea continue to attack, then… they take each other out, so we don’t even kill the final bosses, they kill each other (or they vanish from history). 
Edelgard and Shez… high five, then end scroll. Alliance and Empire march on the Kingdom to end it, the end. 
Fuck me too, I guess. 
 There are some minor camp dialogue changes. Edelgard hopes you will continue to support her, Hubert is annoyed they don’t learned more about your identity (me too, pal), 
I gave Edelgard the merc whistle. She... gave me a pen. Yay?
Hapi can ask why the monastery is so important. If you say it’s sacred ground to it’s believers, she asks why they can’t just somewhere else. That’s like asking for Mecca to be moved. 
Ignatz wants to paint the battle field. Yay?
Marianne cut off contact with her father. 
Raphael is mad that Edelgard doesn’t party more after fighting. 
No one seems sad Claude died, lmao
Final battle
I let Count Varley die. 
No regrets.
He was a terrible leader of a church anyways, way more corrupt than Rhea ever was.
He only cared about money
Shamir shows concern for Cyril in battle. Too bad he dies anyways
Honestly, the last advance on Rhea across the bridge is really cool
They have barely talked about the Immaculate One. The name was only mentioned like... once, when Rhea first escaped and people claimed to have seen the dragon somewhere. 
No one really seems shocked to see her turn into a dragon
You know, if I wore Edelgard’s knee armor things, those wings would keep stabbing the back of my legs over and over again.
End scroll: Mostly the same, except the Alliance, the Kingdom, and the Empire continue to war against each other with no end in sight. 
Oh, the letters
I got a letter from Edelgard and Byleth. Nothing really special, just how awesome Shez is.
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alrightsnaps · 2 years
This is a fictional world i cannot stress this enough. i’m personally not endorsing daemons action, though i can’t say the same for others. i like daemon because he’s interesting (might i also add that he’s grrms favorite character) and i do not endorse a lot of his actions. ( and might i also add that maesters bias is a thing, and while they had biases towards both sides, the bias was heavy towards the blacks. like you said, its a history book) i dislike alicent because of her actions while i’m fully aware that she’s a victim of the patriarchy and a lot of the dances blame falls on the men around her.
I know it is a fictional world but I'm disinclined to believe that the unhinged Daemon stans who flocked my quotes on twitter because I dared to call him a misogynist hold all that different views irl. It's not some subtle microagression we're debating here for heaven's sake it's a male character that reeks of misogyny. I doubt someone who'll go out of their way to insist that a grownass male character who has a thing for virgin young girls is not at all a misogynistic pos wouldn't make the same excuses for a similar man in real life.
As for Daemon being GRRM’s fave...am I supposed to view that old creep as an embassador of feminism?
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In any case the pickme comment was not about fans I disagree with who are willing to make a civilised discussion and consider different points of view. It was about the weirdos that compose half of stan twitter who got mad about me wanting Nyra to not condone Blood and Cheese and clash with Daemon once she finds out what it involved (seriously wondering how on earth these people claim to love Rhaenyra btw); and then got even more mad when I called Daemon a misogynist.
Trust me your average targ twitter stan would have your head for ever saying that Alicent was also the victim of the patriarchy or speaking against Daemon lmao. It's the same crowd that makes disparaging comments about Elia being “useless” for not giving Rhaegar more kids and dying in the process or throw insults about her looks. Dickriding about shitty male characters is one hell of a drag and Daemon and Rhaegar are two of their favourites.
I know there are also more chill and sane stans ans much as I strongly disagree with them about Daemon I'm not going out of my way to beef with them
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bisluthq · 8 months
I know how you feel about reviews but the Foe reviews (both the good and the bad ones) make it sound like something I won’t like and I wasn’t a huge fan of the gold, so I can’t believe Jack and Saoirse chose to spend 2 whole months away from each other to do this?? If they had done something life changing, sure! But the gold was just okay and Foe sounds like actual trash. At this point I don’t trust the outrun at all 💀
I haven’t watched The Gold but the Foe reviews are indeed v bad. I’ll still watch it because I do like Paul and (especially) Saoirse but I also will say I read the book and the actual book was meh??? So like idk. I had huge debates here about CWF because I love that book and I thought the adaptation was perfect and stuff but I don’t love this book and if the adaptation is even worse then idk personally for me ehhhh.
I also like still can’t get over how much Carmen sucked lmao like that was so so so bad and I love that plot.
So I am worried for me and my faves but also like if you watch any of these things and dig them as I’ve been saying good for you. If New Moon is unironically your favorite movie of all time idk if we can be friends but you’re not wrong because we all have personal opinions. I loved CWF and the adaptation. I disliked BWWAY and hope there isn’t an adaptation. I disliked this Carmen adaptation but I love Carmen. I was neutral on Foe the book so I’ll see how the film is. Y’all can disagree. It’s okay to just think stuff.
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