#I can't believe I made a sherlock post again
fallingyams · 11 months
Just had some thoughts on a sherliam post-fall role reversal AU
Didn't Sherlock cradle William's head as they fell from the bridge?
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So imagine that because of this, Sherlock ends up taking the brunt of the fall instead of William.
William wakes up first. Sherlock does not.
William wakes up half blind in an unfamiliar room, with the unmoving body of Sherlock in an adjacent bed. He's disoriented and panicked and the only thing that stops him from full-blown hysteria is Billy, who assures him that Sherlock is alive, just unconscious.
He spends the next few weeks attempting to take care of Sherlock and nursing him back to health, even though the other doesn't wake. William's no stranger to this, he had helped to raise Louis, after all. (He tries to ignore the fact that his heart clenches at the reminder of the brother he left behind, whom he might never see again.)
However, most of that time ends up being spent relearning how to do basic tasks with his sight halved. Figuring out how to navigate around his blind spot so that he stops clumsily knocking things over on his left.
After the third time he's upended the basin of water he prepared to wash Sherlock with, William has quite had enough of it all. He despises himself, really, because he can't seem to do anything right.
Feelings of helplessness and anger creep up on him in the silence of the night, without a teasing jibe or an overexcited comment or even just the call of "Liam!" to break it.
But most of all, there is guilt and despair. There was one man who had believed in him throughout all of this. One detective who understood him down to his very core. One friend who had reached his hand out and offered forgiveness where he deserved none.
One Sherlock whom he had almost doomed with his selfishness.
His fascination with the other man’s brilliance had made William drag Sherlock into his damned role in their plan.
He had pulled and teased and tugged, leading this merry chase until Sherlock had followed him to the end. And now, the detective was paying penance for William's actions.
Collapsing into a chair next to the still-unconscious detective, William lets out a cry of bone-deep sorrow.
Sherlock had told him to repent; told him to atone for his sins with the rest of his life.
But how could William bring himself to do that, if the only person who mattered might never wake up again?
What use was living the rest of his life, if Sherlock wouldn't be there to live it with?
Tears slowly trickle down from a single scarlet eye as William bows his head and begs any divine power there is for a miracle.
Just as William is about to be consumed by his despairing thoughts, however, a finger twitches and a rasping voice whispers,
"Oi, why are ya crying, Liam?"
(Okay I need to get rid of the angst hi here's a bonus happy end so I can sleep peacefully it's like 2am)
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thealogie · 7 months
I'm sorry but I'm about to treat your ask box like a confessional.
You kind of deserve it, though, because due to your Sherlock rewatch posts I've been forced to remember that 1. Sherlock is a show that exists and 2. that I wrote Sherlock fanfic when I was 13... about SHERLOCK and MOLLY.
In my defence, I was a deeply deeply deeply repressed bisexual who hadn't realized it yet - so all of the obvious and insane gay stuff between Sherlock and John just completely sailed over my head. Also propaganda worked really well on me as a child - so basically I was the ideal viewer for Moftiss lol. There'd be scenes where people mistook Sherlock and John for a couple and I'd go 'huh that's kind of strange that keeps happening' but then it would be played off as a joke and I'd go 'oh yes of course, silly me! Gay people only exist as the punchline! Sherlock and John would NEVER be interested in each other that way. I can't believe anyone would ever think that haha.'
Flash forward to 2017. I'm 17 years old. I've kissed other women by now and have had my brain chemistry rewritten by copious amounts of slash fanfiction. Still young, but wiser to the ways of the world than I once was. The last time I watched Sherlock, I had been 14 years old. Sherlock season 4 airs. I watch it with my mom. It's so bad my brain immediately initiates a trauma response and wipes all memory of Sherlock away. This continues for years. The only times I remember Sherlock exists is whenever I joyfully watch hbomerguy's Sherlock Is Garbage video while I'm knitting or painting or something. Also whenever I have to type in a password for an account I made when I was 13 - because my go-to password was 'SHERLOCKED' back then, unfortunately.
Flash forward to now. I'm 24 years old. And I start seeing your posts about Sherlock. Like a sleeper agent, it awakens something in me. Yesterday, I spent a perfectly good Saturday - one I could have spent doing literally anything else - reading Johnlock fanfiction. I am suddenly re experiencing the show through new eyes, seeing all the queerbait I never did before. Getting hate-crimed on the daily. I'm thinking about Sherlock at work, at my adult fucking job. I'm watching scenes from the show on youtube in my office, quickly and guiltily clicking away whenever a coworker comes to chat. I am considering doing my own rewatch. I am realizing for the first time that John and Sherlock were literally in love. It's the only lens through which you can view the show and still have it be somewhat enjoyable. They literally put Mary in a wedding dress shooting Sherlock in his mind palace on TV. I feel like I'm having a religious experience, I feel like I'm insane, I feel like I'm 13 again. This is all vaguely November 5th-ish for me lol.
Anyway. I just thought you should know the impact your rewatch is having on the population. Sorry for the novel in your inbox. I've been desperately trying to find my old Sherlock x Molly fanfic to read for the lols but I think I deleted it off ffnet. I am both having the time of my life while also desperately hoping I forget Sherlock ever existed again soon. So, basically - thank you/curse you for this.
This is perhaps the best ask I’ve ever received?? I converted a sherlolly shipper in the year 2023? Listen I’d never wish a season 4 rewatch on anyone but I would highly recommend watching s1-2 and the wedding episode for a truly out of body experience. I felt more strongly about this show/ship than any other in my life and it was STILL worse than I remembered
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Omens On Baker Street (Good Omens/BBC Sherlock Crossover Series)
The Ineffable Game Sherlock and John are no longer the only crime-solving disaster duo in London. After Sherlock unknowingly wrongs a demon, he finds himself with two mysterious rivals in the detective scene. For Crowley and Aziraphale, it's just a bit of fun, but they end up learning more about human nature than they bargained for. London Falling It’s time to start reconnecting. It's been a long time since John and Sherlock first came face-to-face with the supernatural. Crowley and Aziraphale now spend their days bickering in the South Downs instead of London. Life seemed to be getting back to normal... Unfortunately, 'normal' is only a relative term. Welcome Home Tulip arrives in the South Downs, and finds that starting a new life isn’t as easy as she first thought. Luckily, she now has a family to fall back on.
Length: 155,306 words (full series)
AO3 Rating: Not Rated (but basically PG13)
Best for: Pick-Me-Up, Safe in Public, Comedy
Triggers: Brief Violence
Read it here, series by WorseOmens
Personal Rant: I've been ignoring this one for months. I'm sure I'll bring it up plenty, but BBC Sherlock was my life 10 years ago. Reviewing fics on fuckyeahjohnlockfanfic was such a joy and I have so much fondness and nostalgia for that part of my past. Good Omens is the first time I've engaged in fandom at all since then. I was betrayed by Season 4, I had lost my love for fan spaces, tumblr was emptying. I moved on. But the day I finished Good Omens season two I dived headfirst back into this world. It's been nonstop every day since then for me. I started reading 2-3 fics a DAY again. I kept thinking how insane it would be to start reviewing again. But this series? Idk, I didn't think I wanted to engage with Sherlock again. I thought it'd be too weird, maybe too cringe to indulge in something I thought I "grew out" of. But since I've been working on this new review blog I thought it was time. And oh my god I can't tell you how good this felt. I feel like my Moffat induced heartbreak is starting to heal. So enough about me, let's talk about this series.
*Minor Spoilers* I'll let you guys find out for yourselves just how it happens, but let's say eventually Sherlock and John team up with Aziraphale and Crowley. The first series is set just after the Apocalypse-that-wasn't, and in Sherlock canon in between S1 and S2. The second installment is set post S4 of Sherlock. I am overwhelmed by how much I enjoyed this series. I had assumed I knew how this would go. I thought it was going to be a predictable checklist of crossover tropes. My eyes were practically rolling before I gave this a chance. I wanted to hate it, maybe to prove that I was totally over my past love of Sherlock. But its good. It's entertaining, it's surprising, it's funny, it makes sense.
This is mostly a Good Omens story. If you were never that into Sherlock you'll mostly be able to follow along fine, but I'm not sure the opposite is true. Crowley and Aziraphale are sickeningly in love, and I ate it up. Their relationship is established by the time this starts, but it's been maybe a year (?) since the Notcalypse. John and Sherlock are firmly in their canon of "I'm not his date". I can't spoil it for you, you'll have to see yourself, but how John reacts to Aziraphale just took me out. I was shocked. I had to walk around for a bit. It was unexpected, bold, I wanted to hate it and I loved it. It shouldn't have made sense! Moving on before I spoil...I just can't believe that this series took all the assumptions I had about the rapport between all of them and just chucked them out. Characterizations are all amazing, though I feel Sherlock's presence was a little quiet at times. I feel like he should have noticed more was off sooner than he does. But that can all be explained by supernatural interference so I don't really care too much. This plays with Sherlock canon in such a way that's just like, oh totally that actually makes perfect sense. And it's so smart to skip over past plot lines that it knows we're familiar with. We don't need to go over scenes we all have ingrained in our memories, let's enjoy the story happening right now. And it handles S4 so well. The thing that ruined Sherlock for a lot of people. It's not waved away, but just moved on from and brings Rosie into the second series.
I could spend days in this combined universe. I love the banter between Crowley and Aziraphale. They’re also very Gomez and Morticia here. Very secure in their relationship and madly in love. Extremely possessive Crowley, so expect some fun moments with that. Protective of each other, but also have complete trust in the other’s ability. I love their clumsy half hearted attempts at being human and that it completely goes over everyone's heads. Come on Sherlock! Cosmo and Wanda aint slick!! It's fun and silly. It's the kind of fanfic that makes your cheeks hurt from smiling too much. But it's not shallow. It has some excellent insight. Even though Sherlock and John are not the stars here, they still get their moments to shine. In the second installment there is a line about their bond being foraged not in the danger of their lives but in the quiet and gentle in-between and I wanted to cry. It was so healing for my broken Johnlock heart.
This post is much too long already. If you are a fan of both series, just do me a solid and read it. I just know you'll like it. Embrace the silly, warm your heart with the rest, and enjoy it. It's completely safe for public, but it was incredibly annoying to have to keep walking away from it. My next read will be at home, and very soon.
Read it here, series by WorseOmens
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feel free ignore this but i was just wondering when you started writing fics bc theyre all so amazing wtf???
ignore this sweet ask?? NEVER!!
so, to be completely honest, this is not the first time i've written and published fics!! though, i've NEVER received attention like this and it's so so nice!!
i've been writing little stories in my head for probs as long as i can remember. writing was just always something that i've done and i have distinct memories of crying to my mom about how hard it was sometimes when the words came out wrong or i struggled to spell them correctly. this would later be diagnosed as dyslexia but my mom made sure to get me the correct support i needed!! it still fucking sucks but whatevas lmao
also, my mom loved to write when she was in college!! and she was really good, too, but she gave it all up to marry my (stupid ass) dad and raise my sister and i. but that's a really sad story for another day.
BUT i wrote some crappy mcu fanfic on here when i was like 10?? really really bad i hadn't even seen all the movies when i wrote that i just thought bucky was hot lmao- (do not go looking for that shit i will cut you- i don't even know how you would find that but no! bad!)
then, during covid, i had a fever dream the night before christmas (deadass im not being funny) and started writing fanfic for...ugh i can't believe im gonna say this but it was sherlock lmao-
like...legit 12 books. each with like eight to nine chapters. it basically followed the plot of the show EXACTLY except for with the add in of my oc lmao. that's posted on wattpad (again. i will commit crimes to keep my name away from that shit lmao- i tried rereading it the other day and nearly died from cringe)
OH AND I WENT THROUGH A CRINGY ASS POETRY PHASE LMAO THOSE WERE BAD BAD- tbh might be willing to share them to strictly laugh at but idk where i would find it anymore bc i feel like ive scrubbed it off my phone-
all that to say, i've been doing crappy writing for a very long time, but this is the first time that i've actually felt really proud of my work. also, you're such a sweetheart to ask this and it was so fun to reply to!! i really do love yapping yall up!!
anyways, hope this made sense and i WILL find you if you so much as THINK about finding my old fics lmao-
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lunathebee · 2 years
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Warning: none, except cursed words and not 100% proofread 🤷🏻‍♀️
A/n: this is just a silly little idea that I think about so I just have to write it out!
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His motto would be "When danger is near, Steven Grant has no fear!" (I can already tell).
Read the instructions out loud and wants to make sure he is doing everything correctly.
Also the type to lean in closer to the screen because "it's too dark" and then gets jumpscared 💀
When he screams, he screams with all his body and might tbh.
I can see the scenario of you making a video with him playing horror games, posting it on the internet for fun and then it blows up because everyone is obsessed with him.
*pressed many random buttons out of fear*
*somehow defeat the monster and even get a new highscore*
I feel like people would want his merch and he would be like "mer- merch? Is that a Latin word?".
Overall, please don't tell him to play horror video games anymore. It's tempting, but he would probably pass out from having heart attacks.
Bonus: Steven would prefer Animal Crossing or puzzle games, you know those type of games like ball sort or move the block? Yea he probably have them in his phone. He is like Sherlock Holmes but in a quirky way
It took him a long time to figure out how to move the protagonist around cuz he refused to read the instructions.
"So what? You just go and kill the evil guy, done" Like no Marc there is a plot-
He isn't that scared like Steven. Marc wouldn't scream, but he would get started.
And say stuff like "Oh shit-"
He is also very competitive and will only quit until he wins. He saw the ghost so many times, to the point if he saw it again he would be like "Not you again, MOVE *shove the ghost away*"
He have dem quick thinking skills so I believe he would try speedrun
Have the most potential out of the moon boys to have the title "gamer bf" 😩😩 His angry looks is 👌👌
Overall I would give Marc a solid 8/10, he is open-minded when it comes to horror video games, people wait for his review whenever a new one got released
Bonus: Marc is an old-fashioned man. He never lets anyone touch his phone because it has Ninja Fruit and he doesn't want to be made fun of 💀💀 I can't blame Marc, he rarely ever uses his phone and just needs to find something entertaining enough for 5-10 min (because that's all the free time he got).
How you even convinced him to actually sit down and play the game is a mystery (and a miracle).
He thinks video games are for kids.
Therefore it's pointless to him.
Jake aren't afraid of jumpscare, jumpscare are afraid of him. He is very verbal when he gets started (Spanish mixed with English curses would fill the whole room)
Would definitely run head in to the serial killer on purpose just so he could tell you the game end and he gets to leave 💀 If not then he would just sit and refuse to move the character to go anywhere; it would just stand there.
I can't possibly think of anything else because he is not a fan of horror video games (or any video games).
Overall, not a good experience, do not tell him to sit down and play horror video games (or any games) cuz he will give you a death stare.
Bonus: If Jake ever took an interest in something, it would be racing games, but he need the real deal, like this ⬇️, he won't hold tiny phone.
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Wait what are you doing here?.
You're not in the list.
"I want to try peasant's entertainment".
Khonsu: *look at screen and see the monster* "OH MY, WHAT HORRENDOUS CREATURE IS THAT? IT LOOKS EVEN UGLIER THAN YOU WORM".
You: Istg- 😃😃😃🔪🔪
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morphogenetic · 2 months
post dgs2-2 comments/thoughts/theories (with some spoilers for what I believe is 2-3 or 2-4 at the latest)
first of all, the third part of the case kind of dragged for me bc by that point I'd basically figured the whole thing out already. however, it was EXTREMELY vindicating for me to get the fact that natsume was basically getting gas poisoned every night bc I made a joke after he said a guy was trying to kill him every night. Wrong! carbon monoxide poisoning.
secondly. wow it is really surprising to me that the masked disciple hasn't shown up yet I thought THAT was why sherlock/yuujin were trying to hide the case and I know he was in jp promo material ages ago so ?? assuming that's 2-3 just from the name of that case.
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it's not a huge level of vindication because I caught it from the flavor text that this would be important but still. Vindication.
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a) i thought this was a human pet collar before i thought it was a belt.
b) this obviously fucking belongs to the van zieks family so I'm starting to get an inkling for why barok is...like that. which leads me to my next thing.
5. i don't know anything about the actual case of 2-4, but I DO know that it's called 'twisted karma and his last bow.' i don't fully know if the karma there is supposed to be the "his" in that sentence, but I do know one very specific thing that has been hammered home to me. the asougi family sword is the Karuma. im assuming what happened is that someone on the asougi side (not kazuma obviously but someone else) is the reason for barok hating japanese people...perhaps because one of them was his friend when he was younger and then said friend killed his (dad/older brother/insert important guy here). at the very least, I'm 80% sure that, if "karma" is not referring to a person, it ABSOLUTELY is referring to the sword, or they wouldn't make such a big deal about what the sword is called so much
6. which prompts the question...why the fuck would yuujin and sherlock not want that information to get out? i don't have a good idea on why not yet, but I definitely think that they're aware of barok's tragic backstory - especially sherlock, their court interactions proved that enough to me - but I don't have a good idea. the best that I have is that van zieks and sherlock know each other, and that watson and yuujin knew each other from when yuujin studied abroad, and then the 4 of them ended up knowing each other through sherlock and watson.
7. this doesn't help me at all with figuring out the bigger conspiracy w kazuma/gregson/watson/whoever A. Shin is yet, but I can't help but think it is at least tangentially relayed to the von zieks emblem belt....
8. Lighthearted note to end on. I think this guy is gonna come back again bc WHY DO YOU HAVE A FUCKING KNIFE
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Hello again!
Okay I'm just here for a chat (if thats okay) (i think you're lovely!)
There are some stuff about the show that really bother me you know... First of all in season 4 What Happens to John Watson.. like he is simply characterized by loyalty right it is who he is, then HOW does he cheat on Mary?! (Okay granted that his heart was elsewhere... ahem. But he's just not someone who would cheat)
Also i think Mary shouldn't be a villain... i know she possibly looks like it messes up Johnlock but i think its the opposite actually. I think John is bisexual and his love for her was real but she was basically a Sherlock substitute who looked like him (John)! Plus, she was there when he was at rock bottom so. But what doesn't make sense is her shooting Sherlock in the chest?! What's up with that!
Okay but the Weirdest part is in the last episode when Sherlock has to choose between John and Mycroft and finally choses to shoot himself... BOTH John and Mycroft do Nothing?? HOW
AAAAA the Last Season was SO much angst.. i think this fandom saved me <3
In my head It was love at first sight... and then slowly falling head over heels crazy in love with your best friend and all of it culminating in the most beautiful TV Romance.
(okay im sorry i think i ranted a bit)
Hi Lovely!
Inbox is always open for a chat (even if it takes me a long time to get to it, LOL), so no worries!
Let's address each of you things one by one:
What HAPPENS to John Watson – Your guess is as good as mine, Lovely, and it's a lot of the reason a lot of us can't take S4 seriously. It feels so OOC for John to cheat on Mary with ANY other woman, other than Sherlock (hence it being part of the Alibi theory, this part of it referencing SHERLOCK as being the one John is actually texting in the night), so many of us just don't think that S4 is what it appears to be on the surface. Of course, it could all just be a coping mechanism to deal with how dirty a beloved series did it's fandom, but we take what we can get, honestly.
As for villain Mary, I have to respectfully disagree, only because I believe that I think they were setting her up in S3 to BE a kickass antagonist for S4. Amanda ALSO thought they were going that route for a bit until (my speculation) things went sour with MF, AND they built up her character as a psychopath imho. Then they made her character attempt a piss-poor redemption arc that just... really soiled S4 for me because I firmly believe that John would have NEVER forgiven Mary for trying to kill Sherlock after seeing what it did to him the first time.
But to your point: John is bisexual, yes, but I don't think he's biromantic. I think he's homoromantic, and it's VERY played up in the series that this is the case: his blasé attitude about ALL his girlfriends, but pouncing around the close men in his life like a puppy? Heck, if Lestrade was single, I have NO doubt John would have taken his chances with him too, LOL. John is horny. That's literally the gist of it. He likes sex, he doesn't care what hole it goes in, just as long as he gets it. But I do think he forms VERY strong attachments to men in his life, and in turn he gets hurt, so he pretends he's not into men because it's "just easier" (you can read more posts about my and others' thoughts on John's sexuality here). He was with Mary because he was lonely, and Mary played him like a fiddle. She knew what John liked, and played that up. I believe it's even explicitly stated she knows what John likes. They only knew each other 6 months, CONVENIENTLY just before Sherlock was on his way back? Even ANDERSON picked up on Sherlock making his way back to London. I believe she was a Moriarty plant to see if John knew Sherlock was for-real dead, and she herself enjoyed the game and stealing and keeping John for herself away from Sherlock was part of that game upon the return. So yeah, I really have a hard time believing she OR John actually loved each other. I dunno, again, personal biases and readings of the series, apologies, LOL. I spent a LOT of time analysing Mary's character arc. But I WANTED her to be the big bad for S4, and it just... fizzled and died.
And finally, on your point about the weirdness of John nor Mycroft opting to stop Sherlock, yeah, have to agree with you there. TFP was a goddamned clustereff of WTF moments and mischaracterizations of literally every character on-screen. The only character NOT in character was Eurus and that's literally because they didn't know what to fucking do with her. TFP was so dumb. I have a hard time believing any of it actually happened the way it did on-screen. But yeah, S4 was a big disappointment for everyone including the actors. I think they only people who thought it was great was Mofftiss and that's because they love the smell of their own farts. I can't believe that they GENUINELY thought TFP was going to be Emmy-worthy (for those unaware, they initially planned to nominate TFP for the Emmy, and instead chose TLD, I believe, after the poor reception of TFP, and acted like they were always going to nominate TLD lol).
Anyway, yeah, it was full of angst, though my reasons for it are probably different than everyone else's, LOL. But the fandom IS fantastic, and that's why we stay here, and why I choose now to curate fandom content. Makes me happy, and keeps me out of drama, LOL.
Thank you so much for giving ME the opportunity to chat and rant! It's been so long since I've done mini meta, and posted my thoughts about everything. I like chatting.
Hope you're having a wonderful day, and sorry again for the delay! <3
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fivewholeminutes · 5 months
Im very new to st and all ive seen today is chaos. Wtf happened if you dont mind answering
Hello there anon! I don't mind at all 💖 but what a time to be new to st, aw man. My condolences. (I am mostly kidding. But also, not really.)
First things first, i promise you, it's not always like this. Generally we're way more chill here on tumblr. I can't vouch for other sites, but if you don't want their identities spoiled and be around very chill people, stay here. Avoid pinterest and google and, for your own mental health, tiktok and twitter. (First two will guarantee an identity reveal and former two will guarantee that + psychic damage.)
Back to the drama!! So, you probably know they're anonymous. And VERY adamant on staying this way. If you check their very first interview or the voice messages from the 2023 US tour, you would see what i mean. Their identities are not important, their art is.
But. Some entitled little shit found their anonymity is a personal insult to them or something. So they decided to publish iii's birth certificate and some other personal info + there was something about them wanting to stalk iii (i really don't know the details, because i got rid of my twitter account a few months prior, but it was definitely vile behaviour). And it's. Not a very legal thing to do. I mean, if you're really curious, you could google them and find their identities in less than 5 minutes, no extremely personal info release needed. What i am trying to say, this is the 21st century, you're not some kind of sherlock to find personal info about anyone, no need to boast. Or, you know. Do illegal things to prove a point, because you feel entitled to someone's identity.
So, as a result, iii deleted and/or made his socials private (the ones related to his st activity, anyway). It is not the first time he did that, because people were getting too straightforward or rude before too, just not on that scale. It all happened a few days ago (2? I have no perception of time passing, sorry). It was understandable, he got doxxed, he did what had to be done to protect himself. Another drama started when the main band account removed all its posts on instagram today and changed the description to "nothing lasts forever". Which is a catchphrase they use from their very beginning, so it is not a worrying thing in itself. However, the circumstances have made people believe the whole band will disband (not dismember, alex, do not write dismembered AGAIN), because of the invasion of iii's privacy.
However, in the end, i believe the consensus is that since they have changed their masks for the Wembley show and had the "new era" captions (+ other bands tend to do that too), the insta post purge is just a PR tactic before the new era's introduction. Which i am prone to believe, really. They are mysterious, sure, but if something is happening (like iii needing to leave the German rituals in December because of personal reasons), the band notifies the fans about it. So if they were to disband, or iii was to leave, they would just communicate this. They didn't, so we're waiting for their next move, whatever is might be.
But i don't think they're going anywhere. They have finished their trilogy with the latest album, so Wembley was the best way to end it all, as a finished project. It didn't happen. They already have 2024 tour dates announced, so we know they're not done. So it's all fine, just unfortunate timing/their legal team telling them to do that/their way of showing they're done with annoying people/just a new era's insta purge. Or something else, which they would soon inform us about, if they want to.
All we can do is wait for more news and keep supporting them in our own ways. And not stress about it 🖤
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20 questions for fic writers!
I was tagged by both @honeyteacakes and @acedragontype. Thank you my dears!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
7 right now. I think I had three or four up on my first account, but that one was randomly deleted by the site in like 2019? Or something? I never could get it back, and I never republished the fics, because I kind of lost motivation for writing for a while because of that, and now that I'm back in the game, it's been so long since I wrote that stuff that I either don't really like what I wrote then, or figure that I'd rather rewrite the one fic that I do still like. Oh, god. I just remembered that there was ONE fic that I actually orphaned back then, which means that it's still up. Oooh Christ... I'm not going to name drop it, because I orphaned it for a reason - the reason being that it's the crackiest crac!fic imaginable, born out of sleep deprivation and giggly group chats... I'm looking at it now, and it's apparently 10 years old. Oh. Oh no. I reread it. Oh, god. This was the first "attempt" at smut I ever wrote, and it was between a woman and a sentient inanimate edible object. 8d10 psychic damage, do not recommend.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
At the moment: 296.290 words When I'm finished updating This Dream Is Over (Another Has Begun) it will be around 350.000 words, and I just hit 105k on the Regency fic I'm working on, so by the end of the year we might be close to 500k... written in one year...
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Sandman, currently. On my last account I wrote for Merlin, ACD Sherlock Holmes (a school project, believe it or not), and a LotR/HP crossover (yeah, I don't really feel like re-publishing and finishing that in 2023, for obvious reasons). I might go back to writing for Merlin again, some day. I sort of want to rewrite that one fic I did post, because I quite liked the premise...but I feel like I would need to rewatch the entire series before I did that, and who's got the time?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. My Stranger, My Dream - 1507 2. Totus Mundus Agit Histrionem - 818 3. Yours for the Taking - 579 4. Body and Soul, Always and Forever - 565 5. Stay, Just this Once - or - GroundHob Day - 499
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to reply to almost every comment, because I want the commenter to know how much I appreciate that they took the time to comment. I crave that validation, perhaps a little too much, but that's robably common with authors... When I'm updating a fic one chapter at a time, I usually manage to reply to all of them, even if it's just with a couple of heart emojis (if I couldn't think of anything else), but once the whole fic is up and I get one reader who is leaving a bunch of comments in rapid succession, I sometimes skip the one's that are just emojis or exclamation marks and focus on the ones I have real replies to - not because I don't appreciate the emojis just as much, but because I worry that I'd be spamming the reader with like five identical heart-emoji replies :P
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm, I tend to end things rather happily, but I suppose Stay, Just this Once could be read a bit angsty, since it ends with Hob in 1889 going "Dream kissed me and then left with an implication of potential future kisses? Oh boy, I can't wait until 1989!" when, you know, Dream won't show in 1989.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably This Dream Is Over. I mean, they're all pretty happy, but that one is just so hopeful and soft... You'll see what I mean when I post the last chapter ;)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. There was one reader who left a couple of comments with very much unasked-for advice (and fairly bad advice, at that) which made me feel a bit meh, but that's hardly hate. Then there was this one comment that went a bit like "Well, that was stupid," and to this day I have no idea if they meant the writing or the characters (who were, to be fair, being very stupid in that chapter). Tone can be very hard to read in text, so I'm trying to give them the benefit of doubt. But no, no real hate, thankfully.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yup. When I started writing again about a year ago, I decided to give it a try, not really thinking I could make it work, considering the last time I wrote romance I had trouble even describing a kiss (which was almost a decade earlier), but it actually worked (I hope)! Then I just couldn't seem to write something without smut. I tried to deliberately leave things off before the explicit parts in one or two stories (making them "just" mature) for people who aren't into the stuff, and I also try to make all the explicit content skippable for those who want to read the rest of the story. What kind of smut? Idk, I've written M/M and M/F so far, I'll probably write F/F at some point too. I think most of it has been fairly vanilla so far, with some light themes of BDSM maybe, if you squint.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Only that LotR/HP one I mentioned earlier, which I abandonded when my account was deleted. I did start planning a Star Trek AU for Merlin, but I think I only wrote a chapter or so before my motivation died and I never published anything. I think I'm generally more interested in AUs taking place in other franchises than "real" crossover with actual characters from both universes.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. Let's keep it that way!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet! I suppose I could do it myself, but as the only language I speak well enough to translate into is Swedish, and Swedes tend to read stuff in English anyway, I don't know that there would be much of a point.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'd be open to trying! Could be either super fun or incredibly frustrating, but you never know until you try!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I mean, I think it's a draw between Merthur and Dreamling. If I went back and started reading and writing fic for Merthur again, I'm sure I'd fall right back into it, even if Dreamling is my current obession.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Only the couple of WiPs I have from my first AO3 account, I think. I'm trying really hard this time around not to jump between projects too much, but finish what I have before I start something new. If I give myself free reins, my ADD is going to make sure nothing ever gets finished.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, for sure, and characterisation - or at least I fervently hope that my readers would agree on that point.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions, definitely. What does anyone look like? I don't know, I couldn't decide, make it up yourself. I had to go back and make myself add a sentence about Hob's friend Dana being blonde in the last two chapters of This Dream Is Over, since she's an OC and my readers would have no idea at all what she looked like otherwise. It's a struggle, and I do try to practise, but it doesn't come as easy as dialogue and character.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Fun! I've written a few scenes with some Middle English in them, and I have this vague idea of part of a scene where Hob and Dream are walking in London or something and Hob overhears a couple of Swedish tourists discuss how to get somewhere or something, and him turning to them and giving them directions in hilariously outdated Swedish, and Dream going, "When did you last visit Scandinavia?" And Hob says, "Um, 1745, I think. Why?" and Dream is like, "...Nothing." I just don't know how funny that would be to readers who don't speak Swedish... Might still use it some day.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically? The Redwall series. I was like 10 and we had to write a story in school, and I was obsessed with Redwall and wanted to write something with talking animals, and I couldn't come up with a better name for the place, so in the end I straight up copied the world and wrote more or less a self-insert who ended up there, entirely oblivious to the concept of fanfiction, but I suppose it counts anyway. I won a prize for it. I have no idea if the adults who judged it knew it was fanfic or not...
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I think it's the Dreamling Regency AU I'm currently working on. If I manage to pull it off as well as I'm hoping to, I think it will be the best thing I've written so far. I'm even considering looking for beta readers for the first time, because I think it has potential and I want it to be the best it can be.
21. CHEEKY EXTRA QUESTION BECAUSE I FELT LIKE GIVING ADVICE - What's the best advice you have for other writers?
If you write longfic, NAME YOUR CHAPTERS! My first couple of fics just had numbered chapters, and whenever I had to go back to double check some detail, or rewrite some sentence I had to retcon, I had to be like "uuuh I think it might be chapter five??" and then waste a bunch of time checking. Now, I have chapter titles which are descriptive enough to remind me of exactly what the chapter is about, and it has made my life so much easier... Also, connected to this, actually using the chapter headers etc. in your word processor so that you get a list of chapters you can pull up to navigate.
@pellaaearien, @arialerendeair, @hardly-an-escape, @ml-nolan
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vergess · 1 year
I think you’re right to be upset with the antisemitism present in Letters to Watson, but I think you risk hurting people who are in your corner by framing those who have disagreed with you as violent antisemites. It’s not my place to tell you to calm down and that isn’t my intention, but I think it’s worth reconsidering a call out post, and redirecting your energy into a discussion, if you’re so inclined. I hope you’re doing well.
Oh man, oh man, you would not believe the vigour of my victorious dab as I slammed open the unpublished draft of part 3 that I barely, barely resisted posting because I felt I had adequately made my point, and surely, surely no one could possibly find room to be weird about it as a """"callout"""" and not sheer fucking exhaustion at yet another fucking microaggression.
But alright!!!!!! Let's goooooo!!!! :D
I've no qualms whatsoever with the substack operator, btw. They have done a lovely job thus far. The CW list available on the collaborative google doc looks very thorough, far better than anything I could have organized.
I'm not upset with the book club as a whole, I'm not going to quit or anything.
I just don't think many gentiles understand the scale of antisemitism. So many of you, bless your kind intentions, think it's a historical thing. You think that because it's old and gone, you're on our side by simple virtue of history.
It isn't over. These are not old scars lightly touched.
These are bleeding wounds, often torn open that very day, being poked and prodded during what should be our relaxing hobbies.
Think about whatever marginalizations you have, I'm sure you have them.
And then imagine antisemitism as another one, added on top. Another whole stupid bonus layer. Another shit-icing on the shit-cake.
And then think about all the people telling you that you should just be more grateful for the google doc telling you in advance about the shit corn!
Think about all the kind-hearted anons withing you a good day, with a smile and a wave, so sweetly confused that you aren't smiling back.
That you're not grateful for their utterly, spectacularly useless, meaningless, unhelpful advice. The google doc with the whole "hey, there's gonna be some corn in the shit" warning doesn't really make the shit less shitty.
And it certainly doesn't make the entire process more fun or bearable to have a bunch of condescending little fuckers telling you that the goddamn google doc full of corn warnings really should be more than enough I mean what more do you want them to do, listen to you talk about how unpleasant all this shit-corn is? It's a bit gross you know. Kind of impolite really.
Honestly, at this point you're making it more uncomfortable for everyone else. Can't you just, you know. Leave the poor baker alone?
It's so mean.
So, anon, I appreciate the advice.
But, with all my fondness and all my kindness, may I in turn offer this advice to you:
If you're one of the people who Did The Thing?
You're not a "violent antisemite" or fucking whatever.
You're a person who made a mistake. You accidentally did an antisemitism. Happens to the best of us. I myself probably do about 3 antisemitisms a day, and I'm Jewish. It's the nature of the world we live in.
The trick is to acknowledge it when you realize you did one, apologize to anyone you hurt, and try your best not to make the same mistake in the future. You will make it again, btw. You're human. And when you make that mistake again, the solution will be to repeat the same steps then.
What it damned well won't be, it to fucking pretend you're incapable of doing any harm, claim that the real victim is the person running the email chain, and then double down on the bugshit insane idea that antisemitism ended 100 years ago.
So try. The fuck. Again.
You goddamn fucking morons.
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petite-madame · 1 year
I just wanted to say that your art absolutely astounds me, it is so beautiful and it inspires me as an artist just seeing it. Your use of color is stunning and unique, you are so incredibly talented and I'm excited to see more of your work in the future!
Hi anon
First, I'm so sorry about the late reply, I was a bit busy in the past two weeks. 😶
I just wanted to say that your art absolutely astounds me, it is so beautiful and it inspires me as an artist just seeing it.
Tumblr media
I will never stop saying that this kind of message is SO incredibly sweet and it touches me a lot. I can't believe that someone, somewhere is seeing me as an inspiration. I just draw fan art on my living room table with my cat puking from time to time to encourage me so I let you imagine how incredible it is to read this.
I wish you good luck as an artist, a lot of inspiration, not too much headaches and of course, not to draw on the wrong layer too often. 😁💖
Your use of color is stunning and unique
I felt guilty for a long time using so many colors.  I thought that "good artists" (whatever the hell that means) used restricted palettes or at least palettes that made sense but me ? I used too much or everything. Too many colors, too many highlights, too many flares. 🙃 And then, one day, I thought "Fuck it" ! Also, people online telling me that they loved my use of colors was a turning point. I couldn't believe it, it was amazing. 😳
Anyway, I love colors. It doesn't mean that I don't draw in B&W from time to time or that I don't use more desaturated palettes sometimes but I stopped feeling guilty about my art being kitch and "over the top". I mean, look at my favorite artists and inspirations: Pierre & Gilles, Akemi Takada, Chen Shu Fen & Pin Fan, etc...everything is colorful. And detailed too. 🙃 Don't laugh at me but this art was me, trying to draw with less details. I REALLY struggled not to add more details to John and Sherlock's hair.
I'm excited to see more of your work in the future!
Thank you so much! I updated my WIP post recently. I'm almost done with the cowboy Castiel one and also, great news, my beta reader sent me the ficlets I wanted to post with some of my artworks so I'm soon going to be able to share all the Mystrade + Ironstrage art with their companion ficlets soon. I also started to sketch a Stucky one for Valentine's Day. Anyway, so many artworks ahead. 🥳
Thanks again for your very kind message and have a great day! 💖
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hydn-jpg · 5 months
5, 17, 28 💛
5. what made you start your blog?
(this turned out a bit rambly i'm sorry hflkljdlskjk)
believe it or not, when i first made this blog it was meant to be a sherlock holmes blog (hence the 'how absurdly simple!' blog title) !! not just any sherlock holmes content though, specifically granada holmes bc jeremy brett is the sherlock holmes and you can't convince me otherwise
but then i started reading and following a lot more IFs, which eventually lead back to me playing choices again after almost 2 years,, i started reading crimes and fell in love with trystan, but it was while reading immortal desires that i decided that i want to start posting art again here bc there was a distressing lack of cas and gabe fanart at the time!! i needed more content immediately!!!!
while this blog is not 100% a choices blog it is still a majority of what i post about here at the moment!! i'll eventually be branching out and draw fanart of other IFs that i like bc god knows there's no shortage of that, plus other media that i like as well!! (oh and cat reblogs, my blog could change drastically over time but the cat reblogs will be the one thing that stays consistent)
17. name 3 things that make you happy
all your comments and tags in reblogs!! from the heartfelt down to the most feral ones, reading them brings me a lot of joy <3
fooooooood also peace and quiet
28. do you collect anything?
i used to collect rocks when i was younger,, these days i collect small cat figurines but i haven't rea lly made much progress on them as of late ,,
ask game
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The "Timeline"
The Sherlock Timeline with shipping goggles set to Mystrade.
(Please feel free to add on to this if I missed anything!)
(I also apologise for any spelling errors.)
Pre-season 1 / Pre-canon
We don't know exactly how Lestrade and Sherlock met, but enough headcanons have convinced me that William here walked onto a crime scene, and Greg decided to believe in him. (of course, granted he get off drugs, as most headcanons have said.)
In the pilot, Mycroft interrogated John within a day of knowing Sherlock. We can assume that he'd do the same with anyone that walked into his brother's life... meaning that he must have done a similar interrogation with Greg.
Like I said, we don't know much about pre-canon, including when Sherlock and Lestrade met. Despite this, I believe that it's possible that Lestrade had to have become somewhat acquainted with Mycroft. Whether or not a relationship beyond platonic began here is up to you.
Season 1
At the end of A Study in Pink, Mycroft and Lestrade know that Sherlock now has a flatmate that will be there for him. As we know, both Mycroft and Greg are protective of Sherlock, almost like parental figures. (why do you think we keep calling him Papa Lestrade?)
So having John walk into Sherlock's life is kind of the equivalent to overworked parents getting a babysitter.
This is where The Blind Banker comes in.
I'm pretty sure that another tumblr, @dalec, mentioned it before, but there is no way that the two didn't go on some nice holiday during the entire episode, seeing as they weren't there at all.
I don't think there's anything to work with in The Great Game, so I'll just skip over to...
Season 2
Ah yes. The peak of the show, in my personal opinion.
Once again, although Mycroft made an appearance in this episode quite a couple of times (6, if i'm correct) I don't think there's any details to point out here, except for the fact that we know that Greg and his wife are separated/divorced. (Christmas party.)
Now... Hounds of Baskerville.
This episode marked a very important moment (if not the catalyst) of Mystrade.
Fact: Sherlock (and the audience) know that Lestrade went on a holiday.
Fact: We know that Mycroft asked Lestrade to look after his brother.
Fact: It's confirmed that Mycroft and Lestrade s p o k e to each other.
So, we know that Lestrade went on holiday after what we can assume is his divorce.
So who do you think he went with?
Alone? That's likely. But having him go with Mycroft on another holiday makes more sense.
Moving on from HoB, we meet ourselves at The Reichenbach Fall. The events that happened here are very significant. If Mycroft and Lestrade ever had a relationship, this episode complicated things to the max.
So, sad times for about 2 years. We now go to...
Season 3
So Sherlock's alive, and now everyone knows. If you follow the storyline of "Mycroft and Greg were together for those 2 sad years" then you better believe that there. Will. Be. Problems.
If you don't think they were together at this point, that's also fine. But you have to admit that even if they were just friends, Greg must've felt betrayed. (I'm not gonna say that it's groundwork for an angsty fic, but it's groundwork for an angsty fic.)
Okay, onto The Sign of Three.
John and Mary's wedding, lots of people are there, including Lestrade, and excluding Mycroft.
There was a headcanon I saw that said that the reason he didn't go was because if he did, then Sherlock would deduce that Mycroft and Lestrade were hooking up/dating.
Another post on Tumblr said that Greg was disappointed not to see Mycroft at the wedding, and he decided to drink the night away to cope.
Both of these I love.
ALSO I can't mention TSoT without mentioning the tie thing.
I know people already said that the two ties have different patterns, but I still had to mention it.
Now... His Last Vow. Another historical moment because...
you guessed it, our two favorite idiots were in a scene together for the first time.
Yes, Mycroft waves Lestrade away, like, right after he speaks, but. There. Was. Definitely. A. Moment.
Okay, now's time for...
The Abominable Bride
Graveyard scene. Just... graveyard scene.
Season 4
Once again, Mycroft and Lestrade are in the same scene together, BUT there is another thing to point out from earlier in the episode.
Sherlock points out that Lestrade is going on a date with "The Brunette," who is supposedly a woman.
Okay, sure.
I like to believe he was going on a date with Mycroft, but do with that information what you will.
(Btw thank you @lavenderandvanilla for your fic using this idea.)
I don't think that The Lying Detective gives us anything to work with, aside from the setup to a hurt/comfort fic, like the one written by @smartforholmes.
And with that, we move to The Final Problem.
Mycroft has a traumatizing night at his house, The Bakerstreet Boys are kidnapped by Eurus, but they make it out alive, so everything's okay. /s
As we all know, this episode marks the final historical moment of this ship:
"Oh, and Mycroft. Make sure he's looked after. He's not as strong as he thinks he is."
"I'll take care of it."
I'll take care of it.
Repeat, Greg Lestrade will take care of it. And by it, he means Mycroft.
Greg Lestrade will take care of Mycroft.
(An extra thank you to everyone from the Mystrade fandom for being so active in the community and inspiring me to make this.)
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wellofhavoc · 1 year
i'll never understand people who say tumblr posts about teens who wrote essays on ships and fandoms are fake posts automatically because i can assure you that autistic hyperfixation combined with plucky-teen ingenuity can create many excuses to write about fandom related topics in class
examples below
ALL of my creative writing projects i ever did were "secretly" fanfiction- all of them, i think maybe one wasn't but even that, i'm sure was a reskin of some anime characters i can't remember now. my main muses were star trek characters.
there was one english teacher who actually encouraged open topic papers on things relating to the subject in any way you want (she gave the example of cookies being at a party in one scene so a student a previous year had written a paper on cookies and the history of cookies) so OBVIOUSLY i wrote an essay on shipping after reading romeo and juliet and i only got points knocked off because i didn't clarify why one of my sources (andrew hussie/homestuck) qualified as a good source on shipping quadrants. i also once wrote a star trek fanfic where they visited a planet where the events of animal farm had taken place and the enterprise crew just sort of how to deal with that (i might have this one on a flashdrive somewhere???)
i actually made a board game based on the oregon trail for a class.... and used the torchwood cast as the "pieces" and some of the chance/community chest equivalents would effect you differently depending on the character you were playing (was destroyed by some assholes, but we did get to play it in class, which was fun!)
my US history teacher actually banned me from using star trek characters because i used them as analogies for EVERYTHING (branches of government, representations of different historical figures in power points- we made a fake newspaper once and i called it the "Enterprise Daily" and filled some other areas to make it look more legit like an obituary full of names that mean "red" and of course a spirk marriage announcement) and i actually got sent to the principal's office because OBVIOUSLY i pushed the envelope too far by putting a transparent picture of william shatner over EVERY slide of an otherwise pristine power point presentation but the principal didn't do anything and sent me outside while he talked to the teacher. (i wasn't in TROUBLE, but i was still heavily discouraged from doing that again)
i was on a speech and debate team and literally acted out the sherlock reichenbach fall in a duos category- we never placed, but it was a lot of fun
none of these were an "and everyone clapped!" moment for me and were VERY cringe, but they were still super fun and... honestly a lot of them helped me engage with the material way better than i would have in any other setting. most teachers (save that US history teacher) didn't really care as long as i met the other parameters of the project (see homestuck shipping source not being sufficient) as that's the goal at the end of the day: to meet the standards of the rubric. i only totally bombed on one project, but the teacher let me redo it and the fandom stuff wasn't the problem. teachers don't want to see you fail most of the time. if you ever got a low grade on a project because it had fandom stuff in it, i guarantee you just didn't link it believably enough.
i would be surprised if anyone on this site hadn't snuck their fursona into an art project or an anime gif into a powerpoint or a pokemon into a diorama about the animal kingdom or some fanart into a brochure or- oh- well, you get it
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lady-phasma · 1 year
Actually I feel a bit sorry for Matt after his interview for HOTD. He tries so hard to add depth to the character and keep Daemon truer to the source. That's what R. Condall lacks: consistency and loyalty to the core of the canon. DW exists for almost 60 years, all details can change, fans can hate rewrites and new settings/history but the Doctor stays the Doctor. The showrunners can change the letter but keep the spirit of the show.
I love these asks! Thank you anon! I can't believe people actually want to know what I think! It's bananas.
Firstly, which interview specifically? Since I don't know which one I'm just going to answer in blanket terms.
Secondly, you are so kind and compassionate. I think Matt does more than tries, I think he succeeds. As of August 2022, Matt has not read Fire and Blood. (Interview here.) I can hear the collective gasp from fans across the world! (I don't have that many followers. LoL) Here's what he said:
[...] he also hasn't read Fire & Blood, the book the series is adapting. "Not in its entirety," the actor replied when asked if he'd read the source material. "It's a big fucking book."
So I guess there may be a need for my post about why actors' input isn't considered relevant or reliable in some critical film theory, huh? I've started it but now I'll have to finish it.
I'm not going to defend or criticize Condall in this answer. Matt is admittedly a fan of Game of Thrones (the tv series, you can find that with a google search) but that doesn't necessarily inform him of canon as anon mentioned above. I think, much like auteur film theory giving too much credit to the director, fans give too much credit to most actors. This is the actors' job, and most seem to love it, but it is work. Put yourself in their shoes for just a moment: you audition, you land the role, the read-throughs start, and the next 6-10 months are a blur of memorizing lines and costume fittings, distant set locations, and then non-stop press junkets and premieres. At what point in that is it reasonable for fans to expect the actor to know canon. So I'm going to extend your compassion, anon, and apply it to the entire cast as well.
The show runners... that's a different story. It is their job to know canon. But, and this is important, it is also their job to choose to ignore it or not. That is a very difficult job when you have such a monumental fan base as ASOIAF or DW.
I don't know if anon is a long time Whovian or new to the series but perhaps they will remember the absolute hate Steven Moffatt received when he began writing for DW. People were livid with the way he changed canon. I love his writing for Sherlock as well but I really enjoyed when he completely destroyed DW Weeping Angels canon and some people are still mad about this. Until Moffatt the Angels never moved when the camera was on them (as if the viewer were watching them/camera lens as eye) but he removed that aspect of canon and showed them move on screen (only slightly but people got angry because DW). I think it was a brilliant move to distance the audience but that's all I'll say about it here. I use this example to point out that "ignoring canon" is a phrase that is used a lot in fandoms... and is based on an unreasonable standard when one thinks that we give so much time to these fandoms and these creators have lives as well. There are choices that are made along the way in any series that will not sit well with fans. It's a risk they have to take.
Humans have short memories. We forget that "the doctor stays the doctor" is a feeling that comes back only after a few episodes into a new regeneration. When the announcement is made that our Doctor is leaving, when the new casting is announced, when the regeneration episode is aired, when the grieving is at its hardest, the Doctor will never be the same, it just won't be the Doctor. And then, before we know it, the Doctor is the Doctor again.
As for Condall.... maybe I really do need to write an essay on contextual formalism and why what creators say is ultimately not as important as the final art object. People might not like that statement but it's one of many art/film theories so if you think that the creator/artist has the final word on the art object take an art history class or a film studies class and you'll learn how rarely most of them achieve what they intended, for good or bad.
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jayden-writes-old · 1 year
Edit: I accidentally made this a secondary blog so I made a completely new account for my fics. I will upload them here @jayden-writes
I can't believe I'm back on here again lol. This blog's just exists so I can post the fanfiction I'm writing. And to motivate me to actually finish all my WIPs and ideas.
I'm mainly writing for Obey Me! right now so if you're interested in that fandom, feel free to follow me, I guess. I'm not going to post anything here besides my own content, so I won't spam your dashboard, I promise lol.
Either way uhhh... if you like to beta read, definitely hmu because I need one.
The topics in my stories mostly revolve around mental health - as my blog title says, I'm projecting my struggles onto fictional characters and OCs. Which means it's mainly hurt/comfort and angst. So if that's not something you like or something you can handle just ignore this post, no hard feelings.
I don't even know if anyone is going to read this...? I have no idea what tumblr is like right now as I haven't used it in at least three or four years.
I'm excited to start posting my fanfics again because it's been four years since I uploaded anything to any platform and I have never really uploaded anything in english either. So maybe I'm going to translate all my old One Piece and Sherlock fanfics and post them here too? But idk yet lol.
Anyway, thank you if you read all of this! Have a great day.
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