#I can't believe how many people from tower of god still follow me
anotherrosesthatfell · 5 months
Palette execution
Who said sick people can't write? Haha-. I'm dying 💀
Timeline 100
Today is the day of Palette execution. He made his mistakes by trying to kill Lux.. He should've known better that a hero can't kill the villain before the ending.
Palette gave up, how many time has he died? He didn't count but the scars on his body are his counts...
"Palette, hey are you awake...?" It was Drop voice. "Palette come on, I got Goth to help us. She'll bring you out from this tower!"
Palette look lifeless... He gave up on trying to escaping, it's better to die to start over.
"It's okay Drop... I'll die again and the world will start over." He said.
"SHUT UP!" Drop started to cry, she managed to open up the cell. "Come on! Please!"
Palette sighed and followed up Drop. She lead him outside the tower, it has been months since he saw the sun. It took Dream a while what punishment he should give to Palette, at the end. He chose to execute his own son.
As they exit the tower, they saw Goth and a portal behind her.
"Palette you're alright!" Goth sighed out of relief. "I am sorry for not believing in you before but I've done my investigation and you're right. Lux is fucking insane because of the evil spirit."
Palette was surprised to know Goth actually believe him... He swear he want to cry right now but they should not waste more time.
Just as Palette was about to enter the portal, they were ambushed by the guards
"oh God— Palette go—!!!" Goth pushed Palette into the portal, it lead him into a big library.
"Goth, WAIT—!" Before Palette could reach, the portal closed before Goth and Drop could enter it.
His thoughts are filled with negative. There's some timelines where Drop died but Goth? She never die because she's the daughter of grim reaper. She can't die right? She's the last grim reaper, so she can't—
... Unless Lux already awaken her power and decided to brainwash Goth... That's her ability after all....
"Shit...-" Palette cursed under his breath.
He turn around to at least find someone or a weapon. He has to go back, he expected to die already but what if there's a chance he can win in this timeline...?
"Maybe not.. Everything is out of control. I have to die...-" He frown.
"You really should die." an unknown voice appeared out of nowhere. It's Angst.
Palette sighed and frown even more.
"Look I am sorry for act without thinking...-" Said Palette. "I'll just kill myself here, okay? Help me find something sharp!"
"No...-" Angst black tears started to drop. "Sadly you have to die in the hand of your father. It's an execution ending..-" He said. "Drop is being locked away while Goth got accused for treason." explain Angst.
"NO— I- how come she was accused as treason? She did nothing but—"
"Help a prisoner like you...? Yeah..." the little spirit sighed. "I'll bring you to the castle now. It's the only way to die in this timeline." He said.
Palette has nothing left to say. He sighed and took the little spirit hand. Angst teleport him to the castle, where every guards around him.
Palette stood there still. As the guards pin him to the ground then they brought him outside the castle. It's a public execution.
Lux must having fun right now.
Palette finally saw his father after months being locked up. Dream look lifeless too... Lux really awakened her power earlier than it should.
Hope isn't here, Lux probably keep them somewhere because she know who would Hope choose to side with. Ink was not there, she's probably drinking to forget about Palette anyway. Crescent also not here... He probably already been killed...-
But every citizens are here. They seems to cheering on his execution day... How shameless...
"honestly fuck all of you, you guys will burn in hell!" He yelled which anger the crowds.
Palette is satisfied for the results, ain't no way he'll apologize to them-
He look back as he heard the sounds of footsteps coming towards him. It's Lux and Dream.
"Hah... You're going to make Papa kill me?" He frowns as he asked Lux
"Of course, isn't that wonderful?" Lux grin and chuckles. "I never expected you to be this dumb, little brother."
"And I never expected for you to be a fucking lost cause. You're a hopeless child, Lux. This thing isn't what you wanted but the fucking spirit made you wanted it."
It was a moment of silent.. Or shocked for Lux.
"So you knew all this time...?" she muttered.
"I ain't explaining it because I'm dying anyway. So go ahead, command your puppet to execute me right now." He glares.
"Fine..." she sighed and step away.
Dream summoned a bow and an arrow. What a painless way to die huh...?
"Any last word, little brother?"
"Oh..." Palette smiles. "Of course I have."
Dream then in monotone move, aiming the arrow on Palette head...
In.. 3..2..
"I slept with your man."
He died and wake up at the black void, where Angst and Nim are.
"Gosh, I didn't get to see her expression!" Palette groaned.
"Don't worry, I got the glob! Look, she is speechless and mad!" Angst laughed as he showed the glob to him.
Angst snatch it from Nim before she reset again-
"Ah jeez—" Palette laughed. "Oh my God, I've been wanting to say that for a very long time! It was worth it at the end...-"
"Wow, I'll see how Drop react to this in next timeline" Said Angst.
"Oh Drop... Haha, well it's not like actually sleep with him. I just drugged him in previous timeline." Said Palette. "She'll understand."
Palette touch his forehead. The scar has appeared, this is his 100 scars, 100 deaths.
"oh jeez... I already have the hard time to cover my neck and now I have to cover my head? I don't even know what kind of excuses I should give anymore..." he frown. "Do you still have a special bandage?" He asked
"Well no but while you were busy, I remade your hat." Said Angst as he snapped his fingers.
It's Palette's old hat but it look new and fit. It has been a while since Palette wear this hat, he lost it when Lux pushed him off the lake. Since then he learn how to swim-
"Thanks Angst." Palette thanked the little spirit and then he wore the hat. His scars magically disappeared!
"I put my magic in it. So as long you wear the hat, your scars will not be seen by anyone... I think? My magic isn't strong as it used too now, you died too much." He sighed. "Now get up, grandma want to reset this world already."
"Alright alright...- " Palette slightly smile as he gets up. "Well another trauma it is, haha! Shit I am going crazy anytime soon."
Angst patted Palette back and say
"you already went crazy in this timeline. Let just have grandma sing you a lullaby again before something bad happens-"
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arsquare · 2 years
helloooooo!!! i love your art and wanted to ask for the ask meme: 6. Which artists inspire you right now? 11. Favorite comment you've ever recieved on your work? 21. Weirdest thing you've ever drawn? youre awesome thank you :D
Ohhh hello!! Thank you for the ask!
6. Which artists inspire you right now?
I'm sure this comes as a surprise to exactly zero of you considering the stuff I've been posting lately, but... Yellow Tanabe is my biggest inspiration right now!
I really like her character designs and I absolutely love the pacing of her manga and all the panel compositions are just *chef's kiss!!
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I also really like how she visualizes abstract powers and concepts.
This sequence of four middle-schoolers forcing a guy to order three milkshakes is INCREDIBLE
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anyways I'm currently obsessing over Kekkaishi and Birdmen and I heavily encourage everyone following my blog to read them because I suspect that's going to be a lot of what I'm going to be posting about in the coming months!! Genuinely her stuff is incredibly well-constructed!! I could talk for hours about her stuff!
11. Favorite comment you've ever received on your work?
There are nice comments, and comments that are so far off the wall (not even necessarily in a good way) that it starts living rent-free in my head.
I can't choose, so here are the top two contenders for the latter category!
This comment on my DCMK You Can't Stay Here comic:
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I've seen fandoms kind of hijack regular posts but I've rarely seen... I can't even tell if this is a regular post or a fandom post to be honest. I thought it was a normal comment (still weird considering the person knew nothing about DCMK) all the way up until the point it said "narratively obligated to marry your rival" and I was like what?? Do you guys live your lives based on what the narrative dictates??? what is going on. who is bolli. who is kjartan
This set of two comments on the same DCMK comic:
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When I got that first reply on the tumblr post, I genuinely couldn't tell if this person liked the comic. it hurts a lot... but it's objectively well done? Are you saying this begrudgingly? What does this mean???
Then, the next day, I got a comment on the same post, but on Pixiv this time, from the same person, and I was like "Ah!! So you do like it!!! It hurt but you enjoyed what I did!! Wow!!!" This interaction still lives in my mind rent free.
As for genuinely good comments that made me shake in my boots, here's my absolute favorite comment, on my 98-page Kaishin doujin, Breaking Stasis!
Oh wow. I feel like I have no words to express how good this is. This is just so pretty? It feels like reading an actual manga, with the style and the really nice way the panels are laid out and everything really. This must have taken so much time and I am in awe of this dedication. There are so many moments that I just paused to admire the art or composition (Kudo's face as he first wonders what is going on, the way Kudo thinks about his memories like with Ran, the reflection when talking about how the night can't fall, the reflection as the glider moves up, so many just so nice)
I admit I was confused the first time, but wow on my first reread it was so nice. The emotional beats just feel like they are hit masterfully. Kudo's confusion as the loops occur. (Ran changing into Aoko and back and forth was so interesting.) Kuroba being desperate. The action scene as they fell? So intense. And then the ending felt really meaningful. I really like how positive Kudo is, which can make sense with how much support he has compared to Kuroba. His line when he tells Kuroba to keep going (and eventually maybe forgive himself) was just so nice and heroic almost, something I can see him saying. It's a really nice message, to keep on moving forward and having an actual effect on people even if it's hard. (And it was also fun to see their interactions, with Kuroba being bothersome haha during the card trick earlier, with Kudo being exasperated and then pleasantly surprised, and then Kudo hiding the earlier shouting when Kuroba asked about what happened in the illusion. I really like the way you wrote their dynamic! And I thought the jokes were amusing!) And then I reread this again just to look it at all once more.
I'm glad I also saw on Tumblr that you might print this? You should put the interest check link in the notes here as well! I'm going to need to figure out how to keep my eye on any possible updates haha. I think this was a really amazing comic and will probably be thinking about this! Thanks for writing, drawing, and sharing!
Honestly, part of me still suspects that it's one of my irl friends anonymously leaving me comments or something. There's no way someone who doesn't even know me would leave such a detailed comment, right? (I'm working on accepting the fact that yes, people do like my things, completely independent of my charming personality and visage. It's tough going.)
21. Weirdest thing you've ever drawn?
I'm not done with this, and I don't know if I'll ever pick this up again, but here's a sequence of fake recipe infographics by a vampire teaching you how to make vampire-safe popping boba
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I thought it would be super funny and then I realized I hated graphic design </3 Drawing cute things is also really difficult for me LMAO
Objectively I could finish this and post this but I don't even know who would like this sort of post. I'd just have to finish this part about blood jelly (which is a real thing; I based it off of pig's blood and duck's blood, which is used fairly frequently in Chinese cuisine) and have a cute wrap-up picture and then that's it. But I think I'm too obsessed with Kekkaishi right now to do this. Oops! ! !
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laytontheories · 2 years
Lately I've been sitting at home, listening to music so you know what that means:
More songs that remind me of Professor Layton characters:
First post
Second post
Emiliana Perfetti
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Emiliana has striven for perfection her entire life. She has always been the best in school, she always follows the rules and she has a high ranking job.
But something unexpected happened that could cause her perfect reputation to crumble around her.
She has fallen in love with another girl.
She tries to deny her feelings but they just keep getting stronger.
It also fits that her nickname is Perfect Perfetti. She is literally Little Miss Perfect.
Jean Descole
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After all the suffering Bronev has caused, Descole plans to enact his revenge against him, while his henchmen cheer for him.
Still, deep down there is a part of him who still loves his father.
I'll never forget that you showed me to make art. And I know the love you showed me came from a pure and noble heart.
So with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my enemy. My whole life, you were a teacher and friend to me. Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy.
I too have a destiny. This death will be art. The people will speak of this day from near and afar. This event will be history. And I'll be great too. I don't want what you have. I wanna be you.
Clive Dove
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I am not even remotely sorry.
Jokes aside, I actually like this song and it does fit Clive very well.
Ernest Greeves
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When Ernest saw Katrielle for the first time he was literally enchanted.
The way the sun shone off her face, the deep stare she gave him, the fact that she believed in him when no one else did.
It's no wonder he fell in love at first sight.
The voice of the Azran
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This may be hard to explain but I'll do my best.
Ana: Aurora
I'll fake God. I'll fake God today: The Azran became so powerful that they saw themselves as Gods to the golems they created.
Hop up on a cloud and watch the world decay: The Golems rebelled and destroyed the Azran people. The few survivors could only watch.
Being this Godly can't be good for Ana's safety: The Azran becoming too powerful created a domino effect that caused Aurora much pain and suffering.
Oh Ana, oh Ana. I'll be with you still: The voice of the Azran live as a part of Aurora.
You are the angel that I couldn't kill: Since the Azran Legacy is a trap to release the golems, Aurora is technically an angel of death. And she cannot be killed.
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your opinion) I started listening to a bunch of Phineas and Ferb songs to reminisce.
And that possibility affected the rest of the songs on this list.
Luke and Future Luke
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Little Luke and Big Luke sing a fun song about how they are best friends because they are the same person.
I'm sure Big Luke won't betray him at all.
The voices don't really fit, but let's say that Luke and Clive are both terrible singers.
Sammy Thunder
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My king.
After a tough breakup, Luke convinces Sammy to rejoin his old band.
After all, they need him. Sammy is the hot one who can play guitar.
Luke and Aurora
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I guess the rumours are true. There really is a Phineas and Ferb song for everything.
Aurora may not be a traditional Egyptian Mummy, but she sure is old.
And Luke is very happy to have her as a friend.
Flora and Augustus Reinhold
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There were many times that Flora hated her father. When he made a cruel imitation of her mother, when he kept her in the tower, when he left her all alone in the world.
But now she's older, Flora realises that he only wanted the best for her. Maybe he was a good dad after all.
Ernest Greeves
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What is Ernest?
S to the I to the M to the P
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Hi, I have this super specific idea so feel free to ignore this one lol. So basically, Annie and the reader have been dating for a while, like at least a year. And the reader is in the survey corps right, so during one of the missions she ends up getting injured in an explosion and she's like all burned up and covered in injury's that'll scar really bad. And so the reader gets taken to a hospital or med bay or whatever, and she's been out for days, and like Reiner, Eren, Mikasa, etc. are all there, ya know her little gaggle of friends. And like she's been unconscious for days but sometimes she'll wake up for a few minutes and pass out again. So when Annie gets the news and comes to see her she like starts to wake up, and when she's coherent Annie is holding her hand and says "I'm glad you're alive" or something, then the reader just kinda stares at her for a minute and says "are you one of my friends from the cadet corps" and everyone's shocked and Annie kinda runs off. And ass the reader gets better she's allowed to walk around town and shit as long as someone's with her because she he's trouble walking, and she like can't hold things in one of her hands without shaking like she's about to fall apart. She basically hos no memories of absolutely anything so if someone says that their friends she just believes them and wants to be with them, which is a contrast to how she was in the cadets because she was always super short tempered and would pick fights with everyone, but she always had a soft spot for Annie and would follow her around and shit while being an ass to everyone else. So now she has no memories, blind as shit, can barely walk, and is super kind and polite to just about everyone. And like she insists on Annie seeing her and wants to go with her wherever she goes and is all smiles and happiness while Annie is kinda having a crisis. Because they were both very closed off people and they opened up to each other and built unwavering trust and loyalty but now one of them doesn't remember, Annie wants to help her but at the same time she feels that it's for the best if they stay apart, uh spoiler they don't stay apart it's just gonna take time. I'm really sorry this was so long dude. Also please tell me this made sense I haven't stopped think about this for days
I- It’s a little confusing but I think I get it.
Let me know if I get anything wrong!
I also included a lot of platonic AruAni because it’s cute.
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(Annie Leonhart x Reader)
AU: Canon
Warnings: Implied season 3 spoilers
Category: Both angst and fluff (somehow)
Summary: After getting seriously injured in a mission, Annie’s s/o doesn’t recognize anyone, and is left very weak. Still, Annie and her S/O stick together through the recovery.
Words: 5.5K
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It’d gone wrong. It’d all gone horribly wrong.
A freak accident—only preventable by, perhaps, closer gear inspection, but it was far too late for that. The damage had been done.
The most recent Survey Corps mission was just concluding, and you managed to call yourself one of the lucky ones who survived this far. Erwin led the charge back to the walls at full speed, having completed the objective by the skin of his teeth, but an abnormal titan was tagging dangerously close behind.
The towering beast approached closer and closer, until it kicked the horse you were on, sending you and it abruptly flying through the air and away from the Scouts.
It took you a minute to regain your senses and realize the gravity of your situation. Your horse lay dying 40 feet away from you. Clearly, it would be of no help. The abnormal lurched towards you unnaturally, and your eyes widened in fear.
A quick movement of your upper body caused a jolt of pain to shoot up your chest, and you were positive you must’ve broke a few ribs when you collided with the dirt.
Still, you had limited time before the monster reached you, and you weren’t about to die that easily. You bore the pain in your chest as you stood up straight, beads of cold sweat rolling down your face as you surveyed your situation to find the easiest way out.
You were too far from your horse, and the rest of the Scout formation, and you were in no shape to run. Your head turned towards the walls, and an idea popped into your mind—you were going to scale the wall.
You broke into a quick sprint before you shot your ODM gear into the wall, flying towards it at lightning speed. Your back took the brunt of the impact, and you groaned in pain.
Still, it seems as if the abnormal wasn’t going to let you get a moment’s rest, as it caught up to you and tried to jump and grab you, but narrowly missed your boot. The rush of adrenaline kicked your body into gear as you shot the grapple of your ODM gear onto the ledge of the wall and hauled yourself up, a garrison soldier helping you before turning to man one of the cannons.
You stood up triumphantly on the wall, the titan below you still trying in vain to reach you. You could hear the distant shouting of a commander—and what you could out assume was the foreboding shout, “FIRE!!!”
And that’s where everything went wrong.
The cannon, no more than three feet to your right, exploded into a supernova of sparks and flames, and the last thing you saw was fire as blinding pain shot through your body.
And then it all went black.
“Ma’am, I’m sorry, but only family members are allowed to see her at the moment, you’re going to have to wait until she’s discharged.” The poor receptionist sighed, staring up at the distressed woman in front of her.
“I don’t care if ‘only family is allowed’! I’m her girlfriend, I should be allowed to see her!” Annie shouted, dressed in a simple white hoodie and grey pants. An outfit too casual for her to wear outside in most occasions, but when she heard the news of your admission to the hospital, she didn’t care to change.
“I’m sorry, there’s really nothing I can do-”
Annie leaned in closer, grabbing the receptionist by the collar of her shirt and pulling her in, a dangerous look gracing her face. Her voice came out in a threatening growl.
“Look, I’m a part of the military police, so if anyone asks, I’m just her older sister,” She glared daggers the woman, who shook like a leaf at the intimidation, “Got it?”
The woman nodded urgently, sweating bullets at this point, and Annie was thankful the intimidation had worked. “R-Room 302...”
She didn’t bother letting out a response as she ran to the wing of the hospital you were in. She didn’t know quite where the room was, but she would find out soon enough.
After a painful few minutes of searching, her eyes found the plate outside of a closed wooden door, the number reading “302″.
She walked up to it, and took a deep breath in before twisting the doorknob and pushing her way into the room, but her eyes widened in surprise and she gasped at the sight.
She knew it was bad—after all, nothing good ever came out of being so close to an explosion like that—but she couldn’t have been prepared for what she saw.
You were laid down on the bed, clearly unconscious, and sweltering burns covered at least 60% of your body, especially your right side. Many limbs were elevated and covered in taunting white casting, and you let out shallowed, labored breaths.
She mentally cursed the primitive healthcare the Eldians seemed to have, and the lack of a doctor in the room. She was no professional, but you definitely didn’t look to be in a state to be alone.
She though you were alone, that is, until her rationality returned to her and she noticed many figures in the room, though none bore the staff uniform.
They seemed to notice her before long, and a few stared at her quietly with pity in their eyes. She scanned the faces that surrounded her; Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, Connie, and Reiner were all present in the room.
“What in...” Her voice came out short in her throat; the words were just as powerless as she was, “What in God’s name happened to her...” It was hushed, almost husky, and it sounded like she was about to cry. Maybe she was, but she didn’t notice.
Mikasa seemed to be the first one to speak up through the heavy silence, stepping forward to grab Annie’s attention.
“It was on the recent scouting mission yesterday. She narrowly escape a titan by climbing over the wall, but one of the Garrison’s cannons blew up.” Mikasa looked to the side, clearly troubled by the situation as well. “Of the four people caught up in the explosion, she’s the only one still alive.”
Annie didn’t process quite what Mikasa had said at first, her mind was more focused on a pressing question that suddenly arose in her mind.
“The only one still alive?” She echoed. “Why did you phrase it like that?”
Mikasa sighed, covering her mouth with her scarf—something she often did when she was troubled. “Well, the doctor is doing all he can at the moment, but she’s been drifting in and out of consciousness nonstop for the past hour. Even when she is awake, we can’t seem to get a coherent response out of her.”
She froze.
Her eyes moved back to your battered form. She hadn’t taken in exactly how bad it was until now. Shattered bones, burnt skin, compromised organs—you were nearly unrecognizable. Not in the way that you were scarred beyond recognition, but in the way that she never imagined to see you in such a state. You looked like you had, quite literally, went through hell and back.
She let out a pained sigh, slinking down in a chair next to the bed and staring at the floor in defeat. She reached out and grabbed your limp hand at your side, running her thumb delicately over your burnt hand, as if the slightest mistouch would cause you to shatter like delicate porcelain.
“Please...” She knew you couldn’t hear her, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to pretend, for a brief moment, that you could, and that you’d bounce right back up. But, you stayed limp on the bed, unmoving. “Please wake up...”
The others were able to read the room and came to a silent consensus, filing out of the room wordlessly.
She continued to hold your hand, sitting silently on your bedside for hours.
You never regained consciousness once.
Dreams flashed through her mind, the inner turmoil she faced was too fierce to not have such vibrant, nonsensical dreams. Dreams of you, spending late nights with her, or eating with her in silence. Dreams of your broken and bloodied body being sent flying from a hellish firework of flames. Dreams of visiting a newly dug grave. Dreams of—
A loud banging startled her out of her sleep, and she opened her eyes with a start, the dreams stopping abruptly as her brain pieced together the fragments of reality. Right, they were just dreams.
The banging—what was it? She looked around for a source. Nothing had fallen, nothing had moved, the room was still.
She jumped at the loud so, before facepalming internally. Of course someone was knocking on the door, what was she thinking?
A quick glance at the clock showed the time; 3AM. What is going on?
She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she threw on some sweatpants, just presentable enough to answer the door.
She twisted the knob open and was greeted by...
“Armin?” She slurred, confusion and tiredness laced her voice.
“Annie...!” He had a strange look on his face, like he was in a hurry. Yet, it didn’t look like desperation, nor was it excitement. “Y/n woke up!”
She had never run faster. She didn’t care about leaving Armin in the dust at her front doorstep—hell, it didn’t even process until minutes later that she didn’t even close the front door. She just ran, ran, ran all the way to the hospital.
She made it to your room again, panting and desperate to see you again.
She went inside, and an immense wave of relief and joy washed over her face. It was true, you were conscious. Sitting up in the bed, talking to someone at your bedside, likely a nurse or a doctor.
Her loud footsteps and heavy breathing brought the attention of both you and the staff member to her, and you locked eyes with her.
She froze. There they were. The beautiful E/C eyes she had fallen in love with, and the same ones that filled her vision when she first awoke next to you in the morning. Except, something was off. She couldn’t quite place it, but there was disarray in your eyes. A storm.
She paid no mind to the rotten gut feeling, though, and rushed by your side to grip your hand tightly. A spark of sympathy arose in her chest when you whimpered in pain at the motion, but that was the last thing on her mind. Tears of happiness sparked in her eyes and threatened to roll down her cheeks.
She bowed her head—a sign of vulnerability that only you were ever able to see.
“Y/n, I...!” She choked out through the tears in her eyes, the back of her throat tightening with emotion, “I’m so glad you’re okay...”
You didn’t embrace her, you didn’t squeeze her hand back. No, you were still. Still as you were when your battered body was first admitted to the hospital. She looked up at you, and the same misguided look was in your eyes.
“Sorry... do I know you?”
She slammed the door behind her, locking it as she slid down the wall of her house, sobs wracking her body.
Her mind had neglected to process it until just now, but the truth was inescapable; you didn’t know who she was anymore. You didn’t know anyone or anything anymore.
She couldn’t bear to see you like that. Seeing you so physically broken was bad enough, but seeing you confused and lost, years of memories and connections and friends just out the window? If there was a god, he sure as hell must’ve hated you.
She had no idea what to do. You weren’t going to just magically remember her. No, the Y/N she knew and loved all those years was gone. You were just a blank slate. She no longer meant anything to you, she was a stranger in your eyes.
She laid down to go to sleep, but she couldn’t even bring herself to close her eyes. She didn’t sleep that night.
She chose not to get up the next morning. She stayed in bed, staring at the empty space next to her where you usually slept. She wanted you to be right there next to her. God, she wanted you back.
She would’ve stayed in her depressed, hibernated state for hours, or even days, had someone not stopped by to check on her.
She figured it would be Armin. The sympathetic blonde man would always stop by to check on her. Not just now, but throughout their days as cadets. He was always the second person—after you, of course—to check up on her and ask how she was doing.
But when she opened the door and saw Mikasa, she was a little confused.
“Mikasa, what are y-”
“Y/n wants to speak with you.” She stated flatly, and Annie physically recoiled at the mention of your name.
“She... what?” Annie muttered, confusion enveloping her tone.
She understood the statement, on a surface level at least. But she didn’t understand why. Why did you want to talk to her? She meant nothing to you. What was there to talk about anymore? You probably didn’t even know her name.
She complied silently, though, and before long, she had trudged herself all the way to the hospital.
302. Such a depressing number to her now. But it was unavoidable. You were on the other side of the door, awaiting her for some odd reason.
She pushed the door open, and her eyes met yours silently. You were sitting up with your hands folded neatly in your lap. Your eyes followed Annie as she wordlessly shut the door and took a seat next at your bedside.
“Annie.” The blonde women flinched at the sound of her name, eyes staying fixated on anything but your face. “Annie.”
She finally shifted her head, meeting your gaze. There was a pitiful look tracing her features. It would look like indifference at first glance, but being so close to her allowed you to notice small features on her face, like her sunken in eyes, and her lips, tucked into a frown slightly tighter than normal.
She looked like she was about to cry.
You moved your arm slowly, wincing internally as your wounds burned and ached, and took her hand in your own, rubbing your thumb over the back of her hand in a soothing manner. Annie didn’t want to enjoy it—she knew this wasn’t the you she had fallen in love with—but she couldn’t stop herself from remembering the simpler times, where small affectionate gestures like this were normal to her.
“Mikasa told me just about everything I’ve forgotten.” You finally spoke up. “About the Scouts, about the accident, about us.” A painful silence filled the room for a moment following the word ‘us’. Surely, it meant more to her than it did to you.
“Annie.” You squeezed her hand despite the pain shooting up your arm, and your hand trembled involuntarily. “I know I don’t really know you,” You chuckled lightly, “or anyone for that matter, but I want to spend more time with you. We can just restart, fall in love all over a-”
“No!” She snapped, the sudden outburst causing you to jump. Her distressed eyes softened when she saw you, almost as if she thought you were made of glass, and that you would break at any moment. “No... please...”
She stood up abruptly, dropping your hand to lay dormant by the side of the hospital bed. “You don’t even know me! What’s the point?!”
Despite her angry appearance, her bottom lip trembled, and her voice shook as she spoke. Pricks of tears appeared at the corner of her eyes, but she wiped them away desperately.
“You forgot me, so I’ll forget you in return.” She turned towards the door, grabbing the knob firmly. Despite her desperate need to get out of the room, her hand trembled and shook, refusing to turn the knob.
“I’ll...” A small sob wracked her body. “Find someone else...”
Contrary to what her heart truly desired, she refused to see you. She forced herself to cut off all emotional ties to you—after all, you didn’t even know her. It was painful to even speak to you. Somehow, the loss had felt like you truly had died in the explosion. Sure, you were physically here, but all that was you was gone.
It was Armin who finally brought her out of her depressed slump. He saw the state of her after weeks of staying huddled up in her room. It was so unlike Annie. Her room was a mess, and so was she. Her hair was unkempt and unbrushed, and she hadn’t even showered at all. Clothes lay scattered across the room, and the trash can in the corner of the room had started overflowing.
It wasn’t a pleasing sight, but he couldn’t blame her.
He had offered to meet him at a local café to talk—albeit, after she showered. She hesitantly agreed, and went into the bathroom to get ready. While she showered, Armin absentmindedly picked up some of the scattered clothing, putting it in it’s proper place, and even emptied the trash can for her.
He saw the slight shock in her eyes when she came out, surprised, but internally grateful for his help. She didn’t show it verbally, but she gave a thankful nod, and he understood.
Armin brought the cup to his lips, the steam flowing from the cup blocking his face as he sipped his tea silently, and Annie took another bite of her glazed donut.
“So, Annie.” He turned to face her, setting his cup down. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”
She sighed internally. Nothing yet had been spoken, but she knew it was about you. Her silence beckoned him to continue.
“I... No, we all noticed how you’ve been recently, and we understand it. Who knows what you’re feeling right now...” His sympathy went mostly unappreciated. She really didn’t want to be reminded of the depressive state she had fallen into.
“It’s completely up to you, but... we think it would be better for you if you decided to talk to her again.” Armin didn’t need to say who this ‘her’ was. Annie already knew.
She raised an eyebrow and considered his statement for a fleeting moment, but regained her stance. She wasn’t going to talk to you. No convincing from her friends would change that.
“See, the thing is, Y/N has been discharged.” He spoke, bringing the cup back to his face to preemptively fill the silence he anticipated.
No amount of emotional cover-up could hide the shocked look on her face. Part of her was ecstatic, deep down. She was glad you were well enough to leave. But, the other part reminded her that associating with you would only bring her more hurt.
“But, there isn’t really going to be any recovering from what she experienced, unfortunately.” He brought the cup back down onto the table, now empty of all it’s liquid. “So, the doctor advised that she be under careful supervision from someone at all times.”
Annie wasn’t stupid. She knew where this was going.
“So,” he huffed a breath of heavy air, “We decided that if anyone was going to take her in, it should be you, Annie. We want to take her back to live with you.” She could feel her jaw slack at the proposal, and a full-fledged war had just started in her mind. She registered he was still speaking, but was too conflicted to listen.
Once again, part of her mind was desperately trying to reach you. To take you in and care for you, and to ensure you have a safe and comfortable recovery with her. She could restart with you, and make new memories with you, and everyone else.
But she understand it would be painful. Unbearable, even. She might as well be taking care of a stranger. You didn’t act like Y/n, you didn’t look like Y/n, hell, you hardly even knew who Y/n was at this point. It would just hurt her even more, all she needed to do was get away from you—!
“Annie...!” Armin spoke firmly, slightly leaned over the table as if he had been prying for her attention for a while now. He reached across the table to grab her hand, causing her to gasp. His hand was warm. It reminded her of you.
“I know what you’re thinking.” His voice was soothing and inviting, and she was reminded once again of what great friends she had made in the 104th.
“You think it’s gonna hurt, and it will, I’m sure. I understand too. She doesn’t quite act like she did before, we all noticed. It’s...” He paused, leaning back in his chair and looking to the side. It had hurt him, too. “Strange. To see a friend like this.”
He leaned forward, pulling his hand away to place it back on the table. “But you have to do something! Separating yourself from someone you care about so deeply isn’t good for you.” He brought his head up slightly, staring daggers into her eyes. “And don’t lie to me. I know you still care about her. You wouldn’t be so conflicted if you didn’t.”
Tears pricked at her eyes once again. She didn’t want to get emotional, and certainly not here of all places. But she knew he was telling the truth. She still cared, and it wasn’t good for her to ignore you.
“Besides,” He stood up, turning to leave. “She misses you too, Annie.”
She made up her mind that day. She was gonna bring you back home.
It wasn’t easy. Both the emotional aspect, but also cleaning up her filthy room in such a short span of time. Still, she prepped it perfectly for your arrival. She cleaned up the room, organized her things, made the bed, and even bought a second pillow—surely, you two couldn’t share just the one.
Picking you up from the hospital was bittersweet. You managed to stay standing, although only with the help of a wooden cane. Your hand gripped the handle tightly, and you leaned a large portion of your body weight on it, just to not fall over.
You had changed out of the raggedy hospital clothes, finally getting to wear something comfortable after so long, but even with the cloth, the purplish-redish burn scars coated much of your body. It reached from the very fingertips of your right hand, all the way up your neck and part of your face.
Still, you smiled weakly and brought your hand up to wave at her.
She approached you hesitantly, but as soon as you tried to stumble over to her, she rushed up to support you with an arm around your shoulder.
“Easy, now.” She muttered. “You should be careful.”
“Right,” You chuckled nervously. “Sorry.” You breathed out a sigh of relief, having seen the outside for the first time in weeks. It didn’t stop the stone walls from towering forebodingly over you, though, but you felt at least some freedom.
“Where are we headed?” You sighed, and started walking. Annie guided you for the most part, but you managed to get your injured legs to cooperate, somewhat. You hand trembled as it gripped the cane, and even step on uneven ground caused you to stumble, but Annie’s grip kept you upright.
“We’re going...” She hesitated. “Home.”
Early morning birds chirped their greetings through the open windows, and the sun shone rays of dawn down from the sky. A typical wake-up call to her.
That, and your snoring.
She opened her eyes and stretched, easing up the tension in her muscles, which had laid painfully dormant for the past eight hours. Yawning and rubbing the sleep from her eyes, her attention shifted to the mass attached to her side.
Your arms were wrapped tightly around her torso, and your head was buried in her chest. Despite having lived with you for a few weeks now, she hadn’t gotten used to the change. In the past, neither of you really cuddled in your sleep. You gave sweet goodnights and passed out on opposite sides of the bed just like that.
It was a welcome change, though, and seeing you tucked so comfortably into her side brought a smile and blush to her face. She ran a hand through your messy h/c hair, smiling softly as you stirred in response to the affection.
“...Mm?” You let out a groggy noise, having been woken up a little earlier than you were used to. Annie was always the morning person in the relationship.
“Good morning.” She cooed, removing her hand to sit up and get out of bed. Once she tried to stand, though, she felt a frail hand tug at her wrist. You grip was weak as a result of your injuries, and she could very easily wiggle out if she wanted to, but she faltered.
“C’mon...” You muttered, face down in the blankets, still halfway asleep. “Can’t you stay a little longer?”
Annie huffed in defeat, climbing back into the bed and shuffling back under the cotton sheets. You were back at her side in an instant, and she smiled once again. Even after everything, you were still just as cute as always when you were sleepy.
“We can’t stay like this for very long, you know.” She sighed, placing a warm, calloused hand on your back.
You groaned in annoyance at that. “Why’s that?”
“Armin and the others invited us out to get lunch. It’s been a while since the Survey Corps has had a day off.” She looked to the side before muttering quietly. “I also have to go to work with the military police... I’ve used up all my paid leave.”
“Oh... yeah, we should probably get ready.” Contrary to your tone, you were actually quite happy. Annie had been quite a bit overprotective of you since your injury, so you hadn’t gotten the chance to get out much. You couldn’t blame her much, though. You could hardly walk, eat, or do just about anything without assistance. You were glad she took good care of you, but it got a little overbearing sometimes.
“Let’s get up, then.” She said, slinking out of bed. You watched wordlessly as she slipped out of her night clothes into something more presentable, sliding her shirt over her head effortlessly. You couldn’t help but blush as your eyes trailed down her toned stomach.
She looked back at you with an unamused expression as she slid on a plain white shirt. “You shouldn’t stare, Y/n.”
“R-Right.” You looked away flustered. You had only technically known her a few weeks now, but man were you lucky.
Annie’s warm hand enveloping your own brought you back into reality, and you accepted her help wordlessly as you got out of bed.
She helped you out of your clothes and handed you something nice to put on for the day. It was a comfortable ritual the two of you got into, helping you get dressed in the morning.
She sat you down in one of the chair’s in her room, ordering you to stay put while she went to the military police mess hall to pick up breakfast for the two of you.
She came back into the room only a few minutes later, carrying two trays of food, and sat them down in front of both of you. It was a boring meal, typical of any military ration, but you didn’t complain.
“So, Annie,” She looked up from her food, still digging her fork into the baked potato on her plate. “Tell me a story.”
She smiled longingly, staying silent for a moment as she recollected her memories for a good story to tell. Ever since you lost your memory and started staying with Annie, you often spent mealtimes getting her to tell stories about you, her, and your other friends. About what happened in the 104th, and the Survey Corps, and sometimes, you’d ask Annie about her childhood and time before the military. She seemed very hesitant about the last one, but she still told you bits and pieces. You could easily infer that she didn’t have a very pleasant childhood, so you didn’t push the subject.
“Well,” Annie finally spoke, swallowing a gulp of water from her glass, having seemingly found a story she felt like telling. “One time, in the 104th, Sasha had managed to convince you to steal food from the pantry with her.”
You listened intently as she continued recounting the events, a sad smile on her face. “So you and her snuck in late at night, but Shadis heard both of you because of how loud Sasha was. So then, you two had no where to go but a tiny cramped pantry in the kitchen, and then—”
You sat there like a deer in headlights as the glass shattered into hundreds of transparent shards on the floor, startling Annie out of her nostalgic trance.
“Y/n!” She exclaimed, standing up from her seat swiftly. She spotted the broken glass, mixed with the water it had held, and looked back at you. Once she pieced it together, she facepalmed.
“Y/n...” She sighed. “How many times do I have to tell you to not to try and pick up things right now...”
“Sorry,” You muttered. “I just wanted to see...”
Despite the severity of your injuries, you were quite stubborn. No matter how much Annie insisted that you not hold things in your state, you did so anyway. It seldom worked, since, like now, you always dropped it within seconds.
“It’s... It’s fine,” She sighed, leaning down to carefully pick up the larger fragments of glass. Once she got the larger pieces, she dumped them in the trash and knelt down in front of your chair on one knee, grabbing your hand in her own. “But you need to remember, your injuries haven’t healed yet. Nowhere close. I know you hate it, but you need to let your body rest.”
You nodded sorrowfully. Yet, despite how much you promised, you knew you’d never really stop trying to push your body. Even if your skin was scarred, and hands were shaky, and the muscles of your legs atrophied and partially-paralyzed, you would never stop trying to live a normal life.
Annie had finished sweeping up the smaller shards of glass in the dustpan, and dumped it into the trash can, before returning to the table.
Silently, she grabbed her glass, still half filled with water, and brought it up to your lips. When you had first started living with Annie, you were a little embarrassed about having to be fed like this, but you had long since gotten used to it.
Once the glass was empty, she sat it down on the tabletop once again, and checked the time.
“Shit, we should get going, it’s nearly time.” She sighs, grabbing your cane from it’s spot leaning against the wall and handing it to you. You thank her and, with her help, stand up from your spot. Her arm slinks around your waist, allowing you to lean half of your body weight on the cane and the other half on Annie.
As you made your way out of the building and down the street towards the restaurant, you finally broke the silence.
“Annie?” You asked, quietly. There was an uncharacteristic sadness to your voice.
“Yes, darling?” She inquired, keeping her eyes glued on the trail in front of you.
“How come you still take care of me? Even after the accident, you still stick with me. Why is that?”
Annie chuckles dryly. She doesn’t want to tell you that it’s still a sore subject for her, so she answers honestly.
“It wasn’t so black and white, really. It was pretty upsetting to see someone I loved so much not even recognize me at all.” Her eyes bore into the pavement below her feet. “No offense, of course.”
“None taken.”
“But a friend of mine talked to me about it. And I realized there would be no point in running from it. I decided that if you didn’t know me, I would make you fall in love with me all over again. Plus,” She looked to the side, a faint red blush on her cheeks. “I didn’t want you to feel lonely...”
You giggled at her embarrassment, opening your mouth to say something, but she cut you off quickly.
“We’re here.” She stopped in front of the doors, and you easily spotted Mikasa, Armin, and Jean already sitting inside at one of the tables, exchanging lighthearted banter.
“Hey Annie.”
“Hm?” She turned the knob of the door, stepping foot into the bustling room.
“Thanks for taking care of me.” You sighed, a small smile gracing your lips.
“Of course.” She smiled in return. “I’ll always be here for you.”
“Oi!” Jean shouted from across the room, and Armin immediately tried to shush his yelling, but he wasn’t phased. “Annie, Y/n, hurry up!”
You and Annie giggle at his boisterous attitude, walking over to find your seats.
“It’s been a while since we’ve seen you, Y/N.” Mikasa smiled warmly, tucking her scarf around her neck.
You smile at the three of them, looking so happy and peaceful. You’ve missed it.
“Yeah,” You laugh. “So, what did I miss?”
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This feels badly written but I can’t place it, I dunno.
Probably ‘cause I wrote the first half like a month ago and only finished it today lol.
And no I totally didn’t reference someone else’s fic in this haha nope
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the-ghost-king · 3 years
So I'm not going to start like an Anti-Chiron tag because I don't find that enjoyable personally, but every so often people ask why I dislike him so here's essentially a "masterpost" of my thoughts on that situation for when anyone asks, just so I have it to explain some...
This isn't nearly a full list, and there's many more "incidents" that make me less than fond of Chiron, I don't hate the old man but he leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I'm not a fan of that. He's a very twisted character.
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- The Lightning Thief
This quote is literally just after Percy's mom "dies", they're all sitting on the porch of the Big House right after he's finally woken up after days of sleeping, and that's the line Chiron pulls out on him.
That's straight up emotional manipulation which was entirely unnecessary in the context of what Chiron was trying to explain. There wasn't a single reason for that, in the slightest.
Immediately following that, and Percy, who canonically has anger issues, does his best to remain calm, he is immediately threatened by Dionysus, and Chiron doesn't even tell Dionysus off for doing that; Chiron just let's it happen. It's Grover who has to speak up to tell Dionysus off...
The only reason Chiron comes out looking like a old guy in this scene is because Dionysus was so much worse in his behavior, at one point intimidating Percy with his power over madness.
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- The Titan's Curse
This is the aftermath of when Nico ran away upon confirmation of Bianca's death. When Percy is telling Chiron about the situation, Chiron wishes Nico had been eaten alive rather than recruited into an army.
He'd rather a child be dead than fight against him, and he openly tells this to other children he's in charge of. If Percy went missing would he have said "I hope he was eaten <3" as well?
I don't blame Perry for not delivering the truth here, it was done in an effort to protect Nico; which wasn't something Annabeth had planned on doing... I don't blame Annabeth for that though either, she's been beneath Chiron so long that she probably doesn't realize the shady stuff he does, and to her "going to tell" probably was the "right" move because she was a child...
But the fact that Chiron believes Nico truly would be better off eaten than alive :/
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- Tower of Nero
This quote from Tower of Nero shows that Chiron lied to a bunch of young children (most of them were young because the older campers are largely dead because of the war or too old for camp now). It wasn't just a little white lie that adults sometimes tell kids either; they were walking into battle and he told them it was a field trip.
Did he even begin to explain the danger he was putting these kids in? Did the children understand their situation? And how dangerous it was?
Kayla has been blindsided over the years into thinking that telling children they're going on a field trip instead of fighting a battle is something to make a joke of and not be questioned... (Again, I don't blame her she's only like 12 in the book, but still)
Apollo also agrees, which isn't on Chiron but it's a whole mother reason why I can't stand Rick's interpretation of Apollo...
This isn't me being like "oh Chiron is the worst most evil character ever" I just think that he has numerous flaws which are largely ignored in favor of the "perfect wise teacher" narrative when in fact Chiron and Dumbledore share a lot of.. Offputting qualities.
I do think that some of the situation is simply a result of Chiron having his hands tied behind his back by the gods some. And he even goes so far as to confirm this in a scene of TLT
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However many of the scenes in which he exhibits behaviors like that in my first three screenshots are not related to anything the gods require and are, in fact, of Chiron's own free will.
Some things I would blame Zeus and the council for, such as how he withholds information from Percy to an excessive amount for long periods of time even when Percy straight up asks about things. I could easily see that being Zeus trying to prevent Percy from claiming the prophecy as his own, and I could see reasoning that maybe Chiron had sworn over the River Styx or something similar.
But those things don't apply to Chiron making such an unnecessary comment about Percy's mother so close to her "death". It doesn't explain why he would say he hoped Nico had been eaten out loud, and it doesn't cover the fact that he led children into a battlefield without telling them that's what was happening.
I think the context of Chiron's choices and comments would be different if the campers were older. If they were in their late teens or early twenties for the most part, I wouldn't really have much to say about how Chiron handled the situation.
But this man is in charge of children and extremely young teenagers, Percy is only 12 in TLT, maybe if he would have been 16 or 17 then I could give Chiron a pass, but he wasn't. Within the context of the comment he made in the Titan's Curse, Percy is only 14 and Nico is 10 at the beginning of the book... You don't wish a 10 year old had been eaten alive by a monster no matter how bad you think the alternative is, and if you do wish that you don't say it out loud to a group of other children. In the battle from Tower of Nero we get a quick look at the battlefield, and although Ben's age, and the age of another girl fighting alongside him are never confirmed they are implied to be fairly young, and we know Kayla is only 12 at the time too; yet Chiron told them it was a field trip instead of a battle, limiting the time they would have to mentally prepare themselves for what was coming.
On top of that, the nods the reader gets to the fact that Chiron can't act out against the gods depletes over the course of the series. After TLT the amount of times the situation involves the gods interfering with what Chiron is allowed to say lessens, and by the time the Heroes of Olympus series comes around, these limitations on his speech is almost entirely gone. Yet as seen in Tower of Nero he still does morally questionable things in regards to how he treats the campers.
Like I said, I recognize that in many scenes Chiron's hands are tied behind his back because of the gods.. But there are undeniably things he does of his own free will that are, in the nicest manner, very :/
This also isn't a full list of comparisons just a few notable scenes. I don't think Chiron is equally as bad as Dumbledore, but I think it undeniable that Chiron has some significant flaws built into his character design.
A good character has flaws, and there's nothing wrong with having a character that doesn't always conduct themselves properly or have good intentions- it's actually good writing, and I can appreciate that, but for some reason I find myself personally rubbed the wrong way by Chiron. This doesn't make Chiron badly written, or poorly designed, in fact I would say Rick's Chiron is very well designed in lots of ways, but I just don't like how it's never acknowledged by anyone in the series.
Like I said, I'm not starting an anti-Chiron situation, I just think little events like those mentioned, the way he's built a child army, and how he doesn't even try to plead with the gods over raising the ages on campers being allowed to battle is a little sus. But it more so bothers me that there's no attention payed to this problem anywhere in the books, not even by a side character or Luke, nowhere.
I don't actually care that much and this isn't that important to me, but sometimes people ask why I don't like Chiron and this is basically just my explanation to hand off to them... It's not even so much that I dislike Chiron entirely, he's well written and has his "good" moments, I just don't like the way other characters interact with him and his actions.
It's more a personal beef with him rather than an aspect of poor writing or him "being bad"... PJO in general (and HoO/ToA to a much lesser extent) shows that there's not such an inherent good vs bad in the world, and that sometimes people are victims of circumstances in some situations, or they're horribly misguided in their actions, but the series does a good job of showing those people as human still, and I applaud that.
I don't really know how to tie this up in its entirety, but there's nothing wrong with having a morally grey character who does questionable things and in many aspects it is good writing. I think Chiron is a result of Rick not thinking through the implications what he's doing in lots of situations, and I can see a fairly consistent drop in Chiron's characterization from PJO-ToA which is consistent with most other aspects of Rick's work.
I also want to clarify that if you like Chiron and disagree with me, that's absolutely 110% okay, I just personally dislike Chiron and that's on me. Like my problem with many of Rick's other immortal characters, I think he missed important aspects of them in some manner and slightly (or entirely in some cases) mischaracterized them in comparison to their original myths.. Some of these characters he came around on and fixed their character in many aspects to their more "correct" characterization (like Hera), while others (like Chiron and Apollo) he never quite figured them out. Which is a running complaint I have with Rick so I'm just adding this to his tab.
But yeah, I don't hate Chiron I just dislike him and those are different things, and I don't think it's a bad thing to have a morally questionable character, Chiron just personally rubs me the wrong way and I just wanted to explain that more fully because I've been asked about it multiple times.
Also I apologize for not adding a [read more] to this, it's a complaint of mine often when scrolling through the tags but I'm on mobile currently and don't have immediate access to a computer so~
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charliedawn · 3 years
Imagine being send to the Maze and being childhood friends of Newt and Gally (Part 1)
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The first thing you notice when you open your eyes are the bright red lights, blinding you momentarily as you seem to go further up. You try to look around for anything that you may use as a weapon and are relieved to find a hammer. At least, you wouldn't be defenseless..You wait until the elevator stops completely before hiding underneath a nearby cover. You soon hear the doors open and see multiple feet entering the cage to take the crates. However, a certain pair of feet stops just in front of you and, without a warning, snatches the cover from above your head.
" What the..?!"
But you don't let the boy finish his sentence before taking the hammer out and knocking him out to get out. Some of the boys try to stop you, but you run faster and climb up the only place you know where you can be safe. The tower. You climb up as fast as you can and threaten anyone that would climb up would feel your wrath. Alby tries to talk to you, but your only answer is a banana in his face..However, after a few minutes, you say that you will not get down until you've talked to those named Gally and Newt. The two men look at each other with a slight frown, not understanding why the weird girl would want to talk to them. They still oblige and climb the stairs with caution. When they reach the top, you are huddled in a corner and look at them with suspicious narrowed eyes.
" Are you Gally and Newt ?"
Newt nods before crouching in front of you with a kind smile.
" Yes. I'm Newt, and this is Gally..Now, mind telling us who you are and how you know us ?"
You bite you lower lip hesitantly before finally admitting.
" Because, I knew you..My name is Lace, and I was your friend."
Their eyebrows both shot up in surprise and you lower your hammer. You want to get out something from your inner pocket, but Gally is quick and grabs your upper arm with a worried frown. You raise your hands in surrender and he is the one that takes out the thing you wanted to show them. A picture. A picture with three kids surrounded by their parents. A family picture. Newt looks at the picture as well and looks up at you with incomprehension. You understand and quickly explains.
" It's us. It's been a long time of course but, I never gave up hope that I would find you. I had to work very hard to get here and not get my memory zapped like everyone else. But, it was definitely worth it.."
You hug Newt that seems dumbfounded for a moment, but wraps his arms around you tentatively as well. Gally, still clutching the picture in his hand, eyes you warily, unsure as to trust you or not. You feel his hesitation and decide not to hug him..yet. However, Newt is curious and asks when you've taken a step back.
" W..Who were we ? Who were our parents ? I have so many questions.."
You laugh at his obvious enthusiasm and you nod understandingly.
" Of course. And I'll answer every one of them. Gally, you are the son of two marins and you spent most of your life on a boat. You parents were nice and hard-working people. While you, Newt, are the son of a bookshop owner and a gardener. I never met such lovely people and so gentle..They were very good people. You can be proud. They fought very hard to protect you."
Newt smiles proudly and his eyes fill with tears at you description, while Gally stares at you with his permanent frown..They hadn't changed. Even with the world turning to chaos, they had managed to stay the same as you remembered them..
" And we're supposed to believe that ?! For all we know, this could be a trap. You could be a trap. This image could be fake and everything you just said may just end up being a big lie.."
Gally, always the cautious one..You sigh and walk towards Gally that arks an eyebrow and takes a step forward, as if to prove that he isn't afraid of you. However, you only smile up at him before taking him surprisingly by the ear to yank him forward.
" Gally. I've spent the last 6 years searching for you. So, I don't give a thing if you believe me or not. I'm gonna make you two leave this place even if it's the last thing I do..I won't wait for a griever or whatever abomination there is out there get to you. I'm going to save you, that you want it or not. Got it, Mister Grumpyface ?"
Newt wants to intervene, but you glare at him with such intensity that he doesn't dare cross you. You then return to Gally that is red with anger and embarrassment. If looks could kill..Well, you would be very dead. Fortunately, you know that Gally has trouble with hitting girls..So he wouldn't hurt you. Possibly. However, he slaps your hand away and walks away, mumbling to himself about how you will be the end of everything.
Newt stands by you side and sighs at the reaction of his friend.
" Sorry about him..He'll come around eventually."
You smile and nod before looking at the knife on the floor.
" So, you're positive that everyone here is safe ? You're safe ?"
You ask with concern and he nods with a small reassuring smile.
" We are. Well..As safe as one can get in the Labyrinth that is."
You nod again understandingly before looking at the huge walls ahead. Instinctively, you grab Newt's hand and promise him.
" I'll get you out of here..And I'll make sure that W.I.C.K.E.D never finds you again."
He frowns, pondering for a moment before his face lights up and he asks excitedly.
" Wait..You know W.I.C.K.E.D ?! You're like Tommy then !"
You frown in incomprehension and Newt takes your hand to guide you towards the ladder.
" Come on. There's someone you should meet."
You trust him and get down as well. You follow him, trying to ignore all of the odd stares that the rest of the group is giving you. You arrive in a little hut where a dark-haired boy is looking at the runners at a map. You automatically recognize him and freeze. Newt turns his head towards you with a small frown.
" Are you okay ?"
But you don't answer and only start walking towards the boy and embracing him in front of everyone, crying. You then whisper in his ear.
" Thank you.."
Thomas doesn't know how to react and looks at Newt for an explanation, but Newt is as surprised as him. Sensing his discomfort, you take a step back and laugh awkwardly while wiping your tears away.
" Sorry..You..You told me how to get in. I thought they had killed you.."
He doesn't understand, but then another voice rise up.
" Y/N ?!"
You look in the direction of the voice and find..Oh God no..Theresa. You glare at her with crossed arms and gritted teeths. Of course, she would follow Thomas in Hell if it meant helping W.I.C.K.E.D. Before anyone can stop you, you take a nearby knife and try to attack her. However, Gally is there to grab your hand and twist your arm. You let go of the knife while him and some other guys drag you away. However, you still scream at Thomas and Newt.
" Don't trust her ! She'll kill us all !"
You are locked in some kind of pit and Gally closes it while glancing at you.
" You shouldn't have done that..You nearly broke one of the rules.."
Gally tells you finally and you look up at him with surprise.
" What rules ?"
His eyes widen in surprise.
" Newt didn't tell you ?"
You shake your head negatively and he sighs loudly before answering you.
"There are three rules you must follow in order to stay.
Never go outside the Glade, unless you are a Runner.
Never hurt another Glader. We have to trust each other.
Everyone does their part. No slackers.
You tried to hurt Theresa. But, since you didn't know the rules. I suppose they'll let it slide.."
However, he doesn't seem too happy about that last part. You decide not to push it and ask him instead.
" You don't want to know anything about your old life, why ?"
He seems to hesitate before answering truthfully.
" Because I'm afraid to know why they send me away.."
You frown. Send him away ? You are about to answer him when he takes back his serious face and adds almost spitefully.
" And I don't trust you."
That is more understandable. He looks one last time at you before walking away.
" I'll come search for you tomorrow morning."
You don't respond and wait until the light of his torch is far enough before taking out a small wooden horse with a small smile.
" I did it, mom..I found them. I'll find him also, I promise."
You kiss the small object before putting it back around your neck. You look up and smile as you see the stars shining up there. In the city, you couldn't see the stars because of the many building in the capital..But here ? You feel free. You were maybe trapped in a pit, but you feel more free than you've ever been in the city. You start laughing to yourself and start dancing in the pit, unaware that you have some spectators.
" What is she doing ?!"
Chuck asks Thomas, confused. But Thomas is as confused as him, while Newt can't help but laugh a little beside them. They both look at him with widened eyes and Newt finally answers with a small smile.
" Isn't it obvious ? She's dancing."
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scarlet2007 · 3 years
The mystery of the myth.
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Pairing:- Jimin X Araceli.
Disclaimer:- This is a prompt dedicate to @heejinnien, I hope you enjoy this! This Oneshot is in Araceli P.O.V. If your artwork is used in this edit, please contact me so that I can take it down/ credit you since I found all the images used in this edit from Pinterest.
Genre:- Fluff, mystery, paranormal, high school au, playboy!Jimin.
Warning:- Mention of murders, mention of cannibalism, mental asylum, mention of experiment on humans, paranormal stuff, cursed Jungkook.
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Okay, you are not like those girls that goes 'I aM not lIkE tHe oThEr gIrlS' you just hate the popular boys and girls in your high school, why? You don't know, maybe you just hate that they are popular while you are just...you.
It's not like you don't have friends, you do and they are very loyal and nice.
You looked up, startled as the other class start to come to your classroom.
"What's happening?" You asked as you put your backpack on the table that is beside you to save a sit for your best friend.
"Oh? Don't you hear it? From now on, our class and class A-2 will be combined." Your other friend said as she looks at the student filling the classroom.
"Class A-2? Why that class?" You slouched against your seat, you hate that class, it where most of the popular students are from.
"I don't know, ask the teacher girl." Said your friend as she turned her back to you.
"Move your backpack, girl." You looked up to the owner of the voice and made a eye contact with none other than Jimin.
"Why should I?" If he had asked you nicely or even asked you to move your backpack, you may have done that but instead, he chooses to be a jerk and order it as if he owns the school. If he is going to like a jerk then you will act like a bitch too.
The whole class was staring at you both as the tension between both of you grow intense, "Jimin! Why don't you sit with us?! Come here!" Taehyung dragged Jimin behind you as both of you shot each other death glare. He sat behind you and you can still feel his gaze on you. You suddenly stood up as if you are a robot and went out of your class.
"Wait-where are you going, Ara?!" Your friend yelled.
"I am going to see if that idiot is here or not!" Just as you were about to sprint down that hallway that also connects to your class through a window, you bumped into someone. You were about to lose your balance but that guy caught you in time by your waist. You looked at him and he was handsome but you saw him around your school.
You looked shocked at him as he was just as shocked when you heard a whistle, "Look like someone got a boyfriend!" You looked around and then you spot her, your best friend, who was busy clicking photos of you two. Both of you quickly let go of each other.
"Shut up and stop taking photos of us!" You yelled at her as you hit her which she in return hit you back.
"I am so sorry, I didn't saw you there!" You bowed 90° degree, "Oh! No, it's umm fine." You both laughed awkwardly.
Your best friend dragged you to your usual seat. The whole classroom was staring at you as you glared at them.
That guy came inside the classroom and the student of class A-2 start to whisper as they not so subtle look at him. Strange. He went to seat at the last desk, your eyes followed him, something about that guy is off. He suddenly looked up and made straight eye contact with you, you smile at him and he smiled back. The moment between both of you didn't go unnoticed by your best friend and other people in the class. From the corner of your eyes, you can see Jimin rolling his eyes.
"Students-! Oh? Seems like your class got combined with class A-2." Your homeroom teacher chuckled as she know how much your class hate to get combine with other class, especially class A-2.
"Good morning, Miss Kim." Your classmate stood up to do a 90° degree bow to your teacher as a creating while the student of the class A-2 just stare at you all as if you all are doing something strange.
"Don't you guys have some respect to Miss Kim?!" One of your classmates asked loudly, the other slowly start to bow.
Your teacher sighed at their laziness, "Sit down, class!"
"So, look we are having a meeting so you have a free period so do your pending work and be quiet." The teacher informed all of you.
"Oh, and can someone go and get somethings from the storage room? Jimin, Araceli and Jungkook go to the storage area and find these stuff. The list is long so don't hurry that much, Y/N I trust you to not let Jimin wander around." You nodded as you pushed your self out of your seat and took the list from her hand. So his name is Jungkook. All of you start walking out as you signed, "Man, this list is long. And why are there so many random things on this list?" You complained as you were reading the list. Jimin and Jungkook looked over your shoulder as their body towers you, both of them taller than you.
All of you stopped as you arrived at the storeroom, you feel shivers run down your body.
"So, Jimin why don't you go and take the cleaning supplies out of that closet, wait- why is the closet out of the storeroom?" You question as you looked at the closet that was outside the storage room.
"Could you stop complaining about every God damn thing?" Jimin groans in frustration as he went to the closet. You ignored his comment and enter the storeroom, following Jungkook.
"Jungkook, can you go and take the crafting supplies from behind that shelf?" Jungkook nodded, looking uneasy. You start to look for the books that were supposed to be this storeroom. The storeroom used to be a library but they made it into storage after a myth started that this library is haunted, the teacher always chooses you to do this kind of work since you don't believe in this stuff and the fact that you are also the leader of the supernatural club that you created as a joke.
Your body suddenly stands straight as the door of the storeroom slammed shut, must be Jimin pulling some prank on you. You rolled your eyes at his childish behaviour, goosebumps raised on your body as the temperature in the room suddenly dropped.
"Agh-agh." You heard someone groan, not just someone, it was Jungkook! You rushed at the shelf he was supposed to be in since it sounded like he was in pain.
"OH MY GOD! JUNGKOOK!" You rushed to him as he was struggling to breathe on the floor, you grabbed him as you yelled for Jimin.
"Jimin! Jimin, come inside! Something is happening to Jungkook!! JIMIN!" You screamed on top of your lung. You looked at the shelves that were making noise as if they were about to fall. You dragged Jungkook with you, struggling as you do so, to the door so that you can open it. Shit, my phone is inside my locker.
You screamed as the shelves start to fall, you feel a sharp pain in your arm but you ignored it as the door suddenly opens and Jimin pulled you and Jungkook out with a concerned look. All of the shelves collapsed as you breathe heavily.
"Wha-what happened to Jungkook?!" Jimin asked.
"I don't know, we have to take him to the nurse! He can't breathe and I think he is going to having a seizure! JIMIN DO SOMETHING! HE IS GOING TO DIE!" You cried out as Jungkook struggle to breathe. We hear some hurried footsteps coming towards us but we were too busy panicking to notice them, in our panicked state your hand hit Jungkook's chest at full force making him gasps in a breath as he was no longer choking. Please don't do that to someone who is struggling to breathe.
"What is happening he- Oh MY GOD! WHAT HAPPENED?!" It was one of our teachers, Jungkook coughed as you lean against Jimin for some kind of support.
"I don't know, the-they were screaming coming from inside so I-" Jimin sentence was cut short as Jungkook fainted.
"We need to get him to the school nurse!" We all rushed to the school infirmary as Jimin and our P.E. teacher carried Jungkook. Your ear starts to ring as you think you heard something or rather someone, whispering something like 'kill they', maybe your ears are just ringing or it's your imagination.
At the infirmary, Jungkook was getting a checkup to see what happened to him while you and Jimin laid in other beds," Jimin? Did you, perhaps locked the door?" You whispered-asked Jimin as you remembered the door closing.
"What? Why would I do that? I thought you did that!" He whispered back, you can clearly remember the door closing as if someone slammed it shut. You can also remember that you saw a pale hand choking Jungkook, you are confident that what you saw what real and not a hallucination or your imagination.
You were pulled out of your chain of thought as the nurse asked, "Are you injured too, honey?" You looked at her, she was maybe in her mid-30s wearing a lab coat over her normal clothes. You shook your head as she smiled at you gently. "You have a cut on your hand, honey." You looked at your arm and there was a cut on your arm, it was didn't bleed that much but you are just wondering how in the world you didn't notice that? Were you that panicked that you didn't even notice that your arm was got a cut? The nurse gently took your arm and put the rubbing alcohol on it, you hissed in pain. You saw Jimin looking at you with an unreadable expression from the corner of your eyes.
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Later that day, you were walking around your neighbourhood thinking about what happened today. You still can't figure what if what you saw what true or it was your imagination. The nurse told you that Jungkook got a panic attack but...what about the fingerprint on his neck? When you looked at him, you can see handprint on his neck. You sighed and rub your face with your hand, "Agh, I should not think about all that stuff right now, I am getting stressed." You keep walking around and eventually, you end up in a park. There was no one in the park at this time, it was not that late but still, it was around 10 pm. You stopped walking as you heard something behind you. You turned around but there was no one there. Strange. You turned back around only to flinch, there was a boy in front of you, wearing all black. You couldn't see his face because of his hoodie, the boy tilts his creepy. You step back as the boy started walking towards you. "Don-Don't come near me!" You fell backwards and throw a rock at him, but instead, it bounced off. There was a shield that was separating you both when the rock collides with it, the impact left a few electronic waves in the invisible shield making it visible. The boy touched the shield. You ran away at full speed towards your apartment while looking behind at that boy who was still looking at the space where you were a moment ago. You ran outside the park but you bumped into someone. "Look where you are goin- Araceli?" You look up at the person you bumped in, "Jimin, who is this?" The girl beside him questioned, his arm was around her waist. The girl was pretty, big rounded eyes, plump lips, a small face with bright red hair that suits her. You breathe heavily as you looked behind you to check if that boy was following you or not, he was not following. Thank God. You glance at Jimin, "I am his classmate, bye!" You quickly said as you were about to run again when Jimin grab your wrist making you look at him. "Are you okay, Araceli? You look as if you just saw a ghost." Jimin concern look almost made you spill out what just happen, almost. "Nothing, I am absolutely fine! Bye!" You ran in the direction of your apartment.
You leaned against the railing of the staircase when you reached your apartment building. Why does everything strange is happening today? What is it? Friday 13th? You sighed at your thoughts. Maybe I am cursed or something? That makes a lot of sense, yeah. You shooked your head to get rid of your thoughts. You begin to walk up the stairs, your phone ringed as 'Mom' showed up on your screen. You picked up the call. "Yes, mom. I am at the stairs, yeah, I am just about to reach-hello? Mom?" You looked at your phone as the call got disconnected. "Huh? What the?" You looked around as the light flickered. A mirror caught your eyes as you walk closer to it, in the reflection you can only see your self, which was normal but there is something about the mirror that is drawing you closer and closer to it as if the mirror is hypnotizing you. You walked towards it until you were in front of it, you keep looking at it as the light keep flickering. The lights went off as the darkness consume you. When the lights came back there was the same boy behind you, you flinched back but the boy grabbed you by your arm. "Wh-who are you?" You asked the boy as you turned around, your heartbeat was so fast that you thought you might get a heart attack. He took off his hoodie revealing his face as he smiled at you sadly, almost as if he was sad by your question.
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"You don't remember me, do you?" You shook your head, you are sure you would remember a handsome face like his. He sighed as if it was felt psychically pain from your answer.
"You might not remember me but...we...nevermind. If you ever need my help, just say my name, okay?" His gaze fell on your injured arm. "Give me your arm." You gave him your arm as he touched your injury. You watched him in shock as the bandage fell from your arm, the cut...it was gone! You touched the place where the cut was and there was not even a scar. "What? How?" He smiled at you.
"I have to go. Remember whenever you need me just say my name." He was about to leave when you asked, "But what's your name?" He looked at you with an unreadable expression.
"Mike." With that, he walked down the stair, you followed after him but he disappeared just like he appeared.
"What the hell just happened? Was he a ghost or something?"
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That night you were not able to sleep as the events that happened that day keep playing in your mind like a broken cassette player. You were walking like a zombie, looking like a zombie and well, acting like a zombie. You have dark eye bags under your eyes, hair messed up like a birds nest. You rest your head against your desk as the teacher keep teaching whatever she was. Jimin kicked your chair from behind so you lift your chair slightly and put the leg of your chair on his foot. He groaned in pain but then covered it up by coughing when the teacher glanced at him. You are in no mood to be needed with.
"Miss Araceli, this is my class, not your house to sleep in!" The teacher said when her gaze falls on your half-asleep form. You lift your head and the teacher gasp, "Oh my God, what happened to you? Why are you looking like a zombie? G-go back to sleep." You nodded and went back to sleep but Jimin tapped your shoulder lightly, "Araceli, can you please take your chair off my foot, please?" You did it since he was practically begging you. With that, you went back to the dreamland.
-Time skipped to when you are awake-
The teacher was telling all of you to make a big team for the team project which he hasn't told you about what is it. Everyone made a team including you, your team consists of You, your best friend, Taehyung, Jimin- wait, Taehyung and Jimin?!
"Wait! What are you guys doing here?" You asked while pointing at the whole members of BTS.
"Umm, making a team?" Taehyung said, well more like asked.
"With us?" You glared at them, your eye bags, messy hair made you look at a mad person.
"Ara, let them." Your best friend glared at you, "But-" she sighed. "Ara."
"Fine." You pouted but accept your defeat.
"Has everyone made a group?" Everyone said yes.
"Oh? Jungkook? Why are you alone?"
"Oh...um...everyone else made up a team before I even got the chance to ask anyone." You looked at where he was sitting all alone while others have made a group. You feel bad for him.
"Why does everyone always leave him out?" You asked.
"Don't you know? There are rumours that he is cursed, everyone who talked to him gets haunted by a ghost. His friend all stopped talking to him after getting haunted by the ghost." Hoseok explained as all of you listen intensely. "Seriously? What kind of reason is that? Haunted my foot." You rolled your eyes, he can't be cursed, right?
"Does anyone want Jungkook in their team?" The room fell silent as Jungkook look down. Poor guy.
"It's fine, Mr Wang. I can manage on my own." You looked at Jungkook, he was looking down. "No Jungkook, it's a group project." Mr Wang looked at the class in annoyance.
"I will give you an extra 5 marks if you take Jungkook in your team." No answer. You start to feel bad for him so you raise your hand. "Teacher! We can take Jungkook in!" Your best friend and BTS member looked at you as if you are crazy. "Very good, Araceli!"
"Will I still be getting my extra marks?" Mr Wang nodded and motioned Jungkook to join your combined tables.
Silence fall upon your table as everyone looked everywhere except Jungkook. "Hi, I am Araceli but you can call me Ara!" You introduced yourself and urge others to do the same. After the introduction, the table falls in silence once again. You smiled at Jungkook brightly while he gave you a small smile, your friend looked at both of you while smiling creepily, Jimin just glared between you and Jungkook, Hoseok looked terrified, Namjoon and Seokjin we're whispering back and forth while Taehyung was bothering a sleeping Yoongi.
"Class, so now I will tell you all about the project! But first, Araceli can you wake Yoongi up, please?" You nodded and smack Yoongi across the head, his eyes shoot open as he glared at you while you give me a not so innocent smile.
"Thank you, Araceli. Now this project is about chronological events that happen. You can write about whatever you want but it should have evidence that confirms that those events happened. Now the events should at least be a decade old. The deadline for this project would be next month on this exact date. Have fun on this project! Bye, class!" You all bowed as he left. The next period was lunch so the other students quickly left.
"I am hungry, let go eat first before we discuss this project." You went with your best friend to grab your lunch.
When you came back to your classroom, everyone was surrounding your combined tables. You pushed past your classmates and looked at your tables. All the table has a big 'X' mark on them with red paint. You feel shivers run down your spine as you looked at the desk.
"What? What kind of prank is this?" You asked when everyone start looking at Jungkook as if he had done this. "Start cleaning your tables!" You start to clean up your table when a bloody dead crow fell on the table, you gasped and flinched back in shock.
"What the hell?! The windows are close! How does this thing come inside?!" Hoseok yelled in terror. What is happening?
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That entire week strange things keep happening to all of you, every topic that your group came up with always end up getting caught on fire. You even have a call, Mike, once because you were so terrified. He gave you some crystals and made you promise to keep at least one with you all the time, you can give others one too if you want but you have to keep one with you at all cost. It even went as far as to get a warning written in ref paint, or what you like to think as red paint. That was the last straw for all of you, you are going to get answers from Jungkook. You all need to know what is going on with all the paranormal stuff with Jungkook. It was around 7 p.m. when all of you decide to man and women up and go to Jungkook's house to get some answers. After fighting all day about who is going to his house to confront him about all the paranormal stuff going around him, you all decide that it's safe if all of you go together so if Jungkook got possessed, you all can at least fight him.
Right now, all of you are in front of Jungkook house, his house looks like your typical house but something about this house is strange, as the aura around the house is very uncomfortable. "Ring the bell." You told Jimin, nudging him. Over the week you and Jimin got a lot closer, he is not that bad. "What? Why me?!" He pushed you to ring the bell. Before you can even protest the door opened, all of you stopped what they were doing and looked at the door. No one was there, Hoseok and Yoongi turned away to go back but you grab their collar, "Don't you dare, if I am going to die here then all of you have to die here as well." You said when you felt a presence behind you so you slowly turned to look at the person behind you. There he was, the one and only Jungkook staring at you darkly. You start shivering under his dark and murderous stare. "Hi..." You squeak in a week voice you as Jungkook keep staring at you. "What are you doing here?" Jungkook glared at all of you as all of them hide behind you. "Haha, ah, we...agh...are here to...umm...group project! Yeah, group project! We are here for the group project!" All of you laughed nervously as you made up an excuse. Jungkook keeps looking at you without any movement in his body, the only movement in his body was that he was blinking. Suddenly someone came behind Jungkook, "Jungkook, what are you doing at the door?" A lady maybe in her early 50s came from behind Jungkook, she smiled at you as you smiled at her awkwardly and the other who was hiding behind your back waved at her. "Are they your friends, Jungkook-ah?" She asked Jungkook nodded his head when she suddenly smacked him across the head. "Ow, what was that for?" He whined as if he was not just murdering from his stares. "For keeping your friends outside for so long and scaring them. Look how they are hiding behind this poor girl." All of you straighten up at that, you cleared your throat as you glared at the others. "Come inside," Jungkook muttered in a low voice. Why does it feel like he is inviting you to dig your own grave?
You went inside first and others followed behind quickly. "Sorry for coming uninvited." You said when you sat on the couch in Jungkook's living room. Jungkook's mom smiled and said it was a no big deal.
"I will go and make some snacks for you guys!" She went into the kitchen before you could even protest.
"Why are you guys here?" Jungkook cold stare made you more than uncomfortable, it made you terrified. Where is your shy and sweet Jungkook?
"Didn't we just told you, we are here for the project! Hahaha..." You laughed nervously.
"At this hour?" Why does he keep questioning us?
"It's was Hoseok's idea!" Hoseok looked at you, terrified.
"Umm...yeah! I thought that...it would be good if we start the pro -project as soon as possible." Hoseok grip Namjoon's hand tightly.
"But why my house?" This feels like an FBI inquiry at this point.
"My mom is out of town so if I let boys in my house my mom would kill me." You lied without missing a beat.
"My house is getting renovated so we can't do it at mine." Your best friend followed.
"I don't even live in my house I live in the dorms and my roommate is very noisy and we don't have much space." I can agree on the noisy part, Yoongi.
"And I am his roommate." Hoseok, what the...?
"I have a dog name Yeontan and he is very dangerous, he bit everyone that comes inside my house." Taehyung, if Jungkook ever saw Yeontan he would kill you for lying.
"My mom wouldn't allow me to let my friends over." Namjoon, your mom even let you throw a party...
"I have a little sister and she would ruin our project." Jin, since when did you get a little sister?
The only one left to lie was Jimin. He looked around the room nervously as if the walls would tell him what to say. "Umm, I have a girl over so my house was never an option." An awkward silence falls upon the room after hearing Jimin's lie.
"Jungkook, why don't you take your friends to your room? Here are the snacks! Oh! And if Jungkook got possess put this cross on his head, he would be fine in seconds." Jungkook's mom pushed the cross on your hand and pushed all of you towards the stairs. Man, Jungkook's mom is strong for her age.
"You guys are here to know if I am cursed or not, right?" Jungkook asked once all of you sat down on his floor. You looked at him shocked but slowly nodded your head.
He sighed and let out an Ouija board.
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"This is an Ouija board also known as Spirit board. This is the cause of all the paranormal stuff going around me, I once played this with my friends but things went down when a spirit got summoned, it possessed me and from that day onward that spirit keeps following me everywhere." He explained as everyone listened intensely.
"Does the spirit said anything about why they are haunting you?" Namjoon questioned as he pulled out his laptop from his backpack.
"She said something along with the lines of 'they killed me, I want revenge, don't go near that dark demon.' And things like that. Her name was Kim Shi Ree." Namjoon's face light up when he heard the ghost's name.
"I think I might just know why she is haunting you." Namjoon start typing furiously on his laptop.
"Look! Here an article that says in 2010 a girl name Kim Shi Ree died mysteriously in our school. It says that our school might be cursed because every decade or so students die mysteriously in school. It also says that there is a devil that kill these students every decade. The school keep destroying any records of these murders so people don't find out and they pay a lot of money to the parents of the child to stay quiet." Namjoon read the article and looked up. All of us were horrified by the article.
"What the hell...the spirit might want a proper closure to her case," Jungkook muttered.
"Guys, why don't we make this into our project?" Jimin suggested.
"What? Are you stupid? You want us to make a report about the school covering up murders to our school project? They might just kill us." Yoongi have a point.
"No, there might be a chance that there might be only one person involved in this mess. We can investigate and give our project straight to the police." Jimin explained.
"But where would we begin the investigation?" You asked.
"The library! School library." Hoseok exclaimed.
"But why the library?" Jin asked.
"Well, haven't you saw in horror or investigation movies? They always find clues in the library, so we should try our luck there because of the situation we are in it feel like a movie." All of you nodded at Hoseok explanation.
"So, tomorrow at 9 a.m. in front of school since it's Sunday I think everyone is free?" Your best friend asked as everyone nodded.
"So let's go back to our home, my mom just texted me asking when I am coming home." You said while replying to your mom.
"Wait- Don't you said that your mom is out of town?" Jungkook looked at you confused. Shit.
"I lied, haha" You laughed nervously and ran out of his room.
"Bye, I gotta go! Bye, Mrs Jeon! Your cookies were great! Can I take some of them?" You asked Mrs Jeon once you reached downstairs. Others followed shortly after.
"Sure, dear!" She gave you a whole jar of cookies. "Wow, thank you, Mrs Jeon!" You hugged her and went outside.
"Bye, Mrs Jeon and Jungkook remember to meet us at 9 sharp tomorrow!" You wave at them and start walking off to your house.
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That night you called Mike by calling his name, you still don't understand what the heck he is but you know for sure he is not a ghost nor a human. You asked him if he can help you find some clue and he agreed to help you as much as possible.
You stood outside the school building at 9 sharp. "Where is everyone?" You wondered when suddenly someone came behind you and screamed in your ear, "BOO!"
You flinched but didn't scream, you looked behind you and it was none other than Mike. "Seriously? I thought you were a serious guy!" You smacked his head while he laughed.
"Whose that?" There they were, your friends.
"He is my friend, wait did you guys came with each other without me telling me?"
"Well, you left before we made the plan to come together, but Araceli, you can't just tell people about things like this." Namjoon said.
"Well, I know what is happening here for quite a while now," Mike said before introducing himself, "I am Mike, Araceli's friend." He looked down at all of them since he was 6'4cm tall. He towers all of you.
"Let's start the investigation, guys." Your best friend said.
"Wait, you guy seriously think that the school will keep the records of those students out in open? Especially in the library?" Mike questioned when you stopped in front of the library.
"Umm, yeah?" You just now realize how stupid the idea was and from the look of it, it seems that others realize it now as well.
"You naive kids." Mike facepalmed himself on the forehead. "Follow me, I know where the records might be." You all followed behind him like lost puppies. Mike takes you all to the closet outside the storage room. He opened it and did something before a closet inside the closet opened, revealing old books.
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"Search them thoroughly. There might be a clue in them." All of you start to read the books one by one in Jungkook's house since his mom doesn't mind all of you in her house.
"Guys! Look, I think I found the record journal." Jin told all of you as you stopped what you were doing and went to where he was sitting.
"Look at these entries." Jin flipped the page where the first entry was.
Entry one. Date:- 12-5-1960.
This is the first time I am writing a journal, I think what happened today need to be on records.
I work in a mental asylum in Central Seoul, South Korea. This asylum is well known in South Korea but there is a dark secret that I found out today. The doctors here kill the lower class patient and fed their body parts to the upper-class patient, there is a basement that is filled with the remainings of those patients, some patients are even alive when the doctors let the upper-class patient eat them. The doctors experiment on the upper-class patient that make them go insane. This place is living hell but what happens today was horrifying. It's been a month since the doctors allow the scientist to experiment on the upper-class patient when one patient went up the ceiling and stayed there for the whole day and that patient even wrote 'It was better in hell' in blood. I will never forget this day, never. This day is going to haunt me in my dreams.
-Mark. (See the photo here)
All of you looked up when Yoongi finished reading the entry. "Our school used to be an asylum." Namjoon slowly let out.
"Look there are other entries too, but they are just photos with names on them, nothing is said."
Date:- 12-5-1970.
Name- Violet Knights.
Date:- 12-5-1980.
Name- Luka Williams.
Date:- 12-5-1990.
Name- Lily, Liana, Licious Potter.
Date:- 12-5-2000.
Name- Sana Kim.
Date:- 12-5-2010.
Name- Shi Ree Kim.
Name:- Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, Araceli, Mike-
"Why does this have our names on it!" You throw the book away when you heard something downstairs. You all ran down stairs.
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A man was sitting on Jungkook's couch, Jungkook looked around in a panic when the man started speaking, "Don't worry about your mother, Jungkook, she is outside." Jungkook didn't seem to relax at his word.
"Why are you here, brother?" All of you looked at Mike in shock as he asked what appears to be his brother. "Seems like you finally came out of your hiding spot, Mark." You gasped, this guy can't be Mark...he is so young but if he is Mike's brother and Mike is not human then maybe he is Mark.
"What is going on?" You asked.
"He is my brother Mark, we both are immortal because he sold his soul to the devil and since we were twins I became immortal too. The entry about the asylum was written by him, that asylum was a demonic cult that sacrifices people ever decade to feed the devil who is my brother. I tried to stop him but I can't since I am just immortal but I don't have powers because he was the one who sold his soul not me. I know Araceli because Araceli was the only victim that I protected back when she was a toddler. I wiped her memories because I don't want her to get hurt..." While Mike was distracting Mark and others you quickly grabbed the crystals that Mike gave you and you pass the crystals to Jungkook and motioned him to pass the crystals to other, you remembered Mike's words last night when you asked why he gave you crystals, "These crystals have the blessings of the most powerful witch, but it will only work if a human touch it. In any situation, if you need to protect your self or need to kill an evil do not hesitant, the only thing you need to do is make a circle around the evil and let your heart do its magic. If you have a good intention the magic will work with you but if you have a bad intention the magic will work against you. Remember Ara, only used this when needed because the magic can kill you if your intentions are not good. I trust you, Ara, I know you will only use when needed."
The others quickly understand what you were doing and made a circle using themself, Mark stopped when he realised what was happening and stood up but Mike grabbed him by his neck and they both fall to the ground. Mike took out a dagger made of the same crystal as Mark struggled, all of you grab each other hands and made a circle around them, you start to feel like you doe going to faint as a binding light surrounded all of you, the last thing you saw was Mike stabbing Mark in the head before darkness consumed you.
-One year later-
You sighed as you stop what you were doing, "Jiminie~ Stop bothering me~" You pushed Jimin away from yourself to which he whined, "What are you thinking about?" Jimin asked.
"About that day, what do you think happened to Mike?" Jimin sighed, after that day all of you woke up in your own houses, no one knows what happened after all if you fainted but you all know that you have succeeded because Jungkook is no longer cursed, nobody even remembered the whole cursed thing except you guys. You all found out that the school was not covering the murders, it was Mark who was covering the murders. You and Jimin start dating after two months, all of you graduate high school with good grades, things were going great but still, there was no sign of Mike returning. Others believe that Mike also died when Mark died because both of there soul was connected but you don't want to believe it.
"I don't know, Ara and I-" The doorbell ringed before Jimin can even complete his sentence, "I will go get it." You said and went to the door when you opened it you found no one there but there was a box. You opened the box and it reveals the same crystals that Mike once gave you.
Maybe he is alive or maybe it's someone else trying to make you think he is alive because who knows what lurks in the darkness of your apartment or the alley you pass. Nobody knows and sometimes it better if you don't know something because who knows what the consequences would be of knowing things you are not supposed to know.
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minervacasterly · 4 years
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The caricature of Margaret Beaufort:
From pop culture POV and the POV of those influenced by it, this powerful matriarch is all of the following: Religious nut case! Bitch. She killed the princes in the tower! Old and ugly! Screw her! She and her son were the worst thing that happened to England!
And yet her son became the founder of a dynasty that reigned for more than a century and continues to fascinate us. Now on to the real Meg Beaufort. In the White Queen she is all this and that but the real Meg was no religious nut case and she certainly didn't plan the murder of the Princes and you can debate me countless times on this but there is no concrete evidence that she did! Richard had more than enough motive and opportunity to kill the Princes and oh wait before I get the Ricardians on my case, I don't hate Richard. I actually find him interesting, I wouldn't find him interesting if he was perfect. Richard had learned from his brother's mistakes but made mistakes of his own. If he produced the boys then that would've propelled them to sainthood and the last thing he wanted was a cult was already building around Henry VI. What happened with this last monarch is fascinating and you might be wondering -hey! Isn't that the guy they smothered with a pillow in the White Queen? Yeah, that's the one. Except there are so many theories abounding to his death. The first one comes from Bettini who wrote three weeks after the Lancastrian king's death that it was Edward NOT Richard who gave the order. At the time the blame was solely pinned on Edward, so let's not confuse contemporary sources with secondary. Rous and Vergil writing in the Tudor period pinned the murder on Richard and even early Ricardians say that he did it, but with one major difference -*under* Edward's orders. If this is so, one thing we can all agree, if Richard gave the order or personally took care of Henry, it was all done under his brother's command. But this backfired, soon people were attributing all sorts of miracles to this guy, he became more famous in death than he had ever been in life. Edward tried hard to suppress this cult but he couldn't and Richard did the next best thing. If you can't beat them, join 'em! He cashed in on the cult and officiated a reburial of the dead monarch and started all new kinds of celebrations for him but people still talked as they always do. Now if he had produced the dead children as he and his brother had done with the Lancastrian king, then it would've been chaos, complete and utter chaos!
Margaret Beaufort's sole aim up until the princes disappearance in the summer of 1483 was to gain back her son's lands and bring him back safely. She was forced to give him up before after the Lancaster line had been wiped out from the face of the earth by Yorkist forces, ending to some historians' view, the wars of the roses in 1471. Margaret would not see him until the aftermath of Bosworth in 1485. She had little to worry about the first years of his exile, he was with his uncle Jasper, his father's brother. They intended to sail to the French court, a court his uncle knew very well but landed in Brittany instead because of the bad weather. Brittany was not on good terms with the French and they had their fair share of enmity with the English so it served the Duke well to have two valuable English hostages, one who had a considerable (if debatable) claim to the English throne via his mother. Edward attempted to coax the old Duke into give up his charge and while the Duke never believed Edward's intentions, some of his ministers did and those who didn't just wanted to cash in on the juicy rewards. Henry was an intelligent youth who was far from the serious and mama's boy he's depicted in today's fiction. He loved to laugh, play, joke and gamble. But he was aware how valuable he was and at one point feigned sickness and took sanctuary in a church when he suspected his future voyage to England was a hoax -which it was -and that small trickery on his part saved him.
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By 1480, Margaret had more than enough to worry, but she wasn't giving up on her son's legacy. With Edward's promise to marry him to his eldest daughter, Margaret continued to rely on the faith that gave comfort to so many women in this period, and Edward's promise, albeit a fake one, was something she never let go of. The accession of Richard and Anne changed all that. Always an opportunist at heart, she tried to curry favor with the new regime. Whether she agreed with it or not -we will never know but her husband was an official in Richard's government and she had more than enough reason to believe that Richard would grant her her request to bring her son back. After all he was more busy convincing everyone his brother had never been legally married to Elizabeth and securing his position. But surprise, surprise for Margaret and everyone involved. Her life was never easy, it was one obstacle after another and this was no different. The boys' disappearance changed everything and Buckingham's rebellion gave her a chance she had never considered before. Her moment to shine had come. She was no longer looking to bring her son back as a mere earl but as a king so she started plotting with the queen dowager through her Welsh doctor. After a lot of plotting and intrigue and tragedy at Richard's court, her son's shining moment came and thanks to the defection of his stepfather from Richard's camp to his side, he won. There is a famous myth that his stepfather, Thomas Stanley found the crown in a thorn bush but this is likely Tudor propaganda. Richard's treatment afterwards was one that's always given by the victor to the loser, stripped of all his clothes and shamefully paraded, he was then written as the worst monarch that ever lived.
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And while I do agree there needs to be a better assessment of Richard, doing the same to Margaret and Richard is just as dumb. She was born in 1443 and a year after, John Beaufort, her father and Duke of Somerset died. Many said at the time that it was because of suicide because of his terrible leadership in France. Truth or not, Margaret was now a wealthy heiress and her wardship was widely sought after. William de la Pole, the crown's favorite tried to marry her to his son, but after he was murdered, at only nine years old Margaret was brought to court to swear that she never intended to marry his son. Later she rewrote history saying that it was because of a godly vision that told her that it was her destiny to marry Edmund Tudor and establish a great house, that she denied it. Margaret married at only 12 and Edmund Tudor, anxious to get his hands on her wealth, didn't bother to wait. He impregnated her less than a year after and she gave birth in January 1457 when she was months away from being 14, to her only offspring. The birth damaged her, she never had any children with her other spouses. She had a happy marriage with her next spouse, Henry Stafford and they celebrated their anniversary in big style every year and even housed Edward IV in their hunting lodged in one occasion. This doesn't sound like the power hungry, vindictive Margaret of TV. And that's because she wasn't! She was very learned and founded and refounded many colleges, chief among them: Christ's College which had previously been God's House and St. John's in Cambridge. Aware that only the privileged few could attend these institutions she voiced her concerns in 1479, and her attempts bore fruit when Wimborne College was established posthumously in 1509, which was later renamed Queen Elizabeth's school. She also established the Lady Margaret Beaufort Professorship of Divinity at Cambridge in 1502 and the first women's college in Oxford was named after her.
In spite of her joy of seeing her son crowned, she could not help herself. Fisher and many contemporaries described how she cried -a clear sign of a woman that doesn't care about power- and when asked why, she responded because she had lived through so many kings and princes who had been murdered and killed in battle. Who knew if her son was next or if his reign would last. She cried the same tears of grief on her grandson's joint coronation with Katherine, fearing that his reign would face the same troubles.
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Margaret passed away days after in 1509, after a long life of hardship and triumph.
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itsana004 · 4 years
10 Characters for 10 people
Thank you for the tag @aoristiandariostis !! It's going to be difficult to choose only 10 favourite characters, but challenge accepted! I send the same challenge to @mizaelloverno107, @sienasiesta, @galaxymaster360, @ayse7124, @vector3996, @karenusia, @baddyzarc, @little-mx-cryptic, @aerialartistic, @animalgirl2018 and anyone who comes across this and wants to do it!
1) Liesel Meminger from The Book Thief
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This is one of my absolute favourite books and movie. I remember watching this at school when I was in fifth grade and loving it and love her character. This story sets at the time of the Nazi Germany and the character of Liesel in front our eyes has been through very rough times in her early childhood, she has experienced and seen premature death from a very tender age and since the novel takes place during World War II, death is omnipresent and she constantly puts her own life on the line with her actions. She has a very unique prospective of life and was really fascinated by the power of the words, in fact she is referred as a "book thief", she has pretty much put her life on the line just to learn how to read and understand the meaning of the words, with which she has saved a life and saved her own.
2) Dolowa/Droite/Dextra from Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal and II
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This character lays a special place in my heart. Droite is presented as a classy business woman type but rather here she seems to be a person with a duty of the Maintenance of Security in the tower belonging to its creator and the Mayor, as his right hand woman, it is also confirmed that she's an elite. The reason I began to like her it's because how her true layers of personality quickly contrasted the typical business woman/seductive persona, she was nothing like it even though most of the time, the characters similar to her character design are portrayed that way. She's purely devoted to her loved ones and she doesn't got tip to toe with her boss' wishes and would face any consequnces for them. She's caring and capable and her Dueling tactics were really cool.
3) Mebara Keiichi from Higurashi no naku koro ni (kai, rei, kira)
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I love love love him. Keichii is hilarious, funny, easily can get attached to but he's a tragic hero. He breaks the chains of tragic fate in utterly hopeless situations and I love how much he cares about his friends. It's absolutely tragic the deaths they have to go through, and luckly they came past it and Keichii played a great role in breaking those tragic chains.
4) Ellen/Viola from The Witch House
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The Witch's House is an JRPG game and I am so sad that this doesn't have an anime or something because the plot is really awsome. Anyway, the character of Ellen, she's the main villain, so I should feel no sorrow and sympathy for this b- bery very bad person, and especially not include her in the favourite list, but my kokoro can't be helped, even though I absolutely hate her character out of frustration, but she has a tragic ass backstory to make feel damn emotional for. I hate her but I also love her, idk anymore... Next!
5) Sana from Kodomo no Omocha or Rossana
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She's super energetic, and kind and compassionate and querky, silly, stupid sometimes but also very intelligent and mature. We saw so many phases of herself and her character grow. Even though she goes through really tough times, or even dying almsot, she always has a huge heart of her to forgive and come out of trauma and look at life very brightly. She was definately my role model and I am still surprised when I rewatch the way she handled her problems, and she had tones in the anime since she's an actress and lots of teenage drama. Her approach to problems was somehow many times applicable to my life and I still feel inspired by her. She's really an awsome character.
6) Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games
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I immediately fell in love with her character the moment she volunteered for her sister. She's incredibly selfless, devoted, brave and ribellious, however it's a shame the reason that everything started by trying to protect that person is taken away from her. I loved how she realised that President Coin is just another President Snow and she killed the right person and rightfully allowed the citizens of the Districts to kill Snow. There were so many parts of the book and scenes of the movie that really drawn such a high opinion of her but I can't talk about everything other than the beginning and the end, otherwise I would take ages
7) Phoenix Wright from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Dual Destiny, everything that has Phoenix and my babies Apollo and Atena in it!!)
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I admire how he believes the innocence of the people and is after the truth and not winning the case, he's true, genuine and honest. I love how he does the extreme to repay people back, literally make them either his assistant, adopted daughter, his apprentice, his husband (yes I am talking about Edgy), I can't even take account of at this point.
8) Shuici Saihara from Danganronpa
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I have a thing for Detectives with the name that starts with a "S", the only reason I didn't put Shinici Kudo from Detective Conan because I couldn't keep up with the series and honestly I can't, maybe one day when my online classes will end, anyway... Shuici, I like his detective work, his reasoning and the bond she formed with Kaede and his sidekick Kaito, it makes me cry just remembering it, and he's actually sensitive. I loved him even more after his reactions in Love Hotel and secret scenes. The character of Kaede was a huge influence on him, he didn't want to find the truth before because he was scared, but then he took off his cap and solved cases with his head up in the sky (I still can't get over the feels from the fact Kaede's portrait is always on Shuici's side in scrum debate to show she's always with him even after death 😭)
9) Alvin Junior from The Walking Dead
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Even though I followed the series of Walking Dead for a very long time, I really got attached to Alvin Junior as much as Clementine, he's just a young god and can't convince me otherwise. Some fans didn't like AJ that much because he was new but I really saw AJ like a young Clem and Clementine now being in Lee's shoes and protecting AJ with her life just as Lee did with hers. AJ is such a mood sometimes and also really reliable. He had to make really hard calls poor guy, but I am really glad to having a happy ending
10) Agatha from the Dark Deception
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Agatha is a merciless monster and a spoiled brat that will say that you're cheating by speed boost while she teleport and cut you into a corner while we're running, but I still love her <3
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misstrashchan · 4 years
The Man With Two Souls, Pt. 2
Okay, so this ended up being a fucking long part 2 to my previous meta post. There was a lot I wanted to get down, and if it doesn't make sense or you don't agree with it, that's fine, I'd just be happy if you read it. Now I can rest until the finale comes and beats me up.
So, there's a few more Salem and Adam parallels to start off with like
(8) Having the same reaction to hearing someone mention Blake and Oz and the possibility of them getting the upper hand against them
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(9) Chronologically after this happens (we see Adam destroy the throne room in Volume 6 episode 2, but we see him lose his mask at the end of the Adam trailer) deciding to go after Blake on his own while Salem creates the winged Beringel grimm and plans to go to Atlas herself, presumably to go after Oscar/Ozpin so he doesn't get in the way of her plans (as well as Ruby since she clearly needs her as well)
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"If you want something done right, you do it yourself" - Volume 6 Chapter 13
(10) Adam and Salem telling Blake and Oz about how they're going to destroy them and those around them
"The ability to derive strength from hope is undoubtedly mankind's greatest attribute. Which is why I will focus all of my effort to snuff it out. How does it feel? Knowing that all your time and effort has been for nothing. That your guardians have failed you. That everything you've built will be torn down before your very eyes."
"So you send your guardians, your huntsman and huntresses. And when they fail and you turn to your smaller soul, know that you send her to the same pitiful demise. This is the beginning of the end, Ozpin. And I can't wait to watch you burn." - Salem, Volume 3 Chapter 12
"What you want is impossible! But I understand. Because all I want is you, Blake. And as I set out and deliver the justice mankind so greatly deserves, I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love. Starting with her." - Adam, Volume 3 Chapter 11
(11) Salem and Adam's perception of Oz and Blake affecting their perspective of themselves... and the audience.
Okay, this one's honestly kind of weird. For so, so long there were a lot of people who bought into the idea that Ozpin was secretly evil or somehow worse than Salem, or that he'd done something terrible and unforgivable to Salem. I fully admit, I was one of those people. I mean, I didn't think he was evil, but the way Salem talked to him at the end of volume 3, listening to the song Divide, I thought, he must have done something bad to Salem, right? How could she hate him so much otherwise?
And the worst thing he did... was leave her. When he couldn't go along with being a genocidal dictator of the whole world alongside Salem, and didn't want their children to be a part of that either.
And as for Adam, he tells Blake that she hurt him more than anybody because she left him.
"All sorts of people hurt me in all sorts of different ways. But no one hurt me quite like you, Blake. You didn't leave scars. You just left me alone." - Adam, Volume 6 Chapter 12
And Salem would also have been hurt from Ozma trying to leave her. Especially when you think about her backstory, how she was kept isolated in a tower, and instead of finding freedom in the outside world, found it in Ozma. And then he died, and she was alone again. And then the Gods destroyed humanity, and Salem is left alone one again for god knows how long.
"Once again, Salem was alone." - Volume 6 Chapter 3
And weirdly, similar to Ozpin there were people who bought into Adam's false perception of Blake too. That Blake is somehow the one who hurt Adam more than he hurt her (which is, completely insane).
And Salem and Adam want Oz and Blake to feel that way. To be paralyzed with self hatred and doubt, to be stuck in the past, and feel as if everything is their fault. That Salem and Adam are their responsibility, at first to save them, and then to stop them.
You see it with Adam's gaslighting, trying to paint her as an unfaithful coward. And I mean, just listen to the song Divide. The whole song is Salem trying to make out Ozpin to be the villain, that she's killing people but the real murderer is him for trying to give people hope, even if it was hope based on a desperate lie.
"It was you who ended their lives! Made them to dig their own graves! With your dark, sick, cruel design, convinced them their world could be saved." - Divide
And there were a lot of people convinced by Salem's song Divide that Ozpin was far worse than he really was, to the point it was surprising that he hadn't wronged Salem in some way like most people were expecting.
And Adam tries to make Blake believe that she's a coward, that she's selfish and weak, that running away from her problems is all she knows how to do.
And for a long while, Blake believed he was right. That she was toxic to the people around her, that she made things worse for them. And there were some people in the fandom who thought that she really was this toxic person.
It's actually kind of scary, but Salem and Adam managed to manipulate not only Blake and Oz's perception of themselves, but also the audience as well in how they saw them.
I don't doubt for a moment this is going to extend to Oscar as well if she meets him, that she'll likely try to convince him that he's just Ozpin and that he, Oscar, doesn't matter, and he'll fail and make the same mistakes as their past lives. Which undoubtedly parts of the fandom are going to take Salem's false perception of Oscar to heart as well and believe her.
Which brings me to move on from Blake's parallels with her first "soul" and Ozpin, to her second "soul" and Oscar.
Now Blake alluding to the Man with Two Souls is metaphorical, while in Oscar's case it's very literal, and it's no coincidence she's the one who first introduces us to the concept to us with the book she's reading during the Shining Beacon.
"...It's about a man with two souls. Each fighting for control over his body"
(It's important to note that the conflict between the two souls is not one of Good vs Evil)
Blake's conflict of her two metaphorical souls fighting for control, is the false perception Adam had of Blake and who she used to be with him, her past that she can't escape, and the struggle for her smaller, more honest soul, trying to define herself and decide who she wants to be. And for Oscar, he's struggling to define himself and decide who he wants to be, because of the merge with Ozpin, and that his past will become Oscar's too.
Both of them want to do the right thing and rise to their challenges, but it seems like such an impossible task to them that they're afraid to meet it.
"I'm... scared. I'm more scared than I've ever been. Than I ever thought was possible. I always knew I wanted to be more than a farmhand. But this? Who would ask for this?" - Oscar, Volume 5 Chapter 5
"I joined the Academy because I knew that Huntsman and Huntresses were regarded as the most noble warriors in the world. Always fighting for good. But I never really thought past that. When I leave the Academy what will I... How can I undo so many years of hate?" - Blake, Volume 2, Chapter 10
But the person who sees Blake's "other soul" the person she's truly capable of being, who she really is, even when she can't herself, is Yang.
"I'm sure you'll figure something out. You're not one to back down from a challenge Blake." - Yang, Volume 2 Chapter 10
And the one who sees Oscar and who he's capable of being even when he can't himself, is Ruby.
"Hey Oscar? I know this isn't going to be easy. But the fact that you're trying says a lot about you. You're braver than you think." - Ruby, Volume 5 Chapter 5
Blake and Oscar are also the first people we see Yang and Ruby open up to about their past trauma. The difference between the two being that in the Burning the Candle scene Yang is more willing to be vulnerable around Blake, to let her guard down and open up to her about her abandonment issues and how they've affected her.
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Because as a more emotionally mature character she understands she needs to do that in order to properly relate to Blake so she can offer her support. She gets frustrated however when Blake still refuses her support, and so she has to give her a push to accept it.
Ruby, however, isn't as emotionally mature as Yang, and doesn't find it easy to let down her guard and talk about her emotions. Her mentality being described as "I don't have time for my emotions, I've got to make sure everybody else is okay" - RWBY Rewind: Ruby Rose Rewinds With Us
She feels like she constantly needs to be a pillar of strength and support for everyone around her as a leader. She has a hard time opening up about her own feelings and being vulnerable around others. For her, it seems much more natural to internalize those feelings rather than face them head on. As a leader, she feels she isn't supposed to show fear or doubt. If she admits how she's hurting or how scared she is, she'd be afraid of those around her losing faith.
Ironically, it's Ozpin's words of advice to her that enforce this mentality
"But if you aren't constantly performing at your best, what reason do you give others to follow you?"
So even though only a minute ago Oscar saw that Ruby was clearly upset over something (being reminded of Penny's death)
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Ruby then goes on to act like nothing's wrong when she then attempts to reassure Oscar. And it feels like a performance, and though Ruby genuinely does want to reassure him, it comes across as insincere to him. He's frustrated because Ruby isn't being honest about how she's feeling, and is only concerned with his feelings.
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So in the Dojo scene we have Oscar start to push Ruby past that flawed mentality that Ozpin enforced, to be more honest about how she's feeling, to talk about how the Fall of Beacon and the loss of Phyrra and Penny affected her, how she's afraid of Salem killing people she cares about, and that she'd kill anyone regardless.
And with both Ruby and Yang opening up about their past experiences they can relate to Blake and Oscar's own fears, doubts and insecurities. Blake's need for answers and Oscar's fear of the fight with Salem, and Yang's need for answers and Ruby's fear of the fight with Salem.
"I told you! I'm not telling you to stop! I haven't. To this day I still want to know what happened to my mother and why she left me. But I will never let that search control me. We're going to find the answers we're looking for Blake. But if we destroy ourselves in the process what good are we?" - Yang, Volume 2 Chapter 6
"I am scared! But not just for me. What happened at Beacon shows that Salem doesn't care if you're standing against her or not. She'll kill anybody. And that, scares me most of all. Phyrra... Penny... I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt. That I didn't think about them every day since I lost them. That I didn't wish I had spent more time with them. If it had been me instead, I know they would have kept fighting too. No matter how dangerous it was. So that's what I choose to do. To keep moving forward." - Ruby, Volume 5 Chapter 5
And by demonstrating their own resolve, as well as their belief in the kind of people Blake and Oscar are capable of being that inspires them to be that person.
"I'm. Not. Running."
"You. Will." - Blake and Adam, Volume 3 Chapter 11
"She made a choice. To put others before herself. And so do I."
"Then you've chosen death." - Oscar and Hazel, Volume 5 Chapter 12
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There's also Blake expressing her doubt in Yang during volume 3 after she attacked Mecury, causing Yang to question her own judgement.
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She compares it to how Adam used to attack people, and of course she knows Yang wouldn't do something like that without good reason, but she can't but feel like the situation is very familiar. And Blake knows Yang isn't Adam, and makes it clear that she's decided to trust Yang.
"I want to trust you. I will trust you." - Volume 3 Chapter 8
But despite that, Blake's words do still weigh on her mind even when she's alone, where Qrow comes to talk to her about what happened and reassure her, and then they end up talking about her mum.
And then with Ruby in volume 7, Oscar expresses his doubt in Ruby in her decision to lie and hide the truth from Ironwood, comparing it to how Ozpin did the same to them, which, similar to Yang, causes Ruby to question her own judgement. And obviously he knows Ruby isn't Ozpin, that she probably had a good reason for lying. But again, the situation just feels so familiar.
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But ultimately he decides to put his trust in Ruby, even before Ironwood.
"I do believe in you. But not only you." - Volume 7 Chapter 7
And by episode 9 they're both on the same page in deciding to choose the truth over fear. (if only James could have stayed on that page too)
Similarly to Yang, we see Ruby alone in episode 4 of volume 7, and you can tell Oscar's words are still weighing on her mind, as Qrow comes over to talk to her and she asks him if she is like Ozpin, and he reassures her that she's not, and then they end up talking about her mother.
Okay, so I'm going to go out on a limb here, and you can call me out on my bullshit if you like, but I'm making a prediction (like, 12 hours from the finale, but hey, it might happen later in the series for all I know)
If we're going full in on the parallels here, remember how Yang lost an arm trying to protect Blake from Adam, and afterwards Blake ends up leaving Yang like Raven, believing she'd be better off without her?
And how Salem is on her way to Atlas after hearing Ozpin had reincarnated, the foreshadowing for Ruby losing an eye and them bringing up her trauma around Summer in Chapter 11?
On top of her wanting Ruby alive?
I'm gonna guess Ruby loses an eye trying to protect Oscar, and then afterwards either Oscar or Ruby tries to sacrifice and give themselves up to Salem, except it ends up being a hollow sacrifice like Summer's
"I didn't have a choice I did what I had to do I made a sacrifice but forced a bigger sacrifice on you!" - Red like Roses Part 2
Because Salem would end up taking both of them either way. I actually can't imagine a scenario where she doesn't, because she needs both of them. But one of them has a worse fate, a "bigger sacrifice" in store for them when they reach Evernight (which I'm still thinking is Ruby)
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dukereviewstv · 4 years
Duke Reviews Tv: Smallville 1x19 Crush
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Tv Where We Continue Our Look At Smallville And On Today's Show We're Looking At Episode 19 Of Season 1, Crush
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This Episode Sees Chloe Falling For A Former Artist For The Torch Named Justin Gaines (Played By Seth Cohen/Captain Marvel Jr. Or Is It Shazam Jr. Now Because Of The Whole Captain Marvel Copyright Thing?) Who Because Of A Hit And Run Accident Has Lost The Ability To Draw With His Hands But Has Gained Telekinetic Abilities...
Ok, How Many People In Comics Have Lost One Thing But Gained The Ability To Do Another Thing Because Of An Accident Of Some Type? Honestly If Anyone Knows Please Write It In The Comments...
And So With This Miraculous New Ability What Does Justin Do With It? He Decides To Get Revenge On The People Who Ruined His Life...
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After Killing The Doctor Who Botched His Surgery In The Hospital, Justin Searches For The Hit And Run Driver That Ruined His Life, Can Clark Stop Him?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Crush...
The Episode Starts At Metropolis Children's Hospital As Justin Gaines Draws To Get His Hands Back To Peak Condition But To No Avail As The Doctor Comes In To Check On Him As He's Being Released Tomorrow...
Upset That Everything Has Gotten Better Except His Hands, The Doctor Tells Justin That He Did Everything He Could Despite Justin Discovering That The Doctor Has 5 Patients Who Have Filed Malpractice Suits Against Him Which Leads The Doctor To Tell Justin That When One Door Closes Another Door Opens As He Leaves To Have Dinner With His Wife...
Using His Powers, Justin Messes With The Elevator Trying To Kill The Doctor, With The Elevator Stopping On A Floor, The Doctor's Wife Manages To Get Out But The Doctor Doesn't As The Elevator Goes Crashing To The Ground Floor...
A Few Weeks Later At Smallville High, Clark And Pete Are At The School's Job Fair As Clark Briefly Talks With Principal Kwan's Son Who Works For The Air Force Before Reuniting With Pete Who Got A Summer Job At Mayor Siegel's Office Working On His Re-Election Campaign...
Running Into Chloe Who Is Trying To Get An Internship At The Daily Planet Despite Lex Offering To Get Her Job At The Inquisitor, Pete Tells Her Maybe She'll Be Able To Try Again On Saturday At The Student Journalism Conference With Clark...
However, Clark Has Been Working On A History Project With Lana All Week To The Point That He Forgot To Sign Them Up...
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Upset That Clark Is Spending More Time With Lex And Lana Than He Is Her, Chloe Stomps Off As Pete Sides With Her Saying That She Wanted To Ask Him To The Spring Formal Which Has Clark Realizing That Chloe May Like Him...
Though With What We Know About Alison Mack Now I Don't Know If That's A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing...
Running Into Justin At Her Locker, He Thanks Chloe For Some E-mails She Sent Him While Telling Her The News That His Drawing Hand Is Shot And He Won't Be Able To Draw Again For The Torch...
Asking Her Out For A Coffee, Chloe Only Accepts Because She's Trying To Make Clark Jealous...
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Visiting His Mother's Grave On The Anniversary Of Her Death, Lex Is Soon Confronted By His Former Nanny, Pamela Jenkins Who's There For The Same Reason Lex Is, Despite Lex Being Mad At Her For Disappearing Nine Years Ago Because Lillian "Bought Her Off"...
(Start At 4:26)
Going Over Old Comic Strips That Justin Worked On For The Torch, Clark Enters And Asks Justin About His Accident Only For Justin To Tell Him That He Doesn't Remember Much Only Part Of A Licence Plate With The Beginning Letters Being DDI...
With Chloe Offering To Help Justin, Clark Believes That They Should Let The Police Handle It Which Leads Chloe To Bite Clark's Head Off Saying Any Information They Find They'll Give It To The Police...
I Mean Even When Clark Tries To Fix His Mistake By Getting Tickets To The Conference With The Help Of Lex, Chloe Is Still A Bitch To Clark Saying That Justin Is Already Signed Up And She's Going As His Guest...
You Know This Whole Fight Started Because Clark Started Because Clark Didn't Get Tickets To This Dumb Conference And Now That Clark Has Tickets You're Not Going To Drop Justin And Go With Clark?
Did I Miss Something Here!?!
Dropping Some Of His Drawings In His Portfolio, Justin Picks Them Up As Clark Discovers A Newspaper Clipping Of Justin's Doctor's Elevator Accident...
After School, Lana Drops By The Farm To Get Some Pies For The Talon From Martha Only To Talk With Clark About What's Going On Between Him And Chloe..
(Start At 1:41, End At 2:11)
The Next Day At School, Clark Talks With Pete About Justin As Clark Shows Pete The Newspaper Clipping He Found In His Portfolio...
Discovering That The Doctor In The Photo Was Justin's Doctor, Clark Finds It Weird That Justin Had That In His Portfolio But Then Overhearing Their Conversation, Justin Enters Telling Clark That He Liked The Tragic Irony Of It...
Believing That Clark Is Talking Behind His Back, Justin Tells Clark That He Had His Chance With Chloe And To Let Him Have His...
(Justin) And If You Don't I Have Friends In Gotham That'll Make Sure You Do!
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Meanwhile At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Is Visited By Pamela Jenkins Despite Him Still Being Upset At Her And Looking At Her Like She's The Ghost Of Jacob Marley...
(Start At 3:17)
While Delivering His Mom's Pies To The Talon, Clark Talks With Lana About Chloe While She's Going Through Issues Of Her Own With Whitney, Who's Making Up For Lost Time Because His Father Has Been In The Hospital But Because Of This She Wants To Redefine Their Relationship And Figure Out Where It's Going...
But Back To Clark, Who Honestly Has No Clue What To Do About Chloe Except That He Doesn't Want To Lose Her As A Friend As Once They Cross That Line There May Be No Going Back...
Back At The Torch, Justin Gives A Drawing To Chloe That He Worked On All Night With The Help Of His Powers And Admits That He Not Only Had A Crush On Her But He Thought Of Her When He Got Hit By The Hit And Run Driver...
You Mean To Tell Me After You Got Hit You Didn't Think " Oh, God, Oh, God I'm In So Much Pain Somebody Call An Ambulance" First, Justin?
Seeing This As Their Second Chance Justin Kisses Chloe Causing All The Pencils And Stuff To Float In The Room...
Eh, Some People's Feet Pop, Others Cause Things To Levitate, Go Figure...
Eventually Seeing Everything Float In The Air, Justin Tells Chloe About His Powers And She's Surprisingly Ok With It Despite The Fact That Nearly Every Person With Powers She's Come In Contact With Has Tried To Kill Her Or Worse...
Either Way They Go Back To Kissing Only For Clark To See Them As He Asks Chloe To Have A Word With Her In The Hallway But As He Does, Justin Gets Ahold Of Chloe's Fax From The DMV Which Gives Not Only The Licence Plate Number Of Who Hit Him But Who Did It...
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Telling Chloe His Theory About Justin Killing His Doctor, She Doesn't Believe Clark Because She's Too Blinded By Love Instead Of Looking At This Like A Reporter And Jumping On It...
Later That Night, Justin Pays A Visit To The Driver That Apparently Ran Him Over Only To See That It Was Principal Kwan...
(Start At 0:18)
Visited In His Barn By Lex As He's Reading "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" Clark Asks For Advice On Lana And Chloe Only For Lex To Tell Him That Love Isn't About Playing It Safe But About Risks And Unless He's Willing To Put Himself Out There He'll Never Know...
But As Clark And Lex Talk, Martha Enters To Tell Clark The News That Principal Kwan Is Dead...
Nooooooooooooo! How Was He Really Connected With Clark Aside From Being His School Principal?
Visiting The Torch The Next Day, Pete And Chloe Are Putting Together A Memorial Issue For Principal Kwan But As They Do Clark Discovers That The First 3 Letters Of Kwan's Licence Plate Matches Justin's Hit And Run Driver And What's Worse The DMV Sent A Fax At 4:43 Yesterday Afternoon When Justin And Chloe Were Talking...
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But Despite All That Evidence Chloe Still Isn't Putting 2 And 2 Together! You Know What Chloe If You Can't See The Big Picture Now Then...
Back At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Gets A Visit From Lionel Who's There To Tell Him That He's Selling Cadmus Labs But Lex Knows That That's Not The Real Reason He's There...
(Start At 0:45, End At 2:14)
Visiting Kwan's House, Clark Talks With Kwan's Son And Discovers That He Was The Hit And Run Driver And That His Father Died Protecting Him...
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But As Clark Gets The Truth, Chloe Finally Comes To Her Senses When She Discovers A Comic That Justin Drew That Shows Not Just The Murders Of Justin's Doctor But Of Principal Kwan As Well. So, Going To Clark's Barn, She Calls Clark At The Talon To Tell Him That He Was Right And Justin Is A Psycho Only To Be Followed By Justin...
(Start At 2:26)
While Clark Finishes Off Justin, Lex Visits Pamela Jenkins In The Hospital...
(Start At 0:23)
Later On In The Series It Would Be Revealed That Pamela Had An Affair With Lionel And Gave Birth To A Daughter Who We Would Come To Know As Tess Mercer, Who Would Take Over Luthorcorp In The Wake Of Lex's Disappearance In Season 7 And Eventually Become The Second Version Of Watchtower In The Last Season...
The Next Day At The Talon, Chloe Discovers That Justin Is Being Placed In The Psychiatric Ward Before Apologizing To Clark As She Blames Herself For Not Spotting Wall Of Weird Material From A Mile Away...
To Which You Have Every Right To Blame Yourself, You Badly Written Moron...
But Believing She Was Just Being Trusting And Willing To Take A Chance On Love...
Clark Asks Chloe Out To That Student Journalism Conference As He Still Has Tickets So She Says Yes...
Wow, Talk About Getting Over A Guy Quickly...
But As That Goes On, Lana Tries To End Things With Whitney Only For Him To Tell Her That His Father Has Just Passed Away Before She Can...
(Start At 1:38)
And That's Crush And It's...Ok...
Don't Get Me Wrong It's A Good Episode It's Just Chloe's Idiocy Throughout The Episode That Ticks Me Off Otherwise I Enjoyed The Story, Most Of The Characters Well Written And The Effects Were Ok So I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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iturbide · 5 years
@gunhorse​ you realize that if you ask me for my crack ship my answer is naturally going to be why not both? ;D
also you get sibling au because i know how you feel about it
Holding their hands when they are shaking.
Grima scowled as he stalked through the shadowed halls of Ylisstol Castle, adjusting the lay of his heavily ornamented gorget.  The collar was slightly too small, forcing him to stand with shoulders squared and back straight if he wanted to so much as breathe or speak (and some bitter part of him felt certain that it was intentional, a cruel ploy to ensure that his posture befit the king of Plegia).  He dreaded yet another afternoon spent among the Ylissean nobles with their haughty airs and ostentatious attire…but it might not be so insufferable if the Exalt attended again, for her presence seemed to keep the aristocrats on at least slightly better behavior than they were otherwise…
“Your Grace, you must let me escort you.”
He paused, tilting his head to catch the echoes of the unfamiliar voice.  He did not recognize the speaker, but the address was one he knew well–
“That’s quite alright.  I’ve no need of a chaperone.”
He did recognize that voice – but the tension hiding beneath the soft laughter set his nerves on edge.  
He was moving before he knew even what he intended to do, robes swirling around him as pursued the echoes of the conversation as it continued somewhere out of sight. 
“How can you say that, Your Grace?  Everyone knows that Plegian is not to be trusted.”
“He’s done nothing to deserve mistrust.”
“Your kindness knows no bounds.  But come now – you recall what happened with Dale and Morley, how he would have gutted them had you not stepped in…”
“He had no weapons, how could he have done such a thing?  And besides, his anger was justified, given the slurs they cast at him and his brother.”
“Harmless japes!”
“Cruel prejudices that paint Ylisse as a land where my father’s ways still hold sway.”
“Come now, don’t say that.  The halidom has seen marvelous changes under your reign.”
“And yet, its people still look on Plegia with fear and contempt.”
“Can you blame them?  Especially when their king bears the name of that wicked divine?  You know, my father told me once that your sire’s war was for Ylisse’s salvation: he heard that their fell god was reborn and endeavored to keep the world safe from the destruction sure to follow – where are you going, Your Grace?”
He could hear their movements now, the soft rustle of the Exalt’s gown on the stone floor, the sharp clack of heeled shoes…and as he rounded a corner into the next passage, he saw a man with red-gold hair clutching the woman’s hands, holding her near even as she attempted to pull away.  “My dear, please, you must allow me to protect you – that man cannot be trusted, but I swear I will keep you safe–”
“From who.”
Grima’s voice boomed through the passage.  The Ylisseans both looked up when his shadow fell over them, and for all that the stranger loomed over the Exalt, the Plegian king towered over them both – and he felt a smirk carve its way across his lips as the nobleman’s face paled in fear. 
But the Exalt herself did not hesitate, withdrawing her hands and stepping to Grima’s side.  “Well met, Your Majesty,” she smiled.
“Eavesdropping hardly seems befitting of a king,” the aristocrat huffed, attempting to recover himself – only to quail as Grima turned a cold stare on him. 
“It is no fault of mine if you raise your voice for others to overhear,” he growled, watching the man tremble for just a moment before turning to the Exalt.  “Do you plan to attend the noble gathering this afternoon?”
“Yes, I had,” she agreed. 
He bowed very slightly, offering his hand to her.  “Might I accompany you, Your Grace?”
“She has no need of your company,” the nobleman protested – and as he moved, Grima cast another sharp glare in his direction, cowing him once more.  
“I did not ask you.” 
He felt her fingers brush against his, and once more turned his attention on the Exalt.  “I would be pleased to accompany you,” she murmured.
“Then I will join Your Grace–”
“That’s quite alright,” she insisted, smiling at the nobleman.  “Please tell the court that we will arrive shortly.”
As the man drew breath to protest, Grima draped a silk sleeve over the Exalt’s shoulders, stopping him in his tracks.  Instead he merely bowed, his voice clipped as he forced the words out through clenched teeth.  “As you wish, Your Grace.”
Grima watched as the nobleman retreated from sight, narrowing his eyes each time the man cast a glance over his shoulder.  “Who was that man?” 
“Percival.  Son of the Earl of Wister, and second in line to inherit the title.”  Which meant very little to Grima, all told: Ylissean politics frustrated him with their pointless intricacy. 
“Are you familiar?” 
She glanced up at him, seeming puzzled by the words, and Grima struggled for the proper phrase…but before he could find it, her expression changed, a dim smile replacing her frown.  “The council believes that I should wed, for the sake of the halidom,” she murmured.  “He is their favored choice for consort.”
“And what are your thoughts on the matter?” 
“They have not asked.”
He drew a breath…and paused, holding his hand out to her.  She blinked up at him, hesitantly settling her fingers in his palm again…and he could feel her trembling as he folded his hands gently around hers.  “What say we delay a while,” he murmured.  “The weather is pleasant.  It would be a shame to waste the whole of the afternoon indoors.”
“You don’t care much for the court, do you?” she giggled. 
“As much as you do, I imagine,” he replied. 
Her laughter quieted as she looked up at him, the shaking of her fingers only growing more pronounced.  But he held them even so, letting the silence stretch and waiting for her answer. 
“…would you care to take a walk in the gardens?” she offered.  “They’re quite lovely at this time of year.”
He smiled, giving her hand a light squeeze.  “Lead the way, Your Grace.”
“Emmeryn,” she corrected, turning away from the hall the nobleman vanished down.  
He raised a brow, moving easily at her side through the bright sunlight.  “I doubt your council of nobles would take kindly to such a familiar address.”
She beamed at him, bright and soft as moonlight.  “They don’t take kindly to many things I do.  But that hasn’t stopped me before.”
Grima could not help smiling at that.  And as they retreated from the chill stone corridors and into the warmth of the palace gardens, she shifted her hand in his – not to break away, but to return his gentle grip with one of her own. 
Holding their hand while walking, even if there isn’t a crowd.
Though the noble court remained convinced that their Plegian guests could not be trusted, Emmeryn had grown quite fond of their company.  The king and his brother were good, kind people for anyone with eyes to see – and she was deeply pleased that her brother had realized that, vanishing with the Plegian prince most afternoons.  As for the king…despite his fearsome name and intimidating demeanor, he had proven himself a true gentleman in every sense of the word; even now, walking through the quiet corridors at her side, he listened intently when she spoke, and conversed with her rather than talking over her as so many of the noblemen did in the council and at court.
“So you were not taught to ride a pegasus?” he asked.  “I was led to believe that they were emblematic of Ylisse.  It seems odd that you would not be trained for it.”
“It was deemed too dangerous,” she sighed.  “I was given instruction in horseback riding, and even that was…cursory, at best.  It was mostly for the sake of ceremony, as best I can tell, and I rarely have an opportunity to make use of it.”
“Strange,” he muttered.  “I was given extensive training in wyvern riding.”
“Was the one you arrived on a personal mount?”
“…not exactly.  Black wyverns are considered blessed in Plegia and used exclusively by the Grimleal.  Given the…circumstances…” he muttered, lifting his right hand, “it was deemed appropriate that I have a mount of a suitable color.  I did not raise or train her myself, and have had few opportunities to bond with her, but she is responsive and easily handled.”
“Perhaps you should spend more time with her,” Emmeryn offered.  “Most pegasus knights don’t raise their mounts from birth – Phila certainly didn’t with hers – but that doesn’t change the bond between rider and mount.”
He glanced down at her, canting his head to one side as he grinned.  “Perhaps you would join me?”
“Could I?” she asked.  “She wouldn’t take poorly to a stranger?”
“Wyverns are handled by humans from the moment they hatch.  They all have their own personalities, of course, but they are not aggressive with humans and attack only when trained to respond to a command.  From my own experiences…I believe she will take to you with curiosity.”
“I would love to, then – though it might be best to wait for the weather to improve,” she suggested, muffling a giggle in her sleeve as she glanced out the rain-washed windows.
“…a fine point,” he conceded, following her gaze.  They quieted for a moment, watching the rivulets wind down the panes as they passed…and in the silence, she reached out to take his hand. 
He looked down at her, raising one brow in unspoken question – but she only smiled, continuing along at the same unhurried pace through the nearly deserted corridor.  “I know that your royal procession arrived on wyverns, but do Plegians raise horses, as well?” she asked. 
“…we do, though not in the same numbers,” he agreed, his fingers curling gently around her own.  “At least not in the desert, given that few areas can sustain them.  They are more common in the west, but the desert horses are rather interesting: they are much smaller than any of the Ylissean mounts I have seen…”
They paid no mind at all to the glances cast toward them. They gave one another their full attention, instead, and the conversation continued on, quiet as the rain washing over the palace windows as they walked hand in hand through the soft light.
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bear-bee-dragons · 6 years
My intense Game of Thrones Dragon age Dream after drinking an oyster shot before bed
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That time the Inquisitor became a god and married the black Divine
So above is the long story short, if you don't want to read the whole dream.
Holy shimmering shininigans, my friends! You would not believe the dream I had! It was like Dragon age meets game of Thrones. I woke up feeling like the sand man had slapped my subconscious with a LOTR sized epic!
So the world setting is post Trespasser.
- Liliana is the Divine
- Cassandra was her right hand, and leader of the new Seeker order.
- Vivienne was the left hand, and leader of the reformed circles. They weren't compulsory, but available for a safe place should mages chose it.
- the red Jennies and Sera continued to do their amazing thing
- BlackWall was helping rebuild the wardens
- Cullen was training a new wave of Templar who were meant to keep the good for the past, but minus the oppressive and cruel tendencies
- Bull and his charges were aiding the inquisition, making regular visits to Tivinte, to see Dorian and help him with his efforts to free slaves, particularly the elves.
- the Inquisition was made a peace keeping organization absorbed into the Divine's honour guard.
- Inquisitor Lavellan was trying to prove Solas wrong by working to restore and educate the elves, building a kingdom for them to go to and call home, with infrastructure and sovereign rights
- Lavellan is also training warriors, like the arcane warriors of old.
- she was working to transition the role of Inquisitor to Cassandra, so that she could fully dedicate her efforts to the elves.
- even when she seperated from the inquisition she was still very much a part of it and the two groups continued to help one another.
- while all this was happening, she went fade and dungeon diving, looking for a way to protect the veil, or find a way for everyone not to die if it burns down, or just bloody something- all with the help of Morrigan.
- in this one Lavellan drank the well, so Morrigan and she have been working to hear and understand the voices, learning more about ancient Magic's and the truth.
- they use this knowledge to learn from the mistakes of the ancient elvhes, but still make use of their techniques.
- All seems like it is going into a positive direction, but unfortunately, things seemed to go South when the Qunari started moving to invade. Starting with Tivinter.
This immediately starts a whole bunch of discussions. On one hand, nobody wants to ally with Tivinter, on the other hand, they don't want the Qunari to get more power before they spread to their side. Plus, most of the inquisition is sympathetic to Tivinter now that Dorian's efforts are spreading with changing the ways of sacrificial slavery to not.
The freed slaves making their way to the elvhen haven Lavellan is building.
- So as $h#+ starts to hit the fan, there is a disturbance in the veil. Lavellan finds Solas in the fade, he doesn't make himself hard to find, knowing she thinks it could be him.
He explains it is not, and is in fact some of the Evanuris trying to break through, taking advantage of the weakened veil.
He mounful admits that this could force him to speed up his plans.
Then there is a heated argument that goes something like this:(Arbelas was there, like his right hand, and I obviously made it more coherent with my waking mind)
Lavellan: "No!"
Solas: "I'm sorry, Vhenan, but I cannot let the Evanuris break through. It would mean the end of everything, and no one would succeed. It would have all been for nothing."
Lavellan: "Then we stop them!"
Solas: "It's not that simple."
Lavellan: "Some of it is. Like the part where you can't just destroy the world every time you don't know how to fix a problem!"
Solas: "I do not make this choice lightly." He insisted.
Lavellan: "It is not your choice to make. You *don't* get to decide which world lives, and which ones dies. For a man who claims not to think himself a god you have the arrogance of one."
Arbelas: "You would really choose the world of the shems over the world of your people?"
Lavellan: "My people are here, and they will rise by their own strength and perseverance, not by stepping on a foundation built by the blood of thousands and thousands of slaughtered innocence. Anyone who would, does not deserve it. And anyone who would, is not my people."
Solas looked at her with regret. His heart wanted to follow her, the administration he had for her strength of spirit-... And it was true, she had accomplished so much...
Solas: "I am sorry, but there isn't a way you could stop the Evanuris."
Lavellan: "You don't know that."
"I have lived for over 1000s of years, and know the Evanuris more than anyone-"
Lavellan: "You know nothing! You didn't know Corypheus would survive the blast, you didn't know a mere mortal could take and weild the anchor, didn't think anyone could go physically into the fade, you didn't think people could band together and set aside their differences to fight for a common cause, that those people would continue to help eachother even after the danger is passed...that people can change their natures... " She rose her head high again. "I will find a way to stop them, without destroying a world, even if it means I lose myself in the process... You can either help, stand there and watch, but if you so much as even try to break down the veil now, I chop off the grim head of yours and shove it up your fatalistic arse!"
Then she stormed off from the Dream. Before the intense emotions attracted demons.
- So after she cools down, she and Morrigan get chatting, and they inform the other of their additional problem to deal with.
- long story short, the remnants of Mythal hidden in the mirror speak to her and transfer their power to her, with extra knowledge.
This causes some big changes. She grew a magical lyrium arm, her hair bleached all glowy and magicy white, she practically oozed magical energy, much more connected to the fade, almost similar to the Titan and the dwarf who's name I can't remember, but still remains grounded.
- so the big battle comes and she uses her knew elvhen god power to shut those Evanuris back in their, with the help of the United forces and even Solas.
- but there is still the threat of the Qunari. But both Ferelden and Orlais do not want to help Tivinter, believing that the Qunari trying to take over would weaken them, making it easier to fight against them and it would get rid of Tivinter for them. The Inquisition is still finding it difficult to choose because they are a Chantry religious force and the Tivinter Imperium is quite blasphemous, and even though they don't want the innocents within to suffer, they could not justify all those who would die to protect the corrupted.
- Negotiations still take place, especially after they heard of Lavellan's new ancient elvhen magister power.
- long story short, Lavellan agreed to marry the Black Divine in exchange for the freedom of all the elvhen slaves. Her power would protect them against the Qunari.
- from here it gets extra angsty.
- Solas confronts her and is pissed. She is pissed at him too.
Solas: "You sell yourself to the very one who represents everything you claim to despise!"
Lavellan: "Do you have any idea how hypocritical you sound after all that nonsense about walking the fatal path alone. Where you would sacrifice yourself and the world, all I would do is use my own life. And in doing so, my people are free, and a new kindgom is arising."
He let out a rare burst of emotions, anger directed at the situation, at himself, pain, loss, that feeling of helplessness when you realise you don't know all the answers, and can't fix all the problems.
Lavellan: "I only wish you finally had faith in me before I lost my faith in you... But it is too late for that now. What's done, is done and we have to look to the future."
Solas: "No one has seen the power you weild since the time of the ancient elves. They already feared you when you were just the Herald, and now..." He said with earnest worry in his eyes.
Lavellan: "I know... and this will be my burden to bare."
- the Qunari attack and she goes Avatar state God mode sinking the ships using Mythal power to summon dragons and shit. Causing the remaining ships to retreat.
- after the battle even the Tivinter people she saves are shit scared of her. The Black Divine is on a power trip cause he is convinced he married a god.
- after killing all those people her face was stoic, she flew off on a dragon.
- This calmness freaked people out. Especially her friends. Bull, although Talvashoth, was shook from seeing so many of his people killed. Sera was spooked by the magical killing coldness. Etc
- and then people started spreading rumours about her using blood magic for her power and again, long story short, they mournful made a plan to kill her thinking she was taken over by an elvil elvhen god magsiter.
- she feels heartbroken, but knew it was coming. She isn't mad, but goes to her dragon tower thing.
The reason she was cold, was because she didn't want to seem weak infront of all the elf hating magisters. And ended up breaking down when she flew up to her tower.
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So, that dream happened, I woke up crying my eyes out,. Vowing never again to drink oyster shots before bed.
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Forever & Always
Part 3
Warning: Descriptive abuse, panic attack(s) touches lightly on drinking
To anyone who reads this: I wrote this part before I did any research on panic attacks and such so please be kind.
Thanks to @momobucketcomics for editing/co-writing this and making the mood board below.
More thanks to @devotedlybeautifulkingdom- (Tumblr won’t let me tag you!) for showing support for this story.
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I felt someone rubbing my back. Someone, or something was comforting me, telling me I was safe. In the state I was in, I'm surprised I could hear it at all. I could feel the sweat trickling down my face, leaving a wet, slimy trail. I also felt myself calming down, albeit slowly.
It's okay. It's okay. I kept telling myself, desperately wanting to believe it.
I sat up straight and leaned back, still trying to fill my lungs. I could barely get enough air in them without feeling like I was suffocating.
I heard someone say my name.
"Mmhhmm...?" I mumble, my eyes still shut tight.
"Evelyn, can you please open your eyes?" I hear a voice that sounds like Tony ask, sounding... concerned?
Slowly, I comply to my so-called father's wishes.
I opened my eyes to see a sea of faces staring at me, worried expressions on their faces.
...Last time I checked, there weren't this many people in the room. Damn, I'm seeing double again.
I rubbed my eyes and took a deep breath. Finally, my head was clear enough to speak normally. "I'm sorry... overreaction." I try to cover up.
"I would like to apologize for asking you that. I didn't know you would react that badly." Thor explained. It was badly worded, but...I knew what he meant.
"It's okay. It's not your fault- I shouldn't have let my mind wander..." The last words drifted off into a mutter- I wonder if he could hear me.
"Do I have a room?" I ask quietly. I don't want to stay here for much longer.
"Yes, I um. Yeah." Tony still looked a bit freaked out about my panic attack. I hope he hasn't bitten off more than he can chew by taking me in...
"I can take her to her room, Tony." Steve offers.
"Thanks, Steve." He replied, walking away.
Steve gave me a smile. "Follow me."
Dragging my feet, I grab my backpack and duffle bag. Panic attacks are exhausting.
As soon as we leave the room, it's just the two of us. The hubbub in the last room seemed to have vanished from existence, as if nothing had happened at all. Huh, guess they have soundproofing here too.
"Are you okay?" He asked as the elevator started to move.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I say, trying to get some form of a smile to form on my face. I hate it when people worry about me- I feel like I'm just a nuisance to them.
"You know, when I first came out of the ice, I had panic attacks. Everything was really overwhelming." He admitted. "I found the best thing I could do was talk to people about what happened. War is an ugly thing. You see a lot of things you wish you hadn't."
"It sounds like...you had a hard time leaving the past in the past and embracing the future" I say quietly as we navigate the halls, a whisper being all I could muster.
"You're pretty smart for someone so young. But that is something that you should remember too. Your past may determine your future, but it doesn't have to rule it." He explains as we come to my door, his pure blue eyes boring into my hazel ones.
"If you ever need anything at all, and you can't find Tony, don't be afraid to come to me for help." He said softly. "Just ask JARVIS to take you to my apartment. It's on this floor."
I scrunch my eyebrows. Apartment? "Everyone here has half a floor, except for myself and Tony. He has a whole floor to himself. I have almost a whole floor, so that's why Tony figured it would be a good idea to put you here." He explained.
My eyes go wide. "That's right, you get a small apartment just for you." He chuckled.
I smiled to myself. Maybe this won't be so bad.
"Remember what I said." He says, walking away.
I walk into my room, exhausted. I let go of my bags, letting them land wherever. It's so clean in here, I feel a slight twinge of guilt for messing up the neatness of everything with my scruffy baggage. I look at the rustic, brown clock. Thank God it’s not some weird futuristic aesthetic design, I hate that kind of stuff . It's 6:00.
That means it's only 3:00 back home.
Home. Somehow, the word feels foreign in my mouth- like a new shoe that'll take getting used to, or... Something.
I look at my messy bags laying haphazardly on the floor. My other luggage must be downstairs, wherever Mr. Hogan put them. I'm too tired to care about anything right now. I've got so much to do, but I can't resist taking a quick nap- Then I'll unpack and check out the rest of the apartment.
I flop down on the couch. Closing my eyes, I still can't believe how much my life could change so much over the course of a few hours.
Tony trodded over to the lounge bar, searching for the drink he had left behind earlier. He chugged down the glass of alchohol. Even though it was now room-temperature, he savored it rushing down his throat. Then, without even thinking, he poured himself a glass of the strongest bottle on the shelf- Devil's Springs Vodka. He collapsed on the couch sipping his strong drink.
"No, no! Stop it!" I scream at my mother.
She had just returned from wherever it was that she went. Probably the bar, considering her words were extremely slurred. With every step she took, it was heavier than anything- like ten earthquakes simultaneously rocking my world.
She was hitting me, landing blow after blow over and over again. I wish it would stop.
I need it to stop!
I almost got away, but she latched onto my shirt and pulled me back.
"Oh, darling. You're not getting away that easily!" She laughed as she dug her long, inhumanly sharp nails into my arms. I cried out as I felt the skin start to split and bleed.
She shoved me onto the floor. Before I could be relieved at her release, my head caught the corner of the table on my way down. Pain exploded through my head, and I could feel hot blood welling up somewhere on my face. Through my blurry, spotted vision I saw her chug down another bottle of vile-smelling beer.
Then, instead of doing what I hoped she would do, she threw it at me. I screamed as it shattered on the floor, showering me in broken shards. I cried out one last time as I felt the pieces of glass embed themselves in my flesh, burning deeper and deeper inside me. As I struggled to run away, my hands slipped on the floor that was pooling with my blood and tears. It rose ever higher, fueled by my bodily fluids, threatening to flood the entire room. The salty mixture seeped into my fresh wounds, burning them black.
Before I black out, I hear her say something. Her voice was no longer slurred, but crystal clear. It was sick and twisted, familiar and yet of something nightmarish that you'd only hear in the darkest depths of hell.
"Remember, Evelyn; however far you run, no matter how hard you fight back, I will be with you. Forever... and Always." As she growled those last words, everything faded away into darkness.
I shot up out of my restless slumber, drenched in cold sweat. My heart was pounding. I quickly pulled up the sleeves of my pullover, thinking I had woken up after being knocked out. There were only fading bruises and scars. Then, I remembered where I was. I breathed a sigh of relief.
I glanced at the clock. I only slept for 45 minutes, and I'd managed to have one of the worst nightmares in history. Oh, jeez.
I started unpacking my measly possessions. Anything to get my mind off That.
Someone had brought the rest of my bags up and put them in my room. I plopped down on the pristine bedsheets, feeling myself sink down into the mattress. It felt much comfier up here than on the couch. Maybe if I'd crashed on an actual bed, I'd have been spared the horrors of that nightmare.
I hung up a few of my tops in the closet. Most of my clothing consisted of long-sleeved sweaters, which I used to wear to school to hide the marks. I also had one sundress and two maxi skirts. They were beautiful, but I couldn't remember the last time I wore them. Standing on my tiptoes, I put a few of my pants and shorts on the shelves. Some of them were messed up, but I threw them in anyway. I was never any good at folding clothes. From there, I head into the bathroom to unpack all of makeup and other... Necessities.
I wonder if there's any dishes in the cupboards. Skipping off to the mini-kitchen, I went to check. Sure enough, there was. There was also food in the fridge! Am I supposed to live by myself, completely? I wonder to myself, checking out the other contents of the various drawers. The countertops were sparkling, and even inside the compartments of the kitchen, not a jar was out of place. Just the way it will stay, clean.
I fiddled with my phone, looking for my favorite playlist. Ah, found it.
Forgettable by Project 46 filled my ears.
I absentmindedly started to hum along to the song- This soon developed into quiet singing.
The song's beautiful and uplifting melody rejuvenated me. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, as I started organizing.
I adjusted a photo of me and my cat, trying to get it just right. I finally get it to sit at the right angle on the little counter beside the kitchen. As I subconsciously sung to the tune of my music, I stepped back to examine the angle of the frame. Suddenly, in between songs, I heard something behind me. It sounded kinda large- maybe mice? Huh, not if the cleaning team can help it. Really Evelyn, this is Stark towers. There won't be mice here. After ridiculing myself a bit more I turn around, thinking I might make some tea. I nearly screamed when I saw a figure in my doorway...
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Dreams and Visions (20/51): Eye
Time Period: BBC
Chapter Summary:  Lovers have a conversation, a brother doubts, and a fall begins. pt.1 of 3, Reichenbach Arc
Note: IS EVERYONE READY FOR REICHENBACH?! Too bad. It's happening anyways. This chapter begins in the middle of the episode 'The Reichenbach Fall', and the bolded text is a direct quote from the episode. All the break-ins happened, and Moriarty is on trial. Also, wee bit more swearing than usual. Hope no one minds.
Read it on AO3
“Mr. Holmes, you’ve been called here to answer Miss Sorrel’s questions, not to give us a display of your intellectual prowess.  Keep your answers brief and to the point. Anything else will be treated as contempt. Do you think you could survive for just a few minutes without showing off?” 
           John watched Sherlock open his mouth, then look at him. As their eyes met, John shook his head.
           Sherlock inclined his head to the judge. “Apologies, Your Honour. As my partner could tell you, I tend to ramble when I am excited. I will stop…showing off.”
           Mollified, the judge sat back. “Continue, Miss Sorrel.”
           John yanked off his tie and threw it on Mycroft's sofa. Mycroft shot him a glare, but John was past caring. The day at court had exhausted him. Moriarty had looked his way every chance he got, a horrible smirk on his face. The rest of the time he was staring at Sherlock, but John couldn't see his expression. He wasn't sure which was worse.
           “I think that went well,” he said as Sherlock sat down, Mycroft standing near the bar. “I mean...there's no way they're going to let him off, is there?”
           Sherlock didn't answer. His partner's eyes were closed, fingertips pressed together.
           Mycroft cleared his throat. “Little brother.”
           “Can't you tell him, Mycroft?” Sherlock whispered.
           John's heart stopped. “What? Sherlock, what's happening?”
           “Sherlock, this change of plans was your idea. You must tell him. I'm certainly not going to.”
           Sherlock opened his eyes and stared up at John. It was deeply unsettling, partly because John was never taller than Sherlock, and partly because the grief in Sherlock's eyes was greater than anything he'd ever seen.
           John sat down heavily. “Sherlock...dear, what's wrong? You must tell me, you know.”
           Sherlock took John's hands in his; they were trembling now. John was starting to get very scared indeed.
           “John, Moriarty's going to be let off.”
           “It's what we want to happen.”
           “And...what? Say that again? We want this to happen?” John glanced between the brothers. “Funny, because I don't want that. Did 'we' discuss this when I was at work?” He was trying to keep his tone light and failing miserably, because Mycroft looked sympathetic now and Sherlock wasn't meeting his eyes and dear God something was wrong, something was horribly wrong...
           “This plan was conceived several weeks before your...alteration of relationship with Sherlock,” Mycroft said. “When I discovered you were lovers Sherlock insisted that the plan would still work, but that you did not need to be involved. As it stands now, however, many of our alternatives have been made impossible and the remaining option isn't tasteful. Still, Sherlock wants you to know, John, and I do believe that is for the best.”
           “Sherlock?” John repeated, ignoring Mycroft.
           Sherlock furrowed his brow. “John, you must listen, and you cannot interrupt, alright? Not until I have finished.”
           So John listened as his lover laid out his plan of self-destruction. To feed Moriarty information that could lead to a public disgrace. To let Moriarty go ahead with his plans feeling secure; let him get out of this sentence, let him pull Sherlock down. Make him a fraud.
           Sherlock stopped speaking.
           “Are you done?” John asked hoarsely.
           Sherlock avoided his eyes. “Yes.”
           “Good. Now, how the EVERLOVING FUCK did you ever think I'd agree to something like this?!”
           Sherlock bowed his head.
           “Sherlock, you love people knowing that you're smart. It's what you do! How can you justify going ahead with this?! The fallout will be incredible! You'll have to leave London, and where will that get you with Moriarty?”
           Sherlock glanced quickly towards Mycroft, who sighed. “John, the plan's not quite over with yet.”
           “And what's left to tell, then?” John asked, teeth clenched so tight the words came out in a hiss. “My part, I suppose?”
           “The grieving partner.”
           John's breath caught in his throat. “No.”
           “Moriarty will want Sherlock to kill himself,” Mycroft continued without remorse. “So Sherlock will, but we will plan a way to save his life. Moriarty will relax his guard allowing my people to arrest him; Sherlock will unravel Moriarty's Web from afar.”
           John stared at Sherlock. “You weren't going to tell me, were you?” he whispered. “Before we were together you were going to—to leave me? Let me think you were dead by suicide?” Sherlock didn't reply and John got to his feet. “Fuck this. Fuck you both. How could you ever think—?”
           “Your safety comes first, John!” Sherlock shouted. He had leapt up too, towering over John. “How could I live with myself if one of them found you when I was gone, hurt you to make me come back, or to tell where I was?”
           “And now what?” John shouted right back. “Now that we're lovers, you're going to tell me goodbye before you leave me behind? How kind of you. Damn you Sherlock, I was your friend before I was your partner. How do you think I would have coped without you there?”
           They were both silent for a second, breathing hard.
           Sherlock reached out hesitantly to touch John's face. “I knew it would be awful for you,” he admitted, “but I tried to tell myself that you thinking I was dead was better than me really being dead. Or you being...either is unacceptable.”
           “And what if you died on your black-ops mission?” John whispered, voice breaking as he put his hand over Sherlock's. “Would that be Mycroft's job? 'Sorry, Sherlock's dead for real this time, and he never explained his plan to your face'.”
           Sherlock winced. “That's why I'm telling you now. I'm trusting you, John, you have to keep this a secret.”
           John pulled Sherlock down and leaned his forehead against his, closing his eyes as he took a deep, desperate breath. “I don't want you to go.”
           “It's the only way.” Mycroft's voice was gruffer than usual, and John wondered if the Iceman was actually moved. “Moriarty won't rest until he's destroyed Sherlock completely. Once he believes that done, he won't suspect our next moves. You must keep up a strong act, John.”
           Still holding onto Sherlock, John cleared his throat. “No I won't, because I'm going with you.”
           “Yes, I am.”
           “No.” Sherlock's voice was fierce and low. “You cannot—John, I can't—”
           “You take me with you, or I will follow you,” John said simply. “And I know you, love, better than you know yourself. How long do you think it will be before I find you?”
           “You would risk your lover's safety, Dr. Watson?” Mycroft's voice was cold and hard as steel. “If Moriarty's people see you running around the world, will they not find that suspicious? They might discover that Sherlock is alive, and then what?”
           John turned, still calm, and faced Mycroft. “That would be terrible, Mycroft, and I would hate myself forever. But the best way to avoid that will be to send me with him. I know my limits, better than most men, and I will agree to this plan because I know you love your brother and will make sure he survives this, life and reputation intact.” Mycroft fidgeted. “But I will not stay at home and worry for months, years, because someone else decided what was best for me. That's not who I am.”
           Mycroft stared John down; John looked calmly back.
           “Very well.” Mycroft's eyebrows were drawn firmly together. “I will make preliminary arrangements. You will be told very little, John, to make your acting more natural. Will you agree to that?”
           “You will not be in control. You're not a man who surrenders that easily.”
           “Will Sherlock be in control?” John smiled. “If so, I'm not worried. I trust my partner.”
           Sherlock drew John back, holding him against his chest. “I believe John has found the better solution, Mycroft. This changes little, you know.”
           “Yes, although transportation for two will be more difficult.”
           “Don't worry about that,” John said with a grin. “I'll just sit on his lap.”
           When they reached home John pulled Sherlock into his arms and held him close. “You were going to leave me,” he whispered.
           “I'm sorry,” Sherlock whispered. “I wanted—well, when this plan was made, I thought you wouldn't care.”
           “Wouldn't care? Of course—Sher, dear, I always cared. Always.”
           “As did I, John.” Sherlock pulled away, looking intently into his eyes. “John, I thought this would keep you safe.”
           “If it's a choice between you and safety...love, there's no choice at all.”
           Sherlock rested his chin on John's head. “The other Holmes warned me about this.”
           “Did he?” John was surprised—Sherlock rarely brought up the Night.
           “Yes. He and his Watson had defeated Moriarty, but...well, I changed my mind after I spoke to him. After I...after we...”
           “Yes, alright.” John buried his face in Sherlock's chest. “Just promise me something.”
           “Don't make this kind of decision without me again. Please, dear, I can't bear thinking we're safe, that we've got no secrets and then find out something like this.”
           “I promise.”
           The next day in the courtroom, John swore out loud when he heard the verdict. Making an obvious show of his outrage, he stormed outside, calling Sherlock immediately. “Not guilty! The bastard's not guilty! Sherlock, you know what that means—Sherlock?” Furiously, he shoved the phone back into his pocket and walked up the street.
           A few blocks later, satisfied that he'd slipped any tail, he sent a quick text.
           Think it worked—JW.
           An almost immediate response: Good. Moriarty en route. Go to a bar and text Lestrade. He'll provide good cover.—SH.
           Be careful love—JW.
           This will be over soon, my dear John. I promise—SH.
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charliedawn · 3 years
The other side part 1 : Imagine the Avengers as villains
(by the power invested in me, you are magically teleported to another dimension.)
Pov : You are an Avenger with the ability to shapeshift (nobody knows about your powers, not even the Avengers.) You prefer not to use them and concentrate on being a good agent for the SHIELD. However, one day, you wake up and find that some things have changed..
Tony Stark :
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You wake up in a deserted place. Everything seems so familiar, and yet so different. You seem to be in the Avengers tower but, everything is so dark and gloom. There is no light and this is when you hear footsteps walking in your direction. You try to get up and get in a defensive position, but your head is swinging. Suddenly, there is light. It takes you a moment to get used to the blinding light, but once you do, you recognize the person instantly.
" T..Tony ?"
You manage to ask as the man is now clearly in view. However, he doesn't respond. He only eyes you up and down with a stare that makes you shiver in fear. He suddenly walks towards you and his hand slides in your inner pocket to get out your identity card. He takes a glance and frowns before uttering.
" Y/N L/N.."
He then looks up at you with his eyes narrowed in suspicion.
" Who are you ? And how did you get in here ?"
You are surprised that he doesn't recognize you and you start to think that all of this is some kind of joke.
" Come on, Tony ! It's me ! I'm your friend !"
His eyes darken and he only chuckles.
" Sorry for you, sweetheart. I don't have any friends."
Suddenly, he puts on his suit that, instead of being its usual bright red and yellow color, is now black and silver. You frown in incomprehension and take a step back.
" T..Tony. You can't hurt me. You're a hero, remember ?"
But Tony only laughs from inside his suit at your words.
" Me ? A hero ? You are losing it.."
You shake your head, confused, and cry out.
" But, you are ! You saved me ! You care about people !"
He seems to think for a moment and, to your surprise, gets out of the suit to stare at you with an eyebrow raised.
"Me ? Care ? It's like you're describing a whole other man, sweetcheeks. The truth is..I don't care. The world can burn. Money is power. And if I follow that logic, I'm a God..And why would a God meddle with commoners ?"
You can't believe what you are hearing..Tony seems so cold now, looking down at you as if you are an ant on his path..It scares you..But then, someone crashes through the window and stands in front of you defensively.
" Mister Stark ! You're under arrest !"
To your surprise, you recognize the voice of Peter..But why would he attack Stark ?! It doesn't make any sense ! But, Tony doesn't seem surprised. He only gets back to his suit and smiles at Peter with a wicked grin.
" We meet again, Spiderboy. You know, my offer still stands. You can join me ?"
But Peter shakes his head negatively before shouting.
" Never !"
You are shocked and finally, try to talk to Peter that doesn't seem surprised either.
" P..Peter ?"
He turns his head towards you, surprised that you would know his name. However, before you could say anything else, you black out.
Bruce Banner :
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You smile widely as you recognize Dr Banner. But the moment you take one step towards him, he cowers in fear. You instantly know that something is wrong, as he has marks of torture all over his body and wraps his arms around himself defensively.
" Who are you ?! I..I'll call them !"
You frown in incomprehension. Call who ? He seems to understand your confusion and adds.
" The..The Downfallers ! They're going to kill you if you touch me !"
You are about to ask who are the Downfallers when someone appears behind you.
" No need for that, my friend. They're all gone."
You turn around to see a man in a black suit, looking at Banner that seems to be extremely frightened by the man.
" Dr Kaecilius.."
He whispers almost painfully. You automatically put yourself in front of Dr Banner with your arms extended, ready to defend him if the man was to hurt him. The man arks an eyebrow at your action, but only asks with curiosity.
" Why are you defending him ?"
You try to see if it's a trap, but once you know he isn't joking, you answer.
" Because Dr Banner is a good man that protects lots of people ! Him and Hulk have done many good things to protect Earth and I won't let you hurt him !"
To your utter surprise, it's Dr Banner that replies spitefully.
" They caged me. They tracked me. They tortured me..Why would I ever protect them ?"
This..This can't be right. Doctor Banner loves people. He wants to help people. But then, Dr Banner screams and groans in agony. You want to kneel beside him to help, but the man suddenly tackles you to the ground as Dr Banner, now Hulk, throws a desk at you before jumping through a window. The last thing you see are the eyes of Dr Kaecilius before you black out.
Antman :
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You wake up in a room you don't recognize and see Scott by your side. You smile in relief.
" Oh my God! I'm so glad to see you, Scott! You won't believe what happened ! One moment I'm in the lounge with everyone and then suddenly, I end up here and..What are you doing ?"
You notice that he has his hands inside a nearby cupboard and he suddenly stands up with his hands in the air.
" Oh. Oops. You got me. Guilty as charge. I was going to rob you but then I noticed that..well..you don't really have anything."
You ark an eyebrow. Scott ? Stealing ? This is new..
" Thank you..I think ?"
He then starts dancing and you frown in confusion.
" Humm..What are you doing now ?"
" Keeping you busy, darling."
You don't even have the time to understand what he means when you get hit on the back of the head by someone. You hear them running out of the house by the window, followed by another set of footsteps.
" Sh*t!"
It's the last thing you hear before blacking out completely.
Dr Strange :
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You find yourself in a strange place where words seem to be floating around you. You can breathe and hear two people fighting not far from you. You get up and are shocked to see Dr Strange and Wanda..fighting ?! You don't have the time to think more about the situation when Wanda shouts.
" It's over ! Give up, Dr Strange ! I'm stronger than you will ever be !"
You crawl even closer to hear them better and try to understand the situation. Plus, who are you supposed to side with ?! However, the answer quickly comes as Strange let's out his best evil laugh before replying to Wanda in a threatening low voice.
" Maybe, but I will never tire. I can't say the same for you. I can keep dying and dying. But, there will be one time when you will be too tired to fight, and then, I'll kill you. This is how things are now, Witch ! You and me. Trapped in this moment. Endlessly."
She grits her teeths and starts shooting at him, trying to hit him. He only laughs while dodging every single one of her attacks. Suddenly, you lose your grip and fall right in the middle of the fight. They both look at you with widened eyes, surprised, as you get up and look at the both of them, unable to find your words.
" Who are you ?!"
Dr Strange finally yells and you turn towards him with an awkward smile.
" Ah ah. Funny you ask. My name is Y/N. And I come from a dimension where we are..friends ?"
He quickly checks your story and his eyes widen as he finds out that you are right. He wants to get to you, but Wanda puts herself in front of you defensively and Stephen frowns, clearly annoyed.
" Move, Witch. This has nothing to do with you."
But she refuses and Strange sighs loudly.
" Fine. I'll delay your death, for now."
He then clicks his fingers together and you find yourself on Earth. Wanda looks back at you to make sure you are alright, but you black out.
Bucky :
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You don't even have the time to understand what's going on that Bucky is standing in front of you with a slight smirk.
" Hello doll..Mind if I borrow you for a second ?"
You don't have the time to answer that he takes you by the arm and points the head of his gun against your head.
" Get out of there, Loki ! Or I kill them !"
To your surprise, Loki gets out from underneath a car and raises his hands in surrender.
" Don't do it, Bucky. Let the human go.."
But Bucky doesn't and only digs the end of his gun further against your skull, painfully.
" I don't know..Depends. Are you willing to give me what I want ?"
Loki looks at you for a second before sighing in defeat and taking out a bright blue cube from underneath his cloak.
" Give me the human, and it's yours."
You bite your lower lip. Is it a nightmare ?! Loki is actually bargaining your life for the tesseract ?! He smiles reassuringly at you and you can't help but smile back..Even though Bucky is still threatening you with a gun.
" Give me the tesseract..and I'll consider it."
Loki takes a shaky breath before walking towards him with the tesseract in his hand. Suddenly, he stops and smirks at Bucky.
" Catch."
He then throws the Tesseract in the air and Bucky pushes you forwards to catch the tesseract. Loki catches you and whispers to you.
" Hold on."
To your biggest surprise, he gets out Mjölnir and summons a portal to get out of here. You look at Bucky that catched..nothing. The tesseract was a false and he glares at Loki that only winks in response. He lets out a scream of rage and starts running towards you, but you disappear before he can reach you.
Thor :
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You smile when you recognize Thor and run towards him. However, you quickly slow down when you see his sour face. He continues to advance menacingly towards you with Stormbreaker in his hand. You quickly understand that something is wrong and throw yourself on the floor as he uses Stormbreaker to throw lightning at you. To your greatest horror, it hits some SHIELD agents behind you. You turn towards Thor with tears in your eyes as you scream.
" Thor ! What's happening to you ?!"
He doesn't answer you, he just uses his thunder to grab some SHIELD agents and throw them away. Your eyes widen as he seems to be on a murder rampage. You try to get to him, but someone does it first. You can't believe your eyes when you see Hella with tears in her eyes.
" Thor ! Brother ! Please ! Stop this nonsense at once !"
But he doesn't listen to her and grabs his axe to attack her. He isn't himself..and so isn't Hella. She just tried to save you ! And wasn't she dead ?! You are so confused and before you can really comprehend what's happening to you, you black out.
Captain America :
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You find yourself in a deserted metro station and turn around to see..
" Oh thank God ! Captain, can you explain what's going on ?!"
But Steve stays quiet and you quickly notice that something is definitely wrong..He is looking threateningly at you and the way he moves makes you shiver in fear. You take a step back and this is when he asks coldly.
" Who are you ? And how do you know me ?"
This is when you know that this is not your Steve in front of you. It can't be..But then, another man appears that you don't recognize..He has long graceful blond hair and his whole appearance screams fantasy tale. He stands in front of you defensively and Steve automatically chuckles darkly in hatred.
" Ronan..I was wondering when you would show up.."
The blond man quickly looks back at you to check that you are alright before looking back at Rogers with a frown. Ronan..You had heard that name before..but where ?
" Surrender, Captain..Or you may regret it."
But Rogers doesn't listen to him and only whistles. An helicopter appears and Captain tauntingly waves goodbye before running outside and jumping to catch a rope. Ronan quickly runs after him. You try to get after them as well, but suddenly black out.
Falcon :
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You see Falcon attacking some members of SHIELD and frown in confusion. Was there spies among your ranks ? You approach Falcon and start fighting by his side. However, at the end, he only glares at you before taking something that strangely looks like the tesseract..
" I'm taking this with me..I appreciate the help but, the tesseract is mine, cutie."
You frown..He had never called you cutie before. And if this is the tesseract, why sound so menacing when you would both bring it back to the tower ? However, you don't have the time to think more about it since you spot Zemo, looking down at Sam. You tackle Sam to the ground just in time as Zemo starts shooting at him. However, Sam suddenly pushes you out of him harshly and jumps out to fly away. You think it's like at training, you have to take his legs and you would both fly home..But when you jump and catch his legs, he seems surprised at first and then, gives you a hard glare before harshly stomping on your hands. You fall and scream. You close your eyes and try to contain your tears as the world goes black.
Hawkeye :
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You don't have the time to truly process what's going on that you see an arrow lodge right in the eye of a SHIELD agent. You would recognize that arrow anywhere..
" Oh no..Hawkeye. What have you done ?"
You run in the direction of the arrow and find him, surrounded by many dead bodies. Your hand flies to your mouth so fast and you feel nauseous as Hawkeye turns towards you. His eyes are as cold as ice and they seem to pierce right through you.
" Well..That's a first..I missed one."
You are so shocked by his sudden change in behavior that you don't react when he walks towards you menacingly. He takes his bow and suddenly shoots an arrow at you, but a bright blue light runs in front of you stops the arrow. You automatically recognize..Quicksilver ? But..But that's impossible.
" Bet you didn't see that coming.."
He gets put his infamous line and you know, it's him. However, Hawkeye only chuckles darkly.
" As a matter of fact, I did."
Suddenly, the arrow exploses and sends Quicksilver flying against a wall. You immediately run by his side to check if he is still breathing and sigh in relief as you feel a pulse. You look up to see Hawkeye walking away and stand up to yell at him.
" What happened to you, Clint ?!"
Hawkeye stops dead in his tracks at his first name and turns around to look one last time at you. He narrows his eyes, as if he couldn't recognize you before running away. You want to get back to Quicksilver..But the world turns black.
Black Widow :
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You end up in a sort of complex where you see multiple agents on the floor. You take out your own gun, wondering if an enemy had succeeded in entering..However, you are relieved to see Natasha walking towards you. You smile and want to ask if everything is alright, but she suddenly gets out two guns and starts shooting at you. You just have the time to jump out of the way. Your heartbeat quickens. Why is she shooting at you ?!
"Natasha! It's me! It's Y/N!"
But she doesn't seem to hear you..or to even recognize you. She just continues shooting until someone runs past you, avoiding all of her bullets with frightening agility. They start fighting each other and you are impressed by the other agent's fighting techniques. He is as or even better than Natasha ! His fighting skills are incredible. However, Natasha still manages to get the upper hand and throws a kick at his face that sends him flying. She then throws some kind of mini-bombs and you immediately put yourself on top of him. You didn't like using your powers, but you wouldn't let him die after he saved you life. You grow some kind of shell around you both. The bombs explode and when it's safe, you retract and get up. Natasha is gone and you have a knocked out agent on the floor..Great. However, you suddenly feel yourself blacking out and fall to the floor as well.
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