#I can't even hold my tooth brush
These Nimona headcanons are a day late cause yesterday was my first day at the new job and I got carpal tunnel
Bal can’t stand the sounds of knuckles cracking or joints popping 
Which is funny because like I said in this post I know that man sounds like pop rocks when he stands up 
What’s funnier is both Nimona and Ambrosius crack their knuckles any chance they get 
Ambrosius tries to do it away from Bal but Nimona does it in his ear on purpose 
One time Bal punched someone and he freaked out not because he knocked the dude out cold 
But because his knuckles cracked when he did it and he claims it felt disgusting 
I feel like you can really tell a lot about someone when it comes to their phone and the same can be said for the trio 
Bal’s phone is weirdly high-tech even by their societies standards 
When he was recovering after the wall fell he had a lot of time on his hands and just started to mess with his phone 
He doesn’t have a lot of apps on it you can tell he doesn’t really touch it unless he needs it 
He does however have an app that plays audio books because he likes listening to them on long car rides 
Ambrosius phone is the most bare-bones phone you can possibly buy 
It doesn’t have any bells and whistles at most it can call text and maybe has a couple of games on it but that’s it 
He has little to no storage and he asked Bal for help 
Bal was shocked to find out that most of his storage was being used on photos 
And that's how he found out Ambrosius has a million photos of him and Nimona just sitting on his phone
Sometimes it’s the same photo from different angles  
He doesn’t know if he should be crying or terrified cause he doesn’t remember half of these being taken
Nimona’s phone like Ambrosius is very bare bones 
He only really uses it to call and text and sometimes listen to the music he illegally downloaded 
His phone has 15 viruses because of this and Bal has given up trying to save it 
The phone is also cracked to high heaven and no one is sure how it’s still functioning 
I’ve had this idea for a while but I feel like sometimes Nimona will make incredibly outdated references 
Sometimes it’s like 20 years and sometimes it’s 500 
And she’ll have to sit the person down and explain the entire reference to them
Which is hard because sometimes the reference is deeply involved with the history that’s been purposefully covered up
So then she’ll have to give a full-on history lesson 
And you’d think she would get annoyed by this but no
She actually gets really excited explaining the history that’s been lost and why that history has been covered up 
It’s one of her special interests that she can go on about forever 
What’s even funnier is when someone references something from a long time ago and they’ll just look at them and go “How the fuck do you know that”
I find the idea of Nimona not being able to handle spicy food but loving it at the same time hilarious 
Especially considering the fact that they’re living with two Asian men and Asians don’t play about spice (I swear to this day my Mama burned both her and my tastebuds off) 
They try really hard to look tough and eat all the food they’re given 
But snot is running down their face and there are tears in their eyes and they need to take constant breaks 
Poor baby coughs when you add sriracha to their food 
Whereas Bal and Ambrosius are out here guzzling hot sauce like it’s water 
Nimona prays on their downfall while also begging the boys to teach them their ways
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boy-above · 2 years
hello everyone i have a dentist appointment tomorrow, pls send good vibes to see if they can make my mouth stop fucken hurting
#i'm not like afraid of the dentist i had to get my mouth like completely fixed a few years ago so it's completely chill#three root canals nine cavities one extraction#that's what happens when you're depressed and don't brush your teeth for years kiddos#but now my mouth is fixed n stuff#this appointment is cause#essentially a problem i have is that my mouth is super disproportionate#my mouth is too small to hold all my teeth#and my tongue is way oversized#that leads to chronic teeth clenching/grinding which i can't even control bc it happens in my sleep#and im constantly biting my tongue and the side of my mouth#so like my tongue perpetually has deep bite marks in it#and the sides of my mouth are littered with sores#to my knowledge there's nothing they can actually do about that#i'm used to that stuff#what i'm going in for tomorrow though is#the back tooth in the top right side of my mouth is digging into the back of my mouth#there's not enough space for it there so it just digs into the flesh and the wound never heals since it doesn't get a break#i want them to pull that tooth#and i think the wisdom tooth under that guy also wants to come out#but obviously can't since there's already a fucken tooth there#i'm hoping once that tooth is pulled (if they'll be good boys and pull it for me) it'll give the wisdom tooth room to come in#cause that's exactly what happened on the opposite side of my mouth#got the back molar pulled and the wisdom tooth came in very nicely and didn't have to be removed or anything#ANYWAY THOUGH#tomorrow they're just gonna look at it im assuming since this is a new dentist#my old one stopped taking medicaid rip 😭#so that kinda sucks cause my mouth Hurts and they're not gonna like. do anything about it it yet#i had to wait like a month for an appointment slot to even be available 😬#anyway that concludes marshal mouth woes#marshal meows
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Reminder; Don't Forget
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❥Park Seonghwa x fem reader
➯a/n: i want park seonghwa to be mean to me while wearing a tank top, that is all ➯a/n: i'm going to start posting drafts that haven't been touched in over a month so they don't just collect dust, enjoy ya filthy animals
✃ "You need a reminder of who's good girl you are."
✫彡wordcount: 2.7k
(>ᴗ•)♡´・ᴗ・`♡genre: YANDERE SMUT (hinted mafia/crime au)
ಠ_ಠwarning/content: THIS IS A DARK FICTION. EMPHASIS ON DARK FICTION. i do no condone pretty much anything seonghwa does in this fanfic. this is very dark, the darkest i've gone so if you are uncomfortable with that check out something else. we have here: dark/yandere/savior complex hwa, degrading, unsafe physical restraint, choking, destruction of personal property, shaming, dubcon, extremely possessive behavior, some ddlg themes, slapping, praise, yelling, captivity, crying, knifes thrown at reader as a punishment(none hit!!), threats of violence, manipulation, mind break, hair pulling, mention of edging, face humping, throat fucking, messy bj, not proof read
"Did you forget your place, hm? It certainly seems like it, acting like a slut when you're mine!" His grip on your neck tightens, a chuckle leaving his furled lips as you grab at his tank top desperately trying to force out apologies through the pressure he puts on your wind pipes. "What, you can't even say that you're sorry? Another's man's number in your phone and you can't tell me you're sorry?"
Oh he's evil, he loves to see you squirm. And squirm you do: pushing against his heavy weight on your hips and clawing at his arm as your lungs beg for air.
He lets go, arms crossing his chest as he leans back nonchalantly, every bit of his weight in your lap as you heave. "Hwa-seong...Hwa, I'm s-sorry! I thought, thought, it'd be okay hes just a f-friend-"
   "You thought," he laughs cruelly, "are you even capable of that? Dumb little girl," he slaps your jaw, lightly, but it still makes you face the wall with a look of defeat.
"I think for you, is that clear?" You nod, tear stained cheeks gleaming in the light.
"Hey, am I clear?" he shouts this time, making you jump.
    "Yes! Yes, Hwa, clear..."
   "There's my good girl—" He brushes back your hair, cooing as you lean away, "you're the prettiest girl I ever laid my eyes on, and you think men don't see that? You think they're blind? Or are you really just that naiive, pretty baby?" His cool finger tips trail down to the blooming bruise on your neck, pressing softly to make you whine. "Give me your phone."
   He's up and off your body in a second flat, letting you catch your breath as you slowly manage to pull yourself to your knees. He doesn't press you to hurry or yell, he doesn't do anything but sit back in the bean bag chair he gifted you for previously good behavior and watch you like a hawk. His legs spread and hands on his knees, resisting the urge to snatch you up. When you turn and see him on the other side of the room, you simply outstretch your arm with the old prepaid phone he provided you with a few weeks ago. "Bring it here," he commands lowly, eyes tracking your every move as you slowly move towards him on your knees- having no energy to stand.
He spreads his legs further, a silent instruction. You slot yourself between them and hold the phone to him tentative, shoulders relaxing as he takes it. "Thank you, beautiful. See, isn't it easy when you listen to me?" He unlocked the phone quickly, eyes flicking to you darkly when you go to take it back. "Got something to hide?" You shake your head, looking down as he takes your hands and places them on each of his thighs. "Don't move."
So you don't, simply breathing deeply to replenish your abused lungs while he combs through your phone with a fine toothed comb. You know you haven't done anything truly wrong, but it seems like he has different definitions to you.
"Good girl..." He whispers to himself as he sees the message of you shooting down the idea your friend tried to corrupt you with, to go out without him. "Stupid, but good..." He continues as he reads through every message with the phone number of the man. He monitors everything you do, it was only a matter of time before he got around to checking all of the numbers in your phone and their owners.
"Aw, you really are just naiive, huh? My poor little angel. Cant even tell when someone's trying to take you away from me-" He tuts his tongue, setting the phone down on the floor. When you go to pick it up, he kicks your hand away. "Sorry, Baby, you can't be trusted with big girl stuff yet. Gotta learn first." He smashes the device beneath his booted heel, a squeal passing through your lips at the loud metallic crunch.
"Hwa!" A pouty whine comes before you can stop it, tears welling up in your eyes all over again. When he cocks his eyebrow up, you cower between his legs, stuttering quietly. "Sorry, m'sorry..." He swipes the destroyed phone to the side with his boot before tapping your hip with it. You shuffle quickly, untying his shoes with a shaky breath.
"I know you get bored baby, but I can't have others corrupting your mind. I'll get you some new books, maybe even a TV for in here if you're extra good." You whisper a soft thank you, and a promise you will be as you set his shoes off to the side neatly.
"Look up at me, Doll. C'mon don't be angry," you look up at him as softly as you can, a groan of affection bubbling past his throat, "there's my pretty little thing." You rub your fingers on his jean-clad legs in an attempt to ground yourself as he looks down at you like a predator that's spotted it's next meal.
"Aren't you so happy you have me to take care of you? Who knows what others would do to that pretty face of yours— not to mention that pretty cunt."
A heat immediately finds it way to your face, and he laughs deeply. "Oh, please, don't be coy. You know as well as I do that if I didn't take you out of there that that little hole would be ruined in an hour. I saved you."
You hide your face in his lap, mind racing. It's true that he's more gently than other people you've had the dis-pleasure of encountering in his line of work. But that doesn't make him any less over bearing and obsessive. His possessiveness bordering on ownership. Sometimes you're truly thankful he scooped you up before anyone else could touch you- other times you curse him for it.
He rubs the back of your head gently, leaning up in the slouching chair, like he can sense your thoughts. "You aren't going anywhere, Baby. You're mine- until the day you die and even after that. Even God himself couldn't pry you away from me. You are mine. Do you understand that?" You nod into his lap, a quiet 'yes,hwa' muffled by his jeans. "Such a sweet thing," he whispers before gripping your hair and pulling you up, earning a gasp.
That glint in his eyes- "Hwa, wait, wait—" he did no such thing, standing up with his clothed crotch in your face, pulling your hands up to his belt.
"You need a reminder of who's good girl you are-"
"No?!" He laughed in disbelief, nails digging into your scalp as he makes you look up at him, the stretch of your neck uncomfortable as he cranes it up. There's a sharp hunger in his eyes, "you're so cute -so, so, so, cute when you're defiant... but I'm not in the fucking mood. Get your ass up," he tugs you up by your hair, ignoring the sharp yelps that tremble past your lips.
     "Ple-ase don't take me downstairs! I'll be good, I'll be good!"
    "It's okay baby, we aren't going downstairs," he positions you back to the wall and backs up, pushing you back when you try to follow and apologize. "I'm too tired." The glimmer of hope is stomped out as he unlocked his side of the nightstand. "You can take your punishment here."
   "Hwa... I'm real sor-" A skinny throwing knife that thuds into the wall next to your head shuts you up quick, a squeal replacing your pleas.
   "Been looking after you so much, I'm rusty-" He throws another with a groan, hiding his smirk as you jump, "stay still baby, I'm out of practice." You can't help but duck as it thunks into the wall just above your head.
     "Stand up straight!" His booming voice shakes you to your core, and you stand as straight as you can manage with the knot forming in your gut. You grip the wall with your finger tips, looking down at your feet so you don't see the sharp objects coming. You've found that it's less fearful that way.
Knife after knife is thrown, each dull thump making you twitch as they're buried into the drywall in the outline of your body.
When they finally stall, his sock clad feet come into view, his curved knuckle lifting your chin. The flame in his eyes has faded to a simmer, an almost fond one. "Are you done being a brat? Or should I let my hand slip next time I need target practice?"
   "I'm done..." you speak with a gulp, body still frozen against the wall lest you move and graze against the blades.
He seems to sense your thoughts once again, cooing softly as he notices your tense shoulders. "C'mon, sweet girl," he carefully pulls you straight out from the wall and twirls you around.
He wraps his arms around under yours and grips your shoulders, holding you close to his chest and resting his chin on your head. "Your life in my hands... Such a delicate thing you are." You eyes trail over the outline of your body, traced with throwing daggers. "If you just behaved, I wouldn't have to scare you. It's the best way for you to learn, my love. That fear you feel when we go downstairs, when I have you pinned up- that's the fear you would feel every waking moment without me. Just be a good girl, and let me protect you..."
"...Okay, I'm sorry, Hwa... I don't know why I act out," You don't know if you're telling the truth anymore. It is even acting out? You sometimes think you have a right to.
Maybe— "Maybe you like it when I'm mean to you."
You don't know what you would have thought, but that wasn't it. You think he likes being mean to you. He always finds a reason to punish you: whether it be with bone chilling fear or being pushed to your sexual edge and then repeatedly denied.
    Some days, he's softer with the sexual aspect of his obsession with you.
He turns you back around and shoves you to his knees, right back into his clothed bulge where you started. "I want to claim you, I'm going to claim you. Every part. Take it off now before I decide to skull fuck you." Your breath hitches in your throat, lip trembling at his threat, knowing full well he will follow through.
Today is not one of those days, you realize.
You hands quickly find their way to his belt, unbuckling the golden buckle and letting it dangle, the button undone next and the zipper followed. He didn't bother to kick his jeans off, or even pull them down. Only his cock out, twitching to life infront of you inpatiently. "You belong to me, I'm gonna get that through your thick skull" -he flicks your head- "even if I have to use my cock."
He rubs against your cheek, sighing out in pleasure at the feeling of your hot embarrassed face. "Say my name," he whispers deeply, eyes swirling with an unreadable mix of emotions.
"Seonghwa," you pant out shyly, eyes closed as you feel him rutting against your face, his pre cum smearing on your cheek bone. His grip is continually becoming softer, loving as he lewdly humps your head. Your hands find purchase on his sock clad feet, helping you lift up your body into him. "Seonghwa," it comes out as a moan, and a thick groan comes from him in response.
He steps back just an inch, looking down at your tear stained face, his fresh pre-cum glimmering on the side of your face.
His full lips curve into a smile, his previously angry facade fading as quick as it came when he busted in the door earlier, while he lifts you to the bed and lets your head hang.
He's even beautiful when viewed upside down-
    "You make it hard to ever leave your side, pretty girl. I could spend the rest of my life buried in any of your gorgeous holes, I love you so much."
"I love you, Hwa. I-" Your breath catches in your throat as the words tear through your throat. "I do want you to claim me, I want to know I'm yours." One of your hands seems to sprout a mind of its own, wrapping around the base of his thick and smooth girth. "Let me take care of you, and you take care of me."
A groan dies on his lips, shuddering as you slowly stroke him, the words you speak shooting through his heart and down to his balls. "Let me be your good girl. Please, I know I can!"
The fear he instilled in you just moments ago festered into a need to please, to solidify your place by his side so he would never leave. He never would dream of it- leaving you. You are his heart and soul personified. You hold his entire being in your hands, and you have no idea.
"Yeah? Gonna be my good girl again? Make it up to me?" His heart flutters as you nod enthusiastically, your mouth opening wide for him and tongue lolling out."Fuck, that's a good girl," he spreads his legs around your dangling head, slim fingers gathering yours to your chest and holding them ever so softly as he slips right down your throat.
The hot, velvety skin encasing him makes him moan loudly, squeezing your hands to ground himself and keep himself from fucking your skull like his life depends on it. But, oh, how he wants to—
"Good fucking girl, that's it, just like I taught you," you gulp around his overwhelming length, eyes closing as you focus on breathing through your nose, the smell of his body wash somehow soothing to your fried nervous system.
   He holds himself back as long as he can, thrusting in your throat slowly and basking in the warmth of it. But as your saliva builds, nowhere to go, and the wet and lewd squelch of your throat grows louder, he can no longer do that. He intertwines his fingers with yours and lets you squeeze tightly, a soft growl letting you know his arousal is at a peak before he loses all control-
   His hips draw back and slam into you, the head of his cock poking at the very depth of your throat and making you gag, and the noise just stirs him on, going again and again and again to hear that sweet sound of you choking around him. Sticky saliva tainted with the white of his pre-cum drips from the corners of your stretched mouth, dripping up your face. It seems like the onslaught will never end, but he has bigger plans for his building release.
     The moment your throat is free of his cock, you draw in a large gasp, all of the wetness in your mouth dripping like a waterfall, letting you heave as he watches with dark eyes. Not that you can see the lust driven look on his face, if you were to open your eyes you'd be blinded by spit and cum.
  He discards his pants and top as he lets you catch your breath, cooing all the while about how good you just did for him. He uses the softness of his tank top to wipe away most of the filth on your face, and you finally peek your eyes open as you feel him lift you.
   You swear there's hearts swirling in the darkness of his eyes as he scans your messy face, a permanent smirk plastered on his features. "Pretty girl, you're such a mess for me," you can only pant in response, leaning into the palm he places on your cheek as he lays you down right-side-up, letting your head collide with the soft pillows.
The moment he put a pillow under your back, you knew you were in for a long ride.
And by the end of it, you wouldn't forget who you belong to.
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vilhelios · 5 months
( WHERE I WAS THE SEA, & YOU WERE THE SHORE . ) ; general fluffy romantic headcanons for rafayel / qi yu from love and deepspace <3
CW: not beta read, general rafayel story/lore spoilers, may be slightly ooc, tooth-rotting fluff, very slight angst !!!
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— RAFAYEL is a terribly sweet, loyal, and affectionate lover. sometimes, you think he is something like a lovesick puppy—always ready to greet you at the door with a warm hug when you return from a mission, always eagerly awaiting your phone calls and texts. always at your side. when he calls you darling and holds you close, burrows his head into the crook of your neck, you can't help but feel like your being has been warmed by a pleasant summer sunbeam.
despite this, sometimes he feels like he's drifting somewhere far away from you. a receeding ocean tide, sea foam dissolving from your fingertips as you dip your hands in the waves. he's somewhere you don't understand, when he looks into your eyes and searches for an iteration of you in the reflected image of his own eyes—perhaps he is 800 years away, a lifetime and more. and yet, when you gingerly cup his face in your palms, feel him lean into your touch, you know he returns to you.
— RAFAYEL'S art studio is admittedly, a mess. there are days where you'll enter that room spotless and leave with splatters of some new shade of red and his beloved blues all over your clothes and skin. some days, this happens purely on accident—a trip right into a canvas here, a palm pressed onto wet paint there—and on others, rafayel seems to delight in using you as a canvas.
— when RAFAYEL kisses you (in that gentle fashion, where he cups your cheek like if he doesn't you'll slip like seafoam from his hold), those soft lips of his taste of cherries and grapes and strawberries. and perhaps that best encapsulates what loving rafayel is like, this sweetest red, red, red: the way his cheeks and ears flush when you press a kiss to his cheek; the colour of his eyes when the morning's rose-gold sunlight hits the pink in them just right; the bleeding, beating heart he offers to your awaiting hands. eventually, he pulls away to let the both of you breathe, and when he presses his forehead against yours, glances at you with that charming smile of his, you're enveloped in warm crimson all over again.
"there." rafayel smiles, leans back to admire the flamulla he'd painted on your cheek and the pout that graces your lips. "a cute flamulla for the cutie that keeps distracting me."
"you weren't even painting anything when i came in!" you scoff, dabbing the paintbrush he'd given you into the paint upon the palette. while he painted moon jellies, flamulla, and blowfish on your skin, you'd busied yourself with painting seashells on his. some of the clamshells are too close together, the venus combs look a little too spiky, and some conches don't look quite right. when he looks like he's about to chuckle at the sight of them, you poke him with the other end of your brush; "hmph. you're just a meanie."
"how rude!" he feigns, hand to his heart. "this is how you treat me for making you look like one of my most precious paintings?"
— you notice, eventually, that RAFAYEL always gifts you red jewelry (if not pearls, of course). the little treasures glint in the sunlight; rings with a ruby or red spinel centerpiece, a necklace with a red coral pendant, fire opal earrings... they're beautiful and never gaudy, as to be expected from a man with an eye for aesthetics, but it still perplexes you.
you ask him why, while he helps you put on his most recently gifted necklace as you two get ready to attend his aunt's opera show. your painter answers with a thoughtful hum, deft fingers clasping the necklace for you: "red disappears the fastest in the deep sea, so i never got to see it much." rafayel presses a kiss to your cheek, then, before settling his chin on the crook of your neck. "what better way to appreciate a colour i missed out on for so long than seeing it on you, darling?"
— RAFAYEL'S smug and haughty countenance seems to crumble at the mere press of your lips against his skin, little pecks gracing each beauty mark. the first kiss is placed on his cheek, a little ways away from his eye, his head cradled in your palms; you feel how he heats up beneath your touch, a light blush dusting across his cheeks and a bright vermillion burning at the tips of his ears. the second is placed on his chest, your lips and gentle, roaming hands sparking the rapid thrumming of his heart.
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— RAFAYEL sees you in everything. in the morning sunlight that filters into his kitchen, in the cherry blossoms that land on his hair, in the sea breeze that rushes past him as he walks along the shore. the mundane of daily life has become filled with so many traces of you that he cannot see them as anything other than beautiful. there's a piece of you in every one of his paintings now, a streak of your favourite colour intertwined with his reds and blues. he made the pigment himself, of course, extracted the colours he needed from your favourite things.
THE LOVERS ; Rafayel (20XX) ; Oil on canvas
This painting consists of only two colours, and depicts the view of a simple shoreline, with waves lapping at the shore. Although simple in essence, the two paints were handmade (as is the norm for pieces by Rafayel) with pigments extracted from materials that represented himself and his beloved. Upon closer inspection, one may notice the difference in brushstrokes between colours—where they start to blend, so do the strokes, perhaps one hand guiding the other. As per the words of the painter himself, this artwork is meant to represent a "marriage and a transfiguration; the way two souls are forever intertwined and changed by love."
a/n : pretty privilege is real because rafayel acts a lot like marius but i like him infinitely more than i do lu jinghe 😭👍 my love/obsession for this pretty little fish has made me rise from the grave of uni work and writer's block... please fill his tag i need to satisfy this itch in my brain that he gives me <\3 might write some more for him + him as abysswalker <3 (p.s. that final hc is perhaps the cutest thing i thought to do)
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norrisleclercf1 · 6 months
Would you be open to writing a mash up of streetracer!lando and mafia!lando? Maybe something where they met when he was street racing and he’s tried to keep her out of the mafia but she’s getting suspicious and he doesn’t want to lose her?? I love all your work!!
A/N: I know you sent this such a long time ago and I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it
Lando knew it was dangerous, keeping this 3rd side of him hidden. You never questioned how he or the boys had the money to own these cars, go to university without working. You had questions but you couldn't ask them.
You both started dating after you caught him running from the cops with Max and Carlos in the back of his car, but ever since then you've fallen more for each other with each passing day.
You knew something else was going on, with him having 2 phones, sometimes leaving in the middle of the night even after he's street raced. Something wasn't right, and the worst thought that came to your mind was that he was cheating.
Walking up to the house you knock, feeling sick to your stomach with the idea that the love of your life was cheating on you. "Is he cheating on me?" You blurt, not even caring who answered the door. "Well good morning to you too." Looking up you see Carlos there, shirtless and holding his tooth brush.
Moving you shove past him as he closes the door and goes back to brushing his teeth. "Where's Lando?" Carlos freezes, eyes going wide before narrowing slightly. "He's out," "At 8am in the morning? Please Carlos, we both know he sleeps in late after being out racing all night." You scuff at the insult of Carlos lying to you.
Carlos spits into the kitchen sink and turns around. "Y/n, really he's out." Carlos groans running a hand through his hair. "So, I can go into his room." You point down the hall and move towards it and hear Carlos growl as you rush to Lando's room and throw the door open. You freeze seeing Lando in the bedroom.
Counting cash
A lot of cash
With a gun
A shit ton of cash and a gun
"Lando?" Lando looks up, eyes growing wide filled with fear and shock. "Y/n, I can," "No," You slam the door close and move past Carlos and rush out of the house and running back to your home.
"Y/n! Baby, please open the door!" Lando knocked on the door, has been for the past hour. "Y/n, please." Lando's voice breaks as he tries to get you to come to the door and talk to him.
"Y/n, it's true okay, it's all true. Max, he, fuck he runs this buisness and yeah maybe it's called the Mafia! But, but I was trying protect you. All I do is to protect you, don't, don't end this without facing me." He pleads, and you can hear the tears clogging his throat.
Moving you throw the door open, both your faces marked with blotchy skin and tear stained eyes. "I thought you were cheating on me, and a part of me is relieved but another part wishes you were cheating on me." You snap and Lando sniffles and wipes his eyes.
"My world is dangerous and hard. If people found out, the wrong people would be after you and I can't live with myself if that happened." Lando whispers, furiously wiping his tears.
"I need you to leave, please leave." You try to close the door but he stops it with his foot. "You are the love of my life, I'm not letting you go that easily. I'm coming back, Y/n. And I'll always come back, just know I'll be here for you. I'll, I love you." You swallow and close the door as you slide down it, the both of you crying.
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thegnomelord · 6 months
Hi! Could you do #15 with Ghost & FTM!Reader? I love your writing :D
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Sure thing anon :D and thanks for the compliment lol, play the game HERE
Prompt: "Come here. Sit in my lap and tell me what you want."
CW:NSFW, Sub Bot Ghost, Dom Top FTM reader, riding, cockwarming, dom/sub, strap-on's, praise.
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Simon went off to a mission. . .but he's not the one who come back.
It's Ghost that returns to you, loud footsteps ringing like gunshots outside your room, barely able not to take the door off it's hinges when he comes in. He stands in the doorway, on the proverbial line between here and back there; the scent of blood hits you before you even see him, blood on his clothes, on his body, on his soul (or what's left of it)
You continue writing your report, but move your eyes to meet his. The blood splattered across the bleach white of his mask turns the warm browns of his eyes dark like the head of a bullet, like the soil he'd been buried under, like the rot festering in his brain; Your first instinct is to comfort him, to get up and hug him, to hold him until your presence pushes life into his lungs, to let him claw your back and bite your shoulder because Ghost loves you with his teeth first but— no.
It's not what he needs right now.
"Come in, lock the door." You order, keeping your voice steady, firm, a bit bored even.
You write down a few more sentences in your report, ears straining to hear him follow your orders, the door locking, counting the steady 'thump's of his boots as he walks up to your desk. Neither of you talk, the silence broken by his staggered breathing; can't drown the world in blood without loosing your breath too.
"Strip." Your tone never changes, like this isn't abnormal for two lieutenants to do, like it's just another order, because he isn't a lieutenant right now. He's just another soldier.
He doesn't say a word, doesn't hesitate either, even the soft 'click's of belts and buckles turned harsh from how fast he undoes them. A little bit of care returns in the way he folds his gear, neatly laying the folded clothes on the edge of your desk. He stands before you naked save for the mask, dark eyes bearing down at you.
Beneath the scent of blood and sweat, there's the undoubtable smell of gunpowder and steel that had burrowed deep into his pores, his muscles rigid and jaw so tense you wouldn't be surprised if he'd chipped a tooth.
You finally look up, rolling back on your chair to create space between you and the desk. "Come here," You pat your thigh. "Sit in my lap and tell me what you want."
There's the slightest nod of his head before he's walking around your desk, Ghost's calloused hands grip your shoulders firmly as he settles on your lap, thigh thighs caging in your own, the chair creaking. He's a mountain of muscle on top of you and he doesn't attempt to ease the burden of his weight on you, he expects you to shoulder it as much as you expect him to give you all that's weighing down on him.
You tip your head back to look up at Ghost, gripping the armrests to keep yourself from touching him — you don't reward half-assed jobs. "Repeat my last order."
"Sit in your lap," Ghost says, rough, more teeth than tongue. "an' tell you what I want." His hands tighten on your shoulders as if he's trying to see how much pressure he needs to put before you break; a dog tugging on the leash.
"And?" You keep the discomfort from his grip secret, keeping a good poker face until he relents, his hands still firm but now holding you like the edge of a cliff than something he's destined to break.
". . .want you, sir." Ghost manages and you finally reward him, just a small brush of your fingers along his naked thighs feels like a hot knife carving through ice, painful and pleasant at once.
"Good," You hum, "Now, here's what's going to happen." The battlefield's uncontrollable, chaotic, unstable. Knowing what's going to happen will be good for him. "You'll go get my cock from the dresser, you'll put it on me, then you'll sit nice and pretty until I finish my reports." His eyes darken as you speak, "Any complaints?"
"Negative." He breathes out, body already starting to buzz. You motion for him to go and he does, walking across your office as you adjust the chair so you have a better way of writing with Ghost in your lap.
Ghost sucks in a breath when he finds the toy already attached to the harness, gripping it tightly in one hand and his heart flutters when his fingers don't wrap around it all the way. It's Simon's favorite one; Long and thick, never failing to make him feel so fucking full with the prominent curve it has, covered in artificial bumps to rub and tease his prostate with every breath or minute twitch, and a thick knot at the base to make sure he's not going anywhere.
It's Simon's favorite — Ghost couldn't give less of a fuck so long it's in him.
He pads back over to you, kneeling when you tell him to. You're slow and measured as you stand up, bracing your hands on his wide shoulders. "Put it on me." You hum, fingers scratching the back of his neck in reward when he does as he's told, careful with the strap like he is with his gear, tightening the belt until the large cock sits comfortably but firmly on you.
You sit back on the chair, grabbing the lube. "Hop up," Ghost is a little more eager this time, settling back in your lap. The 'click' of the cap opening sounds like a gavel. "Stay still and relax." You order, pouring a generous amount on your fingers and trailing down to circle around his hole. "Need you to tell me if it hurts, understand?"
"Affirmative sir," He says, tries to buck his hips into your hand to speed you up but you just grip his thigh until he realizes rushing you won't get him anywhere and he stills.
"Be good now," You circle his hole a few more times to smear the lube, pressing the pad of your finger against him and putting a bit of pressure without truly trying to penetrate him, just getting his body used to human sensations. A small ragged breath leaves him and you take it as your cue to push in, slow at first, only able to push to the first knuckle before he clenches down, unsure if he wants to draw you in deeper or push you out.
"Sir," He breathes out, resting his head on your shoulder, smearing the blood on his mask on your clothes.
"Relax," You remind him, waiting until his clenching walls cease trying to snap your finger off before pushing a little deeper. You repeat this song and dance a few more times until he's comfortable having your finger slowly fucking in and out of him, a nice flush across his chest.
"I'm going to add one more now." You say as you pull your finger out to pour more lube, hearing him bite back a groan by biting your shoulder as best he can. "And no biting," You huff, cooing softly when he stops what he's doing.
"Yes sir," He sighs, eyes fluttering shut as he feels you push two fingers into him. It's a bigger stretch than before, a bigger burn, and he relishes it. He pants, chest rising and falling rapidly with every thrust in and slow drag out, not even noticing that he's rock hard. You crook your fingers, lazily searching for his prostate and you know you find it when he actually moans, muffled as the sound is.
"There you go, good boy." Praising him softly you continue to stretch him up to four fingers, feeling him wrap his arms around your neck and resting his head on his forearm, panting softly in your ear and even giving you a soft grunt every time you graze his prostate.
His thighs are covered in lube by the time you're satisfied, his cock standing stiff at attention. You pulling your fingers out has him growling low in his throat, but you placate him easily with a firm grope of his thighs while you squeeze the rest of the lube on your strap.
"Now, you'll sit until I finish the reports, no more than an hour or two." You grip the back of his neck, making him look at you. "Can you do that, my strong man?"
"Yes sir." He breathes out, and even with the mask you can see a bit of your Simon coming back, the skin around his eyes flushed, pupils dilated.
"Good boy. Relax now." You guide the tip of your strap to his hole, letting him catch his breath before slowly pushing his hips down until the head slips past his rim. He shudders, swearing beneath his breath, his arms tightening around your head as he continues to slowly sink down the large strap.
He's panting by the time he's halfway down, the bumps on the thing lined in such a way that at least one is always pushing past his prostate, the tip spreading him apart further than your fingers can reach. You start taking pauses, letting his clenching walls get used to the large intrusion before pushing an inch more, going inch after inch like that.
Once only the knot remains Ghost has almost fully melted against you, the strap so big and stretching him so wide it demands his full attention, leaving the violent thoughts in his head nothing to hold on to. "Think you can take the knot?" You ask softly but firmly, brushing a hand down his arched spine to his stretched rim, feeling how taught it is.
"Yes," Ghost breathes out, burying his head into the crook of your neck. "Give it to me sir."
You grant him his wish, gently pushing his thighs down and tilting your hips up and it looks like it won't fit — then with a 'pop' the knot slips into him, tearing a loud nasally moan from him. It's insane but you swear you can feel him clenching around the strap, your hand settling on his stomach where the head of your cock is bulging his tummy, his cock leaking an endless stream of pre with how the bumps press against his prostate.
"Good boy," You praise him, groping and massaging his trembling thighs until he relaxes, fully relaxes, a long shuddering breath escaping his lungs. "Such a good boy, just sit and feel, alright?"
He hums in confirmation, slurring a 'yes sir' like he's drunk or sleepy. Even through the layers of clothing you can feel his wildly beating heart steadily slow from it's frantic beat to something calm, the pleasure and pain and everything melting away from his mind as his body finally registers he's safe. Safe to just be.
You keep your nondominant hand on his hip to keep him steady and still, brushing the surrounding skin with your thumb as you let him float in his head while you get back to your reports. . .
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mahoushojo-chan · 8 months
Astarion x Tav || bed sharing
one forever won't be enough
synopsis: it's a habit they picked up from travelling together. every so often, astarion came to tav at night. it turned into something that he needs sometimes, even if he'd really rather not admit it. instead of lying in his old bunk, astarion chooses not to be alone.
an excerpt of "'cause my love (is mine, all mine)"
word count: 1203
pairing: astarion/tav
other tags: f!reader, bed sharing, tooth-rotting fluff, hurt/comfort, non-sexual intimacy, romantic tension, late night conversations, friends to lovers, song inspo: where do i begin by Egg
ao3: here
concept: bed sharing
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At night, Astarion lies in his old bunk. It’s rough, grating, and it creaks every time he shifts, and he’s pretty sure he couldn’t enter trance even if he tried. It’s telling that he would rather lay on a bedroll laid over hard rock than ‘his’ own bed, but the last time he laid in this bed, he was still a slave. Just Cazador’s spawn.
Somehow, it feels even emptier than back then. He doesn't have Petras sleeping in the top bunk, snoring loud enough for him to kick the mattress above. He doesn't have Dalyria in the bunk beside him, hiding a light underneath her sheets while she dove her research into the next topic. There isn't Leon in the corner, whispering sweet comforts to his little girl, Victoria. It’s too quiet all on his own.
Then, even with his new companions, he can't hear Gale patronizing Wyll about this or that kind of magic, he can't hear Karlach playing with Scratch or the Owlbear, and there is no occasional thump of Lae’zel’s late-night training. He had gotten used to all of it as some kind of white noise for the next dawn.
Besides, he thinks, he should get used to his nocturnal schedule again, so staying awake wouldn’t be too bad. It would keep the nightmares away, at least. He had enough of Cazador. He thinks of Tav, who he hopes is sleeping peacefully away.
In the dark, he has to confront the reality that he and Tav are worlds apart. He wonders if she’ll be able to adapt to this schedule.
The door to the Favoured Spawn room opens, the room that Tav had taken, with a quiet creak that only Astarion would hear. Then, the mattress dips, and a hesitant arm wraps around her waist and pulls Tav in as someone nestles in close.
“Mm… still awake, Star?” She mutters, though he’s more surprised to hear that she’s still awake.
“Yes.” Astarion replies in a whisper, because it feels like the night calls for whispers, even when the entire palace is empty.
It’s a habit they picked up from travelling together. Every so often, Astarion came to Tav to sleep. Tav knows that it first started after he first drank from her and she found herself exhausted enough to slip unconscious; but it turned into something that he needs sometimes, even though he’d really rather not admit it. Tav thought it would end after Astarion made it clear that he wasn’t ready for a relationship, and she decided to be friends, rather than lovers. It seemed to be what he needed at the time, but she also knows that this—whatever this is, lying in bed together, in the dark, holding each other and whispering—isn’t really something friends do. Astarion has never had any friends, but even he suspects this is something that is beyond friendship.
But this isn’t sexual, either. He can't think of a single conquest who he had done this with because this felt too vulnerable. This felt like a different reality, reframing what it meant to find comfort in the dark.
With a sigh, Tav turns around to face Astarion. He sees her eyes, heavy-lidded with sleep, and he brushes some hair out of her face. It’s never as awkward as it should be.
“I’m not sure if I’m ready to face them.” Astarion whispers, truthful and defeated, because holding Tav in the darkness brings about a whole different world around him; one where he can tell Tav anything.
“We don’t have to go if you don’t want to, Star.” She says, and it does something to his chest when she whispers his nickname in that tone, with that softness of sleep tinging her voice.
Astarion huffs out a whisper of a laugh. “I do want to. They’re… something like family, after all. They’re the closest thing I have to love.”
“I love you,” she protests, her voice still quiet. He knows this is not what friends do. They are in bed holding each other, now declaring love for each other, in the comfort of darkness. Astarion has never had anyone he had been this intimate with, even in the throes of passion, and he feels that he should think more about what this means.
“Fine, then. They’re the closest thing, other than you.” He drawls affectionately, feeling a tug at his lips even as he rolls his eyes. “But still, they’re not like you. I’m not like you. I can’t be good like you, and I’m afraid they know that. It feels like I’ll have to solve all of this world’s problems to be worthy of forgiveness, and even then, they would be right not to give it to me. They might never forgive me.”
“Then they’d be fools, the lot of them.” She says, and though she still sounds asleep, her eyes look at him with a sincerity he knows. If there’s one consistency about Tav’s behaviour, it’s that she has no patience for fools, and he can’t help but laugh.
A silence passes through them for a moment. “Do you think I’m evil?”
“No.” She says. “Even I’m not nearly as good as you think I am. Out of the two of us, you’re far more special. You make me think anything is possible.”
It’s odd because he can imagine saying the exact same thing to her. He wonders if she was just reading his thoughts and saying the words out loud, and if it was some sort of byproduct left by the mind-reading tadpole. But then again, he can’t at all understand why she would think he was special, and if they did still have the tadpoles, he would wish to see himself through her eyes. He wants to see what she sees in him—this brave, dashing, kind, supportive, heroic man, capable of love and goodness.
He wonders what would happen if he kissed her. 
Not that he was particularly sexually attracted to her, though he admits that objectively, she is attractive. He has a working pair of eyes and a good sense of taste, after all. And honestly, he doesn’t even know if she’s attracted to him—he thinks she might be, because Astarion hadn’t met many people who weren’t, but she also never asked him for anything sexual. Even their first night together, he always wondered if she had truly wanted it, or if he was just taking advantage of their desperate, life-or-death situation. All her intimacy seemed strictly… well, not exactly platonic, but not sexual, either. And it didn’t feel quite romantic, either.
But he wonders what she would do. What might she see? What might she feel?
He compromises by resting the crown of his head on hers, and quietly, he whispers, “Thank you for loving me.”
“Of course I would.” She replies, sounding fond, before closing her eyes. He can tell that sleep is about to take her again as she sighs, “Don’t worry about who you think you’ve got to be. Just be Astarion. It’s good enough.”
Her breaths even out, and he does his best to match her, taking in the air she exhales. He runs fingers through her hair again as she drifts to sleep.
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luveline · 10 months
WOAH CONGRATS ON 40K JADE !! u deserve it and more 💓 can i ask for one of these
𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐞𝐛 —send me an established relationship request for any reader and any character and I'll write a ficlet, 1k or less
of something super domestic w miguel like where all guards are down and they’re just super comfortable w each other and being in each others space?
i love u and ur writing always ! to 40k more 🥂
luveline's 40k party ☆ thank you very much lovely! fem!reader
Miguel pulls you along like an upside down fireman's carry under the twist of his toned arm, your heels dragging along the floor. You know he won't drop you but it's strange. 
"I can walk," you say, giggling, forcing your hand under the fabric of his shirt to touch his naked stomach. 
He ignores your touching. "Slowly," he agrees. 
You put all your weight into his holding. Miguel can't drop you, his strength is a mixture of worked for and otherwise radioactive, but he gets the hint and slows to let you stand. 
On your own two feet, Miguel offers his hand to hold. You take it and attempt to keep up with his long strides this time lest he throw you over his shoulder like a sack of flour, drifting away just so he can pull you back in. 
It's not long walking until you're back to his room, the door opening automatically at your touch. You grin and kick off your shoes, abandoning Miguel at the door to crawl into his bed. You squeal as he grabs the cuff of your jeans and again when he turns you around, eyebrows raised as his fingers slip under your waistband. "This is forward, even for you." 
"I'm helping. You're going to take them off, aren't you? Throw them on my floor and leave me to pick them up. This way, I'm cutting out the middleman."
Miguel drags your pants down the lengths of your thighs. You have just enough time to stroke his hair as he bends to kiss the side of your knee, but then he's across the room and you're alone, the phantom of his hot hands like lines along your legs. You bring your knees up and hold your ankles, watching him from over them as he peels out of his shirt. 
"It's fucking hot," he says. 
"Super hot," you agree, tracing the many ridges and hills of his abdomen without shame. He brings his hands up to his hair to brush it away from his flushed cheeks, muscles tensing in new places with the movement. 
Huffing, he sidesteps into the kitchenette and out of view. There's a clink of metal cans and the shivering of the ice tray being pulled out, the promise of a cold drink. "Can you get me something, please?" you ask. 
"That's what I'm doing." 
"Because I read minds," you murmur. 
Miguel is smiling as he returns to you, more when he presses the chilly plastic of a wrapped milky ice lolly to your thigh. You gasp and roll away from him, he grabs you right back and deposits you in his lap. "Bully," you say, beaming as he hands over your cold treat. 
"Passive aggressive idiot," he responds, opening his water one handed. 
You tear your lolly open and turn to look into his face, his usual frown held at bay, his thick brows relaxed. It's easy and common practice by now to offer him the first bite. He always takes it, the sharp of his canine tooth leaving an uneven semi circle missing at the top. 
"Nice?" you ask as he chews. 
He leans down for a very cold, very sweet kiss. That's all the answer he gives you.
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winterrrnight · 10 months
congratulations on 100! i love your works and i’m very excited for your future ones 💘
could i please get a before the coffee gets cold; rafe with number 11?
ahhh thank you sooo much!! <33 you've been so supportive throughout it all and that just means the whole world to me 🫶🏻🫶🏻 this fic, it's so different than what I usually write, so it's definitely experimental. I'm nervous about what kind of feedback it will receive, so I really hope you like this!
I can't get enough
PAIRING: soft!rafe cameron x gn!reader
SUMMARY: Rafe simply cannot get enough of you.
WARNINGS: intimate moments between reader and Rafe, but they aren't written with a sexual intent, fluff (kinda tooth rotting fluff 🫢)
EDITH SPEAKS: this is either very well written and one of my best, or it's so cringey and horrible that all it's traces should be removed from the internet. which one do you think this is 😃
PROMPTS REQUESTED: "I know I've kissed you like, 10 times, but just like another 10, please."
100 followers celebration (now closed) || navigation
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The moonlight shines in through the curtains, cascading a sliver glow throughout the entire room. You're lying on the bed with Rafe sitting in your lap, as he leans in to press kisses against your lips. For a moment, his lips linger on yours for more than just a few seconds, and you feel his heavy breathing mixing with yours, your limbs entangled with his.
You gently pull back and hold his face in your hands, softly brushing his hair out of his eyes. He closes his eyes at your warm touch, just feeling your hands trace his skin.
Rafe holds one of your hands in his and presses a kiss to your palm, slowly kissing up your arm and reaching your shoulder. You giggle when you feel his hair tickle your cheeks. He now reaches where he had started: your lips.
With swollen lips and a heavy heart, you pull Rafe back from you. He looks at you with a pout.
"What?" You giggle at his cute expression.
"I just want to keep on kissing you right now, you just look so kiss-able," he says softly. You gently intertwine your hand with his, your gaze never leaving his.
"I don't think that's a word," you mumble, your other hand moving to his hair and your fingers instantly twirling the strands of his silky hair.
"Let me just. . ." he whispers, attaching his lips back to yours and you smile into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. You take in the taste of the apple pie he had just less than an hour ago, his own sweet taste mixing with that of the pie to create a symphony of a sugary mess.
When you both feel yourself running out of breathe, Rafe pulls back again and just looks at you. Your hand now rests against his waist, and with a gentle push, you help him get off your lap. He lays next to you, and you instantly lay your head on top of his chest, your fingers tracing shapes onto his bare skin.
Even in this silence, Rafe's lips just cannot leave your skin. He's pressing butterfly kisses to your forehead and cheeks constantly, whispering little sweet nothings to you with each kiss.
"You're my everything, you know that right?"
"I cannot think of living a life without you."
"You and me, forever and always."
"I love you so much, I'll do anything for you."
You let your eyes flutter shut as you feel heat rush to your cheeks on hearing these words. His relaxed voice creates a calm aura around you, all your body muscles relaxing immediately.
You look at him to see him already looking at you, a gentle smile on his lips.
"I know I've kissed you like, 10 times, but just like another 10, please," he says, his hand resting against your cheek. You press a kiss to his bare chest and shift yourself in his lap.
"I think you've kissed me a lot more than just 10 times," you giggle, "but yes, kiss me some more. Please." His lips are pulled in the biggest grin and it doesn't even take him a second to pull you so close to him, his arms wrapped tightly around you as he wishes to never let you go.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @ragingsammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff
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thebestsetter · 1 month
A never ending cycle
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A/n: this is completely based on a fic of a friend of mine. If you're a portuguese speaker, you should really check her works, they're amazing! Her user's @esposa_do_shidou on tiktok!
~ Tw: This is kinda angsty and has some cuss words (use of the f word 2 times) and violence. If you're sensible about any of these topics, I suggest you don't read this
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He didn't deserve this, she was sure of it. Even though he could be a little annoying sometimes and really liked to mess with her, Kaiser was a nice guy. He was familiar with suffering and didn't want anyone to go through what he went through as a child, and a person who lived what he did didn't deserve to suffer even more. But, as the wise writer Luís de Camões once wrote, sometimes good people go through bad times. And that was exactly what happened to Michael Kaiser.
-Sit still! If you keep moving I won't be able to completely clean the wound - (Name) said while firmly holding his chin and rotating his face, looking for more bruises - I still want to know what happens everytime you come here looking for me. I brushed it off for a long time, but now I'm curious. You always come here with a black eye and at least one new scar. Keep it up and you'll show up without a tooth by next week - she sighed, putting her arms on her lap - I just don't get it. Why won't you tell me? Don't you trust me?
(Name) and Kaiser had been friends for almost 5 years, and lately they've started to follow a routine: every week, at least 2 or 3 times, Kaiser shows up at her door, with more bruises than the last time he went there, so she can take care of him. She rubs alcohol on his wounds and gives him food. He then says goodbye, leaves and returns the same way (if not worse) the next day.
She never asked what happened to him, even though she was dying to know, because she didn't want him to feel pressured to tell her. The girl was sure he'd tell her eventually, but even after 6 months of following this same routine, he never once mentioned anything about what happened when he was out.
-Hm - Kaiser hummed, a bit uncomfortable with the conversation. He knew it wasn't the first time she thought about it. If someone came up to him all bruised, he'd want to at least know what happened to the person, but she never asked him about it. And he was grateful for it. He was grateful for her.
The truth is he wanted to tell her. He wanted to tell her about his father abusing him ever since he was born. He wanted to tell her about his need to steal to survive and tell her that her food was actually the first homemade thing he ever ate, and he felt like crying everytime she cared for him, because no one showed him that much care before. But he was scared. He was afraid that when she found out about the robberies, she would be scared of him and wouldn't want to see him anymore. He'd lose her. And it's not like he didn't know the feeling of losing something (besides his soccer ball, he never had anything to lose anyway), but he knew she was the only good thing in his life, and he couldn't even contemplate the thought of losing her without his stomach turning all over and his eyes suddenly became wet.
-Really Kaiser, you can't keep coming here if it's going to be like this - she started, getting up from the chair she was sitting on - I'm saying this because I care about you, and I want to help you through the hard times.
-You can't help me - he said, looking at the floor.
-Maybe I can! If you just tell me what is going on, I can help you!
-My life is none of your business - he said, also getting up from his chair and facing her - I already told you you can't do anything to help, so maybe just shut your fucking mouth and stop being so nosy. - he didn't know why he got so mad at her at that moment, but it was too late to take his words back.
-Mihya, I like you. I don't want to force you to tell me about what happens when you leave my house, but I want to help you. Please, tell me.
-Shut up.
-Michael, it would make this whole situation easier for the both of us.
-Shut up.
-Please Kaiser, I just want you to trus-
A loud noise echoed across the room, and (Name) slowly brought her hand to her now red and swolen cheek. Meanwhile, Kaiser looked at his hand that was in the air and had just hit the person he cared about most. He was still processing the whole situation, but he was sure of one thing: he regretted what he did.
-I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I-I… - he started, stepping closer to (Name) so he could hug her. But she took a step back and gosh, should a single action hurt one's heart so much? Because Kaiser was sure he heard his heart breaking when he looked at her form: she was cowering with fear, flinching everytime he tried to get closer to her so he could apologize for what he did. The thing he feared the most came true: she was scared of him. Terrified, even.
-Get out of my house - she muttered, still holding her cheek.
-W-what? - he asked. He heard what she said, but didn't want to believe it: she couldn't really be kicking him out of her house, could she?
-I told you to GET OUT! - she shouted at him with tears in her eyes, and Kaiser felt his own tears starting to form and travel his cheeks and chin before wetting the floor underneath him.
He really wanted to stay. Hell, he wanted to get on his knees and beg her not to leave him. Tell her that he meant nothing he said or did. Tell her that she was the best thing that had happened to him, cause she showed him what love was. But he felt like he wasn't worthy of it. He wasn't worthy of her.
So, with one last look inside the house he grew accostumed with, he left.
It was probably for the best anyway: you know what people say, the abused becomes the abuser, right? If he got too close to her, he would hurt her more than he already did. He was dangerous. He was just like his father.
Hugging his sides, Kaiser started to walk "home". The only thing that could be heard were his sobs and hiccups. There wasn't anyone around, but even if there were people around him, he was too sad and broken to care. He just knew one thing: he fucked up. But he was stubborn, and he was going to fix this no matter what it took. He cared too much for (Name) to just give her up like that, so he wouldn't back down without fighting.
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cheolsfae · 8 months
𑁍 Svt as your bf
Requested: Nope
Genre: Tooth-rotting fluff
Warning(s): None
Requests are open!
S. Coups
P R O T E C T I V E asf!
Someone's bothering you? He's there!
Would give you advice on how to handle the situation if he isn't there.
Clingy little booger.
Cozy, rainy day
You two were laying on the bed snug as a bug!
You laying on his chest listening to his heart beat
Slowly both of you guys falling asleep (watching twilight cause duh lmao)
When I tell you this man would run out and get you snacks at 3 in the morning...!
You want chocolate chip cookies? He's got you!
You've got him too though.
He's having a rough day at work? You're there giving the best moral support/advice you possibly can
You guys are so supportive of each other! 😭
When he's driving — hand on your thigh
So touchy!
Quality time is his vibe
He's playing video games, you're off doing in the same room
Comfortable silence
Sometimes though, he wanted a lot of attention
When he wanted it, he would do it in little tiny ways
He'd hold your pinky in his
He'd start playing with your hair
If you didn't give the attention he'd pout about it until you did. Very cute
This man is the definition of golden retriever!
Loves to be little spoon
Not that he can't be big spoon, this man refuses to be!
Occasionally, he will be if you need it
But for the most parts, it's him.
The literal definition of empath
You're crying? He's crying while trying to comfort you.
Your excited about a new game coming out? He's just as hyped about it as you are
Date nights at least once a week assuming he isn't on tour
He's mostly planing them
A lot of them are fancy too!
When you guys are out in public, he's holding onto you in some way
He's holding your waist, your hand, even the sleeve of your shirt if need be
Anywhere he can touch → he's touching
Buys you flowers very often!
He just loves you sm! 😭
Chilled out
A little too chilled out at times.
You remember how they said he'd eat sandwiches everyday if no one cooked for him?
Well, neither of you knew how to cook.
The guy was okay with eating sandwiches everyday if you made them
You didn't even do anything special with them
Just that you made them made them taste better to him
Maybe made with love?
Never got jealous really
He knew who you were going home with at the end of the night. He knew you'd never leave him for someone else
He had complete trust in you
Kind and gentle type
Very romantic!
He'd made you a scrapbook with all of your firsts together for an anniversary present.
There was even a pressed flower from the very first bouquet he'd gotten you in there!
He'd take you on romantic get-a-ways when you were both very stressed with work and needed a break
He likes to comb/brush your hair.
Sometimes he's even shampoo your hair for you!
He would help you whenever you were cooking in the kitchen.
He loved to bake sweets for you to eat!
Loves to cause a little bit of trouble for you!
Absolute prankster
He'd gotten sick one time and kept trying to get you to give him a kiss
Every time he'd attempt it, you'd dodge him but in the end you'd ended up getting sick because who could resist him?
He would even sometimes draw on your face when you were sleeping
Of course, you'd do the same
It was a playful goofy relationship
The best kind in my opinion
But when things got serious, they got serious
He knew when to stop the act and behave accordingly
The absolute best!
Obviously, not big on pda
Definitely the one to initiate it, though, because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable with it.
When he's working late in the studio, you'd drop by and hang out with him until he's done
Often ended with you passed out on the couch lol
He would ask your opinion on what you thought of what he was making
He valued it so much!
He took some of your advice when you offered it and vice versa!
When he was frustrated with work, you'd force him to take a quick break and take a nap with you. He was constantly over doing it!
Dude needs a break!
Sassy, sassy, sassy
You dish it out, he takes it and vice versa!
Little he said / they said tiffs
More like the "I love you more" "no I love you more" type of vibe
He loves to gossip with you about all your mean and rude customers/coworkers/patients etc.
"I cant believe [insert name here] did that! Oh my God, how are they not fired yet?!"
You're fired up about a situation, so is he.
He likes to play argue with you, know what I mean?
Almost an enemies to lovers situation when you guys first met
He was pretty blunt when he's met you.
Nothing rude, just the way he was saying things was more direct than what you were used to so it rubbed you the wrong way.
Sooner or later it got cleared up obviously because you guys got together
Cute feisty relationship!
Big Ole ball of energy/positivity
You having a bad day? Not anymore!
Will literally do anything to see you smile
This man particularly hates to see you cry. Breaks his heart!
You'd come home sobbing because you'd gotten scolded at work for forgetting to clean up one thing, it was an accident
Seokmin would be right there trying his best to comfort you "You want me to go yell at your boss for you?" he'd joke
You'd laugh a little and tell him no.
He'd set up a little movie date at the house for you.
Binge watching whatever show you that cheered you up the most
You wouldn't leave his side the whole night
Maybe a little possessive
Jealous when you are giving others more attention than him!
Not like off the rails psychotic jealous
More pouty than actually jealous
It's so cute though
One time, you'd been talking with Dk about something silly.
Soonyoung had walked in seeing the two of you laughing your asses off
The little puffy cheeked man was huffy
He plopped down next to you and pulled you close to him giving Dk the stink eye 😭
Dk sitting there like ?????
Bending himself backwards to make you happy!
He doesn't even have to!
He just does it because he wants to keep you!
His philosophy is "you keep them, how you got them" (I hope that makes sense)
You treat him the same way!
Another golden retriever!
Himbo energy lmao
He loves to make you laugh in any way he possibly can
This dude will make himself a whole ass clown just to even get you to crack a hint of a smile!
For date nights, he picks out your outfits
They aren't always great but you know, he made an effort and you always wore them because it was so sweet of him to do that for you
Couples shirts are a must!
Not everyday but pretty often.
They're usually corny, though
Like one time he'd bought you a shirt with his face on it and he'd had on the one with yours
Treats you so well!
Not lovey-dovey but would shower you with acts of service and quality time!
Loves it when you're just hanging with him while he's painting or maybe even doodling and you're doing your own thing
Just being in the same space with you brings him peace 🥰
Date nights are something similar.
Except you guys are doing an activity together.
Maybe yoga, maybe ceramics
For some reason, I think pottery is something you guys would enjoy together
He's there putting the slip on your nose playfully!
It's adorable! Ajdndj
A little koala lmao
Constantly at your side
Maybe a little codependent
You know those anxious dogs that follow their owners everywhere and get annoyed when they leave a room?
This is him! But in a less dramatic way lol
You're in the kitchen cleaning dishes? He's sitting on the table talking with you or maybe helping you.
He's so cute
He's down bad for you!
All because you've got his heart!
He'd even ditch practice if you called him telling him you'd had a bad day.
Coups would be upset about it lol
But Dino didn't care. He knew you needed him!
He'll do anything for you!
A/N: May start a tag list? If you want to be added, lmk through ask , and I'll add ya! Requests are open!
Feedback is welcome!
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vesperinch · 2 months
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Yandere Beelzebub X Fem! Reader
Prologue; You are the daughter of the first human, Adam. After Adam's battle against Zeus, you followed Brunhilde wherever she went, during the battle of Budha and Zerofuku, you got lost and accidentally walked into the room where Beelzebub was.
"Oh, are you lost, little fly?" Beelzebub's voice booms in the room. His violet eyes stare deeply into yours. You swallow nervously. You didn't expect to meet the Lord of The Flies. You remained silent, oblivious to Beelzebub's approach. He held your chin, making your eyes meet his.
"You... you are Adam's daughter, right?" you simply nodded. Beelzebub's gaze seemed filled with hatred. You brushed his hand off your chin and ran out of the room to find Brundhilde.
Meanwhile, Beelzebub just chuckled at your terrified expression. "I can't wait to destroy her."
You spotted Brundhilde who was watching Buddha's fight with Zerofuku, and you went straight to her. Brundhilde, who saw you running, immediately scolded you for leaving her. She was worried that you had met one of the gods who might destroy you because you were Adam's daughter.
"Sorry, I was negligent earlier," you say. Brundhilde just lets out a long sigh, she won't let you get lost again. You were watching Buddha's match, but you were surprised when you saw the change in Buddha's opponent.
"Wasn't Buddha fighting Zerofuku, why did it change?"
"Zerofuku suddenly turned into a demon king, Hajun" You are surprised to hear that. That's impossible, can the Buddha win against him?
But what makes you even more surprised is the appearance of the God of The Underworld, Hades. You didn't expect him to come.
You start to wonder, is Hades coming to Valhalla to watch the fight or to participate? But when you look at the list of Gods who will be fighting, Hades isn't there, and that makes you relieved. You really hope that humanity wins, considering your father loved them so much and was willing to sacrifice to keep them alive.
Also, the human warriors are very kind and sweet to you. They treat you like a princess and that makes you happy. You are still very focused on watching Buddha's fight with Hajun. A while later, Buddha won the fight even though he lost one eye. You, Brundhilde and Goll approached him who was being carried by the medical team.
"Buddha-sama, I'm glad you survived and won," you said while holding Buddha's hand with teary eyes. Buddha laughed and gave a thumbs up, "I told you not to worry. Look at me, I won the fight. You have to give me a packet of cola candy."
You laugh, "You'll get a hole in your tooth if you eat too much candy."
Buddha also laughs before he is taken away for treatment. You follow Brundhile to her room, and when she opens the door, Goll screams because there are two Brundhildes.
A frown appears on Brundhilde's forehead, "What are you doing here? And also why are you wearing my clothes? Nostradamus!"
Goll, "Huh...He's that..." You look confused at Nostradamus who still resembles Brundhilde. Your Nostradamus.
Nostradamus then took off his disguise. "He is the greatest astrologer of all time!" Goll shouted. You blinked your eyes a few times, huh the greatest astrologer huh, is it possible that he can predict you?
Nostradamus then shouted and pointed at you, "Let me foretell!"
Goll and you are confused, "Huh?"
"It is the Gods' side that will win Ragnarok!" he says, making you and Goll jump.
"What do you mean humanity will lose?!" you yell at him. Then Nostradamus burst out laughing, "Do you believe me? You are so innocent, miss!"
Your face turns red and begins to smoke. You squeeze Brundhilde's hand tightly in embarrassment. Goll grabbed his brother's hand and shouted, "Big sister! This guy sucks!"
They don't realize you walked out of the room to get some fresh air. You sit in the garden, looking up at the sky. Then you heard footsteps that made you stand up immediately, your eyes widening as you realized who was coming, an incubus. He came up to you and held your chin, his long tongue touching your soft cheek giving you goosebumps.
"You're Adam's daughter, right? I didn't think you were cute enough" You pushed him to the ground. He looks at you angrily then grabs your wrist tightly.
"Listen to this, although I know the human warriors like you a lot, don't expect them to help you-"
His words are cut off. You see his body already torn to shreds and fall to the ground.
You look to the side and see Beelzebub standing there with his usual blank stare. He comes closer to you and stomps on the incubus' severed body beneath him.
He ducked slightly to adjust his height to yours, you closed your eyes in fear. Then you feel his hand stroking your hair gently.
"Are you alright?" you nodded not expecting him to help you and even touch you!
"I'm fine...Thank you for helping" Beelzebub is still looking at you with his hand still stroking your hair. You can see a small smile etched on his face. "I'm glad to hear that."
He then walked away leaving you in confusion. Was he just playing with you? Or did he really intend to help you? You don't know.
Meanwhile, Beelzebub felt his heart beating fast. Maybe Satan's curse was at work again? Or maybe it's love? No, no, he can't fall in love with a weak human like you. His goal is to corrupt you, nothing more.
-To be continued
Hello everyone I hope you like it, I know I'm bad at writing stories but I hope you like it! Don't forget to leave positive likes and comments, also forgive me if there are wrong words because English is not my language.
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furryllamas · 6 months
Can’t Help Falling in Love | A. Walter
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+ Alex Walter x OC
+ Summary: Life has been difficult for sisters Jackie and Eden Howard. Obviously regular teenage girl problems, such as boys, school, and friends. Except tragedy that ensues, the death of their parents and older sister. They'll have to navigate a life without their family, just throw in love, the countryside, and a whole lot of boys in one roof.
+ Authors Note: Hey guys I really hope you enjoy this first chapter, I was really inspired after seeing Ashby play Alex and absolutely fell in love 🤍
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 Chapter 0.0 | Two Time Zones Apart
The sound of LA traffic was not great, but it was definitely quieter than the sound of the streets of New York. It's only been 6 Months since I moved to LA semi-permanently. I still got homesick often but there was no place like California. Ever since the transition from being a model to a singer it was a choice I had to make, with mom and dads approval of course, even if it meant seeing Lucy and Jackie less.
"Oh Gosh. What time is it?" I grumbled as I rubbed my eyes. I looked towards my bedside table and picked up my phone. "10:30 AM" I removed the bed covers and stretched my arms over my head. The smell of my room always gave me some comfort in the mornings. I headed to the restroom and pulled my hair into a bun and turned the faucet on. I started washing my teeth when I heard my phone ringing. I ran back to my room to pick up my phone that was lying on the bed. A video call from Jackie. I quickly pick up the phone as I walk back to the bathroom.
"Juswt whun sewkand-" I attempted to say with the tooth brush still in my mouth. Jackie let out a quick laugh, "take your time Eid." I put my finger up, just one moment, and place the phone in front of the faucet handles, holding it up. I quickly rinse out the toothpaste and splashed my face with water to ensure I would fully wake myself up.
"Hi Jacks! How's it going?" I waved and picked up my phone.
"EDEN! It's going so well! I can't wait for you and Lucy to come home today! I missed you guys so much." Jackie smiled softly.
"Oh my, we haven't been away from you that longgggg" I teased as i sat down on my Vanity. I panned my phone to the stack of luggage by my window.
"Okay I know, BUT, I just missed you guys so much." She sighed. "It's been a month since I've seen you and Lucy. I'm just so excited for you to see my excellent work tonight."
"I know Jacks, My flight is at 2 so I'll probably be there by 7-ish." I start applying my makeup and look away from my phone. " and plus Lucy will be there sooner than me, so you'll get her while you wait for meeee."
She laughs, "Right, what would I do without your wisdom." She stays quiet for a couple of seconds, "How's your new song going?"
I wince, "It's going..." She looks at me confused. "I've just been lacking in inspiration lately. I'm hoping going home will help with that."
"I'm sure you'll get a spark of inspiration once you spend some good old fashioned time at the ballet with me."
"Thanks Jackie, I've missed you guys so much. I can't wait to get there tonight."
I stop to think. "Dinner at The Penrose?"
I look at her smile, "of course Eden! That's our spot."
"All right deal" I look at the time, 11:30AM, "All right sis, I have to head to the airport, see you soon!" I reach over to hang up, "wait! Remember mom and dad will pick you up later tonight so we can all go to dinner together."
"Okay, perfect! Bye Jacks, love you!"
"Bye Eids!" I hung up.
I start getting up and shutting the curtains. It might be a while until I'm back but I'd rather keep my room clean.
Ding Dong.
I head over to the front door that smells strongly of oak. Walking past the pictures I have hanging of Mom, Dad, Lucy, Jackie and I. I open the door and smile as I see the face of my amazing Manager, Lizzie. "Liz! Come to say goodbye to your favorite client." I giggled as she stepped in. "Excuse me! Not just my client, more like my favorite friend!" I hug her and drag her to my room.
"Oh gosh, look at all this baggage..." she exclaims standing in front of my suitcases. She reaches over and picks one up. "Alright Eden! Let's get moving and load these into the car, your driver is waiting."
I look over to her and smile, "You got it boss!" I salute. It was an easy load up and we wasted no time getting in the car. "Are you excited to see your family again?" Lizzie asked. "Yeah I'm a bit nervous though. I haven't seen them in a couple of months, I feel like I've missed out on a lot." It was hard being apart from them and not being able to see them as often as I used to.
Lizzie looks at me and smiles softly, her polished nails and her soft hands reach over to mine. She grabs them and turns to me. "E, you need this. You've been homesick for a while and I think this trip will help you with the new song." I lean my head back against the headrest and turn my face to look out of the window. "I know Liz." I turn back towards her. "Thank you for helping me today. It means a lot. I'll miss you lots."
She just smiles at me and I start feeling tired, car rides always seem to wear me out. I take one last look at the highway we're on and slowly close my eyes. I let sleep take over me and an oddly weird feeling at the pit of my stomach. I hear Liz whisper, "I'll wake you when we get there."
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drabblesandimagines · 7 months
[400 requests] congrats btw!! i adore how you write for joshua so may i ask for a joshua rosfield x reader.. extremely tooth rooting fluff.. kinda domestic fluff as well.. just a soft morning with joshua.. literally can be anything! from in bed or a nice stroll around the hideway.. a picnic breakfast somewhere.. anything!
Thank you, anon! I hope you enjoy this one. I feel I can't help but write Joshua so suave. Please, please drop me an inbox to let me know what you think x
Lazy Mornings Joshua Rosfield x reader, fluff
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You cannot pinpoint exactly when it had started – hazy memories of your eyes meeting his blue ones across the sanctum, followed by deliberated brushing touches, chance meetings in the library at late hours turning into deliberate meetings in the Phoenix's bed chambers. Joshua had been away for a few weeks, conducting research, and you’d been worried in his absence. As he and Jote had returned the previous evening, his eyes had only met yours for a moment but you didn’t need words to know what he was after, and so you had snuck into his chambers later that night with all intentions of slipping out before the morning had come…
You wake up, slowly at first. You’re warm, relaxed and content, but the feeling is swiftly lost when you clock that the sun is a little too high in the sky for your liking and you need to get moving. Preparing to roll out the bed, you find two arms determined to keep you held snugly in place. You tut, taking hold of one and tug in an attempt to move it, but the limb holds stubbornly firm, though you cannot miss the flicker of a smile on your captor’s face.
Silence – his blonde hair mussed up around him as he lays on the pillow, almost angelic.
Nothing – obviously determined to keep up his pretense.
“I know you are awake, Joshua.”
He nuzzles his head into your neck then, making you squirm a little as it tickles. “No, I am not.”
“You have never been one to talk in your sleep, so I disagree.” You tug again, but his arm remains heavy in place. “I need to go.”
“Mm. You do not.” His eyes remain closed, determinedly so.
“I do, though”, you stress again, trying to sit up to see if that will help you gain some leverage. “I’ve stayed too late.”
“Not late enough. Go back to sleep – you’re still tired too, sweet one.”
You’re glad his eyes are still closed as you feel the heat rise in your cheeks from his term of endearment and sigh – dramatically so - before dropping back against the many pillows that adorn the Phoenix’s bed. “You are being a little childish.”
Joshua opens his eyes then, looks up at you with a coy smile. “Mayhaps I would admit a little bit of selfishness, but why are you in such a rush to leave me?”
“That’s not fair,” you protest at his wording. “You know I wish to stay, but if Master Cyril were to catch me in here, he’d…” You trail off. You can’t comprehend what he might do, to be honest, but it wouldn’t be anything good. Of course, Cyril isn’t blind to the looks that you and Joshua share across chambers, but it was only mere speculation on his part – nothing that he could note down in his work of the Phoenix’s life and duties.
“Cyril would not dare to enter my private chambers without permission.” He sits up, though keeping his hold firm on you as he does – afraid you might vanish from his sight if he does not.
“But he will surely visit them to check on your hea-”
Warm lips cut you off mid-word. Your eyes meet Joshua’s blue ones, yours wide with surprise as he closes his, places a palm on your cheek to coax you to reciprocate his kiss. You close your eyes then, careful to exhale through your nose, and kiss back, matching his pace. Moments pass as you settle into a steady rhythm, but something pushes you forward, placing a hand on his thigh, swiping your tongue across his bottom lip and-
Three knocks at the door in a familiar pattern.
You jerk out of the kiss in alarm, almost toppling off the bed itself were it not for Joshua’s quick reflexes pulling you back towards him.
“Who is it?” He calls, smiling at you all the while.
“It is I, Cyril, Your Grace.”
“One moment.”
You look around the chambers in alarm – the window is too small to crawl through, the door is the only exit you have, but that’s right through the thoroughfare of the sanctum at this hour, not to mention the man standing at the other side of it. “Joshua, what do we do?”
“I will deal with it. You, however, should lie back, relax…” he whispers, pushing you down gently, kissing your forehead, “..and stay quiet.” He gets to his feet then, throwing the soft red knitted blanket over you, before you hear his soft footsteps head over to the door, the oak creaking as he opens it enough for him to pop his head out to greet the Bearer of the Burning Quill.
“I am sorry to disturb you, Your Grace, but as I had not seen you this morn I wanted to check everything was all right.”
“Fine, Cyril. I am just a little weary after the last few days of travel – I think I will take today to rest if matters can wait.”
“Very well, Your Grace.” Cyril nods, though steps to the side a little, trying to see behind the Phoenix. “Would you like me to send for Lady Jote to assist you?”
“No, no - that is quite unnecessary,” Joshua waves off, “I know she is tired from our travels also. If you could arrange for some sustenance to be sent up so I can break my fast, that would be appreciated.”
“At once, Your Grace. Will that be all?”
“Yes. Thank you, Cyril.”
Cyril bows, takes a step back and the door is swiftly shut behind him.
You feel the mattress dip besides you before the blanket is pulled down from over your face – a boyish grin on Joshua’s face. “See? The day is ours.”
You stare up at him, your heart pounding from your nerves – realizing what had scared you so. It wasn’t so much being caught by Cyril, but the idea of being caught and forbidden from seeing Joshua again.
“Have I lost you, sweet one?” The Phoenix questions, laying down besides you, tilting your chin to meet your gaze.
“I love you.”
The smile on Joshua’s face is as bright as the sun in the sky.
“I love you more.”
Comments, likes and reblogs make my whole day x
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
Can i request a König x afab! reader where they have stretch marks on their sides, thighs, breasts, and arms from their body growing too fast when they were a teen? They tend to be insecure about it and have never been in a relationship where they felt good about it, please and thank you!!!
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SUMMARY: könig makes sure you're not going to be insecure anymore.
CONTENT: tooth rotting fluff, self doubt, angst.
Stretch marks cling to your skin like a reminder of all the regretful thing you've done in the past. You like to think that each one represents something bad that happened to you in your former years because of how ugly they look on your skin like that. They way they stretch when you poke and prod at the flesh, their dark appeal making you nauseous the longer you stare at your almost naked body. Lost in thought you don't hear the massive man behind you and his arms snake around your bare waist. You jolted in his grasp embarrassment flooding your face. You'd not seen him step up behind you in the mirror, your heart pounding in your ears now didn't help with the immense pressure building in your head.
"What's wrong Liebe?" He's soft as he pulls you backwards to sit on the edge of your bed. He's pulled off his sniper hood as you can feel his lips leaving soft warm kisses along the nape of your neck after he sets you in his lap. Crossing your arms over your stomach you can't help but stare at yourself in the mirror. He looks into the mirror in front of your bed, he towers over you in the way he sits behind you. His hands clutch at your waist and your smaller bared body sits before him still as ever. He can feel the frustration building in the back of his mind, you're not usually this quiet and unresponsive when he does this to you. "Liebe." He says in again.
You meet his gaze in the mirror, sad soft eyes looking back at you. His hands slither to yours as he removes them, replacing them with his own. "What's bothering you my love?" He purrs. Your lips don't move but your mind races a mile a minute. To be upset over such a small thing doesn't seem like a good enough reason to hate yourself yet you do all the same. Sucking in a reluctant breath you lean your head back onto König's shoulder. He's the only man in the world you feel okay with telling anything, you'd be lying if you said his gentle soul was made for battle. Turning your head towards him you nuzzle your head underneath and close your eyes burning the image of your body from your mind.
"I hate my body, König." You release a heavy sigh. "No matter what I do I just don't look good enough,"--you can feel the tears beginning to pool in your eyes--"every relationship I've been in they've made comments about my stupid, ugly stretch marks. He can feel your rib cage shudder against him as you hold bach the harsh urge to cry. Your tears pull at his heart as he picks you up by your waist to flip you around in his lap. Facing him now, you knees on either side of him you throw your arms around his shoulders and cry into his neck. He coos softly into your ear making your chest thrum with joy. Soon enough his calloused fingers like maestros conducting a concert, unravel you at your very core. Placing another hand on your lower back he slowly lays himself down with you on top of him. Feeling his body beneath you brings you back to reality, the warmth on your bare body breathing life into your need for touch. He's not even daring to make a move on your barely clothed body, instead he pulls you further against him like a kid with a stuffed toy.
As he turns on his side you you still in his arms there's a knock at your door. Your heart stutters in your chest as you suck in a sharp and uneasy breath. If someone was to walk in now you would both me fires immediately, König brushed this though off without an issue, his mouth still moving against your ear as he coos sweet nothings to you. Another knock rattles at your door and he calls out. "We are preoccupied. Leaving is heavily suggested." It seems his warning worked as you can hear footsteps shuffling away from your door. You can only tighten your grip on his shirt as you sob even harder. König knows you'll be okay by the end of this. He'll make sure that whatever insecurities you have will be gone by the time he finishes cheering you up.
"Your body is perfect my love." He whispers into your ear again, he turns to press a kiss into your temple. "I wouldn't want another on top of me unless it was yours, only yours. Stretch marks or not Liebe."
Lifting your head from his neck you need him staring back at your swollen eyes with nothing but love and adoration for you. The way his soft lips curl up into a smile makes your chest grow warm and he rubs your head with his hand. Cupping your face in his hands he pulls you down, pressing your lips to him. He's gentle against you, his hands dancing around your skin and swiping away your tears. "There's no need to cry, Dove." He coos as he pulls away and presses another kiss on your nose. "Just relax and allow me to take care of you."
Nodding softly you allow his hands to travel down to your chest, he traces the beginnings of the stretch marks clawing at your boobs. With one hand he unclips your bra exposing your breasts to the cold air of the room. Sucking in a sharp breath you allow him to turn onto his back with you above him again. His carefully skilled hands dance around the lines marking your sensitive lumps, for each one he touches he makes a small remark and presses a kiss to his finger, then followed by her s finger tracing over the next mark. The joy and love that filled your heart while he did this was unbearable. Never before had you been caressed and touched so tenderly, never by a man, never my anyone. And to now feel his touch like this after months of being together breaks you down.
Tears spill from your eyes and you sputter and babble above him. "I love you König, I love you so much." You choke out. Smiling up at you he pulls you down against him again, your head resting on his chest while his arms wrap around your back and rub your sides. A sushing noise slips from his lips. "I know, it's okay. I'll always be here for you."
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dxy-drxxm · 6 months
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SYNOPSIS: Leaning onto each other, just being close, was enough.
CW/s: Tooth rotting fluff, established relationship, lowkey clingy Furina, not spoilers for archon quests because this is more day to day life yk, reader enables her clinginess too much, brief mentions of Neuvi being a tired father figure to this clingy and very dramatic miss girl
NOTE: This is a prompt from this list right here, and I plan on making a touch starved mini series ft. various genshin chars and what prompt fits them. If the same prompt fits them though, I might just do both chars with them lol. It's a new format so I'm hoping that this will look v good and not be a mess.
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"Furina, we've been in bed for an hour now. I'm sure you have things to do than keep me captive, do you?"
"Mm... I know, but I want to keep holding you just a bit longer. Besides, it's so early..."
You sometimes forget how Furina isn't suited to be a morning person, and especially with her job as an actress. However, seeing her act like a tired child reminded you that yes, she was still human.
... And yes, she despises waking up early to deal with her agenda of being an actress. Er, maybe a returning actress will suffice.
Sighing, you moved over to spoon her in your arms. You knew that it wasn't often that she would be so clingy, so even if you were grumbling about it now... You can't lie, you love this side of her.
Who knew the flamboyant and immature Hydro Archon would act so quaint and clingy behind closed doors?
Brushing a piece of her hair away, you couldn't help but smile. Feeling your hand trace her cheek, her eyes flitted over to you, the mismatched and heterochromatic hues greeting your own.
They reminded you so much of tear drops. It was beautiful.
".. What's the matter? Is my hair—" she stopped to yawn, "—a mess...?"
"Hah, no, no," you chuckled, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I'm just admiring your beauty, that's all. It's rare to have you in my arms, Furina."
Furina's cheeks seem to redden, making you poke it with a giggle.
"That, and you're always so clingy. Do you miss me when you have work to do, I wonder?"
"Hmph! Stop teasing me!" she exclaimed, hitting you lightly as a result. With a pout, she turned her body away, making you laugh a bit more at her child-like mannerisms.
"I jest, I jest," you replied, placing your chin on her shoulder as you held her a bit tighter.
... Leaning onto each other like this, just being close... It's enough for me.
"Do you, truly?"
"Hm... I am," you answered, humming. "Unless you want monsieur Neuvillette to hear what happened this morning again, hmm?"
What greeted your ears was your lover's whines as she tells you not to, and your morning has been spent with Furina complaining about how Neuvillette acts like a tired father to her recent troubles.
You couldn't help but smile, though. You can never find it in your heart to trade this moment for anything else, even for your life.
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@.dxy-drxxm | do not republish, repost, or copy my works anywhere | 2023
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