#I can't help myself it seems.
residentdormouse · 5 months
Guess I'm drawing again... And I'm pretty sure this is the first in the 'Goddamn it, I need another option...' series.
Also the start of my petition to have more 'Give them a Hug' in game prompts. They all desperately need one. More than one. Lots. Lots of hugs. Emotional Heimlich maneuvers for the full bunch. They need it, your honor.
(Do I wish this would have happened somewhere more scenic? Or anywhere other than Auntie Ethel's hideout? Yes. But, you know, can't ignore when that little '!' hits...)
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Novice sewing pattern: Cut out shapes. Line up the little triangles on the edges. Stitch edges together. We've also included step-by-step assembly instructions with illustrations.
Novice knitting pattern: yOU MUSt uNDerstANd thE SECret cOdE CO67 (73, 87, 93) BO44 (63, 76, 90) 28 (32, 34) slip first pw repeat 7x K to end *kl (pl) 42 * until 13" (13, 13, 15) join new at 30 pl for 17 rows ssk 27 k2tog mattress lengthwise BO and sacrifice a goat to the knitting gods. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT "INSTRUCTIONS," I JUST GAVE THEM TO YOU
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the-sunlit-earth · 3 months
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a lot of clipping to fix, but hey I got it moving at least! I'll get the Telvanni robe properly physic'd if it's the last thing I do >:0
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youchangedmedestiel · 7 months
So apparently it has been a year since I started this blog/joined Tumblr, according to Tumblr itself.
And today I got inspired so I draw. I hope you'll like what I did. I'm very shy about this, I considered giving up multiple times because it wasn't perfect. And there is a lot of amazing art out there. Plus, it has been more than a year since I draw something and even before that it was years ago, anyway I'm out of practice so I'm not so confident about my drawing skills anymore.
I never know when I should stop adding or deleting a pencil stroke. But whatever, even if it's not great I have nothing to lose, and this goes for everybody (maybe I'll inspire someone else to get back to drawing or even start doing so for the first time).
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It's a pic from my phone so the quality is what it is, sorry. I also didn't have a pencil sharpener with me.
Anyway, here's my little sketch book that I should fill and the pic that inspired me:
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teathattast · 2 months
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When you go and I'm alone the clouds are gonna follow
It's alright if I know I'll be seeing you tomorrow
Do you wanna do tomorrow?
Do you wanna go, I'll follow
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eliseliedl · 19 days
damn i love March and i knew he'd be popular but i didn't expect this tremendous imbalance in popularity... the cast is full of charming and gorgeous characters but you get into the fandom and you'd think he's the only romanceable character in the game 😭
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quaranmine · 23 days
On Wednesday before I gave my presentation I confessed to a new employee that I was worried it would be too long and she brightly told me her life hack was to just let AI rewrite things for her. She said I should put in all my talking points and ask ChatGPT to give me a five minute exactly presentation. I was like....how is the most polite possible way (since this is a new colleague I shouldn't get off on the wrong foot with) that I can express that I will Not be taking this advice. Ever. I told her that I didn't think we were allowed to use ChatGPT at this job (we most certainly are not, it is a nightmare for any type of protected information) and also that I prefer to write all of my own work. Despite my best efforts the last part of that was still passive aggressive, lol.
Something about being a writer makes it so that it's almost offensive to me for someone to suggest I use AI to do my work instead? Like, the day I reach the point where I let AI write something for me is the day y'all need to be checking me for brain damage because clearly I'm losing it
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brethilach · 1 month
euughh just saw someone say that Celegorm kidnapping Lúthien to force her into marriage was "out of character" and just. I understand the urge to smooth the edges off your blorbo's flaws or whatever but if you've gotten to the point where you genuinely believe the author's portrayal of his own character isn't in line with canon then I think you just misunderstood what you read
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meiloorunsmoothie · 3 months
alright, it's time to test these apparently universal claims that tl5y is a comedy
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Six Sentence Sunday/Creative Proof of Life
Thanks for the tags, @alexalexinii, @shrekgogurt, and @that-disabled-princess!
This WIP post is basically a proof of life statement. I can't believe it's been over a month since I posted Chapter 1 of the Haunting of Simon Snow. I'm so overdue for chapter 2, BUT... instead I finished writing the rough draft. I've been attempting to outline, because when I rough a draft, I really rough it up. Ahem.
So I have been working on it, even if there is zero evidence on AO3 as of yet.
How about some sentences? I haven't sliced up chapters yet, so not sure if this is from chapter two or three, but here's a snippet of Simon on the phone with Penny expressing some smooshy sentiments:
I curl up on the couch a bit more, maneuvering myself so my wings aren’t crushed. “I went flying last night,” I confess then, in quiet tones. Like someone might hear me. “You— Oh, but… You can’t! What if someone sees you?” I can actually hear her biting her lip. She wants to spell my problems away, and she can’t. “But I can,” I say, smiling a bit more. “There’s no one around for acres. No one will even willingly drive here on account of the house being haunted. It’s empty. And I’m flying at night.” I say flying in the present tense and realize I fully intend to fly again tonight.
Penny huffs. Her specialty. “I don’t like it.” “I do,” I say easily, warming up to explaining, hoping she’ll understand. “It’s so freeing, Pen. Like the weight of the world can’t hold me down, anymore. I feel… It’s like… It’s like I’m closer to the stars. Like I’m close to stirring up the milky way.” I let out a sigh, my eyes closing as I drop my head back, indulging in that recent memory. “I don’t hate it as much, when I’m up there. You know?” There’s a few seconds of silence, and I open my eyes again. “Pen?” “Hate what?” she asks quietly.
(just in case you were worried I wouldn't be including angst...)
Bit more info on my progress (maybe some whinging) and tags and hellos below the cut!
Fun facts about my ineffecient writing process:
I spent more than one or two hours clearing asterisks from my rough draft this morning. (Because discord has trained me to do *this* when I write instead of this.) Because I'm trying to listen to my draft via screen readers, but it keeps sounding like "asterisk-impossible-star-fuck me" (that's my favorite one honestly, it's supposed to read "Impossible. Fuck me.") which is really annoying (more often than amusing). ANYWAY… what this has revealed to me is that I use "Fuck" a lot, as well as "So good." Ahem. Take from that what you will.
BTW, I'm sure there's an easier way to do that than manually. Please don't tell me for at least a few days, or I might lose it. I am but a mortal being, with a tattered heart and patience worn thin. (Or something.)
OKAY. It's been awhile since I did one of these posts. Time really flies. Gonna give this list my best shot, but as always, open to any who want to participate! (Also adding some new names in for the new year so this is sort of my "Gee I hope this is cool with you" super long tag list. If you'd rather not be tagged, just drop me a missive to that effect!)
@leithillustration @prettygoododds @rimeswithpurple @artsyunderstudy @blackberrysummerblog @hushed-chorus @nightimedreamersworld @best--dress @whatevertheweather @ileadacharmedlife @scribble-tier @imagineacoolusername @brilla-brilla-estrellita @alleycat0306 @angelsfalling16 @fatalfangirl @erzbethluna @tender-ministrations @anxious-m3ss @ebbpettier @bubble-gumhead @facewithoutheart @bazzybelle @theimpossibledemon @aristocratic-otter @mooncello @cutestkilla @annabellelux @ic3-que3n @j-nipper-95 @letraspal @messofthejess @onepintobean @palimpsessed @raenestee @supercutedinosaurs @theearlgreymage @thewholelemon @wellbelesbian @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @youarenevertooold @bookish-bogwitch @martsonmars @orange-peony @mostlymaudlin @stardustasincocaine @confused-bi-queer
Lastly, quick note/question. Tumblr seems to be remiss in informing me when I've been tagged in other posts. Is this a common issue?
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Cried on the train today, then thought of this! This is just me coping to the highest degree again, but I thought other people might like this as well!
Nikolai as a Father
First off, he’d likely be absent rather often. He was a soldier, he runs a PMC, he’s a busy man through and through. That’s why he won’t be able to see you as often as he’d like. He’d have loved to see all your accomplishments, meeting your first partner and intimidating them, your graduation, the first time you performed on stage, but it wasn’t possible due to work. He does feel bad about it, but he can’t help it. He will try to make it up to you somehow, though he’d understand if you couldn’t forgive him. He does try to be there for you whenever he can, visiting you whenever possible, but you will be apart from each other more often than not. However, if you ever have any suggestions regarding what you’d like to do together, he’s all ears. He has enough money to grant you any wish like that. You wanna go to Japan? You want a boat trip? You wanna go karaoke? It’s all possible, as long as he gets to experience those things with you. He really does wanna make up for the lost time.
He’s a pretty relaxed kind of father. The kind that would allow you a sip of beer when you were young. He’d have no problems with you drinking, as long as it doesn’t get out of hand. You should be responsible about that sort of thing. But if you ever wanted to invite a friend over to drink a bit, then he’d have no problem with getting the booze for you. Nothing too strong while you’re still young, of course, but he gets it. You’re young, you want to be stupid and do foolish things. He was like that too when he was younger, so he won’t stop you. In fact, he’ll even drive to the nearest fast food restaurant and get you and your friend something to eat. Sometimes he might cook himself, though. Nikolai’s food is downright godly, he can cook just about anything and cook it well too. As long as you don’t invite a friend over to get blackout drunk every weekend, all is good.
I think he’d probably lie to you about his job when you’re younger. You don’t need to know that he kills people for a living. You can know that he does paperwork, though. So he’d likely tell you he works an office job that has him traveling a lot. Speaking of traveling, he’ll always bring you a souvenir. That could range from a small snow globe to a nice T-shirt he found that you might like. He may be busy, but he does think about you very often. This continues into adulthood as well. If he can’t see you and give it to you in person then he’ll just mail it to you. Won’t ever allow you to work in the same field he does, though. You’re too sweet to work as a mercenary. You can become anything you want to be, but he’ll do what he can to not have you work in the military or in a PMC. He wants you to live and live well. There are no exceptions to this. He knows you might not listen to him, but he’ll tell you over and over again that those kinds of jobs are not what you might think they are. He doesn’t tell you what to do very often, but you should listen to him when he does. He’s an older man, who actually knows what he’s talking about. Besides, he only means well when it comes to you.
A very accepting father, in all honesty. You’re gay? You’re trans? He’s very supportive of you. Besides, it doesn’t matter who you bring home, he’s gonna try to intimidate them either way. Only the best of the best for you. If you ever find yourself some sleazebag, who won’t spoil you rotten like you deserve, then he’ll make sure that person will learn their lesson. He can be a very scary man when he wants to be. If you’re transmasc, then he’d delight in going clothes shopping with you and finding something that you look good in and that fits. He might even buy you a bomber jacket like he has so you can match. He’ll get you the fanciest suits too. Whatever you need, he’ll give it to you. If you’re transfem then he might not be the best suited candidate to go shopping with you. He can tell you what you look good in, but he might call someone like Laswell to help you find nice clothes that suit you well. However, he won’t save any money on anything. You know what you want? You can gladly have it. Nikolai will even pay for your surgeries as well. As long as you’re happy, he’s happy. No price is too high when it comes to your happiness. In fact, he probably has the means to get you a prescription for hormones as well. It might not be entirely legal, but it’s better than nothing if you have shitty doctors.
Likewise, if you come out to him as aromantic or asexual, he won’t mind. Sure, you might have to explain what that means, but once he understands he won’t make you feel bad for that sort of thing. Gives you a side hug and tells you that he’s glad he doesn’t have to worry about your heart being broken by some asshole who can’t appreciate you for who you are. Unfortunately, if you do come out to him as ace, he might make some puns about it. Nothing offensive, but he’s your father, he can’t help the urge to make awful dad jokes from time to time.
If you don’t know Russian then he’ll teach you. He’s a proud Russian, so he does want you to know the language. He can hire a teacher for you too, if you’d prefer that, but you won’t be spared. He’ll talk to you in Russian and compliment you on your progress. Besides, it’s never a mistake to know another language. If you do know Russian then he’ll speak it with you whenever he can. Yes, even when the likes of Price are around. Doesn’t matter if it comes off as rude, it just feels homey to him. It makes him feel at ease.
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infamous-if · 1 year
A bit more of Orion on the blog which coincides nicely with the upcoming free drabble. It's taking a bit but this scene did make me laugh and pat my own back for thinking of it.
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"who is marty?" just some dude, really
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yujeong · 4 months
The metal slides on his brittle skin like butter. The smell of foam almost conceals the disinfectant poisoning his nose, but not much. It stays there, it lingers; sometimes, Vegas feels as if it'll follow him over to the next life.
At least, Pete's delicate maneuvering of his head brings him some sense of comfort. Everything of Pete does: his body heat, his breath, his focus, his movements, careful not to hurt him. As if that could be possible now.
The stubble on his chin is stubborn. Pete's eyebrows are furrowed slightly as he's swinging the blade again and again on the sensitive flesh. He's not using much force, which is half the problem.
The sound it makes is rhythmic and yet, not calming. Irritation is eating away at Vegas, waiting for something that won't come. Not unless...
Pete tilts Vegas' head upwards and starts working on his throat.
That's it, Vegas thinks. He says it, too.
"You could do it, you know."
His words are vague, the meaning behind them not lost on Pete, however, who stops for a second too long before continuing.
"It'd be so easy," Vegas presses on, as always, testing the limits of what he can say. What Pete wants to hear. "A swift movement of the hand and I'd be gone."
Pete seems unperturbed by Vegas' suggestion, or at least that would be the case if Vegas couldn't feel the effect of it on Pete's hand, trembling as its holding his head.
"Come on, Pete. Wouldn't it make your life better than being stuck here with me? Wouldn't it make it easier?"
"If you don't stop talking right now, I'm going to leave you half-shaven and with foam all over your face," Pete informs him, his eyes still stuck on Vegas' throat, working on removing every piece of hair stuck in there.
Vegas doesn't talk back. There's bile stuck on his throat, too, but Pete can't see it, can't remove it with his hands.
He bets it'd hurt if Pete tried. He wants him to, but doesn't say anything.
Vegas sits still and waits for Pete to finish.
He contemplates what would happen if he moved as Pete is shaving the area below the chin. He imagines it; he pictures the blood on Pete's face and on his clothes. Pete has always looked good with a little blood on him.
He could make it seem accidental. He's done it before. It wouldn't be enough to kill him, but it'd cause damage and that's what's mportant.
Vegas wears his suffering like a second skin. He's used to it. He's not used to this: Pete being here, taking care of him. Pete not taking the chance to put him out of both their miseries.
Perhaps this is another kind of suffering. He holds on to that thought as Pete finishes his job and cleans him up.
It soothes him, in a way. It makes this easier.
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aceofwands · 2 months
idk man I just think of all the franchises you could try to make the Next Big Thing by creating a bunch of new shows and movies, maybe don't pick the one with the notoriously nitpicky obsessed with canon fandom ?? if you don't plan on applying any sort of consistency to the world, characters, alien cultures, entire ethical and moral framework of the universe, etc etc ????
#I'm reluctant to tag this as star trek and get a bunch of angry folks coming at me#though also lbr SW isn't looking too crash hot these days either for the same reasons#but yes this is about that snw trailer#and the section 31 trailer#and all of the new Kurtzman Trek era lbr#like if you like the new stuff then you do you bestie#I've been enjoying Prodigy myself!!!#but I've bounced off every other show pretty hard after each first season#because the simultaneous disregard of FUNDAMENTAL aspects of the universe / established characters and lore#while also religiously adhering to SOME of the established canon (mostly the newly established stuff)#has been driving me up the wall#hell even Prodigy has been hard now they've set it up to lead into Picard#like no thanks I don't accept any version of events where Bev never tells Jean Luc about their son and goes to raise him alone#like they make all the stupidest shit canon and adhere to it#while also making say being a Vulcan a matter of DNA rather than cultural upbringing#nevermind literally half a dozen other shows which show that's NOT how that works#I am genuinely curious how many folks like me have bounced off the new stuff never to return lol#(though okay I do keep up with trailers and sometimes reviews to see if it sounds worth coming back for which it never does)#or only watched bits and pieces#and are meanwhile enjoying their eighth or ninth or twenty second rewatch of TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT#like do they really have the numbers showing up to even watch this new stuff???#lower decks was the most popular it seemed and that's ending#but I can't help but think that if they'd stuck to the quality storytelling and a more or less coherent established universe#that were ... you know ... the defining aspects of the franchise ....#that they might have actually succeeded at finding a new audience looking for prestige science fiction television
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wanderingmind867 · 8 days
I feel like I'm always super reluctant to reblog fandom stuff. I think it goes back to my days as a lurker online without an account. I only ever browsed blogs without an account for years. Back when my old tablet still worked, it's all I did. Browse, but never like or engage. And so now that I have an actual account, I still struggle with working past that impulse. All I do is like stuff, and I barely ever reblog stuff. It's a bad habit, but one I never seen to find time to work on. sigh...
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tortoise-teapot · 11 days
> solas post
> caption: trash horrible awful egg man 🥚🥚🥚🥚 i'm gonna GET him!! he's so fucking full of himself and evil and ugh he's so UGLY why do i like him??? i can fix him 💕 love him
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