#I cannot wait for things to be yellow orange and red again...
theabbystabby · 9 months
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Fall feelings.
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reddpenn · 3 months
I’m back from my rock show! I got some Cool Rocks!
First, the agates.
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Another Turkish stick agate to join my collection! I can't get enough of this stuff. These form as pseudomorphs of selenite. A bunch of criss-crossing selenite crystals grow inside an empty pocket in the rock, and then the space around them fills in with agate. Eventually, the selenite crystals dissolve, and the hollows they leave behind are also filled with agate, preserving a record of their shapes!
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Bonus! This pair has a nice green fluorescence.
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Here is another Turkish agate. (Almost all of today's agates are from Turkey; Turkey produces some beautiful agate specimens.) This one has a really interesting pattern to its banding.
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I actually picked this one out for its fluorescence, which is a stunning bright green.
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Also from Turkey! Growing inside a super cool crust of volcanic rhyolite, this agate is called sagenite. Sagenite agate has a fibrous appearance because it is a pseudomorph of a fibrous zeolite mineral.
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The last two from Turkey: a pretty red specimen with a sparkly central vug, and a weirdo with squiggles of yellow. What’s going on with that guy?
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This one is from China! The red and orange agates from this locale are called "Fighting Blood" agate. I already have a Fighting Blood in my collection, but I thought this one was neat because its vug is full of amethyst!
Here are some things which are not agate!
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This one is a lead mineral called plumbogummite! Specifically, these crystals are a pseudomorph of another lead mineral called pyromorphite. Over time, the lime green pyromorphite crystals were slowly replaced by the tealy plumbogummite. In a few of the broken crystals, you can still see a green pyromorphite core!
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Hyalite opal! This rock has been on my bucket list, I am so excited. This form of opal is known for its water-clear, jelly-like globule formations. Though typically a colorless mineral, this specimen is tinted yellow due to iron staining. It’s also a mineral famous for its bright fluorescence… but this specimen’s glow is utterly unimpressive. :c I will be on the lookout for a more glowy specimen at future shows. Honestly, I’m just happy to finally own some at all!
This year, I also got some high-end mineral specimens! Take a look at these beauties.
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Roselite! This rare, toxic mineral is full of arsenic. If I ate it I would probably die! Roselite’s deep red color comes from the cobalt in its chemical structure, and makes it highly sought after by collectors. This specimen is showing off a well defined lenticular crystal habit! Again, I cannot overstress how rare this stuff is. I spent… an inadvisable amount of money on it.
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Oh, the best and most sparkly boy. This is wulfenite! I have wanted a piece in my collection for so long, and I’ve been waiting for just the right specimen to come along. It's a lead mineral, and it forms the coolest square, tabular crystals! This mineral is extremely brittle, which makes large, intact crystals of it very hard to find. But check out the huge tabular crystal on the right side of this specimen, it’s bigger than my thumbnail!!
And finally, I could not resist buying something silly.
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This is Tully. He's a plush Tully Monster, which is my state fossil!
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psychelis-new · 6 months
pick a pile: "Your aura/vibe"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read about your aura's possible characteristics and your vibe, how people may perceive you even at a first glance/first impression. thanks @ghostlygardendelusion-blog for the suggestion.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
I think your aura may have tones between yellow and green. On the first meeting people see your strength and determination, you may look a bit more reserved or closed off or even "showing off" in a way. But you have a big heart and some can see it too especially through your eyes or some specific behaviours (if you let them). You may have a bit of a wall in front of you caused by your past.
For some, you may seem a bit "too much" at first, or even too self confident/absorbed or too reserved, but it's generally a self-defense mechanism you adopted to hide your insecurity/shiness, and your pain. Probably you've been judged/gaslighted a lot. I think the way you grew up made it hard for you to speak about your needs and desires, about who you really are even, so you just started closing off and stopped talking but tried to fulfill your needs yourself the way you could (at least on your best days). Some may still be in that phase, others reacted by being more "out there" with their ideas and opinions too (and maybe even slightly stubborn about them). You may also be dressing in what society may consider a particular way or have a peculiar interest that not many may understand.
You look pretty independent because of your past, like if you don't feel too good, you rather keep it for yourself and put on a smile on your face and be there for others. Others don't ask you much of how you feel or similar cause you wouldn't answer them anyway or you'd tell them you're good so to not be a burden or something like that (actually, you're never a burden, no matter what you learned in your past). To be honest, you probably have started healing this side of you and this is why at times, on a first impression, you look a bit too full of yourself or closed off: you still need to balance yourself again but don't worry, you'll make it. Take your time and don't give up. People will be able to see your big heart and love the real you. Ofc, some of you are already showing it more and that's indeed the sign of the start of a new chapter for you.
For a few, you may still feel a bit lonely atm: please try to not give up and keep reaching for other people anytime you feel like. You'll meet your people this way, by keep trying to be out there, be more vulnerable/welcoming, and practicing socializing. You cannot always wait for others to reach out first nor you have to be there for them when you don't feel like: talk about your needs, even if it means needing a couple of days off on your own. Know ad appreciate your whole real self so to share it with others fully too. Speak more about yourself, the right people will love to listen. Find your audience.
And btw, I'm proud of how you made it 'till today. :)
song: thinking out loud | ed sheeran
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pile 2
Your aura may have tones between pink and red, for some a bit dark orange-ish too. At first you may look cute and sweet, maybe even little/on the younger side, very welcoming/comforting, like the old friend you have been close to for a lot. You have an healing presence. You have shiny eyes. People may approach you and talk with you easily, maybe while you're in line at the supermarket or such. People feel like trusting you, some may feel connected to you and others may feel (also physically) attracted by you or want to protect you or save you. You may have venus in scorpio/venus 8th house or similar placements, but not necessarily. Some people may not like you to the point of hating you or may be envious of you for no apparent reason even (so sorry about it).
For others, people notice your drive and passion, how focused and hard working you are, how prepared you are especially in a school or work setting. Whether you work in a team or not, you may shine often in the eyes of your boss or professor. You're very goal-oriented, and are rarely distracted but ofc it can happen (ADHD I hear). You may work or study better, or just be more proficient in general, in structured setting or when you have a plan set and know what to do from start to end. Not having that or having to improvise may make you a bit nervous cause you don't have control over what you're doing (and maybe lack trust in yourself). Remember where you are, what you were able to reach in your past: there's nothing you cannot do if you put your mind to it and try to stay/work calmly and in a balanced manner. Breathe, as you may tend to stress a bit too much here and there and overthink (lot of air/mercury in your chart? I understand, dw). There're perfectionism tendencies here too, and some people may notice them as well (especially those who work with you). Confront your demons, those that tell you you're not able to handle certain situations: you can. You totally can. The moment you're sure about it, you'll be able to receive whatever wish you ever wanted. And you don't have to be perfect either. It's okay to make mistakes.
Also, people love you in general: just try to not be too self aware. You may occasionally fear others pointing out/focusing on your physical flaws or mistakes (we're all imperfect humans, so if they do this let them be in their mold as it's only their own issue: let go of control on others -you cannot control them and their thoughts of you anyway- and just enjoy, be in contact with your body and love your whole self. Others will mirror you and forget about any random flaw or error you may see in yourself/make. You're perfect as you are, there's no other definition of perfection).
And if you feel like you're too unexperienced (or for a few, others may think this of you and let you down), again let go and remember you can and have time to learn more and make any experience you want to do. Those people aren't for you anyway.
Don't mind others too much (especially if what they say is not objectively helping you in any way), just keep spreading your contagious smile, beauty, knowledge, passion, heart around. Envious people will always be envious, it's not your fault. Keep up the great work!
song: enchanted | taylor swift
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pile 3
Your aura may be on the tones of light blue, blue or something like that. Maybe even indigo. Probably you're connected with the 5d/spiritual world too. You're thoughtful and you have a way with words that always gets people. Maybe you even work with words (writing/translating/teaching/communication/marketing/media/music...). You maybe also help others putting into words their emotions/feelings and help them feel better.
You look knowledgeable, you probably also have an higher education or are trying to reach it. You may love reading books and/or studying/learning. You look like someone that can be of support, with whom one can talk and share theirselves and not be judged. Someone who is able to make their reality come true. You feel very powerful and empowered, but you're also able of empowering others. You probably work in service fields, to help others too. Maybe you're a doctor/nurse or a psychologist. Anyway, you are balanced cause you know how to give yourself as well (or at least you're working on this: in the past you may have had people pleasing tendencies); I feel you may be saying some more "no's" and putting yourself first when you need, and that's good. Other see you as an angel, very open and helping. A true force of nature when necessary. Successful, in charge of your own destiny, and healing. Some perceive you as an example to follow in their life. For some, you're also a manifestation of a desire, a wish fulfillment. You may have the ability to pop up into someone's life when they need it the most, and maybe even disappear after your "job" with them is done. You may look like a loner or maybe it seems like you don't have many friends, but still you know a lot of people and are seen and thought very highly by them.
At times you may be feeling easily overwhelmed or overthink a lot, and those closer to you may realize it cause you tend to shut down or be a bit more on your own. Remember you can talk with people about your problems when you need (despite I feel like you may like to write your thoughts and analyze them the most, or are used this way). You seem to be pretty strong and wise, like you've been through a lot in your life and you're not that easily shaken by life anymore. But at times ofc it may happen... still, your mind is there to serve you, not to make it worse: remember you're in charge of your thoughts when things get tough.
Some people may really love you/fall for your ways and words. For some, you have become a source of support and help to those around you. You may be like a guide. Even if you may not be too close with people or the ones you've met, you're still a very important part of their life and/or a good memory they carry in their heart. For some of you, you may be(come) kinda famous/known at least in your area/field/school/workplace and people may be talking about you a lot. But generally, except a few ones, they will have good words about you and what you do.
song: butterflies pt.2 | queen naija
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lowtaperfeyd · 2 months
lady Jessica x fem reader fluff pleeeease preferably before arrakis but idc
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Lady Jessica x reader
author's note: I did combine two requests together due to their similarities. Bare with me when it comes down to writing fluff tho...
warnings: normal dune things.
wc: 996
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It wasn’t a surprise to the residents of Castle Caladan to see Lady Jessica and her lady-in-waiting, (Y/N), walking around the luscious gardens of the castle late in the afternoon. Them arm in arm strolling past yellow, red, and orange flowers blooming in the cool air of Caladan, talking incoherently. 
“Do you really think Paul is the Kwisatz Haderach?” (Y/N) questioned, knowing the plot that the sisterhood had been planning, “It’s a generation too early.”
“I do.” Lady Jessica responded, “He’s shown the signs. The reverend mother Mohiam is visiting later before we leave. She’s skeptical as well.” She added, poking a bit of fun at her partner. 
“And if he fails the test?” (Y/N) asked, “Not saying he will or not.”
“Then I would be wrong.” Lady Jessica utter quietly. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you doubt yourself about this.” (Y/N) chuckled, “and you using ‘wrong’ and ‘I’ in the same sentence. But if you are right about him, which you most definitely are, then he’ll be fine.” “That’s easier said than done.” she chortled 
“You’ve taught him everything he needs to know.” 
“That’s very kind of you to say.” Jessica said as she looked at (Y/N). 
“You’re welcome.” (Y/N) added while turning her head to look at the woman beside her. 
As they continued to walk around the garden, they spoke about what needed to be done on Arrakis, what needed to be brought, and what needed to be gotten rid of. It was rather domestic they way they mentally sorted through silverware and bits and pieces of furniture like an old married couple. Their lighthearted arguments of whether or not the ornate chess table needed to come along. 
“You cannot just leave a gift behind on a planet we’ll never go to again.” Lady Jessica declared. 
“A gift that was given almost a hundred years ago, my lady.” (Y/N) retorted, “and besides when have you or anyone here last used it?” 
  “The point still stands, maybe even more so.” 
As well as soft affection to each other too. 
Other people in the castle also noticed these interactions as well. Gurney Halleck once spotted Lady Jessica with her head on (Y/N)’s shoulder as they were furiously arguing about whether or not Paul should learn universal history or mathematics first. Lady Jessica’s augment won with the fact that Paul would one day be duke. And dukes need to know what caused several wars which spanned centuries. Duncan Idaho was privy to see them argue with each other too. He saw them in the expansive library debating Bene Gesserit tactics and plans, while their knees ever so slightly tapped each other, more than once and in while. 
Everything changed once they got to Arrakis though. There were no afternoon walks because of the scorching sun, there were no more arguments on what should stay or go because there was nothing to leave, and there were no more soft moments spent that lingered because they didn’t have that time anymore. Only after the battle at the Arrakeen, traversing the desert to find safety, and finally meeting the Fremen would provide some form of sanctuary. 
In Sietch Tabr, (Y/N) and Jessica were in a tiny bedroom they were given. Both of them had their hair messy and tangled, eyes set back into their faces with new purple eye bags now making their appearance. (Y/N) was walking pacing around their room, back and forth like a fish in a pond back home. Lady Jessica sat on the bed with her hands gently tucked onto her lap and one leg over the other. 
“You’re tired, aren’t you?” Lady Jessica asked. 
“We all are,” (Y/N) remarked, “my tiredness doesn’t sum to the tiredness of the people and group.” As she continued pacing. 
Lady Jessica moved back onto the bed so she was sitting in the middle of it. She crossed her legs over each other. 
“Come here.” She said, “rest, even if it’s only for a minute.” 
(Y/N) stopped in her tracks. She looked over to where the red headed woman was sitting. Her features lit up by the soft, golden light that seeped through thin cracks in the rocks. Her beauty was a thing that would always be captured in (Y/N)’s mind. 
“Alright,” The woman whispered as she walked over to the bed. She sat on the bed and slid back until she could comfortably lay her head on Lady Jessica’s lap. (Y/N) took her hands and laid them on her stomach as the red head started to smooth her hand over (Y/N)’s head. 
“What do you make of some of the Fremen calling Paul the ‘Lisan Al-Gaib’?” (Y/N) commented. 
“I think it gives us an opportunity to give the people what they want and have been waiting for.” Jessica shared, “They, also, need a new reverend mother.” “Does this mean you’ll drink the water of life?” 
“I’m not sure yet,” she swallowed, “I haven’t given it much thought yet.” 
“You’ll need to go to the south, Paul will need to go too if you do decide to drink it.” (Y/N) whispered, “You’ll need to go either way after becoming reverend mother.” 
“I know.” Jessica sighed out as she continued to brush her hand over her head, “But all that can wait for tomorrow, rest.” 
(Y/N)’s eyes would soon begin to fall as they got more and more heavy. The soothing nature of Jessica touching her head made her feel calmer than she had felt in days. Her muscles slowly began to relax and her head didn’t feel as tight and weighted as before. It didn’t take long before her eyes were fully closed and she was asleep, asking in the presence of Jessica and the love that was between the two. But the last thing she felt was Jessica pressing a tiny kiss to her forehead.
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rebel-walnut · 1 year
Let's Do The Time Warp Again
steddie time travel s3 ficlet, Part 1
Ao3, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4
"Harrington! Customers!"
Pins and needles flood Steve's limbs as Robin's voice slowly comes into focus, his eyes still scrunched closed with sleep. The tiredness is heavy in his bones, like he's been asleep for years in the oddly cold back room of Family Video.
Steve doesn't even remember falling asleep on his break. Actually, he doesn't remember taking his break at all. Or even coming into Family Video. In fact, the last thing he remembers was covered in black and red slime-
Steve forces his eyes open to witness the too-white walls of a break room that burned down a year ago. Frantic hands run over the garish blue and red of the tacky sailor uniform he hated, the same uniform he lit on fire in his backyard with Robin before the start of her senior year. Somehow, it's back. All of it. It's all come back to haunt him.
Robin from a year ago seems to also be back to haunt him -or maybe she's here as his savior- either way, she's just as loud as ever as she kicks the swinging door to the cramped back room in. It hits the wall with a crack, causing a jolt of both familiarity and dread to shoot up Steve's spine.
He waits for the tell-tale chime of a clock that was still ringing in his ears before he woke up in the summer of '85 or Robin's face to start warping into the melted mass of tentacles hiding in the Creel attic that will certainly become a common occurrence in his nightmares, but the only thing in front of him is Robin's all too common apathetic yet disappointed stare.
"I gave you an extra 7 minutes to sleep, but that little sampling-brat and her terror-troop are back for more and I swear to God, Harrington, I cannot deal with her again today, I just can't-"
Steve cuts off her ramble by scrambling out of his seat with more effort than either of them had ever put into this job, squeezing past her and out of the small doorway.
"Steve, where are you- hey!" Robin says as she latches into Steve's shoulder before he can finish his beeline out the door.
"I'll explain later if you still exist," Steve responds as he turns out of her grasp, shoving past the group of teens making their way into the store. He can hear Robin's small shouts after him, but her exasperation with him is nothing new and frankly the least of his worries.
Starcourt, somehow, is still standing. Clamping down on his rising heart rate, Steve glances around for any sign of the current date, or even year. Everything is exactly the same as it was a year ago, but Steve knows nothing he sees can be trusted. Not with the visions Max described, that's for goddamn certain. While he doesn't know enough science fiction shit like Dustin to know if he jumped universes or is in a different reality or whatever the fuck, he can at least place a little bit of faith in his ability to distinguish dreams and visions from reality.
His frantic pace along with the extremely out of place sailor costume draws in a few curious stares, but again, least of his worries. No one's faces warp into slimy horrors and none of the walls start crawling with vines, no flickering lights, no distorted voices in his head, no signs of the upside down at all. As comforting as that should be in theory, that means it's something else entirely and definitely something Steve can't figure out on his own.
He finds himself leaving a trail of pinches down his arm as he reaches the far side of the mall, posters for the theater coming into view. A particular poster catches his eye, BACK TO THE FUTURE highlighted in yellow and orange in all its sci-fi font glory.
Fuck. 1985. Again.
He presses his fingertips into the glass covering the poster as his breaths come out raggedy and sharp. C'mon, wake up man. It's all some weird ass fever dream, you probably just hit your head again.
He waits a few seconds and prays to wake up. Nothing. Obviously, he thinks. He's stuck, somehow, a year ago, with no clue how it happened or how to fix it or if anything here is even real in the first place.
Steve isn't the guy who comes up with plans, okay? That's more of a Nance thing, and Steve is totally fine with his role as the muscle. Unfortunately, right now there seems to be absolutely no Nancy Wheeler, and Steve has no fucking clue what the fuck is going on.
He steps back from the entrance to the theater and spins around probably faster than he should for someone who maybe just got shot through time, and comes face to face with a small music store labeled Hot Wax Records in some sort of groovy 70's style font. That's not what gets him though.
Steve stops dead in his tracks as he makes eye contact with the guy at the front desk. His hair's a little shorter than he last remembers it, hitting just above his shoulders instead of just below them. The man is wearing a familiar denim vest with slightly fewer patches and less grime than was on it when it was adorning Steve's shoulders, but familiar all the same. What gets Steve though is that the man at the counter is white-knuckling the edge with one hand while the other braces and claws itself around his neck, a look of equal parts horror and recognition strewn across his features. He looks on the verge of screaming, yet his eyes are forcefully locked into Steve's with a determination Steve had only seen from him once before.
They both falter a half step forward as Steve struggles to find his tongue.
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callunawrites · 4 months
The tattoos are Robin’s idea. She comes up with it in the parking lot behind the Family Video fifteen minutes after they’ve shut down the store while the car is still idling in the parking lot. They’ve been slowly splitting the three and a half bags of skittles that they’d pilfered and hidden behind the register earlier as a late and nightmarishly sugary dinner.
“We should get tattoos,” Robin murmurs thoughtfully into the quiet, not pausing to break her staring contest with the flickering sign hanging above the store as she steadily pops green skittles into her mouth. 
Steve blinks. 
At some point since Steve’s last looked at her, she’s sorted all of the skittles out into little colorful piles on his dashboard – yellow with yellow, green with green, orange with orange. As Steve watches, she takes yet another green from the dwindling pile and crunches it beneath her teeth.
Steve, who has just worked an open to close shift and cannot bear the thought of even driving them home much less doing something that isn’t falling completely and irrevocably into possibly eternal slumber, says, alarmed, “What?”
She elbows him, still not looking away from the sign. Her eyes have gone glassy, the far away look on her face somewhere between hypnotized and dissociative. 
“Not now, dingus. Tomorrow, maybe.” She frowns, brows drawing sharply together, nose wrinkling. “No, tomorrow’s the thing– y’know, with the– ugh, with that one girl. Maybe next weekend?”
Steve eyes her blearily. 
He does have a date with Veronica tomorrow, but he’s half tempted to cancel. Getting stabbed over and over with tiny needles sounds substantially better than sleep-walking through yet another mind-numbing date. He chews thoughtfully on his lower lip, watching the play of neon-tinted light against the tarmac. “But what would we even get?”
“Matching tattoos,” she says, shooting him a borderline scathing look out of the corner of her eye. A very firm, duh – keep up.
“No,” Steve says. “I mean, what would we get?”
Robin frowns again. Her face does a thing– wavering between enthusiasm, confusion, frustration, then circling all the way back again. She pops the last green skittle into her mouth and moves onto the orange pile. “Good question. Let me think about it.”
Steve takes the entire pile of red and scoops every last one of them into his mouth, ignoring her protests, and starts the car.
“Sure,” he tells her, still crunching as he waits for her to gather the skittles back into her sweaty palm before he shifts the car into gear. He turns out of the parking lot, vision ever so slightly blurry from the a+ combo of sugar and sleep deprivation, and turns in the direction of her place. “Lemme know when you’ve got an idea, I guess.”
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theladyofdeath · 2 years
I Burn for You {Two}
An A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfiction. Elriel. Period AU. 19th Century. Written alongside @snelbz .
Click here to read the summary and for more chapters!
A/N: It's about to get real. We're almost done writing all 10 chapters and I cannot wait to share the rest of this story with you all. Enjoy! T/W: None
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Dear Azriel,
I’ll be returning from the Autumn Court later this week and find myself in need of your company. I’ve missed you in these months apart. Perhaps we can have lunch in the park? Or, we can meet at the academy and paint something new? It would be nice to see you.
Considering I have not heard from you since we parted, I assume you are in Velaris and anxiously awaiting my return. I shall stop by your home in a few days and we can make a plan unless I hear from you beforehand.
Her penmanship was horrible but Azriel could decipher it nonetheless. He could tell that she had no formal education but he was surprised by her grammar. The letter, which had come out of nowhere, made him smile.
He supposed that was significant these days. 
His favorite thing about Gwyn was that she was a good listener. She was a pusher, too, in the most obnoxious of ways, but he liked it. She always made him share more than he wanted to, but it usually benefited him. He always felt a little lighter after his long, heartfelt talks with Gwyn. 
It was why he’d initially felt so great after returning from their travels. He’d been able to talk through some of his feelings for Elain with Gwyn. She’d been the first person to know he was in love with Elain, had actively pushed him to tell her, to pursue her even.
But towards the end, he’d begun to notice that her eyes lingered on him more and more. Had their time together changed something for her, something she hadn’t revealed before he left her in Autumn, after stopping to visit with her family? She’d promised him she could find travel accommodations back and wasn’t yet ready to leave her sister behind.
If he’d delayed another day with her, he wouldn’t have been here to meet Nyx the day he did. This whole mess with Elain wouldn’t have started, though he was fairly sure that it started at Rhysand’s wedding, but still.
Bottom line was that he missed Gwyn. He was glad to hear she was back in Velaris, glad to have his friend and confidant back.
Even if he’d begun to consider what a life with her would be like.
Perhaps that was how he found himself standing in front of a canvas full of oranges and browns and yellows and reds. The color of the leaves of her home.
He had never seen Gwyn as an outsider, someone who didn’t fit in. She had plenty of friends at the academy, but in Velaris, she was just another pretty face on the street that you could walk by without knowing.
In Autumn, she was staggering. It seemed everything there complimented her. The leaves and expansive forests, the rough stone buildings, even the crystal clear lakes and rivers she’d shown him.
His favorite had been the exact color of her eyes. Azriel had enjoyed their time in Autumn, even though it had been more brief than any of the other courts they visited.
Except for Spring. They skipped Spring entirely, the perennially stagnant smell of flowers and constant humming of insects appealing to neither of them.
Gwyn had shown her all of her favorite haunts growing up.
He had found it charming.
Graciously interrupting his alone time once again, Rhysand and Cassian burst into Azriel’s bedroom. The former cringed while the latter pretended to fall into a coughing fit.
“Please tell me that stench is not you,” Rhysand drawled. 
Azriel frowned, looking around his room. He hadn’t even realized that something smelled. He’d taken multiple baths since they had last come to disrupt his peace. 
Then it hit him. “I was burning incense. I thought it smelled nice.”
“It smells like a gypsy wagon,” Rhysand noted, walking further into the space.
“You would know,” Azriel said, dropping his paintbrush on the base of his easel and wiping his hands on his smock. “You spent enough time in them before you met the Viscountess.” 
Despite himself, Rhysand grinned. There had been a summer, the summer of their twenty-first year, when the three of them met a few gypsies in Winter and spent a month traveling with them. Rhysand had found a gypsy woman near thirty that he had become enamored with and spent the entirety of that month in her caravan. Azriel and Cassian had just made their rounds with the single women that remained.
That was such a different lifetime ago, when they had been young and foolish. 
“I like it,” Azriel went on, but pushed open a window nonetheless. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Supper tonight,” Rhysand said, simply. “It’s about time you came to see your nephew. He and Feyre miss your company and request your presence.” 
The thought of going to a formal supper on such short notice made Azriel uneasy, even if it was just at Rhysand’s.
“Nesta wishes to see you, too,” Cassian added. “She needs to talk to someone about her books and you are the only one that seems to listen.”
Azriel lifted a brow. “You do not listen? As her husband, it seems you should.”
Cassian grinned. “We have far better things to do, I assure you.”
With a shake of his head, Azriel sat on the edge of his bed. “What time is supper?”
“We’ll have tea in an hour. Get dressed and presentable, we’ll wait for you.” That way you can make sure that I’ll go, Azriel thought, but he didn’t blame them. If the roles were reversed, Azriel would be hovering, too. He loved Rhysand and Cassian more than anyone. They were his family. He knew the feeling was mutual between them all. 
The love that they had for Azriel was why they were here, annoying him relentlessly. “Fine, but I’m only doing this for Nyx and your wives.”
Cassian clapped him on the back so hard that he nearly toppled forward. “Good. Hurry.”
Azriel bathed, shaved, and dressed in some of his finest clothes. When he was deemed appropriate by his brothers, he was joining them in Rhysand’s carriage and riding across town to the manor that ran along the Sidra.   
It wasn’t that Azriel did not like joining his brothers for supper, he truly did, but being outside of his house and socializing felt strange after his months of solitude. 
Feyre and Nyx stood in front of the manor as they pulled up, smiling brightly. Feyre had Nyx’s hand in hers, making it look like he was waving as they came to a stop. Rhysand was watching them with so much adoration that it made Azriel shift in his seat.
To no one’s surprise, Rhys was out of the carriage before the doorman was even able to reach for the door, up the manor stairs, and taking his giggling son out of Feyre’s arms. Cassian was out a moment later, holding his hand out for Azriel to take as he exited. He swatted his brother’s hand aside as his boots landed on the ground, looking up to find Feyre’s eyes wide in surprise. Azriel looked around. “Where’s Nesta?”
Feyre, who was looking more confused by the second, took Nyx back from Rhysand. “She’s inside with—”
“With the tea, which must be growing cold,” Cassian interrupted, clapping Azriel on the shoulder as he led him up the stairs, “so let’s head in.”
He could hear Feyre and Rhysand murmuring quietly behind them as they headed for the drawing room where they’d be taking their tea. Nyx thought he was a part of the conversation as well, his excited babbles echoing off the marble tiles. Cassian was talking idly about what ladies he’d heard would be debuting this season and who would be returning to the ton, as if Azriel actually cared what any of the women of society were doing. Save for one.
As they approached the open drawing room doors, a laugh carried out to them. Azriel’s steps slowed and then stopped.
Feyre stepped around him, refusing to make eye contact as she disappeared into the room with her son. Rhysand and Cassian both stopped behind him, and when Azriel slowly turned to face them, they were already waiting for whatever would be coming out of his mouth.
After staring at each other in silence for an ungodly amount of time, Azriel announced, “I’m leaving.”
“Good day.” He was already moving around his brothers, but although Rhysand was the same size and stature as Azriel, Cassian was just a little bit bigger. It was that little bit that made it possible for Cassian to reach out and grab Azriel when Rhysand couldn’t. Azriel came to a stop, his body rigid as Cassian gripped the back of his collar. 
“You’re not leaving,” Cassian said, his voice low. “You’re going to man up and sit through this family dinner, because we miss you and you are a part of this family. And, so is she.”
Her laughter floated into the hall once again and Azriel’s eyes closed. 
Months. It had been months since he had heard that laugh. 
It had been nearly a year since he had been the reason she laughed like that.
When he opened his eyes, he shoved Cassian off of him but didn’t move. He brushed down his jacket, even though there were no wrinkles or dust. “You should not have lured me here under false pretenses. That was unfair.”
“If we told you Elain was present, you would not have joined us,” Rhysand said, shrugging. “We will not let you stay holed up, alone, forever. Cass is right, we miss you. If nothing else, you’re missing watching Nyx grow. Call me selfish, but I do not want you missing that.”
Azriel didn’t want to miss it, either. He loved his nephew and wanted to be a part of his life. He had only seen him once since he was two weeks old, when he first met Nyx, when Rhysand had brought him to visit. 
“Does she know I’m here?” Azriel asked, quietly.
“Feyre is letting her know,” Rhysand said, eyes flickering to the sitting room behind him. “We should probably go inside, don’t you think? We do not want to seem like we’re talking about her out here.”
Azriel scoffed, shaking his head. He hated his brothers. He hated them, and he loved them, and he wanted to challenge them both to a duel and watch as he beat their asses. 
“I require a drink,” Azriel said, looking down at the tile beneath his polished boots. 
“I’ll fill it to the brim,” Rhysand promised and gestured to the sitting room. “Shall we?”
As his shoulders deflated, Azriel took a deep breath and nodded. 
He followed his brothers into the sitting room and as soon as he caught sight of her, he couldn’t breathe. 
Elain sat across from her sisters on the settee, her yellow dress a stark contrast to her long golden brown hair and caramel eyes. As soon as the gentlemen entered, the three sisters stood and curtsied. Azriel could not take his eyes off of her, and when she rose from her curtsy and met his gaze, her cheeks were flushed. 
An awkward tension filled the air that the others quickly tried to cover. 
“Finally, someone to listen to me talk about the novel I just finished,” Nesta said, walking to Azriel and taking his face into her hands so that it was her eyes he met. 
With a smile, Azriel said, “I cannot wait to hear about your most recent literary adventure.”
After planting a kiss on his cheek, Nesta strode to her husband and Azriel could hear the quiet scolding she was giving him. 
Unable to help himself, his eyes drifted back to Elain. Her feet were planted in place as if she was unable to move, so it seemed he would be the one to make the first move. There was only ten feet between them or so, but the walk to her felt like miles. Keeping a healthy distance away, Azriel nodded in greeting. “Good evening, Miss Elain. You look well.”
“As do you, my lord,” she answered, and the use of his title from her mouth was still painful. “It is nice to see you again.”
“When did you return from Spring?” he asked, trying to keep the conversation light, even though it was nothing that he wanted to say. The questions he had for her, however, were not under the sanction of small talk. 
“Just last week,” she replied, her voice quieting. 
Azriel nodded and he felt foolish for not knowing. Rhysand had told him that she would be returning soon, but he hadn’t known when, just that she would be returning before the season began. He supposed the season would begin in a week’s time. It was only a matter of time before she returned. “And did you enjoy your time there?”
Elain looked away from him, towards the table where a vase of roses sat. “Very much so. Thank you for asking, my lord.”
It was too painful. Speaking with her so formally was too painful. Thankfully, Nyx soon became a distraction to all and he no longer had to try and have more of that painful conversation with the woman he had once been in love with.
Was still in love with.
Complicated. It was so complicated. 
As he sat down in a chair opposite of Elain, Azriel tried not to look her way and failed as Rhysand handed him a full glass of whiskey. He wouldn’t drink it too fast. He wouldn’t want to get sloppy, not in front of his family, not in front of Nyx, not in front of Elain. No, he would pace himself. After all, the night was just beginning. 
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cantstoptheimagines · 2 years
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Maxine (Lucas Sinclair | Stranger Things)
Summary — Your insecurities get the better of you.
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Angst; Reader experiences feelings of insecurity and jealousy (comparing oneself to another person); like, two curse words; mentions of crying; references to ‘stealing’ someone’s partner; mentions of death (Billy); physical affection (arm around shoulders, kissing, cuddling, holding hands, etc.).
Notes ➳ Word Count is 1,528, including lyrics. ➳ Reader uses feminine pronouns (she/her).  ➳ Inspired by Dolly Parton’s iconic song, “Jolene”.
FAQ | Masterlist | Fandoms | Requests | Coming Soon | Schedule 
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Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, I’m begging of you please don’t take my man...
You knew she was nothing more than a friend. He had told so several times. Hell, she had even visited your house to calm your nerves one afternoon!
Everything was totally, completely, absolutely platonic.
Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, please don't take him just because you can...
But it didn’t help that each time someone saw them together, they’d talk about how the two were, ‘Such a cute couple!’
This always left you with a deep pain in your chest and tears welling in your eyes while the two tried to explain that they weren’t a couple at all. That you were his girlfriend, not her.
Moments like those always left an awkward atmosphere between the three of you, especially when you’d hear the person joke, “Watch out! She might steal your boyfriend if you’re not careful!”
Your beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair, with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green...
Leaves fell from the trees, changing to all the shades of autumn reds, yellows, and oranges, as you waited outside the school for Lucas to join you. His last class was on the other end of the building, which meant you always had to wait for him in the evenings.
You also had to wait for her. Since her step-brother had passed, Lucas invited her to join the two of you on your walks home after school.
The sound of their shared laughter echoed in the cool breeze as they burst through the school’s front doors. You couldn’t help admiring her.
Her long, auburn hair framed her face perfectly. Small strands of it blew in the soft wind. She quickly tucked it behind her ears with gentle fingertips.
She was covered in freckles, but they suited her. They made her appear as though she had gone dancing in the stars before deciding to decorate her skin with them.
Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. They crinkled in the corners as she laughed at some joke Lucas must have made.
Your smile is like a breath of spring, your voice is soft like summer rain...
Her happy smile was wide as she gently shoved his shoulder. He grinned back at her in amusement, adjusting the strap of his backpack.
“Hey,” she greeted, now focusing on you instead.
Her voice was something else. Even though there was a hint of nervousness behind it, which only seemed to be there whenever she was around you, she still exuded an air of confidence, almost like she couldn’t help it.
She was the most beautiful girl you had ever known.
And I cannot compete with you, Maxine...
“Hi,” you muttered, twiddling your thumbs as you gazed between the two. “What took you guys so long?”
“I had to talk to Coach Davies,” answered Lucas. “Tryouts for the basketball team are coming up and I wanted to make a good impression! I think I have a good chance of making the team! Isn’t that great?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, glancing down at your shoes. “Yeah, that’s really cool, Lucas.”
A silence fell between the three of you. Lucas could sense the tension. He quickly wrapped an arm around your shoulders, kissed your temple, and asked, “You ready to go?”
You gave him a small smile, nodding in response. He kissed you again, and then said, “C’mon, Max!”
On your walk home, with you on his right and her on his left, Lucas was the only one who spoke, all the while you and Max Mayfield continued to drift further away from any potential friendship of your own.
He talks about you in his sleep and there’s nothing I can do to keep from crying when he calls your name, Maxine...
That night, after you and Lucas had dropped her off at home, you found yourselves huddled beneath a blanket, watching a movie in your living room.
Leaning against your chest with his arms on either side of you, Lucas was nearly asleep as you gently rubbed his back. This wouldn’t be the first time he had stayed at your house, nor would it be the last.
“Falling asleep so soon?” you teased. “It’s not even nine o’clock yet.”
He huffed, eyes still closed, before he muttered, “Be quiet, Max.”
Maybe it would be the last.
You paused in your movements, listening as your boyfriend’s mumbles slowly turned into quiet snores. He was blissfully unaware of the mistake. Or, at least, what you hoped was a mistake.
As you listened to the sounds of your television, a wave of tears began to cascade down your cheeks.
And I can easily understand how you could easily take my man, but you don’t know what he means to me, Maxine...
There may have been a sea of people in the school courtyard, but only two truly caught your eye. Lucas and Max grinned at one another in amusement. While your hands were tightly gripping your backpack, hers were holding his.
She was teaching him how to skateboard. Nothing more. And yet, the way he beamed at her after almost tumbling to the ground sent a flood of melancholy through your body.
It didn’t take long for her eyes to meet yours. She quickly released your boyfriend’s hands, though it wasn’t out of guilt or potential for scandal. She did so to wave excitedly and gesture for you to join them.
Lucas did the same. Did he feel as happy to see you as he always was to see her? You weren’t sure anymore. She was his best friend, after all. There was no reason for you to feel so upset.
And yet, whenever your eyes met hers, your insecurities would only fester deep within your heart.
Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, I’m begging of you please don’t take my man... Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, please don’t take him just because you can...
Only a few days later, she had asked you to come with her to the first basketball game of the season.
She had asked you.
Not Lucas. Not your boyfriend.
“He was going to,” she said, shoveling popcorn into her mouth as she eyed the players, “but I told him that I wanted to! It gives us some time to hang out together! We don’t know each other that well!”
That was true. You didn’t really know her at all. She was always doing things like this. She had asked you to hang out on the weekends, sneak into the drive-in, or even visit the arcade with her countless times. She was so… nice.
Did you deserve it? In your opinion, probably not. Spending all your time comparing yourself to her hasn’t helped with gaining any potential friendship with her. In fact, it had made things worse.
She was trying to be your friend while you were stewing in self-pity. She was Aphrodite. Beautiful, strong-willed, and one hundred percent fucking perfect for your boyfriend.
You could have your choice of men, but I could never love again... He’s the only one for me, Maxine...
Whether she realized it or not, you had noticed how other people looked at Max. Everyone seemed to have a crush on her.
Lucas, however, told you that she hadn’t dated anyone before. How he knew that, you didn’t particularly want to ask, but it put your mind a little more at ease.
She hadn’t been interested in anyone since she came to Hawkins. She was always trying to become friends with you. Or, at the very least, become a ‘friend of a friend’.
But you weren’t like her. Lucas was your one and only. There was no one else in Hawkins, Indiana, that you’d rather be with.
I had to have this talk with you, my happiness depends on you, and whatever you decide to do, Maxine...
Max was explaining herself again. You had seen them far too close for your liking in the library. You knew it meant nothing, exactly like she told you, but you couldn’t stop yourself from asking.
“Are you sure?”
Max gave you a small smile. You could’ve sworn it was simply out of pity. She replied, “I promise that I don’t have a crush on Lucas.”
She raised her eyebrows, and muttered, “Do you want me to stay away—?”
“No!” you quickly interrupted. “Of course not!”
She nodded slowly, brushing some of her long hair out of her face. There she goes, you thought. Being beautiful again.
As she gave you a farewell wave, you stared after her. Why did she have to be so perfect?
Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, I’m begging of you please don’t take my man... Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, please don’t take him even though you can...
Stepping out into the cool autumn air, you pulled your jacket tighter around your body. You had made a decision after your conversation with Max.
It was one that left Lucas wondering why you didn’t walk home with him after school. And Max, curious as to why she saw you staring at a box of red hair dye at the store later that evening.
Maxine, Maxine…
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cherrypiehoneymoon · 3 months
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We all have a rainbow we spend our lives searching for. Some of us dream of a house filled with kids, a spouse, maybe a dog and a white picket fence. Others view their rainbow as fame. Or maybe a life in the country, by yourself with a bunch of farm animals.
Your rainbow is your happily ever after. That magical goal you dream about before you go to sleep or when someone asks you where you see your life in ten years.
When I was a kid, my rainbow was to be in the movie pictures. I'd dream of Hollywood. It changed when I got to high school. My rainbow faded from my name in lights to a life with a lover and kids. That stayed my rainbow for a long time until I realized my rainbow faded once more into a goal in which I found unexpected. I wanted a life with my lover, the two of us in a house hosting holidays and summer bonfires. I didn't need the kids. I didn't even need a wedding. I just needed him. He was always enough for me. He became my rainbow. I took his dark, middle eastern skin and colored him in with red, orange, yellow, blue, and green. But no one told me that making someone your rainbow is probably the worst thing you could do.
Because one day, that rainbow was gone, and my sky was empty. I was alone in the clouds, lost among the unknown. I was drifting aimlessly without a destination. If I had no rainbow to set my sights on, then where was I heading?
I cannot answer this question. My sky remains empty because he still gone. I sit, waiting for the rain to come so I can spot a new rainbow to chase. I look around at the people in my life who have their rainbows. Engagements, kids, jobs they love, houses they adore, businesses being launched. They're all standing under their rainbows, glowing from the colorful rays that shine down upon them.
I stand alone under where my rainbow should be, but I can't seem to find it. I'm trying to, but I feel lost. I don't have a compass to lead the way. I want to find my rainbow again. I want the happily ever after. But I suppose I've lost my way a little bit. I'm more desperate than ever to get myself back on track.
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cindersnows · 1 year
Is there more info 'bout the jsab au?
It's so good I want to know more
okay since i doubt i'm ever going to make the comic i might as well drop all the plot i remember
just a note i'm not sure how much you know about ava/m because i have gotten my fair share of reblogs from people only in the jsab fandom; but i'm going to assume you know the characters at least the story was going to be: red, green, yellow and blue are the "players" (which in this story are just regular guys). they live on this super sci-fi moon world with androids and stuff. the Giant Life Tree, called yggdrasil (inspo from an old friend) is like yk. the thing that gives all shapes life. shapes would still be born without it, and they could live without it, it's just sort of the "electricity" that keeps the entire moon running and alive. without yggdrasil, all the plant matter n stuff would die. of course the shapes are advanced enough that they've developed ways for everyone to live even without any plant matter, but it's still a bit awkward. their society has no actual 'Rulers' persay, but used to have a royal family. the second coming and the chosen one are brothers who are descended from that royal family.
the actual story's plot; the prologue of Ad Lumen would start off with rgyb exploring and stuff because they like to spend time just fuckin around and looking for cool things. they go into this cave, and hear second calling for help. they free second, who has lost all his memory, and promise to help him regain it. suddenly the dark lord bursts into the cave and starts attacking rgyb, and the four run away with second. (he was actually here to find and save second, and attacked rgyb because he thought they were hurting second) chapter 1 would have a year or so timeskip. and then something about dark and chosen taking yggdrasil because they believe chosen has like, the rightful heritage to the throne and that society needs to be united under one rulership again or something. idk rgyb and second get split up (and from here it gets super vague bc i didnt plan out a ton); rgyb have to go and find second because he was taken into the castle by dark. they follow chosen into the volcano (chosen is there to find one of the pieces of yggdrasil because it broke apart). rgyb fights chosen and mentions second. chosen is like oh shit wait second is there??? and just zooms off to go to the castle rgyb turn around and go to the castle too, albeit through a different entrance. they find out dark is doing smth smth with yggdrasil idk --- which turns shapes pink/red and kind of aggressive but also stronger. (dark did this to himself too) second is being forced into the line of people that are going to be turned pink because dark doesn't yet realise second is in the castle --- if he knew that, then he'd get second out. rgyb find second, who's about to be pinkified or wtv, and red jumps in the way. now he's Actually red (and not just orange). brief fight because red's body cannot handle the process and she goes a little bit beserk but green, yellow, blue and second manage to calm them down. then the five go up to stop dark once and for all (peacefully). but once they get up there they see chosen and dark arguing which turns into a fight that catches color gang in the crossfire. dark uses a piece of yggdrasil, and stabs it into herself to gain more power to stop chosen. this goes horribly wrong, annihilate happens, dark goes insane and just destroys everything in vir path: aka red, green, yellow and blue die second gets really angry, and chosen and dark panic and stop fighting. but second has superpowers (re: descended from the royal family) and just goes absolutely apeshit and beats the shit out of dark. he also gets his memories back. he manages to revive rgyb before passing out and then the gang make up with chosen and dark once second explains what he's remembered. all of shape society comes together to agree that actually they do kind of need some sort of rulership (because prior to this everything was anarchy and it Wasn't Working) but we don't see that because the comic ends
i was also thinking about making a second part of the comic, Ad Astra, smth about king/mango tango and purple and victim. i didnt get super far with the idea tho: ik that king would be elected the new ruler, and purple his vice president (??) and they would be doing something bad with yggdrasil. color gang would be trying to convince everyone that king is doing something weird but no one except chosen and dark would believe them. purple would be an android (modeled by pink/orchid after the actual purple, who died as a kid fighting with navy). mango would be a shape. victim would be an android that mango found within the castle's old computer room, who hasn't been turned on in years and gives mango advice on stuff.
sadly i dont have any of the wip panels since theyre all on my old laptop, which broke :((
sorry for the super late response!!!! but here ya go. giant compilation of The Horrors, avjsab flavor
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lavastonetoad · 10 months
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things i've been into recently: painting. i'm currently working on a mural! i haven't painted in basically months, so i'm glad to get back in the saddle. reading. right now i'm about 300-ish pages into 'A Little Life'. so flipping good so far! its been on my tbr for a while now, so glad i'm finally getting to read it. studying anatomy. i'm trying to get myself more acquainted with human anatomy in prep for nursing school. music. lana del ray, lorde, mac miller, tyler the creator, bo burnham!! (love) writing. i love picking apart literature, annotating and editing. i have this idea for a book that's been in the back of my mind since 2020-21, i'll write in small increments now and then. autumn. although i really, really like the warm weather and the sun (gimme all the vitamin d)- i cannot wait for it to be fall. i love autumn so, so, so much. wearing layers again, the breeze, yellow, orange, and red leaves, warm drinks (even though i drink iced coffee all year round), and freaking halloween!! fun fact: for years i've had a tiny paperweight that was gifted to me from my mom. in the centre of it is a dandelion. which is what inspired my pfp.
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witchyameita · 2 years
Celebrations- 2p! Ameita
The evening sky shone with pink, orange, yellow, and purple hues all over the sky. As for Luciano, he was seeing red while yelling to Allen about a party he had to go to. In Luciano’s eyes, it was easy to rant to Allen because 1.) they both thought the same way and 2.) Allen found a way to resolve Luciano’s issues.
“I cannot believe I have to pay for all of them AGAIN!”
Luciano was pacing back and forth in front of Allen while Allen was looking on his phone, but listening to 2p Italy’s complaints. Every once in a while he’d look up and Luciano pacing, finding it semi-hilarious.
“If I have to pay I should at least be able to bring someone I can have a decent conversation with! Lutz is too cheery, Kuro’s too busy looking at Hentai. I can talk to my brother but he’s always busy painting… and Gillen-“
Luciano paused and looked at Allen who was now looking at him while adjusting his sunglasses.
“You’re coming with me Allen.”
Allen sighed which made Luciano walk up to where Allen was sitting and sat next to him.
“Please Allen, you’re the only one who won’t drive me up a wall!”
Yeah Luciano was probably losing his sanity from working with other countries who couldn’t care less about meetings and other important things. The Allies weren’t much better but at least they all could sit down and talk for a while.
“It’s a fancy party right doll? I’ll go but I gotta keep these babies on.”
Allen smirked and pointed to his sunglasses. Those cursed things, Luciano disliked how they hid his dark ruby red eyes. He’d only seen 2p! America without his glasses twice. But both times he saw the most beautiful set of eyes he’d ever seen.
“Ugh fine, I don’t know why you have to wear those so much Allen. I want to see your eyes more.”
Luciano rolled his magenta coloured eyes while Allen pulled him closer, lowering his glasses to glare at Luci. Which made Luciano blush instantly.
“There’s a reason I keep these on sweetheart.”
Allen got up and winked at Luciano before walking away to get ready for the dinner party Luciano had dreaded going to. This party was for his brother Flavio who had successfully sold all of his art. Every time Luci was out with the rest of the axis he ended up paying. Every.time. At least he’d have someone he liked coming with him. Even though Flavio had probably invited everyone anyway.
“Luci, are you ready?”
Allen knocked on the door with the back of his index finger. Not even waiting for an answer he peaked through the door to see Luciano messing with his hair.
“I’m having hair issues again and my hair is normally perfect!”
With a defeated sigh, Luciano sat down and stared at his own reflection. Allen came behind him and started to fix his hair. Getting rid of the flyaways or imperfections that Luciano hated. In silence, Luciano watched as his boyfriend fixed and styled his hair. His eyes being fixated on Allen the whole time.
“There. Whatcha think, Doll?”
Allen put his hands on Luci’s shoulders and looked at him through the mirror. Luciano nodded with a contented, relived smile. All Allen really did was slightly part Luci’s hair more to the left, use two hair clips to hold some of his auburn hair back, and smoothed out the rest.
“Sei un angelo? (Are you an angel?)”
Luciano asked in awe of how good the new style looked on him.
“Nah, I just did whatever.”
Allen kissed the top of Luci’s head before he started to put the hair instruments back. Luci kept looking at himself, slightly blushing now. Then Luciano stood up to adjust his suit, turning to Allen.
“Come on mi amor, I don’t need to be late. I’ll be more late if I keep staring at you.”
Since Luciano had found himself staring at how hood Allen looked properly dressed up, he knew he had to distract himself. A small chuckle came from Allen while he leaned off of the dresser.
“Alright doll-face I’m following ya.”
For how he speaks, Allen’s facial expressions don’t match. His New York accent always accompanied by a neutral expression. He followed the shorter one out of the room and the house. Allen turned the car on and Luciano tapped his shoulder.
“Let’s celebrate us instead, alright?”
Luciano had a rare but sweet smile on his face. Swiftly, Allen took the other’s hand and nodded.
“Okay then, here’s to us.”
// Sorry this is bad BUT I wanted to celebrate my birthday with you all with some Ameita! I hope you all enjoy :)
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I *knew* sending mcfuego a friend request would be bad, but I had *no idea* that it would be **this** bad.
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It was...
yellow cooper pulls up and parks next to you at mod pizza intersection, bad
a cooper in the oncoming lane drives by you later by triangle park, bad
A yellow clad woman waits at the top of the street by manhattan, on the corner you’re walking up to, bad
A bright yellow vested “cleaning guy” meets you in the entrance, bad
coopers by churches, bad
orange library director cars where there had been coopers before, as at sushi, bad
A mcfuego expy outside the coop, who was I think trying to signal that “genuine mcfuego” is a cop; well, she is and isn’t, it’s complex.
There was ryan-expy, casting call grade, on the steps of the cabaret theater, where “second” and “hargandine” meet; I’m not a number, to quote Bob Seger, and it’s about sandal straps; the only part of a shoe that always endures.
Mcfuego is swimming center in a school of piranhas, with caimans up and down the shoreline (I don’t think expy as a ward off is really necessary, you think?)
All those religious references, Motorola, tell a story of a secular organization with deep bordering on bottomless (like fries) pockets trying to promote a religion among its employ. 
Being “in charge” of how much charity reaches the ground, *is the not the same* as fielding a command structured army. And it’s that bad.
It was *eric expy sitting on 6 stands up and leaves* after I sat *next to him* in a room of mostly empty chairs, bad
And yes, it was “amazingphil” in bright yellow shirt, top right promoted when I logged into tumblr, bad 
Edit: It was ALSO changes in a lengthy song with lots of solos *punctuated by coopers* bad, speaking of illicit surveillance
“Phil hands” top center in week.com political cartoons, bad
It’s no question at reference for like half an hour of rambling old man, bad
It’s my cousin appears to be in conversion therapy, burning a bridge with him, and after learning of that *because my uncle died*
It’s my best friend appears to have tried his hand at “the family business” between grandpa and I, and so, a struggling with psychopathology girl got molded into a variation on my older sister, becoming yet another girl I cannot sleep in the same room with, bad
It’s *social anxiety sits down on 12 on cue* from snk stock, bad, and I reiterate as with mcfuego’s piranha’s, that I don’t need discouragement when I’ll get shot for showing up where I’m supposed to be cowed out of going, by all this. Superfluous, they call that sort of thing.
It's the *black and yellow wine hopper* driven by someone who turned out to be wearing a yellow shirt, followed by a chaser car with a yellow shirted driver, when I "what will happen *this* time" went back to safeway (and yeah, that was at an entrance I used before) bad
It's va our city stalker now in orange "backed up" by some sworn in guy I've never seen the name of (felt pretty automotive wholesaler grade)
Getting king for a day memes in the feed, after I was sure the wifi was off adding the fbi to people who don't like me much. Since I was all of three or so "sir, sir, did you *intend* to leave this phone off the hook?" Said the operator instead of the disabled line noise I had expected. *That* is called a syllogism that goes with a wiretap.
Someone should listen to "one jump ahead" from Aladdin for context.
It's livejournal blogging on Tumblr attracts federal attention, bad
What it was
an el camino like I used to have, red honda fits, blue ford rangers from two or three different decades, a transgender counselling van (that I saw again today)
White dodge neon, black dodge neon, latin king colored dodge neon at the same places along my walk route; one for another
And then, ridgeline trucks latin king colored, orange subarus like the library director’s, coopers began to appear at all the “junctions” (intersections, stretches of empty road or alley where *there were no other cars*
And now, yellow at any or all of those places seems to be picking up where they were, “economizing” as it were
It's "blue collar eastern tokyo" in the feed, and you know, mom was a federal accountant and her family founded the bank and the church, cut the stone in the cemetery (a woman in the 1800s), was the county seat and in the senate, since I have to keep defending her family from *white supremacy since the 60s and a cartel since the late 80s seems, "AOK" with the fbi.
Seem to be doing a bang up job with the place
And dad, who was "hassidic", was from the same Scandinavian social class as my best friend's dad, and walked away from being a professional athlete so...apples and oranges comparison between two guys who weren't competing for the same things in life.
It's a callback to "your girlfriend gives you a book called rich dad/poor dad" bad
And how she did everything you've supposed to, like my mom who *had a rich dad* of sorts, and so I gave her the book that she never read, and how she ended up being married to someone named "weighing dykes" while a federal accountant *because of who was running the community* and how it turned out for making good choices, and said girlfriend became an escort with escort expenses for not having one, bad
It's not going to the kind of "private school" my dad could've also gone to, legacy bad (and my best friend was *also* supposed to be privately educated)
It's "the girl who made a man out of ricochet" her life choices make sense, bad
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atqh16 · 2 years
I cannot listen to the lyric in TS’s song ‘Dress’ without thinking of a Matt/foggy fic. Especially the line “Only bought this dress so you could take it off”
It makes me want to write a girl!foggy au. I think male or female, Matt would never treat Foggy any differently. To him Foggy is just his best friend and vice versa. And Foggy either way, wouldn’t base the fact that she’s a girl as a large portion of her identity. She wears the same cheap suits that she owns in canon that are the only thing someone with student debt can afford. Though maybe instead of a tie she wears loose ribbon bow ties around her collar with the same design canon Foggy’s ties had. Red with yellow stars. Blue with orange foxes. Navy blue with storm clouds because it’s the few parts of her that she can afford to express herself with.
Then after working with Hogarth in season 3, for the first time in her life Foggy can manage to afford more tailored attire. And maybe after the trio restart their firm, Matty can tell there’s something different with Foggy’s clothes. Material that brush more smoothly against her skin and hug her figure just a tad better than before. Then there’d be a formal event they’d have to go to for one thing or another and Matt shows up in his suit that he just naturally looks good in and for a while he’s distracted by the crowd until a familiar sound and scent pierces the air and the first thing Matt notices when his best friend enters the room is the sound of clacked heels against marble muffled under a dress that brushes the floor ever so slightly. Delicate caress of silk against the skin of his best friends thighs with every step she takes with how the dress is perfectly adjusted to compliment her curves.
And his throat would suddenly feel dry and when they’re finally alone Matt can’t help but stutter out:-
“What colour is it?”
And Foggy would laugh and say “Maroon. Gold embroidery running down the sides. It reminded me of you”
Matt would be trying so hard to hold back the request toying at the end of his tongue but Foggy saves him the trouble anyway the way she always does.
“Do you want to feel it?”, she’d ask.
Her invitation would come out nervous and unsure but Matt can’t bring himself to say no so he’ll bring his hands up and patiently wait for Foggy to grasp and place them on her waist where the seams of the top meet the skirt and ever so carefully Matt would brush his palms reverently upward. The tip of his fingers tracing each button on the back of her dress before they falter to a halt where it ends at her neckline. And he won’t move till Foggy’s hand closes around his again but this time guiding them downwards till they reach her hips (thumb grazing against the intricate embroidery) and they stop because going any further would crack the carefully crafted wall that’s been holding both of them back from each other for so long.
And Matt would take a deep breath because this is it. It’s now or nothing. He has to decide…… and he already has.
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lilmissravingwriter · 2 years
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Lost from the Moon
If it were possible to choose one moment and make it last forever, this would be it. The sun awakening on the horizon is perfection in every sense of the word, with its red and orange rings parting the dark grey sky, its yellow arms snaking its way through the vivid hues, bathing him in their warmth. But the best thing about it all is the head upon his shoulder — the blue-haired woman resting calmly by his side. “I wish you didn’t have to leave.” She said flatly, a small, restrained sigh escaping her lips. It wasn’t meant to blame him, nor guilt him, not even ask him to stay. It was just her stating what her heart truly desires despite knowing it cannot be granted. It is exactly that which aches him — knowing she grieves but not being able to stop it, wanting to ease her pain but also being the cause of it. She had tried her best not to let him know the extent of her sorrow, but he does know. Knows she lies awake in the middle of the night. That she watches him until she thinks he’s sleeping before silently leaving the room. That every night since he got the letter, she’s been sitting alone on the terrace, the stars her only light, trying to mull things over. Trying to reconcile the fact that he is leaving and that there is a chance he won’t return from it. Every sob that reached his ears silently shattered his heart to a million pieces; every tear he imagined fell from her cheek a stab to his very soul. Everything he ever wanted was to be able to give her all. And yet he is powerless. He cannot grant that which matters to her most. “I wish that too.” He has no words. Breathing deeply, he blinked back the tears pooling in his eyes. He would not cry. Not today, not right now. Goodbyes can be saved for later. Right now, they get to sit here in the sunrise and bask in the moment, palms clasped tightly together. They will enjoy today, as they will many more days when he finally gets back.
* * * * * * * * *
Mikhail sat waiting with bated breath, strapped in on his back with the rest of the crew for quite a many hours. Suddenly they hear the noises begin; the main engines light and the ship rumbles fiercely, like a giant beast had just woken up and is out to wreak havoc with its wrath. The vehicle started shaking violently, finally taking off, and suddenly everything was pushing into him with five times his own weight, almost squeezing the living breath out of him. Just when he was sure he could take no more and the likelihood of passing out is at its maximum, the pressure lifted. He was breathing again, and more than that, he couldn’t feel anything at all. He was adrift — floating weightless without the gravity tying him to the ground. So this is what it’s like to be in space.
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