#I could also maybe find more practical resources for physically writing if that's what you were hoping for ahaha
silvercap · 8 months
Do you have any tips for new writers?
Also is there a way to not get too caught up in engagement and stats? I'm kinda having this problem and it is taking the motivation out of things a bit 😭
That's a good question! This post got a little long, so I'm implementing a break lol
I don't exactly have specific rules, but I think my biggest tip for someone writing for the first time is to go easy on yourself and give yourself time to get better. I struggle a lot with perfectionism and the nasty habit of being harder on myself than anyone else ever will be, but it's important to acknowledge that we are our own worst critics and that improvement is only measurable by practicing through the early stuff. I encourage a lot of experimenting, especially when you're starting out--try new things and ways of writing and slowly collect the ones that work for you. I've taken plenty of classes on the logistics of writing and technical tips, but those aren't necessarily helpful for everyone to focus on when they're starting out. I think in first drafts and initial writing, it's better to write from whatever urge possesses you to do so and not get caught up in the technicalities. Those are often more helpful when editing, but it really depends on the way your brain works!
Over time, you'll start to build up a sense of flow and style and the general rhythm of writing engaging paragraphs, which brings me to my next point--reading. It's been said before, but I'll say it again: Reading is one of the best ways to develop a sense of rhythm and effective imagery/idiom/etc. I've also spent plenty of classes analyzing the effectiveness of (I forget the exact word) elements like metaphor or allegory or symbolism or anaphora or any other technical term you can think of that is commonly used to convey specific literary concepts. Reading, on its own, is a great tool for subconsciously noticing the flow of writing and getting a sense for it, but sometimes just taking notice of certain paragraphs that feel right to you or just hit in the right way can allow you to analyze them more deeply and find out what exactly it is about the words that works. Everyone has their own preferences! That might seem daunting, but often the best resources we as writers have is each other, and everyone is inspired by someone else at some point. I'm totally here to take asks and answer any questions I may have brought up because I'm rambling a little bit and like I said: technical aspects aren't necessarily helpful to focus on all at once, and I recommend trying one out at a time to see how it works for you. If that makes sense!
My biggest piece of advice is to have fun with it! Experiment. Put in that weird little thing you think nobody else will like, because often those are the best parts of writing. Do what you feel sounds right! Not to Wayne Gretzky you, but you can only get better or 'succeed' by trying it out and seeing where it takes you. We write because we have ideas we want to share or explore for ourselves, and trying to force yourself to write something you're not passionate about is rarely lucrative.
As for engagement and stats--now, that's a whole other beast. We all want to be noticed and appreciated and commented on, and it's hard sometimes to post a fic and have less engagement than you hoped, but I have a couple things I like to keep in mind for this. It's discouraging, for sure, but people on ao3 or similar sites don't always show their appreciation even if they read and liked your fic. The only way we can fix this as a collective community is to lead by example and comment/kudos/share the fics we read in the hopes that it will catch on and to spread the love to everyone else. I also find it helpful to think about the people who do leave kudos--even if there are only one or two of them--as not just random usernames, but actual living, breathing people who read your fic and enjoyed it. There's that post somewhere about ten likes not seeming like much in the scheme of social media and the influence that virality has had on the internet in recent years, but to have ten people standing in a room with you giving you a thumbs up? That's a lot of people. Even if you get very little engagement, that is not a reflection of you as a person or even necessarily your skill. I know that this can be draining, but the only way to try and build an audience is to post. Sometimes it takes a long time for fics to be noticed. Sometimes things fail. It's up to you how you want to take that, and I can't tell you any of this for certain. I just know from my personal experience that finding a community is only accomplishable by interacting and posting and sharing and existing, and often someone will come along when you don't expect it.
None of this is guaranteed. Hell, take everything I say with a critical eye and more than a few grains of salt, because this is only my experience and god am I still learning. These are things that help me, and I hope some of this is helpful to you, too! What I can tell you for certain is that I encourage you to write and pursue it as far as you want to, and even farther than that. It takes hard work. It can feel like nobody is listening. And ughhhhh the writer's block suuuuuucks. But, you're not alone in this. Anything you've felt is something another writer has felt before, and I think, at least, that there's comfort in knowing you're following in the footsteps of even the writers we consider to be great in both their success and flaws. Maybe I'm being a little lofty ahaha, but it comes down to whether or not you want to write. You can only decide how this goes, and it takes time to work through the barriers of both skill and the anxious fear of not being seen. I see you! And I'm here in the asks anytime you want :)
And even if you fail and give up--you're no less of a writer for it, because you tried, and I think that matters. The lovely thing about being alive and being writers is that we can change and grow, and there will always be a place for you among creators if you choose to join them, no matter how amateur you feel or how long you do it for.
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teehee-vibes · 4 months
Guys, I think Grizzly hid lore in Dark Puckered Hole.
NOW JUST- JUST HEAR ME OUT. (Mieru, look away).
I’m not just talking about the potential purity culture of the Undersea being exposed through Finn’s self exploration… I’m talking RAFT lore.
In Chapter 69, “Behind Bars,” of Dark Puckered Hole, Finn Tidestrider is imprisoned “somewhere in the eastern sea” with another triton, who is on the brink of death. They fall in love and bang before the anonymous convict passes in Finn’s arms, but that’s not what I’m focusing on. Im focusing on the presence of another triton, an injured one, in the Oversea, especially the Sakura Ocean.
Historically in Mana, Finn Tidestrider was one of, if not, THE FIRST to leave the Undersea behind. A decade or so-so later, in modern day Riptide, there have been practically no other triton. Gillion, who was banished, and Edyn, who left to find and avenge him, are the only ones. Even more so, the only other Undersea characters are found in the Undersea (Unnamed NPCs in The Tank OR Felipe, a grung, being from Liquidus) or having left it behind for personal reasons a la Edyn (Caspian, a water genasi). When the Tidestrider siblings go around Allport, they have to wear cloaks to avoid standing out. There aren’t even other triton in Liquidus!
So how, why, is there another triton in the oversea? Finn himself is shocked by his presence. “In this prison, to find another man from the Undersea… my mind raced with questions.” He doesn’t dwell on this weirdness because his questions are drowned out by the sound of his blood beneath his skin, rushing downward, BUT it’s very bizarre, no?
Another detail: Why was the other triton on the verge of death? Of course, inadequate care, but could he have been thrown back into the cell like that? Whoever imprisoned them did not care about their lives. They could live, or they could die.
To go further, isn’t it kind of weird how Finn Tidestrider doesn’t specify where his imprisonment is? He is a very detailed author. He could have said one of the villages in Onawa Country or anything else to feed more detail into his writing, but he didn’t. I feel like the reason he wouldn’t be specific is because he himself was unsure exactly of where he was. He was taken in secret, likely kept out of sight while being arrested and transported to his cell.
I also have to wonder… who imprisoned them? I think you know what I’m getting at. I think RAFT did. RAFT has the resources. RAFT has the political sway. RAFT has governmental power. And it’s worsened by the fact that this imprisonment occurred in the Eastern Sea, the site of the Promised Bastion, where triton are imprisoned, tortured, skinned, and experimented on…
Judging by the fact that Finn refers to the other triton’s you-know-what as “a lighthouse to guide this lost sailor home,” Finn was likely a part of the Black Rose Pirates at the time. He couldn’t hide his presence in the Oversea as a crewmate for a pirate lord, let alone Captain Rose. Finn was on wanted posters, Finn was in newspaper headlines, Finn was a published author. I think RAFT had its eyes on him, but when they arrested or kidnapped him, it wasn’t for crimes of piracy… at least not on the surface.
I think this experimentation on Undersea people and gods has been going on for a long time, and Dark Puckered Hole could be evidence of this fact. Finn was intended to be a source of skin, of blood, and of magic for RAFT’s experimentation in the artificial leviathan and black ops projects. His lover was too, maybe already was (I say maybe because Finn doesn’t allude to the idea that he was physically ripped apart… that would have been unignorable). Finn probably only made it out because he’s that strong (in episode 82, when Drey is talking to and comforting Jay, he said Finn was terrifying when angry or passionate) or his crew came to his rescue.
I think political and military purposes against the pirates weren’t the only reasons RAFT wanted to ally with the Undersea. “Joining forces” with them led either to less suspicion as they funneled triton out of the ocean and to the recently abandoned Promised Bastion, or coming to dominate them allowed RAFT to simply take triton without enough pushback. Either way, without their Champion to rise against them (the one triton on the hooks accused Gillion of abandoning them), they’ve been taken en masse. And maybe Edyn’s collaboration with the navy permitted her some of this knowledge, and that’s how she knew to hide Gillion from prying eyes in navy territory.
Uhhh tldr: It’s weird that there’s an injured triton in the Eastern Oversea. I think DPH could imply that Finn and his lover were imprisoned by RAFT as test subjects for the artificial leviathan and black ops projects, proving the longevity of Fay Ferin’s plans.
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nhl-stories · 1 year
Apartment 402 – Tyson Jost
Summary: Sylvia is a running away from the only life she’s ever known, turning up on Tyson's doorstep may be the best decision she's made in years.
Author’s Note: Mentions of emotional abuse and postpartum depression, but also Josty being a sweetie. Honestly, I could probably write 4 billion more words
If you feel like you or a loved one might be in an abusive relationship, you can find resources here Please be safe out there and look out for one another
Word Count: 11.7k
Album Series Masterlist
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Emptied my hеart, laid down my cards Played my best part, wanting a new start
It was too late to go back. Not that it was really an option, there was no turning around now.
She trudges through the snow that’s piling up on the walkway. This was the right choice, at least for now.
She rings the doorbell and waits for him to answer. It’s late and she didn’t call, she hopes he’s still a light enough sleeper to come get her out of the cold.
“Syl? What– why?” Tyson rubs the sleep from his eyes as he tries to decipher what’s going on.
Before she can answer there’s a cry that grabs their attention.
“You have the baby? Jesus, get in here before he gets cold.”
Sylvia gives a stiff smile and walks into his place with the carrier, she sets it down and pulls Jonah out and bounces him on her hip to get him to calm down. Tyson just watches, waiting for an explanation.
“I left him and I didn’t know where to go, so I just started driving and I ended up here,” Sylvia sniffs, trying her best to not cry. She cried enough in the car.
Tyson is too tired to say anything useful so he just pulls her and Jonah into a hug, he feels her relax in his embrace. When he pulls away, he smiles at the baby.
“Hi Jonah, it’s nice to finally meet you in person,” he holds out a finger and the baby grabs on and giggles when Tyson exaggeratedly shakes his hand.
Syl laughs along, happy Tyson isn’t prodding into the situation just yet. The wound hasn’t even scabbed over, it’s too early to even pick.
“I can put you in the guest room, but I don’t know where the little guy will sleep.”
“I have some of his stuff in the car, I just didn’t want to lug it to your door. You know in case…”
“In case I turned away a mother and baby in this weather?”
“More like you slept through me ringing the doorbell,” she smirks.
Tyson trudges back and forth for Sylvia to get all the stuff out of the car and then helps her set up in his guest room. She sets up the travel playpen and gets Jonah settled for bed, it’s not perfect but it works for now.
“If you need anything, just let me know.”
“Thanks,” Sylvia is the first to go for the hug this time, she’s finally able to squeeze hard without a baby in her arms.
Tyson is surprised he manages to sleep through the rest of the night. He expects the way his blood boils to keep him up, thinking about what that man did to Sylvia, what he took from her, instead he finds solace in sleep.
He also expects the baby to cry, but maybe little Jonah knows how exhausted his mom is emotionally and physically that he gives her a break.
He goes to practice the next morning well-rested and acts like nothing has happened, because as of right now that’s kind of true. Sure, there’s a woman and a baby at his house for God knows how long, but it could be considered just an old friend visiting.
Still, after practice he goes to the grocery store. He doesn’t know anything about babies. Kacey is only two years younger than him so he was barely out of diapers when she was born. He wanders down the baby aisle and throws things in his cart that he thinks will be helpful: food, diapers, wipes, a pacifier with an elephant at the end that he thinks looks cute.
When he arrives home, it’s almost noon and it’s quiet. He knows Syl is still here because her shoes sit by the door like the good Canadian she is.
Sylvia is lying on the bed; her eyes are open but she’s in a daze. Jonah is lying on the bed next to her, playing with his feet while his mother sort of pays attention.
When Jonah hears Tyson in the doorway, he makes an attempt to sit up and gets fussy when he can’t quite get up to look at the visitor. Sylvia doesn’t make any attempts to comfort or move towards him so Tyson scoops the baby up.
“Just get some more sleep,” he whispers and Sylvia just grunts in response.
Jonah starts crying as soon as Tyson gets into the living room.
“Don’t cry little man, we’ll find something fun to do,” he makes a silly face but Jonah’s eyes are closed as he gets ready to scream.
“Shh, shh, shhh,” he looks around the house for something to play with and grabs a loose puck from a side table, he’s pretty sure it’s for some milestone but it doesn’t matter right now.
“Hey look, here’s a puck,” he puts it in Jonah’s hand and the baby grabs it with interest before putting it in his mouth and gnawing on it.
If he was more knowledgeable, Tyson might think about the problem with letting the baby suck on a dirty puck but he’s just happy that Jonah’s calmed down.
He sits down on the floor with Jonah and the baby just happily gums the puck.
“You like hockey then, eh?”
Jonah gurgles in response before taking the puck and holding out for Tyson.
“Thank you,” he smiles though he’s grossed out by the now slobbery puck.
He sets it down but Jonah reaches out for it again. So, Tyson hands it back and Jonah laughs. A few seconds later Jonah passes it back. This continues for far too long to entertain anyone sufficiently and yet; it entertains both until Syl comes into the living room.
“Jonah did you make a new friend?” She brightens at the sight and joins them on the ground, Jonah drops the puck and reaches out for his mom.
“I bought some food and stuff if he’s hungry, sorry I didn’t even think to feed him.”
“He’s still on the tit, but thank you… for everything.”
He shrugs like it’s no big deal, “are you gonna tell me what happened?”
Syl lets out a heavy sigh and kisses her baby on the head.
“You don’t have to, I –“
“It’s fine, you deserve to know why I invaded your life.”
“I guess I finally opened my eyes and figured out what everyone else always knew? I think when I got pregnant, I really started to see what he had done. He has me push away my family and friends and kept me from my own source of income and when I finally came up for air I was poor and alone and trapped.”
She starts to cry, “But people started sending me money for the baby and I didn’t tell him so I had a little nest egg and then he got mad at me for overcooking a steak and not being able to calm down Jonah fast enough and I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to leave.”
“And you took his son in the middle of the night across the border?” Tyson tries to keep judgement out of his tone, but he wants to make sure he understands.
“I honestly didn’t think I’d get this far, I thought I’d chicken out.”
Tyson gives her a strained smile. He’s proud of her, he really is; but at the same time, it seems reckless to leave without a whole plan.
“What if he tries to come after you? After Jonah?”
“I don’t think he’d want any of this to become public knowledge. Let something as stupid as me mess up his reputation,” she says it like she believes she’s nothing.
“I’ll help you find a lawyer just in case, people like him don’t deserve to win.”
Before she can respond, Jonah pulls down the collar of her shirt.
“Sorry, did I ignore your lunchtime?” she smiles and gets a gummy sone in return.
Without second thought she pulls out her breast and starts feeding him.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Tyson shoots up.
“I know you’ve seen tits at least once before, because I dared Brittni to flash you that one summer.”
“You’ll be shocked to hear I’ve seen a few more since then,” he mocks while averting his gaze.
“You know this is the only actual purpose of breasts, right?” She laughs, a real, genuine laugh.
“Yeah, doesn’t mean I need to watch,” he laughs back.
“Well get used to it buddy,” she drops her happy tone, “I mean if I’m allowed to stay here.”
“Why wouldn’t you be?”
“You’re a cool, young single guy who just moved to a new city, who doesn’t need a newly single mom and her baby cramping your style.”
“Lucky for you Sylvie, I like single moms.”
“I’m serious Tys, I haven’t exactly been a good friend for the past few years and then I throw this on you. It’s not really fair.”
“I appreciate it, but I got over being mad about the cold shoulder a long time ago. It was never really your fault. Stay as long as it takes to get back on your feet.”
“You say that now, but wait until Jonah really starts teething and screaming, then you’ll regret saying that.”
“You want to order pizza? I feel like celebrating that my best friend is here and left that asshole.”
“Pepperoni, green peppers, and extra cheese?”
It’s like no time has passed since they were last together. Syl can’t remember the last time she laughed so hard. If she were to guess it would have been 5 years ago, when her relationship still seemed good, when she still had friends she regularly talked to, and she hadn’t let herself wither away in the shadow of her husband’s expectations
If she thinks about everything she gave up, she’ll start to cry, and she has to be better for Jonah. For the new life she’s going to give them.
The next day she ventures out of the house with Jonah, the city looks much different with the sun out, like a new beginning. She finds herself driving around aimlessly at first, taking in this new freedom. Then reality sets in when she gets a call from her mother.
“He called me, to see if you came here, which is hilarious to think this is the first place you’d come,” she laughs like it’s actually a joke and not a comment on their strained relationship, which has been tenuous as long as Sylvia can remember.
“But are you okay? You don’t have to tell me where you guys are I just want to know you feel safe there,” despite their less than stellar relationship her mother had always loved her fiercely.
“I’m in Buffalo.”
“Of course, you went to Tyson,” there’s a sigh of relief, “I’m wiring you some money, don’t argue. Think of it as all the Christmas and birthday presents you missed. And get a new phone number. Don’t give him a chance to contact you outside of lawyers.”
Syl doesn’t mention the dozens of voicemails she hasn’t listened to yet. Though she can practically hear the threatening tone of half of them and the faux apologetic tone of the other half. The dichotomy of anger and caring that had kept her caged with fear and guilt for so many years. 
Her mom goes into legalities that Sylvia knows she’s only familiar with because of her daughter’s life choices. The deep harbored hope that Syl would eventually come to her senses. Everyone obviously hoped it would happen before a child was involved, but life doesn’t always go the way we hope.
After the phone call, Sylvia finds herself crying in a Target parking lot while Jonah screams in tandem.
Tyson comes home and finds Sylvia’s car missing and her phone number disconnected. He’s starts having a weird vision of Taken and going to Toronto to find Syl and beat the life out of her husband, though he doesn’t really have a special set of skills for that kind of action.
Then the door opens with Jonah strapped to Sylvia’s chest and her carrying some bags.
“Jesus Christ where were you?” Tyson grabs the bags out of her hands and his tone causing Jonah to whimper and start to cry.
“It’s okay Jonah, Tyson didn’t mean to scare you,” she bounces a bit to soothe him, “if I’m staying here a while I kind of need the essentials, cribs, bibs, changing table.”
“Well, you should have texted or something,” he lowers his voice a bit, not wanting to frighten Jonah more.
“I thought I would be back before you got home, but then my mom called and–“
“You talked to your mom?”
That’s the last thing Tyson expected to hear. Sylvia was a bit of a latchkey kid growing up, her parents working all hours, so Tyson mostly remembers her mom as the woman who would pick Syl up from his house or an outdoor rink late at night without much fanfare or conversation.
“Yeah, he called her. So, she wanted to see if I was safe. And told me to get a new phone so he could only reach me through a lawyer.”
“Smart,” Tyson nods, “and that’s why your phone was disconnected?”
Sylvia makes an embarrassed grimace in response, before she pulls out her phone and texts him a matching emoji.
“Before you start having me make furniture I have a gift,” Tyson smiles and drags Sylvia to the kitchen.
“I already owe you so much, you don’t need to get me a–“
She stops and laughs at the gift Tyson is excitedly holding up: a Sabres onesie and a pair of noise canceling headphones.
“I thought you guys might want to come to the next home game.”
“I don’t know…” she wants to go but she also worries about imposing too much on his life.
“C’mon, I want to be the one this little guy sees playing for his first NHL game, plus you can meet some of the guys and their partners. Get to know some people other than me, people who have experience raising their own kids.”
Tyson has a big smile, mostly directed to Jonah and it makes Sylvia insides turn mushy.
“Fine, you’re right it sounds fun.”
The day of the game comes and the last thing Syl wants to do was go, instead she wants to lie in bed and do nothing. And by nothing she meant nothing; she hasn’t even gotten out of bed to change Jonah, who is crying in his crib. It’s the worst version of self-soothing a mother could do, but if that makes her a bad mom she doesn’t care.
She lets him cry for 30 minutes and it still isn’t enough to pull her out of her bed, if anything a new level of self-loathing is keeping her there.
Her phone buzzes and she has just enough energy to look that Tyson texted her that he’s bringing her home lunch.
And it’s the fear of Tyson seeing her lower than low, ignoring her child and wallowing in her own self-pity, that finally rouses her from bed.
She scoops up her son, who continues to cry, “Mommy is so sorry baby, I’ll try and pay for your therapy in the future.”
She laughs at her own dark joke as she changes her son, then decides to just give him a full bath since she let him fester in his own filth like the trash person she is.
“You’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight, Jo,” she says once she puts him in the bath, “hockey is a lot of fun, and Tyson, that’s the guy we’re living with, I guess he’s your godfather or something, he’s really good. And mommy met him playing hockey cause she used to have to play on a boys’ team.”
“And she got in trouble for punching a bunch of boys,” Tyson laughs from where he leans against the doorframe.
“Mommy was defending herself, which makes violence okay,” she smiles at Jonah.
Tyson joins her on the floor and hands her a smoothie, “They made this at the training facility, it apparently has all the good vitamins and stuff for breast feeding.”
“They make you guys’ booby smoothies?” Jonah laughs at the word booby, “Booby is like, the one word he recognizes.”
Tyson laughs, “Makes sense, I get excited hearing about meals too, and no it’s not a special smoothie I just read that you need all these vitamins and calcium so I grabbed one on the way out.”
“There’s another part of this lunch right? I’m not a smoothie-only kind of girl.”
“Yeah, I grabbed you a sandwich too.”
The gloom recedes into the background as the day goes on, Sylvia can feel it looming but tries her best to ignore it. If only to make sure she doesn’t seem ungrateful to Tyson.
She hasn’t seen Tyson play a hockey game since his first game against the Maple Leafs, and even then, as a happy newlywed, she was quickly ushered away before really getting to congratulate Tyson. After that she was always been conveniently “busy” when he played in Toronto.
So, walking into the arena is already a wholly different. It makes her heart swell with pride, that little old Tyson made it here. It also makes her feel guilty for not celebrating him enough before.
Jonah seems as enamored as his mom, he moves his head every which way, like he’s taking note of everything so he doesn’t forget.
An usher leads her to the family suite, which is instantly too fancy for her. She’s used to her hockey games being in cold warehouse rinks on hard bleachers where parents scream too loud and teens sneak in beer. She doesn’t know what to do with herself here.
“Sylvia?” A woman comes up to her, clearly sensing her unease.
“I’m Danielle Okposo, Tyson had some of the guys warn us you’d be coming,” her smile is warm and familiar, the kind of person you just want to hug.
“Warn? I hope he’s not telling everyone the bad stories,” she laughs but it ends hollow as she realizes there are bad things he could say.
She merely laughs and bends down to look into the stroller, “And who’s this guy?”
“This is Jonah,” Sylvia gets him out of the stroller and readjust his headphones.
“Welcome to the Sabres family you guys, come sit down,”
She ushers her towards the other women, who all look beautiful and well-dressed. Sylvia feels bad in her ratty flannel, it was the only clean, blue thing she owned. No one seems to take notice or care, but when you’re holding a baby as cute as Jonah, she realizes people pay very little attention to her.
Jonah plays with the ends of her hair while he stares at the players at warm up and his mom is gently interrogated.
“Tyson said you just moved to Buffalo?” A woman who hadn’t introduced herself asked.
“Uh- yeah, I’m staying with Tys until I get back on my feet,” she stutters, “I’m going through a bad separation,” she adds hoping it will kibosh any further question or at least any question about the father of her child.
“Buffalo’s a great place to raise kids if you end up staying,” Danielle adds before they’re all distracted by the start of the game.
The rest of the evening goes pretty smoothly. Jonah isn’t fussy and only sleeps for part of the second period. Too distracted by the ice, the other kids, and the women who insist on giving her a break and holding him.
She eventually gives into the pleas, letting go of her grounding anchor and getting to focus more on the game. Tyson makes an assist and Syl jumps out of her seat, the old rush of a hockey game taking over.
The Sabres win and the women convince her to come down and congratulate the third star of the night, even when she says she’ll just see him back at his place.
She’s already thrown Tyson’s life off its axis; she doesn’t want to completely knock it out of orbit because he’s too nice to tell her to backoff. Even if she deserves it.
She has an overwrought smile as she watches all the wives and girlfriends hug their partners. She wonders if she’ll ever feel happy like that with someone, if the picture-perfect hugs and grins will be real for her.
“Whoa bud, stayed up for the whole game?” Tyson takes Jonah from her arms and gives him a little toss in the air.
 He’s all damp curls and misbuttoned buttons and smiles, for a second Sylvia thinks of kissing him.
She smiles through the strange thought, trying to remain unphased. “Yeah, eyes glued on the ice the whole time.”
Jonah grabs Tyson’s nose and laughs.
“I should get him a pair of skate next then, eh?” He grabs Jonah’s nose back.
“Yeah, for his hands and knees maybe, he can��t even crawl yet.”
“I’ll wait a few months then.”
He makes a mocking face and Sylvia sticks her tongue out at him, Jonah laughs at their faces.
“Want me to take a picture of you guys?” Another player asks walking by.
“No we’re-“
“C’mon Sylvie, I gotta get a good picture to send my mom,” he hands his phone over.
 She rolls her eyes and stands by him, wrapping an arm around his waist before pointing Jonah in the direction of the camera. She tickles Jonah’s side so his gummy smile is on full display.
“Cute, I’m Jeff by the way,” he extends a hand.
“Sylvia and the Sabres newest number one fan is Jonah,” she waves his little hand towards Jeff.
“Nice to meet you, I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of you both,” he smiles, showing off the deepest dimples Sylvia’s ever seen.
“Yeah, probably,” she already feels like she’s getting in too deep.
“Well, it’s bedtime for me and my partner in crime,” she takes Jonah back and puts him in his stroller, “but go out and celebrate, I’ll see you later.”
She gives Tyson a big hug, it’s probably too long and too tight, but she has so many hugs and ‘I’m proud of yous’ to make up for, she doesn’t care.
Sylvia wakes up the next morning and Jonah isn’t in his crib. An unbearable dread fills her body. Had he found her, taken the only thing that mattered to her, just because he could?  Just to remind her she couldn’t escape him, that she was nothing without him.
It’s not logical, but the emotions of being a mother are illogical.
She runs out to the living room, but before she can actually have her reaction out loud, she sees Tyson sitting on the couch with Jonah in his lap, facetiming his mom and sister.
Sylvia almost sobs with relief.
“Oh my god, I want one,” Kacey whines from the other end.
“Yeah, in ten years,” Tyson scoffs with older brother protectiveness.
“Either way I’m booking a flight to Buffalo just to squeeze him, Sylvie makes cute fucking babies.”
“Language,” their mom laughs.
Sylvia doesn’t want to interrupt the family moment, but she second guesses that when she realizes her own flesh and blood is involved and she pops in the background and waves. Jonah squeaks, seeing his mom in the screen but not knowing where she is.
“It’s good to see you sweetie,” Laura smiles, “I’m glad Tyson is being a helpful babysitter.”
There’s no pity in her voice or eyes, but pride, she probably knows what Sylvia’s going through, what she will go through better than most. The silent reassurance makes Syl feel braver.
“I can’t complain, his mom raised him right,” she smirks, aching for the company of a family she hasn’t had in years.
She comes around the couch and takes a spot next to Tyson.
“Did Tys tell you grandpa cried when he saw the picture of the three of you?” Kacey grins.
“Of course, he did,” Sylvia’s grinning so hard she knows it will hurt later.
Jonah then leans forward mouth open onto Sylvia’s shirt-covered boob.
“I’m just a giant milk machine to you, aren’t I?” She moves him off Tyson’s lap and closer to her and her now drool covered shirt.
“Wow you’re still breast feeding, good for you I never lasted that long,” Laura says.
“Gross mom,” Tyson groans.
“It’s a perfectly natural thing Tyson,” his mom scolds and Sylvia makes an ‘I told you so’ face.
“I can feel a tooth coming in, so I think it’s gonna be game over soon. I don’t know if my nipples can take that.”
Tyson and Kacey both make gagging noises in response.
“One of the many reasons you don’t want your own yet, Kace. But before I mortify Tyson more, I’ll feed my child elsewhere. I’m sure I’ll talk to you guys later.”
She gives Jonah’s hand a little wave and goes back to her room.
The conversation changes before she makes it all the way in the room, “How’s she holding up, actually?”
“I think pretty well, not really sure how. We’ve talked a little, but I don’t want to push her.”
“He was always an asshole; it was bound to happen eventually. And all you can do it be there for her, she’s really lucky to have you.”
“Thank mom.”
Sylvia tries, really tries to keep it together.
She gets into somewhat of a routine. She goes on walks with Rachel Thompson and her baby Brooks, who’s about the same age as Jonah. And that’s nice. Being around another new mom is refreshing, it’s a chance to vent with someone who’s going through it. Even if their circumstances are drastically different.
Sylvia tries to make life easier for Tyson where she can, she cooks meals, cleans, runs errands for him. It keeps her mind busy but it’s also a little too familiar. Playing the domestic housewife role so well. She has to remind herself Tyson isn’t him.
Tyson will cook with her when he can, he offers to do dishes when she cooked. He won’t go off on her if something isn’t to his precise specifications.
That still doesn’t put her at complete ease.
Then Tyson goes on a long road trip. She thinks it’s somewhere warmer, but she feels nosey asking while he packs. Like she’s crossing some weird line if she asks. She knows he’d probably be happy to share, Tyson isn’t him.
Her mom calls two days in, “He keeps calling, have you seen a lawyer yet?”
“I’m seeing one tomorrow,” morbid curiosity takes over, “what has he asked about?”
“Just where are you and when I get him extra frustrated, ‘does she know how bad this makes her look?’ Stuff about how he gave you a good life and you’re throwing that all away.”
There’s a glowing feeling in her knowing he’s frazzled now, barely hiding his true nature from everyone else. But then frost touches her heart.
“Has he asked about Jonah?”
The pause her mother takes is answer enough, “No, sorry Sylvie.”
She looks over at Jonah sleeping peacefully in his crib, blissfully unaware of the family he was brought into and the father who cares more about the appearance of his missing wife than the well-being of his son.
“At least it should make getting custody easier,” and that comforts Sylvia in the worst way.
Tyson is chilling by the pool in California with his teammates, it’s not very warm by SoCal standards but it’s boiling in comparison to Buffalo.
His phone buzzes with a text from Sylvia: Thx for the lawyer recommendation, we sent divorce papers today
And before he can think it through, he sends her a shirtless picture of himself with a thumbs up, not exactly the best response to the news.
“Who you sending shirtless pics to Josty,” Alex Tuch calls from in the pool.
“Probably the MILF he’s living with now,” Cozens laughs and the rest of the boys join in.
“She’s getting a divorce,” Tyson lamely retorts.
“That wasn’t a no,” Alex grins.
“And it means she’s single…”
“It’s not like that, we’re just friends,” he can feel heat rushing to his face.
He’d only ever thought of Sylvia that way once. It was just a fleeting pubescent crush. He had come back for the summer after his second year away for hockey in Kelowna and in the meantime, Syl had become a woman. He didn’t know how to react to his friend’s growth spurt or the new curves of her body.
She no longer felt like the girl who wore boy clothes and was too competitive in every game they played. Really, she was the same girl just in a new body.
So, when she rubbed up against Tyson while guarding him in street hockey, he felt all new sensations. It was too confusing for a 14-year-old to really grasp. But once he got his hormones under control and learned to accept the changes in Sylvia, she was the same old friend he had always known.
But every now and then the thought creeps out from the back of his mind that Sylvia is beautiful and can give him butterflies.
“Then you wouldn’t mind if I asked her out,” Jeff grins, his dimples on full display.
“You’d maybe be the only guy I’d let date her, but seriously just leave her alone okay, she’s going through it right now,” he stops himself before he says too much, shares something that’s not his to share.
His phone buzzes with a reply: Very rude of you to send a pic of you in warm weather like that, so here’s my payback.
He reads the text a few times over, trying to decipher it before he receives a picture of Sylvia flipping him off while she is breast feeding.
A shirtless pic for a shirtless pic 😜
He grimaces and exits the text before his teammates get a glimpse.
A swell of darkness comes in with such force Sylvia can’t help but succumb. It had been lurking in the distance for days, but the storm had finally arrived with gusto.
She felt overwhelmed for most of Jonah’s life. She didn’t know how to take care of a small person who didn’t understand the world, she barely took care of herself well enough to be considered well-adjusted or healthy.
“Ow, fuck Jonah,” Sylvia pulls the baby away from her breast.
Jonah wails in response, his mouth gaping wide and the new tooth barely poking through looks almost throbbing with pain.
“Sorry bud, I should have pumped after the last time you tried to gnaw my nipple off,” she tries to reason over the screams.
She lets Jonah gnaw on one of her fingers while she tries to set up the breast pump one handed. By the time she gets it set up both her and Jonah are crying in unison.
In this moment of being milked like a cow while her son greedily chomps on her fingers, she just lets herself free fall into the abyss. The darkness covers her like blanket and she feels warm thinking about falling asleep and never waking up again.
She’s going through the motions of motherhood and she doesn’t know how much longer she can take it. Maybe she could drop Jonah off at a fire station, have him put with a family that deserves him.
She feeds the fussy baby, who only cries more when he’s finished. Throwing a bottle with such force he puts a dent in the stainless-steel refrigerator.
He cries and cries and cries. She doesn’t know how he has this much breath in his lungs. She ran out of tears and breath a long time ago.
On top of that he doesn’t sleep.
It’s three in the morning and he’s just as awake, somehow throwing his loudest tantrum yet.
“Just stop, please! I get it, life fucking sucks but you can’t keep doing this,” Sylvia somehow finds more tears in her body.
He stops for a moment and Sylvia relaxes a little, just long enough for him to spit up on her before he lets out a scream.
“Why are you doing this to me?” She shouts in her son’s face, like if she matches his volume maybe he’ll realize how ridiculous he sounds.
If anything, he wants to win the screaming contest.
Syl has to set him down on the floor to stop herself from shaking him, from throwing him out of a window, from winning worst mother of the millennium award.
She crumples to the floor beside him and sobs. Her body shakes so hard she thinks she’ll bruise her ribs. She never wanted to be this person. She doesn’t want to be a person at all.
It’s 6 AM and it’s still unending; she doesn’t know how he hasn’t just screamed himself into a coma. He’s only stopped when he desperately pleaded for a meal, and the solace of silence was worth her bleeding nipples.
She’s more surprised that the neighbors haven’t called CPS. Maybe they have, it’s not business hours yet.
The door opens, the team had taken a red eye. Sylvia doesn’t react, she might be half deaf at this point.
Tyson comes around the corner at full speed, rushing to the sound of crying. Only to see both Jonah and Sylvia sobbing on the floor.
She looks a mess: dried vomit on an old sweater that probably hasn’t been washed since she moved here, hair looking just as unwashed, and dark bags under her eyes that still show through the red puffiness.
“Shit Syl,” he gets down on the floor and gives her arm a gentle squeeze.
“He’s broken,” she sniffles, “he won’t stop crying.”
Tyson’s heart shatters, “Okay,” he pauses to think, he doesn’t want to say the wrong thing, make her feel like a bad mother.
“How about I take him for a bit and you go shower and refresh,” he smiles and picks Jonah up before she can respond.
The baby screams in his ear while he helps Sylvia up. She seems too dazed to move so Tyson pulls her along to the bathroom and turns on the shower, waiting until the water is warm.
“This will make you feel a little better, or at least more human,” he kisses her forehead and walks out.
Tyson is right, Sylvia does feel a little better after washing the grime off of her. But she’s not ready to face Jonah again, the echoes of his cries ringing in her ears. She sits on the floor of the shower and cries until the water turns cold.
She gets out and it’s quiet. For a second she thinks she might have actually gone deaf. She puts on pajamas and pads out to the living room, no sign of them. She peers into Tyson’s room and finds Jonah sitting in Tyson’s open suitcase, chewing on a hockey puck. He has big crocodile tears still pouring, but that’s a million times better than he had been.
“I know the puck is pretty cool, but I thought you’d like the matching shirts,” Tyson is modeling a Hawaiian shirt and hold up a tiny version of the same one, they’re horribly bright and in any other moment Syl would point out a colorblind person clearly picked them out.
“We can’t exactly wear them here, so I got it a little bigger so you can grow into it.”
“I’m an awful mom,” it’s not what she wants to say, but it’s where her brain goes.
Tyson turns around and pulls her into his chest.
“Sylvie, you’re not a bad mom, you were just overwhelmed.”
“He’s been crying for like days straight and you come home for five minutes and he stops! Obviously, it’s because I don’t know how to take care of my son.”
He rubs circles on her back and takes a deep breath, willing her to follow suit.
“You’ve been mostly alone for over a week, you were overwhelmed. It doesn’t make you a bad mom.”
When she doesn’t make eye contact with him, Tyson lifts her chin to make sure she sees how serious he is.
“You’re a good mom, Sylvia. You just had some bad days and look,” he points to Jonah who is now snoozing on a pile of Tyson’s travel clothes, “you made it through and he’s still alive.”
Sylvia still seems unsure but she’s too tired to protest. She just nods in agreement.
“He’s really lucky to have you, he just doesn’t appreciate it yet. And obviously he was lost without seeing me every day.”
Sylvia shakes her head and laughs, the feeling is foreign.
“You may be his food source, but I’m the entertainment,” Tyson grins, loosening his embrace but no quite letting go.
“I’m glad he has his own personal clown,” she playfully shoves him.
“Go get some sleep Syl, I got the rugrat for a few hours.”
Sylvia is out of the room before Tyson can second guess his offer. She’s asleep before her head hits the pillow.
If she doesn’t wake up at least Jonah would be in good hands. The sick thought is the last thing that runs through her mind before slumber takes over.
She wakes up, much to her chagrin.
But then she hears Tyson and Jonah laughing outside her room and she hates herself. Here she is with a happy, healthy baby and a friend so nice he’s willing to upend his life to help her out, and she’s acting this way? She hates being ungrateful.
She recommits herself to being better.
And it works, for the most part. Sure, she cries in the shower where Tyson can’t hear her or stays in a parking lot to sob, but who doesn’t do that? It could be worse, she knows that, until a few weeks ago Syl was living that.
It’s pretty late at night for Jonah to still be up but he’s been buzzing all day so Sylvia is hoping to tire him out a bit more before putting him down. She’s noticed that he doesn’t wake up in pain over his fresh teeth if he’s completely worn out.
She’s folding some of Tyson’s laundry, a new chore she’s picked up in an attempt to keep her mind busy and have more of a routine. Jonah is laying on his stomach, doing an impression of pushups as he tries to get a Sabretooth plushie Sylvia put just out of reach to keep him occupied.
“You’re so strong Jo,” she laughs as he pushes himself up a little further and moves himself a bit closer to the toy.
He grunts with concentration.
She moves to grab another shirt to fold and turns back to see Jonah on his hands and knees, crawling towards his prize.
“Holy shit,” she whips out her phone to take a video, moving the stuffed animal a little further away from him.
He takes the challenge and moves a little further, getting his hands on the Sabretooth. He gurgles happily and puts it in mouth.
“You’re crawling baby,” Syl doesn’t think she’s ever been so happy than seeing him reach a milestone.
She baits him to crawl a little further a few more times when she hears the door open. Syl doesn’t even think twice about her newly mobile baby before she shoots up and runs towards the door.
“Tys you have to see – oh shit sorry,” Sylvia freezes in her tracks and half turns away in embarrassment.
Tyson has a woman hanging off of him, they’re intentions clearly painted on their flushed faces.
“Oh my god you have a girlfriend?” The woman says as she detaches herself from him.
“No, I’m just staying here, I’m so sorry. I’m usually in bed by now so you wouldn’t even know I was here.” Sylvia rambles, feeling so embarrassed and remorseful she completely forgets why she was so happy.
“Tys you should have texted I would have made sure I was out of the–“
“Jonah you’re crawling?” Tyson interjects when the baby scoots his way towards the noises.
Syl can’t even relish in the pure joy spreading across Tyson’s face as he beams at her son.
“And there’s a baby,” she’s clearly a second from leaving but the cold is probably preventing her from just waiting outside.
Sylvia picks up Jonah, “I’ll just go for a drive with him and let you two have the place for a while, I’m so sorry. I’m such a fucking cockblock.”
She starts to gather her coat and boots when the woman speaks up, “I think the moment’s passed, but maybe we can go back to mine next time”
She sends an understanding smile towards Sylvia and somehow that makes her feel guiltier.
“I can drive you home,” Tyson offers.
“I called an Uber,” she holds up her phone, “it’s outside,” she gives Tyson a tentative kiss before leaving.
Sylvia lets out an embarrassed groan, “Oh my god I’m ruining your fucking life.”
“You think that ruined my life?”
Sylvia just glares in response.
Tyson takes Jonah from her, “Now show me what this crawling business is all about.”
“My son isn’t a dog you can ask to show you tricks,” she laughs as she follows him into the living room.
“I think you have to do this for me, since you’re ruining my fucking life,” he winks and sets Jonah on the ground.
The baby immediately makes his way over to the stuffed animal he left on the floor.
“I know it sounds stupid, but this is like the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen,” Sylvia says while holding back tears.
“It kind of is.”
Now that Jonah is on the move any time he’s set on the floor, Syl realizes she should probably baby proof Tyson’s place. It’s a lot of work but it’s just another thing to keep her occupied and if it’s funny every time Tyson finds a new drawer or cupboard he can’t open, then that’s just a bonus.
It feels like she’s on the other side of a tunnel. Then her lawyer calls.
Uncontested divorce.
It sounds nice to get it over with, no arguing or going into court. Never having to see him again
Then the reality sets in. She loves the idea of not fighting over custody but also agreeing to not take alimony or child support in return is a little extreme. Without a little income from the divorce, she doesn’t know when she’ll be able to work and get on her own feet. And she can’t expect Tyson to just be okay with this arrangement indefinitely.
But she also knows her opponent, and she knows he’ll make her life a living hell if she fights back, and is that worth it?
The lawyer talks her through all her options, Sylvia tries to absorb all the information she can but the emotional and logical parts of her brain are at war.
She lying on the ground and tossing a ball a little bit away for Jonah to grab; essentially, she’s playing the most passive game of fetch, but it’s entertaining him so she doesn’t care. It’s the perfect way to wallow and be a somewhat decent mother.
The door opens and Tyson calls out, “I went to the store but I couldn’t remember what solid food he was on, sweet potatoes or beets?”
At the sound of his voice, Jonah bypasses the ball and scrambles to the kitchen. Tys picks him up and flips him upside down, much to the little boy’s delight.
“What?” Syl sits up and gives him a quizzical look.
“We were out of baby food, but I know he’s trying a new food this week and I couldn’t remember what it was.”
The way he says ‘we’ makes Sylvia’s heart swell then burst. She can’t tell if it’s in a good or bad way, but it makes her a little lightheaded.
“You, okay?”
“Yeah, just lost track of time. Forgot it was lunch time,” she rubs her eyes even though she’s not actually tired, “And it’s sweet potato week,” she puts on her ‘happy baby’ voice and walks over to the pair.
She starts to set up the high chair and Tyson helps strap Jonah in and together they’re like a well-oiled machine. Before she knows it, Tyson is spoon feeding her son, sing-songing ‘here comes the plane.’
“Wow bud, you really love these sweet potatoes. You might even rival my friend Nate Dogg,” he laughs and Jonah copies him.
Syl can feel herself doing a robotic kind of laugh, like she’s trying to solidify the fact that she’s there and present, but her brain is a million miles ahead of her and maybe in a different country.
Tyson doesn’t seem to notice from his bonding bubble with her son.
“I think I have to go to Toronto for my divorce,” she blurts, finally coming back to reality.
The orange goo of sweet potato slips off the spoon and onto Jonah’s bib. Sylvia takes a moment too long, staring at the food as it slides down further.
“My lawyer called today and I think I want to contest his terms of the divorce.”
Tyson puts the spoon and bowl of food down, doesn’t even notice that Jonah takes this as an opportunity to take both and make a mess.
“And what are the terms?” A deep wrinkle forms between his brows.
“I get to keep Jonah 100%, but no child support or alimony.”
Tyson stares on like he’s missing something.
Syl doesn’t know how to voice all her jumbled thoughts, so she just lets the words flow out, “I can’t just go without money from him, I’ll never be able to pick myself up without something and you can’t take care of us.”
She knows it’s not exactly what she meant to say, but it’s also not completely off. She can’t go from her whole life depending on one man then another, even if Tyson would never use that as some power to hold over her.
The hurt that crumples Tyson’s face makes her realizes he doesn’t understand what she’s really feeling.
“I don’t mind taking care of you guys,” his voice is so small and hurt.
“Just because you don’t mind doesn’t mean you should have to Tys, I’m not your problem,” she can feel her words digging a deeper grave.
Jonah can sense the shift in the air and his lip starts to tremble.
“I’m gonna give him a bath,” she mumbles and leaves the room in a hurry, the hot sting of tears coming through.
Tyson leaves on a road trip the next morning. She doesn’t get the chance to explain herself or apologize.
After two days of fretting over an apology text she never sends, Danielle Okposo comes knocking on the door.
“How would you and Jonah like a playdate?”
Syl doesn’t feel up to leaving the house, she’s back in ‘fully alone and unable to clean herself and her son’ mode.
“This is like 90% for me, my oldest two keep bringing up having another baby and I think having them play with an actual baby might help my cause. Because either Jonah is really cute and satisfies the baby needs or he’s a nightmare and they remember how hard having a baby is.”
“Wow, babies having baby fever,” Sylvia laughs.
“So will you come?”
“Why not,” she decides adult interaction is probably healthy and will keep her mind off of Tyson.
“You’re literally a lifesaver.”
They end up at the Okposo house, which is controlled chaos at its finest. Four kids, toys everywhere, but it’s cozy; it’s the kind of house Sylvia always dreamed of living in.
The kids are instantly enthralled with Jonah, who is living for the attention. They place him in front of a mini stick net with an oversized helmet on to play goalie. The three older kids take soft shots at him, and now that he can move, he actually stop some of the foam balls that come towards him.
Sylvia can’t help but take a picture without a second thought she sends it to Tyson with the caption, he’s strangely good at this, a sign I gave birth to a weirdo?
As soon as it says delivered, she worries away at the corner of her lip, wondering if it was wrong to send that without any apology or acknowledgment of their last conversation. The image of his hurt face burned into her mind.
“Everything okay?”
And maybe it’s because Danielle is a real adult who really has it together or that Sylvia kept everything shoved down in the darkest part of her mind for years, but whatever it was about being here right now makes her open up. About everything.
Suddenly there’s someone in the world who knows it all, and she a weight she didn’t even know was on her chest is lifted. She can finally take a full breath and with all the newfound air rushing to her lungs she starts to feel overwhelmed and hyperventilates. It brings out the tears that were just below the surface.
Danielle rubs her back and just lets Sylvia feel her emotions and there’s something profoundly new and profoundly sad about that.
“Oh Syl, that’s a lot to have to carry all on your own.”
Sylvia quickly wipes her tears when she hears the kids come in asking for a snack, Odin awkwardly holding a rather happy Jonah. She sniffles and offers to take the baby.
“We just knew we couldn’t leave him alone; he doesn’t want to hang out with moms,” Odin scrunches up his nose and Syl can’t help but laugh at the glimpse into her own future.
“Why don’t you guys pick a movie and we’ll bring you some snacks in a bit,” Danielle diplomatically gets rid of the kids before they really notice Sylvia’s tear-stained face.
Once they’re out of ear-shot Danielle turns back, “My advice might not mean a lot coming from someone who has not gone through half the stuff you’ve gone through, but I do think you should let Tyson in a little more, so he understands what you’re thinking.”
Sylvia gnaws at her lip but nods.
“And I think you should see a therapist, because the way you talk, that’s not just being sad or motherhood being hard. It sounds like postpartum depression and you can’t take care of Jonah if you aren’t taking care of yourself too.”
Talking about all of this with a stranger almost seems more appealing than talking to Tyson.
“I have a few names I can give you,” Danielle squeezes her hand, “now let’s go feed some kiddos before they get really crazy.”
Tyson is set to arrive home and Sylvia is tempted to ask if she can stay with the Okposo’s just to push off her conversation another day. But she knows she has to be brave. She was brave enough to leave an emotionally abusive relationship, why couldn’t she be brave enough to talk to her best friend?
Jonah is down for a nap and Syl starts making dinner, something to keep her hands and brain busy.
Tyson comes through the door; his usual loud and happy greeting doesn’t follow him. Syl can hear him rummaging around his room, taking his sweet time before they talk. He finally sheepishly makes his way into the kitchen, sitting on a barstool but not yet acknowledging Syl.
She goes on with her business, finishing a stir fry and plating it for the both of them. She sets a plate in front of Tyson, a sort of peace offering, before taking the seat next to him. They eat in silence until it becomes too deafening for Syl, she doesn’t know if she’s ever heard Tyson so quiet.
She doesn’t quite dare to look over to him yet, “you have been so kind and amazing to take care of us and I really appreciate it, more than you’ll ever really understand.”
“But…” he fills in for Sylvia.
“But,” she takes a deep breath, she wants to get it right this time.
“I want to get back on my feet or I guess find the footing I never had so I don’t have to need your money.”
“Sylvie, I don’t mind. I like helping.”
“What if I never get on my feet?” she finally looks at him giving him a stern look in hopes of getting through to him.
“Then you don’t, it’s fine,” he has this blank look, like he can’t understand there are alternatives.
“Tys this isn’t about you! I want to be able to afford daycare while I go to a job or pay for my own lawyer without relying on you.”
She puts a hand on his arm, gently rubs her thumb up and down his sweatshirt covered bicep.
“The last time I let a man have this much power over my life…” she doesn’t need to finish the sentence, “And I know you’re not him, you could never be like that. But I need the chance to find that independence I’ve never had, even if it’s hard.”
She can feel tears falling down her face, Tyson reaches up to wipe a few away, his own eyes glossy.
“I just don’t want you to feel like you have to fight him to get that independence.”
“What did you say before? People like him can’t win?”
Tyson lets out a hesitant laugh, “then let’s kick his ass and take him for all he’s worth.”
Sylvia is finally seeing a rainbow after the storm. For most of her adult life she’s been on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop; if it’s coming soon, she doesn’t care, or at least she knows she can handle it.
Her lawyer seems to think they’re building a solid case. Years of texts and voicemails she was too lazy delete are making quite the damning pile of evidence.
Her new therapist seems to think she’s making good progress, even before they fully cracked open the can of worm that was her marriage.
“Mmm, mmm” Jonah babbles.
“You almost got it Jojo, it’s Ma Ma,” she smiles at him.
“Mmma, mm.”
“I’ll even settle for no,” Syl pauses but he doesn’t respond, “or hi? But Hs are hard.”
“Duh dddd,” he gives a her his gleaming four tooth smile.
“Okay, I don’t know who’s teaching you that one,” she narrows her eyes at him.
“Duh mmmm.”
“Maybe you can try bye bye?”
Jonah happily waves at her, having recently mastered the skill.
“Yeah, bye bye! Can you wave and say bye bye?” She prods.
“Buh duh,” he waves.
“Fine, I guess I can live with your timetable.”
He gurgles and drools in response.
“But Ma Ma was really hoping to write that she was grateful you said your first words this week.”
When he still doesn’t respond, she sighs and writes down her daily gratitudes sans first words. Jonah and Tyson are numbers one and two every day, which she loves but she hates feeling so boring.
Though if she thinks about it, she can’t recall when she was ever actually interesting.  She was kind of interesting when she left behind Alberta for Toronto to be with the love of her life, but that didn’t turn out very well.
The next time was probably when she got pregnant, but that’s only in the way that making human life is interesting. And no one was really interested in her then anyway; recently some of the Sabres’ better halves were sharing pregnancy photos and Sylvia only had one mediocre picture a nurse had taken when she was in the early stages of labor. The rest of her pregnancy lost in preparations to flee her own life.
She guesses that makes her interesting, her escape from a bad relationship; not that she’s publicly sharing that information. But she doesn’t want to be interesting because of her trauma.
Tyson comes into the kitchen in a navy blue suit, he gets an excited, goofy grin on his face when he sees Jonah in his tiny Sabres jersey.
“Hey bud, ready for the game?” he waves at the baby who happily waves back, always excited to show off for Tyson.
“He may not know what’s going on but he is a great good luck charm,” Syl laughs at the fact the team of 4-0-1 when Jonah is in the arena.
“You’re both my good luck charms.”
He doesn’t look away from Jonah as he says it, doesn’t see Sylvia’s cheeks heat up as he gives Jonah a raspberry on his where his shoulder meets his neck; for a moment she pictures Tyson’s lips on her neck.
“You ready to help me win Jonah? Can you say Ty-son?”
“Yah duh.”
Sylvia snatches her son, “Mama might not be his first words but if he’s gonna acknowledge a person by name, it’ll be the person who grew him.”
“Fair enough,” he raises his hands in surrender, “well, be good for mama and I’ll see you later.”
He gives Jonah a loud, obnoxious smooch on the cheek then a subtle one to Syl before he heads out.
Jonah continues to be enthralled by hockey, just stares at the ice with big eyes like he understands what’s going on. The only thing he actually understands is that he loves Sabretooth, especially the life-size one who picks him, it’s much better than the small one he drops when the mascot arrives.
Sylvia takes a picture of it and sends it to Tyson’s family. She gets a 50-emoji response from Kacey.
The team wins and Jonah keeps the title of good luck charm, the others joking that he has to come to every home game until they make the playoffs.
“Okay, hand the baby over and enjoy your night out,” Danielle reaches out for Jonah.
Sylvia doesn’t follow orders, just looks confused.
“Sorry I didn’t tell her, I didn’t want her to run away,” Rachel chimes in, sporting a sort of apologetic look, though Syl doesn’t know if it’s directed at her or Danielle.
“Am I having a stroke?”
“No Syl,” Rachel responds, “we got a babysitter for the night and getting you out on the town.”
“You deserve it, now give me Jonah. Tyson dropped of a bag of his stuff he’s in good hands.”
“I don’t like that this was a coordinated effort; do I seem that desperate to go out?”
“No, but you haven’t had a night to yourself since you moved here,” or since you had a kid or God knows since when is implied between Danielle’s words, “so go be young and have fun.”
Sylvia knows when she can’t win a fight so she squeezes her baby tight and kisses him before reluctantly handing him over.
They go to the Thompson’s house and Sylvia gets handed a drink to loosen her up while Rachel does her makeup and finds something for her to wear.
Halfway through the drink Syl feels tipsy, she never was a big drinker and it had been a while, but she’s enjoying the warmth and weirdly the attention she’s getting right now.
“You’re always hot, but damn you really clean up nice,” Rachel smiles at her while she puts on the finishing touches.
She finally looks at herself, it’s like a looking into an alternate universe. Like maybe this would be a normal occurrence if she had gone off to college, made normal 20-something mistakes, had a close group of girlfriends who shared clothes.
She takes moment to mourn that Sylvia.
“Thanks, I can’t remember the last time I wore make up, or a dress,” she laughs and spins around in the mirror.
They arrive at a crowded bar and meander through the crowd until they find the team. Sylvia waves before she feels everyone’s eyes on her, suddenly self-conscious about how she looks.
“Who’s gonna get our girl a drink? Welcome her to the Buffalo night life?” Rachel’s voice cuts through the noise.
Jeff is at the edge of the booth and the first to get up, Sylvia thinks he’s gonna guide her to the bar but instead he guides her to take his seat, conveniently next to Tyson, before he takes her order.
“Surprise me,” she says before she rethinks it, “but nothing too strong.”
She awkwardly readjusts her skirt that has ridden up too high, she’s too aware of the eyes on her and the weight of Tyson’s arm that’s now wrapped around her shoulder.
Sylvia hadn’t gone out in years; it was always a whole ordeal only for her to get in trouble. She always had to look nice, but if she looked too nice, she was accused of trying to attract male attention. If she went to the bar for too long, it was because she had to be flirting.  If she danced too long or in a certain way or with anyone who wasn’t him, she had to expect a long lecture and some verbal degradation.
Going out meant being emotionally exhausted and in a way, she could feel that exhaustion already seeping in.
Jeff comes back and drops a drink in front of her, waiting for her to take a sip of approval. She gives him a thumbs up after tasting the semi-sweet concoction, she’s not sure what it is but it’s good.
“Cheers to mom’s night out,” Rachel holds up a drink and they all cheers.
This drink goes to her head much quicker, probably because she’s taking nervous sips every two seconds.
Suddenly she stands up, a little wobbly on her feet, Tyson grabs her hand to steady her or maybe concerned she’s about to run or something.
“I’m gonna go dance,” she doesn’t yell so she’s not sure anyone hears her, but she wanders onto the dance floor anyway.   
It feels freeing, to just let go for a bit and dance. She forgets about her problems and the other people around. It’s a moment of pure joy she hasn’t felt for just herself in a long time. It feels like she’s shaking rust off her heart.
Syl feels someone come up behind her, warmth radiating. She doesn’t care to look just happy to keep dancing to the beat of whatever song. Still, she gives a little start when she feels hands on her hips, it’s a foreign feeling.
Before she can move to look behind her, she sees Tyson move in front of her, she can feel her smile growing. She moves a hand to pull Tyson closer the her, feeling the large warm hands retreat. In her hazy mind she thinks she’s a gloating glint in Tyson’s eyes but when she turns to look, there’s only the mass of the crowd, not one person standing out.
Tyson and Sylvia aren’t really touching while they dance. Syl can’t bring herself to look away from his warm brown eyes, she finds herself thinking about how long and thick his eyelashes are, that Tyson is very pretty. Before she can voice some of these thoughts, she feels her eyes drooping.
“It’s pretty late for mom’s first night out,” he leans in to whisper into her ear, it makes Syl shiver a bit, “want to head home?”
Syl can only nod suddenly feeling very overstimulated.
As they make it home, she feels like she’s only getting drunker. Even though she stopped drinking a while ago. Tyson ushers her into the kitchen and gets her a glass of water.
“Oh no, I’m still wearing Rachel’s clothes.”
Tyson chuckles, “you weren’t exactly going to return them in the bar.”
Sylvia shrugs and downs half the glass of water; she holds it out to Tyson for a refill.
“I miss Jonah. This is the first time I won’t be able to kiss him good night,” it feels weird to have her heart somewhere else.
“You can give him extra kisses tomorrow,” Tyson gives her a hug.
He starts to pull away but Syl doesn’t quite let go, “I can still give you a goodnight kiss.”
She leans up to close the distance between them, she would normally go for a quick peck on the cheek but she doesn’t start to turn her head. They’re lips touch and it should be quick, it should be over already, but it’s not.
There’s too much heat and Sylvia doesn’t who it’s coming from. She doesn’t know whose tongue comes out first, but it doesn’t make either pull away. It’s an unfamiliar feeling that radiates through her chest and she wants to see where it takes her, but it’s also too scary and she can’t possibly go through it without perishing.
She pulls away too quickly and almost falls off the bar stool, Tyson catches her by the waist and it lights her skin on fire.
“Well, good night!”
Sylvia rushes to her room, she falls back on her bed; touching her lips with awe, like it will keep the sensation there longer.
Tyson leaves on a road trip the next day. He comes in to check on her before he leaves, but Syl pretends to be asleep. Not ready for any conversation or to look Tyson in the eyes. Still, he moves deeper in the room, kissing her forehead before he leaves.
So, at least she knows he doesn’t hate her.
She texts Danielle later about dropping off Jonah, claiming she has a raging hangover and couldn’t possibly leave the house. It’s partially true, there’s persistent but dull ache in her head. It may be from thinking too hard about the kiss though.
Once Jonah is home, Sylvia can’t let him out of her arms, he’s the anchor keeping her grounded while her brain is all static. She spends most of the day snoozing with Jonah pressed up against her.
The following day she tries to get her head on straight, come up with a game plan for talking about the kiss. She doesn’t have much time with Tyson set to return that evening and with Jonah having an unexplainable meltdown.
She tries to put on a calming demeanor, but it’s like Jonah can sense the worried churning in his mom’s stomach. He’s only communicating his concern in the best way he can, but it doesn’t make the day easier.
She can’t pinpoint the moment her feelings changed and maybe that’s what makes it scarier. It feels a bit out of the blue, she had no time to gauge Tyson’s thoughts before her inhibitions were down and she was acting on it.
All Sylvia knows is friendship isn’t enough for her anymore.
In a panic she packs a go-bag, a déjà vu moment she was never hoping to repeat. But she has no idea what’s to come and she doesn’t want to be a burden in Tyson’s house with any unresolved feelings.
She doesn’t even know where she would go this time around, all her friends are Tyson’s friends first. If it weren’t for her baby she’d just sleep in her car. Maybe she could haul ass to Edmonton.
There’s no time to dwell, Jonah is screaming in her ear and she can’t think over the din.
Tyson comes home to screaming, which is oddly comforting for him. He was a bit worried Sylvia might leave in a panic, embarrassed about the kiss.
“Hey Sylvie,” he says quietly.
“Hi Tys,” she looks exasperated, “I don’t know what’s wrong, I’ve tried everything.”
Jonah continues to cry, knocking over a bowl of food and making a mess. Sylvia looks a second away from breaking down with him, but she’s not looking away from Tyson to notice the chaos.
“Let me try,” he gets Jonah out of the highchair and bounces him on his hip.
Jonah doesn’t stop. But Tyson looks so natural with her son, Sylvia has to have this conversation now. She can’t live in this fantasy world a moment longer if it’s going to be snatched from her.
“I’m not sorry I kissed you,” she nearly shouts, making sure Tyson can hear her.
She flinches out her own loud voice and tones it down, “I mean I’m sorry for the when and the how of the kiss but I’m not sorry it happened.”
Tyson just has this unreadable look on his face, he stares on as he rocks Jonah, who’s screams are subsiding a little.
 “You’re good to my son and you’re good to me. And maybe I don’t deserve that or deserve you. But I want you and I can’t help it,” her eyes well up as she exposes her heart.
Her heart hurts too much in the extended silence from Tyson. It’s like it can’t pump enough blood any more, like it doesn’t understand how it was even working before she loved Tyson; like it can’t survive a minute longer not loving him wholly.
“And if you don’t want that, I get that. My life is a mess and I have so much baggage,” she can’t hold back the sob in her throat, “We can leave if this is too much.”
It takes her second to grasp that the voice is small and foreign.
“No” Jonah says again.
“Did you just say your first word?” Her tears quickly shifting focus.
She can’t stop herself from coming over and kissing her son all over his face to a chorus of little nos.
“Kid stole my line.”
Sylvia is jolted back into the moment. She looks up into deep brown eyes, their bodies are too close together.
“I don’t know what that guy did to you and you don’t ever have to tell me, but it makes me so angry that he made you think you aren’t worth it or don’t deserve good things.”
He has blink back some tears, Sylvia can’t stop herself wiping the stray ones away.
“Syl, you’re kind and loving and an amazing mother. You deserve the world and I want to be the one who gives that to you.”
She can’t stop herself from going for the kiss, Tyson is left so breathless he almost forgets he’s still holding a baby. It’s not as heated as the last kiss, but it says everything much clearer.
“Yeah we get it bud,” Tyson laughs when they break a part, “You said your first word, the moment is all yours.”
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dusty-self · 7 months
Daemonism - Settling & Size
I’ve been thinking a lot about settling, both in an AU sense and in a practicing one. I think I may end up writing a series of posts about it as I want to get it out of my head and because there’s a lot of different thoughts and opinions. One post would be too long and too chaotic. 
*Quick Disclaimer* With this I’m not trying to make any grand statements on how what is right and how daemonism should be done. There’s lots of ways to practice and one isn’t better that the other. This is all just for fun. However you practice is valid. 
That said, let’s jump into it
Whenever I think about a daemon AU, my mind always finds its way to large daemons. I think about how difficult it must be to have one, how the world we know isn’t designed for them, and how hard it must be to move through life with one. All the things that must be done to compensate an elephant or a horse in their daily lives. It’s fun to think about and for sure. There would have to be so many adaptations in society to compensate them, but I want to try and look at something different. How common ARE large daemons?
Firstly, this is all theoretical. There’s no way to measure this. But I think it’s fun so let’s give it a shot! From what I’ve seen online and from what I’ve read from the HDM series, most daemons are small. They rarely exceed the size of a dog or a wolf. I don’t see a reason why there CAN’T be larger forms. I think that if the form fits, and a daemon is a deer for example, then said daemon would settle as a deer. Limiting daemons to all being small also rules out so many interesting animals for your daemon to settle as. That being said, based on the HDM series we know that a daemon can’t be chosen, but can be influenced by their surroundings (I may make a separate post about this). For now, I think it’s fair to assume there is a bias towards settling as smaller forms. It’s simply more convenient to have a smaller daemon than a large one.
This is all fine and good but it does really answer the question of how common large daemons are. I’ve spend a lot of time looking at statistical distributions over the last couple of days. I think that the best one I’ve found would be the power law, also called the 80-20 rule (graph below). In show up all the time in physics, biology, nature, psychology, and a whole lot of other places. It describes the distributions of things inside a system. For example, we could look at as the distribution of wealth, with 20% of the population holding 80% of the resources. This also applies to things like frequency of words used in literature, number of earthquakes to magnitude, and size of solar flares. It all falls roughly into this curve. This is also what I’m proposing for the frequency of daemon sizes. 80% of the population would have daemons under a certain size, 20% of daemons are over that size.
Now there are still some problems with this. Picking what that size is is pretty arbitrary. For this I think it’s fair to to say that anything around the size of a wolf is still pretty common, but anything bigger starts to be on the rarer side. I also think that this implies that truly tiny daemons, like insect, are the most common and I don’t think that holds true either. Maybe some sort of bar graph would work better. There’s flaws for sure, but I think it’s a good start. 
So to bring it back to an AU, I do still think that there would have to be would have to be accommodations for large daemons. 20% of the population is still over 1.5 billion people. The truly massive daemons would be rare, but there would have to be in measures in place for them even if 0.05% of the population had on around the size of an elephant that’s over 4 million people. Something would need to be in place for them. If the world always had them, then it should be ready. It would be interesting to see how things would need to change with the relatively recent population boom as there would also be an increase in large daemons. 
That was a long one. I’m not a mathematician so I may have gotten something wrong. Like I said before, this is all speculation. I’d love to hear what you thought about it!
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bluejay1009 · 2 years
I always had in my mind the urge to create a Halo and Star wars crossover but could never really figure out in how to do it which would not follow the same old template and have to all lore accurate with both factions and keep both fans of these franchises satisfy. I have been thinking in creating this story to be unique and be a new take on how to write this franchises such as advancing the UNSC with technologies such as Dyson spheres, creating artificial stars, been able to manipulate their genes, developing their own energy weapons, advancing their industry and economy, more research into A.I without having to use donor brains, create Mecha that are piloted by smart A.I or inhabit by A.I to give them their own bodies, find new ways into getting materials and create replicators were they can create synthetic metals and be able to improve on metals by synthesing their components been able to improve them genetically or at least that is the word I am using, perfect their organ cloning as well cloning plants and animals that we're lost throughout the war. Also planetary shielding, ship shielding and personal shielding as well. Also I think they would more robots or Mecha as I would call them into their ranks as well. Basically the human technology expands instead heavily relaying on Forerunner technology which they will use in order to rebuilt and be on pre war levels they would eventually hit a road block. I would not include Cortana becoming a villain in Halo 5 as well as the Banished since I think there still a new concept that is yet to be advance unless a new Halo game comes out were it expands on the story. The UNSC economy would change significantly were it would be a requirement for their populations to join in the army due their brush with extinction from two big threats which were the Covenant and the Flood. They would be more of a military society while having democracy and removing capitalism and having more socialism. The training and battle tactics would be improve upon such as their offensive and defense tactics, ambush tactics, and take over tactics on planets as hold outs. The Geneva convections would practically be non existent at this point due the Spartan 2 program and the Covenant war and instead adopt the Spartan 3 program in which orphans of the wars are recruited and augmentation is explore more so that basic soldiers get at least genetically enhanced and their armors improve so that their priority would be to save as many human lives as possible. The UNSC would stick to the shadows and their presence would be less known in the ever expanding star wars galaxy were they can mine out resources, steal Intel from governments, plan out contigencies for the Sith and the Jedi, study the Midicholorians (sorry if this is wrongly spelled) or the Force, study more in meta physics, uncover their whole history such as Ancient Humanity, the Forerunner/Human war, Human/Flood war, Forerunner/Flood war, and lastly the Precursors and the mantle of responsibility and why they were chosen by two advancien alien civilizations.
Let me know what you guys think of this story idea and I think I would probably expanded on it more. I would love to see your opinions and maybe what else I can add that would make this story pop from the others.
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poisonnxkki · 2 years
I cannot rid myself of the hex or curse or whatever that has made my life...smh, I've tried everything I could and nothing has worked. I KNOW I'm capable of casting spells, when I do it right, I get goosebumps all over my body and I can FEEL it that it's right. How do I get rid of whatever it is that has turned my life upside down, inside out and backwards for so long?
Thanks so much for your question! I'm going to provide you with the steps I would take if I was in your position. At the end of the day, you should only do what resonates with you and if you still feel like nothing is working then I suggest you go see a professional :)
Double check to see if you were actually hexed- now this may not apply to you since you seem fairly confident that you were hexed but as a rule of thumb, I always double check using either the match test or divination to confirm if I was actually hexed.
Determine your course of action- what you do next is dependant on the answer you receive from step 1. If you were not hexed, then maybe a multilayered cleanse is all you need (ex. cleansing with smoke, then water, then herbs, etc). If you were hexed, then you can either choose to remove the hex or send it back (or both). I would consult your spiritual team and confirm with them that a return-to-sender is necessary before doing one.
Removing the hex- there are a ton of options here, you can do a banishment, you can also do an uncrossing bath/shower. Whichever method you choose, there are a ton of resources online which should be able to help you. I've linked a couple below so check those out and see if they resonate.
Return-to-sender- the simplest way to do a return-to-sender (that I know of) is this. Find yourself a mirror and a candle (black is preferable but it really doesn’t matter). Place the mirror on the ground and the candle on top of it. Light the candle and imagine that the candle is the physical manifestation of the energy you are trying to send back. Now imagine that the energy is reflected off of the mirror's surface and back to its source. You can make this more complex by adding oils/herbs but the mirror and the candle are the key components.
There are some key points you mention which I would like to take note of. Firstly in most circumstances, hexes won't take away your power or your ability to cast. Secondly if you are struggling to cast, it may be because you are struggling to visualize your goal. In which case, I would suggest writing out the desired outcome of your spell in great detail (and in present tense) so that you can better visualize the intended results. Lastly, remember that it is always mundane over magical. You may feel like you have been hexed and you may be right, but other times things just go wrong and there's no real reason for it. Try to take it one day at a time and do your best. I'm sure everything will work out in the end!
P.S. Consider increasing your protections after this is all over because it would help prevent you being hexed again!
I would utilize clove alongside paprika but overall I liked their method. I would personally do this over 9 days instead of 7 as well but that's just me!
I only included this article for the herb list and the steps because they are fairly sound. The article includes a lot of other information but I'm not sure of its quality (I skimmed through most of it tbh), so make sure you cross-reference. Also, it mentions hoodoo in this article which is a closed practice!
Not sure how versed you are in protection magic but this is an article which very briefly goes over some protection methods. I also have several blog posts on protection magic so feel free to check those out too!
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modernmagdalene · 3 years
Saint and Crystal Associations Part 2
Once again, I’m posting this as a potential resource for other Christian witches or Christian mystics (whatever you call yourself). These are my own personal associations, not official associations of any Christian denominations, so if they don’t feel right for you feel free to use different crystals with different saints. Thanks and enjoy.
Saint Francis of Assisi --> Amber
Francis is best associated with Amber. While not technically a crystal it still is used in a lot of crystal magic. Francis is a very complex saint who helps with a lot of different things: voluntary poverty, helping the poor, antiwar, and oneness with nature. Amber is very old and connected deeply to the earth. It helps with grounding, clarity, patience, wisdom, dissolves negativity, eliminates fear, and balances emotions. All things Francis needed to leave his life of privilege behind and follow God. I think it represents much of who Francis is and can help support the same virtues that Francis represents. 
Saint Brigid --> Opal
St. Brigid would be associated with Opal. Brigid is a saint that is very connected to the goddess Brigid. Their stories are extremely intertwined that you can’t really talk about without the other. Both are connected to fire, love, and hope and that’s all things Opal is connected with as well. I also personally tend to associate Opal with the divine feminine and Brigid connection to a goddess makes that work as well.
Saint Julian of Norwich --> Moonstone
Julian of Norwich I said in a comment that I associated with Lapis Lazuli but then relaized I was already using that crystal with St. Perpetua and Felicity. So I did some more research and decided that Moonstone would work really well for Saint Julian of Norwich. Moonstone is obviously associated with Lunar magick and the moon is also regularly associated with femimine energy. Which works wonders with St. Julian who often depicted God as femimine. One of the things that made her contraversal. St. Julian of Norwich had visions and was a prolific writer. Moonstone helps those seeking wisdom and strengthens psychic abilities. St. Julian of Norwich is also a known cat lover so have moonstone carved into the shape of a cat is even better. 
Saint Mary MacKillop --> Obsidian
(Trigger Warning Mentions of sexual abuse in this.)
Mary MacKillop is the first saint of Australia and one of my favorites! Mary MacKillop reported a priest who was abusing children and not longer after a friend of this priest used his connections to get her excommunicated. Her excommunication was eventually lifted. I have always admired her strength and resilience. That’s why I chose obsidian for her. Obsidian shines a light on the negativity and clears it away, helping us to choose the path leading towards light and love. It is also a protective stone as it used to be used for weapons. If you need to fight the devil obsidian is up there with tourmaline as an excellent crystal to clean house.     
Saint Raphael the Archangel --> Ametrine
St. Raphael the Archangel is another favorite of mine. If you use a Protestant Bible you might not have read about him. Raphael is featured in the Book of Tobit which is only in Catholic and Orthodox Bibles. The Book of Tobit is an epic love story between Tobias and Sarah that also features thievery, exile, and fights with demons. Where Michael and Gabriel tend to appear to humans briefly then leave. Raphael, disguised as a human, travels with Tobias throughout the whole book. Raphael is most associated with healing and I connect him to the crystal ametrine. Ametrine is associated with healing, harmony, strength, balancing physical and spiritual life, and aids in contacting spirit guides. This works with Raphael’s connections to healing. Furthermore, Raphael’s role guiding Tobit and being a spiritual being working on earth makes ametrine perfect in helping to connect with him. Use this stone and ask him to help find balance in your practice and assist you with finding spiritual guides.
Saint Rita --> Smoky Quartz
St. Rita is the patron saint of impossible tasks. She is someone I rely on when I really need to overcome an obstacle or problem in my life. She is also prayed to when someone has a deadly illness or serious problem helping with things that seem impossible to deal with is just her jam. Because of this I associate her most with smoky quartz. This crystal is super powerful and is a great grounding and balancing stone. It absorbs negative energy like a sponge (because of this it should be cleansed often-ish use your best judgement). It’s so useful and can even cleanse other crystals. It keeps all the negativity away from you which is something that one really needs when dealing with impossible situations.
Saint Mary Magdalene --> Celestite
Mary Magdalene is one of my favorite witchy women in the Bible. She wasn’t scared away like the other disciples when Christ was crucified, she was the first to preach about the resurrection, and was active in preaching and teaching others about Christ. One of my favorite stories about her comes from the Orthodox tradition where she was preaching to Emperor Tiberius Caesar about Christ and turned an egg red to prove to the emperor that Christ’s story and power was true. I associate Mary Magdalene most with Celestite. Celestite raises spiritual vibrations, promotes spiritual growth, and aides in communication with the spiritual realm. This crystal also boosts self-worth and self-expression, all things Mary Magdalene had in abundance. Mary Magdalene also seems to be the most connected to the spiritual world out of all the apostles (with the exception of maybe John) so this crystal is perfect for her.
Saint Joan of Arc --> Bloodstone 
St. Joan is a warrior and protector. I also consider her a trans and/or genderfluid saint who will naturally protect trans and genderfluid peoples. Because of this I associate her most with bloodstone. Bloodstone promotes justice and strength, it is also good for healing and renewal, but bloodstone is probably best known for boosting spells and banishing spirits. Or as I prefer to use it, boosting protection spells and banishing TERFs.
Saint Francis de Sales --> Kyanite
St. Francis de Sales is one of my favorite saints purely because he is the patron saint of writers and I am someone who greatly enjoys writing. Kyanite is the crystal I use with this saint. It promotes creativity and also dispels negativity aka those negative thoughts that tell you that you can’t write. It’s also supposed to sharpen your focus which can be especially helpful with writing or any creative work, especially if you are easily distracted like me.
Saint Anthony of Padua --> Amazonite
St. Anthony was one of my grandmother’s favorite saints and probably the saint I use the most in day to day life. He is the patron saint of lost items. He was a devout priest and taught students from a book of psalms. He once tried to preach to people who refused to listen to him. He instead decided to preach to the fish who all started to gather near the shore to listen to him. When people saw this they decided they should listen too. So you know when in doubt preach to fish I guess. Anyway, I associate St. Anthony with amazonite. Amazonite helps sharpen the mind, aids communication and promotes good luck all of which are great attributes for learning and teaching, finding lost items (that’s the good luck bit), and aiding communication could help you talk to people or fish, your call. 
Saint Valentine --> Rose Quartz 
St. Valentine did a lot but he is most associated today with marrying couples in the Christian church during the height of Roman persecution. So naturally I associate him with rose quartz, a crystal that promotes love and fertility, dispels loneliness, opens the heart to compassion, and even strengthens faith. The perfect stone for this romantic saint. 
Saint Scholastica --> Citrine 
St. Scholastica was the twin sister of St. Benedict, and was the founder of the women’s benedictine order. As someone who went to a benedictine college I have a fondness for her. If you are a storm witch in particular I think this might be the saint for you. At one point Benedict and his monks visit Scholastica and her nuns. Scholastica didn’t think she would live long enough to see her brother again after this meeting so begged him to stay the night, but Benedict didn’t want to spend the night outside his monastery and told her he couldn’t. So Scholastica prayed and a massive thunderstorm suddenly came making it unsafe for Benedict and his monks to travel. And here is my favorite bit:
“Realizing what had happened, Benedict reproached her: "What have you done, my sister?” Scholastica answered simply, "I asked a favor of you, and you refused to listen to me. So I asked my God, and He, more generous than you, granted my request.” Once again Scholastica’s pleas won the favor she was seeking.” 
With Scholastica I associate the crystal citrine. Citrine is all about manifesting change, protection, creativity, and success all things she needed to live the life she did.
Saint Dymphna --> Blue Lace Agate
St. Dymphna is one of my favorite saints and she is one I utilize often. She is most associated with mental and emotional illnesses. If you are a spoonie witch this is the saint for you. Because of this I associate her most with Blue Lace Agate, which helps people express themselves (helpful when going to therapy or a doctor) and also helps with dealing with any sorts of fears or anxiety. (Reminder: That utilizing this saint and crystal is meant as a prayerful way to ask for help dealing with mental and emotional illness. It is not a replacement for therapy or meds.)
St. Sara-la-Kali --> Jasper
St. Sara-la-Kali is the patroness of the Romani people. She is said to have helped the Three Marys of the Bible arrive safely in Gaul after she had a vision of them arriving. She used her dress as a raft and helped the women get to shore despite the tumultuous waves. She was also extremely generous and often collected alms for the poor. I associate her most with jasper. A crystal native to Romania it aids in peace and wisdom and also is particularly helpful during times of transition by providing stability and protection. It also supports perseverance and acceptance, something we definitely need Sara's help with right now.
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writingwithcolor · 4 years
Iam wanting to write a story about a girl who has asthma, a learning disability and is considered by society to be less than average. She is also a little over weight. When she has been given immortality other immortals shun her and want her dead. To escape from this she goes to a martial arts temple in China. She is also an American. I was wondering how I could incorporate both cultures in my story?
Overweight Chinese American girl with asthma & learning disability, martial arts, & China
Disclaimer: I’ve written this response assuming that the main character herself is Chinese or Chinese-American. 
Some stuff I’d like to discuss point-by-point:
Being an Asthmatic
Asthmatics don’t exactly have the best representation in media, so I’m worried about a non-Asthmatic writing a story where the main conflict is centered around the MC’s method of coping with ableism.
Especially considering how we’re portrayed as stereotypical nerds/geeks for not being absolute athletes (haha maybe because pushing ourselves that far will literally result in an asthma attack-)
I have a feeling that in addition to the point where Chinese people are already stereotyped as nerds, having her be asthmatic as well does mean you’ll have to be more careful in how you present her. We already have the whole “model minority, East Asian = nerd” thing going for us.
Being “overweight”
America’s definition of “overweight” looks different for all kinds of people! 
Someone who’s statistically considered “overweight” by American standards might pass as being “average” (in American standards once again) and vice-versa! The existence of the word actually insinuates the existence of an ideal weight-- pretty fatphobic.
If you mean to say that she’s fat, chubby, and/or plump, then do so. Don’t dance around the term just because it’s deemed ‘undesirable’ by our Eurocentric beauty standards. 
(Additionally, being chubby is associated with the nerd trope as well. More to watch out when developing her character.)
Mod Rune mentions the specific way you’ve phrased how as a result of her being overweight and asthmatic, she’s “considered by society to be less than average” and she’s shunned/wanted dead specifically for these two reasons.
Being disabled =/= incompetency or being less than an abled person. Once again, an OwnVoices situation would make sense; However I would still worry about infantilizing Asthmatic/chubby people this way.
The plot… oof.
I’m worried that your method of combating the already-delicate conflict (that she’s looking for a way to cope with her feelings of inadequacy induced by ableism/fatphobia), is pretty insulting. You specifically word her trip to China as an “escape” which I feel could have a much better reason-- your excuse as is sounds to lead into a story of “refinding myself at the home of my birth culture” or something like that- especially with the fact that she’ll be doing this at a martial arts temple. A very cultural aspect of China.
Martial Arts?
That being said; Even though a Chinese martial artist does feel rather stereotypical, it does help with asthma (source: me and Taekwondo)
Specifically, according to this study from NCBI on the correlation between asthmatic children and Taichichuan, results have shown that “12 weeks of Tai-Chi-Chuan could improve the pulmonary function, decrease airway inflammation, and improve quality of life in children with mild asthma”.
However Northern Shaolin, Hung Ga, Wing Chun, and other Chinese forms of martial arts could work as well! Please do research on the specific techniques and differentiate between them. Appropriating Chinese martial arts on top of the fact that it’s already rather tropey- very bad.
A different plot?
Perhaps don’t send her off to China to quote, "escape from how other [immortals shun her and want her dead]". 
I think a better motivation for this change in landscape would be “She wanted to train to get stronger and improve her health with how it was negatively impacted because of her asthma.” 
The thing with a lot of disabled people is that-- we don’t want to have to “keep up” with abled people. We don’t want to need to take all these extra measures just to be able to function ‘normally’ (or at least the one defined by society). I feel that the motives in your original plot panders to that idea that she must get stronger or else she’ll never be accepted by the other immortals. A Chinese-American asthmatic myself, I’d much rather see her self-worth measured through her own growth as an individual than how well she ‘fits in’ with non-asthmatics.
Marika mentions that people also often do martial arts for culturally-relevant exercise-- so this could also be a way for her to reconnect with her birth culture.
Sophia also mentions that being overweight has little on one’s skills as a martial artist; So it shouldn’t be used as an argument as to why someone shouldn’t be taking on a certain expertise. (Seconded, as someone who did kendo: some of the better kendoka were overweight and had more precision than I did --Jess)
Incorporating TCK Culture:
Look for stuff written by actual Chinese-American third-culture kids!
Every little part of life- from the stories parents tell their kids before bed to the kind of food we eat daily- is 100% influenced by both our caregivers and the community we live in. For me personally, we’d have hotpot dinners with other Asian families during the Lunar New Year and I’d typically be sent to Chinese school on Sundays as well. 
Mods Jess and Lesya touch up on some TCK elements in this ask as well! (Wanting to Learn More About Culture Because of Chinese Name) However your MC celebrates her cultures will also depend on how assimilated into America her family is.
Like I said earlier: look for materials that Chinese-American TCKs and immigrants have written! There’s no better way to learn about certain customs than getting them from the actual source.
My ending thoughts!
These are honestly traits that I’d love to see more, as an asthmatic Chinese-American myself who has done martial arts in the past, haha.
Be extra careful when a ton of your character’s traits are found in East Asian (Chinese) caricatures! Be sure to flesh her out as a three-dimensional character as this description that you’ve given us (regarding her conflict) makes me go >.>-- I don’t like it as is.
Give her motivations for herself that aren’t purely to conform to others (per the submissive Asian girl trope). Having a bullied Asian girl does feel like it plays into this, so please don’t have her measure her worth as an individual based off of the standards set by abled people!
Do tons of research on Chinese martial arts! Marika mentions huge points below that I want you to consider when giving her a specific speciality-- just saying “a martial arts temple” doesn’t cut it. 
(As always, any reader feedback/additions would be appreciated!)
~ Mod Emme
These are my thoughts as someone who has practiced various styles of Chinese martial arts. 
While the quality of the instructor and the student’s efforts are crucial, I think you need to be clear on the following:
The style of martial arts your character will be doing
Their physical limitations
The type of learning disability they have. 
Different fighting styles suit the limitations of different body types in different ways
A person who is overweight may find styles with explosive movements that put weight on vulnerable joints like the knees to be painful. Styles that favor stable stances may be more feasible than those that emphasize movements with lots of air time, crouching and jumping.
A person who is inflexible will need a style that encourages them to keep limber to avoid getting hurt.
A person with diminished lung capacity will need a style that safely challenges their endurance.
Different learning disabilities might make certain styles more or less difficult to learn
ADHD may favor fast fighting styles with complex move sets and a wide variety of weapons.
Issues associated with memory retention may make styles that emphasize sparring easier than those that focus on memorizing forms
Make no mistake, the culture of a style will be as much of a consideration for your character as the Chinese and American cultural influences. Do your research, and inquire with practitioners as to what styles would work well for your characters. 
The tumblr blog How to Fight Write would likely be a good resource on the physical logistics of different styles. 
- Marika
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mcyt-imagines · 4 years
hi hi ! first off, just a tip if you'd like more requests/asks in general you should prob turn on anon since this is like the only time i've sent a non-anon ask. but anyways, i'm assuming requests are open and i'd like to ask if you would write either just ranboo fluff in general or something like the tommy confession headcanons but w ranboo :D what you've posted so far is great <3
Thank you so much for letting me know! I thought I had anon turned on already, but it’s 100% turned on now! Regarding your request I got a little carried away and wrote both some general fluff and some confession headcanons for Ranboo so this post is a little long... Hope you enjoy! :D
(It’s important to note that these headcanons are a combination of ones pertaining to his Minecraft character in the dsmp and him outside of the dsmp roleplay!)
General Ranboo Fluff
- Dreamsmp Ranboo -
The first time Ranboo cries in front of you is when you confess to him and he is so happy and relieved that you reciprocate his feelings. He even smiles through the pain of his tears as you panic to cover the skin beneath his eyes, so your hands catch his tears to stop the pain.
Ranboo likes to ask if you need any resources from time to time and once you finally give in and answer, he spends the rest of his day trying to collect as much of it as he can. This has led to a few incidents in which you came back to your shared indent in the snowy mountain to find a chest stacked full with polished stone and countless ores. You’ve scolded him but the way he responds with big puppy dog eyes wishing to “just be helpful.” Sets the butterflies caged in your chest free every damn time.
Ranboo in addition to asking you for want you want he is also very observant in noticing what you need. Any tools close to breaking? Brilliant, he’s already got three more of the same tools ready for you to grab when you need it. He also names them using the anvil to some silly super cheesy pet names.
One of his favourite things to do with you is stargaze. You both travel to the top of your snowy mountain and clear out a space free of snow to lie down and simply hold each other. Ranboo has started asking Techno (on the nights you are away) to point out the stars and tell him their corresponding stories. He happily relays all of this information to you in exaggerated detail, looking at you in awe as your expressions change with the twinkling lights above.
Ranboo almost always carries a little umbrella around with him in case it begins to rain. Most of his friends notice and all start to buy him some. He now has a full collection that line his wall just next to the door. It’s those small things that allows him to remember who his real friends are.
Ranboo LOVES having his hair played with. He will fall asleep within minutes of you beginning to tousle his hair as he rests his head in your lap. He may make soft enderman noises, but you don’t dare tell him. Content on keeping that little secret to yourself.
Ranboo has to be kinda careful around snow considering that if it melts it will hurt him. Meaning he has to sit out on any snowball fights that occur. And they occur more frequently than you would think. It usually starts with Phil throwing a rogue snowball at Techno when Phil notices him slumping his shoulders. Which means it doesn’t take long until it’s a full-blown war. You usually find yourself smack bang in the middle of it and have to dive down to avoid getting pummelled in the crossfire. Ranboo will call you over to hide behind Techno’s house. As the onslaught continues between the two. you giggle and commentate over the fierce battle together.
- Outside of Dreamsmp Ranboo - 
Ranboo enjoys watching you whenever you are focused on something. He’s incredibly observant and finds himself mimicking the small little nuances he sees you exhibit. He gets incredibly flustered whenever you notice that he’s picked up on them, but he doesn’t bother to deny it.
Ranboo finds himself staring at you a lot. He doesn’t mean to but he can’t help it. You catch him frequently, “Watching me real closely, hm?” He tries to stutter out an answer to defend himself, but you just smile and tell him it’s okay.
Ranboo finds a lot of comfort in doing ‘domestic’ activities with you. However, one of his personal favourites is when the two of you go out to get groceries together. His mum will give him a small list and he’ll try his best to dawdle around the store whilst swinging your intertwined hands to make the visit as long as possible. It makes him think of a future in which the two of you get to do this every single week and that alone warms his heart.
Ranboo always has to be near you, he doesn’t have to be physically touching you but he prefers to just be stupidly close to you. It always makes you laugh when he sits just close enough to you that you don’t touch, so now he has to do it forever.
Your laugh is one of his favourite sounds. To the point that if you giggle or laugh at something, he will just keep doing it over and over again for as long as you keep laughing at it. Which eventually leads to the both of you red-faced and gasping for air.
Ranboo is a terrible cook. But he tries so hard to follow recipes and they always flop. He also for some reason, cannot attempt cooking without making an utter mess of himself. Whether it’s spilling flour all over himself, getting egg yolk splatter somehow in his hair or just spilling copious amounts of milk on the floor so that he slips. This boy is a walking, talking kitchen DISASTER. So now he can only cook with you supervising him. Which turns out, wasn’t as much of a punishment as it should have been. As your tutelage seems to have slightly improved his cooking skills. However, now you also get flour spilt all over you as well.
Ranboo Confession Headcanons
- Realising he likes you - 
Ranboo denies he has feelings for you at first. Believing that you’re just a good friend whose company he really enjoys. But the more he focuses on your friendship the quicker he realises he would prefer if you were more to him than that.
This thought alone sends him into a little bit of a spiral for a few days. Grappling with the thought of rejection and the guilt he would feel if he ever hurt you.
He spends most of the time grappling with his feelings he continues to try and act as normal as possible around you. You finding out would be his worst nightmare.
Ranboo realises he has absolutely no history in the dating department and desperately needs some guidance. He may ask Phil on a whim who would try his best to give the poor panicked boy some words of wisdom. Ranboo takes the advice to heart immediately, promising Phil he will update him on how his feelings for you turn out.
Ranboo finds himself writing about you in one of his many journals. He finds putting words on the page seems to help clear his mind. He tries to script his confession a few times. Desperately floundering to find the right words, but he always seems to fall short. He usually ends up scribbling all over those pages until you can barely tell someone had even written on them. Hoping to somehow erase the thoughts in the process.  
He even tries drawing you a few times when he finds himself with enough spare time. He doesn’t think they’re any good though. Sure, the sketches look like you, but they don’t make him feel the way you do. When he looks at the page his chest doesn’t tighten because of your beauty, but instead because of the way you’ve made him feel. Which he comes to the sad conclusion is something he simply cannot capture in his words or his drawings. He has to show it through his actions. Not exactly his strong suit. But he’s determined to do right by you. So, he devises a plan.
- Confessing to you - 
This boy plans the whole day down to a t, he has multiple back-up plans just in case his first one falls short.
Ranboo invites you over for lunch. Arriving at his place you notice how clean it is. He spent the last few days cleaning it top to bottom.
You spend a few minutes in the house chatting. You notice Ranboo is on edge almost immediately. Shoulders a pinch too tight, his smiles a little too wide and none of them reach his eyes.
You ask what you’re going to be having for lunch and he reveals a wicker basket from his kitchen. “A picnic!” Your heart warms, “I would’ve brought something if you’d told me beforehand.” He smiles at that, “Exactly. I even cooked without you, you should be proud.” 
He shuffles on his feet a little, wishing to be praised, “We’ll see how the food tastes first, maybe then I’ll tell you how proud I am.” You tease, moving to elbow him lightly. You notice the way his face flushes as you move into his space. His mother appears from upstairs, “Are you two leaving? I could drive you, y’know!” “No thanks mom!!” He is quick to grab your hand and practically drag you out of the house and away from his all knowing mom.
The bus ride is on the longer side and you find yourself feeling brave enough to scoot a little closer to Ranboo. “Hey, is it okay if I?” You gesture between your head and his shoulder, the cute, shocked expression he sends you causes you to grin. “Uh s-sure!” 
You softly press your head against his shoulder, “Thanks, pretty comfy shoulder you got here should’ve asked you to share it sooner.” You tease, nuzzling his shoulder lightly just for a reaction. And you get one alright, his skin goes such a lovely shade of red all the way up to the tips of his ears. You giggle softly, trying your best to hold it in and failing miserably.
You even manage to fall asleep despite your own heartbeat quickening at Ranboo’s closeness. You are tapped awake by him, “Hmm?” You rub one of your eyes knowingly appearing adorable and the way he looks at you makes it all worth it. “It’s our stop soon, we gotta get up.” 
You nod and lazily stand and he follows suit. Only for the bus to brake abruptly, promptly shoving you into his chest. He wraps his arms around you quickly to steady you whilst you desperately cling to the wicker basket, “You okay?” You both mumble to each other before laughing it off and nodding. “Oh crap.” Ranboo grabs your free hand and you both scramble to get to the front of the bus to hop off. Sparks fly up your arm at the extended contact, even as you jump off the bus.
Ranboo happily leads you to a spot he had picked out earlier in the month. A soft patch of grass below a large willow tree that now sways softly in the warm breeze. You set up your carefully packaged feast with haste now that your stomachs are grumbling.
Ranboo forcefully tries to make himself relax knowing you’ve probably noticed his tense state by now. But you choose not to push him on it, taking an educated guess on why he’s so stressed.
You are quick to compliment his cooking skills when he divvies out a freshly baked quiche.  Even though you know his mom for sure did most of the work. It’s the thought that counts. You hope that may snap him out of the stupor he seems to be in. However, no such luck.
“Hey Ranboo, do you want to talk about something?” Ranboo goes into full panic mode. He did not have a plan for you asking something like this. He thought you weren’t confrontational!! You watch as his expression changes rapidly. You look away, “You don’t have to tell me, it’s okay. I just thought you might want to-“ 
He takes one of your hands in his. Why is he doing this??? This isn’t part of the plan at all! “I…” His throat goes dry. All those hours obsessing over what he was going to say to you are sent out the window when he finally meets your eyes.
“I think I like you.” He hasn’t realised he’s even said it until its waaaaaay too late. Your eyes widen, you didn’t think he’d actually admit it to you. You squeeze his hand as you watch his eyes seem to lose focus, “I like you too.” He is silent for several long moments until he starts blinking rapidly, “Huh!?” The look of utter surprise on his face causes you to burst out laughing.
“Wait, wait, wait you’re serious?” He grabs your arm as a grin slowly starts to creep onto his face. “Sure am.” And as you meet his gaze you realise that his grin actually reached his eyes, for the first time in a long while. 
“So, you gonna kiss me now or what?” You tease as his face shines a dark red. “W-well I, uh-“ His stuttering only allows for you to sneak closer and press a firm kiss to his cheek. Somehow, he grows even redder and you sigh pleasantly. “My heart definitely made the right choice with you Ranboo.”
Meanwhile Ranboo is too busy freaking out over the fact that you weren’t even meant to find out he liked you until you were stargazing together later tonight. His plans are utterly ruined! But as you squeeze his hand again to bring his thoughts back into the present, he wonders that perhaps spontaneity isn’t such a bad thing sometimes.
~My ask box is always open if you’ve got any requests or just want to vent about the dreamsmp lore!~
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Companions React: Finding An Abandoned Child
Request: Hi, I really love your writing! Could you maybe do companions react to finding a crying child hiding in like a car or an abandoned building?
TW: Child abandonment, trauma, PTSD in some characters, themes of child neglect and abuse
The Scenario: Sole and their companion are travelling through the wasteland, looking to collect scrap for the latest project. They were on high alert, of course, considering it was the wasteland, guns drawn by their hips as they crept forward into another abandoned building. It seemed to be relatively untouched, which was promising. That is, until the companion rounded a corner to head into one of the nearby doorways, and was met with the sight of a small child silently weeping in the corner. Alone.
The image of that child alone, covered in grime, their face coated in tears, is forever seared into her mind from that moment on
She wasn’t allowed to cry much as a child, it was considered whining, but if there was one scene that could represent how she felt her entire childhood, it was that
She was rushing forward before she could even think about it, almost failing to consider how frightening that may be to the child
Luckily, she remembered shortly after her impulsive actions, and slowed down, kneeling a few feet away
“Do you need help?”
As soon as she can coax the child into trusting her and letting her pick them up to get them out of there safely, she struggles to let go
Even when Sole’s trying to check the child for injuries, she has to fight herself internally to let go of them
After a long talk with Sole, that child becomes priority in her life; sometimes the people who’ll mean the most to you find you in confusing ways
She doesn’t think much about the possibility of accidentally frightening the child
She’s already in front of them and checking them over to make sure they don’t have any life threatening wounds
If she accidentally scares the crap out of the kid, she realizes her mistake and backtracks
Kind of forgets that Sole exists at that point until it’s time to carefully pick the child up and get them out of the building; they’re the designated body guard
Once they’re back at Sanctuary she confers with Sole on how to make the child most comfortable
They discuss whether or not it would be better for the kid to stay with them, or in Sanctuary in general, or to look for suitable adopters; their decision relies on where Curie’s at in figuring out herself and where Sole’s at in the main story (if Sole is canon-compliant)
There’s supposed to be a protocol for similar situations according to the Brotherhood
He has a moment of weakness, seeing a child so helpless like that
He gets hit with anger, surprisingly; he tries his best to remain detached, and he’d like to think he’s pretty damn good at it, but the idea that someone could abandon their child like that?
He suppresses it long enough to have Sole carefully approach and check the kid over (he knows his armor isn’t exactly the most relaxing sight)
He’s somewhat silent on the way back to the Prydwen
Handing them over to the medical staff is difficult for him and he needs to take a moment, but at the same time struggles to leave the child
He asks Sole to stay with them so they have a somewhat familiar face and steps outside for a moment
Pulls some strings to get them adopted onto the Prydwen: he tries to keep a semi-detached relationship moving forward but definitely has some bias towards the child as they grow up in the Brotherhood and checks in on them
Unfortunately, it’s not the first time this has happened; he’s travelled for most of his life, and hiding out in abandoned locations was part of that
Child abandonment is more common than other people would like to believe, so he’s gotten used to sorting things out, and honestly, it’s not all that different from his work in the Railroad
Regardless, he’s had practice
He approaches slowly and quietly, but talks so that the kid is aware of where he is
He walks them through what he’s doing as he checks for any obvious injuries, asks a few questions if they’re verbal and not completely dissociated, and wipes their tears
Asks Sole for any sort of blanket or spare shirt they may have and wraps the child in it for comfort before asking to pick them up
Any conversation about the kid is done out of earshot- it’s not exactly comforting to hear strangers discuss how messed up you and your situation is
Instead he has Sole stay alert as he mindlessly tells lighthearted stories for the child to listen to if they can hear
Once they get back to Railroad HQ he stays nearby, tells jokes, can provide signing if they’re deaf, makes sure they give consent to every part of being treated, gets them some food, etc
Needs a moment once he’s told that they’ve found somewhere for the kid to go
One of the rare times he gives Sole a hug without prompting
Has no clue what to do or what’s going on
Makes Sole approach the kid; “What if it’s a tiny feral ghoul?” “Gage, you’re an idiot”
Keeps his distance for the most part unless Sole asks him for help
He will pass the child some food or water, silently, in order to try and bond or something
Very much uninvolved in the process as long as Sole has things covered, but he does get extremely vocal in the fact that the child needs to go to a good home
Uncertain in how to approach, but once Sole tells her what they plan to do, she’s willing to help
Asks a few questions about why they’re there and what happened to them, but if she’s not getting answers, she knows to back off and focus on what might be going on physically
Once they’re both sure the child has no injuries and can be moved, Haylen uses cloth they collected to fashion a sort of back-carrier; the most practical thing is for both of Sole’s arms to be free for protection
Has a long chat with Sole about what to do once they get back to the Prydwen and briefs the medical staff, but after that, she lets Sole take over
She knows that spending more time with the child means she’ll get attached and that’s the worst thing she could do to either of them
Will ask about what type of home/community the child went to after they’re gone and feel reassured once Sole explains
Sometimes she randomly thinks of them and reserves a moment to send them her best wishes, but other than that, tries not to care
His heart absolutely shatters, but he knows that approaching may make things worse; after all, they’ve probably run into feral ghouls depending on how long they’ve been on their own, and his appearance won’t help their distress
Instead, he sends Sole forward to check up on them and build some repertoire
Sole has to have a small chat with them about how they know that there’s bad ghouls, but there’s also very nice ghouls, and that Hancock is the nicest ghoul they’ll meet
If the kid freaks out once they spot him he feels sick to his stomach, but if they don’t, he’s relieved
Has Sole carry them just in case the child changes their mind and freaks out after calming down, but will talk to them
Doesn’t really want to bring them back to Goodneighbor, but if that’s the closer option, that’s where they go instead of Sanctuary
Either way, he finds himself extremely attached already, and once the child receives medical attention, he’s bending over backwards to get them whatever they want food, drink, and comfort wise
Once the kid falls asleep, he sits Sole down to talk; (if they’re close) do they think they could co-parent?
Really doesn’t want to let the child go to another home; he’s seen the shittiest of shitty of the wasteland, and doesn’t trust anyone else to raise the child right, but at the same time, he doesn’t think he’d be a good parent
If Sole reassures him and is willing to take on the job, the pair adopt the child. If not, they bring the child home to Sanctuary and discuss with different settlers there whether or not they’d be willing to take on a child
The Longs get first offer
While emotionally he’s destroyed by the sight, he knows how to deal with the situation
He’s a natural with children after Duncan, and so it’s easy for him to approach calmly with plenty of warning and go through the process of making sure the child isn’t fatally wounded before getting permission to move them
Asks some basic questions, if the child isn’t mute, and tells some stories about Dogmeat and the silly things he does
(If Duncan isn’t healthy and he and Sole are just friends) Mac knows that having to part with the child is going to break his heart the moment he sees them, but he can’t take on another kid with the way his life is; it wouldn’t be fair to anyone involved
(If Duncan is healthy, has been moved to Sanctuary, and he and Sole are either best friends or partners and co-parenting) He waits until they’ve gotten the kid settled and talks to Sole about whether or not they have the mental, physical, literal, etc resources to take on another child
If they agree he’s ecstatic, considering the child won’t have to go to another set of strangers before finding somewhere safe
Brings Duncan in on the conversation and explains what’s going on and asks his opinion
Like Hancock, despite the fact that he’d like to help right away, he knows that his appearance can be frightening to those who aren’t used to it
Instead, he tells Sole to go first and approaches afterwards
Whether he’s consciously aware of it or not, he tries to keep his face out of the child’s line of sight to avoid frightening them
Once they’re on the move he’s already gotten in a debate with himself on whether or not he’s willing to put on his Detective hat and look for the child’s parents
Of course, it could be a misunderstanding, and they could’ve gotten split up during an attack or something
But at the same time there’s a visceral anger in him that someone would let their child end up like this; it’s not rational, he knows, especially since it could be an accident, but he can’t really help it
He knows where he could place the child already if Sole and he aren’t in a place to handle the responsibility (and it takes a long while into their friendship/relationship for him to even think about co parenting) due to the many families he’s met during his work
She thinks with her heart and not her head, so she’s already scooping up the child before it even registers in her that that may be a bad idea
Panicked, trying to soothe the kid as she’s shooting Sole a frantic expression of what the hell
Has no idea what to do, really, and looks to Sole to help her out
Once they’re on their way to somewhere safe she discusses the fact that (unless she and Sole have moved to Sanctuary and are past the main questline) they probably can’t take on a child
They’re consistently travelling due to her work, Sole’s fighting their battles, etc
If they’ve settled, they already have both Shaun and Nat to worry about, so she’s not quite sure how another child will work in their lives
But if they do decide to take on the responsibility, the decision is made when she goes to get food for the child back in Sanctuary and finds them fast asleep against Sole’s chest
Something about that image seals the deal for her and she knows she and Sole need to have a long talk
Unfortunately, like Deacon, this isn’t quite an uncommon sight for him
He approaches and talks his way into trust with practiced ease that’s quite telling of how things go in the wasteland
He’s picked them up and is already on his way out by the time Sole registers what they may want to do about the situation
It’s not really a question to him that the child’s coming back to Sanctuary; he knows that someone will take them in, even if he specifically can’t
He’s had enough field training (and practice) that he knows how to check for injuries and treat some basic ones, so that’s done swiftly and as painlessly as possible
Doesn’t really see the point in getting involved, but if Sole wants to do something about it, then he doesn’t protest; after all, he’s there to protect them, no matter what antics they get up to, no matter how unadvisable
He keeps his distance and pays no mind to what they’re doing with the child, he’s simply there to keep guard
Wants no part in the matter
Really isn’t sure what to do at all
He lets Sole approach first and takes cues from them; their cautious body language, quiet voice, etc
Pretty much just follows their lead the entire time due to his uncertainty of the situation, but he adapts eventually
Offers them water pretty much right away because he knows how threatening dehydration can be especially since they’ve been crying
No matter how much he may want it, he doesn’t bring up the idea of him and Sole co-parenting first; they would have to say something first for him to discuss the idea
He is one of the most protective when it comes to finding a family for the child, if that’s what he and Sole decide to do, though
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demonslayedher · 3 years
Ramble on the Limitations of Looking for KnY Interpretation based on Japanese Mythology
One thing I notice a lot in the Japanese side of KnY fandom theories is a lot of deep dives into religious and mythological reasons behind Gotouge's creative choices. It is super interesting stuff, and Gotouge borrows enough and does homage to enough that there is a clearly a solid knowledge base there. While I find historical details handy for interpreting the characters, ultimately, I find that the canon of demons and Breaths can be interpreted in a vacuum without relying too heavily on the uncanny coincidences lurking in deep dives. This isn't going to be a well-supported essay, this is going to be a ramble that may include a bunch of interesting nuggets. (And then she went on to ramble for 3249 unedited words...)
First things first: I'm a nerd. I like to say I broke the weeb scale a long time ago, but I'm not exactly a university professor or anything like that. That said, I do read a lot of stuff from experts who have jumped on the KnY trends to talk about how elements in KnY are taken from, say, the sword making traditions of the Okuizumo region that results in black swords or simply making comparisons to famous swords, or local legends of supernatural encounters that resulted in split rocks, or comparing specific oni with and the heroes who slayed them or at least comparing elements of specific characters to other famous oni legends, or that Hinokami Kagura is based on a specific Shinto legend and has 12 forms based on existing Kagura traditions, etc. And I love reading this stuff, because I wouldn't had learned about some of it without my interest in KnY leading me to those articles, or as I read it I cheer because they're making references to things I already (as a nerd) really enjoy and therefore it strokes my inner echo chamber bias, or I nod along and think, "oh, yes, why of course, that makes total sense, Hinokami Kagura must be based on the dance Amenouzume performed to enticed the Sun Goddess Amaterasu out of the cave, how silly to think it could be based on anything else" but I then also take a step back to think, "...but it also doesn't have to be." For as many similarities as there to existing legends, it feels to me that Gotouge made it a point not to make specific reference to any particular mythological or religious elements. As an example, Gotouge considered titles with reference to a Shinto fire god named "Kagutsuchi" but never made actual reference to any fire god (or sun god) by name in the finalized direction canon took. Granted, a lot of fan theorists have read into that, going so far as to say because Nezuko's fire powers she represents Kagutsuchi, Yoriichi represents Amaterasu, etc., but while I find the idea of borrowed elements makes for highly interested interpretation of canon, one-to-one comparisons really don't work for this series. By not invoking a name like Kagutsuchi in the title or otherwise, Gotouge succeeded in not being boxed in by the canon of any particular deity. (Granted, "canon" for mythology can vary significantly by whatever historical writings you're looking at, with standard interpretations going through many big changes throughout the centuries. It can be as loose as it is limiting, depending on what sort of historical/mythological/religious figure you're talking about.) I feel there's more evidence of this avoidance by never invoking Amaterasu as a deity, despite the emphasis on the power of the sun in slaying demons. Even looking back and trying to figure out who Akeno placed so much faith, it was only called a "god of sunlight" as opposed to a "sun god." It's as though KnY works with a generic approach to religion. Even if the use of Buddhist element, the Nenbutsu prayer is called such, and Himejima's repeated phrases are legit Buddhist practice, but there is a huge variety of Buddhist sects and practices and theologies, and throughout history, many of them didn't get along. Going back to Akeno and wondering if she might had been Buddhist, I went so far as to suspect she was influenced by Nichirin sect philosophy based on its emphasis on the "Nichi" (sun) representing Japan and incorporating Shinto gods into its philosophy, and for its likely influence in the Kanto area in Akeno's time period, and for its encouragement for the salvation of women and therefore popularity among women. I felt pretty satisfied that it was all lining up, but also, none of this is necessary for a quality interpretation of canon. If Gotouge wanted to say specifically what informed her religious conviction, then it would had been said. But that's not what was important, was it? What was important, and therefore focused on, was Akeno's feelings toward her son and wishes for his sake.
While KnY's worldbuilding feels richer with all the clear religious influence, the details are not actually important. If anything, I feel like Gotouge dove into the heart of the elements of, say, Shinto mythology, and played those core elements up. It's different, yet still familiar, to take sun-associated elements and used them in a way that serves the story without being boxed into existing traditions. The sun is clearly important, and once you start looking for it, you find subtle recurring references to it. Like, Akeno's name? The "Ake" is one way of writing "red," and there are all sorts of uses of other ways of writing "red" throughout the series, in everything from the sand used for making Nichirin blades to the way that Haganezuka calls Tanjiro an auspicious "red" child with a very rarely used kanji. Our commoner main characters, though, just use regular old ways of saying "red" when referencing Tanjiro's appearance without thinking deeply into it, like there's something special right in front of them but they don't recognize it. Similar to how something as special as Sun Breathing was hidden right in front of them in Hinokami Kagura, with a name so generic and simple that it's entirely unsurprising that the Taisho era Kamado family would interpret it as "fire god." The very lack of limiting real-life details is what allows Gotouge to sprinkle these deep touches around, cover them up with branches and leaves, and then sit back and wait for readers to stroll through and invitingly pleasant looking field and then trip and fall down a rabbit hole. This is also what I think gives Gotouge the freedom and malleability to work with the sun in a way that serves the story, especially in ways that tie it to fire. While I don't think there's strong ties for this is general Japanese culture, the way canon is written implies a close tie between fire and the sun as being a very closely related element, hence the influence on the Kamado family, Tanjiro's appearance, his suitability for Sun Breathing based on a history of tending fire for careful charcoal burning, and Tanjiro and Nezuko capability as demons to overcome the sun. Here is where I go into a bit of a tangent about the purification element. This, again, is not strictly tied to any particular Shinto canon (and Shinto does place heavy emphasis on purification), but instead is an example of Gotouge getting to the underlying heart of a lot of common religious elements. Fire is associated with spiritual purification in everything from Buddhism to Catholicism, it's very easy to apply Nezuko's fire abilities as something which burns away something evil (demon poison) so as to purify something good (human flesh, or even other physical substances). Maybe lesser known, but very deeply entrenched in Japanese culture, is the purification element of charcoal. While it may be known around the world for soaking up undesirable elements and therefore used in everything from fish tank filters to treating food poisoning, in Japan, there's a bit of a spiritual side to it as well. For something so closely tied to the way of life for citizens throughout hundreds of years of history for everything from cooking to heating the home, it's unsurprising that quality charcoal would receive as much emphasis as good water and rice. Japanese charcoal is especially known for not producing undesirable smoke or odor, making it appropriate for use in a lot of settings. Charcoal farmers have often not just been that; they've been caretakers of the forest. Keeping the right trees, at the right sizes (both for use as charcoal and for how you pack it together when making charcoal), and in the right numbers to ensure you have stock for coming years, requires management of the forest. (Other tangent side note: many of the other names in the Kamado family are references to plants. Sumire both has the "sumi" sound of charcoal and is the word for violet, Kie is in reference to hollyhock, Nezuko is in reference to red beans (and the asanoha pattern of her kimono is in reference to hemp leaf, an
auspicious symbol of strong and quick growth), Takeo is in reference to bamboo (ironically bamboo can be a problematic plant for charcoal farmers, because it may spread too fast and take resources from other trees--stop stealing all the takuan pickles, Takeo!), Hanako is in general reference to flowers, Shigeru is in general reference to (plants) flourishing, and maybe by the time they got to Rokuta they gave up and said "he's our sixth child, let's just call him 'Six-Boy', lolz." BUT I DIGRESS.) That means the Kamado family not only had careful management of fire in the actual days of charcoal production, but of a wide variety of natural resources to ensure the trees were healthy. Natural weather phenomena, clean water, pest control, minerals from rocks getting into the soil, hmm, so many elements to pay attention to. Hmm. These sure sound a lot like other Breaths. And Breaths all stem from Sun Breathing. That means there may be certain elements of Sun Breathing that have been emphasized in each of them, but none of them encompass so many qualities of the natural world. The natural world which Yoriichi saw with such clarity than nature accepted him with open arms, practically, in how well animals took to him. Sun Breathing, while especially using that all-important purification aspect of sunlight which burns evil demons, is like an all encompassing embrace of nature. While being closely tied with fire is hugely important, there's more to it than just flames. While Shinto is very much so closely tied with nature (the extent to which this is emphasized may vary from shrine to shrine, scholar to scholar), what I see in KnY is a clever use of emphasis on spirituality in nature as opposed to emphasis on Shinto mythology. And I think that was a smart move. While stories based more directly on various theologies, mythologies, and religious ideologies often use those building blocks often wind up having very creative takes on them (even and especially with the confines of them), ultimately, the story of KnY is whatever Gotouge wants to do with it, and it does not seem guided by the specific conventions of more specific religious elements. But again, those deeper elements are still everywhere. You know what color Japanese charcoal burns? It's a gorgeous jewel tone red, spanning many of those rare shades of red Gotouge make reference to. And, in wider Japanese culture, red is the color of the sun (as opposed to how other cultures may represent it as yellow or orange or white or so on). (Not as exactly a KnY tangent, just personal: Japanese charcoal is so freaking pretty, I had no idea until I saw it used in the tea ceremony at parts when guests crowd around to enjoy the sight of it as the host prepares it for boiling the water. I can stare and stare and stare, it is so so so so so pretty, but also this element of the ceremony has gotten rarer both as many places have made a more practical switch to electricity, and tea ceremony quality has gotten more rare both due to fewer producers and due to beetle-related damages to the trees used, and I will always state HOW DISAPPOINTED I am that Kanata and Sumihiko are not out there raising charcoal, because charcoal is precious and I'm always so terrified of wasting charcoal in my practices because its so precious, but seeing the amazingly beautiful burn of the charcoal is absolutely one of my favorite elements of the ceremony and this of course gives me an extra soft spot for Kamado Tanjiro BUT I DIGRESS AGAIN, I TOLD you this was going to be a ramble, but SERIOUSLY IT IS SUCH A GORGEOUS RED).
So anyway. My point is, as interesting as incorporating outside elements may be, I don't find them necessary in interpreting KnY's canon. Even if it takes tons of Taisho Secrets to do so, Gotouge presents the details necessary, and that's more than enough to work with. After all, despite all the care taken in historical details in building the setting, KnY takes place in a fictional universe, it can make its own rules when it comes to things that don't actually exist in our universe. Demons, for example, follow a chronology and power system with sources and limits that is unique to a this universe, as tempting as it is due to general cultural familiarity, it does not call for a one-to-one comparison with existing demon legends. Breath as well, as a power system, is very interesting. Again, this is because it has a lot of basis in core concepts of real life physical and spiritual training. It's presented as a method available to anyone who can pick it up, not drawing on a mystical outside power or summoning the actual superhuman elements of nature. Other stories that present their power systems like that are well and fine, but when it comes down to it, this is a story about mere humans doing everything in their limited power to wave swords around and defeat creatures that seem so likely to outpower them. This is a common, relatable basis of stories throughout history, and a lot of analysis I've heard of KnY's success says that it shows how classic this story structure is. Many Japanese demon stories have their origin in epidemics, and some people suggest that the world looks for hope in stories like KnY in times of seemingly insurmountable crises like coronavirus. I think that's an oversimplification of KnY's success, but again, because of Gotouge's use of core cultural elements, it can be applied easily. OKAY BUT ON THAT NOTE we can do some really interesting digging if we want. : D Gotouge does make some highly specific references, included religious ones (granted, not in ways that impact the plot). The example coming to mind is the Seventh Form of Thunder Breathing, the "Flaming Thunder God." In Japanese, this is "Honoikazuchi-no-Kami," the name of a lightning deity who had a very, very brief mention in the Kojiki and who appeared among a handful of other lightning deities named in reference to other aspects/phenomena of lightning, like the sound or the rumble through the ground. Honoikazuchi is not so much the lightning itself, but the fires started by lightning. Stick with me a bit longer, I'm building up to something here. You've probably heard of the twelve animals of the Chinese (poorly translated as) Zodiac, right? Well, the system is way more complex than that, and really, if you want complexity, skip Japan and go dive straight into ancient China. I laugh and cry at myself for having a graduate degree in Chinese studies, the extent of my knowledge is is pitifully small, I know nothing, nothing. Suffice to say, China has its own five element system of water/wood/metal/fire/earth, it's more a philosophical application than a more physicality-based four element system popular in the west (fire/water/air/earth, why hello there, Avatar), with attributes of these elements assigned to every about anything through Chinese culture, from medicine to, you guessed it, the Zodiac animals. Japan saw all this and said "cool, we'll do that too" albeit their sort of mixed and matched a bit and made their own take on it in Onmyodo. An Onmyoji, who keeps track of, like, really any other-worldly matter you might have on your hands as a Heian noble, is someone who is paid to know all this stuff (it was very likely an Onmyoji who told the Ubuyashiki clan, "yeah, you got an evil family member to blame for your curse, squash him"). Yours Truly is not an Onmyoji and therefore will not attempt to go into more detail, save the one that a handful of Japanese theorists in the KnY fandom love to bring up: The Boar is a water sign. This means that, especially in Shinto practice, boars are considered an animal that protects against
fire, hence, a lot of practices to protect against fires were done on days of the Boar, in the month of the Boar, etc. So? So-o-o-o-o-o? You see it? You see it??? Boar = Water, Honoikazuchi = Fire, Inosuke and Zenitsu are basically foils to Tanjiro? Yes, yes, see it, yessss??? Deep dive Kamaboko theory, yes?????? Hahahaha. Naw. It's just a fun coincidence. ^_^ Again, I find these details completely unnecessary, for we are already given so many details in canon to work with on its own, and I think Inosuke and Zenitsu as foils to Tanjiro works entirely well simply based on their personalities, not because of any supernatural elements that require a high level of nerdery to have any hope of appreciating. Besides, once you start reaching too hard for cultural details Gotouge might have used and clinging too tightly to those ideas, there's likely something in canon to make it doubtful. For instance, Inosuke more widely presented as a king of the forest who wears deer and bear hide as well, and the fanbook state that Beast Breath is considered a likely offshoot of Wind Breathing. Even if we rely more strictly on historical detail, there's still the question of, say, what one of the basic Breaths, Thunder Breathing, even was when it was but a thunder inspired sword form not necessarily powered by Breath, you know, back when swords were longer and it would have been harder to make the fast draws katana would later be better suited for. Maybe they called it Thunder because it was practiced by swordsmen who stomped around really hard, and then when they added Breath technique, they figured out "oh dude, we can use our strong legs to go fast"??
Those are the kinds of things I find more fun to play around with in interpreting canon by bringing in little outside details, because as a work of fiction, there are already so many fun details to work with already even when treating it in a vacuum. But, giving Gotouge extensive and subtle use of cultural elements, especially core elements, it sure makes a lot of outside details applicable. Which is all to say, it's all super interesting, and I think the more people realize these things, the deeper they read into it, to an extent more than canon calls for. As much as I like it, and as much as I've enjoyed pulling outside elements in to fanfiction (like Kagutsuchi and lightning god tidbits), ultimately, if Gotouge thought these things were necessary, they'd have been included. Since they are not, I try to stick to canon details and Word of God-touge in answering Asks (lolz, I didn't plan on becoming a meta blog, it just kinda happened). BUT ALSO, JEEZ, I AM SO EXCITED IF PEOPLE TAKE A DEEPER INTEREST IN JAPANESE CULTURE BECAUSE THEY LIKE KIMETSU NO YAIBA, YOU CAN HAVE SO-O-O-O-O-O MUCH FUN PLANNING A TRIP TO JAPAN AROUND KNY THEMES, DO IT DO IT DO IT, GO TO YAGYU AND POSE IN A TANJIRO HAORI AND STICK YOUR SWORD IN A SPLIT ROCK, THE LOCALS THERE LOVE IT, DO IT but also like maybe learn about the tea ceremony and appreciate how beautiful the charcoal is with me k thx bye
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cienie-isengardu · 3 years
Not only do I not regret asking you to "RELEASE THE RAMBLES!", I'm sending you requests for more. Below is a list of questions that I asked @bihansthot , and enjoyed their answers, but because you are so thorough, and answer in such depth, I'm re-asking them to you.
Brace yourself, it's a list. I didnt have time to sort thru them, I just copied and pasted, so if any are questions you already answered before, please feel free to include the links.
In the spirit of potential future writing,  I'm trying to find a building that  would make a good substitution for Lin Kuei temple.
I've tried looking up ancient Chinese military barracks/forts, and have found some stuff,  but is all exterior.  Anyone know of any locations (or several I can cobble together) that would make good inspiration fodder?
So, uhm, religion? What's the Lin Kuei's take on that one? I know they are aware of Gods, they team up with/ encounter Raiden all the time,  and have literally worked for/against Shinook, so I know they recognize higher powers... but I  guess the question is,  do they care?
Do they have a religion,  or spiritual practice that resembles religion? Or do they have a more practical approach "gods exist,  but we just consider them very strong people"?
Which segues into... do they recognize and participate in holidays, or things like birthdays? Or are all their celebrations work related (I.E. successful missions or levels of combat mastery)?
Food.  What foods do they normally eat? What foods do they like?  What foods don't they like? What foods do they absolutely love so much they'll stop what they're doing to get it?
If you had to match the Lin Kuei with a dynasty,  what one would it be? (I know the 2021 movie has the opening in the Ming dynasty, so the Lin Kuei is at least that old,  but given that movie Bi Han hasn't aged in 400 years, and was taken is a child,  its probably much older) (and also know the game probably cherry picked random Chinese things it liked).
What do you think the Lin Kuei's view on artistic culture (probably not the right word) is? I know they are heavily militaristic,  but in the game,  Kuai Liang offers Hanzo tea and he properly prepares it the Japanese way, that says they have something of an education other than just related to fighting?
Lastly,  in the movie,  everything Bi Han does is "for the Lin Kuei", but the Lin Kuei is on Earth (assumedly),  and he is working for a guy who wants to enslave Earth, so what do you think the deal is?
Question about the Cryomancers. I know the game lore says that they are supposed to be rare, but I also know that the Lin Kuei have had at least 5 (grandpa, papa, older, and younger Sub Zero,  and Frost). 4 of which are part of 3 generations that inherited it even with mixed blood (I'm assuming Mama Sub Zero wasn't Cryomancer since they left her alone).
That's a lot of generations in a row for a rare trait... So do you think the Cryomancers as a group have figured out they're being hunted and have chosen to live in hiding?
Lin Kuei society question? I like writing so I also like world building and I think about these things.
Is Lin Kuei society ever covered? I know there is a Grandmaster, a handful master assassins (Sub Zero's, Sektor, Cyrax, etc) and the  movies always have a bunch canon fodder lesser assassins.
And they live in the very isolated Lin Kuei Palace/Temple in Arktika (or wherever it used to be)
But is Lin Kuei (we'll call it "village") ever covered?   Do they have willing servants, kidnapped slaves, or a mix of both? Are there women (non fighter women,  I know there's Frost) or do they employ strictly male help? If there are women, what's their role, and are there children born there? What about Elderly? What about resources,  is everything (from food, clothes, weapons, and the raw materials to create them) grown or manufactured on sight by skilled laborers or do they import/interact with the outside world? How vicious or civil is this society, could you be killed for looking at Sektor wrong or do they value your services to a degree? What's the degree? This is obviously a combat culture,  but is everyone expected to know martial arts of some variety, is it optional, or do they prohibit it among the servants/slaves? How strict are they on things like clothing, food, alcohol,  drugs, "luxuries", or pleasures? Money? If they interact with the world do they recognize and use $$ currency, commodity currency, or a mixture? Internally are the Lin Kuei payed or just provided for? What about illness or injury,  if you're not a master and it a serious injury/illness are you taken care of or do they just give you a quick death?
Etc. That's all the questions I can think of,  but please feel free to answer questions I didn't ask,  if you think of anything else.
Thank you for this wonderful list to talk about! I’m gonna split the answer into smaller parts, for better focusing on each aspect but also so I don’t feel bad for keeping you waiting for ages, lol. For now let’s focus on asks about the religion!
So good questions! I do think they have some spiritual practice(s) because in martial arts the state of a mind is as important as the physical body and religion is one of many ways to shape someone’s mindset from a young age. I do, however, think that Lin Kuei does not worship the gods. They are aware that the gods exist (with Raiden as the thorn in the side) and may even respect their supernatural powers and battle skills but it never has stopped Lin Kuei from desecrating holy places, murdering people and stealing stuff for the best price. So, it seems to me that whatever religion the members of the clan follow, by nature it is rooted in nontheism.
Of course, there is also a chance that Lin Kuei worships some forgotten deity or deities (as a remnant of their ancient connections with Outworld / realms conquered and destroyed by Shao Kahn?) or may even practice ancestor worship which seems like a good way to uphold a widely understood tradition that plays an important role in the discussed community.
The closest thing to religious practice was seen in Mortal Kombat X, when Sub-Zero and his warriors seemed to pray together before statue of god / deity / ancestor / legendary warrior / personalized thing they value the most (sadly, my knowledge about Asian religious practices or faiths is very limited so I don’t have idea if the statue is supposed to represent any real god/religious symbol).
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At the same time, it could be just a bluff since Grandmaster was aware of Cage’s team infiltrating the Lin Kuei territory and used this moment to lure them into a trap. Additionally, Mortal Kombat X comics presented once Kuai Liang sitting before the same statue albeit in a completely different (devoid of reverence?) position.
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Of course, if we take into account Mortal Kombat Armageddon, the game states that Lin Kuei Temple placed in Arctika was actually once the Temple of Delia (the great sorceress & wife of god Argus) that at some point get abandoned and re-used by Sub-Zero’s clan.
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(In the background, we can see a statue of Delia that Lin Kuei does not worship but did not remove for whatever reason. Mixing both old and new games, we can only wonder if MKX!statue is also the remnant of someone else's faith/religion?)
Beside that, Kuai Liang was pretty vocal about Lin Kuei not worshipping the Elder Gods, what was seen in MK11’s intro dialogue with Cetrion
Sub-Zero: The Lin Kuei do not worship the Elder Gods.
Cetrion: We seek gratitude, not worship.
Sub-Zero: I see no distinction.
and personally did not have any reason to pray to the goddess:
Sub-Zero: Why should I pray to you?
Cetrion: Why does a bird flap its wings?
Sub-Zero: I asked a simple question.
In all fairness, in MK11 Kuai Liang seems the most passive-aggressive toward the Elder God while Frost is focused on her ambitions and Noob!Bi-Han just wants to be left alone when bothered by Cetrion. Similar thing happens toward Raiden. Despite gratitude for saving him, Kuai Liang does not spare the god criticism (can’t serve both Elder Gods and Earthrealm, isn’t fit for his role of protector) and in MKX outright says he does not fear divine beings:
Raiden: Sub-Zero...
Sub-Zero: I fear no gods, Raiden.
Raiden': That's why you shall lose.
Surprisingly, Kuai Liang’s interaction with MK11!Fujin sounds less accusing than with Raiden and Cetrion and it is connected closely to their ties with Bi-Han. And maybe Kuai Liang did seek in the past Fujin and other elements to make a peace with them, like he planned to do so in Mortal Kombat 4 Limited comics?
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"I came here to make peace with the gods of the elements that you fought [...]"
Anyway, the accusingly behaviour toward Raiden and Cetrion could be just Kuai Liang’s personal dislike for gods and serious authority issues, which makes sense considering how much he suffered because of their meddling and conflicts.
But honestly?
The available examples of Lin Kuei attitude toward gods, demigods and supernatural beings suggest how little the warriors - especially cryomancers - care for them.
Like, we have Bi-Han in Mythologies, who asked Quan Chi about details of mission:
Sub-Zero: If it's so precious, why don't you get it yourself?
Quan Chi: I cannot enter the temple until the four elements within its walls have been defeated. And I am not on the best of terms with the gods of your realm... especially your god of thunder.
Sub-Zero: Tell me about these elements.
Quan Chi outright said he and earthrealm gods weren’t friends and Bi-Han, reading between the lines, could get the idea that he may end on bad terms with Thunder God. Yet he was interested only in elements (lesser gods than protector of realm?) guarding the temple.
Then Bi-Han beat down four demigods and met a displeased Raiden after Quan Chi got the Shinnok Amulet. His reaction? No fear, like meeting an angry god was a normal occurrence.
Rayden: Do you realize what you've done??
Sub-Zero: I was just earning my living.
Rayden: Your clan's ignorance and greed will cost this entire realm. You must now set things straight.
Sub-Zero: Quan Chi could simply be a lunatic sorcerer. I've never heard of an elder god named Shinnok or of a place called the Netherrealm.
Rayden: Well, you'd better start believing in both, because you're going to the Netherrealm and you're going to bring the amulet back. We must act quickly. I have no dominion in the Netherrealm... You are reality's only hope.
Sub-Zero: I'll do it, Thunder God... but only because I have no choice.
And once he came back from Netherrealm, where he was fixing what he messed up in the first place on Raiden’s order, his abrasive attitude did not change much:
Sub-Zero: Here... the amulet.
Rayden: Impressive, Sub-Zero. Perhaps you will reconcile your reckless past after all.
Sub-Zero: That's it? Not even a thank you?
Of course, to some degree Raiden’s words did have an impact on Bi-Han but even the god’s warning about his soul tainted with evil did not stop him from coming back to Lin Kuei. Bi-Han’s attitude and/or approach to gods seems to change somehow once he was reborn as Noob, but that is a different matter for different times.
Anyway, Mythologies!Bi-Han and MK11!Noob act less aggressive toward gods than Kuai Liang. But then we have Sub-Zero from from the MK novel by Jeff Rovin, who not only is not afraid of gods but outright insult them:
“Wait! Be warned, Shang Tsung. He is cursed!”
“Cursed? By whom?”
Ruthay wailed, “By the immortal Yu.”
Shang Tsung felt cold spiders crawl up his spine. “The demigod Yu?”
“Yes… he who is said to dwell in the underground caverns of Horse Ear Mountain… which is sacred to the goddess Kuan Lin. He who protects the canals… and the tunnels… and looks after all who use them, human and animal.”
“What did our brash friend do to Yu?”
“He… killed a man,” said Ruthay.
“What man?”
“A toll-taker… one who had given up a life of crime… one who had been a partner of the man… you… seek.”
“And how did that crime come to the attention of the spirit of Yu?” Shang Tsung asked.
“The man was killed… slowly disemboweled with a sword… while accomplices forced his wife and his son to look on! After his murder… the man’s remains… were dumped into a canal!”
Shang Tsung raised an eyebrow. “Is that all? I was expecting something truly terrible!”
“It was!” Ruthay shrieked. “When he disposed of the body… in that way … he profaned one of the sacred waterways… of Yu!”
Shang Tsung smiled now. “Then he is definitely the man I want,” he said. “Anyone who is impudent enough to insult a demigod won’t be afraid to attack a member of the White Lotus Society, or the gods who watch after them. I will send Hamachi, Ruthay. When he nears his goal, see through his eyes and guide him!”
Book!Sub-Zero was impudent enough to insult a demigod which is why he was one of Shang Tsung’s favorites. And to be clear - book!Sub-Zero did not regret insulting the demigod at all. Even more! He found humor in it!:
He dwelt in a cave two hundred feet up the face of a cliff by the sea. The mouth of his home was barely wide enough to accommodate a slender adult, and was accessible only by climbing the sheer wall of rock, a feat that was impossible for most adults and daunting even to the few arachnids and marsupials that tried it.
Maybe some of them were even sent by Yu, he thought with a smirk, little assassins who would chastise me for having spilled blood in his precious canal.
The less abrasive attitude toward gods was shown by Cyrax, who talked a bit with Raiden over Bi-Han’s remains. He wasn’t outright antagonistic but wasn’t overall respectful either. He talked with Thunder God like he would talk with any other human being that wasn’t actually Scorpion. Frankly, from the named Lin Kuei only MK9!Smoke actually addressed Raiden in respectful manner, with proper bow and the name of lord
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albeit did he do so because he respects the divine beings or just out of gratitude for saving him, hard to tell for sure.
So yeah, it seems like no matter what kind of timeline or age or medium of the story, Lin Kuei does not fear gods nor pray to them. And the clan has a long history of dealing with Raiden, so the Lin Kuei had first-hand experiences with supernatural beings. Somehow, cryomancers are the most impudent warriors when it comes to dealing with or criticizing the gods.
Interestingly, as much as Lin Kuei warriors don’t care for gods, most of the known to us named characters believe to have - and to care - for their own souls. Sektor and MK11!Frost embraced the Cyber Lin Kuei idea but Kuai Liang, Cyrax and Smoke were opposed to C.I. project out for concern for their souls among other things. Even Bi-Han, to some degree became concerned about his soul after trip to Netherrealm.
Believing in souls is usually a sign of belief in the afterlife, albeit after all of them went through (the change into cyborgs, death and change into Revenants) this is less a matter of faith (religion) and more first-hand experiences. And let's not forget that regularly dealing over the centuries with Shang Tsung who steals people's souls on a daily basis makes it really hard to not believe spirits are real.
Also, an interesting matter of Lin Kuei practices that could have a religious/spiritual ground and/or be an example of ancestor worship is the clan’s funeral rites. I don’t think we actually saw any Lin Kuei to bury their own (especially after warrior’s failure?) and for sure MK9!Cyrax and Sektor did not bother to take care of Bi-Han’s remains. However the sources provide examples of Lin Kuei keeping corpses, most likely of their own leaders or warriors.
And so, we could see human remains:
put in two coffins on each side of statue
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hidden / kept in a block of ice(?) in chamber of Fallen Lin Kuei in which Frost’s frozen body was also laid, but on the altar
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Cyrax’s cyber body was kept and guarded by Sub-Zero (and this is like the only thing that Kuai Liang and Cyber Sektor so far agreed on)
and even Cyber Sektor’s remains, even if just for pragmatic reasons, are kept in what seems to be respectful manner:
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It could be just Kuai Liang’s good nature to honor fallen of his clan (I’m still not sure if Lin Kuei Palace is the new place for Sub-Zero’s clan or the ancient hideout) but even in MK Conquest TV series, after Grandmaster was killed by then-currently-Sub-Zero, there was the farewell ceremony with clothes on display (cause there was not much left of body after freezing and shattering) while new leader gave the speech promising to punish the guilty.
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Which makes me think that Lin Kuei did honor their fallen warriors (especially those exceptional, deserving). Such custom and apparently common belief in soul could also support the ancestor worship - both as some ancient, mythical ancestor(s) connecting warriors into one clan (family) and tradition to follow in the footsteps of forefathers (Bi-Han taking place of his father [old timeline] or grandfather [current timeline] or Kuai Liang taking Bi-Han’s place as Sub-Zero).
My general conclusion about Lin Kuei is that its members believe in souls, have respect and use of spiritual matters (meditation?) and maybe ancestor worship. Whatever the religious / spiritual practices they have over the centuries, it is not something they will share, as the Lin Kuei by nature are secretive people who keep personal things mostly for themselves. The people that joined the clan (Cyrax and Smoke) maybe kept their old, eventual religious beliefs but overall, Lin Kuei warriors did not fear, care for nor pray to gods. They may respect god (Raiden, Fujin) as a person but not because of their divine nature. And even that would not stop them from criticizing said god. Which is pretty much how Kuai Liang and Raiden’s relationship looks like. Grandmaster is grateful to Thunder God for saving him but he won’t blindly follow his authority.
(Kuai Liang has serious authority issues, hasn't he?)
As for holidays, I can’t really see Lin Kuei to follow any specific religious (theistic) special day cause they don’t care much for gods in the first place. Unless they worked undercover and needed to act as normal human beings, religious holidays would mean nothing to them. The warriors may however celebrate their mission success, combat mastery or promotion between themselves or in secret, I think. Like, Lin Kuei did forbid friendship because it was considered warrior’s flaw yet we know some members either were blood-related (Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, previous Sub-Zero - father or grandfather, depending on which timeline is correct) or considered each other a family (Kuai Liang and Tomas Vrbada) and most named characters worked in duos so they have both opportunity and knowledge about each other to celebrate important matters. If they managed to remember anything from previous life, that is. Because from ancient to at least Great Kung Lao’s times most(?) adepts were kidnapped from biological families at a really young age (something around 6 years old). And Mythologies: Sub-Zero takes that even further:
Its warriors are chosen at birth to be raised apart from the workings of day to day civilization and are stripped of their former lives. Only the clan knows their existence. Each of them posses certain skills and abilities that set them apart from normal men. These abilities are passed on from generation to generation and honed throughout the experiences of life.
So, celebrating birthdays doesn’t sound like happening much, unless those with family around could allow themselves such luxury. The clan may however celebrate the day of becoming a fully trained and sworn warrior? Or the fallen warriors? Who knows.
Also, something worth thinking about: in Mortal Kombat Conquest TV series, when the Grandmaster presented newly appointed Sub-Zero to the rest of the clan, he “celebrated” the cryomancer's first official performance as the execution of two men who failed their mission. So, yeah, celebration of something special in (old) Lin Kuei does not necessarily mean anything nice.
(The next part of answer most likely will be focused either on food or architecture / origin of Lin Kuei. Let's hope I will get it written sooner than later)
<><> EDIT <><>
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life-observed · 3 years
Sacred Antidotes
An interview with Terence McKenna
By The EditorsFALL 1996
Born in 1946, author and explorer Terence McKenna has spent the past twenty-five years in the study of the ontological foundations of shamanism and the ethnopharmacology of spiritual transformation. He graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a distributed major in ecology, resource conservation, and shamanism and then traveled extensively in the Asian and New World tropics, specializing in the shamanism and ethnomedicine of the Amazon Basin. His latest book, True Hallucinations (HarperSanFrancisco), is a narrative of spiritual adventure in the jungles of the Colombian Amazon. McKenna currently lives in Hawaii, where he divides his time between writing and lecturing. This interview was conducted for Tricycle by Allan Hunt Badiner in April 1996 in Big Sur, California.📷Terence McKenna. Courtesy Kathleen Carr.Tricycle: You have emerged as the leading spokesperson for the use of psychedelics. What is the history of your encounter with Buddhism?
McKenna: Like so many people in the sixties, I came up through D. T. Suzuki’s books on Zen. And then early on, because of my art historical bent, I became interested in Tibetan Buddhism. But my interest was not exactly Buddhism. It was more the shamanic pre-Buddhist phenomenon of the Bon religion—which grew out of the shamanic culture of pre-Buddhist Tibet.Tricycle: Buddhist practice didn’t attract you?
McKenna: Buddhist psychology was very interesting to me. I came to it through the works of Herbert Gunther, who was a Heideggerian originally. He found Mahayana thought to parallel that of Heidegger. I was influenced by a book called Tibetan Buddhism without Mystification, published later as Treasures of the Tibetan Middle Way[Herbert Guenther, Shambhala Publications, Inc.], which contrasted paradoxically differing schools of Buddhist thought. Nargarjuna’s writings on nothingness were also a big influence.
Tricycle: What did you make of the Abidhamma—the psychological component of Buddhist teachings?
McKenna: The Buddhist style of talking about the constructs of the mind is now a universalist style. The puzzle to me is how Buddhism achieves all of this without psychedelics: not only how but why, since these dimensions of experience seem fairly easily accessed, given hallucinogenic substances and plants, and are excruciatingly rare and unusual by any other means.
Tricycle: How would Buddhism fit into your notion of the psychedelic society that you often talk about?
McKenna: Well, compassion is the central moral teaching of Buddhism and, hopefully, the central moral intuition of the psychedelic experience. So at the ethical level I think these things are mutually reinforcing and very good for each other. Compassion is what we lack. Buddhism preaches compassion. Psychedelics give people the power to overcome habitual behaviors. Compassion is a function of awareness. You cannot attain greater awareness without attaining greater compassion, whether you’re attaining this awareness through Buddhist practice or through psychedelic experience.
Tricycle: So compassion and awareness are the twin pillars of both Buddhism and the psychedelic society.
McKenna: Compassion and awareness. To my mind the real difference between Buddhism and psychedelic shamanism is that one is a theory out of which experiences can be teased and the other is an experience out of which theory can be teased.📷
Tricycle: Well, a fundamental tenet of Buddhism is to abandon belief systems for direct experience.
McKenna: Yes, but like an onion, Buddhism has many layers. For instance, folk Buddhism is obsessed with reincarnation. Philosophical Buddhism knows there is no abiding self. How can these two things be reconciled? Logically they can’t, but religions aren’t logical. Religions are structures in the mass psyche that fulfill needs not dictated by reason alone. Any complex philosophical system makes room for self-contradiction.
Tricycle: One of the significant contributions Buddhism offers this culture is that it creates a context for the experience of death. You have said the awareness of death is one of the most important insights that the psychedelic experience offers. Are they similar perspectives?
McKenna: Well, they’re similar in that the goal is the same. The view of both positions is that life is a preparation for death, and it’s a specific preparation. In other words, certain facts must be known, certain techniques must be mastered, and then the passage out of physicality and on to whatever lies beyond is more smoothly met. So in that sense they are very similar, and they seem to be talking about the same territory.Tricycle: You’ve said that the twin horrors or twin problems of Western society are ego and materialism, combining in a kind of naive monotheism. Why is Buddhism any less a remedy than psychedelics?
McKenna: It’s less a remedy only in the sense that it’s an argument, not an experience.
Tricycle: But it’s a series of practices that enable experience.
McKenna: Yeah, but you have to do it. The thing about psychedelics is the inevitability of it once you simply commit to swallowing the pill. But Buddhism and psychedelics are together probably the best hope we have for an antidote to egotism and materialism, which are fatally destroying the planet. I mean, it’s not an abstract thing. The most important thing Buddhism can do for us is to show us inner wealth and to de-emphasize object fetishism, which is a very primitive religious impulse. It’s an aboriginal religious impulse to fetishize objects, and Buddhism shows a way out of that
Tricycle: The way you describe ecstasy in your talks has kind of a Buddhist flavor: “the edge or the depth of human feeling that includes suffering.” This resonates with the Buddhist notion that nirvana encompasses samsara.
McKenna: True ecstasy is a union of opposites. It’s the felt experience of paradox, so it is exalting and illuminating at the same time that it’s terrifying and threatening. It dissolves all boundaries.
Tricycle: Are you anticipating the emergence of a Buddhist psychedelic culture?
McKenna: No, it’s a Buddhist, psychedelic, green, feminist culture! I’ve always felt that Buddhism, ecological thinking, psychedelic thinking, and feminism are the four parts of a solution. These things are somewhat fragmented from each other, but they are the obvious pieces of the puzzle. An honoring of the feminine, an honoring of the planet, a stress on dematerialism and compassion, and the tools to revivify and make coherent those three.
📷Pure Ecstasy, Edward Ruscha, tea on moiré, 1974. Courtesy Edward Rusch/Leo Castelli Gallery.
Tricycle: The tools being psychedelic substances?
McKenna: Yes. It would be very interesting to find Buddhists who were open-minded enough to go back and start from scratch with psychedelics and not do the ordinary “we’ve got a better way” rap, but to say, “Maybe we do, maybe we don’t. Let’s go through these things with all our practice and all our understanding and all our technique and put it with botany, chemistry, and all this ethnography.” And then what could you come up with? If, as Baker-roshi says, people advance quickly with psychedelics, then advance them quickly with psychedelics. And then when they reach a point where practice and method is primary, practice and method should move to the fore. And maybe there are several times where these things would switch position.Tricycle: You don’t see any contradiction in being a Buddhist and exploring psychedelics?
McKenna: No, I would almost say, how can you be a serious Buddhist if you’re not exploring psychedelics? Then you’re sort of an armchair Buddhist, a Buddhist from theory, a Buddhist from practice, but it’s sort of training wheels practice. I mean, the real thing is, take the old boat out and give it a spin.
Tricycle: Maybe you should try taking out the old zafu for a spin!
McKenna: Or try both!
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bryanllamado · 2 years
ang mahalaga, lumaban.
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I love going on social media to read up on news and updates from other people, but for the past couple of days, I haven’t seen a single jovial or triumphant post. Some of my acquaintances have been quiet as well and I have been in my feelings too. For some reasons, I felt like I must check in on my friends so earlier today, I posted an Instagram story asking my followers how they have been handling the situation. I have also taken a few minutes from my synchronous classes to ask my students how they’ve been, because I know so well that some of them are deeply affected by what happened.
I could write a whole blog entry detailing the rollercoaster of emotions that I felt for the past 48 hours or maybe I couldn’t— for these turn of events have left me speechless and shocked. Hopefully I can find the right words to describe how I’ve been putting up with all of this, but today, I am here to express my gratitude and regards to everyone who has been a part of my Kakampink journey. I don’t think I have ever fully expressed how thankful I am to those who stood up and and made this ride a memorable one.
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To VP Leni, First of all, it’s so brave of me to think that this message will reach you, but I’ll take my chance nonetheless. I have only seen you twice and those were during the Cavite Grand Rallies for Leni-Kiko and Tropang Angat. I haven’t even gotten physically close to you, but you have been the strongest instrument of hope during these dark times. You have awakened the spirit of patriotism in me and I honestly don’t think I will fight this hard for a candidate if it weren’t for you and your platforms. I have also supported you back in 2016 even if I wasn’t an eligible voter back then.
It has been my honor to support you and campaign for you in this election season. I consider it as one of the best choices I have made in my life and I will never forget this time when I chose to stand with you and be on the right side of history. You have taught me how to practice radical love and how to extend compassion even to those people who do not share the same opinion as me. The Leni-Kiko tandem and Tropang Angat have sparked a glimmer of hope in me and I hope to keep it with me and make it a guiding principle moving forward. You are the greatest Vice President this country has ever seen.
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To Youth Vote for Leni-Kiko/Mendezenians for Leni-Kiko, I am proud to say that you have built a safe and loving community of Kakampinks in our beloved town and I am even prouder to have been a part of this group/movement. The members have shown me nothing but kindness and generosity and I am in awe of the volunteerism that we have showcased given the limited amount of time and resources that the group had. I want to express my appreciation for your effort and involvement in this campaign, that despite the lack of financial gains, you poured your heart in this fight.
Attending rallies and events and participating in house to house campaign were just some of the wonderful memories I was able to share with most of you. It gave me a sense of belongingness to be surrounded by people who believe in the same things as I do. I will also not forget the conversations and stories that we shared outside the scope of election topics. I got to see life through a different lens just by simply listening to your experiences and insights. I’m looking forward to where this fight will take us and I will the group nothing but the best.
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To my Rally Buddies and fellow Attendees, Thank you for making my Cavite Grand Rally experiences fun and memorable. Standing under the blazing heat of the sun in the sea of people while dealing with hunger and discomfort became more bearable with you. Just knowing that I’m surrounded by welcoming and accepting individuals is enough for me to endure the uneasiness that lasted for hours. Jamming to musicians and bands was an experience I gladly shared with you. It was indeed therapeutic to sing at the top of our lungs and not care about how we look like.
It was also nice to visit food booths and stations with you. We were never short of food because everyone was willing to share what they have and it is a testament to the selflessness that this campaign has brought out in its attendees. Our little chitchats in between speakers and performers also made my attendance to the rallies worth it. But above these things, I know we all went to the rallies for a common reason— to stand up for what is right and best for the nation. I salute you all for your moral integrity.
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To Online Kakampinks and Leni-Kiko Supporters, I was a bit hesitant at first to go all out about my support for VP Leni and Sen. Kiko, but your reactions and comments made me more comfortable in expressing my choice. It’s been a wonderful time reading your tweets, threads, memes, bardagulan and sh--posts during this election season and it has been one of my stress relievers. I would also like to mention the content creators, creatives, and artists who used their talents and skills to further promote our political choice. Truly, this campaign has brought out the best in all of us and I’m happy to celebrate your artistry and creativity.
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This is truly a memorable period in my life as a young adult and I’ll always remember and look back at the memories I shared with everyone who is a part of this campaign. I am not the type to go out of my comfort zone and turn my beliefs into action, but standing up for what I believed in became easier because of the ones that participated in this movement. The results may not be in our favor, but we weren’t defeated. The collective power we shared when we stood up for love, justice, and freedom is an indicator that we have won. We have fought and good fight and this journey will continue. Hindi ko alam kung kailan at saan, pero tuloy ang laban.
Before the election day, I started thinking that this may be the election season that I will be the most active and engaged in due to its importance and impact in my personal and professional life. But after seeing the numbers, I know that this is a long game that we’re playing. What we have started in the past few months will not be in vain and it is just a glimpse of what we could achieve in the years to come. Let’s hold on to the hope that was passed on to us by VP Leni and I hope this inspires us to do better— because we all deserve better and we owe it to our country and the future generations of Filipinos to strive for better.
Ang mahalaga, lumaban. Lumaban para sa Bayan.
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HC personality true vs public image
DISCLAIMER: If you will send me an Anon, I will answer the same tone as your ask, opinion is written.
All information and statements made in this reading or any other post of mine are all alleged until proven to be fact and for entertainment purposes & usage only. All information stated is based on my intuition and my tarot cards. Opinion only. The readings have no intention to cause any harm to the individuals, people featured in it.
Him - King of Wands rx. This is the centre of the spread.
This king in reversed is hot-tempered, jealous, impulsive. Could be a bully or a tyrant. Proud, arrogant, dominating. Could be unreliable, have low self-esteem.
He is the Emperor who has no clothes on. ( remember that, it will be important later). He is the king who wants to make a good impression, but only on the important people. The upright king uses his energy, his temper to make peace, to be a leader. The rx king is destruction, making fights. He pretends to be a leader, but he is weak and likes to follow more than lead. This card represents someone who has magnetism, who is the ladies man but because it’s rx, he doesn’t use this affection honestly. This is the king who can lose support because of his behaviour. He let his ego and pride rule him. 
I drew an Oracle card from the Artur Rackham oracle ( btw this deck works like magic to me!) and I got the Quackery - Professional Incompetence card. I will link a detailed article about quackery, but this basically means someone is a fraud. Someone who doesn’t have the knowledge to sell something, or work in a certain field but he does, no matter what. This and the KofWrx together shows me is truly selling an image that is far from his true self. 
His mind
9 of Swords Rx vs Ace of Swords
He definitely has a tendency to see things darker or badly. Probably he already went true the worst phase but he is still in a bad place mentally. I don’t want to use overly dramatic words, but this card is not just the “ oh, I have a bad mood… I will eat a little chocolate” card. This is a deep, hard state. Could mean, sleeping problems, nightmares, a joyless state, deep unhappiness. He is overwhelmed mentally right now. This card means he probably has a cynical view of life and some past problems still haunting him. 
What he wants to show the public that he is full of new ideas. Like he is someone who is communicating clearly, he uses his head and his emotions don’t run over. This also means someone is very assertive, likes to write. He wants to be seen as someone who is honest and only focuses on the important things. Who has very developed verbal skills. 
His actions
The Hierophant rx vs The Knight of Swords. 
Here we have some interesting thing.
Hierophant rx is someone who is doing things differently than the so-called norm. Who is rebellious and do not like traditions. It also means he does things which are shakes up his life.
This card means someone doesn’t want to marry or don’t respect marriage as an institution. Someone who thinks this is social pressure on him. It means an unconventional, untraditional way of love or someone who doesn’t really want a serious relationship. More like a serial dater. It also could mean he is trying to force himself to fit better in society.
It also could mean he lacks spirituality or doesn’t follow traditional religions. It’s also someone, who wants to dominate your mind instead of teaching you (upright)
The KnofSw is your typical knight in shining armour. This is the knight who lives by the rules, the code of the knights. He is ready to protect. He wants to show he holds himself to a higher stander than the others, who is proud. Who has discipline and wants to live his life by it. He is someone who is not influenced by his past. He attacks in order to defend. I also think he is very much in a defensive mode to protect this image from his real actions. ( if you put the two cards side by side the knight is attacking the Hierophant). 
His feelings
Page of Wands vs The Emperor
A page is very young and because the wand is fire, he is very energetic. He is someone who is exhausting to deal with. He can be very passionate very quickly and be bored at the same speed. He is a little bit mischievous, a little trickster. He has this burning desire, a sexual one without deeper emotions. Because he is young he hasn’t learned yet that the fire is not a toy. So he will burn himself. This card and the Hierophant rx together shows someone who absolutely does not want to commit himself.  
On the other hand, he wants to shows himself as an emotionally mature person. The Emperor is a father figure, who provides, who protects. Very masculine, responsible. This is the man who works for his family and makes sure he build a proper foundation. He is practical and dominating.  He also seems a little bit cold, so I think he is very cautious not to show too much emotion. Do you remember what I said at the very beginning? That the KofWRx is a “ the emperor has no clothes on” card. This card, the Hierophant rx and the PofW together not the best look for someone who allegedly wants a family. There is no family card, there is no love card. Not even in the public image collum. I truly think he does not want a family or not yet. Or he truly feels it is pressure on him.
His resources
The Star rx vs The Sun
The Star rx it’s a lost faith. That you have something but you are denied to use it. The resource is not only money but time, talent, affection etc. I think he thinks he is not good enough, for example, has no talent for certain roles. It also could mean he is uninspired and doesn’t care. This on an emotional level can mean he thinks he will never meet his soulmate or the right person. It also means your ideas or self ( as a resource) falsely depends on status and money.  Also, this could mean he is literally unable to see himself as a true star. And I know it seems silly because he could be arrogant, he has low self-esteem too. Those basically in the KofWrx card. Too proud but has low self-esteem. 
Healthwise it means he is anxious and pessimistic because of his physical condition. 
The Sun however is the shiny, positive, yes card. It is the absolute positivity card. This is how he wants to projects his options to us. He wants us to believe he is full of roles and jobs, and overall has a very positive, healthy look at life. He doesn’t really touch seriously deep topics and even if he does...every time those have some glossy, positive (almost false) shine. It’s the “I know of the meaning of the life” attitude. (Tarot could have a very literal or not abstract meaning, so if you do a health reading and you got the Sun card it very much can mean you lack Vitamin D, that was just a little fun fact).
So he has this never fading, overly positive tone always because somehow failure is not part of his public image. And you can find this everywhere. Love, family, opportunities, health etc. It’s almost like he doesn’t want us to be worried or see him as a human with darker, not so healthy periods. 
I don’t think this reading revealed so my brand new information, but I think it was interesting and maybe for some people it was an affirmation, that you always saw him like this. 
The link, I forgot to post, but I talked about.
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dailydnp · 3 years
British YouTuber, presenter, and author Daniel Howell offers a practical yet poignant look into mental health – his own struggles held up as a mirror for anyone else going through the same – in his book You Will Get Through This Night.
Written in conjunction with psychologist Dr Heather Bolton, the book is an amalgamation of Howell’s own experiences and Dr Bolton’s expert perspective combined to create a reading that feels like a personal attack in the best of ways, forcing you confront, embrace and then overcome your perception of your own mental health.
Best described as, “a practical guide to taking control of your mental health for today, tomorrow, and the days after,”  You Will Get Through This Night takes readers through Howell’s mental health journey, wrapped in his trademark sense of humour and nuggets of wisdom that urge them forwards in their path to a healthier mindset.  
Speaking to 1883, Howell describes what pushed him to write the book, learning to question his normal, how upbringing and culture impacts one’s perception of mental health, the role that a sense of humour plays in getting the conversation around mental health started and more.
Was there a particular moment that solidified your decision to write this book?
I think it was just realizing the power that every single person has to tell their story and break down the wall. Because with mental health, it’s the thing that every single person has a universal experience of. And yet, we all like to go, ‘I’m fine,’ when we’re completely having a meltdown on the inside and it was me opening up, not because I thought it was a nice idea just because I thought I had to open up about what I was going through with my depression, my sexuality. I went through 27 years of terrible mental health, without even realizing that you’re not supposed to be that way. It’s the idea that we all think we are broken, born in a certain way and doomed to feel that way forever, and that’s fundamentally wrong. I thought I’d like to write this book because other people may see themselves in it, notice that they relate to something, and therefore maybe there’s something about themselves that they need to work on. I literally I just wrote the book that I wish I could have read, because for me it was a struggle to even find the resources and the advice I needed.
You’ve mentioned in the book, that you never questioned your symptoms and that you were taken aback when the doctor said you were suffering from depression. But where there moments before that you started questioning this perception of what was normal to you?
I think it became my normal to feel bad all the time, which sounds dramatic but it was me. I thought it was all to do with my choices, age, environment and my job. But mental health is deeper than that, it’s something deeper and it’s something that you can actually have a positive effect on, which is what I wish I knew earlier, and it only happened when I got to a point where I was struggling, so much that I couldn’t even function day-to-day. In my mind, there was either nothing or there’s crazy. I thought you just have to get over your problems or you are totally crazy, which is so ignorant but that’s just not the truth. So, I went to a doctor and he said I think you might have depression and that is a real thing. And there’s lots that you can do about it. It’s about just understanding everything to do with how your thoughts and feelings work, the relationship between your biology and how you interact with the world physically. It was such a slow and painful journey to learn all of that that I thought, I’m just going to put it all in here and the idea is that for someone who picks up this book, they can go right in. I’ll put it up on the shelf and then when I need to read it, I’m going to pick it up and open it  again. So, I just wanted to be super practical.
I really liked this quote in the book “breakdown can be breakthroughs”. So, when was the last time you can think of that a breakdown led to a breakthrough for you?
Every other week, like you know, all of us. It’s just human instinct to try and stick through it and ignore the problems especially with work. It’s a great excuse to lie, “ I know I feel bad but I’m really busy.” And it goes like that until things get way too intense. For me, there were moments where I felt I simply cannot keep going in my career or day-to-day life or try to pretend like I’m funny, until I deal with the fact that I’m gay. And though there was this terrible feeling like “have I hit rock bottom?” But the thing with any obstacle is that it stops you from going in the wrong direction and when you are forced to turn around usually it means you’re confronting the truth for the first time. Usually if someone has a breakdown, if you hit that wall in your life, that point where you absolutely can’t keep going until you turn around and something scary is going to be waiting, it means you’re going in the right direction. When you have these moments of confrontation, instead of procrastinating or running away, if you face it then it’s hopefully better days ahead.
Speaking of procrastination, you talk about burnout and the five-minute rule in one section. How do you strike a balance between not procrastinating and getting things done, but also not overworking yourself?
The human concept of work is very strange and it’s just one of those great examples of something that we’ve all brainwashed ourselves to see a certain way, to put value on certain things that are ultimately probably not great and inevitably lead to another dramatic moment of self-destruction and procrastination, which are both associated with so much guilt and shame.But in reality it’s not because I’m lazy that I don’t want to start this thing, it’s probably I’m terrified of starting this thing because I know that it’s important, I don’t want to fail at it. So, think of the five minute rule as ripping the plaster off, because it’s always the fear of starting. That was me, writing this book and feel like I’m not in the mood to do that, but then moment I start then I’d just write for consecutive hours. Again, it’s just snapping out of the mindset that you’re probably on, which goes I’m doing this because it’s important, and I have to do it. You probably don’t have to do it, you’re probably just running from something else. So, whether you are procrastinating, you think you’re lazy, or  you’re telling yourself that you have to put up all of your issues to deal with whatever you’re busy with, you need to flip it around and look at it, not just from in healthier way but in more honest way. I’m not going to cripple myself with guilt and shame about procrastination but I’m not going to over work myself.
You’ve also written about how one of the worst things you can say to someone going through depression is to get over it. What’s the hardest of trying to get people to understand that it isn’t something you can get over?
I think you cannot underestimate how profoundly ignorant most of the world still is about mental health and that’s not people’s fault. It’s just that science, education and culture has just not been doing the right thing even if science recently has come a long way. We’ve got hundreds of years of stigma that come from. Breaking down the barriers, by being honest, with someone one-to-one is a great way to do that. And it just telling them “I’m not going to pretend that everything’s fine. I just want to tell you that, I feel that way.” And for a lot of people who say they don’t understand depression, anxiety etc, if just say I feel bad and I want to do something about it, people usually empathize with it. I also think lot of people want not take it seriously when other people say that because they feel like where was their help when they needed it? I think that the human nature is usually to feel almost jealous that someone else is asking for help or sympathy and they want to get better but you have to talk back to that voice and say maybe this is an opportunity for me to finally, be honest about how I might have been feeling the whole time. Because at some point you have to break the cycle.
Though you’ve said how you can’t underestimate how ignorant people can be, there’s a section of the book where you talk about how you uploaded your video, “Basically, I’m gay,” and braced for negativity. But that you were surprised by all the positive responses. So, what’s the most recent instance you can think of where you were pleasantly surprised by humanity?
Something that anyone that has to admit something, they’re going through and has in common, whether that’s something that’s come out as gay or someone just admitting that they’re just really stressed or feeling very anxious, is feeling like they have to constantly explain themselves. This is just an example of how you can be afraid of what people will say but when you’re really just honest about something that you’re going through, people usually relate to it on a day-to-day level. Whenever I talk to someone about mental health or sexuality, who may think its weird at first but as I describe my thoughts and feelings, they may relate to it even if they aren’t going through exact same thing as you. For me, a year after coming out and I still have that conversation on a daily basis. As a teenager, I had that deathly fear, that I couldn’t tell anyone because it would be terrible, but now I realize that actually most people are just scared. They aren’t inherently hateful; they’re just putting up that wall because they think that being vulnerable leaves them for attack. But actually, if we’re all vulnerable we’d be a lot happier.
Speaking of vulnerability, you touch upon your upbringing in the book and how it sort of taught you to keep a stiff upper lip. When did you start learn to be vulnerable and what was the biggest challenge with that?
Being a young British man, going to an all-boys school or the comedians that I looked up to on TV – everyone was so cynical. It was about trying to be as like edgy as possible and like act tough, and not show this vulnerability in case it’s seen as weakness. I think that I carried this perception all the way into my mid-20s, it seeped into every part of my personality. A lot of the stuff that I made, when I was younger, had this cynical edge to it and it was only when I started to get more followers from around the world that I began people started questioning that cynicism. At first, I’d go “this is British humour,” but a few years later, I just started to reflect about the way I was about myself and realized it was a bit more than a joke have, I actually started to let this self-hatred and the lack of empathy towards how I feel sort of eat me up. I think because only because of the people who have followed me over the years, giving me a reflection of who I am through how they’ve perceived me that I’ve been able to break free of my default programming.
About your sense of humour and how you kind of make sense of how you’re feeling through jokes, have you ever felt misunderstood -particularly given the cultural differences of your audiences  you just mentioned – like you’re trying to make light of something that a lot of people suffer from?
Yeah, there’s  a weird line and there’s lots of conversations these days about what you’re allowed to joke about. What the difference between talking about something, being comfortable with it and almost glamorizing it. But I think if the biggest problem with mental health globally is people don’t even want to admit that they’re wrong. And that they don’t even know that they were wrong. A bunch of people joking about how depressed they feel could be a  good thing because they have at least taken the first step. So, I think it’s good that people can joke about things in a way that breaks the ice as long as they all know, in the same way that my book might make them feel very personally attacked that just behind that joke that you put up to protect yourself, there is something that you should work on. Even if it’s painful, that it will make you happier.
You mention celebrating small wins in the book. What win are you celebrating today?
I have just moved house and I have a toilet that doesn’t flush yet. But I managed to stick a coat hanger, inside the toilet and to make it flush. I just got my own toilet to flush, and for me, that’s such a miracle. It was a perfect example of how we take so many things for granted in life, whether it’s something huge to do with your health, the state of the world, your privilege. But I now have a flushing toilet and everything else felt easy. I can handle it because I got some perspective.
You also touch on the importance of inner circles in the book. , When was the last time, you personally reached out to bring someone into your inner circle and do you remember how you did it?
I am so awkward and awful at making friends and it’s something that usually, I’ll have one of those breakdowns where I go, “I have no friends.” The next day, I’ll wake up and DM people, out of every three people I DM two-point-nine will just ignore me and I will be very embarrassed. But then one of them will  say “ yes, in two and a half weeks, we will go get a pizza.” And you only have to succeed a couple times ever to make friends that you hopefully will see more than once. I know from experience, it can be embarrassing, painful and not fun to try and reach out to new people but you just start adding one person, every two years until you have a friend group.
While working on this book, I know you consulted with a psychologist for it, aside from your lived experiences. What did you learn about mental health while looking at it from an outside, expert perspective?
I think one of the biggest revelations for me while writing this book is realizing how much of it isn’t a logical thought in our head. So much of mental health is controlled by our body, and the physical things that we experience. It’s about just how we breathe, how much light, and fresh air. And the problem is in our modern world, our brains are looking at everything as a threat. As soon as you realize actually, humans are not as complicated and mysterious as we think, we’re just little animals trying not to get murdered. It was freeing to know because that meant we aren’t born with this magically broken consciousness, that’s just doomed. It definitely made me look at mental health for what it is rather than the mysterious fog of pain that I thought it was for the last 10 years that I had absolutely no control over.
You’ve said that you’re obviously not done with your mental health journey, but where are you on that journey at this moment in time?
I’m doing a lot better than I was simply because I can understand what I feel, and why, and that it’s normal now. And I honestly feel like that’s 90% of it. Most people don’t ever question their lives. If they spend too much time, feeling overwhelming you stressed or if they worry too much and they’re just not enjoying life day-to-day. But just knowing that there’s something you can do about, it gives me enough hope. From writing the book, I know everything I can do to get better.
Finally, what’s one question no one has asked you so far that you wish you were asked?
I think it’s just how do I convince the other people in my life to take mental health seriously?  I realized from writing this book and now, talking about it that the biggest problem I have is that most people simply do not think the conversation about mental health, or mental health,  applies to them because they’re fine. So many people think mental health is only something for people that have crippling depression or serious anxiety disorder, but it’s just how all of us, think and feel all the time. If you have bad self-esteem, if you worry about everything, if you have a way of looking at the world that’s really negative and you expect the worst, then  you might not need to immediately have an intervention with a psychotherapist, but you need to understand your mental health. Even if you read this book and say you are totally fine, then you still need to know this stuff so you can understand why you are fine. There will be a point in life where you need to make yourself feel better and mental health isn’t about waiting until you snap, and then picking up the pieces and going on medication. It should be about knowing how to keep yourself healthy and happy so that you don’t have a breakdown. Everyone has mental health, and that’s the thing that I wish I could just shove into everyone’s faces.
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