#I could keep fucking gushing about this one honestly HAHA
pocketbelt · 3 months
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Mahou Shouji ni Akogarete (2024 anime)
Picking a screencap was so fucking hard because it's wall-to-wall golden lines and perfect expressions
MahoAko is nuts in numerous ways, from how well it fits so much into 13 episodes without feeling like anything's missing to completely defying everything I thought I had grasped about Japanese TV regulations for sexual content. It bounces along introducing characters and having delightful dynamics and constant fun interactions while also luxuriating over a wide array of ecchi shots and fetish scenarios framed around a typical magical girl ensemble, only our focus point is their antagonist, that precious fluffy little ball up there and her rampaging sadistic love for magical girls. It does all of it and never feels like a second's wasted.
The dialogue's fucking funny near-constantly too, from Utena and company being different varieties of idiot to silly scenarios to prim and proper looking magical girls just swearing casually and trying to gut each other. You could fill a whole reaction folder of screencaps from this show by itself, easily. And yet, it's still got frequent genuine raw moments (any time Utena's going full sicko looks and sounds fucking incredible) and is a compelling watch for its story, not just for jokes and porn. It's the triple threat.
I think this is the literal finest point of the razor's edge of what you can get away with in an ecchi show before you get banished to Bluray/web release only, and I'll be fucking shocked if something else manages to get to this level any time soon - there's a full on, decently explicit sex scene in one episode, and while it's intercut with flashbacks about the characters involved, the bits between those aren't hiding shit about them fucking. And it's good shit, too.
Utena, the protagonist, is the highlight by far, her arc of not just gradually accepting the villain role forced on her but actively synthesising it with her longstanding magical girl otaku love and her burgeoning sadism is really well done. "Soft shy girl is a massive sadist" is good shit as is, but it's done so well with Utena that it's wild.
At risk of sounding all trite and "I read it for the articles", I feel like there's a lot to be said about how fitting BDSM and the adjacent fetishes/porn tropes picked here are for the magical girl framing, and the focus on emotion and emotional release as themes in both (which comes through most with Magia Azure's interactions with Utena/Magia Baiser). Probably also a fair bit about MahoAko leaning into sex, lust, fetishes and so on as it's from a villain's perspective, and faded memories of Sailor Moon tell me a lot of its antagonists and villains were sexy, beautiful 'dark' people, there's something there.
The new gold standard for ecchi shows, easily. And like the third fucking manga I have to look into from this past season.
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h-a-unted · 3 months
Send 💕 and the mun will say something nice about you, the mun — for me, maybe? 🥺
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NO MAYBES, JUST OF COURSE!! I could gush about you all day, Ladybug!!
I have so many positive thoughts about you, like I can't even think of a negative if I wanted to. Thing is, you're a very good and chill person to be around here with! Not only that, but your muses are always top notch and your writing backs it up perfectly! I always feel like I'm interacting with the actual canon characters! Even your headcanons complete them amazingly! I love your perspectives and thoughts on each character and I wish I could throw you into any fandom 'cause you'd do justice to any character you grew interested in! I can't stress this enough, but being obsessed with the Boys lately and having you around to write about it has helped me so much! Talking about it with you too is so much fun and I'm glad you saw the same potential I did! I'm just as obsessed!
But not only that, your value lies in just who you are as a person. You're considerate, kind, inviting, patient, overall just a delight to be around with. I know I'm not the best rp partner or however you'd call it, but you truly make me feel like I'm special and that I belong here. If it weren't for you, I bet I wouldn't have lasted as long here if at all. I had been so caught up in wanting so many followers and interactions with different people before, that I'd get depressed when I found out my inconsistency pulled people away. You made me realize that I don't need many interactions, even just one good one is enough to be happy and feel fulfilled writing. I always say it, but joining The Quarry rp scene caused me to meet you and I am so fucking happy I joined, because of that. You inspire me not just in rp but out of it. You help me have fun, you spark my creativity with each headcanon, comment, meme, moodboard, song, everything you share, cause I can see you pour your heart and soul into this and you don't need big engagement to love your muses and give your all in every writing.
You do that with anyone, too! You're always willing to give it your all towards other rp partners or rather every rp partner you have! It's amazing and I've seen some awesome interactions around, I wish more people would notice how amazing you are! I know I said lots of engagement is not necessary, but damn, with your talent, I would expect millions of people flocking over you, haha! I won't stop screaming about you, Ladybug! Honestly, you mean a lot to me. You've put me in a positive headspace when it comes to writing here and interacting, you've helped me a whole lot. It's been a year of having you and I am just so delighted. Thank you for not giving up on me despite my shortcomings, I'll keep thanking you immensely for that. I hope this can last for way longer, because I wouldn't want to lose such an amazing friend. And OF COURSE I CONSIDER YOU A HUGE FRIEND OF MINE! Even if we only interact here, you mean a lot to me and I'd love to know you more as time goes by! Love you so very much, Ladybug, hope you never forget that! I'd love to say much more but I'll keep it here, for now! You are great, always and I love you, my beloved, my sacrosanct main!
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Once Upon a Witchlight: Episode 50 (SPOILERS AHEAD)
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I'm so sad that I have to wait now for the next episode, how will I survive without my goofy bitches found family???
Sorry that this one's extra long, I added in some pre and post episode comments uwu
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Final episode before I have to wait :(
Are they gonna be streaming on Youtube now or was this a one time thing? (I hope they stream on youtube)
I want to join the Discord so badly but my social anxiety won’t let me :(
Derek is back! Frost must’ve got over his IBS!
Soundboard noises (Of course Derek does the best one lmao)
I love all the funny noises and voices they do, I wish I was as vocally talented as them
Mikey’s sweater looks so soft, I wonder where he got it (I fuckin LOVE sweaters fr fr)
The ring of chaos one-shot was so good, I love Joetetee and wish he could come back
Mikey gaslighting people with a FNAF reference is so damn funny, he truly is a gaslight girlboss while Torbek is a girlfailure
Mikey says “Here we go” when Rich mentions the muppet movies like my friends when I gush over my hyperfixations lmao, Rich definitely has talked about this before ALSO FUCK U DISNEY FOR STOPPING THE MUPPETS FROM MAKING MORE MOVIES, THOSE ARE COMEDY GOLD
I’m glad they all switch positions and don’t make one person a perma-DM :)
I actually have a bugbear character from waaay back in 2018 so if Torbek makes the race popular I’d be VERY appreciative. They’re one of my favorite races along with satyrs fr fr
 “Torbek’s bringing sexy back” HAHA
Twin dads with man buns /j
Mikey keeps using his Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss actions to get more people to watch the ring of chaos one shot, very funny :)
Derek is a #gamer fr fr
“Derek is bussing fr fr”
Grinko Gladfrown, Mourning Font, Krepe Lacroix, Thorbek and Giddyon Charcoal /j
Andy doing his dancy dance in the background is so gender fr fr
I love these goofy bitches, they’ve spent hour doing NOTHING but I don’t mind cause they’re hilarious
I would love a studio tour, their cables probably look like spaghetti but their knick knacks are probably so poggers looking
Rich SHOULD DM someday, I bet he’d do a great job
Finally we’re getting bean footage after an hour of jokes but I honestly wouldn’t care if they made a 4 hour video of just them fuckin around
We finally met Will and he’s got a knife! “What do you have?” “A KNIFE!” “NOOO”
Favorite comment: “​forgot how much I love torbek, he's like a wet cat that has alcohol poisoning”
All the little “Friend on the other side” References Kremy does just strengthens my belief that he’s based off the movie
Emergency broadcast: Five fully grown men are arguing with a literal child
Carnival Lecroux need a swear jar fr fr /j
“We could totally murder a horde of kids” FROSTY WTF???
Frost “flossing” and Kremy + Gricko talking about VBucks is so damn funny, more interactions for my Actor AU fr fr /j
“You can call me Morning Floss!” “I wish I was dead!” SAME KREMY, SAME
“All of you are so damn embarrassing, you’re lucky I love y’all” - My S/I with their head in their hands
Kremy and Gideon spiking their Sierra Mountain Mist is so canon. My S/I would totally try to drink with them but be absolutely disgusted at the mixture
Kremy and Gideon are drunk lmao
“FR FR, THIS DRINK BE SKIBIDI PHANTOM TAX ON GOD!” WHAT???? I UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING EXCEPT FOR SKIBIDI AND PHANTOM TAX, IS GRICKO DRUNK TOO???? “This ain’t no Ohio drink. You a straight rizzler fr fr, giving me this skibidi drink” GRICKO PLEASE, STOP!!!
“We don’t know what children like, we ran a carnival” HAHA, GOOD ONE FROSTY
These dudes should never interact with children /j
“Y’all’re so weak lmao, straight up unpogger girlfailures. You definitely let people diss your fly girls” - My S/I messing with them because they’re a gremlin
These fuckers got a whole side campaign of quests to do /j
Wouldn’t Bavlorna’s place be better than Yon? She’s the one that likes children after all
“What is gyatt? What is amogus?” Hootsie and I are very much in the cringe zone as the only two party members young enough to understand the slang Gricko is using
TORBEK IS CURSED TO BE A(R/U)TISTIC!! (We would draw pictures together fr fr uwu)
Gideon is a coward, he’s turned into Torbek! /j
Kremy is a kleptomaniac (So basically the same lmao)
Rich with the 80’s rad hat is so funny for some reason??
Frost is forced to confess to doing bad things even if he has to lie about em (He’s a masochist lmao)
Gricko is magnetic and got stuck to Torbek’s back HAHA
Gideon’s a cowardly vampire LMAO
Why are they always trying to kill Gricko??? It’s funny but weird
New favorite comments: “Werewolf thief and a cowardly vampire, what a pair” and “Avantris News: Four adult men sacrifice a green child to appease child gods”
My S/I would be so confused at this chaos, I’d probably over with Hootsie and Juniper knitting because they don’t drink soda or alcohol (Based off myself irl)
“These fucking dumbasses, they’re lucky I’m sane in these moments” - My S/I
So excited to see Torbek’s masterpiece
Carnivale lecroux is spelled the fancy way, makes sense for someone like Kremy to spell his business like that (I’ll probably forget and still spell it carnival tho)
I love just listening to them talk about movies with each other, it's really nice :)
Nikkie hoarding mementos from witchlight behind the DM screen is so sweet!
When TORBEK is disgusted by you, you know you fucked up!!
Oh thank the gods, it was a prank by will
Besties who share a sweet tooth and trauma/abandonment issues stay besties forever
“The water in the pool does more than just quench your thirst!” “NOT ANYMORE” Gideon/Torbek unison joke!!!
I love Nikkie and her horde of dolls :)
“I also agree with Torbek, we need to kill that bitch of a hag!” - My S/I
Gricko got the diarrhea this episode lmao
“Fill up squirt” sounds so suggestive
Empty capri sun Gricko is so funny
How many days/nights have these guys been in Prismeer? 4? 5? 6? (The only times I remember them sleeping is: Night at the inn, Frog palace, Mushroom forest high, Pixie camp sleepover, Jabberwock death and now here at little oak)
If Torbek was gone for an hour and that was five years, most of these kid’s parents probably don’t even realize they’ve been kidnapped and are missing
It’s canon to me that my S/I and Torbek sleep on a pile on the floor like Gricko does with Hootsie (Besties with abandonment issues and a love of physical affection uwu)
Who the hell names their kids Bongo and Flute???
My S/I Canonically knows Goblin but I feel like they wouldn’t tell Gricko or Torbek cause they like to eavesdrop in those two’s dumbass conversations lmao
“Skibidi on god” “fr fr no cap” “BUSSIN!!” I’ve changed my mind, I hate these people /j
Gricko turns into a milkshake via Frosty’s mage hand /j
Nikkie loves Fortnite and that makes me happy bc I like Fortnite
Thank you Derek for teaching me waterdrop and breaking nose sound effect :)
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praemonitor · 2 years
I'm feeling a lot better today, almost at my 100%. Thank you for your kind wishes.
Mi first draw to the fic? General of the First Order, Armitage Hux. I'm obsessed with that bastard, or rather, with the potential of what the canon could have had given to us, but finally didn't.
At first was a little bit daunting reading a 4 chapter unfinished fic with > 75k word count, but I decided to give it a go. I was engrossed with chapter 1 and 2, but what made me 150% invested in the story was minisode III, with all regarding the Finalizer and the quest of it's people for survival; it was amazing with the way you describe it, the tension, the urgency, the despair without failing into defeatism (Hux being a boss indeed.).
I remembered being pretty happy when I saw the update for minisode V (the mission on Naboo is one I re-read regularly), and I literally SCREAMED when a saw the update for minisode VI (I was at the office. I threw a glass of water to the floor to cover my fangirling from my coworkers XD) Needless to say, that that minisode grabbed me by the throat and will never let me go.
I came in for the terrible, uptight, brilliant and damaged Armitage, with the plus incentive of getting gingerpilot. I don't want to start waxing poetry about Poe, because I wouldn't have enough characters left on this ask, but that man? *Sigh* live rent free in my heart since TFA
BUT! all of this gushing for this two, is no a disparage for the Reylo. Canon Raylo never got my disapproval, but also never got me beyond "they're kinda cute together. That could be interesting" But their dinamic in the first of the new is richer a deeper, and a really absorbing facet of the story.
And your take and expansion of the secondary characters? They are everything. I wish Kes was my father (mine is not bad, but is in no way in Kes league. In. No. Way); Dopheld and Kaydel are (sometimes murderous) precious beans who deserve everything good in the galaxy; THE KNIGHTS OF REN, ALL OF THEM (TRoS made them dirty, is all I gonna say), I'm so pleased of how you tied them to the canon in their identities that I cannot believe how attached I am to them; and the Xionos, for better or for worse (fuck Hamada), and all of those from the Colossus and Resistance.
Everything in this story in rich, complex, and spellbinding, made with care, love and passion, like a intricate trapestry full of colors, forms a storys, open to us to appreciate and be in awe at.
Happy Star Wars and may the force be with you. Always
You've brightened my whole day, thank you so much for this message! I'm so excited you have a special place in your heart for Minisode III -- its "haunted ghost story" vibe was really fun to write. And I also loved writing Kes and Hux's dialogue in Minisode VI, what with the political dynamics between the Resistance/New Republic and the First Order as they learn to work together.
And of course, Dopheld Mitaka and Kaydel Ko Connix grabbed their very own side plot and ran with it, so good for them!! I have a very disorganized text document full of scene ideas for Rey and Ben, Poe and Hux, Mitaka and Connix... maybe someday those will see the light of day?? Right now they're an incoherent jumble of words, haha.
Honestly and truly, thank you so much for reaching out. The past year has been rough for me writing-wise. I've actually been trying to write an original novel, which should be fun and exciting, but I keep doubting my creative ability, convinced my plot ideas and original characters are no good.
Further fueling my anxiety, the novel I want to write revolves around controversial real-world topics that are really important to me personally, but I dread the thought of not doing these topics justice and unintentionally triggering online discourse. It really doesn't help that I sit on the sidelines of fandoms I love (i.e. Star Wars, Our Flag Means Death), watching fic writers and fan artists get harassed for any missteps -- real or perceived. It breaks my heart and leaves me too scared to write anything for fear of accidentally causing offense.
Which is all super frustrating because I LOVE writing. So thank you again for your kindness, support, and enthusiasm, and for reminding me why I love writing so much. Have an amazing day!!
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bi-bats · 1 year
for the get to know the author asks!!! 3, 6, 11, 18, 23, 25. i know thats a lot so feel free to pick and choose haha
p.s. i am LOVING your jaytim week works!! ive gushed in the comments but i really am having a blast reading everything that youve shared so far <3
ASLKDJFALSDKJ omg thank you!!! I'm so flattered that you want to know that much about me actually, cause I never shut the fuck up so this is going to be long 😂 And thank you SO much abt the jaytimweek fics!!! I worked so hard on them 😭 also!!! what's your ao3 username? I usually recognize my serial commenters (and as you probably know sometimes have full conversations with them) so let me know which one is you, if you're comfortable!!
Also, I answered all of these so I'm putting it under a read more because it is. So much lmaoooo
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
I write favorite scenes first- usually there's an idea that gets stuck in my head or a bit of dialogue and that hits the page first. Then that spirals into other thoughts I have to write down, until I have something that actually resembles a plot and has the beginning and the climax of the story. (For Know yourself it was chapter 1, then a scene from chapter 8, then the scene where they finally get together, then the scene where they fall asleep watching star trek for the first time, then a bunch of scenes I ended up having to cut. For Rooftops and Bookshops, it was chapter 1, then them getting together, then the scene in the breakroom, then the scene where Tim gets drunk.)
Then for a longfic I take my plot to the corkboard™️ and sort it out, and then I start writing in order. Usually, I end up completely rewriting the scenes I wrote beforehand as I go along, and sometimes I end up replotting the whole thing. Then I work on it chapter by chapter until I get to the end, but I usually along the way I keep writing scenes for future chapters when inspiration hits!
6) something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now?
Honestly? All of rooftops & bookshops. I would rewrite the entire thing and change absolutely none of the plot or dialogue. It's just... the rest of the writing. God. It seems so rushed to me now? something something I've improved as a writer, but like. I would rewrite it if that wasn't so much work. And also, whenever I say that I hate it people rage at me, so. fine. I guess it stays. 🙄
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
Actually, plotting. I've been writing since I was in the third grade, and it took me FOREVER to realize that the reason I never finished anything was because nothing had a plot. Like, within the last 4 or 5 years I bought a book called Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell after listening to a writing podcast (No Write Way with VE Schwab) where Marie Lu (I think) recommended it, and suddenly, it wasn't just that I could write, it was that I couldn't stop writing.
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
Oh I get to talk about actual books!!! akdfalskdjfkj YES!!
Vicious by V.E. Schwab and the Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey, but honestly anything by either of them is amazing. The way both of them write is just so. SO. ASLKDFALSKDJ. For me, they both scratch the itch for sci-fi and characters that are incredibly fucked up but justified and logical and their prose is just perfect, especially when it comes to lines that just fucking slap. Sincerely, I don't have any fic recs for this one. Just book recs lmaooo
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
LMAOOOO okay so specifically when it comes to writing in this fandom, I have a lot of life experiences that have helped me write what I write, especially when it comes to writing Tim. Some of them are not so fun (<- overachiever perfectionist who thinks they need to do everything by themselves), but some of them are funny so we'll talk about those.
I have a coffee problem. Like, I know off the top of my head that the FDA recommends that a healthy adult doesn't ingest more than 400 mg of caffeine a day (I try not to ingest more than 384 mg a day), and you would overdose around 1200 mg of caffeine a day. I use this fact at least once a month when someone expresses concern about my caffeine intake, and I did not have to google that, just ask my girlfriend 😂
Also, I have severe insomnia, which predates the coffee problem. Usually, I average 5-6 hours of sleep on a good night, but I can go about 5 days straight getting between 2-4 hours of sleep before I have to do a night with at least 6 hours. I am intimately familiar with what running on that little sleep looks like. I once was not able to sleep for 4 days! So also, I know what that looks like! I have gone over 40 hours without sleep within the past four months! It just. happens. Like, at some point in the night the calculation stops being "how much sleep am I going to get if I fall asleep right now" and starts being "if I do sleep, will I be more tired than if I just don't?"
And it is such a useful reference when it comes to writing any of the bats, but especially Tim 😂
That also helps because in the time I am not sleeping, I am usually reading or writing. I'm a huge reader and that really has helped me. There's that one quote that's like "a person can be an expert in any field if they put 10,00 hours into studying it", and I have put in my 10k hours. If you write, reading is basically a part of the job.
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
Tim was his own worst critic. It was just self-defense, something he’d picked up while he was learning how to stay alive.  He’d learned how to slip binds, and how to take a hit, and how to be so harsh on himself that whenever someone found a new hurtful thing to say to him, it was the second time he’d ever heard it, because he’d already thought of it first.
But the strangest thing is how everyone believes Jason anyways. Just like that.  Then again, Dick is backing him up, so of course they believe him. Everyone believes Goldie, all of the time. He just flashes that gorgeous smile like a fucking master key, and Jason’s always been a tiny bit jealous that everyone else turned out so goddamn endearing. 
But apparently, his body had been hiding that instinct somewhere: Jason’s angry. Defend yourself. 
He’d done what he did best: tried to freeze over his white-hot anger, and still managed to be surprised when the ice cracked and steam shot out. 
Now he knew Tim wasn’t just some kid who slipped into his life like it was a suit that fit him better. 
This was what he did. He wrecked things. He couldn’t be trusted with anything delicate or valuable, because he’d crush it in his clumsy, blood-stained hands.
This was so much fun!!! Thank you for popping into my inbox and giving me a chance to ramble for a while, I had such a blast!!!
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s.o.s, m | knj
pairing(s): namjoon x reader
summary: It's two in the morning and Kim Namjoon is at your doorstep, asking you to fuck. In a fuckbuddies way, because, as a wise man once said, "I may not know love, but I know snacks." Well, you do agree with this statement. Let's go with the flow!
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; smut (fem reader, slight D/s dynamics, blowjob, cowgirl); friends-with-benefits and feels through fucking (classic for me, haha, maybe I fell in love with him while writing it, oops)
happy birthday, Kim Namjoon <3 #happyRMday
now playing – pado by bibi
“Shit, Namjoon, are you trying to break my door down at two in the morning or what? What’s with you? Why didn’t you just type in the lock?”
Kim Namjoon’s large frame and big brown eyes glanced at the silver-blue electronic number pad on your apartment door. “Oh. Right. I forgot you had that now.”
“I have it because you keep losing my key!”
He rubbed the back of his now blond head sheepishly. He must have dyed it recently because it had been dark brown last week. It was shorter than before, trimmed at the sides and longer at the top. Usually it was styled, but right now it was messy and puffy like he had been running across the city on those long legs of his or, more likely, windblown from riding his bicycle on his way here.
Namjoon didn’t drive. He said it was to maintain world peace.
“Do you wanna fuck?” he asked you breathlessly.
You looked down at your massive black sleep shirt that made you look like a lump of fabric, but, well, he picked today to pop the question and what were you gonna do? Say no?
You snapped back up, smacking your finger on your left wrist. “It’s two in the morning!”
“One forty-five, yeah,” Namjoon agreed, glancing at his brown leather-banded, white-faced watch. Simple and sleek. You noticed he had a few colorful string-woven bracelets on his wrists, likely handmade by someone in the various rural villages Namjoon liked to visit in his spare time. He dropped his arm and smiled brilliantly at you with those dimpled cheeks.
“I was thinking about you. You know, that habit you do when you run your hand through your hair and flick your wrist at the end, elegantly spreading your fingers out. Super sexy.”
You felt your ears heat. “Hahah… what?”
He scratched his head and stuck his hands in his loose black pants, draping his warm gray t-shirt over his wrists. Lowered his chin and flickered his eyes to you, awkward half-smile on those full lips.
“D… Don’t look at me like that,” you muttered, backing up and shifting your eyes. “You always do that.”
“Do what?” Namjoon chirped, stepping inside and out of his brown sandals.
“Give me those puppy eyes even though you’re built like a fucking tank.”
“I snore like one too.”
“Yeah, I know.”
But none of those things really mattered because your arm was snaking up, your other hand slapping the door closed, looking down until you couldn’t look down anymore, lifting your head to playful dark brown orbs and a dimpled smile, already leaning down, his scent of warm cotton and faint florals washing over you, and then his lips touched yours and it was over.
You could say no, you could, but you never really wanted to.
Namjoon wasn’t being rude showing up so late. After all, you had already told him it was one of your fantasies, a late-night rendezvous, a bit of unexpected expected fun. Namjoon was willing to help, a game of ping-pong between casual, sometimes lovers, both too busy and scatterbrained at this point in life to commit to anything, but that worked for you and for him, or at least that’s what you told him and what he told you, his large hands now encircling your back, fingertips pressed into the thin fabric, sighing into your mouth, rhythm of those long fingers dancing up, up, sinking into your hair, tangling himself in it, nibbling at your lower lip.
“I just love touching your hair,” that deep, deep voice whispered to your lips, eyes still closed, smirking as the tip of your tongue darted out, playing with him as he spoke. “And I like messing it up a little.”
“A little? You like messing it up a lot.”
Namjoon curled his fingers inward and pulled back, your head following automatically, grinning with you as he opened his eyes, devious even with the dimples.
“Okay, yeah, you’re right.”
It wasn’t fun if it wasn’t with him.
You raised your hand and spread your fingers out, slowly running your nails up and then down his chest, smirking back at him, your tongue peeking out between your teeth.
Namjoon once said to you, let’s just go with the flow, ride the wave.
He sucked in a breath right now and pulled you close, hands letting go of your hair as he captured your lips again, deep, ravenous kisses that took your breath away, such wonderful lips that loved to travel across your body and wander that wonderland, his hands already reaching for the hem of your shirt, bunching it up as he stumbled back into your apartment, dragging you with him, you riding the wave of his passion, dragging his shirt up with yours, tossing them aside, body to body, exploring lips on that warm skin and muscular chest.
Namjoon also said things like, I may not know love, but I know snacks, so, yeah, he was always poetic like that. Full of wisdom and weirdness, arguably the best combination one could have when struggling through this nonsensical world.
You pushed him down on the bed, kissing all that tan skin, running your nails down his shoulders, walking down his defined biceps finger by finger, digging in a little harder, pairing it with kisses and drawing stars on his pecs with your saliva, making him smile and flash those dimples.
“Like that?” you teased, drawing back a little so he could watch the mastery of your tongue at work.
“You know me,” Namjoon chuckled, the sound radiating from his chest to your mouth, sending ripples through your spine. “I like cute things with a little pinch.”
“Like those tiny beach crabs?”
Now he actually laughed, that throaty, booming laugh of his, nodding with affirmation.
You sometimes wondered when the waves would stop and roll out, sometimes wondered if the tide of Kim Namjoon would go low and leave you behind, but maybe it was the moon or something, cosmic threads that sent him rushing back to your beach, bright and sparkling, always catching the light and looking good from every angle.
“Fuck, I always forget you’re huge.”
“I am not huge. You are being dramatic.”
“Dramatically sucking your dick.”
You knew how to take his breath away, how to make him gasp and his hand fly to your head, groaning as he pushed you down, your throat closing around his rapidly swelling length, tongue all over in the small window you had to wetly caress every contour and vein, bobbing your head in time with his gentle nudges, waiting for you and your jaw to adjust before thrusting a little harder, a little rougher, choppy waves and lost breath. His scent filled your nose, his toned hips in your hands, digging your nails into that muscle, inhaling and drowning in the feeling, pressing him between tongue and roof of your mouth, feeling the head hitting your throat, so you tightened your muscles.
Namjoon moaned your name, brown orbs turning darker from dilated pupils.
It filled your ears and soaked into your chest, your heart pumping faster, beating harder, drawn to the sound like a sailor to a siren.
You took him deeper, pulsing around the head, sticking your tongue out a little to lap at his balls collected in your hands.
“A-Ah, fuck… You’re always so, so good… always making me think of you…”
You watched his eyes close, his hand gripping your hair, not unkind, simply adding a little bit of force, but you were in control of the pace, riding the wave, filling your mouth with his hardness over and over, closing your own eyes, small tears collecting at the corners, unable to breathe, but you already knew you were diving and you practiced for this, holding your breath and bobbing your head fast and tight, your fingernails clawing at his sides just the way he liked, a little neediness, a little desperation, maybe an act or maybe not, honestly hard to tell with how often you had blown him, so maybe it was part of you now, just like how sometimes you would be alone and smell his scent even though Namjoon wasn’t there at all, maybe real but probably an olfactory memory, strange that it would happen just like that, a wave of warm cotton and faint florals that you drank in small trickles right now, your mouth occupied with his thick length, listening to the sloppy, wet sound of his cock being swallowed over and over again by your suffocating mouth, saliva sliding over his balls and onto your chin.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum, fuck!”
Pushing you down, forcing you to deep dive, swallowing on instinct, clamping your lips around his jerking cock with every gulp of gushing cum, the strong salty taste lingering in the back of your tongue as your throat was stuffed with the swollen head. Namjoon shuddered deeply, resonating pleasure that drifted down his torso and through your fingertips. You lapped up anything you missed, sucking it off and Namjoon hissed at the sensitivity, tugging at your hair sharply.
You hummed and retreated a little, breathing again, licking the underside of the tip, wiggling your tongue over the slit and around head, opening your eyes to Namjoon’s panting smile.
“You want me to punish you or what?”
Nah, you wanted to ride the wave, but this particular wave was pretty fucking big.
“Oooh, fuck…!”
Namjoon raised his arms and grabbed your pillows, thrusting his hips up into your pussy after you had lowered halfway. The condom wrapper flew off the bed, probably to be found in some random place in your room tomorrow morning.
A later you problem.
Hands on his chest, sinking down, gasping for breath at the forced stretch at his girth, but it was nicer that way, wet and getting wetter, spreading your knees and arching your back, your hair falling down your shoulders, rolling your body to smack down onto his crotch, fuck, so hard and so full, starting a rough, choppy rhythm because Namjoon was deliberately not letting you set up a reasonable pace and kept thrusting up a little too fast, a little too hard, hot moans tumbling out of your mouth, feeling the crashing pleasure try to overtake you, drawing your knees back in to feel all of him, your palms sliding up, grasping those strong shoulders, lowering your head to speak to those sultry brown orbs reflecting your open mouth and half-lidded gaze.
“Namjoon… please, oh, f-fuck… if you’re gonna be like this, j-just fuck me…!”
He grinned, dimples on display.
“Anything for you.”
Mayday, mayday, you needed to be saved from that teasing smile and those words.
His hands fitted to your shaking hips and held you up easily, lifting his hips up at a deep, hard pace, emphasis on strength and less on speed, the muscles of his arms tense and locked to keep you above him as he slammed his hard cock into your pussy.
“Ah, yes, yes, right there, Namjoon, yes…”
You could go deeper so you did, slapping your hips down too and making Namjoon grin under you. Shit, something about those round cheeks and bright smile while he was railing you practically to heaven was doing something to you, washing out your senses and giving you no time to think, squeezing him inside you and feeling him twitch back, something so sexy about how he could do that even while fucking you, and you saw him suck in a breath, witnessing your effect on him, his hold becoming tighter, his dark lashes lowering, hooded eyes and locking with your gaze.
Drowning in the pleasure with you.
“Come on, you want it, right?” he panted under you, voice so deep it felt like you were underwater, your skin vibrating with the seductiveness of his tone and the depth of his sound mixing with the harsh slaps of skin to skin, wet and wonderful. “Show me you want it, give it to me.”
You couldn’t say no, already tightening your core and smacking down on him harder before he could even finish speaking, the ecstasy shooting up your spine and pouring all over your scalp and mind, letting go, pitched cries and blissful moans, Namjoon moaning with you, your name on his lips and filling up your bedroom, clutching his shoulders and staring into his eyes, breathing in warm cotton and faint florals, cast away into a wild paradise.
You clenched around him and gasped, a powerful jolt rocking through you, surprised at the sudden squelch but then you felt the overwhelming rush barreling through you, sweeping you into pulsing pleasure, one of your hands losing grip and grabbing onto the pillow beside Namjoon’s head, his heavy breath and your exhaled name blowing over on your prickling skin, realizing you were accidentally closer than usual because your hand slipped, his hands tightly wrapped around your waist and slamming you down onto his crotch, groaning and tipping his head back, his eyes closing, Adam’s apple prominent against his flexed neck.
If possible, suddenly you could breathe even less.
Your pussy throbbed around his twitching cock, his orgasm spurting into the condom and your juices soaking his skin with each flinch of the aftermath, wave after wave crashing into you, your arms trembling to hold yourself up so you could absorb it all – him, the dwindling pleasure, the moment when his eyes opened, your name drifting out of those lips in a lustful haze.
“I should… go back to mine, huh…” he wheezed, chuckling slightly. “Otherwise, I’m going to snore too loud and you’re not going to be able to sleep…”
You slid down, closer, closer, seeing the mole underneath his lower lip with his rueful smile. His fingers were drawing circles on your hips.
“I bought earplugs.”
You silenced his laugh with a kiss.
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A Daminette Penpal AU - Continuation
Continuation  of this post
@ab-unreachablevoice @startouchedqueen1318 @lovemidnighteclipse12 you asked, I deliver.
Now, I want all of you to know this AU was made in a spur of moment. I’m totally winging it rn.
So obviously before the akuma class goes to Gotham, the months of texting have to have passed.
For Damian, those months are hell, because not only does he have to hear Jon’s gushing about his awesome penpal, but he has to endure Lila’s lies and her stories that keep only getting more ridiculous as the time passes too.
And it better be fucking worth it, because you have no idea how close he’s to flying to Paris and finally putting his assassin’s skills into use.
I mean, look at this!
Lila: HI Damian!!!! ❤💖💕💋💞
Damian, cringing at his phone: Yes?
Lila: How r u????
Damian, who absolutely hates when someone types like that: Have been better
Lila: Would u like to maybe video chat???? I could tell u about my trip to Achu !!!!!
Damian, a little shit™: Did “u” know that using more than three (3) exclamation (!) and question (?) marks means “u” may have a personality disorder? Maybe that’d explain the amount of lies “u” like to spew so much.
[Message read. This user is offline.]
I’m convinced that if Damian knew how to use gifs, he would 100% use a lot, and I mean a lot, of cat gifs (honestly, animal gifs in general).
Lila: Hi Dami!!!! (She doesn’t learn, okay.)
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Damian: I hope you can understand the message.
She can.
Lila: Hi dami. Can I call u Dami???
Damian: No.
Lila: I had so much fun this weekend Dami!!!! I went to Brazil Turns out Chris Pratt is filming a new movie there. Anyway, he recognized me and we started  talking. His so much fun!!!!!! 🥰🤩😍😍🎉🎉
Damian: Fascinating. Please do not  tell  me more.
Damian: And it’s “he’s”, not “his”.
Lila: Hiii Damiii
Damian: I literally hate you so much-
[Message not sent]
Lila: Dami????
Lila: ....
Lila: Um, Damian? U there????
[Message not read]
You have no idea how, much fun making these is-
Oh, and imagine, just imagine, if Lila told him about situation in Paris.
Lila: Sorry for texting you so late, damiboo. Got caught up in an akuma attack.
Damian, who by now is replying just to humor her (plus his father forced him): A what?
And then Lila starts explaining the situation in Paris. Of course, she adds a few stories about how she was akumas’ target or how she helped Chat Noir (weirdly she doesn’t talk much about Ladybug). It’s that one of really rare times she’s not lying (well, not that much). And how Damian reacts to it?
Damian, Done with Lies™: Do you ever stop lying? Because this, all of this, is absolutely and utterly ridiculous.
Cue Lila wishing she didn’t bullshit as much as she did Damian was just a little more gullible
I don’t know if you remember, but in the first part I said Damian ditched Lila for Marinette (but let’s be honest, wouldn’t we all?).
To clear things up, I kinda wanted the GA students to accompany their penpals throughout their time at school. It’d be nice, right?
So the scene is:
The principal has just announced that GA students have to keep company their penpals while they’re at the GA establishment. Lila’s feeling victorious, this is her chance to get her claws in Damian and his money- I mean, to get to know her lovely penpal. Yeah...
Lila, walking up to Damian, while trying to appear sexy and shy at the same time, and failing at both: So, shall we?
Damian, ostentatiously glancing at her before going to Marinette: Bye
Now, to spice things up, I decided imma get them caught up in a rouge attack/attacked by a rouge.
So somewhere a week in their stay, akuma class is held hostage by one of the Gotham’s criminals.
Because this is Gotham, y’all. You can’t be in Gotham and NOT get attacked some way or another. It’s impossible.
[Choose your villain. I have badass Marinette though, so we all know the winner here]
The moment it starts, Damian slips away and changes into Robin.
The class is screaming and panicking.
Lila is probably in the middle of a panic attack.
Marinette’s assessing the situation before striking.
The moment Robin arrives, he gets to witness Marinette, the sweet cinnamon roll Marinette, kicking ass and taking names. Adorable. He thinks he’s in love (and he so is).
Bats come. And they’re met with the dude dealt with and trembling in fear of a petite girl with pigtails, who’s standing next to him and a lovestruck Robin staring at said girl.
A sight to behold, truly.
Also, what if Damian accidentally texts Lila instead of Marinette after the attack? And Lila is so happy, because she thinks her plan’s finally working. But ohoho, does Damian have surprise for her.
Damian: Are you sure you’re okay? The attack was really dangerous, You’re sure you’re fine?
Lila, thinking ‘yes, fucking finally. Almost thought you have no feelings’ : Oh, it was so scary !!!!!! 😱😰😨😨😨 [just hella lot of emojis. She seems like that kind to me] I was absolutely terrified!!!! I’m just glad that it’s all over. After the attack Robin came up to check up on me. He even flirted with me, i think he likes me... Too bad I already like someone else 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Lila: But don’t worry, dami!!!! I’m a little shaken up, but overall okay.  But if you want to we can facetime so you can make sure I’m not injured ;*
Damian, having to physically restrain himself fro throwing his phone against the wall: ...
Damian: Fuck.
Damian: Wrong number.
Lila: ಠ_ಠ
And of course I’m involving Twitter. Who do you think I am?
At first it was one of of his siblings who posted a post about how he’s seething at his phone, probably his penpal texted him something again.
But do you seriously thing Damian would pass such an amazing opportunity?
He immediately posts his follow up and it goes downhill from here. He adds shit ton of tweets about her, making Lila famous (and she doesn’t even know she is).
People don’t know whom to pity more; Damian, for having a horrible and lying penpal, or said penpal, for having an enemy in the Ice Prince of Gotham?
The hashtags #IcePrince’sPenpal #PenpalNightmare #MenaceOfAPenpal are created and are trending every day.
Many say it’s the most active he’s ever been.
Lila is not stupid in this, okay? A pathological liar and a manipulator, yes, but for that you need brain and she has one. Much to Damian’s surprise. And yeah, sometimes she lets her imagination get the best of her, but she’s cautious enough and has proof to often back her up. 
She knows she screwed up. Her penpal doesn’t believe her and isn’t scared to call her out.
Due to him bluntly uncovering her lies, some of the classmates see through the blinds she’d put on their eyes and get suspicious of her.
If you have mercy on them, make them come to Marinette and apologize.
Yeah, I’m not doing that.
The class sticks to Lila’s version of every story and they don’t believe Damian is THE Damian Wayne, even when a fricking limousine drives up to the school and a butler comes out of it.
Random notes and ideas that don’t really have any sense or anything tbh, but I had them so there you go
About the attack, obviously the school has to inform the parents, right? But, if you're salty enough, you can, oh i don't know, make bustier and/or Damocles not inform them thus creating even more problems for them in the near future. (Yes, i hate bustier and damocles with passion, they’re enablers and Damocles is a gold digger tbh)
One day the french class is at a random restaurant (I’m honestly tempted to put them in Red Robin just for my own entertainment) when the Wayne brothers come in. They recognize them and Lila sees the opportunity, so she goes up to them.
Lila: Hiii Damiii!!!! [Yes, I know this is a real life conversation]
Damian, just done with her: Ugh, not you again.
Tim just kinda glances at her and decides she’s not worth his time.
Jason: What the fuck do you have on your head?
Dick: Oh, Damian, is this your crush or the penpal you despise so much?
Damian: The latter. And i do not have a crush
Lila, who totally stopped listening after she heard “crush”: That’s me!!!!
Damian: Marinette’s over there. Let’s go.
Lila:  ;_;
Yeah, it sucks to be Lila.
[I thought I posted this a month ago. I didn’t. What the hell]
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tamakissimp · 4 years
headcanons- secret santa
summary: they are their crush’s secret santa
characters: Tamaki, Bakugou, Kirshima, Denki, Shigaraki, Tokoyami
warnings: cursing, fluff
a/n: haha not me who keeps on forgetting Dark Shadow is a girl and NOT a boy haha
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: 𝟠𝟟𝟜
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Panic. Pure panic overriding all his nerves. That's all Tamaki can feel as he stares at the note. Your note. He's happy though, that's the weird part. He has prayed that he got you as his secret Santa but now that he does, he can only think of all the way he can fuck this up. What if he gets you the wrong gifts? What if he accidentally offends you? What if-
"Tama, are you alright?" you ask. A deep blush shoots up to Tamaki's ears at the nickname. He can't even bring himself to nod. Instead, he buries his face against the closest surface. Which happens to be your shoulder.
Tamaki doesn't notice that this 'wall' is much warmer and softer than other walls. He doesn't notice that he has his head planted into your shoulder until you start petting his hair. His ears stand up and all he can do is a whimper and push his head further into your shoulder.
"Don't you like who you got? We can switch?" you offer.
"No!" Tamaki yells out. You're taking aback by his volume. His voice was never above a whisper but now it bounces through the room. Others classmates look up at you. You just wave them off and continue playing with Tamaki's hair.
"It's alright," you say. "Then we don't switch.". Tamaki nods before pulling his head away from you. He scans over your face. Your fingers keep on waving through his hair, even now that he is standing up straight again.
A soft smile plays on your lips. Your eyes twinkle with a certain kind of happiness that only your favourite elf-eared boy can bring you. Tamami's heart feels like it is going to explode. The warmth spreading through him feels like it's going to burn him alive, though that is the only way he would like to go.
"How about we get some takoyaki, mh?" you say. Tamaki nods. He can't stop the little whine from falling his lips as you pull your hand away from his hair. Tamaki just hums in agreement.
You smile at him before grabbing a hold of his upper arm and leading him away from the bustling group of classmates. Tamaki relishes in the feeling of your finger presses softly against his skin. God, he has never been more glad of wearing short sleeves.
☆◦ 。\|/。◦☆
Mirio keeps on thanking your way to long. You knew he was kind, but this was too much. "Mirio," you say in between his endless words of graduation. "It's just a mug.".
"So?" Mirio beams. "It's the best mug ever!". You roll your eyes at him. You turn yourself away from him, hoping that it will shut him up. If you knew he would react like this, you would have bought him a different present.
"Now, Mirio, you can choose the next gift!" someones says. You honestly have no clue who said it. Your mind is too caught up in Mirio's words. Mirio gladly grabs a lilac coloured bag from the heap of presents.
He smirks as he looks over at his elf-eared friend. All Tamaki can do is aggressively shake his head. Mirio just nods and hands the gift bag over to you. You follow his gaze to Tamaki. Mirio sticks his thumb up at his friends, causing Tamaki's cheeks to burn red.
You swat Mirio against his chest as you start to unpack your gift. Out of the bag comes hoodie. It's one that you're all too familiar with. You always steal it from Tamaki since it's so comfortable.
Tamami stares at you, eager to see your reaction. Everything in his mind tells him that you're going to hate it. You're going to spit on his gift and throw it at him. Instead, you smile as you pull the hoodie flush against your chest.
"I-I bought an-another....so we m-match," Tamaki says softly. You want to jump in his lap and cuddle him to death. But you know that the embarrassment of doing that in front of the entire class would be too much for Tamaki.
So, instead, just smile at him.  As you unfold the hoodie more, two pieces of paper fall out of it. You grab them. "Good for one free takoyaki". The neat letters could only belong to one person.
"I-It'll be my treat," Tamaki says. You neatly fold the hoodie back up and place them into the gift bag again.
"You bet your ass that you're going out for takoyaki tonight," you say with a wink. Tamaki quickly looks down at the ground as a blush creeps up onto his ears. He brushes his hair down to hide his elf-like ears.
Once you've finished putting the hoodie back, you look around you. Mirio nudges you in your side. You nod at him as you grab a gift bag from the heap in the middle of all of you. You hand the bag over to Tamaki. He smiles softly at you as he notices one thing, the bag if your favourite colour.
He looks up at you. All he can take from the glint in your eyes is that you're damn well aware of the content of the bag. "Open my gift, Tama," you whisper.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: 𝟟𝟟𝟡
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Bakugou couldn't stop the curses flowing from his mouth as he saw the name written on his name. Izuku, it said in choppy letters. Like hell, he was going to have fucking Deku as his secret Santa. All eyes shoot towards him. He freezes as he catches your kind eyes boring holes into his. 
"Fucking hate this shit," he grumbles out before storming off to his room. You all just look at each other with confused eyes. You have a suspicion about who he got. There was only one person in the room who could pull such anger out of him. 
You lay a hand on Izuku's back. All he's doing is staring at the ground with puppy dog eyes. It was his idea to unite his and Bakugou's friend groups for secret Santa."Hey, don't look so sad," you say. Izuku looks up at you. 
"I'm sure he'll cool off.". Izuku nods at your words before reaching towards the big glass bowl which Shoto is holding. He pulls a note out of it and opens it in a way to keep the name written on is secret from you. A smile pulls over his lips as he reads the name.
"I'm just...gonna go after him," Kirishima says before running off after his friend. No one has time to acknowledge his leave since the faux redhead sprints off.
Bakugou doesn't turn around. Not even when he hears his friend call his name time after time. He just throws some insults at him. Bakugou rips his dorm's door open with such force that it surprises him that he doesn't just rip the damn thing right off the wall. 
"Bakugou, wait," Kirishima calls. Bakugou tries to slam the door shut behind him but it's stopped by Kirishima's foot. Splinters spring of the door due to the force at which it's being slammed into Kirishima's unbreakable foot. "Go. Away," Bakugou sneers.
"I got Y/n," Kirishima says. Suddenly, Bakugou rips the door open. He holds the note he pulled - which is now crumpled up - in front of Kirishima. "Switch," he demands. Kirishima happily nods as he grabs the note from Bakugou's hands. Bakugou rips your note out of his friend's hands. 
Just the sight alone of your name, written in your handwriting for god sake, calm him down.Bakugou looks up from the note and up at his friend. Kirishima is just smiling at him like an idiot. 
"Thanks," Bakugou mumbles before slamming the door shut, this time without his friend's foot keeping it open. Kirishima stands in front of Balugou's door for a moment. Did Bakugou just say thanks?
☆◦ 。\|/。◦☆
Mina's giggles sound through the room as she rips the wrapping paper off of her gifts. From behind the Christmas themed paper, a pair of fluffy socks appear. She squeals as she pulls the socks closer to her, rubbing her cheek along the soft fabric.
While everyone is gushing about how cute the polka dot socks are Denki is sitting back with a stupid smirk on his face. It's no surprise that he got Mina some amazing gifts. While he might not be gifted in some areas, he was a master in buying gifts.
"Y/n is next!" Mina says as she crumbles up the wrapping paper. Once it's balled up, she throws it and aims for Kirishima's head. He easily swats the balled up paper away while it's still in the air. He chuckles before turning towards you.
You smile as you grab the bag with your name on it. Black decorative paper sticks out of the top of the bag. You pull it out to reveal an array of gifts inside. You gasp as you grab the first present. It's a messily knit sweater, probably a tad bit too big for you, not that your mind. Orange and black stripes alternate each other. You run your fingers over the soft wool. It feels like your touches a cloud. 
"Holy hell," you gasp out. You quickly pull the sweater over your head. The sleeves past your reach, almost touching your fingertips. While the stitches are a bit wonky, you don't seme to mind. You look around the group of friends. Most are admiring the intricate craftwork. Except for Bakugou. While he still holds his usual scoff on his lips there is still a blush dusting his cheeks. It's him.
His eyes glance over you. Seeing you in his colours made his heart do summersaults. A comforting warmth fills his chest up. "Thank you," you mouth to him. A smile tugs on his lips. You turn back to the giftbag in front of you and start to ravage through the other gifts he got you. Maybe this whole secret Santa thing wasn't so bad after all.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: 𝟞𝟜𝟙
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To say that Kirishima was excited was an understatement. When he heard that you were joining the so-called 'Bakusquad' for secret Santa, he almost jumped through the roof. Even now, when you two were talking about how funny it would be if Denki pulled Bakugou's name, he was jumping around.
Bouncing from one foot the other. He talks animatedly with his hands to let some energy go. He has almost smacked couple times already doing this.
"Y/n," Sero says. You look up at him. He's holding the glass bowl full of notes towards you. You reach in a grab one. You carefully fold it open. Kirishima, it says in curly letters. You smile as you look at your redhaired friends.
"And?" he asks before grabbing a note himself. You just shake your head.
"No," you say with a teasing smile. "It's called secret Santa for a reason.". Kirishima rolls his eyes at you before opening up his note. He has never been happier to see your name written on a piece of paper than now.
"Fine," he says. He stuffs the piece of paper in his pocket. "Than I won't tell you either.". Kirishima sticks his tongue out at you.
You swat his chest playfully before twirling on the ball of your foot. "Where are you going, pebble?" he asks. The nickname sends a wave of warmth running through your stomach.
"I'm gonna buy some presents, obliviously," you say before waving him your goodbyes. Kirishima stays still for a moment. He can hear Bakugou grumbling about the person he got in the background, but he pays his friend no mind. Instead, he's thinking about what would be the perfect present for you.
☆◦ 。\|/。◦☆
You honestly had no say in when you were going to open your gifts. Once Bakugou spotted the shark-themed gift bag, he knew that would be the first to be opened. Though he wouldn't admit it, Bakugou had a soft spot for Kirishima. He only smirked when he found out that the gift bag was meant for you. He knew of Kirishima's crush on you, everyone knew except you.
"Oh god," you say as you grab the bag from Bakugou's hands. All eyes are focussed on you, including Kirishima's. You pull the first gift out of the bag. It's a bag of candy. You quickly recognize the sugary snacks. You had pointed them out to Kirishima a couple of months ago. Apparently, he hadn't forgotten about them.
"These are so good!" you squeal out. Kirishima chuckles at your reacting. You look over at him. His vermillion eyes meet yours. Warmth floods through him as you maintain eye contact. You only break it to continue unpacking the various gifts he got you.
Socks, new headphones, a phone case, more snacks, and a copy of your favourite movie.  Kirishima just bought all of your favourite things. All of them in a familiar shade of red. You beam up at him once you have all the items laid out beside you on the floor.
"Kiri, you shouldn't have," you say before crawling across the floor towards him. A bright blush dusts his cheeks that would put his hair to shame. Sit down on your knees in front of him and wrap your arms around his shoulder.
He manages to stammer out a 'you're welcome' as he wraps his arms around you, returning the hug. You pull away too soon for his liking but he can't keep his disappointment for long. Not when he sees you look over towards your gift with that goofy smile that he adores.
"Stop staring at 'em, dumbass," Bakugou gruffs as he grabs the gift bag with his name written on it. You quickly move back towards your original place, admiring all your gifts. You would have to repay Kirishima somehow. Maybe a date would do?
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: 𝟝𝟟𝟜
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The universe hates Denki, or so it feels to him. Having a quirk that stupifies him, never having anyone be interested in him, constantly feeling like a burden. The universe just keeps on hurdling horrible things at him and hoping that it works out. Though, now he knows why. He had to build up some karma to be able to get to be your secret Santa.
He jumps around his room. His eyes dart over to the screen of his laptop every now and then. In the email he received were the words he hoped to see; your name. The bright letters illuminating his face have never felt so good.
Little lightning bolts shoot out of fingers at random, just nearly missing his furniture. He already stopped caring about the various burn marks tainting his walls, so he lets his quirk go wild.
"Yes, yes, yes!" he screams out. "Thank you!". He dances around his room until his door is violently ripped open. He freezes in an undoubtedly embarrassing pose. A fuming Bakugou stands in his door-opening.
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up!" He screams. "Not everyone needs to hear your whiny ass voice, dunce face!". With that, Bakugou slams the door shut behind him again.
Denki just lets out an uncontrollable giggle before letting himself fall down onto his bed. He is too blissed out to worry about what gifts to get you. Instead, his mind wanders to the different reaction you could have. Would you be happy? Would you happy that your secret Santa was him?
☆◦ 。\|/。◦☆
"Open it, open it, open it!" Kirishima demands. All you do is laugh as you slap his arm softly.
You had all agreed to hide the gifts around the school, instead of having a big get together to unpack everything. Due to this, you didn't think it was weird for Denki to have been following you around all day like a lost puppy. Kirishima joined him at some point since he wanted to know what we up with him.
Your fingers gently rip the bright yellow paper off of your gift. Inside of the paper is a little black bag. You roll your eyes as you open the bag up as well.
Inside, as a whole array of things. A couple of black chokers that look way too familiar, some face masks, a new pair of earbuds, a couple of snacks and two movie tickets.
You put two and two together once you glance up and see Denki. A smirk is plastered onto his lips as he patiently awaits your reaction. "Is this your way of asking me out for the movies?" you ask.
Shit. Shit fuck shit fuck. Did you not like it? Denki's blood runs gold. That is until you let out a laugh. God, he can listen to your laugh on loop for years.
"What if it is?" Denki asks. You grab the movie tickets out of the bag and hand him one of them.
"Then consider it a date," you say before placing a soft kiss onto his cheek. Denki is a hundred percent sure that he's dreaming. His fingers reach up to touch the place you just kissed. His cheeks heat up.
You giggle before walking away from him, towards your next class. The only thing that keeps Denki from fainting is Kirishima, who's jumping up and down at what just happened. The universe had really started to pay him back.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: 𝟞𝟙𝟜
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Fucking Toga. She knows that Tomura can't say no to her especially when she looks at him with puppy dog eyes. Still, he's wondering how she got Tomura of all people to participate in this secret Santa bullshit.
He doesn't pay the rest of the members much mind as they pick a note out of Compress' hat. He is just tapping away at his phone screen while playing some mindless shooter game.
"Boss.". He quickly turns his head. There you are. A stupid smile is plastered on your lips and you're holding Compress' hat out towards him. "You grab one.".
Tomura nods as he reaches into the hat, carefully not to use all his fingers to grab the note. Please don't be fucking Dabi. Please don't be fucking. Please don't-
Relief washes through Tomura as he sees your name written on the note. He looks back up at you. You're still smiling at him. He wants to deny the butterfly swarming around in his stomach but he can't.
"Happy?" you ask. Tomura quickly nods. You break down his whole 'I'm-the-toughest-guy-here' facade. You make the cold looks he give everyone melt. Instead of wanting to scratch his skin open, he now wants his fingers to softly roam your skin. To feel what reciprocated love feels like.
"Very happy," he says. Your smile grows a bit before you turn on the ball of your heels. Tomura's gaze follows you as you walk over to Compress to make him pick a note. "Very.".
☆◦ 。\|/。◦☆
Seeing the feared 'League of Villians' like this is honestly a pathetic sight. Toga and Twice are giggling like children. Most are drunk of their ass. The gifts being exchanged consist of either stollen stuff or homemade crafts. Though that doesn't make them any less heartfelt.
"Y/n, you're next up," Dabi says before taking another drag of his cigarette. The white smoke swirls around the air. It seeps out of his staples but he doesn't seem to mind. You nod as you reach over, grabbing a box with your name written on it.
It's just a cardboard box, nothing fancy. Though the choppy letters written on it feel familiar. Could it be- No, don't be stupid. You open the box up. A gasp leaves your lips as you look at the contents.
Maybe it's the alcohol rushing through your veins but you have never been so emotional over a gift. You grab the gift inside. A baby blue blanket lays in your hands. It's a weird, patchworked, blanket though that doesn't make it any less beautiful to you.
"Shiggy.". You can't stop the nickname as it falls off your lips. Shigarki's cheeks heat up. Normally, he has Father to cover his cheeks up. Now he resorts to tilting his head down and letting his hair do the work.
You run your fingers over the stitches piecing together the different kinds of fabric. Without thinking, you wrap the blanket around your shoulders. "This is amazing," you say.
Heatwaves through Tomura's stomach. It makes his heart do flips inside his chest. A smile spreads over his lips.
"I love it, thank you so much," you say. Tomura simply nods at you, leaning towards you a bit.
"You're welcome," he says. Most people in the room are shocked at his sudden kindness though they don't bring it up. The fear of being dusted on the spot is greater than their curiosity.
He can't keep his gaze of you as he sees you cuddle up in his blanket. Something about seeing you in something that so clearly screams Tomura Shigaraki makes him feel appreciated, loved even.
Maybe this whole secret Santa thing isn't bullshit after all.
𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤: 𝟜𝟠𝟛
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"C-Come on guys! Pick an n-note!" Izuku says. Shoto and Momo reach over to grab a note out of the pile laying on the table. It's a miracle that Izuku got everyone in class 1-A to participate in secret Santa. Even Bakugou agreed. The same Bakugou who hates Izuku's guts.
"I hope I get you," you say as you nudge Tokoyami's side. His cheeks heat up underneath his feather. He lets out a soft chuckle to cover up his nervousness.
He reaches for the pile after you. He awaits your reaction before opening his note. A smile spreads over your lips as you read the name written on your note. You look up to meet his eyes.
"Come on, open it," you urge on. Tokoyami nods. He folds the note open to reveal your name. He looks back up at you. You just stand there with the smile still present on your lips.
Heat swells up in Tokoyami's heart. For a second, he loses his control on his quirk and Dark shadow jumps out of his body. The shadow lurks over his shoulder and stares at the paper in Tokoyami's hands.
"Wow,' you say. Dark shadow looks down at you. She leans her head down towards you. You eagerly start petting her cold head. It feels weird, touching a being made out of shadow.
Tokoyami just stares at you while you interact with Dark shadow. It always surprises him how gentle you are with her. If he could smile, he would. All he does is wonder about how he can give you the perfect gift.
☆◦ 。\|/。◦☆
You pull pitch black wrapping paper of the box with eager fingers. You tap your feet on the ground as you lift the lid of the box. A smile tugs on your lips as you look at the content.
Everything is dark themed, almost gothic. You quickly look up at Tokoyami. All he does is intensely stare at you. You let your fingers rake over the items inside.
A keychain, some snacks, a pair of socks, a scarf.  Everything you could ever need. "Toko," you say. The nickname sends a flush of heat rushing through Tokoyami's veins. "This is perfect.".
"Isn't it just all stuff he likes?" Denki asks, earning a smack against his head from Bakugou. You smile at the two before leaning over to Tokoyami. You gently place a kiss onto his beak.
Tokoyami's body tenses at the action, though not in a bad way. he wants to pull you closer to him and beg for more kisses but he keeps his self-control.
"Really, this is amazing," you say. Tokoyami nod at you.
"I'm glad you like it," he says in a cool tone. It surprises him that he is able to keep his cool so easily. Especially since you just gave him a fucking kiss. He should definitely buy you gifts more often.
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riverfetus · 2 years
I was tagged by the lovely @jesuisgourde to answer some of these questions!
Three Ships: Only three??? I'll try my best. Number one is obviously Pete and Carl, but I don't even think of them as a ship tbh since it's real anyway haha. Number two would have to be Kim Heechul and Han Geng, my earliest ship that had such an effect on me. Three is Rhett and Link because reasons.
First Ship: Okay so like I mentioned above, my first ship was Kim Heechul and Han Geng from the kpop group Super Junior. I started listening to them about 10 years ago tbh so they're not a trendy band anymore, many current kpop fans either don't know Super Junior or they just think of them as the old guys SM keeps around. But I could gush on about the story of HanChul for days on end. Its got all the elements of a beautiful ship; obvious sexual tension, cute little surprise kisses, lots of hugs and love, but also sacrificing things for each other, breaking the rules, and absolute tragedy and heartbreak. It's halfway to being a Pete and Carl type relationship. Anyway they're fucking beautiful and you need to see them. Also there are some incredible fucking fics written about them, and I mean incredible. They inspired me to start writing fic at 13, something I still do today.
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Last Song: Lemme check Spotify. Skag and Bone Man Live Version by The Libs
Currently Reading: I'm kind of sloppy with my reading right now and doing many things at once. I'm just about finished with The Resurrectionist, about Dr. Spencer Black who started off as a medical doctor who stole and dissected corpses to sewing different bodies of humans and animals together to create these fantastical creatures that he thought existed at some point in history.
Last Movie: Honestly I'm having such a hard time remembering. I tried watching Hackers the other day which was so cringey I turned it off 30 minutes in (even my boyfriend Jonny Lee Miller couldn't save it)
Currently Watching: Well wrestling is on right now as I sit on the couch and type this. The boyfriend loves AEW
Currently Consuming: Just had some pasta with sauce, and I'm drinking a pomegranate flavored seltzer
Currently Craving: Something for dessert. Ice cream would be awesome. But I'll probably wind up munching on some Nilla Wafers. @jesuisgourde I see you're craving cinnamon buns, I just made some yesterday and there's plenty left, please take one!
I'm gonna tag @casekt @womanintheradiator @firstgothpresident @springkitten
Thank you this was fun ♡♡♡
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cloudy-leonhart · 3 years
Marleyan Warriors with a Filipino S/O!!
[Author Note: this is literally a re-do of my headcanons bc tumblr’s being mean and deleting my drafts, anyways trying to rush another finished bc outta here 😭 also! Reminder that my requests are OPEN, don’t be afraid to send in any requests!!]
Summary: Marleyan Warriors with a Pinoy S/O!
Recommended Song: Titibo-Tibo by Moira Dela Torre
TW: Swearing.
Theme: Fluff, Modern AU.
Characters: Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Zeke, Pieck, Porco.
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Annie Leonhart
Annie knew, she actually met you at an event for those with cultures, and saw you dancing with your friends to traditional filipino folk music.
She was kinda hesitant to go when you asked her to accompany you to the Philippines, she didn’t like traveling.
She was kinda shocked on how welcoming your family was, your mom and dad hugged her out of nowhere and she just let out a squeak.
Your little sister forced her to go to SM mall with her omg- She literally came home with bags of candy.
Yes, Annie has a soft spot for your family, she probably almost spent all her money on them.
Buchi rivals her love for donuts. She looked like she discovered a new universe after eating one of them thangs.
God, help her when she’s watching filipino movies, your family encouraged her to watch movies with them, and by the end of it she was a mess, pretty sure she cried into your shoulder after watching Seven Sundays.
You see, Annie is a really fast learner, she was bound to learn to be able to speak some point in her stay.
You were shocked when she spoke back to you in tagalog, like ‘dropped my stuff out of shock’ kinda way. 
IT WAS A PAIN GETTING HER INTO A BARO’T SAYA. But bribing her with Buchis got her to keep it on for like 2 hours so like..good enough.
Her favourite filipino song is Porque.
Everybody acts like it’s a concert for every karaoke night because she’s there, like she’s just THAT good.
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Reiner Braun
This man was so awkward. He went on a trip with Bertholdt to the Philippines, and met you.
He didn’t think you would understand him, so he just stared at you while you talked with your friends, until you were creeped out enough and asked him if he had a problem.
When you and him started dating, you convinced him to travel all around the country. 
Firstly, you guys visited your family, your dad absolutely loved him, your mom was a little bit hesitant in letting him in the family, he was blonde, big and buff. Filipinos are bound to worry. Until Reiner cooked with her, then she started to warm up to him.
Okay but why did your family’s chickens like him so much??
He likes the feeling of being around your family, him not having a dad left an impact on him and he felt complete being with you and your family, he swore to himself that he’d marry you.
He almost fainted when he found you battling with one of the kids with your pet spider, mf was deathly afraid of your spider, it was like the size of your hand pls-
I think he’d be fairly good at speaking tagalog, he’s got an accent but people can understand him. 
He eats like a tito omg- You lost him at a party once and when you found him, he’s already eaten half of the barbecue. 
Everyone thought he was really old, because of his beard so everyone called him tito Reiner. 
He’s somewhat good with the village kids, you could see Reiner playing soccer with the kids or goofing off.
He says he doesn’t like watching Manny Pacquiao but it’s his guilty pressure.
He doesn’t really listen or watch anything filipino, but he will listen to old filipino bands if you play them in his car.
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Bertholdt Hoover
HAHA PLs- you got mad at him for eating your cake and started cursing in filipino. He was confused because he thought you were just blurting out nonsense.
One second you’re explaining what you were saying and the next second y’all are on the way to the Philippines.
He sweats like a waterfall, LITERALLY. Everyone would like move away because he sweated that much.
You had a private island..because y’all were RICH rich. he was kinda awestruck, you literally just said out of nowhere.
“oh yeah, we have a private island.” ‘YOU HAVE A FUCKING WHAT??”
Poor baby was kinda intimidated by your basket-ball player of a brother, he was taller than Bertholdt omg-
You’re always worrying him somehow, he’s be on the toilet and he’d just hear you scream and he comes running down with his boxers, just to see you watching a telenovela and you had to tell him that you were just gushing over the drama.
He has never felt so embarrassed.
Am I the only one who thinks he looks amazing in a Barong?? Like he’d rock that shit- 
He loves eating filipino food, he likes when you guys stay in the country and you go out to buy bread at the nearest bakery.
Like every filipino, he too, dips his bread in coffee.
He ended up learning guitar while he’s in the Philippines, the country’s filled with people who can sing amazingly, he’s bound to learn guitar.
His favourite filipino song to play is Tadhana, it’s also the only song that he knows to sing to, like he absolutely butchers pronunciation for words but this man covers it up with this song.
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Zeke Jaeger
He bumped into you and you cursed at him in tagalog, he basically just fell for you at that point.
I just know your family secretly hates this man, he slapped your ass once around your mom and your dad, it’s always tense when he’s around now.
You don’t have the heart to tell him your parents saw because one afternoon, he was gushing and praising your family, you didn’t want to ruin his happiness, his dad’s barely around and his mom passed away. he’d obviously be attached.
Yes you had to talk to your parents about it, a lot of filipinos are very kinds and forgiving, so your parents were very understanding, and made sure he felt loved around the family.
He actually almost cried when your dad told him to marry you already.
He calls your parents nanay and tatay.
You got him to buy a pet spider please- You would catch him fighting a kid’s spider to the death in a match, he’d feel bad though so he buys them new ones after.
Hey this man looks so hot in a Barong, please. You guys had to book a hotel for a night for some alone time yk.
Lord help this man, he tried to do the tinikling dance and he tripped, in front of everyone.
Every night, he comes to bed all shirtless, you could just hear the air conditioner buzzing as he tells you how fun it was playing with the village kids, or talking about he and your titos had a drink while watching a boxing match.
He more so listens to various artists, he doesn’t have a favourite.
but he will replay Joseph Vincent’s filipino covers.
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Pieck Finger
She was on a business trip in the Philippines, and you were coincidentally at the same bar they were celebrating at. You were by the karaoke section and she kinda just, fell in love with you. right there and then.
Honestly some people thought you guys were siblings, Pieck can be mistaken as a filipino easily so, you guys expect it from time to time.
She likes to ask from time to time to teach her guitar, your mom probably has a lot of pictures of you and Pieck.
She loves eating the food in the Philippines, she thinks the adobo is great and if you lose her in public she’s probably by a street vendor eating food.
You guys dance to old filipino songs, a replaying song for you guys is Mabagal by Daniel Padillia and Moira Dela Torre.
She learnt Moira’s Part while you had Daniel’s part. 
GUys she looks so beautiful in a Baro’t Saya. And she knows it, she flaunts it so well.
You guys probably have a vacation house in the Philippines after leaving with her to go back to her country.
She helps you with packing balikbayan boxes for your family, she makes handwritten letters, she’s both good at writing and saying anything in tagalog. 
Her favourite artist is definitely Moira Dela Torre, she just loves her airy voice.
Favourite Filipino Movie? Yes.
You cannot tell me she doesn’t have a shelf full of filipino movies you guys watch.
Her favourite street food is probably qwek-qwek. She likes the sauce she dips, and she probably bought almost twenty bucks worth of the fishballs.
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Porco Galliard
UGh honestly he’s a little cringey when it comes to the culture, for some reason I can see him accidentally disrespecting it somehow, I can’t help it.
Your family owned a sari-sari store, and he could not help for the love of him, he ended up being the one stocking it up while you chatted with the customers. 
Like Pieck, he and you dance when you’re alone, he probably learnt from Pieck too.
He listens to modern filipino artists, like Ex Battalion, Skusta Clee.
He tries hard to really be respectful, he butchers the way he says nanay and tatay but your parents appreciate the effort.
I can see him being able to secretly make amazing filipino desserts, his ube cake is bomb.
He watches Basketball with your dad, and they both drink during the match.
I can also see him being the type to scream out curses when he hurts himself, a ‘PUNYETA’ comes out of his mouth.
he doesn’t enjoy the hot weather in the Philippines, and due to that, he wears sandos all the time at home, and when he goes out, every girl always looks at him because he’s ripped, yes you’re jealous, but as you should, he’s your mans-
He also knows how use a barbecue grill? You can find him helping your family members while they’re selling barbecue.
he hates going to SM?? He just really hates going, because you genuinely just go for the food court. They sell hella good food.
One time he got chased by the village dogs, so he doesn’t go out without you or a family member.
He secretly loves watching telenovelas with you.
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steponmepinkjun · 4 years
On your masterlist I saw your requests were open, so here's one: How would the main 6 (plus courtiers if your up for it) talk about their crush on MC before they confess?
For some reason this got me kinda flustered? So go easy on me, dear friendo 😋❤️
The LIs Talking About Their Crush On MC (BONUS! + The Courtiers)
Asra ~
Tells no one but Faust and Muriel. 
Super, super blushy and daydreamy, every time he sees a pretty flower or a shiny rock or a hot mug of tea he's like, "Wow… this is just like MC. Perfect." 
Muriel keeps begging him to shut up or ask you out but Asra refuses, he doesn't wanna pressure you, and he sort of likes Yearning™ for you from afar
Goes out of his way to bring you up in conversation, whether it's, "Oh, MC likes that coffee too!" or "Wow, that sounds amazing… Imagine how cool it would be to show MC that place." 
You know when you were in school and you'd tell your friends you had a crush and then every time your crush came around the corner, your friends would be like "omfg don't look they're coming" 
That's Julian and Portia 
Tries super hard to seem cool and aloof but as soon as you're out of earshot, he's gushing about how cute and dreamy and wonderful you are and swooning on the spot 
Nadia ~
Whenever you come up in conversation, she's very open about her admiration of you
Tends to talk about you like you're a political candidate she really admires
Only her closest friends are keen enough to catch the dreamy lil smile that always follows 
If anyone asks her if maybe she like-likes you, she'll give them a look that could kill
Muriel ~
So secretive and shy. Asra catches on quick and brings you up more often, and he just blushes like mad and hangs his head. 
Much more likely to doodle your name all over his notebook, or make playlists that he thinks you'll like 
He buys lots of plants that remind you of him and eventually he has a whole succulent garden dedicated to you 
Portia ~
Writes hella poetry about you, and has no shame in reading it aloud while staring into your eyes
Is the definition of the, "Haha, were we about to kiss bro…?" friend
"Honestly like they're super hot and I'd totally date them, to be real… Unless they're not into me. But if they were. Like. It'd be ON, you know?" 
Lucio ~
Won't admit that he likes you, but is very concerned with learning your tastes, casually 
"Haha yeah that's my favorite dish. What, uh… what's MC's favorite? Just curious."
Might drunkenly confess to Valerius that he wants you bad. "I'm gonna—hic!—make them mine. When—when they're with me… You'll—hic!—you'll see, we'll be the next Brangelina." 
Valdemar ~
Creepy and determined. Always talks about your relationship as an unavoidable future 
"Someday, when MC and I are united as one…" 
"Look what I made for MC. They'll love it."
Valdemar is that… a vial of your blood… 
Vulgora ~
The epitome of "I want them to fucking snap my neck like a twig and drain all the blood out of my body and replace it with their cum" 
Always one-upping people for you. "Yeah, MC could do that without breaking a sweat." "MC could kick your ass." "MC did it better, bro." 
Will not hesitate to punch anyone who even hints at disliking you. 
Volta ~
Super nervous and unsure, but in a sweet way
The closest she ever gets to admitting her crush on you is making cupcakes in your favorite flavor and nervously handing you the entire plate of them, before running away
Vlastomil ~
Names all his pet worms different variations of your name
And if anyone asks him if it's about you, he denies it and gets SUPER huffy and defensive 
Valerius ~
Talks maaaaad shit about you whenever you come up
"They're poor, and worse, they have no taste in fashion. They wear poly-blend, for God's sake." 
Then why are you always blushing around them, Val? 
He just scowls and pours another glass of wine 
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eulaties · 4 years
how i view each a:tla character
hoo boy this is a long one
- highkey smartest guy on team avatar
- but with aang they're like the equivalent of the my two braincells meme
- boomerang, ponytail, and space sword guy
- comes up with the best nicknames and jokes
- best friends with aang
- his sexism literally saved the world
- but dw he drinks gallons of respect women juice a day now
- has the baddest gf suki who could kick his ass at any given moment
- wanted momo for a week (why??)
- sokka walked so eboys could run
- roasts zuko constantly
- officially known as mr wang fire
- baddest bitch don't mess with her
- small but will not hesitate to kill you
- I emit a super sonic wave from my mouth in order to see
- let toph say fuck
- secretly misses her parents
- her way of showing affection is beating you up
- "do you think friendships can transcend lifetimes?"
- literally so badass she invented a new form of bending
- the greatest earthbender alive
- zuko, you're gonna get a kick out of this... YOUR HONOR WAS IN MY SLEEVE THIS WHOLE TIME
- undergoes the best character redemption arc of all time change my mind
- his scar is on the wrong side
- lowkey emo
- "im never happy"
- hes always happy around his goth gf mai tho
- got his life ruined by ozai, fuck him
- uncle iroh is now his dad, ozai who?
- bad at making jokes but he tries his best
- once his anger got stripped away he just became a socially awkward person
- awkward legend
- hello, z u k o here
- gets accepted into the gaang™ and gets a new family :)
- his friendship with aang is everything
- pretends to be annoyed by aang but secretly treasures their friendship
- powerful af and can literally take your bending away
- but honestly hed rather everyone be happy
- epitome of a cinnamon roll
- he deserves the world
- mentally strong af as well, i mean he had to cope with a GENOCIDE in the third episode
- "some friendships are so strong they can transcend lifetimes"
- unashamedly so in LOVE with katara
- gushes about her all the time
- peppy
- in touch with his ~feminine~ side
- his smiles and laughs are contagious
- so freaking friendly its impossible to hate him, i mean how could you
- hes so friendly he seems like hes flirting but hes not, thats just how he is
- has the best eyebrows
- friends with everyone
- showers appa and momo with the affection they deserve
- best friends with sokka
- the mom friend™
- absolutely WHIPPED for aang god she loves him so much
- everyone looks up to her. literally was the only thing keeping the group together at some points
- has a big af temper tho
- will cut a bitch
- when shes pissed off shes pissed OFF
- dont fucking hurt the people she loves or she will COME for you
- her power crawl is everything
- can literally bloodbend or heal you, your choice
- denies any relation to sokka whenever hes being stupid
- her outfit in the fire nation SLAPPED
- regularly schedules sleepovers with suki and toph (although she has to drag toph to the sleepover)
- what if we kissed? 😳 in the cave of oma and shu 👉👈 haha jk jk... unless
- sexism is no more
- takes down sokka's sexist ass easily
- strong af dont underestimate her
- sweetest gf tho
- loved the atrocious sand sculpture sokka made of her
- kidnapped a prison warden all by herself
- honestly underrated
- appa likes her
- singlehandedly saved sokkas and tophs lives
- in kyoshi we stan
- the wisest character ever
- guides zuko into the right direction
- "i was just worried that you lost your way"
- zuko and irohs reunion made me SOB
- makes the best tea and owns a successful business, the jasmine dragon
- r.i.p mako 💔
- went to get some milk 9 years ago and never came back
- the prodigy kid that all parents compare you to
- got groomed by ozai from an early age
- favorite child
- loves power and intimidating others
- top of the food chain
- can absolutely BREAK you with a snap of her fingers
- badass but not in a good way
- dont play beach volleyball with her she'll absolutely destroy your career
- wow, your outfit is so... sharp. careful, it could puncture the hull of an empire ship and leave hundreds of soldiers to drown at sea! because... its so sharp.
- mental health slipping after she gets betrayed by her two best friends
- got that quarantine bangs haircut
- honestly the last agni kai was really sad
- just wanted to be loved by ursa
- certified insane
- ruined zuko's and azula's life
- career literally got ended by aang
- nothing else to say fuck this guy
ty lee:
- an absolute ray of sunshine
- her aura has never been pinker
- got the happy ending she deserved with the kyoshi warriors
- deadpan snark
- goth
- will cut a bitch from afar with her throwing knives
- you miscalculated
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onlyhereforangst · 3 years
this may be my latest one (aside from those that never saw the light of day), but sorry life calls sometimes. enjoy the rollercoaster of emotions at the end 😘
Oh Carl, poor Carl. How on earth is he going to survive with Nick? 🤣 Honestly though, Jack so sneaky with her therapy despite being halfway across the globe. I love McGee’s “obviously she thinks you need it Nick” because HAHA nail on the head right there Timmy, he definitely needs it. Needs it to prove to himself a living thing can depend on him and he won’t let it down. 
They clearly still don’t believe in personal space, Nick does NOT need to get that close to look at a simple picture of a body on the camera 👀 broooo you so hooked on her she’s like a magnet pulling you in. Alsooooo them both officially switching to first names even in the field is so key. They might not even realize they’re doing it but at the same time they’re so (relatively) comfortable in their feelings of each other that they’ll say it in front of everyone, no qualms about it. I will also never get tired of hearing Nick call her Ellie. For someone so closed off initially, to now have slowly grown to call her on a first name basis when not a single other soul (sans Toby apparently) gets that sort of treatment 🥺😍 Plus he’s teasing her about food just slightly and it’s like old times again. Ellie getting back into her foodie status is perfect, thank you NCIS for finally giving us that. 
Were back to Carl and I’m chuckling at Nick’s worry for killing it. That is all, it’s hilarious like Gibb’s creepy laugh. 
Ok and now it’s Nick almost making fun of Ellie again, just barely and then he just…listens to her 😩 he just says, oh shit she’s really into this and borderline obsessed and I think that’s actually really f-ing adorable so let me just quietly take this all in because I can’t get enough of this woman and when she’s excitedly rambling about something I’m just going to soak it in because she doesn’t do this often so instead of teasing let me just look, listen and smile like the idiot in love that I am. He’s even kind of holding back a smile when she corrects herself about Kosmic vs Killer Korn. Like goddamn this woman does things to my insides even when she’s just talking about corn and poking me with her finger. Also we’re back to Nick taking a step back and letting Ellie take lead with questioning the food truck people- I love that he respects her so hard that he’ll follow her lead and knows she is a BA with this stuff. 
Some more cute partner stuff as per usual, and I’m sorry Nick do you not have your own computer and desk??? I mean, I don’t mind and I know Ellie doesn’t either but Gould you BE more obvious??? Plus he just nods along when she’s talking because his woman knows what is up y’all and you should listen and bow down. 
Nick calling Fornell, Toby is hilarious to me- such growth. “Emily is finally squared away” FUCK YOU NCIS. FUCK YOU. THE MOST POINTLESS LAZY STORYLINE EVER OKAY. AND I REFUSE TO DIVULGE THIS SHIT MORE BECAUSE IT PISSES ME OFF TOO MUCH. IF THEY DON’T HAVE THIS AS A LARGER PLOTLINE I WILL BE RIOTING. And yes I knew something major was going to happen but good lord that was so unnecessary. I digress. Ellie pondering out loud about Gibbs’ sad personal life and Nick and McGee’s reactions had be ugly cackling. Like dyyyyyyyying. I can’t with her 🤣🤣🤣 she saying what’s everyone is thinking. Nick giving her a little grief is also so perfect for them “yeah you DID say that out loud.”
Ok now to my favorite part, Nick once again following Ellie’s lead and being initially like oh you writing an article ok we’re going with that ok cool. And then Ellie says hold my earrings we getting crazy but at the same time this is rolling off my tongue like I’ve said it a million times and doodled it in cursive in my diary, my HUSBAND and I can help so like you know let us on your truck mister we’re vaccinated anyways. AND NICK I MEAN HIS FACE. The initial surprise of oh no did she *actually* just say that??? Did she??? why yes she did and I’m sorry why do I like the sound of it so much??? What is this bubbling feeling inside my chest of oh damn I would very much like to be her husband and have her babies and have her announce to random strangers on the street that I am hers??? Is this normal? Do I need to call a medic?? Can she say that again is there a reason she would need to? Prove our cover one more time baby, give me a quick kiss, serious it’s for the good of the case. But ok fine no kiss but yeah I’ll roll with this and call you smoothly with your first name and just play into it. I love them both so much in this whole moment. I love them undercover together and just being all cutesy and Ellie’s deepest desires coming out while she’s just you know, investigating the case. 
Ok I am going to completely ignore the reason we are somber in this bullpen in fear of losing my shit again (see above) but we’ll break down the ellick part of it. Nick near her desk because he needs to be by her side even if it’s just her proximity 🥺 And then he takes a long look at Carl before looking at Ellie and man that is poignant even if it seems like just a fish. This living being that he’s been so stressed about keeping alive, realizing he HAS kept it alive. Realizing that he CAN be a person that someone (or a fish) depends on. Realizing he is built for long-term, he is built for the interdependency of a serious relationship. And looking up to Ellie and seeing that need for comfort, for strength, for a person to depend on. He knows her own strength and independence, knows yeah- she could do it on her own if she had to. But he also acknowledges he can be there to help her, he won’t break and he won’t let her down- just like he hasn’t let Carl down. So what does he do? He takes the corn he’d most definitely picked up *before* the news of Emily’s death (and oh good lord is that not the cutest fucking thing? He’d listened to her gush and obsess over Kosmic Korn (and yes if you freeze frame, he got her favorite because he’s observant) and he said, let me take notes, let me get my wife I mean girlfriend I mean partner some corn because it makes her happy, and if I can do even the smallest thing to make her smile goddamnit imma do it. I’m going to show her that any little teasing I give her is for show and I listen and I love this woman enough to go back to Kosmic Korn BY MYSELF—willingly Nick Torres will go back to a food truck—and get this lady some damn corn). But yes he got this before Emily’s death and now not only is it just to make her smile, but it’s a shred of “I hope I can bring you some comfort because otherwise I’m not sure how even though I desperately want to give you comfort.” And Ellie, the small smile of recognition at what Nick did is so sweet. And it morphs into a hesitant, yes corn is great but I really need to feel you, I need to touch you and know you’re still here. Feel you in my arms, feel your chest rise and fall as you breathe me in and I breathe you in. Feel you being alive after all we and this team have been through. McGee might go hug his kids but god I need to hug you Nick. I need to nestle my head even closer to get as physically close to you as possible, feel every inch of your warmth while I wrap my head around how short life truly is. And Nick looking down and stutter slightly at the overwhelming emotion he feels having her in his arms. The peace it brings him and the peace it brings her all-consuming. The realization this is where he was always meant to be and the same to her. How even in a somber moment he’s grateful to be her strength and yet he knows she’s also his strength. That hand that didn’t need to but came up all the same to cradle her head and stroke her hair- holding her head right at his heart. His heart that’s inevitably thumping in his chest for all the right reasons. Pressing her into him, doing everything he can to keep her from shying away and retreating behind those walls they both have. Wrapping his other hand around her upper back, shielding her from the hurt that is the world the best he can. If she never leaves his heart, she can’t be hurt. And he can’t lose her. He’d do anything to never leave that spot, that embrace he so desperately craves and needs. The grounding embrace of finally being in one another’s arms for more than a brief adrenaline-induced second. Neither wanting it to end, and yet knowing it will have to. And honestly I can only picture Nick’s hand still gently brushing her hair as Ellie leans back ever so slightly to look up at him, his warmth still radiating over her as he looks down. Wordlessly they both collect their things to go, never wanting a sound to break that moment. Hands maybe even brushing as they enter the elevator- the unspoken shift between them refusing to be broken if words aren’t muttered. They’re still locked in that embrace if the world stays silent. And that last look of longing at car doors, knowing the moment they step in and drive away it does have to sever- the shift is there but the embrace is split. Both swirling with thoughts as they drive their separate ways home as to where to go next…
Aaaaand then cue a Gibbs-centric episode with trash references to how vets do their job, I’m not bitter. She says as she ruins a sweet emo moment at the end of the wwr with her bitterness 🙄 ANYWAYS I’m gonna leave it with no side notes because honestly I don’t remember any and also it is literally the day of the next episode I’m so terrible at getting this done how do y’all keep waiting for me & reading this trash 😅❤️ 
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I'm back again (what a surprise lol), if you feel up to it would you mind writing hcs for Jean with the letters Q,T, Y & Z? If that's too much please feel free to take a letter or two off! Tysm 💖
Haha, no worries!! I could gush about Jeanne all day, I really loved writing these!! 💕💕💕 Under a cut because of length (we all know I’m a verbose thot 😂😂😂):
Fluffy ABC headcanons listed here for requests!
Q = Quality Time (how does he like to spend time with her?) 
Jeanne loves to do anything MC wants to do (within reason). Any amount of time with her anywhere fills him with bliss. (The heartbreaking alternative to this is that, while he understands they both have things to do that require them to be apart during the day, he misses her presence dearly.)
She wants to bake? He will sit there in the most embarrassing apron and chef hat known to man, and he won’t give a single fuck as long as MC is genuinely delighted and having a marvelous time. In a meadow overflowing with flowers? He’d enjoy the atmosphere alone, but the feeling is just multiplied a thousand-fold at the sight of MC weaving little flower crowns. She places one on his head and excitedly tries to show him how to make one himself, and he just smiles fondly. She wears the crown he makes no matter his lack of skill for the delicate task, and her insistence fills him with such unabating warmth. He struggles to do more mundane tasks and doesn’t really understand where all her energy comes from sometimes, but even so it brings him endless amounts of joy. Will escort her anywhere she wants to go without a single complaint; theater? You got it. Concert? Sure. Watching paint dry? Sick, time to get out the sword polish and chill. (It’s like Netflix and chill, only worse.)
The only places he will ever hesitate to bring her are places that are potentially dangerous; let’s say the black market, or the local casino, Vlad’s castle, etc. etc. He doesn’t like to expose her to unnecessary risks, but he also won’t stop her if she has a good reason/really wants to go. He’ll just glare at every potential threat and stick to her side like glue.
His personal favorite way to spend time though is in settings where they have quiet and privacy, where it’s just the two of them. Whether they’re in the gorgeous field full of lilies behind the mansion or cuddling in their bedroom, he is at his most comfortable and content wherever she is in his arms and they are left alone. (Let it be known that he doesn’t hate others, he just can’t help that he finds larger groups of people exhausting to keep up with--and he’s always on guard to ensure MC’s safety.)
T = Time (how long did it take them to get together?)
(I’m going to preface this by saying: I’m well aware that ikevamp speeds things up but I tend to see that as a narrative necessity; I think a lot of the men would work up to their romance more slowly, ideally.)
With Jeanne it’s a little funny because he develops affection/intrigue for people fast, so it’s fairly obvious when he starts crushing on MC. (I can’t stress enough, Sebas and Mozart are BOTH lenny face from like the first fucking day, it’s the funniest thing in the world. ANYWAY--). He’s similar to Leonardo in that way; there are certain qualities he inherently finds appealing, so he naturally gravitates to people that reflect them. However, a more abiding love--the desire to form a romantic bond with someone--takes more time for him. He and Sebastian share this quality (ISXJ amirite); they fall more and more deeply in love with the person they cherish as they form consistently pleasant memories in their proximity. More than anything, these two stoic characters need somebody that makes them feel safe, appreciated, and profoundly seen.
Her relentless desire to reach others in a positive way is the first thing that attracts Jeanne’s attention, but otherwise he is absolutely a slow burn when it comes to being committed to another person. He needs time to fall in love with all the little parts of his MC (all of which he finds endearing uwu), to develop trust and see that his MC can handle him, too. He knows he’s...a lot...so he can’t really be comfortably intimate without having the other person see the best and worst of him. If MC can face his past with sensitivity and earnest concern--without being overwhelmed--then he will well and truly be a goner for them. That’s the thing about Jeanne: he needs time to feel comfortable with his decision, but when he has decided he’s one of the most devoted lovers in existence. 
Given his necessity for security, he needs somebody who can see him at his most vulnerable without panicking and gently bring him back to himself--someone who doesn’t mind his wooden nature and difficulty expressing himself. I would say getting together would take at least a year and a half, at minimum. He needs somebody that, for all of his reticence and power, recognizes that he means absolutely no harm to anyone so long as they aren’t hurting him or anyone else. Under normal circumstances (rather than expedited ones), I imagine those difficult topics wouldn’t come up that quickly.
If we’re talking together as in hanky panky, I think it would take him a little while beyond that--but that would depend on his partner, too. If she needs time or doesn’t want it at all, he will wait any length of time or not engage at all. If she’s more desirous, he will engage faster and with more frequency. He likes being intimate and close to her, but would never insist on it if it made her unhappy. 
Y = Yes (how would he propose to her?)
When it comes to Jeanne, I think his proposal would be simple, direct, and entirely expected--but no less heartfelt and deeply romantic. He’s a man of few words, but whatever he lacks in eloquence he makes up for in charged brevity. He doesn’t much understand the social conventions/expectations tied to marriage in this era (and he does not listen to Comte either) so I imagine it comes to him naturally in the course of being with her.
It’s a few years into their relationship, and he’s smiling because she’s dazzling--whether it’s humming in the garden, or staring at the stars, or curled up close to his heart in his shared room; he just knows. Whether it’s a sin, or unconventional, or something he doesn’t deserve--none of those things are strong enough to deter him anymore. He wants to be the one that she turns to always when in need, wants to protect everything that she is--a sweet beacon in a world where he knows how easily that kind of brave light is snuffed out. Honestly more than anything, she just makes him feel like it’s okay to hope again, that it’s okay to want good things for himself and the future. He was a soldier once branded a traitor, but that isn’t who he has to be anymore. Now he has a choice; he’s free to move forward however he wishes. She taught him that.
Bright eyes turn to him, smooth skin glowing in the moonlight beside him. She’s beautiful; he doesn’t think any amount of time will ever be enough to fully appreciate the blessing of her existence. As if she could hear his thoughts, she encourages him to share. She was always like that, always so perceptive and patient, no matter how much he struggled to articulate something. He much preferred the sound of her voice over his any day. “Is something on your mind, love? Something good happen today?”
He was fully aware he had none of the wit or charm that other men possessed, and while he wished he could be that for her--it simply wasn’t within his capabilities. So he used the words he understood best, following his direct nature: “Will you marry me?”
Her eyes widen a little, but the surprise is muted; it was more a matter of time than anything else. Even so her eyes glisten, and before he can try to calm her (her tears dissolved all his good sense, sent his heart into chaos), her arms are tight around him. He can hear her heart racing, even faster than his own.
“Of course I will! Yes, Jeanne!”
He’d hoped she wouldn’t hate the idea but her excitement, the tenderness that lingers in the way she cradles him close, makes him smile against her shoulder. His arms tighten around her, and he renews his vow to be her sword--the one and only man to protect her until the end of their days. (Yes, Mozart later drags his ass to the jeweler’s to get a proper ring 😂😂😂)
Z = Zen (what makes him feel calm?)
There are very few things in this life that bring Jeanne peace, but I think the highest things on that list would be MC’s voice/presence in general and his little babie Cherie (bonus points if the two are playing together, he just melts Mon Dieu 😭💖💖💖 ). 
He’ll often ask MC to read to him, if she’s so inclined, when his literacy improves. He loves the soft sound of her voice, and he wants to keep improving on his ability to communicate with more clarity. It makes her so happy when he leaves her coherent notes and manages to convey his thoughts with greater accuracy, so it really motivates him to keep striving. He likes it even better when she gets really into a reading, doing silly voices or changing the dynamics of her voice to fit the piece’s mood. It makes him smile; so excitable and cute. Though alternatively, she could be reading the phone book for all he cares; it’s enough to soothe him right to sleep. Sometimes--and especially when he’s had bad nightmares, retraumatizations, or when he’s overstimulated--she’ll fit him gently in her lap and just talk until he falls asleep. She’ll sing, read, talk about things they’re looking forward to, talk about things she needs to do tomorrow, talk about silly shenanigans that happened in the mansion recently; anything that will bring him back to her and her love. It really works to center him, to situate him back in the present moment instead of rattling around in his own head.
It’s honestly much like the sea and the shore, though there may be tides--the water recedes and surges--she will always be there to meet him.
Cherie is his baby girl and such a sweet kitty that he can’t help but smile whenever she bounds over to him. A little ball of energy, he’s always getting her toys, toting her around, and petting her gently. Whenever Cherie and MC are together in front of him, his heart about explodes from the uwus of it all; they’re his most cherished ones, and he loves to see them get along. MC will usually be giggling and cooing at the pretty tiger, and Cherie soaks up the affection with obvious glee. Just watching them is enough to make his heart so light--he can’t think of anything else that makes him relax down to the marrow.
He will also find a lot of calm after lovemaking, which is something that surprises him--something he never expected. Jeanne has a hard time connecting with other people; not because he doesn’t care, but because emoting in conventional ways can be a challenge for him. He doesn’t have He Who Must Not Be Named’s charm, he doesn’t have Napoleon’s easy confidence, he doesn’t effuse Vincent’s natural warmth. He’s aware of how little he emits tangible humanity according to the perceptions of others. It leads to him feeling isolated everywhere he goes, even if people don’t particularly dislike him. Even so, his MC knows that for all his struggle to express himself, he possesses a deep, fiery wealth of emotion and passionate feeling. He cherishes her willingness be vulnerable alongside him; to embrace the good and the difficult parts of him in stride. He is left awestruck by the extent of her fervor and loving heart every single time, and in the aftermath he finds himself at such startling peace with his existence. No pain, no hollowing loneliness, no guilt, no intrusive thoughts--just her warm body against his, so trusting--as she sleeps. He’s grounded in the moment, he feels tethered to her, and he doesn’t know how to handle the full feeling in his chest, the way his heart feels too many sizes too big. He spends many nights adjusting to that feeling of fulfillment, reveling in this new boon--among the dozens she’s already given him. Will wonders never cease?
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idnek83 · 3 years
Can u write something about soudam wedding?
I’m sorry this took like 3 weeks to answer, but here you go: 4.3k word worth of Soudam wedding ramblings.
(This is for a western style wedding by the way)
Wedding Planning
Neither of them know what they’re doing, cus neither of them ever really spent much time thinking about weddings growing up, much less their own weddings lol
So one day, after they’re engaged, they’re just hanging out with some friends. They’re on a couch, Soda’s laying with his head in Gundham’s lap, just vibing, then their friends start asking about what they have planned. They both kind of look at each other and shrug, cus they have planned literally nothing, they just know they kind of want to get married on their anniversary, but that’s really all they’ve got lol.
Sonia like presses them for ideas cus they must have at least some idea of what they want, right?
Soda looks up at Gundham and is like ‘probably lots of black stuff, yeah?’
Gundham nods and looks down at him ‘perhaps with vibrant accents in your preferred colors as well?’
Soda’s like ‘Oooh and we could have like an animal theme maybe?? OH! OR A ROBOT ANIMAL THEME????’ and Gundhams just like ‘whatever makes you happy’ and they throw out a couple more terrible ideas while Sonia silently suffers lol.
Eventually they’re laughing at their own stupid ideas and Sonia is just glad they actually realize their ideas were dumb and they didn’t seriously want a goth robot hamster ice sculpture lol. They admit they don’t super care how it all goes down, they both just want to get married and have fun with all their friends at the reception.
Sonia offers to take care of the planning and stuff with her team of professionals (Yes she has a team on wedding planners okay, she’s the kind of person who has been planning her wedding since she was 9 and also she’s a princess so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). She seems really excited and Soda and Gundham really don’t know what they’re doing so they agree to let her handle it as long as they get the final say on things. She immediately starts rambling about all her ideas and Soda and Gundham just kind of chuckle and smile at each other.
 Suit shopping
Fuyuhiko takes them suit shopping. They go together, they aren’t too concerned about keeping their outfits a secret from each other and they figure it’ll be fun to watch each other try on all kind of different things. Sonia comes too of course.
They start kind of idlily browsing sample suits (they’re getting custom suits made, Fuyuhiko wouldn’t hear otherwise) and Sonia asks what kind of suits they’d like to see each other in. They both stop and look at each other, and Fuyu rolls his eyes cus they’re just blatantly checking each other out lol.
Eventually Soda shrugs and is like “I don’t really care. As long as I get to see Gundham looking hot as hell in a tux I’m good with whatever” and Gundham kind of tilts his head and is like “So you would prefer me to wear a tuxedo?” Soda is dumb as hell and doesn’t realize Gundham is not using ‘tuxedo’ as a synonym for ‘suit’ like he was, so he gets super blushy and is like “Oh. I-I mean if you were thinking about a dress instead that’s cool too.” And Gundham’s eyes just widen a bit because he was not thinking about wearing a dress but now he’s thinking about Soda in a big, white, full skirted wedding dress. Soda is picturing Gundham in something a little more fitted with a high slit. They’re both just blushing and staring at each other until Fuyu clears his throat and tells Soda that a tuxedo is a type of suit, and he’s pretty sure that’s what Gundham meant. Soda just hides his face in his hands and apologizes. Gundham comes over to kiss his forehead and tell him it’s okay, and eventually they get back to looking at suits lol
Gundham’s done pretty quick. He does end up picking a tuxedo, and I’m not great at fashion but Just picture something black, very gothic, and a tiny bit extra haha. Soda super excited to see it once it’s done being made, cus Gundham already looked amazing in the sample suit. He maybe gets a little emotional looking at his fiancé all dressed up knowing it’s for their wedding, but nobody says anything and Gundham just smiles at him softly.
Soda has a lot more trouble. He doesn’t want to ruin their wedding by wearing something tacky so he’s trying to stick to traditional black. But every time he comes out and looks at himself in the full length mirror he can’t help but feel uncomfortable. He doesn’t look like himself,  he thinks he looks like some kid borrowing his dad’s suit for prom.
He’s on like the 12th sample suit, he’s trying all kinds of styles and different lapels and undershirts/vest combos but he still just feels like trash in all of them. This suit fits him like a glove, accentuates all of his best features, and he honestly looks so good in it. Sonia and Fuyuhiko are telling him as much, along with whatever staff are around.
But Soda still doesn’t feel like himself. And Gundham can tell.
Gundham comes up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist and they both just look at themselves in the mirror for a moment. Gundham makes a point of frowning as he looks at the suit and Soda laughs at how obviously exaggerated it is. It’s the first time he’s genuinely smiled in at least an hour.
“What’s wrong, babe? Don’t like it?”
“Hmm… perhaps if it was yellow… maybe blue?”
Soda laughs but he feels a little self conscious. He really doesn’t want to make their wedding tacky, but he just doesn’t feel right in such… boring colors. He tells Gundham as much. Gundham hums and kisses his cheek, still holding him from behind, and asks to see color samples for the suits materials while Soda insists he’ll be fine and he’ll just get used to the black.
Someone brings Gundham a collection of cloth samples, and he finally separates from his fiancé to stand in front of him and hold them up, one by one. Soda is insisting black is fine the whole time. Eventually Gundham stops, holding up a sort of deep red, and tilts his head. Soda looks at the color; he likes it, but he’s still worried it would be kind of tacky. Gundham asks for someone to bring him a jacket in that color.
He puts it on Soda and grabs a black suit jacket and a red tie for himself, before standing next to Soda and linking their arms. Soda looks in the mirror and, hey, that’s not too bad, the red actually looks pretty classy, and paired up with Gundham’s tie it looks…
He starts crying, but it’s mostly relief and happiness. Fuyu laughs at him but tells him he looks good and Sonia just smiles while Gundham pulls him into a hug. They order the 12th suit in red, and every time Soda tries t apologize for being so difficult Gundham just shuts him up with a kiss lol.
Wedding Traditions and Stuff
They start talking about wedding traditions one day after having a conversation with Sonia about how the wedding plans are going. The first thing that comes up is the whole ‘bride walking down the aisle’ thing since, obviously, there isn’t gonna be a bride. Gundham suggests they both just walk out together, but Soda kind of wants that moment where he’s standing at the alter and gets to watch Gundham walk down the aisle towards him. Gundham just smiles and kisses him and says he’s like that too.
Soda suggests they take dance lessons or something so they can have a cool first dance. Gundham says they can if he really wants to, but he would rather just be able to hold Soda close and sway to the music without having to worry about memorized steps. Soda blushes and agrees, he mostly suggested it cus he thought Gundham would like it anyways.
Neither of them really care about name changes. They both offer to change theirs, but in the end they just decide to keep their own names.
Sonia (jokingly) mentions being disappointed because there won’t be a bouquet toss, and Chiaki (also jokingly) responds that Gundham should just toss a single rose into the crowd like tuxedo mask. He agrees to do it (not jokingly)
They both write their own stupid sappy vows, it’s not even something they have to discuss.
Hajime is Soda’s best man, Sonia is Gundham’s. She insists on being called ‘best man’ instead of ‘maid of honor’ or ‘best woman’ because she likes the way it sounds lol.
They pick a very classic décor theme, but add in a lot of black accents for the aesthetic✨
They decide to do that thing where they spend the night before the wedding apart and don’t see each other again until the actual ceremony.
Bachelor Party
Soda wasn’t planning on having his own bachelor party, he figured they could just have like a joint bachelor party at their house or something because he loves his fiancé and prefers to party with him lol. But then Fuyuhiko, Hajime, and Nekomaru are carrying him out the front door while Gundham casually waves and tells him to have fun lol (They absolutely got Gundham’s permission before kidnapping his man haha).
(Gundham invites Sonia over for wine and calls it his bachelor party. They watch the bachelor and laugh about how funny they are.)
Soda is thrown in the back seat of one of Fuyu’s fancy cars with blacked out windows and yells at his friends for like the whole trip while they just laugh at him lol. They eventually get to a bar and Soda is just super relieved it’s not a strip club, Hajime tells him it’s cus Gundham wouldn’t let him, but Fuyu and Nekomaru insist it’s cus they have more class than that. (Whose lying? You choose lol).
They get a table and a round of shots as soon as they get inside. It’s actually pretty laid back as far as bachelor parties go, they mostly just sit and talk, and get Soda gushing about his soon to be husband lol. At one point, after a couple drinks, they do like a chugging contest for the first time since they graduated uni and Soda wins. Fuyu is just like ‘wtf when did you get so good at this?” and Soda is like “Well, thanks to Gundham I’ve gotten really good at swallowing” and everybody just fucking groans while he loses his mind laughing lol
As the night goes on Soda just gets sappier and sappier and starts complaining about how much he misses his boyfriend. Nekomaru pats him on the back and is like ‘he isn’t even your boyfriend anymore, he’s your fiancé’ and Soda just light up like ‘yeah… I’m so lucky…’ before he stops and his eyes go wide. The other guys kind of look at each other, confused, before Hajime’s like ‘uh, you good dude?’ and Soda’s just like ‘oh my god, he’s my fiancé! We’re gonna get fucking married next week!! Holy shit that means he’s gonna be my husband! I have to tell him!’ and the guys just laugh while he dials Gundham.
Gundham is surprised to get a call from Soda and gets a little worried, so he answers like ‘is everything alright, my paramour?’ and Soda is just like ‘Holy shit Gundham! Did you realize we’re gonna be husbands??!?’ and Gundham just laughs and relaxes while telling Soda that, yes, he did realize they were going to be husbands lol
Soda just rambles away on the phone about how excited he is to marry Gundham and how he promises to be a good husband and how much he loves him. The other guys roll their eyes and decide it’s probably time to call it a night lol.
When Soda gets home he immediately attaches himself to Gundham and tells him how much he missed him lol. Gundham just pets his hair and gets them both ready for bed as he asks if Soda enjoyed his bachelor party. He says his favorite part was when his fiancé kissed him good night, and Gundham just rolls his eyes and does it haha
The Wedding
Soda is super nervous the night before (not in a ‘I’m not ready for this’ way, he’s just excited and scared he’s gonna say/do something dumb or that something terrible is gonna happen and ruin the whole thing) and he ends up calling Gundham from his hotel room at like midnight and talking about all his worries (“What if I say ‘I don’t’ by accident and we have to do the whole wedding again?” “What if I have to pee in the middle of our vows?” “What if we get to the ‘speak now or forever hold your peace’ part and like, Nekomaru suddenly decides he’s in love with you? There’s no way I could take him in a fight!”). Gundham smiles as he reassures Soda that whatever happens, they’ll get through it, and that he doesn’t really care what happens, as long as he gets to call Soda his husband by the end of the day.
They fall asleep telling each other how excited they are.
In the morning their respective best men wake them and help them get ready. Gundham styles his hair up and Soda puts his in a low ponytail, and they both put on their fancy new custom suits (They both got ties to match each other’s suits too haha). They’re both a little nervous but Hajime and Sonia are ready with all kinds of compliments and reassurances, and they get both grooms out their doors and on the road right on time.
Gundham gets to the venue first, and he’s a little taken aback by how good it looks. Sonia gushes about all the little details while Gundham just half listens and thanks her. He’s looking at the flower arrangements sitting in classy black vases, the chairs covered in white cloth held in place with black ribbon, and noticing all kinds of subtly gothic touches Sonia added to the décor. Soda may have been worried about making the wedding tacky with his suit, but Gundham had been worried about making it tacky with shitty gothic decorations. He’s amazed with how well Sonia managed to pull it off. He grabs both her hands and sincerely tells her that he loves her and that she is, and always will be, his dearest friend. They both get a little teary and hug it out haha.
Then Hajime ruins it by kicking in the front door and saying something like ‘Gundham you look hot as fuck, but get out of my sight right now so I can bring your stupid ass fiancé in. Also, hey Sonia, great job decorating.’ Lol
Sonia and Gundham head off into a little room to wait for the ceremony to start, and Hajime heads back out to get Soda. When Soda gets inside he’s just as impressed by the décor as Gundham was. He thinks it’s all very Gundham and he loves it. Hajime tells him he tried to get Sonia to throw in some hot pink roses for Soda and Soda is just like ‘thank god Sonia didn’t listen to you.’ Lol
Soda just heads right into the main hall, just taking in all the amazing décor until his eyes land on the wedding arch. He stares at it and it just really hit him that this is happening. He’s about to marry the love of his life. He’s about to be able to call Gundham his husband. He’s about to be Gundham’s husband. He starts tearing up and Hajime pats him on the back, smiling ‘Come on, ya big sap, lets get you married’
Hajime gets Soda up to the front to take his place under the arch and Sonia comes out to see how things are going. Everything is pretty much ready and the officiant is ready to go, so Sonia heads back to Gundham’s room and the officiant signals everyone to take their seats so they can get things started. Soda’s regained his composure in the tie it took everyone to settle down, and Hajime gives him one last pat on the back before he takes his place to the side and the music starts.
Soda looks up as the door opens and he sears the image into his mind immediately.
Gundham looks amazing, he always does, but there’s just something extra to it in that moment. He’s glowing, Soda decides, and as their eyes lock he feels himself tearing up again. It only gets worse as Gundham gets closer, it’s not long before he’s full on crying. He’s jut so overwhelmed with love and happiness, and he almost wants to sip all the vows and wedding rites and just be married already.
Gundham’s not doing much better. He’s vaguely aware of their friends and family waving to him and complimenting him or congratulating him as he passes, but he’s way too focused on Soda to really care. He looks so handsome in his deep red suit with his hair tied back, and he’s frozen, clutching his hands in front of him nervously the way he had been when Gundham entered. Gundham want’s to run to him, sweep him off his feet and just declare them married himself, but he manages to hold himself back. He doesn’t hold back his tears nearly as well though, and a few roll down his cheeks before he makes it to the altar.
When Gundham gets to Soda he immediately pulls him into a tight hug, Soda wrapping his arms around him just as quickly, and then they’re both laughing through their tears. Gundham gently strokes Soda’s hair, careful not to mess it up, and kisses his forehead. Sonia scoffs to let Gundham know he’s on thin ice for that, she’s very into wedding traditions, but lets it slide since it technically isn’t a real kiss lol.
They eventually pull themselves away from each other a bit and try to wipe away each other’s tears at the same time. It’s a little awkward but they’re happy and don’t care, they just keep staring at each other as they finally step back, still holding hands, and signal to the officiant that they’re ready to start.
Soda says his vows first, it’s on purpose, he wanted to go first cus he knew he would be too busy crying after Gundham’s vows haha. He’s like shaking really hard when he starts, cus he hates public speaking and he’s embarrassed to be so sappy in front of all their friends, but as he talks he watches Gundham light up and it just gets easier and easier, until he’s only shaking from the effort it’s taking not to kiss his groom.
Everyone is expecting Gundham’s vows to be long winded and extra extra, but to their surprise they’re pretty straight forward. Gundham explains, as part of his vows, that he doesn’t need extravagant metaphors to express his love and he wants to speak plainly and clearly, in hopes of expressing how clear his feelings for Soda are (he said he doesn’t need metaphors, nut technically the whole thing is a metaphor lol). Soda is in fact crying well before he finishes, and the only things that stop them from kissing once Gundham stops talking are a stern cough from Sonia and a disapproving tut from Hajime lol
The officiant does their thing, Soda and Gundham requested a shortened version of the usual spiel cus they didn’t want to have to stand through a stupidly long ceremony, but even that feels way too long to them haha. When they get to the ‘speak now or forever hold you peace’ part, Gundham raises a non-existent brow at Soda before gazing pointedly at Nekomaru for a second. Soda snorts and laughs and nobody else gets it, but no one speaks up either haha
Gundham is the first to say ‘I do’, then Soda nearly cuts the officiant off with his own ‘I do’ before they can even finish the question haha. The officiant basically steps out of the way while saying ;you may now kiss cus they can tell these two have no patience lol.
They both lean in before the officiant even finishes speaking. Their lips meet and Soda wraps his arms around Gundham’s neck while Gundham pulls him in by his waist. Their friends are cheering and clapping and both of them are crying again.
They both smile and laugh as they part and make their way back down the aisle, thanking all their friends and family, before heading outside to get some photos taken.
Photos take literal hours (wedding party, friends, family, just them, each of them separate, each of them separate with friends, separate with family, now each individual family member with both of them and each of them separately, etc, etc), and they’re both pretty tired by the end of it. They end up heading back to Gundham’s little waiting room to take a nap together.
Sonia sends Mahiru in to get a picture of them cuddled together on the little couch. Both of them have their suit jackets off, their ties loose, and a couple shirt buttons undone. Soda is lying between Gundham’s legs, head resting sideways on his chest and drooling a little. Gundham as his arms wrapped around Soda’s back and his cheek is pressed against his hair. One of Gundham’s legs is dangling off the front of the too narrow couch, along with one of Soda’s arms.
Despite how sloppy they both look, it’s one of their favorite pictures from their wedding day.
The Reception
When Soda and Gundham wake up from their nap like an hour later, they spend like a solid 20 minutes just tenderly making out being all ‘hey you’re my husband now and I’m gonna keep saying the word husband until we’re both sick of it’ haha (neither of them get sick of it). Eventually Sonia and Hajime come get them, Hajime makes a comment like ‘haha save something for your wedding night guys’ and Sonia is just bluntly like ‘yeah, you two will have plenty of time to fuck later’ lol
They all grab something to eat before the reception because Soda and Gundham have barely eaten anything all day.
Their first dance is literally just them holding each other and kissing and swaying to the music, and Soda is so glad Gundham didn’t want to take dance lessons cus he doesn’t want to do anything but hold and kiss his husband in that moment. After the first dance the champagne starts flowing freely and formal atmosphere dissolves pretty quickly lol
Gundham and Soda have both ditched their jackets and are alternating between chatting and laughing with their friends and rocking out on the dance floor (they’re terrible dancers but it’s their wedding and no one is allowed to judge them lol). They’re both kind of acting like they’re drunk but they haven’t actually had that much to drink, they’re just stupid happy. They keep sneaking off to make out, only for Hajime or Sonia to drag them back lol
By the mid night Gundham has lost his tie (They threw it on the ground during one of their make outs and both of them forgot lol) and Soda has some fresh hickies on his neck, and Sonia and Hajime decide they’ve fulfilled their socialization quota and finally release them lol. They thought about getting a hotel room, but they both agreed they would rather just spend their first night as a married couple in their own bed.
The Wedding Night 👀
(suggestive but not explicit)
They start making out the second they get in the limo (courtesy of the Kuzuryu family) to take them home. They can’t keep their hands off each other, but they manage to keep their clothes on for now haha.
Once they make it home they’re stumbling over each other to get to the door, but then Soda freezes when they get it unlocked and Gundham is just like ??? Soda looks at him wide eyed and is just like ‘I want to do the thing’ and before Gundham can figure out what he means, Soda literally sweeps him off his feet and carries him bridal style into their home. Gundham just laughs and lets it happen.
Soda throws Gundham onto the bed and jumps on top of him, resuming their earlier make outs for  bit before Gundham pushes him back. Its Soda’s turn to be like ??? but Gundham just says he has a surprise for him and heads off to the bathroom.
Soda is 100% expecting lingerie, but when Gundham steps out in a lacy white baby doll with matching white panties and stockings he nearly dies from joy.
Gundham says he noticed the way Soda had reacted to the idea of him in a wedding dress during their suit fitting and went out to buy this outfit pretty much right after. Maybe it wasn’t quite a wedding dress, but it definitely had a bridal feeling to it.
Once some of Soda’s blood makes it back up to his brain, he smirks and points out that Gundham doesn’t really qualify for the whole wearing white on your wedding day thing’ and Gundham’s like ‘hmm, really? Better make sure, just in case’
It’s all really tender, filled with reverent kisses and I love you’s and a couple of happy tears, and by the end of it both of them are completely naked and cuddled up, smiling as they look at the new matching gold rings adorning their fingers.
They both fall asleep thinking about how excited they are to spend the rest of their lives together.
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junnibook · 3 years
Kirishima ☓ bully freader
Warnings: noncon/dubcon, bully college au
Read at your own risk.
The ask box is completely open until I say other wise
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You made his life a living hell, well you thought you made it a living hell just by messing with him. Taking his things pushing him humiliating him. He didn’t complain, you thought you have compete control over him.
The sad part wasn’t even that he was being bullied in college no the sad part was that he liked it.
He could’ve been put an end to all of it but he didn’t and instead he pretends to be helpless, just to have you close to him, to have you touch him.
You never was the nice type which was annoying at first, but now he doesn’t mind in fact he loves it, it’s all part of his plan.
“Did you get it done red” he didn’t answer, hearing you click your tongue made his insides bubble.
He sat in the library one no one really uses, he did this with purpose. No one can stop you. His head facing down, he stopped typing on his laptop.
He felt your smaller hands tug at his locks making him look up at you.
Your pretty, too pretty to be mean to anyone. “ yeah” he pushed out, rubbing his head after you pushed it away.
You made yourself comfortable by sitting on the table. This point he thanked the gods above that he choose a college with uniform.
He could almost see up your skirt, so close just one small look, he just wanted the color he hoped for red.
His eyes moved up to your tits, how dare you leave some buttons undone than call him a pervert for giving him full view
He watched you read threw it.
Why didn’t you sit on him like you did the other people you missed with, using them as chairs. Why didn’t you do that with him?
“ um red , where the hell is the rest of it ? It’s only one third of it” you slammed the papers down.
He was pleased with how this was turning out. Like he planned.
He knew how important this was to you, the professor gave warning saying who didn’t have won’t get to make it up.
When was it due again? Tomorrow or something.
“ you fuck-”he stopped you by pulling out more sheets. “ I have the rest”
You reached out to snatch them but he was quicker than that. “ give them here!” You tried to reach out again.
“ for free no” you stepped back slightly at his tone of voice, it went from weak and cowardly to a more powerful tone. Nothing to much of course.
“ what the hell does that suppose to mean” you glared folding your arms still watching his sitting state.
“ let me sum it all up for you just a little”
“ I have something you want no you need and you have something I need”
Yea he needed you, he tried thinking of other people to get off none of them fell close to how he wanted to get off with you.
He’d be in his dorm head tilted back hand slowly jerking off the mess you blindly caused. He thought of you and how you tits moved close to his face when you went and pulled his hair.
“ and what you want money?” He almost laughed at that, you knew what he wanted and you didn’t want to acknowledgethat did you?
“ a kiss”
“...a kiss?”
“ yes in the mouth, you’ve done it before” you did a lot of things before.
“ fuck you I’ll get someone else to do it” he knew that was coming and prepared for it.
“ you really think they’ll get it down before twelve, check the time”
He was right it was late, you’d look like you was dating one of them if you show up to their dorm at this time.
“ fine I just won’t turn it in”
He knew you’d say that too
“ yeah I loved to hear the conversation, wasn’t this your last fail before they bring you home”
He did his digging, stalking you, listening in while your parents yelled at you threw the phone. This was your last straw.
“ your a creep you know that”
It was in kiss, a simple one that can keep you in school. “ fine make it quick” you moved over to him, swallowing your pride.
He was loving this, he could see the embarrassment on your face and he loved for it completely.
You in the other hand wasn’t.
You bent over meeting his face and pressed your lips on his- just as they came they left.
He didn’t even get to savor it. He worked hard on YOUR assignments.
“ that wasn’t a kiss” he didn’t want to argue about it either, so he pulled you on his lap , grabbing the back on your head pushing his lips on yours.
To him it was heaven, you smelled so nice up close and your lips are so soft, but why won’t you give him access he wants to explore more.
Your hands pushed on his chest moving him away. “ okay that was the kiss now give me the papers”
“ mm no not yet my demands haven’t been completely for filled” you glared
“ you got your stupid fucking kiss, give me the papers!” He liked that look too.
A new look, it actually made him grin.
“ your a fucking pervert” how could someone get hard from one kiss?
Easy for him, he had the kiss and let his mind run with it. “ you need that grade right”
You was really going to fuck the guy you messed with for a grade.
Why would he want to fuck you though? You pushed him down the stairs humiliating him countless of times , thrown everything he carried I toilets and yet he still sat here hard and wanting.
“ pathetic”
You know what, what could go wrong. You got in your knees. This would be a breeze, you knew since had no one that he wouldn’t be experienced and cum in two minutes or so, you’ll just jerk off his tiny.. small..what-
The size.?!
You started at it mouth falling open from the literal shock. You’ve never seen his size at least not in person.
He looked down at you, he liked your shock “ come on we don’t have all day.. your assignment is due-” you cut him off
“ shut the hell up I know!”
His legs twitched when you took him in, your mouth warming him up. He was in heaven this had to be a dream.
Even though he felt so good and was surprised he didn’t cum down your throat yet he knew you could do better.
“ I know you did this before, stop slacking and give me the full show” he grabbed a fist full of your hair shoving you down on him, your nose pressing against the small hairs he had.
Despite having multiple partners you’ve never deep throat before, so you gagged at the stretch at the new feeling. He loved it meanwhile your cussing yourself out for doing this.
“ fuck fuck fuck , you feel so good” he threw his head back while keeping yours steady, thrusting his hips up humming out moans as you let out wet gags.
Drool dripping past your chin and down your neck, your eyes pricked with tears when he shoved your head down on him harshly, he didn’t mean to just caught up in his own pleasure to know his strength.
His full body shivered as he finally released down your throat after what felt like hours pleas only ten minutes.
You yanked you head back, coughing “ your cum taste fuckin- what are doing put me down” he didn’t listen he picked your body up pushing down on the table.
Your chest on the cold wood. You looked back to see him- hard again?!
“ red stop you just wanted that , that was the deal” he let your words go in one ear and out the other was he lifted your skirt up.
“ red panties, like I wanted. You know you’ve always had a great ass. You use to to call me a perverted little shit for catching me staring but honestly how could you blame me”
He rubbed himself between your cheeks. “ look at how good” you closed your eyes- what did you get your self into.
He moved both hands to grip both your cheeks.?massaging his dick with them rubbing harder, his tip leaking some sticky juices.
“ red enoug-”
He never smacked anyone’s ass before.. so he tried that out, smacking yours he didn’t know he wound strength leaving a stinging red hand print on your cheek.
He thought you would moan out in pleasure like the girls in porn do but he was mistaken.
“ you feel so good, I didn’t even enter you yet. I’m go-” he painted your back with his white spread. “ your so fucking gross, now let me go”
Oh no he wasn’t going to let you go, not while having this much fun. This could be the last time he gets to fuck you... in a library that is
He moved your panties to the side, admiring the first pussy he got to see since his birth. He wanted to eat , maybe next time.
Your body stiffed feeling him at your opening. “ no red anything else but that !” You wasn’t a virgin or anything just never had anyone that big and you refuse to let him be the first.
“ hm than here” he moved his tip to your ass entrance- “ OKAY OKAY NOT THEIR”
He chuckled at your reaction “ here than yea” he moved back to you puss
He didn’t know how to push in. Sad if you wasn’t in the predicament you were in you’d make fun of him for it.
But he gushed your thoughts finally pushing all the way in. Making you his at the feeling of being stretched.
As you was in hell, tears staining your cheeks, he was in heaven, a new kind of feeling.
Your his first you know. He didn’t think that his hand wouldn’t come close to what he was feeling now.
He pulled back and in all to fast, not giving you the chance to adjust. Holding you waist tightly while, snapping his hips in you.
“ slow down .. slow down” you could tell it was his first time, he’s chasing his orgasm at top speed, a virgin thing to do.
He picked you up, pressing your back on his chest, his hands gripping your thighs lifting you up and down on his dick.
“ I’m getting tired of you calling me red, call me ejirou” if you called him that in the past he would’ve painted his boxers immediately, hear his name slip past you lips what more could he ask for.
“ no no no” you wasn’t his friend, you didn’t like him. You wasn’t going to call him that.
Your head leaned back on his shoulder. You like this position don’t you. You tried hiding your moans but how he thrusted there was no way you could.
“ call me ejirou” he groaned out, feeling his relief coming.
“ no!”
“ fine, I’ll just leave myself deep in you, I hope your on the pill”
You wasn’t-
“ no don’t ..please”
Your making it hard not to breed you. Breeding huh- that was one of the many fantasies he had with you, maybe he should.
“ ejirou!”
Hearing his name come from you made him- snap even further. He pushed you back on top of the table thrusting in harder and faster, grabbing you locks and making you arch.
“F-fuck fuck !” He pushed in forgetting that he wasn’t suppose to cum in you. Oh well it’s done. The warmth from his seed makes you whimper as he pulled out it spilled from you.
The sight alone was enough to get him hard again.
“ I can’t wait until we do this again”
Again? No way your not even going to mess with him alone anymore.
“We aren’t doing this again”
You looked back at him seeing him reach up and grab his phone. Was it recording ?!
“ I wonder what your little friends would think if they seen this”
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