#I did get burrito on my pants I was Not Kidding when I said it was wet
narutos-sloppy-pussy · 10 months
Not me experiencing Unreal Unearth the correct way:tm: (standing in my kitchen at 11 pm at night near tears eating the sloppiest, wettest burrito that’s ever been made)
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dreadfulsanity · 6 months
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"Hey, Panam. Thanks for coming." "Of course." Panam looked around. "Nice pad." "Thanks. Beer?" "Sure, thanks." "Get your ass comfortable on the sofa. I'll be with you in a minute."
Valerie went to her mini-fridge, which was loaded with beer and a half-eaten burrito from ages ago. If she would open the wrapping, she'd probably find an entire new ecosystem.
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Three beer in hand, knowing Panam's drinking habits by now, she made her way to the couch. "There you go." She handed her one bottle and put the other two on the table in front of Panam. "So, what's this about?" "I... god, this is fucking awkward. Promise not to laugh." V started fiddling with her fingers. "There's this guy I've met. His name is River. Ex-badge..." Panam raised an eyebrow. "I know, I know. Not the best mix in the world, right? But he's a good guy." She grabbed her bottle, took a huge sip and started peeling off the label. "I've had this job. From non other than the aspiring mayor of Night City, Jefferson Peralez. He wanted me to dig into Lucius Rhyne's murder. That's how I met River. Spent the day together, following leads, finding new evidence. At the end of the day I thought that was it. That I'd never see him again. But a couple days later... actually, the day after we got Saul out of that Raffen camp, he called again. Said he needed my help. And part of me was... happy, I guess, to hear from him again. We met, he showed me a news clip about the NCPD catching some sicco who abducted several teens. Then told me about his nephew who was missing. Won't bore you with the details, but long story short, we found him and several other kids at a farm out in the badlands. He kept them like cattle, pumping hormones and who-knows what into the kids. Randy's alive, and currently in hospital. And again, I thought that was where our paths would part." "Let me guess. You heard from him again?" Panam asked, taking another sip from her second bottle. "Yep. Invited me over for diner. With his family. Sister and two other kids." "And you don't know what it means or if it means anything." "Yep. Listen... I was always the awkward one when it came to these things." Panam laughed. "You and awkward?" "Hey, I can socialize just fine. But... I was always the last one finding out when someone had a crush on me. Problem is, I think I've crushed on him. Hard." Valerie sighed. "Alright. Let's start with the call. What did he say?" Valerie looked sheepishly before pulling out her phone and playing the recording from the call. "You record your calls?" "Yeah. Mostly to cover my bases. The private ones I normally delete right after." "Except for this one." "May come in handy now."
Panam listened to the conversation, her lips moving from serious into a big grin. "Seriously, V?" "What?" "He could never forget about you? He misses you? He basically jumped out of his pants after you said you'd come over for diner. And you need my help in figuring this out?" "I... wasn't sure if I'd read too much into it." Panam laughed. "Sorry, not laughing at you. But come on, V. That guy is head over heels about you. And by the way, he's looking hot. Aside from that weird outdated eye implant. Nice voice, too." "You really think so?" "What, that he's good looking?" "Panam..." "Just kidding. Yes, I do."
"Fucking hell, V. Are you seriously considering fucking that badge? Could you at least take some blockers when you have a girly talk? This whole interaction is making me puke." "Shut the fuck up, Johnny."
"Okay, Pan. Next problem. What the hell do I wear? I mean, I barely have any clothes that don't have blood or grease stains on them." "Let's raid your wardrobe, shall we?" Panam got up and went over to the open closet. Val followed her.
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She was right. Most of her stuff had stains, bullet holes, ripped fabric. "First thing is not to make yourself someone you aren't. Second, how old are his other nephews?" "Niece and nephew. Twins. I don't know. 10? Didn't ask." "So it needs to convey a message, but also to be PG." Panam grabbed some clothes, looked at them and threw them on piles, one for no, one for yes and one for maybe. "Let's go with your usual threads, but show a bit more skin. Showing off some more of that tattoo, spurring his imagination how the rest would look like. But keeping the important bits covered, for two reasons. One, to keep it PG, the other one - again - to get his neurons firing. Come on, try it on."
V slipped into her washed out, ripped jeans, a top, which Panam knotted right under her breasts, and put the cropped sweater she was wearing on top.
"Yep. That'll work. And don't worry too much. If your date doesn't end with you on top of him, I'll eat my Thorn." "God, why am I so nervous? I hate it." "V, you were in a relationship before, right?" "Of course. But that was with Nomads. At most you've tried to find something with the least amount of grease stains. This feels... different." "Maybe someone isn't just crushing, but falling in love, hu?" "Great. The last thing I need right now." "We don't chose when and with whom we fall in love with, V." "I guess not. I just hope he isn't too mad that I had to postpone the diner already." "What happened?" "How about we order some pizza and have some more beer. I've had a rough couple of days." "Sure. Can I crash on your couch tonight?" "What a question. Of course you can."
Val ordered two pizza and then slumped down on the couch next to Panam, telling her about Evelyn.
"Fuck, V. I'm sorry." "Yeah, me too. I just hope Judy is doing alright. Fucking Night City, am I right?" "I'll drink to that."
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stephanie-love · 9 months
had to hide under a desk after trying to surprise a guy with sex in his office
This was a few years ago. Pre pandemic. When people were going into the office lots more.
I was dating an older guy, mid-50s, enjoying his enjoyment of my under-30s body. He was divorced and had a couple kids and we basically only ever hooked up at my place after going out to elaborate dinners. He was doing that thing where he was getting back into shape and telling everyone that the divorce was the best thing that happened to him.
He told me he’d always had a fantasy of fucking at work and I love fulfilling fantasies, especially when they coincide with ones of my own, in this case, public-ish sex and under the desk blowjobs.
I told him I was stopping by with lunch and he was very appreciative. He didn’t know that I was going to come in just a trench coat, black lingerie underneath, a corset, garters, stockings, the works.
His mouth about dropped to the floor when I opened my jacket and showed him, handing over his burrito. I didn’t know how long we would have so I locked his office door and came over to his side of the desk, dropping to my knees. Telling him to give me his cock, I missed it.
I was just getting into the swing of the blowjob, his cock soaking and balls tightening, wondering if I should just blow him or if I should turn around and take the load in my pussy over his desk, hoping he’d have something I could clean up with… when he got a knock on his door.
He sprang up, shushed me and sort of shoved me back deeper into the under desk cave. The front of the desk didn’t quite go all the way to the bottom, but he’d just moved in and there were big bankers boxes of documents that kept me hidden.
I was honestly wet with excitement. Unbelievably turned on. I watched him tuck himself into his pants, leaving a gigantic wet spot from where his soaking shaft hit the front of his khakis.
“I’m getting some private medical news in a moment, can it wait?” He said through the door.
“Open up, we need you on this call.”
I confess I had no idea what he did for his job. He didn’t tell me. That wasn’t our relationship. I was suddenly extremely aware of possibly getting him fired just because I wanted to satisfy a fantasy of his.
He sat down and who knows if the guy who came in noticed the stain. I could smell my own desire, and his cock. Could the guy? Was this his boss?
I listened as they took a conference call together. This was pre-zoom so it took forever to get everyone on the same page. The whole time I was down there, between his widespread legs, hoping I’d still get a chance at his cock. In the little light I had I watched as my drool dried and his cock lost hardness before suddenly straining and gaining size again. It was mesmerizing. I wished it wasn’t hidden. I was dying for it.
An hour later, finally the guy left. And no sooner did the door close did my man flop his cock back out. It was still half hard and leaking so much it had coated the head of his dick.
I sucked him until he came and then stayed there to make sure I got every drop. I could have stayed the rest of the day there.
“Leave out the back okay? I don’t think he suspects anything but I don’t want you walking by his office.”
So I left. I took a freight elevator to the street and only just then realized I hadn’t cinched up my coat and I was showing the street my lingerie set. No one batted an eye.
We didn’t fuck much longer after that. I wonder if he still thinks of it like I do.
(Story not my own)
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marvelswinterfrost · 1 month
Peace of Mind (Winterfrost & Peter Parker)
Peter receives a visit from someone he'd never thought to see upclose. He wouldn't say it was a bad experience but he sure is in more trouble than he ever wanted to be. But after all, what could possibly be worse than an ex assassin hiding in his apartment?
Right. A god who want's to see earth burn.
Chapter Index
Chapter One : The Winter Soldier
Peter was tired. But who was he even kidding, he was far more than just that. He was exhausted. Juggling school and his shifts at work seemed like such a doable thing. But he guessed it was not. Quitting wasn't an option though since someone had to pay for his bills and the chances of him winning in the lottery were pretty much slim. He threw his backpack on the ground when he entered his small apartment and locked the door. His legs were only seconds away from giving in and the boy realised that maybe his spider powers weren't a cure for everything. At least not his exhaustion.
All Peter wanted to do was bury his stressed body under his covers, wrap himself up like a burrito and sleep. But there was no time. Homework needed to be done, projects needed to be finished and he promised his boss that he would be going over all the numbers again just in case. It sucked. It really did. He had so much to do that he barely had any time to himself anymore which meant his duty as Spider-Man would go down the drain.
He sighed and dragged himself through the dark living room, not even bothering to turn on the lights. When he finally reached his door he pushed it open. Peter didn't move. Instead he stood motionless in the doorway, his eyelids heavy and his gaze looking at nothing in particular. There was an empty feeling inside of him that kept pulling him back into darkness. The thoughts in his head louder than ever. But without saying a word he took a few steps forward again, stopping right in front of his cozy bed and letting himself fall into the cold fabric. He let out a small grunt as his head collided with his pillow.
"Just a few minutes." Peter mumbled more to himself than to anyone in particular, his eyes already closing. "'s only a nap, I promis'." and he was gone.
It didn't come as a surprise when the boy woke up a couple hours later, the sun barely shining over the rooftop of the building in front of his apartment complex. He looked at his alarm clock that was standing on his nightstand-or well, rather the multiple books stacked on top of each other.
Peter sat up slowly, trying to get rid of the sleep still lying in his eyes. When his method of rubbing the sleep away didn't work he made a mental note to get make himself some coffee later on. As anyone would after waking up, Peter checked his phone. Surprisingly he found a new message from Ned.
'Hey, Peter! Guess what they closed school for today for a SHIELD mission!! Isn't that cool?! They wouldn't tell us why but we got an email. See you after the weekend and don't forget to do your projects!-Ned'
Peter frowned in confusion? The weekend? 'It is already Friday then', his mind concluded. He pushed himself out of bed and slendered to the kitchen.
"Great. No school. No work. Means more time for assignments then." he sighed and grabbed his backpack from the spot on the floor where he had dropped it off the night before. Just as he was about to get his books out he heard a panting coming from the hallway, followed by heavy footsteps and a loud bang against his door. The teen flinched as he saw the door slightly bend inwards. The breathing of whoever was behing that door was now clearly audible, Peter was even sure he could hear a soft wince coming from said person.
"Oh my god, what am I supposed to do?" he whispered as he stood in a panicked state in front of the door still with his open backpack hanging from his right hand. He felt like his feet were glued to the floor, he wasn't able to move a single inch.
The weight from the other side slowly adding to the decreasing stability of the wooden door. If Peter was correct he could even hear metal scratch against the material. He gulped. His mind went through multiple scenarios and multiple options on where to possibly hide but none of them seemed good enough for the teen. Under the table? Too obvious. His room? No, the doorframe is weak, they could easily break in if they wanted to. The ceiling? No it- wait, hang on.
"The ceiling!" Peter nodded hectically and hid his backpack behind his small couch before crawling over the walls up to the safest place he knew at the moment. To give him a little bit more time he hid in the corner over the sink in the kitchen. If the intruder didn't gaze up at him he'd be able to watch him from a safe distance...more or less.
His heart was pounding. It was so fast it almost hurt. And the sound of the door finally giving in surely didn't help as well. Peter held his breath as he heard a heavy figure stumble into his apartment. The person winced with every step they took, it almost sounded like they were in pain. On the contrairy Peter wasn't really sure if it was a wince or a whine. The sounds they made sounded muffled as if something was keeping them from speaking.
Peter heard them closing the door again, unusually gentle if he was being honest. Who breaks into the apartment of someone and gently closes the door after practically tearing it down. He frowned.
A dark haired figure, entered the kitchen, his left hand held tightly against his left thigh. A large gun was strapped to his back along with multiple bullets and other munition. Peter held his breath, trying not to make any sound if possible. If he even blinked it would be the death of him. But to his surprise the man took the gun from his back and put it on the large kitchen table, a few feet away from Peter's hiding spot on the ceiling. He could see the man's hands trembling as he put the other hand that wasn't busy holding his injured leg on the table. Peter could see the man's back rise and fall with every shaky breath he took. His shoulder long brown hair were greasy. A little bit disgusting if Peter was being honest.
The teen's panic seemed to ease a little bit as he aknowledged the miserable state his intruder was currently in. He doubted that he was much of a threat, especially with his gun now no longer in his reach. But something seemed off. His tight black tactical gear was definitely leather, a long sleeve over the right arm and- huh. No sleeve on his left?
Peter realised that the shock and panic made his brain work less than normal because how on earth could he not see the blood stained metal arm clinging to the man's left leg? He must have completely ignored the silver shining limb. But the more present Peter got, the worse his panic attack settled back in. He was in trouble. He couldn't deny thought that the metal arm was one of the coolest things he has ever seen. It was really just a bad timing.
The teen weighted his next mvoes. What to do now? He couldn't let the man bleed out in his apartment but he kinda figured trying to help him would get him killed within seconds. It was either helping him or helping himself.
Peter sighed as he finally came to an agreement with his mind.
'Alright, let's help him.' he thought as he made sure the man really only had the gun on himself. Once Peter was satisfied he quietly cleared his throat, drawing the mans attention back to the door he came through. Now that he had finally turned around Peter could see a black mask covering his face.
'So that's what muffled all his sounds.' he thought, looking at the scared eyes staring straight to the wooden door. The man let go of his injured leg and made his metal hand to a fist. Peter could hear the electrical sounds it made with every move. Although it sounded a little bit off at some movements. Maybe he broke it?
The man's wide eyes were filled with panic. Greasy hair strands were mostly hiding them but Peter knew he was scared. It was ridiculous, really. Shouldn't he be the one almost fainting?
"I- uhm- I- Sir? Ehm- sorry, Mister- uh-mister, I'm up here. A-are you o-okay, sir?" Peter said quietly as he tried to swallow his panic.
The man's head snapped up, looking at directly at Peter sitting in the corner of the ceiling. Once he had spotted the boy his anxious glance turned into hatred and the man went into attack mode. He pulled out a knife from where he must have obviously bound to his right leg and threw it in Peters direction.
"Nonononoo, please! I'm sorry!!" Peter yelled as he let himself drop down from the ceiling and onto the floor where he landed with a loud thud. He groaned but quickly pushed himself up, taking as many steps away from the man as possible.
Once he saw the man run towards him he starded praying. Seriously what else was there to do?
The man grabbed Peter by the throat and pushed him against the wall, making his back crack as it contracted with the hard surface. He winced as a sudden pain shot through him.
"Who the hell are you?" the man mumbled behind his black mask. His eyes were red, possibly from not getting enough sleep, Peter thought. He tightened his grip on the boy's throat, trying to force an answer out of Peter's shaking body.
"P-peter." he answered as quickly as he could. His vision started to blur as the oxygen was slowly cut off from his airways. The hand loosened and Peter finally took a deep breath again. The boy pressed his palms against the cold tiles of the floor once he has slid down the wall he was pressed against. His right hand came up to rub his now aching throat. He looked up, trying to see through the blackness that was only slowly fading.
The man behind the mask was looking down at him before turning around, checking if his gun that he had previously placed on the table was still there. Pleased with it not having moved he made his way over to the kitchen counter. Peter wasn't sure but he seemed to be looking for something. But before he could ask what it was the man pointed to his injured leg.
"Oh uhm, wait a minute, I'll get you something to stop the bleeding with." Peter croaked, still sore from having his throat squished. He got up on shaky legs and took a moment to gain his balance again before making his way to one of the cupboards. On his toes standing he reached for a towel that hadn't been used yet and gave it to the man. With a tiny nod he thanked him and sat down on the chair, still having had Peter's eyes glued to him.
"Can- can you take off that mask?" Peter asked and made wild gestures, not quite knowing what to do with his hands. Could he even take it off? I mean sure it probably wasn't glued to his face but it seemed to be stuck where it was.
The man looked at him with a stern glare before pulling the black mask down with the one unoccupied hand that wasn't trying to stop the bleeding from his leg. He put it on the table next to his gun and looked back at the boy anxiously standing a few feet away from him.
"I won't be here for long. I'll bandage my leg up and leave." he said in a serious tone before returning to wrap the towel around his left leg.
"It's not safe for me to be here." he mumbled, more to himself than to anyone in particular.
"Why not?" Peter asked, his panic slowly fading at the mans now calmer voice. He couldn't make out who the man was. His face, although covered in bruises and scratches, didn't look familiar to him.
"Doesn't matter. I'd like to keep the damage as low as it is." he said as he finished wrapping up his leg. He started to get up but stopped himself as he let out a painful sigh.
"No, you can't leave with that injury?" Peter said in confusion as he took a step towards the injured man sitting at the table. He looked up at the boy in worry as his metal hand clutched at the table to maybe ease the pain a little bit.
"Are you out of your mind, kid? I'm barging in your apartment heavily armed and you force me to stay?" the man chuckled and shook his head.
"That has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard."
"I- yeah no, it's just that you're hurt and if you go now then they'll probably catch you, right? So maybe stay here until you can walk again? I- I know how to do first aid? Since you don't seem like you'd want to go to the hospital, I mean." the boy defended himself quickly.
For a moment the man thought about it, slowly giving in as in his eyes it seemed pointless trying to argue with him.
"What's your name again, kid?" he asked, trying to be as polite as possible but the chuckle and smug grin on his face probably made it seem like he was onto something.
"Peter, sir." the boy said and stretched out his hand for the other man to shake it.
"James. But for you I guess it's just Bucky." the man with the metal arm said defeated and took Peter's hand.
Chapter Two : The God of Mischief ->
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dongofthewolf · 3 years
Hello! May I request a number 8 or number 11? She/her pronouns are preferred :) thx!!
I Despise That I Adore You
Abby Anderson X Reader
Prompt: 8. Hands brushing unexpectedly 11. Secret relationship
Warnings: swearing, fluff
Link to the prompt list here
A/N: I kind of decided last minute to write like 1.5k more words for this fic because uhhhh idk but I hope you enjoy (especially if you requested it) !!
A/N: I also didn’t realize you only requested one of the two prompts so I accidentally wrote both LOL but thanks for the request(s) !!
You have always had a very dichotomous view on life; you believed that you either liked a person, or you didn’t. It was a simple notion and a digestible one at that, but never did you think that a touch—a single accidental touch from someone you most definitely didn’t like, could wreck your world this way. 
You were at a briefing for an upcoming mission. It was a long, drawn out process that you dreaded, but what made it even worse was Abby. Okay, maybe not Abby specifically, but the fact that she could sit there at six in the morning and look so effortlessly beautiful, annoyed you more than you could say. Her outfit was the same as it almost always was; a simple grey tank top with green cargo pants and boots. Nothing extraordinary or outstanding, but you still couldn’t help but find it annoyingly attractive when she crossed her fucking enormous arms over her chest like that. God, she wasn’t even trying and you were losing it.
You didn’t like Abby—you couldn’t like her. How could you possibly like her when every single sign told you not to? She was stubborn and closed off, always shielding herself from the world with some serious facade you knew was bullshit. Maybe Abby did flirt with you occasionally and perhaps you did participate in it sometimes, but that all meant nothing. And anyways, even if you did like Abby (which you obviously didn’t) it would hurt you too much when she inevitably left you for someone prettier or cooler or smarter, and you didn’t need that right now.
Abby was all types of wrong and you knew that, which is why you were so utterly puzzled by this small, electric touch. It wasn’t even longer than a second, but as soon as it happened your heart felt like it had just been squeezed like a fucking lemon.
The briefing was finally over and you were quick to leave so you could actually get some sustenance for your body, and then it happened. You hadn’t even noticed that Abby was there when you dashed out the small exit of the military tent until you felt the smallest brush of her hand against yours. You paused to look back at Abby and she was looking at you too, and you swear it would’ve taken a damn machete to cut through the tension between those few, fleeting seconds of stillness. 
Your hand burned from where it had grazed Abby’s and you clenched your fingers into a fist to try and relieve yourself from the sensation. Promptly shoving your hand behind your back to hide it from Abby’s inquisitive gaze, you slowly backed away with your eyes still fixed to hers. And though there was a great amount of distance between the two of you, you noticed something in her stare. You weren’t sure if it was just your brain being stupid or manipulative, but you could’ve sworn you saw the slightest hint of endearment in Abby’s eyes. 
You tried to back away quicker but nearly fell over because of a stray root in the ground that you definitely weren’t looking at, and you could see Abby snort as she tried to hold back her laughter. Smiling nervously, you turned around and bolted towards the cafeteria. It was way too early for this.
Hoping to find some solace in a burrito, you practically ran to the cafeteria, but before you could even smell that lovely tortilla blanket, someone caught you. Abby was breathing slightly heavier than usual when she pulled you aside, practically trapping you against the wall behind you.
“Why are you running from me?” 
Abby’s arm was leaning on the wall next to your head and it took every ounce of willpower not to stare at her massive biceps. “I’m not running from you.”
“Um, I think the fact that I literally just sprinted after you, says something slightly different.” Abby used her other hand to brush a strand of hair away from her face. “So are we going to talk about it, or are you just going to run again?” 
You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Talk about what?”
Abby gestured her hands awkwardly between the two of you. “Us—this. Whatever this is.”
“Abby, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, but even if I did, it wouldn’t matter. So if you’ll excuse me, I need to grab some food now.” You ducked under Abby’s arm and began walking away but her next words stopped you in your tracks.
“I don’t understand you, I really don’t.” Abby was pacing now, her hands moving wildly as she spoke. “It’s like… sometimes you’re cold and distant and running away from me, and I just kind of accept it. I mean, even though it’s not like I’ve ever done anything to make you hate me this much, it obviously won’t help my situation if I continue to flirt with you. But then the next day I’ll catch you looking at me in that way and-”
“In what way?” You interrupted.
“Seriously?” Abby cocked her eyebrow, her mouth curled into an annoyed smirk as she rolled her eyes. “You look at me like you’re not sure whether you want to pounce me or punch me in the face.” 
She said it so plainly that you were speechless for a second, was it seriously that obvious? There was so much going through your head right now, but the one thing that stuck with you was the fact that you agreed with her. Though it’s not like you could ever admit it, so instead you opted for some good ol’ denial. “I do not.”
Abby was quick to respond, like she had anticipated your answer. “You do, and you know what? I honestly have no problem with it. In fact, I encourage it! I mean if you weren’t so confusing, I’d have asked you out by now. You’re gorgeous and smart and a major badass on the field, but I just have no idea what you want from me.”
The last sentence threw you for a loop and before you knew it, your heart was doing the squeezing thing again. Did she truly think you were all those things? 
Thinking about it, perhaps your problem wasn’t that you hated Abby. After all, it’s not like the reasons you disliked her were of any merit anyways. In fact, you kind of admired Abby when she wasn’t being a cocky bastard, but that still didn’t mean you could date her. Sure, she was kind of hot, and maybe you found her just the slightest bit charming, but you couldn’t possibly put yourself on the spot like that. Not only was she all types of wrong, Abby was also your superior, and Lord knows the scandal that dating her would transpire. 
Finally finding some semblance of composure, you spoke hesitantly. “Abby you’re my superior and if people found out I- we just can’t, okay? I’m sorry.” You internally cringed at your words. It was such a stupid excuse but you still couldn’t help but fear the backlash you would receive for this. 
Abby took a second to think before speaking. “Can I ask you a question?” 
You didn’t say anything, just nodded your head slightly.
“Do you like me?” Abby’s eyes were sort of wide and almost hopeful, and you felt a slight tinge of remorse because you weren’t sure you could give her an answer. It was a simple question, but something inside you just couldn’t manage to form a proper response. 
“Whether I like you or not doesn’t matter Abby, we can’t be together. I’ve worked so hard to get here and I’m not going to be belittled or ridiculed because I can’t keep my emotions in check.” 
“So what you’re saying is… there are emotions to keep in check?” There was a hint of mischief in her tone and a smile on her face. You don’t think you’ve ever groaned so loudly.
“I did not say that.”
“It was implied.”
Abby chuckled to herself, taking a step towards you with every punctuated word. “Okay, let’s say that hypothetically you do have feelings for me, and that hypothetically I could make sure no one knew we were dating. Would you go out with me then?
You scoffed as you took a step towards her, your bodies now just inches from each other. “Oh yeah? And hypothetically, how would you do that?” 
“It's simple, we date in secret.” Abby said it so nonchalantly that you thought she was joking. It took a few moments of awkward silence before you realized that she was serious.
“You’re kidding? That would never work.”
“Um first of all, I’m always serious, and second of all, did you forget that we are literally trained to be stealthy? I think if we can handle clickers, we can handle a secret relationship. Honestly Y/N, it seems like the only problem here is that you’re scared of going out with me because…” Abby took another step towards you, backing you against the wall with her arms crossed in front of her chest. “you’re afraid you’ll fall for me.”
You were utterly speechless. You wanted so badly to respond with a snarky comeback or a cheap insult, but as much as you hated to admit it, you were totally afraid of going out with her. Commitment is horrifying and complicated and you’ve gone your whole life trying to avoid it. But now? Abby was offering you a simple solution and before your mind could begin to consider the downsides to this, you answered.
“Fine. But if we get caught, it’s on you.”
And just like that, your secret relationship with Abby began. 
It only took the first two dates for you to warm up to Abby—though you were incredibly apprehensive about all of it at first—it wasn't long before she had successfully charmed her way to your heart. And though you’d never admit it out loud, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t having at least a little bit of fun. It was thrilling running around with Abby like this; late-night dates, stolen looks during briefings, clandestine touches while passing each other in the halls, the way she seemed to be just a little bit more protective of you during patrols. You revelled in the way she held you when no one was around, when it was just the two of you. 
It had almost been two months, and hiding a secret relationship with Abby was getting surprisingly more difficult. You figured it was likely a product of the fact that after your first kiss, Abby couldn’t seem to keep her hands off of you. It seemed as though someone was somehow lurking around every corner of this damn stadium, and the amount of times Abby had to sneak out of your room in the morning before your roommate woke up was honestly getting kind of absurd. 
However, one major upside that’s come out of this deal is that you no longer despised briefings. In fact—now that you and Abby had this strange arrangement—you almost looked forward to mission briefings. The fondness for them was partly because you got to stare at Abby with adoration rather than anger, but mostly it was because you got to tease her like there was no tomorrow during them.
It was another early briefing and Isaac was droning on about… patrols? Or maybe it was borders, you weren’t really sure. Instead of focusing on his dull rambles, your mind was wandering elsewhere. 
Abby was sitting in the seat next to you, her legs spread out while she leaned her toned forearms on the table in front of her. Keeping your eyes focused on Isaac, you brushed your knee against Abby’s just slightly before letting your hand slowly creep closer to her leg. Abby immediately knew what you were doing, quickly turning her attention towards you with a small tilt of her head. And though your eyes were fixed on the man in front of you, you knew she had a cautious look on her face. 
A small smirk crept onto your lips as you let your hands make their way higher and higher till it was resting on her thigh. Letting it linger there, you traced little circles with your fingers, noting the way Abby covered her face with her hand to hide her expression before you gave her leg the smallest squeeze. Abby jumped in her seat and the whole room immediately turned their attention to her. Trying to hide her obvious freak-out Abby cleared her throat before asking some stupid question about intercepting the target while you did your best not to laugh next to her. When she finally finished rambling and the focus was off of her, Abby snuck you the smallest look, the kind of look that said “I’m totally going to get you for that later”. 
At the end of the briefing, you noticed Abby making conversation with Manny near the exit of the military tent and an idea popped into your head. You made sure to look straight ahead as you nonchalantly walked out the exit before letting your hand brush up against Abby’s while you passed by. It still shocked you sometimes; somehow after nearly two months of hiding your relationship, her touch still managed to send you soaring. The familiar burn against your fingertips from your not-so-accidental accidental touch still lingering on your hand like an imprint—her imprint. 
You looked back at her with a mischievous smirk on her face and she rolled her eyes before whispering something to Manny. Walking away knowingly, you were unsurprised when she cornered you behind a cement pillar with her hands on your hips and her mouth hungrily on yours. Abby spoke with her mouth still against yours, refusing to break the kiss.
“You know, for someone who was so adamant about having a secret relationship, you sure seem to enjoy attracting attention to us.”
You smiled into the kiss, your fingers moving to play with the end of her braid before giving it the smallest tug. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
Abby groaned and you chuckled at her expression when you pulled away from her lips, causing Abby to nearly face-plant into the pillar behind you. You giggled, smiling at Abby teasingly before feigning an annoyed tone as you turned away from her with your arms crossed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to grab some food now.” 
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seostudios · 4 years
sleepovers with the dreamies!
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⭒ sleepover reaction ⭒ nct dream ⭒ fluff + smut
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MARK “What’s my favourite colour?” Mark asked you. It was Friday night at the dorms and you just wanted to spend time with him, and after an eventful evening in the sheets the two of you decided to play a game to see who knows who better. “Pink!” You shout almost immediately. He sighs and brings his head into his palm shaking it with a chuckle. “The easiest question! How come you knew our first meeting to the point of what colour laces I wore but can’t remember my favourite colour!” Laughs burst within the room, clenching your stomach you were sure you saw Mark laugh so hard he was close to falling off the edge of the sofa. “I-I don’t know!! I just thought it was Pink cause SuperM.” Nice excuse. The rest of that night was spent most definitely making fun of you. 
RENJUN You two were pretty far into your relationship but never once did you two ever come up with a sleepover idea until tonight. Now you were cuddled up on the couch with not one but seven other boys, “I can’t believe we let them tag along, like we could’ve had sex!” He whisper-shouted to you, who was wrapped like a burrito in the blanket. I think it’s safe to say, you didn’t care, since you shifted closer to Jeno then turned to stick your tongue out, like a preschooler. However he’s quick to pull you back and closer than ever, just to pout. Oh he was horny horny..You thought. “You’re evil.” Standing up, still in a blanket burrito, you began to speak. “Renjun and I are going to have sex until I cannot walk. Please excuse any explicit noise and no we will not quiet down.” Dropping the blanket you skip towards his bed. “Well...? What are you doing?!” Jaemin said flaring his hands up to the boy. “Get in there!”
JENO Sleepovers with Jeno were nothing new. It’s old news that every Saturday night you two make camp in front of your flat screen to binge a new series of movies. “I was thinking we could watch a scary movie tonight-” “Boring!” You interrupt. “Boring? Last time I checked you pissed your pants over Annabelle,” He quickly responded, shutting you up. “Whatever movies are getting boring.” You said, huffing away a strand of hair in your face. But in a blink of an eye you see yourself from sitting on the living room floor beside Jeno to have your back hit the living room floor and Jeno on top of you. “I have an idea for fun.” He said. How dirty could one be to sound so sinful yet look like he’s got an invisible halo shining over his head? Grabbing the collar of his look tee you crash lips together. Kissplay between you two doesn’t always last long since one of you had to be eager, and you were right, feeling Jeno’s naughty hands move underneath the waistband of your pyjama pants. Guess you never ended up picking a movie.
HAECHAN “Now this is what I call a perfect evening.” Donghyuck said, back hitting the soft mattress. “So sex for god knows how long is perfect for you?!” You said jokingly smacking his chest before sneaking into his embrace, happily enveloping you. “I have a monster cock.” He says with a smile. “Sure thing partner, sure thing.” You said trying not to burst his bubble. “I’m kidding, I’m not Johnny. I do know my way around this girl named Y/N.” He says with a smile on his face, but all that registered in your head was... “Johnny what!?” “Oh Come on!” After exploding into a small fit of giggles at his reaction, you swiftly shift to straddle onto his lap. Pushing his chest down when he attempted to break free. “You may know your way around me, but I know you way better,” You started, slowly grinding your naked core over his (now hard) cock. He groans quietly, throwing his head back. “F...Fuck.” Slipping in, having his cock fill you up, your slow movements quicken. Watching down on him as he jerks to feeling himself reach his high. The cum paints your wall but all you do is lean down to grab his neck. “I know you love being overstimulated like a whore as well..” You whispered, feeling his hands grip your hips but that doesn’t stop you, does it?  Maybe being in charge didn’t sound so bad afterall to you, but to Donghyuck? It’s torture, even if you look hot right now, he wants to be the one to call you a whroe. Even if this turns him on a lot. “I can’t believe you just made me cum again and called me a whore, usually the other way around.” He said panting. “Right?!” You seemed to be ecstatic right now, high off watching your boyfriend sub for you. “That was the first and last time..” He started to get up and put on his boxers, “Hungry?” Nodding you grab a shirt and shorts from his dresser and skip out, with him trailing behind.
JAEMIN When it comes to Jaemin nothing is ever boring so when he invited you over for a sleepover you expected the unexpected. That lands you in an odd but very very nice position, in the dreamie’s kitchen and bent over the island with your shorts to your ankles. “Time for dessert,” Jaemin mumbled to himself before spreading your wet cunt with just his mouth. Now almost thirty minutes of fucking yourself on his tongue, he’s finished. “Are we in the clear?!” Chenle shouts from the other side of the bedroom door. You’re quick to pull up your shorts and run towards Jaemins bedroom. “yes lele! go have dinner, and don’t disturb us!” You yelled before yanking your boyfriend into the empty bedroom for his treat.
CHENLE Lips molding together, you and Chenle forget about the movie playing in the background and you are in soft kissplay. You’re fun comes to an end when Jaehyun invites himself in, “Oh my god.” You said panicked seeing Jaehyun tower over you and Chenle. “You kids should pay attention to...” He squints to see what’s playing. “Zootopia? Really man?” Jaehyun said with laughter ready to explode. “Imagine getting laid to Zootopia int he background,” He wanders off in the direction of Donghyuck’s room laughing to himself. “Babe, it’s okay. We like Zoo-” “I know! Yes!” He says before turning the volume up to refocus on the film.
JISUNG “Cat ears? Are you serious?” Jisung asked with smile. “Not only cat ears but also mustaches...” You said wiggling your eyebrows, before placing a set of white cat ears on your boyfriend. “We’re matching!” You sang before pulling out your phone to snap a picture of. “And sent.” “To who?!?!” He quickly asked as you show your device to reveal the dream group chat. It looks like the boys seemed to really love having you over if it meant you could talk Jisung into such things like this. “This is so embarrassing.” Jisung whined, head clashing into your shoulder.
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sorry i’m literally so bad at posting ever since school.. love u all... my drabble requests are still up just no a-z’s :3 hope u enjoyed this
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Sorceress of Arcadia || Becoming Part 2
Summary: Y/n Lake is Jim Lake's older sister. She discovers  that she is sorceress and her brother is the Trollhunter. She and the Trollhunters go on adventures together, they save trolls and humans. Along the way, a friend becomes more than just a friend and discovers their secrets.
Warning: Pain
Word count: 6,601
Tags: @lunariasilver
Previous >> Becoming Part 1  • Next >> Becoming Part 2 (Douxie’s POV) 
Next morning, you woke up, looking around. You looked down at your ankle, it wasn’t purple anymore. You cautiously stepped on your feet, it hurt a little bit you could handle it. You got up and got ready for the day. You were wearing the same thing from yesterday, not bothered to wear anything else. You saw yourself in the mirror. Your hair was a mess. You combed your hair, which was very hard and tied it up into a low ponytail. You walked downstairs, calling for Jim, but he was going out the door. 
“Where are you going?” you asked. 
“To the dentist, to tell Toby about yesterday. I’ll see you later,” he said, closing the door behind him.
You walked into the kitchen and saw your mom making something. Oh no. She didn’t have Jim’s cooking skills, or any for a fact. 
“Mom! What are you making?” you asked peeking over her shoulder. 
“Just making toast. You want some?” she asked and you backed away. 
“I’ll pass, I’ll just grab something out of the fridge,” you said, walking to the fridge and opening it up. 
You took the first thing you saw, which was an apple. 
“Your going to eat an apple for breakfast? You’re not the type of person who would have fruit first thing in the morning,” she said, raising her eyebrow at you. 
“Well, you know what they say: an apple a day, keeps the doctor away,” you stated. 
“That’s what parents say to make their kids eat an apple, it’s not actually true,” she told you. 
“Meh. Well, I’ll get going, bye!” you said, kissing her on her cheek and walking out the door. 
You rode your bike over to Mr. Benoits, hoping for something to eat, more then just an apple. You walked in and saw there were a lot of people today. You walked out of the cafe. It would take a long time for you. You went to a taco truck instead. You saw that the line wasn’t too long, so you stood in line. As you moved to the front of the line, you looked at the menu. When you got to the front, you ordered a breakfast burrito. You waited a good 5 minutes until when your burrito arrived. You thanked them and walked off to find somewhere to sit. It was a beautiful day, so you sat outside the museum. You ate your burrito quietly while researching about sorceresses. Apparently you were one. You found a wikipedia page that said sorceresses were a female practitioner of magic. ‘Practitioner of magic’ was in blue so you clinked on the link, to only find out about magicians. Not helpful. You only found websites that defined sorceresses, not actually tell about them. You sighed, frustrated. 
“Looks like someone is frustrated,” a familiar voice spoke. 
You looked up to see Douxie. 
“Oh hey Douxie. I was just researching but didn’t find what I was looking for,” you explained. 
“Ah, I see. Well, I see you are in town, so your ankle must be okay. Right?” he asked. 
“Yeah, its better. It still hurts a bit, but I can handle it,” you said, walking over to a near by bin to throw the foil that was wrapped around the burrito. 
“Well, are you interested in books?”Douxie asked. 
“Yeah. Why?” you asked, curious why he suddenly brought up the topic of books. 
“Well, the bookstore I work in isn’t far, wanna come?” he said. 
“Yeah sure,” you replied. 
You both walked to the bookstore, chatting about your life. When you had arrived, Douxie held open the door for you and bowed. 
“Why you’re very chivalrous,” you commented.  
“Thank you m’lady,” he joked.
You both walked inside. It felt very cozy and homey. You walked over to a shelf, and started skimming through the titles. None of them looked appealing to you. You kept searching through the shelves, until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You spun around to see Douxie, holding out a book. 
“What about this?” he asked, handing you the book. 
The title read: Life of a Wizard in Camelot. 
“Wait, Camelot as in 12th century, medieval times Camelot?” you asked. 
“Yeah, I guess. I don’t really know. This book had been here for ages, no one has ever showed any interest in it so far. You’re the first,” he explained . 
You walked over to a couch and started reading the book. You couldn’t really read what was written, since whoever wrote it was not a neat hand writer. But it wasn’t that messy that you couldn’t read it all. There were margins where there was neater hand writing, where they had random notes like, ‘Magic isn’t a permissible shortcut to hard work!’ and ‘Master doesn’t let me use my magic’. The last one caught your attention. 
“If it says me, then there must be someone else who wrote, not the author,” you mumbled to yourself. 
You kept reading through the pages, learning about Camelot and the wizard, Merlin, who had also written the book. It was interesting to see Merlin’s perspective of the world. Your eyelids started getting heavier by the minute as you kept reading. Then you dozed off. 
“I got lemonade!” Douxie declared, to no one in particular. 
You jolted up. You had realised that you had dozed off in the middle of the bookstore. Douxie came up from behind you and gave you a glass of lemonade. He sat next to you on the couch and looked over your shoulder. 
“Is it good so far?” Douxie asked. 
“Yeah. It’s interesting to see Merlin’s perspective of Camelot and King Arthur. Plus it’s funny to see the little notes in the margins,” you said, pointing to a note. 
“Well, I hoped you liked it, want to buy it?” Douxie asked, finishing his lemonade and setting it on the table in front of him. 
“Actually yes. How much is it?” you replied, closing the book. 
“As I said, the book has been lying around for ages so, it’s on me,” he repeated. 
“No. You have two jobs and on top of that, you study. You deserve the money,” you denied, getting $15 and handing him the money. 
He shook his head, shoving the money back into your hand. You were about to protest, when he jumped up, off the couch. 
“What about, you give me the money and in return, I buy you dinner tomorrow,” he suggested. 
You thought about it. You got to give him the money he deserved and in return, you two got to go out for dinner, as friends. 
“Okay, sounds like a plan,” you told him, handing him the money. 
“Great, it’s a date!” he added. 
He walked over to the counter and put the money in a box. 
A date? Did he just really say that. You shook your head and concluded that it would be a friendly outing. 
You opened the book and continued reading. Douxie came back and sat down next to you again, reading with you. He noticed that you had also finished your lemonade and put the glasses away. He looked at the time, it was 12, it was break time. He walked over to the door and spun the sign from ‘open’ to ‘on break’. He walked back over to you and sat next to you. The two of you read through the book. 
Once again, your eyelids got heavier and heavier. You tried to not close your eyes, but you slowly drifted off. As you closed you eyes, you leaned onto Douxie’s shoulder and fell asleep. Once Douxie had done reading the page you were on, he wondered why you had stopped turning the page, so he turned to see you. He realised that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He grinned. He book marked the page and closed it. He put the book on the table gently, making sure not to wake you up and leaned back into the couch. After a few minutes, he also drifted off into a sleep, leaning his head on yours. 
It had been about half an hour, when you heard a loud banging. You woke up abruptly, looking towards the source of the noise. You realised a slight pressure on your head, you looked up to see Douxie sleeping peacefully. You smiled. You gently shook him by his shoulder, and he instantly opened his eyelids. He looked down at you, and you pointed towards the door. Some people were knocking on the door. He sprinted towards the door and unlocked it. 
“Sorry folks! Just drifted off a bit, please come on in,” Douxie apologised and opened the door wider to let the people in. 
“It’s okay lad. We understand if you need to focus some time with your girlfriend,” an old man said, pointing to you. 
“I...uh...um...” Douxie stammered, trying to look for an answer.
“Lad?” the old man waved his hand in front of Douxie. 
Douxie snapped back into reality. 
“Yes sir! Please come on in,” Douxie answered, gesturing him to come in.  
You walked up to Douxie, with the book in your hand. 
“Well, I have to go. I’ll see you later,” you said, and was about to leave when Douxie grabbed your wrist. 
“Wait! How am I going to let you know what time I’ll come pick you up? Do you have an email or a number...”, he asked. 
The two of you exchanged numbers. 
“Thanks. I’ll text you what time I’ll come,” Douxie said. “Oh and come dressed....nicely,” he added.
“Sure, you too. Don’t wear, you know...that,” you joked, gesturing to his outfit. 
“Cheeky!” he teased. 
You walked back to your bike and rode back home. When you opened the door, you saw Jim and Toby in the kitchen. You put the book on the table and walked into the kitchen. 
“Hey Jimbo! Hey Toby!” you greeted, as you leaned on the kitchen bench. 
“Hey y/n!” they both said. 
“It takes 8 hours! 8 hours!” Jim cried. 
“Yep!” Toby replied, going on explaining what happens in those 8 hours. 
“Wow! That’s a lot,” you commented. 
You walked out of the kitchen and took your book and went to your room. You could hear Toby freaking over Jim’s armour, and telling him that he can use that to kick Steve’s butt. You put the book on your desk and went back downstairs. 
“Really? I show you a glowing sword and a suit of armour that can only be magic, and that's how you respond?” Jim exclaimed. 
“Yeah! It’s butt kicking time! Wow, these pants are so elastic!” Toby replied, fascinated that his pants were so flexible. 
Then you heard a knock on the back door. You looked towards the door and saw Blinky waving. 
“What?! Don’t open the door!” Toby freaked out. 
Then, the door opened up by Blinky and then he shouted, 
“Master Jim!”
Toby started screaming, and hid behind the counter. Toby dialled animal control, and started speaking to them. 
“Monsters, at my best friend's house! I need you to send a squad! Make that the National Guard!” Toby panicked. 
Then Animal Control hung up on him. 
“Animal Control hung up on me!” Toby said, frustrated. 
While Toby freaked out, AAARRRGGHH was having a hard time getting through the small doorway. Poor guy. Before you could help him, he got through by himself. 
“You told your stout little friend about us?” Blinky asked. 
“Uh is that a problem?” Jim and you asked. 
“Master Jim, miss y/n, we trolls have gone to great lengths to keep our existence secret from your kind, lest there be panic,” Blinky explained. 
Toby on the other hand was panicking. 
“Like that,” Blinky said, gesturing to Toby. 
“It’s all right, Tobes,” you soothed, trying to keep him calm. 
“They’re like nine feet tall!” Toby said, looking at AAARRRGGHH. 
“This is my best friend, Toby D,” Jim explained to Blinky. 
“He has like 800 eyes. We’re going to die,” Toby wined. 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Hardly. Your friend is the Trollhunter. His noble obligation is protective and the other one is a sorceress” he explained to Toby. 
“What! Y/n is a sorceress! Like in magic?!” Toby remarked, “And by ‘protecting’...You mean like a super hero? Oh, can I be his sidekick, along side y/n? With a cool superhero name like Deathblade or Snipersnake? Just wait. Who would I be protecting?” 
“Us,” AAARRRGGHH said. 
“And mankind. From bad trolls... As well as goblins, gruesome, and the occasional rogue gnome,” Blinky told us. 
Then Toby started tapping Blinky with a large spoon. You giggled. 
“Do you mind?” Blinky scolded. 
Toby drops the spoon. 
“The mantle of the Trollhunter is a sacred responsibility, one which has never been passed to a human before. This is a momentous occasion,” Blinky continued. 
Then we all heard a car pull onto the driveway. 
“Oh no, it’s our mother! Upstairs, quick!” you cried, running upstairs, into the bathroom and locked the door. 
“Jim? Y/n? It’s me!” your mom announced.
“She’s not supposed to be home till midnight!” you whispered. 
Then it hit you. Not why your mom had come home, but the pain in your ankle. It started to come back. Curse you ankle! You tried to look like you weren’t in pain, and this time it actually worked! You got out of your own thoughts and back into reality. 
Blinky and AAARRRGGHH were explaining about the amulet and what had happened to the previous Trollhunter. Unfortunately, he was killed or had sacrificed his life, something like that. Then your mom started speaking to Jim. He had made a lame excuse that he had food poisoning and obviously mom was a doctor, so she had to treat her son. She was about to come in, when Jim some how shoved us in the shower. 
When your mom had left, you all came out of the bathroom and into the living room. AAARRRGGHH started knocking things over, since he was a big troll. 
“Your cave too small,” AAARRRGGHH complained. 
It technically wasn’t a cave, but if he thought it was a cave, then a cave it is. 
“So Master Jim, are you ready? We should begin training immediately, y/n yours too, since you need to develop your magic skills, Vendel will help with that” Blinky said. 
“Uh, it’s a school night for us,” Jim said, picking up books that had fallen over. 
“Yeah,” you agreed. 
“I assure you the relevance escapes me,” Blinky tried to convince us. 
“I’m 15 and y/n’s 18. We have to stay home and study, and stuff- do homework? We can’t be out y’know Trollhunting and sorceressing?” Jim explained to Blinky. 
“Because?” Blinky asked. 
“Well the whole getting killed by a vicious troll named Bular might be a deal breaker to Jim,” you said. 
“Deal breaker?” Blinky asked. 
“We don’t want to die!” Jim blurted. 
Who does? 
“Goodness gracious, who does!” Blinky exclaimed. 
Jim takes out the amulet. What is he going to do?
“Maybe you should take this back,” Jim said. 
“Jim?” you said. 
“The amulet called to you, Master Jim. It chose you. It is your-” Blinky said, when he was cut off by Jim. 
“Please don’t say destiny,” Jim begged. 
“-sacred obligation!” Blinky finished. 
“Or that,” Jim added, face palming. 
“You cannot refuse it, you cannot give it back. It is yours until you die,” Blinky said. 
“And I would like to get a little further past puberty before that happens!” Jim blurted. 
Ooo! You wanted to side with Jim, but Blinky was also right, the responsibility was his to take. You were about to say something, when the pain in your ankle got worse. You leaned on the window seal. Jim looked at you, worried. 
“Y/n are you alright? It’s your ankle, isn’t it?”Jim asked. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Really. It’s just a little pain, it’ll subside eventually,” you reassured your brother. 
Jim raised his eyebrow. 
“Know it’s fine,” you lied, walking towards the back door, where Blinky and AAARRRGGHH were. 
Toby was giving AAARRRGGHH some VHS’s for the road. When you heard Blinky start to say something to Jim. 
“Master Jim, if I may... destiny is a gift. Some go their entire lives living existence in quiet desperation, never learning the truth that what feels as though a burden pushing down upon on our shoulders is actually a sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights! Never forget that fear is the precursor to valour. That to strive and triumph in the face of fear, is what it means to be a hero. Don’t think Master Jim... become! Would you at least consider?” Blinky said. 
Wow! That was some speech. Jim fist pumped all of Blinky’s hands, as an agreement. Blinky and AAARRRGGHH went out, noisily, climbing over the fence. 
“They’re pretty stealthy. How’s that? We bought you a night!” Toby said. 
“A night?” Jim scoffed. 
“Dude, you’re the one who’s always talking about ‘wanting adventure’, and ‘something more!’ Well, wish granted! So trolls are a thing, who knew?” Toby reminded. 
“Well, there you go Jimbo! You have an adventure. Happy?” you said, as you headed towards your room. 
You were just about to go up the stairs when, you heard a ‘beep’ from your phone. You looked who it was from, Douxie. 
It read: 
So, I can’t take you out for dinner tomorrow, something came up. But I am free tonight, are you? 
You replied: 
He immediately relied: 
Great! I’m coming to pick you up in 20 minutes. Bye.
You replied: 
Okay, bye. 
You ran upstairs, when you winced halfway, your ankle. Maybe it was a bad idea to curse your own ankle. You ignored it, and continued to your room. You flung open your closet, looking for something good to wear. Then your eyes landed on a dress, it had a black to navy blue gradient, with purple flowers on the right side of the waist. With   navy blue flats. You looked in the mirror, your hair was a bit messy, so you quickly made it back into a low ponytail, with a few loose strands around your face. Perfect. 
You walked into your brothers room to find Jim doing his homework. He looked at you. 
“Where are you going?” Jim asked. 
“Out for dinner with a friend,” you replied, while texting your mom that you were going out for dinner. 
“Who is this friend?” Jim asked. 
“Douxie,” you replied, while you read through your mom’s text. 
She had agreed and told to be back by 10. 
“Douxie?! Why?” Jim asked, again. 
“Why do you keep asking me questions, like a police officer?” you asked. 
“Well...I...uh...” Jim stammered, “I don’t trust him, y’know”. 
“Why?” you asked. 
Douxie wasn’t a bad person. Jim was about to answer when the door bell rang. You were about to walk downstairs and open it, but Jim beat you to it and told you to stay. He went downstairs and opened the door to find Douxie, in a black dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled up and a navy blue bow tie, with black pants and shoes. 
“Hey Jim. I was here to pick up your sister. We’re going out for dinner,” Douxie said. 
“Hey Douxie. I’ll call her,” Jim replied. 
Douxie was about to say something when Jim shouted out, 
“Y/n! Douxie is here!”
Douxie winced, that was loud. Jim took a step back from the doorway and you came down. Douxie’s eyes widened as he saw you. You looked beautiful. As you walked towards Jim, he grinned. 
“Come back by 10. It’s school night,” he said, sternly, but you could hear the little amusement in his voice. 
“I will,” you replied. 
“Shall we?” Douxie asked, offering his arm to you. 
You took it and stepped out of the house. You turned to face Jim. 
“Have fun sis. Douxie, take care of my sister, she’s the only one I have. She is the only person I can talk to when no one else would understand, even when Toby wouldn’t understand,” Jim said. 
“Don’t worry Jim! She is under great care for the next 2 hours. I promise,” Douxie reassured him.
You waved to Jim as he closed the door. You went over to Douxie’s vespa. 
“I never knew you had a vespa” you said. 
“And I never knew your brother was very protective of you,” Douxie joked. 
“Well, that’s true. He’s never been so protective before,” you said. 
“Well, let’s leave your brother to the side for now, and you come and sit behind me,” Douxie said, patting the seat behind him. 
You sat behind him as he started the vehicle up. Once it was started, you jolted, as he rode very fast. You were about to fall, when just time, Douxie caught you with one of his hands. 
“No offence, but you need to ride more safely,” you commented, as you put your hands around his waist, not wanting to have a risk of falling. 
“I’ll get around to it. For now just enjoy the view,” he said. 
You looked out, it was beautiful. The moon was rising and the scenery before you was beautiful. You put your chin on Douxie’s shoulder, taking in the scenery. After 10 minutes, you saw that you were at a fancy type looking restaurant. You got off the vespa and walked into the restaurant with Douxie. 
“Wow! You chose a nice restaurant,” you said. 
He thanked you. 
You walked over to a two seater table and was about to sit when Douxie stopped you. He took out the chair for you and you sat. You were going to pull it in, when Douxie did for you. Then he took a seat in front of you. Douxie grabbed the menu and looked through the variety of foods, then his eyes lit up at something. 
“Do you want pasta?” Douxie asked, looking up from the menu, at you. 
“I don’t mind,” you said. 
“Which one do you want?” Douxie asked, turning the menu so you can see. 
You read through each one, there were a lot of options but not a lot of vegetarian options, since you didn’t like the idea of eating animals. (If you aren’t a vegetarian then you can imagine another type of pasta you like)
“Maybe the Macadamia pesto pappardelle? Wait you aren’t allergic to nuts, are you?” you asked. 
“Nope! It’s sounds good. Nice choice,” he said. 
Then a waiter came over to you and asked for what you would like to order. He took down what Douxie ordered and walked away. 
“I’m sorry, if you found my choice of food, well you know,” you said. 
“It’s ok. I’m guessing you are a vegetarian or a vegan?” Douxie asked. 
“Yeah, I just don’t like the idea of eating animals,” you explained. 
From that you and Douxie started talking, and finding out a lot about each other.
 After you had finished dinner, you both went to the front to pay. You took out your card to pay while Douxie took out his. 
“Are you guys splitting the bill, or is one of you going to pay?” the employee asked. 
“I’m going to pay,” Douxie and you replied at the same time. 
“Y/n, you bought the book, I buy you dinner. That was the deal,” Douxie said. 
You were going to protest, but Douxie quickly tapped his card on the machine. You sighed and put your card back into your purse. 
“Let’s go,” Douxie said, heading out of the restaurant while you followed behind. 
He started the vespa and you sat on. 
“Ride safely,” you said. 
“Will do,” Douxie replied, and rode off into the night. 
You looked at your phone, 9:55. You had to hurry. 
“Uh, Douxie, maybe you want to go a bit more faster,” you said to him, as you showed him the time. 
He nodded and sped up a little. You were half way across the bridge, when something jumped in front of you. Douxie halted to a stop. The thing that had jumped in front of you was huge, and had red and orange eyes, that were staring at us. It came towards us, scraping the floor with its sword, a troll.
“What is that?” Douxie whispered. 
“Two little flesh bags out and about at night, make tasty meals,” the troll said. 
“I do not want to be a tasty meal,” you whispered. 
“It has been so long since I had a human for dinner,” the troll said. 
It kept coming forward. You looked for an escape route, but didn’t find one. 
“Douxie, what do we do?” you whispered to him. 
“We have to distract him,” Douxie whispered back. 
“How?” you asked. 
“I didn’t think that far,” he replied. 
He tried to start up the engine, but it didn’t work, no fuel. 
“We have to run,” Douxie said. 
You nodded. You got off the vespa and looked at the creature. 
“I’m sorry lad! But you won’t be having dinner tonight!” Douxie shouted at him. 
He roared and ran towards us. Douxie grabbed your hand and said, 
“Do you trust me?”
You nodded. Then he ran to the edge of the bridge and jumped down, taking you down with him. He landed perfectly, but you on the other hand, landed on your already injured ankle, which had landed the wrong way. You let out a groan, hugging your ankle. Douxie turned to see what the matter was. He saw that you were holding your ankle in pain. 
“Y/n! Are you alright?” Douxie asked. 
You did a thumbs up to him, forcing a smile on your face. 
Then the troll jumped in front of you. In a flash, Douxie picked you up and ran. 
“Sorry y/n, the dinner didn’t go as planned,” Douxie said. 
“It’s okay,” you said, peeking over Douxie’s shoulder to see if the troll was following you. It wasn’t, it had disappeared. Then you looked ahead, seeing where you were going. You had reached your house. Douxie walked up the stairs and saw that the door was slightly open. He kicked it open, to see that Jim was sitting on the edge of the couch. He jumped up off the couch and ran towards you. 
“Y/n! What took you so long? I was worried sick!”Jim exclaimed. 
“I’m fine,” you said. 
“You are clearly not fine. You are literally in Douxie’s arms for a reason,” Jim said. 
“It’s her ankle,” Douxie said. 
“What did you do?” Jim asked, giving Douxie a glare. 
“Nothing! We ran into...trouble. Her ankle started hurting, so yeah,” Douxie explained. 
Jim nodded. Douxie set you down and waved goodbye. Jim glared at Douxie as he went out. 
“Jim, it’s not his fault,” you said. 
“It is! I never should have trusted him. He said that you would be under great care for the 2 hours that you would be with him. But no you weren’t, he broke his promise,” Jim exclaimed. 
“Well the only reason I did get hurt cause a random troll jumped in front of us while we were coming back. And the only evil troll around is...” you explained. 
“Bular!” Jim finished. 
“So it’s not Douxie’s fault,” you said. 
“It is his fault. Now lets go to bed,” Jim said, helping you to your room. 
You sighed. How were you going to make him believe that it wasn’t Douxie’s fault?
You changed into your PJ’s and went to sleep, hoping that tomorrow would be a better day. 
You woke up the next morning a bit late and quickly got changed. You headed downstairs to find Jim waiting for you. 
“Sorry I overslept,” you said, as you headed out. 
It was a quiet ride to school, Jim and Toby were riding ahead of you, chatting away. While you silently rode your way to school. 
As you put your bike away, your friends came over to you. 
“We got the news! If you don’t spill yourself then we will annoy the entire day,” Izzy and Rachael said. 
“What news? I have no idea what you guys are talking about,” you said, walking over to your locker. 
You actually had no idea what they were talking about. 
“Don’t try to act innocent,” Rachael teased. 
“I’m not! I have no idea what news your talking about,” you said. 
“The news where you and Douxie...” Izzy hinted. 
“Oh that! How did you guys find out?” you asked, placing books into your bag. 
“Your waiter!” they exclaimed. 
What? Then it hit you. The waiter was one of your classmates! You were so caught up talking with Douxie, you hadn’t realised. 
“It was just a friendly dinner, that’s all. Plus it only happened because I paid for a book at his bookstore so he took for me for dinner,” you explained, closing your locker and started walking towards class.
 “Hey y/n!” someone said. 
You spun around to see Douxie running towards you. 
“Well, there comes your boyfriend,” Izzy giggled, making you blush.
“He is not my boyfriend!” you hissed. 
“Whatever,” Izzy teased. 
“Hey Douxie!” you greeted him. 
“So from yesterday, is your ankle alright?” Douxie asked. 
“Yeah. I’m sorry that my brother was so rude yesterday. He was mad at you, for not keeping your promise,” you added. 
“It’s okay. I’m to blame for though, I promised Jim you would be in great care, and I broke that promise,” Douxie admitted, looking down to the ground, feeling ashamed. 
“It’s okay. It’s not your fault, plus I’m fine now,” you reassured him. 
He shook his head. Then, you saw some tears drop onto the ground. You put your hand on his shoulder. 
“Douxie, I’m fine,” you said, making him look up, “See?”
You jumped up and down a couple of times to prove your point. After you stopped jumping, you tried to not wince from the slight pain. 
“I’m fine,” you repeated, putting your hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. 
Suddenly, he took your hands in his and looked you in your eyes. 
“Well can you come to my concert tonight?” Douxie asked. 
“What time?” you asked. 
“8:30, at the square” he replied. 
“I’ll be there,” you said. 
“Great!” Douxie grinned and kissed your cheek, making you blush.
He then waved bye. You were shocked. He had just kissed you. Izzy and Rachael walked in front of you and got your attention. 
“He just asked you out!” Rachael squealed in excitement. 
“Douxie Casperan, the most popular and hottest guy in Arcadia Oaks Academy just kissed you and asked you out y/n!” Izzy exclaimed, shaking your shoulder. 
“Um...yeah, but he didn’t ask me out, just asked me to come to his concert,” you whispered, looking around. 
There was a crowd, starring in awe. They must’ve seen everything. 
“Let’s just go to class,” you said, as you noticed people starting to come up to you and ask questions. 
The day went like a blur. Before you knew it, it was already 3 o’clock. 
You walking over to your bike when a bunch of people surrounded you. 
“Is it true that Douxie kissed you?” a girl asked. 
“Are you two a couple?” another girl asked. 
“Are you two dating?” a guy asked. 
You had to get out of there, when someone pulled you out of the crowd.You looked at you saviour, it was none other then Douxie. 
“You alright?” Douxie asked. 
“Yeah, but my metal state, not so much,” you replied. 
“People asking you too many questions?” Douxie asked, giving you a sympathetic smile. 
You nodded. The crowd started surrounding the two of you know and started to shoot questions at both you. 
“Are you guys dating?” a girl asked. 
“When did you guys get together?” another asked. 
You were starting to get tired of these questions. You looked at Douxie, hoping he would have a plan to get out of this problem. He just smiled, took your hand and ran through the crowd, towards the bikes. You both grabbed yours and started riding away. When the coast was clear, you stopped to catch your breath.
“I don’t know how you do it, managing such a big crowd at school,” you said. 
“I just do, love” Douxie said. 
“Thank you Douxie, for saving me from all those people,” you said. 
“No problem. You still coming to my concert, right?” Douxie asked. 
You nodded. Then in the corner of your eye, you saw that Jim and Toby were coming towards you. 
“Doux, I think you have to go. My brother is coming towards us, and I don’t think he’s in the mood to see you right now,” you warned Douxie, pointing towards your brother and his best friend. 
“I agree. See you tonight,” he said, giving you a salute and riding off the opposite direction. 
“Hey Jimbo! Hey Toby” you said, waving both of them.
“Hey y/n!” they both said. 
“How was your day?” Jim asked. 
“Overwhelming and tiring,” you answered, starting to ride along side him. 
Jim raised one eyebrow, not understanding. 
“Dude, that was amazing! You were amazing! I’m amazed at how you were!” Toby exclaimed. 
“I can’t believe that just happened,” Jim commented. 
“What happened?” you asked. 
“I tried out for Romeo and Juliet, as Romeo, in my armour,” Jim explained. 
“And did you see how that chikita was looking at you? Your amour totally did you a favour!” Toby added. 
“Blinky said it reacts to your emotional state. The armour turns on when you’re in distress!” you remembered. 
“But I wasn’t in distress back at school,” Jim claimed. 
Then you turned the corner, to find the troll from last night again, Bular. He roars. 
“But I am now!” Jim panicked,.
“Trollhunter, Merlins creation, Gunmars bane!” Bular said.
“I think he’s talking to you...” both you and Toby said. 
Bular roars again and tries to leave the shadows, when his hand gets hurt when he puts it in the sun. 
“Look! He’s afraid of the sun!” Jim noticed. 
You looked over at the sunset. 
“Not for long!” Toby exclaimed. 
“The amulet! Surrender it, and I will give you a speedy death!” Bular threatens Jim. 
“Doesn’t know how to negotiate this guy!” you said. 
Bular lunges at the three of you, but you cycle away. The three of you ride until you see a row of cars and hide behind a truck. 
“Armour up, armour up. Armour up! Please! Now! FASTER!” Toby asked. 
“For Merlin’s sake, hurry up and armour up Jim!” you pleaded. 
“For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command!” Jim chanted the incantation, but nothing happened. “It’s not working! For the glory of Merlin, daylight is mine to command. Seriously! It’s mine to command! I’m commanding here!” 
Then Bular picks up the truck, revealing the three of us. 
“Centuries of Trollhunters, and I will have killed two in almost as many days!” Bular chuckled. 
“HE’S GOOD AT MATH!” Toby yelled. 
“GO! GO! GO!” you said, hurrying onto your bike. 
Bular throws the truck at us. 
“Flying truck!” Jim warned. 
You dodged it and peddled faster. 
“Head down Delancey!” Jim said, changing courses. 
Then you narrowly avoided another flying vehicle. 
“Behind Stuart Electronics!” you said, noticing the alleyway. 
“You guys know I can’t fit there!” Toby whined. 
“You can fit!” Jim argued. 
“I CAN’T!” Toby argued back. 
“You’ve been on a diet, remember?!” you reminded Toby. 
You and Jim easily slide down the alley, while Toby get’s stuck. 
“I can’t fit! I can’t fit! I can fit! I can fit, I can fit! I’m fitting! Yay, diet!” Toby said, eventually getting through the alley. 
You ride towards the neighbourhood, wanting to get away from Bular. 
“Look at me. Look at me! We’re not dead, right?” Toby asked Jim. 
Then from the nearby trees, you saw Blinky and AAARRRGGHH. 
“Aha! Master Jim! Miss y/n!” Blinky exclaimed. 
“Bular is trying to kill us! He chased us all over town!” Jim explained. 
“And you��re still alive! I knew you had potential, Master Jim!” Blinky added. 
“You have a sweet voice, but you bring death with you!” Toby shouted at Blinky.  
“You guys can fight him right?” you asked, hoping they would say yes. 
Blinky and AAARRRGGHH chuckled. 
“I could not hope to posses the skill to defeat Bular!” Blinky told the three of you. 
Jim points to AAARRRGGHH and asks, 
“What about him? He’s big!”
True. AAARRRGGHH was big and could fight off Bular. 
“Pacifist,” AAARRRGGHH said bluntly. 
“Seriously?” Jim said. 
“Man, what a waste of a hulking brute,” you and Toby said. 
“Thank you,” AAARRRGGHH grinned, taking it as a compliment. 
“This is why there is a Trollhunter, Master Jim. AAARRRGGHH renounced the violent path ages ago,” Blinky explained. 
Then, you heard Bular snarling behind all of you. 
“Follow me! We’ll be safe in Heartstone Trollmarket!” Blinky said. 
You started peddling behind Blinky, when Bular knocked over a power line, disrupting Toby. AAARRRGGHH catches Toby and places him on his back. From this, Bular is slowed down, since his leg is caught on Toby’s bike. 
“Master Jim! Dawn your armour!” Blinky commanded.
“I’ve been trying! The amulet won’t listen to me!” Jim said. 
“Did you speak the incantation?” Blinky asked. 
“I’ve been incanting the crap out of it and it’s not working!” Jim exclaimed. 
“Just focus and incant dude!” you shout. 
You reach the canals and slide down, while Jim gets his amulet out. You can see Jim was incanting the incantation and what looked like the third try, the amulet activates and equips Jim with his armour, just a Bular reaches him. Bular roars at Jim. But Jim backs out. He tries to run, but his blocked by Bular. 
“Use you sword Master Jim!” Blinky told Jim. 
“I’ll drink your blood out of a goblet, made of your skull!” Bular threatens. 
“Cut him like a meatloaf, Jim!” Toby shouts. 
While Jim is trying to fight with Bular, AAARRRGGHH is drawing an arch on a wall under the bridge with something called a ‘horngazel’ and opens a portal. 
“Wow!” you said. 
“Master Jim! Master Jim, come on!” Blinky said. 
“I’m a little busy here!” Jim says. 
“You are not fit to wield the amulet! I’ll tear the armour off you, along with your skin!”Bular threatens. 
Jim dodges one of Bulars swords. He tries to hit Bular with his sword but it gets stuck in his arm instead. 
“C’mon Jimbo!” you exclaimed. 
Jim runs towards you but the doorway closes. Blinky quickly reopens the doorway and pulls Jim in. 
“He nearly- we nearly- he almost,” Jim pants, trying to say something. 
“What? Speak Master Jim,” Blinky asks. 
“HE ALMOST KILLED US!!” Jim yelled. 
“Almost! A very important word! A life of almost is a life of never,” Blinky said. 
“Why’d the armour suddenly shut off?” Jim asked, frustrated. 
You place your hand on your brothers shoulder, trying to calm him down. 
“Master Jim, you are the first human to posses an amulet crafted fro trolls. It’s to be expected it’s behaviour will be unexpected,” Blinky explains. 
Then, you start to walk, when a stair case of crystals light up. 
“This way masters, this way,” Blinky said. 
As you walk down the stair case, you looked around the place. It was beautiful, who knew there was a whole other world right underneath our feet! When we get to the bottom, you saw Heartstone Trollmarket. 
“Woah,” you breathed, walking next to Jim. 
“This is the world you are bound to protect! This is Heartstone Trollmarket!” Blinky exclaimed.
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majolishious · 4 years
hi!! could you do the boys reacting to mc asking them if they could sleep together after mc had a nightmare? thank u
I hope this is okay! Please enjoy 💙
You were reluctant at first to ask Lucifer of all demons to comfort you, but there was no going back once you knocked and heard his, “Come in,” when you entered, he was exactly where you thought he’d be, at his desk, writing out a report. He originally wanted to chew you out for being up so late when he saw you stood in the doorway, but his eyes softened when looking at you, “ (Y/N), is something wrong?”, he spoke rather softly, getting up from his desk to move closer towards you.
“I had a nightmare,” you admitted sheepishly, looking up to meet his eyes you asked, “Please can I sleep with you?”, the question took him by surprise a little, but rather than saying anything, he just wrapped his arms around you, picking you bridal style to carry you over to his bed, allowing you to sink into the comfort below you, while he climbed in beside you, “I was about to take a break, but I’ll use it to help you sleep,” he whispers, pulling the covers up and easing you to sleep.
You don’t get an immediate answer when you knock on his door, instead it was more groans, and shuffling about the room while he threw on some clothes - he didn’t even care that his pants were in backwards and his shirt inside out. He was still rubbing his eyes when he opened the door, “(Y/N), it’s late, what do ya want?”, he said with a very unamused tone, one eye cracked open to look at you.
“I had a bad dream, please can I sleep with you?”, you whispered, lowering your head a little, “Wha, are you kid or something? You can sleep on your own,” he responded with a yawn, but as you turned to leave he grabbed your wrist and whisked you into his room. There was no way the great Mammon was going going to let anyone but him protect you from bad dreams, and quick as a flash, you were wrapped up like burrito next to him in bed.
You can count on him to be awake late into the night, but the chances of him hearing you knock are next to zero. You drop him a short message, letting him know you’re outside his door - seconds later he’s swung it open and dragged you into his room, about to tell you you’re interrupting his anime binge, until he sees how upset you are, “Is something wrong?”, he thinks that perhaps you’ve come to the wrong room, after all, who would come to the room of a yucky otaku this late at night.
“I had a nightmare, please can I sleep with you, Levi?”, you plead with him, hoping that hearing you say his name would sway him to let you stay. He’s flushed, and almost forgets how to speak, stuttering out, “Y-you can cuddle up to me w-while we watch, ‘That time I was reborn into the Wild West and fell in love with the sheriff’, u-unless you don’t want to,” he almost sounded dejected, but as you clung to him, he got the message, allowing you to safely tuck yourself into his chest. He didn’t focus much on his anime.
He’s at least somewhat sensible, in the sense that he usually goes to bed at a reasonable time. Before your fist even makes contact with the door, you hear, “Come in,” from Satan, who sounded very much awake. You were cautious when opening his door and entering his room; fearful of stepping on any books or important papers he left on the floor, “You look shaken up, something bothering you?”, he asked calmly, getting up from his comfy armchair to approach you.
“I had a bad dream, please may I sleep with you, just for tonight?”, you asked him, stopping him in his tracks. He wasn’t the demon most people came to for comfort, but you were not most people, and here you were, standing before and in need of his comfort, “Of course you can, (Y/N),” he flashed you a reassuring smile before leading you over to his bed. If you don’t want to tell him about your nightmare, he’ll just read to you until you fall asleep.
Knocking on Asmo’s door was a gamble. He might get the wrong idea about why you’re stood there, or he’d lightly chide you for interrupting his beauty sleep. When he opened the door and saw you standing there, upset and shaken up, he did neither, instead pulling you into a loving embrace, and allowing you into his room, “You shouldn’t frown like that, it’s bad for you darling,” he joked, closing the door behind you. He had a feeling why you were really there.
“I just had a bad dream, please can I-“, he cut you off, lightly pressing a finger to your lips, “Darling, do you really have to ask me that? You’re welcome to cling to my bosom, and tell me all about your bad dreams,” he cooed, pulling you in for a hug once more, allowing you to rest against the soft fabric of his gown. He showed you a softer side of him for the rest of the night, easing you into bed, and singing softly to you until you fell asleep; though it wasn’t long after before he dozed right back off, lack of sleep is bad for the skin.
You were already on your way to his room, and just as you got there, Beel was on his way out to make his 5th trip to the kitchen that night, “(Y/N)? If you don’t go to bed, Lucifer will be mad,” Beel said, not even realising Lucifer would be more annoyed at him for yet another kitchen raid. Though when he took a better look at you, he got the feeling that Lucifer was the least of your worries.
“I had a nightmare, and I was wondering if I could sleep with you?”, you sounded nervous, despite Beel being the most understanding of his brothers. He didn’t say much, instead giving you the nod and taking you to his bed, forgetting about his midnight snack completely. Once settled, he took hold of your hand, remembering how that had helped him to have a peaceful and nightmare-free sleep.
He was no stranger to nightmares, often times being the one to come to you for comfort, but when the shoe was on the other foot, and you were softly trying to wake Belphie up, it seemed like you would have to look elsewhere, until he slowly cracked open one eye, very much annoyed until he saw it was you, “What are you doing?”, he asked bluntly, not wanting to beat around the bush.
“I just...I had a bad dream, and I wanted to sleep with you,” you admitted to him, and your words did wonders in softening him up, as he slowly lifted up his blanket, inviting you to climb in beside him, while he wrapped himself around you, making sure you would be able to sleep comfortably and without bad dreams.
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yoonjinkooked · 3 years
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Pairing: Hoseok / Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: FWB, university AU
Warnings: cursing, avoiding emotions and responsibility, future smut, Hoseok just makes a cameo in this one
Word count for this part: 2K
Summary: After a few years of being immune to Jung Hoseok’s charms, you suddenly fall into them, head first. All it takes is one night, too much alcohol and a lot of balls.
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“Rise and shine, you drunk idiot,” are the words with which Seokjin greets you. The massive headache that you are suffering makes his voice sound 20 times louder than it really is, which is not your favorite way of starting hangover Sundays. Despite knowing that he won’t be deterred from waking you up, you still keep your eyes closed, hoping that today is a day of miracles and Seokjin decides to give you a break. He doesn’t - instead he grabs a hold of the ankle of your left foot and starts shaking it left to right, trying to shake you awake. “Come on, you’ve been out the whole day, I was scared you were dead. Get your ass up, take an aspirin and be an adult.”
“That sounds like a plan,” your voice is worn out, a tell-tale sign that you had spent last night yelling into someone’s ear. “God, why did you let me drink this much? You should have forced water down my throat,” you grunt as you struggle to get yourself into a seated position - you don’t fall back and the room is not spinning. So far, so good. 
“Oh, I was planning on doing that,” Seokjin grins down at you, not looking the least bit hungover - genes, he’d tell you with a proud look on his face. “But by the time I returned from the kitchen, you already had Hoseok’s tongue down your throat.”
And then, you remember. Boy oh boy, do you remember. Seokjin laughs at you, amused by your expression as realization sets in. You’ve hooked up with Hoseok. You’ve made out with Hoseok. And you did, in fact, sit on his dick, just like you’ve wanted to. Luckily for you, you were both fully clothed. Seriously, lucky you - if you remember anything in detail, it’s that you weren’t alone. 
“Everyone saw us last night, didn’t they?” you ask, sighing when Seokjin nods immediately. 
“Everyone. I mean, you were hardly being shy about it, jumping his bones in the middle of the living room,” Seokjin reminds you how straightforward, perhaps even pushy, you were with Hoseok. Both before and after the kissing had started. “For what it’s worth, he wasn’t complaining.”
“I have no idea what had gotten into me,” you admit, trying to recall when, if ever, you’ve thought of Hoseok as more than a friend. And you did not - he was always a friend, that good looking friend that you wouldn’t even consider as a possible hook up option. Your brain had short-circuited last night, and although surprising, it isn’t completely unfounded. 
“Well, Hoseok did not, I can assure you,” Seokjin is laughing his ass, his expression softening a bit when he notices just how uncomfortable you are with his teasing. “Come on Y/N, don’t overthink this. You’re both single and hot. You were horny and he was stoned and happy to help. Making out with him once won’t change your friendship, if that’s what you’re thinking.” 
“Yeah, in theory,” you mumble, knowing already that the next time you see Hoseok, you will feel very awkward. Maybe he won’t and that saves the day? It’s a possibility, but you’re not almighty and situations like these tend to turn you into an awkward mess of a person. 
“You’ve made out with Jimin before and you’re still close,” Seokjin shrugs. 
“Yeah, but that’s different. That’s Jimin. We did it jokingly, more than anything else,” you shake your head, knowing, remembering  that whatever last night was, it was different. “I have no clue what happened. One second he was there, dancing, minding his own business and the next I just… had this strong urge to kiss him.”
“Well, at least you’re a go-getter,” Seokjin laughs at your glare, still refusing to accept this as a possible issue in the making. “Come on, I didn’t walk all the way to your place for therapy hour. You’re nursing a hangover and we need coffee. When you have enough caffeine in your system, you’ll remember that Hobi is the chillest guy on the planet and that your worries are completely baseless. It can be awkward for a week or two but you’re both grown adults, right?”
“Right,” you agree, choosing to hold onto that thought. You’re not kids or horny teens - it’ll be okay. A few inside jokes, a couple of days of awkwardness and a lifetime of teasing from your mutual friends - nothing you can’t handle. No harm, no foul. It’ll all be hilarious in a week or two. 
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“You’re acting weird,” Jungkook’s statement makes you freeze, the breakfast burrito in your hands inches away from your mouth. After years of being friends with him, it shouldn’t be a surprise when Jungkook says the most random things at the most random times, but somehow, it still is. 
“No, I’m not,” you deny. 
“You are,” Jungkook nods, as if he is confirming it with himself. “You’re all jumpy. If I didn’t know you any better, I’d think you’re on the run from the law,” he laughs at his own joke, before suddenly stopping to fix you with a suspicious look. “You’re not on the run, right?” 
“No Jungkook, I’m not hiding from the cops. I’m not even halfway through my first coffee.”
“She’s just hiding from Hobi.”
You glare at Namjoon from across the table. First of all, his assumption is rude. Second of all, it is absolutely correct. Well, you weren’t exactly actively avoiding Hoseok, but you also weren’t volunteering to spend time at places where you knew he’d be. Instead, you have spent the past few days occupying yourself with random and not so random tasks and obligations, all while trying not to think about how he’s a good kisser. Or how good he smells. Or how firmly his hands gripped your waist that night. Nope. Not going to think about it. 
“Why would she hide from Hobi?” Jungkook is confused. 
“I’m not hiding from Hobi,” you tell him, before turning to give Namjoon a pointed look. “I’m not hiding from Hobi,” you repeat in a warning tone - it’s clear that you don’t want to talk about it. 
“Perfect,” Namjoon offers you an angelic smile. “Then you won’t have a problem with him joining us? I mean, he’s already walking our way,” he adds, looking over your shoulder. 
Your knee jerk reaction is very literal - a sudden movement leads to a loud bang, a whine and you clutching onto your right knee that you’ve just hit against the table in a lame attempt of making a run for it. Panicked, you turn around to check if Hoseok had seen this, only to realize that he is nowhere to be seen. The shit eating grin on Namjoon’s face when you look back at him is confirmation enough. “I hate you,” you deadpan as he keeps on laughing at you. 
“Why are you like this,” Jungkook asks you as you rub your knee, still very much in pain. “Is it because you made out last weekend?” he interrogates you before chugging on his yogurt. 
“Maybe,” you reluctantly admit, since you were so obvious there was no use in denying it. “I know it doesn’t make much sense but it’s just… weird.” 
“You’re being overdramatic, as usual,” Namjoon chuckles. In moments like these, you wonder why you’re still friends with the guy. Sure, he can be charming, nice and helpful, but he can also be a smartass and act all high and mighty, just like he is doing now. “Not that you would know, since you’re hiding from the guy, but Hoseok is not avoiding you. The situation isn’t weird - you are.” 
“If I wanted therapy, I’d pay for a professional,” you snap. 
“I’m on Y/N’s side here,” Jungkook pauses to swallow his food before continuing. “We can tease and joke, we always do that but we shouldn’t invalidate her feelings. If she is feeling awkward, she has every right to feel that way. Don’t invalidate her feelings, Joon,” he ends his speech with a little worried pout, making himself look at least 5 years younger. 
“Have you been watching Dr. Phil again?” Namjoon asks him. 
“Hey!” you jump in Jungkook’s defense immediately. “Don’t be an ass - he has a point and he is being nice. I didn’t ask for your opinion, which you generously offered anyways. Hoseok’s feelings about this have no affect on me - I’m feeling awkward and I’d rather push said awkwardness under the rug for the time being.” 
“Unlike Mr. Smarty Pants Architect who actually does watch Dr. Phil, I’m the only psych major sitting at this table,” Jungkook starts and you laugh at the not so subtle drag directed at Joon. “It’s my duty as your friend and a future therapist to say that the tactic you’re turning to is not healthy and will likely cause more trouble. But,” he emphasizes, noticing that you have already opened your mouth to complain. “It’s your choice. You know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.”
“Oh, so you’re saying that her acting like the two of them have divorced after 20 years of marriage instead of… exchanging saliva is valid?”
“Stop!” you glare at Namjoon. “You’ve heard Jungkook – my feelings are valid.”
“You’re a coward and you know it,” Namjoon laughs at you. He’s not completely wrong – you are a coward, but you also have your reasons. “You were making out – it’s not the end of the world.” 
“Yes, but it’s not a random dude we’re talking about here!  It’s... Hoseok!” you whisper his name, as if someone other than the two of them could actually hear you say his name in the crowded and incredibly noisy university cafeteria. 
“All the more,” Joon widens his arms in exasperation. “Hobi is not an ass. He’s not going to make it worse, he’ll probably laugh about it, but seeing as you’ve been playing hide and seek, you won’t have a chance to. The longer you wait, the harder it will be once you can no longer avoid him. And honestly, the time is around the corner because I have no idea how you plan on skipping Yoongi’s birthday party.”
As if you needed a reminder of that. There is no way in hell that you can make up an excuse big enough to avoid going to Yoongi’s party - a family emergency wouldn’t work, not when this is your closest group of friends. You’ll have to be there, Hoseok will absolutely be there and you have three whole days to get your shit together. 
“I’ll do my shit at my own time,” you conclude proudly, knowing that you will figure it out and it won’t be because of Namjoon’s impromptu intervention. 
“Um… Y/N,” Jungkook lets out a nervous laughter. “I’m not so sure about that. Hobi’s walking towards us, right now.”
“I’m not falling for that again,” you wave your hand in dismissal, the pain that you are still feeling in your right knee reminding you of Joon’s failed attempts to trick you. 
“He’s really not lying,” Namjoon sips on his coffee sassily, the slurping sound coming from his straw making you want to throw something at him. But there’s something about the cocky look on his face that makes you realize that he’s not joking this time. Not to mention that Jungkook, unlike Joon, is an actual sweetheart of a person who would not lie to you just to spite you. Gulping, you decide to risk and check. 
And sure enough, as you turn around you can see Hoseok just a few tables away, smiling at the three of you – ripped jeans, white shirt, green snapback and that stupid, blinding smile. For a second, only for a second, your eyes meet and before either one of you can make a face or react in any way, you are standing up and this time around, your knees are safe. 
“I have to go,” you grab your bag and phone and speed walk before anyone can tell you anything. You can hear Jungkook yell after you, but you’re already a few tables away from them, walking towards safety as fast as you can. 
Was it stupid? Yeah, probably. Was it obvious? Painfully. But fight or flight kicked in and up up and away you went. 
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voxymoxyboxy · 3 years
Scrapped Secret Santa Idea
While struggling to write for my AU drabbles, I was looking at my old writing and stumbled across this abandoned draft for the Sam and Max secret santa from last year! I read it and found that I still really liked it so I thought I would publish it on here for people to read! It’s not finished, but I do really like what I wrote. Please enjoy!
The familiar thrum of the microwave sounded through Sybil’s kitchen as she leaned against a nearby counter. Little pops began a few seconds later, the smell of butter and salt slowly, but surely, washing over her like a warm bath. Thin fingers drummed against the large plastic bowl in her hands. Rather than compose a new symphony for one- though that didn’t sound too bad for her next career-, Sybil decided to cross things off a mental list.
Comfortable pajamas pulled from the depths of a bottom drawer? Check.
Snacks? Enough to feel like utter garbage come morning.
Fluffy blanket? Spread on the couch just waiting to be wrecked by her guest.
Speaking of her guest… Sybil checked her watch. It was almost eight o’clock, the time when their little girl’s night was supposed to start. Supposed to, because Max wasn’t exactly known for his punctuality. The woman sighed. If she had to guess, the lagomorph would burst through her front door at about nine, a full hour late, wide smile on-
A knock on the door startled Sybil from her thoughts. The bowl clattered to the floor, but the women kicked it aside as she made her way through the living room. Whoever was waiting outside stopped for a second, only to be begin spamming the doorbell instead. Sybil quickened her steps.
“I’m coming!” she shouted. “Just give me a second!” The ringing continued, much to the woman’s dismay.
“Sybil!” a high-pitched voice called through the wood. “What you say in the bedroom’s none o’ my business!” Nearly banging her arm against the doorknob in her hurry, Sybil threw open the door to find Max, wide teasing smirk on his face clothed in nothing more than a flimsy scarf. His hands were clasped behind his back and he rocked back and forth on his heels.
The woman rubbed the bridge of her nose but returned the lagomorph’s smile. “Good to see you Max.” She stepped to the side to let him in. “Come on in.”
Max strutted inside, a bag the woman hadn’t noticed until then clutched in his paws. Sybil raised a brow when, instead of just dumping it on her carpet, the lagomorph gently placed the bag under the coffee table. Free from potential harm and the crumb zone, the woman noted. He jumped on the couch, already making himself at home by wrapping himself up in Sybil’s blanket like stuffing in a burrito.
“So.” The lagomorph eyed the snacks on the coffee table. The woman watched as Max snatched the largest chip bag of the bunch. Ripping it open, Max dug out a handful of salty goodness and stuffed it all in his mouth. “Where’s the kid?” he asked, crumbs spraying everywhere from talking with his mouth full.
Sybil grimaced. Tomorrow would be a clean-up day for sure. “I left Penny with a good friend of mine from work.”
“What is it this time? Graphic designer?” Max picked at his teeth. “Toy making? No!” He snapped his fingers. “Mall Santa!”
“Elf, actually.” Sybil said, making her way back towards the kitchen. “Hired me on the spot after finding out I’m a mother.”
“Must be desperate to avoid any lawsuits this year.” Max commented and dumped the rest of the bag down his gaping maw. “Probably don’t wanna lose another Santa.”
“Lose another Santa?” the woman parroted, confusion plain in her voice. “I don’t remember hearing anything about a Santa being arrested last year.” Max flattened out his blanket nest so his arms were now free to move about. He grabbed a soda and popped it open.
“Whaddaya mean?” The lagomorph took a small sip before continuing. “You were there! I kidnapped you that mornin’ to help me get a present fer Sam! Near ‘bout had a heart attack when he burst in and handcuffed the bastard.” He traced the rim of the can, ears drooping a bit before shooting right back up. “Right?”
Sybil had to tread carefully.
“The popcorn’s done. Why don’t you get it while I turn on the tv?” Max was silent for a beat. While subtle, she could see his jaw tighten, grin turning forced. The grip on his soda tightened, leaving tiny dents in the aluminum. And yet, just as quickly, Max was bouncing back. Literally, as he’d jumped to his feet.
“You actually trust me to go within six feet of yer microwave?” the lagomorph said. He brushed away an imaginary tear. “I’m touched!”
“Get going before I regret my decision.”
“You probably should.”
“Go.” The woman chuckled, playfully shoving him towards the kitchen archway. Max ‘harumphed’ and left the room. Sybil rolled her eyes. It was all just for show. The guy was a drama queen through and through. What had caught her eye were the muscles in Max’s shoulders. The habit leftover from her old job as a masseuse proved to be useful, for they were tense, almost like the lagomorph was preparing to fight.
Or flee.
Sybil reached over the side of the couch and pulled out the remote. After finding the device in Penny’s mouth one too many times, she’d decided to buy one of those stupid arm slings to hold it. Admittedly, it worked pretty well. She flicked the tv on, muting it before leaning to get comfortable. Flipping through channels, the woman looked for the right one. No, no, uggh, ah-ha! Now she could really get settled in.
Before she could really hunker down, Max slid in front of the flat screen. His back faced Sybil, pristine white fur now covered by a long-sleeved purple pajama shirt, both sleeves and matching pants rolled up. Bowl held over his head, he leaped back onto soft cushions, stray pieces flying to hit Sybil’s arm and leg. Her gaze traveled over Max and she stifled laughter with a hand as she saw what was hovering over his chest.
“Merry Christmas, Ho, Ho Hoes?” she read, giggles bursting through her fingertips. For the first time that night, Max’s smile turned genuine. The lagomorph puffed his chest out, pride radiating off his person.
“Jealous?” he nearly purred.
“Green doesn’t become you, Sybil.” Max sing-songed.
Said woman gasped. “I’ll have you know it brings out my eyes!”
“Whatever helps ya sleep at night!” Max shot back.
The two started at each other for a moment before bursting into hearty laughter. Some of the tension from before ebbed away as they clutched their quickly hurting middles. Wiping away small tears, she glanced over at her friend. A weight Sybil hadn’t known about lifted from her shoulders as the rabbit devolved into giggles, stray pieces of popcorn flying everywhere.
“You know,” Sybil scootched back to her side of the sofa, "I was wondering.”
“Bout what?” Max tossed a kernel and caught it with a loud crunch.
Sybil gestured towards the television. “Why Hallmark movies?” She tucked her legs under her. “I thought you hated those.”
Max froze, caught off-guard by the woman’s question. He recovered fast, face blank as his attention turned to the movie. The woman on the screen- the heroine, Sybil assumed- walked under a garden arch adorned with Christmas lights. A man followed close behind, a look of complete adoration gracing his features. Slowly, he plopped the dish onto the middle cushion.
“Yeah,” he brought his knees to his chest, “I do.”
“Then why…?”
Max buried himself in Sybil’s blanket. He placed his chin on his knees. “How long’ve we known each other, Sybil?”
Sybil tilted her head quizzically. “About two or three years now, I think.” She paused. “Why?”
Snow began falling in the movie. The woman laughed and pulled the man towards a tackily-decorated gazebo. He followed without fail, lips flapping as he probably spouted cheesy dialogue.
“It’s funny, ‘s all.” Max said, sad little smile on his muzzle. Sybil had a feeling he didn’t really mean it. “From what I remember, it’s been at least five. But then again,” the lagomorph tapped his head, “Never did have the best memory.”
“Don’t sell yourself short Max.” Sybil scooted closer and lightly placed a hand over Max’s. He flinched but didn’t move to rip the limb off. She took it as a good sign, welling with pride as she squeezed the paw. “You’re smarter than you think. But that’s not the real issue here, is it?”
“Dunno. You tell me Miss Psychotherapist.” The rabbit tried to crack a joke, but the woman wasn’t having it.
“Max.” she said, slightly increasing the pressure on his hand. By now the soon-to-be couple were sitting on a bench found in their temporary shelter, shoulders brushing while they talked. “You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong. But know, as your friend, I’m here for you.”
Max tossed the words around in his head. He pulled his hand from Sybil’s and grabbed a mug from the table, whipped cream already melted into the warm cocoa. Holding it with both paws, the lagomorph took a deep breath.
“It happened a few years. You n’me were just fuckin’ around at one of our movie nights.” His grip tightened around the porcelain handle. “Landed on the channel and had the crappy idea to mute it and write our own story.” Patiently the woman waited as Max took another swig.
“Was so stupid.” the rabbit mumbled, corners of his mouth pulling up just so. “But fun. Were laughin’ our asses off by the end of the night. When I was ‘bout to leave, you suggested we do it every year and-“
“You wanted to keep the tradition going.” Sybil finished, voice wrought with understanding.
Max sent his friend a look, mouth shutting with a clack. “Somethin’ like that.” The rabbit’s gaze wandered back to the film, pang in his chest at the woman and man twining their fingers together. “Guess I just wanted something familiar in m’life.” he confessed.
Sybil peered at her friend intently. “…Have you told Sam?”
“Hell no!” Max said. “He’s the last one I wanna tell!”
“Is something going on between you two?”
“No.” he lied, thumb running over the edge of Sybil’s mug.
“Did he do anything? Because I know the guy can be dense sometimes-”
The lagomorph shook his head. “Yer readin’ too much int’ it Sybil.”
The heroine and hero were staring at each now, the camera rotating around the outside of the gazebo in a way that had to make some people sick.
“…Has he been distant lately?” Sybil tried, sadness clawing at her throat when Max’s ears pinned against his skull. “Do you know why?”
Max bit the inside of his cheek. “No. But what I do know,” the rabbit hugged the mug closer, “is that he’s been weird round me. It’s like…” he tugged at his pajama sleeves, racking his brain for the right words, “guy’s always on edge. Just yesterday me and Sam were caught n’ the middle of a few mafia goons.”
“Tis the season.” Sybil chimes in, prompting a snort from her friend.
“Bullets are flyin’ everywhere, the smell of gun smoke heavy in the air. I take two of ‘em down no prob but then,” Max furrows his brows, “then Sam just freezes up. Had ta save his sorry ass and off the rest myself. When I asked what happened, he tried to play it off like it was no big deal!”
“How long’s this been going on?”
“Not too long after we started dating.” The lagomorph sighed. At that moment, the man pointed out a sprig of mistletoe hung on the ceiling. Trapped like rats, the two hesitate but for a beat before kissing. “Makes me feel like, like-”
“You’re the problem.” 
Max pouted. “Stop that!”
Sybil chuckled. “Sorry. Force of habit. Still.” She placed a hand on Max’s shoulder. “You should tell him. You two may be terrible at talking about anything emotional, but Sam appreciates honesty.” The woman squeezed it and slid back to her claimed space. “He’ll listen. You’ve just gotta trap him somehow.”
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jstlikemagic · 4 years
One Night Chance. - Jeff Wittek Imagine
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Title: One Night Chance.
Pairings: Jeff Wittek/Reader
Rating: R (For swears tho)
Summary: Being friends with benefits has always been fun but what about when two makes three? Also, what are the chances Y/N goes into labor at Jeff’s stand-up show?
TW: Drugs and alcohol (both lightly mentioned)
A/N: Hi y’all! Ya girl is BACK AGAIN!!! This time I have a “pre-sober” Jeff imagine! I decided to write this because I really wanted to write something pregnancy-related, a little bit of a comedy, and also something serious. If you liked this, please reblog/like! Thank you!
Taking a good look around Jeff’s dressing room, you started having flashbacks about what life was like eight months ago. The patron that was spilt on the carpet, reminded you of all times you and the guys would get fucked up at David’s house parties. The keef residue that was left on the table, reminded you of when you’d just be chilling in the living room with a bong in your hand, thinking life couldn’t get any better. You were so happy with your lifestyle and how much fun you’d been having. Soon enough though, life took a turn.
-Eight Months Ago-
The past few weeks had been rough. You were so tired that you almost fell asleep in the car a few times. You were so hungry, that Postmates was your new best friend. The toilet was your new home since you’d been puking and pissing a lot recently. Feeling uneasy one day and puking up a delicious breakfast burrito, you had that feeling.
Forcing yourself up from the bathroom floor, you grabbed your car keys and busted out of your apartment. Jumping into your car, you floored it to the nearest convenience store. After you parked your car, you speed walked into the store due to your heightened anxiety. As you walked down the aisles, you finally spotted the women’s health aisle. Pregnancy tests. Pregnancy tests. Where would those be. A lightbulb shot up in your head once you spotted the array of pee sticks. Shaky hands reached for the Clear Blue pregnancy tests, grabbing eight “just in case.” Going up to the counter, you hurriedly placed the tests on the counter. “Aw, sweetie. I see the anticipation. Have you been trying?” said the counter employee.
“Yes, I’m very much anticipating a little shit that’s gonna run my money dry and ruin my life,” you sarcastically said. With the employee looking shocked as hell and you already handing the cash over, you decided it was best to just leave as fast as possible. Taking the bag, you gave one of those bitchy smiles and said “have a nice day.” Fucking bitch.
Flooring it home, you nearly sprinted into your bathroom. Making sure you could provide for eight samples, you drank at least three bottles of water. After providing for each sample, you left each test on the sink counter. 
You weren’t going to cry but god damn, what if you were actually pregnant… with Jeff’s baby. The two of you were only friends, who fooled around occasionally. Backtracking to how possible it could be, you started freaking yourself out even more. Jeff had been fucking you for at least three months straight so that’d be very possible. Plus, you both relied on the “reliable” pull out method.
Creeping back into the bathroom seven out of the eight tests looked like they were done. With both ends on the edge of the counter, your head slowly drooped down to look at the sticks. Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. Not Pregnant, oh I like this one. Pregnant. Suddenly, you saw the last test blinking which meant it was about to read the result. Every last bit of you wanted it to say not pregnant but it didn’t even matter at this point. Still keeping hope alive, you lifted the stick up to your face. Pregnant. 
Well, the next obstacle was telling Jeff you were having his baby.
-One Week Later-
“Hey Y/N. What’s up?” His voice alone could make your heart flutter. Reconsidering if a phone call was how you wanted to do this, you erased the consideration out of your head and proceeded with the phone call. It was easier anyways, you wouldn’t be able to see the shock and disappointment on his face.
“So, I have some big news. I mean I guess not big news, small news as of now that will get bigger eventually,” you spoke really fast.
“Did ya get the job ya wanted? I know you’re only a secretary but you’ll work your way up and life will be great!” he exclaimed. 
Trying not to be salty because you didn’t get the job he was talking about, you laughed it off. “I, uh-, didn’t get the job. I actually have some other news that involves you. I’m pregnant and it’s very much yours,” you blurted It out. Without hearing his response, you felt a huge weight just fall off your shoulders. Hearing a sigh come from the other end of the phone, it was soon followed by empty moments of silence.
“Are ya sure? Like are you sure that you’re pregnant? And are ya sure that you want this? Y/N, we’re in our 20s. We’re living it up and living our best lives.”
“Jeff, I am 100% pregnant. I’ll mail you out all the sticks I pissed on. You can have all water bottles I used too.” Taking a moment to think of his last question, you started to feel hot tears roll down your cheek. “I think I want this. This could be my wakeup call to cut the shit. This is my endgame... Actually, of course I want this. I think what I want to know is, do you want this? I’ll do this with or without-“
“Yes, I want this. I want you. I want this baby. I just wanted to put the ball in your court because it is your body, your choice. The idea of having a baby right now is a little frightening but maybe I need this wakeup call too. Ya know we do stupid shit. I wanna have someone to wanna come home to. I wanna have someone pop in my head every time I see ten shots lined up for me and it makes me not want to do it. With that being said. I’m down if you’re down,” he interrupted. Feeling so overwhelmed by his support and letting you have this decision just made you burst into tears. 
-Eight Months Later-
Getting up to go the bathroom, which felt like the millionth time today, Jeff grabbed your hand to help lift you off that comfortable couch. “I got this,” you agitatedly said. Being almost nine months pregnant, you hated everything. You either puked or pissed yourself. The smell of certain food would throw you over the edge. Moving around got harder because your huge belly that got in the way. You also partially resented Jeff because he shot his sperm up inside of you. He was really good dealing with your mood swings though. He knew when to give you space and is very assuring about everything you do.
Walking into the bathroom, you lifted your dress up and pulled your underwear down so fast, just to make sure you didn’t piss your pants. Immediately sitting on the toilet, you could feel some pressure in your uterus from the sudden and fast movements. Placing one hand on your stomach, you said “I’m sorry, baby. Mommy’s just making sure she doesn’t spring a leak on this god-awful linoleum floor. But I just want to let you know, that you need to get the fuck out of me.” Your voice got louder every word in your last sentiment.
“Is everything okay in there?” Jeff hollered from the other side of the dressing room.
“Yes, and please shut the fuck up. I’m concentrating!” you screamed back while rolling your eyes. Sitting on the toilet, you suddenly felt a huge wave of liquid pass through you. Knowing you didn’t put any pressure like you were pissing, your first instinct was to get up and look in the toilet. You immediately wiped yourself and threw that in the toilet. Spotting a little bit of blood and few solid pieces which resembled skin, you knew it was time. The time. Feeling a wave of panic and anxiety, you flushed the toilet, washed your hands, and called Jeff over to the front of the bathroom door. With a smile on his face, he dutifully walked towards you.
“What’s up, baby? Is everything okay? Is the baby okay?” he started questioning you. He could tell from the look on your face that something was happening.
“Okay, so don’t panic. That’s my first rule okay,” you whispered, making sure no one else was going to hear the next thing. “I believe that I’m in labor but like not too sure. But I think I am.” Seeing Jeff’s eyes go wide, you immediately covered his mouth with your hand. “Don’t you fucking say anything. Help me get in the tour bus and figure this out.” Threatening him wasn’t a part of the plan and you had to do what was necessary so no one else in the room heightened the panic.
Jeff took your hand and led you through what felt like endless rooms to the cool outside. While passing by people, you painted a smile on your face. The last thing you wanted was for someone to tweet that you were in labor. This whole pregnancy, you had been scared if any information would leak. Such as if the hospital was leaked and people put two-and-two together, that fans would show up. Finally reaching the bus, he grabbed both of your hands and walked you up the bus. You went to sit down onto the couch but instantly felt a contraction. People weren’t kidding when they said contractions were a bitch. As the contraction passed through your body, you finally sat yourself down with him right next to you.
“Not to be an insensitive asshole but I also have a show in like thirty minutes but we’re also having a baby! I’m gonna look up online how to stop labor for a little bit, just to buy us time.” Never have you ever shot him such a nasty ass look. You didn’t give a flying fuck about his show, you had a baby who just received their eviction notice.
“No! You can’t just web it the fuck up and expect it to stop!” you screamed. Out of everything he could’ve said during this stressful time, he decided to say that. Feeling another contraction, you threw your head backed and moaned at the pain. Looking at Jeff, you both just knew you two were in for one hell of a night, maybe even days. If there’s one thing you two understood was that you agreed on this together and knew you two have to work together to get this baby out.
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anthonyed · 4 years
I'll keep you warm, stevetony (fluff mayhaps?)
Anon, not gonna lie: I did the prompts in order so the one I did before this were angst and hurt/comfort respectively which made me forgot how to write fluff for a sec. Point is: before I wrote the actual (what I hope) fluff (above cut and some below), I wrote something that leans more to hurt/comfort/soft (some weird genre idk) and I’m including that under the cut just because.
Hope at least one of the below satisfies your fluff need, anon :) (from this list: "I'll keep you warm")
Steve is something else. 
Well, he's many things in the sense that you see or hear him do that and be like, yeah. That sounds like Steve. 
But then, there are other things he'd do and nobody would buy Tony when he says: "Steve did that! I swear, Pepper, I'm not exaggerating."
Like right now, coming into the workshop wrapped neck down in their comforter which -
"What are you doing?" Tony asks, jaw slack, voice high and airy in disbelief, mouth agape and eyes wide behind his safety goggles. 
Lucky for him, he created JARVIS when he was 21 and had a stroke of brilliance in the middle of an ugly grieving so he doesn't have to suffer a third-degree burn from a hot glue gun today. 
Steve though, he plops in front of Tony with his massive comforter wrapped form and burrows into it deeper, letting only baby blue eyes peek out like a damned mole - Jesus Christ - and he whines, "I'm cold."
Tony's mouth snaps close at one. His eyes narrow and he points the glue-gun at Steve. "You," he says, "You, you, you. I know exactly what you're doing."
But Steve is a stubborn, stubborn man. He makes sure he gets what he wants by the sheer force of his will if that's what he's left to give. Or maybe it's Tony who's a weak dumb man when it comes to Steve.
Either way, Steve purses his lips, bats his lashes and tilts his head at an angle. All the while looking at Tony with those baby blue puppy eyes and that's all it takes for Tony to drop the glue gun and groan into his hands. 
This is not fair! "Jarvis, I need this footage to show Pepper tomorrow morning," he says, standing up. 
Steve straightens up, letting his whole head pop out of the blanket burrito he'd wrapped himself in and Tony makes it a point to chuck his goggles with an extra dose of venom while glaring at him. 
"Captain America, they said. Prime man full of virtues, my ass. This!" he points at Steve's exaggerated innocent face. "This is not virtue. This is playing dirty."
"But I'm not Captain America," Steve grins, dropping the facade as he waddles clumsily behind Tony, marching out of the shop; the extra length of the comforter dragging like a tail behind him. "I'm Steve Rogers, making sure my boyfriend comes to bed on time."
Tony waits until they're inside the elevator to stare him up and down and he lets out a defeated sigh, "Still not fair."
Steve smiles, smug and well - he has a very good reason to be, no shit. "All is fair in love and war," he says, chest puffing out in pride.
"No," Tony draws the line. "You say that one more time and I'm going straight back to the shop."
The effect is instant like he'd flicked a switch and Steve goes from a smug bastard to his faux innocent puppy eyes burrowing into his comforter wrap.
"But I am cold." He mumbles into it, blinking up at Tony. "I need you to warm me up."
And the elevator door opens, but Tony has already made up his mind quicker. "Are you now?" He pouts back, cocking his head sideway, playing into whatever his boyfriend's doing.
But the wiggle to his lips betray his mischievous intent spectacularly and Steve's already one foot out of the elevator by the time Tony lunges for him. 
Super soldier and their super speed: "Come here, you!" Tony calls, breaking into a jog and God forbid, he'd lived close to half a century of his life; Steve even worse, but also not. He's 33 if they're counting out the years he'd spent in the ice. Still old enough to not run but he is; bolting into their shared bedroom like the devil himself is at his tail, chuckles like chiming bells following his path. 
And no, Tony thinks, after the first few feet. He refuses to play chase at this age, but not so much to tickling Steve in the bed once he'd caught up. Asking, "You want me to keep you warm? Huh? Is that what you want? I'll keep you warm. Come here, you big blonde cheat." 
All the while Steve's laughing into the pile of comforter he'd shed as soon as he'd accomplished his mission, twitching with every poke and jab to his flanks.
"Uncle!" He gasps. "Uncle, uncle, uncle!"
And Tony lets him go. Breath heaving as he rolls off of Steve, brushing hair out of his eyes. "You asked for this." He tells his panting boyfriend; red in the face, hair mussed, spilling soft all over his face and he looks so precious that Tony has to just cup his face and smack a kiss on his grinning mouth.
"You win," he admits, rolling out of the bed and peeling off his shirt, letting it fall in a lump on the floor as he walks to the bathroom to brush his teeth. 
"This time!" He shouts back just to make it clear, so Steve doesn't get any wild ideas about fooling Tony again in the future.
He thinks he hears a faint "Every single time," but promptly decides to ignore that. 
-//- vers 2 -//-
“Come here,” Steve says, stretched out in bed looking expectant like everything’s perfect.
Any other time, Tony would have leaped at the chance. He’s never been a guy for picket fences and happy endings but sitting in one of Barton’s kid’s rooms changes perspective. 
If you look out the window, you can see the barn cum garage and Tony’s been there earlier this afternoon, checking on their tractor, speaking with Fury about stuff and he’d came out of there for hours now but there was a thought he had when he was still inside: 
Wood fire is great; Steve could chop the logs and I can work the tractor. We’ll have to discuss who cooks dinner, and there’ll be a kid, a boy running around calling for us, maybe. One day - Maybe.
And that thought’s still swimming in his head. 
The thing is, they’re still raw from battle. Just hours ago, they’d almost had a fight (if not for Mrs Barton) and now, Steve’s here on a single bed pretending like that didn’t happen, calling Tony for a cuddle.
“I’m fine.” He says, turning back to the gauntlet he's fiddling with under a low table lamp, straining his eyes behind his glasses.
It’s late summer but something about the secluded farmhouse in the middle of nowhere makes the wind chiller. And his body responds with a shiver when a draft passes by. He looks up, checks the window and he knows it’s closed tight; he did that a minute ago. 
“Tony,” Steve sighs, sounding closer than before and when he looks up, he’s right; Steve is closer, he’s sitting on the edge of the bed now - Didn’t even hear him move, which is a surprise, so Tony looks at the bed frame, wondering what material it’s made of. 
“Tony,” Steve calls again. Softer.
He looks up. Steve looks weary, but he strains to smile. “Come to bed,” he says. “You need rest.”
And Tony knows he does, but- 
But, he doesn’t deserve to rest. He is the reason why all this happened - is happening - in the first place. He caused this - How can he rest?
He goes back to the gauntlet.
And he forgets just how stubborn Steve is until he feels a hand on his shoulder. Then another lands over his, before he can even turn around, to pry the gauntlet from his fingers. “Come on,” Steve says, pressing the words into his temple.
With one hand, he frees the tiny wrench from Tony’s grip while he holds Tony’s head to his mouth with the other, pressing a kiss and he combs his hair back, leaning away, looking into Tony’s eyes when a shiver wrecks down Tony’s spine.
“It’s kinda cold tonight,” he smiles, soft eyes tempting like whiskey on a lonely evening, “Warm me up?” and Tony has to roll his eyes at that.
“What are you? 12?” he snorts. “Is this how you flirt, because Rogers you better count your lucky stars you landed me for your boyfriend. I let you get away with this. Anyone else, I doubt they will.”
“I got blue eyes and blonde hair,” Steve shrugs and it’s lame; Tony knows what he’s doing, knows it’s working, but it’s not like he’s fighting against Steve’s efforts, anyway.
They’re lame; could be better. But it’s past midnight in some unregistered region on earth and they’re tired from fighting his own creation, tired of arguing; it's a picket fence farm with children and everything feels like fairy dreams here. 
Tony doesn’t do fairy dreams but Steve makes him want to. He makes him think: maybe - one day. 
Maybe that’s why he lets Steve have that satisfaction of pulling him up to his feet and onto the bed.
Maybe that’s why he lets Steve tuck his head under his chin and says, “I’ll keep you warm, super soldier.”
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thepropertylovers · 3 years
The Day We Had All to Ourselves
It’s something that happens so rarely, I feel the need to document it almost every time that it does.
PJ’s mom came and scooped up the kiddos the other morning so we could make the 30 minute drive to Chattanooga to pick up some hardwood floors for Holiday House (!) that had arrived the week before. While we were there, we decided to make the most of it just being the two of us and go downtown to eat with my sister and her girlfriend and it was just the sort of carefree, whatever happens happens afternoon that we haven’t had in honestly…years it feels like.
Maybe I’m being dramatic? I don’t know, but I do know it was fun and felt like, for an afternoon, we didn’t have a million deadlines or things to do other than what we were doing right then and there.
The real reason we had to go downtown in the first place was to get fitted for our tuxes for my brother’s wedding next month. We’re both in the wedding (I’m the best man!) and after several “Would you please just go get your tuxes we are running out of time” texts from my brother, we finally are able to check this off of the to do list. PJ always looks so handsome in a suit (and who am I kidding, in shorts and a friggin t-shirt), so I cant wait to see him on the big day. Also! The kids are in the wedding, which means we get to pick out cute clothes for them to wear, too, which has become our favorite thing to do here lately.
Why is shopping for kids clothes way more fun than shopping for yourself?
We ended up having to walk quite a ways from the car to the restaurant to meet Sydney and her girlfriend due to the fact that I didn’t calculate how far of a walking distance we were from it, but it was kind of fun to take a stroll through downtown Chattanooga and have a change of scenery. Chattanooga is by no means a huge city, but it is the 4th largest in Tennessee and it’s growing every year, and seeing all the changes that have happened within the last year on our way to eat (new buildings, restaurants, parks) was kind of neat.
It helped that it was a gorgeous day. Hot, like, extremely hot, and humid of course, and I don’t know why I decided to wear pants, but it was a beautiful day nonetheless.
We ate at one of my sister’s favorite spots called Mr. Burrito. She kept saying how good it was and she was right: it did not disappoint. Look how big the burritos were!!! And the spicy cheese dip was everything. Highly recommend checking it out if you’re looking for a yummy place to eat with fresh ingredients (they make the food right in front of you).
After we finished, we headed back home and went to the farm to get as much work done as we could for a few hours. PJ has been working on the garden that Dixie started last month and it’s starting to look so good! And yes, the man doesn’t stop working as long as he’s awake, especially when it feels like there’s always so much to do. Maybe one day we’ll decide to just stop and take it easy, but I don’t think that will be anytime soon :).
It was a good day, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss the kids by the time we got to the farm. It’s always such a weird feeling when they’re not with us for whatever reason. It’s nice to have some alone time outside the regular hours of them sleeping at night or during nap time in the day, but I did find myself missing the sound of their laughter at random parts throughout the day. Still, I know how important and essential making time for just the two of us is.
When we left the restaurant, my sister texted me to tell me how much fun she had. She said, “Thank y’all so much for eating with me. I miss it just being us. Obviously wouldn’t trade the kids for anything, but I do miss us.” Isn’t that so sweet? Sydney is obsessed with the kids, especially little sis, and will FaceTime me almost every day (usually right in the middle of her shift at work!) just to see them, but it hasn’t been just us in a few years now, and we haven’t gone out to eat with her, just her, in whoknowshowlong, so I get what she’s saying.
Life has changed so much just in the last two years, and I always say it’s hard to remember what we did with our time before our kiddos, but it’s nice to get little glimpses of what it was now and then and be grateful for what our life used to look like and for what it looks like now. I think it’s possible to do both and enjoy the beauty (or try to, at least) of each season of life that we’re in.
PS: you can see the day in video form in our newest vlog here!
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raging-violets · 3 years
ShadowStar: Chapter 2
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Chapter Two
It’d been a week and there was no sign on the horizon that they were going to get back to their Earth anytime soon. Barry did everything he could to try and re-create the circumstances that had sent them from their Earth to…whatever Earth they were on. However, he quickly realized pushing himself wasn’t going to do anything to help their plight. If they were going to figure out how to get back, it would take time to do so.
So, to Brady’s mild horror, they settled into Blue Valley, Nebraska. Found a house to rent (it seemed that the Nash name still meant a lot while on another Earth), went out and got some new clothes, started to acclimate. And Brady was bored. There was nothing to do in Blue Valley; sure, it was picturesque, sure he knew there was barely a chance to getting back to the life they knew. But he missed his friends, missed his old life. Wondered and worried about what would happen the longer they were gone.
Nevertheless, he knew he didn’t have a choice but to sit and wait. It wasn’t like Cadence hadn’t tried to teleport back to the other Earth, her powers hadn’t worked to get them though, either. As if there was some sort of block that was keeping her from moving. Brady’s own powers, his phasing powers, weren’t strong enough to get him to another Earth, even before being stuck there.
So, he took to figuring out what it was that Blue Valley had to offer while his parents went to crate a life for them. And there was nothing. Blue Valley was as much of a ‘normal’, ‘picturesque’ town as anyone could say it was. Like living the ‘American Dream’ as he’d heard in many history classes. There was one movie theater, one drive-in, a few restaurants, a few stores. Nothing that would have a bunch of teenagers so entertained. He bet there were a lot of house parties with no supervision.
Not that it was a problem, Barry always seemed to be uneasy when it came to Brady going to parties. (Probably because Barry hadn’t been to many when he was a teen). But Brady was fifteen and needed to find some creative outlet to handle his boredom that didn’t include his powers and being found out as a meta.
Too bad he didn’t have any friends or parties to go to.
So, for that week, he moped around the house, finding what was new on the Earth they were stuck on. (Apparently, the Kardashians weren’t famous on that Earth, and that was alright with him). He was about to start another day on the computer and play video games when he saw a sheet of paper sitting at his spot at the kitchen table.
He picked it up and lifted an eyebrow toward his mother, who bustled around the kitchen making breakfast. He snorted quietly and asked, brandishing the sheet, “You enrolled me into school here?”
“Yep,” Cadence replied, popping the ‘p’ on the single syllable word. She lifted her gaze, noticing her son still staring at him and asked with a chuckle, “What did you think you were going to do? Stay home and play video games all day?” Cadence gave Brady a sharp look when his eyebrows rose. “You’re not staying home and playing video games all day.”
Brady scowled, mostly annoyed she’d managed to read his mind, as she did practically every day. (Enough so he was starting to wonder if she managed to manifest it with her meta abilities. But he hadn’t known any other firestarters to be able to do that). “There’s such a thing as homeschooling,” he pointed out.
Cadence smirked, folding her arms. “Do you want to try and sit still as Barry tries to explain your lessons to you?”
Brady’s upper lip cured. Yeah, that was a stupid idea. Barry could hardly keep from rambling when he didn’t know something. And when he did… “What about online school?”
“You need the social interaction.”
Brady snorted. “Is that what people told you when you were pregnant with me?”
Cadence pretended to think. Her words dripped with sarcasm when she finally responded. “Well, I know you didn’t have ears by that point, so you probably couldn’t hear it when people called me a slut and a whore and said I threw away my future.” Cadence smirked. “You know I don’t care much for other people’s opinions on how I raise you.”
“How about my opinions on how you raise me?”
“Don’t be such a teenager, Brady.”
“I can’t help it.” He smiled.
Cadence smiled back. “It’s called getting acclimated.”
“It’s called being forced to go to school against my will.” Brady watched as his mom left the kitchen and went to the living room where Barry sat in front of his laptop, staring intently at it. He followed her. She sat next to huer husband, who barely reacted when she joined him. “I’m sure there’re laws about that.”
“Not as bad as the laws of me not sending you to school.” Cadence’s voice turned firm. “Nice try, bud. You’re going to Blue Valley High.”
“But…” Brady’s words died on his lips as he sighed, unsure of how to explain that if they got ‘acclimated’, it meant they were staying.
Though, he was sure from the look on his mother’s face she already knew that. His mom and Barry didn’t fight much, they’d gotten better with their communication over the years. But even Brady couldn’t ignore the low rumblings of their argument from the night before when they thought he’d been asleep.
Blue Valley High it is.
Besides, he didn’t quite know what was worse, the idea of having to deal with the social hierarchy of high school or the try to figure out what was keeping them stuck on another Earth.
Either option didn’t seem very fun.
Courtney couldn’t get out of Pat’s car fast enough. She was practically clawing at the doors when Mike went on and on about his boredom and not liking Blue Valley High. Became even worse with the sound of his chomping and chewing on his breakfast burrito, gabbing all the way while dropping him off at the Middle School. And even that was marginally better than having to deal with if she let her mom drive her to school.
It’d be nothing but reassurances of being the new kid isn’t so bad. That Blue Valley High was great. That she had all those wonderful memories of going there herself. Ugh. The very last thing Courtney wanted or needed.
So, when Pat’s car pulled up at the front of the school, Courtney clambered out as quickly as she could. Fast enough she could breathe a sigh of relief. But not so fast that she wasn’t able to escape Pat’s attempt at talking to her. At trying to be a father-figure to her. She tried tuning him out, texting her friends from home.
But he talked and talked. Something about him moving around a lot, his father having been in the army, him having not many friends. Something. She wasn’t paying much attention. Well, enough attention to tell him to leave her alone and that she was talking to someone.
He respected her wishes for silence…until he gave her a hearty, “Hey, have a super great day!” the second she got out the car.
Courtney cringed, shoulders coming up to her ears when she saw all eyes turn her way in a brief, sweeping glance. Dismissive. She slammed the door behind her, wondering if anyone hard that embarrassing display of affection. When it appeared that no one was paying too close attention to her, she sighed, shoulders slumping as she relaxed. Okay. Good.
First impression wasn’t ruined yet.
She could do this.
She could handle it.
She could…find her way to the main office…maybe.
Courtney’s eyes trailed over the students that walked in front of her, streaming into the school. Studied their flannels, long sleeves, hoodies, long pants…all so different from California. Back home, she’d still be wearing her shorts and crop tops, the weather wouldn’t have turned even remotely cold. Now, she was in a green jacket, a white t-shirt with a cherry print on the front (her favorite shirt, actually), and a pair of blue jeans.
She looked…like she fit in.
With a light sigh, Courtney walked into Blue Valley High, eyes scanning the faces and places as she went. Finally, she went into what looked like the correct office; there were lines of students sitting on a stool to get their pictures taken, and others that appeared they were being given their schedules. The second Courtney stepped through the door, she was swept through line after line, giving her name after a slight hesitation.
A paper was thrust in her hands, which she quickly glanced over, before a fast-moving, teacher ushered her toward the stool where everyone was getting their pictures taken. Her eyebrows came together when she noticed a spot missing. Something she’d looked over time and time again on the school’s website, the only thing that was keeping her hope alive about having to move.
“Uh, excuse me?” She asked tentatively. “I think there might’ve been a mistake with my schedule. I was supposed to have been signed up for gymnastics.”
The teacher gently shook her head. “Sweetie, we don’t have a gymnastics team here.”
Then what was it that she was looking at time and time again? With girls who were so bendy Courtney didn’t know where their tops started and their bottoms ended. They were definitely more flexible than she was, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t get there. Did she imagine all of that in her wish to stay in California?
“But it was on your website!” Courtney exclaimed. She followed the teacher’s instruction once more, perching on the stool, dropping her backpack to the floor. “Blue Valley High has a gymnastics team!”
“And we did…last year.” The teacher waver for Courtney to stop slouching as she ducked behind a computer. “But the academic and athletic programs have been recalibrated by the American Dream for optimal participation by the students and the faculty.”
Courtney lifted an eyebrow. “I…have no idea what any of that means.”
“There are plenty other after school activities,” the teacher said. She set her coffee mug down and moved to stand behind the camera, readying it. Her eyes lit up seconds later.  “How about cheerleading? That’s basically gymnastics! Plus, boys love cheerleaders.”
Courtney couldn’t help the face she made. Boys love cheerleaders? Is she serious? The thought barely crossed her mind before a blinding flash went off in her face. And seconds before she heard a light snickering behind her that made her realize someone had heard and was…laughing at her?
Annoyed, Courtney looked over her shoulder to see a boy about her age; shaggy blonde-brown hair that fell into blue-green eyes. Eyes that appeared to shine with as much mirth as the side of his turned-up mouth showed. There wasn’t anything too remarkable about him, he wore the same as any boy her age; gray t-shirt under a black button down and jeans, a bag slung over his shoulder. The disinterested look that any teenager would have, flickered through his eyes.
He noticed her look his way and lifted an eyebrow. Courtney rolled her eyes and turned away. She got up from the stool, curled her upper lip at her new photo ID, and stuck it in her pocket. She swung out into the crowded hallway once more, nearly leaping out of her skin when a girl with white-black hair and a curly haired girl suddenly appeared behind her.
“Hey new girl!” The white-black haired girl said with ease.
“Hi…” Courtney said slowly. Her eyes shifted over the two. Clearly, they were the two popular girls, or else the first one was, and her curly haired friend was her sidekick. Why else would she quicken her pace to try and keep pace with the other two.
“I’m Cindy.” The girl smiled the tiniest bit. “This is Jenny.”
“Courtney,” She introduced herself, still watching the two closely. She blinked in surprise when Cindy shrugged and gave a quick, “I know,” in response. As if she actually did know. And…how could she have known?
“So you’re from California?” Jenny asked.
Courtney’s eyes shifted back and forth. How’d they know that? Duh, Courtney, you’re new. People try to figure these things out all the time. They like to know everything about the new kid. “Yeah…”
“So, we should all hang out.” Cindy said it so finitely, so definitely that Courtney couldn’t help but feel a little kick of excitement. Maybe this was it. Maybe she was going to be able to make friends in that…slow paced hell hole sooner than she thought.
“Uh, yeah, sure!”
“Cool, I’ll text you.”
“My number is—”
“—I already have it—”
Courtney blinked in surprise, once again. Knowing where she was from, that wasn’t hard. Anyone who looked at her car’s license plate, they would’ve seen they were from California. And Blue Valley would’ve been slow enough that people would pay close attention—especially with how many people continued to wave at them. (No one was that nice!). “—How do you have my—”
“—don’t worry about it!” Cindy waved her off. Then, seconds later, she was back to her perky self and said, “Hey, you should try out for cheerleading, I’m team captain and I’m looking for a new second. I need someone who can do the splits.”
“Thanks.” Courtney sighed, feeling the annoyance shoot through her stomach once more. “But, cheerleading’s not really my thing…” She trailed off the second Cindy stopped walking. There wasn’t any outward change with Cindy, but there seemed to be a sudden chill that hung through the air. Hung between them.
A glacier that slowly but surely rocked the waves and wedged its way between them.
“Wait, so…you don’t want to hang out?” Cindy asked. Courtney thought for a moment, trying to figure out what it was that she’d said to make things get ruined so quickly. Just when she was about to turn things around. “What? No, that’s…that’s not what I was saying—”
“—So then I’ll text you!” Cindy smiled then it immediately dropped. She tipped her head to the side. Her eyes narrowed a fraction of an inch, flashed briefly. “Or, maybe not! Bye!”
Courtney sighed, watching her walk away. Her shoulders slumped, the weight of her sliding backpack nearly knocking her to the ground as she did so. She slung it back up her shoulder and gasped, nearly knocking into the guy who had just been laughing at her.
“Oh! I’m sorry!”
“No problem.” He waved her off, still going down the hallway. “I didn’t feel a thing.”
Courtney’s eyebrows furrowed. She watched him as he walked by, looked at her bag, then back to him. Her eyes narrowed.
Was it her imagination…or did the bag pass through him?
Calm down, Courtney. This place is weird, but not that weird.
When the day ended, Courtney wanted nothing more than to text her friends about everything that happened. But they were in California time and who knew how long it would take for them to respond. First there was Pat being cringey, then there was no gymnastics team, then Cindy picked her up and dropped her off before she could even begin to have friends. Then there was the incident at lunch…where she was trying to help the girl at her lunch table from being slut shamed and bullied from the jerks in the letterman jackets.
He’d tried to take her phone and…Courtney had never been one to sit back and let people be bullied. So…she grabbed her phone back and shoved him…and landed in detention for it. Who got detention just for shoving someone? And her phone was taken away because of it, where it sat on the teacher’s desk as punishment. Like that was supposed to be a big thing, that they couldn’t hold onto their phones for a few hours. But…it just reminded her of how little she had to hold onto, for excitement and things to look forward to.
And, finally, when she was let out of detention, she’d missed the bus. All she could do was watch as it slowly drove out of sight. With no way of knowing how he was going to get home. And the last thing she was going to do was call Pat to drive her home, where she’d have to deal with his trying to be ‘father of the year’ and pry into her life. Couldn’t he be like all the other normal fathers and leave her alone and make her mom deal with everything? And stop being so…bumbling?
Well, I guess that is like all other fathers, Courtney reminded herself. You just really wouldn’t know. Reaching up, she used both hands to brush her hair back from her face while letting out the biggest sigh she could muster. Turning, she looked back to the school, wondering if there was going to be another bus coming. Her eyes leveled and, within seconds, she recognized the boy lounging on the steps in front of her, watching her curiously.
The same one she’d seen all day; the one who laughed at her, who she’d hit with her backpack, who’d been nearby in the cafeteria when she shoved that bully and there he was after school!
All at once, Courtney felt all the day’s frustrations hit her. “Who are you?” She demanded. “Why are you stalking me?” Courtney demanded. He looked startled for a moment, then annoyed. Courtney frowned, noticing he didn’t answer her questions. “What is your name?”
“Brady Nash,” he replied, continuing to lounge on the steps, legs stretched out. He worked a yo-yo in his hand, shooting it straight out in front of him then back into his palm without looking. He shot it in an around the world motion then looked back up at her. “And I’m not stalking you. I think they have new students have similar schedules.”
For a moment, Courtney felt her cheeks flush. That’d make sense. “You’re new, too?”
Brady made what was a cross between a smirk and a snort. She was starting to hate that. “I’m always new.”
Tag List: @darknightfrombeyond​ @hogwarts-is-my-wonderland​ @foxesandmagic​ @ben-bcrnes​ @witchofinterest​ @jerigoats​ @perfectlystiles​ @itsjustgracy​ @codenamekryptonite​ @ochub​ @ocappreciationtag​ @arrowverseocs​​
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Commission: Idia x Oc
Alright kids I have been working on this one for a little while now and I really hope ya’ll enjoy it. This work was commissioned by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous but they came up with the OC (Talia) and idea. I had lots of fun writing this! 
Tags: soft vore, oral vore, safe vore, accidental vore, stuffing kink, belly kink, burp kink
   Talia giggled at the look on her boyfriend's face. His eyes were wide with slight disbelief and surprise, and his lips quirked up to create an excited smile. The takeout bags that she had carried in seemed to draw his interest almost immediately after he laid eyes on them. She soon found out why when a loud grumble emitted from his stomach, making his face flush with embarrassment. He tried to ignore his noisy stomach by asking her what was in the bags. Talia set the bags down and took out a few containers of take out. She always went overboard when it came to buying food for her boyfriend who had a nasty (not really though) habit of stuffing himself to the brim. 
  “How’s it going?” Talia asked calmly. “I’m great actually. My guild just reached the next map and we leveled up again!” Idia always became more open when talking about his games. It was cute to see him light up so Talia would let him ramble for hours about his games even if she didn’t understand them. She listened to him talk while pulling out the takeout boxes and organized everything so it was easy to reach but wouldn’t fall off the bed. Idia trailed off as his stomach let out another loud gurgle, insisting that he fill it now. He smiled shyly and pulled the box of cheese and chicken quesadillas closer to him. Talia snatched one to munch on when he first opened the box and received a fake glare from the introverted teen. She ate her meal quickly, hoping that if she did she would get to watch her boyfriend chow down afterwards.
   The takeout she had ordered had not been able to fit in one bag but came in three as there was enough to feed a family of six comfortably for nearly half a week of dinners. Six containers of quesadillas filled with gooey cheese and well seasoned chicken took up one bag which was seated closest to the gamer. The next bag contained two boxes of tacos, four hardshell in each, stuffed with beef, lettuce, beans, chicken, guacamole and topped with sour cream, cheese, and cilantro. This bag also held two large bowls with plastic lids. They had rice and beans inside with sides of sour cream. The last bag had two cardboard boxes each with a well stuffed burrito inside. To top it all off she had also bought three bottles of sprite and a box of ten churros.
   As a nonhuman it was easier for Idia to down almost three times as much food as the average growing teenage boy. The fact that his body ran really hot only helped since most of the food was melted as soon as it landed in his gut anyways. When Talia finished her meal she attempted to distract herself futilely with cleaning up her dishes.
   It was hard not to glance over as Idia picked up the first quesadilla and held it up to his mouth. He opened wide and took half the large triangle in one bite. Cheese stretched from where he bit so he stuck his tongue out to maneuver the access goods into his mouth. He chewed a bit and swallowed, a large lump protruding from his neck, before cramming the rest of the piece into his mouth and reaching for another.  
   She watched with rapt attention as her boyfriend continued to down each cheesy triangle until there were only 3 boxes of them left. Her eyes widened as her boyfriend lifted 3 pieces stacked on eachother, folded them and all but stuffed them in his mouth before swallowing noisily. His stomach gurgled in greeting the new mass of food as Idia caught his breath. Soon he was reaching for the next three and ate them in the same fashion.
   He grunted and rubbed his neck as he finished off the last few quesadillas and reached for the bag with the sodas in it and pulled out the first bottle. It hissed as he popped the cap off and foamed as he tipped it back and guzzled the first half. The gamer pulled the rim from his lips and gasped, making a face of slight pain. 
   Another side effect of Idia’s intense body heat meant that liquids were nearly always turned into steam as soon as they reached his stomach. Apparently he could absorb all the H2O he needed from the steam in his belly but with things like soda since there was virtually no health benefit they simply just filled him up with air. 
   Talia always enjoyed this part about him because even after he had stopped drinking the fizzy liquid his stomach would continue to bloat and expand as the soda was turned into a gas. He overestimated how much he could drink because of this and often ended up with a painful gut that’s only remedy was to release all of the air. Idia bit his lip and pressed a hand against his hidden but also noticeably distended stomach before letting out a few thick belches.
   Each one was relatively long and loud but they were nothing compared to what Idia could produce and has produced after a full stuffing. Still The blonde squirmed in her seat and made a small squeak of excitement when they came to an end. “Aahh, uurf. Sorry about that.” Idia said as he pulled the boxes of burritos towards him and popped the first one open. Talia blushed at the crass behavior her boyfriend only ever let out when he was eating.
  It was then that Talia remembered the box of chocolates that she was given as a makeup gift for Floyd bumping into her and ruining her latest science project. The box was filled with an assortment of different kinds of truffles all decorated elegantly. They looked delicious but she couldn’t help but be suspicious. Azul had said they were a “special kind of treat” after all and with those three she never knew whether that was a good thing or a bad thing.
   Idia paused his eating and looked up at her before swallowing thickly and pointing at the box of truffles. “What are those?” Talia chuckled softly at her boyfriend’s sweet tooth made an appearance once again. “They were a gift from the Octavinelle boys because Floyd accidentally ruined my science project.”
“The one Mr Crewel gave out?”
“Oof” he cringed at the thought of having to redo that assignment but at least Talia had gotten some candy out of it. “So can I have some?” He said as innocently as possible while leaning over to get a better look. She rolled her eyes playfully, “Only if you finish dinner first. I didn’t spend my hard earned money on this for you to skip straight to dessert again.” Idia sat back up and began wolfing down more food faster than before. 
   Talia smiled shyly as she felt a blush creep up onto her face. Why did she find it hot when he ate? He was just picking up the first bottle of soda when Talia decided to try a truffle that looked particularly good. She bit into it and moaned at the flavor. Creamy chocolate mixed with a dark cherry with a hint of bitterness swirled around in her mouth. Idia looked over when he heard her and blushed at the look of bliss on her face. Now he really wanted one.
   He frowned and pouted a bit before deciding to regain her attention with something that always worked quite well. He reached over and grabbed a two liter and smirked before twisting the cap off and noticed Talia’s flinch of acknowledgement when she heard the familiar hiss.
   Tipping the soda bottle back, Idia made sure to gulp down the soda noisily to grab her attention. Talia looked up and swallowed before biting her lip as she watched the amount of soda in the bottle dwindle at an insane rate. The bottle crinkled and sucked inwards as Idia drained the last few drops before he pulled it from his lips and placed it back on the bed. 
A long rumbling belch ripped past his lips and filled the room with the smell of his mexican dinner. He pressed a hand against his now fairly large gut to help press more of the eruction out. 
“Haaah… oooh… That was pretty good…” He panted to get his breath back and reached over to the first box of tacos. Talia shifted as she watched him grin lazily at the next taco and open up to bite through the stuffed shell. She knew her face was a blazing red after the display of gluttony and shamelessness, but couldn’t bring herself to care as Idia crammed another taco past his blue lips, making his cheeks bulge and stretch to accommodate the quantity of food.
   She could have watched him eat all night imagining herself being the one he pushed into that dark, slimy chasm, but it seemed life had other plans. A strange feeling suddenly shot up one of her arms. She flinched and rubbed at it, but the feeling wouldn’t go away. It happened again with the other arm and as she was turning to look at that one it was almost as if someone had suddenly dunked her whole body in icy water. Pain bloomed across her skin before fading into numbness. She shouted and instinctively
grabbed onto Idia before the sensations reached her brain and everything seemed to drizzle together.
   It was a few moments before the abstract painting of her surroundings came into focus again, but she wasn’t quite sure it worked all the way because everything she looked at was huge. She sat up still dizzy and recognised in her ringing ears that someone was speaking. She shook her head as if to clear water from her ears and felt them pop a bit before she heard Idia asking if she was alright.
   Standing up Talia yawned and started to tell him she was fine. When he came into view however it was apparent that she wasn’t fine after all. Idia was ginormous. He towered over her and she yelped in surprise, falling backwards. Never in her entire life had Talia ever imagined that she would fall off a taco and into whatever sauce came with the meal they had been eating. Not that it wasn’t just delightful to swim in thick ooze that smelled like spices. She gripped the edge of the container and attempted to catch her breath. 
   “OH MY GOD YOU’RE TINY!” Idia panicked and grabbed her by the back of her shirt and lifted her into his palm. “Woah! You’re the size of a mouse!” Talia flinched at the volume of his voice and covered her ears. “Oh oh sorry. You must be more sensitive to sound now that you're so small.” She picked herself up and momentarily stared at the giant that was her boyfriend. He was holding her relatively close to his face so she could see on the same level as him but all of his features were much larger than before. His eyes, his nose, his mouth… “Oh wow…” His lips were usually very thin and formed a small pout but when he ate his mouth became a huge gaping hole that she couldn’t help but stare at. If she could get him to open his mouth for her she might just die and go to heaven.
   “Hey are you alright? What happened?” Idia looked down at her with concerned eyes so she pushed the sauce out of her eyes and took a few steps forward. “It seems that Octavinelle thought it would be amusing to shrink me and yes I am ok. Just covered in sauce is all.” He made a small o with his mouth and grabbed a napkin. “Here I can help you… uh… wipe...um yeah” He stumbled over his words as he gently stroked the napkin across her body with his fingers. Being one handed was kind of hard for him though and one stroke was a little too hard. Talia fell backwards with a yelp and Idia quickly sputtered out an apology. 
   “It’s fine. Honestly though licking me clean would be faster.” She huffed. Idia froze and stared down at her with an unreadable expression. “Oh-oh… I-I mean… all I meant was-” She was cut off by Idia’s tongue licking a long stripe up her side. When he pulled back Talia flushed and put her face in her hands. Oh man! Why did that feel so good? “D-d… do it again…” The blush on Idia’s face darkened and he leaned down again to delicately slide his smooth tongue over Talia’s cheek. She squirmed and whimpered. It came to Idia that if he teased her she would squirm more so he sucked in a deep breath and in a low husky voice he whispered to her.
   “It’s surprising how well the sauce tastes with you, although I have to say I like your natural flavor much more.” His stomach did turns with nervousness but calmed when she let out a small moan. He chuckled and continued to clean the sauce off of her with his tongue. When he finished he pulled back and let her stumble to her feet.
   Talia stood on shaky legs and tried to process the fact that this was reality. She looked up at Idia who opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a low rumble from his stomach. She giggled and asked him if he was still hungry. “Always, but that can wait until we figure out how to get you back to normal.” He looked down at her with concern. Talia shifted her stance and bit her lip. “Well I um… I was wondering… Maybe you uh… I could…” Idia smiled lovingly and found himself totally captured by how cute a tiny flustered version of his girlfriend. “I WANT TO KEEP FEEDING YOU EVEN THOUGH I AM REALLY SMALL!” Her sudden burst surprised him but he held back a laugh when she immediately buried her face in her hands. 
   It was just too cute he couldn’t resist. Idia leaned down again and pressed his lips against her cheek gently in an almost nonexistent kiss. She yelped and If she could flush more she would. “Yeah that sounds really nice” Idia said with embarrassment. He held up the taco for her and tried not to coo at how adorable she looked when ripping a piece of lettuce so she could feed it to him. She walked over to the edge of his palm and he opened his mouth slightly, sticking out his tongue to receive the food. She stared for a moment before looking up at him. “I wanna check your teeth.”
   Ever since she first saw them Talia wanted to check Idia’s teeth. She wanted to become a dentist someday so when she saw a row of jagged fangs that were usually hidden behind blue lips she almost shrieked in surprise and happiness. Since that day her greatest dream was to check his mouth and teeth. After they got together it was even harder to resist looking at his mouth anytime he opened it even a fraction. Not only because those sharp pearly whites were on display, but the mouth hidden behind them was enticing in a way that was far too much to just be a wannabe dentists fascination. Now that she was presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity to actually be up and personal with his teeth and mouth she couldn’t resist asking to take a look around.
   Idia was definitely caught off guard by her sudden declaration but unsurprised by the content of her demand. He did blush though and “eep” when he realized what that meant. “D-do you really want-” “yes! Yes I want to!” Talia was determined to make the most of this situation and that included getting in her boyfriend's mouth. He nodded nervously and pulled his hand up to his mouth. 
   He opened as wide as he could to give her the full view of his gaping mouth. She stood and stared at the dark cavern. It had pink fleshy walls coated in sticky saliva. The teeth in front were long and jagged and rimmed the soft muscle on the inside. His tongue was long and curious as it lifted slightly in response to her gaze. Long strands of liquid ropes stretched and snapped as he spread his jaws. She dragged her sight to the back of his mouth where a drop hidden by darkness invited her to come closer. She shivered and swallowed thickly. 
   Glancing back up at her too large boyfriend, Talia put her hands out and gripped the first sharp tooth, careful not to slice her palms. She stepped over the row of dangerous daggers where his tongue met her in a way that reminded her oddly of Kalim’s magic carpet. “Woah…” she breathed out as she was encased in humid heat and the smell of spicy mexican food with a hint of sweetness from the soda. 
   “Are you alright?” Came the voice of Idia’s ipad. Talia turned on her hands and knees and felt his tongue shift underneath her. “Never been better, but I think I see something stuck in here. I’m gonna need a second.” There was nothing in Idia’s teeth but the lie slipped easily from her mouth. Damn she thought my horniness has me lying to my boyfriend. She couldn’t find any feelings of guilt though as she gazed around his mouth.
   Shakily she stood on her feet and pressed her hands against the roof of his mouth to steady herself. He flinched and let out a noise of surprise causing her to slip and fall back on his tongue. She groaned as she felt his saliva seep through her clothes. Talia flipped herself over and froze. The back of his throat was so close and here she was just sitting her completely at his mercy. The girl knew that Idia would never do that on purpose but she couldn’t help the thrill that zinged through her at the idea.
   You see life sometimes has those moments where it acts as you think about something. Occasionally it works in your favor but most of the time it works against you. Life finds it entirely too amusing when people struggle to grasp the situation after it throws a curveball their way. This was one of those moments. 
   Ortho slammed open the door and Talia barely heard him say “Hey big brother-” before powerful jaws snapped shut and she was pushed, headfirst, to the dark cliff at the back of the throat. Slimy walls pulsed around her as she slid down a sticky tube where she felt pressure from all sides. It took a solid ten seconds to realize she was being swallowed, but her reaction was prevented by the feeling of her body being shoved through a ring of tense muscle. She landed in a semi solid-semi liquidated pool of food and layed panting in the dark. Her brain was slow to process what just happened, but her eyes went wide and she sat up when it caught up. Her boyfriend had swallowed her.
      The second the door opened Idia felt himself jump. Ortho pushed his way into the shy teens room and started to speak. Idia didn’t hear him however because when he jumped his mouth had closed and he had instinctively swallowed. Immediately panic shot through him as he realized he had just swallowed his girlfriend. Before he could do anything, though, he slumped and moaned as her form slid down his throat. He vaguely registered Ortho placing Talia’s notes on the ground near the door and leaving. The robotic boy had caught his brother in many strange situations so the event hardly bothered him. Idia sighed when he felt the large lump end it’s travels in his stomach before sitting up harshly with a yelp.
   “OH MY GOD! I AM SO SORRY! BABY? BABY! ARE YOU ALIVE?” The thundering voice of her boyfriend snapped Talia out of her astonishment and she quickly stood, ignoring how her feet sank like she was standing in mud. “Idia. Idia! Idia calm down, I’m fine!” He continued to panic and thrash about. The blonde felt herself flung against the walls of her fleshy prison. “I’m fine Idia but you need to stop moving I’m gonna get hurt!” She yelled.
  Idia froze and looked down at his bloated stomach. “Ok ok… umm… I’m sorry. W-what are we going to do now though?” He stuttered. Talia looked up towards where the voice came from. “Well for now I could...um… Stay here.” Idia’s jaw dropped before he remembered that his girlfriend always did have strange fascinations. “O-ok, sure.” Talia sighed in relief that she hadn’t seriously weirded Idia out.
   She stood again and although she couldn’t see, she had a feeling she was near the stomach lining. It felt smooth and slippery when she pressed her hands against it. Experimentally she rubbed circles around and kneaded her tiny hands into the flesh. Idia made a noise of content and sank back against his pillows. It wasn’t so bad having a tiny Talia inside of him. 
   She hummed quietly and continued to massage his soft flesh, but closed her eyes and listened to the burbling of his stomach. It suddenly felt very heavy and the burbling turned quite loud. Almost a second later Idia cracked his lips to let out a low rumbling belch. Talia’s squishy confines quivered as the short euruction came to a close. Idia huffed and sat back to let out another loud burp. 
   “BURRRRRAAAAAAOORRP!!! Mph, I think you're making me burp Talia.” She sat down and leaned against the rubbery wall of his stomach. “Do it again Idia.” She whispered quietly. He didn’t hear here but it didn’t matter much cause he burped again anyway. “Ungh damn it. It’s stuck. Hey um…” His shy voice cut off and Talia understood what he meant.
   Standing the blonde prepared herself and drew back. She then slammed into the fleshy walls as hard as she could and on the outside Idia lurched before slapping a hand over his mouth. The attempt was futile however since his belch was forceful enough to push it away.
   The blast was loud enough to make Talia’s ears ring and it lasted for a solid 7 seconds. Talia was shaken and rattled as the belch drew on before pausing and opening up again to a louder volume. As it finished Idia fell backwards onto the bed. His stomach giving a loud BLORSH as it swayed back with him. He moaned and panted, a deep red rising to his cheeks. 
   Talia was suddenly thrown around her spongey cave and got covered in foul smelling mush that she could only assume was the mexican food she had picked up before she got shrunk and eaten. Her legs were unsteady as she stood and shook the gunk from her hair. “Damn I’m gonna have to get new clothes. That’s gonna be a pain.” 
   Idia drew his hooded eyes to his large stomach. “Hey are you alive in there - huuraaap! Oof.” Talia couldn’t figure out which way was up so she simply stood where she was as she replied. “Yeah I am, but uh actually. How am I gonna get out.” Idia furrowed his brows. “I guess we will have to ask Azul since he was the one that got you into this mess. Ohh but that sounds really bad…” 
   Sensing her boyfriend's anxiety, Talia shushed him and continued speaking. “Umm… He Idia. How much food have you got left?” He paused his worrying and looked down at the remaining boxes of food. “I have two boxes of rice and beans and 3 more tacos, Plus the churros and the last bottle of soda.” Talia shifted in her spot and bit her lip. “Do you have any more room?” 
   She didn’t get an answer but she felt Idia shift and soon she could hear large clumps of masticated food fall into the thick ooze that already filled his gut to the near brim. The blonde shivered despite the intense heat that surrounded her. Idia ate the last few tacos with incredible speed and shuddered everytime he sent a thick lump rolling down his throat. 
   The sharp crunch and snap of the taco shells filled the room as he bit the last taco clear in half before shoving the rest inside his mouth before he even started chewing the first half. He was tempted to check on Talia but knew that she would appreciate it more if he left her in the dark as he ate the rest of his meal. His stomach pushed painfully against his jeans and he grunted as he suppressed a thick belch in his cheeks, blowing the fetid gas out the side of his mouth. He chuckled knowing that if she were still on the outside of him Talia would be bright red and squirming in place anxiously. 
   The only things left were the boxes of rice and beans and the bottle of soda plus dessert. Idia huffed and struggled to reach the last bags due to his gut which was now a solid 2 feet in diameter and churned loudly in an attempt to digest the insane amount of food he had eaten already. He felt his eyelids droop and forced himself not to enter a food coma yet as he popped the lid off the first bowl like container. 
   Using the serving spoon that the bowls had come with he spooned drippy beans mixed with the dry rice into his mouth and tried to ignore how his stomach groaned in protest. It wasn’t so hard to eat the first bowl of rice and beans since the new flavor had ignited minor hunger once again, but he had barely gotten through a fourth of the bowl when his stomach growled again painfully and he let out a wet burp. “Oooh, Talia I don’t,  HIC-UUAUURLPH! Ungh… I don’t feel so good.”
   The blonde looked up from where she was sitting dazed and feeling very… pleased with her current situation. Her brows furrowed in concern and she pressed a tender hand against the stomach wall she was leaning against. “Idia it feels kinda heavy and dense in here. I think you have too much pressure. Um… maybe try… you know…” Her face flushed with embarrassment and Idia likely would have been a bit embarrassed too had he not already known about her interests. Besides he was preoccupied with soothing his aching stomach. 
   The idea of drinking soda wasn’t very appealing at the moment so he decided to swallow down air instead. A large amount of air rushed into the stomach and startled Talia who suddenly felt like the air was getting so thick that it was squeezing her. She bit her lip and put a hand against the wall for moral support as she heard her boyfriend moan in pain. The blonde felt bad for him but not that bad cause soon the air left the space in a very loud and very long way.
   Idia slumped and panted, once again relishing the feeling of clearing space in his stomach. “Nice one” Talia squeaked from her spot in his gut. Idia looked down and giggled, imagining her face burning bright red and her eyes wide with shock and a hint of something more. “Think you have room now?” Her voice came again and Idia nodded despite the fact that she couldn’t see him. He would have to eat quickly while his stomach was still deceived into having more room. 
   Swallowing the last of the rice and beans down, Idia took his sweatshirt and pulled his tank up to rest on top of his burgeoning middle. It was completely round and swayed a bit when he moved around. He pulled the churros and soda bottle over with one hand, hiccuping a bit when the movement forced his gut to bounce, and used the other hand to rub circles over his taut skin. 
   The smell of the sugary desserts brought new life into Idia’s resolve and with determination picked up the first churro and snapped it with his sharp fangs. He ate the churro in three bites and swallowed despite his stomachs constant pleads for him to stop. The churros were still warm and were quite delicious so he didn’t have such a hard time eating them as he did with the rice and beans. He did start to feel sick again around his eighth and had to pause for longer between each churro. His bites became smaller and his breathing was slightly labored. Talia took note of this and began to run her hands over the inside of her boyfriend's gut as a way to comfort him as best she could.
   A part of her wished she could be on the outside, rubbing Idia’s round belly, helping him eat the rest of the churros and coaxing burps out of him to free up space. On the other hand sitting inside his intensely warm stomach which churned loudly as it digested was also an opportunity that she never wanted to miss. She heard Idia sigh and knew her efforts were working.
  The gamer let his eyes close for a few moments as he just enjoyed how Talia’s hands felt when they rubbed against his inside. Feeling himself falling asleep Idia shook his head and reached for the last churro. It took six bites to finish and had him forcing every one down with as much willpower as he had, but was worth it in the end when a sense of pride washed over him. The only thing left now was the last bottle of soda.
   Idia steeled himself and sat all the way up before grabbing the soda bottle and pressing it against his bloated abdomen. Talia heard the hiss and pop of the cap coming off the bottle and backed up to avoid being splashed. Not that it mattered since she was covered from head to toe in just about everything else Idia had eaten including soda. 
   He brought the rim to the bottle to his lips and only hesitated for a second before squeezing his eyes shut and tipping the bottle back. Soda gushed into Idia’s stomach and sloshed up against the walls, coating Talia with another layer of sticky sugar. The hand on Idia’s stomach felt how the skin pulled with every swallow. If Idia could he would have looked down and seen his already massive gut expand as he continued to slug down the fizzy drink. Almost as soon as the last drop of soda left the bottle Idia groaned and lurched forwards to hug his gut. 
   The soda pop fizzed and bubbled as it was quickly turned into a gas by the heat of Idia’s innards. After it came to the blue haired teens attention that his stomach would only keep growing due to the fact that air takes up more space than a liquid he quickly reached down and pressed a finger to the button on his pants. How they held up this far was a miracle since as soon as he touched the button it came undone with a loud ping and the zipper rolled down of its own accord. The massive gut surged forward to fill the space that it had been restricted from before. Idia moaned before his gut let out one more loud gurgle and a belch louder and longer than any he had let out so far blasted from his lips.
   Idia’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell back against the pillows on his bed, his gut bounced with him and caused another burp of incredible magnitude to come rocketing out.
   After that belch after belch rolled out of his mouth, each one long, loud, and full of pressure. The room quickly stank like sickly sweet and spicy gut gas but Idia could hardly bring himself to care. He hiccuped and let out one more much smaller after burp before moaning and relaxing completely into the sheets beneath him. He didn’t feel as sick as he did before now that his stomach wasn’t filled with air. Instead he felt sleepy and content. 
   Talia on the other hand was still reeling from how incredible that crass display was. At this point she didn’t even bother covering her moan as she felt herself heat up for a completely different reason than the temperature in Idia’s stomach. A few moments of blissful silence passed of the two simply enjoying their situation when Idia’s phone pinged. 
   He groaned and grabbed it, clicking the home button so he could view the text. Azul: Hey I just thought I would let you know that the treat that I whipped up for you and your little friend will also cause her to be immune to any damage she may receive while ahem inside. Have fun and you can thank me later ;)
   Idia reread the text about nine times before he let his phone fall onto his gargantuan stomach, which was at this point 3 feet in diameter. That shitty octopus did this on purpose. The teen groaned again and read the text to Talia who didn’t respond for a long moment. “Well I guess that means I can stay in here a bit longer right?” She asked hopefully. Idia chuckled, “Yeah. We can figure out how to get you out after I take a nap.” 
   A yawn punctuated his sentence and his consciousness slipped as a food coma took over. Talia smiled sweetly from her comfortable position inside his very full gut. “Yeah…” She murmured softly before shutting her own eyes and letting the sounds of a pleasantly stuffed stomach lull her to sleep as well.
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hoodharlow · 4 years
How is Easter being celebrated in the hood household 🥺
Sorry this was three days late, kinda like Jesus lol, but um I hope you enjoy
Calum woke up confused. Claudia wasn’t in bed. How can she not be tired after what they did last night? 
He picked up his sweats from the previous night. After brushing his teeth, he went downstairs to look for her. He spotted her in their kitchen dressed in his USC tank top she gave him for Christmas that she ended up stealing. She was diligently decorating cookies. 
“Morning” He said, walking up to her and pecking her lips. 
“Hi,” she replied, going back to her cookies. Her hands were tired. She woke up at the crack of dawn to make desserts. Luckily, she was decorating her last batch cookies. Their island was filled with trays of desserts.
Ever since they started dating, they always spent Easter with her parents, but this year they were in Texas because her sister in law gave birth a few weeks ago. Cal's own parents were spending the holiday in Scotland with his dad’s family. Therefore, they decided to host Easter at their house with the boys and their families. 
Claudia and Calum have been together for about 8 years. They formally met back in 2018 when him and the boys stopped by a college radio station where she worked. But it wasn’t until a few months after that they started dating. 
After making coffee, Calum busied himself with breakfast by whisking the batter for waffles. He sprayed the waffle maker and added the batter. While that cooked, he started on a berry coulis, a recipe he picked from watching baking shows with Claudia. 
Duke wandered into the kitchen after smelling the waffles. Calum was taken back when he saw him in a bunny costume. It was those that looked like the bunny was walking on two legs and holding a carrot. He looked at Claudia, who was trying not to laugh, and back tp Duke. 
“He let you put it on him?” Calum asked her.
“Obviously.” Claudia said. She got up from her stool and went to the pantry for the goodie bags. 
It took everything in Cal, not to make a joke about her limping, but he stayed silent and watched her place a cookie decorated onto each goodie bag. 
They were the only couple of the band that didn’t have kids. Between Claudia getting her Master’s and finding a stable teaching job and the boys’ music career, they had decided to wait it out. Now that they had settled down, they began trying.
That was two years ago.
After 18 months of trying and not getting any results, they gave up and started looking for different options. Claudia spent months in a rut. Sometimes she felt left out that she was the only one that didn’t have kids. Especially when her and Calum visited her family. At first she didn’t mind it, but after 8 years of hearing her tias saying que “Ya que tengan uno, si no se van a casar” it got annoying. 
Calum poked his head from the fridge and looked at her. “Where’s the whipped cream?” 
“Here,” she said, handing him a bowl from her decorating station. “I had to make more because someone used it up last night. You know, I was planning on not washing my hair, but I had to wash it this morning.” 
“You weren’t complaining when I was licking it off you here,” He started kissing the love bites he left her down her neck. He pulled her tank top down, exposing her breasts. He playfully nipped them, “and here.”
“Cal,” Claudia groaned. She melted against his touches.
“Guess I'm having my favorite meal for breakfast.” He smiled, pushing her down on the counter. 
“You said you weren’t going to mark me up!” Claudia chided. She inspected the new hickies Calum left her. It took her ages to cover the ones he gave her last night.
“Sorry,” He said, sheepishly. 
Calum had not so subtly pulled her into one of the guest bathrooms. Luckily after years of visiting Calum while he was on tour, Claudia learnt how to be quiet. 
In reality Calum had brought her in to check on her. After Ash and Kay announced they were expecting their 4th kid, Calum noticed Claudia looked a bit sad. He knew how much having a kid meant to her. They've gone to fertility specialists in both their native countries and then some, but they all told them  they're both fertile and healthy enough to have kids. This only frustrated Claudia more. There have been instances where they both let their frustrations get the best of them and just blow things out of the water.
"You're lucky that I have another week off school." Claudia said.
"You know how I get when you wear dresses with slits." Calum defended himself. He slid his hand through the slit of her dress and gave her ass a rough squeeze. "I like the easy access."
"I'm done with you." She pushed his hand out and fixed her dress. She had smoothed it out earlier, but now it was wrinkled where Calum bunched it up. 
"You love me for it."
"I guess."
There was a knock in the door. 
"Are you rabbits done? Ashlyn has to pee," Ashton said through the door.
"Wait." Calum semi yelled. He turned to Claudia "Are you good? With them having another kid and all."
"Yeah," She smiled. Calum knew that smile. It was the same one she makes when her family asks her too many questions or makes rude jokes to her, but Calum knew not to push right now.
"All yours," Calum said to Ashton and Ashlyn when they walked out. The little girl pushed past them and closed the door. 
"You two couldn't have waited until we all left?" Ashton asked them.
"No, have you seen this ass?" Claudia asked, grabbing a handful of Calum's ass.
"Oi," Calum jumped back.
"You love it. I gotta go check on the pizzas the kids made.” Claudia said, leaving them. Calum watched her walk away. 
“So when are you going to ask her?” Ashton asked.
“Later when we do the egg hunt.” Calum said. He was nervous as fuck. Yesterday he facetimed Mali freaking out about what Claudia might say, but Mali set him straight and reassured him that Claudia really loved him. He then called her dad and told him how he was going to propose to her. Her dad laughed at how cheesy it was, but deep down he liked the concept. 
Calum was playing with Luke’s daughter when he spotted Claudia carrying a tray of drinks. The image brought Calum back to the first time he saw her. 
It was well over 10 years ago. They were touring with One Direction. After sound check for their San Diego show, Calum and Luke stopped by a Mexican restaurant, her parents’, to pick up some food. A few fans had followed them without their knowledge. He still remembers how she scolded the fans for disrupting the peace and taking up space for actual customers. Luke then called one of their body guards to come pick them up. 
Calum tried talking to her while they waited, but she just brushed him off. In reality, she was upset because she got caught trying to go see One Direction. She had told her parents that she was going to a weekend church retreat, but her twin brother read her messages and told their parents. As a punishment, she had to work at the restaurant to pay off the ticket. 
She didn’t realize they were Luke and Calum from 5 Seconds of Summer until the next day when Calum volunteered to pick up their breakfast burritos before driving back to LA. She profusely apologized to him about her bad attitude. As an apology, she gave him chips and salsa on the house. Back then Claudia’s flirting skills were at an all time high and she managed to get a picture with him. It was a poorly lit polaroid where her braces took over, lighting wise, and was inside Calum’s phone screen.
Since then, whenever they have a show in San Diego, the boys would always stop by the restaurant in hopes that Calum sees her. The first time Claudia wasn’t there was in 2018 because she had transferred to Cal State Long Beach. Who would've thought that they were going to run into each other days later when the boys were promoting their album at the radio for the university.
“Daddy, my egg has a ring.” Ashlyn announced from across the yard, making Calum choke on his drink. 
The whole yard became silent. The boys knew what Calum had planned out, but it was not going according to plan. Claudia turned to look at Calum who was patting his pants like his life depended on it.
“Shit,” Calum cursed. 
“Uh, oh, uncle Cal said a no-no word.” One of Michael’s kids yelled. 
“Ashlyn can I see that?” Ashton asked, going up to her. He bent down to where she was and discreetly swapped her egg with one exactly like it but was filled with candy. When he opened it, he showed her. “I think we need to get your eyes checked. This is candy?”
“No way! Maybe it’s a magic egg!” The little girl gasped. She snatched the egg and went back to her siblings and the other kids to show off her magic egg.
“Lose this?” Ashton got up and passed the egg to Calum. 
“I owe you.” Calum said. 
Claudia stayed frozen, very confused on what just happened. Even more confused when Calum walked up to her.
“Hey?” She said, unsure of what was going to happen.
“So, this isn’t going how I planned, and I completely forgot this whole speech I was going to say. But, um, do you wanna marry me? I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you the second you told me to fuck off at your dad’s restaurant all those years ago.” 
Claudia nodded as tears streamed down her cheeks. She threw herself onto Calum’s arms. She looked up at Cal, who’s eyes brimmed with tears, and kissed him.  
“I love you.” She hiccuped.
“I love you.” Calum repeated. His hands were shaking when he tried putting the ring on her finger. Once he got it on, he picked her up in his arms. “She said yes!” 
All the adults cheered. The kids were in their own little world stuffing themselves with candy. 
By the time Claudia and Calum got settled in bed it was well over 1 am. Right after he proposed, they facetimed her parents, where more tears were shared. Her dad nodded and looked away. It was the same face he made on her quinceañera during the father-daughter dance. Around midnight, they facetimed Cal’s parents telling them the news. Joy joked that it was about time Calum proposed.
Calum watched Claudia. She was pretty quiet after the whole proposal thing. There was something on her mind.
“Hey, are you cool with the whole us getting married?” Calum asked her. 
“I mean, yeah… but are you? You really wanna marry someone that potentially can’t give you a child? You should be with someone that can give you the family you—”
“No, I want to be with you because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Why? Because you’re my family. I want you. We’ll figure that out later—”
“But I’m about to turn 28. Once I hit my 30’s we’re going to struggle even more. I just don’t want you to waste time on me when you can be with someone that can give you what you want.”
“I want you, Claudia. I would be wasting my time with someone else because they’re not you. This is where I want to be. With you.” Calum pulled Claudia to his lap. 
“You mean it?” she asked in a quiet voice.
“Yes,” he held out his pinky out, a habit he picked from her. She wrapped hers around his. Calum wiped the tears off her eyes. “Now may I please kiss my fiancé properly?”
“Yes,” she smiled. 
Before Calum could do anything, Claudia pulled his neck to her and kissed him. In a matter of seconds, their kiss grew heated. Calum pushed her down and showed her how he made love to his fiance.
5 Years Later
“Calum, ya deja Aiden.” Claudia scolded her husband, in a full on bunny costume. 
She watched him chase their 4 year old down so they could get a picture with all of their nieces and nephews, and the boys’ kids. Ever since he proposed, they hosted Easter at their place where everyone is invited. 
Aiden ran behind her legs, hiding from Calum. Claudia felt his arms wrap around her legs. She picked him up and walked over to Calum. She pulled the bunny head off him. 
“Ves, it’s just your dumb papi.” She told her son.
Calum reached over to him, and Aiden hesitantly went to him. That was when Calum took notice of the dress Claudia was wearing. It was the same one she wore a few years back when he proposed. He hasn’t seen her in it a long time. Nonetheless she still looked breathtaking as ever. 
After pictures, they started the egg hunt. Calum took advantage of the commotion and snuck into their room with Claudia. They barely made it to the room when Calum kicked off the rest of his costume and pulled down the top part of her dress, exposing her breasts, and had her leg wrapped around his waist.
“Cal,” she managed to say when Calum teased her entrance.
“What? I missed this dress.” He groaned as he slightly shoved himself in. “I like the easy access.”
Sorry this was three days late, kinda like Jesus lol, but um I hope you enjoy
Calum woke up confused. Claudia wasn’t in bed. How can she not be tired after what they did last night? 
He picked up his sweats from the previous night. After brushing his teeth, he went downstairs to look for her. He spotted her in their kitchen dressed in his USC tank top she gave him for Christmas that she ended up stealing. She was diligently decorating cookies. 
“Morning” He said, walking up to her and pecking her lips. 
“Hi,” she replied, going back to her cookies. Her hands were tired. She woke up at the crack of dawn to make desserts. Luckily, she was decorating her last batch cookies. Their island was filled with trays of desserts.
Ever since they started dating, they always spent Easter with her parents, but this year they were in Texas because her sister in law gave birth a few weeks ago. Cal's own parents were spending the holiday in Scotland with his dad’s family. Therefore, they decided to host Easter at their house with the boys and their families. 
Claudia and Calum have been together for about 8 years. They formally met back in 2018 when him and the boys stopped by a college radio station where she worked. But it wasn’t until a few months after that they started dating. 
After making coffee, Calum busied himself with breakfast by whisking the batter for waffles. He sprayed the waffle maker and added the batter. While that cooked, he started on a berry coulis, a recipe he picked from watching baking shows with Claudia. 
Duke wandered into the kitchen after smelling the waffles. Calum was taken back when he saw him in a bunny costume. It was those that looked like the bunny was walking on two legs and holding a carrot. He looked at Claudia, who was trying not to laugh, and back tp Duke. 
“He let you put it on him?” Calum asked her.
“Obviously.” Claudia said. She got up from her stool and went to the pantry for the goodie bags. 
It took everything in Cal, not to make a joke about her limping, but he stayed silent and watched her place a cookie decorated onto each goodie bag. 
They were the only couple of the band that didn’t have kids. Between Claudia getting her Master’s and finding a stable teaching job and the boys’ music career, they had decided to wait it out. Now that they had settled down, they began trying.
That was two years ago.
After 18 months of trying and not getting any results, they gave up and started looking for different options. Claudia spent months in a rut. Sometimes she felt left out that she was the only one that didn’t have kids. Especially when her and Calum visited her family. At first she didn’t mind it, but after 8 years of hearing her tias saying que “Ya que tengan uno, si no se van a casar” it got annoying. 
Calum poked his head from the fridge and looked at her. “Where’s the whipped cream?” 
“Here,” she said, handing him a bowl from her decorating station. “I had to make more because someone used it up last night. You know, I was planning on not washing my hair, but I had to wash it this morning.” 
“You weren’t complaining when I was licking it off you here,” He started kissing the love bites he left her down her neck. He pulled her tank top down, exposing her breasts. He playfully nipped them, “and here.”
“Cal,” Claudia groaned. She melted against his touches.
“Guess I'm having my favorite meal for breakfast.” He smiled, pushing her down on the counter. 
“You said you weren’t going to mark me up!” Claudia chided. She inspected the new hickies Calum left her. It took her ages to cover the ones he gave her last night.
“Sorry,” He said, sheepishly. 
Calum had not so subtly pulled her into one of the guest bathrooms. Luckily after years of visiting Calum while he was on tour, Claudia learnt how to be quiet. 
In reality Calum had brought her in to check on her. After Ash and Kay announced they were expecting their 4th kid, Calum noticed Claudia looked a bit sad. He knew how much having a kid meant to her. They've gone to fertility specialists in both their native countries and then some, but they all told them  they're both fertile and healthy enough to have kids. This only frustrated Claudia more. There have been instances where they both let their frustrations get the best of them and just blow things out of the water.
"You're lucky that I have another week off school." Claudia said.
"You know how I get when you wear dresses with slits." Calum defended himself. He slid his hand through the slit of her dress and gave her ass a rough squeeze. "I like the easy access."
"I'm done with you." She pushed his hand out and fixed her dress. She had smoothed it out earlier, but now it was wrinkled where Calum bunched it up. 
"You love me for it."
"I guess."
There was a knock in the door. 
"Are you rabbits done? Ashlyn has to pee," Ashton said through the door.
"Wait." Calum semi yelled. He turned to Claudia "Are you good? With them having another kid and all."
"Yeah," She smiled. Calum knew that smile. It was the same one she makes when her family asks her too many questions or makes rude jokes to her, but Calum knew not to push right now.
"All yours," Calum said to Ashton and Ashlyn when they walked out. The little girl pushed past them and closed the door. 
"You two couldn't have waited until we all left?" Ashton asked them.
"No, have you seen this ass?" Claudia asked, grabbing a handful of Calum's ass.
"Oi," Calum jumped back.
"You love it. I gotta go check on the pizzas the kids made.” Claudia said, leaving them. Calum watched her walk away. 
“So when are you going to ask her?” Ashton asked.
“Later when we do the egg hunt.” Calum said. He was nervous as fuck. Yesterday he facetimed Mali freaking out about what Claudia might say, but Mali set him straight and reassured him that Claudia really loved him. He then called her dad and told him how he was going to propose to her. Her dad laughed at how cheesy it was, but deep down he liked the concept. 
Calum was playing with Luke’s daughter when he spotted Claudia carrying a tray of drinks. The image brought Calum back to the first time he saw her. 
It was well over 10 years ago. They were touring with One Direction. After sound check for their San Diego show, Calum and Luke stopped by a Mexican restaurant, her parents’, to pick up some food. A few fans had followed them without their knowledge. He still remembers how she scolded the fans for disrupting the peace and taking up space for actual customers. Luke then called one of their body guards to come pick them up. 
Calum tried talking to her while they waited, but she just brushed him off. In reality, she was upset because she got caught trying to go see One Direction. She had told her parents that she was going to a weekend church retreat, but her twin brother read her messages and told their parents. As a punishment, she had to work at the restaurant to pay off the ticket. 
She didn’t realize they were Luke and Calum from 5 Seconds of Summer until the next day when Calum volunteered to pick up their breakfast burritos before driving back to LA. She profusely apologized to him about her bad attitude. As an apology, she gave him chips and salsa on the house. Back then Claudia’s flirting skills were at an all time high and she managed to get a picture with him. It was a poorly lit polaroid where her braces took over, lighting wise, and was inside Calum’s phone screen.
Since then, whenever they have a show in San Diego, the boys would always stop by the restaurant in hopes that Calum sees her. The first time Claudia wasn’t there was in 2018 because she had transferred to Cal State Long Beach. Who would've thought that they were going to run into each other days later when the boys were promoting their album at the radio for the university.
“Daddy, my egg has a ring.” Ashlyn announced from across the yard, making Calum choke on his drink. 
The whole yard became silent. The boys knew what Calum had planned out, but it was not going according to plan. Claudia turned to look at Calum who was patting his pants like his life depended on it.
“Shit,” Calum cursed. 
“Uh, oh, uncle Cal said a no-no word.” One of Michael’s kids yelled. 
“Ashlyn can I see that?” Ashton asked, going up to her. He bent down to where she was and discreetly swapped her egg with one exactly like it but was filled with candy. When he opened it, he showed her. “I think we need to get your eyes checked. This is candy?”
“No way! Maybe it’s a magic egg!” The little girl gasped. She snatched the egg and went back to her siblings and the other kids to show off her magic egg.
“Lose this?” Ashton got up and passed the egg to Calum. 
“I owe you.” Calum said. 
Claudia stayed frozen, very confused on what just happened. Even more confused when Calum walked up to her.
“Hey?” She said, unsure of what was going to happen.
“So, this isn’t going how I planned, and I completely forgot this whole speech I was going to say. But, um, do you wanna marry me? I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you the second you told me to fuck off at your dad’s restaurant all those years ago.” 
Claudia nodded as tears streamed down her cheeks. She threw herself onto Calum’s arms. She looked up at Cal, who’s eyes brimmed with tears, and kissed him.  
“I love you.” She hiccuped.
“I love you.” Calum repeated. His hands were shaking when he tried putting the ring on her finger. Once he got it on, he picked her up in his arms. “She said yes!” 
All the adults cheered. The kids were in their own little world stuffing themselves with candy. 
By the time Claudia and Calum got settled in bed it was well over 1 am. Right after he proposed, they facetimed her parents, where more tears were shared. Her dad nodded and looked away. It was the same face he made on her quinceañera during the father-daughter dance. Around midnight, they facetimed Cal’s parents telling them the news. Joy joked that it was about time Calum proposed.
Calum watched Claudia. She was pretty quiet after the whole proposal thing. There was something on her mind.
“Hey, are you cool with the whole us getting married?” Calum asked her. 
“I mean, yeah… but are you? You really wanna marry someone that potentially can’t give you a child? You should be with someone that can give you the family you—”
“No, I want to be with you because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Why? Because you’re my family. I want you. We’ll figure that out later—”
“But I’m about to turn 28. Once I hit my 30’s we’re going to struggle even more. I just don’t want you to waste time on me when you can be with someone that can give you what you want.”
“I want you, Claudia. I would be wasting my time with someone else because they’re not you. This is where I want to be. With you.” Calum pulled Claudia to his lap. 
“You mean it?” she asked in a quiet voice.
“Yes,” he held out his pinky out, a habit he picked from her. She wrapped hers around his. Calum wiped the tears off her eyes. “Now may I please kiss my fiancé properly?”
“Yes,” she smiled. 
Before Calum could do anything, Claudia pulled his neck to her and kissed him. In a matter of seconds, their kiss grew heated. Calum pushed her down and showed her how he made love to his fiance.
*** Three Years Later***
“Calum, ya deja Aiden.” Claudia scolded her husband, in a full on bunny costume. 
She watched him chase their almost 3 year old down so they could get a picture with all of their nieces and nephews, and the boys’ kids. Ever since he proposed, they hosted Easter at their place where everyone is invited. 
Aiden ran behind her legs, hiding from Calum. Claudia felt his arms wrap around her legs. She picked him up and walked over to Calum. She pulled the bunny head off him. 
“Ves, es el cabezon de tu papi.” She told her son.
Calum reached over to him, and Aiden hesitantly went to him. That was when Calum took notice of the dress Claudia was wearing. It was the same one she wore a few years back when he proposed. He hasn’t seen her in it a long time. Nonetheless she still looked breathtaking as ever. 
After pictures, they started the egg hunt. Calum took advantage of the commotion and snuck into their room with Claudia. They barely made it to the room when Calum kicked off the rest of his costume and pulled down the top part of her dress, exposing her breasts, and had her leg wrapped around his waist.
“Cal,” she managed to say when Calum teased her entrance.
“What? I missed this dress.” He groaned as he slightly shoved himself in. “I like the easy access.”
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