#I didn’t realize I missed the date D:
dumpywrites · 6 months
Two Days - Jungkook
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Summary: He just wants you to give him two days. He'll take you on a few dates and you'll decided if you actually like him? Or not?
Genre/tags: mostly fluff, tiny bit of angst, friends to lovers, biker jungkook, jungkook is a goofball and a simp! :)
Pairing: Jungkook x she/her reader
a/n: this is my first ever bts/jk fic, I'm just trying this out since i have some days off from work, hope y'all like it <3
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“You’re missing out.” 
“Jungkook, we’re literally in a Burger King.”
You heard the man playfully saying, “Yes, and?” in a singing tone. All you could do was rolling your eyes in reply. Jeon Jungkook, this guy who had been begging you for his so-called masterplan that he called, “trial date” for weeks, was now yet again begging you for a chance.
You could not exactly pinpoint when it actually began. He was shy the first time you met. You had known the rest of the boys ever since you met Yoongi at an art class. The cold looking guy who was surprisingly friendly and soft-hearted, later on introduced you to the rest of the guys. Jungkook was introduced almost a year later into befriending the group. He was a guy who went to the same gym as Namjoon. They became friends ever since he offered Namjoon a ride one time. 
Being the youngest amongst the guys and also the latest you got to meet, you would think that his shyness would linger at least a little bit longer. Then again, if you really think about it, he probably only stayed quiet and shy on the first meeting. 
The idea of both of you together was never mentioned until recently. Namjoon was the one who started calling out Jungkook’s odd behavior towards you, but the nail on the coffin was when you all got drunk at Jimin’s house that one time. 
It was Jimin’s birthday and truthfully, you knew the guy was loaded rich, but you did not know he was rich with capital R. The selection of bottles in his house was pretty much unlimited from the ones you like to the ones you couldn’t even name. It was five hours into all the celebration and you all were blurting nonsense. You were tipsy, but still aware cause for some reason you were winning all the games that night and got to drink less. But Jungkook on the other hand, who was usually winning everything, was getting pissy cause he kept coming second after you. 
“This is unbelievable.” Jungkook groaned, casually throwing the boardgame cards on the table. 
“You just have a soft spot for her.” Jin shrugged. 
“I do not! I just have a crush on her.” Jungkook retorted back, as if his sentence made any sense. 
You heard Hoseok voiced a small “oh” with his usual judgy expression, and the rest were silent for a second, including you. 
“I mean…” Jungkook tried to correct himself but stopped mid-way, trying to make up words in his already drunk mind. His eyes went back and forth to everyone before he scoffed. “You all act so surprised, as if you didn’t tease me everyday right after the first time I met Y/N.” 
When the room was still silent, Jungkook realized he fucked up, his blurry mind completely ignored the fact that you, the subject of this topic, was in fact also in the room. 
“Shit.” Was all he muttered before he excused himself to the bathroom, and did not come out for twenty minutes. 
When he was done, everyone had decided to wrap it up due to the awkwardness and the absence of Jungkook himself. He found Taehyung and Jin sleeping on both sides of Jimin’s big couch, and a small smile formed on his lips, shaking his head over the dumb expression they had in their sleep. His stomach soon flipped right after he saw you on the kitchen, making yourself a cup of instant noodle. 
“Oh, hey.” You greeted awkwardly. “I got hungry from all that drinking.” You shyly mentioned. 
Jungkook only nodded and took a seat on one of the dinning chairs. 
“You want some?” You offered, trying to break the ice. 
“Y/N stop.” His eyes widened once he realized how bad that sounded. “I mean… I didn’t mean it like that?” He chuckled dryly, it was more of a statement rather than a question. 
When you kept quiet but sat down next to him regardless, and ate your noodles, he decided you were at least comfortable enough to hear him talk. “This whole huge crush on you thingy… that’s not gonna ruin our friendship or anything, right? If you’re uncomfortable I’ll just stop showing up when you’re around for a—”
“What?! No! Jungkook, I’m not uncomfortable.” You sighed. “I’m just a bit surprised, I guess.”
“Why though?” He asked innocently, his big doe eyes looking straight at you, making you slightly nervous. 
“It’s just… you do realize you’re quite popular right?”
“What’s that gotta do with this situation?”
“I thought I wasn’t your type.” 
“You don’t get to decide that.”
That was the last civil conversation you had with him until he decided it was a good idea to cling to you almost every single day, pestering on the idea of this whole trial dating. Everyone other than Yoongi, who was neutral (read: don't really care enough to actually voice an opinion at the moment), was pretty much on board with his plan. You being single for a year now definitely did not help your case. They kept saying that you needed to lit up your dating engine again, so it wouldn’t be rusty. 
It was not that you did not find Jungkook attractive. Heck, he was one of the most attractive person you had ever laid your eyes on. It was just, weird? He felt like a brother, the same as the rest of the boys. If you didn’t treat any of them different, then you should not with Jungkook either, right?
“Have you maybe considered that maybe she’s tired of your bullshit?” Yoongi blurted with a blank expression, as he continue to munch on his burger. 
“It’s only been two weeks.” Jungkook protested. “Besides, you never know 'till you try, right?” He winked at you. 
You rolled your eyes. “I’m good, Kookie.” You pinched his cheeks, a little bit too hard. 
“H-hey!” He pouted, his cheeks forming even rounder. “Two days! Two days!” He suddenly shouted. 
“Oh boy…” Hoseok side-eyed the rest of you, clearly done with the younger one. 
“Give me two days, Y/N!” He said with his two fingers right in front of your face. “You don’t have plans this weekend, right?”
“Hey, maybe—“ Namjoon didn’t even get to finish his sentence before the lad interrupted. 
“I’ll take you on two dates and then you can decide afterwards.” He grinned, as if that was the most brilliant thing he had ever thought of. “If you still don’t like me after that then I will gracefully back off.” He threw his hands in the air. 
“You promise?” You suddenly spoke, after being silent for a while. 
“Wait, you’re actually considering—“ Jin stood up from his seat, almost knocking his table. 
Jungkook hurriedly covered Jin’s mouth, not letting yet another man finish his sentence again. “I promise!” He saluted, grinning so hard his cheeks almost hurt. 
“Are you really sure?” Yoongi whispered to you. 
You only shrugged. Truthfully, you were not sure either. But at this point, you just wanted Jungkook to get over his girl hyperfixation of the month. Which was, you. 
You just did not buy the story of him being head over heels on you since day one. As if he didn’t look like a Greek god himself? As if you did not know how women and even men would kill just to get a taste of him. You just wanted him to get it over with, so he can realize how weird the whole idea was and went back to being the goofball friend you once knew. 
Right, so.
Now here you were, basically having a mini dress-up montage moment, picking an outfit for your cinema date. Even after spending almost an hour getting ready you ended up with just wearing your usual crop top and baggy jeans, hoping it will be fine. Clearly you didn’t wanna seem like a try-hard. It was just Jungkook. He had seen you with pajamas and you didn’t hear him complain, so there shouldn’t be a problem. Why did you even go through the trouble to pick an outfit? You wondered yourself. 
Ten minutes later and Jungkook was already ringing your phone. 
“I’m at your lobby!” He exclaimed loudly over the phone. 
“You’re early.”
“Just can’t wait to see you.” You could not see his face, but you knew he was grinning like an idiot. “Hurry down! Oh, and bring your jacket.”
You didn’t expect him to came with a motorbike. A huge one not to mention. Something stirred in your stomach for a millisecond seeing him in a leather jacket. 
He took a spare helmet and innocently handed it to you. “Gotta make sure my girl is safe.” He sheepishly said. 
You tried your best to ignore the nickname, and spoke. “I didn’t know you ride a motorcycle.” You said, taking the helmet he gave in your hands. 
“I’m just too lazy to drive sometimes so I just lift on Hobi’s car.” He shrugged. “Why? Are you scared?” He teased. 
“Of course not.” You said and put on the helmet. You did not miss his small snickers when you struggle to hop on his Harley, having to grab him by his shoulders. 
“Okay, just wanna let you know, I drive like suuuuuper fast. So, you have to hug me to be safe!” He giggled. 
You rolled your eyes, even if he couldn’t see. “I’m just gonna head back upstairs...”
“Don’t be such a sourpuss.” He chuckled. “I’m a good driver, Namjoon approved! But you can grab onto my jacket if you want.” 
The movie was great. 
And that was a lie, cause truth to be told, you could barely focus on the plot. Every time you caught a glimpse of the boy next to you, his eyes were already looking at you. While it was true that you had not been dating for quite some time, you could feel your spidey-sense tingling, as if you were to turn your head towards him, something would happen. Thinking about it was not exactly the best thing for you.
“We’re getting ice cream.” Jungkook cheerfully said, as you both walked out the cinema. 
“That’s not a question?” You couldn’t help but to smile at the silliness. 
“Not a chance I’m letting you go home yet.” 
“Is this a date or a kidnapping?” 
“Could be both if you want.” He laughed. “So…” He cutely put his hands in his pockets as you walked. 
“So… how’s life?” 
“You did not just ask me that.” You laughed.
“What? I’m just trying to make actual conversation!” He laughed as well, but later on his expression softened. “You seemed down these past couple of days though?” 
You tilted your head slightly. You didn’t think he would notice. 
“You… noticed?”
“Of course I did!” He grinned, patting his chest proudly. “You didn’t talk that much at our last movie night at Taehyung’s. You usually love to debate after watching a movie.” He chuckled. "The fact that you're not even starting a discussion right now, is lowkey concerning."
That was because of an entirely different thing, but you chose not to say. “I haven't even told Yoongi.” 
“Even if you tell him, he wouldn’t tell anyone either, so what’s your point?” 
“That’s fair.” You broke a small smile. 
“What happened?” He stopped mid-track, suddenly losing a bit of confidence in his speaking tone. “I mean, only if you’re comfortable enough to tell me…”
Your expression softened. “It’s a bit stupid…”
“It’s okay, I’ll listen!” He nodded towards you. “I’ll just quickly grab those ice cream and we’ll sit down somewhere?” 
Minutes later he came back with two ice creams and a big stupid grin plastered on his face as usual. “Here you go, let’s sit down on that bench.”
You nodded and thanked him before following him to the bench. 
“Come sit close to me!” He patted right next to him. When you only looked at him blankly. He added, “Please?”
You sat down close to him but left a bit of space enough so that your shoulders wouldn’t touch. 
“Are you cold?” 
“Uh… no.”
“Okay, good.” He smiled and took a big bite of his ice cream. “So, do you still wanna tell me? Or we could also just sit and talk shit about Jin while we eat ice cream if you don’t want!”
You smiled. Looking into his eyes, you could feel his sincerity. It could be just you, but you felt somewhat… safe. 
“I used to date this one guy… We dated for three months before I ended things with him.” 
You looked up to Jungkook, expecting to see a negative expression but he remained silent, only nodding to signal you to continue. 
“To be fair we haven’t been in touch for almost a year, but he suddenly called me. He was drunk and said a bunch of nonsense. I still replied at first, cause I was worried for his safety. But after I found out he was drunk at home, I bid my goodbye. Then he suddenly said…” You took a deep breath. “He said that I’m a 4.5 with a bitch attitude and being picky won’t help me.” You broke into a sad grin. “It’s stupid, I know—“
“Who is this fucker? Can I beat the shit outta him? How come I’ve never heard about this?!”
“Probably cause this is how you react.” You chuckled. “It had me quite bothered for quite sometime, maybe the fact that I also haven’t dated in a while adds to it, but I guess I feel somewhat better now.” 
“So that’s why you said you thought you weren’t my type?” 
“That fucker needs to get his eyes and brain checked.” He shook his head. “You know, it’s fine to not want to settle for less.” He said as he looked at the sun setting in the sky. “He’s just butthurt you don’t want him back.” 
You stayed silent but nodded.
“His dick’s probably small anyway.” When you slapped his arm, he laughed. “What? Am I wrong? Why did you even break up with him?”
“He's sexist!”
“And his dick is small.” He followed. 
“Jungkook!” You began to laugh as well. 
“You know you’re easily a ten, but I’ll give a nine for now.” He said, pretending to be serious with rubbing his chin and squinting his eyes. 
“Why? What deduct the one point?”
“Cause you haven’t like me back yet.” 
“God, make that at least five points then, I hate you.” You rolled your eyes, but laughed. 
He smiled softly. “Feeling better?” 
“Well, I guess? But now my ice cream's all melty.” You pouted, trying to lick some that was melting down the cone. 
“That’s why you eat fast like me.” He proudly said. 
“And have stomach problem? No thanks.”
“Here let me just…” He licked a stripe from your cone and took a big bite. “There.”
You were taken aback. So stunned that you could only blink a few times at him. 
“What? Don’t tell me that turned you on?” He smirked. 
“You… Jungkook, that’s gross!” You whined, which only resulted in his laughter. 
The next day Jungkook wanted a full day date. Boy kept saying that he wanted fair chance since it was his last day. He already planned a list of things both of you would do and all, and the first being eating brunch with you. 
“Do you really have to come this early?” You complained as you opened your apartment door for the guy. 
When the said guy sheepishly didn’t move and enter, you raised one of your eyebrows. His hands were behind his back, clearly holding something, and you can see both of his arms flexed, seemingly grasping something tightly. You were searching for his boyish grin, but his expression seemed worried instead. 
“I got you flowers.” He said, sounding discouraged. 
“Oh?” You replied, but wondered why he just kept standing and not move. 
“I found out last minute that you don’t like flowers…” He frowned. “Yoongi told me in the group chat after I got too excited and sent them a pic of the flowers I got you.”
He looked like a lost puppy, and suddenly you had the urge to hug him to ease all his pain away. You stopped yourself before the impulse got the best of you and you grabbed him by the forearm, dragging him inside and closing the door. 
“You can’t stay in that position the whole day, you have to hand me the flowers.” You folded your arms, trying to hold in a chuckle. 
“But you don’t like them!”
“I haven’t even seen them.”
He finally moved his hands and revealed a small bouquet of fresh daisies. It was a simple bouquet, nothing too extravagant with a brown wrapping paper. It somehow reminded you of his smile and how radiant he looked when he did so. Yes, you did not like flowers, they were unpractical, it felt like an unnecessary addition, a waste of space. But somehow you like it. It made you feel all warm and fuzzy and it was very pleasant. It made you wanna accept it with open arms. Truthfully, the description did not really feel like it was describing flowers anymore, but you decided to not further ponder on it. 
“Thank you.” You took the flowers and sniffed it, before setting it down on your table. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t know, I feel so dumb cause everyone knew already and—“
“Hey, we’ve only known each other for three months.” You assured. “Besides, it’s really not much of a big deal, I actually like them.” 
“You do???”
“Yeah, they look pretty. I don’t know how long I can keep them looking like that though.” 
“Oh my god…” He exhaled deeply. “I was so worried it would be a deal breaker or something. I was literally shaking!”
He laughed and showed his right hand in front of you, it was shaking slightly. You didn’t know why he laughed at it, you didn’t find it funny. 
“It happens sometimes when I’m nervous.” He chuckled. 
Instead of saying something, you took his hand into yours just by intuitive. It was impulsive, but you let go before he had the chance to intertwine his fingers with yours. He didn’t comment on your behavior, but a smile was still on his face as he waited for you to grab your things to go. 
The brunch was on this small cafe near your place. You insisted on paying this time, since he paid for yesterday. The brunch was spent with him trying to sneakily hold your hand, but failed every single time. 
Next activity on the list was buying clothes together. As cringey as that sounded, and you even almost opposed the idea, Jungkook said that he needed to buy new outfit and he wanted to hear your feedback. Plus, some of his clothes barely fit him anymore since he decided to become a gym rat. 
“You actually look great in those skirt.” 
“You’re joking.” You denied, but twirled around in front of the mirror anyway, while trying to convince yourself that you didn’t need the purchase. 
“I’ll buy them for you if you won’t.” 
“We didn’t have all those money-saving talk with Namjoon only for you to say that.” You folded your arms. 
“Oh come on, you look great!” He pointed to you and his lips forming into a small pout. “Besides, we’re on a date today so I think that’s a pretty good excuse.” 
“I thought we are here to help you buy some clothes, not buy me skirt that I probably won’t wear that often.” 
“Let me spoil you for once… please?” He begged, eyes all sparkly. His lips shined along with his two lip piercings. 
“Alright, fine... I’ll get the skirt, but!” You eyed him. “Only if you buy that straight-cut jeans you just tried before.”
“That’s it? You’re not gonna argue on how those aren’t on trend anymore?” You raised an eyebrow. 
“I was gonna buy them anyways. You were practically drooling when I showed you.” He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows playfully at you. “Kinda was just waiting for you to admit it…”
You only rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t open your lips to deny his words either. 
After you changed back into your clothes and Jungkook paid for the purchases, he went back to you with a sly grin on his face and you immediately suspected something. He came back with a pair of matching string bracelet. 
“You can just not wear them later if you don’t want to, but let me be delusional for today, okay?”
You both left the store after you let him put the bracelet on your wrist. 
Next in line was spending time on a local amusement park. It was nothing too extreme, just a small carnival that has a few rides and snack booths. The guy kept insisting that you both should take a picture when the sun set. 
“Cotton candy!” Jungkook sprinted to the booth like a hungry kid, his laughter could be heard even as him getting far from where you were standing. 
You shook your head, smiling to yourself as you walked to his direction. 
“Pink, blue, or green?” 
“Blue, maybe?”
“Alright.” He grinned and paid the seller as they handed the blue cotton candy stick. “Why blue though?” 
“Dunno, just kinda matches your outfit.”
“Sweetheart, I’m wearing jeans and a plain white t-shirt.” He giggled. 
Which should be a crime! Cause who even looks that good in a basic white t-shirt??? You thought to yourself. “Your jeans, I guess..?”
“If you say so.” He chuckled. “Wanna ride the ferris wheel?”
“Being in a such small space with you sounds dangerous.” 
“I’ll protect you, babe.” He winked. 
“The danger is you, babe.” You mocked. 
He smirked, clearly amused. “Well, at least I got you to call me babe, that’s a win for me.” 
“You’re anno— hmph!” He stuffed a ball of cotton candy in your mouth, laughing continuously at the sight. 
After wandering around for a while and finishing the cotton candy, Jungkook dragged you to the shooting game. You refused, saying how you never really win these kind of games, but knowing him, losing was never really his thing. You saw how big the main prize was and you know Jungkook, you knew his ego, you knew damn well that was what he was aiming. 
“If you’re aiming for that giant teddy bear, don’t. We can’t carry that thing around...”
“You can’t tell me what to do.” He didn’t listen and instead paid for the game tickets. 
“We can’t carry that in your motorcycle, that’s like another passenger!”
“Just watch me.” He smirked, already aiming with the toy gun. 
You rolled your eyes, there’s really no telling him on this. “Fine, whatever.” 
After just two shots, you hear him jump in celebration, fist in the air and the staff rang the bell for him winning the price. You were ready to complain, but the staff handed you a small frog plushie instead. You looked at Jungkook and saw his boyish grin, his eyes almost turned into crescents. You looked back at the plushie in your hands and couldn’t lie to yourself, it was very adorable. 
“You didn’t aim for the grand prize?”
“You told me not to.” He shrugged. “Plus, you like frogs, right?”
“I wished I took a picture of your expression when they handed you the plushie.” He laughed, a soft blush decorating his cheeks. 
You finally agreed to ride the ferris wheel with him. The park was going to close in an hour anyway, and you thought why not, it wouldn’t hurt anyone to go for one ride. 
You sat across him, hugging the frog plushie on your lap. It was silent for the first few minutes, but it was comfortable, not awkward. You were just looking at the view from above and silently admiring it. 
“Did you have fun?” He asked. Suddenly your attention went back to him and his smile. 
“Well, yeah… I did.” You nodded. “Thanks.” 
“Don’t thank me, I had fun too.” He smiled. “Everything’s fun with you though so I may be biased…” 
You didn’t really know what to say to counter his words. You just smiled and went back to looking at the window. 
“Mind if I sit next to you?”
“Uh… sure. Just be careful, you might tilt the cart.” 
Jungkook carefully moved to sit next to you. He muttered a small “phew” as he sat down. “Wow, the view’s better here.” He said, looking straight at you. 
“What do you mean? How—” And then it clicked to you. “Oh my god… shut up!” You hit his arm, and he laughed. 
“Take my compliment for once!” 
“Never.” You stuck your tongue out. 
The ride soon came to an end. You remembered that you promised Jungkook to take a picture with the sunset, but out of nowhere it started to rain. Although it was just small drizzle, it’s hard to take picture and avoid getting soaked at the same time. You both ran to the nearest sheltered place, with Jungkook’s leather jacket covering both of you. 
You said your sorry about his now wet jacket, but the boy did not seem to be bothered, as you can see how bright and happy he was, just from running with you under the rain. You sighed, but an idea came to you as soon as you saw a photo booth machine, not far from where you were standing. 
“Do you… maybe wanna do that instead?”
“Photobooth?” He looked at you, as if he couldn’t believe your words. 
“Why? You don’t want to?”
“No! I want to!” He said, almost too quickly. “But it’s just weird that you suggest it. But it’s a good weird!” He chuckled. 
“I promised you a picture, so we’re getting a picture.” 
“Aww.” Jungkook pout his lips in a kissy way, teasing you. 
“Let’s go before I regret it.” You dragged him inside the booth. 
The first pose you playfully put peace signs behind Jungkook’s head, giving him bunny ears, while he only stuck out his tongue. The second one, Jungkook made a love sign with both of his hands, and you surprised him with a middle finger, which he yelled at you afterwards, but couldn’t really continue to complain as the countdown for the next photo were already starting. 
Since Jungkook spent at least three and a half seconds with his protest, you both were panicking for the last picture, running out of ideas. As the countdown stating two, he suddenly pulled you closer and leaned on your shoulder. The shutter flashed and the photo was taken. You were still in awe and couldn’t process what just happened. You only followed when you saw Jungkook making his way out from the booth to collect the picture. 
The guy giggled like a highschool boy, taking the printed photos, then giving one copy to you. You stared at the last picture, how genuine Jungkook’s smile when he leaned on your shoulder, while you had your eyes widened in surprise. You felt your face heating in embarrassment. 
“Ugh… can we just cut out the last picture?” 
“I was thinking the same thing, I’m putting it on my wallet!” He said, eyes still looking up and down on the set of photos. 
When you only looked at him in disbelief, he uttered a small “what?”, and laughed. 
Both of you ended up eating some cups of ramen in a nearby convenience store, as you wait for the rain to stop pouring. He took you home right after, insisting on waking you to your door. 
“Take care of little Kookie for me, yeah?” He said, pointing at your frog plushie, as you stopped at your unit’s front door. 
“Why is he named after you?” You chuckled. 
“I’m his father!” He pretended to be offended.
“Well, say bye to your papa now, little Kookie.” You waved the plushie’s small hand to him. 
Jungkook felt his heart somersault. He turned away for a second, covering his mouth. He cleared his throat. “Well, uh… thank you again, for today…”
“Yeah! Thank you too…” You chewed your inner lips, hugging your plushie close. 
“I uh…” He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. “I just wanna let you know that what I said to you… about deciding whether you like me or not after the dates… I was just saying stuff. I don’t wanna pressure you into deciding your feelings for me or anything, I genuinely just wanna spend some time with you, and I’m thankful for your time.” 
You nodded, smiling at him. Your eyes locked with each other for a quick second. Your heart skipped a beat. Maybe it was the moonlight, or the lamp in front of your door that you recently just got replaced. Either way, you could see the stars in Jungkook’s eyes and his skin glowed, but so did his lips. They were practically sparkling and glossy, you wondered if he had put any lip balm over it. For a moment, your attention stopped at his lips, just wondering how it would feel against yours. Would it be soft? Would you feel the cold metal of his lip piercing against your skin? 
The man in front of you seemed to be lost in his thoughts as well. You swore you saw his eyes darted to your lips for a quick glance, before coming back to your eyes. Just when he leaned down a bit to your height level… 
You froze. What was that? You felt your stomach turned, you couldn’t exactly point out whether it was due to nervousness, or if you were simply just afraid. You took a step back and your back almost hit the front door.
“You should head back, it could rain again soon…” You said, looking away. 
“Oh.” There was disappointment in his voice. “Okay then… bye.” He waved to you awkwardly and walked away. 
As you see his figure walking away, you went inside your apartment and closed the door behind you. Sitting down on your sofa, you put your hand over your chest. Funny how your heart was still beating so fast. You were panicking, feeling everything all at once. Nervousness, excitement, curiosity, but mostly fright. The unknown territory was making you scared. The new feelings you were feeling, you didn’t even know if it would be okay to feel it. 
Still laying down on your sofa, you took your phone and dialed your best friend. 
“You called.” You heard Yoongi’s voice from the other line. 
“Why are you saying it like that.” 
“You only call when you’re stressing over something, otherwise, you only text.” 
You hate how smart and observant your friend was sometimes. “I think I feel something for Jungkook.” 
“Isn’t that… I don’t know, good?” 
“I don’t know… it just hit me like a truck, okay? One minute I wanna punch that stupid grin out of his face, the next thing I know, his lips looked so shiny and he got me wondering if his piercings would feel cold against my lips.” 
“Okay, wow.” Yoongi said in amusement. “Care to elaborate?”
“What if I’m just… super horny or something? I mean I haven’t been with anyone for like god knows how long now, and I could just be desperate and Jungkook is good looking, extremely good looking may I add, and—“
“Okay, okay… Y/N, pause for a second.” Yoongi sighed. “So you think you might be just horny and you feel bad for it?”
“Of course I feel bad! I don’t wanna use Jungkook like that! Just because he has this stupid crush on me, doesn’t mean I can do whatever I want with him. I’m not that kind of person!” You exclaimed, the volume of your voice getting slightly higher. 
“Tell me, how do you feel after the dates? Did you enjoy it?”
“Well yeah, I had a great time actually. I didn’t expect Jungkook to be that caring, and he’s actually very good at initiating conversation…” You wondered what else you could point out. 
“During that time, did Jungkook mention or do anything sexual?” 
“N-no! Of course not! Yoongi, do you take me as the fuck-on-the-first-date kind of person???” You said, slightly offended.
“So you like him.” He stated casually. 
“I’m sorry?”
“You caught feelings. Just admit that Jungkook has officially win you over.”
“I… what…” 
“I knew it. I shouldn’t have let you go on those dates, now both of you are gonna be so gross when we hang out...” You heard your friend groaned. 
“I like him?” You asked, more to yourself rather than to your best friend. 
“Maybe you should call Jungkook instead and tell him.”
You widened your eyes in horror. “No way, that guy only has a crush on me, it’s more of a hyperfixation, like I’m his girl of the month or something. I’m sure it’s not like how you think it is.”
“You should ask him yourself instead of making assumptions, just saying. And you know…” Yoongi paused for a second before continuing. “I think that kid is actually a good person, despite how dumb and annoying he looks.” When he got no respond from you, he spoke again. “Alright, I’ll leave you with your thoughts, just make sure you’ll talk with him about this, okay? Take care, Y/N.” 
Yoongi hang up the call while you were still sitting down, expression blank, staring at the wall in front of you. 
Jungkook didn’t text you at all after the date. Not like you text each other regularly, but you lowkey expected him to after. You wanted to call him, or at least text him. You wanted to say how you feel but you were again, scared. You began to think if you were reading it wrong. He was popular, you wondered if he just acted like that to everyone, if you were catching feelings, while he just wanted to hang out and have a bit of fun. After all, he never really explicitly said that he had feelings for you, all you knew that he admitted his giant crush for you while being under the influence of alcohol. 
You never hear from Jungkook again until the next week. Hoseok invited you all to game night over his place. You wanted so badly to bail and fake being sick, but Yoongi picked you up, basically forcing you to come and face your problem like an actual adult.
With all these new and mixed emotions that you were still getting used to, the thought of seeing Jungkook in person sounded so overwhelming. He would probably just act like how he usually would, because of course, why wouldn’t he. After all you were the one who suddenly took a weird turn.
“Finally!” Hoseok shouted, as he opened the door for both of you and Yoongi. 
“Come on, switch with Namjoon, he sucks!” Jin spoke while his eyes still not leaving the TV screen and his fingers loud against the controller. 
They were playing Tekken 8 on Hoseok’s Playstation. You saw how Namjoon was basically getting his ass kicked, playing as a Panda character, while Jin quickly leading himself towards victory using the character that coincidentally has the same name as him. 
Jin Kazama wins. 
The oldest one screamed happily, while Namjoon’s protests and excuses could be heard very loudly. Everyone laughed at the two, so it was easy to spot the one who didn’t laugh as much, whose expression didn’t hold that much excitement, sitting on the edge of the sofa just playing with his phone instead. 
“Y/N, come on!” Jin patted the on the carpet to the now empty seat next to him, since Namjoon already excused himself to get more popsicles from the fridge. 
You followed and sat down next to Jin on the carpet, which was directly in front of Jungkook, who was slouching on the couch. 
Sitting down quietly, you took the controller and beginning to scroll through the rooster of characters. You chose the character named Lili, while Jin stayed with his current main. 
When you beat Jin and the sound of your friends cheering loudly was heard, you began to feel a little bit relaxed, at the very least you could forget for a moment about your situation with Jungkook. That was until, you heard Yoongi spoke. 
“Jungkook, your turn.” 
You immediately turned your head towards your best friend, eyeing him straight. How could he betray you like this was beyond you. 
“Nah, you play I’m not really in the mood.” He rejected politely.
Your eyes went back to the screen because you refused to see Jungkook’s expression. You pretended to busy yourself pressing the dpad button up and down on the character choices. 
“This is the first time I’ve ever heard Jungkook refusing a match.” Taehyung said while munching on his potato chips. 
“Yeah, that’s so unlike you, man!” Hobi joined. “Come on, we all know you’re good, but Y/N doesn’t know that yet!” He added. 
A small groan came out from Jungkook’s mouth before he stood up, and once again everyone cheered. Jin stood to switch seats with him. The man locked his eyes with you once, before sitting down and picking up the controller in his hand. He didn’t take too long picking a character. His choice landed on a boxer character. 
The match went quietly with only the sound of the video game from the speaker. Your friends behind you somehow went silent as well, and the atmosphere in the room became very tense. 
“Is it just me or it kinda feels like they’re actually fighting with each other…” Jin whispered to Hoseok who was sitting next to him. Hoseok only signaled with his hand shaking next to his neck to cut it out, while the rest only widened their eyes and try their best not to make any comment. 
You pretended like you did not hear any of it and kept mashing the controller buttons. The milliseconds of your attention being taken away from the game gave your opponent a leaway to break your combo and finally beating down your character. 
Steve Fox wins. 
“All right, Yoongi you switch with me, I’m gonna go get some air.” You excused yourself and headed to the balcony, closing the door behind you. 
Technically it was not a lie. It just got a bit stuffy with eight people inside an apartment living room. Especially when the guy you suddenly had feelings for was in the equation as well. 
You searched your back pocket for your pod and cursed silently when it was nowhere inside your jeans pocket. 
“Looking for your vape?” Jungkook entered the balcony uninvited, wiggling your small disposable vape pod in front of you. But when you were about to take it from him, he withdrew his hand. “I thought you’ve stopped.”
“I did. I only do it when I’m nervous. That’s why it’s a disposable.” You said weakly. 
“I noticed.” He replied in a monotone, now pocketing the pod inside his pants, refusing to give it to you. 
“You smoke, don’t act all high.” You retorted. 
“Well, have you seen me smoke these past few weeks?” 
“No, actually… yeah, now that I think of it, you didn’t even smoke once when we went out—“ You stopped when the memories of your date went through your head. “Jungkook, about that…” You bit your lips, nervously facing him. 
He also turned his body to your direction, looking at you directly. “I’m sorry.” He suddenly said. 
“Huh? For what?” 
“I feel like I’ve pressured you into something you don’t actually want. I’ve been thinking and re-thinking about it the past few days and it drives me crazy. I may have feelings for you, but that doesn’t give me the right to drag you along to do stuff with me just because you enjoyed spending time with me as a friend.”
“Wait, Jungkook, I don’t feel that way!”
“I know! That’s why I apologize—“
“No! I mean, I didn’t feel like you dragged me along or anything. I genuinely enjoyed our date and…” You looked away, taking a deep breath before continuing. “If I’m not reading it wrong, you’re saying you truly have feelings for me?” 
“Isn’t that obvious already?” 
“Well, I thought I was just your girl obsession of the week or something… You have celebrity crushes left and right, okay?! Hell, you even had a crush on Namjoon at one point!!!” 
“The Namjoon crush was a joke. Man just got some nice thighs and I was just admiring it.” He defended. 
You took another deep breath. “Look, I’m sorry as well… the emotions were all just come clashing to me at once and I just told you to go home instead of dealing with it.” 
“But, you rejected my kiss...” He said with a weak voice, you almost didn’t catch it. 
“Cause I haven’t figured out what I want yet. I thought I was just so touch deprived that your lips looked inviting that day.” You admitted while cursing yourself secretly inside your mind. That was lowkey embarrassing. 
“Try being me, your lips look inviting every single day!” He exclaimed, his mood now seemed to be improving. 
“Be serious.” You hit his sides. He muttered an “ow” but you doubted it even hurt the slightest bit. 
“So now you’ve figured out what you want?” His doe eyes looking at you directly. 
“I’m getting there… I guess.” You broke the eye contact, it was a bit too much for you and suddenly you felt a bit sweaty. “But I think I like you too.” 
“Say that again while looking at me.” 
“Hell no.” You suddenly covered your face with both of your hands. 
“Please?” He grabbed your wrists, softly trying to prey open your hands. “I just want to have the visual memory of it captured in my brain.”
When you finally loosened your grip, he took his chance and held both of your hands in his. He grabbed them for a few seconds, intertwining his fingers with yours, before letting them go. He traced his fingers along your right wrist where you wore the bracelet that he got you, the one he got matching with his, and then moved his hands up to cup your face. The entire time he did all that, you could actually feel the shakiness in his hands, and it melted your heart. 
“Can I?”
You nodded and he did not waste any second before dipping in and closing the gap between you. 
Oh boy you were right, his piercings did feel cold against your lips, but that was only for a quick second before everything felt warm and soft, and your mind became blurry. You were moving your lips against his carefully, afraid to accidentally hurt him by his piercing, but instead earned a small bite on your bottom lip from Jungkook. You gasped and pulled away, hitting his chest. Since when were you in his embrace? That you did not know. 
“We gotta head back now or they’ll get suspicious.”
He giggled and kissed your forehead. “They’re already suspicious, babe.” 
“Still, we gotta head back…”
“You guys done making out?! We’re hungry!!!” You heard Jimin shouted from inside the apartment. 
Jungkook and you looked at each other with widened eyes, before laughing in unison. He pecked you on the lips one more time before running back inside with you, holding hands. 
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Thank you for reading! 🌸
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 9 months
The Way I Loved You
Luke Castellan x demeter!Reader
Summary: "But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain / And it's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name / So in love that you act insane"
Warnings: angst, possessiveness, jealousy, toxic relationship, fluff ending
Wordcount: 3.3K
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A/N A. Yes, it's another Taylor Swift songfic and B. Four fics in five days, I've been cooking
And you were wild and crazy / Just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated
Ever since Y/N met Luke Castellan, he drove her insane. When they were kids, 13 and 14 respectively, they hated each other. She hated the way he came in and immediately started bossing the campers around. Despite being so young she was the counselor for the Demeter cabin. Her big sister—her only sibling at the time—had tragically died on her way to camp that summer. But instead of mourning the always kind and radiant daughter of Demeter, they mourned the daughter of Zeus no one had ever met. And seeing the way the new boy seemed to soak up the attention made her hate him.
By the time she was 15 they still hated each other but he was all she had. They had both been at camp so long, and lost so many of their siblings and friends, both could hardly remember life without the other. But they still argued like children. So whenever they had bickered so much that Chiron or Mr. D got tired of it, they’d send them to do a chore together. They spent long hours cleaning the showers, stables, infirmary, doing practically every undesirable chore together that they finally started to talk.
Luke got to know her and understand why she hated him. And she had learned about his life and gained sympathy for him.
Soon enough those talks became makeout sessions. They stopped talking but at least they couldn’t fight if their lips were occupied. It was like they were addicted to each other.
Eventually they slid into dating. When they weren’t talking it was great. But someone would inevitably say or do something that made the other mad.
“Why were you flirting with him?” Luke demanded, slamming the door of the Demeter cabin.
“What are you talking about? I was training him. You know? Doing my job!”
“It wasn’t just training and you know it.”
“Gods you’re so insecure and possessive.”
“You’re the one who begged me to commit to you. Of course I’m gonna worry about my fucking girlfriend.”
“I did not beg you.”
“Yes you did. You’re the insecure one. You just needed to put a label on it and screw everything up.”
“You were supposed to meet me by the lake an hour ago!” Y/N stormed into the room.
“Oh crap. I’m so sorry babe,” he apologized. Trying to kiss her and make it go away.
“You do this all the time. I’m never a priority to you!”
“You’re literally my girlfriend. I don’t know what else you want.”
“I’m only your girlfriend because you didn’t want me to date anyone else!”
“Why are you packing?” Luke asked.
“You know my cousin who goes to Syracuse? She invited me up for the weekend.”
“So what? You can go party with frat guys?”
“No, so I can party with girls,” she tried to lighten the mood.
But Luke wasn’t consoled.“I don’t want you going to some college and getting drunk.”
“Because so many things can happen. You could get drugged and taken advantage of. You could get attacked. What are you gonna do if a cyclops sniffs you out but you’re too drunk to realize?”
“You’re not actually worried about that you just don’t trust me.”
“Of course I trust you. It’s them I don’t trust.”
“It takes two to tango.”
“Again, you could get roofied.”
“Urgh Luke you’re not listening to me!”
They had plenty of arguments. So much so that the Hermes and Demeter campers had a silent agreement to go to each other’s cabins whenever their counselors started arguing.
But toxic relationships can’t go on forever.
It was Y/N’s birthday. She was turning 18. Collectively Camp Half-Blood made a big deal about birthdays considering that each one literally signified a triumph over death. But Luke couldn’t even be bothered to spend the day with her. When she woke up in his bed, he was already up and putting on his training gear. “‘Morning,” she greeted softly. She tried not to seem too excited about her birthday but all she wanted in that moment was for him to say “happy birthday.”
“Hey,” he smiled. “I'm gonna go train with some of the other campers. The new kids have been excited to watch me fight so…” he said smugly, already halfway out the door. “Just uh make the bed when you leave? Thanks.”
She was left disappointed. Like she always was except for when they were together but not talking.
But almost as soon as she stepped outside she was greeted with several wishes for a good birthday. She nearly cried when she got back to her cabin and found her bunk decorated, small gifts left on her bed from her friends and siblings.
By lunch practically the whole camp had wished her a happy birthday and she was feeling a bit better. She was reading a book she got as a gift, sitting alone at the Demeter table while she ate. Laughter invaded the dining pavilion and she watched as Luke entered along with the campers he had been training. He spotted her, coming over to her table but she didn’t even look up at him.
“Are you mad at me?” he asked. No response. “Why are you mad?” Still no response. After a few beats of silence he tried to change the subject. “So what are you reading?” She just held the book up so he could read the title. “Ah. Where’d you get that?”
By now the other campers had grabbed their food and were walking past the Demeter table. “Happy birthday, Y/N,” they each wished as they passed by. She smiled up at each of them as they passed. She only spared a glance at Luke to witness the expression on his face.
“Are-are you mad because you think I forgot your birthday? Of course I didn’t forget your birthday, babe. I’m just uh… saving my surprise for after dinner.”
“Sure,” was all she said, flipping the page.
“No, no,” Luke insisted, coming around to the other side of the table. He straddled the bench, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her close. As he did so he pressed a kiss against her cheek because she was still focused on her book. “You’re gonna love your gift. I swear.”
Luke spent the rest of the afternoon running around trying to put together a surprise. He got Mr. D to summon a small cake. Fortunately Mr. D was the one person in camp that didn’t know or care that it was Y/N’s birthday so he didn’t ask questions. As for the gift, Luke was lost. Anything in the camp store she’d immediately be able to tell wasn’t something he had thought about and anything he already owned she’d recognize as his.
So he went out to the meadow, picking flowers. She was the daughter of Demeter, of course she liked flowers.
So by the time dinner finished, Luke was pretty proud of what he had pieced together despite his limited resources. After everyone had left the dining pavilion, he brought Y/N to the docks where he proudly displayed his hard work. Except when he handed her the flowers, she looked disappointed. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
She shook her head. “I know you forgot my birthday. That’s fine. Whatever,” she sniffed passive aggressively. “But you gave me probably the most cop out gift you could think of.”
“What do you mean? You love flowers.”
By now the tears were freely flowing from her eyes. “You know I hate cut flowers because they just die. You could have dug a few up, preserved their roots and repotted them.”
“Okay fine, I’ll plant them.”
But she shook her head. “No, it’s too late.”
“Then I’ll get new flowers.”
“No, not about flowers. It’s too late for us.”
His heart sunk. “What?”
“Luke, I think we should break up.”
“Over a damn gift? Y/N, I’m sorry. I know I dropped the ball but the wrong gift isn’t something you break up over.”
“It’s not about the gift!” she cried. “Luke, we don’t know each other. We’re strangers who are together because it’s convenient. The gift just proves you only know the basics. We’ve been together for two years. Known each other for five. You should know I don’t like cut flowers.”
“So we need to reconnect? We can work through this. Please Y/N, don’t do anything rash.”
She just shook her head again. “You’re not getting it. It’s not even just that we don’t know each other. We can’t talk for more than five minutes before fighting. We’re toxic, Luke.”
“But we’re…”
“Just because we’re all each other has doesn’t mean we’re good together.”
“Y/N, don’t do this. Please.” By now even Luke had a few tears in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Luke. But this is better for both of us.” With that, she walked away from him for the last time.
He can't see the smile I'm faking / And my heart's not breaking / 'Cause I'm not feeling anything at all
Getting over Luke was the hardest thing she ever had to do. She spent several days crying to her younger sister, Katie. She tried to help her sister but the younger girl couldn’t relate, making Y/N just feel more alone. But then a new Athena camper joined and things got better.
Chiron had basically assigned Y/N to show Ben the ropes around camp. He felt bad for the poor girl. No one liked watching her or Luke sulk around camp.
“Ben, I’d like you to meet Y/N. She’s one of our most senior campers and counselor of the Demeter cabin.”
She smiled at the new boy. “Hi. Do you know what cabin you’ll be in yet?”
“Yeah, uh Athena. She claimed me when the satyrs found me,” he answered, already finding himself interested. Chiron tried to hide his smirk realizing the boy’s quickly growing feelings.
“Well you’re one of the lucky ones.”
“I’ve heard.”
“Y/N,” Chiron interrupted, “why don’t you show Ben around? Let him know how we do things around here.”
“Uh, sure. C’mon I’ll give you a tour.” As they went around camp, Ben asked her all sorts of things about herself. Favorite color, favorite flower, who her friends were, what they were like, what she liked to eat and more. All the things Luke should have known.
As they kept going through camp, Ben knew he was already falling for her. And not just because Chiron had talked her up so much as they had approached the daughter of Demeter. He thought she was pretty and smart. And she was so kind to him. Plus, everyone around camp seemed to love her.
Ben’s very apparent interest was much to the chagrin of Luke. He had spent the first couple days of his breakup pretending like everything was alright. An act that proved very unpopular with the rest of camp. But the lonely nights got to him and his siblings could hear quiet sobs and sniffles in the night. But almost as soon as he started showing remorse, this new guy showed up and all of a sudden there was a buzz around camp about the new guy who would replace him.
The excited gossip about his ex and the new boy had literally started from day one. He saw them going through the camp tour a few times that day. After all, Camp Half-Blood is big. And Luke just happens to have to go to the same areas his ex does at the same time. But every time he spotted them he couldn’t help but glare at the new Athena cabin member. Every time he sent her a smile or made her laugh, Luke curled his fist impossibly tighter. His fists became almost perpetually white as the blossoming romance grew over time.
As for Y/N, she was finally healing. Not happy, but healing and Ben was helping with that as time went on and they got closer. He was perfect. Sweet, smart, a gentleman. But he wasn’t Luke.
They spent many nights getting to know each other. He knew her birthday, all her favorites, and made an effort with all her friends. Hell he even made an effort with Luke—an effort the Hermes boy did not appreciate—because he knew Luke was still important to Y/N. When he asked her out he did so with a pot of her favorite flowers which he had Argus help him get.
He knocked on the door of the Demeter cabin which was opened by Katie. “Hey Katie,” Ben greeted Y/N’s favorite younger sister. “Is Y/N home?”
“Yeah, she is.” The young girl called for her and soon enough the object of Ben’s affection was at the door.
“Hey Ben. What’s up?” she asked.
“I just wanted to give you this,” he smiled, handing her the beautifully potted flower. “I know I’m no demigod child of the plant goddess but…”
“No it’s great,” she smiled at him. But her heart was sinking. It wasn’t because of the gift, the gift was perfect actually. But if Luke had been the one to give it to her, her heart would be soaring. “Thank you.”
“And I just wanted to ask you if you uh- wanted to have dinner with me tonight?” he nervously asked.
“Oh well I’d love to,” she smiled. “But uh we can’t table hop at dinner. It’s against the rules,” she laughed nervously, hoping that would be enough to dissuade him.
“That’s not a problem. I got permission from Chiron to let us have dinner together. We just have to be out of the dining pavilion before everyone else gets there at 7.”
Dread kept filling her. She was in too deep now. And he had asked Chiron, she couldn’t just shoot him down. “Well then I’ll see you at 6 then?”
The biggest smile broke over his face. “See you then.”
The entire time at dinner, Y/N wanted to cry. This is not what she wanted. Ben was not what she wanted. But she kept forcing a happy face, hoping that if she could convince Ben she liked him too, she could convince herself.
When he brought her out to the meadow and kissed her, she wanted to dig herself into the ground and die. It was a sweet kiss but it just felt wrong… like there was no chemistry or passion between them.
She was so frustrated with herself. As she looked into Ben’s eyes she wondered why she couldn’t just love him back. Here was this incredibly caring guy who was more than willing to give her everything she was asking for but she just didn’t feel anything.
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
For Luke, seeing Y/N with Ben made a weird dread fill his chest. To him it wasn’t fair that she just got to move on when she was the one that broke up with him. She should be begging for him back right now. And he hated to admit it but he’d take her back in a heartbeat right now.
So when he found her crying on the beach late one night, he didn’t know what to think. But she was still all he had so he approached. “Hey,” he tried to catch her attention gently.
She looked up at him, quickly wiping the tears from her eyes. “Oh, hey Luke,” she tried to play off her tears. “What are you doing here?”
“Came here to think and then I saw you. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I'm fine.” She gave a strained smile that did nothing to hide the puffiness of her eyes or blotchy skin.
It pained Luke to see her like this. Even more so when he knew he was the cause of her tears at one point. “Are you sure?” he asked, sitting next to her but maintaining her space. “We can talk. I promise it’ll just be a friendly conversation.”
She let out the weakest laugh he had ever heard. “I’m fine. You wouldn’t wanna hear about it anyway,” she dismissed even though Luke was the only person she wanted to talk to. He was the only person who could maybe possibly understand. Her siblings were too young and the only other camper their age was Ben.
“Try me,” Luke challenged, scooting the slightest bit closer.
She looked at him for a while before reluctantly speaking. “It’s Ben. I just… he’s such a great guy. He’s nice, and sweet, and such a gentleman but he’s just not…”
“Just not what?” Luke asked a little eagerly. From a distance she had looked blissfully happy and everyone spoke about how well Ben treated her. But hearing that his ex-girlfriend had a problem with the guy she was dating? Luke was a little too eager to hear about that.
“He’s not you!” She finally admitted. She didn’t miss the way Luke seemed to brighten. “He does nice things for me and he’s so sweet and into me but I’m just feeling nothing at all. It’s like there’s no passion between us.”
“Well you were right. We were toxic but we also had a lot of passion,” Luke tried to lighten the mood. “Look, I don’t mean to sweep in on your most vulnerable moment but I’ve been thinking since the breakup and this is the first time you’ve even looked at me so. I know I treated you like shit and was so possessive. I’m ready to actually commit to you and be your boyfriend instead of just slipping into it because we were already making out when we were younger. I want to give you everything the old me couldn’t or wouldn’t because watching you slip through my fingers was the most painful thing I've ever done. Besides, with more effort I think we could make this work because you don’t fight like we did unless you’re in love. People who don’t love each other just let it fade. They don’t fight.”
She looked like she was in severe pain. “Gods, why couldn’t you have said this three months ago?” Her lips were immediately on his. Luke was a little taken aback but kissed her back, glad to have her in his arms once again.
A few moments later they were promising each other eternity with all the passion in the world. “Forever?” he asked through labored breaths, his fingers intertwined with her hair.
“Forever,” she agreed.
The next day Luke was waiting anxiously in the Hermes cabin. Y/N was ending things with Ben but he was still nervous. What if she decided she wanted to stick with the safer option? He didn’t think he’d be able to handle it if she went back to him after last night.
His thoughts were only quieted when the door opened and he found her standing there. He stood up anxiously but hesitated, still slightly wary that she’d tell him she changed her mind. But she walked towards him, immediately falling into his arms. “Forever?” he asked.
“Forever,” she agreed.
Relieved, Luke pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Forever,” he confirmed for himself.
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hello! How you doing? I hope you're having a great day :D
I have a small request based on a funny picture I saw on twitter, where reader asks their crush/lover "Do you like sleeping?" and they're like "...yes?" then reader says "Wow, me too... We should try it together sometime"
I just can't choose which mk1 character, since I love all of them lmao. So I'll leave that up to you! Can be with anyone, sfw or not! your pick :p
Nap Time?
Yip notes: Hello! I’m doing alright, hope you are doing lovely (^∇^). This seems like such a fun idea. And you are letting me pick! Got me squealing.
Pairings: Tomas, Havik, Rain, Reiko x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️:NSFW, choking, biting, overstimulation (a bit), many positions
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Why would you ever trust Johnny to give you good advice? Trusting Johnny is a gamble, especially when you ask him for dating advice.
You were unsure of how to flirt with someone so you had to ask Johnny for help. And the help he gave you…was in the form of memes from Instagram and Twitter. He swore to you up and down that this would work on Tomas. You believed him, just like that?
So you tried it out. It might kill you to try to flirt but at least you made an effort to do so. You were a little nervous as you approached Tomas who was supervising the initiates. Immediately when he saw you he broke out into a smile. Your heart was going crazy from just looking at him. You didn’t realize the loving look in his eyes every time he stared at you. You two had a casual conversation for a bit, just the usual. You took a deep breath and tried remembering which pickup line you would use on Tomas. Something that will capture his attention but won’t be too forward.
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?” you asked.
He looked at you, his eyebrow cocked up in confusion, “…yes?”
“Wow, me too…we should try it together sometime.”
That was too forward girl! I thought you would be better than me.
You put your head down in shame before quickly walking off. A walk of shame if you will. That meant however that you missed Tomas’ reaction to your flirting. It was super effective! He knew what you meant because Johnny told him before. Thanks, Johnny. He went from his usual pale self to a shade of pink that only a rose could replicate. You’re just gonna leave him like that? All flustered like you didn’t just ask him to sleep with you. He didn’t know you felt that way about him.
You left him in an uncomfortable position. He couldn’t go find you because he had to supervise the initiates. But he was also trying to keep his composure and not think too much about being in bed with you. He can’t think about how his hands would be all over you, feeling your soft skin as his body is pressed against yours. Ah, too late he’s hard just from that. Pathetic. Better hide that.
The moment the initiates were done training he went looking for you. You were in your room, groaning into your pillows from the embarrassment you still were feeling. You thought this memory would haunt you forever. Oh how wrong you were.
Tomas was knocking on your door, still trying his best to keep his composure. You got up and opened the door. Before you could try to apologize for what you said he asked you something.
“Were you being serious? Please tell me you were being serious.” He said in desperation.
You were shocked. The pickup line worked? And he wanted you to be serious? Alright, ain’t you a winner.
You nodded your head and that’s all Tomas needed. He pushed his way into your room and only then did you notice his boner. It’s really hard to hide it with the uniform he has on. Well, go on, fix it. You started the war you better finish it. Get in bed! Scratch that, he will carry you to bed.
Your groans of embarrassment soon became groans of pleasure. And pants. And moans. And whimpers. Everything actually.
The pickup line sure did work. It got Tomas into bed with you, naked and desperate to pleasure himself with your body. You heard him groan and whimper every time he thrusted into you. He had you on your side with his chest pressed against your back and his hand on your thigh. He held your right leg up to have easier access to your pussy. His other arm was wrapped around your neck. He wasn’t choking you but holding you in place. He could choke you if that’s what you want.
You had no idea how long you guys were at it. It was like one second he was carrying you to your bed, the next he was ripping your clothes off, and now he had his dick inside of you. The dick must be good considering you were drooling in seconds and could only focus on how much he was stretching you out.
Don’t count yourself short because Tomas is just as dazed as you. Your pussy was as warm and tight as he imagined. When he first slid his cock in he let out a satisfied sigh, like he was relieved to feel your pussy squeezing him. The passion he was putting into each thrust was phenomenal. It’s like he was trying to fuck his love into you. That love sure was hitting your g-spot and making your moans go up a pitch. Soon your leg was shaking and you were telling him not to stop. He wasn’t planning on it. Tomas was as close as you were.
That pleasure was becoming greater and you both couldn’t handle it. One more deep thrust into you and you both were finished. You heard Tomas let out whimpers and moans as he came inside you. He was still thrusting a little which pushed the cum further into you. You would have been moaning as well if it weren’t for the fact that Tomas started choking you with his arm. You were not complaining. The lack of oxygen with your orgasm was the best feeling you have ever had. You could have sworn that the heavens opened and you were looking at the angels who looked down at you and asked ‘Is he gonna put a ring on it?’ Tomas better put a ring on it because you don’t ever want him leaving your side. Neither does he.
Tomas finally let you breathe once he realized he was choking you which you thanked him for doing. Like the gentleman he is he checked and asked if he hurt you anywhere. You told him to not worry and that you were fine. Once that was over he pulled you close to him and gave you kisses all over your face. He could stay here for hours with you so he could cuddle and kiss you. That lovemaking session sure did a number on you guys. It tired you out that you were soon falling asleep in his arms.
Looks like you slept with Tomas in both ways.
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You’re trying to flirt with Havik? Right…how well do you think that will go for you?
Havik is not an idiot but some things go flying over his head. Using unfamiliar terms might not hit the mark. You have to be blunt essentially. But it’s hard to be blunt about wanting Havik to be your partner and asking to have sex with him. Whoever could do that is a maniac or just extremely bold. That’s not you. So the best you could do is flirt and hope it hits the mark.
You approached him as he was in the middle of looking at weapons. That mace is looking really nice to him. Whatever, you’re there now and you seem to be asking for his attention. Not literally, you were actually staring up at him until he noticed your presence.
“What?” He asked.
“I have a question for you.” You replied in a shy tone.
He fully turned his attention towards you, curious as to what you had to say considering you never got this shy before.
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?”
“…yes, why do you ask?” Don’t fuck with him. Havik has no clue what you are getting at.
“Wow, me too…we should try it together sometime.”
There was a silence that followed. A long, uncomfortable silence followed as he stared at you. His head tilted to the side a little to indicate his confusion. This might have been a failure on your part. What were you thinking? You turned around to walk away only to be grabbed by the back of your shirt by Havik. He pulled you back and held you up by your shirt. You can’t walk away after saying something so confusing to him.
“What does that even mean?” Havik interrogated you.
You didn’t want to answer him. This situation was already incredibly embarrassing for you and it doesn’t help that he wanted you to explain it to him. You begged him to forget what you said and put you down already. Havik was not gonna listen, even you knew that. He wouldn’t let you down until you told him what you meant. In a moment of chaos and stress you blurted out the truth.
“I want to have sex with you!”
I mean I would have lied but good on you for being truthful.
There was silence once more. You watched as Havik squinted his eyes. You were unsure of what he was doing until you heard him let out a dark chuckle. If his face weren’t mutilated you would be able to see that he was smiling. But since he has a permanent smile on his face it probably works out.
“Why didn’t you say so? We could do that right now.” He said with pure delight. Get to it!
You knew Havik was a freak but you didn’t expect him to be this freaky. Who would have thought that the first position he would pick to do you in was the mating press.
Eight inches slamming into you, damn! Of course, he was going rough. He pushed your legs back as far as they could go so he could go as deep as he could. You were already crying and panting in the first few minutes. He made sure you kept looking up at him. He wanted to see every expression you made and watch every tear slip down your face. Watching your eyes roll back every time he slammed into your g-spot made him want to devour you even more.
Havik was beyond reason. His mind was only on one thing and that was fucking your pussy. You had to stay exactly how he wanted to. Every time you tried to look away from him he grabbed your face and forced you to look at him again. He wouldn’t let go until he got a nice reaction out of you.
“Aww, what a pretty face. I wonder what face you will make when I do this?”
You felt his hand wrap around your throat. Your eyes widened as you stared up at him. The excitement in his eyes was apparent. He squeezed tighter and went rougher. With the position you were in combined with everything else he was doing; it was no shock that you ended up cumming. Strained moans left your mouth as your eyes rolled back. Drool and tears were slipping down your face. Your hands could not take Havik’s hand away from your throat. You were forced to cum on his cock as he choked the life out of you. Sounds started to grow duller but the orgasm you felt was heightened. Every stroke was felt, his dick was hitting every spot down there. You could not ignore the painful pleasure you felt. And when it seemed like you were about to pass out, he let go.
You were trying to catch your breath but it was difficult since he was still fucking you. You were catching your breath in between moans and pants that were hoarse from being choked. Luckily for you, he was close. One, two, three more thrusts and he was golden. He slammed so hard and deep inside you that you could have sworn that he hit your cervix. Havik let out this loud groan that seemed to drag out. His tongue stuck out, causing some of his saliva to drip down onto you. Oh, he was satisfied alright.
Once his little moment of nature’s pleasure was over he pulled out and immediately collapsed onto you. He wrapped his arms around your waist. Tonight, you will be his pillow. You have no choice he is too big to move. Plus he wants to stay in this position with you. You are his girlfriend now. You both had sex that’s how it goes, at least in his head that’s how it works. You heard him lightly snore away. You were happy with the outcome of your pickup line. It worked incredibly well. You slowly started to fall asleep as you held Havik in your arms.
Be careful he drools in his sleep. Wait, never mind, he’s chewing on your titty in his sleep. That’s a bigger issue. At least he does it lightly.
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Ah, going after the high mage himself. It’s an interesting choice to pick a man who might have never felt the touch of a woman other than his mother.
If only you had his confidence you could be better when it comes to flirting with him. Hiding behind a pillar and watching him do magic does not count as flirting. You can talk to Rain but if you try to suggest something or flirt you freeze up. He’ll ask you if you’re alright, you’ll lie and say you’re fine before walking off, and the cycle repeats.
But maybe this time will be different. When the tournament was going on you heard in the background one of the Earthrealmers, probably Johnny, using a certain pickup line on Kitana. It seemed to work since it got a laugh out of her. So it has to work for you, right? You could only hope that this man will get it.
The next time you saw him you ran up to him with a smile on your face. Rain was delighted to see you again. You always manage to make him feel warm on the inside. You get him thinking about you instead of his studies or his duties. You’ll most likely do the same right now. The conversation is going well and you’ve made him smile. Go in for the kill!
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?” you asked awkwardly.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “…yes? I would imagine everyone does.”
“Wow, me too…we should try it together sometime.”
The silence was loud.
“You have your own bed, why would you need to sleep together?”
For a smartass he sure can be a dumbass.
You were beyond crushed. Just like usual you froze up. You didn’t give Rain a chance to ask if you were okay, you walked off quickly. You left him standing there, confused and unsure if he did anything wrong.
The rest of the day went on. You stayed hidden in your room after that embarrassing fail. Rain consulted with Mileena and Kitana about what just happened. He went on and on about how he didn’t understand what you meant. He was confused about why you wanted to sleep in his bed. When Kitana asked exactly what you said Rain relayed the pickup line. In a matter of seconds, Kitana and Mileena’s faces changed. They knew what you meant. Rain saw the look they were giving him and asked what was wrong now.
“Rain,” Kitana started, “She was flirting with you.”
“She was asking to sleep with you. You know…” Mileena made the gesture with her fingers that indicated what she meant.
Computing…computing…loading…load-SEX! YOU MEANT SEX!
“By Argus, why didn’t she just say that!?” Because that’s not casual, Rain.
Rain booked it out of there, almost forgetting his water staff in the process. He was at your door in minutes. He kept banging on it with little regard for his hand. You groaned as you picked your head up from your bed. You quickly opened the door thinking there was an emergency.
“Be more direct next time.” Rain said as he pushed his way into your bedroom.
Shall we begin the party?
He can be an idiot at times he will admit that. Let him make it up by taking care of you.
You were facing Rain as he had you on his lap. He thrusted into you mindlessly while his mouth was occupied with your nipple. Everything about you was soft to him. He couldn’t get enough of your skin. His hands wandered all over before wrapping his arms around your waist. Occasionally his hands would move down just to get a handful of your ass. It’s too tempting how could he not squeeze it.
Your breasts were doing wonders for this man. The moment he saw them he pulled you in so he could shove his face in between them. He looked so peaceful as he sucked on your nipple. Your breasts have become his new happy place. Your fingers ran through his hair which made this more pleasurable for him. He doesn’t want this to end.
You sure were enjoying yourself. With the position you were in you were sitting right on seven inches. Seven inches that was going in and out of you at a steady rhythm. Don’t forget the fact that your clit was being rubbed every time he thrusted into you. Hell even when he took a breather and you would start grinding, your clit was getting the attention it needed. You were in a drunken daze, whimpering and pants with each thrust. It felt like his cock was reaching into your stomach. Every time he hit your g-spot you would twitch and bring his face closer to your breasts. You’re suffocating the poor man but he loves it.
Why Rain is so good at this is a mystery. A mystery you don’t care to solve you are happy with living in this cock drunken state.
This party must come to an end. You both had your fun and you couldn’t hold back your orgasm. You felt Rain’s cock twitch inside you, letting you know he was close. You made him look up at you. You saw how his eyes twinkled when he stared up at you. That look encouraged you to start kissing him passionately as the orgasm hit you both. Hot strings of cum shot into you as your pussy clenched around his cock. Both your moans were being muffled by the kiss luckily.
He held you in his arms for a while as your both caught your breath. You got off his lap and immediately collapsed onto your bed. Rain quickly came to your side and brought you in close. He had your head resting on his chest, allowing you to listen to his heartbeat. His heart was beating for you.  
What a romantic evening.  
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Going after a man who only knows war? You’re just brave at this point.
This has to be easy, right? Not many ladies are brave enough to ask out any Outworld soldier, let alone the lieutenant himself. The girls who were brave enough to ask Reiko out were either turned down or he didn’t understand what they were doing. The fact is there are no other ladies trying to go after your man. They see it as a losing game while you see it as a challenge.
You spotted him out on the training grounds with other soldiers. You ran nearby and watching from a distance as he took down his fellow soldiers. Once Reiko noticed that you were there you waved him over. He told everyone to take a quick break as he walked over to you. Once he was right in front of you he questioned why you were around and why you seemed to be waiting for him. You told him you had a question for him.
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?” you said with some confidence.
“…yes? Sleep is important to a man like me.”
“Wow, me too…we should try it sometimes.” You finished with less confidence.
“You don’t want to sleep with me.”
“Oh…” You were quiet for a bit before deciding to walk off.
His skull is too thick I fear.
Reiko stared at you before turning around. His soldiers looked at him like he was crazy. He asked them what they were looking at. They started yelling at him that he fumbled so hard. They asked if he really didn’t want to have sex with a pretty lady like you. They said Reiko was so lucky to be flirted with by you.
“Sex? She didn’t ask to have sex with me. She asked to sleep with me.” He replied.
“It’s the same thing!” They yelled back in unison.
“That’s just stupid! If she just said sex I would have said yes!” Too late, idiot!
Reiko was upset by everyone and everything. He decided to visit you once he was done training with the other soldiers. He found your home and like the weird brute he is, he climbed up to your window. You heard tapping at your window as you were getting ready for bed. You were surprised to see Reiko at your windowsill. You opened the window immediately to let him in.
“Is it really that difficult to ask for sex?” For a man like him, probably not.
You don’t need to do much to get Reiko started, your nightgown was doing the work for you.
Oo look how strong Reiko is. Holding you up as he fucks you against the wall, show off.
He needed to show you how much of a man he was. He’s an idiot, not a heathen who doesn’t need sex. Everyone needs a little bit of fun.
His lips were attacking your lips in a rough kiss as his body pinned your body against your bedroom wall. He held onto your legs and kept them wide open as he thrusted into you. His thrusts were angled a little to allow him to rub against your clit. When it comes to sex, Reiko gives it his all. He never wants to lack. So he’s gonna make sure this will be a night you remember.
You sure will remember. Your pussy will definitely remember and crave his cock again. You will remember how its curved shape was a glorious feeling. Combined with his thick size you won’t be needing any other man. He stretched you out that the pain was pleasurable.
Reiko is a rough lover in general so his thrusts were just as rough. All you can hear is the sound of skin slapping, wet sounds, and heavy breathing. You felt his teeth lightly biting down on your lower lip. He didn’t want to ruin your perfect lip so he moved down to your neck. His teeth sank into your soft skin, littering it with marks. Bite marks were appearing all over your neck and shoulders. Each time he marked you his tongue would run over the mark he just made.
“You’re going to look so pretty when I’m done with you. Can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions when they see that you’re my lady now.” He is such a cocky bastard.
You were loopy but were on cloud nine. The pain and pleasure were a devious combination. It’s a high. A high you could only get from Reiko. He is your drug that leaves evidence of his effects on you.
Highs have to end eventually. You started panting fast as you got closer to cumming. Reiko watched your face as he went faster. Your head went back against the wall while your eyes began to shut tight. Your lovely moans came flowing out of your mouth and into Reiko’s ears. He thought the only noise he ever liked was the sound of his enemies dying. But it seems like you’ve proven him wrong.
Your body went somewhat limp but he still held you up. He’s not done yet. He was still pounding away, feeling how your pussy grew wetting to the point it was dripping. He made you stare up at him as he kept fucking you. He wanted to watch you lose yourself more from this. The sight of your eyes growing wet from being overstimulated was delicious to him. It was enough to send him over the edge. You saw the satisfied smile on his face as his cum filled up your pussy. He was trying to shove it as deep as he could like he was trying to mark you even more.
He held you in his arms as he pulled out. His cum was dripping out of you and onto the floor. Whatever, you guys can clean it up in the morning. You both need rest after that rough session. He placed you lightly on the bed before getting in himself. He laid on his back with one arm behind his head and the other wrapped around your body. Reiko was a satisfied man. What would make him even more satisfied was if you asked to be his girlfriend. You need to be blunt when you ask that one.
Give this man a cigarette he is giving off that energy.
Yap notes: WOO DOGGY THAT WAS A LOT. Had to put my mind into it. Thank you for letting me pick I’m glad to do more of my favorite/ underrated men! It was enjoyable to write. Now I need a nap. Adiós!
519 notes · View notes
thecapricunt1616 · 4 months
Cinnamon - (c.b. one-shot)
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Snippet (more BTC): “Can I- take your panties off…p-please?” He asked shyly “wanna make y’feel good - wanna taste your pussy I miss it s’much - tastes so good baby please lemme taste you” he said and his whiney husky voice mixed with his breathlessness from being shoved into the fabric of your dripping cunt made you clench around nothing. 
♡ One Shot Inspo: Cinnamon invokes lust and is considered an aphrodisiac. It can be used in love spells as well as for sex magic. Burn cinnamon to stimulate your spiritual powers and increase your psychic ability and awareness.
♡ Summary: Carmy hasn't had pussy in 2 weeks....he nearly died (he's a drama queen, but you love it) So, being the loving amazing GF you are you Mountain Dewed it up down left right (oh!!) switched it up like Nintendo - and did it so well you put his ass to sleep. (I listened to Espresso the whole time writing this its literally all I could think about hahahah)
♡ W/C: 4,140
♡ Posted Date: 05/12/2024
♡ A/N: HEYYYY!!! Okay okay so MORE STAGEFRIGHT because the amazing wonderful talented goddess level writer @l4long-winded sent in ♡THIS♡ big brain beautiful ask, and let me tell you I had some THOUGHTS!!! I have such a worship kink so .... yeah this was v fun to write. I hope you love reading as much as I loved writing. My dear please send in a request whenever you want!! Requests are open per usual :D
♡ Warnings for BTC: Kinda Sub!Carmy, Smut, Fem!Reader, AFAB!Reader, No use of Y/N, No use of physical descriptors, Black!Fem!Reader friendly (i'm pretty sure pls tell me if smth needs editing!), Kinda Virgin!Carmy, Not edited (we die like men)
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♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 ♡ ➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡ ➵ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ♡
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It had been quite literally a fortnight since Carmy had been able to fuck you. It was all he’d thought about, well - when his brain wasn’t busy going a million miles an hour about the restaurant, which is exactly what had taken up so much of his time lately. He’d usually be grateful for this kind of work, the kind of work that he’s going in at 3:15 and not getting home until 11:30 pm or midnight when you were already fast asleep. 
He was exhausted, emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually - but sexually?! He wasn’t sure he had ever been so wound up before. His nightly sessions of jerking his cock in the shower, biting his hand to keep as quiet as he could while he thought of the view of you when he came in that night. One leg hoisted up, nightgown ridden up over your ass. The one you knew he loved, and some of his favorite panties. 
You called them your lazy girl panties because you told him you only wore them when you weren’t expecting anyone else to see them, but that very fact meant drooled over them. The slight discoloration from being so old, the little threads hanging off the leg holes and waistband. The tiny hole right in the waistband that he loved to thumb with while cuddling in bed. 
 Two weeks. Fourteen days. Three hundred and thirty six hours. Twenty thousand, one hundred and sixty minutes. 
That had been how long he had gone without being inside of you. He didn’t know his dick could get depressed, but his dick was fucking depressed. Getting off felt like a chore. When he’d jack off, he took an extra 15 minutes yanking on the thing because he could barely cum anymore, even though his balls were aching like he needed to. 
Every time he got home, he’d stand in the doorway, just watching you. You would be peacefully asleep, chest lightly rising and falling, your beautiful body covered by some loose sleep thing. A loose sleep thing that he fantasized about ripping off into shreds. 
Tonight though - he could cry. You were up - you were fucking awake. Through his own selfish desires he didn’t even realize it was abnormal, the only thing he could think about was the blood rushing to his cock at the mere idea you could possibly potentially be in the mood. “Baby?!” He nearly tripped over his own two feet rushing to your shared bedroom. 
You were sat up on the bed, book on your thighs - a loose nightgown that accentuated your curves and hugged your peaked nipples uncovered by any bra. He could bust in his pants and all you were doing was reading. Reading what? He could care less honestly because his cock was starting to hurt. 
You sat up, putting your legs over the side of the bed to get up and greet him “Bear! How was work love? I wanted to stay up so that we could - what’re you…” you trail off confused as he slinks to his knees before you, between your thighs and lifting up your leg, putting the top of your foot to his lips. 
“In…22 minutes” he starts between kissing up your bare ankle and calf “it..will have been..15..days..” he stopped at your thighs, his cheek smushed against the flesh, he looked like he could both cry and that he was coming home. “Since I touched you. Please. Please baby - can I make you feel good? Mm?” He mumbled into your skin. “Please princess? I’m dyin’ here. I’m fuckin- I literally cut my hand t’day thinkin’ bout you. I fuckin need you” he kissed over each little tiny inch of your flesh. He was…worshiping you. 
The idea sent waves of warmth flooding your core. “Yeah baby?” You took his hand, seeing a bandage over his knuckle and kissing it gently. 
The feeling of your lips to his skin made him whimper “please- please please please” he begged, sitting back on his feet and looking up at you through his bangs, pushing his hair back quickly before his hand found your calf once again, rubbing little strokes into it “please?” He asked softly, his big blue eyes blown wide with lust. 
You gently cup his cheek “and who’s fault is it?” You were teasing now. But you knew the bastard loved a challenge, and you also had been horny and your fingers were nothing compared to Carmys. 
“Mine. It’s mine. My stupid fuckin job angel I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry, how can I make it up? What can I do pretty? Mm? I’ll do whatever you want” he begged you and kissed over your knees and calves, pressing short little pecks to the skin. You grabbed his greasy curls at the root, raking through a few of the knots gently before pulling him to look at you and he moaned gently at the sudden firmness 
“Do you know I’ve been fingering myself to fall asleep. All alone - for all those days you said. My poor hand” you held it up and he brought it to his lips on instinct, kissing the pads of your fingers before opening his mouth expectantly. “Good Bear” you purr and his eyes flutter shut as you stuck in your middle and ring fingers, slipping them over his tongue. He moaned at the contact, not holding back. 
You smiled a bit, tugging his jaw open and he looks up at you, cheeks flushed and drool beginning to drip down his chin. “You’re pretty” you said softly and he swirls his tongue around your fingers before sucking on them gently, not breaking your gaze. Your stomach flips with excitement, your panties becoming uncomfortably wet but you weren’t going to let that show. He deserved to beg. 
“Do you deserve to be sucking on my fingers though?” You pull them away suddenly and he gasps a bit a the unexpected emptiness of his mouth, a pathetic little pout appearing on his lips. 
“No” he said softly and you grab his cheeks, smushing them gently “but I can make you feel soooo good - you deserve it” he told you and you pat his cheek gently with your hand, your wet fingers leaving a glistening streak on his cheek. 
“I know I do. Are you gonna eat me out? Like a good boy?” You laid back on your elbows, spreading your thigh and resting one of your feet on the edge of the bed, showing your panties that had grown a large wet spot during your conversation. He watches every move you make, his eyes focusing on the wet spot you sighed softly, deciding to take pity on him. “You can sniff my panties, you little freak” you giggle and he looked up at you like a kid on Christmas 
He wasted no time shoving his nose right in the wetness, inhaling your sweet yummy scent and groaning “thank you” he mumbled into the curve of your ass, his hot breath against the skin causing your clit to twitch and goosebumps to appear on your skin. You feel him taking another deep breath and nuzzling his nose back and forth to get deeper like a dog and you couldn’t help but giggle, raking through the knots in his curls as he stuck out his tongue and caught the fabric of your panties with his teeth, sucking the juices out of the fabric and moaning hotly. 
His hands were everywhere, rubbing over your calves, your thighs, your stomach, pushing your nightgown over your tits and rolling a peaked nipple between his fingers. You bit your lip, head falling back slightly and grinding your hips into his face, using his nose to get yourself off. “Go ahead Bear take off your jeans, you’ve been good t’night and I know you’re probably hurting” you told him 
He sighed into you gratefully “y’too nice t’me” he kissed over your clothed pussy a few times as he unbuckled his belt with shaking hands, the anticipation was killing him. 
“No me being nice would be telling you that you could touch yourself. And no dripping on my carpet” you told him as he pushed his boxers and jeans enough to let his cock free that was indeed dripping already. His boxers were creamy and wet with pre, he had been pathetically grinding against the boxspring as he sucked your panties like it was his life source. 
“Shit-“  he said, wrapping a fist around his weeping tip as he continued tonguing and nosing at the fabric between your legs. “Can I- c-can I please?” He begged pathetically, that softness to his voice you loved so much. A sweet whiney grunt leaves his lips as you pull his hair, forcing him to look at you. 
“What have we talked about? Use your words.” You said firmly. 
“Can I- take your panties off…p-please?” He asked shyly “wanna make y’feel good - wanna taste your pussy I miss it s’much - tastes so good baby please lemme taste you” he said and his whiney husky voice mixed with his breathlessness from being shoved into the fabric of your dripping cunt made you clench around nothing. 
“I wanna cum twice before you even think about touching yourself. Also take your shirt off you’re way overdressed for my taste.” You dropped his hair and he nods obediently, standing and shoving off his jeans and tugging his shirt off by the neck in that stupid jockish way that had you wanting to shove him down back first on the mattress and ride him until his balls were empty. 
Instead you kept your cool, crossing your arms over and slipping your nightgown over your head before taking off your panties, flicking them at him playfully to which he balled them up and pressed them to his nose, inhaling deeply. This caused you to laugh as you adjusted your pillow to lay back, spreading your thighs and gathering some of your wetness from your hole, dragging it up to your clit and rubbing little circles into it. 
“Mmm are you gonna keep sniffing those like a pervy-puppy or are you gonna come make good on your promise. I’m surprised this poor hand hasn’t fallen off” you teased and he dropped the panties where he was standing, coming and crawling on the bed, laying in front of you and hoisting your thighs over each of his shoulders 
“Mmm” he hummed, his eyes fluttering shut and leaning in, resting his cheek on your thigh and inhaling. “Smell so fuckin’ good” he mumbled “mouth is literally watering” he kissed your inner thighs sweetly, ravishing the skin in gentle affection. “God I missed this fuckin missed this s’much. Every morning this pretty fuckin pussy is just beggin me” he kissed your mound gently, dipping his tongue out and moaning at the taste of sweat and lotion on your skin, lapping it up like a life source. 
“Yeah? I think you’re the beggar” you mused, jaw falling slack as he licks a stripe up your heat, moaning pathetically at your taste. His eyes rolled back slightly before fluttering shut in pure bliss “mmm so pretty baby” you coo and he smiled slightly, his cheeks a blushy pink that matched the tops of his ears. He nuzzled into you, nose rubbing over your clit in the way that made you gasp, your toes curling lightly “good boy” you praised, voice breathy and light 
“Taste so good” he mumbled into your cunt, squeezing your thighs gently with his tattooed fingers. He moaned into you, watching you with wide lustful eyes. 
“Those pretty eyes” you said softly, gently brushing his warm cheekbone with your knuckle and he hums into you gently. He sucked your folds between his lips, pulling away slightly and rubbing your thighs up and down with his calloused palms, squeezing gently. You moaned hotly and couldn’t contain the cry that followed when he finally stuck his middle finger in your dripping hole, hips bucking to try and get more of him. 
“So soft, so so soft” he mumbled into your clit before kissing it gently and taking the now swollen throbbing bud in his mouth, flicking his tongue over it quickly. His fingers twist and curl as he pumps them in and out at a languid pace. You felt that familiar jolt of pleasure as the pad of his finger brushed your g spot. 
“Augh- ah- yes bear” you mewled, “right there- there” you grab his wrist and squeeze it and in response he curled his fingers the same way and you dug your feet into his shoulder blades in pure extacy, causing him to grunt into you and curl and uncurl his fingers in a rhythm that had your eyes screwing shut and loud strings of curses and moans tearing from your chest as you came undone over his fingers, dripping down his wrist already. But with how long it had been since you had him this way, that was to be expected. 
“Good - good bear good bear” you mumble praise as your orgasm washes over you he works you through it, resuming pumping his fingers - your dripping arousal being able to be put to use as lube. The schlick,schlick,schlick sound of his fingers is what you come back to, your mind fuzzy and swimming through a warm sea of pleasure, sweet jumbled moans and whimpers coming from your lips. 
“God you sound so fuckin’ pretty baby I love you so fuckin much m’so sorry m’so sorry I haven’t been around as much” he mumbled into you and you shake your head 
“S’okay shhh- shh just keep doin’ what you’re doin’” you push his head back down, watching as his eyes flutter up to look at you and he sweetly offers his other hand for you to hold, your heart melting at the gesture. “Such a sweet boy” you coo, taking his hand and lacing your fingers together. He smiled a bit in response nuzzling his nose against your clit, his lips making cute little smacking noises against your cunt. 
“You’re so messy” you giggle a bit, seeing as the tip and bridge of his nose were wet with your slick, as was his chin and entire mouth area. “Your face is so wet baby” you told him and he looked up at you 
“Mmm m’neck is wet too” he paused to say before resuming and you gently caress his cheek, the only sounds filling the room being the wet drill of his fingers and the smacking of his lips, like he was trying to devour a popsicle before it melted. 
You felt your second orgasm quickly approaching, your walls fluttering around his fingers, he curled up into that spot and that was your undoing once more, your hips pushing back into the mattress and spine arching off the bed towards the ceiling slightly as your orgasm crashed over you with no mercy to be had. 
“Jesus- fuck!” You cried out and he held your thighs open for you so you wouldn’t crush him by mistake, your hands shaking as you went to wipe the tears that had gathered in your eyes that were screwed shut from the intensity and Carmy stops you, carefully wiping your cheeks with his dry hand and removing his other carefully, wiping it dry on the sheets he always changed for you afterwards and cupping your face while you came down. 
“You did so good baby, so so good” he kissed your forehead gently, rubbing your hair and caressing your back with loving strokes. When you were finally coherent enough once again, although you were exhausted - you realized Carmy was still rock hard, pitching a full tent in his boxers that were wet with pre as he coaxed you through your orgasm. 
“That’s gotta hurt” you told pull the fabric, causing his cock to come down with it and when you release it it springs back up to full standing causing you to giggle a bit 
“Mm does but m’back. I can’t go t’night babe. I was gonna go take care of it in the shower don’worry” he yawned, rubbing over his face you furrowed your brow, slightly offended. 
“What? Is my pussy not good enough?” You teased 
He looked at you quickly “wha- no - I mean- I mean yes? No- no your pussy is good your pussy is- is perfect I fuckin’ love y’pussy but I can’t go tonight baby my back fuckin’ hurts” he explained 
“I can ride you you know” you said and his big blue eyes widened a bit. You’d been together for 6- no 7 months, and it was true you’d never ridden him, not yet anyway. 
Carmen was a missionary man, not in the boring way, in the way that he’d get home from work and fuck your brains out while going on and on about his frustrations from the day. 
People wouldn’t usually call it dirty talk, but something it turned you on more then anything that between calling you perfect and beautiful and made for him that he was just casually going on about his shitty day like his balls weren’t essentially spanking your ass with how hard he needed it. 
“Uh- oh-o-okay. Yeah. Sure- I. Mmhmm” he said and fixed his pillow, adjusting his hips for you “hop on I guess” he said shyly and you laughed at his sudden switch in attitude. 
“Have you never been ridden you poor thing?” You asked and his cheeks went cherry red as well as the tips of his ears and bridge of his nose as you straddled him easily, resting your hands on his abs for leverage. 
“No.” He muttered. “I- I just…I dunno it never..came up” he swallowed thickly, averting your gaze nervously. 
“Hey.” You said “eyes” you told him and his eyes met yours immediately, “I’m honored to be the first person, yeah? I’ve told you a billion times bear - I love you. I love being able to show you new ways to feel good, it makes me so excited” you held his hips gently and he wrapped his hands around your wrists, needing to be touching you somehow. 
“It just…it doesn’t make me seem like…like a bitch does it?” He mumbled shyly, insecurity lacing his voice. You tucked your hands under his warm back, laying yourself over him fully, embracing him and resting your forehead on his. 
“You know how I feel about that word, and no it doesn’t make you seem less manly baby. If anything, it’s super sexy and it’s so sweet that you felt brave enough to tell me. Thank you for telling me. I’ve heard for the guy it feels really good cause all you gotta do is lay there, you wanna try sweetheart?” You ask softly, kissing the bridge of his nose gently and a small smile forming on your lips when you tasted yourself on your lips upon pulling away. 
“Yes please” he said softly, eyes fluttered shut as you cover his face in little butterfly kisses. 
“That’s my brave bear” you place a kiss to the base of his throat and he smiles a bit, cheeks going redder by the second. It was adorable how shy he got when you showed him affection like this, you knew he adored it more then anything - but he’d never be brave enough to ask for it - at least not yet.  
You sit up, “can I touch you baby?” You confirm, rubbing your hands down his stomach and his abs tighten at the contact. In response he nods, swallowing thickly and goosebumps rising over his skin. His cock twitches as you grab the waistband of his boxers “so sweet and responsive” you said softly, tugging them down easily as he lifted his hips for you slightly. 
“Jesus” you mutter at the sight of it, the tip weeping and pink crying to be touched. “Poor thing, you’ve been neglected- has Carmy been abusing you in the shower huh?” You said in the direction of his cock with a playful voice of concern. 
“Jesus fuckin Christ-“ he chuckled, covering his face with his arm a big goofy smile on his face. “You are gonna kill me” 
You smiled big, leaning down and licking a stripe up his length and he whimpers softly, abs and stomach clenching at the contact, a large bead of pre gushing from his slit that you catch with your tongue. He shivers adorably, groaning at the feeling of you licking over his sensitive tip. “If y’keep fuckin doin’ that ‘m gonna cum” he breathes, the vein in his neck present seeing as he was holding himself back, his balls drawing up and releasing in a rhythm. 
“Jesus baby i dunno if you’ll last that long we’ll have to do this again so you can get the full experience mm?” You grab his shaft, lining you two up and slipping it through your soaked folds, he let out a breathy moan, back arching slightly and you let out a sweet ‘mmm’ when his tip bumps your clit. 
“Please please please can I be inside you please” he begged pathetically, voice whiny and shaking - he was going to be coming undone very soon you could tell, which is why he was desperate to be inside of you before he was too soft to do so. 
“I dunno can I see those pretty eyes?” You asked, he was still hiding behind his arm, likely still feeling embarrassed this was his first time but you weren’t going to allow that. He shyly removed his arm, looking up at you and swallowing nervously. 
“H-hey” he said softly and you smile softly 
“There’s my bear” you leaned in, kissing him lovingly as you sink down on him fully, his jaw goes slack so you settle for kissing his chin and cheeks and nose “Feel good?” You giggle into his skin and he lets out a pathetic little ‘uh-huh’ 
“H-holy oh god” he groaned when you simply roll your hips, getting yourself off with the friction of the curly patch of brunette curls at the base of his cock. You sat up, using his chest as leverage to find a good rhythm bouncing on him and he nearly growls, a sound you’d never heard him make. 
“Ooo am I releasing the bear?” You teased and he chuckled a bit 
“Shut up- fuck Jesus oh god” his head falls back on the pillow “i-i-shit” he rambled and you giggle a bit, causing him to whine at the feeling of your walls clenching around him as you continued to ride his cock with all the tricks you could remember. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever fucked you so quiet before” you tease, sure your hips and thighs were burning from how quick you’d built up to moving, but his eyes were practically rolling back and the whimpers you were drawing out of him were nothing short of heavenly. He was shaking for Christ sakes. “Are you gonna cum? Mm? Y’gonna fill me up baby?” You asked him, rubbing his chest gently 
He finally opened his eyes, looking up at you with those big blue eyes, blown out fully with lust, pants falling from his lips and his dirty blonde curls stuck to his forehead with sweat. “Mm-mmhmm” he moaned out, grabbing your hips to have something to hold and the action making him realize he could help you move. His jaw dropped slightly at the realization and he looked up at you for approval. 
You smiled and nod a bit “you can help honey- that’s really nice of you” you said and he helped push and pull you off his cock, he looked down, mesmerized by the view of his cock burying inside of you, he pushed you down with more force and you moaned, “just like that baby, you want it harder huh?” You ask and he nods quickly so you rolled your hips a bit harder. 
He bit his lip, nose scrunching up cutely. He was holding back. “Bear- I know it feels good but you can cum, you need to sleep” you cup his cheek gently and he looked up at you like a sad puppy 
“It feels s’good baby” he whined and you nod, stroking his cheek gently. 
“I know honey. We can do it again t’morrow night yeah?” You kiss his forehead and with that he releases into you with something resembling a cry covered with a grunt, of course he had to cover it. He pulled you into a deep messy kiss, wrapping his arms around your back, rubbing gently and reaching down to squeeze your ass, feeling cum dripping out of you down over his balls. He smiled a bit, pulling away to ask “Mmm can we sleep like this?”
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gi4hao · 6 months
🗓️ ᡣ𐭩ྀི ˎˊ- anniversary dates with seventeenྀི
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hyung line version! (scoups -> woozi)
had a really sunny weekend so please enjoy these sunshine-fueled scenarios!
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— seungcheol
turns out your anniversary took place during a vacation together, a week-long holiday near the beach. on the d-day, he refuses to say anything about his plans, no matter how many times you ask, to the point where you end up blindfolded as he leads you to his surprise. when you take the blindfold off, the only thing you can see is a white boat awaiting on the shore. at first you’re scared he might have actually bought the boat, but he ‘only’ rented it for a private dinner. the sun has just started to set and you’re glad to have picked one of your cutest outfits because you just know he’s going to be taking as many pictures of you as he can. you might be admiring the sunset, but he'll be admiring you the whole time.
— jeonghan
he truly racked his brain to find the per-fect date idea. on the day, he keeps you guessing with more than vague hints (like “we talked about doing that one day” as if you didn’t talk about literally doing everything together). but he’s confident in his surprise and rightfully so: at first you think it’s just a regular picnic, which would have been fine on its own, but as more people start to gather around you, you realize that a lantern festival is actually taking place here tonight. together, you scribble your wishes and dreams for the future on your lantern. and you love how he’s not even trying to hide what he’s writing: one thing about jeonghan, he’ll never try to conceal anything about his feelings for you.
— joshua
this one has a proud smirk plastered on his face the entire morning, hinting at a surprise. you get in his car around 9am and drive for about twenty minutes until he stops in front of a fancy looking building. “you know how we always talk about moving to a bigger apartment yet never actually visit anything? well i figured today would be the day…”, he tells you excitedly. and it’s only when the realtor meets you on the street that you realize joshua has actually booked a visit. more than one, in fact: throughout the day, you visit four apartments, walking from one to the other hand in hand, already fantasizing about what life is going to look like for the two of you.
— jun
both having a busy schedule, you recently told jun you missed having a proper dinner together and it’s given him the best idea for your anniversary: a nice dinner together without the practical difficulties of going to a fancy restaurant. when you come back home that evening, you find your place tastefully decorated with various candles, flowers and fairy lights. as for jun, he’s done his hair the way you like it best, dressed in an outfit you love, wearing the same perfume from when you first started dating. with a sheepish smile, he guides you to the balcony where the table is set, revealing the stunning city view from your apartment.
— hoshi
his plan for today is to make you feel as loved as ever, and that requires day-long dedication, starting with mandatory prince.ss treatment all morning. around 11, he tells you it’s “time to go” although you still have no idea what he’s talking about. but a 45 minutes drive later, you can make out the blueish color of the sea in the horizon. with him by your side, you know it won’t be just any beach day: picnic on the sand, a long walk along the shore spent saying “look, it’s us!” when you see two relatively close rocks, and most of all, soaking up the sun together in the water, all while being that clingy couple who cannot stop swooning over each other.
— wonwoo
this morning, wonwoo wakes up particularly early to cook breakfast for the both of you. you’re already awake by the time he’s done, but he looks so adorable trying to balance the tray while opening the door with his foot that you pretend like you’re still asleep. later, he surprises you with a gift which looks… a bit odd. you didn’t really expect a QR code. but you scan it anyways, and then everything starts to make sense: the QR code brings you to a website, a shelter website more specifically. “are we…”, you start, a huge smile already on your lips. “going on a shelter date to get a cat? absolutely”, he replies, glad you’re enjoying his surprise as much as he hoped.
— woozi
to him, this is the perfect day to show how much your relationship means to him, because he fears you might not know it well enough (you do). so he’s got a little something prepared… the first part of his plan is to fake an apology: “i’m really sorry, i completely forgot…”. second part is to say he’ll take you to movies another day, which you accept, still half-upset. and finally, last part is to welcome you home on the d-day, takeout ready on the table but most importantly, with a homemade outdoor cinema right in your backyard. thick mattresses, fluffy pillows and a large white screen facing a brand-new projector, he went all out to make sure you feel as cherished as he always does.
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Really Good Neighbors
NSFW under the cut
CW: 18+, f!reader, embarrassment, dead batteries, mentions of falling in the shower, oral and manual stimulation (reader receiving)
It hadn’t even been a bad day. Tiring, sure. A bit tedious. It wasn’t until you dropped your keys as you were trying to unlock your door that you realize you’re on the verge of tears. You stare down at them for a beat that turns into three.
“You good?
The voice startles you. You look up and see Kyle, one of your favorite neighbors, at his own door. He must have arrived home from a deployment, but you didn’t know he was back. He always looks good, but right now he looks good-good, skin glowing and hair freshly cut, so he’s been home at least a day.
Kyle has always been really nice to you. Always helping to carry your groceries when he’s in town. Flirty, in a young and confident and kind of pushy way, but sweet, too. He’s invited you to the roof for “wine dates” so often that you actually bought some string lights to decorate. He’s never done more than buzz a kiss against your cheek, so you know it’s just good fun. You’re glad he’s back. Maybe you’ll invite him up to the roof this weekend.
The curious look on his face gets a bit concerned and you realize that you’ve missed your cue to answer.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” you say, with a smile that doesn’t feel at all convincing. “Just… you know. A long day. Work is… yeah. You know?”
He gives you an easy grin. “Yeah, I get it. You need anything?”
“An uncomplicated orgasm, a nap, and a burger,” you say before you can stop yourself. It’s the mantra that’s gotten you through the day. As soon as it’s out of your mouth you want to die. “Oh, god, please ignore me. I’m so sorry.”
He cracks up, which you guess is not the worst reaction he could have. You dive for your keys and unlock your door as quickly as you can. You toss him a little wave before retreating into your apartment.
The first order of business is a shower, to wash off the frustration and embarrassment. Of course, you only realize you’re out of the good body wash after you’re already under the water. Which is fine until you realize that you also forgot to grab a towel. You do an awkward waddle to the laundry and grab a towel for your body, and shamefully mop up your drippings using and hand towel and your feet. At least your hair isn’t wet - a single towel will get the job done.
After toweling off and lotioning, you discover that your favorite sex toy isn’t charged, and you forgot to put batteries in the backup. The cord to the plug in is on the fritz and you haven’t had the money to replace it. So you have to dig up the third runner up. The simple bullet vibrator turns on, thank god. It’s not the best, but it'll have to do. So you retrieve another towel to lay out on the bed and get ready for an indulgent evening.
As you scroll through your favorite site to find something just right, you feel like maybe today doesn’t have to suck. In fact, as you cue up one of your favorite videos, you sigh out almost all of the tension in your body.
And then the batteries in the vibrator die.
You feel like screaming and throwing something. Unfortunately, the thing you throw is the toy, which clatters against the wall, falls behind the bed, and starts buzzing away as if to mock you. You grab a pillow and yell into it long and hard before going to fish it out from under the bed.
You try really hard not to think of the fact that you share this wall with Kyle. Hopefully he was heading out and not coming home.
A knock on your door, just as you’ve finally caught the damn thing and turned it off startles you. You spin in place for a moment, caught between the urge to answer the door, the realization that you’re still naked, and needing to wash your hand and the dusty vibrator.
You throw the vibrator in the bathroom sink and rinse your hand before grabbing the still damp towel from the rack and wrapping it around yourself. Another knock makes you put on a burst of speed and wrench the door open. “Yeah, sorry, what?”
Kyle is on the other side of the door, hand raised to knock again. Behind him, a very tall, very muscular blond man blinks down at you. He’s vaguely familiar - a friend of Kyle’s you’ve only seen in passing. You can tell he’s smirking even behind his black surgical mask.
“Just wanted to check and see if you were okay,” Kyle says, giving you an obvious once over. You're very aware that your towel is not bath-sheet sized and you’re flashing a lot of skin. “Kind of sounded like you were having a hard time, thought you might have fallen in the shower.”
“Nope!” you exclaim. When the blond’s eyes scan you from head to toe, you kind of wish you had. “All good! Thanks!”
“What place?” The huge blond man asks. He pulls his phone out of his pocket.
You answer with an ever intelligent, “What?”
“You said you want a burger earlier. What place did you want the burger from?”
You feel your face flush. “Oh, you heard that? No, it’s okay. I don’t-”
Kyle interrupts. “Hey, you’re having a real rough day. Simon and I can treat my favorite neighbor to dinner.”
“The place doesn’t deliver here,” you say, helplessly. “Really, it’s fine.”
“Didn’t ask if they deliver, love,” says the blond giant named Simon. His brown eyes are amused when they meet yours. “Just asked where.”
Your legs are quickly getting cold in the breeze from the hall. That has to be why your knees are suddenly shaky. “Lucky Chip?”
Kyle grins. “Perfect. Love that place. You like the El Chapo, right? Side of garlic aioli?”
“Why do you know that?” you ask helplessly.
Simon finishes whatever he’s doing on his phone and glides away on long legs. His back is so broad, you’re not sure how you managed not to see him if he was around earlier. Over his shoulder, he says, “Back in a tick.”
“Copy,” Kyle answers. He grins at you. “An orgasm, you said? Just the one?”
“What?” You’re saying that a lot today.
Kyle’s smile is gorgeous as he leans his shoulder against the door jam. “Simon’s getting you your burger. I’m offering you that uncomplicated orgasm.”
Maybe you did fall in the shower. Bouncing your head off of the tile is the only way you can explain your brain coming up with this scenario. “You want… to have sex?”
“I want to eat you out and finger your cunt until you’re nice and relaxed,” Kyle purrs. His grin gets wider when you blush and stammer at him. “Then, you’re taking a nap. Simon’ll be back with your burger. After that, you let us know. He definitely wants a taste, though.”
All you can manage is, “What the fuck?”
“If you’re not into it, I can leave you alone,” Kyle assures you. He leans closer and takes the hand that you’re using to brace against the door jam. He brings it up and brushes his lips against your knuckles. "Won’t mention it again. I’ll be a perfect gentleman. But we’ve been playing this flirting game for almost a year now, so I’m pretty sure you want it.”
“Of course I want to! But-! You’re… I’m not-!” You grope for words and finally settle on, “I’m really not at my best.”
“Not real fussed about that right now, babes. I’ll take you on a proper date tomorrow night if you like. For right now,” he leans in, uses your hand to draw you close. “I just want to see if you taste as good as I imagine.”
Kyle kisses like he knows what he wants. One hand cradles your chin as he guides you a few steps backward into your apartment. The hand holding yours draws your arm up over his shoulder, and then his hands are everywhere. You have just a moment to realize what’s going to happen before your towel falls. Kyle groans into your mouth. His hands are gentle but firm where they glide over your curves. And then he takes a handful of your love handles in his palm and moans.
His hand catches your chin as he stares in your eyes. “Couch or bed?”
It takes you a moment to understand. “Bed?”
“Let’s go, then,” he practically growls. He turns you with his grip on your hip and slaps your ass. You jump. And then he’s herding you down the hall. He doesn’t waste any time pushing you up against the wall to kiss, though you half expect him to. He does, however, crowd you down against the bed with kisses until you’re on your back under him, legs spread around his hips.
His body feels even better than you’d ever imagined it would under your hands. Even through his clothes, he’s muscular. You can feel the power in his triceps as he braces himself over you. Which makes sense, but you never thought you’d ever experience his strength firsthand.
He pulls away to pant against your mouth. “Can feel you starting to think. Guess I’d better distract you.”
Before you can ask “what?” for the umpteenth time, his lips are on your neck. The contrast between the gentleness of his hands against your ribcage and the sucking kisses on your neck makes you moan.
It’s been a long time since your body felt this lit up, this quickly. Just minutes ago, you’d been sure the universe was conspiring against you. Now, you’re gasping and moaning and too caught up to be embarrassed. Every time you think you’re getting more control of yourself, he surprises another sound from you.
He doesn’t spend much time on your chest. A quick kiss to each nipple, and then he’s making his way down your stomach with kisses and bites. His hands are firm and keep you from squirming away when he buries his face in your stomach for a moment.
“God, you’re gorgeous,” he says as he slides off the side of the bed and onto his knees. “Swear, the thought of you got me through this last deployment. Can’t-”
Whatever he was going to say is lost because he practically dives into you. His mouth would be too much, too fast any other time. Right now, though? It’s exactly what you need. He’s a bit too preoccupied to comment on how wet you already are, thank goodness. At the same time, his appreciative groans and the obscene sounds his mouth makes against you are so loud that your ears burn.
When he latches onto your clit and works his tongue against it, you almost levitate off the bed. Your hands grab onto both sides of his head. “Kyle!”
He pulls away just long enough to ask, “Fingers?”
All you can do is nod. His lips are back on you before your head can fall back onto the bed. He presses two fingers into you, carefully at first, then all at once when your body opens for him. He thrusts a couple of times, but switches to massaging your g-spot with immediate accuracy. You don’t even have time to think, Holy shit!, before your orgasm is rushing up on you.
You expect him to pull away completely. Instead, he eases you down from your peak with gentle kisses. He’s whispering something you can’t hear over the rushing in your ears. All you can do is pant at the ceiling.
The force of it knocks the breath out of you. You’re pretty sure you wheeze something along the lines of wait, or god, or Kyle! For his part, he keeps groaning as he rides out your writhing. His tongue doesn’t stop, his fingers just keep going until you’re frantically tapping at his hair, his hands, struggling for breath enough to ask him to let up.
He stands to smile down at you, facial hair wet with you. You realize that your eyes are having trouble focusing. “You alright, beautiful?”
A full body shiver has you clenching on the fingers that are still inside of you. Words escape you, so you hum an affirmative. And then yawn so hard your jaw cracks.
Kyle just laughs. “Oh, yeah, you need that nap.”
“Sorry,” you whisper.
“No, babes, nothing to be sorry about,” he says, gently extracting his hand from between your legs. He hushes you as you whine and lifts your legs to get you settled on the bed. Then he climbs in beside you. “There, that’s better. Just need to be taken care of tonight, huh? Had a rough week?”
Sex doesn’t always make you emotional, but now you’re blinking back tears. Your voice is wobbly when you say, “Y-eah.”
“I know babes, I know,” he says, pressing a wet kiss to your temple. “Let’s have a cuddle, and you can take a nap. I’ll wake you for dinner. Won’t have to worry about anything.”
You’re asleep before he can finish talking.
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lovebugism · 8 months
“oh, if i had known that’s all it would take for you to shut up i would’ve done this ages ag-“ “only finish that sentence if you have a death wish” with steve & punchy? <3
ty for requesting :D — steve makes a stupid joke and figures out what makes you tick (steve x punchy, hurt/comfort-ish, 0.9k)
bug's one year celebration ♡
The argument started as a joke. And honestly, you kinda started it, so you have no reason to be as angry about it as you are now. You’re the one who said you hated Steve’s singing. It was only right he argued playfully back.
“What are you talking about?” he scoffed as he climbed into bed beside you, freshly showered and smelling like your shampoo. “My singing is amazing.”
“Okay, Kermit the Frog,” you quipped, giggling.
“You know who’d like my singing?”
Your eyes narrow when he cuddles into your side. “Who?”
“Tammy Thompson,” he answered with a knowing smile.
He should’ve known he was playing with fire then.
“The girl who sounds like Miss Piggy?”
“Yeah,” Steve hummed, shrugged two freckled shoulders. “Maybe I should be dating her instead.”
You knew he was joking. Steve was a dumbass, but he wasn’t mean. He’d never say something like that with the intent to hurt you. He did anyway, though. His words take you by surprise, and you go silent. And that’s when Steve knows he’s said the wrong thing. Because his oh, so lovely loudmouth Punchy is never silent.
“I’m kidding!” he exclaims when you turn away from him. You cross your arms over your chest and shift softly on the mattress — playfully pouty in your way but meaning every bit of it. “Punchy. C’mon. You know I didn’t mean that.”
He reaches out for you and wraps a golden arm around your shoulder. You shrug, flinching away from him. “Don’t touch me,” you murmur, even though you don’t really mean it. ‘Cause, yeah, you’re a little upset, but you love when he coddles you.
You’re grateful when he only hugs you tighter.
“Why not?” he argues and leans in to kiss your cheek. His plush lips just barely graze your jaw before you duck away from him. He laughs loud in your ear, as golden as honey.
“It’s not funny. Steve! That wasn’t nice!”
“Don’t be like that, babe. It was just a stupid joke.”
You turn your chin to your shoulder to glare at him, just so he can see your unamused pout from head-on. He meets your glower with a grin and tries to peck you. You turn away before he can. “Go kiss Tammy Thompson.”
“Steve…” you say in the same low tone.
“If I wanted Tammy Thompson, I’d be with her.”
You know he’s trying to comfort you. He chose you because he wanted to be with you, and he didn’t choose Tammy because he didn’t want to be with Tammy. You know that’s what he means, but it sounds like King Steve is saying it.
“Oh, really?” you squint.
Steve shrugs. “Yeah. She was obsessed with me. You know that. Hell, everyone knew that.”
“Why? ‘Cause everyone was obsessed with you, King Steve?”
He figures you must be calling him that to hit a nerve. He’d hurt your feelings (even though he truly hadn’t meant to), and now you want to hurt his back. And it might’ve worked if the way you said it didn’t turn him on.
He likes you all riled up like this, he quickly realizes. Now he just wants to keep poking at you, make you that tiny bit more mad. So, with a very smug smile on his pink lips, he answers. “Yeah… Kinda.”
His plan works.
“Okay, news flash, just because you’re pretty and you have nice hair doesn’t make you less of an asshole, alright?” you argue without taking a single breath. “Actually, for a long time, you were the biggest asshole I had ever met— and sixteen-year-old me would be gagging if she knew I was in your bed right now.”
“Yeah?” he eggs on, pressing his lips to your warm shoulder where the neck of your too-big sweatshirt had fallen.
“Yeah, actually! I mean, you were boorish and vapid and totally incorrigible—”
“I don’t know what any of that means,” he mumbles against you and continues pressing little kisses to your warming skin.
“—And the fact that Tammy Thompson, let alone anybody, could’ve been obsessed with someone like you back then is totally…” His lips find your pulse point then, wet and sanguine. The words get jumbled up in your head, and you forget how to say them out loud.
You feel Steve’s mouth curl into a smirk against your neck. He knows he’s got you in the palm of his hand now. “Is totally what?” he teases, muffled into your skin.
“Shut up and keep kissing me,” you murmur.
He listens to you, because he always listens to you, but it’s hard to when he’s smiling so wide. His lips sprinkle up the length of your neck and over your jaw. He pulls away with a rosier, softly swollen mouth.
His smile is gentle and lopsided. “If I’d known that’s all it took to get you quiet, I would’ve done it forever a—”
You reach for him suddenly, splaying your palm over his mouth — pinky under his nose and thumb over his stubbly chin. Your eyes narrow. “Only finish that sentence if you have a death wish,” you mutter in a low, threatening tone. “Nod so I know you understand me.”
He nods into your hand.
“If you still want me to be your girlfriend tomorrow, only talk to tell me how much you love me and that you hate Tammy Thompson.”
You feel his smile widen beneath your palm. He nods again.
You pull your hand away. 
“Now kiss me.”
The fucker takes the breath from your lungs.
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offside-the-lines · 4 months
Give my all to you | Nico Hischier
Summary: It's been two years since Aurora was set up on an unwanted surprise date with Nico. He's become her best friend and her son's favorite person. Aurora finds herself wondering if this truly is all she wants from him. Title inspo: Best Part by HER & Daniel Caeser
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This fic is dedicated to @wyattjohnston for her birthday bingo. Happy birthday, Demi! You are an absolute gift to this community and to my life. I hope you have the best day. Here's to 30!!! 💖 Pairing: Nico Hischier x F!OC Word count: 5.8k Bingo card tropes: match-making, single parent, FREE (friends to lovers), sworn-off love, coworkers (barely mentioned tho lol oops). Warnings: Kid fic! The kid does get injured, but he is okay! (Please let me know if I missed something) Some Swiss German words used: Schätzli (little treasure), Bärli (little bear). This fic is un-beta-ed coz I wasn't about to make you edit your own b'day fic. LOL Masterlist
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Aurora has always hated being late, even when it wasn’t her fault. It wasn’t her fault the production meeting ran late. It wasn’t her fault that there was something wrong with the subway line she needed to take. It wasn’t her fault that her bag strap decided to snap, spilling its contents onto the busy 8th Avenue sidewalk halfway through her approximately twenty-block walk. She had texted Nicole to let her know she was running late; she didn’t have the wherewithal to consider how strange it was that she never got a response. 
By the time she had gotten to the restaurant, she was sweating and looking forward to a cold drink. Which is why she was even more annoyed when she couldn’t find Nicole in the restaurant. It was garnering her strange looks from the maitre d’ who had told her there was no reservation under either of their names. 
Aurora checked the location twice before stepping back onto the street and pressing ‘call’ on her phone. It was a precarious balancing act, with her bag grasped to her chest.
There was no response.
As she pressed ‘call’ again, her eyes caught sight of Nico Hischier. A pit was beginning to form in her stomach as she began to realize what was happening.
No response.
At that moment, Nico looked up and caught her eye. His smile and wave all but confirmed her suspicions.
She quickly typed out a message as she ventured back inside.
To Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: nicole laud, what the fuck have you done. if this is what i think it is, im going to fucking kill you.
“Hi, Aurora!” Nico smiled; it was endearing, the way it dimpled his cheeks and crinkled his eyes. He stood up to give her a hug and pulled the chair out for her.
“Nico,” she said, “It’s nice to see you! Although I’m a little caught off-guard, I’m not gonna lie.”
He scrunched his brows. “Oh? What do you mean?”
“Nicole didn’t tell you?” She paused, examining his confused expression, and sighed. “She didn’t tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
“Look, Nico, I don’t know what Nicole told you to get you to come here, but this is not that. I thought I was meeting her for dinner, but it seems this has been some sort of setup. I’m really sorry if that’s not what you were expecting. Especially after waiting for me, which, I hope she at least did you the courtesy of passing along the message that I was running late?”
“She did,” Nico said.
“Well, at least there’s that,” she sighed, “I know you’re a great guy and everything, but I’m really not looking to date. At all. I mean, even if I was, I don’t date coworkers. I’m really sorry. She shouldn’t’ve done this. We can just call this a night if you want.”
Nico let a brief flicker of disappointment cross his face before schooling his expression into a soft smile. “Well, I mean, we’re already here, and you look like you might need a drink and some food. We can just have dinner as friends. Or colleagues if that’s what you prefer. I don’t mind either way. It’s up to you.”
Her stomach rumbled, reminding her of just how long it had been since she’d last eaten.
“Yeah, okay,” she said, “I’m pretty hungry, and I was really looking forward to the gnocchi.”
Despite the way the evening started, Aurora admits she had a good time. Nico was easy to talk to: open, attentive, and responsive. Maybe it was just the bottle of wine they shared, but it was rare for her to get as comfortable with someone so quickly as she did with Nico. How quickly they were both willing to share the deeply personal stories they usually kept to themselves.
Nico talked about what it was like to leave his family and move to a new country as a teenager. He shared stories of his siblings and his childhood in Switzerland. He confided in Aurora about the pressures and joys of being named an NHL captain so young.
Something about Nico made her feel safe enough to share her life story. It was rare for her to talk about her son with someone who was practically a stranger. But she found herself telling Nico about the ex-boyfriend who broke her heart at the age of 20, disappearing when she was in the third trimester of her pregnancy. 
Nico indulged her by asking her question after question about Theo; admittedly, it’s always her favorite topic of conversation. Nico seemed genuine when he mentioned that he looked forward to meeting him, even going as far as offering to take her son skating for the first time. It was a nice thought, but she didn’t think he would follow through on it.
The time passed quickly, and soon, her phone alarm was alerting her that it was time to relieve the babysitter. 
“Ah, shit,” Aurora said, “I need to get going.”
“No problem. Do you need a ride?” Nico asked, smiling warmly.
“No, it’s okay. Should we get the check?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Nico said, shaking his head, “I got this.”
“Come on,” she prodded.
“No, no. I feel bad; you were absolutely ambushed today. It’s the least I could do.”
The earnestness on his face made her pause, eventually relenting. “Okay, fine. Thank you.”
“No problem! I’m serious, though. I would really like to be friends. And I would love to take Theo skating.” He took out his phone and handed it over. “Here, type in your number, and we’ll figure out a time to make it happen.”
“Okay,” she said. She felt warm and bubbly; his smile settled her for some reason.
Later that night, after she had gotten home and checked in on her son, she responded to the two unread messages on her phone.
From [Unknown number]: It’s Nico! Lemme know if you got home okay! When do you wanna do skating? To Nico 😈: home! weekends are usually a good bet for us. especially before the reg season starts. From Nico 😈: How’s next Sunday? Maybe after practice. I can reserve some ice time at the rink.
From Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: he thinks you’re cute! you should give it a shot. he’s a really good guy. To Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: i know you were trying to help, but that was kinda fucked. he IS a great guy, and i think we WILL be good friends. but i’m still really pissed that you ambushed me like that. From Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: i’m sorry. i didn’t think it through. To Nicole 💁🏼‍♀️: it’s okay. just don’t do it again.
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[two years later]
Aurora watches as Nico chases Theo around the rink; with all the time he spends on the ice with Nico, he’s getting so good. As they skate past, Nico slows to send her a smile. She waves back.
She hears someone sit down in the seat next to her, and she doesn’t need to even turn to check who.
“Teddy’s getting good,” Nicole says.
“Yeah, he is.” Her gaze never leaves the boys going round and round the ice.
“Must be all the help he’s getting from our dearest Captain,” she laughs.
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, you know.” She knocks her shoulder into Aurora’s. “First overall. Captain of the NHL team. Not everyone gets dedicated skating lessons from someone like that.”
Aurora doesn’t respond to that, but she does let her eyes drift over the other players on the ice: Curtis with his kids, Erik with his kids, Brendan with his kids… She swallows the lump in her throat. 
“When are you and Jesp gonna have kids?” she asks.
“Shut up,” Nicole laughs, “You’re deflecting.”
“Deflecting from what?”
“Fine, we can talk about something else,” Nicole sighs. “When are you going to start dating again?”
“Oh my god, I can’t believe we have to go over this again. I don’t want to date. At all.”
“Oh, come on,” she whines, “Teddy’s seven already. It’s time. When was the last time you even got laid?”
Aurora doesn’t respond, focusing on the squeals of laughter and the scraping of blades on ice.
“Rory, I just want you to be happy,” Nicole continues gently.
“I am happy. I’ve got a great kid who I love,” she grinds out, “I just want to focus on him. He’s enough.”
“I know, Rory. Of course, he is, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t want more.”
“Well, I don’t,” she pouts. She knows it doesn’t come off nearly as resolute as she intends it to.
“I don’t believe you,” Nicole says; she sounds so sure. “You’re a romantic, Rory. You’re always reading those books and watching the shows and movies.”
When Aurora doesn’t respond, she sighs, adding, “When are you going to stop punishing yourself? And don’t say that you’re not. I know you still beat yourself up about it. You’re a great mom, Aurora. You can still be a great mom while dating.”
They let the silence linger.
“I don’t want to introduce new people into Theo’s life. I don’t want to have to explain to him why these men come and go from our lives,” she responds finally.
“Things don’t have to happen like that, you know?”
“Like what?”
“New guys coming and going.”
“What do you mean?”
“It doesn’t have to be someone new at all,” Nicole says carefully.
Aurora finally tears her eyes away from the rink and finds Nicole’s eyes boring into her own. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“Oh, come on, Aurora,” she says, rolling her eyes, “Be so fucking for real right now.”
Aurora just keeps glaring at her.
“Okay, fine, be like that,” Nicole huffs. “Be honest, how much time do you two spend with Nico? Like, every day when he’s not on a road trip, right? Nico’s down as his second emergency contact at school. He was a new guy at one point, but he sure isn’t going anywhere.”
“Nico’s different,” Aurora says, grinding her teeth together as she turns back towards the ice. 
Her eyes immediately find Nico; he’s leaning over the bench so casually, so easily, as he helps Theo with his water bottle. When he looks up, his gaze locks with hers as if he knows exactly where to look. He smiles, and she can see his dimples even from here. She feels herself smiling back. A laugh bubbles in the column of her throat when he turns back to stick his tongue out at her son.
Nicole snorts. “Yeah, he’s different, alright.”
“Yeah,” Aurora sighs, not at all picking up on the subtext. “He is. Not every guy is like him. God, I don’t even know if there are any guys like him.”
Nicole hums, “Uh-huh. So, why won’t you date Nico?”
Aurora’s head whips around so fast she has to blink at her friend for a second.
“Nico’s a really good friend. That’s it. And that’s all it will ever be,” she bites out.
“You know, he agreed to go on that date with—” She cuts herself off when she sees Aurora’s glare. “Okay, I know we don’t talk about it, but just hear me out. He wanted to go on that date with you. He’s into you.”
“Yeah, he was,” Aurora says, shaking her head. “That’s before he knew I had a full kid who I am responsible for 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No one wants to walk into that situation. Someone like Nico definitely doesn’t want—”
“I’m gonna cut you off right there,” Nicole says. “Nico literally has lunch with you at work most days he’s here. He takes Teddy skating as much as he can. He goes with you two to museums, or zoo, or whatever, almost every week. He helps you make dinner and watches kid shows like Paw Patrol. Like, I just don’t understand why you refuse to see this, but he’s all in, Rory.”
Aurora feels her throat tighten and tries to cool the heat in her cheeks.
“Yeah, as I said. Nico’s a great person. He’s probably the best person I know. But he’s a 25-year-old NHL player. He doesn’t even date ‘cause he wants to focus on his career. He certainly doesn’t want to be tied down to a family already.”
“Oh my god,” Nicole laughs humorlessly, “Like, serious! Do you hear yourself?”
Aurora just keeps glaring back at her.
Nicole shakes her head. “You know, he used to date, right? Or, at least, hook up. Jesper says he hasn’t seen Nico pick up in well over a year. What do you think that’s about? You got an excuse for that, too?”
And for once, she doesn’t know how to respond. She didn’t know that. She has always assumed that he didn’t pick up when she was around, so she can let loose a little without having to worry about Theo too much, knowing that Nico has her back. She has always assumed that he hooked up on the road. And she doesn’t know what to do with this information.
Luckily, she doesn’t need to, as a loud thump makes her jump.
Theo’s banging on the glass in front of her with the biggest grin on his face. Nico leans against the glass a few feet over, beaming at him.
“Hi, mama!” he yells, “Nicki’s teaching me how to use my edges better when I skate backward. See?” 
He grins so wide before he puts his hands in front of him, tongue poking out of the side of his mouth, as he begins to wiggle. Aurora admits she has no idea what she’s looking for, but she smiles and cheers all the same. Her eyes flit over to Nico, and he’s tapping his stick; she recognizes the proud look on his face.
She looks away quickly, only to catch Theo losing an edge and falling to the ice. It makes her breath catch every time. Nico raps his knuckles on the glass twice before skating over to check on him. By the time he gets there, Theo’s already back on his feet, doing little hops.
She watches as Nico bends down to talk with him. They skate another lap before heading towards the exit together. She watches as Theo hops up onto the bench, and Nico kneels down to unlace his skates for him. She doesn’t know what they are chatting about, but Theo’s being especially animated.
Aurora is startled when she hears Jesper behind her; she has forgotten Nicole’s there.
“You ready to go, älskling?” he says, bending down to give her a kiss before sending Aurora a smile. “Hi, Rory.”
“Yep!” Nicole stands up, her hands sliding easily into his. She smiles at Aurora. “See ya later, yeah? Think about what I said?”
“No,” she laughs, sticking her tongue out like her son does, “Bye, you blond assholes.”
She watches Nico and Theo go down the tunnel together. Theo’s holding Nico’s hand despite telling her that holding hers was embarrassing; she tries not to be a little hurt by that. She sighs and makes her way over to the locker room. 
It doesn’t take long for them to emerge, still sweaty. Theo can’t shower at the rink, so Nico usually also skips the shower so she doesn’t have to wait. Theo chats excitedly on the way to the car. Aurora and Theo had moved into Nico’s apartment building, a few floors down, not long after they had met, so they will carpool occasionally. Those days are always Theo’s favorite.
They hit traffic on the way back, and Theo’s questions and musings gradually fade out until he passes out in the back seat. Nico and Aurora sit in companionable silence for the rest of the drive, both happy to let the kid sleep.
It does mean that Theo is cranky when he is awakened from his nap, refusing to walk and then refusing to let go of Nico to let him shower in his own apartment. She sends him an apologetic look, but he just smiles and shrugs as he carries her son back to their apartment, Theo’s cheek resting on Nico’s shoulder as he blinks at his mom lazily.
She makes dinner as the boys shower, singing and dancing along to a playlist they have been adding to for two years. She feels, more than hears, Nico returning to the kitchen, his hand on her hip, a warm presence at her back, as he watches her stir the creamy chicken pasta. He steals bites off the spatula every now and then, laughing at her mock horror.
Theo has lost all the energy he was filled with only a few hours prior, and it makes dinner a battle. She feels guilty about the way Nico bargains with him to eat the vegetable. She should be able to get Theo to eat his dinner without help, and she knows she absolutely could do it, but it’s nice to have the help. 
Besides, Theo wasn’t in the mood to listen to anything she had to say, always looking to Nico for guidance instead. Asking Nico for his bedtime story when the time came for it.
She’s not jealous, anything but. It fills her heart with warmth to see her son so smitten with her best friend. But that doesn’t stop the ache that fills her chest: this could’ve been Theo with his father. He should be getting this with his father. And it’s her fault he isn’t. Every day, Theo grows a little bit more as a person, and while it’s bittersweet, she always wonders if he would be different if he had a dad. If her mistakes are holding him back.
Aurora is startled out of her thoughts when she hears her son’s voice get progressively louder and more upset. She rushed into his room.
“Why not?” Theo whines, his voice wet with tears and his bottom lip trembling.
“Bärli, I—” Nico says, voice wavering and raw. When he turns towards her, he looks white as a sheet, his eyes darting back and forth between Aurora and her son. 
“What happened?” she hisses at him as he stands up to give her space on the bed.
“I—I really don’t know. He asked—Never mind, not important right now,” he whispers, nodding at Theo, who is now bawling. 
She rushes to her son’s side and pulls him into her arms, shushing him. She presses soft kisses to his forehead and just holds him until his sobbing subsides. Eventually, he tires himself out enough, hiccuping occasionally as his eyes drift close and his body grows heavy. Once she’s sure he’s asleep, she slips out of the room.
Nico is leaning against the wall in the hallway, worrying at his lip. His head snaps up as soon as he hears her exit the room. She pulls him out of the hallway and into the kitchen, the furthest place from her son’s bedroom.
“What the fuck happened in there?” she whispers.
Nico presses the palms of his hands to his eyes. “He asked me—Fuck—He asked me if I was his dad. Obviously, I said no. And then he got really upset, and I don’t know why. I have no idea what happened.”
“What do you mean he asked—How did that even come up?”
“I don’t know,” Nico sighs, finally looking at her. His brows are pinched tight, dark strands of hair falling like a curtain around wet eyes. “He was saying something about the kids at school all having dads. And then he asked me if I had a dad. And then he just asked me, ‘Are you my dad?’ And then he kept asking me why not. Like, ‘Why don’t you wanna be my dad?’ What the fuck am I supposed to say to that, Aurora?” His voice breaking at the end.
She feels the claws of panic dig into her chest, sharp pain in her sternum as her head spins. Technically, it’s not the first time he’s asked that. He used to ask about ‘dads’ a lot when he was a toddler; before he really understood what the word ‘dad’ meant. He hadn’t brought it up in years so she had assumed he was over it.
“Fuck,” she breathes.
“Rory, stop. Don’t apologize.” He pauses and takes a deep breath. He runs his fingers through his beard, a nervous tick she has seen enough times to set her on edge. “When are you going to tell him, Aurora? He deserves to know.”
She clenches her jaw. This is not the first time they’ve talked about this.
“We’ve talked about this, Nico,” she says.
“I know we have, but you’re being selfish, Rory. You should’ve seen his face. He thinks no one wants him.”
Aurora’s heart clenches, the panic spreading through her whole body. She feels the sweat prickling at her back, her neck, her forehead; it makes her itchy all over.
Nico is still talking. “He doesn’t understand why everyone else he knows has two parents, and he doesn’t. He thinks I don’t want him. And I can’t—”
“You can’t what, Nico? Because you don’t have to do anything. You’re right. He’s not your son. What I do or do not tell him is none of your business. You can think I’m selfish, you can think I’m a bad mother, you can think whatever you like. It was none of your business then. It’s none of your business now. It won’t be your business ever,” Aurora hisses, her chest heaving as she rants.
The silence hangs between them, thick and stifling.
“I don’t think I can keep doing this,” Nico says, voice so small and so raw.
And if she felt hot before, she doesn’t anymore; the words feel ice cold in her ears. She’s plunged into freezing water, falling through pristine ice into a frozen lake. Her fingers feel numb where the nails dig into her palms. 
“Can’t keep doing what, Nico?” her voice sounds foreign even to her own ears.
He doesn’t answer.
“Can’t keep doing what?” she says, louder, “because I didn’t ask you to do anything, be anything. Don’t worry; you’re under no obligation to be anything to him. So, if you can’t put up with this anymore, then just leave. I won’t be upset. I won’t be anything at all. Because you’re right, you—”
“Schätzli, stop,” he interrupts firmly, “that’s not what I said.” He reaches for her, but she shrugs him off.
“Maybe. Maybe not. But I heard what you meant. I’m fucking up his life, right? Fucked up my own, practically was a teen mom. But that’s not enough. I’m not enough for him.” She doesn’t even register the tears streaming down her face.
“Schätzli—Aurora, please. You know that’s not what I meant,” Nico says, and he might be crying too. His hand keeps coming up, reaching for her, before going back to hanging limply by his side.
“You don’t get to tell me how to parent my son, Nico. You don’t get to tell me that I’m fucking it up.” The words spill out of her mouth, and she has no control over it anymore. Through the tears, she can’t even see his face anymore, can’t see the heartbreak in those brown eyes she loves so much. “You don’t get to say this shit, Nico. Because you’re not his dad. You’re not his anything.”
She hears what may be a sob, but she can’t tell if it’s coming from her own mouth.
“Schätzli,” he whispers, “You don’t mean that.”
“It’s the truth, isn’t it?” she says, wiping her eyes. 
“Aurora, please, come on. You know that’s not true. You can’t say that after the past—” He takes a breath. “I know this is hard for you. But I’m trying to be here for you. To be what you need.”
“What are you trying to say,” she whispers.
“You have to know I would be anything you asked me to be. You can’t possibly not know that by now.” 
“I’ve never asked you to be anything. To me. Or to him. And if you can’t understand that we don’t need anything from you, then you should just leave,” she says through clenched teeth.
“Schätzli,” he pleads.
“Please just—just go.”
“Aurora, I want to be there for you. Both of you. I love Theo. I love—”
“Don’t,” she warns.
Nico sighs. “It’s always been fine that you don’t want me like that. I don’t care about that. It’s fine. But this… This makes me feel kinda fucking used, Aurora. This makes me feel like you think I’m nothing to you. No one. And that’s—Fuck—You need to decide what you want.”
“I’m asking you to leave,” she says through gritted teeth.
“Okay. Fine, I hear you. God, I’m so—” He stops himself, tipping his head back to stare at the ceiling for a moment before continuing, “Fuck. Yeah. Okay. I’ll go. I’m leaving.”
Aurora doesn’t respond; she just keeps looking at the floor until he finally sighs and walks out of her apartment. When the door clicks shut, she slides down the wall and sobs into her hands.
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The next few days pass excruciatingly slowly. It’s the longest Nico and Aurora have gone without talking in the two years they’ve known each other. He opens the text thread with Aurora countless times: typing and deleting, typing and deleting, before giving up. Every time he steps into the apartment building’s elevator, he stares at the button for her floor, but he never presses it.
Nico finds himself checking his phone so often that the boys have begun to notice and chirp him for it. He has never had a problem with focus before, always pouring himself into hockey when things go awry. It’s usually the one thing that keeps him centered, but for the past few days, it always feels as if his skates are too tight, the edges too dull, or his stick too short. 
It all grinds to a halt when he sees the missed calls, voicemails, and texts from Aurora after an unsuccessful pre-game nap.
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It’s Saturday, and Aurora’s exhausted. She can’t remember the last time a week has gone so poorly. For the past few days, it’s felt like everything in her life has been moved one foot to the left: out of place and disorienting. She has been lying awake at night thinking about Nico, playing their conversation over and over again in her head, pouring over the past two years. Every morning, she wakes up feeling more tired than the day before.
Theo’s not been much better. He has been grumpy and whiny. It seems like nothing she does can cheer him up. He asks her at least ten times a day about Nico: where he has been, what he is up to, if we can call him, and when we will see him next. It has been tearing her up inside that she doesn’t have an answer for Theo.
She has only known Nico for two years, and, between away games and the summers, it’s not like they are together every day. She shouldn’t feel his absence so acutely, but she does. She finds herself looking at the empty chair at her dining table and his empty spot on the couch; she feels the ghost of Nico so acutely. It hurts like a phantom limb, a gaping hole in her life, and she doesn’t know what to do about it.
Aurora thinks she’s holding it together until she isn’t.
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When it happens, she doesn’t think anything of it. It’s hockey. She’s seen Theo fall during hockey countless times. It looks like any other fall until Theo starts crying, still lying on the ice, clutching his hand. And it’s as if the entire universe focuses in on that one point.
She doesn’t remember getting up from her seat and running down to the bench. She doesn’t remember the conversation with the U8 coach. She doesn’t remember the walk to the car, clutching him so tightly to her chest, despite the fact that he is far too heavy for her to carry now. 
She’s trying to calm herself down enough to drive to the hospital, head on the steering wheel, gasping for air, when she hears her son speak up.
“Mama,” Theo says, voice wet and wavering.
“Yes, baby?” she manages to respond.
“Mama, it’s okay. I’m going to be okay. Nico always tells me, when I’m sad or hurt, to take deep breaths. I think you might need to take some deep breaths, Mama,” he says between quiet sobs.
It makes her chest feel cracked open and raw; it takes everything in her body to tamp down the sob that threatens to spill out.
“When did you get so grown up?” she says, her voice sounding thin and reedy.
“Mama, I’m 7. Nico says I’m a big boy now.”
Aurora swallows around the tightness in her throat and tries to take three deep breaths before starting the drive to the hospital. 
The panic only subsides long enough to get them to the hospital. By the time they receive the X-ray results, she can hardly process what they are saying. The words “broken arm” and “no surgery” ring loudly in her ears. 
Somewhere in her consciousness, she knows she calls Nico. She knows it’s a game day, knows his routine. But some part of her hoped hearing his voice would make things alright, even just a little bit. She calls a few times, pushing down the disappointment when he doesn't answer. It’s a game day. She knows the routine.
She is sitting in the waiting room, staring at her hands clutched tightly in her lap, when she hears Nico’s voice call her name. 
She blinks and feels a pair of warm hands envelop hers.
“Hey,” Nico says, kneeling in front of her. “Hey, Schätzli, it’s okay. You’re okay. I got you.”
She deflates like a balloon, tilting forward to tuck her face in his neck as sobs wrack her body. His solid arms envelop her, hands rubbing her back. He keeps murmuring in her ear, a combination of English and Swiss German. She has no idea how long they stay like that, but eventually, she feels the terror and panic begin to subside.
“Nico,” she says softly, “what are you doing here?”
“You called,” he says as if it was the simplest thing in the world. He squeezes her hands.
“Oh god, Nico. Don’t you have a game? What are you doing here? You shouldn’t—”
“Rory, it’s okay. I called out. I told Coach that an emergency came up. I wanted to make sure I was here for you if you needed it.”
“You’re skipping the game? For us?” She swallows down a sob. "For me?”
“Yes, Schätzli. Of course, I did.” He reaches a hand up and tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Is Theo okay?”
“Yeah,” she hiccups, “he’ll be okay. He broke his arm. And they’re just setting it and putting in a cast to make sure it heals right.”
“I’m so sorry, Schätzli.” 
His hand cradles her face gently, wiping at the tears as they fall. There is a long stretch of silence as she leans into his hand.
“How did you get in here? This is the family waiting room,” she asks.
Nico blushes and turns away, mumbling something.
“Sorry, what?”
“I told them I was his dad,” Nico mumbles, rambling, “I didn’t mean to—It’s just, they weren’t letting me in. They said it was family only. So I had to tell them that. I’m sorry; I totally overstepped. I didn’t mean to. I get it if you’re mad—”
Aurora reaches out a finger and presses it to his lips. He stops abruptly, eyes wide.
“It’s okay, Nico. I’m not upset,” she says. She takes a deep breath, and with sudden clarity, she asks, “Is that something you might want to be one day?”
“What?” he squeaks.
“Theo’s dad.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, God, I hope I’m not reading this wrong. But—Well, earlier this week, you said I needed to decide what I wanted. And I just kept thinking about that conversation and how unfair I was to you—to us—by totally underplaying the past two years. ‘Cause they’ve been two of the best years.
“Theo loves you. I love you. You are the second most important person in my life, and I’m sorry it took this mess of a week to realize that,” she sighs. “I don’t know what I’ve been so afraid of. Or what I was waiting for. But it’s so clear to me now that you have been there the whole time. You never asked or expected anything of me. And maybe I was taking advantage of that while hiding behind my past.
“I know I can raise Theo alone; I know I can do it. But I don’t want to do it alone anymore. I don’t want to do it alone if I could have you by my side instead. And, oh God,” she says, her eyes darting frantically across his face, “I really hope I’m not misreading things. Nicole keeps saying that you—I feel like I’m being—”
In an instant, his lips are on hers, warm and soft and insistent. She closes her eyes and lets herself melt into his embrace. The kiss is chaste, but it feels like everything finally snaps back into place. 
“God, Aurora. Schätzli. I would be whoever you want me to be. Whatever you’re ready for. I’ll be here. I’ve known that since the first time we met, Liebling.”
“God, Nico,” she says breathily, “I want everything.”
“Okay,” he smiles, “Everything it is. We can take it as slow as you’d like.”
“Haven’t we wasted enough time?”
He laughs, dimples appearing on his cheeks. “Fuck, I love you, Aurora.”
“I love you too, Nico,” she smiles.
They share a few chaste kisses. And they wait, Aurora wrapped in his steadying embrace, until the doctor finally comes to tell them that Theo is in a recovery room and is doing great.
When they walk into the room together, Theo immediately spots Nico and his eyes light up.
“Nico! You’re here!” he yells.
“Yeah, of course I am,” Nico says warmly, walking across the room to pull Theo into a tight hug.
“Where have you been? I’ve missed you.”
“Yeah, Bärli. I’m sorry.” He runs his fingers through Theo’s messy hair and smiles. “I’m here now. And I promise, I’m not going anywhere.”
He looks up, eyes meeting Aurora’s, and he smiles. And she never doubts for a second that he means it.
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
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Pairing: Pilot!Steve Rogers x Publicist! Reader
Summary: Steve tells you the truth.
This is the next part in the Greatest series.
A/N: This is not as kinky as I promised. I had to cut this in two because I'm in the mood for love, so this has plot with the porn. Hope you like it anyway! #KinktoberMaybe
Warnings: 18+ ONLY Minors, DNI. Enemies to Lovers, and there was only one bed, fast start to slow burn, idiots in love, angst, secrets, sexual frustration, good girl kink, public sex acts, manual sex, teasing, edging, Captain kink, praise/degradation kink, dirty talk, graphic sloppy oral. Not Beta’d. All errors are on me.
Notice: I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
Steve glared at Bucky, silently daring him to say it. He had the urge to punch something and Bucky’s mug was very convenient at the moment. 
The only thing holding him back was the fact that Bucky was 100% correct.
“Let me get this straight. You had her. Or she had you rather, in the palm of her hand. And you left her there to take a shower and let her walk out the door?”
Steve thought back to what he was thinking when he made that decision. He realized that he wasn’t thinking, but panicking. He didn’t want the rush of hormones and emotions that flooded him after your beautiful mouth made him lose control. So he retreated to the shower, hoping and praying that you would follow him, and absolve him of having to make the decision.
All he needed was that one overture from you to make rushing forward with you before having a proper conversation.
But your pride was stronger than the physical need you had, and when you walked in the bathroom, you just fixed your face and reapplied your lipgloss, smoothing your dress down your body and looking at your ass in the full length mirror before you gave the shower a side eye when you walked out the door.
“None of it was supposed to happen… it wasn’t supposed to happen at all. I wanted to talk to her first. Before we… But she is so… I just wanted to do it right…”
Bucky shook his head. 
“You missed your chance at that, Punk. You could have told her on your date…or when we landed…or in the room, before you did disrespectful things to her.”
“Shut your trap, Jerk.”
Steve looked around the bar as people walked by. He sometimes regretted that he told Bucky everything. 
“... or at breakfast, before she sucked out what little brain cells you have…”
Steve downed his drink as he listened to his friend accurately recount his failures.
Steve looked up into his best friend’s eyes.
“It’s not too late. The problem is that you riled her up and left her hanging. You better find her before one of these insanely handsome Italian men do.”
Bucky chuckled as he watched Steve hurry out of the hotel and into the streets of the fishing village. He had to find you and tell you the truth.
You loved your little sister, but she was being a monumental pain in the ass.
Hey, Sissy!
Just want to let you know that Topher and I and the rest of the peeps (except Steve of course) are going to Paris! D invited us!
I’ll send you lots of pics to post. The most romantic place on earth, eek! Enjoy the yacht ride and the accommodations. We’ll pick you up at the end of the week.
Go easy on Steve, don’t hurt him! ;)
You saw the message twenty minutes after Aria sent it, and she wasn’t picking up your calls. 
Now you were trapped in Italy with the asshole who liked to play mind games.
You looked over at the tall dark handsome stranger who was looking at you from the cafe across the street. You smiled as you realized that Steve Rogers wasn’t the only game in town.
Steve’s morning was spent searching high and low in Riomaggiore. But it was Bucky’s text that sent him flying back to the room.
Gonna take Aria and crew to Paris for the rest of the week. Don’t ask.
I can handle the two hour flight. You concentrate on Y/N, Aria wants you two to have alone time.
I gotta tell you though, Sharon thought she saw her with an Italian dude, btw…
Steve was shook when he found that you had cleaned out your stuff from the room that you were forced to share. 
He had no idea where you were.
Hours later, you were enjoying coffee at a different cafe, alone. Luca was indeed handsome, and charming. But you weren’t quite feeling him like you wanted to. He showed you some sights, but after spending a wonderful afternoon with him, you decided you needed time to get out of your head.
So you went and got your things and transferred them to Aria’s suite. It was much more spacious than the room you’d shared with Steve. He deserved space from the horrible bitch who’d ruined his trip.
The best thing to do was to give him some space on his unintended vacation. You were a big girl. You could take care of yourself. And you needed some down time from taking care of everyone else. You would go to activities planned for Aria and Topher this week, get social media content, post it later, and make it seem as if her honeymoon was twice as long as it was. 
It was win-win.
So why did it feel as if you’d lost something?
You looked down into your cup of coffee as if you could read your future there and you heard a familiar voice.
“There you are!”
You looked up into the cerulean eyes of Steve Rogers.
You stared as he started talking.
“Listen. I know I fucked up. But let me explain.”
You scowled at him.
“Do all asshole men have the same script or something? That is one of the most basic sentences ever.”
You got out your wallet and put some euros, gathered your shopping bags and stood up.
“Y/N, I know I’m a basic bitch, but please hear me out.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at Steve’s attempt at the vernacular. But you kept walking out of the cafe. You knew he was following you, but you kept it moving to the corner as you stopped to hail a taxi.
Steve was anxious, but he wasn’t going to let you out of his sight again. 
“I’ve rented a Vespa. I can give you a ride.”
His deep voice so close was doing things to you, but you just gave him a side eye over your shoulder.
Steve gave you a side smile in response and motioned down the street to the small red machine. You squinted at it.
“Will you, me, and my bags fit on that little bitty thing?”
“We’ll make sure we fit.”
Steve leaned toward you and gabbed your bags from you, fingers brushing against yours, sparking electricity. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish as you chased your purchases. 
“You’re not the boss of me!”
Steve stopped abruptly and turned around, causing you to stop inches from him.
“You’re right. Do you want me to leave you alone? Or do you want an explanation.”
You huffed up at him, heart beating a mile a minute at the deep bass of his voice.
“What if I want both? I need… I need to know the reason and I need to think. You’re a fucking enigma!”
Steve smiled down at you.
“I know. And I apologize. You don’t deserve the mind games.”
You exhaled.
“Thank you for that.”
“So. Do you want to go back to… wherever you’re staying tonight and talk tomorrow, or go somewhere and talk tonight and I give you space after… or….”
You realized that Steve was hurt that you moved out of the room as you looked into his eyes.
“I moved into Aria’s suite. To give you some space…”
“I don’t want… I mean. I get it.”
Steve was looking down now.
“Let’s go talk. Still have the yacht booked for tomorrow, that would be a great time for me to think.”
You watched Steve’s adam’s apple bob as he thought of you in a swimsuit.
“Cool. Let’s go.”
Steve led you to the scooter and secured your bags on the back of the Vespa as you got your helmet on. He put his helmet on and looked back at you as you climbed on behind him.
You had to be careful to tuck your dress properly, and you could have sworn that Steve licked his lips as he watched you. You decided to ignore that as you settled in.
You held on to Steve’s slim waist as loosely as you could, but you ended up with your hands dangerously close to where your mouth was this morning. You tried not to think of it as you took in the scenery and zipped through the town. Steve seemed to know his way around.
You turned into a parking area.
“The Via dell'Amore?, really Steve?”
“It’s a beautiful view. I’m not trying to mess with your mind, Y/N.”
You were wary, but you followed his lead to the trail. You were blown away as you stepped on the pathway proper and you felt Steve’s heat close behind you. It was a narrow path.
“Amazing isn’t it?”
“It’s breathtaking!”
You looked back at Steve and he smiled when he saw your face. 
“I’m glad that you like it.”
You two started to walk, and you found out that Steve had been stationed at Pisa and that’s why he knew Cinque Terre so well. 
“I bet you brought a lot of girls up here.”
You didn’t know why you cared. But he was supposed to be explaining himself.
“Fewer than you’d think. There was one local girl, but I haven’t had many relationships.”
You bit your lip as you overthought.
“I would have thought that someone who looked like you would have people falling at your feet.”
“Really?” Steve appraised you. “I might say the same for you.”
You laughed.
“I’m not everyone’s type.
“And I’ve never been more grateful to be an individual.”
You shook your head.
“Look Steve, I am really sorry for how I acted on our date. It was so wrong of me to assume about your upbringing. I understand your need to get back at me…”
“Wait. Do you think that last night and this morning was about getting back at you?”
Steve had stopped and was looking into your eyes.
Steve put his hands on your arms and shook his head.
“That wasn’t what that was. Man, I am such an idiot. I need to explain.”
Steve spied a stone bench that overlooked the water and led you over to it.
“This is about my childhood. And yours. About us…”
“What are you talking about, Steve?”
“What do most people ask you about your background?”
You rolled your eyes.
“Most people ask me how I became Aria’s publicist.”
Aria starred in a Disney sitcom as a teen and her recording and acting career took off from there. There were plenty of sharks, but you knew the business. When you finished college, you made sure that she would never be exploited again.
“I figured, but what about you? You’re pretty talented yourself, right? You acted a bit when you were younger, didn’t you?”
You did a double take. Not many people knew that about you.
“You’ve been researching me, Captain Rogers?”
Steve’s stomach flipped when you called him that, but he answered you.
“Not exactly. Maybe. Sort of. I know things.”
Steve plowed ahead. You decided to play along.
“So… yeah. I was in Betcha By Golly Wow when I was 10-12 years old. I played young Vanessa.”
You thought back to the days when you were considered one of the most promising young actors on broadway. You even had a Tony nomination somewhere in storage. What a time that was in your life. Aria was a toddler and your parents were still alive. It was before you had to grow up so fast. You adored Aria, but back then you were able to do something you loved in the most glorious way. 
Your arms raised goosebumps as you looked into Steve’s eyes. Something was prickling your intuition.
Steve nodded at your response as though he knew what you were going to say.
“What was your favorite part about performing on Broadway?”
You looked at him again, getting this strange feeling of deja vu. There was something about this exchange that was giving you the feels.
“My favorite part of being on a Broadway show was making people happy. I loved hearing the audience sing along and laugh at my lines. I used to love the finale because everyone in the audience always got on their feet and danced along.”
You were breathless now. It couldn’t be. You had to be crazy.
“And after the show, I used to meet as many people as possible. And talk to them. I was thrilled when they wanted my autograph and said that they wanted to come back to see the show again. It was such a privilege to make someone’s day.”
“D’you remember any of the people that you talked to?”
“There were some that stood out.”  
You were looking at Steve in a new light now. 
“...Like the time Audra McDonald came by. And Sheryl Lee Ralph. My heroes.”
“Are those the only ones you remember?”
“I loved when we did special matinees for schools. There was one time, when we were paid by the Stark Foundation to give personalized tours for boys from a group home who were interested in acting…”
“I bet that was a real treat for them.”
You squinted at Steve, trying to erase 20 years from his face.
“Yeah. I bet. But, as you probably know very well, 12 year old boys can be assholes. I was assigned this asswipe of a kid named Brock, and he demanded that I kiss him behind the kitchen set, he also tried to feel me up, and I slapped him.”
You shook your head at the memory. Then your brow furrowed and you looked back up at Steve.
“He started to manhandle me and I got scared, because he was so much bigger than me. He grabbed my arm and all of a sudden, this scrawny little kid named Grant…”
You cocked your head sideways at Steve, almost certain now. You continued.
“…This smallish kid named Grant jumped on his back from nowhere, and managed to distract him. Of course, Brock started to get him good, but I picked up a baseball bat from the stage props and together we got him to leave us alone. I ended up…”
Your voice trailed off as the emotion of that day came back. You couldn’t believe you had blocked this all out.
“Smallish?” Steve snorted. “He was a runt.” 
He smiled at you and your heart did a thing. 
“I’m guessing.”
You smiled and nodded. 
“And I bet that you took that Grant kid to your dressing room and cleaned him up. Because Brock tagged him in the nose pretty good.”
You looked at Steve’s beautifully crooked nose.
“You probably taught him the dance in the second act. Even the slow dance that the grown-ups did….”
Steve trailed off, lost in the moment so long ago.
That moment when you first stared into the same blue eyes that you were looking into now came back and took your breath away.
“Great guesses. And I bet you can also surmise that I was taller than him.”
You smiled softly as you remembered the way his hand trembled at your waist, but the boldness in the way he stared at you. You bit your lip as you remembered the innocent kiss on the cheek that you gave him as he left.
Steve was blushing now, looking down at his hands as he smiled at the memory.
“Yeah. He probably hadn’t had his growth spurt yet. But I bet that didn’t matter to him. You were probably… No definitely the most beautiful girl that kid had ever seen. And that kid never forgot that day. Or you. He probably never got over it.”
You two stared at each other for a long time it seemed. You broke the silence first.
“Steven Grant Rogers.”
Your eyes appreciated his body in a new light. 
“A growth spurt indeed.”
Steve flushed again.
“I wanted to tell you at dinner, but then…”
“I assumed shit and was rude as hell.”
You scoffed as Steve laughed.
“…And I didn’t know how to tell you what I’ve wanted to since the day I found out you were Aria’s sister. The first time you stepped on the plane, you didn’t recognize me the way I recognized you. And I admit, I felt some kind of way.”
You cocked your head at him.
“You were salty? Why? You've been stalking me for 20 years and I ruined your chance to make you fall in love with me?”
You were joking but Steve didn’t laugh. 
“I’m not a stalker. But I really never forgot you. I did move on. Bucky and I enlisted together and I had other relationships. But there was this ideal girl in my head that no one could ever live up to. I gave up on finding the one, because I thought the one was somewhere out there that I would never reach. And then you walked on my plane and…”
“Wait. Your plane?”
“Well.. yeah. Bucky and I own two jets, and we lease them.”
“Oh. Topher presented it as if he owned it.”
Steve rolled his eyes. 
“Anyway. Here you were. And you virtually ignored me. And then I managed to get a date with you and you were…”
“An asshole. I know.”
“Just.. not the same girl I had in my head.”
“Oh. So you’re disappointed?”
Your heart sank for some reason.
“No. You have grown up. You know who you are and speak up about it. But you challenge me, you care so much about everyone else, and you’re so fucking intelligent. And that body…”
You thrilled at that statement.
“You’re so much better than the fantasy I’d built in my head. I was intimidated.”
“You didn’t seem intimidated last night. Or this morning.”
You moved closer to him, craving…something.
“I wasn’t planning on having to sleep in the same bed as you. I couldn’t help myself.”
Steve’s hand touched your arm and moved up your neck.
“It’s like I’m drawn to you on a string… I…and this body… you’re not a little girl anymore.”
Steve looked down your cleavage and then drew away. You felt disappointed.
“I wanted to talk to you before… if… anything happened.”
Steve looked out over the water.
“And I just know that if I… if we… took it there. It would be the point of no return.” 
He looked back over to you.
“You wouldn’t be able to get rid of me.”
Your eyes were on Steve’s lips.
“So it’s like that?”
“Yes, very much so.”
“You mean to tell me that I would be dickmatized? I couldn’t quit you if I tried.”
Steve smiled cockily at you.
“Pretty sure that would be the case…”
“Try me.”
And suddenly you were on Steve’s lap, your hands in his hair as you kissed his lips and demanded entry with your tongue. You ground your crotch on him, bringing his cock to life through his pants. His hands went to your waist, thumbs caressing your sides as he took possession of your mouth. He groaned and one hand moved up to your nape, grabbing the hair there to separate you from him.
“We can’t…you’re trying to get me to fuck you on the side of a public cliff.’
You whined as Steve attacked your neck, nipping and biting you, surely leaving marks. Your clit was quivering from the pleasure and your whines got louder.
“Need you Steve…”
The last 24 hours felt like a giant tease. 
“You need time to think, remember? We’re caught up in emotion now… time to.. Fuck… think.”
“Yes. You’re right. Thinking is for winners. Not fucking like mindless animals. Wouldn’t want you to fuckme from behind like an animal with that big dick…”
“I’m so hard right now, I’d need to struggle to fit it in that tight little hole…”
You whimpered.
“It would be so easy right now. ‘M so wet…”
Steve groaned.
“Ok.. that’s it.”
He lifted you off of his lap and all you could do was look down on his hardon, disappointed. He lifted your chin to look in your eyes.
“You really will have us arrested.”
He nodded toward a security camera.
“Let’s go back to our separate rooms. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”
“Yes, join me on the yacht tour we can have a great discussion in our bathing suits. Swim in the ocean. Get all wet…”
Steve shook his head at you and grabbed your hand.
“You’re going to be the death of me.”
He led you back down the path to the Vespa and kissed you after you put your helmet on.
“I promise I won’t hurt you, y/n. I will give you anything you ask for. And you asked for space.”
“You wouldn’t hurt me, even if I ask you to?”
“You’re incorrigible,” Steve laughed at your antics.
You kept your hands in neutral places on the ride back to the hotel, resting your chin against Steve’s leather-clad back. Steve caressed your hand with his as he drove. He walked you back to your new suite, and when you reached the door you leaned back against the wall.
“Do you want to come… in?”
Steve smiled at you. 
“More than anything… but I won’t..”
You pouted up at him, chipping away at his resolve. You cursed yourself for saying you needed time alone.
“Can I have a kiss, Captain?”
Steve chuckled, moving closer to you.
“Of course…”
You dropped your bags when he leaned down, your tongue laved his lips and when he opened, you sucked his tongue. Steve moaned into your mouth as your hands came up and tugged on his hair. That was a hot wire straight to his cock. His hands began to wander, large fingers playing with your nipples through your bodice. Your sensitive buds were straining against the lace and the cotton as he teased you.
“This dress…the way you look in it. And the way you feel…”
“You’re making me so hot, Steve. Want you. Need you…I’m dripping for you.”
You pressed yourself close to him, standing on tiptoe to return the favor of marking his neck, making him reach down and gather up the hem of your dress.
“Is that so?”
And his fingers dipped into the lace of your sodden panties, moaning as he felt you.
“Fuck this feels so good, Doll. You are so slick…oh my god…”
He started to finger fuck you with two thick fingers as his thumb twirled your plucky button.
You were holding on to his shoulders for dear life at this point.
“S-steve! Fuck!”
“When you go in here. By yourself. Alone.”
It was like he was trying to convince himself. And he was.
“Don’t touch yourself. I’m claiming this pussy as mine. And I don’t want you to touch it. Be a good girl and save your orgasm for me.”
You were about to cum on the palm of Steve’s hand, so you would agree to anything.
“Jesus Steve… yes, yes! Whatever you say.”
He withdrew his hand, holding your glare as you watched him suck his fingers off, angry that your orgasm was denied. You didn’t want to be defiant, but you needed retribution.
“Then you can’t touch that cock. No matter how hard you get tonight.”
Steve gulped.
“Don’t waste any of that delicious cream on the floor or any where that I am not there to lick it off of you. If you are not going to cum inside me tonight, you better not do it anywhere.”
He smiled at your possessiveness.
“Yes, ma’am.”
He leaned down and kissed your nose.
“You’re so cute when you’re angry. You know that?”
You smiled up at him and turned around to the wall within the cage of his arms.
“I’m much cuter when you’re hitting it from the back, or so I’m told.”
Steve felt a mixture of jealousy and lust as you stuck your ass out and ground on his hard cock through your dress and his pants. He pushed his wet fingers in your mouth as his other hand went back to your pussy, teasing you to the edge again, as he molded you to his fingers.
“Such a fucking brat. I should fill all your holes…”
Your body throbbed as you thought of being used by Steve in that way.
You begged for it.
“Please Captain…”
Steve growled as he abandoned your pussy again and fell to his knees, pulling your dress up and your panties down. He pulled your hips backward so that he had access to your sopping wet crease. He needed to shut you up, and this was the best thing he could think of although you were in the middle of a public hotel hallway. Of course, he wasn’t thinking clearly since there was no blood in his brain.
Steve’s lips suckled at your clit like a man dying of thirst and just when your vision started to blur, his rude tongue forged a path up your folds to your tight ring of muscle, where he boldly dipped inside you. You grabbed his hair as he gave you a taste of what he wanted to do to you, but once again, you were denied the ultimate pleasure. He stopped just before you came all over his face.
Your head was spinning as he turned you around and fixed your dress. You looked up at him, surprised that he was upright, and that you were not on your knees next.
“Now be a good girl and get some rest.” 
He put your bags back in your hand and kissed your temple, then retreated across the hall as you opened your door. 
“G’night,” he said as you held the door open, as if offering an invitation.
“Sweet dreams,” you responded, letting the door swing closed as you pulled your dress over your head, giving him a glimpse of the lilac lace beneath your dress.
Steve’s first urge was to break the door down when it latched closed, but instead he just stood there and collected himself as he looked around for the exit and took the stairs down to his room to burn off some steam.
You leaned against the wooden door of your room, hoping in vain to cool down the fire that Steve Rogers had stoked inside of you.
If you like it, reblog pls! ❤️
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Happier than ever
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your previous relationship was toxic and you're still coping with it.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. This was requested by one of you 🤗
Warnings: Mention of domestic abuse and toxic relationship
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“Babe,” you called out as you walked inside the kitchen where your girlfriend was making dinner for both of you.
“Yes, love?” Elizabeth replied without turning back, though she reached out her free arm to curl around your waist as soon as you got close enough.
You leaned over to take a deep breath and look inside the pan, groaning when your mouth watered at the sight and smell. Elizabeth chuckled and pinched your side playfully, making you squirm away with a laugh. “How long until we can eat?” You asked with some sort of playful plea behind your words.
“Soon. Can you keep the black hole you call your stomach in check until then?”
You knew she was playing with you, teasing, the same way she always did, but you still bit your bottom lip when tears pricked at the back of your eyes. It was silly, but you had a hard week and you were quite sensible about everything lately. Deep down you knew it was a joke. At that moment, though, you asked yourself if Elizabeth thought you were eating too much. And, if so, if she thought you had gained weight.
“What were you going to ask me?” Elizabeth asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You were about to ask something totally different, but you couldn’t brush the worries to the side. “Are you saying I eat too much?” Her reply was to scoff and roll her eyes, which was not an answer at all and only made you worry even more. You didn’t press the subject, even if you wanted to insist on a direct answer. “Well, I was going to ask if you’re going to be here next week. Friday.”
“No,” Elizabeth said without missing a beat, but this time she turned her head to give you a sad smile. “I travel on Wednesday, remember? I have the Comic Con coming up.”
“Oh, right,” you sighed and frowned.
Elizabeth’s busy schedule was a surprise to you since the beginning of your relationship. You could barely keep up with it, couldn’t even understand how it was possible for someone to travel so much, but you liked to think you were getting better at it. It has been six months since you met and four since you officially started dating, but those have been the best months of your life, for sure.
“Why do you ask?”
“Oh, my friend is throwing a party and invited us,” you explained. “But I will tell them we can’t go.”
“I can’t go,” she corrected you, clearly confused as she threw you a glance. “You can. Or do you have something else to do?”
“Oh,” you breathed out. You didn’t realize it, but your fingers were grabbing your telephone harder than they needed to, your knuckles going white. “I just… Well, since you can’t go, and it’s a nightclub, I thought…”
You thought you weren’t allowed to go, but you didn’t say it out loud. You had a girlfriend now, you were in a relationship, and you weren’t supposed to go out without Elizabeth, especially not to a nightclub. Just after that thought crossed your mind, you wanted to scold yourself.
Of course you could go, of course you could have fun, of course you were allowed to be outside without your girlfriend. You just had to keep reminding yourself of that because it didn’t come naturally to you.
“You should go,” Elizabeth said, once again taking you out of your head without even realizing it. “That’s your friend from college, right? You told me you missed her.”
“Right, yes,” you mumbled. She moved to grab something and you took two steps back to give her room to do so, going silently as you watched her for a few more seconds. “I will think about it.”
You are mostly in silence, although Elizabeth kept talking about her upcoming agenda so you didn’t have to say much. She seemed excited to do interviews with her castmates and to see some of them again, and didn’t notice you were oddly quiet. You washed the dishes after you were done eating and you both watched some comedy movie before going to bed to sleep. You woke up feeling much better the next morning, thinking last night had been just a small downfall.
It happened again two weeks after Elizabeth was back from her trip. You were at your apartment this time eating pizza and drinking wine because neither of you wanted to cook. You were sitting at the table trying to finish off some work you brought home while Elizabeth was sitting across from you reading some of her lines for an upcoming shooting, both of you in comfortable silence.
It has been maybe half an hour or less that you were taking notes and writing down a few things when you remembered something and quickly grabbed a post-it to scribble four numbers on it. You reached out to glue it at the table in front of your girlfriend and she lowered her papers to look at it with confusion. She arched her eyebrows and looked at you, clearly asking for an explanation, and you shrugged.
“I changed my phone’s password yesterday.”
Elizabeth blinked at you, then looked down at the four numbers you had picked to be your new password, then back at you. “Is this your password?”
“Yes.” You nodded, already turning your attention back to your work. You were already biting the back of your pen again trying to decipher the numbers your team had provided you with when you noticed she was still looking at you. “What?”
“Why did you give me your password?”
You opened your mouth to reply, only to quickly close it again when you realized what you were about to say. Your cheeks burned in shame when you noticed what you did and why you had done it, and you quickly reached out to grab the post-it again, crumpling it with your hand and choosing not to reply to her. It would sound as stupid out loud as it did inside your head. She didn’t ask for your password, she never even asked to look at your phone, to see your text messages, to take a look at your DMs.
Once again, you were betrayed by habit.
Luckily for you, Elizabeth’s phone rang a second later and she excused herself to answer it, saying it was the director of her new movie. You watched her go before you took a deep breath and ran your hands down your face. You stared at the screen of your computer for so long that Elizabeth was back before you even moved to go back to work.
When she sat across from you, it seemed she didn’t even remember the odd conversation you had a few minutes ago, and you weren’t sure you were glad.
“Excuse me,” you heard someone saying to your left and turned around out of instinct more than anything. You saw a nice looking girl, with a soft smile, dark hair, and dark eyes, looking at you and you waited for her to keep talking since you had no idea why she caught your attention. “I normally don’t do this, but I was looking at you and I thought… Well, maybe you could give me your number so we can grab a coffee someday.”
You felt your eyes widen and your mouth drop open in shock, but you wasted no time looking out for your girlfriend to see if she had heard this girl talking. Elizabeth was leaning against the counter looking at the menu while she tried to pick what she wanted to drink and didn’t seem to have paid any attention to that, so you sighed in relief and turned around to the girl again. You offered her a polite smile before taking a respectful step back.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I have a girlfriend.”
“That’s okay. I’m sorry to bother you.”
And, just like that, the girl was gone with her cheeks red and a shy smile. You shook your head and approached Elizabeth to look over her shoulder at the menu to pick up your order, but her voice made your entire body freeze.
“You keep turning heads whenever you walk, huh?”
Your heart started to race and your mind ran a mile per hour trying to come up with a reply, but then Elizabeth turned her head to look at you and she had an amused smile and bright green eyes filled with mischief, which made you quickly realize she was only teasing you. She wasn’t mad. She thought it was funny.
Not sure how you could reply to that, you simply rolled your eyes. “Pick your coffee. The line is already outside the door.”
She chuckled, looked away and started giving her order to the boy behind the counter. Meanwhile, you cursed yourself for having another panicked reaction. When you sat down to drink your coffee, Elizabeth started chatting about her most recent trip and you listened as much as your troubled mind allowed you to.
Eventually, after she took a break to sip at her coffee, you decided to address something that had been bothering you for a while now. “Lizzie, remember when I told you about my previous relationship?”
She frowned, but nodded. “Yes. You said it ended a couple of years ago.”
“Well, yes, but… I didn’t mention that it ended badly after a huge fight we had. One of the fights we had,” you told her. “We had many fights, actually.”
“Oh,” she breathed out, seemingly confused as to why you were telling her that.
“Yeah, she was… she was a bit jealous.” You sighed. “She would have flipped a table if someone hit on me like that.” You decided not to mention that a table would have been literally flipped if your ex-girlfriend was the one standing there. The relationship you had before Elizabeth wasn’t a good one, even if you stayed with your ex for almost eight years. Every once in a while, you were surprised to see how different things could be with Elizabeth.
“Well, you are a very beautiful woman,” Elizabeth said with a charming smile and a wink at you. “I can’t blame people for looking.”
And she looked so happy, so relaxed, so truthful saying that, that you didn’t have the heart to keep telling her about the things you lived before she came into your life. Instead, you also smiled and decided to brush it off. You would talk to your therapist again, you would keep working to heal some wounds that were still bleeding, and it would be fine.
It would be fine.
You were putting some clean clothes away when you felt two hands suddenly grabbing your waist and a yelled: “Gotcha!” right to your ear.
You were distracted, thinking about work and your chores, so you obviously weren’t expecting that. The yell that left your lips wasn’t a normal one. It wasn’t a surprised, playful one. It wasn’t one you could brush off with a laugh. No. You yelled like you were afraid for your life, dropping everything you had in your hands and shrinking away before you could stop yourself.
And then, because things weren’t already bad enough, you felt yourself slipping into a panic attack very fast. Your breath got hollow, your heart started to race, your vision blurred, and all you wished was to crawl to a corner and cry.
“Hey, hey, it’s me,” you heard Elizabeth saying, only then realizing it had been her who sneaked behind you. “Y/N, calm down, take a breath.”
You tried to. You really did. But your chest felt like there was a train on top of it and you were shaking so much that you almost missed the edge of the bed when you tried to sit on it. You barely felt Elizabeth’s hands guiding you, you certainly missed when she tried talking to you again, and you didn’t notice when she walked to the kitchen to grab you a cup of water before returning as fast as she could. She coaxed you to drink the water, then grabbed your hands and started asking you to name things you could see, things you could smell, things you could feel, and things you could hear, until your breathing started to calm down and you were able to look at her again.
“Are you okay?” She asked, her eyes filled with concern and guilt, and you couldn’t take that so you looked away.
“Yes,” you whispered.
“Are you sure?” You nodded, soon hearing a sigh from her. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to scare you that much. I just… I saw you were distracted and I thought it would be fun to jump on you. I didn’t mean to…”
“It’s not your fault,” you told her with a sad smile.
It was sad because it really wasn’t her fault, but the one to blame for that wasn’t around. No, the person who made that to you was far away, living her life without traumas, without dealing with those moments of doubts and fears, acting as if she hadn’t ruined you forever. You were the one who stayed with all of that to deal with. You were the one with the scars, the wounds, the hurt. And you just lashed out at someone who had nothing to do with that.
“My love,” Elizabeth said in a gentle, concerned voice. Her hands were placed at your thighs, but she wasn’t moving them, afraid her touch might trigger something else. “Can you tell me what happened?”
You didn’t want to, not really. Because you knew things would change after you said something. You wouldn’t have Elizabeth playfully jumping on you. However, you knew you should tell her everything because it wasn’t fair to you to endure it all alone.
So you took a deep breath and patted the bed beside you so she would get up from where she was crouched on the floor. Elizabeth understood and quickly got up to sit beside you, reaching out to grab your hands as soon as she sat. You smiled a bit at that, although it soon disappeared as you thought about how to start that conversation.
“My ex-girlfriend…” You had to pause to swallow the lump that raised in your throat. “When we had that fight that led to our breakup, she… well, she pushed me really hard when I was doing the dishes. I hit my head against the cupboard. She started yelling into my face, calling me names and all of that because she thought I was cheating on her. Well, that was the night I decided to leave her, but… But so many things happened before that.” Your voice was barely a whisper at the end, but you felt Elizabeth squeezing your hand and giving you the strength to keep talking. “It was never physical before that, though I’m sure it would be a common thing if I stayed after that night. It was small things that I didn’t even realize at first, you know? She would look through my phone, so I always had to give her the password to access it or it would start a massive fight. Every time I had to change it, for whatever reason, she got so mad. So mad,” you added with a grimace. “She would make small comments about my weight and the way I looked just to make me sad. I know that’s why she did that. I would be having a good day, a day where I was happy, and she would say something just to see my smile go away.”
“Oh, baby,” Elizabeth whimpered and you wondered if she even noticed she said it out loud.
“I couldn’t go out with my friends without her and, even when we did go out with them, I had to stay next to her,” you continued. “If someone hit on me, she would yell at me, say it was my fault, that I was acting like a whore and that’s why people thought they could come to me. She was jealous of everything and everyone, it was a nightmare. I lost count of how many times we had a massive fight about nothing and she would just storm out and I would stay up all night wondering if she was okay, wondering if she was coming back or not.” You took another deep breath. You had been looking at your joined hands since you started talking, knowing you wouldn’t be able to say it all if you were looking at her. “We broke up over two years ago and I thought… I thought I would never enter another relationship again, but then I met you and I…” You opened and closed your mouth a couple of times, suddenly at a loss of words to express what you wanted. “I’m so lucky to have you in my life, Lizzie. You’re nothing like her. Nothing,” you repeated to make sure she would understand that. “But she left scars in me that just pop up sometimes.”
“Oh, baby,” Elizabeth said once you were done talking, now looking at her. It was clear she wanted to reach out to hug you but wasn’t sure if the gesture would be welcome, which made you even more sad. That’s what you were afraid of. That’s why you hadn’t said anything before. “I’m so, so sorry that you had to go through that.”
“Yes, well,” you smiled sadly. “It’s over. I left that place and never looked back.”
“You did,” she agreed with you. “You were so brave.”
“Now you know why I randomly gave you my password,” you tried to joke, but you couldn’t master enough humor to do so.
“How could I have not realized it before?” Elizabeth asked herself. “God, how didn’t I see it before?!”
“I didn’t tell you anything before,” you reminded. “And you had a lot on your plate already.”
“That’s not an excuse,” she insisted. “You’re my girlfriend, someone I deeply care for, someone I love. I should have paid more attention to those signals. Gosh, they’re so clear now that you said it.”
“Lizzie, that’s the thing,” you interrupted her. “Now that I told you, you know what to look for. You didn’t know before. I’m not going to apologize for not saying anything because I wasn’t ready to do so. I know it’s been two years, but it still pains me to remember some things.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
“Neither do you.” You looked at her with stern eyes. “You didn’t know.”
“You tried to tell me that day at the coffee shop,” she reminded with a frown. “You told me you guys used to fight, but I didn’t think…”
“Elizabeth, stop.” Your firm voice made her close her mouth and look at you with wide green eyes. “It happened, it can’t be changed. You know I go to therapy and I like to think I’m getting better and better every day, but it’s hard to break some habits, especially the bad ones. I’m telling you this now so you can understand some of my actions as well. I overreacted when you scared me, but I had a reason to. I freeze when you walk behind me when I’m on my phone, because I expect you to grab it from my hand. I might cry if you raise your voice while we discuss something, because I expect you to yell at me and walk away. I’m trying to be better, but you need to know that those things might happen along the way.”
“My love, I’m so proud that you told me this,” Elizabeth affirmed, suddenly bringing tears to your eyes. “And I’m so proud of you for leaving something that wasn’t good for you. I promise I will be more aware of those things. I won’t jump on you anymore, I won’t make any jokes that might make you uncomfortable. You just name it and I will do it. Whatever you need.”
You felt your heart full with the honesty you could see on her face and hear in her voice. Elizabeth seemed truly worried, truly willing to find ways to help you out, to make things easier for you, and you felt the lump in your throat again.
“I bet you weren’t expecting to end up with a mess like me,” you commented with a watery laugh.
However, Elizabeth shook her head vehemently. “Don’t say that. You’re not a mess. Do you remember when I told you I don’t like getting drunk or being around people who get drunk? I noticed that you never drank too much after that. You’re always in control to make me comfortable. That’s what I want to do for you. That’s what you deserve at the very least.”
“I love you,” you whispered since all the emotions running through you were making it hard to say anything else.
“I love you too, my love. And I promise you to be by your side as long as you want me to.”
“I hope you have the time, then,” you joked, already leaning in for a kiss. “Because I don’t want you to be anywhere else.”
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belovedhoon · 2 months
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deep down
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Divider credit: @cafekitsune
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Summary| Y/N is Jake’s younger sister, he’s very protective of her, which is why he bans his friends from trying to date her, especially Heeseung. Heeseung has a reputation for partying, smoking and not committing to relationships. Y/N has always had a crush on Heeseung but was warned by her brother of his reputation. What happens when they’re left alone because Jake forgot he invited Heeseung over to his and Y/N’s shared apartment
Pairing| Heeseung x F!Reader
Fic type/ Genre| Fluff, (slight angst)
Warnings| swearing, overprotective brother Jake
Words| 3540
Tagging| @hmusunoo and @st1llm0nster
“Heeseung? What are you doing here? Jake is at Jimin’s house” You said surprised, when you opened the door to see Lee Heeseung standing there on the other side. Heeseung raised his eyebrow in surprise.
“Oh? Is he? He told me to come over today…” Heeseung told you. You sighed. Your brother had a habit of making plans and then forgetting about them.
“Yes, he is. I’m sorry about that.” You said quietly. Heeseung sighed and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms.
“And how long will he be there with her?” Heeseung asked. You looked up, rubbing the back of your neck.
“Oh uh, I’m not sure Heeseung.” You said to him. Heeseung just chuckled and started to come towards the entrance of the door.
“Guess I’m just stuck here then until he gets back!” Heeseung said brushing past you to walk inside the apartment. You stood there shocked, before turning around slowly.
“Uh…can’t you come back later, or another day…?” You asked Heeseung confused. He just smirked.
“And miss out on spending time with you?” Heeseung said slyly. Your eyes opened wide, almost comically wide.
“W-what?!” You asked surprised by his statement. Heeseung just grinned, amused by your reaction.
“Why do you sound so surprised? I’m just saying that I want to spend time with you.” Heeseung said shrugging nonchalantly. You looked at him confused.
“Why me though?” You asked, curious to know why he wanted to hang out with you. He just shrugged.
“Because you’re the only one here, and you’re not bad company. Plus I’m bored and I already drove all the way here and I don’t feel like going home so…” Heeseung said so matter-of-factly. You stared at him for a second, your eyes squinted.
“First of all, you live in the same building as us, so you didn’t drive. And second of all, you want to hang out with me?” Heeseung chuckled again, and stepped closer to you, a playful smile on his face.
“You’re right, I didn’t drive but I did have to wait on the elevator for quite a while love, and yes I do want to hang out with you…is that so much a problem hm?” Heeseung stated, emphasizing ‘you’ and ‘I’ as you had earlier. You froze.
“N-no…just surprised is all.” You let out quietly, making a small step backward from him suddenly realizing how close he had gotten. You couldn’t think right with how close he was standing, the strong pleasant smell of his perfume messing with your head. Heeseung smirked, his eyes trailing you, head from toe.
“You seem nervous love.” Heeseung let out almost cockily. You huffed, closing your eyes for a second. ‘There he goes with that nickname again.’ You thought to yourself.
“I-I am not nervous!” You said weakly. Heeseung just grinned mischievously and took another step closer to you, now standing right in front of you.
“You’re stuttering. You’re definitely nervous.” He chuckled. You looked up at him.
“No! It’s just because you caught me off guard!” You say quietly, yet defensive. Heeseung raised one of his eyebrows, before leaning in closer, his voice lowering to a whisper.
“You don’t have to be so defensive love. I won’t bite. Unless… you want me to that is.” He smirked right after, watching as your eyes widened and your jaw dropped a bit.
“W-what?!” You basically screeched. He let out a small laugh at your flustered reaction. Oh, how he was enjoying teasing you. You just looked so cute with your comically wide eyes and dropped jaw, and the tip of your ears flushed.
“You heard me love…” Heeseung said smugly. You looked down.
“Heeseung…” You said barely above a whisper. He just smiled and placed a hand on your shoulder, his touch gentle but firm.
“Yes pretty?” Heeseung said to you. You frowned but didn’t shrug his hand off your shoulder, if anything you reveled in the small touch.
“You can’t say things like that… Jake is your best friend, and my brother…” Heeseung just shrugged and moved his hand from your shoulder to your waist, before pulling away, his touch lingering. You could feel your skin burning from where he touched you.
“So what? Jake’s not here right now, now is he?” Heeseung said. You shook your head no. Heeseung took this as an opportunity to pull you in again, this time closer, his upper body almost touching yours.
“Then there is nothing stopping me from saying whatever I want.” He let out. You could feel your face get hot from his proximity. You were almost shaking at this point, nerves going haywire. On one hand, you really enjoyed the attention he was giving you, but he was your brother’s best friend.
“H-Heeseung…what are you doing?” You let out nervously. Heesung chuckled, his hand on your waist now gripping you tighter, his other hand coming up to gently brush a strand of hair out of your face.
“I’m just getting closer to you pretty.” Heeseung said to you. You frowned, angrily trying to push him away from you. He’s gotta be messing with you.
“Is this one of your sick games?!” You huffed out pissed. Heeseung easily resists your push and holds you in place, his grip tightening, not wanting you to run away. He leans in closer, a smirk still on his lips.
“No games, just me being honest.” He said quietly. You looked up at him, the frown still on your face.
“I-I don’t understand.” You whispered, still in shock at what was happening. Heeseung’s smirk softens, as he looks into your eyes, his gaze intense.
“You don’t understand what? That I have feelings for you?” He let out softly. Your eyebrows furrowed, your lips pouting. Heeseung couldn’t help but think how cute you looked right now.
“Why me? Why would you have feelings for me?” You asked barely above a whisper. Heeseung’s eyes softened even more. He releases his grip on your waist but doesn’t step back.
“Why not you? You’re beautiful, smart, and caring. The list could go on and on.” Heeseung whispers, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere. You looked at him intently, your voice a whisper.
“Do you…do you mean that Heeseung?” Your voice is timid, vulnerability shining through at this very moment. Heeseung smiles brightly and then he gently cups your face with his hand, his thumb tracing your jawline.
“Of course I mean it. I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t pretty.” Heeseung said softly. You sigh, looking up into his eyes.
“I just don’t understand…you’re you and well…I’m just Jake’s little sister…” You say frowning again. Heeseung gently tilts your chin up, making you look directly into his eyes.
“You’re more than just ‘Jake’s little sister’ You’re your own person, with your own thoughts, feelings, and desires. And I think you’re pretty damn amazing!” Heeseung says with a proud smile. You look down frowning again, doubt forming in your mind again. What if he’s just telling you what you want to hear? I mean he does have a reputation for not sticking with women for long…
“A-are you just saying that to…get into my pants…? You ask so quietly, that you aren’t sure if he heard you. Heeseung laughs at your comment and your heart drops. You’re about to pull away but Heeseung stops you with his words.
“No, I’m not. I’m saying it because I mean it. I don’t just want to get into your pants, I want to get to know you better, spend time with you, to make you smile and laugh.” Heeseung lets out in a whisper. You look up at Heeseung, a hopeful expression on your face.
“Really?” Heeseung nods, his gaze softening once more as he looks at you.
“Really. I promise. I don’t have any ulterior motives, I just want to be with you. You look at him, eyes shining brightly in the room light.
“O-okay…I trust you.” You told him gently smiling at him. Heeseung smiles warmly, his hand still cupping your face. He caresses your cheek gently.
“Thank you for trusting me, I won’t break that trust, I promise you that.” You smile brightly at him, your eyes flickering down to his lips then back up to his eyes again.
“Now…will you kiss me finally?” You say shly. Heeseung grins, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
“I thought you’d never ask. If that’s truly what you want though?” Heeseung asks you, his gaze intense. You nod your head determined to get that kiss from him. He laughs softly at your determination, his thumb gently tracing your bottom lip. He nods. He then leans in slowly, giving you time to back away, which you don’t. His lips hovering just millimeters away from yours, before finally closing the distance and kissing you softly. You kiss Heeseung back and then he deepens the kiss, his arms wrapping around your waist pulling you closer to him. He nibbles gently on your bottom lip, his tongue tracing the outline of your mouth, seeking entrance. You part your lips slightly granting him access with a moan. Heeseung takes advantage of your moan, his tongue exploring your mouth hungrily. He pulls you impossibly closer, his body pressed tightly against your own, as he continues to kiss you passionately. You try to keep up with his kiss, kissing him back fervently. Heeseung’s hands begin to wander, his fingers tracing the curves of your body as he continues to kiss you intensely. He gently bites your lower lip before pulling away to catch his breath.
“Heeseung…wow…that was…” You said breathlessly. Heeseung grins almost shyly, his chest rising and falling as he catches his breath.
“Amazing? Mind-blowing?” He remarks cheekily. You smile at him.
“How about all of the above?” You let out with a giggle. Heeseung chuckles, his hands still resting on your hips.
“I-I’m glad you enjoyed it Y/N. I know I did.” He says bashfully. You smiled stars in your eyes before nodding at him.
“I enjoyed it very much…” You said cutely. Heeseung smiled, ears a bright red, before leaning in and nuzzling your neck, his lips brushing against your skin.
“Good, because I plan on doing it again if you’ll let me…” He says softly. You smile shyly nodding.
“I will look forward to it Hee…” You say to him. Heeseung smiles, his breath warm against your neck as he speaks to you.
“I’m glad because I’m never gonna let you forget this moment.” He says before you both hear the jingle of the front door. You both freeze, Heeseung’s body tensing up at the sound of the door jingling. You both quickly pull away from each other and look towards the door. Your eyes widen.
“Oh shit! Jake’s home!” You whisper panicked. Heeseung curses under his breath, his expression becoming a mixture of surprise and annoyance. You look at Heeseung again as you hear Jake struggling to find the right key to open the door.
“He really knows how to ruin a moment.” You say frowning. Heeseung nods in agreement, running his hands through his hair. Jake finally unlocks the door and pushes it open. He walks in and sees both you and Heeseung standing there, his face morphing into that of confusion.
“Oh, hey. Didn’t expect to see you guys here.” Jake says to you both. You look at your brother for a second trying to process what is happening so fast.
“Oh uh…Heeseung came to hang out with you and I let him in, he was waiting for you…” You say shakily. Jake raises an eyebrow, looking between you and Heeseung.
“Really? He was waiting for me?” Jake asks skeptically. You nod quickly.
“Uh yeah? He was actually.” You say almost unsure of yourself. Jake shrugs, not questioning your response. Heeseung has been quiet this whole time watching yours and your brother’s interaction.
“Alright then. Well, what have you two been up to?” Jake asks casually. Your eyes widen and you look at Heeseung before looking back at Jake.
“Oh, we were just talking is all.” You say trying to sound normal. Heeseung nods, his expression neutral. How is he so calm? You think to yourself. You feel as if you’re going to faint from the pressure.
“Yeah bro, just chatting,” Heeseung says with a shrug. Jake raises an eyebrow again.
“Uh okay? You guys are acting weird…did something happen?” Jake asks suspicious of yours and Heeseung’s odd behavior. Heeseung chuckles nervously, trying to act nonchalant.
“Weird? We’re not acting weird. We’re just telling you what’s going on.” Heeseung said to Jake, looking at him and you.
“Yeah hah…you are the one being weird Jake!” You add nervously. Jake crosses his arms, looking between the two of you suspiciously.
“Yeah, you definitely are. You’re acting all nervous and avoiding eye contact. What’s going on?” Jake asks sternly. You pause and look at Jake and then Heeseung.
“Nothing! Look I have some homework due for my literature class…I gotta go! Bye Jake, bye Heesesung!” You say quickly and start to dash towards your room. Jake calls out to you as you start to leave.
“Wait Y/N! Don’t go yet! I want to talk to you.” Jake yells after you. You freeze.
“Can’t it wait? I have so much homework to do Jake.” Jake shakes his head, a smirk on his face.
“No, it can’t wait. It’s important. Come back here. You turn and walk back towards Jake and Heeseung slowly. You look up at Jake.
“Yes…Jake?” You ask him. Jake glances at Heeseung’s stiff posture, then back at you, who is trying to avoid eye contact with him. Jake’s smirk grows wider.
“I know you’re hiding something. Did you two break something?” Jake asks, trying not to laugh. Yeah your weird bro code, you thought to yourself. You look at Heeseung with wide eyes.
“Uh, what do you mean brother?” You ask Jake. Heeseung avoids eye contact with you, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of his lips.
“Yeah Y/N, what are you hiding?” Heeseung remarks. You glare at Heeseung. How dare he? You thought to yourself.
“What are you hiding Heeseung?” You say sharply, emphasizing ‘you’. Heeseung looks at you with a playful expression, his eyes sparkling.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not hiding anything.” Heeseung says with a shrug.. You glare at him again.
“I’m not hiding anything either!” You say defensively. Jake chuckles, enjoying the tension between you two. Completely oblivious to the kind of tension. You two have always bickered back and forth, so this was nothing new.
“You two are definitely hiding something from me, I can tell by the way you both are acting…Just tell me what you broke, so I can fix it!” Jake lets out with a laugh. You turn to Jake with an intense glare. Why is he nagging so much?! You thought to yourself.
“Why do you care so much, Jake?” You ask exasperated. Jake raises his hand in mock surrender.
“Woah Y/N calm down. I just want to know what’s going on between you two. I don’t want there to be any secrets in this house. You sigh defeatedly.
Fine! We kissed! Is that what you wanted to hear?!” You say quickly. Jake’s eyes widen in surprise, looking between you and Heeseung. He did not expect that.
Wait! What?! You two kissed?” Jake said surprise written on his face. You sighed.
“So what about it? I’m an adult Jake!” You say to your brother. Jake scoffs, still looking between you and Heeseung who is standing there frozen with an unreadable expression on his face.
“So? You’re my sister and he’s my best friend. I don’t want to see you two involved like that!” Jake says intensely. It's your turn to scoff this time.
“Well too bad Jake! I can make my own decisions and so can Heeseung!” You say, pissed now. How can he tell you what to do? Jake crosses his arms, his expression stern.
“I know you can make your own decisions, but this is different. Heeseung is my best friend, and I don’t want to see him hurt you by messing around. He’s not good for you.” Jake says to you as if Heeseung isn’t even there. Heeseung’s face flashes with a look of hurt on his face before going back to being neutral. You glare at Jake.
“That’s not fair Jake! Heeseung is a good person!” You say to him. Jake raises an eyebrow skeptically.
“He may be a good person, but you don’t know him like I do. He’s not as innocent as he seems.” Jake says. You pause, a confused look on your face.
“What do you mean by that?” You say quietly. Jake sighs, clearly reluctant to share this information about his best friend.
“Heeseung, he has a ‘reputation’. He smokes, he parties a lot, and he’s always surrounded by girls. He’s not the kind of guy you should be messing with. Like I love Heeseung truly I do, but I want what’s best for you Y/N.”
You frown looking at Heeseung. “Heeseung…?” You ask quietly. Heeseung looks away, avoiding your gaze. He knows Jake is telling the truth.
“Yes, I do smoke and I party sometimes.” Heeseung said to you before looking away again. You look at Heeseung with tears in your eyes.
“And…the girls?” You ask barely above the whisper. Heeseung looks you straight in your eyes with a serious expression.
“There were a lot of girls, I admit. But I don’t care about them. I haven’t been with anyone since I’ve admitted to myself that I like you.” Heeseung said to you. He seemed genuine but you still had doubts.
“How do I know that? I’m different from those girls. They’re more your type.” You say nervously. Heeseung steps closer to you.
“I know you’re different. You’re not like any of those girls. You’re special. You are the only one I want.” Heeseung said, his voice low and sincere with tears in his eyes. You nod, turning to Jake.
“See Jake? He sounds genuine…” you say softly. Jake rolls his eyes, clearly not convinced.
“Just because he says it, doesn’t mean it’s true. He’s just trying to get into your pants.” Jake said. You looked down at the floor, breath shaky.
“He told me…he wanted to be with me…”You said quietly, barely audible. Jake scoffs again, his voice filled with disbelief.
“Oh, he did? And how do you know he wasn’t just saying that to get what he wanted? He’s known to be a player, so you know he’s good at sweet-talking. You look at Heeseung, who is standing there with a mixture of hurt and frustration on his face.
“Heeseung…say something…please…” You say desperately. Heeseung sighs, the look of frustration on his face deepening.
“I meant what I said Y/N. I do want to be with you. I’ve wanted to be with you for a long time! Like I said, I haven’t been with any other girls for months after I realized I’m in love with Y/N…” Heeseung said softly but firmly. You look at Jake, the tears finally flowing down your flushed cheeks.
“Why can’t you just let us be happy Jake?” You choke out. Jake’s expression softens he doesn’t like to see his little sister cry. But he still isn’t convinced, he just doesn’t want you to get hurt.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to be happy…it’s just I don’t want you to get hurt. Heeseung doesn’t seem like the type of guy to settle down. He’ll break your heart Y/N.” Jake says firmly. You sigh frustrated.
“Why don’t you let me find that out on my own if that’s true? I believe Heeseung. I trust him. You should too. Jake sighs, realizing he’s not going to change your mind.
“Fine. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. Just be careful okay? I don’t want to see you hurt sis.” Jake says softly. Your gaze softens before you walk up to Jake and place your hand on his shoulder.
“I know Jakey, and I appreciate you looking out for me…but I’m an adult and I know how to make my own decisions.” You say to your brother. Jake nods, reluctantly accepting your decision.
“I know you’re an adult Y/N, but you’re still my little sister, and I promised our parents to look after you. I just want what’s best for you…” Jake says to you. You grab Jake into a hug and hold him tightly.
“I know Jake, I know.” You whisper to him. Jake holds you for a second before pulling away. He gives you a small smile.
“Just promise me you’ll be careful. And…if Heeseung does anything to hurt you, I’ll kick his ass!” Jake says with a chuckle. You look at him and then at Heeseung, smiles on all three of your faces.
“I promise Jake, but you know I can take on Heeseung myself!” You say confidently. They both snort at that remark. You look at Heeseung and he smiles and nods in reassurance that he’s on your side. You then look at Jake who also gives you a small smile and a nod, assuring you that he too now supports your decision.
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y0ur-loca1-lyr3 · 7 months
Alastor when falling in love/dating headcanons
A/N; my first time trying headcanons lol, hope I did well!
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Falling in love
Let’s be honest, Alastor rarely actually likes most beings as a friend, let alone as a romantic partner
But when he does for either scenario, he has to notice that person as more than just some pawn for entertainment
Maybe you’re more socially intelligent, maybe you have more power, maybe you’re closer to Charlie, maybe all of those
But there has to be something that makes him see you as a threat to his power, or his control
Because of this when you first enter the hotel, he’s going to try to upstage you
If he can find a flaw about you, he’ll utilize that to the max
Think how he acted around Lucifer in ‘Dad beat Dad’
But when he notices you’re not going to be intimidated by him he starts to grow angry
If you really wanna ruffle his feathers just ask “uhm…who are you..?”
Not even in a polite way, just in a rude judgmental way
Oh, that makes his blood boil
When he’s not around you, at first he’s trying to get rid of you, take away the threat
But then you leave for a long period of time without notice to anyone but husk
And not even sober husk
So basically nobody really knows where the hell you went (pun intended)
The first maybe hour or two Alastor was like “good riddance”
But then for some damn reason he started to miss you
If you’re gone for more than one day, his mood actually visibly changes
Sure he’s still smiling, but he’s still a bit less motivated to do things
And he’s probably having troubles with coming up with ideas for his radio broadcast
Then you come back and he’s back to normal
It’s like his subconscious went “oh, cool :D”
But now that brings up another obstacle for him
As established before he wants any threats out of his way, but he somehow has grown attached to you?
This wasn’t what he wanted, no not at all
Now what was he supposed to do?
Even worse is the realization that he still has humanity
Humanity is weakness
And if some like say… Vox found out about this?
He’d be royally fucked
It takes a looong while for him to figure out that A. It was love, and B. Come to terms with that
Lots of avoidance and back handed comments
If you sat at the bar? He’d leave
If you tried to compliment him, you’d only get a short “Hm.”
If you invited him to talk with you, even just to get to know him he’d make an excuse
And if Charlie attempts to force him he will refuse/ escape in some way
Blowing up and asking him what his problem is won’t help either
He’ll sit there with a patient smile with petty thoughts, and justifications for his actions running through his head as he tried to appear unfazed
Until someone interrupts/ ends the conversation or you just give up and leave
He’ll leave while rolling his eyes slightly, muttering about how sensitive people are these days
Once he does finally come to terms with it, he’s less hostile around you
Don’t get me wrong he still avoids you like the plague because you’re his only weakness
But he’s kinder to you when he does interact with you
Maybe he’ll offer to pay for your drink before leaving
He might even leave a little box of homemade chocolates at your door, or give you some ‘leftover’ Jambalaya he made specifically for you to try
Little favors like that
It’s never really said aloud that the two of you are dating
It just was sort of agreed upon silently between the two of you
One day he invited you via letter to come skygaze with him at his radio tower
At first you’re kind of suspicious that he has an ulterior motive
But when you get there and you’re invited to sit beside Alastor, you realize he just wanted to see you. Why? You didn’t know, but at least his intentions weren’t ill
Then he crossed his pinky with yours
Nothing grand like kissing, he’s not too fond of physical affection
But just a small bit of contact
If you choose to interlock your pinky with his, internally he’ll lose his mind
It’s like confirmation that you feel the same way without verbally saying it
Since then everyone just sort of knew at the very least he cared a bit more about you
He’d frequently talk with you
Like how most people would interact with good friends
Except he gets a little more protective of you
There’ll be a shadow that follows you everywhere
Sometimes the shadow will tease a bit
Maybe pick up a piece of hair and then put back in place quick, or maybe brush against your arm, nothing harmful, really
Since he doesn’t really show his love through physical affection, he shows it through gifts or acts of service
Mainly acts of service
You’ll often go back to your room after a hard day to find your bed made and your pillows fluffed with a new stuffed animal on your bed
His favorite way to show his affection physically is by your hand
He won’t really hold your hand outright, but he’ll usually gently kiss it after saying something romantic
Maybe if your sitting at the bar, talking with Husk he will
When he’s feeling especially happy, or romantic, or he somehow got wasted, he’ll give you a peck on the lips, but that’s about the only time you two really kiss
He will cuddle if you ask to but otherwise he doesn’t really do cuddling
The first time you tell him you love him, even just as a quick goodbye, he’ll melt on the inside
If you look close enough you can see his eyes soften a tad bit
He’ll probably say “you too” if the both of you are in public, or something along those lines, but if you’re in private, maybe cuddling or as he’s comforting you for some reason
He’ll say it softly, and then most likely give you a small head pat, or if he’s getting really sentimental, he’ll give you a peck on the forehead
All in all, he does love you, he just sort of shows it in his own way that he’s comfortable with <3
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agusrkive · 8 months
Good Friend Ackerman
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‘what she doesn’t know, won’t kill her. right?’
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summary: Levi as your good friend who’s been secretly pining over you for years
cw: mild nsfw, whipped levi
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you always wonder why your suitors disappear after the first date or even a few potential admirers that would suddenly lose interest after a few hangouts like “hey, I really enjoyed today and I wanna see you again.. call you later tonight?” or “let’s go see that exciting film tomorrow that you told me about last week! i’ll pick you up at 10~ xoxo” then boom! no calls, the number you have dialed is currently unavailable~ blah-bla-blah, cell is blocked, and no sign of Connie Springer from the bookstore.
“I really thought this one was into me, Levi.”
the raven just shrugged before sipping his tea. he ignored you, but the smug look on his face says otherwise. you rolled your eyes at him and he scoffed. he never really misses anything and that’s one of the traits you admire about him. though it sometimes irritates you with how sharp he is that you can never be sneaky with him. talk about multiple backfired pranks and earfuls from the devil himself, but you always managed to get away only because he lets you.
“what? don’t look at me like that. he was the one who initiated it and he said he’d pick me up, I thought he was just late. but there we’re no calls.”
“I think he blocked me.. oh no! what if something happened to him!? Levi, what do we do?!”
it’s his turn now to roll his eyes at you, shaking his head at your dramatic exaggeration. after being friends with you for years, that’s one thing that he’ll never get used to and he’ll never get tired of too. he thinks it’s cute, but he’ll never admit that to you. knowing you’ll never shut up about it and he knows you damn well enough to know that he’ll never hear the end of it with your annoying teasing.
“brat, calm down. maybe it’s a good thing he suddenly disappeared, you don’t even know him that well.”
you gave him a deadpan look.
“that’s exactly what a second date is for! to get to know him better, idiot!”
he flicks your forehead while giving you a headlock. he’s always too fast and you didn’t see it coming. you thought of flailing your arms for release or fake fainting, but knowing his strength and how you always lose to him. he will only let go once you say sorry, but that would only feed his unnecessary ego that he doesn’t need anyway. you try to think of anything, then an idea pops up in your head. a very stupid, childish idea. gathering all your strength, you wrapped your hands tightly around his grip on you as a distraction. then you pushed your behind into him very very hard.
you heard a moan.
and you both freeze—
for a moment, none of you uttered a single word.
then you realize what just happened, he didn’t just— no.. did he? oh god. it seems like Levi realized it too when he suddenly releases his hold and backed away from you as if you were a hot molten lava, which you feel like you are right now with how much your face is burning. involuntary, your hands reached up to cover your reddening face. you are still frozen in your spot.
“shut up”
Levi lets out a grunt as he clutches his crotch in an almost crouching position. he was shocked when you pulled that stunt and all he could do was freeze. you are so stupid, how could you even think of that?he wanted to get mad at you, but he knows he couldn’t.. he’s too whipped and when you pushed into him so hard, he felt it everywhere, you. your ass on him, your plump ass against his dick that is now hard.. it felt so good.
Levi tries to think of anything than the thought of your ass against him, against his hard d- he closes his eyes and sighs trying to calm himself. pissed at himself for getting a hard raging boner that he has to take care of now, pissed at the fact that you know he got a boner because of you and he’s a little embarrassed. you’re still there in front of him with your back facing him and that ass.. Levi looks away, anywhere but your ass. his face flushed and you won’t even look at him, it’s better that way. of course what did he think?
he hates himself for being so horny like a stupid teenager and poor you, now you’ll probably look at him weirdly like how could he? someone who you thought of as a friend and even as an older brother had a reaction to you like that? although he doesn’t see you as a little sister, but you didn’t know that. did you?
pt. 2
the disappearance of connie springer
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his-lune · 8 months
☾ Just Like This | MiriTama ☽
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A/N: Hi~ this is my first ever work for MHA. I haven't written in a year or two so I'm hoping my writing didn't get too bad 😭 requests are open, but please check out the requirements before requesting. Happy reading! 🩷
Relationship: Amajiki Tamaki x Fem Reader (ft. Togata Mirio)
Word Count: 2,793
Genre: Fluff, semi-smut (?)
Warnings: Making out, grinding, cumming in pants, mention of tentacles, implications towards future smut ;; I think that's all! Please let me know if I missed anything
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It was a cloudy Saturday afternoon, the forecast called for a few showers here and there. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to spend time with your boyfriend of two months, Amajiki Tamaki. The two of you were in his room watching the second movie of the night. The first movie was full of action, but Tamaki decided to put on a romance movie this time, hoping to make the date more romantic.
As the beginning of the movie started, you noticed there was still a good amount of space between the two of you. While you wished you were cuddling, you knew your boyfriend was normally an anxious person. As the movie progressed, the indigo-haired male slowly started to shyly shuffle closer to you. Once his thighs finally touched yours, his face became red with embarrassment. His body was tense, nerves running through him as he couldn’t help but think if you were uncomfortable. Noticing how he started to slightly shake, you gently took his hand in yours and gave him a small smile. The action calmed him down, and the two of you put your attention back on the film, forgetting that your hands were connected. An action that would normally cause him to furiously blush and stutter.
Halfway through the movie, the lead actors passionately kissed, making you sigh. Your boyfriend glanced at you and noticed the longing expression on your face. Swallowing, he awkwardly turned to you, looking at you with anxiety. Feeling his gaze locked on you, you turned towards him and gave him a comforting smile, “Is everything ok, Tama?”
“Y-yes…” Tamaki whispered, gaze dropping down to your lips before quickly returning to gaze into your eyes. He didn’t know how to bring it up, never having been confident especially in these types of situations. “I just…” 
You hummed, letting him know he could take his time, “It’s ok, Tamaki. Take your time, I’m not going anywhere.” Your thumb softly rubbed against his hand, once again soothing him. It’s silent for a few more moments before he can’t hold it back anymore. 
“I want to kiss you!” Tamaki squeaked out as he removed his hand from yours to completely cover his face. His cheeks were red, shoulders shaking as he hid from you. God, I’m so dumb. She’s going to break up with me now…
Biting your lip, you took hold of his hands and softly moved them away from his face. “Tamaki,” you cooed, voice sweet and comforting. His eyes shakingly met yours, gaze vulnerable. “I’d love to kiss you, too. But only if you’re sure you’re ready.” His expression lit up with wonder, shocked that you would want to kiss him as well.
“I d-do, I’ve been wanting to kiss you, i-it’s just,” Tamaki started, “I’ve… I’ve n-never done this b-before.” Knowing that he felt comfortable enough with you to not stutter as much filled you with warmth. 
Smiling at him, you got onto your knees to face him better, “It’s ok, Tama. We can go as slow as you need.” Your boyfriend nervously nods with a shaky smile. 
Tamaki shyly placed one hand on your cheek, the other hand hovering, not knowing where he should place it. He let out a quiet squeak when you moved his hovering hand to your waist. Scooting closer, you gradually leaned in, pausing just before your lips could touch, “Are you sure, baby?” 
Instead of saying anything, he just pushed forward and placed his lips on yours. Not realizing how much force he actually used, he ends up accidentally slamming his forehead on yours. You pulled away with a quiet wince, hand coming up to rub at the sore spot. Glancing up at Tamaki, you noticed his eyes widened with embarrassment and anxiety. He was hoping your first kiss would be sweet, romantic. Not painful. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t notice you calling out his name. His body trembled as he shakingly rose from his spot and rushed out of his room, slamming the door behind him.  
You stared at his bedroom door with confusion, lost on why he just rushed out of the room. Thinking he was just embarrassed about what had happened, and shy from his first kiss, you shrugged and got out your phone to pass the time. 15 minutes later and the only sounds filling the air were TikTok edits.
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You brought your attention from your phone to the door that was silently opening. Sitting up straight, you watched as Tamaki walked in with Mirio trailing behind him. You raised an eyebrow at the sight of Mirio, questioning why he was even there to begin with. Looking back at Tamaki, you noticed his head down, not being able to meet your eyes. 
“Baby?” You asked, putting your phone on his nightstand. “What’s… what’s going on?”
Your boyfriend nervously glanced up at you before setting his gaze back on his bedroom floor. “I-I,” He swallowed and tried to steady his voice, “I asked Mirio if he’d.. If he’d b-be willing to show me h-how to k-kiss you…” 
Not knowing what to even say to something like that, you just stared at the two with wide eyes. Silence filled the room for a few moments as you tried to process what exactly was supposed to happen. Seeing you think, and noticing how his best friend was starting to get anxious, Mirio spoke up. 
“No need to worry anymore, I’m here to help you cuties!” Though Mirio’s grin was wide, you could tell how nervous he was to be there. Given how Mirio only lives 10 minutes from Tamaki, it's no wonder he got there so fast. You’re just surprised he actually agreed to this. Then again, it is Mirio and he’d do anything to help his best friend. Noticing how silent you were, Mirio started to get worried. He didn’t want to do anything if it’d make you feel uncomfortable. No matter how much he wanted to kiss you and feel your body on his.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Y/n?” Mirio asked as he stepped a little closer to where you were sitting on Tamaki’s bed. Said male was standing behind Mirio now, nervously shifting in his spot as he watched things unfold, cheeks flushed a bright red. Mirio noticed where your gaze was and cleared his throat, “I asked you a question, Sunshine.”
Looking back at him, your breath hitched in your throat at the lust that filled his eyes. He actually wanted to do this. If he was willing to do this, and Tamaki was the one to come up with the idea, then what was so bad if you were to say yes? 
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The air was hot and heavy, tensions rising higher and higher the longer your lips were locked. It was a wet and messy kiss, Mirio’s strong hands held you close to his body. The blonde’s rough hands were trailing up and down your sides, slowly going under your shirt to feel more of your skin, wanting to feel all of you. You whimpered into the kiss once you felt how hard he was beneath you. Even without seeing, you could tell he was thick and long. Knew that he’d fill you perfectly if given the chance. Hearing the sweet sound that left your mouth caused Mirio to groan and hold you closer to him, shuddering when he felt the way your core brushed against his. One hand gripped your waist, and the other held your thigh, slowly guiding you to grind down against his hard cock.
“Mirio!” you gasped as your mouth parted from his, a string of saliva connecting your swollen lips together. Eyes fluttering, you gripped his shoulders as you continued to grind down even harder. Your moves became more frantic and desperate as you felt his cock twitch in his pants, chasing that sweet release you were so, so close to. 
Mirio grinned at the sounds leaving your mouth. Staring behind you, he caught Tamaki’s lust-blown eyes. Mirio prevented you from moving, relishing in the desperate whine you released. Grabbing your chin, Mirio cooed at you, “Shh, it’s ok, Sunshine. Why don’t you show Tamaki how much you appreciate him?” 
You nodded and slowly got off of Mirio and watched as he got up from the bed. He had gently grabbed Tamaki’s hand, helping him sit down on the bed where he just was. Mirio then turned to you and smirked.
“Go on, climb on top of him,” Mirio said in a husky voice as he watched the way you swung your leg to straddle your shy boyfriend. “That’s it. Don’t be shy, put all your weight on him. Let him feel how needy you are for him.”
Tamaki’s breath caught in his throat when he finally felt the way you felt on his lap. He felt so awkward, once again not knowing what to do with his hands. Was he supposed to immediately grab you and move you along his covered length? Or was he supposed to start slow? He had watched the way Mirio slowly riled you up with teasing touches and sensual kisses, but now that he was the one in that position, he was scared to mess up. He didn’t want to lose you just because he still didn’t know what to do. Having noticed the way Tamaki was just staring ahead with confused and shaky eyes, Mirio stepped up behind you. 
“Just like this,” Mirio mumbled as he guided Tamaki’s hands to your waist, humming in approval when Tamaki pulled you closer to where your chests were touching.
Tamaki let out a nervous breath as he shyly started to move your hips against his. He couldn’t help but whimper when your clothed core grinded against his cock just right. His fingers tightened on your skin, sure to leave bruises that you’ll stare at with lust later on. After he got used to the slow and gentle rhythm, he hesitantly placed his lips on yours. They were so soft against his own that he couldn’t help but use more force, his desperation apparent in his inexperienced movements. The kiss was sloppy and wet, but it was perfect. 
The feeling of kissing you felt so magical, so right. He didn’t want to be anywhere else but here. Right here, where your hips were frantic against his own thrusting hips. With the most beautiful sounds he’s ever heard falling from your mouth, panting into his own. It had to be his favorite sound in the whole world, and knowing he was the cause of it? He was already so close to breaking apart, cock twitching in his tight pants, knowing there was a noticeable wet spot. Whether that spot was from your own juices or from his own leaking cock, he didn’t care. He loved it.
He wanted to have you cum on him, he wanted to cum on you. Yet, he also wanted to see you cum on his best friend. Did this make him a horrible boyfriend? Wanting to see you get off on another man? No, it wasn’t just some other man. It was his best friend. Only his best friend. He only trusted Mirio to treat you right, make you feel the way you deserved to feel.
Right as he felt like he was ready to cum, he broke away from your lips, panting hard. “Wait.. wait!” Hearing his desperate voice, you immediately stopped moving on him, cupping his face in worry. Seeing you about to ask him what was wrong, he quickly spoke up, “You didn’t do anything wrong! I loved every second of that… I just… I think I want to watch you m-make.. out… with Mirio instead…”  
“Are you sure, baby?” You asked him, voice soft and tender. He nodded as he glanced at Mirio, telling him with his eyes that he was serious and ok with it. 
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“That’s it, Sunshine,” Mirio panted out, fingers tightening on your hips, “Being so good for me.” The praise left you whining with your mouth open. “Oh? I think your girl likes to be praised, Tamaki,” Mirio said to your boyfriend now, never taking his eyes off of you.
Tamaki moaned quietly, “S-she’s such a good girl!” The end of his sentence was cut off by him gasping and whimpering at the pleasure shooting through his sensitive body.
Both yours and Mirio’s attention locked onto where he was sitting in his desk chair, watching as he palmed his cock through his pants. The sight of his flushed cheeks, lustful eyes, and parted mouth paired with the way Mirio was moving you on his cock had you instantly crying out as an orgasm ripped through your body. Feeling your shaking body release on his lap had Mirio groaning and continuing to move you, helping you ride out your release. Not even a few moments later, Mirio had also started to cum in his jeans, thrusting his hips up against yours, wishing there was nothing that separated the two of you. The sound of your overstimulated whine was like music to his ears. He wanted to hear more sounds from you. As the two of you came down from your highs, you could hear Tamaki’s quiet voice. 
“Can…” Tamaki trailed off, staring at where you and Mirio were connected, “I want…” Mirio hummed as he helped you turn around to see your boyfriend better. “I want to make her…” 
Mirio grinned teasingly at his best friend, “Go on, Tama. Tell us what you want to do to your girlfriend.”
“I want to make her c-cum on me, too,” Tamaki embarrassingly said as he tried his hardest not to cover his red face in shame. The depraved words coming from your boyfriend had you ready for more already. Overstimulation forgotten. 
The blonde laughed as he felt the way you subtly grinded onto his still rock hard cock. Once again, he helped you off his lap, groaning when he saw the stain of arousal you left on the front of his jeans. Fuck, you were so wet for him. Once you were seated on Tamaki’s lap, Mirio took the desk chair and pulled it closer to the bed. His hand trailed down his toned stomach, coming to rest on his cock, palming himself to the sight in front of him. The view of you and Tamaki locked in an intense kiss as you dry humped each other had him feral with want. Pairing that with the sight of Tamaki lifting your shirt up to feel more of your skin against his hands made Mirio feel like he was going to lose his mind.
Mirio couldn’t help but to shove his hand down his jeans, fingers gripping and stroking his leaking length. His hand moved up and down slowly, trying not to orgasm too soon. He wondered how your hand would feel on him…His grip tightened and the speed of his movements sped up when he saw the way Tamaki’s fingers had turned into tentacles. God, the sight of the suckers latching and popping off your skin had him groaning with his head thrown back in pleasure. He knew the sight of the small circles left behind on your waist would never leave his mind.
“Oh? I think she likes your tentacles, Tamaki,” Mirio mumbled from behind you, hand coming to hold the back of your neck with his strong hand. When had he gotten up from his seat? “Maybe you could try that out some other time, hm? Would you like that, pretty girl?”
Moaning, you frantically nodded your head at his words, “Yes! Wanna feel them on me more, wanna feel them… Feel them inside of me!” You ended with a gasp right as you wrapped your arms around Tamaki’s neck, clinging to him as your body jolted from the pleasure rolling through your system. Tamaki cried out as he was also hit with his release, desperately holding you to his body, eyes squeezed shut.
It took a few more moments before you and your boyfriend finally released your arms from each other. Smiling at him, you lightly kissed his kiss-swollen lips. Mirio stared at you two with a soft gaze, happy he was able to help the both of you. Looking up at his friend, Tamaki shyly smiled at him. 
“Thank you for the help, Mirio,” Tamaki whispered, realizing you had fallen asleep in his arms, snuggled into his neck. He shuddered at the way your warm breath hit his neck. 
Laughing quietly, Mirio waved his hands, “It was no problem! I’m happy to help anytime!” His words had Tamaki’s mind racing with thoughts of what else could happen between the three of you…
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©his-lune 2024 ;; Don’t plagiarize, translate, or post my work on other platforms.
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https-milo · 16 days
I didn’t see him on your list of characters guide but would you ever do Fatgum for the Instagram series? If not feel free to ignore this! I just love him a lot!
anyways! thanks for the request!!
instagram posts w/ comments while dating Taishiro Toyomitsu(Fat Gum)!
a/n OBVIOUSLY these are just pictures off of pinterest, reader can be however you imagine!
main m. list / instagram m. list
y/nbakes · 13w
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5.1k likes Liked by bmi.fatgum, t.amajiki
y/nbakes new bite-sized pies at the bakery! come on down and let me know how they taste! :D Tagged: sugarcoatbakery
t.amajiki /bmi.fatgum you wanted a new bakery to visit, right? bmi.fatgum t.amajiki wow amajiki! this is great! if only you could speak out like this during work hours, huh? t.amajiki bmi.fatgum you're so mean. this is workplace harassment
bmi.fatgum · 10w
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21.7k likes Liked by t.amajiki, redriot, y/nbakes
bmi.fatgum I've been going to sugarcoatbakery every day for two weeks now, they never miss! The food is so good!
Tagged: y/nbakes
y/nbakes AHH OMG! HELLO?? Thank you so much, Mr. Fat gum! I'm glad you enjoy the food my staff and I make! bmi.fatgum y/nbakes ANYTIME! YOU'RE SO TALENTED! y/nbakes bmi.fatgum you're too sweet :,) <3 bmi.fatgum y/nbakes I should be saying that to you, considering you're the baker! :D y/nbakes bmi.fatgum well, you're the one that eats all my sweets! you inhale everything sweet, sooo YOU are sweet! ^-^ bmi.fatgum y/nbakes whatever you say ;)
redriot OH HEY! That's the place you took Amajiki and me to! t.amajiki redriot yeah... I showed it to him and he's obsessed with goin now. only when the owner is working though bmi.fatgum t.amajiki AHAHAH WHATEVER DO YOU MEAN, TAMAKI!? t.amajiki bmi.fatgum I feel your glare through my screen and it's scaring me. I wanna go home.
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bmi.fatgum replied to your story: we should do that again buttt without Tamaki and Kirishima!!
y/nbakes: I would love to!! that'd be so fun :D
bmi.fatgum: sooo it's a date? Read 18:26
y/nbakes: SORRY I WAS FREAKING OUT Sent 18:32
bmi.fatgum: of course, I'll pick you up Saturday?
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bmi.fatgum replied to your story: making me look big and for what :(
y/nbakes: taiiii you realize you eat my entire inventory during your patrols right ^-^
y/nbakes: no offense, but it is also kind of a part of your quirk!!
y/nbakes: besidesss it makes you strong, right? but I think you're already strong, skinny form or hero form!!
bmi.fatgum: you think im strong?
y/nbakes: well duh! why wouldn't I?
y/nbakes: you're not #58 for no reason, y'know? bmi.fatgum reacted "❤️" to this message
bmi.fatgum: thanks y/n :)
bmi.fatgum: are you interested in going out again?
y/nbakes: 1000000000%!!
y/nbakes: tonight was so fun <3
y/nbakes: thank youuu
bmi.fatgum: anytime! :DD
bmi.fatgum: how about a restaurant this time?
y/nbakes: id love that!
bmi.fatgum: great! I'll pick you up Tuesday night? y/nbakes reacted "❤️" to this message
y/nbakes: sounds perfect :)
y/nbakes · 9w
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6.3k likes Liked by bmi.fatgum, t.amajiki, redriot
y/nbakes me and the newly-appointed boyfriend had an amazing dinner <3 (the flowers smelt soooo good!!)
Tagged: bmi.fatgum
bmi.fatgum our past few dates have been so fun, I'm so glad we're together!! <33 y/nbakes bmi.fatgum me too!! I'm super glad you came into my bakery and ate all those apple pies a month ago ^^ bmi.fatgum y/nbakes I'd do it again 100 times y/nbakes bmi.fatgum for me or the pies? bmi.fatgum y/nbakes both!! 🥰🥰
redriot wow, I dont think i've seen Fat Gum with portions that small y/nbakes redriot don't let the picture fool you!! (he ordered 6 different meals and 2 whole cakes) redriot y/nbakes sounds more like it! 😭😭
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© https-milo. please do not repost, steal, copy, or modify my works!
Thank you so much for reading <3
me after adding variety for the insta posts: 😁😁
how do we feel about the story posts? :P
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writing-wh0re · 9 months
“You fucked up and I’m glad you did.”
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♥ pairing: Eddie Munson x reader (platonic), Steve Harrington x reader (friends to lovers)
♥ summary: “Based on this ask - Reader likes Eddie Munson on the low but then he starts dating Chrissy. So the reader starts dating Steve because he comforts her after the heartbreak. Eddie realizes how stupid he was to not see the reader as their lover”
♥ warnings: smoking, slight angst, fluff ending, crying, pet name: sweet girl, language. A/N: I don't typically write for steve or angst so I hope you like it @b00kw0rmsworld xx
♥ wc: 1,712
♥ masterlist
♥ Taglist
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You watched Eddie enter the party, something that was a rare sight but since you had made the cheer squad, it was a sight you enjoyed. Butterflies filled your stomach, ignoring the girl in front of you and slipping away from the conversation to greet him.
You hadn’t seen Eddie for a few weeks, both of you having scheduling issues now that you’re on the team and he’s completing more regular D&D nights with the others.
“Y/n.” His face lights up as he embraces you, the smell of his collagen and the smoothness of the leather jacket envelopes you. You hold him tight against you, probably for longer than normal but you’ve missed him, missed his embrace.
“I’m surprised to see you here, I didn’t think you would show.”
Eddie smiles at you, quickly looking behind him as a few hoops and hollers fill the air as Chrissy slips into the home.
Chrissy. She was everything, gorgeous, smart, kind and why the fuck is she holding Eddies hand.
Your eyes flick from their fingers laced together, watching as Chrissy wraps herself around Eddie's arm, smiling at the people around you.
“Oh.” The sound slips past your lips before you can catch it. You heartbeat picks up and you swallow the lump in your throat.
Chrissy’s eyes light up at your presence, quickly wrapping her arms around your neck and pulling you into an embrace.
She smells like him.
“It’s so good to see you.”
You clear your throat, pulling away from Chrissy and faking a smile.
“There you are, I’ve been looking for you.” Steve places his arm over your shoulders, pulling you into the side of him, relief washes over you in the presence of your neighbour and friend.
Eddie looks over your embrace with Steve, you could have sworn his jaw clenched.
“Eddie was telling me that you and him play that D&D game, maybe the three of us could play sometime?” You smile at Chrissy, her effort at trying to mingle with you while you process what is occurring in front of you.
“Woah Munson, I didn’t know you and Chrissy were an item?”
Thank god for Steve.
“Um yeah, we’ve kept it on the down low for a few weeks.”
“Uh, weeks, more like two months.” Chrissy states placing her hand over his hellfire t-shirt.
“Two months, that’s pretty solid.” Steve speaks for you, his hand rubbing the top of your shoulder.
“If you both wouldn’t mind, I owe y/n a game of beer pong.” Steve nods his head at the pair, slipping his arm from around your shoulders and lacing your fingers together. You smile at Eddie and Chrissy, following behind Steve as he guides you outside of the house. He walks past the beer pong table and towards the tall tree out the back, a blanket of darkness falling over the two of you.
“C’mere.” Steve whispers, pulling you to his chest as you sob, tears falling from your eyes, water staining his shirt. Steve rests his head on the top of yours, flicking his eyes to the house as the music thumps through the air. He gently sways you to the music soothing you.
“Ho-how did you know?” Your sobs break up your sentence, your eyes looking up into Steves. He smiles weakly, using his thumb to brush a tear away from your cheek.
“I could tell that look from anywhere, I had the same one with Nancy and Jonathan.”
You giggle, tilting your head back to attempt to keep the tears at bay, “I rescued you during that one.”
“That you did.” Steve smiles, pulling you back into his chest, “Thought it was time to return the favour.”
“Thank you.” You whisper against his shirt, you pull away, your eyes scanning his outfit as you start fanning his chest, attempting to dry your tears. Steve chuckles, patting his denim jacket, pulling out a cigarette before tilting the packet towards you. You simply nod, taking a stick and leaning towards his lighter, you take a slow deep drag, holding the smoke before letting it slip past your lips, the small cloud dispersing into the night sky.
Steve keeps his eyes on you, he’d be lying if he said you didn’t look gorgeous right now. Your red lipstick staining the cigarette, the way your lips parted to release the smoke, your perfectly manicured fingers softly rolling the stick between them.
“How long have you liked Eddie?”
The butterflies flutter around inside of you, the same lump appearing in your throat at the thought of him with Chrissy.
“A while, a little over a year.”
“And you didn’t make a move?”
You sigh, watching as Steve panics, coughing on the smoke slightly.
“You don’t have to answer that.”
“I honestly don’t know, the timing never felt right.” You take another drag, your head becoming floaty as you drop the cigarette to the grass, stepping on it and placing it in the empty solo cup.
Steve simply nods, noticing the tears reappearing in your eyes.
“Want me to drive you home?”
“Haven’t you been drinking?”
“I haven’t even had one.”
“Well, aren't you boring.” You smirk, causing Steve to roll his eyes, tongue in cheek. He takes one last drag before following you lead and discarding the bud.
“I’d appreciate that Steve.”
Steve smiles, holding his hand out to you which you gladly accept. A warmth fills your body at his touch, feeling secure beside him. Steve leads you out of the party, your eyes searching the numerous bodies before the land on Eddie, his arm around Chrissy’s waist as she talks to her friends. His eyes meet yours briefly, a flicker of hurt at your tear stained cheeks. You squeeze Steve’s hand unknowingly causing him to pull you closer to him before walking out of the door.
You slide into the passenger seat, resting your head against the window, sniffling as Steve grabs your hands. A small knowing smile is shared between you both before he starts the drive to your house.
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It had been six months since the house party. Your relationship with Eddie unfortunately became non-existent, other than small conversations at school about school work. However your relationship with Steve had blossomed into something so incredible, you had felt like an idiot for never considering him to be more than a friend but after both hanging out more, your feelings grew.
You were lounging on the couch with Steve, flicking through the channels, trying to find something to enjoy when there’s a knock on your front door. You look at him quizzingly, a pang of anxiety hits you, worrying something has happened to your parents who are out of town.
“Relax sweet girl, I’ll get it.”
You smile at Steve, loving that he can read you like a book.
Muffled voices fill the air, your curiosity grows as you slip off the couch, tiptoeing towards the front door before stopping in your tracks.
“Man, just let me see her.”
“Do you not realise how much of an idiot you are for letting her slip through your fingers?”
You hear Eddie sigh, you heartbeat picking up at Steve’s words.
“I know, I saw it on her face that night.”
Steve sighs, you lean against the wall keeping yourself hidden as you eavesdrop.
“You fucked up and I’m glad you did.” Steve whispers, “Because if you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have realised how amazing y/n truly is and I wouldn’t have been able to experience a love like this.”
Blush fills your cheeks, a smile dancing across your lips at his words.
“Steve, who is it?” You call before rounding the corner.
Steve leans on the door, opening it more to show Eddie, his face flushed and eyes glassy.
“Hey.” He whispers weakly.
“You okay?” You want to reach out to him and hold him close but you refrain.
“Uh yeah, no I will be, I uh.” Eddie takes a deep breath, looking over you. You hair is thrown up into a bun, Steve's shirt baggy on your figure and your small running shorts hugging your thighs. “I was just coming by to say hi, we, um haven’t spoken in a while.”
You smile weakly at the boy in front of you, his nerves consuming him as he fidgets with his rings.
“It has been a few weeks, it’s a little late, we were actually heading to bed shortly.” You gesture to Steve who smiles at you, his hand resting on your waist.
“Oh, shit, sorry for interrupting.”
“No, uh, dont be.” You smile, “Why don’t Steve and I join you for a game? Still hosting on Thursdays?”
Eddie chuckles, wiping his nose as he sniffles, his eyes glossy. “Yeah, still on Thursday’s, still the same campaign.”
“Well surely my character can be reintroduced, maybe I went on a side quest and found Steve’s character?” You suggest, feeling excited at being able to explore the D&D world again. Both with Steve and Eddie, although your feelings for him have fizzled down to platonic love, you still want to be friends.
“That sounds like something I can work on.”
“Awesome.” Steve smiles, causing Eddie to nod slowly, his hand playing with a lock of hair.
“We will see you on Thursday.”
“Yeah, sweet.” Eddie smiles, turning away from the door as Steve closes it.
Steve releases a deep breath, leaning his back against the closed door. His eyes search yours as a smile creeps across your face.
“A love like this?” You gesture between the two of you, watching Steve’s face fill with blush, his eyes squeezing shut, a huge smile on his face.
“Shit, you heard that?”
“Mmhm” You hum, placing your hands on his face and pulling him down to you. Your eyes lock together, noses tracing against each other.
“Did you mean it or was it to rile him up?”
“I meant it, god, I meant it.”
You smile, your lips ghosting his.
“Good because I love you.”
Steve closes the gap between the two of you, his hands on your hips. Your lips move in sync, fitting together like the perfect puzzle. He pulls away from your mouth, placing kisses all over your face, mumbling ‘love you’ against your skin.
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