#I didn't even know you could send horses to people
entitled-fangirl · 2 days
Cregan Stark x Baratheon!reader
Summary: Cregan is determined to be a different man for his betrothed than the men in her family.
Warnings: poor treatment of women, sexism, cursing, talks of sex, making out
A/N: Based on TWO asks!!!! Also--- not proofread😯
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Everyone knew the absolute torment that house Baratheon put their women through.
They were cruel to them, not caring for anything but their own pleasure. That was well known.
When Cregan was betrothed to Lord Baratheon's second eldest daughter, he wondered how she'd fair under the Northern weather.
Lord Baratheon didn't even bother to see her go, sending her off to the Wolf with just her handmaidens and guards to see her safe to Winterfell.
Cregan stood at the doors, his shoulders back in a display of northern pride. He was beyond grateful to rid the sweet woman from the ungrateful Baratheons.
The moment her horse stepped through the gate, his people were attentive to her, taking her belongings and beginning to carry them into the castle.
She watched them with widened eyes, confused by their kindness. Cregan quickly stepped down the stairs to her, "Welcome, my lady."
Her head snapped to him and looked down at him from her horse. She said nothing in fear of saying the wrong thing.
He reached up and gently pulled the reigns from her hands. The leather slid from her grasp slowly. She dared not to intervene. 
Once he had the reigns in his hand, he pulled on them, walking the horse further into the yard and closer to Winterfell.
She merely let him as she held to the saddle. 
Cregan felt a small smile grow on his face. She was a curious thing. It was too bad she wouldn't voice her thoughts. 
As he looked up at her, he decided then to change that. He would get her to open up one day.
He tied the reigns off and held out his hand to her. "Let me help you." She reminded him of a skittish doe, ready to run at any sign of danger.
Her shaky hand reached out, and she swung her leg over the horse. She stared at him expectantly.
He let go and grabbed her waist, holding her as he slid her down the horse's side and placed her on the ground.
"Thank you, Lord Stark," her soft voice finally spoke.
He swore he'd never heard anything sweeter.
How the Baratheons could bare to mistreat her, he'll never know.
He told the North that he was in no way going to rush the marriage. So she stayed in the Winterfell walls unwed so he could understand her more before becoming one.
He felt like he owed her that. 
She deserved to be known. 
She had become a little more comfortable around him, beginning to slowly speak to him about only the things that were essential to say aloud.
The two walked the grounds together, a routine they had developed over time. 
"I wish you'd speak about things that don't matter," he finally mentioned. He peeked over to her to see her reaction.
Her brows furrowed as she stared in front of her, "I don't understand."
"I didn't mean it in that sense I suppose." He reached up with his free to stroke the hair on his chin in thought of what to say. "I want to know the things that you worry I'll find unimportant. Does that make sense?"
She hesitantly shook her head.
He sighed softly at how to correct his words. Finally, he shrugged. "I want to know you."
"You do," she countered quietly. 
"I don't," he smiles as he brushed hair behind her ear, "but I'd like to."
She sucked in a sharp breath at his touch to her face. The men in her family were far from this gentle. "I assure you there is nothing of interest to me."
"There is, I'm sure. I'll find it."
She nodded, "Whatever you wish, my lord." She began to walk again.
He pulled her back, "Not so quickly." He reached down and pulled both of her hands into his. "Don't say what you wish me to hear. Say what you are thinking."
"Why would I do that?" She asked innocently. 
He cursed under his breath but didn't let her see the way his jaw clenched. "It matters to me. Your thoughts, I mean."
She stared at their intertwined hands, "Even the unpleasant ones?"
"Especially the unpleasant ones."
It was a strange concept for her, but she nodded as her brain began to truly consider what he was asking for. 
He smiled in relief, still holding one hand and beginning to walk again. "Let us start with simple matters. Perhaps… your favorite novel?"
Her head snapped to him, "I don't… I…"
His thumb rubbed over her knuckles, "I know you have one. I've seen the way book pages soak you in like water."
The question had been a sensitive one. She shrugged in a fake nonchalant fashion and kept walking, "I don't have one."
He hummed lowly, a small warning. "Don't lie. Just say what it is."
"I… I don't remember the name of it," she finally admitted. 
He accepted that answer. "I see. What was it about?"
Her big eyes looked up at him, debating what to say. "It was… a fiction."
He smiled, "I see. There can be enjoyment in fictional novels, can't there?" He waited to say what else she would say. Each new piece of herself she revealed to him, he treasured like a precious stone.
"Well… it is the only one I've read, I'm afraid," she smiled weakly, eager to change the subject.
"The only?" He asked in pure shock. "The only one?"
She nodded, keeping in a certain side of herself. "It was left behind. Father has it."
"Ah," he said finally. 
That evening, he wrote to Lord Baratheon, urging him to send her favorite book. He was straight to the point, telling the man he could send the novel to earn Stark's forgiveness for avoiding the wedding.
A few weeks later, a letter arrived addressed to Lord Stark. He almost ripped it out of the maester's hand in concern when he saw the Baratheon sigil in the wax. It was a thick roll, only making his concern spike.
He pulled it open, revealing a few pages that fell from his hand. 
Book pages.
Ripped book pages. 
He picked up one with a shaking hand. He began to see red as he looked back up at the maester. "What is the meaning of this?"
The maester held out his hand, "Allow me to read this for you, my lord."
Cregan handed the letter to him as he began to gather the few book pages that were sent to him.
The maester's face turned white. "He dares to disrespect you."
"Do not tell me these are what I believe them to be," he growled lowly.
"I'm afraid they are."
Cregan's hand slammed the papers onto the desk in pure rage and stormed out of the room.
Cregan swung his sword with a fury. His sparring partner could hardly keep up, but he knew his Lord just needed to get out his anger.
His partner was grateful when Cregan's betrothed interrupted them.
Cregan faltered, freezing in place and turning his head to her. "Yes?" He asked with a surprisingly soft voice.
She wrung her hands nervously. "I… Forgive me. I shouldn't have interrupted."
He stood up tall, handing his sword off to his partner and waving him off. "No. Please. Tell me what you need."
She hummed and let out a deep breath. "I've been thinking."
He nodded, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "Aye…"
"I'm ready to marry you."
He sucked in a sharp breath. "What?"
"I- I want to marry you, Cregan."
He saw the absolute nervousness that radiated through her frame to admit that to him.
He stepped to her, "You're sure?"
She nodded. "If you still want me."
He stepped further to her in urgency, "Of course, I do. Never think that I wouldn't."
She stared at him, now unsure of where to go from there.
Cregan smiled. "Shall I set a date for the wedding then?"
Her eyes lit up. "Would you?"
"I would. And I shall. We shall have it two weeks before Winter strikes. I will leave for the Wall not long after. Would that suffice?"
She looked down at her hands. 
"What?" He tilted his head down, hoping to get her to look at him. "Did you wish for after winter? That could be quite a while."
She had worked herself up just to admit wanting to marry him. How could he expect her to do more?
"Talk to me, pretty girl."
She'd never been called that before. It made something inside of her stir. 
"It's so far," she whispered.
He felt a chill down his spine at her small confession. He gulped as the anger left him completely. "Sooner then?"
He nodded, biting his lower lip in deep thought. "Aye. Soon then."
A bright smile pulled at her lips. "Thank you, Cregan."
He grinned back. "Of course. Now, go on," he tutted playfully, "Your betrothed must finish his spar."
Red came to her cheeks, "Right. Right, of course. Excuse me, Lord Stark-"
"-Cregan," he quickly corrected.
He watched her leave. There was a slight skip to her step now that he hadn't noticed about her before. 
Perhaps she was finding happiness in Winterfell.
The wedding was a large northern celebration. The bannermen and families came  from miles around to witness their Warden's wedding.
Everyone was too kind. It was beginning to worry her.
"Quite the feast, I'd say," Cregan smiled at her as the two sat at the high table. 
Her hands immediately reached for her chalice of wine.
And she didn't stop for the entire night.
"Let us retire," he suggested when she tried to refill her cup again. His hand reached out and gently placed it over hers. "It is getting late. And before you fret, the bedding ceremony will not happen. It is only you and I."
Her eyes softened in surprise, not expecting him to say that. "One more glass for courage?" She slurred slightly.
His brows ticked down for only a second before he composed himself. "Courage isn't needed for this. Are you truly this nervous?"
"I'm perfectly content," she huffed. 
The crease between his brows returned. That was uncharacteristic of her to speak in frustration. Had the wine affected her? "Then let us go, hmm?"
She nodded, setting her cup down. "Very well."
He stood, offering his hand out to her. She took it and stood, trying to hide the slight falter in her first step. She moved her hand up to his bicep, letting him lead her from the banquet hall.
Entering their chambers, she sat on the bed. "Will you have me on my back or shall you take me from behind?" She asked bluntly, no hint of embarrassment or hesitation to her.
Cregan hand on the doorknob faltered. He locked the door and turned to her with shock on his face, "What was that?"
"Which way do you fuck, Lord Stark?" She asked in the same tone.
He shook his head with an amused chuckle. He stepped to her, reaching down and pushing her chin up to look at him. "I will not be fucking you tonight." He watched her posture change, a relaxation coming to her. "Why would you ask something so crude? It's unlike you."
"You wanted me to speak my mind, and I have," She stated in frustration. 
"You certainly have," he commented. "But I have a feeling that the wine is twisting your words. Tell me why you indulged in so much wine tonight."
She shrugged, "Why do you care?"
He gently pulled her chin back up, "I care about you."
"There it is." Her nose twitched. "I don't know what to do when you say things like that."
He stood straight, "You didn't answer the question."
"Fine!" She stood up and stepped around him, "I drank so much because I have never known a man to be as kind as you and it frightens me."
"Frightens you? How so?" Cregan was beyond confused. He turned to watch her.
She stepped to the fireplace and buried her hands in her hair in frustration. "I've never wanted to speak my mind to anyone until I met you, and now I fear I'll say something I shouldn't and ruin it all. Do you know what that feels like? To know that one wrong word could send you back to…" Her voice faded off. 
"I don't. And neither do you, because regardless of your words, I'm not going to send you back there. You're a Stark. The Baratheons are only a name now- if you want them to be, that is. If you want to truly be a Stark in name and heart." He offered. His calculating eyes watched her closely now, frowning at the tugging of her hair.
"Even after I've indulged myself in wine and ruined our wedding to the point that you refuse to consummate the marriage with me?" She turned to him and only then did he see the glimmer of the tears that sat in her eyes. 
"You did not ruin anything. But I will not sleep with you as long as you are not fully aware of your actions."
"I am aware," she huffed.
"We shall see in the morning." The slightest amused smile come over him. "I promised to take you to bed one way or the other. Perhaps tonight, it is only to sleep and nothing more." He walked to her. "Turn around. Let me undo your laces, stubborn woman."
She did as he asked, pulling her hair over her shoulder. "Will I regret this tomorrow?"
"The marriage or this particular conversation?" He asked. "If it has to be one, I hope it is the latter. I personally enjoy the former."
She hummed, pulling her outer dress down once Cregan had untied it enough. Layer by layer, she threw each piece to the cloth chair not far from the fire. 
Cregan's careful hands untied each string they came across. 
Silence filled the room, and she broke it with a small sniffle. Her voice was much softer now, "Do you believe my father didn't want to be here? Is that something you believe?"
Of course, he believed it, but he wouldn't say it. "I'm not sure. Do you, sweet girl?"
She hummed, "I do."
That surprised him. "Ah. Do continue speaking your mind, please. Do not let me stop you."
"He has a particular hatred for women. I'm not sure where it started. When he had a firstborn daughter rather than son, my mother was fearful for the girl. I was second. He married us off without a second thought. Dare I admit to you that he signed me away to you without truly reading the document?"
Cregan placed his hands on her clothed hips and spun her to face him.
No wonder she came here so fearful. She was mistreated from the beginning. He stared into her eyes for a moment, letting the silence settle. He reached up and brushed his fingers on her cheek. "How could a man ever hate you?" He asked with a barely heard voice.
Her heart jolted, "I have never felt love before. Is it supposed to feel this warm?"
Cregan let out a joyful laugh as he ran his hands through her hair. "I want to say yes, but you're near the fire. And the wine is coloring your cheeks. We shall revisit this when you are well. Let us get you to bed."
"Bed? Right." She pulled herself from him and moved to the bed. She tucked herself under the covers.
Cregan's smile stayed. "Are you warm enough for the night?"
"Yes, but… are you not staying?"
He shook his head. "I don't want you to wake in a fright if tonight's details blur in your mind. Waking beside me may be startling for you."
"No! I-" she looked around the room in thought. "I want you to stay. I want that."
His head tilted. "Alright. If you want this. But know that nothing will happen to you while I stay here tonight."
"I can live with that," she admitted as she laid on the bed completely.
Darkness filled the room with Cregan blew out the candles, and the bed dipped down as he laid on it. 
In the morning, she awoke with a groan. The sun was burning her eyes. 
"Ah, you're awake," Cregan's voice commented from across the room.
She sat up and rubbed at her eyes until they were raw, determined to get the feeling to fade. When she did, a headache began to erupt.
"Easy," he chided as he walked to her. He reached to the nightstand and held a cup out to her. "The maester made a tea to help with the pain."
She sipped it gratefully. "I had the strangest dream that I'm fearing is true," she said with a groggy voice.
He watched her with a glimmer in his eyes. His hand reached to her and smoothed her hair down.
She peered up at him. She wondered how someone could be so thoughtful.
"Tell me something," he said as sat down at her side. "If that's alright."
"Anything," she whispered. Her eyes flickered to his lips. 
"Is the warmth still there?" 
He watched her face began to near his. She placed her hand on his leg to help her lean over to him. "I believe I love you," she admitted gently.
He smiled and leaned the rest of the way to her. His lips kissed her softly and slowly. 
Before she could truly react, he pulled away again. The grin on his lips returned, as were his hands in her hair, "I was going to gift this to you yesterday, but I believe today is a better day for it."
"Oh," her shy demeanor returned and she set the cup down.
"Don't fret. You'll adore it. Or… I hope you do."
She watched him get up from the bed, beginning to dig though a drawer in his closet. 
He returned with a book in his hand. "It took some time, but I believe it was worth it."
She reached out and took it, examining the cover. She only stared at it for a moment before her eyes lit up. "Is this-?"
"Your favorite novel? It is." His head tilted back and forth, "Or, at least, I believe it is."
"This isn't the same copy as the one with my Father," she remarked.
"No, it's not. I tried to recover it but was unsuccessful. I hope this copy with be worthy of your happiness."
"Oh, Cregan," she mused. "It's… it is too much. I don't understand."
"It is a wedding gift. Do not think twice about it. You haven't the feignest idea of how far I would go to please you," he admitted.
"I've never had someone do something so selfless on my behalf." She hugged it to her chest, "Tell me how you managed it."
He smiled, content with the way she cherished the book. "I admit that I wrote a letter to your father, asking for the book. I was sent ripped pages in return-"
He faltered at the way her face fell.
"-But," he continued, "I sent the pages off to three well-read men and promised them anything to the man who found the novel it belonged to. It took a while, and I feared I would not have it in time, but alas, one of them found it. And here it is."
"What did he wish for?"
He frowned slightly, "Don't fret over that. Just know that it is all handled accordingly."
She pulled it from her chest to look at it again to guarantee that it was indeed real. "You are the most spectacular man I've met." She looked up at him. "I don't know what I have done to deserve you, but I shall spend my entire life thanking the gods for you."
"It is only a novel, my girl."
"It is much more than a novel."
"Then you'd hate to see what else I'd get you to only see a smile come to your lips."
She leaned over to him again as before, "May I kiss you?"
"Of course," he smiled. 
She grinned and pushed herself into his lap completely, pulling her body as close to his as she could, careful to not hit him with the book still in her hand. 
She finally connected their lips with a heavier intent than they had shared before.
He groaned against her and wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm certain," she panted against his lips, "I love you."
"My girl, I've loved you since the moment you arrived in Winterfell."
She pulled away from him completely. "W… What?"
"Since that day," he said as he brushed his thumb over her cheek. "I've been quite sure that I love you."
"You feel warmth when you are with me?"
"When I see you, I want to keep you beside me. I want to hold and kiss you until you're dizzy. I want to watch you sit and read until you become one with the sofa," he chuckled, "I want to see your joy as much as I can. I want you."
"You're unlike any man I know."
"That's alright. Isn't it?"
She chuckled as full relief flowed from her, as if only now accepting that she was safe here. "What a silly question, my lord."
He tilted his head playfully. "My lord?"
"It was my attempt at a jest," she admitted sheepishly. "Was it a poor one?"
"No," he countered. "I was just not expecting it from my meek wife. Perhaps she is not as meek as I once thought."
She laughed again, "Perhaps. We'll see, won't we?"
He kissed her cheek, "I cannot wait." He spoke in her ear, "But for now, be gone. You have a novel to read, don't you?"
Her eyes lit up and she clambered out of his lap. "I do! Oh, I do!"
Cregan watched the woman run to the cloth chair by the fireplace and sit, pulling her book open in a rush to absorb its words.
He chuckled and stood as he began to dress, "I'll fetch you for dinner. There's breakfast on the table from earlier. I expect you'll be content until then," he teased.
She looked up and nodded, "I will."
"Read closely. I expect to hear a summary at dinner of whatever chapters you consume."
She grinned from ear to ear as he left.
Taglist: @twinkletwinklenotastar, @kidd3ath,@yujyujj, @misswynters, @cosmosnkaz, @sithapprentice, @kaniromi, @lovemesomevesey, @its-jackie-bb, @8812-342, @thorins-queen-of-erebor, @kingdomzeldaquest @nyxbranwenn, @callsignwidow, @a1lexh-blog, @alyssa-dayne, @ethereal-athalia, @ashovertheriver,
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naturegirl70 · 2 years
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I posted 355 times in 2022
That's 304 more posts than 2021!
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Are you a fellow horse lover? Asking for me bc I’m curious (and supportive regardless) 😊💕
I am an incredibly big horse lover 😍. Sadly I do not have my own horse or the chance to be around them, but that doesn't stop me from being a crazy horse girl 😜.
My favorite books are Phantom Stallion and as a young adult I'm now writing my own fiction for it. The PS series will always hold a special place in my heart 🐴.
Tumblr has become my happy place because I get to meet horse crazy people 😁🐎
4 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
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4 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
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The Other Side
Summary: Joanna Hanshaw thought she had it all. She was living the perfect life on her grandparent’s horse farm in Lexington, she had everything money could buy you, she had her parents that loved her, and was surrounded by horses. But all that changed in a single night. What will happen when Joanna is taken away from the comforts of her home and starts to learn the truth about who her family really is? This is a different side of the Phantom Stallion Series based around the Ely's.
***It was a Saturday morning and everyone was gathered either in the kitchen or around.
A knock on the door made a few heads turn. 
Luke peered through the lace curtain and spotted a familiar old red Scout truck parked outside.
"Hi, dad?" Luke said, sounding unsure as he opened the front door.
Standing before him was MacArthur Ely. Dressed in dark denim jeans, paired with a gray t-shirt, his silver/black hair pulled back in its usual braid. Mac's outfit looked relaxed, but he was a man on a mission.
"Good morning, son." He smiled at his son's confusion. 
"It's great to see you, but why didn't you call?"
"Even if I had called, I still would have come over because we needed to talk," Mac said in a no-nonsense manner.
"About what?"*** 
Read more on the below links...
Thank you to my fabulous beta reader @lydia-demarek. You have been my confidence booster and my reason to continue sharing the madness with the world
6 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Hey internet! I'm new to the wondrous world of fanfic writing and would love someone that could be a beta reader or someone to bounce ideas off. Fic is based from the Phantom Stallion series so familiarity with horses and western setting would be great
15 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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41 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
You are not a Queen. You are The Queen. My Queen.
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Aegon Targaryen Couple - Aegon X Reader Reader - Alysanne Targaryen (Daughter of Rhaenyra, wife of Aegon) Rating - Sweet AF Word Count - 2437
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The carriage bumped and bustled through the king's landing streets, the crack of the whip of the horses echoing in the mad rush. 
Alicent sat across the carriage in her impressive green dress, with golden chains and symbols of the faith of the seven. The crown she has always worn as queen nettled in her brown hair with her veil trailing down her back. She sighs and hardens herself for what must be done. 
Aegon sits dressed in his finery even if he shivered and he slightly cried trying to think of any way he could escape this fate. "Do you love me?" He asked his mother his voice plaid it like a joke but she didn't know the strength it took for him to utter those four words, and the deep tethers within him that those words and her answer would hold. 
"You imbecile," she shook her head, 
Her answer was enough of an answer for him to understand, but he felt compelled to speak once more, "Where is Alysanne?"
For a moment there was silence, and it spoke more than her words ever could, but after a time she speaks, "I send word for her but she could not be fetched. We couldn't wait."
He chuckled, "She is my wife." He glared, "We couldn't wait five minutes for her?" 
"every moment we wait risks the wrath of dragon stone."
"Yet you had time to change your dress?" he glared, 
"She would remain where she is safe, with the children." 
"So if Rhynera comes to burn the red keep we will all be in the dragon pit, except my wife who is in the red keep." 
"That is not what I intended-"
"Maybe not but its a helpful circumstance," 
"We should not speak of this," 
Aegon tried to protest but they arrived at the dragon pit, before anyone had much time to think Aegon was forced from the carriage and taken inside no matter his arguments.
The High Septom prepared the oils as the smallfolk were forced through the streets and ushered into the dragon pit until it was full, A small stage was set up with Alicent, Otto, Cristen, Helena and Aemond all waiting, preparing for this moment. 
Otto steps out to address the crowd, "King's Landing! Today is the saddest of days! Our beloved king, Viserys the peaceful... is dead!"
Muttering of shock comes from the crowd, 
"But it is also the most joyous of days!" he continues, "For as his spirit left us, he whispered his final wish that his firstborn son Aegon should succeed him"
more muttering but soon applause echos through the dragon pit, 
Members of the city watch rush the dragon pit pushing smallfolk as they do, they make a path to the stage half to keep smallfolk out, and half to keep aegon in. Horns ring out in royal tones as the armoured men raise their swords. 
Aegon does not wish to do this but he is forced out, so he takes slow and gradual steps a tear slipping from his eye as he begins the walk, the swords dropping behind him one by one, Each step makes him want to run, makes him want to fight his way out but with each one he is cementing his fate. 
His family's fate. 
His people's fate. 
His city's fate. 
His realm's fate.
He glances back and sees the swords are preventing his way, he really has no way back now. 
He holds 
"It is your good, great fortune to be here, to witness this. A new day for our city. A new day for our realm. a new king to lead us." 
He looks up and meets eyes with his mother a rage boiled inside him, that all this was her doing. 
When he climbed the steps she came and held his cheeks kissing his forehead, leading him by the hand to the Steptom of the faith of the seven. 
He looks to Otto who two gives him no choice he simply nods to him,
So Aegon kneels, 
silence rings out, 
"May the warrior give him courage, may the smith lend strength to his sword and shield, may the father defend him in his need, may the crone lift her shining lantern and shin his way to wisdom." the Septom says and with each anoints his head with oil, 
The crown is then taken from its pillow. The crown of Aegon the conqueror, sharp spikes of Valyrian steel with gems and jewels of finery. 
"The crown of the conqueror, past down through generations." Sir Criston takes the crown and places it on Aegons head even if the crown doesn't fit him right, "Let the seven bear witness, Aegon Targaryen is the true heir to the iron throne." 
For the first time in what feels like hours, Aegon lets out a breath, feeling the weight of the crown on his head, he gets to his feet and looks to everyone in attendance seeing how each bows to him,
"All hail his grace! Aegon second of his name, king of the Andals the Roynar and the First Men. Lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm!" 
The bells toll out as cheers erupt for him, 
Aegon looks out to see the faces of all those who cheer, all those who look at him with joy, none of them know the death and destruction he brings. But even so, he can't help but feel a pride, and a swell of his ego as he takes Blackfyre from his belt and thrusts it into the air. For a moment he is swept up in his own family's pageantry and feels a joy to be king. 
But it doesn't last, as a rumble comes from below and suddenly dust and stone erupt up from the floor of the pit, people scream and try to run but there is no way to get away as the floor crumbles under their feet the red queen comes though the floor the dragon crushing smallfolk and killing hundreds in her wake otto tries to demand the doors to be opened but people are already dying, as Rhaenys sits on top of her dragon as the dust clears.
Alicent jumps in front of Aegon putting herself between the dragon and him,
The Red Queen screeched at everyone before turning and flying out and away into the sky. 
Aegon remains in the dragon pit, the pageantry of the moment long faded, the true death toll of his day hitting him, the weight of the sword in his hand and the crown on his head causing him to ache. He had such conflict in his heart, as he truly thought it all though. 
He never wanted this... and yet it was done. 
He never thought he was the heir... yet now the crown rests on his head.
His coronation... left hundreds dead. 
This moment... had surely begun a war that would tear apart his family, his realm, his house and all that he held dear. 
And in all of it, he stands alone, or so he thinks. 
Alysanne walks the up the stairs he walked up, her eyes looking only at him. Her gown is a body of green velvet, with silver threat lacing the bodice, black leather sleeves tight to her skin all the way to her wrists, a large skirt of green velvet with black flames embodied on the bottom, a long cape from her shoulders of a sheer black fabric cut like dragon wings. Her hands behind her back as she reaches the stage, she bows to him dipping her knees and lowering her head before her eyes meet his once more. 
His wife, in this moment, she is the light in this darkness. but there is so much sadness in him as he looks at her starlight eyes. 
"I am sorry Alysanne," He told her, 
"I hardly believed it to be true," she began, "Once word reached me." 
He felt unable to speak,
"Oh Aegon..." she said, "what have you let your mother do to you?"
Aegon looks at her with a mixture of guilt and shame, his throat tightens with emotion as he takes in her words. "I didn't have a choice,"
"I know." she nodded, "You are the king," She said almost not believing her own words,
He looks away, his mind filled with sorrow and anger, he is king, but he isn't happy. "This... already ways heavily on me... I cannot carry it alone." 
"If you are a king... I suppose that makes me a queen," 
He feels the weight lift a little, to know that she is beside him in this, "I am not a King. I am the king. You are not a queen. You are The queen. My Queen." he gives her an affectionate smile,
"so it would seem," A smile escapes her, but soon fails, "what- What is to happen to our children?" Her voice was full of fear,
Aegon's heart sinks as she asks, he knows his children are in danger, he feels already like he has failed them and his wife, he knows no matter what he can't protect them from this. "I do not know..."
"Forgive me, I should not sour your victory with my concerns."
"You should, concerns are now my most important matters." He told her, "I am sorry Alysanne, truly, I wanted to share this moment with you more than anyone. I am so sorry you were left behind,"
"... well, it's over now. it doesn't matter."
"It does. you are my queen and the fact you where not beside me for this moment... it breaks my heart."
"I admit... I am upset. that your mother had called this, not just for the politics and the show of the realm but... she wore her finest dress, her gold and her jewels, brought your family here, coronated you in front of thousands, gave you a crown, a sword, and the title of king... and I. Was left at the red keep with our children. Like a nursemaid." she explained, "I wish I could have been here is all..." 
He felt his blood boil that she felt this way, he took her hand and squeezed it, "I wish you could have been here, I wanted this to be for us. I wanted to take the crown with you by my side to take your own. I wanted our children to be here to witness the crown that may one day be theirs. and my mother robbed us of that... I am sorry, truly sorry. and I know I can never repay the injustice done to you." he explained, "You are my queen... and... you do not even have a crown." 
"I do." she said, as she revealed her other hand, "She gave me this when they arrived back to the red keep." she said and in her hand sat a small tiara of gold and green. No larger than a hair clip, and for a moment he remembers the crown his mother had worn today a large headband of gold and emeralds His own wife. His queen. Was tossed a crown, Without even being given a coronation. "I... I hardly wish to wear it at all... seems... foolish," 
Aegon stares at the tiny tiara and feels an intense surge of anger at the treatment his wife has received. It is a reminder of her insignificance in his mother's eyes, and it hurts him deeply. But he doesn't want her to be sad, he wants her to be proud of her new station. He looks at her, her face filled with a mixture of anger and sadness, and he doesn't want her to feel that way. He wants to make her happy and to make her feel wanted and accepted. "Wear it." He says, firm but gentle. His voice is a command, but also an appeal. He wants her to wear this crown, to let the world know that she is his wife and his Queen and that he is proud of her. He wants everyone to know that she is the Queen, no matter what his mother says or does. 
"There's no point..."
"Here," He takes her by the hand and tugs her with him to stand in front of the banners, he takes the small tiara from her and smiles, he gives it a clean on his shirt to make sure no fingerprints are on it before he does is most epic and dramatic voice for her, "May the warrior give her courage, may the smith lend strength to her sword and shield, may the father defend her in her need, may the crone lift her shining lantern and shin her way to wisdom. May the mother be an ever-sweet light in her life, may the maiden keep her safe, and may the stranger's visits be few," He explained, "The crown of ... uhh... the most beautiful of queens," he makes up as this crown had no name, 
she chuckles at him and he gently but sweetly presses the tiara into her hair, crowning her as his queen, his hands run down her hair and he kisses her lips softly, 
"Let the seven bear witness, Alysanne Targaryen queen of the seven kingdoms." he proclaimed, "All hail her grace! Alysanne Targaryen, queen of the Andals the Roynar and the First Men. lady of the seven kingdoms, protector of the realm, beloved bride and mother. My queen. My sweet queen," he cooed, 
"Thank you Aegon," she smiled, 
"You're welcome, and I promise you. You shall have a crown more worthy of your beauty and title." He smiled, 
"I think we have more pressing matters than a crown Aegon," she said,
"True," He nodded as his heart sank, "... you said once, not long after our children were born, that perhaps it would be best to cut or losses, to fly to Dragonstone with the children to meet with your mother, to cleave to your mother and beg for her mercy." 
she shook her head, "... it's too late for that Aegon, no matter what side we are on. Blood will be spilt, and the only way to keep our children alive is to be on a side of our own." 
He nodded and briefly smiled, "You took to talking queen fast," He chuckled, 
She smiled, "Aegon darling, I have been talking and acting like a queen for as long as I can remember. Our family ensured that. Come. The children wish to see their new king, and we have much to do." she explained taking his arm, he nodded and squeezed her hand happily walking with her even if the two were beyond scared of what now was to be done. 
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
I just know Mihawk and Alucare would spoil the baby. I can see her being the princess of the family
Oh absolutely! Spoiled Rotten.
Princess of the House
As Mihawk is based off Dracula I've made him be Romanian 🇷🇴 and included more of the culture
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• Dracule Mihaela
• The Jewel of the Dracule Family
• From the moment she was born, she had the whole family wrapped around her tiny finger.
• She couldn't even fuss without someone to come and wait on her hand and foot.
• It didn't help that she was also a cheerful and pretty baby, A perfect mixture of you and Mihawk.
• You getting so much time to rest and recover after giving birth to her since there where three people who took care of her in your wake.
• Mihawk only allowing you to be woken up or disturbed for feedings. Everything else was handled-
• It took you throwing a fit to be given your own baby back!
• "Damn it Mihawk! She came out of me- Let me hold my damn child!" You argued with your husband, the man glumly handing her over to you to bond with.
• Dark Hair but with your hair texture, your eye shape but with his color, even her complexion a perfect inbetween of you and Mihawk's.
• Perfect in Mihawk's eyes.
• Mihawk also having the habit of holding Mihaela everywhere he went.
• After you recovered and Mihaela started to grow she was spoiled with gifts.
• Stuffed toys from Perona, Jewlery and expensive fabrics from Mihawk and homemade toys from Alucare.
• Mihaela having more gifts them she knew what to do with-
• That paired with each major milestone in her life was met with a celebration of gifts.
• Holding head up? Silver Rattle
• Smiling? Gold Rings for each finger
• Rolling over? Silk onsies
• And so much more!
• You walking into his office, tired and already a bit irritated from waking up and finding your baby missing from what was suppose to be her naptime- Knowing that she was wide awake in Mihawk's arms while he went over paperwork.
• When Mihaela wasn't in Mihawks arms- Then she was with Alucare or Perona's.
• You having to scold both Dracule men (and Perona) for holding her too much-
• Knowing damn well both men would spoil her rotten-
• That was evident When her first birthday came around-
The castle was buzzing, having outsiders welcome for the first time in- Well forever.
"Happy First Birthday My Jewel" Mihawk said happily, watching you walk into the room with Mihaela in your arms. Her dresses in a beautiful white dress Mihaek had made for her, she smiled brightly when she saw him. Waving her arms around happily.
Mihawk pulling our a box from his pocket, a pre-present separate from the mountain of gifts waiting for her. Pulling a dark blue diamond bracelet and slipping it on her little chubby wrist as he kissed her forehead making her laugh.
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"This looks expensive Mihawk-" You muttered, raising a brow at the studded bracelet as Mihaela brought it to her mouth immediately making Mihawk smile.
"That's cause it is"
After that the party started, different games and gifts being brought out. Several other pirates who had young children of their own attending as well so it was a play date for Mihaela to meet and be around others her age. As well as lavish gifts for the toddler being gifted from other powerful pirates-
Crocodile sending a solid gold rocking horse that was shaped like a Giraffe.
Shanks sending a Silver Pacifier.
Even Buggy sending a velvet lined diamond studded box filled with different toys and baby clothes.
With plenty more which made your pockets burn with how much all this could have cost.
Finally it was cake time, a soft cake being brought out for Mihaela to have for herself as a separate one was for the party.
Happy birthday was sung of course as the cake was set infronf of Mihaela after it was done- Which she Dove her face into immediately much to everyone's amusement.
Mihawk sitting next to her with a slice of normal cake for himself as he let his daughter 'speak' with him.
"Shes been babbling all day to you" You mused, watching her smudge cake all over as she babbled at Mihawk excitedly.
"Trying to share with Tată? (Dada)" Mihawk mused as he smiled down at her-
"Tată!" She said cheerfully, holding her arms out to Mihawk with some of the frosting on her hands. The man freezing in place, staring at Miha as he continued to repeat herself as he scooped her up fast, her now grabbing at his necklace to bring into her mouth.
"Her first words!" You cheer excitedly- Clapping your hands in pride as you smile brightly as your little girl. Kissing her chubby cheeks as she giggled loudly and excitedly at the attention she was getting.
"No fair-" Alucare muttered, having been trying to get her to have her first words be his name for months.
"Tată Tată!" She continued as she giggled out.
Mihawk still silent as he stared at her with wide eyes, you looking to him surprised by his lack of reaction. That was till he tightened his hold on her and began to walk outside with her-
"Where is he going?-" Alucare started, a bit miffed by his father's reaction but you held a hand up to your son with a gentle look.
You saw it- For a brief moment as Mihawk turned away from you all to carried Mihaela outside with him..
Tears rolling down his cheek.
He got her a full blown ship afterwards-
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citrustan · 26 days
Can you please do a rich seokjin x reader wherein he grovels for oc 🙏😭 Like he did not defend oc when his parents were being mean to her and even defended them something like that hahaha I live for angst fics so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (Thank you in advance btw! I really really enjoy your fics!)
hii thanks! love it when requests are specific!! please send in more of these :D
'm dividing this into two parts because it's too long for me to call it a drabble
please, please, please [1/2] (ksj)
pairing: seokjin x reader
genre: sugar daddy turned boyfriend!seokjin x middle-class, unemployed!reader ALSO dilf!seokjin. angst, fluff, and barely-there smut (in the next part) yet again because i'm taking tiny baby steps towards the big girl stuff.
warnings: there's an ex-wife, unkind parents, and typical rich people behaviour: take that as you may!
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The evening had started on a high note, filled with the excitement, curiosity, and your boyfriend's son, Sehun's giggles, while Seokjin's entire family and friends, (and you) gathered under the warm glow of temporarily installed lamps in his backyard.
Admittedly, it's borderline disrespectful to call it a backyard when it was easily over an acre of lush grassland, adorned with flower fields, and a horse farm. With champagne-equipped golf carts, decorated with wisterias and vines, used to transport the party goers from one place to another, and well-dressed staff to guide everyone.
You knew your boyfriend slash sugar daddy was rich, but you had no idea just how rich.
As the evening progressed, the mood, specifically yours, began to shift---bit by bit, for the worse. Your once lively aura eventually grew strained.
It was such a shit-show.
Starting with Seokjin's parents who couldn't pretend to be nice for the life of them, or was that intentional? To scare you off or something. Because it worked.
They were distant, awkward, and nothing like Seokjin had described them to be. You were under the impression that you'd be meeting your second family, an extension of your own.
Boy, were you mistaken.
You were met with so much... inhospitality and indifference.
It was so bad you had to walk away from your table a few times just to stop your tears from falling.
They kept talking about Sehun's mother and Seokjin's perfect ex-wife, as if you weren't sitting right across them. Speaking of their relationship in present tense--- 'Oh, you're so beautiful together.' 'The perfect family.' 'She's the best daughter-in-law anyone could ask for.'
All the while, you're the one with a promise ring on your finger.
Seokjin, obviously, interrupted them everytime. But even he eventually tired himself out too.
Every time you attempted to make conversation with the pair, you were met with blank stares.
Sehun was off with his caretaker, being his 6 year old self, uncaring of where he is.
"Seokjin," his mother began, "When you mentioned planning a soirée, I assumed you were getting back with Yewon."
His father added, "Your mother and I were so happy."
Seokjin exchanged an uneasy look with you.
You expected him to defend you, but instead, he just scoffs and laughs.
Shakily sighing, you excused yourself for the seventh time that night to lick your wounds in privacy.
This time, when you didn't return after ten minutes, Seokjin comes looking for you, immediately finding you stood near his favourite Magnolia tree.
You're in deep thought and a little tipsy. How was this going to play out? Would you be made to break up with each other? Would Seokjin leave you?
He paused to your right, "_____, I know this isn't enough but I really am sorry. I had no idea they'd react this way."
Defeated, you whisper, "I don't even know how to react. I mean... it doesn't matter because it's not like they'd even notice."
"And you're right. It's not enough." Angrily, you turn to face him, "You keep letting them treat me like I'm invisible. And they keep talking about Yewon and your, oh, so perfect marriage as if she didn't cheat on you. I mean, you technically cheated on each other later anyway, right?"
He tilted his head to the side in disbelief, "_____. I can't believe you'd bring that up."
"Is that why they don't like me? Because they know I'm your mistress?"
Seokjin's scowl deepens, "Don't talk about yourself like that, _____."
Mockingly raising your brow at him, you laugh, "Oh, but it's okay for mommy and daddy to talk about me 'like that'?" You make air quotations at 'like that.'
"Of course, it isn't! But, that's just how they are. They're horrible people, _____." He exasperates, "And I know there's no changing their mind. So yourself a favour and just don't bother about what they think or say. It's not important."
You painstakingly digest each of his words.
Now, there are two possible meanings of his advice.
Don't worry about mommy and daddy because you and I are the only ones who matter!
Don't worry about mommy and daddy because you're disposable anyway!
But, you're not sober enough to decide yet.
Seokjin caresses your naked, cold, arm with a warm hand. His fingers travel up to your décolletage, grazing against it, then further upwards to gently fix the diamond necklace he bought you on your last birthday.
He then takes his blazer off to drape it over your shivering shoulders.
Seokjin looks at you, carefully choosing his tone to reflect his state of mind: apologetic, "I promise we can leave after Yewon gets here. My parents invited her too. And, she'll be taking Sehun to her place today."
You wait for him to continue because you know there's more.
"We'll greet her. Cordially. Bid goodbye immediately after. And see Sehun once before we head to your place. Is that... Would you be okay with that?"
The fact that Seokjin, as the host, was going to leave his own party for you makes you feel guilty. But you knew you would not be able to deal with Seokjin's relatives any longer.
So you nod once, "Ok."
He links your arms together and walks you back to the main event.
"Seokie! You look great. _____, you too! Your hair looks amazing." Yewon grins at you.
"Thank you, Yewon. You look beautiful as well." Seokjin answers for the two of you as you drunkenly smile at her.
(Two) hours had passed since Seokjin promised you you could leave after Yewon arrived. Which meant you had two too many hours to down the seemingly bottomless Champagne flutes.
Yewon observes you with concern and raises a brow at your boyfriend. Seokjin simply nodded in response, with his arm still wrapped around you, supporting your weight.
Not oblivious to the silent conversation going on in front of you, you nuzzle your face directly into his chest.
Yewon is lovely. She's the best ex-wife any girlfriend could've asked for. Respectful, friendly even, and... normal.
Still, you've always been jealous of their relationship.
They still had chemistry, and were great co-parents.
There was nothing stopping Seokjin from going back to her. Well, there's you, but had you not been in his life, you wonder if they'd have gotten back together.
"There you are! Kim Yewon, my favourite daughter." Holding Yewon by her waist, Seokjin's mother feigns anger, "Now, why did it take you so long to get here?"
You hate her. So much. All you want is for Seokjin to make her... stop.
"In all honesty, I overslept." Yewon smiles, embarrassed.
Mrs. Kim sighs dramatically, "Well, you are a doctor. You deserve to rest. You work too hard."
"Ah... Maybe... Why don't we go find Sehun? _____ and Seokjin are leaving soon."
Yewon is evidently aware of how his family is reacting to you, and wants to minimize all of her interactions and words exchanged with the Kims.
At that Mrs. Kim looks bewildered, "You're going to leave your own party? That's just rude."
THAT'S rude?
"I'm sorry, mom. We," Seokjin raises your clasped hands up, "have important plans."
"Well... What could be more important than family? You're just going to leave your son and his mother to fend for themselves?"
Now... what happens in the next few minutes, you blame slash credit the alcohol.
You don't understand why he had to lie because you certainly had no issue with telling the real reason you were leaving.
"That's right, Mrs. Kim, Seokjin chose me. We don't have," you make air quotes when you say this, "important plans, we, my boyfriend and I, we, just want to get as far away from you as possible because you have a chip up your ass and you walk around with a stick on your shoulder."
Seokjin and Yewon froze.
"And Seokjin hates you." You spat. "He hates you so much he planned a gigantic party just so he wouldn't have to spend more than a few minutes with you at once."
You want to stop but your mouth works faster than your brain.
"Seokjin hates you so much he always needs other people around you to cut the tension."
At this point you were word vomiting.
"He hates you so much he keeps himself busy with work. And when he's not at work, he's with me. And my family," - "_____, stop talking," Seokjin sternly scolds.
But you don't hear him, "- because he loves me. And Sehun, and he loves my mother because she isn't a narcissistic bitch who treats her son like-"
Seokjin squeezes your hand as if he were begging you to calm down as Mrs. Kim stares at you in contempt; her face red, nose flared, jaw, and fists clenched.
But you don't budge, "His marriage is over. Understand that. It's like you don't even care about what he's been through."
"_____, please."
Seokjin's request has fallen to deaf ears once again.
You continue, "All you do is criticize his choices and decisions. You don't even care that Yewon cheated on your son because you're just as up her ass as you are up your own."
At that, Seokjin instantly drags you away from the two women. Both Mrs. Kims.
He takes you back to the tree.
You half expect him to make out with you because he looked... somewhat worked up.
The pins in your hair are starting to feel a little too tight.
"What the fuck is the matter with you?"
You drunkenly stare at him, eyes widened in genuine confusion. You place a hand on your chest, "Me?"
"You had no right to cause a scene like that. I told you we were leaving. I was handling it."
But he was, in fact, not handling it. You helped him!
Seokjin needed someone to back him up. If he couldn't stand up for himself, you didn't expect him to stand up for you.
You owlishly blink up at him.
"_____, this isn't high school. You're not a child. You can't go around yelling at adults about how mean they are."
"I was just trying to hel-"
"This isn't a movie, _____. This is real life. My life. And Yewon's. My mother didn't know the real reason we broke up. And you had no right to tell her."
Now, that's news to you. And what the hell? Do you even exist in this picture?
"Well, obviously, I didn't fucking know that. And, thanks a lot. Now I know just how much I mean to you." You begin pulling your hair pins out as you turn to leave his premises.
"_____." Seokjin gently grabs your wrist, "We're not done here."
You rip yourself away from his grip, "I think we are! Obviously, you have no space for me in your life. And Yewon's!" Your lips quiver contrasting the accusatory words that just slipped through your tongue.
He rolls his eyes, "_____, that's not what I meant. You know that's not what I was saying."
You resembled an angry kitten with your hair a little wild from pulling all those clips out, and eyes red and puffy as if you'd start tearing up any time now.
"I don't want to be your fuckdoll anymore! I'm done!" With a shaky yet final sigh, you turn back around, lift your gown so you don't trip, and storm off.
While you didn't want him to stop you because you were in no mood to fight a grown man, you were more upset that he just let you walk away from him.
You didn't want to end your relationship like this. Although you know this isn't permanent, you can't help but wonder if he'd even try with you anymore.
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note: so tumblr ate up part of this story and the other note i had added, so this is me rewriting it. i can't make asks private so here we are. i'm upset my writing didn't get saved. i don't know if this version is better or worse.
either way, please tell me what you think.
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miquella-everywhere · 2 months
Genuine question but why don’t you like Radahn?
Radahn was one of my least favorite Demigods to begin with, second only to Godrick, but I didn't hate him per se; I was just highly indifferent. I mean his lore is super cool and all, stopping the stars and being a horse guy is neat, but he was never a thought in my mind. My disinterest in him is also partially thanks to his fans, mainly the weird dudebros if you know what I mean, along with the weird community vitriol surrounding the Malenia vs. Radahn fight. And the fact that I love Miquella thusly made me a member of team Malenia by default lol
So yeah, I could have cared less about Radahn.
But now with his inclusion in the DLC my apathy towards him evolved into annoyance and anger. He has no place in Miquella's story. There was nothing about him and Miquella in the base game. I dedicated the last two years of my life cataloguing the locations of every single Lily and Butterfly, every single item description, trace or hint of Miquella in the base game to sleuth together his story and what he could have been trying to achieve going to the Realm of Shadow, and there was absolutely nothing indicating something as ridiculous as a "romantic connection🤮" to Radahn, whereas the obvious Base Game connection for Miquella sending Malenia to kill him was the fact that Radahn held the fate of the stars and needed to die to set them free.
Miquella's base game lore heavily indicated that he was trying to revive Godwyns soul with the eclipse and, naturally, the eclipse is tied to the moon. And since the "moon" is responsible for the death of Godwyn that immediately puts a connection between Miquella and Ranni. And the fact that Ranni was entrusted the spirit summoning bell by Torrents former master, ie Miquella, and that she blatantly states that she is pleased to see that Torrent is doing well, means that there was potentially no bad blood between Miquella and Ranni despite Godwyns murder.
With this knowledge and the fact that they are both Empyreans, Ranni and Miquella had a stronger claim to a relationship with each other than Radahn ever did with Miquella. Same thing regarding Miquella and Godwyns relationship thanks to Golden Epitaph, the Eclipse, and the statue of them embracing in the Haligtree.
Radahn was never even a thought because there was no relationship between him and Miquella.
So with this, logically, I and many many people theorized that Miquella was going to the Realm of Shadow to revive Godwyn and since the stars were finally freed with Radahns death, Miquella's eclipse could finally come to fruition.
But no.
The real reason behind Miquella's motives is because he wanted to marry his brother.
The stupid bottom line is, forcefully having your favorite character shoved into a "relationship" with your least favorite character at the price of their lore, story, and characterization is a sure fire way to piss anyone off.
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sunnycanvas · 6 months
Hi can I request a part 2 for unfaithful baldwin where he regrets or the reader escapes?
Find her! Find her!
Baldwin IV screamed at the top of his lungs. He was sweating so much. His beautiful blonde hair was drenched in sweat. His eyes wide in fear and shock. Baldwin IV quickly shifted his hair back by his hand as he screamed in his thunderous voice. "What are you doing, does it take so much time to follow my orders"? Knights assembled quickly in front of the king. Shocked at such furious face. Baldwin IV was known to have strong mind and great courage. It's unlikely to see him furious. He manages to remain calm in most tense situations. The knights assembled in front of the king confused. The king's mistress was surprised as well. She slowly approached her beloved but kept safe distance. Last thing she wanted for her to get scolded as well.
"Your queen consort is missing" "Which one of you helped her escape" "Tell me now and I will spare you"
The knights trembled in fear not knowing what to respond. For the queen consort to go missing. Especially when they were given strict orders to keep continuous watch on her was not going to go well for them. Nobody dared to speak up and Baldwin IV 's mistress watched everything astonished. Even she didn't think the queen will be able to escape. "Helping her escape is a crime against crown" "I will investigate the person who helped her escape" "The person will not only be punished but their family as well as people who shares their nearest blood kin with them will suffer as well". "This fate can be avoided if you admit right now which one of you helped her escape and where she might be, right now". The whole hall grew quite and King Baldwin IV waited patiently for an answer. The hall became so quiet that one could easily hear the sound of water dripping. King Baldwin IV waited patiently as time went by his face became redder and his eyes grew colder. The king's mistress couldn't help but think if (Y/N) is found by the king. She will never be able to have same relationship as before with the king. "Baldwin IV is sensitive about his honour" "I know that he is not only upset about her escaping due to personal reasons but also about his honour as well ". She knew the king despite the love he shared for his queen won't be happy about people gossiping or perhaps mocking him that he can't control his wife. "This has taken a huge blow on him" "He has been possesive and careful when it came to her" "Ever since she caught us the king knew she would try to escape". "Nobody thought she would be successful though"
"Quick get the horses ready we will find the queen, I will personally lead the search". Baldwin IV repeated last words with so much venom that it sent shiver across everyone's spine Baldwin IV 's mistress although scared was shocked at sudden proposal ran towards the king forgetting about gravity of the situation. "Your majesty you recently caught another disease" "It won't be good for your health" . Baldwin IV raised his hand up indicating "Stop". The mistress grew quite. She quickly composed herself and said "My apologise your Grace" "As your humble subject I should have been more careful" .
"Who let a woman in knights meeting"
The mistress was shocked since Baldwin IV has never spoken to her like that, "My apologise my lord I will leave right away"
"Make sure you do, it seems like the palace has been lenient when it comes to security". The mistress didn't say anything and quietly left plotting her revenge when the queen is found. "I will ensure to win him back and make the queen's position so poor that she will seem invisible in palace"
"Gaurds, prepare the horses and ensure to send message to nearby Kingdoms as well" "Repeat the same message I gave you today to them as well"
"Thank you so much". I bowed against lady Sybilla the wife of King Bohemond III of Antioch I remember one of the Muslim sources mentioned her as Muslim spy but I never thought that it would be true. "No need to thank me" she replied with poisonous smile. "Just ensure not to get caught, erase all your traces" "In case you do, don't tell them who helped you". I asked her again doubtful "King Bohemond III of Antioch doesn't know, does he?".
"No he doesn't" she replied. "Now leave" "Your and mine journey ends here"." Leave as fast as you can, we have so less time right now" I smiled again and bowed one last time before I left in disguise looking for time portal. It took me some time until I finally reached my destination. "This has to be it" I thought as I looked at the place. Hopefully my calculations are correct. I need to hurry before I am caught or else my life will be over. Baldwin IV will be even harsher about guarding me but before that, I shuddered as I thought of his face red in anger. His eyes wide and cold and his teeth gritting. "Worst he can do is severely scolding and lot more restriction. I quickly dismissed myself of these pessimistic thoughts and went back thinking about my original plan . Based on my calculation time portal must be here. Time portal should open inside this river right now.
I froze. No! No! No! Why now?! Does universe really hate me so much. I could see the king, my husband with group of knights "Gaurds quickly stop the queen". Seeing them approaching I started running as far as I could, of course I was not match for trained knights with horses. I could hear my husband pleading"(Y/N) please don't jump" "Killing yourself will lead to enternal damnation in hell" "Your body won't be buried" "You won't be accepted by church". "Come back to me and I will forgive you". Angry I yelled at my husband "I hate you" "I will rather go into damnation of hell than being with you" "You killed whatever we had because of your adultery" My husband stopped at looking back at me shocked and hurt "(Y/N)"
"You mean to tell me that the queen jumped in river in front of everyone and was never found".
"Indeed my lady" replied the knight who secretly acted as spy for lady sybilla of Antioch. Sybilla laughed joyfully and said "In front of king as well" "How did the king react". The knight snickered and said "He later jumped in river as well when nobody was able to find her". "The king kept on trying to find the queen" "Finally he was physically retrainsed by his knights" "Everyone has accepted that the queen drowned in sorrow".
"After that" Lady sybilla of Antioch smiled like a excited child. The knight gleamed in joy and said "The king looked mentally dead when we arrived back" "He didn't say anything much" "Later he blamed his mistress saying that she was the one who seduced him" "That it was her fault this happened"
Lady sybilla nodded with joy and said "The king is known to be mentally strong" " Even when he first learned of his disease he was calm and accepting about it". Lady sybilla smiled again saying "That girl gave me more than I was expecting". "Soon Jerusalem will be ours"
Back to our time:
I was found in dead of night by station master near the railway tracks. I was drenched in water. I was asked questions but I could barely say anything in state of shock. I later was admitted to hospital. Soon I was discharged and left for home. Once I came back home.I was happy to wear my cozy clothes. "Finally, it's all over" I took my IPad and sat on my sofa surfing the web. I was curious about how events played out after I left. I did quick Google search and found out:
"King Baldwin IV ensured the gaurds kept close eye on Queen consort (Y/N) of Jerusalem after she found the king with his mistress. She was monitored all the time. Queen (Y/N) was able to escape though. Nobody knows how she was able to escape. Not even most researched historian of crusades can tell. Some historian have suggested that Raymond, count of Tripoli helped her with a maid acting as her spy to escape. While some suggested king Bohemond III of Antioch bribed some church members to help her escape but nobody knows for sure. The king went into his deep sorrow. His disease got infected worse because of swimming in contaminated water. We know now that he suffered with dysentery and swimming made it worse. The loss of queen affected his reign. The king reign was no doubt affected because of loss of his queen.....
I read further and realised how mistress was shunned. How her seduction was blamed and how Baldwin IV was thought to be king easily manipulated until recently rest all events went same with princess sybilla. "Yes, he is not a man to be manipulated" I thought Although unlike before Jerusalem did have quite a few losses like never before, I read further was able to find "Although king died of natural causes his body was never found". This last line seemed suspicious to me. "Wait.. wasn't he buried but his bones later removed from tomb in the late 12th-13th century after the recapture by the Ayyubid dynasty". I had a bad feeling about this, something isn't right
"Ma, Cherie" I froze. "Please not again". I turned around fearful and saw my king behind me looking sickly. "You shouldn't question my sense of duty" "I knew it I could find you ". I gulped in fear. "What did I get myself into" I thought
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absurdthirst · 1 month
Do you think you could do one with the Pedro boys who are a/b/o and who have a omega reader in heat but she doesn't want to spend it with them but just be alone? If not that's totally cool and I love your writing:)
When You're In Heat & Want Nothing To Do With Him:
*** When reblogging or talking about Omegaverse, please remember that ‘a/b/o’ without the slash punctuation marks (/) is considered a slur for the Aboriginal people in Australia.
**Female Reader
Javier Peña: Pouty for sure. He had even told Steve he was taking off work, dreaming of having you on his cock the entire time. Now his ass is traveling back to Medellín with Murphy in the passenger seat. Deciding that getting out of town was the best option.
Ezra: Now that's just not going to work for him, little bird. The aphrodisiac that your body produces calls to him like a siren. Beckoning him to take what your very nature wishes to give him. In that tent, there's no privacy. While Ezra might not lay a hand on you, he will not shut up about what he would do if you would give him permission.
The Mandalorian: Takes the kid, engages the ground security protocols on the Razor Crest and leaves. He will be back in 3-5 business days, with multiple bounties to throw into carbonite and then takes off for the next world on his parsec tour. He doesn't even seem mad about it, it just is what it is.
Pero Tovar: He still expects you to ride your horse. If you aren't needing to be holed up in a nest with his body wedged between your thighs, then you must be moving. He cannot lose more time on this journey to the East and you are attracting more alphas that he will just have to kill.
Frankie Morales: Confused. Wondering if everything that has happened has made you think that he's no longer your alpha or maybe not the alpha you want. He wants to talk to you about it, but he knows that you are vulnerable right now, so he packs up the kids and they all go stay at Uncle Benny's for a few days so you can be alone like you want.
Marcus Pike: He's disappointed. He had everything planned. He was going to make sure that your every need was met and you were in as little pain as possible as you worked through you heat. Instead of being able to do it in person, he decides that it might be best to sleep at the office until it passes so he doesn't overstep. However, he has meals delivered to you and your favorite ones at that.
Max Phillips: Tilts his head at you and gives you that fake pouty look. The one that says he doesn't believe you for a second. You don't want orgasm after orgasm? That's strange, and people said he's the one without a beating heart.
Dave York: Angry. He is not happy that you want nothing to do with him. He needs to take care of you and you are denying him that. In a huff, he takes on a target and takes his aggression out on them. It's a little more messy than his normal jobs.
Oberyn Martell: Finds it fascinating. You are a mystery. An omega who doesn't wish to be cared for by an alpha. He sighs, thinking that it's a pity, it would have been fun, but he leaves you in peace. He will spent the time in the whorehouse, drinking and fucking while you have your wish.
Zach Wellison: It hurts. It makes him think that he's not good enough and it will definitely tap into that inferiority complex that he had. But he will give you what you want, you won't see him for days while you are going through your heat.
Marcus Moreno: Doesn't understand it, but that's not for him to decide. If you don't want him around, he needs to figure out a game plan. Do you want to stay somewhere else? Do you want him and Missy to go to his moms? Once you tell him exactly what you want, he's doing that and nothing more.
Max Lord: You were in heat? He didn't even notice. He was too busy trying to save his company.
Javi Gutierrez: Heartbroken that he cannot take care of you himself. He wants to pamper you and comfort you. Instead, he sends you to one of the best resorts for Omegas who wish to ride out a heat without an Alpha. Leaving them to pamper you.
Dieter Bravo: Whiny. He can smell how horny you are. How can you not want him to fuck you? Keep you full of his cock and cum? Aren't you about to tear your skin off???? You actually have to throw him out of the damn house in order to have a moment's peace.
Tim Rockford: Honestly? That's a relief. He's got this case that is eating up the hours and he doesn't have time to focus on you. He ends up sleeping at the office for two weeks straight and you have to call him to come home.
Joel Miller: He thinks you're stupid. He knows you will suffer more, but if that's what you want, be stubborn. He will give you the space you need, but he will also be standing guard around the decrepit house you are holed up in, making sure that no other alpha gets a whiff of you.
Marcus Acacius: Doesn't understand why you would not want him to be around you. But he's not going to fight you on this. He has his most trusted guards posted around his villa, they are betas so you will not be harassed by them. They will protect you because he has already been called before the emperors to discuss yet another bloody campaign on behalf of Rome's glory.
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msnameless · 3 months
I dont know if u write dubcon but can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write a reader who’s self esteem is so low that she decides to break up with gojo only for gojo to aggressively ruin her insides + body worship hehe
I'm not sure if I captured the vibe but i tried lol.
feel free to send asks as alw
❍ ࣪⁎⁺Insecurity⁎⁺˳ .
Gojo Satoru x Reader
You try to break up with Gojo Satoru due to your insecurity but he's having none of that.
(1.5k words, oneshot)
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"I can't do this anymore."
"Do what anymore, sweetheart?" Gojo cocked his head and grinned at you mischievously.
"Us, I don't...I just can't. I'm sorry," you stood up and began leaving much to Gojo's alarm.
"Woah woah, hold your horses, little missy," your wrist was tugged back by your boyfriend-turned-ex. Gojo was upon you in a flash.
"Where do you think you're running off to?"
A pair of electric blue eyes burned into yourself as Gojo peered at you intensely. His gaze scanned over you as if trying to uncover a conceivable reason why you'd want to end the relationship. You felt your hairs prick up and shoved him away, mortified.
The silence that hung between the both of you stretched into forever, though in reality, it lasted for merely 3 seconds. Gojo looked astounded, all traces of playfulness now gone.
"What do you mean?" he asked concerned.
"Look, if this is about your leftovers that I-"
"Gojo, please just leave me alone," you begged earnestly, hoping your voice wouldn't break and lead to a meltdown.
You wanted to leave before it could happen, stumbling out the door, heading straight home.
The truth was you had always noticed the sheer gap between you and Gojo in all aspects possible, whether it be in terms of physical attractiveness or power. Everyone knew Gojo Satoru, the most powerful Jujutsu sorcerer in the world, the only one to have been born with the Six-Eyes and limitless technique in the last 400 years. He drew eyes whenever he walked into a room, that confident stride promising an easygoingness that came from knowing you would always be far above everyone else.
You knew what people must've thought when they saw you as his girlfriend. You were a mere wallflower, not even deserving of a second glance. You hated it whenever people stared at you for a second longer than you thought necessary, imagined their withering judgement as they took you in with disdain. You felt your clothes tighten, and every flaw on your body became more noticeable than ever.
You compared yourself with just about anyone. Gojo was surrounded by plenty of attractive people such as Shoko Ieiri, and you felt like an ugly duckling amongst them. But you had to hide it. After all, you were Gojo Satoru's girlfriend.
Thus, you began trying to change yourself in a desperate hope that you'd be happier with yourself, going on diets, and working out rigorously.
Nothing ever lasted. You would always go back to your normal self. Disgusting self, was what you thought. The mirror was a dreadful reminder of what you were when you glanced into it every day, and soon that got covered up, too, like your body. All the while, you acted your usual on the outside, keeping up the mask that served to hide your self-loathing.
Things escalated when you feared physical contact with Gojo, thinking that whenever he hugged you from behind, all your rolls of fat could be felt. The insecurity became so crippling that you were utterly miserable until you finally decided to end your relationship with him.
For the next 2 days, you kept to yourself at home, ignoring the incessant texts from Gojo before you blocked him. You thought things were finally over until your door got broken down, blasted open on its hinges by Gojo.
"Oops, didn't mean to be so rough," he shrugged as he strode in.
"Now then. Enough is enough."
The next second, you were lifted up and set in front of Gojo.
"What's your problem, lady? You thought you could just break up with me without a reasonable explanation?" he scoffed.
"Tell me why or I'm not leaving," he demanded.
You tried to speak, but a lump in your throat left you mute. How would you begin to explain the inferiority you felt compared to him? Gojo waited for you patiently, but your voice had vanished.
"If this is about thinking you're not good enough, you'd better stop now," Gojo warned.
He snickered at your questioning look.
"I'm more observant than people give me credit for. Did you think I wouldn't see the way you shy away from my hugs?" he pouted before sighing dramatically.
"This is an emergency, I can't have my sweetheart hating herself, now can I?" he mumbled, hand holding his chin in thought.
"Got it! I guess I'll just have to drill it into you then," he smirked, eyes darkening as he pressed feather kisses from your forehead to your eyes, cheeks, lips, neck, making his way down slowly. Compared to his kisses, his rough hands caressed your body urgently, kneading and stroking all the places where you used to allow him to do so before growing insecure.
"I love you here, here, here..." he whispered sensually, starting to life your shirt over your head but you stopped him, afraid of being bared.
Gojo silenced you with a kiss, biting harshly on your lips.
"Uh-uh, let me work my magic and make you feel real good, kay?" Gojo grinned maniacally.
You didn't dare to speak under his feral gaze and he took it as a sign to continue.
The air hummed with electricity. You felt your body flush as the room turned stuffy, becoming indescribably hot. Gojo's touches burned your skin and you could feel a raw desire pooling in your stomach as his fingers danced all over the curves and dips of your body.
You were helpless under Gojo's ministrations and soon laid under him in all your glory.
It had been too long for Gojo since he was allowed to admire you. After all, you had distanced yourself from him and it was now time to make up for what he missed out on. Gojo paused his teasing and looked down at you before opening his mouth.
"Buckle up, sweetheart."
All you remembered of the next few hours was pure bliss as well as you and Gojo chanting each other's names like a mantra. He slammed into you over and over again, never faltering, all while whispering sweet nothings into your hair. Your body was stretched to its limits and the sensations made you see stars in your vision. It was too much yet never enough at the same time.
His long and slender fingers constantly prodded in and out of you, swiping and circling where he knew it felt irresistible. Impossibly quick, tantalizingly slow; over and over again in a vicious cycle, to the point where it had you begging for his sadistic torture to end, granting you release. Gojo knew your body better than yourself, and could rely on his deft fingers alone to strip you of your defenses.
Gojo worked himself to the bone, playing you like an instrument expertly as you tried but failed to stifle noises that would make a sailor blush.
You almost came multiple times, just for Gojo to stop after driving you to the edge and pulling you back again. He frowned at you in mock disappointment.
"I don't like it when you cover yourself," he taunted derisively. From then on, Gojo made sure your mouth was free to make any noise he wanted you to, unless of course he chose to fill it up himself personally.
The taste of salt and passion permeated your senses, prompting you to understand exactly what it meant to be claimed by Gojo.
Ruffling your hair, Gojo kept praising you, coaxing climaxes out from your body time after time. It was almost too much and you trembled from the insistent stimulation.
"Just like that, one more time? You're doing so well," he cooed. Even if you couldn't, you had to. Gojo never halted his actions to let you catch your breath. In and out, in and out, Gojo moved at a speed that was more beast than man. You howled his name, unsure if you were pleading for him to cease and desist or continue.
As the moon shone and sparkled in its obsidian tapestry that was the peaceful night, you and Gojo danced the devil's tango, with Gojo leading. Bodies colliding, breaths mixing, hands entangling, your eyes never dared to leave Gojo's as he demonstrated personally his affections towards you.
He had you enchanted with the way he looked, groaning at the sight of you and kissing anywhere he could on your body. Saliva and sweat pooled together, glimmering on your skins.
Gojo's eyes sparkled brighter than the stars as he stared down at your body ardently, raking over everything. Bodies still connected, he clasped your hand and linked your fingers together, bringing them to his mouth. His eyes never leaving yours, Gojo kissed every single one of your knuckles.
"You're so pretty, y'know that?" he sighed.
"I never want to stop loving your body."
The next morning, your body was littered with black and purple marks, a reminder of what went down the night before. You stumbled getting out from bed and was caught in Gojo's embrace. He chuckled amusedly, hair tousled from slumber.
"Woah there, looks like someone had too much fun last night. Your legs still working or nah?" he teased.
You shrieked and whacked him in response.
"Seriously, I love you just the way you are. You're gorgeous in my eyes and that's all that matters," Gojo mumbled, head lying above yours.
Gojo's voice then took on a more lethal edge.
"Or do we have to start this ritual of worshipping you every night?"
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shirefantasies · 6 months
hi!!hope your doing okay!
feel free to ignore this ask🎀
but i was just wondering if you could do a reader!with a fear of steepness or heights?
maybe with the fellowship?thank you if you do write this but if you don’t it’s of course okay!!
have a great day!!
We’re getting there that’s for sure 😮‍💨 of course I will! Even if I’m slow I try to do almost all requests I’m comfortable with 🫶🏻 hope you enjoy this love!
The Fellowship Reacting to Your Fear of Heights
It starts one day upon your ride's passing of cliffs. Aragorn catches the apprehension in your eyes. One glance, two, complete aversion, gaze suddenly fascinated at the back of the rider ahead. Guiding his horse forward, he slips into the space between you and the edge. "You need not ride so close to the edge," he tells you. "I didn't know what the others would say," you reply, "if they would laugh." Aragorn shakes his head at that. "Fear of cliffs-fear of all heights- is natural. Many are uncomfortable at the sight of a precipice. Worry not, for I will be here on your outside."
It is never spoken. Never does the elf prince confront you, shame you, even state outright that you fear the cliffs crossed and hills scaled. Rather, he caught you by the waist whenever you slipped, the sweetest and most comforting of smiles given to you at your thanks. He organized all formations to keep you on the inside, and beyond that not a single one of them did not include Legolas himself at your side. Sometimes he would make conversation upon seeing your eyes drift toward the precipice, asking you to tell him of home or to look up instead to the stars. Quiet as he was he would ramble to you if you needed your focus drawn, voice anchoring you even in the most mundane of subjects like his interests in botany.
"I have seen the change in your eyes when we scale the hills." Looking up from your waterskin, your gaze links with Boromir's. "Are you frightened?" Heart stuttering, a fraction of your mind wonders if he is mocking you despite the sincerity in his voice. "Yes," you admit after the passing of several more heartbeats, "I fear the elevation." You must look as tense as you feel, for Boromir spreads his arms invitingly, openly. "And that is no shame! It is in our nature to avoid danger, is it not? At least if we're smart. Guess at least one of us in this group is." One corner of his mouth quirks up at that, and he reaches over to clap a hand over your shoulder. "Next time just reach out if you'd like a hand to hold. I have two to spare right here."
Unable to help the way your breath hitches when your neighbor's horse jostles your own mount, brushing you that much closer to the edge, you momentarily squeeze your eyes shut, ready to be perceived. You are not expecting it to be by who it is, though, as the voice rings out behind you. Gimli is taking his turn to share horses with you, as you had insisted to the rest you did not mind, and you feel his grip on your waist tighten ever so slightly as he speaks. "Not a fan of cliffs, ey lassie/laddie?" Well, you've been found out now. "No," you shake your head, and as you glance back at him he must catch the dismay in your eyes. "No need to look so sad! I certainly don't favor taking a tumble. Can't blame you at all." Your lips form a small 'o' at that. "I...I guess I thought people might laugh," you admitted. "Laugh? At something so...so... why, mundane? Sensible! Laugh and they'll go flying off themselves!"
"The cliff." Head snapping Frodo's way, you gave the hobbit a questioning look, urged him to continue. "You fear the cliffs, do you not?" Heart dropping, you just nodded. Would they send you away now that your weakness was spied? Speeding his steps to brush past the others, he approached you, shoulder brushing yours. Moving you closer to safety. "I understand. We certainly have nothing of the sort in the Shire," he lightly joked, but his eyes went serious as he looked up at you, "we are all afraid, I think. You have no cause for shame. You have all of us to keep you safe." "Thank you, Frodo," you smile, resting a hand on his shoulder, "thank you."
"Here, walk on the other side of me. There we go." Doing as Sam asked, you realized you had never told him of your fear. Perhaps the spikes of worry were simply that plain upon your face. "Was it that obvious?" You couldn't resist asking. "Oh, I beg your pardon, but I did see you flinch away from the edge there," Sam answered, tilting his head to peer into your eyes, "'s nothing to worry about, though. I don't fancy falling myself. I just wanted to make you more comfortable." The earnest of his words got to you, pouring warmth straight down your heart and moving you to throw your arms around him before you can stop yourself. The surprise caught you, but Sam's smile when you pull away tells you that once again you had nothing to worry about.
"Whoa, watch out!" Merry's call came just a moment too late as your foot slipped on a loose rock, your balance sliding out from under you and setting your heart pounding. The hobbit came and took your hand to right you, but panic still spiked through your chest down to your limbs. "You alright?" Light as the question was, it was clear by the intent shining in his green eyes that the hobbit was not letting you go until you could confidently say yes. Several heavy breaths later, you nodded. "It's ok," he breathed, "I've got you, alright?" Smiling faintly, you nodded, and Merry squeezed your hand. "In fact, I'll stay right by your side this whole way."
"What do you say?" Pippin spoke your name eagerly, waving an encouraging hand. "Want to climb the trees there for a bit? Might be some fruit for us if we get far enough." A small course of apprehension ran through you even at the thought, at the sight of the boughs and the majestic plant that seemed to tower over you. You shook your head. "No, thank you, you two go ahead." Far more enjoyment would come from simply watching him and Merry go. Pippin's brow furrowed at your refusal. "Not one for climbing?" "No," you admitted with another small shake of your head. "Well," he rested his hands firmly on his hips, "then I'm not going, either." "Oh, no, really I don't mind," you waved him off, "just because I'm scared doesn't mean-" "It's not that," Pippin insisted, eyes shining, "I'd rather be here with you."
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @joonies-word @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin | Reply/Ask/Message to join!
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Butterfly I
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a/n I'm clawing my way into this fandom since salt and pepper god took over my brain! Be gentle with me since it's my first time writing for this man! Happy reading! 🤍
summery: When Joel thinks that his life is over his little butterfly sends him a new reason to stay alive. The only problem is that he doesn't know how to love but when you are the meaning of love itself how can he not fall.
Part II can be found on my blog
World had ended twenty years ago for Joel. Even more so, he was sure that he had died alongside Sarah. If he had a chance, he would have gladly been buried by his little girl. He didn't have a reason to be alive. Well, there was Tommy, but at that moment even that didn't seem like enough to keep him going. The moment Joel failed to do his first and most important job—protect the ones he loved—changed him without a chance of going back.
The morals had to die soon as well, and Joel had learned it the hard way. He tried to fight and protect the innocent at first. To stupidly ensure that everyone had been taken care of in the same amounts. Well, that resulted in him getting beaten multiple times. He didn't fight it at first. The physical pain numbed the emotional scars. But then something snapped in him, and he longed for the first blow. Then the second. Third. With a realization that this was how his sorry life was going be for the rest of his pointless existence. To fear less, Joel needed to become someone people feared, and he did just that.
Until, after one of his deals, he ended up running into you. Completely by accident as he tried to get away from the people he just had business with. Joel bumped into you, knocking you to the ground and causing you to hit your head on the pavement. "Shit, fuck", the male kneeled beside you cursing. You just laid there, and for a split second, Joel was convinced that you had died, until you let out a growl as you moved your hand to gently touch your pounding head. He debated whether he should just leave you there or take you back to his place. The first option was less complicated and demanded fewer efforts from him, but when he saw your eyes as you tried to look around, seeking to find who had caused such a collision, that's when he knew he couldn't just walk away like that.
Then a smile crept onto your face, followed by a light chuckle, and something inside Joel twisted again. He hadn't heard the sound of laughter in years. "Dang, for a moment I saw white horses running around", you laughed out loud, covering your eyes with your hands. Even more, concern washed over Joel. Had you hit your head that hard? He couldn't afford to get you medication or even a doctor for that. So he did the next best thing - assisted you in getting up and walking you to his place.
Everything after that was made up of Joel trying to hurt you so you would leave him and go your way. He desperately wanted to push you out of his life because he was afraid to admit that Sarah would have loved you. That she would have been nagging him constantly to bring you around. Imagining how life would have been with you before the outbreak. How would it have felt to come home to you making dinner? Hearing you and Sarah laughing together. Joel knew—he knew without even needing to think about it much—that his daughter would have loved you. He wished she had had the opportunity to experience your motherly love. The effortless, endless love that poured from within you. And finally, have a truly normal family built on love.
After all, Joel was convinced that Sarah had sent you to him herself. As if it was her way of making sure, even from heaven, which Joel barely believed in, that her father lived. Not just used up air and wasted his days away but found something to live for. You angrily bandaged Joel's arm one evening after yet another deal had ended poorly, leaving the man with a nasty cut on his forearm. Well, if he could even call that anger. Joel doubted you had that emotion implanted in your brain. You had pushed up your sleeves, not wanting the ends of them to get damp as you moved back and forth between a bowl of warm water and a cloth to clean the blood off his skin. That was the first time Joel saw the ink on your body. A butterfly, and then another one just above the first one.
Joel thought he imagined it at first. He knew he must have looked like a lunatic to you when he gripped your left hand firmly before pushing the material of your sleeve even further up. Three butterflies. All inching further up and up. Butterflies. Sarah loved them; she was Joel's little butterfly. The butterfly that got crushed by the brutality of this world.
"Joel," you carefully mumbled as his fingers traced the tattoos. A flicker of what was behind the mask flashed in his eyes. You knew that he was a broken man. People talked, and even if half of what they were saying was true, it was a lot to go through. Especially alone. Especially after losing the main purpose of your world. "This… when did you get this?", his words came out harsh, as if you should have felt guilty, "Not long before the outbreak. It just…", you giggled to yourself, "Feels silly now that they symbolize growth, a new beginning, and shit". However, it didn't seem stupid to Joel even if he had yanked the cloth out of your hand, pushing you out of the bathroom. Emotions took control of him. He couldn't love you. Couldn't stand you. But the way you kept knocking at the door, concern in your voice as you pleaded with him to let you in, only proved what he already knew. You two had found someone to hold onto. As scary as it may sound.
When Ellie first met you, she couldn't believe that you two were even here and had somehow mutually agreed on something. It seemed impossible to her. You were the polar opposite in her eyes. From the moment in the hallway when Joel had yanked her against the wall, you had warned the male as you leaned over to the girl. Ellie backed away at first, but it's like you had a magical touch, and not even a blink later, she was clinging to you as if you were the last straw for her survival. Joel had only grumbled more at the sight of that. "Get your hands off her," he said, motioning with the gun for the girl to move away, but all you did was tilt your head to the side, giving him one of those looks. "Joel…" you warned him, before turning your attention to the girl, "I'm Y/N, and that's Joel. He's always grumpy. It comes with age, so don't pay too much attention to him." For a moment, Ellie got scared that the gun might now end up being pointed at you, but the male only tightened his jaw before lowering the weapon. And that didn't change when you crossed the wall. You were there talking with her, making sure that she was okay, ensuring that Ellie's desire to communicate was satisfied, while Joel just frowned.
"Here you are", Joel's voice brought you out of your thoughts, and you smiled at him softly. You had just made your way to the safe house. Days of traveling rubbed off on all of you, so you were more than happy to indulge in some peace. "Was wondering where you crept away", even if Joel was 99 percent sure that he was going to find you here once he didn't find you in the dining room. It only took one look outside to know you'd be on the patio. Curled up on the bench watching the sunset. Any time you came by Bill's and Frank's, you always spent your evenings there.
"Missed the view," you mumble, resting your chin on your knees, "Or maybe the fact that there is nothing to fear here." Joel moved to sit next to you. His own eyes admired the view. He stopped doing stuff like this. Before the outbreak, it was work, work, work to keep a roof over everyone's heads, bring food, and give Sarah the best life that she deserved. After… well, moments like this felt almost forbidden. Not to mention that letting your guard down could get you killed. "Come here," Joel said, nudging your shoulder and wrapping his arm around you. Interactions like that between the two of you were rear but not completely foreign. You two had shared the bed numerous times. Joel had offered you a warm embrace when he saw that the world was close to crushing you. But you had never talked about who you two were or if you were anything more than a bed warmer for one another. "You do know that I would do anything to protect you?", Joel spoke out under his breath, bringing you even closer to him. Your heart skipped a beat as you moved your palm to cup his jaw, leaving a couple of kisses there as you nodded.
"Do you think they were happy when they…", you couldn't bring yourself to finish your sentence as the lump in your throat grew bigger. Joel hummed, "They had each other. That's all Bill and Frank needed". You moved to rest your head on Joel's shoulder. Breathing in both the scent of him and the brisk evening breeze. "Do you ever dream about finding the love they had?", the question was silly, truly, and you knew it. You and your existential questions had pissed Joel off more than once, but for some reason, you never stopped asking them. And for some reason, even through gritted teeth, Joel always answered them. The silence fell between you two for a moment. Joel hesitated to give you an answer. The truth was that the ten years you'd spent by his side had been surreal for him. Even if he constantly pushed you away, no matter the arguments you two would have, he always came back to you. Always. And you never walked away. You were always there waiting for him, even when he quite literally told you to get lost. When you were apart, all Joel could think of, was you. Nothing else mattered. He didn't matter. It was you who swirled around his mind. "Well," the male trailed off, "I've already…" But the door on the patio shot open as Ellie walked out, still looking down at the drawing on the shirt you had found for her.
"Hey, did you know that wild berry soup smells like strawberries?", she beamed till her eyes fell on the two of you. Her face instantly shifted since she had never seen you two this close. Well, she assumed that you might be together, but since she didn't see any grown-up interactions being exchanged, she just pushed that thought to the side. "Shit man, you are together. I was talking shit about him to you," Ellie practically cried out as she raised her hands above her head, making you let out a laugh against Joel's shoulder. "We're not dating, bug", "She talked shite about me?" you and Joel said at the same time. The fact that he had gotten visibly offended by it made you let out another chuckle before you tapped his chest a couple of times.
"Girls have to stick together," you shrugged, and Ellie quickly gave Joel the middle finger. "Okay, enough, you two. Go insane, pick something for dinner, and I'll be right behind you," you said, throwing the blanket you had with at the girl, as ushered Ellie inside. You brushed your hand over Joel's chest as you walked towards the door. Joel's brain screamed at him to catch your hand. To make you stop so he could tell you the words he was meaning to say before Ellie walked in, but he didn't. Only tightening his jaw as his lips thinned into a tight line. He was a fool. A true fool who never truly learned to express himself. If only he could, maybe he would be able to call you his.
Joel's gaze immediately shifted to the window that peaked into the inside of the house once the sound of something falling echoed through the air. You and Ellie were on different sides of the island. The girl had one of those smirks that usually led nowhere good on her face. Then the sound of laughter shot through the space as you took off running to grab hold of whatever Ellie was holding in her hands. The girl squealed as you both ran in circles. "Give me the spaghetti hoops, you little thief!", you yelled, but that only made Ellie laugh more. "I'll tell Joel", you tried to threaten her, but she only let out a huff, "You wouldn't snitch", Ellie narrowed her eyes at you. You quickly hopped onto the island and slid to the other side, taking hold of both of Ellie's hands but losing your balance as you two tumbled to the ground. Joel practically ran inside at the sight of that, the worst scenarios already running wild. He couldn't let you get hurt. Neither of you could get hurt.
Joel rounded the corner, his heart already beating fast. And here you were. Ellie was nearly on top of you as you, as you two stared at each other, both still confused at what had just happened. And then there it was again. The laughter. The whole-hearted laughter drenched Joel's heart dry. Your arms wrapped around Ellie as she giggled away, pressing her cheek against your chest. Joel picked up the can of spaghetti hoops that had rolled off and were long forgotten. "Oh no, daddy is here, and he is mad," Ellie shrieked playfully, not lifting her head away from you. "Don't call me that shit," Joel warned her before slamming the can against the counter. He quickly turned around, running a hand over his face. Your expression clouded as well. Carefully, you helped Ellie stand up. Her eyes were looking at you as if she were silently asking if she had overstepped a boundary, but you just gave her a quick wink before pointing to the pot. In a couple of steps, you reached Joel as your hands ran down his back. His muscles tensed under your touch, but the moment you pressed a kiss in between his shoulder blades, Joel let out a sigh. "How about you take a shower while we heat up the food? Clear your mind and all that?", you continued to draw patterns on his skin. Joel didn't say anything as he stepped away from you and over to the stairs.
"Is he mad with me?", Ellie's voice made you turn to her. Her big eyes watched you as you shook your head. "He… well, Joel struggles with his emotions. He cares a lot, but that ends up overwhelming him, and then this happens," you said softly, Ellie nodded her head as if agreeing with you. You nudged her shoulder gently and asked, "Want to make the whole feast tonight? Get the canned sausages out." The shower was indeed all that Joel needed. The hot water took that extra weight of tension off his shoulders, and the fresh set of clothes made him feel like a new man. He was excellent at ignoring his basic needs, but with you, there was no need to worry about that because you always reminded him about all the little things. Things to made him feel better.
Ellie was delivering joke after joke while you all ate. Her energy was surprisingly high, considering that the last couple of days had been rough. "I'm telling you, he just knows all the jokes", she grumbled when Joel hit the right answer to her fifth joke, defeating the purpose of her performance. Joel's hand had slipped under the table, casually resting on your thigh, and you occasionally gave it a little squeeze as if to ensure him that you were here with him. "Okay, can I try?", you weren't much of a jokester, but everyone knew a joke or two. Ellie nodded her head eagerly. You cleared your throat, "What do you call a fish with a bow tie?" You questioned the two of them, trying not to break into a smile. Ellie shrugged her shoulders. "SoFISHticated," Ellie just gaped at you, but Joel snorted under his breath. Your eyes fall on him in an instant. He shook his head, trying to keep the smile off his face. "You laughed, you fucker," Ellie said, pointing her fork at Joel. "I didn't," Joel argued back, "Yes, you fucking did. Y/N tell him", "Yeah, Joel, I consider that a laugh", you moved your hand to gently rub the back of his neck, and his eyes met yours. He got lost in the depths of them just a bit before another laugh escaped his lips. You bit your lip as you watched him, realizing how much you had missed the sound of that. Since the only time you heard it was when the two of you got shitface drunk, and he fell while trying to take his pants off.
"You can fucking laugh. Dude, you're normal," Ellie beamed, watching Joel chuckle. "Eat your noodles before I take them away," Joel warned, reaching over and scooping some of the spaghetti hoops from Ellie's plate, making her protest straight away. She leaned across the table to do the same, but Joel brushes her spoon away easily. "No playing with the food, you two," you gently warn them, even though you enjoyed watching them interact, especially Joel letting her in. They instantly settle back down, even if they continue to watch one another from the corner of their eyes.
Yeah, this was the closest to home that Joel had gotten in over twenty years. Now all he needed to do was own up to his feelings. Admit to himself that the scary feelings won't disappear. But he was going to be equally scared with you or without your officially being a part of his life. And he had promised Sarah, his little butterfly, that he wasn't going to let this go to waste. And that the three butterflies on your hand were possibly you, Joel, and Ellie; that you were all fated to meet. Maybe you two were sent here to change his life. Teach Joel how to fly again.
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Hear me out- the steve is confused by eddies references bingo, but its because eddie is wrong. I think people forget Steve knows star wars (as evident by the harrington/ henderson handshake), and I think it would be a cool subversion of the trope. I think Steve would know a lot and eddie would not be expecting Sports Star Harrington of all people to check him on his shit, so steve being confused when he gets something wrong that seems "glaringly obvious" but is actually some niche nerd trivia would be funny.
It was Steve, Robin, Eddie, and Dustin hanging out in the backroom of Family Video. It was nearing the end of Robin and Steve's shifts on a Wednesday, their slowest day. So they were hiding out here until the clock ran out. Steve was once again defending the ewoks as necessary to the narrative of Return of the Jedi. Eddie was an ewok-hater. Dustin was on the fence. Robin was of no opinion.
Switching gears, Steve decided to voice something else.
"You know what I don't get? Why is it that Obi-wan never considered that Leia could be a jedi?"
Eddie raised a brow. "Why would Obi-wan think for a second that Leia could be a jedi?"
"Why not?", Robin raised a brow. She didn't have a single horse in the race but was ever an instigator.
Eddie held his hands up. "I'm all for ra-ra feminism, that ain't the issue here."
"Then what is?", Steve asked. "Why can't Leia be just as good of a jedi as Luke? And why was it like Obi-wan just...it was like it never even occurred to him."
"Well why would it?", Dustin asked. "Luke's the hero, so of course it's his job to be the jedi and save the galaxy. Leia is just the chick. No offense Robin."
"Um, all offense taken", Robin tossed a Raisinet at him.
"I'd like Stevie here to explain his position", Eddie gestured a hand to Steve.
"So like, Obi-wan knew who Luke's father was, right?", Steve started. "That means this whole time, he must've known that Leia was his sister. Like literally from the beginning when this princess is sending him a message. So why is it that when he and Yoda are having their whole talk when Luke goes to save them he's like 'Luke is our only hope' and Yoda has to remind him there's another? Obi-wan should've already known Leia was related to Luke and thus Vader and that she could be the galaxy's hope too."
Dustin's jaw went to the floor. "Did you just-"
"Robin, Dustin, you need to leave the room", Eddie said, unbuckling his pants.
Steddie bingo under the cut
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
Nightmares were no stranger in the GoldenHeart household. Even if the Institute was gone, and with it the Director's influence, that didn't keep all three people from sometimes jerking awake after their dreams showed them their deepest fears. Ambrosius was haunted by visions of his lover lying in a pool of blood, arm nothing but a stump, while he's helpless to save him. Ballister is plagued by visions of the Queen's death, always left wondering if he could have saved her.
Nimona's nightmares consisted of Gloreth. It would start off happy, with her carrying an elated Gloreth on her back as a horse. Napping amongst the foliage and exploring the forest with her. Then, it would shift. Much like her.
"No, Gloreth, wait!"
"I'm not a monster, I promise!"
No matter what she pleaded, the dreams were always the same. A sword pointed at her heart. A gaze that bled uncertainty, ignorance, distrust…
"Go back to the shadows from whence you came." With that declaration, pain. Blinding, burning pain. Then…nothing. A vast expanse of nothing that left Nimona feeling hollow. Like someone had scraped out her insides with an ice cream scoop.
"DAAAAAD!" The scream jolted Ballister and Ambrosius from a rare bout of restful sleep. Fast little footsteps thundered down the hall and both men jumped up. Bal ran to the door, throwing it open. There, standing in the hall, was a frantic and very confused…
"Nimona?" Bal inquired. He looked…younger. Smaller, with longer hair that was a darker red than usual. Big pink eyes looked up at him,and tears began to spill over as Nimona let out a wail. Ballister had her in his arm before he could think. He turned to Ambrosius, who stood in the doorway shocked.
"Grab my arm, Bambi." Ambrosius reached for him, before remembering what he meant and running back into the bedroom. Bal sighed, turning back to the panicked child in his grasp. Nimona clung to his nightshirt, hiccuping and sobbing.
"I'm not a monster, Daddy, I'm not!" She wailed. Ambrosius returned, helping Bal put on his arm. He stood, scooping Nimona up. As he cradled her to his chest, Ballister pressed their foreheads together.
"I know, Mona. I know. You're not a monster. I know, it's ok. You're ok." She threw her arms around his neck, still sobbing. Ambrosius came closer, petting her hair.
"It's ok, sweetheart." He murmured. "They're the monsters, for sending you away. What happened is not your fault, ok?" She peeked up at him from her hiding place in Ballister's shoulder, sniffling. Ambrosius wiped her tears with a smile. The trio migrated into Bal and Ambrosius' room, and the former sat legs crossed on the bed. He cradled Nimona close, letting her cry into his shirt. Finally, she seemed spent, and went limp against his chest. 
Ballister gently kissed the child's cheek, humming softly as he rocked. Nimona cuddled into his chest, sighing. Bal hummed sympathetically.
"Bad dreams, kiddo? That's no fun." Nimona shook her head with a sniffle. Ambrosius sat beside Ballister and brushed a strand of hair from Nimona's face. With a deep sigh, he guided his boyfriend to lay back down on the bed. The pair curled around Nimona, both holding her and soothing her whimpers with soft reassurances. Eventually, she fell asleep, and the tiny child was replaced by a stockier teen with a far more shaved hairstyle. The scared furrow of her brow remained, even in sleep. Ballister and Ambrosius made eye contact, and the blonde smirked.
"Dad, huh?" Ballister let out a breathless laugh.
"Not a word to her about this tomorrow, Ambrosius." He ordered, albeit quietly. Chuckling, Ambrosius leaned in and kissed his boyfriend. They snuggled into the soft pillows, soon following Nimona into a peaceful sleep. All the rest of that night, no nightmares plagued the GoldenHeart household. And if there were, they'd face all of them together.
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simpingland · 9 months
SO HAPPY YOU'RE BACK!!! Something that's been plaguing my mind is harwin x male!targ!reader (viserys and daemon's younger brother)
Maybe some headcanons for these two? With some smutty smut with harwin on the receiving end of it please?👉🏻👈🏻
Maybe even them doing the deed on nana vhagar's back...
- 🐉
Harwin Strong being your secret lover- headcannons. // Male!reader.
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A/N: NSFW, kind of short. You find out who's the buttom, hihi. Btw! I have missed you 🐉, there will be a 3rd part of Zālagon and Vaghar👀
Being a little younger than Harwin and let him use that excuse to watch your back all day.
Make up any excuse to keep your brother Viserys from sending you out of the capital. You could have arduous tasks like listening to the king's dull council meetings, the endless petitions of the people, or the repetitive visits of other lords to the court. It was all worth it when you turned your eyes to the corner where Harwin stood, and back he looked at you.
You met him the first time his father Lyonel brought him to the castle to take his place at court. You were still a teenager when he dismounted his horse with his charming smile. He took no notice of you, but you wandered the castle, hoping to catch even a glimpse of him.
It didn't take him long to challenge your brother Daemon's prowess. And out of respect, he let him win, but it hurt Daemon's ego quite a bit and cut a wound on his hand out of anger.
You offered to heal his cut, and there he finally saw you.
Sitting inside the armoury, in the dim light from the window, you heard him speak in his deep, gravelly voice.
"You are a gentle man."
Those words made you blush, and his look of affection brought a smile so genuine that it changed something in Harwin's heart.
He stopped to talk to you at every crossroads where he met you. He didn't care if he was accompanied by anyone or if you were accompanied.
The shame drained from you, and though your heart throbbed hard at the sight of him, it was routine to make him smile, to treat his wounds, and to let him speak tender words to you.
He taught you how to handle a sword.
You taught him to speak to a dragon.
Viserys was totally blind to your love for him, so any excuse to be with him seemed harmless, pure brotherhood, and he liked knowing you wanted to learn from a great knight like Harwin.
Daemon was fully aware of your love for him, so any excuse to be with him seemed like fun. It brought out your Targaryen side and he helped you create situations to end up alone with Harwin.
Ser Lyonel was aware as soon as he saw the two of you together. Never before had he seen his eldest son so happy with another... friend.
Larys was the first to tell Harwin. He heard the rumours of your pining for the knight, and in an attempt to separate you, he sought to make him uncomfortable, telling him of the times you'd wandered the castle in search of him, the times you'd mentioned your love to Daemon or...the times the maids had changed your sheets because you'd spent the night thinking of him, whispering his name.
Nothing and at the same time everything changed for Harwin. He became more aware of you if that was even possible.
It was he who kissed you first. In the same place where you had healed his wound the first time he came across you.
He couldn't go a day without giving you a kiss since then.
He loves the back of your neck, where he always has easy access during training.
You kissed his chin, where you can reach him most easily, and watch from there as he blushes, trying to hold back the urge to lower his face to kiss you one more time.
You had to show him the secret way to your room.
He learned it on the third try.
You had to rescue him the first and second time you agreed to meet.
Those two times, you almost slept in the recesses of the castle, for there was so little sense of privacy that you could not tear yourselves away from each other.
The smell of your bed always cheered the Bonebreaker's heart.
You preferred the smell of his sweat, so masculine and warm.
Everyone watched from the sidelines as the two of you sparred in training, the great Harwin against the gentlest of the Targaryen brothers. In private, there were never weapons, only affection and caresses.
Harwin would let you braid his hair in little disguised plaits.
He'd deposit hickeys on your neck, knowing you were used to wearing collars and shirts.
His attempt at Valyrian made you laugh.
Your attempt with the sword made him laugh.
Watching him fight someone, with those grunts and the little smile of victory made you burn inside, you felt yourself grow and you couldn't wait to have him all to yourself again.
When you spoke to your dragon Vhagar, with that deep Valyrian tone, your calmness and control in the face of that huge creature and soaring through the air always made Harwin sweat. More than once, he had cornered you in the Dragon Pit itself to kiss you in the darkness of the cave.
He loved to stroke your silver hair when he had you on his knees. Your pleasure as you sucked his cock also came from his caresses and moans.
His back looked like a map of star-spangled muscles when he lay in bed as he let you make him yours at night.
When he asked you to sit on his face, he never joked. And you soon learned that it was never a joke.
When he was feeling especially brave, Harwin would agree to fly with you over Vaghar.
Never at high altitude, the dragon would take you far away, and right there, you would let the adrenaline and freedom take you both away. Standing behind you, Harwin would slip his hand down your trousers, his bare hand, big and strong, stroking you until you shivered, resting you on his chest as you cum.
Then, in bed, you would return the favour, letting him enter you so you could feel him inside, and he would release all the pleasure your tightness gave him.
Sleeping on his chest was better than any cotton and silk pillow.
You would never be king or heir.
He would never be a great lord or a great advisor.
And neither of you ever needed anything else. You had enough of the secret corridor leading to your room.
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Pairings: Stableboy!Eddie x Princess!Fem Summary: you suddenly feel the urge to go for a horse ride one day, and every day after that, you don't only go visit the horses, but the cute stableboy there too.. Warnings: none i don't think
A/N - this is going to be a mini series of fics, and blurbs and HCs of Princess!fem x stableboy!Eddie and events of what happens with them.
FEEL FREE to send ideas or requests for something you think or want to happen to them!
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looking at all of the horses, you smiled
you hadn't gone for a ride in years but all of a sudden, when you had woke up in the early morning, you had the feeling that you wanted to go.
so here you were, wandering the stable as the clock struck noon.
you stroked the horses when they leaned into your touch.
you giggled as you spoke to them, greeting them with little hellos before a loud thud interrupted your thoughts, making you slightly jump and let out a squeal of surprise.
you turned around to see the noise and frowned when a boy- young man stood in front of you sheepishly blushing
"I apologise, your Highness, I didn't know you were here" he gulped, looking over at you with wide eyes as he bowed down.
"It's alright, you just gave me a little fright is all" you smiled politely "I was just coming here to see if i could take a ride today?"
he stood up straight and stared at you, not knowing what to say.
his hair was messy as it flowed down just above his shoulders, seeming to be unkept and slightly...dirty, his cheek smudged with a mark of dirt as he raised his eyebrows
"there's no need for permission, your highness" he shook his head
"right, well, would you mind..." you blinked, motioning to the horse that you situated yourself in front of.
you didn't know entirely what you were asking from him, but the way he was looking at you made you want more.
he raised his eyebrows and nodded vigorously before walking past you, opening the gate and setting the horse up, putting the saddle on its back and looking over at you with a small shy smile before leading it out of the stable.
you walked over to his side and stared at him, his figure slightly slouched as he pat the horse.
he was dressed in a plain, cream linen button-up shirt, with a few stains. black pants with suspenders, and brown boots with scratches and small holes, clearly worn out.
you put your foot on the saddle and grabbed onto it to as you got ready to jump on.
as you hopped on with a little struggle, but just as you were about to fall, the boy caught you, holding you by your hips, helping you to situate yourself on the horse properly
"thank you" you nodded to him with a smile as you looked down at him
he beamed up at you before walking you and the horse out before you stopped him
"would you... would you like to accompany me?" you asked
he stared at you wide eyed, the deep pools of dark chocolate piercing into yours.
"excuse me, your highness?" he raised his eyebrows, surprised by your question
"would you like to come along" you rephrased
"a- am i allowed to?" he stuttered
"even if you're not, who are you to refuse?" you tilted your head with a smirk, watching him as he looked down nervously
"I feel like a fool for only asking you this now but.. what should I call you?" you wondered as you rode the horse calmly around the garden, you had been riding in silence for what seems like forever now, but the urge to speak to the young man increases as he seems to get more nervous.
you don't want him to be, he shouldn't have to be.
"my name's Eddie..." he responded as he rode next to you, avoiding eye contact with you
being the princess in such a Kingdom didn't really allow you to have friends, there wasn't many options when it came to friends, as most people in the Kingdom weren't in the right class to even go near you unless coming for monthly requests held at the hall.
and the people that could be your friends, used you or didn't even dare.
you were alone most of the time, finding comfort in the ladies and maids that you had grown up with. but when they weren't an choice, you opted for books.
"how old are you..if you don't mind me asking?" you said curiously, wanting to get to know him a little bit. just to know you could have somebody to talk to.
"17.." he replied softly, looking down at the rose bushes planted on the garden floor.
"and you work in the stables?"
he nodded his head "yeah..."
as you look back to the castle, you notice how far away you are.
"would you like to maybe take a break? we could sit over by that tree?" you pointed by the large Willow tree coming up
"if that's what you would like, your highness" he nodded
"thank you for coming along with me.." you mumbled as you sat under the tree.
you let your fingers run through the blades of grass, feeling the dirt against your hand.
you're not really allowed to experience stuff like this having been told by your parents, the King and Queen "it's not princess nor lady like"
but sometimes all you wanted was to experience something that felt natural, something freeing from all the tiring duties and strict rules on how you need to act and behave.
"there's no need to thank me, your Highness" he shook his head with a slight breathy chuckle.
"you don't have to say 'your highness' after everything" you giggled, tucking a stray hair behind your ear as you let go of the grass, now playing with the hem of your dress
"sorry" he muttered, leaning against the trunk of the tree
You ooked over at him and watched as he played with his fingers, pulling at them and bending them.
"Eddie..could we maybe be.. well could we possibly be..Friends?" you sighed, feeling foolish for having to ask
"are we allowed to be?" he wondered, a frown falling onto his face as he finally looking over at you
"no one said we can't" you shrugged, looking at him, probably looking desperate
he looked as though he was in thought for a moment before you spoke again
"you do not have to be my friend if you don't want to be" you huffed impatiently, feeling the rejection coming
"N-no, I- I would love to be friends with you, Your Highness"
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mywitchcultblr · 3 months
I find it amusing how some anonymous users call you a hater and a child throwing a tantrum (as if sending hateful messages wasn't). How can they be so blind to this?
The DLC writing is dogshit at best, and I am being generous. FromSoftware not only butchered Miquella's character but other things too. What happened to him wanting to cure his and Malenia's curse? There's no mention of that. The Haligtree—supposedly a home for the shunned and mistreated? Nothing. Granting Godwyn a true death? Nada. The Eclipse? Pfff. The Outer gods and the unalloyed gold? What about him being Torrent's former master? (As the promotional art implied) And the steed choosing the Tarnished? If I recall correctly, wasn't Torrent meant to pick lords? So this means Miquella trusted Torrent enough to let it choose him a consort, yet our role there is practically non-existent. Besides that, as far as I'm concerned, for one to become a god, one must be in contact with the Elden Ring, such as Ranni did, yet we don't see that in the DLC. And the thing that bugs me the most is Miquella abandoning parts of himself, like his love. Like, yeah, "Age of Compassion," but there's something you need for that and it is, y'know, love??? Where's the sense in that? Wasn't the whole point of him become a god and fix Marika's mess in the Lands Between? Not following her steps.
I'm not even going to mention Radahn because his presence here is as irrelevant as in the game.
THANK YOU ANON! Finally someone with sense! People who are saying "Oh you are just angry because the DLC doesnt confirm your headacanon or expectation." The expectation exist because of hints and lore that already exist in the base game, of course you will want to see the big pay off in Shadow. Imagine if you are Dr. Who fan and seeing 13th Doctor turned into a weeping angel but then in the next episode it doesn't go anywhere and she's immediately fine again
I will list others things that aggravate me about SOTE
The battle between Malenia and Radahn: In the base game, their battle is implied to be over runes, and because he was halting the stars and thus Miquella's fate. Malenia invaded Caelid to get Radahn's rune and solving the halted fate business, while general boi also wanting to accumulate more power so he can be Elden Lord with taking hers. Simple but effective.
But now its over a marriage with Miquella?
While it made sense for him to ally with the Haligtree so Radahn can get into the fast track of becoming Elden Lord through marrying Miquella, there's 0 build up anywhere in the base that will led us to believe Radahn even got to do anything with Miquella.
Also while he is a warmonger and certainly not a good person (I dont care what chuds on reddit said, just because a guy likes his horse that doesnt make him nice, I don't even hate Radahn or anything) he genuinely cares about HIS OWN HOLDING.
Now from what I gather from the DLC, he will agree to become Miquella's consort if he got an epic battle first. So now the motivation for Malenia vs Radahn iconic battle is... It was a deadly sparring ritual before the groom settle down? Radahn can you at least do it in a neutral zone so this battle wont destroy your OWN LAND?! There's no way Radahn didn't know that sparring with Malenia could endanger Caelid, especially with the fact that she has ROT. Radahn might be a brute archetype but he's not stupid, yet this DLC made him looks like an absolute oaf who doesn't care about whatever Caelid will survive or not...
2. Mohg: I always thought he will return, he gives me the vibe of a villain who say "I'll be back!" and I thought there's no way the Formless Mother will allow her champion to die just like that. Yeah he's back but in the worst way possible that will make his fans despairing and his haters say "I hate Mohg but he didn't deserve this."
His arc in the base is good, it is conclusive and it made sense.
A guy who was born hated, abused, and shunned by his own mother decided to say FUCK IT and created his own order, cavorting with an Outer God, committed heresy left and right, then kidnapped his half brother so he can force/convince/manipulate/doing blood ritual whatever so Miquella will make him a consort. Then the Tarnished ruined his plan, killed him. It was a well-rounded arc. Its good enough. I always admired his tenacity to give a middle finger to his family. But now? This weird over engineered brainwashing-kidnapping thing undermined the authority of both Mohg and the Formless Mother. Did she even care about Mohg? Why the Formless Mother didn't try to stop Miquella or at least warned Mohg about it?
And what the fuck Mohg is actually doing down there? What was his plan to elevate his order and replace Marika's? How he will do it if he never wanted to become Miquella's consort? With his drip alone? Maybe there are things that I missed about Mohg's plan in the DLC?? But this DLC narrative now undermined his arc and the Formless Mother.
3. Mesmer: While he is still intriguing and judging from youtube (No i havent reach him personally, because you know I'm busy but I spoiled myself, I always do for something as big as BG3 or Souls) I thought he would play a bigger role in Shadow, but not really? He's kinda overshadowed by Radahn who is not supposed to be there
Also Rellana's existence sounds like a sitcom level plot twist? Its kinda funny LMAO "Oh you think Renalla's boss fight sucks and you think she is weak? HERE WE HAVE HER TWIN SISTER RELLANA! ITS THE UPGRADED VERSION OF CARIA 1.0!" (I do like the expansion and exploration of the Carian's family tho)
4. "What about him being Torrent's former master? (As the promotional art implied) And the steed choosing the Tarnished? If I recall correctly, wasn't Torrent meant to pick lords? So this means Miquella trusted Torrent enough to let it choose him a consort, yet our role there is practically non-existent." : THIS YOU ARE SO RIGHT ANON, Torrent chose the Tarnished and Miquella asked Ranni to give the spirit calling bell to whoever Torrent chose. THAT'S MEAN THE TARNISHED ALREADY HAS A CONNECTION WITH MIQUELLA, I'm willing to bet over my right arm, this Promised Lord that Miquella/Malenia mentioned is either supposed to be Godwyn or THE TARNISHED THEMSELVES!
Look Miquella need a lord strong enough to back his claim and help him to change the world right? Why insisting on chasing after Radahn (that never mentioned to have any connection or alliance with Miquella) WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE GUY WHO DEFEATED RADAHN AND MALENIA THEMSELVES! The Tarnished is already strong enough to challenge MOTHER FUCKING GODFREY and won! It make 0 sense for us not able to become his consort. What do you mean you can make the dream of a guy who is literally called THE DUNG EATER came true and subjugated everyone into a world of pain because shit eater is an edgelord who thinks omens and their suffering are totally cool, but not MIQUELLA'S? Its so bullshit. In the grand scheme of things, Dung Eater is as relevant as a random Tibia Mariner.
I'm still hoping we can see Miquella's ending, I hope its gonna be added. I saw someone mentioned that there's actually Miquella's ending but not implemented? I hope it can be added and at least some aspect of the missing story/plothole fixed, because Elden Ring 1.0 was quite different than what we have now...
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This guy on reddit also echoed my statement
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5. Godwyn: I don't care what some people said "Oh Godwyn is not supposed to be there, its just your headcanon." Brother... This DLC is about Miquella and Mesmer (even though sadly Mesmer's role seems to be diminished :/) there's should be any mention about Godwyn because Miquella and Malenia loves him very much.
There's a statue of them hugging each other, and if I'm not mistaken there were people who data mined and found tidbits about Miquella trying to resurrect him and there's stuff about Miquella giving up his throne
Show us Miquella failed to resurrect Godwyn, show dont tell! (so it wont impact Fia's ending) or please give us a mentions about him by Miquella, or knights who used to serve pre-dead and rotting Godwyn appearing in Lands of Shadow, something, anything! its like his own family, doesn't give a fuck to solve the problem that his rotting body caused.
6. The gloam eyed queen and Melina: I thought GEQ will be mentioned, since this DLC also delved into Marika's past, I mean GEQ was her rival and she's nearly becoming THE God instead of Marika. But eh nothing about her or Melina :/ Tho I do like tidbits about Marika's past and her village
There's other things... But eh I'm tired of typing lol. I do enjoy Elden Ring, I really do, and I had such a high expectation for SOTE :/ so yeah I became loud about my disappointment because I'm invested
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