#I didn't feel like going digging atm
What do you think of the theory that Sophie’s dad is actually a human? I think it fits the bill in regards to “shaking up the foundation of the elf world,” as said by Forkle. It would also make sense because of her brown eyes (although that could also just be from the alicorn) and I can’t remember if Forkle said Sophie’s parents weren’t human, but Forkle has been proven to be a sneaky little guy so he could just be lying. I think it would be quite interesting from a narrative perspective.
I've spoken to this theory before! I don't know where the post is, but my general consensus: I do think it makes a fair amount of sense, though there are some holes that make me lean more towards a no.
It would 100% shake the foundation of their world, make them question the "purity" of their species, their separation from humans, whether they truly are as different (read: superior) as they like to claim. Sophie would be the very first human-elf mix (as the story intends, anyway, though I'd argue that realistically she wouldn't be), a living bridge between worlds that shouldn't exist in their society. A black swan of sorts
However, Forkle did say that she was "100% elf" in Exile when he revealed he'd modeled her DNA off alicorn DNA. So if we believe him, then her father's an elf. But! Like you said, he's a sneaky little guy, so it's possible he lied to her about that since he was specifically trying to tell her she was not part alicorn. I feel like he's usually more of a lie of omission kinda person and not an outright lie person though.
Plus, that would make Sophie the subject of even more scrutiny, judgment, and conversation than she already is; I'm not sure the Black Swan would willingly subject her to that. They've generally tried to make her life as easy as possible, and this would Not Do That. However, there are things they do even though they'll make her life difficult because they find them necessary (multiple abilities, enhanced abilities, living with humans) so it could still be possible. But I don't know what she'd gain by being born of elf and humans that she wouldn't get from being an elf raised by humans. The different perspective and ties to humanity exist in her as an elf now, how would the human/elf mix add anything, especially when she's unaware of it?
I do think it would be incredibly interesting story wise to have a human/elf Sophie, but I think it might be too complex given the time we have left, especially since it doesn't add much more to Sophie's purpose and journey for the effort that would take. She's already got her tie to humans--maybe she'd feel better about it knowing her genetic ties, but we don't have the chance to really explore what this could mean because the story is focused on so many other more pressing things.
Essentially: fits some things, not others, and while rich in potential, I don't think the story has time to live up to that potential, so I don't think it'll happen. Would be fine being proven wrong though!
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phenomenalgirl9 · 1 year
Jungkook x Reader: Lost You
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Summary: You've always been in love with him, but today you were done waiting for him, to see you, to understand you. You were finally done with Jeon Jungkook.
Wc: 1.9k
A/n: I tried something new idk how it is. I'm almost nervous to post it. But who cares 😶‍🌫️. Anyway Chan and Jimin were spotted in a restaurant in comfy clothes and I'm digging that!
⚠️: Its kinda sad (?!), Jungkook is a douche bag, a little suggestive.
You kept calling him but no use, his phone was switched off. He should have been here 3 hours ago. You hoped, he was in a business meeting as he told you when you asked him to come home by 6 and he said he'd be home by 7 as he had a meeting. 
You still remember the first day you met him, back when you were both 10 in one of your dad's fancy parties. "His father is important to the company, they are new in town, go play with him and be friends. Ok, Y/n?" Your mother had told you with a sweet smile on her face as you nodded. And the rest was history. Considering your circle mostly considered if the children of the other directors and business partners he fit in with all of you well. 
15 more minutes passed, and you could only worry more, you walked to the kitchen to get some water and placed your phone and whatever you had in your hand on the counter and get a glass of water, mid way of drinking it you heard the sound of your door open and close and you rushed to see. 
"Jungkook?" You called out his name and he looked at you wide eyes like a doe caught in headlights, an expression floated on his face which looked like remembrance. 
"You were with her weren't you?" The question flew from your mouth before you could filter it and you found that look filled with guilt on his face. You scoffed and folded your hands and started to walk off to your shared room when he said. 
"Why are you like this? She needed me okay!" Jungkook said. "What about me Jungkook? I, your girlfriend, needed you! And you went off with Minji" you said in frustration. "Don't say as if I was sleeping with her. She's still my good friend" he argued and you walked to the kitchen to grab your belongings and stepped inside the room he and you shared. 
You slid down to the ground as you closed the door. You still remember that day she walked into your life, Seo Minji. 
It was when you were 15. 
"Hey, isn't that the new kid?" Mingyu asked and you nodded. "Aw she's sitting alone" Jihyo said frowning, "Y/n go invite her here" Chan said, elbowing you. "Why me?" You asked, not like you were opposed to this aspect but you were simply curious. "You're good at this. I'm saying from experience" Jungkook said flashing his bunny smile, the smile that made your heart skip a beat, you would have done anything for that smile.
And you did, you invited Minji to your table, soon you found out her father actually worked for your father. "I feel strange sitting among you guys,I don't think I fit in" she said shyly. "Bullshit, we're all people" you daid ensuring her, "Yeah, there's nothing much different between you and us, welcome to our group" Jungkook said, flashing that sane smile at here.
It was truly where it all had started, Minji trying to get the boys in her clutches. She thought you and Jihyo didn't notice her accidental touches or her kawai and weak acts in front of them. While Chan could see through them, Mingyu and Jungkook never did. 
"Why didn't you two speak up when we were trying to get Mr Kim to invite Minji to the party?" Jungkook asked and Mingyu shook his head. You tightened your fist as Chan held it to ease you up. "She'd feel out of place," Jihyo tried to reason. The truth is you didn't want her to engage further with your circle. She already got Jungkook and Migyu to get her everything she might want. You watched as she used those two as her personal atm, a bat of her eyelashes and she had the 
"Gucci bag she wanted but couldn't get as she had to buy her grandmother's medicine" 
"Prada shoes cause she was sad her (nonexistent) fish died" 
You three tried to show them the real deal, but they refused as Minji never asked, they were willing to give her because she "deserved to be happy too". 
You smiled at yourself as you heard a knock on the door. "Babe, seriously why are you angry? I swear nothing happened, we just talked, Mingyu has been ignoring Minji and she felt alone, so she just needed someone to talk to and have a glass of wine with" He said. This always happened, One call and Jungkook would go running to her. 
You remember when you were 18, and your father and Jungkook's father declared that you and Jungkook would be engaged. You couldn't help your smile, you would be wed to your best friend to the person you fell for all those years ago. You were happy that now you could help him see reason, help him come out of Minji's clutches. But one look at his face, and you felt all your feelings drain away, his face was filled with disdain and he walked away. He didn't even consider that you could be the one for him for once. Did you expect something else? Did you expect he'll come happily to you and agree to this, you idiot. 
But, how could you? You lived to look into his doe eyes that shone bright, not for you, for Minji. You lived for that toothy smile that went brighter when Minji was there. No, they never were in a relationship, rather she never came into a relationship with either Jungkook or Mingyu. 
You still remember that day when you were 21, you had just graduated and were at your father's (soon to be yours) office working on some designs about a deal with your assitant Jimin and your now business associates Bangchan and Jungkook. No you two still spoke, you all were still friends and he acted like that evening never occured like he never broke your heart and crushed it into pieces. You remember Mingyu rushing into your cabin and hugging you tightly cheering "She said yes! She said yes! Minji said yes". You were stunned for a moment, you all were. "To what?" Chan managed to ask the man who was happy beyond bounds. "To marry me!" He said, "I'll go home, I just came to tell as I knew most of you are here, I've texted Jihyo, now I gotta tell my parents!" He said with his bright smile. "Congratulations" Jimin said to the departing man, who screamed a "thank you". All of your eyes shifted to Jungkook, his face motionless, teeth gritted, his fist so tight that his knuckles were turning white, a single tear left his eye. You shouldn't but you felt like your heart ached seeing him and you realised how down bad you were still for Jeon Jungkook. "Can you guys complete the rest without me? I'll just sign it" he asked. "Yeah, sure" you said and he walked away. The next day Jihyo had called you and told you, "of course she's marrying Mingyu, he's the heir, the elder child, Jungkook is second to his brother. How is he holding up?" You gave the exact words that you told Chan earlier that day "i don't know". The truth being, he never even read your texts, you didn't have the courage to meet him. 
You sighed at the banging sound from across the door. "If you need something tell me, if not please go to the other room". "Can you open the door once Y/n please. Please" he pleaded "Go away Jungkook please" you said, you wished you had said that to him that day two years ago. 3 days after Mingyu's proposal to Minji, you found Jungkook at your door, "can I come in" he had asked you in a broken voice. Your heart broke with his, you couldn't bear to see him like that. He came in to hug you, and you patted your head. 
"She loves him, I have to accept that. I don't know how you do it Y/n" he said, and your eyes went wide, tears stung them. "How do you even bear to look at my face much less comfort me after all I've done. How do you look beyond your feelings?" He asked. "Since when have you known?" You asked. "Since 3 days ago, when I saw the hurt in your eyes and realised how you have always been there." He said holding onto your cheek. Your brain told you to pull away, to push him away, to throw him out of the room, when his face inched closer to yours. You knew what he's doing, yet you didn't pay heed to the voice in your head. You focused on the doe eyes that looked into yours deep. Those arms that slid around your waist and pulled you close. You chose to focus on those lips that were attached to yours. You had thought, maybe this time he chose you, maybe this is it for you two. And it was, for the next few months. 
Jungkook and you walked hand in hand and stood beside Jimin and Chan along with Jihyo, on Mingyu and Minji's wedding day. Gyuji marriage was the talk of the town and things were finally looking up. Until 3 months into the wedding and you all were in the same party and seemingly Jungkook and Minji caught up, "you are still my best friend" Minji had told him, you tried your best not to drain a flute of wine on her. You didn't really mind much, ge did come back to you. He did love you. Things weren't so bad a few missed dates were seen and apologized and managed up until he missed your 2nd anniversary date and then your birthday. Once because Minji was sick and Mingyu was out of town and other because he mixed up the date after he had drunk a lot the day before with Minji and got absorbed at work.
But today was your last straw, you were done waiting around for him. You were done waiting for him to see you beneath Minji's shadow. You were done crying for him. You were done with him. So you texted Chan and Jimin, asking if their spare room was empty and if you could crash for sometime. Hence, you packed a small bag, took your phone and wallet and left the apartment. "Y/n! Y/n no. Please don't leave me over this. I'll be more attentive and careful. Y/n please." He pleaded. You might have stopped if this would have been any other day, but not today. Cause today you were done with Jeon Jungkook and the bullshit that comes with him.
You don't stop, he lost you. He really lost you. He walks into the room you used to share. He found a book on the floor near the bed and a white and blue strip inside it. Jungkook was familiar with this strip or well, device, his eyes shifted to the words that were written on the little screen, 'positive'. "FUCK FUCK FUCK" Jungkook cursed as he felt like tearing off his hair, he did this to himself. 
Part 2: I loved you so bad
Taglist: @bbl32 @back2bluesidex (for a sec I couldn't find you 🤣) @cherryblossom-2004
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notsofunsenpai · 4 months
In my Sampo arc atm don't mind me c:
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Hours went by,it started out as a dinner date then it turned into some more,now here's you are breathing heavily your s/c arms wrapped tightly around Sampo while he thrusts in and out of you,you guys been at it for hours and you had tears in your eyes,from all of the overestimated.
You sniffed,"Sampoo,too much." Your eyes fluttered shut,whimpers escaping your lips.
"Just one more darling~ i promise." The male says with a lazy grin on his face that's cover in sweat as his fingers cups your ass,continuing to thrusts into you. Your breath hitched,you were covered head to toe in hickeys and love bites,you're going have to scold him for later for that.
"Always so good for your Amazing boyfriend Sampo.." he mutters in a deep low voice,letting out some groans before giving you a passionate kiss which you gladly accepted.
You digged your fingers into his back for the six time of the night as you feel him go deeper into you,his movements were becoming sloppier as the both of you felt like you were close.
"Close." Your lover says dryly,"come with me."
Nodding your head,reaching down to play with yourself as he thrusts into in a rhythm before the two of you came together.
"Ah!" You cried out as the two of you ride out your high,feeling the stickiness and the warmth of the mess you guys made. You collapse onto Sampo,trying to catch your breath, feeling tired and not waiting to move.
"Aw,we gotta get you cleaned up and get new sheets,as much as the lovely Sampo loves the mess it's going to be real cold tonight and I don't want to deal with frozen cum on me,if that's even possible. " he announced.
You groan in protest,nuzzling him,"No.." you weakly say.
He smiles at you,lifting you up and going to the bathroom to start the bath,adding vanilla scented bathsoap to the tub. He places you in there,telling you not to drown then goes back into the bedroom to change the sheets along with getting you a new pair of clothes. When he returns with the clothes,he places them on the counter and got in the bath with you. Your head was laying against his chest as his arms washes your body,making sure he doesn't miss any nook or crany. He whisper soft praises to you,while washing he places some gently kisses on your hickeys that he made himself from earlier.
"Better take responsibility,you idiot. "You said pouting at him which he returns with a small smirk.
"Of course,I wouldn't be Amazing if I didn't do such thing!"he replies
"You've done it before,remember when there was a lot of money involved last time?" You questioned.
"You would of too if you knew how much they were willing to give me!" He rebuttals.
"Well was it worth sleeping on that couch last week? Hm"
A small frown appear on his lips,"No.. it was cold,lonely,and I was starving from your lack of attention." He dramatically said,holding you close to him.
"I love youu."
"Love you too Sampo." You smiled.
"Promise not to put me on the sofa anymore when i do something dumb?♡" he hopefully asks,giving you his best smile,the one that you always love to see.
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marcellaasblog · 1 year
Ok so I have a problem, I was wondering if you could write something of Eddie fucking the reader or just some type of smut activity during the slow part of Sweet Child of mine by Guns and Roses. Specifically the part after the guitar solo where Izzy’s and Axl keep saying “Where do we go”. CAUSE HOW IZZY SINGS IT OH LORD. since nobody gonna fuck me I need it fictionally. Make this shit dirty/ nasty. Idk fucking make this shit hot.
Ok but also have Eddie smoking a cig during this or he picks one up and hands it to the reader during that part of the song. I’m feral atm
Please and thank you. (This could be older Eddie too)
Your dirty, I like that.😧😏
Warning: so much smut and of course fluff.
Minor's DNI nsfw 18+
Author's notes:I hope I did you justice and Thank you for your request babe.💕
older Eddie x reader.
Music to my ears.
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Eddie loved looking at your naked body. It was a piece of art to him a very special kind of art. He loves to roam your body looking at the beauty marks and all. He loved to see you so blissed out and gone from this world. He loved how Cock drunk you got, he loved the sweet sounds of your moans everytime he would fuck you into the bed. He loved it all. He loved you and he always made sure to show you.
Eddie has you between his legs your back to his chest fully naked as you could feel his hard Cock touch your back both of your sweaty body's melting into eachother as he is sucking, licking and biting your neck plunging your thick toy he bought you a couple of days ago inside of you. Eddie is making you a whiny mess rubbing your wet sensitive clit as he slowly goes in and out of your weeping hole. You looked at yourself and Eddie threw your body framed mirror that was set Infront of y'all's bed. You were watching Eddie fuck you. You were grabbing onto his hand guiding him in and out of your pussy as you take a couple of hits of your ciggerate letting the smoke out of your mouth as you dropped your head back on his shoulder letting your mouth open as your face srunches up and your chest heavily rise's up and down feeling Eddie's legs get tighter around yours locking you in place making sure you didn't move alot. Your moans get higher everytime getting louder then the blasting music that roams threw Eddie's room.
"Fuck baby you like this shit don't you? You like whatching me fuck you with a cock that isn't mine huh?" Eddie whispers on your neck sending chills down your body feeling your nipples harden and your pussy pulsing.
"mhm I Fucken love it." You whispered. Eddie slowly take the toy out of you causing you to whine as you clenched on nothing. Eddie giggled running the tip of the rubber cock threw your folds down to your asshole smiring all the cum that leaked out of your pussy he runs the toy up and down your hole and around your clit slapping it a few times making your body jerk up. Eddie grabs the ciggerate from your hand before you could drop it.
"Fuck baby look at that shit, so fucken wet and ready for me." Eddie said taking a puff of the hafe finished ciggerate blowing the smoke onto your neck as he rams the toy back onto your tight little hole. You gasp digging your nails into Eddie pale thighs.
"Mhmm baby more I want more." You tell Eddie letting your back arch as Eddie slowly pumps the toy in and out, so hypnotized by the sound of your dripping pussy meeting the rubber cock he analyzed how everytime he push the toy so deep inside you your toes would curl and your pussy would clench so hard on the cock Eddie would have to wiggle it out of your tight grip.
Whoa, yeah
Whoa, oh, oh, oh
Sweet child o mine
Whoa, oh, whoa, oh
Sweet love of mine.
"yeah baby you want more?" Eddie mocked your whiney voice. You nod your head repeatedly rolling your hips as you reach down to your clit rubbing it at a brutal pase. Eddie growls looking ahead of y'all watching how fast you rubbed your clit and how blissful you looked with your eyes rolled back and how hard you were bitting your lip moving your hips to the rythem of the song. Eddie's violently moved your hand away from your clit filing the cigarette bud on the floor. He speeds up his pase as the guitar solo boom's threw his speakers. You gasp pushing your ass back into Eddie .
"Come on baby follow the rythem, mhmm ,yeah just like that, making me so proud." You look ahead of you as you watched how Eddie brutaly spammed the toy in and out of you, Eddie's face squinched up bitting down on his lip . You could hear how hard he was breathing threw his nose ,studying your body rutting the pink toy in and out of you. Your moans get higher as you rolled your eyes back letting your head fall on Eddies shoulders, he grabs onto your neck pushing your ear to his lips.
"Keep your eyes open baby and look at yourself while I fuck you okay." Eddie growls into your ear as he brutaly sucks in your neck slamming the cock into your pussy as he wiggles the toy in your wet hole pushing the toy into you more not caring take it out of you.
"FUCKKK EDDIE PLEASE I WANNA CUM I WANNA CUM!" You whine as Eddie giggles.
"yeah you wanna cum. You wanna cum on daddy's dick baby?" Eddie removes the toy from your pussy setting it aside as he pushes you down on your stomach getting up on his knees as he drags your ass twords his cock. Eddie strokes his dick letting his head fall backwards before he slams into you with no warning.
"Fuck yes! The toy got you so nice and streached out for me." Eddie slams into you at a brutal pase as his hips follow the rythem of the guitar solo blasting threw his speakers. Eddie hands come down on your sweet thick ass slapping it as he sees the fat of your ass jiggle everytime it bounces back on his.
Eddie follows the rythem slamming into you. You tried to get back up on all four but Eddie would just push your head back down into y'all's mattress.
"FUCK YES!" Eddie grunted smacking your ass . Your a wet mess at this point spit is Coming out of your mouth, your eyes roll back as your thoughts disappear into the rythem of the song. You look forward giving your full attention to Eddie as you see his eyes widen staring down watching his cock disappear into your tight little cunt his eyebrows are srunched up as his mouth falls open. You bit down on your lip as you slowly push back onto Eddie following the rythem of him.
"More!" You moan wiggling your ass as Eddie hits your ass rubbing the red mark he grunts and moans and before the solo stops Eddie picks up the toy as he makes eye contact with you.
"yeah you want more I'll give you more." Before you could answer Eddie wiggles the toy into your pussy as he fucks you slowly loosing you up to fit him and the toy that still had your creamy white cum sliding down it's rubber tip.
"OH FUCKKK OH SHIT TOO MUCH BABY TOO MUCH!" Eddie giggles as he pouts.
"you SAID you wanted more so." Eddie slams the cock into you as it rubs onto his cock. "Fucked TAKE IT." Eddie growled as the solo finished.
Where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Where do we go?
Ohh, oh, where do we go?
Where do we go now?
Oh, where do we go now?
Where do we go? (Sweet child)
"oh fuck love this pussy so much baby she taking me so well." Eddie works the toy in and out of you as it squishes inside of you rubbing up against Eddie's throbbing cock. You loved how full you filled letting your boyfriend do whatever he wants to your needy cunt.
Where do we go now?
Ay,ay,ay, ay, ay, ay, ay ,ay
Where do we go now
Ah ,ah
"Mhm just for you baby she love how you make her feel so good so full." You moan out bitting down on the bed as your focas on the voices of Izzy and axel singing the hell out of their outro. You could see Eddie starting to bop his head to the rythem of the guitar outro as he fasten his pase his Right hand holds onto you soft hips as his left hand is at the base of the fake balls of the toy slowly painfully sliding it in and out of you letting y'all's shared cum drip down onto his balls and bedsheets.
Where do we go
Oh,Where do we go now
Oh where do we go
Oh where do we go now
"mhm yeah you like how my Cocks fill in your pussy baby."
"yes yes I love it so much." You cry out feeling your stomach flex and your muscles tense. Eddie could feel you tighting around his cock he could hear how you moans got more pitchy and louder. He could sence that you were close to cumming so Eddie wiggles out the toy letting your cum drip down from the tip of the rubber cock onto your asshole. He looked at it in amaze seeing how drenched you got the rubber cock and himself .Eddie chokes on his moan as he slides out of you leaving you empty and whiney.
"No, no please baby don't stop." You pled Eddie wiggling your ass up in the air.
"shh give me a second baby I just wanna taste you." Eddie said bending his head down as he licks a fat line from your drenched hole all the way up to your asshole he repeats it once again,but this time he opens up your lips as he pushes his long tounge into your pussy he hums into your pussy sending a vibration down to your clit. Your crying and whiney telling Eddie how good he made you feel,your eyes rolled back as your ass started to rock up against his face. Eddie lifts up his head kissing you left ass cheek as he quickly turns you around onto your back grabbing your legs as he locks them around his neck you gasp in a shock as he punges right into your cunt once again.
"FUCK GONNA FILL THIS PUSSY UP WITH SO MUCH OF MY CUM." Eddie threw his head back as his bangs and hair sticks to his sweaty forehead an neck.
"UH fuckkk yessssss baby faster please daddy FASTER" You tell Eddie as he doesn't take his eyes off of you Eddie grabs onto your left boob squeezing onto it as he growls from your cunt tighting around him.
Where do we go
Oh, where do we go now
"you gonna cum baby gonna cum for daddy princess gonna squeeze my fucken cock as I pound into your pretty little pussy letting me fill you up as my cum leaks out of your tight hole huh baby."
"yes, yes, yes, I wanna cum wanna cum on your cock I want you to cum in me."
Now, now, now now, now, now,now
Eddie grabs ahold of your neck with both of his big hands squeezing down on your throat making your eyes role back and your mouth open as Eddie leans down spitting into your mouth.
"beg me .Beg me to cum" Eddie told you reaching down to your pussy as he slap's it.
"I said to FUCKEN BEG ME !"
Eddie's thick hands meet your sensitive pussy.
"FUCK, FUCK YEAH BABY CUM ON DADDY'S COCK . I WANT YOU TO CUM SO HARD, LET GO FOR ME BABY?" you nod your head as Eddie pounds into your pussy like his own personal Fleshlight. Your lost in the noices of the music fading away and replaced with the sounds of Eddie's balls slapping the bottom of your ass and Eddies deep ruts and growls coming from his mouth as you tighten around him.
"FUCK ,FUCK, FUCKKK, EDDIE IM CUMMING, IM CUMMING, IM FUCKEN CUMMING UHHHHH!" Eddie holds your body down as you came around his cock.
"FUCK YEAH THATS IT BABY LET IT OUT LET IT OUT FOR DADDY!" Eddie fucks you threw your high as he presses his thick fingers onto your clit rubbing it violently making your body over stimulate as it jerks up and you choke on your own cry's.
"FU- FUCKK TOO MUCH DADDY TOO MUCH." You studded trying to push Eddie's away from your throbbing pussy.
"nu uh baby you can take it you got it just let daddy cum okay let daddy fill up your tight little pussy, let daddy use you." Eddie fasten his speed rubbing your clit, you could feel it all being to much for you.
Sweet child
Before you could warn Eddie, your juices start to spray out flying everywhere on Eddie's cock drenching him. It caught Eddie in surprise as he pushing into you bending your legs to the side of your face.
Sweet child of mine
Eddie grunts fucking himself into your drenched pussy as his thick cum shoots inside of your cunt slowly moving his hips as he rides out his high. His body twitches as he ruts into you one more time hearing you small cry's from your mouth.
"Fuck that was so good baby you did so well." Eddie whispered into your ear kissing you down to your neck leaving his soft cock inside of you too scared to pull out not wanting any of his cum to leak out of your his pussy .
"mhm did you cum in me?" You asked as Eddie giggled glad to see you fully concess.
"mhm you made me cum so much baby made daddy feel so good." Eddie answered back kissing your wet lips moving your hair out of your face as you hands whrom his back sending chills down his spine.
Eddie slowly removes himself from your cunt as y'all both moans from the sensitivity running threw y'all's body. Eddie watches as his cum leaks out of your pussy he brings his two fingers up to your hole gathering all his cum stuffing it back into you.
"mhm were definitely doing this again."
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
How would Steve react if he and reader were to sleep together atm and he doesn't fire her because he's so hooked, but he sleeps with another maid for whatever reason and fires her, but this maid knew he slept with reader and didn't fire her. She's so mad and shouting about why didn't reader get fired and calling her names/being rude about her etc 👀
I’m turning this into a drabble….
Warnings: smut-ish, mentions of sex, bit of asshole Steve, threats are made
Steve was fucked.
He finally got what he wanted, you. Instead of finally satisfying the long standing need that you had created, sleeping with you only made Steve want more. He wasn’t even sure how it happened. You were in his room making his bed and in the blink of an eye Steve is hovering over you and caging you in. His lips are on your neck while your nails dig into his back. It’s like you’re claiming what’s yours even if you don’t know it yet. It didn’t help that you sounded so pretty when you begged for more.
When it was over and your breathing was back to normal you grabbed all your clothes and disappeared into a spare room to make yourself more presentable. You didn’t even spare a glance at him as you left but he could see the worry on your face. Steve sent Coulson a message and told him that under no circumstance would he allow you to be let go.
The following days had been tense between you and Steve. It didn’t help that the new maid, Kate, kept flirting with Steve and he would openly flirt back. You couldn’t understand why, when you went in to talk to Coulson he said he was under strict instructions that you weren’t fired and he wouldn’t accept your resignation. Especially if he was going to continue acting like he had before. So you you just had to grin and bare it.
It was about a week after you and Steve had been together that you heard him and Kate in his office. He’d never done that before. Anytime he slept with someone it was up in his room, maybe he wanted you to hear it. You kept yourself busy and fighting off the tears. It wasn’t until a yelling match started that you reappeared to see what was going on.
Kate stood in the middle of the living room, her hair disheveled and uniform a crumpled mess.
“You can’t just fire me. I’ll sue you for sexual harassment.”
“It’s in the contract you signed so is an NDA. So you sue me and I’ll own you.” Steve shot back.
By now Bucky, Sam, Dom, Coulson and a few other men were watching the fight. When Kate noticed she looked around and saw you standing in the door way. Your presence made her see red.
“Why didn’t you fire her? You fucked her last week and she’s still here.”
Everyone’s attention was on you and it caused your cheeks to burn with embarrassment.
“What is she your favorite whore? Are you going to pass her around to the rest of your friends first.” She turned to you with a twisted smile. “How does it feel to know you aren’t good enough for him? You are just some fuck toy form him and his friends.”
“Fuck off Kate.”
“Oh she speaks. I thought you were only good at being his dumb fucking slut. How stupid do you have to be if you think he’d-“ she doesn’t get to finish what she was saying because Steve had pulled her away from you. His palm covers her mouth as his fingers dig into her cheeks. The hold is strong and the look in his eye is terrifying.
“Don’t you ever fucking talk to her like that again or I’ll cut your tongue out myself. You should be so lucky to be in her presence. Now get the fuck out of here. The only dumb slut here is you.” Venom dripped from every word and it was enough to scare Kate and have her scramble to leave the house for good. “What the fuck is everyone looking at, get back to work.”
His eyes land on you but the hardness is gone. Steve takes a step closer to you but Bucky pulls him away and Dom escorts you to the kitchen while glaring at his boss.
After taking a moment to calm down Steve walks into the kitchen. His intention was to make sure you were ok but of course you weren’t. Why had he been so stupid? You sat at the kitchen table with a glass of water in front of you. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen you so upset.
“Dom give us a minute.”
“No, I don’t think I will.” Dom stand between you and Steve in order to shield you from the man.
“I said get out.”
“And I said I wasn’t going too. You’ve done enough already.”
“I’m your boss you’ll do as I say.”
“As if I give a flying fuck. Walk out now Rogers.”
“It’s ok Dom, let him get this over with.” You said from behind him. He reluctantly walked out of the kitchen but didn’t go to far.
Steve knelt down beside you but you wouldn’t look at him.
“I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, you’re the boss you do what you want.”
“You didn’t deserve that.”
You turn to look at him, now with that fiery gaze he loved so much. “You’re right I didn’t deserve that but I should have known better too. You’re a man whore and I didn’t know what I was expecting to happen. You got what you wanted from me.”
“I thought I could get you out of my system. All I can do is think about you all the time. It was different with you and I didn’t know what to do with that feeling. I though I could just get over you if I was with someone else.”
“I’ll make it easy for you then, I quit.” You stood up and headed for the changing room.
“Wait you can’t just leave. That was a mistake.”
“No, being with you was a mistake. I never want to see you again.” You say, leaving him alone in the kitchen.
Dom walks in with a scowl on his face followed by Bucky and Sam.
“I should cut off your dick for what you’ve done.” Don says.
Steve ignores the older man and walks out. His only thoughts now are how he could possibly get you back. Not only to the house but back in his bed and keep you there permanently.
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kairithemang0 · 4 months
kai! got a question, could you possibly share more of your headcanons or ideas about characters (any fandom you want :P)? because every time i see one of yours post about stuff like that, i just go 'whoa he makes really good headcanons' i don't really know where im going with this but,,, yea :P (im extremely tired im so sorry lol)
I'm in an Agent Curt Mega mood (bcs I'm drawing him atm and he looks really sad and angsty but I'm also feeling very sad and angsty sooo)
I just love him, I think he's fascinating. Also I'm glad you like my headcanons! I care about them a lot, idk these characters mean something to me at this point, for better or worse
Since I'm feeling sad and angsty I'm gonna make him sad and angsty
So I don't think that he was with anyone after Owen fell. I think he stayed single out of guilt. After he kills Owen the second time he spirals, never able to really keep a relationship. He's miserable. And he's just like that for the rest of his life as he plots to take down Chimera but also having a really shitty work/life balance and now nothing in his life is consistent. With Owen he could hope they'd end up on another mission together, he could hope Owen wasn't going to die. He had something to look forward to that wasn't just a next mission. After Owen dies, for either time, he really just has nothing. He's sad, he's alone, he probably only talks to his mom but even that's rarely and post staircase scene he has Tati and Barb but I don't think either of them will be too helpful in the long run.
Gah this guy just seems so lonely to me. I don't know, he doesn't seem like the type of guy to just have friends
I feel like I'm digging too deep into how much Curt cared about their relationship. I think pre fall he'd be with other guys because he didn't feel as if his relationship with Owen was really that real. Sure, Owen was one of the few who understood his experience, but I don't think he realized until after the fall how much Owen actually meant to him. This is probably what really started his downward spiral. He lost the most important person to him, someone he had taken for granted for years and then killed him (or thought he did). I don't know if someone can really come back from that, even after Curt goes back to spying he still needs Owen, he has flashbacks to him, telling him, whispering in his ear. Owen's haunting him in the worst way possible and the worst part is that Owen is alive and not only that now he hates Curt.
Post fall I don't think Curt ever recovers. I think that after killing your lover twice you can't come back from that. Again, the man probably died alone. Probably alcohol poisoning, if I had to guess.
Sorry this one is really sad
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poetessgio · 4 months
For the ones joining my new writing-only blog, my baby Substack: I will upload one poem every day for the next 15 days, so expect some e-mails in your inbox! :)
If you have been here for a while, you must know I was in desperate need of a writing-only platform — in fact, if you remember, I even tried a side blog, but that didn't work for me (and the novel is cooking atm). So, for the sake of my peace of mind and my writing, I will upload all the poetry in here to this sparkling, brand-new Substack.
After a few days on that platform, though, I can already tell I'm not going to follow what I perceived to be the pattern. Do I feel like a fish out of the water? Yes. Do I plan to change? No. Is it good for ''marketing''? Nope! But I literally can't force myself into a non-authentic space. It gives me anxiety.
I believe in using the platform instead of letting the platform use me. I'm free. That is unnegotiable. So, I will do my best on my own terms, as many things annoy me about the writing culture of these times we live in and I refuse to wear the halter. Oh, I promise I'll never try to coach you, start mothering you, or try to sell you a "how to write poetry in 5 steps" guide. No hooking titles. I won't join the experts-on-shit FOMO cult to prey on other people's triggers or to feel ''good'' about myself at the expense of others. This type of thing actually creeps me out.
But I do promise we can just resonate and inspire each other by being honest and raw, by having a brave heart so we can keep being kind, and by pursuing truth, beauty and art... How about that? We can enjoy the vibe and cultivate this appreciation of words! We can even chat as writer friends, as reader friends or just as friends friends — and encourage each other through real, second-intention-free presence.
If my writing doesn't touch you, it's fine. If yours doesn't touch me, it's fine. It's not personal, it's not a bad thing. We are all finding our voice. The day you think you know everything, you're dead, so we have to keep searching, moving and growing together! How many times have I needed the words from @cssnder @goodluckclove @hersurvival or @remnantofabrokensoul, and so many others around here (iykyk)? And I'm very grateful for every word and idea you all shared here in this amazing space, helping me to keep going, to break from my shell and lay another brick in the foundations of what I want to create.
That is the beauty of it. Creation demands connection. That is respect and human experience. And I repeat it: sometimes what I create won't touch anyone but me.
Oh, but what if it does!
Well, that being said: I actually do have some crazy ideas for the Substack. At first, the focus was on creating some substantial and self-indulgent content about literature (I like to study). Although I still think that's important, exciting and valid, Poetry is making its way through my inked fingers more and more, demanding space, attention, and voice; so I will not neglect this calling.
What about the future? I don’t know. Paid subscriptions for specific academic literature content? Prophetic, devotional newsletters?Generating debates on books for the community? Just poetry that you can read for free and not engage at all because I can be quite antisocial at times? Digging around some old ancient advice on writing? None of the above? Anything is possible, really. For now, I will slow down and avoid contributing to the hamster wheel of modern despair for the speed of light living and likes.
For now, poetry, please.
And tea. Lots of tea, because it's raining.
The grass looks so green!
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I'm working on a request for Code Lyoko atm, but meanwhile, here are some headcanons!
Headcanons - Code Lyoko
Aelita Schaeffer
I headcanon that Aelita's music and dj mixing skills are rooted in her dad playing the piano and teaching her about music.
It also gives her trauma and nightmares, as we've all seen in the canon episodes tho..
And though she's smart and brainy, I don't see her going to read literature books or novels. Idk if that's just me.
I think she finds comfort in information rather than fiction, so maybe she would prefer non-fiction genres.
I also think that Aelita would like butterscotch ice cream. It's cute.
There are days where she has hallucinations and nightmares because of X.A.N.A and Franz Hopper and her past, and she would like nothing more than to listen to music while cuddling with Mister Puck and having butterscotch ice cream.
Also, much like Nicholas, a lot of people find Aelita cute. Adding to her popularity that rose from her DJ skills, she's sure to have a lot of people having crushes on her. But of course, she's only got eyes for Jeremie.
Remember that lookalike of Aelita who got only one episode on the show? Taelia? I headcanon that people in Kadic call them twins, and they eventually become good friends. I think Jim would get very confused and would put Aelita and Taelia in different classes for the sake of his own sanity.
Elizabeth "Sissi" Delmas
Sissi is a child of divorce (I think that's also canon).
I headcanon that her parents had a slightly significant age difference, because Principal Delmas looks vv old. Sissi's mom was four years younger than him -- I headcanon her to be a fashion designer, she was very impulsive and liked to live in the moment, but eventually, the love they had for each other fizzled out and they divorced.
I also think that maybe her mom wasn't what you would call "maternal". She knows this too, and accepted it when Sissi's dad contested for her during the divorce. It doesn't mean that her mom loves her less, though. She's just aware that her father could care for her daughter better than she could, and chooses to love Sissi in her own way.
I think it was mentioned somewhere in the website wiki that Sissi goes on shopping sprees with her mom, so that could be their love language. I also think that Sissi digs her mother's fashion style and did a little tweaks of that to turn it into her own.
I think that, Ulrich was her best friend before, and they bonded over having turbulent family situations. It was natural for her to catch feelings for someone who understood her, and hence she liked Ulrich. When Ulrich rejected her (multiple times), she was put off, but just didn't know how to handle their friendship from that point onward.
Sissi knows how to bandage wounds professionally (canon) and I think it was mentioned that she wanted to become a nurse. I definitely see that as a career for her, once she's matured and grown into her own self.
She's definitely a writer on the side. She would write under the pen name Sissi for sure.
I love Sissi a lot. She's so much more than what's shown on screen. I'd have loved to see her grow into the person she's actually meant to become, after some maturity and heart-to-hearts with Ulrich and her parents, too.
Jeremie Belpois
Jeremie needs naps.
A lot of naps. Poor guy.
Jeremie has definitely read classics. I also headcanon Yumi to like classics and literature, so I think both of them would bond a lot over this.
I also headcanon Jeremie to be comfortable with certain colors only – like, he wears blues and browns and some beige tones – and you wouldn't find colors like pink or yellow in his wardrobe.
Jeremie's cousin is said to look like him, right? And that guy – Patrick, I think – was a brunette and wore black rock aesthetic clothing. I think that both of them actually looked similar when they were kids, and Patrick must've changed his look at some point to have that poofy hair instead. This probably annoyed Jeremie, but now that they're on good terms, he probably teases Patrick about it a lot (and also has baby pictures to prove his point).
I can see how I turned this into Patrick headcanons. Sorry.
Jeremie likes long walks during the night. When he's not working on Lyoko related stuff, and when he's not able to sleep, he walks around at night.
His prized possession(s) is the set of polaroids that he took with Aelita on one of her first nights on Earth. He has them in a safe (and yes, he definitely has a safe that he hasn't told anyone about. Except Aelita.).
Laura Gauthier
Laura made some poor choices in Evolution, but hey, Sissi made poor choices in the original show too! People can always improve, and change.
Laura was brought up in a very strict household, where only the very best was expected from her.
That's why she desperately wanted to show her dad the laboratory at the old factory and say, "See? I'm a part of something big."
Laura has closeted lesbian energy. Evolution kinda made a big rivalry between Aelita and Laura for Jeremie, to see who was his better equal and all, but I think Laura didn't care about that and just liked getting Aelita riled up. I think Laura is more into girls, romantically speaking.
I headcanon that Laura buys clothes from Sissi's mom's fashion brand.
I can see her being a fan of "ceilings" by Lizzy McAlpine.
I think Laura has the potential to be even smarter than Jeremie, even better than him, too. But she lacks some of his empathy. It's not necessarily a bad thing -- just shows how people who are similar are also different.
Adding on to this, Laura might not be very in touch with her emotions, and might come off as unempathetic. She's just misunderstood, but she's not helping her own case.
Like with Sissi, I think she could be so much more, if she matures and grows into her truest self.
Odd Della Robbia
I know it's said that Samantha Knight is the person Odd really really loves, but I headcanon Odd to be a no-commitments soul. He enjoys PDA and dates, but he's probably the most comfortable when he's by himself.
He's a top-tier bisexual.
I headcanon that Odd is allergic to cats. His family definitely seems like the type to have cats at home and he's hated it because all he's done is sneeze.
He's the family favourite. I think this is canon too, which is why he was allowed to get Kiwi as a pet. His sisters probably hated that smh.
This might be a personal wish-fulfilment headcanon, but I think Odd didn't learn how to ride a bicycle. He learned the skateboard, but not the bicycle.
He also feels like the kind of person to hate long car rides? He doesn't like sitting in one place for hours.
Odd is really good at remembering birthdays, anniversaries, and special days. Considering how he had to remind Ulrich that Yumi's birthday had passed, this is probably a canon thing.
Ulrich Stern
Ulrich's a rich kid. Canon. He's known Sissi for ages. Canon.
I headcanon that Ulrich and Sissi were on good terms before both of them hit puberty and Sissi kept forcing herself onto him.
Ulrich's best friend was probably Sissi before everything went downhill between them. Then, Odd and the Lyoko warriors happened.
Martial arts are Ulrich's way of communicating with his inner self. Penchaksilat, karate... he's very self-disciplined.
I think that's why he is so attracted to Yumi in the first place. Her being his equal in terms of martial arts would have been very appealing to him.
With reference to Aelita, Ulrich gives big brother energy and Odd gives little brother energy.
Ulrich is probably the most protective of Aelita out of them all. Of course, Jeremie worships her, but Ulrich has the means to fight anyone who messes with his lil sis.
He played with a lot of samurai toys when he was younger.
Ulrich seems to be the type of guy to like haunted houses.
William Dunbar
William is definitely king of reading classics and books. He gives Yumi a book on poetry in Evolution, right? He loves romance novels and crime thrillers, and probably reads for an hour a day.
When you think about it, William and Ulrich are very similar. Both of them are only childs with wealthy backgrounds, but the difference lies in the fact that William is loved by his parents, while Ulrich's relationship with his own are strained.
William's favorite fruit is orange.
Lyoko gave him a lot of PTSD, but he loves the thrill, and he's still a very honorable man. That's why he comes back.
William and Aelita have an unusual friendship, I think. They can relate to being haunted by X.A.N.A. It's very unfortunate that they have limited interactions in the show and in Evolution too.
I can definitely see William going into the military or the CIA. He gives me those vibes.
ALSO, I think William would probably end up with someone who's way younger than him (maybe 3 years younger) – someone with a lot of vitality and optimism — and probably blonde.
(My OC for William is blonde, but this isn't about me—)
Yumi Ishiyama
Yumi was brought up in a very traditional household, as we know.
Yumi would be very into Asian literature and classics, as mentioned in Jeremie's section.
Yumi doesn't look like it to most people, but she's the most motherly out of all of them. She's a big sister, and she's had to raise Hiroki when her parents were fighting and they almost divorced and all.
I think Yumi's slightly spiritual too. Not to the extent where she fully believes in prayers and ancient rituals, but she understands the significance of her culture and respects them.
Yumi loves fireworks and shooting stars. I headcanon her as a bit of an astrology freak.
I also think that Yumi is bisexual? Or at least, she's always been curious about it.
I think she's had a curious phase about everything. But once she understands, she has the capacity to evaluate for herself and make right decisions.
A/N: These are just my personal headcanons. I can do more of these, and relationship headcanons or friendship headcanons too, if I get requests, or strokes of inspiration. I hope you like these!
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aropride · 5 months
speaking of psychosis- i wasn't speaking of it here but i was speaking of it- i've been trying to figure out what was up with the great psychotic episode of freshman year, because i had assumed it was a trauma-induced psychosis type of deal, but it occurred to me that i was definitely having sort of thought broadcasting types of beliefs, probably some other stuff but i can't remember atm and don't feel like digging thru my old vent account lol. (ramble continues under the cut this got VERY long)
(line with text so tumblr doesn't eat the image. idk if it still does that but better safe than sorry)
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(the months with "2" are split into first and second half of the month bc it was relevant, couldnt figure out how else to signify that succinctly)
i cut out the labels of each belief for safety + in case that's triggering to ppl but each row is a different belief i had that in retrospect was probably some sort of delusion? top two are very similar but different enough i tracked them differently. bottom two might have just been anxiety+ptsd but i do really think they're connected to this
it was definitely at its worst mid nov-end of jan, but started in september and didn't really let up til like june
anyway like i said i had assumed it was a combination of trauma and being off my meds and isolation that made the perfect situation for me to go fucking crazy, but i hadn't really thought about it that hard . but now that i Am thinking about it, again, i was definitely having these kinds of beliefs before The Trauma
and in my past self's defense. one thing about my thought broadcasting beliefs specifically was that i was straight up being essentially cyberstalked at the time and didn't know, so i was completely right that certain people knew more about me than i had told them, but i was wrong about the reason why
anyway i was reading up on schizospec disorders for class (kind of. also just for fun) -- also important context schizophrenia does run in my family i think on both sides? but my parents are weird about talking about it. so that's part of this also.
but i noticed that of the three labels i was looking at- brief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform, and schizophrenia- (i didn't look into schizoaffective bc i dont think i have many bipolar symptoms, and didn't look into stpd bc i don't think it counts as a personality disorder if it lasts like 10 months lol, and delusional disorder because i do think i had some negative*&cognitive symptoms (*psych term meaning absence of things present in nonschizospec people, not literally just bad symptoms lol)-- though to be fair, that may have just been a combination of situational aspects & autism?)-- either way, it's not on this beautiful and awesome diagram in mspaint i made so i could illustrate the timeline aspect of the diagnostic criteria:
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bc a diagnosis of brief psychotic disorder requires symptoms to only last a month, and schizophreniform for 1-6 months, whereas schizophrenia is lifelong .
basically the problem is- while the worst part of my psychotic(?) symptoms lasted ~4months, they were definitely there in some form for around 10 months, which is too long for a diagnosis of schizophreniform, but i don't feel comfortable just, assuming it's schizophrenia lol, especially when most of the symptoms i experienced dont affect my life anymore? it does make me nervous though that this happened right around the typical age of onset.
this might just be a problem with diagnoses being too specific to cover the entire spectrum of human experience, and i might just be outside of any area where a specific label could be applied . also, i know it's been written about but not become an actual diagnostic label- but there are places where ocd and psychosis can over lap, and schizo-obsessive disorder has been suggested as a diagnostic label, but not officially used anywhere afaik..
i think my main concern at this point is just, whether or not i should be concerned about it coming back. like, is it possible to be in various stages of active psychosis(?? it still feels very strange to refer to it that way but i guess that's what it was, so) for ~4-10 months, and then just be chilling after. or should i be worried. was this a one-time thing starting because i was off my meds and being worsened by isolation and trauma or is there a possibility of this happening again. and i think that's a question that can't be answered with any certainty, probably
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koenki · 11 months
Hand Holding HCs pt 2 - Reverie Audios
2/2 woohoo~
Casey: Honey is more likely to start it intentionally. He's clammy and nervous at times and despite the teasing they do want him to have comfort with them as well. During dates Casey may accidentally start it but Honey doesn't let go, tugging him along gently to say they are okay with the gesture. It relaxes him, having that certainty given to him, as if permission to just live in the moment rather than worrying about whats to come or what people may think. Cyril: I've already done a thing on hand holding with them, but here's some new thoughts on their life at work. Cyril isn't big on open displays of affection, his private life is his and he doesn't feel his coworkers need to know about what goes on outside of it. That's not to say the Rival doesn't test the limits. When walking down the halls together, discussing their projects, or maybe plans after work, they walk close, and hold pinkies. It's small and hard to notice if not looking for it, and easy for one of them to pull away if they need to separate, but it's also a little gesture showing they want the other close. Roman: This one was hard I guess it mostly depends on the point in time/mood? Early Roman in higher spirits, def the type to initiate it. He'd be cheeky about it, maybe walking through the gardens with Pip as he talked about one of his grand time traveling adventures, maybe one completely blown out of proportion or made up just to see them laugh. As we get to more serious and scared, Pip is the one to take his in comfort, maybe bring it to hold in both of their hands as they hold it to their chest to feel their heartbeat, something soothing and sweet in hopes of easing his tired and troubled mind. After the last audio it's equal. They have each other and that's what matters most. If stood near each other, they seek the other's hand, as a way to know that no matter what- they know the other is with them; Something solid to hold onto in a mess of a world that's trying to bring them down. Jacob: In some of the many forgotten memories of Dearest, there is a Jacob that took them on an outing or a date. He was sweet and charismatic, much like the day they first met over the coffee incident. He was their knight in shiny armor that day. Jacob is the one to initiate it, having memories of the original Jacob doing these things with his partner, testing the waters and chasing the feelings he didn't quite know how to place. When he was gentle it made asking questions and digging for answers a little bit easier, Dearest not feeling so guarded and scared, maybe a few things slipped out that shouldn't, so he tried this a few different times without much luck digging deeper, their hand in his be it walking through a mall or across the table at a restaurant. It intrigued him how such a simple touch could stir such a difference in how they reacted. After he gets his core back, he's still the one to initiate it, but Dearest doesn't react so kindly to it anymore. They flinch at his touch, and it amuses him. It's the same gesture as all those other times, it was still him, but as he clasped around their hand tighter, not enough to hurt them, but to keep them with him, he could feel all the muscles in their hand tense, hear their breathing turn sharp. I'm iffy on Marlowe atm so might do a thing for him later when I know him better. Bonus: Nathaniel: Subject 328 made it back? Well that's fantastic- but they aren't going to be holding anyone's hand right now, they're a bit... tied up at the moment. That's okay though, Nathniel can hold their hand if they really want him to while he coaxes out whatever they can remember from their journey!
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asukaskerian · 1 year
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
🌀 this is the suburban ot4 summary that reads like a stupid book blurb but it's all i have atm :
Ichigo and Orihime were high school sweethearts and now they're a respectable young married couple with a suburban house and a child. They are sweet and loving and supportive and there is nothing missing in their life. Nope! Nothing.
Nelliel and Grimmjow sure as hell aren't married, and never mind being respectable in any way, but they managed to breed somehow so they're gonna have to deal with that. As soon as they manage to deal with being jobless and evicted.
Surely that pair of naive normies they had a pretty bad run-in with as teenagers are not going to be of any help, though... Wait... Huh. 
🌧️ same fic!
Before they know it, it's the weekend. Nelliel and Grimmjow haven't been kicked out yet.
It's coming, she knows better than to think it's not, but so far nobody has brought it up again. 
"Because Princess is scared of confrontation and Hubby's coddling her," Grimmjow mutters. Nelliel scowls, but can't really refute that. She doesn't know them enough, for one thing.
"Or maybe they're just nice," she tries anyway, on principle.
He arches his eyebrow, and doesn't say 'isn't that what I just said?', but she hears it anyway. 
But he doesn't say it. 
Her shoulders slump; the fight goes out of her. "We can't count on that lasting," she mumbles, but really, she has no better idea than to keep being friendly and a good guest. It makes her feel less guilty, but only so much. 
"Who the fuck is counting on it?" Grimmjow shoots back, and sits at the other end of the futon, his back three-quarters turned away and just as slumped. 
He's about to go out and look for a job once again. Nelliel went out yesterday and the day before that to look into administrative solutions, financial aids, social services, but today's a Saturday. None of that will be open, and anyway they're missing so much damn paperwork; it'll take months at best to sort out. 
So far their best option is to play model guests and pray. 
"Worst thing is I like them," she can't help admitting. They're so damn sweet. It'd be easier if she had to put it on, if she didn't have to care that they're going to run out of pity at some point.
She's expecting a snappy retort, or an eyeroll, or a "I really don't", but Grimmjow doesn't say anything, just stands up all at once and goes looking for a fresher shirt. Her chest squeezes with -- something unpleasant, frustrated and off-balance, like she's being ignored. Abandoned. 
"I know that."
His voice is so rough, it sounds like it should hurt his throat.
"I'm fucking trying, alright? Ain't gonna ruin this for you."
He's not looking at her, just digging into his suitcase with every muscle tight, twitchy movements like a leashed beast.
She has no idea how to sort that out. She just -- why does he keep missing the point, why does he make it sound like he's martyring himself, god, she fucking hates it. She stands, too, fists clenched. Watches his shoulders tense, watches him fail to turn to face her.
She works on her breathing. She's better than this; than always sniping. She wants to be, she knows she is, can be, it's so pleasant and, and normal to hang out with Orihime, like she was never a half-gaijin orphan dragged straight down to the underbelly of society, clinging as hard as she could to what should be. Like they're just two office ladies giggling over the coffee machine, two neighbors with matching little houses trading hair care tips and career advice. 
She wants to be calm, and fair, and happy.
Grimmjow pisses her off so much some days and the worst thing is, she knows it's a habit she has fallen into, taking things he says just a shade worse than he meant them because sometimes he does mean even worse than that. He's a foul-mouthed bastard who revels in stalking around scaring the normies, who takes people's disapproval as a reason to make them disapprove more, so she always expects it of him.
Now he exists like an animal in a trap, all desperate energy with nowhere to go and despair creeping in, and she did it; she trapped him.
"If it's going to be ruined," she says eventually, after several answers have come to her mind and been released, "then it was going to be ruined anyway. It's still a reprieve. You won't..." 
'You won't be the cause of it,' she almost says, but they both know she can't say that and mean it, so she swallows it back. 
"If I were alone it might last a few more days, but that's the same end result." She shrugs.
He's trying. She should... 
She feels kind of like shit that a part of her is surprised at how hard he's trying. She knows him well enough, she hoped enough, but another part is used to their old rhythms. There's something savagely free and so noble inside him that she wants to tear out of the defensiveness and the cynicism it's buried under. So they get together like a car crash; there are tender moments in the dark, little slices of terribly aching vulnerability, and then it builds up; she pushes him too much, too far out of his comfort zone and they break up. 
The break-up sex is always amazing. Then she's angry at herself for a while. Tells herself it's the last time she takes him back. Tells herself she was nosy and judgmental; no wonder he bailed. Tells herself next time she'll be more understanding, more patient. Tells herself he's not interested in getting over his shit and she shouldn't date projects. 
Tell herself it'll just be a hookup. 
And then he's wild and fun; neither of them ever says sorry, but they don't leave the party when the other one shows up, and then the next party they fuck, and then the next fuck they spend the night. Breaking up like a pressure valve before it gets too much, unsalvageable; not a real ending.
But they're not breaking up now. 
She wants to build him up, drag him back and away from the looming implosion; she doesn't know how. 
"... I'm going."
She wants to tell him good luck but that's going to sound doubtful, like he needs it. She wants to say she knows he can do it, he's smart and has plenty of skills; he'll hear it like a lie, or like a binding expectation. She wants...
She wants a hug.
She dredges up a smile into her voice, watching him walk through the door. "I'll massage your feet when you come back, yeah?"
He pauses in the corridor, glances over his shoulder, gives a faint, unexpected chuckle. "Oh, I'm gonna hold you to that."
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nicistrying · 7 months
Friday 8th March
Happy International Women's Day!
Had to work out after work today bc I was feeling all anxious and stressed after my mother in law asked what she could do to help with the wedding and I gave her a couple of ideas and she was just v short with me and didn't seem happy with anything I had suggested although she said she was bored and wanted to help (I asked if she could dig us out some nice photos of Matt's grandparents for the memory table, or she could have a browse for her dress and treat herself). I'm kind of done with his family atm they have so much drama going on and everything I think and say and do is wrong so I'm just trying to keep my head down 😂
Anyway so I worked out and felt much better! Mostly upper body & core as I'm planning to run tomorrow
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Ordered Thai food for dinner as a treat and finally caught up with Matt as we've barely seen each other all week. Maggie had to come and join us on the couch even though there definitely was not enough room for her
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She lay like this making weird noises for a good 10 minutes before she gave up and got down lmao
Now snuggled up on the couch by myself after she and Matt have gone to bed, eating chocolate and cuddling my hot water bottle bc apparently we have full on mini periods in between the usual horrific periods 😅 this needs to stop before Sunday bc we are seeing the in laws and I don't need a lecture from them about how I made the 'wrong' decision based on the information I had 🙃
Happy weekend! 💃🏼
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multicolour-ink · 7 months
I have finally done it....watched wolf children and of course like no one ever does when they recommend me something to watch didn't tell me how much I'd emotionally feel...Thank you for that lmao 🤣🤣🤣 but no for real I loved it and I'm about to dig into the Manga to feel that again right away and see if there's anything extra cause of course it probably does.
Anyway I'll probably have to watch it again to think of more but for your Wolf Children AU.... I guess
What makes Luigi fully embrace the Wolf part of himself compared to Mario (not so much rejecting) who wants to live more human save for a select few he allows to see that side of himself?
What are some things that Mia and Pio's family do to honor and share Pio's memory with the bros. Since they were so young at the time of his death and have no recollection of who he was as a person?
Mmmm that's all I can think of atm 🤔 but yeah anyway thanks for putting me on to Wolf Children it was very neat 🥹
Ah yes, I forgot to tell you about the feels that would come from watching that movie 😅🤣 But I'm so glad that you finally saw it and you enjoyed it 😊
To answer your questions:
Mario is much more of a social and outgoing person, so I have no doubt that he would be more drawn to the human world because there's more fun to be had there. Luigi on the other hand is more shy and awkward. I think he would choose the wolf side because there's less chance of him being hurt emotionally and/or physically by the humans. The wild offers more seclusion and thrills of their own. Both experience and later try to show each other that their choice is the better one, but ultimately they have to accept that while they were born together as one, they are their own individuals and will separate, but they are still brothers ❤️💚 Being half human the children display much more human social interactions.
Mia and the family share stories to the bros about their father. They have his driving license (just like in the movie) and Mia tells them as early as possible why they can change into wolves, and their daddy was a truly unique person who gave them that gift 💖 The family are secluded in the mountains and only go into the village below for supplies, food, and work.
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revenantghost · 11 months
[20 Question Fic Writer Game]
Tagged by @faindri and @pancake-breakfast!
How many works do you have on AO3?
18! Most are poetry collections, so a lot of smaller stories in one anthology.
What is your AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Trigun is my main squeeze atm (and biggest in general, I have four projects for it which is double anything else--and the highest wordcount, too), but I've written for KinnPorsche, Sabikui Bisco, Danny Phantom, Vampire In The Garden, Sasaki to Miyano, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Goncharov (yeah... yeah), The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window, Signalis, Omori, Lycoris Recoil, and The Executioner and Her Way of Life
What are your top five fics by kudos?
No idea and I ain't looking! Trad publishing has me extremely scarred from some nasty comparison wars, so I have kudo and view counts blocked on ALL fics, including mine. From my kudos emails, though, Hallowboned has to be my top fic for sure. Last time I was paying attention most of my other fics didn't pass into triple digits by a long shot
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do!!! I adore comments, and I love chatting with folks, it really keeps me motivated and chugging along. I am... very behind on replying to the comments on my last chapter rn because I feel so awful and guilty about having to quit writing
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uh... I don't write a ton of narrative fics, and I do love me some tragic poetry, but I guess the angstiest collection might be my Signalis one, Observable System Transcendence? But my Omori poem and the Trined Soul collection might be contenders, too
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I mean, Trembling Hands is a Trimax fix-it fic, so? Though the Sasaki and Miyano collection, Effortless Dreams, is definitely the most tooth-rotting fluff I've ever slapped onto the page
Do you get hate on fics?
Oh yeah, I've had my poetry called pretentious and also not good enough to be poetry lol. It's been a hot minute since that's happened, people are just jerks sometimes
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I used to! Porn with plot, my beloved. It would be interesting to explore in poetry format, but we'll see if I have the time who wants to commission some poetry porn from me lmao
Do you write crossovers?
Nah, not my cuppa
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, many moons ago
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that is one of the coolest things fandom does. Loving a thing so much you spend the time to painstakingly transform that art into something you can read and share in another language, bro??? Translators are amazing
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
I've worked pretty closely with artists a loooong time ago, but I've only written fics where I'm the sole writer. I have used other writers' ideas and outlines (with their permission, of course), but that's the closest
What's your all-time favourite ship?
I DON'T KNOW?!?! Shipping has never really been my main focus of media typically, but when one digs its teeth into me I go rabid in a completely feral but different way each time.
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
))): All of them
Life feels kinda... really dire atm, it's hard to see ever writing again. However! God I want to finish Hallowboned SO BADLY!!! I have so many chapters written for it that I haven't even posted!!!!! Y'all haven't met Livio yet!!!!!! GAH 3:
What are your writing strengths?
Uh... ??? I'll be real, I've got no idea. I feel like I write so weirdly atm, it's hard for me to analyze in that kinda way
What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to get really excited/into things and flit around and forget to explain or describe things sometimes. Thank god for having been well-trained to edit my own work. Not that I catch it all, but I try!!!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it'd really cool, but I'd need a native speaker on hand to make sure I don't fuck it up in my own fic
First fandom you wrote for?
I think my first piece of written fanwork was a Danny Phantom Quizilla thing lmao, I'm old. I don't remember what it was about, just that it was ANGSTY
Favourite fic you've ever written?
Ah?!?! Honestly, each project is so different and written from such a different place, I've got no idea. I'm proudest of Observable System Transcendence being my longest, most consistent project (outside of my Smaugust collection, which isn't a fan project), Hallowboned being the first thing that really inspired me in ages--and the most indulgent one lol. But each collection and fic and poem comes from such a different place, and it's hard to pull them apart and pick???
Whoever wants to hop in! :3
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badsalmonella · 8 months
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Thanks for tagging me, @bbreaddog
Last song: What's Up- 4 Non Blondes (it's one of my go to karaoke songs lol)
Currently watching: Ohhh I'm in the middle of watching Turn, but I had to put it on the backburner while I'm not home (me and my roommate are watching together) but it was really starting to pick up! I watched a couple episodes of House of Dragon on a plane. (I have never watched GoT before lolol)
Three ships: ahh ouuuhhh hMmm....? (This is hard for me I'm a chew on 1 ship at a time for at LEAST a year kind of girl lmaooo I really don't have many)
-Arthur/ Lancelot/ Guinevere
-Orpheus/ Eurydice
-Anthony/ Kate
Favourite color: Ohhh this always a hard one 🤔
Maybe at the moment I'm really digging light pink. I've been wearing it a lot.
Currently consuming: nothing I'm in bed atm.
First Ship: Rapunzel/ Eugene from Taaaangled 💖💖 though I do remember calling my friend on my Bratz phone that looked like a pair of their freakishly large lips and being like "I just saw the movie Wall-E in theaters and man those robots made me feel every emotion. Those robots made me believe in love wtf? 😭" Anyways I don't think middle school me knew what shipping was but yet but I think I classify that as "shipping behavior" lmaooo
Edit: wait....I forgot before that.....I was a Team Jacob Twilight reader 😔😔😔 (That didn't last long after I got through the final book though. Never expected that baby imprinting curve ball 😬)
Relationship status: very single
Last movie: Her (2013)
Currently working on: Many silly fanfics about those three blorbos from the Kingdom where weather follows decrees but a lot are getting half done then abandoned 🫣 oops
But also in the middle of painting the garden at my mom's family home. There's like this crazy large teal Virgin Mary display thing out there and her face is all messed up from the elements idk I was like this wants to be painted I think lolol (my aunt wants me to clean up her face for the painting tho 😂 gksjkfjd )
@mooremars @thebrokenroads @jackyfalahees @snowrassa @wolfbabedeluxe @whorphydice
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 11 months
So I am planning that dcla consent video in my head atm. And I won't say I will talk about all of these things in order, but it's basically stuff I want to bring up.
I wanna start with discussing how these shows like to use "surprise kissing". Which basically means "I didn't know, or were prepared, for you to kiss me but I am fine with it". With this, we can start to see what was actually consentual and what was not.
Violetta did not know Leon was gonna kiss her in their first kiss, BUT she very much liked it and sees it as a happy memory. It became consentual.
Violetta technically kissed Leon without his consent in 3x06, since he was asleep. However, in this case it was to mimic the way it happens in fairytales, and I like the trope of the princess waking up the prince instead of reverse. Also, it did cause Leon to wake up, and HE does not seem to have minded this. And if we'd elaborate on this we'd have to dig in the whole fairytale kissing people sleeping problem. In the end: We'll let this slide because it was supposed to be a romantic fairytale moment and everyone involved was ok with it. But, please do not kiss sleeping people irl.
I don't think Yam was that prepared that Ramiro would kiss her in S1, but when she saw the situation he was in, she went from "WHAT are you doing?! >:(" to "Oh! I see you need to get out of this situation! Okay!"
Maggie randomly kissed Rey on several occasions without him being prepared, just to disguise what they were actually doing. I don't know if he was that ok with it but he let it slide.
Naty was quite shook when Maxi kissed her in 2x71 but she liked it seemingly and then wanted him to do it again so.
Angie and Germán have "surprise kissed" each other several times and like. Germán at least liked it. He's like a sim, he got kissed once and got in love and so now when you don't control him he's gonna go kiss the other sim automatically without you wanting to
Ludmila and Federico's first kiss is very unclear
I mean when Leon kissed Roxy he did it mid sentence of her trying to talk and tbh out of context he was kind of pushy when she tried to talk herself OUT of the situation, but that whole scene I feel like we should pass
And then there's moment where people are non-consentual and it leads to nothing.
Beto kissed a random lady, and he thought it was Jackie?? But HE WASN'T EVEN DATING JACKIE TO BEGIN WITH so even if it was her it would've been just as strange
Jade kisses Germán without his consent on multiple occasions. This does not lead to very much other than them being awkward and moving on from it.
I will discuss Benicio later. I don't know why Ámbar keeps forgiving him for assaulting her...
I will then proceed to discuss the cases on non-con kisses that affected the plot somehow. Starting with Andrea kissing Maxi without his consent in S1. Yeah, remember Andrea? She had 2 actresses for some reason. Anyway, she was played as completely delusional and kissed Maxi without his consent, and then HE got the blame for it. After discussing that case, I will be like "so that was just one case... but there's a BIGGER ONE" and then BAM, we cut to the Yo Soy Asi duet. I will have my big fair share about Diego here. Maybe I can go tease the Diego supremacists who thinks he's perfect and that "Violetta is not the victim" in S2. Also I'm gonna question Pablo as a teacher for even trying to enforce them kissing.
When I am done with the Diego rant, which will be glorious, we shall move over to Matteo. This will be epic fun. Especially since I know many Lutteo shippers LIKE the scene you know I will talk about. So I will be like "I know many would see this more as a surprise kiss... but it's not. I have heard the argument that 'Luna didn't pull away from him so she must not have been that uncomfortable'. So this is why I disagree with that:"
With Matteo done, I can just slip in about Emilia. "Now when this happened to him, these were the consequences". Emilia definitely needs to be held accountable for it and I am glad the show DID hold her accountable for it. But, it also feels weird that, when Matteo does it to a girl it's romantic and when a girl does it against him she gets held accountable immediately. I know it was different situations but STILL.
We can then move over to Michel. I will discuss how out of all three of Luna's love interests, only ONE of them have had their first kiss with her consentually.
Then we can go to Eric and how Nina and Luna sort of bond over being kissed without their consent ??? and continue to ship each other with the respective boy????????
Yes... then I will mention Felipe Diaz. Fuck that guy I hope Ludmila and Naty kissed each other in front of him while flipping him off and then threw him into the river.
And then Benicio. Of course <3 I will make sure to also mention the kiss at Dia de los muertos. That was a curious case where the kiss was intented to be consentual and then BECAME non-consentual when she realized who she kissed. Good job Benny boy.
Then I guess I'll just take things I've missed. Maybe I can mention Tomas' "Your kiss with Leon was my kiss" even if it doesn't have to do much with consent but rather just because I wanna complain about it
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