#I do not know anything about mew mew kissy cutie
madpapyrus · 5 months
Papyrus!! What do you think about Mew Mew Kissy Cutie? Does Maddie watch/read it? Does she make you engage with it as well?
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tooti-fruiti · 6 months
Valentines Day
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Toriel bakes you a heart shaped butts pie for Valentines Day. (With extra whipped cream).
She'll love whatever you get her, just not flowers.
(Blame Asgore for that).
Her Valentines Day card to you reads: Cherries are red, you can get them in a store, I love to bake, but I love you more! Happy Valentines Day! -With Love, Toriel."
Sans makes sure to give you a very...unique...Valentines Day.
And what that means is he makes sex jokes with you but every time you suggest he actually does something, he gets flustered and teleports away for a few minutes.
But Sans does actually get you something though.
He gets you a new plushie. Every year.
His Valentines Day card to you reads: "do you sell hotdogs? because you know how to make a weiner stand. come with me to the bone zone later. -snas."
(He spelt it like that on purpose)
Papyrus will spoil you the best he can only Valentines Day.
He might have the money to do so, he might not.
He'll take you on a date to wherever you want to go.
Dinner? He's paying. (Even fast food)
Shopping? He'll try to buy you anything you want?
A simple movie date? You'll pick the movie.
He just wants to make you happy.
But if you get him something, even if it's small, he's going to cry.
He's so happy! He can't help it!
Undyne is prepared to smother you in love today.
She's extremely affectionate on Valentines Day, more affectionate than usual.
Which is why you two stay inside.
She watched movies and cuddles with you, she helps you around the house, she kisses your face about a million times.
She's not a very romantic person but she tries her best.
It doesn't cross her mind to get you a gift, but when you get her something. She always immediately leaves and comes back with something sweet and meaningful to you about half an hour later.
Her Valentines Day card to you reads: "I LOVE YOU! NGAAHHH!"
You take Alphys on a date and she dresses up.
You two go out to dinner and exchange gifts after eating.
You get her something anime related.
And she gets you something she knows you either need or will be useful to you.
It's not very romantic but it's the thought that counts.
Her Valentines Day card to you reads: "I love you more than I love Mew Mew Kissy Cutie...because you're my Kissy Cutie! -Love you! Alphys"
Mettaton goes over the top on Valentines Day.
He takes you out to fancy restaurants, buys you anything you want, and that means literally anything.
Even an exotic pet if you wanted one.
But all he wants from you?
He just wants you to sit in his lap and kiss his face.
That makes his gears turn faster than anything gift you could get him.
Since Asgore owns a flower shop, naturally, he gets you flowers for Valentines Day.
Your favorite flowers too, and they're in the shape of a heart.
He spends the day with you, showing you how much he appreciates you and how much he loves you.
His Valentines Day card to you reads: "Roses are red. Violets are blue. You should know that my heart...only belongs to you! Happy Valentines Day! -With love, Asgore."
Grillby doesn't get the point of Valentines Day, but participates because it would make you happy.
He gets you something small, like a necklace with your initials or a promise ring.
You two exchange gifts after having a small movie date.
But he accepts your gift for him even if he doesn't see the point in the holiday because he loves you very much, and would do anything to make you happy.
His Valentines Day card to you reads: "You set my heart on fire. (Sans made me write a pun, I'm sorry). -Grillby."
Muffet takes time out of her busy schedule to make you heart themed desserts.
And you always buy her a new decoration for her hair. Whether it be a cute set of bows or a new hair clip.
She loves them because she loves to style her hair.
After work, she ties you up in her web and cuddles you until you both fall asleep.
Her Valentines Day card to you reads: "You've got my heart tangled up in your web dearie. Happy Valentines Day! -Your loving girlfriend, Muffet."
Gaster has no idea what Valentines Day is.
But once you introduce it to him, he's overjoyed and fascinated by the holiday.
He buys you little gifts that he knows you'll like and he loves to see your reaction to them.
His heart also melts if you get him something. (It's most likely science stuff)
He also takes you out to dinner after exchanging gifs.
His Valentines Day card to you reads: "✋︎ ●︎□︎❖︎♏︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎. I wrote it in Wing Dings because it's one thing to say I love you in English, but it means so much more to me to say it to you in Wing Dings because that's my original language. ✋︎ ●︎□︎❖︎♏︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ (✡︎/☠︎). -W.D. Gaster."
[Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day]
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bigbigjuiceman · 5 months
I said that I’d discuss the two character’s I’ve worked on the most for UT: Extras
Meet Doreen (Pink) And Elizabeth (Blue)!
(The art is done by https://x.com/itsacomatoes?s=21
https://x.com/itsacomatoes?s=21 )
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First I should probably go over their Personalties, so here’s some summed up stuff on that!
Elizabeth: A quiet, more innocent compared to most people her age, she isn’t exactly shy but she is rather spacey, relatively just a naive girl that has a huge hyper fixation on dairy and milk related things.
Doreen: An extremely Hyper girl, she’s not actually innocent but she isn’t exactly corrupted or anything, she’s really supportive but can often be overwhelming to others because of her kind of over the top behavior
Now that we know them, what’s their Role in the game/story? Well…
They’re Shopkeepers that you can find in certain sections of most of the locations in the Underground!
The Hotel
And The Dunes if we add UT:Yellow stuff.
I have the items that they’ll sell finished, just not the prices.
There will be more and new items in the shops for everytime you encounter them, so..
Snowden Starting items:
Heals 10 hp.
Soda Milk: Heals 5 Hp.
It’s just..Carbonated Milk..?
Adds a minor speed boost.
A Bag of baking powder:
Tastes Awful.
Heals 2 Hp, but can be used 10 times.
Squid Milk: It’s literally Ink.
Tastes…oddly nice?
2 Hp
Adds 2 ATK.
CoupCake: 2 small halfs of a cake that make a heart when eaten.
Heals 10 Hp, can be Eaten twice.
The Healing increases after each of the "Dates."
After Papyrus it would be 11.
After Undyne it would be 15.
After Alphys it’s finally just 20.
Millik: Heals 55 Hp and Adds +2 Defense to you for each 2nd turn.
A Deluxe Milk that costs 8000.
The price Lowers everytime you die.
Waterfall Additions:
Glowilk: Heals 5 hp.
It’s Shining Milk
Makes you shine in dark areas.
Homilk: Heals 10 Hp.
It’s a bottle of milk with little blue cow stickers on it.
Makes act options worth 2x the rate they normally are.
(For Example: You don’t have to flex as much to get Aoron to flex itself away.)
Uncloudy Glasses:
Cost 1G + A pair of cloudy glasses.
Elizabeth cleans up your glasses.
Its defense stat changes to 10.
Hotland Additions:
Tardy Slip:
Allows you to flee a normal encounter you typically wouldn’t be allowed to.
Temmie Cereal: Heals 15 Hp.
It’s a Bowel of Cereal with a few Temmie flakes in it shaped in the face of Temmie.
(Only Unlocked After Finding Tem Village.)
Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2:
An Old Collection of episodes from a Show that Elizabeth’s no longer interested.
It can be given to Alphys for a Special interaction.
MTT Resort:
Block Cake: Heals 10 Hp
A Cake in a square shape with a few red things on the top.
can be used up to 10 times.
Carton Cap: Adds +12 Defense.
A Milk Carton Hat shaped like Elizabeth and Doreen’s.
Makes Dairy items heal for +5 more health.
Oh, and they DO actually have a "Boss fight" in every route!
In pacifist and neutral it’s typically an optional battle that you’ll ask them into, and if you damage one of the two too much the battle will end with them fleeing and having higher prices next time you encounter them
(They won’t like you as much.)
Opposite goes for sparing them.
And for genocide…
Y’know how you can DEVOUR Vegetoid when their guard is down?
The plan is to have Doreen standing affront of Elizabeth, Kinda defensively, and whenever her health gets low Elizabeth heals her.
But if you do this enough and her health is low, there’ll be an action called "CONSUME."
Where you just straight up eat her and she turns to dust with just a crinkled up Carton remaining before it turns to dust too, with Elizabeth watching in horror before you just kill her too!
Anyways, now that you’ve had some rather Dark stuff just spoon fed to you, I should probably brighten the mood by telling you their dialogue options in the shop (since you can talk to all of the shop keepers.)
They’re currently not finished tho, so expect more to be coming!
•You Ask About The Skeletons
D: "Oh? Them? I actually asked the Shopkeeper about them when I got here too, apparently they just came one day out of the blue and bought a house…"
E:"And Apparently the tall one keeps puttin’ traps all around the Forest…"
"They take a lot of time to do too.."
D:"Wait- You actually DO Those? I just jump over them!"
•You Ask About The Bunnies.
D: "Ahh, Do you mean the ones in the INN? Oh they’re the sweetest bunches of buns I’ve ever met."
D:"Next time you go there, Get a Bisicle, trust me…They’re GOOD."
•You Ask About The Bunnies….(again.)
E:"…The other ones? Oh uh…There’s the one lady who walks her kid on a leash like a pet.."
D:"She talks to it like one too, doesn’t she? Gosh that’s…"
•she’d chuckle a little.
"Odd, Really."
•You Ask About The Snowman.
D: "…Who?"
E:"I think they mean the one in the forest, remember? The one with the dream to be taken around the world?"
D:"Ah, Right, I wonder what he’s doing now…"
E:"Probably Standing at the same spot."
D:"…That Makes sense!"
•You ask them about themselves.
D: "Me and Lizzy are just two simple Milk Slimes tryna make a name for ourselves in the business world!"
E: "…It’s not going all too well."
D:"It’s not going too bad either! I’m sure we’ll get more customers soon!"
E:"…I hope you’re right."
That’s all for now folks, Ty for reading if you’ve made it so far!
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the-white-soul · 5 months
*Flowey listens to Alphys and Kris’ roleplay carefully, mentally noting things that would be good to mention in the actual court case. He’s seen the Alphys from his world have some confident sparks or even a complete attitude change in his past runs, so it's not new to him, but it still is cool to see that bit of passion flow from a regular trainwreck.*
I say they’d argue back that killing several children wasn’t a mistake, but that was a good start! We’re not focusing on the actual arguments not anyway, lucky for you, just the way you hold yourself.
Law stuff is really uptight I say you should be careful of what you say, yet you also should have some emotion- hold off on crying for credibility- so you're not putting everyone to sleep.
(Alphys) "Thanks. Talking can be difficult, but I can practice more some other time. Now, I'll study some monster/human history to check I didn't miss anything important. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my lab." Alphys goes out the door. (Undyne) "I was only speechless because I didn't want to interrupt her. She does have a side to her, I see. You should hear some of what she said about Mew-Mew Kissy Cutie 2 online. That's the problem. I can tell she can say so much, but she doesn't out of either social anxiety or thinking no one will care. I love her and wish she would love herself." (Kara) "We can only hope. Someone's life is on the line, and by the way, Chara talked, it seems like multiple lives could be on the line. Does anyone believe in a religion? If so, pray hard. We'll need all the help we can get." Sans walked down, and everyone explained what Chara's plan was. (Sans) "That kid has ruined our lives again? What's next, the sky is blue?" (Kara) "I have a question about that. How did Chara turn into Flowey?" (Toriel) "It was all my fault. After coming back with arrows in his back, my son, in his last words, said, 'They didn't deserve this. Take Chara and put them to rest.' I was so filled with grief that I ended up going to a mad doctor. The man refused to say his name but said he might fix Chara. When I asked why he didn't inform us earlier, he said, 'I wasn't around then.' I shouldn't have trusted him, but when you hear your kid may be revived after your other is dead, you don't say no. It is impossible. I agreed, and he explained the process. It is not like it mattered to me. If it works, I would do anything. He mentioned how humans are born with determination unparalleled by others. Unfortunately, that determination is lost when you die. So he replaced some of the determination from some fallen monsters and injected it into Chara. They melted, and I thought it was over. My guess is since a flower was on the ground, they got turned into it. Me and that scientist are responsible. I'm so sorry, I was so desperate that…" (Kara) "Shh… you were struck with grief. It was an accident, and you didn't know any better. We'll have to clean up the mess made. Who knows, maybe one day Chara will become a good person. Then it might be worth it." (Toriel) "Perhaps one day."
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weirderscience · 2 years
i think its really funny that i choose to make au fics of stuff bc ive been doing this since i was like 15. last time i did anything with this much thought i was writing an undertale fanfic for like 2 years that was so fucking elaborate and had its own lore and science to it. the fbi was in it. there were multiple scenes i had attempted to make in gamemaker studio. frisk became god and would infodump about the production history of mew mew kissy cutie to alphys in every timeline on principle no matter if it was relevant or not because they thought she deserved to know
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viky2318 · 9 months
Chapter 1: awakening.
That was all the young monster felt before everything. It wasn't unsettling, nor concerning. After all, he never felt anything else before that. He didn't even exist. 
A scream.
A soul shouting in pain, as if it was getting ripped apart.
And then pain.
A horrible feeling in his chest, like a burning fire melting his bones.
He didn't even know how he knew that, but it felt terribly familiar despite having never experienced it. He jolted up, his eyes wide open and his hands instinctively going to the area that hurted. There was a hole between his ribs, aching terribly. He was filled with holes, everywhere between his many bones, but that specific one was out of place. His ribs were melting around that area. It was terribly painful. 
Someone spoke.
"Wh- D1?!?" a stuttering voice exclaimed. The skeleton turned to the other person in the room (how did he know that was a room?). A terrified, short, yellow lizard lady in a long white coat was looking at him through the thin semicircular lenses of her glasses. Who D1 was? Who was she? The skeleton breathed slowly, the hole in his chest hurting like crazy. A few seconds ago there was nothing, and now… there was everything. Where was he? What was going on?
Who was he?
The lizard spoke again, unsurely stepping closer. “o-oh gosh,- 
“Are you ok?”
Duo quickly sat up, tense. He took a few deep breaths, regaining control over his messy mind as he looked around. The young skeleton was sitting on the bed of his room, quiet as usual.
… A bad dream. It was just a bad dream. 
How weird. When was the last time Duo had a bad dream about that moment? Surely a long time ago. Why was it back? Nothing special happened recently that could bring back that memory.
The skeleton turned to the source of the voice, only to see a 12 years old orange-eyed human with a big red scarf and a concerned look. “Yes, buttercup?” Duo asked the little girl. “Is everything alright? Paps said you weren't feeling fine and when I came in you were shaking!” she exclaimed. 
“... Oh”.
… Even Paps noticed it?
Geez, that really wasn’t normal.
“... Don't worry Kate. It was just a bad dream. Everything is fine now”, the skeleton told the girl with a quiet smile. “But tell me: what happened to your hair?” he then asked. The little human’s black hair was way messier than usual, and looked roughly cutted in a way that seemed to resemble some sort of sophisticated haircut. Kate looked away nervously, a small smile appearing on her face. “uhh- well… I was bored, and in one of Uncle Blooky’s books there were a lot of super cool characters with really nice hair aaand… I tried to come up with something similar. But it didn’t come out as expected”. The skeleton raised a nonexistent brow. “Are you talking about that silly comic- how was it? ‘Mew Mew’ something…”. The girl huffed. “No! ‘Mew Mew Kissy Cutie’ is an Anime! It was ‘The Hero College’, which is way cooler!” she exclaimed, almost sounding serious. Duo chuckled. “oh, I see. Sorry buttercup, you’re the nerd here”, he apologized. “Now, let’s fix this mess”.
A few hours (and a lot of patience) later, the young girl had a more recognizable V-cut (shorter hair on the back and longer on the front). It surely wasn’t the best since Duo wasn’t a hairdresser, but it was better than the mess that there was before on the girl’s head. The girl was joyful nonetheless. She felt so happy she didn’t even notice she phased through a small blue-ish ghost monster while practically jumping out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. Said ghost, Napstablook, looked at her with a little confusion before turning to Duo and realizing what looked different in her. “Oh… You cut her hair?” they asked quietly. “yeah. Never gonna do that again”, the skeleton replied as he took the broom (he knew he would have needed it so he left it nearby) and started cleaning up all the small hair from the floor. the ghost tilted their head, frowning a little. “Why is that so? Kate looked so happy…”. The skeleton smiled, then replied: “She’s happy like she had never been, but my backbone surely isn’t as joyful. She’s so short, even while standing up…”. “Oh… you could have asked me to help you…” Napstablook commented, taking the dustpan. “I’ll remember it the next time she decides to turn her head into a bird nest”, the skeleton replied. The two monsters quickly cleaned up the floor, then threw away the hair and went into the living room. There, Kate was joyfully chatting with another monster, an incorporeal floating skeleton head that, to reply, turned himself into floating words. The moment the skeleton and the ghost entered the room, the incorporeal monster greeted them joyfully with a “good day to you!” that only Duo heard but with a big write in a nice font that both the two saw. “Hi Paps, how are you?”, the skeleton asked. The four started chatting quietly, the usual morning little discussions: how you slept, how are you, what did you dream, and so on. Duo, as almost always, avoided sharing his dream by saying he didn’t remember. It was 10:30 already. It was the first time the skeleton overslept. He usually woke up earlier than the others. After some time Napstablook left, as they couldn’t leave the family farm for too long. As usual, Kate asked if she could come with them and, as usual, Napstablook replied with a quiet “maybe another day”. Truth to be told, the little ghost wasn’t really sure if it was a good idea to bring her there. Not because she could mess around, but because she would probably get bored in a moment- snail farms weren’t really an exciting activity. The young human then went on the table and fed the pet rock, then sat down and started drawing something. Duo sat at the table as well, but for completely different reasons: he was studying the Barrier. Every week he headed to New Home and collected data of that magic shield that kept them trapped Underground, then brought his results at home and tried to understand exactly how it worked, how it was made, and most importantly how to take it down. Kate loved the Underground with all of her soul, but she had a family waiting for her on the surface. Neither Duo or Paps wanted her to live her entire life down there.
No one would like living forever in that massive graveyard.
Because that was what the Underground was now: a silent, immense grave. The four were the only beings down there. The other monsters were gone almost a year ago. Thankfully, it happened before Kate’s arrival. Duo wouldn’t have had any idea of how to explain to her the disappearance of hundreds of souls in a single month by the hand of another human.
Duo worked nearly everyday on the Barrier. there weren’t many other things he could do. He knew nearly everything that was already known about it, which wasn’t much. It was a giant sphere that surrounded the whole Underground made of pure human magic, a kind of magic that was based purely on their souls and therefore extremely powerful. It could be crossed only in one direction: from outside to inside. To go through it from inside, from what was known, you needed the power of a human and a monster soul. Not just that, the two souls needed to be fused together. Duo and Paps, for a little while, evaluated the option of giving up on their soul to let Kate go out, but then concluded that the little human was too sweet to let anyone die for her sake. The young skeleton studied the barrier carefully, considering any possible way to take it down or to at least let Kate go through safely…
But to no avail.
… -For now! Duo wasn’t planning to give up any time soon. He would have found a solution one way or another!
… Hopefully.
-No! There was nothing to worry about! He could handle this! There must be a solution!
He simply had to search more.
The day went on as usual. Nothing special happened. They went walking at Waterfall in the afternoon, paid a visit to Blooky and then, around 8:30 pm, went back home. Dinner, bed story for Kate, and then downstairs back at work. Paps always told him it wasn’t healthy for him to work late, but Duo either didn’t listen or told him it wasn’t a problem. The skeleton could stay up until midnight without getting tired. When he finally started to feel tired, he piled up his papers in a well ordered pile on the table, went upstairs and on his bed, careful to not wake Kate up in the meanwhile.
That same routine repeated everyday, for nearly one whole year and until the skeleton would find a solution to his problem.
Or this was what he thought.
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neomettaton · 2 years
mettaton hcs please *grabby hands*
-Actually the biggest fucking dork in the entire universe and no one knows except two people and that’s Papyrus and Alphys
-He watches anime with Alphys in their pj’s and he loves it (believes that Mew Mew: Kissy Cutie 2 is better but he will never tell Alphys that unless he wants to die)
-His favourite food is Angel food cake (or any type of cake, really).
-He puts edible glitter on nearly everything he eats purely because he loves glitter. This tradition started because as a kid, Mettaton was a SUPER picky eater and wouldn’t eat anything. His mom put edible glitter on his food to make it more appealing to him, and it worked! Now, there is almost no food he won’t eat.
-His voice is actually pretty clear (clear as in human-sounding and not robotic). But when he gets angry, his voice will get more metallic and staticky.
-Has a really tough time paying attention to anything. You’d think Alphys would try and fix him, which, she has, but anytime she would bring it up to Mettaton, he would get defensive and go “MY MEMORY IS AMAZING, I HAVE NO PROBLEM WHATSOEV- ooh Alphys what are you working on??? This looks cool-”
-Pansexual king. Case closed.
-He drinks petrol like coffee?? Alphys once woke up super tired and asked for a sip and he went “ ??? ok I guess” and when she took a sip, she spat it out immediately and went “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS METTATON” and he’s like “ITS PETROL YOU STUPID SHIT WHAT ELSE WOULD IT BE?”
-He can and will scratch you with his ungodly long nails if you’re getting on his nerves. He’s deadass a fuckin cat.
-He can pole dance! He likes how creative you can be with different moves, it’s artistic as hell and he loves it
-He really likes Queen for some reason??? He loves to point out that “that Freddie Mercury is basically human me! Isn’t that neat?”
-He BEGGED Alphys to make him water proof so he could take a shower. He’s always been told that taking a hot shower is so relaxing and he wanted to test it out for himself. The outcome? It’s one of his favourite things to do, and he will spend over 2 hours in the shower, just because. It drives Alphys insane.
-He speaks French purely for the reason that “it’s a sexy language!!” He wanted his fans to hear him speaking in baguette so he asked Alphys to install a French-speaking chip in him. She did, and now it’s his favourite thing to use to boost his ratings.
-Insists on having 15+ pillows on his bed because he thinks it looks pretty. Then at the end of the day, he’s tired and wants to go recharge, he curses his own name for having to do an extra task of removing the billions of pillows.
-Is amazed by heart beats, since he doesn’t really have one of his own. He once asked Alphys if he could just lie on her chest so he could listen to her heartbeat. She was like “ummm… ok” and lemme tell you, he had a BLAST, like “ALPHYS THIS IS SO FUCKIN COOL YOUR HEART HAS A RYTHEM TO IT!!!” … my man thought that the heart beat was at random times- but now he will listen to heartbeats whenever he gets the chance (he’ll usually just curl up to Alphys when she’s on the couch and he’ll listen)
-He is incredibly tall already (about 6’5, WITHOUT the heels. With the heels, he’s about 6’7). If he wants to intimidate someone, however, he will make himself taller by extending his legs.
-He, interestingly enough, isn’t a fashion snob. He can appreciate everyone’s style and not think it’s bad. You could be wearing sweatpants and a sweater, and he’s just like “Oh!! Nice attire, dear! Where did you get them?”
-When he’s not on stage, he’s actually quite sweet and not arrogant like he makes himself out to be.
I hope this was good!! If you need more, send another ask :D
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How about Alphys for the Ask Meme you just reblogged 👀👀👀👀
of course! thanks for the ask!!
favorite thing: she’s such a cinnamon roll and i just want to give her a hug at all times . . . like, alphys, honey, you should love yourself as much as i love you :< plus, i can’t get over mew mew kissy cutie. do i want to watch it with her? yes. do i want to see fanart of her with the mew mew figurine and instant noodles? absolutely.
least favorite: i really can’t deny that it’s pretty damn creepy that she has the video feed of frisk’s location?? and then there’s the whole thing about how she reactivated the puzzles in hotland and sent mettaton after them - she had good intentions, but still. there are better ways to make friends ¯\_(���)_/¯
favorite line: “mew mew kissy cutie 2 is neither kissy nor cutie. it’s trash. 0 stars”
brotp: mettaton! i also think her and papyrus with their combined sweetness would be a worthy match, but her and mettaton are just too interesting to me. their backstory is really cool?? like she just met this celebrity wannabe ghost and was like “here i’ll make a robot for you to be”??? idk, i wanna see more of them together. also there’s the “mettaton, if you were hurt i would have . . . i would have . . .“ line (or whatever it is)
otp: alphyne should be a no brainer for anyone who knows anything about undertale - so yes, that includes me! their dyamic is really sweet because they’re so different from each other but pining so hard. undyne fucking catapulting alphys into a trash can? relationship goals. gimme some of that.
random headcanon: alphys wrote a 100k word-long self-insert mew mew kissy cutie fanfic that got over 300k views on wattpad
unpopular opinion: dunno how unpopular this is (and it’s technically another headcanon) but. she’s not an innocent bean. she IS a bean, but not an innocent one. she reads smut at two in the morning
song i associate with her: remedy by tiffi
favorite picture of her:
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smiley, happy alphys is best alphys
also, this is alphyne but it deserves to be here as well
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old-fellapart · 3 years
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FellApart Alphys
A retired queen with mental problems.
Now that she has retired, her only friend, Muffet, is in politics on her behalf.
Her former reign was a good time for the foreseeable future, but she wasn't confident in her and nothing could be done without Undyne's reply.
She seemed to have three adopted children, and she lived happily with them and Undyne in a family of five, but after an event, her adopted children died in quick succession. She was blamed by Undyne for her muttering words at the time, and she fell into self-loathing.
She has a hobby of writing a diary, but she loved her family so much that all the contents became the past tense.
She tied a hanging rope, but she was terrified and her family was in her mind, and she couldn't do it after all.
She appears on the Neutral Route with only voice. However, she eventually ends up in Muffet, and she later takes her determination into herself and melts into muddy suicide.
On the True Pacifist Route, she attacks you with the thought that "I don't want to live without doing anything, I don't want to live without hating myself."
She ordered Papyrus to study her determination. She apparently sent a life-sized figure of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie to heal him, but it was left unattended.
She hasn't talked to Sans much, but I know he was training with Undyne.
Attack with lightning, bombs, and spear magic.
(Red thunder changes the color of the soul back to red. Yellow thunder changes the color of the soul to yellow.)
After TP Route, he will take over Asgore and live with Undyne who has followed Asgore. Undyne is a bit tough on her, but she seems to like her because she's childish and she still likes her.
After her retirement, she made a butterscotch cinnamon pie for her families who are no longer, and eventually she ate it all herself and swallowed sweets and cider from Muffet from stress. As a result, she got flesh all over her body, and became overweight in a moment. Her rapid weight gain made her clothes pretty tight, and in some places her clothes were unbearable and torn.
Undyne is worried about her plump fat and is trying to make her a healthy diet, but she seems to like to peck her fleshly belly and she doesn't feel like making it. Alphys doesn't seem to lose weight either.
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Forgive me,but I have to... Hey,Alphys,what do you know about the Mew Mew Kissy Cutie anime?
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((2/6 Alphys asks!!
Of course the only two who really know anything about anime is Matthew and Justin...
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Some Sense of Normalcy ch.3 (baon)
Summary: It’s Edge’s first day back to work at the Embassy, but his job isn’t the only thing on his mind.
Tags:  Spicyhoney, Kustard, Established Relationships, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mentions of Past Injury
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read Chapter 3 on AO3
Read it here!
Stretch was only two steps out of the elevator and already he could taste his own sweat heavy on the back of his tongue. It was fine, no big deal, it was only a bunch of equipment, right? The harsh gleam of the overhead fluorescent lights on stainless steel shouldn’t be that damn upsetting, it shouldn’t.
Shoulda woulda coulda, and fuck it all, because it damn well was, and the bitch of it was that Stretch wasn’t even sure why.
He started to turn around. Not to get back into the elevator, no, he wasn’t peacing out. Only to breathe for a minute, use those hard-learned tactics for controlling an incipient panic attack that Doc Lee spent the past year trying to pound into his hard skull. She hadn’t said it in so many words, but Stretch got the idea that they’d all been thoroughly tested already on Sans.
Close his sockets, focus on breathing deeply through his mouth. In for four, hold it, out for four. He was supposed to be so damned good at math, he could manage that much.
What felt like a hard, rubbery fist clenched in his chest was starting to ease when he heard someone calling his name.
“Stretch!” He turned to see Alphys almost scurrying up and her smile was warm enough despite the trifle of worry in her eyes.
Yeah, okay, better to keep her worries on the right path. Stretch hung on a 100-watt smile and beamed it right her way, “hey, lizard lady, how’s it going? i didn’t even have a chance to ring the bell.”
She held up her phone. “I g-get an alert when certain k-keycards are used in the elevator. C-come on, come to my office.”
Going to her office sounded like a super plan.
Stretch followed after her as she led a path through the maze of metal tables and equipment, the other scientists in their long white coats. He knew the way to her office, but it was easier to focus on the long yellow tail poking out of the back of her lab coat, concentrate on keeping that breathing nice and even.
Alphys wasn’t always the most observant person out there when it came to social cues, but she sure as hell understood anxiety. She knew he wasn’t keen on the labs. Not from anything Stretch said, not fucking likely, but he was pretty sure Ass-gore had a top-secret file on him somewhere with a nice long list of his skills sets and another one of his phobias. He kinda thought the skill list was longer, not enough to bet on it. He hoped whatever pictures they stuck in it caught his good side, namely his ass.
The second Stretch was through the office door, Alphys closed it, shutting out all the bustling sounds and reflections, and the relief of it being out of sight, out of mind, made Stretch let out an explosive sigh.
Alphys gave him a nervous smile as she gathered a stack of folders out of the guest chair. “So-sorry about the mess.”
On her desk, bookshelves, and even the chairs were cluttered piles of papers and diagrams, surrounded her computer monitors like flimsy skyscrapers, the bright corners of manga books poking out from random levels, and empty coffee mugs standing around like statues.
There were toys, too, statues and plushies both, one that looked distinctly like smiling piece of poo, another of dragon, curled around one of the coffee mugs. On her desk was a figure from ‘Mew Mew Kissy Cutie’ and that gave Stretch a little pang to see.
Back home, (no not home, not for a long time now) it was ‘Bow Wow Smootchie Beauty’, the main character an anime girl with adorably floppy ears. For the first time in longer than Stretch could remember, a longing twinge for Undyne rose up in him. Not this world’s Undyne, his Undyne, and he hated phrasing it that way, but he couldn’t think of something better.
He and Undyne hadn’t been besties, but they’d still been friends. Close enough that he’d gone to her place a few times to hang out, watch anime, and chatter on about the episodes and what was the best kind of cup noodles. So many words tossed back and forth about nothing at all. So long as they stayed in her rooms and out of the lab proper, it didn’t bother him, and Undyne never brought up her work, even when it was kinda obvious she wanted to.
That wistful look started showing up more and more, and Stretch stopped going even before everything went to shit in Underswap. There was something for his regret bucket. That he hadn’t taken the time to keep up his end of the bargain, hadn’t invited her over to his place for some movie viewing and yeah, she hated Snowdin, but he hated Hotland, so it was a fair trade. What wasn’t fair was knowing that if he’d been in Underswap, he would’ve gone to Undyne about this problem, without ever letting her talk about her work. Watched her nervously rub her hands together, half her face obscured by her long hair, hiding behind that curtain.
Stretch blinked hard, tearing his gaze away from the little figure and focused back to Alphys’s concerned face. Underswap was a long time ago and he needed to keep the count his of personal issues to one hand, thanks.
“hey, so thanks for meeting with me,” Stretch said. He plunked down into the chair while Alphys sat at the one at her desk, specially designed to allow for her tail. He didn’t bother resisting the urge to reach for his lighter, letting the rhythm of weaving it through his fingers soothe him.
“No problem,” Alphys said, “we got off c-course with t-tracking your HP. Is it t-troubling you again?”
“let me get straight to the meat of it,” Stretch said, “i want you to run another scan on my hp, then you can tell me.”
She nodded. “Have you been h-having any symptoms?”
“i’ve been really tired lately, run down,” Stretch admitted, “i take a nap and i wake up still tired. i can fall asleep anywhere.”
Alphys hummed thoughtfully, “S-sounds like Undyne r-right now.” She gave him an unexpectedly teasing look, "Are you s-sure you aren't p-p-pregnant, too?"
"har, har, al." Stretch about sprained an eye light rolling them as hard as he could. “unless i grew some unexpected equipment, there won’t be any knocked up at my door.”
"Well, in theory, s-soul mating c-could result in the c-creation of a souling, there were experiments—"
"in theory, sure,” Stretch interrupted, unreasonably annoyed; he didn’t want to talk about experiments, thanks. “but that requires rubbing two souls together long enough to make a fire. since edge and i stick with rubbing pelvises, i'm going with not." Stretch shuddered; just the thought of it was nightmare fuel. "sorry, preggies is okay for people who want it, but i'd rather donate a femur to the cause.”
"I th-think I wouldn't have m-minded," Alphys said, shyly. "But Undyne has better HP than me, so we d-decided she should be the one to c-carry the baby.”
Even talking about this was making him a little uncomfortable, but Al had the look of someone who wanted to talk, maybe needed to. She was doing him the favor, here, the least he could do was listen. Probably Al didn’t get to talk about it much, since she wasn’t the one with the bump.
The memory of his Undyne made him push aside his discomfort. Stretch forced a chuckle and said, "heh, if that's the deciding vote, then if we were gonna baby it up, Edge would be the pregnant one."
"He would have very f-fashionable maternity clothes. He and Undyne c-could bond over prenatal yoga." Alphys looked at him curiously, rocking back in her office chair, “P-pardon me for asking, but are you t-two looking for a surrogate, then?”
“fuck, no!” Stretch blurted. Yeah, that might have been a little excessive, Alphys winced, cringing into herself. Stretch tied on his smile again, “sorry, sorry, that was rude.”
Alphys shook her head, and her words were gentle and nonjudgmental, “N-not at all, it’s a p-p-private decision, I shouldn’t have p-pressed.”
Probably not. He and Al weren't specifically close, as friends or anything else, so Stretch wasn't sure why his stupid mouth chose to add, "i really don’t want kids and edge…i mean. he says he’s fine with it.”
If Alphys was surprised to hear him toss out that conversational gambit, it didn’t show. She only leaned in, her eyes kind behind her glasses, “You d-don’t believe him?”
Wasn’t that the ten-dollar question? Stretch really wished he was sure about the answer. He wanted to believe Edge, maybe Edge even believed himself, tried to, anyway. Stretch looked down, away from Alphys’s gaze, and said in a small voice. “i don’t know.”
“Hm.” Alphys stood and waddled over to stand next to him. Even sitting, he had to look down at her as she settled a clawed hand on his shoulder, “I really want this baby,” she said, clearly, “But I th-think if Undyne d-didn’t want to have kids, I’d be okay w-with that.”
There was enough quiet sincerity in that to make him swallow hard against a knot settling in the back of his throat. “yeah?”
“Yeah,” Alphys smiled, a loving, brilliant smile meant for someone else, someone tall and brash, with a lot of red hair. Not his Undyne, but hers. “I f-fell in love with her, n-not her DNA,” Alphys said, firmly. “Although she does have very n-nice DNA. So maybe you should b-believe him.”
Stretch offered her a smile of his own, one that felt a little wobbly, but hey, it was there. Look at him, communicating back and forth like a grown up and all. Doc Lee would be so proud. “thanks al. congrats by the way. how are undyne and the bump?"
"Impatient," Alphys sighed deeply, and wasn't there chapters of meaning in that one word.
“know much about the sprog yet?” Stretch teased and it felt okay. “gonna be twins? tadpoles?”
She giggled and shook her head. “N-no, the ultrasound is showing one baby. She’s d-due anytime now, it can be d-difficult to gauge with mixed Monster species.”
The scientist in him was a little curious about that; he’d gone for physics over biology. He wondered who they’d gone with for the dad juice, but he wasn’t the kind of asshole who would ask.
“i do like kids,” Stretch admitted, “i just don’t want part ownership with one. bet edge would like to babysit.”
She hummed thoughtfully, “B-be careful with that offer, I’m s-sure we’ll take you up on it. Now, we’ve g-gotten off-topic.”
Stretch winced. “yeah, sorry, sorry, i know you’re busy.”
“Not so busy that I can’t h-help,” Alphys countered. She turned around to scrabble through the clutter on her desk, came back with a notepad and a pencil. The tip of the pencil hovered over the paper, ready to write, “Now, you’ve been t-tired. What are you getting when you run a Ch-check?”
Of course she’d ask that, it made sense, it was the very first thing to be done to see a Monster’s stats. Quick, painless, and loaded with info, and Stretch didn’t really have a good reason for not doing one already, past ‘don’t wanna’.
Time to face the tunes. “i haven’t run one,” Stretch admitted quietly, “i know, i know, i’m wasting your time--”
“Hm? No, I don’t think so,” Alphys scribbled something down on the notepad. “Anything else out of the o-ordinary?”
“i thought about it and the only thing i can think of is i’ve been doing a lot healing lately, more than usual.” He didn’t say why and Alphys didn’t ask. “a lot of shit’s been going down. honestly, i don’t even know if something is wrong, but if there is, i wanted to get a leg over on it, get checked over before anything worse crops up.”
“You’re t-tall enough to get a leg right up over my h-head,” Alphys said, and the gentle tease soothed. Right up until Alphys set aside the notepad and picked up a tablet with a pair of electrodes dangling from it. “Right then, l-let’s run some t-tests. Can you summon your soul?”
Fuck, he hated this part. Or maybe hated was too strong a word. It wasn’t that bad, really, Stretch was used to a certain clinical touch on his soul from time to time, he got sick too often not to be. Used to the feel of gloved hands holding it steady to slip in an IV needle, or to attach leads, or to take a minuscule sample to study under a microscope, checking for what kind of germ hooked its wagon to his personal shining star this time. He was pretty numb to the whole ordeal at this point.
If he were honest with himself, and hey, sometimes he was, it hadn’t felt quite so invasive until he’d let Edge go hands-on with it. No one else had ever cradled his soul in a gentle hand, gazed at the silvery light that poured out of it with adoration. Sure as hell no one else had ever seen it during sex, rubbed a careful, bare thumb across its smooth surface and dragged such toe-curling pleasure out of him he’d damn near fainted from it.
Yeah, it was hard to sit back down in the waiting room once you got a glimpse of paradise.
He summoned up his soul, and didn’t watch as Alphys went to work. She was professional and gentle, hooking up the leads with barely even a pinch. She tapped the tablet and almost instantly, her expression changed into something... complicated. Um. That didn’t seem good. “what?”
“Oh, it’s n-nothing, let me--”
“it’s not nothing, you look like someone gave you a pinch on the ass. what is it?”
“It’s n-nothing bad,” Alphys corrected. “L-let me finish first, hasty c-conclusions lead to bad r-results.”
True enough but that was easier to deal with when it came to his experiments on growing better yielding plants through hydroponics, not so much when it was his soul on the line.
He waited impatiently while she poked at the tablet and managed to give her all of three minutes before bursting out, “okay, so what’s going on?”
“See for y-yourself.”
She held out the table and on it was a screen was a visual display of all his stats, from his soul pulse (running too fast) to his defense (sitting at its normal too-low), to his HP, displayed down to the tiniest decimal.
His HP, which had been slowly ticking upward for the past few weeks, was still doing it. Only now it was above five, closer to 5.3453367883. The last three crawled upward as he stared, turning to a unaccusing four.
“it’s going up,” Stretch said blankly. Way to state the obvious, there. His mind wasn’t calculating anything past that, nothing beyond his initial shock. He’d been expecting bad news, braced to hear the worst, and this was the exact opposite. It was like a trash bag breaking open to reveal piñata candy inside.
“Y-yes!” Alphys said happily. She tapped a clawed finger on the tablet screen. “It’s s-still going at the same r-rate as before, only it’s traveled p-past your base HP!”
“but…why?” Pointless question, what did it matter so long as it was going up, but Stretch didn’t like mysteries, not on television and not in life. He liked answers.
“That’s harder to d-determine,” Alphys admitted. “You d-did say you’ve been getting more rest lately, but th-that usually causes a one-time boost, n-not a cumulative effect. You said you’ve been using your m-magic a lot m-more, yes?”
“yeah, more than i usually do around the house.”
“M-maybe you should keep that up.” She snatched up the notepad and started scribbling furiously, leaving Stretch to gingerly remove the leads himself and allow his soul fade back into his chest. “T-take more shortcuts, practice a few a-attacks. We aren’t meant to hoard our m-magic in our souls, we need to l-let it out, k-keep it from going stagnant.”
“i guess i could.” Shortcuts, anyway, Stretch wasn’t really keen on making any sort of attack, not even for the magic drain, thanks.
“I think you should t-t-try it,” Alphys said decisively, “For th-this week, work on using your m-magic more than usual, then come back and we’ll r-run another test. It’s worth investigating.” She paused. “Of course, there is a-another possibility.”
Her smile was a little tremulous, “M-monster souls response well to h-happiness.”
Before Stretch could say anything to that, his phone rang, showing an incoming call from the main source of his current happiness.
Fuck, he’d told Edge to call on his lunch.
He held up a shushing finger to his mouth and Alphys nodded, even as he swiped to answer it, “babe! i was just thinking about you—”
“I hope they were kind thoughts and not nefarious plans.” Just the sound of his voice was soothing, the soft underlying humor wrapped around his concern, “How are you feeling?”
Too much enthusiasm was going to set off alarm bells, so Stretch settled for, “better, i think. more myself, anyway.”
“That’s wonderful to hear, love,” Edge said warmly. “Then if you’re feeling better, perhaps you’d like to come upstairs to my office and have lunch with me?
Welp, so much for secrets. He should have known better to even try at the Embassy. If the spy gear didn’t get you, the gossips sure did. “who tattled.”
“I’m afraid I can’t reveal my source.”
Yeah, about the only person that took out of the running was Andy, and only because he’d promised not to tell. “yeah, i’ll be up in a mo’.”
“Wait,” Came unexpectedly from Alphys. “C-could you ask Edge to c-come down here? For a few m-moments?”
“um, sure, al,” Stretch said slowly and all his relief about his HP started to curdle until she hastily spoke up again.
“It’s n-not about you. O-or it is, but n-not in that way, it’s n-nothing bad, only an experiment I’m doing. I c-could use both your help.”
That didn’t sound at all ominous or anything, did it. But he owed a favor and Stretch did like to pay off his tabs. Eventually.
“babe, can you come down to the labs, to alphys’s office?” Stretch said into the phone. “she says it’s nothing bad.”
“Of course,” Edge replied, surprised, “I’ll be down in ten minutes.” The call disconnected and left him alone again with Alphys for ten long minutes, ten minutes that he didn’t really want to discuss experiments in until Edge was here. He could give Alphys that much, more than he’d ever given his Undyne.
But only when Edge was here, that was the thing and it was okay; Edge might be the one with all the strategy, but Stretch had a trick or two up his sleeve, too.
“did you see the last mew mew kissy cutie holiday special?”
Alphys brightened visibly and took the bait, babbling her way excitedly into his trap. Stretch settled back into his chair to listen, for at least ten minutes, but his wandering thoughts were more on his HP and that slow upward tick.
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quantumfeat72 · 5 years
everyone is autistic
a compilation of undertale headcanons
puzzles are a special interest
has a Very Specific morning routine, including that oatmeal with the dinosaur eggs, feeding the rock, and recalibrating all of his puzzles
echolalia (NYEH-HEH-HEH)
does a lot of sensory-seeking stuff (a la running around in the snow wearing a thin costume) because snowdin is really really quiet and he needs to balance it out
simultaneously an absolute motormouth and mostly nonverbal; they use ASL to infodump at asriel and narrator-powers to infodump at frisk
doesn’t really like/understand hugs but doesn’t mind them, actively reminds themself to initiate hugs with asriel when he’s upset because they know he likes them
knitting is a happy stim
masks without really meaning to because they’ve internalized the idea that anything abnormal is rude
hates eye contact
gets sensory overload from sound really easily and wears earplugs whenever they have to go to a city
mostly verbal but chara teaches them sign, both for occasional nonverbal spells and when they can’t hear people because of their earplugs
sleeps with 5,000 blankets
always wears a chewy necklace because otherwise they’d chew on their clothes and they used to get in a lot of trouble for that before they fell
wardrobe is multicolored variations on one (1) outfit
good at masking when they need to (mainly for ambassador work), but it exhausts them
hates the texture of any pasta. ramen is better dry
their favorite stim is rubbing soft fabric
touch-starved baby boy
asks chara to lay on him like 3 times a week.  at first they were really scared they’d hurt him but later they’d notice him acting antsy and just flop down on top of him
clothing tags are the bane of his existence
used to get awful sensory overload from showers until he started turning the lights off and leaving a flashlight on the counter instead.
copies chara’s stims sometimes
sees someone fidgeting with something and is overcome by a desire to fidget with That Thing In Particular
(toriel and asgore get their kids matching stim toys so he can copy chara without touching their things)
special interests include engineering and anime
will infodump for 500 years about mew mew kissy cutie in particular
the way her sprite in game sort of bounces when she first meets you?  anxious stim
the way she talks about “keeping secrets” and not letting people know the “real her?”  masking
the way she canonically wears the same kind of labcoat every day?? as i write this is becoming more of a theory than a headcanon
ramen is samefood
hand-flaps to stim but Only when she’s Completely Alone.  got really embarrassed the first time undyne saw her do it but undyne thought it was awesome and encourages her to do it more often
highkey thinks nobody would take her seriously anymore if she wasn’t masking all the damn time
lowkey thinks nobody takes her seriously anyway
“U-undyne I need to t-tell you something........ I think I might be autistic” “Alphys everyone knows you’re autistic and we love you”
diagnosed when she was 3
decided masking was dumb when she was 5 and resolved to be Wholly and Aggressively Herself from then on
martial arts are a special interest and target practice is a kind of stim
scripts important encounters and practices in the mirror
when they get to the surface she goes to an autism $peaks office and tells everyone to leave because “I’m about to commit arson.”
like papyrus, she has a lot of sensory-seeking tendencies and the two of them like to go to loud places and yell together
tried to take frisk somewhere loud once, quickly noticed they weren’t okay, and Did Not Rest until she found somewhere quiet for them to calm down
yells because she loves her friends
can taste even the slightest difference in food and is on a lifelong quest to replicate toriel’s pie recipes
masks most of the time for politics reasons, but his two beautiful autistic children kinda showed him he didn’t need to
started masking again after his beautiful children died because he thinks it’ll help him be “strong” and do what his kingdom “needs him to” (it won’t)
gardening is a special interest
when they get to the surface he makes autism $peaks illegal in the monster kingdom
special interests include baking, puns, and education
pie is samefood
has a routine in the ruins she hasn’t broken from in 100 years
not great at telling when other people aren’t okay, and tends to assume she’s reading too much into things even if she’s not.  generally relies on people telling her when something’s wrong (which chara doesn’t ever)
her favorite stim is a kid sleeping on top of her
has three samefood recipes she’s made so many times she’s absolutely perfected them
black and white thinking (either the human is evil and hates spiders or they’re fine and we’ll let them through)
loves the aesthetic of tea but hates actual tea (”muffet pours you a cup of spiders”)
gets sensory overload even as a ghost and does Not want to know what sort of sensory experience having a body involves
doesn’t usually mask but thinks they’re Supposed To and apologizes for existing a lot
stims by listening to the same music for hours
the sound of his own robotic voice is his favorite stim
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chemicalcindercat · 4 years
Frisk freed the monsters from the underground, completing a true-pacifist run. She was living happily on the surface with her monster family. Everything was perfect. Until it wasn't. When Frisk gets hit by a car on her way over to Sans house, everything changes. Not only does Frisk forget herself, her friends, and all of her adventures in the Underground, but something else has changed. Frisk glitches the Multiverse.
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Chapter Summary: Frisk did not expect to have this many “best friends”.
Chapters (8/?): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Fandom: Undertale
Rating: T (For violence and hints of adult themes)
Relationships: Sans x Frisk, Underfell Sans x Frisk, Underswap Papyrus x Chara, Slight Underswap Sans x Frisk
Additional Tags: Amnesia, Lost memories, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, ...Have I mentioned there is Hurt/Comfort?, Hurt, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Goat Mom is best mom (Undertale), King Fluffy-Buns - Freeform, Sad Asgore (Undertale), Female Frisk (Undertale), Aged up Frisk (Undertale), Like duh she’s an adult i’m not a pedo, gross, Verbal Frisk, Frisk has a voice in her head, Sans is a depressed bean, Papyrus is so innocent, Frisk glitched the multiverse, oh whoops, spoiler alert, more tags will be added as we progress
"Well, Ms. Dreemurr, it would appear you have a mild case of Amnesia." The doctor said, flipping the pages on his clipboard. "You hit your head pretty hard when that car slammed into you. You're lucky it isn't worse." He looked at the worried couple standing in the corner of the room. "Her memories should be back by the end of the week. We'll keep her here for tonight, but tomorrow she can go home. She doesn't have any broken ribs, or really anything wrong except for the memory loss, which is practically unheard of for an incident like this. But anyways," The doctor turned back to the confused girl laying in the hospital bed. "If you need anything, just hit the buzzer on the bed next to you." And with that he left the room.
As soon as the doctor was gone, the couple turned to look at the girl. They were strange, the girl could tell. She couldn't remember anything past 10 minutes ago, when she woke up, but something told her that goats weren't usually able to walk, talk, and be, well, normal people.
"Um...Frisk, are you feeling well?" The woman asked, worried. The girl thought for a moment. Was she feeling fine? She honestly didn't know. How could you know if you were feeling fine, when you didn't know what fine was? She didn't know if fine for her was everything being perfect, or terrible. So instead of answering the question, she answered with a question of her own.
"'Frisk'? Is...Is that my name?"
The woman looked like she was about to break down in tears, so the man took over. "Yes, dear, that's your name. Frisk. Do you really not remember anything?" Frisk shook her head. "Well, uh...I-"
"She's your 'mom', Toriel, who you live with; He's your 'dad', Asgore, who you don't. They're divorced, you're adopted, and I'm Flowey, your 'best friend'." Frisk jumped. She had forgotten about the flower on the desk next to her that could talk.
"N-now, Asriel, that's no way to-"
"My name is Flowey." The flower corrected. Okay, Frisk was confused, to say the least. What in Asgore's name were they talking about? Before she could ask, the door slammed open, a blue fish-woman entering, with a yellow lizard-woman following behind nervously.
"Frisk!" Yelled the fish-girl, running over to the hospital bed. "We heard what happened! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Did you break anything? Because that would be cool and yet suck all at the same time. Did you finish Mew Mew: Kissy Cutie? Are you-"
"U-undyne, M-maybe we shouldn't b-bombard her with s-so many questions at o-once? Her head p-probably hurts." The lizard girl interrupted. Undyne looked at her, before looking back at Frisk.
"Oh my Asgore, I'm sorry! Are you okay? Does your head hurt? Are you-"
"Undyne, Frisk has amnesia." Toriel announced. Both Undyne and Alphys turned to look at her.
"What??" They said in unison.
"Y-you mean… Y-you don't remember us? You d-don't know who we a-are?" Alphys asked, walking over to Frisk. The human girl simply shook her head.
"I...I don't remember anything. And no, I don't know who you are. Who are you?" She asked.
"We're your anime pals!" Undyne said, putting her arm around Alphys' shoulder and grinning. Alphys blushed.
"E-every T-Tuesday you come over t-to our house and w-watch anime with us." Alphys explained. "T-this week, the newest season of M-Mew Mew: Kissy C-Cutie is airing, a-and we were going t-to watch it together. You r-really don't remember?"
Frisk looked down at her hands sadly. "No...I don't...I'm sorry."
Toriel came over and hugged Frisk. "It's okay, my child. There is no need to apologize. Do not blame yourself, child; There is nothing you can do. The doctor said by the end of the week, you'll remember, and I'm sure he is right. All we have to do is wait."
Frisk wasn't sure how she felt about this woman she couldn't remember hugging her, but she decided she kind of liked it. Besides, the lady seemed to need it more than Frisk did. Before Frisk could say anything, the lady stepped back, and the door slammed open again. At this point, Frisk was surprised it hadn't fallen off it's hinges. This time, there were two skeletons who entered the room. One was really tall, as tall as Undyne and Asgore, with a red scarf. He was also carrying what appeared to be a plate of home cooked spaghetti. The other one had a blue hoodie, and was shorter, maybe even shorter than Frisk. Once she thought about it, Frisk realized she didn't know how tall she was; She hadn't stood up yet. Would she even remember how to walk? She started panicking, wondering how she would remember to do normal, everyday stuff.
Calm down, Said a voice in her head. Quit panicking about everything.
Before Frisk could respond, the tall skeleton came over and set the plate down on the desk beside her.
"HERE YOU GO, HUMAN! THE GREAT PAPYRUS HAS MADE YOU SOME YUMMY SPAGHETTI!! FEEL FREE TO EAT IT WHENEVER YOU FEEL LIKE IT, FOR IT WILL SURELY BE THE BEST! NYEH HEH HEH!" He yelled, and Frisk winced a little, not expecting it. She smiled softly at him, not knowing who he was.
I sure did have a lot of friends. She thought.
Yeah, no kidding. Said the voice in her head.
...I just wish I could remember them…
The smaller skeleton pushed past the bigger one, with a nervous grin on his face. "how ya feelin', kiddo?" He asked, his voice surprisingly deep compared to the other skeleton.
"NONSENSE, BROTHER. WHY ASK HOW SHE IS FEELING WHEN SHE'S IN THE HOSPITAL?" The tall skeleton interrupted. Frisk couldn't believe it. Were they really brothers? They were so different! The skeleton turned towards her. "BUT DON'T WORRY, HUMAN. I'M SURE MY SPAGHETTI WILL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER IN NO TIME!"
"yeah, kid, eat up. boneappetite." The shorter one said. The bigger one groaned.
"nah, look at her, paps. she likes it, you should know that by now, ya numbskull." Oh, so I like puns? That's good to know. Even as Frisk thought this, she could immediately tell it was true. When Sans (was that his name?) made a pun, she had struggled not to laugh.
"geez, paps, who broke your funny bone?" The shorter one asked, winking at Frisk and stepping closer to her. Something inside of her pulled, and she could tell that he was really close to her. "so anyways, bucko, how're you feeling?" He asked softer, so that only she would hear.
"Well, I just-"
"Heya Papyrus, how're you doing?" Asked Undyne, throwing her arm around the taller skeleton's shoulder. "I know the situation isn't the best, with Frisk and all, but are you still up for some training today?"
"You're right, Papyrus, but I'm her best friend! Remember?" Undyne argued.
"Guys, I-" Frisk was interrupted by Flowey, suddenly defensive.
"Whatever, you idiots can pretend that she likes you better, but I'm obviously her BeSt FrIeNd!" Flowey claimed, in a demonic voice that sent a shiver down Frisk's spine. Suddenly everyone started talking all at once, Undyne and Papyrus still arguing over Frisk, Flowey hissing at everyone, Alphys nervously asking Asgore how he's been, Toriel joining in the conversation. All of the noise, and all of the new information was really giving Frisk a migraine. She sank deeper under her blanket, trying to block everything out.
Someone grabbed Frisk's hand, and she immediately jumped and yanked her hand back, to see Sans with a look of confusion and hurt. It quickly faded back into his normal smile.
"so, kid, what is it you've been trying to say this whole time?" He asked. Frisk gulped nervously as he leaned closer to her, and she leaned away from him a bit. Doesn't this guy know anything about personal space??
"I...Well, uh...Who are you, exactly?" Frisk asked.
Everyone immediately stopped talking and turned to Frisk.
The pupils in Sans' eyes disappeared, leaving two empty eye sockets, a look of pure shock. For a couple of moments, nobody dared to say anything.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, HUMAN?" Papyrus asked, being the first to break the silence. "'WHO ARE WE?' IT IS I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AND MY BROTHER SANS, YOUR-"
"frisk, what did the doctor say? what…wh...you...you really don't remember me? remember us? anything?" Sans asked, his pupils returning and studying Frisk closely.
All Frisk could do was shake her head.
"I… I have amnesia."
Before anyone could say anything, Sans was gone.
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saifa-ao3 · 4 years
Writing prompt: Undyne & Alphys are preparing for a date, but not really knowing how this works Undyne asks Papyrus for advice, while Alphys gets her advice from Mettaton. The end result is about what you'd expect.
Late again, but I did it!
Ao3 version here!Rating: General AudiencesTitle: You gotta dress to impress!Summary: For their upcoming date, Alphys and Undyne seek out advice from their best friends. Unfortunately, Papyrus and Mettaton aren't the best advice givers.Relationships: Alphys/Undyne
Tumblr version under the cut.
            Undyne shifted in her seat on Papyrus’ bed, causing the springs in the mattress to creak. Tilting her head curiously, she watched him scan his bookshelf for the fabled dating manual he insisted on lending her. “Papyrus, I don’t think that’s necessary,” Undyne said. She gave him a quizzical look while rubbing the back of her neck. 
            “Nonsense, Undyne!” Papyrus declared, snatching the book from its spot. “You have come to me for help, and it would be absolutely negligent of me to not bestow this upon my best friend! Besides, this dating book was imperative in helping me figure out my lack of romantic feelings on my most recent date. I’m sure it could help you too.” Papyrus thrusted the book out to her while posturing heroically, his grin wide and beaming with excitement.
            “I mean, if you really think so,” Undyne laughed with a crooked grin, unwilling to turn him down. Papyrus was a complete dork, but he was her favorite dork and number one bestie. He was the one person she could confide in about this predicament she had. Hell, why not give this a shot? She had been driving herself nuts over what to do for her date with Alphys, and she did come to him for a creative perspective after all.
            “Wonderful!” Papyrus cheered.
            Undyne flipped through the book and squinted as she skimmed the chapters. “Papyrus, I already confessed my feelings to her. Where does the dating section start?”
            “Seeing as I have memorized the entirety of this manual, I can tell you with confidence that chapter three is the first date, chapter four is the second date, chapter five is the third, and chapter six is—”
            “Okay, okay, I get it!” Undyne grimaced, looking a little overwhelmed. The thought of a potential second date hadn’t even crossed her mind yet since preparing for the first was so daunting. She had never gone on one before, and the only person she knew that had was Papyrus. For better or worse, he was her only hope in getting through this.
            “I assure you it is very thorough!”
            “I don’t doubt you.”
            “But if it helps you with your current goal, it is there to provide the support you need, although not as great as my support since I am the greatest at encouraging my friends! Just let me know how I can be of assistance, and I will not fail you. And remember, I believe in you!”
            “Yeah, you’re right! I can’t go wrong with you having my back!” She turned her attention back to the book and concentrated. “Let’s see… Since this is going to be our first proper date, I’ll go with chapter three.” After a few minutes of reading, her brow furrowed. Special occasion dates? The merits of lunch versus dinner outings? Not to mention the proper attire for each scenario! There was simply too much to consider, it was dizzying!
            “What’s wrong? You look a little frustrated.”
            “How many pages is this chapter?” she exclaimed impatiently.
            “Precisely forty—”
            “Papyrus! My date is in a couple hours! I don’t have time to sit here and read.”
            “How about I summarize it for you then?”
            “Please,” Undyne said, setting aside the book and rubbing her temples.
            “Very well then! First, have you decided on a romantic destination for this date?” he asked, leaning towards her and wiggling his brow.
            Looking flustered, Undyne leaned away from him and directed her sight to the Jolly Roger flag hanging behind him, “U-uh, I just figured we’d go to the dump or something. Maybe hang out in her lab? Really, whatever she wants to do.”
            “Hmmm…” Papyrus tapped his chin and squinted as he looked her over before accepting her answer. “That’s why there can always be a second date! To go on even more daring adventures with that love of yours!”
            “Now, let’s skip ahead to your date clothes.”
            Undyne grimaced and rubbed the back of her neck. “Yeah, uh, about that. My house burned down, remember? I’m a little short on dating attire.”
            “And this is where my greatness and heroism come in! For you see! I have just the thing for you!” Defying physics and the carpet’s coefficients of friction, Papyrus slid backwards to his closet. It was a peculiar sight considering he wasn’t moving his legs and it looked like he was skating backwards. By now Undyne had grown used to such oddities that it had become a normal thing where she no longer questioned it. “Behold! Behind closet number—! Well, my only closet!” Papyrus opened the door dramatically and bowed.
            Undyne knew Papyrus had an unusual fashion sense at times, but nothing prepared her for what hung in his closet. Nothing matched, though she couldn’t pinpoint what style of fashion her best friend was going for to begin with. Her crooked smile remained frozen as she took in the amazing disaster of Papyrus’ dating outfit. She wasn’t sure whether she was struck with admiration by Papyrus’ sheer confidence, or horror at the suggestion that this was the outfit he would lend her.
            But she came to Papyrus for his creativity, and she had to trust that. “Well, here goes nothing,” she said. “Bring it on!”
            “O-oh my god, w-what am I g-going to do?” Alphys spoke quickly, voice rising in panic as she paced her lab. When her hands weren’t fidgeting together nervously, she would adjust her glasses in an effort to keep herself busy. Sometimes it helped her think, or at least that’s what she told herself, but her anxiety riddled thoughts rendered that action useless. “W-what do I-I even wear? D-Do I have anything to wear? If I can’t find the perfect thing, what’s she going to think? Oh god, she’s going to realize how uncool and insecure I am.”
            “Darling, you have got to calm down,” Mettaton said, wheeling around to her in his box form. He held her gently by the shoulders and sighed. “Take a deep breath in, and out. Now, you are going to be just fine. Undyne likes you just the way you are. After all, there is so much to adore about you.”
            “Y-you really think so?”
            “Oh, darling, I know so.”
            Alphys still had doubts, but Mettaton always found a way to comfort her. If anyone could help boost her confidence in this dire time, it was him. She took in a shuddering breath to calm herself and folded her hands. “D-do you think you c-can help me? I-I’ve never gone on an actual date myself. I-I mean, I’ve written fanfiction before, and I-I’ve watched enough c-content about it from anime. B-but this is U-Undyne we’re talking about! I g-gotta impress her!”
            “Leave it to me, darling. I am going to put you through the most glamorous and exclusive MTT-brand makeover.”
            “O-oh, gosh…” Alphys shifted uncertainly in place. She never felt confident in her own skin, so she had doubts a makeover would be the remedy to boost her confidence. But Mettaton was always so confident and sure of himself, especially when he switched to his preferred body. Perhaps there was some magic to all that glitter and perfection after all. Oh, how did it go in Mew Mew Kissy Cutie again? The heroine would magically transform, surrounded by pastel lights and glitter, into a glamourous and stellar form for battle. Even the shyest of her friends gained the confidence they needed when they transformed too. If Alphys’ heroes could do it, then certainly she could too!
            “You are going to look absolutely fabulous, Alphys dear!” Mettaton announced. He flipped the switch in his back, causing his box form to open up and separate into pieces. Pink fog billowed out from inside the shifting box as his form tessellated into the humanoid shape he preferred. Through the pastel clouds, a rave of colorful lights illuminated Mettaton’s silhouette to accompany the blaring music that was his signature soundtrack. Glitter exploded and showered the lab and equipment, no doubt working into the delicate circuitry of priceless computers. 
            Deep down Alphys knew it would take months to clean every miniscule speck of it, but she couldn’t bring herself to be mad by the show. It was pretty glamorous and the lab was in desperate need of a deep clean anyways. All she could do was stare in awe at the show. No matter how many times she had seen him transform, she could never tear her eyes away. Of course, she took pride in her inventions, but seeing something she designed represent a real life anime scene was a dream come true.
            “O-oh, wow…!” Alphys gasped.
            “Ohhh, yesssss!” Mettaton said in a sultry voice. “Let there be drama! Let there be suspense! Bring out that fire in you, darling, because you are a star!”
            Surrounded by the lights and sounds, Alphys knew the kind of show she had to put on.
            Both of them were in stunned silence as they stared at each other. The constant dripping of water from stalactites in the garbage dump’s damp cavern marked the seconds until suddenly their laughter flooded the space and bounced off the walls. Undyne bent over while clutching her stomach and pointed at Alphys. Her poor girlfriend had makeup caked on her face with pink lipstick layered heavily on her lips and glitter covering her scales and clothes. Not to mention the fake eyelashes Alphys wore were thick with little hearts on the ends. “Oh my god, what happened to you?”
            Alphys snorted uncontrollably and covered her mouth. “O-oh gosh, I-I could say the same to you. A-are th-those basketballs on your shoulders?!”
            “They are!” Undyne cackled. “Alphys, come here. You didn’t have to put on all this makeup for me.”
            “I-it was Mettaton’s idea. I was a-afraid you w-wouldn’t like me after all.” Alphys said sheepishly. She stared at Undyne’s shirt and smirked. “Cool dude, huh?”
            “Yeah, it was Papyrus’ idea. He’s the cool one, honestly.”
            “I-I guess our friends give r-really bad advice.”
            “No kidding,” Undyne grinned. “Now, hang on. Let me help ya out with that.” She picked Alphys up and dunked her in the water, scrubbing away the makeup and glitter.
            When Alphys came up to gasp for air, she looked briefly at her reflection before turning to Undyne. “You really like me just the way I am?”
            “Of course!” Undyne beamed at her.
            “O-oh, wow…”
            Suddenly, a thunderous boom resounded through the cavern, causing Alphys to jump into Undyne’s arms. They held each other tightly as flaming confetti rained down across the dump. Together, they craned their heads up with eyes wide to watch the magnificent disaster that was Alphys’ planned welcome show to kick off their date. 
            “Eeep! S-something must have short circuited and triggered the confetti cannons!” Alphys squeaked.
            “The what?!” Undyne exclaimed.
            Another confetti cannon erupted, this time scattering both flaming debris and glitter. Lights flickered and strobed, making the crystals in the cavern throw a kaleidoscope of blues and greens. From the ceiling a disco ball descended and reflected light to paint the walls with diamond shapes.
            “Here comes the music,” Alphys said ominously.
            Somewhere a boombox played music that soon sped up in increments and increased to a deafening volume. Eventually, the beat skipped and stuttered on the same line until the static grew louder in volume. In turn, the lightbulbs in their fixtures hummed brightly until they were on the edge of burning out.
            Then the cavern plunged into darkness, or so it looked. The brightness of the bursting lights contrasted so harshly to the usual dimness of the garbage dump that they might as well have been blind. After a brief pause of silence, Alphys laughed nervously as she held onto Undyne, her arms wrapped around her girlfriend’s neck.
            “That was—” Undyne began.
            Several flaming towers erupted to surround them while several signs in the shape of letters lowered from the ceiling. One of the canons below belched up a massive fireball to set the letters alight, revealing Undyne’s name. Unfortunately, the ropes holding up the letters caught fire as well, and the letters came crashing down in front of them.
            Alphys, mortified with what her show had devolved into, squeaked and stuttered. She buried her face in her hands and mumbled out apologies. “I-I’m so sorry! I t-tried to make this memorable, and I-I thought a show would make this memorable. It’s like in the animes I watch, the p-protagonist tries to i-impress the one they like. Like in this one episode of ‘Doki Doki I Love You’ the p-protagonist takes this girl he likes to a fireworks show, but w-we don’t have any fireworks down here, at least not on h-hand. A-and I didn’t have a whole lot of time, but I still managed to scrounge this up. A-and, oh g-gosh, this was a complete disaster!”
            “ARE YOU KIDDING ME? THIS WAS AWESOME!” Undyne shouted.
            Alphys turned to Undyne and blushed. “R-really?”
            “HELL YEAH!”
            Alphys broke out into a shy smile and giggled.
            “You’re telling me you did this on short notice? You’re amazing! This has been the best date ever!” 
            Alphys’ scales flushed a deep red and she moaned in disorientation and disbelief. “I-I’m amazing?”
            Undyne, flashing a grin, planted a kiss on Alphys cheek. She cackled when Alphys grew limp in her arms and passed out with a smile.
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tally-kiza · 5 years
Undyne Headcanons
- After Undyne’s parents died when she was young, she became determined to get justice for al monsters who had to die without seeing the surface. She went to Asgore to fight him so she could get into the Royal Guard, but instead Asgore trained her. It wasn’t long before she felt like a daughter to him. It warmed his broken heart. Many years passed before he finally let Undyne into the Guard. As the king expected, she quickly climbed up the ranks into captain.
- Undyne and Papyrus’s friendship is full of sarcasm and weird jokes (like that time in canon where they joked about spider-ducks); a typical offbeat humor. They also get into weird competitions with each other, like who can drink 8 glasses of milk fastest, and who can leave the biggest splatter by smashing tomatoes. Watching their chaos is... an experience.
- Undyne is her students' favorite teacher. Most consider her gym class awesome. Obstacle courses, extreme dodgeball, bench pressing the students. The kiddos, humans and monsters alike, have a blast. (Even thought she's not so good at the whole grading thing.)
- Even on the surface, where Undyne has proper recipes, she's still a terrible cook. At least her house isn't always on fire, though. Unfortunately, Alphys is also a terrible cook. She can only manage noodles and take-out. After a few months of this awful diet, they both agreed to take cooking lessons. It went swimmingly!! ...Yeah, they got kicked out after 3 classes. Undyne only barely managed to reign in her chaotic nature enough to learn how to make a salad and boil water with burning her house down.
- Owns a bunch of giant swords on the surface --- Swears like a sailor --- Hated nerdy stuff as a kid, but now is super supportive about it --- Blushes and gets a dreamy look on her face every time Alphys is mentioned; Even when they’ve been married for 20 years lol
- She’s timid when Chara first meets them, but by the end of their journey, her passionate side really shines through. It just takes a bit for her to come out of her shell. But once she’s herself, it’s very clear how passionate and exuberant Undyne can be! Mostly about science, anime, and Alphys lol.
- Met Alphys at the dump. Undyne was looking for spare parts for her experiments when she spotted Alphys. The dino was staring at the waterfalls, contemplating her decision to be captain of the guard. Alphys never really wanted to hurt humans but she did want to free everyone, so it was a difficult decision for her. Noticing the other’s sadness, Undyne nervously introduced herself to snap Alph out of her reverie. They quickly became fast friends (and fell in love huehuehue)
- Experiments tend to go a little haywire when she’s really excited (and by haywire, i mean... explosion-inducing.) There are permanent burn marks on the walls of her lab. She doesn’t bother to clean them off anymore, not when they appear so often.
- Even more affected by the amalgamates than UT Alphys. Undyne truly thought she had saved everyone; she was so proud! But when she saw what the aftermath, she was devastated. The scientist never thought about her reputation, only how horribly she ruined them, how much pain she caused for them and their families. It was unbearable, knowing she was causing so much suffering. So Undyne hid them, not because she was worried of how people would think of her, but to prevent their families from seeing how devastated their loved ones had become. Chara reminded her, though, that she was just causing more suffering by making those families never know what had occurred.
- Undyne has been friends with Papyrus since they were kids. Shortly before he graduated, she got him an apprenticeship with the royal scientist. And even when he quit, they stayed friends, and often cook up explode-y experiments together. Both of them are still horrible cooks. ‘Dyne also has him join her to watch anime together. Pap isn’t as invested as she is, but he likes it well enough.
- Meme illiterate --- Loves side scroller games --- Can’t cook to save her life --- Plays piano for Chara when they first meet --- Met Napstablook at their cousin’s human fan club meeting. NTT felt guilty when they started distancing themself from her after they got famous, but the more time went on, the more awkward it would be if they returned, so they just.. never did... sorry...
- Papyrus is Undyne’s second-in-command and best friend. Neither of them will ever admit it, but they wouldn’t trade each other’s friendship for the world. And more so, they’re just chaotic goofballs a lot of the time. Normally Pap can calm Undyne’s hectic nature, but once she convinces him to join her mischievous plans, they are an unstoppable force of nature.
- Oddly enough, for being so chaotic and destructive, Undyne avoids fighting people as much as possible. She’ll always choose verbally de-escalating a confrontation over physically fighting any day of the week. Not because she’s a weak fighter, (no, if anything Undyne’s the strongest opponent you could ever face, second to Sans) but because she wants to minimize the bloodshed. The captain hates seeing her race at each other’s throats; it’s heartbreaking. So when it comes to monsters, she will always choose the most peaceful option until she has no other choice.
- When it comes to humans, though... ohohoho Undyne is merciless. She doesn’t even give the human the chance to run away. Frisk can’t beat her, all they can do is survive as long as possible. That is, until Pap shows up and distracts undyne while Frisk escapes. (Pap loves protecting helpless creatures, and Frisk was just too cute of a kid to let Undyne slaughter them). From there it proceeded like in canon UT: the human and Pap ran away to Hotland until Undyne passed out from the heat. Frisk stopped and gave her some water before the fish lady was revived, glared at them, and stomped back home.
- From there on, Frisk befriends her the same way as UT, except Papyrus doesn’t insist on hanging out with Undyne. In fact, he urges the human not to, but Frisk decides to go back and talk with her anyway. Pap tags along only to protect frisk! Definitely not to make up with Undyne. The hang out progressed as normal (just with ‘Dyne being a little more destructive and ranting about Paps’ betrayal for a bit), and she and Pap call up Frisk often with their usual snarky banter.
- Probably sets her house on fire on purpose. Why wait for the fire to come to her, when she can get one leg up on the fire!! Oh no... now she’s literally trying to fistfight her burning house. Can someone get a fire extinguisher!? Additionally, everything she cooks ends up on fire. Boils water? Fire. Makes a salad? Fire. Looks at a box of cereal? Fire. She’s like a Sim.
- Always gives the guard dogs pets --- Swears all the time and super crass. She doesn’t even censor herself around Frisk --- Wears her hair in a bun to prevent enemies from grabbing it during battle --- Has a very obvious crush on Alphys. Always gets shy and blushy when she talks about her. Pap teases her about it constantly
- Met Papyrus when he applied for an apprenticeship with the other Royal Scientist. The two of them quickly became fast friends: science-y, anime-loving nerds. But when Undyne started the DT experiments, Pap left. He could not in good faith sit back and watch her play god with people’s souls. They had a huge argument before he stormed out and they haven’t talked since.
- Over the course of Chara’s journey, as they have phone calls with Papyrus, and eventually Undyne, the two of them slowly begin talking things out. And by the end of the true pacifist route Pap and ‘Dyne have reconciliated and are friends again. It’s truly heartwarming!
- Rumors claim that Undyne is some kind of horrible mad scientist. Screams and shrieks are often heard emanating from the lab, surely awful and painful experiments are going on. But nobody dares go near the lab to investigate, fearing their lives... but NOPE! it’s just Undyne’s shocked wails at dramatic plot twists in her animes, and the sadness of particularly brutal scenes. Chara was terrified they met her, believing all those rumors. imagine their relief when they found out she’s just a nerd.
- Has the same motivations as US Undyne when it comes to the amalgamates, but SF ‘Dyne also hid them to try and fix them. Do more research, more experiments, anything to undo what happened! But none of it worked, so she just gave up...
- She is very curt when you first meet her, but it’s not long before that stony exterior melts away to reveal Undyne’s true form: a chaotic and excitable nerd with access to highly dangerous chemicals and explosives! ‘Dyne’s not crazy, she’s just really passionate and reckless about the things she loves.
- Loves how strong Alphys is. It’s the coolest! (But they both think they’re each the protector in their relationship lol) --- Created NTT to kill humans, but they just ignored her after she made their body, and left to pursue music instead. How rude! --- Adores vocaloid songs! Her favorite is “Paradichlorobenzene.” She even learned to play it on her piano! --- Addicted to coffee. She is VERY hyper at times. --- Tends to prefer darker animes but she secretly loves Mew Mew Kissy Cutie. No one can find out. Or else.
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bucketofbonesandaus · 4 years
mask and nerd roast each other after nerd gets back from battling a mmkc anti page
this is to find out what else undernet and antispy can have, what i did to the AUs
this is NOT boredom, this is serious character building and these two insulting each other can help make their AU stand out more, whatever actions a character does it can help the AU grow
nerd: mew mew kissy cutie is not about a person making someone else their someone else, it’s FRIENDSHIP. geez, what did you think i was gonna do?? cause you just got yourself a customer and this customer’s going to talk you over what you think is bullshit but its actually legit advice, don’t pin me to the wall and laser beam my face its not nice, also im mew mew kinnie cause i like pink and friendship hugs
mask: yikes. so that’s how you keep feeding trolls. you’re spilling too much of yourself. don’t do that.
nerd: mask im telling the guy i dont mean to take their kid away from them im just entertaining them but still he said “HAHZJHhahaj *THRASH YOU OVER N OVER*”
mask: hh. go block them. it’s for your own good.
nerd: who says block is allowed in my city? it isnt, you cant block anyone. at least, not anymore, alphys removed it.
mask: what? really? that’s even worse. how are you going to be free if you can’t get rid of the person you’re trying to forget?
nerd: our one goal in antispy, it’s friendship. mew mew kissy cutie is the key to it all. but people are so mean. thats why we have weapons here.
mask: ....... really. you think a single show can save all.
nerd: and that show is ALPHYS’ show, i’m helping her making the arcs better! i have to nerd out it lol ;)
mask: ... i think.... you’re a nurd. not a nerd. you like to be a turd to others. you nerd out about yourself as food to the trolls, which is even a bigger turd. nurd. that’s your new name now.
nerd: . nice
mask: rude, i know.
nerd: milk. while you have that mask of yours, you milk out TMI about everything you see around you. TMI, 24/7, milk.
mask: .... good.
nerd: im not done yet.
mask: ok.
nerd: you type anything you want to type, you think that’s your life now. after joining groups on your surface you keep spilling something people won’t believe us sans-es have (excluding guard) and that’s the ability to time travel. why talk about it publicly when you know they’re not gonna believe you? sure theres about 15% of the surface that probably believe in paradoxes and paranormals, but is it worth it? no, but at least you’re doing something that you like, unlike the work shifts of frisk throwing the ||r3s3t|| button at you.
mask: ok.
nerd: you didn’t read what i said.
mask: ok.
nerd: mask read what i said it’s about you
mask: ok.
-and then nerd goes wild-
nerd: hey , buddy
mask: ok.
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