#I do still have an ask in there from evi but it's a pretty big one so I've been chipping away at answering it for a fair bit
Oops, it has now gone midnight. But I haven't actually gone to bed yet (although I have been in bed for a few hours because I was in a fair bit of pain from walking today), and it isn't past midnight in every timezone yet, so.. technically it's still alright, right?~
I know this hopefully has come through already, but I just wanted to reiterate how grateful I am for the kind words that so many people have sent my way today. All of them are incredibly appreciated, and they really mean a lot to me, so - thank you, to everyone, for being here ^-^
I need to get up early tomorrow (the joys of 9am lectures, not), so I will be getting ready to sleep now, but- yeah, I just really appreciate everyone who is here, not only those who have sent me some form of birthday wishes but also just generally everyone who is here reading this! I hope that everyone has also had a lovely day today~
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caesium-55 · 3 months
—seven days. [ vi.i ]
pairing: max verstappen x manager! reader.
summary: as the third time world champion, max verstappen's manager, you function on the belief that whatever max verstappen wanted, max verstappen shall get. but this time, after four years of working as his manager, you can't give him what he wants anymore and that was to stay.
tags: @whatamidoingwithmylife-ramdom @eugene-emt-roe @bellezaycafe @barnestatic @theseerbetweenus @wcnorris @notyouraveragemochii @lpab @vildetry06 @a-beaverhausen @formula1mount @loloekie @alucardsdaddyissues @juky-ps @cassianswh0reeee @devotedlycrookeddonut @amberpanda99 @supermaxv1 @evie-119 @spideylovin @harianaswhore
author's note: i dunno if this is good cuz i have to delete a lot of scenes to make everything fit djsjjj. AND pls listen to two weeks notice by leanna firestone. 🐝 anon shared it to me and AAAAAAAHHH it captures the main vibe of the fic
"New shoes?”
The shoes come in black and it features a sleek silhouette with a pointed toe and a golden heel that is shaped as the letters Y, S, and L. Max is no expert in shoes but he knows how to recognize a luxury shoe if he sees one.
“Pretty lil things, aren't they?” you bring your foot forward to flaunt it.
Max doesn't know if it’s the heels that makes your feet look pretty or if the heels look pretty because you have pretty feet. Contrary to popular belief, Max does not have a feet kink. He just knows how to appreciate the aesthetics of a body part.
“Three years of savin’ and I finally got ‘em.”
“Good for you?” Is that an appropriate thing to say to a woman who just bought nice-looking shoes?
Max sees Daniel hug you after the Azerbaijan GP. You have twinning smiles on your face. Max's curiosity grows. You pull away from the hug and wave goodbye, returning to the garage, to where Max is standing and waiting for you.
“What did you and Daniel talk about?” he asks and if he sounds like he’s demanding, he doesn't mean it.
You stop walking, finally noticing Max's presence. The smile on your face fades a little but it doesn't completely disappear. “Oh, hi? Congrats on the podium today, big guy.”
“What were you and Daniel talking about?” Max asks again.
“‘s not important.”
“I want to know.”
You give Max an odd look, probably questioning why he wants to know so badly. He doesn't know why either. He just wants to know.
“Renault has an open spot in their engineering team,” you finally say, smile growing wide. You’re literally vibrating in excitement as you say it.
Max feels like someone just poured a bucket of iced water over his body.
“Engineer? Why would you even apply in Renault’s engineering team?” he sees your face shift and he wonders if his question is offensive. It does not seem like it is. For Max anyway.
“I’m an engineer, Max,” you're gritting your teeth, Max notices.
Oh, Max realizes. This was why Christian mentioned moving her to the engineering team. He thought you’re going to be their manager or something. Do engineers get managers, too? Max doesn't know.
Max’s world shifts off its axis when he realizes the bigger meaning carried by your words. You want to leave.
You make a weird face, “No?”
“No, stay.”
He is perfectly aware that he is in no position to ask this of you. If you want to be an engineer and chase your dreams, you can. No one has the right to stop you. That's your dream. That's your life.
But do you really need to leave?
Suddenly, this becomes like the Daniel situation all over again.
Max isn't sure the exact time you begin holding this much importance over his life that he’s suddenly afraid of your absence. Max still won't consider the two of you friends per se, but he does not want you in Renault. He wants you here, behind him, following him at all times. You don't have to follow Daniel to fucking Renault.
Renault just keeps taking everything from him. First, it’s Daniel, his best friend and teammate. Max will not allow himself to lose you over to Renault and their sucky cars.
“Funny how you think you got a say in this,” you do the thing where you shift your feet lightly so you’re facing Max fully, one hand on your waist while the other rests limp on your side, your head slightly tilts to the right. There's a bulge on your cheek, where your tongue is pressing inside it, and one of your brows is cocked.
“You don't have to go to Renault. You can stay here,” he adds and it almost sounds like he’s pleading.
“And what Max? Let all the money I spent in engineering school go to waste?”
“Do you not want to be my manager anymore?”
“No offense, buddy, but I’ll choose being an engineer.”
Fair point but Max is still hurt anyway. Why are people always leaving him? Is it that hard to choose him and love him? Is he not a good enough reason to stay? Maybe it's because he's not a world champion yet. Maybe it's because he's not someone praiseworthy yet.
“I will win next year. When I become a world champion, I’ll ask Horner to move you to the engineering team.”
Max hopes you believe him.
The 2019 season ends with Lewis Hamilton at the top. Valtteri Bottas is close behind him. After Bottas stands Max Verstappen.
He’ll understand if you're making your application letter to Renault at this very moment. And yet, you come knocking on his hotel door.
“You’re trashin’ the room again,” you say, not ask but say, when Max opens the door and this is like 2018 again when he trashed his entire hotel room for coming in fourth. You even wear the same clothes as last year—a Red Bull polo shirt and a black pencil skirt with the same cream tote bag with peach prints but the shoes are different. “Sour loser much?”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you, too,” you reply in a nonchalant tone, not even taking offense that Max has cursed you out. “Lemme see your hands. I have a cold canned beer.”
“I didn't punch the wall.”
Not yet at least. He’s definitely planning to, before you have decided to knock on his door.
“Well then,” you thrust the beer towards him. “Good thing’s beer has multiple purposes. Bruised knuckles? Beer. Bruised ego? Beer.”
Angrily, Max takes the beer in your hands. He really can't deal with you right now.
“Don't worry, man. You’ll be world champion one day. You have the makings of one,” you assure him and your words are too unexpected that Max stiffens. “Not this year but one day.”
“Why can't it be this year?” he asks after a few seconds' pause.
You shrug your shoulders, “Not your time yet, I suppose.”
Then, you turn around and walk away, the loud clicks of your black and gold heels echoing in the hotel hallway until it fades into silence, while Max stands there at the open door, a cold canned beer in his hand.
He’s trying (emphasis on the word trying) to prepare himself snacks so he can eat while sim-racing. It's the off-season right now and his mother and his sister have decided to visit his place in Monaco and stay for a few days before they fly together to Belgium and spend the holidays there. Daniel’s name appears on the notification bar of Max’s phone.
daniel: is [name] in monaco rn or did she go home for the off season
max: why would she be in monaco right now
daniel: she lives there
max: [name] lives in monaco?
daniel: you didn't know??
daniel: she’s been living there since last year
daniel: ever wondered why she comes by our building a lot?
max: how am i supposed to know
daniel: she's your manager
max: well we don't exactly talk about where we live
daniel: i cant believe you
daniel: shes been living there since she was my manager
max: that long???
daniel: i cant with you sometimes
daniel: neways do u have her number?
daniel: i think she got it changed a month ago and i forgot to ask her
daniel: she's not answering my messages in ig
max: yeah yeah i do
daniel: great
daniel: can u call her and ask if she’s in the country?
max: ok
daniel: cool cool
daniel: appreciate it,, man
You answer the phone on the second ring.
“Need anythin’, man?”
When will he hear you call him Max rather than man, dude, bro, big guy, big boy, darlin’ (teasingly), or loser?
“Hi [Name]. I’m calling because, uh, Daniel messaged me,” he begins. “He said you’re not replying to his messages on Instagram.”
“Oh, my bad, my bad. I’ll check it out later, still out playin’ ball right now.”
“He’s asking if you're in Monaco right now.”
“Yeah, yeah, I am. Flight’s still next week. Why’s he askin’?”
“Okay,” he doesn't know what else is there to say. “I didn't even know you live in Monaco.”
“Well, I do,” he hears someone yelling your name. “Aight, anythin’ else you wanna know?”
“Nothing. Nothing else.”
“Okay. Stay safe out there, my guy.”
“You, too.”
The call ends and suddenly, the world feels too silent.
max: yeah she's here
max: she said her flight is scheduled next week
daniel: perfect
daniel: i have her christmas gift with me rn she better be there when i land
daniel: i have to wrap this up on the plane
daniel: do you know how hard it is to gift wrap smth during a flight
Max’s brows furrow. Perhaps he has underestimated the depth of their friendship. They're close enough that they give each other gifts. Or at least, she’s close with Daniel enough that he buys her gifts.
max: safe travels daniel
Daniel arrives a day later, which coincidentally is the same day Sophie, Max’s mother, and Victoria, his sister, landed in Monaco as well. Max’s mother adores Daniel, which is not surprising because everyone adores Daniel.
“Join us for lunch, Daniel,” Sophie invites him. Max and Victoria stand behind her. The three of them are heading out for lunch when they come across Daniel, who is also heading out, at the lobby of the apartment building.
“Sorry, Sophie, but I have an appointment today with [Name],” Daniel scratches his nape and smiles apologetically. Sophie perks up at the mention of [Name].
“Max’s manager?”
“Yes, Max’s manager,” Daniel nods enthusiastically.
“Invite her, too! I’ve always wanted to meet her. She sounds like an amazing girl from what Max has told me.”
Max groans, “Mom, please.”
He may or may not have talked about [Name] during his calls with his mother. Mostly, it's complaints. His mother has laughed at him, used to hee son's constant complaining. Despite that, she still thinks [Name] is good for her son. It's good that someone is able to rein you in when needed, she said.
“Oh, I’m sure she’ll love it. How about I call her and we’ll meet you at the restaurant in a few?” Daniel says.
Everything is settled. Max has reserved a private room for the whole lunch meeting so he can enjoy the privacy of lunch with his family. Less than an hour later, you arrive with Daniel.
Max almost drops the fork when he sees you walking towards them, just a few steps behind the grinning Daniel.
You look different than usual. Max is yet to decide if it's a good type of different or not, because when his eyes land on you, he feels like a thousand elephants have begun a violent rampage in his chest.
You’re not wearing the usual Red Bull polo shirt—perhaps that's why Max feels odd because he’s so used to seeing you wearing it—and instead, you were in a bustier jumpsuit with a white long-sleeved button-up shirt under it.
It looks a little too tight in Max’s opinion, hugging your body in a way that Max thinks you cannot breathe. He can't even breathe when he looks at you right now.
Daniel and you stop in front of the table and Max’s mother stands to kiss you both on the cheek. Max then notices that you’re carrying two bouquets in your hand. Funny how they're so huge and colorful but for some reason, he hasn't noticed them since you walked into the room.
“For you, Ma’am,” you smile as you hand the bouquet to Max’s mother, who gasps in delight. “Welcome to Monaco.”
Then, you turn to Victoria and hand her the other bouquet, “For you, too, Miss Victoria. Welcome to Monaco.”
“Please, have a seat, you two. We’ve already ordered for you," Max's mother says. You and Daniel sit down.
You and Daniel quickly engage in conversation with Max’s mother. Victoria elbows Max, leaning over his ear to whisper, “You have a good manager, Max.”
“You just like her because she got you flowers," Max whispers back.
Victoria chuckles and the Verstappen siblings join in the conversation.
Lunch is a pleasant event. Everyone loves the food. Everyone laughs. Everyone is having a good time. However, good things always come to an end. Daniel has to leave early because he has an appointment. Max is supposed to drive Victoria and his mother to the department store because they planned on shopping together as a family and buy gifts for their relatives in Belgium. But since Daniel left and he was your ride going to the restaurant, that means you have no ride going home.
You insist that you can hail a cab or even walk to your apartment since it’s “just three streets away” but Max notices that your smile looks too forced and Max calls bullshit. Max may not know where you live but he knows you're lying. Thankfully, his mother seems to share the same sentiments and push you towards Max.
“Don't worry, honey. He’s a good driver. You're in safe hands.”
“I’m really fine, Ma’am,” you try again.
“Call me Sophie,” she says, her hand comes up to your shoulder and you flinch a little. “You take good care of Max. It's the least he can do for you. Also, I’m a woman, honey. I know the pain of walking a good distance in heels. Don't subject yourself to that pain.”
You don't protest any further and the four of you hop into Max’s car. Max drives Sophie and Victoria to a department store and drops them off. He kisses his mother’s cheek as they bid a temporary goodbye. Afterwards, he instructs you to type down your address on the GPS so he can drive you to where you live.
When he reads the address you input, he snorts. You whip your head around to give him a dirty look.
“Three streets down,” he says, amused. “Really?”
“Shut up, ‘s just on the other side of the city.”
“It's still far.”
The first few minutes of the drive is silent. You sit on the passenger seat with your earbuds in and legs crossed, leaning most of your weight against the car door so your back posture sort of resembles a person with mild scoliosis. Max hears you hum along the song you’re listening to, your fingers tapping along the rhythm.
Max taps your shoulder. You turn to him, pulling off one of your earbuds.
“Somethin’ wrong?” you ask.
Why do you always assume something's wrong when he calls your attention? Does he really only talk to you when he has a problem?
Max gestures to the AUX, “You can connect your phone to my car.”
You gasp dramatically, a hand pressing on your chest, “You’re givin’ me AUX privilege? Truly honored.”
Max rolls his eyes.
“But I don't think you’ll like what I listen to,” you add.
“Try me.”
El Alfa songs have electrifying and infectious rhythms and Max may not understand the lyrics but not understanding the song lyrics can't stop a person from enjoying a song. El Alfa songs are the type of songs that you’ll hear in parties and in the streets.
“By the way,” Max begins. The song changes into something else—Sofia, the title reads, sung by Alvaro Soler. It's a whole different vibe from the previous song. “Thank you for giving my mum and sister flowers today. That was very thoughtful of you.”
“Just trynna be nice,” you say nonchalantly. “Glad they liked it.”
“Also, you look nice today.”
You slowly turn to him. You have this weird expression on your face like you have an aneurysm but also indigestion and mild stroke.
“Did you eat somethin’ weird at the restaurant?”
“No, I didn't.”
“Then why are you playin’ nice?”
Max rolls his eyes, “I can punch you if you want.”
“Yeah, right, as if you can. Your mother raised you too well to throw hands to the ladies.”
Max closes his mouth.
“See? I’m right,” you continue. “You’ll fight any man on the grid but you won't fight me even though I annoy you every day. You're not like your father, Max.”
Max clears his throat awkwardly. He does not know how to respond to you. You're too… too… honest.
“But thank you,” you say. “Borrowed this from my roomie ‘cuz I don't own any nice clothes.”
You wear branded clothing way too well for someone to think otherwise.
The song switches. Danza Kuduro starts playing. Max knows this one. He watched Fast Five.
Max stops the car outside the apartment building, but instead of hopping off, you rummage through your tote bag—still the cream-colored one with peach prints, it looks so worn down now—and pull out a….it looks like a beaded bracelet but it's not closed on the ends.
“What's this?” he asks when you hand it to him. Red and navy blue beads—the color of Red Bull.
“Consider this as my gift for the holidays. I made Daniel one so it makes sense that I give you one as well.”
Oh. Max blinks at you then glances down at the little thing in his palm. Something warm blooms in Max’s heart.
“That's very thoughtful of you.”
Panic follows. His head snaps up.
“But I haven't bought you anything.”
“That's okay, man,” you smile and open the door. “Thanks a lot for today.”
You step outside and close the door after you before Max can even utter another word. Max watches as you jog inside the building. He shakes his head when you disappear from his vision, hangs the beaded keychain with his keys, and drives back to where he drops his mother and sister off earlier.
Sophie notices the keychain and compliments it. She asks his son if he got into the hobby of creating things out of beads. Max shakes his head and tells her that the keychain is a gift from you.
His mother visibly lights up, “You should get her a gift!”
Max gets into thinking. Yeah, he should.
He meets you a day before your flight to Texas in the lobby of the building where you live. You gave him a keychain. It's only appropriate that he gives you keys. (You don't seem very happy with the gift though for God knows what reason but Max is adamant on giving it to you and will not stop at a no.
“I want you close,” he says, surprised by the sincerity that exited his mouth.
“Well, I don't.” Your words sting a little. Max ignores it.
He ends up giving you a different key. You say the other key is too expensive. Max is not thrilled but it's still a key and this certain key, you accept. So Max is happy.)
Max flies to Belgium a few days after you and celebrates the holidays with his mother's side of the family. He calls your cell in the middle of the night, Belgium is six hours ahead of Texas so Max is sure it's around four in the afternoon from where you are. He does not expect you to answer as quickly as you did.
“Somethin’ wrong?” your voice sounds rough like you’ve been asleep.
“Hi, uhm,” Max clears his throat. He’s a little tipsy right now and his words are flying around in his brain. “Happy holidays.”
There's a pause.
“You called me for that?”
“Can you stop being mean? It's the holidays.”
“Are you drunk?”
“Well then,” Max hears a ruffle of sheets and suddenly, he feels bad for waking you up. “Happy holidays to you, too, bud. Appreciate the effort and the money you spent on making this call. International calls are expensive as fuck.”
They're not. At least, Max thinks they're not.
“Can I get your Instagram? The one you use to talk to Daniel?”
“My priv? Why?”
“Because I just want it.”
“Brat. You can’t follow that account usin’ your public account. PR has access to your account and they’ll see my shit. I don't want them to see my shit.”
“Then, I’ll make a private account and we’ll follow each other.”
He hears you sigh.
“You promise not to give PR access to that account?”
“Hm. I promise.”
“Yeah, okay, whatever. Send me the details and I’ll follow you when I wake up, aight?”
Max giggles, “Okay.”
“Anythin’ else?”
“Nothing, nothing.”
“Aight, I’ll continue my nap. You enjoy yourself there.”
Then, COVID happens.
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justagalwhowrites · 9 months
i was wondering how Joel would react to Doc spoiling him ROTTEN after she got that big girl money 🫦 (in the lavender au)
(because i know she will spoil him so much as a thank you for his unwavering support throughout her career 🥹)
OMG Hi Bestie!
I love this ask so so SO much. Joel is so soft with his girls and he deserves all the good things, including his wife treating him to all the best things once she's a big time surgeon.
This is just the perfect prompt for our favorite man's birthday, too! I hope this is just what you were hoping for. Love you!
After years of Joel taking care of you, you take care of Joel. A one shot set in the Lavender AU timeline.
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Yes I know it's not a Joel gif but it fits the fic so well I had to.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader (Joel and Doc from the Lavender AU)
Warnings: Fluff and smut, smut and fluff. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
Length: 4.4K
It started with a shopping trip in Houston for Sarah’s wedding. 
She needed a dress for the rehearsal and her bachelorette party and the malls in Austin just weren’t cutting it. 
“I’m telling you,” she said after coming up empty handed on another Saturday spent shopping as the two of you ate salads and drank sweet tea at a patio cafe. “We need to go to Houston. We haven’t found anything for you, either.”
“I can just…” you began, but Sarah cut you off. 
“Mom,” she raised her brows. “You do not get to say ‘just’ anything about my wedding, come on.” 
You rolled your eyes a little but smiled. 
“Alright,” you put your hands up in surrender. “I’ve got the weekend off again in two weeks, I’ll get us a hotel room in Houston and we can shop til we drop.” 
“I’m going to get you comfortable with spending some of those big surgeon bucks one of these days,” she said. “You need to treat yourself! Live a little!” 
“I live plenty, thank you,” you replied. “And I do it just fine in my Goodwill jeans.” 
“Whatever you say,” she smirked a little, flagging down the server and grabbing the bill before you had a chance to fight her on it. 
Sarah might have had a point. You’d been an attending for the better part of a year now and the jump in pay had been staggering. You were making more now in a year than you had your entire life - or it felt that way, anyway. You’d already made good progress paying off your student loans but you made quick work of the rest. Joel had asked if you wanted to move - something bigger or better somehow - now that you could easily afford it but you’d just frowned at him, almost hurt. 
“This is our home,” you said. “I fell in love with you here, Sarah grew up here, we made Evie here. This is the first place I ever really felt like I belonged, I don’t want to leave.” 
Joel just smiled and kissed your forehead. 
“Then we’ll stay,” he said. “Moving’s a fuckin’ hassle anyway.” 
You’d just been saving money, not really sure what to do with it. You donated some of it, stopped spending time clipping coupons, finally bought a car that was from this decade (but still used). But actually spending it made you anxious. You’d never had money before. You weren’t poor, exactly. You’d always had enough to eat and a roof over your head but you almost never bought new clothes, had never really traveled outside of places that you could easily get to by car. You were pretty sure you’d never even been in a car that wasn’t at least 10 years old before you came to college and your friend Cassie gave you a ride to the store in her new BMW. It was hard to get used to the idea that money could be spent at all, that it wasn’t already earmarked for some bill or, if there was any left, that it had to be saved for a rainy day. 
“You gotta actually spend some of that hard earned money on yourself, Baby,” Joel said as you headed outside to meet Sarah for your weekend in Houston. “Buy some ridiculously expensive dress that I’m gonna want to rip off you in seconds or some purse that’s $1,000 for reasons I don’t understand.” 
“That’s two mortgage payments,” you said, eyes wide. 
“Right, right,” you nodded. “On a mission, spend money. Got it.” 
“On yourself,” he added. “Not Sarah. Or not just Sarah, anyway. You two have fun.” 
“You too,” you said, stretching up to kiss him goodbye. “Don’t let Evie con you into giving her candy when she gets home from school.” 
“What wild thing and I get up to when you’re not around is none of your business,” he gave you one last peck on the lips. “Now go, stop worryin’, live a little.” 
The mall in Houston was almost overwhelming. Not in the crowds way malls sometimes were for you, thank goodness, but with the kinds of stores. There were names you recognized from Cassie’s closet and from some of the trust fund girls in your med school program but you realized quickly you had no concept of what things like this actually cost. 
Sarah picked a dress for the rehearsal that was nearly $600 and you choked on the champagne the sales person had given you to sip while Sarah tried on options. 
“You really buy $600 dresses?” You gaped at her as you wandered back into the store from the dressing rooms. 
“Not all the time,” she shrugged. “But we make good money and sometimes it’s fun to buy something nice.” 
She held up a floor length gown to you, the bottom pooling on the ground. 
“That’s too long,” you said. 
“Well we’d get it tailored,” she laughed a little. “Come on, try it on.” 
Another sales person wandered over and offered to set up a fitting room and you snuck a peek at the price tag. Your eyes went wide. 
“That dress is $1200!” You whispered at Sarah as you trailed after the attendant. 
“And it’s for my wedding,” she replied. “And don’t you have that gala thing every spring for work? You can wear it for that, you need a new dress for that anyway. Plus I’m the bride and I say you have to try it on. You can’t disappoint the bride.” 
You sighed and went into the fitting room, feeling utterly out of place in your second hand Levis and vintage top you’d picked up on a shopping trip a few weeks back that felt much more your speed. 
But the dress - outside of the length - looked like it had been made for you. The silk hugged your every curve, the neckline dipping just low enough to display just enough cleavage to be sexy but not so much that it would be scandalous. It was simple, no embellishments beyond the structure of the dress and the deep emerald green of the fabric. Normally you’d have scoffed at something so basic fetching such a high price but, now that it was on your body, you understood it. It was like you’d put on a work of art and, in doing so, become art yourself. 
“OK you can’t laugh,” you said. “But I’m coming out.” 
Sarah was waiting patiently in the little show room attached to your fitting room and you had to hold up the hem of the dress to not trip but she gasped all the same. 
“Oh Mom,” her hand went to her mouth, her eyes wide. “You look incredible.” 
“Yeah?” You asked, turning in the mirrors to look at yourself from every angle. “I don’t look like I’m playing dress up?” 
“Not at all,” she spoke with almost a sense of reverence, looking you up and down. “You’re getting that dress. I’ll buy it for you if you won’t…” 
“No, Sarah,” you protested but she pulled out her phone and snapped a picture before you had a chance to really realize what she was doing. “What was that for?” 
“I’m sending this to Dad…” her voice trailed off and she took a sip of champagne just as her phone rang. She smirked and answered, putting it on speaker phone. “Speak of the devil. Hey old man, your wife is trying to tell me this dress costs too much.” 
“I don’t care if that dress costs $200,000 she’s bringing it home,” Joel said. “She hear me?” 
“Yes,” Sarah smiled, a shit eating grin if there ever was one. 
“Good,” he said. “Baby, you look so damn amazing I’m about to jump in the truck and drive over there just to see you in that thing in person sooner. Save me a trip, bring it home, alright?” 
“Alright,” you sighed. 
“Didn’t quite hear that,” Joel said. 
“I said alright you dork,” you said a little, grinning in spite of yourself. 
“That’s my girl.” 
You bought the dress. And a bag that Sarah insisted you needed for work because she was tired of seeing you haul around a canvas tote. And shoes for the dress. 
When you passed the jeweler window, you were on the way to the car after spending so much money you were surprised you hadn’t fainted. You stopped, the hanger with the garment bag for the dress hooked in your fingers over your shoulder, and looked at the watch sitting in the window. 
It was large and silver but not too ornate, no diamonds or anything like that. The face of the watch was black with elegant white roman numerals on the face. 
“What?” Sarah asked, stopping next to you. 
“Do you think your dad would like that?” You asked, head cocked a little, still looking at the timepiece through the glass. 
“Yeah,” Sarah said after a moment. “Seems like a him watch, if he were going to wear a nice watch, anyway.” 
Joel did already have a watch. A simple one with a green strap and silver colored case and a black face. You and Sarah had picked it out together for his birthday one year. She’d been giddy about it, you had to all but beg her to keep it a secret for a few days until it came time to give it to him. He loved the thing, wore it every day, even more than a decade later. 
But your career wasn’t the only one that had advanced. Joel was no longer doing the manual labor of a contractor every day. More often than not, he was going to meet with clients and arrange contracts and make plans. For a lot of those meetings, he wore a suit and, for a lot of those meetings, you saw him stick his watch in his pocket before leaving the house instead of putting it on. 
“Hard sometimes,” he said when you’d asked him about it. “Fittin’ in with these clients.” 
“Let me just…” you doubled back to the entrance to the store and went inside. 
The watch was more than you thought it would be. A lot more. So, so much more. You watched as the sale’s person’s eyes went from encouraging and hopeful to let down when you reacted to the price. 
“One second,” you smiled sheepishly and pulled out your phone, going into your banking app. Even after spending an arm and a leg on yourself that day, the number in your personal checking account seemed obscenely high. More money than you’d ever had at once until very, very recently. You could afford the watch. You looked at the sales person and smiled. 
“I’ll take it.” 
You had several very strong cocktails when out to dinner with Sarah that night to make yourself feel a little better about spending thousands of dollars on things like clothes and a watch and she just smiled. 
“See, Mom? You spent some money on yourself and the apocalypse did not happen, I think you can actually buy yourself things from time to time.” 
“And things for your dad,” you said. “Because he needs nice things, too.” 
When you got home, Joel insisted that you model the dress for him. 
“It needs to be tailored,” you tried to protest. 
“Not for me to take it off you it doesn’t,” he smiled from his spot on the couch, beer in hand. 
“Fine,” you said. “But only if you let me model everything I bought and you can’t return any of it.” 
You went to your bedroom and put on the dress and the shoes and took the watch out of the bag, the face almost comically large on your wrist, before going back to the living room, hem of the dress in hand. 
“Jesus Christ Baby,” he looked at you, his eyes wide. “You look… fuck me.” 
“That is the idea,” you winked. “You like it?” 
“Like is a fuckin’ understatement,” he said, getting up and walking around you slowly, his eyes going up and down your body. “You know, Evie’s at a friend’s for two more hours…” 
“So you’re not going to make me return anything I have on?” You asked. 
“Fuck no.” 
“Not this dress?” You started unzipping the side before sliding the straps down your arms. 
“Dress stays,” he said, gently tugging it down and exposing your chest, kissing the swell of your breasts. 
“What about the shoes?” You asked, putting a sandaled foot out from below the hem. He glanced down, eyes ranging over the straps. 
“Those stay, too,” he said, going back to kissing your chest. “Everything you’ve got on stays, already agreed to that.” 
“Good,” you said as he made it to your neck. “Even this?” 
You held up your wrist, the watch sliding down your arm. 
He frowned, looking at it. 
“Don’t look like you’re style,” he said. “But if it makes you happy, Baby, keep it.” 
“Never said it was for me, Joel,” you smiled a little. You watched him piece it together, taking a moment for him to dawn on him. 
“No,” he shook his head, looking from your arm to your face. “No, you were supposed to get stuff for yourself for a change not…” 
“I did get stuff for me,” you said. “And I got this for you. Because you’re wearing suits more now and I wanted you to have the watch for that. So really, it is for me.” 
He took your wrist gently in one hand, elbow in the other, tilting your arm this way and that to look at the watch in different lights. 
“Baby, this…” he shook his head again. “This is too much, this is…” 
“Not for you,” you cut him off. “Not after everything you’ve given me. This is not enough. But it’s a start. Besides, you said I got to keep everything I was wearing. You already agreed to it, Miller.” 
“Baby,” he sighed. 
“Joel,” you smiled a little. “You’re my husband. Let me give you something nice. Please.” 
He brought the inside of your wrist to his lips and kissed you there, making your pulse flutter against his mouth. 
“Already gave me the best thing there is,” he said. “Anything more feels like I’m stealin’ it.” 
“Steal whatever you want, Miller,” you teased. “But you’re keeping the watch.” 
Joel ended up wearing the watch often. Not as much as the Sarah watch - and he stuck with the Sarah watch for her wedding - but at least once a week for meetings where he needed to dress up for. Every time you gave him a little knowing smile and every time he rolled his eyes a little before kissing you goodbye. But you had yet to get him to accept anything like it in the years since, Joel trying to dodge everything every time you spent money on him. 
So when his birthday was around the corner, you were bound and determined to get him something good. 
“Anything you want for your birthday?” You asked as you, Joel and Ellie wandered around a street fair, meandering towards the car show. “Anything you want to do?” 
“S’not like it’s a big one,” he shrugged. “Just 56. Would love to see all my girls, of course. Could use some new tongs for the grill.” 
“Tongs?” Ellie said, brows raised. “Seriously? Old people are so WEIRD.” 
“You know what kiddo?” Joel smiled a little, faking exasperation. “We’ll see how you’re doin’ when you’re pushin’ 60.” 
“Ew,” she crinkled her nose and wandered to the first car in the row of vehicles on display. You laughed, strolling along with Joel until he stopped at a beautiful old convertible, giving a low whistle. 
“What?” You asked. 
“Just a pretty fuckin’ car,” he said, his hands in his pockets as he walked slowly around it. “Always wanted one of these when I was a kid.” 
“Yeah?” You asked, getting an idea. 
“Neighbor had one,” he nodded. “Let me ride in the back once. Coolest fuckin’ car.” 
He looked over every inch of the thing and Ellie caught up with you while he did, pouting a little as she leaned on the door of the car, her chin propped on her folded arms. 
“I’m starving,” she groaned. “Can I go get some fries at least?” 
“Sure,” you laughed a little, pulling some cash out of your pocket. “Grab me a lemonade, too?” 
You watched as she went to the food stands and you and Joel moved on, walking slowly down the row of cars when Ellie caught up with you again, passing you the lemonade. Joel stole a fry from her cup. 
“Hey!” She protested. “Go get your own!” 
“Might have to,” he said, giving her a wink. “Back in a sec.” 
You waited until he was out of earshot before you grabbed Ellie. 
“Do me a favor,” you said. “That car we were looking at? The blue one? Can you go talk to the owner and find out what make, model and year it is?” 
“I guess,” she frowned. “Why?” 
“Because,” you said. “I found something your dad wants besides tongs.” 
You went and stood in line with Joel, keeping him distracted while Ellie did recon. She took some pictures of the car and texted you all the information which you texted to Andrew as Joel drove home from the fair. 
“Can you help me find this car?” You asked him. “One that’s for sale?”
“Becoming a collector?” He texted back. 
“Joel’s birthday,” you added a smilie face emoji. 
“Excellent,” he replied. “I’ll find you something, don’t worry.” 
It took a few weeks but Andrew found the car. A blue 1967 Mustang Convertible that was being sold down in San Antonio. He went down with you to help you test drive it - you didn’t know a damn thing about cars - and you bought it on the spot. 
“He’s going to freak the fuck out,” Andrew said, driving it home since you couldn’t drive stick. “Seriously, you might give the man a heart attack…” 
You rolled your eyes but laughed all the same. 
“I really hope he loves it,” you said, running your fingers over the dash. 
“I’ll take it off your hands if he doesn’t,” Andrew smiled. “Just don’t tell Jess.” 
Tommy agreed to store the car in his garage until Joel’s party at his house in two weeks and you were giddy as you drove home, feeling like a kid at Christmas as you tried to keep the car a secret. 
By the time the party rolled around, even Ellie was excited and having a hard time holding it together. 
“It’s really just a cookout at Tommy’s,” Joel said as the three of you piled in the car to head over. “Not sure why you two are actin’ like we’re going to fuckin’ Six Flags…” 
“Tommy’s cooler than you,” Ellie said. “Nice to spend time with someone who isn’t a total dinosaur…” 
“Alright, in the car kiddo,” Joel smiled and shook his head a little. “Can’t take you anywhere ’til seatbelts are on, let’s go!” 
You texted Tommy that you were on the way and he responded with a picture of the car, shiny in his driveway with a big, red bow on the hood. 
“He’s going to lose his mind, Kid,” he texted back. “Please tell Maria I want this same treatment when I’m old.” 
“Better put in some work to deserve it, Miller,” you replied, smiling a little. 
Joel parked on the street, frowning at the car in Tommy’s driveway. 
“When the hell’d Tommy get a Mustang?” He got out, his frown deepening. You almost laughed. 
“He didn’t,” you smiled, so big it was like your face was going to crack. 
Joel looked confused for half a moment before his mouth dropped open in shock. 
“No,” he shook his head. Ellie leaned between the front seats, grinning hugely, “No, no that’s… Baby. No.” 
“Suck it up, old man,” Ellie smirked as Sarah and Brandon came out of the house, little Carson making a beeline for the car. Sarah and Brandon waved as Tommy and Maria joined them in the yard. Ellie pulled the keys out of her pocket and dangled them between you and Joel. He took them, staring at them in his hand for a second.
“Should take it before I do,” Tommy hollered and you laughed as you got out of the car and followed an almost dazed Joel toward the Mustang. 
He walked, in awe, around the car twice. 
“I…” he said but stopped, staring at the convertible for a moment. “I don’t….” 
“Do you like it?” You asked, coming up beside him and wrapping your arms around his waist. 
“Fuckin’ love it,” he said, immediately looking at you. “But Baby, this is too much, way too much, I can’t…” 
“Yes you can,” you smiled up at him. He looked down at you, the awed expression still on his face. “After everything you’ve done for me? For us? Everything you’ve sacrificed, all the ways you take care of me and our girls? The life you gave me? Still not enough, Joel. Not for you.” 
He pulled you tight to him and kissed the top of your head. 
“I love you,” he said, his voice wet. “So goddamn much, Baby.” 
Tommy set up chairs and a table in the front yard so everyone could sit near the car while celebrating Joel. He kept looking over at it in disbelief before looking at you with eyes filled with gratitude and wonder. You couldn’t remember the last time your heart felt quite so full. 
You drove Ellie home, following slowly behind Joel in the new convertible. 
“OK I know what this shit means,” Ellie said, gesturing between you and Joel after you got home, your husband clutching you to his side. “Try to keep it down and not be gross about it because ugh.” 
“Was actually going to see if you wanted to take the car for a spin,” you smiled up at Joel. “Just you and me. Assuming Ellie will behave herself and actually go to bed at a reasonable time.” 
“Anything to get away from whatever that is,” Ellie said, smiling a little as she went to her room. You laughed. 
“So,” you said, once she closed the door to her room. You looked up at Joel, smiling. “Care to take me for a ride, Mr. Miller?” 
He grinned.
“Whatever you say, Mrs. Miller.” 
He took you through town slowly, down quiet side streets filled with sleeping people and past businesses that had closed for the night, until the two of you ended up at a large park on the edge of town where things were a little darker and you could see some of the stars. 
“I can’t believe you got me a car, Baby,” he said, his hands running over the steering wheel. His smile was so big you could see it even in the dim light of the moon. “It’s really…” 
“If you say it’s too much again, Joel, I will go and buy you a second one on principle.” 
He laughed at that. 
“I was gonna say it was the best gift I’ve ever gotten,” he said, turning to look at you. “Besides you and the girls of course.” 
“Oh, of course,” you smiled. 
He leaned in and kissed you gently. 
“Not sure what I did to deserve you,” he said. “But I sure am grateful for it.” 
Your kiss shifted and you started climbing over the center console, Joel taking a second to move his seat all the way back. You bunched your skirt around your hips and settled over him, kissing him harder, more eager. 
“I’m pretty damn grateful for you,” you whispered against his mouth, his hands going to your hips. You ground down on him and he moaned, pressing his hard length up against you through his jeans. “And I think the birthday boy should get laid in his dream car.” 
“Dream car,” he said, kissing you. “Dream woman.” He kissed you again. “Perfect fuckin’ birthday.” 
You unzipped his fly as you kissed him and tucked your panties to the side, notching his cock against your entrance. He moaned as you sank slowly down onto him, taking all of him inside of you, savoring how he filled you. 
You started slowly, just grinding him deeper into you as you kissed him, his tongue licking into your mouth. 
“You feel fuckin’ amazing Baby,” he moaned, kissing down your throat until he reached your breasts, cleavage bared in your v-neck top. “Always feel so damn good…” 
He was thrusting up into you, trying to set his own pace, and you decided to allow that, matching him stroke for stroke as he groaned below you. His hands ranged up your back, pawing at your shirt until be was able to raise it enough to slide below it and get at your skin with a satisfied moan. He clutched you close, so close that you could hardly move over him anymore. Instead, he fucked up into you, making you whimper and your channel tighten around him. 
“C’mon Baby,” he grunted, voice strained. “Want you to come for me. All I want now is you to come for me, come all over me, fuck Baby…” 
You bit down on his shoulder to keep quiet, the sounds of crickets and cicadas on the air as you came, your sex throbbed around him. You whimpered against him as you came down from your high and he kept working you, his grip on you tightening. 
“Fuck Baby,” he gasped. “Feel too good, I’m gonna… fuck… I’m…” 
He cut himself off with a groan, thrusting deep and filling you, his grip on you relaxing enough that you could sit up a little. You looked at him in the moonlight his eyes closed, a blissed out look on his face. You smiled a little, brushing his more unruly curls back from his forehead. 
“I love you so much, Baby,” he smiled a little, eyes still closed. 
“So I did alright for your birthday?” You teased lightly, his softening cock still buried inside you. 
He laughed. 
“Did perfect,” he tugged you close enough that he could kiss you again, careful to not push you back against the horn. “Perfect fuckin’ birthday, perfect fuckin’ woman, perfect fuckin’ wife.” 
“Good,” you smiled, kissing him. “You deserve it, Joel. You deserve the world.” 
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itsss4t4n · 7 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-lee jordan
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-Fleur delacour
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
Die drei fragezeichen / the three investigators
-Bob Andrews
-Peter Shaw
-Justus Jonas
-Skinny Norris
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace (no romantic fem reader)
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson (any version, young justice, robin, nightwing,etc.)
-wally west
-roy harper (young justice)
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
39 notes · View notes
Alex wants to thank you for being so nice to his grandparents.
When you first moved to Pelican Town, the Mullners were the first people you befriended. Having been closest to your grandfather growing up, you had a soft spot in your heart for the elderly, and befriending Granny Evelyn and George came naturally to you. Eventually, you came to know about their daughter, Clara, who had tragically passed. They took in their grandson, Alex, not long after. You never really saw him much, as during the summer he worked the ice cream stand and other times he was either working out or hanging with Haley.
On one particular day, triggered by Penny pushing his wheelchair, George spent the rest of the day in a sour mood, even after she apologized. With help from Granny Evelyn, you decided to make him leek soup with fresh forage from the forest. It perked him up, and he was especially vulnerable with you.
He told you about the accident that left him permanently disabled, and how it made him feel knowing people look at him and see a weak, helpless old man. He opens up to you about how all he wants to do is be able to play catch with his grandson. You hold his hand as he tells you this. When he is done talking, there are tears in his eyes. You think for a moment before speaking.
"When I look at you, George, I don't see a weak old man. I see a compassionate man who puts his family first. I see a man who enjoys the little things in life, who doesn't take anything for granted. Most importantly, George, I see you." He smiles at that, and so does Granny, who heard everything from the doorway.
"Thank you, Farmer. The valley is a better place with you in it. And Evie and I have lived here for over 50 years," George said.
That evening you decided you were in the mood for something sweet, so for dinner you settled on breakfast. You were pouring syrup on your pancakes to really make it a complete breakfast, when you heard a knock on the door. You open the door to find Alex Mullner.
"Hey, Farmer girl. I just wanted to say thank you for being so nice to my grandparents, my Papaw especially. It's hard getting old, ya know? So it's real nice of you to do what you do for them," he looked down at you with a warm smile. You've never been this close to him before. He was cute. Real cute. You took note of his forest green eyes that had a natural confidence. You began to say it was no problem at all when he looked behind you and saw your set table.
"Wow, I knew I smelled something sweet. I love complete breakfast! Say, I haven't eaten yet, did you happen to make extras?" He asked excitedly.
You nod because you had more than enough pancakes left over, and invite Alex into your house. You serve him a plate and he thanks you. You notice he doesn't take a bite though, instead he waits for you to sit down.
"Do you say grace?" He asked. You say you don't, as you aren't really religious. You used to be, but that was before your parents died. Now, you don't really believe in Yoba. If he is, he isn't listening to you.
There's a moment of silence before you speak again.
"That doesn't mean you can't say grace, of course. I don't mind, really." Alex thanks you and bows his head, for some reason you feel compelled to do the same.
Alex gives grace to the food, to the pretty chef *wink*, to his grandparents, to the valley and to Yoba. You think it's poetic that someone who lost so much can still be so grateful. You open your eyes before him, and when he's done talking he looks at you with a big toothy grin.
"Alright, let's dig in!"
You make idle chit chat as you both eat, him devouring his food before you can even take two bites. He washes his plate in your sink much against your insistence. He asks you about your life before the valley, and you ask about his life in the valley. You grab a bottle of starfruit wine and offer him some, deciding the conversation can best be had on the couch. Before you know it, minutes turned to hours and it was already 9PM.
Talking to Alex tonight made you realize something. You were insanely attracted to him. You thought he was cute before the wine, but the wine only made the attraction worse. Alex had a gleam in his eye as he told you about his dream to be a professional gridball player.
"I think you could do it. I really mean that," you say, admiring everything about him. His dedication, his passion, his tousled hair, his perfect lips...
"Thanks for your support, I'll remember it when I go pro," he says. You bit your lip, and looked up to see Alex staring at you. You thought back to what he said earlier. Naughty thoughts raced your mined.
"Alex," a hot blush painted your cheeks.
"Do you really think I'm pretty?" You were confident enough that his answer didn't matter, but you were also confident you knew his answer. You wanted to hear him say it, and by the end of the night you wanted him begging.
A confident smirk spread across his lips.
"Yeah, I meant it. You might even be prettier than Haley," he said. You weren't pleased to be compared to another woman, and you wanted to let him know that.
"Don't ever compare me to anybody else, do you hear me?" You said, pointing a finger at him. He was shocked from your outburst.
"Wow, alright, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that," he sputtered. A blush ghosted his cheeks.
"My granny always taught me to respect women, I don't mean to offend you," he continued. You had an idea.
"I know of one way you can make it up to me," you said. You brought your head close to his.
"What's that?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper and his blush deepened. You smirked.
"Kiss me, Alex," you breathed, allowing him to close the gap. He kissed you hungrily, the wine leaving the two of you buzzed. He pulled you into his lap and held onto your hips tightly. You ran your fingers up his neck and through his hair before taking a fistful of it.
"Don't be hasty, puppy, Mommy's not going anywhere," you cooed. He whined at that, pressing his lips against your neck and sucking on it. You gasped in response. His hands continued wandering your body before settling on your breasts. He massaged them through your dress and you caught his lips in yours, sucking on his bottom lip and moaning into his mouth. You could feel him getting hard underneath you as your tongues whirled against each other.
"How far do you want to take this, puppy?" You asked him when you finally pulled away, rubbing his face with the back of your hand and smiling sweetly as he leaned into your touch.
"I'm willing to do whatever you want to do. I am a gentleman, after all," he smiled shyly at you for the first time and you almost melted. You didn't know Alex Mullner knew shy. A new fire lit up inside you.
"Good, then get on your knees for me," you commanded, removing yourself from his lap and making yourself comfortable on the couch. You pulled your dress up to your waist and removed your panties. They were printed with strawberries, you picked them out to match your dress. Alex hummed with delight, his eyes darkening with arousal because of the sight before him. He did as he was told and got on his knees in between your legs.
"Be a good boy, and lick my pussy," you said, shyness out the window. Alex was eager to please, and he spread your legs apart and inhaled your scent. You smelled sweet, like the syrup from dinner. He kissed up both your thighs and you couldn't help but shudder. He took his time reaching your heat, looking up at you as he hovered his lips above it. He held eye contact with you for a moment before his lips enveloped your swollen clit, already so turned on for him.
"A-ah~" you cried out. "Fuck!"
He flattened his tongue and licked your entire pussy, the tip peeking curiously into your hole. His left hand held you down by your stomach as you humped his face, his other hand cupping at your breast.
"Oh, you're making me feel so good, puppy~" you cooed, and he groaned against your clit, sending the vibrations through your whole body. Ensuring you were wet enough, he focused his tongue on your clit and pulled his hand away from your tit, choosing instead to shove his middle and ring finger into your sopping wet hole. He curled them upward just right and had you arching your back off the couch. It didn't take long before you were crying out his name and cumming all over his face. He pulled his fingers out of you, humming pleasantly at how wet you made him, and looked at his fingers thoughtfully. He looked back at you and with your lips parted slightly, he took his chance to shove his fingers in your mouth. You happily accepted them, grabbing his wrist and twirling your tongue around his digits, becoming acquainted with your own flavor.
Once you were satisfied, you popped his fingers out of your mouth and pulled him towards you. You kissed him sweetly before trading places with him, kneeling before him.
"Since you were such a good boy, I'll let you fuck my mouth," you purred up at him. You opened your mouth wide for him and stuck your tongue flat out. He obviously wasted no time pulling his thick length out and placing it upon your entrance.
Closing your lips around him, you helped him slide himself down your throat. Once he was sure you could handle him, he regained his confidence and grabbed fistfuls of your hair on either side of your head to help him fuck you.
"Fuck, you're such a pretty girl taking my cock, yeah? You wanted it so bad didn't you? Well, you can have it," he grunted as he thrust in and out of you. You had to relax and breathe through your nose as he took complete advantage of your mouth. Your tongue underneath his length caused slobber to pool out of your mouth, your face getting messy. It wasn't long before you could feel his dick start throbbing and he suddenly thrust it in the back of your mouth, spilling his seed down your throat. You had no choice but to swallow every last drop. His hands still in your hair, he pulled you off him.
"Get up here so I can fuck your needy ass properly," he growled. You mewled in anticipation as you did what you were told, the roles from earlier reversing. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and positioned you so you were hanging over the side of the couch. He used his other hand to smack your ass hard, leaving a red handprint. He spanked you again, and again, and again until you were crying out from pain. He rubs one hand over your sore cheek, and uses his other hand to rub spit on his cock, lining it up with your throbbing wet hole. He hunches over you, and breathes a plea into your ear.
"Say you want it. Please," he begs.
"I want it, Alex. God, I want you so bad," You whine in return. With one swift motion he enters you, the two of you groaning in harmony. He pulls almost all the way out before slamming into you again, his hips slapping into your ass. He pounds into you for a while, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
"You feel so good, you take me so well. I just wanna make you feel good, make you feel so so good," he murmured, rutting into you with purpose. He was hitting all the right spots, fucking you so good you saw stars. He returned a hand to your hair and you cried out as he grabbed and yanked your head back. He leaned forward and bit into your shoulder roughly and you screamed.
"Oh fuck, yes daddy fuck me!" He twitched and growled.
"Say it again," he commanded.
"Your cock feels soo good in my pussy, daddy!" You moaned. It was then that Alex decided he needed to make you moan as much as he possibly could, for as long as he possibly could. He didn't need anybody else, not with how good you're taking his cock underneath him. How well you clench around him, and how prettily you say his name? Not to mention he's never had a girl call him daddy before, and he could get used to hearing that.
"Are you on the pill?" He asked, slowing his thrusting down slightly.
"Yes, daddy, cum in me pleaseee~" you begged, throwing your hips back desperately. He came immediately, pushing himself as deep as possible as he cried out.
"Fuckkk, you're such a good girl," he breathed into your neck. He pulled out of you, and watched fascinatingly as a glob of his cum spilled out of you. You slinked off the couch and onto the floor in front of him, massaging his thighs once more.
"Let me show you how good I can really be, daddy," you whispered. Alex's breath caught in his throat. He was in for a wild ride.
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queeniecook · 6 months
Mid Summer of last year
Ever since the warlock James had paid Inna a surprise visit, thoughts had been swirling around in her mind. She doesn't have any intentions of being a part of his plan, but to say she got curious would be correct. She spent hours searching the internet on this Vera Grant. Of course she found things like a simbook profile and a profile on the new big thing - the social bunny media app. Inna has to have them all due to her career. Smartly, Vera seems to have all her personal stuff hidden to where only her friends can see it. But the more she stared at the profile picture of Vera on simbook, the more she reminded her of someone, she just couldn't put her manicured finger on it until she went on a stroll down on the Del Sol Valley walk of fame. She was casually reading the stars, like she usually does - vowing one day her name will be there too - when she saw it. Right beneath her feet, the star that reads "Evie Grant." It all clicked together. Armed with the new information, she spent even more hours googling Vera Grant and her family. She finally had to stop when the information ran out after Evie married a man named Paka'a Uha and became pregnant with her first child. It seems Evie wanted to drop out of the spotlight for the most part after that. Only a few appearances happened for charity up until her death.
It changed nothing. She just found it interesting, that was all. Nothing more, nothing less.
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"Who is the girl in my kitchen, Vlad?" Inna questions. She had asked him here for information, not to play hostess to someone she doesn't know. Not that she minds playing hostess but she prefers to have a heads up first. 
"Do not mind the child, she is simply cooking." One of her mentors tells her. The other half, Elle DeVampiro, is currently over in Italy at one of the pairs' many Villas. 
"You don't usually travel with witches..."Inna trails off, something isn't right about the situation. 
"Very smart of you to keep food in your kitchen, dear one. Just in case you need to entertain those who require mortal food." Vlad continues in his usual tone. Not bothered by the young vampires' proding. "You wanted information, yes?"
Inna just looks at him and bites her tongue not to make a snarky comment, both Vlad and Elle did a lot for her over the years. She pretty much made it impossible for Lilith to help her after Caleb turned her and Lilith had no choice but to hand her over to Vlad and Elle. They helped her tame her blood lust, which she would always be grateful for. She has never killed anyone, something she feels happy about. Her mentors also taught her about the finer things in life and etiquette, while also opening doors for her in the field she loves - acting. "I would be much obliged."
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"Vera Grant-Uha is her legal name and she is indeed the child of Evie Grant. She also has a brother, Apollo, who lives in Sulani with his wife, Naya and son Apollo Grant Junior. Miss Grant currently resides in the village town of Henford-on-Bagley. Miss Grant and Caleb Vatore are set to wed on September 20th of this year in Windenburg." Vlad supplies, it wasn't hard for him to get someone to gather the information. Money is a great tool at his disposal.
Inna nods and glances at the witch in her kitchen briefly, who was still cooking, before looking back at the vampire in front of her. "Thank you, Vlad. You always come through for me."
This earns a smile from the elder vampire. He's not quite as old as Count Straud himself but close. "I have to ask, out of concern. You know that even though I did not turn you I am quite fond of you, dear one." Vlad pauses before asking"Are you planning to see Caleb Vatore again?"
Inna looks at him and shakes her head. "No. I won't lie and say I'm not curious about who has finally stole his cold undead heart. I'm also a bit worried, does she know what she's getting herself into?"
"If you are concerned he may turn her against her wishes as he did you, you need not." Vlad assures her before speaking again because he can tell Inna is confused. "He can't turn her. Vera comes from a long line of merfolk. "
Inna blinks, truly stunned. She kind of wishes her mentor had lead with that bit of information to start with.
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bunny-lou · 1 year
Hey! I have another prompt because I love you're writing so so much. Carlos is an omega but Omegas are almost always female. So thats how people treat him and it causes him dysphoria and he really is a guy god damn it. So Jay (alpha or beta) helps him reaffirm that he is male no matter his status. I hope this prompt is ok! Thanks for your time and the awesome works you make!
This has been sitting in my ask box for three years, I hope it's worth the wait @darkprinceofdarkness! One of my recent favorite things about ABO fics are exploring the gender dynamics with alphas/omega and what it means to be a dominant/aggressive girl or a submissive/dainty guy. I think there's a lot to explore about the intersectionality of what it means to be a boy/girl with what it means to be an alpha/omega, so enjoy!
Carlos doesn't consider himself to be any of those things. Not just because he's from the Isle either. (Though Evie is somehow all of those things despite the Isle shaping her into one of the most vicious girls Carlos has ever met.)
But he's a boy. Carlos doesn't want to be those things, he isn't those things. But that's what omegas are supposed to be.
That's what they are in the magazines and in the movies and in the textbooks. They're portrayed like girls.
And it shouldn't bother Carlos, he knows Auradon is weird about gender norms, it's a conversation he's had many times with Lonnie and even a few times with Chad. It's so heavily enforced by the older heroes, those who are so afraid of change, but there is a new generation in Auradon Prep who know that boys can be feminine and girls can be masculine and those who aren't quite boy or girl can be anything in between.
It's one of the few things Carlos feels superior to Auradon for - his open mindedness.
It shouldn't upset him that Auradon wants him to be...girly. But the few strides Auradon has made with breaking down gender stereotypes haven't even touched the stereotypes with someone's role, their secondary gender. Even Chad, an omega boy with lip gloss and manicured nails, still quirks a brow at Carlos' callouses and grease stained shirts.
Carlos fits sometimes - his love for fashion, his adoration for small dogs, his dark eyes that seem just too wide when compared to other omegas - but he doesn't fit at the same time. He's got more muscles than any omega he knows, he flinches when people try to do his hair, his skin is marked with scars and imperfections, a history of a hard life that most omegas don't have.
"C? You good?" Jay calls from his bed. "You've been in your own head for a while now."
Carlos looks past his own reflection - he's been standing at the vanity for far too long - to meet Jay's eyes in the mirror. "I think so?"
Jay tilts his head, but doesn't move. He waits for Carlos to continue, gives him time and space to form his own thoughts.
"I don't understand why Auradon wants me to be..." It shouldn't upset him that Auradon is okay for a boy to be like a girl, but it pisses him off that Auradon expects an omega to be like a girl. And it shouldn't piss him off either because Carlos has never cared what Auradon thought of him, never cared what anyone thought of him, not anyone who wasn't Jay or Evie or Mal.
But Jay understands the words Carlos can't say. "Ah, like how Fairy Godmother keeps trying to tell me that long hair isn't appropriate for a boy?" He smirks because of course Jay isn't bothered by disapproval from authority, he thrives on it.
"It's not being a boy, it's..."
"Being an omega?"
Carlos finally pulls away from the vanity and collapses into bed next to Jay. "Their open-mindedness is really just another form of closed-mindedness. How can I argue that an omegas shouldn't be feminized without saying boys shouldn't be allowed to be feminine?"
Jay nuzzles his shoulder. "That's a big question that I don't have an answer to, C."
"It's not your job to have a solution," Carlos sighs and nuzzles right back into Jay's chest. "I just want to be me, you know?" He wants to be Carlos, who likes fashion because he just does, who likes mechanical engineering because he just does, who likes dance because he just does.
"So then be you."
Which is such simple advice and if Carlos could do that, he would already be doing that!
Jay seems to since his irritation with that answer because he huffs. "Fuck them. People give me shit for being an alpha and a boy with long hair and earrings and fucked up nail polish." Jay flexes his fingers in front of them chipped red polish that Evie did just yesterday. "There are so many things Auradon hates about us, we really can't fix all of them."
It's so much easier said than done though, especially with so much of Auradon expecting him to be the random things they say an omega should be.
His silence prompts Jay to continue. "You know I talk about you at R.O.A.R. practice sometimes, to younger Freshmen omegas, guys and girls who are worried people will give them shit for playing such a rough sport."
Carlos blinks at him. He doesn't understand how he would ever come up at R.O.A.R. practice since he quit last year.
"I tell them that you're an omega and you played for a year and that you did tourney for a year."
"Only because you were there."
"Dude, you helped score so many goals in tourney though. You were faster than half the players, you set up so many shots." Jay flicks his ear. "I tell them about how much ass you kicked, then Lonnie tells them you stayed as long as you did just to give a metaphorical middle finger to anyone who said you shouldn't. It makes them feel better, C. Like they're not weirdos for wanting to play sports."
"Are you just saying that to make me feel better?"
"No way, I never lie about R.O.A.R." Jay says soberly. "Or to you. I never lie to you."
Carlos punches his chest and Jay punches right back, not treating him like he's some delicate creature who needs to be handled with care.
"I know it's not a solution, but this fuck all attitude you have, that we all have, I think it's helping some of the kids here. Think of all those baby faced omegas who will look at you and want to be like you."
Carlos flushes. No one has ever wanted to be like him.
"Just be you, dude. Everyone will think you're just as cool as I do."
Ahhh, I'm so rusty!! I have to work on re-learning their voices. I think the discussion of gender norms is too complicated to be explored in a one-shot, especially when used in an ABO setting, but I hope I did it some justice.
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lsleofthelost · 7 months
What are your honest thoughts on the book kids? Both vk and ak?
i’m gonna be so honest with you it’s been a while since i reread the books. (what’s kinda adjacent is that i wish the books, the movies and the animated stuff was more cohesive with each other but i understand that they never planned on it being such a big franchise)
let me cut it here bc it got so long, i was very into it
i most vividly remember the first one, the prequel, and i dont think we see any kids that aren't in the movies, other than mentions. though i think Audrey in it is great, like her brittle handle on being the Perfect Auradon Princess and her huge desire to just sweep all unseemly things under the rug and like almost forceful insistence that everything is fine and great and all that exists is the softness and beauty in Auradon, down to her ignoring animals that aren't cute, ones that dont coo and cuddle. but when Ben pushes her she's intense and angry and almost scary.
the second book, return to the isle of the lost, introduces fun vks and mainly just name drops some aks:
i really like Mad Maddy, i like the thought that she and Mal were besties as kids, as close as sisters, twins even. and the fact that something happened between them that made Mal dye her hair, which she still does all these years later. i also think it's fun that her and Evie immediately dislike each other upon meeting. and i like that she's never 'redeemed', she's bitter and angry and scheming. and not bitter like Uma is, who wants more and better for herself and others, but deep in 'evil over everything' bitter, she leans into it and wants worse for everyone else.
Anthony Tremaine is so cunty. like i know we never get a visual of him but i know he was serving. he was comitted to his noble aesthetic and his bored drawl. i also liked that in the books there were a lot of cousins, i think it could be fun to have like a gang of them with maybe other nobles from their country (though obvi they wouldn't refer to themselves as a gang, they're too self-important and 'above it all'). i don't remember him doing anything super important other than supporting Maddy, which makes me think he's like a passive guy re: Isle situation, just choosing whatever he thinks is going to benefit him (and by extension, Tremaines) the most. in my fics, he and the Tremaines usually are adjacent Mal's gang through Dizzy's connection to Evie, just as like gratitude for watching out for her.
Ginny Gothel is great too, i don't know why i don't use her more, i really should. she was kinda friendly with Mal in the first book, not like they run together but more like they don't really have anything against each other and in social situations they talk and drink together. i love that she stole stuff from Maleficent's apartment it's fun. she very much gives me narcissit's daughter, who internilises it all and tries to imitate her mother. i think she would probably be very competetive, especially with Evie (overall, i think they have a potential for an interesting dynamic... a lot can be said but i don't wanna get too sidetracked, send me an ask if it's interesting to u)
Yzla doesn't do much except attend the Anti-Heroes club which i took as a green light to pretty much create my oc. i still think it's kinda dumb for Yzma to have a kid but eh whatever. i think Yzma wouldn't be a stereotypically bad mother, i think she's more like neglectful in a bad mood and "my kid and i are friends, im cool" in a good mood. anyway, when i do Yzla, they're nonbinary and androgynous, and a little manic, really smart, good at engineering and chemistry, so usually i make them a part of the gang and Carlos's assistant.
genuinely don't care for Hadie. like, i think the name is stupid, i think that he's Mal's half brother is stupid (since they never do anything about it), but i think there's potential to this character.
Diego de Vil is my babygirl. i have like a whole character inside my head for him because i think the potential of Carlos having a cool older cousin is just so great. if you go to my bad apples tag, you'll see more, but i created a whole band for him (and a twin!). he has a devil may care attitude and cares for Carlos but doesn't know how to express it at all.
now for the ones i don't have much to say about: Claudine Frollo has so so much potential and i've read really cool fics with her and the religious trauma she would obviously have. Harry and Jace should probably have a cool dynamic with Carlos, what with being forced to work for the de Vil family but i honestly forget they exist a lot of the time. Big Murph is friendly and helpful that is all i have to say about him (but it's interesting that he doesn't follow Uma). Eddie Balthazar and Hermie Bing just seem like they're there to fill spaces, but i'd love if someone fleshed them out. Gaston twins, i've seen good characterisation of them as following their father's footsteps and i think they are like if himbos were evil.
for the AKs of this book:
Pin, eh, not much to say except the name's dumb. Artie is a baby, but seems hot-headed in that heroic way. Herkie (again, dumb name) should have beef with Mal. Gordon is a little jealous, but i think he opens up a possibility of like messy family drama between the kids of the dwarves lol. i don't even wanna discuss Tiger Peony because i wish they didn't touch the indigenous characters because of the implications it has in-universe and they didn't do much with her anyway.
okay, now onto the rise of the isle of the lost:
whew, i love that this is focused on uma. i know i personally don't talk about her a lot since i'm mostly absorbed with the rotten four, but i love her and the pirates dearly.
(re: the Hook sisters, i don't have strong opinions on them, just thathc that's canon to me, they're all from different mothers)
Jonas is one of the people who has a confirmed appearence and the same actor was in the rotten to the core sequence, so i choose to believe it's the same guy. in my head, he used to be a vendor at the market, bored and tired of having to protect his stand, which is why he eagerly joins Uma.
i don't remember much of the personalities of other crew members, if they were given any, but i've read great Uma-centric stuff that fleshed them out greatly and really made me care about them.
for the aks, this is the first time we meet Lonnie's older brother. i don't wanna even type out the hate crime of a name they gave him. but overall, i think it's funny that Lonnie's a little sister, explains why she want to rebel and is always in everyone's business lol. for him personally, afaik he's not that much older than the main cast and i think the fact that him and Jay are friends so fun.
for Arabella, it's never revealed who her parents are but if we base it on the live action, i'd say her mum is Perla, she's said to be charismatic and diplomatic, her kingdom values the arts, which are qualities i think we can see in Arabella. i think it has interesting implications that she can go between land and sea as she wishes, especially if we take into account that magic is practically forbidden. is she an exception? also this is the second time an ak causes a uhhh hardship? in their desperation. Jane in d1, to change herself to fit into the judgemental social world of Auradon nobility, and Arabella here to prove that she's capabel of leading. she's said to be obsessed with Evie's style and overall a huge fashion lover, which i think probably makes people call her vapid, vain, ditzy, etc and why she wants to prove herself so badly. honestly, i don't see her a lot and i don't think i've ever written her into any of my fics but she offers a good window into what it's like to be a royal.
i thiiink this is also where Aziz is mentioned again? but genuinely all i take for him from canon is just his name. i love him and Jordan (Laila's version): they're practically siblings, they're a little too carefree, Aziz is leading the sassy man apocalypse and Jordan takes every opportunity to humble him (lovingly), they're kind of party animals though media just calls them socialites lol
ok im gonna be real with you, i never read escape from the isle of the lost so i think that's all, i hope i didn't miss anyone!
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year
Anything You Like (the Carlos/Evie part)
more of my silly little soulmate AU from my silly little polyshipweek fic, Carlos/Evie pre-relationship. Probably makes more sense if you’re familiar with the Isle of the Lost book canon.
"You don't have a soulmate yet?" 
"Not yet," Evie echos, pulling a strand of hair out of her braid to frame her face. They're sitting in selfishness class, and she's got a tiny makeup mirror in her hand. There's something extra-complicated about her hair today. Some sort of extra woven part.  It looks sturdy, like it could be a rope braiding pattern. It makes Carlos's fingers itch to try and replicate it, and he'd really like to get a look at the underside to see how the pattern carries through, but it's not very evil to ask someone if you can touch their braid, so he's holding back. "I'm waiting for the right person, I guess." 
Evie's the prettiest girl in school, and Carlos is pretty sure that she could be the right person for whoever she wants to try and leave a mark on. That's not an out-loud sort of thought though, so he holds that back too. 
"That's cool," he says instead, swinging his feet under the desk. The stools in selfishness class are really tall, to encourage them all to sit up straight and elongate their legs and spine to look their best. It's frustrating being one of the only people whose feet can't touch the ground, but it makes fidgeting easier. "My only mark so far is one from my cousin." 
"You have a cousin?" 
Carlos kicks one foot out. Feels how it pulls him off balance, on the edge of his seat. His mark is on his left side, a smear of red-orange on one leg where he'd been picked up once as a toddler, and Diego's bare hand had brushed his leg. Their parents hadn't been as furious as expected about the mark, because apparently family marking family was okay, and not a sign of weakness like anyone else leaving marks on each other would be. "Yeah. He's older. He picked me up as a baby, left a mark on my leg." 
Evie's eyes flicker down in her mirror. "You don't keep it visible?" she asks, brows arching up in surprise. She's really pretty. 
Carlos tucks both his feet on the rung of the stool, balancing. "Nah. Not usually. S'too much like a weakness, right? If people know I have a soulmate then he could be a target too. Even though it’s just a family soulmark." 
"I don't think you're a target." Evie says, brow furrowing for a moment before smoothing out again. She's good at keeping her face smooth and pretty. Unreadable. She's going to be a great villain someday. She’s way better than anyone else in the class. 
"Well, not anymore," Carlos says, almost cheerfully. He's still proud of this one. "Not since I stole some chemicals from weird science and sort of threw some fireballs at the twins." 
Evie tilts her head this time, instead of wrinkling her face. It makes her look kind of like the robot butler who’s on the old TV shows that come in sometimes. "Who?" 
Evie's new, and a girl, and a pretty one at that. She’s probably one of the only people in their class who wouldn’t know who the twins are.  "Junior and Third. The Gaston twins. They were fine, the fire wasn't very big." 
"But they stopped bothering you after that?" 
"I mean, yeah? Setting people on fire usually makes them stop bothering me. Unless it's my mom, but she doesn't really mind what I do, so long as I get my chores done. If anyone's bothering you I could steal more magnesium and set them on fire too, if you want." 
"Thanks, but nobody's bothering me right now." 
"But they were before, right?" 
Evie frowns. "Don't--" 
Carlos hooks his feet through the rungs of the stool for balance and leans over so he can whisper more effectively. It’s not like it’s a secret who Evie has a one-sided blood feud with, but it never hurts to try and keep things on the down-low at school. "Mal and Jay were giving you shit, right? We could get them to leave you alone. I know where they live." 
Evie looks over her shoulder first, but she leans in too. There’s not much space between them. They’re not quite soulmate-close, because Evie’s basically the closest thing to a princess that they have on the isle, and she likes to be proper, but still. Friendship-close.
It’s nice. 
 “Mal lives in Maleficent's castle, doesn't she?" Evie whispers. “I’ve seen go in there all the time.” 
"Well, yeah.” Carlos whispers back, trying not to let his voice crack. It’s been doing that a bunch lately. It’s super annoying. “Sometimes. But I know where she lives when she's not there." 
Evie’s mouth drops open the tiniest bit. "How?" 
"I followed her home,” Carlos says proudly, forgetting to keep his voice down. “She’s the worst, right, so I wanted to see if I could glue her front door shut and keep her out of school for a while.” 
Evie frowns. "You did not,” she says. “I see you leave school every day, and you run right to Hell Hall to feed that gray cat that hangs out there.  I live across from you, remember?" 
Right. "You're at school when I leave, how d'you know?" 
Evie rolls her eyes, and then remembers that she’s supposed to be proper and relaxes her face again. "Castle schooled, remember? I saw you every day for nine years." 
Damnit. Making friends is easier when they don’t live nearby and he can just lie to them.  “Right. I followed her home from the market one time, after school. She stays in one of the warehouses with her henchmen."
“Henchmen?" Evie says doubtfully. "I've only seen her with one boy." 
"Henchman, singular then. They stay in a warehouse not far from the bridge, near the apple vendor. If you wanna do something to get back at them, I could help." 
"I don't need to get back at them." 
"Why not? Mal locked you in my mom's closet, remember?" 
“And then you let me out, and it was fine,” Evie says, twirling the piece of hair she’s got hanging out of her braid as she talks. Around and around and around until it slips off her finger in a spiraling curl, and then she catches it with her fingertips to twirl it again. Even her nervous habits are princess-y. “I don't need to get back at her because of it. Maybe I just want to go to school and not cause trouble." 
"You're scared?" Carlos asks. It might be a stupid question, but usually nobody at school will ever admit to being scared of anything, so it’s sort of crazy that Evie’s visibly nervous about confronting Mal and her henchman. Usually it feels like he’s the only one who’s ever scared of anything. But maybe this is what friends are supposed to do, and it’s okay to be nervous around each other. Evie’s already been nice to him once, and maybe she’ll keep being nice, and they can be nervous together sometimes. 
Evie freezes. “I'm what?" 
Or maybe not. Evie’s probably being nice because she wants him to fix something for her. It was probably stupid to think that she’d want to show her real emotions to Carlos, of all people. So that’s fine. He can be normal about this. 
“Of Mal?” Carlos asks, putting as much of an incredulous, almost mocking tone in his voice as he possibly can. “Seriously?" 
Evie’s cheeks are so pink he’d almost think she was marked that way. “Oh, like you can say anything,” she snaps. “I've seen the way you hide from her in the hall." 
Carlos tips his head to the side, and lets his face go flat and blank like he usually does at school. It’s safer. Maybe Evie can be a friend outside of school, but it’s stupid to think she could be anything other than a reluctant ally while they’re here. “I hide from her because she steals my lunch. What's your excuse, princess?"
Evie snaps her mirror shut. “Oh look, class is starting." she says sweetly, and turns around to face the front. “I can’t talk anymore. Too bad.” 
"I'll meet you by the school gate later.” Carlos whispers, and gets a tiny nod in return. 
Maybe Evie’s not the worst ally after all. 
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hannahssimblr · 7 months
Chapter Twelve
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“The good weather is making me suspicious” Claire says to us as we spend yet another blazing hot afternoon on the deck of the mobile. It’s been weeks now without a drop of rain, and I have to concede with her that it’s weird. The grass is starting to shrivel up and turn brown, little whiskers of pale straw, and heavy, dense air oozes through the village like treacle. Everyone moves slowly as though they’re wading through it, anxious for a thunderstorm that never arrives to cleanse it. At night I lie with the windows open, skin glazed with sweat and hair still wet from a cold shower, but sleep doesn’t come easily. It’s rare that Ireland gets hot like this, but when it does it’s unbearable and though I rarely fantasise about wintertime I find myself imagining cold droplets of rain or snow flakes on my arms and face.
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“How’s it making you suspicious?” Kelly has big sunglasses on and has turned her face up towards the sun, seemingly the only person who’s enjoying the heatwave. I wonder if she just pretends to, because it’s what Irish people are supposed to do; suffer through the misery of a hot spell because so much of our year is beaten down by rain and sharp winds, long, dark, bleak winters that go on for far too long, we should be thankful for every drop of sunshine that is served up to us.  
Claire fans her face with the book she’s trying to read. “Because it’s never this hot for this long, I’m starting to get awful sick of it.”
I know that there’s no end in sight yet for it. The forecast shows another two weeks of cloudless skies at least, and at this rate we’ll be into August before we see rain again. I agree with Claire, It’s all becoming too much, and only for my morning swims – which by now have become afternoon and evening swims too so that I can keep myself cool – I’d be really suffering. My pasty skin was never meant for this weather. 
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“I’m bored.” she protests. “And there’s nowhere to escape to when it’s like this, I just feel sweaty wherever I go.”
“I’m not.” Kelly says somewhat defensively. “I always spent my summers like this, it’s fine, you just need to learn to relax.”
“But I feel like we didn’t make any actual plans, like Evie is the only one who even left the beach all summer.”
“Yeah to go to an art gallery, which neither of us would be bothered with.”
“And you really wouldn’t have been bothered with that one.” I say. “It was modern art.”
“Bleargh.” Kelly emotes. “I’d definitely rather not have done that. I don’t know why you’re complaining, honestly. This was what you agreed to do for the summer. Better to be doing nothing here than doing nothing at home in the midlands.”
“But it’s my birthday the week after next.” Claire protests. “My eighteenth.” She says this with wide, urgent eyes as though this is of dire importance, like this is the one significant birthday she will ever have. “We haven’t planned to do anything yet.”
“Well we could go to a nightclub.”
“I can’t, I’ll still be seventeen.” I remind them. 
“We’ll just get you a fake ID.”
“No.” Claire says. “I’m not dealing with that. And I don’t want to go to some nightclub for my birthday anyway. If I was at home my mam would have made me a big cake and had balloons and birthday banners up all over the house.”
“And what? A bouncy castle too?” Kelly jokes, and Claire rolls her eyes. 
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“Well, what would you like to do?” I ask her, feeling like I should try to help to move the conversation into a somewhat more productive sphere. “I’m up for anything that’s like, not including clubbing or anything else that isn’t age appropriate for me.”
Claire looks away from us and out over the caravan park shrugging. “Well… maybe there’s something I’d like to do, but… it might be a bit late to plan it.”
“We can at least try to make it happen, even with short notice.”
She shrugs self-consciously “On the weekend of my birthday there’s a festival.”
“A music festival?” I echo, thinking that something like that sounds pretty cool to me, actually, and I don’t understand why she seems embarrassed about it.
“Yeah, it’s on up in Laois, and there’s so many good acts playing at it, I was looking at the website the other day.” She looks at me then. “And you don’t have to be eighteen to go. The age limit is seventeen, we could all go together no bother.”
“That sounds so fun!” I say, beginning to feel excited by the idea of going to a music festival; something that always seemed reserved to those older and much cooler than me. I start to think about all the things I will bring with me, and the outfits I might wear when Kelly interjects. 
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“Where’d you hear about it?” She asks, her eyes narrowed a little in suspicion. 
Claire shrugs. “Everyone knows about it, it’s a big event, like.”
“Yeah but you didn’t seem bothered about going to it until now, that’s all I’m saying.”
Claire looks baffled, and rightly so, Kelly’s questioning seems absurd to me too. We glance at each other, Claire’s eyebrow is raised and I just shrug back at her. I don’t know what to say. 
“Um. Sorry I didn’t mention it enough times before now.”
“Yeah well I think it’s a bit short notice, we won’t get tickets.”
“No, they’re still for sale.”
Kelly shoots the kind of withering look at Claire that would make me feel like curling up into a little ball and wishing I would vanish, but she seems unfazed. “I think I’ll buy a ticket. If the two of you want to or don’t want to, that’s up to you.”
I pipe up nervously. “But you can’t go alone. Where will you stay? In a tent by yourself?”
“No she won’t.” Kelly growls. “My brother and his friends are going. She’ll probably bunk in with them.” She stares pointedly at our friend “Won’t you?”
Suddenly I understand everything. Kelly knew the entire time that Shane and the gang already had tickets to the festival. I see Claire glancing quickly away from us again, but I catch a pink blush on her cheeks before she turns. Is there something else I don’t know, I wonder? Did the gang invite her to come with them? The thought of this makes me feel miserable, as I start to ponder all the reasons why they might have asked her and not me too.
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“I don’t know why we can’t just enjoy the summer with just us.” Kelly rants. “That was the point. You think I wanted to spend any time with Shane? I see him every day at home, I’m sick of it. I’m sick of him always being around and everyone being obsessed with him. Like, sorry now Claire, but is it too much to ask that I get to have friends that actually want to hang out with me instead of him?”
“That’s not true.” I say in an attempt to be helpful, but she just barrells on.
“Oh, Shane plays county football, Shane did eight subjects in the Leaving. Shane is so funny and has so many friends, and he’s going to get into UCD and do science. It’s so boring. I’m actually really bored of hearing about it if I’m being honest.”
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“Maybe you should stop being so sour about it then.” Claire snaps back. “Everyone can tell that you’re jealous. So what if you’re not better than him at every little thing? Get over it. You’re boring.” 
There’s weight in the air after this that makes me want to hold my breath for fear that if I don’t all hell will erupt. I glance at Kelly to see her jaw set and her arms tightly crossed over her chest. Claire looks surprised at what she’s just uttered too, but it’s too late for her to go back on it now. She steadies herself and goes on. “It’s my birthday and you can’t even let go of your own jealousy enough to let me do what I want to do for it. If you just stopped needing to control everything then we’d all be having a better summer already, but I’m allowed to hang out with whoever else I want to hang out with, and I’m allowed to go to the festival if I want to. You don’t have to come. And actually, if you’re going to have that annoying face on you the whole time, I wouldn’t want you there anyway.”
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“Well, I’m not going.”
“Good.” She stands up so abruptly that the chair rattles beneath her. “And Evie, I can buy two tickets or one. If you want to come you can.”
I blink, dazed. “I um. Nobody invited me.”
“I’m inviting you.”
“Neither of us want to go.” Kelly snaps.
“Are you her mam?”
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Kelly’s face is pink and furious now. I’ve only seen her pushed to this point a handful of times and it makes me hot and prickly all over. My stomach feels sick and I desperately wish for the superpower of teleportation so that I can beam myself from this situation, but instead of things escalating any further, Claire just leaves. I watch her storm down the steps and across the caravan park, her blonde hair bobbing about her shoulders until she swings around a corner and she’s gone. I turn to look at Kelly, to say something placid and vaguely comforting to her but she’s not there anymore. Her seat is empty, and I realise she’s gone inside the mobile home to sit by herself, or to scream into her pillow or throw something against a wall as is her usual. The flimsy plastic door rattles shut and seems to echo through the park, and then I am alone out on the deck, ears ringing sweaty palms and heart leaping in my chest. 
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yourworsttotebag · 5 months
tell me more about your thoughts on wyll needing a hero….. 👁️👁️ evie dating sim next steps??
Very broadly, I just enjoy the idea of the hero getting rescued, laying down their literal and metaphorical armor and having someone hold them and care for them.
And I think Wyll is such a good candidate for this because he so badly wants to be the right kind of hero. He'll gladly accept more and more weight and responsibility. I wonder if maybe he feels some necessary part of being heroic is the suffering and the shouldering of burdens. I think Wyll might not even realize how much being a hero, or even just a good guy, is weighing on him until the pressure is relieved just a tiny bit.
The specific Wyll/Evie arranged marriage au I've been puttering around with is extremely vibes based. The timeline is all cooked, there's no ending, there's enormous time skips where I just don't know what's supposed to happen. It's more of a wish list than anything.
Right now I'm picturing a) their current game ages in their mid 20s and b) Wyll isn't a warlock yet. Is Wyll changed too much by pushing this event later? That - remains to be seen, don't think about it, don't worry, we're gonna figure it out or we won't.
But I think during his time in Baldur's Gate, Wyll would still feel beholden to heroic ideals and feel a little burdened by the idea of being a Duke and living up to his father. And Wyll's banishment would come after he and Evie have gotten past their initial iciness, after their big sex scene, when they think things are most likely to work out, so it feels as bad as possible that Wyll is suddenly gone.
He kind of falls into monster hunting as he wanders around the Sword Coast, the story we're all familiar with. The people Wyll helps adore him and he's happy to be of use but he's at his emotional low point. He has new warlock powers but they're frightening and unfamiliar. His family, including his wife, is gone. He can never go home again.
So one of the scenes I have actually written is one where Wyll is pinned down by some Really Bad monsters and Evie suddenly rides in and saves the day. And Wyll is shocked! He figured she would write him off as dead and start her life over but instead she left her comfortable existence to come find him because she was worried about him.
And all of my iterations of Evie kind of thrive at the fun adventuring parts of being a hero for hire. She's been so bored and isolated for so long that having a cause to focus on gives her a ton of energy. She says to Wyll, "Hey, I care about you and I'm basically a super hero. Let's keep each other safe instead of you suffering alone because you think you need to atone or want to be extra noble while a dragon cuts you in half."
What does it mean for Wyll to establish his Blade of Frontiers rep with a partner? Is it a lot different from the game? Does it ever dovetail with tadpole stuff? I honestly have no idea. I answered another ask where I went into more of the difficulties I'm facing with this because I'm just too early in the process to even know what I'm doing. It could all get split into something else for all I know!
I DO think they would make a pretty hilarious good cop/bad cop duo on the frontiers. Like, "You better tell us who's in charge of your murder cult. My wife's a sorcerer and she's crazy." Wyll insists that he can be the bad cop sometimes and Evie's just like, "Oh honey...no...no, you can't."
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sleepyowlwrites · 8 months
Happy Thoughts Thursday!!
Is there a quote that you feel embodies your writing? Not one you wrote, but one from someone else.
For instance for @devil-in-the-details-ay, I have found this quote by Anais Nin fits so perfectly with them... "When I saw you I thought, here is a man I could love. And I was no longer afraid of feelings."
so. funny thing. you asked me this a whole month ago and I never answered because I didn't have an answer, and I kind of still don't, so I guess we'll go hunting for some quotes for, uh, the youth story kids, how about.
and I'm going to do them out of their original order, just to be crazy. I decided to use quotes from Bitterblue, of my favorite novels. but even if it is my favorite, I can't just pull stuff from memory, so I'll look them up.
Jae: “Everybody was strange. In a fit of frustration, she scratched out strange and wrote the word CRACKPOTS in big letters.” (a very Jae move honestly)
Irina: “I hear you're supposed to be good at manipulating people. Try a little harder to make me like you, all right? I'm the queen. Your life will be nicer if I like you.” (she's not a queen but she acts like it a little)
Mark: “You’re crying.” “I’m not.” “Right,” he said mildly. “I suppose you got rained on.” (this is Mark, just being mild about stuff)
Savannah: “That's interesting," Bitterblue said. "You think a conscience requires fear?” (Savannah is, unfortunately, mostly fearless)
Daniel: “Then she marched to the pillows and beat them mercilessly until they lay puffed out like obedient clouds.” (Daniel likes order in his house)
Bell: “It was just that she had the need to tell him something honest, something honest and unhappy, because cheerful lies tonight were too depressing and too sharp, turning in on her like pins.” (Bell hates dishonesty more than pretty much anything)
Cal: "It was nice when something in the world became clear. Especially when it was a nice thing.” (Cal likes things to make sense, you know?)
Evie: “That’s not even a thing.” (Evie. loves to point out the obvious.)
Nyks: “But that’s how memory works. Things disappear without your permission, then come back again without your permission.” (have I mentioned recently that Nyks has anmesia?)
R: "Bacon improved things dramatically." (boy feels a lot through his stomach)
I started this ask a whole 24 hours ago and then I did something else and then I slept and then I went to work and then I came home and watched dungeons and dragons and now I'm finishing this answer.
thanks for asking, Rule!
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 months
❤️‍🔥 + Gabe and Ace as always
this "outline" is 2.6k what the fuck is wrong with me also what the fuck is wrong with Ace
(it's... a lot, so I'm putting it below the cut for nsfw and length reasons)
Send me ❤️‍🔥 + an oc / ship / crossover and I’ll describe an nsfw scene for them
Let’s talk about Gabe’s night on the Isle in D2 because god do I have thoughts 
Ace finds out that Gabe is back (all of his and Queenie’s crew are immediately running to report that to him) and he wants to go get his boy immediately but he needs time to prepare.  Finally he goes to get him and by then all of the crew are in the hideout, he climbs up the scaffolding and walks in, sees Gabe first, “welcome home, pretty boy, they treating you okay over in auradon?”, Evie is so smug, then he turns to Mal “hey Mal, good to see you looking like yourself again, heard Uma stole the little boy king, but I’m going to be taking my boy back now”
Gabe, being Gabe, immediately tries to argue because Ace isn’t the boss of him, but Ace gives him a Look™ and Gabe just immediately stops arguing and goes to stand beside him, fighting the urge to immediately drop to his knees.  Ace finishes his report from Queenie about what they know about the pirates' plan and that they can't get involved in the fight and then takes Gabe back to Crim.
He gets Gabe to his room and tells him to strip, Gabe argues, Ace asks if he really wants to test his patience this early “after you’ve spent the last several months screwing around with baby Beast” and Gabe quietly shakes his head, strips, and kneels down on a pillow beside Ace’s favourite arm chair (it’s Gabe’s pillow, Ace always leaves it there for Gabe to kneel on when Ace isn’t actively using him)
Ace is half talking to himself, half talking to Gabe.  He’s pacing in a wide circle around Gabe wondering out loud if he should start off with Gabe’s punishment for fucking someone else or with his welcome home gift, if he should see if Harry would loan him the little boy king so that he can show off what a desperate whore Gabe is for his cock, hell should he make it a show for the entire Isle, one night only until Gabe fucks off back to Auradon
Part of the talking is to get Gabe extremely turned on and deeply humiliated (his favourite combination for Gabe), part of it is to watch how Gabe is reacting to different things that he says.
Finally he says that Gabe can have his present first, starting with getting to suck Ace’s dick.  Ace sits on his chair and lets Gabe get comfortable and settled before wrapping a tight hand in Gabe’s hair and face fucking him.  He’s repeatedly choking Gabe with his dick, only pulling him back when Gabe completely can’t breathe and then immediately pushing him back down.  He keeps this up until he’s about to come, pulls Gabe back just enough to come all over his face and into his still-open mouth, and then makes Gabe swallow and thank him.  The next part of his present is to blindfold Gabe and then push him down on his elbows, ass up, and to play with his hole.  Spends a lot of time stretching it open as deep as he can, never giving Gabe enough to get close to coming but torturing him with the intense sensations
He’s still talking but nothing really significant, tells Gabe that he got a new accessory for him, and walks away, comes back a moment later and slides a heavy plug into Gabe.  It’s not so big that it’s painful, but it’s uncomfortable and impossible to ignore, and what Gabe doesn’t know is that Ace carved it himself out of wood, and on the base he carved “personal property of Ace Hearts”
(It’s around the same size as Ace, 8 inches and thick, but it’s made of solid, heavy wood and with Gabe’s ass up, it’s still trying to sink deeper)
Keeps calling Gabe pretty boy, tells him how good he’s being, pulls his hair hard to move his head and create the illusion that Gabe is looking up at him, definitely lets him relax for a little bit before Gabe hears the very very familiar sound of Ace pulling out a knife
It starts off easy, just Ace tracing meaningless shapes across his back, never hard enough to leave a mark for more than a few seconds at a time, but slowly he starts to push down more, not drawing blood but leaving distinct marks.  Gabe won’t see it until later, but Ace drew a large Ace of Hearts card (definitely a more intricate one, not just an A and a heart) over the entire span of his back, makes sure to leave marks all over his arms, chest, and legs, and in between designs he also covers Gabe in hickeys and bite marks, and cuts a shallow “A” on the side of his neck
He talks about what a well behaved little slut Gabe is and how Auradon taught him some manners, then immediately switches tones and asks if Gabe could behave enough to stay still if Ace fucked him with his knife.  He’s not going to, at least not this time, but he loves watching the way that Gabe shivers and how much his dick leaks at the thought
Then he tells Gabe that for the last part of his present, he’s going to claim him properly.  Gabe gets excited thinking that Ace means sex, but actually Ace means that he made a nice leather collar for him, with a metal tag that clinks anytime Gabe moves, which has Pretty Boy on one side and Property Of Ace Hearts on the other.  He tells Gabe how pretty he looks, and that such a pretty boy deserves some pretty art to match.  
He pulls out a sharpie/marker of some sort, makes a comment about how he hasn’t finished making a proper brand yet and Gabe really isn’t sure if he’s serious or not, and then starts writing on Gabe.  Ace Hearts’ personal whore goes somewhere, pretty boy as a tramp stamp, definitely more  but I don’t know what, specifically. (Some include “cum here” on one asscheek with an arrow pointing at his hole, on the other one “spank here” also with an arrow pointing to his hole”, “free use”, and “cumslut”, and draws an A and a heart on either of Gabe’s cheeks)
Gabe gets whiny about wanting to cum, Ace condescendingly tells him that he has a pillow, if he’s that desperate then he can get himself off like a fucking dog.  Gabe immediately objects, Ace says that’s fine but then he’s not getting off at all.  Then he says that he needs to go run a couple of errands, opens and shuts the door so that Gabe thinks he’s left, and watches very smugly when Gabe caves and humps the pillow.  Once he’s finished, Ace thanks him for the show, calls him a desperate whore, and then cuffs Gabe’s hands behind his back and actually leaves.  
He goes to Harry first, then to Evie (Ace having an intense crush on the princess while having regularly included her as an audience for he and Gabe is such a specific vibe idk I love it) and invites them to come to Crims in about half an hour for a show.
He talks a bit with Mal about the plan for tomorrow and getting Ben back, then goes back to Gabe.  He’s being very sweet, pulling his hair in the way he knows Gabe loves, keeps calling him his good boy, finally touches his dick and jerks him off, and then says that it feels selfish to keep such a pretty boy to himself so he invited some friends to come watch
He doesn’t say who, fucks with Gabe by implying that Ben is going to be there, and then guides Gabe over to his bed.  Lays him down on his stomach and uncuffs his wrists so that he can cuff them to the bed instead, cuffs his ankles too, and then takes off the blindfold.  He’s very sweet at first saying hi to Gabe and talking about how pretty his eyes get when he’s all fucked out, uses two mirrors to show Gabe all of his new markings, then has Gabe give him another blowjob.  He’s still more facefucking him than anything but not quite as rough as the first time, comes all over his face, and then tells Gabe to just lie there and look pretty while he gets ready for their audience.
He pulls out a few different toys and lays them all out where Gabe can see them, some different anal toys, spanking tools, a cock ring, and another blindfold — he hasn’t decided which ones he’s going to use yet, but he likes to taunt Gabe with the anticipation.
He’s just finished setting up when Harry shows up first, walks in and definitely immediately makes a “nice claim, Hearts, I’d almost think you were jealous” comment, Ace just says that there’s nothing to be jealous of, Gabe knows who he belongs to.
Harry takes a seat, Evie shows up.  I feel like Evie has a secret kinky side but is also so ready for Gabe to realize that half of his issues with Ben stem from guilt about Ace so her first comment is about the big card design on his back and then followed up with something about how nice it is to finally see Gabe looking so happy and relaxed again 
Gabe’s cock is leaking so much, he’s so turned on by the audience and the way they’re talking like he can’t hear them, but it’s also so humiliating to have more people seeing him so exposed and to be talking about him like an object or a pet, he really doesn’t know how to feel so he’s just staring up at Ace with the widest, wettest eyes waiting for him to do something 
Ace, because he’s just Like That with Evie (there’s a reason she later becomes the only person he’d bottom and/or submit for) turns on the charm and says “well, lady’s choice” and has Evie choose what he uses on Gabe first, Evie chooses the cock ring.
Ace says that’s a good choice, taunts Gabe about the fact that Evie is the one who chose it, talks about how he’s not going to need his cock for any of what Ace has planned anyways, definitely a lot of degradation as he gets it on, asks Evie if she thinks she could design “a cute little ring for his cute little cock” since jewelry is more her talent than his, preferably something with Ace’s name on it
Harry asks if that means it’s his turn to choose and Ace says no (he kidnapped the king and didn’t even tell Ace, he’s lucky he’s getting to watch), but he has a little surprise.  Says he had to make a deal with some of the witch school girls for it, but he got a fresh ginger root
He taunts Gabe while he carves it, promises to leave it nice and big “so it doesn’t get stuck inside for your trip back to Auradon”, blindfolds Gabe again, and then takes out the plug and puts the ginger in instead.  At first he spanks him, uses a crop right over his hole/the ginger so that Gabe will clench and make it burn more.  Once it seems less intense, Ace pulls it out, carves it down a bit more, puts it back in, and then proceeds to totally ignore Gabe while he asks Evie about Auradon, and leaves him like that until Gabe is on the verge of tears, and then finally takes pity and takes it out, replacing it with the plug
He talks about how it’s a shame that they don’t get much medical equipment on the isle, an enema would be great for cleaning Gabe out at this point, he’s just playing with Gabe’s hair and gently tugging it, getting dirtier and more degrading in what he’s saying (at some point he compares Ben being part-Beast to basically being a dog, asks if Ben likes to piss on him to claim him and then says “never mind, I bet you would beg him to and then thank him after”, he hasn’t exactly been gentle this entire time but he’s really taking his anger and hurt about Gabe and Ben out in being extra vicious in his degradation, but his hand never does leave Gabe’s hair so like, not the most effective punishment
Ace is alternating between calling Gabe his pretty little whore and a good little slut, keeps encouraging Harry and Evie to degrade him too (Evie is having a lot of fun calling him Ace’s toy, Ace’s crush on Evie is going to make him explode)
He has them come over to watch when he takes the plug back out of Gabe, all three of them talking about how loose and open and easy he is, until Ace *finally* fucks him.  Lots of hair pulling, lots of degradation, Ace comes inside of him and then encourages the other two to touch themselves – he might offer them the use of Gabe’s mouth but he’s also very possessive and might not want to share, tbd
Once he’s hard, he uses Gabe’s ass again, filling and then plugging him up.  He walks away and takes something out of his desk that Gabe can’t see, and then goes one more time.  During the third time, he takes the cock ring off and lets Gabe come, then continues to fuck him while Gabe finally reaches his breaking point and starts to cry and beg for more.  Before he can get hard again, Ace grabs the item he took from his desk, a chastity belt, and locks Gabe’s dick inside.  He finishes inside of Gabe, plugs him back up, and then Evie and Harry get to see the small hook that he carved into it to connect it to the rest of the belt so that Gabe won’t be able to take it off himself.  He takes Gabe’s blindfold off specifically so that Gabe can see him giving Evie the second key, making a show of reminding Gabe that now he can’t take any of it off without her – there’s a small hole in the front for using the toilet, Ace says he would have plugged that too but he didn't have quite enough time to forge a sound the right size, but for anything else he’s going to have to beg Evie and then let her cage him up again after, and he and Evie make another show of agreeing that she won’t make it easy for him to convince her, and won’t let him keep it off.  Ace slips a folded up note into her pocket that she sees on the limo, which basically says that he knows he won’t ever see Gabe again once they leave the isle and of course she can let him out whenever she wants, but he’d appreciate if she could wait until they’re back in Auradon (Evie disagrees, and decides to herself that she’s keeping Gabe locked up and using that to negotiate with Ben to get all of the kids off the isle ASAP)
He sends Evie and Harry off on their way but keeps Gabe for the night, uncuffs him and is much sweeter about massaging feeling back into his limbs, “deigns” to let Gabe share his bed instead of making him sleep on the floor, and in the morning he fucks Gabe’s face one more time and sends him back to Mal with one last load of come all over him, reminds him that he’s not allowed to wash it off.
He can’t get involved in the fight between Mal and Uma but he sneaks over to the docks just to see what’s going on and to look at Gabe still covered in all of his markings, Harry notices first and as soon as he points him out, Gabe instinctively drops to his knees (which Harry notices and comments on 100%) while Ben watches in intense confusion, Gabe is still on his knees staring at Ace, who softly says “goodbye, pretty boy” and then turns and walks away because he really does believe that this is going to be the last time he sees Gabe and he’s trying very hard to pretend like the thought doesn’t make him want to cry
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ace-for-eddie · 9 months
Part 5
After dinner, Eddie and Wayne went out on the porch and talked more about the details of the day. They’d had to wait until they had a moment away because they didn’t want Evelyn to overhear some parts of the conversation. While she was the spitting image of Eddie, they still needed to figure out what they may need to do legally.
Joyce helped get Evelyn a bath and in clean pajamas. She carried Evelyn back to Will’s bedroom where they’d determined to have Evelyn and Eddie stay for the night. Will was happy to give up his room for the night and stay over at Dustin’s.
“So uh… what do I need to do?” Eddie asked Joyce. “I don’t exactly have a lot of experience with how to put a kid to bed. Oh, right! Cough medicine from her bag.”
“Does she have a cough?” Joyce asked, scrunching up her nose a bit in confusion.
Eddie thought back, “Off and on earlier today. But I haven’t heard it since we’ve been here.”
“Hmmm… okay, I think we should wait on that and see if she needs it.” Joyce suggested.
“Her mom said she gives it to her to sleep?” Eddie scratched the back of his neck. “Is that normal?”
“She gives it to her to sleep?” Joyce’s mother bear instincts peaked.
“She was drugging this baby to sleep?” Joyce’s tone took a sharp turn. “No. That’s not normal.”
“I don’t know exactly, it was all kind of a blur.” Eddie shrugged. “But uh, she didn’t really seem like she was getting any nominations for mother of the year.”
He felt a sense of relief that Evie was with them and not her mother tonight. He hadn’t had time to process everything that happened in this whirlwind of a day. There was so much to think through and figure out. So much of it did not sit well with him. But he didn’t have much time to worry about that now.
In fact, he wouldn’t have to worry too much about all that at all, because the moment Joyce mentioned the additional details to Hopper, he was out the door and headed to the station to write a report. Eddie had no idea he’d even left.
Eddie sat down on the floor of Will’s bedroom and brushed Evie’s hair gently while she looked at the pages of a book that Joyce had saved in her hopes of sharing with her grandchildren. El helped him braid Evie’s soft hair. He was still learning, but starting to get the hang of it.
But as he turned around to say goodnight to Wayne who had just popped his head through the doorway, he felt a pull on his shirt. He turned around to Evelyn climbing her way into his lap.
“Uh…okay, make yourself at home, I guess.” He chuckled.
He shook his head, which caught the girl’s attention as she reached up for his long wavy hair.
“Pretty hair’” she whispered with a slight ‘w’ sound on each ‘r’. He smiled at how gentle she was with his wavy strands.
He looked down into her big brown eyes chuckling. Now it was his turn to melt.
“No, you have the pretty hair darling.” Darling? Where the hell did that come from? Wayne? Does Wayne say Darling? He heard a chuckle from the hallway as Wayne headed to the living room.
Eddie scooped up the little girl giving soft tickles, making her giggle loudly. Then he plopped them both down on the bed and began reading the book.
Evelyn fell asleep after they’d it read through twice. The second time making up a new story based solely on the pictures, wrong answers only.
But Eddie naturally toned down his voice as he noticed she started to settle down and her eyes got heavier. After she’d fallen asleep, Eddie stayed seated on the bed with his daughter laying across his chest.
When Joyce returned to the room from cleaning up the kitchen, she found the little one asleep on Eddie’s lap.
Eddie stuck out his bottom lip pouting.
“What do I do now? She’s asleep.” He whispered.
“She’ll probably stay asleep even if you move.”
“I don’t want to chance it.” Eddie said seriously, then groaned.
“But I do really need to pee.” He whimpered slightly.
Joyce smiled and chuckled, before reaching down to lift the girl slightly and tuck her under a blanket as Eddie extracted himself and went to the bathroom. He returned to the living room with El and Joyce.
“Where’s Hopper?” he asked.
Joyce paled at the question. “Just to the office for a bit.”
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Nothing More Difficult than Love
Chapter 21
Gif by @wedgeantill
Taglist: @whitejuliana1204 @lovemesomevesey @livelifewondering @woofgocows @wisdomcrys @2000snostaalgiia @dolllol2405
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He was relieved when Ada lifted her veil and Tommy saw it wasn’t his wife dressed in widows’ weeds.
He is even more relieved to know its her waiting for him at the pub. Came with the big leather bag she kept under their bed and a clean shirt for him. His witch thinks of everything, nothing escapes her.
His witch knew everything, she had seen him get shot by Kimber and had been ready to save him from the fucking bullet. But Danny Owens died, killed by Kimber on the streets he called home. They’ll bury him on a hill, make sure his wife and children never want for nothing.
“If I catch anyone of you using gin on him, I'll make sure Arthur never has gin at this pub ever again.” Eva threatened as she handed Tommy the bottle and began tearing his bloody shirt off him.
Tommy finds it funny that all he can think about is how she never damages the buttons when she does that, with the adrenaline running in his veins all he can think about is her.
He’s covered in sweat and delirious with agony as the pain sets in, but he doesn’t care. His witch is here, and he’ll be fine. “If you weren’t already pregnant, I’d fuck a baby in you tonight, Evie.” He kissed her like he was dying and winced when the pain became too much.
“Good to know you’re fine, amor.” She gave him one last kiss before she set to work.
“Hold him still, Arthur.” Eva begins ordering everyone around like he knew she would. Always in control, always ready to pick up the slack.
He loves his witch for it. Fuck it, he loves her because he loves her.
Churchill gave him the fifty thousand on Eva’s head in exchange for Kimber’s, half the money would be wired today, and the rest be wired when Kimber’s gang gets dissolved.
“Let me do it, Mrs. Shelby, can’t let you do it in your condition.” Jeremiah offered, hands clean and sleeves rolled up to his elbows, but she waves him away.
“I’m pregnant not invalid, besides I could take out bullets in my sleep at this point.” Arthur and Jeremiah held Tommy back as his wife took out the bullet with the precision of a surgeon and with no warning.
“Was a nurse during the revolution.” She answered his men’s unspoken question and pressed clean cloth to stop the bleeding. “If it had been a little lower you could’ve died, Tom.”
Arthur handed him the bottle again and held back a shout when she began cleaning it. He wants to kiss her again, to fuck her, to get lost on the taste of her pretty mouth and find the secrets of life between her thighs.
“But I didn’t, Evie. You said we’d have four kids; I’m not dying until I give them to you.”
They celebrate, for their victory, for Danny Whiz-Bang and for the bright future ahead of them all.
He hears the telephone ringing for him, but he ignores it.
Eva and her husband know who’s on the other side of it and let it ring until Grace gives up.
“I need to go outside for a moment, love, got to make sure the boys know how to handle this properly.” He kissed her sweetly as he went with Arthur and helped the men load his dead friend on to the back of a truck.
“In a different world, he’d be running after the traitorous bitch.” Polly says as the pull the telephone out of its socket.
Its then she sees it.
A pretty thirteen-year-old girl buying passage to England.
Anna Gray.
Polly’s daughter was coming home.
“What is it, Evie? What did you see?” she asked her, already assuming the worse.
Eva tries not to squeal like a teenage girl as she takes Polly by the hands and spins them around to everyone’s amusement.
“Your daughter, Polly, your Anna is coming home. She’s beautiful, Pol, looks so much like you, but her hair is light brown like Finn and John’s, she’s coming from all the way in Australia.”
“Did you see anything about my boy, my baby Michael?” Polly asked her, but Eva could only shake her head.
“Don’t worry, Polly, we’ll find him too. You’ll have your children back, Polly Gray, I’ve seen it. Anna’s seen it too.” Eva tells her, unable to hold it back.
“Patricio, darling, how long has it been?” Florence asked her former lover and favorite employer.
“Been a while, Flor de mi alma, since we sent dear, sweet Evita your way.” Patricio Riley smiled and kissed her cheek in greeting. “How was our Holy Pythia when you left England?”
Despite what Eva believes, Patricio cares about his family. Too much sometimes.
Who else could indulge his nieces and nephews and children into thinking their illicit businesses were just until they were back on track?
Eva had always been stubborn, spoiled rotten because she was the youngest child of their youngest sister and Isabel’s successor. Isabel had asked him to protect her, to let no harm come to her little witch that night the family was told Gabriel had died in battle.
“Glowing, motherhood suits her, and her husband thinks the sun shines from her ass. Shelby adores her, Jack couldn’t have picked a better man for our darling, Evita.” Florence answered and sat down with her legs crossed enticingly.
If he hadn’t already been married with five children, he would’ve married her. But he had Alejandra, and while he was always fond of Aleja, he never had with her what he had with the Jewish spy he met during Madero’s short presidency.
“Israel and Santiago told me about the whore, the one who wanted to ruin my sweet Evita’s life. Doesn’t surprise me that Eva allowed her to keep her life, but I’m afraid I can’t let this Grace Burgess get away with it so easily. Nearly cost us the deals with your country, nearly killed my beloved niece.” While Pato and Eva never truly got along, he was the head of the family. Even married to a man he would’ve never chosen for her ---to low for her, a powerful witch like Eva deserved no less than the Prince of Wales--- she was still under his protection.
“How much would you like to dispatch the güerita to hell?” he asked with a smirk.
“Pato, stop,” Florence chuckled. “It’s on the house, our good old friend Winston wants all loose ends cut.”
Yes, Eva’s uncle and Florence have an ongoing affair. His nickname for her is flor de mi alma/flower of my heart.
I need to go back and edit somethings because Anna was born in 1906 and is younger than Michael actually, so she's thirteen in 1919.
Originally this was supposed to be wrapped up by this chapter, but we'll see how this goes.
Also will be taking a break from this fic so i can get a move on on my other wips and because i don't have a plot for the next arc which takes place between seasons
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saiilorstars · 2 years
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Dare To Forget Me
Ch. 44: If I Was
Previous chapters // Montserrat’s masterlist
Fandom: SVU
Pairing:  Rafael Barba x OFC
Warnings: Due to the nature of the series’ plots, I do have to rate this as ‘mature’ for constant mentions of rape.
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​​​​​​​​​ @arrthurpendragon​​​​​​​​​ @anotherunreadblog​​​​​​​​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​​​​​​​​ @stareyedplanet​​​​​​​​​​​​ @averyhotchner​​​​​​​​​ @abzidabzy​​​​​​​​​ @hellofutur​​​​​​​​​​ @foxesandmagic​​​​​​​​​​​
[If you’d like to be added to this specific OC’s stories/edits, send me a message!]
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"...of course I understand. Do what you need to do…" Montserrat was finishing up her conversation on the phone when she walked into her apartment to find Gael and Damian sitting at the kitchen table. "I'll see you tomorrow night." She hung up and met her brother's curious look. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Oh, wow, what a greeting," Damian snickered beside Gael.
"Shut up," Montserrat waved him off as she discarded all her things on the couch. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked again but in a much more amicable tone.
"Thought we'd get you girls some dinner. Kara's been complaining I haven't been around," Damian said while Gael gestured to the Chinese food still boxed on the table. "And don't worry, I haven't eaten your fortune cookie yet."
"Right," Montserrat walked over to give her brother and Damian a hug. "Nice seeing you guys. I feel like it's been a while."
"You mean since I was exonerated from homicide charges?" Gael cocked his head to the side. His attempt at being casual was questionable.
Montserrat still softened. It was infuriating knowing that the real culprit hadn't been caught yet. "I know," she came back to Gael's side and gave him another side-hug. "I promise you that I'm still looking into it-"
"You don't have to and you shouldn't be," Gael said as she parted from him. "Pretty sure it's against the rules, actually. I'm fine, Montserrat. Just a little joke of mine."
"Well they suck so drop them," she grabbed the chair between him and Damian. "Where's Kara?"
"Coming from the salon," huffed Damian. "She won't let us start until she's here."
"Oh, well, thanks for remembering about me," Montserrat shot him a sarcastic glance.
He just smiled back at her. "I could never forget about you."
"But you sure took your damn time getting here," Gael said, leaning back against his chair. He was studying his sister at that moment.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom and when I come back I'm going to eat," Damian announced as he pushed himself up from his chair. "Whether or not my sister is here."
Montserrat chuckled at him. "She'll kill you."
"Not when I have New York's finest protecting me," he smirked then headed off into the hallway.
Montserrat shook her head at him but stopped when she noticed Gael's look on her. "What?"
"Who were you talking to on the phone right now?"
"Who are you? Dad?"
"No, but I am your big brother."
Montserrat snorted. "Was that supposed to mean something?"
"Seriously, who were you talking to?"
"What does it matter?"
"It just sounded like someone important."
"Just a co-worker," shrugged Montserrat.
"That you're going to see 'tomorrow night'?" Gael brought up his fingers to do air-quotation marks.
Montserrat awkwardly cleared her throat. Alright, maybe she'd forgotten she said that. Rafael had been too upset with himself for cancelling their dinner plans because of Evie Barnes' case getting in the way. Obviously she wasn't going to get mad at him for that but he didn't understand. She liked that he was that determined to keep their dates but she didn't want him to feel guilty about things that were out of his control.
"Are you seeing anybody?" Gael finally asked the question he'd been leading up to. He thought with enough jabs she would just tell him, but of course his little sister lived to make things more complicated.
Montserrat was reluctant to answer straight away. She then figured that maybe it wasn't that bad. She and Rafael had discussed the idea of letting others know that they were seeing each other (maybe not specifically each other but the idea was still there). Plus, the others at the precinct already found out because of the flowers Rafael had sent her.
"Montserrat?" Gael called again, eyes more narrowed. "Are you seeing someone?"
Montserrat ultimately nodded. "Yeah...I...I am," she said, purposely keeping her gaze on the table for a few seconds. She wasn't ready for her brother to hassle her for answers that were none of his business.
"So what?"
"So who is the guy?"
"I'm not telling you," she immediately said. "It's new and I like it and I swear to God, Gael, if you try anything you'll regret it."
Gael made a face. "For something 'new' you sure seem ready to kill."
"Because it's new and good," Montserrat said loud and clear in case there was any misconception. She wasn't ready to spill everything; she just needed her brother to understand that she was happy and he shouldn't be trying to stick his nose where it didn't belong. "I don't want you ruining things, alright? This is only a couple months old and—"
"Months?" Gael repeated, sounding truly surprised. "Woah, hold on, was this going on while I was being charged?"
"Calm down, I got you out didn't I?"
"Montserrat Irene—"
"NO!" She suddenly yelled, silencing him. "God, what's the matter with you? You don't get to middle-name me because I chose not to tell you something about my private life. I haven't done that to you ever and I hope you extend the same courtesy to me as well. Besides, what are you so upset about?"
"I'm not upset, just surprised," Gael answered slowly albeit slightly calmer. Montserrat had struck up a point and the last thing he wanted to do was argue with her. "You haven't dated in forever. Plus, I'm just genuinely surprised…" A sudden smile took his face over, letting Montserrat dread what was about to come next, "...that someone willingly chose to deal with you."
Though she wanted to smack him for that, Montserrat smiled. She much rather preferred to hear these jabs because it meant that he wasn't angry and he wouldn't be making her life harder. "Shut up," she playfully hit his arm.
"So c'mon, will I get to meet this guy?"
"Yeah, of course, just not right now," Montserrat said. "It's too early. Plus, no one knows alright? So keep it to yourself."
"Yeah, yeah…"
"I mean it Gael," Montserrat shot him her warning look. "I mean no one, not Dad, not even Damian. It's not your right to say anything."
"I got it, Montserrat, sheesh," Gael rolled his eyes. "Don't have to get so worked up about it."
"Worked up about what?" Damian returned at that point and soon enough, Montserrat was shooting daggers at her brother to watch what he said. "Are you being an annoying brother again?" Damian grabbed his seat.
"I think so," Gael said, and he thought that was as close to the truth as he could get. "So, dinner?"
"Kara hasn't shown up yet," Montserrat's reminder didn't seem to affect either man as they started pulling out the take out from their bags. She rolled her eyes at them.
~ 0 ~
Evie's first day in court had finally arrived and it was clear as day that she was nervous about it. Her parents had refused to come support her but she insisted that she was fine and that she would do whatever SVU instructed her to do. It just didn't mean that she wouldn't be nervous about it.
"She is coming right?" Rafael had to ask as the timing crept closer and Evie was a no-show. Olivia, Montserrat and Sonny were with him in the courthouse break room while they waited for the rest of the squad to come in with Evie.
"Of course she is," Olivia assured him, though she did cast a glance towards the elevator in hopes that the next it dinged open, Evie would be on the other side.
"Ten minutes," Rafael reminded her, tapping the non-existent watch on his wrist.
Olivia rolled her eyes at him and gestured she would be making a call.
"I might buy you a watch just to see that again," Montserrat mused before shaking her head. "What am I saying? You have one but in your rush, you forgot it, huh?"
Rafael deadpanned her. Ten minutes before court started wasn't the place for her sarcasm. Any other time, he welcomed it. "She's supposed to be here."
"And she will be," Sonny said. "You and Liv talked to her already. You've seen that she's determined to come." Rafael's look on him was enough to shift. "You know what? I'll just go make sure Liv calls...the right number…" He was quick to get out of there.
Montserrat shook her head. "You're scaring people."
"Good, I wish they were afraid enough to be here on time!" Rafael huffed.
"You'll be fine," Montserrat said like it was an obvious thing. "But if you forget what to say, just look back at me and I'll tell you." That made him crack a smile. "There we are." She stepped closer to him and started fixing his jacket for him. "That's what I like to see. My intelligent, confident, snarky man."
Her words tugged a good, smug smile from him. "Really?"
"Careful," she was smart enough to avoid looking at him, instead focusing on that jacket of his. "I also said 'snarky'."
"That's still a compliment."
"Of course it is," she rolled her eyes. She pulled the lapels of his jacket and brought them closer to each other. "Now stop scaring people."
"Am I scaring you?"
She scoffed. "Please. You're more annoying than anything else."
He smirked. She always answered so perfectly. "You're just as annoying, you know? But it's okay, I've learned that these lips—" He brushed his thumb over her lips, "—can be just as sweet. Maybe we can do dinner when we finish the case?"
"I'd love that," she nodded. She kissed his thumb that seemed stuck on her lips, flashing him a smirk afterwards. "And I promise to say so many sweet things throughout the date."
"I'm going to hold you to that," he pointed at her warningly. "Now I guess I have to go see if Evie showed up."
"She will," she nodded. "Like Liv said, she was determined to tell her story. Now go help her do that." She pressed a kiss to his lips then stepped to the side so he could leave. He had his confident face on and she even got one of his smirks on his way out.
She hadn't told him but each time she was awarded one of those smirks she got the best types of chills. No one else got those smirks but her. If she wanted to get technical about them, they belonged to her. It's like he only made them for her.
She had to take several breaths before leaving the break room.
~ 0 ~
As promised, Evie Barnes showed up to court right on time. When she was given the chance to take the seat, she told her story just like she wanted to. It just didn't mean that Buchanan was going to let her stick to the story. He was, as usual, ruthless with the victim. He twisted Evie's story until it fit the narrative he wanted for the jury, but it was still not enough to dissuade Evie's stance.
When the detectives offered Evie the chance to stay away from the trial after her day was over, she outright refused.
"No, I want to be there when Daniel testifies, make him look at me," she gritted her teeth together. Her words carried from her as she walked in-between Sonny and Amanda down the courthouse hallway. They were to take her home.
"She's a strong one," Olivia said as the trio disappeared into the elevator. "She'll be okay. Meanwhile, how are we?" She settled a very specific type of look on Rafael.
He may have half-smirked. "Do you really want the answer?"
"Be nice," Montserrat couldn't help the words that tumbled out of her mouth. If subjected her to a brief glance from Rafael. He couldn't stop his smirk from turning into a full one.
"Yeah, I don't think he's capable of that," Nick remarked, earning a laugh from Montserrat.
Leave it to Amaro to ruin things, Rafael rolled his eyes.
Olivia motioned Montserrat to settle down, but it only took effect when Montserrat noticed Rafael's unamused stare. She would pay for that one later, she was sure.
"Fin, make sure that Matt is front and center for tomorrow," Olivia instructed. "We don't want to take any chances."
"The guy's not going back, Liv. Not if he knows what's good for him," Fin said
Before he could leave, Rafael called. "Bring him over. I want to make sure that he's thoroughly prepped."
"On it councilor," Fin gave a thumbs up.
"Getting nervous?" Nick shot Rafael a look.
He would never admit to that but the look on his face was close to an admission. "We have a long night." He subtly glanced at Montserrat and though he couldn't say it, she understood. A long night meant absolutely no plans for them.
Hours later, when she was having dinner with Kara, she would receive a text message.
I'm sorry for dinner. I'll make it up, I promise.
"Let me guess," Kara plopped down in the seat across Montserrat. "It's Rafael profusely apologizing for once again, cancelling plans?"
Montserrat rolled her eyes at the severe lack of understanding Kara had over their relationship. "Just because he has a difficult personality with others doesn't mean it's the same for me. Most of the time anyways." She smirked to herself while she answered the text.
"I don't know how you do it. I would be pissed off if Sonny cancelled on me two days in a row," Kara propped an elbow on the table, resting her cheek over her hand. "And he has."
"Because I understand why he's doing it," Montserrat put her phone down on the table. As usual, she had assured Rafael that everything was fine. All he needed to worry about was the trial. "There's a case and we need to win."
"But still, you're not going to tell me that you're not just a bit upset?" Kara held her index finger and thumb together.
"Yeah but not at him. It's not like he wanted to cancel," Montserrat shrugged. "That's one of the good things about being in similar professions. We know exactly how it is."
Kara shrugged. "I don't know. I would still make him take you somewhere extra nice or something."
"I'd rather just see him."
Kara rolled her eyes. "Wow, didn't know you could be sappy. I mean, it's been a while."
Montserrat smiled. For the first time in a long time, that type of sentence wouldn't unsettle her. As of late, she was trying not to make comparisons between the past and her present. If she did, that was just another way he won. Besides, why would she tarnish anything she had with Rafael with that?
"I can be whenever I want to be," she ultimately said. Her smiling lips curved deeper. The secret was that Rafael could, surprisingly, be just as sappy as she could be. She looked forward to seeing what he came up with the next time they were alone.
As she had promised, Evie was front and center on the day Matt was supposed to testify in her defence. Montserrat and Amanda were sitting on either side of her when Matt was brought in.
"Daniel told me that we were going to do a film with Evie and that she was cool with it. Even if she resisted, that was part of the act," Matt had started with the first moment he was given the floor to speak.
Rafael was right in front of him, strategically blocking the view to Buchanan and Daniel's family sitting behind them. "You believed him?"
"I did."
"But she was crying the whole time, and she ran out after. That's when Daniel told me that we'd actually raped her, but that if anyone asked, she wanted it."
"Does that mean, in fact, that Ms. Barnes never consented to have sex with you? "No. The two of us raped her. I feel sick about it. I'm sorry, Evie."
Evie felt a deep satisfaction when Matt met her gaze and she could see the guilt in them. Still, her eyes shimmered with tears.
When Buchanan stood up, the air turned. Matt visibly shifted. "Mr. Cooper, is it true you took a plea deal in exchange for your testimony?"
"You were charged with misdemeanor sexual assault. You face, at a maximum, one year in prison or maybe no time at all, instead of the 5 to 25 you were facing for rape I. Is that the deal you made?"
"At first, you thought the entire encounter with Ms. Barnes was consensual?"
"Daniel had told me it was…" Matt was having trouble keeping eye gazes off the floor.
"And she had responded the same way she did in the 18 with a bang video you had seen. Was that part of it?"
"I guess."
"And when the police first talked to you, you told them that it was consensual. But now that you're a prosecution witness with a generous deal, you're calling it rape?" Buchanan was quite strategic when he made the question. Rafael would begrudgingly admit that. "Does that sound accurate, Mr. Cooper?"
"I guess, but that wasn't when I…"
"You seem like a thoughtful young man. These days, college is a confusing place to experiment with sexuality. This was your first threesome, crossing lines you'd never crossed."
"Is there a question, your honor, or is counselor Buchanan on his soapbox now?" Rafael interjected when he saw Matt getting too shaky. Luckily, the judge agreed.
"Get to it, Mr. Buchanan."
"Mr. Cooper...if you weren't sure at the time about what had happened, and you have said under oath that you didn't think it was rape at first, isn't it possible that you're not sure, even now?"
Matt's mouth opened and closed several times before he was able to string his words together. "I don't know. I mean, I guess, but she says it was, so I think that…"
"Well put. Thank you," Buchanan returned to his seat with a far too smug face.
Rafael wouldn't stand for it. "Redirect, your honor?"
"I'll allow," the judge barely motioned him to start when Rafael already had the question out in the air.
"Mr. Cooper, yes or no: Did you and the defendant Daniel Pryor rape Evie Barnes?"
Matt's head ducked but he answered honestly, which was what Rafael presumed he would. "Yes. We did."
"Thank you." Rafael promptly sat down and let things move on. As simple as his question was, it served the purpose.
When Daniel took the stand, the air shifted yet again. Where Matt was shaky and nervous, Daniel was straight and confident. It was clear that he had his own plans and it didn't involve making himself the perpetrator.
"When Matt told me Evie wanted to do a three-way, I was flattered. I had never even met a porn star before," he spoke swiftly and without so much of a second glance at Evie in the room. "In the bathroom, she was acting just like she did in the video we saw."
"Easy," Amanda warned Evie who had subtly moved in her spot. The girl was positively furious at the lies coming out of Daniel's mouth.
"Although advised otherwise, why have you chosen to take the stand today?" Buchanan was asking the young man.
"I want to speak for all falsely accused men. People believe women by default, but false accusations destroy lives."
Evie shifted again and this time Montserrat cautioned her not to say anything. Evie sent her an incredulous glance, demanding how she could be asked not to do that when Daniel just kept going.
"I know, but we can't," the detective whispered. She could feel the fury bubbling inside the girl for it was the same type of feeling she once held for her own perpetrator. It certainly didn't help that they shared the same name.
She remembered the brief moments where she would warn Hallie D'Amico about Daniel's advances on her, setting things up so that either Hallie would remove Daniel from the site whenever Montserrat was around or simply move Montserrat herself. But nothing ever worked. Daniel would smooth-talk his way out of things and bring down the situation until it was more of a nuisance in D'Amico's eyes.
Montserrat took in a deep breath to calm herself down. It helped seeing Rafael take Buchanan's spot. She couldn't help wonder, though, what would her own case have been like if she ever had the courage to speak up. She knew that if someone like Rafael had handled that case, it would've been in good hands. Someone who wouldn't have embarrassed her for failing so miserably with an undercover mission, someone who would treat her like anyone else and who would've fought to win her the justice people claimed she deserved. But oh god she would never want Rafael to handle her case. She would never know what to do with herself if that happened. More than that, she'd seen the anger in his eyes when he learned the entire story. She'd always known him to be professional - it was both endearing and a source of problems - and to make him lose that for her was out of the question.
"Did you ever ask Ms. Barnes if she wanted to have sex with you?" Once more, Rafael was placing himself in front of Daniel to where he wouldn't be able to see Buchanan or his family.
"No, Matt did. I trusted Matt. Maybe that was my mistake."
"Then all you actually heard her say was, "no," and, "stop," and you didn't."
Instead of being shaken, Daniel looked at ease. This was like a simple conversation. "She said, "no," all those other times and still had sex, so…why would this be different? We were filming a scene."
"But she said, "no," correct? Do you believe that any woman, even a porn star, can decline sex?"
"Of course, I…"
Rafael cut the man off before he started going on another tangent. "So let's be clear. Did Ms. Barnes say, "no"?"
"She did-"
"In fact, she cried. She begged you to stop repeatedly. Isn't that correct?"
Now Daniel seemed a bit off his game. "Well, yeah, but…"
"You didn't stop, did you?"
"No, but-"
"Do you understand that what you have just described is the definition of rape?" Rafael's sharp question left a terse air for Daniel, but a win nonetheless. When Daniel couldn't answer anymore, Rafael backtracked to his seat. "Nothing further."
Montserrat felt a swell of pride in her chest. There was no doubt in her mind that Rafael had just won the case. She would never get tired of seeing it.
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