#I don’t feel like I worded this post very well
cumonstevie · 2 days
Home Sweet Home
Summary: "It's good to be home," you think as you arrive back in Hawkins, Indiana; not only three years older, but also as a mother.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: mentions of sexual acts but not detailed
A/N: guys I'm really excited to post this frfr, I'll edit it later. I think there might be 4 parts to this, but we'll see. Also, this is like, 3.6k words and I tweaked the timeline a bit so don't worry about the logistics fr 😶 I hope you like it!
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“God, Nance…” Steve panted as he tried to catch his breath from above you.
The blissful haze suddenly bursts as his words registered in your head and you open your eyes with a frown. “What?”
“Huh?” He doesn’t even realize what he’s said and that upsets you even more.
“Get off me.”
“What?” Steve lifts his head from the crevice of your neck to look at you.
“I said get off of me.”
He’s confused. “Did I do something wrong?”
“I said get off!” You raise your voice, tears already threatening to spill from your eyes.
Still confused, Steve complies and moves beside you on his bed. You immediately sit up with his blanket covering your body as you search for your clothes while he covers himself with a pillow.
“Y/N,” he calls, “Y/N what happened?”
You ignore him and pull your shorts on before searching for the rest of your clothes. Steve hurries and puts his boxers on, carefully walking over to you.
“Did I hurt you?” He slowly and softly touches your shoulder after you had just put your bra back on.
“Don’t touch me!” You whip around to face him and he immediately retreats his hand like you burned him.
“What did I do!?” He raises his voice. “Tell me what I did! I-I thought we were having a good time-”
“Yeah, we were,” you start as you finally tug your shirt on over your head, “until you called me Nancy.”
The color drains from his face once those words leave your mouth and he seems deep in thought, probably trying to recall the moment he called you a different name.
“Y/N I- I don’t- She-”
He’s at a loss for words. What could he possibly say to make this better? He doesn’t even remember calling you Nancy but by the tears silently slipping from your eyes, he knows you’re telling the truth and it crushes him to see you like this.
You and Steve have known each other since sixth grade. The pair of you had to sit next to each other for a semester which brought you two very close. You stayed friends for the remainder of the year and continued to be friends since.
You didn’t start having feelings for Steve until freshman year. It had just stopped raining when the two of you exited the movie theater and on the walk back home, there was a massive puddle blocking your way. You told him you were fine walking through it, he disagreed saying you’d get the bottom of your skirt wet and dirty. You told him that it was fine and that you could just wash it when you got home, he said no and with a blink of an eye he had picked you up, bridal style, walking across the puddle and getting his shoes dirty.
You told him he didn’t have to do that but he just shrugged and continued to carry you. You took this time to study his features and suddenly a strange feeling erupted from the pit of your stomach. When did Steve get so cute? Was he always like this? How did you never notice it before?
He sets you down at your doorstep with a grin and you finally come back to. You thank him, not only for taking you to the movie theater but for carrying you as well. He says it’s no big deal and “what are friends for?”.
For the rest of the night, you replayed that moment in your head.
Sophomore year came around rather quickly and just one month into the school year, Steve was dating a freshman named Nancy Wheeler. She was really sweet and very kind and boy did you envy her. Because she had what you wanted. Steve. As her boyfriend.
They dated for a year and you really got to know her, even befriend her. You also befriended a peculiar boy named Jonathan and an even more peculiar boy named Eddie. Your junior year, to complete your little friend group, you befriended a talkative girl named Robin.
And maybe a couple of middle schoolers. But to be fair, you only became friends with them because two of them were your friends' little siblings.
Steve and Nancy broke up a few days after their one year anniversary. Steve was torn. You were there for him, like always.
Seven months after Steve and Nancy called it quits, you finally decide to tell him that you have feelings for him. You’re extremely nervous. He doesn’t say anything but he does pull you into a kiss which leads to the two of you being intimate which then leads to the moment at hand.
“You’re unbelievable.” You scoff, throwing your bag over your shoulder and shoving past Steve.
“Wait-” He takes your hand in his to stop you but you yank it away.
“No!” You shout, “God, I thought you felt the same way about me! You kissed me!”
“I do feel the same way!” He looks at you with panic-stricken eyes.
“No you don’t!” You take a step away from him. “You’re still hung up over Nancy. I’m so stupid. God, we- we had-” You trail off, pressing the palm of your hand to your head. “Shit. I need to go.”
“Y/N please wait. Let me explain-”
“Just leave me alone, Steve.” You interrupt him. “Please leave me alone.”
He stands at the doorway of his room, defeated, as he watches you walk down the hall and disappear down the stairs. When he hears the front door slam shut he closes his eyes and bangs his fist against the doorframe.
After that day, you did everything to avoid him. You didn’t talk to him in class, you were always one of the first people to leave, you didn’t answer his phone calls, you begged your mom and dad to tell Steve you weren’t home whenever he’d stop by, you even started having lunch in the library with Eddie just to avoid him.
You continued to do all of that for the remainder of the school year and when summer came around, you and your family ended up moving to Michigan. Not because of the Steve situation, your parents didn’t even know what happened between the two of you. The only one who knew was Eddie. Your dad got a job offer and decided to take it. At least avoiding Steve would be way easier now.
You told your friends about the move and although they were sad, they wished you well with whatever came next for you and you did the same for them.
With one last group hug, you bid farewell to your friends and farewell to Hawkins.
Starting your senior year of high school being four months pregnant was not ideal. You only found out after the move and when you told your parents they were deeply disappointed. Their 17 year old daughter falling pregnant was not what they had wanted for you and as reluctant as they were when you told them you wanted to keep it, they were supportive. They told you it would be tough but it was a risk you were willing to take.
You blurted it out to Eddie one night when the two of you were speaking on the phone. He was telling you about how Nancy and Jonathan had started dating and how Robin was in band now, also telling you that she looked absolutely ridiculous in her uniform and that he’d mail you photos of her in it so you could laugh as well. He caught you up with the kids drama and made sure to avoid the topic of Steve.
Eddie was telling you about some D&D campaign he created when it slipped.
“All I have to do is tell those little squirts that-”
“I'm pregnant.”
There's a moment of silence before you hear Eddie's voice again. “Nooo... Why would I tell them that?”
“Eds..." You sighed.
“Ace… You're not- Are you serious?”
Ace. A nickname he gifted you when you annihilated him in a game of cards once.
“As a heart attack.”
“Oh my god…” He whispered. “Who knows? Is it… Steve's?”
You shut your eyes and rub your left temple. “Yes, it's his and no one knows but my parents and now, you."
"Y/N/N... holy shit. Are you gonna tell him?"
The thought had crossed your mind on several occasions.
“No.” You reply.
“And you're not gonna say anything to anyone, Eddie. I mean it. Not the kids, not Nancy, not Jonathan, not Robin, and especially not Steve, you hear me?"
Eddie let's out a defeated sigh. “Loud and clear.” The two of you are quiet for a few seconds before he talks again. “Can I at least know why you're choosing not to tell him?”
“I just- I don't want to ruin whatever plans he has for the future. He's probably still hung up on Nancy anyway and besides, I doubt we'll ever see each other again.” You spill. “It's better this way.”
“Whatever you say, Ace.” You can tell he's not happy with your answer. “My lips are sealed.”
January 1985 is when you gave birth to a healthy baby girl who you named Penelope.
Penelope Eden Y/L/N.
You had sent pictures of her to Eddie with a note explaining that Eden was close to his name and that’s why you chose it while also saying he would be the best uncle to your little girl. He called you that same day, pretending like he wasn’t crying on the other end as he told you how happy he was.
Two and a half years later, you and your parents move back to Hawkins. You debated on whether or not you were going to stay in Michigan but ultimately decided on following your parents back home. Sure, you made a few friends here and there but nothing would beat your friends back in Hawkins.
Eddie was practically bouncing off the walls when you told him over the phone one night. You promised him the two of you would meet up the minute you were done settling in.
A week after moving back to Hawkins, Eddie came over to your place with a hug for you and about three toys for Penelope. You told him he didn’t have to get her three of them but he shrugged and said he didn’t know which one she would like so he just got them all.
You were about to protest when he held his hand up to your face and said, “Ace, as her favorite uncle, it's my job to get her anything and everything she ever wants.”
For the rest of the time he was there, he bonded with Penelope and the two of you talked about what has been going on for the past 3 years. He told you his band was booking small gigs here and there and you told him you’d go to a few of them when given the chance. Once the catching up died down and it got later in the day, he suggested a reunion with your former friends.
“Come on, Ace, it'll be fun. I’ll invite everyone to my place-” He had gotten an apartment recently. Nothing too big, but just enough for him and his things. “-I won't tell them you're here and when they all show up, BAM! Surprise!”
“Mmm… I don't know, Eds.”
He knows why you’re hesitant.
“Steve won't be there, I promise. He doesn't really hang with us that much anymore. The only one who sees him often is Robin and that's because they work together.” He holds your hand with both of his as he looks at you with pleading eyes. “Please, Ace? It'll only be me, Nancy, Robin, Jonathan, Dustin, Max, Lucas, Will, Mike, and El. Just us. They all miss you just as much as I do.”
He continues to beg and you think it over in your head.
“You promise Steve won't be there?”
“I pinky promise.”
“If he is, I’m breaking your guitar.”
“Deal.” He doesn't miss a beat.  “That's how confident I am that he won't be there.”
Eddie had picked you and Penelope up a couple of days later and you helped him set up a few things for the little reunion that was about to take place in less than an hour. Eddie made sure to tell them to all arrive at the same time and as confused as they were, they obliged.
Your hands began to get clammy as time got closer and closer to your friends arriving. You didn’t know why you were so nervous to see them. They were your friends for crying out loud!
Maybe it was the fact that in a couple of minutes they’d all be meeting your two-and-a-half-year-old daughter who they had no clue even existed yet, who also just so happens to look identical to your former best friend. Yeah, that’s exactly why you were so nervous.
“Eds, I’m nervous.” You voice to him as you eye the clock on the wall.
“It’ll be okay.” He rubs your shoulders in a soothing manner. “They’re gonna freak when they see you. In a good way, though. Maybe even pass out when they see Pen.”
Your eyes widen. “That’s not helping. I think I’m about to have a heart attack.”
“You’re fine. Relax, everything is going to be alright.”
He helps you regulate your breathing and when he finally has you calmed down, there’s a knock at the door.
“Oh my god.” You panic. There’s another knock on the door.
“Come on, Eddie, open the door! it’s hot as hell out here!” You recognize the voice as Mike’s and you cover your mouth, eyes wide as you look over at Eddie.
“I’m gonna throw up!”
“No you’re not! Not in my living room, at least.” He whisper-yells back to you. “Take Pen, go into my room, and shut the door. I’ll come and get you when everyone is inside.”
You nod, your stomach doing somersaults as you quickly walk over to Penelope and pick her up. As you shut Eddie’s room door, you tell your daughter to be quiet by putting your finger to your lips and going, “shhh.”
She does the same thing back to you, showing you that she understood.
You could hear a couple of voices from outside of the room and you nervously started tapping your foot against the floor as you waited for Eddie to come get you. About a minute goes by when you finally hear him tell everyone he has something to show them.
You hear Max groan and say, “You better not have gathered all of us here just to show us another one of your new guitars.”
He’s offended by the statement and defends himself, making you believe that he has gotten them all together just to show them one of his new instruments before. You stifle a laugh.
Eddie opens the door slowly so as to not scare you and motions behind him. “You ready?”
You take a deep breath and nod. Eddie guides you down the hall and you unintentionally hold onto Penelope a bit tighter.
“Surprise!” Your friend shouts just as you turn the corner into his living room.
Dustin was mid stuffing his face with chips when he saw you. Everyone’s movements were paused, eyes wide as they stared at you.
“Oh my gosh…” Jonathan managed to get out.
“Y/N!” Robin is the first to jump up off her seat and gather you in a hug.
It’s like her actions bursted through everyone's bubbles because one by one they all came up to you with tears threatening to spill.
“It’s been so long!”
“Are you back for good?”
“How have you been?”
“How long are you here for?”
“We missed you!”
“Wait!” Robin interrupted, “We’re all glad you’re back but uh, is this your baby sister or…?”
Everyone’s attention is now on Penelope and your heart starts beating faster. She’s oblivious to what’s happening at the moment and is even reaching over towards Dustin’s hair.
You clear your throat. “Guys, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Penelope. Penny, say hi!” you take her tiny hand and wave to your friends as she says a small “hi.”
There’s a beat of silence before they start speaking at once.
“What the f-”
“Watch your mouth, dingus, there’s a baby present.”
“I can’t believe you’re a mom.”
“Who’s the dad?”
“Mike! You can’t just ask that!”
“Why not?”
You feel yourself getting overwhelmed the more and more they ask questions. Eddie senses this quiets them down.
“Guys, guys! Let’s all settle down. I’m sure Y/N will answer all your questions in a bit and even so, she doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to. Let’s all just appreciate the fact that she’s back, alright?”
Everyone agrees and says sorry. You tell them it’s okay and offer to tell them what they want to know as you move to sit on the couch. Penelope wiggles out of your arms and walks over to Dustin who was sitting on the floor beside you with the rest of the kids.
“Oh,” he says, “hi.”
Penelope grabs a fistful of his hair pulling ever so slightly before letting his curls go and watching them spring back up. This makes her giggle and she does it again.
“Penny, no. We don’t pull people’s hair.” You tell her before fixing your gaze to Dustin. “Sorry Dusty, she likes to play with people’s hair. Especially people with curly hair.”
“It’s okay,” he smiles, “I don’t mind. Here,” he takes his hair and pulls it before letting it go, showing your daughter that he was okay with her doing it again. She giggles and tugs his hair again.
“Okay,” you sigh as you scan over everyone in the room, “What do you want to know?”
You had just finished updating them on everything that has happened since you left. You didn’t go into too much detail, just told them that the father of your baby was someone you met when you moved to Michigan and that when he found out you were pregnant, he bailed.
You didn’t mention anything about Steve and to your knowledge, no one even knew that you guys were involved at one point.
They didn’t ask any further questions about Penelope or her father. They either were done asking or they didn’t want to pry any further just yet. Instead, you moved on and told them about your time in Michigan and asked about what they had all been up to over the past 3 years.
Nancy and Jonathan were still together, Robin has a crush on a girl named Vickie and is too chicken-shit to ask her out, Dustin met some girl at a science camp he went to and now they’re dating, Mike and El were still together, same as Max and Lucas, Will was still playing third wheel (poor Will), and you found out that Joyce and Hopper had gotten together which threw you for a loop.
“Wait, wait, wait-” you shake your head, “your mom-” you point a finger between Will and Jonathan, “-is dating Hopper? Jim Hopper, like the guy who never cracks a smile? The guy who doesn’t enjoy like, anything?”
“That’s the one.”
“Well,” you start, “you find love in mysterious places with mysterious people, I guess. At least they’re happy.”
You turn your attention to your daughter who was in the middle of playing with Max, El, Dustin, and Lucas. They were helping her build a little tower. Well, they were doing most of the work, she was putting blocks on the tops of their heads saying, “stay!”
“Aww I wish I brought my camcorder, they’re so cute.” You pout.
“I brought my camera!” Jonathan says as he pulls it out of his bag, “I could snap a couple of photos for you.”
“Why’d you bring your camera?” Eddie questioned.
“I bring my camera everywhere.”
“Says the freak.”
You’re glad to see that not much has changed within your friend dynamic.
“I’d love it if you’d take photos of them playing with Penny.” You tell Jonathan. “I’ll even pay you!”
He scoffs as he snaps his first picture. “That’s not necessary Y/N. We’re friends. Plus, I just self-appointed as Penny’s uncle so if you want me to take photos of my niece, I will.”
“Oh, you self-appointed, huh?” You say with an amused smile.
“Let’s not let things get out of hand,” Eddie interrupted, “I’m still and always will be Pen’s favorite uncle.”
“We’ll see about that.” Dustin’s voice cut through the air.
“Stay outta this, Frodo.”
“Guys,” you interrupt them, “I’m sure she’ll love you all the same. Now-”
You were cut off when you heard the front door open then shut.
“Sorry I’m late,” a voice you hadn’t heard in a while dances around the room and you feel ill. “I’m assuming my invite got lost in the mail because I know my friends would never meet up and not tell me, right Eddie?”
He finally comes into view yet he hasn’t seen you and you feel like you’re about to throw up. You hadn’t spoken to him since he shattered your heart that fateful day in his bedroom. He looked older, a bit more mature. His hair was all the same, however. Maybe just a tad bit longer but nonetheless the same.
Your heart is pounding at this point. It feels like it’s about to pop out of your chest. Not a good feeling.
“So,” Steve starts, “what’s going-”
He finally sees you and his words fall off. It looks like he’s about to throw up too.
Eyes wide and jaw slacked, Steve manages to say one thing.
“Aw man…” you hear Eddie murmur.
You inhale deeply and slowly turn your head to the one person who promised you that he wouldn’t be here. Eddie is looking at you, utterly terrified, as he chokes out;
“Please don’t hurt my guitar…”
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azzibuckets · 3 days
this isn’t the end or anything [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: paige and azzi are just dumb high school kids who don’t know what to do with this new feeling called love
a/n: i’ve missed writing angst 🙂‍↔️ i used prompts from this post
word count: 2.1k
“You love me.”
Azzi stills from packing Paige’s duffel bag. Her best friend’s words seem to paralyze every bone in her body - except for her fingers, which are now trembling.
“You love me.”
Azzi forces herself to resume her actions. To finish folding the bright EYBL tie dye sweater and stuff it into the corner of the bag, taking up the last remaining space. She forces herself to slowly zip up the duffel, to slow the racing of her heart and quiet the panic looming in her mind. Nonchalant. Unbothered. Calm.
Paige sits down next to her. She doesn’t make eye contact with Azzi - instead, Azzi follows her best friend’s gaze to her own knees. Azzi’s fingers are resting on her thighs, but they twitch with the yearning to fall back into the habit of absent mindedly tracing her scars. But she doesn’t. She wonders if Paige will lean over and do it for her. Or if, like so many times before, Paige will let her lips touch the lines embedded into her skin, reminding Azzi, without even having to say a word, of how strong she is. But she doesn’t.
“I heard what you told Taylor.”
Azzi stiffens. Her conversation with Taylor had been brief. But in those few minutes, she’d admitted so many things - things she hadn’t even been able to admit to herself up until that very moment.
“What did you hear?”
Paige looks up at Azzi now. Her eyes are a startling blue, but what’s more unsettling is the uncertainty swimming in her pupils. Azzi is used to every expression on Paige’s face. As Paige’s best friend, she’s supported her through sad times, when she’s upset after a bad game. Or whenever Paige is angry, annoyed from her family and desperately seeking solace in Azzi. Azzi is familiar with Paige’s expressions of hurt, and embarrasment, of jealousy, and of joy and of humor. But this apprehension, this doubt that’s clouding her face? This is Azzi’s first time, because Paige has always been poised, radiating confidence on the court while she leads her teammates and off the court with her bursting personality.
“I heard you say you liked me. More than a….” Paige trails off, and she shifts, and for a moment Azzi expects her to come closer, like she always does, for Paige’s hands to snake across her waist and eventually wander across less appropriate parts of her body. But Paige shifts away, creating distance between the two of them, and in that second Azzi finds it hard to breathe. “You should’ve told me.”
“Why would I have told you?” Azzi’s voice is hard, and she’s never spoken like this to Paige, but right now she needs to, she needs to keep her walls up, because she knows that this conversation isn’t going well, and that one of them, if not both, will leave feeling hurt.
“So I would’ve stopped.”
Azzi’s lungs are on fire.
“I wouldn’t have kept…” It’s like Paige refuses to address it, refuses to say out loud the things that they’ve done. Like it’s a sin.
“Kept doing what?” Azzi says defiantly, her voice rising. “Kissing me?” She hates the way Paige winces. “Touching me?” Paige looks away. “Fucking me?”
“Stop,” Paige says weakly.
“I know you like me too.” Azzi’s voice is quiet now, and she waits for a reaction.
“I don’t.” Paige’s voice is unconvincing, and Azzi sees right through Paige. She’s memorized her tells long ago. The way Paige has trouble maintaining eye contact with the person she’s lying to, so her eyes will momentarily flicker somewhere else. The way her lips will go taut as she tries to keep a stony face. These changes are minuscule, easy to miss to everyone else, but for Azzi nothing on Paige’s beautiful face ever been easy to miss.
“It would just be too hard, wouldn’t it?” Azzi’s voice is even quieter now, and Paige has to strain her ears, because she refuses to get physically closer to Azzi, not when it’s like this. “My brothers are yours. We’re going to be teammates. And we’re best friends.”
“Girls!” Katie’s voice pierces the agonizing silence between the two of them. “We’ve gotta go.”
Ever since Azzi tore her ACL, Paige has carried Azzi’s luggage for her. Even when Azzi started healing and stopped using crutches, Paige insisted. This time is no different….or so it seems until she reaches for Azzi’s bag but her hand gets slapped away.
Paige purses her lips. “Azzi. You’re gonna hurt yourself.”
“I’ve been doing rehab for months. I’m fine.” Azzi grabs her own duffel and takes an unsteady step.
Paige reaches for the bag again when Azzi wavers, but Azzi dodges her grasp. “Oh my god, Az, stop being difficult and just let me help you.”
“I don’t need you.” Azzi didn’t mean to snap, for her voice to come out like that. But it does, and hurt flashes in Paige’s eyes.
Azzi limps all the way down the stairs and into the garage. She’s sweating by the time she reaches the car, heaving her duffel into the trunk and taking a moment to catch her breath as she leans against the cool metal. She ignores Paige’s stare when she slowly climbs into the back seat.
“Where’s your compression wrap?” Paige questions.
Azzi closes her eyes. “I got the elastic bandages.”
“But your compression wrap is way more comfortable.”
Azzi rubs her knee. “I couldn’t find it.”
Paige looks at her for a second before opening the door. Heading for the house, she jogs past Tim and Katie as they shut the trunk. “Hey, where you going?” Tim calls. “We’re really on a time crunch.”
“Just one second!”
Paige shows up five minutes later, gasping for air as she folds herself inside the car again and shuts the door.
“Come on, Paige,” Katie chastises. “You should’ve been ready to go when we told you.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” Paige says apologetically.
The car starts moving, and Tim and Katie fall into a murmured conversation. Azzi allows herself to glance over at Paige, who gives her a small, unsure smile before nodding at her lap. Azzi looks down, and there it is. Her black compression wrap, looking a little bit worse for wear, but it’s there.
“Thanks.” Azzi takes the wrap and doesn’t say anything else, but they fall into an unspoken peace treaty, an agreement to ignore the words said before and just be. And later, when Paige is shifting around, trying to find a comfortable spot leaning against the window so that her neck will stop aching, Azzi, with her face still buried in her pillow, taps her foot against Paige’s. Paige breathes out a silent sigh of relief, letting her head fall into Azzi’s lap. They’re okay, she thinks before falling into sleep.
“I saw you kissing him.”
“So?” Azzi crosses her arms. She knows that if she doesn’t, her hands will automatically reach for Paige, and she can’t have that. So she makes sure they stay tucked.
“You were literally just kissing me last night.” Paige’s eyes flash. “You can’t go around kissing two people at once.”
“Why does it even matter to you?” Azzi scoffs. “You said you don’t like me. You have no say in who I involve myself with.”
Paige knows Azzi is right. That she can’t have her cake and eat it. But she can’t ignore the nasty feeling that crawled into her stomach when she saw that guy press his lips against Azzi’s, holding her waist too tightly, pressing his body roughly against her, totally incompatible with Azzi’s gentleness.
“This is so fucked up.” Paige stands up, and she starts pacing. “Everything between us was fine until you decided to bring feelings into it.”
“Do you know how unfair you’re being?” Azzi pushes Paige, hard enough to send her stumbling back a little bit. “I’m sorry I fell in love with you, okay? But it happened and I can’t do shit about it.”
Azzi realizes too late what she’s done. And Azzi is not a crier by any means, but suddenly she finds tears flowing down her face, her cheeks wet with exhaustion and sadness and longing. She wipes angrily at her tears, cursing herself for showing too much emotion.
“Azzi, what?” Paige repeats, stepping closer to the younger girl.
“Didn’t you know?” Azzi spat, clearly referencing their conversation from the week before.
“I-,” Paige’s mind is running at a million miles per hour. “I know you love me. But you’re in love with me?”
“Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you kiss someone until they can’t breathe and hold them to sleep every night,” Azzi says, sarcasm dripping from her words. “You know, if I could, I’d lose feelings for you. But it’s not that easy. It’s not that easy to just let go of someone you’ve held onto for so fucking long.”
Paige Bueckers knows a lot of things. She knows how to cut through three defenders to score a layup. She knows how to create space for a shooting opportunity when coming off screens and handoffs. She knows how to facilitate, to create opportunities for her teammates to excel. She’s a genius in basketball, a generational talent like no other.
But with this? Paige is utterly clueless. She wishes she was on the court. She knows how to think when the ball in her hand and her sneakers are squeaking against the floor. But this is so far from the world of basketball.
“We can’t.” Paige knows it’s a bad response, even before Azzi’s eyebrows furrow and the corner of her pretty mouth dips. “It’ll make everything…” Paige searches for the word. “Weird?”
Azzi sniffs.
“Come on, Az.” Paige’s voice is gentle. “We both know how relationships work. Couples always break up, especially when they’re as young as us. I don’t want that to happen to us.”
“So you don’t trust in me at all? In us?”
“That’s not what I’m saying. I’d rather keep things as is instead of complicating everything. If we date and things go wrong, I don’t want to lose you. I can’t.” Paige can’t imagine a world without Azzi. Their nightly Facetimes, their hours of texting, their future at UConn - she needs all of it like she needs oxygen to breathe, and she’d rather suffer seeing Azzi with someone else than risk the chance of that being gone.
“Maybe we should take some space.” Paige looks at her hands. “So we can have the time to figure out our own feelings.”
“Is that what you want?” No. Paige doesn’t want this. What Paige wants is to have the courage to take those three steps. To gather Azzi in her arms and get tangled in her limbs. Paige wants to make Azzi laugh again. To keep saying stupid jokes until Azzi’s dimple shows, until she rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Paige just wants to love Azzi. But she can’t. “Yes,” Paige answers, and when she closes her eyes a tear slips out. “That’s what I want.”
“Okay.” Azzi stands up with finality.
“This isn’t the end or anything,” Paige says desperately. “We can still talk and everything. But let’s just, um, hold off on all the other things.”
Azzi stiffens. “That’s the thing, Paige. I can’t be around you and not feel this way.”
Paige feels like the world is crashing down around her. She feels like she’s falling, falling, falling, with no one to save her. Her heart pounds in her chest, angry and scathing. “What do you mean?” she whispers, hoping Azzi won’t say what she thinks she’s about to say.
“I think we should stop seeing each other at all.” Azzi rubs her eyes. “Just until I can stop feeling this way.” Her hands fall to her chest. “It just hurts too fucking bad.”
“Okay,” Paige says, but nothing is okay. Nothing is okay because this is everything she was trying to prevent, but now she can’t stop it from happening and now her whole life is completely upside down. So Paige turns around, because she can’t stand to see Azzi leave. To see Azzi turn her back and just walk away. She hears Azzi’s steps as they grow closer, smells Azzi’s familiar lilac perfume when she leans down, feels Azzi’s hand on her shoulder, can even taste the memory of Azzi’s lips on her tongue. But then, all too quickly, her hand slips away, and her touch is gone, and so is Azzi, and the door shuts.
And finally, finally, Paige allows herself to cry.
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ficmotel · 15 hours
Lives Changed P.3 (Sneak Peek)
Hey Guys, I wanted to post this sneek peek because I know you guys have been waiting patiently for part 3 and don't worry it is on the way. I'm just incapable of writing anything short along with my occasional school assignments but do not worry. It should be posted before the end of june, or beginning of july.
Series Masterlist
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When Izzy Munson was four years old, she went to preschool for the first time. When she first arrived there she noticed that everyone had two parents with them, and not just one fantastic mommy. Her first day went amazing, she was allowed to play with more kids, her teacher gave her an extra juice box, but something about her first day kept bothering and bothering her. So she did what most four year olds would do, she asked. 
She turned to her cubby partner, Jack, and asked who the man was who dropped him off with his mommy. When Jack replied with a simple “My daddy. Where was yours?” 
In that moment, Izzy’s small little world had turned upside down. She didn’t know where her daddy was, she didn’t even know she was supposed to have one. Izzy kept silent, no longer speaking for the rest of the duration of class, holding back her tears. She didn’t want any of the other kids to make fun of her. 
Though the minute her mommy’s hand was in hers, the gates flooded open and Izzy began to weep into her mothers arms. Izzy always felt safe when she was in her mommy’s arms, so she cried and cried. She cried the entire trip to the car, and silently stared out the window and tears slowly flowed down from her red cheeks. When she arrived home, her mommy asked her once again what had made her cry.
“Jack and all the oder kids have daddies. I only have a mommy” Izzy cried once more, she didn’t know, too caught up in all the big emotions she was feeling but Izzy had now turned her mommy’s very big world around. 
“Oh baby. I’m so sorry” Izzy’s mommy held her as she rubbed a hand down her head, pressing her curls down. If Izzy wasn’t so caught up in her tears and hiccups, she might have noticed she had made her mommy sad too, and that she was crying softly as well. 
“ You don’t have to worry, sweet pea. When I was little I was just like you” Izzy’s mommy had said, still rubbing her soothingly over her head and arm. “My daddy went to the clouds when I was very very little, and like you. I only had a mommy” At this Izzy pulled her head out of her mom’s arms and looked at her. Her face was stained red, and her face was moist from her tears, even as she used a small hand to wipe them off. 
“Really?” Izzy asked in disbelief. 
“Yes really. Family’s come in all different shapes and sizes, sweet pea. Some have only one mommy or one daddy, some have two mommies, or two daddies.” Izzy processed her mother’s words not in full understanding but she was no longer in pain or sad at her lack of a daddy. Though she was still curious. 
“Where’s my daddy though?” Her small head tilted in curiosity, eyes wide, waiting for her mothers answer. Maybe if she knew where he was, she could bring him back and take him to preschool. Izzy had thought in the moment. 
“Hmm? What do you mean darling?” You asked, gulping at the question knowing where this conversation was heading and wanting nothing but to finish 
“You said Your daddy was in the clouds. Is my daddy there too?” Izzy’s tears had dried on her face and now she only looked at her mother with curiosity and determination, which only worried her mother. 
“Umm no baby, You-Your daddy went on a trip a long time ago and he decided to stay on the trip, Okay?” Izzy’s mommy tried, but even after so many years, you were still heartbroken, hurt by how things ended with Izzy’s father and this conversation, while inevitable,  only reopened the wounds you had tried to heal long ago. 
Izzy only stared at her mommy for a few moments, processing everything. If daddy was on a trip then he would come back, just like when grandma went on her trip to California. Every big feeling in Izzy subsided and she only replied to her mommy with an  “Oh okay” 
You knew this conversation would one day come and you were not prepared for it, but you remembered the day your mom spoke to you about your father. The situations were different but when you were Izzy’s age and began asking questions, your mother had given you something in hopes of quelling your sadness and future questions. So you offered her a gift that your mother had once given you. 
“Would you like to see him?” 
Izzy’s eyes widened and she practically jumped up in her mothers arms, shouting “Yes yes yes” 
You stood up, Izzy following your every move as she stood patiently. She watched as you dug under your bed, grabbing a lunch box. When you opened it, a feeling of nostalgia rushed through you, you stared at the old photo for a second. Remembering the feeling of past love and joy, before handing it to Izzy. 
Izzy’s tiny fingers wrapped around the old photo, noticing her mommy first, but she looked different, younger. Then she noticed the man hugging her mommy, and she only smiled and giggled giddily. 
“He has hair like me” The young girl belted excitedly, her fears and tears now a thing of the past as she gazed at the photo. After that day, Izzy Munson wished on every star, concentrated on every birthday wish and dreamed of the day her daddy would come back. 
Now the man in the photo was here, standing in front of her, and she couldn’t feel happier. Her daddy was home. 
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Stupid Candy, Stupid Milkshake, Stupid Eddie fucking Munson. 
You were in a rush, hoping and praying that you would not have to see the man who left you after six years. You just wanted to grab the milkshake you had promised your daughter and to be safe in your home. However you should have learned by now that life never seems to work well for you. So when you turned the corner into the candy section to grab Izzy, you froze. 
There he was, kneeling down speaking to your daughter. The exact man you were hoping to avoid, there smiling down at your daughter, and turning to you with wide eyes. Your breath hitched when your eyes met, and for a moment you two weren’t in Melvalds anymore, you were back in his trailer living room yelling cruel words to each other. You felt like you had just been shot, the pain in your heart spreading throughout you, forcing you to be still. Completely frozen.
It had been years since you had seen him in person. You had seen him on magazines and billboards and on television but here he was in Hawkins, staring at you. His lips didn’t hold a smirk and his eyes didn’t shine with mischief like they did in the magazines though, he looked at you in a familiar way, a way that used to make you weak in the knees but now only made you feel more pain.the feeling of heartbreak and anger flooded you, the words of the past echoed in your head as you looked at him. 
You couldn’t deny that he was still hot, and had grown into his hair and tattoos, but you chose to ignore the traitorous thought. Not wishing to give him the satisfaction that even now, with one look he could still send you melting like puddy in his hands. 
You were both stuck, frozen staring at each other, you hadn’t realized you had whispered his name until Izzy’s voice shouted “Oh THAT’S MY DADDY’S NAME” 
Both your attentions turned to her, and as if a gunshot had ranged you broke out of your frozen state, fear running through you as you stared at Eddie, how his face morphed from full confusion to a shocked understanding, as his eyes went from Izzy to you. You gulped before lunging forward, lifting Izzy off her feet and holding her in your arms. 
“Y/N” Eddie tried, you could feel his touch on your arm, but you pulled away quickly,  now in full panic mode. Your flight instinct had kicked in and all you wanted was to take your daughter and leave the man who was standing in the candy section of Melvalds. 
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 Eddie stood frozen, still in his place in the candy section of Melvalds. He had seen you, it had been years since he had last. you still were overwhelmingly beautiful. He watched as you ran away from him again but this time you didn’t look back. 
 You had a daughter. He had a daughter. 
Shit. Eddie thought to himself
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afro-hispwriter · 2 days
do you have any headcanons for aemond or ewan (idk if u write for real people) but what do you think either of them would be like in a relationship?
Dating Ewan Mitchell:
Ewan gives off very caring bf vibes
he definitely listens to you all the time
he has a genuine interest in what you say and he learns about you through that
he LOVES seeing you in his clothes
doesnt care if he slowly starts running out of shirts bc seeing you in them makes it better
ewan loves horror movies and if you don’t… he will respect that
but that doesn’t mean he wont try to convince you
maybe it works
maybe it doesn’t
or maybe you will just as long as you get to be cuddled up to him🤭
i feel like he gives AMAZING hugs so imagine just laying in your apartment together and he just pulls you into him or your in bed post sex and his arms are wrapped tight, maybe legs entwining with yours
tbh i don’t think they would happen often, ewan seems like the guy to realize somethings wrong and bring it up to try and talk
and he seems pretty responsible so fights over chores probably wouldn’t happen
but not saying they wouldn’t happen, one that might happen is over work
if both of you are actors you might not have time too be with each other so there will be more understanding
but if you’re not a celebrity of any kind, it most likely will be a little difficult for you
ewan might but put job before you to often and that hurts:(
you have love and supported him through his hard times, you visit him on set, you go to his premieres
but it goes both ways
a fight would break out, maybe a screaming match followed by some silent treatment until one of you breaks probably ewan
it ends with make up sex
im not to sure about ewans cooking abilities since I've only even seen a mention of a steak
BUT if he can cook he probably would cook for you a lot when he can
or if he cant and you can then you’ll take on the cooking aspect
but if you’re not as together as youd like due to work or you’re having a lazy day
i see some take out or simply going out to dinner frequently
ngl ewan doesn’t seem like the jealous type NOW
but when his career started kicking off maybe he was a lil jealous of the people you hanged out with
or if you’re a little bit more well known than him and have an established career before him and you had been dating already
boy probably had to deal with the people you work with already and got used to it
but i see a silent jealous person in him if it comes down to it
staying right behind you
holding on to you at all times
maybe he will go as far as kissing you in front of everyone
neck kisses
A LOT of pecks
he might even get a lil handsy around the person
or he will try a full blown make out session and you’ll be like 😯🤨
you both like your privacy like the media might not even know but they will now depending on where its happening
he’s a professional but he loves you so much
but once you catch one to whats his deal
a lil talking too with some words of reassurance and a kiss ofc and he’s back to normal
The talk of MARRIAGE and/or kids probably would come up depending on how long you had been together
i can see ewan giving you a promise ring, especially if you had been dating since you were young
but i say give him two or three years and he’s on one knee
kids though….
not sure if ewan wants kids or if he does obviously just not now
so if you guys got married, kids probably wont happen immediately
unless you had an oopsie before or right after marriage
but the whippets are enough for you two for now🥰
thats all i got for now😙✌🏾
he seems like a pussy eating king ngl
legs trembling
the type to cum just by giving you pleasure
imagine the groans😩
a/n- first time writing a headcannon😗i know this was supposed to be both ewan and aemond but aemonds will come later🥰
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thunderandsage · 2 days
hannibal fic recs
(in honor of my first ever fandom… yea i get the implications of how that makes me look 😂 anyways, i tend to like the hannibal fics that are closer to the tone and content of the series vs some of the more popular ones jsyk, and i’m putting the more “same characters, different vibes ” fics in the bottom section. my absolute favorites recs are the ones with red titles)
Pièce Montée, 3k words, episode-style case fic with well-written original characters and plot, sympathetic killers, would kill (ha) for this to be an actual episode on the show
where there is smoke, there is fire, 3k, georgia madchen character study, reading experience comparable to the joy and dread of watching sparks catch on kindling
Foreplay, 1.5k, despite the title not a smut fic but is actually a hannibal character study which takes the premise “seeing people as meat” and seeing how he does/doesn’t view people’s humanity
Salome, 6k words, tension, delves into the dark obsessive side of oscar wilde’s work, excellent hannibal pov
As Smoke to Flame, 3k, wherein the seduction does include fucking and predictably doesn’t make anything better, focuses on the inherent angst and betrayal of will’s ploy
Trotline, 7k, takes the fluffy-sounding premise of “will takes hannibal fishing” and makes it uh hannibal, an incredible take on hannibal’s sadism/cruelty, gorgeous looming sense of dread
each according to its own kind, 192k, after getting released will ditches the fbi and leaves for the other side of the continent, a love letter to the pacific northwest, the best will graham interpretation i have ever seen, slowburn character study, bonus points bc hannibal gets decked not once but twice in glorious detail, john steinbeck vibes, one of my favorite pieces of writing ever
pitiful things sometimes born in hospitals, 8k, daemon au where will has yet another difference, not a hannigram fic, beverly/will vibes, bittersweet and tragic
your heart is a vast stone desert, 10k, a conversation goes left field and enters the thorny splendor of psychedelic imagery and the most sinuous dialogue you’ve ever read, takes inspiration from ives’s play venus in fur
Silver Springs, 2k, a Dolce “let’s make this worse,” non-linear writing, heavy angst but god it hurts so good, gorgeous feels from the eponymous song
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks, 6k, a short scene in the BSHCI, what it means to be loved gently by a monster, grotesque and tender at the same time
highway 190, 10k, will graham growing up as a queer man in the deep south and beyond, religious trauma, prose as vivid and striking as a poisonous snake
Churrasco, 2k, leans into the avant-garde vibes of the show, all characters start out using false identities and you get to see them revealed slowly
Au Natur, 9k, a bleak but beautiful imagining of post-fall hannigram, fully embraces will graham’s manipulative tendencies
forgiveness, 1k, a poem-with-footnotes format as Will attempts to explain what his life has become to his father
Sins of Omission, 15k, Jack Crawford’s perspective on the development of hannigram, regret, very good outsider pov
VIBES-ADJACENT (aka fics that don’t “feel hannibal” or are vy AU, but are vy good nonetheless)
Adrasteia, 96k words, Kitchen Nightmares AU, nsfc (not safe for chilton), a hilariously sarcastic and done(tm) will graham, the first long hannibal fic that i read
Black Swan, 10k, as per the tags “all serial killers are birds, some birds are serial killers,” a cracky Swan Lake AU
Separately to a Wood, 13k, a “love at first sight” leads to “proposal during the breakfast scene,” soft
They Came to Florence or: Plagiarize This Fic, 5k, hannibal is a huge fan of will graham’s novels and becomes incensed when someone plagiarizes them, the author was apparently inspired to write this after someone plagiarized one of her fics and i respect that
Poppies, 5k, wherein it is acknowledged that for all the horror she’s been through abigail is just a teenage girl and is allowed some soft moments
their beaks not yet turned red, 134k, magical realism au where the baby does miraculously save the marriage, includes hilarious takes on the inherent absurdities of hannibal’s trial
Be Your Dog, 4k, a rock band au that adapts will graham’s proverbial “descent to the dark side” with an ominous intensity
Sagittarius, 13k, a salem witch trials au where will seeks to avenge abigail’s death by any means necessary, dark but cathartic
a siphon; to pass through, 71k, will has type one diabetes and hannibal is an infuriatingly smug vampire, crack but extremely well-written
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jeons-catalyst · 3 days
“Them saying JK doesn't go to Tae during boring moments/when he feels lonely and hung out with JM instead during PTD LV, forget that TK have been "discovered" to be in eo's rooms while the other is doing livestreams albeit didn't show themselves... I guess JK just doesn't feel bored or lonely when he is with Tae so it comes off like they are only together to have fun.”
Is this true? Have taekook been discovered to be in each other’s rooms while doing lives? Is there any evidence for this?
You see anon, this is exactly one of the reasons why i have a very hard time taking taekookers seriously. When i make arguments, i try not to base alot of things on assumptions because you would be so surprised at how much your assumptions could be wrong. Imagine wholeheartedly believing that two people actually spend alone time with each other not because you have solid evidence for it like them telling you themselves, other members mentioning it several times or literally seeing them doing so, but because of your assumptions that they have been “discovered” to be in each other’s rooms during livestreams. When exactly was this discovered? Where is the proof that they were in each other’s livestreams?
You see anon, i know about two lives where i am almost certain that Jikook were together in room during a Live but you wouldn’t see me using that in an argument to prove my ship because i am aware that even if it is a slim chance, there is still a chance that i could be wrong.
Remember how taekookers spent the entire chapter two calling Jk and Tae refrigerators and washing machines or christmas trees. Tae is on a Live and we hear a sound and to taekookers, that is 100% Jk. I can understand thinking that it could be Jk if something that sounded like his voice was heard but simply hearing a sound and going “oh that’s Jk” is the most ridiculous thing because do you think Tae doesn’t have other people in his Life? We literally know that he has let his wooga friend stsy in his house for months, so how do you know it wasn’t some friend or family member visiting? Even if there was indeed someone there how do you know it was Jk? Don’t even get me started about tkkrs also claiming that Tae was the refrigerator in Jk’s house. I can understand that among all shippers, including jikookers, there are the delusional ones but taekookers entire basis of belief in their ship is in their delusions. Don’t believe me?
Right now, i say it doesn’t seem like taekook actually spend much alone time together and this assumption is based on my observation of them for years as well as their words and actions and how do taekookers counter my argument? “But..but.. bu they have been “discovered” to be in each other’s rooms”🙄
When taekook were barely ever seen together, no evidence of them being together was evidence enough to taekookers that they were together.
After the frequent taekook hangouts died in chapter two, the “evidence” that taekook were still together spending alot of time was the noises tkkrs could hear from both of their backgrounds during lives or their their eyes darting around while talking.
Tkkrs literally gave 30k likes to someone claiming Jk was a freaking Christmas tree.
Till this day tkkrs wholeheartedly believe that taekook were together at a Beach in Busan because of a shadow (which was actually Tae’s and i will explain why in another post) and footprints in the sand forgetting that on that day, Tae went out to eat with his family and Hyunshik and then went to the beach later. So the person at the beach with him was most likely a family member or Hyunshik because that is who he was seen eating with earlier.
Till this day, tkkrs believe that the person who was giggling in at the back of this Live was Jk, even though Tae literally addressed the person as “Hyung”. Don’t even remind me of how Jaymina and other tkkrs were scrambling to prove that it was indeed Jk by posting compilations of Tae either jokingly or mistakenly calling Jk “hyung” , something even jimin has done btw.
Or this other Live where tkkrs claim that Jk could be heard snoring in Tae’s bed at 3am when it is so easy to turn up your screen lights and see that all those sounds came from Tae. They talk about the Sk culture and how queer people have it hard in Korea but they think Tae will be dumb or desperate (to give them hints of Taekook relationship) enough to start a Live with his “boyfriend” snoring in his bed. Start from timestamp 1:53
There is also this Live from August 13th where taekookers claimed Jk was coughing in the background of Tae’s Live but we recently found out that around that exact same period, Jk was actually in Japan with Eunwoo. Jk and Eunwoo were spotted in Japan on the 12th of August last year but tkkrs would argue that Jk still had enough time to get back to korea and cough (like an old man) in Tae’s Live.
There’s literally so many cases like this where tkkrs swear that tae or Jk were in each other’s rooms or hiding in each other’s lives but taking a closer look of things would make you see that, that wasn’t the case.
Jikookers do this too. There are Lives that jikookers believe that jikook were together and we all know that it isn’t possible for Jk to hide both Jimin and Tae in his room so which is it?
This is why i find it extremely stupid to use assumptions like this as proof of a ship because, there is an extremely huge chance that you could be wrong as hell. There is always a possibility of mishearing, or mistaking other sounds or people for jk, tae or Jimin.
Notice how when i make my claims, i have facts to back them up, but tkkrs will hit us with, christmas trees, shadows, footprints, coughs, sounds in the background of lives or what they they think are snoring sounds in bed. Hell, if you are unlucky they throw in Taekook wearing matching Kappa sweetheart tshirts on the same day or Jungkook wearing Celine💀.
These are the people you want me to take seriously anon?
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You guys, what the fuck is up with the increase in stealing and plagiarising in this fandom lately? When did that become a thing that was okay to do?
The first time I was flat out plagiarized was almost four years ago in a different fandom. A well known author in that fandom took the first paragraph of a short one shot, one of the first things I’d ever posted and that I was incredibly proud of, switched a few words, and then used it as the summary for their slightly longer fic. They then went on to steal the premise of my ficlet and just…make it longer. This was brought up in a discord server a friend of mine was in that I wasn’t and the general consensus was “who would believe you? You’re nobody.” So I kept my mouth shut and I deleted my fic because seeing it made me feel like shit. Something similar then happened to a friend of mine with the titles of her fics being stolen, flat out and word for word, for the same characters. And again it was “no one will believe you.”
We shut up. We stuck it out. And then when it kept happening, to us and to others, we left that fandom.
I was so, so excited when HotD aired. I was back in my ASOIAF phase that had never actually ended. It was a new opportunity to make friends with common interests and my writing improved so much because of how passionate about the canon material I was. I have made some of the most incredible friends, like life-long, stay up all night talking, come to my house or let’s hang out when you’re in my state/country kind of friends. It’s pretty amazing. But this fandom is a whole different beast than any other I’ve been involved with. I have no idea if it’s the general age of the fandom, or the lack of prior fandom experience, or what us old people call the “tiktokifcation of fandom.” But it’s different. And while that’s usually a good thing, there are so many times when this has been awful. There is a huge lack of accountability here. People are stealing things. And the weirdest part is, they don’t care! It is plagiarism to have someone else's story opened while you write yours so that you can tone match the other writer. It is plagiarism to take people’s well thought out ideas and then use them beat for beat. I get it, it’s fic, nothing is wholly original, we are going to see idea recycling! That’s just fandom. But to model your entire story off of someone else’s is heinous. And it’s wrong. And this literally just happened to a very good friend of mine. When she mentioned she was uncomfortable with it and had blocked the person who did this, someone she considered a level headed mutual (who has recently admitted to plagiarising someone else themselves, mind you) told her that she was just drama baiting and didn’t have the right to be upset. The same thing happened to me with a now deleted creator who told me that she dragged me in her discord server and that her friends (all big name creators would essentially “black list me” for saying anything).
It’s not dramatic to not be okay with your work being stolen! This is a normal fucking reaction. In trad publishing or academia, this shit gets you banned, expelled, etc. It can ruin your life.
I received a slew of anons recently asking for help with graphic making and editing. And I was so excited about them. That shit is fun for me. We chatted for a while, with them on anon, and that was that. Until I got an anon letting me know that the person I was talking with was someone who had stolen ideas and storylines from me and other creators. So I looked, I asked friends to look, and the consensus was “yeah, this is fucking plagiarism, and it’s weird.” All of the edit stuff she’d asked about was used on an edit that was a direct rip off of my own. But I elected to not make a thing of it, to ignore it, to wash my hands of it because of the weird fucking trend of calling out theivery being labeled as drama baiting. And I didn’t want that, not after I had genuinely made the mistake of thinking that someone had stolen an idea from me when they hadn’t (calm down, we’re really close friends now). This person deleted their old blog and so I thought it was over. And then yesterday I got a dm from this new blog I didn’t even know existed accusing me of sending them harassing anons.
A blog, who had stolen from me and at least four other people, who had reached out to me on anon for help and ideas, that at this point I didn’t even know existed anymore, said they knew I was sending hateful anons accusing them of theft. I wasn’t, of course, because I had no idea they even existed, and it made no sense that I would even know they’d created another blog. I only found out about their new blog when they dm’d me from it. But they had obviously done this to enough people that they were now getting called out on it.
You guys, we have to fucking stop acting like this. This fandom needs to stop stealing from each other and eating our own. And if someone brings up that they’ve had an idea stolen, we need to take them seriously instead of insinuating they’re only attempting to cause drama. Stop sending people unhinged anons because you feel like you’re guilty of lifting from another creator and just work on creating something original. Writing is hard. Giffing and making edits is fucking hard. And no, nothing will ever be 100% original, that’s just impossible at this point, but stop fucking taking things that aren’t yours and claming them as your own. Do better. Grow up.
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lynlee494 · 1 day
Winterhawk Community Sourced Recommendations, A Master List
This post is a long time coming, but finally I’ve finished a master list from when this fandom really helped me out.
The original post is here:
^ Just in case I have forgotten or skipped over a recommendation, or if more are added in the comments since making this post.
My original plea for help was, for context on the type of recommendations you may find (though delightfully, there are others mixed in):
‘I'm looking for Winterhawk fic recommendations.
Ones where Clint finds/meets the WS (as either Hawkeye or an AU Clint, not picky)
Or ones where it is Winterhawk with a Hurt Bucky or Bucky in Distress kind of vibe.
AU or otherwise, even if it is a full on Clint/Bucky AU.’ I also had asked simply for favorite authors and favorite stories. The answers were plentiful and wide spreading, and I’m still making my through (I am a multishipper as long as one of ‘em is Bucky Barnes – welcome to my hyper fixation. So I jump around).
So, in thanks to so many who took time to dig for the recommendations, I wish to spread the love and make it easier to view what others took the time to dig up for me. It really did help. ❤️
I tried to make it easy and may have gone overboard, but hopefully ‘Ctrl-F’ or copy + pasting the text because I typed this out instead of using image snips (oh my gods the time this whole thing took) makes it easier to search tags.
Hopefully this helps others, and so now, organized for all our reading pleasure: A special thanks to sunny-rants for jumping in to give recommendations sooo fast!
*Please note: I have included tags, but not pairings, for times sake. All the stories are Winterhawk, and I believe there was a Clint/Bucky/Steve as well. *I also did not include archive warnings, etc. so please review the tags at your own risk.
*Also, cause I’m absolutely shameless, if you want to include anymore recs, that would be amazing… just putting that out there. Also, don't worry if you think it may be a repeat, I can always sort it out/organize later. (wink, wink: got any bottom Bucky, angst, long fics, AUs (current fav)? Clint taking care of Bucky etc.?)
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'Keep Reading' for the recommendations bestowed upon me in an hour of need, along with summary, tags, and wordcount
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club by sara_holmes
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club. (Invitation and pending mental health evaluation required.)
"When Steve brings Bucky back to the tower for the first time, Clint’s first thought is that Tony Stark’s pride and joy is quickly becoming a less of a very tall and expensive ‘fuck you’ in the faces of investors who don’t believe in self-sustaining energy, and more of a superhero rehabilitation center."
Tags: Discussion of Canon Child Abuse; Discussion of Canon Brainwashing; Seizures; Epilepsy; Fluff; SHIELD Agent Clint Barton; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Strike Team Delta (Marvel); Sharing a Bed; Sharing Body Heat; Stranded; Slow Burn Word count: 67k+
(rec by tumblr: @sunny-rants)
Outnumbered by sara_holmes
Bucky Barnes returns to Brooklyn ready to get back into the world, make friends and sleep with Steve's super hot neighbor. The fact that the guy turns out to be a single dad to two-year-old triplets who spend most of their time causing mischief, trouble and mayhem doesn't deter Bucky at all. Steve would like it on record that he thinks Bucky is insane.
Tags: Kid Fic; Parent Clint Barton; Triplets; Post-Recovery Bucky Barnes; Steve Is a Good Bro; Bucky comes home to New York; Single Dad Clint Barton; Deaf Clint Barton; Bucky Barnes Feels; PTSD RECOVERY; Happy Bucky Barnes; Kids; Alternate Universe - No Powers; Clint Barton is terrible at relationships; Insecure Clint; Happy Ending
Word count: 18k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Play It Again by sakkakitty
Summary: After a mix-up in a Hydra base, Bucky Barnes finds himself transported to the 21st century.
Tags: Not Captain America: The Winter Soldier Compliant; Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant; Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant; WinterHawk Big Bang 2018; Time Travel; Pre-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Deaf Clint Barton; Canon-Typical Violence; Background Stony – Freeform
Word count: 100k+
(rec by tumblr: @sunny-rants)
Nobody Lost, Nobody Found by ClaraxBarton
"Look, dude, I get it. You’re fucked-up. HYDRA fucked you up. I’ve been there. But you’re my fucking Soul Mate!"
“I can kill you. I could kill you without even realizing what I was doing. I’m not fucked-up, I’m a monster. I’m a nightmare. You can’t be here. You can’t- All the people I’ve killed- I will not murder my Soul Mate too. Not after everything else I’ve-”
Clint worked his left hand between their bodies and managed to land a punch to the man’s right side, forcing him to shift his weight, and Clint brought his right hand down on the place where the man’s metal arm met his torso - hidden by the shirt he wore, but on full display in the video Clint had watched.
The man released Clint with a grunt of pain, and Clint pressed his advantage, landing another punch to his abdomen, backing him up against the opposite side of the RV and then pressing the kitchen knife he had pocketed while cleaning up earlier to the man’s throat.
“Like I said, I’m not a Boy Scout. I’m plenty dangerous myself. We clear on that?”
This looks bad, because it is.
How Clint Barton met his Soul Mate
Tags: Soulmates; Soul Bond; winterhawk – Freeform; Slow Burn; No I mean the slowest of burns; Canon-Typical Violence; canon divergent/canon meandering starting with Age of Ultron; Smut; eventually I swear; Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Angst; Feelings; Clint Barton Needs a Hug; Bucky Barnes Feels; Steve Rogers Needs a Hug; BAMF Clint Barton; BAMF Natasha Romanov; Oral Sex; Frottage
Word Count: 108k+
(rec by tumblr: @sunny-rants)
Choose Every Single Day by Noxnthea
Clint has once again been wrangled into doing something because Natasha thinks it’ll be good for him; he’s not sure why she thinks she needs therapy too, but he knows better than to question her logic at this point.
Bucky’s doubtful that group therapy is going to do much for his crippling sense of self-loathing (and to be honest, he really doesn’t want the help), but Steve’s convinced it will be beneficial for both of them to learn to deal with the mistakes from their past.
None of them ever expected to have to deal with secret government organizations, eccentric billionaires, or unwanted super powers on top of their personal problems, but then, they are already paying Sam.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting; TherapyCanon-Typical Violence; Clint Barton's low self-esteem; Sam Wilson is a Saint; Everyone Needs A Hug; Deaf Clint Barton; Natasha Romanov Is Not A Robot; Group Therapy; Slow Burn; seriously the slowest this is a fic first and foremost about individual growth; Found Family; Misunderstandings; Getting Together; wanda maximoff is everyone's little sister
Word count: 103k+
(rec by tumblr: @sunny-rants)
Gold On Your Fingertips by Kangofu_CB
“So,” he said, unwrapping the foil of the bar, “I’m Clint.”
The Soldier just blinked at him, caught somewhere between confused and surprised.
Which, fair, Clint got that a lot.
But he figured the Soldier hadn’t expected him to acquiesce so quickly, and Clint fully intended to capitalize on that, either in information or opportunity to escape or both.
He flashed a half-smile at the other man, one he’d flashed at a dozen other people in the last few years, one that got him a second look at least seventy percent of the time, and a quickie a fairly significant portion of that. He stretched his arms up over his head and cracked his spine, working the stiffness out of the shoulder that had, until ten seconds ago, been shackled to the furniture.
“This is the part where you tell me your name.” Clint said. “Or something to call you by,” he amended.
Or: Clint meets his soulmate.
Tags: Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Circus Performer Clint Barton; baby criminal clint barton; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Not Captain America: The Winter Soldier Compliant; or anything after that either; Alternate Universe – Soulmates; Soulmates; Soulmate-Identifying Marks; Kidnapping; Deaf Clint Barton; Breaking and Entering; Voyeurism; Exhibitionism; Masturbation; wow that escalated quickly; Himbo Clint Barton; Diners; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Bucky Barnes Remembers; On the Run; Canon-Typical Violence; Shooting Guns; bad guys die etc etc; minor descriptions of wounds and wound care; barney barton sucks you can't change my mind; so does Trickshot; hydra also sucks; getting in a brawl with the Avengers was a bad idea; it's not Clint's fault; except for how it kind of is; Protective Clint Barton; Competent Clint Barton; Rutting; Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm; Disappointed Steve Rogers; but he gets over it; eventually; bad jokes and worse ideas; hey kids who wants to be an avenger?
Word count: 27k+
(rec by tumblr: @sunny-rants)
Like Real People Do by Kangofu_CB
And now Steve had brought him home like a goddamn found puppy he wanted to keep.
“What the fuck, Rogers?” Clint asked, his hands itching for a bow, a gun, an anything, but not stupid enough to make any sudden moves. There was no way to casually reach for the pistol he’d tucked into the back of his jeans, not with Steve so close and the Winter Soldier so unkillable.
“He’s not the Winter Soldier,” Steve said in a rush of expelled air, reading the tension in Clint’s arms correctly. “He’s Bucky Barnes.”
Either there were two silver-armed motherfuckers running around - and Clint could believe anything at this point - or this situation was even more bizarre than he’d first thought. And he knew bizarre. He’d been part of a circus.
A love story involving Billboard's Top 100, chopping firewood, and not looking like incognito serial killers when out on the town.
Tags: Cabin Fic; Tropes; Slow Burn; or at least my version of it; learning to be people again; sniper assassin courtship rituals; sniper nerds; Things This Is Canon Compliant With: Nothing; actually not true; possibly canon compliant with Captain America: TFA and also Iron Man; but I'm not positive; Civil War Fix-It; I honestly just wanted to watch these two idiots fall in love in a secluded cabin ok; Canon-Typical Violence; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; FlashbacksPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Canon Disabled Character; Deaf Clint Barton; Texas Two Stepping is a thing; Sorry Not Sorry; tags updated to include country music; winterhawk – Freeform;magic woodland archer cabin; HYDRA supersoldiers; a small selection of violence; Canon-Typical Injuries; a tiny bit of angst; Happy Ending; found family trope abounds; Sex
Word count: 67k+
(rec by tumblr: @sishal01)
Making Me A Habit by Kangofu_CB
Bucky is a disabled vet struggling with reintegrating into civilian life. He has a routine and a rhythm, and he doesn't like to let anything - big or small - disrupt it. That all changes the day Bucky finds himself inside CATastrophe, the local pet rescue, recovering from a panic attack in the back room of the shop. He’s used to walking by the place, not visiting, but the next thing Bucky knows, he’s hanging signs and being used as a climbing tree for a bunch of freshly-acquired kittens. And he just...keeps going back. First for the kittens, then for the disaster shop owner who rescues actual kittens from actual trees and teaches archery as a side-gig, and eventually because he’s hopelessly in love.
(Clint was in love before Bucky ever walked in the door.)
Tags: Modern Era; War Veteran Bucky Barnes; Amputee Bucky Barnes; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Bucky Barnes Has PTSD; Civilian Clint Barton; Pet Adoption; Kittens; so many kittens; Archery Instructor Clint Barton; Alternate Universe - Pet Store; Slow Burn; Pining; Misunderstandings; WinterHawk Big Bang; Word count: 20k+
(rec by tumblr: @sishal01) (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Look What The Cat Dragged In by flawedamythyst
The Winter Soldier was looming over him, dressed in full combat gear and hung all about with weapons. Blood was seeping out of a wound on his arm and there was a smear of it down his cheek that was starting to flake off as it dried. He was staring at Clint with a jaw-clenchingly intense glare and Clint felt every cell in his body freeze up under his scrutiny, expecting pain of some kind.
Instead, the Winter Soldier held a fist out containing Clint’s hearing aids and then, once he’d tucked them in pretty much on autopilot, thrust a cat in Clint’s face and growled out, “Tell me about this kitten,” like he was demanding the passwords to a nuclear weapon.
Somehow Clint ends up co-owning a kitten with the Winter Soldier.
Tags: Bucky Barnes is a Cat Lover; Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug; Bucky Barnes has a sweet tooth; Alpine – Freeform; Clint Barton Is a Good Bro; Just Add Kittens; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Domestic Fluff
Word count: 22k
(rec by tumblr: @sishal01) (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Sing Me That Old Song Again by mariana_oconnor
After breaking free from Hydra's control, James Barnes is keeping his head down. Captain America and his team are miles away, and he's better off alone. He's not expecting to be found by an Avenger. An Avenger who proves hard to get rid of.
Somehow, in spite of himself, Hawkeye ends up growing on him, and he realises that maybe alone isn't the best way to be.
But as Bucky's working out his own past, Hawkeye's coming face to face with his. They never should have gone to Budapest.
Alternate Universe – Canon; Bucky Barnes's Notebooks; Road Trips; Sort Of; Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant; Winterhawk Reverse Big Bang; Bucky Barnes's Plums; Deaf Clint Barton; Hurt Clint Barton; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Bucky Barnes Remembers; Bucky Barnes Needs a HugWhat Happened in Budapest
Word count: 27k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Warming Up by pherryt
The last thing Clint expected when SHIELD went down and he had to make his way to his safehouse was to find the Winter Soldier already using it.
No, maybe the last thing he expected was for all his survival instincts to say screw it, and let him stay.
This couldn't possibly go wrong, could it?
Tags: Implied Tony/Steve – Freeform; Brainwashing; post winter soldier; deaf!cllnt; PTSD; Nightmares; hurt; comfort; bed sharing; tub sharing; Cuddle for Warmth; some violence but not too graphic; First Kiss; Low Self Esteem; Misunderstandings; hurt!Clint; First Aid; Running Away; Artist!Steve; mild to moderate hypothermia; Snowed In; cint's farm; PiningMutual Pining; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; safehouse
Word count: 45k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Sticks and Strings and Christmas Things by PhoukasPenmanship
12 connecting vignettes for the "12 Days of Winterhawk" prompt challenge.
Tags: 12 Days of Winterhawk; Christmas Fluff; Swearing; Slow Burn; A little angst; Family of Choice; deaf!Clint
Word count: 66k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Nowhere You Can Be by jstabe https://archiveofourown.org/works/22012795
Sometimes fate gets a little help from FedEx.
Tags: Bucky Barnes Recovering; Amputee Bucky Barnes; Deaf Clint Barton; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; References to Depression; Happy Ending; Alternate Universe - No Powers
Word count: 26k+ (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Lucky in Love by dr_girlfriend
Summary: Clint is only a couple of sips into his cardboard cup of coffee, his brain barely out of neutral, which is probably why it takes him so long to realize that some damn psycho is trying to kidnap his dog.
“I’m not some charity case,” Bucky says pugnaciously.
“I didn’t think you were,” Clint answers back readily enough. “I mean, I can tell you’re fucked up for sure, but of the two of us, I’m probably the bigger disaster. My sleep schedule is shit, and I drink coffee straight from the pot. I sing in the shower even though I’m deaf as fuck. I have arrows everywhere because I’m an archer — did I tell you that? And I was raised in a literal circus, so I’m not exactly domestic. Let’s see, what else?” He squints down at the ground, rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh, yeah, I won the building in a poker game with the Russian mafia and every once in awhile they show up and try to take it back, but usually I handle it, no problem. Uh...”
Clint happens to looks up and Bucky’s eyes are wide, his mouth hanging open. Clint’s hand freezes where he’s rubbing the back of his neck, suddenly embarrassed. Yeah, when you put it all out there at once, it doesn’t sound so good.
Tags: Fluff; Romance; Slow Burn; Oh my god they were roommates!; Alternate Universe - No Powers; War Veteran Bucky Barnes; Deaf Clint Barton; Ableist Language; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Mutual Pining; Hurt/Comfort; Touch-Starved; Friends to Lovers; Fraction/Aja Comic-based Clint Barton; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Ambiguous Cuddling; Touch Aversion; I Dunno Maybe a Little Praise Kink?; Circus Veteran! Clint Barton; SHIELD Veteran! Clint Barton; Slow Build; meet ugly; Idiots in Love; Tooth-Rotting Fluff; References to Depression; Not Gonna Tag Every Sex Act Just Trust Me There's Plenty; Body Worship; A Little Gentle Dominance Stuff Maybe?; Edging; Crying During Sex; What Can I Say the Winterhawk Crowd Are Dirty Enablers; #Make Clint Cry 2019; meet cute; Deaf Character Word count: 59k+ (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Battle Born by sian1359
Bucky Barnes decides he needs to come in from the cold soon after the events that happened in DC. He can't go to Steve or Natalia, as both would have expectations of a man he cannot ever be again. So he turns to someone who wouldn't have any expectations: Clint Barton.
Tags: Slice of Life; Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant; Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant; Angst with a Happy Ending; Relationship(s)Aftermath; Hydra (Marvel)Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Word count: 22k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
The Anthem of a Dead Man Walking by EVVS
“I’m Clint,” he says again, knowing that he’s going to have to force this if he’s not going to go insane in here. He lasted this long, but knowing that there’s someone else? Someone else who he could talk with? No, he needs that right now. So badly. Someone who isn’t Tasha coming in to update him on the real world. Someone else who’ll help him make fun of the guards and maybe who’ll harmonize with him to Bohemian Rhapsody. He’s not looking for a new best friend, just someone who’ll commiserate. “I’m gonna call you John.”
There’s some movement. Sounds like someone’s head bumping the wall. “Why John?”
“Since you aren’t giving me your name to work with, you’re a John Doe to me, right? So I’ll just… call you John.”
Tags: Prison; Suicide mention; alcohol mention; Courtroom Drama; Crayons are involved; Not Canon Compliant; Marvel Universe
Word count: 14k+ (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Outnumbered by sara-holmes
Bucky Barnes returns to Brooklyn ready to get back into the world, make friends and sleep with Steve's super hot neighbor. The fact that the guy turns out to be a single dad to two-year-old triplets who spend most of their time causing mischief, trouble and mayhem doesn't deter Bucky at all. Steve would like it on record that he thinks Bucky is insane.
Tags: Kid Fic; Parent Clint Barton; Triplets; Post-Recovery Bucky Barnes; Steve Is a Good Bro; Bucky comes home to New York; Single Dad Clint Barton; Deaf Clint Barton; Bucky Barnes Feels; PTSD RECOVERY; Happy Bucky Barnes; Kids; Alternate Universe - No Powers; Clint Barton is terrible at relationships; Insecure Clint; Happy Ending
Word count: 18k+ (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Falling Off the Face of the Earth by Teeelsie
Cap relaxes his hold, but he stays where he is, still looming over him. “Clint. The compound’s been breached,” Rogers whispers urgently, then finally sits back and lets go of him.
There’s another explosion, closer this time and throwing more light. He turns his head sharply and sees Bucky Barnes hovering near the door, looking… off. Clint pushes Rogers and he finally stands up so Clint can scramble out of the bed and grab some clothes. He’s wearing only boxers because it’s fucking hot in Wakanda, and he catches Barnes’ eyes flicking across his body.
Clint long ago stopped being bothered by people’s reactions to the many scars on his body – not that that many people actually see them - but that doesn’t mean he appreciates when they stare. “Like what you see?” he asks with a hard edge as he pulls on his shirt. Barnes turns his head, at least having the decency to look embarrassed for being caught staring.
Rogers looks at them both impatiently and quickly switches gears. “Clint, I need you to take Bucky. Get him out of Wakanda and somewhere safe.”
OR Bucky and Clint fall into each other. Bad shit happens. Then it all works out in the end.
Tags: Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie); On the Run; BAMF Clint Barton; BAMF Bucky Barnes; Developing Relationship; Slow Build; Brainwashing; Mind Control; Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Clint!Whump; Hurt/Comfort; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; Angst; winterhawk – Freeform; Winterhawk Reverse Big Bang; WinterHawk Big Bang; Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant; Long Live Feedback Comment Project
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
(author rec by tumblr: @jinxquickfoot)
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club by sara_holmes
Clint Barton's Super Secret Snipers' Club. (Invitation and pending mental health evaluation required.)
"When Steve brings Bucky back to the tower for the first time, Clint’s first thought is that Tony Stark’s pride and joy is quickly becoming a less of a very tall and expensive ‘fuck you’ in the faces of investors who don’t believe in self-sustaining energy, and more of a superhero rehabilitation center."
Tags: winterhawk – Freeform; sniper bros; References to PTSD; Therapy; Recovery; Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery; Avengers Family; Avengers Tower; Bonding; Drinking; Alcohol; Steve Feels; Protective Steve; Tony Stark Needs a Hug; Tony Feels; Deaf Clint Barton; Clint Is a Good Bro; Bucky Barnes Feels; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Ceiling Vent Clint Barton; Humor; Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism; do not copy to another site
Word count: 67k+
(rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Broken But Mending By Lissadiane
Bucky's not sure what he expects when he picks up the free local paper in his therapist's office, but it's not advice on losing things in his butt, that's for sure.
In which Bucky Barnes is a recovering war vet with a whole bunch of issues, none of which can be solved by a small time sex advice therapist, no matter how pretty his smile is. Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; War Veteran Bucky Barnes; Alternate Universe - No Powers; Amputee Bucky Barnes; Discussions of Asexuality; sex advice columnist Clint; Panic Attacks
Word count: 15k+ (rec by tumblr: @effervescentaardvark)
Silhouette by mariana_oconnor
Summary: After a mission in Mexico goes wrong, SHIELD Agents Barnes and Rogers are given the job of hunting down the notorious Hawkeye and the Black Widow, the only problem being: no one even knows what they look like.
On the other side of the law, Clint's enjoying messing with their new SHIELD shadows, especially seeing how close he can get to Agent Barnes without him realising, but he makes the mistake of getting attached, and that makes everything more complicated. Tags: Alternate Universe; SHIELD Agent Bucky Barnes; SHIELD Agent Steve Rogers; Assassin Clint Barton; Assassin Natasha Romanov; Slow Build; very slow build; WinterHawk Big Bang; winterhawk – Freeform; Natasha Is a Good Bro; Mission Fic; A lot of people get assassinated; Torture; Mentions of past brainwashing; epic bromances; Deaf Clint Barton; Identity Porn; Steve Rogers is a little shit; Steve Rogers Is a Good Bro;
Word count: 105k+
(rec by - tumblr: @itsalinski; note from itsalinski: ‘Silhouette is such an awesome fic, with a cool flip where Clint is the assassin and Bucky is the SHIELD agent’)
All My Mistakes by ClaraxBarton
Next job I’m taking is going to be south of the equator, Clint promised himself as he finished zipping up his down coat. He wished he had another. He was already wearing a black balaclava and a black beanie, thermal underwear under his clothes and two pairs of pants, but it was freezing on the rooftop.
The wind and the fine, misty rain that couldn’t decide if it wanted to be snow, ice or rain definitely didn’t help matters.
Clint hated the cold.
He didn’t understand why millionaire criminal masterminds couldn’t meet in exotic, warm locations to do their deals.
If he was a millionaire criminal mastermind, he sure as hell wouldn’t do deals in London in February.
It's February, 1999, and Clint Barton is about to encounter the Winter Soldier
Tags: Pre-Canon; or well pre-Avengers; Clint still doing his solo assassin thing; Smut; Adventure; Action; Angst; plumbing; Coffee; Spanking; jumping off roofs; shooting bad guys; Movie References; winterhawk – Freeform; Word count: 10k+ (rec by - tumblr: @itsalinski; note from itsalinski: ‘All My Mistakes is actually exactly what you were asking for, with Clint running into Bucky when he's still the winter soldier’)
The Other Man out of Time by sara_holmes
Also known as Time Travelling Clint Wrecks the Universe.
Due to The Time Stone having a great day screwing around the fabric of reality, Clint finds a copy of himself thrown back into Normandy, 1944. Cue Clint 2.0 meeting Bucky Barnes, the Howling Commandos and a pretty different version of Steve.
Tags: Time Travel; Author has messed with timelines again; Dubious Science; The Time Stone; World War II; WWII Bucky Barnes; Canon Divergence - Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Clint Barton-centric; Deaf Clint Barton; Bucky Barnes Feels; The Asset remembers; Original Character Death(s)Falling In Love; Angst and Hurt/Comfort; Humor Word count: 97k+
(rec by - tumblr: @itsalinski; note from itsalinski: ‘And, The Other Man Out of Time is one of my absolute favourite Winterhawk fics’)
Hope It Leaves a Mark by thepartyresponsible
Summary: A collection of short fics inspired by the 2020 whumptober challenge.
Tags: Canon-Typical Violence; Fluff and Angst; Hurt/Comfort; Word count: 72k+
(rec by - tumblr: @itsalinski; note from itsalinski: ‘Also 'Hope it Leaves a Mark' is just a collection of truly awesome short fics that I wish were each long 100k fics, they're all that good and interesting (even the ones that aren't even Winterhawk, the author just writes so well and does such awesome things with Clint, Bucky and Frank’))
Americana is for Lovers by ccbytheseashore
Summary: Please tell me you are still alive, read Steve's text.
In Virginia, Bucky replied.
The hell are you doing in Virginia?
Would you believe me if I said trying to find a foam sculpture of Stonehenge?
Tony said to make sure his car comes back in once piece. Please don't shoot each other.
Clint and Bucky set off on an adventure to find an infamous work of Americana history, but find literally everything else (including love) instead.
Tags: Road Trips; Americana; Sexual Content; Developing Relationship; Getting Together; monstrous abuses against perfectly good bedframes
Word count: 8k+
(rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
Bent by jstabe
Summary: “My name is James Buchanan Barnes.”
He felt Clint’s lips curl up where they were resting at his temple. “Yes.”
“I am an Avenger.” Which was frankly ridiculous and impossible to believe sometimes, but it was true so it went on the list. Tags: Canon Divergence - Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Past Rape/Non-con Word count: 3k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
I'll Keep You Safe Here With Me by sara_holmes
Summary: Yes, Clint is avoiding the other Avengers. No, he does not want to go back to New York. But then again, he didn't exactly want to be kidnapped by the Winter Soldier either. Really, he just wants to go back to bed. Tags: Kidnapping; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Canon-Typical Violence; Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Where the hell was Clint Barton; Bucky Barnes Feels; Clint Barton Feels; Depression; Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery; Implied Relationships; Minor Steve Rogers/Tony Stark; Panic Attacks Word count: 110k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
A Little Less Bloodshed Would Be Nice by youcancallmearrow
Summary: Clint Barton may be a human train wreck, but when it comes to befriending ex-mind controlled assassins, he's pretty much the best there is. Unfortunately, he's not nearly as good at being kind to himself. Lucky for him, Bucky's got it covered. Tags: Fluff with Feels; pizza dog – Freeform; Mind Control; Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery; You Will Pry Jarvis Out of My Cold Dead Hands; Falling In Love; Domestic Avengers; Dog Cops; WinterHawk Big Bang; Angst; Comfort; Tony Is a Good Bro
Word count: 8k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
A Thistle Cannot Grow by ccbytheseashore
Summary: Clint stood at the bottom of the stairs in his boxer shorts and socks with his bow aimed at Bucky Barnes.
Bucky held his hands up in a placating gesture. “I didn't mean to sneak up on you.”
Clint didn't lower the bow.
“I didn't know you had a kid,” Bucky added conversationally.
“I should shoot your ass on principle.”
Tags: Kid Fic; Deaf Clint Barton; Developing Relationship; Getting Together; Panic Attacks; Mild Hurt/Comfort; WinterHawk Big Bang; Happy Ending; Sexual Content; Frottage; winterhawk – Freeform; Word count: 12k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
Liminal Spaces by thepartyresponsible
Summary: “Clint,” Steve says, and it’s that same no-bullshit, do-or-die, I really, really mean it voice he used to trot out in the last few innings of close games in high school. “Bucky’s not gonna fly. He’s not going to drive himself. He can’t— I need you to drive him here.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Clint says, and hangs up. Tags: Alternate Universe - Road Trip; Alternate Universe - No Powers; Idiots in Love; Mutual Pining; Exes; Angst with a Happy Ending; Past Child Abuse; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Clint Barton Needs a Hug; Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug Word count: 20k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
Draw, Breathe, Fire by FestiveFerret
Summary: If Bucky's not the Winter Soldier - not a weapon - anymore, then who is he?
And who is this smart-mouthed, cocky, flirty, pushy archer, Clint Barton? Tags: Bucky Barnes Recovering; Falling In Love; Get Together; Romance; Flirting; Banter; Hurt Clint Barton; Clint Barton's Bow & Arrows; Bucky Learns to Archery; Bucky Barnes Has PTSD; First Kiss; Sexual Content; Animal Shelters; Ferrets; Noodle no Noodling; Little bit of angst; lotta fluff
Word count: 14k+ (rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
if god is in the lens by shatteredhourglass
The Asset pauses. He remembers the first few days after dragging St- dragging Captain America out of the water, the aimless emptiness that had filled him, with no mission and no knowledge of what to do next. He’d spent a week staring at the peeling wallpaper in a motel. There had been butterflies patterned on it. He hadn’t known what direction to go in next, because he was (is) scared of Captain America, and he didn’t want anything to do with Hydra, and he’d just… stopped. That’s when he realizes Barton isn’t going to move unless he gives the man a reason to move, something to do that isn’t related to a past he can’t remember or the threat of imminent death. (It’s been burned out of him, the Asset can relate.)
A mission.
He's leaning on the button to the microphone before he thinks about it. “Come with me and you can kill more of them.”
Tags: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Pre-Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie); Recovery; Denial; Brainwashing; Protective Steve Rogers; Bucky Learns To Be A Person Again; Blood and Violence; Deaf Clint Barton; Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship; Bucky Barnes Feels; Psychological Trauma; Angst and Hurt/Comfort; Mostly On Bucky's Part; Clint's Just Like 'Ah Yes This Is My Life Now'; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Hand Jobs Word count: 40k+
(rec by – tumblr: @luredin)
Got a Heart in Me, I Swear by thepartyresponsible
Summary: The pictures leak on a lazy off-season Sunday, in that muddled bit of midafternoon Clint never knows what to do with when he isn’t training. He curls up with Lucky on the couch and naps through the end of his whole damn life. And that, honestly, is pretty much perfect.
Tags: Alternate Universe – Baseball; Implied/Referenced Homophobia; Internalized Homophobia; Team as Family; Fluff and Angst; Mutual Pining; Idiots in Love Word Count: 36k+ (rec by – tumblr: @1968bullittmustang: ‘one of my all-time favorite au’)
Patricia the Superior Vehicle: The Helpfulness Mission by Aelfay, pietray, Sagacity, Twindragons
Summary: The Soldier is doing his best. He’s not quite up to trying to deal with Rogers, Steven G. (Captain), but he’s found another way to be helpful: keeping an eye on one Clint Barton. He’s kind of a mess, but that just gives the Soldier more ways to help, right?
Clint is confused about why Natasha keeps following him around – he keeps seeing glimpses of black out of the corner of his eye. The constant presence means he’s a little suspicious of his next mission. Unfortunately, it’s still not enough to keep him from being caught.
In which: Clint sings the disco stick song, Patricia is a Superior Vehicle, and the Soldier buys underwear. A balance of humor and intimacy as Clint and Bucky both recover a little bit of who they are.
Tags: Kidnapping; Cabin Fic; Mission Fic; Hand Jobs; Frottage; Deaf Clint Barton; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Patricia the Superior Vehicle; Disco Stick; Fluff and Smut
Word count: 16k+
(self-rec by tumblr: @alchemistdoctor)
What Happens in Vegas… by Aelfay, Twindragons
Summary: Clint gets sent to check on a 'friend' of Natasha's in Las Vegas. Only this place is really nice, and her 'friend' is hot as hell. How is he meant to cope!? Answer: he can't. Featuring bunny ears, a fluffy tail, and Clint never quite having enough clothes.
Tags: Pole Dancing; Aerial silks; casino – Freeform; Crack Treated Seriously; Looney Tunes – Freeform; Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship; Natasha Romanov is a good friend; Illustrated; Don't post on another site; Clint Barton loses it when Bucky pole dances; brief masturbation
Word count: 10k+
(self-rec by tumblr: @alchemistdoctor)
Boys of Summer by Aelfay
Bucky wants a goat. He gets robots, a dog, and Clint Barton.
And the goat.
Tags: Trashcan the Goat; James "Bucky" Barnes; Clint Barton; Steve Rogers; Tony Stark; Natasha Romanov (Marvel); DUM-Ebite-Size; U (robot); Cricket (robot); Hamburger Helper (robot); Fidget (robot);
(self-rec by tumblr: @alchemistdoctor)
Fair Game by NotEvenCloseToStraight
...being courted by a wolf!shifter is hard.
When Clint accepts the Game Warden/Shifter Pack Liaison position in Willow’s Run he thinks he'll be signing hunting licenses and maybe writing a few tickets. He doesn't expect to start a brawl on day one, be claimed by the definitely scary Beta!Wolf Bucky on day two and begin what might be the worlds slowest courtship.
Eventually Clint settles into his new role, strikes up a friendship with precocious scientist!Tony and a careful affair with Bucky. He navigates awkward shifter courtship rituals and misunderstandings, surprising romance and increasingly bitey kisses and for a while, all is well in the mountains.
But hunting season brings strangers to the town and when increased tension and broken rules bring up old prejudices and new fears, their quiet life turns dangerous.
Clint has his hands full with aggressive hunters, defensive pack members and a town pushed towards chaos.
Torn between the law and what his heart wants, the Game Warden knows something's gotta give--
--but will that 'something' end up driving Bucky and the pack away?
Tags: winterhawk - FreeformStony – Freeform; Shifter AU; Wolf Shifters; Strangers to Lovers; True Mates; Matt Fraction's Hawkeye; Clint Barton & Tony Stark Friendship; awkward dating; Werewolf Courting; Hunters vs Shifters; Fluff and Humor; FunnyAngst and Feels; Mild Peril; Falling In Love; Developing Relationship; Awesome Clint Barton; Tony Stark Does What He Wants; Alpha Steve Rogers; Bucky Barnes Feels; Pack Dynamics; Hurt Characters; Hurt/Comfort; sex then feelings; Eventual love confessions; happily ever after guaranteed;
Word count: 139,000k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
if you were a mythical thing by Kangofu_CB
After winding up in hot water with the Ukrainian mob, Clint finds himself relocating to a small town in northern Indiana to work as an elementary school gym teacher, and finds his new home invaded by a series of suspiciously wolfish puppies determined to be Lucky's BFFs, and his life invaded by over zealously friendly neighbors determined to feed him. In a startling twist of events, three of his favorite students happen to be his next door neighbors, along with their ruinously hot single dad Bucky, who proves to be just as enamored of Clint as he is of Bucky.
What follows is a classic rendition of thirsting over the hot neighbor, bizarre small-town behavior, and so many puppies.
Tags: modern suburban fantasy au; Alternate Universe – Teachers; Kid Fic; Werewolves; disconcertingly friendly locals; puppy invasions; bizarre subtle interrogations; roving packs of scheming children; awkward seduction attempts via edible arrangements; a ruinously hot single dad; Werewolf Courting; Werewolf Mates; Oblivious Clint Barton; Protective Natasha Romanov; Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship; Alpha Steve Rogers; Peggy was and remains a spy and it shows; Sam Wilson is a Gift; First Dates; Slow Burn; the things werewolves find attractive are more surprising than you think; SexAnal Sex; First Time; fluff and joy and jokes mostly; No Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Word count: 74k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
Lost & Found by mariana_oconnor
Clint Barton’s got a bag full of stolen money and a burning desire to stay under the radar. His old friends in the Carnival will be looking for him and they sure as hell won’t be happy. In a desperate attempt to stay off their radar, he ends up in Timely, a small town so far off the beaten track he’s surprised he even found it, and waits for Barney to comes and get him. Because Barney will be coming. Clint knows he will.
But there's something about the town. Maybe it's the strange wolf that watches him from the trees, and the way people finish conversations when he enters a room. Or it could be the bartender, Bucky, who decided to hate him on sight. Something’s going on in this small town, and Clint’s not sure if he’s jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Tags: Alternate Universe – Werecreatures; Werewolf Bucky Barnes; Werewolf Steve Rogers; Werefox Natasha Romanov; Protective Natasha Romanov; Carson's Carnival; Hard of Hearing Clint Barton; Canon Disabled Character; Bucky Barnes Has Issues; People Trafficking; forced cage fighting; dubiously consensual heavy petting; on the part of the petter; Pack Dynamics; Not Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics; But Steve is the alpha; Sheriff Steve Rogers; Bartender Bucky Barnes; Criminal Clint Barton; Werewolves; werewolves mate for life; Clint Barton's Excellent Self Esteem; Barney Barton's A+ Brothering; Barney Barton is not a good bro; WinterHawk Big Bang; Implied past emotional abuse; Identity Porn; Slow Burn; Enemies to Friends to Lovers; Public Sex; Inadvisable attitudes to wild animals; Seriously people; Don't Try This At Home; Clint Barton is not a good role model
Word count: 89k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
___________________ Mokusatsu by shadesfalcon (Wintershieldhawk)
Clint Barton has been strung along from abusive relationship to abusive relationship all his life. Not that he would use the word “abusive”. He would argue that, as a sub, he was born to take whatever it is his dom feels like throwing at him.
But even with that attitude, he’s nervous about his current situation. Trapped in a bureaucratically mandated relationship with not one but two doms is going to be difficult and dangerous. Especially since these two doms are both members of the Avengers themselves.
He hopes that whenever he disappoints them, they’ll have at least a little pity on him, even though he knows he won’t deserve it.
Tags: Alternate Universe – BDSM; Dom/sub; Power Imbalance; Communication Failure; and given that power imbalance those communications failures have real consequences; Spanking; Belts; Canes; Bondage; Hurt/Comfort; references to past abuse; accidental abuse; Unhealthy Relationships With Food; self-harming behaviors; Sub Clint Barton; Dom Bucky Barnes; Dom Steve Rogers; Domestic Violence; Sexual Content; Angst with a Happy Ending; Polyamory
Word count: 125k+ (rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
___________________ Speechless by sara_holmes
Summary: It's not that Bucky doesn't want to talk. It's that sometimes (most of the time) he can't. So learning ASL is 50% getting around that slight issue and 50% getting Steve to shut his cake-hole about the necessity of him learning to speak again.
Well, to begin with. Then it's pretty much all about him falling head-over-heels for his incredibly hot - yet slightly tragic - ASL teacher.
Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers; Deaf Clint Barton; ASL teacher Clint Barton; Mutism; Bucky Barnes Feels; Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers Friendship; Anxiety; Anxiety Disorder; Therapy; Physical Therapy; Mentions of PTSD; Steve and Bucky are ex military; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Happy Ending; Humor; Fluff; Bucky Barnes's Metal Arm; dumb boys; Falling In Love; an incident with an egg; Clint Barton is tragic and adorable and not as dumb as he makes out Word count: 10k+ (rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
Hipsters get Remembered, Legends Never Die by sara_holmes https://archiveofourown.org/works/17471969/chapters/41145935
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a broke millennial hipster and one-armed veteran who somehow ends up as a science project for Tony Stark, a PA for Steve Rogers and a fling for Clint Barton. What even is his life.
Tags: Modern Bucky Barnes; Awesome Clint Barton; Commander Rogers; SHIELD 2.0; War Veteran Bucky Barnes; Canon Disabled Character; Millennial Bucky; Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers Friendship; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; Recovery; Do not repost; Do not post to other sites Word count: 89k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth: ‘this is a different take with hipster!Bucky and he's annoying but in a good way lol’)
This Just In by Noxnthea https://archiveofourown.org/works/44128362
Summary: George C @dapperdanman if I was Hawkeye this might be the worst day of my life. 1: I get the shit beat out of me. 2: I find out my Soulmate is the Winter Soldier. 3: I pass out while a villain is monologuing at me on live television and the internet makes a meme of me talking about sandwiches in my sleep.
Clint and Bucky are having a rough month, and the whole world has something to say about it.
Tags: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Alternate Universe – Soulmates; Soulmate-Identifying Marks; Identity Reveal; Light Angst; Humor; Epistolary; Chatting & Messaging; Social Media; News Media; Texting; Twitter; reddit; YouTube; POV Outsider; The Avengers vs their worst foe yet: the media; Clint vs his self-esteem; Slow Burn; Even though the news moves fast; Steve Rogers Rages Against The Machine; Clint Barton Needs a Hug; Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug; Somebody tell these people to hire a PR team Word count: 29k+ (rec by tumblr: @southern-goth: ‘there's social media posts in this fic and it's so well written I could cry’)
Complications by flawedamythyst https://archiveofourown.org/works/6700921/chapters/15325426 Summary:
Clint's got a plan to retire and go find himself a simple life at his family's old farm. Simple is good, right? Easy to remember. Simple is why he doesn't really mind that his soul-print has never activated, because a soulmate could only add another layer of complexity to his life.
And then the Winter Soldier turns up at his archery range on the Avengers base, and simple slips through Clint's fingers.
Post Age-of-Ultron (minus Clint's wife&kids) Soulmate AU.
Massive thanks to Chucksauce for betaing. Tags: Post-Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie); Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant; Soulmate-Identifying Marks; Main Pairing is Clint/Bucky; Mention of past violence towards children
Word count: 84k+ (rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
A Heart Worth Loving by Kangofu_CB
Summary: Fate has it out for Clint Barton.
After a few too many heartbreaks, he's given up looking for his Soulmate; who needs happily ever after anyway? He’s perfectly content with his dog, his job, guarding eccentric billionaires, and drinking Natasha’s contraband vodka. Just ask anyone.
So he doesn’t think anything about inviting a random sex worker home for coffee to get him out of the cold - no need for any special company, thanks - because that’s just the decent thing to do. But when he keeps meeting Bucky again and again, it’s not fate he’s gotta worry about, it’s his heart.
Bucky’s just living his life. He’s got work he doesn’t hate, a degree program he loves, and and a side project out to prove Green Arrow's archery antics aren't possible outside the comics. He’ll meet his Soulmate when the time is right, but for now he’s content to wait.
But then his roommate pulls a Breaking Bad, leaving him caught up in an NYPD investigation, out of his regular work, and scrambling for a place to stay where his demon-cat won’t get them both evicted. Before he knows it, Clint is turning his whole life turned upside down, and Bucky thinks fate shouldn’t be tempting him.
Tags: Alternate Universe – Soulmates; Soulmates; Soulmate-Identifying Marks; Sex Worker Bucky Barnes; Sex Work; Jewish Bucky Barnes; SHIELD Agent Clint Barton; SHIELD Agent Natasha Romanov; Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers; War Veteran Bucky Barnes; Modern Bucky Barnes; Deaf Clint Barton; Past Relationship(s); Concussions; Forced Cohabitation; Miscommunication; Fake/Pretend Relationship; Angst and Fluff and Smut; Tony Stark Does What He Wants; Pop Culture References; Archery; Masturbation in Shower; Clint is emotionally constipated; Poor attempts at seduction; the love is requited but they're both idiots; Sex; (of course there's sex - I wrote this)
Word count: 82k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
something magic, something tragic by squadrickchestopher https://archiveofourown.org/works/28487004/chapters/69802917
After making a fatal mistake on a mission, Clint Barton vanishes into the depths of the Midwest.
What he wants is to be left alone for a bit, to take a couple weeks of peace and quiet and get his mind straight.
Instead, he finds himself caught up in a nationwide game of cat-and-mouse with a brooding, metal-armed vampire.
Natasha’s right. He’s got the worst fucking luck in the world.
Tags: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements; Supernatural Creatures; Vampire Bucky Barnes; Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug; Canon-Typical Violence; Deaf Clint Barton; Competent Clint Barton; some non-consensual biting; because Vampires; Attempted Kidnapping; Sassy Clint Barton; Other Additional Tags to Be Added; Enemies to Lovers; creative escapes; Non-Consensual Blood Drinking; Implied/Referenced Suicide; Drunken Kissing; Torture
Word count: 55k+
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth: ‘supernatural!Marvel’)
Once Lost (now found) by Teeelsie https://archiveofourown.org/works/35419939Summary:
There’s a beat and then Phil says, “Clint, you don’t have anything to prove.”
And that stings, because, “If you think I’m doing this to prove anything to anyone, then you don’t know me half as well as I thought you did.” He hears Phil sigh on the other end of the comm. “Besides,” Clint tells him, “I’ll have back-up. I’ll have Barnes. Hawkeye out.” He reaches up and clicks off the comm, cutting off Phil’s continued objection mid-word.
Eight days these assholes have had Barnes and he’s not going to let them keep him for another hour, much less another day. He doesn’t have anything to prove, but he sure as hell isn’t going to give anyone any reason to question his actions, either. Tags: Whump; Hurt/Comfort; Blindness; On the Run; Blood and Injury; Self-Sacrifice; Hurt Bucky Barnes; Hurt Clint Barton; BAMF Bucky Barnes; BAMF Clint Barton; Developing Relationship; Rivals to Friends to WinterHawk Word count: 40k
(rec by tumblr: @southern-goth)
blood on my hands, love in my heart by hawksonfire https://archiveofourown.org/works/33643102/chapters/83604322
Summary: The lines in the Soldier’s forehead are gone in his unconsciousness, leaving a relatively young looking top half of a face. Clint has to put his bow away to get the mask off him, but it slides off pretty easy and he sets it aside.
The instant he turns back and sees the Soldier’s face, his jaw drops. “Holy fuck,” he says, astonished. “You’re Bucky goddamn Barnes.”
Tags: Deaf Clint Barton; Mercenary Clint Barton; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Not Canon Compliant; BAMF Phil Coulson; Director of SHIELD Peggy Carter; boomerang arrow; Sassy Clint Barton; Sassy Phil Coulson; BAMF Clint Barton; Violence only in the first and second chapter; Home Renovations; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Clint Barton's Farm; Clint Barton's Shitty Childhood; PiningMutual Pining; Sexual Tension; Nightmares; Chickens; Domesticity; Bucky Patching Clint Up; Chickenus Interruptus; Sharing a Bed; Cuddling & Snuggling; Boys In Love; Boys Kissing; Clint Barton's Arms; Hand Jobs Word count: 12k+
(self-rec by @spacey-acey-artemis: ‘this one has Hawkeye meeting the Winter Soldier’)
blood on my hands, love in my heart by hawksonfire
Summary: What if, after Clint Barton was left for dead by his own brother, he didn't become Ronin and instead became someone else? This is the story about the Winter Soldiers, and how they became two
Tags: Winter Soldier Clint Barton; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Pining; Idiots in Love; mentions of torture; Mentions of brainwashing
Word count: 7k+
(self-rec by @spacey-acey-artemis: ‘this one has a fun twist on Winter Soldier Bucky’)
The Storm Shall Not Wake Thee by dr_girlfriend
Summary: Following the events of CA:TWS, the Winter Soldier finds Hawkeye. Clint is still haunted by his own experiences with having his control stripped away, but together they find a way to heal.
“How did you even … how are you tracking me?” Clint tries.
The question seems to confuse Barnes even further. He looks at Clint, and then somewhere behind Clint’s shoulder, and then back to Clint’s eyes.
“I don’t know,” Barnes says again.
“Listen,” Clint says, taking a step forward, and Barnes flinches back instinctively, stumbling for a moment.
“Whoa,” Clint says. Before he knows it he’s sheathing the knife and grabbing Barnes’ arm, steadying him. Barnes blinks rapidly a few times, wobbling a bit before he seems to find his balance again. His slate-blue gaze, so intent a moment ago, seems a little unfocused.
“When’s the last time you ate? Drank something? Slept?”
“I don’t know,” Barnes says, Clint mouthing the lines along with him.
Christ, Nat is going to kill him when she finds out about this, but there’s nothing else Clint can do.
“Well, c’mon in the house. We’ll get this figured out.”
Tags: winterhawk – Freeform; Canon Divergent; Post CA:TWS; Selkie Bucky Barnes; Selkies; Deaf Character; Deaf Clint Barton; Clint Barton Has ADHD; Demisexuality; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con; Canon Disabled Character; Secondary Relationships are Background; Matt Fraction-inspired Clint Barton; All Characters Outside of Winterhawk Are Very Background; Single POVPOV Clint Barton; Clint Barton Has Self-Esteem Issues Word count: 45k+
(self-rec by tumblr: @drgrlfriendrgrlfriend) (I also love their stuff, so consider this a rec from me as well! - Lynlee494)
My Heart Will Be Your Home by dr_girlfriend
Summary: Four years after the Battle of New York, Clint has created a stable life for himself and his young daughter, free of the dangers of SHIELD work.
The Winter Soldier turned himself in to the Avengers, expecting a death sentence or lifetime of imprisonment. Instead, he found absolution and an invitation to join the team. He is still adjusting to life as an Avenger when he meets Clint Barton and his daughter.
The young man that Bucky Barnes used to be was wholeheartedly enthusiastic about meeting his soulmate, but Bucky is not sure there’s a place for him in his soulmate’s life anymore.
Clint has spent his whole life dreading meeting his soulmate, drawing false conclusions from the hurtful words that were spoken in haste. They are both drawn to each other and are willing to give this a try, but will have to work together to overcome the shadows of their past.
It’s one of the largest soulmarks Bucky has ever seen. The script in Bucky’s neat cursive handwriting starts at the crest of one shoulder and arcs below Clint’s collarbones to end at the crest of the other shoulder, golden letters that no tattoo ink has ever been able to replicate.
What kind of idiot are you?
Tags: winterhawk – Freeform; AU; alternative universe; Soulmates; Alternate Universe – Soulmates; Soulmarks; Soul Bond; Soulmate-Identifying Marks; Single Parent Clint Barton; Single Parents; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; SHIELD Veteran Clint Barton; Secondary Relationships are Background; Deaf Character; Deaf Clint Barton; Jewish Character; Jewish Bucky Barnes; Picking Through Canon Like a Junkyard to Find the Parts I LikeSingle POV; Referenced Canonical Character Death (Phil Coulson); Mild Derogatory Language (e.g. Idiot and Stupid); Canon Disabled Character; Disabled Character; original robot character – Freeform; Harm to a Child in the Context of a Nightmare; Fluff Word count: 49K+ (self-rec by tumblr: @drgrlfriend)
Freefall by dr_girlfriend
It’s a small hunting cabin. It’s unlikely to have heat or electricity, and it looks uninhabited, but it’s shelter, and Clint is beyond relieved to have managed to make it within striking distance. Just a little longer … a little farther …
It takes him long enough that he would be ashamed under any other circumstances, but eventually he gets the lock open and swings the door wide.
“Fuck me.”
It’s a small one-room cabin, dark and dusty, and notable primarily for the fact that the fucking Winter Soldier is inside, straightening up from where he was hunched by the fireplace, drawing his knife. Tags: Discussion of Canon Child Abuse; Discussion of Canon Brainwashing; Seizures; Epilepsy; Fluff; SHIELD Agent Clint Barton; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Strike Team Delta (Marvel)Sharing a Bed; Sharing Body Heat; Stranded; Slow Burn
Word count: 49k+
(self-rec by tumblr: @drgrlfriendrgrlfriend)
(Tell Me) It'll All Be Alright by Lynlee494
How do they do it? Boxed in like that. Back to the only open space around you? Sitting around all day. Nothing to do...” Clint’s voice is tinny through the comms. “Ooh, if you see any decent munchies, snag me a few. I missed dinner.”
“Hey, bird brain, focus. If we’re too late getting back, I can’t pick up Alpine from Kate’s till late tomorrow.” Bucky’s voice is low, while the building should be empty, they aren’t able to watch all the entrances from Clint’s angle on the opposite building. A lot of this relies on the element of surprise and stealth.
"Dude, you just walked past a break room.”
“Are you looking for stray guards, or are you looking for snacks?”
“Both, of course.” Clint scoffs on the open mic. “Wait! Nine o'clock!”
Bucky growls but reaches out and grabs a handful of caramels from a desk and puts them in the breast pocket of his tactical vest.
“You’re the best.”
“Shut up, Barton.”
Tags: Missions Gone Wrong; Hurt/Comfort; Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug; Hurt Bucky Barnes; Protective Clint Barton; Clint & Bucky’s Mutual Love for Explosions; Canon-Typical Violence; Clint Barton Needs a Hug; Bucky Barnes Needs A Bandaid; Whump; Clint Barton is a BAMF; Unreliable Narrator; Matt Fraction-inspired Clint BartonClint Barton Doesn't Have A Secret Family; winterhawk - Freeform; sniper bros; Pre-Slash
(self-rec by Lynlee494: *see above reference to 'shameless')
Barton and Barnes, the Marvelous Ex-Assassins by Lynlee494
Summary: It wouldn’t have been so bad, Bucky could have shrugged this off easily once he caught his breath, but he found the more he pulled to free himself the worse it seemed to be. Barnes thinks he hears shouting, but it is distorted and drowned out by the pounding in his ears. Ripping further at the trap that was furthering ensnaring him he found himself snarling and just ripping at it with brute strength and panicked rage that echoed of the Asset’s frustrated rampages through Hydra personnel.
Tags: Hurt Bucky Barnes; Whump; Bucky Barnes Whump; Hurt/Comfort; Whumptober; Whumptober 2023; Day 1 Prompt; Safety Net; Panic; "How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?"; Circus Performer Clint Barton; Circus Has Come To Town; Canon-Typical Violence; Bucky Barnes Recovering; Panic Attacks; Alternative Prompt; Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes; Clint Barton Feels; Dehumanization; preslashwinterhawk - Freeform
(self-rec by Lynlee494: *see above reference to 'shameless')
I Don't Remember How by AvaKelly (Part 1 of Kitty)
"How the hell did they wash you," he mutters as he raises from the chair.
"Hosed the blood down," comes from behind as the Soldier follows him toward the bathroom.
Clint almost screams right then and there.
Tags: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Pre-Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie); Where Was Clint Barton During Captain America 2?; the farm house; Gif Inspired; Oblivious Clint; there's a kitty; Memory Loss; clint adopts assassins; clint is in denial
Word count: 7k+ (Part 1) (rec by tumblr: @nana-evans) (assistance from tumblr: @therulingqueen)
___________________ Nameless by AvaKelly
Summary: A gun is pointed at him before he can even move from his position, the Soldier's metal arm steady in its aim. Clint sighs.
"Nemo," Clint says. "It's tattooed on your wrist, right here," he lifts his right hand and taps his left index finger where his palm ends.
The Soldier's eyes widen. "How do you know this?"
"I put it there." Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier; Past meetings; starcrossed assassins (not really); Memory Loss; Tattoos; jules verne references; Canon-Typical Violence; Hurt/Comfort; Recovery; Infinity Gems; Time Loop; Time Travel; Slow Burn; Action; Rescue Mission; Saving the World; mentions of torture; Tearjerker; Healing; obliviously falling in love
Word count: 101k+ (rec by tumblr: @nana-evans) (assistance from tumblr: @o-kaythislooksbad)
Author recs:
'Definitely try squadrickchestopher’s and teeelsie’s fics!' teeelsie: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Teeelsie/pseuds/Teeelsie/works
(rec by tumblr: @jinxquickfoot)
(rec by tumblr: @broken--bow ) -- squadrickchestopher: https://archiveofourown.org/users/squadrickchestopher/pseuds/squadrickchestopher/works
(rec by tumblr: @jinxquickfoot)
Lissadiane: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Lissadiane/pseuds/Lissadiane
(rec by tumblr: @sishal01)
‘I'm shocked that no one has recommended ArtaxLivs yet--particularly the True Colors series; Through the Looking Glass; Both, Both is Good; And the Stockings Were Hung; and The Happiest Place on Earth. The character insight! The inner anguish! The humor! The smut! ’
ArtaxLivs: https://archiveofourown.org/users/ArtaxLivs/works
(rec by tumblr: @feistygina )
***I was unable to find the following, however: ‘You should check Ava Kelly's "Kitty" series for Clint finds Bucky, it's awesome! Also, "Nemo", from the same author’ (rec by tumblr: @nana-evans) ***If anyone has a link? I tried to find both author and stories, and failed.
Thank you to @therulingqueen and @o-kaythislooksbad! The above fixed are now at the end, right before the 'Author Recs'!
27 notes · View notes
skellymom · 2 days
The Bad Batch Fan Fic x Non Gendered Reader
(My first ever TBB Fan Fic posted 7/31/23. Unfortunately, I didn't realize at the time putting the MATURE label on the bottom of the post would make Tumblr hide it's presence)
Tumblr media
Background: Force Sensitive learns to grow their Force powers. This timeline is several months after leaving Crosshair on Kamino, near the end of working for Cid. The Batch is trying to figure a hook to be independent and possibly start actively rebelling against the Empire. This is set well before Mt Tantiss. 
Warnings: Canon and non-canon violence, swearing, momentary and possibly gruesome death of main characters (no worries, they don’t stay dead forever), Crosshair is an angry psychopathic killer with a vengeance (no hate, I love his problematic ass), mild Hunter fluff, touchy concerned Tech, Echo swears (of course).
Word count:  2.1 K
You hadn’t expected to be separated from the rest of the Batch, however, Omega had other ideas “to help” on this mission. The Batch infiltrated this Imperial base for intel and possible chain codes to steal. You volunteered to run after and bring her back.  Spotted by Imperial stormtroopers in a corridor, you and Omega try to lose them, but they are hot on your tail. Omega hears the Batch’s voices down a hallway and runs to them. 
You and Omega skid to a halt at the edge of a missing bridge while the rest of the Batchers are on the other side.  The precipice between is a several hundred story drop within the Imperial base. The group of stormtroopers rocked up behind you, guns lowered.  Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker looked on impotently across the chasm, weapons trained on the stormtroopers.  The Batch are poised, holding fire, trying to avoid any possibility of you and Omega getting caught in any crossfire. 
Unfortunately, you had not finished training with your Master. Your Master did not survive Order 66. You were SO CLOSE to obtaining Jedi status.  Now it was up to YOU to save yourself and Omega.  Being captured was not an option at this point.  Although, allowing the Empire to take you and Omega might allow time for the Batch to retreat safely to fight later.  That carried serious risks.  You were very limited in options as far as your Force abilities.  Master had not given you a light saber, remarking that the Force had a different path for you. 
The lead stormtrooper immediately grabbed you as a human shield, just as Wrecker let loose a shot from his blaster.  He intended to shoot the stormtrooper but hit you in the chest.  You slipped out of the stormtroopers grasp and off the edge of the bridge. You met Omega’s eyes as she called your name, while being dragged away by the same trooper.  As your body went into free fall down the chasm, you could hear your Batchmates scream, curse, and start blasting away.  
As consciousness slips from your body, you close your eyes.  The sense of falling disappears, but you expected that by eventually reaching terminal velocity from this height.  You open your eyes and are standing on an outstretched infinite path within an ever-expanding universe.  Before you is a HUGE hulking creature with glowing eyes. 
“What’s happening?  Where am I?”  You are simultaneously shocked, afraid, and unsure if this is all a dream. 
The creature stares down, sizing you up. 
“ In The World Between Worlds.” 
“Am I dead???” 
“No. It is not yet your time.  You are here to finish your training.” 
“My friends need my help!  I need to get back to them!!!” 
“You will return to help them; it is part of your training.” 
“Who are you?” 
“That matters not.  Only your path is of importance.  You cannot progress until your training is finished.  The lives within your care hang in the balance.  You and your group are linked together in that realm.  Your failure will be their failure…until you succeed.  Then you will be released from this realm to continue your path.” 
It feels like the creature is staring into your soul, “The point of entry is behind you.” 
You turn around to see…a doorway?  A dark threshold surrounded by cryptic symbols, suspended among stars.  
“Are you ready?” 
“No! I…” 
Your vision becomes a blur as you leave that place and return to where you were standing before falling off the platform.  The vertigo messes with your senses, and it all feels like you had a momentary hallucination.  Now back in this moment, you quickly spring into action. 
You yell “NO WRECKER” immediately and Wrecker stops in his tracks.  Hunter is sensing something, but unsure what it is.  The Stormtrooper grabs you as a shield.  A second trooper grabs Omega and drags her away.  Omega starts using swears that only Echo could come up with as she is taken.  The Batch stand with blasters trained on the stormtroopers in defense but not wanting to hit you in the crossfire.  The trooper violently puts a foot in your ass and kicks you off the platform, then commences to start firing on the Batch.  You free fall down the chasm and… 
…pass The World Between Worlds for a split second, and then appear back onto the platform.   
You try again. 
Omega is led away swearing up a storm while the stormtrooper is holding onto you.  Hunter calls to you, and in that moment, you sense the concern and love in his heart.  You also sense a dark presence in the Force, look up to the platform above and see Crosshair with his Firepuncher trained on you.  He was watching this exchange the whole time, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.  In his jealousy and anger, he fires, hitting you dead center between the eyes.  The very last thing you see is Cross grinning as he hears Hunter lose his shit. 
The fabric of the connected realms brushes past you. 
You yank the stormtrooper into Crosshairs blaster bolt as his body is hit, he stumbles into Omega and both fall off the platform to their impending deaths.  The stormtrooper behind him, seeing the target they were looking to take is now gone, opens fire on you.  You fall off the platform. 
Before the trooper can grab you, you grab Omega and jump off the platform into the chasm.  With any luck, you can use the force to stop yourselves before hitting bottom.  Unfortunately, you and Omega’s fall velocity was too much for your Force abilities.   
You grab Omega but try to save only her.  As you fall past hundreds of platforms, you try to yeet her onto one as you fall.  You are falling too fast, and your throw was severely off.  You hear a sickening thud as she hits something. 
You attempt to Force jump, and only make it just short of the other side.  You yeet Omega across the chasm towards the Batch, Hunter jumps for her from the other side, and she slips from his grasp.  You hear them both scream above you as you fall.  Fortunately, Tech and Wrecker send out their grappling cables and catch both.  Blaster fire starts from the stormtroopers.  Tech is hit, falls off the platform, and takes Omega with him since she is attached to his cable.   
You Force jump again, Hunter jumps but misses Omega.  Knowing Wrecker will catch Hunter with his grappling hook, you send out a Force block in front of Tech. He is shielded from blaster fire, but Wrecker is hit by several bolts.  He falls off the platform taking Hunter with him.  You hear Wrecker’s insanely terrified scream as you all fall.  Hunter sends out his grappling cable and it catches.  His fall is stopped, but Wrecker’s weight wrenches Hunters body horribly.  He screams out in agony as he feels muscles tear.  They are hanging and safe momentarily…or so it seems.  A shot is heard from Firepuncher and Hunters cable is severed.  Both Batchers scream as they fall. 
You try to hold onto the edges of the realm as you pass through, but it evades your grasp. 
You grab the lead stormtroopers gun while he is still holding onto it and keep pushing his finger onto the trigger, you shoot him and several other imps.  You fire several shots towards Crosshair, preventing him from shooting at you.  However, one hotshot trooper in the back squeezes off and hits you right in the back fatally.  
Same scenario, but you spin the trooper around and use him as a human shield and the hotshot misses you.  However, Crosshair blasts you at the base of your skull.  The last thing you see is Omega’s terrified expression as you fall onto the platform next to your teeth his shot loosened in the blast. 
You are getting sick of playing this fucked up reset game already.  In your anger, you quickly grab the stormtrooper and throw his ass off the platform.  The Batch and Omega watch shocked at your anger.  The other stormtroopers are taken by surprise, as you advance on them and grab another.  Crosshair is attempting to aim, but you are moving too much. The hotshot trooper aims his weapon. You and the trooper in your grasp struggle violently. The hotshot cannot get a good clear shot.  Finally, he squeezes one off and misses you. However, he didn’t consider where Omega is standing, and she takes a direct hit. You hear your Batchmates scream in outrage. You scream in outrage. The hotshot screams in frustration, then double taps you and the trooper in your grasp in the head simultaneously. 
You grab the stormtroopers gun while still in his hand and shoot yourself in the head.  You just want this exhausting mess to be over. 
You fall onto the platform in a crumpled pile crying.  Stormtroopers AND Crosshair shoot you at the same time, resulting in a horrible, charred mess. 
You scream bloody murder and obscenities at Crosshair.  He shoots you between the eyes. 
You jump off the edge of the platform screaming obscenities like a crazy person. 
Before reset, you see the expression on the creatures face.  He looks disappointed and replies, “You aren’t even trying.  Reach out beyond the boundaries of your realm” As you angrily try to spout off to him, you are thrown violently into the next reset. 
Standing on the platform, you take a deep breath and survey the scene.  You mull over the creatures words.  Time seems to slow down: You sense the stormtroopers behind you, looking into each of eyes of the Batch; Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, up to Crosshair, finally resting on Omega.  You mouth, “Trust me” to her and she nods. 
Time suddenly slams into overdrive, and you instantly pivot to bearhug Omega.  The trooper misses your shoulder and grabs open air.  The shot from Crosshair’s Firepuncher, originally meant for you, hits the trooper right between the eyes and he falls off the platform.  You reach deep within the Force, grab the thin tether of this realm and open it wide.  You then realize you were only meant to grasp it at the start of your actions, not at the end.  You “push” through with the Force, taking Omega with you.  As you “slide” from one location to another, you pass the creature.  He nods as you pass from the world you left only a millisecond ago, through the timeless World Between Worlds. 
“Congratulations, Jedi!  Your training is complete.” 
You part the curtain to your world again, entering behind the Batch.  Hunter, before his eyes even register your disappearance on the opposite platform, senses a presence behind them.  His head whips around to see you and Omega are now out of harm’s way.  His jaw drops inside his helmet.  Tech, seeing Hunters reaction, immediately spins around, his eyes are visibly dumbfounded “What?  How?”  Wrecker calmly looks behind him, seeing you and Omega there safely, doesn’t question.  He barks, “MUAHAHAHA!  YEAH!!!” and opens fire on all the befuddled stormtroopers standing on the opposite platform.   
With Wreckers cover fire, Hunter grabs Omega and runs down the hallway while yelling, “Let’s go!”  Tech runs past and grabs your hand.  He’s usually not touchy feely, but somewhere deep in his logical brain he understands that whatever happened saved your and Omega’s life.  All the quick calculations he was running in his brain logically ended in you both dying.  Wrecker is happily hopped up on blaster fire and the relief you are both safe.  He follows running behind. 
Crosshair is left on his sniper’s roost.  He hasn’t EVER missed a target.  This was his first time. You were there one second and gone next to his surprise.  Stares down at all the dead troopers laying on the platform below, gnawing hard on his toothpick.  He’s angry…but intrigued.  Maybe instead of killing you outright next time, he can land a stunning blow.  The Empire might be VERY interested if he brought you in alive.  Cross sprints away down a shortcut. 
Your group reaches the end of the hallway and bursts out into the ship hangar bay.  A large battalion of stormtroopers meet you there, with guns aimed.  You all stop, out of breath, and possibly out of luck.  Echo swoops in with the Marauder hovering and laying down suppressive cannon fire.  Unfortunately, there are too many imps for him to dispatch while also landing successfully.  Hunter and Tech are furiously looking for a way out.   
You reach out with the Force and envelope Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, and Omega.  Before opening the fabric of this realm, you feel eyes on you.  Looking to a ledge several stories up, Crosshair meets your gaze.  You both stare intensely into each other.  Without even realizing it, you reach out and speak with the Force: 
“Because…” Slight shock registering on Crosshair’s face “…I can.” 
“You’ll regret this someday…when you’re all alone.” 
“I already am.”  He’s angry and hurt.  There is nothing more you can say. 
You slide through, taking all the Batchers with you and suddenly appearing within the Marauder.   
Wrecker: “WHOA!” 
Tech: Speechless, wide eyed…and STILL holding your hand. 
Omega: Dizzy and winded. 
Hunter: Rips helmet off his head. His expression is wild eyed and looks like he saw some serious shit.  “What was that place? Who was that creature?” 
Echo:  Spins around in the pilot’s chair, eyes wide “WHAT THE FUCK!!!” 
You grin.  And watch the Batch trying to piece together their sudden location movement and glimpse of the creature between worlds. 
Giving the order to Echo you bark, “Let’s go, soldier!” 
He’s still sitting there with a shocked expression, then laser blasts pepper the ship, and he regains composure.  Echo flies the Marauder out of the Imperial facility, off the planet, scrambles the ships jump signature, and punches it into hyperspace. 
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suguwu-gato · 8 months
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This one off line is actually so intriguing. He also says “I don’t want to go all out and get in trouble,” which indicates that Gojo has gone “all out” and killed at least one person before, and gotten in trouble for it (presumably from Yaga.)
Which makes me wonder— how many people has Gojo killed at this point in his life? Has Geto watched him kill people, helped for the sake of the mission? Or was it Geto who scolded him? (After all, at this point Geto being upset with him would hold much more weight to Gojo than if it were Yaga.) Are they asked at 16 years old to discern between “human curse user enemy= okay to kill” and “generic human enemy= not okay to kill?”
And if that’s the case— lets say Geto has seen Satoru kill people (curse users) before. Maybe he got in trouble with Yaga even. But obviously not serious trouble. When Geto went homicidal, how much of that could have been attributed to having been trained that it’s okay to kill “enemies,” especially enemies of jujutsu sorcerers? And I can only assume most missions are ended with killing— there isn’t really a jujutsu jail or prison mentioned ever, aside from the prison realm.
And what if— Gojo is allowed to get away with a lot simply by being Satoru Gojo, the strongest. Geto was considered his equal for a while. Maybe Geto found out the hard way that all this time Satoru hadn’t been getting away with things because of his strength, but because of his wealth and status as well, by being a Gojo. From what we’ve seen of the jujutsu world, it’s possible that if Satoru had wiped out the village but came back with two new recruits (remember, they’re always very short staffed when it comes to sorcerers) and in Satoru fashion just been like “hehe oopsie”….. I can’t really imagine them exiling him the way they did Geto.
Anyway. The hidden inventory arc is fascinating but I NEED more content of their time together before it. Three years of Gojo’s youth— and we only see the one week it comes crashing down and a time skip of the year after while Geto spirals. I want to know about the other two years. What were their other missions like? We only see Geto win one fight in the whole series, and yet he is considered very strong, on par with Gojo, who we only ever see lose one fight.
Basically? I want a short spinoff book of their time as students! Like volume 0. It will never happen, but I think aside from Geto and Gojo personally it would be a great way to show some world building, and expand on how jujutsu society (and the school itself) functions.
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ciderjacks · 5 months
Ok this is a story I wasn’t sure if I should tell, but I feel like maybe it’s relevant given the way some westerners tend to distance the victims of these bombings and massacres from humanity. Back when I was in DSMP fandom I followed an artist named Rice (@ was ricetronaut). They were a Lebanese artist. They were pretty talented, if I remember right they mostly made art of like. Tommyinnit, Tubbo, Ranboo. That circle.
They’d been shot by military forces, and when I followed them they were posting about their recovery. Specifically, I think the post I followed them for was a silly post about what their nurse thought the DSMP characters names were based on their Minecraft skins. Rice was also an orphan, their parents had been killed in an air strike, leaving them alone. With no parents to support them, they had to work constantly. Alongside this, they were still dealing with PTSD from being shot, and trauma from losing their parents. It was extremely stressful.
Eventually they couldn’t deal with the stress and pain, and took their own life.
Rice was 13. This was in 2021.
I’m only making this post because I really need people, especially those of us privileged enough to be living in a country that’s not subjected to these things, to recognize that these people are all human. The people you’re watching die were human. The people you’re watching survive are human. They’re the same as you are, they’re not naturally stronger or more resilient, they’re not any more prepared to deal with this shit than you, sitting at home, are. Their trauma doesn’t exist in a vacuum. This person, Rice, was a child. They were a 13 year old Minecraft fanartist. There are so many stories like this.
The people you see experiencing these genocides aren’t numbers—They also aren’t superheros. They’re just people. When you see them suffering you need to understand that person is no different than you, your cousins, your siblings, your friends, your classmates, the person you saw crossing the street yesterday. Remember that.
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Here’s some poems Rice wrote.
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whumpy-wyrms · 7 months
if i don’t finish chapter 11 by the end of tonight i give you all permission to yell at me until i do
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idsb · 9 months
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seventh-district · 4 months
takes a 5 minute break in the middle of writing a scene to sob over Swan Upon Leda by Hozier
#that’s it that’s the post#Seven.txt#writing stuff#hozier#music stuff#cw assault#assault mention#i am. working on something. and realized that the song could fit well into a scene for extra ✨symbolism✨#so of course i had to go listen to it and add it to the appropriate playlists#thing is i absolutely cannot listen to that song without breaking down in tears so. had a cathartic little cry#mid-writing session. as one does.#i’m sorry but if you expect me to be calm and normal when Hozier is out there being THE Man Ever. it’s not gonna happen#like not to be extreme but i don’t know if there’s another man on earth that i’d feel safer and more respected around#fighting for my life not to put him on a pedestal bc i Know he’s just some guy. he’s just a human like everyone else#but how can i be normal about it when he says women’s bodies have never belonged to angels#so they sure as shit have never belonged to men.#obviously he uses prettier words but. my point stands#comparing men assaulting women to an occupier upon ancient land??? *cries so hard i throw up*#Swan Upon Leda earned the honor of going on the very short list of songs that are too painful for me to listen to as Soon as i heard it#like yeah no i’ll never be able to casually listen to it but that is a Compliment. that means that it means Everything to me#okay anyways. *wipes tears* that’s all i just had to get that out of my system#crawling back into my writing cave now. i shall rejoin the world once this wip is Finished#*whispers* in related news. [N]MbD Sun may be the most insanely overprotective guy on earth but byGOD he never wants to hurt you#anyways eheheeeee back to writing my angst goodbye
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arthur-r · 7 months
lyrics: i’m a silly stupid angel, smile sweetly as you watch / and my wings are frail and brittle, and i whisper when i talk / please don’t remind me of the role i’m here to play / please god forgive me for the things that i can’t say / self actualization, maybe this is how it ends / i fall into formation, service is my fulfillment / i’m your soulmate in denial, self esteem gets in the way / and i’m just a little child who won’t live to see the day / when i’m regarded as a human being too / but all your lies just start to blend into my truth / self actualization, maybe this is how it ends / i fall into formation, service is my fulfillment / don’t try to tell me i’m not happy / don’t try to tell me this is wrong / don’t try to tell me that i’m broken / cause by now i’m too far gone / self actualization, maybe this is how it ends / i fall into formation, service is my fulfillment / self actualization, maybe this is how it ends / i fall into formation, service is my fulfillment / self actualization, maybe this is how it ends / i fall into formation, service is my fulfillment / self actualization, maybe this is how it ends / i fall into formation, service is my fulfillment
#hi i have a very important linguistics paper due in seven hours but i am distracting myself by playing vent music#inspired by: i typed out a long tagful of venting on wednesday night and then realized it was dumb to post it but it included the words#‘​‘tomorrow i will smile like a silly stupid angel’’ and so then the next day which is yesterday when i was once again anxious#then i wrote that part into a song. and now my roommate finally left the room for long enough that i could record it. very roughly#one of those songs where i need to get to a piano and figure out what the real chords are. but here it is for now#anyway this is about suppressing yourself in order to be more easily objectified!!!! because you feel like that’s your innate purpose#the deeper meaning of your life perhaps. the person you need to actualize. that is why i wrote this song#something something i don’t actually think this wrote this during an anxiety attack etc. me when it’s 2 in the morning on a wednesday night#and i have a midterm in the morning but i’m too busy sobbing to either study or sleep. college!! so much fun!!!!#anyways. i’m normal now basically. aside from extremely important paper due seven hours from now#but here is a song right now. i feel like a lot of us are struggling in the same boat#and i definitely am. PS this is not even about my relationship that im in right now. which is good shdhdf that would be an awful start#it’s literally so inapplicable to my current relationship. but i am just still insane. and so i am still upset and afraid. so yeah#anyway i’m in a little bit of a weird way i’m sorry for speaking weird and whatever. looking forward to dinner i think#i hope everyone is doing well. and let me know if you need anything#sending love from depression dorm room. and hope everyone is holding it together okay#me. my post. mine.#delete later#ask to tag
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
always get so pleasantly surprised when people really like my stuff i post :) love you all. whether you celebrate something or not around this time i wish you all the best <3
#i always first and foremost post for me if not otherwise stated on the post itself#and that is what i always have done and aspire to continue. but#it makes me happy to see so many likeminded people around me#sorry. i am getting sappy and emotional; today has been draining for reasons i do not know#i am very tired and it is late for me so i will try sleeping soon#i am glad to have found such a nice and large fandom in sonic. it has allowed me to try and be more approachable and friendly while still#being myself at my core interactions. this year has been strange and new and exciting so i figured i might as well try#and make some more friends. which i have; i am happy to say :’) i have always had a hard time socializing. and to find people willing#to understand the things i say even though it’s worded weirdly#and i’m happy so many can enjoy the art i post <3 it means a lot to me#especially when i feel as if i don’t do enough. i like many others have some. issues regarding worth and content but i am trying my best#and. am getting better at it 👍 i think i might be getting sick ergo the sappiness and long tags#but i don’t regret the things i say. i love you all followers mutual ppl i follow#there is so much space in my heart and i am not afraid to admit that i get attached easily and do not know where friendships begin.#but i. am willing to try and find out! if the gods are willing; hopefully a good new year for us all next week! and more commmunity and love#i hope you understand what i am trying to convey. ive been scared of being this open but if i am not then i will never know living#and loving <3 will still be posting obvs i am simply joyous rn! gonna sleep now :3
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