#I don’t feel safe. Isn’t that fucking disgusting. You might as well just kill me yourselves you fucking cowards cause I’m not going to do i
saturdaymournings · 1 year
I swear to god everyone wants me to fucking kill myself and I’m sick of it cause I don’t want to fucking die so stop egging me on you stupid cunts
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meles-merrivale · 1 year
April 5: Hate
Got a bit long, but there's always tomorrow!
written for @hinnymicrofic
It’s in the fucking walls. Not all the time. Well, not anymore, at least. But it’s still there, that fucking hissing. In the dim haze of empty hallways as she makes her way down to the pitch for early morning practice, slithering under the laughter in the great hall, stopping her dead when she takes a wrong turn on the second floor. 
It’s in her head. He’s still in her head.
She wants to be someone who laughs with Katie on the walk to the Room of Requirement because she's funny and not to drown out the memory in the walls. A girl whose hexes are powered by skill and talent instead of rage. But she's not. She's inkstained and angry. She flings herself into hexes and curses, gives a flourishing bow when the others cheer as she blasts the room apart, and when they start to trickle out for the night she keeps going. When she leaves she'll have to stop fighting. When she leaves she’s the same small girl in the same hallways, and he’s still out there. 
“Hey,” a familiar voice says, and a hand closes around her wrist. It’s warm, and familiar enough not to startle her. She’s not sure when Harry’s touch became familiar. “Might be time to give it a rest, no?” 
No, the twisting thing inside her snarls. The thing that shares classes with friends she almost killed, that never wants to sleep or eat or rest until Tom Riddle is burning in hell.
She takes a deep breath. Waits for the dust to settle from her last curse. 
“Probably,” she says, dropping her head back to grin up at Harry. He’d gotten a good bit taller than her over the summer. She’s decided it’s annoying and not a bit handsome. 
“Good, cause it’s almost curfew,” he says, dropping her hand and heading towards the singed dummy she’d been mauling. It’s only now that she realizes the rest of the room’s already cleaned up. Maybe she had been going a little overboard. 
“What’s this? The legendary Harry Potter, afraid of a little rule breaking?”  
“Absolutely terrified.” 
That gets a laugh out of her and a bit more gentle banter before they subside into companionable silence, packing away the last of the D.A. supplies. Quiet isn’t Ginny’s natural state, but she’s been surprised to find with Harry it’s rather nice. Safe harbor is the term that comes to mind, but that seems a bit melodramatic to think about a boy who, at the end of the day, is just her brother’s best friend. 
They’re set to start the long slog back up to Gryffindor Tower when Harry pauses, one hand on the Room door. “Listen, Ginny…” 
“Hm?” she prompts when nothing follows. 
“Look, you don’t need to say anything. But, um, are you okay? Cause you’ve seemed…tense. Tonight, and in general.” 
She opens her mouth to say I’m fine on reflex, then bites her tongue to give herself a second. When was the last time someone really asked if she was okay? Not this year. Probably not last, either. 
Looking into those bright green eyes, his brow furrowed slightly like she’s a particularly difficult star chart he’s trying to uncode, she’s pretty sure Harry is really asking. 
“Not really,” she says.
She’s not expecting it, the way it feels like exhaling. Like a rubber band she didn’t know she’d been stretching all year has finally eased. 
Harry doesn’t ask any follow up, just lets the air resettle around them. When it does, she finds it’s left space for more words to fill it. 
“I just…You-Know-Who’s back. And I’m so fucking angry. I hate him. I hate him, and he deserves it, but…” she takes a deep breath. “But I don’t think I like who hating makes me.” Harry's been a bit of a prat too, lately. She wonders if he'll get what she means.  
He blinks once, and there’s a flicker of what might be surprise in his eyes. But no confusion, or disappointment, or disgust. So that’s fine. She doesn’t mind surprising him. 
Harry sags slightly against the door, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Yeah,” he agrees. “Fucking sucks, right?”
Ginny snorts. It might be a bit on the wet, gross side of acceptable, but this doesn’t seem like the time or place to care. “That’s all you’ve got to offer?”
“That’s all I’ve got.” he says with a rueful smile. Which, she’s not sure what she really should’ve expected from a fifteen year old boy. But it is kind of nice, actually. Knowing this is all hard for someone else, too. 
Harry leans closer, sliding sideways across the polished wood of the door until his shoulder presses against hers. “Listen, Gin. I don’t know what’s going on in your head, or what it’s like living with, you know, everything. But, from where I’m standing, you’ve turned out pretty great.” 
That’s not quite right. Because he’s probably the one person who does get, you know, everything. Of course, that’s why she doesn’t have to say it. 
“You’re pretty alright, too.”
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icallhimjoey · 11 months
Okay I know I’m late again I’m so sorry, I’ve had multiple migraine attacks this week and looking at a screen for long periods of time was out of the question but I’m finally feeling better and can send this in!
I LOVE this chapter. It definitely wasn’t what I was expecting but it turned out to be so sweet and lovely and exactly what needed to happen. So lemme break it down:
Just, first things first, the fact that we feel safe enough to sleep in the same bed as Joe (a stranger), and then we’re able to fall back asleep after a nightmare that would otherwise derail our sleep?? That’s saying something.
(Also, the nightmare was very alarming and I’m hoping that if it’s reflecting real life that everything is okay ❤️)
The silence lingered a bit too long and Joe kept looking at you with his head leant back against the headboard, all half-lidded eyes, mouth in a weirdly charming half-smirk that made you grow self-conscious at a steady incline.
um, well that did things for me
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Joe scanned your features, then nodded in understanding and said, “Okay,” before moving the covers aside for you to get into bed next to him.
he knew what we needed! Ugh, soft!Joey 🫠
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Joe had latched onto your back, wrapped arms around and held you tightly. Squeezed the panic right out of you. Whispered right into your ear, soothing shushes followed by reassuring words of being safe, and it was just nightmares, was just thoughts in your mind, and it was just him.
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Joe was still hugging and squeezing, had an arm tightly wrapped around your waist and, yea, you felt gross. Damp. Hot and sweaty and sticky and absolutely disgusting.
But you also felt protected. Cared for. All safe and shit.
“Don’t apologise,” Joe suddenly whispered and wasn't that exactly right. You absolutely were about to tell him you were sorry. Sorry for waking him. Sorry for being all wet. Sorry for being there to begin with.
But you were just told to not do that, and so instead brought a finger up to your mouth to bite at the skin there.
“Go back to sleep,”
You felt Joe press his forehead to the back of your neck. Felt how he rubbed his skin against yours like a cat would.
“Can’t, I never can,” you croaked, voice in pain for whatever reason, slightly muffled from the fingers at your mouth.
“Try,” Joe said sleepily as he used the hand that wasn’t holding your wrist to save your other one from being bit at without looking. Brought your hand down to your stomach where he held it in place.
I feel scolded and taken care of at the same time and it’s making me feel some type of way that I might need to examine…
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(Also, that seamless transition from us as the narrator to Joe?? Amazing. So good. Chef’s kiss)
And we gotta talk about us lounging out in the sun with him, the physical touches, Joe taking care of us by way of ordering mocktails and moving our hand from our face to keep us from destroy our poor fingers, holding our hand, and just making us chill the fuck out. The people watching (literally one of my favorite things to do), when Joe kept us hydrated and fed and even fed us pineapple from his own fingers (!!!), what a perfect afternoon!
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This next part is going to kill me, isn’t it??
I can’t wait.
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girlie, are you ready ??????
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Piece by Piece: Healing Touch
"Your back is pretty fucked up, or so I hear every morning." Ignoring Steve's protests, he carried on. "If you let me help you with that, I swear on my guitar I will eat. Something. Nutritious," he spat out with feigned disgust.
"So...you're telling me that I get a massage and you start eating well?" Steve chuckled and the tension was gone, just like that. "You've got a deal. Seriously, Munson, where is the catch?"
But it's not that easy, as Eddie finds out. While Steve pretends to be okay, Eddie still hears the pained grunts, sees the stiffness of his boyfriend's shoulders. He's going to give him that massage if it's the last thing he does.
Part 2 of Piece by Piece series. (previous one HERE)
You can also read it HERE.
Taking care of Steve Harrington was proving more difficult than Eddie had anticipated. Ever since Steve's caring side reared its pretty head with the intent to ensure Eddie wouldn't die of malnutrition or diabetes and they had the talk in which Eddie agreed to eat normal food and Steve promised to have some of his injuries and painful body parts looked at, they lived in a delicate balance. Eddie passive-aggressively munched on pre-cut fruit and vegetables, only to announce "that's it, I kept my side of the deal, now show me that cut, Harrington." Steve would ask Eddie to check a sore spot on his side, letting him treat the scars that wouldn't heal as quickly as the others, and then resolutely shoved an apple in Eddie's hand. It worked, they were both getting what they wanted, except for one thing. The bloody promised massage. Steve's back was still a mess and Eddie was running out of patience.
Not that he would have ever had in his wildest dreams imagined touching the bare skin of the former King and all that (not without significantly improving his sprinting, evasion and subsequent camouflage for the rest of the school year), but life somehow wrapped Steve in a lovely bow and sent him Eddie's way, as if to apologize for the minor murder charges/bat mauling/messed up resurrection fiasco. As grateful and elated as Eddie was (constantly, 24/7 baby, 1986 really had been his year in this regard), Steve didn't come with a manual and Eddie was finding out very fast that his lovable ex-jock was prone to attempted self-destruction every two to three business days, sometimes on weekends and holidays too if he was feeling special (hint: always). The irresistible combination of brave, hot and stupid was suddenly way more concerning when he had the first hand chance to realize that Steve didn't even have the common courtesy to say "hey, I'm about to do something stupid that might get me killed!" as the kids often did (in different words but with the same meaning), he just went ahead and threw himself into danger. Again. And again. And again and again and again.
It wasn't that Eddie didn't appreciate Steve's chivalrous nature, he truly was his knight in shining armor, but he would honestly much rather get punched by some of Hawkins' finest vigilantes once, twice, or any number of times really to ensure that Steve wouldn't get pushed around, hit or worse for trying to protect him. It didn't happen often, fortunately enough, but it still did. And whenever they finally got home, Eddie almost tripping on the stairs to get the first aid kit and treating Steve's wounds, begging him, pleading with him to please not do this again, it's not worth it, he isn't worth it, Steve would just smile at him through his bloodied lips and simply say: "It's not your choice if you're worth it. It's not up for debate." And fuck that, fuck this and fuck that whole happy expression that screamed I'm so glad you're safe Eddie, don't mind my broken lip, don't mind the bruise, you're okay and that's all that matters. How was he supposed to argue against that? He just muttered "You get hurt one more time Harrington, one more time and I'm searching this whole stupid town to find Hello Kitty band-aids to stick on your stupidly pretty face whenever you get stupid ideas like this" and hoped, hoped so strongly, that Steve would listen to him for once, that he would get to keep him around longer and in one piece.
The massage agreement was a very desperate effort to at least give Steve something back, to take care of him for once. But getting Steve to agree to something and actually having him do it were two completely different things. As soon as the topic of the promised massage came up in their conversation, Steve assured Eddie that he was indeed looking forward to it, but really, if Eddie had something better to do, that was absolutely fine, the (terrifyingly familiar, nope, not going there, not thinking of her lifeless gaze, her stiff shoulders, what happened right after, back to Steve!) crunching sounds of his spine were absolutely normal, they never caused him any issues or pain and really, Eddie worried too much (all the snorts in the world couldn't unite in the supersnort Eddie gave at that proclamation. The nerve of this man). As if Eddie hadn't seen his careful stretching in the morning, time and time again, when Steve thought Eddie was still asleep in their bed. As if he couldn't hear the muffled grunt of pain when he touched certain parts of his body, or how Steve rubbed his neck more than seemed normal, or when he sometimes had trouble focusing on letters and played it off as a joke, that of course he can't read fine print, he's the pretty and stupid one of the group, hahaha. Eddie wanted to punch every single person who ever convinced Steve that feeling pain and ignoring his health was normal. And if Steve was the one who convinced himself, well. Then Eddie would have to punch him because he's a man who sticks to his principles. And then he'd kiss it better.
So yes, Eddie learned soon enough that Steve would find every single loophole that would allow him to escape his care. Which had led him to this point - grabbing Steve's hand, dragging him to their bedroom and pointing at the bed. "You're getting the massage now, Harrington, and I'm not hearing any response that isn't yes." But even when Steve is under him, just in his underwear and Eddie is spreading a massage lotion over his fingers, heating it up, when he kneads those stiff muscles, something isn't right. Steve is doing his best to do as Eddie asked, tries to lie still, but he is fidgety, tense, and Eddie is getting worried that he might unintentionally hurt him if they keep this up. And it's so, so frustrating, because he could see Steve was hurting, he had him right there, so obedient, but he couldn't do it right. The helplessness rose into his throat and threatened to choke him. He really tried to keep quiet, to focus on Steve and nothing else, but Eddie's mouth had a mind of its own.
When Steve's muscles tensed against Eddie's fingers again, but he stubbornly pretended that it's all good, it's how his muscles are, Eddie could continue, he just lost it. "I love you, you know. I may not say it enough, but...I hope you know that." Shushing Steve's attempt at a response and rubbing between his shoulder blades, he continued. "Please, just...just listen, okay? That way you feel about others, always protecting them...us...that is amazing, Steve. But have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe we might feel the same?" His voice was more strained now and he was praying that Steve would mistake the change in tone for physical effort. The massive knot in his back wasn't helping either. "But none of us are strong enough to do that. To stop others from harming you. Hell," he chuckled and nope, his hands weren't shaking at all, or maybe it was just the physical effort again, yep, that's it, "hell, we can't even protect you from yourself. I can't even...I can't even keep myself safe so that you don't have to keep rushing to my rescue and...and..."
Shit, he couldn't do it. He had it all planned, well, not for this moment and as much as his racing brain allowed, but instead of explaining to Steve how he could never protect others if he destroyed himself in the process, by appealing to his common sense, he just sat there, straddling Steve's lower back and mindlessly stroking all those scars that should have never been there, not for anyone, especially not for him. Steve's shoulders twitched when one traitorous tear fell between his shoulders and oh no, he was shifting, turning around and Eddie's eyes wouldn't fucking stop watering. He crouched down, fully lying on his boyfriend's chest and breathing a silent prayer to any gods who might be listening that Steve hadn't seen his expression. By the gentle hands stroking his back and tangling in his hair, he guessed that prayer wasn't heard.
"Eddie. I don't- it's what I always tell you. You are worth all of this and more to me. You're worth everything."
"That's not the point , Steve! Can you...can you imagine what it's like, seeing someone you love jumping in harm's way for your sake, again and again and just...being fucking terrified of the possibility that this might be the final straw, that thing which will take them away from you? Can you imagine just feeling good and grateful if I graciously decided to die for your safety?" He stopped himself, biting his lip. Perhaps more than he had to, but man. If  that sentence wasn't stupid, with all that had happened. "Don't-don't answer that. Please. Sorry. Thank you. What I mean is...I really, really want to keep you around for longer. Long. Very long. As long as you'll have me. And I can't bear the thought of that not happening...because of me. Saving the world, well, sure, that seemed like a good priority, but...it's got to be both of us, baby."
The gentle combing through his hair wasn't stopping, strand by strand, and Eddie allowed himself to relax into Steve, finally getting his breathing under control. In his whole life, he found being still very difficult, well, nearly impossible, he always had to be on the move, wild gestures, jumping on tables, pacing and all that, but somehow, Steve managed to do what any arguments, persuasion or yelling couldn't. What a thought.
"I'm sorry."
Eddie thought for a moment that maybe he imagined it, but nope, Steve definitely said that. Pushing by his knees, he moved next to Steve, not breaking their embrace but just changing the level so he could actually see him. Stroking his face and tracing the moles on the cheeks with fingertips, he smiled. "What a man. You even apologize for saving my ass all the time and getting punched when doing that."
Steve smiled back, but very briefly. He bit his lip and Eddie was very, very tempted to just abandon this whole conversation because what business could Steve have biting his lips? That was Eddie's job!  And then he shifted his gaze to the left. Eddie wondered for a split second if he lost Steve's attention, but it was still on him, just - again - his hair and the fingers stroking them. And not that he was a snob or something, but whenever Steve gave him this sort of attention, Eddie swore on all the gods and his guitar that he would get a proper conditioner or something, that if Steve loved his hair so much, it should be bloody worth it (he might have gotten a new shampoo promising to tackle the whole frizzy situation and it hadn't done shit, except for the next time that Steve came behind Eddie and sneaked his hands around his waist, burying his nose into Eddie's curls, he sighed like he was experiencing something special, not just the untamed beast that was Eddie's hair, and muttered "you smell like strawberries. It's nice" and that didn't start Eddie on a quest to figure out all the scents that Steve liked and getting a shampoo selection worthy of his fine nose, well...).
But then Steve spoke up again and that had Eddie abandoning the whole hair train of thought (hair of thought?). "I guess I never...I never saw it this way," Steve admitted in a low voice, still hypnotizing Eddie's curls instead of meeting his eyes. "I never wanted to make you worry, Eddie, I just...it never seemed that important."
"Steve." Eddie raised his other hand and shimmied closer, taking Steve's face in his palms. "There is literally no one more important than you. How could you think for a second it didn't matter if you got hurt?"
The chuckle that came out of Steve's throat got muffled by a peck on his lips, careful, as if he would shatter if Eddie wasn't gentle enough. "No one? Did I finally beat your guitar?"
"Cheeky bastard. For your information, you share the first spot. Don't let it get into your head. It's difficult to decide, you're both drop dead gorgeous and make the most delicious sounds," Eddie nudged Steve's side and enjoyed the moment of shared laughter before getting serious again. "Really, Steve. Why would you think that?"
More biting then, except not just his lips, but also chewing his cheeks and Eddie didn't have to be a psychologist to see that this was a whole new can of worms. "I..." the words got stuck in his throat and Eddie gently took his hands and moved them back to his hair, with a gentle sound of encouragement. That seemed to calm Steve down a bit. "It isn't that I don't think you care, Eddie. It's just that my parents," and oof, the tone makes it sound like an insult (and rightfully so, Eddie isn't a vengeful person but moments like these have him fantasizing of many, many things that the Harringtons deserve, and he has a rich imagination), "my parents never made any fuss about...you know. Me sometimes not coming home completely okay."
Eddie gave a disapproving "tsk" and returned his attention to Steve's moles and freckles. Apparently keeping an eye contact wasn't adding to Steve's peace of mind and...while those amber eyes were always on Eddie's mind, Steve's marks were close second. He could write serenades about them, create a whole campaign about navigating them, if he was willing to share (which he wasn't). Steve's skin was a like a whole new galaxy, just for Eddie to explore. "I know they have the habit to fuck off whenever," he mumbled against Steve's cheek, "so I'm not surprised they didn't take you to a doctor for...all of that. Jesus, Steve, I wish I knew back then, that it wasn't some jock fights or brokenhearted boyfriends. I would have dragged you to the hospital myself."
"I'm sure you would have," and oh, the brief press of lips on his forehead made Eddie's eyes swell with tears again. Not helping. "But it wasn't just the Upside Down stuff. It has...um...sort of always been like that?" Steve's chuckle sounded bitter and resigned at the same time and Eddie was a second away from bursting out the door, gathering the local pigeons and training them as his personal army to shit on the Harringtons' coats, car and preferably faces whenever they had the gall to show up in Hawkins. "I can't remember them ever taking me to a doctor, a hospital or even just putting a band-aid on something."
Eddie's breath hitched. "Not even when you were a kid? Jesus, Stevie! Even...even my shitty dad did that for me."
"Um." Steve's hand left his hair for a moment to massage his temples, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Actually, once. I was what, six or seven? I was running in the street, you know, a normal kid thing, when I tripped and scraped my knee. It wasn't that bad, it was just bleeding a lot, but I was freaking out. My mom took me inside and helped me clean the wound, when he...my dad, he showed up and caused a fucking scene about it. Apparently I was making him look bad." Scratch the pigeon plan, he would train a fucking eagle squad. "It looked like it might need a few stitches, but he forbade my mom from taking me to a doctor. He said that they would look like neglectful parents for letting me get hurt. And whenever I came back later, you know, after sports or fights, he would just look at me with that...that empty, disgusted look and remind me how my mistakes affected his reputation. So...I just did my damn best to hide all that."
"How..." Eddie gasped out, "how do you even hide that? I saw your face, man. After the Russians, after Jonathan, how the fuck did you hide that?"
"Well, they weren't home for most of that. And if they were, I just left them a note that I'm invited to a party or something, left and took my car. They never stay long, so it was just a night or two. It usually got a bit better then. At least the puffiness and color. You okay, Eddie? You...you are breathing kind of weird." Just like Steve, to be worried about him when he was casually talking about years of neglect, as if it was a funny party story.
Eddie fisted his hand in the pillow under Steve's head and, with great difficulty, unclenched his teeth. "I'm just trying to figure out what job would pay enough to allow me hire a hitman," he muttered, squeezing the pillow even harder. "Just...what the fuck, man?! Is that why you think you don't matter? Because you never mattered to them?"
"I don't- I don't think that. I just don't think about it at all," Steve admitted quietly. "And I don't hate it when you...take care of me. It's just not something I'm used to and I feel like I should be doing something. I don't know what. But I do hate that I'm making you worry about me, because you have enough shit to deal with. I just want you to be happy, that's all I've ever wanted."
"Oh, Steve." The words that rolled from his lips were soft and unguarded. Eddie had heard enough, but if he thought that understanding would make it better, boy, was he wrong. He could let so many things go, resigning himself to the knowledge he'd never be able to change things, but now his heart was breaking for Steve, as corny and cliche as it sounded. He climbed up and flipped them around, burying Steve's back in the mattress. He marveled at how Steve, much stronger than himself, never resisted, never complained, he just went along with whatever position Eddie craved. In more ways than one. He was looking up at Eddie now, lips parted, waiting. Eddie cupped his cheek and Steve leaned into it, absorbing the gentle touch as if it was the only thing that ever mattered. "It's you that makes me happy. All the time. Even when you play your crap music or when you shove vegetables down my throat, no innuendo there, I'm the happiest I've been in my whole life. And it's scary as fuck. I've never thought I'd have anything like this, hell, some days I still have to pinch myself. I can't help it but think sometimes that this is just a giant joke that the fate played on me or something, that I got to have you, got to have everything I've ever wanted, just to have it taken away. But when you let me care of you, I..." he bit his cheek, but kept his eyes on Steve's because he deserved to hear it. "I feel like I'm actually doing something to keep this. You. That I'm not just accepting what life gives me, but I'm actually reaching out, chasing it. You're it for me Steve, and don't blame me if I'm ready to do everything in this world to keep you, healthy, happy, all that." And shit, he let his mouth run wild again, that was a lot to swallow even for himself, not to mention anyone else, but Steve was listening intently, gaze hanging on Eddie's lips for every word and Eddie's heart feels like it's going to burst out of his chest. The traitor.
And then there's a hand on his cheek too, mirroring his, and Steve pulls him closer and his eyes are so vibrant, so beautiful. "I get it," he whispers and kisses the wrinkles leading to Eddie's temples. "I think I sort of feel the same, so I...I will try. I still don't know how to make myself more relaxed, but I'll figure something out."
Eddie kisses him then, deep and grateful, and he grins at the twitch Steve's body gives when he presses against him. "Good. Although now that I think about it...maybe I went about it the wrong way?" Seeing Steve's confusion, he trailed his calloused fingers over his boyfriend's chest and reveled in the sharp gasp it elicited. "What I mean is, maybe you don't need to relax during the thing. Maybe you just need to be relaxed beforehand."
"I don't see how that's easier," Steve muttered.
And Eddie felt the familiar wolfish grin tugging at his lips, because this might actually be it, he might have finally cracked one of the key sections of the enigma that is Steve Harrington. Steve who wore his heart on his sleeve, but whose mind and body refused to follow the lead of their honest owner. "Then what about I show you exactly what I mean, baby?" he said and disentangled himself from their embrace to flip Steve on his stomach again.
Turns out, his idea was correct. Because when Eddie's long fingers were taking Steve apart, inch by inch, slowly and with unbreakable focus, Steve's tension gradually went away. He was rutting into a pillow that Eddie had placed under his hips, pushing against Eddie's hand and gasping out incoherent words, only sometimes muttering "please" and "Eddie" as a prayer. Despite those extra years in high school, Eddie was a fast learner. He had months to learn Steve and his triggers, what made him writhe and grasp sheets like a drowning man, and he'd be damned if he didn't use all that knowledge to its fullest. Steve was the patient one in bed, always taking his time with Eddie, and Eddie now finally got what was so great about it, found it intoxicating to be the one holding all the cards. When Steve got too impatient, too lost in it, he would just shush him, still his hand and kiss that strong back until Steve's grip loosened, until he laid himself down and whined "I'm relaxed, I swear I am, for god's sake, Eddie!"
Between the twists of his fingers and gentle coaxing, Eddie lost track of time and he was pretty sure Steve couldn't remember the day of the week or even the month once he was done with him. Steve was lying on his stomach, breathing heavily and too spent to move. Eddie carefully removed his fingers, leaning down to kiss Steve's back and removing the soiled pillow. He absentmindedly wiped his hand on it. "That's it, Stevie," he whispered against his nape and reached for the abandoned massage lotion. "Just stay as you are." He shushed Steve's muttered complaints about not being able to return the favor and finally got to those stubborn muscles which were now too tired to resist. Steve hummed against the mattress but made no effort to resist and Eddie found himself grinning like an idiot.
Much later, when he had cleaned Steve and moved closer to get some well-deserved rest, Steve's lips moved, half-asleep. "Eddie?"
He wrapped his arms around Steve's middle. "Yes, love?"
"This was...so nice. I really liked it." He went quiet for a moment and Eddie thought maybe he was already asleep, but then: "I'm still keeping our deal though. You're getting a healthy lunch tomorrow."
Eddie groaned and buried his face in Steve's shoulder. "The things I do for love."
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
we can’t stop, we’re enemies.
Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader AU
Run-through: After the events of the last battle against Thanos, you teamed up with Sam and Bucky to carry on your superhero duties. You got along with Sam just fine, he was a really good friend to you. Bucky however, was not. From constant banters, to unnecessary hand-to-hand combat, to purposely getting each other in trouble during risky missions, to being the main cause of Sam’s migraines; it was safe to say that you and Bucky considered yourselves to be each other’s nemesis. Although that soon changes when, courtesy of your silly banters, a certain mission goes slightly wrong - one which involves strong chemicals which, unbeknownst to you, were designed to mess with the brain and hormones, thus encouraging the need to breed and procreate amongst all those who inhale it...
Themes: enemies-to-lovers, smut, sex pollen trope, dirty talk, swear words, fluff
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“How is it going up there Sam, talk to me.” 
You spoke, waiting to hear from Sam through the ear piece. 
The three of you were on a mission on unfamiliar lands. Rumor had it that some shady organization was conducting illegal experiments. The whole location was spooky, and you needed to be thorough and quick. So Sam decided to get an aerial view along with Red Wing, and see if there are any threats coming your way while you and Bucky decided to check out the underground laboratories. 
The whole place was shadowy and old, it almost seemed like no one had been here in a long time. But still, these people were criminals so you had to gather every evidence you could which would lead you their way. 
And so far, after exploring the place for the past half an hour, you found nothing major. Just weird laboratory glassware filled with liquids and what not. 
“Sam?” you called out again into the ear piece, keeping your gun at the ready. “Say something damn it.” 
His reply came. “There’s something sketchy about the building at the back, I’m gonna go check it out. But you have to promise me you won’t kill each other by the time I get back.” 
You and Bucky sent death glares at each other in disgust. He was on the other side of the lab, flipping through files and papers, while you were searching the cabinets and drawers. The two of you were separated by a steel workstation. Dark leather jacket, metal arm exposed; you’d find him handsome if he wasn’t so annoying. 
“Sure, whatever.” Bucky mumbled, being his grumpy self. 
You frowned at him, “Dude, drop your fucking attitude.” 
Bucky rolled his eyes at you, “Don’t tell me what to do.”
Sam roared through the ear piece, “Enough! Focus, you two are in the labs and we don’t know what’s in there. Just, maybe look out for each other. Okay? I’m going in.”
“Be careful, Sam.” You spoke, sending another dirty look at Bucky. 
“Yeah y-,” 
Sam got cut off. All you could hear was some static noises and then complete silence. 
“Sam? Can you hear us?” Bucky tried reaching out but neither of you could hear him. “This isn’t good.” 
“Damn it!” You cursed. “Maybe he flew out of range. Or maybe we’re too deep under.” 
For once in his life he nodded, agreeing with you. “Let’s just hurry up and see what we can find. We need to get out of here as fast as we can and get to the Jet.” He said, flipping through more and more files and papers, his metal arm glistening in the poorly lit room. 
You sassed in the same tone he used before, “Don’t tell me what to do.” And you earned yourself another glare from him. 
Fifteen minutes later and you two still had nothing to work with. 
“This is useless. There’s nothing here, this is just bullshit.” Bucky complained, slamming down a file on the workstation so hard that it made you jump. 
You were annoyed. You slammed a cabinet shut and turned to face him. “Oh I’m sorry princess, is work getting too tiring? Do you need a break? Hmm?” 
“Shut up, you’re the one who keeps whining all the time.” He wasn’t wrong. 
You stepped forward, grabbing the edge of the cold workstation. “Well maybe if you’d quit complaining and actually do your part of the job, then I wouldn’t have to whine about always doing everything on my own and you taking credit for it in front of Sam.” 
He leaned forward, his metal arm already denting his side of the edge of the workstation. “Maybe if you’d stop bitching about everything and everyone all the time then maybe we’d get along and actually get shit done.” 
You leaned in too. “Or maybe if just me and Sam teamed up, we’d work better. I still don’t know why he keeps you around. Take your metal arm away, what are you? Exactly, just a hundred year old, confused man.” 
He smirked. “And what are you? Just a spoilt, whiny brat who knows how to use a gun?” He knew just what to say to get the reaction he wanted out of you. 
In less than a few seconds you had your loaded gun out in front of you, aiming it at his forehead. “And guess what, she never misses a target.” You spat at him. 
You had done this before; aiming guns at each other until Sam comes to break the tension. But Sam wasn’t here this time. 
Bucky knew you would never pull the trigger on him so he gave you a handsome, arrogant smirk which only pissed you off even more. “Come on, shoot.” He provoked you. 
“Stop pissing me off.” You warned. 
“Or what? You’re gonna shoot me for calling you a whiny, spoilt brat? See, that’s exactly what brats do.” 
“James, stop.” Oh he was getting on your nerves. You were agitated. 
He just smirked and went on. “I actually believe that that might be your superpower, destroying people by annoying them to death with how much of a brat you can actually be.” 
You glared at him, unmoving, furious. You placed your forefinger on the trigger. “Say brat one more time and I will blow your fucking head off and when Sam asks, I’ll make it seem like an accident.” 
He leaned closer, aligning his forehead to the barrel of your gun. He stared at you with his stormy, ocean blue eyes; inciting you to just pull the damn trigger. He watched you with mischief in his eyes. “Brat.” He mouthed, smirking right after and waiting for your reaction. 
You clenched your jaw and shifted your aim just a little so that the bullet misses him but still shoots right by his ear. You pulled the trigger without hesitation, shooting at the shelf filled with dark red and brown liquids behind Bucky. 
Bucky maintained his calm and composure despite the loud sound of the shattering glass falling on the tiles right behind him. “Brat.” He said again, out loud this time. 
“I hate you.” You lowered your gun but then noticed something behind Bucky. Smoke, or some sort of vapor oozing out of the broken flasks and test tubes. You froze for a second. “Bucky, look.” You walked around the workstation and joined him on the other side. 
The vapor quickly filled the room like thick fog, reducing visibility and making your throat burn a little. You coughed; once, twice. You looked beside you and Bucky was standing there with a look of horror on his face. 
The moment his supersoldier sense got a whiff of the vapor, something in him ignited. No… 
“We have to get out of here. Now.” You heard his voice, then felt his cold fingers wrap around your wrists as he tugged you along, making his way out of the lab. He tried to hold his breath but he couldn’t hold it very long. He tried to find the door to exit the room but that was hard too because neither of you could see properly. 
“This stuff,” you spoke in between coughs, “will probably kill us, won’t it?” You held on tightly to his arm. “You need to get us out of here now.” The vapor was reducing your visibility more and more. 
He felt the side of the wall, looking for the metal handle of the door through which you entered the lab. “It won’t kill us.” He growled as he looked beside him. You were standing close to him, so close, holding on to his arm tightly, a thin layer of sweat covered your face. 
It was almost funny how you had your gun aimed at him just a minute ago and now you were relying on him for protection. 
“How can you be so sure? Do you know what this stuff is?” You asked. 
He sighed. He knew. “I have a hunch, but let’s hope I’m wrong.” He felt warm. Deep inside something stirred in him. Animalistic, primal, feral. It was there, pressing and burning. Guess he wasn’t wrong. 
He finally found the door and he pushed it open, letting the two of you out and you took off running at once. You tried to reach Sam. A couple tries later, he finally responded. “I got some names, I think we got what we’re looking for. Where are you guys?” 
“We found…. uh, nothing. We’re on our way to the jet, meet us there.” Bucky responded, running beside you. 
You were confused out of your mind, not to mention you felt feverish. Hot, and you were sweating more than usual in places you’d rather not think about. Something in you was yearning to break free. You felt chained, you needed release. You felt like something had awakened inside of you; a deep hunger. Aroused, you felt aroused. Or was it just the adrenaline rush? 
By the time you tried to figure out what was actually going on with you, you both had made it to the Jet. 
“I feel sick.” you mumbled, stumbling on your way inside the jet. “I think… I think that smoke poisoned me.” You placed your palm against the side of the plane to hold on so you don’t fall. You felt like gravity wasn’t pulling you down anymore. You were a little out of breath. 
Then you felt a cold hand on your shoulder. You grimaced as it only ignited the fire which you just found out had been burning inside you since you left the lab. 
“You’re not poisoned. You’re not sick, you’re gonna be okay. We just have to… we have to get home.” Bucky was worse than you were. His enhanced senses allowed him to feel everything you felt, times ten perhaps. 
His heart raced as he got a whiff of your fading perfume, mixed with the adrenaline pumping through your veins and your natural, raw scent. He could feel your arousal from here, and it pulled him in so easily. All he wanted to do was to tear your suit off, pin you up against the side of the Jet and fuck the living hell out of you, stretch you out and just rail you until you could no longer take it. 
You looked up at him; heart racing, palms sweating and even your mouth was salivating more than usual. “You know what that thing was, don’t you?” You asked, ignoring the way his cold hand upon your shoulder made you want to lean into his touch even more. “What was it?” 
You saw the look in his hooded eyes. Bucky sighed, pulling his hand away from you and the loss of contact made you whimper ever so quietly. You felt warmer and more and more breathless with each second that passed by. 
“They used to make those substances, long ago back when I was with HYDRA. I didn’t expect to find those here. They were used to… to try and see if they could get super soldiers to procreate naturally.” Bucky explained and waited for your reaction. 
“Sex pollen. Correct?” 
He nodded, “Yes.” 
You were a little shaken, but relieved knowing that at least it wasn’t poison and you wouldn’t be dying a painful death. “That’s… I mean, it could have been poison.” You didn’t know how to react after you pieced it all together. “How long before it wears off?” 
“Twenty-four hours unless...” 
“Unless what?” 
“Unless you fuck it out of your system well enough.”
That had you surprised. “Oh. Well that’s just great, isn’t it? Fucking perfect. I’m screwed.” 
Bucky tried his hardest to refrain himself from leaning in and biting that sassy mouth of yours, shoving his tongue past your lips to shut you up, to hear you moan and gasp and cry out his name as he takes you however he wants to… 
“We.” He corrected you. “It’ll get worse every hour.” He replied. 
You sighed and moved away from him, unzipping your combat suit partly and removing the jacket because you couldn’t handle the heat. Bucky cursed as you stripped into just a tank top and tight pants, right in front of him. He felt his cock get harder. 
“Can you not?” He sounded pissed off again; frustrated. “This is all your doing. The least you can do is make this a little bit easier for both of us.” 
His words made you turn around and glare at him. “How is this my doing? I didn’t even know what was in that lab.” 
He stepped forward, instinctively. The sight of your exposed neck and your soft skin was making him think of unspeakable things that he wanted to do to you. As he advanced, you tried not to look down at his cock, straining against his zipper. Your heart raced as you took in the size of his bulge. Enhanced super soldier indeed. 
“Had you not been a spoiled brat who can’t take a joke, you wouldn’t have tried to shoot at me nor would you have shot those flasks!” He argued, feeling more and more warm as he got closer to you. 
You took a step forward as well, fueled by annoyance, lust and anger. “Who was it who provoked me into doing that because they couldn’t keep their fucking mouth shut, huh? That’s right, your annoying ass!” 
Bucky pushed you against the side of the Jet without a second thought. He grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head with his hand while pressing his body into you, his metal arm circling around your waist and pressing you further into him. 
He hadn’t thought this through. He hadn’t thought about how your warm breath would feel against his skin, or how warm your body would be under his touch. You felt feverish, having him this close. His tall, large frame and his tight grip made your whimper under him. Your body reacted to him naturally. 
All you felt was warm, his body heat, his scent. The feeling of his cold leather jacket against your flushed skin. You wanted him. Or rather, your body did. 
“Don’t you provoke me now, you fucking whiny brat.” He whispered, menacingly into your ear. 
You tried to ignore the shivers his voice sent down your entire body. But he saw it. And you could feel his erection press against your crotch. Just to mess with him, you discreetly moved your hips against his, making him hiss loudly. 
“What are you gonna do about it, dipshit?” You sassed, knowing that given his intensified senses he must be feeling much worse than you. 
He groaned as you kept grinding against him, your pulsating core rubbing against the bulge in his pants. And that only made it worse for both of you. 
“Fuck…” Bucky swore, before quickly pulling away from you, but not releasing you yet. “You’re such a bitch.” His body was screaming for you, each nerve ending of his was on fire. A fire only you could douse. 
You were just the same, on the edge and wanting to reach out for him; knowing he would satiate your hunger better than anyone could. Your body was throbbing as you stared into his eyes, your gaze lowering down to his dog tags. How you wanted those dangling right above your face… 
You heard someone clear their throat. It wasn’t Bucky. 
“Something you two need to tell me? Or is this just your new way of trying to kill each other?” A deep voice asked from behind Bucky. 
“Sam! Are you okay?” You escaped Bucky’s grip and rushed to Sam. 
He seemed alright to you. He nodded. “Yeah, we just need to get home. I need to notify the team and see what we should do next. What was in those labs?” 
You glared at Bucky. His smug face alone was pissing you off, but God right now you wanted to ride that man until the sun came tomorrow morning. 
“Just a bunch of useless experiments. Nothing major.” He glared at you as he said the last bit to Sam. 
The ride back home was one of the most painful, annoying and frustrating situations you had ever undergone. Each time you felt like someone was watching you, you’d turn your head to the side and find Bucky staring; and his stares would make your body tremble in need. 
Meanwhile he was having a hard time too, in more ways than one. He could feel his blood rush south even at the brief sound of your voice whenever you sighed in annoyance or talked to Sam. Luckily the latter could not pick up on the thick, sexual tension. 
Once at the compound, you each hurried to your own rooms and that’s where you stayed until the evening. Sam found it weird that you both skipped dinner but he didn’t need another headache today so he went to bed, telling himself that he’d deal with you two tomorrow morning. 
Bucky was a mess. Even after an hour under the cold shower his body was still calling out for you. He tried taking care of his business on his own, but that wasn’t working. He was still so hard it was painful. Nothing could make this better, nothing could soothe the pain - nothing but you. He needed you so badly it was driving him insane, like he was an animal in heat being asked to suppress his feral desires towards his mate. Being away from you was painful. He couldn’t help but hate you for no reason at all usually, but he’d do what it takes to be inside you and make you scream his name right now. 
You were equally as troubled at the super soldier. You tried taking a warm bath and tried to think of other things you could focus on, but nothing worked. Your toys didn’t seem appealing tonight, you needed him, all of him. You shivered at the thought of his taut, virile body under yours, or above. His masculine scent, the sound of his moans, would he bite?… fuck. You could feel your arousal leak out of you every now and then, it was insane how aroused you were. You couldn’t look at him for long without getting unnecessarily annoyed, but you would do anything just to have him rearrange your guts right now. 
What made it worse was that neither of you could stand each other at all. Enemies, you called yourselves. But right now you couldn’t help but crave each other in the most salacious way possible. 
Fuck this. You couldn’t take this anymore. You decided to swallow your pride and make your way to his room and ask him if you two could come to an agreement on how to fight this thing because it would be impossible to go another twenty hours feeling like this. You were burning from the inside. This was unbearable. 
Just as you opened your bedroom door, you were slightly surprised to find Bucky standing right outside your door. His metal hand up midair, as though he was to knock on your door and you happened to open the door just in time. You almost drooled at the sight of him; sweatpants and a tight, white t-shirt. You swallowed and cleared your throat. 
“Hey.” You greeted him, not knowing how to deal with this situation. You felt so drawn to him in that moment, so damn restless and needy that it was hard to breathe right while looking at him. 
“I was, uh, about to knock…” He didn’t know how he got here, he didn’t remember. Maybe it was the chemicals messing with his brain and turning him into a hungry beast. He didn’t care that he was knocking on your door in the middle of the night, he wanted you. He was craving you and that’s all he knew. Also the oversized t-shirt, the only you were wearing at the time, was not helping at all. 
“Yeah, um…” you rambled then stopped talking the moment you found him staring into your eyes with a wild look in his eyes. 
That was it. 
You grabbed him by the waistband of his sweats and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind him. Before Bucky could process anything, you had him pushed against your closed door and your mouth was on his, kissing him hungrily. Your hands slowly slipped under his tight t-shirt and you lazily trailed your hands up and down his toned abs. 
His hands gripped your hips on either side as he kissed you back with just as much ardor as you did. His body ignited the moment he felt your lips and hands on him, yet the heat was weirdly satisfying; it stimulated him but calmed him down at the same time. It felt perfect. This was just what he needed, you. 
Your movements were rapid and passionate, fiery. Hands roaming each other's body, touching and feeling and exploring; making each other moan like you were both touch-starved. 
You let out a soft moan when you felt his tongue slip past your lips, stroking the top of your mouth while his metal hand slipped under your shirt. Your body was tingling wherever he touched you. His touch made you feel way better than you had felt in the past few hours and you were grateful. Your moans sent his mind straight to the gutter and he couldn’t wait to be inside you. 
“I need you…” you whispered against his lips as you pulled away to catch your breath. “I need you to fuck me… right here, right now.” Your demands made him smirk as he looked down at you with lust in his eyes. 
“Oh?” he managed to still find the energy to be an ass to you. “Why don’t you go on and beg for it, then?” 
You scoffed, leaning in to lick his lips while you hand dipped into his pants. You grabbed his erected cock and gave it a little, gentle squeeze. He moaned like he hadn’t been touched in forever. Like he was desperate for one thing and one thing only; you. You whispered, “You need me too, Bucky. I’m not gonna beg you, I’m doing you a favor here.” You slid your closed fist up and down his length and made him moan some more before you let go and watched him groan and clench his jaw in annoyance. 
He looked down at you, panting in need just as you were. His hand slid into your hair and he gripped it, tugging on it just enough to make you gasp in pleasure and pain. “Still a fucking brat with that annoying attitude I see?” He leaned in to bite your exposed neck, making your cry out in pain before he licked the spot, soothing it. “Don’t worry doll, I’ll fuck all that attitude out of you.” 
He let go of your hair but tightened his grip around your waist as he placed his mouth back on yours. Kissing you like there’s no tomorrow; biting your lip and bruising your already swollen mouth. He was wild, and you needed it and more. 
He pushed you down on your bed, and stood back to watch you for a moment. How did he never realize that you were so naturally beautiful? He looked down at you like a predator looking at his meal; fiercely, ready to ruin you and make you scream and beg and satiate his hunger. As well as yours. 
“Well, if you’re done staring…” you knelt on your bed and reached out for him, grabbing him by the neck and pulling him closer. “I want you in me. Now.” Your demanding tone riled him up. 
Bucky grabbed you by the hair and tilted your head back again. “If you wanna get fucked, you’re gonna ask nicely. Understood?” 
You glared at him, shooting death glares right at him while your hand palmed him through his sweatpants. “I fucking hate you.” You spat at him, whimpering as he pushed you back down on the bed, quickly climbing on top of you this time. 
“I hate you too.” He knelt on your bed, straddling your waist as he tore your oversized shirt in half and off your body, throwing the pieces of fabric somewhere on your bedroom floor. You laid beneath him in just your underwear and he growled. 
“That was my favorite shirt, you fucking idiot.” You whispered, breathless, shivers dancing down your spine as he traced your mouth with his two fingers, slipping them past your lips once, then twice then trailing his now wet fingers down your neck, till your belly button. 
“You think I care?” he leaned down and took one of your breasts into his mouth, kneading the other with his metal hand. The contrast of his warm mouth around one and his cold hand around the other was driving you crazy. He bit, and tugged and licked; making your back arch off the bed as you purred in pleasure. 
Your hips moved on their own, grinding against his erection again to try and alleviate the pain. You were desperate. Bucky pinched and rolled one of your nipples while he lightly grazed the other with his teeth, and you let out a loud moan. 
“Please… please, I need you. Please…” You muttered under your breath, knowing he could hear you. Bucky smirked as he pulled away from your chest, ignoring the way his cock throbbed. “What’s so fucking funny?” You grabbed him by the throat, pulling his face closer to yours. 
His metal arm reached down in between your legs and he ripped your underwear off. The fabric hurt just a little when it tore against your skin. “Just that it's the first time I heard you asking for something so politely. It’s not so hard after all, is it?” 
Now he was pissing you off. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and flipped the two of you around. You got on top of him and straddled his waist, trapping him under you like he had you before. You had better control like this. 
You grabbed him by the jaw and leaned in to kiss his lips, fiercely. “Stop fucking playing, Barnes.” You whispered against his lips, grinding against his hard cock again. He closed his eyes and hissed in pleasure as you kissed down to his neck, nibbling on his skin along his throat. 
He moaned, hands gripping your hips and guiding you as you rubbed your bare core against his clothed erection. “No? I thought brats liked games?” He mumbled. 
You pulled away from his neck and looked down at his smug face. “You are so fucking annoying.” You reached down in between your bodies and lowered his sweatpants all the way down until he kicked them off. You grabbed his cock and stroked him gently, agonizingly slow. He moaned shamelessly, and eventually caught on that you were just teasing him even more. 
“Don’t tease me…” he sounded just as breathless as you were. 
“Why? Not so fond of games anymore?” you sassed, rubbing your throbbing core against his thigh while you stroked him so gently that he felt like he was losing his mind. 
He growled as he grabbed you by the waist and flipped the two of you around, him being on top again. “Enough,” he growled in your ear, “Spread those legs for me.” He ordered, settling in between them as you spread your legs to accommodate him. He grabbed your thighs and parted your legs even more as he aligned the tip of his cock to your opening. “Now stay still, don’t move.” 
You braced yourself for him, but nothing could have prepared you for that. His length stretched you open until he was seated deep inside you, filling you up entirely to a point where you couldn’t even think of anything else other than him being balls deep inside you. 
You moaned as he removed himself entirely and pushed himself back into you, and watched in awe how you struggled to adjust to his size. He lowered his face again, and leaned into your ear, “Fuck….” you heard him moan; panting and swearing under his breath as he rocked into you. 
You were a moaning mess under him in no time. He kissed your open mouth while he rammed into you over and over again, making your eyes tear up. The burning need subsided a little bit as his cock brushed against all the right spots inside you. “Buck… faster, please,” You whimpered. 
He chuckled into your ear, “Needy little brat…” he mumbled as he sped up into you, making you lose your ability to focus on anything else other than him and his body. He pulled away from your face to look down at you, his metal hand coming up to wrap itself around your throat. “This is what you wanted since we left that lab, huh? For me to fuck your greedy little cunt? Hmm?” He taunted as he stretched you out completely. You lifted your legs up and wrapped them around his waist; allowing him to thrust deeper into you. 
You felt tears escaping your eyes as he pulled you closer and pressed his forehead to yours fucking deeper into you. He was relentless; each moan which left your lips only encouraged him to get more and more rough. 
You felt a pressure form in between your hips, your body begging for release. “Bucky… please.” You moaned, begging. For something, anything. You’d take anything at this point. But right when your walls started clenching around him and when you were just about to come undone; he pulled out. 
“Please what?” He surprised himself with how he was able to tease you in this situation when all he wanted was to make both of you cum over and over again. 
“I need to cum, Bucky please,” you cried, with tears in your eyes. 
Bucky leaned in to kiss your swollen lips, not minding the tears. “Do you deserve it?” He asked, and you nodded immediately, your body shaking with how bad you needed to cum. “Oh you do, do you?” 
You nodded again. “Please…please...” 
“Well since you asked nicely…” Bucky flipped you onto your stomach and pulled you onto your knees by your hips and pushed himself inside you again. You felt his muscular body press against the curve of your ass as he filled you up again. 
He rocked into you from behind. His hand found its way to your front and he pressed the palm against your lower abdomen. He liked how he could feel himself deep inside you with each thrust. And he liked how that drove you insane, he could by the way your walls gripped his cock. 
“Feel that, little brat? That’s all you’re good for… to take my cock like a good little slut.” He whispered. 
You groaned at the sound of his raspy voice, his words making you milk him even harder. “You wish, you dipshit.” You moaned as he sped up when you least expected it. You whimpered, and he chuckled now that he had you at his mercy. 
His hand travelled all the way to your throat and he choked you gently as he bent down to whisper in your ear, “I can assure you that no one is ever gonna fuck you this good,” he boasted as he very gently squeezed the side of your throat. But hard enough to make you lose your mind.
You could only moan and whimper in response while he kept pounding into you incessantly. “Fuck… please....” you cried. 
You felt the pressure in between your hips grow until you couldn’t hold back anymore. You felt him quicken his pace as he chased his own orgasm. “Cum for me. Now.” 
You didn’t have to be told twice. You came undone, hard and fast; moaning his name as you did. Bucky came right after you. 
You collapsed onto your bed, sprawled unevenly and not even caring. Your eyes were shut in fatigue, your heart racing and you could feel Bucky’s body heat right next to you. He was catching his breath too, mumbling something under his breath which you couldn’t catch. 
For the first time in hours, you felt at ease. Your body wasn’t yearning anymore, but the hunger was still there. So when Bucky got up to leave, you grabbed him by the hand and pulled him back into bed with you. 
He smirked as he fell helplessly onto your bed again, right next to you. “You want more, you greedy little brat?” 
You punched his arm before getting up and getting on top of him again, sliding your body down his cock. He hissed as you did. 
“Just another round.” You whispered, loving the sight of him under you. His tan skin against your white sheets, him moaning as you slowly lifted up and sank back down on his cock. Oh fuck… 
You placed your hands on his muscular chest to hold yourself up as you sped up, riding him like you’ve been dreaming of this whole time. His hands gripped your hips, guiding you up and down his cock until you both found a pleasurable pace. 
You weren’t going to last too long, but you just needed to have him buried deep inside you again. His thick, girthy cock stretched you open as you took him as best you could, moaning and whimpering desperately as he groaned and gasped under you. 
Your walls gripping him and milking him like they had earlier, not even a few minutes ago. You felt the pressure forming nicely in between your hips again. You let out a loud moan as you felt his cock reach places it hadn’t before, turning you into a mess. 
His grip on your hips tightened as he brought you down on his cock with force each time and thrusting upwards to fuck you deeper. “Cum for me.” He threw his head back, growling. “Cum for me again…” 
Your hand grabbed him by the jaw and you leaned in to press your lips against his, claiming his open mouth and muffling his animalistic growls as you came undone around him again. Your orgasm then triggered his. 
You fell limp on top of him right after and he instinctively cradled your head. “You okay?” 
You nodded, your sweaty bodies pressed against each other but neither of you minding it. “Yeah.” 
Bucky gently rolled to his side, letting you down on your side of the bed. You tried your best to calm your racing heart. Not to mention you felt much, much better than earlier. 
Bucky got up to leave again, and you grabbed his hand before he got completely out of your bed. He turned to face you with a smirk then groaned dramatically, “Woman please, I’m not a machine. The pain will subside now, I believe we’ve done pretty good at fucking it out of our systems. I can’t go all night, seriously.” 
You were in a haze so his words made you giggle. “You’re really leaving?” 
He looked down at you, sprawled on your bed. Your face was glowing, you looked ethereal. “You want me to stay?” He asked, wondering where the sassy brat in you went. 
You nodded. 
He smirked, getting back into bed next to you, “What, now you're obsessed with me?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Shut up. I’m just saying since I might need you again in the morning, you might as well just sleep here.”  
He pretended to be hurt. “Wow.” He didn’t mind that at all. He got under the covers with you, “So… is it just the chemicals or are we…?” 
You snuggled closer to his side, he wrapped his arm around you, tucking your head under his chin. “Shh, I still hate you.” Your tired, soft voice reminded him of a sleepy kitten. 
He held you closer. “Of course.” He looked down at you and saw that you had already fallen asleep on his chest. He cracked a soft smile, whispering under his breath, “Brat.” 
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forever-rogue · 2 years
Time & Place - Part I
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AN | A million things to do and write, and here I am, once again clowning. This came to me and I decided to run with it. It’s just going to be a little mini-series [maybe 3 parts or so]. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Javi? Especially post-DEA Javi? Well, I do! Enjoy 😌
Summary | After a long week you just wanted to unwind with a quiet drink at the bar. But the universe was not so kind and had other plans. Luckily, fate decided to throw you a savior just in the nick of time.
Pairing | Javier x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Reader gets harassed by a man at the bar [nothing explicit], motions of injury, and some minor violence
Word Count | 1.7k
Masterlist | Main, Javier
Part II | Part III
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You’d thought this place would be safe; as safe as a bar in the not-so-great-part of a big city could get. You really should have thought that one through more thoroughly. The more you thought about it, the more you realized what a completely dumb idea this was.  In the future you weren’t going to go to any bars alone - if there was a future after tonight. 
The man that had been leering at you from across the bar was sending all the wrong kinds of shivers up your spine. You’d had this grand idea that after a long day - week - at work, you’d just stop at the bar and have a drink or two to unwind and decompress. You just wanted some peace and silence. You can’t really blame anyone for that, can you? You hadn’t told any friends what your plans were or where you were going - another mistake you realized. No one had come with you and you thought that would be fine. You were camped in the far corner of the place, pouring over the day’s newspaper, minding your own business. Every part of your attitude, your body language, your quietness should have been a sign that you wanted to be left alone.
But this guy had other ideas. When you’d first felt him leering at you, you shot him a quick smile in the hopes it would ward him off. Your efforts had the exact opposite effect; he almost caused you to jump in surprise as he slid into the opposite side of the booth from you. The stench of alcohol and bad body order overwhelmed you within an instant, causing your stomach to churn as he offered you a disgusting little smirk. Your heart was practically slamming against your ribcage, threatening to burst out as you tried to figure out what to do. Frantically looking around, you realized that no one was even looking in your direction. Fuck.
“Well, well, well. Hello darlin’,” he leaned in as you grabbed your newspaper and tried to stuff it into your bag, “what brings a pretty little thing like you here?”
“I’m…ughh,” you swallowed thickly as he reached over and put his hand on top of yours, clinging on tightly when you tried to pull away, “I was just leaving. I-I need to go.”
“I think you should stay right here,” he insisted, leaning in and squeezing your wrist so tightly it started to hurt, “you should know better than to come to a place like this alone. Might meet the wrong sort of people.”
“I think I already have,” it came out as a hiss as you tried to pull out of his grasp, “I may be dumb for coming here alone, but that doesn’t mean I’ll let you do anything to me. Now let go of me.”
“I don’t think so,” he insisted, but before he could go anything else, he was grabbed by the shoulders and thrown out of the booth. The whole moment took you by complete surprise as you pulled your hand back, still feeling the touch of his fingers on your skin. Tears stung at the back of your eyes as you tried to keep from crying, “what the f-”
“I suggest you leave right now,” a deep voice told him, “and I won’t kill you. If I ever see your face again, I won’t be as generous as I’m feeling today.”
“A whore like her isn’t worth this,” you’d closed your eyes out of instinct and could only hear the horrible crunch of bone before the man cursed. You heard him crumple to the floor in a heap, as the other man breathed heavily.
“Leave,” he insisted, his tone low and dark, sending a different kind of shiver throughout your entire body, “don’t ever let me see your face again. Next time I will kill you. Claro?”
“Yeah,” you opened your eyes just in time to see him scrambling to his feet and running for the exit, blood dripping down his face and onto the worn wooden floor. A few people had turned to see what the commotion was about, but everyone quickly went back to their own conversations. Perhaps this wasn’t a rarity at a place like this. You let out a shaky breath before you allowed yourself to calm down. You were alright; you were safe. This complete stranger had protected you.
“Hey,” the voice that had been so commanding was now soft - more gentle than you would have expected. You heard the worn leather of the spot across from you flatten as your savior took a seat. He didn’t move or try to get you to look at him, “are you alright? Did he…hurt you?”
“‘m okay,” you said after a few moments of silence, unable to stop the tears rolling down your cheeks. You hastily wiped them away before finally allowing yourself to look at him. The face that was watching you wore an expression of genuine concern as he studied you. His eyes flicked to your wrist where he could see a few red marks that he was sure would bruise. You didn’t have the energy to hold back and pretend to be strong when you were so rattled, “it hurts.”
“You’ll want to ice that,” he said softly, wanting to reach out and touch your arm but he held himself back not wanting to scare you further, “keep pressure off it for a while, maybe wrap it for some padding. I’m sorry he did that to you, but I’m not sorry for what I did to him.”
“I just wanted a drink by myself,” you sniffled, shaking your head at your own foolishness, “it’s been a long week, but I just wanted to relax. I saw him watching me and I just smiled…I hoped he would leave me alone. I’m so stupid.”
“Don’t say that,” he insisted calmly, “you should be able to go anywhere by yourself and feel and be safe. You shouldn’t have to worry about assholes like that.”
“I guess,” you shrugged and stared down at the sticky surface of the aging table. You wanted to look at more, study him deeply, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so. You knew he was handsome, and you’d leave it at that, “thank you. For doing that for me…I don’t know what he would have done if you hadn’t stopped him.”
“Yeah,” he leaned back in seat, wondering what he could possibly say to make you feel better. He wasn’t stupid, he wasn’t naïve enough to think you’d just magically get over it. But it did break his heart to see you crying and beating yourself up for something that was in no way your fault, “do you live nearby, sweetheart? I can walk you home or call you a cab…I imagine you probably don’t want to be around another asshole right now. But I want to make sure you get home safe.”
“It’s like a fifteen minute drive,” you sighed lightly, “I-I can get a cab. Thank you for being so kind. I appreciate it, really.”
“Come on,” he said softly as he stood up, tentatively reaching out a hand to you. There was a moment of hesitation but you decided he was trustworthy enough to go with. He walked towards the pay phone in the back, keeping you shielded from anyone else, “I’ll call you a cab and wait with you till it comes.”
“Okay,” you agreed as he picked up the phone. It was then that you allowed yourself to get a better look at him. He was a little older than you, not terribly but enough to notice, dressed simply in jeans, boots, a button-up and leather jacket. Nothing special but he managed to look good. A shock of dark hair that curled slightly at the ends with warm umber eyes and a mustache that somehow suited him. More important than anything else, he made you feel safe. You’d gotten so lost in studying him that you didn’t even register that he’d made the call.
“We can wait outside, get you some fresh air.”
Once you stepped out of the musty old bar, you felt an immediate sense of relief - like you could breathe again. He didn’t press you to talk, instead stood next to you on the sidewalk, leaning lightly against the side of the building. It was then that you noticed his right hand. Out of habit, you reached for it, taking it gently in your own. His knuckles were bloodied and cracked, the beginnings of bruising already bubbling up. You made a small sound in the back of your throat as he remained completely still, “you’re hurt. Because of me.”
“No,” he promised quietly, “because of that asshole, not you. It’ll be alright, I’ve had worse.”
“Still…I hope it won’t get too bad,” you dropped his hand when you heard the cab pull up to the curb. He nodded before gently ushering you to the waiting car, opening the door for you to get in. Once you were situated and buckled in you offered him the best smile you could, “thank you. Truly. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
“Don’t mention it,” he reached into wallet and pulled out a few bills and handed them to the driver, despite your quiet protest, “make sure she gets home safe.”
“Wait,” you stopped him just before he closed the door, and he raised an eyebrow in question, “you saved me…and I don’t even know your name.”
He seemed to hesitate for a moment before the tiniest bit of a smile tugged on the corners of his mouth, “Javier - Javi.”
“Javi,” you repeated softly before giving him your name in exchange, “thank you.”
“Just take care of yourself, alright?” he asked softly as you nodded, “good night, sweetheart.”
“Good night, Javi.”
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Hello! I saw your asks open and i wanted to request some angst headcanons with dad!Asmo. I just read Luci's and oh man that sure hurt my heart, you write angst so well!
Unwanted (Dad!Asmo x F!Reader) ANGST
A/N : Mammon plays a really big part in this, just as Beel played a big role in the dad!Lucifer fic. It's never hinted whether they're together or not, it's kind of up to the imagination... but if you'd like, I can write a part two to this??? (I will also, to anyone who might want it, write a part two to the dad!Lucifer fic)
Word Count : 2.3K Warnings : pregnancy ; children ; maternity ; babies ; hinted abortion ; angst ;
He never wanted children, he didn’t want anything that would actually tie him down to anything or anyone. It wasn’t his “thing”, and you both had done everything to prevent it from happening. Up until now, everything had worked, there had never been one mistake, but the both of you got sloppy. There was a party, and… well, you loved him, and he had said that he loved you, and precautions weren’t a “thing” at that moment. One slip up, one mistake, and now everything was falling apart.
“I didn’t want this. I don’t want that.” He spat the words at you, pointing towards your stomach. He had only stopped pacing long enough to say it before starting again, walking the length of his room as he gnawed at his perfectly manicured fingers. You hadn’t expected anything different from him, but it still hurt that he was blaming the whole thing on you, as if it didn’t take 50/50 participation to make something like this happen. “It’ll completely ruin my image. A child with a human! It’ll be all over the tabloids, in every magazine… I can’t have that.” His behavior shouldn’t have been that shocking to you, but to hear just how selfish he really was, to know that he thought so little of you, it hurt way worse than you ever thought it would. One moment he was professing his love to you, and now he’s disgusted with you. It could have been that your emotions were running high from the situation, or maybe the hormones had just taken over completely, but you wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, and you wanted to fight him. “Your image?! This thing could kill me and all you care about is your stupid public persona… Screw you! I wish I never fell in love with you.” His eyes went soft, and for a moment you thought that maybe he’d apologize, maybe he was rethinking his own words, his actions, that maybe you’d be able to be a team to work through this mess. You were wrong, you were so wrong. “Wish all you want, we both know you’d have never been able to resist me.” Narcissistic, selfish, he was just awful. You closed your eyes tightly, trying to fight back the tears as you walked past him. He didn’t deserve your last words, he didn’t deserve anything. He didn’t deserve you.
The twelfth week was supposed to be the most exciting. It was when most couples would finally make their announcements, happily tell family and friends that they were expecting. Your twelfth week was a nightmare. You were trapped in the Devildom, human doctors wouldn’t know what the hell was going on if they delivered a child with horns, a child so angelically demonic that they’d probably call the hospital priest to your room as soon as they saw it. The only place where you’d be able to safely deliver a child like this and live through it would be in the Devildom. It’s not like you hadn’t tried to relieve yourself of the problem. You had gone to Lucifer, Satan, Barbatos, even Lord Diavolo, asking them if there was any way that they could just… get rid of it. Sadly, Asmodeus wasn’t just a narcissistic, selfish prick, he was also sadistic. None of them could do anything without Asmodeus’ approval since it was his child too. Every time one of them asked him, he would refuse. He didn’t even give a reason, he just wanted to see you suffer. Strangely, you had found comfort and solace in Mammon. You were pretty sure he was only helping because he still had a crush on you, but he became your emotional, mental, and physical support throughout everything. You had told him many times that he didn’t have to basically “fill in” for Asmo, but he insisted that it was the least he could do considering his little brother was being a dick. He wasn’t just your support at the house, he was… invested in the child that Asmo hadn’t wanted. He took you to doctors appointments, sometimes even getting in the way of the doctor as he pointed to the ultrasound screen. He was so excited that most people just assumed it was his kid, and he never denied it either. It was just easier that way, to go along with whatever the other demons said because he knew that any mention of Asmo would upset you and that was the last thing he wanted to do. Some days the both of you would sit on the couch in the living room, flipping through the pages of maternity books. He’d really try to understand the diagrams on the pages, but you could tell that he was confused and sometimes he’d even look up at you from the pages, and then down at your stomach, and then up at you, before looking back down at the pages. It was cute, and you’d giggle lightly, resting your head on his shoulder as you continued flipping through the pages. He had become the only person in the house that you felt like you could fully trust and rely on. Everyone else wanted to stay out of the drama, nobody wanted to get involved, but Mammon wasn’t there for the drama, he was only there for you, he was there when you needed him.
“Can you believe him? Can you believe both of them? We haven’t even broken up and they’re sleeping together, she’s even wearing his clothes. It’s ridiculous, and Mammon is out there playing dad with my kid.” Asmo sat on the edge of the counter, voicing his complaints to anyone who would listen. Sadly it was Beel’s turn since he was the only one in the kitchen right now. Most of the time the other brothers would just hide themselves away, not wanting to deal with Asmo right now, but Beel had gotten hungry and he really thought he’d be lucky enough to avoid his brother. “I don’t know what the big deal is… You didn’t want the kid anyway.” He wasn’t going to walk on eggshells around Asmo, he wasn’t going to lie to make anyone feel better. In Beel’s eyes, Asmo was completely in the wrong. “If Y/N is finding some sort of happiness in spending time with Mammon, who are you to complain? It stopped being your place when you said you didn’t want it.” He shrugged before grabbing his plate and going straight back to his room. He wasn’t going to continue listening to it, but he hoped that he had left Asmo with something to really think about. He walked up the stairs, going straight to the bedroom door, knocking loudly. He wasn’t going to stop until someone opened the door either. Mammon got up from the bed that you both had been propped up on, rolling his eyes as he walked over to his door, groaning loudly when he saw Asmo standing there. “Whaddaya want? We don’t need ya here… yer just gonna stress ‘er out.” He was trying to talk quietly, not wanting you to hear him or even know who was there. He was so protective of you, he wouldn’t let anyone else serve your food during meals, he’d even stand outside the bathroom door whenever you were in there just to make sure you didn’t fall or hurt yourself. Asmo pushed his way into the room much to Mammon’s annoyance. “I don’t care, Mammon. Y/N isn’t yours, and neither is the child. They’re both mine, and I’d like to have a word with her.” He said snidely, but Mammon wasn’t going to have it. Brother or not, he cared too much about you, he had worked so hard to help you get over what Asmo had done, and he wasn’t going to let him waltz back in and ruin everything. Mammon wasn’t weak, he was way stronger than he looked, and right now he was showing his strength, grabbing Asmo’s arm and practically throwing him out of the room. His teeth were barred and the growl that was coming from him sounded feral, animalistic, it was terrifying. “Neither of them are yers! I’ve been there fer everything, every doctor visit, I even bought a damn room fer the kid and she’s sleepin’ in my room, next ta me, and a next ta Y/N. Ya know why?! ‘Cause ya don’t jus’ get ta come back when ya fine’ly realize that ya fucked up! Now… leave us alone. We don’t need ya here.” He left Asmo out in the hallway, crumpled against the wall as he walked back into the room. “She…” Asmo kept repeating the word as he pushed himself up off the floor. He was having a daughter, and he hadn’t even known about it, he wouldn’t have known about it if Mammon hadn’t screamed at him. It was strange how knowing made things more real, it made him care more, and the worst part was that he knew it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair to you. He didn’t know how to fix what he had done, but he knew that he had to try at least. “Lucifer…” “I don’t want things to be like this when she gets here. It’s not going to be long either.” You sighed, finally relaxing once more in the bed once Mammon got in next to you. “Why was he here anyway?” Mammon shrugged, focusing all of his attention on your stomach trying to calm himself. He liked watching it move, he thought it was neat.
The delivery was smoother than you thought it would be, and Mammon only fainted twice during the whole thing, so he did pretty good. Delivering a child in the Devildom had its perks, the main one being that you didn’t have to stay more than one day in the hospital to recover. They did some spell and you were completely fine. It was strange, but you appreciated it greatly. The only issue with the perk was that it meant you were going back home and that meant you’d have to face Asmo. She looked so much like him, and you could tell that Mammon was upset by it. Even though he knew she wasn’t actually his, he wished that she didn’t look so much like her father. Her eyes were his exact color, and it left you speechless when she first opened them, gazing up at you with wonder and curiosity. She was precious, and she was yours. As you walked through the door you were met with balloons and streamers, and Asmo. You heard Mammon growl quietly, and you quickly held your hand out to him, silently begging him to stop. He was holding the carseat and you didn’t need him to lose his temper right now. “I just wanted to welcome her home, welcome you home. I bought some things for her, they’re outside of Mammon’s door.” Asmo said nervously, and for once he was terrified of being rejected. “We don’t need noth-” Mammon had started, but you quickly shook your head, pleading to him with your eyes to just stay calm. He groaned loudly, eyeing Asmo angrily before walking past him to the stairs. “Fine. She’s prob’ly hungry… I’m gonna feed ‘er. Ya comin’ up?” You nodded quickly, making sure he got up the stairs alright before turning back to Asmo. “What are you doing, Asmo?”
He moved into the living room, waiting for you to sit down before he did, and he looked scared, he looked sad. Of course you didn’t like seeing him like this, but it was his fault, he had caused all of this. “I don’t want to be alone. I know that sounds selfish, that I’m making this about myself again, but I’m not trying to. When Mammon told me… he said she… It's a girl?” You nodded slowly and you saw his face light up for only a second before it left once more. “I was scared, I am scared… I didn’t know if I’d be a good… father. I never saw myself as one, but seeing Mammon, and he’s doing so well… I never saw him as a father either… I thought that maybe, since he could… that maybe I could too.” He sighed, bringing his hand back up to his lips to chew at his fingers again, his orange eyes glistening with the tears that hadn’t fallen yet. “I know that what I said was wrong… I was rude. I didn’t think I’d have a problem finding someone to take my mind off of everything, but I was wrong. I love you, and nobody else is going to take your place, nobody else can take your place.” You both sat on the couch in silence, his tears finally falling as he waited for you to say something, and yours building up as you tried to think of something to say. “This isn’t fair… You know this isn’t fair. You can’t… you can’t pick and choose when you want to be a dad. You weren’t there… and you made it very clear that you didn’t want her. I… I can’t do this Asmo… I’m sorry… They’re waiting for me… I-I have to go.” You took a deep breath as you stood from the couch, wiping your tears with the back of your hands as you started walking to the stairs. “Y/N…” He walked up behind you, grabbing your hand to stop you. You didn’t turn around to face him, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, but he didn’t mind. He was actually thankful that you didn’t look at him, because what he was about to say was the hardest thing he’d ever have to say in his life. “I know that I’m unwanted… But… If I may… Can I meet her? Just once? Please?”
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Ouija Board // Tate Langdon
request: none
prompts: none
warnings: use of a ouija board, murder, crying, scaring people
a/n: i just used random names for the friends, so sorry if that’s your name :)
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“Come on y/n, don’t chicken out on us now!” Liz said, dragging you towards the house.
“It’ll be fun! I promise,” Dylan said, grabbing a large rock to break the doorknob.
You were stood in front of the infamous Murder House. And stupidly, you let your friends talk you into coming here and using a ouija board. You never really believed in ghosts or anything like that, but you were still scared nonetheless.
“There are easier ways to get in you know,” Liz said, rolling her eyes as Dylan smashed the rock against the doorknob, knocking it to the floor.
“Yeah but this is more fun.”
“Should we really be doing this? We could get in trouble for breaking in. I don’t think I could survive jail.”
“Oh my god y/n, we’ll be fine. And Dylan knows what he’s doing. Besides, don’t you wanna talk to ghosts?”
“Nope, not really.”
“Ugh, you’re no fun.”
“Ok, I got the door open!”
The two of you looked towards the door where Dylan was. The door was now open, and he had already walked inside. You felt your stomach drop, wanting nothing more than to get out of there. But Liz had other plans. She grabbed your arm and began to drag you inside.
With a sigh, you gave up on fighting and figured you might as well try to have fun. When you vented the house, an overwhelming smell of mold filled your senses. It was disgusting. There was sheets over the furniture, and leftover belongings scattered everywhere.
“That’s weird, there isn’t any dust here,” Dylan said as he swiped his finger along the mantle.
“Maybe there’s a maid ghost who has to spend eternity cleaning. That sounds like an awful afterlife,” Liz replied, laughing softly.
“Can we just get this over with already? I’m getting bad vibes from this place,” you said, feeling as if someone’s eyes were trained on you.
“That’s kinda the point. This is supposedly the most haunted building in the world. So many people have been brutally murdered. I would give anything to live here.”
“Dylan, you are really fucked up,” Liz said while laughing.
You rolled your eyes at your best friends, and followed them deeper into the house, until you arrived in front of a door.
“Here it is, the basement. I’ve read online, that most of the ghosts like to stay down there.”
“Let’s go!” Liz squealed, pushing the door open and speeding down the stairs.
Dylan followed her, leaving you alone at the top of the stairs. You sighed and started to walk down the steps. The. you heard a noise from behind you. You quickly turned around to see that the door was shut.
You brushed it off, thinking you must’ve bumped it, and continued down the stairs to find Dylan and Liz setting the ouija board up. You sat down beside them and tried to calm yourself, knowing it would all be over soon.
“Ok, place your fingers on the cup, and then we can talk to the ghosts.”
You and Liz did what Dylan said, placing your fingers on top of the glass placed in the middle of the bored.
“Is there anyone there?” Dylan asked.
Nothing happened for a second, but then the cup started to move. It dragged itself over to the ‘yes’ and then stopped.
“Oh my god,” you murmured, starting to feel fear come over you.
“What’s your name?” Liz asked the ghost.
The cup moved again, and began to spell out a name.
“Y/n, ask them something!” Liz said smiling excitedly.
“Is there anything you want to tell us?” you asked, not really sure that you wanted an answer.
The lights in the basement flickered off leaving you guys in the darkness.
“I’m pretty sure that’s our cue to leave,” you said, beginning to stand up.
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” Liz said.
The three of you got up and ran towards the straits, trying to get out of the basement. Liz and Dylan made it out, but the door slammed in front of you before you could follow.
You pulled on the door knob but it wouldn’t budge. You started to pound on the door, screaming for Liz and Dylan, but they were too far away to here you.
“They can’t hear you. They already left,” a voice behind you said.
You turned around and stared into the darkness.
“Who are you?” you asked, feeling your voice quiver.
“Wow, you forgot me already? Ouch. I’m Hayden, remember? I told you to run, but I guess you didn’t wanna listen.”
You didn’t get the chance to say anything, before you felt yourself being shoved down the stairs. You tumbled down them, before landing on the concrete floor of the basement.
You carefully tried to pull yourself up, but you were immediately pushed back down again. The lights turned on and you screamed at what you saw before you. A monster like creature hovered above you, and the next thing you saw was black.
You slowly opened your eyes and sat up, feeling your conscious come back to you. You looked around, panicking, trying to remember where you were. Then it all came back to you. The basement. Murder House. Liz and Dylan. They left you.
You wanted to be angry, but you didn’t have the time. Right now, you just had to get out of here. You wanted to go home and be safe in your room. You took off running, heading up the stairs and out of the basement.
You ran toward the front door, pushing it open and heading towards the street. But then, you were back in the house. You ran out again, only to end up back inside once more. You tried over, and over to leave, but you couldn’t. You kept ending up back inside the house.
You gave up. You let your weight fall against a wall behind you, and slid down it, curling into a. ball sobbing. We’re you going crazy? What was happening to you? Why couldn’t you leave? Why can’t you remember anything after entering the basement?
Then you felt a presence beside you. A teenage boy, with wavy blond hair and dark brown eyes. He was beautiful. You might’ve been feeling butterflies, if not for the overwhelming sense of panic that currently filled you.
“Hey, I’m Tate,” he said smiling softly.
“Y/n,” you replied hesitantly.
“So, I bet you’re pretty confused right now.”
“How’d you know?”
“Well, I saw you running around, trying to leave.”
“Why can’t I?”
He fell silent for a moment, and locked away.
“Uhm, you’re dead.”
Your eyes widened and you immediately stood up and backed away from him.
“What? I’m not dead! My friends and I came here to talk to ghosts and now they’re gone and I can’t leave. But I’m not dead! That’s crazy!”
“Y/n, I saw you die. I moved your body,” he paused for a second before continuing,” Do you wanna see it?”
“Wait so let me get this straight. You just watched me get murdered and did nothing about it, you moved my body, and now you wanna show it to me? You’re crazy! None of this makes sense! I’m not dead! I can’t be dead! I think I would remember dying!”
“You can’t. No one can. I don’t remember my own death. I’ve only heard what people told me.”
“Oh really? You’re dead too? Fine, then tell me? How did you die?”
He went silent once more.
“I don’t wanna tell you.”
“See, I knew it! You’re lying.”
“I’m not lying, it’s just-, if I tell you, you’re going to be scared of me.”
You laughed once more, not believing a word that he was saying.
“I doubt that. If you really are dead, just tell me!”
“Fine! I was shot by the cops.”
Then it hit you. Shot by the cops. You remembered hearing about that when Dylan went on one of his rants about the house. Wait, Tate as in Tate Langdon? The guy who shot up your high school in the 90s?
“Do you believe me know?” he asked softly.
“Oh my god. You were that guy who shot up my high school like thirty years ago right? Wait, so you are telling the truth. But I, I can’t be dead. There’s so much I still wanted to do. I’ve never even fallen in love, I’ll never have a future. I’ll never get to do anything with my life.”
You started to sob again, realization washing over you. He wasn’t lying. You were dead. You were really dead. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you, and you looked up to find Tate hugging you.
Slowly you wrapped your arms around him, desperately searching for comfort. But that said comfort was soon gone when someone else started to speak.
“Aw, am I interrupting something?”
That voice. You’ve heard it before. Part of it came back to you. It was her. She pushed you down the stairs. You pulled away from Tate and glared at the girl.
“You! You killed me!” you yelled at her.
“No, no, no. I didn’t kill you. I just helped that creature down there do it.”
“Why? Why would you do that?”
“It was getting boring. I wanted someone new around here.”
“Go away Hayden,” Tate said, glaring at her.
“Ugh fine,” she said before disappearing.
“Well, I guess I’ll show you around?”
a few months later
It’s been a few months since you’ve died, and you’ve already adjusted to your new life. Things weren’t so bad. You were kinda friends with Violet, and you and Tate have been dating for a while.
Being dead didn’t really bother you anymore. You’ve started to see the bright side of it. No more getting sick. You didn’t have to take your finals. And you never had to see your so called “friends” who left you here to die.
At least that’s what you thought. You and Tate were sitting together in the basement when the door opened. You didn’t think much of it, until you heard a familiar voice.
“How do you even know she’s here?”
You gasped. It was Liz. And Dylan was walking right behind her. They were back. You were so angry at them for leaving you. They left you behind to die.
The two of them sat down next to you and Tate, setting up their ouija board. You looked at Tate and smirked. You were going to have fun with this.
“Is anyone there?” Dylan asked.
You walked over to them and pushed the cup to yes.
“Who are you?” Liz said, seeming a little more nervous than she was the last time she was here.
You moved the glass to spell out your name, laughing when you saw how scared the looked.
“Y/n, we’re so sorry! We thought you were behind us! And when we finally got outside, the door wouldn’t open,” Dylan said.
You moved the cup once more.
“Y/n we’re sorry! No one believed us when we went to get help. Your parents thought you ran away. We tried! We really did!” Liz pleaded.
“We were too scared. We’re so sorry. Y/n, please.”
You and Tate laughed at their pleas. You weren’t going to forgive them. You couldn’t. Not after what they did to you.
“Go mess with the lights!” you asked Tate.
He nodded and ran over to the light switch, flicking it on and off.
“Dylan, maybe we should get out of here!”
“No we’re not! Liz, come on we have to talk to her.”
“I don’t know Dylan, they seem angry.”
You decided to let them hear you. You kept yourself hidden, but let your voice be heard.
“Angry? Why would I be angry? It’s not like the only people I’ve ever trusted forced me to come when I said I didn’t want to and them left me to die. Oh wait? That did happen.”
When you finished speaking, Tate left the lights off. The door opened at the top of the stairs, and Dylan and Liz ran. They left the board and left the basement, heading for the open front door. Before they could get out, Tate slammed it shut. They both screamed.
“Aw, you’re leaving already?” you asked, before laughing.
Then you let them see you. You appeared in front of the door, and you made your wounds visible too.
They gasped when they saw you. Covered in scratches and dripping blood. Clothes torn to shreds. Bruises littering you.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry,” Liz said stepping closer to you.
“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I’m sorry,” Dylan said to you.
You didn’t say anything you only glared at them. Then Tate appeared beside you.
“You two should leave before you’re not able to anymore.”
Then you and Tate disappeared and opened the door, allowing them to run out, before slamming it shut once more.
As soon as they were gone, you both burst out laughing. Sure you’ve scared people who’ve tried to buy the house before, but this was the best reaction you’ve ever gotten. They were terrified.
“So do you finally feel like you got your revenge?” Tate asked, smiling brightly at you.
“Yeah, thanks for helping me,” you said, pulling him into a tight hug.
“You don’t have to thank me. I’d do anything for you.”
Taglist: @ahsxual @darlingkitt @1800-fuckbitchesgetmoney @horrorgirlx @jamespotterslover
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
Accidental Martial God WWX
That was exacty what I meant actually but I do have a few more povs if you want.
LQRs reaction to a demonic cultivator ascending, JGS and JGY reaction to the Yin Tiger Tally moving completely out of reach, WQ pondering the true requirements for ascension given WWX doesn't have a golden core yet ascended, WWX musing on Godhood and on his new followers both the good and the more disturbing worshipers.
Maybe LWJ protects the Wen Remnants because WWX asked him to in a dream and after he succeeds (13 years later) he ascends and is finally reunited with WWX.
Lan Qiren did not know what to think. Wei Wuxian, his most troublesome student, a demonic cultivator, had ascended. He’d ascended. How was that even possible? Were the Heavens blind? Why would they allow someone like Wei Wuxian to ascend?
From what Lan Qiren had thought, only those who are righteous and followed the correct path in life like the Lan clan’s founder, Lan An, would be worthy of ascending.
Either the qualifications for ascension were lower than he thought or Lan Qiren had been horribly mistaken about Wei Wuxian’s personality and motivations for using demonic cultivation. That last thought made Lan Qiren feel very uncomfortable.
He’d always been harsh on the boy and disregarded him, even - he ashamedly admitted - punishing him harsher and more frequently than others.
He’d thought he was in the right because of how Wei Wuxian was but…..
But if he was wrong then Lan Qiren owed him an apology.
Jin Guangshan wanted to scream out in frustration seeing Wei Wuxian ascend. That brat had the Stygian Tiger Seal on him - according to his spies - and now that he ascended, the Seal went with him.
He had had so many plans on bribing Wei Wuxian to his side or killing him when he refused - as well as stealing the Seal - and then taking over the cultivation world, lording over it as he was always meant to be.
Now those plans are ruined. He sighed. Hopefully that bastard son of his can finally prove his usefulness and give him countermeasures or he might retract his favor from him.
Jin Guangyao’s first thought upon seeing Wei Wuxian ascend was: Oh shit. I have to go make up new plans to help Father.
He knew his father wanted Wei Wuxian and the Seal and didn’t really care how he obtained both or either, just as long as no one traced it back to him. He sighed. This was going to be a big headache. But at least the plans on putting his father as Chief Cultivator were going smoothly. He could only imagine what his father would do to him if even this failed.
Wen Qing had still been in Yiling, making plans to relocate her family, when the news that Wei Wuxian had ascended had reached her.
Her first reaction was, That’s impossible.
Because it was, right? Wen Qing should know. She cut out his core, after all. But to think he was still able to ascend while he was a demonic cultivator made her wonder what the requirements were for ascending. Perhaps it’s an honest heart? Self-sacrificing tendencies? Or is it a sacrifice of some sorts? She paused. What if.....it was a trial? To test a person’s will? What Wei Wuxian had suffered was.....horrible. Could it have all been just a test from the Heavens?
If that was so, the Heavens really are cru--- 
“A’ Jie, we have to go! Some Jin were spotted nearby!”
Wen Qing gritted her teeth. Members of the branch families of Qishan, regardless of whether they were innocent or not, were captured and subsequently tortured to death by the Jin and sometimes the Nie. Because her family was all in Yiling, they were safe.......but only for now. They had to hurry and escape.
Wen Qing sent a quick prayer to Wei Wuxian, hoping for her family’s safety, and tucked the rest of her belongings in her qiankun pouch, remembering to wrap her arms in bandages to hide the needles she might need to paralyze any Jin that came close.
Wei Wuxian’s first thought when he landed in the Heavens was, What the fuck.
Then he looked around and looked taken aback and wary at the unfamiliar faces around him. Where the fuck am I?
“Hello.” A rather stoic-faced man greeted.
“Hello.” Wei Wuxian parroted back. The person in front of him didn’t seem to be a threat so he felt a little tension loosen from his shoulders. “Um, Xiansheng? I’m afraid I don’t know where I am?”
“You have just ascended.” The man replied, throwing Wei Wuxian aback.
“Are you pulling my leg?” Wei Wuxian asked. “How is that even possible! I don’t even have---” He swallowed. I don’t even have a core.
“I do not lie. Come, we are wasting time. We must get you washed up and dressed for the induction ceremony.” Seeing Wei Wuxian still frozen, the man sighed, signalled for some people to pick Wei Wuxian up and dragged the struggling man to some quarters.
After absentmindedly washing, drying and changing himself, Wei Wuxian noticed some differences in his body. He wasn’t....cold or hurting anymore. And - he touched his back - he could feel his back! After having his muscles and nerves shredded by Zidian, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to sense touch on his back or even move without pain! But now he can!
He heard the urging of some people and grumbled.
“You will become a god of demonic cultivation.” Was the first thing he heard when he stepped out of the room.
Wei Wuxian choked. “Excuse me?!”
“I said what I said. Now then, if you would please concentrate, you should be able to hear the prayers of the people below.”
Wei Wuxian felt like everything was moving a little too fast for him, but nevertheless complied. Immediately after, a flood of prayers hit him at full force.
“Wei Wuxian!” That was Jiang Cheng! “….Have some fun up there.”
“A’ Xian, do be well. Shijie isn’t there to take care of you so do be well.” Wei Wuxian refused to cry.
“Wei-Xiong! I hope there’s someone up there to supply you with you know what *winks*”
How does someone even wink in their prayers? Wei Wuxian thought amusedly.
“Wei Ying.” That was Lan Zhan. “Wei Ying, I will—be well.”
Ah, Lan Zhan. Always concise even in your thoughts.
Wei Wuxian was a little teary. As much as he was glad to not be a part of the cultivation world considering all the rumors, he did regret leaving behind those that cared for him.
That thought was much more cemented upon hearing…….
“Ah, Lord Wei, the pinnacle of evil, the role model of all demonic cultivators!” Wei Wuxian’s eye twitched. “Please hear my plea for more power! I need it, I need it to destroy everyone who harmed me!”
“Wei Wuxian, I wish to gain power over resentful energy so that I may tear my enemies limb by limb!
“Give me money! You’re a god, aren’t you? Be useful for once and give me some gold!”
“Tch. If I’m going to pray for anything, then it’ll have to be the Seal. You’re a god, now, right? So you have no need for the Seal. Just give it up.”
No matter the good or bad, Wei Wuxian heard the wishes and prayers of the people down below and while some were innocent enough, there were those that wished for death, destruction, tools for torture, power, money, women…….you name it.
It made Wei Wuxian feel a little disgusted with humanity. He cut off his focus from the bad and focused on the prayer he received from his friends and family.
“Wei Wuxian, I heard you became a god.” It was Wen Qing. He hadn’t heard her voice in a long time. “I know this might seem shameless of me after all I did to you, but please. Please guarantee the safety of my family. We’re being hunted down and—”
Her prayer was abruptly cut off, before coming back in full force with notes of desperation. Her family had been captured and taken to Qiongqi Path! Wei Wuxian panicked. He didn’t know how to escape from this place and try to go help her.
The…..person who was watching over him evidently knew what he was thinking about and merely stated that gods cannot interfere with the mortal realm. So he was stuck.
But that didn’t mean he was out of options.
It took a few days, but he managed to wheedle out how to help: via dreams. He merely needed to get into the mind of one of his followers and tell them to help. Much like those prophetic dreams Wei Wuxian had read about as a kid.
So he buckled down, thinking of the best candidate to help him.
Lan Wangji looked at the landscape around him and concluded that he was dreaming. Though, it was a little odd that he was aware that he was dreaming. Not that he hasn’t realized he was dreaming before - especially in those many fantasies he had of Wei Ying - but to be aware that this is a dream and to see nothing but a flat landscape was pretty out of the ordinary. 
Anyway, he digressed. What was going on?
“Uhh, Lan Zhan? Can you hear me?”
“W-Wei Ying?!” Lan Wangji couldn’t be blamed for stuttering. He wasn’t expecting this!
“Phew. Oh good, you can hear me. Anyway, Lan Zhan, I gotta be quick about this because I’m kinda sorta bending the rules here, but do you think you can go to Qiongqi Path and rescue Wen Qing and her family?”
“Huh? Just like that? Not even going to ask me for a reason, er-gege?”
Lan Wangji’s ears flushed red at the address. “If Wei Ying wants to save them, you must have a good reason. That’s enough for me.”
“Ah, Hanguang-Jun.” The title was spoken fondly. “Always so good. I’ll tell you anyway. Wen Qing and her family sheltered Jiang Cheng and I after Lotus Pier fell and even brought back Jiang-shushu and Yu-furen’s bodies! That’s a debt I cannot repay.”
“I understand. I will help.”
He couldn’t see Wei Ying, but could practically feel the amusement from him.
“Wei Ying.”
“Are......Are you well?”
“Of course I am. I’m actually feeling so much better than before.” Wei Ying grumbled, “I’m not even in pain anymore.”
“You were in pain?” Lan Wangji asked worriedly. “Wei Ying, why didn’t you say anything.”
“Lan Zhan, there was nothing you or anyone else could do to alleviate my pain. It doesn’t matter now. I’m okay.”
Lan Wangji was still worried and wanted to speak to him more, but---
“Ah! Looks like my time’s up!” Wei Ying exclaimed cheerfully as the dreamscape wavered. “See you, Lan Zhan!”
Lan Wangji nodded. “See you, Wei Ying.” I’ll catch up to you soon.
And 13 years later, Lan Wangji kept his promise.
I didn’t edit this so I’m hoping there’s not too many grammatical errors lol. 
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marauderundercover · 3 years
This Side of Normal Ch. 8
Marinette was seriously considering murder. She was pretty sure Jason would be able to help her hide the body, he was a lot stronger than her. But murder was seriously on the table. Why has she decided to break that one golden rule, you might ask? Lila Rossi. The bane of her existence. The very reason they were spending two fucking weeks in the crime capital of the world instead of their original destinations. But no, Lila just had to convince Mme. Bustier to take them to Gotham. And then, as if making Marinette plan a million things last minute wasn’t bad enough, Lila decided to talk. Nonstop. Throughout the entire first half of their tour of Wayne Enterprises. The only thing keeping her from strangling the girl right now was the promise of coffee in the cafeteria. She didn’t need food, she needed coffee. And then she’d go right back to plotting murder. Would anyone look in the river for her body? 
“Whatever you’re thinking, I’m sure you shouldn’t do it.” Adrien says, pulling her out of her murder plot. She glares at him. 
“I’m planning a murder, and I don’t appreciate you interrupting me.” She deadpans. 
“Murder’s bad, Mari. We don’t murder people.” Adrien sighs, throwing an arm over her shoulders. 
“Maybe you don’t murder people. I’m thinking about branching out.” She hums, getting in the line for coffee. Adrien huffs and grabs her arm, tugging her behind him. She immediately starts whining, reaching out towards the coffee booth. 
“Mari, you need actual food. You can have coffee after you eat something. I know for a fact you didn’t eat breakfast.” He says, staring her down. She huffs, crossing her arms. 
“You’re not my dad.” She mumbles, turning away from him. 
“Why the hell are you all pouty?” Jason asks, walking up to the two. Marinette smiles briefly, then drops her face back into a scowl. 
“Someone is keeping me from my coffee.” She says. 
“Good job kid!” Jason says, high fiving Adrien. Marinette’s jaw drops at the betrayal. 
“Honestly rude. Guess I’m not gonna ask you to help me anymore.” She says, sighing dramatically. 
“Help with what?” He asks, frowning. 
“Murder. She wants to commit a murder.” Adrien says, rolling his eyes. 
“Who’re we killing?” Jason asks. This time it’s Adrien’s turn to drop his jaw, Marinette laughing loudly. 
“Ha! I told you Jay would help me!” She cheers, shooting Adrien a smug smile. 
“Marinette! Lila needs your help carrying her tray.” Mme. Bustier instructs, walking over to the trio. Marinette immediately frowns, looking over at Lila who was carrying a tray. Just fine. 
“Uh, looks like she’s got it.” She says, nodding towards the liar. 
“Well, she got it okay, but she needs someone to carry it to her table for her.” Mme. Bustier says, frowning. 
“And one of her friends can do it. I’m not getting out of line for my own lunch just to carry Lila’s tray Mme. Bustier.” Marinette argues, crossing her arms. 
“Marinette-” She starts, then stops when she realizes Jason isn’t one of the students. “Very well. But we’re going to talk about this later.” She adds before walking away. Marinette rolls her eyes. 
“Is she the one we’re murdering?” Jason asks, leaning down a little so he could whisper. 
“Nope. The one whose tray I was supposed to carry is the one on my list.” Mari says, nodding towards the girl who was now fake crying. 
“Jesus. How does anyone put up with her?” He asks, face curling in disgust. Marinette shrugs. 
“At first I thought she was Meta. Now I think my classmates are just idiots.” She says simply. Jason snorts. 
“I believe that. I’m gonna go grab you a coffee. As much as I’d love to help you commit a murder, pretty sure the boss would be pissed.” He says, ruffling her hair before walking away. Marinette turns to Adrien and gives him a smug smile. 
“Ha, bitch.” She says, snorting as he starts spluttering. 
“You can’t just say that, Bug!” He whines, before turning to order his food. Marinette snorts. 
“Sure I can.” She says in English, before quickly switching to Mandarin and lowering her voice. “I’m a seventeen year old ex-superhero, I’m allowed to say bitch.” Adrien just snorts, thanking the lady and grabbing his food so that Marinette can order. Once she has her food, she follows Adrien to an almost empty table in the corner farthest away from their classmates. She smiles at the person at the other end of the table, Dick Grayson. He was their tour guide and had dealt with their annoying ass class surprisingly well. She was tempted to make him a certificate if he lasted til the end of the day without losing his sanity. Plopping down in her seat, she starts eating her food slowly, watching Jason across the room at the coffee booth. 
“Mari, he said he would get you coffee. He’s gonna get you coffee.” Adrien says, nudging her side to try and get her to actually eat. 
“You don’t think he’d get me decaf, do you?” She asks, remembering the time he’d brought coffee to one of their late night training sessions. It was decaf then, he claimed that she needed to be able to sleep after training. She argued that she needed to stay awake and do homework and commissions and some lameass decaf coffee was not going to help her do that. She just hoped he would take pity on her and get her actual coffee this time. 
“I think I’d get you decaf,” Adrien starts, dodging her attempt to whack him. “But, I think Jay’s a little nicer than me today. Probably since he hasn’t seen us in awhile.” He muses. Marinette stops trying to attack him, nodding in agreement. He’d be more likely to give her decaf tomorrow than today. So it was still safe to trust her coffee order to him. For now. 
“I’m sorry, did you say Jay?” Mr. Grayson asks, catching her attention. She glances at Adrien who just shrugs. She knew the two had talked earlier, but she really didn’t want to accidentally get Jay in trouble. 
“Uh, yes?” She says, wincing at the awkwardness. 
“You know Jason.” He says, and she nods, frowning. 
“Yeah, we got to know him last year when he was on a business trip in Paris.” She explains, dodging around the whole ‘he trained us as heroes and then found out our identities and helped us take down a supervillain’ part of it. “We ended up getting close and we’ve kept in contact over the last year.” Mari adds, confused as to why Mr. Grayson looks so lost. 
“Really?” He finally asks. 
“Yeah. He’s basically like our big brother.” Adrien adds, obviously sensing that Marinette was getting uncomfortable. 
“Hey Dick, long time no see.” Jason snarks, putting Mari’s coffee in front of her and plopping down in the seat next to Adrien. 
“Jason. So you have two new siblings?” He asks, gesturing to Mari and Adrien. Jason nods. 
“Yup. And they’re loads better than you lot. Pixie Pop here even said I could help her with her first murder.” Jason teases. Marinette’s face instantly heats up, as she turns her glare to Jason. 
“Jason!” She hisses. He’s lucky he’s on the other side of Adrien. 
“Wait, you two are brothers?” Adrien asks, and Marinette blinks. Oh, yeah. Wait, what. 
“You didn’t know?” Dick asks. Adrien looks at Mari who shrugs. She definitely hadn’t known. She’d assumed Dick was one of Jason’s bosses. 
“Yeah, unfortunately this dipshit is my older brother. Adopted, of course.” Jason says. 
“We also have two other brothers and a sister. And some unofficial siblings.” Dick adds, making Mari raise an eyebrow. 
“All adopted?” She asks. Adoption was no joke. It was crazy expensive in the US. 
“All but one. B kinda adopts every dark haired, blue eyed kid with trauma that he meets.” Jason says, smirking at Marinette’s face. 
“I’m feeling attacked right now. Are you attacking me? If anyone has enough trauma to be adopted by a serial adopter, it’s Adrien. Not me.” She says with a pout. 
“Hey!” Adrien objects. Marinette looks pointedly at his arm. 
“Your arm was cut off by your supervillain father who was an emotional terrorist for over three years. That’s a shit ton of trauma.” She says as he pouts. 
“Yeah, but if I get adopted in the US, I’d never see you anymore.” He points out. 
“But you’d see me all the time.” Jason teases. Adrien grins. 
“That’s right! Okay, sorry M, I’m gonna get adopted here.” He says with a wide grin. 
“Traitors, the both of you. Mr. Grayson, how’d you like a new little sister? I’m officially disowning both of these losers.” Marinette says, ignoring the indignant squawks from Adrien. Dick snorts, a wide grin stretching across his face. 
“Sure kid. And call me Dick. Do you happen to know any acrobatics?” He asks with a teasing grin. Mari smirks. 
“As a matter of fact, I do.” She says. Dick freezes before a huge smile makes its way onto his face, his whole body shaking in excitement. 
“Wait, really? You’re serious?” He asks. She nods. “That’s awesome! Sorry Jay, I’m stealing this one.” He says. Jason scowls. 
“I don’t think so. I’ve known Pixie Pop longer, therefore, she’s my sister.” He says. Adrien clears his throat. “Our sister.” Jason amends, nodding to Adrien. 
“But she’s an acrobat! You know I’ve been looking for someone to teach trapeze to!” Dick whines. Mari’s eyes light up and she starts bouncing in her seat. 
“Wait, trapeze? Seriously? Where? Oh my god, that would be so much fun!” She squeals, suddenly actually excited about being in Gotham. 
“We have one at our house, you guys have to come over! I could show you the basics.” Dick suggests, still grinning. Marinette turns to Jason, waiting to see what he’d say. If Dick didn’t know Jason, she’d never consider going over and learning trapeze. But since he’s Jason’s brother…..
“Ugh, fine. But if B ends up trying to adopt both of you, you can’t blame me. I wanted to keep you away from him. You’re the one who got suckered in by the damn trapeze.” Jason gripes, leaning back in his seat. Marinette just grins at him before turning back to Dick to figure out the specifics. Maybe this trip wouldn’t be that bad.
Tag list (open): @toodaloo-kangaroo @laurcad123 @kittenmywaythrulife @lost-in-the-world-of-maribat @queenz-z
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cherienymphe · 4 years
Mistakes of the Heart (Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes)
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WARNINGS: NON-CON, murder, violence, arranged marriage, mentions of infidelity, mafia!Steve, mafia!Bucky, jealous!Steve, BUCKY X READER
➥ {page breaks done by @whimsicalrogers}
➥ Final part to Regrets of Yesterday
summary: your arranged marriage to the infamous Steve Rogers isn’t what you initially thought it would be, but things have worked out better than you could have imagined. However, your arrangement with your husband becomes complicated when feelings, and circumstances, that neither of you anticipated come into play.
Steve pulled out of you, and you winced, heart racing at the predicament you found yourself in. You were a little in shock, having a hard time wrapping your head around what had just happened. Your eyes widened when Steve grabbed his gun after getting dressed, shaking as he told you to do the same.
“…what-what are you going to do?”
He threw you a cold look and getting the hint that he wasn’t going to repeat himself, you put your dress back on. You could feel him between your legs, dripping down your thighs, and disgust filled you. You didn’t have a chance to think about that anymore before Steve fisted his hand in your hair, yanking you up just as Bucky’s panicked voice called your name. You knew then that he’d seen Jarvis’ body.
You stumbled as Steve dragged you along, your nails digging into his skin, but he paid your resistance no mind. The two of you appeared at the top of the stairs just as Bucky took the first step to ascend them, and his eyes widened at the sight of Steve. He was confused, that much was clear, but one look at your face had his jaw clenching.
Steve pulled you closer.
“Did you kill my housekeeper?”
“I did. I figured he’d get in my way,” your husband told him, and your eyes pleaded with Bucky as they met his.
It was clear he’d noticed the gun in Steve’s hand, and you grew nervous when he took a step towards you.
“Let her go. I’m sure we can talk about whatever your problem is without your hand fisted in her hair,” he sneered.
“Sorry, Buck, but I’m taking my wife home,” Steve told him, tightening his grip.
“She’s not your fucking wife-.”
“See, that’s where you’re wrong. We’re not divorced, and I want my wife at home with me.”
Steve descended the stairs, pulling you along with him, and you shook your head when you saw Bucky reach for his own gun. He looked conflicted, torn between listening to you and attempting to shoot Steve before he shot him.
“Bucky, please…”
You would rather endure Steve for just a little bit longer if it meant that Bucky wouldn’t get hurt. You would rather he live to see another day to deal with this rather than rashly doing something now that would get him killed. Reluctantly, Bucky took a step back, and you didn’t miss the smirk Steve threw him as he walked past. Steve didn’t leave his back to him as he neared the door, and he waved his gun towards Jarvis.
“You might want to do something about that before he stains the carpet.”
Your struggle was renewed the minute you were outside, only pausing when he forced you into the limo. You slapped him as soon as he shut the door, and he glared at you, jaw ticking as he stared you down.
“I hate you,” you forced through trembling lips. “I hate you so much.”
Only the slight twitch in his cheek indicated that he was bothered by your words, but you didn’t care. You sat back, hand on your stomach as you looked away from him. Your chest was tight the whole ride, tears blurring your vision and wetting your cheeks, but neither one of you said another word to each other.
Steve’s grip was rough as he pulled you out of the car, and you stumbled more than once, wincing. You snatched yourself out of his hold as soon as you were inside, back inside of the place you never thought you’d set foot in again. It looked exactly the same, and that brought you no comfort.
“Get cleaned up.”
You threw him a look, but Steve wasn’t even looking at you. He was taking off his jacket and, getting the sense that he wasn’t going to say anything else, you turned towards the stairs. You could feel his eyes on you as you ascended them, and you clutched your stomach. Under the impression that things would remain as they were, you made your way to your old room.
You were surprised to find it completely changed. It was now a nursery, the colors in a gender-neutral pastel green, and your heart skipped a beat. You frowned, disgust and confusion warring within you as you wondered just how long he’d been planning this. You heard Steve’s footsteps, and you whirled around to face him.
“What the hell is this?”
He grabbed your arm as he passed, pulling you along.
“What does it look like?”
“Have you lost your mind? Do you honestly think I will still be here by the time this baby comes?”
He didn’t answer, opting instead for pulling you into his room. You had never stepped foot in it, never desired to, and you were surprised when he pulled you into a closet on the far side of the room, forcing you to come face to face with a room full of feminine clothes. Part of you wondered if he was really going to put you in the clothes of one of his mistresses or something, but you paused when you noticed that a good number of them were maternity clothes.
You took a shaky breath as he nudged you further into the closet, and you shook your head in disbelief.
“Why are you doing this?” you demanded, looking at him.
He simply turned away, and your frustration grew.
“Get cleaned up and put on something nice, then come downstairs and join me for dinner,” was his only reply.
You heaved an exasperated sigh the minute he was gone. You knew that Bucky wasn’t going to waste any time before coming up with a plan to make Steve let you go, but you didn’t want him to put his life in danger. It was crazy to think that the two were best friends, and yet, Steve didn’t look like he’d hesitate to shoot him. You’d had no idea, never could have guessed that he’d had this much animosity towards yours and Bucky’s relationship.
How could you?
Steve hadn’t just ignored your existence until it was convenient for him during your marriage, but he’d acted as if you were a burden. He didn’t even like you as a human being, let alone romantically. You wondered if you could talk Steve out of this. Surely the man was going through a midlife crisis or something. With that thought, you made your way to the bathroom to wash the feel and stench of Steve off of you. You found a simple maternity dress in the closet, disturbed at how well it fit.
Not wanting to bring on anymore of Steve’s wrath, you were quick to make your way to the dining room. Steve was waiting for you, murmuring something to the cook when you arrived. You were disappointed to see your plate next to him on his left as he sat at the head of the table. You hesitantly sat down next to him, avoiding his eye as you eyed the healthy baby safe food before you.
“I hope you like it,” he said. “I made Gwen research healthy recipes for expecting moms.”
“Why are you doing this?” you sighed out, repeating yourself.
You didn’t want to play along in this horrible game. Steve’s jaw clenched as he looked at you, seemingly upset that you weren’t going to do just that. He sat his utensils down with a sigh.
“I told you…I want you here with me,” he said, reaching for your hand.
You snatched it away, trembling hand falling to your lap as you glared at him.
“Husband and wife and the husband’s several mistresses…how romantic,” you sarcastically threw out.
Steve leaned back in his chair.
“It won’t be like that,” he told you, and you laughed.
“You expect me to believe that you just…gave it all up? Do you remember the things you said to me the last time we saw each other?”
The hardening of his eyes told you that he did, but you continued anyway.
“Let me remind you. You accused me of coming up with some grand scheme to force your hand. The idea that I genuinely didn’t want to be with you anymore was so outlandish to you that the only possible explanation was a trick on my part.”
You chuckled, finding genuine humor in the situation.
“I don’t know if you just think that highly of yourself or maybe you think so lowly of me to think I’d ever beg a man to stay faithful to me, but it was hurtful. You were completely malicious, accusing me of jealousy and telling me to suck it up and make the most of my miserable life-.”
“I know what I said,” Steve snapped. “I don’t need a recap from you.”
“Well, you’re going to get one. You are going to sit here and listen to what I have to say!”
He glared at you, something unrecognizable in his eye, and you returned the gesture.
“You are not a good husband, Steve. You’re not even a good man. I accepted our marriage for what it was. Truth be told, I was very happy with our little arrangement, and if you had come to me to tell me that you wanted a real marriage, that you wanted both of us to only be with each other…I would have laughed in your face.”
Steve’s jaw ticked, and you sneered at him.
“I would have laughed at the sheer audacity. Now somehow, after misleading me into thinking we were divorced, after killing Jarvis, after raping me…you think I’d ever entertain this? I want nothing to do with you, so…” you leaned back in your seat. “Tell me what I have to do in order for you to let me go…”
Steve smirked.
“I’m not letting you go. I know you think this is all one big joke-.”
“Because it has to be! What do you want? A baby? Do you want me to publicly humiliate myself to salvage your own image after the divorce?”
“I want you here with me,” he said, tone leaving no room for arguments. “We’re not getting a divorce.”
You didn’t listen.
“…and my son?”
You watched as Steve’s brows furrowed, a frown taking over at the reveal of your baby’s gender. He slowly exhaled.
“I’ll raise him as my own. That should be my son, anyway,” he added.
You didn’t miss the bitterness in his voice, and you sneered at him.
“He isn’t your son though. He’s Bucky’s,” you told him, taking great satisfaction in the way his face clouded over. “You really expect me to believe that you’ll just…overlook that? Raise him like he’s yours even though he isn’t?”
He didn’t respond, and you continued.
“What will happen when he looks nothing like you? How will you really react when you stare into the face that’s the perfect mix of me and your best friend? As a matter of fact, how in the world are you going to do business with said friend now? You truly didn’t think about any-.”
Your words died in your throat when Steve wrapped his hand around it, chair falling over as he stood to tower over you. You simply stared at him, jaw clenching as he glared down at you, blue eyes stormy with rage.
“You can rile me up as much as you like. You can use every trick in the book to remind me why this isn’t a good idea, but I don’t care. You are mine,” he spat through clenched teeth.
He suddenly let you go, and you sharply inhaled. Tears kissed your eyes as he sat back down, returning to his food like nothing had happened.
“I should have done things differently, I will acknowledge that, but I can only make up for it now. So…”
He reached over to wipe away a stray tear, a smirk dancing along his pink lips.
“We are not getting a divorce. As far as everyone knows, that baby is mine, as is his mother. There won’t be anyone else from here on out, only you.”
You turned your head away from him with a frown.
“You’ll learn to be happy with me as you were with him. Now, finish your dinner before it gets cold…”
Resigned to accept his words until you, or Bucky, could come up with a plan, you did as he said.
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The hardest part, the true test, came later that night. Even though clothes that were meant for you were located in a closet in his master bedroom, it didn’t occur to you that he expected you to sleep there.
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “There are at least 3 other rooms in this house. There’s no reason I have to lie next to you.”
You and Steve had been staring each other down for minutes. You’d almost thrown up once you realized where he intended for you to sleep and sleeping without Bucky at your side was one thing but sleeping next to the man who’d ruined your life was something else entirely. Steve seemed to be out of patience, and you fought against him as he reached for you.
He was firm with you, but somehow still careful, and you gasped when you found yourself on the bed. Holding you down with his body, Steve reached over to turn out the light, drowning the room in darkness. Overwhelmed with everything, you couldn’t stop the tears from collecting in your eyes, a quiet sob escaping.
You fought against him, but eventually, you found your back to his front with his arm tightened around you. Your shoulders shook with quiet sobs, stomach churning when you felt his lips against the back of your neck. You didn’t want to fall asleep, you didn’t trust Steve as far as you could throw him, but your body betrayed you.
Between the events of the day, your physical exertion from fighting with Steve, and your pregnancy, sleep claimed you whether you welcomed it or not. You dreamed of Bucky, apparently saying his name in your sleep, something you only figured out when you woke up to the feel of Steve sliding into you.
You gasped, hand reaching up to grab his wrist, one hand on your neck while the other rested on your stomach. The soft rays of sunlight were gradually brightening the room, and tears collected in your eyes with every thrust. His breath on the back of your neck made you cringe, and you pushed your elbow into his stomach.
“Steve,” you protested, moving to get away from him but he had you in a tight hold, chest pressing into your back.
“Be grateful I’m going easy on you,” he murmured, breathing labored. “You think I like to wake up to my wife calling another man’s name?”
You couldn’t even speak, chest tight, a sob caught in your throat as he brushed his lips over your cheek.
“I want to wake up like this every morning…coming inside of my beautiful wife,” he groaned.
You couldn’t even register the fact that that was the first time he’d ever complimented you. You squirmed against him, core throbbing under the ministrations of his relentless cock. You wanted to get as far away from him as possible, and Steve seemed to only want to get closer.
“…the only thing that would make this better is if I had put that baby in you myself,” he breathed, groaning against your skin as he spilled into you.
He remained still for a moment, the only sound in the room that of your labored breaths. You were shaking, fear and disgust filling you, and he eventually pulled away. You could feel the mess he’d made between your thighs, and you laid there, face wet as he moved to get ready for the day.
You didn’t leave the bed until long after he’d gone, parting with a kiss on your cheek. You felt dirty when you sat up, and it took everything in you to get up and shower. You cried the entire time, and when you exited the room, you were met with a quiet mansion. You knew the staff was around though because fresh breakfast was waiting for you when you entered the dining room.
You ate alone, nibbling at your food as you forced yourself to eat despite your lack of appetite. When you were done, despite your suspicions, you tried the front door anyway. It was locked from the outside somehow. Every other entrance was no different. You couldn’t even get the windows to budge. You had made your way to Steve’s office, a room you had never set foot in, only to find it locked as well. You had kicked the door in frustration, telling yourself not to cry.
It seemed you had no choice but to wait for Steve.
This went on for days. The staff practically ignored your existence as they cooked for you, and you sat around waiting for Steve to return. You two would argue, even resorting to begging him to let you go, but he never budged. It would trickle into dinner, sometimes ending the affair early, and he would proceed to take his anger out on you.
He fucked you until you were on the verge of sleep, paying no mind to your tears and pleas. Sometimes, he woke you up the same way. Only 4 days after he’d taken you, there was a pounding on the front door. You could hear it all the way upstairs where you were avoiding Steve, and you slowly made your way down the hall. You were around the corner, looking down into the entrance as Steve opened the door, only for your eyes to widen as Bucky forced himself inside.
“Where is she?”
You watched as Steve reached out to stop your fiancé, but Bucky shook him off. Neither of them had noticed your presence.
“I’ve offered you shares, all of the money I have, hell, even my business, but you’re being as stubborn as ever. I’m done trying to negotiate. Where is she, Steve?”
The two men glared at one another, and you swallowed, about to make your presence known when Bucky continued.
“I know it kills you that she wasn’t as miserable with your arrangement as you grew to be. I know it kills you even more that I was the man she turned to, that I’m the father of her child, but she chose me…so deal with it,” Bucky said, sounding all kinds of exasperated.
“You have no right to her-.”
“She’s a person, Steve! Not one of your possessions you can hide away from the world,” Bucky sneered.
“She is still my wife. That isn’t going to change, and you are trespassing,” Steve snapped.
“You don’t even love her!”
Your heart clenched as you watched the way Bucky’s face twisted, nostrils flaring as he frowned at your husband. His chest heaved, and he threw up his hands, a scoff escaping him as he shook his head at the blond.
“You don’t even love her,” he quietly repeated. “You don’t know what it’s like to love her, and what’s worse is that…I don’t believe you even want to. You just don’t want her to be with anyone else.”
You gripped the railing, carefully moving downstairs, drawing Bucky’s attention before Steve could say anything. Steve followed Bucky’s gaze and moved before he could. You both called Steve’s name as he blocked you from each other, but you were screaming it with wide eyes only seconds later when Steve pulled out his gun, forcing it into your mouth while he curled his fingers around the back of your neck.
You couldn’t see Bucky from your angle, but you heard the way he paused, heard his breath hitch. Your own heart froze, fear seizing you as Steve tightened his hold. You were too afraid to even swallow, and tears kissed your eyes as you blinked.
“You’re right, Buck. I don’t want anyone else to have her, and if you keep pushing me, I’ll make it so that no one does.”
Steve’s voice was cold, not just icy, but venomous too, and something in you told you that he was serious. That he wasn’t just trying to scare Bucky into leaving, scare you into staying. You truly believed that Steve would kill you just so no one else could have you. There was brief silence, thick with tension, before Bucky eventually spoke.
“This isn’t over, Steve.”
Steve took a step back, taking you with him, and you clutched your stomach.
“This is far from over, and if I find out that you harmed her in any way, this will be more than just a severed friendship. I’ll hunt you down like you’re my worst enemy,” Bucky sneered, sounding like the complete opposite of what you were used to.
“That’s all very touching, but you’re still in my house…and I still have a gun in her mouth.”
You could hear your fiancé’s harsh breaths before eventually, and reluctantly, moving towards the door. Steve only took the gun out when Bucky exited, but you felt no relief. Stomach churning, you couldn’t prevent your food from coming up, and your throat protested as you threw up at your feet. Steve reached for you, and you shoved him away.
You stumbled towards the door, ignoring him as he called your name. You knew he wouldn’t let you walk out, at least not alive, but that didn’t stop you from collapsing at the door, leaning your head against the expensive wood. Your vision was blurry as the tears finally spilled over, chest tight as you fought not to cry harder. You heard him approach you, standing in the entrance to the foyer as he watched your huddled form. You don’t know how long you sat there crying, nor how long he stood there…just watching you, but eventually you spoke.
“You could have any woman you want,” you whispered. “You could have any woman who would be happy to be with you.”
You turned to look at him, eyes puffy and lips trembling.
“…but it’s me you choose to torment. My life you choose to ruin.”
Steve’s jaw ticked, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was offended. His blue eyes flashed with something you couldn’t name, and you glowered at him.
“I know that deep down, you don’t actually care about whether or not I love you. I know that my staying with you is what matters most,” you started.
You pulled your thighs to your stomach, resting your hands on your knees as he stared at you.
“So allow me to make myself clear in terms that you’ll understand, Steve. You can lock me away until I give birth. Hell, you can do so until I get pregnant and give birth again, but it will never make a difference because I will never want you.”
Steve straightened, looking down his nose at you as he fingered the gun in his hand.
“I will never desire you, I will never need you, I will never even dream of you. Every time you kiss me, I will imagine its Bucky. Every time you touch me, I will wish it is his hands instead. Every time I am far too quiet, and you find yourself wondering ‘what she’s thinking about’, know that I am thinking about Bucky. When you watch me in my sleep like I know you do, know that I am dreaming about him. It will always be him.”
The silence was deafening, and for a moment, you wondered if he was going to shoot you and be done with it. However, despite the fact that Steve’s face had clouded over, fearfully so, he simply took a step back before walking away, leaving you alone to lean your head back against the door.
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It was late in the night when you were roused from sleep by a noise that passed through the many rooms of Steve’s mansion. You were surprised that you’d woken up at all. Steve may not have reacted to your words then and there, but he was sure to let you know how he really felt once night came. You had cried yourself to sleep like you did every night since he’d taken you, and even now, your body still ached rom his harsh grip, cum dried between your thighs.
You thought that you were imagining things, but when you heard it again, you carefully slid out from Steve’s hold. The house was quiet, the soft carpet cushioning your steps. You slid your hand along the wall, the other clutching your stomach as you picked up on another noise. Nervous and afraid, you reached out to turn on the hallway light only to realize that it didn’t work. Pausing, you noted that the house was colder, and you knew then that the power was out.
You wouldn’t dare attempt to go down the stairs, but even if the power were working, something in you told you not to. You discovered why when moments later, multiple gunshots could be heard, quickly followed by the sound of breaking glass. You flinched, stumbling back against the wall as multiple things became clear at once. Several people were breaking into the house, they were armed, and Steve was awake and calling your name.
Taking advantage of the sudden chaos, you slipped into a nearby room, shutting the door just as Steve’s voice filled the hallway. You hurried towards the closet, shutting yourself inside as your mind whirled. Several of Steve’s own men stayed on the property, just not in the main building, and it wasn’t long before you heard different kinds of guns join the fray. You didn’t exactly know what was happening, and you smoothed your hand along your swollen stomach in an effort to calm yourself.
You could still faintly hear Steve calling your name, but it eventually faded away, and you surmised that he went downstairs. You briefly wondered if this was Bucky’s doing, and you frowned, wondering why that hadn’t initially occurred to you. Of course, you knew that he was in the same business as Steve, knew of the ugly side he never allowed you to see, and that was precisely why the idea that Bucky was behind this was a foreign one. A shocking one.
Still, in case it wasn’t, you cursed yourself for not searching for something to protect yourself with. You knew where Steve kept his guns, and you would feel much safer with one right now. That thought only increased when you heard the bedroom door open. You were no longer alone, and the other person in the room was just as quiet as you were. The commotion going on was louder now, and you reached out to grip the wall when you heard the bathroom door open.
You could faintly see light from beneath the closed door, and the way it moved told you that it was a flashlight. You could feel your stomach churning, fear and confusion and anxiety filling you. The stranger in the room had yet to say anything, give any sort of indication as to who they were. Your heart dropped when the closet door swung open, and a blinding light filled your vision. You squinted, unable to see a thing and wondered if you were going to be met with your death or another assault and kidnapping.
You were met with a third option.
You didn’t have time to feel relief before familiar arms pulled you into a warm chest. A bit dazed and in shock, you absentmindedly pressed your fingers into his back, wide eyes staring ahead. You hadn’t even realized that you were trembling until Bucky started rocking you.
“Shh, shh, you’re okay. I’m here now,” he whispered.
“I thought-.”
“I know.”
“Outside. That was the last time I saw him,” he answered.
You breathed him in and felt him do the same before he started walking backwards, taking you with him. The room was bathed in darkness once again, and he maneuvered you so that you were behind him as he moved to make his way out. His hand was tight on yours as he weaved through the halls gun first. You gasped when he led you down the stairs, the recognizable shapes of bodies on the floor even in the darkness.
One of his cars, one of the bulletproof ones, was parked further down the driveway. His steps were hurried as he pushed you in front of him, and as you neared the car, you thought to yourself that this seemed too easy. Nothing involving Steve was ever easy, and you were disappointed to be proven right.
You fell to the ground when Bucky was shoved against the car, landing on your back. You winced, and the sound of fists meeting bone reached your ears just as the unmistakable sound of a gun hitting the ground did too. With a struggle, you pushed yourself into a sitting position, watching as Bucky slammed his fist into Steve’s nose, the two of them on the ground before you.
Ignoring the pain in your back, you looked around, eyes zeroing in on the black weapon not far away. You forced yourself to your feet, quickly wrapping your hand around it. Steve was on top of Bucky now, slamming your fiancé’s head into the ground, and you didn’t hesitate. Steve fell against the side of the car, face twisted into pain from the bullet wound in his back.
His blue eyes met yours, and you felt no remorse as he struggled to stand. You could hear Bucky pushing himself to his feet, and you hurried to his side. You wiped the blood from his face, swallowing when he slid the gun from your grip. You pressed yourself against him, shaking your head.
“He’s not worth it-.”
“He won’t stop,” he argued, teeth clenched.
“He’ll have no choice. He’ll never find us if we leave. Killing him will start something neither one of us want to be involved in,” you told him.
You could see the conflict on Bucky’s face, and you knew that he knew you were right. Everything would go to you, and many people would dispute that, claiming that you were unfit to run the business. Even worse, you could only imagine what people would think of you and Bucky publicly getting together after your husband’s death. They would suspect the worse, and they would be right. You’d make enemies out of people you had never even met.
With a sneer, Bucky opened the passenger door before ushering you in. You massaged your stomach as he slid into the driver’s seat, relief only filling you when the mansion started to grow smaller. You leaned back, the stress of the past few days getting to you. Bucky, sensing this, took your hand, rubbing his thumb over your skin. He brought it to his lips, a shaky breath escaping him.
“You don’t know the weight that’s been lifted off of my shoulders,” he whispered.
You could see that he was struggling to keep it together. The stress of seeing you get taken by Steve, powerless to stop him, and powerless again when he threatened your life and that of your son’s. You reached for his face with your free hand as he drove down the street, determined to put as much distance between you and Steve as possible.
“Hey…I’m okay,” you quietly told him, fingers ghosting over his cheek.
“…are you?”
You knew what he was asking, and you knew that if you had told him what really happened to you, he would have killed Steve on the spot. More so, you didn’t want Bucky to have to carry that burden, to blame himself for what Steve did to you. You brushed your thumb over his lips, sending him a small smile.
“I am now.”
You leaned your head against his shoulder, Bucky’s soft breaths lulling you to sleep more than the purr of the vehicle. Steve was finally behind you, and although you weren’t as free of him as you would like to be, it seemed insignificant with Bucky and your son at your side.
tags:   @mcudarklibrary @sherrybaby14 @harryspet @xoxabs88xox @darkficreposter @opheliadawnwalker3 @honeychicanawrites  @nickyl316h @captainchrisstan @sebabestianstan101 @readermia @villanellevi @lokislastlove @notyourtypicalrose @coconutqueen21 @hurricanerin @buckybarnesplumwhore @quaksonhehe @nerdygirl8203 @patzammit @mandiiblanche @cocoamoonmalfoy @gotnofucks @alexakeyloveloki @vogueworthy-barnes @supraveng  @doozywoozy @ventinglation @oneoftheprettynerds​ @supernaturalwintersoldier​ @what-is-your-wish​ @vicmc624​ 
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Prompt List #2
Welcome to my biggest prompt list ever
if you wanna request something from this list, just use the character and ‘ prompt 34 from prompt list #2′ thank u!
Theres like 200 so be wary
“I love you ! Is that what you wanted to hear ?”
“I love him/her, and I know that I shouldn’t.”
“Can you just shut your mouth ?”
“We both know that I should walk away, but I can’t.”
“Wait, he/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend ?"
“I lo—-” “No, please… Don’t say that. You love her/him, not me.”
"Could you just take this pain away ? It hurts, so much… Help me.”
“You’re safe here, I got you.”
“Don’t ask her out again, please… You’re killing me, every single time you ask that.”
“Look, he/she wants you, just make him/her happy.”
“If you go, I’ll know that you never loved me.”
“We never were just friends, and you know it.” “I know it, but you deserve someone better than me.”
“You love me like I’m the person who actually deserves your love.” “But you are the only one who deserves it.”
“I know for a fact that you’re not “fine”.”
“You’re looking at me like.. you’re disgusted. What did I do? Just tell me what I did, please!”
“What happened between us?”
“Nothing has changed!” “Yes it has, and you know it.”
“Love isn’t supposed to hurt this badly.”
“You said you needed space. You were 5,000 miles away for a year, and you’re still unsure. I’m starting to think that an entire universe apart wouldn’t be enough space for you.”
“I remember when he/she/they used to look at me that way”
“I want you to list every lie you ever told me. Then I’ll forgive you.”
“I don’t hate you. I hate that after all of this, you’re still trying to lie to me”
“I can’t keep this secret for you anymore.”
“I’m sorry I’m not what you signed up for.”
“Why she/her/them? It could have been anybody, and you chose to betray me with her/him/them.”
“This will be the last time you lie to me.”
“You never loved me, did you?”
“You made me miserable and I still loved you.”
“Everytime something goes well, I momentarily forget how much I despise you.”
“We’re never going to have a happy ending, just remember that.”
“Don’t pretend like you’re not happy to see me like this.”
“Your mind must be a horrible place.”
“Hand me the gun and I’ll kill him myself.”
“And I thought you loved me."
" And I thought I loved you."
" Aren't you even going to cry?"
“I didn’t expect you to wait forever. I just hoped…”
“Did you always know that you were going to leave?”
“If you cry, I’ll stay, and if I stay that will just give you another reason to hate me.”
“I’m addicted and at this point I don’t think anything could make me stop.”
”If you wanna know, then ask.”
“You never asked because you knew I wouldn’t tell you what you wanted to hear.”
“We grew apart, and at this point I’m glad.”
“Find somebody else to kiss your ass.”
“When are you going to stop clawing for something that’s never going to happen?”
“What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.”
“It was easier to believe that the you I knew was dead than deal with the fact that I still have to see you every day.”
“What you’re doing is going to kill you one day.”
51. “You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.”
52. “Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.”
53. “You smell really nice.”
54. “Would it be all right if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
55. “I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.”
56. “If you steal the blankets, I am going to put my cold feet on you.”
57. “Here, let’s share the blanket.”
58. “You’re comfy.”
59.“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.”
60.“But I want to hear you sing.”
61.“Don’t get up - I’ll do it.”
62.“Care to give me a back scratch?”
63.“I think I love you.”
64.“Your bed head is really cute.”
65.“How about a kiss?”
66.“You made this for me?”
67.Aw, you’re blushing.”
68. Uh oh, I know that look. What do you want?”
69. “Let me help you with that.”
70. “I don’t want to forget this moment.”
71.“Are you really flirting with me right now?”
72.“I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
73.“You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?”
74.“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
75.“This movie is really scary, but you’re into it so I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?”
76.“Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.”
77.“Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything”
78.“No, it’s fine.  I can wait until you’re done talking to them.”
79.“No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
80.“You’re a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly.”
81.“I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
82.“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
83.“My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about how sometimes.”
84.“No, mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!”
85.“I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
86.“ You are so beautiful — So fucking beautiful. “
87.“And just WHERE do you think you’re putting your hands?”
88.“Wow, you look even better in the daylight.”
89.“I don’t remember ever having this many hickeys. But I don’t mind.”
90.“We could order pizza and just stay like this all day.”
91.“It was always you.”
92.I love you in every possible way.”
93.“I didn’t mean to love you so much.”
94.“Don’t you hurt a single hair on his/her/their head.”
95.“Duck, you idiot!”
96.“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a wand and I’m not afraid to use it.”
97.“Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.”
98.“It’s not a double date. We’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
99.“Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone.”
100.“I remember practicing how to ask you out in the mirror..”
101.“Define normal.” 
102.“Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?” 
103.“Just remember if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English.” 
104.“Don’t look for any redeeming qualities. I don’t have any.” 
105.“It’s amazing how fast the world can go from bad to total shit storm.”
106.“I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.” 
107.“And you wonder why you’re still single.”
108.“Remind me to kill you. Please.” 
109.“That’s a little melodramatic, don’t you think?”
110.“She’s crazy. And just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage.” 
111.“She may seem like lollipops and rainbows but I bet behind close doors she’s latex and whips.”
112.“If my day gets any worse, I’m asking hell if they’re having an exchange program.” 
113.“Sorry. I don’t speak skank.” 
114.“My middle finger salutes you.” 
115.“I don’t have enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel.” 
116.Somebody’s cranky.” “Somebody needs to shut up.” 
117.“Oh darling. Go buy a brain.” 
118.“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” 
119.“All due respect, but that’s a bunch of crap.” 
120.“I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence behind.”
121.“Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.” 
122.“What did I tell you about calling her/him the devil?” “That it’s offensive to the devil?” 
123.“I heard that!” “You were supposed to!” 
124.“I need therapy after this.” 
125.“You didn’t get in trouble for lying. You got in trouble for lying badly.” 
126.“I turned out liking you a lot more that I originally planned.” 
127.“I think you’re weird.” “I think you’re boring.” 
128.“I’m afraid I’ve been thinking…” “A dangerous pastime.”
129.“Wow, there’s a big surprise. I think I’m going to have a heart attack and die from surprise.” 
130.“I’m gonna hit you so hard, it’ll make you ancestors dizzy.” 
131.“Sarcasm is the body’s natural reaction to stupidity.” 
132.“Well, excuse me, psychic wonder!” 
133.“Don’t look in her eyes, she might steal your soul.” 
134.“She’s hot, but she’s evil.” 
135.“Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably.” 
136.“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it���s really go big or go home.” 
137.“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.” 
138.“So stick that in your juice box and suck it.” 
139.“Never take life seriously. No one ever comes out alive anyway.” 
140.“Sometimes I question my sanity. Occasionally it replies.”
141.“Why should we date?” “Because we are attracted to each other.” “I am attracted to pie, but I do not feel the need to date pie.” 
142.“Neither one us is drunk enough for this conversation.” 
143.“You’re questioning my methods.” “I’m not questioning it, I’m saying it’s stupid.” 
144.“Wow, somebody needs a Happy Meal.” 
145.“I didn’t do it!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because whoever did it is a freaking genius.” 
146.“Idiots. I’m surrounded by idiots.” 
147.“You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.
148.“Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit.” 
149.“Rule number one: don’t bother sucking up. I already hate you, that’s not going to change.” 
150.“You make no sense to me.” “Welcome to my life.” 
151.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?”
152.“Can you stop thinking about yourself for once?” 
153.“Don’t think I forgot about what you did last time.”
154.“I know you lied to me.”
155.“I’m not even sorry.”
156.“You backstabber!” 157.“I never want to see you again.” 158.“You never mattered to me.”
159.“I knew this was a bad idea.”
160.“Rot in hell.”
161.“It was supposed to be a secret!”
162.“No one loves me.” 163.“He/she/they is/are so petty…” 164.“You made me cry.” 165.“I don’t know who you are anymore.” 166.“How DARE you?!” 167.“I know you’re not talking to me…” 168.“I SAW you with him/her/them!”
169.“Just leave me alone.”
170.“What did you do?!” 171.“I told everyone that I didn’t want to talk but I’m actually dying for attention.”
172. “Just admit that was extra…”
173.“I forgive, but I don’t forget.” 174.“Did you see what he/she/they was/were wearing?” 175.“So what if I had sex with your ex?” 176.“There’s something I have to tell you…” 177.“I can’t do this anymore.” 178.“You weren’t there for me when I needed you the most.” 179.“I never loved you.” 180.“It’s too late.”
181.“Quit ignoring me.”
182. “Don’t you get it? It’s because I love you!”
183.“I love you. I’m sorry.”
184.“I don’t want to be friends.”
185.“Can we please pretend I never said that?”
186.“Friendzoned again.”
187.“You should’ve loved me when you had the chance.”
188.“Fuck you for toying with my emotions like that.”
189.“I was there for you when no one else was!”
190.“Alright – I can tell a ‘no’ when I hear it.”
191.“I’m sorry I acted so creepy.”
192.“Fuck. It’s like what they say – nice guys finish last…”
193.“I’m tired of keeping this secret. Even if you don’t love me back.”
194. “I knew that’d be your answer. That’s why I never told you before.”
195.“When I said I loved you, I meant it.”
196.“Is there any part of you, deep down, that might love me back?”
197.“You were the one that left all those notes for me?”
198.“You’re in a relationship with another person – you know this can’t end well.”
199.“We agreed this was just physical!”
200.“I love you. I know you don’t love me, so don’t say it back.”
Ahhh im sorry that was so long, but if you read all the way to here, your a real one.
Again i write for all Hp characters! Feel free to use these prompts as ur own
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
You're my Treasure (Mammon X MC) Pt5
The Blue Lotus petals (series)
As a fan of Beauty X Beast pairing, Showing your “true self” to Lover or (Monster Love) Tropes. I figure to make a (More Demonic Forms AU/head canon) story for each brothers. heads up each brother’s Story is long as fuck. So, I’ll be posting them as parts and finishing one brother before moving on to the rest of them.
(spoiler for lesson 1-60)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4
Warning: Swearing, Demonic nature, mention of Pain, Vomiting, Attempted Murder
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He let go of his lips and stare at himself in the mirror.
“What the hell is happening to me?”
“You know, you kinda look cute with longer hair” you cooed Mammon playing with his hair which gotten longer, while his playing poker on his D.D.D
“Really Asmo hate it, he said I look like a banshee” he turns off his D.D.D and turn around to look at you.
“Hey! Asmo might be the demon with the eye in beauty. But you’re dating me and…… I kinda have a thing for dudes you long hair”
“Oh, if that so, Maybe I’ll keep this~” he slowly lean closer about to kiss you when you two hear a police whistle and froze in mid kiss.
“PDA officer, you’re under arrest for violating probation, after your incident of two week ago” Levi announcing himself with one hand rise up halt and the other holding a whistle near he’s mouth.
“Tch, oh please I can do what I want with y/n when no one’s home, you can’t just~”
“Y/n!” Luke voice startle you and Mammon, causing you to push him off of you.
“Hi Luke” Luke walks in, saw you and rush over for a hug, while Mammon quickly got on his feet and fix himself and smile to Luke like, he didn’t try to do something naughty.
“Eh? What were you two doing a moment ago?”
“Nothing!” you two screams in unions, just make the little angel more confuse, while in the background Levi glare at Mammon, Lucifer facepalm, Simeon smile, and Solomon chuckles behind his hand.
“While you two are doing “nothing” Lord Diavolo call to Summon all seven of us to the castle at once” Lucifer broke the awkward silent.
“Eh? Why are the angels and Shady here” Mammon asks?
“They’re here to accompany y/n while we're at the castle”
“Lucifer is it necessary, I’ll be okay alone in the house and I don’t want to trouble the three”
“Nonsense” Solomon spoke while walking over to you “we are more then happy staying with you here, beside this is a perfect opportunity to practices some defensive spells”
As Solomon and you are talking, Mammon notice something isn’t right, he glazes over to Lucifer and Simeon who are whispering at each other.
Once every brother gathers at the front door, that when stood up from the couch where you two are sitting.
“Hey” he calls to you and look back “Are ya sure you’ll be, okay? Maybe I can ask Lucifer for me to stay~” he was cut off, by you kissing him on the lips and hug him tightly.
“I’ll be okay, beside I don’t think that Lucifer will let you skip this one” you look at him with eye of caring. He quickly kisses the top of your head and hug you tighter. Then he hears a voice.
Don’t leave them!
Startle he look around the room to see where the voice came from.
“What’s wrong?”
“N-nothing” as he said it, you can feel his hold on you gotten tighter.
“Mammon! Let’s go” Asmo calls him to the front door.
“Be back soon kay’” with one final kiss on the top of your head, he let’s go and start walking to the door.
“What took you so long” Satan asks as he got there.
“I was hugging y/n….” Mammon trail off for a moment “Lucifer, do I have to go with you guys. I don’t want to trouble Simeon and Solomon~”
“Lord Diavolo called for all of us to came to the castle. I don’t want to hear anymore complaining from any of us. Especially you Mammon. End of discussion” Lucifer stern voice, silent the rest of the brothers.
He opens the door and when out first, follow by Satan, Asmo, and Belphie. While Levi and Beel look over to Mammon who has an angry look on his face, before following the rest out.
Mammon standing there think about how Lucifer always single him out all the time. Does Lucifer see him as a failure because of the casino incident or is it he and the rest of his brothers see him as nothing more than a scumbag and a joke. All then negative think he been hold back final spirally in his head. Which didn’t happen back then it’s not like his brothers never get the same treatment. But something about how sees Lucifer right now kinda piss him off.
He stomps his way out and close the door behind him. And process to the follow his brother from afar on their way to the castle.
“He’s loose!” Shock to what he just heard. Mammon can’t believe it,
“He tries to kill y/n two weeks ago.”
“I understand your upset Mammon, but we are doing all we can to find Basto as we speak. But that demon has powerful connection So, is going to be difficult to track him and~”
“KILL HIM!” he cuts Barbatos off, with a deeper voice. While Lucifer is at his last patients with Mammon right now.
“Mammon! Control your tone~”
“NO!! I will not control my “TONE” when there’s a demon out there ready to attack me or y/n because of my irresponsibility. I should be with my mate right! But NO. you knew and you didn’t told me or the rest of us” Mammon is fuming. He storm off out of the throne room as the brothers watches and Lucifer frustrated.
“Apologies Lord Diavolo, I’ll remain my brother to control his temper”
“No need Lucifer, I understand Mammon distress. But I want to help him right now, I’m not why but you must not let his anger over come him” with that Lucifer bows and processed to go after Mammon with rest of the brothers follow suit leaving the castle.
“Mammon! Stop” Lucifer calls out to his brother; however, Mammon keep on going straight home not paying attention to Lucifer or others calling him.
Until Levi rushes forward standing Infront of Mammon’s tracks. “Mammon please come down” but he just walks around him, then Levi grabs his wrist, stop Mammon for a moment.
“L-listen y/n is safe the reason, Lucifer didn’t tell us is because of this~” But Mammon looks back at his younger brother with disgusts causing Levi to flinch.
“Are You for Real. Levi!! You’re taking his SIDE” he pulls his hand out of Levi’s grasp turn to face Levi with his entire body tense up, as he stomps closer to Levi get to his personal step. As the others final catch, up to them
“I-I’m not taking anyone’s side” Levi is stuttering, really think hard not to say the wrong word.
“Why is it when Lucifer made a mistake or not tell us something you just go along withed”
“It’s not like that. P-please Mammon!” Levi is pleading to his brother right now. Something about Mammon’s emotional outburst at the castle doesn’t sit well him.
“Mammon be rational, will find that son of bitch and kill him. But we can’t act like this” Satan interject, as Beel and Asmo walk closer to Mammon slowly.
“I wouldn’t act like this if Lucifer told me, when the bastard got loose that day!” Mammon replied to Satan his voice is get louder and deeper.
“I didn’t tell you, for this exact reason. The moment you hear the news of Basto’s escape you got anger and emotional. And storm off out of the castle” Lucifer defended himself in a calm and collected tone which just made Mammon even more piss.
“Yeah, that’s you see me, that’s all of you see me. Nothing more of an impulsive and emotional one. NEWS FLASHS I wouldn't act like this. We're talking about Basto here the same demon I own money to. The same demon I been avoiding and hiding for years. The same demon who I know will do anything to get what he wants by using his contacts. AND THE SAME DEMON THAT TRY. NO! ALMOST KILL Y/N AT THE CASINO. The last thing I need to do is leave my mate alone in the house where he knows and can easily get to.”
“Mammon” Beel mumble his brother’s name. completely understanding were his coming from. As the others standing there in shock, as Mammon continue to rant or finally letting it all out.
“I’m sick and tired of all of you see me as useless. Not to mention the insults, after the shit that happen at the casino, I wanted to changes because I couldn't do anything to help…Hell saves y/n from Basto. But NO! Because our mighty older brother thinks I can’t be trusted with knowing my mate attempted murderer is loose in who’s nowhere”
“Mammon is isn’t like that, even if I told you and you did have had known. Its Basto were talking about, he won’t hesitate in kill y/n this time. What if Beel or I aren’t there~”
“I’m that weak!!” Lucifer, Satan and Belphie was startle. While Levi, Asmo and Beel took a step back and gasps at Mammon change in voice which gotten deeper and raspy and sclera of his eyes turns black with sapphire blue glowing iris.
“I will find him and kill him myself if the last thing I do” after saying all that turn heel and keep on walking.
“Mammon!” Lucifer calls to him, he pauses and his keep clenching and unclenching as Lucifer walk over to him “we won’t let anything happen to y/n~” a sharp cough cuts off Lucifer.
Mammon start couching violently causing him to cover his mouth and clinch his chest as he drops to his knees. The other saw and quickly rushes over, Beel and Satan kneel in each side with Belphie standing behind his twin while Levi, Asmo, and Lucifer stood Infront Mammon look down with fear and worry on their faces as they can only watch their brother keeps on coughing.
Mammon bend’s down place both hands on the ground. Then he starts to hurl, Asmo it and quickly look away and Levi covering his eyes. Lucifer just look on in horror.
Then Mammon start puking up blue ink-like substance. After a moment of panting Mammon look up to Lucifer before passing out. Satan and Beel quickly grab him by the arms and place them over their shoulder.
“Get him back to the house and into my room” Lucifer order Satan and Beel, who nod and carefully take their brother home with Levi and Asmo follow suit.
Belphie look on until he can’t see them anymore, then turn to look at Lucifer who is bend over to pool of blue substance. With the tip of his finger, he dips it and examine it, then it started to turn black.
“Is he?” Belphie asks Lucifer with a worry tone.
“We just have to keep an eye on him, what ever is happen is not good for us and y/n if my suspicion is correct.”
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yandere-sins · 4 years
Could I request some yandere Sukuna from jjk crushing on one of Yutadoris sorcerer teachers and before she realises it, sukuna has taken over yutadoris body and I’ll let you decide the ending
Thank you for requesting! :3 I hope you enjoy it! Sukuna is second best boy for me from the series so I am always excited for him ^-^
»»———————— ♡ ————————««     
Up till now, you hadn’t had the chance to build an opinion on the creature that Itadori was. Perhaps, it wasn’t your place to judge him at all, but having been assigned as one of the people teaching him the ways of the Sorcerers, you almost felt obligated to have some kind of opinion.
The truth was, he was a good kid. Anyone with a few social skills could see that. Though he was young, he took what he was doing at the Jujutsu High seriously, and despite being immensely chipper, for someone who would be executed at some point, he wasn’t a bother to have around. Even if this wasn’t the way of life he wanted, he pretty much committed to it now.
And yet, of course, you feared him.
You feared that someday, he wouldn’t be able to keep the threat residing inside of him at bay. You feared he was a ticking bomb on two legs, no matter how well he appeared to have it under control. No one could assume what was going on beneath that carefree expression and cheerful smile. What Sukuna was doing underneath the farce that was this sweet boy.
At first, you thought it would get better the more you knew him. The first meeting had made all hairs on your body stand up straight, but even then, you didn’t run from it. You might have looked pretty disgusted the first time Sukuna spoke up through a mouth on Itadori’s cheek, but otherwise, you had kept your composure.
No matter if you were a graduate from this school, or if they trusted into your abilities enough to teach the kids, or if you believed in yourself and your skills, it all meant nothing when you thought that you’d have to restrain the monster hiding inside of Itadori. How long would you be able to withstand it? A second? Two? You could be relieved if Sukuna made a quick process of you, but you feared he wouldn’t.
Glancing over your shoulder, you watched Itadori jotting down the things you were writing for him on the board. A yawn escaped him casually before he went back to taking his notes. He looked just like any other student. As if he was taking a typical class on an everyday topic, but you couldn’t shake the feeling. You knew you were being watched.
The thought that it wasn’t Itadori who watched you was actually worse than if it was him.
Sighing, you brought your eyes back forth to the blackboard, simply hoping that it was just your imagination running wild. You really, really did not want it to be true. However, sorcerers were specialists when it came to cursed spirits. You should have known better than to push away your intuition like that.
On the other side of the room, Yuji couldn’t help but wipe some sweat off his brow, relieved that you didn’t see it. Sukuna - as always - was a pain in the ass to deal with. If he wasn’t running his mouth, he at least seemed to think he deserved to see what was going on, eyes crawling over Yuji’s skin no matter how hard he tried to stop them.
Turning his head, shielding the eyes with his hand - nothing ended his attempts. Yuji was so glad that you were focused on your task of teaching him, refusing to spoil him with your gaze all the time. Why Sukuna decided to take an interest in you, not even Yuji had been able to get that question out of the cursed spirit. However, every lesson it got worse. Usually, Sukuna would stay put if it wasn’t Fushiguro that Yuji was talking to, but you seemed to make him restless.
Catching a glimpse of the clock over the door, he sighed in relief. Only ten more minutes left before this would be over once more. Even though Yuji had no problem talking, you and he had yet to really get to know each other. You were careful, and with Sukuna acting up, so was Yuji. He almost expected you to not like him very much for apparent reason, so how in the world could he have explained to you what was going on without it freaking you out?
“Hey, I think you shouldn’t teach me anymore because Sukuna is stirring up my body!” sounded weird AND suspicious. It would have probably earned him a re-evaluation or execution right away. Yuji knew that if he wasn’t able to control Sukuna anymore, that would be his end, and he had yet to reach his goal. He should have told you then and there, but something held him back.
Something that decided it was time for more action than sitting out this precious time with you.
Yuji’s hand tensed before it drove forward hard, letting go of the pen between his fingers. With a tender click, it fell to the ground, rolling towards you and catching your attention. Surprised, you glanced at Itadori, who smiled nervously at you, clutching his own hand, and you raised a brow, wondering if he was having a cramp or something.
Picking up the pen, you walked over to your student to return it, putting it in front of him on his desk, as Itadori managed an awkward, “Thank you!” while trying to take it. His movements seemed unnatural, sort of revolting as you could see his muscles tense and release beneath his skin. This was weird, right? You weren’t imagining things this time, or were you?
The answer was taken from you as his hand suddenly flinched, body jolting over the table to grab for your wrist, and you barely had the time to react. You knew what you had to do, jujutsu was like second nature for you, but the surprise hit harder now that your body was actually trying to have an opinion on Itadori.
Still, you were going in for the kill. If it had to be you or the boy, then you were your priority, no matter how much your heart already seemed to regret having to do this. What you didn’t expect was... he was faster. “Ita--?” you managed to press out before you were hit roughly in your face.
Your eyes shut close as his second hand reached for your head, fingers clawing into your hair and skin, sinking into the hollows of your skull and digging in. Despite it all, you managed to open your eyes again, one covered by the palm and clouded in darkness, the other one staring right into what you hoped - and at the same time feared - where two red irises staring back; Two that belonged to the same face, but different pairs of eyes.
“Unfortunately, I think this lesson ends prematurely. A shame, I do like watching you even if it’s just from the back.”
Even though you could not assign the voice to anyone you met before, your body froze up almost instantly as you watched the face back away from you, showing you half of a lopsided grin. The expression spreading out on his face was none you would have thought Itadori was capable of. “You can’t blame the boy, he was trying so hard to keep me away from you,” the person before you spoke, and the unappreciated realization of who was standing in front of you took over your mind.
Almost instantly, as you thought his name, black marks began to spread over Itadori’s skin, crawling deep down to his chest and appearing back on this arms. “I finally found a fine woman, and yet it took me months to get to you. We have to commend him for that, don’t we?”
The more he talked, the less you felt incapable of moving. Despite the fear feeling like a blizzard freezing you up, you warmed your body with thoughts of who you were. You were a graduate of this very same school. You had survived so many spirits, but seen so many good men fall. If this was your turn to die, you wouldn’t go down like prey in the eyes of your hunter.
Gripping his wrist with both your hands, his grip tightened unbearably so, but you pressed the words out of your mouth anyway. “What do you want?” you brought forth through gritted teeth, and Sukuna’s lips curled into an almost pleasant, yet condescending smile. “Just you,” he explained, suddenly letting go of your face, making you stumble forward.
But the next moment, you felt his pointer against your forehead. In a wondrous moment of clarity, you realized what was going on. You’d not let him have his way and give that spirit what he wanted, but it was too late to make use of your abilities and blow off his arm or your own head in an attempt to flee. All you got was darkness and the feeling of everything around you collapsing to the ground as you blacked out.
 “Fuck,” you winced as your mind slowly regained conscience. The ground you were laying on could only be described as fluid, but it wasn’t wet at all. Nevertheless, when you opened your eyes, you jolted up and into a seat, seeing all the red that covered the surroundings. If not for the buzzing energy of this place, you might have thought you were dead. With the memories of the happenings returning to you as you tried to remember, you wished you actually were.
“Finally awake, I see,” a voice called out, amusement and mockery laying in its tone. Your eyes caught the sight of the hundreds of skulls first before it managed to lift high enough to see the special grade cursed spirit splayed out enthroned on them. “Welcome to my world,” he grinned, and it made a shudder run down your spine while you began glancing around carefully.
“What did you do?” you asked, seeing nothing but darkness and bones wherever you looked. “Why am I here?”
“Ah, so many questions,” Sukuna sighed, your head snapping forward as you heard footsteps in front of you. “Isn’t it great that we’ll have a lot of time to clear them up?”
You didn’t react to this, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing you would humor him. Still, you eyed his hand suspiciously as he squatted down, reaching out to caress your face. You almost feared a cut from his sharp nail along your cheek, but nothing happened, and you noticed his eyes almost transfixed on his finger on your skin. “Where’s my body?”
“Safe,” he mumbled, appearing to be in thought. But just as quickly, his eyes snapped up to meet yours again. “Figured it out already, haven’t you?”
“What could someone like you want from my soul, even dragging it here for no apparent reason?”
“Told you, didn’t I? I just want you; the rest is a surprise!”
Standing up again, Sukuna spread his arms open as if he was inviting you in to them. “Don’t be so stiff, Darling. We’ll have fun here!”
“Darling?!” you croaked in disbelieve, spouting the words which were absolutely revolting to you. “Don’t worry,” Sukuna chuckled.
“You’ll come to like me soon enough.”
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twdeadfanfic · 3 years
Vows Pt.8
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
Series Summary:
The last battle with Negan doesn’t go as it should, with Negan coming on top, and so reader, Daryl’s girlfriend, offers herself as a wife to Negan if he doesn’t kill Daryl or anyone else. Negan accepts, he won’t kill anyone but will take reader as a wife, and he’ll take Daryl and some of the others to the Sanctuary as prisoners, promising not to hurt anyone if reader is one of his wives and the communities work for him.
This has both flashbacks to reader and Daryl’s story since meeting to now, and the present with reader living at the Sanctuary as a wife, trying to keep Daryl and their people safe, and she and the other wives dealing with Negan, plotting… (This is not a Negan x reader fic!)
Warning, Daryl is tortured.
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Negan dragged you into the main hall of the Sanctuary, where everyone seemed to be gathered, and you gasped in horror when you saw Daryl.
He was tied up to a beam, hanging from his arms. They’d removed his sweatshirt and someone seemed to have decided to have their sick fun with him already, either Negan or any other savior at his orders, because you could see bruises over Daryl’s torse and face, as if he’d taken a beaten already, and his head was hanging low.
Up the stairs, you saw Rick, Rosita, Ezekiel, Gabriel, Eugine, and Dwight on their knees with guns pointed at their heads. This had to be your worst nightmare.
You tried to go to Daryl, out of instinct, but Negan was still holding your arm and he tugged you back roughly. “You don’t move unless I tell you,” he warned you, letting go of your arm to approach Daryl.
Negan grabbed his face and lifted it, making him look at him. “Now, Daryl…look who I’ve brought.” He moved Daryl’s head to make him look at you, even if he looked half gone, and you hated how in pain and hurt he looked, making your eyes fill with tears. “You wanted to go see her, uh?” Negan made Daryl nod. “Trying to sneak into my wive’s rooms like a dog in heat, sending one of my men to the infirmary…that’s more than a no, no…”
“See what I did to Dwight?” Negan moved Daryl’s face again so he looked at Dwight. “And to Mark, that was my dear Amber’s boyfriend.” Negan made Daryl look at Amber now, who was half-hidden behind the other wives. “He died…but I didn’t plan that, it just…happened…” Negan shrugged as if nothing. “But with you…no, I’m tired of you, I gave you too many chances…no, I’m marking you and then you’re going to meet Lucille…and you all here are going to watch and remember what happens if you pull up shit like that, because I feel I’ve been too soft and you all have forgotten!”
Negan let go of Daryl’s face, and you wanted to do something, anything, but you were paralyzed by fear. Negan walked around Daryl, circling him, and then he chuckled, looking at his back. “It seems that someone marked you pretty well already…”
Negan headed to the oven where an iron was begin heated, and you finally managed to push past your shock, running to him, not caring if you ended up being ironed yourself.
“Please, please, no, wait!” You didn’t care if you had to beg a million times, but you weren’t sure that would work anymore. “Please, he…he was worried about me, that’s why he did that, he wanted to check that I was okay, please, it’s my fault.”
“Get out of the way, doll, before you burn yourself,” Negan warned you, but you didn’t.
“Please, please don’t.” You kept trying. “I’ll do anything you want, please.” You didn’t know what you could offer, you had already married him. “I’ll clean this whole place every day, I’ll manage walkers on the fences, I…I…”
“I already have people doing all that, doll,” Negan said while you kept trying to think on stuff to do. “You’re my wife.”
Yes…and there was nothing that you could offer as a wife because he already took it when he wanted it… you felt so desperate that you felt tears in your eyes again. “Please…please, just ask me anything and I’ll do it, please…I’ll fuck you every way you want in every room here the same day every day, I’ll have a threesome if you want…” You weren’t sure if any other wife would be on board, but you just kept thinking stuff that you could give as one of his wives. “I’ll fuck you right here in front of everyone…I…I…” You couldn’t think on anything, no matter how much you tried.
Negan looked at you, and you weren’t sure if he was just going to iron you and then Daryl, or spare you and go for Daryl…but then he smirked, chuckling, and dropped the iron back on the fire…you didn’t dare to have hope, though, not with the look in his eyes.
“I see…you sound, oh so convincing, doll, with you those beautiful ideas…” He chuckled and then grabbed your neck, making you walk around Daryl and in front of him again, while everyone else looked at you in silence.
“On your knees.” Negan instructed and you did as told, dropping onto your knees on the floor. “Open my belt,” Negan smirked when you looked at him at that…so he really was going to take your word. “Open my belt, doll.” He repeated, grinning darkly. “You’re going to blow me here in front of everyone and then I’ll see if I also fuck you here as you so kindly suggested.”
You heard Daryl struggling and then him grunting as he was hit again, but you didn’t look at him, couldn’t, and you kept your eyes on Negan. “And then you’ll spare Daryl?”
“Maybe…” Negan shrugged with that dark smile.
You weren’t sure he would, but it was the only chance you seemed to have, and so you’d do it. You opened Negan’s belt and unzipped his trousers, but he grabbed your wrist before you could go any further, making you stop. He looked at you, smirking, seeming to be considering you, before he tugged at you so you’d get up again.
“So…you’d really do it…” Negan muttered, chuckling, and you nodded. “Hmm…I don’t feel like it, not now, not here, but…later.” He smirked, winking at you, and you stayed silent, even when held your chin and kissed you. “Now, doll…if Daryl misbehaves in any other way, he’s dead, understood?”
You nodded and Negan smirked, letting go of your chin. He approached Daryl and you looked at him warily. Negan held’s Daryl’s face, which was hanging low, making him look at him as he dug his fingers into his cheeks.
“Understood?” Negan said. “If you try anything again, I’ll kill you. But first, I’ll drop Y/N into one of the cells, she’d eat dog food and she’d leave only to work at the fence with the walkers…I don’t want to, it’s not what I’d do with any of my wives at all, and I like her, I like fucking her.” He chuckled. “So don’t make me.”
You forced yourself not to say anything at that, but you couldn’t keep silent when you saw Negan approaching the oven and taking the iron. “What are you doing?!”
“Don’t worry, dear, I won’t kill him…probably.” Negan chuckled, and before you knew what was happening, he pressed the iron onto Daryl’s shoulderblade, over his tattoo, making him cry out in pain, and you gasped aloud.
“I’m sorry, doll,” Negan said, pulling back the iron, the burning smell almost making you gag. “But I couldn’t let this pass so easily…he’s lucky enough I didn’t kill him…isn’t him?”
Daryl was beyond answering, he seemed unconscious, but Negan was looking at you, and you understood the threat, so you composed yourself. “Yes, Negan,” you said blankly.
“Good…” Negan gave you that dangerous smile of him. “I’ll even let that doctor friend of yours, Siddiq, treat him so it doesn’t infect…so probably he won’t die, yeah?” You didn’t say anything and Negan chuckled before looking at his saviors. “Take Daryl and bring him to the infirmary.” He looked at the other wives then. “I want you all back to the room…and you,” he turned to look at you. “You are coming to my room.”
You nodded, swallowing all the instincts that were telling you to try to kill Negan right there and then. “Yes, Negan.”
Negan kept you in his room until the next morning, and you couldn’t pretend to enjoy his attention, not then, but at least you tried not to appear as disgusted, sad, and mad as you felt, not wanting to risk him taking it out on Daryl.
When you went back to the wive’s room the next morning, the other women seemed to be waiting for you, looking sad and worried, and you were grateful, but you didn’t feel like being around people, feeling like you might either snap or start crying and not stop for hours.
They looked at you in silence, but finally, Noemi was the one to speak. “Sweetheart…how are you?”
“I’m okay…” You muttered, shrugging and looking down, and nobody seemed to believe it, but they didn’t press it.
“I know you don’t want to, but we got you some food,” Noemi said, but you shook your head.
“I’m not hungry, I just…I’m going to bed, I’m tired,” you excused yourself, heading to your room without looking at the other women, and you closed the door behind you.
You had just dropped onto the bed when the door opened, and Lila looked inside. You let out a sigh, trying not to snap. “I really want to be alone,” you said, hoping not to sound too harsh.
“I know, but I have to tell you something, it’s about Daryl,” Lila said and your stomach dropped, and you almost felt dizzy as you waited for the worst. “I made Arat check on him and Siddiq.”
“He’s in pain and the wound is bad, but Siddiq said he thinks he’ll recover without an infection,” Lila told you with a small smile and you let out a breath as your eyes filled with tears.
“Good…that’s good…thank you, thank you really.” You knew that Lila had put herself at risk asking something from Arat, they could be discovered and Arat might get tired and turn on her.
“It’s nothing…I’m glad I could do something…just…it was an asshole thing to do, not only burn him but burn his tattoo like that.” Lila let out a sigh. “Anyway…I’ll leave you alone.”
Yes…Daryl’s tattoo must be gone, burned, but he was alive even if hurt, and Siddiq thought there would be no infection and he’d recover…that was good…
You smiled when you heard Daryl hum as he woke up at the feeling of your fingers softly stroking over his bare back, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he snuggled to the pillow. The bed in your cell was small, but neither of you seemed to mind it.
You knew that Daryl had to go out hunting soon, but you both still had a little bit of time just to lie together in the bed, and so you kept stroking his back for a bit, before leaning to press kisses across it, and Daryl let out another sigh, still with his eyes closed and that soft smile. He was just so cute sometimes, you’d have never imagined it if you hadn’t seen it yourself.
You pulled back and caressed the ink of the tattoo on his shoulder blade, those two winged figures that looked like demons. You’d wondered about it sometimes, when you saw it, but had never asked.
“How did you decide to get this tattoo?” You asked, leaning to press a kiss on it, and Daryl just shrugged.
“You just went to a tattoo shop and picked it?” You half teased, Daryl had other tattoos, but that was the bigger one, and you’d always wondered if it had any meaning to it.
“Nah, someone drew it for me,” Daryl murmured, eyes still closed, moving his shoulder under your hand so you’d keep caressing it, and you couldn’t help your smile at it…purring kitten Daryl asking for pets. He’d get so offended if you said that aloud.
“Yes?” You asked while you kept running your fingers over his back. “Who?” He’d picked your interest now, and you hoped that he wouldn’t stop talking about it now.
“Girl from my high school,” Daryl muttered, still sounding sleepy.
It was stupid, but you felt a bitter pang of jealousy on your gut. A girl had drawn that for Daryl and he’d gotten it tattooed…what, twenty years ago?  How could you be jealous of such a thing. It was ridiculous…
“High school girlfriend?” You found yourself asking nonetheless. Daryl rolled to lie on his back, looking at you, eyes sleepy but questioning as he arched an eyebrow at you, and you wondered if you had sounded jealous. You hoped not because it was embarrassing.
“No.” Daryl looked half confused, half-amused, and you wonder again if you’re failing at hiding that stupid, silly pang of jealousy.
“So, who was her then, that drew you the tattoo?” You asked, trying to sound like you didn’t care that much. It wasn’t out of jealousy, though, not really, you were really intrigued.
“Girl from my town, same school…We both used to be grounded after class,” Daryl said, and he moved his head to nuzzle your hand as if asking you to keep cuddling him, and you almost snorted at it, but resumed your caresses.
“Aw, little troublemaker Daryl, weren’t you,” You teased, earning a scoff from Daryl, who reached to jab at your ribs as if trying to tickle you, and you squealed and moved away.
“People were assholes, I just fought back.” He shrugged. “But I was the one blamed for shit always…a Dixon and all that.”
You guessed so, and your heart broke for little Daryl. “So that girl, did she start the fights or did she just fight back too?” You asked while you played with Daryl’s hair.
“Neither.” Daryl closed his eyes when he felt your fingers on his hair. “She was grounded all the time ‘cause she didn’t care for the classes or the teachers or nothin’, spent the classes just drawin’, teachers didn’t like it,” Daryl kept explaining. “She was supposed to do like homework when we were grounded or some shit but she didn’t, just kept drawin’ anyway.”
“And so she drew you that tattoo?” You asked.
“Yeah…we were grounded a lot so we ended up hangin’ together sometimes, I didn’t have any friends, but she wasn’t bad to be with. She wanted to drop out of school as soon as she could, like me, but she wanted to be a tattooist…I wanted to be nothing.” Daryl shrugged.
You always hated it when he said stuff like that about himself, but you didn’t say anything, letting him speak, it wasn’t usual that he talked about himself and his past, and you always cherished it when he did it.
“So…you were friends with that girl,” you said, trying to encourage him to keep talking. Daryl hummed a yes, closing his eyes again and tugging at you, and so you lied down, snuggling to his chest when Daryl wrapped his arm around you.
“We hang after school…Merle wasn’t around, but he eventually came back, and when he did…well, she and him…let’s say they didn’t get along much…” You felt the rumble of Daryl’s chest as he let out a chuckle, and you snorted. You could imagine, you had suffered Merle yourself.
“So…uh… we kept hangin’ but she’d talk shit about Merle…sayin’ that he’d always get me doin’ whatever he wanted, draggin’ me everywhere…so…yeah I didn’t take it well...we fought…Merle’d talk shit about her too, they really didn’t like each other…” Daryl let out a sigh.
“So, uh…I stopped hangin’ with her… But then one day when we were grounded, she passed me this tattoo drawing she’d made. It was like a demon thing and an angel, she said those were the Dixon’s, my brother’d be draggin’ me to hell and anywhere he wanted and I’d just gladly take his hand or some shit.” Daryl shrugged, seeming shy and defensive. “I just got more pissed…yelled at her so much that I got grounded for another hour.” He snorted bitterly.
“I just ignored her since then even when she tried talkin’ to me, I think she was tryin’ for us to be friends again but I’d just yell at her to leave me alone…then one day Merle left, as always. Left me without a word and with a damn mess of his  to deal with, people he owed money to, drug money.” Daryl let out a sigh and you felt sad that teen Daryl had to deal with that bullshit…you decided to not voice your opinion on Merle, though, it wasn’t like Daryl didn’t know it enough already.
“Then I realized that the only friend I had was that girl…but I’d been a dick to her, I knew she wouldn’t want to see me anymore. I hadn’t seen her in a few days, I guessed she’d tried not to get grounded so she wouldn’t have to see me, ‘cause I was a prick to her…” Daryl sounded remorseful and you knew he was. “Turned out she’d just moved to the city with their parents, they got better jobs there and she could study art…so, yeah…she didn’t tell me and never saw her again…”
“I’m sorry.” You moved up from Daryl’s chest so you could look at him, caressing his cheek, but he didn’t look at you, seeming shy. You knew it was hard for him to talk about himself and his past, and you appreciated it.
“So…uh…I still had the tattoo drawin’ she made, one day I was wasted and I went to a guy who sometimes hung with Merle and tattoed him stuff to tattoo it for me,” Daryl explained. “But uh…I ain’t no angel…just a prick like my brother…so I made them both demons…”
“Daryl…” You let out a sigh, shifting over his chest so you could look down at him and stroke his cheek. “You’re not like Merle…” You weren’t sure if you weren’t risking to upset or anger Daryl saying that, his brother was important to him. “You’re much more than you think you are.” Daryl just scoffed at that without looking at you, and you cupped his face, searching for his eyes. “You’re an amazing person, Daryl, loyal and selfless, and I’m lucky to have you, I couldn’t have anyone better than you.”
“Stop it,” Daryl grumbled, you knew that your words made him shy, but you would tell him stuff like that until he believed it. He tugged at you until you were lying over his chest again, hugging you to him, and you smiled when he kissed the top of your head.
You weren’t going to say anything else, not wanting to make him shyer, but you thought on something and couldn’t help but tease him a bit again. “Also…you should have kept the angel. You are an angel, darling, you got the wings and all, on that vest that I love.”
You heard Daryl half scoffing, half snorting at it. “Stop it…” He murmured again, nuzzling your hair in that way he did when he was shy and trying to hide.
You smiled at it, closing your eyes and snuggling to him with a content sigh…
You were lying on the bed, hugging Daryl’s shirt to you, barely any of his scent left, your face buried in it as you cried. You looked up when you heard the door opening and saw Abby walking inside. She didn’t say anything, just walked to lie next to you on the bed.
“I have to get Daryl out of here…” You whispered, sniffing.
“You know you can’t…” Abbi told you softly.
“No, I only don’t know how to do it,” you retorted. “But I will. I will get him out of here, I’ll free him and the others…and I’ll kill Negan,” you half whimpered half hissed. “Kill his saviors, and then…then we all burn this place down…”
If you enjoyed this, comments and reblogs are always more than welcome, thanks.
Also, as always, excuse my English, it’s not my first language.
New taglist for Daryl,I trimmed it, if you want to be tagged let me know and also, please, if you are not interested in being tagged anymore let me know too
@coffeebooksandfandom​​  @gruffle1​  @yenne-yen-illustrations​  @sourwolf-sterek32​  @lonewolf471​​  @daryldixonandfrogs​​    @collecting-stories​​ @princessxpunk​​    @smiithys​​    @captainbuckyboobear​​   @dazzledamazon​​   @spidergirla5​​ @lilythemadqueen​​ @lightning-butterfly​​ @purplebtsmagic​​  @courtnytrash04​​       @seizethesam​​    @fuseburner​​ @phoenixblack89​​  @boywivlove​​  @amaroho​​ @woundmetender​​  @classyunknownlover​​ @tenderlyunlikelyexpert​​ @kaitieskidmore1​​ @sttrawberries​​ @huffledor-able541​​ @browneyes528​​ @soraitmnt​​  @thereshallbenoother​​ @leej2468​​  @heartlessmarvello​​  @redneckstrash​​ @bitchynicole​​   @supernatural79impala​​     @thiccblondeliv​​ @maggie-l-m​​ @baseballbitch116​​ @sweatywildpanda​​ @theteaset​​  @amaroho​​ @my-current-fandom-is​​   @whitexwingedxdoves​​ @nickangel13​​ @oceans-daughter-3​​  @tuttifuckinfruttifriday​
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iknewyoudunderstand · 3 years
Aaron woke up to a clattering in the kitchen. His brain caught up with his body when he was crouched at the gun safe tucked away next to his bureau, his sleep-addled fingers somehow maneuvering the combination lock—ten, oh-seven, thirty-four. Spencer had complimented him on it when figuring it out had taken him longer than ten seconds, because while using his son’s birthday was expected, what wasn’t was the division of his favorite album’s release date, and that would prevent potential attackers from— 
Spencer. Where was Spencer?
Glock in hand, finally, Aaron spun around but the bed was empty and the bathroom dark. Spencer’s revolver was still in the safe, and try as he might but Aaron just couldn’t remember if he had fallen asleep before Spencer had come upstairs or not. Spencer was a much heavier sleeper than he was, and if there was someone in the house and Spencer was downstairs…
On silent feet, Aaron crept through the upstairs, clearing each room. He didn’t have a flashlight on him, so he was forced to let his eyes adjust to the darkness, to keep his back to the wall, and to keep his finger on the trigger just in case someone jumped out at him from behind a door or a chest of drawers. His room, Jack’s unoccupied room, the upstairs bathroom… as he came down the stairs he noticed that there was a light coming from the kitchen.
He lifted his gun again and turned the corner to see Spencer, leaning against the counter with a jar of baby food in his hand and a spoon in his mouth.
“What the fuck?” Aaron asked. Spencer jumped at the sight of the gun, and Aaron clicked the safety back on. “What are you doing?”
“An experiment,” he said around the spoon.
Aaron suddenly felt very tired. He glanced at the digital clock on the oven. 3:23 AM. “Why?”
“Um.” Spencer set the jar of baby food down on the counter, and then the spoon. “Necessity?”
“I was hungry,” Spencer said. “And it was too late to make something.”
“So I had to go looking in the cabinets.”
“Not in the pantry?”
“As a result, I found the baby food.”
“It’s been there for at least a year. Did you check if it was expired?”
“My hypothesis was in regards to whether or not expired baby food was still going to be good.”
Aaron sighed. “And?”
“My conclusion is that it is palatable, but probably not something I should incorporate into my regular diet.”
“You mean you won’t be replacing your diet of coffee and saltine crackers with pureed peas and carrots?”
“No, I don’t think so.” Spencer cracked a grin and the sight of it dissolved all of his building exasperation. “I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“It’s fine,” Aaron said. He moved closer to Spencer and set his gun on the counter. “But you could’ve just told me you were going to make something. You know I don’t mind.”
“Do I?”
“Don’t you?” Spencer shrugged. “Spencer, you live here. I told you when you moved in that I wasn’t going to try and change your habits; they’re not disruptive.”
“They’re decidedly disruptive, Aaron. They’re the definition of disruptive,” Spencer said.
“Don’t be stubborn.”
“I’m sorry I woke you up,” he repeated. “It won’t happen again.”
“It will probably happen again.” Aaron reached out and grabbed one of Spencer’s hands so he’d stop wringing them. Gently, because he knew Spencer was still getting used to casual displays of affection, he lifted his knuckles to his mouth and pressed a soft kiss across them. Spencer lit up red. “But it’s okay. We’re FBI agents. At least one of us has to be the light sleeper.”
He snorted. “It doesn’t help that I’m an insomniac.”
“Life goes on.” Aaron fought a yawn. “I’m going back to bed, okay? Just make something if you’re hungry; you can throw away all that baby food when you’re done with your ‘experiment.’” He made air quotes around the word.
“It’s science, Aaron,” Spencer said. “I know you don’t understand it because you don’t have a doctorate in chemistry—“
“You are so lucky I love you,” Aaron said with a scoff. He looked down to grab his gun, and when he looked back up, Spencer was frozen completely, his eyes wide and his bottom lip trembling a bit. He looked like someone had just told him his dog died.
Or, his brain that was still heavy with sleep supplied, like someone had told him they loved him for the first time.
“Sorry,” Aaron said quickly. “I didn’t mean… well, yes, I meant it, but I didn’t mean to say it now… honestly, I was hoping for a situation that was more romantic—“
“I’m sorry, this isn’t the romantic occasion you were looking for?” Spencer joked, a little bit of color coming back to his face. Spencer away from work was a smart-mouthed son of a bitch, and Aaron recognized it as a sort of defense mechanism—a sense of normalcy.
“Not really.” He returned Spencer’s wry smile with a dimple-bearing grin and received a light shove on the shoulder for his troubles, and a muttered ‘jerk.’
Aaron knew they weren’t going to talk about it. There wasn’t going to be a conversation about the logistics of a romantic connection between a superior and a subordinate, because they were already in too deep for a 3 AM feelings powwow to make any difference. They lived in the same house, they slept in the same bed. The only thing missing was the verbal affirmation, the thing that would tell the other, yes, I am in it for the long run.
He supposed neither of them had been looking for a promise because promises eventually got broken. Aaron learned that with Haley, and he didn’t want Spencer to have to learn it first hand—but he knew anyway because no matter how they got into this job, into this field, there was always trauma in the background. Neither of them wanted to get hurt or hurt the other, so the nonverbal agreement had been formed. Maybe if they didn’t say it out loud, the eventual dissolution wouldn’t hurt as much.
And Aaron had just ruined all that because he was caught off guard. It was uncharacteristic as it got—he was Aaron Hotchner, he was never caught off guard—but the easiest way to ruin something was by sticking your own foot in it.
“It’s not a big deal,” Spencer said, looking like he’d just heard Aaron’s entire thought process out loud. Or he had probably had the same one. “I mean… you mean it, right?”
“Yeah,” Aaron said. “I do.”
Spencer stepped in close and caught his lips in a kiss, and it was relatively romantic for all of five seconds, especially in the way that his long fingers caught the skin in between his boxer briefs and his worn academy t-shirt that had become his pajamas, but then the taste made Aaron recoil.
“How did you palate that?” he asked, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth. “All that sugar in your coffee is ruining your taste buds.”
“Maybe.” But Spencer was laughing, even as he stuck the spoon in the sink and dropped the baby food in the trash—thank God, Aaron didn’t know if he wanted that disgusting stuff in his house anymore. He’d call Jack in the morning and apologize for making him eat that liquid garbage. “You should go back to bed.”
“You should come with me.”
“I need to finish what I was doing,” he said with a sigh. “This professor is killing me with these papers.”
“He most likely knows that you’re smarter than him and feels intimidated, so he’s lashing out at you,” Aaron said, feigning wiseness. “Probably had some sort of complex when he was a kid.”
“Oedipus,” Spencer said. “You’re lucky you don’t have to sit through his lectures. I thought I was done with Freud when I finished my BA…”
“And that’s my cue to go to bed before I have to listen to another rant.”
“They’re well deserved.”
“Good night, Spencer.”
“Good night, Aaron,” Spencer said, and Aaron turned to leave the kitchen.
He couldn’t tell if it was his imagination when he heard a soft, “I love you, too,” but he didn’t want to check. Life with Spencer Reid was wonderful, and incredible, and all the other adjectives this crazy relationship between them deserved, but it was fragile. They both were.
Besides, he didn’t need to hear those words, because they only encouraged him—and he didn’t need to be thinking about a recreation of this scene in a world where life was more stable, and society was more accepting, and there was another child in his life and Spencer had another opportunity to eat baby food, even though the whole thought made his heart slam against his ribcage and a grin break out across his face.
They had work in the morning, and he didn’t need to be up all night dreaming about the future, because he was perfectly content to just let it come.
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