#I don’t identify as a girl and I think it’s cool as fuck
I hate when I’m reading a book and following the story of a powerful female character, but then she hates sewing
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alluralater · 8 months
like yes i am a woman and i identify as a woman but what even is a woman? is it femininity? not necessarily. is it masculinity? not necessarily. is it both in a way? yeah kinda but really who knows. all i know is that i like a good grilled cheese every now and then and i like fucking yummy sluts. if my vagina became useless to me tomorrow i’d still be identifying as a woman so like. is that what being a woman is to me?? grilled cheese and lesbian activity?? maybe that’s exactly what it is?? gender is so strange because it isn’t actually real and it’s a construct, but i am affected by it societally so it must be thought about. i’m THINKING. i THUNK. i have a headache now
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“My platonic soulmate, light of my life; say what you just said again.” Robin gasped, looking at Steve in a mix of confusion and awe. He shook his head, not understanding what she was on about.
“What? I just said was everyone finds people attractive despite gender. So I think a lot of men are hot and would date them if I wasn’t straight. It’s the same with you right?” Steve asked, running a hand through his hair. He didn’t understand her confusion, this was how everyone worked.
Robin put a fist to her mouth, looking like she was trying to hold a laugh. “No, babe. I don’t find men remotely attractive and I would never want to date one. Because I am a lesbian.”
“Well yes because you like girls! Just like I do. I don’t get the confusion here Robs.” He huffed, leaning back on the couch.
They had been having their weekly movie night and bitch fest when Steve had mentioned wanting to date one of the lead guys. He had then lamented how if only he was gay he could.
“So wait, don’t you think you might be gay if you wanna date a guy? Because I promise straight men do not want to date guys.” Robin pointed out, trying to understand.
“Because Robin, you know this! I like girls, boobies!! That makes me straight.” He nudged her, like she just wasn’t connecting the dots.
Robin sat up straighter to look at her best friend. She forgot sometimes with how cool he was with her that this is all new to him. “Steve, have you ever heard of bisexuality? It means you like both men and woman and people that don’t identify as either.” She asked quietly, putting her hand on top of his. He looked at her, eyes wide.
“That’s an actual thing?? Wait I’m not straight then? Not everyone feels like this?” Steve’s brain was racing with all the new possibilities and how silly he had been. Robin shook her head.
“Wait. Holy shit. Robin, I wanna date Eddie. I want to date him so hard, I wanna kiss him. And marry him! Fuck wait that’s not legal. But all the other stuff.” He stood straight up, almost bowling Robin off the couch.
“I’ve gotta go! I got to tell him I’m not straight!” He yelled, grabbing his keys and running out the door. Robin sighed, getting comfy on his couch and drinking the rest of the wine in her glass. Leave it to him to speed run his sexuality crisis and get a partner before her. At least she could stop listening to Eddie whine over being in love with a straight man.
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dadsbongos · 2 months
do u think u could write some of ur own personal headcanons for laios? i love the way u write him, it seems almost canon!
anon you dont know what fire youre messing with
also thank yew hehe :>
general headcanons:
Laios likes babysitting but does NOT want to be a real papa, he adores the idea of being the Cool And Strange Uncle but just imagining having to raise a whole person from scratch terrifies him
Usually conks out as soon as his head hits the pillow and he’s a damn heavy sleeper, he strikes me as someone that gets the dad snore when he’s a bit older
Likes doing physical activity in the moment, maintaining his stamina/strength n whatnot. But HAAATES the aftermath, he will not stop bitching about how gross he feels when sweaty
People scare him but I think men specifically scare him more than women because he mainly associates “men” with his old boarding school and military peers and his dad. Meanwhile the most callous woman he’s personally dealt with is like. his mom… who wasn’t particularly menacing and he doesn’t seem to resent her as much as he does his father
Most definitely called Chilchuck “chil” in their early days together and got his nuts sacked for the unintentional disrespect
Doesn’t drink often because the taste bugs him but when he does decide to, he drinks to get drunk. So it has to be a special occasion
The type of older brother to tell Falin food fills up your body from your feet to your head and when you’re full to your head you die
modern headcanons:
Definitely the type to unironically use little emoticons like :) or :] but his favorites are the cute ones like :3 , ^.^ , and :0
Would’ve played barbies with Falin as a kid and enjoyed it more than Falin did lol
If he were out with the group (marcille would have to threaten his life though, he would HATE “going out”) and Marcille or Falin deferred to him to deal with creepy men he’d feel like a superhero about it
Borderline mandated to have a high impact phone case by Falin because he’s GOT to be dropping that shit all the time. I just know it (projecting)
Would probably dislike resident evil as a series but thinks the premises are cool
Bouncing off that: he’s a big Undertale and Deltarune fan (definitely had a thing for Toriel at some point and probably thought sans was kind of overrated). Has ambivalent feelings towards fear & hunger, likes the atmosphere and item preservation and monsters but the assault scenes and overt brutalism ick him out from recommending it
Would go his whole life without an autism diagnosis until eventually held at metaphorical gunpoint by his friends, just for his parents to go “oh yeah we had you tested as a kid but didn’t want you using it as a crutch”
If monsters weren’t real he’d be cryptid autistic just so everyone’s on the same page
Cryptids major and ocean creatures minor type autism
I don’t think he’s straight by any measure but before he has the Realization, he’s the epitome of the girls gays and coleman meme
Segue omg: he has no desire to think more about his sexuality or gender than “i feel x” or “i choose y”. I think he identifies as Man(TM) but in a “its harder to explain i want to be a bog” way. If you referred to him with feminine pronouns or called him “girl” he seriously wouldn’t give a shit 
nsfw(?) headcanons:
Could never do casual, you would have to be committed or only know each other VERY distantly and only do it once. His ass wouldn’t know how to read your relationship if you were trying to do friends with benefits (he’s also very concerned with hurting people’s feelings so just the notion of accidentally doing that to someone he’s intimate with would kill him)
May seem strange coming from a bitch always talkin about fucking him, but I think Laios would actually have kind of a lower sex drive. Like he maybe doesn’t get needy very often but also isn’t NOT in the mood, so if you proposition him and he’s into you he’ll be like “okie :3”
That being said, when he does feel needy he’s NEEDY. It’s debilitating, he genuinely can’t do or think of anything else until his poor wee is taken care of :( poor guy aww
I can see him being a virgin until his early-mid 20s and having no shame about it (good for him go king, virginity is nothing to be ashamed of it literally doesn’t matter)
Also by virgin i mean rice purity test score of like 97
Swears he doesn’t like having his cock worshipped (says its weird and embarrassing) but he’s so flustered n drooly and babbles the whole time
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A short list of things I would have changed in HoO
It takes place ten ish years after the end of PJO. Percy and Annabeth aren’t a part of the seven but instead appear as cool older mentors to help out the Lost Hero trio. They both have careers and live in New York and go to Sally’s house for dinner every weekend.
Caleo isn’t a thing. In fact, let’s not even mention Calypso. At most we mention she was freed after the last war as idk proof demigods have some power or something.
More than 1 Asian character. Give this one ADHD and dyslexia bc shocker Asian kids can be disabled as well.
For that matter a properly disabled character. I have a deaf OC I would use if I rewrote the series.
Leo is aroace. His arc is about learning that his self worth doesn’t have to be tied to the people around him and his friends love and care about him and he doesn’t need romance to be complete. His flirting is overcompensation bc he doesn’t feel romantic or sexual attraction and is afraid he’ll be alone forever.
Drew and Piper become friends. Drew’s mean girl bullshit is outdated and boring and it would have been a lot cooler to see her icy exterior thaw and her help Piper with her charmspeck (explaining how Piper learned how to use it to begin with) and take on an older sister role
Neither Leo nor Piper become head councilors to their cabins because that’s dumb
Keep the chapter title style from PJO. It was so fun and one of the highlights of the series for me. The relatable nature of PJO in general was kinda lost in HoO and it’s a shame bc there was such a variety of characters for people to identify with there.
Give Reyna a girlfriend or at least a homoerotic friendship that can become an actual relationship in the next series or something
Frank is 14 and he and Hazel aren’t dating, they just have mutual baby crushes on one another.
For that matter what the fuck was ‘Frank is magically not fat due to Mars’s blessing’ bullshit? Frank is a fat character who stays fat but learns to be confident in himself and his body type.
Stop The Adultification of Hazel 2k23. Hazel is 13, she’s the youngest member of the seven and despite her trauma I think that should be obvious. I think emphasizing her relationship with Nico could be fun here - he’s in his 20s so him taking a more ‘that older sibling who toes the line between parent and sibling’ role here could be fun.
Also, I don’t want Hazel to have Hecate’s blessing or whatever. Between her being a magical horsegirl and the daughter of Pluto there’s already a lot of room to expand on her powers that was never used - I think doing more with her cursed jewels and metals powers and her learning the other aspects of her powers, like Shadow Travel, would be fun.
Instead I think having a daughter of Hecate as a part of the Seven would be cool, because we could still have a witchy character with mist manipulation and magic powers.
Give Jason an actual personality, please. Bro’s been a child solider practically since age 2 and has spent his whole life with the weight of other teenagers’ lives on his shoulders as praetor - give him perfectionism issues and anxiety. We’re told that he’s spent his whole life helping others compromise instead of being his own person - show that. Let his arc end with him deciding to try and live a mortal life and find out who he is beyond being a war general.
Show us that Octavian’s a piece of shit, don’t just tell us.
Leo and Piper are the ones who fall into Tartarus. Nothing romantic ever happens but we get heavy emphasis on their friendship and we get to see their grief over Leo’s mom and Piper’s grandfather respectively
Piper’s grandfather has died a few months ago and she cut her hair herself when her dad didn’t want to let her due to that (correct me if I’m wrong but it’s a tradition in Cherokee culture to cut your hair when a loved one dies, correct?), which is why it’s all uneven. A lot of her insecurities stem from going from growing up in rural Oklaholma (not in a reservation bc there aren’t any there) without much money to suddenly being catapulted into a millionaire Hollywood lifestyle and having everyone criticize everything about her and be really racist, all while her Dad drew farther away from both her and her grandfather. Her arc would be reconnecting with both her culture and Dad and learning to find who she is and her self worth again.
They defeat Gaea in a way that isn’t so anticlimactic and fucking stupid
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 months
Since Ubisoft makes NFTs of Rayman, I don’t feel bad about rewriting the whole show (kinda)
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Me and @rainbow-wolf120 both kinda/really like CLH, but we both have issues with it. Soooo why not rework some stuff while keeping the core the same? Seems easy enough (NOT). First up is Bullfrog :)
More stuff below cut:
Bullfrog is my favorite character of the show. I love him, he’s awesome and fun and kind when everyone else is sorta giant assholes. Also his design is very clean and cute, and I don’t really have issues with him.
HOWEVER, I do have a couple grievances with how he dresses and his motives.
On one hand, if he is the last of the brotherhood, WHY DRESS SO OBVIOUSLY LIKE AN ASSASSIN?? This is an issues I have with Dolph too, bc like, if you are supposed to be under the radar, you would think HIDING the parts of you that GIVE AWAY WHO YOU ARE WOULD BE OBVIOUS. But no, no you need interesting looking protags ig.
Another thing that irks me is that there are so many cool assassins in the Assassin’s Creed universe. So many. And they choose to base Bullfrog on Ezio. I get it for marketing ig, but like, there’s literally a French assassin (AC Unity), but no, the French frog gets to be Italian lol. Although I find it funny, I feel like the whole thing was a missed opportunity to give exposer to the lesser-played AC games. Or use it to promote AC Shadows by making Bullfrog a girl or like the woman assassin from that game. Or better yet, combine a ton of different aspects of every AC game into the outfit.
Which is what I did lol.
To fix both these problems, I decided to design two looks for her (he’s a her now, stone me idc, also sorry every Laserfrog shipper ever it’s not personal I promise). The one on the left is her assassin fit. It drives a lot more inspo from AC Shadows and AC Unity, with elements of Ezio and Bullfrog’s original look. However, most of Bullfrog’s initial look is incorporated in the outfit on the right, which is the subtlety outfit. That is the outfit she starts the series with, only to take it off in the sewers to reveal she’s an assassin.
When in the subtle outfit, she tries to hide as much of herself as possible. Her assassin parts, her frog parts, and her girl-ness. Kinda. She just presents as a man so people don’t fuck with her. As for the assassin fit, it shows up in the Sewer scene when she’s fighting the dudes down there. Then they identify her once she’s arrested and surprises Rayman with being a girl lol.
And to everyone who gets pissy about her being a girl, the show needs more girls.
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Have a good one my dudes :))
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sserajeans · 1 year
you are in love | 44. making the bed (written)
note: is my olivia rodrigo obsession showing..
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timing was definitely on hanni’s side as the moment she stepped on minji’s porch, the taller walked out of her front door with a white jacket over her pajamas.
“are you kidding me minji…”
“what? completes the doc kim look i think.”
hanni shook her head laughing before taking a seat on the front steps of the house. minji shrugged and followed, leaving a small space in between the two.
“so what’s with the emergency meeting?”
hanni hummed, her gaze fixed on the empty road in front of them.
“how do you know you like someone?”
minji smirked hearing the line. whether she was proud hanni was getting somewhere, or was excited she’d get to talk about her ultimate rizzler skills, she liked where the conversation was going.
“ohhh~ we’re getting into this huh?”
“hey i’m asking a serious question here, didn’t you want to help?”
minji laughed at the shorter, shifting herself sideways to lean on the handrails of the steps and to face her friend.
“i don’t know.”
“…are you fucking serious?”
“hehe no i’m kidding! i figured out i was at least interested in wonyoung when we were partnered up for mrs. choi’s media literacy project. we had to spend a lot of time together and i don’t know… i got to know her better and i found myself wanting to spend more time with her.”
“is that it?”
“well… i knew it was something else when i started messing up my drills if she was watching…”
“this is down-bad behavior, kim!”
“and you walking in the rain to cook breakfast isn’t?”
hanni’s smile slowly dropped into a more blank face, but her eyes were clear and full of thought. she stayed silent for a couple more seconds before minji started snapping her fingers in front of her face.
“bro. seriously.”
“don’t worry. but anyways, yeah that’s how liking someone feels, other than the physical side effects like the butterflies and crap. i doubt you’ve never felt it before… you probably just didn’t identify it as such.”
hanni nodded slightly, still choosing to bask in the combination of the silence and the cool wind, a reminder of the christmas season that was beginning. the village, or well, the town in general was a sight during the holidays. lights and decor everywhere, snow sculptures on the frontyards, a couple of christmas themed food trucks at the park. during the season of late november to early january was always the happiest and prettiest the small city was.
“an idiot can figure it out faster than you, you know?”
the vietnamese-australian flinched at the sudden voice, having completely forgotten she was at her best friend’s house after sitting on the porch, completely lost in thought.
minji let out a deep sigh (something she’s been doing ever since she decided to get herself invested in hanni and y/n’s business) and shook her head.
“the pieces are all laid out in front of you. what’s taking you so long to put them together?”
hanni looked down at her clasped hands, fiddling with her fingers and cracking every joint with deep inhales and exhales every time.
“i’m scared, okay?”
“i mean i got it the first time, you know. you weren’t very sure about everything. but like now you literally….“
hanni took another deep inhale and exhale before deciding to continue.
“y/n’s the closest friend i have. the person i value the most. one i hold at utmost respect and regard. i could probably even say i care more for her than my own damn family.”
“well okay. wasn’t expecting a speech! but if that’s the case then why aren’t you-“
“that means i have everything to lose if i mess things up.”
the shorter girl finally looked in minji's direction, her eyes, though not watery, were dark and heavy almost. her expression a mix: frustration, tiredness, disappointment.
“pham, this is y/n we’re talking about.”
“i’m very well aware.”
“every direction i look… if i dug into this whole emotions thing deeper, every direction i look would end up with me losing her. if i figure out i don’t like her and tell her straight up, i lose her. if i figure out i do and i mess things up because i have no idea what the hell i’m doing, i lose her.”
minji chuckled, very softly so as to not anger her friend in front of her. 
“those are all uncertain endings, pham. how are you so sure of it when you haven’t crossed the bridge yet?”
she gave no response.
“the one thing you think you’re avoiding is bound to happen for sure with the way you’re going about this.”
still silent.
“this isn’t just any friend, right? you said it yourself. this is lee y/n we’re talking about, right?”
hanni nodded, following along.
“is she not worth the risk? is your friendship with her not worth exploring feelings you’re so scared to look into?”
hanni stared silently at her hands in front of her, slow and heavy breathing the only sound that could be heard from her.
“you know the answer already pham. you know what to say. i think i do too. and if anything encourages you to actually say it, it’s that you’re starting to lose her already.”
hanni let the words sink in, closing her eyes and letting out another sigh. though her words were stern, minji’s tone never lost its light and comfort. as much as she wanted things to be better for y/n, she’s hanni’s best friend too.
the two exchanged a couple more words on the subject, hanni not forgetting to thank minji and whoever philosopher possessed her that night. things are a lot clearer now. 
she made the bed, now she must lay in it.
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masterlist. next.
taglist: @yyeonmis @lostamoeba @jisooftme @yoontoonwhs @awkwardtoafault @lcv3lies @limbforalimb @kaypanaq @manooffline @kimsgayness @justme-idle @mightymyo @sewiouslyz @txtbrainrot @li0ilthecxnt @captivq @paranoxic @sofakingwoso @pandafuriosa60 @haerinkisser @lesleepyyy @haechansbbg @rosiehrs @jiwoneiric @blue4hour @bzeus28
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seosracha · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS-> when sim jake, the highest scoring student and an easily identifiable perfectionist starts falling for a messy and careless girl, he cant find any words in the world to express his love for the only star in his eyes.
PAIRING-> sim jake x fem!reader
GENRE-> angst, fluff, unrequited love, highschool au, oneshot
AUTHORS NOTE!-> this is one of my old ateez oneshots that never got the appreciation (I THINK‼️‼️) it deserved:///
PERM TAGLIST-> @bubblytaetae @qghosty @viagumi @artstaeh @bigtoewinwin @strwberrydinosaur @enhacolor @rendezrei @shinsou-rii @notrosemary
Jake wanted to be considered a perfectionist, since he strived towards outstanding scores, a foolproof attendance and he longed to outdo himself in anything he sparked interest in. The watch his friends gave him never left his wrist, and you could catch him sneaking glances at it every minute or so. Jake was never late. Guards who watched over the school's property often spotted him at the crack of dawn, studying for exams or finishing yesterday's homework. 
Beneath the orange haze of the early morning sky, Jake’s eyes flush wide open. His body is sticky and he can feel the hot sweat creep down his neck, as he forces his body to get up. Then it hits him, as his still blurry vision spots the light blue alarm clock amongst his school uniform. His body trembles, as the usually blue numbers don’t light up his face anymore. His chest heaves uneasily, as the palm of his hand rummages through the white bed sheets. Jake’s fingertips hit the cold black surface of his phone, and roughly  pull it up to the side of his damp thigh. He reluctantly opens his phone and the white numbers on his screen read 6:48. Panic subsidies the liberating feeling he woke up with. 
“So  fucking stupid” he mutters, but the admission alone was enough to calm his heart. 
It was early, yet the scary thought of a 90/100 points on his English exam found a place in his gut, and nagged him every time his eyes read over the four digits. 
A cold shower refreshes his puddled mind, and washes away the thick layer of sweat. Jake tries to relax into the cool water, the panic fading away into a fabricated confidence. 
 “I’ll ace this” he exhales slowly, and the unnerving thoughts vanish with each scrub. 
Your eyes flutter open, as you try to avoid the boisterous voice of your older brother. His footsteps echo through the small apartment, and you can’t figure if it's them getting closer or your head still in a state of pain. You abruptly rise as the wooden door creaks open, the fit figure of your brother emerging from behind it. 
“Have you seen my spare arrows? I really need them” he says, throat tight. 
His hair was messy, and you could make out spots of dry shampoo he probably applied earlier. He looked tired and sore from practicing late at night in the depths of his room. His figure is hunched over the door frame, the creases on his school uniform evident. 
Words leap at the tip of your tongue, and you clench your jaw to keep yourself from screaming right into his pretty face. 
“What time is it?” you ask, dodging his previous question. The feathery sweep of  chilling air alleviates the tension in your muscles. 
He shakes his head and rubs the tiredness off his face “It’s 6:48” he replied, the bright light illuminating his face. 
You cursed and slipped out of the warm covers. The cold air from your room's air conditioner settled on your bare legs. 
“They’re in the living room shelf” you finally tell him, and he exhales sharply, giving you a cheeky smile “You better give me a ride to school now, Jungwon” 
He laughs at your seemingly normal request and straightens his posture. He averts his gaze from the shiny floorboards, and looks straight into your sleepy eyes. 
“If you listened for once in your life, you’d know I have a competition today” he says giddly, and you have a strange wave of anger swarming through your body. You envied him perhaps, for being able to have a cheeky smile on the first thing in the morning. 
“You can still drive me to school?’ you reply and he just chuckles, stepping out of your dusty door frame to gather his lost arrows “Hey! I was talking to you” you breathe out. 
“It’s a ten minute walk. I’m not going in that direction anyways” he says loud enough for you to hear. He precisely opens the drawers and gently places his hand upon the arrows shaft, making little to no noise. His worst fear was the angry footsteps of his parents who were woken up by their child's antics. 
“You’re so annoying Jungwon” you sigh into the sunshine, that leaves it’s intense sparkle on the length of your tense shoulders. 
Jake finds the school's uniform to be extra itchy today, as its fabric clings onto the recurring sweat on his body. His eyes furiously scan the emptiness of his poor decorated room, stopping at every metal object. 
He exhales yet another breath of disappointment, as the keys he’s been seeking for turn out to be his friends' sunglasses covered in the perfect way by stacks of crumpled paper. 
“Fuck” he curses under his breath. 
Jake can’t help but feel as if the world is against him on this day. Through the small window next to his bed, he can see the usually busy streets start to  fill up with cars and people. His body aches as the stinging sun burns into his skin. 
He hurriedly grabs the notebooks and textbooks off the messy shelf above his desk. The shelf was the only thing he let be messy in his life. He learned to live with its messy nature, and millions of unorganized worksheets. Jake isn’t even sure if these are the right books but the competitiveness in his veins leaves no time for a second checkup. 
Did he even do the homework? He’s not sure. 
He slams the apartment door shut and so do you. 
He runs down the stairs with a thud but you choose to take the elevator. 
He drops the bag that hangs loosely on his broad shoulder, but you don’t so instead you keep humming the melody of a SKZ song. 
The hurry seems to stop as the both of you meet at the entrance. 
His great memory can resurface your smiley face anytime. He also can recall you being the last person to arrive in class, so considering the walk wasn’t too long he was shocked to see you up this early. 
You smile at him, and he doesn’t know if he should wave, smile back or maybe strike up a conversation. He doesn’t like the idea of an awkward walk to school adding onto the bad things that have already happened this morning. 
“Sim Jake! You’re a morning person aren’t you?” you say, and he can feel the tension in his muscles turn into a heatwave only he can feel the effects of, as he scrambles up a response. 
“I’m always up early” he replies and it sounds meaner than he intended it to be. Not like he wanted to be rude in the first place. 
“You seem a little grumpy for an ‘I’m always up early’ guy“ you quote and he feels  heat decorate his chiseled cheeks. The bitter taste of timeless greed ushered him into the depths of his own curiosity. What exactly was it that you wanted from him? Were you making fun of him? Or maybe you had a nice start to the hot summer day, unlike him? 
“I wanted to study for the english exam, but my alarm clock broke” he answers. 
You can see exhaustion lifelessly beam from him. 
“Ah, the exam! I’m sure you’ll do well” a smile pops up on your face, and Jake spots the dimples he never seemed to notice. 
Jake’s heart courses a steady blood through the canyons of his chest and uneasy stomach, as he wonders if replying with a simple thanks would be better than disagreeing. He didn’t want to seem eccentric. 
“Thanks. I’m sure you’ll do well too” he replies, and it feels as if the tension in his lungs fills up with oxygen once again. 
You make the incital move to leave the building, by stepping out of the moving doors. He is scared to do so, as the sun already looks ready to make him sweat his ass off. 
Jake exhales. His sneakers stalk towards your direction, and you smile as he finally pops out of his petrified state. 
“I didn’t exactly study for it, you know?” you reply to his non-compliment. 
He shakes his head, and chuckles. The sound of your voice seems to alleviate any tension in his muscles. 
“Why not? I mean this is a pretty big part of our grade” he murmurs. You roll your eyes playfully, and chuckle at the boy.
At this moment Jake wanted to fade away from the perfect class title. Maybe then you wouldn’t perceive him differently.  
“I was doing my nails! Do you like them? `` You beamed, and showed the baby blue gel nails into Jake’s face “You can take my hand in yours, that’s okay” you reassured him. 
He felt relief wash over his body, as he grabbed  your smaller hand in his wrought one. He looks at them closely, trying to figure out what exactly changed. He sensed that asking wouldn’t be an appropriate response to your hard work, so he just mustered up a kind response “They look great” he finally said, and for the first time you saw his sweet smile. 
The trees moved along with the light breeze of wind, birds sang a luscious melody and the sky was clear. Jake sinks into the beams of the midday sun, accepting it’s warm nature. It’s humid and noiseless. 
“Really? Seojun and Jungwon said they looked bad”  you laughed and he let go of your hand. “But I think you’re right,” you add quietly. 
“Yang Jungwon? The archery guy?” He was curious, since he knew Seojun well. She was Heeseung's girlfriend. 
Seojun and Heeseung we’re deeply and irrevocably in love with each other. They became one with one another, and shared the beautiful bond everyone envied. They sunk  in the commitment, intimacy, passion and admired the individuality they kept. Now, in 11th grade the fire they started was only growing, and even after countless hook ups, it still felt like their first time. 
“Yeah, archery Jungwon! He’s a senior and my brother” you explained and Jake nodded in understanding.  
“That explains why seniors never mess with you or Seojun” he chuckles and you hit his forearm. You never realized how built he really was. 
“Hey, you’d take that chance if you could too” you said and he hummed in agreement. 
He blows out a steady breath. Jake has never felt so comfortable with a girl. She gave him a mold and he fit perfectly. He’s grown weary of chasing after that which destroys him until he’s in deadly silence, burned to the core. He wanted to finally open up his arms and detach from the raw perspectives tight grip. 
“I’m really surprised we haven’t been talking earlier” you say after a brief moment of comforting silence, and Jake feels like the birds chirping tune has become more joyful, the sun joists a little brighter and the wind perfectly sweeps across his face. “I mean, Seojun and Heeseung have been dating since forever. Heeseung is your best friend right?” you ask, knowing the answer. 
Jake had many friends, or at least he thought so. His deskmate and platonic soulmate Heeseung, the mother of the group, Jay, the swim team captain and somehow his friend, Sunghoon. Then there was Sunoo who’d barely show up to class. Yet when he did, the whole class would cheer for their entertainment source, and wait for the chaos to begin.
He descends in the golden hope he’s been given. He breathes in the contentment and liberation the conversation has brought him to “I’ve known him pretty long. Although he never listens to me” Jake laughs and looks at you. 
“Seojun is so stubborn too! She never listens and ends up getting in trouble” you smile and he chuckles. 
Living the life of the remarkable couple that was Heeseung and Seojun, must’ve been so carefree and fun.  
“I guess they’re meant to be,” Jake said and the giggle that leaves your lips is carefree and sunny, and grounds Jake in his growing contentment. It’s astonishing how easily you encit this light from him. 
“No joke, they are. I always end up third wheeling when i'm sleeping over at Seojun’s” you said, and he gives you a questioning look “She ends up calling him on facetime” you voice an answer to his inner question. 
Jake felt as if he could talk to you for hours, but when the picture of the newly renovated school started becoming clearer, his heart sank. He started picking up various screams and he could see the 10 graders playing on the school's court. He also didn’t expect you to ever talk to him again. 
“Did you do the math homework?” you ask as the school grounds enfulge the both of you in a seemingly playful atmosphere. 
Jake shakes his head and you make a shocked face, which leaves him fearful. 
“It’s okay Jake,  Jieun probably did it” you answer with a gentleness you never knew your voice could possess, and reassure his inner dilemma. The usage of his name makes his uneasy stomach warm. 
As he expected you to leave his side, you never did. You walked  close to him, and he could swear he felt the positivity radiate off of you. Although you kept quiet, as you two walked up the never ending staircase. 
“Y/n! Why are you so early?” Seojun said, already all over Heeseung. He was pouting at her, and Seojun was applying her favorite cherry lip gloss onto his soft lips. She spotted Jake but that didn’t exactly answer her question, just enfudgled her in deeper confusion. “What are you doing with Jake?” 
Jake tried to focus. He read over the sentence multiple times but it all felt like a blur to him. He found himself forgetting basic things, as his gaze couldn’t help but avert in your direction. 
After you two walked through the large wooden doors, Seojun kept on teasing you, and Heeseung almost instantly repeated her action but directed it towards Jake. 
‘Is she your girlfriend?’ ‘Is her your boyfriend’ 
‘Did you two already kiss?’ 
It was the consequence of having an annoying and childish friend. 
His warm hands tremble slightly, as he gropes the plastic pen. 
“What’s the answer to number five?” Heeseung whispers, but Jake ignores him. “Jaeyunnie?” he breathes out, and Jake kicks his foot with no answer. If only he had number five himself. 
He’d been skipping questions, now on number eight still not grasping anything printed on the paper. 
‘The period between childhood and adulthood is called?’ 
“Easy, youth” he whispers, and Heeseung turns into his direction with a pleadfull look on his face. 
A smile perks up on his lips as he writes down his answer with confidence.  Yet he sinks back into his chair, when the next question doesn’t sound so painfully obvious. 
‘Hugging someone who is hurt is a signal of?’ 
He sighs and writes down bravery but is sure the answer isn’t correct. He ducks his head low, dropping the pen. He glances down with a small smile, studying his dress pants. He gathers small pieces of lint, and throws them into the large pocket of his backpack. 
Jake sneaks another secretive glance at you, and you seem just as confused as he is. Although you keep writing so he assumes you're just shooting your shot. You try biting at your fingernails to relieve the stress, but soon remember they aren’t bare anymore. 
He stares at the blank, gray TV mounted on the wall. It seems like a dust collector, since the teachers never turned it on, but with the right remote it could show anything he wanted. Maybe even the answers to this impossible test. 
“I think it’s okay to not have answers,” Heeseung whispers. 
He tried to copy Jake’s answers but instead he spotted the page empty with nothing even scribbled over. Jake’s pen layed lifelessly just like the look on his face. 
“This is gonna hurt” Jake responds, but doesn’t remove his eyes from the TV. 
Softly, and quietly, Heeseung says “I know” 
He likes teasing Jake for his perfectionism, and longing passion for achieving great scores. Yet deep inside he has the need to comfort and reassure his friend at times like this. 
Jake squeezes his eyes shut, until he can feel the pain. He tries hard to muster up any answer that would at least give him half a point, but the bell relieves the pain as his eyes flush open. 
Panic rises as the calm aura subsides. He has to be hallucinating, but the students rising from their seats and handing in the test say otherwise. Time doesn’t even feel real anymore. 
“You want me to hand that in for you?” Heeseung asks, pointing to the empty paper. Jake shakes his head, and Heeseung just shrugs while walking off. 
“Babe I did so well! I didn’t finish one exercise, can you believe that?” Seojun squeaks, and wraps her long arms around Heeseung’s neck. He pulls her closer to his exhausted body and spins her around. She laughs and he just keeps on repeating how proud he is. 
“I knew you’d do well!” Heeseung says and she kisses his cheek, leaving a wet spot. 
Jake doesn’t understand how Heeseung isn’t envious of his girlfriend at this very moment. He bites his lip, and feels guilty. 
Maybe if he was in his friend's position it’d be different. Maybe if he could actually experience real love. 
His eyes catch your figure stalking towards the teachers desk, where the stacks of tests lay. With a sigh you let go of the paper, and smile at the teacher. Jake repeats your action. He doesn’t know if he did it because of you or perhaps he has come to a realization he won’t write anything. 
“I’m counting on you Jake” Mrs. Kang says and he flips the paper over to hide the fact he answered barely two questions. He gives her a polite smile in return. 
Some students are still glued to their chairs. Most of them are scribbling over their paper at an inhumane pace, and some look like they’re praying for a miracle. 
“So, how was it?” you ask, bringing Jake back to reality. 
He looks at you and smiles. All his worries fade away as you return one back, with the sweetest look on your face. 
Jake regrets not noticing you earlier. Then he wouldn’t feel like the side character to Seojun and Heeseung's story. 
“I knew this would happen. It went horrible” he answered. 
“Don’t worry! I didn’t answer a single question correctly” you say, and rub his shoulder. 
Jake feels the coldness of the classroom turn into a warm summer field. He bites back a cheeky response “I’m sure you’ll do better next time” 
“I don’t think so. I probably can’t even introduce myself in English” you giggle and he does too. 
“I think I just panicked” Jake says, and you pout. 
“Why? You know you don’t always have to be perfect. It’s fine to not be the best always” you voice with a dismal tone. 
His heart climbs, climbs, and climbs until it finally explodes into a flowered array of colorful sparkles. He feels as if his chest is on fire. 
“I’ve always put so much pressure on myself-” Jake starts but the couple interrupts him. 
“Let’s go outside! The archery team came back from their competition!” Seojun says, and you roll your eyes. 
“I really don’t want to hear Jungwon bragging right now,” you say. 
“Jungwon’s so cool” Jieun joins in and you make a disgusted face. 
“Not really. He’s off limits by the way, Jieun” you respond and she just pouts at you. 
Jake listens to the interaction unveil, still standing close to you. His hand brushes against yours. 
“I can’t believe you’d think I like your brother,” Jieun asserts sadly. 
“You do like him,” Seojun says calmly. Jieun gives her the scariest stare, and Seojun clings onto Heeseung's arm for protection. 
Jake fights the urge to laugh at their ridiculous approach to a seemingly serious topic. He’s reminded, fondly, of their immaturity- their youth. 
“Y/n don’t listen to this snake. Everything she says is a lie” Jieun looks straight into your eyes. 
“Whatever Ji. As long as your not making out with him in my house im fine with it” you say and Jieun bites her lip at the thought of having any intimate moment with Jungwon. You spot it. “You’re disgusting” you laugh and slap her arm. 
You then turn to Jake and pull out the pen you were previously scribbling over your exam with. You write nine digits on his hand, and he doesn’t understand what for at first. 
“Let's talk about this later. I want to help you” you say with a cute smile as Seojun starts pulling you towards the school's exit. You mouth a fast sorry, and leave him alone with Heeseung. 
“I can feel it coming” Heeseung sings and Jake just rolls his eyes leaving the classroom “Oh” he makes a frustrated noise, and looks for his next target. 
Sunghoon. Perfect. 
Jake’s finger hovered over the call button, his mind puzzled. He bites back his tongue. 
What if you don’t pick up? 
But when he accidentally touched the screen a bit too hard, and the dialing sound erupted through his phone's speaker, he had no choice but to accept the reality. 
Things happen for a reason. 
“Hello? Who is this?” he hears your voice. It sounds so full of life and delicate. 
“Uh, Jake. Sim Jake. I’m sorry if you're busy I just-” he rambles but you cut him off with a laugh. He pauses and feels embarrassment creep onto his cheeks as he lets one of his aggravating habits unleash in front of you. 
“No no, I’m not busy. I never am in a matter of fact” you say and he exhales a sharp breath he’s been holding in ever since the call started. 
Why was he so nervous? 
“Did you eat already?” you ask and he sits up straight on his bed. His nerves are now comforted by the mask of darkness, and his confidence grows with every inhale. 
“I did. Mom made jjigae. She usually never puts this much effort into dinner, and makes me eat out with Heeseung” Jake explains and you smile. 
Jake didn’t catch the moment where you two became friends. His far fetched knowledge wasn’t aware two people could bond so easily. The last time he hit it off with someone so easily was when Sunghoon joined their class last year. Some things as simple as this made him question himself. 
“Lucky” you expressed “My parents left for Busan this morning, and since me and Jungwon don’t cook, like at all, we had to eat leftover rice with some kimchi we found in the fridge” you explained and Jake thought about bringing you for dinner next time. 
He shook his head. 
“I tried catching up on some English, but I seriously can’t understand anything, Although I did make some sense of the last topic” you voice, not letting Jake speak on your last statement. 
A tingling sensation rushes down Jake’s neck and chest with a dangerous thrill. 
“Good” he lets out a shaky breath “I like that” 
“That sounded like you're trying to seduce me” you laugh, and Jake’s heart leeps unexpectedly. 
He wasn’t trying to. Or maybe he was. 
“Sorry” he mumbles “I’m just really tired, and I still haven’t finished the assignment” Jake explains and you feel bad for him. 
“Jake you need to stop overworking yourself. I know, we aren’t that close yet, but we all know you barely get any sleep” you scold, and his breath deepens. 
“I don’t want to disappoint anyone, '' his voice trembles. 
“You won’t. Jake this is highschool! You should be more careless, have some fun” you say “Maybe fall in love. Ah, I wish someone wanted me like Heeseung wants Seojun” you giggle. 
Everyone wants you. I want you. Don’t you know that? 
“Maybe you’re right,” he speaks with a low voice. 
“I know I’m right. I’m always right” you assure and hear a quiet, breathy laugh on the other side of the call. 
Jake thought you’d be the one to cut their conversation short, tired of his shyness, and drained from constantly coming up with an entraining topic, but you didn't. You didn’t hang up on him. Jake tossed and turned in his bed, regularly kicking off the bedsheets and bringing them back up when his body reaches an uncomfortable temperature. He listened to the soft sound of your voice until his mind seemed to shut it out, and his eyes eloped him in a universe of constant nothingness. 
“..she ditched me for him on my birthday! Can you believe? I was so pissed  at her for the whole week after that” you said and the other side of the line was quiet. “Jakey? Did you mute?”
You waited hoping to hear a response soon. 
“Oh, well you must’ve fallen asleep. Goodnight” you whispered softly, and smiled. 
don’t fall asleep next time!!!!!!! 
let’s get a meal tomorrow
i’ll tell you the story again hehe 
He had overcome his initial shyness. He spoke to you with a newfound confidence. 
It’s been a month. Or two. Jake can’t recall cause time spent with you never felt real to you. 
When Heeseung initiated your newborn friend group visits the beach in honor of graduation, Jake made sure to workout everyday, and follow his strict diet. He wanted to look good. 
For you. 
“You should tell us about how you found out you’re in love with Heeseung, Seojun!” Jieun beamed. 
Jake sits up rapidly glancing once again at the landscape in front of him. Soft wind blows and the hot sun seetles on his skin. 
“Not this again” you roll your eyes, and Jieun gives you a death glare. 
“I want to at least know what it feels like” she protests. 
“All of us have heard this story millions of times, Ji” you say and she acts offended. 
“I haven’t” Sunghoon declares, and takes a long sip of his ice cold water. 
Jake and Jay agree with him. You sigh and lay back down on the soft towel. The sizzling sand settles on your back through the material. 
“You’re just jealous no one loves you like Heeseung loves me” Seojun fights, and snuggles into the warm embrace of Heeseung's toned arms. 
I do. 
“Yeah right” you huff. 
“It’s hard for me to put into words what it feels like to be with Hee'' she starts and Jieun smiles “I don’t know the exact moment I knew, I just did. If you ever fall in love you’ll know it” 
“Even when he made me sad countless times, I still knew my anger wouldn’t last long. I started to love him for who he is on the inside. I started to love his flaws. The kisses and sweet words, they're still a first time feeling. He taught me answers that couldn't be obtained by counting. I have someone like him in my life and I know what I feel is real and will never compare to anything I’ve ever experienced. And if you love someone enough, they’ll always know where home is” she finished and Jieun was quietly fangirling, with a tear streaming down her rosy cheek. 
It felt familiar to Jake. He couldn’t quite grasp it yet. 
“Are you seriously crying, Jieun?” Jay interjected, and Jieun whipped the salty tear away with the palm of her hand. 
“Am not. The sun is just really bright, and I don’t have sunglasses” she protested and Jay just laughed. 
Jake felt awkward seeing how he changed after meeting you. 
He doubted his feelings for you. He could push them away. But he knew they were real. He learned to love every part of you. 
“I seriously need to get a girlfriend,” Sunghoon said, and Jay eagerly agreed with him. 
A sinking feeling begins to rot in his stomach as the realization dawns on him. 
“It’s a lot of searching but sometimes the right person is next to you the whole time” Heeseung explains. 
Jake looks at your sunkissed figure at his words, but quickly averts it to Jay who was pouring water into his cup. He didn’t want to be so obvious with his feelings. 
“Don’t even think about it” Jake turns his head to Sunghoon, who is pushing Jieun’s figure away. 
“You’ll never know if you don’t try,” Jieun pouts and crosses her arms. 
The blazing sun makes your skin glow a soft porcelain, pink lips pressed together. Jake likes it. He likes it almost too much. 
Jake spends lonely nights in the darkness of his own room, thinking about you. The image of you laying next to him, makes his heartbeat faster, and an unfamiliar feeling becomes one with his bloodline. You consumed at least 50% of his brain. 
He gets deja vu. His finger hovers over the call button, hesitation and panic replacing the air in his lungs. 
Why does he feel like this? 
“Fuck it” he murmurs. 
‘You should be more careless, have some fun, maybe fall in love’ 
“Hello? Is everything okay” the voice he adores so much speaks through his speaker, and he almost forgets that he dialed your number already. 
“Hey, Y/n” he speaks with a low voice, afraid of the destiny spreading before him with every word. 
“Jake you seem off” you say, and he straightens up his posture. 
Stop being weird. 
Jake remembers sitting here, on his bed, after the trip to the beach came to an end, the sun setting, forcing himself to accept the first pieces of the truth that changed his heart for good. The time span between that and now feels like he’s discovered so much. 
“You’re the best thing that has happened to me” Jake confesses. “And I know you changed me” 
You hesitate, flustered by his sudden confession “For the better, right?” 
“I don’t know that either” Jake says, and his voice trembles. 
He looks out the window, and it reminds him of the day that changed the way he perceived things. But this time instead of a bustling atmosphere, it was almost unoccupied. The street was lifeless, because without a purpose it feels the same way Jake did before he met you. Empty. 
“It’s okay to not know” you say, and Jake is brought back to the day he sat in the uncomfortable classroom chair, nothing in his head accept you. It took him long enough to realize his mistake. 
Jake feels a pinching feeling overcome his body. His hands, his head, his body and his soul. He wanted to cry again but he  didn’t  want tears to disrupt the heartfelt moment unveiling in front of him. He learnt to be grateful for what he has, but he never experienced what it's like to get that taken away from you. 
“I wish I could feel you” Jake’s voice falls into a low rumble. 
You inhale sharply. 
“In my arms” he holds his breath “Warm, and real” 
“Don’t do this, Jake” you whisper “Please” 
Heartbreak was never so loud. 
A silence falls within the call. He’s stunned into silence. 
“I think I love you” 
His eyes squeeze shut. His heart seems to stop pumping blood, as he doesn’t hear your voice. 
As you can sense Jake’s wiliting stature, you speak softly “I’m sorry for doing this to you” 
“No it’s fine. I’m sorry for ruining our friendship” he replies, tears forming on his waterline. 
You don’t disagree with him. His heart begins to shatter. He knows he’s lost you. 
Jake loved to absorb new knowledge, and study complex problems. He liked the feeling that coursed through him as he successfully solved a math problem or answered a complicated chemistry equation. The one thing he learned so quickly was how to love you. How to appreciate you for your individuality, and cherish the moments spent with you. 
But the one thing he couldn’t learn was how to stop loving you. 
I’m going to miss this
“It hurts” he whispers, not capable of holding the stream of tears anymore “But it’s okay” 
“Jake I really hope you find someone that can love you the way I can’t” you wince. 
Everything brings him back to the day he first met you. 
Because now that he won’t have you by his side anymore, the unlucky days won't magically turn better. 
He hates the fact he will never be able to hate you. 
He hates the fact that you are so imperfectly perfect. 
Jake’s quiet cries are the only thing consoling the immediate silence. 
“Please remember me when our youth is gone, Y/n” he says hanging up the call.
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lovedrruunk · 3 months
What TikToks I think overwatch characters would post pt 2! (>ᴗ•) !
Part 1 !
Rein, don’t know if u guys know that liver king guy but he’s literally just rein if he took steroids. Posts tons of like gym core/culture videos yk BUT HES ONE OF THE GOOD ONES!!! Ppl in the community love him bc of how positive he is even though he’d give rlly bad advice “EATING THIS RAW TESTICLE INCREASED MY TESTOSTERONE LEVELS BY 9%!!!!”
D.va, this can go 2 ways. #1 in all her Korean celebrity realness posts vids doing trendy dances while using crazy whitening filters and doing aegyo. #2 goes by a fake name and trolls the fuck out of people. D.va being a hater is such a strong head canon of mine like I love her being a toxic bitch like yes slay or whatever so relatable! Replies to streamers she secretly hates like “Wow your mom’s basement looks so clean!” “My left toe can get better plays.” “Bet even your keyboard hates being touched by you.” basically meowbah or wtv her name was but less weird more cunty
Ana, she replies to reins TikTok’s telling his followers NOT to do anything he says, but other than that I can see her posting cooking vids (as every Arab mom does) but she’ll be talking sweetly in English and then suddenly start cussing something out in Arabic and it’ll be so off topic and it’s rlly funny “and then you add 1 cup of flour! ‘I told my lazyass lgbtqia daughter to pick up some earlier but of fucking course she chose to disappoint me again. Ever since the day I birthed her she has been disappointing me over and over again.’ A pinch of salt!”
Hanzo, DEPRESSION CORE SLIDESHOWS LMAOOO some “when the nice guy loses his patience… the devil shivers.” ass shit, bio is probs something stupid like “family betray, women cheat, Hennessy cures.”
Ashe, CONTROVERSIAL QUEEN !!! People forget she’s southern like please you cannot tell me she doesn’t have some crazyass takes. Will post borderline ragebait in like her car or something. “My gun identifies as a PLUNGER. Beat that Biden.” “BIDEN CANT TAKE MY GUNS, I KEEP THEM UPSTAIRS!!!” “Bidens oldass will probably find a way to outlive my OMNIC butler.” She’ll say all this stupid shit with a straight face and I just think that’s so funny. On rare occasions she’ll actually have a rlly good progressive take and ppl will be like okay hold up let her cook…
Tracer, kinda like junkrat where she's only famous cuz ppl lowk make fun of her and she hasn't caught on yet... I LOVEEEE Tracer she's my fav character but CMONNNN "Cheers love!" SHES NOT SURVIVING TIKTOK!!! ppl in the comments will be mocking her accent and she'll just think they're british too... ppl make fun of her NOT cuz they hate her but because she's just ummm eccentric that's the world plus she's british so that's rlly the only reason why ppl make fun of her like not in a mean way but just for funsies yk...
Pharah, being arab and being a lesbian I am 100% qualified to say this but she's such a fucking lesbo ykwim like 'hey mamas' type, she's also really whitewashed like thinks shes a white stud or something. Ellie Williams wannabe makes thirst traps in stained white wife beaters and expects every lesbian in a 100 mile radius to want her (they dont). Thinks playing basketball makes her the shit and she's just rlly desperate and lame. horny on main. Ana found one of her thirst traps once and it led to a really awkward convo
Kiriko, she's only there to post cute videos of her adventures with her gang and fox like shes just there to have a good time ykwim. And she's like popular bc all her fans r girls and her vlogs and stuff r just so nice to watch plus she's funny and rlly cool!
Baptiste, the anti-andrew tate. Hes so attractive and like confident that people can't help but like him ykwim like he makes little straight boys piss their pants with his bazillion level aura. He'll just post a random vid in his car maybe eating chipotle or something and he'll have men and women alike confessing their love for him in the comments. Lesbians love him.
Any character I haven't mentioned i just can't see posting or having tiktok!
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mxydxyzway · 9 months
jeffery woods
- jeff is an absolute piece of shit guy. i mean, what else would you expect from an edge lord serial killer?
- he doesn’t have an actual residence, he lives on the road in his old and shitty 1970 Ford F250 that he never has attempted to take care of.
- he truly is disgusting. he’ll go to strip clubs or red light districts in the city he’s passing through and pick up women. after their affair is done he kills them and steals their cash. thats where he gets his gas money, clothes, and food.
- his hygiene is poor but not as terrible as some would assume, he’ll go to truck stops and use the showers provided to make sure he’s not too grimey.
- jeff has no remorse and isn’t ashamed of the terrifyingly gross man he has turned into. if anything, he believes that the women are lucky to be murdered by him. because in his mind, he’s literally jeff the fucking killer who wouldn’t want to go down in history as one of his victims?
- but, don’t get arrogance caught up with ignorance. jeff is extremely smart so even though his shit might be sloppy he sure as hell is good at covering his tracks. the only way they’re able to identify victims as his is by the little signature he’s adapted. what is said signature? well, it’s cutting smiles into their faces.
- he is incredibly good at making sure no dna or traceable clues are left at the scene. this skill of his is directly related to the fact that law enforcement has yet to identify his vehicle, next intended location, and what he even looks like. time can change a person and nineteen year old jeff looks incredibly different from thirteen year old jeff.
- the only “close call” he’s had (if you even wanna call it that) is when he first started to figure out this little routine of his. he was picking up a girl in Chicago and it ended up being a sting situation. he had to get his hands a bit dirty there for a second but other than that he was off the hook.
- jeff doesn’t just kill women though, truckers are also not safe from this disease of a man. jeff likes the shirt a trucker is wearing? dead. wearing cool boots that look about his size? dead. oh, that trucker has a nice rig i wonder if his wallets pretty? yeah, jeff already got to him.
- as mentioned earlier, he has no remorse or shame. it’s his world and everyone else is living in it because he decides.
- when he meets little seventeen year old nina things get a bit wonky. he is interested in her infatuation with him, and sort of thinks “fuck it let’s see how long i can tolerate her”. he’ll most likely stay in her city for a bit and entertain her before he gets bored again, leaving her in shambles. while their fling was short it definitely was toxic as fuck but everybody knows that.
- after leaving ninas city he’s quick to jump to the next one. he doesn’t dwell on her too much because in his mind she was just a play thing. she meant nothing to him and was there for his entertainment. when things got a little too soppy is when he decided to leave, he was never made for settling down and automatically assumed that’s what nina wanted. if he had actually pulled his head out of his ass, he would come to find out that’s not at all what she wanted.
- anywho, he likes to think he lives that “rock and roll” life style when in all reality he’s just a greasy freakazoid who attempts to adapt a punk rock wardrobe.
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findafight · 1 year
Can interest you in a potentially controversial Stobin headcanon in what sounds like a trying time?
If so; Steve and Robin share girlfriend at some point.
Not in the “turns out that time we were both dating girls named Crystal? We were in fact dating one girl named Crystal. Who *somehow* never put it together that my Steve and the Steve she was two-timing me with were in fact the person!”
(This does in fact happen - I’m thinking when Robin’s in college and has met like, three different Crystals (one of whom has parents that lived in the same commune as Robin’s! Such a shame girls named Crystal have been *ruined forever*).
It’s a pretty surreal break up for Crystal; not only are her boyfriend and girlfriend turn out to be actually best friends (in her defence, Robin has taken to calling him “Stevie” at this point and the way she talks about him really conjures the image of a standard preppy bitch who’s been Robin’s best friend since kindergarten, and Steve (in retaliation) tends to use “Rob” and “Robbie”, leading Crystal to believe his Robin is male), and seem almost as angry about this as they are about the infidelity.
Crystal’s attempts at explaining herself and apologising result in Steve retorting that he’s not even mad that she’d want to date Robin - Robin’s fucking amazing! If Crystal had just told him that was what he wanted, he probably would have been okay with it - which Crystal takes as Steve being a bitch, but is something Robin will point later as her realising that this is something she might be okay with.)
Anyway, I figure this is something that would happen when they’re in their 20s and/or their 50s. They’re either approached by a woman who thinks they’re a couple (“does it make our marriage more or less of a sham if we’re sharing a mistress?”) or they approach someone they both have a crush on a la Troy & Abed asking out the librarian.
I don’t think either of them would identify as poly, per se - it’s very much “if it’s you, it’s okay”, and if the girlfriend breaks up with one of them, it’s assumed she’s breaking up with both of them.
I just kind of like the combination of Robin and Steve as Platonic Life Partners, trying to figure out polyamory and just how absolutely Buckwild (Robin’s Wrestler name!) it would be for their [potential] girlfriends and anyone on the outside of the situation. Jon and Eddie just sat there, listening to Steve ramble about the situation bc it’s Robin’s date night and just…bluescreening. Argyle smiling and nodding “happy for you, man. I mean, sucks you’re off the market, but glad you’ve found something that works”.
one yes always interested in controversial takes tbh. two. omg yes exactly you are so smart anon
The Crystal situation!! so true this is absolutely something that would happen to stobin (also true I know a few queer women called crystal). bad luck in love that's them!!
I think Steve is like. mostly monogamous...unless his gf/partner is also dating Robin. like it would make sense to him I think. He'd be like well. this way we don't have to worry you things being weird about my Very Normal Friendship With Robin That Some People Thing Is Weird!
I think I've mentioned before the funny scenario of stobin going "hey me and my platonic life partner saw you across the bar and liked your vibes" and I stand by that.
But also funny is that Steve or Robin's girlfriend being absorbed into their dynamic and realizing that she is..... sort of dating both of them? And her being the one to bring up dating the other and Robin and steve going well how would that change things? and everyone realizing that it would probably only change the amount of kisses gf gets and going well that sounds cool let's try it!
Maybe in their 20s it doesn't work out but they try again in their 50s and they go wow! this was a great idea we were just young and it just didn't work out.
that's so fun. I want them to have crazy dating stories. I want Jonathan and Eddie to sit there going what the hell are these two doing? because the complexities of stobin's dating lives have always confused them even before the poly V started, and argyle just vibing listening to the double date night shenanigans he's being told.
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wonderlandgoblin · 6 months
Okay, so I don’t watch Hazbin Hotel (if I wrote it wrong, sorry) but for like weeks, the only thing I see in the asexual tag is people complaining about allos shipping ace characters in a very allo way, and it’s been annoying me to no end, because while we do have to be upset about that, the ace tag should also function in a way for us to share jokes, have fun and enjoy our identity without having to fight for our right to exist.
So I propose we do something different. Let’s annoy the aphobes. I propose that from now on, every character becomes ace/aro/aroace. No more shipping fanfics, just platonic relationships and friendships. Every fanart is now SFW and has the ace/aro/aroace flags colors.
Tell me the characters you’re claiming!
My ace claimings are:
1-Luffy (any pairing with him just gives me nausea)
2-Zoro (fuck zosan, he prefers swords over anything except maybe luffy, who he has a squish on)
3-Bakugou Katsuki (I love that kid, I’m making him one of my own)
4-Sasuke (I hate that guy, but he rejected both Sakura and Naruto, that kid’s definitely aroace)
5-Yor (my queen mama prefers killing over kissing, that should be an obvious sign)
6-Yona (no one’s touching my queen, she never liked Soo-won nor Hak, it was all social pressure to not end up alone, fight me)
7-Xie Lian (I don’t like the idea of anyone touching the god I worship, so that means he’s ace now)
8-Kageyama (idk why, he just has a vibe)
9-Handa from Barakamon (I don’t think this needs explanation)
10-Fushiguro Megumi (I like him, he’s one of my own now)
11-Maomao (she prefers venoms over sex)
12-Mash from Mashle (like, look at him, that guy just wants to exercise, eat and be with his family)
13-Violet Evergarden (I don’t think I need to explain this, this girl dedicated her entire life to understanding romance as it made no sense to her, aroace queen)
14-Sokka (he’s too smart to like sex)
15-Zuko (he’s an angel, angels don’t have sex)
16-Magnus Chase AND Alex Fierro (they’re my babies, I identify too much with them, the idea of them having sex gives me the ickies)
17-Jude from the Cruel Prince (I liked her better before she fell for that stupid fairy)
18-Edmund from Narnia (he was my childhood crush, I’m making him ace)
19-Annabeth Chase (she’s too perfect to have sex)
20-Alec Lightwood (I just like imagining Magnus loosing his shit every once in a while because of it)
21-Leo Valdez (bc why not?)
22-Blue Sargent and half the women she lives with (no explanation needed)
23-Dick Gansey the Third (he prefers dead kings over sex)
24-Katniss Everdeen (if you disagree, what is wrong with you?)
25-Castiel (fuck destiel shippers, angels don’t have sex)
26-Felicity from Arrow (haven’t finished the series but as far as I know, she’s too cool for sex)
27-Barbie (she’s a doll, she has no reproductive organs, she can’t feel desire)
I could probably pick more characters but I think this is enough for now, have fun annoying the aphobes!
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posting-for-the-void · 9 months
I’m afab, and I present really feminine, so I think it really confuses people when I say I don’t entirely identify as a girl
and, bear with me, because I’m really word-vomiting here, but I think I kind of get it.
My relationship with gender is obscenely complicated. Ridiculously confusing, even. Like, it’s confusing and unknowable to me, and it’s my gender, so I can’t imagine how much more confusing it would be from the outside looking in.
Normally when people ask I just kind of say that I “don’t really do gender” because that’s about as close as I can get in a short amount of time, but it’s not really entirely accurate.
Okay, here’s the nerdy part:
I’m an English major. The more you learn about this language, the less words actually mean. It’s a bullshit language cobbled together and then destroyed and cobbled back together with some of the original bits and some bits from other languages time and time again over centuries. Words mean nothing and, by extension, pronouns mean nothing.
I also am studying Spanish, and in Spanish, everything is gendered. An orange is a girl the same way I am a girl, which is to say that neither of us are really a girl, because that’s ridiculous. It’s just how other people describe us. Once again, words mean nothing so pronouns mean nothing.
Yes, I was raised with she/her pronouns and as such I, to some extent, identify myself with them, but I also would feel the same if I was raised with he/him pronouns, so I feel like that doesn’t really mean anything.
I like they/them pronouns because I relate to the idea of not really being feminine or masculine, and also because I’m a nerd and it’s new English functions that are cool as fuck.
But sometimes I like being girly and calling myself a girl, and sometimes I like being masculine and get something akin to an adrenaline rush when my friends call me “King” instead of “Queen.”
So, about as close as I can get to explaining my gender with a label would probably be “genderfluid,” and I’m okay with that, but it still doesn’t feel quite right because gender doesn’t really mean anything to me, and no matter how I’m gendered, it won’t really bother me.
I dunno. It’s complicated and confusing and I just kind of exist as me, and not really as a gender that I can explain with words in a way that will resonate with most people.
I’m just me. And I think that confuses a lot of people, because most people would never leave out gender in their description of themselves, and, to be fair, I wouldn’t either if it didn’t take me this long to try to explain it, so, you know, it’s kind of valid?
Anyways, my name is Sid and my gender is IDK™️, and that confuses a lot of people, which, like, fair enough, lol.
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Hey there!
I wanted to post that for a while so, here we are.
Wondering who’s behind this blog?
Here’s something about me under the cut:
• I identify as a woman, my pronouns are she/her
• Born and raised in Italy, I still live there.
• I’m 141 LOL but according to people I still look like I’m in my 30s so let me indulge in that, thank you very much.
• I don't think there's anyone who makes me more feral than Joel Miller. I just can’t help it. My (un)holy Pedro characters triad is Joel, Oberyn and Peña 💕 (immediately followed by Frankie)
• I have a little elephant pendant that I always wear, no one knows what it's about *wink*
• I’m Leo Sun, Libra Rising and Aries Moon. You scared? I promise I don’t bite, unless explicitly requested 😏
• I’m Bi/Pan as fuck, always been obviously but I realized only last year. LOL, better late than never i guess. I only have problems with cisgender white males because I mean… they’re the worst, okay, I don’t make the rules.
• Single, unmarried, not interested in having kids even a little bit, I prefer to be the cool auntie.
• I love cooking and I'm quite good at it, I had good genes from my Italian grandmas 😌
• I can’t function without coffee, especially in the morning. I take my coffee bitter with just a little bit of milk.
• I can’t stand lies, the phrase “oh I didn't tell you so as not to make you suffer” (UGH, no you didn’t tell me ‘cause you’re a fucking coward and that’s it, my friend), misogyny, racism, fascism, homophobia, bi-erasure, any other form of verbal or physical violence towards LGBTQIA+ people, injustice in general, if you are any of the above you are not welcome here or in my life.
• I love dogs. I have a poodle named Brienne after the GOT character, she’s 5 years old so that means she got me through pandemic and she’s my love and joy. Isn’t she adorable? Yes, she is.
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• I’m unfortunately allergic to cats (yep, like Pedro) and can’t pet them unless I wish for an asthma attack. That sucks, I know.
• I have deep brown curly hair, brown eyes and I’m short (158 cm).
• I have a lot of freckles, you could go on a treasure hunt following them.
• I’ve been to more than 100 concerts in my life including some festivals abroad.
• I currently listen to Hozier and Chappell Roan on a daily basis. I also love Billie Eilish, used to be a big Muse fan (listen, their first albums were great, okay) plus I’m a sucker for ‘90/‘00 music ‘cause that’s the music I grew up with.
• I love beer more than wine.
• I love reading, I used to read all the time, I have less time to do it now and it bothers me so much. I’m still reading fanfiction though. 🤭
• I’m a sucker for True Crime Podcasts, I only listen to Italian ones for now so unless you’re Italian you don’t know my faves and it’s a pity ‘cause they’re really good.
• Cults scare the shit out of me but at the same time they’re one of the things that makes me more curious ‘cause my mind can’t really comprehend what happens in people’s mind when they get sucked into them.
• Some tv series I love in no particular order: The Last of Us, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Lost, The Handmaid’s Tale, Bojack Horseman, GOT (until seasons 7 & 8 happened 💀), Sense 8, Jane the Virgin, Grace and Frankie, Narcos, Only Murders in the building, The Bear, Succession, The Morning Show, Friends, Stranger Things (mostly because Jim Hopper is there, certainly not for those z*onists, you know), Mad Men, Gilmore Girls (Luke Danes *cough*), Mindhunter, Peaky Blinders (huge Tommy Shelby’s slut, don’t look at me like that, okay), My Brilliant Friend, The Affair, Black Mirror (until last seasons happened but it used to be one of the greatest things ever), The Walking Dead (got bored halfway through season 9, I recently started a rewatch and I hope to get to the very end of it lol), Fleabag, Normal People, When They See Us, Hill House, Bly Manor, Midnight Mass, Chernobyl.
• Films I love in no particular order: Parasite, Aftersun, Past Lives, All of Us Strangers, Brokeback Mountain, Almost Famous, The Goonies, Stand By Me, The Breakfast Club, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Lobster, The Neon Demon, Midsommar, One Day, When Harry Met Sally, There’s still tomorrow, Strange Way of Life, Prospect, The Banshess of Inisherin, Coco, The Emperor’s New Groove (so underrated), Mommy, The Virgin Suicides, Girls Interrupted, Saltburn, Promising Young Woman, Little Women (1994), Gone Girl, Shoplifters, Bin-Jip 3 Iron, Love Me If You Dare, The Piano, Fried Green Tomatoes, Notorious, Some like it Hot, Rear Window and you can ask for my Letterboxd account for more.
• Bad weather makes me sad and melancholy.
• I obviously love Italian cuisine with all my heart but I also love to try new dishes especially when I’m abroad. I love chocolate and I have a sweet tooth in general but there’s nothing I crave more than good carbs (I can be happy with a slice of good bread or focaccia). I love spicy food but I can't handle it when it’s very very spicy.
• I love bags, I have so many bags and I still want more lol
• When I was a kid I wanted to be a writer or a journalist. What do I do now? I’m a secretary LOL (I also have a second job not related to writing as well)
• As a friend, I’m loyal to the bone, I could do anything for you if I love you. If you betray me real bad though don’t expect a second chance, I mean I could try but I know i can’t ‘cause you’re changed forever in my eyes.
• I have so many kinks, you can ask if you want to know, okay. Also, so many authors here are responsible for giving me new ones. I love you deeply.
If you want to know more my asks and dm are open!
Here’s a little bit of me, byeeeee.
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eisforeidolon · 4 months
You are totally entitled to your opinion, but this reply was a not so much, "no, I don’t think Dean was abusive" response. It was more a "look at all the times Sam is meaner and worse than Dean" response, which is what Sam fans get accused of doing in reverse. The thing is, Sam girls ARE overly defensive of Sam, but it is partially because the show narrative itself almost always sides with Dean, as in his choices end up being "right" even when they logically shouldn’t be. Or sam just has to "get over" things or he’s a "bitch, but Dean is allowed to be angry and hurt without the show shitting on him for it. Sam even gets blamed for things that he didn’t even do (this is by Castiel often, though. And he sucks, so … whatever). Sorry, but just some backstory on why Sam girls get sensitive.
I don’t actually think Dean is abusive. I think he’s damaged and dealing in the way he knows how. And, yeah, both brothers hurt each other a lot by lying, saying harsh things, etc. I actually think the times either have punched each other, the other hardly counts as anything serious. Nit the big fights, but the single- punches. I’m not saying they are right, but growing up fighting monsters, a punch is going to mean less to both of them than not trusting each other or things like that.
Also, in my opinion, I get people’s annoyance at the whole Sam trying to get Dean to talk about things on his time frame isn’t cool. But, it results in Dean knowing he can open up when HE is ready. He always ends up sharing with Sam in th end. But, as the show goes on, Dean shuts doesn’t Sam’s attempts to talk about how he feels. So he stops. Sam is a bit hypocritical in wanting Dean to talk when he wouldn’t, yes, but he’s also learned that after being shut down a few key times. In the late seasons, both are better at sharing with each other, so they get there in the end.
Sorry, if this comes off as combative, but I agree with your initial point that they have both hurt each other in many ways. I think whoever we identify with, we are always going to give more leeway though.
Can’t we all just agree to hate Castiel for blaming Sam for things he hadn’t done, betraying Dean, and generally sucking?
Honestly, I mostly avoid a lot of the brother vs. brother conversations just because it is so hard to address it in a way that will not be taken badly by one side or the other because there are so many biased, rancid takes floating around. People can get very entrenched and defensive, which is kind of a shame. Not just because that's not fun, but people being willing to give their faves more leeway? Can actually lead to all kinds of interesting speculation and meta about the characters' choices that I think often enriches the fandom.
The initial premise of the anon was regarding claims Dean is abusive by people taking Dean's worst behaviors regarding Sam in a vacuum. Since I don't agree Dean was uniquely terrible to Sam specifically because they've both got issues with control and yes, their lives are violent and they've both gotten physical with each other? I wasn't sure how else to address that without pointing out Sam's side of that equation existing. And I did want to use some specific examples to avoid having to come back later and add them in because 'Well, *I* don't remember Sam ever...'
I did see how that could come off as harping on Sam, but I didn't really see a way around it. I could have tried to reiterate more of Dean's various behavior which was not great - but given that was baked into the initial premise and punching people when you're angry is kind of ... obviously bad? If there was a more even-handed way to say what I meant, it was sadly beyond my abilities when composing the post. But my intention was very much just to point out that the context in which Dean's behavior occurs is a relationship that's kinda fucked up sometimes from both sides, not to imply Sam was worse or meaner to Dean than Dean was to Sam.
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eggyrocks · 2 months
Not me acting like I’m shocked and offended by your male bitches characters while deep inside I’m just delighted because boys acting like dicks does nothing but make me horny 🫲🏼😩🫱🏼
I have sins and you just keep aggravating them.
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I mean, they’re so good. It’s not just the random bad boy humiliating a girl in the corridors or being aggressive just to buff in front of people, your characters have a true personality, with a large palette flaws and qualities, and you are so good at balancing with them. Even when they act like pure scumbags you can’t really hate them bc we identify to them in a way or another, and for me that’s where your talent shines the most : your characters are HUMANS, and their interactions with one another are pure gold, they’re funny af, but also true and honest.
Your characters are green flags while also being incredibly toxic for themselves or their friends, I don’t know how you do that, honestly.
I LOVE your characters, truly.
And by the way, I really want to thank you. I love your stories so much that I recently reopened my laptop and WROTE. Last time it happened was like… 8 years ago I think ?
You are so inspiring for me (I hope it’s not as cringe as I think it is for you to read that 😭) I love to read you, your Tumblr is my new safe place. And idk, I don’t even remember which one of your stories I was reading, but I was in my bed, reading and reading and reading, and my fingers wouldn’t stop tingling, I felt a real urge to write. It’s nothing BIG, plus it was the first time I was writing in English so it’s lame as fuck, but god you can’t even imagine how I felt to finally be able to write something !
So, thank you eggy, never doubt yourself, you are made for writing !
Sorry for the length of my message, hope it’s readable (those that word even EXISTS ?)
Can’t wait to read the rest of drunk walk home (and maneater too omg)
Wtf that message is way too fucking long I wasn’t planning to fangirling but it ended happening and I don’t even know how or why lmaoooooo
Guess that’s just the power you hold on me
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oh my god this is all i ever want when im writing. people are so complicated and no one’s ever as straight forward as you think. it can be a really difficult thing to try to capture when writing but I DO MY BEST AND I SO APPRECIATE HEARING THIS 💕💕
i hope you keep writing and find a lot of joy in it i think this is so cool and RAH im so excited for you that you were able to write something. THATS FUCKING AWESOME !!!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU <333333
ur rlly cool thanks for saying all of this it means a whole fucking lot to mean and i appreciate you 💕
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