#I don't even know what I'm rambling about right now...UGH I'm so tired I need to sleep 😩
Perhaps the only good thing about Percy so far seemingly not having been cast in the show is that -- aside from my fears of what DG and writers would do with him -- I don't have to look at the actor they chose and constantly think how he's not pretty enough to be Percy. 😅
On the other hand, maybe the casting gods would've miraculously blessed us with the perfect amazingly handsome, delicate featured, beautiful-eyed and soft spoken Percy of our dreams and we're being deprived of the pleasure of gazing upon him as we speak...who knows? 😢
Oh, the cruelty of (most likely) never knowing! Sometimes I'm not sure what I want anymore...😭
But I will always love and protect Percy Wainwright, come hell or high water -- that much at least is certain. ❤
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toothfa-1-ry · 1 year
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In which,
Draco just can't seem to ask you to be his date for the Yule ball
GENRE: fluff
PAIRING: 4th yr Draco x 4th year reader
FEAT: lee do hyun as Terry Booth!!
WARNING: none :>
A/N: A continuation of my Draco Malfoy is a loser agenda!! Also did I mention that Draco is a very DRAMATIC loser??
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"uhm hi y/n" Draco said nervously as he turned to look at Pansy and Blaise who gave him a reassuring nod and a thumbs up
"ooh hi Draco"
"uhm so..y/n" Draco nervously chuckled as he played his his hand cuffs "uh..y/n haha.."
"Draco-" Pansy hissed "you already said her name, there's no need to repeat it again"
"right- sorry. Uhm so y/n!"
"oh god he's a lost cause" Blaise muttered to Pansy who just shook her head.
"I can hear you, just in case you didn't know" Draco angrily muttered towards them, shooting them both a dirty look
"uhm are you talking to y/n or are you talking to us?" Blaise questioned, his eyebrows raised
"oh bloody hell" Draco sweared "uhm anyway y/n uh so like I'm pretty sure you heard the announcement today- during breakfast because like you have ears uh I have ears too! So I heard the announcement too- ha" Draco awkwardly continued.
"ofcourse she has ears dunderhead and ofcourse she heard it! Everyone heard the announcement" piped Lorenzo from a corner "just try to charm her won't you?"
Theodore shook his head in amusement as he watched his best mate Draco act like a complete fool. Actually he always acted like a fool except most of the time he didn't make it this obvious.
"right- right my bad my bad" Draco shook his head "so! Y/n!"
"yes Draco? What is the matter?"
"I thought you could do the er honour of er taking me to the Yule ball y'know" Draco smirked as he attempted to charm you like Lorenzo said
"I mean cause like I could go with anyone but I thought that I'd give you the first chance of going with me!" Draco quickly rambled and then flicked his hair "so what do you say?"
Theodore and Lorenzo tried holding in their laughter as Pansy groaned and Blaise muttered curses under his breath.
"oh bloody hell" Matteo mumbled
"mate that was horrible and I'm not even y/n! I'm just pretending to be her!" Matteo exclaimed as he took of the wig he was wearing
"if your gonna be this bad with me pretending to be y/n, how are you actually gonna face her!?" Matteo shook his head and turned to Pansy "he's totally lost!"
"it wasnt that bad was it?" Draco cringed at himself.
Oh he knew how bad it was
"it was HORRIBLE" all his friends shouted at him, especially Matteo who was honestly tired of wearing the wig and pretending to be you for the 9th time now.
"c'mon mate! This is the 9th time I'm pretending to be y/n. Just ask her out NORMALLY PLEASE" Matteo shouted
"oh shut up okay! I'm trying" Draco hissed his face turning pink
"well try harder" Theodore said from a corner "if you don't ask her out soon, someone else will"
"what?" Draco whisper shouted "you mean- there's a chance that she'll go to the Yule ball with someone else whose not me?"
Theodore rolled his eyes at his blonde friend, "incase you haven't noticed, many guys in Hogwarts likes her. And now you have double the competition with Durmstang and Beuxbaton"
Draco went pink in the face again "oh fuck"
"yup!" Lorenzo patted his cousin in the shoulder "so you better hurry up cuz!" He cheerily said as if Draco wasn't going through a mini panick attack
"ugh whatever!" Pansy groaned "you! Get your act together" she pointed at Draco "we're gonna practice this one more time! Matteo wear the wig"
Matteo grumbled as he begrudgingly wore the wig " on merlins beard why do I have to pretend to be y/n"
"okay! In 3-2-1" Pansy hollered, completely ignoring Matteo "action!"
"y/n hi! Uh I have to talk to you! Uh about uh something" Draco awkwardly grinned
"ooh yes Draco! What is it?" Matteo said in a high pitched voice that sounded nothing like you.
"uhm so-" Draco stammered
"yes Draco? Hehe" Matteo let out a giggle and twirled a strand of the wig
"uhm!..I have a collection of chocolate frog cards!" Draco squeaked, the word Yule ball being unable to form in his mouth
He heard all his friends groan and he became redder then a Weasley
"oh god not again..that's it. I'm going" Matteo threw the wig on the ground shaking his head "all the best" he patted Draco and walked away
"oh c'mon- wait one last time let me try one last time!" Draco whined as he watched all of his friends walk out of the dorm "oh wait- guys wait!"
"you can do this. I believe in you" Lorenzo gave his cousin a thumbs up
"well I don't" Matteo snorted which caused Draco to give him a dirty look "what? I'm being honest"
"she's right over there. Just go to her, say hi, maybe compliment her and then ask her out" the caramel haired boy ignored Matteo and gave his poor shaking cousin some tips
"what? What kind of compliments to I give her?" Draco whispered back in a sort of panick
"geez. Just tell her that she looks pretty today, and that you'd be honoured if she would go to the ball with you" Theodore cut in and shrugs "works like a charm"
"okay.. alright I got this" Draco mumbled
"yea you got it..now go" Pansy ushered the boy "c'mon now go ahead" she pointed towards the courtyard where you were.
Draco walked up towards you and a bunch of third years who were talking to you. Suddenly he felt very intimidated by those small scrawny third years and immediately turned away and walked back to his friends
"I can't do this! You lot are right, maybe I am hopeless" Draco sulked as his friends let out another sigh
"did he just call himself hopeless?" Matteo peered at the sulking boy "oh dear, y/n really did a number on him huh?"
"not helping Matteo" Pansy said sternly, hitting Matteo in the arm.
"listen, your Draco Malfoy and your going to go and ask y/n the girl who've been crushing on since forever to go to the ball with you" Blaise said giving Draco a light shake
"and if she says yes all is good and if she doesn't, well- it's kind of embarassing but it's gonna be alright" Pansy adds
"yea so go and ask her out now before she goes to the ball with Terry Booth over there huh?" Theodore nudges Draco towards your direction as the smiling ravenclaw keeper approaches you
"oh bloody hell- no way in my watch is y/n going to go out with that crow" Draco fumed under his breath as he immediately rushed towards you
"yea go get'em tiger!" Draco could hear Matteo whooping and the constant shouting from his friends, all hyping him up but that could hardly matter right now
Dracos hands were going all clamy and he could feel his heart racing. He wanted to run away from you but he wasn't going to let Terry Booth ask you out right infront of him!
"y/n" Terry approached you with a smile
"Terry" you greeted the Korean boy with a grin "anything's the matter?"
"oh yea uh I wanted to ask you if-" the keeper then abruptly stopped mid sentence as another person had joined their conversation
"y/n! Y/n!" A frantic Draco appeared, his eyes widened and his hair a mess
"Draco? Are you alright?" You ask the Slytherin boy who seemed to be in a bit of a mix
"mhm m'fine- I have to talk to you" Draco grabbed your hand which took you by surprise
You look at a awkward Terry and a frantic Draco, unsure of what to make up with this situation
"oi Booth can you bigger off for a second?" Draco coldly dismissed Terry who simply raise a eyebrow before shaking his head
"er- alright, I'll talk to you later y/n" Terry mumbled before walking away
"Draco! What was that. You can't just tell people to bugger off" you begin scolding Draco, unaware that his hands were still holding yours
"y/n I have to tell you something" the boy gulped, he could feel the way your hands felt against his and the close proximity the both of you were in. His heart racing even faster
"what is it?" You ask him, your brows creased up in slight worry. The blonde Slytherin boy who was always so put together, confident and full of himself was now nervous and quite frankly not behaving like his usual self
"Draco are you sick?" You immediately raise your free hand to his head and Draco swears that his temperature rises by a hundred degrees probably.
"uhm y/n" the boy begins, he could feel his sweat dripping and his mouth going dry
"oh dear Merlin Draco your turning redder than a tomato! Let's go to madam Pomfrey" you usher him, pulling him into the hallway "c'mon let's go-"
"wait y/n listen- I have to tell you something first"
You look at Draco in confusion. What did he have to tell you so much that he was acting quite frankly out of his personality
"er- okay..can you tell me when we're in the infirmary?"
"no! I have to tell you now" Draco pressed on. He had to ask you right now when he was full of adrenaline or else he won't be able to ask you later
"oh okay, okay" you say a little taken back "what is it?"
Draco bites his lower lip and mumbles something
"what Draco? I didn't quite catch you"
"uhm...I think uh- I think you look very nice today!" Draco suddenly exclaimed
"o-oh!" That might have taken you back by surprise even more, a slight blush forms in your face "thanks..uhm"
"actually I think you look nice everyday" Draco continues his eyes looking down, his grip on your hand tightening.
You look down and realise that the both of you were holding hands and you feel your face getting hot
"that's really sweet of you to say Dray" you said before you could stop yourself
Draco looks up at you, his eyes widened at the sudden nickname you called him
You eyes widen and you the undying urge to slap yourself across the face as you see the way Draco's eyes twinkle with mischief.
"did you just give me a nickname? Dray?" Draco grins smugly, completely forgetting the real reason why he was with you
"oh shut up" you huff "I'm never gonna say that again"
"oh no please do say it again" Draco teased you, watching your face get red
"r-right, what did you have to tell me Draco? Do say it fast I don't have all day" you quickly try to change the subject causing Draco to remember the real reason why he was talking to you
"er-" Draco immediately felt all his confidence and smugness fading away
"oh dear Draco your getting red all again" you worriedly said, peering into his face "are you sure you don't need to-"
"not Draco" Draco mumbled
"not Draco, don't call me Draco" Draco mumbled a bit louder
"well, what do you want me to call you then-"
"Dray, you should call me Dray" he says softly
Your eyes widen "Dray... I don't understand what-"
"doyouwanttogototheballwithme?" Draco squeaked
Draco cleared his throat and looked around, he beckoned you to come closer to him and leaned towards you
"do you want to maybe perhaps go to the ball with..me?" He whispered into your ears filling your stomach with butterflies
"oh- Draco I-" you stammer, unable to form sentences "uhm I would really actually like that" you whisper back in surprise
"really?" Draco asked you back, his voice in equal surprise
You give a shy nodd
"really?!" Draco asked again looking at you eyes widened "I'm not going to stop saying really unless you give me a proper answer l/n"
Your roll your eyes "yes really...Dray I would love to go to the ball with you"
"oh my god I think I'm gonna pass out" Draco said feeling faint
"I think that's a little but of a exaggeration- oh my god Draco!" You shout out, trying to catch the boy before he fell on the ground
"oh dear- he actually passed out" you grimace slightly as you make him lie down in one of the stools in the courtyard after dragging him all the way from the hallway
You softly brush his blonde hair away from his pink face
"how quite adorable" you laugh to yourself
"Hey Berkshire!" Terry greeted Lorenzo who along with all his friends were trying to see what Draco and y/n were doing just as they got dragged to the hallway
"ugh we cant see them anymore!" Pansy whined as she stretched her neck, only to get a glimpse of blonde hair
"uhm s'everything alright?" Terry asked
"yea everythings fine" Lorenzo smiled at the tall boy "what's up?"
"oh uh- I did what you told me too" Terry grinned as all of Lorenzo's friends looked at him with a confused face
Lorenzo laughed "great chap you are my friend" giving him a pat in the back
"I'm guessing you told me to pretend like I'm asking y/n to the ball just so that Malfoy would make a move first?" Terry winced as he asked Lorenzo who just seemed to grin even brighter
"my god- you do catch on quick don't you?"
Terry let out a laugh and blushed at the sudden compliment. He was never really good with compliments
"you did what?" Matteo asked eyes widened
"sneaky snake" Pansy squinted her eyes at him and grinned 'your a genius!"
Lorenzo simply shrugged
"so whatdya think? He asked her out yet?" Terry peered out from where Pansy was standing
"maybe if Draco finally got the guts" Pansy snorted
"oh I think he did" Blaise said hesitantly
"what?" Pansy and Matteo asked eagerly
"it appears that our little prince has..." Theodore paused not sure whether he was supposed to laugh or be embarrassed
"he has what?" Pansy questioned
"oh hell!" Matteo shouted with laughter "the bloody wanker has fainted!" Matteo exclaimed with glee all across his face
Pansy covered her face with embarrassment as the boys roared with laughter. Only Terry wasn't the one laughing along.
"oh dear" Terry shook his head sadly "now how would the poor boy be when he dances with her?"
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cupidscrule · 9 months
Leon X Fem! reader
P in V, smut
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[ no tw, vanillaish idk ]
1.2k wrd
”Woah, woah, slow down” Leon chuckled as you started explaining another cool story to him.
Your relationship was like the definition of a black cat and a golden retriever. You always have so much energy and are nice to almost everyone. Leon on the other hand is a tough agent who doesn’t really enjoy showing much emotion. He’s pretty stern towards others— but his softspot for you is clear.
”Okay, i’m listening. Tell me” He said while you were walking together with your fingers interlocked.
"okay okay! So THEN after Fluttershy wrote an entire song, rainbow dash just decides to throw it out? Ugh she's such a bitch. Don't you agree? I mean her friend went through all the trouble to try and get them to win the battle of the bands but she's so selfish.." you said, going on about a children's movie. You loved cute things, hello kitty, my little pony, really anything a 12 year old girl would be obsessed with, wearing cute little outfits and rambling about pointless stuff. But hey it made you happy and Leon thought it was adorable
"Mhm, yeah, so selfish" Leon couldn’t help but chuckle a little about how into the movie she was. by now he knew EVERYTHING about these stupid colourful horses, rainbowdash, fluttershy, twilight, pinkie, apple jack, list goes on. Honestly from what he knew rarity seemed like the best- I mean she was a boss bitch.
He found the whole thing pretty amusing, you were just so excited about it and he’s glad you have stuff you're so.. passionate about
"I mean, it would probably get annoying if her friend just wasted all that effort right? " He said trying to show his interest in her story.
"exactly! Ugh finally you get it" you said smiling up to him, leaning closer into his side as you two walked down back home, it was a long day. Like REALLY long, you took Leon shopping, got your nails done, bought some new skirts, and a new album. All that sort of stuff, but y'know dragging Leon aside you cause someone had to carry the shit, you were gettin really close to the outside of your house, skipping beside Leon holding hands. Life was like a dream.
But the long day out had Leon pretty tired— he had to drag a lot of your stuff around and you insisted they go to multiple stores (you tried to be nice and let him pick something out but he was too tired and grumpy, I know right such a dick head?)
When you were about to arrive home, he looked at you as you skipped around excitedly and smiled softly. Despite what he’s put through, he can’t deny that he finds your behavior adorable.
He squeezed your hand and chuckled a little before you guys got in front of your door.
"Oo Leon tomorrow we should watch rainbow rocks, then you'll understand what I'm talking about better" you say giggling as you step into your house, taking off your little boots and walking away from Leon plopping your ass on the leather sofa, even if you were like if you gave a six year old crack mixed with sour gummy worms even you could get kinda tired. Right, ain't that surprising? Little princess bitch face getting tired, after crawling over Leon like a little kid and skipping everywhere, runnin, jumping, god doing everything known to fucken man kind
“don’t know if we’ll have the time because of..” Leon muttered under his breath, he didn’t want to upset you and ruin your mood when you’re so excited.
He walked over to the couch and sat beside you silently and just observed you as you started talking about the movie. He placed a hand over your thigh, brushing up and down just silently smiling hearing you decribe your weird ass fictional horse people argue with other creatures from mythology, honestly sometimes he wondered if you needed to be checked into a mental hospital. Little grippy sock princess
“Wellll, maybe we can watch it tomorrow..” He shrugged. “I mean, i’ll do anything you want” Leon chuckled looking over at you.
He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him, his body was pretty warm given how hot the day was and his arm was pretty comfortable.
He kissed you forehead before wrapping his other arm around you, squeezing you a little. You loved when he was affectionate, but not in a creepy way, a cute way. But after a long day a girl can get a bit needy, like sue me but when you have a hot ass man cradling you and taking you everywhere, GOD it's like an angel is sent from heaven to fuck you. But fuck you in a good homemade porno way, not one of thoes shitty ones with a whole plotline. Just straight raw fucking
You turn around, breaking his grip on you before climbing onto his lap, placing yourself onto his thigh "Woah Woah, calm down- y'know I'm tire-" he was trying to speak, silly men. You land a big fat kiss on his lips to shut him up, slowly moving yourself on his thigh, pulling away from him getting a breath, saliva dripping down your face like an animal, staring at him in the eyes, his face slightly shocked you made the first move. But you felt something perk up, bingo. Always know what can make your man want ya
"God I can't just stare at your handsome face and do nothing-" you mutter under your breath, pushing yourself closer into him, kissing his face like a big ol' dog, your free hand finding its way to his jean zipper, undoing it his fat dick springing up, he grabs you by your hips, pulling your panties aside, slapping you onto his cock, a groan coming from his lips, honestly didn't expect the day to end like this, went from talkin ponies to getting your brains fucked out. Like a good girl you ride him, his hands are placed on your hips moving you at a decent pase, bit fast but he did do A LOT of work today, guess he deserves it. Nothing else in the world matters right now, euphoric feeling, he thrusted up into you, taking one hand off your hip and grabbing your face, making you look at him, god his eyes make you MELT. He could take care of you, he was real nice with it. He groped your tits sometimes in public, but just made you love him more.
You're at your high, he knows that. Few more thrusts and you whine, feeling your body melt like butter, your weight collapses onto him, but he's not done practically druling on him, limp body he keeps fucken like a doll, if you still have a tight pussy thats all that matters, few moments and he finishes, pressing you down onto him, filling your cervix, still collapsed on him both of you breathen all heavy. "So babydoll, what happened next?" He groaned, a sly ass smirk on his face. "Mm that cunt rainbow got put in her place and they play fluttershys song" you mutter, pushing on his fat chest, rollin off him like a little kid, pussy dripping. His pants stained with you, and a heavy chest.
"I wanna-"
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manicplank · 6 months
The Color Pink (Part 10)
Uhhh this one took me a while to get to bc my brain went on vacation.
Hazel had been on cloud nine since her last date with The Noise. Even though it had been days, it felt like it all happened yesterday. For some strange reason, life felt completely different. She found herself smiling a lot, especially when she thought of him. She was itching to see him again, but she didn't want to seem clingy. However, she couldn't seem to contain herself. It had been so long since she felt a love like this, and she wanted to cherish every moment. She paced back and forth as she waited for their usual 7 o'clock phone call. The phone rang, and she picked it up without hesitation; "Hi, Theo!"
"Hey! How-"
"We should go on another date!"
He chuckled. "Eager, aren't we?"
"Yeah, I am. Sorry," she laughed nervously.
"I mean, I don't disagree."
"What were you thinking we do?"
"Um... I didn't think about that."
"I don't have any ideas."
They went silent for a minute.
"Oh!" Hazel said, "I got it! Why don't we go stargazing? There's an opening in Picnic Park where you can see the stars!"
"How... How does that work?"
"How can we see the stars when we're in a tower?"
"I don't know. I try not to think about it too much, it gives me a headache."
"That's fair."
"Do you maybe want to do it tonight?"
"That's a little short notice. I'm also kind of tired."
"Right, right, right. Sorry. I'm just excited to see you."
He chuckled again. "It's okay. If you want, we can do it tomorrow night, though."
Hazel hummed in thought for a minute. "Oh, yeah, that actually works out better. I'm not opening the cafe tomorrow."
"How come?"
"I want a three day weekend. I need some time off."
"That's understandable. I do that every now and again. I can set my own hours sometimes. It has to be approved occasionally. There was one time I took a week off because I just didn't feel like going to work."
"Really? That sounds... nice."
"It is, but I got so behind. It was bad. So yeah, that's why some of my extra days off need to be pre-approved."
"I try not to take too many days off. I guess it really doesn't matter much since I don't get a lot of customers."
"Hey, what did I say about that mindset?"
"I know, I know. I'm just saying. As much as I enjoy The Vigilante's company, it gets a little tiring hearing him rambling on and on about justice and this and that."
"Ugh, you deserve an award for dealing with him so often. I can't stand that guy."
"He's uh... He's an acquired taste."
"He suuuuucks!"
"Oh, be nice."
"That's not really my thing."
"Mhm, okay. I call bullshit."
"Yeah? How come?"
"You're nice to me."
"Only to you."
She let out a small giggle. "I believe that."
"I hate to cut it short, but I'm feeling really tired. I'm probably gonna make some food and head to bed."
"Okay. What time do you want to meet up tomorrow?"
"How about 8 or 9?"
"Why so late?"
"I thought you wanted to go stargazing."
"Oh! Right!" She laughed.
"Okay, well... Goodnight, Hazel."
"Goodnight, Theodore."
Hazel had suffered through the anticipation of the whole day waiting for their date. The day went by so slowly. She felt as if she was stuck in waiting mode. She got ready in something casual. She left her hair as was. She put on a cute pink Hello Kitty t-shirt with some straight leg blue jeans and white sneakers. She felt that she had been overeager to see him, so she wanted to dress to impressive. Play it cool, she thought.
She called a cab and headed down to the Gnome Forest. She walked over to Picnic Park. She saw some goblins that looked unusually like The Noise. She actually thought one of them was him, but when she called to it, it didn't respond. When she got to the park, she saw The Noise waiting for her. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a yellow bomber jacket and blue jeans with black Vans. He ran up to her and picked her up with a spin. She laughed as she held on to his shoulder.
"Hey," she spoke through laughter.
"Hi," he chuckled. "I was waiting for you." He put her down softly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be late."
"No, no, I got here kind of early. We didn't specify whether we were meeting at 8 or 9 so I got here at 8."
"Stop apologizing! It's not your fault."
"Okay, okay." She giggled. "Here," she grabbed his hand. "I'll show you where the opening is."
"Heh heh..."
He snickered. "Nothing, it's just the way you said that."
She smiled and shook her head. "You have a dirty mind."
He cackled as she tugged his arm. They came to a small area of grass. Above them was an opening in the trees that showed the night sky. Amazingly, the stars were bright and abundant. There were so many of them, which was funny considering they were inside a tower. Hazel looked at him and smiled when she saw him looking upward. "This is the spot I was telling you about."
"Yeah," he looked at her. "You weren't kidding."
"I mean, I haven't been here in a while. I really don't have to. If I want to go stargazing, all I would have to do is look at you."
He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "Stop... I'm not that famous..."
"Are you kidding? You're like the most famous person in the tower. I think more people know you than Pizzaface."
"Whatever," he poked her, and she giggled.
Hazel sat down and so did Theo. They laid down slowly and looked up. The sky was pitch black, decorated with sparkling stars of white, red, green, and blue. The stars in the tower were so different from the stars outside. They had all sorts of different patterns and shapes.
"I remember," Theo spoke, "when I was a kid, we went to a planetarium as a school field trip. It was really cool."
"I went to one, too," Hazel responded, "my school did the same thing!"
"We got to see space ship equipment, pieces of space suits and meteorites. Then they took us to this dome room where they had all the stars. They showed us the constellations and told us their backstories."
"Really? I didn't get that experience as a kid."
"Yeah. The only constellation I can still spot is Orion. You can only see it during the winter. Well, it starts in the fall, and that's how I know winter's coming."
"That's really cool! I don't know where the constellations are. I only really know what they're called."
"I'm surprised no one's made up constellations for the stars in here."
"We could make some."
"Yeah, we could, but I'm not the most creative."
She looked at him. "Really? You, not the creative type?" She was very sarcastic.
He looked at her and laughed. "I guess I am, but not when it comes to constellations."
"Let's test it out." She pointed at a few stars in the shape of two squares. "How about that one?"
"Uhhh... A book, maybe?"
"Or nerdy glasses."
He chuckled. "That one kind of sucked."
She slapped his forearm. "Be nice!"
"I am!" He laughed.
She sighed, "I guess you're right. Two squares isn't the most impressive thing in the world."
"Hmmm..." He pointed at some stars in the shape of an asterisk. "How about that one?"
"Mmm... I don't really see anything."
"It's a flower." He grabbed her hand and traced the pattern with her finger.
"Oh! I see it now!"
He snickered. As she continued to stare at the stars, he turned his head to her. He observed her and how pretty she was. He scanned her from her head to her toes with a smile on his face. He was completely enamored by her. This beautiful girl lay beside him. He thought about how he was originally flirting with her out of lust, but quickly, he fell for her. He had never met anyone quite like her. She was so kind, upbeat, and outgoing. She brought out a side of him that he didn't even know existed. She turned her head to him and noticed him staring.
"Hi," she spoke.
"Hey," he replied.
"Why are you staring at me?"
"I don't know."
"You sure?"
"I... Heh, I don't know that either." He chuckled nervously.
"I have to ask you about something you said."
"It was, uh... something you said when you were drunk."
His eyes widened, and his heart sank. "Oh..." He didn't remember what he had said to her.
"You told me... Well, you told me that you liked me."
"..." He stared at her in bewilderment.
"What did you mean by that?"
"Oh, well, um..." He looked up at the sky and gulped. "I, uh..." He took a deep breath and sighed. "Hazel... I like you. I like your eyes. I like your smile. I like the way you talk. I like the way your voice sounds. I like how you get excited over the smallest of things. I like how you squeak and hop around when you're happy. I like that you're resilient and don't give up when things get challenging. I like that you're authentically yourself no matter what. I like it when you come around, and I like it when you're there. I like that you treat me like a normal person. I like that you worry about me, like when it was raining and you were worried I'd get sick. I like that you're a bit assertive with me. I like that we call and talk on the phone every day. I like how soft your hands are, and I like when you let me hold them. I like it when we hug. A-a-and I liked it when we kissed. I like that you make me nervous but you also make me calm.
I like you, Hazel. I really, really do."
Hazel was smiling with tears in her eyes. "Wow, Theodore... That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."
He sat up. "I just," he sighed, "I don't want to rush things. I don't want to get my heart broken, and I surely don't want to break yours. I guess, in a way, I'm afraid. I already feel like I don't deserve you, like you're too good for me. You're such a genuinely sweet and good person, and well... To be honest, when I first met you, I was only flirting with you to get lucky. And before I met you, I was basically an alcoholic. I drank before work, after work, in the morning, and before bed. I stopped drinking as much once we started talking. I'm still working on getting my drinking under control. I'm short-tempered and nasty. There's so many horrible, horrible things about me that you haven't seen yet. So many things that make me feel like I shouldn't be doing this with you." Theo sniffled and wiped a tear from his eye.
"Theodore, look," Hazel sat up, scooted next to him, and gently grabbed the side of his face to make him look at her. "I like you, too. I like how nervous you get. I like that you're pushing through that nervousness for me. I like that you care about me. I like that you try to help me out with my business. I like that you make time for me when you're so busy. I like your smile. I like your laugh. I like that you're so silly and goofy. I like that you're truthful with me. I like that you told me about all that.
But you know what I don't like? I don't like how hard you are on yourself. I don't like that you seem to think that you're such a horrible person. I don't like that you see all the good things in me but none of the good things about yourself. There are bad things about me, too. Things you haven't seen yet. Things that you're probably not going to like, things that I don't even like.
I think you're good enough for me. Matter of fact, I think you're even better than that. Come here."
She pulled him in for a hug. He sniffled again and shed a few silent tears into her shoulder. She pulled back to see that he was crying. She put her hands on his cheeks. "No tears," she said ever so softly. "I like you, too. Okay?"
He nodded and took a deep breath. "Okay."
She hugged him again and rubbed his back. She felt his whole body relax in her arms. He felt her shiver slightly and pulled back.
"Are you okay," he asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, I'm just a little cold." She smiled and shrugged.
He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Here."
"Oh, no, no," she tried to stop him.
"No, you're cold."
"But you'll-"
"Hazel." He looked her in the eye. "You need this more than I do."
She smiled and blushed as she put her arms through the sleeves of the jacket. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"
"I have a pretty good cold tolerance. I'll be fine."
They laid down side by side with their hands clasped together, their fingers intertwined. Hazel felt incredibly warm and safe with his jacket around her. She leaned her head on Theodore's shoulder as they continued to stargaze. They continued to point out silly shapes they noticed in the stars and gave them even sillier names. As the night continued on, things got quiet. Theo got a little concerned. He looked over to see that Hazel had dozed off on his shoulder. He smiled and snickered. He nudged her gently with his elbow to wake her up. She slowly picked her head up. Her eyes were squinted with confusion.
"Hey," he spoke under his breath.
"What happened," she muttered.
"You fell asleep."
She shot up. "Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry!"
He sat up and laughed. "It's okay."
She covered her face in embarrassment. "I'm not usually up this late." She huffed. "I'm usually in bed super early so I can wake up early for the cafe."
"Do you wanna go home?"
"No! I mean, yeah, but..."
"Want me to take you home?"
"No, I'll call a cab this time. Thanks, though."
"Come on," he stood up and held his hand out. "I'll walk you to the street."
She grabbed his hand, and he helped her up. They walked slowly through the park with their hands held. Hazel was so flustered, she couldn't believe she fell asleep on him during their date! Theodore thought it was absolutely adorable that she felt safe enough with him to fall asleep on his shoulder. He wasn't at all mad. As they strolled towards the street, Theodore stopped her and leaned on a tree. He grabbed her other hand and held both of them.
"Why are we stopping?" She was incredibly confused.
Theodore's heart was racing. His legs were weak and felt like they could give out at any moment. With a nervous smile, he asked,
"Hazel... Will you be my girlfriend?"
Hazel's eyes grew wide and she gasped.
"Oh... My... Gosh!!!" She jumped up and down with her hands still in his. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YESSS!!!" She let out a small squeal before she yanked him into hug, still hopping around and giggling in joy. When they pulled away from the hug, she grabbed the back of his head and kissed him deeply. She started to giggle and hop around again, her hands on his shoulders, his hands on hers. Her cab pulled up, and she looked at it before kissing him again.
"I have to go," she said with a giant smile.
"Yeah. I'll see you."
"Bye!" She pecked him on the lips one more time. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay. Go home, go to bed." He pat her on the shoulder as she ran towards the cab.
He watched her run off with a giant smile on his face. She couldn't see it, but his face was beet red. He was so happy she said yes. He couldn't believe he finally worked up the courage to ask her. After the conversation they had before, he finally felt secure enough. He was a bit anxious, but he had to take the chance. And he was so glad he did.
That night, Hazel had trouble sleeping. She was suddenly struck with energy and excitement after he asked her out. She paced around her bedroom for a good hour before she settled down to sleep. She realized she forgot to give him back his jacket in her fit of exhilaration. But it was so soft and warm, and it smelled like him, too. She finally laid down, falling asleep while wearing his jacket.
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theleatherdragon · 4 months
Sorry for the ramblin
Welp, I guess it's time for another dumb journal from me. I've been really dealing with a lot of things and changes these last couple years and I think I'm finally starting to realize my life is shifting.
It's hard to like, I dunno, but when you've been online for 20 years it's kind of wild. For me, I guess it felt like I had to keep doing the same things and the same ideas and be the same person, but that's impossible.
My brain cannot words right now lmao
Anyhoot, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really need to just change and not be scared to change. The things I did 10 years ago, I don't have to keep forcing myself to do them just to appease others. I've let my art suffer so much trying to do what I think people want me to do between raffles and fanart and all sorts of things, challenges, etc.
This past month has been the worst month of my entire life, I literally thought I was gonna die a couple times because of how my body reacted to medicines and stuff. Still don't know what's wrong with me, thyroid stuff, but I think it really kick started my mind into looking back at things.
Like, why did I miss out on so many things because I tried to do projects I had no time for? Then, when I didn't do them in the time I wanted, I guilt tripped myself over and over and put on even more new projects in hopes that I'd do those instead.
I am rambling lmao I don't even care though. I guess I just want to get it all out there, to whoever, why you're reading this who knows. Life is funny that way, ain't it?
But yeah, I just need to start actually letting go of things and move on to new things. I'm tired of trying to pretend I'm into the Skylanders fandom this much. Like, I love the charaters and I love the memories, but this current state of the fandom is so toxic and it really shows. I don't want to be so involved anymore. I'm tired of running my AskSkylandersCynder blog, if you can even call it running anymore. I made that thing 10 years ago and the last 4 years I just don't have any interest, even though I force myself to. It really was the best thing I did at that time but I just need to let it be.
All those challenges and Inktobers and other things, I tried to force myself to do those for other people, not for myself. I just need to stop doing this man, I miss just drawing just because. I guess from the constant moving around in life and being around terrible people irl made me want to hold on to the ideas that I'm helping others online with my art when it probably didn't even do anything.
I'm just tired. And I'm done being tired, I dunno what this second wind is that I got this month but I'm not gonna lose it this time.
I'm still into all my fandoms and stuff of course, and I'm still going to make art for other people. Don't even get my started on Art Fight lmao you better believe I'm aiming for 100 pictures this year. But I'm done forcing myself to feel like I HAVE to do these things. No more to do lists, no more holding onto old projects, no more trying to keep up with things that should have just ended by now.
I just wanna live my life man, I just wanna draw. I never cared about the numbers, hell I've had pageviews and stats adblocked for years now, I really don't care about those. What I care about is making people happy by drawing their characters and drawing their favorite characters. I don't want to be famous, I don't wanna be tied down, I just wanna draw. And I wanna see your art too. I love all the characters and concepts and just ugh I love it, I don't know why.
I wanna be what I wanna be.
I'm definitely done rambling now. Usually I feel bad about it but I just don't care anymore. I'm gonna go work on art now lmao I hope you guys are all doing awesome, and maybe you can figure out life too. Edit: I had some more thinking after posting this while cleaning the house. I also realized that this mindset I put on myself is what made me get so distant from people too. I got too overwhelmed at trying to keep up with so many things that it made me essentially start time travelling where I didn't even consider things existed until they were in front of my face. I've lost touch with so many people out of shame between not remembering and going "tomorrow, for sure." I want to change that too. I shouldn't have let a few bad people ruin everything for me. I got scared of commenting on art because of a few people that didn't deserve my time, lashing out at me for not saying what they wanted to hear. I also got scared of just not fitting in. I have so many compliments and things I wanted to tell people for years but I was just too scared to and I hate that. I'm going to start being more social again with that. I feel like that made me look stuck up or something, I dunno. I'm just so afraid of hurting people about anything when in reality I bet it doesn't even bother them at all. Like how messed up did I have to become that me giving someone a compliment terrifies me into thinking I might ruin their day lmao help
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nukenai · 10 months
(eventually) pet death mention stuff.
It's been a rough couple days for Striker. Not particularly worse than any of his usual "bad days", but the "bad days" are more frequent. He really just never bounced entirely back from getting sick a little over a year ago. He still can get up fine on carpet and outside if he happens to tumblr, which is occasional, but... Things are hard for him. Getting outside on time is pretty much impossible for him now. He gets up a lot for no reason like he's restless. His heart murmur isn't affecting his respiratory rate or anything, but his paws are staying awfully cold. He's still eating, he loves treats especially, but he's been so weird about water (literally only drinks from the cat fountain he has to walk across the house to get to).
He just seems very tired and sort of done. My brain keeps trying to convince itself he can still hang in there, because he moves pretty quick and well outside when he goes out. But he never liked spending time outside, and especially with winter coming... I just don't love the idea of a frail dog with a weak hind end having to go out in the freezing cold for months on end. I hate the idea of losing ANOTHER pet this year, but I think it's what's right for him. I don't want to make him hold on until the new year because of arbitrary shit humans made up. And maybe it'll be nice to start a year "fresh" y'know. My sister even made the pretty blunt (but correct) point of "the last thing I want is for him to drop dead on Christmas or something". Which, GOD. Like I need that. We're not doing holiday stuff this year but still. Just... no thanks.
Striker has been an ordeal for 14 years, but 14 is a very good run for a border collie. It sucks, it sucks so much and it'll always suck, and I'm like "ugh the timing" but like. When will there be GOOD timing? Closer to Christmas I'll just say "omg it's close to Christmas". Then the new year and. Well, we're taking another trip at the end of February. And I don't think I want to have to put him through boarding again! It's just so stressful for the both of us.
And honestly, it makes me feel so terrible because I ALWAYS put my animals first, but I have to think of me. I have to think of what an extreme burden Striker's issues have been for 14 straight years. But I can give myself some credit, because I always DEALT with them and never gave up on him. A lot of people would have but I didn't, and I should be proud of that. I've taken care of Striker pretty much exclusively by myself since he was 2. No one COULD help me with him because of his issues.
I think the best time to try to do something like this is when I'm okay. And sorry this is corny but it's a post by me. But it's like-- I have the SMRPG remake right now. I have Sammie right now and all my other pets. I also have concerns about my cat Lucas, because he's SIXTEEN. And he's gotten skinny too, but he doesn't have any kind of daily issues I have to help him with at all. If I wait too long with Striker, god forbid something happen to Lucas soon after that, you know?
Again it fucking sucks. It's going to suck SO HARD no matter what and there's no "good" time to put down a dog you've had since you were in fucking high school. And there's that added baggage of like, "Striker and Lucas are the only pets I have now that I've had since before my mom died", but like. I can't put that burden on them. I honestly don't think about it a ton but it's for sure a thought.
I know I'm rambling but it's just helpful to get all the thoughts out and get my head in line. It's a weekend so it's hard to get ahold of anyone, but I emailed my vet to see if they do at-home euthanasia. I'm not sure if they do. If they don't, there is a mobile vet that does it that I've heard wonderful things about. So I definitely have options.
God if you read all this sorry for ruining your fucking day. sfjghsjkdfgh.
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superaznchick · 2 years
life update #13
it's 12:14am im actually genuinely Very Tired right now but my body is still just shaking from all of the frustration that i have had to hold onto today so im gonna dump until i pass out
I'm shaking because. I just finished having an offsite with my team for the last few days and it is mindblowing how numbingly painful our meetings are. We met Tuesday through Thursday, had 1 team-bonding event for like 2 hours, and the rest of the days were just back to back meetings about basically nothing.
By "nothing" it's like, very vague roadmap discussions, which fine okay I'll bite. Maybe 2ish hours of this, okay fine I'll do it. But
UGH it's so fucking hard to put into words but I really think I need to start learning how to articulate better so I'm gonna try REALLY hard to explain this and explain exactly why I'm frustrated
I have 5 people on my team including me, so 2 guy engineers and 3 girl engineers. And you guessed it, the conversation is usually dominated by the 2 guy engineers. There's 1 girl that also dominates the conversation a bit. I'm frustrated because these are engineers that LOVE to talk, that love to hear themselves talk, that revel in discussing big complex vague ideas, that love getting more words in and sucking more air out. It almost feels as though the more words they spew, the more they feel like they are winning, they are influencing, they are saying something of substance, something important, something so consequential that everyone else in the room just needs and has to listen to everything coming out of their mouth and I am SICK. SICK OF IT.
They are saying NOTHING of substance. You know how I can tell? Because 1 of the engineers literally joined what, like 5 months ago? And he hasn't worked on any major project, and yet he is the one talking the most about "ideally" this and this should work like this, how he has "so many ideas and thoughts" about how things are gonna go and should work out.
The other guy engineer is old and just has a rambling way of talking, one thought or idea that should take 2 sentences he makes it into a whole song and dance. He says the most basic shit but because it takes him fucking 5 minutes to say it, trying to decipher what the fuck he's saying takes so much fucking brain power I can't stand it.
The girl is fine. She's responsive, not pushy. She gives her opinion when prompted and doesn't over extend herself, but some of the stuff she says I can just fucking tell she's trying to imitate the way the guys in the room are talking. Half the time it's still not that important the stuff she's saying
Why am I so frustrated at this? Because these people don't understand the power of shutting the fuck up and listening and absorbing. If you don't know shit about the codebase, you need to shut the fuck up and listen to people that do. If you have a simple thought to say, you need to shut the fuck up and THINK, really USE YOUR BRAIN and CONDENSE that shit!!!! It takes a ton of effort to pick the right words and orchestrate the right things to say, you can't just vomit words at us and waste our fucking time.
But listen. I GET IT. I understand that people, especially engineers, are like this and that's just the way it is. Believe it or not, even though I just spent a bunch of time wailing on them I actually don't blame them!! Like YES, I get it, that's fine, it annoys me but what am I gonna do right.
So the real kicker here, and second layer to my frustration, is this: what the fuck is my manager doing?
For some context, my manager is one of those people that really wants his subordinates to like him. He has no vision, no plan for the team, no thought of how things *should* be. He is not a strong leader. He is concerned with knowing things about the team, knowing how things work, and trying really hard for all of us to like him. He is introverted, he is relateable, he is nice, but he is not a good manager. This is so fucking frustrating because he really should NOT be letting a bunch of engineers pow around and going around asking everyone "oh, what do YOU think we should have on the roadmap? what do YOU think we should prioritize?" bro. This is literally your job. Your job is to put us on the map and get us on the most exciting projects and set us up for success. It is your fucking job to have a vision for the team and edit us the way that we need to be to succeed. It is your job to set expectations and correct us when we do not meet them. I should NOT have to sit in a stuffy room for 9 hours with a bunch of engineers yapping about literally NOTHING IMPORTANT and wasting my fucking time.
I'm not done yet. My THIRD layer of frustration: and UGGGHHH I really think this is what sent me over the edge today I'm literally shaking even more as I write this but. Today, Thursday, the last day of the offsite, I asked to go home early. We were supposed to have a half day of *more* meetings today from 9:30am to 1pm to do even more talking about nothing and everything, but I wanted to go home early BECAUSE I WAS TRYING TO MAKE MY MANAGER LOOK GOOD. I'm representing our team as part of a big high-visibility cross-functional engineer effort to do work and I committed to being code complete by Friday. Of course he didn't know about this commitment because he doesn't go to these separate standups and I guess I could have told him so my bad, but I was under the impression that I could handle it. After Wednesday, which was an ENTIRE day of dealing with these people, listening to them talk about nothing and jostle for control over the conversation and talking over each other and debating on pure theoreticals and literally nothing concrete, I was at my wits' end. I couldn't get any fucking work done and I was only halfway done and I really wanted to pull through for Friday. But this morning I asked to go home early and he told me that "it'd be really nice if you could come to these conversations!" and I was like "okay fine but that means I'll have to push back delivery to monday for my code" and he was like "oh I don't remember that we had committed anything but monday should be okay right?"
And now my fourth layer of frustration: He. doesn't. fucking. get it. NOBODY on my team fucking gets it. Nobody GETS. IT. "Gets it" as in like, just understands what it takes, what it's like, what needs to happen for us to achieve excellence. We need VISION. We need guidance, we need priority, we need a fucking leader to just stand up and just DO IT!!!! We don't have the fucking time to sit around, talking and talking and talking about nothing. How can they not see what a big fucking waste of time this is??? How can they not hear themselves when they're talking and they sound like literal idiots. "hurr durr let's try and do this and that with this team, we should grab someone and have them do a code walkthrough" BRO we were literally trying to "anticipate" our future plans with merging with a different team but we know nothing about what their code looks like, WHATS THE POINT of doing all this talking when WE. DONT. KNOW??? Why not make a solid plan, like just send someone from our team over to their team and work on their stuff, explore their codebase, get a solid understanding, and then bring that knowledge back? Or it doesn't have to be like that, but do ANYTHING, ANYTHING at all instead of sitting around, talking for hours, when we DON'T FUCKING KNOW???? How do they not see this?? How does this not drive them crazy?
Maybe now a fifth layer of frustration: I'm just fucking tired. I'm done. I'm so exhausted. I'm exhausted from being surrounded by people like this all the time. These people on my team, they talk so much, they have no vision, they are not self aware, and perhaps worst of all, they are all sensitive to criticism and are not open minded to learn and listen. In fact, most of them don't even see the value of listening. All they want to do is talk and dominate the conversation, as if that will give them some sort of higher influence, like rubbing elbows with success when success isn't even in the room. I feel like I'm the only seeing-eye person in a room full of blind idiots. It's tiring, I feel like I'm insane. The only way I'm staying sane is by being deliberately delusional, by believing that it's not me, it's them.
And you know what? I'm no genius. I'm not that smart. I'm no exceptional leader or holder of power. I believe I have substance and I am deserving of respect, but I do not believe that I am so above anyone else. I don't think I'm all that. But today, this week, made me feel like I was in the bottom of some sort of crucible. I feel evaporated, like the life has just been sucked out of me and all I am now is just a trembling pile of ash. I feel like crying. I feel like screaming.
I harbor no ill will, no hatred, no violence against these people. Because again: I get it. But GOD. DAMN. I'm just blown away. I can't believe that these people can sit there, go through the same experience I did, and not see anything wrong. I'm scared shitless. I feel like I can't talk to anyone about this because the social blowback would be insane. Like what, I'm just supposed to tell my manager that he's useless? That he needs to get his shit together?
I've given people constructive feedback before and the social consequences are so fucking real. There's no way I can say anything and not get punished IMMEDIATELY. I'm just so tired. I just want to say the truth. I just want them to see what I see. But now I have to be a loser and just sit in this soiled diaper and not say anything. I fucking hate it. I fucking hate having to deal with people like this - not just my team, but nearly everyone I know. Almost nobody I know around me in my direct line of vision is a "safe" person. I have to tip toe and eggshell and whisper and kiss and be sweet. I have to be so nice all the time. I'm sick of it.
When is it gonna be some else's turn to edit themselves for me?
Fucking hell man. I'm still just trying to digest the fact that my fucking manager forced me to push back a timeline because he genuinely thought that having long meetings about nothing was more important than company optics. It makes me nervous. What the hell else is going on in his brain? If he can pull something like this, I feel like I can't trust him with the direction of the team in his hands. All I wanna do is zone the fuck out and collect my paycheck with the trust that everything we do will mount to something. I can't have any peace like this.
I have to sleep now but I'm still fuming. may or may not come back to this topic later. hope i can actually sleep in peace. good night.
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Fuck studying Imma ramble cause I'm over it. The first midterm for birds class and ID is supposed to be relatively easy and if it is fuck it I don't need to study, if its not, then fuck it this was the "hardest part of birds" for me so I'll just do better on the next one. My levels of shits has gone down so much with how over school I am and since working with the subsystem and realizing everyone is really over it. I have ONE last class and I can not be asked (technically two but I'm taking the other P/NP so I don't have to worry about the grade so long as I get a C- which is easy)
But honestly, our system has spent the first twenty-two years of our life being put on high pressure to keep everything perfect of the capitalistic grindset with a metaphorical knife to our throat if we so much as slip up. And this is not meant to be a brag, because I say this with exhaustion due to just how much mental illness, splitting, and pain we put into this, but we have actually managed to keep a REALLY clean and perfect track record. We have over a year of formal research experience, two years worth between two seperate labs. We have a year of clinical experience. We've maintained a perfectly clean record in terms of legal shit. We've maintained off of all addictive substances (save for caffeine). We've "gotten a good grade in healing and recovery". We've built so many skills and properly learned to self care some. We make money. We have a really good healthy long term relationship. We have some really strong healthy stable friends. We have healthy positively fulfilling hobbies. We are on our way to a career path we love and we are a very strong candidate for our ideal career.
We have worked so fucking endlessly and tore ourselves apart regularly (literally I guess) to keep this up because we could never get ourselves to fucking stop and we are so so so close to what our whole system thinks is the first time in our entire lives that we can actually take a breather and fucking just LIVE.
Running the mid to late December we are finally graduated with our Bachelors degree and we can join the work force and spend two years just fucking living before going into gradschool. I've had some classmates give me a weird look and judge cause my "gap year" is still me fully working a full time job and that is "self care" but it really really really fucking is for us.
Now that I'm writing this I'm definitely blurred, possibly temp-fused with Data - actually almost certainly temp-fused with Data. But we are so so so so so fucking just hoping that we are right that this is finally fucking live and not be in this fucking hellhole of a miserable life.
Like I (Data side) would be so fucking happy to just let this all fucking go and just fuse into the rest of the subsystem properly because we really really don't need to be holding onto our life with as tight of a grip as I / we do but until we finish this last quarter, this last year, it was absolutely non negotiable. I'm praying to whatever god I don't believe in that I am right and that my brain will let us just have two fucking seconds of life.
I don't really even know what that would look like - WE don't even know what that would look like. Having two years where the only thing on our "progress list" is just working and not having to worry about tests or skill building. There's even a chance we might end up moving across the country and live near our best bro and bring our fiance over when he can make it.
It's so incomprehensible to actually be able to just do things without it having to be a check mark in a grand miserable scheme of making sure everything is perfect and done right and that we have entire control and awareness over our progress win life. It's so incomprehensible to have so few variables to keep track of to make sure we won't be miserable the rest of our lives. It's so incomprehensible to actually be able to live and ugh.
I'm so fucking tired and burnt out on living like this. It's been 22 years. We've given enough and once we secure a job for those two years, we have officially reached the bare minimum stability that our brain can finally permit us to have the first breather we had since we came out of the fucking womb right?
My "book" says in theory yes and I pray that it is not a false hope and a lie. I've been trudging through this past month or two with the energy given from the idea that if I get this last bit done right, I can theoretically be fucking free because I succeeded. If I do, then I will cry and be more than glad to fuse which is hopefully the plan.
("also lol Riku -> Data-Riku temp-fuse -> Data caught live in ramble" -Riku back there)
I'm exhausted as shit but currently it's optimistic and hopeful positive exhaustion. I hope in the next half year that I'm not an isolated part and our system has healed enough that I don't have to be a seperate part and we (as a whole) do not have to feel the need to have someone as chronically obsessive-compulsive driven. I'd love that, both for myself (since I would have achieved the ability to let some of it go) and for the whole.
Crossing my fingers.
-Data / Riku / Data-Riku Fusion
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moonwalker-kenni · 10 months
Ugh it's so hard when I feel like I've lost all control over my thoughts when it comes to him. I feel completely overcome with grief and love for him sometimes (like now). I can see myself completely losing it like the people who just run and break through security just to be close to him, when I really don't want to be like that. I just want to be normal about him ;_;. At least, I would want to be normal about him in his presence so that I wouldn't scare him away.
Of course he's not with us anymore so this concern is pointless. I just wish I knew what this was called. "Fanaticism"seems so broad and sort of dismissive of the experience. Fanatics are often waved off as "crazy" and invalid. And somehow there's this sense that we are actively choosing to put someone on a pedestal that is unwarranted, because we are all human, right?
Maybe that's the case for some of us. But it's not like that for me. Not really elective. I mean maybe it is in a way? I wanted to say similar to addiction but I don't know anything about addiction, so I would just be guessing. I also don't mean to suggest that addiction is a choice. Sure there are decisions to be made but I think they are decisions that people who don't struggle with addiction don't have to make. And thus we have no right to speak on it really.
Anyway. My love and adoration for this beautiful person is overwhelming. I just want to make him happy the way he has made me happy - even though I know it's not possible and it probably wasn't possible even when he was still here.
I keep trying to tell myself that he was just a man. Just a man, just a man. But the thought of being close to him - even though it never happened - just comforts me so much and completely quiets my overly active nervous system. He seemed so warm and soft and caring and safe. And beautiful. Gosh, his beauty was unmatched. Even with what some would perceive as flaws. The blemishes just made him more uniquely beautiful.
I often want to protect him, as though he were a fragile statue that could be damaged by the harshness of the real world, where he was not safe. Where nothing was safe.
It's so strange, because I can see how that could be a prison. Having to live up to the unrealistic expectations and ideas that people had of you. Knowing that people are that influenced simply by your existence. It's not fair at all. I would never have wanted him to feel hindered by me in any way. He would probably just want to be regarded as a normal person. He deserved as much.
I would never want to disturb his private moments. His peace. The moment I referred to at the beginning of this rambling was specific to my feelings of loss, I think. If he were here, I think I would be a little less unhinged. Still incredibly protective of him. but not so overwhelmed with emotion that I would violate his sense of safety and privacy. Though I would certainly want him to let me love him. To let me take care of him. I would know and accept my place though as a distant supporter, even with the depths of my desires.
If he were here, I would want him to know that I loved him no matter what, and that I would want him to be free.
I would just want to be the cushion for him against the horrid ugliness of the world the same way he was for me. And for him to feel as precious and treasured as he was and still is. I think back to how tenderly he cradled and kissed people and things that he cared about. And I just want to do the same to him.
He was such a bright spot and I am so heartbroken that he's not here anymore. And so heartbroken that there's so much negative noise about him. I just need him to be here, alive and well and safe and appreciated. The way he should be. I'm so tired of crying and hurting so much about the fact that he's not.
I love you, Michael. And I hope you know peace wherever you are. And that you know that if for some reason you still don't know peace, I feel the impulse to dig through everything to pull you out of the chaos, the flames - anything. I want to pull you into the safety and warmth of the light you have brought to my life. My sweet, beautiful angel ❤️💕.
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justasmidgx · 1 year
Pretty disappointed by the ask you sent to Scout yesterday tbh. Not that it matters, I know. I just would've expected better from you, knowing how much against ARAs you are. I would've expected you might actually ask a rabbit breeder first or maybe read one of the numerous posts from people with experience about the issue, rather than just fly off at your first emotional response or go with whatever Scout is saying/believing. I hope you take the time to read up on it and at least be more educated on this issue. Idk. Maybe it's just more disappointing to me because you used to be one of the biggest defenders of myself and many other rabbit breeders. This isn't meant to be hostile or anything btw I just needed to say it.
Honestly? Seeing responses from rabbit breeders has changed my mind a bit.
I will say I'm not FULLY comfortable with the idea but I def regret how I worded that ask to Scout and how I definitely was looking at it from the view of other livestock animal, especially when Scout mentioned the chicken industry (which poultry industry in general has so many problems and to eeven think of comparing that large widescale problem with fucking RABBIT BREEDING in the US was idiotic since...rabbit breeding isn't widescale. There's no ~big rabbit~ shit in the US.)
I especially started to see differently when I saw breeders talk about feeding babies out, or even donating them to like...bird and wildlife sanctuaries and shit and I realized I came at it from an uneducated point of view, and I'll fully admit part of it was wanting to defend Scout because I'm so used to seeing Scout get idiotic shit from all sides, and they had that recent "you've bought 65 cows but haven't mentioned all of them" shit that I just wanted to jump in and agree with in the end, neither Scout nor I have experience with rabbits.
Like, you're ABSOLUTELY right that I cam at it emotionally and not with any educational thought behind it. I can't unsend the asks but I can apologize for not even thinking that there was clearly more to it then "omg killing babies for no reason and throwing them in the trash' when that's...so fucking obviously ARA shit.
And this doesn't come off as hostile, btw, I fully understand where you're coming from and I've been reading stuff from rabbit people since then (got this ask a day late cause I'm getting back to full time work and I'm not online every day, and I only use this account from my laptop, my mobile tumblr is set up with my main Loki account).
Again, I deeply apologize and I want to say that I do have some discomfort with it, and that's because I only have some information/education on it from what I've read over the past few days. And that my discomfort is now more along the lines of....ugh how to explain it? Like not "this is bad" discomfort but "this is new to me and I don't fully understand it yet" discomfort. Like how I used to hate dog breeding, then learned more but was still "eh but we don't really need it" to now wanting purebred dogs. (obvs verey different topics but I'm tired from work and it's the first example I thought of.)
I'm very sorry for letting emotion get the better of me, rather than doing what I used to and actually reasearching animal welfare topics that I don't know about or understand. I didn't form an educated opinion and that's on me. I'm so sorry if I hurt you or anyone else.
Sorry for the rambling response, I just...had already started feeling my opinion change and this ask gave me the opportunity to get all of that out. I think this discourse has started as very ARA orientated to be like "well yeah we don't kill baby cows so we're good but THEY'RE KILLING BABY BUNNIES FOR NO REASON" and to not even stop and go "hmmm this seems like BS" was so fucking dumb of me.
But yeah, you have every right to feel hurt and upset. Once again, I'm truly sorry.
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lunathebee · 2 years
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Pairing: Jake Lockley x fem!reader (with hints of Steven Grant and Marc Spector x fem!reader)
Warning: fluff, swear words, misunderstanding situations, Marc and Steven being overprotective, cringy dialogue because I can.
A/n: this was requested by my 🌱 anon, I hope you like it (and so sorry for the wait!)
Summary: It's always a mess to stuck with 3 person at the same time.
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"Ugh, where the hell is the first aid kit...these are all books" Jake grunted in frustration while dragging his body around the flat. 
It's 8am in the morning for god's sake, his body is all bloody from fighting, Khonsu is right behind his ears telling him the mission is not over, and now he doesn't know where the fuck is the first aid kid. Can this get any worse?
"Steven? Marc?!" A voice called out from outside, along with a knock on the door.
Great, it just gets worse. Jake praised God that the woman would just leave after hearing no answers whatsoever. He even held his breath and stood still like a statue.
"Are you guys okay?!! Why don't you answer your phone? And I see a huge blood trail leading to the flat! I swear to God if you did something stupid-" Y/n's voice was cut off when Jake opened the door, shirtless and still bloodied.
2 pair of eyes met each other and Jake swears he has seen the most beautiful woman in his life, while you, on the other hand, think the man in front of you is the grossest man ever.
"eW-ew, Marc! There is blood all over you. Oh the smell... The first aid kit is on the top shelf, and you can't keep getting away with this Marc, do you know how many times Steven has complained to me?" Y/n passed through Jake and continued rambling, oblivious to the fact that the man in front of her is not her beloved friend.
Jake can't help but turn around. His eyes watch each step of Y/n like a predator watching its prey. "Eres hermoso (you're beautiful)'' Jake blurted out.
"Hm? What did you just said Marc?"
"I'm not Marc princesa (princess)"
"And Steven would never let the blood stick on his face, shut it Marc"
"I'm Jake"
This time, Y/n is the one holding her breath (and standing still like a statue). The man in front of her is Jake. The one Marc and Steven are very well aware exists but don't know much about?
'Shit' you can't help but think of what this man is capable of, god, maybe he will kill you, shoot you right here if he wants to.
Jake rolled his eyes looking at Y/N. Yea, she is cute, but the first aid kit is cuter right now. Having remembered what you had said, Jake reached for the top shelf and felt relieved when his hand touched a small box, but before he could even do anything with it, you rushed to him and forced him to sit down on a chair.
"I don't know you, but I have helped Marc and Steven with injuries like this countless times. I...I can help" Y/n said while refusing to meet Jake's eyes.
Her eyes slowly trailed down to his chest...and his abs...okay maybe the floor is more reasonable to look at (A/n: girl just say you like it 💀).
The two of them stay silent as Jake too tired to give a damn and Y/n too shy to say anything.
The whole flat is filled with awkward tension, so thick to the point you can cut it with a knife, that it's until Jake decided to speak up, "Don't tell Marc and Steven about me, I'm trying to keep my identity low."
Y/n was a bit taken back when she heard it, but she still agreed with a small nod, giving Jake the satisfaction of having the upper hand, and it also gave him the need to give Y/n a compliment.
Only one, but enough to make her knees wobble.
"Good girl"
===☾︎ ☾︎ ☾︎===
Ever since that day, Y/n has been secretly hoping Jake would 'appears' again. There is something about him that she can't see in her 2 friends, maybe because of his manner. Or his personality? Whatever it is, Y/n is so doomed.
She has been avoiding Steven and Marc because they keep reminding her of Jake, but this didn't go unnoticed by the two men, and that led to a mischievous plan.
===☾︎ ☾︎ ☾︎===
"Guys? Hellooo, it's me" Y/n knock on the door while waiting anxiously for her friends to open it. She wants to apologize for her recent rude behavior and maybe (just maybe) tell them a little bit about Jake.
The door slowly creaked open, and before Y/n could say anything, she was met with an intense glare. So intense, and so familiar to the point she 'accidentally' yelled out "J-JAKE?"
But to Y/n's surprise, the man yelled out even louder than her, "I KNEW IT, STEVEN, YOU WERE RIGHT, THE GLARE WORK"
What is happening right now? Is Marc yelling? And did Steven also participate in this? So many thoughts flooded into Y/n's mind, but one thing was for sure: they know she has met and interacted with Jake.
While you are busy thinking of anything to say, Steven has already taken over the body and is now running to the bed, chaining his foot to the old shackle.
"Bloody hell, I'm doing this. I'm going to chain myself up, that way the evil guy can't hurt you Y/n, you can't stop me!" Steven said frantically with shaky hands.
Y/n can't help but let out a long sigh with a fake cry. First Steven and Marc knew about Jake, then they knew SHE knew about Jake, and now they're convinced Jake is going to murder her at any given moment.
It's going to take a whole day to explain everything, and you're definitely not amused with it.
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blueeyedheizer · 2 years
aaaaa congrats on 1.6k!! could you do prompts #31 and #36 for cassie x reader?
#31 "she’s everything i ever wanted, but i don’t want to risk losing her as a friend."
#36 "i heard what you said...no one's ever talked about me that way before.."
the second half of this is so fucking bad im so sorry omg
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"No, you just... you don't get it Kat." you sighed as you closed your locker, leaning your head against it. You were getting tired of explaining the many reasons why a relationship would never work between you and Cassie. "For the hundredth time, Cassie is not into girls."
"You don't know that." Kat argued.
"My God, just—" you groaned. "Look, I know Cassie, okay? All she does is talk about boys and how handsome they are and how she can't wait to meet the one for her. Cassie Howard. is. not. into. girls." you whisper-yelled those last words, but not without checking your surroundings beforehand to make sure no one could hear.
"You really like her don't you?" Kat smirked.
"She drives me fucking crazy, Kat. I get literal butterflies in my stomach when she walks by. She's so kind, and sweet. She always listens when I need someone to talk to. She's the best friend anyone could ask for. And don't even get me started on how beautiful she is. She's just—ugh," you groaned, shaking your head when realizing your were rambling. You apologized quietly, to which Kat only smiled.
"Look.....why don't you just talk to her? Just try and flirt with her and see how it goes. Maybe ask Maddy if she knows anything." Kat suggested, shrugging.
"No, I can't— I can't let her know. She’s everything I ever wanted, but i don’t want to risk losing her as a friend. I don't think I could handle that."
Kat sighed and gave you a sympathetic smile, letting a comfortable silence settle between the two of you.
“Are you coming to Maddy's birthday party tonight?" she eventually asked.
"Yeah. Duh." you chuckled.
"Well, you know Cassie will be there too. I think you should tell her. The longer you wait, the harder it'll become."
"Nah, just—" you shook your head, closing your eyes. "Forget it, Kat. Really. It's not worth it."
The evening came quicker than you expected and before you knew it found yourself standing on the porch of Maddy's house, tugging on your dress as you waited for her to open the door.
But to your surprise, it wasn't Maddy who welcomed you inside. It was Cassie. You almost chocked on your saliva at the sight of her; she was wearing the absolute hottest pink swimsuit, her damp hair clinging to her bare shoulders.
"Hey Y/N/N." she beamed and immediately pulled you into a hug, which you gladly reciprocated.
"Hi Cass."
She let you in and you began to greet everyone, giving Maddy an extra long hug and wishing her a happy birthday when you spotted her inside the kitchen as she prepared the drinks with Kat and a few other guests — which you assumed were friends of her friends.
"Y/N?" a familiar voice sounded from behind you, catching your attention. You turned around to be met with Cassie, who had a shy smile on her lips. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
You nodded and turned to Kat, who simply winked your way as you followed Cassie upstairs.
You could tell Cassie was nervous as she sat down on Maddy's bed, her clammy hands rubbing up and down along her bare thighs.
"What is it, Cass?" you wondered, taking a seat next to her. You took a better look at her and frowned. Her eyes looked puffy and she was sweating, which you hadn't noticed until now. Was she...was she drunk already?
"I just... I just wanted to say.." she stammered, taking a deep breath. "I heard what you said today, at school...no one's ever talked about me that way before.."she finally admitted, turning her head to face you.
You were speechless, to say the least. Your jaw hung open for a moment, all while you racked your brain to try and find the right words, unsuccessfully. Seeing you weren't responding, Cassie continued. "I'm not... I'm not just into boys. I think. All I know is, I'm into you and I really, really want to kiss you right now, Y/N."
Holy shit.
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hoodieofholland · 4 years
Prove you something // Mob!Tom Smut
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Summary: you get jealous over a meeting Tom have with another woman without your knowledge, and he has to prove you something.
Pairing: mob!tom x reader
Word count: ~4.5K
Warnings: smut (18+), fingering (f.), oral (f.), language.
A/n: I’m a sucker for mob!Tom, judge me, but these last contents we’ve been receiving for the past month are the blame. here we go again, enjoy.
As a mob, Tom had to deal with a lot of different people throughout his busy day. You were used to the meetings all the time, even when it was past afternoon, hiting the midnight. Patiently, you'd wait your turn to share some good time with your boyfriend, unless he wanted you to stay for the day, besides him, in the conference room.
Today was slightly different. Tom was held for hours in the conference room, talking business, while you distracted yourself with some other work. But by the time it was around 7p.m., you were bored enough to walk up the place, wanting to know when he'd be over.
Wearing your favorite pyjamas, you walked through the silent house, and just as approaching the conference room, you heard an unusual type of voice.
"Listen, Tom, I'm not here to discuss the shitty situation..."
It got your attention, made you stop in your tracks to hear better, all because it was a female voice. Normally, Tom would always meet with men, them being the mob leaders around London. Not a woman.
You tried to sneak around and see if there were another voice in the room, but as soon as you put your ear to the door's thick wood, Harrison came up behind your figure, making you jump.
"Holy shit!" You screamed in whispers. "Jesus, Harrison, you scared the hell out of me!"
Harrison didn't make any effort to cover his laughter, making you shush him.
"Sneaking around, uh?" He teased through laughters. "You know what Tom says about listening behind closed doors. Someday it might come back to you".
Trying to contain your madness, you cross your arms around your chest and snort. "It's meant for you guys, you idiot. He's not talking about his girlfriend".
"Are you really sure?", still holding his teasing smile, he tilts his head a little. Eyeing the door again, he pouted. "Why didn't he invite you tonight, then?"
"Said it was some small business and wouldn't take that long". You shrugged, though you knew it was bullshit. Tom had already been inside that fucking room for what seemed forever. It wasn't any small business talk, for what it matters.
"I can tell you that there's not small talking inside there" he pointed his chin in the room's direction. "Melissa is right there".
A little confused, but still not wanting to give your feelings away, you stay cool with your voice. "Who is Melissa?"
Harrison’s eyes narrowed and you can tell he had no idea you didn’t know about a single thing that was going on inside there.
“Melissa. The majoriest woman in this whole fucking city. She’s, like, the only female mobster leader in England”. The emphasis in his voice made you feel the message he wanted to deliver. You felt even somewhat a little weak, as if the weight of the presence of that woman could be sensed in your lungs.
Harrison quirked a brow, waiting for your answer, but you didn’t say nothing. Why was Tom lying to you? Why he didn’t want you to know that this woman was right inside the room with him?
“Is he alone there?” You questioned Haz, who shakes his head negatively.
“No, I was there a couple of minutes ago. Just grabbing a cup of tea”. He lifted the mug on his hand. “There’s also her guard or something. The chick is a bit... ugh”
You felt the weight again. “What the fuck does ugh means?!”
Harrison was about to explain, but seeing your exasperated reaction, he just smiled teasingly again. “I think someone is jealous”.
You puffed your cheeks out in frustration, wanting to tug on your hair, or maybe on Harrison’s.
“You’re being ridiculous” you tried your best to sound neutral about the fact that your boyfriend was inside a not very large room with a woman you didn’t know nothing about, but it was getting harder as Harrison seemed like having some fun torturing you.
“Don’t worry, y/n, that’s not what I meant” he chuckled softly and gave you a apologetic smile. “It’s just business, that’s all. You know Tom is far from being suspicious”.
You knew that very well, and if you were being honest, that was not your concern. That didn’t make you less jealous, though. Tom was the most faithful man you knew, not only with you, but with his mates. He could do anything for you and he surely had already proved that you’re the only woman in his life.
Anyways, the thought of that powerful woman inside the fucking room was driving you mad.
“I wanna go inside”, you stated, already turning on your heels. Harrison was quick to grab your wrist, trying to stop you from entering the room.
“Y/n, what the fuck, he doesn’t want to-“
But you were too fast. Yanking the door open, you hear a slight gasp coming from Harrison and the entire room goes silent.
The first thing you notice is Tom, who were crudely interrupted by you. He looked tense with the conversation, eyes heavy, shoulders rigid. His elbow was supported by the large desk in front of his chair, while he seemed to gesticulate with his hand whilst talking to the woman, Melissa. His gaze was directed on you, a questioning look on his features, which didn’t softened like it always did when he talked to you.
“Sorry, I told her-“ Harrison was quick to say, but Tom interrupted him.
“What took you so long?” Ignoring your presence, without changing a single word with you, Tom averted his eyes to Harrison, who came out behind you and sat back at his chair.
“She wanted to come” he answered quietly, unsure of what to say.
Tom looked at you once more, face serious, as he seemed to calculate what say next.
“Why don’t you go wait in the living room, y/n?”
You open your mouth, just to close it again immediately. You didn’t recognize the way Tom was talking to you, almost harshly.
"What, Thomas? You don't enjoy a good woman's company? C'mon, let the girl sit with us" Melissa, who you just had the worry to look at said, putting her long polished nails over her chin. She eyed you up and down before speaking again. "What a beautiful girl you have, by the way. You didn't tell me she was all of that".
Tom closed his eyes briefly, jaw clenching, as he sighed heavily in frustration. You knew he was getting mad, and though you still didn't know why, you made up your mind.
"I'm fine, gonna wait in the room. Sorry for-"
"It's alright", he shook his head and looked back to Melissa. "It was good talking to you, but I need time to figure it out before we decide anything", Tom stood up from his chair and waited until the woman did the same. "I'm going to have a talk with my men and then I call you back".
Melissa smiled, but you could see very clearly that it was nothing but a false smile. "I'll keep in touch".
Tom just nodded once and waited for Melissa to walk out of the room, guided by Harrison, who was equally tense as he made his way to the door. Before she exited the room, Melissa had an eye on you again, a tiny smile making its presence on her face.
You shivered, too aware of the dangerous and power Harrison told you she held, clear in the way she wasn't afraid to show she was staring at you.
When the doors were closed, you couldn't lift your gaze from the floor. However, it was possible to see Tom by the corner of your eyes and the way he was supporting both of his hands on the desk, staring so intently at you that you bet he could see your goosebumps.
"Now that you have my attention", he started, voice deep. "Won't you say what was so important that you couldn't wait 'til I was over?"
You didn't say anything, neither looked at him, frozen on your spot.
"I'm talking to you".
His stern act had you conflicted. He would always use it in bed with you, but never got so mad at something that you did. Something that you didn't even know what was all about.
"You were taking too long, so I wanted to see if everything was alright", you answered, keeping your voice loud and clear enough, not wanting to give him the impression that you were intimidated by his words.
Tom snorted. "That's bullshit. I've already been out until later than this and you stayed in our room".
You roll your eyes, voice cheating you as the irritation consumes your thoughts. "Well, in these nights you weren't with a girl inside here".
Tom's face changed and a brow arched as a trace of a smirk made its way to his face. You had lost your though posture and you knew it.
"Are you jealous?" He chuckles, incredulous, "Really?"
You snort, unfolding your arms. Looking relaxed is the last thing you seem to be able to do right now, but also you didn't want to sound so immature being jealous over nothing.
"No, I am not. I'm just mad that... that you didn't tell me who you were meeting with." You corrected him, though you were too aware it was pretty much a lie. With an unwanted whine, you continue "And why you didn't let me in this time? You see, you just left a whole amount of suspicious things to my imagination."
Tom narrows his eyes, a mix of curiosity and confusion evident on his face.
"You don't actually believe it yourself, do you?" He questioned, a suspicious tone in his voice. A bit ashamed, you glanced down and nodded two times.
"I mean, Harrison just told me she's the biggest woman in London, or some shit like that" you shrugged involuntarily and felt tired, as you started to realise how silly you must be sounding.
It was pretty obvious to you that none of that should matter. Actually, it never did. Tom never turned his head to another woman but you, since you met. He never talked about any other girl than you, and you could tell he bragged about how much of a "lucky motherfucker" he was, as Harrison started complaining about Tom's random rambling just the other day.
Tom had done nothing but adored you since the first time he called you darling. And now you were overreacting because of a common meeting of his.
Tom sighed heavily and offered you his hand. Looking at it for one second, you reach for him, and he brings you closer. "That's probably my fault".
You tilt your head, not understanding his point. Tom sits down back on his chair e mention for you to take a seat on his thigh.
"Don't get me wrong, darling. I let you come to meetings only if I'm one hundred percent sure there's no harm on that. When I'm with friends, not my enemies" he caress two slender fingers through your cheek and you almost close your eyes in please, if it wasn't for his deep stare, full of concern and comprehension. "That woman is nothing but trouble for me and my men. She doesn't like us, I don't like her, but, apparently, one of my man messed up with one of her best one, so I was trying to settle everything down before one of us start a fucking fight about it. Obviously, she hates me and every single one of my mates, and that's why I didn't want you here today. My most important job is to keep you safe, y/n. I've already dragged you too far into this mess, I can't expose you even more."
By the look in his eyes, anyone could tell how Tom meant it. He worried about you and your protection had become a topic of discussions too much for your liking.
He shifts his position, making it more comfortable for you, hand resting in your cheek. His expression earned an even more stern look, almost in pain as he looked deeper in your eyes.
"Do you really think that you should worry about Melissa?" He asks, voice low and soft.
You didn't answer right away. Instead, you tugged at his white plain shirt's collar, breathing slowly as you tried to manifest more of your composure than before.
"A little" you confess, shrugging slightly as if it wasn't that big of a deal. But for Tom, it surely was.
"Darling... why would you be jealous over that woman?" The pad of his index finger touched in the slightest move your bottom lip, tracing delicate paths over it. "Why would you ever be jealous over any woman? You know I love you". He looked up once again, a brow arching as he seemed to doubt his own conviction. "Don't you know?"
You shake your head yes and bite your lip. "Of course I do".
"Then why did you have something in your imagination?"
You sigh quietly. "Yeah, it was silly", taking his free hand and in yours, you play with his fingers, trying to hide your embarrassment. "I'm sorry-"
"It's alright, love", he gives you a small yet sweet smile. "You see, I get jealous all the time. Much more than you do. Think it's fair enough".
You giggle. "Yes, you do. I hate that and did the same. Sorry".
Tom shakes his head and brings his face closer to yours, planting a soft kiss in the corner of your mouth. "What a silly little girl you are. How would you ever think I'd ever have eyes for another girl, when I've got the prettiest with me?"
You release a breathe, your grip at Tom's shirt stronger, pulling him closer. "You'd be really dumb if you did, yeah."
Tom smiles in your mouth and you do as well. "Guess I haven't been showing my girl how much I appreciate her properly lately" he whispers, heading his lips along your jaw, to chase a soft spot on your neck. "Tell me, love, would you like to feel it?" His low and seductive words sent a shiver right through your spine, making you release a quiet moan in anticipation.
"Do you want to feel how much I adore you?" He breaths in your neck, smelling your sweet scent, as carefully grabs your thighs to get you to straddle his lap. "How much I adore your pretty little moans and whines? Those wonderful sounds you make just for me?"
You nod yes, adjusting your position on Tom's lap, rubbing against his crotch on accident and feeling he grunt with the contact.
"Use your words, my love. Need to hear you". He insists, running both his hands to your ass, grabbing each cheek firmly. When you whine a timid 'yes', he smirks against your smooth skin. "Always so eager for me", with precise movements, he guides your hips to meet his, creating a perfect friction between both of you. You could feel his hard against your pulsing center, claiming for more.
Tom lets out a struggled sigh, as if he was holding himself back when feeling your center pressing against him. "See? Only you can make me this hard".
You gulp, trying to catch your breath as your hands make its way to his trousers, but Tom is quick to deny it and stop you. "No, pretty girl. As much as I'm aching to feel you right now, I need to prove you something" he smirks playfully. His right hand releases your bum and goes to your front, making a smooth path in his way to your breast. He put your hard nipples between two fingers, pulling it softly. You moan and move your hips over his lap. Tom's jaw tenses up. "Fuck, darling". He presses his hand firmly on your hip to settle you down, as you smile apologetic.
"Need you, Tom". You whine, arching your back so you were even closer to him.
"Yeah?" He smirks, hand going back to work, sliding inside your pyjamas' short. Tom's brows arch in surprise. "No panties?"
You bite your lip. "When I came down here, I was thinking that maybe we could do something. After you were done".
He chuckled a bit, his cocky smile showing off. "So you were planning on getting fucked in my office?" You only nod once, feeling your center pulse and your cheek heat up. "You dirty, dirty girl".
Tom reaches your pulsing core, a single digit sliding through your wet folds. "God, baby, you're so wet". You moan, letting your weight loose on top of Tom, whose strong arms could handle it. "I barely touched you".
"Stop teasing me, Tom" you claim, eyes closed, as you feel he was threatening to enter two fingers inside you, but collecting them all together again.
"Darling, I think you shouldn't have a word about anything today" he says calmly. "After all, you interrupted my meeting, messed my work up. All because you couldn't wait to get fucked. Do you think you were good, y/n?"
You swallow hard, voice trembling. "N-no".
Tom smiles satisfied. "Yes. Now, though you don't deserve any of that, I'm a man of my word, and I said I was going to show you what my girl is worth of". He gesticulates briefly and you have to take a few seconds to understand he wants you to get up.
You do so, waiting until he gets up too. Confused, you stare at him, who cups your face, kissing the tip of your nose.
"I want you to sit in my chair". He murmurs and you can't help the surprise in your face.
"Why's that?" You frown and he only gestures his head to the chair again. With no other choice, you find yourself doing as you were told.
It was a strange feeling, the soft material of his chair against the bare skin of your exposed leg, where your thin shorts couldn't reach. Strange, because nobody would ever sit on Tom's chair. It wasn't exactly a rule, but everyone did better than risking taking what was his, and that being the biggest and most imposing chair in the conference room, only he could sit there. And maybe that's what entertained him that moment, the sight of you in a place that held so much power as that chair.
It took a good few seconds for you to relax there, and Tom didn't take his eyes from you the whole time. Staring, he would lick his lips, arms crossed over his chest, making his muscular arms very visible for you.
"You know, you could do this. I can picture you sitting here, making demands", he says, as if he was deep in thoughts moments ago, approaching you with hungry eyes. He puts his hands over the chairs' arm rest and lean in you, smiling.
You feel your heart race and try to correct your breathing. "Really?" You arch a brow incredulously. "Don't think I could be so tough".
"You learn this with time, darling", he reassures you, "But I think we'd have to manage who'd be in charge from time to time. I can share it with you, but not give it all. Would you like that?" You knew that by this time he wasn't talking about the mob.
With a charming smile, Tom gets down on both knees and puts his hands in yours. "Yeah, I think", you say in a whisper, too concentrated in his actions to say otherwise or anything else.
"Mmm. You're such a delicate angel", he opens your legs slowly, grabbing the back of your knee to pull you in to him. You gasp in surprise, holding the arm rest to keep yourself steady. "I imagine how you'd look like taking control. Perfect, I know".
It was a sight to see, a powerful man like Tom on his knees, a position you never thought you'd see him at. He looked like he was at your mercy, under your control, just as if he was there to please you, though he still did take the command.
"Tom, please", you whine, not giving a care about sounding desperate anymore.
"Patient, my love. Wanna take my sweet time with you", he pats your leg so you can lift your hips to help him take off your shorts. "Cause that's what I appreciate doing with you. Take every single part of you, make you mine. Slowly". He brings you closer and you pant when he kisses the inner of your thigh, eyes never leaving yours. "Take care of my girl, as she deserves".
You feel yourself growing anxious as you tried to stay still when he brought his lips up to your core. "You smell so good, love. Can't wait to taste it". His lips make no hurry to reach your folds, hot breath hitting your aching center. He looks up at you, wicked smile, as his mouth hover you, teasing.
By this time, you’re already dripping, walls clenching around nothing for the expectation. Finally, you felt Tom's lips connecting with your pussy lips, skillful tongue smoothly licking your arousal, spreading it all over your core.
He put his tongue inside of you, tasting it, adoring the way you'd roll your eyes back with pleasure. "Sweet as fucking candy". He murmurs with his mouth against you, causing vibrations all over your cunt.
You moan when he flicks his tongue over your bud, and tug at his hair. The reaction comes right away and Tom moans against you, putting one of his fingers inside you, but not deep enough, waiting for you to adjust as your walls stretched deliciously. "Can feel you swallowing my finger, baby. You want me?”
"Tom", you whine, arching your back as Tom pushes his fingers deeper inside you. "Please. Gimme more".
"You want more, sweet girl?" Tom smirks, entering you as much as he could, adding a second finger to your pulsing core. You felt the cold of his silver ring against your hot skin, causing you to have goosebumps. Feeling you clench around him, Tom started fingering you, hands precisely moving to stuff you in the most raving way. He took his pace, fast enough to the sound of your wetness fill up the room.
He laps your bud once again, repeatedly, catching it between his lips once in a while and sucking, making you release a loud moan.
You tugged harder in his curls and that's when he realized you were close. "My beautiful girl is close? Can feel you clenching, baby."
You nod once, trying to catch your breath as your hips rock against his fingers. Tom took them out and you almost pulled his hair for that, but he soon replaced it with his firm tongue. "C'mon, darling, fuck yourself on my tongue".
You did so, not caring about your messed movements or your loud noises. Tom was right there, holding you hip down with one hand to keep you steady and stimulating your clit with his thumb with another. It was the most beautiful sight you could have and you were on the verge of your edge.
"You're- fuck, so fucking hot, Tom" you cry out, head falling back. "Shit! 'M close"
Tom started to fuck his tongue inside you again. Your toes curl, your belly burns and your heart couldn't beat faster. Tom grabbed the back of your legs and abruptly brought you closer to his face, keeping his tongue firm and thumb working on your bud. He replaced it with his two wet fingers for a moment, just to speak to you and coax your orgasm. “Look at you, baby, so, so beautiful when you’re coming. Fuck, wish they all could see what a pretty and dirty girl I’ve got right here, angel”.
You moan and Tom can tell you’re about to lose it, putting his tongue back to work. "That's it, love, cum on my tongue, make a sweet mess on my face".
You couldn't hold back anymore. Your whole body felt like sparkles, as you tightened your grip on Tom's hair, chest panting, muscles rigid, voice coming out as the loudest moan of your night. It’s all about you now, what you feel. Tom is right there, holding you, controlling your body squirming with his strong hands.
Tom helps you ride out your orgasm, tongue and fingers never leaving you. His noise bumped into your clit as he seemed to enjoy licking your juices, face still lost between your legs. But when you finally saw him again, you thought you could have another orgasm just from the look on his face.
"Fuck", you pant, still trying to catch your breath. "You're- you're all covered-"
Before you could even finish, Tom got up from his knees and took your face in between his hands, capturing your lips on his. The kiss was messy, clashing tongues and teeth, but it was all pleasure. You could taste yourself, take what Tom had left on his lips. It was sweet - a mix of both of you.
"You're a fucking mess right now" you tell him, a slight giggle coming out of your dry throat, wiping some of the wetness from his chin.
"I know", he smiles back at you, pecking your lips once more. He catches the fingers you used to clean his face and leads it to him mouth, sucking on them gently. "Proudly. Who else in this fucking world can have the pleasure of being a mess with your cum, eh?"
You shove his shoulders playfully and spin the chair. "Well, I think I could truly run things here. Feel very powerful now".
Tom puts his hand on the back of the chair to stop it from moving. "That's because you had me between your legs just a few seconds ago, love", he smirks "But I think we can manage that".
You get up from the chair and put your hands on the collar of his shirt, gripping it between your fingers. "Good", you look up at him, smiling devilishly. "First thing, though, I remember you were here to prove me something".
"Oh, darling" he chuckled darkly. "We surely are not finished yet".
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
You've Got Moves (Part 2)
Part 1
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
A/N: Better late than never, right?😂😂 (wow 2 fics in one week that's crazyyy) Also I put one of my favorite comedy tiktoks in the dialogue soooooo oops? Also Harry and Ned are wingmen who share one brain cell and I like it that way
I might make one more part to this but idk
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It took 7 months for Peter to ask you out.
It took the time for MJ and Asher to become a couple, homecoming to go by, MJ and Asher to break up, winter formal, midterm exams, MJ and Asher to get back together, and Christmas to go before Peter Parker gathered the guts to even consider thinking about asking you out.
Scared wasn't even the word for it.
Harry Osborn, the new transfer student, laughed at how nervous Peter was at lunch. "Asking girls out is easy, Peter. I do it all the time!"
"You say it like it's the simplest thing on earth," Peter dreaded, to which Harry shrugged.
"Because it is! You just ask. How is it that I've only been at this school for 2 months and I've had more chicks than both you and Ned combined?"
"Hooking up is not a hobby of mine. That's why," Peter retorted with a pitifully unintimidating glare.
Harry shrugged with his shit-eating grin. "It's not my fault the girls and gays can't resist these lips."
Ned chimed in as he threw a french fry into his mouth. "Peter, this isn't like Liz last year. You and [Y/N] are already really close, dude. I'm sure you can just ask her. Who knows? She might say yes!"
"But what if she says no?," Peter groaned. "Then I'll just be one of those people she avoids and barely talks to out of awkwardness." He shifted in his seat nervously. "I don't want that."
"But if you don't say anything then you'll always regret it," Ned pointed out.
Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. "Peter, pull out your phone."
Peter raised his eyebrows in confusion, but followed Harry's instructions.
"Go to her in messages and say 'hey let's get dinner'." He smiled. "See? Simple."
Peter opened your messages in his phone and stared at your profile picture.
'You can do this, Peter. You can do this.'
He bit his lip. "Okay but should I say, 'let's get dinner' or 'do you want to get dinner'?" Seeing Harry's impatient face, he explained himself. "I just feel like those two sentences have completely different vibes, y'know?"
Harry glared at him. "Are you really about to have us telling you what to tell your crush like a bunch of girls?"
Peter didn't know how to answer that question seriously. "Uh...yes?"
Harry pondered the question for a small bit before simply shrugging and answering. "Hmm, go with 'let's get dinner', so you'll sound all confident and assertive."
Before Peter could press send without thinking twice, Ned stopped him. "Well, actually now you sound a little aggressive, man."
"Really?," Peter asked with a wince, immediately erasing the message.
"Yeah, I mean the last thing you wanna be like is the guy that's all like 'let's get dinner' like you're some kind of caveman."
Peter groaned. "Oh no, definitely not."
Ned ate another fry. "You want to ask her to dinner, not tell her to dinner."
"I'll go with 'do you want to get dinner' then," Peter said with a nod.
That one didn't sit well with Harry. "No Pete. Cuz now you sound like a pussy."
Peter slammed his phone onto the lunch table. "This stuff is tough!"
Ned turned towards Harry. "No but listen. The last thing Peter wants to do is come off as the overly masculine type that's all like 'let's get dinner cuz I'm the breadwinner, bitch', y'know?"
Harry shook his head. "Yeah but women also love assertiveness. You have to know what you want."
Peter stared at the table, desperately wanting the conversation to be over. Why would he even go to these two for relationship advice? Harry was the king of hookups and Ned's relationships never lasted longer than a few weeks. What was he thinking? For a guy with a 4.5 GPA, he sure did feel stupid.
"I got it!," Ned exclaimed. "Okay. Text her this. 'Dinner would be something that I would enjoy taking you on, but only if YOU were also interested in attending the meal'." He held his hands up for praise.
Harry nodded. "Mhm. Perfect balance. And the more words the better."
Peter just stared back at them, wondering where he'd gone wrong in life. "...no.... I'm not gonna send her that."
Harry shrugged. "Welp,' he sighed. "I guess some people just don't want to be helped."
So close to slamming his head into the table in front of him, Peter felt a tsunami of relief hit when he saw Asher walk into the cafeteria.
Asher was your best friend. If anyone knew the proper way you'd want to be asked out, it'd be him.
The second Asher noticed Peter looking at him, he made his way over. "Hey Peter. What's up?," he asked as he found an empty seat.
Harry spoke up before Peter had the chance. "Hey Ash. Pick one. 'Let's get dinner' or 'do you want to get dinner'."
Asher thought for a second. "Depends on the girl," he said before taking a bite into his apple. "-but 'do you want to get dinner' is nicer. Why?"
Harry slammed his fist on the table. "Damn it!"
"Yes!," Ned cheered.
Asher looked around the table. "Okay, by why?"
Harry and Ned went quiet and looked to Peter, who was staring anywhere to avoid eye contact. He began to mumble pitifully."I....I-i wanna.. I wanna-"
Harry and Ned spoke up, already tired of the conversation not getting anywhere. "He wants to ask-"
"-I wanna ask [Y/N] out!," he blurted, feeling his cheeks start to burn when Asher's smirk turned into a wide grin.
"Well it's about time!," he exclaimed. "She's been crazy about you since you met."
"Really? She has?," Peter asked. That wasn't even in the realm of possibility in his mind.
Asher nodded. "She's always going off to me about how-" he mocked your higher pitched voice. "I've been dropping him hints since, like, foreverrrr!"
"Seriously?! She has?"
Ned laughed. "Well Peter. She has been calling you cute since the day she met you..."
"But I just always thought it was the friendly kind of cute, y'know?," he rambled. "Not the boyfriend type cute!"
"How many girls are out here calling you cute for you to make that assumption, dude?," Harry asked.
Asher sighed. "So this is what it's like to have low confidence." He shook his head and gave Peter a disappointed look. "I can't say I like witnessing this, Pete."
"Just-" Peter groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. "Just tell me what will work, okay? I need to ask her out perfectly."
Asher tilted his head in confusion. "She's a simple girl. You just have to straight up ask her out. What's the confusion there?"
"That's what I said!," Harry yelled.
"You know he's got to make it difficult for himself for no reason," Ned pointed out.
"Okay can we all talk about how terrible I am at this after you help me?," Peter begged.
"Ugh, fine."
Peter sighed. "Alright. So?"
"What are you going for?," Asher asked. "Like a gift or something?"
"I just want whatever's the absolute best way to ask her out."
Asher pinched the bridge of his nose. If he was gonna set you up with your crush, he wanted it to happen right.
"Okay," he said, staring Peter in the eyes with a new sort of intensity. "Think about your best moments with her. Now pick something special from all those moments and voila! You'll have it!"
Peter nodded and stared at the ground as he thought for a while about everything he'd done with you since the beginning of school. You were truly the most extraordinary, most confident girl he'd ever met.
Every time he'd thought you couldn't get more perfect, you'd just show him another side of you that was better than the rest. He always stayed endlessly impressed and most of all, he felt as if he didn't have to try too hard with you. He could be himself and mess up as many times as he could manage and you still stuck around, showing him that there needn't be any worries.
And your style? Fuck, you could make anything work for him. You were the only one who could get him out of his comfort zone and in front of a camera, for something as frivolous as a TikTok. But he'd always do it, and even find the fun in it, because it made you happy.
"Remember how we freaked out that first time when she called you cute, Pete?," Ned said. "She said that you were cute and that you only had to put it use!"
Harry laughed. "This girl is literally giving you the instructions, Peter. Take them."
"Hmm." Peter looked up with a smile and snapped his fingers. "I got it."
You tossed popcorn into your mouth and snuggled yourself further into the blanket. "Ash, how can you even say that? 'It' is a horror movie!"
"Yeah, technically," he retorted. "But there's literally not a single part of the movie that's scary. It's more of a drama than anything else."
"You realize the clown phobia rate skyrocketed when the movie came out right?"
Asher scoffed. "Uh, your point? It's not my fault some pussies couldn't sit through it. Still a drama. The story definitely played with your emotions more than your fears."
"Whateverrrr," you laughed. "I can't deal with you."
"Pennywise literally got up and did this," he said before breaking out into Pennywise's dance. He laughed as he kicked his legs out. "What kind of horror movie has this crap in it?" He stopped when he felt the full force of you throwing a pillow on his face. "Ugh!"
"Sit down and get under the covers, idiot," you hissed. "I wanna keep watching these HORROR films."
"Whateverrrr," he drawled out, mocking you. He sighed and plopped down next to you, grabbing a handful of popcorn after.
When school was getting suffocating, marathoning horror movies with Asher were a must. He had an endless repertoire and all the time in the world for his best friend.
Halfway through 'It: Chapter 2' though, the movie was the least of your focus and instead was TikTok.
What could you say? The app was addictive.
It was a big, entertaining, completely useless collage of everything every no-name had to offer, from stupid debates to cringey POV's to fun dance routines.
You tried to hook every friend you could on it. Asher, of course, already knew about it since it first came out and he, of course, had thousands of followers because most of what he posted was random thirsts traps whenever he was feeling hot, which was always. And thirsts traps are always in high demand for the people on TikTok.
You tried to hook MJ on it, but she'd already decided that she didn't like it before even giving it a chance. Even the messy, political side didn't reel her in.
Of course then there was Peter, who didn't know was TikTok even was before he met you. You made it your sole mission to get him hooked, but you'd since given up on that. It was a lost cause. The only time he probably ever saw TikTok nowadays was when he was doing dances with you before gym started. He let you put the app on his phone but he never used it. You wouldn't even put it past him to have deleted it, but it was whatever. TikTok had started his friendship with you, so needless to say, it'd done an amazing job in your life.
Plus your followers were always asking about him. All of the "omg couple goalssss" and "you guys look so cute together" served as massive confidence boosters. A girl can dream, right?
You shifted over a bit when you felt Ash getting closer and closer to you.
When he moved over again, you scooted away, only for him to get closer again. "Ash, what is your deal?"
"Easy there," he chuckled, backing up a little. "I'm looking at the phone, not you."
"You've been all up in my phone all day, what's up?"
"I can't tell you," he shrugged, a sly smirk stretching across his face. "But," he pointed to your tiny screen. "Some idiot is taking wayyyy too long to shoot his shot."
"Shoot his shot?" You gasped. "Who?"
"I'm not at liberty to say," he said with a smirk.
"Nooooo," you whined. "If someone has a crush on me you gotta spill! C'mon, please?"
He laughed and repeated himself. "I'm sorry, but I am not at liberty to say!"
"Bullshit! Who is it? C'mon! C'monnnnnn!"
He shrugged and this time you knew that he was dead set on not giving up the mystery guy.
"Ugh," you pouted. "Fine. Let's just finish the stupid movie."
"Kids next door, battle stations!!!!"
And now it was sometime after midnight. The popcorn was all gone. The movie was done and now you were watching old cartoons so that the horror movie wouldn't be the last thing on your mind before bed.
Looking over, you saw that Asher didn't need any cartoons like you did. He was already passed out, snoring as loud as ever.
Grumbling in boredom, you stared at the wall, trying to connect the tiny dots in the designs. It was like something was officially keeping you from being able to fall asleep.
At the sound of your phone receiving a text, you sat up curiously. Who was texting you at this hour?
You smiled when you saw that it was Peter.
Pete: hey y/n
You were about to send him a quick,"why are you up this late" text, but he kept typing.
Pete: pls dont judge me too hard for this
With that completely vague warning, you furrowed your eyebrows, concerned.
Y/n: whats up r u okay
He sent you a link next, which confused you, but not as much as when you actually pressed it.
It led you to TikTok, and the video was waiting to be pressed to start. Peter was standing in the middle of the screen with one of his typical corny sweatshirts on. The caption at the top read: "For [Y/N] Only". Smiling already, you quickly pressed play.
You slapped your hand over your mouth. "Oh my God."
"So he finally got the guts, huh?," Asher mumbled, having woken up from the loud music on your phone but was still half-asleep.
"Oh I'm sorry, did I wake you?," you asked. You turned down your phone.
"Don't worry about me, you just got a boyfriend," he chuckled, moving to lay down so he could get to sleep again. "Text him back for god's sake."
Y/n: its been almost a whole year and youre still so cute when you make those
Pete: haha thanks
Pete: uh
Pete: i really like you y/n
Pete: do u think you'd wanna go out with me or get dinner sometime?
"He asked me out," you gasped. "Ash, he asked me out!"
Asher rolled over and groaned. "I thought that was already established? Jesus, you two couldn't possibly be moving any slower."
You rolled your eyes. "Fuck you."
"Nah, you're with Peter now," he laughed. "You're gonna have to fuck him instead!" That comment earned him another pillow to the face.
You looked back at the messages and sent a tiny cute one. You smirked at the new idea of what was about to happen and turned it off before going to sleep.
Y/n: kiss me at school tomorrow and find out
Didn't do a third edit cuz I got lazy but I'm pretty happy with the turnout anyway. Thanks for reading!
Tagging: @allegra-writes, @allegra-soleil, @yumings, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete, @snarky--starky, @sovereignparker, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky, @kelieah, @eridanuswave, @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr, @kidney9-9, @gwenvrse
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nightshadeshadow123 · 5 years
Paw prints on the Agent's heart🐾part 3:
Alex Danvers x reader🔫🐾
Here's part three, hope u guys enjoy.
Tag list:
@retro-aesthe @blackluthxr @samustar @aznblossom @ibe-anne @lezzzbehonesthere
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Kara landed on the balcony and make her way into the facility, searching for her sister.
"I'm here." Kara founded her discussing plans and other mission with J'onn and two other agents.
They turned their attention towards the blonde.
"You two are dismissed, we will talk about the failed mission later." J'onn dismissed the two agents, watching as they leave to do their other work.
"Sorry I'm late, Cat was on my neck about that article and had to finish it before finding time to slip away unoticed." Kara explained, hugging Alex before releasing her as J'onn smiled warmly at the two sisters.
"It's quite alright, don't worry Supergirl." J'onn assured the blonde Kryptonian.
Alex took a seat, waiting for her sister to sit next to her while J'onn sat on a sofa in front of them.
"We found out something about the wolf girl." J'onn began, gaining a curious look from Kara.
"What about her?"
"Winn were snooping around on their computer data system and have manage to find a list of people they've expirimented on, and turns out that she was one of their best expiriments yet. Their favourite weapon until someone betrayed CADMUS and helped her to escape." J'onn explained.
"That's....unbelievable, hate the way they use humans and aliens as test subjects." Kara looked at Alex when she putted a comforting hand on her shoulder, knowing full well that she was thinking about her father and history with CADMUS.
"We need to get this wolf before CADMUS." J'onn went on.
"I agree, we fear what might happen if they find her first." Alex agreed with J'onn.
Kara nodded. "Yeah then let's make sure they don't. I'm tired of all the problems they cause."
"And maybe I can ask Lena Luthor if she knows something of the she wolf." Kara went on.
J'onn thought the idea over while Alex casted her a concerned look.
"Kara I don't think that's a good idea." Alex warned.
"I don't think so either." J'onn looked reluctant."But she might be able to give a few awnsers."
Alex let out a sigh at that, not too happy about the idea.
"Well then, off to Luthor corp." Kara waved them bye before leaving but not before noticing the concerend look Alex wore.
"Well good thing she doesn't know I'm Kara." Kara said under her breath, landing on Lena's office balcony.
She reluctantly knocked on the glass doors, trying her best to not look nervous, hoping that she is doing the right thing.
A few moments later Lena opened the door, curiously looking at Kara.
"Supergirl? What are you doing here? I'm not done with the project yet if that's why you are here." Lena smiled at the blonde Kryptonian.
Kara returned the smile. "No it's alright. I'm here for a completely diffrent reason." She assured Lena.
"Oh, okay then. What is it?" Lena asked, staring down at National City below them.
Kara nervously cleared her throat.
"I....I just wanted to find out if you know something of..."
Lena spared her a quick glance.
"Know what Supergirl? Spit it out, I don't bite." Lena urged her.
Kara smiled at that."I wanted to know if you perhaps know something of that wolf all over the news. I've found out that she've escaped CADMUS with the help of someone and since your mother, your brother now I suppose is the leader of CADMUS that you might know something? Maybe who helped her escape?"
Lena gave her a look over her shoulder before looking down at the city again.
"I know that she was my mothers best expiriment and weapon to use against her enemies. And for who helped her escape, I don't know who it was. Maybe it was someone with a death wish." Lena explained, grip tight on the cold rails.
Kara kept quite at this.
"And my mother made her even stronger than she already were. She wanted to use her to defeat you but before that could happen she have escaped." Lena went on, still not looking at the Kryptonian.
Kara looked shocked at this.
"Wait? What? Well good thing she escaped, I just hope I can find out who have helped her escape so I can thank them."
Lena finally looked back at Kara.
"Maybe it's a good thing yeah. All the suffering she had went through, I wouldn't wish that on anyone." Lena tilts her head to the side slightly, swiping some of her dark hair over her shoulder.
"Thanks Lena, I must go now. Duty calls." Kara said as a alarm went off in the distance.
Kara took off once again.
"Farewell Supergirl." Lena said before going back into her office, a tiny smile tugging at her red lips at the person now sitting at her desk.
"Good afternoon, and how may I help you today?"
"Ugh these damn CADMUS agents." Kara huffed out, hauling him into the DEO prison cells.
Alex were helping to put another one away too.
"Yeah, they just keep getting even more annoying everyday."
"Agent Danvers, Supergirl." J'onn greeted them.
"Get ready for an outing Supergirl, got a little piece of information that the wolf have been spotted somewhere and I want you to go and have a look." J'onn said to them, waiting for them to follow him. "And Alew will be closeby."
"I've got eyes on the wolf." Kara said into her ear piece. "And she's with someone."
"Keep her in sight, and who is the person with her?" J'onn asked through his ear piece.
"I can't make out who the person is. My Xray vision won't work, the person have lead on them somewhere and they are wearing a hood." Kara explained.
"Mhm, what are they doing?"
"The person appears to be not treat...yet, and the wolf seems to be trusting of them." Kara squinted, keeping a close eye on them.
Kara went to step closer to the ledge of the building she have landed on but ended up tripping over a pipe contected to the roof and she end up falling to ground, grabbing the attention of both the person and the wolf that whipped their heads in her direction.
"Ugh why did I had to be clumsy in this moment?" Kara muttered under her breath, slowly pushing herself to a half up right position.
The wolf looked at the hooded person, making a slow jerk position to the side in what Kara suppose means that the person should run.
The mystery person, patted the wolf's side, whispering something in it's ear before spritting away into the darkness.
(Y/N)'s POV:
I stare the blonde Kryptonian down, growling lowly at her when she tried to stop her from running away.
Kara held up her arms in surrender, keeping a safe distance and not make any sudden moves.
"Hi." Kara awkwardly greeted, waving a hand.
I let out a huff, steping towards the blonde. She's still as akward as she was when we were little children back on Krypton. How I miss those days.
You stopped right in front of her, glowing red eyes meeting with her sky blue eyes as she looked at you cautiously as your wolf form towered over her.
With that you turned into your human form again, still towering a tad over her in height.
"We meet again short stack." You smirked down at her, (E/C) glistening with amusement at her now shocked state.
"Wha?Wait?!…(Y/N)?! But how?!" Kara fired out questions, a mix between shock, excitement and also a bit emotional.
"Not that I'm not happy to see you! But how?!" Kara rambled on.
You chuckled at her. "Kara Zor-El calm down. I'm was sent her by my parents before Krypton was destroyed. They wanted me safe and got me here." You explained.
Kara stopped, looking at you while you explained what have happened.
"Okay we'll talk about that later but now I really need to come with me to the DEO."
"Nope, I won't go there, they've been trying to catch me for years. I can't go there." You glared at her.
"Why not, we aren't your enemy. And we need your help against CADMUS." Kara tried to reason but you tensed up at the word CADMUS.
"No way. I won't go anywhere near them."
Kard pursed her lips at this. "Why not? And The DEO can help, why not come with me so I can show you that?"
"Well for starters, I don't really trust The DEO, and secondly, no I prefer to stay away from CADMUS, I don't go towards the people that have expirimented on me for years. Heck I was suppose to be dead a long time ago but that grimey wrinkly coot kept reviving me time and time again. Just got lucky to have had made a...friend there that helped me escape." You explained, a distant look crossing your face before meeting with her blue eyes again.
Kara looked at loss for words. "What? But...The DEO won't do that to you. That's not a reason to distrust us....you can trust me, we've been...childhood besties. Always got in trouble together and bother both our father's durning family dinners."
You chuckle light heartedly at the memories. "Man your father was really scary when he got angry, esspecially that one time we've got lost on a strange planet and almost got killed."
Kara laughed. "Yep his face was priceless when aunt Astra took us to him."
Suddenly you snapped back to reality, keeping a close eye on the blonde Kryptonian.
"Come with me please. It can be just like old times." Kara held out her hand, waiting for you to take it, eyes pleading but briefly lingering over your shoulder.
You stared down at her outstreched hand before slowly looking back at her face.
Suddenly you spun to the side, grabbing the person that have tried to sneak up on you from behind, a starled yelp falling from their lips.
"Do you honestly think I wouldn't sense someone sneaking up on me princessa?" You growled against her ear as you held her in a choke hold from behind, their hands on your arm to attempt escape.
"A-Alex?! (Y/N) Please don't hurt her." Kara begged, a tad of fear in her that you might hurt her.
Just gonna leave it on cliffhanger😏suffer a little. Just have to make a choice now where I want to take it from here. The next part have me like😏😏not sure when I'll be done with the next part but I'm trying to make it a soon as possible.
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Christmas Cookies | PJS
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Genre: floofiest of floof (the usual)
Word count: about 1.2k
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A/n: I loved writing this! Thank you so much for requesting :) I'm literally way to soft for my babey jisung uGh (。ノω\。)
The light peering from the crack in your bedroom door was uncomforting to your freshly woken up eyes. You kept hearing loud bangs coming from downstairs and had woken from your peaceful sleep. But also,, like there could be a murder in your house so sleep can wait. You grabbed a snow globe as a weapon as you creaked down your stairs. As you turned the corner, screaming, there's a shattering sound.
"Y/n, you scared the crap out of me!"
"You scared the crap out of me! What are you doing at my house at," you checked the clock on the stove, "3 am, on Christmas Eve?"
"It was supposed to be a surprise," he mumbled, slightly turning pink.
"Well, it's not really a surprise if you are incredibly loud and wake the person up," you sneer back at him, finally setting down your weapon.
"Were you going to kill me with the snow globe I bought you last year?" He fained sadness at you weaponizing his gift.
"N-no," you stutter. "Did you break my mom's nice bowl?" his eyes trailed to the ceramic shards that littered the floor.
"No," he looked at you with soft eyes through his bangs. Who could be mad at anyone that adorable?
"What are you even doing here, Jisung?"
"Making you cookies!" He cheered. He wasn't usually this adorable, what was happening to you?
As if on cue, the oven dings, and Jisung pulls a cookie sheet out of it. "Ooh! Let me see! Let me see!"
"No!" he hides the cookies behind his lanky noodle body. "They're not done yet."
"Of course they are, let me eat one," you pouted your lips at him. "Please, Jisungie, just one?" With your eyes welling in tears, he couldn't turn you down. As he stepped to the side, you noted letters on the cookies.
I ♡ U
"Aww, Sungie, these are so cute," you smiled at him. "I love you too."
"Y/n?" He became unusually shy. Even more so than when you first met the kid. "What I mean is-" he trailed off, deciding not to confess to you.
"What is it?"
"These- these are my present for you! For Christmas," he makes up the lie to save his little heart from rejection.
"You're the best." You nudge him, playfully, with your elbow "I see there's more behind you, on the counter. Can we make them together?" You raise your eyebrows at him, hoping he'll want to continue despite the surprise being ruined.
"Whatever you want, y/n."
"Yay!" You somewhat yelled, sleep still holding back your voice.
You grabbed the dough and began rolling it into balls. As you placed one down on the cookie sheet, Jisung picked it up and plopped it into his mouth.
"Hey! Don't eat my cookies," you teased him.
He just looked at you like (¬_¬). "Why not? I bought them," he argued back, sticking out his tongue. He was so childish, but you couldn't help but find him cute. Unconsciously, you picked up a cooked cookie from the previous batch and held it for him to eat instead of the raw dough. Rather than taking it from you, he bit it right out of your hand. He's literally so cute wtf. You're running out of synonyms for how adorably cute he is and it's frustrating because he doesn't think you're cute!! (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ
"Y/n." He pulls you back down to earth and you realize that he is now holding a piece for you. "My arm is getting tired," he whines. You mimicking his actions, nibbling the cookie from his hands.
"Mmmm. They're so good," you say as your face heats up from all your thoughts.
"And that's an indirect kiss," he adds as you realize that it was the same cookie. You'd rather it be a direct kiss, but beggars can't be choosers. You look away, deciding to focus on the balled dough instead of the boy you had unrequited feelings for. He followed suit, with awkward tension stifling the air.
You two had gone back to joking and teasing one another while they baked. And when the timer dinged, Jisung rushed for the oven mitts, saying that you don't need to worry about burning your little hands. He also provided the idea that you you should add frosting to decorate them!
You were lost in your own world again, not realizing your actions. Jisung was watching you intently, the way you chewed on your lower lip as you focus on the lettering, the strands of hair falling slightly into your eyes. Why was he such a wuss? It's not that hard to just say, 'y/n, I like you. Not as a friend, but as more.' So why can't he just man up?
You looked up, meeting Jisung's gaze. It is only then, that you realize what you have done. You follow his stare back down to your cookies, decorated with the phrases: "jisung" "handsome jisung" or "jisung" but surrounded in pink hearts. He smiles at you, redirecting your eyes to his own cookies, labeled: "y/n" or "pretty y/n"
You hold eye contact for a few seconds before both starting at once, "y/n-" "jisu-"
"You go," you encourage him.
"I like you," he spits out too quick for your brain to register.
"What?" You ask in utter shock.
"I'm sorry. I know you don't like me back, but I had to tell you because I really like you and that's what I wanted to say with the cookies earlier and..." he rambled on as you made your way to his side of the counter, interrupting him with a peck on the cheek. His eyes go wide as he freezes, finally shutting up.
"I like you too, Sungie."
"Oh," he breathes out, "cool."
"You can keep trying to act nonchalant, but you were just word vomiting a few seconds ago," you joke.
"Hmf," he scoffs at you. "Well at least I haven't had frosting on my mouth since I ate the cookie earlier." You can feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, but Jisung just thinks it adds to your cuteness. "Here, I'll get it," he whispers as he leans in and puts his lips on yours.
"Did you get it all," you smile, innocently.
"Yeah," he assures you.
"I don't think you did," you look up at him, wrapping your hand around the back of his neck. He swoops down again, but before his lips connect with yours the oven is screaming. Another batch of cookies is done. That brings the total to: 35 cookies.
"Why did we make so many?" You laugh at yourself.
"Because I was trying to build up the courage to confess and used this as an opportunity," he admits. After he gets the oven taken care of, you are back to where you left off, shyly pecking each other's lips.
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