#I don't gatekeep heh
coriandher · 2 years
is sexualizing the Legion only your thing or can other people participate in that? I've got ideas
begging for other people to please participate
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anotheroceanid · 5 months
You can't tell me that the big six don't turn into kids at least once a month and just watch Jason and Percy's home comfort.
Hestia, Demeter, and Hera turn into teenagers, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus - in young children.[This is the only time Zeus has ever admitted in any way that he is the youngest].
And they're just watching Jason and Percy lead their little lives.
Percy cooks in the kitchen, his dainty fingers gently mixing the ingredients to make an apple pie for dinner, while Jason gently flirts with him, trying to steal sliced apples.
It looks so gentle and homely-Jason's hands on Percy's waist, Percy's light playful laugh, Jason's nose in Percy's hair, Jason's kisses on Percy's bare shoulders and the trusting pressing of Percy's crown to Jason's neck.
And the older Olympians imagine themselves as children watching the PDA of their parents.
they even have a one-sided dialogue - Hestia advises "mom" to add a little cinnamon to honey so that it is both spicy and sweet, Hera asks "dad" if he will come to her performance in the school choir, Hades blushes and asks "parents" to be more modest, Zeus irritably asks if dinner will be ready soon...
Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus deep down, are still children who yearn to have parents.
This is so saaaaad 😭😭😭 let me make it sadder 😈
Jercy doesn't even know the gods are there. The big six are just invisibly hanging around the house, pretending they live there with their parents and they're just ordinary mortal/legacy kids.
But now for the humour…
I mean, after some time Percy starts to notice things out of place, their food disappearing overnight. He goes after Nico and (heh) Uncle Hades to question if his apartment is haunted. Hades accidentally goes “No, mom.” Silence. Very awkward. Percy doesn’t understand what's going on, but Demeter is there and she starts screaming at Hades and calls him stupid.
Points if Hades offers Percy and Jason pomegranate juice and this turns into an actual topic in the Olympian Council. Zeus accuses Hades of trying to gatekeep their parents, and the other Olympians are just sitting there watching the Big Six throw words at each other faces without a single idea about what that is about.
Things would possibly get even more confusing when Hades says: at least MY son isn't a grandmother’s beater *looking straight at Ares*
Eventually, Percy and Jason would notice what's going on, I guess. Maybe the Big Six would approach them pretending to be orphans or unclaimed demigods in need of a family, but it would explode in their faces because Percy would SEETHE that the gods were seemingly ignoring their kids again.
He would break into Olympus to complain and… ouch, that conversation will need a therapist to go on…
At some point Zeus would go all “Littlest Sibling Mode” and just point at one of his brothers and say “It was HIS idea, mom! He forced me to do it 😔”
Do you think the Big Three would cry if Jason ever complimented them as “these are my boys”? Because I do.
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that-one-xachster · 4 months
JJK but Dazai's the new teacher Hcs (ADA)
I'm a sucker for crossovers so- also dazai shenanigans trigger warning y'all bsd fans yk
how did this even happen bro
oookayyyyyy lets say yaga and fukuzawa were besties <3
and once fukuzawa was complaining about his subordinates bc cmon give the 45 year old baby a break
and yaga was like
"I will grant you peace my child"
"you're younger than me"
"anyway can I steal one of your subordinates for a bit :)"
and thats how ma man dazai got roped into this
so fukuzawa was like
*deeeeeeep breathhhhhhhh*
"dazai I'm disowning you."
he was just like dazai get your ass to jujutsu tech you're gonna be a new teacher there
"but I don't have a teaching license"
"you've committed over 500 crimes what can illegal teaching do"
so whoopee dazai's now in jujutsu tech
hes still in his detective clothes though
but if ya want him in jjt uniform then sure
the way shoko visibly deflates when she realizes she's getting a gojo 2.0
megumi joins her
nobara doesn't care she just hopes he's a good teacher and not utter shit
I feel like maki and Inumaki would join her on this
Yuta would be the ball of sunshine he is like 😇
panda's being panda
okay dazai makes it there
no gifts sadly he was rich in the mafia but not anymore he's broke
and kunikida aint here for a wallet stealing mission
he soon found a kunikida 2.0 though (na-na-na-na-na-na-min)
so obvi everyone wants to know what his cursed technique is
...yeah thats the problem he don't have one but this is dazai so he goes
"oh I can just obliterate a curse by touching it lmao"
and then yuji's like "HOLY QUACK THATS SO OP"
and I'm gonna make dazai a leeeetle op here
so gojo's like "ah? let's have a spar?"
and dazais like 😳🫢🤭
so yes these two start sparring
so how this shit works is that if cursed energy touches dazai it just boom no more cursed energy and you die
and infinity's made of it right
so my bro just activates his infinity and doesn't move and dazai just kalmly walks up to him
and just throws his hair a lil back-
yeah my guy show off that big ass forehead
and he steals gojo's boop that makes you unconscious (how could you dazai)
and gojo was like 'WAIT WTF'
and stumbles back kinda concerned
okay change of plans
let's try something a lil dangerous
he pulls out a very minuscule
when I mean very I mean microscopic level of blue
just for shits and giggles
no not really he wants to see how this goes
and dazai's unaffected
like full unaffected
and gojo's even more confused, concerned, and slightly alarm
okay let's take it up a notch
dazai's smiling like the person he is
(Im not saying cause tw but yk)
"woah were you tryna off me? sorry but I'm looking for a beautiful woman to join me in my journey to the afterlife-"
gojo's even more concerned
"..dude you okay?"
"why not"
kay so we're taking this up a notch back to that
and dazai lets out a visible sized blue and megumi's just questioning how stupid his teacher is like gojo why do you want to kill the new teacher?? no way can he survive th-
it goes poof
megumi's like ...huh
everyone's concerned for life
and dazais just like "heh"
okay you have the advantage here what about in physical combat-
boom all attacks dodged
gojo's impressed needless to say
now after this comes the actual torture
yuji's fawning over dazai and ofc dazai's tryna like
gaslight gatekeep girlboss 😜‼️
"hey did you know that if you move your arms like this all the time your bones will eventually melt-"
"wha- actually?"
"he's messing with you"
shoko says that last part
and yk whats coming
shoko = beautiful lady
beautiful lady = wybwtjmiads
"ah belladonna will you be willing to join me in a double suicide-"
"uh no thank you"
gojo's at the side though
bombastic side eye
creemeenal offensive
sigh thats all for now imma make more hcs later
drop ideas please I'm begging you
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sweetie-bri · 1 year
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Giantess [Giantess Growth Caption]
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"Bailey, it's finally time, wait..." "Time? Did we plan for something today?" "What do you mean, of course we did!" "Hhng~ Doesn't sound like something I'd do." "You took yours already, didn't you?" "Mm- Not sure what you mean." "Look, you- you're growing RIGHT NOW! Bailey you're huge!" "Ooo yesss. Thank you!" "That wasn't a compliment, you're like, a giantess!" "Mmng~ You really think so?" "Well just give me mine, so I can grow with you!" "Not -Aah~ sure what you mean, 'grow with me!" "You're WAY bigger than me right now!" "Heh, fuck yeah I am, you little runt." "What?" "Nothing. What were you saying?" "You're significantly bigger than me!" "Always... Mm~ have been!" "You were shorter than ME before we agreed to-" "Oh yeah~ I'm like, pretty sure I was always this tall." "Bailey! You're 3 feet taller than yesterday!" "Hhaah, are you sure??" "Just give me my-" "What!? I can't hear you down there!" "Don't tease me! We're both short, Bailey!" "Not anymore, idiot." "What?!" "Nothing, you're just imagining things." "Where's. my. dose?!" "I have no idea what you -Ooh~ What you mean." "Bailey, did you-" "Definitely not! I would NEVER! Oo, Mmmnng~ but... What would happen if I accidentally DID take both?"
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malsfefanfics · 2 months
Hubert and Rosamund B-Support
Summary: Hubert goes looking for Rosamund, and despite finding her reading a book, cannot seem to get on the same page.
Written in Script format under the cut.
Rosamund: [OUT OF CAMP, SITTING ATOP A TREE, READING A BOOK ON ALMYRA] So that's how they maintain trade…interesting…
Hubert: [STOMPING OVER] There you are! I've been searching everywhere for you.
Rosamund: [ROLLS HER EYES] I said I was going out for a bit, didn't I?
Hubert: You told the Gatekeeper, whose job is to watch the gate. You did not, in fact, inform your commanding officers. Which is standard protocol.
Rosamund: Last I checked, you and her Majesty made me a commanding officer.
Hubert: In charge of training the new recruits. With the intent of getting you some more experience to eventually have you lead soldiers into battle. Not for you to play around with and bully into submission like a common dog.
Rosamund: [SNAPS HER BOOK SHUT] A newborn pup has more sense than half those soldiers you recently recruited. I should know. I raised nearly one-hundred from infancy. It is clear to me that most of them have never gone a day in their life without struggling. They've never had to take a life. They've never had to fought for their own survival.
Hubert: And might I remind you that neither have you had to do any of the sort. Not until recently, at least.
Rosamund: [JUMPS DOWN FROM THE TREE, WALKING PAST HIM] Ah, yes. Being on my own having to look after our baby brother in the wild from the Kingdom border to Garreg Mach to this southern camp while you see genuine combat, all over a period of five years, is 'recently'.
Hubert: [FOLLOWING AFTER HER] And prior to that, you never left the manor.
Rosamund: Correction. I never left the damn forest. I left the house almost daily to do hunting and sometimes even camping overnight. I made it a point to hone those skills in case something should happen. I am not some brat like those ingrates you have me training.
Hubert: Those 'ingrates' are meant to eventually become a fighting force.
Rosamund: Which I will ensure happens as efficiently as possible. Now quit following me. It's supposed to be my day off, isn't it?
Hubert: As a matter of fact, it isn't. Which is why we have been searching for you. You were supposed to be helping prepare for an expedition. We needed you to help supply meat to be cured.
Rosamund: Really? I didn't realize. I'm so sorry.
Hubert: You certainly don't sound like you're sorry. [PUTS A HAND ON HER SHOULDER] Rosamu-
Hubert: [COUGHING, DOUBLED OVER] What on earth-
Rosamund: Shit. Dammit. Hubert, I'm sorry. I'm actually really sorry, I didn't mean-
Hubert: It's…it's fine. I'll be fine. Just….heh. You've….gotten stronger. I certainly did not expect that.
Rosamund: You're….not angry with me.
Hubert: [SLOWLY REGAINING COMPOSURE] Why would I be? I was the one to grab you from behind. I should know better than to do that with a lady.
Rosamund: ……
Hubert: What is with that look on your face? You seem perturbed at me. Did I say something wrong?
Rosamund: ….I just…. You know what? Forget it. [KEEPS WALKING] Come on. We better get back to camp….
Hubert: Rosamund, wait a moment.
Rosamund: …..
Hubert: Petal, will you just-
Hubert: [LOOK OF SHOCK] ....
Rosamund: Look…let's just go back. I'm sure Her Majesty is in need of your assistance. [RUNS AHEAD]
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eek-a-tron · 3 months
I often see and enjoy that you add "comics loki has a lot going on mkay" to old timey comics!loki posts. What are some of the things that come to mind at the top of your head? ^_^
Heh, my yammertags and I thank you!
I'm honestly not suuuuuuper familiar with Loki's classic comics oeuvre or pre-MCU Thorverse comics stuff. Shallow dives only, I'm afraid. Behold: I doth gatekeep myself! :p
It's just, whenever I see any classic comics Loki around here, there's always something wild going on, mkay! Like perma-scowling, or vaudevillian-level declaring, or Machiavellian plotting, or being an actual gremlin, or tree, or whatever. It's like... wow, what a brightly-colored mess, what's his campy myths-based deal? Big mad and a big jerk? Literally Iago? What exactly is this mythic family dynamic? Sometimes he's wearing blond hair on his helmet because of reasons that they don't exactly delve into during the Silver Age? Good job being the absolute worst of your era sometimes; uh, a yikes icon? I guess I could say "well that's a lot of unpacked packing" instead of "has a lot going on" and that would probably make more sense.
On one hand, I find a character who routinely gnaws on the scenery funny — I do love camp; very Batman TV series. But on the other hand, I also tend to prefer fandoms that've been running for an extremely long time with multiple incarnations, grafted atop themselves over and over like some kinda unwieldy Mad Max structure. All the better for me to pick up/learn about shiny things as I go along, magpie-style! And when the canon is just tropes on tropes on tropes after multiple decades, it tends to change/evolve, like life! And like, I've never seen a more appropriately-shapeshifty character for this evolution. So, comics Loki has that Silver Age CURSES! vibe while at the same time has been re-envisioned with much more layered, pathos-inspiring takes. This characterization would've been more interesting in the first place, of course, but the Silver Age apparently could not even. I just like that kind of more-layered, character-evolving stuff. It neat.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Some responses
Oh jeez...... Guys, I did not expect my post to resonate with so many people. I was aware that the problem of people feeling excluded and mocked just for less common headcanons had to be big, but I still thought this post would stay between me and all five of my followers, hahah; I am glad that some people feel really heard here! Some are for very different reasons, too?
I ESPECIALLY want to point out this one, because it is exactly the result I've been seeing a lot:
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@tsunbath I've heard similar things from (former?) Malenia fans, and also I know at least two friends for whom Maria was ruined as a character because of how toxic her fans were. You are VERY right about the fact that Malenia would've hated to be the symbol of gatekeeping and bullying in the fandoms! I feel like the same would go for Maria; there is no direct confirmation, but I doubt many people can argue that she IS compassionate soul. Like... how do those toxic fans keep making the deep, compassionate, tragic female character into THE symbol of mockery, exclusion and aggression? Beats me.
It just deeply resonates with me how actions of the bad type of fans can create aversion to a character or a ship. I've had this phase with Mariadeline ship tbh. My advice would be - avoid searching content for the character/ship, try to find a tiny pool of people that likes them but are normal and respectful about it, allow yourself to feel identified with "normal fans of the thing" pool rather than dread of identifying with toxic gatekeepers by association... Like, the ship got recovered for me this way, same as Maria's character herself. Just remember that toxic fans and normal fans are not the same entity... It is a very rare case where division is HELPFUL! Hopefully you will be able to recover Malenia for yourself and not think of those l00sers anymore.
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@mycopok I know Mal, easily the best person to have ever crossed BB fandom, and nothing will ever replace her </3 I am just happy that her positive influence still lingers even after becoming way less active, like... yeah, fans just should be allowed to explore any idea they want. Maria x Laurence is SUPER interesting concept! In fact, the initial post WAS made because of someone venting that they were afraid to post their Maria x Laurence stuff out of fear of being ostracised!
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@underworldsheiress Yeahhhh again, you are not the first one I hear a story like this from. I also heard takes like 'tomboys are the grossest aesthetic, either come out as a trans or get back in line' (not exagerration). It is REALLY unfair how a woman looking masculine should be either her being a butch lesbian, or... well, no longer being a woman in the end. Infighting and forcing pointless norms on each other is a huge problem with LGBT+ community, you'd expect people to gather to support each other but... people will be people I guess :/ Anyways gigachad move of you to wear what you want.
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@alma-amentet I don't quite agree with your tastes on body types maybe not gonna lie; However what you pointed out (not so much in the tags, I saw what else you said heh) is a very good example of how fandoms are open spaces and everyone should feel welcomed here. Like, the girls in the fandoms will have absolutely ridiculously specific tastes regarding male characters - not liking shorter height, not liking slim build, prettifying their canonically not-so-attractive face, judging them in sexy look contests, throwing insults towards their appearance quirks at times...
But once someone tries to pull similar things with female characters - all HELL breaks loose. Double standards in the fandoms regarding genders of the characters are absurd. I even once saw someone in BB fandom whining about how someone attempted to discuss which female character was hotter with them...... after we, as a fandom, CONSTANTLY have shit like 'sexyman contest who is sexier Mico or Brador vote now from your phones!!!!'. .... Like idk if you need to hear this as well or not, but everyone should be allowed to say 'muscular women aren't my taste' for the exact same reason why everyone is allowed to say 'muscular men aren't my taste'.
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@fantomette22 @rhythmloid Devotees of the Biphobic Order are the bane of every western fandom's existence at this point for real though :/ They will see a female character that wears pants and kicks ass and start shaking over her like Gollum with The One Ring, ignoring all the context, nuance, her personal story, other possibilities, etc... Like I said - feelings of real people who just try to enjoy the fandom are more important than some toxic bunch's creepy obsession with the character they want to crown as their token masculine lesbian based on stereotypes, no less. I say if they really care about masculine lesbians, they should direct their activity towards real world and real people. Because, again - fandomry is not activism.
Anyways thanks everyone for speaking, and sorry if the tagging annoyed you or something fdsjhfh I really appreciate that, and I do hope you all will be able to find your own group in the fandom that'll keep you mentally safe from the toxic fans ruining characters for you. Like a power barrier in the middle of the chaos! I know I did find mine, lol
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z0mp13ss · 4 months
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`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`-----------------`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`
All of our accounts from Q:
Main- z0mp13ss
Pos rant account- Struggled
Alter accs-
softIy (softiy)
(i dont think there were anymore)
!! ALSO !!
Not all of my headmates are listed on here, you don't need to know anything about littles or anyone who won't be using the platform ! :3
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`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`┈┈About us !┈┈ ╰┈➤
-->did system
-->bodily 14 (Jan 16)
-->f referring to us collectively please user it/its and the name Cloudy
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`┈┈DNI/DNF >:[  ┈┈ ╰┈➤ 
-->You interacted with/followed these users on Q:
-->Over 19 or younger than 13
-->You're a zionist and/or support zionist celebrities/brands
-->You're neutral on the genocide
-->You aren't sys-safe or don't support neopronouns
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`┈┈ATF/ATI :[  ┈┈ ╰┈➤ 
-->We had negative interactions on Q but you aren't on my dnf list ! 
-->Or if I had you blocked but you don't know why (I can tell you why if asked)
`𓏲 ࣪₊♡`┈┈Boundaries ┈┈ ╰┈➤
--->  Do not ask any littles to front.
--> Do not try to figure out our triggers, we do not post them publicly for a reason. 
--> Do not try to contact me (You know who you are) now that I am on another website. Stop sending your friends after me too. You're a creep. 
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[no proxy]
Preferred Names: Arden/Topher
Other names: Zander/Millipede/Cameron
Nicknames: Zompiss/Argay (Close friends only gang, sorry)
HOST !! (wowza)
Host is Transmasc, Questioning (for sexuality), and uhm I forgot what else I put here sorry. <33
He/It or Crawler/Crawl pronouns, you can use either if you dont like using the others :3
[Reminder that we are bodily 14 !!]{#E8C5C5}
🥳 <- proxy
Preferred Names: CREEPER
Other Names: No
Nicknames: No.
[Source; Minecraft]
Agender + Asexual. Not interested in romantic relationships of any sort, also strongly dislikes sexual topics.
It/Its pronouns >_<
sourcemates: oti (Sourcemates
[Creeper doesn't front often, but is usually nonverbal when it does front.]{#E8C5C5}
👽<- proxy
Preferred Names: Elijah
Other names: None
Nicknames: Alien Guy, Bleep Blorpp, Eli, Lili, Jahhhh (im just having fun atp sorry)
COHOST [Currently Dormant .]
Male, 15, and in a relationship so like sexuality doesnt matter ig !! (Bro is cishet)
He/Him prns
[uhhh alien guy. Bleep bloop.]{#E8C5C5}
🪦<- proxy
Preferred Name: Dizzy
Other Names: None
Nicknames: Diz, Number 8. [brainmade]
CARETAKER (She's so kind)
Nonhuman + Really oldd (Like over 100 gang I mean like fucking ancient)
She/Her/Angel prns (Use herself instead of angelself please !! ^_^)
[Angel, also somewhat motherly, ig? ^_^ ]{#E8C5C5}
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🐙<- proxy
Preferred Name:NIGHTMARE
Other names: None
Nicknames: None (Heh, Night. Spookyyy)
[Source; Dreamtale]
Nonhuman + Legal (He's also really old)
Demiboy, He/They prns, sexuality is
sourcemates: ati (Strongly dislikes some individuals ^_^)
[Nightmare is a dry texter, in my opinion. But he is pretty nice, on a good day! :3 ]{#E8C5C5}
🍝 <- proxy
Preferred Name: Horror
Other Names: None
Nicknames: None, I think :3
[Source; Horrortale]
Nonhuman, (obvii) and ageless!!
Male (?), He/Him!!
sourcemates: ati
[Refrain from mentioning source please! But he's also really sweet and silly >_<]{#E8C5C5}
💥<- proxy
Preferred Name: 4
Other Names: Creepy
Nickname: None I think
19 + Questioning everything (Bro is so edgy for what)
Put fictionkin list for 4 here
[Four can be aggressive at times, if it's too much, just say something. They also used to talk about tak]{#E8C5C5}
🩸<- proxy
Preferred Names: Infected
Other Names: None
Nicknames: None for now
[Source; Regretavator]
Male+He/Him+ Pansexual
sourcemates: oti (We know quite a few, but doubles dni please!!!)
[Infected doesnt front often, and is usually pretty irritable when he does, also has a heavy typing quirk [ie. "h1 guy5 my n4m3 15 1nf3ct3d.] but can provide translations if needed/wanted.]{#E8C5C5}
3 / PRINCESS (both just her names idk)
Legal ; 20
she/her ;
[Calls other people commoners, and also likes to be treated like royalty. She has 2 knights (Huffie and a headmate) .]{#E8C5C5}
📦<- proxy
AE3803/RED BLOOD CELL/ALLAIRE [Source: Cells At Work !]
Legal + Female
She/Her prns
oti !
sourcmates: oti
[Allaire/AE3803 has romantic mems of U-1146, so please dni if you're uncomfy with that, or you're U-1146 and you're over 15 or younger than 14 bodily]{#E8C5C5}
🎧<- proxy
FLOWER MASK GUY [brainmade] (@flowermaskguy)
Nonhuman + Ageless + Male
He/Him/Plant/Weed prns
[He appeared in my dream once !!. Wasn't a very nice encounter. ]{#E8C5C5}
🎀<- proxy
Hiyoko Saionji/Harmony[fictive] (@ultimatetraditionalhater)
Minor+ Female
[I updated my own shit what do I put here. ]{#E8C5C5}
`𓏲 ࣪₊-----------------`𓏲 ࣪₊
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thewordworrier · 5 months
April Camp NaNoWriMo - Day 21
Words Written Today: 750 / 700 words. Today’s Goal: 14,700 words. Today’s (Total) Word Count: 17,421 / 21,000 words. Worked On: bounced between three WIPs. Favourite Line: heh
"I don’t gatekeep my affection that much.” Frank grinned widely. “You gatekeep your boobs though.” “Frankie!”
I still find Sunday's a bit weird for some reason. I still haven't figured out why yet. Ugh god, I don't want to have to deal with work tomorrow. I would like to spend it curled up under a blanket instead.
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autumnbrambleagain · 6 months
decided to peek into a 50 minute video essay on why hazbin hotel has bad writing
"not even the angels know how people get into heaven! if no one knows, how do we know if charlie is succeeding or not? you need to establish some ground rules!"
my dude, how and why people go to heaven is literally a mystery in-universe and that is a plot point
media literacy isn't just dead, it's murdered on purpose so we can make millions of hours of analysis videos of people just saying random shit for advertising money
it's fun to be like "heh you don't need a fancy college degree" but look,
look i have a fancy college degree and when i see people making what amounts to what used to be my job, and doing it incredibly badly, it's kind of annoying
no, not. not just anyone can come out and make a giant critical thesis. you actually have to like. know what you're doing. we came up with rules for these things for a reason, and it isn't just arbitrary gatekeeping. there are ways to present information, and there are standards about criticism that we've spent a century debating over,
so when Chuckle McSchmucklefuck comes around with his 3 hour analysis video which is mostly "I think the plot would have worked better if the plot was a different plot entirely" it's like
god this is really where we are huh
i keep thinking about the ponett article which was like 30 pages mostly complaining about "well none of the characters are fat" and "these people who were sent to hell sure have bad relationships with sex :c"
MGS2's villains made the strong point that the internet is leading to a world where useless information is being preserved in too vast of quantities, and this was back in the early 00s
of course the qualifying criteria shouldn't be if you have a degree or not, but if you can't actually make meaningful analysis of information maybe. maybe don't? if your entire argument about something is "i don't really like this, personally" then like
if you can't say something entertaining about it, if you can't say something transformative about it, if you can't say something of merit about it,
idk man maybe don't clog my youtube recommended feed with 50 minute video essays that say nothing ngl
i could write like. a seperate essay about why ponett's essay was dumb and pointless but i admit my essay on how something's pointless would be pointless
look i watched hazbin hotel literally once and it was Fine. does it really need 70 hours of criticisms from the world's greatest scholars like "chunknugget7807" and "ActualRealReviewsdotHat"
does anyone have anything to say about media outside of "i didn't like it" anymore
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juniper-answers · 11 months
" oh hello there ! You must be thee John juniper himself, huh ? Quite the honor to meet you, heh ... !
Honestly don't remember what I'm doing here ... but a little birdy did tell me that you and a friend of mine were together ! That's nice ! Very very nice ! I'm sure xe would've wanted me to meet you at some point ...
Oh ! And I see that mask of yours, it's absolutely wonderful ... that's sort of your iconic thing isn't it ? Sorry if I sort of snatched that idea from you coincidentally ... Heheh .. hmm ... "
[ he chuckled a little nervously. ]
" aaand speaking of which , mind if I ask ... Is there any particular inspiration for each of your masks ? Is it like a theater thing because I probably won't understand if it is ... - "
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“Yep! But just call me Juniper.” He smiled a little. At the mention of a certain agent, it muttered “wow the news gets around fast-“ under his breath before responding out loud,
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“I don’t mind, Yeah, technically it’s one of the things i’m known for, but you can’t really gatekeep an item-“ She chucked a little before continuing, “I mean right now, I’m just using my masks as a way to see, but usually one gets made for each character I play. It’s good for getting into character, in my opinion.”
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the-mxster · 1 year
Tensimm + Donna incorrect quotes (Pt 5)
Pt1 Pt4
Doctor: What are you up to?
Master: Boiling eggs
Donna: Those are ping pong balls
Master: Im not sure, it just feel like I’m living in the past.
Doctor: Awh :(
Donna: We literally traveled back in time
Master: *laying on the floor, covered in blood*
Donna: Omg what happened to them?
Doctor: They got run over by a car again
Donna: Why aren’t they in hosp-AGAIN?!?!?
Donna: I love sarcasm! It’s like punching people in the face, but with words!
Master: Every zoo is a petting zoo unless you’re a coward.
Doctor: I’m worried about you.
Master: I wish I could help you, but I shorn’t.
Donna: Master, please!
Master: What part of shorn’t don’t you understand?
Master: I regret getting dragged into your heterosexual tomfoolery.
Master on Monday: *glues a dime to the sidewalk* Heh heh heh.
Master on Wednesday: *walking down the street* Ooh hey! A dime!
Master: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Master: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
Donna: I made this friendship bracelet for you.
Master: You know, I’m not really a jewelry person.
Donna: You don’t have to wear…
Master: No, I’m gonna wear it forever. Back off.
Master: Maybe the true treasure was friendship all along. But I hope not, because I can’t spend friendship on new clothes
Master: It was me...
Doctor: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
Donna : I intend to stay pissed at you forever.
Donna : Even if I seem helpful.
Master: Then you're in luck.
Master: Because you don't.
Master: Why is it so hard for you to believe me?!
Doctor: ...
Master: Oh, right. The lying.
Donna: You're violent.
Master: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
Donna: You know, people treat me like a god.
Doctor: How?
Donna: They ignore my existence unless they need something.
Donna: I’d like to live through a week that’s not a whole new verse of “We Didn’t Start the Fire.”
Donna: Can we go to a haunted house?
Doctor: What’s wrong with the one we live in?
Donna: Wh-what?
Doctor: Goodnight, Donna.
Master: Gatekeep, girlboss, and what's the other one again?
Donna: There isn't another one. You're crazy.
Doctor: Anyone else feel good when their brain releases a bunch of endorphins?
Master: Can't relate.
Donna : Why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins?
Doctor walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Master, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Master, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Master: Donna, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Donna: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later.
Master: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask the Doctor.
Donna: Wait- Master, no-
Donna : Would you take a bullet for me?
Doctor: ...yes?
*Master angrily burst into the room*
Donna : *running away* Great, thanks!
Master: I want to be like a caterpillar.
Doctor: Explain.
Master: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful.
Donna : You know they have a lifespan of a week, right?
Master: That's just another highlight!
Master: Thanks for not telling the Doctor what happened.
Donna , dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
Donna : But what about the Master?
Doctor: Don't worry about them.
Doctor: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.
Donna: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.
Doctor: Awwww-
Donna: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything."
Master: Oh.
Donna: What’s the straightest thing you’ve ever done?
Master: *sighs*
Master: I killed a man.
Doctor: It was difficult, so you’ve just given up. You might fail, so why bother trying?
Donna : Exactly.
Donna , to Master: I told you they’d understand.
Master: I can be your partner for the next race.
Donna : Sorry, Master. It's a sibling race.
Doctor: Maybe there's a contest for lonely children after this.
Donna : It's only children, Doctor. A lonely child is what you're gonna be when I sell you!
Master: I'm allergic to death.
Doctor: The ritual. To preform it requires a sacrifice.
Master: Sacrifice? I nominate Donna .
Donna : Wait, what?
Master: Because you're little, you'll fit on a barbecue.
Donna : I'm 5'5, it's like average height for women in most of the world!
Doctor: Its not that kind of of sacrifice guys!
Donna : Hey, Master, are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Master: Yeah.
Donna : And you, Doctor?
Doctor: Umm... yes?
Donna : Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Doctor: Did they just-
Doctor: What’s sexting?
Donna: I'm not having this conversation with you.
Master: We have a problem.
Doctor: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.
Master: There's beer in the cooler.
Doctor: What about for the children?
Master: You can get water from that water fountain and use it to water down the beer.
Donna : Why don't we just give the kids water?
Master, angrily: I suppose you could do that!
Doctor: Guys, I have a question.
Donna : kys <3
Doctor: I love you too.
Master: Ah, yes. Siblings.
Master: Some people are like slinkies.
Donna : What?
Master: Not really good for much but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Donna :
Donna : Please don't push the Doctor down the stairs.
Master, pushing Doctor down the stairs: Too late.
Donna : Who knew getting in trouble would be so impossible?
Doctor: I gotta give you credit, Master. You make it look easy.
Master: Years of practice.
Donna : Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically.
Master: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes.
Doctor: Self care is stealing someones birthday cake just to eat the frosting.
Master: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
Donna : There are three ways to handle a difficult situation. The right way, the wrong way, and the Doctor way.
Master: Isn't that the wrong way?
Donna : Yes, but it's faster.
Doctor: Ask me anything. Go ahead, I'll give you a straight answer.
Donna: Why are we so fucking awesome?
Doctor: That's the best fucking question anybody's ever asked.
Doctor: Yeah, well I've never died so how do I know that god is real.
Master: Why am I the bad guy?
Donna: I don't know, why am I the pretty one? We all have our thing.
Master: *sighs* I have no friends...
Donna: *coughs* Bitch, what am I? A roach?!
Donna : What is everyone for Halloween?
Doctor: I’m superman.
Master: A clown.
Donna : So I’m guessing we don’t need to get you a costume then?
Master: Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons!
Donna : Bet you I can!
Doctor: *sips coffee, checks to make sure 911 is still on speed dial, and goes back to reading the paper*
Master: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.
Doctor: Life could be worse, Master.
Master: Life could be a lot better too!
Donna: That was a joke. Say ha.
Master: Ha.
Donna: Now do it again.
Master: Ha.
Donna: Congratulations, you are officially the life of the party.
Doctor: They say that the most valuable things cost nothing.
Master: They also say that being cheap is an annoying trait, so don’t overuse that excuse.
Donna : Wow, great work on the Halloween decorations. Where did you get the fake skeletons?
Master: Fake?
Donna : Thanks for pulling the fire alarm, you saved me from giving an oral report about The Scarlet Web.
Doctor: You were too lazy to read the book?!
Donna : I was too lazy to watch the movie.
Doctor, disappointingly, after security arrives to escort the Master and Donna out: So, do you wanna walk out of here or do you wanna be carried out?
Master, in defeat: Let’s go.
Donna : Wait.
Master: What?
Donna : I’d kinda like to be carried out...
Donna : Hey, Master you're smart, tell me what would happen if I chugged 3 gallons of chloroform.
Master: Have you ever been to a mortuary?
Donna : Yea, my grandma lives there.
Doctor: That is the worst response to that question.
Master: We’re about to do the taser challenge. You want in?
Donna : What's the taser challenge?
Doctor: We tase eachother, then drink.
Donna : How do you win?
Master: What are you, a lawyer? You want in or not?
Master: It's pretty cold outside.. wanna hold hands? We should stay close.
Doctor, blushing: Okay.
Donna : It's fucking summer.
Donna : Everyone, calm down! We're grown-ups, let's deal with this like adults!
Master: So, we're just going to wing it and hope for the best?
Donna : Obviously. Now, Doctor, pass the shovel.
Donna : What's worse than a heartbreak?
Master: Stepping on a cat's tail and not being able to explain that you're sorry.
Donna : You really believe in the Master?
Doctor: Luckily, they believe in themself enough for the both of us.
Doctor: So when are we gonna tell them?
Donna : Just give them a minute.
Master: *Pulling on a door that clearly says push.*
Donna: Do you ever think? Because I do not.
Donna: *cooking*
Master: *kicks down door*
Master: *grabs knife from Donna's hand*
Donna: What.
Doctor: They're trying to tell you they want to cook.
Donna (brainstorming ideas for pranking the Doctor): How much would a serial killer mask possibly cost?
Master: Well it’s hard to find a high-quality one made out of leather or silicone, but if you did find a good one like that it’d be a couple thousands of dollars. I can try to hook you up with one but I don’t know if I’d be very successful.
Donna: Huh, that’s pretty interesting actually- Wait, how the hell do you know that?
Master: …I am very passionate about Halloween, Donna.
Donna: Is there anyone here who’s actually straight?
Doctor: *raises hand*
Master: *puts their hand down*
Master: Aww, what's your dog's name?
Doctor: K-9.
Master, yelling to Donna: TRY K-9!
Donna, on the computer: DIDN'T WORK!
Master: What's your favourite number?
Doctor: The salary of a clown is 51,000 dollars.
Doctor, gesturing to Master and Donna fighting: And yet these idiots do it daily, and for free!
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jacensolodjo · 2 years
Im gonna be real with you, I don’t know shit about political ideology specifics. I don’t know much about communism/capitalism/socialism outside of basic high school tbh.
But I’ve always found it odd how there’s so many passionate communism defenders (especially living in western nations). If communism is so great, then why are there SO many people who ran away from their countries after communism was put into place? Or hell, not even ran away. I’m a first gen American and my social circle is mostly other first gen Americans. One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people, or people’s parents, return to their home countries after finishing school, raising kids, or making enough money from a certain career. The only people who I’ve never seen return to their home countries, and outwardly have no interest in it, are the ones coming from communism.
Heh I appreciate your candor. But I'll admit the preview for this in my activity made me hold my breath lol
Sadly I find myself mentioning A LOT as to how we got here.
Unfortunately, this is actually one of the stages of genocide (as popularized by Doctor Gregory Stanton) called 'Denial' and totally continues to work even if those governments no longer exist. But it is stoked by those who want to pretend communist atrocities didnt happen. Combined with the Red Scare era which did NOTHING except make people believe now that it was these poor little communists being shat on by western capitalists. The red scare which created Boomers that loudly claim communism to be unAmerican which creates many millennials and younger to rebel against the previous generations by deciding hey communism was cool actually if it upsets that asshole generation. Or they realize some of their political opinions align with communism so communism has to be cool right? Without realizing it's pretty much human nature you're going to agree on some level with some- thing or -one terrible politics wise.
They do not read past Communism 101. But it's hardly an anti-commie's fault right? They see 'workers of the world UNITE' and they go 'hey YEAH!! Capitalism SUCKS but here's a thing saying everything I do so I'm not wrong!! it's the detractors that are!" But they fail to continue to read where Comrades Lenin and Marx literally call for blood. They want the red=communism to be literally blood. They say over and over and over again that there are too many people, that we need to lessen numbers, that it doesn't matter who we kill so long as communism is installed. Anyone against communism must pay with their lives! How is that better than capitalism then??? how is it not siblings with fascism?
But if you're going to say I'm this thing, you should know more than just a few blurbs about it right? Politics wise, anyway I guess. And no, this isn't gatekeeping. We're talking politics not fandom.
But yes, most of the vocal anti-commies I meet either come directly from a formerly communist country or are the offspring of those who fled communism. But NO commie questions why this could be. Your average anti-commie is in fact just a Red Scare War Hawk Republican, obviously. We're all just patsies of capitalism. It can't POSSIBLY be because we know the blood commies have on their (Red) hands.
It's absurd. All these people have to not only be lying about atrocities but also apparently lying about why they left and refuse to return. All these people coordinated with different cultures in order to tell Tom DIckhead communism isn't that great. And yet it takes little convincing when it comes to other things. We agree fleeing other things is viable. We don't agree people fled communism. Somehow?? I'm a first gen American born and raised here because my birth mother FLED COMMUNISM in Ukraine. If communism did not exist, I would've been born in Ukraine. But I'm wrong because tom Dickhead said so.
As an aside, I will NEVER forget the time a commie said 'you just don't like communism because you hate to see people of color winning', completely ignoring how many MILLIONS of people of color were MURDERED by communists. MILLIONS more people of color were murdered compared to white folks. Tell me, comrade, how is that 'winning'? No one hates Pol Pot for 'winning', they hate him for murdering Cambodians and Vietnamese and everyone who was against his government. No one hates Mao for 'winning', they hate him because his Great Leap Forward was more like trampling on a long line of weaker innocent people. Millions of them. None of them had to die if he hadn't ignored people who said his great leap wouldn't work out too well. Among a number of other reasons the death toll was so astronomical.
When you think of a refugee/asylum seeker from the 60s and 70s, what do you see? Is it not overwhelmingly someone fleeing from an asian country or eastern europe? You know, where communism was in spades?
But yeah. I have many thoughts on this lol like it takes so much mental gymnastics for insisting why we have so many immigrants from "Old country" who never went back there that it makes my back hurt. As you said, a lot of people work in the US for a bit then go back for various reasons. But what about those from communistic countries? Oh, certainly they also sent money back home but that was literally so their family could join them away from that communistic hellhole they came from. Kind of ironic that to get away from communism you need to shake hands with capitalism but that's not the point here. It's just simply not possible to call it 'coincidence' and move on. It's not our fault commies can't seem to grasp the simple answer because there is simply no other legitimate answer besides 'compared to where they came from the US is a cakewalk'. Another on the list of 'things commies refuse to fully think about because then they have to face their own almost religious belief in communism'.
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That's good to hear!! Hows Shuji?? Taking many memorable pics of you? Hehe
I'm doing pretty good myself! It's almost the end of Spring Break but the time I've had off so far has been nice, but somehow busy?? Idk how it's even so busy lol
Kisaki is doing good. Tired of stupid people 🤭 but surviving and I guess hes cute when he comes home all tired after work heh
Ahhh I hope you get some good rest so you don't end up returning tired 🥺 nothing worse than coming back from a break needing a break.
Y'know Shuji,,,mostly he takes super unflattering photos of me sleeping or looking possessed with breadstick. I like to pretend he gatekeeps the pretty candids if they exist Lmao
Awhh is he like an eepy cat when he comes home? Is this your man???
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somniativesect · 2 months
hello...! we're the somniative sect, a pluralpunk chimeric traumaendo + creagenic system. we're 23 irl, and diagnosed schizoaffective. we have dissociative symptoms that we're discussing currently with a therapist and psych soon in case they're diagnosable since they do cause us struggles, but overall we believe that plurality can be a wonderful experiece of internal teamwork and partnership, and we accept systems of all types + dislike harassment.
our main poster is reva (they/it), a facet of sammie (she/he) who is a frontstuck median with a few other facets who we'll be doing intros for too.
here we'll generally be posting about ourselves in a journal-y manner, posting about system and alterhuman stuff, and maybe some fandom content thrown in.
content warnings + discourse opinions:
we dont tend to tag for triggers so be warned that there is a blanket content warning on this blog for possible discussion of irl trauma of multiple types (incl. sexual assault/rape, of which we r a survivor of multiple instances), irl homelessness (also a survivor of this), hard drug recovery (we r sober now) as well as potential discussion of hard kinks like consensual nonconsent. due to the amount of subjects such as these, as well as general personal preferences, we prefer that minors do not engage with us.
we believe that as long as you're not actively trying to &/or actually causing harm to ppl then you're fine to do as you please. we are profiction/proship, pro-endo, anti-harassment, anti-terf, anti-sysmed, and pro-para + anti-contact for harmful paras.
it is your choice whether you follow us or not, so if we dont want you interacting with us we will simply block you. thanks for understanding..!!
read more about us below:
members of the somniative sect:
[ median subsystem ] sammie 🐶🔎 (she/he): I've got a wonderful irl partner system named Maxine (he/she) and I love him with my whooole heart. Other than that, I mostly spend my time studying psychology, the occult, and religion. I'm an energy worker, and agnostic-ish.
[ facet ] reva 💜💤 (they/it): hiii...im pretty fun i think. i like to listen 2 lofi, read a lot, nd i'm always very sleepy eheh
[ facet ] honey 🌞🍯 (she/they): hello. i'm the one who tend to push us towards healing and growing here, tending towards introspective hobbies such as journaling and engaging in productive dialogues within our system or with our partner. i always try to be compassionate and a good listener.
[ facet ] gears ⚙️⛓️ (they/she): gatekeeper mechanism who decides who gets to front or if any new system members can be formed. slowwwwly learning how to relax about that, heh.
[ headmate ] nephrys 🦄💙 (she/her): hehehehe i fINALLY have a place to post nowww. i'm nephrys!!! i'm like if a unicorn was a loli :] i like nature and cuddling!!!
[ fictive ] dirk 🧡⚔️ (he/him): Welp. Giving this a shot. I don't usually like announcing when I'm fronting. I do a lot in the background of the system here, such as holding negative/childhood emotions, being the voice of reason, and helping everyone else express themselves in a way that is most suitable to them.
[ tulpa ] murphy 💗📞 (she/they): hi.........i like reading problematic stuff, i'm a lil shy about it though eheh. i'm slowly learning my way around life, but i'm pretty optimistic !
[ fictive ] techie 🐷🗡️ (he/they)
our main blog is @quoiperson and follows/likes will come from there!!
fandoms that we like:
homestuck (incl. hs^2, pesterquest & hiveswap friendsim)
hazbin hotel & helluva boss
inside out & inside out 2
the magnus archives
the ghost & molly mcgee
gravity falls
murdered: soul suspect
ace attorney
sam & max: freelance police
steven universe & future
we know the devil
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celestialmantdonna · 4 months
Angsty Character Questions:
1. Is your muse afraid of death? 4. How easy is it to anger your muse? 9. What is one thing that would break your muse? 14. What was the most traumatic moment in your muse’s life? 16. If your muse could talk to one person they’ve lost, who would it be? 
1. Is your muse afraid of death?
Thank you for sending this one in, because it's something I have wondered ever since I first tried to get inside her head (or the other way around, heh) when I watched GotG Vol. 2 for the first time back in 2017. Everything under the cut!
Mantis has always had a complicated relationship with death. In an ideal situation, death should be a very foreign concept to a kid, but to Mantis it was a consequence. Ego himself says in canon that "one after the other they failed me" (referring to his offspring). As a child, yes, Mantis was really scared of death, because... well, it wasn't like she could turn to her father to protect her. But Ego's children were immortal as long as he lived unless they were killed by a more powerful force (like Ego himself), so Mantis knew she wouldn't die unless her father said so.
When she betrayed Ego, Mantis deliberately gave up her immortality, which makes me think she isn't afraid of death. Not anymore. And anyone who threatens her with death will simply get a shrug in response, like "oh, I don't know, my dad has threatened to kill me for the last 750-ish years, but I'm sure that threat will work with someone else!" She has been far too afraid for far too long, so no, Mantis is not afraid of death. She doesn't want to die, she's not looking for death, but she is not afraid. Even less so after she died in the Snap and came back five years later.
Now, this does not apply when it comes to innocent people dying or those she loves dying. The thought of losing the Guardians scares her. A particularly painful headcanon I have is that the Guardians learned about Gamora's death, but Mantis saw it in Thanos' memories while she was holding him down in Infinity War, and she saw it from his perspective, so esentially Mantis felt as if she were the one throwing Gamora off a cliff. And that is something she will never, ever forget. Mantis barely had time to get to know her half-siblings before Ego took them away, but she has been with the Guardians long enough to love them. At the start of GotG Vol. 3, Rocket gets hurt and Mantis is crying, sobbing, shouting "no!" as she tries to keep him alive... It had nothing to do with the fact that her arm was broken, nothing to do with the pain she was getting from Rocket, and everything to do with the fear of potentially losing him.
4. How easy is it to anger your muse?
This one is also very interesting because Mantis was never allowed to be angry around Ego. As a child, she would think "wow, anger must feel really amazing if Ego wants it all for himself!" and then as she grew up she started to experience anger and she was like "...no? This is the worst? This is what Ego was gatekeeping?" She hates being angry, therefore she tries to avoid it.
Mantis is not easily angered at all, though it also depends on who she's talking with. If she thinks of you as a friend, an ally or family, you might upset her more easily because your words matter to her. In the Holiday special we see her getting angry at Drax a few times, because he knows her in a way no one else does. However, she also gets angry at Kevin Bacon, because she knows he is Quill's "hero". She might be angered when she's surrounded by too many angry people, or when someone she considers a friend is cruel to others.
Something I love about Mantis is that in GotG Vol. 3, she finally snaps and it's in defense of someone else. She gets angry at Nebula because she keeps insulting and pushing Drax, and Mantis steps in and fiercely defends him (even though she calls him stupid and Drax is like "...I don't think I appreciate this defense.") So yeah, generally speaking, Mantis is not an angry person. Instead, she bottles up anger for the battlefield. She turns it into something productive and helpful because she thinks anger is a very exhausting emotion.
9. What is one thing that would break your muse?
Basic validation. Like I'm not even kidding. If you praise her in any way or tell her how amazing she is, she will likely start crying at some point, because she won't believe you. Mantis is stronger than she gives herself credit for, it takes a lot to break her, but unfortunately she received so much psychological abuse back on Ego's planet that she has a hard time accepting positive attention, at least until she leaves the team at the end of GotG Vol. 3 to work on herself.
Other things that would leave her practically broken? Hmmm... Taking her freedom away. Take her freedom away and Mantis will have the worst flashbacks of her life on Ego's planet. Her freedom is extremely important to her. And also... Quill getting killed. If she loses her only sibling left alive, Mantis will physically feel her heart shatter. There's this scene in GotG Vol. 3 where Quill is freezing in space, and Mantis just screams his name. Pom's acting was excellent and I will never get over it. There was so much pain in that scream. So yeah, losing Quill would be extremely painful and Mantis would struggle all day, every day.
14. What was the most traumatic moment in your muse's life?
Oh, this one is easy to answer, because I'm answering with my headcanons. The most traumatic moment in Mantis' life was the moment she stumbled upon Ego's caverns for the first time. Before, she had been a happy child, living on Ego's beautiful planet, not a care in the world... except for the fact that Ego's children would mysteriously go missing, but that moment changed everything. She was the equivalent of a 7-year-old, and she was exploring, and then she found... that. She ran to Ego's palace and tried to tell him they weren't safe anymore and they had to leave. But Ego told her he knew about the bodies, because he put them there himself. And Mantis just... passed out. She fainted, because her mind couldn't process that.
In that moment, she knew she would never be safe. No one would help her. No one would save her. No one would protect her. The next few days, she would bring flowers to the caverns, she would sit there in the darkness and weep for hours because, even though she didn't know her siblings all that well, it wasn't fair. She cried for them more times than she can count.
16. If your muse could talk to one person they've lost, who would it be?
I think... Gamora, probably. A part of Mantis would want to meet her own mother too, but she doesn't remember her, she was very young when Ego took her to his planet. Mantis does not know whether her mother abandoned her or not, but in any case, she doesn't resent her mother. Mantis hopes she is okay, wherever she is, in this life or another. She would like to listen to her mother and hear her out, but I still think she would choose Gamora. Mantis would tell Gamora the Guardians love her, and they all miss her every day. She would tell her that Mantis would've loved to see Gamora and Quill getting married and being happy together, that Mantis is Quill's biological half-sister and she would've loved to be Gamora's sister-in-law. That her absence is painful, and that she was more important than some glowing orange rock. Grateful for the chance to speak with her, Mantis would tell Gamora the Guardians will always love her.
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