#I dont think it's right to judge these women for their insecurities
dollfaceksj · 10 months
heyy, i'm the previous anon who said you shouldn't call the other person sending the ask heartless.
yes, i completely agree that women and afab people are primarily judged based on our looks/appearance, but just because other people choose to value us or devaluate our worth based on our looks does not mean we engage w that mindset, because our looks are not all that there is to us, we have so much more to give than that and indirectly subscribing to that mindset by basing our value SOLELY off of our looks isn't right.
with that being said, it's not easy to open us about our difficult feelings like she did, i never said i don't acknowledge that or that i dislike that, what i mean is we can absolutely have moments of weaknesses and insecurities flash through minds, it's impossible for that not happen, and i dont dislike her for that, it would be unrealistic of me to dislike someone for being insecure, i dislike her for using people for emotional or sexual validation, being insecure doesn't make that right, regardless.
also, yoongi (in this case)/or anyone being used thinking it's okay to be used doesn't make it okay, a person being wronged thinking that them being wronged is okay, is far from okay.
also, don't misunderstand this as hate for the series please :) bc despite having a busy life you're regular with your updates and i love that because this isn't a topic i've seen a lot of authors take upon, can't wait for the next update :)x
while i agree with you, i still don’t like how that anon voiced their opinion on that and that’s just how it is. they said “damn, she’s messy. don’t like her anymore.” implying that only after her explanation they’ve started disliking her. to me that sounds heartless, no matter how u twist and turn it.
so all the lies she’s said before were okay but her coming clean about everything and her true feelings and intentions suddenly make you dislike her? you’d think it’s the other way around. and only disliking her after seeing the world through her eyes is still heartless. in my opinion. i think i’m free to voice my opinion on that just like i let you anons voice your opinions. doesn’t mean i have to like ur opinions !
and sure, the whole thing about just bc yoongi would be ok doesn’t make it okay sure; but i literally used namjoon’s own words during one of his ending ments @ tour when he said that he uses armys to love himself and that he wants us to use bts to love ourselves. it is what it is. no matter whether you think it’s okay or not, if it keeps you from going down a very dark road, why the hell not? i use bts to love myself. namjoon uses us to love himself. i don’t think that makes it “far from okay”.
in this it’s about the lying. the conflict here is that she keeps lying. the problem isn’t the using, as already previously established. YOU have a problem with the using and whilst it’s understandable, it’s not what the problem here is cus ive been trying to foreshadow her lying about stuff since the beginning. this reveal would have been the ultimate lie (her theme) it’s not about what shes lying about but that she simply continues to lie
had the anon said they dislike yn after 19 when it was revealed she’d been on birth control, i’d have stayed quiet, like i did with all anons who were clearly in shock and disliked her for it. understandable, completely understandable
however, it’s the fact that it was said after 20, after yn gave you just a taste of what it’s been like for her. so no, i still will not change my opinion of it being heartless to dislike her only after her explanation
ofc not! im open to discuss the series. i think this is a very sensitive and serious topic and multiple moms have already spoken out about how close to home this hit for them. i want to highlight real problems in my fics and realistic scenarios whilst still keeping the drama aspect of it
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sayitwityachest · 2 years
Lesbians and Bi women have differing and specific experiences- this is indisputable and needs to be respected. However, some women use this fact as a shield to be grossly misogynistic and biphobic. One of the best examples is this weird obsession with bi women and whether or not they are attracted to or will date a man at some point. God I've seen so many fucking posts with lesbians crying about this shit and talking about how valid they are for the resulting distrust and/or disgust in bi women in general for an experience they had or-OR SOMETIMES LITERALLY DIDN'T HAVE.
Here's a funfact: I'm a bisexual woman and i've felt the misery and rage they describe towards other bi women for "choosing" men/boys over me. It's terrible, it's all consuming, and most of all, it's completely pathetic. Now, that's not to say it isn't understandable to feel that way, but it's another thing entirely to take those feelings and decide that it's the other woman's fault (or in this case, all bisexual women LOL). It's definitely easier for me as a bisexual to look over those feelings and figure out that they are unfair and unreasonable for me to have, it's definitely easier for me as someone who not only has, but listens to and values, female bi friends to know my insecurities are not truly founded, but come from the fact that we grow up in a heterosexist society that only shows opposite sex relationships as an option and stresses to women and girls how a man is the best and most important thing you can have in your life. But just because it might be easier for me to sort through those emotions, doesn't mean it's not terrible, and it certainly doesn't mean that lesbians shouldn't be expected to figure their shit out instead of taking it out on bi women.
I've seen other bi women chime into these conversations like "this has happened to me, it sucks" only to be very swiftly struck down with "this is not something you as a bisexual can understand." (Usually said with more scorn and mocking) It's almost funny to be honest, the way some bi women on here try time and time again to be "good bis" just to keep getting shit on. How do these lesbians know how bisexual women feel? It seems we are constantly told we have no idea how they feel, and i'd have to agree that i have no way of guessing what it's like to be a lesbian, the same way they have no idea what it's like to be me. I can however, read the feelings they describe and recognize those very feelings inside of me, the ones that i know are wrong and come from a place of self-loathing. I can know that because i feel such strong attraction and chemistry to women, i only want to be with them, so any reasoning of "well bisexuals cannot understand because they can ChOoSE a 'het' relationship and access all heterosexual privileges, so no they don't understand how this really feels" just shows how little they understand bisexuals and obviously biphobia. No bisexual can access all het privileges because we are fucking bisexual. It doesn't matter how repressed or closeted we are because those themselves are not heterosexual privileges (just one example). And i know damn well that I won't have any of those privileges because i cannot be with a man, i can't do it. There are many times i wish i were capable of it, but i just don't see it as a possibility.
All this to say, I'm really fucking tired of this shit. I'm tired of having my own feelings and experiences explained to me. I'm tired of supposed feminists exposing their own blatant hypocrisy again and again and everyone applauds it. I am so tired of these straight women on radblr who think it's okay to be biphobic. i'm just so tired of all this shit.
"log off" maybe. but it happens irl too, all the time, at least on here i can see what other bi feminists are thinking and take comfort in that.
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professorwillynilly · 6 years
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silverdoesntshipall · 3 years
HeY wHat are YOuR Nagito Komaeda HeAdCaNonS
Oh thank you for asking "anonymous" whom i am unaffiliated with (looking kind of good though not going to lie...)
Sexuality Headcanon: Homosexual without a doubt (VERY STRONG MAYBE demiromantic, but regardless men-only) . It still pains me to see people CONTINUE to suggest that he could even POSSIBLY like women even if it were completely unrelated to their gender. Nagito likes men CANONICALLY. He was elbow deep in mikans pussy and he had never even batted an EYE. (in fact, he looked DISPLEASED more than anything.) I sincerely judge other people's character analysis comprehension if they even THINK Nagito might be even the SLIGHTEST bit interested in a woman. (also low that theyre letting a weird not-fitting character ship affect a literal unarguability for Nagito) (im wording this exaggeratively on purpose) Gender Headcanon: Transgender male. People really be widespread headcanonning Hajime as transgender just because of his fat tits but everyone is just glossing over how transgender as fuck Nagito is. He literally can never breath because he binds 24/7 and people are ignoring his struggle. (also because he has asthma) A ship I have with said character: Komahina/Kamukoma - literally canon. I don't think I'm swaying the annoying anti-komahina people (who are annoying. its more based to BE the "good side" of fandom yourself rather than to let annoying people ruin genuinely good things for you.) by being matter of fact and intentionally "im right your wrong" but komahina is literally canon. Though Nagito is the bottom of BOTH parts shut up Hajime is awkward and nervous but Nagito would just slide underneath him in spread-eagle Mikan pose. (Also Kamukoma is good and underrated pls draw more) A BROTP I have with said character: Monomi and Nagito- literally a therapy bot and someone who violently needs therapy (And exclusively dr3 Chiaki and Nagito but people never portray them in a way that appeals to me and ISNT a "annoyingly casual webtoon moment") A NOTP I have with said character: Komanami and Komamiki. Could you guess why? Though more seriously besides the sexuality issue I just dont think either of them would get together well at all. Chiaki's way of therapy/advice wouldn't suit Nagito very well, her way of thinking being usually straight-forwards and 'going with the flow' kind of behavior (AKA she doesnt seem like the kind of person who would always take Nagito's tangents seriously bec shes ditzy and she isn't the kind of overly-negating person Nagito would be better off with) -- Mikan however should be OBVIOUS WHY NOT. Mikan's entire personality is "shy and bullied person who is secretly very shitty" (considering she gets a power trip from making her patients dependent on her NON-DESPAIR). She is overly apologetic and insecure and so is Nagito and they would fight over who is worse until they both put themselves down to the point they BOTH just feel like shit (which could be humerous but not healthy). Not to mention everyone who ships them forgets that she literally jabbed one of Nagito's insecurities knowingly? (She mocked him for being alone/having no one when he is afraid of dying alone AND LIKE YEAH you could argue she was despair-mode at the time but like still sooo cute guys) A random headcanon: He is autistic with autism and im right and the fact that people portray him as neurotypical/just "quirky" is ummm? dumb?. General Opinion over said character: He is very misunderstood and misread and its annoying (though not surprising because the dr fandom is notorius for that). But otherwise he is a very VERY shockingly well-written character. His personality is very enjoyable to me and I wish that the dr fandom had the same 3rd eye I have and didn't rely on the fact that he's gay for his personality. (AKA everyone bases his personality off of that ONE sassy nagito sprite) I AM VERY PLEASED HE HAS BECOME ONE OF DR'S MOST ICONIC CHARACTERS and he is one of my most favorite characterz. (Also the people hate him for being popular/be like "ughhh hes such a smelly (asian slur) XDD" are annoying)
(Yes I take constructive critism but I will argue against all of it.)
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vicsdeangelis · 2 years
This isn't about anything in particular, just some nasty built up resentment I have that I need to get out but am too embarrassed to divulge to my therapist. I dont remember when I became insecure about my boobs but it was definitely AFTER I became a fan of måneskin bc before that I was as conscious of my boobs as i was of my arms, meaning, that i was not thinking about them at all. It was only after I became a fan and would regularly see Vic with her boobs out and confidence high that I became insecure. Like somehow, it had the opposite effect of what it was supposed to have. I think (*know) it's because I noticed how different our boobs are and how different of a reaction the two of us would get wearing a sheer shirt, or just pasties and topless. Like, I know she doesn't do it simply to look hot even though she does, it has this point behind it that women should be able to be topless just like men are, she should be allowed to play topless without anything uncomfortable covering her nipples, I totally agree, I get it. unfortunately my brain has been taken over by nasty insecure, jealous, mean goblins and I'm not thinking about that! I'm thinking about how she has the roundest and perkiest boobs and I have saggy boobs, nipples just pointing to the floor. we would get v different reactions from a general public. She's hot & a problem and I'm disgusting. Bc she has the perkiest natural boobs I've ever seen, I mean, nipples just right in the middle of her boob, no problem. And I'm young, I'm a little bit younger than Vic but I have never had perky boobs, just never. We probably have the same size boobs but mine are just saggy, just no resistance to gravity at all. It's genetic definitely, and it frustrates me so much. It's not her fault, I dont blame her, but sometimes it's hard not to feel painful emotions towards her. Envious and jealous of her body and her confidence has lead to anger and resentment. I hate it. I hate feeling this way, I don't like it at all, I don't know how to get over it, I want to get over it but at the same time I also want to scream and cry bc I will never look like that. Not without surgery, not without tons of money I don't have. And saying "you're not ugly, you're just poor" doesn't make me feel any better, why would being called poor and ugly in the same breath make anyone feel better???
sorry this is TMI i just needed to rant
don't apologize. i hope being able to let it out made you feel at least a little lighter, listened to
okay, so this is a lot. and i'm not gonna have a satisfying answer or advice for you, i don't think
my own experience with vic and her boobs have actually been positive. she made me feel comfortable going braless more often than not (except for when i wear white shirts that are kinda sheer, cuz i'm still scared of being judged). and like, my body type isn't at all like vic's. aside from height, i don't think we have anything in common, but she was still some sort of inspiration to me, to be more free regarding my boobs
i don't know how my super self hating brain avoided the trap of comparing myself to celebrities, but thankfully it did. because it's futile. and here's the thing, that doesn't mean i don't compare myself to people; i do. they just happen to be "normal people", so i do understand the feeling of resentment. like, i think i spent almost a year without talking to some friends of mine because of said resentment. it's an irrational feeling, it's something we shouldn't do and it's something we know we shouldn't do, but it's not that simple, right?
i'm not gonna try to boost your confidence with nice words because as someone with extreme low self esteem, i absolutely hate it when people do that to me. it feels insincere, it feels like lying out of pity, it's kinda humiliating, and i don't want to make anyone feel that way
loving yourself, or even just accepting yourself, is a damn hard journey. it's so much unlearning, and it's honestly fucking lonely because no one can do that for you, you have to do this shit yourself, and it fucking sucks so much sometimes. but what's the alternative? hating ourselves for our entire lives? i'd rather at least like myself even if it's out of spite for the world that made me hate me in the first place
listen to me, your body wasn't made for anybody's consumption. it's vital that we remember that when everyday we are bombarded with propaganda that tells us otherwise. your body is not a product. your body is yours and yours alone, no matter its size or shape. accepting our bodies in a world that preys on and profits off of our insecurities is an act of revolution
i know this wasn't helpful, and i'm so fucking sorry you're struggling with those feelings. i know they suck
ps.: anyone who says that "you're not ugly you're just poor" thing deserves to get fucking decked
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thevirgodoll · 4 years
idk if tou will ver reply to this but lets go
first off sorry for my bad english. I fell really insecure bc of my body. Im not skinny, im not fat, im not thick, im...a square, i dont have ass and got a huge belly. When i look sideways in the mirror i feel sick. But at the same time i dont wanna change the way i eat and live cause i hate this fitness lifestyle and i want to love myaself the way god made me... But i dont know what to do.
Ppl always tell me how georgeous i am, and they sey i look like a bunch of beautiful celebrities and i feel that like when i see my face on the mirror i just know im THAT bitch but at same time i always think ppl must be lying or that because of my body i dont get reconized enough? Like... Why dont boys ir girls want to get with me? Why dont ppl ask me to be a model or something if i look like other models and stunning singers and actress? What should i do?
Hi angel. Your English is fine. Never apologize for that.
You do not have to look a certain way first and foremost. People, especially women, are always under the impression that they have to fit a certain “mold”. You don’t have to fit any category regarding your looks...you just have to be yourself and own it.
If you are unhappy with the size of your belly, sure you can exercise and eat cleaner some days of the week. But overall, that won’t change the fact that you perceive yourself as less than. When people lose weight while maintaining a negative sense of self, they still have distortions with their thinking and low self esteem in the long run. So, altering your body is not really the solution...that should only come when you’re in a place of love and compassion for yourself and you feel the need to improve an area of your life, not conform or make yourself fit a mold. You have to ask yourself where this is coming from.
Questions to reflect on:
•Why do I feel inadequate when it comes to my body image?
•Where did these feelings originate? Is there a past experience I can pinpoint?
•Is it hard for me to be honest about these feelings? Is there trauma surrounding my self image or esteem?
•Who has given me the image that I feel I need to conform to? Is it social media? Has social media negatively impacted my perception of myself? How can I change this?
Answer these in a diary or document. Keep it to yourself to honor your experience and privacy. After answering these questions, you may find yourself feeling shameful or gross in a way. This is normal because you’ve tapped into uncharted territory.
What to do now?
Reshape your definitions and expectations. Challenge yourself daily.
•Confidence regarding body image is not the existence of perfection and need to control. It is the ability to appreciate your body’s value. The things that are uniquely designed, and make you YOU.
•How do you honor your body image when you express yourself via fashion? Have you allowed yourself to fully navigate your own fashion sense? Allowing yourself to do this will give you a sense of power and appreciation for your qualities. You will learn to dress for your shape, not cover and hide.
•Stop consuming unhealthy media that affirms your negative thoughts. Social media might be influencing your expectations and standards regarding image. Be honest with yourself, and know how to cater to your needs.
•Allow yourself to exist without condemnation. Judgment of yourself is condemning your existence, as if parts of you are a mistake or shouldn’t have been formed. Your thoughts are not facts. Call yourself out on your stuff. Say: “That is not true, actually. I know I am smart. I am worthy.” Refute irrational thoughts with things you KNOW to be true about yourself. List your strengths. Have you ever given yourself props?
•Treat yourself the way you’d like to be addressed. You say people say you’re beautiful. You should treat yourself as such and carry yourself with that importance. Why haven’t you ever thought of yourself in a high regard?
•Take other people off pedestals. It’s typical to put certain people on pedestals and glorify their looks, but it’s not helping you. It is time to focus on yourself and end the cycle of comparison. It is exhausting you.
•Accept some hard truths about yourself and the world. By that I mean, you have to recognize that there will be people evil enough to be jealous or make inflammatory comments. Maybe you’ve had that experience. But you should know something: not everyone has to approve of you. Their behavior is projection of their own issues. Stop living for other people’s approval and comments. It’s going to hurt you in the long run. And in general, most people are too busy with their own lives to judge you the way you harshly judge yourself. You don’t have to be adored by everyone, but you do have to be loved by yourself, understand your own value, and reshape your expectations. You do get treated different when you carry yourself like you know you’re something special. That is just a fact of life.
Above all, this is a process and you have to remember nothing in life is linear or clear cut. These are all things you have to do in order to work towards a healthier body image. Have you ever taken time to just create a pampering routine and dance and just let yourself go? You have to foster a deeper connection with yourself, rather than a connection with the world. What you wake up with is yourself, and what you go to sleep with is yourself. Your quality of life can improve little by little in the way that you address yourself in your head, treat yourself with your actions, and validate yourself with compassion and empathy. It will fail unless you believe in the process and get mad enough that you want to change. You have enough bravery by sharing, so you have to be even braver and address the things that are stealing your joy.
Sometimes, our biggest enemy is the way we learned to deal with our own pain and feelings. The way we learned to process information. The way we learned to navigate life through our past, and it attacks our self image and self perception. You’re working against yourself and your unhealthy mechanisms, not everyone else. These mechanisms have to change as we begin to grow older.
There are different versions of you looking at who you are right now, who you have potential to become, and who you will be. Remember this truth as you work towards a better you. The answers are within you.
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handonshipper · 4 years
A Twist Through Time: Chapter One
Hope was usually a great fighter. An excellent fighter even. However, when it is her friend that is attacking her, she does not fight back as strongly. She doesnt use her strength. Which was why she lost the magic battle against Josie in which the dark witch used a spell the tribrid didnt recognize. Hope collapsed , feeling her energy leave her. When her eyes opened, she was in a bed. In a one room apartment thing. She blinked in surprise and confusion and slowly pushed herself up into a seated position.
Klaus Mikaelson walked closer to the door of Stefan Salvatore’s apartment with Stefan himself by his side after a long night at the bar. He sighed contently. “Can’t you hear that?” He smirked looking over at his old friend. “It is the sound of Rebekah not annoying us to death.” He said clearly happy his sister had stayed behind last night, doing more shopping no doubt. Truthfully he didn’t care, so long as she stayed away for most part. He was beginning to wonder why he chose to undagger her in the first place. “I never did understand what you saw in her.” He chuckled softly. “Then again, I suppose I wouldn’t. Seeing as though she is my sister.”
PMStefan chuckled a little at that. "No, I suppose you wouldnt." He said, thinking back to the memories he now had of a time he had thought he had mostly blacked out. He stopped as he reached the door and heard someone on the other side. "Do you hear that?" He questioned. He knew it wouldnt be Elena since that was earlier and he had scared her away. Finally convinced her that he didnt want her. Enough at least to keep her away.
Klaus frowned as he too suddenly heard the sound of someone inside the small apartment. He signaled for Stefan to be quiet for a moment and only after a few seconds, he forced the door open with no warning whatsoever. His focused and only slightly concerned expression soon changed into a smug one as he caught sight of a girl on Stefan’s bed. “Stefan.” He playfully scolded. “Poor girl. She must have been waiting here all night for you.” He chuckled. “Apologies. My friend here apparently does not remember when he schedules time with women. He’s charming like that.” He snorted looking the girl over a little. She did look a little bit younger than the girls his friend normally pursued. But he supposed he couldn’t really judge.
Hope inhaled sharply and froze at the sight of her father. She barely even heard the words that came out of his mouth. Her mind was turning on what could possibly have happened. How was he standing here right now in front of her? How did he not recognize her. Then she recognized Stefan. Two people who were dead.
"I've never seen her before in my life" Stefan said, defensive and concerned about the girl. He wanted to find out how he could help her. But he was ripper Stefan right now. Not good Stefan. "What's your name?"
"Hope" Hope said after a moment. "My name is Hope"
Klaus glanced over at Stefan curiously when he said he hadn’t ever seen the girl before. “Well she is in your apartment. And the door was not forced open...at least not prior to my doing.” He pointed out and then focused on the young girl who was apparently named Hope. Quite an unusual name. Not to mention she looked as though she had seen a ghost. “What are you doing here then? What do you want?” He asked taking a small step towards her. Although he didn’t appear menacing quite yet, it was clear the playfulness was gone from his eyes and was instead replaced with caution and hostility.
"I... I dont know what I'm doing here" Hope said finally. "I woke up on the bed, but I certainly did not fall asleep on it"
Klaus raised an eyebrow at her words, clearly not believing her in the slightest. “Right. You were randomly transported to an apartment.” He stated sarcastically. “Let me ask you again. What are you doing here, and what are you after? They are truly simple questions.” He smirked stepping closer to her.
"I dont know what I'm doing here. All I know is I was blasted with a spell I have never heard of and now I'm here" Hope said firmly, looking at him. She could let her pain and confusion hit her later. "And I'm not up to anything. You'd think I have some diabolical reason for being in his apartment?" She raised an eyebrow. "There isnt even much in here. What could I possibly be up to?"
Klaus frowned and crossed his arms as he listened to the girl. He definitely didn’t like her attitude. She sounded entitled and worst of all, she didn’t seem scared of him. Something that didn’t sit well with him in the slightest. “Spell. Alright, let’s say I am considering that insane explanation. Who cast the spell?” He questioned looking at her. “And more importantly, why? Surely you must have done something. Witches do not normally spell others for no reason, even as obnoxious as they are.”
"I was trying to get my friend back. Dark magic and her insecurities were controlling her" Hope replied. "As for who casted the spell, that isnt important" she said.
“Hm. Let’s see. You claim to have been blasted here with a spell. You look properly upset about it. Yet when I ask you to tell me the name of the witch who casted such spell, you claim it isn’t important.” Klaus said slowly. “Suspicious don’t you think?” He smirked and then glanced over at Stefan.
"Less about its importance and more about I dont want you to know about her." Hope said with a sigh
"You want to protect your friend." Stefan observed, watching her. "Even if she hit you with the spell that brought you here"
Hope nodded, her blue eyes lowering a little as she thought about her friend. About everyone really. It was true even if it wasnt exactly true. It seemed she was in the past somehow. But how far back?
Klaus frowned, now having realized that as well. Not that he truly cared. Unless she was there to plan anything against him, which he could tell she wasn’t. There was something going on, but it wasn’t anything he should be worried about. “Right. Well if you are through being transported to places, the door is right through there.” He said dismissively as he gestured towards Stefan’s apartment door.
Hope's heart ached at that. It felt as though she was being disowned, but that was ridiculous. He didnt even know who she was. Which hurt even worse. "Where am I anyways?" She wanted to ask the year.
But she didnt want him to look at her with even more confusion.
“Chicago.” Klaus answered observing her carefully. He could tell there were things on her mind, but he didn’t care enough to ask. “What was the last place you were in before?” Maybe he could get a car for her and she could be on her way.
Hope sighed and frowned a little at that. "I was in Virginia. But going there wouldnt change anything. I'm all alone now" She checked her pockets. "And cashless" she said, sighing. "Whatever. I'll figure something out"
Klaus rolled his eyes, the girl’s problems not affecting him in the slightest. He did have bigger things to worry about after all. Which is why he wanted to get rid of her as quickly as possible. “Here.” He said as he pulled out a couple hundred dollar bills from his wallet and held them out for her. “Now you have zero excuses in leaving my friend’s apartment.” He said with a sarcastic smile present on his lips.
Hope hesitated and took them. "Thank you" she said softly. She lowered her gaze a little and headed out of the apartment.
Once she was far enough away, her wall crumbled. She leaned on the wall in an alley, tears starting to spill. Her heart pounded a little as she struggled to breath. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out slowly, struggling to collect herself. She could handle this. She was a Mikaelson witch. She was a tribrid. And despite all she had endured, she could continue fighting. She would find a way back to Landon. No matter how much she wanted to see her dad again. To see her mom. To change the future. If she changed the future even the slightest, things could change, and she might not even be born. But how could she do this alone? She had no spellbooks. No friends. No family. Was it not bad enough that she had to endure her friends and the boy she loved forgetting her whole existence? Now she had to deal with her father alive, in front of her, and looking at her like she was a stranger?
Stefan watched her leave curiously. "Did it seem like she recognized us?" He asked Klaus as he walked further inside and opened the secret door bookshelf. He added the name of a victim to the very long list from the 20s and then grabbed a bottle of Klaus' favorite drink before walking back over to him.
Klaus frowned at Stefan’s words, his gaze remaining on the empty space the girl had been standing in moments ago. “Slightly. I noticed it too. Though if she wanted revenge for something you or I did in our time here, she has a very poor way of executing it.” He chuckled softly. “Either way I’m not concerned. She looked more lost rather than angry. And regardless, I doubt a fifteen year old girl is any match for the legendary original hybrid and the ripper of Monterey.” He smirked."Oh I'm not concerned either. It was merely an observation. Look what I found" Stefan said, passing him the bottle, label side up.
Klaus grinned at the sight of the bottle of his favorite drink. He took it inhis hands and looked it over. “My. I haven’t seen one of these in a long time. Unfortunately it will have to wait. Possibility until we have something worth drinking to.” He sighed and carefully set it down, his mind now going to all his failed hybrids. “Come. We should see if the witch has made any progress.”
Stefan nodded slightly, knowing it was better not to argue. He needed Klaus to see he was on his side. Not to figure out that he wasnt. He glanced back around at the old apartment and memories before heading out.
Hope took a deep breath, thinking. She went and bought a cheap sketchbook, knowing drawing would help keep her control a little. And she bought cheap pencils. She would prefer better supplies, but she needed to save as much money as she could. Especially since she wasnt sure where she was going to go or how to get home.
Klaus headed out of the apartment as well. He hoped there was some type of solution already. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take. He finally broke his curse, only to not be able to make more of his kind. “I swear I am going to kill this witch if she still does not have anything.” He muttered.
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fpwrites · 4 years
hey again! is it possible for you to write a tamaki amajiki x reader hcs where the reader is low key insecure about her weight and tamaki cuddles her and it’s real soft?? i am in NEED of cuddles at this point. THANK YOU SO MUCH AND YOU DONT HAVE TO DO IT IF YOU DONT WANT TO. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💖❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Everything About You - Tamaki Amajiki
pairing: Tamaki Amajiki/Fem!Reader
word count: 705
song insp: I Am Yours and You Are Mine - GOT Soundtrack ( don’t judge ya’ll )
fun fact: did you know that if you pinch fat, it doesn’t hurt? so if you’re ever feeling really insecure about yourself and you think you’re fat, pinch what you think is fat. if it hurts, it’s not fat. my friend did this to me a while ago and guess what? a lot of what i have isn’t fat. it’s muscle :)
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If there was anyone who understood being insecure, it was Tamaki - he who got anxious anytime anyone even looked at him, or he had to look at anyone. Attention wasn’t Tamaki’s thing, but he appreciated yours and only yours. If only it was the same for you. You were almost even more anxious and self-conscious whenever he looked at you.
You worried he didn’t like the way you looked, how heavy you were, how you weren’t as thin and fit as other heroes. You often would look at magazines and see the women, especially heroes like Uwabami. You wondered, how could you achieve a body like that?
When Tamaki wasn’t around (which was a rarity and was almost always when he was doing hero work), you’d read up on dieting, exercises to tighten your belly or lose belly fat, but no matter what you tried, your body rejected it. You frequently stared at yourself in the mirror, poking the roundness that was your belly and thinking hateful thoughts that eventually snowballed and left you feeling dejected.
You couldn’t help it. Everyone else thought it. You just knew - Tamaki had to think it too. He never said anything, though, but that was probably just to preserve your feelings, right?
“Babe...what’s up?” The voice of Tamaki suddenly cut through your thoughts and you put the magazine down to rest against your plush thighs, continuing to stare down at the photo of the woman who was so impossibly skinny. How had she gotten that way? The photo was captioned, “you can look like this too!” and the words just bore into your brain, echoing like a bad joke.
Tamaki seemed to notice what you were looking at and frowned. He moved to lay beside you on the bed, laying his head on your shoulder, his eyes trailing over the image of the woman. Then, he surprised you by grabbing the magazine from you and tossing it aside.
“Tamaki! I was reading that!” No, you weren’t actually, but you were a bit annoyed with his sudden behavior.
“S-she wasn’t that pretty anyway.” He mumbles, burying his face into your neck. “No one’s p-prettier than you.”
You can feel your face flush redder than a rose, and you try to glance down at him, but his face is hidden by his hair. (Likely because he was blushing as red as you were). Tamaki wasn’t often one to compliment -- he tried, but his anxiety wouldn’t let him. He’d stumble his way through it and then end up burying his face in something, face red as a tomato, much like this moment.
“That’s not true, Tamaki. I’m-” You started, feeling tears brim your eyes.
“Fat?” He asked, pulling his head out of your neck. The word stung, it stung deeper than any word in any language. How could one word hurt so much? It defied all logic. You felt yourself sniffle before tears began to spill down your cheeks. Large hands encompassed your cheeks and kisses littered your face.
“I don’t care. I don’t care if you’re thin, huge, short, tall, white, black, or an alien. I love you, everything about you. And I mean everything.” He says, pushing your hair from your face to stare into your eyes. It’s hard to see through the blur of your tears, but the little that you can see makes your heart swell. There’s an intensity in Tamaki’s eyes that you’ve never seen, that’s only matched by the warmth and love in your heart for him and somehow, it eases the pain of that word. That awful word.
“Everything? Even how I snore?” You ask, sniffling. He smiles, chuckling a little, rubbing his thumb along your chin.
“Yes, especially how you snore. It’s adorable.”
With that, he laid down half on top of you and half against you, burying his face back into your neck and inhaling your sweet scent. It wasn’t long before you were able to regain your composure, but you found yourself feeling tired, especially with him against you and so you opted for a nap.
“Mhm...I love you, Tamaki...” You murmured as you closed your eyes and buried your fingers into his soft hair.
“I love you too.”
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fluffychubbyrose · 5 years
Tony Stark x Chubby Self Conscious reader.
One Shot.
Warnings- Slight Language, Slight NSFW so slight if you blink you'll miss it, Tony Stark might be more OC than some may like, insecurities, and light bullying.
(Also I don't own any of these pictures I just made the collages.)
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Tony decided today instead of staying in the tower and relaxing, maybe having a movie marathon or something that we should go shopping to get me some more clothes since I keep telling him that I only have a few outfits to wear that are comfortable when he asks why I'm wearing the same outfits again and again.
The outfits are mostly my old sweats and sweatshirts along with a couple of baggy dress shirts and dress pants that I feel comfortable lounging around the tower or going out in, because they cover me completely and hide my plushness from the prying and judging eyes of other people.
I've been wearing the same outfits on rotation for the past month or two instead of wearing the new dresses or skirts I said I loved and fit good when he bought them for me, even when they were a bit snugger and showed more skin than I'd like them to. But at the time they seemed like a great idea to get because while they were a bit snug, they were beautiful, soft, and lovely material that highlighted my figure and bust. But lately I haven't been as confident as I was when I first got those outfits and wore them around and out and about.
But now looking at myself in these dresses, skirts, and tight shirts they just show to much of me and dont look right on my body anymore, they show too many of my rolls and plushness. "You need more than a measly few outfits to wear love and you know it. If those clothes we bought didn't fit comfortably you should have just said something and we could have gotten a different style or size for you that would have been more comfortable."
He says with a sigh not budging about going shopping and seemingly pouting that I didn't tell him about the clothes not fitting comfortably until now especially since some of the ones I'm refusing to wear are his personal favorites. "I don't think they have any bigger sizes." I muttered. "Hmm what was that?" "Nothing give me a minute to get ready and we can go." I said heading to our shared bedroom to put some light makeup on, tame my hair, and change out of my sweats.
Once I'm finished I walk out and over hear Tony talking to someone so I stay behind the corner to eavesdrop. "Yeah Y/n and I are planning on going on a quick shopping spree but I'll see if she wants to go to afterwards and meet up with everyone and maybe I can talk her into getting a new bikini while we're out to wear to the beach."
"Okay we'll see you there but don't try to trick her into wearing anything she isn't comfortable with Tony." I think that was Steve he was talking to and said "we'll" see you there so is the whole team going to be there? If it's just us that could be fun but last time the "private" beach we went to was anything but. Luckily I had my one piece on and could cover up with my towel. Tony takes any opportunity and turns it into a party. "Me!?! Trick her! Never!" He said sounding appalled making me giggle and reveal my hiding spot.
Knowing very well that he's always up to something and trying to get me to do all kinds of crazy things from experiments in the lab, to getting me drunk from the expensive alcohols that he loves but I can't really stand the taste of. Knowing I was busted I walked around the corner and kissed Tony on the cheek from behind. "Oh there you are Y/n! Are you ready to go sweetheart?" He asks smirking at me with playful look for catching my eavesdropping. "Yeah I'm ready."
(Small timeskip to the shopping center.)
"Oooh I like this one!" Tony says swinging around showing me a nearly see threw black button up shirt with a plunging neckline. "Tony that's basically see threw I can't wear that!" I said embarrassed cheeks heating up at the thought of anybody seeing me in something like that. "Yes you can, if you only wear it for me!" He says with a cheeky grin. I sigh and continue look it through the rack of clothes in front of me.
Most if not all of these clothes are way to small for me. I sigh and continue down the isle looking for cute but comfy clothes that won't hug my body. Which is proving to be more and more difficult with nothing being in my size, and with Tony only picking out provocative clothing. I'm feeling more discouraged and upset by the minute deciding to give up on finding anything today I turn to tell Tony let's just go to the bathing suit store to pick out a new bathing suit for the "not a party at the beach" he managed to convince me into going to.
Until I see Tony with an armful of clothes that upon further investigation are a bunch of outfits I wanted to get but were way to small for me to wear there must be 20 something outfits in his arms while he's talking to the sales associate. "Hi, yes I need all of these 3-4 sizes bigger." He says dumping the clothes into her arms. Looking closer it looks like he got the biggest ones of each outfit which would only need to be 2-3 sizes bigger to fit me well. "I'm sorry sir but these are as big as we carry and besides these would just be a waste on someone like her if that's who their meant for. I mean no offense but they wouldn't even fit like they were made to on someone of her size." She spat sounding irritated and disgusted not apologetic by any means.
"The way they fit, or look, are up to her to decide. Not you or anyone else and say something like that again and I'll have your job by the end of the hour. So again I would like all of these 3-4 sizes bigger so they are comfortable for my girl over there." He motions to me with his head looking as pissed off as he sounds, and the way he said 'my girl' was very possessive. My eyes widen and my face heats up from embarrassment from what she said and the confrontation in general but I'm touched and happy with how he's defending me.
"And if you don't have any bigger sizes then custom tailor it to fit. If you need her measurements I'll send them to you. Here's my card and I expect to be contacted by the end of the day with all of these resized and ready for pickup." The women looks deathly pale after taking and reading the card realising she just offended Tony Stark. Knowing that his threat to her job moments ago was in fact real and emanate if she didn't comply. Seeing her so petrified makes a part of me smug knowing next time she'll think before she speaks at least.
"Yes! Right away, I'm so sorry sir they will be ready by the end of the day! You can pay for them then. I'll be right back." She squeaks out and runs off with the clothes with her head down and tail tucked between her legs hopefully feeling as embarassed and upset as am from her comments. I wrap my arms around my self with head down now that she's gone I feel tears pricking the edges of my eyes hearing her say that just proved what I've been thinking about myself is true that I'm so big that it's repulsive to be this size, hell I can't even fit into a single thing in this entire store without it being tailored to fit, that should say something.
"Hey don't listen to her sweetheart she's just jealous I'm with you and not her. Everything she said was just a spiteful lie trying to get under your skin." He says lifting my head up and wiping under my eyes where a few silent tears slipped past without me knowing. He kisses me softly and hugs me tucking me under his chin while his hands rub up and down my back. I snuggle closer with my eyes closed holding him tight. "C'mon Y/n let's go pick out that swim suit!" He says sounding excited and let's go of me grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the store and down to the next trying to get my mind off of the rude sales associate.
(Another small time skip where we just arrived at the beach.)
"Hey you guys made it!" Steve runs up in just his swim trunks, hair wet, and sand sticking to him like someone pushed him down onto the sandy shore of the beach just moments before. "Yeah we're just gonna go set up our stuff then we'll join you guys in the water." Tony replies with his arm wrapped around me. Steve smiles and nods then runs off down the beach. I'm not sure about getting into the water looking around there's a lot of strangers here all swarming the infamous Avengers wanting to get pictures with them or of them.
The beach isn't packed but it defiantly isn't as dead as it should be if just the team was here, and I don't want a rerun of what happened earlier especially now that Tony talked me into a bikini after all. Though I picked it out and hid it from his view until I changed into it. When I put it on and it actually fit really well supporting me and being snug but not tight when I wasn't expecting it to fit at all with just how small it looked, I couldn't just put it back and pick out a different one. (It's the bikini in the pic above.)
But thinking about it now I should have picked a much less revealing bikini, but I knew Tony would appreciate the colors if you know what I mean. So I put it on in the changing room and put my clothes back on over it, only taking the price tags up to the cashier so I could pay for it and said I wouldn't let him see it until we got here because I was worried I would loose my nerve and pick out another one piece bathing suit after all. Plus I knew that if I let him see me in it that we would never make it to the beach and would more than likely be banned from the store. So he's been rushing to get here and to get me out of my dress shirt and knee high shorts since I checked out at the store. "Hurry Y/n I can't wait to get into the water!" Tony yells twenty or so feet away and winks at me suggestively, dropping our things onto the sand not bothering to actually set anything up.
"Don't lie Stark you only want to see her in her new bikini! You don't really care about getting in the water!" Natasha yells back at him from a ways down the beach playing volleyball with Wanda and few other people I don't recognize against the boys. Both of them wearing their own bikinis. 'That's probably how Steve got covered in sand.' "How did you know about that?" He yelled back pouting harder than he would willingly admit, because she's seen me in my new bikini but he hasn't been aloud to. Natasha stopped playing and said something to a couple of the people I didn't recognize that were on her team and walked up with Wanda right behind her.
"Oh don't get your panties in a twist Stark she sent me and Wanda a few photos wanting some feed back before deciding which swim suit to get." She grumped at him. "But trust me you'll like what she picked out." Wanda said with a knowing smirk. My face heats up when his gaze locks with mine. "Oh I never doubted that I wouldn't like it. Now come on let's get into the water that's the whole point of going to the beach." He said pulling on my hand. "Fine but I have to take these clothes off and I'm not comfortable just stripping on the beach and you have get changed to."
I say holding my towel close to me nervous about showing so much of myself in front of everyone, especially in front of strangers. Tony not needing me to tell him twice took off to the changing rooms with his swim trunks yelling for me join him. "No way or I won't get to swim today! I'll change and be out in a few." I say while walking towards an empty room. I strip out of my clothes and look at myself in the full length mirror they had in the changing room. Feeling insecure and like this was a very bad idea all of a sudden.
Seeing all of my rolls and stretch marks in plain sight is making me feel ugly and disgusted with my self. I'm about to say hell with it all and put my clothes back on and say I'm feeling sick and that I want to go home even though Tony will know its a lie and will be worried about me, I can't handle this, I'm not ready, this is to much. That's when Tony's voice comes through the door. "Almost done in their my beautiful girl? You aren't going to keep me waiting all day are you? I could just come in there and get you if you'd prefer?" He purrs out but sounds worried.
I hurriedly wrap my towel around myself and unlock the door but I don't make a move to come out. "I'm not sure I can do this Tony. This is a bad idea I wanna go home." I'm hugging myself again degrading and upsetting thoughts are rushing through my head making me so overwhelmed that I don't notice Tony's in the changing room with me until he wraps his arms around me from behind making me jump. "Where's all of this coming from? Is it because of what that lady said earlier because she's wrong, so so wrong baby girl your beautiful in everyway!" I cringe trying not to cry knowing what he's saying is true but I can't help but let what she said and what I've been thinking lately get to me anyways.
I whimper and turn around in his arms letting him hold me again. "I'm sorry I don't know what's going on I've been more and more insecure lately for no real reason. That's why I don't wear those clothes you bought me anymore, they fit but they show to much of everything I hate and I wanted to cover up by wearing my old baggy clothes." I pull back looking up at him. Tony's silent for a moment looking at me with a thoughtful expression. "Well we'll just have to fix that now won't we?" He smiles softly grabbing my hand and leaning towards the door.
"Tony no I really don't want to go out there not like this at least." I say pulling back and looking down. "Like what? Your all covered up by your towel. I cant even see that little swim suit you bought earlier that I've been dying to see since we left the store. I love every single part of your body but if you don't want to go out there we don't have to. We can go home or stay right here in this changing room. Hell I bet if I text Capsicle he'll bring us something eat and drink then we can stay in here all day." I giggled at that imagining a confused and flustered Steve coming to the changing room bringing food and water.
"There's my girl." Tony coo's running his hands up my sides trying to tickle me. "Hey hey, No, Tony, Dont you dare!" I squeaked out jumping back hitting the wall of the changing room realizing I'm trapped my eyes widen and I'm about to yell at him again when he launches at me tickling me and I don't feel my towel falling while trying to squirm away laughing until I feel Tony's bare hands on my hips and he stops tickling me. I look up worried about the sudden stop in his "attack" and his silence until I see the desire in his eyes.
"As much as I absolutely love this." He leans close to my ear his grip tightening on my hips. "I'd love even more to see it off and on the floor." He kissed my neck once he finished. Making me gasp as heat floods my cheeks. He mumbles into my neck. "How about I show you just how beautiful you really are." Pressing his body up against mine nipping the sweet spot on my neck.
Let's just say I never got to go swimming in my new swim suit and Steve got more than just an eyeful when he came to check on us because we forgot to lock the door.
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dyns33 · 5 years
The list
Baby!Michael. Frenchie Anon asked me what was in Constance’s list, so... I hope you will like it Frenchie, it’s not very good, I’m sorry, I’m not in a good mood today (and I’m sad because Mikey is sad again in this story, I dont like hurting him). 
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           (Y / N) could not help but breathe a long sigh, taking her face in ers hands before rubbing her temples, uncovering all the nonsense that Constance had repeated to her grandson for years. As she had asked him, even though he had been struggling because he did not know how to write some of the words, Michael had made a list of things he was not allowed to do, as well as certain ideas that his Grandma had taught him.
           "Men..." she read aloud. "are strong, they do not cry, do not cook, do not dance, do not wear makeup, do not wear dresses, and avoid all those things that are reserved... to women. Women are mothers, they are gentle, sweet; fragile, take care of the house and the children, not being equal to the men. "
Sitting beside her, in silence, Michael was playing with his t-shirt, not knowing whether to laugh or be afraid to hear her growling as she finished the sentence, typing her forehead with her palm. She turned to him with a look full of fear.
           "Tell me you do not believe in those bulls... stupidities, please."
He shook his little head, pouting to prove he was not lying. No, he had never thought these things, even when he was living with his Grandma. Something in him told him not to listen, that it was not true, but he pretended to believe her. Sometimes he had reluctantly believed it when she told him that he was not allowed to do things that were for girls. Her arguments were odd, but it was a fact that he was a boy, it was a fact that all the commercials said it was women's products or activities, so even though he really wanted them, he had not insisted.
           "Good, because it's nonsense. You can cry, you can dance, you can put on makeup. You do what you want, baby, as long as it does not hurt anyone, okay ?"
           "Yes mommy."
           "Gays... I do not even want to read this sentence. Listen, we'll go faster, everything your grandmother said about homosexuals, trans, blacks, Asians, religions, everyone, is wrong. You have to judge people about their actions, individually. No categorization, no amalgam, no stereotype. These are people, like you and me, with a life, a past, qualities and faults. Come on, let's continue..."
Not liking to see her so upset, even if it was not because of him, Michael came closer to put his head on her shoulder, rubbing it like a kitten to try to relax his mommy. This managed to pull a tired smile from her, as she passed her hand around him so he could come even closer.
           "The list of forbidden now.  I'm scared."
           "It is not very long." he said shyly, trying to cheer her up.
           "Oh, it's not the size that worries me darling. It's the content."
Constance's education to Michael seemed very strict, probably far too strict for a child, and when the old woman was still alive, (Y / N) had already noticed some things that she did not like.
           "Can I read it?" Michael asked, taking the sheet where his adorable handwriting had recapitulated all the rules of his grandma.
           "Go ahead." she sighed, caressing her back.
           "Michael does not have the right to eat too much sweets and watch TV after eight."
The mood suddenly became lighter, because of the boy's innocent and insecure voice trying to decipher what he had written himself, and especially because of this rule, which had been violated for a very long time, long before he came to live with her, since she made him cakes and let him see cartoons whenever he wanted while she watched him. (Y / N) could not help but laugh, which pleased Michael who looked at her with joy. Pulling her tongue, she pretended to avoid his look, as if she were guilty of a terrible crime.
           "Oops !" she said. "I think we'll be able to remove that line, unless..."
           "No ! I'll be good, I'll put away my toys, do not take candies and TV ! We have a good time drinking hot chocolate in front of a movie in the evening, you love it too ! Right ?... Right ?"
           "Remove and stop being so cute."
The rest of the list seemed rather mundane, Michael was not allowed to touch Constance's things when she was not there or without permission, he was not allowed to run around the house, jump on his bed, scream, he had to speak correctly... (Y / N) remembered that she had found his way of talking a little strange at first, very polite, but a little old, stuffy, bourgeois, while he was a young boy who did not need to bother with grammar. It was with great pleasure that Michael had the right to scratch all this, even though she asked him to not shout too much when he was playing.
           "Michael is not allowed to go out alone and talk to strangers."
The trembling pen in his hand, he stared at her, waiting to know what she thought of these rules, which he did not really care about. Michael did not want to go out without his (Y / N), he never wanted to be separated from her, and so he did not see the point of talking to people he did not know either. He did not need anyone else, she was his first friend, his mommy, his whole world, and he hoped it was the same for her.
           "Well, for the outings, I think you're perfectly able to go outside without me, if you want to of course. But I want you to tell me where you are going and come back before dark."
           "And... what if I do not want to ?"
           "As I said, honey, if you want. For the strangers, talking to them does not matter, but you must not follow them, you never know. I don't want someone to kidnaps you."
Even if he was happy to hear that she wanted to keep him, Michael froze, imagining that someone was taking him, away, that they were hurting him, but also that someone might want to take her, because she was a great mommy, and it was easy to deceive her because she was so kind and to lift her up to run with her. Michael had already done it, after he asked her to lift him. She tried, failed, and was saddened by this failure, so he did it.
           "You never go out without me again !" he said, clinging even more against her.
(Y / N) did not seem angry anymore now, laughing loudly pampering him and putting several kisses all over his face. She did not seem to understand that he was very serious, but it did not matter, Michael would do anything to keep her... if she wanted to stay, because when he remembered what was happening at the end of the list, he was a little scared.
           "Keep going." she encouraged him.
           "Michael... must not do nonsense or gifts."
           "Gifts ? But I love your gifts, your beautiful drawings, the flowers, the cuddles... This rule is ridiculous, I do not understand why your..."
           "Michael must not... kill animals."
Since his move, they had not talked about what he said about dogs, (Y / N) preferring to forget this episode, reassuring herself when she saw that her little darling was playing and caressing pets in the neighbourhood quite normally . No reason to worry so...
           "Michael must not kill people."
With his head against her chest, it would be a miracle if Mikey did not hear that her heart had stopped before beating again, a little too fast, as she prayed that Constance had chosen this rule only as a precaution. This little angel would never do that, ever. No ? Frozen, trying to reassure herself, her silence began to scare Michael, who dared not look up at her, because he knew that at that moment she was like his grandma, she was disappointed, she felt bad because of him.
           "Michael should not ask about his parents." he finished reading, hoping it would make her forget the two previous rules. "I do not need to ask questions since you're my mommy... right, mommy ?"
           "Um ? Yes yes, darling, I could not really answer you anyway."
           "Are you angry mommy ? You... you hate me now ? I'm sorry..."
His sobs woke (Y / N), who remembered that she had promised herself not to wonder about what her baby had done before, to erase the Murder House and all those bad influences, to offer him a sweet home, full of love and stability, where he could grow, flourish and be good. And he was good, that poor little boy who was crying against her shoulder, apologizing again and again.
           "Hush Mikey baby. I adore you, I love you more than anything." she said softly, caressing his red cheeks. "For once, your grandma was right, you must not hurt or kill, but I know you will not do it, I trust you. ou are my baby, I will never hate you."
(Y / N) threw the list to forget about this whole story, but now at least Mikey knew what he could do and not do, he was free. And even if things could have turned into disaster, it was necessary, because the day three weird people with black hoods rang at home when she was not there, Michael refused to talk to them or to follow them, telling them that they had been mistaken. For a few days, they roamed the neighbourhood, staying in the haunted house, until Michael scared them, screaming, the ground shaking. Nobody ever saw them again after that and all the animals around loved the little bud, who wanted to pet them all and give them food. Maybe, someday, he would be ready to have one, but (Y / N) preferred not to tell him.
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seerdiary-sun · 4 years
You know what, fuck anyone who says "disney princesses" are anti feminist.
Those "princesses" are NOT from disney. They from the anglo saxon times baby!
And yeah, back then they were a little wild and crazy but lets be real, those stories, the ones Grimms wrote down, came from house women
Yeah thats right, to women that were all suffering (probably) were like, " yeah, this busty ass rich boy gonna ask to hear the stories I tell my children, im gonna make it clear that you shouldnt mess with us"
and the Grimms (who maybe were just big nerds) were like "thats fucking amazing Im writing that shit down" but they never respected women enough to credit them so their stpries were SHIT!
Nobody wanted to read about the dissection of stories from "old wives" in clinical, scientific manner.
So people were like "naw dog, this shit STANK!" and they were poor and shit and idk what happened to them but i dont think they had a good life.
But we dont care about that.
The love that a mother has for her child can not be hidden because it is inherently so strong (not always but lets stop being childish and always thinking about how something could have been terrible, like com on. You are making everyone miserable with such unhealthy pessimism [yes there is healthy and unhealthy pessimism and optimism] and more importantly you are making yourself THE MOST miserable)
fuck what was i saying?
anyway the mothers love could not be hidden so some sorry ass decided to revive the grimm brothers with edits back to the original story.
or no fuck wait, did one of the grimm brothers do that?
well whoever did it, they got money from it and everyone was like "yaaaaaahhhh we love yooouuu yaaaaaaahhhhh!"
and it was passed down through generations because of their (the mothers) timeless lessons held the great archaic knowledge of Life TM.
and it was all by women talking to other women and creating stories together.
And THATS WHY Cinderella is a feminist classic.
Not only was it the success story of women having their story told, but it was also about women who were so kind hearted getting what they deserved and never even bothered to ask for because they were THAT NICE and so a prince stumbled in and was like "you gucci fam? do you want someone to like, talk to? Do you want someome to deeply listen to you and care about every single word you say??"while rupunzel was just j chillin being bored as f.
Cinderella got her dreams to come true by having a night to relax and enjoy the ball and herself.
She made herself a dress and everything. She even asked she was like "can i have the night off please" and her mom was like, imagine a small dog barking, she was like "nah fuck that we hate how secure you are with yourself and others. we are super jealous and insecure about how you stay kind and soft no matter what life throws at you when it's clear we havent! i mean lookat us, we ugly because we dont think we deserve to be pretty! we skanky because we dont respect/love ourselves enough to believe someone would be unconditionally loving to us without wanting anything in return! So you know how it be, we locking you up!"
and Cinderella was like " damn that sucks. you guys go to the ball, imma take time to cope in a healthy way about this, by crying so see yall" and she cried and was on the way to picking herself back up again when BAM!
Someone help her have a solo girls night out, and she was like "damn thats real nice. ill follow your rules that you set, because i am thankful for your kindness, because i know personally, like PERSONALLY, how hard it can be to be kind without getting anything in return."
So she went, bopped at a party, not really trying to disturb anyone's night be3she is so honored that she was even there, met some random himbo who was a lil ditzy, but she aint here to judge because she is secure in her own self enough to not be prejudice.
12pm hit, bitch gotta go, accidentally dropped a shoe, we apologize for that later there is no time to hang, and the prince was like-
"beautiful on the inside and out woman, dont you know im a prince who can finacially and physically support you so you dont have to?!?!?!"
and she was like " i cant fucking hear you, i feel bad that i had this time for myslf so imma run back before i get in trouble for not helping out them girls who are skanky and need help"
then the prince was SO cool he was like " aight, i checked the nobles, aint none of them was her, we got to try the common folk - because my girl is SO noble, she probably live in a sewer idk, i just dont know, she made me realize common peasants are like, cool."
when he get there
no wait.
he has to send his steward because he's going to work on rebuilding his peasant aqueduct system, in case Cinderella living in the sewer. We dont know, we dont know. this amazingly kind and great listener of a woman makes me feel alive and makes me want to be good for my common people.
so he sent his steward. his steward, bless his heart, aint seen the bitch.
so his prince man was like " i trust you, i love you, take this prized possession of mine, my only connection to my homegirl, as a symbol of my trust, and with my love for you and her, im confident you will find her.
so steward man went off with a lot of love and anxiety to please his prince boy.
shoe doesnt fit them girls, neither would that union fit.
and Cinderella was like " oh damn, thats my slipper, imma play it cool and just simply ask to try it on, so that nobody suspects that i went and had myself a good time on someone elses account.
and step ma was like "no way, imma bfeak this slipper, because i need you emotionally to feel like theres hope for me, when you always kind"
and slipper broke, anxious steward crued.
cindy was like "damn, there goes my disguise. this man needs a slipper to please his bro and also right now, i feel like i was neglecting MYSELF by not believing i deserve this man. also that tight butt and good listening got me feeling things"
then the prince found his girl, cindy got to relax, evil step people were forced to take a hard look at themselves and finally decide if they were worth love from themselves.
and the sweage ducts, were cleaned or whatever.
the end
Cinderella rules.
Love wins.
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mattygraygubler · 5 years
our campus: chapter 8 (tom holland fic)
summary: frat!tom and reader go to the same college and y/n is tasked with being his tutor, they don’t really get along at first (because i love reader and tom hating each other trope)
warnings: drinking, drinking, more drinking, mentions of sex
word count: 2.6
a/n: sort of a cliff hanger at the end???? we’ll see what happens! 
as always texts are bolded
for a list of characters click here
to be added to the tag list send me an ask !
You slowly opened your eyes and were immediately confused. You were in your room, but you felt someone’s arms around you. 
You drank almost an entire bottle of wine last night, so needless to say, you didn’t really remember anything. You didn’t think you slept with someone… But did you? 
The body groaned, but you still couldn’t figure out who it was because the lights were off and blackout curtains closed. You pushed their shoulder a bit and heard a british voice say “Whaa?” 
“Tom?” You asked incredulously. 
“Good morning, darling,” he said. His voice was raspy and low, so incredibly sexy. 
“What are you doing here? Why are you shirtless, where are my pants?! Did we- ohmigod tell me we didn’t…” 
“You don’t remember?” He asked and you shook your head, still very aware that his arm was around you and your legs were intertwined. “Relax, we didn’t have sex, love. We just hung out and then watched a movie and fell asleep.”
“Then where’s your shirt?” He laughed. 
“You’re wearing it. You were cold and wouldn’t let me leave the bed, so I gave it to you.” You bit your lip, very uncomfortable. It was one thing to sleep with someone and not remember it, but to spend the entire night cuddling? You weren’t a couple, who does that?!
“Oh. I’m sorry.” You said and sat up, untangling your body from his.
“What are you apologizing for?” He asked. 
“I mean… I’m your tutor, we’re just becoming friends, it’s weird for us to-to sleep in the same bed together and-” 
“Y/N, slow down. We’re friends. It’s really not a big deal, totally platonic. I mean, c’mon, you’ve never slept in the same bed as Kyle? Or Emily?” 
“No, I have…” “Then what’s the big deal?” He asked. 
“I guess there isn’t one…” You replied. Tom swung his leg over the side of the bed, stretching and getting his stuff together. You couldn’t help but watch his back muscles flex when he stretched. You wanted to run your fingernails along it. 
“I gotta take care of some stuff, I’ll see you later today?” He asked. You nodded. 
“Sure, I’ll see you later. Wait, Tom!” You said before he could walk out the door.  
“Yes?” He turned back to look at you. 
“You’re, uhm… You need your sweatshirt back.” You started to take it off. 
“I’m only going down two floors. You look comfy anyway.” He said and smiled at you before walking out. 
You lied back down in bed, picking up your phone and checking the alerts. You scrolled through all the drunk texts from last night, laughing at a lot of them. 
♡girly girls♡
whaaaaaat em
em what happened
You rolled your eyes and checked the weather report, unsure of what she was referring to. It was the first weekend in February, so you weren’t expecting your weather app to show you a 100% chance of snow starting in a few hours and lasting until Monday night. 
Y/N we’ll be over at 9 to play games, iz you and i are goin to grab the booze, em youre in charge of food
what am i in charge of? 
dont you have homework? plus were using your room, we can take care of all the stuff
are we inviting anyone else?
thank you for asking i would love to invite harrison
im fine with that if i can invite cal
Cal was the nerdy boy from delt who Isabelle was seeing. It was really low key, they’d only gone on a few dates, and things hadn’t gotten physical yet. 
Y/N! invite tom and we’ll make it a total delt nite !!!
yeah ok ill invite him. were gonna be studying anyway. 
wow i expected more push back
were friends now, it wont be weird. its not like its a quintouple date
it is if one of those delt boys has a gay sister
not interested. besides i doubt more than 7 people can fit comfortably in Y/N’s room
fine ill see you guys tonight.
You hopped in the shower, putting on a pair of leggings and a cropped sweatshirt. You decided to text Tom. 
hey so it looks like its gonna snow i was wondering if we could work at my place instead?
also ive been told to invite you to our game night tonight
interesting, because i was already invited
what took you so long Y/L/N?
sorry i was in the shower
likely story
but yeah that sounds great ill see you in a few hours
A few hours. That’s plenty of time for you to put your glasses on, earbuds in, and really focus on your homework. 
* * *
You were pulled from your law reading by a knock at the door. You opened it, seeing Tom in a soccer tee shirt and gray sweatpants. His hair was wet and he ran his fingers through it. 
You hoped he didn’t see the fact that you bit your lip, but you couldn’t help yourself. He just looked so incredibly sexy. 
“You look... “ His eyes scanned your body and you immediately wrapped your arms around you, insecure. 
“No, you just never wear stuff like this in front of me. You’re always so put together.” 
“Your point?” 
“You look cute, that’s all.” Tom said and walked into the room. He thought you were cute? No, you needed to calm down, he’s the biggest player ever, he didn’t mean anything. Just some accidental flirting. 
“I brought tequila, Harrison said it’s your favorite.” He said and dropped his backpack on the floor and put the tequila on the table where you kept your booze. 
“That’s sweet of you, thank you, it is my favorite.” “Really? I thought he was joking.” “No, why?” 
“You’re just… you’re really something else, Y/N.” He said with a laugh. 
You grabbed your notebooks and started the session, you checking his homework, him redoing the mistakes, and you answering any questions he had about the material. 
“You’ve definitely made an improvement,” you said as you finished reading his essay on the power shifts in England from the 1600s to today. 
“Thank you? I think?” 
“You’re welcome. You’re almost there, but you’re still not incorporating this source correctly.” 
“That’s because that source makes no sense. The writing is so convoluted, it’s mental!” 
“Then why don’t you find a new source?” You asked. 
“Well… I thought I’d be easier if I just stuck with this one.” Normally you would have rolled your eyes at that, but instead you found yourself laughing. 
“Read it again,” You said and handed him the library book he was using as his last source, “And if you still can’t understand it, I can explain it or we can just find a new source.” 
You grabbed your own book, Rage Becomes Her, which you were reading for your Women, Politics, and Public Policy class, and started highlighting right where you left off. 
You both got lost in your books, highlighting and annotating in silence. Every once in a while Tom would stop to ask you about a particular passage. 
It was another hour or so before you both heard a knock on your door. You got up to open it, and as soon as you did Emily burst into the room, Harrison right behind her holding three pizzas. 
“TOM!” Emily said and tackled him in a hug. “It’s so good to see you again!” “I didn’t realize you two had met,” you said and helped Harrison with the pizzas. 
“Just once,” Tom said with a laugh. He made himself comfortable on your bed instead of the floor, Harrison took a seat on your comfy chair and Emily made herself comfortable on his lap. 
“I better leave this unlocked,” you said. “I would offer you guys a drink, but Isabelle and Ally are-” 
“Did someone say something about a drink?” Isabelle said, pushing the door opened. 
“What’s up bitches,” Ally said and put a bottle of wine, svedka, prosecco, and a 30 on the booze table. 
“How long do you guys anticipate this storm lasting, because that is a LOT of booze for 7 people,” you commented. 
“Lighten up, babe, it’s not like we have to drink it all tonight.” Isabelle responded. 
“Better to be safe than sorry.” Ally said with a mischievous grin. They greeted the others in the room when you heard a knock on your door. 
“I heard there was a party happening here?” Cal said as he pushed open the door. You closed it all the way behind him so no one else could stumble in. 
After everyone introduced themselves to each other, Harrison said “So what does everyone want to play first?” 
“Oh, you’re new.” Ally said. “See, we kinda of have an agenda.” “Is that so?” Harrison asked. Emily kissed his cheek. “Tell me more.”
“Well the first time we had a snow day, we took turns picking our favorite games, and then we just stuck with that formula. First is A which means kings,” Isabelle said. “Then Emily, which means never have I ever. Then me, which means truth or dare. And then Y/N.” 
“And what does Y/N pick?” Tom asked.
“Y/N picks poker, of course. But most of the time were too drunk to get there.” Ally said. 
“Yeah I really got the short end of the stick there. It’s a good formula, though.” You replied and grabbed a deck of cards and a beer. 
“Let’s go, boys and girls.” You said. Everyone sat in a circle, the beer in the middle like you were worshipping it, and you spread out the cards in a circle around it. You saw Tom and Harrison exchange a look across the circle. 
“Something wrong?” You asked. 
“Well… Don’t judge us, but we’ve never played this game before. They don’t have it in England.” Everyone else laughed quietly at Harrison’s statement. 
“It’s easy. Everyone picks a card, and each card has an action assigned to it. Ace is waterfall,” You said. 
“Two is you, so you pick someone to drink.” Isabelle said.
“Three is me, so you drink.” Cal said as you went around the circle explaining the rules. 
“Four is floor, so the last person to slap the floor loses.” Emily said. 
“Five is guys,” Ally said. 
“Six is chicks,” You said and the circle started again. 
“Seven is heaven, so last person to touch the ceiling drinks.” 
“Eight is date, so you pick someone and whenever one of you drinks the other has to too, for the rest of the game.” 
“Nine is rhyme, so you go around the circle saying words that rhyme and the person who can’t continue the rhymes drinks.” 
“Ten is categories, so it’s the same as nine but with a category of something, like animals.” 
“Jack is never have I ever.” 
“Queen is questions, so the next person who answers a question they ask drinks.” 
“And finally, king is the ruler, so you make a rule that everyone has to follow until the next king is pulled.” 
“Make sense?” You asked. 
“Not one bit.” Tom responded. 
“You’ll get the hang of it, I promise it gets easier.” You said. “Al goes first.” 
“Why?” Harrison asked. 
“Gay goes first.” The four of you said in unison. The boys looked scared. They had no idea what they had gotten themselves into. 
“One last rule. First drink is a shot of your chosen poison. After that, you can drink whatever you want.” You explained as Isabelle gave each person a shot glass and the handles of hard liquor were passed around.
“Four,” Ally said and everyone slapped the floor except Tom and Harrison. Harrison realized first, so you watched as Tom downed the shot across the circle. He tensed his jaw after, which made you wet already. When he saw you looking at him, he winked at you.
Your turn was next, so you quickly pulled a card, a six, so you and the other girls did your shots and then began to pour yourselves your chosen drinks. For you, that was a second shot of tequila and then a rum and orange soda.
“Two.” Isabelle said with a grin. “I choose our kings sponsor, miss Alexandria Park.” Everyone whooped as Ally dramatically took a sip of her beer. 
“Five,” Cal said. The boys took their shots, except Tom who took a sip of his beer. 
“My turn then?” Tom said and drew a card. “Eight. Which one is that?” 
“Date. You pick someone and for the rest of the game whenever one of you drinks, the other has to too.” Cal explained. Tom looked around the circle, but you already suspected who he was going to pick. 
“Y/N,” he said. “Would you care to be my date?” 
“You’re exhausting, Holland. What, are you trying to get me drunk or something?” That shut him up, right as Harrison said ‘seven’ and everyone reached for the ceiling except Tom, who groaned and complained about having to drink again. 
Cal was the one who finally popped the beer and had to chug it. You put the cards to the side and everyone held up ten fingers, already ready for never have I ever. 
Things started off innocent enough, with Emily sharing that she had never peed in a pool. By the time you all went once and it was Harrison’s turn, he made things more interesting. 
“Never have I ever slept with more than 15 different people.” You and Tom were the only ones who clapped. 
Harrison rolled his eyes. “Jesus fucking christ, it’s like you guys were made for each other.” He commented. Your face got red, which Emily noticed, so she went quickly next. 
You finally lost, getting rid of your ten fingers before anyone else. You were always a bag of secrets, and Tom found himself learning more and more things about you he didn’t know. Like that you had a tattoo, or that you’ve gone skinny dipping, or that you’ve never had a gin and tonic. 
You were all wasted, that was clear. Isabelle was in between Cal’s legs on the floor, leaning her back against his chest. Ally was lying on the couch all by herself, upside down. Harrison was in your big chair with Emily on his lap, and you and Tom were on your bed, you lying on your stomach and him sitting against the headboard. 
“Isabelle, truth or dare?” Cal asked. 
“Dare,” she said, looking back at him. 
“I dare you to ditch your friends and come back to my room with me.” He said. 
Isabelle shared a look with all of you before saying “Sorry guys, I’m not one to turn down a dare.” They grabbed the half-drunk bottle of prosecco on their way out. 
“Al, truth or dare?” Emily asked. This went on until Ally passed out from drinking, still upside down. 
“We’ll get her home.” Harrison said. He picked Ally up as Emily collected their stuff and bid you and Tom good night. You both sat in silence for a few minutes, when Tom’s phone lit up. 
“Do you mind if I chill here for a while? I’ll stay on the couch if you want to go to sleep, but Harrison just said him and Emily want some alone time and her roommate is home.” 
“Of course, I don’t mind.” You responded. You stumbled off the bed, going to pour yourself another drink. 
“Ok, Y/N.” Tom said, moving so he was sitting on the edge of the bed. “Truth or dare?” You turned to look at him and saw a dark look in his brown eyes. 
“I dare you to kiss me.” 
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heterophobiclesbean · 5 years
Hey! Hope you are having a good day! I don’t know if you’re the right person to ask abt this but: I’ve been IDing as a lesbian for a little bit bc, in the (few) experiences I had w men, I was like not physically into them & like did not want to have make out/have sex/etc (unlike how I feel w women) .... but I also like feel good flirting w men and have positive feelings talking to some men so I’m like ... am I bi? How do I know if I am into men or if it’s just like... a self esteem boost?
so like i have lots of self esteem issues and i’ll flirt with men sometimes out of boredom or insecurity or for validation? because like i dont know that many other wlw and i dont really like flirt with my friends lol so like sometimes a bitch just wants to feel wanted? like i dont think that automatically means you want to be with men and are attracted to them. like... if you dont want to be with men then like. that kind of answers the question, right?
having positive feelings towards men doesnt mean youre into them, it doesnt mean youre attracted to them, or anything. i have lots of positive feelings when i talk to my guy friends because im friends with them and like their company! but im not like. attracted to them.
and like this might be cOnTrOvErSiAl for me to say but like.... i think for a lot of women the line between lesbian and bi is really fuzzy. we all grow up in this heteropatriarchal hellscape, we are never allowed to have our own desires, we are conditioned to only view men as viable partners and put ourselves through hell for some piece of shit dude who doesnt give two fucks about us. we live in a world that would do ANYTHING to keep us from knowing ourselves and our wants and actually caring enough about ourselves and our wants to actively seek out our own wellbeing and chase our desires. so like... of course some lesbians are gonna feel good about flirting with men. thats all youve been told to like for your entire life. thats the only way youve been taught to judge your own self worth, by how attractive men find you. and of course itll feel like an ego boost to get that validation, whether you are genuinely attracted to men or not. but it can FEEL a lot like attraction even if it isnt, because women are socialized to experience attraction as the act of being wanted, not the act of wanting. women are supposed to want men who want them, are supposed to want to be chased, wooed, pursued, and thats how they are supposed to experience romance. why wouldnt at least a little of that sink in and stick?
i cant tell you if you are a lesbian or bi. thats a statement only you can make. but i can tell you that liking the feelings you get when you flirt with men is not the same as being attracted to them, that liking spending time with men is not the same as being attracted to them, and not wanting to do anything physically intimate with men but being perfectly happy doing those same physically intimate actions with women is not a particularly characteristic bisexual experience in my lesbian opinion. (although there are bisexual women who choose only to be with women, who have trauma surrounding intimacy with men, and anything else you can think of - bi women and their feelings about men are not a monolith!) 
if you wanna pm me to chat anon, go ahead! sorry it took me a while to get to this ask.
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jisokai · 6 years
hello there! I love your writings a lot ❤️ and I was wondering if you could do a HC of how the RFA + V/Ray would react to MC who is not confident about herself or comfortable when she doesn't wear make up even if it's just light make up? Like for example whenever her s/o is around she'd have to at least wear some light make up or she'd hide or something. (sorry if it's a weird HC, it's my first time requesting one..!) Thank you and I hope you have a great week! x)
hello and thank you for sending this!! i do this at school (until midterms and finals bc i just show up with no makeup and a the same hoodie for a week), so i feel you! just remember that youre beautiful no matter what you think!!
rfa+ray+v reacting to an mc who needs to wear makeup 24/7 to be confident
yoosung- he probably doesnt notice much if its light makeup, so he thinks its just how you look- until one time you make an off hand comment about smudging your mascara and start fixing it- ?????????? he so confused??- were having a late night cram studying session why are you wearing makeup?????- he says you should just take it off and not worry about it since its late- but you insist to fix it and he just frowns and asks if youre okay- you sigh and explain to him that you just dont feel comfortable without it and even just a little makes you feel better…- he tells you that he wont judge you!! youre beautiful no matter what and you should feel comfortable with him- he understands if you leave it on but he tries his hardest to remind you that youre so pretty and you dont need makeup!!
zen- he definitely notices it- being on stage so much, hes had light makeup himself so he can see the clumps of mascara and powders- but he doesnt say anything- he doesnt want you uncomfortable!!- but when youre getting ready for bed in the bathroom one night, he nonchalantly hands you a makeup wipe- you slowly take it, but dont actually use it- he looks over at you questioningly and does his little “hm?”- he asks whats wrong and you quietly explain that you dont like being seen without makeup- he just smiles at you and softly gives you a hug, saying youre beautiful and dont need to worry about such things!! but its not good to leave it on, and you should take care of yourself- hes gonna get you comfortable with him no matter what
jaehee- she notices- i mean she probably wears makeup too, so she wouldnt think anything of it- but she notices that you wear it all the time- she makes an offhand comment about it not being good for your skin and that you might want to take it off- you dont really say anything, and she can pick up on the fact that youre not confident- she just hugs you and tells you that youre beautiful!! shes explains how she gets insecure too and know the pain- she helps you gain confidence around her and feel more comfortable with yourself
jumin- he notices it too- being around so many women who doll themselves up, he notices you like to do the same- and even when youre relaxed and casual with him, he sees the light makeup you put on- hee doesnt think much of it, guessing that you just liked that kind of stuff- but once you were out together and your makeup smeared when you hugged him,, getting on his shirt and smudging on your face- you panic when you see his suit and try to wipe at it with a removal pad, but he brushes you off and says not to worry about it- instead, he takes the wipe and gently tries to removes the smudges from your face, but you back away and tell him you can handle it- he just needs to wait a moment so you can touch up- but he tells you not to worry about it, you look fine without it and itll take too long to redo- you kind of insist and it makes him frown, asking whats wrong- you fess up and explain why, saying you feel weird without makeup around him, especially in public or when hes surrounded by so many men women jdsfjg- hes so extra, probably taking your hands and looking you in the eye while delivering a speech about how beautiful you are- youre so embarrassed jumin pleas but it makes you feel a lot better and he works to make you more comfortable and confident
seven- ok he loves makeup- he loves it so much have you heard his calls??- but he loves when you wear it and asks you to do his (and vice versa)- but he notices that you always have a little on when around him- youre so cautious about it, you make sure to have it on even around the security cameras- he can guess why and just asked you upfront about it- you confirm his suspicions and tell him how you like the security,, it makes you feel insecure when you dont have it- he gets it!! boy has many insecurities himself- but he doesnt want you feeling the same :((- he tries to coax you into taking your makeup off when he does, so itll feel like someones there experiencing it too- and he always compliments you on your skin or general beauty when you dont have any makeup on
ray (in his route - at the ME building)- i think he would always notice it, but never really ask in fear of offending you- but he finally got courage to mention it and kind of blurted out a compliment- you smile and thank him and it makes him so happy oh my god hes so precious- but one day he came in when you werent exactly ready and he saw you without any makeup on- he noticed the difference and didnt comment, but it didnt help your discomfort with him seeing you like that- you ask for him to leave and he turns into a puddle, apologizing profusely and trying to leave asap- but you call for him back, telling him its not his fault, you just dont like being seen without any makeup- hes reassuring!! dont worry!!! he tells you that youre beautiful without it and hes happy to see you like that!- it comforts you and he tries to mention how pretty you look whenever he checks up on you
v- i headcanon that he wears eyeliner BITCH have you seen the cg of him standing behind yoosung after graduation- eyeliner- anyways, he notices and hes really just concerned for the health of your skin- he wants you comfortable so he doesnt say anything against it, but he knows that you feel uncomfortable- you stay with him for a night and after taking it off you kind of shy away and avoid meeting his face- but hes NOT HAVIN IT!! so he just pulls you to him and kisses you right on the lips, telling you he doesnt care about you not having makeup on and that you should always feel comfortable with him- he starts complimenting everything and its too much hes such a cinnamon roll- like everyone else, tries to compliment you more and remind you of the beauty you have under all the makeup
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The time now is 01:48
Do I call myself a feminist?
I've always thought of whether I call myself a feminist, but if I tell others that I'm not feminist, it feels "wrong" and when I do call myself a feminist its feel wrong again. None of the parts feel correct.
. your calls yourself a Feminist simply because they fight for the right to self-abortion and the right to decide over their own body against violence and abuse against women, if anyone had asked me if I agreed to all this, then I clearly would say yes, but why am I so insecure when someone asks for the word feminist?
Girls get bad comments from other "feminist women" on social media, grown-up women and say, "How can you call yourself a feminist when you are posting naked photos?"
How can you call yourself a feminist when you judge other women.
I do not have the right to judge you, even though I do not agree with what you do at work, your free time or do not have the same sentences as me, but if you experience not being properly treated because of gender, experiencing violence or discrimination, then I'll be there for you and fight for your rights. Is not that feminist about?
Feminism is not about role models, who fit in to be a role model in the feminist world. You can not throw in different words in a box and add "FEMENIST" the patch and say "yes, you MUST fit everything in that box to be a feminist"
This fits perfectly with what I mean and what I'm trying to reach. You can not judge other women who like to know that they can and will be naked and confident and still have strong opinions about politics, you can not say you do not judge her, but she believes she is not a natural feminist for other youngsters women why do you think you're perfect feminist for young women? You judge other women, you do what we fight against,
Sharon Osbourne does not want Kim Kardasnian to be a role model in the feminist world. There are some young girls that think that they can make an empire over a six tape. Being a feminist has nothing to say what you did wrong about 10 years ago, or if you feel comfortable naked in front of a camera, stripper or whatever, it's also for women not to judge each other, we think so much about how men treat us that we forget how we treat each other.
I agree with everything feminist stands for, but I do not just like the word "feminist" about how much it has been abused, how much women today are more concerned about who is the perfect role model.
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I personally love inglot for eyeshadows, blushers, bronzers and highlighters. I'd also suggest morphe for their blush palettes and JH palette. I have recently bought a viseart palette and I just love those eyeshadows, but they are quite pricey. That sounds like a great plan in the current climate. I feel like there so much more planning required now than 5 or 6 years ago. Back then it was just a simple "read up on what cards not to get, get everything else, also know about Amex 1 per lifetime". I was always under the assumption that when one was referring to a landline, one was talking about a phone line that was solely tied to a phone company and if the power goes out and your internet is down, you still be able to make a call. This of course means that at least one phone is 포항출장샵 an old style phone that doesn need a power source to charge it, so not a new wireless handset. I understand that they cost cutter, save where you can people, but if you super remote, spring for the real phone company.. When he outgrew that, he was put in a dresser drawer since they did not have room or money for a bassinet. After about three months when he was pretty healthy and strong, she took him back and gave him back to his parents. Pretty amazing.. Fuck the kissing and sex, fuck the romantic intimacy. Waste the best time of your life rotting in your dorm studying while Chad is fucking all the girls around you. But no worries, that hard work will pay off. I agree. I came here to see supermodels who seem so beautiful it unbelievable but are actually just pretty but in a realistic way and that EVERYONE has flaws. Instead this sub seems to want to trash their friends insecure friend with 100 followers like "wHy dOnT u aDmiT thAr u R ugLy wHO dO U tHinK u R fOoLin". Even Shu other oil cleansers don last as long despite the being the same "size" like the porefinist. I think it has to do with the texture of the oil and not needing to use very much at all to remove my make up since it thicker + easily spreadable. 2 points submitted 9 months agoI was, too! Topicals just didn help me. "Heaps 포항출장샵 of them, oh, dryad! There is a big grove of fir trees behind it, two rows of Lombardy poplars down the lane, and a ring of white birches around a very delightful garden. Our front door opens right into the garden, but there is another entrance a little gate hung between two firs. The hinges are on one trunk and the catch on the other. Reading all these comments makes me grateful for how my daughter school runs pickup. Her elementary school has over a thousand students this year. Even once you factor in bus riders, bike riders, walkers, kids in aftercare, and multiple siblings riding in the same car, there are still around 200 cars in car line every day.. The other one is rather hard to read, I can read some words but not really make sense of it. It starts with "3 daller and one half", which might mean Dollars or maybe Thaler. The lower half starts with "7?? 10 Schilling" which is another currency. We are expected to be absolutely perfect, successful and joyous so that people will see us in a decent light. In the media either we are a beautiful being that makes women jealous or a fun jokester not taken seriously. It kinda bleeds into the expectation of gay men to, that they must be effeminate.Also most parents would not like to have their child be trans, and there are many case of domestic violence because of that.Things are better day by day though, and I wish that one day I could get rid of this in front of my name for good.TLDR: Thais are laid back and let people do or be anything as long as it not bothersome, but that does not mean people would not judge us.KyleJasonSarg 6 points submitted 3 days agoThis is a problem that faces long running reality competitions.
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