#I feel UNWELL
cosmic-nopedog · 4 months
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Update on LMK
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tieflingteatime · 11 months
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I'm going to be thinking about this for a long time
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Ceil’s blog causes me endless torment instance #4206969:
Ghost with a wedding ring…that he swaps out for those silicon rings while he’s working…doesn’t wear dog tags but wears his ring around his neck…
…wedding ring shaped tan line on his ring finger…
…wedding ring digging into your skin when he smushes your cheeks…
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krllkprzv · 1 month
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survey says: who was your favorite player growing up? / which teammate would make the best coach? / who is your favorite non-hockey athlete?
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sidsthekid · 2 months
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sid and his lovely gray curls looking all kinds of pretty…
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luneariann · 5 months
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Bye this chapter killed me im literally never getting over them ever in my entire life
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other-side-of-oblivion · 11 months
Quick question: how does one go through the rest of the day normally when they've just watched the last episode of M*A*S*H?
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redactedcrowart · 7 months
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mystomach hurts. alt version under the cut thumbsup emoji
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philsmeatylegss · 4 months
Dan referring to TABINOF as vintage gave me whiplash so bad I ended up in the hospital
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Vincent Price and Jane Asher
The Masque of the Red Death (1964) dir. Roger Corman
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kurtiplier · 7 months
hey. hey wait a second. in mobius' life on the timeline as don, he had a wife. and she's said to be long gone. don also kept bringing up the fact he's single. he's probably lonely. not that he doesn't love and care about his sons, he does, but I think they remind him of his wife and their life together as well, and his kids are young and he doesn't want them to see their dad struggling. maybe it happened fairly recently. don, in fact, seems incomplete and a little discontent still. he enjoys jetskis though. fond memories? a distraction?
and now mobius doesn't have loki around anymore either. he's also long gone. mobius reads his own file...don's file, and then he goes and looks at don's life on the timeline and realizes he had two kids (who are interestingly into fire and snakes), had a wife at one point, and is a jetski salesman. but at the same time...it's not exactly him.
and our mobius doesn't even have any of that. and he can't, and wouldn't take that away from don to live that life himself. and from what we know from a bit of mobius' backstory, he hasn't always had an easy time making hard decisions, and he has a lot of empathy. he's also like, the resident loki expert of the tva. he's fascinated with him. maybe there's a reason. a memory slipping through, like the jetskis. having loki around made the tva feel more like home to mobius. now without him...why would he stay?
I don't think it's impossible that a variant of loki, whether she looked just like the loki we all know or not (doesn't matter being the genderfluid, likely all-pronouns using god that they are), that loki was mobius' wife.
in my opinion, they took a queer love story, and put it through a seemingly hetero lens that the casual audience, and homophobic viewers especially, wouldn't be able to pick up on. I think it was the only way the writers came up with to get a canon confirmation of lokius into the show.
maybe I'm wrong, but that's just my two cents. I just can't imagine they dropped all those clues and symbolism and were vague about things for no reason. well...homophobia and censorship reasons, they had enough issues when they confirmed mcu loki's bisexuality in season 1, but I'll be damned if canon lokius didn't genuinely matter to anyone in that writing room. everything that was written there felt deliberate. it's sad that it has to be queer-coded in a time where so many shows are able to be explicitly queer, but disney/marvel has historically always struggled with showing that, so I can't say I'm very surprised.
I know in my heart that lokius is canon because of that final scene. I just hope that some way, somehow, mobius finds loki again, or at least finds purpose again. he doesn't deserve to be alone, just like loki doesn't. that's all I want to see. that can't be the end. I just want them to be okay. :(
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I am very unwell bc I watch season 1 & 2 of heartstopper 2 days ago and I'm already rewatching it (im already on season 2 ) and I'm reading all the books again in 4 days (starting the first one again after I post this) help
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(The first 4 are from my library the fifth I bought)
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jaejoontrashpanda · 8 months
That could well be the first time that Boston has made love with someone that he genuinely cares about and who cares for him.
Excuse me while I go to lie down and sob into a pillow...
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arcalx · 2 months
♤ No, because you're not the one who was there when I had my first panic attack.
No, because you're not the one who was there when I was dealing my ED.
No, because you're not the one was there when I was praying to a God I didn't believe in to "please fix my family. Make us happy so then they would love me" or when it changed to "why?"
No, because you're not the one who was there when I was staying up night after night, crying my eyes out until I completely shut down and went numb.
No, because you're not the one who was there when I had to suppressed parts of me to be better liked
No, because you're not the one who was there when multiple times I could have ended it all and almost did.
No, because you're not the one who was there to help me mourn.
No, because you're not the one who was there when everything fell apart.
No, because you're not the one who was ever there for me.
I was. Me.
You weren't there for anything. You didn't even know. No one knows what I've held myself together through and I'm still trying to figure out what I did it for. Because it sure as hell wasn't for you.
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makeoutstopcrime · 1 year
now I’m picturing Tim shopping for this necklace and side-eyeing the ring section. and just. keeping it in his mind. for later.
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
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