#I feel like. this doesn’t make sense if you haven’t seen the movie LOL
crybaby-bkg · 11 months
cw: vamp Dabi, blood mention, witch reader, cheating but not really???
vampire Dabi but in a dark shadows au???? HELLO!!!!!
you’ve been a witch for who knows how long now, but you’re one of the good ones, you convince yourself. you only do shit to people when they fuck you over and unfortunately for Dabi—he’s one of those people.
maybe you weren’t actually dating the heir of the famous family business (the one that the whole town was named after) since you were only their maid—but still. he wrapped you in his sheets and bruised your throat with such tender kisses that you couldn’t bare to believe otherwise.
but then—but then you catch him one night, bruising someone else’s throat. the one his father promised to marry him off to, who you expected him to reject, but he instead embraced within the sheets you had cleaned for him.
and shit happens, you tell yourself, as you lead the town to his front door after you just so happen to turn him into a vampire to eternally deal with the suffering of his now dead parents and fiancé that you had absolutely no involvement in.
well, maybe a little involvement. a smidgen. (a smidgen including a curse to trap her soul in a forever loop of untimely deaths and crushing his parents under pillars.)
but it’s been years now. you’re over Dabi.
until he stands in your office, an office you built from the ground up after creating another spell to help you earn a few pennies from the Todoroki inheritance. he’s so pale and gangly and he frowns so deep at you for turning him into this bloodthirsty monster.
but you haven’t seen him in so long and old feelings arise and you already got your revenge. so why not let sleeping dogs lie in the coffin you helped the townspeople bury them in?
your office is a mess in a matter of minutes. a fight turns into a tackle, turns into huffed breaths neither of you need, turns into bumping noses, closed gaps between lips, a swap of bloody kisses. Dabi still kisses you the same way he did four hundred years ago, if not better.
his sharp nails dig into your spine and drag down until they hook into your bottoms, and he tears those away with ease. shreds them to pieces, and you do him the same until you’re both scratched and bloody and panting into each others mouth as he buries his cock as deep as he always used to.
it’s familiar, albeit messier than before with the constant biting of your skin and his. he curses you, calls you a piece of shit witch, and you can only smile at him. force his face into your neck not to silence him, but to feel his fangs sink into your skin, feel his cock swell when you grow your own fangs to bite back. he’s always liked how much you bite back.
(he tells you he regrets it terribly so when he finishes, but you don’t believe him. Dabi has always loved you. he just let a few distractions get in his way, but he loves you. he always has and forever will. you’ll make sure of it.)
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ryuichirou · 3 months
More repliessssss
Mostly talking about Rook, RookVil, Ortho and some other stuff (i.e. Jade’s eel penis).
Anonymous asked:
Based on your recent Riddle x Mob comic, I like to think it’s the gang in the beach Stich event. Azul, Jack, Ace AND Floyd?? Poor, poor Riddle, on the deserted island…hehe
The gang from that comic is actually just Heartslabyul students, but you are right: the Stitch event team absolutely should do something like this to Riddle. He is surrounded by the worst boys for a reason!
(Just in case: we haven’t seen this event yet, so I can’t comment on it yet)
Anonymous asked:
I hate that I’m terribly attracted to Rook. Especially crazy Rook. I want him to rip my hair out and eat it and set me on fire.
Be careful what you wish for, Anon, Rook’s always listening…
Anonymous asked:
Completely random, but do you think Rook would rather lock Vil up in a nice tower to keep him all nice and pretty and gorgeous?
Or would he rather set him out into the woods so Rook could hunt him down slowly?
Why not both? I think Rook would switch things around every now and then…
He is possessive enough to want to keep Vil all for himself, but at the same time, what is Vil’s beauty if it’s locked up like he is a pretty bird? No, the bird has to be free for its beauty to shine, or at least have some hope for freedom that wouldn’t let the fire in Vil’s eyes go out. Having him locked up in a nice tower would be great, and Rook would play around with this idea, but at the same time he would feel like chasing Vil and hunting him down is the best way to experience the beauty of Vil’s body and spirit.
He has a lot of interesting ideas in his sick little head lol
Anonymous asked:
I am officially going to call myself the "Snow Anon"
Since I my previous asks was about the Merman sex and the mating marking claiming ones ^^
So now I need to express my love for Jade and ask about any NSFW head canons I need to know the size and color of "it" for *research* purposes 👀
And also
I need to know
Would any of the characters be into any sort of roleplay when getting down and nasty ✨
You know this is an old ask because this is the first time the Snow Anon mentions their nickname… I am so sorry, Snow Anon! This is the previous ask, it’s been a while… It’s time to talk about the Merman sex and Jade Leech specifically again!
But I’ll actually start with the second half of your ask. I thought I’d write the list of characters like I always do, but as I’m thinking about it I’m realising that there aren’t really a lot of people in the cast that feel like they would roleplay… I might talk about this topic again in the future, but for now!
The ones who definitely enjoy roleplay when getting down and nasty are Vil, Rook and Ortho, but especially Ortho. Vil and Rook used to be more actively into this during their first year, there was a period when they do it almost every single time. Sometimes it would be something very dramatic and well thought-out, sometimes it would be something on a smaller scale, like a horny dialogue that doesn’t really have anything to do with reality. Rook is so incredibly happy that he got to make love to Vil in so many “universes” and so many scenarios~
I also like to think that there were times when Vil would get so invested in the improv part that he would actually forget about sex (why would his character want to suck this man’s dick now? doesn’t make sense, they have to have some kind of development or the impact isn’t there)…
But anyways, Ortho is also a little freak! He is so incredibly excited about being able to play all kinds of scenarios he has seen in movies, anime and hentai, and nothing will stop him. He loves starting a roleplay randomly, just to see if his partner would play along. Vil plays along sometimes, but also Idia is better at it than one would think!
In general, Idia considers any kind of sexual roleplay to be cringe, but it’s not impossible to get him somewhat invested in it. Ortho has done it before, and he will force Idia to do it again. Niisan is good at it, he shouldn’t be so shy!
Alright, other than these four… Ruggie would be willing for money but bad at it, Cater would enjoy it a lot actually, Lilia would be surprisingly great at it too. Neige? Maybe Neige would also be good at it… And Fellow too, hehe.
Bow let’s talk about the most important topic. To be completely honest, every time I draw the eel peen it looks different, but I feel like this Jade/Idia drawing had our ultimate eel peen… so I’ll share some thoughts about how I think it would work~
The length and the shape differ from merman to merman, but with these two particular eels, it’s 30-40 cm long. It will get longer though because they are not done growing yet. When it isn’t erect, it’s hidden inside their crotch area, which is normally completely flat.
It’s mostly white and has some greenish spots; it also isn’t fluorescent like the rest of their bodies, which means that one might spot an eel in the darkness of water, but the erect penis is always a surprise!
Eels are very slippery in general, but their penis produces even more slick. It’s incredibly slippery and almost impossible to hold in hand, which makes the owners of the peen the only ones who could control its placement and direction…
There are a lot of muscle inside the penis that makes it possible for it to not only slide, but also crawl inside the hole + move inside it in a lot of ways. Jade especially loves to move his penis in a 90 degree angle as much as possible once it’s inside the hole because it always makes his lover squirm and cry.
Both Jade and Floyd love to “hug” their lovers with their tail and spin when they have sex. Jade doesn’t spin as fast as Floyd does, but he also starts spinning very suddenly when his lover expects it the least…
There are “fins” on the penis that makes it look like a mini-eel, but those aren’t really fins. They add extra stimulation though + act like little hooks to make sure that the penis won’t slip out of the hole earlier than needed. When Jade does it, it’s a bit more painful than when Floyd does it.
The eel cum is very potent and thick. It might even become thicker once it’s all collected inside the body. It’s still liquid though, so once it’s out of the body (and the body is out of the water), it’ll fall and break into a huge puddle a little bit heavier than water, but then it’ll rise up if it’s not far from surface, otherwise it just dissolves before that.
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Submission message: I can't believe no one submitted narumitsu yet, the queerbait has been going on for over 20 years (they started to consciously put hints in after the second game, after they learned that it's popular with yaoi fans)
Submission message: Mean Girls  - Janis Person who submitted Janis here. Yes, I meant the movie. The whole time it is implied she's a lesbian only for her to end up with a dude lol
Additional propaganda: Narumitsu is that one ship that Capcom just like… can’t put a block on.
If they give either of them a wife the fandom would be fucking fuming. Especially if it was Miles. He is not a straight man.
I ddon't even see narumitsu as bait I think they just accidentally wrote gay tension and rolled with it to keep fans happy
doesn’t narumitsu have themed wedding rings 💀 not sure how you would like to interpret that
Meanwhile Janis from Mean Girls IS queerbaiting: She’s presented as a lesbian throughout the film. She gets very emotionally attached to girls and tries to sabotage them after they ‘betray’ her and become more interested in boys/popularity (Regina in the past, Cady during the film). Proudly declares herself a “big lesbo” to half the school during her trust-fall scene. Wears a suit to Prom and kisses her gay best friend Damien, they both show complete disgust afterwards. But in the LITERAL LAST SCENE OF THE FILM, she’s shown dating a guy and kissing him. ((I also haven’t seen the musical yet, so I can’t comment there)) Vote Janis, she’s the only right answer.
janis is a complicated character because while i do agree her writing sucked, and having someone so clearly coded as lesbian end up with a dude fucking sucks ass, i don’t think the actual intention behind janis was to bait the audience. mean girls was written based on the non-fiction book “queen bees & wanna bees” by rosalind wiseman. MANY of the characters in mean girls are based around the archetypes that book presents, janis being the “alternative girl” who feels ostracized by the other girls and therefore takes on a more nonconforming rebellious personality to make it seem like she CHOSE to be ostracized. her ending up with a guy then makes perfect sense if you follow the guidelines set by the book. of course you don’t have to follow the guidelines the book sets up and i think doing that uncritically is a really BAD idea (the book predominantly focuses on straight white teenage girls so it’s not exactly great for representing… literally any other kind of teenager, as the movie shows) but i do think janis wasn’t supposed to be read as actually gay and is a more nuanced situation than just being straight up queer baiting. basically like. she’s bad, but the WORST queerbait of all time? ehhh?
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sarcasticsra · 2 years
I cannot stress enough how much everyone should watch Starkid’s A VHS Christmas Carol if you haven’t seen it yet. It’s pretty short, only about 45 minutes, and it’s truly one of the best adaptations of A Christmas Carol that I’ve ever seen.
No, seriously. I think it has even surpassed The Muppets Christmas Carol for me. That has been my favorite Christmas movie since I was a child. My mom and sister and I used to watch it every Christmas Eve. I still love it dearly and it is an amazing adaptation that I’ll defend to my death, but you guys. You guys. A VHS Christmas Carol is just THAT GOOD.
It’s done in the style of 80s music/videos, which is delightful. It’s an opera, so it’s all sung through, which I love. And it’s so good!
Let me enumerate the ways. Spoilers to follow. (Can you spoil A Christmas Carol? Once a story becomes public domain does that exempt it from spoiling? Idk, lol. Spoilers for the show, anyway. Also for Avatar: The Last Airbender. …I promise there’s a path.)
1) Bah Humbug! - Song number one and it goes hard right from the start. It is everything an opening number should be. Dynamic, sets the tone, and an incredible fucking bop. The interactions between Scrooge and Fred and Scrooge and Bob are done so well, too. You so quickly get a sense of their characters. Obviously we know their characters because this is a story that has been told many a time before, but it does it so well that you would immediately get them even if you were an alien who had never in your existence been exposed to A Christmas Carol in any capacity. That’s impressive to me. It’s not relying on the familiarity of the story to do its character work.
2) 3 Spirits - I love the tone of this song. This is a Marley with true regret and pain who is absolutely pleading with Scrooge to take the chance he’s being given. It’s less “scared straight” and more, “I need you to understand this like you’ve never understood anything before.” Marley becomes a character in his own right as opposed to merely a backdrop for Scrooge to react to. That’s a theme with this adaptation. Characters who are pretty flat in a lot of adaptations seem so much more like real people in this one. Also, whoever decided to cast Meredith as Marley here is a fucking genius. She’s so goddamn talented and she really shines here. The emotion, the weight. Gah. Beautiful. The interplay between Marley and Scrooge is incredible as well; these are two insanely talented performers breathing a new life into tried and true characters, and you really feel the relationship between them.
3) I’m The Ghost - Christmas Past is so pointed and snarky and incredible, making Scrooge come to certain realizations. “Huh, little boy left all alone. Oh, your sister died so young. Didn’t she have a son though? Why are the employees so happy, this party didn’t cost much? Thinking of something? Okay, last stop, buckle up, it’s all your own doing.” I love it so much.
4) That Scrooge - You guys. You guys. They’ve done what I assumed was impossible. They’ve done what even the Muppets couldn’t. It’s a Scrooge-Belle breakup song that isn’t the most unbelievably boring and bland thing you’ve ever heard in your life. Belle is a fucking person! She has a personality! She’s very clearly stating her case, that he’s changed and she doesn’t like it and does he have anything to say? No? Okay, bye! THE EMOTION IN THIS SONG. Scrooge starts singing not just with her but to her! All the things he didn’t say before! And then he starts singing angrily about/at his past!self for being an idiot! You actually FEEL THINGS about this relationship. It was a deep love and losing it super fucked him up! I have never before seen Belle/Scrooge done as well as this one (1) song handles it.
5) Christmas Electricity - Get ready to have this song stuck in your head for ten thousand years. This song is, I believe, the standard classical definition of “a fuckin’ bop.” It’s so high energy and exciting, you really can understand how Scrooge gets so caught up in it himself. You also see more of Fred in this song and, again, he’s a person! He has specific motivations for why he keeps reaching out to Scrooge. Corey’s Fred is hands down one of the best performances of this character full stop. He took what is usually a bit, side character and made him a full human with understandable thoughts and feelings. They gave the Fred-Scrooge relationship such incredible emotional weight because of it. I think that’s one of my favorite aspects of this adaptation.
6) Priceless - Here we see the Cratchits enjoying their Christmas with an incredibly sweet song about having little but feeling like they have a lot. I really like the way this song feels a bit cheesy (goes with the whole 80s vibe) but they also feel like a real family with some silliness and some sweetness and Bob’s wife having very strong opinions about Scrooge that he’s too polite for. Also “listen to this key change out of the bridge” goddamn just show off constantly how freaking talented this entire cast is, why don’t you.
7) The Final Ghost - I probably have too much to say about this song. It’s my favorite, which considering this entire show is pitch fucking perfect, is really saying a lot. Dylan Saunders is truly one of the most talented performers I’ve ever seen, and his Scrooge is so, so good. It really shines through here. His interactions with Christmas Future show him mirroring Bob from earlier (he has a line that’s almost an exact quote of a line from Bob in Bah Humbug!), correcting himself, and trying to be respectful/humble. Subtle displays of emotional growth even before he gets to the truly scary parts. The song is of course a darker tone, as is correct for this part of the narrative, perfectly setting up the finale song. We get Scrooge overhearing about a funeral no one cares about, the same man being robbed after death, and this death bringing actual happiness to people. Throughout it all so far Christmas Future only speaks in a wordless melody, as is apt. Scrooge asks for tenderness connected to death and is shown the Cratchits mourning Tiny Tim, which breaks him, and he asks who the dead man was from earlier. Still wordless, Christmas Future leads him to a cemetery, and that wordless melody perfectly transforms into an eerie, ethereal, “Ebenezer Scrooge.” The fucking amount of sheer EMOTION Dylan packs into Scrooge pleading for his soul, that he is changed, and the final bit of narration… fuck, you guys, it’s so good. I love all of the “scene” parts of this song so much. It all builds so perfectly.
7a) The narrator. - This isn’t a specific song, I just want to call out how excellent the narrator is through the whole show and how perfectly the narration ties the whole show together. It’s one of those things where it goes unnoticed because it’s so perfect, but if it were bad you would definitely notice. You need it to be there and understated or a lot a falls apart, but it can be such hard balance to strike. This show nails it.
8) Christmas Day - The finale! And what a finale it is! The energy is a perfect contrast to the song before it as Scrooge delights in being alive and having time to make things right. His joy is palpable as he goes about his day, buying Bob a huge turkey, making an incredible donation to the charity he blew off the day before, and showing up at Fred’s. Guys. This scene. Especially when I watch the live, but even sometimes just via the soundtrack, this scene just fucking perfectly, beautifully guts me. You know how in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zuko has to go on his whole narrative arc to eventually join the right side, and along the way sort of betrays his Uncle Iroh, aka the only good father figure he’s ever had, because he’s a traumatized teenager, and eventually he meets back up with him and starts stumbling out an apology and Iroh just sweeps him up in a hug without a word, and you sob because it’s perfect? That is the energy present in this, what, 15-second scene, just this incredible emotional buildup and payoff accomplished in a scant 45-minute runtime. It’s truly wondrous. The finale, as all true finales should, calls back musically to previous character beats, and ends on the perfect bookend to the opening number. It’s just so, so immensely satisfying.
Tl;dr - this musical has made me feel more Christmas-y than I have in a long, long time, and I have listened to little else in terms of music since I watched it two weeks ago. (It was literally the only music I had listened to since then until right now, and that’s only because I’m in a van on a road trip to my sister-in-law’s for Christmas. While I would have been perfectly content to listen to this soundtrack on repeat for the entire 8-hour drive, I also recognize that the four other people in this van do not have my particular flavor of hyperfixated ADHD brain and probably would not appreciate that, heh. Thus I played it once and then other music. Compromise!)
But yes. Seriously. It’s so good. Gah. Go watch it!
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kyber-crystal · 1 year
all i needed || benji dunn
summary: you’ve always cared for benji, but it takes him teetering on the edge of death for you to realize how much you truly loved him
words: ~2.7k
warnings: some angst, mentions of violence, two oblivious pining idiots
a/n: HI HELLO! finished writing this while sick bc i wanted to get it out of the way before i got my wisdom tooth out. to anon that requested this, please note that i haven’t seen rogue nation in FOREVER so forgive me if some details seem off! i had to go back and look at the script to make sure i got the general timeline right. ALSO if the time skips seem weird…ignore that LOL. i tried to modify some scenes (btw any and all movie quotes included are not MINE, creds go to MI:5). the first part of this is pretty benji pov heavy—i’ve never tried this before 😅
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Benji’s not hopelessly in love with you. Definitely not.
“You know I’d spend the rest of my life with you if I could,” you had drunkenly admitted to him one night in a bar somewhere in Eastern Europe. “Just you and me, forever…sounds like a dream.”
If only it wasn’t.
He doesn’t get attached. He knows better than to get attached. But it’s entirely his own doing; he tells himself—you’ve been glued at the hip since the day you first met. Ever since you swore to him that you’d never let him go, he knew he would be in deep.
Now, he was sinking…fast. And he hated quicksand.
(He definitely hasn’t almost gotten caught in some before. The only reason why he didn’t drown in sediment was because you were there to save the day.)
Casablanca was far too hot for his liking, but he’s standing in the scorching heat anyway because you’re here. You effortlessly glide through the glittering water like a mermaid and he can’t help but stare a bit.
Somehow, you sense his presence and emerge from the pool, dripping wet. “What are you doing out here? It’s 100 degrees and you look like you’ve been deep-fried.”
“I needed some sun,” he responded quickly. (Great excuse, he internally smacks himself.) “Need a towel?”
“Oh, yeah.” You flash him a gleaming smile and take the fluffy towel from his hands, quickly drying yourself off. “Thanks a bunch.”
“The sun is treating you pretty nicely,” he tries to compliment. “You look great.”
Your face lights up at this. “Really?”
“You always do.”
Doing a little spin, you smile again, “Thank you!”
“Man,” Ethan chuckles as you push the sliding glass doors open and walk back inside the house, “it’s almost painful to watch.”
“Quit it,” Benji mutters. “I don’t want to hear any of your nonsense.”
“You are aware that what you’re doing won’t get you anywhere.
“My personal life is none of your business.”
“Except it is,” the agent grins, “since most of the time that you’re not busy working is spent talking about her.”
Benji opens and closes his mouth, but no words come out. He knows he’s right.
“But it’s funny,” Ethan continues, “because she can’t see it. You’d think that a woman that smart would be able to tell, but she can’t.”
“Then let’s keep it that way. This conversation is over,” he feels his face burning a bright red that he knows has nothing to do with being sunburnt. “Agent Dunn, out.”
“She’s going to be the death of you one day,” he hears Ethan call out as he turns around and walks inside. “Watch your step.”
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Benji isn’t the jealous type. Definitely not.
But all that registers with him when he glances in the rearview mirror at you and Brandt is fifty shades of green. You’d just finished laughing at something he had said, and envy spills over him like boiling hot oil. You were supposed to be laughing with him and him only. He told the better jokes (right? Right?) and you spent far more time together. So who was winning, really?
But nothing he tells himself seems to make him feel better.
Noticing Benji’s clenched jaw and tight grip on the wheel, Luther decides to break the tension. “That was a damn good stunt you pulled back there.”
“Wait, Benji…” you pause mid conversation. His grip immediately loosens the moment you open your mouth to speak. “Please tell me you still have a copy of that disk.”
He holds up the drive. “Yup, still got it.”
“Where to now?” Brandt asks as he hands the handcuff key through the glass to Ethan.
It’s daybreak when you board the plane to Heathrow. Nobody on the team is even trying to hide the tiredness on their faces.
Even with heavy dark circles under your eyes, you still managed to look so beautiful, Benji thought to himself. He didn’t understand how you did it—you could run on twenty minutes of sleep and still walk straight.
“Let me help you with that,” Brandt offered and you gave him a grateful look as he put your duffel bag into the overhead bins.
Benji held his tongue (miraculously enough).
You sat down in your seat and stretched your arms in the air, letting out a loud yawn. “I can’t do this today. I want to just…give up and do nothing.”
“Can’t we all,” he replied.
You made eye contact with him and motioned to the empty seat on your left.
“Do you want me to—” he began, and you nodded. “Yeah. Sure. Of course.”
Almost immediately, your head lolled against his shoulder. You looked up and offered him a sleepy smile, and he swore he’d self-destruct at that exact moment.
“Very,” you yawned again. “I haven’t slept in thirty-six hours.”
“Then get some rest,” he squeezed your shoulder. “I’ll let you know when we land.”
You hummed in reply and allowed your eyes to flutter shut. “You’re my favorite, Benji Dunn. I hope you know that.”
“I do,” he murmurs after you’ve fallen asleep.
He watched you in a trance-like silence, your chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. You were still wearing the tan woven bracelet on your left wrist—it had become battered and stained from prolonged wear, but you refused to take it off because he made it for you. One ATV ride, two hours, and three shots later, that was what he’d come up with as your latest “souvenir”.
His heart aches in more ways than one. Here he was following you around like a hopeless romantic and yet, you were completely oblivious to all his signals. And he doesn’t have a single clue as to why you stick around at all—with your beauty that he believed could rival Venus herself, you could have anyone you wanted. Hell, you could have Brandt in an instant if you tried.
But you insisted on sticking by him—the exact reason, he probably won’t ever figure out—and he’s grateful for it. Even though he feels as if you deserve better…a lot better.
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“As promised, I have a job for you,” you heard Lane’s distant voice over the phone as he spoke to Ethan. “And for the sake of your friend, you’ll do it.”
“I’m listening.”
“Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to bring me the unlocked disc by midnight tonight. Now say the words.”
Ethan paused.
“Say the words,” Lane repeated.
“...I accept.”
“I knew you would.”
The call ended and you went back to fiddling with the bracelet on your wrist, trying to fight against the growing lump in your throat.
“Ethan, if you’re going to tell me to stop moping around, then I don’t want to hear it.”
“No, that’s not it. You need to listen to what I’m about to tell you.” He sounded more serious this time. “We need to get him back. And to do that…”
“...We need to unlock the disc,” you finished. “And to do that…”
“We have to take the Prime Minister…”
“Wait, think about this for just a minute—”
“It’s the only way to get Benji back.”
“Just think. It’s exactly what Lane wants us to do.”
“Which is why it HAS TO HAPPEN!” he raised his voice. You swallowed hard, and, noticing your sullen expression, he softened his tone. “This is how we beat Lane. This is how we make everything right.”
You could still see the image of Benji’s unconscious body being dragged away—it was fresh in your mind as if it happened only a minute ago. “Yeah. I know.”
If he noticed the longing look in your eyes, he didn’t say anything about it, but he could tell you cared about Benji much more than you were letting on.
“I’m going to find him, and he’ll be alright,” Ethan added after several minutes of silence had passed. “I’m not letting anything happen to him for your sake.”
“And why am I not coming with you?” Your blood began to boil.
“Because it’s not safe, Y/N. I care about your safety, and if both you and Benji want to live, I have to go alone.”
“That’s such bullshit.”
“You need to trust me on this one.”
You grumbled something under your breath. “This is the last time I’m letting you throw your ass on the line with barely any backup.”
He grinned. “Ma’am yes ma’am.”
Meanwhile, Benji had just stirred awake to see a dark figure walking over to him, something heavy in hand.
Maybe Ethan was right, he realized. You would be the death of him someday. And that seemed particularly likely now.
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“Where is the disk?” Lane questioned.
“You’re looking at it. I am the disk,” Ethan replied, voice cold, “I memorized it. All two point four billion in numbered accounts. If that vest goes off, you get nothing. And without this money you’re nothing. Without me you’re nothing.”
He stared at Lane through the screen, watching him grow more irritated. The timer continued to count down
“Right now you’re thinking it’s a bluff. I’d never let my friends die. I couldn’t possibly memorize the entire disk. There’s only one way to be sure. Let Benji go.”
Lane stood and paced around the room before finally pressing the button, stopping the timer at just :03. Benji and Ilsa let out loud. long sighs of relief.
Vinter and his goons stepped closer.
“If they come any closer, shoot me.”
Ilsa smiled and slid her seat next to him, planting the barrel of her gun against his ribs.
“Stop. STOP,” Lane demanded, and Vinter and the others stopped what they were doing,
“Remember when I said some day you were going to take things too far...and that’s me speaking—not him,” Benji reminded Ethan.
“The only way this ends is you and me, Lane. Face-to-face. Only this time I won’t be locked in a glass box or half-dead on some highway.” Ethan leaned closer to the camera lens. “You want your money…the bone doctor’s gonna have to beat it out of me... Now let Benji go!”
Finally… “One three nine…”
Benji looks down at the keypad on his chest and nervously punches in a series of numbers. The light on the timer dies and the five-point harness springs open. He sheds the vest as discreetly as he can, wrapping it in his overcoat.
He slid a phone across the table to him, “Y/N’s waiting with Luther and Brandt. Go.”
It was far too cold in the office building. Add on the fact that you’d been in there for what felt like hours, and you felt like you were being tortured. You knew Ethan always kept his promises, but were still unsure if Benji would be coming back alive at all.
You had bitten and picked at your nails until you drew blood. The stinging sensation had stopped bothering you a while ago. So did the crimson stains on your skin.
But then you heard a lock click and a loud ringing noise, and suddenly, he’s standing there. Panting and sweating and looking burnt out, but very much alive.
You froze in place for a second, unsure of what to do.
“You’re real, right?” you asked, hesitation in your voice as you gingerly cupped his face in your hands. “Please tell me this is real. I don’t want to wake up and not see you in front of me.”
“It’s real. I'm real,” Benji reassured you as he gripped your forearms. That was all the confirmation you needed before you threw your arms around his neck, hugging him as tight as you possibly could. You were trembling, holding on so strongly because you were so afraid that he’d slip away if you let go.
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” you repeated over and over. You pressed your lips to his, hard, before pulling back to stare at him again. His cheeks turn pink as he barely has time to react and kiss you back. “I’m so glad you’re alive, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you—“
“Did you—“ he stammered, suddenly at a loss for words. “Did you just—“
“You know I loved you all along,” you explained breathlessly. “It just took me a while to realize the fact.”
“Well, I love you too.”
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One of his hands steers the wheel, while the other holds yours and absentmindedly rubs circles into your palm. You’re sipping your ultra-specific go-to coffee order that nobody—unless they were Benji—would bother to remember. It feels so normal—like something that has been routine for a long time.
The team tries their hardest to pretend not to notice the newfound closeness. (“But these idiots have been like this for ages, they only just realized it. Let them be,” Luther had said. He shared the team’s singular brain cell 50% of the time, which meant that he was always the first one to catch on to things. Ilsa shared the other 50%, she was very cunning.) But it’s hard when they almost crash because Benji keeps glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.
It’s hard to get a moment alone when 90% of your job consists of you jumping as a group from place to place. So you’re grateful for the few in between that you’re lucky enough to steal.
This time, you found yourselves in a quiet townhouse somewhere in Strasbourg. Ethan wasn’t snoring tonight—maybe it was because Ilsa was next to him this time. Luther was upstairs, probably filing and cleaning out mission reports with a croissant you’d bought him. He never slept, and he never made a sound.
The place was quiet, the only thing you could hear being the chirping crickets outside and the quiet crackling of the fireplace in front of you. You hadn’t felt this kind of peace in months.
“It’s cold at this hour, isn’t it? Meanwhile I thought France would be a bit nicer this time of year.”
Benji comes out from the kitchen holding two mugs of tea, as well as a blanket around himself. The amber flames illuminate his face in a way that makes him look almost angelic, and your heart skips a beat.
He sits down on the plush rug right next to you and offers you one of the mugs, and you accept it gratefully. After taking several long sips, you set it down on the small coffee table in front of you and lean back against the couch.
“You’re staring,” you say suddenly.
“Sorry…can’t help it,” he replies with a sheepish grin, then holds part of the blanket out—an invitation. You shift closer, allowing him to pull you in and wrap the rest of the soft fleece around you. “You’re very…breathtaking.”
This elicits a small laugh from you, but you can feel your cheeks heat up. There’s something different in the air—maybe it’s because those feelings are finally out in the open, or maybe because this moment feels so domestic and it’s both unfamiliar but comforting at the same time.
“Hmm?” You’re starting to drift off at this point, getting comfortable in his presence.
“I always wondered, you know…”
“Wondered what?”
“How we’re always ending up together—why you decided to choose me,” Benji admits.
The words come out of your mouth so easily. “What do you mean? You’re my person, Benji. I looked at you and I just knew you were right. You had to be.”
“I don’t get it. I thought you and Brandt—“
You shook your head and smiled, tracing patterns on his leg. “Don’t be silly. He was actually—he was the one who made me realize I was in love with you.”
“Wait, what?”
“Oh, Benji,” you laughed, “don’t tell me you were jealous.”
“O-of course not!” he spluttered, face turning bright red, “All I want is for you to be happy!”
“Well…you know how I told you you’re my favorite, right?”
“Uh huh…”
“That hasn’t changed, you know. I love the Benji that knows how I like my coffee, and the Benji that carries me to bed when I’m too drunk, sick, or injured. And the Benji that always has my back. Especially the Benji that sits in front of the fireplace with me at 3am because he knows I enjoy his company more than the 387 crickets outside.”
He presses a kiss to your temple in response, unable to stop the corners of his lips from turning up in a grin.
“You know I’ve always got your back.”
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tags: @kenobismullet @ilsastrenchcoat @voguesir @fl0ating @lady-elena-adeline @the-multiverse-of-fandoms @joyfullyswimmingface 
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curiositycryptid · 7 months
Why I Think These Characters Are AroAce
Ok, I might include other characters in this one that I didn’t in my last posts since idk who should be in the friend group of aroaces cause it can’t have too many peeps.
Heather - When I saw how she clearly didn’t like anyone in s1-2 my first thought was aroace. She played with many peoples romantic feeling so obviously she didn’t care that much for relationships, I still think her and Alejandro can date but I still stand by my thought of her being aroace too.
Dj - well uhhhh, this one is mostly vibes, he didn’t really have a love interest either and seems to be one to care more for friendships than romantic relationships. Either way, he’s definitely ace.
Trent - Someone said on another post their reasons for thinking Trent was either aro or gay and I completely agree, I don’t know what post it was so if anyone knows please say so I can credit them! They said his love for Gwen seemed the cliche kinda thing like he thought that’s how he should feel. Also I don’t believe in love at first sight so it’s kinda odd to me how fast their relationship went.
Justin - The only person this man loves is himself. Prove me wrong /j (ok in all seriousness he just kinda has those vibes)
Courtney - She seems the type who cares more about her work than love. Yes, she did date Duncan, but perhaps that was because she thought she could ‘fix him’ like in the movies? Rather similar to Trent’s situation of following what he sees on television.
Cody - His crush on Gwen looked more like an obsession to me, it kinda looked like he cared more about ‘having a hot goth gf’ so he could boast or sum instead of him actually liking her that way. Yes ik this is a stretch but I’m just saying some small ideas.
Bridgette - uhhhhhh idk. I just think she seems kinda aroace? I don’t think I need a proper reason anyway so.
Noah - once again, no love interest until ridonculous race which I still haven’t watched yet so he still doesn’t seem the live guy to me since I haven’t seen him behave that way yet.
Gwen - I didn’t include her in my last post but still. Once again, like Trent, it was love at first sight. Which doesn’t make sense to me, it may just be that I’m aroace but I still know how love works and it’s not like that.
Also (IMPORTANT) I’m not saying you can’t enjoy any of these peeps having relationships because aroace people can still date, I’m just stating possible reasons they may be aroace, I’m not saying that Gwen and Trent didn’t actually love eachother or anything like that (for any of them) , I’m just saying maybe at first they viewed it that way because of amatonormativity but eventually really did fall in love? Anyway I’m finally done jeez I don’t think anyone is even gonna be bothered to read all this lol.
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Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen
I haven’t seen this one a long time, but I remember it better than the first one
Optimus is back in the intro 
“Our worlds have met before.” Not haunting at all
That title was quick and smooth!
“Suck my popsicle!” Hahah nice
“His here. I smell him.” I wonder how that works
OH THAT IS A BIG ONE Lol the twins really are brothers
“Man I’m good.” Yes you are Irionhide
“Pull over!” …. Lol Optimus thank you for keeping your sense of humor
“You’ll learn that in college too.” Sir what else did you learn? 
Wow… They really made her sit like that to paint the bike. Taking points from that
Love how they show the symbols being planted into Sam’s brain. That is really cool
Oh great, the blender is alive. Just what we need! Wait… did they just-? They did! Omg the adult jokes in this movie XD
And they just fixed the yard too! Poor Bee just wanting to help
“I want a pool and hot tube! I’m going to skinny dip and you can’t say shit!” Starting to think someone was a bit wild back in her day lol
“You are an autobot! You shouldn't be living in my dad’s garage. You are suffocating.”  Awww Sam
….. Huh okay not expectating Sam to touch Bee’s chin to make him look at him
Sam you aren’t normal and never will be
No idea if Bee is being dramatic or he really is crying. Either way I’m glad it was added to the movie
“I love you, Bee.” and he loves you too Bee
Wow Sam you can tell Bumblebee you love him but not your girlfriend? 
Wheelie :3 
DUDE!! Soundwave’s design is so cool! A one of a kind big time
As a sibling I have heard and said “It’s meant to hurt!” after causing harm to sibling
It’s actually nice that they added the coffins being taken off the plane to show that death is still a huge threat in this movie
As Optimus transforms the music is not holy but more upbeat like a hero kind of deal. Very fitting 
“God made us in his image. Who made him?” Good and fair question. Humans always think they are so amazing till we meet something greater then ourselves
“Don’t tempt me.” Yeah I got mad for you buddy. Don’t disrespect the people that fight for you
I love Optimus looking down at him and saying, “Easy.” He knows he was getting angry. Optimus knows his comrades, even his human ones
“What if we leave, then you are wrong.” THE SOUNDTRACK! That fits so well with his low key warning
“That’s a good question” Awww he's such a cutie!
Sam meeting his new human bestie :D 
“What size shoe you have?” Haha Sam the Sass Queen is back lol
I love how Optimus main goal is to keep earth safe. He doesn’t want to watch it be ruined like his own home was. Sam just wants to be normal. He doesn’t want this. While they are talking, soft music is playing. Showing the burden both carry and what awaits them. 
MEGATRON LIVES AGAIN Okay this is really cool. We see Megatron put Starscream in his place. Then we see him showing respect to The Fallen. Going as far as calling him master. The Fallen even calls him “my disciple”
I wonder how The Fallen knew that Sam has the knowledge now
Man the CGI in this movie is so good
Poor Sam. He has all that knowledge in his head and his mind can’t handle it
“You're such a little girl!” “I’m not talking to you for ten seconds.” Yeah I wouldn’t either. Good on you Sam. 
What I love about Megatron is that his voice is creepy and yet gentle
Sorry I had to skip the worm part. That was just gross. That lost points for me lol
The slow down for the bullet is so good
The chanting as the cons chase Optimus and Sam is so good
Why did Sam jump over the log like that? 
“I’ll take you all on!” and cue the uplifting music
That head rip is sooo good
“Sam! Where are you?!” You can hear the fear in his voice. All he knows is Sam has already been taken or worse
“Sam, run. Run..” Even in his last moments Optimus is worried about Sam
Man… I can’t even imagine the guilt Sam must be feeling at that moment…
Sam watching the news with such pain on his face…. He just wanted to be normal
I love the twins so much lol
I hate that guy
Yes please give Sam a hug. Sam this isn’t your fault. This will never be your fault
“Don’t tell my mother.” Said every child in history
Ha! Wheelie is the best again. Wait, is that even his name? 
I love how no one bothered to check if the old fart was a con or a bot lol
I love the sound Jetfire makes as he wakes up. His such as old fart, I love him
HA! Leo pushing Wheelie away while they are hiding 
Grumpy old man on the run! “It’s a choice. It’s an intensely personal decision. So much negativity. Who wants to live a life full of hate.” Old man spiting knowledge 
“His faithful, Sam.” Girl I love you but what happened wasn’t Sam’s fault
Wheelie stop humping her you horn dog
“I have my own issues! It started with my mother!” Me too buddy
“Do you know what he transformed into?!” “No!”
Haha I love this movie so much
Haha everyone is going flying. Well done Jetfire
“Only a Prime can defeat The Fallen.”
“Optimus Prime?”
“So, you’ve met a Prime?”
I’m not crying! I have sand in my eyes! 
Man Jetfire’s excitement about hearing a Prime was on Earth is so sweet. He sounds really young with how excited he is. 
Grandpa pointing out the obvious 
“Scared? Scared of your ugly face!” “I’m ugly? Well, we’re twins, you stupid genius!” Perfect sibling insults
Bumblebee is “I don’t care who started it! I’m finishing it!” Big brother at work lol
Oh god the siblings fighting was useful for once
Ohhh that soft haunting sound… Music is stunning as always
It gets louder once the matrix is seen
Sam not giving up is so.. Man… Once he believes in something, he will not back down from it
BAD BOYS ARE HERE Go Jetfire! He still got it! “I’m too old for this crap.” Me everyday 
The balls that started it all
Oh no! Sam! The soft music, the faded voices, everything slowed down… Then you hear his parents' cries. All they know is that their son is hurt. They don’t know he's gone. 
Then there is Bumblebee. They let us see his pain. They let us hear it too. 
The Primes coming to Sam is awesome. They let him know why he is there. Answering his question. Low key telling him his prime. “The Leadership of the Matrix isn’t found. It is earned.”
Aw he finally tells her that he loves her
Of course he came back for you Optimus! You died saving him!.... They died saving each other… 
Jetfire’s joy at seeing Optimus makes me smile again 
Damn The Fallen is powerful
Oh Jetfire… No! Your death will not go in vain!
Optimus can fly now. This is going to be fun~ “Die like your brother!” “They are your brothers too!”
Totally not giving me headcanon ideas
The soundtrack once again being soooo good! Megatron calling out for Starscarem after losing half of his face is interesting
“Give me your face!” and “I rise. You fall.” Are cold af lines and I love them so much
The fight is a bit short but I don’t mind. It’s gore fixes it for me
“Cowards do survive.” That is true. Sometimes in order to win, you must survive first
Yes! Thank you for letting the parents hug Sam. They watched him die and come back! Like man! They need therapy after that
Optimus and Sam standing next to each other is so cute! Dad and son vibes lol
Yay! Sam gets to go to college!
I will rank this movie as 9.5/10
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alittlefrenchtree · 9 months
Do you like tzp physically but also appreciate his personality? (oh god, it's not a shade or provocation even if it sounds like that lol it's really just curiosity if it's just something aesthetic or you love "everything about him")
This is a really good question, actually. One I have asked myself a few times already, in fact. I’m not sure I have all the answers just yet which means this is going to be awfully long in the oversharing side of things but, lets say you’ve just asked for it? 😁
God, where do I even start?
Ok. One thing to know is, before watching RWRB (and knowing anything about TZP), there was a beautiful and peaceful window of a few days during which I was pretty indifferent to him (can you imagine???). I had seen a couple of pictures and too many gifs of the movie and I was like, yeah he is (they both are) pretty but I’d probably never looked twice if I was crossing path with him in the street, not knowing who he is. (The naivety of me I swear). To be fair with Taylor, I’ve almost never looked twice at men I’ve crossing path with. Women? All the damn time, their attractiveness is very immediate to me, but with men I usually need a bit more to develop an interest. (I haven’t enough data on how pretty non-binary people affect me, so I can’t compare sadly). So that’s a first element of answer, I guess? Men’s physical apparence alone is rarely enough for me, so I suppose it’s the same with Taylor.
Watching RWRB, a couple of scenes has caught my eyes in the sense of *oh, he is damn pretty*. The biggest two are probably the New Year Party and that scene with Miguel (you know which one). These two scenes were probably the first nail in my coffin but it was still very much related to Alex but it was something about his charm, his smile, the way he handle himself and seduce people that works a bit too much on me. 
Becoming a little bit obsessed with everything related to the movie, I’ve started seeing a lot of Taylor everywhere and a lot of Taylor things have piled on Alex Charm. Mostly, Taylor’s confidence and easiness with himself and his body. We’ve talked about it a few times here, but him being so damn good at moving, evolving in his environment and interacting with people but mostly seducing people (not necessarily in a romantic way just, seduce people like actors can seduce cameras or singers can seduce live audiences)? That precisely??? It does half the job for me, even if him being so goddamn beautiful doesn’t hurt either.
So all of that is mostly why I’m screaming all the time and how he’s slowly but surely driving me a bit crazy. I guess it's up to you to know if it falls in the "physical" spectrum or "personality" side?
But this doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate his personality either, obviously. If I didn't like him as a person, or if i thought he was a jerk or something, i wouldn't spend so much time looking at him, I think. But the things I like about him as a person don’t worsen the hold he has on me? They make me like him and want to hang out with him as a friend, not increase the urge to drop on my knees for him. At least from what I’ve seen so far. Pretty sure that if we were actually friends, I’d fall in love with him like everybody else.
I think I’ve touched on the subject a bit before, but it does seem the another way around with Nick for me. I can see his prettiness without feeling a need to fall on my knee for him but I’m pretty sure he could make me want to do that with his brain? Good thing we’ll never find out 😌
Like I’ve said. A bit of oversharing on my side 💀
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shortkidenergy · 1 year
Characterization thoughts:
Bill: I like kid Bill a lot. especially as part 1 goes on you see more and more of that gravity he has and why he’s Big Bill who all the other kids (and anyone with sense) would follow into hell. i always imagine Bill with dark hair and maybe…a little stockier? but i think this Bill felt more visually and emotionally like book Bill than movie Bill did to me. closer to my ideal Bill. a platonic Bill if you will. adult Bill I still haven’t seen much of yet but the PONYTAIL. the PONYTAIL IS HILARIOUS. i love that in the book adult Bill was bald and in the miniseries they were like what if he had A LOT of hair tho. it’s such a bad ponytail.
Ben: oh Ben my beloved. kid Ben might be my favorite of these losers. he’s SO EFFORTLESSLY COOL and i really love that for him. like the actor is genuinely so great. he’s sweet but also just so cool. which is like honestly so Ben. im sad it feels like they’re playing down how smart he is by removing the library and replacing his scare with something about his dad. or whatever that was going on with his cousin??? unfortunately as much as i love kid ben so far adult ben is my least favorite. i haven’t seen much of him so i’m trying not to judge too harshly but everything about his introduction was so ://. he’s supposed to be a weird lone reclusive artist who frequents a particular bar so often he knows the bartender. he’s supposed to live in the middle of nowhere and have picked up cowboy traits. making him a player???????? no. this man is SO insecure. (yes he is also Very Hot and Lots of people would be attracted to him but the DIFFERENCE is that he would not get close enough to anyone for that to matter. because 1 he’s gone back to being the lone wolf he was before joining the Losers and 2 his heart is still holding out for Bev even if he doesn’t remember her…)
Eddie: kid Eddie is GREAT. he’s like a tiny little old man and that’s fantastic. his voice, his lines, his clothes, the way he *walks* perfect. impeccable. tiny little geriatric man. no notes. it’s sad that we don’t get his character arc with his asthma and everything, but i get why they didn’t have time to flesh out the characters the way they did in the book/movies (unless that’s coming in part 2 but from the scene where they all passed around Eddie’s inhaler i kind of doubt it). i also LOVE that they kept Eddie’s sense of direction. i just love when all the kids have special powers for no explicable reason. Eddie just always knows where to go 🥺 adult Eddie I have not seen much of but i have HIGH HOPES FOR. i love his look, i love his voice, i love his micromanaging. so far he’s my favorite adult. can’t wait for good things and only good things to happen to him in part 2 :)
Bev: very fond. i really really like how kid Bev looks. her wardrobe and those braids. it just really feels like she’s a scrappy kid right with the rest of them. the movies made her feel a little more…grown up/cooler than the rest of them but i guess thinking about it the kids are older in the movies. and like she is supposed to be cool and she is cool but she’s cool the same way the rest of them are, y’know? i really really liked her bantering with Richie. i have such a soft spot for their friendship and i really felt it here. grown up Bev i haven’t seen much of, but so far i like her. i wasn’t so sure at the very first scene, but after she got the call from mike i was like ohhh yep there she is.
Richie: oh Richie ascshdjs. i like this Richie a lot. definitely feels a lot like book Richie which makes a lot of sense because book Richie is so very from the 50s, and so is this one lol. i love his look and body language. when he’s running from the werewolf i’m just like yep there he is. limbs too long. flailing around. perfect. LOVED when he dumped his drink on the bullies. LOVE whenever he says shit and starts shit. he’s just so much fun. the chemistry between him and Eddie isn’t as strong as it is in the movies (i honestly don’t remember how it was in the book) which is for sure missed. but also they feel like they have an age difference between them that they don’t in the movies. adult Richie i’m ehhh on so far. i just don’t think i’ve seen enough of him yet.
Mike: sad that we don’t get to see more of him as a kid :( don’t love the way he was introduced but a lot of that is i think because i don’t like that they are in school. i also think he’s…smarter. than to draw attention to himself like that. also the fact that doesn’t go to school with the rest of the losers kind of feels like an important thing that got missed. that’s why none of them know him. i also feel like his connection to the historical racial violence in Derry is under-played by just having him just presented as being interested in Derry’s history of violence. like there’s a REASON he knows this stuff and it’s because of his PARENTS. specifically his DAD. who i am upset has never made it into any film adaptation. will hanlon my beloved :,( ultimately i don’t feel like i got enough of kid mike to decide how i feel about him. ADULT MIKE HOWEVER i am a fan of. his vibes are GOOD. i love him sticking his nose in the crime scene at the start. i love that that’s the opening. i love this nosy librarian who gets Involved In Shit. I really love how he looks. His voice. Everything about him. high hopes for adult mike in part 2
And finally…
Stan: oh Stan :( my baby. it took me until the stan part to get a read on him and. wow. both kid and adult stan are Really Really Good. the grabbing his ear and reciting the boyscout code or whatever it was he was doing. again i get why we didn’t get birds if it’s just a cut characterization for time thing so i LOVE that they gave him something else to recite. and oh my god when he sees the photograph and he just. has a mini meltdown i. god i love him so much. he’s so so scared to go into the sewer. he gets the brunt of the trauma down there. and then he’s so so reluctant to promise to come back. and god when he gets the call. and he and patty are so sweet…it’s so interesting how the timing of his bath is different in the book, movies, and mini series. and i think this one is honestly the most devastating. like the book you know right off the bat, and then it’s a slow sort of pain as you get to know him because you know exactly how he ends. the movies… i guess i don’t know what it’s like to watch them without knowing what happens, but i feel like the break in between the first and second movies shaves the edge of it down. but here. here you’ve seen the rest of them answer the phone. you’ve seen him throughout in the background. then you see just how devastated he is by It. just how much he can’t accept it. how traumatized he is. how he went into the tunnels scared and came out scared and still promised to come back. and then. and *then* Stanly takes a bath.
i was planning to write more about other stuff but it’s getting late and i wrote so much more here than i thought i was going to asgdj. probably expect at least another one of these when i watch part 2
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fanfixes · 2 years
I don’t know if you do this, but after watching a series/movie I enjoy, I’ll go on YT and checkout the cast interviews.
So, I started sifting through the interviews w Robert Aramayo who plays Elrond first. Its obvious the ROP cast-mates all get along v well, which is always lovely to see.
I mean, part of why I enjoyed & fell in love w Bridgerton was the g8 rep/chemistry, in particular what Johnathan Bailey, Luke Thompson, Luke Newton had w their cast mates and each other. It showed in the work (we all knw that).
But all Bridgerton fans know that there isn’t enough of the ABC interviews or even press for the main characters Simone Ashley & Johnathan Bailey alone.
And so upon finding that ROP had a throve of interviews, comic con excerpts and the likes, I went down that rabbit hole and watched manyyyy. Then I noticed/read the comments which I found so bizarre.
They pointed to flaws in casting POCs / accused the show of degrading Tolkien’s work / nitpicked everything, even the actress for being proud of playing a female black dwarf on screen and in that realm.
There is a lot of hate in these comments. I don’t get it?! I mean, there are worser shows out there, that haven’t caught this much flak.
The actors in ROP are good. The story flows, it makes sense. W Arondir u have this epic adventure of skill, elven resilience & love, w Elrond you have the story of ambition & friendship, w the harfoots - the lesson of stepping out of your comfort zone, in Numenor the story following the downfall of pride, w Galadriel & Halbrand, well trust & fallen instincts (lol). The stories flowed and culminated into that big event in the season finale, as stories should - yet I’ve seen shows w absolutely no flow get much less hack than this has received or even deserved (if I’m honest).
Maybe my only critic about ROP is that Galadriel is a little too stubborn and proud, but in the lore she wasn’t yet Lady Galadriel we see Cate Blanchett play in LOTR during this second age. That patience came from testing & perseverance. So yeah, I guess they wanted to show that side of brash youth of hers. I mean, Elrond’s much younger too. Elves aren’t omniscient, they have to mature as well.
I don’t think it’s possible to recreate the LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY if that’s the issue/comparison fueling the debates. That masterpiece of cinema history could barely be recreated by PJ himself in the Hobbit. And what I mean by this is, to the standard LOTR was in itself, the Hobbit couldn’t contend.
Whatever the case may be, does this show really warrant the horrible hateful things people say about it? Are these legit comments or, is there an underlying hate against Amazon seeping into the whole project.
I’m not here to defend the show or advocate for it. If I like something, I don’t really need to explain why I do SO IM ONLY ASKING BECAUSE I’m genuinely curious why people hate ROP so much and the shade thrown AT IT is eerily specific and similar. Like the same person is going around leaving the same comments on every YT interview.
I understand the feeling of being disappointed or dissatisfied when a book I love is brought to life and it doesn’t meet the std I expected it to, after all, not all book-to-movie adaptions work BUT even if they don’t, if the show by itself (in its own right) could still be enjoyable, I’ll enjoy it for what it is - that person’s interpretation of it. Instead of brandishing my keyboard and whacking the actors for doing their job… THAT I cannot brain…
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you mentioned Mikey is your favorite and Donnie too I am kinda curious what’s your opinion on Leo and Raph all versions but mainly 03 and 12 for being my jam.
I really do love Raph and Leo even if they’re not my main favourites. I like a lot about their different adaptations.
I think if I had to pick my favourite Raphs it would the 90s movies, 03 and 12 Raph because I love the sarcasm and protectiveness they have for their brothers despite sometimes getting annoyed with them. I think these three versions also do a good job of showing his emotional side and how his insecurities about his anger and place in the world might affect him. 12 is my favourite of them all probably just for being voiced by Sean Astin lol but I feel like he has the most development of most Raphs. If I had to pick one I’m not really bothered about it would be Mutant Mayhem Raph but I still love him I just haven’t seen enough of him yet but that will probably change once the shows out.
03 and 12 Leo are my favourites for him because I really feel like they brought more to his character than just being a leader. It showed his feelings about being the eldest, being a protective brother and sometimes doing things that don’t go with what his family agree with. My least favourite is Rise Leo which doesn’t mean I don’t like him at all I just don’t find him as enjoyable as a character. It just feels too much like they gave him a lot of Mikey’s characteristics mixed in with live action Sonic which I guess makes sense because Ben voiced him but it made it difficult to enjoy him as much as the others.
So I do love them a lot but Mikey and Donnie will always be my main favourites.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
Is Christmas your all-time favorite holiday? If so, why? I count my birthday as a holiday, and that’s actually my favorite one – I’m more intense with preparations and treats on my birthday than any other holiday. I feel like my overall feelings about Christmas are dulled knowing the reason why it’s even celebrated in the first place. I’m here just for the food and the 2-week company shutdown I get to enjoy, lol. Is Christmas more about presents or family? Family (and food, haha). Never been about the presents for me in the sense that I wouldn’t mind if someone didn’t have a gift for me; I do like getting presents for my loved ones though, just to let them know they’re always in my thoughts.
Do you have your Christmas tree and decorations up? We have a Christmas tree that’s bombarded with decorations, and we we put that up starting either late October or early November. We used to have a wreath by our front door, too, but we haven’t done that in a few years.
Do you even decorate? Yeah, just the tree. It’s filled with every kind of Christmas tree trinket you can think of, though.
Have you ever told a person that they are all you want for Christmas? Nah, not even with my last partner. I find it too cringey lol.
What are you hoping to get this Christmas? All I asked for is anything with BTS’ faces on it, doesn’t matter if it’s an authentic product or fanmade or replicas, to make it easier for everyone who might have no clue what to get me. But really, I’m fine with anything and nothing. It sounds so pretentious LOL but honestly the effort and presence of family and friends alone is enough.
By any chance is it a game console? I don’t think I ever asked for a game console for Christmas, this year being no exception; we weren’t the most well-off family in my childhood years and I didn’t want to put any more pressure for my parents.
Do you even make Christmas lists? I make Christmas shopping lists, if that’s what you mean. Mine is more or less done, just have around 4-5 people to buy for and I’ll be all set.
Are you grateful with anything you get for Christmas? Yes. Comes with the upbringing. I have relatives who have difficulties getting by, so if I get anything from them at all I know it must have taken lots of effort and thought. I’m grateful for literally anything and I make sure to use everything I receive, whether it’s a generic mug or headband or phone stand or whatever.
Have you ever given away a gift because you didn't like it? No. I’m honestly just genuinely grateful for any gift I get! And I like to make good use of every single one.
Have you ever gotten a gift that you felt like you couldn't accept? Yeah, last year my friends got together and we basically exchanged K-pop merch with one another so I felt super shy accepting what they got me! I feel like I felt this the most with Reena’s gift - a picket of Taehyung, hahaha.
Are you going to do any traveling this Christmas? Just short-term trips - we’re heading south on the 25th to gather with my dad’s side. We also have a quick vacation the weekend immediately after New Year’s.
Is anyone coming to visit you for Christmas? No, we’re the ones doing all the visiting.
In your opinion, what is Christmas really all about? Spending time with family that you only get to see during this time of the year.
Do you enjoy the 25 days of Christmas on some TV channels? I have no clue what this means.
What Christmas movie is your favorite? Love Actually and It’s A Wonderful Life!
Have you seen 'A Christmas Story'? If so, did you like it? I haven’t seen it.
Do you think that 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' is lame or classic? I’ve never seen that either.
What is the first Christmas movie you have seen this month? Haven’t watched anything Christmas-y so far. The only thing I’ve binge-watched is Breaking Bad, and that is the furthest thing that would give you holiday vibes lol.
Do you enjoy listening to Christmas music? Eh, not really. I like the jazzy kinds, but overall I rarely turn on Christmas playlists. Mariah Carey, Michael Buble, and Friends™ are way too overplayed during the holiday season anyway.
Do you really get involved in the Christmas spirit? Idk what this question is trying to ask, so I guess not. Like I said, I am largely here for the food and the 2-week vacation I get to get, lol.
Does the Christmas environment make you feel comfortable? You know what? I’m really glad and grateful that it’s been starting to actually feel that way. I had the worst seasonal depression every single year a while back, and Christmas was always something I dreaded. If I wasn’t in a family reunion that I didn’t want to be in, I kept myself locked in my room where I watched whatever comfort show I felt like watching. Not the case anymore.
Do you donate toys for the toy drive this time of year? Not toys. But I’m looking at donating money for a few animal shelters I follow. When I’m able to save up more, I’d love to give in-kind donations, like leashes, pet food, etc.
What is the best Christmas gift you have ever received? Paramore tickets.
Have you ever cried on Christmas day? Maybe Christmas 2020 because it was my first post-breakup Christmas? Idk I barely remember anything from the time but I’m not ruling out crying.
Are you usually the first one to wake up on Christmas day? I haven’t noticed. Probably not.
Are your favorite colors red and green? No, my current favorite is purple.
What colors do you like to see in Christmas lights? Yellow.
Have you ever helped your friends decorate for Christmas? No, that’s usually a family thing where I’m from, and I’m not about to interrupt their own decorating sesh.
Do your Christmas decorations stay up until New Year's? Until the end of January; that’s how long the Christmas season is here.
Are you usually the one that takes down the decorations? Our entire family does, since we have a million Christmas tree decors up.
In your opinion, what is the best gift you have ever given someone? Unfortunately that title belongs to stuff I’ve given my last partner; I always went down the sentimental path when it came to giving them gifts, so there were a few presents that I was a little prouder of. But putting that aside, probably the film camera I’m getting my cousin and his fiancée this year! They recently got engaged, so I thought of getting them that so they can capture more 2023 memories the old-school way.
Have you ever given someone a gift they didn't like? I’m sure. Nobody can get it right all the time. < This. I’ve had to be resourceful in the past when I wasn’t earning yet, and I’m sure I had misses here and there.
Is it really the thought that counts? Yeah. Again, it all boils down to perspective since I have loved ones who aren’t the most well-off but insist on buying presents. I’m grateful for anything I receive even if I never really expect stuff from anyone. 
Do you throw Christmas parties every year? Well our house is a little farther than everyone else’s and is also a bitch to get to, so as much as we want to host parties we don’t really do so to avoid hassling people. We’re the ones who do the visiting. I host parties for other stuff though, like if there are online BTS concerts to watch.
Do you even enjoy Christmas parties? Yeah, but it depends on the crowd. Parties with family and friends are great, but my social battery drains out faster if I’m at like a company Christmas party.
What happened on the worst Christmas you ever had? I’d say 2020 because I had to fake a smile through most of it when I was crushingly depressed inside. But it also allowed me to recognize the people and things I did have around me.
Has Christmas been on your mind more and more as the days go by? It’s barely in my mind, honestly. I can’t even believe it’s already the 21st -- I have none of my presents wrapped, and tomorrow I still have to shop for 3 more people lol. I’m mostly ecstatic that I get 2 weeks off work and want to focus on resting up and powering up for 2023.
Do you usually count down the days until Christmas? Only as a kid, when Christmas used to feel a lot bigger and more exciting. Only thing I’m counting down for anymore is Jin’s discharge from the military...
Do you know people who hate Christmas? I used to – the person was me. These days I don’t think anyone I know hates the holidays.
What age did you stop believing in Santa Clause? I never believed tbh and I remember being 4 or 5 and questioning his ‘midnight visits.’ I didn’t understand why I had to be asleep for him to drop by.
Do you host any kind of Christmas event or help with it? Starting last year my Army friends and I get together for Christmas to exchange gifts and have some drinks, and we plan that out together. This year’s gathering is going to be tomorrow.
Do you like eggnog? I’ve never tried but I’d love to have it someday!
Have you ever done a 'Secret Santa'? Yes, monito-monita is a big tradition in our extended family, on my mom’s side, and we’ve been doing it...pretty much the entire time I’ve been alive, lol.
Do you hate to see people sad on Christmas? I mean, I don’t like seeing people sad at any time of the year. < This is true. To answer the question more directly though, I guess I feel for people who don’t want to be alone on Christmas but end up so.
Have you ever ruined someone else's Christmas? I hope not? Idk for sure.
Do you decorate any online profiles for Christmas? No.
If you could live Christmas over day after day, would you? No. Imagine how tiring/draining that would be...
Do you have any pets that you buy Christmas presents for? No, it’s not like they can grasp the context of Christmas lol. Their dinners during this time of the year get a whole lot fancier though LOL
Are you or have you ever been in a Christmas play? If so, which one was it? Nopes.
Does Christmas get old year after year? Not for me, but I empathize with people who feel this way. Personally, I feel that it doesn’t get ‘old’ per se; it’s just that the older you get, the bigger shoes you have to fill, you know? You start to be the grownup who helps the other grownups in organizing parties, who has to think of nieces and nephews and family friends to give presents to, who has to start paying attention on whether or not you’re keeping within budget, who has to focus on feeding people and making sure everyone comes home full, etc. Christmas is largely a test of practicality for me at this point.
Do you like, love, or hate Christmas shopping? I dread it at the start when I open my shopping apps and there are like 47374934723822038207483 stuff to choose from. But being able to find a good gift for someone is always a nice feeling.
Has anyone ever ruined your Christmas? I remember having to take care of 50 work-related deliveries in the middle of Christmas in 2020. Same year I also had a client who needed reports to be done on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so I was literally working on my laptop while in the car and on the way to see family.
Have you witnessed your neighbors arguing on Christmas? (I have, bad scene) I haven’t. People are just karaokeing all over the place lol.
Are you working on Christmas? We have a company shutdown that started today and lasts until January 3rd, but of course that doesn’t permit us to completely shut off our lines from our clients. Urgent things that can’t be avoided still have to be attended to, of course, but in general we have these two weeks off to relax.
Have you ever had to work on Christmas? Yeah, I touched on that a bit earlier.
Have you ever lost someone special on Christmas? Fortunately not during the Christmas season. But like most people I’ve had to deal with those ‘first Christmases’ - first Christmas without a grandparent, a friend, a pet, etc who died earlier in the year.
Is Christmas better than New Year's or are they both equally awesome? I love New Year’s. It was always the more exciting holiday for me.
Are you really excited for Christmas? Not really, it’s just nice to be off work. < Completely this. 
Did you like this survey? I hope so. Well, bye! ^_^ Sure, thanks!
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Scooby-Doo Binge Day 30
We’re in the home stretch now! Man, I just know I’m gonna be so sad after tomorrow, my life will feel so empty 😭 Today I finished Guess Who and the episode where they meet their voice actors is just so good! It was super sweet and I smiled wide the whole time.
I also watched Scoob for the first time in two years. It’s definitely not my favorite, especially with the whole “regular cast being replaced with celebrities who aren’t voice actors thing”. I’m glad Frank at least voiced Scooby so there’s still a touch of familiarity there. The rest of the cast not being there makes me sad, though, especially since Matt and Grey were so affected by it. The weirdest thing had to be hearing Will Forte voice Shaggy, I like him as an actor, but He just doesn’t have the Shaggy voice.
The drama between Shaggy and Scooby wasn’t very enjoyable for me and felt a bit out of character. I get there needed to be conflict, but I wish it made more sense. Also, the scene where Shaggy sacrificed himself felt off to me. Why isn’t the rest of the gang freaking out more??? I get that the movie is primarily about Shaggy and Scooby but I would’ve liked more of a reaction from the others in the moment rather than after. Like, one of your lifelong best friends is about to sacrifice himself! You should be trying to stop him or be breaking down crying! Idk, maybe I’m asking for too much lol.
There were things I did like about the movie, though. All the Hanna Barbera references were a lot of fun! Dick Dastardly going through all this trouble to save Muttley was really sweet. The end credits had some great reference too! I also thought Shaggy’s little speech before he sacrificed himself was cute. The beginning of the movie until the end of the Where Are You recreation was definitely my favorite part of the whole movie. I’ll be honest, I teared up a bit at the scene where Shags and Scoob met Final thought on Scoob: Dynomutt was super different from usual but it’s not too big a deal, just weird.
I also got to watch Cyber Chase as a bonus on 29 but I forgot to say! It’s been streaming live on YouTube all month, I’m so glad I found it in time. It was a fun watch, it brought back so many memories, I haven’t seen it since I was about 6. Now that I’ve seen it as an adult, it’s not my favorite or anything, but it was a pretty fun time.
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pink-lemonadefairy · 18 days
Hi i forgot to put the 🐙 emoji in my last anon LOL but it’s 🐙!!! (Not sure if u do emoji anons on this acct :p) my favourite classics are honestly ANYTHING by kafka. I am a kafka girl. I love kafka. And then jane austen!! Pride and prejudice 💋💋mr. darcy is the only man ever actually i love when they’re QUIET (emphasis)
I’m pretty open to honestly most classic literature, i’ve been wanting to get some recommendations that aren’t the same authors. Sylvia plath unfortunately doesn’t really do it for me because I’m probably not her target audience but some of her poems/proses are good! I’m currently reading dracula/frankenstein (at the same time lol) and have been loving it so far. The only con about frankenstein is that i bought a tinier version so the words are huddled together and although my ass CAN read it i’d rather the words to be spaced out :-( not sure if it’s a me thing… i’ll just finish the book and see if i would get another version of frankenstein hehe
i also have a little life on hand rn, that is the book I’m especially putting on hold because from what i’ve seen people were Not okay when reading it. Idk about me tho personally i’m not an outwardly emotional person but i’m not heartless so i’ll read it when i can…
I have SOOO many books on my TBR list but i’ve been putting them on hold because i still have a number of books at home that i need to finish…! I wish i could show u a photo because it’s on my notes app lol. This might be a very unpopular opinion but i enjoyed reading murakami’s killing commendatore even though his descriptions of women r nasty. I read his books in a more factual (?) way? If that makes sense. If you have any book/author recommendations do tell me!! Especially female authors 🐙🤍
hi my love 💛 i’m so sorry for the late response :(
omg kafka!! 🥺 i haven’t read any of his works in full yet but i’ve read snippets on pinterest and they’re so so beautiful :( i love the way he writes. do you have any favourite works of his? :O oooh yes pride & prejudice!! the most classic of the classics i feel like lol. YES EXACTLY LOL, men when they’re quiet and don’t talk > 😌
i haven’t read any sylvia plath and tbh i’m not sure if i’d ever pick any of her works up because i’ve lots of bad things about them :( i’m glad you’re enjoying those books though!! :D frankenstein is really great!! >< i think they’re making a live action of it (?) which i’m super excited for !! and ik this isn’t dracula lol but i’m soooooo losing my mind over the new nosferatu movie coming out rahhhh!! it looks amazing :P I TOTALLY GET YOU!! the frankenstein i read in hs was similar and it was seriously a pain to get thru 😭 like why are the letters and words so close together 💔
oh god yeah a little life … ive heard it’s so heartbreaking :( i dont think i’ll be reading it anytime soon lol life is sad enough!! 😞 but people say it’s v well written ! good luck if you ever do get around to reading it 😭💗
ME TOO HELP ☹️ i love buying books but then my tbr just grows and grows and then i don’t even wanna read anymore rip. i definitely know what you mean dw! >< i think something a lot of people tend to forget is that we can (and are supposed to) be critical of authors works, esp those from back in the day! i think the problem is when it’s marketed as something it’s not & people say a work is flawless and perfect when it’s like…not, and even hurts groups of people, etc etc. idk if that makes sense lol but yeah! 😭
hmmm off the top of my head, since you like classics i’m thinking of virginia woolf, toni morrison, and maya angelou! for woolf, i read mrs dalloway (which i LOVED) and a room of ones own for a school assignment. i def recommend those! and for morrison, i read song of solomon which i also really, really loved. beloved by her is also on my list! for maya angelou id definitely recommend and still i rise and letter to my daughter <3 her poems are beautiful too!
i mostly read fiction / fantasy at the moment 😭 if you’re interested in those genres i can give you recs as well ><
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pensando-thoughts · 11 months
Saw the fnaf movie and I want to have a talk cause I have all these thoughts about it and I haven’t felt this way since stranger things season 4 lol.
I’m just confused (?) cause like there was a lot of different pieces of the lore in just one movie. So like before I go into breaking down my thoughts I want to say what my expectations are before I saw this movie so there’s some understanding. I thought this movie was gonna give a cohesive big picture type story on the lore. I thought that since there was a rumor it was gonna be 5 movies, I was under the impression that this movie gonna lay the lore out. I was really hoping for a cohesive story.
So now the movie I liked parts of the movie I liked the fact that attention to detail on the lore and the fans were in mind. What I don’t like is the storyline they decided to do, just to simplify my feelings for people who haven’t seen the movie I ultimately thought that they put bits and pieces of the lore in the movie i don’t wanna say for no reason but it did make me go hmmm what just happened. I don’t think the story was…good?. The costume and filming, and actors did a good job! I really wanna emphasize that lol. Thank you to @raminbootss on tik Tok for posting a slid show of the lore for the games.
‼️Spoilers after this/ I essentially write an essay and ramble please read at your own discretion. ‼️
So I’m assuming people who’ve seen the movie are reading this, but I’m going to briefly write down the movies lore.
Mike and Abby are siblings, there was a third sibling called Garret
Garret is kidnapped from the woods by William Afton
Mike has ptsd because he was there’s at the kidnapping but can’t remember the kidnapper’s face (guilt)
Mike induces dreams to revisit the memory to force himself to remember the kidnapper’s face
Vanessa comes in is a cop and later is established as Aftons daughter
Afton kidnapped Garret and other children Vanessa helps Afton cover it up
It’s a stupid simplification, but this is just so it’s understandable. I’m gonna essentially attack this one by one. To me it doesn’t make sense why Garret was kidnapped in the woods by Afton specifically. I feel like it’s so random/unnecessary to have it in the woods because it’s outside of Aftons mo in the established lore. If the story is to have Mike have zero familiar ties to Afton I think a better route to just have Garret be kidnapped so that way Mike is projecting on to the ghost children as a way to have redemption for not saving Garret. The movie sets it up this way in the first half where it felt like there was gonna be this big reveal with maybe Mike having some sort of connection to the kidnapper. However Vanessa throws that all off with being Afton’s daughter. Like Fanf 4 they use the concepts of dreams and memories cool nothing wrong with that I think that it was a good way for the ghost children to communicate with mike. My biggest grief I think is that Afton is controlling the ghost children. I think it would’ve been so much better to have the children ask Mike for help to find peace. This also would’ve been a better way for Mike’s character to deal with his grief of losing his brother cause now he can move on.
Moving on to Vanessa, I think that the introduction to Vanessa is done too early. Vanessa’s character in this movie is a caretaker to the animatronics because she feels guilty that her dad killed these kids. Which is fine I don’t mind this being a thing since it’s up to debate on security breach being cannon or not. I just think that the setup of Vanessa is done poorly maybe it’s the fact she was a cop where she honestly had no business being at Freddy’s instead of doing her job before the reveal of her being Afton’s daughter. They could’ve made her the morning shift security guard I think that would’ve made better sense cause now she can have a way to talk to Mike. She’s just is suspicious off the bat when she’s a cop, and can’t establish trust with Mike. I think they’re was a better way for her to have a redemption because Mike and her share a similarity, the both share guilt of not doing something to help these kids that died.
Let’s get into Afton so the set up for him is actually great because if I remember correctly during the beginning of the game’s release a theory did float around that maybe phone guy is the killer so he had a great set up I just don’t understand why the reveal of him being Afton is done so early. On one side I understand the fact that everybody knew that Matthew lillard was already gonna be Afton from the moment the trailer is revealed. It’s hard to make that twist be entertaining when the audience knows what you are going to do. On the other hand I don’t think Afton was utilized properly. So many different routes could’ve been taken. Also why did Afton kidnap Garret in the woods??? Anton’s m.o is he kidnaps children from the pizzeria in the bunny suit which they kept in the movie for the five children why kidnap Garret? He wasn’t even stuffed in a suit. In my opinion the movies opening scene should’ve been taken place in Freddy’s. This is blumhouse they’ve done horror they’re could’ve been a really strong suspense scene of watching this kid get kidnapped or seeing this kid get in the suit literally anything and really playing off the audience’s anxiety. If you do it this way you can still have Mike relive this memory. Anyways it’s revealed at the end of this movie that Afton is controlling the ghost children with a drawing so that they do as they’re told. Which like sure okay? I understand that they wanted to put drawings to be involved but I don’t know if I buy it. They also just kill Afton how he’s established to be killed in a spring lock suit how are you gonna set up a sequel that way? There is no build up or like finally you get what you deserve. The bad guy we watch died and sure he says I will come back but like…idk I think ultimately it doesn’t make me want to see a sequel because they’re was no cliffhanger or suspense. The vibe is just off. Matthew did such a good job though that phone scene really hyped up everything.
I tried talking about this to my sister but she said that they wanted to open this up to newer audiences. I think that’s lame because when the first game got released the hype about it was the mystery what is the bite of ‘87 who killed these kids, THE LORE. This movie doesn’t do that it answers all the questions in the first movie into a pretty little bow of oh Afton did it and now the ghost children kill him the end. The video-game went viral proving itself that the story set up will bring in a new audience that mikes background had to be changed. I feel like Mike is the catalyst for Afton to be caught so for it to be changed is a really huh moment for me.
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skullfacedog · 1 year
in the past I’ve kinda wondered whether my attachment to the idea of traumacore/being a victim of csa and kind of showing symptoms and some other things was caused by a past life where I experienced csa or current life trauma that I have no memory of and I’ve been gradually accepting that I likely have repressed trauma from daycare but just today I realized it very well could be both. so that’s great. I rlly couldn’t get a break, I was traumatized and died young in my last life, only to be abused again at 5 years old after being reborn lol. thanks universe.
the reason I suspect I had a past life like this is that even as a kid I had dreams and memories of a house I’ve never been to, but growing up I just thought it was something I saw in movies, but it feels so weirdly nostalgic it’s hard to really tell whether it’s like fake/skewed memories from childhood movies or something I saw on tv or if my brain is just making shit up or if I’m actually remembering something from another life. and the past life theory is really starting to make sense because it seems to have taken place in the 80s/90s, a time period I’m very nostalgic for- which could partially be because I’m the youngest in my family and a ‘96 baby so I grew up with some 80s stuff and tv shows. but I keep coming back to this particular house, and it feels so real, as if I’ve seen it in person but I know for sure I haven’t, not in this life.
there’s also my weird attachment to hospitals. I have never been hospitalized. I mean, maybe if you count the time I got so dehydrated as a kid I passed out and had to go to the hospital but I didn’t stay overnight and I don’t remember it. I know what the hospital in my town looks like though, because I’ve been there a few times when my nieces and nephews were born. but I almost feel like I was hospitalized, like I must’ve stayed in the hospital for a long time, like I’d explored the empty halls myself at once point, but I know for certain I have not done any of that in this life. like, 100% certain. I’ve had to ask my parents if I’ve ever been hospitalized before for some checkup or whatever idk but I distinctly remember this bc I was a teen at the time and asked my mom bc I wasn’t sure if me injuring my leg counted as being hospitalized (I injured my leg when I was 10, also didn’t stay in the hospital overnight, don’t remember if I went to a hospital at all or just a doctor’s office?) and she told me about the time I was so dehydrated I passed out, but that was it. so why are hospitals nostalgic to me? no clue!
from what I’ve gathered from my scattered possible past life memories, I think I was a little girl with middle class parents and a nice room, was abused at some point, stayed in the hospital for a long time but no idea why or in what order these events happened, and seemingly died fairly young, like kid to teen age maybe. I kinda wonder if my brain won’t let me access my current-life abuse memories because my spirit remembers what happened last time and doesn’t want all that pain again. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’d killed myself or self harmed enough that it lead to my death, just a hunch that it was either that or my abuser killed me. I hate not remembering but I have to be thankful to my brain for protecting me when it knows I’m not ready to handle the memories :/ sucks I was abused again in this life but at least I get another chance. idk. I’m normally in that state of “not suicidal but zero fear of death” but thinking about how I may have lived an even shittier life that was cut short before this one makes me not wanna mess things up this time :(
finally my delusion giving me a will to live /s
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