#I felt like I was taking things way too seriously
ghouljams · 2 days
Have some dark fic. Slasher!Gaz took over my mind last night. I gotta stop writing this stuff at 2am, but it's short and sweet.
Cw: stalking, noncon voyeurism, allusions to murder, manipulation, gaslighting, fear/paranoia play, dark!Gaz, dead dove do not eat
"We draw the line where we need to" Price had told him once, and Kyle was drawing it here. Right here. He can look, but he can't touch. He can stand in the corner of your room and watch the steady rise and fall of your breaths. He can enjoy the squish of your chest against the pillow you cuddle. Hell, he can stroke his aching cock at the way you kick off the sheets, the way your panties bunch between your legs, the way you turn onto your stomach to let him admire the swell of your ass. He just won't touch you. Touching you would be wrong. It wouldn't be romantic to touch you like this, when you don't know, when you can't kick up a fuss. Sure he can take pictures, can hold his cock in front of your face and hope you stick out your cute tongue, but to actually press his cockhead against your lips would be crossing the line he set for himself.
Look but don't touch. That's the rule. That's what keeps his butterfly beating it's wings, even when it's abdomen is so securely pinned to the board. Freedom is an illusion he gives you. An invisible fence, clipped wings, a long leash. You can go anywhere you like! As long as Gaz knows about it. And he always knows.
You've moved twice in an attempt to elude your stalker. Changed your phone number four time. Changed your locks three times. He just keeps finding you, you cry to him over coffee. Gaz nods sympathetically, pats your shoulder and gives you a "poor thing." His poor pretty thing, his little doll to play with however he likes. It's so cute seeing you scared.
He likes seeing you open your mailbox and pull out unmarked letters. Hand delivered, only the best for you. You always get this little tremble in your lips, glancing around like he may be waiting in the wings to jump out and scare you. Gaz considered it once or twice, but it felt juvenile, and too likely to attract attention. You needed a more delicate touch, a more long range, long term, plan. Price always said he was one of the best snipers they had. It's really too bad you'll never get to see his skills in action. He could stare down his scope at you all day, watching you check and re-check your locks(as if he doesn't have a key). You'd look so pretty with some blood on you.
It's fun pretending your worries matter to him. A fun little game to go with you to the police station and help you fill out the reports, quietly pulling an officer aside and telling them how you have a history of paranoia and your therapist thought this was the best outlet. He's so sorry for wasting the officer's time(fucking pig) but it makes you feel better. How nice of the officer to let him know they'll probably pitch the report. No sense chasing ghosts.
"Thank you for being so understanding," Gas tells them every time with a smile.
He'll hold you in his arms at the end of the week and shush your crying. Offer comforting words when you sob about how the police aren't doing anything, that they didn't take you seriously, you don't even think they logged the report. Incompetent, Gaz will call them, and you'll sniffle and nod like the stupid little puppet you are. So cute, so sweet for him.
"You want me to stay the night? Watch the door?" He offers, and you hesitate only a moment before nodding. He'll stand over you later and wonder how hard it would be to convince you to move out to the country. Somewhere he could keep you on a shorter leash, with a real fence and bars on the windows. How hard would it be to convince you that you live him? That he wants what's best for you? That it's too dangerous for you to stay in the city?
Well, probably not long for that last one, and with the way you sigh his name in your sleep, not long for the first either. What a silly thing you are crying about him during the day but dreaming of him at night. Although, he supposes you don't know it's him stalking you. It's only too bad he'd have to stop this game once he got you to himself, you're really much more entertaining than the people he sinks his knife into.
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joemama-2 · 1 day
nanami kento has always been a patient man. he’s respectful and doesn’t talk to unless spoken to. he doesn’t like most people, might even hate some. but you’re not the type of person he would exactly hate, unlike a certain someone. he thinks you’re kind, polite, you always bow respectfully to your seniors, you diligently complete every task that’s asked of you. there’s also one more thing about you….he just cant put his finger on it. maybe you’re just tolerable, yeah that’s it.
you’re not a sorcerer, at least not a very good one. it’s why you’ve opted to be an auxiliary manager like ijichi and akari. “as long as i get to help the sorcerers in battle, i’m fine with whatever position i’ve been assigned.” you would say with a big and warm smile, innocently, naively. he thinks you’re too good for such a rotten society, something like that will get people killed. and he doesn’t want you on that list.
when he first met you back in high school, he didn’t think much of you. you weren’t a special grade, you didn’t have any awesome technique, you were just simply there. maybe you have connections, he thought. because there’s no way someone like you was admitted into tokyo jujutsu high. to this day, he doesn’t know how you did it. maybe you have some super cool talent that you didn’t like showing, maybe you just won over everyone’s hearts and they felt pity for you, he’ll never be a belt o find out. that’s one of his many regrets.
his other regrets are letting himself grow attached for no reason. no matter what, his eyes had a mind of his own, searching and scanning any room or environment for your figure. he chalks it up to protectiveness, you weren’t strong like he was and he didn’t want to see another comrade die. because thats all you were, a comrade. a comrade. a comrade. he chants this mantra into his mind every morning.
nanami didn’t know how it happened, but one thing led to another and he was always alone with you. comfortable silence was what he loved the most. you two could sit together for hours in a flower field you came across one day, just watching the sky and clouds form random shapes. you liked when they made hearts and little animals. although he always argued that they’re just clouds.
but, clouds almost reminded him of you. free, soft, floating around from place to place, and residing high in the sky. because he knew, no matter what, you were one of the few people who would go to heaven in this sick world, sick society. you belonged in heaven, you looked like an angel, acted like a goddess.
“let’s go to malaysia together.” you told him randomly one day, seeing an ad pop up about a beautiful vacation spot. kuantan. he didn’t take you too seriously. malaysia? out of all places? he didn’t see the hype.
all these thoughts flood his brain when he sees your body, looking lifeless and bloody, next to ijichi. you two have huge stab wounds in your mid-section. however, you have a bit more than your co-part, clear signs of your fight. even when you know you don’t have the upper hand, you won’t hesitate to fight back.
it’s hard as he carries you two, having to make sure ijichi doesn’t fall off his back while simultaneously holding you close to his chest. his heart twists and turns, stomach churning the entirety of the slow walk he does to bring you two back to ieiri. his mind is running rampant, constantly looking down at you. you can’t be dead, he thinks. neither of you two are dead, he can’t see more comrades die.
it’s almost weird to him how his throat tightens, tears stinging at his eyes. you don’t move, head lolling to the side as barely a sign of a breath is escaping your lips. your skin is pale and bruising. he hates it, hates how you look, hates how hurt you are, hates how he wasn’t there to stop it and protect you.
he sets you down first once he reaches shoko, handing the passed out ijichi to her. finally, he kneels down, taking in your appearance. nanami rarely gets mad, at least not seriously. but this time, he’s absolutely furious. silently seething as he breathing gets heavy. his fists clench by his side, nails drawing blood into the skin.
he gets up, no being able to stand how you look. but, he forgets you’re a fighter, forget that no matter what, you look out for sorcerers. out for him.
“kento….” you straggle out, hand weakly clutching onto his. you can barely keep your eyelids open. you mutter out the next few words. “…man….blonde……ponytail……s-sword….”
ah, he thinks. that’s his target.
he gulps, simply nodding. but your hand stays clutched onto his. using all your strength, you open your eyes wider, and he hates the tears that form in them. “….come back to me please…..”
he feels like crying with you. but he can’t, not now at least. he kneels down again, bringing the back if your hand up to his lips to press feather light kisses to each knuckle. his other hand gently uses his thumb to wipe your tears, treating you with utmost care. “kuantan,” he murmurs. “when this is all over, i’ll take you.”
you weakly chuckle, more tears falling at this point. “..p-promise..?”
he hesitates, but you notice. “promise.“ he says back, leaning down to give your forehead a kiss, sealing the promise. he places your hand back to your stomach before getting up to leave, not before sparing you one last glance.
and as you watch him leave, you don’t even know that it’s the last time you’ll ever see him, last time he’ll ever see you. because you trust his word, trusted that he’d come back.
nanami leaves with a heavy heart, staring death in the face and yet all he can think about is you. there’s many regrets he has.
he broke your guys’ promise, he hopes you won’t stay mad at him.
he won’t be able to take you to kuantan.
he won’t be able to see you, hold you, talk to you.
and finally, he wasn’t able to confess that he loved the simplicity. that he loved you.
he’ll see you again, in heaven and in another life. until then, he’ll watch over you. because nanami kento has always been a patient man.
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Not Jealous
@wolfstarbingo2024 - prompt: enemies to lovers - warnings: mildly explicit (is that a thing?) - rating: explicit (minors DNI) - words: 923 - link
Sirius Black was the most horrible, annoying, disrespectful roommate on the planet. Since Remus had started living with him three months ago at the start of University, Sirius had irked him to no end by leaving his things all over their space, staying up until ungodly hours playing videogames, bringing back more people than he could count to sleep with, and being the most attractive human on the goddamn planet.
Well- the last one might not be annoying per se. But wrapped in with the others, it was the most infuriating of all.
So when Remus stayed up until 2am writing a paper that took most of his brainpower and all of his patience, Sirius stumbling in with a tall tan man with dark hair, giggling together, was the last fucking straw.
"Sirius I don't give a single flying fuck if you want to fuck this guy in his room or on the roof," Remus said lowly, hands balled into fists, "But you will not fuck him in our room."
The man, who looked like he had stuck his finger in a light socket with the way his hair stood on end, immediately laughed. "I'd rather not fuck either of you if I have the choice, man. Regulus would be a bit pissed."
Sirius laughed as well, starting to retort, but Remus was still too mad to enjoy whatever inside jokes they were sharing. "Just get the fuck out, alright?"
And the other boy, who didn't seem to be capable of seriousness or remorse, simply bid Sirius goodnight and left, yelling loudly as he went.
But as soon as he left, Sirius turned, his face falling flat. "What the fuck made you think you can act like that?" he asked, storms in his eyes.
But Remus was done. "Me? What about you? Treating our room like your personal trash can, staying up until all hours, bringing back god knows how many people to fuck you?"
But Sirius only smirked at Remus's last statement. "Wow, Remus. I didn't realize me hooking up with people had that much of an impact on you. Are you jealous?"
Remus felt blood rush in his ears at the question, and he used all of his sense to resist punching Sirius. "No, Sirius," he denied through a clenched jaw. "I'm not-"
But Sirius interrupted him, taking a step closer. "It's too bad if you're not," he said softly, his eyes going strangely wide. "Jealousy looks kind of good on you." And as he said it, he kind of tilted his head to the side, smirking and biting his lip as if challenging Remus to react. To understand what he was saying.
It was like a bomb went off. Like all of the annoyance and fury and tension built up and culminated into an eruption, and suddenly, without even thinking about it, Remus lunged forward, grabbing Sirius and pinning him to the bed behind him, the entirety of their bodies pressed together, his mouth by Sirius's ear, the other man gasping at the quick contact. "I'm not jealous," Remus insisted, hands grabbing at Sirius's hips hard.
"P-prove it," Sirius nearly moaned, eyes wide and pupils blown with sudden lust.
So Remus had no choice but to roughly reach down, cupping the other man through his pants, groaning as he felt the hardness there. "If I was jealous," he murmured, squeezing just a bit as Sirius threw his head back and keened in pleasure, "I would fuck you, right here on the bed."
"Yes," Sirius mumbled, eyes closed and hands on Remus's biceps loosening as he fell apart a bit under Remis's grasp.
"If I was jealous," Remus continued, licking roughly at his palm and then slipping his hand under the band of Sirius's sweatpants, grabbing his length without thinking of being gentle, "I would open your arse up with my tongue, and watch while you screamed my fucking name."
"Remus," Sirius exhaled almost silently, barely keeping himself up on legs that were surely not working properly with the way Remus was working his cock with his hand.
"If I was jealous," Remus repeated, teasing his thumb over Sirius's leaking tip, inhaling as Sirius moaned with the movement, Remus's own cock twitching at the noises the shorter man made, "I would shove my huge cock so far into you, I'd make you come without touching you."
"Please," Sirius begged, his knees giving out, now, his expression completely fucked out as Remus moved his hand over his cock faster and with more purpose, bringing him closer and closer to the edge.
"But baby" he cooed into Sirius's ear, reveling in the gasping sounds he was making, "I'm not jealous. So I won't." And then, grinning triumphantly, Remus stopped, removing his hand from his pants and staring down at Sirius, who collapsed on the bed, looking like he had just been told that Christmas was cancelled.
It took all of Remus's self-control to stroll into their adjoining bathroom before he shoved his own pants down to his knees, grabbed his own aching cock, and worked it over roughly, not even mothing to keep his moans quiet. And, less than a minute later, he came, loudly yelling, "F-Sirius!" as he did so.
But not loudly enough to drown out the noise of Sirius yelling his name as he came at nearly the same time on the other side of the door.
And he realized that yes, Sirius was annoying and infuriating and disrespectful. But fuck, him being attractive was definitely not a bad thing.
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pbueckerslover · 2 days
pls write a shut up kiss with nika
kiss me - n.m. 🎀𓂃 ࣪˖
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pairing(s): nika mühl x female!reader
warnings: very fluffy, kissing, bsf!nika
summary: you and nika have been best friends forever but what happens when you realize those feelings are turning into something else?
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you and nika have been best friends for your whole lives. you’ve done literally everything together and have got to watch each other grow up. you’ve always had very strong feelings towards her, but as you’ve gotten older you can’t tell if those feelings are just friendship anymore.
nika was currently at practice but she was planning to come hang out with you after. so you sat around waiting for her and started to get ready. a while later you hear a familiar knock on the door. you immediately run towards the door and open it to see a smiling nika.
she walks inside and gives you a quick hug. you and nika have always been very touchy and everyone around you knows that. no one would even suspect a thing if you guys started dating. when you pull away from the hug you look at her, met with beautiful brown eyes already staring at you.
you swear you saw her look down at your lips but before you could say anything she quickly looked away. “wanna watch a movie?” she asks you before running over to the couch. “sure.” you reply as you make your way over to her. you sit down next to her and she cuddles in close to you.
once the two of you decided on what to watch you pressed play and got comfortable. about halfway through the movie you could feel nika rest her head on your shoulder. when you looked over at her she was sound asleep. you felt your cheeks get hot and your heart start to beat faster.
these feelings are definitely not just friendship anymore. you loved nika. you loved her long brunette hair that always looked good no matter what. you loved the way you could see her chest rising and falling as she was sleeping on your shoulder. you loved her laugh that was like music to your ears. you loved that smile that made your heart flutter. you loved the way she would always be there for you no matter what you were going through. you loved everything about nika mühl.
you realized you were staring, for too long. you looked away from her and tried to regain focus on the movie. but just then she started waking up. “hey..” she said with a groggy voice. “sorry didn’t mean to fall asleep.” she said as she stretched her arms.
“don’t worry about it. you look cute when you’re sleeping.” you replied. it came out of you so fast you didn’t even know what to do. you wished you could take it back. surprisingly, you saw her smile at this and you swore her cheeks started to turn a light shade of pink.
“really?” she replied tilting her head slightly and moving closer to you. you could feel your heart beat getting faster yet again. you nodded at her words and at this she smiled again.
“can i tell you something?” she asked you, moving closer yet again. you were so close to her now. it felt like your noses were almost touching. she looked at you up and down waiting for an answer. you quickly nodded your head and she smirked.
“you’re seriously the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen.” she whispered, moving slightly to place her hand on your cheek. “your eyes. your nose. your smile. your hair. shit even your eyebrows. it’s all perfect.” she said as she chuckled slightly.
at this point you could feel how much you were blushing and you knew she could see it too. she smiled at you again before continuing. “i just want you to know how much i appreciate you. you’re always there for me and you always know how to cheer me up and i really love that about you. i genuinely don’t know what i would do without you. you mean so much to me and—“
you loved all the things she was saying but you just couldn’t look at her anymore without feeling a strong urge to kiss her. “shut up.” you say before you place both of your hands on her face and pull her close to you. your lips meet hers for the first time ever. your stomach filled with a warm and cozy feeling. you couldn’t believe this was actually happening right now.
the kiss was gentle and soft and you felt her place a hand to your hip. she slowly moved so she was on top of you before pulling away. you guys stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. “i love you.” she finally spit out. you smiled so big you could feel your cheeks starting to hurt.
“i love you too nika, so much.” you replied placing another kiss to her lips. you wrapped your arms around her and she leaned into you. you sat there for what felt like hours just enjoying each others company.
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⇾ be sure to checkout my masterlist if you enjoyed!
⇾ FIRST NIKA FIC YAYYYY!!!!! i love nika sm i hope i did this request justice 🙏🙏 also i was thinking of this song when writing this so i suggest you listen to it <3 i love y’all !!
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coolemmasulivan2 · 2 days
Rewinding Us | 1
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Pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
Summary: You and Mason built a love story over five years, but after an accident, your memories are wiped away, including any feelings for your constant bickering "rival". Can you remember your love story with Mason, or will you have to start all over?
Word Count: 3613
Isn't it strange How people can change From strangers to friends Friends into lovers And strangers again?
Mason's laughter echoed across the bar area, as he leaned into a conversation with a blonde woman. Her vibrant red dress seemed to draw all the light from the sun, and the way she tilted her head towards him spoke volumes. A tingling of unfamiliar anger flared in your chest.
Eight years ago, mutual friends introduced you to Mason. Everyone predicted sparks would fly, but instead, you and Mason clashed constantly. Conversation with him often devolved into playful jabs that sometimes turned into full-blown arguments.
Then, the accident happened and something changed. Well… everything seemed to have changed.
You were on your way home from a draining workday when a drunk driver slammed into your car at a red light. The impact was brutal, leaving you in a coma for days. When you finally opened your eyes, your memories were fractured, stuck five years in the past.
The amnesia was a cruel joke. Five years vanished, leaving a hole in your life. Everywhere you turned, there was evidence of a life you couldn't recall: a new job you didn't choose, friends you couldn't place, a house that felt foreign. Most unsettling were the unfamiliar feelings stirring within you. Those weird and unfamiliar feelings.
"Who's that?" Ben asked, taking a swig of his almost empty beer.
"I don't know." You mumbled, your gaze glued to the pair.
"She's definitely something else!" Ben smirked.
"She's nothing special!" You snapped, the words leaving your mouth a little too quickly. Heat crept up your cheeks, and you looked away hoping Ben hadn't noticed.
"Jealous much?" He teased.
You scoffed. "Jealous? Please. She's most likely after his fame." Your voice lacked conviction even to your own ears.
Across the room, Mason felt a familiar warmth bloom in his chest despite the woman's flirtatious banter. He only had eyes for you, even if you didn't remember the five years you'd spent tangled up in his life as his girlfriend. Just then, the bartender placed their drinks down, and Mason took his leave with a polite excuse.
"Who was that?" Ben nudged him as he sat back down.
Mason took a long pull from his beer, the bitterness mirroring the emotions churning in his gut. "Just a fan."
"Fan, huh? Looked more like a starving woman from the way she was eyeing you up." Ben's gaze flicked to you, a thoughtful frown creasing his forehead. "Speaking of, Y/n wasn't exactly thrilled with the view."
On the dance floor, you laughed with Charlotte, your head thrown back in carefree joy as you moved along the music. The sight sent a jolt through him. Seeing you happy made him happy.
"Maybe that's a good thing, right?" Mason said. "Means she still cares about me, even without the memories."
"There's only one way to find out." Chimed in Benny, sliding onto the club sofa beside them. "Kiss her!"
The air crackled with tension. A knot formed in Mason's stomach. Was he right? Was there even a chance you'd feel the same if he kissed you? Or would you slap him just like the first time five years ago?
"What if it doesn't work?" Mason asked.
"At least then you know."
Reece whistled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. It was a stupid prank. Mason knew it was ridiculous. The locker room pranks were a highlight of the day, a chance to goof around with the team. But this time, a knot of dread formed in his stomach.
"Seriously?" Mason's voice was tired.
"Don't be a pussy, Mason!" Reece nudged him. "It's just a kiss. A peck, really. It doesn't need to be a French kiss." The other guys burst into laughter.
Mason gave Reece a dreadful look. "Why her?" His voice was a low growl. "I'll do it with anyone else."
Christian slung an arm around Mason's shoulder. "Come on, man. Where's your sense of adventure? It wouldn't be any fun with someone else." Mason rolled his eyes, a muscle ticking in his jaw.
"She'll be at the birthday party tonight! It's your opportunity." Reece pushed, a sly grin spreading across his face. "You know the consequence if you back out."
"What was that about?" Charlotte asked softly, noticing your expression.
"Nothing!" You sighed, forcing a smile.
"It looked like something." She pressed gently. "You looked like you were ready to march over there and claim him as your territory." Charlotte exclaimed, her voice laced with a hint of amusement.
You let out a frustrated sigh. "Ugh, don't be ridiculous." You scoffed, but it lacked conviction. The truth was, the sight of Mason laughing with another woman had sparked a flicker of something unexpected in your chest.
"Maybe you're just reacting strangely because of, well…" Charlotte trailed off, gesturing vaguely towards your head.
You clenched your jaw, a flicker of frustration crossing your features. The accident had robbed you of so much, leaving you adrift in a sea of unknowns. Lately, though, especially around Mason, there were these… moments. Flashes of emotions you couldn't quite place.
"Look, I don't know what's going on in my head, but it doesn't mean I like him. We… didn't exactly get along, remember?" You trailed off, unsure how to describe your past with Mason.
Charlotte was bursting to tell you the truth, the truth about your feelings for Mason and his for you. Your relationship was no secret. Everyone knew. Everyone except you.
"I'm not saying there's something there." She hedged. "But maybe there's a spark you haven't noticed."
You scoffed, shaking your head for emphasis and taking a large sip of your drink. "No way! I never have and never will. He's just another stuck-up jock with a silver spoon up his—"
Charlotte cut you off with a pointed look. "Isn't that most of your guy friends?"
You stuttered, the truth hitting you like a cold shower. Charlotte was right. Football players were your usual crowd, and that's how you met Mason in the first place. But there was just something about him, something that had rubbed you the wrong way since the beginning.
"He's different."
Charlotte smirked. "Yes, he is." She muttered.
"Last night, I thought about looking him up on Google." You blurted out, the words tumbling out before you could stop them. Charlotte's eyes widened in pure panic.
"You what?" She gasped.
"I don't even know why." You admitted, feeling a wave of shame wash over you. "I just started thinking about him, and the next thing I knew, I was typing his name into Google. Thankfully, I realised what I was doing and deleted it before I hit enter."
The internet was flooded with numerous photos of you and him, making it evident that your relationship with him had evolved into something more over the years.
"Don't google him! Just talk to him." Charlotte said. "Just because you can't recall the last five years doesn't mean your relationship with him has to remain the same as you remember, with constant arguments."
You tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear and glanced back. Mason was already looking at you, but he quickly looked away when you caught him.
The clean, white walls blurred as a dull ache throbbed behind your eyes. A rhythmic beeping filled the air, and panic clawed at your throat, a soundless scream trapped in your chest.
Two blurry familiar figures materialized beside the bed.
"Easy there!" A deep voice murmured. His face was etched with worry, his familiar blue eyes welling up.
"Mason?" You rasped, your voice rusty and unfamiliar. A hand grasped yours, warm and familiar. "Charlotte?"
"Yeah." He choked out, forcing a smile. "It's us. You're awake."
You tried to piece together the fragments of your shattered mind. "What happened? Where am I?"
"You're in the hospital." Charlotte said, her face etched with worry. "You've been in a coma for a while." The sentence sent a jolt of fear through you, questions tumbling through your mind, unanswered and terrifying. "Do you remember anything?"
You shook your head, the movement sending a fresh wave of pain through your body. "No."
A tear escaped Charlotte's eye and traced a path down her cheek. "You're okay… You're okay, that's what matters."
You shifted your gaze back to Mason, a question forming on your lips. "What are you doing here?" Your group of friends was the same, but the two of you were not exactly best friends.
The question hung heavy in the air. Mason's face drained of colour, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Wh-- What do you mean?"
"Well, we're not exactly best friends, are we? I never expected you to give up your perfect life to sit in a hospital chair waiting for me to wake up."
At that moment, you saw a flicker of something raw and painful in his eyes. You knew, with a strange certainty, that your question had shattered something inside him.
Charlotte took your hand. "Hey, look at me. What is the last thing you remember?"
You looked at her, confused as to why she was asking you that. But you closed your eyes and made an effort to think about it. "I don't know." You frustrated said. "I remember our trip to Australia."
Charlotte placed a hand over her mouth, stifling a gasp. She looked up at the ceiling, taking a deep breath to compose herself. Mason's reaction mirrored hers. He stood up abruptly and ran a hand through his hair. Only then did you realize he looked older from the last time you saw him.
"Y/n?" You looked at your friend, as she cleared her throat, her voice thick with emotion. "That was five years ago."
Back at the villa, a drunken haze hung heavy in the air. Everyone except Mason, who squirmed nervously as his gaze constantly darted back to you. It wasn't that you were a disaster drunk, but you were unpredictable, and he couldn't bear the thought of not being there if you needed help.
The irony tasted bitter on his tongue. The Mason you "knew" wouldn't have cared if you tripped and fell, let alone offered a hand.
The doctor's words echoed in his head: amnesia, five years vanished. Your story, a typical journey from enemies to lovers, shattered in a blink of an eye. Anger bubbled up inside him and not just for you, but for him too.
"I'm going to bed!" Ben growled, his voice higher than usual.
"I'm hungry. I want cheese!" Charlotte said, grabbing your arm and dragging you towards the kitchen.
Meanwhile, Mason attempted to assist Benny onto the couch. The groan that escaped Benny's lips sounded suspiciously like a death rattle, but when he managed a weak thumbs-up, Mason sighed.
He kicked off his sneakers and slid open the outdoor French doors, letting in a cool breeze. He could hear the sounds of female laughter and the clinking of glasses from the kitchen and he could picture the mess you were creating.
Suddenly, a muffled voice groaned: "Kiss her!"
Mason jolted upright, his eyes landing on Benny, who remained dead on the couch with his eyes shut.
"Dude, I thought you were sleeping!"
"I am!" He said, chuckling.
"Yeah, right." Mason grumbled, hitting Benny's head with a pillow. Benny, ever the drama king, yelped and sat up, clutching his head and muttering a curse or two.
You and Charlotte emerged from the kitchen, each sporting a triumphant grin and a sandwich. "Hungry, boys?" Charlotte asked, raising an eyebrow.
Benny eyed the sandwich with the intensity of a starving man, but after a groan that seemed to emanate from the depths of his stomach, most likely from the alcohol, he declined. Mason, too, shook his head, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features as he watched you laughing with Charlotte while sitting by the pool and eating a sandwich at three in the morning.
With a mumbled goodbye, Mason hoisted a groaning Benny to his feet and guided him up the stairs. Helping his friends into bed, Mason felt the day's weight finally lift from his body. But as he caught another glimpse of you through his bedroom window, a different tension settled in his chest. How was he supposed to act around you now? The girl he loved but doesn't even remember him like that?
"You always need to have the final word, don't you?" Mason growled, his voice laced with annoyance. You shot him a glare.
"Because you're so much better, Mr. Perfect?" You retorted, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
Mason threw his hands up in exasperation. "Will you just shut up?" He groaned, the frustration evident on his face.
You crossed your arms over your chest, ready to fire back another insult, but before you could utter a word, Declan beat you to it.
"Would you two stop fighting for two seconds?" He pleaded, his voice strained. You glanced at him, his face flushed with annoyance.
"He started it!" You muttered, pointing an accusing finger at Mason.
Mason scoffed, his jaw clenched. "Me? You're the one who couldn't just let it go."
Lauren, seated beside Declan, reached over and squeezed his shoulder, her touch calming the tension radiating from him. She threw a helpless look between you and Mason, a silent plea for you both to act like mature adults. But as usual, you couldn't.
Exhaustion finally settled over Charlotte, her giggles fading into soft snores as she drifted off on the lounge chair. You watched her for a moment, jealous of her sleep escape. With a sigh, you pushed yourself up from the chair and slowly walked around the pool's edge.
Each step felt heavy. It was always when you were alone with your thoughts that the blank space where memories should be frustrated you the most. Friends, family, lovers – who knew who you'd lost in that time? The doctors were optimistic, suggesting the amnesia might be temporary, but the not knowing worried you.
As you stepped forward, you didn't see where you were placing your bare foot and a surprised yelp escaped your lips. You closed your eyes ready to embrace the cold water but before you knew it, a strong hand grabbed your arm, pulling you back with surprising ease. You landed against Mason's chest, his familiar scent washing over you.
His scent is so familiar, you thought to yourself.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still. You looked up into his eyes, seeing a flicker of worry and something else that made your breath hitch. You both leaned in, the unspoken feelings and longing hanging heavy in the air.
Then, you remembered who he was. "Take your hands off, Mount!" You mumbled, pushing away from him a little too forcefully.
Mason's playful grin faded. "Are you sure you want that?" He challenged, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.
"Yes!" You said, trying to sound tougher than you felt.
He held his gaze for a second longer, then quickly released his grip. You took a triumphant step back and before you could react, you were falling backwards.
Panic. A scream ripped from your throat as you plummeted towards the cold water. A strong arm wrapped around your waist just in time. Mason pulled you back against him with a grunt, his grip firm and protective.
"That's what I thought." He smirked, a hint of concern lingering in his voice.
Silence stretched between you, thick and heavy. The hand that held your waist felt imprinted onto your skin, sending shivers down your spine. Your eyes drifted down, drawn to his lips, something you don't remember noticing before. A strange urge buzzed through you. Maybe it was the disorientation, but before you knew it, you were both leaning in.
"What's happening?" Charlotte called out, rubbing her blurry eyes, her voice laced with concern. Both you and Mason jolted apart, a blush creeping up your neck. The tension slowly drained away, replaced by a cold jolt of reality.
"Nothing!" You stuttered, forcing a smile at Charlotte. "Just a little clumsy." Feeling awkward and desperate to break the tension, you blurted out, "Uh, I think I'm going to bed… Goodnight!" Without another word, you turned and fled inside the house.
Charlotte saw you entering the house, and then her gaze flicked to Mason, who was now staring intently at the pool. A slow realization dawned on her face.
"Oh no!" She drawled, her voice filled with despair. "Did I interrupt something?"
The music pulsed through the air, a relentless bass beat vibrating in Mason's chest. Sarah's birthday celebration was a joyful gathering, filled with laughter and people swaying to the music. His eyes, however, were trained on you, across the room, lost in conversation with a group of girls, your laugh ringing in the air.
Every muscle in Mason's body screamed in agony. This was a terrible idea, a prank gone way too far, but the memory of Reece's ultimatum and the relentless teasing he'd face if he backed out helped him gain courage. He took a deep breath and a long sip of his beer.
He navigated the crowded room, dodging spilled drinks. As he drew closer, he could see the happiness on your face, the way your eyes sparkled with joy. He was close enough now to hear part of your conversation, making you throw your head back and laugh. The sound of your laughter did something strange to him. Something different and new.
Taking a final breath, he stopped in front of you and your smile faded as his shadow loomed over you.
"What do you want, Mason?" You asked, annoyance lacing your voice.
He shrugged, trying to appear casual. "Just, wanted to say hi."
You raised an eyebrow. "Right… Because that's something you normally do."
He ran his hand over his hair, avoiding your gaze. "Look, can we just talk for a second?"
You hesitated, your friends giving you curious looks. Finally, you sighed. "Fine. But make it quick." You stepped away from the group and into a quieter corner of the room. "What?" You hissed.
"Just…" He mumbled, looking like he was about to swallow his tongue. "This!"
Before you could react, he closed the gap between you, pressing his lips against yours, his hands cupping your cheeks. It wasn't gentle, more like a surprise attack. Your eyes flew open, and your first instinct was to shove him away, but for some reason, you didn't. Maybe it was the shock, but you found yourself frozen.
Then, just as quickly as it started, it ended. You jerked your head back, a look of pure fury on your face.
"What the fuck was that?" You yelled, slapping him hard across the face, the sound loud enough to cause the closest heads to turn your way.
Mason stumbled back, hand flying to his cheek, a perplexed look on his face. "Wow! Okay, bad idea!"
You glared at him, your chest heaving. "The worst idea ever, Mount. The absolute worst." Spinning on your heel, you stormed back to your friends, leaving a stunned Mason, replaying the heat of the kiss and the unexpected spark running through his body.
You bolted upright in bed, the sheets tangled around you. The dream was vivid and confusing. The taste of Mason's lips, the anger, the heat – it all felt real.
Before you could even think about it, you were out of bed, fueled by a restless energy and a burning need for answers. You stormed down the hallway, the silence broken only by your pounding heart and fast footsteps. Mason's bedroom door was shut, but that didn't stop you as you opened it.
Mason was sprawled across his bed, his bare chest at display. The dim glow of moonlight fell across his face, highlighting the peaceful lines of his sleep.
"Mason!" You called, hitting his leg under the sheet to wake him up. "Mount, wake up!" He jolted upright, his eyes wide with surprise.
"What the hell, Y/N?" He said, his voice thick with sleep.
"Why did you kissed me?" You demanded, your voice shaking with a mixture of anger and confusion. He blinked, trying to focus on what you were saying. "Did you thought it was a good idea? Did you had fun?"
"Wha-- what are you talking about? Slow down." He mumbled, his brain struggling to catch up.
"Don't play dumb!" You hissed. "Sarah's birthday party, remember? Years ago! You… kissed me!" You gestured wildly with your hands. "Was it a joke? Was I just some random target?"
Mason finally seemed to grasp the situation. He rubbed his eyes wearily. "Y/N, slow down. Please!" He sat down, leaning against the headboard. You were finally remembering something.
"Slow down?" You shouted, incredulous. Your frustration boiled over, and you hit him lightly on the chest. "I woke you up because you're confusing! One minute you're arguing with me, the next you're… invading my personal space!"
"Hey!" He protested, catching your wrists and pulling you down on the bed next to him. "Whoa, calm down. You're gonna wake up the whole house." He held your gaze, his voice softer now.
You glared at him, the anger simmering just beneath the surface. "Let go of me, Mount!" You snapped. The memory of the kiss, the way your body had reacted despite your initial resistance, felt like a betrayal. "I hate you!" You mumbled.
He leaned closer, his breath warm against your face. "Do you really, Y/N?" His voice was a low murmur, sending shivers down your spine. You could feel the heat radiating from him.
The anger you felt was fading fast, replaced by a confusing mix of emotions. Did you actually hated him?
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ganondoodle · 2 days
i cant lie, im also beating myself up about not being able to get excited for the new game, or anything anymore it seems, while it can be fun to criticise things, some things you just dont like so badly that the frustration knowing it could be so much better but isnt and you not able to change it outweighs any fun- i dont like being a 'hater', i hate totk, but not bc i hate zelda but bc i LOVE it and want it to be better (though im starting to doubt my ability to do anything good with it too..)
and with the new game trailer (like, i still hope its better than im fearing rn) i feel similarly as when the next totk trailers dropped after the first one (which DID excite me), all of them gave me a sense of dread bc it seemed to go into a direction i wouldnt like, i tried to tone that voice down to enjoy the game, but then .. i was right
i dont want to be an annoying complainer about everything new, but maybe i am and i dont like that thought, i dont want to spoil anyones fun, i want to partake in it :(
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deedeeznoots · 12 hours
You’re? Correction! I’m Yours 
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Characters: Ryomen Sukuna, GN!Reader 
Word Count: 900+ 
Genre: Fluff
Content: Non-Curse!AU, Nerd!Sukuna, Established Relationship (with some pre-relationship sprinkled in), Swearing
A/N: Shout out to my wonderful mutual @heian-era-housewife for this post about Heian Era Sukuna doing poetry. If she’s reading this: I hope you don’t mind the tag but your post seriously inspired a huge chunk of these headcanons 🥹
Synopsis: Headcanons of all the nerdy things Sukuna does because deep down inside that’s all he is and all he wishes to be ❤️
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➺ At first glance he doesn’t read as someone who would be super nerdy or all that interested in learning. 
➺ I mean, can you blame anyone? No one really expects the dude constantly looking for a fight to pull up with some textbooks during his free time.
➺ Once you get to know him though, you realize that on the inside he is in fact a giant nerd about basically everything.
➺ It starts off subtly: at first you’d ask him questions and he’d be able to easily come up with answers without even giving it a second thought.
➺It could be a question about anything, regardless of the subject or perceived difficulty, and Sukuna would be able to explain it to you. Not only that, but he’d be able to explain it to you in a way that made it sound like the simplest thing in the world. 
➺ At one point you basically just started playing trivia and just started asking him stuff normal people didn’t know the answers for and he’d answer with ease, albeit he’d get really annoyed with your constant random questions.
➺ Sometimes if he’s really excited about a subject his explanations would turn into full lectures that’d put most college professors to shame.
➺ Although it was shocking at first, it started to make sense when you realized that the main reason why he takes time to learn about stuff is because he’s constantly bored and looking for new things to entertain him.
➺ He’s good at basically everything so long as it piques his curiosity, but his one and only love will forever be literature, mostly because of how infinite the possibilities are with the medium.
➺ He’s well versed in literature of all genres and different cultures, but he is the most drawn toward Japanese works (and let’s be honest, his favorites would probably come from the Heian Period).
➺ Ever since getting with you, he’s been leaning more toward the romance genre. Just in case he needs any inspiration on how to spice up your relationship, you know? 
➺ He’s taught himself multiple languages just for fun and to see how far he could go.
➺ He LOVES poetry, he both writes and reads it a lot and it’s his favorite hobby besides eating.
➺ Other than literature, he also has a huge fascination with art.
➺ He designed his own tattoos because he wanted to play with the idea of turning his body into a canvas. It also just so happened to make him look intimidating as hell which was a plus in his book.
➺ He also has a little journal that he carries around and he sketches a lot whenever he’s bored or sees something interesting.
➺ As for styles, he’s a really big fan of Sumi-e painting because he’s allergic to color but he basically just uses and does whatever he feels like at the moment. 
➺ He’s the type of person who draws what he sees, but he would especially enjoy drawing nature. 
➺ He would go out on hikes whenever he felt the need to draw and would walk until he found something interesting. 
➺ He’s really into meditation while he draws and he uses sketching as a way to keep himself level headed during particularly annoying days.
➺ He isn’t too fond of drawing people, but you’d be the exception. 
➺ He would 1000% draw you while you sleep. It’s the perfect time since you’d be still for most of it. 
➺ Sukuna is able to write really good cursive and also does calligraphy because he got bored one time (shocker) and so decided to see if he was able to do it well and to no one’s surprise, he was eventually able to.
➺ The reason why he leans towards the humanities so much is because they’re both subjects no one can really “master”. With both art and literature, there isn’t a point where someone knows absolutely everything about either subject. Since Sukuna loves a challenge, he wants to be the first person to go “Fuck you, I DO know everything about this”.
➺ One of the little things he does every day includes writing you short little romantic poems on a post it note and leaving them in out random spots for you to find. 
➺ Sometimes they would be in your pocket or other times on the bathroom mirror, wherever it is they would make you smile. 
➺ Though, sometimes he would stick them onto such odd spots that you’d wonder just how he did it?
➺ He has TONS of pride in his writing (to be fair, he’s prideful about basically anything he does) and he always appreciates it when you mention his little notes and complement the work he put into writing them.
➺ Sometimes when the both of you are talking together he’d say some of the most poetic sentences that you’ve ever heard like it’s nothing. 
➺ When you gasp he just goes “What? Why are you staring at me like that?” as if he didn’t randomly drop lines that sounded like they came from straight out of a novel.
➺ He’s a dick when it comes to spelling and grammar, especially during petty arguments.
➺ “How many times do I have to tell you, if your going to the restroom put the damn seat down afterwards” ➺ “It’s YOU’RE*, actually” ➺ “Fine, YOU'RE** a piece of shit Ryomen!”
➺ Don’t fret though, because while Ryomen Sukuna wants to know anything and everything there is to know about the world, he knows deep down inside that the best thing the world could have ever offered him was you.
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A/N: Everyone list what you think Sukuna’s favorite book(s) would be 🗣️
A/N: If you enjoyed my thoughts on Sukuna, you’d love this story I also wrote paired with some headcanons! 
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toxicyeuriii · 1 day
Hello friend, may I humbly request, pretty please, a boothill×reader fic? The condiments matter not, for I need sustenance, food to feed myself. Please, oh great weaver of words, make me a tapestry of delectables, all in the image of our beloved boothill.
Hello anon! Thanks for the ask >///< first time writing for a hsr character and tbh I was bluffed with how the fic was gonna be but eventually I thought of something! I was going for a sorta fluff type, though you can interpret the type lmao. But honestly Boothill is such a fun character to read/write! Thanks again for the ask! I hope you aren't hungry after the fic ^^
Before you start reading though, reader is gender neutral and works as like a hardcore hacker/mechanic kinda (silver wolf and vill-v inspired) but honestly the hacker part isnt that noticable, you and boothill are in a relationship (ofc) and he calls you darlin and sugarplum.
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"And then that son of a nice lady came up to me and went pow-pow!"
Boothill exclaimed while you were working on a commission. The commission in mind was a gun repair for guess who? Boothill. His gun got knocked out of his hands during a bounty and got broken on the slide and muzzle, which is being a pain in the ass for you.
You said while getting a screwdriver and unscrewing some of the screws that are on the gun.
Boothill apparently thinks that he needs to explain how his gun got damaged, which he doesnt honestly. Though you dont say anything, it's better than silence if you're being honest. And, you know he wont shut up anyways.
"And then when I went to grab my gun, an' then that lil' shirt bag shot the gun outa my dang hand! Ha! But lil' did he know my other hand was a gun too"
"Wait so your gun was shot out of your hand?"
"Yeah, anyways I turned in that mother forker, hehe"
"Huh... Is your hand okay? Do I also have to fix that?"
You said with a little scoff.
He said while shooting a finger gun at you.
"You're paying me"
"Wait huh?, but darlin' seriously?"
"Well you shouldn't had been a idiot!"
You said while turning to stare at him, he looked baffled. He was getting a free gun repair while he got to just chill out on the workshops couch.
"Well I thought that you were gonna like, include it was gonna be free, sugarplum"
Sometimes you think he doesnt common sense. Which makes sense, no way you're going to give out a free gun repair to him because you felt nice and hes your boyfriend....
"Yeah well, you can give me some credits, thats the least you owe me"
You said with a little smile, you also like messing with him. You dont have a good poker face to he honest...
He crosses his arms and lays back.
"Fine, whatever"
He was silent for a moment.
"Also quit that smirkin' "
He also said with a little smile, to to which he just covered up with his hat.
You also couldn't keep your 'annoyed' facade up, which you just started to chuckle.
"Stop acting like you aren't! Heh"
"Nuh uh, you seein' things darlin"
"Mhm, sure"
After a little silence his gun was finally done, which you took off your goggles to inspect further, and in your eyes it looked brand spankin new.
"Your gun is donee~"
"Finally, ha. With other mechanics it'd prolly take forever, good thing my sugarplum is the best"
He said while sitting up and coming behind you, while putting his arm over your shoulder.
"Thanks, darlin' "
"Yeah yeah, get on that table, gotta fix your hand now"
You said while getting up and pushing him over to the fixing table, it was mainly for him incase he needed a charge or a fix up. You put back on your goggles and then accessed the damage on his hand.
"Doesnt look too bad"
You said while getting the blowtorch.
"I'll just melt it and mold it back in its shape, good thing the bullet didnt go to deep and into your wires"
You said while also getting some metal scraps from the junk drawer.
"Make sure not to mess up my arm any more, darlin' "
"Trust meee, you know I'm good at what I do!"
"True, do ya thang"
With that you began to get to work, surprisingly it was easier to fix than that gun, which now, that gun is your number one enemy to fix. Though it did save you alot whenever you tagged along boothill in his bounty hunting, you occasionally did to get some data and neat stuff from whoever's yall were hunting for. Sometimes boothill would ask you to hack into security systems for he can get in there without any extra work, but mainly whenever he was feeling lazy.
After some melting and molding, his arm was like new.
You said while rolling your chair around to where you put your blowtorch at. You sat up and stretched while taking off your goggles.
"Awe, ya such a sweetheart"
He said while standing up and stretching his metal limbs.
"Dontcha worry, I'll give ya those credits soon sugarplum"
"You better, 'sugarplum' "
"Hey!, that's my nickname for ya"
You chuckle while he comes up to you and ruffle your already messy hair.
"Yeah, sureeee"
He chuckles a little also while bowing his hat.
"Well i gotta get goin' see ya?"
"See you, dont get anything broken again.."
You teased while he hugged you goodbye and talking his departure.
"No promises!"
☆ ------------------------------------------- ☆
Hope you all liked the fic! First time writing him so it might not be in character much, if not then sorry! Anyways have a good day and bye! ^^
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crystalcerberus · 1 day
Boothill x Fem!Reader – Period Relief
Boothill Taking Care of a Female Reader with Period Pain
The room was dimly lit, the soft glow from the bedside lamp casting gentle shadows across the walls. Boothill sat on the edge of the bed, his expression a mix of concern and determination as he looked at you. You lay curled up, clutching your abdomen, the pain of your period almost unbearable.
"Can’t you just shoot me? Or at least cut out my womb?" you half-joked, half-pleaded, a grimace on your face.
His expression immediately turned serious and worried. He knew you were feeling frustrated and in pain, but the thought of you wanting to harm yourself like that alarmed him. He gently turned you around so that you were facing him. He took your face in his hands and made you look directly into his eyes.
"Doll, don’t talk like that. Don’t ever think about doin’ somethin’ like that, okay? I ain’t gonna let you hurt yourself like that, you hear me?"
You sighed, feeling a mix of frustration and resignation. "Thank you."
He held your gaze for a moment longer, his hands still on your face. He wanted to make sure you understood the seriousness of his words. Then, his expression softened, and a gentle smile formed on his face.
"You’re welcome, doll. Just don’t you ever talk like that again, alright? I don’t wanna hear nothin’ about you hurtin’ yourself. You’re worth too much to even think about somethin’ like that. Understand?"
You nodded slightly, trying to hold back tears. "sigh I don’t want this anymore. I don’t want to suffer every month!"
His expression turned sympathetic as he heard your sob and your frustrated words. He knew that periods could be painful and uncomfortable, and he could see how much they affected you.
"I know, darlin’. I know it ain’t fun. It sucks goin’ through it every single month. But you’re a strong lil thing, ain’t ya? You ain’t gonna let a lil thing like this get the best of ya, huh?"
"But what’s the point if I’m gonna suffer again the next month?"
He paused for a moment, his hand hovering over your lower abdomen. He could hear the resignation in your voice, the defeated tone of your words. He took a deep breath before speaking again, his tone gentle yet firm.
"Darlin’, there’s always gonna be somethin’ that’ll cause you pain. Ain’t no way around it. But that doesn’t mean you gotta give up."
You groaned, frustration evident in your voice. "Why can’t I just be a cyborg like you? Then I'd never have this pain ever again!"
Boothill's expression turned serious, his eyes hardening slightly. "Believe me, doll. You don’t want this. Being a cyborg ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Sure, you won’t have to deal with nothin’ like this anymore, but you’ll miss out on a lot of things, too. Things that make you human. Things that make you you!"
He began to rub your lower abdomen in slow, circular motions, his touch gentle yet firm. "You gotta be strong. You gotta keep goin’."
You scoffed lightly, trying to hold back a smile despite the pain.
He chuckled at your scoff, a hint of amusement in his expression.
He continued rubbing your lower abdomen, his touch soothing the worst of the cramps. The steady pressure helped ease the pain, if only a little.
You closed your eyes, letting out a shaky breath. "It still hurts, you know."
"I know, doll. But you’re strong. You’ll get through this, just like you always do."
You nodded, feeling a bit of the tension ease out of your body. Boothill’s presence, his words, and his touch made it a bit more bearable. You opened your eyes and met his gaze, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Thanks, Boothill. For being here."
"Always, darlin’. Always."
He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips warm and reassuring. As he continued to comfort you, the pain seemed a little more manageable, and you felt a bit more at peace.
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entirelysein-e · 2 days
『 Baby said 』
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☼ synopsis: After a rough day at work you want to relax but Choji just has so much energy to spend, you let him eat you out until he tires himself out
☼ character: Choji
☼ wc: 0.9k
☼ cw: gn!reader, afab!reader, cunnilingus, fingering
☼ notes: uh hello windbreaker fandom I'm joining you guys for the giggles!! 🥹🫶 || don't forget to sign up for the taglist and that requests are open!
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Baby said when you're talking I go dead, shut your mouth, give me your head...
Your head was pounding especially bad this day and you were counting down the minutes until you could leave work, just wanting to head home to cuddle up in bed. When the time finally came you made your way home as quick as possible, a small smile appeared on your lips when your boyfriend was already home so he would cuddle up with you in bed.
And you were right, he wanted to cuddle but he had so much to tell you as well. “And then- then he really said that! Can you believe it?” he asked excitedly and laughed along, telling you about what happened after the fight on the weekend - a fight you happened to be involved in and a story you've heard at least a hundred times these past few days and normally you wouldn't mind but today your head threatened to explode if he said one more word.
“Babe- Baby… CHOJI TOMIYAMA” Your voice boomed through the room, laced with desperation and much louder than intended. Choji now sat up, previously having laid on his back, limbs stretched out across the bed and your body
“Am I in trouble?” He asked softly, his expression similar to a hurt puppy, hating it when you used his whole name in a situation like this.
“N-No- I didn't mean to scream, but you talk nonstop, not even giving me a chance to tell you that my head is killing me” you explained seriously as you let your eyes close. The man next to you just hummed in acknowledgement, a pout resting on his face when he looked over to you - He just had way too much energy to be laying around in silence but really wanted to respect you.
The way his charcoal colored eyes burnt holes into your body didn't go unnoticed by you, despite your eyes being shut tight. You let go of a long sigh.
“How about you do the talking between my legs, hm?” you asked and a small smirk started to form on your lips when you felt him shift before taking his place between your legs, wasting no time to get rid of your pajama pants along with your panties.
When he spread your folds all you could hear was a chuckle “Look how wet you already are for me. Does my voice turn you on so much?” He asked with a shit eating grin to which you only groaned and pulled him towards your core by the hair.
“Just shut up,” you mumbled quite flustered and for once, Choji decided to listen. The next thing you could feel was his warm tongue dragging through your folds completely, licking a long stripe from your entrance all the way to your clit and back down.
“You're reacting so well to m-” he was praising you but caught off guard by your hips bucking into his face, making him chuckle against your cunt before sucking on your sensitive clit which earned him a satisfied moan.
“Less talking, more licking. Understood.” He teased you and let his tongue dance through your folds once more with a zigzag motion. When the tip of his tongue reached your entrance he pushed it in to get a good taste of your juices. A loud moan escaped your lips the moment he continued to fuck you with his skilled tongue, his calloused thumb starting to rub small circles onto your clit to make your head spin. The lewd slurping noises coming from Choji almost drowned out your own moans as you neared your high - and who would Choji be to deny you your much needed release? Without missing a beat he pulled back slightly just to spit right onto your clit, making his thumb glide smoothly over the bundle of nerves while his tongue returned to its previous place, thrusting into your tight cunt.
Your hands were harshly pulling on his hair as his name fell off your lips like a prayer when the knot in your lower abdomen finally snapped and the slurping noises of the man between your thighs turned into whimpers and soft moans when he got to taste your release.
Without giving you any time to recover, his tongue trailed up to your clit, giving it more attention. He was busy flicking your sensitive bundle of nerves around and gently sucking on it, that he almost neglected your poor cunt, stuffing it with two of his fingers the second your moans grew in pitch again and like the menace that he is, he started to curl his fingers right into your sweet spot without mercy - throwing you into yet another orgasm.
His goal was clear now, tire himself out on your poor pussy until you felt better and he was tired, whatever would come first. The pace he set was relentless, unbothered by the way you screamed and cried his full name in pleasure this time, his tongue and fingers kept working their magic.
Three… four… five… you lost your count after the sixth orgasm, any touch borderline painful now and the man between your legs seemed to grow tired, his licks slowing down and only once you pushed him away, far too overstimulated, he admitted to being tired. Choji’s head was resting against one of your thighs as his eyes fell shut, slipping away into a sweet slumber along with you - the puddle of cum in his underwear long forgotten and an issue for after this nap.
Baby said let me taste your silhouette, you can talk between my legs...
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I looked at your posts under "Motivation" from the Masterlist, and was wondering if you have anything on a smaller scale? I have generic motivation to write, but I struggle with on a day-to-day basis. Meaning, I do want to write, but it takes a long time for me to "wake up" properly and get in the proper mood. I often end up getting really into it very late into the evening, and it's messing with my sleep routine. I've tried simple things like eating a good breakfast and having water and caffeine but I remain sluggish for over 50% of the day. It might be more of a mental/physical issue and not just writing, but I figured I'd give it a try. I also have Autism and ADHD so I think you might be a bit familiar?
To summarise, my issue is just my mind and body taking too long to wake up and get into the mood/mindset for writing, and it's seriously messing up my sleep schedule.
Taking Too Long to Get into Writing Mode Each Day
The first thing I think you should try is to break the cycle... give yourself a week or so break from trying to write, and make sure you're getting to bed at a time that allows you the amount of sleep that you need to feel rested.
Once you've done that and caught up on your sleep for a week or so, see if you're still struggling with taking a long time to wake up. There are things you can try, like starting off your day with a walk or other exercise, but if you still find yourself taking all day to wake up, I think that's definitely worth talking to a doctor about. Fatigue can be caused by any number of things, including medication and minor medical issues, so getting that checked out could bring you to a solution that helps you sleep better, feel more rested in the morning, and help you wake up faster.
Something else: if you always wait until you're feeling 100% and in the proper mood to write, you're never going to write.
Very, very few writers would tell you they wake up every day fully rested, physically and mentally tip-top, and feeling geared up to get to writing. Writers, most of the time, are people who are juggling writing with jobs, families, school, care giving... and sometimes all of the above. I have friends who write bleary-eyed with dried spit-up on their shirts while their babies take painfully brief naps. I have friends who work fifty hours a week, and only write on the weekends or the occasional day off. I have friends who write on their phones when they're sitting in their care in the school pick-up line between work and four hours of after school activities. I have friends with chronic illness, who write on the good days, and dream about writing on the bad days.
The point is, if you truly want to write, you'll find a way to make it work. Even if it's only fifteen minutes a night before you go to bed, if that's what works for you, that's what works for you.
And sometimes, it's really less about being in the proper mood and more about just getting your but into the seat, doing the hard work, and making it a habit, or as much of one as you're able to have. I'm almost never in the proper mood to write, and I struggle with pretty bad fatigue a lot. But even on the days when I'd rather do literally anything else, I sit down and I do what I can. Some days that might be a sentence or two. Some days it might be half a chapter. On really rare days, it might be hundreds of words. And then, on some days, I stare at the screen for ten minutes and say, "Nope!" But the point is I try, every day--or as often as possible--and it is the very act of forcing my butt into the chair on those days that allows me to get the words out. If I waited until I felt great or was in the right mood, I'd never get anything written. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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so we see in ch 2 that mc ability according to sho made him feel relief and he said his stigma wasn’t working suggesting that mc also can make ghouls stigma not work. This is interesting as mc have done both 1-they made Jin use his stigma when he couldn’t anymore for some reason, 2- made sho stigma not work. It is interesting tho a lot of people now think maybe sho was lying do you think that can be a case?
Yeah, I think Sho was lying. But I also think it's a major turning point for his character. He realizes that messing around could've gotten MC killed, and he also stands up for her. (But Leo either doesn't get it or doesn't care, so this is also showing that Sho and Leo are growing apart.)
Earlier, we see Sho and Leo making plans to sabotage MC by pretending that her stigma enhancing ability has completely failed. They intend for Sho to fight off the ghost despite her failure. Sho's not too enthused about it, but he agrees to do it. Then, when they're actually there, things immediately get out of hand, MC is attacked, and Alan has to come rescue both of them.
Afterwards, when Leo is harshly blaming MC, Sho doesn't follow their plan. He keeps up the story about his stigma not working at first — he doesn't want to get himself or Leo in trouble — but he also defends MC despite Leo's attempt to get him back on script. Instead of saying that it completely failed, Sho says his stigma only stopped working for a moment and came back stronger than before, and that thing about feeling relieved. If MC's ability truly didn't work (and if he didn't feel guilty about what he did) he would have no reason to say any of that.
Hell, if her ability didn't work, that's even more reason for him to be harsh to her, to keep her out of harm's way. But he defends her and her usefulness instead.
At the start of the chapter, Sho is pretty apathetic about most things and only really seems motivated when Leo challenges him to something. He doesn't want responsibility and isn't interested in training or missions. By the end, he's taking things seriously and starts training with Alan. He starts actually trying to befriend MC. He starts up the food truck. And Leo doesn't like it. I'm really interested to see how this develops. (I don't think it will go well for anyone.)
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As for the feeling of relief Sho describes— I'm not sure what exactly Sho's stigma does except that it's useful in a fight (please let me know if I missed it). But I think it has a negative effect on him, too. He says, "even though I was about to use my stigma, it felt like a weight was off my shoulders." No one else has described their stigma as that kind of burden. Maybe it's literally heavy, or maybe it's particularly stressful or has some other emotional effect.
So I think, in addition to enhancing stigmas, MC has the ability to lessen the negative effects (maybe also Subaru's exhaustion, Haru's susceptibility to injury).
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smiling friends as discord mods ; ☆
crazy ass idea
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— glep (8/10 discord mod)
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i think of him as the social media manager of the company and if mr. boss trusts him that much to maintain a positive image of the company online then being a discord mod would be a breeze
can control some semi-complicated stuff in the server like role-setting with reactions and unlocking different channels by reacting to a message, definitely improves this function if he thinks its faulty
^^^ any technical difficulties within the server are
takes being a discord mod pretty seriously yet he has the ability to be lighthearted about it sometimes
often mass bans people over spamming or any other offense without alerting everyone else, so like no context banning
^^^ ppl initially had a problem with it but then they lightened up a little when they noticed that those mass bans actually improved the server
^^^^ he still scares the shit out of everyone though
always online and monitoring the server
profile ☆
has definitely splurged money on discord nitro and those discord profile decor and effects
his profile would be decked tf out and follow a purple/green aesthetic
^^^ he has the clyde invaders icon skin and his account profile is purple
^^^^ idk if he has an anime girl pfp or not bc on one hand he would definitely have one but on the other hand he'd have a profile pic of a character he likes from a game.
one thing's for sure tho is that he never felt the need to change his discord profile picture unless he was in a server made for his job then he'd just change that server's profile pic to put his face and that's it lol
discord username is probably like theamazingGlep69 or something
his discord bio is definitely a random video game quote and that's it
his spotify, xbox, and steam account are the only things connected to his discord
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always energized by those gamer-advertised energy drinks
^^^ no specific preference for like g-fuel or gamer supps or something he just grabs whatever he can get his grimy little hands on
selectively sends friend requests to people and never accepts friend requests from randos
^^^ in fact he INSISTS on being the one sending the friend requests to people instead of it being the other way around
^^^^ as a result he has less than 15 people on his friends list and he's happy with it
he definitely unadds ppl he hasn't spoken to in a while though to keep it ~fresh~ or something
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— mr. boss (6/10 discord mod)
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ok so like
he isn't TERRIBLE at modding he knows the basics
he's just very... lax. he's the type to not see anything wrong with spamming or other similar offenses just because he genuinely doesn't think it's a big deal
^^^ he'd be like oh what theyre just expressing themself idk
^^^^ or like when it comes to random ppl dming mods he'd be like idk what if they just wanted to ask a question but were too shy to do it in the main server YKWIM?????
he already lets his employees do what they want during their shifts so it wouldn't be very different in a discord server
because it's online, he already doesn't take it very seriously lol he'd just find any chaos amusing
it's like a giant group chat!!!!
BUT DESPITE ALL THAT, he's really good at organizing server events like giveaways and movie/game nights
he'd always make sure to make the events fun and accessible for everyone
as a result most of the server usually participates in the events
he's just not good at... moderation in general
he also doesn't enjoy the banning/warning ppl aspect bc it makes him feel really bad
profile ☆
he has an anime girl pfp and/or has matching pfps with ppl for a certain amount of time ONLY if they match his profile theme
his profile is a cutesy kawaii light pink anime girl aesthetic
^^^ he'd have the cat ears icon skin and his profile would be pink
^^^^ an evil part of me wants to say he has a sailor moon pfp
yes he also has discord nitro
what else will he do with the money he earns
he has cutesy kaomojis in his bio too and probably has the initial of someone in a text heart like < b 3 (b for brittney LOL)
only his spotify is connected to his profile
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also brittney was his discord kitten
^^^ they had matching anime couple pfps
^^^^ they'd always vc
^^^^^ have fallen asleep on vc once
he uses cringe text faces like uwu or owo just bc he knows everyone hates it
^^^ he thrives off of the negativity idk
everyone in a server he moderates would probably feel the safest dming him out of every other mod
^^^ his dms r always open
ok so i know that he has normal ass headphones but hear me out. give him pink cat ear headphones. it's perfect
he has more than the usual amt of discord friends
he always has aesthetic ass discord statuses
has his online status set as idle bc its cuter
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— allan red (7/10 discord mod)
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he's the mod that everyone complains abt
definitely rewrites the rules and makes sure they're enforced at all times
he's the typa person to call someone out if they break the rules in any capacity
"@/feetlicker Please change your name, that is not appropriate"
"@/charlienipples No memes in general chat, go to #meme-channel."
unlike glep though, he gives a lot of context as to why he'd ban someone
^^^ maybe 2 much context
^^^^ in fact he very rarely bans ppl, the most he sends out is a very detailed warning in dms
always types in full sentences
most server members are afraid of dming him actually he's sorta intimidating
he definitely keeps the server in order but his reputation is just not the best
but he is very confrontational so if someone is causing a problem he isn't afraid of getting it dealt with
he's usually tagged during disputes bc he's level-headed enough to deal with them and offers good points
^^^ that doesn't stop others from thinking he's annoying though :((
very misunderstood but has good intentions
he has a set schedule on when he logs in and moderates, then gives himself free time
so basically he isn’t online all day
profile ☆
he’d have one of those blank discord profiles
like he’d make it normal-ish but he wouldn’t care too much abt sparkly text themes or connecting any of his other socials to it
uses a picture of himself as his icon and has a matching red background that is randomly generated by discord
^^^ (he didn’t pay for discord nitro)
^^^^ (everyone point and laugh)
^^^^^ (he just doesn’t find it necessary since he isn’t online THAT often)
his username is either his full name or a very absurd npc name (like scaryantelopes2536) theres no in-between
he never has a status set
clean profile but its boring to look at basically
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takes online status very literally— if he doesn’t want to be disturbed, he puts dnd, if he’s online, he sets it as online, etc etc (so surprisingly very honest)
his profile pic looks professionally done in a studio then unfortunately it got very pixelated as a result of discord itself so its kinda funny looking
his friends list is only the 4 other ppl from smiling friends
doesn’t know or like brainrot or modern internet slang so when ppl say skibidi toilet or sigma rizz he genuinely has to get up and walk around outside to stay sane
is usually the one being trolled/pranked
IS the one that cringes at mr. boss using uwu or owo
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— charlie dompler (5/10 discord mod)
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HE'S THE TYPE TO be really good at it first then he'd lose interest
he'd get a high from it bruh
just the idea of having power would be enough to get him rolling
for the first couple months he'd be all up in the server channels being hella active
he'd stay up all night just moderating bc its exciting to give someone a warning if they act up or whatever
^^^ if he gets sleepy he drinks an energy drink
*someone fucks up in a server* "Ooh, oooh-- this is my favorite part, man. Watch, watch." *sends a 2 word dm to the person that just says 'warning One'* "Oh, haha! that--that was so fun."
yea he'd be riding on dopamine hits of doing good for the server
since he'd be sleep deprived he'd misspell a lot and send short answers so if someone asks why they were banned he'd give very short answers
"hey why was i banned lol" "bad" "what" "yeah"
i don't think he'd do much in the server other than moderate and make new channels
then he gets bored.
uh oh
all of a sudden he's very relaxed about everything so he would probably stop moderating so much
he would probably be doing the bare minimum now lol
5/10 bc he goes in and out of caring and not caring so i guess sometimes he's pretty good
discord is probably one of the only socials he is really active on
he would give himself dumbass roles just bc
profile ☆
some sort of meme/cursed profile icon with flaming sword icon skin
would definitely have an orange-themed profile in general bc he thinks its a color with an unfair reputation
every social he has will be linked to his damn profile
has a dumbass username
^^^ probably one of the only one of the 5 who doesn't use his real name on discord
^^^^ he would change his dn every once in a while JUST BC to be funny or something
its so stupid he would call himself the Poo Meister after letting a smooth one out
he's always on DND
uses his discord status to ask someone to play a game w him
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he joins random meme servers just for the emotes
he's already a discord mod for like 3 servers rn and he's given up
he has a lot of online friends which is why he doesn't use his real name
he's always in a vc with someone
he's very very social online (i bet he has a popular twitter gimmick account too)
he made his current discord account when he was really young and he just stuck with the same one
he adds all the bots to servers he moderates bc he thinks he has amazing taste
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— pim pimling (7/10 discord mod)
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he would be the one doing all of the accouncements and questions of the day
he takes those jobs so serious
he types with caps on and uses encouraging gifs and emoticons (yes emojis too)
he never really moderates, he's the one just announcing things tbh he has a lot to say
even when he conveys bad news he'd do a little :P at the end just to soften the blow
(he's also the one who usually kindly lets people know why a certain mod banned them just in case said mod doesn't wanna elaborate)
his positivity pisses ppl off sometimes
don't shoot the messenger
he just logs in every morning, and writes a whole paragraph in announcements to wish everyone a happy day! then he types up the question of the day and logs off until the night
pim pimling is a very busy man
checks his notifs throughout the day tho (just in casies)
he just spreads positivity
one of the most important people in the server he's in at all times
he does intimidate ppl sometimes just bc of his role but he does try to be as not-intimidating as possible
if he's confronted on anything he does wrong he is quick to take responsibility for his actions
^^^ doesn't depend on the person's role, like if he bans someone's friend and the person pleads their case, he's very quick to apologize
^^^^ might cause him to be perceived as someone with no backbone but he's just very empathetic and understanding
profile ☆
his icon is definitely a picture of his face, probably some sort of cute selfie
similar to allan, he uses his full name in his discord dn and user
he does have nitro but he only uses it to change his discord background to a picture of nature
his bio would be long as shit. "Hi! (grin) I'm Pim Pimling and I'm 34 years old!" etc etc etc
^^^ definitely overshares in his bio too
has no socials attached to his profile at all
very straightforward profile
he uses his status a LOT to say the most random things?!>>W "Currently eating a bowl of cereal!"
extras ☆
he has a lot of people on his friends list bc despite everything ppl do have a soft spot for him
he had discord for a while like charlie did but he only ever used it to text friends and thats it
really interactive and responds quickly to dms
his dms r very open
he loves emoji reactions so much
he helps mr. boss with server events a lot
^^^ he also participates in every one
he likes using video calls in a vc
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hallo ^w^ i just want to end this off by saying i now have an ask box to submit any headcanon requests if needed!! yayy
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 day
I love your writing!!! I feel like you would do this so well but if it’s too much I totally get it! I was wondering if you could do a how easy co reacts to a readers crazy ex bf, like restraining order level crazy, maybe past trauma that they never ever talked about before but suddenly the guy is around so it gets brought up? Reader seems terrified and they realize why type of thing. Doesn’t even have to be all reactions either… maybe just winters, Speirs, guarnere, bull, and Liebgott?
Yes of course thank you for your request!! I hope you enjoy it! 💖
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Easy co.’s reaction to their s/o having a crazy ex
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genre: romance, angst, jealousy?
warnings: Fighting; violence, swearing (reader is gn!)
Description: The easy co. boys reaction to their s/o (you) seeing your crazy ex in public
Taglist: @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl @samwinchesterslostshoe @ronsenthal @sweetxvanixlla (If you want to be on this list, let me know!! :))
BoB masterlist
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Dick Winters: You and him would be out downtown, window shopping and enjoying one another’s time. He’s very attentive so I feel like if something was wrong with you he’d notice it immediately. He’d see you constantly fiddling with your hands and glancing away. “What’s wrong honey?” He would ask you before seeing them. Your ex, walking towards you two. He would immediately take the initiative and move you and him away from your ex. Making sure that you never have to worry about coming face to face with him. It’s a very rare moment where he gets very protective over you. When you tell him what happened with you and your ex, he feels furious. He somehow wishes he could have been there for you, to make sure you never got hurt in any way possible. He promises to you that he will never hurt you or let anything happen to you, he swears by it.
Bill Guarnere: I feel like he’s one of those boyfriends who already does some research on your ex/s wayyy before getting in a relationship with you. So when you guys are out and about and he sees him, you don’t have to worry about him not coming up to y’all, because he’s already walking up to him ready to beat the hell out of him. (he’s a whoop-ass and explain later type of guy) I think he gets more emotional than you do. Just because he loves you so much and would hate to see you uncomfortable, especially when he’s around. I also feel like he’d take the “protector” role very seriously in y’all’s relationship so be prepared for that also. He’d spend the rest of the day just making up to you and trying his best to make you feel safe.
Joe Liebgott: You and him would be having a cute little date at the zoo, looking at all the cute animals and enjoying the nice weather, I think both of you are too distracted with one another to notice that there is a weird looking person walking up to y’all very quickly. Joe notices that you look uncomfortable first, and when he sees your ex he finally connects the dots and gets very defensive over you. He kinda has this instinct where he needs to protect you at all costs, like pushing you behind him in case things get out of hand lol. “If you gotta problem, pal, you can tell me” You honestly have to pull Lieb out of a fight no kidding. “do something like that again and see what happens” Is definitely threatening your dumb ass ex. He feels so bad bc he felt like seeing your ex ruined the date, but promises to make it up to you. “I swear darlin’ I’ll never be like them.”
Bull Randleman: He would have taken you out on a beautiful dinner after a long week. Something nice that you and him both deserve, all until you see your ex. In all honesty he would hate to see you scared. Like it makes him so angry, all he wants to do is hold you and tell you everything will be okay. He sees you so nervous and genuinely doesn’t know what’s going on, until he sees you looking at someone who looks a lot like your ex that he’s seen before. He has to mentally talk himself out of going up to your ex, and just “talking” to them. In reaction to all this he just keeps you close and offers for you and him to leave the area if you’d like. “I promise you, sweet thing, you don’t have to worry about them anymore. I’m here now.” He just wants to take you away from the situation and let you pick what you guys do for the rest of the evening. He probably has a one-on-one conversation with your ex while you wait in the car. “Whatever happened in the past, it’s over. Don’t ever look at them again.”
Ronald Speirs: It’s pretty self explanatory on how this guy would act. He doesn’t fly completely off the rails but it’s very obvious he wants to commit crimes on your ex. Like if looks could kill your ex would have been obliterated into the air. And if your ex APPROACHES you?? Oh it’s game on. He really doesn’t have an excuse to be cordial anymore. He goes for the, “Honey, is this guy/gal bothering you? Do I need to do something about it?” He is the most intimidating person ever in this situation. Verbal threats are definitely said from him, clear warnings if anything. Seeing you so nervous and scared sets something scary off inside of him. Like he’s ready to tear anyone apart just to make sure you are safe and sound. If anything you’ll be needing to calm him down for the rest of the night. “If you ever see him/her around here close to you, let me know and i’ll handle it” It’s safe to say that you won’t have to worry about them again lmao.
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I hope you all enjoyed!! If you did, make sure and help a writer out by leaving a like or reblog, your words mean the world!! 🧡
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saintobio · 2 days
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Ummm.... Yeah no maybe it's my fault for opening my mouth xdxdsdgadvd (also for some reason it wouldn't let me take a screenshot so enjoy these shitty pics I had to take from my phone 🤡)
It's a side tangent but since you came back with sn, one of the most fun things have been to theorize and see other people's theories hehe. I honestly read sy so long ago and it had such an impact on me, so seeing you and honestly everyone back here; talking about series and excited about updates makes me feel so giddy and at home. It's been a while since I've had so much fun in a fandom XD
Ok now back to the ANGST, I want you to know this was my reaction the whole time,
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I was honestly scared of even reading the chapter but my GOSHHHH.
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for
It was honestly so refreshing to see Satoru finally acknowledge what y/n means to him and no matter how much he tries she might still be the most important thing to him in the end. Honestly it was a cathartic moment they both needed at the lake but still 😭 my heart is hurting so much for them. To finally stand face to face and acknowledge the hurt, to hold each other 😭😭 They both really needed that. I might just be looking too much into it, but when Gojo threw his ring in the ocean y/n was able to get it back (even if geto was the one who found it) but when y/n threw the last part of Gojo; the necklace into the lake, he went after it but didn't get it back... it sounds like symbolism for something that I am not ready for TvT
They are both hurt, they are both suffering without each other; but they also suffer when they are with each other. TvT
Also, I understand Akemi's reaction but bitch 😭😭 Don't you realise this is exactly what y/n felt when you slept with Satoru. Her avoiding y/n to not make her angry or trouble her, I understand; but it just seems to me that she's making excuses to lessen her guilt and run away so she doesn't have to see what she did to her best friend. LIKE SHE'S SO FRICKING EAGER to play house with Satoru and when Sachi called her mama she was overjoyed. It's just so... sus. I might understand her but I lost all respect for her when she decided to betray her bff. I would never understand women who choose a man over someone who's been there for them through everything. I just think she's taking the whole "I can fix him" 🤡 thing too seriously but idk at this point.
And Satoru how THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP FUMBLING THE WOMEN YOU LOVE SO BAD. If you are gonna be an asshole atleast do it right!? I so badly wanna believe he only ran after Akemi to check on her and explain everything but... I just don't have enough faith in him now :<
I feel SO BAD for y/n. Girlll 😭, I don't even know what to say but I can only give her this message-
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(My asks always get so long so quick, sorry oof. But SIDE SIDE TANGET- I ABSOLUTELY LOVED RIDE OR DIE. I ATE IT UP FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER OH GODDDD. I was a certified Sukuna!hater but you have changed my ways... you have brainwashed me into falling head over heels for that gremlin xd the brainrot rn is so bad- like MOVE ASIDE GOJO)
thanks so much for sending this ask. yayy you finally made it to the askbox on time !! :’D and this was such a fun read for me. ty for sharing <3 it’s always nice to see such long asks abt sn/sy bc the theories and analyses are all so great, like how do u guys come up with those? they’re so detailed too!! 🥹
i agree i think what makes sy11 impactful is bcos it took so long for gojoyn to be honest with each other, only for it to crumble down the next day bcos of their trauma, external relationships, and distrust with each other 💔 like so close yet so far
and ooh interesting analysis on akemi! i like how you juxtaposed her reaction to gojoyn versus yn’s reaction to catching gojokemi. there’s definitely a big difference there :> but i won’t say anything more to avoid spoilers hehe
lastly, rod! omg thanks for reading, i thoroughly enjoyed writing it i was giddy the whole time !!! but same bb same that gremlin has me on a chokehold too 😆
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venerawrites · 2 days
sfw and nsfw headcanons Victor x scientist!fem!reader 🙏🙏🙏
author's note: I finally have the chance to write for Viktor and I am so happy about it! Thank you so much for your patience and your request! Hope you enjoy! x
warnings: 18+ content: MINORS DNI
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Match made in heaven!
Seriously tho, I don't really see him with someone who is NOT a scientist. Mainly, because his job is practically his life, but also because I think that getting close to someone he is working with, is the most probable way for him to fall in love.
With that being said, your love life and work life would practically be the same thing. You will be together from morning till evening, working on the Hextech and trying to figure out different ways to incorporate it into your experiments.
As his lover, of course, your main priority is to find a way to help Viktor and better his health. Despite him being against it at first, due to his worry that you may get hurt in the process, eventually, he lets you help him.
Your work is often transferred from your lab to your home, and sometimes it can cause bitter arguments between you.
While Viktor is very calm and collected as a lover, but when it comes to scientific debates or arguments about work, he is extremely stubborn. He likes his way of work, and while usually, he is open to other opinions, he doesn't take it lightly if you boldly say "you are wrong".
He doesn't like arguing tho, so while he may be very passionate in the first 10 minutes or so, eventually he will go outside to get some fresh air and calm down before he comes back and apologizes.
This man acts so reserved, but he is a BIG SOFTIE! In the name of peace he is ready to say sorry even when he is right, so please don't be mean to him! (He honestly deserves the world!)
Loves to make stuff with you. It doesn't always have to be Hextech projects, sometimes he enjoys making small trinkets or toys, or just anything really, as long as he can spend some peaceful time with you.
Reading has always been a hobby of his, but since he met you, one of his favourite things to do is read to you. Before bed; while you are out on a date in the park; while travelling... And you love it too, as I can promise you, there is no sound more soothing than Viktor's voice!
Honestly, I don't think he is romantic. If anything, he is extremely smart academically, but when it comes to emotions... let's just say he is awkward. Any dates, gifts, or romantic gestures are mainly planned/made by you.
Not into PDA either, BUT will hold your hand while you are outside and sometimes place a sweet peck on your lips. In private, however, he will be more relaxed and while he will be a bit shy at the beginning of your relationship, soon he will relax and will even initiate intimacy.
Again, he will do it mainly in private, but for him your arms just feel like HOME. No matter how stressed or angry he is, once you hold him in your embrace, he will forget every worry that has been troubling his mind.
He may not be the most open or easy partner, but he loves you to death. So please, please, be patient and gentle with him!
Not gonna lie, sometimes it baffles me when I see someone describe Viktor as some sex machine/kinky man, because... HOW? WHERE? WHEN?
If anything, I don't think sex ever excited him much. He had probably one girlfriend in his life before meeting you and even then, he was way more interested in studying and spending time in the lab than rolling in the sheets with someone.
He is the type to make love, rather than fuck.
At some point in your relationship, after you both felt comfortable enough with each other, lovemaking would definitely be one of his favourite ways to show you how much you mean to him.
Usually sex with him is slow and sensual, with a lot of quiet grunting, sweet whispers, eye contact, and holding hands.
He is not super vocal, but would always mutter in your neck or ear "I love you" and "You feel so good, God!".
(Likes it when you are loud tho, it definitely boosts his ego a bit!)
Due to his health, he is not really into rough sex, neither he has the stamina or the energy to perform it. Still, if you are somewhat of a freak in the bedroom, he will reluctantly agree to try using toys or tie you up while pleasuring you.
Speaking of pleasure...
So good at oral! I don't think he even realises it, as he was very embarrassed the first time he buried his head between your thighs, but he definitely has a natural talent for it!
As I said above, he is not into PDA, let alone trying intimacy ANYWHERE outside your bedroom, BUT with a bit of begging, whining, and assuring him at least 10 times the door is locked, he will let you climb on his desk and spread your legs before him. The combination of his tongue and fingers is guaranteed to make you see stars!
He also enjoys receiving, but for some reason always feels embarrassed and shy, so he doesn't let you do it often. Again you either have to beg him for it or he has to feel extra stressed to let you do it.
Your usual sex position is missionary, as he loves being able to stare at your face and it also gives him control, without excessive movements, but he also enjoys you riding him. Not only is the least painful for his leg and back but he also loves watching your tits bounce.
Even tho as a man of culture he appreciates BOTH your tits and your ass.
When it comes to aftercare, he is very gentle and to be honest, often more tired than you. He enjoys you pampering him and showering him with affection.
cc artwork: "Arcane" Concept Art
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