#I found all their scenes together cringy as fuck
le-panda-chocovore · 1 year
The Werewolf
Me not crying at all when Sam realize he has to kill Maddie, joking about it because 'I don't care about your fucking Romance, why would you feel bad to kill the crush you met 2 days ago, what a cry-baby you are sammy, come on let's skip the emotional part'
I'm a clown and a whore yes I know.
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calumhoodgoss · 6 months
horror story of a teenage 5sos blogger
let me set the scene - its the mid 2010s, I'm 17, in the height of my 5sos fan career, im watching keek compilations all day and scrolling tumblr all night. Life is good.
Fast forward a few months and I start talking to this cute boy at school. we start going on dates, having first kisses - and first everything elses. we're falling madly in love. it's intense (and so cringy to look back at as an adult) but again, life is good! not a worry in the world!!
eventually.. it somehow comes up that my boyfriend and i both have tumblrs (of VERY different nature's mind you). we wanted to show eachother things we'd found online but we were both adamant we didn't want to see eachothers blogs (FOR OBVIOUS REASONS). instead of following each other, we would send each other screenshots of funny textposts, pictures, etc. - blacking out our respective blog names and url's to protect our online anonymity. life is good!
now by day, I'm spending all hours messaging my totally hot boyfriend but by night... by night, I'm reblogging hot gifs of calum hood, smut fanfics, imagines, general gifs of hot couples making out (ifykyk). it's the HEIGHT of tumblr fanfiction and imagine culture and I could not get enough. i was exploring things in real life with my boyfriend while also exploring online through fics. reblogging every single thing along the way. i was having my cake and eating it too and it was a fucking good time to be alive. life is so good!
of course, like any normal person, I was using my tags as a stream of consciousness. a way to get out my feelings about cal, about my boyfriend, about being a teenager, about LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Unfiltered, hormonal, teenage girl writing about the boys she likes. every. damn. night. life! is! good!
until.. all until.. my boyfriend and i were lying together in a park, under a tree, light filtering down on us as we talk and laugh and kiss - a perfect afternoon UNTIL he says there's something he has to tell me. 'what does *name of my blog* mean?'
TURNS OUT, the very first time I sent him a screenshot of something, I didn't black out my url properly and he had been SECRETLY STALKING MY BLOG FOR MONTHHHSSSS.
Literally just months worth of calum hood smut, so.much.smut, smut requests too!!!, soft porn gifs WITH TAGS LITERALLY EXPLICITLY ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND, countless text posts about our dates and whatever the fuck I was thinking or feeling that day, 5sos drama, EVERYTHING. EVERYTHINGGGGG. ABSOLUTELY EV ER Y THIN G
needless to say that blog was immediately scorched from the surface of the earth. and since then, I virtually haven't been on 5sos tumblr - until now. I was so mortified that I wasn't just throwing my thoughts into the void, I was literally scarred.
we're still together though lol I guess he some how liked me enough to look past the 5sos blog HAHA. he's a much stronger person than I because if the roles were reversed and he had some obsessed teenage fan blog, I think i would have gotten the ick straight away. Especially since I literally NEVER talked about 5sos with him because I was soooo embarrassed that I was obsessed with them (this was album one era guys HAHA and my boyfriend was way cooler than me in highschool). now I don't care, I play them in the shower all the time - he can deal with it hahaha
moral of the story is, idk don't tell your teenage boyfriend you have tumblr cause he will find your blog
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pllat30 · 7 months
Pilot Rewatch
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A warning that my posts may contain spoilers for FIRST time watchers!!
I'm going to be sharing my original thoughts during the first time watching this when I was 17, and my current thoughts rewatching at 30. Some things have changed a lot for over the years lol
I'd also like to add that I may talk about characters being attractive or whatever, but I'm most likely talking about the ACTORS. **For example, Ezra, when I first watched PLL I fell in love with him. Of course, now things have changed with how I feel about the character, but I still find the actor, Ian Harding, incredibly attractive. So if it seems like I'm complimenting Ezra in my current thoughts, I'm talking about Ian.
The Barn Scene:
Right off the bat, the song, DONTTRUSTME by 3OH!3 throws so much nostalgia in my face!! I loved that song so much when it came out!!
Do they really only have the one glass of alcohol they're passing around? Why not a whole bottle?
I know the girls seem really cringy a lot of times but really, that's how a lot of teens are lol so cringe. I definitely was!
First Watch: Hmm. What was Spencer doing awake first??
Rewatch: My poor baby Spencer! :(
Present time, Aria moved back:
I fell in love with Aria's style right away! And her storyline with the secret between her and her dad, Bryon, got me hooked for sure.
Even now, I find it hard to see a teen girl going into a bar alone and ordering food. Unless it's more of a bar and grill?? I'm not sure.
First watch: Ezra is so cute! Just a regular guy thinking he found a cute girl his age. He seems so sweet.
Rewatch: OMG noooo Aria! RED FLAG! He even mentioned writing a BOOK!! OMG!
DANG girl! Aria, you used to just kissing guys who you JUST MET???
Hanna, Mona, and Spencer at the Mall:
I did not like Hanna, Spencer, and Mona at all at in this scene. They seemed so bitchy and snobby. I could not relate to them at all at 17. Now I see awkwardness between Hanna and Spencer, they used to be so close and now they're not. I get that now whenever I run into people I went to school with lol still think Mona is a bitch.
First Watch: OMG Hanna is going to get caught! I can't watch! Rewatch: OMG Hanna your mom is going to hook up with that pervy detective now! I mean I'm not blaming you but damn it's going to suck for you!
Back to School with Aria:
Bryon and Aria are so tense in their scenes together talking about his stupid affair. With a student... I don't fail to see the irony. I actually love how that is written.
I love Emily and Aria's friendship. And I totally get falling out of touch with people.
Oh no... the new teacher... LMAO
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Yuck, how Hanna and Mona walk into the classroom. Aria is shocked lol
Rewatch: EW... OOOH OMG! Mona is at her desk kinda looking away and down like she's discreetly TEXTING under her desk! OHOHOHO!
Emily's House:
OMG I still hate Emily's mom, Pam. At least in the early parts of the show.
Not going to lie I almost forgot about Maya lol I wish her character lasted longer. Just meeting someone and hanging out in their room is wild to me now lol but at 17, totally normal lol but still a little awkward at first.
Spencer's House:
I HATE MELISSA SO MUCH!! ALWAYS HAVE AND ALWAYS WILL!! This is when I started liking Spencer, I felt so bad for her. She's such a hard worker.
First Watch: Oooh who is the hot British guy?? He deserves someone better than bitch Melissa. He's seems so sweet with Spencer. They should get together.
Rewatch: UGH, Wren is still so cute but... UGH I can't remember how exactly he ties into everything with the endgame. But now realizing that he's older and with Spencer's sister, he turned into a creeper.
Aria and Ezra alone in classroom:
First Watch: OMG Aria and Mr. Fitz is so sad. They like each other but can't be together!
Rewatch: Ezra should have stuck with saying he can't be involved with her, wtf!?!
Emily and Maya kiss:
First Watch: Aww, Emily and Maya are cute together. I don't get why Emily can't just come out and tell people.
Rewatch: This is so sad. I know why Emily doesn't want anyone to know, but still.
Spencer's house:
First Watch: I would love a hot British guy to rub my shoulders. So jealous.
Rewatch: I mean I would still love that, but not as a minor with an older guy who is dating and having sex with my older sister!! Get away from her Wren!
Bryon and Ella:
Like, IDK how Ella didn't just stop Bryon right there and ask him WTF is going on. He's acting so suspicious!
Spencer's room:
God I feel so bad for Spencer. I would have been so PISSED with someone moving into my space that I made! I wouldn't have been surprised if she just set the damn thing on fire lmao. WHO THE HELL DID SPENCER SEE IN ALSON'S BEDROOM WINDOW?? I STILL DON'T KNOW!!
ALI is such a bitch, how were the girls friends with her to begin with?? WTF!
Hanna's House:
OMG that detective is such a perv. He knew walking up to Hanna's door what was going to happen with Ashley making a deal,or at least hoped for it. That pervy grin he has walking inside... I forget exactly what the detective's connections are with Alison and A and everything... but he's sus.
I feel bad for Hanna, I had problems with my body and weight as a teen too... You don't need your father Hanna!! He's a little bitch.
OMG EWW the detective making out with Ashley right in front of Hanna, GROSS that Ashley knows Hanna is right there... WTF
Finding Alison's Body... This song… Suggestions by Orella Has Orchestra. It hits me RIGHT in the feels!!
LOL the recasting of some of the characters seen at the funeral.
First Watch: OMG Ezra and Aria are so cute! He stops her and they kiss again! Maybe things will work out.
Rewatch: Aria, STEP AWAY from Ezra!!!... EZRA!!! STOP!! POLICE!
"Popular in life and death." I love Spencer Quotes lol
OOOH the phone text notification!!
I'm still here bitches!!!
I was very entertained watching this again. I started to remember some things that are connected. I look forward to continuing watching and seeing what else I can catch! I love foreshadowing!
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sock-to-the-third · 2 months
by Fredrik Backman
[Dislcaimer: discussions of fiction SA of a minor]
Originally I found this book searching for stories about SA survivors. While the SA survivor part of the plotline is small, instead focusing on how the town reacts to the trauma, it still has a special place in my heart.
Beartown is a book about a town that’s falling behind. It struggles to keep non-chain buisnesses open. It’s an insulated small town. From the first chapter to the last, there’s a good deal of despair living there but there’s one thing that gives the people hope: their hockey team.
Part of what I like about it is how emersed you feel in the workd. I honestly could not give a shit about hockey but 50 pages in I was very invested in the junior team winning.
It’s a colorful cast and one of those books that has many perspective changes in a short period of time I’ve seen more in fanfiction than in paperback but Backman makes. It. Work.
And fuck is it beautiful.
One tricky thing about it is there is quite a bit of exposition. I found it entertaining but it’s a bit heavy handed at the beginning, just forwarning you.
Funnily enough, by the time the actual SA thing happens on pg 175 it isn’t a surprise. You’d have seen heavy handed foreshadowing for like 5 chapters before. The only surprise is how innocent it starts.
[Disclaimer: I’m not a survivor or exprt on the subject so take my opinion with a grain of salt]
From what I have read, the lead up and the early aftermath felt like it played right with the story straight rather than a soap opra. Very chilling. For a few chapters, I wasn’t sure if I’d have the stomach to read it.
Then, it focused more on how the parents and town were feeling. Less time was spent on how Maya felt and more on how everyone was feeling. It’s to the point that she stops talking like a child and more like an emotional support friend you create in vent fics.
I still love the story, don’t get me wrong, but I kinda wish that Maya was less emotionally supportive of her parent’s “struggle.” Idk, the sudden flip felt a little jarring. Her trying to limit her parents getting hurt made sense but idk..
Rest of the story I liked pretty well. I liked how David (Junior Team Coach) character arc went from no politics on the ice to “maybe.” But also just his relationship with Kevin and Benji is just so heart warming and heart breaking.
Benji is by far my favorite character. I love his personality, and how he brings people together and his unique brand of showing love. There’s one scene when Maya punches and mirror, then Benji hides it by destroying the bathroom.
I love basically everything about how Backman handled Benji but.. I gotta say, there’s always something a little cringy about a writer who has a cast of all straight characters, have the only gay character just be a vehicle for a message and implied to die in the future.
With Maya, she had a bit of spotlight and some time to exist with how the town hurt but Benji I feel…
Honestly, I don’t know how I feel. I mean, it’s accurate how Benji would probably be treated in a town like that but also it has the Hallmark style “oh Peter’s gonna be fired for standing by his daughter and then isn’t.” Like it’s wish fullfillment and awesome so I kinda wish a little extended to Benji.
It’s just a little depressing how everybody is implied to have long lives after this but the one closeted queer guy. If we’re wishing for the best, why not include him too?
In conclusion, awesome to see how sport culture and boys get’s all funky and toxic but also a much needed escape. I loved reading it. Only took me 5 days. Made me give a shit about hockey. I learned alot about writing while reading it.
RIP to the person who put it on hold after me. It’s overdue now lol
Sequel: Us Against You
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mandalhoerian · 1 year
some people have very sad lives...I personally also found you from moth to a flame, and while it's an incredible fic I'm so fucking invested in the no time to die story, it's incredibly thrilling and vera's personality leads to wonderful character dynamics with Leon that are so fun to read, like the moment i read the weed scene I knew I had found a real gem
this was sent on may 29th also responding to the hate anon (for context!)
i can swear that they were frustrated that i wasn't working on more reader content (aka mtaf sequel) and was focusing on nttd instead but i can't prove it ,,,, telling me that nobody cares (like. they kept using "we" as the pronoun constantly it's kinda pathetic to hide behind) is like an indirect way of saying "just write xreader already" -- which will horribly backfire. but AYAYA, onto the more positive things!
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im like. RSSHDEHDKSDHSJDS i was like "REALLY??? ���😩😩😩😩" reading all of that !!! AHHHHHHHHH so so so happy the dynamic's fun to read & engaging, their earlier interactions were so fun to write as well -- AND THE WEED SCENE AHAH
i'm not saying they're comedy gold or anything but i wanted to balance some sort of awkward cringy shit (😐) moving towards a more balanced humor as they get used to each other or something along the lines,,,, because some of the scenes are meant to be a bit painful LMAO they trigger my fight or flight. that conversation before the lion medallion would randomly come to mind at night in bed and i would kick myself if it was me to be honest. (social anxiety and cringe fear vera.) like they get it together as they're conversing over the radio but. it's vera starting to flirt a bit that starts adding chemistry i think? RAMBLING SORRY
thank you so much for sending this ask AAAAAAAAA i'm so sorry for answering so late im the worst. bbhh
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vegaseatsass · 1 year
for the ask game!! 20, 21, 22
These are such good ones! Thank you, anon! 20. part of canon you found tedious or boring & 22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores I'm going to do these two together, because when I looked deep within for the answer to 20 (since at this point I am pretty sincerely engaged by every single little moment in KPTS ahaha), I realized that there were the parts of canon I found a bit tedious to get through in my first viewing, that I'm always overeager when I'm showing the series to someone new for them to get through so they get to what I think are the emotional hooks of the story and keep watching, but many of those parts are now the answer to 22? Like every part of Porsche defiantly sucking at his job in episode 2: hard/cringy to watch on the first viewing, but on second glance I'm so proud of him for resisting the situation he was put in every way he knew how. He can't quit, quietly or otherwise, but he CAN suck!! Lol. We see in the bar and the boxing ring that Porsche puts his all into his work and is amazing at it, so it's a bit heartwrenching to me, how being punished and shelved and told he's the worst of the lot is such effective conditioning to get him to start willingly working hard at this role he was coerced into. It's fun to watch bodyguard Porsche be all bamf and hypercompetent later, but it is a loss of agency and there is a tragedy in it, so yeah, I love the freedom and whimsy of episode 2 now and hold it so close to my heart. (I also savor the amount of Tankhun we get in episodes 2 & 3!) Similarly, I, like just about everyone else ever, found the Tawan episodes a bit draggy compared to how enthralled I was in episodes 4-8 and 11-13, but after poring over weird little guy Tawan in my head, and reading meta about him (how he was the woman in the tower and a picture of where Porsche could have ended up, and still might), I'm obsessed with both him and those episodes, and think fandom should talk about both 400% more than it does. I mean, EYE should talk about him 400% more than I do, whenever I forget about Tawan in a ship poll or whatever I give myself the stinkeye but yeah, there is so much to mine in those episodes (Vegas doesn't seduce with whips and chains he seduces with smol sad boy eyes and MARRIAGE PROPOSALS; Arm showing his love by helping you surveil your boyfriend who is his boss?), let's ignore them less, fandom!
To try to give an honest answer about what I find boring in canon now, I will say that I thrilled over all the late canon Kinn/Porsche domestic bliss on my first viewing, and I still love the tonal dissonance of how sweet and happy they seem before the narrative reveals that Porsche's being there is even more coerced than he thought, and Kinn knew that, and now here are 5 other fucked up reveals that they're both going to look away from so they can be together - but bread placement aside, a lot of those later scenes don't really tickle my brain on rewatch. I'm like: GO BACK TO THE FUCKY DRAMA ALREADY!! lol 21. part of canon you think is overhyped See I'm gonna suck at this meme because I don't think that anything is overhyped as in fans talk about something too much when it's not that great, but I will say the early Vegas/Pete interactions (magnum dong condom scene, temple scene) stir almost nothing in me shipwise. I love the stakeout scene for Pete flinging himself at Pol (and on my second viewing, for the realization that Pete is SO competent at so many things but not??? spying??? so why does Kinn keep sending him???), and I love the temple scene for Macau's eagerness to wingman for his brother @ prey animals (and in retrospect, it is fun that they have this "we'll make it through so many near-death experiences together" foreshadowing), but the actual Vegaspete of it all did nothing for me in those moments. It took a while for me to suspend my disbelief when reading fanfic and imagine that there was any chemistry between them before Pete was cackling in the throes of ball torture.
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steamyearlgray · 17 hours
Writer Interview
I was tagged by @ao3-softwarecorruption-exe and I highly recommend checking out his here!
For my answers look below the cut. I tend to yap for a while in this one. (Also if anyone wants me to elaborate on things here I can)
When did you start writing?
Technically middle school if I think back to when I truly started writing fictional stuff. Like I had always somewhat been trying to get the long dramatic plots I had living in my head down somehow. But middle school is when I first decided I was going to write a fictional thing for my 6th grade English class (2010/11).
We were supposed to do journal entries on whatever we wanted. I had grand plans of writing a diary of a stormtrooper. (Please note that this was before I knew anything about fanfiction. I had just started seeing the edges of the Cosplay world but not true fandom.) I managed two entries before I gave up and started writing little scenes I felt fit into the books I was reading or how I would have ended them. 
Fanfiction didn’t enter my life until after I moved and my parents got a divorce. My best friend at the time showed me Wattpad and tried to convince me to write a fic with her. (A blue-haired basic emo girl who was the secret daughter of the Doctor if I remember correctly.)
I found FanFiction.net on my own. Back then it was a bit of the Wild West on there. That led to me writing a Young Justice and Artemis Fowl crossover then a weird Doctor Who fic that I was so excited to write. (That fic is still up on my FFN and AO3 if you guys really want to read a mess.) 
In high school, my fics all lived in a notebook. A notebook that vanished from my backpack at some point sophomore year (that's a fun story if anyone wants it)… I hope they never see the light of day. I don’t really want my cringy Ouran/Black Butler/Justice league crossover out there. 
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Slow burn.
I love reading slow burn but every time I try to write it my story pulls them together too quickly. I think the closest I got to a slow burn is in ‘I get sweaty in church. Is that not normal?’ Where they take until chapter 12 (I think) to kiss or go on a date. It’s not until the last few chapters that they kiss or fuck.
Star Trek and Star Wars my loves. 
I have been trying to write something sci-fi for years. Even took a class on the Science of Science fiction. I just prefer reading it.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved writing my Binary Abyss series with my co-author. But I really love just reading technobabble and being sucked into a book on space politics.
I have read the Star Trek Nemesis novelization at least five times in the last 10 years.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Uhh… Right now I really love Sara Cate. The entire Salacious Player Club series was so good. I was able to read that entire series in about a week and a half. I long to create an environment as nice as she does. 
Fanfic author-wise, I really love Corrodedcoffin986 (Go read ‘Avalanche’ if you like Ghost BC and Copia) and the way she handled the slow burn she’s writing. I would love to be able to write a long fic like her without it feeling like it jumped the shark.  
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I currently write at my front desk job or at my desk at home next to Mr.S’s. I tend to get a lot more done at work because it's mainly sitting in a quiet lobby with my thoughts 90% of the time. I am about to change roles though so I’m about to be fully at my desk at home. I honestly can write just about anywhere as long as I have a keyboard, caffeine, music, and an idea. 
What's the most effective way to muster up a muse?
I put my music on shuffle and wait for a song to stir something up. I think that sometimes that is clear in my fics because vibes can change kinda fast. Or if I need a dramatic chapter, I put on an episode of Kitchen Nightmares and wait for my frustration to guide me through a chapter. 
I think at one point I was listening to one song that would make me cry on repeat to write a falling-out scene or break up. 
It really just depends I guess. Most of the time random bursts of energy take my hand and drag me along for the ride.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Shitty biological fathers? Like Olivia Sinclaire’s father, Jim DeFroque, and Papa Nihil. I um… Honestly not surprised completely. I figured this out the other day. Mr. S thought it was funny that I hadn’t connected these dots. I write shitty bio dads and nice step-fathers/fathers that step up, like Copia and Primo. 
My recent fics all seem to follow the same arcs. I’d like to think that I write Hallmark parodies really well. That really surprised me, ngl. Like that all started as a monthly prompt challenge and now it’s my bread and butter. I love writing these very dramatic and movie-like stories. 
Romances. Love me a romance with a dash of mystery. 
What is the reason for writing?
I write because it makes me happy. Like it keeps me motivated and creative when I can’t/aren’t up to working on my other hobbies. 
I also write because sometimes what I want to read doesn’t exist. A real ‘Fine I’ll do it myself’ energy comes over me when I’m hunting through tags on AO3 only to come up empty-handed and sad. 
On days where I don’t write, I feel like I’m slacking. (Right now because I’ve finished writing the Hellmark series I feel kinda empty. I finished binding it and getting a dust jacket printed for it and I now have to accept that those fics are done. I’ve poured the last 9 months into them and now they’re done.)
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
Thanks to a few of my friends I’ve really started to love comments with quotes in them. (I try to match their level when leaving comments but I never think I quite get there.) Quotes and ramblings about what parts people like are so nice and I tend to get excited about those.
Overall any comments to me are fantastic. I love to get more feedback than just kudos. It can be a little emoji heart or a bunch of keyboard smashing and I’ll still find myself motivated to keep going. Because someone somewhere is excited for another chapter. 
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
 I wish I could be someone that people are willing to read any trope from because it’s always going to be on the same level as my last work. I wish that email notifications about me updating or publishing something make people smile or giggle excitedly in their day-to-day life. I long to be an author who gets recommended around in friend groups, I feel like I can get there one day but I still have a lot to learn before I can.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I once had a friend tell me that I was really good at breaking scenes up like they were in a movie. I’d also like to think that I’m really good at writing adult siblings (despite being an only child).
That being said I still don't feel like I have too many strengths. Unless letting a plot grab your hand and run off with you is a strength. (I often get tossed a sliver of an idea and I'm off to the races. IE: my Koolaid man fic and 'Merry Jesus Birth'
How do you feel about your own writing?
I know I’m not the best at it. I suck at spelling and grammar most of the time. When I don’t have an editor or Beta working with me at each chapter my stories tend to go off the deep end and jump a shark. (Looks over at the 2 or 3 deleted chapters of Match Made in Hell) I don’t storyboard or put too much prewriting in and I really should start doing that. 
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
It’s both I guess. Unfortunately.  
I always tell my other writer friends that they should be writing for their enjoyment. ‘Write what makes you happiest. Doesn’t matter if it gets big or is only enjoyed by a couple of people. Somewhere it’s someone’s favorite fic.’ 
I’m just as guilty for writing what I think could ‘sell’ but I figure as long as I’m still looking forward to where a story is going or how it’s turning out I’m still doing something right.
Tagging: Uhh I guess I'll tag @lily-alphonse, @linafinsterwald192 and @nihildenial (No pressure)
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0aurelion-sol0 · 3 years
So apparently there has been set photos or at least "leaks"/rumours that the ST4 crew will shoot in a roller rink. Specifically in Albuquerque where apparently Stranger Things 4 has been shooting.
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This place fits the New Mexico environment where scenes for the Byers have been shot and who many think and are predicting is located in California.
We also know Mike will go there to meet the Byers and has been absent from the Hawkins set a long time which means he will likely be with them for some time.
While anything might be filmed there such as an Upside Down scene or something else such as one shot for another character being there or working there. It could even be for a possible teaser.
From what I found, (and again it's mostly @hawkinsschoolcounselor who made me learn about it, like I am not athletic at all, put me on these wheel things and you're gonna have a lot of traffic collisions, like girl the fuck...), roller skating was a very popular thing back in the 80's. It was often used for parties. And the only character I can think of who might be into that is Max since she herself loves skating.
I can't really see Mike and Will be into that kind of stuff since themselves are more bicycle boys.
So if that has to be a scene filmed for these characters I could see Max telling El that she should do roller skating (Maybe Joyce but I don't see her being into those sort of things either, she might know about it and push El but Max makes more sense to me.). Sadie doesn't seem to have filmed scenes in New Mexico and Albuquerque so it's likely that El goes there, possibly with Mike or Will or the both of them to experience it.
You can also see here a post of @kaypeace21 about a possible connection between the book Rebel Robin and this possible leak.
And than something caught my eyes when I was playing ST3: The Game. There's a specific item that you can craft and can help you escape fights and give you a lot of speed.
It's this one: a pair of roller skates.
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For those who have read the description, you know where this is from and you understand the joke:
It's about something related to a scene in 3x01. A particular song.
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"Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon.
It's when Mike and El as you see here are going at it at their daily cringy making out sessions. This song plays and it definitely doesn't fit their relationship since the song is about someone who realises that he has feelings for his childhood friend when he sees that their relationship is growing into something more.
Mike and El were never childhood friends, they got together a few days after meeting each other and they were never any proper build up to their relationship.
So why put a song that doesn't fit their relationship ?
In the same room, there's a drawing of Will on the wall. A photo of Mike from season 2 during Halloween in 2x02 and the mask El got with Kali, a girl who can create illusion in 2x07.
It is to show how Mike is projecting his feelings for Will onto El and is putting on a facade of this "macho boy" to be normal. We already went through the El looks like a boy in season 1 (go on YouTube and watch ST reactions of 1x01, when El first appeared, some people mistook her for Will.) and was mistaken or possibly could have been taken for Will.
There is also Mike who often takes El's hands away from his hands or his body and has his eyes closed as if he is imagining something while they are kissing.
It is during the same season their is a M*!leven break up that is joyful, full of colors and all happy with a rock song playing in the background and a Mike and Will fight that is so dramatic and sad (sad music, desaturated colors...) with Will destroying the symbol of his childhood and looking at a photo of Halloween during 2x02 ("Crazy Together" scene.)
Max even says that he will come back crawling to El.
What did Mike do ?
He comes back crawling to Will after their fight and never does that for El.
So everything fits, the songs, the direction the acting, the props and even the set.
So now if we put two and two, together, if there are scenes at this roller rink in ST4 and it's related to these three characters, it might lead us towards a certain path:
If Mike, El and Will are there and if one of these characters is alone or come as a duo or as trio, we might explore this love triangle during these scenes and their feelings at this roller rink.
The reference in the description of this item makes a clever joke about not being able to fight a "fleeing" anymore. Changing the word "feeling".
This can imply a few things: that Mike might not be able to stay with Eleven anymore and fleeing from his feelings for Will, fleeing from this relationship to finally be with the one he actually feels something for and that he might flee from Hawkins to meet with the Byers in a possible location in California.
Given that the reference is about this scene in 3x01, about a song that is specifically related to Mike (and his POV of his relationship of Will), something here might happen that leads Mike into a path where he can't flee from a certain feeling anymore.
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Am I the only one who doesn’t get why some (tw) are shitting on Haru and Rin separately just for the fact that they reciprocate each others feelings? Because it’s not the feelings they wanted them to reciprocate? Just curious because I'm new and recently entered the fandom. And since when miscommunication in between means that they don't deserve to be happy at the end? Because you're an idiot when it comes to love, doesn't mean you're a bad person. I came from chinese bl and it's weird to me.
Hehe welcome to the madness, perfect time to join! Yeah, tbh that's the thing in the fandom that always bugged me the most. The fact that some act like if you don't reciprocate someone's feelings, it makes you a bad person. I always found it incredibly cringy when ppl in real life for example make ppl feel guilty for not feeling the same way and make you feel like shit bc of it. I don't get why you have to apologize for that or feel bad, if you never ever gave him any hope or anything in the first place.
Nowdays it's thankfully a rare sight already in this fandom, bc most already grown and see perfectly what's truly healthy and unhealthy, it's just tbh only the same 3 accounts ppl keep sending me that are still on that, who also think that Haru is literally possessed in the last movie so I don't see the point of like arguing with ppl like this. It's just they're always getting extremely angry when Haru wants Rin as if it's his fault that he feels this way and always go about it like he is inconsiderate of Makoto's feelings. Implying that they're mad that he doesn't feel that way about Makoto, while Makoto does. I'm same as @tododeku-or-bust for example said here (idk what fandom brought this on, but just in general) also do not get what's appealing about this kind of relationships in the first place.
If they shipped it in terms of like it's mutual I'd get it, but they go on about how Rin or Haru are bad friends bc they're not in love with their best friends... like ?????? I didn't know you owe it to your friends to have romantic feelings for them.
In real life if you found out that your bestie feels that way for you while you don't reciprocate, it's a burden, that'll make you feel uncomfortable and at times guilty when you shouldn't technically feel that way. So putting on someone a burden of "I was pining for you all along", when you know they don't feel the same is giving me this feeling of cringe. So I personally do not get what's enjoyable at seeing it like that in Free. But to each their own kink lmao.
It's like... is Haru at fault for the fact that he was Ikuya's first love too? I do not get it really. Like he doesn't have to take responsibility for everyone who falls for him and he doesn't owe anyone to reciprocate their feelings. Even to Rin. Like if he didn't feel the same way for Rin, it wouldn't be his fault either. But since he does feel the same way for him, it's like... good, great, happy for them.
Like once again if someone believes that Makoto and Sousuke are unrequitedly in love with Rin and Haru, that's not rinharu fault. Haru literally never ever lead Makoto on EVER. He never ever did anything that would make Makoto believe that they're more than friends. He was always honest about everything. Like when Makoto thought that he went out to see him, but Haru just wanted to see the sunrise, he told him just that. He never encoraged anything, he refused to live with him and never wanted. I do not get why it's supposed to be his fault that he doesn't like his friend in that way. If Makoto has some unrequited feelings for him and decided to hang up on this, it's his own life choice in my opinion.
It's like saying that Onodera and Takano for example don't deserve to be together just because they unintentionally hurt each other and got separated for 10 years bc of misunderstanding. This argument is like typical Yokozawa life position aka "but I was there when he left you heartbroken for several years, that means you MUST pick me". As I've said before, that's just not how it fucking works. And just bc they couldn't explain things to each other normally, doesn't mean that they don't deserve be happy now. Being idiots is not a crime.
Or if you came from chinese bl, lets go "Guardian" for example. Zhu Hong also was on about how "why you love Shen Wei, not me, I always did everything for you and I was always there, I even wore heels bc you once said you liked those etc". Like he never asked her to do this, he never gave her any hope, he was beyond rude and open about the fact that he's not interested, he never did anything to make her think she had a chance since the beginning. Just bc she decided to dedicate her life to false hope that maybe one day something might change is not his fault. It was her choice. Why Yunlan should feel like shit bc of that I do not get personally.
I'm just buffled bc like Haru for example is the most caring about other ppl's pain person, but they call him selfish and rude bc of the way he is with Makoto at times, not even realising that it IS in fact what means being kind sometimes.. to not give someone a chance when you know you don't feel it. I was always saying this like since forever, being kind doesn't mean for example giving everyone second chances, loving everyone, wanting to be friends with anyone etc. In some situations it's not being kind, it's being stupid or even not being a good person. Once again... offering someone friendship after he openly dissed your friend and you see that he's not in any position to talk back is not kind. Or if someone cheats on you constantly, but you always forgive them it's also not you being kind. It's you being stupid. Sometimes you have to be harsh. It's for the greater good.
And like I saw several times stuff like someone under scenes where Rin has his eyes for Haru only, commenting like "oh great, look at Rin being inconsiderate of Sousuke's feelings again. Can't believe you guys find this romantic." I mean, if in their opinion Sousuke is in pain from being Rin's friend, he can end it, it's his choice. It's not Rin's fault that he thinks of him as just his friend. So thinking that Rin is an asshole bc each time he simply hangs out with Sousuke he's a selfish bitch is fucking insane. I'd feel extremely bad if my best friend was seeing it this way for example. It's like hella ugly.
This annoys me also bc of the fact that Rin, the person who at the age of 12 single-handedly saved his family from falling apart after his father's death, who's an amazing friend to Sousuke and did everything to make his happy after he found out about his trauma and always checks on him first and cries about his shoulder, who in the late evenings taught Rei to swim, when everyone else gave up already xD, who was looking after Nitori during his training, who pretends to walk the same road, just because he's scared to let Gou return alone in the evenings, the most amazing son and brother, is suddenly an asshole just because Haru is in love with him, but not with Makoto. I mean, thats just... huh? Like I dont mind you ship what you want to ship, it's like to each their own crayons for real. But like dissing them and call them selfish just bc they only see their friends as friends and don't want anything more is weird to me.
As for the fact that bc of the misunderstanding they don't deserve to be happy, that's just idiotic. I mean, lets punish Wei Wuxian and Lan Zhan too just bc Lan Zhan couldn't voice his real feelings back then and bc WWX misunderstood him. Lets ship WWX with Wen Ning instead. Nezumi is cancelled, he doesn't deserve to be with Shion. He left him. Takano should stay with Yokozawa, Onodera is trash. Wu Xie is trash for wanting to be with Zhang Qiling too. It doesn't matter why he leaves, it only matters that he always does. I can't believe he doesn't see that Pangzi is there with him all along xD. What an ungrateful trash of a human being I can't even.
And anyways btw both Rin and Haru are not ideal human beings in any way (otherwise I wouldn't love them this much tbh xD). But their flaws are definitely not what for example mh shippers usually blame them for. You can argue about their other imperfections easily. Like being stupidly stubborn for example. I won't point fingers here, Haru lolz. Or literally anything else.
My point is you can find what to trash them for logically, if you wanna. Do it smartly tho. Otherwise you make your ship look bad.
And I once again say what wise person said about his relationships and about the fact that not being able with someone he loves hurt him and 'why is he doing this to himself' he answered: "it's not on him. my happiness and my pain is for me to handle". Everyone decides for themselves. This is why for example Haru was so broken about voicing this to Rin and didn't have any intentions to tell him that in the first place. Bc it's not right, if you're not sure that it's requited. Technically he has no right to blame Rin for making him fall in love with him and then leaving in the first place. It's not Rin's fault really, that he made him feel what he feels for him, it's ultimately Haru's problem. That's why he feels has no right to blame him in the first place. I mean, he doesn't know that Rin feels the same, that means saying to him "you break my heart each time you leave" and making him feel bad about it is technically wrong. That's why Haru to himself said "no, please, don't say such things to him". Everyone for himself decides who deserves your 5, 7, 800 or 10000 years of your pain. It's your decision. It's your life. If Haru feels like Rin is worth it, then you have no say in that matter really. The only reason we call Rin an idiot or Haru an idiot is because we know they feel the same, so we can. But blame someone else for not feeling what you're feeling is not right.
So like even if you feel like Makoto and Sousuke have feelings for their friends, blaming Haru and Rin for having feelings for each other and not for them is beyond weird. And there's nothing wrong with putting someone you love first, every bro/sis gets it. You can say bros before hoes all you want, but like Lan Zhan might just drop his bro for his hoe, if he was given a choice. Would it make him a bad person? The fact that Wu Xie chose to save Xiaoge before Pangzi makes his a bad person? My point is it's not all that easy.
I just feel like many ppl in this fandom are very weird about many things. Either because they do not get what it's like to go through some things or maybe they just do not get that no matter how cheesy this sounds love is not that simple. I mean, for example not all selfish is bad, sometimes like in Haru's case for example not being selfish is also bad. Bc if he finally asks for what he wants, he will make both himself AND Rin happy.
To be angry at Rin bc of the aftermath of his father's death and s1 I never had it in me, after knowing everything and how adults handled it. If some of Sousuke's fans bc of Yakusoku and the fact that Rin found his salvation in Haru bc he helped him to move forward after getting his family out of this hell alone and that Haru was the safe haven that made him happy in this moment of his life, want to trash Rin for the fact that he "neglected" Sousuke, its like your opinion. I personally do not get it. Rin doesn't owe Sousuke anything. It's not his fault again that Haru's existence helped him to feel better.
Just like not everyone will get why Haru in 1x12 was so happy about the fact that he could help Rin. To be that special somebody for someone who can "save" you in moments of your life like this, especially if you love them is an incredible feeling. And no, your bestie isn't always the person for this job, no. I don't see why people do not get that I guess, that's all. But we all have our own opinion on everything, so...
We same as you do not get it since forever, but its like it is what it is in this fandom. I personally just have another life position on stuff, so I'm very far from that point of view they have.
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djemsostylist · 4 years
I'd say I'm shocked, devastated, or even disappointed, but I guess at this point, I'm not?
In a weird way, I think I'm relieved? The characters I knew and loved are gone, and they certainly aren't coming back. That's been made crystal clear. The magic, the story, the meaning--it's gone. If we're lucky they'll bring back Ayşe for a series finale I fear will never come, but until then--I'm free.
What happened in last night's episode was not my Eda, not my Serkan, not my Edser. Full disclosure, I did not watch the episode myself, only the Edser clips. That being said, a few points:
Everything about their reunion was--flat. Look, Eda and Serkan have long been established as a couple that can't stay away from each other. The longest stretch of time was in 20, and they were both miserable. When they are finally together, they can't stop touching, smiling, kissing, just looking at each other. And now they've both been through absolute hell, and Eda's first response is to ask him to recreate the Dirty Dancing scene? Seriously? The man you love more than life itself, who you love and want to be with so much you planned a wedding in three days because you couldn't stand to be apart, is back from the dead and memory loss, and you are like "let's do a run/jump/catch thing?" Since when has Edser EVER been performative like that? My Serkan and Eda would be in tears, sobbing, clutching each other, refusing to let go. Please, someone go watch 27/28. The few times they had to separate, Serkan acted like someone was asking him to cut off his arm. Eda spent 80% of episode 28 superglued to his side. And yet their reunion is a cringy jump lift, dancing in his apartment, and then...spending the night on the sofa? Um, what? My Eda would have spent the night koala clinging to his chest, but okay, sure.
Many (most) of their scenes were cringy af. Look, this is a dizi, I except cheese. But there is cheese and sappiness, and then there is cringe. I couldn't bring myself to watch the tango, but everything about their interactions felt weird, stilted, and sort of...I dunno, perfunctory? They snipe and argue about Deniz and Selin, their touches seem performative (either for us or the other characters)--I didn't feel the relief and joy and love at two people finally coming together after pain and heartache. I just didn't.
Serkan was a complete and total dick. He downplayed what Eda went through, seemed more annoyed at her for what happened than anything, and seemed to think a "sorry babe" was enough to make for up through the hell he put her through. Turns out, the Asshole of the past 7 episodes isn't amnesia Serkan--it's just literally Serkan now I guess. Telling her to just deal with Selin staying on, getting irritated with her over Deniz, telling her to "calm down." Um, where is my Serkan who told BA she could arrest him, throw him in jail, take his company but he didn't care as long as he had Eda? Where is the Serkan who was worried and concerned over the Prince acting vaguely sketchy towards Eda (even before the kidnapping that wasn't?)? Where is the Serkan who sobbed when he found out about the part his father played in her parent's death, who knew she was too good for him, who would rather set himself on fire then do anything to hurt her? Where is the Serkan who promised to use the last breath in his lungs to make her happy? Where is the man who told Selin she was nothing to him and to never speak to him or Eda ever again, who left his own father because he hurt Eda? Where is the man who barely acknowledged Selin's presence again after she hurt the woman he loved? My Serkan would have torn Istanbul apart with his bare hands to find Deniz and make him pay for manipulating and hurting Eda. He would have destroyed Selin--not for hurting him, but for hurting Eda. Where is the man who said "fuck work" and turned off his phone because spending time with the woman he loved was more important? Eda is married and he decides to just...go into work? Not my Serkan. He's not. This condescending, rude, passive, uninterested man is not the man Eda fell in love with. He's a shell of the man he was, and I hate him.
And Eda. Where is the girl who said she would never let herself be humiliated? Who never let ANYONE pull anything over on her? Who saw straight through people's lies and deceit and didn't let them try to come between her and Serkan? Where is the girl who didn't let people fight her battles for her, but fought them herself? Where is the girl who said "enough?" Where is the girl who knew who she wanted and what she wanted and was willing to fight the entire world to get it? My Eda would have fought side by side with Serkan to find Deniz and make him pay for what he has had done. My Eda would have smacked the condescension right off Serkan's face and would have laid bare all the pain he put her through. My Eda would have laughed in Selin's face about the baby trick and gone straight to Serkan with the lie. My Eda would have seen that her Serkan was gone and dead, and she would have cried and mourned, and then she would have wiped her tears, stood up, and said "No more." We've seen her do it. We've SEEN it. Episode 15 Eda would look at episode 36 Eda and be like "what the actual fuck?"
These are not my characters. This is not the story that was being told. It's not. So for me, their story ended in 28. Serkan got downstairs, sat in his car, said "wtf am I doing?" called Italy and said "sorry, but we are going to have to pass on this deal" gone straight back upstairs, and married the girl he loved. And then they went to Italy and France and England and came back and ran their company side by side and lived in the doctor house and raised their twins and lived a beautiful life.
In conclusion, I truly think I'm done. I'll stick catch news bc I am a masochist and also bc I love and adore Hande and Kerem, but as far as watching, I'm out.
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sataara · 3 years
Hey so @floralflowerpower said she wanted to hear more about my OC and that was a mistake, now I had to write something for them!
A few quick notes, Lee is nb, their pronouns are she/they, I wanted to add a drawing but I'm not inspired enough for that so during the show's canon, dark brown hair, shoulder length but with an undercut, black eyes, white freckled skin, slim but well built and slightly above average height. On ghost form, lilac hair and golden eyes.
Be warned that I made this OC when I was 15 so cringy/edgy alert! (I may be cringe but I'm free)
They weren't coming back. That's what her caretaker said. She was going to be taken to her uncle and aunt because she had no one else. They went to look into a temple and were never seen again.
Lee's feet tried finding purchase on the rolling sand. She ran and ran remembering the walk she did with them that day, the day they showed her their next project. The locals said that the only thing to be found in the temple was death. They didn't listen, she wanted the locals to be wrong but she didn't want to believe any other reason for them to not come back. Did they not want her anymore? Wasn't her the perfect daughter anymore? The one that accepted being away from them for days and sometimes weeks, accepted people she didn't know to take care of her, accepted being called a nice little girl even though that made her feel weird?
She tripped and fell on the front steps. The temple was big but not as immense as the others she had seen around, sturdy looking but not done with detail, darker than the night around her. Lee took the torch that resided outside. It was lit despite nothing else being. Her footsteps echoed around the open and empty space, the entrance guided her to a long corridor, weird drawings filled the walls, scenes and symbols she could not decipher with her limited knowledge.
The end of it held a door that lead nowhere. A circular looking entrance with symbols engraved in its frame, but a wall where open space should be. Lee touched the frame with reverence before noticing a shine on the ground inside of it. Her hands barely made contact with the crystal engraved on the floor when the explosion happened all around her.
It was too much and it was nothing, it burned and it froze her, it ripped her skin apart, it mended her skin back together, she was there, she was somewhere else, she could breath, she was suffocating, she was taken by the darkness.
Lee came back to, laying on and surrounded by purple sand. Her body felt like she just touched an open wire but she could still see a pair of feet on her field of view, dark and in old sandals. She followed the legs to a toned body, dressed in white linen and gold accents, his head was that of a jackal and he looked down upon her as if in disgust.
"You have been chosen, child. The one before you fell in battle and now it is time for you to take her place."
"Who are you? Where am I?" The green swirling sky didn't give her any answers, the face that glared at her had no pity in its eyes.
"You are where you are needed. You'll know what you'll have to do. Go and do so. Do not disappoint and do not be destroyed."
The sand under her was the color she knew, the sky as blue as ever. Lee stood up to her full height as her name was called in the distance. Her caretaker was crying and desperate, afraid. Lee felt guilty for the way she acted the day before but now she knew it was as it should have been.
"I'm not even from here, my parents were just studying the ruins, I'm from another fucking continent."
"And that's why you were chosen, I would not make one of my own go through this suffering, you are now the one and only Guardian."
"I know this is not what you wanted but your uncle is not that bad, he already has two kids and a loving wife, you'll be loved and well taken care of there." Lee didn't care about any of that, the only question on her mind was why didn't he take her with him like he did her parents? Why couldn't she be so lucky? How could a god be so unforgiving and ruthless?
That night she saw them in her dreams. Weird old clothes, tired faces, pity in their eyes.
"You'll be even better than we were."
"You're destined for greatness."
"You'll keep the balance."
"You will not fail us."
She didn't choose this.
The creatures were nothing like the ones she saw before. Those could be malicious and even prone for destruction but nothing compared to the ones she had to stop. A toxic black hole, taking everything good, alive, in the sense of living and in the sense of existing, be it ugly or beautiful, it took and it took. She destroyed one and barely survived. The scar on her shoulder blade would never disappear, a reminder to not hesitate. For a month after, nothing happened, then she had to fight another. The blood in its maw red and green, the stains on her gloves a reminder to be faster.
With every fight she learned and she wished she didn't. Her uncle and aunt never noticed, her cousins thought that she was doing the things their parents and teachers warned them against. How could she, no, how could they make friends in school when they were barely there, when they were weird, a freak. They cried themselves to sleep and the voices begged them for strength, for speed, for wisdom. All that they believed they lacked.
Lee was twenty one. It had been eight years since that fated day. Lee was in their room. They had the day off from work. Lee heard a loud sound coming from the lab. A scream, a wail, a cry, something so primal, so terrifying. Lee was in the basement in seconds. Lee was there too late.
Danny was a nice kid, had beautiful dreams and an incredible future ahead of him. Danny came out of his shell and helped Lee do the same. Danny gave Lee the little brother they never had. The appreciation for the little sister that they never thought they could care so much for. Danny made Lee want to stay alive again. Lee let Danny die.
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
More hetalia highschool AU, 🌟magic team🌟 edition :)
Under the cut bc it is long ❤️
Vladimir is that one kid obsessed with Twilight but only for the vampires; it was his first ever exposure to vampires thanks to his dad thinking Twilight was an appropriate book for a 11 year old. Team Edward going strong for five years, he'd proudly declare like it actually mattered. He tries his best to dress goth at school even though his uniform gets in the way. Fake ear piercings(his parents won't let him pierce them yet), over the top makeup, he's dyed the top half of his shoes black because his parents were concerned about his obsession with black and wouldn't buy him the black tennies he wanted— "mom look, these are marked down for back to school! Can I pleeeease get them???" "....may I know why the black ones specifically?" "They match the ever nothingness of my soul." "Yep! The white ones it is then!" "Mooooooooooom!"— Vladimir has been dubbed the cringy vampire kid of course.
Lukas is into pretty much anything concerning cryptids and magical creatures because they can't be proven to be fake or real, which intrigues him. He carries a book about mushrooms at all times and info dumps on pretty much anyone about identifying poisonous mushrooms and which mushrooms are safe to eat. His backpack is covered in buttons and pins to show off his interests. He keeps an amethyst in the front pocket of his backpack, reason unknown other than to just randomly pull it out and let Mikkel look at it. He's that kid that always wears his hoodie no matter the season, he never takes it off. Under his hoodie is always a crude worded t-shirt that the school would not approve of, much less his parents. He's relatively quiet and because he's quiet he's considered a weird kid.
Arthur can't decide if punk is his style or if goth is. Either way, his way of self expression at school in addition to the uniform is horrible. Checkered black/red shoes his grandma got him with his older brother's hand me down worn out greying socks—"can I PLEASE just have my own clothes???" "we have perfectly good clothes for you in the garage! I can fix them up to fit you better and everything!" "but I want cool NEW clothes!" "those are cool clothes and as far as the other kids know, they're also new. Now get your transformer backpack and get to the car. I put a new patch on it last night so that should hold it for the rest of the year."— Old Pierce the veil shirt, with holes chewed into the collar from his older brother Dillan, peeking out from under his white polo. A black and red choker to match his black and red slowly tearing apart too big flannel on top of a black pull over. A deep blue beanie, the hoodie of his pull over almost constantly on top when outside the school. He dyes a part of his hair a different color every month. He spikes his hair using too much gel and is convinced he looks good. He talks too much about bands and always gets Vlad and Lukas going on and on about fictional creatures he does not FULLY believe in himself. He does, however, believe in magic and loves Harry Potter, more specifically the Weaselys, to bits.
Natalya is a sophomore, a year behind the boys, and she just kinda pushed her way into the friend group until they eventually accepted her into it. They were the only three she knew who liked occult related topics. She's on the baseball team because she wanted an excuse to hit things with another thing and NOT get detention because of it. She wears the khaki uniform skirt and takes full advantage over being able to wear any kind of tights underneath; skull pattern, plain black, blood splatter pattern, fire pattern. Anything that makes her feel like a badass. She's always talking about antiques and forging weapons, more specifically knives. She has a whole collection of fidget toys but her favorite is this pea pod keychain her father gave her. She's always talking about how she'd like to be a medical examiner and to just prove that she's serious, she'll bring up a picture of a human model and point out the difference between a self inflicted fatal wound and a homicide. She puts up a charade of being able to see and talk to ghosts to freak out Alfred, her extended friend first met through Tolys.
They collectively believe they're cool and that other people know this. They're genuinely blind to the obvious snickers sent their way, being called losers and nerds. They're really knowm for like really pathetic things like; Natalya is Ivan's, tallest and most intimidating member of the wrestling team, weird younger sister by a year. Lukas is just the weird quiet kid that reads by the courtyard garden during lunch. Vladimir is not only the vampire goth kid but the kid who's parents believe the teachers are giving his son low grades on purpose and will yell at them for it. And Arthur is just. He's another Kirkland, immediately assumed to be a massive trouble maker because of his now graduated brother Alistair and one grade above him brother Dillan. Everyone loved his eldest brother Darick and sometimes compare him to Darick.
Compared to what others THINK they do, such as witch craft for some odd reason, the four of them do pretty typical teen activities. Like hang out at the mall. Do their honework together. Play video games and D&D when they have the chance. The boys do have sleepovers still as they have since meeting each other in middle school, Nat not really being a fan of sleeping where she doesn't live but comfortable enough to go to their houses and just chill for the day. They have become friends because of their related interests but thats not what they're ALL ABOUT.
Fun facts/stories about these losers I thought about while bored as fuck:
• Lukas, in his freshman year, went on a nature hike field trip with his lit class after reading Into The Wild. And he brought his mushroom book of course. They walked around, looking at the sights, talked about the book. Lukas just stops at one point, falling behind the class. He picks up a mushroom, goes to the teacher and is like "You see this? Its not poisonous." And straight up fucking eats it without warning. The teacher called an ambulance even though Lukas kept telling him he was fine and that that mushroom was 100% okay to eat raw, but for sure better off cooked. Lukas calmly shows the paramedics his book and they're like "yeah that actually was safe to eat, we don't need the book to confirm that, but um. Please don't ever pick something off the ground and eat it again. Just. Please don't do that, son." .....he did it again before leaving to go back to school but this time he didn't tell anyone.
• In elementary school, Natalya brought in a model of the human brain she asked her dad to borrow. He had to say yes because she was his only child genuinely interested, not bored of, his medical profession and he found it very cute and honoring. So she's at show and tell, its her turn right, and she silently goes up to the front of the class and pulls out the model brain. Teacher tries to step in because, hey, these are 6 year olds—AND WHY DOES THIS 6 YEAR OLD HAVE A PLASTIC BRAIN??? But Nat just shooshes her. In surprised shock, the teacher is just quiet as Nat begins to explain parts of the brain and their function— which was all wrong actually. She knew the words and everything but she didn't get the locations right. She sounded confident and smart and she was telling this to a bunch of 6 year olds so they believed her of course. End of the school day, her dad is having a hilarious conference with his youngest's teacher about the brain incident.
• Vladimir loves reading. He's loved it since he began to learn how, even if his dyslexia gives him grief along the way. So since he loves to read he'll always get excited and read ahead in class or in the public library reading club. One summer, the reading club was reading The Giver and it was getting really good. Vlad was loving the story, so much so that Vlad began to read ahead in his own time when he really wasn't supposed to be, the club was reading it together out loud and discussing it. Now he's read enough and worked hard enough to figure out how to help himself focus better and understand each word and sentence without having to reread it all multiple times over or get stuck. But sometimes the meaning and context to what he's reading doesn't ALWAYS process with the words as he's too focused on reading the words right and it passes right over his head. So Vlad is reading ahead and he's getting to the part where The Giver has given Jonas the memory of the sled again. And Vlad just sits there after reading that paragraph. He rereads it. And rereads it again. And then he leaves his book on his bed, goes to the the hall closet and takes out the ironing board. He grabs a plastic container to use as an ill attempt of a helmet and he just. Rockets down the staircase and hits the wall. He screams and cries and his parents rush in from the livingroom. When asked what happened he just says "I wanted to understand the sled scene better! Now I do and I feel really bad for Jonas!" He just couldn't quite grasp WHY the sled accident hurt, never had a broken bone nor sled afterall, and needed to find out. And that's how Vlad got his first broken arm at the age of 12.
• When Alfred and Matthew moved in with Arthur's family, Arthur didn't like it. He was a moody young teen but he was also just tired of the full house. His cousins were loud and nosey. He had to share a room with his four older brothers already and now with Matthew while Kathleen and Alfred got a room to themselves. Arthur thought this was so unfair. So his solution was to run away. He was 13, he needed a place to have some peace and quiet for once. So he texts Francis and Lukas, the only two of his friends living in his neighnorhood. Francis is not on board with helping him run away at first but then Lukas brings literally all his camping gear for Arthur's use and then Francis is on board because he had the feeling Arthur was going to get himself killed somehow. So as the elder one of the group he accompanied Arthur and Lukas out to the short stretch of woods behind the last street of their neighborhood, intending to go to the big clearing before hitting the roads leading to the airport and whatever else buildings. They're out there setting everything up together and they're done by like 4 pm. They sit down and talk, munch on oreos and other snacks Arthur deemed as essential survival foods. Then Francis looks at his cell and remarks "wow its already 6! Ah, Lukas, we should get home. Afterall, neither of us ran away so we still have supper to eat. Come on Lukas, let's go before our parents come looking for us." They exchange goodbyes, Francis trying his best to hide his cocky smirk. So Lukas and Francis start walking off, Arthur crawls into the tent and eats half a cookie before frowning and feeling too alone. He didn't expect to feel alone because all he wanted was to BE ALONE. Before he knows it, he's running out of the tent yelling after his friends to stop and wait up. "Oh whats wrong, Arthur? I thought you wanted to run away." "I— I forgot I hadn't fed my rabbit is all! I'll run away tomorrow! I'm not... Feeling lonely if.. If that's what you think...." Arthur did not run away the next day. Buuuuuut the three plus Vlad made a tree house together in the Kirkland backyard that they still use today!
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nightshadedawn · 4 years
Persona 5 Royal Playthrough pt3
I ended up going through two Palaces before I could update y’all. Oh well.
...Yeah, no, quit calling me Miss Special Snowflake's boyfriend. It's not happening.
Ryuji, Morgana, and Yusuke having a conversation in the laundromat: "It's like he's our mom," says Ryuji... the mom friend.
Every time Morgana is like "I have to turn into a human so no one else can have Lady Ann!" then expects no one else to hear him makes me laugh. Like, bitch, no.
I have the restaurant in my Thieves Den 'cause I like it. Yusuke, Ryuji, and Morgana are there. They're so precious.
I got a three in a row Tycoon on cutthroat!!!
Ryuji and Ann just keep going "Shoulda figured" and other versions of the statement every time I win.
Ann just rejected Morgana's feelings HARD. I am happy.
Ryuji is too good, honestly. Why would anyone not like him? He's... He's always trying to build the team up, make them proud of themselves and what they've done. I will admit that he has his moments of being not a great human, but they're teenagers who were given absurd powers, so honestly, can you blame them?
I didn't know darts was an actual minigame! There's so many minigames. I'm so happy.
I don't like Akechi. I don't know why some people do. Like, his death scene was a bit... too late for a redemption for me, right after he tried to kill Joker, several times. His pain is understandable, but still... I can't.
Their "two sides of the same coin" also doesn't seem particularly fair. It's totally uneven in everything but color schemes.
Guys, GUYS, please, PLEASE decide whether you're going to react to my teasing or not.
"We don't have to deal with them directly," Ryuji says joyfully about the mafia. Oh you sweet, sweet, innocent child, if only you knew what I do.
I literally can't play this game around anyone else because I tend to yell "BABY!" to Ryuji, Ann, and Yusuke and "BITCH" or "FUCKER" to... a rather long list of villains in this game... and Makoto.
I can literally feel Yusuke's anxiety about his painting when you take him to Leblanc to see Sayuri.
How can you say Yusuke isn't gay when he says everything I do is beautiful?
I love Ryuji's 9th social link. It's LITERALLY written like a confession scene. This also means I kinda hate it because... I can't date him.
I actually kinda thought that the new scene for Ryuji being a crossdresser is kinda funny??? Is this bad??? I wanna see him in a dress, tho. I gotta agree, he'd be a natural. Not the like, painfully obviously not taking it seriously from the dancing game, though.
Though I do think it's valid that he freaks out when two strange adults come up to him and try to take him somewhere, especially in a place known for being shady, and at night.
...When Ryuji complains about it, I do feel bad about ditching him. Then again, I blame the cat.
Ryuji may be my ideal type on paper, but I'm also highly attracted to Yusuke and this is so totally unfair.
*softly chanting* butlers butlers butlers butlers
Don't mind me just... *makes meticulous plot to avoid having Makoto join the team that i may or may not write a fanfic about*
Makoto is one dumbass bitch. Like, honestly, there's nothing she does that's in any way remotely smart.
...I thought I'd just skip Makoto's scenes until she became relevant, but here I am, still skipping her scenes. Does that mean she’s still irreleveant?
"Witch" I suggest, and Makoto complains! "Would you prefer "Bitch"? I can use that too.
I put Yusuke on the team in the middle of the palace through settings, replacing Morgana, who had been standing right behind me. Which made Yusuke stand right behind me. It looked like he was holding onto my waist and standing uncomfortably close. Bro, babe, I love you, but not in front of my boyfriend and girlfriend!
Just accept the compliment, guys, I'm not going to compliment Queen.
...Opening chests with Ann or Ryuji is just so sweet because they're so affectionate and touchy feely. Especially Ryuji.
Math. Fucking. Sucks. I should not have to use math in a game. I hate this. Obviously it's the Palace Makoto comes in that this happened.
Well, I finished the Palace in a day. I love the feeling. But it was getting close there. Joker and Yusuke were down to no spells...
...Yoshizawa hasn't showed up yet. When is she getting shoehorned in?
My very first playthrough I didn't execute a single execution except for the first one we have to do. It  really screwed me over my second playthrough...
...I broke the electric chair. That's certainly something that happened.
147 games of Tycoon later and I've only been a beggar 31 times in total, versus the pure thirty wins in just Cutthroat.
They're in their summer uniforms and it makes make miss warmer weather already. It's fucking snowing outside. Grrrr.
Beat Kaneshiro! ...Wasn't a fan of his new boss battle. I'm even playing on safe mode! But whatever.
Makoto is a DISASTER at Tycoon. She exclusively got beggar all three times I played with her!
Ann, sweeties, baby, you're doing so well.
She confessed to me, then in the call afterwards it was basically insinuated I proposed... WHICH IS LIKE FUCK YEAH 'CAUSE SHE ACCEPTED IT.
It makes me think of the future conversation where they're talking about marriage.
Anyway, if you haven't noticed, l love Ann.
My next playthrough I'm not gong to date her, though. I'm a completionist and I want ALL of the possible awards. But... I refuse to cheat on Ann. So I'll date everyone else then just hang with Ryuji... despite how cringy some of the date things are.
...If Akechi wasn't, you know EVIL and tried to KILL ME, SEVERAL TIMES, I might, MIGHT, like him. But in truth, I think that's really just the Persona 5: Revival talking. We get... into some stuff during that.
I know that either Atlus or the translators know EXACTLY what goes on in the Persona fandom because otherwise "He's too pretty to be wrong" would not be an option when talking to the newspaper girl about Akechi. I have to agree with her that his looks aren't really, you know, awesome enough for that.
Also, I read it as "He's too petty to be wrong" at first and I think that's an accurate sum of his character.
...fucker fucking giving me shit about my fake glasses...
If you COULD date the boy out of mod, Akechi would definitely be the one they were pushing you to date. Like Makoto. Or Yoshizawa.
But hey, at least I get to not be nice to him.
I remember seeing this picture where Ann, Ryuji, and Joker kept going to the movies together and seeing 3D movies, and Joker couldn't wear the 3D glasses properly because of his own. I keep imagining that picture during this event with Caroline and Justine.
You know what? Some people call Joker a loli lover because of them, but nope! He's just adopted two more siblings. That is my stance on it.
I get very pissed about this, and it's worse with Hades.
7/4 is the day I am screaming at, if you were wondering.
My dad asked me if the other students think Joker's stupid because every time I answer a question right they get all surprised.
I don't really like Makoto, as I'm sure you've noticed, but she was super nice about Ryuji's special move idea. And that put her ahead of Akechi in my book.
Yusuke and Ryuji are good boys, the best boys. And they're so awesome about their special move.
AND RYUJI OFFERED MONEY FOR YUSUKE'S FOOD. And implied that he did it before???? Ryuji, you best boy.
This boys' outing DOES make me happy, though. Like, insanely happy. Dunno why.
Maybe because Joker gets to be so flipping cheesy.
...fuck you, Yoshizawa.
HONESTLY WHAT THE EVER LOVING--- Grr. Too many choices while with her. Too many. OOC Joker when with her. 0/10.
And you know, it's really hard to choose between Lala-chan and Ann, but... GONNA TAKE ANN ON A DATE
Got her some flowers. Lets see if we can give them to her this time!
"Such a good FRIEND." Babe, we're DATING. For like, TWO WEEKS NOW.
Ann called Yusuke a pretty boy, but then she's missing out on the REAL pretty boy, Pretty Boy Ryuji.
Ryuji, why're you so worried about other girls when you've got ME?
"I like the shade." "What are you, moss!?" Oh, admit it, Ryuji, I'm growing on you.
Cargona. Snrk. Gods, I love you, Ryuji.
Dome town with Ryuji! "Isn't it all couples?" That's the point!
Sadly, I bought those for Ann. Ryuji, you get the noodles.
"It feels like I really captured Ryuji's heart!" FUCK YEAH I DID
Gonna give Yusuke the bracelet when I get the chance.
Why is everyone color coded in the chat room? Kawakami, Akechi, Mishima, and the reporter are all ORANGE. What's the point? Well, Akechi's more of a golden orange, but close enough.
While Mishima is not my first choice for a date, he's definitely not my last.
...But the boy really needs some fucking sleep. He's not drawn with the bags under his eyes, but I can see them!
It's not fair that they give Akechi a kicked puppy sprite. I'm... goddamnit, they're trying to make me not hate him.
When Makoto doesn't know something, I'm brought great joy.
First day in Futaba's Palace! I've gotta say, this is my second favorite palace. Kamoshida, Futaba, Madarame, Sae, Okumura, Shido, Kaneshiro, Holy Grail. In that order. I HATE Kaneshiro's place and dealing with the Holy Grail. But whatevs, man. I love this game. (Vanilla, at least, this one is still on the fence)
I found out a cool little thing. On the uphill sand slopes in the town (don't know about anywhere else) if you're running and turn back quickly, Joker will do a little animation to steady himself. It was cool and made it seem, I dunno, more human? Anyway, while I was admiring this, Ryuji and Yusuke just stood at the top of the slope and Ann followed me while I was running. Best girlfriend ever.
Kin-Ki is looking pretty kin-ky if you know what I'm sayin'
Please don't murder me because I do terrible puns.
*we fall through the trap door* *Ryuji starts screaming* Same, baby, same.
...Makoto is seriously annoying. Like, she's got no business acting as familiar with Futaba's situation. The one who WOULD be the most familiar is Yusuke, and I'm glad he recognizes that. It's not the exact same, none of their stories are after all, but I feel like those two get each other better than even Ryuji and Joker understand each other.
Yusuke and Ryuji's special attack is THE BEST
Ryuji and Joker getting up close and personal in the shadows. All those fanfics coming true, man.
I thought Futaba was sloth, not wrath? Why are her Will Seeds called Wrath?
Beat it in one day! It's so satisfying to watch all those achievements when I leave the palace.
You know, I'm thinking of wearing the Christmas outfits for the final battle. Just to be kinda funny.
Spending a relaxing day with Yusuke after going through Futaba's Palace... kinda want to take him to the bathhouse to check out that new scene, but I also REALLY wanna feed the boy... gonna feed the boy.
Apparently I can only make 'decent curry.' Which is fine. Because "I" can't make curry at all. Joker, you've done much better than I.
...Broooooo, the way you talk about your manga is how I talk right before I start shipping.
Took him to the bathhouse, 'cause I don't gotta worry about Mama Sakamoto feeding him.
...Can I take Ann to the bathhouse?
Asked Ryuji to move in. He was all up for the idea until he remembered that I live in an attic.
I'm Charismatic now!
...I was all hoping Ann would stop by but then Akechi asked me out. Laaaaaaaame.
Ryuji's smile is so fucking cute.
...I say we just be honest, and everyone's so fucking stupid about it until Makoto explains it. This pisses me off. They're not that dumb... At least, they weren't until Makoto showed up.
Futaba's hiding in the closet. ...I've spent too many weeks making jokes about closets to not have a joke about it.
Really, Yusuke? You see those books and think she can't understand?
...Wait, that sassy tone of voice... You were TRYING to pull a reaction of her. I knew I shipped those two for a reason. OTP and BroTP. Doesn't matter, they're both awesome.
I love you Ann, but I don't think your situations were the same at all. It's not like both are valid and bad, but... different.
Joker is SO fast compared to the others, especially when he's speeding.
What the...
Holy fuck...
Damn, Joker has my heart too.
I kinda wish we could see Futaba's costumes in her Persona. That would be pretty neat.
The moment right before Wakaba appears is so aesthetically pleasing.
...Futaba being happy is almost enough for me to accept Maruki's offer, and I haven't gotten there yet.
Ryuji and Ann keep smacking each other out of their ailments. Like, you guys just love each other so much! It's awesome.
Joker has lackluster responses to Wakaba... I'm hoping that isn't one of those "Answer these wrong and you break her!" things... Not that I think I was, but still.
I liked Futaba's new animation for when she defied her mother.
I wish the anime looked more the cutscenes. I'm trying to rewatch the anime so I can pinpoint specific moments for future editing purposes, but it's kinda painful.
1- This is the SECOND TIME you've landed on Yusuke while running from trouble.
No Makoto, I don't want to go see Futaba with you! I can go see her myself.
So, I like Takemi's new voice with her lines during this scene.
Sure, she collapses every so often and sleeps for a while. Stays like that for a few days. Sorry that I put her into a coma for a month, Boss...
Guys, we have a month. Stop worrying.
Damn, Joker's dying to the amusement of two little girls.
I'm kinda disappointed I didn't get results for all that training. But I liked the scene.
Yusuke just casually be lugging bigass paintings around.
Taking the girls to the church may have been one of the funnier moments. These cement them as Joker's little sisters. With Futaba. Damn, Joker, you got no brothers.
Yusuke promises to come by every day and we can tell him to take his clothes off. ATLUS, you have some EXPLAINING to DO.
..And Yusuke took it and ran with it. My sweet summer child, I don't think I could handle you in as little as possible on the day to day.
"The heat induced delirium made me think outside the box." Same.
Guts takes sooooooooooooo long to level up.
"Punish me more" he says, as if Takemi won't do it.
"Good god. Well, none of my medicine can cure THAT." AT LEAST WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE
Awe, he had fun. :)
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jellybeanbeing · 4 years
Favorite Books of 2020
I read 50 books this year, here are my top favorites:
9. Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare // One of my most anticipated books of 2020 and it did not disappoint. This wasn’t the first Shadowhunter book I’ve read and so I was aware going into this one that, with this being the first book to a new series, there was gonna be some info dump and A LOT of build up. I wasn’t mad at it though. Besides that, I can already tell that this series is going to be my favorite in TSC. The story is already so complex with such vibrant and interesting characters and character relationships. I cried my eyes out at the end of this book because I could just feel the pain in certain characters and I am so ready to be hurt with the two upcoming books.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: substance abuse, emotional manipulation
8. Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert // This was the first ever adult romance book that I read, and boy, did it make me fall in love. I had no idea what I was going into when picking this up because I had never read an adult romance novel, and I was soooooooo pleasantly surprised that it sent me into an adult romance book binge. This is still at the top because hot damn, the relationship was just fantastic. It was sooooo cute, and what I loved so so much was that the characters had lives outside of their relationships. They grew individually while still engaging in their relationship. It never felt boring or stilted. It was so refreshing to read that. The amount of communication and comprehension that was present was amazing. The smut scenes were just fucking perfection. I loved everything about this book! 
TRIGGER WARNING (provided in the author's note of Get a Life, Chloe Brown): "This story touches on the process of healing after an abusive relationship."
7. You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle // Let me just say here that this is suuuuuuch a romantic book. There were so many lines that had my heart aching and crying. This was the first book I read where the lovers to enemies to lovers trope existed, and after this one, I want more. I looooved the regrowth of their relationship, seeing the two become friends again, and really really communicate with each other and listen to each other. It was so goddamn cute and wholesome and endearing. This book was also so humorous and I found myself actually laughing at certain parts. One thing that I really really appreciated was that though the book’s perspective was only from one side of the relationship, it never pinned all the blame on the other person. This was a story that could’ve easily turned into that, where the other person is the bad guy, but it was acknowledged that both sides were at fault for the falling out of the relationship. I had such a great time reading this one!
6. The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang // I fell absolutely in love with this one, especially after a brief reread. It is sooooo freaking cute and easy going and wholesome and romantic and perfect. I love the two main characters and how well they fit together. They understand each other and respect each other and care for each other so so deeply. The communication was so perfect, the smut scenes were top tier amazing, the growth of their affection towards each other was so cute, and everything was just great. I loved the family aspect of this one! It felt natural and genuine. This book was just everything good.
5. Kids of Appetite by David Arnold // One of the last books I read in the year, and here it is! This reread was well overdue. Anyway, I loved it! I loved it way more than my first read. The found family trope in this one was literally so perfect and felt like a warm hug. I LIVE for the friendships in this one. I absolutely loved how everything tied together at the end and how everything was connected. It made me so emotional, and yes, I did cry. A lot. The romance between Vic and Mad was also really cute and wholesome! The grief that was explored in this one was also so so good. It felt so personal and it made my heart ache. Yes, this book will still remain as one of my all time favorites. I loved it.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: PTSD, physical abuse, death of a loved one, murder, violence
4. The Right Swipe & 3. Girl Gone Viral by Alisha Rai // Okay, but these are top fucking tier romance books! I’m grouping them together because they are part of the same series (Modern Love). I’m usually not a fan of social media or modern day lingo in books because I do find it cringy but I don’t know, it fucking works in these two for me. The Right Swipe is a second chance romance, and I loved it! Rhi and Samson have such great chemistry and their banter was so good. Girl Gone Viral had me smiling like an idiot throughout the whole thing. It was so fucking cute! Also, it was my first bodyguard trope like book, and I like it? Anyway, what I love about both books is how great the communication and comprehension is between the couples. They understand the other person’s boundaries and have conversations like mature people. I also LOVE how the main characters are so well developed and intriguing individually. There’s enough about both characters and who they are and how they run their lives where I felt a connection with them. I found myself caring about each character outside of their relationship and rooting for them. They grow individually but they also grow within their relationship. Also, what perfect endings these two have. It’s not at all cheesy (though I’m not opposed to them) and/or dramatic. They were so realistic, intimate, and heartwarming. And lastly, the smut scenes were chef’s kiss. Great. Fantastic. These two books are the best romance books I’ve ever read, and I will die on this hill saying that.
The Right Swipe TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: sexual harrasment (the book discusses sexual harassment in the workplace), emotional and mental abuse, healing after the death of a loved one, anxiety, mentions of panic attacks
Girl Gone Viral TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: PTSD, mentions of unhealthy eating habits (restrictive), emotional and mental abuse, depictions of panic attacks, anxiety
2. Deposing Nathan by Zack Smedley // This was my first book of the year, and yes, it is up this high because it was so great and memorable. I read this at the most perfect time in my life. I was initially really exciting for it, and I was so happy that it matched my expectations. While the book’s main focus is on the events of what happened that led to the start of the book, it deals with such as topics about sexuality and religion. It was such an emotional and intense book for me, and I felt like this book poured out the thoughts that were swimming in my brain. I loved the characters and how certain things played out. None of it to me, felt unrealistic. It was genuine and heartbreaking while still a bit heartwarming. This book is truly a gem, and I will love it forever.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: child abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, mental manipulation, violence, homophobic slurs, homophobia
1. An Ember in the Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir // With how much I posted about this series, it’s no surprise that it’s numero uno on this list. I love this series with my entire soul, being, existence, it is literal perfection. Yes, I’ve had my fair share of complaints about this book series but fuck that, it is sooooo good. The characters are so amazing and complex, and their development over the course of the four books is so emotional and heart wrenching. I found a part of myself with each character and I was (and still am) so attached to them. The romantic relationship, the familial relationships, the friendships, all the relationships were so well done. I could feel the true connection in every dynamic. I love it so much that it hurts. The plot itself is so fucking good. The slow world building it has is one of my favorite things. It allows you to take in the world slowly and at a good pace. It continues to grow and evolve and reveal itself the further you go with each book. The dialogue is fucking fantastic. It’s flows so well and is well done. Yes, it gets fancy but it’s soooooo smooooooooth. The writing is just sooooo beautiful. Gorgeous. A beauty. I have different posts dedicated to my favorite lines in each book, and boy do they hit the emotional spot. This book series has had such a huge impact in my life and the fact that it’s over doesn’t even feel real. I have cried for five days straight because I won’t get to read this series or about these characters anymore, like I HAVE NEVER DONE THAT BEFORE. Not to mention that the tears are also because of book four and the bittersweetness it left me with. I could go on for days about how absolutely amazing and fantastic this book series is. I would highly recommend it. Get wrecked by it. Love it. It will hurt your soul.
TRIGGER/CONTENT WARNINGS: mentions of rape, mentions of sexual assault, violence (some scenes are graphic), murder, death of loved ones, depictions of grief, PTSD
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kpopchangedme · 4 years
Sun-drenched [M] - Youngjae
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Every time you opened your mouth something outrageous came out but unfortunately, your new dorky step-brother seemed to be immune. You couldn’t tell if Youngjae was actually that clueless or if your reputation preceded you. 
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Protagonists: Choi Youngjae & You
Word Count: 4.6k
Genre: NSFW - Cringe Fest - Smut - slight exhibitionism - f*ckgirl - Stepbrother!au || [One Shot]
[The Pleasure Chest: A Cringe Fest]
GOT7 | M.list
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Your mother was doing that thing with her hair again, slightly shaking her head every time her new beau spoke. Every single bob invariably made her blonde curls spring. How disgusting. You had asked to be bleached once, a few years ago, and she had the audacity to claim it would look cheap on you. So unfair. 
She hadn't met her fourth husband for more than 6 months before she did just that. She thought it made her look younger, but Miami-midlife-crisis was more like it. It wasn't pretty wheat blonde, it was white yellow-ish banana buttercream. On-sale daffodil... Much like the sad ones Youngnam had gotten her from the convenience store yesterday.  They were now awaiting certain death in a crystal vase husband-number-two had gotten her for God knows what occasion.
You rolled your eyes when your latest stepfather started going over safety rules again. At your dad's there was never a need for them and if you correctly remembered the last time you had lived with your mom... You smiled, imagining how Dr. Top Surgeon would react if he found out his perfect church-going wife used to pop pills like candy and store a very impressive bong in the third drawer of her kitchen.
That would make for a fun scene. 
The goodbyes seemed to stretch half an eternity in the living room, after which you got dragged to the hall where the speech began all over again. Your mom gave you a short hug, more of a shoulder squeeze, then she pulled back and frowned with intent as much as her botox allowed. You shrugged off her silent don't-screw-this-up warning, already waving goodbye to her husband. Shoo shoo, you thought, sending the adults off to a far far away location. 
As soon as the door shut behind, you squealed in excitement. 
Summer had officially begun! 
Moving half across the country to fake “house sit” their new place while they honeymooned in Boca wasn't exactly what you had scheduled for your vacations. But when Youngnam accidentally let the words infinity pool and cars – as in with an S – slip out during the weekly video call, not even the dread on your mother’s face could’ve deterred you from flying over. 
As it turns out, Dr. Choi was loaded. 
Something you probably would’ve figured out earlier if you’d bothered showing up for the ceremony at all. Unfortunately, the wedding hadn't matched your Spring Break’ schedule and you decided having been present to the many previous ceremonies should be considered enough daughterly care for a lifetime. 
As you bent to the freezer for a celebratory parent-free popsicle, you felt the eyes of that gift-that-came-with-the-house glued to your ass. He briefly glanced down at the flash of your stomach’s skin when you jumped to sit on the counter. 
Surprisingly enough, your mother’s many rings had never once come with a step-brother before...
Usually, she went for the bachelor or womanizer types and those had the decency to never have baggage. Dr. Choi was a break of pattern and the news came with complete horror on your part.
For as long as you could, you had made a duty of never meeting his son, pretended he didn't even exist. So when the bubbly blended trio came to pick you up at the airport yesterday, you had been shocked.
They had said soloist of the local Choir and you’d heard; loser. Piano lessons? Dork. All-boys school graduate? Stuck-up. Computer Science Major? Nerd alert.
No one had talked about… That.
As a matter of fact, Choi Youngjae himself had not spoken much either, but he was certainly looking... 
And there were few things you enjoyed more than having a man's undivided attention.
Standing in the middle of the kitchen in all his glory, your new step-brother was staring, as usual, watching intently as you sucked your popsicle. You made sure to make a show of it.
“So… What about lunch?” He finally asked even though it was barely 9. Just to rattle him you hummed on the sugary treat as a reply. Mission accomplished. “S-Should I order pizza?”
“Don't worry, I’m easy...” Youngjae’s gaze fluttered down to your belly ring again. Boy, if he liked that one he had a few things coming. “I’ll eat anything if it's on you.”
Gaze widening, he pretended to look at something over in the living room and walked away.
Wait no, the poor guy literally bolted out of the kitchen to escape to safety. So fast one could wonder if this whole first exchange was the fruit of your devious imagination.
Oh no, you had just traumatized your babyish step-bro.
It made sense, you were one scary bitch.
All-boys school graduate? Virgin, you mentally took note. 
Or perhaps your mom had said something about you devouring the souls of poor innocent men. They said the apple never fell far from the tree. Grinning like a shark, you discarded the melting popsicle in the trash.
This promised to be one Hell of a summer break. 
“It’s been more than 10 minutes...” Chimlin flipped the phone over to yell unintelligibly at her demonic baby twin sisters. Despite the protection, you winced. “No DMs.”
“Then he hasn’t seen it yet.” Artlessly reporting for BFF’ duty was a lot more fun face to face, but for a few months, video calls would have to do. “Trust me.”
“I don't know,” she whined, going on all over again about how her boyfriend hadn’t picked up the phone since their nightly routine fight of yesterday. 
Sometimes you wondered if you’d even follow her back on Insta if you met this current sad version of herself. Kinda hard to tell, but she used to be the coolest baddest chick on campus. Then she was partnered with that Italian exchange student for a Statistic class, disgustingly dripping pheromones, cash and European pizzazz. Yes, Statistics. The most boring course ever, let's be real. But Chimlin was a genius, the deadly hot kind. No matter how shit-faced she was, that girl could track the B-52s and Gin Tonics’ calorie count of each respective member of your girl squad, not that she'd ever had to care herself.
Then Massimo came. At first, he was just a casual hook-up, but he managed to worm his way into her brain and grew there like a tumour. By the end of last semester, they were full-on steady-going together like in cringy 90s rom-coms. He was always stuck to her like a parasite.
Gone was your favourite 4 feet 11 party animal.
“Do you have any idea how many bitches Mas could meet this summer?”
You snorted, “Not even close to the number of dicks you could have in Pattaya if you wanted to.”
“Phatthaya,” she corrected automatically with a dramatic eye-roll. “That’s the thing, I don't want to. I only want one dick and he's miles away.” She waved her hand to brush it off right as your mouth opened in protest.
Her Italian barnacle did want to remain with her on campus for summer, but Chimlin thought she had better plans that involved a lot more beaches and fruity drinks. She simply couldn't live with her own poor life choices now and you were just about to tell her so when a flash of skin on the screen distracted you.  
“What else have you been hiding?” You sing-sang, impressed by the view. 
She glanced over her shoulder, “That's my uncle. Like... He’s literally my mom’s lil’ brother. Gross.”
“I know what an uncle is and that's a very hot one if I’ve ever seen one. You can look.”
“We’re not all depraved sluts like you.” She only half-teased with a sharp laugh. “How's the cute new brother doing, by the way?”
“No idea.” You flipped the camera and zoomed on Youngjae's bedroom window like to prove a point. The curtains were drawn, concealing anything worth mentioning from view. You were lounging by the pool on one of those fancy long chairs, much as you had been for the past week. Margarita, sunscreen, repeat. If this boring routine went on, you’d be so tanned by the end of summer no one on campus would recognize you. Sometimes you did think Youngjae's curtains were wobbling, maybe he was spying on you but it could all be your imagination. “Typical. He's been in hiding from me since day one.”
“I don't blame him.”
“Don't blame me for wanting him either. He's a good boy in a bad boy’s body.”
“I don't even know what that means...”
“No one does. But he's not cute, he's hot. I need him all over me and I've been telling him so, but he's strangely elusive. I think he hits the gym above the grocery store on the corner, I should join.”
“I don’t stalk, I live in his house.”
“No wonder the poor guy doesn't go out of that room, I bet he picked up on all your slutty energy.” In the rectangle screen, Chimlin switched to tan the other side and you did the same, laying on your back.
“Ha ha. He'd have to be moronic not to,” you were holding the phone above, casting a partial shadow on your face.
“Your legend precedes you. He's scared you're gonna trap and fuck him.”
“What else am I supposed to do when you've abandoned me and flew to the other side of the world? You know I need a summer project.”
“And of course, it had to be a guy.”
You were so glad she stopped whining about Mas for a minute that you let that one slide. “Well, I am not a needlepoint kind-of-girl.”
“Right, hey maybe it isn’t the incest that’s creeping your brother out. Maybe he's gay.”
Someone snorted out loud at that – not you – and you sat up in alarm.
Two guys were standing by the edge of the pool.
“No, he's not,” said the one on the left, a smile in his voice. They were directly in your sun, so you had trouble making out their features. One silhouette was slightly slumped, the other tall and all limbs. You suddenly felt very exposed, dropping Chimlin to fasten your bikini top in a hurry. This show wasn't for strangers to enjoy.
“Who are you?” The second man asked, clearly lost.
“She's it,” the other echoed.
“Who are you? I live here.”
“We're your brother's social life,” the frisky one smiled largely, kind of in a dangerous way that you immediately recognized for your own. Friends, they were Youngjae's friends and they very clearly overheard your embarrassing banter with Chimlin.
Flushing – a rare occurrence – you brought a hand to shield your eyes from the sun while you corrected; “Step-br–”
A sharp voice cut in, “She's not my sister.”
Behind, Youngjae was standing awkwardly by the patio door, a stern look on his face. He didn't seem surprised his people were there. He didn't even glance in your direction before disappearing back as you blankly stared after him. 
“Well, thank fuck,” the you-guy turned to wink, following him inside. “Good luck with your summer project! I’ll root for you!”
In a daze, you picked your phone back up. Chimlin was still there, waiting dilligently to be briefed on what just transpired. You puffed your cheeks, mentally preparing for what was to come.
Swear to God, Youngjae had not come out of that room for two days.
Maybe he had a fridge in there.
Maybe he only came to life after midnight like a vampire to avoid the whore squatting his dad’s house. 
Whatever his annoying friends told him had certainly made a lasting impression. You just hoped he wasn't the type to go cry to parents whenever something happened. You had no intention of going back to your tiny dorm all alone and sad for the summer just because you hurt his feelings by finding him bangable. Or worse, at your father's.
What was he even thinking?
You had not done anything wrong. Pushed a bad joke a little bit too far perhaps, nothing to get all worked up about. No reason to get shunned out of your mother's life again. 
Youngjae's reaction, or lack thereof, was way out of line.
It's not like you had actually done anything to him. He was such a prude. A prude that eye-fucked you all the time!
Church baby boys were the worst.
What an ass.
Three days?!
Three days of an overly empty house. The atmosphere had gotten so heavy, the air so tense you couldn't even think about anything else. There was nothing left to do. Just sit on the couch inside or by that dumb infinity pool, starring at the drawn curtains of your step-brother's bedroom. They weren't wobbling anymore.
Which was what you were actively doing this afternoon, ruminating your dark thoughts for hours. You didn't even notice you were getting dangerously warmer. When your timer went off, announcing it was sunscreen time again you nearly fell from your chair. 
Doing the legs was the easiest part, your favourite to be honest. They were one hell of an asset of yours. You were massaging the thick lotion on your right calf when something at the corner of your eye caught your attention. 
For a heartbeat or two, you thought you were hallucinating. 
Youngjae had finally reappeared. 
He was standing at the end of the pool, a knapsack thrown over his shoulders. His thumbs were hooked in the straps, hands dangling to his sides like dead weights. If he looked like a young boy at first glance, the heated look on his face was one of a man.
Frozen still, you gulped. True to form, he kept staring for a long moment before turning to the house and you thought he was about to go into hiding again – but oh no, fuck – he was actually pacing towards you. 
“I’m back.” Youngjae blurted out awkwardly, mouth twisted. 
Yours was opened in a mix of disbelief and shock. He was actually addressing you. “Back?” From where the corner store?
“Yes,” his eyes ghosted over your poor excuse of a bikini before anchoring themself back to safety in yours. Again, horny eyes. If you were warm earlier, now you were burning up. “I thought it'd be better if I stayed away at Bam's for a few days…”
Right? No one could actually stay between four walls so dilligently. It made sense. You were so dumb.
Apparently, your confusion was evident. “Didn’t you notice I was gone?” No, you had not. So your step-brother was so freaked out being around you that he actually moved out for a few days. Had you gotten that bad? Jesus. “Anyway, I’m back home with you now.” 
Youngjae took a step closer, kindly getting in your light so you'd stop squinting at him. He looked even hotter in the bright light of day, sweat pearled between your breasts. He frowned and bit his lower lip waiting for a reaction. The things you'd do to that perfectly proper mouth. 
Of course, what came out of yours at the moment was less than appropriate. He was right to be scared, you weren't safe at all.
“Wanna do me?”
Yes, you were that bad. Terrible indeed.
“Do I-I,” he gasped for air – oops, “w-what?”
“My back,” you clarified smiling like a prisoner that hadn't been fed a good meal in days, “sunscreen.” The poor man should've stayed far far away from you. 
You weren’t crazy or desperate, but you couldn't resist. You had been patient and unusually upright so far. You deserved a treat. You were hungry and you knew your step-brother wanted you too, he wouldn't have felt the need to hide away otherwise. Youngjae had an interesting duality, shamelessly thirsting over you one minute and getting flustered and embarrassed the next. He must have been deeply unsettled by your open invitation because before you could flip over, he had claimed possession of the bottle. 
Or maybe he just didn't need to be asked twice this time. He knew. He wanted to give in to temptation. Why would he even come back here otherwise? 
Laying down, you reached to undo the bikini strings, pressing your loosely covered chest against the rough towel on the chair. You waited.
“You must really hate tan lines,” Youngjae said in your back, sounding tormented, “it seems you're never properly wearing clothes.” He sat down in slow motion like an obedient little boy as you grinned. 
“Are you ever gonna put your hands on me?” You teased once more, it was like a string was tugging up your insides through that dirty mouth of yours. You wanted to keep pushing him, wanted to find out what it'd take to make him break. And just fuck you really. It was fighting the inevitable by now. 
Every guy you met wanted to have you.
Usually, you didn't have to beg.
“I'm trying not to,” he admitted the obvious. “I promised I would never touch you,” Youngjae grumbled and you jerked in surprise when lotion spurted on your lower back. “Promised my father I’d treat you well.”
It made sense, a good boy would never disobey and do his dirty step-sister. If your legend preceded you, his golden son’s reputation certainly did too. Honestly, this promise made the taunting easier and even more tempting. It made for a funnier challenge and the spark in Youngjae's eyes when he looked at you hinted you could break him if you really tried.
You were about to defy his ethics again when words went back down your throat, letting way to a sharp sigh. He had suddenly fully committed to applying your sunscreen, fingers exploring your skin. You asked to be touched and he had risen to the occasion, firmly rubbing the lotion on your naked back. 
Earlier you had every intention of teasing him further by enjoying this a little too much, but you weren’t sure it was entirely voluntary when the first moan escaped. If he wanted to keep it PG, he probably should’ve stopped right there, but it didn't seem to deter your step-brother. He kept going, massaging you along the way. His thumbs traced circles up your spine until one of his palms cupped your nape. 
Perhaps this is what an erotic massage was supposed to feel like, heaven. Every stroke was totally appropriate, very perfect boy-ish, but still, your toes were curling. After a few minutes, Youngjae's breathing was heavy, he was enjoying this impromptu contact just as much.
You both had made yourselves obvious these past weeks; him with the eye-fucking, you with the open-truths. Clearly, the forbidden nature of your desires would make for an even more intense experience. You couldn't even imagine how it'd feel to take it further now. 
“I've never had a step-brother before,” you mewled, mentally following the downwards path of his hands.
“I bet you love messing with me,” he replied, barely audible. 
His pianist’s fingers were now haltingly sliding up your ribcage. He wasn't rubbing in anything anymore, just caressing all he could reach. 
He was right, but you wanted more. That was the sexiest thing that happened to you in forever. Having a guy want you bad enough he had to hide away to resit, and now having his hands on you. You wanted him everywhere, all over. You didn’t care; step-brother promises or not.
Giving in to temptation, you turned around, resting on your elbow. Your untied bikini had not followed so you watched as his face fell in realization. Youngjae's mouth opened in awe, eyes glued to your bare perky breasts. At the moment, there was absolutely nothing going on in that male brain of his. He didn’t move; you helped.
As soon as you put one of his hands on your chest, he came back to life. 
“Jesusfuck,” he breathed out, completely winded.
Church baby boys were the best.
Entertained, you reached for the sunscreen, pouring lotion on yourself again. “You aren't done.”
“I…” Youngjae swallowed back his protests, cupping your boobs with both hands. He couldn't even look up anymore, enthralled by your nakedness.
No matter what their intentions were, it seemed good guys were still guys after all. If you had known he was this easy to overwhelm, you would’ve walked around topless sooner.
“The neighbours will see us...”
He didn't seem to mind that much, seeing as his thumbs were stroking your pierced nipples relentlessly. If those middle-aged housewives you only caught glimpses off looked over the edge now, they’d have a pretty impressive show. 
“Let them,” sitting, you snaked a hand to his dramatic bulge. Your mouths got so close you felt his breath ghost over. Beaten by your expertise, his shorts’ button came undone first, his fly was even more compliant. 
The moment of truth.
Youngjae's whole body shook when you took his cock in your palm. There was no hesitation, no second-guessing. Fuck, he was so hard and flushed for you. He pinched your erected nipples in response and you felt a familiar vivid jolt of pleasure and pain down to your toes. Not a virgin, after all, no doubt he would handle you just fine. 
You pressed your mouth to his neck and sucked, right where his Adam's apple bobbed.
That's it, all for you. You were so going to eat up that good boy.
“Mmmm, I’ll tell daddy you’re treating me so fucking well...”
Of all the filthy things you had said so far, this was the one that got the strongest reaction. The wrong one. Youngjae jerked up to his feet, tugging at his shorts in panic. He swore a dozen of times, out of his mind as you stood there, frozen still.
“Sorry,” he offered at last, pitiful before running for his life to the house. 
Surely you were feverish. 
Having a heatstroke.
You had imagined the whole thing.
You had not just being left out cold by a man.
This type of shit never happened to girls like you. 
It took a few minutes to gather back your thoughts and when you did, you decided this wasn't even close to completion.
Without wasting a second more you stormed inside the house, almost flying upstairs to that mythical off-limits bedroom of his. You didn't bother banging, he was in such a hurry he forgot to lock behind, so the door flew open. 
Like a scene straight up from a bad porno, Youngjae spun on his computer chair, a hand still wrapped around his fully erected dick. You couldn't believe your eyes.
“Are you jerking off?” He was already pulling up his shorts again to cover himself, caught red-handed, blushing as though you hadn't been doing it yourself a moment ago.
“I’m sorry, I don't think you–”
“Please don't stop on my behalf,” you waltzed in, confident, and sat on his well-made good boy's bed.
“W-What?” Youngjae blinked, even more, rattled by the sight. 
He didn't leave because he didn't want you, he clearly did. He probably only left because of his father and that dumb promise he mentioned.
“Is this how you've been dealing all along?” You laid back on the comforter, smirking and remembering all those afternoons by the pool you’d thought you’d seen his curtains fall. He certainly enjoyed spying so it gave you an idea. He could try to resist you all he wanted, you'd still made him cave. “You don't want to touch me, right?” Your step-brother nodded, spellbound. “Because you're the perfect son.”
He swallowed hard, “But you keep… Saying those things, sunbathing… And to my friends...”
“Yes, you’re right... So let's start over.” You sighed in fake contrition, “I'm sorry, I've made this so hard for you. I’ll be good too from now on.”
Youngjae scoffed in disbelief, “You are sitting topless on my bed.”
“Oh,” looking down at yourself, you cupped your breasts. “I thought you liked the looking.” His cock was standing up, glorious testimony to this mess. “Don't worry, I get it. I promise I won’t let you touch me...” Throwing your head back without breaking eye contact, you moaned and lightly twisted one of your pierced nipples. “But I’ll make you watch...” Out of his mind, Youngjae did just that as you caressed your own chest for him. Somehow his eyes on you now burned even better than his hands earlier. 
You were so turned on, so worked up by all the days of teasing and loneliness. Your hips started swaying on his bed, craving some fiction and release. 
“You're crazy,” his voice was laboured but he had yet to escape again. This time you wouldn't have followed.
“I-I'm so wet, Youngjae...” Giving in, your right hand fell to your sex, rubbing your last piece of clothing. He was captivated. 
“Fuck it,” he immediately breathed out in surrender, hand wrapping around his dick. That was it, you finally had him. He was all in, playing along with your new favourite family game.
No touching, just innovative teamwork.
You had to establish ground rules, but pushing them was what fun was all about.
“I want you so bad...” You mewled, slipping your middle finger inside your bikini bottom.
Stroking himself, Youngjae groaned, “So you’ve been saying baby, but now you have to show me.”
Oh shit. You were going to come so fast if the golden son had other surprises like that. In a hurry, you wormed out of your panties before he could change his mind once more. In front of his fully clothed self, you laid back, touching your damp slit while he observed intently. The whole experience was surreal, your mind was buzzing, overwhelmed by the wrongness of it all.
It felt so amazing though.
Touching yourself for your step-brother was the sexiest thing you’d ever experienced, and you were very accomplished. You would’ve done anything he'd asked of you, and Youngjae knew that but he abided by his dumb rules. Standing up he came closer, boxer messily shoved down from his earlier haste, one hand was in his hair, the other working hard. You kept rubbing your clit repeatedly letting him see, hastening the pace until you were numb all over, panting. 
“Youngj-jae, I-I–”
Moaning, you broke faster than you had ever with someone, then again no one knew how to make you reach your own high better than yourself. Paroxysm made your thighs jerked as the pleasure waved through you, annihilating all sense of your surroundings.
When you came back, your step-brother was giving up too, bursting in thick spurts of hot cum all over your body and chest. His eyes were wide opened in black elation, intense, not missing a second of the show as he came on you. His whitish-gray seed painted your bareness in ribbons until he was completely emptied.
In silence, Youngjae dropped next to you on the bed, hands covering his face as you both caught your breaths. His now softening dick was still protruding out of his shorts and underwear for the world to see. It probably made for quite a view; your naked body covered in semen right by your respectable step-brother’s way more humble cock.
If your parents came home early, they would both have a stroke.
Youngjae sort of kept his word though... For today at least. 
Because now that you had him all over, you knew you were going to crave him under you.
And no man had ever resisted your charms before.
Step-brother or not.
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[The Pleasure Chest: A Cringe Fest]
GOT7 | M.list
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faerielleart · 4 years
who is here for a really bad and random high school au that is completely self indulgent yo
in which levi loses a bet with erwin and mike and is forced to audition for their school’s production of les misérables, he tries to mess up the audition but somehow he still sucks less than everyone so he ends up getting the part of marius??? and he can’t quit because it will influence negatively on his grades??? idk imagine levi reading the script without knowing shit about the play and reading all the cheesy lines for the first time and him hating every single thing about this situation until the first day of rehearsal where he meets the person who will play cosette, his weird schoolmate hanji who shares some classes with him who is always spending time in the school laboratory to do experiments and shit and oh. Oh.
at first dude wants to Scream because he just can’t bear the thought of acting like a booby who is madly in love (quoting old les mis memes from years ago here) with this wEiRdO who somehow has a pretty fucking amazing voice and wow maybe this weirdo,,,,, isn’t a bad weirdo. how bizzarre
Maybe just maybe as the days go by they start spending time together because hey! Looks like they are polar opposites but at the same time they have SO! MANY! things in common!!! and they eventually use rehearsing as an excuse to spend even more time together! and they bond over the fact that they’re supposed to play characters who are SO distant and different from how they are irl and levi finds out that hanji tried to audition as a joke but got the part bc she can actually S I N G like an angel and has a really solid head voice and range despite being a mezzo and cosette needing a soprano bc her parents forced her to take lessons, while levi despite having a decent singing voice actually had to have the songs lowered a lil bc bby is a baritone in a tenor role and has never had lessons and can’t support all the notes but fear not! Hanji offers to teach him some tips and tricks and whoops now they’re spending even more time together
And maybe just maybe it becomes easier for levi to sing “in my life she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun, and my life seems to stop as if something is over and something has scarcely begun”, maybe it comes natural for levi to stutter his line in “a heart full of love, a heart full of song, i’m doing everything all wrong” because?? he is looking right at hanji’s really pretty brown eyes and he can’t concentrate?? and he hates feeling like this lmaooo like sweaty palms butterflies fast heartbeat,,,,, boi is in love and he doesn’t realize it he just thinks he’s constipated
anyway let’s spice shit up and add erwin to the mix! erwin knows hanji, they’re childhood friends and they actually met through their singing lessons, the dude who was going to play enjolras gets idk chicken pox and the director is frantically looking for a substitute, levi wants to get back at erwin for making him audition in the first place (it’s all in good faith tho it’s a joke and they’re best friends dw he just wants to have a lil revenge) and suggests erwin, not knowing that he and hanji know each other and that he actually has been trained in singing so yeah erwin gets called for a last-minute audition and dude SMASHES it the director’s crying tears of joy they found their authentic tall hot blonde enjolras who looks like he’d be a great commander and people would die for him (;DDDDD) and during rehearsal levi finds erwin and hanji chatting like old friends!! and dude’s like wtf do u know each other??? and hanji says hell yes we studied together since we were children :D and just because i am huge huge erumike trash lemme say that mike got a lil part bc they needed ensemble members and he got to play grantaire so yeah enjoy both e/R and erumike there we go erwin gets to act with his boyfriend!! and they both watch levi and hanji during rehearsal and see how they obviously pine for each other but are far too oblivious for their own good so they decide here and there that they must get those two together bc it’s exHAUSTING to watch them stare lovingly into each other’s eyes and hold hands and kiss and then brush it off saying “it’s just acting we literally have to play a couple”
anyway the day of the show is here ladies and gentlemen levi is nervous af but doesn’t show it, he has to act like a lovesick fool in front of the whole school, the students, the teachers, the parents, EVERYONE and oh my god i hate it here might become his gratuation quote but all he needs is hanji backstage who squeezes his hand and whispers “can’t wait for you to sweep me off my feet shorty” which is extremely cringy but hanji did it on purpose just to see levi get embarassed and he does lmao so yeah the show goes amazingly! levi went flat a few times on the higher parts but it’s totally normal bby’s not trained and he did great everyone praise the birthday boy he deserves it
it’s after the show that things get a lil sad for our boi bc now he doesn’t have to rehearse anymore and is afraid that hanji won’t spend time with him anymore bc the show’s over :(( but fear NOT hanji plans on glueing herself to his side for the rest of the schoolyear and until they graduate and even after that and years later they’ve graduated college they’ve been living together for a while and they go to see the actual show on bway done by professionals and hanji acts weird all evening and OH as they’re going home she stops in the middle of the streets and whips out two lil matching rings,,,,,,, and says the cringiest cheesiest fucking thing in the world that has levi groaning and facepalming,,,,,, hanji says “will u be the marius to my cosette” and yeah levi just sighs and puts the ring on his finger and they smooch under the moonlight aw isn’t that CUTE and they lived happily ever after victor hugo is smiling down at them from the afterlife and patting himself on the back for helping them get together
NOW THERE’S TOO MUCH FLUFF AND I NEED ANGST TO BALANCE IT OUT so imagine this is also a reincarnation au and whenever levi sings “empty chairs at empty tables” he gets a weird feeling in his stomach and he gets really emotional singing “oh my friends my friends forgive me that i live and you are gone, there’s a grief that can’t be spoken, there’s a pain goes on and on” and “oh my friends my friends don’t ask me what your sacrifice was for, empty chairs at empty tables where my friends will sing no more”?? He blames it on the character getting to him too much but then he sees the scene where the students sing drink with me and the lyrics “drink with me to days gone by, can it be you fear to die, will the world remember you when you fall, could it be your death means nothing at all, is your life just one more lie” sound really familiar and resonate with him somehow as if he heard similar words somewhere else already, he sees erwin playing enjolras and being a commander giving orders and singing “let others rise to take our place until the earth is free”, he sees the scene where all the students get shot at the barricade and die one by one and he feels his head pulse and he has the strongest feeling of deja-vu and suddenly everything goes black and he wakes up in the infirmary with a very worried hanji sitting on a chair beside him and he really can’t explain what happened except that he feels like he just woke up from a very long dream and he feels like he fought through a battle and hanji just waves it off as him taking the stanislavski technique a bit too seriously for a high school play but the feeling doesn’t really ever go away and sticks with him even years later whenever he hears les mis being mentioned
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