#I had the urge to rant about this boy I love so much
nade2308 · 2 years
I can't wait for s8 to start, but my hopes in the writers are pretty low atm, so I wrote something my heart desired. And because this got too long to represent the notes in my story, I am posting it separately, as a rant.
A) ANOTHER Pat Halstead scenario. Really? Are we really going with Will might suffer in a similar way his father did and later died as a result from it? This is almost like Cornelius having a heart murmur for years he neglected to treat, at that point I screamed. Pat's mitral valve regurgitation, much? Just please, whatever you do, handle that storyline with care. If Will is going to survive, give us realistic healing process, and maybe some burns/scars as a treat. I believe that Nick can pull off the whumpy parts SO WELL.
B) You cannot convince me that Connor Rhodes would act so worried about Will for him to leave without saying a word to him. You'd be amazed what people do when they are betrayed irl or something truly bad happens. I get it, it was an emotional reaction, but please, I don't think he would have done that as it happened. I had bad things happen in my life, people still betray my trust, yet, I am still here. And even if I leave, it won't be because of that. Granted, my ex girlfriend who killed my father did not cut her throat in front of me, but imho, Connor Rhodes I know and love wouldn't have made a decision like that. Borne out of Impulse and despair and lack of distance between what happened and how he felt about it. Once again, the writers wrote themselves in a corner.
C) Imo, Will Halstead followed Connor Rhodes out of Med in 5x01, the rest is a very long dream.
D) Why do the writers always give Will toxic relationships he gets stuck with? And he keeps chasing something unattainable, because imo he feels like he has to, because otherwise he is not worth it. Absolutely not gonna fly with me.
E) So many missed moments to have Will and Connor share screen time. And this is purely my platonic/friendship brain thinking, I'm not sure the writers would have written a good dynamic if they were together as a couple. Just so many missed moment that could have made a change.
F) Someone on Tumblr said that when Connor left he took Will's last braincell with him. They were right. CONNOR PLEASE COME BACK, AND SET YOUR BOY STRAIGHT, or you know, just set him right.
G) I cannot stop thinking about what happened with Jennifer Baker. And the writers thought that it'd be good thing to give Will a clinical trial storyline and have the worst possible scenarios written for him. I cannot get past that no matter how hard I try.
H) And if by any chance he wasn't convinced Med wasn't the place for him, he should have been when Goodwin blackmailed him like she did, up to the point where he thought it was his own decision if he was in or out + he thought he did it because it is what he always does. Baby, we established in s4 and the Burke storyline: GTFO of undercover work, it always ends up in a mess or trauma.
I) Do not get me started on the trauma and the lack of support system. Because no one believes in this precious sweetheart, no one really cares about him. The only thing they care about is to tell him how good he is when it's convenient for them, and when it'd lead to Will doing something for them because he'll feel wanted and important at that moment. Except maybe Dr. Charles, that guy does feel like he genuinely cares about Will. And Connor, but Connor is not there anymore. I mean, come on, you cannot tell me Jay wouldn't call or text at least once a day to check on him and vice versa. Because he is the only thing left from their family, and it'd be logical to stick together even in the toughest situations. The rest of the time, what everyone does is distrust him, monitor him when he doesn't need that, keep pointing his mistakes and like that's the worst thing ever, and all around it feels like they don't appreciate him right.
J) The conclusion being is:
- Will needs a safety net that consists of at least two reliable friends, more is always better.
- Will needs a healthy relationship (preferably outside of work this time). Someone who will not be a bitch, brat, act entitled and scream and blame him for everything. Someone that will tell Will how things are and will actually love him instead of gaslighting him. Because yes, Natalie was a typical abuser/gaslighter, please don't come to me with the explanation that she has issues too, that she is a woman and that she had the right. No one had the right to do to Will what she did to him. The end. Phillip Davis had no right to say Will ruined Natalie's life in that one scene because it was the other way around.
- Will needs a healthy work environment. If he makes a mistake, talk to him about it, ask him why he did it, INVESTIGATE what caused it. If he doesn't know why, it's fine, even if something undesirable happened. Hazards of the job. He is not a psychopath or a serial killer or anything like it. But even those people have reasons and motives, so please, don't make him the bad guy in any situation always, I am begging.
- Normalize people having friends outside of work. I mean, we have seen friends, family and acquaintances of almost everyone at Med, but they rarely spend time with people that don't work at Med. Tell me about Will's college friend moving back to Chicago, about that one surgeon from NYC that he still keeps in touch, some of the guys from Sudan that finally made it to the states, maybe a baby he helped deliver that's now 4-5 years old and wants to meet him. Give me more Will with kids content because it's adorable and I'm pretty sure I am not the only one craving this.
- Have Will's colleagues stand up for him for once even if he is wrong. Someone really needs to show that boy that he is appreciated and like that, that he has the support from many people and that they would love him be it the wrong or the right thing he did. I screw things up every few days, yet my friends haven't yelled at me like I did the worst possible thing, or told me to get out, only because I made A MISTAKE. It's why it's called a mistake, gee. Granted, it's not the work environment one would face in Will's case, but work is also a relationship. Just be there for Will, people!
And to sum it all up:
Stronger or weaker person notwithstanding, they would have broken so many times by now if they went through all that Will went through.
Oh and:
P.S. 1: I'll never forgive Goodwin for what she said in 1x18, that the only reason she okayed the offer to Will was because she wanted to see how and when he'll get himself fired. I believe the exact term was how long will it take. Sorry, writers, irl, if my future employer says that, I am out of there the second that is said. No way I am staying to prove someone's point. Besides, if she didn't trust him for him then, then what's the point to get up every day for work when it won't matter to her or anyone? Yes, you will save the lives, but at what cost?
P.S. 2: Connor should have told Will what he did to save his life. It feels to me like that was an important thing to tell someone who is a close friend in the least. Will deserved to know.
P.S. 3: Will Halstead is a precious boy who deserves the world. He needs to be loved, held and cherished. Protect the boy at all costs.
And yes this and much more has been discussed with @thethistlegirl over the course of the last two months and even though she doesn't watch the show, she agrees with me wholeheartedly.
I think that's all. For now, lol. We never know when my ranting urges will return.
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2018-01-20 · 5 months
if you still have your 1k words of kissing satoru pls bestow it to me 🧎🏽‍♀️i’m grabbing him by the back of his blindfold and making out with him fr
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pairing. high schooler!gojo satoru × gn!reader
content. fluff + one kiss, implied that reader is shorter than gojo, somewhat proofread (i hate everything) read slowly!!
sticky-note. IM CRYING the way u worded this ask made me want to write an entirely new thing of making out w gojo 😭 ty for sending this in leeee 🫶
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it is no secret that gojo satoru looks like a good kisser.
he’s attentive; one large hand on the small of your back to hold you steady while the other rests on your hip, eyes on you to see if you’ll make the first move. to both his and your dismay, you don’t move a single inch.
“i can’t do it,” you finally say, exasperated, pulling away to quickly hide your face in your hands. you awkwardly twist away from his figure, unable to stand the way that you’re able to see his stupidly pretty eyes through his sunglasses. it infuriates you to no end. “i give up. this is too embarrassing.”
“that’s so mean of you to say,” gojo whines not unsimilar to a toddler, but there is only amusement in his tone as he lightly tugs on the waistband of your pants, trying to get you to turn back around. “shouldn’t you be honored to kiss the one and only gojo satoru?”
“shutupshutupshutup,” you chant, mostly to yourself than to the obnoxious boy behind you. you swat weakly at his hand while trying to ignore the demonic voices in your head.
it is no secret that you’ve liked your classmate for a long while now. as cute and funny (and hot) as gojo is, he is twice as annoying and unpleasant. you swear he makes it his daily goal to get your blood boiling every chance he gets. that is the sole reason why you don’t plan on professing your love anytime soon: due to the fact that shoko will forever be disappointed in you and will never let you live it down if she knew. you don’t even want to think about what utahime would ultimately think of you.
he continues to bug you, “c’mo-on...” you can practically hear him sporting his signature smug grin. “do you really wanna go back to jujutsu high like that and kiss suguru instead?”
at that, you spin around in an instant—a mortified look on your face that further urges you to stab an accusatory finger at his chest. “y-you’re a damn liar! there is no way that there is an actual curse who’s goddamn antidote requires you to kiss someone when you get hit.”
sneakily, he wraps a palm around your wrist but makes no move to push your hand away. “but you just got touched by that cursed spirit, right? doesn’t your skin feel all sticky and itchy, like i mentioned?”
as much as you hate to admit it, you know that he’s right. before the two of you had gotten into the fight in the first place, he warned you not to get hit and the symptoms you would have to face if you did. your skin does feel like you just took a swim in poison ivy, and your head feels dizzy with a sudden migraine that should not be there, since gojo had instantly caught you the moment you faced a hit from the cursed spirit.
“b-but it doesn’t make any sense,” you sputter out, a weak last-minute resort. you really do not want to kiss gojo satoru—at least, not because of a measly curse—and have to hear him blab about it later on to your friends. you rant on, “if such a technique exists, then why didn’t you just kill the thing right away? aren’t you the strongest? why am i even on this mission with you?”
“hey!” he feigns an offended gasp, “are you saying that you don’t like hanging out with me?” he groans and dramatically lays an arm on his forehead, reminding you of a mistress in distress. you stare blankly. “how cruel of you. and besides, just because i’m the strongest doesn’t mean i can kill a first-grade so quickly.”
you keep staring at him with a disapproving look, but he only looks back at you with a joyous glint in his eyes. “...you’re insufferable,” you finally huff out, your hand still in his. but the both of you can hear the undertone of surrounder in your voice.
you stand awkwardly still in front of him for a few solid seconds, narrowing your eyes as he returns your defeated glare with a sheepish smile. you can’t help but sigh to yourself—you’re going to have to prepare yourself for a mouthful from shoko when you both head back.
you let him pull you closer when he tugs at your hand, your other palm moving to rest on his chest to steady yourself. but even then, you don’t get to kiss him until he leans down from that freakishly tall height of his— gently meeting his lips with yours.
it isn’t a quick peck. in fact, it’s a sweet and slow kind of kiss that makes your heart skip a concerningly amount of beats. a free hand of satoru’s moves up to softly cup the back of your head to deepen the kiss. nothing about his movements show that he’s in a rush to get the whole ordeal over with—and as much as you would like to lie and say that you hate it, you can’t help but step forwards to reach him better too.
your mind is in so much of a daze that you don’t even realize that satoru turned his limitless infinity just for you.
when you finally step back into reality and—reluctantly—pull away, gojo is grinning brightly with his sunglasses tucked into his hair. you didn’t even notice that he pushed them up to make the kiss more comfortable for you. however, you do notice that your skin still very much feels uncomfortable on your body and your head is pounding (whether it be from the symptoms or the kiss, you don’t really wanna know).
“you’re so cute,” gojo chuckles unabashedly, laughing again when you avert your gaze with another huff and a warm face. you are more than used to his flirty remarks and his more-than-platonic habits, but somehow it feels more... genuine this time around.
“and gullible,” he suddenly adds, the out of blue comment making you turn back towards him with a raised eyebrow. you squeak out a sound of surprise when he unexpectedly, but gently, pushes your head downwards, his other hand now in your line of sight. you feel more confusion swirling in your head when you see him holding a small vial with some clear, greenish liquid inside of it.
“here’s the real antidote,” gojo casually cheers, and he does not have a single shame in the world. a whole minute seems to pass by until you connect the dots, and when you do, the first thing that pops up in your mind is the thought of absolute murder.
“are you serious?” you practically screech. “you made that whole kiss thing up?”
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thekissofaphrodite · 5 months
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(I accidentally added the OG post on Queue and can't get it out, but thankfully, I took a picture of it)
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Luke Castellan X Daughter of Apollo!Reader
Summary: The only thing that Luke Castellan loves in this world is his girlfriend and her angelic voice.
Warnings: Kissing, Cursing, Kinda toxic relationship??!
Author's Note: Hello guys! Another request for the day, I'm typing this on my phone since I forgot my laptop, Oh well, please forgive me for any grammatical mistakes and typos! My keyboard hates me 😍
The Camp Fire singalong ended an hour ago, but that didn't stop You and Luke, He had his head on your lap, breathing in and out as you ran your hands through his soft curls. The bonfire had little to no embers, but it still kept you two warm.
"Can you sing for me?" Luke whispered, His Hazel eyes met your brown ones. Apollo's children were always the lead singers from singalongs, Especially you, You had an angelic voice and campers liked it, so did Luke.
Not caring that your throat was a little sore, You nodded and started singing.
Boys, workin' on empty
Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?
I just think about my baby
I'm so full of love I could barely eat
There's nothing sweeter than my baby
I'd never want once from the cherry tree
'Cause my baby's sweet as can be
She give me toothaches just from kissin' me
Luke sat in the mess hall, His palm gingerly nursing the side of his cheeks, He had a rough day, Apparently, a new armour that like commissioned from one of the children in the hephaestus cabin still wasn't ready, and he wasn't able to use it. But it was Capture the Flag day, so he used his old and cranky armour, which displeased him.
You noticed from afar, Your halfsiblings chatting loudly, So you had enough, Grabbing your tray, you walked towards Luke, sitting on an empty Hermes table (Since his halfsiblings left, It's better to leave than to mess with an angry luke), The Hermes boy barely touched his food, he was rather poking it.
"Hey" He was greeted with your soft, melodic voice from behind, His mood changed from annoyed to cheerful. His eyes softening as he watched you sit beside him.
"Hm, how's your day?" He hummed whilst brushing a strand of hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ear.
"I should be the one asking you that—" Then, He felt something touch his lips, It was your fork, with a slice of blueberry pie, He tasted some of the cream, He tried to fight the urge to open his mouth since he didn't feel like eating.
"C'mon, it's bad if you don't eat, You don't wanna end up in the infirmary with one of my halfsiblings ranting about your presence." He looked at your eyes, there was a glint of hope that he'll actually take a bite.
He can't resist your eyes, Those eyes with much hope looking at him.
So he did, He opened his mouth and let the flavours sink In.
He did eat that night, with you feeding him like a baby.
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
Luke was injured, You don't know how or why. He just appeared infront of the Apollo cabin, There was a deep gash in his forearm, One of the archers from your cabin accidentally shot him an arrow, You assumed that He and Chris were probably not paying attention while they walked pass by the archery area.
"I got you something." He breathed, waiting for your reaction.
But still, He managed to appear in front of you, despite your protests that he must be brought to the infirmary, He kept a brave face, holding a messily made bouquet of flowers.
"Oh Luke..." You threw yourself onto his arms, making him stumble a little, He chuckled.
"Now let's get you into the infirmary!"
Boys, when my baby found me
I was three days on a drunken sin
I woke with her walls around me
Nothin' in her room but an empty crib
And I was burnin' up a fever
I didn't care much how long I lived
But I swear I thought I dreamed her
She never asked me once about the wrong I did
"Luke? Luke!" The dark-haired boy jolted awake, His eyes meeting the stormy skies whilst the raindrops hit his face.
"Hey baby," He groaned, His orange CHB shirt stained with mud, He slept on it after all. Then you remembered... The party in the Dionysus might have gotten a little wild...
"Luke, you smell like— Booze." You tried not to gagged at his scent, But he just brushed it off, Tumbling as he tried to got up.
"Let's get you inside, Some of my halfsiblings are away, so it's fine taking a fellow camper" You muttered while giving all your strength to carry him. You felt kinda embarrassed, Luke, Your boyfriend had carried you multiple times effortlessly, but now, you can't even take steps.
After what felt like an internity, you reached your bunk and flopped luke on it, His eyes sleepily drifting off again, but this time, your face was the one he's dreaming about.
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
Luke was now in the infirmary, sitting lazily on a stool while your half siblings rushed to get medical supplies to heal him.
"Y'know, this is just a small scratch baby, you're making this a big deal." You turned your head to his direction so fast, you could've sworn you almost gave yourself a whiplash.
"Luke, Your forearm is literally dripping with blood, caused by an arrow. AN ARROW!" You bellowed, Everyone in the infirmary looked at you like a lunatic, some patients even muttering curses at you for interrupting their sleep.
"Still, I got you flowers, didn't I?" His grin made you melt, but the sight of his injury made you frown.
But you can't be mad at his handsome face.
"Yes yes, You did I love you for that, now Where's Ella? We need to give you an injection"
My babe would never fret none
About what my hands and my body done
If the Lord don't forgive me
I'd still have my baby and my babe would have me
When I was kissing on my baby
And she put her love down soft and sweet
In the low lamplight I was free
Heaven and hell were words to me
" I can't believe you'll do that!" You screamed, tears streaming down your face. Your red dress, once nicely ironed, was now crumpled. It wasn't even midnight, and you two were fighting again. Over a boy.
"Because that pathetic excuse of a bastard deserved it!" He Yelled, His voice booming inside your cabin.
"He's just having a normal conversation with me! you're the one who's deranged!" You cried, Luke couldn't stand the sight of you crying, so he kissed you, it wasn't a passionate one, it was a possessive one, with his strong arms gripping your wrists, pinning you into the wall.
you pulled away for a second, His lips still near yours.
"I hate you" You whispered, His lips touched yours again, smudging your lipstick.
"Show me how much you hate me"
You could've sworn you saw him smirk before kissing you roughly again.
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
"I'm sorry baby, please let me in" Luke whispered as he peaked through the small crack on your door.
"You can't come and go as you please," you said, your voice cracking, You tried not to cry, You love him , but you can't just keep supporting him after all the things he'd done.
Now, he was carrying a duffle bag, full of stolen artefacts from the Gods. You were God fearing. That's when you realize it when your father, Apollo, had punished your mother, blinding her using his powerful Ray of sunlight.
"You'd do this for me, honey.." He whispered desperately, but you just shook your head.
"I'm sorry..."
"No no no! Y/n! Y/N!" He screamed as he watched you walk away.
When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold, dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her
You sat in the edge of your bed, still sobbing silently, Your halfsiblings gave you pathetic and sorry looks, but none of their pity could make you the same.
The God you admired the most, Your own father had taken your voice as a punishment, or that's what oracle said. Apparently, you had offended him by your blasphemous acts using his sacred song. Now you were voiceless.
"Baby?" Luke's voice greeted you.
You looked up at him, Your eyes glistening with tear as you ran into his arms sobbing violently.
"Shh...I know sweetheart.." He rubbed his hands behind your back, Kissing your temple at the same time.
As the dark haired boy comforted you, He smirked secretly, You were so easy to manipulate, with your doe eyes and your sweet smile, As you slowly fell asleep in Luke's arms, A rose necklace sat inside his pocket, Ever so beautiful, with your own voice trapped inside it.
A/N: HEY, GUYS! So this is a request! I used the 'Work Song' by Hozier, Every lyrics has an indication of the reader and Luke's past, I kinda wanna give them a toxic relationship, so....🫢🫢 I do hope you liked this!!
I apologise once again for any grammatical errors since my keyboard hates me ❤️
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luna-lovegreat · 7 months
Twilight and Legends relationship
...I love it
**in this post there's a lot of stuff I didn't notice before. I'm gonna resist the urge to write an essay on each point, and attempt to leave most of it up to the reader's interpretation**
Ok ok there's a ton of stuff here, starting with early character scenes
They're like the rest of the chain: They fight together and talk. Legend is close to Hyrule, and Twilight to Wild and Time.
We see some things Twilight and Legend have in common. One is their dislike of Hyrule knights, and-
As seen in the Gerudo clothes scene, both Twi and Leg like to mess around with pranks and have a lot of snark... wonder what would happen if they worked together
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But there's something really important about how Twilight views Legend:
I wasn't aware this was before looking closely at their interactions but... Twilight didn't originally like Legend. This is shown a lot later on- in his facial expressions and words towards Legend. But from the start he didn't like him much, and here's why:
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From the start, Jojo says this- Twilight judges Legend's actions as too harsh since his mannerisms come across as picking on someone. (Also Sky you are so so pure and cute 10/10 most huggable Link)
Legend is abrasive because he's had so many adventures- he's hardened to the point of being sharp. But it's wonderful that that character can still be so loved- his heart is good (hero duh)
Twilight has always been a big brother. It makes him well loved (rightly so). Jojo says he knows people can change- for good or bad. But because of his past Twilight doesn't like people picking on others "not even a little". It's complicated- we see it affect Twilight's attitude towards Legend a lot.
Anywho moving on to the plot
Wolfie, Aka twilight
Dark mirror stuff happens, and Legend finds out Twi's Wolfie- as we all know. But he can't just. Acknowledge it of course. He's gotta probe and tease, asking pointed questions (snark snark snark)
And in his attempts to be certain about the Wolf stuff, we were blessed with:
Bunny Legend
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Welp. That investigation did not go as planned.
Animal forms:
Bunnies are soft, but Legends actions are not. He is guarded and sharp yet his form shows how sweet his true heart is
Wolves will love/protect their family yet are fierce, they have fangs and will fight. The root of who Twilight is is his kindness and family
Also (sarcastic) good job to Four and Wild for being SO SUBTLE with their emotions when Legend's asking questions hinting he knows Twi's secret
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Legend: asking questions about the secret shhh
Four and Wild: Are having a freaking heart attack about it
Twilight: starts ranting about goats
Once Twilight gets over the shock of Legend like. Absorbing his crystal. He... well, looking at the harshness in his face and words, this is where Legend's attitude and his past with Colin being bullied biased him against Legend.
Look at his face in each panel through the progression- Twilight is more and more confused thinking legend is not who he thought he was...
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And Twilight certainly sympathizes/relates to being hurt by losing someone he loved (in whatever form the relationship took)
And WHY is it always girlfriend trauma with these boys of COURSE it's girlfriend trauma that brings them together NOT SHARING A SPIRIT AND LOVE OF SWINGING GLORIFIED METAL NO THEY HAVE TO BOND OVER RELATIONSHIPS GONE WRONG
Twilight then thinks well that's a good reason to be pretty changed because from the start Jojo said he'll always understand people changing...
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So they go, and make legend human again (with pink hair) and Legend is... surprised. And grateful...
Another few defining moments:
Legend's dialogue thanking him is the real start of them connecting like in Leg's original character description "the most reliable, you want him on your team"
And again Twi's face, Twilight is looking at Leg differently throughout this- contemplating to be honest. Considering...
And remember when I said these two both like to prank? Well the second they have a shared experience and get back to camp they immediately team up and start barraging Warriors with snark
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Heaven help the chain when these two are on the same side
Legend has never been close to people outside of the few he's accepted as his (love him and hyrule's bond). After this? Twilight's one of his people. There's much more expression of caring and closeness towards Twilight- something we don't see with many.
And then, well, Twilight nearly dies. And Legend, he cares
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Bunny boys puppy dog eyes are gonna kill me someday
Twilights pretty injured, he really doesn't see/remember all these moments showing how much Legend wants to help
And then we have this moment
this moment
Matters so so much
Look at Twi's face. Look at his surprise, realization, and acceptance- this is when he realizes- when he sees how much Legend cares for him
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Twi woke from his deathbed for his family
and then in the next few updates it's really cute- he just is barely recovering and legend is just... beside him. Staying by his side
Animal forms later development:
Legend's bunny form is soft- but he is still not totally soft. Looking at Legends actions and facial expressions towards the others, while he's definitely closer to Twi now, he's still the snarky boy we know and love.
Twilight's Wolf form is loyal and loves family: Once he knows legends heart? Full on pack love.
And WHY were they so very intent on petting each other
Legend: I'm gonna go try and pet the wolf since I think he's my dude yes good plan
Here's a few random parallels of them to chew on because I love parallels (them snarky snarking each other, then some brother love parallels)
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The thing with these two is their character bonding and whatever is not all sweet and lovey like some of the others. They have some REALLY sweet caring moments with each other. But snark plus snark equals double snark, meaning them together is the weirdest mix of kindness and teasing you've ever seen
And although at the beginning they were pretty harsh towards each other, it makes their getting closer and learning their similarities all the better.
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thyln4gf · 1 month
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✞ You and Carlos have been best friends since forever. But is platonic love really everything that you feel for each other?
✞ Word count - 2,5k
✞ I have synesthesia! Heres 5 songs that I associate with this fic - "genie in a bottle" - Christina Aguilera, "friends" - Chase Atlantic, "a rash decision" - Ice Nine Kills, "sonne" - Rammstein, "dont be so shy" - Imany.
✞ Warnings - smut, unprotected sex (wrap the beast before the feast, folks), the influence of alcohol. I also wrote the most of it at like 4am, so pardon the quality of it, thank yewww x
✞ Carlos Sainz x fem!reader
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As soon as you step into the house, a soft groan of relief leaves your throat. Your heels immediately get kicked off of your feet, and you dont even bother to fiddle with the straps too much. You had a long, long evening - formal settings werent exactly your natural habitat, but being there with Carlos made them much more bearable. You are his best friend, and he is a famous figure, meaning that he invites you to all sorts of events all the damn time. Speaking of which - he was watching you with amusement, completely aware of the fact that you werent exactly in a huge amount of comfort at the moment.
"And whos not making any sense now? I told you not to wear those." Carlos slips the comment your way, making you roll your eyes only hearing the three magic words. He didnt tell you everything, though - yes, he knew how uncomfortable your heels were. And yes, he also knew that walking in them sucked. But he kept something to himself - the fact that only the thought of those heels excited him, as he had always liked to imagine taking them off for you. He could vividly imagine kneeling right in front of you, taking his sweet time, kissing your skin everywhere that he could reach. He liked the idea of it a little too much, to the point he found himself disappointed when the sight of you kicking them off greeted him.
"I had no choice, and you know it. I had nothing else to go with this dress!" You complain, vaguely gesturing at the dress you were wearing - the tired whine in your voice was obvious. Carlos' eyes slide up and down your body as you did so - he had a chance, and he took it. God, he loved this dress - the red, short-ish dress with a slit on the side - the tattoo on your thigh peeked through each and every time that you moved. He got a sudden urge to bite your thigh right there and then, but he knew that hed be overstepping the boundaries.
All he does is let out an amused, half-chuckle type of laugh. He loved listening to your rants. And boy, could you do that just fine - your mouth never closed. And he loved it.
He started slipping his own shoes off, all while watching you walk into your kitchen - your movements were so smooth, to the point that he swore that you were floating sometimes. He doesnt want to have you out of his sight for too long, so he takes his shoes off just a little faster than he normally would, and following your idea of entering the kitchen. There he found you by one of the counters, pouring yourself a glass of wine. He lets a small smile appear on his lips - he just couldnt help himself around you.
"Tired, amor?" His voice floats through the air, smooth as butter on toast, and just as warm. He always used that specific petname for you, and only you. And youd be a liar if you said that it didnt make you feel some type of way - the tone he used never failed to turn you on just a little, despite you two being... friends? You werent too sure at this point. You just shrug at him as a response, still trying to grab a set of words that were coherent enough. You swirl the beverage in your glass around, eyebrows rising up for barely a second before taking a sip.
Yet another thing that he enjoyed about you - watching all those small habits of yours, which you probably dont even notice. He liked observing you, just looking at you. And he didnt even try to hide it - he'd just wink at you each and every time that you caught him doing so, with no shame.
He wasnt exactly shy, but when it came to you... he felt like he was a teenager all over again. You made his head spin, and it was a much more enjoyable high than alcohol could ever provide. Only the thought of you made his chest tighten, the air threatening to escape his lungs. He shouldnt be so nervous around you, he thought. He could get anyone all giggly in the matter of seconds. Proof? Charles. But you were a special case... thats for sure. The roles were reversed - you were the one that had him thinking about you all day and night, wishing to get out of the friendzone that everyone hated oh so much. He might have had a wank or two with you lingering on his mind - the way you smelled, the way your eyes looked at him. If the dictionary ever needed a picture to describe being down-bad, they should just stick one of Carlos in there.
After a minute of him staring at you with your drink, you look his way. It felt like a routine at this point - you look away from him even for a fraction of a second, and you know that youre going to see his goofy smirk staring right back at you. But this time... this time, something was off. You couldnt tell if it was the alcohol, or something else (you had a pretty awesome night, despite the event being a formal dinner, but thats a standard at this point) - he was looking at you with an almost... hungry look in his eyes. He looked like he was about to drill a hole through your soul, and was particularly enjoying himself, shooting the usual wink your way, before walking up to lean against the counter, right by your side. His thigh brushes against yours, the material of the suit against your skin almost making you shiver.
"You know what would make tonight even better?" He speaks up, his eyes never leaving yours. Hes acting all smooth and smug right now, but you could see him swallowing his own saliva, and his cheeks turning just a tad bit more red.
"Spill it, big boy. Im listening." You reply, your voice sounding just as seductive as his, almost making his brain short circuit - and you can see it from the way his grin makes its way back onto his lips. He had always found your teases adorable, honestly. Hats off for that.
"Well..." Carlos hesitated for a second, which wasnt like him at all - he was nervous, and it was an adorable sight to witness. "We could have the evening to ourselves and..." his eyes moved to your lips for a split second, letting his gaze linger on them for way longer than what he had considered the "safe limit". He only managed to speak again in a second, seemingly collecting himself a little better now. It didnt mean that his cheeks werent heating up in embarrassment, though. "Well, you know."
A chuckle slips from your throat upon hearing his offer. He was beating around the bush slightly, but not like you minded. You had always liked this goofball of a man, and his methods of getting his way. You never let them sink in deep, confused on his true intentions behind his actions. But something about this evening... the alcohol has hit your brain already, and awhile ago, and all you could think about was your friends lips all over you.
You down the rest of your drink, and put the glass down on the counter, a little to the right of you. You turn your head to Carlos, once again. He couldnt be more predictable - youre greeted with a sight of him staring at the hand handling the glass, then your waist. Eventually, up to your eyes. You stare back at him. You raise your finger to trace it along his jawline, his chin, the bottom half of his cheeks. He gulps, getting much more nervous than he was before.
"Youre adorable, did you know that?" You whisper right in front of his face, your warm breath hitting his lips. He doesnt even get to respond, before he feels your lips on his. His brain doesnt even register what was happening at first, but his body reacts way before his brain - his left hand immediately went to your hip, pulling you to his body. The other one is now gripping the counter, and he finds himself hoping that his knees wont give out. He could smell the cherry and cinnamon wine on you the moment you got closer, and he doesnt waste any time - he pushes his tongue out of his mouth, hungry and desperate to taste more. He groans, and your hand slides to his neck in response, gripping it ever so slightly, pulling him closer. He takes it as permission to shove his tongue even deeper, earning a little chuckle out of you.
Quickly enough, his other hand goes down to your hips as well, now caressing them with great intensity. The material of your dress slides up ever so slightly, and he just cant wait much longer - he lifts you without even trying, and places you on the counter. His movements are harsh and desperate, and he doesnt notice the glass. He knocks it over, and it shatters to pieces, right on the floor.
"Carlos..." you groan against his mouth, trying to pull away a little, so you could actually look at what just happened. You earn a sigh out of him for that - out of all the scenarios he had imagined of your first time together... all the circumstances of you moaning his name for the first time were not that. He clicks his tongue, and grabs your chin, turning your face to his, slamming his lips back on yours. It was almost like him saying that he really couldnt be giving less shits. He wanted you, and he was forced to wait for way too fucking long.
His other hand travels down to your thigh, now kneading it like his life depended on it. A moan slips from you, right into his mouth. The grip that you still have on his throat only tightens, causing his movements to become even more aggressive.
He tries to slide your dress up to your waist, but the fabric being trapped between the countertop and your body didnt let him. He lets out a slow groan of frustration. Desperate times call for desperate solutions, no? He leans you against his body, leaning back a little himself. That lets him pull the skirt up. He has barely even brushed his fingertips against your skin, but it was just enough to make your certain area feel a little tingly already.
He wants to take off your underwear as well, while you two are at it. He finds that his back cant take much more of being in this position, but he still hesitates about doing that, his fingers tugging the lacy material ever so slightly. You notice it, and grab one of his wrists to guide him to take those off, almost desperately. You can hear him sucking in a breath, but not resisting anything at all.
Once theyre off, he sits you back down to your previous position. His lips pull away from yours first, something that he never thought that he would be doing. He keeps staring into your eyes, his hands reaching to take his own pants off. This man had his tongue down your throat just seconds ago, and even that didnt make your face heat up more than this.
His pants are off in the matter of seconds. For a second there, he was close to fucking you just like this, through the hole his underpants had in the front. He ended up taking the underwear off as well, and it flied off even faster than the pants did, his boner getting freed as well.
He cant resist looking down to your pussy, already so wet and ready for him. So needy. You had always put up a tough demeanour, which you were trying to maintain even now. Adorable, he thought. He looks back up to your eyes while getting closer to you again, his palms landing on your thighs, spreading your legs just slightly. He was desperate, almost shaking with desire. But he still wanted to get your consent. God, you love men doing the bare minimum so much. All you can manage is a brief nod, and its all it takes him - he almost explodes on you. His lips immediately attack your neck, pressing multiple kisses everywhere that he could reach. He was never a man who liked to waste much time, and it shows - he gave his cock a few pumps before entering you right away, yet still taking his sweet time to let you adjust to him. He earns a gasp out of you, as you throw your head back. He cant help himself, and the kisses on your neck turn into gentle bites. You moan a little louder - feeling him on you, and in you was almost overwhelming, and you could already feel the knot in your lower stomach forming. Though, you werent sure if it was that, or his length hitting you deep. Or both.
He was even closer than you were. The precum has leaked long before he even took his pants off. Honestly... Being near you was almost like keeping an infinite edging streak - sexually frustrating torture. He thrusts into you for a few more minutes, and he already knows that hes about to cum. He groans in frustration (but only because you havent reached your high yet - he was disappointed with himself. But its not his fault that you were so... hot) and is about to pull out, but your legs suddenly wrap around his waist, pulling him closer right before he can do that. A loud moan slips from his throat, the warm liquid already filling you up so good. And you find himself shutting him up with a kiss - the sloppiest youve ever had at this point.
His movements stop, his mind hazy from all the pleasure he's receiving. All he can focus on is you, and only you. You were content with leaving things like this, you were honestly about to cum anyway. Just another minute of him staying inside of you... But Carlos seemed to have gotten a different idea. Suddenly, he's in a kneeling position right in front of you, looking up with his pretty eyes. His eyelashes are longer than mine... what the fuck?
However, your train of thought quickly melts away when his tongue makes contact with your clit. He wanted to go slow just to tease you, but all the pretty sounds you were making teased him instead, and he found himself speeding up just a little, making sure to apply some more pressure as well. And, soon enough, youre riding your own high against his face. Both of your breaths are heavy, and both of you could be found smiling.
You both forgot about the load in you, however. You were still bathing in the dopamine after-high, the satisfaction making both of your heads spin. He looked up at you, again. And right at this moment, marrying your best friend seemed possible - something you never believed in.
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chocsra · 8 months
"Lovesick (Interlude)"
Chuuya x fem! reader - highschool AU
A/N: hii how are yall doing, its the weekend and yk what that means 🙏 thank you to all to those who have send me requests! i have read them all and plan to write all of them 😻🫶
thank you sm @sstarshroom for the request again 🫶😭
content: detention w your friend and school gangster chuuya nakahara, oneshot, pre-relationship (almost), romance, fluff, friends to lovers, idiots in love, i was thinking of kunikida when writing the teacher but then i realised he and chuuya would be the same age 😨
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"This behaviour is unacceptable, Nakahara, I'll be calling your brother. Sit down."
A deep hoarse voice pierces through the late silence of the empty classroom, your teacher clicks his tongue in annoyance as he urges your classmate, Chuuya, to take a seat. The teenage boy, in his school uniform, shrugs and strides his way to the empty desk next to yours. "Ah," your teacher scoffs, stopping dead in his tracks. "Sit somewhere else, you need to learn your darn lesson." the man points an angry finger at the ginger, you look over to him, suppressing bits of laughter as Chuuya glares at the floor in irritation before taking a seat a few desks away from you.
He had short orange hair and piercing blue eyes, not the kind of blue that was like that of an ocean or jewel, but a dark, whirling storm. Chuuya Nakahara was a classmate of yours who was relatively short, athletic, independent and smart; but he had a pretty big issue within school, violence. Fights on fights on fights, the kid really couldn't catch a break from beating up people, could he? From what you've accumulated, he loved taekwondo as a kid until now before forming a loving bond with soccer; Chuuya loved fashion and forming good impressions, so it wasn't much to your surprise for him to show up to school on a motorcycle to achieve some 'gangster' look.
He loved stray dogs and begrudgingly fed stray cats, the loudness of the teenage boy was normal; but it brought some sort of fondness towards you, especially as friends. Yeah, you enjoyed having a nice friendship with the scruffy Chuuya Nakahara, the human embodiment of a chihuahua or grumpy cat. Sometimes, he forced you to go on morning runs with him, or rant about the future wine he was to buy and collect - 'bullshit', you thought, who would spend 30 grand on alcohol?
The redhead had a few friends in school - you, Albatross, the honour roll and senior student Kouyou Ozaki, his friend group who called themselves 'Sheep', based on a movie or something. Oh, and Dazai, well, you weren't sure if they were really friends or not - but by the looks of it, they seem to be the closest out of everyone else.
"No talking."
Your teacher orders, clicking the door open ready to leave; he sends an exaggerated glare at the both of you in the dim classroom that makes you suppress a cackle. Then, he finally left - his leather shoes clicking against the school floors. A heavy silence entered the empty classroom, hearing your teacher's ghostly footsteps until they disappeared. Chuuya then scoots his chair far closer to you, an irritated but victorious smile accompanied by the pleasant features of his face.
"Now how'd you end up in detention?" He questions with a proud smirk, patting your shoulder affectionately. "Slept in class," you chuckle, sighing, then resting your head atop the wooden desk; the ginger laughs in amusement, his angry mood quickly dissipated at the simple conversation with you. "what did you do this time?" you question, quirking a brow as the redhead scoffs, "The usual, beat the shit 'outta Osamu." he clicks his tongue. "Again? Over what?" you snicker casually, it wasn't very good to be friends with a school delinquent - but you knew he wasn't that bad, considering he was in tears watching 'A Dog's Way Home'.
"Poetry," Chuuya mutters, looking away shamefully, making you smile cheekily and laugh at the stupid reason. "Poetry?!" you smack his back playfully, making the boy wince in pain at the aggressive happiness. "He fuckin' said my love poems were shitty, that's not true!" You laugh at him for a split second, before cocking another brow. "You write love poems?" the ginger goes beet red at your realisation, before turning away and blushing, "It's just- whatever," Chuuya quips, you chuckle in pure amusement. "I never thought you would ever write a poem, a love poem especially." The boy scoffs, "The more you know, I guess."
"So then, who's it to?" You ask with curiosity filling your eyes, elbows planted clean on the desk. Chuuya shakes his head in denial, pursing his lips, not wanting to speak up. "That doesn't matter." he quips, biting his inner cheek in a flustered crisis; you only smile cheekily at his reactions, leaning in closer to his face, "Osamu?" the ginger flinches and almost flies off his seat at the name, scoffing absolutely baffled. "No!! What the hell?" you laugh, hitting the desk at the moment, watching as a small smile creeps on the redhead's face, his cheeks flushed a rosy pink. "Did I not just say I beat the shit outta him?"
You both scoff and turn your heads away, "Well - you never told me you liked somebody." the redhead purses his lips in annoyance, "'Cause ya didn't need to know." you quirk a brow at the heavy tension in the room, both of you getting quiet. "So then who is it?" you ask again, tracing shapes on the wooden desk in front of you. "I can't tell you," the redhead states, fiddling with his fingers; you part your lips in a teasing manner, "Just tell me and-"
"and ruin our friendship?"
you widen your eyes at Chuuya's words, the ginger looks painfully ashamed at his slip-up, swiping his tongue against his inner cheek with the scrunch of his face. "What?" you blink, staring at him under the dimly lit lighting. "What?" he repeats, completely stunned at his own words.
A heavy silence filled the room, the boy pensively squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment. "Does that mean what I think it does?" You choke out, a pink blush prominent on your cheeks; the redhead runs a hand through his hair in mild frustration. "Sorry," Chuuya shies away, turning his head to face away from your pretty gaze.
In all those months of torturous school, you've met a nice boy by the name of Chuuya Nakahara. He loved soccer, taekwondo, motorcycles, and music, and had many friends that he held near and dear to his heart. To you, he was a short, competitive, school troublemaker that roamed those crowded hallways arguing with Osamu with boring eyes. But to him, you were a girl who kept him awake on those terrible, sleepless nights, he thought of your name when he was first introduced into poetry, and he gets reminded of your bright smile as he thinks of the word 'sonnets'. To the boy, sometimes he felt out of touch with reality; because he hated the thought of falling in love, he despised the slow melody in romance songs, but meeting you only made his life slow down, just like the poetic rhythm of a cheesy song.
No, Chuuya was an idiot in denial; everybody could tell - especially when he got hit in the face with a soccer ball as you captured his gaze, his vision blurred to only your perfection and your perfection only. Chuuya Nakahara, the boy who was your friend for God knows how long; is terribly lovesick because of you.
"You shouldn't be," you mutter, brushing your fingertips over his soft hands; the ginger only widens his eyes at your words and lingering touch, the sparkle in his eyes signalling his greatest happiness. "I like you too," you whisper, locking eyes with the floor as the heat in your cheeks never seems to dissipate. Chuuya's fingers shook slightly in shock, his lips parting ever so slightly; he stared at your beautiful features in that damn classroom, the soreness of his knuckles fading as your words were the best yearning kisses to it he could ever ask for.
"..Can I kiss you?"
He stammers, watching as your lips curve into a smile he adored so much. "You're such an idiot." you laugh, fingers grazing to cup his soft cheeks ever so softly, pulling his lips into a sweet kiss. Chuuya's heart thumped loudly in his chest, his shaky hands flying to your waist and hand to cradle them with the affection that danced with the praise he sang in all those poems. The redhead's hitched breath tickled your lips as you slowly interlock, eyelids and pretty eyelashes fluttering shut at the tummy twisting feelings; you both had fuzzy minds, losing the ability to even think straight.
And as you felt his endearing lips reanimate any bore or sadness in that tedious classroom, you found the dim lighting to be the most tacky source of illumination; because Chuuya was - a graceful presence that made any fairytale or novel vanish in envy.
"You two!! I leave you right under my nose and this is what happens?!"
Your teacher storms in, completely enraged with a hint of amusement as you both scream in terror.
Yeah, you were both fucked, but at least you got a great, loving boyfriend out of it? 
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weluvsosa · 2 years
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pairings # bakugou , izuku , shoto , kirishima
cw # not much really — mentions of lactation kink , biting , marking , mentions of sex
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# izuku
mkay not gonna lie he definitely seems like the type to say “i like personality” when someone asks him whether he prefers ass, thighs, or tits
but honestly…he love him some titties, especially yours
they’re just so nice to look at, every little movement you make they’re just bouncing away and he’s literally in a trance
he loves when you where those little crop tops that barely covers your tits, instantly gets him hard and have the urge to pounce on you
not to mention how soft and squishy they feel, whenever he’s having a bad day he just likes putting his hands in your bra and squeezing away as he rants to you.
whenever you two are cuddling his hands instantly latches onto your chest, kneading your boobs as he pulls you closer to him
honestly he’d probably have a lactation kink—the way he harshly sucks on your breast and his teeth gently tugs at your nipple as he whines like he’s just waiting for some milk to come out…definitely wouldn’t mind being breastfed by you.
# bakugou
ass. that’s not even a question foreal.
big or small — doesn’t matter the shape or size he LOVESSS him some ass
no matter where you’re at or what’s going on, he’s gonna make the effort to touch your ass in some way
he purposely buys you booty shorts so he can watch your ass jiggle as he watches you walk around the house, the shorts not even covering you all the way so the bottom of your ass is showing
100% loves backshots so he can feel your ass clapping against his dick and so he can get a good grip of it, nails digging into the meaty flesh
and spanking? you don’t even have to ask. he’ll take any opportunity to bend you over his leg and harshly slap your ass, watching in awe as the flesh ripples under his aggressive hits
you’ve lost count of how many times you caught him staring at your ass
whenever the two of you are laying down he always opts to lay on top of your ass, calling it his pillow
like…he loves your ass so much he’s offered to eat it
# shoto
i 100% think he’d be into tits too
this lowkey ties into his mommy issues too but we’re not gonna get into that this episode
you’ve literally been talking to him and he would just stare blankly at your boobs, not caring about whatever you were talking about
he would never tell you but he would love to motorboat you.
shoto loves missionary so he can watch your tits bounce up and down every time he slams into you, it damn near puts him in a trance
he loves buying you the corsets that push your tits all the way up, it’s a guilty pleasure for him
along with izuku—he also likes sucking them like a baby trying to get some milk, but he would also litter dark hickeys all over your breast, he loved seeing your tits marked up.
i feel like he’d show them off to his friends too: “look at this picture of y/n” — “she looks so pretty!” — “yeah, her tits are pretty too aren’t they”
# kirishima
every since you two got together, you’d notice that his hand always had to be on your thigh— in the car, in a restaurant, the two of you could literally just be watching a movie and boom his big hand is on your thigh
he just loves how squishy and soft they are :(
don’t get me started on when you where thigh highs or thigh garters— kiri will quite literally foam at the mouth at the sight.
sometimes he’d just stare at them and squeeze and poke and play with your thighs when he’s bored, and boy is he bored a lot.
i think he would be so into eating your pussy all the time because of how your thighs clench around his head — borderline crushing him but he just loves it so much.
always biting and kissing your thighs
even when he’s not eating you out, kiri just likes to lay his head in between your thighs as he scrolls on his phone.
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supercutszns · 4 months
A best friends to lovers between Luke and a Ares reader where some how Ares ends up at Camp-Half-Blood and gets to meet all his kids, and despite his seemingly uninterested demeanor when he meets the 2 best fighters of his cabin (Clarisse and the reader) he’s genuinely impressed but doesn’t show it. Reader ends up feeling like she disappointed Ares due to his lack of emotion despite the days and nights full of intense training she’s put in since being at camp and ends up ranting about it to Luke who ends up confronting Ares despite the intimidation he feels when doing so because he wants reader to know how amazing she truly is and knows that if it comes from the father she looks up to so dearly that she’ll believe it finally. Ares reluctantly ends up talking to the reader and says something along the lines of Luke being a decent boyfriend and that he has some fire for being a child of Hermes. Ares genuinely thought the two were together but shrugged it off when the reader disagreed despite her feelings. After Ares and tiny Ares have their heart to heart, or as close to one of those as u can get with that cabin, reader ends up thanking Luke and confessing her feelings.
Ik that was a lot sry! I’ve just had the idea since the Ares ep came out. Have a great day 😊😊
omfg i am eating this up. u had me at best friends to lovers
ares coming to camp and meeting his kids😭😭 my god that’s so bittersweet especially with clarisse and reader being the best fighters :( luke confronting ares i’m FERALLL U KNOW HE WOULD CONFRONT A GOD FOR HIS GIRL HE DOES NOT GAF (or at least he pretends to. he’s still a little scared)
he’s already angry at the gods and the one that happens to be your father just disregards your strength?? you’re upset and you confide in him about how inadequate you feel and luke’s like oh i need to beat a bitch up
luke gets ares alone the second he can and like tries to be diplomatic but it’s obvious how much he hates ares right off the bat. basically comes in fists ablaze and ares says “no i actually was super impressed by her i just didn’t feel like telling her lol” and luke is like. what is wrong with you
eventually the conversation ends on a somewhat lukewarm note; when luke turns to leave ares says kinda nonchalantly “i see why you two are together, you’ve got a lot of fire for a hermes kid”
luke just goes: huh??????????? and ares is like “you know, you and my daughter” luke just stares at area dumbstruck and he just sighs and is like. jesus fucking christ there’s no way
then he talks to you (a little begrudgingly but only a little; he wonders if some of aphrodite’s matchmaking tendencies have rubbed off on him) and he tells you very sparingly that you’re gifted, then he’s like “please for the love of Me, Ares, the War God tell that boy you like him i think he’s going to set me on fire.”
he ends the conversation at that so obviously you’re dumbstruck (both by the praise and by your father urging you to ask out your best friend) but when luke comes around to ask how it went you know your dad got something right.
you thank him for everything and work up the courage to mention what ares said at the end, and luke laughs a little and is like “that’s so weird he said the same thing to me” so you shrug and say “maybe he has a point.” luke doesn’t get flustered often but he def is now so you take it upon yourself to kiss him to drive the point home <3 after that you confess the full scope of your feelings and he kisses you bc he’s just so eager and he mutters against your lips that this is the only time he’s ever respected a god in the slightest. then you guys go spar together like old times except this time there’s 90% more making out 💗💗
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asurix · 3 months
Can you do rindou with a short reader, who is insecure about their height? Thank youuuu.
Genre: SMUT/NFSW,reader x rindou,short!reader,afab,rindou!haitani,insecure!reader
Content warning: Fingering,oral!sex,penetration,breeding kink(ig?),mention of impregnation,degration,petnames,slight choking,swearing
before: I haven't written anything for a long while so im sorry if its not the best.
after: i was cooking when i made this fanfic damn HELP-
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Rindou haitani, the youngest brother of the haitani brother, the special attack force, vice-captain of the kanto manji gang, the man who wasn't the best at approaching girls had won you over, he didn't really know how but he was glad he had someone special like you.
One day, you were at a clothes shop, you were in the dressing room while you're boyfriend was outside, you came out of the fitting room with a black short skirt that shows a little of you're tighs and had nice strap on you're shoulders, you showed Rindou the pretty dress you chose, you couldn't help but stare, you were so beautiful and you were all his? he couldn't possibly belivie somebody as pretty as you were his, all his. ''its...so beautiful and you love'' he gave you an akward smile, he was to flustered and he couldn't show you his soft side, otherwise you would have seen him as a soft boy, wich he didn't want you to refer him as.
''whats wrong rin? is it ugly on me?'' you gave him a gaze he hated, a look that gave off sadness, he was so worked up, he didn't know what to do. ''n-no!'' he quickly said, ''its beautiful my love, it really is'' he gave you a geniune smile. you loved it some much it made you're heart skip a beat. ''ill get it then!'' you bursted, you quickly went into the fitting room again to take it off and buy it, before you took it off you took a good glance in the mirror, you saw all the abnormal forms you're body gave you due to you're shortness. ''god, i hate being short''
you pouted continued looking the mirror completley forgetting you're supposed to take it off and walk with you're boyfriend to the register area, you were zoning out in to the mirror continuing to look at you're disfigured body, before you could take off you're dress dissapointed, you're boyfriend, rindou came inside, ''baby whats wrong you're taking a while you know? the store is gonna close'' rindou urged you ''babe i dont think i wanna buy it anymore..'' you sighed. ''baby why not? you look stunning in it!'' rindou perplexed (to be confused or uncertain over something that is not understood.)
''i dont know rindou..i just feel so ugly'' you pouted turning you're head to the mirror. ''that's some bullshit Y/N, i dont know what you're talking about but you're the most beautiful,outstanding and sexy girl ive ever met and im so fucking lucky to have you all to myself! where is this comming from babe??'' rindou ranted, ''its just...im so short, and i hate being short i looked weird and messed up'' you looked down on the floor. ''baby...''
rindou sighed. ''ill just fuck you, till you feel better about you self then'' rindou said before grabbing you're arm and putting it behinde you're back, you're body's pressed against eachother, you could feel rindou's huge bulge. ''rindou..not here!'' you scolded rindou, ''relax, its a fitting room nobody is gonna walk in on us'' rindou grinned, he took out his fat lenght pressing it against you're clothed ass, ''rindou not on the dress im not buying it!'' you fumed at rindou, ''oh but you are'' rindou chuckled to himself, he lined his cock at the entrance to you're cunt, he pushed slowly in making you're body shiver, you weren't even able to control the moans,
''ngh rindou..!''
you whimpered, ''dont worry doll ill fuck you good'' rindou noted, he finally pushed all in, filling you up, ''you're so tight Y/N, have you been wet for me mhm?'' rindou gave you that awful grinn, oh how you hated it but loved it at the same time. ''n-ngh shut up!'' you grunted, you're ego getting the best of you, but oh how rindou didn't like that a bit, he grabbed you're face and continued slam into you're gummy walls. ''watch you're mouth bitch'' rindou sneered, he was so sweet and kind during the daily life but in bed? oh he was such a freak, you never even thougth that rindou would have had a sadisitc side, but how it turned you on.
''agh- rindou! p-please deeper mhmmm~'' you moaned out, he covered his hand on you're mouth to muffle you're moans, ''you're such a dirty slut aren't you? wanting us to get caught huh?'' rindou grinned ''i like that'' rindou added, he was continuing to fuck you mercilessly, thrusting and fucking the shit out of you, hitting all the sweets spot that made you're pussy soaking wet. you were already filling the knot in you're abdonmen growing, rindou knew himself that you were close as he felt you're walls clench around his cock.
''fuck..you trynna cut off my dick bitch?'' rindou chuckled, giving you're red puffy cheeks a soft slap, not hard but hard enough to make you're face turn to the other side. you were soaking all over rindou's cock, he was close to but he couldn't end here? he needed to teach you a real lesson, as you felt the knot about to burst and rindou hitting all you're g-spots,
he pulled out making you flop to the wall, you tried using the handle for support but failed falling to the floor. you felt your body betraying you as you're pussy was clenching and uncleching on nothing, ''rindou please i need you'' you whimpered almost crawling to rindou tugging on his pants,
''not yet slut'' he clicked his tounge, he picked you up effortlessly pinning you're back to the wall, he lifted you a bit higher so that he was in between you're tighs, you're legs were now laying on his shoulders, you're back pressed against the wall and rindou was eating the fuck out of you're pussy like he hasn't had pussy in years, '' ahh rindou right there! '' you whimpered, ''mhmm.. it taste so fucking good'' rindou claimed, he was licking you're folds savoring all the honey that was leaking from you're cunt, he made sure you're legs were quivering and shaking, licking you're cunt and giving you're folds kitty licks before digging into you're pussy and eating like a pussystarved slut.
''f-fuck...'' rindou moaned between the licks. ''ahh rindouuuu!~'' you were a moaning mess, finally after mintues wich felt like hours, you finally came on his tounge, rindou licking everything up not letting one single drop of nectar drop from you're pretty cunt.
''i think its time for you to give me some pleasure yeah?'' rindou smirked, he dropped you're shaking legs to the floor and made you drop them to the knees as well, you were now below rindou his painfully aching cock on you're face, desperate to fuck you're throat, you grabbed his cock and started stroking it slowly causing him to yelp.
''f-fuck...'' rindou groaned, you started milking his cock earning more moans and whimpering from rindou, you put his hard cock into you're mouth feeling his cock twitch in you're mouth you began sucking him off, rindou was pushing his hips forward to get better acces to you're throat, you were at it sucking and fondling on his balls causing him to moan even more, what felt like ages, he pushed you're head deep onto his cock,
he came inside you're mouth letting the hot white fluid run down you're throat. ''you did good baby'' rindou stroked you're cheek, praising you and telling you how good you did for him. rindou was not finished, not at all, he grabbed you're legs and kneeled infront of you're cunt, he reached his hand down to you're clit and started rubbing on it, you threw you're head back feeling so much pleasure and the knot from earlier comming back, he started fondling you're breast, he used his hand from fondling you're breast down to you're folds and pushing 2 fingers inside, ''you felt so much pleasure and overstimulation you wanted to cum urgently, ''r-rindou ah!'' you moaned out, ''not yet beautiful'' rindou exhaled, he continued pushing his fingers in and out of you're soaked cunt, he spread you're folds giving him more acces of it to slide his cock in, you felt his cock instanly hit you're g-spot making you're toes curl up, ''rindou ah ah~'' you whined, he continued assaulting you're abused cunt over and over not giving you a single break,
he slammed into you're cunt, making wet noises everytime, he felt himself close to the edge and so did you, as he felt you're gummy walls clench around his throbbing cock, ''you're close ay?'' he exhaled, you nodded lost in words as you were fucked dumb, ''cum for me love'' rindou ordered you, you did as he said and came all over his cock. rindou followed and came inside you, painting you're walls white with his substance, ''fuck...now you have my baby'' he joked, ''no way..'' you exhaled chuckling after him. after that you agreed to buy the dress after all you didn't have choice since the skirt was filled with you're mixed fluids, you bought the dress and headed home to wash it.
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klausysworld · 1 year
a friends to lovers klaus x gn! reader where klaus overhears reader ranting to their friend about how in love with him they are?
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Pretty boy
I was in the kitchen making cookies, majority of the mix was in the oven while i sat on the counter with the bowl and spoon eating the remains. I was on face-time with my friend chatting about everything and nothing. Everyone else was out for a while so i had the house to myself
“sooo… speaking of romantic love interests…how’s the blonde one you hang around with” my friend asked wiggling their eyebrows suggestively
“mhm Rebekah?” i asked acting uninterested
“oh yea sure Rebekah, no. You know who i mean, what’s his name Nik?” they asked giggling
“he wouldn’t like you calling him Nik, he prefers Klaus” i muttered and licked the spoon glancing at the ground
“but he lets you calk him Nik right? Why is that again?” i sighed and dropped off the counter making my way to the sink to wash up the mess i had made
“probably because i don’t leave him alone, honestly he probably finds me unbelievably annoying” i heard my friend grumbling quietly before speaking up
“oh come on you know he loves you as much as you do him! You’re always going on about how he makes you stay home to ‘keep you safe’ like cmon, or what when he gives you paintings? oh oh! When you wear his clothes because he ‘gave them to you’ like take a hint?? He likes you, no, loves you. Just kiss him already you’ve waited this long” i filled the sink with warm soapy water and put the objects in to soak before sitting back up on the counter
“he’s got a lot going on right now, i don’t want to burden him with my feelings” i glanced to see my friend with their arms crossed and frowning
“they’re still your feelings. They should be heard not kept inside”
“i know…but…he just, he doesn’t feel the same okay?” i mumbled picking at my nails
“he could do” they persuaded
“but might not so it’s not really worth the heart break and the awkwardness and the embarrassment y’know? somethings are best left unheard” i nodded to myself and ignored my friends disappointment expression
“alright you can keep hiding it from him but at least just say it out loud, for your own piece of mind and mine, i wanna hear you say it” they sounded giddy and i saw them smiling on the screen
“you’re so childish i swear, but fine whatever. I sort of..kind of like-“
“don’t lie”
“-love him. I love him” i corrected
“Klaus or Nik, Niklaus. I love Niklaus.” i admitted slowly
“he’s got a good heart, he doesn’t always really show it, sometimes he can be…cruel and ruthless but in the end he always does it for a reason. He’s a family person, i admire that, he would do anything for them. Sometimes i pretend that they all think of me as family instead of a friend cuz i know that if i was that all of them would be there for me.” i rambled
“you’re drifting off about the family, what about him?” they continued asking
“he’s…lovely, he has this smile, he smirks most of the time but then there’s these moments when he really smiles and he just, he look so perfect, like an angel, i know that’s sort of impossible with his status but he just is. Oh and when he’s painting he goes all concentrated and focused, he’s like a giant teddy bear… His hair! have you seen his hair!? It looks so soft! It’s all curly but kinda fluffy at the same time, the urge to touch it is almost unbearable, like he’d probably bite my hand off but it might be worth it… i wonder what conditioner he uses” i was now leant against the wall with a smile on my face
“so he’s a pretty boy?” my friend asked now lead on their stomach swinging their legs back and forth with their head rested in their hands
“a very pretty boy” i agreed
“he’s got big blue eyes, sometimes he’ll give this fake innocent look and he looks like a big puppy, then when he gets mad they turn gold, he looks like magical- which like he is- you know what i mean” my friend hummed
“uhuh sure, so basically you are head over heals”
“it’s so hard loving him, one minute he’s pulled me to sit practically on top of him and the next he’s pushing me away and shoving me out the door. I don’t want to make him feel like he has to be with me… but i don’t want to face the rejection either…” i heard a throat clear and my head whipped round to see Klaus stood in the doorway. My face dropped and my heart sped up massively
“um- well…good-luck- call me! and don’t panic…or run away!” they hung up the call and i just stood there for a minute
Both of us just stayed silent for a moment, his eyes remained trained on mine as he slowly neared me with cautious steps
“it’s not- i mean- i dont-“
“it’s fine! It doesn’t even matter! i don’t know how much you heard but like-“
“most of it” he said being close enough to have both hands on my upper arms. I gulped and my face felt hot
“y/n…love… if you had just told me…”
“it’s not a big deal. i swear we can just pretend it didn’t happen, i’ll just leave you be for awhile and you’ll forget all about it” i could feel tears fall from my lashes as i shook my head trying to convince both him and myself. His face softened further and one hand slid up to my face as his thumb swiped at my tears away
“no no no, my love you don’t understand, i wanted to know, if you had told me sooner then we could have done something about it sooner”
“what?” i asked sniffling
“i’m so sorry i’ve made it hard to love me, i only pushed you away because i was worried you only saw me as a friend, i want to be with you too, i love you y/n, believe me i have for far too long”
“then why didn’t you say anything?“ i asked quietly
“i was…..afraid..i suppose, afraid that you would reject me too so-“ i cut him off by reaching up to hold the back if his neck and pulled him down to me, our lips moulded together perfectly, he responded quickly and i let my fingers wonder into his hair, his locks thicker than i thought and smooth. He breathed a laugh into my mouth before pulling away slightly
“was my hair as fluffy and soft as you’d imagined?” i laughed and nodded
“if you bit my hand off right now i wouldn’t even mind” he gave one of his rare but beautiful smiles and held me tighter
“i’m not quite sure how to top your little speech, i am very glad you think i’m pretty-“ i slapped his chest and gave him a shove
“i was just going to let you know that i would love to be your giant teddy bear”
“i changed my mind, i don’t love you”
“well that’s a lie isn’t it sweetheart?”
“just shut up” i whispered pulling him in for another kiss
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alex turner x fem reader
i don’t really know how to summarize it, so just read and find out!! it’ll be a fun little surprise! (also i quoted a line from better than the movies in here, i just finished that book and i LOVED it so dearly)
i couldn’t choose just one song 😣
late afternoon was dull. rain poured outside and the sky was grey, adding to the melancholy of the day. as you sit on the couch next to your best friend alex, you couldn’t help but stare at the rain pattering against the window, trying to distract yourself from your thoughts. you had just recently broken up with your boyfriend, you realized he wasn’t the one and it made you sad. it was easy to let your thoughts spiral, you wondered if you’d ever find your person, if anyone would ever love you that much. could you be loved? you didn’t want to be lonely forever and then become an old lady living alone with her fifty cats in an old apartment. would you die alone? oh my god and then who would even take care of the cats? would anyone even know you died? what if- “ahem.” you jumped slightly, raising your eyebrows at alex who was looking at you with a funny expression, accompanied by a head tilt.
“soo movie or no?” alex chuckled. “you ruined my train of thought.” you smiled as you kicked him playfully. alex had always been your best friend, you had always been there for eachother and this was no different. he’d been hanging out at your house practically the second your boyfriend had moved out and you didn’t mind at all. alex laughed softly, brown eyes not leaving yours. as you gazed at the boy, your smile faded into a frown, your earlier thoughts returning to haunt you. alex noticed this, furrowing his brows. “you alright?” you hadn’t really allowed yourself to overthink too much since your boyfriend left, and now that you had really thought about being alone, it destroyed you. anxiety plagued you, filling you only with distress and thoughts of loneliness.
“i dunno.” you shifted your gaze to your lap, fiddling with your rings. “you wanna talk about it?” alex shuffled closer to you on the couch. you shrugged, eyes still fixated on your lap, averting his gaze. “is it about him?” you noticed how close alex was, causing your heart to race a little faster. “um- no.” you paused. “well, yes, related. i mean, it’s not exactly about him, like the fact that i miss him or anything. which i dont. not really. that seems kinda mean, but it’s true.”
you looked up at alex nervously to find him looking back at you, silently urging you to continue talking. “its just- i’m nervous i’ll never find anyone. sounds fucking stupid now that i’m saying it aloud but um..” you gulped nervously. alex eyes were soft and caring and the effect he had on you right now was concerning. nevertheless, you continued.“i’m scared to be alone forever, i just want to love someone and be loved. and i’m so scared thats not going to happen and i’m scared nobody will ever find me pretty enough to love me. i dont know.” you weren’t even thinking now, the storm of anxiety that occupied your mind now letting loose. “i’m just nervous i guess. i dunno, its silly.” you sighed “maybe i’m just overthinking.”
you kept your gaze on your lap as you finished your rant, too flustered to look at alex. he was close. really close. why was your stomach all swirly? the thunder outside filled the silence for a few moments. alex grabbed your hand, causing you to meet his eyes. “hey. don’t think like that. you’re gorgeous.” the way alex was talking to you, the way he was looking at you, soft brown eyes shimmering in the candlelight, all smiley and sweet. it was getting hard to breathe. you were so distracted by him that you forgot to respond. “thank you.” you muttered pathetically, making him chuckle softly, hand not leaving yours. the house was quiet besides the muffled sound of thunder and rain from the nasty storm outside that was getting more intense by the minute. candles and lamps emitted a soft glow throughout the room, casting faint shadows on the walls.
the way he was looking at you made your heart flutter. your eyes darted down to his lips for a split second before quickly looking back up at his eyes. shit. don’t look at his lips don’t look at his lips. the tension was so thick you were sure lightning was bound to strike between you two any second. the house was too quiet. was he getting closer? you nervously broke eye contact for a split second, your stomach fluttering as you looked back at him. he didn’t move, eyes still locked on yours. your face heated. “um- so what movie did you wanna wat-“you didn’t even finish your sentence before his lips were all over yours, nose pressed into your cheek and hand cupping your face. he kissed you like it was his job and he wanted a raise. you eagerly kissed him back, squeezing his hand tightly as you brought your other hand up to rest on his shoulder. he leaned over you, gently pressing you against the arm of the couch as he kissed the shit out of you. you brought your free hand to grab ahold of his hair, deepening the kiss which elicited a sigh out of him.
the intensity of the kiss increased as a strike of lightning illuminated the sky for a few moments, a loud boom of thunder following, rumbling the ground. you pushed your hand up his shirt, his skin warm. his tongue slid across yours. his hands were in your hair. your leg was wrapped around his waist as the kiss deepened, teeth colliding and soft sighs filling the air. another rumble of thunder shook the ground and just like that, the lights were out. you broke the kiss, the two of you gasping for air. the room was dark, almost pitch black.
and if it weren’t for the soft light of the streetlamps, the glow of the candle in the other room, or the incandescent moonlight, you might’ve not been able to see alex smiling down at you.
hope this made you giggle and kick your feet, goodnight!
ps. this is like my third time writing anything ever so if it’s bad don’t come for me
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xazse · 2 years
Warnings: Grinding, they are kinda outta character, they have ears and a tail, little fluff
·─────── ─────── Your cute puppy hybrid Scaramouche who waits for you to come home almost everyday, patiently waiting at the door with his fluffy ears and fluffy tail,  twitching in excitement. 
As soon as he hears the door click he’s there before you can even get in the door, showering you with wet sloppy kisses. Your good boy is so nasty the way he’s already trying to shove his tongue down your throat. Pushing his little cock right against your body letting you know he’s oh so horny and wants you right now. “Scara.. not now we have a guest” you slowly slide over to introduce your guest, scara still clinging to your waist—- A guest? Scara knows for a fact you don’t like having people in your space especially someone he’s never met before.
So when he looks over at said guest he quickly tightens his grip on your waist, wasting no time to glare at the “stupid cat” in his words. Of course it’s him, the all so high and “mighty” Xiao he’s so stuckup and truly believes he was some warrior in his past life, scara simply rolls his eyes everytime he goes into his little rants. 
“His owner had asked me to look after him for a couple of hours and I had agreed, xiao isn’t much trouble anyway ” The urge scara has to just scratch at xiao but he knows if he were to you’d scold him and possibly deny him his pleasure later. “Well don’t get quiet scara: say hello!” You knock him out of thought, “Hello again Xiao” he mumbles against your chest. Xiao simply nods his head and makes his way towards your living room. “Scara youll behave for me right?” You sigh hoping he’ll oblige, “yes…” he agrees while furrowing his brows, you let out an excited yip and make your way to the living room with him following behind you.
Now you’re watching a movie with both the little cuties, xiao on your right and scara on your left, all huddled up together cuddling and of course scara pestering xiao to not get so comfortable and especially to not fall asleep. Xiao pays him no mind even having the audacity to get even closer with you, scara is giving an impression that he wants to go back on his little agreement with you but he chooses to ignore it altogether. 
When a particular lewd scenes shows up of the 2 leads touching eachother you notice xiao and scara shifting around, but you make the assumption they’re getting a little more comfy. The scene goes on for a little longer and your getting a little irritated with the constant moving about to speak up on the issue you feel something pushing against the side of your thigh, more specifically scaras side, he’s very clearly rubbing his little cock against your thigh as his cute ears twitch every shift against you, breathy whines can barely be heard as the movie plays in the background.
Reaching your hand atop his underware and rubbing his bulge, already feeling precum form at his tip— you keep a steady slow pace on his cock while keeping your eyes on the movie.
Scara whimpering and clutching his thighs around your hand, oh by the gods do you love him when he gets like this, all hot and bothered and you’d of course give him want he wants but your cute puppy has to remember you have a guest over— 
Xiao is 100% aware of what’s going on with you and scara and he’s trying his hardest to ignore it, moving around doesn’t seem to help his situation in his pants either. He really wants you to pay attention to him too but that would most definitely be out of line and out of character for him, but the need to be touched outweighs his shame— he’s slowly sliding his up hand on your thigh.
“Do you want to be touched too xiao?” You whisper towards him still rubbing scara. 
“Yes.. please” he mumbles out, you can already see his cute tail waving through the air. Scara is in his own world simply enjoying you stroking his length at just the right pace he doesn’t even care that you’re now touching xiao.
Now they’re both sat up on your thigh rubbing their hard leaking lengths on you. Panting and both taking turns giving you open mouthed kisses begging for you to make them cum already. You start sucking on one of xiaos cute pink nipple and pinching scaras this makes them both mewl and whine, getting even closer to their release.
“S..o close” Scara repeats through hurried breathes a few seconds his tummy is tightening and he’s cumming, streamy white globs of cum landing right on your stomach and chest. Xiao is more quiet about how close he’s about to come, speeding up his thrusts whilst you pinch his tail much harder than you had intended to, “mmhnn..” “hngg..” one last push and pinch and his cock is spurting sticky, thick cum on your chest. 
Both of them pleased with the pleasure, panting in your neck. Slowly closing their eyes, ears relaxing and tails slowly wagging.
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Summary:You get a little drunk off the wine Diavolo had at a party and offer the brothers to sit on your lap
Type:Short Scenarios: Lucifer X M!Reader: Mammon X M!Reader: Leviathan X M!Reader: Satan X M!Reader: Asmodeus X M!Reader: Beelzebub X M!Reader: Belphegor X M!Reader
Version: One Master
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He was originally dancing when he noticed you sitting by yourself. So, he walked over to you.
"MC? Are you alright"
He was a bit worried since yor head was down, clothes messed up, face red. He wanted to make sure you were okay. You looked up and hummed. Giving a small chuckle at his worried look.
"Ah,*hic* Asmodeus~ Why don't you come take a seat*hic*"
You sounded drunk, but he wasn't gonna back out. Wrapping his arms around your neck, he sat down facing you(like in the gif), leaning towards you he smirked, wondering what you had in kind. You smirked back at him, pulling closer by his waist and putting your face in his neck. He giggled and hugged your head.
He was just standing to the side, totally not planning a way to steal something without anyone noticing. But he couldn't help but look over at you a few times, and by few, I mean every few seconds. But could you blame him? His crush, you, was sitting down with your legs spread, shirt unbuttoned, with your tie undone, with a bottle of wine in your hand, OH! And don't forget the messy hair. He'd inch himself closer and closer to you subconsciously. Until he heard your drunken giggles, and you call out his name.
"Mammon! *hic*, lover boy Mammon"
He blushed at that remark, but before he could respond you kept talking.
"You look tense*hic*, need a seat?"
He blushed even harder when you patted your legs, fully inviting him in. He wouldn't shut up about how he's the great mammon and how powerful he was, and how he didn't need to sit on a humans lap... as he sat on your lap. Let's just say he secretly loved it.
He was tired. Honestly, he was looking for a spot to take a nap. And he'd always never near you, from the beginning when you were dancing, to the middle when you were eating and drinking, and to now. Where you were basically blacked out drunk from wine in a nice, comfy chair. You wouldn't even have to ask. He had his mind right as soon as he started heading for you.
"Heyyy~ Belp-"
Before you could finish your sentence, he was in your lap and snuggled up to you. You just giggled and kept drinking the wine. You were definitely gonna take some home.
He was talking with Diavolo. Lucifer was paying attention, just to his brother, since he knows you can hold your own. But it wasn't until Diavolo pointed out your state. Lucifer panicked and rushed to your side. When he got to you, he started asking questions, like if you're hurt, if you need water, etc. Your response never answered any questions he had.
"Aww~ Luc*hic*ifer is worried, hehe~ *hic* come have a seat, you worryyy to much"
Lucifer was taken back by your remark. He stared at your hand as it patted your leg. Sighing he patted your shoulder.
"MC... this is not the place.... and-"
He started to go on a rant about how idiotic you are and how you should have never drank so much. You only got three minutes in before you pulled him into your lap. Causing him to get flustered and stutter on his words. Eventually, he just shut up and crossed his arms as he stared at you. You couldn't tell what he was feeling. His face was unreadable. You giggled and snuggled into him.
He hadn't been at the party in the first place. He had been somewhere else, until recently. He was bored and had the urge to tick off Lucifer somehow. When he saw you, he walked over, quite surprised at your state. Then he got an idea. As you were drinking the wine, he grabbed the bottle off a nearby table and waited for you to put your glass down. When you did, he gave you more, he could tell you were pleased by this.
"Thannkk you~ *hic*"
Satan nodded before looking over at Lucifer, who hadn't noticed you two yet. Satan smirked as he slid into your lap. You looked surprised, but out your glass down to put both hands on his hips, he smirked as he leaned forward to kiss you. And he didn't stop, he pressed himself against you and all, because he knew this would most definitely piss off Lucifer, and probably mammon. Satan had a fun night.
He was originally eating, just eating away to his hearts desire. But he would watch you pretty offen. Just in case you hurt yourself or couldn't get up for the wine. But when he got suspicious of you, mainly because you weren't moving, he walked over to you.
You looked up at him, a dazed smile making its way to your face.
"Heeyyyy, pretty boy~"
Beel didn't seem surprised by your remark. He just patted your shoulder.
"You're drunk, you need some rest, and water"
You frowned and pulled him into a hug, pressing yourself against his stomach. His stomach digesting his most recent food made you move your head to look up at him. Giving him a smile, one he has suspicions of.
"Only if you have a seat for a bit"
Beel looked around for another chair. He was gonna get a chair to sit next to you. And even tho he did find a chair, he still ended up in your lap. He was worried he would accidently hurt you, but you just cuddled into his chest.
He had been with you the whole time. He was originally playing on his Nintendo while sitting next to you on a small sofa, one that can fix three. He wasn't paying attention to you or anything else until some succubus came around. At first, they were just chatting while looking at you, probably because of your looks. Your messy hair, unbuttoned shirt, and messed up tie. Levi just realized how you looked and looked away, blushing. But he couldn't stop himself for looking at you, especially your legs. You had a wide man spread, with your pants a little tight near the top. Sooner than Levi expected, the two succubus walked up to you. One sitting on one of your legs and the other on the arm of the sofa.
"You seem lonely tonight~"
The one on your leg said.
"Yeah~ your buddy here isn't paying you any attention~ you deserve better than him~"
You only chuckled, a little drunk to come up with an argument. Your words were slurred and hard to make out. But even if you said your words as clear as day, Levi was too pissed off to hear it. Oh, how much he wanted to take that spot, to be the one pulling at your messy tie and messing with your hair. He wanted to sit on your lap. He wanted all your attention to himself. He only got more and more mad before he finally had enough. Him turning into his demon form, he pulled the succubus off your leg before sitting down on both of your legs. His knees bent and hanging off the sofa as he hugs your chest, giving the two succubus a nasty glare. You laughed as you hugged him closer.
[A/n:I love this idea. I hope you enjoyed]
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melonminnie · 1 year
Requested by @liawoo:Hiii!!! I'm here to ask bout an Atil Takar x Reader can be fem or they/them ! Their relationship is like a puppy love and them being a parent to lil Lyrica! Haha if that's okay :P
And say “I miss you” -Atil x fem! Reader
-Tysmmmm for requesting enjoy <333 this is my first time writing 4 atil So Ty again hehehe lyrica is sorta OCC sorry ☹️ </3
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Atil was ranting about something that was Going on with him, a few moments ago he had barged into your room with desserts in his hand ready to hang out with you knowing he wasn’t supposed to.
“Atil what are you doing this time?” She acted shocked as if he hadn’t done this a million times, “hanging out with you of course” he stated laying on the girls bed with a smile on his face.
He put his hands behinds his head and still laid down, “what are you even doing at this hour still awake?” He asked his blue eyes focused on her.
“I couldn’t sleep” she stated, “Why are you here?” She questioned him. “Same reason” he replied.
there was a moment of silence on both your parts, for some reason this was the first time none of you could utter a word to each other, maybe it was just sleep taking over your body but the boy looked troubled.
“What’s wrong you look sad” she asked, rubbing her eyes. “Nothing..” he replied his eyes drifting away, “Open your mouth” The girl stated grabbing a cookie from the tray, He complied opening his mouth, the sweetness of the desert filling his mouth his eyes light up slightly.
“Please don’t be sad” She smiled, “I won’t as long as your with me I’m happy”.
The next day was going usually okay as normal, Except you and the prince had something planned today, but he didn’t want to let you go from the brink of dawn he’d forced you to follow him like a duck.
it would’ve been fine if you weren’t as busy as you were, “Atil can I leave now?” The girl questioned impatiently, “Nooo, Why do you wanna leave me?” He whined, his head rested on his desk piles of books around him.
“Because I’m busy too you know!” She explained, “I’ll take over your work then” he murmured staring at his assistant (forgot his name sorry)
You swore you saw him cry at that moment, “I need to meet lyrica too” you stated again, “Mmmm I’ll go with you” he declared standing up.
“Are you sure?” She smiled standing up with him, “Yeah I am” he answered eagerly grabbing your hand and practically running out of the room to his younger sisters.
The door was pushed open by force, Before the crown prince declared his presence, “I’m here!~” he answered smiling, the brown haired girl turned her head at the voice her eyes lighting up.
“Atil!, y/n” she ran up to the two hugging them, “How are you?” The older girl asked, “I’m Perfectly fine!” She chirped smiling, “What’re you doing?” Atil asked scanning the room.
“Nothing! I was eating cake with brin” she replied, “Y/n! Join me” she insisted, “I can join you later, I have something later so I can’t eat right now” she apologized.
“What are you doing” she asked tilting her head, y/n hesitated for a moment looked into atils eyes for confirmation, he shrugged giving her the green light.
“I’m gonna eat with atil later” she answered, “Ohhh! Where I wanna know” she urged, “In the garden” Y/n stood up brushing the dust of her dress.
“Can I come? Pretty please?” She questioned. The entire room was silent for a few minutes, “Of course the more the merrier, only you though don’t invite anyone else” Atil interrupted.
After a few hours, the three of you were seated together on the ground. Assortments of food spread on the cloth.
“Waah! There’s so much food” The princess stared at the food in glee, “wait can I eat this!?” She questioned staring at Atil, the boy nodded staring at her.
Lyrica took the invitation eating as much as she can and as fast as she can, “Lyrica please don’t eat fast you’ll get hiccups” The older girl warned, lyrica noted that and started eating slowly.
After the three of you finished, You noticed there were some food on her face.
“Lyrica” you spoke, she turned her head towards yours, “You have food on your face, here” Y/n took a handkerchief and wiped the girls face.
“Thank you!” She thanked the girl going back to her conversation with Atil. For a few moments Atil didn’t process what his sister was saying.
he leaned forward, indicating he wanted to say something in your ear, you leaned forward towards the boy giving him your ear.
“I’m glad I met you y/n” he whispered.
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
you are not a monster.
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eddie munson x gn!reader
word count: 3,875
warnings: swearing, smoking, the events of vol. 2, eddie’s self-doubt and personal issues, trauma, mentions of blood, of death, sorta a fix-it-fic? the boy who lived has in fact not come to die
a/n: i’ve got, like, 240 followers now, and i am very appreciative. i don’t think i’ve ever had that many on any platform in my whole media-usage-world. i am quite the loser, so it is wild that you guys are—at least slightly—entertained by what i write. i love you ughh. this has been in my drafts for a long ass time seeing as i couldn’t seem to finish it, and i’m worried maybe it’s kinda shitty? i do like it for the most part, though. and it got long. oops. but i hope you enjoy it! <333
“Ugh, you know I don’t do double VHS.” Steve waved off Robin’s Saturday morning movie suggestion.
“But it’s about doomed love,” Robin tried again, clutching the video tape to her chest.
“Oh, well, that’s relatable.” Steve grabbed a cart full of movies to be restocked, swerving around a rampaging Robin.
You flipped around a movie in the new releases section that someone had fumbled with at some point or another, adjusting it so the poster was facing outwards, half-paying attention to the conversation going on between your two friends/coworkers.
“Also, Julie Christie is b-b-bonkers hot in this.” You snorted at Robin’s comment, and she tossed a sly grin your way before continuing on her rant about the most gorgeous creature she’d ever seen.
“We’re in Forest Hills trailer park in east Roane County.” Your neck cracked with the speed at which you turned your head towards the television Robin had just turned on, seeing both her and Steve staring up at the reporter.
“We don’t have a lot of details right now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not yet issued the victims name…”
“Holy shit,” Steve said.
You swore you could’ve fainted at that very moment. You felt dizzy, started to sweat, felt your hands shake—so much that you tossed the videos you were holding onto the counter, catching Steve and Robin’s attention.
“Hey, are you okay?” Steve asked, glancing at you and clocking how frazzled you looked.
“Th-that’s where Eddie lives. Forest Hills trailer park.” You hopped up the step to behind the counter, trying to see behind the reporter.
“No. Shit. That’s his trailer. Oh my god, that’s his trailer.”
“Hey, woah, woah, woah, calm down. How can you be sure—”
“Because Steve! I practically live there half the fucking time! I think I know what my boyfriend’s home looks like.” You felt like throwing up. Seriously, you needed some air.
"Okay, well when did you see him last?" Robin started, trying to console you before you erupted into full-blown mass panic mode. She set her hands on your shoulders.
"Last night. I went by the drama room to wish him good luck—you know, because of the campaign—" Robin nodded her head, urging you on. "It was normal, I don't know, I-love-you-see-you-later shit, but then I left to go watch Lucas! I didn't see him after that because he said he had a deal, that he had to go home and get something else f-for—"
"For what? For who?" Robin couldn't handle the suspense.
"For Chrissy Cunningham."
"Chrissy does drugs? Huh, that's interesting." Steve cocked his head, slipped his hand under his chin, contemplating the actions of the cheerleader you spoke of.
"Steve! That is not the focus right now. Besides, everyone has their moments," Robin berated her once jock-worthy friend.
"Right. No, you're right."
You separated yourself from Robin’s clutches, moving out from behind the counter. “I need to check on Wayne.”
“Wayne?” Steve questioned, looking at Robin who watched you disappear around the corner.
“Eddie’s uncle, Harrington. Keep up.” Robin clapped her hands. “She’s been with the boy for, like, ever.” Her focused shifted though, as Dustin and Max appeared, the former hurling himself over the countertop.
You collected your things from the staff room, ignoring the bickering from the other side of the door. Wayne was home, obviously, it was day time, but if the cops were there, no way was he gonna answer the phone. Maybe you should’ve gone to hunt for your boyfriend right away, but you couldn’t bear to not check on the boy’s uncle, who was probably just in the dark as you were—if not more.
It took you a little longer to get going, hands shaking so much that you dropped your keys, and then remembered to clock out. You scribbled an excuse on a sticky note in case Keith questioned your early departure on the schedule when he came in on Monday.
Pushing the green painted wood open, you slammed into Steve, who’d just finished helping a young woman, and put his hands out to steady you.
You turned your head, taking in Max, Dustin and Robin chatting wildly on three separate phones, all pacing equally. “What are they doing?” You asked, straightening Steve’s vest where you’d messed it up.
He mumbled something about Eddie’s friends when Max waved to get your attention, slamming the receiver down. “Do you know a ‘Reefer Rick’?”
The question was so odd, coming from her, that you shook your head before answering. “Yeah, Eddie’s supplier. Why?”
“Do you know where he lives? We’re trying to find Eddie.”
“Uh,” you rubbed your forehead, recalling the couple times Eddie had needed to stock up and you’d been with him. “Out by Lovers Lake.”
Dustin slammed his phone down at this new information, the group now frantic with chatter about your boyfriend’s whereabouts. You started toward the door, stressed and suddenly sweaty, when Dustin flew out from behind the counter, stopping you.
“Where are you going? Don’t you want to come look for your significant other?”
“Of course I do, Dustin. But I’m going to check on Eddie’s uncle. I don’t like the idea of him being left in the dark during all this. It isn’t fair.”
Dustin lifted his hat from his head, readjusting it and then setting it right back down.
“Okay.” He let out a breath that sounded like he’d been holding it in for a while. “Well what if he’s there? At Rick’s? Can you meet us there after your excursion? I don’t feel right looking for him without you.”
“Yeah, Dustin.” He gave you a hopeful high five, your palm stinging as you pushed your way out of the door.
Pulling into Forest Hills, your hands started to shake. What if they wouldn’t let you in?
You stopped beside the cop monitoring the entrance, rolling down your window.
“I’m sorry, miss. I can’t let you in. We’ve got an active crime scene on our hands.” Shit.
You took a deep breath, trying to keep yourself from stumbling over your words. “I apologize, officer. It’s just that I have a family member that lives here, and I’d really like to check on him. Just for a moment. I’m worried sick.”
The officer straightened from where he’d been level with your window, placing his hands on his hips. He looked around, looked back at you, looked up again. His resolve was slipping.
“Okay. I understand. But you have to be quick, okay? There’s a lot going on that I don’t want you getting caught up in.”
“Thank you officer, really.”
You cranked the handle, rolling up the glass panel and pulled off, trying to find somewhere to stop considering your boyfriend’s home was the crime scene. Eyes scanning for Wayne, you found purchase.
He was sat up against the geometric dome that was meant to be the designated play ground area. Except all the kids in the park had grown up at this point, so now everyone sat there to sulk or smoke.
The slam of your car door caught his attention, and he stood on seeing you, moving in your direction. He met you halfway, holding his arms out. That’s how you knew he was tired. Scared. Confused.
Wayne Munson was no cuddle-bug, but he had no aversion to hugs if he really knew you. But letting you see this much emotion right off the bat, letting you in, that’s how you knew he was hurting. This was his boy they were talking about. Where was his boy?
He was warm from being outside, and smelled of cigarettes. You pretended not to see the tear tracks left in the thin layer of dust on his cheeks. He didn’t let go for a long time.
“Have you seen him? Heard from him?”
You sniffled. “No. Not since last night. I saw him before Hellfire, but that’s all.”
Wayne wiped a hand down his face. “Did he seem alright?”
“More than. You know they were supposed to finish th—”
“The campaign. Yeah. How could I not know?” He smiled, and you could tell he was seeing Eddie hunched over the kitchen counter, pencil in his mouth.
He briefly filled you in. “They’re saying he did this. Killed that girl. But I know Eddie. He’s my boy and he didn’t do it. He couldn’t.”
“I know he didn’t. I’m sorry you had to find her. I’m going to look for him, okay? I probably shouldn’t tell you that, but I figured you needed to know. If I get to him, I’ll come tell you, okay? I’m so sorry, Wayne.”
Another hug. More reassurance on your part, on his, telling you that you couldn’t have known. You asked if he needed anything, but he said the cops were supposed to figure out where to put him soon. And that was it. You left him there, and sobbed in the car knowing how sick he was over his boy. Knowing what’d he’d seen, how frightened he was.
“Eddie! It’s me! It’s Dustin!”
The young boy tried so hard to get his older friend to hear him, to calm down. But that was kind of impossible given the situation. He tried to understand.
“You won’t believe me.” Eddie’s voice was broken, his eyes glassy, his fingers going numb from his grip on the broken bottle.
“Try us.” Max knew what it felt like to be that confused. To be that uneasy. But he spilled his guts, and now the group of unlikely friends sat with him.
The slam of a car door made Eddie jump, made Dustin shoot up from his spot on the floor. Dustin peeked over the window sill, spying you looking a little lost at where they might be, so he hurried outside, much to the dismay of everyone else, scaring the shit out of you, but making you hopeful nonetheless.
“Any luck?” You whispered, not quite grasping his sudden appearance from the boathouse.
“Yeah! Yeah. He’s in there. And he’s scared shitless, but he’s okay.”
“Really?” Your eyes were glazing over and there was nothing you could do about it. He was alright.
“Really.” And he took your hand, leading you back and gently pushing the door the rest of the way open. He let you in first, lingering behind.
You moved in, eyes scanning for him, first roving over Steve, Max, Robin. But there he was. Up against the wall, hands in his hair. He looked up at you, and visibly softened, but sunk in on himself nonetheless.
“Eddie.” You dropped your bag, not giving him time to stand, moving to meet him on the floor.
Your knees met chilly concrete, and you went to reach out for him, but you stopped yourself, noticing how broken he looked. “Eddie? Is this okay? If I touch you?”
“Y-yeah.” He nodded as he said it, eyes moving quickly back and forth between yours. To Eddie, even though there were four other people in the room, it felt like everything else faded away the second you walked in. You came for him. You’d believe him. He knew you would.
You opened your arms, and he fell into them, arms going around your back, head falling to your chest. He buried his face against you, squeezed you so hard it hurt, but fuck if you were going to tell him to let up.
You ran your hand soothingly over his head, gently untangling curls without the intention of doing so. Glancing up, you met Dustin’s eyes, and he gave you a small smile. “Thank you,” he mouthed. Dustin wanted to thank you for putting up with him, for letting him steal your boyfriend, for being so kind, for calming Eddie down. For everything.
“I went to see Wayne, Eddie,” you told him, moving your hand to rub his back. The boy perked up at that, looking at you with fear all over his face considering what he’d done.
“I-is he…is he m-mad at me?” He looked so young, so fragile.
“No, he’s not mad at you, sweetheart. He’s just worried. Scared. Wants his boy safe.”
Eddie winced, but pulled away from you anyhow. You brushed his bangs away from his eyes, straightened his vest, buttoned a chest pocket. “Do you think you could tell me what happened, maybe? You don’t have to now, really you don’t. But whatever it is, I believe you, okay?”
He hummed in reply, and relayed the story again for you, even if it hurt, and the rest of them tried to catch you up on their theory.
What you didn’t see was Robin turning to Steve, eyes softening at the way you and Eddie interacted with one another. How that scared look in your eye that had been there at the store was gone, just from seeing him. How Eddie’s hands had stopped shaking at your presence. How he wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable with you, and how much you cared for him.
But he made it so easy for you.
“Shit! Shit!” You stumbled over your own feet, hopping over ever root and vine you met in your path, trying not to make your presence known.
You’d been with Steve, Robin, and Nancy. The four of you were meant to go to Creel House while Eddie and Dustin distracted those fucking bats.
But you had this feeling. This sick, sick feeling.
It was eating you alive. It was something Eddie sad at Skull Rock. Something about running. And then right before you parted ways. When he’d kissed your head and muttered in Steve’s direction, “Trust me. We are no heroes.”
And standing there with your friends, trying to save the world, you ran. Ran for Eddie’s sake. Because he was going to do something. You just knew it. Some sacrificial lamb shit.
And it hurts, the running. Your legs are burning. It’s the kind of running you haven’t done since you were a kid. The desperate kind. But this time it’s not in order to beat a friend to the finish line, to win a competition. It’s to get to your boyfriend. Because you’re afraid he’s going to die.
And you can hear them. The bats. Their horrid screams, the leathery and wet rasp of wings, of tails thrashing in their rage, their determination to get to the source of that noise. The noise that had just quit.
You’d just caught the end of Eddie’s playing, and barely had time to think about how he’d finished it. He’d been determined to finish that fucking song and it’d been two weeks.
But none of that mattered.
Because you could see the trailer now, and it hadn’t occurred to you that maybe you wouldn’t be able to get in. That was the point of their reinforcements, anyways.
You stumbled up the concrete stairs, reaching for the door handle, trying to ignore the ever increasing sound of the bats, the sounds of them closing in. You didn’t dare glance over your shoulder, knowing they’d be right there.
Wrenching open the door, metal screeching, you almost smacked into Eddie. He’d been holding onto the sheets, but he had that look in his eye. The decisive one. And then he heard you clattering in and he practically tumbled free from his hold on the fabric.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You looked up seeing Dustin, who looked equally as frightened and desperate for Eddie to get to the other side.
“Whatever it is that you’re thinking, stop it. Go. Now. Climb.”
Eddie looked at you. Really looked at you. A look that said I need to do this. I need it. “You first.” He backed away, beckoning you forward.
“You go. Now.”
“Baby, please go. I’m begging you. If I go now, I can buy more time. I know it.”
Eddie looked desperate. He needed this. Needed to know he was good for something. He’d been such a failure. And he could do this. He could be good.
“No! Fucking go, Eddie! Now!”
He blinked at you, not expecting the change he found in your voice. He’d never heard you sound like that before. So angry. So angry at him.
So he let up, reaching and pulling himself towards Dustin. Towards home.
You felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. And then you tried to get yourself up, calming considering in the time that you’d stood there, the noise had stopped—the bats had stopped. Your friends had done their job.
You pulled and it hurt, but you did it anyways.
It had been three days since Eddie almost sacrificed himself and you’d been avoiding him ever since. He knew why you hadn’t come to see him, and he was upset at himself for hurting you, for not realizing you could read him so well. But it felt like that was the only way to prove himself.
And now he was living in a fucking tent in the Wheeler’s basement, supposedly like some girl with superpowers had.
The boy was flipping through one of Mike’s old X-Men comics when the sheet providing him refuge was torn back. Dustin appeared, making Eddie jump. “Jesus Christ!”
“Here.” Dustin threw a hand radio at him and then vanished again. It took him a minute before he realized you had one too.
A few guesses later on what channel he needed, he found you.
“Hey, I know you can hear me, baby. I know you’re mad.”
You reached for radio where it resided under your bed, stretching so that you didn’t have to actually get up, the chill of hardwoods meeting your fingers.
As much as you wanted to pretend you couldn’t hear shit, you wanted to talk to him. Something was really wrong if he thought he’d needed to do that. And maybe it was wrong of you to be upset, but you loved him. He didn’t need to complete some grand act of service to be redeemed, he was already your hero.
“Afternoon, Munson.”
Eddie slumped down inside his tent, smacking his head on the wall. He really was too lanky to be living in there.
“Son of a bitch!” He rubbed his hand, skull throbbing from the impact. “Hey, honey, please come see me. I wanna talk to you. Please.”
“Yeah. Yeah, fine. Unlock the basement door, okay?”
You sat against the support beam at the bottom of the stairs, watching Eddie tie up the sheet so it’d quit falling down and he could see you properly.
Your lower back started to ache and he noticed, passing you a smushed pillow. Silence filled the hair until you decided to breach the surface. “What were you gonna do, Eddie?”
He scrubbed his hands over his face, fingers bare of their usual silver, as the rings sat in a pile of his other shit, metal accoutrements proving incredibly uncomfortable to sleep in when living on the floor.
“Buy more time. I thought that if I could get the bats to back off, that they would’ve had the chance to kill Vecna. That Dustin could get home okay. I don’t know. And don’t give me that look.”
“I didn’t want anyone else to get hurt. I could’ve done it. I swear. I just wanted to be good for something for once in my fucking life. Prove that I’m not this—this thing. This nuisance. This monster.”
“I guess I thought I could be the hero for once.”
You moved towards him, sitting on your knees and taking his hands into yours. He wouldn’t look at you, eyes darting around the basement walls, the old furniture indented from years of bodies molding the cushions.
“I understand. But I wish you didn’t feel that way. I wish I could fix it. I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you sooner. I was just upset because I had this feeling, Eddie. I thought you were going to die.”
“But, Edward Munson, you are not a monster. You aren’t a nuisance. Anyone that’s ever thought that is a piece of shit and you know that”
You put your hand on his cheek and he blinked. Hard.
“Eddie, look at me, please.”
The boy turned to you, looking just as young and fragile as he had in the boathouse. He looked disappointed in himself.
“You’re my hero.”
Eddie bit the inside of his lip so hard he tasted blood, forcing himself not to cry.
“Your Gareth’s hero. Mike and Lucas’ hero. Eddie, your Dustin’s hero. But, sweetheart, you didn’t have to save the world to prove yourself. You’re everything to me. To your friends. To Wayne.”
That was the tipping point. Uncle Wayne. And the tears slipped out, silent and calmly, easily sliding down his finally clean cheeks.
“R-really? I’m your hero?” Eddie’s hands were shaking.
“Yeah! Of course you’re my hero, Eddie. You’re such a badass, you know.” A grin pulled at the corners of his mouth. “You are not a monster. I’ll spend every day for the rest of my life telling you that if you’d like. I’d do anything for you.”
“You didn’t need to save the world by fighting off demo-bats, Ed. You’ve saved it by being you. By shepherding those little sheepies. Shit, you’re so good, Eddie. You’re golden.”
Eddie Munson had been waiting his whole life for those words. For someone to reassure him that he wasn’t this sick creature. This freak. And he was your hero. That was better than anything in the whole world to him.
Wayne rested against the cool brick that constructed Hawkins High School. His current place of refuge post-earthquake. Pulling his flannel closer his chest to keep out the wind, he reached in his pockets for a lighter and a pack of Marlboros.
He didn’t look up at the sound of gravel crunching around him, used to the noise of other people fluttering around him.
“Any chance you’d lend me one of those?”
Wayne’s hands froze from where they’d been peeling the plastic wrap off of the new cardboard box. He knew that voice. But he thought it was a trick. He looked up anyways.
And there, standing in this alleyway, somewhere he definitely shouldn’t be, was his boy. Eddie’s hands were in his pockets, a bandana over his forehead.
He smiled that award-winning smile, the one he’d used on Wayne as a kid when he wanted pancakes or temporary tattoos from the coin machine at the grocery store.
Eddie made his way over to his uncle, to—let’s face it—his dad. Wayne enveloped the boy in his arms, squeezing way too tight, but Eddie wasn’t going to complain. “My boy.”
Eddie rested his head on his uncle’s shoulder, breathing in that familiar scent that never seemed to go away, of cigarettes and the came cologne he’d been wearing since Eddie was a toddler. That smell he’d welcome after a rough day at school, after he’d done well on a science project.
“I never gave up. I never stopped looking. I knew you didn’t do it. Not my boy.”
“Thanks, uncle Wayne. For everything. I love you.”
“I love you too, kiddo.”
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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yuyan · 11 months
The art of love pt. 2
Fluff, hurt/comfort
Kaveh x gn!reader
Tags: academic rivals to lovers, cliche confession during arguing in the rain scene don't look at me, mild cussing (not at each other), highschool au
A/n: the comfort part of this. I hope it doesn't dissapoint, I tried to do this as fast as possible so I wouldn't keep anyone waiting!
Part 1 || Master list || Requests: open
Half an hour after school and you were stuck cleaning the art room on the last day of school with Kaveh. Honestly, the only reason why it was only the two of you were cleaning the art room because the art teacher was still mad at the time you two made a huge disruption in class. It was 3 weeks ago though. Who would even hold a grudge for that long? For something they weren't even really involved in or affected by it too. At least you were almost done.
"Ok what's wrong with you?" Kaveh asked, his voice laced with concern.
"Whats wrong with me?" you asked back, the anger in your tone contrasting his.
"Yes what's wrong with you, anger is practically seeping out of you!" Kaveh said, raising his voice. "Does my prescence annoy you that much!"
"Well, apparently mine does!" you shouted, "especially when I'm trying to help you apparently!" Throwing your broom, you grabbed your bag and stormed out, slamming the door behind you.
"W-what? Huh?" Kaveh stuttered out, watching you leave.
The sweet final week that Kaveh had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity didn't have that usual sugar coat. Now it was just a bitter pile of food that Kaveh pushed aside. No one could ignore it forever though.
"They're just so frustrating and annoying and nitpicking everything I do and oh my gosh, do I hate them so much!" Kaveh ranted while Alhaithem was seriously contemplating why he walks home with Kaveh.
"Don't you like them though?" Alhaithem asked, "they gave you a note, just go talk to them."
"Whatever, Its fine!" Kaveh shouted. "It's not like I love them anyways!" Kaveh shouted, again but his shoulder shook slightly and it felt like a piece of him died when he said that. "...Plus! They're always..."
"Ah, please don't go," Kaveh whispered and took of running.
You approached the entrace of your school. The sounds of heavy rain rang through your ears, making you furrow your eyebrows and your frown etch deeper into your face. "Fuck! I can't think!" you screamed. Hot, angry tears blurred your vision and made small wet patches on your uniform. Teachers and students alike had long left due to the heavy rain and it being the last day.
Silently, you pulled out your umbrella and hovered it over your head before step out into the rain. Rain slightly flooded the area and each step was like stepping into a puddle. Your emotions were a mess and the rain did nothing but anger you further as your tried so desperately to sort them out. The rain could've been calming if it wasnt for your violent urge to kick and scream to your heart's content. Until you had no energy left but to cry silently in your cold, empty bed.
"Wait!" a voice called out. It felt more like a delusion though considering how drowned out by the rain it was.
It wasn't until a tall blonde boy in the same uniform as you, umbrella in hand appeared Infront of you that you registered it as not a figment of your imagination.
"I-...So what if I said that!" Kaveh started and immediately you knew you didn't have the time nor energy for this. You side-stepped him and started to walk away before he turned to you and yelled, "What does it mean to you!?" It came out a little desperate and was followed by heavy breathing.
Turning around, you said,"what does it mean to me? I helped you because I wanted to yet afterwards you ignore me even though I said I wanted to talk and then decide to rant about me to your friend when I hadn't done anything for weeks!"
"Well, what an I supposed to believe when every classmate of ours tells me and gossips about how you must hate me so much that you don't even want to argued with me anymore!"
"I left a note!"
"Your friends are notoriuous for meddling in your business! How am I supposed to know if it was truly from you!"
"And if you really cared you would've I don't know, say something along the lines of 'you don't have to promise me that, asking for help is enough' or I don't know!"
"Well, I didn't expect to fall in love with you!" you shouted. Kaveh had to stop himself from dropping his umbrella in shock. "Plus, if I didn't want to help, nothing you offered would've been enough," you mumbled.
Despite the pouring rain making it harder for the two of you to speak he heard and clinger to every word you said.
"Wait, I, did I say?" you fumbled, pink invading your cheeks as you backed away from him.
You could've turned and ran, if it wasn't for his hand. That damn hand that secured tightly around your wrist. That hand that kept you in place as he stumbled forward. That hand that pulled you in as his lips met yours. Your umbrellas had knocked against each other as he leaned forward to kiss you. His lips were soft but slightly chapped despite the humid weather, kissing you slowly, like any wrong move would hurt you.
Backing away, he saw your half lidded lips open up a bit more, your cheeks glowing a brighter red.
"I-um, we're far from perfect but I think we'd be a good couple so I'm be my lover?" Kaveh asked, sounding a little unsure but you just smiled and nodded, giggling a little at his flustered expression. "Ah! Well ok Let's meet up on the holidays, you have my number!" Kaveh shouted over the rain, running off.
You waved with your free hand, watching him run off into the distance. Touching your lips, it contorted into a soft smile. He tasted like strawberries.
A/n: I've never written a kiss scene so um getting out of my comfort zone today. 😀👍
Also I headcanon that Kaveh loves strawberries cause he just such a cute pretty boy who'd probably like strawberries ok I'm not weird ok goodbye! (^o^)/
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