#I had this picture of Seth on my phone so I couldn’t help myself
fishklok · 3 years
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Hey pickles 🥒 it’s your brother Seth 👱‍♂️and it’s been a while ⏰ and I know we’ve had some tough times 💔🕰 but I’ve really changed 💇‍♂️changed my whole life 🧘 I’m sober now 🙅🍺 and with my new clarity 👁👁 I’ve found that the world 🌎 is an awesome 😎 and wonderful 👍 place I’m getting married 👰‍♀️🤵‍♂️and we want you 🥒 and dethklok 🐊🐦🐅🐰to come to our wedding 💒 (heh) remember to bring your heart ❤️😘😘
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andreafmn · 3 years
Collision - Chapter 4
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Word Count: 3,821
Characters: Female Reader Uley Character, Sam Uley, Allison Uley, Charlie Swan, Bella Swan, Seth Clearwater, Billy Black, Jacob Black, Emily Young, Paul Lahote, Harry and Sue Clearwater, Leah Clearwater
Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same.
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Twilight, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Stephanie Meyer and Summit Entertainment. The only thing I own is Uley Reader insert, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 4/?
A/N: Don’t know if I ever mentioned it, but the story takes place before New Moon but after Twilight. It starts at the end of May after the dance, so it’d be the summer before Bella’s birthday in September. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 4
The next time she awoke she was back in sight of the blinding hospital lights. Her head was heavily pounding and the clothes on her body felt alien to her. Her eyes struggled to adjust to the white lights of the sanitized room, but they were suddenly off.
“Back again, Miss Uley?” She recognized the voice, Dr. Cullen. “I’ve already turned the lights off so don’t worry about that.”
Her eyes finally opened to reveal the smooth pale face of the doctor. A wave of calmness rushed over her as soon as her eyes connected with his golden ones.
“What can I say?” She chuckled. “I just couldn’t stay away.”
“Well, it seems you’ve been having a recurring headache, insomnia, memory lapses, and a lack of appetite. It looks like post-concussive syndrome. Your mom told us you were feeling like this for a few days, why didn’t you come back?” Carlisle questioned. He was trying his best to look like he was breathing but if he took even a single breath all his years of self-control would be over in an instant.
“I thought if I could just make it to at least seven days it could clear me from coming back to the hospital, at least as a patient.”
“What do you mean?” This comment had perked the interest of the man. Thoughts raced through his head faster than he could analyze them.
“I was thinking of applying for a medical assistant job here in the hospital. I recently got my degree in biology, and I’ve been thinking of going to medical school after.”
“That sounds like a plan, but let’s work on getting you better first.” It did sound like a good plan to Carlisle. He wanted to be as close as possible to her every single day, but it also meant he would have to work triple as hard to control his thirst. “We’d like to keep you for the next few days and make sure you’re in good health before you can go back to business as usual.”
“How long would a few days be?”
“About four to five days, just to make sure that the symptoms don’t worsen, and we can give you an all-clear.” It would also give him a few days to grow accustomed to her smell. “We can work over that application for medical assistant, make sure it’s something you want to do.”
“Yeah, that’d be great.” She smiled at the man in front of her, her heart fluttering with every breath she took. “Thank you, Dr. Cullen.”
“Please, call me Carlisle,” he smiled. “Now, why don’t you continue resting, and whatever you need just call. My office is right down the hall, I’ll be here in no time.”
The girl stared at the retreating form of his body and covered the heat that was rising to her face with her pillow. The butterflies in her stomach had made her uneasy and had her hands shaking. She didn’t understand why she was feeling this way. It had only been a week since her first encounter with the doctor, but those few seconds were enough to have her drooling over the man like a lovesick schoolgirl.
A few days had come and gone quickly. (Y/N) had grown attached to Carlisle, seeing and talking to him every day had felt like a dream. In his free time, she would go over to his office and pick a book to read, which they talked about the next day. They spent hours talking about nothing and everything.
It had been a long time since Carlisle had felt this way, centuries. Being around her had gotten easier each day that passed. Her smell becoming comforting instead of a trigger to the endless hunger for human blood – he’d never had a simple drop of it, but nothing could explain how much he wanted to have hers. Getting to know her had been a welcomed activity by the young doctor. He could spend days upon days listening to the sweet sound of her voice, admiring her curious-filled face when she started a new book – which she read swiftly, taking only a couple of hours to finish most of them.
“Can’t believe you have so many first editions, and you leave them at work.” She ran her hand across the spine of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment. “I would keep them in a well-preserved chamber, and no one would be able to even breathe on them.”
Carlisle smiled as the girl gawked once again at his book collection. It wasn’t hard to acquire first edition novels when you were alive when they were published. “If you’re impressed by this collection, you’d be completely astonished by the one I have back home.”
“You have more?!” He nodded. The girl shined like a kid on Christmas, her eyes gleaming at the thought of a big library. “Oh, that sounds like a dream.”
“You’re more than welcome to come over any time. It’s always refreshing to meet a literature aficionado such as myself.”
“Really? That’d be amazing!” She grinned brightly. “I could spend all day reading, forget about work.”
The duo laughed. “Too late to withdraw the application but you’re always welcome to pass your downtime in my office.”
“Sounds like a plan,’’ she smiled. “Now, doctor, what will you ever do now that I’m not going to be here every day?”
“Oh, how will I ever go on?” He chuckled. “But if you ever need help during that time, just come by. My office is always open. And hopefully, you’ll visit from time to time on personal time.”
“I’m sure it’s something that can be arranged.”
If there was still blood rushing through his veins, the capillaries in his face would have widened. He felt like he now understood Edward; how being with her made him feel human again. And there was nothing more that he wanted than to take their friendship to another level, but he wasn’t sure if she would ever feel the same. Carlisle knew that she was unaware of the supernatural since (Y/N) had allowed him to be in her life. But what would happen once she knew everything? How could he ever come between her and her family?
“Miss Uley, your mother is here,” a nurse spoke up, peeking her head through the office door. “Discharge papers have already been filed.”
“Thank you, Nurse Dalen. She’ll be out in a moment.” Carlisle smiled.
“Well, the time has come.” (Y/N) took her phone out of her back pocket and handed it to the doctor. He looked at her with a question-ridden gaze. “I’m gonna need your phone number so we can arrange any future endeavors.”
“Right,” he laughed, typing his number into her directory. “I’ll be waiting for that call.”
“I’ll be making it soon enough,” she grinned. “I’m gonna go now. I’ll see you around, Cullen.”
“I’ll see you, Uley.”
She left the office with a huge smile on her face, holding her phone close to her chest. For the first time, she was experiencing something she had heard of most of her teenage years. Once she had met Carlisle all she wanted to do was get to know him better, spend her time with him, just being near him would suffice. It was the first time she was learning what falling for someone was, and even though it was scary, she was jumping in headfirst.
“Hi, honey. Ready to go home?” Allison hugged her daughter for the first time in five days. (Y/N) nodded, truly ready to finally sleep on her own bed.
“So, how are you liking Dr. Cullen?”
“MOM!” Allison laughed at her daughter’s reaction. It was easy to see that (Y/N) had taken a liking to Carlisle Cullen, and vice versa.
“What, darling? If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.”
“It’s not like that, mom.”
“But you’d like it to be like that.”
“I’m not talking about that with my mother.” (Y/N) placed her cold hands on her cheeks, trying to cool down the warm blood that had rushed onto her cheeks. The cool air of the car’s A/C was only helping her so much.
“I just want you to be careful with that, honey. He’s older than you, technically has kids, and rumor has it he is married.”
A breath hitched in her throat. Married? She knew he had adopted five kids, most of them her age, but not that he was married. Had she read the situation wrong? He didn’t wear a ring, he didn’t mention any relationship, he had no pictures of a woman in his office. Then again, they had only spent five days together at the hospital. She didn’t know what he did when he went home at night, who he went home to at night. (Y/N) shouldn’t feel betrayed—they weren’t anything, and they weren’t on track to become anything.
“Don’t worry, mom. I’ve just been picking his brain about working in the hospital, and he’s been helping me with what I’m gonna be doing this summer.”
“Oh, have you decided what you want to do?”
“I’m gonna get my medical assistant certification. It’s a three-month course then I can work at the hospital.”
“That’s great, honey.” Allison smiled at her daughter from the driver’s side. “Is that where you’d see yourself making a career?”
“Not sure. I want to take this time to see if life in a hospital is truly where I’d like to work – see if medical school would be it for me.”
(Y/N) hadn’t taken the time to focus on her future. In her high school career, she spent her time focusing on the present and piling on as much as she could, and now she had no sense of direction. She would take every day as it came, hoping one day she would find her purpose.
Finally, back home, she hopped off the truck and stretched out her limbs, stiff from the days on a hospital bed. Taking a deep breath of fresh air and basking in the afternoon sun. The cold that had seeped into her bones from the hospital melted off, and she smiled feeling the warmth surround her.
“Why don’t you go upstairs, honey?” Allison told her daughter. “There’s a surprise waiting for you in your room.”
(Y/N) smiled and quickly made her way up the stairs to see what her mom meant. Opening the door, tears forming in her eyes. Her room had done a 180-degree turn. The walls had been painted a light beige color, and plants hung from the walls bringing warmth to the room. The bed was adorned with a white cover, and a fluffy duvet to keep her warm at night. A wooden frame sat atop the bed dressed in white linen and ivy vines. A bookcase lived in the corner of her room, filled to the brim with her collection of hardbacks and peppered with potted plants. Opposite the bed was a small desk with a dark green suede chair, her laptop set up in the workspace. Her room finally felt like hers.
“Do you like it, honey?”
“Mom, did you do this?”
“I wish I could take credit, but your brother and your friend Paul came over when I was at work and redecorated. I was actually surprised that they even came over.”
“I’ll have to thank them,” (Y/N) grinned. Even though their relationship was strained at the moment, and she had yet to see Paul since coming back, she was glad that they had taken time out of their days to do this for her. “I’ll go over to Sam’s house for a bit, maybe now he’ll have time to see me.”
“Why don’t you go tomorrow, honey? You should take it easy.”
“I feel a lot better, mom. You don’t have to worry too much.”
“I’m your mother, I’ll always worry. If you’re gonna go out, go see Jacob. He was really worried about you.”
“I will.”
(Y/N) kissed her mother’s cheek and grabbed her bag to head out. Her first stop was to the Black residence. Jacob saw her coming down the street and ran out to wrap her in a hug. When she collapsed last week, he had been very concerned when she collapsed in his garage. Jacob was glad that she had made a full recovery and was now back home, with minimum side effects showing. The visit was short, only a quick hello to ensure the boy that she was okay.
After spending some time with Jacob, she walked towards Sam’s house – she hoped to catch Paul there too since she had heard he now spent his time there alongside Jared Cameron. It hadn’t clicked in her head why Paul would ever hang out with her brother and Jared. Even when they were back in middle school, he never paid them any mind, having a separate friend group. She had only become his friend by spending time with him away from school, and her brother had always disliked them together, claiming he was a bad influence.
Outside of the small house, (Y/N) could hear the low chatter of manly voices, a higher-pitched one joining after. There was no mistaking that Sam was home. She started feeling nervous as she raised her hand to knock on the door. The shaky limb was able to make contact with the blue door twice before it opened wide open, revealing a shirtless Paul Lahote.
“(Y/N)?” He questioned. Paul knew she was back, but Sam had given him clear instructions to stay away from her due to their situation.
“Hey, Paul. Long time no see, huh?” The girl smiled at her friend that now towered over her. A few years ago, they were still of the same stature, but too much time had passed since then. She went in for a hug, and Paul cut it short – worried she might note his burning temperature. “Is Sam home?”
“Uh, yeah.” He scratched the back of his neck, turning towards the kitchen. “Sam! (Y/N)’s here.”
The older male appeared in front of them, a soft smile playing on his lips. “Hey, (Y/N). Good to see you’re doing better. What brings you around?”
“I just wanted to thank you both for what you did in my room. Mom told me you worked on it while we were away. It’s a dream.” Sam smiled at his younger sister and shared a hug with the smaller girl.
“I’m glad you liked it, (Y/N). We wanted to give you a place where you could rest better after the accident. It’s the least we could do.” The alpha could hear the duo that was left in the kitchen had grown curious about who was at the door. “Do you want to come in for a bit?”
“Are you really inviting me in?” (Y/N) was taken aback – the last thing she thought was that she would get that invitation.
“Yeah, there’s someone I want you to meet,” Sam responded, keeping his doubts of the encounter to himself.
(Y/N) walked through the threshold and instantly felt the warm aura that emanated from inside of the house. It was a welcoming environment that she had grown to love from her own mother’s house. She walked behind Sam, Paul following behind them. `There was nothing that could prepare her to the sight she was met with.
In front of her stood a beautiful woman. She had tan skin, long black hair, and a beautiful smile. But there was something that stood out to her, something she was sure stood out to everyone – three long gashes ran through the front of her face. Yet, they didn’t distract from the alluring atmosphere that surrounded her. Sam moved to her side, and (Y/N) quickly connected the dots and figured that was Emily Young. The Uley girl wanted to be indifferent to her presence, knowing how one of her friends had been hurt by the union in front of her, she couldn’t help but note the love that radiated from the pair. It had been a long time since she had seen her brother as happy as he looked as he stared at his fiancé.
“(Y/N), it’s an honor to finally meet you.” Emily stretched out her hand towards the girl, which (Y/N) gladly took. “Sam has told me so much about you.”
“I wish I could say the same,” (Y/N) joked. “Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to get to know each other more. I’d love to get to know the woman my brother is set to marry.”
“I’m sure we’ll have enough time now that you’re back.” Emily smiled and grabbed a basket filled with muffins, offering them to the girl. (Y/N) gladly took the baked good in her hand, picking at it and placing the piece in her mouth – a wonderful taste that quickly melted in her mouth. “You’re welcome over any time. Any family of Sam is family to me.”
“Thank you, Emily. I’ll be sure to take you up on that.”
Not much time passed before Sam had cut the meeting short, claiming there was something important the duo had to do. “We should do this another time, (Y/N). Paul and I have to go.”
“Go where?” (Y/N) questioned. “It’s already night, not much to do.”
“I can’t really tell you, sis. But it’s important.”
“So still guarding secrets?” Sam shrugged. “It’s fine, Sam. I’m growing used to it.”
“I can take a hint, Sam. I know when I’m not wanted,” (Y/N) smiled. “Thank you for the muffins, Emily. They were divine. I’ll be sure to take you up on that offer and visit sometime soon.”
“Of course, (Y/N). I’m sorry we had to cut this short.”
“It’s okay. I’ll see you guys.” (Y/N) took her bag and exited the house. She was confused on why Sam had welcomed her in only to have her leave soon after – there was something big he was hiding, and she needed to find out what it was.
“(Y/N), wait up!” Paul jogged up to her, turning her around. “Look, I hope you understand that we’re not trying to push you away on purpose. There are things that Sam is protecting you from.”
“Like what, Paul? What danger could possibly be surrounding us that he would stray from his family?”
“I’m sorry, but it’s not my place to tell you, (Y/N). As much as I hate keeping this from you, Sam would not allow it to come from anyone but himself.”
“Are you serious? What kind of power does he have over you?”
“PAUL!” Sam shouted, gaining the attention of his beta. “Let’s go.”
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I hope one day you’ll forgive us.” Paul kissed her forehead and went to meet up with his alpha.
(Y/N) stood still as she watched their bodies disappear into the woods. She debated whether to follow them for a brief second, but she was exhausted. She left back home with a million questions running through her head. The pair of Sam and Paul was a strange view, and she was determined to get to the bottom of things.
When she got home, (Y/N) noticed her mother asleep on the couch, the tv in front of her still playing. The years that passed were clear on her face, the worry that she carried for both her children plastered in the lines of her face. She could see the exhaustion that she held, years of caring for two kids by herself taking a toll on her. (Y/N) grabbed a blanket and laid it on top of her mother’s body, making sure that she was warm during the night. She left a kiss on her cheek, thankful for everything her mother had sacrificed for her.
After showering the day off, (Y/N) changed into her pajamas and laid in bed staring at her phone’s screen. She thought if she stared at it long enough a message would magically pop up. Minutes passed and her phone kept silent, not a single notification appearing on the screen. She scrolled through her directory until it landed on the newest listing. Carlisle Cullen, it read. Her finger clicked on it and selected new message.
Her fingers danced atop the keyboard of her phone, no words coming to her mind to send to the doctor. Should she even send him a message? What if he truly was married? She would never want to come between a couple. But her fingers did not follow her thought train. Unconsciously, they started typing away a message and before she could analyze her actions, she sent the message.
Hi, Carlisle. It’s (Y/N). I made it home okay and don’t have any symptoms, seems like you fixed me up! Anyways, wanted to know if you possibly had some free time this weekend to join me for some dinner at La Bella Italia. Hope you had a good rest of the day at work!
Her jaw fell when her screen read message sent. There was no way to delete it now. It was out there, and it would make its way to his phone. (Y/N)’s head fell onto her pillow and muffled a scream that escaped from her throat. This feeling was alien to her, and she was learning what steps to take to grow closer to the astonishing man. Minutes felt like an eternity to (Y/N), thinking that she had imploded the friendship she had built with the man over the past week.
The sound from her phone caught her attention. She scrambled for her phone and quietly shrieked at the words on her screen.
Hello, (Y/N). I’m glad you’re feeling better, hopefully, no symptoms will arise once more. And I did have a good day at work, although I missed our afternoon book chats. I have a free day on Sunday. Tell me a time and I can meet you in Port Angeles. Hope that day is good for you.
“He said yes. If he were actually married, he wouldn’t have said yes,” she thought.
So, she typed back.
I’m glad you had a good day, and the book chats have an easy fix. I’m just a phone call away. As for Sunday, it’s a perfect day. I think around 5:30 would be a good time for dinner. Let me know if it works.
Seconds later, another beep.
I’ll make sure to schedule those calls then. 5:30 sounds perfect. I’ll see you there. Have a good night, (Y/N).
See you then, Carlisle. Good night. 😊
(Y/N) smiled at her phone, joy wanting to burst from her body. She was reveling in this new feeling and the happiness it brought her. If it was Carlisle, it was worth it, she believed.
That night she went to sleep with the biggest smile she had experienced in her life. Unbeknownst to the life-changing moments that were to follow this meeting.
Tag List: @daniallh @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @imaginetwilight2704 @jessicas-undrground @hey-you-therexo @mauvette268 @mxyee @beefwhobarksandisalilmadalot
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Think Twice part 14
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 Rated: M
Warnings: Not really any 
“I am going to make sure you never even think of touching my girl ever again. I am going to make sure you wish you never even met her.”
Seth Rollins X OC X Jon Moxley/ Dean Ambrose 
A/N: This is back due to getting asks for it. Well, okay one ask, but that was enough. I had some chapters I never posted so heres some more. I have no idea who on the taglist still wants to be apart of it or what blogs have changed so yeah. I will make a masterlist of this some time either tonight or tomorrow. As always...Enjoy. 
@abadamn​ @hotyeehawman​
Fuck. Fucking fuck fuck fuck. That couldn’t have gone any fucking worse. I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling the ends of it. I was angry, but I wasn’t sure who it was. Myself? Aria for not listening? Or Alexa for having this idea in the first place? I was a fool to ever think that she would be okay with me just lying about who I was. I thought maybe just maybe that we would be able to move past this. Hell, last night was one of the most amazing nights of my life. Sex with her was something I couldn’t help, but crave more. No woman was ever going to compare to her. I knew it was going to be thankless to even try. 
I sighed deeply as I walked to my cabinet, pulling out a bottle of whiskey and pouring it into my morning cup of coffee. I had a good feeling about where Aria was going to end up after what she found out. There was one part of that note she never asked about. That was her father. I knew I had told the truth in the note about how Seth and his father had killed her father. I don’t think she wanted me to answer that part. She wanted to find out for herself which is what scared me. It meant that she was most likely heading to one person, Seth. 
The phone ringing pulled me from my thoughts. I went back to the bedroom to grab it. It was Alexa. “Hello?” I answered it. I took a big drink of my coffee as I waited for her response. 
“Is she with you?” Alexa asked me nervously. 
“She just left. She didn’t take the news that well. I don’t know if she is heading your way or not. She didn’t exactly hear the news from me.” 
“Who did she hear it from?” 
“She found a note I wrote for her before I left. I never gave it to her, because I didn’t have the balls to. I got it out and some old pictures of us, I guess I forgot that I left them on the coffee table and she found them.” 
“You dumb son of a bitch. What did that note say?” She shouted. 
“It was an accident. The note just said my feelings...Plus that Seth might have killed her father.” 
“WHAT?!” She yelled into the phone. “She can’t know that. If she knows that than she is going to confront. Shit.” She swore some more on the phone before speaking again. “I have to head to work and I am guessing you do too. We will deal with this at lunch. I hope Aria turns up at work.” 
“What if she goes to Seth?” I asked. There was no nervousness in my tone. I knew that was exactly where she was going to go.  
“We will worry about that later,” Alexa said. 
I sighed, hanging up the phone before taking a big swig of coffee. I got up from my bed and started to get dressed for work. I hated to admit that Alexa was right. There was nothing we could do at this point. If we did something it might do some more damage to Aria.   This was going to be a long day.
I was putting my lunch in the fridge when I heard my boss, Cody, behind me. I was glad that I didn’t drink too much of that coffee and placed a piece of gum in my mouth before coming to work. I would have been sent home in a second if he smelled it on my breath. I would have been written up so fast. Cody treats everyone like real employees and isn’t scared to fire anyone. He fired a guy named Ricky for missing too many days to go tanning for his modeling gig.  Ricky wasn’t much of a mechanic or a fighter. He was just a pretty boy chasing some ass. I don’t know what it was about blood and men raging with testosterone, but it makes a certain type of woman come from miles around. 
“Yeah, man?” I asked him. 
“I have someone begging to fight you.” He said in a stern voice. I tried to read his face to see if this was some kind of late April fools joke, but if it was a joke, he had a great poker face. No one wanted to fight me after I killed that guy. I was pretty much out without being out. I had to admit I was really enjoying no longer fighting for money. I liked just working on cars as a way to make cash. I was going to ask Cody if I could just work for the shop without fighting. He doesn’t normally hire people who don’t also fight for him. Even the girls, his wife included, fight from time to time. It’s not as common. 
I raised an eyebrow, “Who? No one has wanted to fight me after what happened.” 
“I think you know him quite well. He came here as an old friend the other day. Seth Rollins. His father, Hunter, said the bet isn’t money, but a girl. Aria Myers.” 
I dropped the bag I was holding my hands at his words. “Aria? He wants to bet me, Aria?” I began to pace. This had to be a nightmare. How did I wake up into this nightmare? I knew I could beat Seth. Hell, I could beat him with my eyes closed if I really wanted to. He knew I was a better fighter, so why would he do this? “This motherfucker is going to cheat. Cheat like he always does. That’s how he got her in the first place.” I groaned. “Honestly this man doesn’t have an honest bone in his body. Tell him no.” “I told him I would think about it. I think you should do the same.” Cody closed the break room door before coming in closer. “I really think you should, Dean Ambrose. You owe her that much. Isn’t that why you came back in the first place?” He asked. He was the only other person who knew who I really was besides Alexa and now Aria. I decided he was most likely the one to keep it a secret and to help me get by. He treated me the same regardless of if he knew who I was or not. 
“Look, she knows who I am now. There is no telling what she is going to do with that information. She also knows what happened to her dad.” 
“You told her all of that in one night,” Cody said, his eyes wide. “That’s a lot of information to drop on someone. Her concussion might have been a year ago, but if her memory still isn’t good that could throw her into a depression or something worse. 
I shook my head, “I didn’t mean to. She found a note I wrote after it happened. I spilled the beans about everything from my feelings to what I knew about her father. I wrote it when I thought I would never see her again. I wasn’t man enough to give it to her at the time. She was going through a lot and I just couldn’t make it worse. I also hated the thought that this might be goodbye.” 
“I better start looking at applications.” He said as he turned around. 
I looked at him confused, “For what?” 
“Your replacement.” He said firmly before leaving the breakroom. 
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Natural” - Chapter 17 - Embry Call x Reader
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Wedding Bells
The next few weeks were almost routine. Hanging out with my friends, having far too much fun. Things were going smooth between Leah and Alyssa, but they were taking things very slow. I was happy for them, though. 
The one issue that didn’t seem to resolve itself was that there was still no sign of Jacob. No matter how much they looked, he was nowhere to be found. I was getting nervous now, was he ever going to return? Even worse, was he dead?
I shake the dark thoughts that plagued my brain as I continue to get myself ready for the wedding I had to be at in three hours. Seth, Billy, and Embry would be arriving at my house in a little over two hours. 
I had just gotten out of the shower and begun drying my hair. I decided that loose beach waves would be the best option, pulling the two front strands of my hair back behind my head. It was just getting there that would be time consuming. 
About an hour and a half later, my hair was finally done. I begin my makeup, going for a soft, natural look. By the time I finished that and got myself dressed up, they all showed up. 
“(Y/N)! Everyone’s here!” My dad yells up the stairs.
“Alright! I’m coming now!” I shout, touching up my hair and grabbing my purse before going down the stairs. 
I was met with everyone having a huge smile plastered across their faces. 
“You look great, hon.” My dad smiles, giving me a side hug. 
“You really do.” Billy agrees. 
“Thank you dad, thank you Billy.” I smile at them. 
“You look amazing, (Y/N)! We’re gonna steal the show.” Seth beams.
“You’re right, nobody’s gonna be able to take their eyes off of us.” I laugh. 
“You look beautiful, (Y/N). You’re… breathtaking.” Embry exhales, with a soft smile. 
His eyes looked at me like I was the only person in the room.
“Thank you, Em. You look so handsome.” I smile, breaking the distance between us, giving him a tight hug.
His hands quickly found my waist and he placed his head on top of my own. His chest smelled like teakwood, my senses were in a frenzy. 
“Alright, alright. Let’s take some pictures of you guys, who knows when you’ll get another chance to dress up so snazzy.” My dad jokes.
“Here, use my phone.” I say, taking it out of my purse and handing it to him.
“All four of you, get in for a picture.” He smiles.
Billy and I were in the middle, Seth and Embry standing behind us for the first few pictures. 
“Okay, just get the young ones, now.” Billy laughs, rolling out of the shot. 
I stand between Seth and Embry, resting my arms on their backs. Seth’s hand was on my upper back and Embry’s rested on the small of my back, once again causing chills to run up my spine. We took a few normal, nice pictures but eventually went for a more goofy set of poses, as it was more true to us. I put bunny ears behind Embry’s head for one and the guys held me sideways for the other, and a third where they pretended to drop me. 
“Okay, just you two. You guys look so handsome.” I smile, walking out of the frame.
The two of them standing side by side was a great sight to see. They looked so handsome, so happy. Seth looked great in a brown suit that complimented him and soft demeanor beautifully. Embry wore a black suit and oh boy. It complimented him. His black hair matching the suit perfectly, his beautiful features outshined anything he wore, but him all dressed up was enough to make me lose it. 
“Smile.” I say, taking the picture. 
“Couple time.” Seth beams, walking away from Embry’s side to take the phone from me. 
“Sounds good to me.” I smile, finding myself pressed to Embry’s side. 
A picture of us next to each other smiling, another with him pressing a kiss to my head, and one last one of us smiling at each other-- though that one wasn’t posed, Seth just took a picture of it. 
“Alright, I’m all pictured out. It’s time to go.” I laugh.
“Have a great time!” My dad smiles cheerfully, giving me a hug and kiss goodbye.
“We will!” I smile, walking out the door with everyone. 
“Well, we’ll try.” Embry scoffs quietly, earning a chuckle from Billy. 
“Come on, get in the wedding spirit!” Seth enthuses from the driver’s seat. 
Billy shook his head with a smile in the front, while Embry and I chuckled from the back. 
Before I knew it, we had arrived to the Cullen residence. 
“It absolutely reeks.” Embry huffs. 
“Yeah, but we’re going to have fun.” Seth encourages him.
Seth helped Billy out of the truck and pushes him to where the wedding would be taking place. 
Embry helps me out of the truck as well, holding his arm out for me to hold on our walk into the beautiful yard. 
“Wow.” I say in awe, looking around. 
“This is beautiful.” Seth beams excitedly. 
“It really is, I love this.” I smile looking around. 
“It does look really nice. I like it a lot, I’m glad you love it. I’m glad we like the same thing. That’ll make it easier for us later.” Embry whispers into my ear with a smirk.
I blush and could barely control my smile, or my heartbeat for that matter, at his words. 
“Me too, it’s going to be beautiful.” I whisper back, with a smile, looking up into his eyes. 
It was quickly time for the ceremony, it was sweet. Their vows were quite memorable, they had written their own. Soon enough it was time to socialize. 
We walk deeper into the wedding, searching for Bella and Edward to congratulate them.
“Hey nice to see you, man. Hey, Bella. Congratulations!” Seth smiles, walking over to them to greet them with a hug. 
“Thank you.” They smile at him.
“Congratulations.” I smile at them, walking over for a hug, in which they did hug me.
“Thank you, (Y/N).” They smile at me with kind eyes. 
“Congratulations, guys.” Embry says with a small smile, giving Bella a small hug and Edward a handshake.
“Thank you, Embry.” Edward nods with a grin. 
From there on out, we followed Seth around a bit as he socialized. 
Seth, Billy, Embry, and I were standing off to the side by ourselves at this point, people watching. Seth was talking cheerfully about the wedding as Billy, Embry and I were sipping champagne. 
It was then that I noticed eyes on us, I look over and see three blonde women talking with Edward and Bella. One of them sending daggers our way with her golden eyes. 
“What’s going on?” I whisper to Embry.
“She knows, she’s upset that we’re here.” Seth whispers with a sad face. 
“She’s upset we killed her leech mate when he tried to kill Bella. Little does she know I was the one who finished him off.” He whispers, with a solemn face. 
Billy sips his champagne without breaking eye contact, Embry doing the same after slightly raising his glass. 
“Embry.” I scold, not used to the confrontational side of him.
“Babe, you don’t hear what she’s saying right now. It’s not very nice.” He defends himself. 
I shake my head, and stop looking at her, noticing Seth’s disappointed face. I place a hand on his arm for comfort, giving it a slight squeeze. 
After all, it was time to dance. A slow song played from the speakers, Embry reaches a hand out for me to take. 
I take it and we begin slow dancing on the floor. 
“Don’t let me trip, I have two left feet.” I giggle. 
“I would never, babe.” He smiles at me.
His hands that were holding my waist quickly lifted me up, placing my feet onto his. 
“Oh so you’re gonna just do all the work now?” I smirk.
“You know it.” He chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. 
A few moments later, Bella and Edward slip away from the dance floor, heading over to the treeline.
“Wonder where they’re going.” I softly laugh.
“Jake’s here.” He smiles at me.
“What?” I yell, eyes widening with excitement.
“He’s surprising Bella, you’ll have to talk to him later.” He smiles, pulling me closer to his chest. 
“Fine, but I wanna see him.” I laugh.
“I know, babe. I do, too.” He smirks.
We walk off the dance floor, rejoining Seth as Billy took off with Charlie. 
A few moments later, Embry and Seth’s faces dropped. 
“We have to go get him.” Embry says, and Seth nods. 
They took off to the treeline, speed walking. I tried to keep up but it was in vain, I couldn’t keep up.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, getting to them.
Embry was holding Jake’s arm back, Edward held Bella close to him. Jake was seething in anger. 
“He’s going to kill her.” Jake hisses.
Edward looks down in silence, dread across his face. Bella looked distraught. Seth’s face was visibly disappointed at how sour the night went. Embry just looked at me with a solemn expression, unsure of what to say like everyone else. 
“Jake, you have to calm down. You should go home with Billy.” I reason. 
“(Y/N), please stay back.” Edward warns me quietly. 
“Don’t tell her what to do. I would never hurt her, it’s you I wanna hurt.” Jake threatens him.
“Jake, go home with Billy.” I say sternly.
He looks between us all, nodding angrily. 
He storms off to find Billy, an upset Seth following behind to make sure that’s what actually happens. 
“I’m sorry.” I say quietly to Edward and Bella.
Embry quickly stepping behind me, holding my waist. 
“Don’t be, you did nothing wrong.” Bella reassures me.
“(Y/N), please don’t apologize.” Edward smiles at me. 
I nod and make my way back to the wedding to make sure Jacob found Billy, Embry’s hand never leaving my back. 
I see Jacob rolling Billy out to the truck, I wave him goodbye and he nods to me in response. 
Seth, Embry, and I take our seats at our table in order to listen to the speeches. I still felt eyes burning holes into me, so I look to my left. 
That’s when I see her staring at me, still. The woman from earlier. I give her a soft smile before returning my attention back to Emmett who was giving a less than Charlie friendly speech. 
The rest of the speeches went on, causing laughter and tears from all around. Though, the whole night the woman kept staring at me. I was growing very uncomfortable and Embry felt my emotions shift. 
“What’s wrong, babe?” He whispers in my ear.
“Nothing.” I give him a smile, knowing she could hear us.
“Why are you lying to me?” He asks me, disappointed. 
“I’m okay, Em. We’ll talk about it later.” I promise. 
“Okay.” He nods, pulling me closer into his side. 
Eventually, it came time to send Bella and Edward off to their honeymoon. So we went out to the front of the house and cheered along with everyone else. 
I felt the woman’s eyes continue to burn holes into me, but there was nothing I could do. Surely she wouldn’t do anything at the wedding, that I knew for sure. 
“You ready to go, bean?” Embry asks moments after the newlyweds and most of the guests leave. 
“Yeah, let’s make our rounds and say goodbye.” I say, earning a nod from Seth and Embry. 
We walk around, searching for the Cullens. I found Allice, but her eyes were wide open and her mouth slightly agape. Jasper rushed to her side, whispering into her ear. Seth, Embry, and I walk over to them.
“What’s wrong?” I ask them, worry filling my tone.
“(Y/N), you need to go, but you can’t go home. Not alone.” Alice whispers to me. 
“What? Why? My dad’s there, I can’t leave him alone.” I begin to panic.
“He’ll be okay. We’re going to help you, but for now you can’t be alone.” Alice warns.
“Can I have some context, please?” I ask, feeling Embry’s arm wrap tighter around my waist. 
“Listen, we need to know what’s going on. Tell us.” Embry says in a stern voice. 
“I can’t, if I tell you it could change the future. Once a decision is made, I can’t control anything. If you do what I tell you, she’ll be okay. Just trust me, I wasn’t wrong last time.” She places her cold hands onto mine in a comforting manner. 
“We won’t steer you wrong, we have to speak to Carlisle. But for now, know that we will do what we can to protect her on our end, but you guys will have to hold your own.” Jasper nods, looking at us.
“So what do we do?” I ask them, my voice breaking. 
“You need to tell your dad you’re going away for a few days. It’ll work. You need to hide out somewhere until we diffuse the situation.” Alice gives me a soft smile. 
“Alright. I’ll tell him tonight.” I nod.
“I’ll go with you to your house, you’ll tell your dad. Seth will go to Sam’s to tell him to call a meeting.” Embry says.
“Tell your dad you’re going camping.” Alice instructs me. 
“Okay, thank you.” I nod at her.
“You’ll be safe.” She whispers, pulling me into a tight hug.
I nod as Embry grows impatient to leave. After I pull away he’s immediately begun stripping in the treeline. 
“I’ll hold your suit.” I give a soft smile.
“Thank you, babe.” He presses a soft kiss to my forehead.
I grab his clothing off the floor as he phases a few feet away. 
He lowers his body down onto the ground, allowing me to climb onto his back. 
And with that, he took off. Slow enough for me to hang on tightly, but quick enough to get us to my home in only a few minutes. 
He phases back in the treeline behind my home, quickly putting his clothes back on. 
“Hey dad.” I walk back into my house.
“Hey, how was it?” He asks with a smile on his face.
“Well… Jake showed up.” I say with my voice trailing off.
“Oh, wow. So how did that go?” He asks.
“He stormed out of there. It did not go well, so we told him we would go on a camping trip the next few days. All of us, ya know?” I ask.
“Well, whatever works to get him out of this funk. When are you guys leaving?” My dad asks.
“Tomorrow morning, early in the morning. At like four in the morning. So I was going to sleep at Leah’s tonight.” I smile.
“That’s very short notice, (Y/N).” He looks at me raising an eyebrow.
“Dad, I didn’t expect my best friend who went missing for a month to come back and ask us all to take a camping trip tonight, this was a surprise for me, too.” I sigh.
“Alright, fine. Have fun and be safe.” He says from the couch.
“I will, thanks for understanding, Dad.” I walk over, pressing a kiss to his cheek before going upstairs to pack and change into normal clothes.
We made our way back downstairs. 
“Please keep in touch.” My dad says, hugging me goodbye.
“I will. Goodnight dad.” I smile.
My dad and Embry exchanged goodnights and we made our way to my car. 
We stopped at his house so he could change, he snuck in through his bedroom window and he packed a backpack. 
I sigh watching him struggle so hard to hide this from his mother, I wish he would tell her soon. 
He returns to my car and we make our way to Sam’s house. 
“It’ll be okay, Em.” I smile softly at him.
“It better be, I’m real sick of the Cullens bringing all this shit around. You shouldn’t have to be put in these situations. This is the second time, and it’s all their fault.” He huffs.
“Em, let’s look at the bright side. I probably would’ve died if Alice didn’t give us a warning.” I try to reason.
“Or, you wouldn’t have been put in danger if we didn’t go to this wedding that was crawling with leeches.” 
“Em, I had fun with you. I really enjoyed it.” I say meekly. 
He notices the sad look on my face and sighs.
“Listen, I’m sorry. I had fun with you, too. This is just a lot for me. I can’t handle you being in harm’s way.” He whispers.
“If you think it’s a lot for you, it’s a lot for me. I can’t even protect myself. I can’t be of any help. I just sit around and wait for my friends and boyfriend to protect me, and constantly worry for their safety. It’s a lot, Embry. Please, don’t get angry. It only makes it harder.” I choke on my words as we pull up to Sam’s house. 
“No, don’t cry babe. You’re gonna make me cry. I’m sorry.” He chokes, pulling me into him, stroking my hair. 
“I’m not going to cry, not in front of everyone. Maybe later.” I give a soft chuckle. 
I felt a deep rumbling in his chest as my head laid upon it.
“Let’s go inside.” He kisses the top of my head.
We walk in and see everyone sitting or standing around the table. Leah looks at me with worried eyes, I walk right over to her side. 
“(Y/N), we will make sure you’re okay. I’ve figured out the best course of action.” Sam looks at me with a determined, yet comforting face. 
“Thank you, Sam. I really appreciate it.” I give a soft smile.
“Of course, you’re family.” He smiles at me. 
“Which leech is after you?” Jacob asks with a concerned face. 
“Alice wouldn’t tell us.” Embry says. 
While Alice didn’t tell us, I did have a hunch. It had to be the blonde woman, Laurent’s mate. She wanted revenge. That’s all I could think of.
I look down at my hand, pretending to pick something off of it.
“Looks like (Y/N) knows who.” Jacob observes.
“I don’t know for sure, I just have an assumption.” I say quietly. 
“Well, who do you think it is?” Sam asks.
“I don’t know her name, but it was probably Laurent’s mate. The blonde woman that stared daggers at us the whole night. She knew it was them, and then she probably heard them explain everything to me. She knows I mean something to them, she knows Embry and I are together.” I look up to Sam. 
“So this is a revenge thing?” Quil asks, anger distorting his normally goofy face. 
“If I’m right. She stared me down all night.” I confess. 
“Well, that’s probably what it is.” Embry mutters. 
“Alright, we will assume that this is the situation at hand. So you will actually be camping, somewhere in the Olympic National Forest, that way either us or the Cullens can get to you quickly if we need to.” Sam looks at me.
“Haven’t they done enough?” Paul scoffs. 
“Carlisle called me, we spoke about it. (Y/N) is their top priority right now.” Sam looks over to him with stern eyes. 
“I’m not camping alone, right?” I ask, slightly worried.
“Oh no, not at all. We’re going to split in half. Five of us will stay back to protect the res and make sure that something doesn’t come here. Someone will go check on your house to see if your dad is okay every day, don’t worry about him. But if we’re needed by you, we will be there. The other five of us will be going camping with you. I’ve already decided who is doing what.” Sam says. 
“I’m going with (Y/N).” Leah demands.
“Well, I planned on that. You, Embry, Paul, Jacob, and Quil will be going with her. Brady, Collin, Seth, Jared, and I will be staying back.” Sam states.
Relief washed over me knowing how the situation would be handled. I felt good knowing that they would all protect me, though I also felt guilty. I hated that they all had to do this, just to make sure that I would be okay. 
“Thank you.” I manage to speak.
Embry’s arm tightened its grip around me, pulling me closer into his warm body.
“When do we leave?” Embry asks. 
“I think sunrise is the best bet. Everyone get some rest tonight, Alice said there wasn’t anything to worry about tonight. You can all stay here.” He nods, breaking the meeting up. 
We all disperse and everyone makes their rounds to get whatever Emily was cooking, but I didn’t feel like eating. I just kinda sat at the table in silence. 
“Babe, everything will be okay.” Embry reassures me, rubbing my arm lightly. 
“I know, but I feel bad. I hate making you guys do more than you have to.” I sigh, placing my head in my hands.
“This is something we have to do, don’t feel guilty about something that you didn’t do. You didn’t cause this. None of this is your fault.” He lightly whispers, moving closer to me. 
“I know, I just feel bad.” I whisper.
“Don’t. You really shouldn’t.” He presses a kiss to the top of my head. 
“Embry, come here!” One of the guys yells.
“Wait a few minutes!” He yells back.
“You said that an hour ago!” Jared’s voice rings from the living room. 
“Embry, go. Have some fun. I’ll be okay for a little bit. Besides, I wanna help Emily-- she’s packing food for us.” I give him a soft smile.
“Are you sure?” He hesitates. 
“Embry, go.” I smile.
“Alright, I’ll see you in a little bit.” He presses a kiss to my head and walks into the living room.
“Emily, can I help you? At least let me do the dishes.” I offer once again.
“If you really want to.” She turns around with a smile.
“Thank you. I hate feeling like I’m doing nothing.” I walk over and turn the sink on. 
“I understand that. But sometimes there’s nothing you can do.” She shrugs with a soft smirk.
“Well, I can definitely wash some dishes. I can’t kill a vampire, but this is within my realm of possibility.” I chuckle. 
“(Y/N), you really are family. Don’t feel so out of touch.” She encourages me, placing a comforting hand on my back.
“Thank you, Emily. I really mean it.” I look at her with appreciative eyes. 
“Of course. We all really love you, and having you around. Don’t be a stranger.” She smiles, packing more food into yet another cooler. 
“I won’t.” I smile, continuing to wash dishes. 
“They won’t let anything happen to you.” 
“I know.” I exhale. 
We continued what we were doing in silence for the next few minutes, just absorbing the situation in its entirety. When we had finished, we joined everyone in the living room. She took her spot on Sam’s lap while I sat between Embry and Jacob. 
Eventually, it was getting pretty late and people started to fall asleep. Though, I had a very difficult time falling asleep. My mind was racing. 
“Are you okay? You sound like you’re having a heart attack over there.” Jacob’s soft voice calls out from across the living room.
“I thought I was the only one awake, sorry.” I blush, sitting up carefully so as to not wake up Embry.
“Why are you apologizing? You can’t control your heartbeat.” He chuckles. 
“I guess.” I look over to see his silhouette in the dark room.
“Well, nothing is gonna get to you. We won’t let that happen.” He tries to comfort me.
“I just… it’s different this time. I was scared last time but now… this woman wants me. She wants to kill me, Jake.” My voice croaks out. 
“Okay, okay. Come here.” He says, motioning me over to sit with him.
I made my way over and quietly took a spot next to him on the floor. He put his arm around my shoulder. 
“Listen, I want you to know that she will not kill you. None of us would let that happen, she won’t even get near you. You think that I would let that happen? Leah? Paul? Quil? Embry? Not gonna happen. I know you don’t wanna hear it, but Embry would lay down and die for you. Pre-phasing Embry would’ve done it, too.” Jacob whispers. 
And he was right, I didn’t really want to hear that. It brought a surge of nerves and dark thoughts plaguing my mind-- I couldn’t bear the thought of Embry dying. Of anyone dying. 
“I know, I just hate to think of things like that. I don’t want him to, I don’t want any of your lives at risk.” I lean my head on his shoulder.
“Well, just remember. One vampire and five wolves is a really stupid idea on her behalf. She won’t last a second. Our lives aren’t at risk here.” He gives my shoulder a little squeeze. 
“I guess.” I yawn lightly. 
“You should get some sleep, it’s gonna be a long hike tomorrow.” Jacob chuckles.
“You’re right.” I say, standing up quietly.
I make my way back over next to Embry and lay down next to him, placing my head on his chest.
“Thank you, Jake. I missed you.” I say quietly. 
“I missed you, too.” 
I listened to Embry’s heartbeat, waiting for it to slowly lull me to sleep. 
Word Count: 4316
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infernalrevenge · 4 years
I’ll Cover You, My Love
Fandom: Choices - Foreign Affairs
Pairing: Ayna Seth x M!MC (Magnus Quezon)
Rating: T (for some self-deprecating stuff)
Summary: Ayna feels guilty about Magnus taking the brunt of the scandal, but he is having none of her negative talk.
Notes: Ayna betrayal plotline? Who's that? Never heard of her. That never happened. I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, here's a comfort fic for my favorite TA, because I will not take any Ayna slander, not even from Ayna herself. I would just like to say that before I locked in my scandal partner, I had such a hard time picking between Ayna and Blaine, but I went with the latter for maximum drama. Doesn’t mean I still can’t ship my current MC with Ayna though, because I can do what I want. I hope y’all enjoy!
Also hi, I know you asked to be tagged in this :P @robintora
Ayna leaned against her hand propped up on her desk, the words on the paper she was reading starting to blur as she tried her best to stay awake. Ever since she saw the front page cover of the stupid tabloid and Magnus had been the talk of the proverbial town, she hadn’t been able to get a good night's rest as she was wracked with anger and guilt.
Anger at the people who have passed judgement on him so quickly, who decided they knew exactly what kind of person he was based on one stupid picture and the speculations not just on the company he kept, but also on his character...
...and guilt for not being there to take the fall with him. A part of her kept wondering what might have happened if she didn’t get the chance to cover her face the way she did that night. Another part wondered what would have happened if she had just come forward earlier, but Magnus quickly shot the idea down. He explained to her that it was for the best, that he wanted to protect her from the scrutiny.
"You don't have an entire PR team that can spin the story around or make sure it gets buried. This won't just ruin your image -- if you lose your job because of this, it could ruin your life. Please don't say anything to anyone. Let me do this for you, I can handle it," he told her the last time they talked in person. She knew he was just trying to reassure her, but even she can see through the sadness and stress in his eyes, despite the smile he gave then.
At the moment, she simply was not in the best state of mind, and adding to the pile the other things she had going on in her life... she was damn near close to bursting. She was just about to take another sip of coffee, desperate to stay awake, when she heard a knock on her office door. "Come in."
In popped up a familiar head of fiery red hair, his eyes seeming to dart around cautiously before realizing she was alone. A bright smile shone on his face as he came in, waving off to someone from behind the door.
"Magnus, what are you doing here?" Ayna yelped in surprise, standing up.
"I came to see you," he said like it was the most obvious thing, slowly closing the door behind him to make minimal sound.
"What, w-what if someone saw you? Someone might've tailed you o-or people might get suspicious--"
"Hey, don't worry," Magnus stepped toward her, laying his hand on top of hers. "If anyone saw me, they might just think I needed to talk to you about something -- you're also my academic advisor, after all. Plus, Tatum checked and not many other people are out there. I told him to take a short walk so people won't suspect that I’m here for too long."
"Yeah, but we need to be more careful still, I don't want you to--"
"Ayna, I promise I've got it covered, okay?" He squeezed her hand in his, and laid the other one on top. "Just trust me."
She looked up at him, sighing wearily as she let her shoulders relax and sat back down. The young man offered a smile of reassurance, taking a seat from across her desk and carrying it over to the other side to sit next to her. “So, how’ve you been?”
“Honestly? Not great,” she replied, leaning back as she glanced at her laptop screen, multiple windows and tabs opened. “This manuscript isn’t exactly easy to write,” she added with a chuckle. Working on it had been her way of distracting herself from other problems recently, but it wasn’t entirely successful. Her mind had still been brewing with “what-ifs” -- it was much easier to be told not to worry than to actually do it. But she didn’t want to dwell on herself for too long.
“What about you, though? I know the last few weeks have been...” she trailed off, looking down as she was unsure.
“It hasn’t been all bad. I did get Joaquin, after all.” Ah yes, that lynx he got at the pet store during that live interview. Ayna had tuned into it then, and she remembered her fists clenching when the host brought up the scandal unprompted. She almost wished she could have told off that nosy woman to keep out of his personal life, but the way he was able to take back control of it was quite an admirable sight.
“You wanna see pictures?” He excitedly brought out his phone, leaning closer to show her the whole album he had dedicated to the small feline.
“You’ve had him for all of two weeks and you’ve already taken, what, a hundred pictures?” She couldn’t help the amused laugh that escaped her, listening to him coo at nearly every photo he swept through -- some of Joaquin jumping around, some playing with toys, and even some with Dionne in the frame. She had to admit, the combination of the adorable pictures and the equally adorable sight of him describing each one did help lift her spirits a little.
“I can’t help being a proud papa now,” he said, stopping on the picture of the one he took of Joaquin’s first day in the suite. “He’s been helpful in... distracting me, I guess. He somehow just knows what I’m feeling, coming in to comfort me at the right time. The break from reality is always welcome.”
Magnus looked at the woman, noting how her eyebrows furrowed and the frown she wore as he talked about his experience. “Sounds like you might need a break too.”
“This dissertation isn’t gonna finish itself.”
“You know that’s not what I mean, Ayna.”
Guess he managed to learn a thing or two from the lynx then.
“I know you said not to worry about it, that you’d handle it, but...” she sighed, shrinking into herself as she avoided his gaze. “I can’t help it when it’s about you. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through, having thousands of eyes watching you, like they’re waiting for you to slip up.”
The Rutherlandian reached around and wrapped an arm on her shoulders, pulling her closer. “It’s not really anything I haven’t dealt with before. In a way, I’ve kinda gotten used to it.”
“But a scandal of this proportion? That... that has to be different,” she replied, trying to allow herself to lean into him, but not feeling like she deserved his comfort. “It’s not just people waiting for you to mess up now, because they already think you have and they want to watch the whole downward spiral.”
Magnus knew she had been feeling guilty over not getting to step forward and take part of the “blame” (if one could even call it that), but he had no idea how much this was eating at her.
“I can’t help but feel awful that you’ve become the target of such harassment. It wasn’t even your fault! And your mother shouldn’t blame you for everything either, you’re just living your life!”
“And here I am. I’m not the one being swarmed by paparazzi and having personal details of my life picked at, but I’m the one who’s stressed and anxious about it. God, how fucking selfish is it of me, feeling sorry for myself when you’re the one dealing with it all. It’s stupid of me to just--”
Ayna felt her face turned up, a gentle yet firm hand cupping her cheek as she met another pair of brown eyes. Anything else she might have wanted to say died off as they looked at each other, but she felt grounded by the way his thumb caressed her cheek.
“You don’t have to feel bad for worrying about me. I love that you care,” he said softly, a small smile playing on his lips. “But it’s not your fault either. What happened already happened, we can’t change that.”
I still wish I could.
The teacher’s assistant let out a shaky breath, leaning into his touch as she brought her hand up to cover his. “I... don’t deserve you, Magnus.”
“No, no, don’t say that. You are kind and beautiful, and you just have-- you have such pure intentions. I know you want to weather the storm with me on this, but I’m doing this for both our sakes. I want you to come out of this safe. Even if they did somehow know it was you, I’d still be keeping you out of it. You shouldn’t have to go through what I do.”
She shook her head, her eyes starting to look glassy as she took in his words. She wanted to believe what he was saying about her, but it was so hard. She didn’t know how he could see those things in her, especially now, vulnerable as she was. She could feel her throat start to choke up, but she spoke anyway. “I wish you didn’t have to... go through it alone. This... this isn’t worth it.” I’m not worth it.
“It is worth it, because you are absolutely worth going through this for.” He started to brush away the tears that rolled down her cheek, before digging into his pockets to find a handkerchief.
“And I’m not going through this alone. I still have you here with me,” he patted her face dry gently, wanting to let her absorb the meaning of his words. He wanted her to know that he meant every word -- that he was sincere in his feelings for her. “Even if you’re not out there with me, knowing that you have my back helps give me the strength to get through another day.”
His patient reassurance lightened the burden inside, if only a little. He knew it wouldn’t be so easy to get her to believe it all, but he would make her see it someday, no matter how long it took.
“I care about you so much, Ayna. You mean more to me than you know.”
Even though it didn’t fully relieve her of the heaviness, those words struck her in a way that helped pull her out of her head. For the first time since the day started, she smiled. A genuine, loving smile through her tears, from knowing that the person she adored so deeply felt the same way about her. If earlier her heart ached with sadness and guilt, now it ached with affection and love for him.
“I care about you too, Magnus,” she said with a sniffle, clearing her throat as it came out rather soft and high-pitched. “I care about you so, so much. I just kinda wish... I could, like, smack away every paparazzo trying to get near you right now.”
Magnus laughed at her exclamation. Sure, he expected that kind of outburst from his friend Blaine, but from Ayna? It was both amusing and endearing.
“Well when we become public, maybe you could. Tatum might even help you with that,” he replied, giving her the handkerchief.
A simple word gave her pause, making her look up at him again, a hopeful glint in her eyes. “When?”
“Well yeah. I... I really like you, Ayna. And I’m not just saying that, I really do. I was kinda hoping that, one day, when things are more, uh, quiet, we could actually be... you know, like, together together.” If his arm wasn’t around her then, he would have been wringing his hands together out of nerves. Was it too soon to bring up that kind of talk? Too soon for them? What if he just jumped into this? He hadn’t even considered if she wanted a relationship yet. Wait wait, he should backtrack--
Ayna pushed forward to kiss him, hands cupping his face as she kept him close. It didn’t take long for Magnus to fall into it, returning it just as eagerly. He could practically feel her smiling against him, a light and fluttering sensation filling his stomach. After a few moments in bliss, they slowly pulled apart, a wide smile on both their faces.
“I would love to be together together with you,” she teased, earning an exasperated sigh from the First Son.
“I get the feeling you’re not gonna let me live that down, huh?”
She only laughed in response, pecking him quickly on the lips again. “Thank you for everything so far, Magnus. I hope I didn’t seem ungrateful for your protection.”
“Not at all, don’t give me that talk.” He rested his forehead onto hers, his gaze turning soft. “You know I’d do anything for you.”
Her thumb gently caressed his cheek, smiling fondly at him. “Would you... let me meet Joaquin some time?”
Needless to say, he said yes.
(The next time Magnus visited her, he came in with an odd lump tucked in the front of his hoodie.
“You know, when I asked to meet Joaquin, I didn’t mean you had to sneak him into my office.”
“...do you want me to go then?”
“No, show me the kitten.”)
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Welcome Home Part 3
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*not my gif*
WARNINGS: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE, seriously I use the ‘F’ word a lot. 
Pairings: Cody Rhodes x OFC (Sister), Brandi Rhodes x OFC (sister), Dustin Rhodes x OFC (Sister), past Seth Rollins x OFC, future Kenny Omega x OFC 
Summary: Peyton gets an offer that will change her entire career, while she tries to deal with the rising feelings for her best friend. 
A/N: Here is part 3. I hope y’all like it. 
The next few days following the aquarium, Kenny and I were more inseparable than usual. Everywhere we went, we were together. When Dynamite rolled around, the entire locker room was whispering about us. 
I was on my way to the EVP room, when I was stopped by Kris Statlander. “Hey girlie.” She greeted, booping my nose. It twitched at the contact. “I didn’t hear from you much this week, and then I saw the pics of you and Kenny. Spill.” She smiled, with a raised eyebrow. 
I laughed nervously, “There’s nothing to tell. We’re just friends.” She shook her head. I knew what people were saying. “I’m serious, Kris. Just friends who went to the aquarium together.” I defended, moving my hands in a definitive motion. 
“Girl! His eyes were on you, not the damn fish.” She rolled her eyes, “How are you both so clueless?!” She threw her hands up, flabbergasted. She quickly whipped her phone out and pulled up the shark tank picture again and showed it to me, zoomed in on Kenny’s face. “Those are heart eyes, girl. He is in love.” 
There was no way Kenny was in love with me. “Kris, he is literally married to wrestling. No time for relationships.” I pointed out. 
“But he always makes time for you.” She said before walking away to film a bit for BTE. Kenny did always seem to make time for me. I tried to shake her words as I continued my way to the EVP room. Cody had sent me a text earlier in the day saying that creative had a storyline they wanted to pitch to me. 
I opened the door and Cody was there with The Bucks, a writer, and Tony Khan. “Hey, sorry, I rushed here as fast as I could.” I apologized for my tardiness and grabbed a seat next to Cody. 
“Peyton, we want you to have a with Penelope for the number one contender slot for the AEW Women’s Championship.” Tony started to explain. A huge smile crossed my face. Then Nick added, “We want you to face Shida at ‘Winter is coming’”. I shook my head. 
“No fuck--” Cody gave me a stern look, telling me to watch my language, “I mean, no friggin’ way?!?” I couldn’t hide my excitement. Tony handed me the contract for the match at ‘Winter Is Coming’. I looked down at the papers in my hand. “This is legit? Are you sure there isn’t anyone else who deserves this before me?” I questioned, looking up from the packet that held my future. 
“We have pulled all the stats, plus we took in account fan base and Dark comments. You beat Penelope, and you’ll be number one contender.” Matt laid it all out, and I just needed to take it. All it took was one smooth signature and it was booked. 
“Well good evening, folks. It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means! Thanks for joining us here on Dynamite. Boy do we have a lined up show for you.” I listened to JR announce as I paced back and forth in front of the gorilla monitors. The announce team of JR, Tony, and Excalibur went on to discuss the card for the night. 
To say I was nervous was an understatement. Sure, I had been in the title picture before, but this was completely different. This would be my first title shot in AEW, plus Penelope and I were kicking off the show. That was something that didn’t happen often. Cody was waiting by the curtain, like he always did before my matches, to wish me luck. He immediately could tell that something was wrong. “What’s up, Pey?”
“I’m worried about Kip. It has me thrown off. He’s a wild card.” I mumbled anxiously as I bit at my nails. Cody nodded, giving me a knowing look. He pulled me in by my shoulder.
“You’ll be just fine, kid.” He smiled. I wanted to ask what he meant, but Kenny’s voice filled my ears before I could. 
“Hey, Princess!”  I could tell my face lit up at the sight of him. “I just wanted to say good luck. And ask if you wanted to grab dinner after?” Cody looked at the both of us and sighed. I knew he wanted the heat to die down from the Aquarium photo, for my sake. He had told me many times. I didn’t care though and neither did Kenny. 
“Of course, Omega. Thank you.” I replied quickly, throwing my arms around him for a tight hug. Cody grabbed my attention, letting me know it was my time. I released Kenny, but he grabbed my hand, giving it a light ‘you got this’ squeeze, before letting go. 
“The following contest, with a twenty minute time limit, is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, being accompanied to the ring by Kip Sabian, Penelope Ford.” I watched as they made their way into the ring and gave a disgusting show of PDA. 
I fiddled with my jacket, waiting for my music to hit. I instantly regretted letting Brandi talk me into wearing a choker. It suddenly felt too tight. I didn’t have a chance to remove it before I heard the familiar start of “My songs know what you did in the dark”. I composed myself and fixed my hair. I walked out the “Heel” tunnel and onto the ramp.
“And her opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, well they call her the “Dream Killer”, Peyton Rhodes.” Justin announced my name and the crowd still cheered, which made my heart happy. I quickly made my way into the squared circle, so the bell could ring.  
The match started with a few back and forth blows. Penelope got me into a side headlock, before quickly doing an arm drag. I shot back up to my feet. Again, we locked up, before I drove a knee up into her stomach. I had quickly gained the upper hand in the match. I was getting ready to drop her with a DDT, when I saw Kip pacing outside of the ring. I flipped him a bird and slammed Penelope’s head into the mat. As expected, Kip got involved. He slid into the ring, getting in my face. “Get out of the ring, Kip!” I yelled and he stepped a bit closer. I thought he was going to push me back away from him. 
Suddenly, the crowd erupted in cheers as a figure jumped the barricade and slid into the ring. It was Mox. He pushed Kip back and into the ropes, making him fall through. This distracted Penelope and I took that chance to hit the “dream killer”, my finisher. I got the three count and the bell rang. Aubrey raised my hand and Justin announced me as the winner. 
Jon was still standing at the tunnels when I climbed through the ropes and walked up the stairs. I extended a hand to show respect, which he gladly took and pulled me in for a hug. The fans went wild. “What a reunion it was tonight for Peyton Rhodes and Jon Moxley. Now that Rhodes has defeated Ford, she will go on to face AEW Women’s champion Hikaru Shida for the title at “Winter Is Coming’ on December 2nd.” Tony announced for the viewers at home. 
Cody again was waiting by the curtain for me. “Great match, sis. Jon, thanks for having her back.” He said, like it was all planned. I needed to know what the hell Jon was thinking.
“Dude! You guys are trending!” Matt yelled as he walked up, shoving his phone in my face. It was like I was in a daze. I had no idea why Jon, of all people, got involved in my match. Now, we were trending on social media. Before I could reply, I was being pulled by an assistant to do an interview with Dasha. 
“I’m backstage with Peyton Rhodes. Peyton, what was that?” She asked. I quickly got into character. I flipped my hair over my shoulder, attitude immediately crossing my face. 
“What was that? You’re asking the hard-hitting questions, Dasha.” I mocked her, before continuing. “ Let me tell you what that was. That was me rising to the top of this division, just like I said I would.” I stepped closer to her mic, “That was me letting Shida know that her days as champion are numbered.” I turned to the camera. “Hold onto that title tight, Shida. Because it will be mine very, very soon.” 
Dasha nodded, looking annoyed with how bitchy I was being, “But everyone wants to know what Jon Moxley was doing?” She inquired, pushing the mic back in my face. 
I scoffed, “No comment.” I quickly walked away to find out what the hell just happened. Why did Jon come help me? I tried to find him, but no one had seen where he went. So I settled for finding my brother. I went to his trailer, and banged on the door. 
“Open up, Rhodes.” I shouted, and Brandi came to the door. I looked at her, fuming. “Where is my brother?” I snapped. She just moved to the side, letting me in. Cody was sitting on the couch, like he was waiting for me. What surprised me, was to see Kenny sitting there, too. 
“Glad you could join us, sis. Take a seat.” Cody motioned for me to sit next to Kenny. I cocked a brow, confused, but took the seat anyway. I looked at Kenny about to say something before Cody cut me off. “Since you two are wanting to be the talk of AEW, and have no intentions to listen to me or my advice, Khan wants you to work together.” My mouth dropped. 
“What the hell does that mean?” I growled. Kenny looked at me, shocked, that I was angry that we got to work together. I saw his smile drop instantly. “I mean, Don’t get me wrong, Ken, I would love to work a story with you. But I can’t do the whole ‘escort/manager’ thing again.” I objected, not going down that road again.
Kenny nodded in understanding, “I know. And you know I would never do that to you, Princess.” He ensured me, placing a gentle hand on my knee. 
“I would also never do that to you, Peyton. Trust me, this will be amazing.” Cody predicted, “We have a lot to talk about.” He smirked, taking a seat across from us. “After you left the meeting last week, Tony pulled me aside.” Cody started to explain. 
My mind was racing. What did Tony have in store for me? For Kenny? How in a matter of two weeks did I become number one contender and get to work with my best friend? I looked over at Kenny, who’s blue eyes were focused on what my brother was saying. He looked so happy. I wondered if it was because we got to do a storyline together or because he was getting his shot at the AEW world title? 
“Tony wants you to turn on Moxley.” Those seven words drew me from my thoughts. My whole body went rigid. Did he just say what I think he said? I looked over at Kenny who was smiling like a cat who caught the canary. 
“He wants me to do what?” I asked, wanting Cody to clarify what the fuck he just said to me.
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How Did We Get Here? - 4
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Summary: After being in a secret relationship, (Y/N) and Chris are faced with sneaky fans taking pictures of them spending time together and the press went crazy. Chris had enough of hiding. 
Pairing: Chris Evans x Famous Reader
Genre: Fluff, smut
Warnings: AGE GAP and seeeexxxyyy timeeeee. 
Note: I am so excited to write, writing has been my passion for so long and writing with my boo bear in it makes me more happy!! Thanks to the beautiful @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​ for reblogging and helping others to check my writings!!! love her already. Hope you like this one hehehe. Oh and a lil comedy :p just for fun 
*gifs are not mine* 
After so many interviews before the Premiere in Chicago, me and Chris has been staying at the same hotel, we were informed that some fans asked the receptionist if we stay together in the same room or separate rooms, but the hotel know what answers to give. 
Before I was known, I already loved my life, I’m a normal girl, I enjoy life fully and I never ask for anything in return when doing things for others. I’m thankful in where I am, but I have always been known as a private person and even my family couldn’t get anything out of me. 
‘(Y/N/L/N) and Chris Evans having breakfast together at the Ritz Carlton’ 
I scroll down to the comments on Instagram, smiling of how red my cheeks are looking at Chris who talks about taking me to his date with Dodger. 
- ‘the fact that she’s bareface and her cheeks is all red looking at him kills me. They are so cute’ 
- ‘I can’t believe they’re hiding all of they’re cuteness.’ 
- ‘she got taste, i love her, she’s one of us now.’ 
I laughed as Pammy surprised me by looking at what I’m reading behind my shoulder, startling me. “Oh my god,” I said, placing my hand over my chest, 
“Oh, so you’re creeping on Instagram for your so secret relationship?” 
“Stop it, I’m just, you know, trying to- actually I don’t know, it just came up on my explore so, don’t judge me.” 
“Judge you for what?” 
Chris came out of the room, looking rough, his hair is uh... everywhere, messy, shirtless. Pammy’s jaw dropped open, “Oh...” I lightly elbow her, shooting her a look. She put her hands up, “Chris, I got you spinach-apple smoothie.” Pammy hands him as he scratches the back of his head. 
Chris looks at me, “Are you going somewhere?” my eyes widens at him. 
“We have a press interview today, remember?” 
“Oh... no.”
I laughed as I walk towards him and wrap my arms around him, he lifts me up and kisses me, I peck him over and over with my legs wrapped around him then squish my face with him like a little baby. “Get ready, bebe, we have work to do.” I said to him making him smile. 
“You’re so cute, I might just take you to bed for a bit.” 
I flushed. 
“Stop, I would, but... we don’t really have much time.” 
He smirks. “I can make it quick,” he leans as he said it so only I can hear him, my cheeks heats up more as I can picture myself with my cheeks way too red. 
“I get to you this much huh?”
I roll my eyes. “Oh no, it’s just hot in here all of the sudden.” 
He laughed. 
“Come, on, we gotta gooooo.” I whine. 
“Okay, but come shower with me?” 
“I already have my makeup on.” 
This time he’s the one that rolls his eyes at me. “Then, accompany me.” before I can say anything, Pammy said, “The interviewer’s here, I’m going to help them set everything up.” 
Chris said nothing but, “Perfect! Thank you, Pammy!” he shuts the door with his foot. 
“You’re coming with me, bebe.” 
I bury my face on his shoulders as he carries me to the bathroom. He sits me down on the sink counter as he look deep into my eyes. “You’re so beautiful,” the smile appears immediately as I look away shyly. 
“You’re so easy to love, (Y/N).” 
“Am I really?” 
He nodded as he tucks a hair behind my ear and smile. “Now.. where were we?” 
I arches my brow. “You, shower.” I pointed at the shower with my head. 
“No, that’s not where we left things,” 
“Oh yeah, you might take me to bed but we can’t so you’re gonna shower and we’re going to work-” 
Chris shuts me up by kissing me deeply, passionately that my hands find their way around his neck as he pulls me closer as if we’re not close enough. He moans against my lips and when he was about to went down, I stop him causing him look up to me, confused. 
I jump off the counter, moving him to lean against the counter and pulls his pants down. 
I can hear him take a breathe but I ignore him as I put him in my mouth and suck my cheeks in. “Baby..” 
I smiled, knowing that I’m the one that gets to him this much now. 
I work my tongue around him inside my mouth as he grips the counter and continuously moan. 
I tease him by slowly taking him out and lick every inch of him. I stood up just to kiss him and slowly trail my lips down to continue on sucking him and feeling his body trembles. 
I fasten my speed as he grips my shoulder. 
“Baby.. I’m.. Com-” 
The same warmth enters my mouth as he looks down at me, waiting for what I’m gonna do. 
The taste of him slides down to my throat as I stood up looking at him, he’s in shock. 
“What? You’ve never seen a girl do this to you?” I joked as he wipes my mouth and pulls me close to him.
I can see my lipstick are gone but I could care less. “I have, but it’s you, I’m with you, I don’t need to remember if other women have done this to me or for me before. You’re mine, baby.” 
I smiled. 
I find it really sexy that he’s wiping my mouth after and holding me close, I love that about him. 
“Hmm..” I give him a slight kiss as he slaps my butt causing me to look at him with my mouth open jokingly. 
“Okay, shower, now, we need to go.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
I grab my pouch and walk back to the bathroom to do touch ups as he showers behind me. Chris never take his eyes off me, making me blush every now and then. 
For the past few months we’ve been together, I love that at the end of the day we’re normal people, we’re just fortunate enough to live a life like this and we never forget where we came from, maybe that’s why I’d like to keep our relationship on the down low where it’s just us and our closest people.
. . . . 
We walk into the meeting room of the hotel that was set up for the interview, Pammy looked at me with a oh-okay-glowing-what’s-up-now look, I shot her a look with my wide eyes, she respond with okay-I’ll-zip-it look with her hands slightly up in defeat. 
I changed my outfit, I was wearing a black midi casual dress, since it’s looking not so appropriate anymore, I have to iron it again but since I don’t have the time, I put on a black and white stripes long sleeved shirt and a black fitted trousers that stops in my ankle with a flat shoes. 
I redid my hair, curl it a little bit and I was done, I don’t want people to take the note, oh yeah they just did it. 
Professional on both, (Y/N)! I said to myself. 
My inner self seems to laugh at me. 
Both on what? Sexually and in career wise? She said. 
I want to roll my eyes, but Chris’ hand lands on my back as we said hi to everyone. “I thought you’re gonna be late.” the interviewer said to us laughing. 
I huffed. “Oh no, almost though, I just had to eat first.” Chris immediately turns his head to me. 
I added, “I thought you’re already here, seems like we’re soulmates.” I smiled at him, his eyes wide, his mouth slightly open. 
“Well, I hope you enjoyed your meal.” the interviewer smiled at me.
“Thank you, I did, big meal to boost my endorphins just right.” 
We sat down with Seth, the interviewer talking about the movie a little bit but other than that he said he just wants to get to know us, he wants to make the interview a little bit different than others. 
Chris was thrilled when he brings up Disney movies. 
“Okay, I have questions, you two have to say your name or the other person to answer.” 
“Oh.. Okay.” I said. 
Seth asks, “Who is most likely to get a complaint because they laugh too loud?” 
Seth gasps, “Really?” I nodded making a face where I scrunch my nose. “I have to go to his trailer cause he was on the phone with Anthony Mackie, he laughed so hard I couldn’t sleep.” 
“So, you’re the one who complained?” 
“Oh yeah, would do it again.” 
They all laughed. 
“Who is most likely to be on a comedy tv show?” 
“Me.” I look at Chris, raising my brow. “You?” I said, rolling my eyes after. 
“What is he not funny?” Seth laughs as he ask me that. “I mean,” I gesture my palm left to right, giving him the he’s-so-so response. 
Chris added (gif), “She thinks I’m funny, she just thinks she’s funnier.”
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“You did admit I am funnier.” 
Seth squints his eyes suspicious. “Did you Chris?” 
I laughed, placing my hand on his shoulder as I bury my face on my arm. 
“Who is most likely to take the job as a stripper?” 
Chris stood up, arms wide open and tries to give me a lap dance. I squealed in laughter trying to get his butt out of my face. 
He hugs me after as I was still laughing with tears started to build up in my eyes from laughing too hard. “Oh my god.” I said. The whole room was filled with nothing but laughter and cameras clicking from their phones. 
“Gotta love this guy.” I said before Seth ended the interview. 
“Love this gal.” Chris added. 
216 notes · View notes
humans4vampires · 4 years
Request from my Twilight Squad: “Need. Drunk. Bella.”
Your wish is my command. Cheers! Join Bella in a shot of tequila - if you’re of drinking age, of course. 
Warning: Underage drinking.
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Billy chuckled, low and long, and the magic seemed to fade into the glowing embers. Suddenly, it was just a circle of friends again. Jared flicked a small stone at Quil, and everyone laughed when it made him jump. Low conversations murmured around us, teasing and casual. Neither Jacob nor I spoke. He was so still beside me, his breath so deep and even, that I thought he might be close to sleep; I watched the others around me.
The older members of the tribe said their goodbyes and headed toward home. Sue Clearwater left with Billy and Seth, and I wondered why Leah wasn’t going with them. She was still sitting with her eyes closed across from me, the dying fire between us. Embry and Quil walked into the forest and returned with more wood to refuel the flames. Emily and Sam made a quiet exit after Paul. In a matter of a few minutes, only Leah, Jared, Kim, Embry, Quil, Jacob and I were left sitting around the fire.
Embry and Quil exchanged a curious look and Quil took off toward the forest again. Jacob sat up and slapped his palms together in a single clap.
“Good thinking, Quil,” Jacob laughed.
Quil returned with a large paper bag, its contents clinking together; glass bottles?
“Alright,” Quil said, sticking a hand into the bag. “Pick your poison.”
It had been a long time since I’d had a drink, though I’d ever been drunk before. Alcohol had never been very appealing to me, but I had, in the past, participated very sparingly in the cliché underage drinking ritual that Jacob and his friends sometimes engaged in. I’d never seen anyone get out of control; the Quileute boys were big and I thought it would take a lot more than a few bottles to get any of them genuinely drunk. Mostly, they enjoyed the normalcy and comradery. And I could understand why – teen drinking was certainly a much less controversial secret to keep than those they were already keeping. 
Quil pulled each bottle out by its neck and passed them around. Jacob took a large bottle of tequila.
“Bella?” Jacob held out the bottle to me.
I nodded, but my mind was still a thousand years away. I was not thinking of Yaha Uta or the other wolves, or the beautiful Cold Woman – I could picture her only too easily. No, I was thinking of someone outside the magic altogether. I was trying to imagine the face of the unnamed woman who had saved the entire tribe, the third wife.
I wish they’d remembered her name…
Something shook my arm.
“Save some for the rest of us,” Jacob laughed, taking the bottle from me.
I’d only taken a couple of swigs from the bottle’s edge, maybe one… or two? It was revolting and comforting all the same. I shook my head and quivered as the liquid settled in my stomach, making me wrinkle my nose.
Jacob took bigger gulps without wincing before passing the bottle back to me. Jared and Kim were sharing what looked like vodka and Embry and Quil were passing a bottle of whiskey back and forth. Only Leah had a bottle to herself and she stared peacefully into the flicker of the fire as she sipped slowly. She was lost in thought, too.
I was prepping myself for another sip when Jacob patted my leg. “You sure your bloodsucker is going to be okay with this?” Jacob asked.
I gave him a scolding look and took a bigger mouthful in protest. Once I managed to choke it down, I was able to speak. “I can do whatever I want, Jake.”
Jacob shot back a questioning expression.
“What?” I said sternly.
He shook his head. “Nothing,” he chuckled. “Go on.”
I would have stopped drinking if my stubbornness hadn’t spurred me on. Jacob and I passed the bottle between us as the night drew on. I couldn’t tell, at first, that I had passed my usual threshold. I had never had more than a couple of sips before, usually allowing Jacob to polish off whatever we were sharing. In the months I had spent with him here in La Push, we had only spent time with his friends like this a handful of times. In all that time, I was terrified of the backlash I’d get from Charlie if he ever found out.
But for whatever reason, if it was my stubborn nature or the pressure I was drowning under, I kept bringing the tequila back to my lips. After awhile, it was easier to take. I was wincing a lot less and laughing a lot more. I held out my hand in front of me and watched it lag in the shadow of the fire. Everything felt slower somehow and my tongue felt heavy and sloppy against my teeth. My lips were numb and it felt like everything I wanted to say came out wrong. In that moment, I was burden-free, even if only artificially.
It was more intense when I went to stand. Did I offer to help Embry get more firewood?
“Sit down, Bella,” Jacob laughed, pulling me back down next to him, my legs folding under my weight.
“I can help!” I said, too loudly.
Jacob patted my leg again, “Yeah, yeah. We don’t need you tripping over your own feet. Your bloodsucker wouldn’t let you come back if I returned damaged goods.”
I snorted. “I fall all the time!” My eyes felt heavy. How long had we been here? “Edward,” I corrected Jacob. I had forgotten if there was something else I needed to correct him on.
Jacob pulled me into his lap and rested my head against his chest. I wanted to push back, but my awkward hands were no match for his warm strength. I gave up and relaxed; it felt nice to be close to him like that, I thought.
I jerked my head up and looked at Jacob, but the words I was looking for didn’t come out. Suddenly, my mind was back on the third wife. She was just a woman, with no gifts or powers. She was physically weaker and slower than any of the monsters in the story. But she had been the key, the solution. She’d saved her husband, her young sons, her tribe.
“But what was her name?” I managed to choke out.
Jacob jostled me. “C’mon, Bells,” Jacob said in my ear. “We’re here.”
I blinked, confused because the fire seemed to have disappeared. I glared into the unexpected darkness, trying to make sense of my surroundings. It took me a minute to realize that I was no longer on the cliff. Jacob and I were alone. I was still in his arms, but we weren’t on the ground anymore. I was losing chunks of time.
He opened the car door and helped me into the passenger seat. How did we get here?
“Oh, crap!” I gasped as I realized that I had fallen asleep. “How late is it? Damn, where’s that stupid phone?” I patted my pockets, frantic and coming up empty.
“Easy. It’s not even midnight yet. And I already called him for you.”
I was moving around, but my body was still slow and even clumsier than usual. I held my hands to my eyes. “Oh, crap,” I whined again.
Jacob was in the driver’s seat, taking me to where Edward was presumably waiting.
“You worried about him coming down on you for being irresponsible?” Jacob chuckled. 
I didn’t reply and Jacob laughed to himself.
“Midnight?” I repeated stupidly, still disoriented. The car began to slow and my heartbeat picked up when my eyes made out the shape of the Volvo, thirty yards away in the headlights. I reached for the door handle as soon as we stopped.
“Here,” Jacob said, and he put a small shape into my other hand. The phone.
“You called Edward for me?”
My eyes were adjusted enough to see the bright gleam of Jacob’s smile. “I figured if I played nice, I’d get more time with you.”
“Thanks, Jake,” I said, the words fumbling together.
There was a movement in the dark distance – something pale ghosting against the black trees. Pacing?
“Yeah, he’s not so patient is he?” Jacob said, noticing my distraction. “Let’s get you back to your bloodsucker.”
I pushed open the door and put my foot on the ground; it felt like my ankle had liquefied. Jacob was there then, pulling me up to stand. Both feet were on the ground, but neither felt usable. Jacob carried my slumped body over the pavement toward Edward, my feet dangling like a ragdoll’s. I tried to object.
“Bella?” Edward sounded frantic. “Bella, are you alright?”
Suddenly, the soft heat was replaced with rigid and cold stone. I was cradled in Edward’s arms, his fingers dancing across my face and neck so quickly I could only feel the lingering touch of ice. He had caught me at the boundary line.
“I’m fine,” I said. I was sure I gave an unconvincing performance. The simplest of words were slurring together.
I could feel Edward’s body tense. His jaw was taught. “How much did she have to drink?” Edward’s voice was cold, too.
Jacob didn’t have to reply; Edward must have been getting the recap of the evening in Jacob’s thoughts. Jacob held his hands up in a faux gesture of surrender.
“She’s a big girl,” Jacob said. “I let her make her own decisions.”
"Child,” Edward hissed through clenched teeth, turning toward the Volvo.
“Come back soon, Bells,” Jacob called out, a laugh rumbling through him.
I was struggling to speak. My tongue still weighed a thousand pounds and my lips were still useless decoration. Was I saying something? There was no use arguing with Edward, but for some reason I continued to try. Every movement felt like a waste of energy. My limbs felt loose, too fluid, like I had no control.
And oh, his skin on mine made me lose my train of thought. My lips were so close to his neck, I couldn’t resist. I wrapped one hand around his neck, clutching at the hair there, as I planted my lips on his cold neck. I inhaled deeply, drowning in his delicious scent as I kissed him there.
Jacob was not laughing anymore. Edward let out a smug laugh, as he swiftly opened my door and lifted me in, buckling my seat belt around me. I complained about the distance between us as bright lights flashed on and swept across us. I waved toward Jacob’s headlights, but I didn’t know if he saw the gesture.
I struggled to sit up straight in my seat so that I could reach Edward as he drove. I clawed at the center console to pull myself closer to him. I was hanging over to the driver’s side, trying to kiss his neck again, as my right hand grabbed at his thigh.
His hand was immediately at my wrist, restraining me.
“Bella,” he scolded. “Can you attempt to control yourself?”
I whispered on his neck between sloppy kisses. What did I say?
“I’m operating a vehicle.”
I shrugged and laughed. “I thought you were the world’s greatest driver?”
“Bella,” he said more sternly. I ran my tongue from his collarbone to his ear.
Suddenly, I was pinned back in my seat, his right arm holding me there. His breathing sounded rough, making my heart race faster.
“Honestly, Bella,” he was looking out the windshield.
I didn’t want to argue now. All I could focus on was his strong arm wrapped over me. I bent my elbows to run my fingers along his cool skin. Edward didn’t react. I was having a hard time remembering what had happened moments ago. Did I say something? Did he say something?
Edward was shaking his head. “It will be a miracle if we can get you past Charlie in this condition.”
I looked out the window and we were whirring onto my street. “No!” I whined. “Take me home with you.”
“Bella, Charlie is expecting you.”
I pouted as he pulled in behind my truck. He cut the engine and removed my restraints, giving me a questioning look.
“What are you looking at?” I managed to sputter.
He gave me a serious look. “Bella, I am going to carry you in. Please contain yourself.”
I tried to mimic his expression. “I don’t need that. I can walk.”
I fumbled for the door handle, but he was already at my door and lifting me into his arms.
“Edwar-“ he cut me off.
“Please, Bella. Charlie is waiting up for you.” Edward begged.
A thought crossed my mind then. “Fine,” I said. “I’ll do it on one condition.”
“This isn’t for my benefit, Bella,” he rationalized.
“Then I won’t do it.”
Edward sighed. He couldn’t resist the unknown. “What do you want?”
I smiled brightly in response.
“I’ll play dead right now –“
“Asleep, Bella.”
“Right,” I continued. “I’ll pretend to be asleep, but when you come back tonight, I don’t have to contain myself.”
“Bella,” he complained.
“Take it or leave it,” I said quietly. I tried to weasel my way out of his arms, but he held me firmly.
Another sigh escaped his lips and his feet began moving toward the house. I grinned widely in triumph.
“The deal is off the table if you don’t hold up your end,” he said under his breath.
I closed my eyes and let the tension fall out of my body. I must not have been very convincing; Edward tilted my head so that my face rested on his shoulder, my hair spilling over my face.
Charlie opened the door as Edward walked up the front steps.
Charlie spoke softly. “She still asleep?”
I felt Edward nod. Jacob must have called Charlie, too. Edward marched almost silently up the stairs. I could hear Charlie’s clunky steps behind us. Edward set me in my bed gently. He kissed my forehead lightly, eliciting a small huff from Charlie. Edward stepped back and Charlie haphazardly removed my shoes and tucked my quilt around me. I snuggled in, hoping my performance was convincing as the two silently left my room. They spoke for a moment, their voices too obscured for me to listen in on.
I had to open my eyes; the room felt like it was spinning, rotating in a choppy motion that made me feel queasy. I sat up to steady myself. I heard the front door shut and the engine of the Volvo as it sped away. Charlie’s footsteps pounded back up the stairs and I threw myself back against the bed before he popped his head through my door. He closed my door silently before going down the hall to his room for the night.
I sat up slowly and stumbled out of the bed. I tripped on my shoes and fell back on the bed on my way to the door. I staggered my way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I brushed my teeth vigorously, trying to wash the taste of tequila from my mouth. I lost my balance trying to take off my jeans, getting them stuck on my thick socks. I tumbled slowly to the tile floor and removed the rest of my clothes as quickly as I could manage before crawling my way into the stream of water. Every movement I made felt deliberate, but careless. I was washing myself in a blur. I spilled the entire bottle of shampoo and the bar of soap continued to pop out of my hands every time I tried to pick it up. I felt a little soapy still when I turned the water off and floundered into a towel. It was the fastest I’d ever been in and out of the bathroom.
I was soaking wet as I tried to tip-toe my way back into my room. I had to lean against the wall the entire four feet I struggled to walk. It was a miracle that I managed to get the door shut without much more chaos. I squinted through the darkness, looking for him. Edward wasn’t back yet.
I ran to my dresser, tripping on the shoes again. I stopped to hurl them into my closet; the loud thud made me wince. I stumbled a bit, still completely off balance. The weight of the water in my heavy hair didn’t help, either. I laughed, clapping a hand over my mouth to stifle it. I doubted Charlie was already asleep, but figured he heard the shower and was giving me my privacy.
I pulled out clothes and put them on quickly, not paying attention to what I grabbed. When I was dressed, I lurched toward the open window, leaning out while I waited for Edward to come back. The night was surprisingly cold, almost wintry. I hadn’t noticed it at all on the windy cliffs. Icy droplets spattered against my face as the rain began to fall.
It was too dark to see much besides the black triangles of the spruces leaning and shaking with the wind. But I strained my eyes anyway, searching for other shapes in the storm. A pale silhouette, moving like a ghost through the black… or maybe the shadowy outline of an enormous wolf… My eyes were too weak, my head too foggy. I was beginning to sway when a sudden movement in the night caught my attention. He was right beside me then, sliding through my open window, his hands colder than the rain.
“Is Jacob out there?” I asked, the words blending together, my tongue still a heavy burden.
Edward pulled me into the circle of his arms. “Yes… somewhere. And Esme’s on her way home.”
“Ah, crap,” I muttered against his chest.
Edward chuckled over my head. “She was concerned about you… you were making quite a bit of noise. She almost came inside to make sure you were alright.”
My face was already warm from the alcohol; had I been sober, I would probably have blushed.
“That’s embarrassing.” I pressed my face into his shirt, making the words unintelligible.
Edward stroked my wet hair and I felt a silent laugh roll through him. His hand swept my hair away to rest on the back of my neck. A shiver rolled through me, reminding me of the deal we had made.
I didn’t bother speaking, but the gasp that passed my lips startled him. I jerked back and lunged at him, my arms locking around his neck as I kissed him, unrestrained.
He kissed me back for a minute before he gently removed me from himself.
“Relax, Bella,” he said, struggling to get the words out. His free hand was balled into a fist.
“You promised,” I grumbled, tugging at his shirt.
“I was hoping you’d forget about that,” he admitted, still holding me off.
I sighed, slapping my hands down at my sides. Whatever I said made him laugh. What did I say?
I stumbled backwards, falling onto my back on the mattress. “You promised,” I repeated.
“I made no such deal,” Edward said, a proud grin on his lips.
“That’s cheating,” I whined too loudly. He was suddenly hovering over me, a cold finger at my lips. Just as quickly, he was gone and my bedroom door was opening.
“What’s going on, Bella?” Charlie said as the hall light illuminated me.
“Sorry, Ch-Dad.” I propped myself up. “I tripped getting into my pajamas.”
I sounded coherent enough. I thought my slurring could pass for grogginess, but Charlie looked at me as though he wasn’t buying it.
“Get to bed, Bells.”
I dragged myself up the bed as Charlie went back to his room. My body felt heavy enough to stay down, but I forced it back up when the room started its inconsistent writhing again. Edward was standing in the dim light from the window, watching me with a curious expression.
“What?” I said, too loud again. I repeated it in an exaggerated whisper to prove that I could control myself.
Edward shook his head. “I was hoping that would sober you up.”
“I’m waiting,” I said, patting the bed beside me. My head slumped to the side, the weight dragging on my neck as I snapped it back in an upright position.
Edward’s expression had changed. A smirk was budding on his lips as he crossed his arms slowly, pulling his t-shirt over his head. My expression made him chuckle softly.
He said something low, velvet. I couldn’t catch it. I was too distracted by my own pulse ringing in my ears. My hands were stretched out in front of me towards him, like a child begging for a toy. He dropped his shirt and walked toward the edge of my bed. I scurried towards him, running my hands up his perfect stomach. I was too weak to pull myself up, so I pulled at him to follow me down. He came to hover over me again, his lips inches from mine. I relished in his cold breath, closing my eyes as he gently kissed my jaw and neck, eventually finding my lips. My back arched my body toward him, my hands balled the sheets into my fists.
The sound I made brought Edward’s hand to my mouth, a soft hush falling from his lips. It didn’t make me quieter. He sighed and kissed me firmly. I was surprised when his hands moved to my hips, sending another wave of noise through me.
“Bella.” Edward whispered against my neck.
Words were spilling out of my mouth, I just wasn’t sure what they were. I must have been too loud. Edward had disappeared again and Charlie was at my door.
“Bella,” he said, swinging the door open. “What are you doing?”
I sat up and threw the quilt over myself. “I’m going to bed!”
The frustration I felt came out in my tone. Charlie said something indecipherable, let out a frustrated huff, and closed the door loudly behind him. As Charlie stomped back to his room, I threw myself back down, throwing my arms out so that I covered the entire width of the small bed. The room continued to sputter and spin, so I forced myself back up. My head swayed, spilling my still wet hair around my face. I caught sight of Edward again; he was sitting at the foot of the bed staring at me with questioning eyes.
I felt like I was forgetting chunks of time – or was he just moving too quickly? We were in the bed now, my head on his bare chest, his arms above his head. I sat up again, searching for water. He was gone and back with a glass before I could reach the nightstand. He dropped three ibuprofen pills in my hand and I struggled to get them in my mouth. I was too eager with the glass and felt some water dribble off my chin and onto my shirt. He said something with a gentle smile and I replied; what did I say?
I rested my head on his chest again once we were back in the bed. The coolness of his skin helped to soothe the spinning. I couldn’t keep my eyes closed though; every time I tried, my body felt like it was pulsing. I kept springing my head back up. We continued like that for awhile.
“Bella, close your eyes,” he pleaded again.
“I think we need to do something,” I said. “I’m not ready to sleep.”
“You’re being too loud,” Edward said quietly, trying to coax me back to the bed.
I was making my way toward the window. “Come on,” I urged. “Let’s go see Alice.”
“Bella,” he said, suddenly blocking my path. “It’s late.”
I laughed loudly; how absurd? “You don’t sleep!”
Edward sighed. “Close your eyes.”
I did and my body slumped involuntarily. Edward caught me, of course, and I was in his arms. I didn’t feel like I was spinning so much anymore. Edward wrapped me in my heavy quilt, leaving only my face exposed. He kept me cradled in his arms as he paced around the room. I was like a restless baby, unwilling to sleep. I felt a cold breeze on my face from the open window. I kept my eyes closed, but I continued talking; I didn’t want him to think he was winning. He would answer me from time to time. And suddenly the light turned on and I struggled to adjust my eyes.
“She refused to sleep,” Edward replied, sounding amused.
Carlisle laughed, “Yes, Esme told me what happened.”
I jerked my head to take in the room. We were in the Cullens’ living room. Had Edward run with me all the way here? Carlisle was standing closer than I thought. He ran a cool hand over my cheek.
“How are you feeling, Bella?” he asked softly with a wide smile.
“Fine,” I was still too loud.
Emmett and Alice came into the room as Edward put me on my feet and unwrapped me from the quilt. He was still holding me steady, like I was just a child learning to walk.
“Alice!” I yelled. “See, I told you she would be up!”
“Hi, Bella,” Alice eyed my outfit with a disapproving look. “Having a fun night?”
The way I answered her made Emmett laugh. “Nice, Bella.”
Edward turned to Alice, “I couldn’t keep her quiet. How long do we have?”
Alice looked into the future, her eyes glossing over. “Charlie will sleep through the night,” she chuckled. “Now that Bella’s out of the house.”
I didn’t like the implication. “Charlie?” I scoffed. “He’s fine.”
Edward helped me to the couch. I collapsed into the soft white fabric and Alice sat beside me. I reached out and grabbed her hands, a sudden rush of thoughts and questions coming to my mind. Edward left the room and returned with more water for me as I continued to blather.
Edward handed me the glass, guiding it towards my lips.
“Water?” Emmett boomed. “Get this girl some more tequila!”
Emmett, Alice, and I continued talking. It felt as though every thought that entered my mind exited my lips. Edward and Carlisle stood in the kitchen, probably discussing ways to sober me up. But I agreed with Emmett; God, how stressful everything around us was. For once, I felt totally free. I felt like someone else entirely and completely unashamed of my behavior. I could tell that my words weren’t making much sense and I could tell that my movements were even sloppier than usual, but I just simply didn’t care.
The Cullens kept me entertained as Edward continued to bring me water and bread. Emmett put me through a few DUI tests; I couldn’t get past X in attempting the alphabet backwards and walking in a straight line while trying to place a finger on my nose with each step was a complete failure. Edward caught me each time I fell. Alice had to take me to the bathroom constantly, and Edward would be waiting with another glass of water each time we returned. I was completely unaware of the timeline of events. Eventually, I made my way up the stairs to Edward’s room. I pulled CD case after CD case out of the shelves and continued to swap them out before one song on the album could even finish.
“Ah,” Edward said over Everything Counts by Depeche Mode. “Jasper.”
I’d never blacked out before, but I figured that’s what happened. The rest of the night vanished from my mind. When I opened my eyes, the blue light of the morning was spilling into my room. Had we even gone to the Cullens’ or had it all been a dream? I moved thoughtlessly, but a nagging pain in my head stopped me. I groaned loudly, holding my head as if it were about to fall apart. It hit me that, it in fact, had not been a dream. I pushed my face into my pillow.
I heard him chuckle then and I moved slowly, turning my head up to look at him. Edward was resting with his arms tucked behind his head. His golden eyes were curious, his voice was low and gentle. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I never want to drink again.”
He laughed. “That’s too bad.”
That surprised me. “Too bad?”
He put a cold hand to the back of my neck, which helped the nausea. “You’re an open book when you’re inebriated,” he smiled. “It’s surprisingly enjoyable.”
The nausea was back. “What did I say?”
Edward shrugged. My cheeks burned with embarrassment and he laughed again.
I didn’t press the question. I wanted him to leave in the event the nausea took a turn for the worst. He brought me more ibuprofen and a cup of coffee leftover in the pot from Charlie. He moved through the house undetected as Charlie prepared himself for work. Edward kissed me, long enough to get my pulse racing —and my head pounding— and then headed home to change and get his car. I dragged myself out of the bed and tried to get myself ready for school.
Oh, how the pain numbed all the other worries I harbored.
Read the other parts of this story here:
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Eighty-Seven
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You were thankful it was the weekend so you didn’t have to miss work because your fever did not break over night. Harry did have a photoshoot, but he called Mariah and she was able to cover for him. You told him over and over to just go and that you’d just be sleeping it off, but he wouldn’t allow it.
“It’s not like I have the flu, I’m not even throwing up.”
“But your forehead is hotter than shit, so I’m not leavin’. These people know Mariah, s’not a big deal.”
“But you won’t get paid for it, and-“
“Y/N.” He snaps. “M’takin’ care of yeh.”
“I don’t want you to get sick too.” You pout.
“I’ll be fine, I don’t really get sick.” He shrugs. “Now, I want you to drink your tea and relax. It’s rainin’ a bit today so you’re not even missin’ out on any nice weather.”
“M’so cold.” You shiver.
“Let me get some more blankets, hold on.”
He goes into the guest room and grabs the comforter. He throws it over you and helps you get cozier.
“Thank you, I’m sorry.”
“Babe.” He chuckles. “Don’t be sorry.” He strokes your head. “Alright, so you ate your toast so that’s good…got fresh tea…took some Tylenol…I’m gonna leave yeh be, do some work up in the loft. My phone’s with me, just text me or call if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay, thank you.”
He kisses your hairline and heads out of the bedroom. Buster sits up in the loft with Harry, although he won’t stop whining.
“Buster, I know mummy’s home and you wanna see her, but she doesn’t feel good.” He strokes the top of his head. “Isn’t daddy enough?” Buster yips and licks Harry’s hand. He chuckles and strokes him one more times. “Should we go check on her? Been and hour and she hasn’t called f’me.”
Harry and Buster go down the stairs and head to the bedroom. He opens the door slowly and sees you passed out, and curled up with your baby blankets snuggled to your face. Harry thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen, and if you didn’t look so terrible he definitely would’ve taken your picture. He smiles and leaves the room.
“She’s just fine, Buster. Let’s take you out for a walky.”
When Harry gets back from taking Buster out, he hears things coming from the kitchen. He pushes the door open and crosses his arms when he sees you out of bed.
“What are you doin’?” You jump and turn to look at him.
“I got hungry.”
“Why didn’t you call me?” You shrug. “Y/N.” He sighs. “Let me make yeh lunch. If you had just waited you would have seen I was going to bring you some soup.”
“Stop treating me like a baby. I know how to take care of myself.” You pout. “I needed to get up and stretch anyways.” You grab the pot you were looking for and put it on the stove.
Harry sighs and walks over to you. Before you know it, you’re being scooped up, and carried off to your bedroom. You don’t even fight him, it felt nice to be snuggled a little. He sets you back down on the bed.
“I’ll make your soup.”
“Will you come cuddle after I eat? Need cuddles, Harry.”
He smiles and nods before leaving the room. He cracks open the can of sodium filled noodle soup he knew you were craving and pours it into the pot. After five minutes it’s just hot enough and he pours it into the bowl. Harry has Buster lay in his dog bed while he goes back into the bedroom.
“Here yeh go darlin’.” You take the soup from.
“Thank you.”
“I just need to finish some things up, and then I’ll come lay with you for a bit, okay?”
After an hour, Harry finished up on the photos he was editing. He couldn’t just not work while he was home. You perk up when you see him come in again. He gets on the bed and crawls towards you. He wraps his arm around you and you snuggle into his chest.
“Needed cuddles, hm?”
“Mhm, it’s the best medicine.”
You were cute when you were sick, and he couldn’t stand it. He smiles as he rests his chin on your head. He swipes the back of his hand across your forehead.
“You’re still really warm, Y/N…”
“I know.”
“You eat all your soup?”
He was trying to think of what else he could do for you. But when he feels you nestle in further to him, he knew he was doing exactly what you needed. You just wanted to be held and caressed by him. Your stomach started to feel weird though.
“Oh no.” You say to yourself. “Harry, I think I’m going to-“ You clasp your hand over your mouth and you practically jump off the bed.
You just make it to the toilet. All of the soup you had came up. Harry rushes in as you flush the toilet. Your hair was already up, so he didn’t need to hold it back for you. He grabs a rag and runs it under the cold water to press to your forehead. When he’s done you stand up and brush your teeth.
“Guess it’s a stomach bug, great.” You groan.
“Soup was probably too heavy on your stomach, I’ll stick to toast and tea.” He rubs your back and helps you back into bed. He drags a bucket over just in case you won’t be able to make it to the bathroom next time.
It seems like every hour you had to throw up. You threw up until nothing but bile was left. You had started crying because the heaving was killing your stomach. Harry hated seeing you like this, and so did Buster.
“Here, I ran down to the corner store and got you some Gatorade.” He says handing it to you, but you shake your head. “I know you don’t wanna keep pukin’, but this’ll give you some strength back, I promise.”
You take slow sips of the Gatorade as you sit on the bathroom floor. Harry sits down next to you and tries to soothe you.
“I never get sick like this. Colds here and there, but I don’t get this at all. I get a flu shot every year.”
“S’not the flu, it’s a little bug…” He looks over at the tub. “Hey, why don’t I run you a nice, hot bath, hm? I’ll put some bubbles in it too. You can just sit and relax. Would you like that?”
You nod and he gets up to turn the water in the tub on. You were able to keep the Gatorade down for now, but you weren’t going to hold your breath. You watch Harry put the bubble bath into the water. He helps you up and you get all your clothes off. You sigh when you sink into the warm water. He goes into the bedroom to grab his glasses and a book, and sits on the floor next to the tub, leaning back against it. Buster comes trotting in and lays next to Harry.
You reach a hand out to play with Harry’s hair and he moans softly, closing his eyes to enjoy it. You can your arm around him as he reads, and you feel your eyes get droopy. When he hears your soft snores he turns to look at you.
“Babe?” He nudges you.
“Can’t have yeh fallin’ asleep in there, c’mon.”
He wraps a towel around you and lifts you out. He puts one of his t-shirts on you and gets you into bed. He grabs the thermometer and sticks it in your ear.
“Hm, temp’s finally goin’ down. Maybe you just needed to throw it all up.”
“Maybe. Now I just feel tired.”
“Throwin’ up all day can do that.” He strokes your cheek. “Want some more toast?”
“I never want to eat toast again.”
“I’ll get some crackers then. See if we can keep that down.”
You didn’t remember falling asleep, but you must have passed out after you took more NyQuil. You felt weak from throwing up all day yesterday, but all in all you were feeling better. You didn’t have a temperature anymore, but Harry still wouldn’t let you do much. At least he let you out of the bedroom today.
“I just wanna go out on the balcony, it’s so nice out.”
“Alright.” He follows you outside and you both sit down. Buster sits between the two of you.
“He’s gotten so big, I can’t believe it.” You sigh.
“Don’t think he’ll be gettin’ much bigger at least.”
“Any word on how Eliza May is doing?”
“Oh sure, she’s great, so is El. They’re all just tired.” He takes his phone out. “Lou sent along some pictures yesterday.” You take his phone from him and look through them.
“She’s so tiny!” You squeal. “So precious.” You hand his phone back to him.
“So, you’re really feelin’ better?”
“Mhm, much. I can’t thank you enough for being so good to me yesterday.” You reach your hand out to hold his. He happily takes it.
“Don’t need to thank me, it’s all just part of it.” He shrugs.
“Part of what?”
“This.” He gestures between the two of you. “Like, it’s just what you do when you love someone. You’d do the same for me.”
“In a heart beat, doll.” You squeeze his hand.
It was officially September. Sarah and Niall’s trip to Ireland went really well, and while he was out there, he asked her to move in with him. She of course said yes, and was so excited. Her and Rachel sobbed on each other for nostalgic purposes, it was an end to era. But Rachel could afford her apartment on her own, and she was sort of used to living by herself anyways. It was a really easy move. All Sarah needed to bring with her was clothes and some other small things.
Labor Day Weekend was rolling around and you all were trying to figure out what you wanted to do. Seth was having party at his apartment, and it would be nice to be outside instead of stuffed into someone’s apartment.
“You’d like his place, he has a pool and a small yard out back.” You explain. “It’ll be more chill than the fourth.”
“Alright, yeah, let’s go.” Harry says.
“Are you sure? We can find something else to do…”
“No, I think it’ll be fun. Besides, Niall, Mariah, and Isaac will all be there.” You smile at him and get ready for bed. You turn over and he taps your shoulder. “Excuse me?”
You hadn’t had sex since you had gotten sick, just wanting to make sure you wouldn’t pass anything along to him. He looks at you with his bedroom eyes and it send a surge through you. You roll onto your back.
“Is the store still closed, or can I come in?” You burst our laughing and pull him onto you, opening your legs up.
He dips his head down and kisses you, sinking his teeth into your bottom lip.
“Mm, before we get started, you can’t leave any visible marks on me.”
“Why the fuck not?” Oh great, aggressive Harry.
“It’s one thing with our close friends, but…I don’t know…I don’t want Isaac seeing, or any random person that also might be there.”
“Or Seth.”
“Harry.” You roll your eyes, and he snatches your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger so you’ll look at him.
“You’ve been so good about not doin’ that.” He makes a tsk tsk noise.
“Doing what?”
He smirks at you and shakes his head.
“I’ll take my rings off, but hand’s goin’ right around that little throat of yours.” He sits up and takes his rings off, setting them down on the night table. Your heart was beating really fast. “That alright with you?”
“Do I have a choice?” You smirk.
“Course you do.” His features soften. “M’not gonna force you to let me choke you.” He chuckles.
“You’re doing a lot of talking, and not a whole lot of choking.”
His mouth falls open and you start giggling. He lifts your shirt off and kisses down your stomach, and down to your center. He looks up at you while he makes light licks up towards your clit. You grip the blankets, and then his tongue is plunging inside you. His thumb rubs circles on your clit, and one of your hands tugs at his hair. He groans against you, and your hips buck up towards him. He lets you grind against his face, not something he always lets you do since he likes being in control of your orgasm. He looks up at you and is elated. Your head was thrown back and you were biting your bottom lip, just going to town on his tongue.
You gasp when he pinches your clit, and then rubs it furiously.
“Oh my god, oh my god, fuck! Harry!” Music to his ears. You come all over his tongue and he laps it up.
He gives you a minute to catch your breath before spreading your legs back apart. He thrusts into you and you grab at his biceps to keep yourself steady. You don’t stay like that long though. He grabs your legs and throws them over his shoulders. Your back arches from feeling him so deep.
Not that you didn’t always enjoy sex with Harry, but you were really feeling it tonight. You wanted to feel more. You reach for one of his hands. He thinks you just want to lace your fingers together, but you pull his hand towards your throat. He drops one of your legs so he can lean in easier. He gets a really good grip on you and your eyes roll into the back of your head.
You were going to come again, any second really. He he was hitting your g-spot, and everything just felt amazing. He feels you tighten around him and you gasp as you release. He lets go of your throat to help you get some air. You reach up and grab his face to bring towards yours. You slot your mouth over his and his thrusts become quick and sloppy.
“Fuck, Harry.” You wrap your legs around his waist, and his come shoots inside you.
He collapses on top of you, and you hold him close to your chest. You kiss his hairline over and over and he whimpers as he pulls out.
“You could’ve stayed inside longer.” You say softly.
“I know, but I really need to wee.”
You laugh as he gets up and shuffles into the bathroom. You use it next and then you both get settled. He rolls over so you can spoon him, and you nestle in close to his back. He holds the hand that’s draped over his side and presses it to his stomach.
“Love you baby.” You coo.
“Love you too.”
The next day around 11AM, you, Harry, Niall, and Sarah all drive together to Seth’s. Rachel and Mariah would be meeting you there. It was hotter than a mother fucker out, so you knew you’d be swimming. You had a white tank top on with some jean shorts, a cute on piece on underneath.
Plenty of Seth’s friends were already there, and so was Isaac. They both smile when they see the group of you show up. Rachel and Mariah had already arrived as well. Seth comes over to greet you all.
“Hey!” He hugs you, maybe a little too long for Harry’s liking, but then lets you go. He shakes Harry’s hand.
“I made that taco dip you like so much.” You smile and take it from Harry.
“You’re the best! Wanna bring it inside for me? You can just stick it on the table. I’m trying to keep the food out of the sun.”
“Good idea.”
You and Sarah go into the apartment together to set all the food you brought down.
“Grab a chair guys, plenty of places to sit. Obviously not as big as my parent’s place, but it works. Feel free to jump in the pool too.” He smiles and walks away.
Harry and Niall find a place to sit. You and Sarah walk back out with drinks for all four of you. You kiss Harry’s cheek and then go to say hit to Rachel and Mariah.
“You look cute.” Rachel pats your bum and you giggle.
“Thanks! These shorts suit me, hm?”
“Yeah, they look comfy too.”
“They are! Got them through StitchFix believe it or not.”
Harry looks over to see Isaac and Seth sharing a wicker love-seat. Seth has his arm around Isaac’s shoulders. Everyone seems really chill. Rachel and Mariah pull up chairs so they can sit with you all, and you plop down in Harry’s lap. He wasn’t expecting it, but he was happy about it.
“I don’t know how you two can sit like that, it’s way too fucking hot.” Sarah laughs.
“Didn’t you know, we need to be touching at all times.” You say sarcastically and everyone laughs. You turn to look at him. “You’re not too hot like this are you? I’ll move-“
“Nope, wantcha right here.”
“Y/N, when does Nannie come into town?” Rachel asks.
“Oh! Not for a couple of weeks. Did you all want to come over for New Year’s dinner too? My family will be there of course, but I know with school starting it’s not easy for you guys to zip home.”
“Are you making brisket?” Sarah asks.
“What the fuck else would I make?” You chuckle. “Of course!”
“Then I’m there.”
“Will your mum make that dump cake?” Niall asks.
“Then I’m there too.”
The only person that knew about the full plans of that weekend was Niall. Harry had even barely told Louis. He was desperately trying to keep everything under wraps.
After a few drinks, you were ready to go for a swim. You were sweating way too much for it to be comfortable anymore. You get off Harry and take your tank top off.
“Ow, ow!” Sarah says and you flip her off.
“Oh, shut up. Are you gonna swim with me?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
You flip your hair over and throw it up into a bun, next you take your shorts off.
“I can’t remember the last time you wore a one-piece, it’s cute, but I’m surprised.” Rachel says.
The three of you walk over to the pool.
“I sort of needed to. I had marks on my hips, and I have a really fresh one right here.” You tap near your left ribs. “He listened to me last night, but attacked me this morning in the shower.” You sigh. “Oh well.”
They both giggle at you and you all step into the pool. You all sigh with relief. Isaac comes into the water with you all.
“Hey Isaac.” You say.
“Hi girls, mind if I join you?”
“Not at all!” Sarah says.
“It was just getting way too hot.”
“Agreed.” You say. “So, you looked real cozy with Seth.” You smirk.
“We’ve been very cozy.” He winks at you. “It’s only been a few weeks, but I really see this turning into something.” He says quietly. “He’s like a really good cook.”
“I know.” You and Sarah say at the same time, and both burst out laughing.
“Oh that’s right, you slept with him too.” He laughs.
“Only for a semester. Y/N got that D for an entire school year.”
You splash at her and look over to the boys to make sure they didn’t hear.
“Can you maybe not? He’s in a good mood, and I don’t need him getting all…dominant.”
“You do know how toxic that sounds right?” Sarah asks.
“Yeah, Y/N…since when are you afraid of Harry?” Rachel asks.
“I’m not afraid of him, I just don’t want to cause any unnecessary drama. No one needs to be reminded that I used to fuck our party host.”
“Why not, it’s fun to talk about.” Seth says as he sits at the edge of the pool. He pulls Isaac to stand between his legs, facing away from him. Isaac leans back to rest his forearms on Seth’s thighs. “Ohhh, that’s right, your boyfriend might get a little jealous, my bad.” He smirks.
“Leave Harry alone.” Isaac pouts up at Seth. “He means well, he’s a mooshball at heart.”
“It’s true…he’s very sensitive.” You look over at him again. He was laughing over something with Niall and Sarah. “So can we cool it with all that?”
Everyone agrees and shrugs it off. The conversation goes back to something lighter. Seth says something that makes everyone burst into laughter, especially you. You felt like you couldn’t breathe, and had tears streaming down your cheeks. It made everyone else laugh even harder.
“On that note, I’m gonna fire the grill up.” He stands up.
“Do you need help?” Isaac asks looking up at him. Seth crouches in front of him and shakes his head no. He kisses him quick on the lips, stands up, and walks towards the grill. Isaac turns back to you three. “God, he’s so hot.” You all giggle.
“So, how often does that happen?” You ask.
“Plenty often.” He smiles. “He’s a really good kisser. Never dated a guy with a lip piercing before, it’s cool.”
“Dated, so you’re dating?” Rachel asks with a smile.
“I guess so…I mean I’d say we’re seeing each other, right?”
“Oh for sure.” Sarah says. “I mean, he openly kissed you at his party. If that’s not a signal that he’s taken, I don’t know what is.”
Niall, Harry, and Mariah all come towards the pool and get in. You feel giddy when you see Harry sort of sweaty with his shirt off. You wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him.
“It’s not your birthday anymore, so that’ll be enough of that.” Sarah says.
“Jesus, Seth can kiss Isaac, but I can’t kiss Harry?” You ask, letting go of him.
“Kiss? Yes. Tongue fuck? No.” She chuckles.
“My tongue wasn’t even leaving my mouth!” You laugh.
“I can vouch for her, it was a closed mouth kiss, Sarah. But I’d be happy to-“
“Nope!” She dives under the water and swims away. Niall follows her.
The rest of you laugh.
“Does she seriously have a problem with PDA? I don’t wanna make her uncomfortable?” Harry asks you.
“No, I just think that anytime she sees us go at it she remember that time you sucked on my neck so hard my skin popped when you let go and it freaked her out.”
“Ohhhhh.” He looks at Isaac. “So, you’re havin’ fun?”
“Mhm, lots.”
“He’s treatin’ yeh nice and all that?”
“Yes, Dad, he treats me real nice.”
“Oi, I’m just makin’ sure, don’t get your knickers twisted.”
“You know what I think the problem here is?” Mariah starts. “Isaac’s fullest attention used to be yours, and now it’s not and I think you’re a little jealous.” She smiles.
“God, who else?”
“M’just lookin’ out for my friend.” He crosses his arms.
“But there’s nothing for you to look out for.” Isaac says. “Although, I haven’t minded the extra attention from you.”
“What do you mean there’s nothing to look out for?”
“I mean, he’s genuinely a really nice guy.”
“It’s true, Harry.” Rachel says. “I’ve known Seth a long time, and never have I ever seen him hurt someone he’s dated. If things didn’t work out, it was usually because of the other person, not him. God, Y/N, do you remember when he found out Mel cheated on him?”
“That was not good, not good at all. It was a miracle we got him to stop crying.”
“What stupid bitch would cheat on him? To give up a dick like that?”
Our jaw drops and you start laughing, so does Rachel.
“What are you admitting to, exactly?” You ask him, giggling.”
“Shut up.” He pouts. “Answer the question.”
“He wouldn’t have sex with her. It was our freshman year, and he hadn’t had sex in general, and she didn’t feel like being patient. She was a stupid bitch.” You explain.
“Did you beat her up?” Harry jokes.
“No, but I should have!”
“I would’ve paid money to see that. She knew better than to come around us again.” Rachel says.
Eventually you all get some food, and the day goes on. Harry notices various point of you and Seth chatting and laughing. He’s shocked when he’s not even a little bothered. For the first time in his entire life, he felt safe and secure.
Later on, Harry finds himself in the kitchen making some drinks when Seth walks in.
“Hey, man, having fun?” Seth asks him with a smile.
“Yeah, thanks again for havin’ us.” Harry smiles back. “Things seem to be going well with you and Isaac.”
“Yeah! He’s really great. Thanks again for being so cool about Y/N wanting to set us up.”
“I’ll be honest, I wasn’t super comfortable with it at first…given your history.” He rubs the back of his neck. “But you seem to make my friend happy, so…” He takes a sip of his drink. “And you do throw a pretty good party.” He smiles.
“Thanks.” He grabs a fresh bowl of chips to bring outside. “I do really like Isaac, I’m not going to do anything to hurt him. I just wanted you to hear that from me.”
“I appreciate that.”
Later that night, Seth gets a fire started. You had all changed into somewhat warmer clothes. You were sitting in Harry’s lap, feeding him a s’more. Some of the chocolate gets on his chin and you suck it off discretely. He feeds you one, and you both giggle, trying not to make a mess.
Harry was really proud of you. You stuck to drinking seltzer water all day. You made it look like an actual drink so no one would say anything to you. You had started to level out from your meds, and things were getting better for you mentally.
“Went on a drink run.” Sarah says, handing you a cup.
“Thanks.” You smile. You sip on it without thinking and cough it up when you taste the vodka.
“What’s wrong? You’ve been drinking vodka tonic’s all day…” She frowns.
“I…uh…” You get off of Harry, and walk towards the house. “I have to go to the bathroom, excuse me.” Sarah looks at Harry.
“She’s…not really able to drink alcohol right now, but she doesn’t really want everyone knowin’ why, and it’s not what you think.” He smirks. “So get that thought out of your mind right now.”
“Well, if she’s not pregnant, why wouldn’t she be drinking?”
“Does she need a reason? Can’t a person just decide not to drink?” He sighs. “I’m gonna make sure she’s alright.”
Harry goes into the house and finds you in the bathroom. He closes the door behind him.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I genuinely needed to pee. What did you say to her?”
“I just said you weren’t drinkin’.” He shrugs. “I assured her it wasn’t because you were pregnant, so don’t worry about that rumor getting’ started.”
“Thanks.” You smile. “I just don’t want them knowing…not yet anyways. I don’t want them looking at me any different.”
“I know baby, you’ll tell them when you’re ready.”
He wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head.
A couple of hours later, and you’re all ready to head out. You give Seth a hug goodbye and thank him for a great time. You and Harry sit in the backseat of Niall’s car while him and Sarah sit up front.
“That was a lot of fun.” Niall says. “Feel like I never left the pool.”
“It was definitely nice to have a place to cool off today. I’m glad we didn’t decide to just have a party at our place.” Sarah says.
“Our place.” You giggle. “Love that for you guys.” Sarah turns around to you and gives you a beaming smile.
When you get home you say goodnight to your friends. You couldn’t wait to see Buster. He had spent the day with your mom. He yips at the two of you when you walk in and you rub his belly.
“My good boy.” You coo.
Harry wraps his arms around your waist and spins you around.
“What are you doing?” You laugh.
“Nothin’, just love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
He sets you down and you look at him. You cup his face and pull him down to you. You kiss him and lace your hands through his hair. His hands slide your butt and he gives you a squeeze. You sink further into the kiss.
“Hey, um, how tired are you?”
“Not very, why?”
“What if…I went and took a shower?” He rubs the back of his neck.
No matter how many times you two did this, Harry was always bashful when he asked for it. You thought it was cute. You bite your bottom lip and look up at him. You pull him back in to kiss you, sticking your tongue in his mouth, making him groan against you.
“I think that’s a great idea.”
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allthingsfangirl101 · 4 years
Car Accident Part 1–Zac Efron
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Part 2
Zac's POV
I walked onto the set for Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates with Adam as I typed quickly on my phone. I was so focused on texting Y/N that I wasn't paying attention to where we were walking. After I had bumped into a third person, Adam said something.
"Who are you texting at 6 am?" He asked, yawning. This morning we had an early call-time and he hated anything that happened before 10 am.
"I'm texting Y/N. She's driving home from visiting her sister up at school. She's supposed to tell me when she gets to our apartment."
Y/N and I met when I was filming Baywatch. We met outside the boxing gym I was training at. She was a hired nutritionist that a few of the trainers in the gym use. After weeks of me flirting with her endlessly, she finally let me take her out. We dated the entire time I was training. When I was about to head back to start filming, I convinced Seth Gordon to hire her to oversee all of our diets and our health as we continued training and began filming.
From there, she started getting hired by other directors and trainers to help create diet plans for their actors. After we've been dating for a year, we decided to move in together.
It was hard constantly being away from her, but we somehow made it work. I honestly don't think we could have it wasn't for Y/N.
"I'm sure she's fine," Adam sighed. I looked over as he took a large swig of his coffee. "Hasn't she driven that like a hundred times? I feel like she goes up and visits her sister every weekend."
"Every other weekend," I corrected. I sent him a glare as he laughed, mumbling something about that being too much.
"It's not too much," I sighed. "You don't understand, man. Y/N's parents were always working when she and her sister were growing up. She practically raised her little sister. When Y/N went off to college, her sister had a hard time, and even though she was far away, Y/N still helped her through everything. She tutored her over the phone, constantly went back home to see her, and helped her get into college. Plus, it wasn't just any weekend. Y/S/N had midterms this week and she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her."
"That's messed up," Adam said, regret in his eyes. "I didn't mean. . . I'm sorry."
I just shrugged as I cleared my throat. I looked back at my phone, my heart sinking when I saw the home screen without a message.
"Hey," he said, grabbing my arm and stopping me. "It's Y/N. She's going to be fine."
I sighed as I put my phone back in my pocket and ran my fingers through my hair. "You're right," I stuttered. "She's fine. She's driven this route hundreds of times. She has it memorized. Y/N is going to be fine."
I couldn't tell if I was echoing what he said or trying to convince myself.
                       * * * * *
Throughout the day, I constantly checked my phone between scenes. Whenever she did answer my text, I felt overly relieved. At lunch, she actually called me.
"Hi, baby."
"You don't have to sound so relieved," I heard her giggle. "I've been texting you all day."
"Which is dangerous to do while driving," I interrupted her.
"Zac," she giggled. "I only texted you so you wouldn't be in a constant state of panic the entire time I drove home."
"You're not driving right now, are you?" I asked, unable to stop the concern.
"Of course not, baby," she sighed. "I pulled over to get gas and something to eat."
"Good," I said letting out a sigh of relief. "Where are you?"
"I'm not entirely sure."
"Wait, what?" I panicked.
"Zac," she cut me off. "I'm fine, sweetheart. I was just kidding. I know exactly where I am. I should be home in about four and a half hours."
"Oh," I chuckled awkwardly. "Good. So, you'll be home before me."
"Probably," she giggled.
"You're not too tired to drive, are you? Because if you wanted, I can call the closest motel and get you a room. You can rest, wake up tomorrow morning, and hop back in your car ready for a fresh start. Or I can drive out and pick you up. . ."
"Zac," she cut off my nervous rambling. "I feel great, baby."
"I'm sorry," I sighed. "You know how I get when you visit your sister. I love that you do that, babe. I think it's really sweet and I know how much she needs you. It's just. . . It's halfway across the country. I wish you would fly."
"Sorry, baby, but I'd rather be in a car that I can control versus thousands of miles above the ground."
I smiled, instantly chuckling. "I know you hate flying, but I think it's safer."
"It's really not," she said, slightly laughing.
"Agree to disagree," I smirked. Silence fell between the two of us but I just focused on hearing her breathing which oddly calmed me down.
Y/N sighed before saying, "I miss you, babe."
"I miss you too. But we'll see each other soon. When you get there, take a nap and I'll wake you up when I get home."
I waited for her to say something, but she didn't. "Y/N, you okay?"
"I'm just. . . I'm worried about Y/S/N," she sighed, her voice breaking.
"Why?" I asked, my heart sinking when I heard her take a shaky breath. "What happened when you visited?"
"She was just really stressed out. She wasn't sleeping, she was barely eating. Zac, when I first saw her. . . She looked sick. I didn't think her first college boyfriend would have this big of an effect on her, but she was broken. I don't. . . I don't know what to do, baby."
"Y/N," I sighed. "It's going to be okay. You helped her get through midterms and the breakup. I bet she was ecstatic to see you. I know you and I know her. You helped her by driving all the way over there."
"You're right," she said softly. I heard her take a shaky breath. "I can't help but be worried about her."
"I know, babe," I said, smiling. "But, sooner or later, Y/S/N isn't going to need you anymore. And then you will be forced to take care of yourself."
"Ha-ha," she fake laughed. "Then I'll just start taking care of you."
"Nope," I said popping the "p". "I start taking care of you."
"I love you, Zac," she giggled.
"I love you too, baby. Keep me updated."
"I always do."
                       * * * * *
Throughout the rest of the day, Y/N continued to text me every few miles letting me know that she was okay. During one of our breaks, I noticed that Y/N hadn't texted me in about forty-five minutes.
"How's Y/N doing?" Adam asked as he sat down, drinking his seventh coffee of the day.
"She usually. . . She has. . ."
Adam stopped when he saw the look on my face. "Hey, what's going on?"
"It's been forty-five minutes. She should've texted me twice by now."
"Well," he stuttered, "how much longer of a drive is it?"
"About an hour and a half," I said, my heart sinking into my stomach.
"Okay," Adam said, trying to figure out what to say. "Maybe she got. . . Or maybe. . ."
"What if something happened?" I started to panic. "What if. . . What if. . ." I couldn't even bring myself to say it out loud, but Adam quickly caught on to what I was thinking.
"Whoa, hey. Calm down," he said, trying to reassure me. "Y/N's going to be fine. I know it. She could be on the phone with her sister or got focused on driving."
"You're right," I stuttered, trying to calm my rising anxiety. "She's a great driver. She only texts me because I ask her to. She's fine. Y/N's fine."
As if on cue, my phone started to ring. "See?" Adam chuckled. "That's her."
"It's not," I said under my breath.
"Then who is it?" Adam asked looking between my face and my phone.
"Henderson Valley Hospital."
"Wait, what?" Adam stuttered.
"Hello?" I answered the call.
"Mr. Efron?"
"This is him," I said, my voice soft.
"Mr. Efron, we have you on file as the emergency contact for a Ms. Y/F/N Y/L/N."
"Did. . . Did something happen to her? Is she okay?" I asked, starting to panic.
"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, sir," the nurse sighed, "but Ms. Y/N was brought into our hospital about twenty minutes ago."
"What happened?" I asked, my voice barely audible.
"Ms. Y/L/N was in a car accident. She was on the highway when a drunk driver hit her. Her car rolled into a ditch."
"No. . ." I said, my voice getting caught in my throat. My eyes started to fill with tears as my hands shook. "Where umm. . . Is she. . . What are you. . ."
"I assure you that we are doing everything we can to help her," the nurse said softly. "But I should tell you, the doctors are nervous."
"Nervous?" I repeated. "Why would they be nervous?"
"Well," she said, clearing her throat. "She suffered some serious injuries."
"Injuries?" I stuttered. "What kind of injuries?"
"Well, she had a few broken ribs, a severe concussion, and her left lung collapses as soon as she was brought in."
"Oh," was all I could get out.
"Mr. Efron, Ms. Y/L/N was taken directly to surgery. They are trying to patch her up right now. But I have to warn you, the doctors aren't sure how long they can. . . We aren't sure if Y/N will make it through the night."
Those words were poison to my ears. I couldn't breathe as I tried to mumble a "thank you" and a "goodbye" before hanging up. I stood there, frozen as the nurse's warning repeated over and over again in my ear.
All I could do was picture walking into a hospital room to see Y/N laying there, in a hospital gown, covered in cuts and bruises, countless tubes connected to her. My breathing became staggered the longer I pictured my Y/N in a hospital.
"Zac? You okay, man?" Adam asked when he saw me frozen. I shook my head, struggling to catch my breath. "What is it?" He asked.
"Y/N was in a car accident," I finally got out. "Her lung collapsed and she's in surgery. She was hit by a drunk driver and her car rolled into a ditch. They don't think she'll survive the night."
"Zac, slow down. What do you mean, Y/N was in a car accident? When. . . When did this happen?" Adam stuttered.
"I'm not entirely sure," I said barely audible. "The nurse just said that she was brought in about twenty minutes ago and was taken immediately to surgery. She's still there now. Adam. . ." I stuttered.
I looked up at him, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I can't lose her," I barely got out.
"Hey," he said as he grabbed my shoulders. "Everything is going to be okay. Y/N's going to be fine. I'm gonna get you to that hospital and you're going to be right there when Y/N wakes up."
"But what if she doesn't?" I asked, my voice breaking.
Adam sighed, hesitating before he finally said, "Then you'll hold her hand as she fights."
Part 2
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redrabbitspod · 4 years
I've been looking at the BLM tag for the past few days. I've been talking with my roommates and my boyfriend about everything that's happened. We plan on going to a protest this weekend, we're in the South. I'm scared, because one of my roommates is POC and I'm trans. I was wondering, then, if you had tips for us? My roommate has asthma, though it hasn't affected them since childhood and I bind, so a main concern is if we get hit with tear gas and struggle to breathe.
OOC: I know you probably wanted Seth or someone to answer, but I’m answering this ooc because I think it’s important. Your roommate that has asthma, I think should just consider the state of their lungs and should go to planned, organized event, and get out early. I’m in New York and I’ve been to every protest in my area dealing with BLM in the past 5 years (most in Baltimore). But I think I can speak for many downstate New Yorkers (I’m on Long Island), that most of us know someone that has had Covid. And most of us know someone who’s died. It’s no joke. Its absolutely fucking horrific and if I didn’t have asthma, putting me at a higher risk, and if the family I live with were not over the age of 65, then I would be out there, in NYC too.  But my asthma is also pretty bad, so if they haven't had problems since childhood, their lungs are probably strong. 
Now about you and binding, if you struggle to breathe, then realize that running will be a struggle as well. And running is your main asset when the protests turn. And since you are trans, know that the police may treat you differently. I’m not trying to be all doom and gloom, but this is serious and I think you all have to look at the cons as well as the immense pros in this. This has to do with your safety though. 
With all of that being said, I think going to an organized protest would be fucking amazing. Yesterday especially there were dozens of beautiful protests around the country. Most start at 11-1 o'clock and can be found on facebook. Go if you feel you are safe from the virus or can safely distance! (which i stand by is very very important to consider. But I am also a New Yorker at risk, so I have a different perspective.) 
Some tips are to keep your eyes and ears open. It only takes one instigator - may that be the police (in MANY MANY CASES) or others, always keep an eye and an ear out for people looking to turn the crowd. That is very VERY important. 
In 2015, I went to an organized protest near City Hall in Baltimore, Maryland. it was only a small group of us. Like VERY small. And after facing off with mustache asshole from Fox news, we all headed towards the inner harbor to meet with other groups of protestors from other schools. When we all met up, a woman came running and saying, ‘don’t go near the jail. it’s a trap and they’re going to arrest all of you’. This was after the national guard was already in the city, and we already had the unrest the previous Saturday in the inner harbor. The first ‘riot’ in Baltimore. I turned to my friends and we had to ask ourselves if we wanted to get arrested. We were in sophomores in college and that would affect our scholarships. We decided we couldn’t take the risk and walked all the way back to our dorms. 
The moment I got into my room, I heard shouting from outside. I raced to my window and the crowd grew by the THOUSANDS. My window faced North Ave, the notorious street in Baltimore. I threw on my shoes and I grabbed my phone and I ran back out there. Split decision. I didn’t have any friends with me, no buddies. And I (perhaps stupidly), threw myself into the fray. It was the most fucking amazing experience of my life. And it was the biggest protest in Baltimore at that time. I didn’t have to know anyone, because we were all screaming for one cause. It wasn’t until we walked around the entire city, through Sandtown where Freddie was killed, that we reached the inner harbor and I found my friends. But it was 8:30 by then and approaching curfew, which was 9 o'clock. We raced to get home before that struck because the police had been getting violent in previous days. That’s where this picture was taken from.
I heard that the tides were going to change. That the police may get violent and this was after already experiencing the police yelling shit at us, flipping us off in previous college organized protests, and watching them beat the people every fucking night. You HAVE to be conscious of those around you. If you hear that people have started to throw shit, unless you’re about that life and want to take the risk, LEAVE. And as non-black people, DO NOT BE AGGRESSIVE IN THE UNREST. The best thing you can do is create a barrier around the black protesters. The best thing you can do is try to help those around you. But don’t be one of those fuckin idiots that are spray painting on buildings, throwing shit, setting shit on fire, because it reflects badly on us. We will be blamed for it. Not saying I think you would do that, but keep that in mind. 
Here are some quick tips summarized:
Watch out for unrest. The people start getting violent? leave. You cant continue the fight if you get hurt. 
the POLICE START GETTING VIOLENT?! Get. the fuck. Out of there. And help anyone you see that needs it. 
Keep your eyes out for a med booth or those supplying first aid. I’ve heard they are spread all throughout the protests, ready to aid.
Bring your inhaler
Write the number of your friends on your body. This day and age people don’t know each others numbers. It’s very easy to lose your phone when shit pops off. And if you get separated, you’ll be happy that you have it written somewhere. Just make sure its non-visible. Some people ended up getting doxxed during the last uprising. 
Write the number of a friend that is not there, someone you trust, as well, in the same manner. If someone is handing out the number of someone representing legal counsel, take it. 
Bring water with you. That is vital. And snacks. Keep your energy up in the sun.
I saw many things saying unlock your phone so people can get to your information. Do not unlock your phone. If it gets stolen then you’re fucked and if it gets in the hands of the police, you don’t want them searching through your shit. On your lock screen put all necessary information. Your picture, name, age, phone number, and the phone number of the person you trust. 
Bring a black sharpie. You need to write shit down like the name of someone getting arrested? you’ll be happy for it. 
stay together. try your best to not get separated. One goes, you all go. You do not want to lose someone in the fray. 
tie back your hair if you have long hair. 
wear baggy black clothing. you want to be as non-descript as possible. you do not want the police to be able to easily profile you. 
stay far away from the fuckin cops. we saw in ft Lauderdale yesterday that it takes ONE COP to start it all. 
If you have medical supplies? bring them. 
If you see opposing parties trying to start shit like the trump supporters and white supremacists infiltrating the crowd? RAISE THE ALARM. TELL. OTHERS. 
POLICE ARE INFILTRATING THE CROWDS AS WELL. I’ve heard that they're changing armband color every day. So if you see an armband, tell the people around you. It’s usually on the upper bicep and keep your eyes open for anyone else like that. This is important. 
AOC posted this fantastic guide:
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And you can find the entire thing here
Please stay safe, stay alert, stay aware, and thank you for fighting. 
Black Lives Matter.
- BloodyDamnit
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nicolewoo · 4 years
I’ve Been Dreaming About You Part 2
Pairing: Roman Reigns X Reader (Joe Anaoi X Reader)
Warnings: None. Just fluff!
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We were just minutes away from Laura’s house when my phone dinged. I handed the phone to Laura and gave her the code to un-lock it.
“It’s an unknown caller.” Laura practically sang out to me. She opened the text and said, “He wants to know if you’re home yet.”
He was WWE superstar Roman Reigns, or as we found out today, Joe Anaoi. He’d seen me and arranged to meet me. He and his Shield brothers had told me that he’s been dreaming about me for over a year. Pick up line? Yeah, probably, but he hadn’t made a move on me. Well, there was a kiss, but he hadn’t tried to sleep with me. Moreover, he wanted to come back on his day off and take me on a date.
“Tell him almost.” I told her, and she texted the message to him.
The phone dinged again, and Laura laughed, “He told you not to text and drive.”
“Tell him I’m not.” Well, we had one thing in common. Not texting and driving was important to both of us. I waited as she typed and then waited for a response.
“He said ok. I told him I’m texting while you drive.” She assured me. The phone dinged again, “Oh! He wants to know if you’ll call him when you get home.”  
I couldn’t stop the smile that came over me. “Tell him yes.” I heard her type out the response.
“This whole situation is so weird,” She pondered. I didn’t answer, but only nodded my head. “Are you seriously just going to go out with him?”
I took a deep breath as I thought. “Yes. Why not?”
She sounded upset, “What do you really know about him? I mean, I’m pretty sure Seth and Dean were telling the truth, but really, who knows?”
“We don’t.” I said thoughtfully, “But any time I go on a first date, I take chances. At least with this man, he has a public reputation to protect.”
“Good point.” She said as I pulled up in her driveway. “Anyway, thanks for taking me with you tonight, and please let me know what’s going on. I’m invested in this now.”
I just smiled, “I promise. Now get to bed. I’ve got a phone call to make. Love ya!”
“Love ya too. Talk to you tomorrow.” I drove home, excited to talk to Joe again. Thankfully, the drive was just a couple of minutes.
I settled into bed, plugging my phone in to charge before I called him. “Hello.”
“Hey,” I said.
“You home?” he asked.
“Yes. Home safe and sound. How is driving through Missouri at…” what time was it? I checked the clock. “1 am?”
I heard him chuckle. “Dark and boring.”
“Just cows and billboards?” I’d made that drive quite a few times, although seldom at night.
His low laugh caused butterflies in my stomach. “Something like that. What are you doing?” he changed the subject.
“I just got home, and I’m relaxing now.” I omitted the fact that I was curled up in bed.
“Do you have to work in the morning? I don’t want to keep you up if so.”
It was my turn to chuckle. “I don’t start work until late morning, so don’t worry about it.”
“So, any idea where you want to go to dinner?” He asked.
“Well, that depends on what you like.” I teased.
“I like just about anything.” He said, giving me no direction.
I thought for a second, “Well, if that’s the case, there’s a really great steak house downtown. Depending on where you stay, we may be able to walk from your hotel to it.”
He hummed his approval. “Steak will be fine.” He paused before saying, “Listen, I was thinking about coming earlier in the day. When do you get off work?”
I just laughed to myself. What he didn’t know was that I owned my own marketing firm, and Tuesdays were my lightest day. I could literally get off work by 11 am if I wanted to. I just had to work harder the day before. “I should be off by noon.” I said nonchalantly.
“Really? That’s perfect.” He said. “Any ideas what we could do?”
I smiled to myself, “Yeah, a few. You want to do the tourist stuff or spend the day seeing how the natives live?” I laughed.
“You really spend that much time in St. Louis?” He asked.
“Yes. My city is wonderful, but there’s so much more culture in St. Louis, like restaurants from different countries and art. We just don’t have those things in the semi-small town we live in, plus St. Louis is so close.” I explained.
“I want to see St. Louis the way you do.” I could hear the smile in his voice.
We talked until he arrived in Kansas City at a little after 3 am. I chided myself for staying up so late. I was going to be dragging tomorrow. That said, how often did I get the chance to talk to a WWE star?
We ended up talking a lot before Tuesday. There were sweet good morning texts, phone calls at night and even a couple of face time conversations sometimes with his Shield brothers and sometimes without.
One thing was perfectly clear; there was a connection between us. Or, I guess I should say I felt like there was a connection. I guess we’d find out for sure on Tuesday.
I don’t think I’d ever been this nervous going on a first date. I mean, this was Roman Reigns! Well, the guy who played Roman Reigns. He was Samoan, tall, tan, built, famous, rich, kind and funny. What the heck did I think I was doing? Girls like me just don’t end up on dates with guys like that!!!
And if that weren’t enough to scare me, he’d been dreaming about me. What if I didn’t live up to his expectations? My mind raced the whole morning. By the time I drove to meet him, I was shaking from nerves. I pulled up to the front of the hotel and found Joe standing outside waiting for me. He was dressed in jeans that fit him perfectly and a black, button down shirt. His long, dark hair was tied neatly in a bun, and when he smiled at me, I thought I’d faint.
He climbed in my passenger seat, grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it before buckling in. “Hey.” His smile broadened, and I melted.
“Hi.” I answered. He still had my hand and ran his thumb over the back of it. “When did you get in?” I asked as I started driving.
“9 this morning,” He said.
My mind reached frantically to find something to say. “How was your flight?” Oh, lovely. I have the most amazing man in my car, and all I can think to say is basic small talk? I’m going to ruin this date. I just know it.
He turned to face me before saying, “The flight was good, but tell me how your meeting went yesterday.” Thank goodness he wasn’t as nervous as me, and we settled into the easy conversation we’d been having on the phone.
Neither of us had eaten, so I headed to the Italian district, called The Hill, and parked in front of my favorite deli. We ate there, in the cramped deli with its rickety old tables and chairs, every table full and a line to order snaked around and out the door. I was nervous about Joe being recognized and inundated with requests for pictures and autographs, but we were only approached by one child who was waiting in line to order. Honestly, the little tyke was so cute and polite, I found it a pleasant experience.
When our sandwiches arrived, Joe loved it. “I can see why you chose this place. It’s delicious and I’m getting the real St. Louis experience.
“I’m just getting started.” I teased and we laughed.
Once we were done, we got back on the road. I turned into Forest Park before asking Joe, “Do you like art?”
He turned to me with a raised eyebrow. “Art?”
“Let me re-phrase that. Art, botany, history or animals?” I wound the car through the curves and hills of Forest Park like only a native could.
He chuckled. “I thought you were going to plan this date.”
“And I have. We are going to one of four places in the park. You just decide art, botany, history or animals?”
I found an empty parking spot on the side of the art museum and waited for him to decide. “I feel like I should say Zoo, because isn’t it like really popular?”
“It is,” I nodded to him. “and it’s great, and if I had kids I’d be there every chance I got.”
He finished the thought, “but there will be kids everywhere. I’d get swamped.”
I just nodded. “It’s up to you though. If you don’t mind the fans, I’m more than happy to take you to the zoo.”
“I think…” he squinted his eyes a bit in contemplation. “I think you want to show me the art, so let’s go.”
I held my hands up, “Don’t put words in my mouth. We have a stellar History museum, the wonderful Jewel Box which is basically a giant greenhouse with tropical plants or our world class Art Museum.”
“Which would you pick if you could spend a few hours here?” Ah he had me. I smiled big.
“The Art Museum.” We laughed. I opened my car door and got out. He sent me a questioning look as I walked around the car and took his hand, leading him around to the front of the museum. The giant façade looked out over Art Hill, a favorite sledding spot, and a beautiful lake.
“You’d already parked at the Art Museum,” he chuckled.
He admired the statue of St. Louis riding his horse in front of the building before opening the large door for me to go in. In front of us was a giant desk, and he reached for his wallet as he went toward the desk. I pulled on his hand to stop him. “It’s free.” I explained.
“Really?” he said as he drew out his wallet and looked for the donation box. He slid $100 in it, which was sweet and generous.
“Now,” I began to slowly pace around the desk to the atrium. “Just so you know, I have to stop by and see a guy,” intentionally wording it to see if he got jealous.
“Oh really?” He took my hand staring at me to see if I’d give him any clue, half scared and half amused.
I nodded, “Yup.” I started walking us to the room on the right. “I’m completely in love with him.” I said as we stopped in front of Reclining Pan, a giant, beautifully carved satyr lounging while eating grapes with his pan pipe close at hand. “Joe, meet Pan.” I said. Joe eyed the marble, admiring the details before walking behind it to look at the back.
“So, this is the competition, huh?” he teased. “I think I can take him.”
I couldn’t help but laugh as my eyes scanned each tiny carve, each smooth curve, each rippling muscle in front of me, and as Joe came back to the front of the statue to join me, I realized the irony of both the statue and him being so muscular…. Like carved out of marble. “I just can’t decide which of you has the better abs…” I couldn’t hold back a teasing smile.
He licked his lips as he thought, “You want me to open my shirt so you can compare?” We laughed so hard, I thought one of the guards was going to tell us to stop. “Baby, I hope you’re not expecting me to have fur and hooves.” We laughed more. He was serious now, “It’s a beautiful statue.”
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We wandered through room after room, up and down the stairs, taking in everything from modern sculptures to hieroglyphics. Some areas we went through faster, some slower so we could take in every detail.
Afterward, I took Joe on a drive around the city including The Arch, Graffiti Wall and some other popular places before heading to one of my favorite neighborhoods. The main street is full of shops selling everything from bread to hardware to French home decorations. We meandered stopping in the little shops along the way. Joe found some spices that he wanted to try. I pondered buying some sun-dried tomato and basil bread but decided against it. A young family with two young kids stopped to ask Joe for pictures, and he obliged.
Since I knew Joe liked beer, and we were two blocks away, I walked us over to Schlafly Bottle Works, a St. Louis local brewery. We sat at a little bar table with our drinks and talked about the art we’d seen, the city, work and so much more. The conversation was easy and relaxed.
When it was time, we returned my car to the hotel and started walking to the restaurant. We got stopped by 3 groups wanting pictures in just 2 blocks. I shouldn’t have been surprised at that, but we’d barely had any interruptions, and now we got 3. The young man behind the valet desk’s eyes bulged out when he saw us, and he quickly opened the door for us. Joe went to tip him, and the young man said he’d prefer a picture with Joe. Of course, he gave the kid both the picture and the tip.
“You made that kid’s night!” I chuckled, “and since this restaurant is owned by a former Cardinals player, it’s not uncommon to have players and other stars in here.”
“May I help you?” the young lady behind the hostess desk asked us, maintaining her professional persona even if her eyes did focus on Joe almost exclusively. Joe grabbed my hand, indicating we were together. I pondered for a second if he did that consciously or unconsciously.
“It’s under your name,” I squeezed Joe’s hand, and he returned the squeeze as he told the young lady and she walked us to a table in the middle of the restaurant.
“Could we maybe get that table instead?” Joe gave the hostess his flirty smile and I watched her melt as he pointed to a quiet corner table where we wouldn’t be so obvious.
She nodded as she cooed out, “Of course Sir.” I couldn’t help but laugh. I melted when he looked at me too.
Waiters and busers went into action. First, ice water in our glasses, then drink orders, then delivering drinks etc.  One of the things I loved about this place was that it ran like a well-oiled machine. The servers were among the best in the city, and we never wanted for anything, but we also didn’t feel smothered. We sat and ate and talked and laughed. There were touches across the table. There were long eye locks. We watched as the people of St. Louis paraded past the floor length windows next to us. In short, it was perfect. This was by far the best date I’d ever been on.
After, we finished, we asked our waitress for a good calm after dinner place where we could talk, and she suggested Bailey’s Chocolate Bar. I’d heard good things about it and agreed. There, we found a dimly lit, slightly hidden corner with a loveseat and two tiny round tables in front of us each just big enough to hold a drink or two and a candle. As we enjoyed the privacy and the conversation, intimacy grew starting with hand holding, then his arm around the back of the seat, then soft, gentle kisses.
This man could KISS! My body responded to every single kiss, every single touch, torturing me with need. I wanted……. Oh! I wanted. Watching the light from the candle cross his face. Seeing his smile, smelling his cologne. I wanted, but just as my mind was getting hazy with lust, Joe broke our kiss, taking a deep breath to calm down and asked if I wanted to split a dessert with him. If I wasn’t going to give in to my sex drive tonight, I was going to give into a chocolate craving, so I agreed. The dessert was a smart way to break the sexual tension.
“So,” Joe put his arm around my shoulder casually. “Can I see you tomorrow?”
@mindofasagittaruis​ @lclb13​
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the-starsabove-you · 5 years
The Spotlight
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Chapter 20- Michelle, TK and the Fastest Skater.  A/N: Reviews are welcomed! Always love hearing your thoughts and stuff! I’ll be making an updated playlist of this series later and there’s a one shot coming later! Thank you guys for taking the time to read it!  Next chapter is the last All-Stars chapter before everything goes back to normal!  Michelle was strolling through the hallways towards the locker room. Mat’s mother asked if she could take pictures of Mat before the skills challenges started. Mat’s parents were sitting and saving her seat. The morning and afternoon was good, Michelle and Mat were being tourists with Mat’s parents. All of them finding a good place for lunch at a local cafe. Mat’s parents were in awe of how sweet and in awe Mat and Michelle were with each other. Michelle was wearing Mat’s jersey with black jeans and wedges along with a high ponytail. She was very excited to see Mat in the fastest skater challenge. She was rounding the corner and was ready to knock on the door until she bumped into a figure and she would had fallen until the person caught caught her and she was confused but didn’t fall and she saw the figure It was a man with brown hair up to his shoulder, he was wearing an orange jersey that Michelle knew that was the Flyers. Michelle had attended an Islanders and Flyers game once and was amazed by both teams. “Watch where you’re going” The man said and she gave him a look “You should be watching where you’re going” The man narrowed his eyes at her “What are you a fan? How did you get back here? Do I need to call someone to help you to your seat?” “I was allowed back here, I know how to read my ticket and seat number thank you very much. I’m here to see my boyfriend and take pictures of him.. His mom asked me to” “And I was just born yesterday.” The man said and Michelle narrowed her eyes “At least I’m not the one wearing the orange jersey.. Doesn’t fit you anyways” The man broke into a grin “You’re a bonehead” He laughed as he shook his head “Whose your boyfriend?” “Mat Barzal” She said and the man’s eyes widen “Michelle Wilson?” He asked and she nodded and the man looked at her and stuck his hand out “My name is Travis Konecny, my friends call me TK” “Nice to meet you TK” She said and he gave her a look “Woah since when were you my friend?” He asked and she narrowed her eyes playfully “Have I mentioned that I hate you TK?” She said and the man grinned before Michelle sighed “How did you know my name anyways?” “Word around the locker room was that Mat Barzal’s international supermodel girlfriend would be attending the event.. Some of us were actually wondering if it was true. Mat just nodded when a couple of guys asked him. I’ve been sitting next to him for all of this, we’ve become cool” “Is he still in there?” She asked and TK nodded “Should be out soon. I’ve seen pictures of you..” TK said observing her before shaking his head “You’re more pretty in the pictures” He joked and Michelle couldn’t help but laugh “You’re my new enemy. It’s final. The feud of the year.. Michelle vs TK” TK grinned “Does that mean we have to have some sort of social media war? I’m not really on so you would win” “I’ll find the first camera that’s point at me and I’ll express how much I hate you and you’re my sworn enemy” “I can’t wait for this feud to boil over” TK laughed as he grinned at her before sighing “I’m gonna head towards the benches so I could get a nice spot. Mat should be out soon, I’ll make sure I beat your boyfriend and then challenge you for fastest skater” “Oh you’re on.. I could beat Mat in the fastest skater.. I could take you down too.” Michelle joked and TK grinned, amused “Okay Bonehead, I’ll see you later at the club?” He asked and she nodded “We’ll have a drink” “Looking forward to it” TK grinned before bidding her farewell and taking his stick and heading towards the tunnel. Michelle leaned on the wall, waiting for Mat to come through the door. A couple of Hockey Players came through and their eyes widened as they spotted her. She would smile in greetings and they would smile back and some would wave. But Michelle would hear the mutters about her from them. The door opened and out came a man with a green jersey that had a star in the middle. He was tall with brown hair. He did a double take on her before closing the door and making his way towards her “Hi” The man said and Michelle smiled “Hi, Michelle” She said and the man shook her hand “Oh I know who you are. I like your work” He said before clearing his throat “Tyler Seguin, I play for the Dallas Stars” “Nice to meet you Tyler. Thank you” She said and Tyler smirked “Of course.. I had always wondered when I would be meeting you face to face. I just didn’t expect to meet you here” He said and Michelle nodded “I’m here supporting my boyfriend” She said smiling, thinking of Mat and Tyler nodded “Have I also mentioned you're prettier in person? The camera doesn’t lie for sure” Tyler said and Michelle nodded “I’ve been told that” She grinned and Tyler couldn’t help but grin “Glad you know it then, you’re truly beautiful” Before Tyler could keep up with his flirting, someone cleared their throat and Tyler looked back and Michelle looked to see that Mat was standing in the open doorway with another player. Mat looked very unimpressed with Tyler as he was tapping the top of his stick and Tyler grinned “Hey Mat, was just introducing myself to Michelle over here” Tyler said and Mat gave him a look “I see that.” He said and Tyler was just grinning as he nodded “I’ll see you at the benches” He said before looking over and winking at Michelle “Hopefully I get to see you around” Without a word, he strolled off to the benches. Mat literally glaring daggers at him before wrapping an arm around Michelle’s waist and kissing her head “Hey, everything okay?” He asked and she nodded “I just came back here because your mom wanted a picture of you before you go out there” She said and Mat nodded before turning to the player next to him “Michelle, this is Seth Jones. He plays for the Blue Jackets. One of my favorite players too” Mat grinned as Seth nudged him playfully “Oh shut it” He said before shaking Michelle’s hand “Mat’s told me great things about you” He said and Michelle grinned “I hope so, otherwise he’s sleeping on the sofa tonight” “Oh ouch” Mat pretended to be hurt before Seth chuckled “She’s your match, Barzy.” Seth said while both Mat and Michelle blushed. “Was anyone else giving you trouble?” Mat asked and Michelle shook her head “Although, can you hit TK with your stick or something. He called me a bonehead” He said and Mat gave her a look “What did you do to him?” “What I did to him?! You should be asking what he’s done to me!” Michelle said before crossing her arms “He assumed I was a fan sneaking in the back” She said and he grinned “Well aren’t you a fan of me?” He asked and she gave him a look “I’m going to kill you Barzal, Seth is gonna have to escort you to the ER” “Hey I won’t be messing with her” Seth held his hands up and Mat grinned before looking over at the tunnel “Alright, I need to get to the benches soon.” He said before Michelle took out her phone and Mat stood proudly and was smiling at the camera. Michelle ushering Seth into the pictures too and both guys were grinning. “Come on Love birds, I’m sure the parents will be happy to have a picture of you guys too” He said as Mat wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her closer as both smiled widely before Mat leaned forward to kiss Michelle in which Seth snapped a picture and handed the phone to Michelle “Okay Mat, we gotta get going” “Alright, I’ll see you after my thing.” Mat said leaning down to kiss Michelle before the guys were being ushered into the tunnel and Michelle rushed towards the seats and saw Mat’s parents waving at her before Michelle sat beside Mat’s mom “How was it?” Mat’s mom asked and Michelle nodded “It was good! Met some players and was hanging with Mat for a bit” The three of them were watching the introductions of each player coming out and then the fastest skater was happening. Each player being introduced and Mat’s parents and Michelle cheering the loudest for Mat. TK and Mat were skating towards the bench and TK saw Michelle and grinned before turning to Mat to say something in which Mat laughed. Michelle giving TK a look in which TK grinned back. Michelle was clapping for each skater but pretended to boo for TK. Who pretended to look offended as he skated off. Soon Mat was on and Michelle was grinning and he looked over at his parents and her and he smiled softly while the three of them smiled and waved back. Soon the timer went off and Mat was skating as fast as possible. Michelle getting out of her seat and cheering for him as she watched him move with grace. She always loved to watch him skate. Michelle clapped and cheered when Mat went through the finish line. He was in the lead now and Michelle was smiling. She saw Mat was relaxing at the bench as he was watching everyone else go, winking at Michelle when he could. Finally Connor McDavid was up, Michelle looking on nervously but Mat was still relaxed. She watched Connor skating and even his parents were curious and Michelle’s eyes widen when she saw that Connor got to the finish line but didn’t beat Mat’s time and Mat had won. Michelle got out of her seat and was jumping up and down, Mat’s parents joining as they stood up and clapped and they watched the players surrounding Mat and cheering for him as Mat was laughing and smiling. Michelle was smiling widely and she watched as Mat and the other players were walking back to the locker room to make room for the next challenge Michelle was watching the challenges and soon the girls were going to take the ice and have their game. Michelle got a text from Mat for her and his family to come towards the locker room area. Michelle and Mat’s parents met Mat near the locker room and Mat brought Michelle into a tight hug and he lifted her up the ground and spun her around. Michelle grinning and Mat put her down and brought her into a kiss “I knew you would win” She mumbled and Mat smiled “Really?” “I’m always going to cheer for you Mat, no matter what” Mat’s parents smiled as they joined the hug and soon Mat brought them into a room where everyone was hanging out. Some of the players relaxing with their families and others were watching the game with grins. Michelle was sitting on Mat’s lap as they were speaking with Mat’s parents. At the corner of his eye, Mat saw the Tkachuk Brothers looking at Michelle and suddenly Mat became more self-aware. He didn’t know that Michelle would be getting such attention. Sure, Michelle was a famous model but didn’t expect players to just be looking at her. Mat knew TK’s interactions with Michelle were harmless, TK came towards Mat at the bench and told him about the interaction and TK even joked that Michelle was an annoying sister to him. But he got nervous when he walked out the door with Seth and saw Tyler openly flirting with Michelle. He would have been alarmed if Michelle didn’t mention Mat as her boyfriend or if she started flirting back with Tyler. But Mat didn’t worry at all, he was very calm but wanted to tell Tyler off to leave her alone. He had noticed that some of the players were looking at Michelle, but if she wasn’t worrying or saying anything about it.. He had nothing to worry about. He wouldn’t be afraid to punch a guy or two if they started flirting or made her feel uncomfortable. “You’re ready to go?” Michelle said and Mat snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her “Sorry babe, I was lost in thought” He said before Michelle nudging his leg with her own “I said the girls are finishing their game.. Ready for the last challenge before we meet the players at the club?” “Yeah, sorry” Mat said before kissing her cheek and she got up and Mat’s parents smiled “You guys are so cute” His father said his mother nodded in agreement “You guys are a very nice match.. It is nice to see Mat so relaxed and happy with someone and understands his life style” She said and Michelle nodded “Thank you, he’s very special to me and I’m very happy with him. I know with both of us traveling and both of us working, it will be hard at times but we’ll make it” “I know sweetheart” Mat’s mom winked. Mat’s parents and Michelle went back to their seats while Mat hung out with Seth and Auston. TK close by. All of them watching with grins on their faces as players had to shoot the puck from a higher level. Once the event was over. Mat’s parents bid Mat and Michelle a farewell before returning to their hotel room. Mat held Michelle’s hand as everyone was in the garage, some hockey players with their partners and others were just chatting with others. Mat squeezed her hand as he led her towards Seth and TK. Who were chatting until TK saw Michelle “It seems like I couldn’t beat your boyfriend, bonehead. I’ll do it next time for sure” TK greeted and Michelle greeted as they fist bumped each other “Now I gotta kick his ass and I’ll take his fastest skater title” “Oh really?” Mat said with an eyebrow raised and Michelle nodded proudly until Mat grinned and kissed her head “You’re cute” Seth chuckled and he hugged Michelle in greeting before greeting Mat. “Ready to have the night of our lives and party?” “Let’s do this” Michelle grinned as a couple of people started filing into cars. Auston Matthews nodded his head to Michelle in greeting and she smiled back. Michelle and Chris Kreider high fiving and talking about favorite places to eat while they were waiting for cars. Mat’s arm around his girlfriend’s arm. Soon a car came for them and Mat, Michelle and TK piled into the back while Seth went to the front. A majority of the car ride was Michelle and TK bickering as TK would try to wiggle for more room and Michelle pushing him so she could have more room. Mat watching the two with amusement. Mat, Michelle, Seth and TK got out of the car and were walking into the club. Michelle in awe of how big the club was and she was grinning “This is like a Gatsby party” “Lots of people” TK noted and Seth nodded “I like it” “Why?” Mat asked and Michelle turned to him “A lot of people.. Makes some interactions intimate” she whispered and Mat nodded “You’re right” He muttered. The club started getting more busy as hockey players and partners were filing in. Soon the dance floor was crowded with so many people and Michelle grabbed Mat’s hand and led him into the dance floor and they danced in the middle of the dance floor, Mat and Michelle not worrying over anything because of the fact the club was packed. They were young and carefree adults, dancing the night away with each other. Mat kissed Michelle softly and Michelle deepened the kiss and she broke the kiss and looked at him, her eyes half closed “Wanna head back to the hotel now?” He was smirking “I do deserve some kind of prize for winning fastest skater” He said and she narrowed her eyes playfully “Alright, Pretty Boy. Let’s go” They said their goodnights to everyone and retreated back to their hotel room.
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Think Twice Part 1
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"I am going to make sure you never even think of touching my girl ever again. I am going to make sure you wish you never even met her."
Loosely based on the song “Think Twice” By Eve 6. 
Seth Rollins x OC x Jon Moxley
Rated: M 
Warning: some abusive themes, violence, drinking 
Tag Team: @sithstatlander @xladyxfatex @writtingrose ​
If anyone else wants to be added to the tag permant or for this story ask is open.  
As Always ENJOY
Aria's POv~
“You don’t think this is too soon, do you?” I asked Alexa as we sat in the lunchroom break room together.
Alexa shrugged as she pushed a fork into her salad. “I mean, it wouldn’t hurt. It doesn’t have to be anything serious. It could just be you two ending up being friends. Besides, you need something to cheer you up and get you out. You have been depressed this whole time. It worries me honestly. You know that leads you right back to him.”
I sighed. She was right. Whenever I felt lonely, it was easy to back to him. I couldn’t help it. I was in love with him. He just wasn’t good for me.
~flashback a few weeks ago~
I was minding my own business, watching Netflix like any other night after work. Seth was working late on the books. It was pretty normal. I would have never expected what was going to happen next.
Seth came storming into the house. The door slammed so hard the pictures on the wall shook. I had no idea what had gotten into this time, but it wasn't good. I was too scared to even get up and ask. Not like it would have mattered because his long legs aided him to get to the living room fast. He threw his phone on the coffee table. "Is there something you want to tell me, Aria?"
I looked up at him confused. I could see the anger fueling in his eyes. The normal soft, caramel orbs were dark and harsh. It almost scared me. Anger like this I had seen before, but normally I had an idea what it was about. I moved towards the edge of the couch looking down at the phone. It was a screenshot of  text messages. My text messages. "How did you get these?" I asked him. They were from my Instagram. It was a completely harmless dm. To Seth, it was more. Seth had a huge jealousy problem. He didn't like me talking to other guys thought he was always talking to other girls.
"Why does it matter how I got them? Keep going I got more screenshots."
I swiped to the side looking at more. My heart sunk. I knew I should have deleted those ones. "Seth, this one isn't what you think."
"You told Alexa, you had a plan to leave me. That I was too overbearing. Too hypocritical. I can go on." He said as he paced infront of me.
"Well, don't you think going through my texts kind of proves that. You don't trust me."
Seth groaned. "I used to, but it’s hard to with all these pictures you post on social media."
I stood up at this. "Me? Me?! Show me one picture on your page where you wear a shirt that doesn't promote the gym or is of us which by the way barely exists!"
"Why do you keep turning this around on me?!" He yelled getting closer to my face. "We are talking about you."
I held my ground getting right up in his face. "Because you do the exact same thing. Let’s go through your dms. I bet I can find tons of flirty ones of you and Becky." I still had his phone in my hands. I took it and started walking towards the bedroom. He quickly ran behind me as he yanked me back, but he wasn't fast enough. I had already seen enough. "You...you…"  I couldn't get the words of my mouth as tears began to fill. The texts were beyond what I thought they were. They were dirty with pictures included. I almost couldn't believe my eyes. I was so mad, I slammed his phone against the wall. It broke into pieces against it. Seth stood there with his mouth open. He closed it glaring at me.
"What the fuck was that for!" He yelled his grip tight on me.
"You know what that was for," I said pushing him off me. I pushed him hard again making him fall back. "You motherfucker! You always make me look like a fool! Trying to pin cheating on me when looking at what you are doing! Sending your dick again. I forgave you last time, but you go and do it all again! How do you think this makes me feel!"
"You aren't any better!"
"Am I? I never ever sent someone else pictures of my naked body parts."
"We were sending pictures of our results." He said rolling his eyes. I hated it when he did this. He acted like everything I said was the stupidest thing.
"Really? I didn’t know you were working out your penis with her.” I said the sarcasm dripping as I spoke. I turned from him heading into the bedroom to grab my bag. I had one secretly stashed in case something like this happened. I hated being prepared, but with how Seth and I have always been, I couldn’t help it. This wasn’t the first time I caught him cheating and it wasn’t the first time I took him back thinking he would change. He doesn’t. I am no perfect angel in this relationship, but at least I try to make things right. He tries for a while. He makes me feel like things could be different this time, but every time, every single fucking time, I am wrong.
As soon as I come out with the bag, his eyes widened. “So you do have a bag. I thought you were just saying shit for Alexa to get off your back, but you actually have a bag.” He shook his head. “You aren’t actually going to leave.” He stated, trying to call my bluff. I wasn’t bluffing though I walked passed him hitting my arm against his shoulder. He shook his head grabbing me back. “You aren’t fucking going anywhere.”
I pulled my arm back, but his grip was too tight. “Who says? You aren’t the boss of me.”
“I say so.” He said as he pushed me against the wall. “I fucking love you, Aria.”
“Well, you got a funny way of showing it!” I screamed at him.
“God damn it,” He said punching the wall in anger. The drywall cracked under the pressure, dust hitting me. I screamed in shock as his hand went through it. He pulled his hand back as he started to realize what had just happened himself. “Aria, I am-”
I held my hand up before I pushed him off once more before I grabbed my bag and left for Alexa’s.
I hadn’t spoken to him since. He had tried to, of course, get in contact with me. He sent over a million apology texts and flowers. Becky had even come to apologize to me. I forgave her. I really didn’t hold any ill will towards her. She had said he told her we had broken up and were just living together until I found a place to stay. She would have never if she had known the truth. I couldn’t hold her against her if I tried. She was just caught in his web. If he really wanted to be with me, he would have told her the truth.
“Maybe you are right.” I finally spoke as I pulled myself from my thoughts. “I need some fun regardless of what happens.”
Alexa smiled at me. “That’s the spirit. Now, come to my house at seven and we will get you all ready.” She said before getting up.
I felt like the week sped by. Which was good because my nerves about this date were crazy, but also bad because I was still really nervous about the whole ordeal. It had been years since the last time I had tried to go out on a date and that was with Seth. I was sure that was going to be the last time that ever happened. Did I even want to try again just to go through it all again? Alexa was right though. Just go and have fun. What could it hurt just to go get to know somebody? It couldn't hurt right. 
I was in the car sitting outside the bar we were supposed to meet at. Trying to calm my nerves. Alexa did her best to psych me up, but I could still feel the nerves pool deep down. I slowly got out of the car. I had to hold my dress down. It was so tight. Alexa had given me a small black dress that hugged every inch of my curves. I pulled my leather jacket closer to me as I felt eyes fall on me. I could tell guys were staring. I shook it off finding a seat. I pulled out my phone looking at the time. I was a bit early so I had time to try and use some alcohol to relax. I ordered a rum and coke. 
"That is not all that I would have expected from a girl like you." The man in the seat nearby said when he heard my order. 
I wanted to ignore him, but I couldn't help but glance where the voice had come from. I should have known a deep husky voice like that belonged to a strong-looking man. His shoulders were wide and you could see his muscles from underneath his tight leather jacket. He was fit. I could tell he worked out. No man could look like that without it. His piercing blue eyes watched me as I moved to face him. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?" 
"You look like sex on the beach type of girl?" He said as he took a drink of what looked to be whiskey. 
I rolled my eyes, “Looks can be deceiving.” 
He raised an eyebrow, “Really? Well, why don’t you tell me, why a pretty girl like you is doing at a bar by herself on a Friday night?” He gave me a quick look up and down. “If you must know, I am waiting for a date. What are you doing here all by yourself?” I asked, crossing my arms. 
“Waiting for your date to be over with,” He chuckled as he put a drink down. 
“What do you mean?” I was taken aback by this response. I figured he was waiting for a date or a few friends.
"I guess you will have to wait since I think your date is here." He said gesturing as Kevin walked through the door. I had only spoken to Kevin a handful of times. He worked with Alexa and I, but he worked in a different department. I saw him for parties and other things. Alexa knew him better than I did and knew he had just gotten out of the relationship himself so maybe it would be good for us to get out. I think Alexa was just trying her hand at matchmaker. 
He smiled as he walked towards me, “Hey, Aria, sorry I am a bit late. Traffic sometimes can be hard to get around.”
I smiled back at him, “It’s fine. I understand, How about we get a table?” I said as we walked towards the table. I could still feel that man’s eyes on me. I wasn’t sure what to think of him. His whole waiting thing was probably some dumb cheesy pick up line, but yet as my date went on, every time I looked over towards him. His eyes were still there. I wasn’t sure if Kevin was aware of it. He didn’t show it if he was.
 The talk of the date mostly revolved around work and getting to know each other a bit better. He was a really nice guy, but I knew I wasn’t attracted to him in the slightest. It wasn’t that he was ugly or anything. He was a bit bigger built, but he was still fit in a way. He was a decent guy all around and it could have maybe worked out, at least for a second date, if it wasn’t for the man that was sitting across the way  watching us. He was hiding it quite well too. If I wasn’t watching him back, I would have never noticed. He talked to other girls, but it never lasted long. He talked to people about the game on the tv. 
Kevin excused himself to the bathroom when he took this chance to turn around and face me.. A smile was on his face. “So, are you enjoying the show?” I asked him 
“Greatly.” He said as he took a drink. He had switched to a beer. He must have been trying to sober up a bit. “I am also glad it’s almost over.” 
“How do you know that?” 
He shrugged, “I just know things.” 
“How about you let me know something?” He raised an eyebrow at me. “What’s your name?” 
“Jon, and you?” 
“Aria,” Kevin said from behind me. I bit my lip. I had no idea how this looked. Maybe it looked like an innocent conversation. I hope it did. “Can you come here?” Kevin asked. I nodded as I got up from the spot. 
“I am so-” Kevin held up his hand. 
“Let’s face it, Aria, we have zero chemistry. We both just agreed to do this for Alexa. How about we just end this night? You can go talk to him. I don’t want to hold you back. I know Alexa will kill me for leaving you alone, so if he turns out to be creepy just call.” I nodded smiling. 
I wrapped my arms around to hug him. He hugged back. 
“I am sorry it didn’t work out.” 
He shrugged. “Maybe, its for the better.” He said as he let go. I gave him a quick peck of the cheek before returning to speak to Jon more. 
--No POV-- 
Kevin sighed as he walked back towards his car. He kind of should have known Aria would have no interest in him. He honestly couldn’t blame her for wanting someone else. The date wasn’t the greatest. He still wasn’t over his ex either, so there was no way it could go good.. The whole date he just wished it was her instead of Aria. He was kind of glad that she found someone to take interest in so the night wouldn’t be a total failure. He remember Alexa mentioning that she was worried, she would run back to Seth and Seth was no good for her. Alexa really wanted to show her that there was more out there and she could find better. Hopefully that guy could help more than he did. 
 He walked towards his car hitting the button to find it in the parking garage. All of a sudden, a van with blacked out windows pulled up next to Kevin with two men coming out. They jumped on him almost immediately. Kevin tried his best to defend himself from the blows, but he was out number. He wasn't prepared to fight, but he would be damned if they got him. He had been a fighter before giving it up for a normal life. He was rusty but he knew he could take them. As a rush of adrenaline pushed through him, he was able to take out the two men. 
He heard clapping from behind him turning around to see one of his old foes, Seth freakin Rollins. "Well, looks like you still got it in you, Kev, after all these years." 
"What do you want, Seth? I told you, I wasn't coming back." 
"Why? The whole reason you stopped left you." Seth pointed out as he grabbed for something in the back of the car. "That isn't why I am here. I am here, because of your little date with my girl." He said as he held a steel bat in his hands. Kevin tried not to let this scare him. He was just trying to scare him. 
Kevin looked at him confused, "Both her and Alexa said she was single." He knew somewhat of their relationship. Not enough to think this would happen.  
Seth didn't respond to this statement. "I got a question though. Was she not good enough for you to at least walk her to her car? Make sure she got there okay? There are a lot of creepers out there. It would be a shame if something happened to her.”
Kevin scoffed. “You wouldn’t hurt her besides I didn’t leave her by herself. She met a guy she seemed to like at the bar.” Seth’s eyes widened. He pulled the steel pipe back and smacked Kevin hard in the stomach. “What the fuck?!” He yelled as he fell to his knees.
“You just left her with some guy! Who knows what kind of scum you could have left her with.” 
Kevin groaned, “She seemed to like him. He didn’t look like a bad guy. I mean she dated a guy who hits people with pipes. What could be worse?” Seth hit him again this time in the arm. 
“Akam! Rezar!” He yelled at the two men. They stood up and grabbed Kevin standing him up so he couldn’t move as Seth gave another blow to his stomach. “Now what did this man look like?” 
“Fuck,” Kevin groaned in pain. “He was just a guy with reddish brown short hair and a beard. He looked like any ordinary bar guy. I heard him tell her his name was Jon. He didn’t say a last name.” 
“Get him out of my sight.” Seth growled as he handed the pipe to Rezar. 
“Wait, no what?!” Kevin screamed as the men took him into the van. Seth walked off pulling out his phone. He dialed the number fast. “Murphy! Send me a picture of the guy Aria is talking to in that bar. He hung up the phone. It wasn’t long before the picture appeared on his screen. Seth could feel anger burn inside him as he looked at the image. He tightened his fist as he looked to the sky. “Ambrose.”
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An Ending Within--Ch. 7
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A/N: This takes place at Revolution, with a small set of details changed. 
Chapter 7
           Heart pounding. A desperate rush of adrenaline into my veins. Deep breaths. My first showing with the Inner Circle. And it was on a pay-per-view. I bounced, working warmth into my limbs, rolling my shoulders. This was the moment that would make that debut worthwhile.
           I dressed in my gear—Daisy Duke style denim shorts over dark tights and fishnet stockings, a tight zippered camo top, and combat boots—and made sure that my makeup and hair was done. That was something different about AEW that I liked, most of the time. I could control my look. Sure, I had to go heavy handed for the cameras, but I didn’t have to deal with horrible makeup ideas that made me look stupid.
           The one thing I hated was that I had to pay to keep my hair done these days. The red had faded more than I liked, but Leva Bates had taken to helping me out with it.
           Jericho stepped up nearby, bandana on. His jacket was studded with two-inch long spikes. I was pretty sure it was the same one that he’d used to put Jon’s eye out. Santana and Ortiz were just behind him—Santana with a bandana over his face and dark sunglasses—with Hager and Sammy not far away. The latter looked me up and down with a smirk.
           “Looking good, Black.” Sammy said nastily.
           I smirked. “Try something, Guevara, and see what happens.”
           Jericho grinned and made sure that his AEW championship was tight around his waist. I grinned as I pulled on a pair of fingerless gloves. “Keep it in your pants, Sammy. She’ll kick your ass before you can blink.”
           Before he could say anything else, music swelled through the arena. Jon’s entrance began and I could hear the pop for him when he appeared out of the crowd. I watched Jericho’s mouth turn down at the sound of people screaming for his opponent.
           There was a sudden quiet and a choir began singing. I rolled my eyes at the pure drama of it. Jericho had gotten himself an entire church style choir to sing his theme, even though he knew his version would play before we walked out.
           “Big Hurt, Sammy, you know your jobs. Don’t let me down.” Jericho turned toward me. “And you know what you’re supposed to do.”
           “Of course I do, Chris. And we’re going to make it look perfect.”
           There were only three of us at ringside—me, Santana, and Ortiz. Jon and Jericho were fighting like caged animals in the ring, doing their best to destroy one another. Every time Jon caught sight of me, I smirked and stayed in his line of vision. It was enough of a distraction that Jericho could get a few good shots in every now and then.
           About halfway through the match, Jericho had Jon tight in the Walls of Jericho right in the middle of the ring. I paced outside the ring watching the whole thing, keeping my eye on where Aubrey was, waiting for the moment when I could make a move.
           It happened when Jon was caught deep in the Walls of Jericho. I stood between Santana and Ortiz opposite the hard camera, leaning on the apron. Jericho was facing away from us, which made Jon have to look square at me.
           I pressed my palms against the apron and started beating out a rhythm, yelling into his anguished face. “C’mon, Jon! C’mon… you’re almost there!”
           There was a flicker of something like hope in his visible blue eye. As if he thought all of this had been a mistake or a ruse to trick Jericho. I wrapped my fists around the bottom rope and pushed it toward him, cutting off a few inches he would need to crawl to break the hold. Santana kept an eye on Aubrey, snatching at her foot to distract her when she started paying too much attention to where I was.
           Jon crawled along the canvas, reaching out for the rope I’d pushed toward him. As soon as he got within grasping distance, I smirked, put my foot up against the apron and pulled the rope back as far as I could.
           Unfortunately, Aubrey saw me. She slipped between the bottom and middle ropes and started railing at me, waving her finger in my face. I let go of the rope and stepped back, both hands up over my head. I backed all the way into the security rail and laughed, even thought people in the first row were shouting horrible things at me.
           That was when I knew I’d done a good job… that they were starting to believe that I was a heel. And fucking over Jon Moxley seemed to be a good way to get on the fans’ bad side.
           Jericho wasn’t happy. I could hear him shouting and cursing as he paced the ring. He pushed and crowded Aubrey toward the ropes, getting in her face. I knew this part of the plan. If it looked like he was going to lose… he had to get disqualified. By any means necessary.
           Aubrey looked him over after he pushed her hard enough to make her stumble. Santana and Ortiz grabbed Jon by the ankles and started dragging him toward the apron, but he kicked free and got to his feet.
           Just in time to get a glimpse of Jake Hager before getting sucker punched right in the face. It was a beautiful blow that knocked Jon clear on his ass.
           Unfortunately, Aubrey saw it. The four of us—Santana, Ortiz, myself, and Hager—we stood ringside looking as innocent as we could. All of us with our hands up, shouting false pleas that we’d done nothing wrong. She pointed at each of us in turn. Santana and Ortiz climbed onto the apron, cursing and begging.
           Aubrey wound up… and tossed all four of us from ringside. I let out a scream of frustration and beat the apron with my fists. My fellow Inner Circle members stood on the ramp, Aubrey leaning over the ropes to yell at them. Somehow, for an instant, she’d forgotten I was there. She climbed through, getting up into Hager’s face.
           I looked back toward the audience, grinning as I saw Sammy Guevara running up and vaulting the railing. Rolling my eyes at his choice of attire, I slid into the ring. Jon was down on his knees, still reeling from Hager’s punch. In an instant, Sammy had snatched up Jericho’s title and tossed it into the ring. I snatched it up and hit Jon square in the chin with a running lariat, title in hand.
           Rolling under the ropes, I tossed the belt back to Sammy, who hurriedly jammed it back on the ringside table. Together, he and I jumped the security railing and took off running toward the concourse. Fans yelled and booed as we ran by. I couldn’t stop laughing.
           Security met us at the concourse entrance and guided us around to the backstage area. Once we were safely out of view, I ran to the nearest monitor and crowded up into the Elite, all of whom were watching the match with interest.
           “Budge up, Hangman. Make some room,” I said, elbowing Adam Page out of the way. He chuckled and scooted a steel chair behind him for me to stand on. Grinning, I leaned over, forearms digging into his and Kenny’s shoulders for balance.
           The match continued on. Blood dripped down Jon’s face from the shot he’d taken to the ring post early in the match. Jericho hammered his left side with punches and forearms. Just as it seemed Jon was going to hit him with the Paradigm Shift, Jericho went for his good eye.
           “You son of a bitch!” I shouted at the monitor, blood boiling.
           “You say that better than Kenny,” Nick called from the end of the row.
           “Fuck off, Jackson,” Kenny retorted playfully.
           “Hey, fellas. There’s a lady present!” Hangman declared, looking slightly concerned.
           “You can mind your goddamn business, Page,” I snapped back even though there was a wide grin on my face. The cowboy laughed and shrugged, almost causing me to lose my balance.
           Jon hobbled around the ring, trying his best to find Jericho. Jericho taunted him, keeping just out of reach of the clubbing blows that Jon could deliver. For a moment, it looked like Jericho was going to be able to deliver the Judas Effect. He ran at Jon, who was struggling to get to his feet. In an explosion of movement, Jon burst at Jericho and hit him hard with a sloppy sort of Paradigm Shift.
           Smirking like the devil, he lifted the patch off to reveal a perfectly healed eye. I squealed at the pop that rattled the roof. Jon turned just as Jericho ran at him. One kick to the gut and an elevated Paradigm Shift later, Aubrey hit the one… two… three…
           “Hell yes,” I shouted, popping up so fast that I wobbled on the chair. I let out a yelp as I tipped, slipping sideways.
           Before my body slammed into the concrete, I landed in a tangle of cradling limbs. The Bucks grinned as they set me on my feet. “Watch yourself,” Nick said laughing.
           I smacked him on the shoulder. “Thanks, Jackson,” I said, wriggling past him to stand in front of the monitor. Jon was in the ring, his title in his hands, talking and celebrating and cussing. He was grinning in a way that I hadn’t seen in a long time. I wanted desperately to go down to the ring to and help him celebrate.
           Jericho came charging through the curtain into the backstage area. He glared the moment he laid eyes on me. “What did I tell you about that Elite trash, Black?”
           I rolled my eyes and peeked around Nick’s shoulder. “From where I’m standing, they’re the ones with gold. You just got your ass kicked.”
           “Because you couldn’t do your job! Don’t think about screwing me over. If you think you’re going to cost me my title and then run back to Moxley, you’re either an idiot or a moron.”
           My blood burned. I pushed past Nick and shrugged off Matt’s searching hand. I stalked up to Jericho and stared him down, even though I had to look up at him. “Chris, do us both a favor and shut your mouth. And go fuck yourself.”
           I flipped him off and shoved Sammy out of my way. From behind me, I could hear Matt and Nick laughing. I ignored them all and made my way to Jon’s dressing room to say congratulations.
           On the way, I stopped and grabbed my phone from the female talent locker room. There was a message on it from Seth. I opened it to find a picture of him, Sefina in his lap, Kevin curled up beside him. Another came in just after… a snapshot of the TV in the living room paused at the exact moment I’d clocked Jon in the face with the belt.
           Nice shot! And I LOVE that gear on you.
           I grinned like a fool, glad that I’d changed my mind on wearing my Inner Circle shirt.
           “Dollface!” I turned at the sound of Jon’s voice. He was beaming, the title draped over his shoulder, as he ran down the hall and swept me in his arms. Jon was sweaty and still oozing blood from the cut over his eye. “Did you have to hit me that fucking hard?”
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@mox-made-me-do-it​ @lakamaa12​ @sammyfireheartashryver @cburdine​ @easyobsession​ @xbutterflius-effectusx​ @0paint-the-stars0​ @echrai @themumbler​ @bigdunneenergy​ @queenofthearchitect​ @vebner37​ @reigns-rollins-ambrose​ @mother-forker​ @gwyneirastorm​
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norequestimagines · 5 years
Safeguard [Pt. 2]
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TW: domestic violence, smut
Thank you all for all the love on part one! Please go easy on me here, it’s my first time writing smut of any kind and it’s not very detailed. I tried lmao I hope y’all enjoy!
Josh helped my shaky body into the front seat of his truck before running around and getting in on the other side. The drive was quiet. I just didn’t know what to say. Being in his truck again felt like home and so uncomfortable simultaneously. There was so much left unsaid between us after the breakup, and now that such an emotional bomb had gone off, I just felt… overwhelmed. 
“Hey, me again. I’m not mad or anything, Josh, I just want to make sure you’re okay. You said you’d be home at 7; it’s 9 now and I haven’t heard a thing from you or any of the guys… Kinda starting to freak out, here. I love you, okay? I hope you’re home soon.” 
I’d texted him three times, called twice, and left one voicemail. Josh was forgetful, sure, but he wasn’t one to leave me waiting up with no explanation. He always shot me a quick “heading out with Seth and Boone, be home late!” text or at the very least had one of his buddies let me know, in the event his phone died or he left it at the arena. He’s never left me hanging like this before, and especially not on a night like tonight; our three year anniversary. 
We’d agreed to do something low key this year. The past two years had been big nights out but both of us had been so busy with work we just wanted to take some time for a night in. I’d ordered food from our favorite restaurant and made sure the house had a relaxing, romantic but low key ambiance to it. Way too much time was spent perfecting my hair into beach waves. My outfit was simple; distressed skinny jeans and a chunky white cardigan. He’d said more than once that even though I looked incredible in a gown for his charity events and award ceremonies, that his favorite thing to see me in was an outfit like this, because it’s what he wants to come home to for the rest of his life. I just wish he’d come home now. 
As I began to pack the food away, too sick with worry to eat any of it, my anxious mind began to wander. I started to put everything in the fridge and imagined all the terrible things that could’ve happened. What if he got into a car accident? Or he forgot to tell me he was going out with the guys and got into a bar fight and got arrested? What if he just completely forgot about tonight altogether? No, Josh would never forget our anniversary. But if he didn’t forget, he must be in jail or the hospital. 
Attempting (and failing) to keep myself too busy to worry, I was folding laundry when I heard a door open and shut. 
“Josh?!” I leapt out of my seat and ran to the living room where my boyfriend (who appeared safe and healthy and un-incarcerated) stood, hanging his jacket on the coat rack. 
“Hey.” he muttered, not even looking up to face me. 
I furrowed my brows, confused by the way he was acting. He was like this after a bad game sometimes but they didn’t have a game at all today. “Are you okay? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you; you had me worried, honey.”
“M’fine. Gonna go take a shower.” He trudged up the stairs and I figured it best to give him some space before prying. 
Once I heard the shower shut off, I made my way upstairs to try to unpack whatever was weighing him down. He was sitting on his side of the bed in a pair of sweats, facing our bedroom window with his head held in his hands.
“You want to talk about it?” I asked, my voice just above a whisper.
I wasn’t really sure where to go from here. Josh was never this cold with me. I slowly made my way to the bed, crawling to sit behind him before wrapping both my legs and arms around his middle. 
“Where were you, baby? I was so worried.”
“Can I just have ten god damn minutes?!” He stood and held his hands up, clearly frustrated. With what, I didn’t know. 
“I… Josh, I didn’t mean to…” I was at a loss. We’d gotten annoyed with each other, sure. What couple didn’t have arguments? But in the three years we’d been together, he’d never raised his voice at me. “It’s just, we made plans for tonight, and when you didn’t show up, I thought something had happened to you. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Yeah, Kara, I couldn’t really care less right now about our stupid plans, alright? I know I skipped out on our anniversary. But maybe I wouldn’t have if you hadn’t cheated on me.”
I could do nothing but stare at him doe-eyed. It had never crossed my mind since meeting Josh to even look at another man, let alone do anything with one. I loved him so much I wasn’t sure I could ever be with anyone else again. 
“Josh, what are you talking about?” I whimpered, tears already forming in my eyes. 
“Don’t play fucking stupid. You got caught, alright? Just own up to it.” He looked at me like I was gum on the bottom of his shoe.
“I didn’t get caught because I didn’t do anything!”
“Oh, yeah? The explain Riley.”
Riley. That name automatically sent me to a dark place.
Riley and I met in high school. He ran with the popular crowd, I guess, but it’s not like he was captain of the football team or anything. He was just well liked. Funny and smart and kind to everyone, regardless of their popularity. We started talking when we were paired up during a project for art class. He was sweet; would always carry my books and walk me to class, sometimes even surprising me with a coffee or flowers at my locker in the morning. But, all that glitters isn’t always gold. 
After we went to junior prom together, Riley and I began to get more serious. Over the summer, he’d convinced me to write off all of my friends because he just loved spending time with me so much, he wanted to spend it all with me. I quit the dance team because the form fitting costumes we wore made Riley uncomfortable. For a long time, found it endearing he cared so much. Until we left for college.
We both went to Ohio State and during sophomore year, we rented our first house together. That’s when things with Riley started turning really sour. I was expected to text Riley all day, every day, whether I was in a lecture, trying to take notes, or at work, trying to wait tables. My friends all had to be female, and if we ever went out, Riley had to come with, and had to approve my outfits before I was allowed to leave the house. One night, a guy from my chemistry class asked if he could come over to copy my notes from a day of class he missed. That was the first time Riley hit me. 
It only got worse from there. He’d come to my work, ordering drinks all night from across the restaurant while watching me. When I talked too kindly with a customer, I’d get punished. If I sat next to a male in class or stood too close to a male at a football game, I’d get punished. He stayed clear of my face and arms, but my ribs and legs were constantly littered with bruises from where he’d hit and kicked me.
I deserved it. Riley convinced me of that. I didn’t love him enough and this was my punishment. 
I didn’t seek help, myself. One night, Riley got sloppy and hit me across the face, resulting in a black eye. I covered as best I could with makeup the next morning before class but the guy from chemistry noticed. He’d text me during class for weeks, asking if I was okay, and if I needed help. Two weeks after the black eye, when Riley broke two of my ribs with his steel toed boots. The next morning, after Riley had left for work, I texted the guy from chem. “I need help.”
His mom had been a survivor of domestic abuse. She worked for the state now and gave me all the help I needed to get away from Riley. He was sent to jail for a while, and I went to therapy for years, trying to understand that this wasn’t my fault and I didn’t deserve it. I now had a restraining order against him and he hadn’t bothered me in years. 
“Riley?! How do you even know that name?! Josh, I don’t know what the fuck is going on but I swear on my life I have never cheated on you!”
He scoffed, pulling up instagram on his phone. “Swear on this.” He threw his phone next to me on the bed.
I picked up the phone with shaking hands. 
I saw Riley’s instagram account. There were pictures of him at work or with his family, but I also saw pictures of the two of us taken in college being posted as if they were taken now. Me sitting across from him in coffee shops and us holding hands in the streets of downtown Columbus. Captions reading, “if only you knew how much i loved you” and “can’t wait to see her again”. Tears began pouring freely down my face. 
“Josh, no. No, no, no, you don’t understand. This isn’t… He��s-”
“Just fuckin’ let it go, Kara. I found you out.” He snatched his phone out of my hands. “Some fan DM’d me his page and he and I had a nice, lengthy chat about the two of you. I can work through a lot of shit, Kar, but this?! I can’t move past this. I’m done. I’ll find somewhere else to stay for the night. Try not to be here when I get back.”
Before I could even process what had just happened, he was out of the room, slamming the door behind him hard enough to shake the walls. I heard his truck start up and drive away. 
I curled up in a ball and cried until I ran out of tears. I knew better than to try and call or text Josh. He needed to cool off and I needed to respect his space. I wrote him a letter before anything else, explaining my side of things. How Riley and I met and what he did to me. How I had a restraining order against him. How much I hated him and didn’t understand why he was doing this. I was so emotional while writing it, I can hardly remember what it said. I remember crying while writing it, my tears smudging the ink. After I’d gotten everything written down, I folded it up and slid it into an envelope, lying it on top of his pillow. He could read it whenever he was ready and that was the best I could do. Then, I packed a bag, called Boone, and hadn’t seen or heard from Josh since. Just like that. 
Riley had sent me a DM after the incident, asking if he could meet me for coffee so we could talk things over. He had orchestrated this entire thing in an effort to get Josh away from me. It was a breach of the restraining order, but I didn’t want to stir things up. I just wanted the entire mess to go away. I ignored the message and a week later, he showed up at my work. I went into a full panic attack and called the police. He was in custody and I was pressing charges. I just wished I wasn’t going through it alone. I wanted Josh to be there, to stand behind me and quiet my mind when it got too loud. But he was nowhere to be found.
He never called. He never texted. I had no idea if he’d even read the letter or not. Boone said Josh refused to talk about anything having to do with me whatsoever. I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad But it’d been two months of me moping around and being afraid of my own shadow, so when Boone begged me to go out, I agreed. I needed to feel something. 
Lost in my memories, I hadn’t noticed the route we had taken. We were across town from my new apartment. We were at our place. Well, Josh’s place. 
“What are we-”
“I just… figured you wouldn’t want to be alone tonight. That’s all.” He twiddled his thumbs against the steering wheel and bit his lip. 
“Thank you.” 
His eyes flashed to me quickly and widened. I assume he was expecting me to ask him to take me home, but as much as I hated to admit it, he was right. I had no interest in being alone right now.
Everything in the house was exactly the same. It’d been two months and he hadn’t even moved my scarf from the coat rack. Pictures of us still sat upon shelves. Even the Christmas decorations we’d put up together remained on the walls. 
“You should take a shower, uh, clear your head. I’ll take the guest room.”
“You don’t have to do that, Josh. I can shower down here and take the guest room. You’ve already done more for me tonight than I could ever ask for.”
“Kara, please, just… just take our room, alright? I mean, my room. Or, uh... “ His hand moved to run through his hair and scratch the back of his neck, a nervous habit he’s had since we met. 
An uncomfortable silence came upon us and I wanted to leave the area as quickly as I could.
“I’ll uh, I’ll take your bed.” Carefully, I walked upstairs as if the ground was made of glass. 
I stood under scalding hot water for an hour after scrubbing every inch of my body, making sure to get every microbe from that creep off of me. Josh hadn’t even moved my soap, but craving familiarity and comfort, I opted to use his instead. The scent of cedar filled my nostrils, momentarily making me forget that ash tray scented prick from earlier. 
Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself before noticing a few folded pieces of clothing on the counter that weren’t there when I got in. Sitting on top of them was a scratch piece of paper.
Closest I have to anything of yours. -J.
He left a pair of black sweats and a massive Columbus Blue Jays shirt. My favorite one that I’d stolen on more occasions that I could count. I smiled to myself before slipping his shirt on and leaving the sweats on the counter. 
Being back in the bed felt odd. I was relatively used to sleeping in it alone from Josh going on road trips, but this was different. We’d never slept separately while in the same house before. Not even after a fight. We’d always curl up back to back and halfway through the night, he’d wrap around me, apologizing before kissing my neck and falling asleep. Couldn’t do that from downstairs, now could he? And of course, my mind ran a mile a minute, thinking of everything that could’ve happened tonight if Josh hadn’t been there. If he’d still been sick or knew I was going and wanted to avoid me. My restless body found itself tip-toeing down the stairs. 
Raising my hand to knock on the guest room door, it opened before my knuckles could come into contact with it. His blue eyes widened at the sight of me. “I was just heading up to check on you.”
“I can’t um… C-can I sleep with you? I mean, just, I’m so jumpy and every little noise is- you know what? This is stupid, I’m sorry.” I scoffed and turned to head back upstairs. 
“It’s not stupid Kar, you went through some crazy shit. C’mere.”
We laid next to each other in silence. As weird as it was to be in our old bed without him, this was even more uncomfortable. 
“Are you okay? I mean, I know what he did was fucked up but he didn’t physically hurt you, did he?”
“No, no, you uh, you came in time. I’m okay.”
Another minute or two passed and my mind began to wander again.
“Josh, if you hadn’t been there…”
“Hey, come on, you can’t think like that. I was there, and you’re okay. That’s all that matters.”
I looked over at him in the moonlight and took a sharp intake of breath. I just couldn’t stop replaying it in my head. 
“Oh, Kara, honey.” I was pulled into his chest and began taking deep breaths, willing myself to keep it together. “I told you I’d always be here for you and I meant it, alright? Nothing is ever going to happen to you.”
I lifted my head, my sight flickering between his eyes and his lips. Inching forward, I swallowed nervously, afraid of rejection. Instead, Josh gently brushed a strand of damp hair behind my ear and slowly pulled me up to meet him.
The instant our lips touched, I felt fireworks in my stomach and moaned at the contact. I missed him so much. The kiss grew quickly, two months of not even speaking to each other catching up with us quickly. It turned from slow and hesitant to heated and passionate quickly. I began to run my hand down his clothed chest, pushing hands underneath his shirt and lifting it slightly. 
“Kara, wait-” 
“Please.” I whimpered. “I don’t want him to be the last man who’s touched me.”  I kissed him gently, bumping his nose with mine. “Please make me feel safe, Josh.”
He hesitated for a moment but claiming my lips again with his. Slowly, he used one hand to lift the shirt from my body, tossing it into the darkness while moving to lie me on my back and hover above me, one forearm resting next to my head, the other hand cradling my neck. He looked my body up and down and kissed just below my ear. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful, Kara.” Josh muttered, continuing my assault on my neck and decolletage before making his way back up to sweep his tongue into my mouth. He was always gentle with me but never as gentle as this. Tonight, he handled me as if I were made of glass. Like if he made one wrong move, I’d shatter. And maybe I would. 
He sat up on his knees for a moment to remove his own shirt before settling back down on top of me. His massive body sat on mine as if some kind of weighted blanket, shielding me from the world. As he kissed me, he moved his body along with mine. I could feel his erection growing against my hip and I moaned at the thought of it. My hands made their way down his body and onto his waistband, pushing on his sweats. 
One of his hands halted mine. “Kar, are you sure? I just want to be here for you. We don’t have to do this.”
“I want this, Josh. I want you.” 
His sweats met the floor and his length stood at full attention. I moved a hand to stroke it but he caught my wrist, guiding it to his mouth and kissing my knuckles, “Baby,” my bicep, “this is about you.” my shoulder, “Let me take care of you.”
We locked eyes as slowly pulled my lacy boyshorts down my legs. He kissed, licked, and sucked his way back up my legs, only letting his tongue dip into my heat twice before continuing to kiss up my body. Once he was back up at eye level, I felt his thick fingers carefully moving about around my entrance.
“Josh, please, just… please make love to me.”
His eyes widened but he said nothing, instead using the same hand to pull one of my legs around his hip. He looked down momentarily, lining himself up before thrusting his shaft into me. We moaned together at the feeling. I’d almost forgotten how good we felt together. 
Josh moved slowly, taking his time and being sure to stay close to me. My leg stayed planted atop his hip as he sank to rest his weight on me ever so carefully. When my eyes weren’t shut tight in pleasure, they wandered over him. The furrow of his brow, his button nose that sat above his plump lips. I watched his biceps and abs contract with every movement he made. It didn’t take long for the pressure to build in my center and I began whimpering and moaning his name. 
“Mm, I can’t… Josh, I’m-”
“I know, sweetheart, I’m right there with you.” He buried his head in my neck, gently nipping my earlobe. “Let go, baby. Let me feel you.” He moved his hands down again and circled my clit with them, sending me over the edge. 
“Oh, my god. Oh, my… Ah!” My hands gripped tightly to his biceps as they flexed next to me. I came breathlessly. I saw stars and all I could hear was Josh panting above me as he continued to thrust into me. I felt him bite my shoulder and finally cum inside me with a strangled, “Fuck, I love you.”
He moved to the side slightly, just enough to grab the blanket and pull it over us. I turned on my side. It was only a moment before I felt Josh’s arm wrap around my waist and hold my body tight to his.
“Josh?” I whispered, afraid to ruin this moment.
“I promise we can talk about this is the morning, sweetheart. Please just let me hold you tonight.” He sounded tired. I complied with his request, wrapping my hand around the forearm resting against my stomach, and it wasn’t long before my eyes grew too heavy to keep open any longer.
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