#I hate my taste in men bruh
darknight02 · 8 months
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I hate you, I love you and I hate that I love you
(These men makes me question things about my self)
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d3stinyist1red · 2 days
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ʙᴏss x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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yan mafia boss who you work under, with him being your boss and your his right hand woman
yan mafia boss who treats you like you own him, following with whatever you say
yan mafia boss who doesnt like any medics touching him, wanting you to be one treating him
The medic was standing in front of him, clearly fearful for her life bc the man in front of her could kill her if she did the slight mistake. She tried to pat and help the wounds of the Mafia boss who smacked her hand away and huffed.
"Bring me my n/n, now." He said glaring at her as she quickly nodded, basically running to you. She told you about how he refused to let her help and touch him as you sighed. You rubbed your temple before nodding and smiling at her.
"Don't worry, Ill deal with him." You said politely, nodding at her before walking past her, going to the room where he was at. You opened the door and you saw the way his eyes lit up, and a grin landed on his usually nonchalant face. "Love!" He said, as you walked up to him.
"Why are always acting so stubborn to the medics? You know that they're there to help you, idiot." You said clearly irritated, making him pout and tilt his head. "But, I want you to help me!!...and have your hands all over my body..." He whined, grabbing your hand and resting it on his cheek, looking up at you with hearts in his eyes.
yan mafia boss who has to always be in constant contact with you
where are uuuuu
no reply?
Have other hoes?
YOU DO DONT YOU?!!!?!?!!?
i hate u.
You getting blocked.
dont talk to me. I know you hate me.
Okay, im going to kill my self.
This is (yans name, yall could make sum up) cat, he just shot himself
do you love him
baby you know that was all a prank
i love u
pls let me eat ur ass
i wanna slurp ur kitty so good that the only thing i could taste is u mami
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(seen 1 min ago)
ur rlly gonna leave me on seen?
ur lucky i dont come and cream all over ur face rn
pls touch me
yan mafia boss who has his bodyguards protect you no matter where you go
"Okat sigma 1, hawk tuah, ohio go protect n/n, you better fucking protect her with your life, ya hear?!" He said to his bodygaurds aggressively, scowling them down as they shook in fear,....i think one of them peed their pants...erm!
yan mafia boss who is madly jealous, putting a bullet into anyone's head he sees as threat for your love.
yan mafia boss who when you arent around, he struggles to sleep. He tosses and turns, his mind racing with scenarios about what they might be doing or who they’re with. "is she with that ugly bitch from work again?! Is she with one of my bodyguards?! Is she cheating on me?!" He hiccuped through his sobs, biting on his nails, hair all messy from tossing and turning throughout his sleep
He often wakes up in a cold sweat, feeling empty without them next to him. If you spends the night somewhere else, he'll start spamming you on everything even roblox.. If you dont answer within 5 mins, he immediately sends his men to try to find you, and paces around his house, restless waiting for your reply. bruh u were js buying sum takis...
yan mafia boss who is your boss who favors you a little too much!!! <333
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thebottomfromhell · 9 months
hey, i read your upper moons x goth reader headcanon and i was wondering that what if upper moons have female lolita reader ? Like she is wearing cute easthatic clothes
Ngl when I read the word "female lolita" I choked on the air, then I read further and I has like "ahhhhhhh victorian clothes". Anon, you almost gave me an attack (I've read the book).
Friendly reminder this freaks are in Taisho Japan, but most of are from Edo Japan, so they would have their own opinions about a style based on the Rococo French (bruh, France, Portugal, Spain and England colonizing the world is one of the reasons Japan closed their borders in Edo 😭, Japan ALWAYS hated outsiders, it is NOT a WWII thing).
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How do the Uppermoon feel about your asthetic? Victorian inspired styled (lolita) Female Reader
Warnings: Slight infantilization (not sexual), Implied xenophobia (these are mostly japanese men from edo, like... c'mon.), Mentioned cross-dressing, Kokushibou being a grampa x2 and Akaza's implied angst (bit of spoilers of his backstory).
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Ok, here is the thing.... it's too much. He can't even keep out with the amount of details your robes (are those even robes? He can't tell at all) are making him dizzy. Also, it looks expensive... and uncomfortable, even if he knows that is not relevant in the world of beauty. Isn't it a bit too tight on the waist? Why is the skirt so pompous? Is it not hard to walk with those? And don't get him starting with those shoes, he hates them. And it wasn't him... but Gyutaro threw afaw your make up, not feeling confident that it wasn't toxic (Daki's isn't any better, but she can stand it). "You don't like it?" You ask as you spin to show him your newest set of clothing, seeing he is not very enthusiastic about it.
Usually he would like anything that goes against Japan's beauty standard, but this is not too different to like nor similar enough to hate. And he really wants to like it, because you like it and dressing like that makes you happy. He knows that, and really wants to tell you he likes it, that he likes how you look (because he likes how happy you look), but in the end "Ne... fuck it, my taste is shit anyways, ne." Gyutaro is doing no compromises.
Gyokko straights adores it. De details! The uniqueness! The details! The mix of empowerenment and innocence in the skirt! The tightness is perfect, showing your body shape better than any kimono, making your curves visible. Round and symetric, the perfection of the world in shapes but with way too flashy and uncharacteristic colours, make up to make your skin glow up, he can't help but get into it. He adores the dresses, and sometimes he is tempted in using a female canvas with one of those, it would look beautiful! Kitsch! Definetely the perfect complement for his arts.
"I know that is I give you one I won't be recieving it back, if you are going to wear it or make another girl wear it it's the same." You argue when he asks for some of your materials, the only thing you let him get away with are the hair accesories and jewelry, not because those are easy to find, but because the dress can get to be... too much, even for you, that you won't be missing them as much. Also, you can trust Gyokko to do your hair and make up, so you must be able to give him things that go from your neck to above, He is as supportive as he can be, being Gyokko.
It's... intimidating, everything put together. The heels make you taller and make too much noise against the wood, the robe (it's... it's a robe, right? What do you mean it's not? Then what is it?) in the skirt takes up a lot of space, more than a kimono, but besides that, it's pretty. And it suits you because of it, since you are pretty. He doesn't know how to voice it, but it's something nice to look, even if it's not easy on the eyes because of the amount of details, it makes him feel tipsy.
Sometimes he halps you with your hair and make-up, he knows how to make ponytails and braids, and besides a clear base your make up it's not so hard to do (when his pulse is not working against him, of course). He is more than supportive, even if he doesn't find the words to describe it.
"So? What do you think?" You ask Sekido and... he just looks at you for 5 minutes straight, a face that clearly says "are you kidding?" as he then proceeds to examine what you wear. A new dress, like the other one, full of details and looking uncomfortable as fuck, besides that too many accesories for his liking, but... you do seem happy, and he knows you like expressing yourself that way. "Looks good." Better than anything Urogi and Karaku can pull, he tells himself, and you do look good.
As long as he doesn't have to wear himsef any of that, the make-up, the produced hair-styles, the gloves, the heels, the skirt... everything is too much. Honestly, if you give him any of those as a gift, or even just lending or trying it on him, then he will give it to Karaku to lose it and Urogi to destroy it. He will support you in whatever you want to wear, it's not his problem, he sees the beauty in it, but it's not for him.
Karaku thinks it's cute. Something about it screams "childish" and "indulging", the feeling of being down below and on top at the same time. He has heard foreign, the ones you buy all this expensive stuff from, the term "kitsch" to describe it, "bad taste". He likes it, so you should not be surprised when he starts stealing these dresses for you, enjoying how... "flashy" it is. The details, the heels, the weird sizes, the tightness in the waist and the curves? What it's not to like? And you look happy in those.
After a while he also starts stealing things for himself, barely using them, but every once in a while he likes to mess around with this type of clothing. It's not the most comfortable, specially since it was desighned to be for women (men's attire is completely different, and he finds it boring compared to the ones you use), it's just to cause trouble. To look pretty and, in his body, like a pervert. These are good laughs, even if you don't feel the sime, but you are glad he is vocal about liking your style.
Urogi adores it, he thinks it's unique. "I have never seen anything like this before." He comments as he takes away a piece of the hair accesories, pulling it and toying with it in his hands, wearong doesn't seem as nice as it would be to make a nest with it. You answer that it's mostly based from an old style from Europe, another continent, a concept you have to explain to him. Urogi gets curious and asks as much as how did you get these things and about the continent they come from, you have never been there so you answer as much as you can.
"It's weird to be able to trade with humans beyond the see, last time I check they were a possible menace and pest. Didn't the borders close in Edo because of them?" He tries to understand, but because he was alive in that time he is the one that should be explaining it to you. He seems more interest in the concept of being from outside than the look itself, but he does steal your things to build nests. Besides that, he is not that interested, and you can't trust him with your stuff (not even the make up, he ate it once).
Aizetsu thinks it looks... young... childish sometimes. That is not exactly a good thing. He knows you want to look cute, but... can't you at least wear something less indulgent? It looks expensive, and damn him if he doesn't feel melancholic when he sees the bill of those things you wear. (Leave it to the west, he swears they always battle to make things the most expensive they can, should have kept the borders closed). Also, it doesn't really look comfortable. with everything over it he can't tell you you are reaching to look like yourself or look how you would like to be seen, because it's too much effort to, everyday fix your hair, make up, wear clothes that are hard to walk and run with (and surrounded by demons, no less).
Aizetsu always thought it was sad how it was expected for women to "fix" themselves for their families, for their husbands, for their society, and he doesn't know what to think while seeing you. "So, what do you think?" You show him another set, he has been thinking into asking help from Karaku and Hantengu to get money (stealing it, what else?) so he can at least support you a bit, because no matter his thoughts on the matter, you seem happy in those dresses. "It looks fine." So he plays along (even if he thinks he is cuter when making sad puppy eyes than you with all those things, maybe that is why he doesn't understand the effort. He doesn't need it, why do you?)
"I'm not wearing any of that." Is the only thing Nakime said before leaving with her biwa to another room-dimension-floor-whatever after you came with another one of those dresses of that style you wear. You know, skirt at the lenght of the knee (at most), many details, tight on the waist, socks over the knee, hair accesories and make-up powder, but in black and grey, asking her her to wear it. You thought it would look cute on her, she didn't agree. Nakime... doesn't like it, it feels odd for her, too foreign for her liking, because she does like luxurious items, the hause has them, but she likes traditional luxury. This is... too European.
Also, Nakime feels is a bit... infantilizing in some point, so she would rather avoid the experience of wearing it at all. She has never shown or vocalized her dislike because in her view it has nothing to do with you, she doesn't like it, but you do. You can wear whatever you want, it's not her job to police you, but she is not even going to try it on, no matter how much you ask. Nakime can and will also compliment you from time to time, only to feed you confidence, but she is not more supportive than that.
He... feels weird about it, there is something that he doesn't like and he doesn't know- fuck it, Akaza knows exactly what he doesn't like, the fact that you, as a woman, are trying to dress more like you were younger, the lenght of the skirt is the one you would expect only in young children, he remembers Edo, he used to dress.... forget it , he did, the thing is, you are a young lady, why look like a child with all the pink and details and fragile looks like she had. She was sick, he had to take care of her. Why are you reminding him she was just a girl? A girl who dresses with pink, the patterns were not as flashy as they couldn't afford more, but he would have given her more. "Akaza?"
He looks at you are you where showing him another set and he zoomed out. He looks at you a bit lost before answering quickly "Yeah... yeah, it looks nice. Soft pink... it's nice." He wants to take care of you, but not in the usual way, he wants to fix you beddings and set you there and talk you to sleep, keeping awake as he looks down at you, hopefully soundly sleeping, waking you up from nighmares and comforting you after. To bring you food and check your temperature, not let you up. He doesn't understand it, why would he want to treat you like a child? He can't get it, so he can't like it. "It's nice."
Douma likes it, it's knew, foreign. He doesn't have many outsiders as followers, five at most if he is not wrong, but his cult recieves them nonetheless. He must admit, just one had a style any remotely similar to yours, European, and he ended up killing that same follower. It was not personal, they were not liked around in general, carrying too much silly ideas of their own nation to accept the superiority of those in front of him, accusing Douma of being a demon, so he got silenced. Honestly, it's entertaining, the details, the shape, the make-up, the heels... it's all so outstanding.
Douma adores new things, new tastes, anything than can kill monotony and boredom. But besides that? He doesn't care. You can dress whatever you want and he couldn't care less, and once het gets used to this look then he will stop caring. His only interest is to see more of this foreign culture, and take a bite id he can. He will not point your looks out, mostly not wanting you to be berated for them, since it's hard to get along with Europe, it has always been, so you could say he is ignoring it.
So.... Kokushibou will not say an opinion... but he will. "It looks inappropriate." Really, the skirt is a bit short, showing from your knees to below or even more... you are a young lady, not a child, you should be covering properly. Women in his times did (we heard you gramps 😅). Also, the details are too much and it gives off the impression that you expend too much money on yourself (the proces really are not at your favor in that argument) and are seeking too much od spotlight, it defies what a proper lady should look like, with simple grace and humble wealth (as if that existed 😒), and he dislikes it. It does follow some of Japan's beauty standars, like the use of clear bases and make-up that doesn't fight your natural skin tone, so he doesn't hate it.
Still, while he has never told you how you should dress, he really doesn't like it. It's clearly a foreign style and, honestly? He is not impressed, it's clearly meant to be for those who lack the discipline of the Japanese traditions, meant to break the links with the ancestors and the values in simplicity. What else could he expect from outsiders? The fact that you use that... clothes only for the sake of indulging proves him right! (Yeah, yeah, go to sleep Kokushibou) So don't you dare including him in... this phase of yours. (... at least he is not fainting of horror 🤣).
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whimsi-clown · 3 months
Note: I don't remember much from this movie at all. Wish me luck again.
(Second after Dr. Facilier ofc.)
I just realized that this is the only disney movie (that I know of) where the villain from the first movie returns in the second.
Awwww! Miko and Percy! My absolute favorite love team!
Pocahontas is still as fearless as ever, happily laughing while the rest hold on for dear life as they sled on snow at high speeds.
I forgot that some of the men stayed behind, but now they have a small little village going on with natives watching their every move. Good for them.
This John Rolfe guy or whatever, did he seriously have to ride a horse off a boat?
Ew. That arrogant smirk he makes as he tells her,
"It's alright now, I've taken care of it."
Ew. It's giving John Smith 2.0.
What's up with your taste in men, Pocahontas?
Ah, ok. I get why the horse is there now.
Pfft- I love how all the men of the tribe start glaring and side eyeing him when it sounded like he was about to make an offensive remark about Pocahontas.
"This is a matter of diplomacy. You can't handle a job like this."
My god this man sounds so fuckin misogynistic. I wanna strangle him.
Good on Pocahontas for not backing down.
"Cut a notch in this staff for every pale face you see."
Bro's about to make more than a hundred notches on the staff, and it still wouldn't be enough.
Everyone in this damn movie looks like they're sponsored by L'Oréal.
I love how Percy is like, trying to lead Pocahontas into the carriage in his own doggy way. So adorable. I love him.
What's with this wack ass Belle in the village musical bootleg music?
Pfft- Poor John Rolfe, running around in search of Pocahontas while she explores.
Also, not once has her body guard stopped making notches on the staff to the point it's gotten so short...
Jesus Christ I fuckin hate this King James guy. Only his wife seems to have common sense.
Bruh. John Rolfe, you've seen her in her much more revealing native clothes. How are long bloomers and long sleeved undershirt much more embarrassing to look at?
Ew. This king. Praise seeker much? Gross keep your praise kinks outa this.
Not me wanting so bad to be in Pocahontas' place and dancing with Governor Ratcliffe. XD
I just noticed that Ratcliffe doesn't have his pretty purple eyeshadow on T_T
Man, I simping for this guy hard now... What's up with me and my preference for big asshats??
Bruh, these people are evil. They're laughing at a chained up bear.
Yea! Tell him off sister!
Pfft- Not John Smith boredly waiting for the other John fighting off the guards.
Also. I just looked it up.
Governor Ratcliffe's full name is John Ratcliffe.
What is up with this girl and so many Johns in her life??
Oh no. Not the love triangle dynamic.
Like I said, the queen is the only bitch in that court with common sense. Good for her.
"I'm ThE gHoSt Of JoHn SmItH, rUn FoR yOuR lIvEs!"
Again, with the flintlock pistols! Why is Governor Ratcliffe using a flintlock pistol under rainy weather? You dumb ass!!
Jesus Christ, these men and their witty comebacks...
Damn, John Smith really be letting Pocahontas go to another John.
What happened to
"I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without you."?
Like, damn boy, you sure move on quick.
Oop- Nevermind. John Smith is back and just ruined the moment between her and the other John.
Ok. Nevermind again. He moved on really quickly and was surprisingly accepting.
Eeyyy! The other John is back! And the bodyguard guy is staying? And the maid lady owns the bear now??
Ah. A kissing scene. What a great way to end the movie.
(Said sarcastically)
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kyliankissed · 9 months
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“soap stop bullying me!” + “no can do, dollface.” + “leave him alone, johnny.”
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2 golden retrievers + a black cat, 2 soldiers + one medic, “ur gay si” + “ur gayer ky” + “boys, i’m the gayest”, pup + two owners, “LETS WATCH BARBIE!” + “FUCK YEAH LETS DO IT!” + “that’s a girl movie”, loves touch + touch starved + hates touch, movie dates, “bruh we’re all gay for each other?”, mfs who get injured on purpose just to see their medic boyfriend.
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“i’ll kill you” + “no you won’t” / “kiss?” + “not with that dirty mouth.”
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civilian + hero, met at the pub, “he’s cute..” + “why is that weirdo staring at me”, first date anxiety, dinner at a restaurant, “..so you a criminal or something?” + “no but i punch facists” + “kiss me now”, bf who loves going outside + bf who hates the outside, “what are you supposed to be for halloween?” + “a corrupt politician”, bf who gets used as a hostage + bf who is tired of everyone stealing his bf, “miguel kinda fine..” + “you mean that ugly ass mf who tried to kill my homeboy miles?”, tea hater + tea drinker, “can i play your guit-“ + “no.”
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“khonshu can kiss my ass” + “ohh! me next!”
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grumpy merc bf + preppy barista boyfriend, “that is a fine ass barista” + “is he checking me out?”, black coffee bf + pink drink bf, first date at the park, “so.. cmere often?” + “no ‘m usually in my room rotting away”, bf who hates touch + bf who needs touch at every second, steven gets all nervous around him, marc n steven fight a lot over this, “he’s mine!” + “you’re just an altar!” + “i love you both-“, bf who can’t sleep due to trauma + bf who can’t sleep due to insomnia, bf who can’t cook + bf who loves baking, “what do bees make marc?!” + “honey?” + “yes dear?” + “you’re stupid.”
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“i love you.” + “i love me too.”
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both golden retrievers, sergeant + rookie, slight age gap, “you’re cute.” + “i’d be cuter with more money”, bf who kisses his bf to taste his lipgloss + bf who complains over his ruined makeup, bf who loves salty stuff + bf who loves sugar stuff, first date at the movie theatre, horror movie bf + romance movie bf, bf who loves gore scenes + bf who screams at gore scenes, “that’s totally false! i’ve shot a man before n’ that’s not how the wound should look!” + “KYLE WHAT THE FUCK??”, bf who comforts his scaredy cat bf + scaredy cat bf, “live laugh love captain price” + “captain price reminds me of my daddy issues”, “i love men” + “ew wtf stay away”, bf who is a victim of the sassy men apocalypse + sassy boyfriend, “babe i said ‘m sorry for eating the last slice of cake!” + “don’t talk to me, i don’t know you, ‘m finding a new boyfriend.”
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‘ll write more later ‘m just gonna post this and add more when i get more ideas. also shoutout to @angelsinmystomach for letting me use their idea :333
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bloomingdead · 1 year
“I was kidding about being a ship hater but I also want to blast Ereloy fans with my eye beams and insult their favorite character character by calling him ugly.” Whatever, dude. If you want to remain toxic and bitter, that’s on you.
bruh took everything i said out of context and harped on my ugly erend joke (he is). i do wanna blast u diehards w my eye beams!!! gtfo of here! erend is still one of my favorite characters, and he's obviously the closest friend aloy has at this point (maybe other than her sister but imo they're still working on bringing closeness to their relationship).
people really seem to think that because i find shipping him with aloy inappropriate, and you guys greasy for doing it, that i must hate him. i don't. he's charming, with a way about him that's hard to ignore (himbo energy). he tries his best to be there for the people he cares about and loves super hard. he's great at public speaking and rallying people to his cause, whatever that may be in the moment. he's incredibly loyal to his job even if that means bending avad's requests to fit what he deems most important in the moment. plus avad respects him so much that he doesn't care!! and his underlings on the vanguard will NOT let go of the crush he had in hzd, to his humiliation as we see the confrontation with aloy followed by his drunkenness at barren light. he has good taste in music, the soul of a metalhead, and a heart of gold. he lost his sister as aloy came into his life, and there's every context clue to show that this crush fizzled out as he came to respect aloy more as an equal. he said something along the lines of "i thought i was a bigshot talking to a pretty girl from a tiny tribe... now i see i was lucky just to get a minute of your time" and the ereloys takes this as some proclamation of love when to me and many others it comes off as a transition within their relationship towards mutual respect and appreciation.
let's be real about who's truly bitter. you old bitches who keep trying to ship aloy with a man at least 10 years her senior, or those of us who just want to enjoy the game for what it is without diehard shippers telling us what was literally written into the story by its creators is wrong. just because he's age appropriate for you doesn't mean it's okay that you project so much onto aloy that you can't remember she's at most 20yo. or the contrary, you're so fuckin young that you can't see how inappropriate it is because they all seem like old ass adults to you. it just gives "you're really mature for your age" vibes. ew. not to mention, as one of my lovely anons did, that this spike in hetero ship content for aloy happened AFTER seyka was introduced. >inb4 "a BiSeXuAl WoMaN iN a ReLaTiOnShIp WiTh A sTr8 mAn Is sTiLl QuEeR" bffr, as a (now out&proud lesbian, i must add) woman who's dated hetero men in the past, does that man know he's in a queer relationship or consider it to be one because his girl is? in the case of erend and the nuances in his character which are intended to relate to a type of man we all know, (that you guys bulldoze with your hc's,) fuck the fuck no. most cishet men don't.
this is the kind of discourse we get when fanon becomes more important to people than what's literally written into the story. i love erend! yeah i am a little irritated that people started popping their horussies out for their favorite (hetero) ship after we got a canon (GAY) romance in the game. if you guys had any critical thinking skills/media literacy, you'd have gotten the point by now that even if aloy isn't a lesbian, she's never going to end up with your favorite male character. you'd also understand why the gayshippers are irritated with you guys doing this in the wake of homophobic review bombing. because now we know aloy is capable of romantic feelings and no one but seyka has brought that side out of her so far. you can call it bad writing all you want, it's my opinion vs yours. doesn't change the direction the series is going in terms of aloy's romantic future.
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djrusso-romance · 2 years
Again, I'm not disputing their point. I offered to help them find books that are more aligned with their taste. Because this is a topic that deserves its own conversation. But to "I echo their seething hate toward the privilege that straight women have in writing romance, and even women of LGBT".... bruh. You're on a queer woman's blog saying this shit? What's wrong with you?
Also, this commenter is a man who's been in my DMs for weeks now, basically fawning all over me. Saying I'm amazing, an inspiration, that he wants to get to know me better, date me, etc.
A lot of men will act like that when they find out a woman is polyamorous and bi. I'm old enough, with enough experience as a queer woman that this sort of behavior isn't surprising to me anymore. It's exhausting, for sure, but not surprising. People in the past have told me that I hit the nuclear option a bit too fast with people (thanks to ADHD, I'm working on it), so I put up with his nonsense for a long time. Far longer than I should have. But y'know what? Nah. Blocked. I'm tired of this shit.
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oreocoffee · 2 years
They didn’t know I’m on their snap and they were snapping and shit and I was snapping them and idk if they knew but omg. I told him and he doesn’t even care lmao, idk if this was a test because his friend never snapped me telling me to meet him. And idk if we even talked or not but it is what it is, they both good looking but mine is delicious and I’m trying to taste.
I’m so done 😭😭 my location isn’t even on .
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sukirichi · 4 years
wine: ingredient 44 + sugar 7 + spice 12 for gojo satoru *slams table* thank you for feeding us kind maam
for sukirichi’s milestone event: 
the meal order : 🍷 + 44 (hate sex au) + 7 (forbidden relationship) + 12 (praising kink) your dinner has been served! also bruh LOL you’re a choso simp this is hilarious spspsps
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— who are you to deny him when he only wants to worship you?
gojo satoru x fem! reader
contents/warnings: nsfw, slight angst, reader is hot girl shit, gojo long schlong, hate sex, car sex, spanking, riding gojo, slight angst, praising kink taken to a DIFFERENT LEVEL (i want to make people question the extent of their praising kink), body marking, rough sex lol it’s always rough in my stories, unedited
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Your friends pushed you out of the club, all of you laughing, hands clutched around your waists as loud, drunken giggles fill in the night air. It was a wild night; your friends invited you to the club to take your mind off your stupid boyfriend. You thought you’d end up moping around, too much of a buzzkill to ever let loose because it wasn’t that easy to stop thinking about him, but even you were surprised when you started grinding with people on the dance floor just three drinks later.
The gals were more than delighted to see you enjoying your night, only dragging you out the club when you nearly shoved your tongue down another man’s throat.
Scratch that – your friends called you to hang out because you lied about having a shitty day at work. You’ve had your fair share of shitty days, but you were one of the most prominent lawyers in your firm, no one dared gave you a bad day. Your subordinates knew that if they even looked your way without your permission, you wouldn’t hesitate to dump paperwork on them, or assign them to the nastiest cases just to piss them off.
Yeah, you were sort of a bitch, but you didn’t care.
It took a lot to get where you were now. It wasn’t easy to be a woman in a male-dominated workplace and you were forced to strip your softness off, replacing it with hard armor and sharp tongue concealed under bold red lips, a tight pencil skirt that accentuated your curves, and a pair of black suede pumps.
You deserved all your success. You were smart, stunning, confident, powerful – so then why did you feel like shit around your shitty boyfriend?
The answer was loud and clear. It bothered you to no end that he wanted to keep your relationship a secret because his family was too different from yours, coming up with a shitty excuse that you were just “too different.” He never bothered explaining, and every time you confronted him about, he’d only wave his hand, distract you with those delicious and soft lips of his until you forget it over and over again.
You were okay with it at first. It wasn’t a really serious relationship; you only started dating him because you saw yourself a lot in him – confident, self-assured, maybe even a little cocky – plus, he was extremely attractive.
But the longer you spent time with him, you were beginning to fall in love.
Yes, you, the ice princess of one of the most respected law firms all over the city was beginning to soften up at a certain blue-eyed man who had magical hands.
But tonight – tonight you’d forget about him.
Your stomach was heavy with expensive liquor and you were nearly staggering on your knees, the only thing preventing you from falling were your more sober friends. The others were holding you close to keep you upright, while one of your friends moved to a quieter part of the block to call an Uber for you. Your friends were all happily married, some with children, so they couldn’t really stay out too late at night and chaperone you all the way back home.
You were well-aware you were being a bother, but fuck, couldn’t you lean on someone for just once? Sighing, you leaned closer to your warm friend, mumbling something about wanting to forget about everything you’ve been through.
“There, there,” she patted your head comfortingly, “You’ll be fine, babe, you’re a strong woman. I know you’ll get through this.”
“But I hate it,” you drunkenly admitted, lips trembling the more you thought about him, every stupid little thing about him – his soft white hair, those pretty blue eyes he always hid under shades even at night, his large, calloused hands that always felt so rough when keeping your legs open for him and you couldn’t even start talking about his cock, he was just so blessed and perfect in every little thing that you hated it. You hated him. “I don’t like this feeling,” you sniffled, “I feel like I’m being looked down on, that I’m being pushed to the side. I feel unimportant, like I’m not good enough.”
“Who said you aren’t?”
You froze in your friend’s arms, eyes meeting with those blue ones you could never get enough of. As if noticing your silence, your friend immediately covers you with her arm, glaring at your boyfriend. “Do we know you or something?”
“No,” Satoru replies coolly, brows furrowed in the state you were in. You turned away from him with a scoff, arms crossed on your chest. Why did he have to be here out of all places? Wasn’t he busy with work or whatever family shit he apparently couldn’t tell you about even though you’ve both been dating for a year and a half now? He just wasn’t giving you a break, and the hairs on your arm stood up when he said, “Not that you have to, but may I please drive Y/N home?”
“She’s not going anywhere—”
“She’s a friend of mine,” he insisted, turning to you with a pleading look in his eyes. You almost melted. Almost. “I need to talk to her about something.”
You rolled your eyes and stepped forward, your friend’s arm latching onto yours. You could tell she was worried from the way her gaze darted back and forth between you two. Satoru was, after all, clearly uninvited, and he didn’t seem like your type either. You always insisted you preferred refined man, men like his friend Nanami Kento, but alas, you were stuck dating this one instead.
“It’s fine,” you told her with a fake smile, “I’ll call you later when I get home.”
You never got to call her – simply because you didn’t make it home. The moment Satoru closed the car doors behind you, you both got into a heated argument. Satoru hated silences and always made sure the car was filled with music, but this time, he didn’t notice there weren’t any songs when you opened your mouth.
Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the anger and pent-up tension of not being able to hold him and kiss him in public like normal couples did, in addition to the fact Satoru never explained why he insisted on keeping you a secret – whatever it was, you just snapped.
“I don’t even understand why I’m still dating you!” you huffed, legs crossed on top of the other as you gazed out the window. Lips trembling, you tried so hard to not cry, especially not in front of the man who was breaking your heart. “This is hardly a relationship when I’m not free to call or text you as you please, when I can’t go out with you on dates and we’re always hanging in my apartment. I’m your girlfriend, Satoru, we’ve been together for a long time but I honestly don’t even feel like it. What the hell are we dating for then?”
Satoru clenched his teeth, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. “How many times do I have to tell you that I love you,” he said coolly, acting unbothered and unaffected as ever, but the clench in his jaw said otherwise. “If that’s not enough—”
“Of course it’s not enough!”
“I’m trying here too, okay?” Satoru slammed on the brakes and parked on a desolated spot, hands running through his hair while he breathed heavily. Once he’d calmed down, he shook his head, refusing to look you in the eye like a man. “I’m trying my best. It’s just hard. It isn’t as easy as it looks.”
“What isn’t easy as it looks? Dating me? Letting the whole world know I’m yours?” when Satoru didn’t respond, you scoffed, patience running low and thin. “You’re pathetic, Satoru. Dating you was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, and I thought I was a smart woman.”
With a shake of your head, you slung your purse over your shoulder and reached for the car door. You were about to leave when Satoru suddenly pulled you towards him, his lips slamming into yours.  Like always, you fell into his trap, into the blissful pleasure that was his lips and his hands, and you hated it, hated him, hated him so fucking much because you were so tired of his entire existence.
You wanted to let him know he was insufferable.
You wanted him to feel the pain and misery he put you through.
“I fucking hate you,” you snarled as Satoru kept fucking into you, the entire car windows fogged and the vehicle shaking. “I wish I never met you, you asshole,” Satoru, displeased, only buries himself deeper into you, as if they would erase his mistakes and shortcomings.
Satoru’s large hands snake to your waist and onto your breasts, expertly tweaking them between his fingers. Your head fell back to the crook of his shoulder, your back pressed against his hard chest as Satoru trapped you in his strong arms, impaling you on his cock over and over again. “You’re lying,” he whispered into your neck, tongue and teeth playfully sucking at the tender flesh. His grip on your hip was bruising and possessive, and your breasts bounced fervently at how he snapped his hips upwards to feel your walls coat him and hug him tightly and warmly. “Why would you hate me, sweet girl? Don’t I always make you feel good? Don’t I remind you enough that you’re the best fucking thing ever?”
You didn’t respond right away, your breath taken away with how you could never get enough of this, of him. He was right no matter how much you denied it. Despite being terrible in everything else, Satoru knew and respected you, even admired your dominance and intelligence when other men were intimidated by it.
No, he worshipped you. He made you feel like you were a divine goddess when he tugged at your hair to tilt your cheek to him, his tongue slithering to your lips to taste himself on his tongue from when you previously busted his nut with just your mouth.
Lipsticks smeared on his cheeks and crescent moons on his pale thigh from your nails, Satoru looked wonderful beneath you like this.
He was beautiful, so damn beautiful, but it didn’t change the fact he’d put you through hell these past few weeks. 
No, it wasn’t just the past few weeks. Things were always complicated with him. He was perfect in everything else but when it came to you, he made it a mission to hide you and your relationship, changing your contact name to a totally random one “just in case.”
Your mind was confuzzled and you felt like you were on the urge of breaking apart from both his ministrations and his confusing treatment over you. Before you knew it, you were kissing him back fervently with the intensity of your hatred over this man.
Your hand reached his to guide it to rub at your clit, and Satoru, eager to make you feel good as always, happily obliged. Satoru kept bouncing you on his cock until you were too overwhelmed to speak, crying and mumbling incomprehensible words. 
Him, only him, would ever have the ability to let the sharp-tongued and intelligent woman who never bat an eye in court lose her wide vocabulary, falling apart in his arms while his long length abused your puffy lips.
“You made me feel like shit,” you finally admitted, tugging at his hair until Satoru is lowly groaning at the slight sting. But did you care? Of course you didn’t. You wanted to hurt him too.
“How so, sweet girl?”
“I can never have you the way I want,” you answered through gritted teeth, moaning out when Satoru suddenly thrusted too deep, hitting your most sensitive spot that had you quivering in his hold. “You don’t—” you gasped, “You don’t understand what I feel, how you make me feel like I’m never good enough for you. That’s the reason why you don’t want anyone else knowing, right? ‘Cause I’m not good enough for you, never gonna be good—”
Satoru didn’t let you finish your words, shutting you up with his cock instead. The vehicle shook uncontrollably with your mating sessions, and Satoru silences you by pulling at your leg to press it on his chest instead.
The sudden switch in positions had your muscles tensing and stretching, adding only to both your pleasures with the new thrown in factor of slight pain. You felt Satoru kiss your neck down to your shoulders, scraping his canines until you were absolutely lost. You gave in, you gave up, head lolling back next to his loving lips that murmured sweet nothings.
“Not true, sweet girl,” he reminded you, flattening you on his cock and making you roll your hips while you slid up and down his pole sensually. Unlike the previous pace, the slow sensation of your pussy hugging his cock with your arousal letting him slide in easily allowed you to feel every part of him, almost mind-wrecking at how good he’s able to make you feel even after such a long time of having him already.
“You’re the sexiest and most intelligent woman I’ve ever met, the best, the absolute blessing of my life, and I just want to protect you, sweet girl. You’re too precious for me to lose,” Satoru kept mumbling over and over again.
You could no longer process his words functionally, not when he’s slamming you down his length like that and burying himself in you as if he didn’t want to be anywhere else.
Satoru’s hands were still curious, appreciative and gentle as he runs his hands, dipping into all your curves and pressing into your most sensitive spots the way you liked it.
“You’re always so good for me so no, sweet girl, never gonna let you go, not when you’re so perfect for me,” Satoru eased your worries – temporarily – with his words, and you’d believe his lie, you’d fall into the same mistakes over and over again because you were just that weak and powerless when it came to him. “You’re made just for me, sweet girl, you’re the prettiest and your pussy is the prettiest – I worship you, I adore you. You’re so divine.”
You blamed it all on your ego.
He praised you so well, made you feel so good and always placed you on top of the world when he’s inside you like this. Even if you knew he’d knock you down the pedestal just hours later, you opened your doors for him all over again.
Satoru knew this too, because he rammed inside your walls and ruined everything that you held firm beliefs in, his large hands smacking your ass to urge you to bounce on him like you weren’t made for any other purpose than to be the woman he adored.
You lied to yourself – you always did – but did you care? So what if you couldn’t be the one he really loved? What did it all matter when you were the one he worshipped?
For the sake of the praise and the compliments, you’d let him fuck you and play with your heart over and over again. It was a toxic routine you’d never get tired of, and you no longer complained, forgetting about everything he’d done and every heartbreak he caused you because he was there, whispering into your ears how good you made him feel and how you were the only one made to take him, and you didn’t care. Not anymore – not when you were worshipped.
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waytoeden · 3 years
1.6: Mudd’s Women
note: trigger warning for sexual assault & human trafficking - these are topics present in this episode and in my comments; please proceed with caution if you are sensitive to these topics ❤️ stay safe babes
also one of my least favorite episodes because i feel like they just brush past the obvious sex trafficking?? the federation is quite literally the space police can’t they do something about this?? apparently not just like the real police
why is uhura not in red??? this is uncomfortable
kirk not listening to scotty ever is so funny
not the lithium crystals :/
i do love their outfits tho
spock is so funny i love him being disgusted with scotty & mccoy
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“men will always be men no matter where they are” i hate this why is everyone horny
he just called these three girls his “cargo” are you kidding me
the face spock makes at kirk is so funny
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sulu trying to be straight
he tells these girls “don’t submit to a med check” oh my god
i hate this mans mustache
uh oh seduction alert
“i recruit wives for settlers” so human trafficking?
“there was no men on my planet” :/ sounds like a dream
the guards are hearing him talk about taking over the ship and they do nothing??
bones pls keep it in your pants
she’s radioactive
this girl is so pretty man gay moment
jim is absolutely not a paragon of virtue
uh jim?? maybe ask her what she meant by that??
pls don’t tell me she’s pregnant
spock’s little smirk while bones is talking
bones saying “bleep”
this scene is just:
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“it’s a miracle for some man who can appreciate it and who needs it.” gross
also they didn’t “turn ugly” they really just took off their makeup
bruh you cannot trade crystals for women
“if we like them. we’d like to have a look at them first, of course.” “trot them out, captain” this is so fucking gross
these miners are ASSHOLES
“you could get lost 12 feet from your doorstep” cool detail i bet thats not gonna give her an idea
this is the weirdest party i’ve ever seen
“the sound of male ego. you travel halfway across the galaxy and it’s still the same song”
“female cooking again” bro what?? he’s mad bc she made him food??
“i’ve tasted better - by my own hand” asshole
WHY ARE THE CARDS CIRCULAR i both hate and love when they try to make everything quirky and space-y
"yes in the future we decided that rectangular playing cards are inconvenient and stupid"
pls she literally just took her makeup off AND SHE LOOKS GREAT WITHOUT MAKEUP ON
“men - more aggressive; women - more feminine” yes because those traits are opposites of each other this makes sense sure
“you can’t condemn the women” “i can” ok that's a very sexist but very funny line
venus drugs? those are just gummy vitamins
“there’s only one kind of woman” nice
jim’s smirk when mudd says “they’ll throw away the key” if jim appeared as a character witness
what if these women don’t wanna be with these guys?? this is concerning
“a most annoying emotional episode” i agree spock
“the fact that my internal arrangement differs from yours, doctor, pleases me to no end”
the message of this one…apparently not that human trafficking is bad..maybe just ”believe in yourself”
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marciego · 3 years
What made you start shipping marciego? Or other crackships that you have?
ooohh this is a very interesting question thank you! so i actually started shipping them in s2 but back then it was more of a joke? like they had some REALLY gay scenes, like that one time diego sang yo soy asi to marco in a park (bruh) which is. pretty gay in and of itself, but after that marco was like "you've changed so much, not that long ago you would have been busy bothering violetta, not sitting in this park, playing guitar....with me" and diego answered some shit like "well, love can change a man" like y'all ok here? anyway they already had some scenes like this that always made me go "actually they should date marco is the only person diego absolutely never hurts" and that's really what stuck with me the most i think.
like, the way diego was SUCH a dick in s2, and marco knew that, but marco accepted and loved him for who he was (even when he shouldn't have) but still believed he could do better, the way marco accepted to LIE to francesca for diego, and diego actually, genuinely felt bad about putting him in this situation and tried his goddamn best to leave him out of his schemes is really....special, for s2 diego you know. like, we all know ludmila/diego is one of my favorite relationships in the whole show, i love how messy they are, how much they care while still hating each other's ass at times, they're fucked up in the best way possible and that's absolutely part of their charm. i love dieletta's story, i love how you can see that the closer diego gets to his goal, the closer he is to losing vilu, i love the complexity of their relationship and how it reflects in my feelings towards him and towards them. i love dieleon's banter, i love how leon can't stand him but also can't help but smile whenever they're singing together, i love how ridiculous their "you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" energy is, they're so much fun and i ADORE it. but. the thing with all of these relationships is that it's a direct contradiction with s2 marciego, and that's really what stuck with me you know? diego hurt violetta, and he hurt leon, and he ended up hurting ludmila too, and to some extent, all of these things were intentional, it's more nuanced with ludmila, but it's here. their relationship is absolutely fucked up, they lie to each other, they hurt each other, they care immensely for each other but they would betray their closest friend if it could serve their interest, and they know that, they accept that.
marco tho? diego never hurt him. at the beginning of s2, there's a scene where marco takes diego's side in front of fran, and the second they're alone, he starts getting angry at him and is like "i didn't want to blame you in front of francesca but now tell me the truth, did you do it?" and diego is SO genuine when he answers "that wasn't me marco, i can lie to anyone but you" and? it's actually the truth? you see how hard diego tries to keep marco out of his mess, his relationship with him is absolutely nothing but genuine and that's what made me think first wait.....there is something here, you know
and so what started as a joke became more and more serious, but at the time i didn't think about it that much. and then s3 happened and oh boy. when i tell you s3 is THEIR season. honest to god i cannot see anything else than diego pining for marco but caring about him more than he cares about his own feelings so he tries his goddamn best to save his relationship with francesca. like no matter how hard the show wants to make this about diecesca i legitimately cannot see it, this is marciego's story with francesca being the best wingwoman on earth. that was already pretty long so i won't elaborate more on s3 because i could talk about it for hours but yeah. they're just so good and i adore absolutely everything about them
oh and also, the bisexual experience of marco having amazing taste in women (francesca) and awful taste in men (s2 diego) catered to me specifically. could also be applied to leon but this post isn't about him
and this is not really the topic at hand but i'm using your ask as an opportunity to say it. this is not me trying to police what words people are using or whatever, you do you, but here's my opinion on the matter: marciego is not a crackship. virtually none of the somewhat popular non canon violetta ships are crackships, a crackship is not a gay pairing that's not canon, it's a ship between two characters that never interacted, or almost never interacted, or a crossover ship, like something that you're really unlikely to think about. leon and ross lynch's character is a crackship, if you started shipping vilu and luna it'd also be a crackship. marco and diego are best friends, there's absolutely nothing even remotely far fechted to the idea that they might fall in love, they also have plenty of scenes together, they already love each other deeply in canon (platonically, but that's still love), and they just. are a very reasonable ship to begin with. i understand that you're probably using this word as like, just some word you know, and that's totally ok if you want to use it for yourself, but i gotta admit that in my case that's a bit of a pet peeve of mine, that's why i wanted to bring it up szdefrg
anyway, that's just my opinion on the matter and it's not a big deal, i just wanted to say it!! thank you so much for the ask, i adored talking about marciego <33
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
Tumblr is ready to kick me in the nuts, so to avoid that, regulatory second post of this dumb liveblog! Let's go-
Chapter 211
Oh that's an insane coincidence
I'm gonna lose my fucking shit
Yujiro's fucked up anatomy is so fucking funny
He's just built different y'all let him be :/
I like how he's talking alone
Chapter 212
Erect 😳 (sorry I'm 5)
It's been so long since i saw someone open a bottle normally lol
Hehe hairy. Reminds me of Garland in a way, i miss him.
God i would fucking die out of embarrassment if i was on Retsu's place 😐
4001 🥺
Utterly obsessed with mfs being able to recognize the real ppl in this manga lmao
Chapter 213
I don't know if that's a real proverb but if Retsu says it I'll buy it
Get his ass Retsu 😍
Chapter 214
What is a "rule"? 🤨
I keep forgetting he's missing a leg, están todos mochos estos protagonistas
Retsu be looking like a wet puppy all of the sudden mf went 🥺
Haha i wish i could squish an arm like that ☺️
This is so damn boxing like YESSS this is how every boxing movie goes so true!!! 😍
Which makes the dramatism funny bc we know Retsu can kill
Someone in the comments mentioned how if feels like reading with friends and honestly that's so true 🥰
Chapter 215
I love how he has some fans already
Yeah no if a guy like that appeared irl i too would cheer for him
Retsu is having a crisis did he really not know this was all a farse? Like dude, c'mon.
Retsu got up in this ring ready to kill lmao
IYSITITSTSIIT nahhh i trust Retsu ~
"so hairy... but so elegant."
I just realized i got the song inexplicable stuck in my head bc that was the name of the chapter lol
Chapter 216
God i love Retsu so much i have so much hope placed on him
I think Retsu has one of the best character developments in this entire franchise (at least judging by so far)
Chapter 217
God i was looking like 👁️👁️ until i realized that was a mouthguard
I just came from the hospital and I'm a bit out of the loop lol
King shit i think I'm super out of it but that was badass i think
Jgzuggdlityfoh the drivers face 😭
I wonder what he will do with 2 million dollars tho
Chapter 218
Bruh his hair got cut by thin air
Did his hair get longer?
Baki really became a "well done, son!" guy
This conversation feels so fucking weird
Oh no one understands shit in the comments either, fair
Chapter 219
Yujiro legitimately surprised by kindness 😧
HE'S SO LEGITIMATELY SURPRISED, i mean considering how Baki had been since he's 13 it makes sense
I'm losing my fucking mind, yujiro i love you but i hate you
I like how most think this Yujiro is fake, i think he isn't <3
Someone called Yujiro autistic and i can't tell if they mean it literally or as an insult, like he IS a very picky guy who always wears the same clothes and has a mad low empathy... Murder is his special interest 🥰 /j
Chapter 220
I honestly feel happy for Baki, he's so euphoric over his dad hanging out with him lmao
I miss Kureha's bangs :/
Tokugawa please stop killing urself
Obsessed this man will literally die, unironically wondering why Itagaki would do that
Mfs speaking shit of Retsu's boxer arc... Stfu it's so fun :/
Chapter 221
Isn't 36 a big number for a boxer?
I really wonder what Retsu wants the money for, dude doesn't live a wild life, he doesn't often drink, he doesn't fuck, he doesn't do drugs...
Kinda sweet how he's doing this for Baki i guess
There is a guy defending Retsu with teeth and nail n like all true bestie <3
Chapter 222
Tf is that foot? Who owns it?
Shiba against Baki?! Iit surely can't be, he must just be taking him to Hanayama, right?
Chapter 223
We are all wondering the same, Baki <:/
Yeah it is kinda badass
Shiba please, at least Baki won't kill him so it's ok but STILL BRO PLS-
Rip Retsu 😔💔
Chapter 224
Slender?! Bro this mf mad buff
I'm so obsessed with this like Shiba didn't show up in how many chapters then randomly decides to fight Baki. Also, Hanayama is gonna die of cirrhosis :/
Chapter 225
I wonder how this will affect Shiba
Crying and shaking Retsu get up 😭
Retsu i love your monologue and analysis but you are sort of in a fight?
Holy fuck Retsu is tripping balls
Chapter 226
Shiba please
A gentler devil... I like that
On god is this how Yujiro feels? Thought tbf Yujiro used to make ppl hate him on purpose ;/
Chapter 227
"i will teach you something" *breaks your jaw*
Obsessed with who i assume is young Kaku btw
Chapter 228
Dude the shoes :/
Aw he's so nice ☺️
"that last panel looking like he bout to drop some beats but knowing the situation he's going to ve dropping a body"
Chapter 229
Poor coach lmao
He DID move lol
Retsu don't lose 😢
Chapter 230
"what did he get???" OUFOOYDOTSUEAIRW 😭😭😭
Shiba... Baby, you will die.
I love how nicely he's taking it lmao
This is LITERALLY Katsumi vs Doyle
Anyways good luck on Shiba and wanting to taste defeat
Reality is my phone reset on its own and i lost the last 4 chapters but that's fine, i need to take a nap anyway
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anotherworldash · 4 years
“Selfish Desire has No Moral Boundary” : Kuraneokuro dynamic exploration
This post is the long version of the authors' note of Selfish Desire has No Moral Boundary, a Kura-Neo-Kuro OT3 Fic.
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(link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/29108781 )
While we’re writing this KuraNeoKuro OT3 fic, we couldn’t help exploring both men’s selfish, predatory dynamic to Neon. Which is..so HOT!!!! Kurapika and Chrollo are so dominant while Neon’s so submissive ! Both guys treated her good a bit, then proceeded to fulfill their needs.
They care about her but they also have their own goals. Kurapika and Chrollo are so dominant while Neon’s so submissive ! They could tame the brat and play her like piano, while they’re entangled in her charm.
Now let’s get to the point which part of their dynamics we are exploring in the fic :
(To avoid confusion, nick Anotherworldash = Cb_w in AO3. This post is taken from our conversation during fic writing, so please read it as dialogue script.)
1. Her power dynamics with Chrollo and Kurapika is very submissive.
(Anotherworldash: Holy shit this is so kinky)
Legitnumbkid : Neon has daddy issues; so it makes sense why she's prone to having selfish men like Chrollo and Kurapika around her. Other women in hxh, we don't really know who are their parental figures are and they don't seem to be prone to attracting men that are bad for them.
Palm is a potential one but i think she's more of the "crazy dom-sub" energy
And it's not like Chrollo and Kurapika don’t give a fuck abt her... they do but they have their own goals.
She's like their prey and they are hunters ahhaha
Anotherworldash : Neon just cant put up a fight, but that's what makes it hotter!
Legitnumbkid : Yeah and the other women are kinda independent since they fight and all. But Neon... I think even in canon, her power dynamics with Chrollo or Kurapika is very submissive.
Anotherworldash : Trueeee
And it's even canon
They're targeting her from day one
Legitnumbkid : That's why I don't even blame her for being a bit selfish, detached and have a sick hobby... because the men around her treat her like an object. that's why she sees people like an object kekek
2. Neon is prone to men's “ingenuine” affections
 (Anotherworldash: Holy shit this is also so kinky)
Anotherworldash : Also she doesn't have this... friend role in her life. Even Palm has "colleague" like knuckle
Legitnumbkid : Yea... she's lonely... so even more prone to men's ingenuine affections.
Anotherworldash : Muahaha... poor neon but at the same time it's what makes her ships so hot.
Neon's only friend is probably kurapika who originally targeted her😂😂😂😂😂
Ikrrr so hot omg
Legitnumbkid : And even so... kurapika's not even her friend if he ends up marrying her (read marriage theory here: https://scentedmoviesaestheticempath.tumblr.com/post/638404921741475840/compiled-cbws-kuraneo-thoughts-theories)
the closest "friend" she can have is her employees; which is like... not even pure friends. I know in some fics they put that she has friends and all... but i doubt it. She lived life in a bubble.
Anotherworldash : Yeah that's why she immediately fall for chrollo trick
Probably in her life, no one ever asked her opinion about life
4 Both guys originally wanted to “take advantage of her” 
(Anotherworldash: When I thought this couldn’t get more kinky...)
Anotherworldash : I just love how this OT3 dynamic show that kurapika and chrollo are just the same type of man
They both wanted to take advantage of her
Also she trust stranger quite easily
Just so vulnerable. therefore kurapika is guilt ridden and chrollo wanted to keep her safe(even if it's for his benefit, like when he told other spiders not to touch the ambulance)
Also chrollo easily showed his vulnerable side to her by crying 😭😭😭(probably cause she’s a stranger or what but it’s there!)
Legitnumbkid: OMG YA. Technically it's becos Neon needs to live so he can use her powers but I feel like he genuinely likes her as a person.
Same for Kurapika. A lot of people REALLY overestimate kurapika's "hatred" for neon becos of her personality and hobby; when actually, he never once showed any animosity towards her.
Anotherworldash : They just instantly vibed HAHAHAHAH
Kurapika is just like any other men
When he sees the girl is pretty. He is having second thought 😂😂😂😭
Legitnumbkid : and neon feeling uncomfy... it shows that she does have feelings but she's just not that exposed
HAHAH. I love kurapika's hypocrisy
he acts like he is noble and shit.. went to think leorio is a sleaze during the hunter exam for wanting to touch a girl
5. We love the ‘Animals by Maroon 5′ Vibe
Anotherworldash : OT3 just reminds me of  : https://youtu.be/7BJ3ZXpserc
I love how the snakes are shown more than one
Legitnumbkid : YESSS those are chrollo and neon haha
Anotherworldash : Chrollo and kurapika wants to tell her "I'm the man here"
"And you are my woman so you are here to serve me"
Legitnumbkid : Even the original music video is so hot
It's like... so animalistic
Anotherworldash : Adam levine is observing through window when behati is sleeping, calculating. Just like kuraneo and kuroneo 😂😭. Even the pictures thing!
Legitnumbkid : I feel like... this is more appropriate to Chrollo tho. Idk why. He's like... stalking/hunting her in YorkNew City.
i bet my jenny money that chrollo jacked off to her pic ahhaha
So hotdamn. "You can't deny the beast inside" HAHHA
Anotherworldash : And his move is so violent... He legit knocked her out
Legitnumbkid : Fangirls be mad bruh but... he just knocked her out? before catching her? ya'all really want that?? HAHHA
Chrollo will steal her heart too
Anotherworldash : Chrollo said "Don't need consent when I'm the man 😬😙"
He legit say that... He stole her and touched her too
6. Their ‘Rivalry’ and their conversation when mentioning Neon 
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Kurapika is so mad Chrollo approached and did something to Neon that he forgot abt their ‘hostage exchange’ rule :( where he’s not supposed to harm Chrollo.
Chrollo has mentioned many times he’s not scared of the situation, but Kurapika was not that provoked... until Chrollo mentioned Neon. How awesome
7. Their Parallel to The Great Gatsby (We are fans of the Series!)
Legitnumbkid : Honestly the amount of people in the hxh fandom that hates her without analysing her character is such poor taste and a lack of observation. It’s also similar to how Daisy is so hated but people need to understand that …
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OMG SIS I was reading The Great Gatsby Chapter 4 (when Gatsby was talking to Nick) and LOOK AT THIS LINE:
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Anotherworldash : And the way Chrollo Grabs neon... Giving her the things she want then claiming her, is just Tom x Daisy  ~
Please refer to this post for more : https://anotherworldash.tumblr.com/post/641807577123012608
That’s the post. Hope you like this OT3 too!
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Oh also, have I mentioned that Kurapika was dowsing Neon when she was literally having coffee with Chrollo? O.M.G.
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virtuouscandlelight · 3 years
{ OOC } okay I love how Peter Pan 2003 is a very brilliant clash between Narnia, the original Peter Pan, POTC, and Pan’s Labyrinth — and despite being a children’s movie, still possesses a great deal of dark themes that aren’t really blurred out at all this movie has NO issue involving multiple deaths and now I must ramble since I finished the movie.
— Wendy and Pan reminds me of Elizabeth and Will, they have that intense power couple energy, especially when fighting together. Wendy also taking absolutely no shit and fucking a guy up for calling her girlie. We stan a young queen. She was SMILING when sword fighting the pirates. Young Elizabeth right there.
— Mr.Smee reminds me of Mr.Gibbs. Sweet old men that are the right hand men of the main antagonist. Soft, a lot more caring, but also take no shit when the time is given. Mr.Smee still has his moments. Hook is a cross between Sparrow’s comedic value and Barbossa’s dirty fighting and vocabulary.
— They didn’t make the mermaids all whimsical Ariel like ! They used the more realistic approach and that makes me HAPPY even Pan was like they’ll drown you don’t touch them lmao
— CGI wasn’t too heavily used. One of the biggest issues I have with fantasy movies is the usage of way too much CGI to the point where the acting is almost blurred out. The more CGI, the more you’re paying attention to special effects than the actual plot imo. Not to mention they blended it in so well with the real stage. All the fairy forest scenes and moonlight were so aesthetically pleasing.
— THE FUCKING DIALOGUE. THE QUOTES. Pan is insufferable in the original but he’s at least a bit more tolerable here. He has his serious moments and expresses genuine grief to full on painful screaming that the original lacked severely. He was way too comical and immature in the original for my tastes, I have heavy respect for characters that show you a palette of emotions and hidden emotions and man was this movie a TREAT for letting you see each character go through all sorts of challenges. Pan in denial with his own feelings of love, actually reasoning why he dislikes the thought of growing up, screaming and sobbing over Tinkerbell, euphoria over Wendy. Wendy expressing euphoria toward Neverland { seriously the actress is GORGEOUS. } , her screaming in grief also sounds genuine, the sobbing too, the BADASS bitch attitude. Hook finally getting to express true piracy in action with killing more than six people on screen LMAO, threatening death multiple times verbally and physically, kicking a tied up child over in the head, poisoning Pan { Tinkerbell ends up drinking it and technically dies. OOP }, genuinely intimidating and skilled — but also expressing jealousy and grief over Wendy and Pan being smitten, “ You will die alone and unloved. . . Just like me. “ BRUH, obviously being hinted at that he’s touch starved as all hell and hates any type of love because he severely lacks it. fucking ROLLERCOASTER
— IT’S NOT ALL ROMANCE AYYYYY the plot doesn’t overly romanticize everything and stays true to the theme of the difficulties of growing up and losing that childish magic in your life which is frankly a very common mishap, adults lose their inner child a lot and it’s basically a case of all work and no play makes johnny a dull boy. It’s why Pan hates the thought of aging so badly and mentioned college and offices, it’s a dreary reality if you suffocate that inner child. then it’s just constant work and being a stick in the mud.
— As much as I love original Disney movies I’m gonna have to say this one is ten times more favorable than the original. Solely because they strengthened the dark themes and expression so you can really feel the characters. I love me some romance and happy themes but if there’s no challenge and angst involved then I get bored real quick. That’s also how I prefer to write too — as angst and fluff come hand in hand.
— Pan’s design being Celtic makes my pagan heart swell.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 4 years
[EP31 Spoiler] When Tsukishima said that people in the 7th called Ogata "mountain cat" as a cruel joke, I'm surprised to see Sugimoto genuinely feeling bad for Ogata. Like bruh he straight up shot you in head, remember? I understand why Tsukishima appeared uncomfortable recounting this because he was judged by his father's sins too, but Sugimoto's reaction was a surprise to me. Your thought?
I don’t really think it’s surprising.
I’m not sure if you’re just an anime viewer or are you also following the manga (if you aren’t I recommend reading it as it’s much, much better than the anime) but I warn you my answer will include also parts that will refer to scenes in the manga that weren’t included in the anime (because the anime decided not to animate them) or that in the anime continuity have yet to happen as the manga is the original source of material and behaviours.
Anyway, let’s start with the part that’s common in both media, in short the scene in question.
Here it’s how it is in the anime.
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And here there’s the manga version.
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The dialogue and the core of the scene is more or less the same so I won’t dig too much into the small differences and just discuss the scene.
A bit of technicalities, first.
Words used:
Yamaneko (山猫)= “Wildcat”, litterally “mountain cat”.
Ōyamaneko (オオヤマネコ)= “Lynx”, litterally “big mountain cat”.
Meko Oyasi (メコオヤシ)= “Cat monster” (oyasi are, losely, malicious Ainu mythological creatures, Tsukishima will later see the meko oyasi as equivalent to the Japanese ‘Bakeneko’ (化け猫) = “monster cat”)
Now... the slang for geisha ‘wildcat’ has a complicate story but, back then, was used for ‘geisha’ who actually slept with customers. Now, a geisha isn’t supposed to sleep with a customer or engage with him in any sort of sexual act. That’s why ‘geisha’ who slept with customers were viewed as a fraud, people who deceive others, because they passed themselves for geisha when they actually were prostitutes.
So the sentence Koito said actually means ‘the son of a swindler is a swindler’.
The ‘joke’, if we want to call it as such, is objectively pathetic and dumb, a way to attack a person not over something he can control, like his character or his actions, but over something he can’t control, like who gave birth to him, made worse (although Sugimoto can’t know this part) by how Ogata’s mother didn’t slep with Hanazawa for money but because she fell for him and if there was a swindler in the story that one is Hanazawa who took advantage of her feelings and then dumper her.
But, back to Ogata, he has no control over his mother’s work or what she chose to do prior to his birth, nor he had the chance to chose her over another woman as his mother. He is also not his mother, and being a swindler isn’t a genetically trasmissible trait.
So what the 7th division called a joke is actually a personal attack done in really poor taste based on a wrong assumption (that Ogata’s mother was a prostitute) and a fallacity (frauding behaviour isn’t heriditary) that aimed to hit Ogata not for a fault of his but for something he had no control over in a time in which he hadn’t betrayed the 7th yet (as the joke started prior to Ogata’s betrayal).
Attacking Ogata defining him a fraud, a swinder, was a big blow in a time where honour was held so valuable, so it’s not really minor.
Back to Sugimoto though, Sugimoto is an adult.
He can see it’s a low blow, something petty and childish, something completely different from calling Ogata ‘murderer’ or ‘jerk’ or even a ‘swindler’ but for things HE and not his mom, did, and it’s a joke the 7th division passed on way before Ogata shoot him and way before Ogata betrayed them.
Therefore, even if he wants Ogata dead, in such circumstance he decides not to side with people who take fun slandering others for reasons that aren’t connected to their crimes... or try to. But we’ll get to this part later.
(and of course there’s to keep in consideration Sugimoto is not overly fond of Koito either, so he’s likely not going to humour him).
There’s more though, as Sugimoto isn’t coming to this realization only due to his ‘deductive ability’ but more due to personal experience.
If you’re only an anime viewer you might not know it, but Sugimoto also suffered being attacked for something he had no part in. This part was completely censored in the anime, like all the scenes that end up involving Umeko, but Sugimoto’s whole family fell sick with tuberculosis. While Sugimoto was forced to watch his relative die one after the other the village he lived him shunned him and his family, with people considering to burn down their house with them in... and, although we don’t hear it, it’s possible they also insulted them.
The result is that Sugimoto takes very poorly when people badtalk about other people for reasons unrelated to them.
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In case you missed it, the one Shiraishi does is another cruel joke.
‘Sono Ainu wa omae-san no kai inu ka?’
Lit: “That Ainu is your pet dog?”
When he says “pet dog” this translates as ‘kai inu’’ (飼いイヌ) a word that sound similar to ‘Ainu’ and that therefore was used to insult Ainu.
Anyway Sugimoto can’t help but loathe that joke because he had been on the receiving help of something similar and can’t help but be reminded of it when Tsukishima explains him the whole thing.
He very likely wouldn’t have felt bad for Ogata at all if they had attacked him for something that Ogata did, but hearing them attack Ogata for something he had no control over had instead to ring a bell in him, reminding him of his own drama, hence the rejection of their actions, especially when Koito, whom Sugimoto sees as a spoiled brat, seems instead in favour of them.
Said all this, despite knowing what the men of the 7th was wrong, neither Tsukishima nor Sugimoto truly managed to avoid following their example, although in a more veiled way. I would say hypocritical much but the truth is that when you are angry at someone or even hate that person (for rightful or wrong reasons) in many cases YOU feel legittimate to be a jerk and do things you reproach in others.
Tsukishima, angry about how Ogata killed Maeyama, referenced to it calling him a ‘pet cat’ on his face...
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...and later on referred to him as an ‘Ōyamaneko’.
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Sugimoto too is not above making references to Ogata being a wildcat by saying Ogata claw things for the fun of it...
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...and by using ‘nekoyoke’ (猫よけ), which yes, means “cat repellent”.
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So as you can see neither Tsukishima nor Sugimoto are so morally above others they don’t slip into petting insulting despite knowing it’s wrong but, at least, both of them tried to be mature about it.
So that’s how I see it.
Sugimoto, despite hating Ogata, could see the joke was wrong because it rang a bell inside him, one he couldn’t ignore as it’s deeply tied to his personal tragedy so he refused to partake in the act.
However, as things between him and Ogata worsened, despite his attempts he slipped in the act, albeith not in an openly manner... because humans are often just like that, when they’re angry at someone it seems fair even attack them with slander instead than sticking to the right motivations. Which is sad... but human.
At least that’s how I see it. Of course I can be wrong in my interpretation.
Anyway, thank you for your ask!
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
20 more asks! ♡٩(●ᴗ●)۶♡
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Well.. I don’t know, there’s plenty of kinds of candy that I’ve never liked.
I don’t like butterfingers, I don’t like snickers, jelly beans or most licorice.. But if I had to come out and say one specifically, I really don’t like butter fingers. The taste is fine, its the nasty texture that gets to me. ( >﹏<;)
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I asked around to a few family members and got 9s and 10s out of 10. I myself think I go above and beyond to imagine and build up every little tiny detail to my stories so.. 10/10 I suppose? <:D
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Hmm.. I think I’m going to put this ask into 3 category's.
1. Who likes candy corn?
White Truck
Green Truck
2. Who would eat some of it if it was given to them, but would not buy it with their own money?
Brown Suburban
3. Doesn’t like candy corn.
Red Van
Unique category's. 
Volvo doesn’t eat candy and has never tried it. But he would like it if he did.
Bash Buggy also doesn’t eat candy. But if he tried it he probably wouldn’t like it too much.. He’d eat some of it if someone offered it to him though.
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1. I’ve watched all the Bayverse movies and the Bumblebee movie. I liked them a lot. :}  However I am not into, nor have I seen any other adaptions other than Prime..
2. Hoo boy, here we go. XD
Suburban is a literal beast in the snow. The best of the best. The snow is no trouble at all and the cold never bothered him anyway. He may not like the snow all that much because it makes him wet and a little cold.. but he certainly doesn’t hate it and will play in it with the kids if they want him too. He also never passes up the opportunity to have a snowball fight or build a snowman.
Miata really struggles with handling the cold physically, because she’s so small, light, and rear wheel drive.. but she really does enjoy it. She likes to help the kids build giant snow men and loves making snow angels, she doesn’t mind the cold or snow at all.
Escort? Uhg. The cold isn’t enough to shut him down, but it sure darn FEELS like it. I mean sure, okay, he’s front wheel drive so actually driving in the snow and cold is fine.. buuut, if he stops moving? Its game over. He’ll start shaking and sputtering and pretty soon he’ll shut down. He does like to hang out with the kids sometimes, although normally the cold nips at him enough that he doesn’t go outside.
Brown Suburban isn’t a big fan of snow because his body struggles to start up enough already, having the cold on top of it makes it just that much harder. But honestly its not too bad. He’s heavy enough that he can drive through snow decently so that’s a plus. However, his starting up issues with snow aside, he does actually like snowball fights. One time, it was Jeepy, Wheeljack, Suburban and Bulkhead vs Brown Suburban. Brown Suburban won. The goal was to knock your opponent down. 
U.M.Dragster and his sister H A T E the cold with a burning passion... heh, burning, anyway. They just.. cant handle it at all. Like, not at all. Their joints lock up and they just shut down. One time, they both sat at the entrance of the base huddled up together and watching everyone else.. When A.T suddenly froze up and just fell over. They’re sad that they cant join everyone else. But they’re just too thin, the cold gets right under their plating and freezes their cores. <:{
Green Truck struggles with cold and snow, he really does. He’s old and has a bad shivering problem. His alt form is also a truck, meaning he’s light and doesn't get good traction in the snow and ice. Now if the kiddos want him to, he’ll go out and play with them. But otherwise he really isn’t a fan and would rather be cooped up in the base where its warm and dry.
Vega? Heck nah he don’t like the cold or snow! You kidding?? Vega is a total base hermit. Because of his age, his body really doesn't handle cold well at all, despite the size of his engine. He normally doesn’t leave the base when its cold. But in all honesty? He’s a big ol’ softie when it comes to kids. If they catch him in a decent mood he’ll go outside and endure the conditions to hang out with them.
Red Van would usually be pretty good all around when it comes to handling the cold and snow.. if it wasn't for her knees. Because of the damage they have sustained, she cant really go out in the snow all that much. The internal wiring in her knees is mostly exposed and it doesn’t react to cold well, making her sore and achy. She usually just spends her time huddled up in the base with heated straps wrapped around her legs.. <:{
White Truck is, well, a not-so-strong truck. So driving in the snow is pretty difficult. He’s decent with handling the cold and doesn’t mind goofing around with the kiddos in the cold, but I don't think he’d really want to go out on his own in it.
Beluga is pretty good at handling both and likes to goof around in the snow with the kids. She doesn't mind the cold or the wetness so honestly the winter months are no problem for her. She actually probably enjoys the winter months more than any of the others do.
Honda is mostly fine handling the cold and snow, but she’s not exactly a fan. She’ll goof around in the snow if the kids want her too, but she won’t go out on her own.
Ranger can handle the cold just fine, but being a truck an all.. driving through the snow is a little difficult at times. She’s a softie at her core but is usually not persuaded to go outside and play unless a lot of older bots are out there too. She doesn’t like to go out in the snow but she likes to keep an eye on her team when a lot of them are out in cold conditions.
Volvo can handle the cold very well because he’s so dense. His arms, legs, chest, back and every where else has many, many layers of metal. That doesn’t mean he likes it though. Driving wise he’s fine and temperature wise he’s fine, but he just doesn't like getting wet. He also has no time for “snowball fights” and “building snowmen” and what not. He’s a base hermit when it snow comes to that’s for sure.
The cold nips at Jeepy a little bit, but boy is the snow fun. Drivin, slidin, ridin, all of it is just a blast for him. He doesn’t mind the cold one bit while he’s ripping around and having fun.
Bash Buggy might just be the worst in the snow. Bash is basically 100% blind because snow screws up all 3 of his vision modes. Everything and everyone is cold and wet, so thermal doesn’t work. Grid cant latch on to the shapes around him because everything is round and the same color. And then Night vision doesn't work in the day time anyway, but the snow makes it worse none the less. His body is so severely stripped of his armor and insulation, that the cold just... uhhg, it just eats him up. His body tries so hard to keep him warm that he looses all of his energy being in it. He hates this. All of it. He just wants to be outside and hang out with his buddies, but.. he just cant. It’d probably kill him to be out there too long, so he’s stuck just being a base hermit all winter. <:{
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♡♡Winterrrr~~~~♡♡ mmmm snooooowww ♡♡~~~ ♡(*´ o `*)♡ The season I was born in~~♡♡
Sadly it doesn’t snow much where I live, and when it does its only around for like 3 days. ╥﹏╥
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And yes it makes me happy! I love getting asks, of all kinds! (excluding mean ones of course XD)
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I like Alfred Pennyworth more, but Batman is cool too. :}
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WHEEZE I-- BRuH, this is the best thing ever! XD I don’t know how quickly Doritos burst into flames but lets just pretend its pretty fast.
Escort and Vega are huddled up in a corner of the base in front of the only tiny space heater they have. They’re both shivering and quietly chatting when, I feel like Jeepy, comes up to them with this giant box.
“Is that heater helping at all?“ Jeepy asks genuinely and worried.
They pause for a moment, but then Vega shrugs and Escort makes a face and shakes his head. Jeepy then grins from ear to ear.
“WELL!“ He says kicking the heater aside and pouring out the contents of the box into the floor in front of them. Out of the box came several hundred bags of Dorito chips. 
“What are..“ Escort starts. But Jeepy is already grabbing a blowtorch out of no where and attempting to light the Doritos on fire. The Doritos quickly burst into flames, causing immediate panic. 
Escort quickly pulls Vega up from the ground and they dip. Ratchet and the other medics start freaking out. Everyone scatters and are scrambling to find the kids and a way to put out the fire. Brown suburban scoops up Jeepy and gets him away from the fire while other bots manage to find all three kids. 
Someone manages to stomp out the fire, maybe Ranger. After assuring no one was hurt and everyone is okay, they just look at Jeepy like?? WhY did you do that?? Jeepy’s like a clueless kid and was like, “Well they were cold and I heard these things were flammable soo...?”
Sigh, Jeepy’s got a few screws loose but they love him anyway. XD
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Replace “Blue Suburban’s” with “my” and you just quoted Suburban.
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Hmmm... Well lets see.. maybe like, if they wore clothes, what you be their iconic clothing of choice? Hmm..
Miata would have a lanyard of some kind, not sure what design it would have but I think it would be black and grey.
Escort would probably have a thin black jacket that doesn’t have a zipper. He’d wear all the time, even in summer. Its just enough to keep the chill off of him but not enough to make him overheat.
Brown Suburban would have a poorly made bracelet made of pony beads that he wears everywhere. He never talks about it and no one knows where he got it. As far as anyone knows, he doesn’t have any children..
U.M.Dragster and his sister would probably have bracelets too. Mostly likely matching ones that are souvenirs from the races.
Vega would have an old black leather baseball cap that he wears everywhere.
White Truck would have a pair of black flip flops that he wears all the time.
Beluga wouldn’t have an article of clothing, she’d have a galaxy print backpack that she takes with her when ever she has the chance.
Honda doesn’t have an article of clothing that she wears all year round. But she does have a scarf that she wears every day of winter and fall
Jeepy would have some kind of beanie that he wears all year round.
Bash Buggy might have some really small article of clothing. Like a small piece of torn fabric that he keeps in his wallet. It would be a piece of a shirt or something that he had a sentimental connection to before it was destroyed. He keeps it with him at all times, its his way of coping with the past and keeping a piece of his memories with him.
I’m not sure about the rest of them. They may have something too but I cant really think of anything..   
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Cat people?
Escort Brown Suburban A.T.Dragster Honda Beluga
Dog People?
Green Truck Suburban U.M.Dragster Red Van White Truck Bash Buggy Jeepy
Doesn’t like animals?
Volvo Vega
Bird people? 
Fish people?
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It would probably be Suburban. He’s very gentle with humans and would be very careful if he picked me up. 
I’d probably freak out a little being that high up in the air, but I know that Suburban would keep me safe.
For some reason, that felt super weird to type out.
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Hmm.. lets say you said you loved him romantically.
If you managed to convince him, he’d go pretty quiet. Just looking from side to side and thinking.. He’d be fidgeting with his hands and look like he’s trying to say something but cant form the words.
“D-Do you really?“ He’d ask. If you said yes with certainty.. he’d begin to tear up.
“..Y-You can do better.. you c-can so much better than me..” 
He’d probably begin to cry. “You d-deserve so much better than me..”
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Hmm... a certain funny or weird ask?.. Hm.. Well, I’m not sure about funny or weird, but this ask? 👇 
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Was very well worded and S T U N G. I’ve been thinking about it recently. I really need to replace those windows, Suburban didn’t deserve that.
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Yeah, they’ve both lost a lot and unfortunately relate to each other in that regard. Miata has a big heart, and seeing someone so sad and alone just really made her sad. She wanted to talk to him to try and make him feel better, but she ended up actually becoming good friends with him. He’s even her mentor now actually. :}
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You missed it? :} Its about time I backed away from the red and eased my way into the blue~
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I figure I should probably clear this up real quick. Miata is single too, but I said she isn’t because she just got out of a relationship with the Decepticon Zippy. So she’s not looking for love at the moment.
As for Volvo, good luck. Legit, even I don’t know what it would take to woo him, and I MADE him for crying out loud!! 
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Ah my name, Factual Fantasy. I was wondering when I’d get this question. Fair warning, long explanation pending.
So you see, I have this thing I like to do with my drawings and stories. I like to incorporate truths and facts into them. I like things to function realistically, and have an explanation for everything. I’ll give you some examples.
Lets say there’s this show, and due to the storyline there's a polar bear guy that spends most of his time in warm water and in the sun. The show never addresses the fact that this would kill the polar bear due to his blubber and two layers of fur making him overheat and die.
So, how can I make this work? How can a polar bear survive comfortably in warm climates? How about this, he shaves his fur down as short as he can possibly go. So that way his winter coat is thinned out greatly and he can at least decently handle most warm weather? That’s a good explanation for something that doesn't make sense.
How about another example?
I want Gaster to be Sans and Papyrus’s dad in my AU, but there’s a lot that needs explaining. Why does Sans and Papyrus look so extremely different in so many different ways if they’re brothers? How could they have been born if there are no other skeletons to speak of in the game? Well, how about this.
Gaster wanted kids, but no longer had his wife. So he turned to science and cut a hole out of his left hand to take its DNA. He does lots of experiments on the bone piece and manages to make Sans from it. Unfortunately a lot of mistakes happened along the way which messed up Sans’s body pretty bad. Sans’s growth was messed up and he stopped growing at age 15. His magic is unstable and comes out in strong bursts when he attempts to use it.
After Sans was successful he tried again with the other hand and made Papyrus. Papyrus was made with way fewer mistakes and thus, Papyrus grew up normally and resembles his father.
This would explain where they came from and how Gaster could be their dad without the presence of a mom. This would explain why Sans looks so different from Paps and Gaster as well. It could also be the reason why Sans never usually uses his powers much. Not just because he’s lazy, but because its dangerous too.
How about one more example.. just in case..
Okay. Lets say I want to make an AU where Stanley has Bills powers but doesn't know it. How can I make that make sense? How can Stan have powers but not know it?
So I think okay, first, the powers. I want him to have Bills powers but I want Bill to be dead, So, Instead of Bill being erased, I make it that the memory gun shattered him. Making Bill dead, but his pieces remain. Giving Stanley his powers. That’s reasonable, that makes sense.
Now, how can he not know that he has these powers? Well, perhaps he only has some of Bills pieces. Maybe Bill was shattered so severely that most of him is just dust, while some of his pieces remain mostly intact. So this could mean his powers aren’t as strong and don’t really show up. So if he cant really see or feel his powers, he wouldn't know he has them.
Okay. Now of course, sooner or later Stan is going to accidentally use them right? How can he still not know he has them after he uses them? Well what if Bills activated powers + Stanley’s Human mind = black outs? Like, his mind cant handle the power so the power just takes over him, making him black out. So he uses his power, blacks out and then comes back to himself and doesn't remember anything. 
Well what about Ford? Ford would surly be around Stan when he uses his powers and remember them right? Well, what if the only times that Stan’s power has flared up strong enough to become visible was when Ford has been attacked and knocked unconscious? That way, both twins black out when the powers are used and neither of them remember it. Simple!
I took a crazy unreasonable world and made it all makes sense. It all has an explanation, an answer, facts that connect it to a realistic build. I always build my worlds on facts and reasons. Another good example is my Transformer OCs. Nearly everything about them is something related to the real cars, just shifted a little bit. Vega’s overheating, Red Vans knees, Escorts heart attack, Green Trucks leg, Bash Buggy’s blindness, the Dragsters being siblings, etc, etc, etc.
Do you get the picture..? I like to explain things. Put facts into my fiction. Make things and characters feel more real and connected to reality on a different level.
I like to, and always have, added reasoning and facts to my fantasies.
Factual, Fantasy.
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