#I hate this hic town
bearjam · 1 year
Working on my fanficion and I hear a pop. All of the power just went out. Adios to my work.
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darlingggdearest · 1 year
Loved your yandere Enmu headcanons!
Is it ok I could ask for yandere Enmu headcanons again but this time with a willing female darling?
Basically darling's father died, her brother stole all their family's leftover savings and consequently ruined all of darling's chances at a decent life, and her sisters refuse to help her out.
So when Enmu wants her to be his rather than fighting him she accepts his "proposal". How would their dynamic go? Thank you so much for answering! 🩷
Oh my gosh, you're an evil genius. I wanna eat your brain and absorb its power. I also had another request a lot like this, so I guess I can kill two birds with one stone on this one.
WARNING: Yandere Enmu, death, I do not condone any actions that Enmu does in this post, if you are in a situation like this, please seek help.
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+ Enmu had been watching you for a long time.
+ Months, or maybe even years has gone by since he first laid his eyes on you. He's seen your life in vivid detail from the shadows, or outside your window. He's watched your best moments and your worst moments. Enmu closely waits for the best time to take you, the perfect time to snatch you away from those unworthy fools you call your family, and make you his for all eternity.
+ Enmu had never hated anything more than your family, he felt a sickening twist of jealousy and rage in the pit of his stomach whenever he saw you smile at anyone who wasn't him. He especially hated your brother, he saw something awful and untrustworthy in him, making the jealous feeling in the pit of his stomach morph into a strong urge to protect you from the bad vibes of your sibling.
+ In any case, Enmu had already decided when he was going to take you away. Your father had been ill for a long time, three years to be precise. Everyone knew it wouldn't be long before time caught up to him. Despite this truth, it didn't stop Enmu from speeding up the process by giving your father disturbing dreams that kept him up at night, further weakening him.
+ The morning was duller than normal, you had prepared breakfast and was heading down to your fathers room to serve him his meal. When you arrived you saw your father dead in his bed, he had died in his sleep.
+ It wasn't a shock by any means, he would've been gone any day now, but yet it was so much more painful and... real than you thought it would be.
+ The next day after the funeral, you had gotten the news from your brother that he had inherited all of your fathers riches and was now moving away to start a new life in another town. That was it, you had been abandoned for good. Being a woman in the tashio era was impossible if you had no parents or husband to take care of you.
+ That night Enmu emerged from the shadows to watch you once again. You were crying to yourself in the garden, an eviction note gripped in your right hand. Enmu, seeing your disheveled state, knew what had inevitably happened, and approached you.
"Why hello there darling!! Why so blue?"
+ You jumped suddenly as the strange man sat next to you, he sat closer than how a stranger would, thighs squished together on the bench, his warm breath warming your neck.
+ You had seen this man before, he was no stranger, as he had introduced himself to you at the market a number of times. But you never would have thought to see that same man sitting next to you on your property. Despite these obvious anomalies you croak out a response.
"My father died a few days ago, and my brother has left me with nothing, I'm being evicted, and *hic* I have no husband or family to take care of me."
+ You couldn't believe you were spilling your heart out to a man you hardly knew. But you were so torn down and broken you couldn't care less.
+ The strange man next to you did not seem as surprised as you thought he would be. Enmu looked at you with such warmth in his eyes you would've thought that he had known you for years. He put his hand on your thigh out of comfort and pity, and started to speak again.
"Sounds awful, I can't possibly imagine what you're going through dear... However..."
+ He took your face in his hand. His muscular form towering over you with a sparkle in his eyes.
+ You wouldn't deny that you felt a bit uncomfortable with his hand on your upper thigh, but you were in no position to deny kindness from a stranger right now.
+ You look up at him with your big eyes, mouth parted ever so slightly to show a sliver of your pearly white teeth and plump lips.
"You are clearly in distress, and have nowhere else to go."
+ Enmu couldn't believe how perfectly this was going. You would finally be his, and he didn't even have to kidnap you!
"Even though we only know each other in passing, I had fallen in love with you the first moment I laid my eyes on you. I will marry you (y/n), and treat you well. You won't have to worry about anything dear, I'll be the perfect husband for you."
+ Enmu brushed his thumb on your cheekbone to encourage you to choose the right choice. You were shocked, placing your hand on your mouth and closing your eyes as you sunk into your thoughts. A man you hardly knew was professing his love for you. You didn't know him, you didn't know his intentions for you, and you certainly didn't know what kind of man he was. However what could you do? You had no one, to say no to him was foolish. This was the best outcome for you. (Really it was the only outcome for you, however much to your oblivious nature, you didn't know that.)
+ So you excepted.
"You are a kind man Enmu, but I hope you are not marrying me out of pity.
+ He chuckled.
"I wouldn't dream of it darling."
+ He squeezed his hand around your thigh.
" Then I think... I shall except your proposal."
"Oh perfect!~"
+ Enmu leaned in and kissed your cheek, then placing a peck on your lips. He really wanted to do more, but he didn't want to scare off the little bunny he just caught.
+ You let him do as he pleased. If it meant getting out of the situation you were in, you would let him do anything. And oh how he relished in that wonderful knowledge. He would test that truth, soon. But for now he would enjoy just being able to touch you while you were awake.
Thank you so much for requesting!!! Please request anytime, my inbox is always open. I'll post a part two on what their dynamic would be like soon.
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steddieunderdogfics · 1 month
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: @fandomlover1992! FandomLover1992 has 7 works in the Stranger Things fandom, and all of them are in the steddie tag.
@kaypie91 or anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @fandomlover1992:
Hello My Old Heart
Nothing Sweeter Than My Baby
A Rage That Never Wavers
Chained Up Fire
Finding Krampus
"I love her story lines so much! It never fails, once I get an email that one of her fics have updated I drop everything and RUN to ao3. Her fics really make you feel the feels." -- @kaypie91
Below the cut, @fandomlover1992 answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Honestly, when I first started getting obsessed with Steddie, I wanted to read a very specific AU. I loved the plotline of season 4 but I was literally distraught by Eddie dying LOL! And I was like he doesn't have to be dead in an AU. He can live happily in an AU with Steve 😍😍😍
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I love enemies to lovers. It is just such an amazing journey to see two characters go from one extreme to the other. To go from completely loathing someone to 'I'll kill for you.' The journey can be comedic but also humbling as the characters have to be able to say 'maybe I was wrong about you.'
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
I love, love, love soul-mate AUs. Particularly ones where they know it the moment they see each other. It just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy when someone goes, "Yes, this is the one. I don't need to look any further this idiot is mine and I'll love him and wrap him up in a blanket and feed him."
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
Oh Goddess there are so many. Honestly the fic that I am constantly astounded by and just re-read all the time is Hic Sunt Dracones by Just-My-Latest-Hyperfixation. I am just so floored by the level of passion and imagery and masterful storytelling.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I love reading a slow burn Enemies to Lovers but I feel I'm too impatient to write it. I'll be like chapter 1 going good, they hate each other and….boom chapter 2 they're in love and married. So, I really want to challenge myself to be patient and let the plot flow nice and slow.
What is your writing process like?
So, it's extremely chaotic but I love it. A lot of times I won’t necessarily have a story or plotline at first, but I will just have a scene in my mind. So I will write that scene and then reverse engineer the story to that scene and that's how I create the plot. For example in Nothing Sweeter Then My Baby, it was the scene where Eddie finds Steve at the bakery and he knows that Steve is his soulmate, but Steve is denying it and is so scared to be discovered. So, I had to be like ok why is Steve hiding? Why is he running? Why is Eddie so desperately looking?
Do you have any writing quirks?
Yes, when I start a story it is so chaotic. Cause I never ever start at the beginning. I will write like two scenes that are not in any shape related, then a single line will pop in my head and I'll write that but I won't finish it and I'll just start writing another one and next thing I know I have 5k of gibberish.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
When I finish…or when I'm like ok I need to post people are starting I'm dead lol!
Which fic are you most proud of?
Honestly, not to sound pretentious but all of them. There was a time when I looked at a blank page and felt nothing but hopelessness that I could ever fill it, much less be able to write 10,000 words in one sitting. As weird as it sounds writing Steddie has given me the hope, the skills, and the drive to become a published writer someday
How did you get the idea for Hello My Old Heart?
So, I was reading Bad Beat by LexiRoseWrites and I just kept getting this idea about Eddie being so mad at Steve at the end, he just picked up and left town. And poor Steve is pregnant and alone. Lexi gave me her blessing to write it and I tagged her work as inspiration at the bottom.
When writing Hello My Old Heart, what was something you didn’t expect?
I didn't expect the plot to take me where it did. I had planned it just to be a heartfelt, angsty story but through workshopping some ideas I came up with the Brenner/pills plotline.
What inspired Nothing Sweeter Than My Baby?
I always loved the idea of soul-mate identifying marks and how that would affect real life. So, I thought it would be really cool to combine the idea with royalty core and draw out the dangers one might experience being the soul-mate of a very important and powerful person.
What was your favorite part to write from Finding Krampus?
The parts where Eddie makes Steve blush. I love that little cat and mouse games where they are both attracted to each other but are scared to make a real move so they just flirt and blush and giggle. I find it so sweet and exhilarating.
How do/did you feel writing A Rage That Never Wavers?
When I started, I was going through a very difficult time. When I'm overwhelmed or just so fucking done with everything and the people around me, I just want to be alone and self isolate. I felt like no matter what I said, or did or even wanted, everyone was attacking me. So, I came up with a scene of Steve alone in a cabin in the woods and he was just scared of everyone including Eddie. And so I reversed engineered, what if there was a magical reason this was happening and therefore a magical cure. Don't we all want that when we have anxiety and the world is pressing your chest and getting air feels like a battle. I am doing much, much better now and I am very determined to finish the story before Halloween.
What was the most difficult part of writing Chained Up Fire?
Honestly, it was probably one of the easiest stories to write. It just flowed out of me. Full disclosure I'm having trouble picking it up because I feel like it's original enough to publish, so who knows?
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
For Nothing Sweeter Then My Baby: "Eddie’s heart was slow, proud, heavy and belonging to Steve. And by everything that was holy and unholy in this world, he would deliver it to Steve at his feet."
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Yes, when I get all my WIPs done, I am going to start on a vampire/ABO/royaltycore fic that I'm too excited about.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
No, just that it seems silly but writing Steddie has legit changed my life and gave me hope again that I could be a professional writer. And I love the supportive community so much and I really, really hope that it stays strong even past the series finally.
Thank you to our author, @fandomlover1992, and our nominator, @kaypie91! See more of FandomLover1992's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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kris-mage-fics · 9 months
Since I always forget what tag to look up to find my own writing, I made this pinned post. Fandoms are listed in alphabetical order, and the individual fics in chronological order of when they were published. Original work is listed last. Only if it's relevant will I note if something hasn't been beta read, any romantic pairing(s), and significant content warnings.
Edit: Now contains links to silly meme/text post compilations! Currently only for Shepherds of Haven, but who knows, some may come for other fandoms in the future!
Ebon Light
A New Room | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 1,532 words | vague spoilers for the end of the game | Haron/MC | Haron is excited to show Natasha her new room in Lonre's manor. (This is the first fic I ever wrote, and close to the first piece of fiction overall. I've improved since, but I'm still proud of this because it kicked off my writing.)
Had it Been Anyone Else | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 2,090 words | spoilers for several parts of the game on Ernol's route | Ernol/MC | Pure angst of Haron trying to hide his feelings for Ilyana since she's in love with his brother.
Scarlet Hollow
Fog | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 411 words | no spoilers, set two days before the game begins | no beta | The cousin Tabitha's never met, and the town she has to keep running, occupy her thoughts Saturday morning.
Smoke | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 504 words | some spoilers for early Episode 3 and a Street Smart cousin | no beta | Isaacs' thoughts as he waits for Haley Scarlet Wednesday morning. (Tbh I think this is my weakest work, it's not bad, but I think the rest are better.)
The Secret of the Greenhouse | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 411 words | no spoilers, set before the game starts and not canon compliant | Tabitha hates taking care of whatever is in the greenhouse, but now she's the only one who can. (Based on my pre-Episode 4 ideas about the Goop Teddy fan theory.)
Shepherds of Haven
The Best Proof of Love is Trust | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 939 words | spoiler for the beginning of Chapter 3 (if you've played the public demo you're good) | content advisory: vaguely referenced suicidal thoughts | After Blade asks Kyrahlise if she's had 'nightmares' like that before, she remembers something her mother told her, and how that has guided her in the years since.
An Unlikely Engagement | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated G | 700 words | very, very light spoiler for Chapter 8 (if you follow the ShoH tumblr you probably already know it) | Blade/MC | Someone is quite surprised to find out that Kyrahlise is engaged to Blade.
Original Stories
Hic et Nunc | tumblr post | Ao3 | rated M for mild sexual content | 1,069 words | Original Female Character/Original Non-Binary Character | An argument between a swordswoman and a mage leads to them working out some feelings they'd been skirting around. (Instead of getting fancy with a Latin title I could've just called it "Kris' first real attempt at writing sexual tension" lol!)
Meme / Text Post Compilations
Shepherds of Haven
Chase, Chase take 2 MC and "adventurous" Mages Like half of the Shepherds, lol
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iwaoixreaderangst · 1 year
Chapter one - The New Hashira
The day was lovely and pure as you were up and ready at 5am your mother was already awake and everything as she heard you coming downstairs in your Hashira uniform that hugged your body tightly and firm.
Your mother had a smile on her face that said 'I'm so proud of you' that was one of those smiles you knew that your mother always placed on her lips everytime.
As she walked to you and gave you a tight hug before whispering something important to you in Latin as you laughed a bit and headed out with all the things you needed by yourside, your father was on a long trip with the guards and some of the other kings for business in the towns and cities where all the kingdoms took place.
When you arrived at the mansion it's name said it clearly the 'Butterfly Mansion' where all the Hashiras lived and slept inside with their girlfriend or wife that would check up on their partner, you however told the main guy who lives here not to say to anyone else that your a princess who's working as a Hashira as well at the same time.
When you saw the main owner's wife with her kids you smiled as you greeted her in English which she smiled and let you through to see that Kayaga was busy with a meeting with the others, he spotted you immediately and told you to wait as he mouthed it to you he then let his Hashiras know that a special and new person has come to the Butterfly mansion.
"My children today we have someone new who's been a Hashira for more than 8 years, they're the most caring and kind person some of you might know them. Come on in my child."
As you walked in like the steps your mother took when she became Queen you were still 4 months old when she was being crowned as Queen.
Then he told you to introduce yourself which you spoke in Latin.
"Salve, nomen meum Emiko Rosemary ita fui in Hashira plus quam octo annos meus tertius decimus annus est sicut Hashira septendecim. Scio te hic admodum paucos cum amicis amicis et amicissimis meis sis. Tibi gratias ago quod me hic excipias apud Butterfly mansionem Dcemonis Slayer Corps. Mirum est me hic habere iucundissimum."
You told them all with a bright smile then both Kanae and Shinobu looked up at you realizing who was speaking in Latin.
They both smiled while Giyuu looked at you and mouthed to you 'welcome back' and you almost blushed from embarrassment.
"It's a pleasure to see you again Emiko-chan!"
"Shinobu, Kanae! I missed you both in my town. When will you both come visit again?"
"Sometime next week. We also have someone to meet you later tonight."
Both Kocho sisters were looking at you while smirking a bit but they all knew what was going to happen tonight you were meeting some old friends of yours, also known as the upper and lower moons that you're friends with that you'll see them again tonight.
Though as the moon was out there in the sky shining brightly under the evening breeze then you sat outside with Kanae and Shinobu talking, that was until they all arrived within five minutes they all stood in front of you three girls.
You saw how some of them their expressions turned to smiles or you saw tears starting to form in the corner of their eyes.
You saw that Katsumi went towards you both Muzan and Kokushibo was observing it just in-case she might attack you in some way, which she didn't as she bowed in front of your presence and said something in Latin to you which you smiled at.
You looked at them all and noticed something that made your heart drop and almost crumble into pieces Muzan had a wedding ring on his finger.
Soon enough questions started going through your mind you aren't ready to see that he has a wife that he's got someone he's spending his life with.
"Emiko? Is that truly you? Speak Latin please?"
Akaza asked you with a smile on his face as he gave you that look and it was towards your crush on Muzan.
You sometimes hated when your friends get like this but that's just how they all are trying to get you and Muzan together as a couple, but when all of them heard the biggest news that he got married and turned her into a demon they knew how upsetting it would make you feel.
"Modo amas me audientem loqui Latine omnibus nunc videsne Akaza?"
You asked him which he laughed at it after he responded you back on that simple question though Muzan had to distract himself from not hearing your beautiful Latino voice.
"Hmm maybe it is all to see his reaction for you to realize how much you love him."
"Akaza she doesn't want you to say that!"
Daki told him strictly.
"Fine whatever. How was Tokyo?"
Akaza asked you with a stern look but a smile on his face.
"Rei erat, amoena itinere fruebam, sed gratias ago tibi quod usquam me rogabat."
You told them all with a smile on your face as you said that in Latin.
Though something seemed off in this tension you saw a little girl next to Muzan as he stood there making sure none of the others were going to let this girl wonder off.
When you looked at the three or four year old girl tugging on Muzan's sleeve jacket then she got a smile from him which you blushed at it.
"Dada! Dada! Up up up!!"
"Hmm does my little princess want up?"
"Dada dada!!!"
"Okay okay my little princess, dada will pick you up. Love you sweetheart and your mother loves you more than anything else."
"Dada mama!!!"
You were still a bit shocked to know that he's married and having a second child with his wife that he turned her into a demon, that was until one of the Hashiras came outside to see you and told you that the royal guards are looking for you.
When you smiled at your friends and waved goodbye to them as you left with Giyuu to let him say goodbye to you before you have to leave, as you got to your royal guards and they were so happy to see you again here with them then they opened the carriage door for you to climb inside and sit down.
Then you gave Giyuu that look which said 'I'll check when my next mission is' as he nodded and waved goodbye to you.
When your carriage left the place then you changed into your princess gown at the back which the gaurds had to cover making sure that no one sees you changing or them seeing you change.
As your carriage went through the big golden gates of your kingdom and your small town then your carriage took a turn to the right and stopped there, as one of the other guards came to help you out of your carriage and took your things from your hands as you entered in your home.
No one else knew you were both a Hashira and a Latino princess but your family and friends knew you are both in one.
Which is why when the palace doors opened widely just for you to see your mother the Queen letting the guards go back to their rooms.
You were now happy to see your mother after a long day for the introduction and all the training with the slayers it was beginner training for them, the real and actual training will start from tomorrow onwards but your demon friends might come say hi to you at the palace.
Timeskip to you in bed!!!!!???
The only HUGE problem is that you haven't told them to tell Muzan you're a princess and a Hashira so no one really told him that you are both in one.
Warning!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ !!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ !!?!!!!?⚠️⚠️
While you were in bed then you heard a knock on your window the knock then went to your balcony doors and a very soft but hard knock as you opened both balcony doors to see Nakime standing there with a smile on her face.
Though it seemed like it was serious knowing you saw only her here on your balcony you don't know what's going on as you let her inside.
"Naki, quid agitur? Nonne Muzan aliquid factum est? Quid est? Potesne me dicere?"
You asked your cousin with worry in your voice as she closed the balcony doors and the curtains as you both sat on your bed to talk.
"No no no, nothing like that happened! It's just um Douma spilled it out.. he revealed to Muzan that your a Latino princess. We were all supposed to keep that secret away from him. Your mother told us."
"gemens... id est douma tibi."
You said to her with a deep sigh out in frustration and whispered something under your breath.
Nakime knew that secret was to be kept away safely from Muzan without him knowing you are a princess and a hashira but guess that secret failed out.
How will this turn out? Will Muzan kill you for being a princess? You doubt that might happen but you have a slight feeling he might send Akaza to you and considering that, now here you see Akaza standing on your balcony with a slight annoyed smile on his face as you let him inside your room.
"Me coniicere.. Muzan te ad me misit? Instanit et non vult me videre quod uxor praegnans aliquid de ea dicat? Douma in tribulatione mea revelans secretum meum? Mayumi cum eo est?"
"Yeah that's all correct."
"Hmm igitur video, quid hoc est? Estne de divortio quod habebunt cum Mayumi paulo maior et idem cum infantem fratrem suum?"
"That's only happening at exactly like what you said when their kids are both a bit older then it might happen soon. It's just us here he won't come to find you."
"Ughh fine, you know how hard it is for me to speak in Japanese and in English!! It's very difficult for me."
"That I know Emiko.. Muzan almost asked where you are currently.."
"F*ck it. He'll soon find out about my kingdom of where I live.."
"That's what we came to let you know."
"sigh... okay thanks Akaza and thanks so much Naki, you guys are the best for telling me this.."
That didn't confuse Akaza and Nakime at all they knew that divorce will happen when the kids are either tweens or teenagers.
That was until the three of you heard the maid outside of your bedroom door saying something near the door like this 'Muzan Kibutsuji has arrived princess' which made all three of you stare in shock.
Then you said something to your maid in Latin as she understood and left to show him where your room is so that you both could talk things out, while Nakime and Akaza hid in your walk-in closest which they enjoyed staying there until Muzan entered your room.
"Muzan? What are you doing here? I told you not to come here."
Both Nakime and Akaza were shocked to hear that from your mouth and out of your lips.
"Let's just talk, come sit with me."
" groans & sighs... your impossible to deal with and you know that yourself Muzan!"
"Your just jealous that I'm married and have kids."
".... don't go there."
You told him with no smile on your face which he noticed within seconds.
"Did I go to far?"
He asked you suddenly.
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fallen-ash19 · 10 months
The One That Got Away Pt. 1/?: Prologue
This little story is based off of my oc’s. There’s no backstory or relation to any show, I just wanted to write something about them. Also, if there are any artists out there who see this, if you want to draw your interpretation of these girls and tag me in your post, by all means, go ahead! ❤️
In a secluded part of town, Ryker Torres, Mamoru Enjō, and Kariyama Sakura are all girls struggling to fit in with society. Ryker is 17, Mamoru and Kari are 16.
Ryker: Man, I’ve never been this tired in ages. Like damn, I’ve never walked this much.
Kariyama: Shut up, Ryker. You’re complaining like you’re the only one who’s tired. (she said with an annoying tone)
Mamoru: Can you girls please be quiet and stop arguing for two minutes? Thank you. (she said as she proceeded to find herself stuck in a situation)
Kariyama: Right now? God fucking dammit. (she sighed as she pulled out a small pistol)
A group of guys waltzed over to them, drunk as hell.
Random Guy 1: Hey there little lady~ Isn’t it a little late for -hic- you to be out at this time of night?~
Kariyama: S-Stand back! I will shoot!
Random Guy 1: Oh really?~ -hic- Go right ahead. I know you don’t have the-
A gunshot was fired, blowing the guy’s brains out, also making the others scatter and flee the scene.
Ryker: Damn, Kari! That was amazing! Great aim!
Mamoru: I hate to say it, love. But I agree. (she said, her Aussie accent shining through)
Kariyama: Thanks, girls. I haven’t shot my pistol in ages. (she snickered slightly)
Ryker: Well, you’re pretty much a natural.
There was shuffling in the bushes.
Mamoru: What was that?
Ryker: I dunno, but I’m not liking it.
Kariyama: I just killed a man. I don’t feel like killing another, y’know? (she had an exasperated tone in her voice)
Ryker: Well, looks like we’re gonna have to kill again, just so society can see who we truly are. All we need to do is get rid of criminals, that’s our job, so let’s fulfill it! (she celebrated as she took out a large knife)
The group of guys who were about three times their size attacked first, leaving the girls no choice but to fight back to defend themselves.
omg a cliffhanger :0
i will try my best to deliver more often. but i make no promises. part 2 will probably be out sometime in the next week or so, i need time to plan 😭 but here’s a lil sneak peek at my oc’s :3
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Save Me 'til the Party is Over
by makingmyreidowntown
"Kojiro!! *hic* Kojiro… Adam was in town today. He took me out to dinner tonight and it...it was really nice. It's been about...mmm 2 months since he's been back to the island?? Yeah, 2 months. He asked what I wanted and silly me, I said I wanted Italian food. Hehe, I couldn't help it, I saw your mom today at the store and it made me crave it! She's so lovely...anyways, we went, had some wine, food, dessert! You would've loved the place - or maybe hated it? I'm not sure, you probably would've critiqued everything but that's fine. It's more fun getting an expert's opinion. Anyways…" 
  How much longer could Koijiro handle getting drunken calls like this from his best friend Kaoru? It had been happening since high school and it was always "Adam this, Adam that..." - he was done . This particular call arrives when he is abroad in Paris for college; putting them many, many miles apart from each other. Is he going to have to finally face these feelings he's kept locked away for so many years when the gorgeous, sakura haired man recounts one of the most horrific nights he has had yet with his cruel 'lover'?
Words: 6000, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, Kikuchi Tadashi
Relationships: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom/Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, Nanjo Kojiro | Joe & Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom & Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, Kikuchi Tadashi/Shindo Ainosuke | Adam
Additional Tags: Past Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Past Relationship(s), Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, MatchaBlossom, Angst, Childhood Best Friends to Lovers, implied nsfw, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, taking the mention of the Paris trip and running with it heh, Inspired by a Conan Gray Song, title based on a Conan Gray Song, joe is in culinary school, cherry is studying calligraphy, Past Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom/Shindo Ainosuke | Adam, is this fic me taking my feelings out on Adam? possibly..., Top Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Bottom Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Romance, Mutual Pining, unknown mutual pining, these two are just idiots istg but I love them sm, college age, college student Sakurayashiki Kaoru| Cherry Blossom, college student Nanjo Koijiro | Joe
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42391404
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weirdducky17 · 2 months
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‧₊˚ ┊ 𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕠𝕣 ┊‧₊˚
ᴀ ꜱʜᴏʀᴛ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ
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[‼️ Trigger Warning ‼️ This story deals with the following:
ᯓ★ Underage Drinking
ᯓ★ Alcoholism
ᯓ★ Depression
ᯓ★ Light mentions of Violence
ᯓ★ Lots of Angst
If you are not comfortable reading these subject matters then feel free not to read this. Read at your own discretion.]
⊹ ‧˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶꒦꒷︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹
South Park was silent, save for the few adults that wandered around the town and a couple of stores staying up 24/7. The distant sounds of cats meowing echoed through the snowy town, a sleepy little hic town indeed. Yet despite its rather calm and pleasant mask, the townsfolk knew better what this town harbored, hidden deep and only to be triggered by certain kids that live within its residencies.
"It's 1 AM, god fucking damnit." Calista groans out in frustration, step after step they trudged through the building snow on the slippery sidewalks.
"I know, we just.. have to get him home." Wendy sighs, a small cloud forming from her breath in front of her face as she buried her hands deep into the pockets of her violet, winter jacket.
"Just a little bit more, he should be there, like he always is." Kyle assures him to the best of his abilities, being disgruntled just as much as the two girls that trailed just behind him. His smartphone was clutched in his gloved hand, swiping through the series of drunken text messages that were spammed in his messaging app.
They hated this routine, it drained them every single time they had to go out and do this every 3 weeks, 5 if they were even lucky enough. Going at a dangerous time at night to pick up a friend before he can get into trouble. This wasn't supposed to be a routine they should be doing, everyone knew this but they were well aware of how stubborn their friend was. So, so aware.
They eventually made it to their dreaded destination, the sound of drunken slurring and music playing from within the adult focused establishment. "Skeeter's Bar", the neon sign loomed over them dauntingly. A familiar, cyan colored truck with the logo "Tegridy Farms" stamped onto it's side. Yep, he was in there.
Instinctively, Calista grabbed a hold of Kyle's sweater sleeve. They looked uncomfortable, vulnerable even but still maintained a look of courage as they stood outside the town's local bar. At the corner of his vision, Kyle could see Wendy taking the time to take a few deep breaths to calm her anxiety ridden body. Kyle could also feel the familiar sensation of discomfort pooling inside of him, the three teenagers did not want to go in there. And yet they had to, they needed to.
"Let's just.. go." Wendy speaks up in the midst of their silent stand off in front of the bar's doors, taking initiative to push the glass doors open and lead the two reluctant teens inside close behind. Kyle and Calista kept a close distance just behind the ravenette, making sure to weave through some drunken patrons roaming around and dodge any foul smelling liquids getting flung around the place.
Once they pushed through the intoxicated crowd, they eventually reached the bar's counter where they finally found who they were looking for. Half his body sprawled across the counter, empty shot glasses lined up next to him alongside a half finished bottle of brandy. Wendy stopped in her tracks as a look of pity and disappointment washed over her expression, unable to move any closer to the drunken teen. They didn't like to see him like this.
Kyle mustered up the smallest bit of courage to walk over to his drunken friend, reaching up and resting a hand on his shoulder. He shook him rather gently, adding more force at his actions when he didn't respond to it.
"Stan? Stan.. can you hear me?"
"Mmmhmmmmm.. hhhuhhh..?.." Slurred confusion left the ravenette's lips, his head slowly lifting off the cold, bar counter and set his dazed eyes onto his redheaded friend. Calista couldn't help but wince just behind Kyle, Stan looked worse for wear.
His hair was tousled and messy as if it was tugged around yet he didn't bother to fix it, the bags under his eyes were more noticeable to show his exhaustion. A light sheen of sweat covered his face, one side of it reddened from seemingly napping on the counter. His clothes looked haphazardly worn, as if he merely just threw them on with little care, his jacket hanging low off his shoulders with his sneakers' laces untied. He reaked of strong alcohol. He was just.. a mess.
"Ahhahh.. hey kahlll.." Stan slurred out half enthusiastically, lifting up a sweaty hand and grabbed at the one that rested on his shoulder.
"Stan, let's go home." The ginger insisted as he grabbed at his friend's arm to try and pull him off the stool he sat on, Stan seemingly refused and stayed put.
"Wuh whhhh? Wuuuhiii? Party's just.. just gevin starteeddd." He protested, his face scrunched up in confusion.
"It's 1am Stan, your mom asked me to find you and bring you home. She's worried sick." Kyle insisted as he managed to pry Stan off the bar stool but the drunken teen wanted to make things difficult for them.
"Waaiii? Noooo, fuck dattt! I ain't goinnn!" He whined out rather childishly as Kyle swung Stan's arm over his shoulder to keep him from stumbling.
Calista sighs slightly at the sight and eventually walks over, doing the same motions as Kyle with Stan's other arm wrapped around her shoulder so that his two friends could support and hold him up. Without any words exchanged between the sober teens, Wendy turned around and started heading back outside the bar to also make an easier path for them to leave.
"'Am not down drinkin'! Come onnnn."
Stan continued his slurred speech as he weakly struggled against the Kyle and Calista who kept a secure grip on him, his legs getting dragged along as the two essentially carried him to the entrance of the bar. Wendy took it upon herself to walk up to them and dig her hand into the pocket of Stan's pants and jacket, wringing out a key and pointedly ignoring the mumble of her name leaving the blue eyed boy's lips when he recognized her.
"Wendyyyyy." He sighs out, letting out a small belch right after which left the noirette cringing away at this. Focusing on unlocking the truck and its backdoors, Wendy moved out of their way as Kyle and Calista maneuvered around where they hold Stan up on each end. Kyle took hold of his legs and Calista held him up by this armpits, the two getting a serious workout as their tipsy friend was making it harder for them by essentially going limp in their arms. While Wendy busied herself with getting into the driver's seat and adjusting the chair to her liking, the other two were occupied with orienting Stan into the backseat despite his protests.
"Stop making this difficult for us Stan!" Kyle snaps at him as Stan kicked and twisted his leg in his hold as the red haired boy was squeezed into the backseat to try and get him into the backseats with the plan to escape on the other side of the door.
"I'll stay in the back to keep him still." Calista volunteers to spare Kyle of Stan's intoxicated dilemma. Slowly but steadily sliding Stan into the backseat which Kyle dropped his legs off after pushing them up to then close the door on his side, Calista making adjustments to sit the ravenette up against the back rest before climbing into the car herself eventually with a slam of her door. Kyle promptly took the passenger seat for himself, not bothering to buckle up unlike Wendy who was properly strapped in and already starting the engine.
With a few turns of the keys and the engine soon roaring to life, she switched the gear from park to reverse to carefully back out of the bar's lot. She switched the gear to drive and began their nightly journey back to Tegridy Farms, the night was calm but the tense atmosphere inside the truck made things uncomfortable for everyone.
"Who theee pak snitched that I wuz in the barrrr?" Stan slurs out, grabbing at Calista's arm and shaking it lightly.
"Your mom did, you can't be spending time this late out in a bar Stan. Much less be fucking drunk off your ass." Kyle quips from his seat, his hand anxiously tugging and releasing at his curly locks while the other replied to Mrs. Marsh's messages, his mind in a slight haze which ended up with him double tapping letters which made him have to erase them over and over.
"Who is dat biiitch to tell me when I can go home huh?" Calista shot him a searing glare.
"Don't call your mom a bitch, Stan. She's been calling us worried as fuck about where you went cause you just stormed out of the house!" She defends her, Stan had no right to call his mom names after hearing her through the phone on where her son went out late in the night.
"As iffff she knows what the fuck I fucking go through! What she starts caring noww?"
"Just don't humor him, Cal. You'll never hear the end of it." Wendy's voice cuts through the one sided bickering, her grip a pale white from how she was gripping the steering wheel.
"Your mom always cared.." Mumbled out Calista who shrank on her side of thr back seat as Stan sneered at her.
"Oh what? You care too? Huh? Huh?"
"Of course I do, you're my friend Stan."
"Ha! Fucking bitch, as if You of all people know what I fucking go through!"
"Stan.." Kyle hissed from the passenger seat, his tone warning him to watch what he was saying. There was no point in scolding an inebriated teenager though.
"You did not just say that." Calista returned his glare, a fire alight in her blue-green gaze.
"All youuuu! All you fuckers don't know whav ish fucking like to feel alone in your own goddamn family!!" Stan jabbed his finger at her, his other hand gripping at her arm still as she tries to pry it away from his hold.
"To fucking graow up and-and to have shitty ass parents who don' fucking know how depressed ver kid isss! How it's like to ffffucking grow up while the rest of your sssso called "friends" are left behind!"
"You don' see the world like Shit!! Everything's shit! People are shit, My family is shit, My friends are shit, everything looks like fffucking shit!! Actin like nothing's wrong fuckin hurts you know that?! Offfff course you don't!" Stan tightened his hold on her arm as Calista stared at him like a deer in headlights.
"I never fuckin assssked for this but you guys jus fucking like to rub it in my goddamn face how happy your lives are! You. Don't. Fucking know! And it pisses me the fuck off!"
The sound of a hand colliding against skin rang through the car, causing the two at the front to jolt in surprise. Calista's hand was raised up firmly, her palm stinging as Stan had his face turned to the side with a hand shaped mark searing on his cheek.
Her lip quivered, eyes watery and teeth grit into a snarl. She was pissed, beyond pissed. "FUCK YOU, STAN!!" She yelled out angrily, chest heaving as she tried to control her breathing. The hand she used to slap him balled into a fist.
"Stop saying shit as if you're the only one who has problems to go through! You're a fucking DICK!!" She proceeds to yell as she ripped the loosened hand away from her arm, shoving the ravenette away from her which caused Stan to get pushed to his side of the car and bumped his head on the window.
"Stanley!" Wendy yelped out in horror as she immediately hit the breaks, putting the car to a halt as Kyle turned around from his seat in his panic.
"Cal wait—"
"I'm going h-home." A tearful Calista stuttered out as she unlocked her side of the back seat and hopped out, slamming the door shut as the ginger haired boy hurried to hop out after her.
"Calista! You can't go home like this, your house is half an hour away!" Kyle fretted as he hovered over the girl, who was sniveling into her jacket sleeve while trying to wipe away the tears before they were shed.
"I-I can fucking walk myself." She hiccuped "Why did he say that, Kyle? What the fuck was that.." She whimpered under her breath as Kyle's emerald eyes softened, offering a hand to gently rub her shoulder in a comforting manner.
"I don't know.."
"We're doing this for h-him cause we're worried.. f-fuck's sake.."
"I know.. For now, I'll apologize on his behalf. He shouldn't have said those things."
"That's what you always do.."
"... Apologizing for him.. Stop covering up for Stan, he can handle that himself.." She sniffed softly as the car rumbled behind them.
"Mrs. Marsh will drive us home in the morning okay? We'll get ice cream too."
"You can ride shotgun, i'll deal with him in the back. You can't go out this late on your own and this far from your house."
"... Okay."
"I'd rather not have Craig wring my neck." Kyle insists as he then pats her shoulder, guiding her to the side of the passenger seat.
"Yeah Cal?"
"Do you think he'll listen to us?"
"..." Kyle's silence spoke volumes, he had no idea. This song and dance has been happening ever since 6th grade, it only got worse after they started high school. Despite the many warnings, arguments and talks they had with his friends, Stan never budged and never listened.
Stan was concerned for himself and not necessarily for the people around him to the same degree, a never ending cycle that proves that he can be self centered. That never really bothered them before when they were kids but it just seemed to grow, yet they couldn't blame him. No one could fault Stan in his "poor me mentality", the dude was depressed and felt isolated. They could merely give their support and sympathize but they couldn't truly understand him, especially when he's not willing to let them in and see him at his very lowest and most vulnerable.
Would Stan listen to them? Their concerns? Their worries?
Kyle had no idea.
".. Sorry."
The redhead ushered her up and into the backseat, Wendy shooting her a look that was a mixture of pity but also disappointment. Seats were swapped, Kyle now in the back with a stunned Stan and Calista trying to reduce the noises of her sniffling in the passenger seat, with a shaky sigh Wendy started the vehicle back up and continued on their journey to Tegridy Farms.
Stan and Calista didn't talk for a good week or two, mostly on Calista's side as she was uncomfortable being around him and Stan being apologetic. Not like it'll matter anyways when they'll make up the next few weeks.
The cycle continues with a light at the end of the tunnel, a very very dim light but still. It was a light.
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mangodestroyer · 3 months
I fucking hate how the town I live in became a tourist destination for like... the most annoying people! I'm talking hics. And crazy ass mother fuckers doing crazy as things.
It's okay, we've also have a flood of stuck up, law-abiding Karens to make up for it...
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lunar-wandering · 2 years
Lei Mu vs the Monkie Crew being Physically Affectionate
right, so. here’s a Lei Mu fic i guess
Word Count: 1.5k
MK wasn’t back yet. 
Pigsy stared down at the batch of noodles he’d just finished and sighed. It was to be expected, really, the previous order that came in had been for some event on the other side of town. It would take MK at least half an hour to get there, and another to get back. 
But this order was slightly closer to the shop, and if he made them wait, then they’d surely wonder why a place such a “short drive away” was taking so much longer than usual. Pigsy debated, for a moment, if he should abandon the shop for a moment and deliver it himself, the way he used to before MK had started working there. 
A blur of purple moving in the corner of his eye had him reconsidering.
He turned to stare in contemplation at where Lei Mu was busy sweeping dirt off of the floor, his hair tied back into a low loose ponytail so that it didn’t get in his face as he worked. It wasn’t exactly like he trusted the monkey yet, but Lei Mu also had truly been doing a good job with the tasks he was assigned…
Decision made (it wasn’t like he couldn’t just make another batch of noodles if Lei Mu fucked this up), Pigsy called Lei Mu over. 
“Need me to wash the dishes again?” Lei Mu sighed as he marched over, dragging his feet, not entirely looking forward to putting his hands in warm water filled with dirty dishes again. 
“Nope, giving you something different to do for once actually.” Pigsy held up the take out bang for Lei Mu to take. “I need you to deliver this to the building the next street over. The address is written on the paper slip in the bag if you have trouble finding it.” 
Lei Mu looked like he had stars in his eyes as he took the bag from Pigsy’s hand. 
“You’re letting me deliver something? I mean- of course you would! I am the most trustworthy delivery boy there is! Could never find one that’s better!” Lei Mu did a little bow, his tail wagging in a way that made Pigsy roll his eyes. 
“Afraid you’re going to have to fight MK for that title there. Jeez, you’re far too cocky for your own good.” He said, and, without really thinking much about it, reached out and ruffled Lei Mu’s hair. 
Lei Mu froze, his tail stilling and fur standing on end. 
Pigsy frowned, watching as one half of Lei Mu’s face turned pink while the other turned an almost concerning shade of blue. He retracted his hand, but Lei Mu didn’t move. 
“...Are you okay?” He asked, and Lei Mu opened his mouth to answer- 
Lei Mu quickly took a step away from Pigsy, holding up the takeout bag so that it blocked Pigsy’s view of his face. Pigsy raised an eyebrow. 
“What was tha-” 
“Ishouldprobablygodeliverthisnowk’bye!” Lei Mu said in a rush, barely giving himself room to breathe, before turning and practically running out the door. 
Pigsy didn’t even have the chance to offer his car keys. 
(Not that he would’ve offered them anyways. He might trust Lei Mu to deliver the food, but there was no way he was trusting him with his van.) 
“I don’t understand why you all hate me so much.” Lei Mu said, sitting up on the counter. Pigsy would yell at him to get off, but the other never listened to him, and so Pigsy had given up on it, for now. Lei Mu swung his legs back and forth. “It’s not like I’ve ever done anything to you guys.” 
“You trapped Qiu Shi under a tree.” Tang pointed his chopsticks at Lei Mu to emphasize his point. “That’s not a very good starting point.” 
“Well, yeah, but it’s not like I’ve ever done anything to you guys personally.” Lei Mu continued, “Like, give me one thing about me that you dislike.” 
“Well for one, you don’t listen to anything we say.” Pigsy said. 
“I do listen I just don’t always act-” 
“You’re overconfident.” 
“You boast almost more than Macaque does, which is not a good thing.” 
“That’s more than one thing-” 
Lei Mu hopped off the counter, putting his hands on his hips. Tang remained silent, simply keeping an eye on the two of them. Pigsy held up his hands, counting on them as he continued to list things. 
“You purposefully irritate MK and Wukong, you leave purple fur and the occasional petal everywhere, you complain about having to do the dishes… Tang do you have anything to add?” Pigsy said. Lei Mu turned to stare at Tang with an expression that was somewhere between exasperated and pleading. 
Tang hummed. 
“Well, you’re really… cocky.” Tang said, Pigsy nodding his head in agreement. Lei Mu opened his mouth to argue- 
(“Jeez, you’re far too cocky for your own good.” 
A hand on his head, feeling comforting instead of threatening.) 
Lei Mu’s mouth clicked shut, and Tang tilted his head as he watched the monkey’s face change color. There was a brief minute of silence. 
“Are you holding your breath?” Pigsy asked, and Lei Mu winced, before shaking his head in the negative, taking a step back away from them, and towards the door that led to the alley behind the noodle shop. 
“Hey- where are you going?” Tang asked, and Lei Mu, instinctively, finger-gunned in response, before quickly spinning around and running out the door. 
Pigsy and Tang shared a look. 
“What was that all about?” 
“So what are you two doing today?” Lei Mu asked, leaning against the broom he’d been using to sweep the floor. Pigsy glanced up from where he was busy cleaning the counter, to see Mei and MK, who had been trying to sneak out the door without getting seen, freeze. Both Mei and MK sighed at being addressed by Lei Mu. 
“We’re going to the arcade.” MK said, feeling drained already as Lei Mu snorted. 
“Off to play your silly little games again huh?” He said, “Man, you two sure are- gAH-” 
Whatever Lei Mu was about to say was abruptly cut off, as a pair of blue arms wrapped around his waist and lifted him up slightly. 
“Rose!” Lei Mu yelled on pure instinct, and it took a moment before he registered that the arms weren’t close to the rose on his chest at all. It took him another moment to register who the arms belonged to. “Sandy- what-” 
“Sorry for picking you up unexpectedly but- you just looked really lonely, and I couldn’t help it!” Sandy explained his actions, lightly squeezing Lei Mu tighter. 
Lei Mu’s breath caught, and then he elbowed Sandy in the chest. 
It didn’t actually do any damage, but Sandy took the hint and set Lei Mu back down. Surprisingly enough, Lei Mu didn’t move, instead looking down at the floor. 
Mei and MK watched in fascination as the side of Lei Mu’s face they could see turned a shade of blue. 
“Uhhh dude, are you holding your breath?” MK said, after a moment. “Your face is kinda turning blue-” 
The blue shade darkened. 
“Maybe he’ll pass out.” Mei whispered, sounding overjoyed at the idea. Overhearing her, Lei Mu looked up to glare, revealing to them how the other half of his face was burning pink. Mei squinted her eyes, analyzing. “Wait- are you- blushing?” 
Lei Mu let out the breath he was holding. 
“No, I don’t blush- hic!” He slammed his hand over his mouth, wincing as the others stared at him in confusion. 
It took barely a second for Pigsy to snap his fingers in realization. 
“You do that when you’re embarrassed, don’t you?” He said, “That’s why you ran away so fast to deliver that take out, and why you held your breath when Tang and I called you out. You hiccup when you’re flustered.” 
Lei Mu, mentally, cursed the pig demon’s power of observation. 
“...I don’t know what you’re talking abo-hic! Fuck!” Lei Mu swore, avoiding eye contact as Mei immediately burst out laughing. Sandy patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, but Lei Mu sidestepped out of his reach. 
He was going to make his way to the backdoor to leave this situation behind him altogether when MK grabbed hold of his wrist. 
“Why don’t you come to the arcade with us?” MK said, amusement in his eyes. “We can show you our ‘weird little games’ or however you said it.” 
“Silly little games.” Lei Mu muttered, before raising his voice slightly louder to make sure MK could hear him clearly. “You just want to make fun of me some more.” 
“Well, yes. Thank you for catching on so quickly. …I also kinda just want to defeat you at Dance Dance Revolution, though, so- you’re coming with us.” 
MK turned, he and Mei walking towards the door once more, this time dragging Lei Mu along behind them. 
Lei Mu looked over his shoulder, giving Pigsy and Sandy a pleading glance, hoping for maybe some way to escape out of this. 
Sandy purposefully glanced away, pretending not to see, while Pigsy sent the group of three a smirk and a wave. 
“Have fun torturing purple bastard number 2!”
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ashiristic · 2 years
OG GOD ITS BEEN FOUR DAYS— Anyway, this is my gift for @epiclamer / the one and only top/ cool dad of the year / he is not a bottom.
“I am tired of life and everything else. Hic — Ah! Yes, Mr. Pattinson is a- hic- cool boyfriend material.” the villain said to the crow beside him. His feet dangle on the edge of the billboard sign with the superhero’s face on it. The once perfect and good-looking face now has a huge mustache and a hat on its head.
The culprit is pretty much not in their right to self at this moment as he raises the bottle of champagne beside him. He throws the empty bottle into the ground, taking seconds for it to break into tiny pieces on the ground, then followed by a loud shriek from the civilians. The villain looks at the ground, vision turning into two as it gradually turns into chickens.
The villain tilts his head and glances at the crow beside him, and hiccups as he raises the bottle of expensive champagne stolen from the headquarters ‘ shelves. His eyes twinkle in amusement and smiles at the crow beside him, humming as he opens his mouth for a second. As if thinking about what to say, flashes of the camera disturbed his thoughts.
A frown etches on the villain’s face as he crosses his arms. “Chickens need to wait for their food— Oh… I can just make the sky rain with seeds and worms~” the villain hums and smiles widely as if he is changing the environment.
With a snap of his fingers, a strange orange cloud appears in the sky. And a loud thud echoes in the city, where it happens. The first seed rained in the history of humankind. The villain claps their finger, giddy like a small child getting its first treat.
“Wah! I didn’t know that it can rain seeds! The chickens must be happy!” the villain giggles as hiccups keep on passing on his mouth. Unlike the usual villain, he is, whenever this kind of thing happens. He’ll usually kill every single being who saw him acting in a cutesy and not brutal manner. It is indeed the crow’s lucky day as it continues to watch the villain laughing with so much joy.
A surge of the wind blows the used paints as the villain closes their eyes. Unaware of the attack that was supposed to land on him. What an innocent facade behind the effect of liquor. The hero raises his eyebrow, his special suit protecting himself from the seeds as he observes the villain’s odd behavior. He has never seen his nemesis like this before. As if the hero entered an alternate universe where the villain differs from his original self, but it seems like this is indeed the reality.
His nemesis is smiling at a crow and talking about how much they like the superhero’s new suit. Well, this was unexpected. No, unbelievable. The villain hates crows, and the superhero so much that almost every crow in town went missing. The reason behind the sudden disappearance is related to the hero. He always uses these animals for communication, but one day they are gone. However, after seeing a living crow beside the villain ‘alive’, a sense of relief overflows his body as he relaxes. At least the crows are still alive.
“Uh- Oh- who are you? Ah- are you- hic” the villain pauses as he points his fingers at the villain in front of him, squinting his eyes and letting out a small oh of realization. He grins and clasps his fingers together, glancing at the crow with a playful grin dancing on his lips. His eyes twinkle like the sun in the sky, the once dark void pupils of the villain are now filled with glee as he giggles again.
“You are the hero’s leader, right? The team leader- hic- ah stop- I need water,” he said and chugs another bottle of champagne, eyes closing as liquor drips down in the corner of the villain’s lips. He sighs and throws it on the floor. Both of them are unaware of the situation on the ground where the civilians reside.
“Yes, I am.”
“Wah! Wait- hic- do you know if the hero has a girlfriend? A boyfriend? Perhaps is the hero aromantic?” the villain bombards the hero; questions, his expressions new to the hero’s eyes.
“It’s a secret.”
Screams echoed on the ground as growls of monsters erupted in the city, destroying the once peaceful atmosphere. Of course, the villain is still the villain even if he is delirious of alcohol. The hero sighs, as the villain only smiles in response to his not-so-surprised-look and, in-fact-that-was-expected-look. The villain sways their head and giggles again, expecting the answer he is waiting for.
“Why are you doing this?” he deadpanned, arms crossed and not caring about the screaming citizens below. They’ll live anyway. A building explodes behind him, ashes fall in the sky to the hero’s shoulder as panic rings in his ears. Once again, they’ll live anyway. Another bomb exploded but with a load of impact, the air slaps the hero’s back as it explodes like a nuclear bomb, at least not an actual nuclear bomb.
They’ll live anyway.
“Jus’ cause~” the villain laughs, vision swaying as he shook his head. “I like the hic- hero, team leader.”
“Come again?”
“I like the hero so much~ hic- I need to know all necessary information to know him better- Woah, the world… is spinning-”
What? Wait, what?
The villain drops on his back as the monsters and the destruction disappear without a trace behind him. His nemesis snores softly while the crow caws and flies on the hero’s shoulder, cawing again like it’s praising the hero for having their crush like them back. His hand covers his mouth, blush spreading over his entire existence, hair ruffling up as he sighs.
How can they say that so boldly? The villain acts the same way the hero does for him. Memories flood in his mind as the hero figures out how the villain knows about his favorite things. But he acts confused regarding personal matters about the hero. Good thing he isn’t being stalked.
The villain likes the hero the same way he does…?
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rowdyruffs crying headcanons
- I like to imagine Brick being almost as sensitive as Boomer
And Butch and Boomer not liking it (in a brotherly way)
"Im too tough to cry"
"You were crying about snakes earlier"
- And whenever one of the Rowdyruffs are sad the other 2 immediately take action (especially Boomer since he's the most sensitive)
*after watching a movie* "I can't believe *sniff* Anna didn't say yes to John.."
*butch dressing like Anna* "Yes John I will go out with you!"
*brick dressing like John* "Yay!"
(One i made that up at the top of my head, idk if that exists lmao, and two brick and butch hated acting all sappy, dressing up and have no idea what they are doing but they would all do anything for each other since they didnt have awesome parents in any way)
- Brick only calls his brothers "sissies" when people are around them, notice how Butch and Boomer are unfazed when he said that at the ending of The Boys Are Back In Town so it must be a thing he or they do
*around the whole town* "*sniff* you guys are sissies"
*sniff sob sniffle cry choke hic*
*whisper* "im so sorry.."
- Since Brick is the "motherly figure" for Butch and Boomer, he gets stressed out the easiest and can cry more that way. when he has a breakdown, butch and boomer leave him alone until he calms down at least a bit and do something for him like steal food for dinner, play videogames with him, clean the cabin, etc
"why did they have to be shitty parents. *sniff* why me"
"chinese food?"
"chinese food."
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dumdumdrawstumtums · 3 years
Round Reno - Always a Professional
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Reno walked in to the empty room of Shinra headquarters where two enemies of Rufus Shinra were tied up and gagged. "Woo boy, so it's time for a challenge is it? Well I'm always up for it," the cocky red head said. He put down his weapon and then started to undo the remaining buttons on his suit as he sauntered over to the pair, then made a show of unfastening his belt and pants button and letting them hang open. "I'm definitely going to need the room, especially with so much on my plate," he said getting close to both men as they looked worried and confused. 
They started to sweat, getting a little nervous about what really was going on. There had always been rumors. That if you got caught by Shinra, there was a good chance you wouldn't be seen again. It was beginning to dawn on them exactly the reason why. 
Reno came over and sniffed the two of them and licked the one on the right, who was clearly sweating the most. "Delicious. It's like you made yourself perfectly juicy, just for me," he said smacking and licking his lips. "Now let's make this quick. I'm on the clock. I don't get paid to chat. I get paid to handle business. No matter how much indigestion it may cause me." 
Despite his big talk, that didn't mean that Reno wasn't a show boat. He stood in front of the captured pair, who still fought and shouted in their gags. He brushed his open jacket and shirt to the sides to show off his muscular chest and abs. "Sorry boys, I thought I'd give you a good look at your room before you end up there. Don't worry it may not look it but I'm sure I can make you fit," Reno said slapping his toned abs and even doing a bit of a belly roll and move to show off to his literally captive audience. "Alright, it's dinner time," he said rubbing his hands together.
He quickly went to the first chair and put a foot in between their legs and tilted their head toward his. "Say goodnight. Try not to be too rough on my insides, alright?" he said with a smile before he opened wide and sent the captive man into darkness as he took his head into his mouth, then grabbed him from the sides and shoved him into his mouth and used his increased strength to pull them into his throat, all while his foot was on the chair. 
He winked over at the other prisoner that watched in horror as his companion was swallowed quickly. Gulp after gulp, sent the bound and gagged man into the rapidly swelling Reno. Then finally Reno was finished. He groaned and moved his bulging belly toward the prison and rested it on their lap then let out a belch directly into their face. "They wanted to say hello before it's your turn," Reno said smirking. 
He collapsed for a bit onto the chair that the eaten prisoner had previously occupied, draping himself over it. "Ooof, I really hate doing clean up, but....URRRP....I'm damn good at it," he said in a sing song voice that clearly showed this was fun. 
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He rubbed his belly a bit before getting up again. "Sorry can't rest and enjoy this for too long. I have a job to do and dessert to consume," he said stretching to look and wink at the still tied up other prisoner. Reno grunted and struggled to pull himself up. "Man, you feel way heavier than you looked on the outside," he said patting his bloated gut. 
He waddled over to the second prisoner and let his gut sit in their lap and pin them against the back of the chair. He belched again and slapped his heavy belly. "Ooo they're a squirmer. Why don't you head in there and tell them to knock it off. Maybe then I can have some more dessert. Some cake after all this meat sounds great," he said like it was no big deal. "Don't tell me you're enjoying this? Not that it matters. I can't stay and play, much as I'd like to. So in you go!" Reno said leaning forward and pulling the bound prisoner over their teammate filled gut and filled their view with darkness as he opened his maw around them. He swallowed hard, sending the struggling man to his gut, swelling himself out further. Swallow after swallow forced his gut surging forward, taking the belly from a beachball size to even greater heights (and widths) until finally the second course was nestled in the tight confines of his stomach. "OH WOW, You guys are definitely heavier than you seem. Too bad. I still plan on that big dessert binge. Now how about you spend the time before you add to my waist on where the rest of your base is at alright?" he said poking his moving belly as the pair tried to settle in together. "*hic* Hey settle down! Just deal with it. I'm sure you'll have more friends joining you eventually. Though you might have returned to lifestream by that point, URRRRAAPPPP" Reno said patting his gut, picking up his weapon, then waddling out of the room to join Rude and Rufus that were waiting for him. "It's too bad I couldn't show that new blond in town some of my other abilities. At the very least I can show him just how much I can deep throat." 
(AAAAA @askbloatedbellyblog WROTE THIS FOR ME LAST NIGHT AND I'M LEFT A MESS, A HEAP OF THIRST/// SO MUCH I LOVE LIKE HOLY JEEZ please someone enjoy this as much I have because I'm still rabidly fawning over it OTL)
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ close your eyes ✦
this chapter pairing; sub!seokmin x vampire!reader
genre&warnings; vampire!reader, sub!seokmin, dacryphilia(crying kink baybeee)🥴, corruption kink kinda went brrr in this a little, lots of teasing, dirty talk, a little mutual masturbation, tiniest hint of orgasm denial, whiny needy seokmin, allusions to subspace.
he said:
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notes; THE-- ☠️ I exposed my crying kink in sdpp so we out here living our best lives now 😗💖 also seokmin being a whiny baby and crying bc everything you do to him is new and just too much for him is so fuckin hot ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ HENNYWAYS, you guys!! I cant believe monster mash is almost at the end, how the hell?!? this went by so fast 😭💕 and thank you for all the love and support on each chapter! even when tumb1r seems to hate me!! Lol, and for those in SoCal, be safe! stay indoors if u can, wear a mask if u have to be outside! And stay hydrated!! I’ll see y’all tomorrow! 🎃 👻 💕
word count; ~2300
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - x - x - x - x - x
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you take a drag, i take a sip;
i want your legendary kiss
you know i got designer taste;
and your design’s too good to waste
when the beast comes out at night;
yeah, it always wants a bite
and i try, try to resist;
but then the devil always wins.
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Seokmin doesn’t believe in vampires.
He thinks Halloween is fun, but doesn’t believe in ghosts, demons or anything of the sort so he spends the night in; feet propped up on the coffee table as he watches another rerun of another vampire horror flick that he’d seen at least two times prior.
It’d been thankfully quiet for most of the night, despite the pouring rain and periodic thunder claps, but he enjoyed the way it added to the spooky atmosphere of the holiday.
Seokmin scoffs at the TV a few moments later, hand lodged deep in the bowl sitting in his lap. “Vampires aren’t even real.” He mutters.
“Says who?”
The bowl of popcorn in his lap is sent flying, and he acts quicker than he, himself, anticipates. “Who the fuck are you!? How did you get in here!?” His eyes dance over to the front door still locked and momentarily wonders if he left a window open.
He pales, realizing that it’d be impossible anyway.
Seokmin lived on the 17th floor of the building.
“Well!? Fuck---I’m---I’m gonna call the c-cops!” His shaky hands reach for his cell phone on the coffee table as you giggle.
You take a seat on his sofa, picking off a piece of discarded popcorn as you pop it into your mouth. “And tell them what? Exactly?”
“That there’s a psycho in my fuckin’ apartment and that you broke in!” Seokmin holds onto his phone a little tighter, palms clammy. He didn’t even hear the door open. You nod, pretending to think. “Oookay, so what are you gonna tell them when I do this?” You disappear in a puff of smoke and Seokmin feels like he’s going to throw up.
“Boo!” You whisper from behind him, laughing when he runs roward and trips back onto the sofa. “What the fuck!?” His eyes show panic and confusion, shaky fingers letting go of the phone that was in his hand as it clatters to the floor.
“I--What are y-you? Please, don’t take my soul, it’s all I have left! I swear!”
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles up from your throat, doubling over as he watches in fear. “Why are you laughing!?”
“I---you--you’re a funny one!” You wipe a stray tear from your eye as you catch your breath. “No, I don’t want your soul, I just want something to eat, that’s all~”
Seokmin’s eyes only read confusion when he stares back at you. “You want… food?”
You smile wide and Seokmin finally understands.
Ah. That kind.
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He doesn’t know why he agrees. 
Maybe it’s in his kind and innocent nature to believe you won’t suck him dry like a caprisun, but he agrees.
Maybe part of it is curiosity too and maybe part of him feels bad that maybe you haven’t fed in a while, but he introduces himself after you do and he finds himself trusting you a little bit more.
He’s not totally sure why.
“So----So how does this work, do I just---” He cuts himself off as he shakily turns his head to the side. “Wait, how do I know this isn’t a Halloween prank?! Did Jeonghan put you up to this?”
“Oh! Jeonghan, you know him?”
Seokmin’s eyes almost fall out of his skull. This couldn’t be happening. “Are we talking about the same Jeonghan? Yoon Jeonghan?”
“Yeah, lanky guy with brown hair, right? Super lethargic?”
Yep. That was Jeonghan.
Seokmin nods slowly, still a little perplexed. “So, why do you know him exactly? He hasn’t replied to my texts for the last three days... You didn’t... do something to him, did you?” You sit next to Seokmin on the sofa and he flinches almost immediately; scooting over a little more to put some space in between you two.
  He wouldn’t admit it right now, but he thought you were really pretty.
“Um, no. He’s out of town and maybe just ignoring you but he lets me feed sometimes, y’know, when he is around. Maybe that’s why I was drawn here, y’know? Familiarity.” Damn.
Seokmin does feel a little bad now; for himself and for you. He bites his lip as the heat rushes to his face. “How---how do you usually, um, d-do it with Jeonghan?” The heat rushes down his body at the same time at his unintentional innuendo. “I mean, no! Not---not that, I meant how you feed! Fuck, sorry!”
Grinning, you’re quick to make your move as you push Seokmin down onto the sofa and straddle his waist.
The words are caught in his throat as he watches you lean over to the coffee table to pluck out a lollipop from the bowl of candy. You unwrap it, licking it once before you bring it down towards his lips. He shakily parts them, welcoming the cherry flavoured candy into his mouth.
“You see, Seokmin,” You start, hands already roaming down his torso as he moans around the candy. “When people think of vampires, they think vampires just feed whenever, right? Just a quick bite here and they’re done.” He nods. “But that’s no fun~ So some of us like to play a little first, y’know? Get the blood rushing~”
You cup him through his sweats as he whines and he’s quick to thrust his hips up into your touch before he can even think properly.
Oh, fuck! Don’t do that! He tells himself.
A giggle from you is all it takes for him to blush even harder. “It’s okay, Seokmin. I want you to feel good too. Don’t you wanna feel good?”
“Y-yeah… O-okay…” His voice is muffled slightly from the candy still in his mouth, but he allows himself to lean into your touch. In truth, he was a little scared and a little nervous and he knew you could tell.
“Have you ever done anything… with restraints? Or things like orgasm denial?” You pluck the lollipop from his mouth; a thread of spit connecting it to his lips before you bring it to your own mouth. You quickly bite down on the hard candy, breaking it down into small pieces before swallowing. Seokmin grimaces a little.
“Um…” He’d never even heard of orgasm denial before, much less even had a thought about restraints. “...No. I--I’ve only… um… done it twice...”
You grin down at him, eyes flashing red. “Oh, Seokmin… you have so much to learn.”
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You like shy Seokmin.
Maybe even a little too much.
“A-ah, no… no more t-teasing, I--ah!” He lets out a choked sob, hips thrusting up as you continue to tease the head of his cock. You move frustratingly slow and you don’t even bother to wrap your whole hand around him, instead just rubbing your palm across the tip as the tears pool up in his eyes.
“I--I don’t---mmh!” Seokmin bites his lip. He’s never felt quite like this before and the feeling was good, but unfamiliar.
“Don’t even think of cumming either~”
“But--” He chokes up again, except this time he can’t stop the tear that slides down the side of his face. You smile down at him, licking your lips.
“You’re so cute when you cry~ So pretty~” You pity him a little so you wrap your hand around his cock, working your hand up and down his shaft as he lets out a shaky breath. He’s unsure of where to put his hands, so he keeps them crossed over his chest, sweater paws keeping his clammy palms contained as he watches you.
“I--p--please, can I c-cum?” He whispers, voice small and slurred. “Nope~”
He lets out a small sob as he tries to blink away the tears.
When you feel him getting close, you pull your hand off of him; easing off of his lap and to the other side of the sofa. Seokmin watches in confusion, sitting up slightly as he watches you slide your panties down your legs. You toss the material at him, laughing when it falls onto his cock.
“We’re gonna play a little game~” He watches with an open mouth as you spread your legs; gulping when you immediately run your precum covered fingers through your wet folds. “We’re gonna touch ourselves just like this, across from each other, and if you can hold off your orgasm for, oh let’s say, 10 more minutes? Then I’ll reward you.”
“And---and if I c-can’t?”
“If you can’t… Hmm~ Then I’ll have to bring my ropes next time~” You wink at him, fingers pinching your clit as you moan out loud. The noise is enough for Seokmin’s cock to twitch and he wraps a shaky hand around himself as he watches you touch yourself from across the sofa. He uses your panties too, covering them in the precum that leaks from the head of his cock. 
It falls into relative silence as Seokmin bites into the neck of his sweater to keep in his high pitched whines and cries. He watches as you sink two fingers into your cunt and he sobs as he thrusts up into the his fist and your panties wrapped around his cock.
This is unfair, he thinks. 
“Mmh Seokmin~ I’m already imagining your cock fucking into me so deep… Ah, my fingers just aren’t enough~” Teasingly, you curl and scissor your fingers inside of your tight warmth, genuinely imagining it’s Seokmin instead. He releases the sweater material from between his teeth, drool dripping from his lips and eyes pooling with tears ready to spill.
“Please, I, hic, I--I can’t h-hold off, hic, I need t-to, hah, c--cum… I--I can’t...”
In a flash, the air is knocked out of Seokmin’s lungs as his back hits the sofa and he’s staring up at the ceiling. His sticky fingers find purchase in the material of his sweater again as you crawl back into his lap. You pry off the soaking panties covering his cock, tossing them to the coffee table as he groans.
You wrap a hand around his leaking cock, moving your hand up and down a few times before you use your thumb and index finger to circle the base as you squeeze hard. “Just a whiny baby boy crying and begging to cum. So cute~”
He squirms underneath you as he tries to get you to do something but you hold steady, fingertips wrapped around the base of his cock to keep him from cumming. “Now now, Seokmin. I’ll let you cum. But you have to be patient~ If you cum without my permission, I’ll make you wait even longer~”
Seokmin nods feverishly, uncaring of what came after. You still hadn’t fed from him too and he could’ve cared less about that.
You let go of his cock as he releases a shaky breath and he watches through foggy eyes as you raise your body until you’re hovering just above his cock. You use your hand to position him right at your entrance and Seokmin lets out a sharp whine when you drop yourself down onto his cock in one fluid motion.
“A-ah, fuh--fuck!”
Your pussy is warm, wet and tight and Seokmin is really fighting a losing battle at this point.
He cries quietly, hips canting up to meet you bouncing in his lap.
“Mmh~ Seokminnie crying making me so fuckin’ wet~ Ah~ I’m gonna cum soon too~”
His head is fuzzy and every new sensation makes his body react in a way he never knew it could. The tears blur his vision but he can already feel his cock twitching and body tensing up slightly; a telltale sign that he was already close.
“I, hic, please…” He slurs out, already too far gone. His body felt weightless; a slight floating feeling overcoming him as he continued to fuck up into you. 
Your eyes flash crimson and you pry one of his arms away from his clothed chest, pushing the sleeve back as you kiss his wrist.
“Okay Seokmin~ I want you to cum, baby boy. Let me feel your cock throbbing and filling me up with your warm cum~”
Seokmin could die and be happy, thank you’s rolling off of his tongue through choked cries as he finally lets himself go.
The pleasure washes over him after a few more swivels of your hips and he barely even registers the fact you’ve already sunk your fangs into his wrist, too lost in his own bliss. 
You moan against his skin, drinking up just enough to get him lightheaded before you’re lapping up the wound.
Seokmin tasted extra sweet.
Licking your lips, you release his arm as it falls limp next to his body and you immediately bring your fingers down to your clit, rubbing harsh and quick circles on the nub to get yourself to cum.
“Oh, god, Seokmin!” You cry; walls fluttering around Seokmin’s overly sensitive cock as he whines and squirms underneath you.
You ride out your high, hips coming to a stop as you catch your breath above him. Seokmin, on the other hand, feels a little delirious and warm; fingertips twitching at his sides. “Ngh…” He whimpers, unable to even speak with how exhausted he felt.
You lift your hips, cum sliding down Seokmin’s cock as he groans in oversensitivity. “Ah~ Look at how much cum you spilled in me, Seokminnie~” His bleary eyes watch as you let the cum slide out of your pussy and right over his cock and he almost, almost hates the way his cock twitches as the sight.
Sitting back on his thighs, you watch him bask in his post-orgasm glow; smacking your lips as you reach for another lollipop from the coffee table. “So~ How did you like it?” You ask, a teasing lilt in your voice when you visibly see his cock twitch.
His throat feels dry, that’s all he knows. 
Seokmin’s clammy palms slide back into his sweater paws, pressed tight against his chest again as he gently leans up. You can’t help but smirk at his appearance; puffy red eyes from crying and cheeks stained with drying tears with his cock still curving up to his abdomen covered in his own cum.
“I---s--so what’re you g-gonna teach m-me next…?”
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mansions-maiden · 4 years
Helloww, I'm here for 3rd request xD
Don't know you like it or not but hw abt MC is sweet, ladylike, polite, never complained, and lovely girl but someday...when comte hold a banquet and yeps mc has low tolerance alcohol and got drunk so herself became 180° 😂😂😂
She started laughing like maniac, shouting and scold the residents like asian mom 😂.
Etc 😂😂 you can make what kind of screaming+scolding she will throw at them 😂😂😂 The residents ? OH I WANT TO SEE THEIR STUPID SHOCKED FACES AHAHAHA. Take your time writing it xD and thank you so much before my darlingzzz 😘😘😘❤️❤️
This is gonna be a fun one to write! Sorry this took so much time to write! I have been busy with school works. But I’ve been writing it slowly. here you go!  The words in the brackets (..) indicate that she missed saying these words.  I had to write the words in a weird way to show that the words were being slurred by mc. 
I tried writing it to your ask .Hope you like it! 
Everyone was still wearing surprised Pikachu faces as they were staring at sleeping MC. For never had they expected to see the completely hidden side of her.
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Previously, that evening~  
MC is sweet and  perfect lady, as described in the ask. But little did the vampires know what they would be witnessing that night. 
The lord of the mansion decided to throw another banquet that night for the second time in the month being the hedonistic man he is. And all the residents were invited, including MC. 
All of them reached the venue that evening and in the banquet halls, many fancy dishes were there, waiting to be eaten by  people. There were finest of the wines brought from the  far away land and the exotic dishes that were never seen before. 
All of the mansion residents gathered in a room(kinda VIP room). All have helped themselves with a drink or two and were chatting away. MC stood against the walls of the room, swirling her champagne glass as she spoke to Sebastian.
All of them continued talking to each other.
After some more time:
MC was still speaking when she began giggling to herself continuously. 
All the residents:  “???????⁇?”
MC:” if only people knew how crazy these idiots are!! bwahahaha!” 
Napoleon: “Who are you talking about MC?”  
MC: “ Who am I ... talkin bout? I talk about the grreeat ‘men’ in history.." mc continued giggling as her words began to slur.
Arthur: "And why exactly are we 'idiots'? "
MC: "who in the world knew that all of these men would have crazy sides no one ever knows!" She began laughing again.
All of them looked at each other and then at MC. They noticed her flushed cheeks and understood the situation. 
“MC, you are quite drunk. You should stop drinking now..” 
“ N-no no no no.. I’m not drunk at all.. see,I only drank 1,2,... 4 glasses of champagne! I want to talk! “ 
MC: “comte! do you know..? arthot went into the town again yesterday even after you shun himm.. But he didn’t let me tell you...! teach him a lesson comte!” MC told as she pretended  that she was holding a gun against Arthotur’s head. 
“What in the world is mademoiselle doing?” Jean asked with a confused stare as Sebastian replied, “In our time period, we show guns with our hands in that way.. it’s a type of pretend play..”. 
“And..wait  what? From when did my name change to Arthot?? Did she misspell it??” Arthur asked looking at her. 
“ Lemme think.. nope.. You’re ..definitely Art..Thot! yup! That’s it!” 
  “Arthur.. come to my room later. I should ‘gently’ remind you the rules of the mansion. “ Arthur gulped audibly as comte stared at him with ‘nothing-is-wrong’ smile.
“Arthur, Dazai-san!! Can (you) come here once??” She suddenly asked them with  puppy eyes as they came forward. She tried to reach their faces but couldn’t. She pouted a little and climbed onto the couch behind her. 
“OWW!! “ Both of them cried in pain as MC twisted each of Arthur’s and Dazai’s ears.  “ how.. how dare youu...!  How dare you tease.. Is..Isaac?! the only baby of this mansion! Poor boy! He’s traumatized because of you!” 
Isaac having the time of his life: “That’s right mc! How dare they tease a bab- wait! Who do you think you’re calling BABY!??! “ Isaac frowned at his yet another new nick name. 
Her feet began wobbling and she fell from the couch onto Mozart.  “Aww man!! I fell off the couch!!! Bu..but.. this pillow is soo smoooth and silkyy.. yayy! A nice pillow for me..! “ She said as she snuggled her face into her’pillow’, aka Mozart’s chest. 
“What do you think you’re doing?! Get her off me! mmph!! “ Mozart began yelling but felt a hand clamped over his mouth. “Shh.. doon’t shout.. and you should.. smile like this. Say CHEEEESE! “ MC said, forcing his lips into a smile with her hands. 
MC kept giggling even when Napoleon and Leonardo helped Mozart and sat her on the couch.
(I'm sorry I know that her giggling is too much but I don't know how drunk person acts exactly ^^;)
Leonardo: "How much did she even drink? Why didn't you stop her Sebas?"
Sebastian: "I'm sorry master Leonardo.. I didn't expect her to drink these many. I thought she had high alcohol tolerance.."
Leonardo (stretching hand towards mc): "Cara mia, you had enough fun, c'mon you need to rest up in the mansion.
MC shook her head vigorously . "Noooo! I don't want to rest! I want to talk to all of you~! Why don't you go to sleep ...? Da Vinci~. You've got your bed AKA them... (Pointing finger towards floor and wall) . I'll sing a lullaby to youu.. "
She began humming the tone of the lullaby as she dragged Leonardo with her.
" Rock-a-bye, baby, in the tree top
When the wind blows the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall
Down will come baby, cradle and all"
"Go to bed renaissance man! And ! Your cigarillos are confiscated by me! Hmph! " She took the cigarillos from his pockets and threw them into the dustbin.
"MC! You sing so good! It's as if the angel herself has sung the lullaby.. what song is it?" Vincent asked with an excited and curious gaze.
" the lullaby..? T'is from my own time.. god! I miss my old days in college! " Everybody heard small sniffles in the room then. 
They felt helpless seeing her cry. “What’s the matter cherie? Why are you crying? Is something hurting you? “ comte asked approaching her. 
“*sniffle* everything is *hic* alright comte *sniffle, hic*. I just remembered *sniffle* my own time and my friends.. I miss them *sniffle* a lot..” Tears began rolling down her soft cheeks.  Everyone looked at each other.. 
“ A-and.. *sniffle* I also remember the days I used to cry and struggle due to math in college. Especially calculus.. And I’ve heard that Isaac was the one wh- *sniffle* who invented it.. Isn’t it Isaac?”  She asked Isaac through the glassy eyes. 
Isaac: “Y-yeah... it was me..” He lowered his eyes as if he had done a mistake. 
MC grabs Isaac’s lapels weakly and shouted, “Why? Why did you invent calculus?! I remember.. I remember the days I used to stay awakee... until late night, scratching my head and struggling to... to solve them!!    I... hatee.. you !!” She suddenly released him and pushed him back, making him wobble a little. 
Theo: “what the heck hondje?! how much drunk are you!? your mood swings are faster than Arthur’s snarky comments! “ 
MC: “ Hey Theo! Don’t you dare call me Hondje.. You’re the hondje... Who doesn’t allow anyone to come near your darling brother like a guard dog!” 
Theo was very taken back at the sudden backfiring of the nickname. 
MC: “Coming to Vincent and Jean! you both are so adorable.  You’re the epitome of purity. I love you both so much. muah!” She sent a flying kiss to both and both the men’s cheeks flushed a little. 
Napoleon: “Do you have something to say about me MC?” He asked her with curiosity and a little amusement dancing in his eyes. 
MC: “ Well, All I can say ..is.. DON’T GO AROUND KISSING PEOPLE! I can’t.. beliieeve that ‘nightmare of Europe’ went around kissing people.. poor soldiers must have been traumatized..! “ 
“ I can’t believe the nerve of you all to send me to Napoleon’s room early in the morningg!  *gasp* Wait !!This means that all of you have been kissed by him.. didn’t you? Hahahaaa!!”   she continued laughing clutching her stomach hard. 
“Do you know?! There’s a stalker in the mansion who stalks you all 24/7. And he notes it down in his ‘oh no! they didn’t ‘ notebook! It’s none other than our Seba- mmph! “ her voice suddenly came out  muffled as Sebas quickly clamped a hand over her mouth. 
“Wait-who is that stalker??” Dazai asked in confusion. 
“It’s no one Dazai san. She’s just blabbering.”  Sebas quickly replied in a stoic expression. 
“Wow.. she speaks truth when she’s drunk Will..” Vincent told Shakespeare. “ She is.. After all, a drunk mind speaks a sober heart..” Shakespeare told him. 
“Cherie, you must really go back to mansion now. Come, I shall escort you back home..” Comte said worriedly as he approached her. 
“ NO! no comte ~ . See, I-I’m perfectly fine~. And you should stop being a mother comte. For the god’s sake, you’re a man! See, look at your reflection! You’re a handsome man! not a beautiful woman! Ditch all these.. motherly duties and enjoy yourself.~! “  She exclaimed as she turned him towards the mirror. 
“And you all~! stop being such a child and stressing out poor comte! Okay?! repeat after mee! from this day forth, I shall look after myself and never stress out  mama comte!” 
“Do you even like us luv?” Arthur asked her with a knowing smile. 
“Well, yes.. of course! Even though you all are handful.. I love you all a lot! I love you all this..much (spreading her hands on both sides)..I want to.. stay here..for..ever..” 
Suddenly, she felt the world spinning and lost consciousness. But Sebastian caught her by the waist in the nick of time. 
The room suddenly fell silent as the blabbering of a drunk resident stopped. 
“Well well- tonight’s play was rather very interesting.. But the curtains have fallen in a very unexpected way..” Shakespeare said laughing and breaking the silence. 
Sebastian gently laid her on the couch as she slept soundly. “never expected to see this side of cara.. not that I dislike it though..” Leonardo said as he laughed breezily. 
“It felt so entertaining to see her talking her like this.. Though it’s not gentlemanly, I would love to invite her to drinks and make her drunk.. I want to hear those words and keep them to myself..” comte said looking at her. 
“Let’s take her home and call it a day.. And let’s keep it a secret among ouselves...” Napoleon added. Everyone nodded in agreement and started towards mansion, still laughing at her words. That’s how they came to know the completely hidden side of mc that eventful night.  
                  -------------------- THE END   --------------------
 i also wanted to ask you guys if my plots up until now were different or if it feels like I’m writing cliché things..how does it feel? 
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
.. for mermay.. 8, indruck nsfw?
Here you go! Duck’s design is based on a rudderfish.
Authors note: since prompt 8 is “drunk,” drinking is mentioned in this. It’s also implied Indrid is doing some self-destructive behaviors to cope with trauma.
The party is a splendid success, as was the book launch that preceded it. Indrid has done what he does best, lined his pockets and those of his agents and editors, and gotten everyone talking. 
“Did you see the one of the pyres?”
“The one of the hurricane aftermath, the look in the girls eyes is so haunting.”
“Personally, I found the jeweled mummies a bit much, but the emergency room shots? Stunning.”
This is why Indrid is sitting on the rocks on his private cove, and will not be going back up to the house until he’s polished off all three of these heavily spiked bottles of eggnog. It’s better than the time he emptied most of a bottle of vanilla vodka, but not by much. 
He was tipsy when he snuck out the back door and down the path to the sea. So when the empty bottle rolls away, all he can do is whap at the air close to it and wave as it plonks into the water.
“Oops. Hic, oh, hic, well, what’s one more piece of trash in, hic, a dying world?”
He yelps, knocking his remaining bottles into the sand as the lost one flies through the air towards him. Or he thinks that’s the trajectory; it’s hard to tell. The point is, the bottle is back and he’s clutching his chest like an old man in a silent movie.
“Look, man, I know it’s temptin to just leave trash everywhere, but there are signs up and down this beach sayin not to litter.” A man floats in the water at the foot of the rock, black hair plastered to his forehead and muscular arms crossed over a bare chest. 
“It, hic, it was an accident. And I am, hic, in no condition to retrieve anything from the water.”
The man frowns, “shit, if you’re that drunk, you oughta get off the rocks. It’s deep here, you might drown. Go sit on the sand, it’s safer. Warmer too, still holdin heat from the sun.”
“I, I’m fine, hic, don’t, don’t need some wet man babying me.” He stands to prove his point, nearly falls face first into the water, and sits back down, “see, m’fine.”
“Get off the rock.” The man says, sounding for all the world like a cat owner two seconds from grabbing the spray bottle. 
“No.” Indrid huffs. 
Water splashes his face and he sputters.
The man pulls his hand back, preparing to send another wave at him, “Get.”
“Fuck you” 
The splash is much more intense this time and he curses, scrambles sideways, and falls to his knees in the sand. 
“That’s better, now I don’t gotta worry about fishin your careless ass outta the water.”
“If, if we are, hic, t-talking careless, you, you shouldn’t say a thing. You’re, hic, swimming in cold water with, without a wetsuit.”
The man shrugs, “Don’t need one.” With that he floats on his back, bringing a dark-scaled tail into view. 
“You’re, hic, you’re a merman.” He crawls forward, breathless, “that’s so cool, wanna, gotta photograph you, so handsome, gotta-”
“Nope” The merman swims back into deeper water, “no pictures, those can end real bad for us.”
“But, but you’re so beautiful. If, hic, if pictures are no good, I, I can draw. I draw good, even if no one likes it.”
“Uh, you really wanna sit on a cold beach paintin my picture instead of hangin out at that shindig?” He points up the hill to the brightly lit house. 
“No, nonono, hic, don’t, don’t wanna go back up there, s’awful, hic.” 
“Awful?” The merman sounds concerned, and in the patchy moonlight he swims close enough that Indrid can see the details of his face, “is someone up there hurtin you?”
“No” He shakes his head, “it, it-”
“Damn it.” He mutters as the merman retreat beneath waves. As his guests grow closer he stands, carefully picks up all three bottles, and heads uphill to meet them.
Indrid shuffles through the house, head pounding, decides he hates the following people, in this order:
-His agent
-Whoever mentioned it was a shame there were no Plata River Bridge photos, causing Indrid to drink a whole martini in order to bite his tongue.
It’s not until his third cup of coffee that he remembers the merman. God, he was really rude to someone who was just trying to keep him from drowning.
Very, very carefully, he makes his way to the beach, sketchbook in one hand and thermos in the other. 
“Hello?” He calls across the water. No reply. Of course there isn’t; the merman has the whole ocean to explore, there’s no reason for him to hang around Indrid’s house. He sighs, sits down on a piece of driftwood, and draws. Normally the cold would drive him back indoors, but today it’s bracing, blowing his hangover off of him and down the sand. 
“Glad to see you’re in one piece” 
Indrid sits bolt upright. The merman waves to him.
“You came back?”
“Yeah? I mean, this is part of my rounds, so I come by here at least once a day. More surprised you’re down here when it’s all cold and grey.”
“I, ah, I wanted to apologize for last night. I was being stubborn and rude.”
“You were, but I was kinda grumpy too. At the end of my shift and all that, but I shouldn’t have splashed you.” He smiles, swims closer, “do you, uh, remember any of the other stuff you said?”
“I have a vague memory of begging to photograph you. Or maybe draw, it’s all very fuzzy.”
“You did. I, uh” the merman’s cheeks turn pink, “you were really, uh, well let’s just say you were excited at the idea of drawin me, so I thought maybe, if you wanted to..”
“Yes”  Indrid shifts down into the sand so he can rest his back on the log, “can we do it now? You said you were on rounds, and if you’re working I don’t want to interrupt.”
“I’m done for the day. Should I get on a rock or somethin?”
“Can you come on the sand at all? Oh, ah, it seems you can.” Indrid scoots back as the merman slides gracefully ashore. In the daylight, his tail is a rich green-brown, his hair streaked with grey near his forehead. His eyes, one green and one brown, regard Indrid with curiosity as he turns to a new page. 
“You got a name?”
“Indrid. Indrid Cold.”
“Duck Newton. It’s a nickname.” The mer stretches his arms and tail, and were Indrid in a self-flattering frame of mind he’d say he was flexing for him, “I gotta pose?”
“No, as long as you don’t move too much, I should be fine.”
Duck nods, shifts onto his belly with his tail dipped in the surf. Indrid sets his pen to paper, asks Duck what he does for work and when the tunnel vision of his project dissipates, it’s dusk.
“Oh my, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you so long.”
The merman yawns, “S’okay, it was nice talkin with you, and I got to birdwatch some. Can I see?”
Indrid turns the sketchbook. Mis-matched eyes widen. 
“Holy fuck. You made me look damn good.”
“I simply captured you as you are.” Indrid feels a blush moving up his cheeks as Duck scoots closer. 
“You gonna do this tomorrow?  If, uh, if you don’t wanna draw me again, I can bring you some interestin stuff from the water. If, uh, if you want.”
His schedule for tomorrow starts with a phone interview, after which he was planning to sit in a dark living room and watch mindless T.V.
“That sounds lovely. Thank you, Duck.”
The merman beams, waves, and then pushes back into the sea, raising his tail once in farewell. 
“...now, Juno thinks it’s-holy fuck ‘Drid, was that your stomach?” Duck raises his head from where he’s been sort-of-napping, sort of talking.
“Hmm? Yes, I suppose it was.” He has his watercolors out today, a surprise stretch of sunny days rendering the beach and hillsides in glorious technicolor. 
“When did you last eat?”
“Oh my fuckin god, ‘Drid, no wonder you look like you’re close to passin out.”
“I’m fine.” 
Duck has that look on his face again, the one he got when Indrid admitted to walking the cliff-side trails when he’s coming back from the roadhouse on the edge of town. When Indrid says he hasn’t slept in two days. 
The merman says nothing, goes back to reading the book of nature essays Indrid brought him. A buzz cuts through the air and he groans, shuts off the alarm on his phone, “I need to go get ready for that interview.”
“You wanna meet up tonight?”
“Great. But, uh, seem to remember you promised me some of those cookies you say are the best in the world.”
Indrid smirks, “I suppose I did.”
“I want some. But not for dinner, with dinner. You feel me?” There’s an edge in his drawl, as formidable and unyielding as the nearby cliff-face. 
“Alright, I'll bring you some other things to try.” Indrid smiles, suddenly looking forward to a grocery run. 
Duck, now in the water, looks over his shoulder, “Good boy.”
Indrid shivers even as heat blooms in his chest. 
When sunset graces the beach, Indrid is busy setting out a half dozen take-out containers and many plastic boxes of cookies and fruit.
“Damn” Duck slides and wiggles his way onto the sand by the blanket, “you went all out.”
“You wanted a meal. I brought you one.”
“Sure did.” Duck sniffs the air, taps a carry-out bowl of soup, “what’s this?”
“Umm” Indrid peers at the label, “french onion soup.”
“Can I have it?”
“Of course.”
The merman downs the soup as fast as temperature allows, munches happily on the orange segments Indrid peels and samples the cookies. 
“Ahhh” He flops his head into Indrid’s lap, “that hit the spot.”
The human nods, bottle of pineapple soda on his lips. He’s so happy and full. 
“Duck? Did you suggest this just so I would eat something?”
The face in his lap only looks a little chagrined, “Kinda. I been meanin to suggest this, and today seemed like the right time. And, uh, I know sometimes I have a hard time lookin after myself for me, but if someone else tells me to do it, or I have to do it as part of lookin after them, it’s easier. Thought that might be goin’ on with you. I, uh, I won’t do it again if you don’t want me to.”
“Nono” Indrid sets a hand in his hair, stroking it so Duck rubs his cheek against his thigh, “you’re right. It was easier to do the kind thing for myself when you told me to. Would, ah, would you be willing to do it again.” 
Duck meets his eyes, gaze bubbling with something dark and alluring, “Sure thing, ‘Drid.”
“Before you go, I wanted to give you this.” Indrid holds out the small camera. Duck, perched on a rock, takes it with a puzzled frown. He adds, “It’s waterproof. You mentioned you wish you could take pictures of the things you see in your home. I couldn’t think of a better time to give you than your trip.”
“Thanks, ‘Drid.” Duck leans forward, rubbing their cheeks together, “you remember your instructions?”
“Yes.” He whimpers when Duck pulls back. 
“Good. Want you in good shape when I get home.” Duck’s voice returns to normal, “should be back in a week. I’ll see you then.”
Indrid waves goodbye, keeps waving well past the point where Duck could see him, even if he surfaced. Then he grabs the basket of fresh oysters and heads to the house to call Barclay. 
The phone calls and dinners with one of his few friends in town are part of his agreement with Duck. The mer told him he couldn’t meet every night, so maybe Indrid should find other forms of company. He also helpfully supplies Indrid with fresh shellfish that he has no idea how to cook, but his friend the professional chef certainly does. This dovetails nicely with his promise to Duck to eat at least one full meal a day.
It’s not just the strange dynamic they’ve hit upon that’s improving his life; it’s Duck. The merman makes him feel so safe, like someone cares about the real him and not just the him that makes them money or feeds their morbid curiosity. Not to mention he’s even more handsome than Indrid first thought and he spends plenty of nights jerking off to the thought of a cool, strong tail between his legs. 
He does well the first five days Duck is gone. Barclay and Dani come over for dinner, he paints and draws prolifically, and he even reads up on whether it’s feasible for him to adopt rats (“those are kinda like otters, right?” “close enough.”). Friday night his agent calls, excitedly reporting that it’ll soon be the fifth anniversary of the Plata River incident and the magazine is getting requests for a feature on it and Indrid will be perfect. 
Indrid says he’ll think about it, hangs up, and opens the fridge. He promised Duck he’d only drink if it was with dinner or with friends. He grabs two wine coolers and heads into the living room. 
The next day, he’s idly fiddling with the dating app he hasn’t touched since December when a new profile appears. Very good looking, close by, clearly just passing through town, and interested in Indrid. He invites him over, spends the next half hour getting ready, and even cleans the bedroom because well, that’s what he’d do for Duck, he should do it for anyone else he brings over. 
Indrid opens the door at the second knock. The guy takes one look at him, shakes his head, and returns to his car.
Indrid downs the remaining wine coolers and goes down to the beach to sulk. He tucks his legs up, pressing his forehead to his knees, and rocks back and forth. He’s nearly sober when a voice drifts across the waves.
He looks up, glasses slipping down his nose, “Duck? You’re, you’re back.”
“Yep. It was fast goin the last ten miles. Brought the camera back, think you gotta be the one to get the pictures off, but I can’t wait to show you all the cool shit we saw.”
“Me neither” He stands and instantly pitches forward, landing on his hands and knees in the shallow water. 
“You been drinking?”
“You and Barclay have a good time?” He’s giving him the benefit of the doubt, giving him an out, and Indrid decides that isn’t what he wants. 
“I wasn't with Barclay. I got horrible news last night, and today I tried to get laid and got rejected, and I’m at the point in my life where I nearly called after the guy that he could keep his eyes shut and I’d just blow him so he wouldn’t need to look at or touch me. So yes, Duck, I’ve been drinking.”
Duck’s expression swims between concern and disappointment, then comes to rest on neutral steel, “That ain’t what we agreed.”
“I’m aware. But I don’t care, I don’t” he aims a splash at Duck, “it doesn’t matter, nothing matters, nothing will come of it, same as always.”
The merman cocks an eyebrow, “You really think that? You forgettin I said there’d be consequences if you broke the rules?”
“Oooh, I’m so scared.” Indrid splashes him again.
Duck smiles, reminding him that all his teeth end in points, “Didn’t say anythin about scarin you. You really wanna believe that nothing matters, you can head home. Or” he points to a nearby rock, “you go get on your hands and knees, facin the cliffs.”
Indrid crawls gracelessly to the designated spot. It’s dangerous to turn his back on the ocean, but a gentle voice in his mind reminds him over and over that Duck is here. Duck won’t let him get hurt. 
There’s a splash as Duck pulls himself onto the rock. Then a whoosh of air and a sting in the right side of his ass. He yelps, startled, and looks behind him.
“If this ain’t okay, need you to say so now.” Duck’s eyes are wide and hungry, but his hands stay on the grey rock. 
“It’s okay.” He can’t believe this is happening, can’t decide if he should tell Duck this is not remotely a punishment. 
Another sharp grin, “Eyes front.”
Indrid’s barely obeyed when the next strike comes. Duck is strong and makes no attempt to hide it, hitting him hard enough that his knees jolt forward in the sand. The pain lights him up each time, forces the thing knotted in his chest up towards his throat. 
When the blows stop he whimpers, pushing his ass back in hopes of more.
“Don’t worry, ‘Drid, I ain’t done with you by a long shot.” Cold fingers undo his fly, bring his pants and underwear down to his thighs. He’s expecting another hit, wiggles his ass in anticipation. 
What he gets are teeth sinking into his skin.
“AH!GOD” He yells loud enough that his throat hurts.
Duck chuckles, “Holler all you want, we both know no one can hear what goes on on this beach, especially with all the wind.” He bites down again, Indrid thrashing and moaning as teeth sink into already reddened skin. Duck growls in reply, savaging the meat of his as and grazing his teeth along his thighs, dangerously close to his balls. He’s already getting hard, the process expedited by warm breath and lips on his body. 
He moans embarrassingly loud when Duck shoves his ass apart.
“Damn, you really did get all prepped for that fella. Shame, he didn’t know what he was missin.” The plug hits the sand to his right.
“You, you don’t have to flatter meEEEoh, oh Duckohmygoodness.” His fingers dig into the sand as the merman teases his rim with a flexible tongue. There’s a muffled laugh, but Duck doesn’t respond beyond that, too busy threatening him with a good time as his tongue gives an experimental push. 
Then it retreats and he turns his head left and right, delivering quick bites to either cheek before his tongue returns. He alternates between the delicious, teasing licks and painful bites, the shift never coming when Indrid expects and causing him to cry out every time. When the mer releases one side of his ass in order to slap his thighs while he continues licking, kissing, and nipping his way across bruised, sensitive skin, Indrid lets out a strangled sound, the thing in his chest now trapped at the back of his throat. 
“You make such cute noises, but they ain’t the ones I’m lookin for. I ain’t stoppin until you apologize.”
Indrid opens his mouth, intending to say something about how this is the wrong way to make him do so. 
“I, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, please don’t be angry with me, don’t leave, don’t leave me here, I can’t, I, I don’t want to think about it, Duck please, I’m sorry, so sorry” he;s hunched forward, sobbing into the sand, when he realizes he’s fully clothed and Duck isn’t behind him.
“No” he squeaks, “no please don’t go.”
“I ain’t goin anywhere.” Duck slides up the sand next to him, pulls him into his arms, “I’m so sorry darlin, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I took it too far, I ain’t mad, not really” he eases Indrid’s glasses off and sets them out of harms way, “oh darlin, c’mere, it’s okay” salty kisses dot his forehead and green scales pet his legs. 
“It’s, hic, it’s not your fault. I, I l-liked it, but this has, hic, been building up for months. Years.” He hides his face in Duck’s chest.
“Years?” Duck grabs Indrid’s sweater from where he cast it off, draping it over the human. 
Indrid sniffs, “You know I’m a photographer. But I’ve never told you what I photograph. I, I made my name recording disasters and their aftermath. For a long time I took pride in it; someone has to document those things, so we can’t erase them, so we have to confront them and try to make things better, or try to keep such tragedy from reoccurring. I was so good at recording it I became famous. Wealthy. And I learned that most people like to gawk at horror and then go about their days. I, I tried branching out and...and I ended up with a disaster anyway. A bridge collapse, I chronicled everything from the instant it started to the funerals and it, it was too much. Ever since then I’ve felt trapped by my work. At times, by my life. My agent wants me to go back for the fifth anniversary, he told me so last night.”
“You ain’t goin, right?” 
“I don’t think I can.” 
Duck nods, rests his chin atop his head, “tell me what you wanna do instead.”
He does. He tells him about his other art, about the pitches for childrens books and the plans for a real vacation, about the life that, for the first time, feels in reach when he speaks about it. By the time he’s done the stars are out and he’s much calmer and clear-headed.
“Did you mean what you said earlier? That, that you thought I was attractive?”
“Every damn word.” Duck rolls them so Indrid is on his back, kisses his cheek, “thought so since that first night. But, uh” his gaze flicks down to Indrid’s crotch, “if you want more proof I’m happy to give it.”
“Get your pants off and lay on your sweater.”
Indrid complies, shivers when Duck guides his shirt up and off. 
“Fuuuuck” the mer rubs his hands up and down his torso, “when it warms up, you’re gonna swim out with me so I can get my fill of this while you ride my dick.”
“Yes. Ah, I, I did prep, but it’s been long enough now that lubrication may be an issueOOOh, ooohyes.” He release into the sand as Duck grinds his tail against his cock. The scales feel as lovely now as they do when he pets them, and he wonders if Duck will let him get off by humping his tail one of these days.
“It won’t, trust me. Lemme just--there we go. Open your legs. Heh, eager little thing.”
“I’ve wanted this too long to play coy.”
“Eeep!” Something slick and squirming presses into his ass, “do, do you have tentacles?”
“Kinda? They’re just the tip, for this exact reason. It, uh, it feel okay?” Duck smiles reassuringly and that, combined with the genuine concern in his voice makes Indrid moans and nudge him closer. 
“VeryOH, oohgracious” two more tentacles join the first, pulsing and scissoring him open, “how many are there?”
“About eight.”
He moans louder and Duck laughs, pushes his hips forward, “glad you like it, darlin’. Because from where I’m sittin your ass is fuckin amazin and I wanna be as deep in it as I can.”
“Yes, absolutely, pleaseAHHnnn” enough tentacles now that he can’t keep an accurate count, “please use it as you see fit.”
“As I see fit huh? That’s a tricky question. See, sometimes I wanna, fuck, wanna shove the whole thing in you at once and make you scream while I leave my mark on your neck.”
“AHHnnngod” A firmer shaft pushes in, ridges rubbing all the right places as the tentacles continue exploring him. 
“Other times, think it’s better to tease you with the tip, maybe make you blow me first and jerk you off until you’re beggin for my dick.”
“Yes, yesyesyesyes”
“But tonight” Duck bottoms out with a groan, “I’m gonna take it nice and slow, show you just how fuckin wonderful you are. How much you mean to me. My Indrid.”
“Yours” Indrid twines his limbs around him, “god, Duck, it feels so good, you’re so good, you always look after me.”
“That I do. Because you deserve it. And” the tentacles find his prostate and he nearly howls as Duck continues, “you deserve to learn how t’be nice to yourself. And I, ahfuck, know that ain’t easy, but I’m gonna be here to help.”
“Yes, ohgod, yes, you’re, you’re so perfect, aaAAAhnI, I’m, close sweetheart, you fill me so well.”
“Damn right. Gonna, nnngh, gonna find every fuckin way to fill you, make you feel fuckin amazin, fuck, that’s it darlin, ohfuckyeah” as he starts spilling into him, Indrid cums with a shout, splattering their stomachs. Duck moans at the sight, wriggles his hips as his shaft continues rippling and pulsing. It turns out mer orgasms are long, so long that Indrid is whimpering from overstimulation by the time Duck pulls out. 
A gentle, salt-soaked kiss to his lips, “Lookit you, took it all. You’re so good for me, darlin.”
“Mmmhmm” He doesn’t want to let go, cold, wind, and damp be damned. Duck seems to understand, holds him and whispers sweet promises in his ears until he’s shivering.
“‘Drid, your teeth are chatterin.”
“I kn-know, I s-should g-go home and w-warm up.”
Duck kisses him again, “sooner you go and rest, sooner we can do this again.”
“An excellent p-point.” He stands, blows a shaky kiss towards his future, “see you tomorrow.”
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