#I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow
thebibliosphere · 3 days
Do you have any advice on how to get doctors to listen to you? I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow and my parents are only giving me one chance at figuring out what’s why I’m having problems. For reference I’m an afab minor with diagnosed anxiety(I’m worried they’ll dismiss me as overreacting for this) and I can’t stand or sit for extended periods of time without pain and standing give me fatigue + brain fog and I use a cane to walk. No pressure of course, I just don’t have anyone irl to ask
Sorry I didn’t see this sooner, hopefully you see this in time.
If you have time, write down everything you want to bring up so you have a clear list you can refer to in case any jitters make you forget.
Try to rate how these symptoms affect your daily life and what they prevent you from doing. Do not underplay them or minimize what you’re going through.
Note: with some doctors if can sometimes help if you tell them that you want to get better so you can increase productivity and “get back to normal.” It’s ableist and bullshit but it can sometimes really help get them in your corner if you’re worried they might be dismissive or right you off.
I’ve had doctors who were very not keen to run tests change their tune the moment I said, “I just want to get to the bottom of this so I can fix it and go back to work.” (In your case school/extra circular activities)
As soon as they knew I was a good little worker bee, they wanted to help. It’s unfortunate but a lot of doctors feel that way.
If they bring up anxiety or try to dismiss your symptoms because that is in your file, tell them you know what your anxiety feels like but that this feels very different and hasn’t responded to anything you’ve tried to manage your anxiety.
I don’t know your home situation but it doesn’t sound supportive—I’m sorry for that. I know what it’s like to not have your medical needs met as a minor. But please know you can request for your parents not to be in the room with you if that would help.
I wish you all the best and I hope things improve for you soon. Take care 💖
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sadstrever · 2 days
god. i fucking ate. i FUCKING ate. it’s been about a month or something and i finally fucking had to. i had to but it still feels like my fucking fault that i feel this way. i had 10 strawberries, 4 grapes, 1 cucumber, 2 figs. i am so fucking upset and terrified. it’s not just that i had to eat, i had to eat AFTER i had another really bad chew and spit day, 2 days in a row. im still 114lbs and that number is starting to fucking haunt me and it’s only been 3 days. it’s all because of my doctors appointment tomorrow. tomrrow my doctors might drug test me or find out i lost 16lbs since last month and i’m so scared i’m so fucking scared. i thought eating some fruits and veggies would help the blood test seem more normal, now that i think about it that’s so FUCKING stupid. i’m so scared i’m gonna actually gain weight it’s terrifying.
whatever whatever fuck. i have laxatives. there’s 3 set out in front of me and a glass of water. i was ready to take them but now i’m fucking scared. i’ve been taking so many laxatives just out of stress for no reason and now that i actually DO have a reason(the fact that i ate) i can’t take them.
lol okay i talked myself down and i put the laxatives away. i’m gonna wait until after the doctors tomorrow. i’m gonna go to the gym straight after if i get away with having weights in my jeans and they don’t bother me about this. i’m gonna burn 800 calories and fucking pray to god i don’t gain weight. i’m gonna take the laxatives after the gym and hopefully everything will be okay. i’m so scared. i feel pathetic and not in the way i usually do. today, i lost lol. i actually fucking did the one thing that i said was so “impossible” for me to do. god. all i can do tonight is chug a bunch of cold water, which will be good to make me heavier tomorrow morning too, do a couple workouts which will also make me bloat tomorrow, and try not to take the laxatives until AFTER the appointment.
i feel so sick.
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sophie1973 · 9 hours
Seven Sentence Sunday
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I was tagged by @suseagull04 today. Thank you !
Here is a snippet of my WIP 'Wait for me (To come home) which I will start posting on September 27.
“Good afternoon, Doctor Claremont-Diaz,”  “Mrs. Carter,” he greets her. Henry notices with a faint contentment that he doesn’t tell her to call him Alex. “I don’t believe we had an appointment, right? Is Jack alright?” The woman's eyes dart between Alex and Henry, poorly concealing her curiosity. "Oh yes, he’s perfectly fine," she says with a fond look at her pomeranian. “I saw you and just wanted to say hi.” She lingers a moment longer than necessary, her gaze inquisitive.
After a brief exchange about Jack’s well-being, Mrs. Carter moves on, but not before throwing one last speculative glance over her shoulder. As soon as she's out of earshot, Alex lets out a small chuckle. “That was Janet Carter,” Alex explains, a hint of amusement in his voice. "She's the town's unofficial gossip center. By tomorrow, everyone will know that Dr. Claremont-Diaz was having lunch in the square with a handsome stranger." Henry feels a blush creeping up his neck. "Oh, I... I'm sorry. I hope I haven't caused any trouble for you." Alex waves off his concern. "Don't sweat it. Small-town life, you know? People love a bit of excitement." A moment of silence settles between them, and Henry finds himself grappling with a question that's been nagging at him. Aiming for nonchalance, he ventures, "I wouldn't want to cause any trouble with a... significant other." Smooth, Fox. Real smooth. Alex's eyes lock onto Henry's, a flicker of something indefinable dancing in their depths. "Henry, I clock 65 hours a week at the clinic. I've yet to meet anyone willing to put up with that schedule," he says, his lips curving into a knowing smile. "So, no. No girlfriend or boyfriend." He punctuates this with a meaningful look that sets Henry's pulse racing. Message received, loud and clear.
Tagging with no pressure : @onthewaytosomewhere @stellarmeadow @tailsbeth-writes @firenati0n
@thighzp @14carrotghoul @taste-thewaste @bitbybitwrites
@blueeyedgrlwrites @kj-bee @wordsofhoneydew @whoevenknows-things
@porcelainmortal @caterpills @thesleepyskipper @milowren29
@priincebutt @iboatedhere @magicmelinoe @theprinceandagcd
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rosicheeks · 8 months
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A bit of reminiscing ghost for the rodeo!141 au i got brain rot on
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Thank you to @tiggerriot for bringing up the possibility. I’m now going to be very unwell about it.
Gaz is up next, I love watching barrel racing so much
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ginnyw-potter · 3 months
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Sneak peek as a treat!
“Doesn’t it bother you to see everyone put their hands on your sister like that?” Harry asked.
Before Bill could answer, Ginny had made it up to them. She eyed him for a moment. “What’s a guest doing here?”
“I carried two watermelons!” he announced, and then immediately thought that sounded incredibly lame.
She looked him up and down with another scrutinising look. Her deep brown eyes locked with his. “Then I suppose you’re dancing now.”
Harry looked at Bill alarmed, but her brother offered him no way out. He turned back to her. “I don’t dance.”
“Don’t be silly,” she chuckled. Her small hand firmly grasped his. “Everyone dances. We are dancing. Just follow my lead.” She walked backwards, pulling him onto the dance floor.
Before he knew it, she turned to him and pulled him close. Her waist was far too close to his. He was forced to follow somewhat or they’d be too close for comfort, but she seemed to trust he’d follow. She led his hand to her waist. Her midriff was showing and his hand landed on her skin. It felt hot under his touch. It did help in following along with the moves she was doing.
“We need to loosen up those hips a little,” she commented cheerily and then her hand was on his hip, guiding it gently. “Look into my eyes.”
“I can’t,” he told her. “I can’t follow if I can’t see.”
Her small hand was under his chin, tilting his head up. She stepped in closer. He could basically feel the heat radiating off her body. She moved his hand again so his arm was supporting her back.
“Don’t drop me,” she said, then she let her head drop back and her upper body circled. She met eyes with him again, smiling brightly.
He shook his head. “You can’t just put your trust in me like that.”
And then she did it again. He pulled her back in as her torso came toward him again.
“You’re a fast learner,” she commented.
His eyes widened. “It’s fuelled by fear.”
She pulled her arms around his neck. “I love seeing a man’s fear in his eyes,” she teased and then laughed. “I am joking.”
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localhypnofruit · 12 days
Hey DST fans. Here are multiple paragraphs about WX-78 as a system because I cannot contain myself any longer.
When it comes to WX-78, there are three parts. WX (current host and protector), Woodrow (trauma holder and ex-host), and Waggy (caretaker?). WX and Woodrow are very hard to tell apart since they act very similarly and sometimes even blend together. Waggy acts the most different out of the three, but only shows up when the system (bodily and/or mentally) is running on empty and neither of the other two are around.
How to tell Woodrow apart from WX: Woodrow speaks with fewer robot terms than WX does. They still have a distaste for organic life but still calls things by their names (which includes survivors, though still calling them organic as an insult- Ex. "fleshling Wilson"). They also move less rigidly than WX despite the body not being fully accommodating for those types of movements. Woodrow also can occasionally be found sitting for long periods looking at themself or "brooding" due to thinking on/re-experiencing past events, and taking less care of the body than WX would. Some survivors even call them reckless or irresponsible for lacking "their" usual self-sufficiency. When it's just Woodrow piloting, they tend to have trouble seeing far-away things. Along with this, they can rarely be seen with a square light inside one of their usually empty eye sockets.
More about WX: WX is obviously more rigid in movement and (usually) speech. They use nicknames for animals and survivors in a typically demeaning way, and holds themself with pride over organic life. They think more on self-preservation than Woodrow. Though they do attempt to take care of themself, they often forget or don't do things they should for their pride. They're also capable of understanding what's best for the group better than the other two, even if they don't like caring for organics. WX also holds a fascination for the moon that Woodrow doesn't have.
Waggy... Not Exactly Wagstaff: Waggy shares a fascination with the moon like WX, but doesn't respond to the body's name. He typically goes off on his own endeavors, but has the most friendly demeanor compared to the other two. He's unaware of his own predicament and just winds up being curious about all that's around him and how he can benefit from it. Waggy takes the most care of the body to a selfish degree, even tricking others into giving him more than he needs. If the demeanor wasn't obvious enough, he causes the body's optics to form a large white pupil in one eye socket. This abnormal amount of light makes him practically blind to things not in front of his face. Thankfully, again, Waggy rarely shows himself unless there are specific circumstances with the system.
Memory Issues, Huh: None of these three are aware of being a system, nor do they know of each other's existence. The only way they'd figure that out is if another survivor were to point it out to them, and even then they likely wouldn't acknowledge it. Woodrow and WX share most of their memories with each other (aside from the ones of the past that Woodrow holds), so most gaps in memory are from when/if Waggy shows up- as Waggy shares no memories with the other two.
There are still plenty of thoughts I'm thinking about this but this post is already too long and this is just a general explanation of the system on its own.
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goodnight >:)
(my ao3 for future reference)
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sigh hope everyone’s having a good [insert time of day]
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segretecose · 1 year
my new doctor actually listens to me and doesn’t dismiss my concerns and doesn’t ascribe every single symptom to me Being a Woman it’s kinda weird and immensely fucked up that i go into consultations already up in arms ready to fight for my life and he’s like. why are you doing this. and i have to remind myself that some doctors are doctors who do their job and not just people who sit behind a desk and tell you that any kind of pain or discomfort is normal because you’re on your period even if you’re not on your period and then send you home with no solution and more concerns than before
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barachiki · 3 months
No pain so far today!
So relieved, you have no idea.
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scuttling-void · 1 year
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Nana is my comfort skyrim oc
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ghoul--doodle · 3 months
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I’ve been doodling dragons again
Here’s my most recent one!!
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skunkes · 4 months
experiencing some real "nothing good comes easy" shit rn *fucked up scrub daddy reaction pic jpeg*
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dreamyyesenia · 13 days
Currently stuck on the road so it got me brainstorming… what if I did a dual legacy for tjol?
So what I mean by that is I’d choose Briar as Gen 2 and play that storyline and challenge with her and play the Gen 3 storyline and challenge with Peony. For the next gen I’d choose either Peony or Briar’s offspring.
Reasoning behind this: You don’t know this but the Gen 2 storyline fits perfectly with Briar (she has cooking as special talent and inherited a reward trait related to that as well), while I see Peony as the little artist that is dreaming of love and sick of the constant paparazzi everywhere and thus falls in love with a vampire and runs away. Because Jasper is a global superstar now and the family can’t go anywhere unnoticed. Briar still had a normal childhood and she actually is socially gifted and her second talent is singing. So she wants the spotlight.
Also: I wanna get to playing vampires in time for the new EP!! 🧛🏻‍♀️
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jorvikzelda · 3 months
have a dr’s appointment tomorrow (AT LONG FUCKING LAST) so I did the maths on my migraine log that I’ve been keeping since my last appt in March and I by a good margin meet the criteria for chronic migraine (15 headache days a month out of which 8 are migraine days, for 3 consecutive months; no you do not want to know my numbers they’re slightly horrifying). And like. I knew that. But jesus fucking christ what an insanely relieving feeling it was to have it in front of me written in ink on paper
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